Energy-efficient and Intelligent Heavy-duty Vehicle
Energy-efficient and Intelligent Heavy-duty Vehicle
RESEARCH REPORT VTT-R-02704-11 Energy-efficient and Intelligent Heavy-duty Vehicle (HDENIQ): Annual report 2009 Authors: Kimmo Erkkilä, Tuukka Hartikka, Petri Laine, Matti Ahtiainen, Pekka Rahkola, Nils-Olof Nylund, Kari Mäkelä, Maija Lappi, Kai Noponen (University of Oulu), Heikki Liimatainen (Tampere University of Technology) Confidentiality: Public RESEARCH REPORT VTT-R-02704-11 3 (52) RESEARCH REPORT VTT-R-02704-11 4 (52) Contents 1 Introduction and framework ....................................................................................6 2 Project coordination ...............................................................................................8 3 Research partners and contents of the work ..........................................................9 4 Vehicle technology (VTT, Aalto University)...........................................................11 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 General outline..............................................................................................11 Energy consumption and emissions of auxiliaries.........................................11 Aerodynamics ...............................................................................................13 Tyre research................................................................................................14 4.4.1 Plan....................................................................................................14 4.4.2 Results...............................................................................................15 5 Intelligent heavy-duty vehicle (VTT, University of Oulu) .......................................17 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 General information ......................................................................................17 Automatic slip detection ................................................................................17 Automatic load detection...............................................................................17 Background information systems ..................................................................17 The intelligent heavy-duty vehicle of the future.............................................18 5.5.1 Preliminary study on the intelligent bus (University of Oulu) ..............18 5.5.2 Preliminary study on the intelligent truck............................................19 5.5.3 Planning and implementation of the in-vehicle data acquisition system19 6 Actual performance and service-life management of heavy-duty vehicles (VTT, Turku University of Applied Sciences) ..................................................................20 6.1 General .........................................................................................................20 6.2 Emission and fuel consumption measurements for new vehicles .................20 6.2.1 Trucks ................................................................................................20 6.2.2 City buses ..........................................................................................25 6.3 Vehicle maintenance.....................................................................................38 6.3.1 General ..............................................................................................38 6.3.2 Brake checkups of heavy-duty vehicles at statutory vehicle inspections (Turku University of Applied Sciences) ..............................................39 7 Reporting methods and evaluation of the effects of actions (Tampere University of Technology, VTT) .................................................................................................41 7.1 General information ......................................................................................41 7.2 Customer-specific determination and reporting of transportation emissions.41 7.2.1 General description and goals ...........................................................41 7.2.2 Literature survey ................................................................................41 7.2.3 Survey................................................................................................42 7.2.4 Further plans......................................................................................43 RESEARCH REPORT VTT-R-02704-11 5 (52) 7.3 Evaluation of the effects of energy-efficiency measures ...............................43 7.3.1 General description and goals ...........................................................43 7.3.2 Literature survey ................................................................................43 7.3.3 The ETS databank on public transport...............................................45 7.3.4 Future plans .......................................................................................46 8 Development of research methodology (VTT)......................................................47 8.1.1 Determination of driving resistances ..................................................47 8.1.2 New vehicle types ..............................................................................48 8.1.3 New driving cycles .............................................................................50 RESEARCH REPORT VTT-R-02704-11 6 (52) 1 Introduction and framework The Energy-efficient and Intelligent Heavy-duty Vehicle project, also known as the “HDENIQ”project, aims at for reduced energy consumption and emissions and improved safety of heavy road vehicles. The project, building on the legacy generated the earlier efforts of HDEnergy (“Fuel savings for heavy-duty vehicles 2003 – 2005”) and RASTU (“Heavy-duty vehicles: Safety, environmental impacts and new technology 2006 –2008”), is part of the new Trans-Eco research programme coordinated by VTT on energy efficiency and renewable energy in road transport. Reports from the previous stages can be found at Launched by VTT, the five-year (2009 – 2013) TransEco research programme develops, demonstrates and commercialises technology for improved energy efficiency and reduced emissions in road transport. The programme serves as a platform for integrated evaluation and development of new technology and policies for the road transport sector. Finland’s competencies include fuel conversion technologies and bio-fuels for transport, applications of information technology (IT) and aspects of vehicle technology like light-weight structures, electric cars, hybrid vehicles, tyres, exhaust emission control devices, to mention a few examples. All possible elements are needed to reduce the environmental impact of traffic. To begin with, the programme will focus on research and the generation of basic information for decision-making. This will be followed by the techno-economic evaluation of alternative pathways and the planning of necessary steering actions and measures. After this, the programme will focus on facilitating the market introduction of new technologies and rooting of the preferred operational methods. The goals of the TransEco project are as follows: TheTransEco programme provides a tool for adapting the Finnish road transport system in a cost-effective way to national and EU-level climate and energy targets. The data generated within the programme will be used as input in the process of drafting and implementing EU directives, for the selection and implementation of the energy pathways most suitable for Finland and for supporting technology exportation. On the technical level the key targets are energy savings in transport, implementation of carbon neutral energy and increasing self-sufficiency in transport energy supply. Advanced biofuels, technology for hybrid and electric vehicles and ICT solutions for road transport are among the themes covered. The programme is extensively supported by the public sector (ministries and agencies) as well as by industry The operating model is based on good collaboration among decision-makers, companies, researchers and other actors in the traffic sector. Information regarding TransEco can be found at RESEARCH REPORT VTT-R-02704-11 7 (52) Like the previous research projects mentioned above, HDENIQ brings together transportation companies, fleet operators, customers for transportation services and decision-makers in the public sector, as well as research institutes and other actors in the transportation sector to promote energy efficiency, emission reductions and safety for heavy-duty road vehicles. The HDENIQ project will cover the years 2009 – 2011, and it is the largest single project within the TransEco programme. The main source of funding for HDENIQ is Tekes – the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation. Actual work within HDENIQ commenced in the early fall of 2009. The general framework and links to other projects, as well as matters related to communications, are presented in the 2009 annual report of the TransEco programme. Published in April 2010, the report VTT-R-03160-10 is available on the TransEco website at The project plan for HDENIQ is presented in the document VTT-M-01450-09. RESEARCH REPORT VTT-R-02704-11 8 (52) 2 Project coordination A coordination group has been assigned for the project that consists of representatives of both funding and research parties. Typically, this steering group convenes twice a year, but it can also make decisions related to the project at other times, if needed. This is to ensure prompt assessment of new ideas. The actual research work did not begin until the autumn of 2009. For this reason, only one meeting related to the HDENIQ project was held during the reporting period. This two-part meeting took place in Otaniemi on 23 September 2009. The event began with a shared administrative meeting for the vehicle projects included in the TransEco programme: HDENIQ (heavy-duty vehicles) and EFFICARUSE (lightduty vehicles). The research plan of the HDENIQ was presented and discussed during the second part of the meeting. In addition, a joint seminar was held to end the RASTU project and to launch the TransEco programme on 4 November 2009 at Innopoli in Otaniemi. A consortium agreement to confirm the composition of the coordination group was concluded in 2009. The organisations participating in the programme are listed below (Visbolas, which is mentioned in the original HDENIQ plan, withdrawn of the project because of a cancelled parallel project). • • • • • • • • • • • • Finnish Vehicle Administration AKE Ministry of Transport and Communications Helsinki Metropolitan Area Council YTV Helsinki City Transport HKL Kabus Transpoint Nokian Tyres Gasum Itella Veolia Transport Finland Neste Oil Proventia Emission Control Research parties: • VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland • Aalto University School of Science and Technology • Tampere University of Technology • Turku University of Applied Sciences • University of Oulu The composition of the coordination group is confirmed annually. RESEARCH REPORT VTT-R-02704-11 9 (52) 3 Research partners and contents of the work Several research institutes cooperate within TransEco and the HDENIQ project. In the case of HDENIQ the research partners are: • • • • • VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, principal research partner and coordinator Aalto University (vehicle technology) Oulu University (ICT technology) Tampere University of Technology (reporting systems) Turku Polytechnic (vehicle technology) The HDENIQ research project consists of six sub-projects. Below is a short list of these sub-projects and their contents. Vehicle technology • • • • • • • • Improvement of aerodynamics: potential and practical possibilities; fuel consumption vs. functionality; usability, safety and legislation Potentials and opportunities related to hybrid and electric heavy-duty vehicles Reduction of energy consumption in auxiliaries: profiles for operation and optimisation of use Optimisation of heating and cooling systems (HVAC) Tyre selections related for heavy-duty vehicles, especially in terms of fuel consumption and safety Development of a tyre selection tool for the needs of transportation companies Evaluation of actual tyre performance in Finnish conditions (in connection with ITC development, e.g. automatic slipperiness detection) Evaluation of the effect of lubricants on energy consumption in heavyduty vehicles Intelligent heavy-duty vehicle • • • • New and innovative equipment that makes operating heavy-duty vehicles easier and more efficient Evaluation of the effects of driver’s aid systems, including background computing systems and reference databases Automatic slip and load detection; the effect of environmental