Annual Report - Naim Holdings Berhad
Annual Report - Naim Holdings Berhad
A Multi-Award Winning Developer & Contractor NAIM HOLDINGS BERHAD (Company No.: 585467-M) ANNUAL REPORT 2014 Contents 12 6 25 Performance At A Glance 8 9 10 12 CorSRUDWH3UR¿OH Group Financial Summary 10-Year Financial Highlights Share Performance Corporate Information 14 15 16 24 25 Corporate Information Corporate Structure Board of Directors 'LUHFWRUV¶3UR¿OH Our Awards and Accolades OUR PEOPLE, OUR ‘SUPERSTARS’: Talent Management and Development Business Review 29 37 42 Letter to our Shareholders Performance Overview Corporate Social Responsibility Special Feature 48 49 50 Naim’s 20th Anniversary Countdown Begins! The Beginning In The Journey of Giving: Commencing Works For Habitat For Humanity Malaysia’s Borneo Bliltz Build (BBB) 2014 Project And The Award Goes To……. Other Highlights 53 56 Corporate Diary 2014 Naim in the News 42 49 Corporate Governance 59 64 75 79 81 Corporate Governance Statement Board Committees Report Audit Committee Report Statement on Risk Management and Internal Control Investor Relations Activities Economic Outlook 83 Economic Outlook Financial Statements 86 89 Directors’ Report Statements of Financial Position 6WDWHPHQWVRI3UR¿WRU/RVVDQGRWKHU Comprehensive Income 91 Consolidated Statements of Changes in Equity 92 Statements of Changes in Equity 93 Statements of Cash Flows 95 Notes to the Financial Statements 148 Statement by Directors 149 Statutory Declaration 150 Independent Auditors’ Report Other Information 152 Analysis of Shareholdings 154 Top 10 Properties 155 Notice of Annual General Meeting 157 Proxy Form Disclaimer: The featured photographs and perspective drawings in this report are subject to amendment as maybe required by the Authorities or project consultants and cannot form part of an offer or contract. Whilst every care has been taken in providing them, Naim cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracy. Theme and Cover Design 2014 Was an embodiment of hard work and perseverance for the Naim Team. We triumphed over challenges, had our hearts in the business and strived as one towards the continued and sustainability of the Group. We created a new chapter in Sarawak’s property scene with two iconic developments, the Bintulu Paragon and Kuching Paragon integrated GHYHORSPHQWV 5HGH¿QLQJ WKH µOLYH ZRUN DQG SOD\¶ H[SHULHQFH DQG ZLWKWKHLULQQRYDWLYHO\GHVLJQHGFRPSRQHQWVWKH\DUHWKHµ3DUDJRQVRI 6DUDZDN¶WKHHSLWRPHRIPRGHUQDQGDIÀXHQWOLIHVW\OH\RXUZRUOGLQRQH place. 7KH µ3DUDJRQV RI 6DUDZDN¶ KDV FHPHQWHG WKH *URXS¶V SRVLWLRQ DV WKH PDUNHWOHDGHUDQGµSOD\PDNHU¶LQ6DUDZDN¶VSURSHUW\VFHQHQRZDQGIRU many years to come. NAIM HOLDINGS BERHAD Logo Rationale The actual logo displays the word Naim in green, red and gold colours ZKLFK UHÀHFWV WKH *URXS¶V VWUHQJWK DQG FDSDELOLWLHV *UHHQ UHSUHVHQWV growth, sincerity and fairness, red represents strength and prosperity, ZKLOVWJROGUHSUHVHQWVH[FHOOHQFHDQGVXSHULRUTXDOLW\7KHZRUG1DLP LV LQWHUVHFWHG E\ WKH DSH[ RI D WRURLG D ULQJOLNH VKDSH SRVVHVVLQJ H[FHSWLRQDOVWUHQJWKVWDELOLW\DQGLQWHJULW\7KHFRQMXQFWLRQRIWKHJROGHQ letter A and the toroid suggests a dazzling sunrise, predicting a shining long-term future for the Group. For this annual report, the report was presented in black and white, LQFOXGLQJ WKH 1DLP ORJR DI¿UPLQJ RXU FRPPLWPHQW WRZDUGV FRVW management. 1 2 w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y Wisma Naim 2½ Mile, Rock Road, 93200 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia 3 Our Vision To be the leading home builder and contractor in every market in which we operate, and in every aspect of our RSHUDWLRQV OHDGLQJ WKH ZD\ LQ TXDOLW\ UHOLDELOLW\ DQG value for money. Our Mission 7R SURYLGH WKH ¿QHVW SURGXFWV DQG VHUYLFHV WR RXU customers To provide increasing value and superior returns for our shareholders To empower every member of our staff to develop WKHLUSRWHQWLDOWRWKHPD[LPXP To be a role model customer for our suppliers, sub- contractors and service providers To contribute meaningfully and positively to the community and the society that nurture us Corporate Responsibility Statement To consider, monitor and ensure that our operations continue to have a positive impact on our employees, the communities we work in and the environment that nurtures us, and to promote trust and mutual respect amongst our customers and all other stakeholders. 4 w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Statements This Annual Report contains some forward-looking VWDWHPHQWVLQUHVSHFWWRWKH1DLP*URXS¶V¿QDQFLDO condition, results of operations and business. These forward-looking statements represent the 1DLP *URXS¶V H[SHFWDWLRQV RU EHOLHIV FRQFHUQLQJ future events and involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results, performance or events to differ materially from WKRVH H[SUHVVHG RU LPSOLHG LQ VXFK VWDWHPHQWV Readers are hereby cautioned that a number of factors could cause actual results to differ, in some instances materially, from those anticipated or implied in any forward-looking statement. In this respect, readers must therefore not rely solely on these statements in making investment decisions regarding the Naim Group. You should rely on your own evaluation to assess the merits and risks of any investment decisions and seek independent advices from your stockbroker, bank manager, VROLFLWRUDFFRXQWDQW¿QDQFLDOFRQVXOWDQWDQDO\VWRU other professional adviser immediately. The Board and the Naim Group shall not be responsible for any investment decisions made by readers in reliance on those forward-looking statements. Forward looking statements speak only as of the date they are made, and it should not be assumed that they have been reviewed or updated in the light of new information or future events that would arise in the interim of the publication of this Annual Report and the time of reading this Annual Report. Perspective of Sapphire On The Park (side view) 5 Our Presence +HDG2I¿FH : 9th Floor Wisma Naim, 2½ Mile, Rock Road, 93200 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. Website: .XDOD/XPSXU2I¿FH : No A-39-1, Level 39, Menara UOA Bangsar, No 5 Jalan Bangsar Utama 1, 59000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia .XFKLQJ6DOHV*DOOHU\ : Rock Commercial Centre, Jalan Green, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia :HEVLWHZZZNXFKLQJSDUDJRQFRPP\)%ZZZIDFHERRNFRPNXFKLQJSDUDJRQ %LQWXOX6DOHV*DOOHU\ : B-G-1, No.1 Old Airport Place, 97000 Bintulu, Sarawak, Malaysia :HEVLWHZZZELQWXOXSDUDJRQFRPP\)%ZZZIDFHERRNFRP%LQWXOX3DUDJRQ 0LUL6DOHV*DOOHU\ 6 w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y /RW)LUVW)ORRU3HUP\0DOO%DQGDU%DUX3HUP\MD\D0LUL6DUDZDN0DOD\VLD :HEVLWHZZZVRXWKODNHFRPP\)%ZZZIDFHERRNFRPVRXWKODNHSHUP\MD\D Performance At A Glance 8 &RUSRUDWH3UR¿OH 9 Group Financial Summary 10 10-Year Financial Highlights 12 Share Performance 7 PERFORMANCE AT A GLANCE ``` CORPORATE PROFILE &RUSRUDWH3UR¿OH %DQGDU%DUX3HUP\MD\D0LUL6DUDZDN Commencing operations in 1995 with its landmark development in Tudan, Miri (now known DV%DQGDU%DUX3HUP\MD\D1DLPYHQWXUHGLQWRFRQVWUXFWLRQZLWKLWV¿UVWORZFRVWKRXVLQJ SURMHFW IRU WKH WKHQ +RXVLQJ DQG 'HYHORSPHQW &RPPLVVLRQ DQG WKH FRQVWUXFWLRQ RI WKH 3XMXWEULGJHDFURVV0LUL5LYHULQ w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y Customer satisfaction year after year clearly demonstrates the SKLORVRSKLHV RI 1DLP¶V H[LVWHQFH ± H[FHOOHQW TXDOLW\ WLPHO\ GHOLYHU\ value and customer service. This has resulted in a total of 22 industry DZDUGVDFFRODGHVEHLQJZRQVLQFH 2002, an acknowledgement of 1DLP¶VVLJQL¿FDQWFRQWULEXWLRQLQWKH property and construction sectors. 1 O ISO 1 40 900 CE R TI F I C AT I ON Intertek O O TM UKAS MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS 014 Rgn No : Q822488 & E822488 ISO 9001 & ISO 14001 CERTIFICATIONS 18001 O MS 17 AS HS CE 22 Naim is also a Class A Contractor ZLWK ,62 FHUWL¿FDWLRQ DQG has emerged as one of Malaysia’s largest Bumiputera contractors which has carried out more than RM5 billion worth of works (including LWVRZQGHYHORSPHQWSURMHFWV :LWK LWV ÀDJVKLS SURSHUW\ developments in Bandar Baru 3HUP\MD\DLQ0LUL.XFKLQJ3DUDJRQ integrated development, Desa Ilmu and Riveria in Kuching, Bintulu Paragon integrated development in Bintulu, and a number of smaller developments in Sarawak, Naim has also built more than 16,000 properties for the Sarawak community. 01 Today, Naim Holdings Berhad, an investment holding company with two main subsidiaries, Naim Land Sdn. Bhd. (NLSB) and Naim Engineering Sdn. Bhd. (NESB), is a fully-integrated property and construction player focusing on integrated property developments, construction, civil engineering, oil DQGJDVDQGLQIUDVWUXFWXUHSURMHFWV and oil and gas services through its investment in Dayang Enterprise Holdings Bhd.. IS ,QLWH[SDQGHGWR.XFKLQJZLWKLWV'HVD,OPXGHYHORSPHQWIROORZHGE\LWVXSPDUNHW satellite township called the Riveria development in Kota Samarahan, Kuching. Naim was listed on the Main Board of Bursa Malaysia Berhad on 12 September 2003. R TI F I C AT I ON TM Intertek Rgn No : S822488 OHSAS 18001 CERTIFICATION PERFORMANCE AT A GLANCE ``` GROUP FINANCIAL SUMMARY Group Financial Summary )LQDQFLDO3HUIRUPDQFH &KDQJH)URP 5HYHQXH50¶ 3UR¿W%HIRUH7D[50¶ 1HW3UR¿W$WWULEXWDEOHWR2ZQHUVRIWKH&RPSDQ\50¶ 7RWDO$VVHWV50¶ 6KDUHKROGHUV¶(TXLW\50¶ 92.99 - 6.5 Earnings Per Share (sen) 1$3HU6KDUH50 5HWXUQ2Q(TXLW\ ^ # ** 3.5 Gross Dividend (sen) *URVV'LYLGHQG<LHOG ** Gross Dividend Yield for 2013 was 0.82%. Effect of % change in yield was not presented. # Based on year end share price of RM2.98 ^ Declared on 26 February 2015 in respect of the year ended 31 December 2014 )LQDQFLDO&DOHQGDU )LQDQFLDO<HDU(QG 'HF $QQRXQFHPHQWRI5HVXOWV VWTXDUWHU 0D\ QGTXDUWHU $XJ UGTXDUWHU 1RY WKTXDUWHU )HE Notice of Annual General Meeting 22 May 2014 Annual General Meeting 13 June 2014 6LQJOHWLHU7D[([HPSW'LYLGHQG 'HFODUDWLRQ ([GDWH 0DUFK Book closure 25 March 2015 Payment )HE 24 April 2015 ,QYHVWRU5HODWLRQV6HUYLFH The Group maintains a website ( which provides detailed information on the Group’s operations DQGODWHVWGHYHORSPHQWV)RUIXUWKHUGHWDLOVSOHDVHIRUZDUG\RXUTXHULHVWRLQYHVWRUUHODWLRQV#QDLPFRPP\ 9 PERFORMANCE AT A GLANCE ``` 10-YEAR FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS (IN RM MILLION) 10-Year Financial Highlights (in RM million) <HDU 5HYHQXH 3UR¿WEHIRUH WD[DWLRQ 1HW3UR¿W $WWULEXWDEOH WR2ZQHUVRIWKH &RPSDQ\ 7RWDO$VVHWV 1,715.09 1HW7DQJLEOH$VVHWV 6KDUHKROGHUV¶ (TXLW\ 7RWDO1XPEHURI 6KDUHV RI 50HDFK 250.00 250.00 (DUQLQJV3HU VKDUHVHQ 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 *URVV'LYLGHQG 5DWH ^ 1HW7DQJLEOH$VVHWV 3HU6KDUH50 ^ 10 Declared on 26 February 2015 in respect of the year ended 31 December 2014 w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y 92.99 99.49 M 1,261.03 1,254.11 220.34 235.72 227.72 252.61 656.48 M M T M T M 11 PERFORMANCE AT A GLANCE ``` SHARE PERFORMANCE Share Performance Volume (Share in million) Share Price (Ringgit Malaysia) 1$,0+2/',1*6%(5+$'6KDUH3HUIRUPDQFH&KDUW IURP6HSWHPEHUWR0DUFK Volume traded Share Price 320% 300% 280% 260% 240% 220% 200% 180% Composite 160% 140% 120% Property 100% 80% Construction 60% Naim 40% 20% 0% -20% -40% -60% -80% 2004 12 2005 w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Corporate Information 14 Corporate Information 15 Corporate Structure 16 Board of Directors 18 'LUHFWRUV¶3UR¿OH 24 Our Awards and Accolades 25 OUR PEOPLE, OUR ‘SUPERSTARS’: Talent Management and Development 13 CORPORATE INFORMATION ``` CORPORATE INFORMATION Corporate Information %RDUGRI'LUHFWRUV &KDLUPDQ 5HJLVWHUHG&RUSRUDWH2I¿FH 'DWXN$PDU$EGXO+DPHG%LQ+DML6HSDZL 9th Floor, Wisma Naim, 2 ½ Mile, Rock Road, 93200 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia 7HO )D[ Website : 0DQDJLQJ'LUHFWRU Datuk Hasmi Bin Hasnan 'HSXW\0DQDJLQJ'LUHFWRU Wong Ping Eng ,QGHSHQGHQW1RQ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRUV Tan Sri Izzuddin Bin Dali 'DWR,U$EDQJ-HPDW%LQ$EDQJ%XMDQJ 'DWX'U+DML$EGXO5DVKLG%LQ0RKGAzis Professor Dato’ Abang Abdullah Bin Abang Mohamad Alli Datin Mary Sa’diah Binti Zainuddin 7XDQ+DML6RHGLUPDQ%LQ+DML$LQL &RPSDQ\6HFUHWDULHV Bong Siu Lian (MAICSA 7002221) Hasmiah Binti Anthony Hasbi (SAA0772-KH004) 5HJLVWUDU Tricor Investor Services Sdn. Bhd. Level 17, The Gardens, North Tower Mid Valley City, Lingkaran Syed Putra 59200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 7HO )D[ 6WRFN([FKDQJH/LVWLQJ Bursa Malaysia Listed on 12 September 2003 Sector : Property Stock Code : 5073 Stock Name : Naim $XGLWRUV KPMG 14 w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y CORPORATE INFORMATION ``` CORPORATE STRUCTURE (AS AT DATE OF ANNUAL REPORT) Corporate Structure (as at date of Annual Report) 2,/*$6 Dayang Enterprise Holdings Bhd. 3523(57< Naim Land Sdn. Bhd. 3523(57<'(9(/230(17 Khidmat Mantap Sdn. Bhd. Ilmu Sdn. Bhd. Commercial Sdn. Bhd. Peranan Makmur Sdn. Bhd. 6DPDODMX3Uoperties Sdn. Bhd. Desa Naim 3523(57<,19(670(17 Yakin Pelita Sdn. Bhd. Naim Realty Sdn. Bhd. Harmony Faber Sdn. Bhd. (1*,1((5,1*&216758&7,21 Naim Engineering Sdn. Bhd. Kempas Sentosa Sdn. Bhd. 0$18)$&785,1* 1DLP3UHPL[6GQ%KG 8QLTXH&RPSRVLWH6GQ%KG A Multi-Award Winning Developer & Contractor 75$',1*6(59,&(6 Naim Supply & Logistic Sdn. Bhd. 48$55<23(5$7,216 Naim Cendera Lapan Sdn. Bhd. Jelas Kemuncak Resources Sdn. Bhd. Simbol Warisan Sdn. Bhd. 29(56($6,19(670(17 Naim Overseas Sdn. Bhd. ),-,&203$1,(6 Naim EngiQHHULQJ&RQVWUXFWLRQ)LML/LPLWHG 1DLP4XDUU\)LML/LPLWHG Naim PremL[)LML/LPLWHG 7+,57<21(27+(5'250$17&203$1,(6 15 CORPORATE INFORMATION ``` BOARD OF DIRECTORS Board of Directors From Left to Right: 1 'DWXN+DVPL%LQ+DVQDQ Managing Director 2 7XDQ+DML6RHGLUPDQ%LQ+DML$LQL ,QGHSHQGHQW1RQ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRU 3 'DWR,U$EDQJ-HPDW%LQ$EDQJ%XMDQJ ,QGHSHQGHQW1RQ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRU 4 'DWXN$PDU$EGXO+DPHG%LQ+DML6HSDZL Chairman 16 w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y From Left to Right: 5 'DWLQ0DU\6D¶GLDK%LQWL=DLQXGGLQ ,QGHSHQGHQW1RQ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRU 6 'DWX'U+DML$EGXO5DVKLG%LQ0RKG$]LV ,QGHSHQGHQW1RQ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRU 7 7DQ6UL,]]XGGLQ%LQ'DOL ,QGHSHQGHQW1RQ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRU 3URIHVVRU'DWR¶$EDQJ$EGXOODK%LQ $EDQJ0RKDPDG$OOL ,QGHSHQGHQW1RQ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRU 9 :RQJ3LQJ(QJ Deputy Managing Director 17 CORPORATE INFORMATION ``` DIRECTORS’ PROFILE 'LUHFWRUV¶3UR¿OH 'DWXN$PDU$EGXO+DPHG %LQ+DML6HSDZL Chairman 0DOD\VLDQDJHG 66 'DWHRI$SSRLQWPHQW 25 July 2003 $FDGHPLF3URIHVVLRQDO4XDOL¿FDWLRQV %6F+RQVIURP8QLYHUVLW\RI0DOD\D 8QGHUJUDGXDWHVWXGLHVLQIRUHVWU\DWWKH$XVWUDOLD1DWLRQDO University 06FLQ)RUHVW3URGXFWVIURP2UHJRQ6WDWH8QLYHUVLW\86$ 3UHVHQW'LUHFWRUVKLSLQRWKHU3/&V Ta Ann Holdings Berhad Sarawak Plantation Berhad Smartag Solutions Berhad 3UHVHQW'LUHFWRUVKLSLQ1RQ/LVWHG&RPSDQ\ Sarawak Energy Berhad :RUNLQJ([SHULHQFHDQG2FFXSDWLRQ Prior to the NDLP *URXS¶V OLVWLQJ KH ZDV 1RQ([HFXWLYH &KDLUPDQ of Naim Land Sdn. Bhd. since 12 October 1995. Whilst remaining active in the timber and plantation industries, Datuk Amar Abdul Hamed developed his career around his keen personal interest in the FRQVWUXFWLRQVHFWRUZKLFKZDV¿UVWDFTXLUHGWKURXJKVFKRROYDFDWLRQ MREVLQ0LUL)RUPRUHWKDQ\HDUVKHKDVEHHQDFWLYHDVDQLQYHVWRU manager and director in companies carrying out civil works, offshore engineering, construction, housing and property development. He was conferred the coveted Sarawak State Outstanding Entrepreneurship Award 2014 by the Ministry of Industrial Development, in association with the Sarawak Chamber of Commerce and Industries (SCCI) and Ernst & Young in recognition of his contribution towards the State’s economic development. He was also a member of the National Economic Consultative Council II. w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y 'DWXN+DVPL%LQ+DVQDQ 0DOD\VLDQDJHG 62 $FDGHPLF3URIHVVLRQDO4XDOL¿FDWLRQV %6F LQ (VWDWH 0DQDJHPHQW IURP WKH /RQGRQ 6RXWK %DQN University, UK 6HQLRU&HUWL¿HG9DOXHUZLWKWKH,QWHUQDWLRQDO5HDO(VWDWH,QVWLWXWH USA 0HPEHURIWKH,QWHUQDWLRQDO5HDO(VWDWH)HGHUDWLRQ),$%&, 'DWHRI$SSRLQWPHQW 25 July 2003 3UHVHQW'LUHFWRUVKLSLQRWKHU3/&V Dayang Enterprise Holdings Bhd. Managing Director 3UHVHQW'LUHFWRUVKLSLQ1RQ/LVWHG&RPSDQ\ Naim Incorporated Berhad :RUNLQJ([SHULHQFHDQG2FFXSDWLRQ He began his career in 1979 as a valuer in the Land and Survey 'HSDUWPHQW RI 6DUDZDN 6LQFH KH KDV EHHQ LQYROYHG LQ D ZLGHUDQJHRIEXVLQHVVHVLQFOXGLQJYDOXDWLRQSURMHFWPDQDJHPHQW property development and management, construction, timber, manufacturing, trading and publishing. In June 1993, he became the Managing Director of Naim Land Sdn. Bhd. and has since been WKHPDLQGULYLQJIRUFHEHKLQGWKHFRPSDQ\¶VJURZWKDQGH[SDQVLRQ +HZDVDZDUGHGWKH3URSHUW\0DQRIWKH<HDUIRUE\),$%&, in Kuala Lumpur. 19 CORPORATE INFORMATION ``` DIRECTORS’ PROFILE (CONTINUE) 'LUHFWRUV¶3UR¿OH(continue) :RQJ3LQJ(QJ 7DQ6UL,]]XGGLQ%LQ'DOL Deputy Managing Director ,QGHSHQGHQW1RQ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRU 0DOD\VLDQDJHG 41 0DOD\VLDQDJHG 66 'DWHRI$SSRLQWPHQW 29 November 2012 'DWHRI$SSRLQWPHQW 27 February 2013 $FDGHPLF3URIHVVLRQDO4XDOL¿FDWLRQV 'LSORPD LQ &RPPHUFH )LQDQFLDO $FFRXQWLQJ IURP Tunku Abdul Rahman College, Kuala Lumpur $&HUWL¿HG$FFRXQWDQWZLWKWKH0DOD\VLDQ,QVWLWXWHRI $FFRXQWDQWV DQG $VVRFLDWLRQ RI &KDUWHUHG &HUWL¿HG Accountants (ACCA) $FDGHPLF3URIHVVLRQDO4XDOL¿FDWLRQV Bachelor of Economics (Hons) from University of Malaya Masters of Arts (Economics) from University of Western Michigan, USA 3UHVHQW'LUHFWRUVKLSLQRWKHU3/&V Dayang Enterprise Holdings Bhd. 3UHVHQW'LUHFWRUVKLSLQ1RQ/LVWHG&RPSDQ\ Naim Incorporated Berhad :RUNLQJ([SHULHQFHDQG2FFXSDWLRQ 6KH KDV PRUH WKDQ \HDUV¶ H[SHULHQFH LQ ¿QDQFLDO DQGDFFRXQWLQJ¿HOG6KHVWDUWHGKHUFDUHHUDVDQ$XGLW Assistant at KPMG Kuching in September 1997 until December 2000. In 2004, she moved to Naim as an $FFRXQWDQW ,Q -XO\ VKH ZDV DSSRLQWHG WKH 2SHUDWLRQV0DQDJHUIRU1DLP¶V%DQGDU%DUX3HUP\MD\D SURMHFW LQ 0LUL ZKHUH VKH ZDV UHVSRQVLEOH IRU PDQDJLQJ WKH ZKROH RI 0LUL¶V RSHUDWLRQV ,Q -XO\ VKH ZDV promoted as the Vice President – Finance and Accounts to oversee the Group’s Finance and Accounts Division and VXEVHTXHQWO\ SURPRWHG DV WKH 'HSXW\ 'LUHFWRU )LQDQFH and IT Division. In August 2012, she was promoted to a Senior Director for the Group’s Support Division comprising Finance and Accounts, Administration, Human Resource and Information Technology. She was DSSRLQWHG DV DQ ([HFXWLYH 'LUHFWRU RI 1DLP +ROGLQJV Berhad on 29 November 2012 and on 9 January 2013 she was re-designated as the Deputy Managing Director. 20 w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y :RUNLQJ([SHULHQFHDQG2FFXSDWLRQ He has served the Government for more than 35 years in various departments within the Ministry of Finance. In 2003, he was appointed as the Secretary General, Ministry of Works and in 2004 he was promoted as the Secretary General of Treasury, Ministry of Finance. He retired from government service in March 2007. He has previously served on a number of boards, including amongst others, Chairman of Kumpulan Wang Persaraan, Group Chairman of Syarikat Prasarana Negara Berhad, Chairman of Rapid Penang Sdn. Bhd, Cyberview Sdn. Bhd, Syarikat Pembinaan BLT Sdn. Bhd, Sarawak Hidro 6GQ %KG 1RQ,QGHSHQGHQW 1RQ([HFXWLYH 'LUHFWRU RI Petronas, Malaysia Airlines System Bhd, Perbadanan Insuran Deposit Malaysia, Bank Negara Malaysia, Uda Holdings Berhad, Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad, Bintulu Port Sdn. Bhd. and Kuala Lumpur International Airport Berhad. His international stint also includes board membership in the International Islamic Trade Finance Corporation, a subsidiary of the Islamic Development Bank, based in Jeddah. He is Chairman, Director and Advisor of several private limited companies. 'DWR,U$EDQJ-HPDW%LQ$EDQJ%XMDQJ 'DWX'U+DML$EGXO5DVKLG%LQ0RKG$]LV ,QGHSHQGHQW1RQ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRU ,QGHSHQGHQW1RQ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRU 0DOD\VLDQDJHG 62 0DOD\VLDQDJHG 69 'DWHRI$SSRLQWPHQW 16 February 2005 'DWHRI$SSRLQWPHQW L $V,QGHSHQGHQW1RQ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRU (25 July 2003) LL 5HGHVLJQDWHG WR 1RQ,QGHSHQGHQW 1RQ([HFXWLYH Director (14 March 2005) LLL 5HLQVWDWHGDV,QGHSHQGHQW1RQ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRU (21 March 2011 till now) $FDGHPLF3URIHVVLRQDO4XDOL¿FDWLRQV %DFKHORU RI (QJLQHHULQJ (OHFWULFDO IURP 1HZFDVWOH University, New South Wales, Australia. 5HJLVWHUHG 3URIHVVLRQDO (QJLQHHU ZLWK WKH %RDUG RI Engineers, Malaysia 0HPEHURIWKH,QVWLWXWHRI(QJLQHHUV0DOD\VLD :RUNLQJ([SHULHQFHDQG2FFXSDWLRQ +H ¿UVW MRLQHG 7HOHFRP 'HSDUWPHQW 6DUDZDN DV D 7HOHFRPPXQLFDWLRQ (QJLQHHU IURP WR DQG assumed the post of the Director of Telecom Department 6DUDZDN IURP WR +H ZDV WKH *HQHUDO Manager of Syarikat Telekom Malaysia Sarawak Region IURPWR6XEVHTXHQWO\IURPWRKH VHUYHGDVWKH&KLHI([HFXWLYH2I¿FHURI70&HOOXODU6GQ .Bhd, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Syarikat Telekom Malaysia. From 2001 until his retirement on 31 October KHZDVWKH0DQDJLQJ'LUHFWRUDQG&KLHI([HFXWLYH 2I¿FHURI6DFRID6GQ%KG+HZDVDZDUGHGWKH3LQJDW Perkhidmatan Bakti (PPB) in 1997 and Panglima Setia Bintang Sarawak (PSBS) in 2011 by TYT Yang di-Pertua Negeri Sarawak. $FDGHPLF3URIHVVLRQDO4XDOL¿FDWLRQV 'HJUHH RI 'RFWRU KRQRULV FDXVD E\ 6ZLQEXUQH University of Technology, Australia 0DVWHU LQ %XVLQHVV $GPLQLVWUDWLRQ IURP %UXQHO University, UK 'LSORPD LQ 0DQDJHPHQW 6FLHQFH )LQDQFH ,QVWLWXW Tadbiran Negara Malaysia (INTAN) &HUWL¿FDWHRI([HFXWLYH3URJUDPPH$,0 6HQLRU ([HFXWLYH )HOORZV 3URJUDPPH +DUYDUG University, USA :RUNLQJ([SHULHQFHDQG2FFXSDWLRQ +H MRLQHG WKH 6DUDZDN$GPLQLVWUDWLYH 6HUYLFH LQ He worked in the Government Service for 41 years and has held various senior posts in Government Departments and Statutory Bodies. The last post he held was the Director of Sarawak Foundation until he retired from service in December 2005. He was a Director of Sarawak Electricity Supply Corporation (SESCO), Aseambankers (M) Berhad, Tradewinds (Malaysia) Berhad and Sarawak Widows and Orphans Pension Fund (WOPF), Alternate Member to the State Secretary of Sarawak in Employees’ Provident )XQG (3) %RDUG DQG D PHPEHU RI 0DMOLV ,VODP 6DUDZDN 'DWX 'U +DML $EGXO 5DVKLG %LQ 0RKG $]LV is currently the Deputy Chairman of Yayasan Sarawak, Chairman of a number of Yayasan Sarawak’s subsidiary companies and a Board member of Sarawak Economic Development Corporation (SEDC). Currently, he is also the Chairman of the Charitable Trust, %DQGDU6UL$PDQ0RVTXHD%RDUG0HPEHURI6ZLQEXUQH University of Technology and Deputy Chairman of the University’ss Council (Sarawak Campus). 21 CORPORATE INFORMATION ``` DIRECTORS’ PROFILE (CONTINUE) 'LUHFWRUV¶3UR¿OH(continue) 'DWLQ0DU\6D¶GLDK%LQWL=DLQXGGLQ 7XDQ+DML6RHGLUPDQ%LQ+DML$LQL ,QGHSHQGHQW1RQ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRU ,QGHSHQGHQW1RQ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRU Malaysian aged 59 0DOD\VLDQDJHG 59 Date of Appointment 27 February 2013 'DWHRI$SSRLQWPHQW 17 September 2013 $FDGHPLF3URIHVVLRQDO4XDOL¿FDWLRQV Bachelor of Social Science (Hons), Universiti Sains Malaysia $FDGHPLF3URIHVVLRQDO4XDOL¿FDWLRQV )HOORZ RI WKH $VVRFLDWLRQ RI &KDUWHUHG &HUWL¿HG Accountants, UK 0HPEHURI0DOD\VLDQ,QVWLWXWHRI$FFRXQWDQWV0,$ 3UHVHQW'LUHFWRUVKLSLQRWKHU3/&V KKB Engineering Berhad :RUNLQJ([SHULHQFHDQG2FFXSDWLRQ 6KHKDVPRUHWKDQ\HDUVRIH[SHULHQFHLQWKHRLODQG gas industry and was the General Manager, Petronas 6DUDZDN 5HJLRQDO 2I¿FH .XFKLQJ VLQFH WLOO KHU UHWLUHPHQWRQ'HFHPEHU+HUZLGHH[SHULHQFH covers many aspects of management, including public relations, administration, marketing, procurement and corporate affairs. She is also the President of Sarawak Women Hockey Association. 3UHVHQW'LUHFWRUVKLSLQRWKHU3/&V Sarawak Consolidated Industries Berhad :RUNLQJ([SHULHQFHDQG2FFXSDWLRQ +H VWDUWHG KLV FDUHHU ZLWK 3HWURQDV LQ DQG DIWHU serving 13 years with the Company, he resigned in 1995 WRMRLQWKH6DUDZDN6WDWH*RYHUQPHQW+HLVFXUUHQWO\WKH General Manager of Sarawak Economic Development Corporation (SEDC). His previous employment in the Sarawak Civil Service included the Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Social Development, Director of State Implementation Monitoring Unit, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Industrial Development, Deputy State Financial Secretary and State Accountant-General. Between November 2002 and September 2003, he was seconded to Amanah 6DKDP6DUDZDN%HUKDGDVLWV&KLHI([HFXWLYH2I¿FHU He currently sits on the Board of various GovernmentLinked Companies and Non-Governmental Organisations. 