conditions on the reliability of methods The intelligent heavy-duty vehicle of the future: preliminary study; buses and trucks Life-cycle emissions and energy consumption of heavy-duty vehicles • • Emissions and energy consumption of new vehicles Stability of emissions and energy efficiency over the service life of the vehicle RESEARCH REPORT VTT-R-02704-11 10 (52) • • • • Truthful emission factors based on actual vehicle operation, evaluation of vehicle emission performance as part of emission models and inventories Unregulated emissions Performance of retrofitted emissions control systems Improving the inspection systems for heavy-duty vehicles Public procurement & tendering • Development of tendering systems for bus and truck transport services to better reflect environmental impacts (energy consumption, local emissions, renewable energy) Reporting methods and evaluation of the effectiveness of energy conserving measures • • Evaluations of energy-efficiency of total transport chains Evaluation of the overall effects of energy-saving measures, including the outcomes of the HDEnergy and RASTU projects Development of methodology • • • Measurement methods to assess improved aerodynamics as part of measures to reduce fuel consumption Defining the accuracy for measurement of air resistance in highway conditions Assessment methods for new vehicle types, e.g. hybrids Most of these sub-projects were launched during 2009. The plans and first results are discussed in more detail in the following section. RESEARCH REPORT VTT-R-02704-11 11 (52) 4 Vehicle technology (VTT, Aalto University) 4.1 General outline In order to minimise total energy consumption, the vehicle’s need for power should be minimised and the efficiency of power generation should be maximised. Significant efforts have been put in reducing the fuel consumption of heavy-duty engines. The vehicle itself, however, has received less attention. Therefore, this subproject will focus on the vehicle rather than on the engine. It examines where, how and how effectively the generated power is used. As for the engine, the research will be limited to the user’s opportunities to influence energy consumption and emissions by choosing the engine correctly. During the first year of the project, experimental research in vehicle technology focused mainly on tests on auxiliaries. In addition, plans and preparations were made for future measurements related to improved aerodynamics and tyres. Nokian Tyres carried out research related to tyre grip in slippery conditions. The results will be presented in this report. 4.2 Energy consumption and emissions of auxiliaries In the summer of 2009, pre-tests were carried out to study the energy consumption of auxiliaries in different weather and driving conditions and operating states. The tests were performed using a Kabus ML city bus (model year 2009), which was equipped with the necessary sensors and data acquisition equipment. Engine load was recorded from the CAN bus of the vehicle. The following auxiliaries were tested: • • • • • engine cooling fans air compressor power steering A/C compressor alternator These auxiliaries were decoupled for the tests and forced to run under maximum load in order to reproduce specific situations. In this bus model, the engine cooling fan is controlled using a magnetic coupling with three options: “fan off,” “fan partially engaged” and “fan fully engaged” The tests were carried out using the “fan fully engaged”and “fan off”settings. When testing the air compressor, it was forced to operate at maximum output, and its pressure level was measured. For the parallel test, the compressor was demounted. Power steering was loaded by turning the steering wheel throughout the entire test. The pressure generated by the power steering pump was measured during this time. This allowed for measuring the pump loading at a typical pressure level. RESEARCH REPORT VTT-R-02704-11 12 (52) The driver’s air conditioning system was controlled by varying the power demand by different target temperature settings. The zero level was measured by switching power off by disengaging the magnetic coupling of the A/C compressor. When measuring alternator performance, the alternator was loaded using the vehicle’s power-consuming units, as well as an additional load resistor that was connected to the alternator. The power and voltage levels of the alternator were measured over the tests. Figure 1 shows the energy consumption of different auxiliaries over the engine speed range. The figure shows that the energy consumption of the cooling fan increases exponentially when the engine speed rises above 2,000 revolutions per minute. The energy consumption of other auxiliaries was relatively steady regardless of engine speed. Energy consumption of auxiliaries over engine rpm range logged from CAN-bus 12.0 10.0 Cooling Fan Power demand (kW) 8.0 Air Compressor Powersteering Pump Driver Air Conditioning 6.0 Alternator 65/120 A 4.0 2.0 0.0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Engine s peed (RPM) Figure 1. Energy consumption of auxiliaries over engine rpm range. The results of these preliminary tests will be used in a later stage of the project, in which two city buses, an express coach, a delivery truck and two heavy-duty trucks will be equipped with information acquisition devices. This information will be used to collect operating and condition information related to auxiliaries and, consequently, energy consumption information related to auxiliaries in actual driving and operating conditions. In addition, the results can be used when dimensioning electrically driven auxiliaries. Related to the research on auxiliaries, a student of Aalto University will complete a master thesis started in 2009 on HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) during the spring of 2010. RESEARCH REPORT VTT-R-02704-11 13 (52) In addition, a literature survey on the power needs of auxiliaries will be completed in 2010. 4.3 Aerodynamics Designers of heavy-duty vehicles and their superstructures have traditionally paid less attention to aerodynamics than other properties. Because current legislation restricts the length of vehicle combinations, designers have wanted to use all of the available cargo space as effectively as possible. This has usually led to designs that are in contrast with good aerodynamics. The driving resistance of a heavy-duty vehicle combination consists of rolling resistance and air resistance that is also called drag. For a truck-trailer vehicle combination (enclosed body) with a full payload, air resistance typically represents about 40% of the total resistance at a speed of 80 km/h. With improved aerodynamics resulting in reduced drag coefficient (Cv) this proportion can be reduced considerably. The drag coefficient of a modern truck-trailer vehicle combination is between 0.6 and 0.8, mainly because of unfavourable design defined by cargo spaces. If the drag coefficient could be reduced by improvement of aerodynamics for example by 50%, the total driving resistance would decrease by about 20%. An equivalent reduction in energy consumption could be achieved by, for example, decreasing speed from 80 to about 56 km/h (by 30%). The aerodynamics sub-project is based on harnessing the potential of reducing air drag for increased energy efficiency. The goal is to make adjustments and modifications to existing vehicles that are as practical as possible, and to enhance vehicle performance significantly through these aerodynamic improvements. Most of these improvements will not affect vehicle usability or load handling. The aerodynamic modifications consist of different types of covers and panels that will be mounted on the test vehicle combinations. The feasibility of the aerodynamic aid solutions presented in Figure 2 will be explored during the first phase of the research project. Air deflector between cabin and cargo space Aerodynamic panels between cargo spaces Aerodynamic underpanel Boat tail trailing edge panels Aerodynamic side farings Figure 2. Aerodynamic development goal. In addition to the reduction of air resistance, the aerodynamics sub-project examines the effect of wind conditions on the stability of vehicle combinations. The combination of truck plus full trailer is of special interest for Finland. The project will assess the stability of a vehicle combination and the factors that affect this stability. It will also provide information for the aerodynamic design of vehicle combinations. RESEARCH REPORT VTT-R-02704-11 14 (52) Sensitivity to side-wind will be studied using computer simulations. These simulations for vehicle combinations will be based on the multi-body simulations approach, in which the air resistance of both units of a vehicle combination is described as point loads. The evaluations of the power, direction and point of application of air resistance will be based on experimental data from wind tunnel tests carried out using scale models as part of the former RASTU project. The aerodynamics sub-project will study the effects of the magnitude and the angle of incidence of the airstream in terms of the requirements they set for the necessary friction levels between tyres and the road surface in each axle needed to maintain stable ride. In addition, the project will study, as special cases, deceleration in slippery conditions with a side-wind, as well as sudden and significant changes in sidewind, for example, when moving from forested areas to open areas. 4.4 Tyre research 4.4.1 Plan A new study combining on-road measurements, chassis dynamometer measurements and actual field tests has been set up. The new study complements and adds to the results of earlier projects. The tyre study will examine the effects of tyre size, tyre imbalance, tyre pressure and tyre wear on the energy consumption of a vehicle. In the on-road measurements, the effects of tyre size on energy consumption will be examined using two similar trailers (the brand of the trailers is Ekeri) with different tyre sizes (385/65 22.5 and 445/45 19.5). In addition, the effects of tyre imbalance will be studied using additional weights that will be attached to tyres. VTT’s heavy-duty chassis dynamometer will also be used to examine the effects of different tyre brands, tyre imbalance, tyre pressure and tyre size on energy consumption. The field tests related to the tyre study will be carried out using vehicles operated by Transpoint and Veolia transport companies. The research teams will select vehicles that frequently use the same routes, which make them suitable for collecting data. The vehicles will be equipped with data acquisition devices and different types of tyres. The field tests will provide information about tyre behaviour and performance in Finnish conditions, both based on the automated LIKU slip detection system developed in the previous research phases and observations from the drivers. Tyre wear will also be observed. It is also expected that the field test will deliver information on fuel consumption differences. The following four new sets of tyre series will be examined in the field tests: o Noktop 41 o Noktop 31 o Noktop 45 (AllSeason) § Standard § Siped (a fine-grooved tyre with additional incisions at an interval of about 10 millimetres on the surface, covering approximately half of the surface) RESEARCH REPORT VTT-R-02704-11 15 (52) The results of the tyre survey will be used, for example, to develop a tyre calculator. The calculator is a tool intended to make selecting the right type of tyre easier for the operators. The tool takes into account purchasing and operating costs, durability and other parameters, with the objective to make tyre comparisons as practical as possible. Results As part of the tyre study, Nokian Tyres carried out comparative research on a slippery-surface test track. Tests were performed using single-mounted tyres on hard-packed snow, with an axle load of 8,000 kg and a tyre pressure of 8.0 bars. The following tyre models were tested: o Noktop 41 § Standard (new) § Tyre wear of about 33% o Noktop 45 (AllSeason) § Standard § Siped Figure 3 shows the test results from the slippery-surface test track. When the reference tyre (Noktop 41, tyre wear of about 33%) is compared to a new Noktop 41 tyre, it is evident that tyre wear does not have a significant effect on tyre traction. Tyre traction on hard packed snow 35 30 25 Traction [kN] 4.4.2 20 15 10 5 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Slip precentage [%] 1. 315/80R22.5 NOKTOP 41, 1/3-w orn 2. 315/80R22.5 NOKTOP 41 3. 315/80R22.5 NOKTOP 45 4. 315/80R22.5 NOKTOP 45 Siped Figure 3. Tyre traction (kN) as a function of slip percentage on hard-packed snow. Data from Nokian Tyres. RESEARCH REPORT VTT-R-02704-11 16 (52) Furthermore, the test results for Noktop 45 (AllSeason) Normal are slightly weaker than those for the other tyres included in the test series. Noktop 45 (AllSeason) Siped recorded the best test results. Based on these results, siping improves tyre traction on hard-packed snow. A master’s thesis on the effects of tyre balancing and tyre pressure on energy consumption and traffic safety is in progress at Aalto University. The work will be completed during the spring of 2010. RESEARCH REPORT VTT-R-02704-11 17 (52) 5 Intelligent heavy-duty vehicle (VTT, University of Oulu) 5.1 General information Current motor vehicles are already equipped with multiple sensors and various ICT systems that collect and process information related to vehicles and their operation. Aside its original purpose of use, this information could be used more effectively to enhance the efficiency of day-to-day operations at transport companies, to aid drivers actively, and even to restrict vehicle performance if necessary for the purpose of safeguarding the vehicle in potentially dangerous situations. ICT technologies offer opportunities to increase energy efficiency and road safety, to improve service level and to provide automatic reporting options. 5.2 Automatic slip detection TechnoSmart already supplied slip and load detection devices for the previous RASTU project. For the HDENIQ project, Technosmart was asked to provide an offer on check-ups and software updates, as well as reinstallation and maintenance, of a total of nine devices. Negotiations were carried out with Transpoint Oy on device installations and use in full trailer trucks in the same manner as in the RASTU project. In addition to the functionality of the slip and load detection (LIKU) method, the equipment supplied by TechnoSmart will now be used to study how the LIKU method could be used also to evaluate tyre performance in Finnish climate and road conditions (see section 3.4, Tyre research). In addition to the equipment acquired for field-tested during the RASTU project, new and more powerful vehicle computers will be acquired. These can be used to study how external factors affect the observations made by the slip detection system. These new computers will also serve as data acquisition devices in tests performed on operation of auxiliaries in Finnish conditions, as well as for automatic slip detection. Work to commercialise the automatic slip detection system also is underway. The system will be based on simpler terminals. Also these will be tested in Transpoint vehicles. This phase has been awarded separate funding and it will be carried out alongside the HDENIQ project. 5.3 Automatic load detection The research on automatic load detection will be continued at a later stage of the project, after the multi-purpose data acquisition devices referred to in sections 3.4 and 5.5.3 have been put to use. 5.4 Back-end information systems The automated slip detection system will need a back-end information support system. The back-end system will collect data from the instrumented vehicles and collate this data into real-time slipperiness information of the road network. For this purpose, the back-end system must be able to make the information obtained from RESEARCH REPORT VTT-R-02704-11 18 (52) different types of vehicles commensurable. In addition, the information system will create vehicle-specific files containing warnings of slipperiness for each of the vehicles within the system. 5.5 The intelligent heavy-duty vehicle of the future 5.5.1 Preliminary study on the intelligent bus (University of Oulu) During the first year of the project, a preliminary study was carried out assessing different intelligent vehicle systems that can be found in scientific literature and patent documents. The number of ICT applications for vehicle systems has increased rapidly in recent years. Today computing power allows the implementation and design of intelligent algorithms to improve safety, for example. Intelligent control systems can also bring other benefits, such as reduced fuel consumption. This would help transport service companies, as well as others, to save costs. The preliminary study focused on the applications of intelligent systems in buses. The study was based on information on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), with cutting-in on in-vehicle systems and information infrastructure. The main focus was on intelligent algorithms. The written report of the preliminary study includes 74 references to scientific publications and patent documents. The study on in-vehicle systems focused on sensors, internal data communications, driver’s aid information, driver guidance, driver evaluation, diagnostics and service, safety, optimisation of road operations based on different criteria, as well as navigation and passenger comfort. In topics related to the driver, the focus was on safety and how to deliver information to the driver. In the evaluation of driver performance, the focus was on measurable parameters found in reference literature that could be used in further research to create, for example, indices on safe or economical driving. Topics like diagnostics, automated maintenance and safety have already been researched a great deal, and a large number of patents have been awarded in these fields. In terms of safety, the preliminary study focused on products that are already available and can be used to observe the surroundings and the operation of the vehicle, and possibly to restrict vehicle’s performance, if potentially dangerous situations are encountered. Regarding optimisation of driving the vehicle, the study examined how driving events and operation of vehicles can be controlled automatically. In addition, the study examined different criteria for such optimisation. Direct control methods include adaptive driving speed controllers that can be used to improve safety, but they can also be used on the basis of other optimisation criteria. Of these topics, applications related to safety have been studied the most in scientific literature. Intelligent control requires real-time information on the location of the vehicle. Therefore, different applications of positioning that serve this function were studied. The purpose of this study was to define the requirements related to navigation appli- RESEARCH REPORT VTT-R-02704-11 19 (52) cations in buses. In addition, the study covered navigation applications that are already available, as well as the option of creating new ones based on either commercial or free, public-domain maps. The study on information infrastructure focused on data communications, exploring different options for in-vehicle and vehicle-to-vehicle communication. Server-based systems proved to be the most suitable and practical for buses and transportation companies. Data communications between vehicles and a central server were also examined, including such options as GPRS and @450 networks. In terms of technology, the @450 network proved to be the best solution, because it enables stable and fast connections. Ensuring information safety is critical in information infrastructures. According to the study, possible and probable threat scenarios need to be developed and proper safety architecture must be created for the system already in the planning stage. Information safety is particularly important, if the networks are connected to in-vehicle systems, as malicious attacks can then be propagated to a level that threats safe use of the vehicle by e.g. voiding the control of ABS brakes. Based on the study, telematics services should be implemented using common web interfaces, because they include embedded information security services already by default. 5.5.2 Preliminary study on the intelligent truck After the preliminary study on the intelligent bus was completed, a preliminary study on the intelligent truck was initiated. This study is still in its early stages, with no results available at this point. 5.5.3 Planning and implementation of the in-vehicle data acquisition system During the autumn of 2009, specifications and a set of requirements were prepared to determine which data the information acquisition system must be able to measure and collect. This specification of requirements defines the necessary connections, sensors and GPS navigation functionalities, as well as properties related to the user interface, manageability, information storage and forwarding using wireless data connections. Special attention was paid to ensure the performance of the vehicle computer and the related software. The study also covered the information management, storage and processing properties required by the remote server. This was complemented by defining the requirements that the needed software development sets on hardware, libraries and computing environments. Based on the specification of requirements, VTT issued a public invitation for tenders on in-vehicle data acquisition systems, and now a supplier has been selected. In addition, a decision has been made on the in-vehicle sensors. After the in-vehicle devices have been delivered and installed, the development of the slip detection system will continue, and the development of the load estimation method will begin on the basis of the data received from the vehicles. RESEARCH REPORT VTT-R-02704-11 20 (52) 6 Actual performance and service-life management of heavyduty vehicles (VTT, Turku University of Applied Sciences) 6.1 General Heavy-duty vehicles have a long service life, typically over 20 years. This subproject covers matters related to the service life of existing and new vehicles in terms of energy efficiency, environmental properties and safety. Because exhaust gas emissions certification for heavy-duty vehicles is based on engine tests, there are no emission or fuel consumption standards or rules for complete heavy-duty vehicles. However, VTT has developed a method based on chassis dynamometer measurements that enables accurate measurements of fuel consumption and actual exhaust emissions, and thus vehicle-to-vehicle comparisons. VTT’s methodology has been described in detail in the reports of the previous research stages, and will not be discussed extensively in this report. Many transportation companies use VTT’s comprehensive measurement data when selecting vehicles. Over the years VTT has seen that the competitiveness of various vehicle brands change with changes in emission regulations. Thus every new set of emission standards will pose a new competitive situation. During the first year of the HDENIQ project, the research on new vehicles focused on 60-ton trucks and city buses. The project also included a special vehicle type: hybrid city bus. The analyses of the test results related to emission measurements of unregulated species are still in progress, and the results will be reported in the next report. The methodology of the measurements, however, will be discussed in this report. In addition, retrofitted emissions control systems for buses were tested on VTT’s chassis dynamometer. 