22 w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y 3URIHVVRU'DWR¶$EDQJ$EGXOODK%LQ$EDQJ0RKDPDG$OOL ,QGHSHQGHQW1RQ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRU 0DOD\VLDQDJHG 62 'DWHRI$SSRLQWPHQW 15 May 2007 $FDGHPLF3URIHVVLRQDO4XDOL¿FDWLRQV %DFKHORU GHJUHH LQ &LYLO (QJLQHHULQJ IURP WKH University of Brighton 0DVWHU GHJUHH LQ 6WUXFWXUDO (QJLQHHULQJ IURP WKH University of Manchester 5HJLVWHUHG 3URIHVVLRQDO (QJLQHHU 3(QJ ZLWK the Board of Engineers, Malaysia, and Chartered Engineer (CEng) with the Engineering Council, UK )HOORZ RI WKH ,QVWLWXWLRQ RI (QJLQHHUV 0DOD\VLD (FIEM), Institution of Civil Engineers, UK (FICE), International Ferrocement Society (FIFS), Academy of Sciences, Malaysia (FASc) and ASEAN Academy of Engineering and Technology (FAAET) +RQRUDU\ 0HPEHU $FDGHPLFLDQ RI WKH .D]DNKVWDQ Engineering Academy, Honorary Fellow of the Institution of Engineers, Malaysia and the ASEAN Federation of Engineering Organisations :RUNLQJ([SHULHQFHDQG2FFXSDWLRQ Professor Dato’ Abang Abdullah began his career as a lecturer at Universiti Putra Malaysia in 1976, and ZDV SURPRWHG WR$VVRFLDWH 3URIHVVRU LQ DQG IXOO 3URIHVVRULQ+HZDVXSJUDGHGWR6HQLRU3URIHVVRU 6SHFLDO *UDGH % LQ DQG LQ WR 6HQLRU Professor (Special Grade A). At the same time he was PDGHWKH'HSXW\'HDQ)DFXOW\RI(QJLQHHULQJLQ DQG'HDQLQ+HZDVWKH&KDLUPDQRIWKH0DOD\VLDQ Council of Engineering Deans and served as a Design Engineer at Malaysian International Consultants and Perunding Bakti Sdn. Bhd. He has served as a Board Member of the Malaysian Highway Authority (LLM) and Board of Engineers, Malaysia (BEM). He is currently the President of the Malaysian Society for Engineering and Technology (MySET), and a past President of the Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (IEM) and Federation of Engineering Institutions of Islamic Countries (FEIIC). He was elected as an Honorary Advisor to the Master Builders Association, Malaysia (MBAM) and Chairman of CIDB Steering Committee on Industrialised Building System. He was appointed an Advisor of King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi $UDELD$GMXQFW3URIHVVRURI8QLYHUVLWL0DOD\VLD6DUDZDN %RDUG&RXQFLO 0HPEHU RI 8QLYHUVLWL .XDOD /XPSXU (UniKL), Board Member of the National Accreditation Board (LAN), Director of Housing Research Centre (HRC), Universiti Putra Malaysia, and Board Member, of the Polytechnic Curriculum Board, Ministry of Higher Education. He has written a book on Industrialised Buildings Systems (IBS) and has been involved in research work on housing DQGFRQVWUXFWLRQWHFKQRORJ\VSHFL¿FDOO\LQWKHDUHDVRI low cost materials of construction, industrialised building V\VWHPVDQGDIIRUGDEOHTXDOLW\KRXVLQJ Please refer to page 153 for Directors’ securities holdings in the Company. There is no other family relationship between the 'LUHFWRUVDQGRUPDMRUVKDUHKROGHUVRIWKH&RPSDQ\ All Directors are Malaysians. None of the Directors was convicted for any offence. Please refer to page 60 for Directors’ attendance at ERDUGPHHWLQJVKHOGGXULQJWKH¿QDQFLDO\HDU 23 CORPORATE INFORMATION ``` OUR AWARDS AND ACCOLADES Our Awards and Accolades M 20 T 24 w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y M T CORPORATE INFORMATION ``` OUR PEOPLE, OUR ‘SUPERSTARS’: TALENT MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT $QQXDO'LQQHUZLWKWKHWKHPHµ6XSHUVWDUV¶ OUR PEOPLE, OUR ‘SUPERSTARS’: Talent Management and Development At Naim, we celebrate our people and their achievements. %HLWVPDOOMREPLOHVWRQHVRUWULXPSKDQWDFKLHYHPHQWV RXUSHRSOHJHWDVKDUHRIOLIHJURZDQGH[FHO We recognise that our people are the backbone of our *URXS¶VVXFFHVVDYLWDOSDUWRIRXUMRXUQH\LQEHFRPLQJ one of Malaysia’s leading developers and contractors. As such, we are committed to investment in honing our talent, developing our people and rewarding them for their efforts and initiatives. We focus on their career development plans because, as they grow, our Group grows too. It was a whirlwind of activities for our people in the year under review, ranging from recruitment and implementation of new performance management programme to developmental initiatives participated. 2XULQLWLDWLYHVUHDI¿UPRXUFRPPLWPHQWWRPDNH1DLP 758/<*5($73/$&(72:25., taking us closer to our aspiration of becoming an (03/2<(52)&+2,&(. +XPDQ&DSLWDO'HYHORSPHQW 7UDLQLQJDQG'HYHORSPHQW3URJUDPPHV As part of the Group’s commitment to focus on continuous development of our people, various structured training and development interventions were organised throughout the year. These training interventions were the result of a detailed training needs analysis done in an effort to close WKH SHUIRUPDQFH JDS &RPELQLQJ LQWHUQDO DQG H[WHUQDO sessions on a wide range of soft and technical skills areas, ZHH[FHHGRXUWUDLQLQJKRXUVWDUJHWE\DZKRSSLQJ Some of the training and development programmes organised were: z ,QDXJXUDOµ7HDP%RQGLQJ¶WUDLQLQJVHULHVKHOG*URXSZLGH z HSE awareness and related training sessions z CIDB Green Card training z µTrain-the-Leader’ Trainer session to develop a pool of in-house trainers zEffective Interpersonal Skills zEffective Problem Solving and Decision Making zFundamentals of Effective Customer Service zGST-related workshops z%DVLF)LUVW$LGDQG&35&HUWL¿FDWLRQ&RXUVH zOccupational Safety and Health Awareness session 3URIHVVLRQDO'HYHORSPHQW&RQIHUHQFHV Our team members participated in various professional UHJLRQDOFRQIHUHQFHVLQDQHIIRUWWRDWWDLQPRUHH[SRVXUH in related areas and keep abreast of the current and innovative industrial practices – such knowledge gained ZLOO XQGRXEWHGO\ EHQH¿W QRW RQO\ WKRVH ZKR DWWHQGHG the conferences but also other team members through platforms such as sharing sessions. $PRQJWKHPDMRUFRQIHUHQFHVDWWHQGHGZHUH (3&3URMHFW5LVN-DNDUWD,QGRQHVLD 10th MOSPA OSH National Conference 2014 (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) z UG$QQXDO*OREDO+U([FHOOHQFH&RQIHUHQFH6LQJDSRUH z z :RUN&XOWXUH7UDQVIRUPDWLRQ The Group organised its Senior Management Corporate Retreat on 1 and 2 November 2014 at Damai Beach 5HVRUW.XFKLQJ7KHPHGµ&XOWXUDO7UDQVIRUPDWLRQ¶WKH retreat focused on strategies to transform the Group’s work culture towaUGVRSHUDWLRQDOH[FHOOHQFH 6RPHRIWKHVLJQL¿FDnt outcomes of the retreat were the formation of the Culture Transformation Team, cultural values to be adopted Group-wide and the appointment of Change Drivers, comprising a team of enthusiastic and innovative staff members from different divisions and departments. Such initiatives would bring us closer towards creating a top-notch workforce, at the same time providing personal enrichment to our staff. 25 CORPORATE INFORMATION ``` OUR PEOPLE, OUR ‘SUPERSTARS’: TALENT MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT (CONTINUE) OUR PEOPLE, OUR ‘SUPERSTARS’: Talent Management and Development (continue) 1DLP7UDLQLQJ'D\ 1DWLRQDO7DOHQW(QKDQFHPHQW3URJUDPH17(3 We embarked on the Naim Training Day initiative, ZKHUHE\ WKH ¿UVW 7KXUVGD\ RI HYHU\ PRQWK ZDV designated as a training day. Under this initiative, ZRUNUHODWHG WUDLQLQJVKDULQJ VHVVLRQV RU HYHQ WUDLQLQJ VHVVLRQVRQDUHDVRXWVLGHWKHQRUPDOMREVFRSHDUHKHOG by designated trainers – these trainers can comprise of heads of divisions or departments, or staff members who DUHH[SHUWLQSDUWLFXODUVXEMHFWPDWWHUV We participated in the NTEP, a programme launched by the Performance Management and Delivery Unit (PEMANDU), a unit under the Prime Minister’s Department and in collaboration with the Workforce Development Unit of the Sarawak Chief Minister’s Department, which was designed to accelerate the GHYHORSPHQWRIVNLOOHGZRUNHUVLQ0DOD\VLDZLWKVSHFL¿F reference to engineering graduates as well as technical and vocaWLRQDOTXDOL¿FDWLRQKROGHUV More importantly, the Naim Training Day has enhanced the level of management engagement with and camaraderie among our team members, a crucial factor in promoting teamwork and team spirit within the organisation. %RDUGRI'LUHFWRUVDQG6HQLRU0DQDJHPHQW5HWUHDW :LWK¿WQHVVEHLQJWKHRUGHURIWKHGD\ZHRUJDQLVHGD µ¿WQHVV FXP EXVLQHVV¶ UHWUHDW LQ &KLDQJ 0DL 7KDLODQG LQ0DUFK:LWKDXQLTXHEOHQGRI¿WQHVVDFWLYLWLHV DQGEXVLQHVVSODQPHHWLQJVLWZDVLQGHHGµEXVLQHVVDQG pleasure’ at the same time, the HEALTHY way! 5HFUXLWPHQW,QLWLDWLYHV 2014 saw the recruitment of 475 new staff for various positions within the Group. In addition we participated in a number of career fairs in an effort to boost our talent pool: zBorneo Career Fair in Kuching (23 February 2014) zSarawak Career and Training (SCaT) Fair in Kuching ±0DUFK±0DUFK zManagerial and Professional Job Fair in Kuala Lumpur (5 – 7 September 2014) zµ3URJUDP3HQHPSDWDQ3HNHUMDDQ$=$0¶LQ.XFKLQJ ±6HSWHPEHU zGRADUAN Career Fair in Kuching (14 March 2015) z8L70¶Vµ0LQL&DUH[¶LQ.RWD6DPDUDKDQ0DUFK In addition, we increased our utilisation of the social PHGLDVXFKDVµ/LQNHGLQ¶WRDGGYDOXHWRRXUUHFUXLWPHQW process, and commenced utilisation of the Harrison $VVHVVPHQW7RRODSHUVRQDOSUR¿OLQJDVVHVVPHQWLQWKH recruitment for senior management positions. Under the programme, a 12-month traineeship is provided to participants and upon completion, the trainees demonstrating good potential can be absorbed into our Group. An additional 16 degree holders participated in this SURJUDPPHIRUPDNLQJXSDWRWDORISDUWLFLSDQWV since the commencement of the programme in 2013. This programme forms part of our recruitment and talent development initiatives now, and in the future. (PSOR\HH(QJDJHPHQWDQG,QWHUDFWLRQ We encourage management engagement and interaction with our team members to develop and motivate them in their work. To facilitate greater management interaction with staff and their family members, we organised the inaugural Group-wide Family Day events from November to December 2014. The events saw participation by our staff and their family members, and also our foreign workers. Launched and commenced in Kuching, the events saw a line-up of family-oriented fun activities and competitions, and sumptuous food for all! 6XFFHVVLRQ3ODQQLQJ 1DLP0DQDJHPHQW7UDLQHH3URJUDPPH1073 The NMTP launched in 2011, is now into its fourth year of implementation. NMTP was designed to facilitate succession planning and involved the taking in of elite graduates and providing them with opportunities to learn via attachment with various departments or divisions and other relevant training interventions to groom them to become Naim’s future leaders. A total of 6 candidates were selected to participate in the said programme in 2014. 7KLVPRQWKLQWHQVLYHSURJUDPPHLQFOXGHVERWKRI¿FH and site attachment. Upon completion of the programme, SDUWLFLSDQWV DUH UHTXLUHG WR VXEPLW D WUDLQLQJ UHSRUW RQ WKHLU REVHUYDWLRQV SURMHFW DVVLJQPHQW OHDUQLQJ SRLQWV and proposals for improvement. Participants will then be assessed for their employment suitability. Team Building & Bonding, Camp Mike 26 w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y 3HUIRUPDQFH0DQDJHPHQWDQG7DOHQW5HWHQWLRQ We successfully implemented the new web-based performance management system to drive performance and productivity among our team members. This comprehensive programme aims to measure and GULYH KXPDQ FDSLWDO SHUIRUPDQFH TXDQWLWDWLYHO\ DQG TXDOLWDWLYHO\ REMHFWLYHO\ UHZDUG SHUIRUPHUV DQG GHYHORS KXPDQ FDSLWDO EDVHG RQ VSHFL¿F MREUHODWHG FRPSHWHQFLHV ,W DOVR LPSURYHV WKH HI¿FLHQF\ LQ WKH conduFWRIDSSUDLVDOUHYLHZH[HUFLVHV 0DQSRZHU 'LVWULEXWLRQ E\ -RE &DWHJRU\ DV DW 'HFHPEHU 0DQSRZHU'LVWULEXWLRQIRU0RQWKO\3DLG(PSOR\HHV E\-RE&DWHJRU\DVDW'HFHPEHU M M M In addition, the formulation of a Long Term Incentive Plan (LTIP), which involves the grant of new ordinary shares to eligible staff based on various service and performance conditions is currently in the process, and details on this would be announced in due course. The implementation RI WKH /7,3 ZRXOG XQGRXEWHGO\ DGG VLJQL¿FDQW YDOXH LQ the Group’s talent retention initiatives. M M 0DQSRZHU'LVWULEXWLRQIRU0RQWKO\3DLG(PSOR\HHV DVDW'HFHPEHU 3URFHVV,PSURYHPHQW M 2014 saw the re-organisation of the Human Resources 'HSDUWPHQW WR IDFLOLWDWH JUHDWHU HI¿FLHQF\ LQ +5 operations, especially in relation to site operations UHTXLUHPHQWV 7KLV SURFHVV LV SDUW RI RXU LQLWLDWLYHV WR IDFLOLWDWHRSHUDWLRQDOH[FHOOHQFHZLWKLQWKH*URXS 2XU:RUNIRUFHDQG:RUNSODFH'LYHUVLW\ :H HQFRXUDJH ZRUNSODFH GLYHUVLW\ DQG SURYLGH HTXDO opportunity for all team members – all team members irregardless of age, gender, race, religion, nationality and HGXFDWLRQZRUNLQKDUPRQ\DQGKDYHHTXDORSSRUWXQLW\ to succeed. 0DQSRZHU'LVWULEXWLRQIRU0RQWKO\3DLG(PSOR\HHV ([HFXWLYHV$ERYHDVDW'HFHPEHU We also believe in recruiting the best talent available and developing them to realise their full potential. As at 31 December 2014, there was a total of 911 monthly staff ZRUNLQJ DW YDULRXV ORFDWLRQV ZLWK KROGLQJ WHUWLDU\ DQGWHFKQLFDOTXDOL¿FDWLRQVFRQVLVWHQWZLWKRXUREMHFWLYH WRDEVRUEPRUH\RXQJJUDGXDWHVDQGWHFKQLFDOO\TXDOL¿HG SHUVRQV LQWR WKH ZRUNIRUFH $PRQJ RXU H[HFXWLYH OHYHO HPSOR\HHV SRVVHVVHV SURIHVVLRQDO DQGRU SRVWJUDGXDWHTXDOL¿FDWLRQV We have also increased the participation of women in our ZRUNIRUFHZLWKDQLQFUHDVHRILQDVFRPSDUHG with 2013. M 0DQSRZHU'LVWULEXWLRQEHWZHHQ0HQDQG:RPHQIRU 0RQWKO\3DLG(PSOR\HHVDVDW'HFHPEHU M 27 Business Review w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y 29 Letter to our Shareholders 37 Performance Overview 42 Corporate Social Responsibility BUSINESS REVIEW ``` LETTER TO OUR SHAREHOLDERS Letter to our Shareholders Dear Valued S har eholder s 2 0 14 was a n extr em ely busy and challenging year for Naim Holdings Bhd . N o t withstanding this, we achieved commendable performance, the r esu lt of our per sever ance and hard w ork. 2 0 14 also mar ked the commencement of our Group’s 20th Anniversary Countdown celebrations, details of which are contained in this report – a prelud e t o an exciting year a head! ),1$1&,$/3(5)250$1&( 2YHUDOO5HVXOWV 7KH *URXS DFKLHYHG UHYHQXH RI 50PLOOLRQ IRU 3UR¿W EHIRUH WD[ ZDV 50PLOOLRQ ZKLOH SUR¿W DWWULEXWDEOH WR VKDUHKROGHUV ZDV DSSUR[LPDWHO\ RM220.3million. Earnings per share stood at 93 sen. The Group achieved revenue of RM656.6 million for 2014 &RQWULEXWLRQVWR5HVXOWV Contributions to the Group’s overall revenue were as follows: 3URSHUW\'LYLVLRQ 50PLOOLRQ38% &RQVWUXFWLRQ'LYLVLRQ 50PLOOLRQ54% 2WKHUV 50PLOOLRQ8% $SDUWIURPUHYHQXHRWKHUFRQWULEXWLRQVWRSUR¿WLQFOXGHGDVKDUHRIWKHUHVXOWVRIRXU DVVRFLDWHV DPRXQWLQJ WR 50PLOOLRQ DQG VKDUH RI WKH UHVXOWV RI MRLQW YHQWXUHV RI RM2million. 'LYLGHQGV Despite the fact that Naim does not pursue a written dividend policy since its listing, it has consistently rewarded shareholders with good dividend payouts, amounting to an DYHUDJHSD\RXWUDWLRRILOOXVWUDWHGDVIROORZV <HDU Total Gross Dividend 3HUVKDUH6HQ 3D\RXW5DWLR 29 BUSINESS REVIEW ``` LETTER TO OUR SHAREHOLDERS (CONTINUE) Letter to our Shareholders (continue) Perspective - The Iconic Bintulu Paragon Integrated Development 6LQFHOLVWLQJ1DLPKDVSDLGDWRWDORI50PLOOLRQLQJURVVGLYLGHQGVPRUHWKDQLWV paid-up capital of RM250million. 5(9,(:2)),1$1&,$/3(5)250$1&( 3URSHUW\'LYLVLRQ 7KH3URSHUW\'LYLVLRQ¶VUHYHQXHZDVGRZQIURP50PLOOLRQLQWR50PLOOLRQ LQ$WWKHVDPHWLPHWKH3URSHUW\SUR¿WDOVRGHFOLQHGIURP50PLOOLRQLQ to RM75.9million in 2014. This was partly due to lower contributions from substantially FRPSOHWHGSURMHFWV,QDGGLWLRQWKH3URSHUW\VHJPHQWDOVRUHFRUGHGORZHUQHZVDOHVRI about RM200million, as compared with about RM331million achieved in 2013. These QHZVVDOHVDUHH[SHFWHGWRSURJUHVVLYHO\FRQWULEXWHSRVLWLYHUHVXOWVWRWKLVVHJPHQW ZLWKLQWKHQH[W\HDUV &RQVWUXFWLRQ'LYLVLRQ The Construction segment recorded lower revenue of RM353.4million against RM372.6million achieved in 2013. However, the segment showed an improvement LQ SHUIRUPDQFH UHSRUWLQJ VPDOOHU ORVV IURP 50PLOOLRQ LQ WR 50PLOOLRQ LQPDLQO\GXHWRKLJKHUSURJUHVVRIFRQVWUXFWLRQZRUNVIURPH[LVWLQJRQJRLQJ SURMHFWV HVSHFLDOO\ IURP WKRVH FRQWUDFWV VHFXUHG LQ DV DJDLQVW LQFUHDVHG operation costs. 30 w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y Since listing, Naim has paid a total RI50 million in gross dividends The Paragon of Sarawak, Bintulu Paragon BINTULU /1*7UDLQ3URMHFW%LQWXOX6DUDZDN For Other Division higher revenue of RM56.0 million was recorded as compared with RM40.9 million in year 2013 Perspective - Sarawak’s Longest Street Mall #%LQWXOX3DUDJRQ Dayang Enterprise Holdings Bhd. 2WKHU2LODQG*DV3URMHFW The contract awarded to our Group for the /1*7UDLQSURMHFWLQ%LQWXOX6DUDZDNZKLFK was secured in 2013 continues to contribute positively to the Group’s bottom line in 2014. 2WKHU'LYLVLRQ In 2014, the Division recorded higher revenue of RM56.0million was recorded as compared with RM40.9million in year 2013. Additionally, this segment also reported a ORZHUOHYHORIORVVIURP50PLOOLRQLQWR50LQ7KHLPSURYHment was contributed by higher trading sales with improved margin. $VVRFLDWH&RPSDQ\±'D\DQJ(QWHUSULVH+ROGLQJV%KG Dayang Enterprise Holdings Bhd. performed very well throughout 2014, registering a SUR¿W DIWHU WD[ RI DSSUR[LPDWHO\ 50PLOOLRQ :LWK LWV FDOO RXW FRQWUDFWV RI DERXW 50ELOOLRQWRODVWDWOHDVWXQWLOZHH[SHFWWKLVLQYHVWPHQWWRFRQWULEXWHSRVLWLYHO\ to the Group’s results. 31 BUSINESS REVIEW ``` LETTER TO OUR SHAREHOLDERS (CONTINUE) Letter to our Shareholders (continue) /22.,1*$+($' (FRQRPLF6LWXDWLRQ 2014 saw a divergence in terms of global economic performance. While the U.S. economy seemed to have picked up, China slowed, Japan faltered and Europe FRQWLQXHG LWV VOLGH GXH WR D FRPELQDWLRQ RI UHVWULFWLYH ¿VFDO DQG PRQHWDU\ SROLF\ DFFRPSDQLHGE\ZHDNH[SRUWJURZWK%DFNKRPHDOWKRXJKWKH0DOD\VLDQHFRQRP\ JUHZE\DVFRPSDUHGZLWKLQZHIDFHGH[WHUQDOVKRFNVVXFKDVWKHIDOO in crude oil prices and the depreciation of ringgit in Q4 2014. The ringgit depreciation KDVOHGWRSRUWIROLRUHDOORFDWLRQE\IRUHLJQLQYHVWRUVDQGDFTXLVLWLRQRIIRUHLJQSRUWIROLR by institutional investors. If this is not managed properly and in a timely manner, the H[WHUQDO VKRFNV DQG RWKHU WUDXPDWLF HYHQWV VXFK DV VHYHUH ÀRRGLQJ FRXOG DIIHFW productivity and lower the potential output of the economy. Looking ahead to 2015, a snapshot of the IMF forecast revealed that although activities in the U.S. and U.K. have gathered momentum, South America was not out of the woods, while Russia and Western Europe remained weak. Similar situation was faced in the Euro Area and Japan, while China was undergoing a carefully managed slowdown. In short, the global economy would still be struggling to gain momentum as PDQ\KLJKLQFRPHFRXQWULHVFRQWLQXHWRJUDSSOHZLWKOHJDFLHVRIJOREDO¿QDQFLDOFULVLV and emerging economies are less dynamic than that in the past. The Malaysian economy grew by D V compared Z L W K in 2013 2015 is set to be another challenging year for the Malaysian economy, with real GDP JURZWK SURMHFWHG WR EH PRGHUDWH ZKLOH ULQJJLW GHSUHFLDWLRQ XQIDYRXUDEOH FUXGH RLO pULFHVDQGDQWLFLSDWHGKLJKHULQWHUHVWUDWHVHQYLURQPHQWDUHH[SHFWHGWRDGYHUVHO\DIIHFW Malaysia’s domestic macroeconomic fundamentals. In addition, the Goods and Services 7D[¶V*67LQWURGXFWLRQLVZLGHO\H[SHFWHGWRGUDJLWV¶V*'3JURZWKWREHORZ THE The Tallest Condo In Sarawak 3HUVSHFWLYHµ7KH3HDN¶#%LQWXOX3DUDJRQ 6LPSO\0DMHVWLF 32 w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y @ BINTULU PARAGON BINTULU 3HUVSHFWLYH3HUP\6WUHHW0DOO#%DQGDU%DUX3HUP\MD\D0LUL$9LEUDQW+XE $V VXFK ZH KDYH H[HUFLVHG JUHDW FDXWLRQ LQ SODQQLQJ HPEDUNHG RQ FKDQJHV in processes and key personnel towards continuous improvement, maintained RSHUDWLRQDOH[FHOOHQFHDQGZRUNHGDVRQHLQ±RXUFRPPHQGDEOHUHVXOWVWKLV\HDU is the outcome of fruits of our labour. We will continue to charge on and are cautiously optimistic for the medium and long terms, for reasons highlighted herein. 3URSHUW\ 7KHSURSHUW\ODQGVFDSHLVH[SHFWHGWRUHPDLQFKDOOHQJLQJDPLGULVLQJFRVWVRIGRLQJ EXVLQHVVWLJKWHUPRQHWDU\SROLF\DQGWKHLPSDFWRIWKH*RRGVDQG6HUYLFHV7D[*67 ZKLFK LV H[SHFWHG WR OHDG WR D OXOO LQ GHPDQG WKDW FRXOG ODVW WR PRQWKV GXH WR affordability issues and subdued buyer sentiment. In 2014, we launched the H[FOXVLYH µ6DSSKLUH2Q The Park’ condominium, iconic µ7KH3HDN¶ condominium and upmarket µ6RXWK/DNH 3HUP\MD\D¶ developements ,Q)HEUXDU\ZHODXQFKHGWKHPXFKDZDLWHGH[FOXVLYHµ6DSSKLUH2Q7KH3DUN¶ condominium, which is a part of the iconic Kuching Paragon integrated development at %DWX/LQWDQJ.XFKLQJIROORZHGE\µ7KH3HDN¶FRQGRPLQLXPGHYHORSPHQWWKHWDOOHVW condominium tower within the iconic Bintulu Paragon integrated development in June 7KLVZDVIROORZHGE\WKHODXQFKRIWKH6RXWK/DNH3HUP\MD\DLQWHJUDWHGWRZQVKLS development in Miri in July 2014. Capitalising on the success of our Bintulu Paragon’s Street Mall launch, we later ODXQFKHG WKH ¿QDO 6WUHHW 0DOO XQLWV LQ )HEUXDU\ ZKLFK ZHUH UHJDUGHG WR EH the super-prime units. Due to their strategic location within the iconic integrated development, the launch was well-received. $QRWKHUVLJQL¿FDQWHYHQWZDVWKHODXQFKRI%DQGDU%DUX3HUP\MD\D¶V0LUL¿UVW6WUHHW Mall development, the Permy Street Mall in February 2015. Set to offer a different UHWDLO DQG VKRSSLQJ H[SHULHQFH IRU EXVLQHVV RZQHUV DQG FXVWRPHUV WKH 6WUHHW 0DOO KDV YDULRXV LQWHUHVWLQJ DWWULEXWHV FRQFHSWXDOO\ DV ZHOO DV DUFKLWHFWXUDOO\ ([WHUQDOO\ LWV FRORXUIXO DQG XQLTXH µ]LJ ]DJ¶ ZLQGRZ IDoDGH H[XGHV D FKHHUIXOQHVV ZKLFK LV beckoning. Besides offering generous spaces, its design allows good visibility to the retail units. The Street Mall is complemented by a large atrium, suitable for holding HYHQWVRUH[SRVIXUWKHUERRVWLQJFXVWRPHUSDWURQDJHWRWKHPDOO$VWKH6WUHHW0DOO is also linked to the Permy Mall, the entire concept is appealing to the customers as it SURYLGHVDQLQWHJUDWHGVKRSSLQJH[SHULHQFH $WWKHPDFUROHYHOWKH3URSHUW\PDUNHWLVH[SHFWHGWRVORZGRZQLQDVDUHVXOW RIH[SHFWHGZHDNHUEX\HUV¶VHQWLPHQWVXFKDVµZDLWDQGVHH¶DWWLWXGHGXHWRYDULRXV property cooling measures and introduction of GST in April 2015. 33 BUSINESS REVIEW ``` LETTER TO OUR SHAREHOLDERS (CONTINUE) Letter to our Shareholders (continue) $OWKRXJK ZH H[SHFW VRPH GHJUHH RI VORZGRZQ LQ WKH WDNHXS RI RXU SURGXFWV aggressive marketing, competitive pricing and attractive product packages have been put in place to sustain demand for these properties. In addition, the bustling business environment brought about by the Sarawak Corridor of Renewable Energy (SCORE) helps to sustain market demand in the State. We will adopt a more cautious approach towards product launches this year. More thoughts will be put into pricing strategy with better understanding of the market’s buying behavior. As part of the key measures to be implemented for this challenging market would be more innovative marketing and sales strategies, such as target marketing and buyer-get-buyer scheme, especially when there is a large pool of customer database. $VSDUWRIRXUORQJWHUPSODQVZHFRQWLQXHWRDFWLYHO\VHHNRSSRUWXQLWLHVWRDFTXLUH VWUDWHJLF ODQG EDQNV LQ 6DUDZDN 6DEDK DQG 6HPHQDQMXQJ 0DOD\VLD WR IXUWKHU VWUHQJWKHQ WKH JURZWK RI WKH 3URSHUW\ VHJPHQW LQ WHUPV RI VDOHV SUR¿W DQG PDUNHW share. &RQVWUXFWLRQ On the business side, we have managed to secure cumulatively, about RM322million QHZRUGHUERRNLQFOXGLQJ1DLP¶VVKDUHLQ-9SURMHFWVLQZKLFKVKRXOGVXVWDLQ our short term earnings growth. For the short to medium term, a number of sizeable construction tenders has been submitted and we are cautiously optimistic to secure some to replenish our order book which currently stands above RM1billion. Various proactive efforts and measures have been put in place to better manage cost, LPSURYHHI¿FLHQF\HQKDQFHPRQLWRULQJRIRSHUDWLRQDOFRVWVDQGLPSURYHFRQVWUXFWLRQ margin. At the same time, we are also in the process of improving risk management and internal controls for this segment. )RUWKHORQJHUWHUPZHKDYHRXUH\HV¿UPO\RQ6&25(±DVDORFDOFRQWUDFWRUZLWKWKH UHOHYDQWUHVRXUFHVDQGFDSDELOLW\ZHDUHDEOHWRKDQGOHWKHVHSURMHFWV 2LODQG*DV 2XUDFKLHYHPHQWLQ2LODQG*DVFRQVWUXFWLRQSURMHFWVLVQRWDEOHYLDRXUSDUWQHUVKLSZLWK Samsung Engineering Co. Ltd (Sabah Onshore Gas Terminal) and JGC Corporation, -DSDQ/1*7UDLQSURMHFWLQ%LQWXOX6DUDZDN:LWKWKHVHSDUWQHUVKLSVSDUWLFXODUO\ WKDWZLWK-*&RQHRIWKHIRXUODUJHVWVSHFLDOLVWVLQ/1*SURMHFWVJOREDOO\LWKDVJLYHQ XVDYDOXDEOHLQVLJKWDQGOHVVRQLQZRUOGFODVVSURMHFWPDQDJHPHQWV\VWHPE\YLUWXH RIµWUDQVIHURIWHFKQRORJ\¶ZKLFKZLOOIXUWKHUVWUHQJWKHQRXURSHUDWLRQVDQGHQKDQFH VWDIIHI¿FLHQF\ Bintulu Pulp and Paper Mill Bintulu Samalaju Port Balingian Coal Fired Plant LNG Train 9 Floating LNG Tanjung Manis Central oil distribution terminal Palm oil industrial cluster Integrated port Halal hub 34 w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y Mukah Smart city R&D Samalaju Industrial Park (Energy Intensive Industries) We continue to actively seek opportunities W R D F T X L U H strategic land banks in Sarawak, Sabah and 6HPHQDQMXQJ Malaysia 7KHVHSURMHFWVVLJQDOWKHGDZQLQJRIDQHZIURQWLHUIRUWKH*URXS±DSODWIRUPIRUQHZ DQGH[FLWLQJRSSRUWXQLWLHVLQWKLVLQGXVWU\LQWLPHWRFRPH 2WKHU )RUWKHQHDUWHUPZHVWLOOFRQWLQXHWRLPSURYHWKHTXDUU\SUHPL[DQGVDQGH[WUDFWLRQV by putting various measures to market and sell the products to achieve economies of scale and performance improvements. Our successful venture into retail property, Permy Mall has spurred us to embark on similar developments in Bintulu, Miri and Kuching in the near future. In addition to retail property, we are planning to embark on other types of commercial properties for H[DPSOHKRWHOLQ%LQWXOX3DUDJRQIRUUHFXUULQJLQFRPH 3HUP\0DOO%DQGDU%DUX3HUP\MD\D0LUL6DUDZDN $VVRFLDWH&RPSDQ\ 2XUDVVRFLDWH'D\DQJ(QWHUSULVH+ROGLQJV%KGLVH[SHFWHGWRFRQWULEXWHSRVLWLYHO\WR our results in the near future, with its call out contracts estimated at about RM4billion WRODVWDWOHDVWXQWLODQRXWVWDQGLQJWHQGHUERRNRIDSSUR[LPDWHO\50PLOOLRQ together with various cost cutting initiatives and available reserves plus a healthy balance sheet. &25325$7($))$,56 &RUSRUDWH*RYHUQDQFH We will continue to strive for the highest standards of business integrity and is continuously taking steps to review and uphold the best practices and maintain an H[HPSODU\FRUSRUDWHJRYHUQDQFHIUDPHZRUNZLWKLQWKHRUJDQL]DWLRQ7KHPDLQREMHFWLYH RIPD[LPL]LQJORQJWHUPHFRQRPLFYDOXHVKDOODQGZLOOUHPDLQWKH*URXS¶VFRUHYDOXH whilst maintaining a sustainable business growth. +XPDQ5HVRXUFHV 2014 saw the re-aligning of the Human Resources department to enhance its HI¿FLHQF\ PDMRU LQLWLDWLYHV EHLQJ HPEDUNHG WR HIIHFW D ZRUN FXOWXUH WUDQVIRUPDWLRQ successful implementation of a new web-based performance management system to drive performance and productivity, and various initiatives to facilitate employee engagement and developmental aspect of staff. The formulation of the Long Term Incentive Plan (LTIP) framework which was reported in the previous section was also RQJRLQJ LPSOHPHQWDWLRQ RI ZKLFK ZRXOG DGG VLJQL¿FDQW YDOXH WR WKH *URXS¶V WDOHQW retention. 