6.2 Emission and fuel consumption measurements for new vehicles 6.2.1 Trucks In 2009, measurements were carried out on 60-ton trucks that meet the Euro V emissions standards. The vehicle database was updated with a total of five new trucks: • • • • • Mercedes Benz Actros 2544L (SCR) Scania R440 (EGR) Scania G420 (SCR) DAF 105.46 (SCR) Volvo FH440 (SCR) Scania is quite a unique OEM in the sense that it offers engines using either EGR or SCR technology for the same vehicle class. RESEARCH REPORT VTT-R-02704-11 21 (52) Earlier measurements carried out on 42-ton Euro V vehicles were already reported as part of the RASTU project (VTT-R-04084-09). New electronic anti-slip traction control systems make it more difficult to carry out measurements on trucks, because manufacturer-specific testing and diagnostics devices are often required simply to be able to run the vehicle on a chassis dynamometer. This is the case when only the wheels of the driving axle are rotating, the vehicle’s control system interprets this as an abnormal situation and the vehicle may go into a limp-home mode. In addition, gear-shifting logic presents problems: anti-slip systems must be disabled when using a chassis dynamometer, and this may affect the gear-shifting logic. Normally VTT tests trucks using three different driving cycles and three load levels: • distribution • highway • freeway (cruise control and constant speed) • unladen, half load and full load In this context it was not possible to test all of the vehicles on the distribution cycle, as this would have required optimal gear-shifting performance. Because of the timeconsuming nature of the problems related to the chassis dyno testing, it was not possible to test all loads on all of the vehicles within the given timeframe. According to the measured data, there were significant differences in fuel consumption between different makes in both the highway cycle and the freeway cycle. The differences, however, were ambiguous. The differences between the makes varied by cycle and by load. In the highway cycle, the biggest difference was recorded with half load, with the difference between the lowest and highest fuel consumption figure being about 9%. On average, however, all tested Euro V vehicles consumed less fuel and slightly more urea than the Euro IV vehicles tested previously. The following graphs present the aggregated sum of fuel and urea (“adblue”). Figures 9 and 10 show the average fuel consumption of the Euro V vehicles. According to the data depicted, average fuel consumption of the Euro V vehicles is lower than that of the Euro IV vehicles with all loads. In fact, the trend goes down from Euro III to Euro IV to Euro V. On average, the Euro V vehicles consumed 2.5% (highway cycle) to 3% (freeway cycle) less fuel than the corresponding Euro IV vehicles. The average urea consumption of the Euro V vehicles was 12 - 18% higher than that of the Euro IV vehicles. In the case of Scania trucks, the EGR and the SCR versions give roughly the same aggregate fuel and urea consumption, with the exception of the freeway cycle with full load, where the EGR variant presented the lowest value of all tested vehicles. When moving from Euro IV to Euro V emission limits, the limit value for nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions goes down from 3.5 to 2 g/kWh. In SCR vehicles, this reduction is achieved simply by increasing urea injection and adjusting the engine. RESEARCH REPORT VTT-R-02704-11 22 (52) Fuel and adblue consumption (l/100km) 60t over highway cycle Average Euro III DAF 105.46 Euro V SCR Scania G 420 Euro V SCR Average Euro IV Volvo FH Euro V SCR Scania R 440 Euro V EGR Average Euro V MB Actross 2544 Euro V SCR 60 Consumption (l/100km) 50 40 30 20 10 0 25 640 kg 40 525 kg 60 000 kg Test weight Figure 9. Fuel and urea consumption of 60-ton vehicles over the highway cycle. Fuel and adblue consumption (l/100 km) 60t over freeway cycle 60 Average Euro III DAF 105.46 Euro V SCR Scania G 420 Euro V SCR Average Euro IV Volvo FH Euro V SCR Scania R 440 Euro V EGR Average Euro V MB Actross 2544 Euro V SCR Consumption (l/100km) 50 40 30 20 10 0 25 640 kg 40 525 kg 60 000 kg Test weight Figure 10. Fuel and urea consumption of 60-ton vehicles over the freeway cycle. The modifications actually lead to a decrease of NOx emission compared to Euro IV vehicles Figures 11 and 12 depict the results of NOx and PM (particulate matter) emissions over the highway and freeway cycles with different loads. In addition, the diagram includes a line that represents limit values of the ETC exhaust emission test multiplied with a factor of 1.5. This factor represents the losses caused by the power transmission line, tyres and auxiliaries of the vehicle. However, this is only a rough RESEARCH REPORT VTT-R-02704-11 23 (52) estimate, because the loss factor depends on, among other things, the load level and driving cycle. Using this factor, the limit value for NO x emissions in terms of type approval, 2 g/kWh, is shown as 3 g/kWh, and so on. PM & NOx emissions 60t over highway cycle Euro4 ETC limit x 1.5 Euro5 ETC limit x 1.5 Average Euro IV DAF 105.46 Euro V Volvo FH Euro V MB Actros 2544L Euro V Scania G 420 Euro V Scania R 440 Euro V 6 5 NOx (g/kWh) 4 3 2 1 0 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 PM (g/kWh) Figure 11. PM and NOx emission results over the highway cycle with different loads. PM & NOx emissions 60t over freeway cycle Euro4 ETC limit x 1.5 Euro5 ETC limit x 1.5 Average Euro IV DAF 105.46 Euro V Volvo FH Euro V MB Actros 2544L Euro V Scania G 420 Euro V Scania R 440 Euro V 6 5 NOx (g/kWh) 4 3 2 1 0 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 PM (g/kWh) Figure 12. PM and NOx emission results over the freeway cycle with different loads. Figures 13 and 14 show NOx emissions. Over the highway cycle, the NOx emissions of the Scania vehicle with SCR-engine were quite high compared to the lowest values measured (Figure 13). No particular explanation was found for this phenomenon, and the expectation was that the SCR vehicle would perform better with respect to NOx. Over the freeway cycle the emissions of the Scania SCR vehicle were on a par RESEARCH REPORT VTT-R-02704-11 24 (52) with the other makes, whereas the Scania EGR vehicle recorded the highest NOx values. A peculiarity of the Volvo vehicle was high NOx with unladen vehicle, whereas the Mercedes-Benz Actros gave the lowest NOx emissions. NOx emissions [g/kWh] 60 t truck, Highway cycle Average Euro III Average Euro IV Average Euro V DAF 105.46 Euro V Volvo FH Euro V MB Actros 2544L Euro V Scania G 420 Euro V Scania R 440 Euro V 0 10 9 8 NOx [g/kWh] 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 25 640 kg 40 525 kg 60 000 kg Test weight Figure 13. NOx emission results over the highway cycle with different loads. NOx emissions [g/kWh] 60 t truck, Freeway cycle Average Euro III Average Euro IV Average Euro V DAF 105.46 Euro V Volvo FH Euro V MB Actros 2544L Euro V Scania G 420 Euro V Scania R 440 Euro V 0 10 9 8 NOx [g/kWh] 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 25 640 kg 40 525 kg 60 000 kg Test weight Figure 14. NOx emission results over the freeway cycle with different loads. RESEARCH REPORT VTT-R-02704-11 25 (52) Compared to the Euro IV vehicles, the tested Euro V vehicles in general performed well in terms of exhaust emissions. In fact, all vehicles were either within or very close to the Euro V “box”(see Figures 11 and 12). 6.2.2 City buses Full-size buses The bulk of the emission results in VTT’s data base for buses have been generated using the Braunschweig bus cycle and simulating half load on VTT’s heavy-duty chassis dynamometer. Measurements are carried out to establish the performance level of new bus types as well as to establish the emission stability of vehicle already in service. In addition to testing on the chassis dynamometer, VTT will carry out on-road emission measurements. In 2009, plans were made for a measurement campaign that will take place in 2010. The results will be reported in 2011. The measurements will be carried out using PEMS (Portable Emission Measurement System) equipment. As for measurements on the chassis dynamometer, in 2009, measurements were carried out on the following nine city buses: • • • • • • • • • Volvo Euro II fitted with a pDPF Volvo Euro V (SCR) Volvo EEV (SCR) Scania Euro IV (EGR) Scania EEV (EGR + pDPF) Iveco EEV (SCR + DPF) MAN CNG (2-axle, stoichiometric) MAN CNG (3-axle, lean-mix) Solaris Urbino 18 (a hybrid articulated bus) The Polish Solaris hybrid bus was equipped with a hybrid system from Allison Transmission Inc., and an engine from Cummins Inc. Figures 15 and 16 show emissions of NOx and PM over Braunschweig-cycle as a function of driven distance for EEV certified vehicles participating the follow-up measurements. According to Figure 15, the NOx emissions of the SCR buses seem to vary relatively strongly from test to test. Possible reasons for these variations are malfunctioning urea systems and the sensitivity of the SCR system operation to exhaust temperatures. Furthermore, for an unknown reason, the NOx emissions of the natural gas bus using a combination of stoichiometric and lean-mixture combustion were also extremely high at about 100,000 kilometres. On the other hand, fully stoichiometric natural gas buses deliver extremely low NOx emissions up to about 350,000 kilometres, after which their emissions increase, and gradually reach the levels recorded for diesel buses. Potential causes for this behaviour include degradation in the three-way catalytic converter or faults in the closed-loop lambda control system of the engine. RESEARCH REPORT VTT-R-02704-11 26 (52) A survey of the service records of the vehicles will be included in future studies to give additional information on the possible causes of deterioration of the emission performance. NOx emissions in Braunschweig cycle with EEV vehicles SCR EGR 10.0 SCR+DPF 9.0 Stoich. (CNG) Nox emissions g/km 8.0 Lean burn (CNG) Lean mix (CNG) 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000 300000 350000 400000 450000 500000 Odome te r reading (km ) Figure 15. NOx emissions over the Braunschweig cycle as a function of accumulated kilometres. Please note: The diagram includes several individual vehicles. Figure 16 shows that the PM emissions of the EEV-level EGR bus increase dramatically after about 100,000 kilometres. In practice, the PM emissions of this EEV bus are on a par with those of Euro III vehicles (0.195 g/km on average). This phenomenon is not explained by the recorded test conditions, nor have the track records and service histories of the vehicles been examined yet, because of poor availability of information. Thus, it remains an anomaly to date. However, the PM emissions of natural gas vehicles were extremely low throughout the test period. The PM emissions of the bus equipped with an SCR + DPF system also remained low at least up to 200,000 kilometres, which is the highest odometer reading tested to date. The tests also included a Euro II bus equipped with a pDPF particulate filter, a Euro V SCR bus and a Euro IV EGR bus. Figure 17 shows the NOx emissions of these vehicles with different amounts of accumulated kilometres. The Euro V SCR bus recorded exceptionally high NOx emissions because of a fault in the SCR system that was found and fixed after the tests. Nonetheless, the results serve as an overview of the emission levels of Euro V vehicles, when the SCR system is disabled, or when urea cannot be injected because of off-limit operating conditions, e.g. too low exhaust temperature. However, NOx emissions of the other vehicles remained stable throughout the test period. These vehicles will no longer be monitored after 2009. Instead they will be replaced with newer vehicles wherever possible. RESEARCH REPORT VTT-R-02704-11 27 (52) PM emissions in Braunschweig cycle with EEV vehicles SCR EGR 0.250 SCR+DPF Stoich. (CNG) PM emissions g/km 0.200 Lean burn (CNG) Lean mix (CNG) 0.150 0.100 0.050 0.000 0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000 300000 350000 400000 450000 500000 Odom eter reading (km) Figure 16. PM emissions over the Braunschweig cycle as a function of accumulated kilometres. Please note: The diagram includes several individual vehicles. NOx emissions in Braunschweig cycle SCRsystem fault 16.0 SCRjärjestelmässä vikaa 14.0 Nox emissions g/km 12.0 10.0 8.0 6.0 SCR Euro 5 4.0 EGR Euro 4 2.0 pDPF Euro 2 0.0 0 100000 200000 300000 400000 500000 600000 700000 Odom eter reading (km ) Figure 17. NOx emissions over the Braunschweig cycle as a function of accumulated kilometres. Figure 18 plots the PM emissions from the same buses as before as function of accumulated kilometres. Figure 18 shows that the PM emissions of the Euro V SCR bus remained quite stable over the accumulated 230,000 km of driving. However, the PM emissions of Euro IV EGR bus increased by over 50% after 200,000 kilometres compared to the first measurement at 100,000 km. Nevertheless, at 370,000 kilometres, the PM emissions were again slightly lower than in the previous measurement, but still considerably higher than the initial level. The measurements at the highest kilometres (470,000 km) rendered again the highest PM-levels. No solid explanation RESEARCH REPORT VTT-R-02704-11 28 (52) for this kind of behaviour could be reinstated, but certainly this was not due to any variations in the test conditions. The PM emissions of the Euro II bus equipped with a pDPF particulate filter have remained very low since the installation of the filter. Compared to the initial level, the pDPF particulate filter produced a reduction of about 55% in PM emissions. PM emissions in Braunschweig cycle 0.18 0.16 PM emissions g/km 0.14 0.12 0.10 0.08 SCR Euro 5 0.06 0.04 EGR Euro 4 0.02 pDPF Euro 2 0.00 0 100000 200000 300000 400000 500000 600000 700000 Odom eter reading (km ) Figure 18. PM emissions over the Braunschweig cycle as a function of accumulated kilometres. In late 2009, Veolia and Helsinki Region Transport carried out a field-test of an articulated Solaris hybrid bus in normal revenue service. In addition, its exhaust emissions were measured using VTT’s chassis dynamometer. Figure 19 is a structural diagram of the Solaris hybrid bus. It is an 18-metre-long articulated vehicle with a total weight of 28 tons. The bus has a Cummins ESB6.7 250B diesel engine with a maximum power output of 181 kW. The engine is equipped with an SCR exhaust after-treatment system. The hybrid