35 BUSINESS REVIEW ``` LETTER TO OUR SHAREHOLDERS (CONTINUE) Letter to our Shareholders (continue) Carpentry works in progress Naim volunteers hard at work for Habitat for Humanity’s Borneo Blitz %XLOG%%%3URMHFW &RUSRUDWH6RFLDO5HVSRQVLELOLW\ As we celebrate our achievements and the many awards won, we recognise that as a successful corporation, we have a responsibility to positively LPSDFW RXU FRPPXQLW\ DQG SUHVHUYH RXU HQYLURQPHQW IRU WKH EHQH¿W RI future generations. We have always taken into consideration the interests of community in which we operate and assumed the responsibility for the impact of our business activities on customers, suppliers, employees, shareholders, communities and the environment. The Group is committed to its Triple %RWWRP/LQHDQGLWVGHWHUPLQDWLRQWRIXO¿OOWKLVUHVSRQVLELOLW\FDQEHVHHQ WRH[WHQGIDUEH\RQGVWDWXWRU\REOLJDWLRQVDQGFRPSOLDQFHZLWKOHJLVODWLRQ We will continue to strive to be an ethical and responsible corporate citizen. Our increased efforts in this regard are a testimony to our enduring commitment to balance overall environmental, social and economic goals towards building a sustainable future. $&.12:/('*(0(176 For our commendable performance in 2014, we wish to acknowledge the outstanding ZRUNE\RXUWHDPZKLFKLQFOXGHVQRWRQO\RXUHPSOR\HHVEXWDOVRRXU'LUHFWRUVMRLQW YHQWXUH SDUWQHUV VXEFRQWUDFWRUV FRQVXOWDQWV ¿QDQFLHUV DVVRFLDWHV DQG VHUYLFH providers who have worked along with us every step of the way. Our sincere gratitude also goes to all Ministries, Departments, Statutory Bodies and Regulatory Agencies who have co-operated and guided us throughout the year. Our heartfelt thanks also go to our customers and shareholders for your unwavering support throughout the years, without which, our Group’s achievements this year would not have been possible. As the Group moves forward, we hope to grow the Naim brand and business further. Your support has spurred us to give our best throughout the years, and it is this same support which will spur us to greater heights in the future! Thank you and our warmest regards. 'DWXN$PDU$EGXO+DPHG%LQ+DML6HSDZL Chairman 'DWXN+DVPL%LQ+DVQDQ Managing Director 36 w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y Cement works in progress BUSINESS REVIEW ``` PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW Performance Overview Property segment was the main driver of earnings for the Group. 3URSHUW\'LYLVLRQ The Group achieved a total sales value of about RM200 million 3URSHUW\6DOHV The Group achieved a total sales value of about RM200million. A total of 433 units comprising residential and commercial properties were sold, with successful launches and sales in Bintulu, Miri and Kuching throughout the year. These news sales are H[SHFWHGWRSURJUHVVLYHO\FRQWULEXWHSRVLWLYHO\WRWKHUHVXOWRIWKLVVHJPHQWZLWKLQWKH QH[W\HDUV 1HZ3URSHUW\'HYHORSPHQWV JRW RII WR D UHVRXQGLQJ VWDUW ZLWK WKH ODXQFK RI RXU PXFK DZDLWHG H[FOXVLYH Sapphire On The Park condominium in February 2014, which is a part of the iconic .XFKLQJ 3DUDJRQ LQWHJUDWHG GHYHORSPHQW DW %DWX /LQWDQJ .XFKLQJ ,Q FRQMXQFWLRQ with this launch, we also introduced Naim’s newly created upmarket brand known as WKH µ1DLP 6LJQDWXUH &ROOHFWLRQ¶ KHUHLQDIWHU UHIHUUHG WR DV µWKH &ROOHFWLRQ¶ RI ZKLFK 6DSSKLUHLVWKH¿UVWSURGXFWXQGHUWKH&ROOHFWLRQ7KH&ROOHFWLRQLVVHWWRPRYH1DLPXS the value chain as an upmarket property developer in time to come. We also launched 0LUL¶V¿UVWDSDUWPHQWGHYHORSPHQWNQRZQDV%DKDJLD5HVLGHQFHVLQ)HEUXDU\ with a commendable take-up upon launch. The Iconic Integrated Develoment in Kuching, Sarawak Perspective - Kuching Paragon Integrated Development: Kuching’s New Central Lifestyle District KUCHING 37 BUSINESS REVIEW ``` PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW (CONTINUE) Performance Overview (continue) 3HUVSHFWLYH6RXWK/DNH3HUP\MD\D0LUL8QULYDOOHG/DNHVLGH/LYLQJ Perspective of Bintulu Paragon Integrated Development, Bintulu, Sarawak ,Q -XQH ZH ODXQFKHG µ7KH 3HDN¶ FRQGRPLQLXP GHYHORSPHQW VWDUWLQJ ZLWK LWV 7RZHU$WKH¿UVWUHVLGHQWLDOFRPSRQHQWZLWKLQWKHLFRQLF%LQWXOX3DUDJRQLQWHJUDWHG development, another product of the Collection. The launch was well-received, UHFRUGLQJ PRUH WKDQ WDNHXS ZLWKLQ PRQWKV XSRQ ODXQFK$QRWKHU VLJQL¿FDQW HYHQWZDVWKHODXQFKRIRXU6RXWK/DNH3HUP\MD\DLQ-XO\DQDIÀXHQWLQWHJUDWHG WRZQVKLSZLWKLQWKHKLJKO\VXFFHVVIXO%DQGDU%DUX3HUP\MD\DLQ0LULZKLFKKDVEHHQ categorized as a Naim Signature Collection zone. With attributes such as a 30 acre lake providing the community with boundless lakeside activities, a Clubhouse with YDULRXVUHFUHDWLRQDOIDFLOLWLHVDQGDPHQLWLHVDQGSURSHUWLHVHTXLSSHGZLWK+LJK6SHHG Broadband services and home security system for added peace of mind, SouthLake is LQGHHGDGHYHORSPHQWRIIHULQJXQULYDOOHGODNHVLGHOLYLQJH[SHULHQFHLQ0LUL Capitalising on the success of Bintulu Paragon’s Street Mall launch, we also launched %DQGDU%DUX3HUPMD\D¶V¿UVW6WUHHW0DOOGHYHORSPHQWLQ0LULWKH3HUP\6WUHHW0DOO 7KH6WUHHW0DOOKDVDIHZLQWHUHVWLQJFRQFHSWXDODQGDUFKLWHFWXUDODWWULEXWHV([WHUQDOO\ LWV FRORXUIXO DQG XQLTXH µ]LJ ]DJ¶ ZLQGRZ IDoDGH H[XGHV D FKHHUIXOQHVV ZKLFK LV beckoning. Besides offering generous spaces, its design allows good visibility to the retail units. The street mall is complemented by a large atrium, suitable for holding 3HUVSHFWLYH6WUHHW0DOO#%LQWXOX3DUDJRQ8QLTXH5HWDLO([SHULHQFH w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y With High Speed Broadband services and home security system for added peace of mind, SouthLake provides unrivalled lakeside living in Miri P E R M YJ AYA Sarawak’s 1st Luxurious Lakeside Living evenWVRUH[SRVIXUWKHUERRVWLQJFXVWRPHUSDWURQDJHWRWKHPDOO$V3HUP\6WUHHW0DOO is also linked to the Permy Mall, this entire concept is appealing to the customers as it providHVDQLQWHJUDWHGDQGVHDPOHVVVKRSSLQJH[SHULHQFHIRUDOO With over 2,500 acres of prime land bank located a t S a r a w a k ’s key growth areas namely Bintulu, Miri and Kuching, we can H [ S H F W D bright future for the Group As the pURSHUW\ PDUNHW LV H[SHFWHG WR VORZ GRZQ LQ GXH WR ZHDNHU EX\HUV¶ sentiment caused by various cooling measures, stringent bank lending regulations and the imposition of the GST in April 2015, we will adopt cautious approach in the coming year. Our product launches and pricing strategy will be implemented based on market demands and buying behaviour. Amongst the key measures implemented to sustain performance of our property segment will be more aggressive marketing strategies, target marketing and innovative products and packaging. Moving forward, we have also planned for launches in Kuching, Bintulu and Miri throughout 2015 comprising residential and commercial properties. With over 2,500 acres of prime land bank located at Sarawak’s key growth areas namely Bintulu, Miri DQG .XFKLQJ ZH FDQ H[SHFW D EULJKW IXWXUH IRU WKH *URXS :H DUH DOVR ORRNLQJ DW H[SDQGLQJRXUODQGEDQNWKURXJKGLUHFWSXUFKDVHRIVXLWDEOHODQGDQGMRLQWYHQWXUHV %DQGDU%DUX3HUP\MD\D0LUL6DUDZDN 39 BUSINESS REVIEW ``` PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW (CONTINUE) Performance Overview (continue) 3URSHUW\,QYHVWPHQW'LYLVLRQ 3HUP\0DOOORFDWHGLQ0LULRXU¿UVWSURSHUW\LQYHVWPHQWSURMHFWODXQFKHGLQ1RYHPEHU KDVGRQHZHOOIRU7KH0DOOLVDERXWWHQDQWHG\LHOGLQJDJRRGUHWXUQ on investment. Additionally, more focus was accorded to brand the Mall as a fun place to be through the organizing of interesting family-related events and other events. More activities were also held to increase engagement with the Mall’s tenants towards relationship building. 3UHSDUDWLRQVIRURXUKRWHOGHYHORSPHQWLQ%LQWXOX3DUDJRQRXU¿UVWHYHUKRWHOZLWKLQ the Group, are on track, and more information on this would be made available in due FRXUVH$QRWKHULQWHUHVWLQJGHYHORSPHQWLVWKH*URXS¶V¿UVWHYHU&OXEKRXVHVLWXDWHG ZLWKLQ WKH 6RXWK/DNH 3HUP\MD\D LQWHJUDWHG WRZQVKLS H[SHFWHG WR EH FRPSOHWHG LQ 2015. Permy Mall’s success and our enthusiasm towards our hotel development in Bintulu KDYH DOVR HQFRXUDJHG XV WR H[SDQG VXFK LQYHVWPHQWV DQG ZH DUH WDUJHWLQJ IXUWKHU such developments in Miri, Bintulu and Kuching. &RQVWUXFWLRQ'LYLVLRQ &RPSOHWHG3URMHFWV 'XULQJ WKH \HDU WKH 'LYLVLRQ VXFFHVVIXOO\ FRPSOHWHG WKH 7HUEDW3DQJNDODQ $PR Tebedu Road at the Samarahan Division. 2QJRLQJ3URMHFWV $PRQJWKHRQJRLQJSURMHFWVDUHDVIROORZV X Elevated Stations and Other Associated Works (MRT S2 & S4) X 7DQMXQJ0DQLV3RUW([WHQVLRQ X 7DQMXQJ0DQLV:DWHU7UHDWPHQW3ODQWDQG$VVRFLDWHG)DFLOLWLHV X 8SJUDGLQJRI([LVWLQJ%XNXW5RDG X Bintulu Central Boulevard Road X 631%SURMHFWVRQDIIRUGDEOHKRXVLQJ (Sultan Tengah, Kuching & Desa Bahagia, Miri) X 7DQMXQJ0DQLV5HVLGHQWLDO+RXVLQJSURMHFW0XNDK6DUDZDN :RUNVIRUWKHDERYHSURMHFWVDUHSURJUHVVLQJDQGFRQVWDQWO\PRQLWRUHG Perspective of 0573URMHFWV Peninsular Malaysia 40 w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y Preparations for our hotel development in Bintulu Paragon, our first ever hotel within the Group, are on track Sabah Oil and Gas Terminal (SOGT) in Kimanis, Sabah )XWXUH3URMHFWV We are continuously seeking further businesses for the medium and long term, and KDYHVXEPLWWHGELGVIRUYDULRXVSURMHFWVUDQJLQJIURPURDGSURMHFWVWRRI¿FHFRPSOH[HV Our Oil and G a s Te a m also did us proud when the team was D G M X G J H G one of the top achievers in relation to workplace safety by achieving 1.2 million man hours without Lost Ti m e a n d , Q M X U \ /7 , 2LODQG*DV'LYLVLRQ Our foray into oil and gas via the Sabah Onshore Gas Terminal (SOGT) and Bintulu’s /1*7UDLQSURMHFWKDYHDOORZHGXVWRJDLQYDOXDEOHH[SHULHQFHDQGH[SRVXUHLQWKLV KLJKO\FRPSHWLWLYHDQGFRPSOH[VHFWRU:RUNVIRUWKH/1*7UDLQDUHSURJUHVVLQJZHOO 2XU2LODQG*DV7HDPDOVRGLGXVSURXGZKHQWKHWHDPZDVDGMXGJHGRQHRIWKHWRS achievers in relation to workplace safety by achieving 1.2 million man hours without /RVW7LPHDQG,QMXU\/7,FRQWULEXWLQJVLJQL¿FDQWO\WRWKHFOLHQW¶VVDIHW\DFKLHYHPHQW RI PLOOLRQV PDQ KRXUV ZLWKRXW /7, LQ UHODWLRQ WR WKH %LQWXOX /1*7UDLQ SURMHFW LQ 0DUFK7KHWHDPSURYHGWKHLUPHWWOHDVLWZDVRQFHDJDLQKRQRXUHGDVWKHµ7RS 3 Contractor’ from a pool of more than 30 local and international contractors with a combined workforce of more than 5,000, for good HSE performance and its continuing efforts in cultivating a strong HSE culture by the clients. We are also seeking business opportunities for the medium and long term, and have VXEPLWWHGELGVIRUYDULRXVRLODQGJDVUHODWHGSURMHFWV 2WKHU'LYLVLRQ 2014 saw various measures implemented to boost trading sales for its products, better PDQDJHFRVWWRLPSURYHVDOHVPDUJLQVDQGHQKDQFHHI¿FLHQF\LQLWVGDLO\RSHUDWLRQV of this segment. In addition, a warehouse situated in Miri is currently being built and once completed, would provide a good point of sales for building materials such as steel bars, spun SLOHVHWFWKHUHE\ERRVWLQJUHYHQXHIRUWKLV'LYLVLRQ7KHZDUHKRXVHLVH[SHFWHGWREH completed in 2015. Moving forward, continuous focus would be accorded to measures to boost sales and RSHUDWLRQDOHI¿FLHQF\ $VVRFLDWH&RPSDQ\ Our associate, Dayang Enterprise Holdings Bhd. achieved a stellar performance this \HDUZLWKDSUR¿WDIWHUWD[RIDSSUR[LPDWHO\50PLOOLRQGXHWRKLJKHUFRQWULEXWLRQ from its business segments. With its ongoing contracts of above RM4billion to last DW OHDVW XQWLO ZH H[SHFW WKLV LQYHVWPHQW WR FRQWULEXWH SRVLWLYHO\ WR WKH *URXS¶V results in time to come. 41 BUSINESS REVIEW ``` CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Corporate Social Responsibility Educating our young to conserve the environment We believe that building a strong business and creating a better world are essential ingredients for long-term success. As such, we endeavour to integrate our role as a corporate citizen with our day-to-day business. We have also established a scholarship scheme under Tabung Amanah Naim in 2005, which covers full academic fees, lodging and books. Since its establishment, we have awarded a total of 34 scholarships. We are guided by the values which have been stated in our Group’s vision and mission statements, and our corporate responsibilities statement, which were framed WR H[SUHVV RXU JRDOV DQG DVSLUDWLRQV DV D FRUSRUDWH citizen. In addition, we have made corporate donations of some RM2.9million for various welfare, charitable, sports, religious, disasters and education purposes during the year. Our engagement in corporate responsibility has the IROORZLQJREMHFWLYHV z z To continue to be a successful organisation 7R LQÀXHQFH DQG SURYLGH RSSRUWXQLWLHV IRU stakeholders to make a positive contribution towards a sustainable future z To contribute to the communities, especially those in which Naim is present, in terms of overall environmental, social and economic goals 2QH RI WKH VLJQL¿FDQW HIIRUWV WRZDUGV WKLV HQG LV WKH setting up of Tabung Amanah Naim (Naim Trust Fund) in 2004 which seeks to provide assistance in areas namely education, relief of distress, promotion of unity through sports, arts and culture, religious worship or advancement of religion and other patriotic or charitable SXUSRVHV7KHWUXVWIXQGLVH[SDQGHGRQDQDQQXDOEDVLV by donations from the Group and its subsidiaries. To date, the fund has contributed more than RM4million for various purposes. 42 w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y Our efforts in this regard demonstrate our commitment to our Triple Bottomline – PEOPLE, PLANET, PROFIT. 4XDOLW\ +HDOWK 6DIHW\ DQG (QYLURQPHQW 4+6( 3ROLF\ As part of our commitment to QHSE, the Group introduced various policies such as Zero Defects Policy and Healthy Workplace and Zero Accident Policies, which culminated in the formulation of our QHSE Charter in 2010. We are determined that our activities shall not have any detrimental health and safety impact on our employees, subcontractor’s employees, customers or any member of the community at large. Our QHSE Management is a FRKHUHQWV\VWHPRI,624XDOLW\0DQDJHPHQW 6\VWHP 2+6$6 2FFXSDWLRQDO +HDOWK and Safety Management System and 14001:2004 Environmental Management System and is recognized E\ WKH ,QWHUWHN &HUWL¿FDWLRQ ,QWHUQDWLRQDO SUHYLRXVO\ NQRZQ DV WKH 0RRG\ ,QWHUQDWLRQDO 4XDOL¿HG 4XDOLW\ Assurance, Quality Control and HSE personnel oversee implementation of related matters group-wide and in addition, a HSE Committee has been established to propose and implement continuous improvements in relation to HSE-related matters. 4XDOLW\+HDOWKDQG6DIHW\ 1DLP2UJDQLVHVµ3HUIRUPDQFH0DQDJHPHQW6\VWHP 306 $ZDUHQHVV¶ 6HVVLRQV ± )HEUXDU\ µ%DVLF )LUVW $LG DQG &35¶ :RUNVKRS -XQH±6HSWHPEHU±6HSWHPEHU µ&,'%*UHHQ&DUG¶7UDLQLQJ-XO\ µ2FFXSDWLRQDO 6DIHW\ +HDOWK $ZDUHQHVV¶ 6HULHV µ 7UDLQLQJ WKURXJKRXW 2FWREHU ± 'HFHPEHU DQGµ(UJRQRPLFV$ZDUHQHVV¶:RUNVKRSWKURXJKRXW 2FWREHU±'HFHPEHUVHVVLRQV 7KHSURJUDPPHVZRUNVKRSVZHUHRUJDQLVHGWRLQFXOFDWH WKHFXOWXUHWKDWTXDOLW\KHDOWKDQGVDIHW\DUHFHQWUDOLQDOO operational aspects. 1DLP $GMXGJHG 2QH 2I 7RS 6DIHW\ $FKLHYHUV $QG 7RS &RQWUDFWRUV )RU *RRG +6( 3HUIRUPDQFH 0DUFKDQG2FWREHU Naim’s Oil and Gas team made us proud when it ZDV DGMXGJHG RQH RI WKH WRS DFKLHYHUV LQ ZRUNSODFH safety and one of the top 3 Contractors for good HSE SHUIRUPDQFH FRQWULEXWLQJ VLJQL¿FDQWO\ WR WKH FOLHQW¶V safety achievement of 3 million and 10 million man hours ZLWKRXW/RVW7LPHDQG,QMXU\/7,LQ0DUFKDQG2FWREHU 2014 respectively. 1DLP¶V &ORFNV 0LOOLRQ 0DQ +RXUV :LWKRXW /7, 2FWREHU Naim achieved another safety milestone as it clocked 1 million man hours without LTI for its Bintulu Paragon LQWHJUDWHGGHYHORSPHQWSURMHFW 1DLP 3URPRWHV +HDOWK\ /LYLQJ 2UJDQLVHV 6WDII )XWVDO7RXUQDPHQW0DUFK The tournament saw participation from 7 teams FRPSULVLQJVWDIIIURP+47DQMXQJ0DQLVDQG%HQJRK ,PSOHPHQWDWLRQ2Iµ0RFN8QLW¶ 7KH *URXS LPSOHPHQWHG WKH µPRFN XQLW¶ IRU SURSHUW\ GHYHORSPHQWV WR IDFLOLWDWH EHWWHU TXDOLW\ FRQWURO IRU LWV developments, commencing Q3 2014. 1DLP2UJDQLVHV)LUH'ULOO1RYHPEHU 1DLP¶V3HUP\0DOORUJDQLVHGLWV¿UHGULOOWRSURYLGHKDQGV RQH[SHULHQFHDQGNQRZOHGJHWRSDUWLFLSDQWVLQWKHHYHQW RI¿UHHPHUJHQFLHV7KHGULOOVDZWKHLQYROYHPHQWRIWKH Mall’s staff and tenants, and property sales staff. 43 BUSINESS REVIEW ``` CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (CONTINUE) Corporate Social Responsibility (continue) (QYLURQPHQWDO5HVSRQVLELOLW\ We assume environmental stewardship by integrating environmental preservation measures into our daily operations. In addition to the normal regulatory UHTXLUHPHQWV ZH LQFRUSRUDWH RWKHU PHDVXUHV DPRQJ RWKHUVXWLOLVLQJVFUDSPDWHULDOVLQFRQVWUXFWLRQSURMHFWV (Balingian Bridge, Sarawak), highly scrutinised chemical storage and waste disposal to prevent pollution and VWULQJHQW HQIRUFHPHQW RI UHODWHG SROLFLHV YLD µVXUSULVH checks’ by HSE-related committees. 1DLP2UJDQLVHVµ*RWRQJ5R\RQJ¶7R5HSDLU*UDYLW\ )HHG3LSH$XJXVW Naim staff from Bengoh participated in the event to clear the gravity feed at the Sebarau Waterfall and repair the gravity feed pipe to ensure consistent water supply to 3 villages, Kampung Bidak, Kampung Payang and Kampung Segandar. :H DOVR HQJDJH FRPPXQLWLHV DW RXU SURMHFWV VLWHV LQ µJRWRQJUR\RQJ¶ DFWLYLWLHV GLVDVWHU UHOLHISRVW GLVDVWHU clean-up efforts, activities to promote reduction of carbon foot print and many others. We are delighted that our efforts have been duly DFNQRZOHGJHG DV ZH ZHUH DGMXGJHG WKH ZLQQHU RI WKH Sarawak Chief Minister’s Environmental Award (CMEA) (Large Industries – Construction) in December 2014, making it our third consecutive win of the prestigious DZDUGZHZHUHDGMXGJHGWKHZLQQHULQDQG as well). 1DLP'HSOR\V)LUH)LJKWLQJ7HDP7R3XW2XW:LOG¿UH 0DUFK 1DLP0LUL¶V¿UH¿JKWLQJVSUDQJLQWRDFWLRQWRKHOSSXWRXW IRUHVW¿UHVLQ.XDOD%DUDP7KHWHDPZKLFKFRPSULVHG of staff volunteers and was formed more than 10 years ago, battled challenging weather conditions for 2 weeks in this noble attempt. 44 w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y 1DLP 7R &ROODERUDWH :LWK 6DUDZDN )RUHVWU\ 'HSDUWPHQW )RU 6XVWDLQDEOH (QYLURQPHQWUHODWHG 3URJUDPPHV)HEUXDU\ To facilitate wetlands and environmental conservation, Naim would commence its collaboration with Sarawak Forestry Department for a 3-year conservation programme in Sarawak and Peninsular Malaysia in 2015. &RPPXQLW\ Naim looks at positive investments by engaging with communities where the Group has direct impact and ZKHUHVWDNHKROGHUVPD\KDYHDQLQÀXHQFHRQRSHUDWLRQV This comprises investments that aim to facilitate progressive change and have a positive effect on the community, encompassing areas such as advancement of education, sports, assistance to the less fortunate and the needy, and many more. Our investments address universal basic needs whilst upholding and respecting human rights. 1DLP&RQWULEXWHV5DPDGKDQ'RQDWLRQV7R0RVTXHV $QG6XUDXV-XO\ Naim handed over its annual Ramadhan contributions to PRVTXHVDQGVXUDXVLQ.XFKLQJ0LULDQG%LQWXOXDVSDUW of the Group’s goodwill activities during the Holy Month. Over the years, our commitment towards the community KDV FRQWLQXHG WR H[SDQG EH LPSURYHG DQG UH¿QHG We pledge to ensure business sustainability without compromising the rights and needs of future generations. 1DLP&RQWULEXWHV507R6$%$7,0DUFK Naim, via Tabung Amanah Naim made the contribution to facilitate SABATI’s fund raising efforts for its activities, Sarawak Heart Foundation and Sarawak Orphans Welfare Association (PERYATIM). 1DLP /HQGV $ +DQG 7R 0XVOLP &KDULWDEOH 7UXVW %RDUGV-XO\DQG$XJXVW Tabung Amanah Naim handed over RM50,000 contribution to Miri Malay Charitable Trust Board (LAKMM) and Bintulu Muslim Charitable Trust Board (LAKIB) respectively. 1DLP $LGV %LQWXOX &KLQHVH 6FKRROV )HEUXDU\ 1DLP VSRQVRUHG D WRWDO RI 50 WR VL[ &KLQHVH schools in Bintulu, making this the second contribution since Naim established its presence in Bintulu in 2013. 1DLP6SRQVRUV3URIHVVLRQDO*ROI2I0DOD\VLD3*0 015%6DUDZDN&KDPSLRQVKLS6HSWHPEHU Tabung Amanah Naim contributed RM50,000 to PGM to facilitate sports development, making it the third consecutive contribution to PGM. 1DLP+ROGV*URXS%ORRG'RQDWLRQ'ULYH$SULO We organised our inaugural group blood donation drive, simultaneously held in Kuching, MIri and Bintulu. The drive received good response having managed to draw more than 100 donors. 45 BUSINESS REVIEW ``` CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (CONTINUE) Corporate Social Responsibility (continue) 1DLP2UJDQLVHV;¶PDV3DUW\)RU&KLOGUHQ2I %LQWXOX¶V µ3XVDW 3HPXOLKDQ 'DODP .RPXQLWL¶ 3(53,.$7'HFHPEHU Naim Bintulu had some fun time in the party, spreading the X’mas cheer to children of special needs. ,QWHUQVKLS3URJUDPPHV We believe that industrial training is an integral component in empowering the young. By providing them ZLWK ¿UVWKDQG H[SHULHQFH LQ WKH HPSOR\PHQW ZRUOG VWXGHQWVZRXOGEHEHWWHUHTXLSSHGWRKDQGOHFKDOOHQJHV in their future workplaces and moulded to become more responsible and charismatic. We have an ongoing internship programme which provides undergraduate and graduate students opportunities to perform their industrial training with us DVSDUWRIWKHLUFRXUVHUHTXLUHPHQWV,QDWRWDORI 47 students underwent internship with us. 46 w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y Special Feature 48 Naim’s 20th Anniversary Countdown Begins! 49 The Beginning In The Journey of Giving: Commencing Works For Habitat For Humanity Malaysia’s Borneo Bliltz Build (BBB) 2014 Project 50 And The Award Goes To……. 47 SPECIAL FEATURE ``` NAIM’S 20TH ANNIVERSARY COUNTDOWN BEGINS! Naim’s 20th Anniversary Countdown Begins! Together we launch!! Unveiling the 20th Anniversary logo Happy with win - Datuk Amar Hamed witnessing prize hand-over by Datuk Hasmi to Anselm It was a day of festivities as the Group kicked-off its 20th Anniversary Countdown celebrations at its Rock &RPPHUFLDO&HQWUHRI¿FH.XFKLQJRQ1RYHPEHU 7KH NLFNRII ZDV RI¿FLDWHG E\ WKH *URXS¶V &KDLUPDQ 'DWXN$PDU$EGXO+DPHG+DML6HSDZLDQGDPRQJWKRVH in attendance were the Group’s Managing Director, Datuk Hasmi Hasnan, Deputy Managing Director, Christina Wong and distinguished Board Members namely Tan Sri ,]]XGGLQ%LQ'DOL'DWX'U+DML$EGXO5DVKLG%LQ0RKG $]LVDQG7XDQ+DML6RHGLUPDQ%LQ+DML$LQL7KHHYHQW also saw the launch of the Group’s 20th Anniversary logo and prize giving to recipients of anniversary-related competitions. The countdown signaled the commencement of an array RIH[FLWLQJHYHQWVJUHDWSURGXFWSURPRWLRQVDQGDFWLYLWLHV for staff and the public, leading up to the anniversary date on 15 October 2015. Leading the countdown celebrations were the Group’s Regional Family Days, starting with Kuching, Kuala /XPSXU0LULDQG%LQWXOXDQGWKHODXQFKRIWKHH[FLWLQJ SURSHUW\SURPRWLRQWKHµ6XSHU'HDOV¶ 6WD\WXQHGIRUPRUHH[FLWLQJFHOHEUDWRU\DFWLYLWLHVOHDGLQJ up to the actual anniversary in October 2015! We are the Naim Family! w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y SPECIAL FEATURE ``` THE BEGINNING IN THE JOURNEY OF GIVING The Beginning In The Journey of Giving: Commencing Works For Habitat For Humanity Malaysia’s Borneo Bliltz Build (BBB) 2014 Project Datuk Hasmi busy with carpentry works NAIM BOLEH! One for the album - Naim & Canadian volunteers 'DWXN$PDU+DPHGKDQGLQJRYHUPRFNFKHTXHWR+DELWDW¶Vrepresentatives As Naim’s Group Managing Director used to say: We must never forget those who need our help and we must do all we can to help. ,Q D WUXH GHPRQVWUDWLRQ RI VHOÀHVVQHVV DQG VSLULW of voluntarism, staff participated actively in Habitat for Humanity Malaysia’s BBB 2014 building works throughout the year. BBB 2014 involved the construction of 14 houses for the deserving and was the largest single SURMHFW WKDW +DELWDW KDV HYHU XQGHUWDNHQ LQ 0DOD\VLD Naim was the largest sponsor, contributing RM400,000 WRZDUGVWKHSURMHFW Leading the way was the Group MD himself, Datuk Hasmi Hasnan, who, together with more than 50 volunteers comprising Board Members, staff and subcontractors, SDUWLFLSDWHGLQWKH¿UVWVORWRIWKHEXLOGLQJZRUNVLQ-XQH 7KLV VHW WKH SDFH IRU VXEVHTXHQW EXLOGV ZKLFK saw increased participation by the staff members, for its weekend and weekday builds, from June 2014 to Q1 2015. $VRXUWHDPVZHUHGHSOR\HGIRUEXLOGLQJZRUNVWKHµYLEHV¶ ZHUHMXVWDPD]LQJH[XEHUDQWWHDPPHPEHUVZKRZHUH not afraid to get their hands dirty, willing to learn and try QHZ WKLQJV XSKHOG µRQHQHVV¶ during challenges, and more VLJQL¿FDQWO\ GHVSLWH WKH KHDW DQG VXQ FKRVH WR VDFUL¿FH their weekend time with their families for the greater good helping to build houses for the deserving. These are the values which we must never lost sight of, and which will make us better people, in life and in work. Christina & team hard at work Kudos to the Naim teams and subcontractors for making a difference! 49 SPECIAL FEATURE ``` AND THE AWARD GOES TO……. And The Award Goes To……. One of Malaysia’s 7RS3URSHUW\'HYHORSHUV (The Edge Malaysia’s Top Property Developers Awards 2014) & the 21/<(DVW0DOD\VLD EDVHG developer award recipient $5($6RFLDO (PSRZHUPHQW &DWHJRU\ 0DOD\VLDQ5HVHUYH 3URSHUW\3UHVV $ZDUGV Most Prestigious Integrated Lifestyle Residential Development - Southlake 3HUP\MD\D 0DOD\VLDQ 5HVHUYH 3URSHUW\3UHVV $ZDUGV Most Prestigious Integrated Development - Bintulu Paragon Readers’ Choice 0DOD\VLDQ 5HVHUYH 3URSHUW\3UHVV $ZDUGV Best Commercial Development - Bintulu Paragon The Sarawak CMEA Award: /DUJH,QGXVWULHV 6HUYLFHVDQG 2WKHU6HFWRUV &RQVWUXFWLRQ We set a traiblaze this year when we received 5 awards and 1 accolade, making it a total of 6 awards won in 2014, the highest number of awards won in a single year in the Group’s history. 2XU H[FLWLQJ MRXUQH\ FRQWLQXHG ZKHQ ZH FOLQFKHG D whopping 3 awards by the Malaysian Reserve Property Press Awards 2014 in November 2014, being the SOLE Sarawak-based property developer in the list of award recipients. We won the Most Prestigious Integrated Development Award for our Bintulu Paragon integrated development, the Most Prestigious Integrated Lifestyle Residential Development Award for our SouthLake 3HUP\MD\DGHYHORSPHQWLQ0LULDQGWKH5HDGHUV¶&KRLFH Award in the Best Commercial Development category for our Bintulu Paragon development. Jointly organised by a SXEOLVKLQJ¿UP7HUUD9DOXH6GQ%KGDQGWKH0DOD\VLDQ Reserve Business Daily, in association with the prestigious International New York Times, the Property Press Awards recognises the outstanding achievements RI LQGXVWU\ SOD\HUV YLD WKH XQLTXH SHUVSHFWLYH RI WKH media. All smiles - Asia Responsible Entrepreneurship Awards (AREA) 2014 2XU H[FLWLQJ MRXUQH\ VWDUWHG ZKHQ ZH ZHUH DGMXGJHG the winner of the Asia Responsible Entrepreneurship Awards (AREA) 2014 (South East Asia) in the Social Empowerment category in June 2014. The AREA was a regional award to honour businesses across Asia for demonstrating commitment and stewardship in corporate social responsibility, an acknowledgement of our efforts in this regard. In October 2014, the Group made Sarawak proud by being WKH21/<(DVW0DOD\VLDEDVHGGHYHORSHUDGMXGJHGRQH of Malaysia’s Top 20 Property Developers by the Edge Malaysia’s Top Property Developers Awards 2014. The award win was a testament that Sarawak companies have what it takes to be among Malaysia’s best. 50 w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y One for the album - Malaysian Reserve Property Press Awards 2014 YAB Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri (Dr) +DML $GHQDQ 6DWHP KDQGLQJ RYHU the trophy to Datuk Amar Hamed $GGLQJ WR WKH H[FLWHPHQW LQ 1RYHPEHU ZHUH WKH industrial recognitions conferred on our Chairman, Datuk Amar Abdul Hamed Sepawi and Group Managing Director, Datuk Hasmi Hasnan for their immense contribution towards the industry and Sarawak’s economic development. Datuk Amar Hamed was conferred the coveted Sarawak State Outstanding Entrepreneurship Award 2014 by the Ministry of Industrial Development Sarawak, in association with the Sarawak Chamber of Commerce and Industries (SCCI) and Ernst & Young, while the Sarawak Housing and Real Estate Developers’ Association (SHEDA) honoured Datuk Hasmi by conferring him the status of the Honorary Member, in UHFRJQLWLRQ RI KLV VLJQL¿FDQW FRQWULEXWLRQ WRZDUGV WKH Association and housing and real estate development in Sarawak. In December 2014, we added another feather to our cap by winning the 6th Sarawak Chief Minister’s Environmental Award (CMEA) 2014 in the Large Industries (Construction) category, marking it our third consecutive win of the coveted award. The CMEA serves as a recognition to companies and organizations in Sarawak that have made tremendous effort to improve environmental performances in their operations. It was indeed a great and proud year for the Naim Family! 51 Other Highlights 52 w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y 53 Corporate Diary 2014 56 Naim in the News OTHER HIGHLIGHT ``` CORPORATE DIARY Corporate Diary 1DLP6LQRK\GUR&RUS06LJQ&RQWUDFW)RU%LQWXOX 3DUDJRQ-DQXDU\ The contract signing with Sinohydro, the world’s largest hydropower construction company demonstrated Naim’s commitment in maintaining its standing as a developer DQGFRQWUDFWRURITXDOLW\ 1DLP¶V *URXSZLGH &KLQHVH 1HZ <HDU &HOHEUDWLRQV)HEUXDU\ The celebrations were held simultaneously in Kuching, 0LULDQG%LQWXOXZKLFKVDZWKHODXQFKRIWKHH[FOXVLYH Sapphire On The Park condo and Bahagia Residences apartment in Kuching Paragon and Miri respectively, and Bintulu’s fun open house. 1DLP ,QNV 0R8 :LWK +\GURSRO &]HFK 5HSXEOLF 2Q +\GURSRZHU'HYHORSPHQW)HEUXDU\ Naim inked this MoU with Hydropol, part of the established +\GURSRO *URXS RQH RI WKH ZRUOG¶V PDMRU SOD\HUV LQ international hydropower developments to facilitate SRVVLEOHFRRSHUDWLRQDQGMRLQWYHQWXUHGHYHORSPHQWVLQ hydropower development within Malaysia. 1DLP 2UJDQLVHV 7RZQ +DOO 6HVVLRQ )HEUXDU\ More than 200 staff attended this event, organised as part of Naim’s staff engagement initiatives. Kuching Miri Bintulu 53 OTHER HIGHLIGHT ``` CORPORATE DIARY (CONTINUE) Corporate Diary (continue) 1DLP &HOHEUDWHV *URXSZLGH /DERXU 'D\ 0D\ Naim organised its inaugural Labour Day celebrations in Kuching, Miri and Bintulu, with fun events and great food. Kuching Miri µ6XSHUVWDUV¶2Q7KH5ROO-XQH ,WZDVDQLJKWDOD+ROO\ZRRGDV1DLPRUJDQLVHGLWV$QQXDO'LQQHUZLWKWKHWKHPHµ6XSHUVWDUV¶ 54 w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y Bintulu 8QYHLOLQJ 6DUDZDN¶V 7DOOHVW &RQGR 7KH 3HDN # %LQWXOX3DUDJRQ-XQH This iconic development was launched and received great response from the Bintulu community. 1DLP &OLQFKHV )LUVW (YHU &65 $ZDUG $VLD 5HVSRQVLEOH (QWUHSUHQHXUVKLS 6RXWK (DVW $VLD $5($6($$ZDUGV-XQH 1DLP PDGH 6DUDZDN SURXG ZKHQ LW ZDV DGMXGJHG WKH winner of this regional award, in the Social Empowerment category. 1DLP/DXQFKHV6RXWK/DNH3HUP\MD\D±-XO\ 1DLPODXQFKHGLWVLFRQLF6LJQDWXUH&ROOHFWLRQGHYHORSPHQW]RQHWKH6RXWK/DNH3HUP\MD\DDFKLFXSPDUNHWDQG SUHFLQFWEDVHGHQFODYHZLWKDDFUHODNHDQG&OXEKRXVHDVLWVPDMRUIHDWXUHV 55 OTHER HIGHLIGHT ``` NAIM IN THE NEWS Naim In The News 56 w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y 57 Corporate Governance w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y 59 Corporate Governance Statement 64 Board Committees Report 75 Audit Committee Report 79 Statement on Risk Management and Internal Control 81 Investor Relations Activities CORPORATE GOVERNANCE ``` CORPORATE GOVERNANCE STATEMENT Corporate Governance Statement A Note on Terminology: Naim Holdings Berhad is the ultimate holding company for Naim Land Sdn Bhd, Naim Engineering Sdn. Bhd. and other subsidiary companies, as well as their respective subsidiaries. As the principles and practices of good corporate governance apply not only to the ultimate holding company but also all of its subsidiaries, we have chosen to forgo the use of the term “Company” in this statement, and instead use the term “Group”, which encompasses all companies operating under the control of Naim Holdings Berhad. The Group will continue to strive for the highest standards of business integrity and is continually taking steps WR UHYLHZ DQG XSKROG WKH EHVW SUDFWLFHV DQG PDLQWDLQ DQ H[HPSODU\ FRUSRUDWH JRYHUQDQFH IUDPHZRUN7KH PDLQ REMHFWLYHRIPD[LPL]LQJORQJWHUPHFRQRPLFYDOXHVKDOODQGZLOOUHPDLQWKH*URXS¶VFRUHYDOXHZKLOVWPDLQWDLQLQJD sustainable business growth. %2$5'2)',5(&7256 The Board of Directors plays a vital role in corporate governance. The Board endorses the overall direction of WKH *URXS DSSURYHV WKH *URXS¶V ORQJ WHUP REMHFWLYHV VWUDWHJLHV SROLFLHV DQQXDO EXGJHWV DQG PDMRU FDSLWDO H[SHQGLWXUHVPRQLWRUVWKHSHUIRUPDQFHDQGHQVXUHVDFFRXQWDELOLW\WRWKHVKDUHKROGHUVWKHUHOHYDQWDXWKRULWLHVDQG other stakeholders. 7KH%RDUGLVDOVRUHVSRQVLEOHIRUWKHUHYLHZRISHUIRUPDQFHRIWKH*URXS¶VVWUDWHJLHVREMHFWLYHVEXVLQHVVSODQVDQG budgets, and has oversight of the Group’s operations and management. %2$5'&20326,7,21$1'%$/$1&( The number of Directors shall be determined by the Board within the limits as prescribed in the Articles of Association RIQRWPRUHWKDQ¿IWHHQWDNLQJLQWRFRQVLGHUDWLRQWKHVL]HDQGEUHDGWKRIWKHEXVLQHVVDQGWKHQHHGIRU%RDUG diversity. The Board’s current composition is as follows: &DWHJRU\ ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRU 1RQ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRU ,QGHSHQGHQW1RQ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRU 7RWDO 1RRI'LUHFWRUV 1RWHV Paragraph 15.02, Bursa Malaysia Securities Listing Requirements requires 1/3rd of the Board to comprise of Independent Directors. If the number of Directors is not three (3) or a multiple of three (3), then the number nearest 1/3rd shall be used. During the year under review, the Board composition is in line with the recommendations of the Malaysian Code of Corporate Governance 2012 (“MCCG 2012”). The Board is served by nine (9) Board Members. The Board comprises RI ([HFXWLYH 'LUHFWRUV RI 1RQ([HFXWLYH 'LUHFWRU DQG WKH EDODQFH RI FRPSULVHV 1RQ([HFXWLYH 'LUHFWRUVZKRDUHLQGHSHQGHQW7KH%RDUGLVPDGHXSRIDGLYHUVHJURXSRILQGLYLGXDOVZLWKEURDGH[SHULHQFHVDQG DFFRPSOLVKPHQWVLQ¿QDQFHSURSHUW\FRQVWUXFWLRQSURMHFWPDQDJHPHQWRLODQGJDVEXVLQHVVGHYHORSPHQWDQG PXOWLQDWLRQDOFRPSDQLHVDQGDOO0HPEHUVKDYHGHPRQVWUDWHGWKHDELOLW\WRH[HUFLVHVRXQGEXVLQHVVMXGJHPHQW 7KH,QGHSHQGHQW1RQ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRUVGRQRWSDUWLFLSDWHLQWKHURXWLQHRSHUDWLRQVDQGEULQJXQELDVHGJXLGDQFH to the Group. They constructively challenge and at the same time contribute to the development of strategies. They scrutinize the performance of management in meetings, approve budgets and monitor the reporting of performance. Being independent of management and free of any business or other relationship, they are therefore able to promote DUP¶VOHQJWKRYHUVLJKWDQGDWWKHVDPHWLPHEULQJLQGHSHQGHQWWKLQNLQJYLHZVDQGMXGJPHQWVWREHDULQGHFLVLRQ making. The Board monitors the independence of each Director on a half yearly basis, in respect of their interests GLVFORVHG E\ WKHP 7KH VHJUHJDWLRQ RI GXWLHV EHWZHHQ ([HFXWLYH DQG 1RQ([HFXWLYH 'LUHFWRUV LV WR HQVXUH DQ appropriate balance of role and accountability at the Board level. The Board acknowledges the recommendation of the Malaysian Code of Corporate Governance 2012 for board JHQGHU GLYHUVLW\ ,W ZLOO FRQWLQXH WR LGHQWLI\ VXLWDEO\ TXDOL¿HG ZRPDQ FDQGLGDWH WR ¿OO ERDUG VHDWV ZKHQ YDFDQF\ DULVHV3UHVHQWO\RIERDUGPHPEHUVDUHUHSUHVHQWHGE\ZRPHQ 59 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE ``` CORPORATE GOVERNANCE STATEMENT (CONTINUE) Corporate Governance Statement (continue) ,QWKHFXUUHQW\HDU'DWX'U+DML$EGXO5DVKLG%LQ0RKG$]LVDQ,QGHSHQGHQW1RQ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRUKDV served more than ten (10) years on the Board. Recommendation 3.3 of the Malaysian Code of Corporate Governance UHTXLUHVWKH%RDUGWRMXVWLI\DQGVHHNVKDUHKROGHUV¶DSSURYDOLQWKHHYHQWLWUHWDLQVDQ,QGHSHQGHQW'LUHFWRUZKR has served for more than nine (9) years. 7KH%RDUGRI'LUHFWRUVLVRIWKHRSLQLRQWKDW'DWX'U+DML$EGXO5DVKLG%LQ0RKG$]LVFRQWLQXHVWRKDYHWKHUHTXLUHG FKDUDFWHULQWHJULW\LQGHSHQGHQFHDQGH[SHULHQFHWRIXO¿OOWKHUROHRIDQ,QGHSHQGHQW1RQ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRU7KH %RDUGRI'LUHFWRUVLVQRWDZDUHRIDQ\FLUFXPVWDQFHVWKDWPLJKWLQÀXHQFH'DWX'U+DML$EGXO5DVKLG%LQ0RKG $]LVLQH[HUFLVLQJKLVLQGHSHQGHQWMXGJPHQW%DVHGRQWKHDIRUHVDLGDVHSDUDWHUHVROXWLRQZLOOEHSURSRVHGXQGHU $JHQGDLWHPIRU'DWX'U+DML$EGXO5DVKLG%LQ0RKG$]LV¶UHWHQWLRQDV,QGHSHQGHQW1RQ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRUDW the forthcoming Annual General Meeting. 7KH%RDUGKDVGHVLJQDWHGRQHRILWVLQGHSHQGHQWGLUHFWRUV'DWX'U+DML$EGXO5DVKLG%LQ0RKG$]LVWRDFWDVD liaison between the investment community and the Group’s management and the Board. His email contact is rashid. D]LV#QDLPFRPP\ %2$5'0((7,1*6$1'6833/<2),1)250$7,21 The Board is responsible for determining the number of meetings to be held each year. During the year under review, WKH%RDUGPHWVL[WLPHV Details of Board Members’ attendance at Board meetings were as follows: 1DPHRI'LUHFWRU 1XPEHURI%RDUG0HHWLQJVDWWHQGHG 'DWXN$PDU$EGXO+DPHG%LQ+DML6HSDZL 'DWXN+DVPL%LQ+DVQDQ :RQJ3LQJ(QJ 'DWR,U$EDQJ-HPDW%LQ$EDQJ%XMDQJ 'DWX'U+DML$EGXO5DVKLG%LQ0RKG$]LV 3URIHVVRU'DWR¶$EDQJ$EGXOODK%LQ$EDQJ0RKDPDG$OOL Tan Sri Izzuddin Bin Dali1 'DWLQ0DU\6D¶GLDK%LQWL=DLQXGGLQ 7XDQ+DML6RHGLUPDQ%LQ+DML$LQL 3HUFHQWDJH $OO'LUHFWRUVKDYHFRPSOLHGZLWKWKHPLQLPXPDWWHQGDQFHUHTXLUHPHQWLQUHVSHFWRI%RDUGPHHWLQJVDVVWLSXODWHG E\WKH/LVWLQJ5HTXLUHPHQWVRI%XUVD6HFXULWLHV 7KH %RDUG PHHWV DW OHDVW RQFH HYHU\ TXDUWHU IRU WKH SXUSRVH RI UHYLHZLQJ WKH *URXS¶V SDVW TXDUWHUO\ ¿QDQFLDO SHUIRUPDQFHDJDLQVWLWVDQQXDORSHUDWLQJSODQEXGJHWIXWXUHVWUDWHJ\DQGEXVLQHVVSODQV2QWRSRIWKHTXDUWHUO\ PHHWLQJVWKH%RDUGKHOGDQDGGLWLRQDOPHHWLQJWRDSSURYHWKHDXGLWHG¿QDQFLDOUHVXOWV7KHVH¿YHVWDWXWRU\ERDUG PHHWLQJVZHUHVFKHGXOHGEHIRUHWKHHQGRIWKHSUHFHGLQJ¿QDQFLDO\HDUWRDOORZ'LUHFWRUVWRSODQDKHDGDQGEORFN meeting dates in advance in their calendar. Prior to every scheduled Board meeting, appropriate written materials relating to the Agenda to be discussed at the meeting have been circulated to all Directors in order to allow time for Directors to view the papers and facilitate full discussion at the Board meeting. 3UHVHQWDWLRQV DUH VFKHGXOHG GXULQJ %RDUG DQG &RPPLWWHH PHHWLQJV E\ PDQDJHPHQW DQGRU FRQVXOWDQWV DQG advisors in order to provide the Board with proper understanding of, and competence to deal with, the current and emerging issues of the Group’s businesses. The management prepares such information in advance of each Board DQG&RPPLWWHHPHHWLQJWRDOORZIRUDGHTXDWHUHYLHZDQGSUHSDUDWLRQ Directors have a duty to declare to the Board, should they be interested in any transactions to be entered into directly or indirectly by the Company. Related party transactions are reviewed and deliberated at the Audit Committee Meeting and if deemed in the best interest of the Group, fair, reasonable and on normal commercial terms not detrimental to the interest of minority shareholders, the Audit Committee would recommend to the Board for approval. 60 w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y ,QWHUHVWHG 'LUHFWRUV DUH UHTXLUHG WR DEVWDLQ IURP GHOLEHUDWLRQ DQG VKDOO OHDYH WKH PHHWLQJ URRP ZKHQ WKH PDWWHU LV EHLQJ GHOLEHUDWHG &RUSRUDWH SURSRVDOV ZKLFK UHTXLUH WKH DSSURYDO RI VKDUHKROGHUV ,QWHUHVWHG 'LUHFWRUV DQG SHUVRQVFRQQHFWHGWRWKHPDUHDOVRUHTXLUHGWRDEVWDLQIURPYRWLQJLQUHVSHFWRIWKHUHVROXWLRQV $&&(6672$'9,&($1',1)250$7,21 7KH %RDUG LWV &RPPLWWHHV DQG 'LUHFWRUV DUH DOORZHG DQG HQFRXUDJHG WR VHHN LQGHSHQGHQW DQGRU SURIHVVLRQDO DGYLFHDWWKH&RPSDQ\¶VH[SHQVHRQDQ\PDWWHUWKH\FRQVLGHUFUXFLDOWRIDFLOLWDWHDEXVLQHVVMXGJHPHQWDQGGHFLVLRQ +RZHYHUEHIRUHH[HUFLVLQJWKLVULJKWWKH\DUHUHTXLUHGWRGLVFXVVWKHLVVXHZLWKWKH&KDLUPDQDQG0DQDJLQJ'LUHFWRU WRHQVXUHWKDWWKHLQWHUHVWVRIWKH&RPSDQ\DUHQRWMHRSDUGL]HGDQGWKDWFRQ¿GHQWLDOLW\LVPDLQWDLQHG All Directors have full, free and unrestricted access to the Senior Management, Company Secretaries, Accountants DQG,QWHUQDODQG([WHUQDO$XGLWRUVDWDOOWLPHV $OO'LUHFWRUVDUHSURYLGHGZLWKWLPHO\DQGFRPSOHWHLQIRUPDWLRQRQ%RDUGDIIDLUVDQGLVVXHVUHTXLULQJWKH%RDUG¶V GHFLVLRQ7KHPDQDJHPHQWDOVRSURYLGHVSURJUHVVUHSRUWVUHODWLQJWRRSHUDWLRQDODQG¿QDQFLDOSHUIRUPDQFHRIWKH Group. &2'(2)&21'8&7 The Directors observe a code of ethics in accordance with the Code of Conduct as contained in the Naim Employee Handbook and the Company Directors’ Code of Conduct established by the Companies Commission of Malaysia. 'LUHFWRUVDQGHPSOR\HHVDUHUHTXLUHGWRXSKROGWKHKLJKHVWLQWHJULW\LQGLVFKDUJLQJWKHLUGXWLHVDQGLQGHDOLQJVZLWK stakeholders. '(/(*$7,21$1'',9,6,212)%2$5'5(63216,%,/,7,(6 Matters reserved for the Board and those delegated to management are dependent on the nature of the responsibilities and the authority limits as spelt out in the Financial Authority Limit (“FAL”). The division of responsibilities between the Board and management therefore varies with the evolution of the Group. The governance framework includes leadership, strategic direction, roles, processes and policies, authority limits and accountability. The Board deliberates, DSSURYHVDQGRUHQGRUVHVWKHIROORZLQJ a. Financial authority limit b. Financial results c. Declaration of dividends d. Review and accept recommendations from Board Committees e. Yearly business plans and 5 years business plans I 6LJQL¿FDQWFDSLWDOH[SHQGLWXUHSODQVDQGDFTXLVLWLRQV J 6LJQL¿FDQWGLVSRVDORIWKH&RPSDQ\*URXSDVVHWV K 0DMRULVVXHVRURSSRUWXQLWLHV i. Board circular resolutions M &KDQJHVLQGLUHFWRUVKLSVDQGGLVFORVXUHRILQWHUHVWV N 'LVFORVXUHRIGHDOLQJVE\'LUHFWRUVDQG3ULQFLSDO2I¿FHUV l. Progress reports ',9,6,212)52/(6$1'5(63216,%,/,7,(6%(7:((17+(&+$,50$1$1'0$1$*,1*',5(&725 The Chairman chairs all Board meetings and is responsible for the overall leadership of the Board, whereas the Managing Director oversees and monitors the performance of the Deputy Managing Director and the Senior Management team, and is charged with the day-to-day conduct of the Group’s business. However, at Board meetings the Chairman and the Managing Director share a common role of providing leadership and guidance to the Board, facilitating effective contributions from Board Members to ensure proper deliberation of DOOPDWWHUVUHTXLULQJWKH%RDUG¶VDWWHQWLRQ 61 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE ``` CORPORATE GOVERNANCE STATEMENT (CONTINUE) Corporate Governance Statement (continue) %2$5'$1'0$1$*(0(175(63216,%,/,7,(6 The Managing Director and Deputy Managing Director monitor and oversee the performance of the Senior Management team, which is charged with the day-to-day management of the Group’s affairs and implementation of corporate strategy and policy initiatives. The Managing Director and Deputy Managing Director also evaluate Senior Management’s performance against the plans and budgets on a monthly basis. 7KH%RDUGUHYLHZVWKH¿QDQFLDOSHUIRUPDQFHRIWKH*URXSRQDTXDUWHUO\EDVLVDQGLWLVIXQGDPHQWDOO\UHVSRQVLEOHIRU H[HUFLVLQJEXVLQHVVMXGJPHQWDQGGHOLEHUDWLQJRQYDOXHFUHDWLRQREMHFWLYHVRIORQJWHUPVLJQL¿FDQFHWRWKH*URXS,W also evaluates the performance of the management team annually against budgets or targets and other benchmarks, which are based on competitors in similar industries and business sectors. &25325$7(5(63216,%,/,7,(667$7(0(17 The Group’s corporate responsibilities are summarized as follows: “To consider, monitor and ensure that our operations continue to have a positive impact on our employees, the communities we work in, and the environment that nurtures us, and to promote trust and mutual respect amongst our customers and all other stakeholders.” Please refer to page 42 to 46 for details in relation to Corporate Responsibility. 5(675,&7,2121'($/,1*,16(&85,7,(6 'LUHFWRUVDQG3ULQFLSDO2I¿FHUVDUHGLVFRXUDJHGIURPGHDOLQJLQWKH&RPSDQ\¶VVHFXULWLHVGXULQJFORVHGSHULRGVLH IURPWKHSHULRGFRPPHQFLQJRQHPRQWKSULRUWRWKHWDUJHWHGGDWHRIDQQRXQFHPHQWRIWKHTXDUWHUO\UHVXOWVXSWR WKHGDWHRIWKHDQQRXQFHPHQWWRWKH([FKDQJH Additionally, no dealing in the Company’s securities is allowed from the time that price sensitive information is obtained up to the date of announcement of the information to the public. Price sensitive information is any information FRQFHUQLQJWKH&RPSDQ\WKDWDUHDVRQDEOHSHUVRQZRXOGH[SHFWWRKDYHDPDWHULDOHIIHFWRQWKHSULFHRUYDOXHRIWKH Company’s securities. $332,170(176727+(%2$5' During the year under review, no new directors were appointed to the Board. Directors are appointed to the Board HLWKHUWR¿OODYDFDQF\DVDUHVXOWRIDFUHDWLRQRIDQHZSRVWRUWKHUHVLJQDWLRQRUUHWLUHPHQWRIDQH[LVWLQJ'LUHFWRU Acting on the recommendation of the Nominating Committee, the Board appoints the Director(s). The newly appointed 'LUHFWRU VKDOO UHWLUH DW WKH QH[W DQQXDO JHQHUDO PHHWLQJ RI VKDUHKROGHUV SXUVXDQW WR$UWLFOH RI WKH &RPSDQ\¶V Articles of Association. The Nominating Committee shall be responsible for selecting, assessing, evaluating and recommending nominees IRU WKH 'LUHFWRU¶V SRVLWLRQ (DFK QRPLQHH ZLOO EH HYDOXDWHG RQ KLV FRPSHWHQF\ LQ WKH PL[ RI VNLOOV WKDW ZLOO EHVW complement the Board’s effectiveness and knowledge, time commitment taking into consideration the number RI %RDUGV RQ ZKLFK KH VLWV VWUDWHJ\ DQG YLVLRQ FRPPLWPHQW WR WKH LQWHUHVW RI VKDUHKROGHUV PDWXUH MXGJPHQW SURIHVVLRQDOTXDOL¿FDWLRQPDQDJHPHQWDELOLW\DQGWKHSRVVLELOLW\RIDQ\FRQÀLFWRILQWHUHVW &DQGLGDWHVIRU1RQ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRUSRVLWLRQVZLOODOVREHDVVHVVHGRQWKHQXPEHUDQGQDWXUHRIGLUHFWRUVKLSV KHOGLQRWKHUFRPSDQLHVLQGHSHQGHQFHRIWKHFDQGLGDWHSXUVXDQWWR%XUVD0DOD\VLD/LVWLQJ5HTXLUHPHQWVDQGWKH calls on their time from other commitments, in order to ensure their full contribution as effective Board members. Only candidates possessing the highest standards of personal and professional ethics and integrity, practical wisdom DQGPDWXUHMXGJPHQWDQGZKRDUHFRPPLWWHGWRUHSUHVHQWLQJWKHLQWHUHVWVRIWKHVWRFNKROGHUVDWDOOWLPHVZLOOEH considered for recommendation to the Board for appointment. 62 w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y 8SRQDSSRLQWPHQWWRWKH%RDUGWKHQHZO\DSSRLQWHG'LUHFWRULVUHTXLUHGWRFRPSOHWHWKH0DQGDWRU\$FFUHGLWDWLRQ 3URJUDPPH³0$3´ZLWKLQIRXUPRQWKVIURPWKHGDWHRIKLVKHUDSSRLQWPHQW 7KH1RPLQDWLQJ&RPPLWWHHDOVRUHYLHZVFKDQJHVWRWKHVWUXFWXUHRIWKH%RDUGLQOLJKWRIWKH/LVWLQJ5HTXLUHPHQWV and the Malaysian Code of Corporate Governance pertaining to composition of the Board and its Board Committees. 5((/(&7,212)',5(&7256 All Directors, including the Managing Director, retire by rotation once every three years. Retiring Directors may offer themselves for re-election to the Board at the Annual General Meeting. In addition, any newly appointed Director will submit himself for retirement and reelection at the Annual General Meeting immediately following his appointment pursuant to Article 92 of the Articles of Association. Thereafter he VKDOOEHVXEMHFWWRWKHRQHWKLUGURWDWLRQUHWLUHPHQWUXOH ',5(&7256¶75$,1,1* Directors’ training is an on-going process to develop and refresh the Directors’ knowledge and skills in order to LPSURYH WKH HIIHFWLYHQHVV RI WKH 'LUHFWRUV DQG %RDUG 'XULQJ WKH ¿QDQFLDO \HDU 'LUHFWRUV DWWHQGHG WKH IROORZLQJ H[WHUQDOVHPLQDUVDQGLQWHUQDOO\IDFLOLWDWHGVHVVLRQVWRNHHSDEUHDVWZLWKWKHUHOHYDQWFKDQJHVLQODZUHJXODWLRQV and the business environment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± 0DQDJLQJ 8QFHUWDLQW\ E\ 0DOD\VLDQ Directors Academy (MINDA) :RPHQ'LUHFWRUV¶7UDLQLQJ3URJUDPPH,QLWLDWLYHE\1$0,QVWLWXWHIRUWKH(PSRZHUPHQWRI:RPHQ1,(: ,Q+RXVH6HQLRU0DQDJHPHQW&RUSRUDWH5HWUHDW1HZ&XOWXUHIRU7UDQVIRUPDWLRQ The Directors will continue to pursue relevant seminars and trainings from time to time as they consider necessary to HTXLSWKHPVHOYHVWRHQDEOHWKHPWRGLVFKDUJHWKHLUGXWLHVHIIHFWLYHO\ 63 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE ``` BOARD COMMITTEE Board Committee Each Board Committee comprises members of the Board of Directors and Senior Management which is mandated to FDUU\RXWVSHFL¿HGIXQFWLRQVSURJUDPVRUSURMHFWVDVVLJQHGE\WKH%RDUG7KHPDLQREMHFWLYHIRUWKHHVWDEOLVKPHQW RI&RPPLWWHHVLVWRDVVLVWWKH%RDUGLQWKHH[HFXWLRQRILWVGXWLHVWRDOORZGHWDLOHGFRQVLGHUDWLRQRIFRPSOH[LVVXHV and to ensure diversity of opinions, suggestions and recommendations. Each Committee is given a written charter ZLWKVSHFL¿FUROHVDQGUHVSRQVLELOLWLHVFRPSRVLWLRQVWUXFWXUHPHPEHUVKLSUHTXLUHPHQWVDQGWKHPDQQHULQZKLFK the Committee is to operate. The Committees are to ensure effective Board processes, structures and roles, including Board performance evaluation by the Nominating Committee. All matters determined by the Committees DUHSURPSWO\UHSRUWHGWRWKH%RDUGWKURXJKWKHLUUHVSHFWLYH&KDLUSHUVRQVDVRSLQLRQVDQGRUUHFRPPHQGDWLRQVIRU %RDUG¶VHQGRUVHPHQWDQGRUGHFLVLRQV Membership of each Committee shall be determined by the Board acting on the recommendation of the Nominating &RPPLWWHH,WLVWKHYLHZRIWKH%RDUGWKDWWKHVL]HRIHDFK&RPPLWWHHDQGWKHEOHQGRIVNLOOVDQGH[SHULHQFHRI LWVPHPEHUVDUHVXI¿FLHQWWRHQDEOHWKH&RPPLWWHHWRGLVFKDUJHLWVUHVSRQVLELOLWLHVLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWKWKHFKDUWHU Members of each Committee are drawn from the Board and the Group’s Senior Management team, based on their UHVSHFWLYHVNLOOVUHVSRQVLELOLWLHVDQGDUHDVRIH[SHUWLVH The Nominating Committee shall periodically review the Committee assignments and make recommendations to the Board for rotation of assignments and appointments as deemed appropriate. The Chairman of each Committee will GHYHORSWKHDJHQGDIRUHDFKPHHWLQJDQGZLOOGHWHUPLQHWKHIUHTXHQF\RIWKHPHHWLQJV The summary of Committee memberships is as follows: 1DPHRI'LUHFWRUV0DQDJHPHQWVWDII $XGLW&RPPLWWHH 1RPLQDWLQJ 5HPXQHUDWLRQ 5LVN0DQDJHPHQW &RPPLWWHH &RPPLWWHH &RPPLWWHH 'DWXN$PDU$EGXO+DPHG%LQ+DML6HSDZL 'DWXN+DVPL%LQ+DVQDQ 'DWR,U$EDQJ-HPDW%LQ$EDQJ%XMDQJ ¥ ¥ (Chairman) 'DWX'U+DML$EGXO5DVKLG%LQ0RKG$]LV 'DWLQ0DU\6D¶GLDK%LQWL=DLQXGGLQ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ (Chairman) ¥ ¥ 6KLUOH\1RLYRQW'DYLG ¥ (Chairman) 'HQLVH<RQJ+XL+XL 7RWDO1RRIPHPEHUV 7DQ6UL,]]XGGLQ%LQ'DOL 7XDQ+DML6RHGLUPDQ%LQ+DML$LQL 64 w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y ¥ ¥ ¥ (Chairman) ¥ (Internal Auditor) ¥ (Secretary) ,19(67255(/$7,216$1'6+$5(+2/'(5&20081,&$7,21 The Group has formalized corporate disclosure policies and procedures on communication with stakeholders. The Group communicates with shareholders by way of the Annual Report, Financial Statements, by announcing its TXDUWHUO\UHVXOWVDQGWKURXJKSHULRGLFDODQQRXQFHPHQWVWRWKHPDUNHWLQJHQHUDO7KHOHYHORIGLVFORVXUHDGRSWHGLQ WKH$QQXDO5HSRUWDQGTXDUWHUO\UHVXOWVDUHGHVLJQHGWRJREH\RQGWKHVWDWXWRU\REOLJDWLRQVLQRUGHUWRVHUYHDVDQ effective means of communication and information on the Group’s operations. In addition, the investment community, comprising individuals, analysts, fund managers and other stakeholders, have dialogues with the Group’s authorized representatives (the Chairman, Managing Director and Deputy Managing Director) on a regular basis. This provides further channel in communicating and engaging directly with the VKDUHKROGHUVLQYHVWRUVDQGLQYHVWPHQWFRPPXQLW\1RQ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRUVPD\DWWHQGVXFKPHHWLQJVEXWDUHQRW H[SHFWHGWRSURYLGHLQIRUPDWLRQRQWKH*URXS¶VSHUIRUPDQFH'LVFXVVLRQVDWVXFKPHHWLQJVDUHUHVWULFWHGWRPDWWHUV that are in the public domain. $QQXDO([WUDRUGLQDU\*HQHUDO0HHWLQJVKDYHEHHQWKHPDLQIRUXPIRUGLDORJXHZLWKVKDUHKROGHUV$PSOHRSSRUWXQLWLHV DUHJLYHQWRVKDUHKROGHUVWRUDLVHTXHVWLRQVDQGRUVHHNFODUL¿FDWLRQRQWKH*URXS¶VEXVLQHVVDQGSHUIRUPDQFH The Group abides by the following main principles in its investor relations: WKRXJKWIXODQDO\VLVRIRXUPDUNHWYDOXHUHODWLYHWRHVWLPDWHVRIRXULQWULQVLFYDOXHWKDWLVWKHSUHVHQWYDOXHRIRXU *URXSEDVHGRQDVHULHVRIIXWXUHH[SHFWHGQHWFDVKÀRZV HQVXULQJWKDWDOOLQIRUPDWLRQGLYHVWHGWRRXULQYHVWRUVLVFRQVLVWHQWZLWKRXUVWUDWHJLHVSODQVDQGDFWXDOSHUIRUPDQFH SURYLGLQJWUDQVSDUHQF\RQRXURSHUDWLRQVDQGSHUIRUPDQFH XQGHUVWDQGLQJRXULQYHVWRUEDVHDQGWKHLUUHTXLUHPHQWV ',5(&7256¶3(5)250$1&($1'5(081(5$7,21 7KH([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRUV¶SHUIRUPDQFHLVPHDVXUHGDJDLQVWWKH.H\3HUIRUPDQFH,QGLFDWRUV.3,.3,LVDTXDQWL¿DEOH PHWULFWKDWUHÀHFWVKRZZHOODQRUJDQLVDWLRQKDVDFKLHYHGLWVSUHGHWHUPLQHGWDUJHWVJRDO7KHWDUJHWVJRDOVDUH aligned with the overall strategy of the organisation. 