system, manufactured by Allison Transmissions, consists of two electric motors, two synchronous clutches and three planetary gearings. The system includes nickel-metal hydride (NiMH) batteries with a total weight of 437 kg. As for the working principle, the EP50 hybrid system is a parallel hybrid system. The Solaris hybrid bus was tested in late 2009. Figure 20 shows the fuel consumption of the hybrid bus with two different payloads (22.5 tons represents a half-load for an articulated bus, and 19.3 tons represents a half-load for a 3-axle bus). The typical load of a 3-axle bus was included to make comparisons possible. VTT’s bus database is mostly built on results for 2-axle buses, as the number of 3-axle buses that have been measured is limited. However, the results of 2-axle buses can be extrapolated with good accuracy to represent 3-axle buses, taking into account vehicle weight. RESEARCH REPORT VTT-R-02704-11 29 (52) Figure 20 also includes the average value of all 3-axle buses measured at VTT, and in addition estimates of “what would be”values for newer 3-axle Euro IV and EEV vehicles. Over the Braunschweig cycle, the fuel consumption (proportionate to weight) of the Solaris hybrid bus was 20% lower than that of the EEV city buses and 24% lower than that of the Euro IV city buses on average. Figure 19. Structural diagram of the Solaris hybrid bus. Fuel consumption l/100km 60 Fuel consumption on Braunschweig-cycle of 3-axle busses (estimated from 2-axle bus results) Estimated results 50 40 30 20 10 0 Solaris hybrid, Euro5, 22.5 ton Solaris hybrid, Euro5, 19.3 ton 3-axle average,19.3 ton 3-axle (estimated from 3-axle (estimated from 2-axle results) Euro 4 2-axle results) EEV average, 19.3 ton average, 19.3 ton Figure 20. The fuel consumption of the Solaris hybrid bus with two different loads; average value for all 3-axle buses measured by VTT (includes older vehicles and therefore not representative) and esitmated values for newer 3-axle Euro IV and EEV buses (based on the results recorded for 2-axle buses). RESEARCH REPORT VTT-R-02704-11 30 (52) Table 1 shows the updated emission factors for 2-axle city buses in the Braunschweig cycle. The corresponding factors for the Helsinki 3 cycle (developed by VTT) are presented in Table 2. The tables show the average regulated emissions and fuel consumption of the city buses tested by VTT. Table 1. Emission factors for city buses in the Braunschweig cycle. Braunschweig CO g/km HC g/km CH4* g/km NOx g/km PM g/km CO2 g/km CO2 eqv FC g/km kg/100km FC MJ/km Diesel Euro I 1.39 0.32 0.00 15.59 0.436 1219 1219 38.6 16.4 Diesel Euro II 1.48 0.19 0.00 12.94 0.202 1270 1270 41.0 17.4 Diesel Euro III 0.79 0.15 0.00 8.57 0.190 1182 1182 38.0 16.2 Diesel Euro IV 2.77 0.11 0.00 8.32 0.116 1197 1197 38.6 16.4 Diesel Euro V** 2.77 0.11 0.00 8.32 0.094 1197 1197 38.6 16.4 Diesel EEV 0.93 0.03 0.00 6.12 0.071 1126 1127 36.9 15.7 CNG Euro II 4.32 7.12 2.33 16.92 0.009 1128 1283 42.1 20.7 CNG Euro III 0.15 2.14 1.70 9.82 0.013 1222 1271 45.1 22.1 0.91 3.34 0.007 1251 1272 45.0 21.9 CNG EEV 2.73 1.08 * For diesel CH4 = 0 ** Euro 5 emission factors are estimated by Euro 4 results Table 2. Emission factors for city buses in the Helsinki 3 cycle. Helsinki3 CO g/km HC g/km CH4* g/km NOx g/km PM g/km CO2 g/km CO2 eqv FC g/km kg/100km FC MJ/km Diesel Euro I 1.12 0.26 0.00 12.63 0.353 988 988 31.1 13.2 Diesel Euro II 1.20 0.16 0.00 10.48 0.163 1029 1029 33.0 14.0 Diesel Euro III 0.64 0.12 0.00 6.94 0.154 957 957 30.6 13.0 Diesel Euro IV 2.24 0.09 0.00 6.74 0.094 970 970 31.2 13.2 Diesel Euro V* 2.24 0.09 0.00 6.74 0.076 970 970 31.2 13.2 Diesel EEV 0.75 0.02 0.00 4.95 0.058 912 913 29.7 12.6 CNG Euro II 3.50 5.76 1.89 13.70 0.007 914 1039 33.9 16.7 CNG Euro III 0.13 1.74 1.38 7.95 0.010 990 1030 36.3 17.8 0.73 2.71 0.006 1013 1030 36.3 17.6 CNG EEV 2.21 0.87 * For diesel CH4 = 0 ** Euro 5 emission factors are estimated by Euro 4 results Neighbourhood service traffic vehicles (small buses) Helsinki Region Transport also provides services with smaller buses based on vans. The service is called “Jouko”, and it is mainly targeted to serve local neighbourhoods and it is running on a much relaxed schedule for easy boarding. The Jouko cycle, which was designed to simulate neighbourhood service traffic in an urban environment, was used for the first time at the turn of the year 2009/2010. The design of the cycle is discussed in more detail in section 7 (Development of methodology). Comparative measurements were carried out on two Mercedes Benz Sprinter vehicles owned by Helsingin Palveluauto. The purpose of this study was to compare the performance of comparable diesel and CNG vehicles in conditions resembling service traffic over the Jouko cycle. The vehicles used in the tests were registered as passenger cars (M1), with the highest gross vehicle weight (GVW) being 3,500 kg. However, the vehicles used in RESEARCH REPORT VTT-R-02704-11 31 (52) neighbourhood service traffic are typically registered as M2 vehicles, with the highest GVW being 5,000 kg. For this reason, additional weight was simulated in the tests by using inertia settings typical of M2 vehicles: empty vehicles were tested at 3,610 kg, half-load setting was 4,305 kg, and a full load setting was 5,000 kg. The diesel vehicle tested was the Sprinter CDI 315, and the CNG vehicle was the Sprinter NGT 316. The latter was equipped with a bi-fuel system capable of using both CNG and petrol. The engine is started using petrol, which is switched automatically to gas after sufficient running temperature has been reached. Both vehicles were type-approved according to the regulations for M1/N1 vehicles (passenger cars and vans), and represented Euro 4 emissions level. Even if their certification was based on a dynamometer test, the emissions measured in the “Jouko”tests cannot be directly compared to those recorded in approval measurements. The reason is that the simulated vehicle weights in the “Jouko”comparison measurements were higher, and the driving cycle differs considerably from that used in type approval measurements. Fuel consumption was measured by weighing. The gas consumption of the CNG vehicle over the cycle was measured using a special weighing system provided by Inspecta (provider of inspection and certification services). The system is installed in a trailer and designed for the inspection of natural gas refuelling stations. Table 3 illustrates the emission and fuel consumption results for the diesel and the CNG vehicle with different payloads. The results were as expected: the spark-ignited CNG vehicle was less energy efficient, but it delivers lower NOx and PM values. However, despite of the higher energy consumption, the CNG vehicle also delivered lower CO2 emissions, due to more favourable fuel chemistry (C/H-ratio). Table 3. Emission factors for diesel and CNG service traffic vehicles. Load Jouko cycle Diesel vehicle w/o load half load full load CNG vehicle w/o load half load full load CO HC (g/km) (g/km) 0.023 0.020 0.043 0.017 0.051 0.011 0.035 0.021 0.020 0.022 0.027 0.000 NOx PM CO2 CO2 eqv FC FC CH4 (g/km) (g/km) (g/km) (g/km) (kg/100km) (MJ/km) (g/km) 0.001 2.056 0.008 351.519 351.519 11.379 489.298 0.002 2.251 0.009 382.278 382.278 12.450 535.358 0.002 2.508 0.011 416.642 416.642 13.463 578.927 0.011 0.025 0.005 317.159 317.652 12.240 612.016 0.011 0.034 0.005 342.236 342.732 13.429 671.448 0.012 0.026 0.004 372.813 372.813 14.486 724.311 Figure 21 shows the PM emissions of the diesel and the CNG vehicle over the Jouko cycle with different payloads. The diesel is equipped with a particulate filter, and thus both vehicles have very low PM emissions. The PM emissions of the diesel vehicle grew slightly with increased payload. However, the CNG vehicle recorded opposite results in terms of load response. With an empty vehicle, the PM emissions of the diesel vehicle varied considerably from test to test (several repetitive tests). This raises the level of the average result. In the first test with an empty vehicle, the PM emissions were close to those with full load. This observed scatter could be a result of regeneration of the particulate filter during the cycle. On the other hand, during the regeneration process, additional fuel is injected late in the combustion cycle in order to raise exhaust gas temperature. However, no differences in temperatures were detected between cycles, nor any distinct changes in fuel consumption were observed. Therefore, there was no clear evidence of regeneration. RESEARCH REPORT VTT-R-02704-11 32 (52) PM emissions in Jouko cycle with a service trafic bus 0.012 0.010 g/km 0.008 Diesel 0.006 CNG 0.004 0.002 0.000 W/O Load 3610 kg Half Load 4305 kg Fully Loaded 5000 kg Test weight Figure 21. PM emissions of diesel and natural gas vehicles over the Jouko neighbourhood service traffic cycle. Figure 22 shows the NOx emission results of the diesel and the natural gas vehicle. Compared to the diesel-powered option, the natural gas vehicle had extremely low NOx emissions. The difference was quite remarkable: the NOx emissions of the diesel vehicle were approximately 100 times higher. When the NOx emissions were proportioned to the fuel consumption of full-size city buses, the emissions of the diesel vehicle were close to those of normal city buses. The emissions of the CNG vehicle, however, were significantly low despite similar proportioning. As a matter of fact they were lower than found for ordinary full-size CNG buses. Nox emissions in Jouko cycle with a service trafic bus 3.00 2.50 g/km 2.00 Diesel 1.50 CNG 1.00 0.50 0.00 W/O Load 3610 kg Half Load 4305 kg Fully Loaded 5000 kg Test weight Figure 22. NOx emissions of diesel and natural gas vehicles over the Jouko service traffic cycle. RESEARCH REPORT VTT-R-02704-11 33 (52) Figure 23 shows the carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbon (HC) and methane (CH4) emissions of the diesel and the CNG vehicle with a half-load. The natural gas vehicle had higher hydrocarbon and methane emissions, and the diesel vehicle had higher carbon monoxide emissions. However, one should consider that the emissions shown in Figure 23 were fairly low. For this reason, they do not constitute a fully justified basis for comparisons between the two types of vehicles. In the case of CNG, nontoxic methane was the dominating hydrocarbon component. g/km CO, HC and CH4 Emissions in Jouko Cycle with Half Load 0.050 0.045 0.040 0.035 0.030 0.025 0.020 0.015 0.010 0.005 0.000 Diesel CNG CO (g/km) HC (g/km) CH4 (g/km) Figure 23. CO, HC and CH4 emissions over the Jouko cycle with a half-load. Table 4 indicates that, based on the fuel consumption measurements (Table 3), the two vehicles have almost equal fuel costs. The calculation was done using retail prices in July 2010 (diesel 1.04 €/l and CNG 1.12 €/kg). The CNG vehicle gives slightly lower fuel costs, the biggest difference was recorded with full load: 0.44 €/100 km. The lower efficiency of the CNG vehicle is compensated by lower fuel prices. Table 4. Estimated fuel costs for diesel and CNG vehicles with different loads. FC (kg/100km) Jouko cycle Load Diesel vehicle w/o load 11.379 half load 12.450 full load 13.463 CNG vehicle w/o load 12.240 half load 13.429 full load 14.486 Diesel Price 1.04 e/l (, 8.7.2010) CNG Price 1.12 e/kg (, 8.7.2010) Fuel Price (e/kg) 1.238 1.238 1.238 1.120 1.120 1.120 Fuel Cost (e/100 km) 14.088 15.415 16.669 13.709 15.040 16.225 RESEARCH REPORT VTT-R-02704-11 34 (52) Unregulated emission measurements (full-size buses) General information The first set of analysis of the unregulated emissions of the newest Euro IV and EEV vehicles was carried out in 2007 and reported in 2009 (Report VTT-R-04084-09). The three city buses included in this analysis were: • • • Scania (EGR) Euro IV emission-level vehicle (model year 2006) Iveco (SCRT) EEV emission-level vehicle (model year 2007) MAN CNG (TWC), stoichiometric EEV emission-level vehicle (model year 2007) Unfortunately, this measurement campaign was unsuccessful in many respects. The measured Scania (EGR) Euro IV vehicle recorded quite high emissions results. This was particularly true for the PM emissions. Moreover, the PAH analyses were marked by uncertainty, because the service provider for the analysis was changing during the measurement campaign. Thus the results were eventually deemed unsatisfactory. The mutagenicity tests also produced surprising results: the Scania bus, which had high PM emissions, recorded a zero response in the Ames test. This result differs considerably from those recorded by earlier vehicles equipped with similar technologies. Thus, it was also rated inconclusive. For these aforementioned reasons, a decision was made to perform the test series again on similar vehicles at a later time. This became possible in 2009 as part of the HDENIQ research project. Also this time three city buses were tested in terms of unregulated emissions. The vehicles – a CNG vehicle and two diesel vehicles – were two years younger (model years 2008 and 2009) than those used in the previous test. All of the vehicles had EEV emission certification. In this campaign the following three city buses were tested: • Scania (EGR + pDPF) EEV emission-level vehicle (model year 2008) • Volvo (SCR) EEV emission-level vehicle (model year 2009) • MAN CNG (TWC), stoichiometric EEV emission-level vehicle (model year 2009) These vehicles are described in Table 5. Again, the Scania EEV bus (model year 2008) recorded very high PM emission levels, although the vehicle was equipped with a particulate catalyst. Table 5 also includes the selection of unregulated emission analyses. The special emission measurements were carried out as described in the report VTT-R-04084-09. Gaseous phase: • hydrocarbon analysis for C1–C8 compounds (up to toluene, GC analysis) • aldehydes (DNPH sampling, HPLC analysis) • ammonia NH3 (on-line FTIR analysis) RESEARCH REPORT VTT-R-02704-11 35 (52) Particulate phase: • particulate size distribution (ELPI) and total number (CPC) • PAH (polyaromatic hydrocarbon compounds) analysis of the particulate matter • Ames mutagenicity test for particulate matter Table 5. The regulated and unregulated emissions analysed in 2009 from EEV emission-level city buses. Make MAN Volvo Scania Make MAN Volvo Scania Make MAN Volvo Scania Model Displ. Exhaust Emission TransMileage Test Year [dm3] Aftertreatment Level Fuel mission [km] Duty Cycle Load 2009 11.9 TWC EEV CNG A 71300 Braunschw. 50 % 2009 7.15 SCR EEV diesel A 17800 Braunschw. 50 % 2008 8.87 EGR EEV diesel A 307500 Braunschw. 50 % Fuel Cons. CO HC CH4 NOx CO2 PM NMHC [kg/100km] [g/km] [g/km] [g/km] [g/km] [g/km] [g/km] [g/km] 44.1 1.41 0.39 0.26 0.85 1230 16.6 0.13 35.6 3.87 0.02 0.00 5.99 1089 47.3 0.03 37.8 0.53 0.02 0.00 6.83 1171 149.8 0.02 PM (h.c.) Gaseous CPC FTIR PM PAH Ames Aldehydes [mg/km] HC # (>7 nm) multicomp High Capacity PM filter Mutagenicity 1.25 x x x x (x) 38.1 x x x x x x x 147.3 x x x x x x x (x) very low filter loading It should be noted that the semi-volatile matter (in between the gas phase and particulate phase) is not collected and analysed as part of current procedures. However, semi-volatile matter is known to contain, for example, high amounts of 2–4-ring PAH compounds. EPA has a sampling technique (EPA202a) for collecting all of the matter condensed after the vehicle particulate filter for closer analysis. This is the only way of estimating the organic ingredients of exhaust gas as a whole, and the effects of exhaust gas on human health and the atmosphere. Provisions how to include this type of sampling also in VTT’s arrangement are being studied. Discussion on PM measurements The CNG bus has very low PM emissions, which are very difficult to measure in accordance with the appropriate standards. Table 6 shows that standard particulate mass measurements produce results that are 10–15 times higher than the PM emissions calculated from the results obtained using a proprietary in-house particulate measurement system based on large-capacity collection: that is, 17 mg/km vs. 1.25 mg/km for emissions that have not been corrected for background concentrations. For this reason, the PM emission results, and especially analyses based on the standard PM measurement method, should be treated with great reservations. The differences in emission levels are systematic and have also appeared earlier. However, there is no certainty about the reason. The background PM contents collected by the standard filter, which were achieved by introducing clean dilution air through the tunnels and simulating a driving situation, varied between 5 and 13 mg/km, and the uncorrected PM emission results varied between 12 and 21 mg/km. Therefore, the actual PM emissions of the CNG vehicle can be anything between 0 and 16 mg/km. The filter types and flow velocities at the filter face are within the tolerances of the norms in both collection methods. RESEARCH REPORT VTT-R-02704-11 36 (52) Table 6. PM emissions of EEV city buses tested in 2009, including comparison of standard PM method vs. high-capacity sampling. BR= Braunschweig bus cycle, ADEME= Paris bus cycle (low-speed). Make & Fuel Exhaust aftertreatment MAN 2009 CNG TWC gas tunn b.g. - 1 gas tunn b.g. - 2 DIKC 0/-10 Volvo 2009 Emission level Test cycle EEV Br Br Br Br Br Br Br Br Br Br Br Br Br Ademe Ademe Br Br Br (no b.g. corrected) EEV SCR diesel tunn b.g. Scania 2008 DIKC 0/-10 EGR (+ox cat) Scania 2009 DIKC 0/-10 EGR (+ox cat) diesel tunn b.g. 1) 2) 1) PM(mg/km) standard EEV EEV 2) PM (mg/km) high capacity (no b.g. corrected) 12.3 20.8 21.4 20.5 12.2 14.9 9.4 12.9 51.5 43.1 5.1 147.4 152.3 187.3 206.0 37.9 41.3 n.d. 2.0 1.1 0.93 1.7 0.85 0.91 0.65 0.17 38.3 37.8 1.8 150.2 161.4 204.0 232.1 33.9 39.0 2.5 PM high capacity PM standard / mass on filter PM high capacity mg % 0.233 0.130 1068 % 0.107 0.193 1593 % 0.098 0.105 1540 % 0.089 0.024 3.521 3.473 124 % 0.247 10.383 11.196 96 % 9.090 10.303 90 % 3.055 3.510 109 % 0.369 TX40 teflon coated glass fibre filter, d=70 mm, 80 dm3/min & 47 cm/s 3 Fluoropore fluorocarbon membrane filter, d=130 mm, 300-500 dm /min & 38-63 cm/s However, according to the literature, the TX40 filter used in the standard collection method is known to catch some gas-like artefacts from the emissions, unlike the Teflon filter used in the large-capacity collection system. Furthermore, the sample matter collected was small in both the large-capacity and standard collections, between 0.1 and 0.3 mg. In the large-capacity PM collection, the background content was high, representing 9–70 % of the particulate matter. Based on these findings, background concentrations must always be taken into account. In a parallel test, the background concentration observed using the large-capacity PM collector was 1.8 mg/km (at a collection speed of 600 l/min) in the diesel tunnel. The background concentration of the standard collector was 5.1 mg/km (using 80 l/min flow). The table also shows that the difference between the results of a standard and large-capacity collection disappears, as PM emission levels rise. The Scania vehicle recorded similar PM emissions with both measurement methods. One of the purposes of this subtask was to evaluate the reliability of particulate measurements and analyses related to low-emission vehicles; that is, the overall relevancy of specifications. Thus, the results can be rated excellent for this purpose. For the sake of comparison, Table 6 also includes the emission levels of a new Scania EEV bus (25,000 kilometres, model year 2009). Based on the results we can assume that the after-treatment devices of this bus are still fully operational. The PM emissions of the 2008 EEV vehicle were 150 mg/km, as opposed to the PM emissions of 40 mg/km of the 2009 EEV vehicle, over the Braunschweig test cycle. More detailed PM and gas analyses are still in progress, and will be reported in 2010. RESEARCH REPORT VTT-R-02704-11 37 (52) Retrofitted exhaust after-treatment devices The first year of the HDENIQ project also included testing of retrofitted exhaust gas after-treatment systems. The main focus was on Proventia Emission Control’s SCR catalyst (selective catalytic reduction) system with urea-based reduction agent. The SCR system was tested as such, and in combination with devices for PM reduction. A Euro III emission-level Volvo B7RLE city bus was used as test platform. The performance of the equipment in various configurations was verified through chassis dynamometer measurements (Figure 24). The SCR as such also will undergo fieldtesting in Oulu during 2009 and 2010 at the Koskilinjat transportation company. The tests will focus on system operation in real-life city traffic. Figure 24. Testing of the combined SCR + DPF system in a city bus The Volvo Euro III vehicle was first tested in its original state (baseline), without the exhaust after-treatment equipment. In terms of the initial performance level, the vehicle was a rather high emitting specimen of its class. Its PM emissions were extremely high: over 0.6 g/km vs. 0.195 g/km, the average value for all tested Euro III vehicles. After the baseline measurement, the following combinations were installed and tested on the vehicle: • • • SCR only SCR + DPF (actual wall-flow filter) SCR + DOC (Diesel Oxidising Catalyst). All tests were carried out over the Braunschweig cycle, because it represents typical city traffic in the Helsinki metropolitan area. Moreover, VTT’s emission database is also based on the Braunschweig cycle. RESEARCH REPORT VTT-R-02704-11 38 (52) The “gain”value of an SCR system portrays the relation between the amount of injected urea and engine-out NOx emissions: the higher the “gain”value, the higher the amount of injected urea in proportion to NOx emissions. Determining the optimal amount of urea injection is important because the properties of the SCR catalyst and exhaust temperature have a considerable effect on the reduction efficiency. Figure 25 shows that a “gain” value of 0.8 produced an optimal of NO x emissions and urea consumption. The SCR + DPF combination, and using gain 0.8 in urea feed, reduced NOx emissions of the vehicle by about 75% and PM emissions by more than 95%. Judging by these results, the combined SCR + DPF retrofit system made by Proventia is able to lower the exhaust emissions of a Euro III bus to true EEV level, a level considerably lower than the average of the EEV diesel buses measured at VTT. SCR, DPF and DOC combinations with various gain 14.0 12.0 NOx (g/km) 10.0 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 PM (g/km) Euro2 limit x 1.8 Baseline Gain:0.8 DPF+SCR Other Euro 3 Volvos Euro3 limit x 1.8 Gain:0.8 SCR Gain:0.9 DPF+SCR Euro4 ETC limit x 1.8 Gain:0.8 DOC+SCR Gain:1 DPF+SCR Euro5 ETC limit x 1.8 Gain:0.7 DPF+SCR EEV / Euro 5 average Figure 25. PM and NOx emissions over the Braunschweig cycle. Fuel consumption increased by about 2.5% because of the SCR + DPF combination, with urea consumption being about 3% of fuel consumption. The results are available as a separate report (VTT-R-01293-10). 6.3 Vehicle maintenance 6.3.1 General Maintenance is closely related to the life cycles of vehicles. Old vehicles can be upgraded for example to reduce exhaust emissions. However, it is even more important to ensure that vehicles continue to function as planned. In addition to increased fuel consumption and emissions, vehicles that have not been serviced can pose safety threats because of poorly maintained brakes, as an example. Therefore, an examination of the opportunities to improve the brake testing of heavy-duty vehicles at statutory technical inspections began in 2009. RESEARCH REPORT VTT-R-02704-11 39 (52) 6.3.2 Brake checkups of heavy-duty vehicles at statutory vehicle inspections (Turku University of Applied Sciences) The brake testing methods used for statutory heavy-duty vehicle inspections in Finland have been studied by collecting research results from different sources and identifying development needs based on this information. Originally commissioned by the Finnish Vehicle Administration Agency AKE, the most significant of these research projects were related to the specification of inspection requirements for trucks and trailers equipped with electronically-controlled air brake systems (Rahkola & Leppälä, 2005). The project included on-road deceleration measurements, which were compared to traditional brake dynamometer measurements. Based on the results, on-road deceleration measurements and dynamometer measurements are not comparable. The significance of the difference in terms of the reliability of results is a crucial issue that needs to be examined. The introduction of onroad deceleration measurements as an inspection method is a viable option, if the related practical problems can be resolved. On-road deceleration measurements, however, cannot completely replace dynamometer measurements, because axle-specific brake forces still need to be checked using a dynamometer. Research projects related to the reliability of the current brake measurements systems have also been examined. These include tests carried out on brake dynamometers and roadside inspection programmes using a test trailer, as well as a literature study as part of a thesis completed at Turku University of Applied Sciences on the reliability of two brake inspection programmes. The purpose of this section is to determine the reliability of the current methods and compare them to possible alternative methods. Development needs related to current methods are also considered in order to minimise uncertainty factors