7KHWDUJHWVLQFOXGLQJTXDQWL¿DEOHEDVHOLQHDQGVWUHWFKHGWDUJHWVDQGLQFHQWLYHVLQWKHIRUPRILQGLYLGXDODQGWHDP UHZDUGZHUHSUHDSSURYHGE\WKH%RDUGDWWKHWLPHWKHEXGJHWIRUVXEVHTXHQW\HDUZDVWDEOHGDQGPD\WKHUHDIWHU be revised based on the prevailing economic conditions. The Managing Director and Chairman’s remuneration package are recommended by the Remuneration Committee to WKH%RDUGIRUDSSURYDO)HHVIRU1RQ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRUVDUHSURSRVHGE\WKH%RDUGDQGDSSURYHGE\VKDUHKROGHUV at the Annual General Meeting. 'XULQJ WKH \HDU XQGHU UHYLHZ ERQXV ZDV SDLG WR ([HFXWLYH 'LUHFWRUV EDVHG RQ WKH *URXS¶V RYHUDOO EXVLQHVV performance combined with each individual’s competency rating. 7KH UHPXQHUDWLRQ IRU ([HFXWLYH 'LUHFWRUV FRPSULVHV WZR SDUWV QDPHO\ WKH ¿[HG DQG YDULDEOH UHPXQHUDWLRQ FRPSRQHQWV7KH¿[HGFRPSRQHQWLVWKHEDVLFVDODU\ZKHUHDVWKHYDULDEOHFRPSRQHQWUHODWHVWRLQFHQWLYHVWDJJHG WRWDUJHWVDQGRXWFRPHVDQGWKHDELOLW\WRFRQWULEXWHWRWKHORQJWHUPVWUDWHJLHVRIWKHRUJDQLVDWLRQ1RQ([HFXWLYH 'LUHFWRUV VKDOO EH HOLJLEOH WR WKH ¿[HG FRPSRQHQW +RZHYHU WKH\ DUH QRW HOLJLEOH WR SDUWLFLSDWH LQ WKH YDULDEOH performance-linked incentive scheme in the form of annual bonuses. 65 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE ``` BOARD COMMITTEE (CONTINUE) Board Committee (continue) 7KHNH\REMHFWLYHVRIWKH&RPSDQ\¶VSROLF\RQ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRUV¶UHPXQHUDWLRQDUHDVIROORZV WRDWWUDFWDQGUHWDLQH[HFXWLYHVRIWKHKLJKHVWFDOLEUH 2. to reward them at the prevailing market rate 3. to reward them in a way which promotes the creation of shareholders’ value through a “performance pegged to remuneration” package, i.e. Key Performance Indicators 7KH&RPSDQ\¶VSROLF\IRU1RQ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRUVLVEDVLFDOO\WRRIIHUUHPXQHUDWLRQDGHTXDWHWRDWWUDFWDQGUHWDLQ LQGLYLGXDOV RI WKH DSSURSULDWH FDOLEUH ZKR DUH DEOH WR DSSO\ VRXQG LQGHSHQGHQW MXGJPHQW EDVHG RQ H[WHQVLYH SURIHVVLRQDOH[SHULHQFHDQGNQRZOHGJH 1RQ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRUVDUHHQWLWOHGWRWZRNLQGVRIUHPXQHUDWLRQ PHHWLQJDOORZDQFHRUVSHFLDODOORZDQFHVZKHQFDOOHGXSRQWRSHUIRUPH[WUDVHUYLFHVRUJLYHVSHFLDODWWHQWLRQWR the business of the Group 2. Directors’ fees recommended by the Board and approved by shareholders in the Annual General Meeting $V DIRUHPHQWLRQHG ([HFXWLYH 'LUHFWRUV DUH SDLG VDODU\ DQG ERQXV +RZHYHU WKH\ DUH QRW HQWLWOHG WR PHHWLQJ allowances and fees. No Director is involved in determining his own remuneration. 'HWDLOVRIWKH'LUHFWRUV¶UHPXQHUDWLRQLQFOXGLQJEHQH¿WVLQNLQGRIHDFK'LUHFWRUGXULQJWKH¿QDQFLDO\HDUDUH as follows: 5DQJHRI5HPXQHUDWLRQ50 ([HFXWLYH 1XPEHURI'LUHFWRUV 1RQ([HFXWLYH Above RM2,650,001 to RM2,700,000 1 - Above RM1,300,001 to RM1,350,000 - 1 Above RM650,001 to RM700,000 1 - Above RM200,001 to RM250,000 - 5 Above RM100,001 to RM150,000 - 1 7KHGHWDLOVRIUHPXQHUDWLRQSDLGWRHDFK'LUHFWRUIRUWKH¿QDQFLDO\HDUHQGHG'HFHPEHUDUHDVIROORZV 5HPXQHUDWLRQ50 ([HFXWLYH 1RQ([HFXWLYH 7RWDO 6DODULHV $OORZDQFHV Fees - 1,136,095 1,136,095 Bonus, Incentive & Others - - - Others - - - 7RWDO (3) %HQH¿WLQNLQG 66 w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y $&&2817$%,/,7<$1'$8',7 Statement of Directors’ Responsibility in preparing the Financial Statements 7KH%RDUGRI'LUHFWRUVDFFHSWVUHVSRQVLELOLW\IRUWKHLQWHJULW\DQGREMHFWLYLW\RIWKHDQQXDO¿QDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVRIWKH &RPSDQ\DQGWKH*URXS7KH¿QDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVKDYHEHHQSUHSDUHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWKWKH)LQDQFLDO5HSRUWLQJ 6WDQGDUGVSURYLVLRQVRIWKH&RPSDQLHV$FWVDQGWKH/LVWLQJ5HTXLUHPHQWVRI%XUVD0DOD\VLD 7KH'LUHFWRUVDUHDOVRUHVSRQVLEOHLQHQVXULQJWKDWWKHDQQXDO¿QDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVRIWKH&RPSDQ\DQGWKH*URXS JLYHDWUXHDQGIDLUYLHZRIWKH¿QDQFLDOSRVLWLRQRIWKH&RPSDQ\DQGWKH*URXS ,QSUHSDULQJWKH¿QDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVWKH'LUHFWRUVFRQVLGHUWKHIROORZLQJ 7KH&RPSDQ\DQGWKH*URXSKDYHDSSOLHGWKHDSSURSULDWHDFFRXQWLQJSROLFLHVRQDFRQVLVWHQWEDVLVVXSSRUWHG E\SUXGHQWMXGJHPHQWVDQGHVWLPDWHV $OODSSOLFDEOHDSSURYHGDFFRXQWLQJVWDQGDUGVKDYHEHHQFRPSOLHG 3URSHUDFFRXQWLQJUHFRUGVDUHNHSWWRHQVXUHWKDWDOOVRXUFHGRFXPHQWVXVHGIRUSUHSDULQJWKH¿QDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWV DUHSURSHUO\¿OHGDQGDFFXUDWH The Directors have taken steps that are reasonably available to them to safeguard the assets of the Company and the Group in order to prevent and detect fraud and other irregularities. ,QWHUQDO&RQWURO The Board is responsible for the Group’s internal control, the overall purpose of which is to protect shareholders’ investments and the Group’s assets. The Board is assisted by the Audit Committee, which is responsible for monitoring the Group’s internal control system, accounting policies and Financial Reporting. It also maintains a liaison with the LQWHUQDODQGH[WHUQDODXGLWRUV 7KH,QWHUQDO$XGLWUHSRUWVUHJXODUO\WRWKH$XGLW&RPPLWWHHRQWKHLU¿QGLQJVRQWKHDGHTXDF\DQGHIIHFWLYHQHVVRIWKH control systems. The Internal Audit operation covers all business operations, units, processes and functions of the Group. The Head of Internal Audit is Madam Shirley Noivont David. Further details of the internal audit function are DVRXWOLQHGLQSDJHVWRRIWKLV$QQXDO5HSRUW 7KH *URXS¶V 6WDWHPHQW RQ 5LVN 0DQDJHPHQW DQG ,QWHUQDO &RQWURO LV GHVFULEHG LQ SDJHV WR RI WKLV$QQXDO Report. 5HODWLRQVKLSZLWKWKH([WHUQDO$XGLWRUV The Audit Committee is directly responsible for the oversight of the engagement of the Company’s auditors. ,WLVWKHSROLF\RIWKH$XGLW&RPPLWWHHWRPHHWWKHH[WHUQDODXGLWRUVDWOHDVWWZLFHD\HDUWRGLVFXVVWKHDXGLWSODQDQG DXGLW¿QGLQJV7KHVHPHHWLQJVDUHKHOGZLWKRXWWKHSUHVHQFHRI([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRUVDQGPDQDJHPHQW 3ULRUWRWKHFRPPHQFHPHQWRIWKHDXGLWIRUWKH¿QDQFLDO\HDUHQGHG'HFHPEHUWKH$XGLW&RPPLWWHHPHWWKH H[WHUQDODXGLWRURQ1RYHPEHUWRGLVFXVVWKHDXGLWSODQDQGDXGLWPHWKRGRORJ\DQGGXULQJWKHPHHWLQJWKH H[WHUQDODXGLWRUV0HVVUV.30*GHFODUHGWKDWLWVQHWZRUN¿UPHQJDJHPHQWSDUWQHUDQGDXGLWWHDP¶VLQGHSHQGHQFH DQGREMHFWLYLW\ZHUHLQFRPSOLDQFHZLWKUHOHYDQWHWKLFDOUHTXLUHPHQWV 67 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE ``` BOARD COMMITTEE (CONTINUE) Board Committee (continue) $'',7,21$/&203/,$1&( ,Q FRPSOLDQFH ZLWK WKH /LVWLQJ 5HTXLUHPHQWV RI %XUVD 0DOD\VLD 6HFXULWLHV WKH IROORZLQJ LQIRUPDWLRQ LV SURYLGHG hereunder. 6KDUH%X\%DFN A total cumulative treasury share as at 31 December 2014 was 13,056,000. 'XULQJWKH¿QDQFLDO\HDUHQGHG'HFHPEHUWKH&RPSDQ\GLGQRWSXUFKDVHDQ\RILWVRZQVKDUHV,QDGGLWLRQ none of the treasury shares were resold or cancelled. 2SWLRQV:DUUDQWVRU&RQYHUWLEOH6HFXULWLHV 1RRSWLRQVZDUUDQWVRUFRQYHUWLEOHVHFXULWLHVZHUHLVVXHGGXULQJWKH¿QDQFLDO\HDUXQGHUUHYLHZ $PHULFDQ'HSRVLWRU\5HFHLSW³$'5´RU*OREDO'HSRVLWRU\5HFHLSW³*'5´3URJUDPPH The Group did not sponsor any ADR or GDR programmes during the year under review. 6DQFWLRQVDQG3HQDOWLHV There were no sanctions or penalties imposed on the Group, its subsidiaries, Directors and management during the ¿QDQFLDO\HDU 1RQ$XGLW)HHV 7KHDPRXQWRIQRQDXGLWIHHVSDLGWRWKHH[WHUQDODXGLWRUVE\WKH*URXSLQWKH¿QDQFLDO\HDUHQGHG'HFHPEHU DPRXQWHGWR50 9DULDWLRQLQ5HVXOWV 'XULQJWKH¿QDQFLDO\HDUXQGHUUHYLHZWKHUHZHUHQRVLJQL¿FDQWYDULDWLRQVLQUHVXOWV 3UR¿W*XDUDQWHH 'XULQJWKH¿QDQFLDO\HDUXQGHUUHYLHZWKHUHZHUHQRSUR¿WJXDUDQWHHVJLYHQE\WKH*URXS 8WLOL]DWLRQRI3URFHHGV The proceeds from the Initial Public Offerings in 2003 was fully utilised as at 31 December 2009. 5HODWHG3DUW\7UDQVDFWLRQV The related party transactions are disclosed on page 143 of this Annual Report. 0DWHULDO&RQWUDFWV 7KHUH ZHUH QR PDWHULDO FRQWUDFWV HQWHUHG LQWR E\ WKH *URXS DQGRU LWV VXEVLGLDULHV LQYROYLQJ 'LUHFWRUV DQG 0DMRU 6KDUHKROGHUVHLWKHUVXEVLVWLQJDWWKHHQGRIWKH¿QDQFLDO\HDURUHQWHUHGLQWRVLQFHWKHHQGRIWKHSUHYLRXV¿QDQFLDO year. This statement is made in accordance with a resolution of the Board dated 14 April 2015. w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y 120,1$7,1*&200,77(( The Nominating Committee was established on 13th November 2003. It comprises the following members:'DWXN$PDU$EGXO+DPHG%LQ+DML6HSDZL±&KDLUPDQ 1RQ([HFXWLYH&KDLUPDQ 'DWX'U+DML$EGXO5DVKLG%LQ0RKG$]LV±0HPEHU ,QGHSHQGHQW1RQ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRU 'DWLQ0DU\6D¶GLDK%LQWL=DLQXGGLQ±0HPEHU ,QGHSHQGHQW1RQ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRU 7DQ6UL,]]XGGLQ%LQ'DOL±0HPEHU ,QGHSHQGHQW1RQ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRU 7KHFXUUHQWFRPSRVLWLRQRI([HFXWLYHDQG1RQ([HFXWLYHGLUHFWRUVLQWKH1RPLQDWLQJ&RPPLWWHHLVDVIROORZV &DWHJRU\ 1RQ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRU IndependHQW1RQ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRU 7RWDO 1RRI'LUHFWRUV 3HUFHQWDJH The main role of the Committee is to consider the nominees for appointment to the Board of Directors and to assess WKHFRUHFRPSHWHQFLHVRIHDFKH[LVWLQJ%RDUGPHPEHUDQGQHZDSSRLQWPHQWVZLWKVSHFLDOHPSKDVLVRQWKHLUDELOLW\ WRFRQWULEXWHSDUWLFXODUNQRZOHGJHH[SHUWLVHRUH[SHULHQFHDQGWDNLQJLQWRDFFRXQWWKHIXWXUHQHHGVRIWKH*URXS Candidates will be evaluated in one or more of the following: 5HOHYDQW.QRZOHGJH6NLOODQG([SHULHQFH &RPPHUFLDONQRZOHGJHEXVLQHVVDFXPHQVNLOODQGH[SHULHQFHRI%RDUGPHPEHUDJDLQVWWKHVWUDWHJLFGLUHFWLRQ of the Group. 6WUDWHJ\DQG9LVLRQ :LWKWKHUHTXLVLWHNQRZOHGJHDVDIRUHPHQWLRQHG%RDUGPHPEHUVPXVWSRVVHVVWKHFDSDELOLW\WRSURYLGHLQVLJKW guidance and direction to management by promoting improvement, modeling new trends and evaluating strategies. %XVLQHVV-XGJHPHQW Shareholders rely on the Board to make rational and sensible decisions on their behalf to bring about a reasonable return on their investments. The Board has to maintain a track record of sound business decisions that add value to the long-term strategic advantage of the Company. )LQDQFLDO0DQDJHPHQW6NLOOV %RDUGPHPEHUVPXVWEHFDSDEOHRIPRQLWRULQJWKHPDQDJHPHQW¶VSHUIRUPDQFHE\KDYLQJDQDGHTXDWHNQRZOHGJH RI¿QDQFLDODFFRXQWLQJDQGFRUSRUDWH¿QDQFH ,QGXVWU\.QRZOHGJH %XVLQHVVHVQRUPDOO\IDFHQHZFKDOOHQJHVDQGQHZRSSRUWXQLWLHVZKLFKDUHXQLTXHWRWKHLQGXVWU\7KH&RPPLWWHH ZLOOUHFUXLWDQGRUPDLQWDLQDQDSSURSULDWHOHYHORILQGXVWU\VSHFL¿FNQRZOHGJHRQWKH%RDUG 7LPH&RPPLWPHQW Service on the Board demands a considerable commitment with regards to time to attend and participate in regular and special meetings of the Board and its committees. A large portion of this time is devoted to reviewing materials relating to the business and preparing for meetings of the Board and its committees. 69 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE ``` BOARD COMMITTEE (CONTINUE) Board Committee (continue) 2WKHU'LUHFWRUVKLSV The Committee will also take into consideration whether a Director is otherwise retired or to be retired from full time employment and, thereby, able to take up additional directorships. &RQÀLFWRILQWHUHVW &DQGLGDWHVDUHUHTXLUHGWRGLVFORVHWRWKH%RDUGGHWDLOVRIDQ\FRQWUDFWRURWKHULQWHUHVWLQYROYLQJWKH&RPSDQ\ in which they have a personal interest. ,QGHSHQGHQFH A director shall be considered independent if he does not have any direct or indirect relationship with Naim WKDW PD\ LPSDLU RU DSSHDU WR LPSDLU WKH 'LUHFWRU¶V DELOLW\ WR PDNH LQGHSHQGHQW MXGJPHQWV DQG VDWLV¿HV WKH UHTXLUHPHQWVRI³LQGHSHQGHQFH´RIWKH/LVWLQJ5HTXLUHPHQWV ,IWKHFDQGLGDWHLVGHHPHGVXLWDEOHDQGIXO¿OOVWKHPLQLPXPUHTXLUHPHQWVUHFRPPHQGDWLRQVZLOOEHVXEPLWWHGWRWKH Board for consideration. The Nominating Committee also evaluates the following: 1. Establish criteria for selection of Directors 2. Board structure, size and the balance of representation on the Board in light of both business needs and the /LVWLQJ5HTXLUHPHQWV 3. Performance of the Board and Board Committees; 5HYLHZWKHPL[RIVNLOOVDQGH[SHULHQFHLQFOXGLQJFRUHFRPSHWHQFLHVRI1RQ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRUV 5. Directors’ Rotational Retirement Schedule An outline of skills of the current Board members is as follows: 70 'DWXN$PDU$EGXO+DPHG%LQ+DML6HSDZL 3URSHUW\'HYHORSPHQW&RQVWUXFWLRQ7LPEHU Oil Palm and Energy Datuk Hasmi Bin Hasnan - Property Development, Construction, Timber Wong Ping Eng - Audit, Financial and Operations 'DWR,U$EDQJ-HPDW%LQ$EDQJ%XMDQJ (OHFWULFDO(QJLQHHULQJDQG7HOHFRPPXQLFDWLRQ 'DWX'U+DML$EGXO5DVKLG%LQ0RKG$]LV *RYHUQPHQWDQG(GXFDWLRQ Professor Dato’ Abang Abdullah Bin Abang Mohamad Alli - Civil Engineering, Technology, Research and Education Tan Sri Izzuddin Bin Dali - Government and Multi-National Datin Mary Sa’diah Binti Zainuddin - Oil & Gas 7XDQ+DML6RHGLUPDQ%LQ+DML$LQL 2LO*DV*RYHUQPHQW$XGLW)LQDQFLDODQG Operations and Investment w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y 120,1$7,1*&200,77((±7(5062)5()(5(1&( &RPSRVLWLRQ The Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the Board from among their number and shall comprise of no IHZHUWKDQWKUHHPHPEHUVDOORIZKRPVKDOOEH1RQ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRUVDQGDPDMRULW\VKDOOEH,QGHSHQGHQW 1RQ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRUV 'XWLHVDQG5HVSRQVLELOLWLHV The duties and responsibilities of the Nominating Committee are as follows: a. To consider and recommend to the Board competent persons of the highest calibre and integrity for appointment as: i. members of the Board ii. members of the Board Committees E 7R UHYLHZ WKH UHTXLUHG PL[ RI VNLOOV DQG H[SHULHQFH DQG RWKHU TXDOLWLHV LQFOXGLQJ FRUH FRPSHWHQFLHV RI 1RQ ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRUVRQDQDQQXDOEDVLV c. To review the performance of members of the Board, Managing Director and members of Board Committees; and to assess the effectiveness of the Board Committee and the Board as a whole and the contribution of each individual Director; G 7RUHYLHZWKH%RDUGVWUXFWXUHDQGVL]HDQGWKHEDODQFHRIDSSRLQWPHQWVEHWZHHQ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRUVDQG1RQ ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRUV H 7RUHYLHZWKHDGHTXDF\RIFRPPLWWHHVWUXFWXUHVRI%RDUG&RPPLWWHHV f. To review the structure for management succession and development for the orderly succession of management. 7KH1RPLQDWLQJ&RPPLWWHHPHHWVDVDQGZKHQUHTXLUHGDQGDWOHDVWRQFHD\HDU 5(081(5$7,21&200,77(( The Remuneration Committee was formed on 13th November 2003. The Committee consists of the following members: 'DWXN,U$EDQJ-HPDW%LQ$EDQJ%XMDQJ±&KDLUPDQ ,QGHSHQGHQW1RQ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRU 'DWXN+DVPL%LQ+DVQDQ±0HPEHU Managing Director 'DWX'U+DML$EGXO5DVKLG%LQ0RKG$]LV±0HPEHU ,QGHSHQGHQW1RQ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRU 7KHFXUUHQWFRPSRVLWLRQRI([HFXWLYHDQG1RQ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRUVLQ5HPXQHUDWLRQ&RPPLWWHHLVDVIROORZV &DWHJRU\ ,QGHSHQGHQW1RQ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRUV ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRU 7RWDO 1RRI'LUHFWRUV 3HUFHQWDJH 7KH&RPPLWWHHVKDOODQQXDOO\UHYLHZSHUIRUPDQFHDJDLQVWWDUJHWVFRUSRUDWHJRDOVDQGREMHFWLYHVUHOHYDQWWRWKH UHPXQHUDWLRQRIWKH([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRUV7KHUHPXQHUDWLRQSDFNDJHLVVWUXFWXUHGWREHDULWKPHWLFDOO\OLQNHGWRWKH ¿QDQFLDOSHUIRUPDQFHRIWKH*URXSDQGZLWKQRQDULWKPHWLFHOHPHQWVGHWHUPLQHGE\UHIHUHQFHWRSHUVRQDOLW\WUDLWV FKDQJHV LQ MRE VFRSH DQG UHVSRQVLELOLWLHV ,QFHQWLYHV DUH SDLG EDVHG RQ FULWHULD UHVXOWV RI .H\ 3HUIRUPDQFH Indicators (KPIs), achievement of targets and outcomes, and the ability to contribute to the long term value creation of the organization. The overall remuneration package is devised to retain a stable management team and to align them with the Group’s annual and long-term goals and interests of the shareholders. 71 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE ``` BOARD COMMITTEE (CONTINUE) Board Committee (continue) 5(081(5$7,21&200,77((±7(5062)5()(5(1&( &RPSRVLWLRQ The Remuneration Committee shall be appointed by the Board from among their number and shall comprise no IHZHUWKDQWKUHHPHPEHUV$PDMRULW\RIPHPEHUVVKDOOEH1RQ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRUV 'XWLHVDQG5HVSRQVLELOLWLHV The duties and responsibilities of the Remuneration Committee are as follows: 1. To review annually and recommend to the Board the Company’s overall remuneration policy and guidelines for ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRUVWRHQVXUHWKDWWKHUHPXQHUDWLRQSDFNDJHVDUHVWURQJO\OLQNHGWRSHUIRUPDQFH 7R HQKDQFH VKDUHKROGHUV¶ YDOXH E\ HQVXULQJ WKDW LQGLYLGXDO SHUIRUPDQFH DQG UHZDUGV RI ([HFXWLYH 'LUHFWRUV UHÀHFWDQGUHLQIRUFHWKHEXVLQHVVREMHFWLYHVDQGORQJWHUPJRDOVRIWKH*URXS 7RNHHSDEUHDVWZLWKFKDQJHVLQWKHWRWDOUHPXQHUDWLRQSDFNDJHVLQH[WHUQDOPDUNHWFRPSDUDEOHVDQGUHYLHZDQG recommend changes to the Board when necessary. No member of the committee or any Director shall participate in the meeting of the Committee (or during the relevant part) in which any part of his remuneration is being discussed or participate in any recommendation or decision FRQFHUQLQJKLVUHPXQHUDWLRQDQGEHQH¿WV 7KH5HPXQHUDWLRQ&RPPLWWHHPHHWVDVDQGZKHQUHTXLUHGDQGDWOHDVWRQFHD\HDUWRGHOLEHUDWHRQWKHSHUIRUPDQFH related scheme i.e. the Key Performance Indicators and competency rating of the Managing Director and recommend the Managing Director and the Chairman’s remunerations to the Board for endorsement. 5,6.0$1$*(0(17&200,77(( The Risk Management Committee comprises the following: 'DWLQ0DU\6D¶GLDK%LQWL=DLQXGGLQ&KDLUPDQ ,QGHSHQGHQW1RQ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRU 'DWX'U+DML$EGXO5DVKLG%LQ0RKG$]LV0HPEHU ,QGHSHQGHQW1RQ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRU 'DWXN$PDU$EGXO+DPHG%LQ+DML6HSDZL0HPEHU 1RQ([HFXWLYH&KDLUPDQ The current composition in the Risk Management Committee is as follows: &DWHJRU\ ,QGHSHQGHQW1RQ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRU 1RQ,QGHSHQGHQW1RQ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRU 7RWDO 1RRI'LUHFWRUV 3HUFHQWDJH The Board acknowledges that the Group operates in a highly dynamic environment and recognizes the need to PDQDJH ULVNV WKDW DIIHFW WKH DFKLHYHPHQW RI WKH *URXS¶V VWUDWHJLF REMHFWLYHV 7KH 5LVN 0DQDJHPHQW &RPPLWWHH provides oversight of the Group’s risk management activities and reports to the Board. The Board retains the overall risk management responsibility. 72 w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y The Risk Management Committee assists the Board to provide effective risk oversight and to provide a clear demarcation of roles and responsibilities and process in order that management maintained reasonable risk management practices and system of internal control in their day-to-day operations at their respective business units. The Committee is supported by an independent Risk Management Unit, a secretariat setup to assist in the coordination and implementation of the risk management policy which reports directly to the Committee. 7KHEXVLQHVVXQLWVEHLQJWKH¿UVWOLQHRIGHIHQVHDUHUHVSRQVLEOHIRULGHQWLI\LQJPLWLJDWLQJDQGPDQDJLQJULVNVZLWKLQ their respective areas. 7KH5LVN0DQDJHPHQW&RPPLWWHHKHOG¿YHPHHWLQJVGXULQJWKH\HDUGXULQJZKLFKWKHUHOHYDQWPDQDJHPHQW staff, the Risk Management Unit and the Internal Audit attended the meetings to, inter alia, report, review and discuss RQWKHNH\ULVNVDQGLVVXHVLPSDFWLQJWKH*URXS¶VVWUDWHJLFREMHFWLYHV The Risk Management Committee continuously review its risk management framework, policies and processes in its effort to further embed risk management practices into the Group’s business processes and structures. 5,6.0$1$*(0(17&200,77((7(5062)5()(5(1&( 2EMHFWLYHV 7KHREMHFWLYHVRIWKH5LVN0DQDJHPHQW&RPPLWWHHDUH a. To provide effective risk oversight of the Group’s Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) strategy, framework and policies b. To assist the Board on considerations and process for setting the risk appetite c. To assist the Board in the effective embedment of risk management practices into the Group’s governance framework, business processes, structures, cultures and activities &RPSRVLWLRQ The composition of the Risk Management Committee shall be as follows: a. The Risk Management Committee shall be appointed by the Board from among their number and shall consist of QROHVVWKDQWKUHHPHPEHUVWKHPDMRULW\RIZKRPVKDOOEH,QGHSHQGHQW1RQ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRUV E 7KH&KDLUPDQRIWKH5LVN0DQDJHPHQW&RPPLWWHHVKDOOEHDQ,QGHSHQGHQW1RQ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRUDSSRLQWHGE\ the Board c. The Secretary to the Committee and the Head of Internal Audit will be permanent attendees at each meeting G 7KH&RPPLWWHHVKDOOLQYLWHVXFK'LUHFWRUVRI¿FHUVDQGRUHPSOR\HHVRIWKH*URXSDVLWPD\GHHPDSSURSULDWHWR attend a Committee meeting and assist in the discussion and consideration of matters relating to the Committee )UHTXHQF\RI0HHWLQJV 0HHWLQJVVKDOOEHKHOGHYHU\TXDUWHUO\DQGDVRWKHUZLVHUHTXLUHGWRHQDEOHWKH&RPPLWWHHWRIXO¿OOLWVREOLJDWLRQV 4XRUXP $TXRUXPVKDOOFRQVLVWRIWZRPHPEHUV 6HFUHWDU\ The Secretary of the Committee shall be the Risk Manager. $XWKRULW\ The Risk Management Committee shall have: a. The authority and access to the information, records or reports relevant to the Group’s activities from employees of the Group in order to perform its duties E 7KHQHFHVVDU\UHVRXUFHVUHTXLUHGWRFDUU\RXWLWVGXWLHVDQGPD\REWDLQLQGHSHQGHQWOHJDORUSURIHVVLRQDODGYLFH on any matters within its terms of reference as it considers necessary 73 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE ``` BOARD COMMITTEE (CONTINUE) Board Committee (continue) 'XWLHVDQG5HVSRQVLELOLWLHV The duties and responsibilities of the Risk Management Committee are as follows: a. To provide oversight on Naim’s Enterprise Risk Management b. To establish risk framework and policies c. To align risk strategy to the business strategy d. To assist the Board in determining the Group’s risk appetite and tolerance levels, and communicating them appropriately H 7RUHYLHZDQGDSSURYHWKH&RUSRUDWH5LVN3UR¿OHFRQVROLGDWHGE\WKH5LVN0DQDJHPHQW8QLWLQUHODWLRQWR1DLP¶V ULVNDSSHWLWHDQGHVFDODWHVNH\ULVNVDQGWKHPDQDJHPHQWFRQWUROVDFWLRQSODQVWRWKH%RDUG f. To monitor, review and assess the material risks that the Group faces and whether controls and appropriate DFWLRQSODQVDUHWDNHQE\WKHPDQDJHPHQWWRPDQDJHDQGPLWLJDWHVLJQL¿FDQWULVNVZLWKWKHREMHFWLYHRIREWDLQLQJ reasonable assurance that risk is being effectively managed and controlled g. To ensure that early warning indicators are in place to alert management of potential risk events, and whether these indicators have been effectively communicated h. To evaluate the possibility of emerging risks likely to happen in the future and the need to put in place the appropriate controls L 7RUHYLHZWKHDGHTXDF\RIWKHVFRSHIXQFWLRQVDQGUHVRXUFHVRIWKH5LVN0DQDJHPHQW8QLWDQGWKDWLWKDVWKH necessary authority to carry out its work M 7RUHYLHZDQGRYHUVHHWKHDFWLYLWLHVRIWKH5LVN0DQDJHPHQW8QLW k. The Committee shall make necessary recommendations to the Board it deems appropriate within its remit where LPSURYHPHQWLVQHHGHGDQGRUQHFHVVDU\ i. Such other duties as the Committee deems appropriate or as delegated or authorised by the Board from time to time 5HSRUWLQJ$UUDQJHPHQWWRWKH&RPPLWWHH±7KH5LVN0DQDJHPHQW8QLW The Risk Management Committee is supported by a Risk Management Unit in the coordination of the risk management activities and communicating of the Group’s Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) framework, policies, processes and UHSRUWLQJUHTXLUHPHQWVWRWKHEXVLQHVVXQLWVGLYLVLRQVDQGGHSDUWPHQWV 7KH5LVN0DQDJHPHQW8QLWVKDOOFRQVROLGDWHWKH&RUSRUDWH5LVN3UR¿OHIURPWKHUHVSHFWLYHEXVLQHVVXQLWVGLYLVLRQV departments risk registers outlining the risks, controls and risk mitigation plans that the management has taken in mitigating the risks for submission to the Risk Management Committee. 