related to users and conditions. Comparisons with inspection methods in other countries Based on information received from authorities, vehicle inspection methods in the other Nordic countries and in Europe are examined as part of a Belgian exchange student’s thesis work. The intention is to include any applicable elements in the new test method. Processing of inspection and roadside inspection information The results of roadside inspections have been examined in terms of detected brake system faults. The recorded results only seem to contain generic information about inspections, such as: “a fault was detected in the brake system.”The records do not list specific types of faults. An organisation carrying out roadside inspections in Southwest Finland has provided information on types of faults. This organisation is not aware of any faults related to electric brake systems that would have been detected by indicator lights. Statistics related to statutory vehicle inspections have been examined in collaboration with the newly formed Finnish Transport Safety Agency (TraFi) in order to determine the component-specific distribution of detected faults. This work is still in its early stages. The fault statistics to be received from the vehicle inspection company RESEARCH REPORT VTT-R-02704-11 40 (52) K1 Katsastajat will enable component-specific fault analyses. For electronically controlled brake systems faults recorded in the system are in practise indicator light malfunctions or faults indicated by the light. They can also be faults related to the EBS modulator valve. Statistical and system information received from repair shops Matters related to electronically controlled brake systems and their inspection have been and will be examined by interviewing repair shop staff. The transport company Schenker Cargo will submit service history of its vehicles in Southern Finland, including information on all repairs made during 2009. Reliable brake inspection methods have been examined in collaboration with repair shops in order to determine the most relevant ones. One option is to include certificates issued by repair shops in statutory inspection requirements. Experiences collected from transportation companies Experiences have been collected from transportation companies, especially from drivers, mainly orally. The purpose is to receive information on how brake systems work in practice. A written survey is currently being carried out at Schenker. Depending on the results, this research may be expanded to include other companies. In addition, an engineering thesis related to this field is in progress. RESEARCH REPORT VTT-R-02704-11 41 (52) 7 Reporting methods and evaluation of the effects of actions (Tampere University of Technology, VTT) 7.1 General information This sub-project consists of two sub-tasks. The first one explores the opportunities for customer-specific determination and reporting of total emissions. The second one develops methods for evaluating the effects of energy-saving measures. 7.2 Customer-specific determination and reporting of transportation emissions 7.2.1 General description and goals The project goals were defined in the application as follows: “The goal of the research project is to develop operating processes and technical systems that enable accurate measurements of fuel consumption for Transpoint. The system is intended to provide fuel consumption information related to specific transportation services. The company can use this information to monitor fuel efficiency on many levels, both internally and externally. Above all, the system is intended to enable fuel consumption monitoring specific to consignment notes, which will allow for the reporting of customer-specific carbon dioxide emissions, as well as other emissions, related to transport chains. This requires identifying the current and future needs of transportation customers and the public sector in terms of reporting said emissions.” 7.2.2 Literature survey The research began with a literature survey to find information on measurement methods related to energy consumption data specific to transportation actions and consignment notes. Judging by this literature survey, monitoring and reducing environmental effects has become an important part of corporate social responsibility. This development is connected to political goals to control climate change. In Finland, energy-efficiency agreements in different sectors serve as tools for improving energy efficiency and the related reporting. In addition, environmental awareness is increasing among customers, and this development makes demands on reporting related to the environmental effects of companies. In response to these demands, some companies have set goals for labelling their products with carbon footprint information, and some of their products have been carbon audited. The public sector has integrated the development of climate labels into climate policies. None of the guidelines for the calculation of carbon footprints – such as PAS2050, GHG Protocol and ISO 14064 – have become international standards. In addition, these guidelines are fairly general in nature, leaving many important issues to be solved by the companies performing the calculations. Environmental reporting also poses challenges for the determination and reporting of the environmental effects related to logistics. Scope, focus, adjustments, costs and information availability pre- RESEARCH REPORT VTT-R-02704-11 42 (52) sent problems in the carbon auditing of supply chains. The division of emissions between customers, especially when running deliveries for multiple clients simultaneously, is a major problem in customer-specific environmental reporting. There are no general guidelines, and different methods can produce very different customerspecific results in terms of emission calculation. Because of these problems, carbon footprint information related to specific products is often treated with great scepticism. In some cases, this information is even seen as an obstacle to emission reductions that can be detected through carbon audits on the product chain level. Nonetheless, environmental labels specific to performance in transportation would increase transparency and make it easier for customers to compare companies and different forms of transportation. Customers would not, however, change transportation forms because of environmental labels, and they are not willing to pay extra for having such labels at their disposal. 7.2.3 Survey A survey was carried out to study the needs of Finnish transportation customers in terms of environmental reporting. The survey was intended for large and mediumsize (over 20 employees) Finnish companies in industry and trade. The contact information was submitted by the company MicroMedia. The survey was performed in January and February 2010 using the Webropol application on the Internet. The invitation to participate in the survey was e-mailed to 2,273 managers or equivalents, who were also offered the opportunity to forward the invitation. A total of 2,009 invitations were delivered successfully, and 115 companies submitted a response. Despite the relatively low response rate of 5.7%, the responses came from a diversity of fields and companies. The results can be regarded as representative, although responding to surveys of this type may reflect attitudes that are more positive toward the environment than those among the selected companies on average. Based on the survey results, the majority of Finnish companies in industry and trade have not yet encountered external demands related to environmental reporting. Large companies, however, have internal demands related to such reporting. Moreover, the companies do not require extensive environmental reporting from their subcontractors. The companies have been proactive, developing environmental reporting practices that exceed statutory requirements. Most of the companies project they will be publishing an annual environmental report by 2016. A total of 15 companies had calculated carbon footprints for specific products, encountering the same problems that have been presented in earlier studies. The companies felt a need for the standardisation of carbon footprint calculation methods. Despite the problems, companies that already had carried out carbon audits believed –clearly more strongly than others –that carbon footprint labels would become more common. Responses to the question about the future of carbon footprint labels reflected a distinct uncertainty: one-third of the respondents did not regard such labels as either probable or improbable. Responses to other questions about the future were marked by the same uncertainty. Based on the responses, however, companies are very willing to reduce their environmental effects, but they need more information about the means to achieve this goal. Companies felt a distinct need to further develop environmental reporting related to transportation. They would like to receive more information, especially about carbon RESEARCH REPORT VTT-R-02704-11 43 (52) dioxide emissions, performance-specific fuel consumption and vehicle utilisation rate. Based on the survey, very simple reporting methods, such as a quarterly spreadsheet with location-specific key figures, would be sufficient for many companies for reporting the environmental effects related to transportation. In addition, the responses clearly showed that companies are not willing to pay extra for reporting, although they value and sometimes make demands on environmental reporting. Standardisation was regarded as important for ensuring comparability in terms of environmental reporting related to transportations. Based on the results of the survey, the attitudes of Finnish companies in industry and trade can be summed up as follows: companies want to further develop their environmental practices, but they are not willing to pay extra and need more information on the means to achieve this goal. 7.2.4 Further plans The analysis of the survey results will continue. The need for customer-specific environmental reporting will be evaluated on the basis of the survey results and the literature survey. Requirements will be specified for a new system that may be implemented. The requirement specifications can be used to devise the processes needed for producing information and to develop the required information systems. Special attention will be paid to the different options for calculating customer-specific emissions. 7.3 Evaluation of the effects of energy-efficiency measures 7.3.1 General description and goals The project goals were defined in the application as follows: “The purpose of the project is to create specifications for an evaluation model to determine the effects of measures to improve energy efficiency. The energy service directive, as well as the Finnish energy-efficiency agreements based on the directive, sets requirements for improving the energy efficiency of public transport and goods traffic and for verifying the effects of energy-efficiency measures. The calculation principles used for verification are unclear both on the national and company level. The project aims to clarify these principles and determine requirement specifications for a calculation application that can be used to evaluate the effects of energy-efficiency measures on different levels. The specifications are intended to define the content of information, user interface and to the applicability of the model.” 