5HSRUWLQJDQG(VFDODWLRQWR%RDUG The Chairman of the Risk Management Committee shall report to the Board on the Committee’s proceedings after each meeting. The Board is also assisted by 6 other Board Committee as follows: %RDUG([HFXWLYH&RPPLWWHH +XPDQ5HVRXUFH.3,&RPPLWWHH 3. Business Development Committee 4. Business Process Engineering Committee 5. Corporate Disclosure Committee and 6. Corporate Social Responsibility Committee 74 w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y CORPORATE GOVERNANCE ``` AUDIT COMMITTEE REPORT Audit Committee Report 0HPEHUV The Audit Committee comprises the following: 7XDQ+DML6RHGLUPDQ%LQ+DML$LQL±&KDLUPDQ ,QGHSHQGHQW1RQ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRU 'DWX'U+DML$EGXO5DVKLG%LQ0RKG$]LV±0HPEHU ,QGHSHQGHQW1RQ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRU 'DWR,U$EDQJ-HPDW%LQ$EDQJ%XMDQJ±0HPEHU ,QGHSHQGHQW1RQ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRU 7KH$XGLW &RPPLWWHH LV WKH %RDUG¶V SULPDU\ WRRO IRU H[HUFLVLQJ JXDUGLDQVKLS RI VKDUHKROGHU YDOXH DQG LPSRVLQJ WKHKLJKHVWVWDQGDUGVRIHWKLFDOEHKDYLRXU,WLVUHVSRQVLEOHIRUDVVHVVLQJWKHULVNVRYHUVHHLQJ¿QDQFLDOUHSRUWLQJ HYDOXDWLQJWKHLQWHUQDODQGH[WHUQDODXGLWSURFHVVHVDQGUHYLHZLQJFRQÀLFWRILQWHUHVWVLWXDWLRQVDQGUHODWHGSDUW\ transactions. 7KH$XGLW&RPPLWWHHLVFXUUHQWO\FRPSULVHGVROHO\RI,QGHSHQGHQW1RQ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRUVDVIROORZV &DWHJRU\ ,QGHSHQGHQW1RQ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRU ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRU 7RWDO 1RRI'LUHFWRUV 3HUFHQWDJH $77(1'$1&(2)0((7,1*6 The Audit Committee met nine (9) times during the year 2014 and the details of attendance are as follows: $XGLW&RPPLWWHH0HPEHUV 7XDQ+DML6RHGLUPDQ%LQ+DML$LQL 'DWX'U+DML$EGXO5DVKLG%LQ0RKG$]LV 'DWR,U$EDQJ-HPDW%LQ$EDQJ%XMDQJ 1RRI0HHWLQJVDWWHQGHG $WWHQGDQFH ([WHUQDO DXGLWRUV LQWHUQDO DXGLWRUV DQG UHOHYDQW PDQDJHPHQW VWDII DUH LQYLWHG WR DWWHQG WKH$XGLW &RPPLWWHH PHHWLQJV WR LQWHU DOLD GLVFXVV WKH UHVXOWV RI WKH *URXS WKH LQWHUQDO DQG H[WHUQDO DXGLW ¿QGLQJV DQG ¿QDQFLDO reporting issues. 7KH PHPEHUV RI WKH$XGLW &RPPLWWHH DOVR PHW WKULFH GXULQJ WKH \HDU LQ H[HFXWLYH VHVVLRQV ZLWK WKH H[WHUQDO auditors without the presence of the management. &20326,7,21$1'7(5062)5()(5(1&( 2EMHFWLYHV 7KHREMHFWLYHVRIWKH$XGLW&RPPLWWHHDUHWR D SURYLGHDVVLVWDQFHWRWKH%RDUGLQIXO¿OOLQJLWV¿GXFLDU\UHVSRQVLELOLWLHVSDUWLFXODUO\LQWKHDUHDVRILQWHUQDO FRQWUROV\VWHPVDQG¿QDQFLDOUHSRUWLQJ E SURYLGHPHHWLQJVDQGFRPPXQLFDWLRQEHWZHHQ1RQ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRUVWKHLQWHUQDODXGLWRUVWKHH[WHUQDO DXGLWRUVDQGWKHPDQDJHPHQWWRH[FKDQJHYLHZVDQGLQIRUPDWLRQDVZHOODVWRFRQ¿UPWKHLUUHVSHFWLYH authority and responsibilities; c. undertake such additional duties as may be appropriate to assist the Board in carrying out its duties. 75 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE ``` AUDIT COMMITTEE REPORT (CONTINUE) Audit Committee Report (continue) &RPSRVLWLRQ a. The Audit Committee shall be appointed by the Board from among their number and shall comprise no IHZHUWKDQWKUHHPHPEHUV$PDMRULW\RIPHPEHUVPXVWEH,QGHSHQGHQW1RQ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRUVDQG at least one (1) member shall be a member of Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA). b. If a member of the Audit Committee resigns, dies or for any other reason ceases to be a member with the result that the number of members is reduced below three (3), the Board shall within three (3) months of WKHHYHQWDSSRLQWVXFKQXPEHURIQHZPHPEHUVDVPD\EHUHTXLUHGWR¿OOWKHYDFDQF\ )UHTXHQF\RI0HHWLQJV Meetings shall be held not less than four (4) times a year and the members of the Audit Committee shall elect a Chairman from among their number. 4XRUXP $TXRUXPVKDOOFRQVLVWRIWZRPHPEHUV 6HFUHWDU\ The Secretary of the Committee shall be the Company Secretary. 5LJKWV The Audit Committee shall have: WKHDXWKRULW\WRLQYHVWLJDWHDQ\DFWLYLW\ZLWKLQLWVWHUPVRIUHIHUHQFHDQGLWVKDOOKDYHXQUHVWULFWHGDFFHVVWR any information relevant to its activities from employees of the Naim Group. All employees are directed to FRRSHUDWHZLWKDQ\UHTXHVWPDGHE\WKH&RPPLWWHH WKH QHFHVVDU\ UHVRXUFHV UHTXLUHG WR FDUU\ RXW LWV GXWLHV DQG LW LV DXWKRUL]HG WR REWDLQ LQGHSHQGHQW professional advice as it considers necessary. 'XWLHVDQG5HVSRQVLELOLWLHV The Audit Committee shall undertake the following duties and responsibilities:D ,QWHUQDO$XGLW L 5HYLHZWKHDGHTXDF\RIWKHVFRSHIXQFWLRQVDQGUHVRXUFHVRIWKHLQWHUQDODXGLWIXQFWLRQDQGWKDWLWKDVWKH necessary authority to carry out its work; ii. Evaluate the internal audit programmes, processes and the results of internal audit programmes, processes or investigation undertaken and whether or not appropriate action has been taken on the recommendation of the internal audit function. E ([WHUQDO$XGLW L 5HYLHZZLWKWKHH[WHUQDODXGLWRUVWKHLUDXGLWSODQVFRSHRIDXGLWDQGWKHLUDXGLWUHSRUWV ii. Evaluate the system of internal controls; LLL (YDOXDWHWKHSHUIRUPDQFHRIH[WHUQDODXGLWRUVDQGPDNHUHFRPPHQGDWLRQVWRWKH%RDUGRI'LUHFWRUVRQ their appointment and remuneration. F $XGLW5HSRUWV L 7RFRQVLGHUWKHPDMRU¿QGLQJVRILQWHUQDOLQYHVWLJDWLRQVDQGPDQDJHPHQW¶VUHVSRQVHV LL 7RGLVFXVVSUREOHPVDQGUHVHUYDWLRQVDULVLQJIURPWKHLQWHULPDQG¿QDOH[WHUQDODXGLWVDQGDQ\PDWWHUV WKHH[WHUQDODXGLWRUVPD\ZLVKWRGLVFXVVLQWKHDEVHQFHRIPDQDJHPHQWZKHUHQHFHVVDU\ G )LQDQFLDO5HSRUWLQJ 5HYLHZWKHTXDUWHUO\DQGDQQXDO¿QDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVRIWKH1DLP*URXSIRUUHFRPPHQGDWLRQWRWKH%RDUG of Directors for approval, focusing particularly on: L FKDQJHVLQRULPSOHPHQWDWLRQRIPDMRUDFFRXQWLQJSROLFLHV LL VLJQL¿FDQWDQGXQXVXDOHYHQWV LLL FRPSOLDQFHZLWKDFFRXQWLQJVWDQGDUGVDQGRWKHUOHJDOUHTXLUHPHQWV 76 w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y H 5HODWHG3DUW\0DWWHUV 5HYLHZWKHUHODWHGSDUW\WUDQVDFWLRQVDQGWKHFRQÀLFWRILQWHUHVWVLWXDWLRQVWKDWPD\DULVHZLWKLQWKH1DLP *URXSLQFOXGLQJDQ\WUDQVDFWLRQVSURFHGXUHVRUFRXUVHVRIFRQGXFWWKDWUDLVHTXHVWLRQVRIPDQDJHPHQW LQWHJULW\ 7KH\ DUH DOVR UHTXLUHG WR HQVXUH WKDW WKH 'LUHFWRUV UHSRUW VXFK WUDQVDFWLRQV DQQXDOO\ WR WKH shareholders via the annual report. I 2WKHU0DWWHUV To consider such other matters as the Committee deems appropriate or as authorised by the Board of Directors. 6800$5<2)$&7,9,7,(6 During the year, the Audit Committee carried out the following activities:)LQDQFLDO5HSRUWLQJ D 5HYLHZHGDQGGLVFXVVHGDXGLWHG¿QDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVDQGWKHTXDUWHUO\XQDXGLWHG¿QDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVZLWK PDQDJHPHQWDQGERWKH[WHUQDODQGLQWHUQDODXGLWRUVWRHQVXUHFRPSOLDQFHZLWKWKH)LQDQFLDO5HSRUWLQJ Standards and provisions of the Companies Act, 1965. E 'LVFXVVHGZLWKDXGLWRUVPDWWHUVUHTXLUHGWREHGLVFXVVHGRQWKH6WDWHPHQWRQWKH5LVN0DQDJHPHQWDQG Internal Control portion. c. Based on the satisfactory review and discussion referred to in 3.1a and 3.1b above, the Audit Committee recommends to the Board of Directors L WKDWWKHDXGLWHG¿QDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVEHDSSURYHGIRUWDEOLQJDWWKHVKDUHKROGHUV¶PHHWLQJDQG LL WKDW WKH TXDUWHUO\ XQDXGLWHG ¿QDQFLDO VWDWHPHQWV EH DSSURYHG IRU DQQRXQFHPHQW WR %XUVD 0DOD\VLD Securities Berhad. 5HODWHG3DUW\7UDQVDFWLRQV a. Reviewed recurrent related party transactions and non-recurrent related party transactions. The Audit &RPPLWWHHZLOOUHSRUWWRWKH%RDUGLWVUHYLHZRQDOOFRPPHUFLDOUHODWLRQVKLSVEHWZHHQHDFK'LUHFWRUPDMRU VKDUHKROGHUVDQGSHUVRQVFRQQHFWHGDQGWKH1DLP*URXSRQDTXDUWHUO\EDVLV:KHQVXFKFRPPHUFLDO UHODWLRQVKLSVH[LVWWKH$XGLW&RPPLWWHHPD\VHHNLQGHSHQGHQWDGYLFHSULRUWRIRUPLQJLWVRSLQLRQZKHWKHU the transaction is i. in the best interest of the Company ii. fair, reasonable and on normal commercial terms iii. not detrimental to the interest of the minority shareholders together with the basis of its opinion. ,QWHUQDO$XGLW a. Reviewed and discussed the internal audit plan, scope of work and reports. b. Reviewed the Group Internal Audit Charter. c. Reviewed the appraisal of performance of the Head of Internal Audit. ,17(51$/$8',7)81&7,21 The Group is served by an in-house Internal Audit Function, which reports directly to the Audit Committee on its activities based on the approved annual Internal Audit Plan. The approved annual Internal Audit Plan is designed to cover high risks areas and entities across all levels of operations within the Group. The Internal Audit role and UHVSRQVLELOLWLHV DUH GH¿QHG LQ WKH ,QWHUQDO$XGLW &KDUWHU ZLWK WKH PLVVLRQ LV WR SURYLGH LQGHSHQGHQW REMHFWLYH assurance and consulting services to add value and improve the organization’s operations. The department is headed by a Chartered Accountant who holds a Masters Degree in Forensic Accounting and )LQDQFLDO&ULPLQRORJ\7KHLQWHUQDODXGLWVWDIIVFRPSULVHWKRVHWKDWSRVVHVVWHUWLDU\TXDOL¿FDWLRQVLQWKH¿HOGRI Accountancy and Civil Engineering. 77 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE ``` AUDIT COMMITTEE REPORT (CONTINUE) Audit Committee Report (continue) $XWKRULW\ 7RDFFRPSOLVKLWVSULPDU\REMHFWLYHVLQH[DPLQLQJDQGHYDOXDWLQJZKHWKHUWKH*URXS¶VLQWHUQDOFRQWURODQG JRYHUQDQFHSURFHVVLVDGHTXDWHDQGIXQFWLRQLQJSURSHUO\WKHLQWHUQDODXGLWRUVDUHDXWKRULVHGWRKDYHIXOOIUHH DQGXQUHVWULFWHGDFFHVVWR*URXS¶VRSHUDWLRQVDI¿OLDWHVDFWLYLWLHVLQIRUPDWLRQIXQFWLRQVUHFRUGVSURSHUWLHV and personnel relevant to the performance of audit function at any time. ,QGHSHQGHQFH The Internal Audit Function is independent of the activities audited and performs with impartiality and due professional care. The Internal Audit Function reports directly to the Audit Committee. In addition, the Audit Committee assesses the performance of the Head of Internal Audit. 'XWLHVDQG5HVSRQVLELOLWLHV (DFK\HDUWKH,QWHUQDO$XGLW'HSDUWPHQWZLOOGHYHORSDQGH[HFXWHDQDXGLWSODQWREHFRQGXFWHGGXULQJWKH \HDU5HSRUWVRQWKHLQWHUQDODXGLWDFWLYLWLHVZLOOEHVXEPLWWHGWRWKH$XGLW&RPPLWWHHHYHU\TXDUWHU The report will include the status and results of the annual audit plan on the activities being reviewed. Cases of fraud which demand urgent attention, shall be reported to the Audit Committee and the Managing Director immediately upon discovery by the audit staff. ,QWHUQDO$XGLW)XQFWLRQVDQG$FWLYLWLHV The Internal Audit department has carried out its activities based on planned audits and special reviews during WKH\HDU'XULQJWKH¿QDQFLDO\HDUHQGHG'HFHPEHUWKHLQWHUQDODXGLWDFWLYLWLHVFDUULHGRXWLQFOXGHG inter alia, the following: a. Evaluated the system of internal controls and key operating process based on the approved annual plan. E (YDOXDWHGWKHHI¿FLHQF\RISURFHVVIXQFWLRQDQGFXUUHQWSUDFWLFHVDQGSURYLGHGVXLWDEOHUHFRPPHQGDWLRQ to the Audit Committee. F 3URYLGHGDVVXUDQFHRQFRPSOLDQFHZLWKVWDWXWRU\UHTXLUHPHQWVODZV*URXSSROLFLHVDQGJXLGHOLQHV G (YDOXDWHG WKH ULVN PDQDJHPHQW IUDPHZRUN DQG UHFRPPHQGHG LPSURYHPHQWV RQ WKH DGHTXDF\ DQG effectiveness of management’s risk processes. H 5HFRPPHQGHGDSSURSULDWHFRQWUROVWRRYHUFRPHGH¿FLHQFLHVDQGHQKDQFHRSHUDWLRQV I &DUULHGRXWLQYHVWLJDWLRQVDQGVSHFLDOUHYLHZVDWWKHUHTXHVWRIWKH$XGLW&RPPLWWHHWKH%RDUGRI'LUHFWRUV and management. Follow-up audit was also conducted and the status of implementation on the agreed upon or targeted actions SODQ ZDV KLJKOLJKWHG WR WKH$XGLW &RPPLWWHH 'XULQJ WKH \HDU HYDOXDWLRQ RQ WKH H[LVWLQJ LQWHUQDO FRQWUROV covered under the audit plan revealed that they were generally satisfactory. In areas where controls were GHHPHGOD[DGGLWLRQDOPHDVXUHVZHUHLQVWLWXWHGWRDGGUHVVWKHZHDNQHVVLQWKHV\VWHP $WRWDOFRVWRI50ZDVLQFXUUHGE\WKHLQWHUQDODXGLWGHSDUWPHQWLQUHVSHFWRIWKH¿QDQFLDO\HDUXQGHU review. w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y CORPORATE GOVERNANCE ``` STATEMENT ON RISK MANAGEMENT AND INTERNAL CONTROL Statement On Risk Management And Internal Control ,QWURGXFWLRQ This Statement on Risk Management and Internal Control by the Board of Directors is made pursuant to Bursa 0DOD\VLD/LVWLQJ5HTXLUHPHQWZLWKUHJDUGWRWKH*URXS¶VFRPSOLDQFHZLWKWKHSULQFLSOHVDQGEHVWSUDFWLFHVIRULQWHUQDO control as provided in the Malaysian Code of Corporate Governance (“the Code”). The Board of Naim believes in good corporate governance and manages the affairs of the Group in accordance with the Code. In addition, the Board believes that ethical behaviour and credibility of the Board which will create a good governance culture for the entire organization and its business partners. 5HVSRQVLELOLW\ The Board acknowledges its responsibilities for maintaining a sound system of risk management and internal control WRVDIHJXDUGVKDUHKROGHUV¶LQYHVWPHQWDQGWKH*URXS¶VDVVHWVDVZHOODVUHYLHZLQJWKHDGHTXDF\DQGLQWHJULW\RIWKH system. In discharge of these responsibilities, the Board has put in place a process at all levels of the organization WRSURYLGHUHDVRQDEOHDVVXUDQFHWKDWWKH*URXS¶VEXVLQHVVREMHFWLYHVZLOOEHDFKLHYHG7KHV\VWHPFRYHUVLQWHUDOLD ¿QDQFLDORSHUDWLRQDODQGFRPSOLDQFHV\VWHPFRQWUROVDVZHOODVULVNPDQDJHPHQW'XHWRWKHOLPLWDWLRQVWKDWDUH inherent in any system of risk management and internal control, it is designed to manage, rather than eliminate, the ULVNRIIDLOXUHWRDFKLHYHFRUSRUDWHREMHFWLYHV$FFRUGLQJO\LWFDQRQO\SURYLGHUHDVRQDEOHEXWQRWDEVROXWHDVVXUDQFH against material misstatement or loss. 5LVN0DQDJHPHQW)UDPHZRUN The Board acknowledges that the Group’s activities involve some degree of risks and is committed to ensuring that it has an effective risk management framework which allows the Group to identify, evaluate and manage risks that DIIHFWWKHDFKLHYHPHQWRIWKH*URXS¶VEXVLQHVVREMHFWLYHVDQGVWUDWHJLHVZLWKLQDGH¿QHGULVNWROHUDQFHLQDWLPHO\ and effective manner. 7KH 5LVN 0DQDJHPHQW &RPPLWWHH LV FKDLUHG E\ DQ ,QGHSHQGHQW 1RQ([HFXWLYH 'LUHFWRU DQG FRPSULVHV RI WKH PDMRULW\RIZKRPDUH,QGHSHQGHQW1RQ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRUV7KH&RPPLWWHHLVVXSSRUWHGE\DQLQGHSHQGHQW5LVN Management Unit to assist in the coordination and implementation of the risk management policy which reports directly to the Committee. Each business unit in the Group regularly identify, assess and monitor the risks. A business planning and budgeting H[HUFLVHLVXQGHUWDNHQHDFK\HDUWRHVWDEOLVKSODQDQGEXGJHWDJDLQVWZKLFKSHUIRUPDQFHLVPHDVXUHG.H\ULVNV WR HDFK EXVLQHVV XQLW DUH LGHQWL¿HG GXULQJ WKH EXVLQHVV SODQQLQJ SURFHVV DQG VFRUHG IRU OLNHOLKRRG RI WKH ULVNV occurring, the magnitude of the impact, the control effectiveness and the action plans taken to mitigate those risks to the desired level. 7KH5LVN0DQDJHPHQW8QLWFRQVROLGDWHVDQGKLJKOLJKWVWKHNH\*URXS5LVN3UR¿OHVIURPWKHUHVSHFWLYHEXVLQHVV XQLW¶VULVNUHJLVWHUWRWKH5LVN0DQDJHPHQW&RPPLWWHHRQDTXDUWHUO\EDVLVIRUDQRYHUDOOSHUVSHFWLYHRIWKHNH\ULVNV LPSDFWLQJWKH*URXS¶VVWUDWHJLFREMHFWLYHV7KH5LVN0DQDJHPHQW&RPPLWWHHDIWHUUHYLHZLQJWKHVDPHHVFDODWHV them to the Board. 79 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE ``` STATEMENT ON RISK MANAGEMENT AND INTERNAL CONTROL (CONTINUE) Statement On Risk Management And Internal Control (continue) .H\3URFHVVHVRI,QWHUQDO&RQWURO The key processes of Internal Control includes the following and will be revised regularly and updated when necessary: $QRUJDQLVDWLRQDOVWUXFWXUHWKDWOD\VGRZQFOHDUOLQHVRIUHVSRQVLELOLW\DQGUHSRUWLQJ 5HDOWLPHEXGJHWDU\FRQWUROZKHUHDFWXDOSHUIRUPDQFHLVUHJXODUO\PRQLWRUHGDJDLQVWEXGJHWV 7KH *URXS 3URFHGXUHV DQG )LQDQFLDO $XWKRULWLHV /LPLW ³)$/´ 0DQXDO ZKLFK VHWV RXW WKH RSHUDWLQJ FRQWURO SURFHGXUHVSHUWDLQLQJWR¿QDQFHDFFRXQWLQJFUHGLWFRQWUROKXPDQUHVRXUFHVSURFXUHPHQWVDQGLQYHQWRU\7KH FRQWUROSURFHGXUHVLQWHUDOLDLQFOXGHVHWWLQJOLPLWVIRUDSSURYLQJH[SHQGLWXUHDQGSURFXUHPHQWV 7KH6WDII+DQGERRNZKLFKVHWVRXWJHQHUDOHPSOR\PHQWWHUPVDQGWKH*URXS¶VFRUSRUDWHFRGHRIHWKLFV $TXDOLW\PDQDJHPHQWV\VWHPUHTXLULQJWKHPDQDJHPHQWDQGVWDIIRIWKH*URXS¶VSULQFLSDORSHUDWLQJVXEVLGLDU\ 1DLP/DQG6GQ%KGDFFUHGLWHGZLWK,62YHUVLRQFHUWL¿FDWLRQVLQFHWRDGKHUHWRDVHWRIZHOO HVWDEOLVKHGVWDQGDUGRSHUDWLQJSURFHGXUHVFRYHULQJDOOPDMRUFULWLFDOSURFHVVHV,QFRQWLQXDOSXUVXLWIRUSURFHVV H[FHOOHQWIRU4XDOLW\+HDOWK6DIHW\(QYLURQPHQWWKHPDQDJHPHQWV\VWHPLQWHJUDWHV4XDOLW\(QYLURQPHQWDO DQG 2FFXSDWLRQDO +HDOWK 6DIHW\ PDQDJHPHQW 6\VWHP FHUWL¿HG ZLWK ,QWHJUDWHG PDQDJHPHQW 6\VWHP ,62 ,62 DQG 2+6$6 VLQFH \HDU LQWR RQH FRKHUHQW V\VWHP VR DV WR HQDEOH WKH RSWLPDO DFKLHYHPHQWRILWVEXVLQHVVREMHFWLYHV6XUYHLOODQFHDXGLWVDUHFRQGXFWHG\HDUO\WRHQVXUHFRQWLQXLQJFRPSOLDQFH with the system. $QWL)UDXG3ROLF\6WDWHPHQWGRFXPHQWWKH*URXS¶VDWWLWXGHDQGVWDQFHRIIUDXGDQGJXLGHOLQHVLQGHDOLQJZLWK fraud in an appropriate manner. Any cases of suspected fraud, Malpractice Reporting Plans will be applied to ensure appropriate and timely action is taken. $ SHUIRUPDQFH PDQDJHPHQW V\VWHP ZKHUHE\ EXVLQHVV REMHFWLYHV DUH FOHDUO\ GH¿QHG DQG WDUJHWV DUH VHW IRU each individual employee. Employees’ performances are monitored, appraised and rewarded according to the achievement of targets set. 7UDLQLQJ DQG GHYHORSPHQW SURJUDPPHV DUH LGHQWL¿HG DQG VFKHGXOHG IRU HPSOR\HHV WR DFTXLUH WKH QHFHVVDU\ NQRZOHGJHDQGFRPSHWHQF\WRPHHWWKHLUSHUIRUPDQFHDQGMREH[SHFWDWLRQ The process of risk management and internal control of the Group covers the holding company and its subsidiaries RQO\DQGGRHVQRWH[WHQGWRDVVRFLDWHVDQGMRLQWYHQWXUHV,QUHVSHFWRIMRLQWYHQWXUHVHQWHUHGLQWRE\WKH*URXSWKH *URXS¶VUROHLQWKHPDQDJHPHQWRIWKHMRLQWYHQWXUHZKLFKFRQVLVWVRIUHSUHVHQWDWLYHVIURPWKH*URXSDQGWKHMRLQW YHQWXUHSDUWQHUVLVOLPLWHGWRRYHUVHHLQJWKHDGPLQLVWUDWLRQSHUIRUPDQFHDQGH[HFXWLYHPDQDJHPHQWRIWKHMRLQW venture. ,QWHUQDO$XGLW 7KH *URXS KDV HVWDEOLVKHG D IRUPDO VWUXFWXUH IRU LWV ,QWHUQDO $XGLW )XQFWLRQ WKDW FOHDUO\ GH¿QHV WKH UROHV DQG responsibilities of the persons involved in the internal audit. As an integral part of the audit process, key areas of importance pertaining to internal control, risk assessment, risk mitigation and proper governance processes are LGHQWL¿HG )RFXVLQJ LWV UHYLHZ DQG DXGLW RQ WKHVH NH\ DUHDV WKH LQWHUQDO DXGLW SURYLGHV LQGHSHQGHQW DVVXUDQFH RQWKHHI¿FLHQF\DQGHIIHFWLYHQHVVRIWKHLQWHUQDOFRQWUROV\VWHPLPSOHPHQWHGE\PDQDJHPHQW7KHLQWHUQDODXGLW UHSRUWVWRWKH$XGLW&RPPLWWHHRQDWOHDVWDTXDUWHUO\EDVLVDQGPRUHIUHTXHQWO\ZKHUHDSSURSULDWH7KH&KDLUPDQ of the Audit Committee in turn presents summaries of the internal audit reports (including management’s responses WRDXGLW¿QGLQJVDQGUHFRPPHQGDWLRQVWRWKH%RDUGPHHWLQJV This statement is made in accordance with a resolution of the Board of Directors dated 14 April 2015. w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y CORPORATE GOVERNANCE ``` INVESTOR RELATIONS ACTIVITIES Investor Relations Activities %ULH¿QJLQSURJUHVV Naim has always strived to develop and maintain close relationships with our stakeholders in addition to create value for all stakeholders. Our key focus of investor relations activities is to consistently update and inform shareholders, institutional investors and research analysts with relevant comprehensive, transparent and prompt information on the Group. This is achieved WKURXJK TXDUWHUO\ ¿QDQFLDO UHSRUWV DQQRXQFHPHQWV through the printed and other media, the Annual Report and other regular activities, to inform stakeholders about the Group’s business as well as our important events. %HVLGHV UHFHLYLQJ YLVLWV IURP PDMRU VKDUHKROGHUV analysts, fund managers and other potential investors, Naim also regularly participates in and organises visits, URDG VKRZV DQG EULH¿QJ PHHWLQJ DQG SUHVHQWDWLRQ sessions locally and abroad for fund managers and investment analysts – besides updating them about the Group’s business, these activities develop a relationship RI WUXVW EHWZHHQ H[LVWLQJ DQG IXWXUH VWDNHKROGHUV with the Group. In these activities, areas such as business strategies, associated opportunities and risks, and current developments are discussed, enabling stakeholders to have an informed and realistic opinion DERXWWKH*URXS¶VSUR¿WDELOLW\E\YLUWXHRIVXFKIDLUDQG necessary disclosure of information. Being one the leading property and construction players LQ0DOD\VLDDQGZLWKLWVFRQVLVWHQWSUR¿WDELOLW\1DLPKDV HQMR\HGSRVLWLYHDQGFRQVLVWHQWFRYHUDJHE\SDUWLHVVXFK as KAF Securities, Kenanga Research, MIDF Research and RHB Research. Economic Outlook 83 w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y Economic Outlook ECONOMIC OUTLOOK ``` ECONOMIC OUTLOOK Economic Outlook The following are independent opinions from authoritative sources on the outlook for the Malaysian economy for 2015 and beyond. Unless otherwise stated, these organisations have no connection with the Naim Group or its subsidiaries. All statements are copyright of their respective originators and are reproduced here under the rule of fair comment. 287/22.)250$/$<6,$ 0DOD\VLDQ,QVWLWXWHRI(FRQRPLF5HVHDUFK0,(5 (5 December 2014) ZLOOEHDYHU\FKDOOHQJLQJ\HDUIRUWKH0DOD\VLDQHFRQRP\5HDO*'3JURZWKLVSURMHFWHGWRPRGHUDWHGHSHQGLQJ RQ WKH PDJQLWXGH RI ÀXFWXDWLRQV LQ FUXGH RLO SULFHV DQG DOVR PRYHPHQWV RI WKH ULQJJLW H[FKDQJH UDWH DJDLQVW FXUUHQFLHV RI 0DOD\VLD PDMRU WUDGLQJ SDUWQHUV &RPPRGLW\ WHUPV RI WUDGH &727 VKRFN ULQJJLW GHSUHFLDWLRQ DQG DQWLFLSDWHGKLJKHULQWHUHVWUDWHVHQYLURQPHQWDUHH[SHFWHGWRDGYHUVHO\DIIHFW0DOD\VLD¶VGRPHVWLFPDFURHFRQRPLF fundamentals. %DQN1HJDUD0DOD\VLDDVUHSRUWHGLQWKH0DOD\VLDQ,QVLGHU (11 March 2015) %DQN1HJDUDVHHVVORZHUJURZWKLQZLWKVOLGLQJRLOSULFHVDULVNZLWKWKHHFRQRP\H[SHFWHGWRH[SDQG 7KLVKDVSXWSUHVVXUHRQWKHFRXQWU\¶V¿VFDOSRVLWLRQDQGNQRFNLQJWKHULQJJLWWRD\HDUORZ+RXVHKROG spending was also likely to be affected by the implementation of GST in April 2015. 7KH:RUOG%DQNDVUHSRUWHGWKH6WDU (18 December 2014) 7KH:RUOG%DQNKDVFXWLWVJURZWKIRUHFDVWIRU0DOD\VLD¶VHFRQRP\WRIURPDQHDUOLHUHVWLPDWHRI RQH[SHFWDWLRQVRIVORZHUH[SRUWJURZWKDQGLQYHVWPHQWVLQWKH RLODQGJDVLQGXVWU\DVZHOODVPRGHUDWHSULYDWH FRQVXPSWLRQQH[W\HDU $FFRUGLQJWRWKH:RUOG%DQN0DOD\VLD¶VH[SRUWJURZWKZRXOGOLNHO\VORZWRQH[W\HDUIURPWKHHVWLPDWHG WKLV\HDU,QYHVWPHQWLQRLODQGJDVZDVDOVRH[SHFWHGWRVORZLQDPLGGHFOLQLQJJOREDORLOSULFHVZKLOHSULYDWH FRQVXPSWLRQ LQ 0DOD\VLD ZDV H[SHFWHG WR PRGHUDWH DV FRQVXPHUV DGMXVW WR KLJKHU SULFHV ZKHQ WKH JRRGV DQG VHUYLFHVWD[NLFNVLQLQ$SULODQGFUHGLWPRGHUDWHVIXUWKHU ECONOMIC OUTLOOK ``` ECONOMIC OUTLOOK (CONTINUE) Economic Outlook (continue) 287/22.)256$5$:$. 2[IRUG%XVLQHVV5HSRUW (29 January 2015) Investments in Sarawak’s resource-based and service industries kept the Borneo Island State ahead in 2014, with economic growth set to continue in 2015.However, new initiatives will be needed to diversify the economy and add more value across the oil and gas product chains. 8QOHVV6DUDZDNLQFUHDVHVLWVSURFHVVLQJFDSDFLW\IRUDVVHWVVXFKDVQDWXUDOJDVLWZLOOFRQWLQXHWRORVHRXWRQSUR¿WV traded out of the State. &+:LOOLDPV7DOKDU:RQJDQG<HR KWWSZZZZWZ\FRP¿OHVUHSRUWV:7:305SGI 7KHSURSHUW\PDUNHWJHQHUDOO\ZLOOIDFHDFKDOOHQJLQJ\HDUZLWKWKHSRVVLEOHH[FHSWLRQRIWKHLQGXVWULDOVHFWRU:LWK WLJKWHQLQJGRPHVWLFOLTXLGLW\VLWXDWLRQDQGWKHDSSDUHQWLQÀDWLRQDU\WUHQGULVLQJWRLQ'HFHPEHUWKHUHWDLO VHFWRUFDQH[SHFWWRIDFHWKHELJJHVWFKDOOHQJH6WXGLHVE\0,(5VKRZHGWKH%XVLQHVV&RQ¿GHQFH,QGH[GHFOLQLQJ WRSRLQWVLQWKHODVWTXDUWHUDQGWKH&RQVXPHU 6HQWLPHQWV,QGH[VHWWOLQJDWSRLQWVLWVORZHVWUHDGLQJ IRU DOPRVW¿YH\HDUV 6RPHIDFWRUVZKLFKZLOOLQÀXHQFHWKHSURSHUW\PDUNHWDUH 8SZDUGUHYLVLRQRIWKH53*7LQ 7LJKWHUEDQNOHQGLQJUHJXODWLRQV ,PSRVLWLRQRI*67LQ$SULO Note: CH Williams, Talhar, Wong and Yeo occasionally acts for the Naim Group in an advisory capacity. w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y Financial Statements 86 Directors’ Report 89 Statements of Financial Position 90 6WDWHPHQWVRI3UR¿WRU/RVVDQG Other Comprehensive Income 91 Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity 92 Statement of Changes in Equity 93 Statements of Cash Flows 95 Notes to the Financial Statements 148 Statement by Directors 149 Statutory Declaration 150 Independent Auditors’ Report FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ``` DIRECTORS’ REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 Directors’ Report for the year ended 31 December 2014 7KH'LUHFWRUVKDYHSOHDVXUHLQVXEPLWWLQJWKHLUUHSRUWDQGWKHDXGLWHG¿QDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVRIWKH*URXSDQGRIWKH&RPSDQ\IRUWKH¿QDQFLDO\HDUHQGHG December 2014. 3ULQFLSDODFWLYLWLHV 7KH&RPSDQ\LVSULQFLSDOO\HQJDJHGLQLQYHVWPHQWKROGLQJZKLOHWKHSULQFLSDODFWLYLWLHVRIWKHVXEVLGLDULHVDUHDVVWDWHGLQ1RWHWRWKH¿QDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWV7KHUH KDVEHHQQRVLJQL¿FDQWFKDQJHLQWKHQDWXUHRIWKHVHDFWLYLWLHVGXULQJWKH¿QDQFLDO\HDU 5HVXOWV 3UR¿WIRUWKH\HDUDWWULEXWDEOHWR Owners of the Company 1RQFRQWUROOLQJLQWHUHVWV *URXS 50¶ &RPSDQ\ 50¶ 220,337 _________ 220,619 ========= 73,373 _________ 73,373 ========= 'LYLGHQGV 6LQFHWKHHQGRIWKHSUHYLRXV¿QDQFLDO\HDUWKH&RPSDQ\SDLGD¿UVWDQG¿QDOVLQJOHWLHUWD[H[HPSWGLYLGHQGRIVHQSHURUGLQDU\VKDUHRI50HDFK WRWDOOLQJ50LQUHVSHFWRIWKH\HDUHQGHG'HFHPEHURQ-DQXDU\ 2Q)HEUXDU\WKH'LUHFWRUVGHFODUHGDQLQWHULPVLQJOHWLHUWD[H[HPSWGLYLGHQGRIVHQSHURUGLQDU\VKDUHRI50HDFKWRWDOOLQJ50LQ UHVSHFWRIWKH¿QDQFLDO\HDUHQGHG'HFHPEHUWREHSDLGRQ$SULO 7KH'LUHFWRUVGRQRWUHFRPPHQGDQ\¿QDOGLYLGHQGWREHSDLGIRUWKH\HDUXQGHUUHYLHZ 5HVHUYHVDQGSURYLVLRQV 7KHUHZHUHQRPDWHULDOWUDQVIHUVWRRUIURPUHVHUYHVDQGSURYLVLRQVGXULQJWKH¿QDQFLDO\HDUXQGHUUHYLHZH[FHSWDVGLVFORVHGLQWKH¿QDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWV 'LUHFWRUVRIWKH&RPSDQ\ Directors who served since the date of the last report are: 'DWXN$PDU$EGXO+DPHG%LQ+DML6HSDZL Datuk Hasmi Bin Hasnan Wong Ping Eng 'DWR,U$EDQJ-HPDW%LQ$EDQJ%XMDQJ 'DWX'U+DML$EGXO5DVKLG%LQ0RKG$]LV Professor Dato’ Abang Abdullah Bin Abang Mohamad Alli Tan Sri Izzuddin Bin Dali Datin Mary Sa’diah Binti Zainuddin 7XDQ+DML6RHGLUPDQ%LQ+DML$LQL 'LUHFWRUV¶LQWHUHVWVLQVKDUHV The interests and deemed interests of the Directors (including where applicable, the interests of their spouses or children who themselves are not directors of the Company), in the shares of the Company and of its related corporations (other than wholly-owned subsidiaries) during and at year end as recorded in the Register of Directors’ Shareholdings are as follows: BBBBBBBBB1XPEHURIRUGLQDU\VKDUHVBBBBBBBBB $W %RXJKW 6ROG $W Direct interests in the Company 'DWXN$PDU$EGXO+DPHG%LQ+DML6HSDZL 'DWXN+DVPL%LQ+DVQDQ Wong Ping Eng 4,000 1,000 - 5,000 Shareholdings in which Datuk Amar Abdul Hamed Bin Haji Sepawi has deemed interests The Company 'HVD,OPX6GQ%KG Total Reliability Sdn. Bhd. Jelas Kemuncak Resources Sdn. Bhd. Simbol Warisan Sdn. Bhd. 1DLP(QJLQHHULQJ&RQVWUXFWLRQ)LML/LPLWHG³1(&)/´ 1DLP4XDUU\)LML/LPLWHG³14)/´ 1DLP3UHPL[)LML/LPLWHG³13)/´ Naim Cendera Engineering & Construction Sendirian Berhad (“NECSB”) ** 1DLP9DQXD/HYX)LML/LPLWHG³19/)/´ Lotus Paradigm Sdn. Bhd. 8QLTXH&RPSRVLWH6GQ%KG 27,967,700 2,550,000 700,000 7,500 999 70 (2,550,000) 27,967,700 700,000 7,500 999 70 w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y Shareholdings in which Datuk Hasmi Bin Hasnan has deemed interests 7KH&RPSDQ\ 'HVD,OPX6GQ%KG Total Reliability Sdn. Bhd. Jelas Kemuncak Resources Sdn. Bhd. Simbol Warisan Sdn. Bhd. NECFL NQFL NPFL NECSB ** NVLFL ** Lotus Paradigm Sdn. Bhd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¿FHDW'HFHPEHUGLGQRWKDYHDQ\LQWHUHVWLQWKHVKDUHVRIWKH&RPSDQ\DQGRILWVUHODWHGFRUSRUDWLRQVGXULQJDQGDWWKH HQGRIWKH¿QDQFLDO\HDU 'LUHFWRUV¶EHQH¿WV 6LQFHWKHHQGRIWKHSUHYLRXV¿QDQFLDO\HDUQR'LUHFWRURIWKH&RPSDQ\KDVUHFHLYHGQRUEHFRPHHQWLWOHGWRUHFHLYHDQ\EHQH¿W>RWKHUWKDQDEHQH¿WLQFOXGHGLQ the aggregate amount of emoluments received or due and receivable by Directors (including remuneration received as full-time employee, where applicable) as VKRZQLQWKH¿QDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVRIWKH&RPSDQ\DQGRILWVUHODWHGFRUSRUDWLRQVGLVFORVHGDVSDUWRIWKHNH\PDQDJHPHQWSHUVRQQHOFRPSHQVDWLRQ@E\UHDVRQRI DFRQWUDFWPDGHE\WKH&RPSDQ\RUDUHODWHGFRUSRUDWLRQZLWKWKH'LUHFWRURUZLWKD¿UPRIZKLFKWKH'LUHFWRULVDPHPEHURUZLWKDFRPSDQ\LQZKLFKWKH'LUHFWRU KDVDVXEVWDQWLDO¿QDQFLDOLQWHUHVWRWKHUWKDQFHUWDLQ'LUHFWRUVZKRKDYHVXEVWDQWLDO¿QDQFLDOLQWHUHVWVLQFRPSDQLHVZKLFKWUDGHGZLWKFHUWDLQFRPSDQLHVLQWKH *URXSLQWKHRUGLQDU\FRXUVHRIEXVLQHVVDVGLVFORVHGLQ1RWHWRWKH¿QDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWV 7KHUHZHUHQRDUUDQJHPHQWVGXULQJDQGDWWKHHQGRIWKH¿QDQFLDO\HDUZKLFKKDGWKHREMHFWRIHQDEOLQJ'LUHFWRUVRIWKH&RPSDQ\WRDFTXLUHEHQH¿WVE\PHDQV RIWKHDFTXLVLWLRQRIVKDUHVLQRUGHEHQWXUHVRIWKH&RPSDQ\RUDQ\RWKHUERG\FRUSRUDWH ,VVXHRIVKDUHVDQGGHEHQWXUHV 7KHUHZHUHQHLWKHUFKDQJHVLQWKHDXWKRULVHGLVVXHGDQGSDLGXSFDSLWDOVRIWKH&RPSDQ\QRULVVXDQFHVRIGHEHQWXUHVE\WKH&RPSDQ\GXULQJWKH¿QDQFLDO\HDU 2SWLRQVJUDQWHGRYHUXQLVVXHGVKDUHV 1RRSWLRQVZHUHJUDQWHGWRDQ\SHUVRQWRWDNHXSXQLVVXHGVKDUHVRIWKH&RPSDQ\GXULQJWKH¿QDQFLDO\HDU 2WKHUVWDWXWRU\LQIRUPDWLRQ %HIRUHWKH¿QDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVRIWKH*URXSDQGRIWKH&RPSDQ\ZHUHPDGHRXWWKH'LUHFWRUVWRRNUHDVRQDEOHVWHSVWRDVFHUWDLQWKDW L DOONQRZQEDGGHEWVKDYHEHHQZULWWHQRIIDQGDGHTXDWHSURYLVLRQPDGHIRUGRXEWIXOGHEWVDQG LL DQ\FXUUHQWDVVHWVZKLFKZHUHXQOLNHO\WREHUHDOLVHGLQWKHRUGLQDU\FRXUVHRIEXVLQHVVKDYHEHHQZULWWHQGRZQWRDQDPRXQWZKLFKWKH\PLJKWEHH[SHFWHG so to realise. At the date of this report, the Directors are not aware of any circumstances: L WKDWZRXOGUHQGHUWKHDPRXQWZULWWHQRIIIRUEDGGHEWVRUWKHDPRXQWRIWKHSURYLVLRQIRUGRXEWIXOGHEWVLQWKH*URXSDQGLQWKH&RPSDQ\LQDGHTXDWHWRDQ\ VXEVWDQWLDOH[WHQWRU LL WKDWZRXOGUHQGHUWKHYDOXHDWWULEXWHGWRWKHFXUUHQWDVVHWVLQWKH¿QDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVRIWKH*URXSDQGRIWKH&RPSDQ\PLVOHDGLQJRU LLL ZKLFK KDYH DULVHQ ZKLFK UHQGHU DGKHUHQFH WR WKH H[LVWLQJ PHWKRG RI YDOXDWLRQ RI DVVHWV RU OLDELOLWLHV RI WKH *URXS DQG RI WKH &RPSDQ\ PLVOHDGLQJ RU inappropriate, or LY QRWRWKHUZLVHGHDOWZLWKLQWKLVUHSRUWRUWKH¿QDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVWKDWZRXOGUHQGHUDQ\DPRXQWVWDWHGLQWKH¿QDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVRIWKH*URXSDQGRIWKH Company misleading. $WWKHGDWHRIWKLVUHSRUWWKHUHGRHVQRWH[LVW L DQ\FKDUJHRQWKHDVVHWVRIWKH*URXSRURIWKH&RPSDQ\WKDWKDVDULVHQVLQFHWKHHQGRIWKH¿QDQFLDO\HDUDQGZKLFKVHFXUHVWKHOLDELOLWLHVRIDQ\RWKHU person, or LL DQ\FRQWLQJHQWOLDELOLW\LQUHVSHFWRIWKH*URXSRURIWKH&RPSDQ\WKDWKDVDULVHQVLQFHWKHHQGRIWKH¿QDQFLDO\HDU No contingent liability or other liability of any company in the Group has become enforceable, or is likely to become enforceable within the period of twelve months DIWHUWKHHQGRIWKH¿QDQFLDO\HDUZKLFKLQWKHRSLQLRQRIWKH'LUHFWRUVZLOORUPD\VXEVWDQWLDOO\DIIHFWWKHDELOLW\RIWKH*URXSDQGRIWKH&RPSDQ\WRPHHWWKHLU obligations as and when they fall due. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ``` DIRECTORS’ REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 (CONTINUE) Directors’ Report for the year ended 31 December 2014 (continue) 2WKHUVWDWXWRU\LQIRUPDWLRQ (continue) ,Q WKH RSLQLRQ RI WKH 'LUHFWRUV WKH ¿QDQFLDO SHUIRUPDQFH RI WKH *URXS DQG RI WKH &RPSDQ\ IRU WKH ¿QDQFLDO \HDU HQGHG 'HFHPEHU KDYH QRW EHHQ substantially affected by any item, transaction or event of a material and unusual nature nor has any such item, transaction or event occurred in the interval EHWZHHQWKHHQGRIWKDW¿QDQFLDO\HDUDQGWKHGDWHRIWKLVUHSRUWRWKHUWKDQWKHIROORZLQJ L JDLQ DULVLQJ IURP WKH GLVSRVDO RI HTXLW\ LQWHUHVW DV ZHOO DV IURP WKH HIIHFW RI WKH GLOXWLRQ LQ LQWHUHVW LQ DQ DVVRFLDWH DPRXQWLQJ WR 50 DQG RM70,526,000 in the Group and the Company respectively (see Note 37(a)); LL QRQFDVKJDLQDULVLQJIURPODQGH[FKDQJHRI50VHH1RWH LLL DOORZDQFHIRULPSDLUPHQWORVVRI50PDGHDJDLQVWGRXEWIXOGHEWVIRUFHUWDLQFRQVWUXFWLRQSURMHFWVVHH1RWHDQG LY SURYLVLRQIRUOLTXLGDWHGDQGDVFHUWDLQHGGDPDJHVRI50IRUODWHGHOLYHU\RIFHUWDLQFRQVWUXFWLRQSURMHFWVVHH1RWH 6LJQL¿FDQWHYHQWV L 2Q-DQXDU\WKH&RPSDQ\GLVSRVHGRUGLQDU\VKDUHVRI50HDFKRUUHSUHVHQWLQJDSSUR[LPDWHO\RILWVHTXLW\LQWHUHVWLQ'D\DQJ (QWHUSULVH+ROGLQJV%KG³'(+%´IRUDFDVKFRQVLGHUDWLRQRI50QHWRIWUDQVDFWLRQFRVWV8SRQWKHGLVSRVDOWKHUHVXOWDQW*URXS¶VHTXLW\ LQWHUHVWLQ'(+%KDGGHFUHDVHGIURPWR7KH*URXSDQGWKH&RPSDQ\UHFRJQLVHGJDLQRQGLVSRVDORI50DQG50 respectively (see Note 37(a)(i)). LL 2Q0DUFKWKH&RPSDQ\UHGHHPHGLQIXOOWKHRXWVWDQGLQJQRQFXUUHQWSRUWLRQRILWV,VODPLF%RQGVLQFOXGLQJFRXSRQH[SHQVHDFFUXHGWKHUHRQ DPRXQWLQJWR50SULRUWRWKHUHVSHFWLYHPDWXULW\GDWHVZKLFKZHUHWREHGXHLQ\HDUDQG6XEVHTXHQWO\WKH&RPSDQ\FDQFHOOHGWKH Islamic Securities Programmes of up to RM500 million comprising medium term notes and commercial papers (see Note 21.3). LLL 2Q2FWREHUDVDUHVXOWRIDSULYDWHSODFHPHQWH[HUFLVHHIIHFWHGE\'(+%WKH*URXS¶VHTXLW\LQWHUHVWKDGIXUWKHUGHFUHDVHGIURPWR 7KHGLOXWLRQLQLQWHUHVWKDVEHHQDFFRXQWHGIRUDVGHHPHGGLVSRVDOZLWKWKHUHVXOWLQJJDLQRI50UHFRJQLVHGLQWKHSUR¿WRUORVVVHH1RWHDL iv. In 2014, the Group has accepted the offer from the relevant authority for additional parcels of land as the remaining compensation in relation to prior year’s ODQGH[FKDQJHH[HUFLVH7KLVKDVUHVXOWHGLQDQRQHRIIQRQFDVKJDLQRI50EHLQJUHFRJQLVHGLQSUR¿WRUORVVVHH1RWH 6XEVHTXHQWHYHQW 2Q$SULOWKH&RPSDQ\DQQRXQFHGLWVSURSRVDOWRHVWDEOLVKDQGLPSOHPHQWD/RQJ7HUP,QFHQWLYH3ODQ³/7,3´RIXSWRRILWVLVVXHGDQGSDLGXS FDSLWDOH[FOXGLQJWUHDVXU\VKDUHV7KHSURSRVHG/7,3FRPSULVHVUHVWULFWHGVKDUHSODQDQGSHUIRUPDQFHVKDUHSODQDQGVKDOOEHLQIRUFHIRUDSHULRGRI\HDUV FRPPHQFLQJIURPWKHHIIHFWLYHGDWHRILPSOHPHQWDWLRQZKLFKLV\HWWREHGHWHUPLQHG7KHSURSRVDOLVVXEMHFWWRDSSURYDORIVKDUHKROGHUVDQGUHOHYDQWUHJXODWRU\ authorities. $XGLWRUV The auditors, Messrs KPMG, have indicated their willingness to accept re-appointment. Signed on behalf of the Board of Directors in accordance with a resolution of the Directors: ………………………………………...............… 'DWXN$PDU$EGXO+DPHG%LQ+DML6HSDZL ………………………………………...............… 'DWXN+DVPL%LQ+DVQDQ Kuching, Date: 14 April 2015 w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ``` STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2014 Statements of Financial Position as at 31 December 2014 $VVHWV 3URSHUW\SODQWDQGHTXLSPHQW Prepaid lease payments Investment in subsidiaries ,QYHVWPHQWLQDVVRFLDWHV ,QYHVWPHQWLQMRLQWYHQWXUHV /DQGKHOGIRUSURSHUW\GHYHORSPHQW ,QYHVWPHQWSURSHUWLHV Intangible assets 'HIHUUHGWD[DVVHWV Other investments 7UDGHDQGRWKHUUHFHLYDEOHV 1RWH 4 5 10 12 7RWDOQRQFXUUHQWDVVHWV ,QYHQWRULHV Property development costs 7UDGHDQGRWKHUUHFHLYDEOHV 'HSRVLWVDQGSUHSD\PHQWV &XUUHQWWD[UHFRYHUDEOH &DVKDQGFDVKHTXLYDOHQWV 15 $VVHWVFODVVL¿HGDVKHOGIRUVDOH *URXS 50¶ 50¶ &RPSDQ\ 50¶ 50¶ 2,427 6,917 2,974 _________ --------------- 2,455 7,599 11 _________ --------------- 331,212 _________ --------------- 331,212 _________ --------------- 367,922 _________ _________ --------------- 245,446 _________ _________ --------------- _________ _________ --------------- _________ _________ --------------- 7RWDOFXUUHQWDVVHWV 7RWDODVVHWV ========= ========= ========= ========= (TXLW\ Share capital 5HVHUYHV 19 250,000 _________ 13,770 _________ --------------- 250,000 _________ 24,200 _________ --------------- 250,000 _________ _________ --------------- 250,000 _________ _________ --------------- 7RWDOHTXLW\DWWULEXWDEOHWRRZQHUVRIWKH&RPSDQ\ 1RQFRQWUROOLQJLQWHUHVWV 5 7RWDOHTXLW\ _________ 149,051 --------------- _________ 239,362 --------------- _________ --------------- _________ 150,000 --------------- 21 136,263 _________ _________ --------------- 154,299 _________ _________ --------------- _________ _________ --------------- 150,000 _________ _________ --------------- /LDELOLWLHV /RDQVDQGERUURZLQJV 'HIHUUHGWD[OLDELOLWLHV 7RWDOQRQFXUUHQWOLDELOLWLHV Loans and borrowings 7UDGHDQGRWKHUSD\DEOHV &XUUHQWWD[SD\DEOHV /LDELOLWLHVFODVVL¿HGDVKHOGIRUVDOH 7RWDOFXUUHQWOLDELOLWLHV 7RWDOOLDELOLWLHV ========= ========= ========= ========= 7RWDOHTXLW\DQGOLDELOLWLHV ========= ========= ========= ========= 7KHQRWHVRQSDJHVWRDUHDQLQWHJUDOSDUWRIWKHVH¿QDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWV FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ``` STATEMENTS OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 6WDWHPHQWVRISUR¿WRUORVVDQGRWKHUFRPSUHKHQVLYHLQFRPHIRUWKH\HDU ended 31 December 2014 1RWH 5HYHQXH Cost of sales *URVVSUR¿W 2WKHURSHUDWLQJLQFRPH 6HOOLQJDQGSURPRWLRQDOH[SHQVHV $GPLQLVWUDWLYHH[SHQVHV 2WKHUH[SHQVHV 5HVXOWVIURPRSHUDWLQJDFWLYLWLHV 25 Other non-operating income *URXS 50¶ 50¶ &RPSDQ\ 50¶ 50¶ ( 531,407) _________ ( 605,007) _________ _________ _________ _________ 79,335 _________ 193,505 _________ 9,703 _________ 9,652 96,705 - 70,526 - 37(a)(i) )LQDQFHLQFRPH )LQDQFHFRVWV 1HW¿QDQFHFRVWV 6KDUHRISUR¿WQHWRIWD[RIHTXLW\DFFRXQWHG DVVRFLDWHV MRLQWYHQWXUHV 3UR¿WEHIRUHWD[ _________ _________ _________ _________ 7D[H[SHQVH 3UR¿WIRUWKH\HDU _________ --------------- _________ --------------- _________ --------------- _________ --------------- ( 142) ( 413) _________ ========= _________ ========= _________ ========= _________ ========= 220,337 _________ ========= 235,725 _________ ========= 73,373 _________ ========= 1,593 _________ ========= 221,025 _________ ========= 226,303 _________ ========= 73,373 _________ ========= 1,593 _________ ========= 92.99 ========= 99.49 ========= 2WKHUFRPSUHKHQVLYHLQFRPHORVVQHWRIWD[ ,WHPVWKDWDUHRUPD\EHUHFODVVL¿HGVXEVHTXHQWO\WRSUR¿WRUORVV Foreign currency translation differences for foreign operations 6KDUHRIRWKHUFRPSUHKHQVLYHLQFRPHORVVRIDQHTXLW\DFFRXQWHGDVVRFLDWH 7RWDORWKHUFRPSUHKHQVLYHLQFRPHORVVIRUWKH\HDU 7RWDOFRPSUHKHQVLYHLQFRPHIRUWKH\HDU 3UR¿WDWWULEXWDEOHWR Owners of the Company 1RQFRQWUROOLQJLQWHUHVWV 3UR¿WIRUWKH\HDU 7RWDOFRPSUHKHQVLYHLQFRPHDWWULEXWDEOHWR Owners of the Company 1RQFRQWUROOLQJLQWHUHVWV 7RWDOFRPSUHKHQVLYHLQFRPHIRUWKH\HDU %DVLFDQGGLOXWHGHDUQLQJVSHURUGLQDU\VKDUHVHQ 7KHQRWHVRQSDJHVWRDUHDQLQWHJUDOSDUWRIWKHVH¿QDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWV 90 w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y 29 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ``` CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 Consolidated Statement of Changes In Equity for the year ended 31 December 2014 *URXS 1RWH $W-DQXDU\ Foreign currency translation differences for foreign operations 5HFODVVL¿FDWLRQRIIDLUYDOXH UHVHUYHWRSUR¿WRUORVV Share of other comprehensive (loss)/income of an associate BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB$WWULEXWDEOHWRRZQHUVRIWKH*URXS________________ __________________Non-distributable___________________ Distributable )RUHLJQ FXUUHQF\ &DVKÀRZ 6KDUH 6KDUH &DSLWDO WUDQVODWLRQ )DLUYDOXH 7UHDVXU\ KHGJH 5HWDLQHG FDSLWDO SUHPLXP UHVHUYH UHVHUYH UHVHUYH VKDUHV UHVHUYH HDUQLQJV 50¶ 50¶ 50¶ 50¶ 50¶ 50¶ 50¶ 50¶ - - - ( - - - 413) 1RQ FRQWUROOLQJ 7RWDO LQWHUHVWV 50¶ 50¶ - - - - ( 413) - ( 10,995) - - - ( 10,995) 7RWDO HTXLW\ 50¶ - ( 413) - ( 10,995) ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ Total other comprehensive ORVVLQFRPHIRUWKH\HDU 3UR¿WIRUWKH\HDU 7RWDOFRPSUHKHQVLYH LQFRPHIRUWKH\HDU Share of sale of treasury VKDUHVE\DQDVVRFLDWH Total transactions with owners of the Company 'LYLGHQGV $W'HFHPEHU $W-DQXDU\ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ Foreign currency translation differences for foreign operations Realisation of reserves WRSUR¿WRUORVVDULVLQJ from the decrease in investment in an associate Share of other comprehensive income/(loss) of an associate - - - ( 142) - - - - 51 ( 175) - - ( - - ( 142) - ( 142) 6) - ( 130) - ( 130) 972 - ( 12) 960 960 ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ Total other comprehensive LQFRPHORVVIRUWKH\HDU 3UR¿WIRUWKH\HDU 7RWDOFRPSUHKHQVLYH LQFRPHIRUWKH\HDU Changes in ownership interests in a subsidiary 36(ii) 124 124 ( 124) Transfer of capital reserve to retained earnings - ( 26,334) 26,334 'LVSRVDORIDVXEVLGLDU\ LLL Transaction with non-controlling interests - Issue of shares by subsidiaries 150 150 ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ $W'HFHPEHU ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== (Note 19) (Note 20) (Note 20) (Note 20) (Note 20) (Note 20) (Note 20) (Note 20) (Note 5) %HLQJVKDUHRIWKHUHFODVVL¿FDWLRQRIDYDLODEOHIRUVDOH³$)6´IDLUYDOXHUHVHUYHRI50WRSUR¿WRUORVVRQUHFODVVL¿FDWLRQRIDQ$)6LQYHVWPHQW to an equity-accounted investment of an associate. 7KHQRWHVRQSDJHVWRDUHDQLQWHJUDOSDUWRIWKHVH¿QDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWV 91 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ``` STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 Statement of Changes in Equity for the year ended 31 December 2014 &RPSDQ\ 7RWDO 50¶ 1RWH $W-DQXDU\ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ ========= (Note 19) _________ ========= (Note 20) _________ ========= (Note 20) _________ ========= (Note 20) _________ ========= 3UR¿WDQGWRWDOFRPSUHKHQVLYHLQFRPHIRUWKH\HDU Transactions with owners of the Company 'LYLGHQGV $W'HFHPEHU-DQXDU\ 3UR¿WDQGWRWDOFRPSUHKHQVLYHLQFRPHIRUWKH\HDU $W'HFHPEHU 7KHQRWHVRQSDJHVWRDUHDQLQWHJUDOSDUWRIWKHVH¿QDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWV 92 ______$WWULEXWDEOHWRRZQHUVRIWKH&RPSDQ\______ _______Non-distributable______ Distributable 6KDUH 6KDUH 7UHDVXU\ 5HWDLQHG FDSLWDO SUHPLXP VKDUHV HDUQLQJV 50¶ 50¶ 50¶ 50¶ w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ``` STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 Statements of Cash Flows for the year ended 31 December 2014 *URXS &RPSDQ\ 50¶ 50¶ 50¶ 50¶ 1,095 1,907 1,706 ( 21) _________ _________ _________ _________ 5,114 ( 4) _________ 2,216 _________ _________ _________ _________ --------------- _________ --------------- 515 _________ --------------- 1,029 _________ --------------- - ( 3,423) - - 4,420 _________ --------------- _________ --------------- _________ --------------- _________ --------------- &DVKÀRZVIURPRSHUDWLQJDFWLYLWLHV 3UR¿WEHIRUHWD[ $GMXVWPHQWVIRU Amortisation of: LQWDQJLEOHDVVHWV1RWH investment properties (Note 9) SUHSDLGOHDVHSD\PHQWV1RWH 'HSUHFLDWLRQRISURSHUW\SODQWDQGHTXLSPHQW1RWH 'LYLGHQGLQFRPH Gain on disposal of: SURSHUW\SODQWDQGHTXLSPHQW LQYHVWPHQWSURSHUWLHV1RWH subsidiary DVVRFLDWHV other investments )LQDQFHFRVWV )LQDQFHLQFRPH 3URSHUW\SODQWDQGHTXLSPHQWZULWWHQRII 6KDUHRIUHVXOWVRIHTXLW\DFFRXQWHG DVVRFLDWHV1RWH MRLQWYHQWXUHV1RWH 8QUHDOLVHGIRUHLJQH[FKDQJHJDLQ 2SHUDWLQJSUR¿WORVVEHIRUHFKDQJHVLQZRUNLQJFDSLWDO Changes in working capital: Inventories * Land held for property development 3URSHUW\GHYHORSPHQWFRVWV 7UDGHDQGRWKHUUHFHLYDEOHVGHSRVLWVDQGSUHSD\PHQWV 7UDGHDQGRWKHUSD\DEOHV &DVKXVHGLQJHQHUDWHGIURPRSHUDWLRQV 7D[SDLGUHIXQGHG Interest received 1HWFDVKXVHGLQIURPRSHUDWLQJDFWLYLWLHV &DVKÀRZVIURPLQYHVWLQJDFWLYLWLHV $FTXLVLWLRQRI SURSHUW\SODQWDQGHTXLSPHQW LQYHVWPHQWSURSHUWLHV - associate (Note 37(b)(i)) Proceeds from disposal of: SURSHUW\SODQWDQGHTXLSPHQW DQDVVRFLDWH1RWHD - subsidiary, net of cash disposed of (Note 36(iii)) RWKHULQYHVWPHQWV ,QFUHDVHLQLQYHVWPHQWLQDQH[LVWLQJDVVRFLDWH1RWHELL 'HFUHDVH,QFUHDVHLQSOHGJHGGHSRVLWV 'LYLGHQGVUHFHLYHG 'LVWULEXWLRQRISUR¿WVE\MRLQWYHQWXUHV ,QWHUHVWUHFHLYHG 1HWFDVKIURPLQYHVWLQJDFWLYLWLHV 93 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ``` STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 (CONTINUE) Statements of Cash Flows for the year ended 31 December 2014 (continue) *URXS &RPSDQ\ 50¶ 50¶ 50¶ 50¶ 150 210,029 ( 304,262) ( 9,227) _________ --------------- 7,731 ( 3,196) ( 2,639) _________ --------------- ( 300,000) _________ --------------- _________ --------------- _________ ========= _________ ========= _________ ========= _________ ========= &DVKÀRZVIURP¿QDQFLQJDFWLYLWLHV Proceeds from issuance of new shares to non-controlling interests Proceeds from loans and borrowings* Repayment of loans and borrowings 5HSD\PHQWRI¿QDQFHOHDVHOLDELOLWLHV 'LYLGHQGVSDLGWRRZQHUVRIWKH&RPSDQ\1RWH Other interest paid &RXSRQH[SHQVHSDLG 1HWFDVKXVHGLQ¿QDQFLQJDFWLYLWLHV 1HWGHFUHDVHLQFUHDVHLQFDVKDQGFDVKHTXLYDOHQWV (IIHFWRIH[FKDQJHUDWHÀXFWXDWLRQVRQFDVKKHOG &DVKDQGFDVKHTXLYDOHQWVDWEHJLQQLQJRI\HDU &DVKDQGFDVKHTXLYDOHQWVDWHQGRI\HDU>1RWH@ ,QFOXGLQJWKRVHFODVVL¿HGDVGLVSRVDOJURXSKHOGIRUVDOH - 1RWH &DVKDQGFDVKHTXLYDOHQWVLQFOXGHGLQVWDWHPHQWVRIFDVKÀRZVFRPSULVHWKHIROORZLQJDPRXQWVLQWKHVWDWHPHQWVRI¿QDQFLDOSRVLWLRQ Deposits placed with licensed bank with maturities less than three months H[FOXGLQJGHSRVLWVSOHGJHG Short-term cash funds &DVKLQKDQGDQGDWEDQNV 7RWDOFDVKDQGFDVKHTXLYDOHQWVVHH1RWH $GG&DVKLQFOXGHGDVKHOGIRUVDOHVHH1RWH 7RWDOFDVKDQGFDVKHTXLYDOHQWVDVVKRZQLQWKHVWDWHPHQWVRIFDVKÀRZV 7KHQRWHVRQSDJHVWRDUHDQLQWHJUDOSDUWRIWKHVH¿QDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWV 94 w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y *URXS 50¶ 50¶ 10,000 _________ _________ ========= 20,000 _________ _________ ========= &RPSDQ\ 50¶ 50¶ _________ _________ ========= 20,000 _________ _________ ========= FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ``` NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Notes to the Financial Statements Naim Holdings Berhad is a public limited liability company, incorporated and domiciled in Malaysia and is listed on the Main Market of Bursa Malaysia Securities %HUKDG7KHDGGUHVVRILWVUHJLVWHUHGRI¿FHLVWK)ORRU:LVPD1DLPò0LOHV5RFN5RDG.XFKLQJ6DUDZDN0DOD\VLD 7KHFRQVROLGDWHG¿QDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVRIWKH&RPSDQ\DVDWDQGIRUWKH\HDUHQGHG'HFHPEHUFRPSULVHWKH&RPSDQ\DQGLWVVXEVLGLDULHVWRJHWKHU UHIHUUHGWRDVWKH³*URXS´DQGLQGLYLGXDOO\UHIHUUHGWRDV³*URXSHQWLWLHV´DQGWKH*URXS¶VLQWHUHVWVLQDVVRFLDWHVDQGMRLQWYHQWXUHV7KH¿QDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVRI the Company as at and for the year ended 31 December 2014 do not include other entities. 7KH&RPSDQ\LVSULQFLSDOO\HQJDJHGLQLQYHVWPHQWKROGLQJZKLOHWKHSULQFLSDODFWLYLWLHVRIWKHVXEVLGLDULHVDUHDVVWDWHGLQ1RWHWRWKH¿QDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWV 7KHVH¿QDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVZHUHDXWKRULVHGIRULVVXHE\WKH%RDUGRI'LUHFWRUVRQ$SULO %DVLVRISUHSDUDWLRQ D 6WDWHPHQWRIFRPSOLDQFH 7KH¿QDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVRIWKH*URXSDQGRIWKH&RPSDQ\KDYHEHHQSUHSDUHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK)LQDQFLDO5HSRUWLQJ6WDQGDUGV³)56V´DQGWKH UHTXLUHPHQWVRIWKH&RPSDQLHV$FWLQ0DOD\VLD *LYHQWKDWFHUWDLQ*URXSHQWLWLHVDUHWUDQVLWLRQLQJHQWLWLHVEHLQJHQWLWLHVVXEMHFWWRWKHDSSOLFDWLRQRI,&,QWHUSUHWDWLRQ$JUHHPHQWVIRUWKH&RQVWUXFWLRQ of Real EstateDQGWKHHQWLW\WKDWFRQVROLGDWHVRUHTXLW\DFFRXQWVRUSURSRUWLRQDWHO\FRQVROLGDWHVWKH¿UVWPHQWLRQHGHQWLWLHVWKH*URXSLVFXUUHQWO\ H[HPSWHG IURP DGRSWLQJ WKH 0DOD\VLDQ )LQDQFLDO 5HSRUWLQJ 6WDQGDUGV ³0)56´ )UDPHZRUN XQWLO -DQXDU\ DV PDQGDWHG E\ WKH 0DOD\VLDQ Accounting Standards Board (“MASB”). $VDUHVXOWWKH*URXSLQFOXGLQJWKHWUDQVLWLRQLQJHQWLWLHVZLOOFRQWLQXHWRDSSO\)56DVWKHLU¿QDQFLDOUHSRUWLQJIUDPHZRUNWRSUHSDUHWKHLU¿QDQFLDO statements for annual periods ending on 31 December 2015 until 31 December 2016. The following are accounting standards, amendments and interpretations of the FRS framework that have been issued by the MASB but have not been adopted by the Group and the Company: )56$PHQGPHQW,QWHUSUHWDWLRQ Amendments to FRS 1,)LUVWWLPH$GRSWLRQRI0DOD\VLDQ)LQDQFLDO5HSRUWLQJ6WDQGDUGV$QQXDO,PSURYHPHQWV WR)56V&\FOH Amendments to FRS 2, 6KDUHEDVHG3D\PHQW$QQXDO,PSURYHPHQWVWR)56V&\FOH Amendments to FRS 3, %XVLQHVV&RPELQDWLRQV$QQXDO,PSURYHPHQWVWR)56V&\FOHDQG &\FOH $PHQGPHQWVWR)562SHUDWLQJ6HJPHQWV$QQXDO,PSURYHPHQWVWR)56V&\FOH Amendments to FRS 13, )DLU9DOXH0HDVXUHPHQW$QQXDO,PSURYHPHQWVWR)56V&\FOH DQG&\FOH Amendments to FRS 116, 3URSHUW\3ODQWDQG(TXLSPHQW$QQXDO,PSURYHPHQWVWR)56V&\FOH Amendments to FRS 119, (PSOR\HH%HQH¿WV'H¿QHG%HQH¿W3ODQV(PSOR\HH&RQWULEXWLRQV Amendments to FRS 124, 5HODWHG3DUW\'LVFORVXUHV$QQXDO,PSURYHPHQWVWR)56V&\FOH $PHQGPHQWVWR)56,QWDQJLEOH$VVHWV$QQXDO,PSURYHPHQWVWR)56V&\FOH Amendments to FRS 140, ,QYHVWPHQW3URSHUW\$QQXDO,PSURYHPHQWVWR)56V&\FOH Amendments to FRS 5, 1RQFXUUHQW$VVHWV+HOGIRU6DOHDQG'LVFRQWLQXHG2SHUDWLRQV $QQXDO,PSURYHPHQWVWR)56V&\FOH Amendments to FRS 7, )LQDQFLDO,QVWUXPHQWV'LVFORVXUHV$QQXDO,PSURYHPHQWVWR)56V&\FOH Amendments to FRS 10, &RQVROLGDWHG)LQDQFLDO6WDWHPHQWVDQG)56,QYHVWPHQWLQ$VVRFLDWHV DQG-RLQW9HQWXUHV6DOHRU&RQWULEXWLRQRI$VVHWVEHWZHHQDQ,QYHVWRUDQGLWV$VVRFLDWHRU-RLQW9HQWXUH Amendments to FRS 10, &RQVROLGDWHG)LQDQFLDO6WDWHPHQWVFRS 12, Disclosure of Interests in Other Entities and )56,QYHVWPHQWLQ$VVRFLDWHVDQG-RLQW9HQWXUHV,QYHVWPHQW(QWLWLHV$SSO\LQJ WKH&RQVROLGDWLRQ([FHSWLRQ Amendments to FRS 11, -RLQW$UUDQJHPHQWV$FFRXQWLQJIRU$FTXLVLWLRQVRI,QWHUHVWLQ-RLQW2SHUDWLRQV FRS 14, 5HJXODWRU\'HIHUUDO$FFRXQWV Amendments to FRS 101, Presentation of Financial Statements - Disclosures Initiative Amendments to FRS 116, Property, Plant and Equipment and )56,QWDQJLEOH$VVHWV &ODUL¿FDWLRQRI$FFHSWDEOH0HWKRGVRI'HSUHFLDWLRQDQG$PRUWLVDWLRQ Amendments to FRS 119, (PSOR\HH%HQH¿WV$QQXDO,PSURYHPHQWVWR)56V&\FOH Amendments to FRS 127, Equity Method in Separate Financial Statements Amendments to FRS 134, ,QWHULP)LQDQFLDO5HSRUWLQJ$QQXDO,PSURYHPHQWVWR)56V&\FOH (IIHFWLYHGDWH 1 July 2014 1 July 2014 1 July 2014 1 July 2014 1 July 2014 1 July 2014 1 July 2014 1 July 2014 1 July 2014 1 July 2014 1 January 2016 1 January 2016 1 January 2016 1 January 2016 1 January 2016 1 January 2016 1 January 2016 1 January 2016 1 January 2016 1 January 2016 1 January 2016 The Group and the Company plan to apply: IURPWKHDQQXDOSHULRGEHJLQQLQJRQ-DQXDU\WKRVHVWDQGDUGVDPHQGPHQWVRULQWHUSUHWDWLRQVWKDWDUHHIIHFWLYHIRUDQQXDOSHULRGEHJLQQLQJ RQRUDIWHU-XO\H[FHSWIRU$PHQGPHQWVWR)56$PHQGPHQWVWR)56DQG$PHQGPHQWVWR)56ZKLFKDUHDVVHVVHGDVSUHVHQWO\QRW applicable to the Group and the Company. IURPWKHDQQXDOSHULRGEHJLQQLQJRQ-DQXDU\WKRVHVWDQGDUGVDPHQGPHQWVRULQWHUSUHWDWLRQVWKDWDUHHIIHFWLYHIRUDQQXDOSHULRGVEHJLQQLQJ RQ-DQXDU\H[FHSWIRU)56ZKLFKLVDVVHVVHGDVSUHVHQWO\QRWDSSOLFDEOHWRWKH*URXSDQGWKH&RPSDQ\ 7KHLQLWLDODSSOLFDWLRQRIWKHDERYHPHQWLRQHGVWDQGDUGVDPHQGPHQWVRULQWHUSUHWDWLRQVDUHQRWH[SHFWHGWRKDYHDQ\PDWHULDOLPSDFWVWRWKHFXUUHQWDQG SULRUSHULRGRIWKH¿QDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVRIWKH*URXSDQGWKH&RPSDQ\ 95 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ``` NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUE) Notes to the Financial Statements (continue) %DVLVRISUHSDUDWLRQ (continue) D 6WDWHPHQWRIFRPSOLDQFH (continue) Migration to new accounting framework 7KH*URXS¶VDQGWKH&RPSDQ\¶V¿QDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVIRUDQQXDOSHULRGEHJLQQLQJRQ-DQXDU\ZLOOEHSUHSDUHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWKWKH0)56V issued by the MASB and International Financial Reporting Standards. The Group and the Company will apply the following MFRSs that are not yet effective: 0)56$PHQGPHQW,QWHUSUHWDWLRQ MFRS 15, 5HYHQXHIURP&RQWUDFWVZLWK&XVWRPHUV MFRS 9, Financial Instruments (2014) Amendments to MFRS 7, Financial Instruments: 'LVFORVXUHV0DQGDWRU\(IIHFWLYH'DWHRI0)56DQG7UDQVLWLRQ'LVFORVXUHV (IIHFWLYHGDWH 1 January 2017 -DQXDU\ -DQXDU\ Material impacts of the initial application of the above accounting standards, which are or are likely to be applicable to the Group and which are to be applied retrospectively, are discussed below: L 0)56Revenue from Contracts with Customers MFRS 15 replaces the guidance in MFRS 111, &RQVWUXFWLRQ&RQWUDFWV0)56Revenue, IC Interpretation 13, &XVWRPHU/R\DOW\3URJUDPPHV IC Interpretation 15, $JUHHPHQWVIRU&RQVWUXFWLRQRI5HDO(VWDWH,&,QWHUSUHWDWLRQ7UDQVIHUVRI$VVHWVIURP&XVWRPHUV and IC Interpretation 131, 5HYHQXH%DUWHU7UDQVDFWLRQV,QYROYLQJ$GYHUWLVLQJ6HUYLFHV 8SRQDGRSWLRQRI0)56LWLVH[SHFWHGWKDWWKHWLPLQJRIUHYHQXHUHFRJQLWLRQPLJKWEHGLIIHUHQWDVFRPSDUHGZLWKFXUUHQWSUDFWLFHV7KHDGRSWLRQ of MFRS 15 will result in a change in accounting policy. LL 0)56Financial Instruments MFRS 9 replaces the guidance in MFRS 139, Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement RQ WKH FODVVL¿FDWLRQ DQG PHDVXUHPHQW RI ¿QDQFLDODVVHWVDQG¿QDQFLDOOLDELOLWLHVDQGRQKHGJHDFFRXQWLQJ 8SRQDGRSWLRQRI0)56¿QDQFLDODVVHWVZLOOEHPHDVXUHGDWHLWKHUIDLUYDOXHRUDPRUWLVHGFRVW,WLVH[SHFWHGWKDWWKH*URXS¶VLQYHVWPHQWLQ XQTXRWHGVKDUHVZLOOEHPHDVXUHGDWIDLUYDOXHWKURXJKRWKHUFRPSUHKHQVLYHLQFRPH7KHDGRSWLRQRI0)56ZLOOUHVXOWLQDFKDQJHLQDFFRXQWLQJSROLF\ 7KH*URXSLVFXUUHQWO\DVVHVVLQJWKH¿QDQFLDOLPSDFWWKDWPD\DULVHIURPWKHDGRSWLRQRI0)56DQG0)56 E %DVLVRIPHDVXUHPHQW 7KH¿QDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVKDYHEHHQSUHSDUHGRQWKHKLVWRULFDOFRVWEDVLVRWKHUWKDQDVGLVFORVHGLQ1RWH F )XQFWLRQDODQGSUHVHQWDWLRQFXUUHQF\ 7KHVH ¿QDQFLDO VWDWHPHQWV DUH SUHVHQWHG LQ 5LQJJLW 0DOD\VLD 50 ZKLFK LV WKH &RPSDQ\¶V IXQFWLRQDO FXUUHQF\ $OO ¿QDQFLDO LQIRUPDWLRQ KDV EHHQ rounded to the nearest thousand, unless otherwise stated. G 8VHRIHVWLPDWHVDQGMXGJHPHQWV 7KHSUHSDUDWLRQRIWKH¿QDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVLQFRQIRUPLW\ZLWK)56VUHTXLUHVPDQDJHPHQWWRPDNHMXGJHPHQWVHVWLPDWHVDQGDVVXPSWLRQVWKDWDIIHFWWKH DSSOLFDWLRQRIDFFRXQWLQJSROLFLHVDQGWKHUHSRUWHGDPRXQWVRIDVVHWVOLDELOLWLHVLQFRPHDQGH[SHQVHV$FWXDOUHVXOWVPD\GLIIHUIURPWKHVHHVWLPDWHV Estimates and underlying assumptions are reviewed on an ongoing basis. Revisions to accounting estimates are recognised in the period in which the estimates are revised and in any future periods affected thereby. 