7.3.2 Literature survey The project began with a literature survey that examined the requirements set for the public sector and companies in terms of calculating and reporting the effects of energy-efficiency measures. The European Union’s energy service directive is the most significant factor affecting the improvement of energy efficiency. In the national implementation of the directive, the most important tools are the energy-efficiency agreements for public transport, goods traffic and logistics. The energy service directive describes energy efficiency as “a ratio between an output of performance, ser- RESEARCH REPORT VTT-R-02704-11 44 (52) vice, goods or energy, and an input of energy.”In public transport and goods traffic, energy efficiency refers to the ratio between a transport action and energy consumption (person-km/kWh or tonne-km/kWh, respectively). These indicators are based on a number of interacting factors, and they can be affected through many types of energy-efficiency actions (Figure 26). Population Need for mobility [km/person/day] Urban structure Urban planning Modes of travel [%] Choice of travel mode, attitudes Mobility management Routing Route planning Route optimization Transport demand [pkm] Energy efficiency [kWh/pkm] Demand for public transport [pkm] Route performance [pkm] Route mileage [km] Avg. load [persons] Empty vehicle tranfers [% route mileage] Total mileage [km] Energy use [kWh/km] Total energy use [kWh] Vehicle capacity Vehicle occupancy Vehicles according to demand Ages and sizes of vehicles Traffic circumstances (other traffic, road conditions) Bus lanes and signal priorities Driving behaviour Ecodriving training Carbon content of fuel [kg/kWh] Type of fuel New vehicle technology Key ratios Determinants Efficiency measures Total carbon dioxide emissions [t] Aggregates Figure 26. Framework for evaluating the energy efficiency of public transport. In conjunction with the implementation of the energy service directive, studies have been carried out at the EU level to enhance the evaluation of the effects of energyefficiency measures. These studies have not been related to the energy efficiency of heavy-duty vehicles. For this reason, there are no official listings of the effects of energy-efficiency measures. In Finland, the implementation of the energy-efficiency agreement included the production of information on the effects of such measures, but this objective was not met. Scientific literature includes countless studies on specific energy-efficiency measures and their effects, but the combined effects of these measures have not been examined comprehensively. Public-sector needs for the evaluation of the effects of energy-efficiency measures are related to assessing the implementation of the energy service directive and the energy-efficiency agreements in terms of achieved goals. Companies seek to expand the knowledge base on which their investment decisions are based. Internal monitoring of energy consumption is a basic requirement for developing energy efficiency in companies, and benchmarking with other companies can bring many types of mutual benefits. These needs can be combined through an advanced national monitoring system that enables automatic data input from company systems and versatile reporting based on comprehensive data provided by a single company or several companies. The existing Finnish national systems, EMISTRA in goods traffic and ESS in public transport, are insufficient for this purpose. RESEARCH REPORT VTT-R-02704-11 45 (52) 7.3.3 The ETS databank on public transport A national tool is currently being developed for monitoring the public transport energy-efficiency agreement in collaboration with several actors in the field. This tool, the ETS databank, allows for recording vehicle performance and energy consumption information, as well energy-efficiency measures, in a national system. This means that the databank can be used to evaluate the effects of energy-efficiency measures, which may motivate companies to adopt the system. Issues related to the ETS databank and the energy efficiency of public transport will be examined in the spring 2010 with interviews with client organisations and an Internet survey for suppliers. The interviews that have already been completed indicate that client organisations feel a need to monitor the energy efficiency of public transport in their areas. The ETS databank could be suitable for this purpose. In conjunction with the interviews, clients were also presented an idea related to marketing energy-efficiency measures and evaluating their effects as part of the ETS databank (Figure 27). Figure 27. Evaluation of the effects of energy-efficiency actions. Providers of measures for enhanced energy efficiency could have their products or services evaluated by a third party through the ETS databank. Based on the evaluation, they could be given the right to promote their products or services within the databank. Companies that decide to use these products or services could provide valuable information on their actual effects. In goods transport, the EMISTRA system could be developed in this direction or replaced with the ETS databank. RESEARCH REPORT VTT-R-02704-11 46 (52) 7.3.4 Future plans A survey for public transport operators about energy-efficiency measures and the ETS databank will be carried out during the spring 2010. Based on the responses, suggestions will be made to enhance the evaluation of the effects of energyefficiency measures by using the ETS databank. In addition, resources allowing, research results related to the effects of energy-efficiency measures will be collected from different sources to create a database. RESEARCH REPORT VTT-R-02704-11 47 (52) 8 Development of research methodology (VTT) There is no normative basis, and there are no standards or other mutually-accepted guidelines for chassis dynamometer measurements performed for complete heavyduty vehicles. For this reason, VTT has developed its own measurement methods, which were accredited by the Finnish accreditation body FINAS in 2003. Despite the accreditation, these methods need to be further developed to improve their precision and expand their application to a wider variety of vehicles. Determination of driving resistances VTT determines driving resistances for vehicles carrying out coast-down tests on a specific straight highway stretch with a known elevation profile. The aerodynamic performance (drag coefficient) and rolling resistance of a vehicle can be measured relatively accurately in such highway coast-down tests. Measurements to verify the elevation profile of the test road were carried out in 2009. Accurate measurements of this straight stretch in Nurmijärvi north of Helsinki (Highway No 3) were needed for high-precision driving resistance determinations aiming at, e.g., differentiating between air drag and rolling resistance. The earlier specifications of the profile of the specific stretch were based on road profile information provided by the Finnish Road Administration. The data was based on the original plan of the road, and not accounted any sagging or other deformation of the structures over time. A Trimble precision-GPS device was used for this test. The device consisted of a central processing unit and a receiver (Trimble R8). In addition to satellites, the device uses land-based stations to determine locations. This enables a precision of 2 centimetres. Coast-down M itta s u otrack, r a e te Southbound lä ä n 79 78 78 k o rk e u s Track elevation [m] 77 77 76 76 T ie ha lli nto T rim b le 75 75 74 74 3000 2800 2600 2400 2200 2000 1800 m a tk a 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 -200 73 73 -400 8.1.1 Track lenght [m] Figure 28. Test road profiles based on data from the Road Administration and on precision GPS data. RESEARCH REPORT VTT-R-02704-11 48 (52) The measurements performed on the test road proved that the profile received from the Finnish Road Administration (Tiehallinto) was still accurate. Figure 28 shows the congruence of the given profile and the one based on precision GPS measurements on the southward lane of the road. Determination of driving resistance was also improved through the acquisition of an ultrasonic wind sensor. The wind sensor is used to determine wind speed (wind speed in relation to the vehicle speed in coast-down tests) and direction angle. This Vaisala WMT52 sensor is discussed in more detail in the following section. 8.1.2 New vehicle types VTT’s vehicle database has not included drive resistance figures and driving cycles for small buses typically used in neighbourhood service traffic. For this reason drive resistance specifications for small buses were created in 2009, as well as a test cycle that better represents their operating conditions. Furthermore, exhaust emission measurements were carried out on actual buses by using this cycle on a chassis dynamometer. The results were discussed in Chapter of this report. On-highway coast-down tests on the neighbourhood service bus The coast-down tests were performed using a small Mercedes-Benz bus based on the Sprinter platform. The test vehicle is shown in Figure 29, with the Vaisala WMT52 wind speed sensor and the Trimble R8 GPS receiver installed on the roof. The wind sensor was mounted on a support with the shape of a swan’s neck to prevent airstreams caused by the vehicle from disturbing the sensor. Figure 29. The measurements were carried out using a Mercedes Benz Sprinter bus. RESEARCH REPORT VTT-R-02704-11 49 (52) The coast-down tests were carried out with two payloads: empty vehicle (3,610 kg) and a payload that produced a total mass of 4,640 kg, which is close to the highest allowed mass of the vehicle (5,000 kg). Figure 30 illustrates the total resistance for both loads, based on the coast-down tests. The formulas for the curves depicted in the diagram are used to calculate the total resistance factors F0, F1 and F2 (constant, proportional to speed, proportional to square of speed) that reflect those three main components if the resistance: resistances that are constant, resistances that are proportional to the speed, and resistances that are proportional to the square of the speed. The effect of the wind on air resistance was calculated using information produced by the wind sensor. The effect of the force generated by the wind component, in the direction of the vehicle, on the total resistance was considered when making the calculations. Driving resistances of a Jouko service trafic bus 1600 Resistance force (N) 1400 1200 2 y = 0.0301x + 8.2322x + 438 1000 Poly. (Loaded) Poly. (W/o load) 800 2 y = 0.0114x + 7.8745x + 364 600 400 200 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Velocity (km/h) Figure 30. Total resistances of unloaded and loaded Mercedes-Benz Sprinter bus in the coast-down tests. Figure 31 shows the curves describing the total resistances, as well as the related formulas, excluding the effects of the light wind when the measurements were performed. Over the “Jouko”neighbourhood service cycle, which will be described in more detail below, at a maximum speed of 45 km/h, the difference between the resistance forces is extremely low, less than 1 N, when comparing resistance values including and excluding the effects of the wind. At a speed of 80 km/h, the difference between the resistance forces with an unladen vehicle is about 4 N. The relative difference, however, is insignificant. RESEARCH REPORT VTT-R-02704-11 50 (52) Driving resistance of a Jouko service line bus without wind effect 1600 Resistance force (N) 1400 2 y = 0.0311x + 8.1697x + 439.4 1200 1000 Poly. (W/o load) 800 y = 0.0138x2 + 7.6855x + 367.7 Poly. (Loaded) 600 400 200 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Velocity (km/h) Figure 31. Total resistances of the unloaded and loaded Mercedes-Benz Sprinter bus in the coast-down tests, excluding the effects of the wind. 8.1.3 New driving cycles Helsinki, Espoo and Vantaa have in total 44 different neighbourhood service traffic lines. These service lines have been designed primarily for the needs of senior citizens, people with reduced mobility and people using mobility aids. For this reason, service-line traffic differs considerably from typical city-bus traffic in the Helsinki metropolitan area in terms of vehicles and driving patterns. The amount of neighbourhood service traffic has increased in the Helsinki metropolitan area, which calls for the identification of its environmental effects. To serve this purpose, VTT’s selection of bus driving cycles was complemented in 2009 with the “Jouko”cycle, which represents this service-line traffic. The cycle is based on actual driving on the J32 city bus line in Helsinki. This information was recorded using the CAN bus of the vehicle and separate GPS positioning data. Both terminals of the J32 line are located in Haaga sub-urban neighbourhood. Figure 32 illustrates the route. RESEARCH REPORT VTT-R-02704-11 51 (52) GPS data of the Jouko driving cycle 60.238 Latitude 60.233 60.228 60.223 24.918 24.913 24.908 24.903 24.898 24.893 24.888 24.883 24.878 24.873 24.868 60.218 Longitude Figure 32. “Jouko”route in Haaga. Figure 33 shows the speed profile of the “Jouko” cycle as a function of time. The “Jouko”cycle was designed on the basis of actual recorded data. Jouko service trafic driving cycle 50 Driving speed (km/h) 40 30 20 10 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Time (s) Figure 33. Driving cycle illustrating service-line traffic (“Jouko”cycle). Table 9 shows basic information for the new “Jouko”cycle. Compared to the Braunschweig cycle, which represents full-size city-bus line traffic in mid-size cities, the “Jouko”cycle has a lower average speed (18.3 vs. 22.5 km/h in the Braunschweig cycle) and a lower maximum speed (45 vs. 58 km/h in the Braunschweig cycle). RESEARCH REPORT VTT-R-02704-11 52 (52) Table 9. Key figures related to the “Jouko” cycle. Average speed (km/h) Maximum speed (km/h) Distance (km) Idle time (s) 18.3 45.0 6.12 145