7KHUHDUHQRVLJQL¿FDQWDUHDVRIHVWLPDWLRQXQFHUWDLQW\DQGFULWLFDOMXGJHPHQWVLQDSSO\LQJDFFRXQWLQJSROLFLHVWKDWKDYHVLJQL¿FDQWHIIHFWRQWKHDPRXQWV UHFRJQLVHGLQWKH¿QDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVRWKHUWKDQWKRVHGLVFORVHGEHORZ L 3UR¿WUHFRJQLWLRQIURPFRQVWUXFWLRQFRQWUDFWV 7KH*URXSUHFRJQLVHVFRQWUDFWUHYHQXHDQGFRQWUDFWFRVWVLQSUR¿WRUORVVXVLQJWKHVWDJHRIFRPSOHWLRQPHWKRGGHWHUPLQHGE\UHIHUHQFHWRWKH proportion that contract costs incurred for work performed to-date bear to the estimated total contract costs. 6LJQL¿FDQWMXGJHPHQWLVUHTXLUHGLQGHWHUPLQLQJWKHVWDJHRIFRPSOHWLRQRIFRQVWUXFWLRQFRQWUDFWVDFFUXDORIFRVWVLQFXUUHGIRUZKLFKFODLPVELOOLQJV have yet to be received, estimated total contract revenue and contract costs as well as the recoverability of the carrying amount of contract work-inprogress. The total contract revenue also includes an estimation of variations that are recoverable from contract customers. ,QPDNLQJVXFKHVWLPDWLRQVDQGMXGJHPHQWVWKH*URXSUHOLHV inter aliaRQSDVWH[SHULHQFHVDQGWKHDVVHVVPHQWRILWVH[SHULHQFHGSURMHFWWHDP FRPSULVLQJ%XGJHW5HYLHZ&RPPLWWHHSURMHFWPDQDJHUVDQGTXDQWLW\VXUYH\RUV LL 3UR¿WUHFRJQLWLRQIURPSURSHUW\GHYHORSPHQWV The Group recogniseVSURSHUW\GHYHORSPHQWUHYHQXHDQGFRVWVLQSUR¿WRUORVVXVLQJWKHVWDJHRIFRPSOHWLRQPHWKRG7KHVWDJHRIFRPSOHWLRQ of properties sold is determined by reference to the proportion that property development costs incurred for work performed to-date bear to the estimated total property development costs. 6LJQL¿FDQWMXGJHPHQWLVUHTXLUHGLQGHWHUPLQLQJWKHVWDJHRIFRPSOHWLRQRIWKHGHYHORSPHQWDFWLYLWLHVH[WHQWRISURSHUW\GHYHORSPHQWFRVWVLQFXUUHG HVWLPDWHGWRWDOSURSHUW\GHYHORSPHQWUHYHQXHDQGFRVWVDVZHOODVUHFRYHUDELOLW\RIWKHGHYHORSPHQWSURMHFWV ,QPDNLQJVXFKHVWLPDWLRQVDQGMXGJHPHQWVWKH*URXSUHOLHVDVZLWKWKHFRQVWUXFWLRQDFWLYLWLHVH[SODLQHGDERYHinter aliaRQSDVWH[SHULHQFHVDQG WKHDVVHVVPHQWRILWVH[SHULHQFHGSURMHFWWHDPFRPSULVLQJ%XGJHW5HYLHZ&RPPLWWHHSURMHFWPDQDJHUVDQGTXDQWLW\VXUYH\RUV 96 w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y %DVLVRISUHSDUDWLRQ (continue) G 8VHRIHVWLPDWHVDQGMXGJHPHQWV (continue) iii. Impairment loss on receivables The main collectability risk of receivables is the counterparties insolvencies. Management determines allowance for impairment loss on doubtful UHFHLYDEOHVEDVHGRQDQRQJRLQJUHYLHZDQGDVVHVVPHQWSHUIRUPHG7KHHYDOXDWLRQLVKRZHYHUKLJKO\MXGJHPHQWDODQGUHTXLUHVPDWHULDOHVWLPDWHV LQFOXGLQJWKHDPRXQWVDQGWLPLQJRIIXWXUHFDVKÀRZVH[SHFWHGWREHUHFHLYHGZKLFKPD\EHVXVFHSWLEOHWRVLJQL¿FDQWFKDQJHV 6LJQL¿FDQWDFFRXQWLQJSROLFLHV 7KHVLJQL¿FDQWDFFRXQWLQJSROLFLHVVHWRXWEHORZKDYHEHHQDSSOLHGFRQVLVWHQWO\WRWKHSHULRGVSUHVHQWHGLQWKHVH¿QDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVDQGKDYHEHHQDSSOLHG consistently by Group entities, unless otherwise stated. D %DVLVRIFRQVROLGDWLRQ i. Subsidiaries 6XEVLGLDULHV DUH HQWLWLHV LQFOXGLQJ VWUXFWXUHG HQWLWLHV FRQWUROOHG E\ WKH &RPSDQ\ 7KH ¿QDQFLDO VWDWHPHQWV RI VXEVLGLDULHV DUH LQFOXGHG LQ WKH FRQVROLGDWHG¿QDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVIURPWKHGDWHWKDWFRQWUROFRPPHQFHVXQWLOWKHGDWHWKDWFRQWUROFHDVHV 7KH*URXSFRQWUROVDQHQWLW\ZKHQLWLVH[SRVHGRUKDVULJKWVWRYDULDEOHUHWXUQVIURPLWVLQYROYHPHQWZLWKWKHHQWLW\DQGKDVWKHDELOLW\WRDIIHFWWKRVH returns through its power over the entity. Potential voting rights are considered when assessing control only when such rights are substantive. The *URXSDOVRFRQVLGHUVLWKDVGHIDFWRSRZHURYHUDQLQYHVWHHZKHQGHVSLWHQRWKDYLQJWKHPDMRULW\RIYRWLQJULJKWVLWKDVWKHFXUUHQWDELOLW\WRGLUHFW WKHDFWLYLWLHVRIWKHLQYHVWHHWKDWVLJQL¿FDQWO\DIIHFWWKHLQYHVWHH¶VUHWXUQ ,QYHVWPHQWVLQVXEVLGLDULHVDUHPHDVXUHGLQWKH&RPSDQ\¶VVWDWHPHQWRI¿QDQFLDOSRVLWLRQDWFRVWOHVVDQ\LPSDLUPHQWORVVHVXQOHVVWKHLQYHVWPHQW LVFODVVL¿HGDVKHOGIRUVDOHRUGLVWULEXWLRQ7KHFRVWRILQYHVWPHQWVLQFOXGHVWUDQVDFWLRQFRVWV ii. Business combinations %XVLQHVVFRPELQDWLRQVDUHDFFRXQWHGIRUXVLQJWKHDFTXLVLWLRQPHWKRGIURPWKHDFTXLVLWLRQGDWHZKLFKLVWKHGDWHRQZKLFKFRQWUROLVWUDQVIHUUHG to the Group. $FTXLVLWLRQVRQRUDIWHU-DQXDU\ )RUDFTXLVLWLRQVRQRUDIWHU-DQXDU\WKH*URXSPHDVXUHVWKHFRVWRIJRRGZLOODWWKHDFTXLVLWLRQGDWHDV WKHIDLUYDOXHRIWKHFRQVLGHUDWLRQWUDQVIHUUHGSOXV WKHUHFRJQLVHGDPRXQWRIDQ\QRQFRQWUROOLQJLQWHUHVWVLQWKHDFTXLUHHSOXV LIWKHEXVLQHVVFRPELQDWLRQLVDFKLHYHGLQVWDJHVWKHIDLUYDOXHRIWKHH[LVWLQJHTXLW\LQWHUHVWLQWKHDFTXLUHHOHVV WKHQHWUHFRJQLVHGDPRXQWJHQHUDOO\IDLUYDOXHRIWKHLGHQWL¿DEOHDVVHWVDFTXLUHGDQGOLDELOLWLHVDVVXPHG :KHQWKHH[FHVVLVQHJDWLYHDEDUJDLQSXUFKDVHJDLQLVUHFRJQLVHGLPPHGLDWHO\LQSUR¿WRUORVV )RUHDFK EXVLQHVVFRPELQDWLRQWKH*URXSHOHFWVZKHWKHULWPHDVXUHVWKHQRQFRQWUROOLQJLQWHUHVWVLQWKHDFTXLUHHHLWKHUDWIDLUYDOXH RUDWWKH SURSRUWLRQDWHVKDUHRIWKHDFTXLUHH¶VLGHQWL¿DEOHQHWDVVHWVDWWKHDFTXLVLWLRQGDWH 7UDQVDFWLRQ FRVWV RWKHU WKDQ WKRVH DVVRFLDWHG ZLWK WKH LVVXH RI GHEW RU HTXLW\ VHFXULWLHV WKDW WKH *URXS LQFXUV LQ FRQQHFWLRQ ZLWK D EXVLQHVV FRPELQDWLRQDUHH[SHQVHGDVLQFXUUHG $FTXLVLWLRQEHWZHHQ-DQXDU\DQG-DQXDU\ )RUDFTXLVLWLRQVEHWZHHQ-DQXDU\DQG-DQXDU\JRRGZLOOUHSUHVHQWVWKHH[FHVVRIWKHFRVWRIWKHDFTXLVLWLRQRYHUWKH*URXS¶VLQWHUHVW LQWKHUHFRJQLVHGDPRXQWJHQHUDOO\IDLUYDOXHRIWKHLGHQWL¿DEOHDVVHWVOLDELOLWLHVDQGFRQWLQJHQWOLDELOLWLHVRIWKHDFTXLUHH:KHQWKHH[FHVVZDV QHJDWLYHDEDUJDLQSXUFKDVHJDLQZDVUHFRJQLVHGLPPHGLDWHO\LQSUR¿WRUORVV $FTXLVLWLRQVSULRUWR-DQXDU\ )RUDFTXLVLWLRQVSULRUWR-DQXDU\JRRGZLOOUHSUHVHQWVWKHH[FHVVRIWKHFRVWRIWKHDFTXLVLWLRQRYHUWKH*URXS¶VLQWHUHVWLQWKHIDLUYDOXHVRI WKHQHWLGHQWL¿DEOHDVVHWVDQGOLDELOLWLHV LLL $FTXLVLWLRQVRIQRQFRQWUROOLQJLQWHUHVWV 7KH*URXSDFFRXQWVIRUDOOFKDQJHVLQLWVRZQHUVKLSLQWHUHVWLQDVXEVLGLDU\WKDWGRQRWUHVXOWLQDORVVRIFRQWURODVHTXLW\WUDQVDFWLRQVEHWZHHQ the Group and its non-controlling interests holders. Any difference between the Group’s share of net assets before and after the change, and any FRQVLGHUDWLRQUHFHLYHGRUSDLGLVDGMXVWHGWRRUDJDLQVW*URXSUHVHUYHV LY $FTXLVLWLRQVIURPHQWLWLHVXQGHUFRPPRQFRQWUROV Business combinations arising from transfers of interests in entities that are under the control of the shareholder that controls the Group are accounted IRUDVLIWKHDFTXLVLWLRQKDGRFFXUUHGDWWKHEHJLQQLQJRIWKHHDUOLHVWFRPSDUDWLYHSHULRGSUHVHQWHGRULIODWHUDWWKHGDWHWKDWFRPPRQFRQWUROZDV HVWDEOLVKHG7KHDVVHWVDQGOLDELOLWLHVDFTXLUHGDUHUHFRJQLVHGDWWKHFDUU\LQJDPRXQWVUHFRJQLVHGSUHYLRXVO\LQWKHDFTXLUHHV¶¿QDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWV ZLWKRXWUHVWDWHPHQW7KHFRPSRQHQWVRIHTXLW\RIWKHDFTXLUHGHQWLWLHVDUHDGGHGWRWKHVDPHFRPSRQHQWVZLWKLQ*URXSHTXLW\DQGDQ\UHVXOWLQJ JDLQORVVLVUHFRJQLVHGGLUHFWO\LQHTXLW\ 97 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ``` NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUE) Notes to the Financial Statements (continue) 6LJQL¿FDQWDFFRXQWLQJSROLFLHV(continue) D %DVLVRIFRQVROLGDWLRQ(continue) v. Loss of control Upon the loss of control of a subsidiary, the Group derecognises the assets and liabilities of the former subsidiary, any non-controlling interests and WKHRWKHUFRPSRQHQWVRIHTXLW\UHODWHGWRWKHIRUPHUVXEVLGLDU\IURPWKHFRQVROLGDWHGVWDWHPHQWRI¿QDQFLDOSRVLWLRQ$Q\VXUSOXVRUGH¿FLWDULVLQJRQ WKHORVVRIFRQWUROLVUHFRJQLVHGLQSUR¿WRUORVV ,IWKH*URXSUHWDLQVDQ\LQWHUHVWLQWKHIRUPHUVXEVLGLDU\WKHQVXFKLQWHUHVWLVPHDVXUHGDWIDLUYDOXHDWWKHGDWHWKDWFRQWUROLVORVW6XEVHTXHQWO\LW LVDFFRXQWHGIRUDVDQHTXLW\DFFRXQWHGLQYHVWHHRUDVDQDYDLODEOHIRUVDOH¿QDQFLDODVVHWGHSHQGLQJRQWKHOHYHORILQÀXHQFHUHWDLQHG vi. Associates $VVRFLDWHV DUH HQWLWLHV LQFOXGLQJ XQLQFRUSRUDWHG HQWLWLHV LQ ZKLFK WKH *URXS KDV VLJQL¿FDQW LQÀXHQFH EXW QRW FRQWURO RYHU WKHLU ¿QDQFLDO DQG operating policies. ,QYHVWPHQWVLQDVVRFLDWHVDUHDFFRXQWHGIRULQWKHFRQVROLGDWHG¿QDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVXVLQJWKHHTXLW\PHWKRGOHVVDQ\LPSDLUPHQWORVVHV>XQOHVVLW LVFODVVL¿HGDVKHOGIRUVDOHRUGLVWULEXWLRQ@7KHFRVWRIWKHLQYHVWPHQWLQFOXGHVWUDQVDFWLRQFRVWV7KHFRQVROLGDWHG¿QDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVLQFOXGHWKH *URXS¶VVKDUHRIWKHSUR¿WRUORVVDQGRWKHUFRPSUHKHQVLYHLQFRPHRIWKHDVVRFLDWHVDIWHUDGMXVWPHQWVLIDQ\WRDOLJQWKHLUDFFRXQWLQJSROLFLHVZLWK WKRVHRIWKH*URXSIURPWKHGDWHWKDWVLJQL¿FDQWLQÀXHQFHFRPPHQFHVXQWLOWKHGDWHWKDWVLJQL¿FDQWLQÀXHQFHFHDVHV :KHQWKH*URXS¶VVKDUHRIORVVHVH[FHHGVLWVLQWHUHVWLQDQDVVRFLDWHWKHFDUU\LQJDPRXQWRIWKDWLQWHUHVWLQFOXGLQJDQ\ORQJWHUPLQYHVWPHQWVLV UHGXFHGWR]HURDQGWKHUHFRJQLWLRQRIIXUWKHUORVVHVLVGLVFRQWLQXHGH[FHSWWRWKHH[WHQWWKDWWKH*URXSKDVDQREOLJDWLRQRUKDVPDGHSD\PHQWV on behalf of the associate. :KHQWKH*URXSFHDVHVWRKDYHVLJQL¿FDQWLQÀXHQFHRYHUDQDVVRFLDWHDQ\UHWDLQHGLQWHUHVWLQWKHIRUPHUDVVRFLDWHDWWKHGDWHZKHQVLJQL¿FDQW LQÀXHQFHLVORVWLVPHDVXUHGDWIDLUYDOXHDQGWKLVDPRXQWLVUHJDUGHGDVWKHLQLWLDOFDUU\LQJDPRXQWRID¿QDQFLDODVVHW7KHGLIIHUHQFHEHWZHHQWKH IDLUYDOXHRIDQ\UHWDLQHGLQWHUHVWSOXVSURFHHGVIURPWKHLQWHUHVWGLVSRVHGRIDQGWKHFDUU\LQJDPRXQWRIWKHLQYHVWPHQWDWWKHGDWHZKHQHTXLW\ PHWKRGLVGLVFRQWLQXHGLVUHFRJQLVHGLQWKHSUR¿WRUORVV :KHQWKH*URXS¶VLQWHUHVWLQDQDVVRFLDWHGHFUHDVHVEXWGRHVQRWUHVXOWLQDORVVRIVLJQL¿FDQWLQÀXHQFHDQ\UHWDLQHGLQWHUHVWLVQRWUHPHDVXUHG $Q\JDLQRUORVVDULVLQJIURPWKHGHFUHDVHLQLQWHUHVWLVUHFRJQLVHGLQSUR¿WRUORVV$Q\JDLQVRUORVVHVSUHYLRXVO\UHFRJQLVHGLQRWKHUFRPSUHKHQVLYH LQFRPHDUHDOVRUHFODVVL¿HGSURSRUWLRQDWHO\WRSUR¿WRUORVVLIWKDWJDLQRUORVVZRXOGEHUHTXLUHGWREHUHFODVVL¿HGWRSUR¿WRUORVVRQWKHGLVSRVDORI the related assets or liabilities. ,QYHVWPHQWLQDVVRFLDWHVDUHPHDVXUHGLQWKH&RPSDQ\¶VVWDWHPHQWRI¿QDQFLDOSRVLWLRQDWFRVWOHVVDQ\LPSDLUPHQWORVVHVXQOHVVWKHLQYHVWPHQW LVFODVVL¿HGDVKHOGIRUVDOHRUGLVWULEXWLRQ7KHFRVWRIWKHLQYHVWPHQWLQFOXGHVWUDQVDFWLRQFRVWV YLL -RLQWDUUDQJHPHQWV -RLQWDUUDQJHPHQWVDUHDUUDQJHPHQWVRIZKLFKWKH*URXSKDVMRLQWFRQWUROHVWDEOLVKHGE\FRQWUDFWVUHTXLULQJXQDQLPRXVFRQVHQWIRUGHFLVLRQVDERXW WKHDFWLYLWLHVWKDWVLJQL¿FDQWO\DIIHFWWKHDUUDQJHPHQWV¶UHWXUQV -RLQWDUUDQJHPHQWVDUHFODVVL¿HGDQGDFFRXQWHGIRUDVIROORZV $MRLQWDUUDQJHPHQWLVFODVVL¿HGDV³MRLQWRSHUDWLRQ´ZKHQWKH*URXSKDVULJKWVWRWKHDVVHWVDQGREOLJDWLRQVIRUWKHOLDELOLWLHVUHODWLQJWRDQ DUUDQJHPHQW7KH*URXSDFFRXQWIRUHDFKRILWVVKDUHRIWKHDVVHWVOLDELOLWLHVDQGWUDQVDFWLRQVLQFOXGLQJLWVVKDUHRIWKRVHKHOGRULQFXUUHGMRLQWO\ ZLWKWKHRWKHULQYHVWRUVLQUHODWLRQWRWKHMRLQWRSHUDWLRQ $MRLQWDUUDQJHPHQWLVFODVVL¿HGDV³MRLQWYHQWXUH´ZKHQWKH*URXSKDVULJKWVRQO\WRWKHQHWDVVHWVRIWKHDUUDQJHPHQWV7KH*URXSDFFRXQWV IRULWVLQWHUHVWLQWKHMRLQWYHQWXUHXVLQJWKHHTXLW\PHWKRG,QYHVWPHQWVLQMRLQWYHQWXUHDUHPHDVXUHGLQWKH&RPSDQ\¶VVWDWHPHQWRI¿QDQFLDO SRVLWLRQDWFRVWOHVVDQ\LPSDLUPHQWORVVHVXQOHVVWKHLQYHVWPHQWVLVFODVVL¿HGDVKHOGIRUVDOHRUGLVWULEXWLRQ7KHFRVWRILQYHVWPHQWLQFOXGHV transaction costs. YLLL1RQFRQWUROOLQJLQWHUHVWV 1RQFRQWUROOLQJLQWHUHVWVDWWKHHQGRIWKHUHSRUWLQJSHULRGEHLQJWKHHTXLW\LQDVXEVLGLDU\QRWDWWULEXWDEOHGLUHFWO\RULQGLUHFWO\WRWKHHTXLW\KROGHUV RIWKH&RPSDQ\DUHSUHVHQWHGLQWKHFRQVROLGDWHGVWDWHPHQWRI¿QDQFLDOSRVLWLRQDQGVWDWHPHQWRIFKDQJHVLQHTXLW\ZLWKLQHTXLW\VHSDUDWHO\IURP HTXLW\DWWULEXWDEOHWRWKHRZQHUVRIWKH&RPSDQ\1RQFRQWUROOLQJLQWHUHVWVLQWKHUHVXOWVRIWKH*URXSLVSUHVHQWHGLQWKHFRQVROLGDWHGVWDWHPHQW RISUR¿WRUORVVDQGRWKHUFRPSUHKHQVLYHLQFRPHDVDQDOORFDWLRQRIWKHSUR¿WRUORVVDQGWKHFRPSUHKHQVLYHLQFRPHIRUWKH\HDUEHWZHHQQRQ controlling interests and owners of the Company. Losses applicable to the non-controlling interests in a subsidiary are allocated to the non-controlling interests even if doing so causes the nonFRQWUROOLQJLQWHUHVWVWRKDYHDGH¿FLWEDODQFH ix. Transactions eliminated on consolidation ,QWUDJURXSEDODQFHVDQGWUDQVDFWLRQVDQGDQ\XQUHDOLVHGLQFRPHDQGH[SHQVHVDULVLQJIURPLQWUDJURXSWUDQVDFWLRQVDUHHOLPLQDWHGLQSUHSDULQJ WKHFRQVROLGDWHG¿QDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWV 8QUHDOLVHGJDLQVDULVLQJIURPWUDQVDFWLRQVZLWKHTXLW\DFFRXQWHGDVVRFLDWHVDQGMRLQWYHQWXUHVDUHHOLPLQDWHGDJDLQVWWKHLQYHVWPHQWWRWKHH[WHQW RIWKH*URXS¶VLQWHUHVWLQWKHLQYHVWHHV8QUHDOLVHGORVVHVDUHHOLPLQDWHGLQWKHVDPHZD\DVXQUHDOLVHGJDLQVEXWRQO\WRWKHH[WHQWWKDWWKHUHLVQR evidence of impairment. w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y 6LJQL¿FDQWDFFRXQWLQJSROLFLHV(continue) E )RUHLJQFXUUHQF\ i. Foreign currency transactions 7UDQVDFWLRQV LQ IRUHLJQ FXUUHQFLHV DUH WUDQVODWHG WR WKH UHVSHFWLYH IXQFWLRQDO FXUUHQFLHV RI *URXS HQWLWLHV DW H[FKDQJH UDWHV DW WKH GDWHV RI WKH transaction. Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies at the end of the reporting period (reporting date) are retranslated to the functional FXUUHQF\DWWKHH[FKDQJHUDWHVDWWKDWGDWH 1RQPRQHWDU\DVVHWVDQGOLDELOLWLHVGHQRPLQDWHGLQIRUHLJQFXUUHQFLHVDUHQRWUHWUDQVODWHGDWWKHUHSRUWLQJGDWHH[FHSWIRUWKRVHWKDWDUHPHDVXUHG DWIDLUYDOXHZKLFKDUHUHWUDQVODWHGWRWKHIXQFWLRQDOFXUUHQF\DWWKHH[FKDQJHUDWHVDWWKHGDWHWKDWWKHIDLUYDOXHZDVGHWHUPLQHG )RUHLJQFXUUHQF\GLIIHUHQFHVDULVLQJRQUHWUDQVODWLRQDUHUHFRJQLVHGLQSUR¿WRUORVVH[FHSWIRUGLIIHUHQFHVDULVLQJIURPWKHUHWUDQVODWLRQRIDYDLODEOH IRUVDOHHTXLW\LQVWUXPHQWVRUD¿QDQFLDOLQVWUXPHQWGHVLJQDWHGDVDKHGJHRIFXUUHQF\ULVNZKLFKDUHUHFRJQLVHGLQRWKHUFRPSUHKHQVLYHLQFRPH ,QWKHFRQVROLGDWHG¿QDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVZKHQVHWWOHPHQWRIDPRQHWDU\LWHPUHFHLYDEOHIURPRUSD\DEOHWRDIRUHLJQRSHUDWLRQLVQHLWKHUSODQQHGQRU OLNHO\WRRFFXULQWKHIRUHVHHDEOHIXWXUHIRUHLJQH[FKDQJHJDLQVDQGORVVHVDULVLQJIURPVXFKDPRQHWDU\LWHPDUHFRQVLGHUHGWRIRUPSDUWRIDQHW investment in a foreign operation and are recognised in other comprehensive income, and are presented in the foreign currency translation reserve ³)&75´ZLWKLQHTXLW\ ii. Operations denominated in functional currencies other than Ringgit Malaysia (“RM”) 7KHDVVHWVDQGOLDELOLWLHVRIRSHUDWLRQVGHQRPLQDWHGLQIXQFWLRQDOFXUUHQFLHVRWKHUWKDQ50LQFOXGLQJJRRGZLOODQGIDLUYDOXHDGMXVWPHQWVDULVLQJRQ DFTXLVLWLRQDUHWUDQVODWHGWR50DWH[FKDQJHUDWHVDWWKHHQGRIWKHUHSRUWLQJSHULRG7KHLQFRPHDQGH[SHQVHVRIIRUHLJQRSHUDWLRQVH[FOXGLQJ IRUHLJQRSHUDWLRQVLQK\SHULQÀDWLRQDU\HFRQRPLHVDUHWUDQVODWHGWR50DWH[FKDQJHUDWHVDWWKHGDWHVRIWKHWUDQVDFWLRQV )RUHLJQFXUUHQF\GLIIHUHQFHVDUHUHFRJQLVHGLQRWKHUFRPSUHKHQVLYHLQFRPHDQGDFFXPXODWHGLQWKH)&75LQHTXLW\+RZHYHULIWKHRSHUDWLRQLVD non-wholly owned subsidiary, then the relevant proportionate share of the translation difference is allocated to the non-controlling interests. When a IRUHLJQRSHUDWLRQLVGLVSRVHGRIVXFKWKDWFRQWUROVLJQL¿FDQWLQÀXHQFHRUMRLQWFRQWUROLVORVWWKHFXPXODWLYHDPRXQWLQWKH)&75UHODWHGWRWKDWIRUHLJQ RSHUDWLRQLVUHFODVVL¿HGWRSUR¿WRUORVVDVSDUWRIWKHJDLQRUORVVRQGLVSRVDO When the Group disposes of only part of its interest in a subsidiary that includes a foreign operation while retaining control, the relevant proportion RIWKHFXPXODWLYHDPRXQWLVUHDWWULEXWHGWRQRQFRQWUROOLQJLQWHUHVWV:KHQWKH*URXSGLVSRVHVRIRQO\SDUWRILWVLQYHVWPHQWLQDQDVVRFLDWHRUMRLQW YHQWXUHWKDWLQFOXGHVDIRUHLJQRSHUDWLRQZKLOHUHWDLQLQJVLJQL¿FDQWLQÀXHQFHRUMRLQWFRQWUROWKHUHOHYDQWSURSRUWLRQRIWKHFXPXODWLYHDPRXQWLV UHFODVVL¿HGWRSUR¿WRUORVV F )LQDQFLDOLQVWUXPHQWV i. Initial recognition and measurement $¿QDQFLDODVVHWRUD¿QDQFLDOOLDELOLW\LVUHFRJQLVHGLQWKHVWDWHPHQWRI¿QDQFLDOSRVLWLRQZKHQDQGRQO\ZKHQWKH*URXSRUWKH&RPSDQ\EHFRPHV a party to the contractual provisions of the instrument. $¿QDQFLDOLQVWUXPHQWLVUHFRJQLVHGLQLWLDOO\DWLWVIDLUYDOXHSOXVLQWKHFDVHRID¿QDQFLDOLQVWUXPHQWQRWDWIDLUYDOXHWKURXJKSUR¿WRUORVVWUDQVDFWLRQ FRVWVWKDWDUHGLUHFWO\DWWULEXWDEOHWRWKHDFTXLVLWLRQRULVVXHRIWKH¿QDQFLDOLQVWUXPHQW An embedded derivative is recognised separately from the host contract and accounted for as a derivative if, and only if, it is not closely related WRWKHHFRQRPLFFKDUDFWHULVWLFVDQGULVNVRIWKHKRVWFRQWUDFWDQGWKHKRVWFRQWUDFWLVQRWFDWHJRULVHGDVIDLUYDOXHWKURXJKSUR¿WRUORVV7KHKRVW contract, in the event an embedded derivative is recognised separately, is accounted for in accordance with the policy applicable to the nature of the host contract. LL )LQDQFLDOLQVWUXPHQWFDWHJRULHVDQGVXEVHTXHQWPHDVXUHPHQW 7KH*URXSDQGWKH&RPSDQ\FDWHJRULVH¿QDQFLDOLQVWUXPHQWVDVIROORZV Financial assets D )LQDQFLDODVVHWVDWIDLUYDOXHWKURXJKSUR¿WRUORVV )DLUYDOXHWKURXJKSUR¿WRUORVVFDWHJRU\FRPSULVHV¿QDQFLDODVVHWVWKDWDUHKHOGIRUWUDGLQJLQFOXGLQJGHULYDWLYHVH[FHSWIRUDGHULYDWLYHWKDW LVD¿QDQFLDOJXDUDQWHHFRQWUDFWRUDGHVLJQDWHGDQGHIIHFWLYHKHGJLQJLQVWUXPHQWRU¿QDQFLDODVVHWVWKDWDUHVSHFL¿FDOO\GHVLJQDWHGLQWRWKLV category upon initial recognition. 'HULYDWLYHVWKDWDUHOLQNHGWRDQGPXVWEHVHWWOHGE\GHOLYHU\RIXQTXRWHGHTXLW\LQVWUXPHQWVZKRVHIDLUYDOXHVFDQQRWEHUHOLDEO\PHDVXUHGDUH measured at cost. 2WKHU ¿QDQFLDO DVVHWV FDWHJRULVHG DV IDLU YDOXH WKURXJK SUR¿W RU ORVV DUH VXEVHTXHQWO\ PHDVXUHG DW WKHLU IDLU YDOXHV ZLWK WKH JDLQ RU ORVV UHFRJQLVHGLQSUR¿WRUORVV E +HOGWRPDWXULW\LQYHVWPHQWV +HOGWRPDWXULW\LQYHVWPHQWVFDWHJRU\FRPSULVHVGHEWLQVWUXPHQWVWKDWDUHTXRWHGLQDQDFWLYHPDUNHWDQGWKH*URXSRUWKH&RPSDQ\KDVWKH positive intention and ability to hold them to maturity. )LQDQFLDODVVHWVFDWHJRULVHGDVKHOGWRPDWXULW\LQYHVWPHQWVDUHVXEVHTXHQWO\PHDVXUHGDWDPRUWLVHGFRVWXVLQJWKHHIIHFWLYHLQWHUHVWPHWKRG 99 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ``` NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUE) Notes to the Financial Statements (continue) 6LJQL¿FDQWDFFRXQWLQJSROLFLHV(continue) F )LQDQFLDOLQVWUXPHQWV(continue) LL )LQDQFLDOLQVWUXPHQWFDWHJRULHVDQGVXEVHTXHQWPHDVXUHPHQW(continue) Financial assets (continue) c. Loans and receivables /RDQVDQGUHFHLYDEOHVFDWHJRU\FRPSULVHVGHEWLQVWUXPHQWVWKDWDUHQRWTXRWHGLQDQDFWLYHPDUNHW )LQDQFLDODVVHWVFDWHJRULVHGDVORDQVDQGUHFHLYDEOHVDUHVXEVHTXHQWO\PHDVXUHGDWDPRUWLVHGFRVWXVLQJWKHHIIHFWLYHLQWHUHVWPHWKRG G $YDLODEOHIRUVDOH¿QDQFLDODVVHWV $YDLODEOHIRUVDOHFDWHJRU\FRPSULVHVLQYHVWPHQWLQHTXLW\DQGGHEWVHFXULWLHVLQVWUXPHQWVWKDWDUHQRWKHOGIRUWUDGLQJ ,QYHVWPHQWVLQHTXLW\LQVWUXPHQWVWKDWGRQRWKDYHDTXRWHGPDUNHWSULFHLQDQDFWLYHPDUNHWDQGZKRVHIDLUYDOXHFDQQRWEHUHOLDEO\PHDVXUHG DUHPHDVXUHGDWFRVW2WKHU¿QDQFLDODVVHWVFDWHJRULVHGDVDYDLODEOHIRUVDOHDUHVXEVHTXHQWO\PHDVXUHGDWWKHLUIDLUYDOXHVZLWKWKHJDLQRU ORVVUHFRJQLVHGLQRWKHUFRPSUHKHQVLYHLQFRPHH[FHSWIRULPSDLUPHQWORVVHVIRUHLJQH[FKDQJHJDLQVDQGORVVHVDULVLQJIURPPRQHWDU\LWHPV DQGJDLQVDQGORVVHVRIKHGJHGLWHPVDWWULEXWDEOHWRKHGJHULVNVRIIDLUYDOXHKHGJHVZKLFKDUHUHFRJQLVHGLQSUR¿WRUORVV2QGHUHFRJQLWLRQ WKHFXPXODWLYHJDLQRUORVVUHFRJQLVHGLQRWKHUFRPSUHKHQVLYHLQFRPHLVUHFODVVL¿HGIURPHTXLW\WRSUR¿WRUORVV,QWHUHVWFDOFXODWHGIRUDGHEW LQVWUXPHQWXVLQJWKHHIIHFWLYHLQWHUHVWPHWKRGLVUHFRJQLVHGLQSUR¿WRUORVV $OO¿QDQFLDODVVHWVH[FHSWIRUWKRVHPHDVXUHGDWIDLUYDOXHWKURXJKSUR¿WRUORVVDUHVXEMHFWWRUHYLHZIRULPSDLUPHQW>VHH1RWHRL@ Financial liabilities $OO¿QDQFLDOOLDELOLWLHVRWKHUWKDQWKRVHFDWHJRULVHGDVIDLUYDOXHWKURXJKSUR¿WRUORVVDUHVXEVHTXHQWO\PHDVXUHGDWDPRUWLVHGFRVW )DLUYDOXHWKURXJKSUR¿WRUORVVFDWHJRU\FRPSULVHV¿QDQFLDOOLDELOLWLHVWKDWDUHGHULYDWLYHVH[FHSWIRUDGHULYDWLYHWKDWLVD¿QDQFLDOJXDUDQWHHFRQWUDFW RUDGHVLJQDWHGDQGHIIHFWLYHKHGJLQJLQVWUXPHQWRU¿QDQFLDOOLDELOLWLHVWKDWDUHVSHFL¿FDOO\GHVLJQDWHGLQWRWKLVFDWHJRU\XSRQLQLWLDOUHFRJQLWLRQ 'HULYDWLYHVWKDWDUHOLQNHGWRDQGPXVWEHVHWWOHGE\GHOLYHU\RIHTXLW\LQVWUXPHQWVWKDWGRQRWKDYHDTXRWHGSULFHLQDQDFWLYHPDUNHWIRULGHQWLFDO instruments whose fair values otherwise cannot be reliably measured are measured at cost. 2WKHU¿QDQFLDOOLDELOLWLHVFDWHJRULVHGDVIDLUYDOXHWKURXJKSUR¿WRUORVVDUHVXEVHTXHQWO\PHDVXUHGDWWKHLUIDLUYDOXHVZLWKWKHJDLQRUORVVUHFRJQLVHG LQSUR¿WRUORVV iii. Financial guarantee contract $¿QDQFLDOJXDUDQWHHFRQWUDFWLVDFRQWUDFWWKDWUHTXLUHVWKHLVVXHUWRPDNHVSHFL¿HGSD\PHQWVWRUHLPEXUVHWKHKROGHUIRUDORVVLWLQFXUVEHFDXVHD VSHFL¿HGGHEWRUIDLOVWRPDNHSD\PHQWZKHQGXHLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWKWKHRULJLQDORUPRGL¿HGWHUPVRIDGHEWLQVWUXPHQW )DLUYDOXHDULVLQJIURP¿QDQFLDOJXDUDQWHHFRQWUDFWVDUHFODVVL¿HGDVGHIHUUHGLQFRPHDQGLVDPRUWLVHGWRSUR¿WRUORVVXVLQJDVWUDLJKWOLQHPHWKRG RYHUWKHFRQWUDFWXDOSHULRGRUZKHQWKHUHLVQRVSHFL¿HGFRQWUDFWXDOSHULRGUHFRJQLVHGLQSUR¿WRUORVVXSRQGLVFKDUJHRIWKHJXDUDQWHH:KHQ VHWWOHPHQWRID¿QDQFLDOJXDUDQWHHFRQWUDFWEHFRPHVSUREDEOHDQHVWLPDWHRIWKHREOLJDWLRQLVPDGH,IWKHFDUU\LQJYDOXHRIWKH¿QDQFLDOJXDUDQWHH FRQWUDFWLVORZHUWKDQWKHREOLJDWLRQWKHFDUU\LQJYDOXHLVDGMXVWHGWRWKHREOLJDWLRQDPRXQWDQGDFFRXQWHGIRUDVDSURYLVLRQ LY 5HJXODUZD\SXUFKDVHRUVDOHRI¿QDQFLDODVVHWV $UHJXODUZD\SXUFKDVHRUVDOHLVDSXUFKDVHRUVDOHRID¿QDQFLDODVVHWXQGHUDFRQWUDFWZKRVHWHUPVUHTXLUHGHOLYHU\RIWKHDVVHWZLWKLQWKHWLPH frame established generally by regulation or convention in the marketplace concerned. $UHJXODUZD\SXUFKDVHRUVDOHRI¿QDQFLDODVVHWVLVUHFRJQLVHGDQGGHUHFRJQLVHGDVDSSOLFDEOHXVLQJWUDGHGDWHDFFRXQWLQJ7UDGHGDWHDFFRXQWLQJ refers to: a. the recognition of an asset to be received and the liability to pay for it on the trade date, and b. the derecognition of an asset that is sold, the recognition of any gain or loss on disposal and the recognition of a receivable from the buyer for payment on the trade date. v. Derecognition $¿QDQFLDODVVHWRUDSDUWWKHUHRILVGHUHFRJQLVHGZKHQDQGRQO\ZKHQWKHFRQWUDFWXDOULJKWVWRWKHFDVKÀRZVIURPWKH¿QDQFLDODVVHWH[SLUHRU FRQWURORIWKHDVVHWLVQRWUHWDLQHGRUVXEVWDQWLDOO\DOORIWKHULVNVDQGUHZDUGVRIRZQHUVKLSRIWKH¿QDQFLDODVVHWDUHWUDQVIHUUHGWRDQRWKHUSDUW\2Q GHUHFRJQLWLRQRID¿QDQFLDODVVHWWKHGLIIHUHQFHEHWZHHQWKHFDUU\LQJDPRXQWDQGWKHVXPRIWKHFRQVLGHUDWLRQUHFHLYHGLQFOXGLQJDQ\QHZDVVHW REWDLQHGOHVVDQ\QHZOLDELOLW\DVVXPHGDQGDQ\FXPXODWLYHJDLQRUORVVWKDWKDGEHHQUHFRJQLVHGLQHTXLW\LVUHFRJQLVHGLQSUR¿WRUORVV $¿QDQFLDOOLDELOLW\RUDSDUWWKHUHRILVGHUHFRJQLVHGZKHQDQGRQO\ZKHQWKHREOLJDWLRQVSHFL¿HGLQWKHFRQWUDFWLVGLVFKDUJHGFDQFHOOHGRUH[SLUHV 2QGHUHFRJQLWLRQRID¿QDQFLDOOLDELOLW\WKHGLIIHUHQFHEHWZHHQWKHFDUU\LQJDPRXQWRIWKH¿QDQFLDOOLDELOLW\H[WLQJXLVKHGRUWUDQVIHUUHGWRDQRWKHUSDUW\ DQGWKHFRQVLGHUDWLRQSDLGLQFOXGLQJDQ\QRQFDVKDVVHWVWUDQVIHUUHGRUOLDELOLWLHVDVVXPHGLVUHFRJQLVHGLQSUR¿WRUORVV 100 w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y 6LJQL¿FDQWDFFRXQWLQJSROLFLHV(continue) G 3URSHUW\SODQWDQGHTXLSPHQW i. Recognition and measurement ,WHPVRISURSHUW\SODQWDQGHTXLSPHQWDUHPHDVXUHGDWFRVWOHVVDQ\DFFXPXODWHGGHSUHFLDWLRQDQGDQ\DFFXPXODWHGLPSDLUPHQWORVVHV &RVWLQFOXGHVH[SHQGLWXUHVWKDWDUHGLUHFWO\DWWULEXWDEOHWRWKHDFTXLVLWLRQRIWKHDVVHWDQGDQ\RWKHUFRVWVGLUHFWO\DWWULEXWDEOHWREULQJLQJWKHDVVHWWR working condition for its intended use, and the costs of dismantling and removing the items and restoring the site on which they are located. The cost RIVHOIFRQVWUXFWHGDVVHWVDOVRLQFOXGHVWKHFRVWRIPDWHULDOVDQGGLUHFWODERXU)RUTXDOLI\LQJDVVHWVERUURZLQJFRVWVDUHFDSLWDOLVHGLQDFFRUGDQFH ZLWKWKHDFFRXQWLQJSROLF\RQERUURZLQJFRVWV>VHH1RWHX@ 3XUFKDVHGVRIWZDUHWKDWLVLQWHJUDOWRWKHIXQFWLRQDOLW\RIWKHUHODWHGHTXLSPHQWLVFDSLWDOLVHGDVSDUWRIWKDWHTXLSPHQW :KHQ VLJQL¿FDQW SDUWV RI DQ LWHP RI SURSHUW\ SODQW DQG HTXLSPHQW KDYH GLIIHUHQW XVHIXO OLYHV WKH\ DUH DFFRXQWHG IRU DV VHSDUDWH LWHPV PDMRU FRPSRQHQWVRISURSHUW\SODQWDQGHTXLSPHQW 7KHJDLQRUORVVRQGLVSRVDORIDQLWHPRISURSHUW\SODQWDQGHTXLSPHQWLVGHWHUPLQHGE\FRPSDULQJWKHSURFHHGVIURPGLVSRVDOZLWKWKHFDUU\LQJ DPRXQWRIWKHSURSHUW\SODQWDQGHTXLSPHQWDQGLVUHFRJQLVHGQHWZLWKLQ³RWKHULQFRPH´RU³DGPLQLVWUDWLYHH[SHQVHV´UHVSHFWLYHO\LQSUR¿WRUORVV LL 6XEVHTXHQWFRVWV 7KHFRVWRIUHSODFLQJDFRPSRQHQWRIDQLWHPRISURSHUW\SODQWDQGHTXLSPHQWLVUHFRJQLVHGLQWKHFDUU\LQJDPRXQWRIWKHLWHPLILWLVSUREDEOHWKDW WKHIXWXUHHFRQRPLFEHQH¿WVHPERGLHGZLWKLQWKHFRPSRQHQWZLOOÀRZWRWKH*URXSRUWKH&RPSDQ\DQGLWVFRVWFDQEHPHDVXUHGUHOLDEO\7KH FDUU\LQJDPRXQWRIWKHUHSODFHGFRPSRQHQWLVGHUHFRJQLVHGWRSUR¿WRUORVV7KHFRVWVRIWKHGD\WRGD\VHUYLFLQJRISURSHUW\SODQWDQGHTXLSPHQW DUHUHFRJQLVHGLQSUR¿WRUORVVDVLQFXUUHG iii. Depreciation 'HSUHFLDWLRQ LV EDVHG RQ WKH FRVW RI DQ DVVHW OHVV LWV UHVLGXDO YDOXH LI DQ\ 6LJQL¿FDQW FRPSRQHQW RI LQGLYLGXDO DVVHWV DUH DVVHVVHG DQG LI D component has a useful life that is different from the remainder of that asset, then that component is depreciated separately. 'HSUHFLDWLRQLVUHFRJQLVHGLQSUR¿WRUORVVRQDVWUDLJKWOLQHEDVLVRYHUWKHHVWLPDWHGXVHIXOOLIHRIHDFKFRPSRQHQWRIDQLWHPRISURSHUW\SODQWDQG HTXLSPHQWIURPWKHGDWHWKDWWKH\DUHDYDLODEOHIRUXVH/HDVHGDVVHWVDUHGHSUHFLDWHGRYHUWKHVKRUWHURIWKHOHDVHWHUPDQGWKHLUXVHIXOOLYHVXQOHVV it is reasonably certain that the Group will obtain ownership by the end of the lease term. Freehold land is not depreciated. Assets under construction are not depreciated until the assets are ready for their intended use. The estimated useful lives of assets for the current and comparative periods are as follows: Leasehold land Buildings )XUQLWXUHDQG¿WWLQJV Motor vehicles 2I¿FHDQGIDFWRU\HTXLSPHQW 3ODQWDQGPDFKLQHU\ -HWW\DQGZKDUI over lease terms of 49 years to 99 years 5, 10 and 50 years WR\HDUV 5 years WR\HDUV \HDUVDQGRYHUTXDUU\OLFHQVHSHULRG RYHUTXDUU\OLFHQVHSHULRG 'HSUHFLDWLRQPHWKRGVXVHIXOOLYHVDQGUHVLGXDOYDOXHVDUHUHYLHZHGDQGDGMXVWHGDVDSSURSULDWHDWWKHHQGRIWKHUHSRUWLQJSHULRG H /HDVHGDVVHWV i. Finance lease /HDVHVLQWHUPVRIZKLFKWKH*URXSRUWKH&RPSDQ\DVVXPHVVXEVWDQWLDOO\DOOWKHULVNVDQGUHZDUGVRIRZQHUVKLSDUHFODVVL¿HGDV¿QDQFHOHDVHV 8SRQLQLWLDOUHFRJQLWLRQDOHDVHGDVVHWLVPHDVXUHGDWDQDPRXQWHTXDOWRWKHORZHURILWVIDLUYDOXHDQGWKHSUHVHQWYDOXHRIWKHPLQLPXPOHDVH pD\PHQWV6XEVHTXHQWWRLQLWLDOUHFRJQLWLRQWKHDVVHWLVDFFRXQWHGIRULQDFFRUGDQFHZLWKWKHDFFRXQWLQJSROLF\DSSOLFDEOHWRWKDWDVVHW>VHH1RWHG@ 0LQLPXPOHDVHSD\PHQWVPDGHXQGHU¿QDQFHOHDVHVDUHDSSRUWLRQHGEHWZHHQWKH¿QDQFHH[SHQVHDQGWKHUHGXFWLRQRIWKHRXWVWDQGLQJOLDELOLW\ 7KH¿QDQFHH[SHQVHLVDOORFDWHGWRHDFKSHULRGGXULQJWKHOHDVHWHUPVRDVWRSURGXFHDFRQVWDQWSHULRGLFUDWHRILQWHUHVWRQWKHUHPDLQLQJEDODQFH of the liability. Contingent lease payments are accounted for by revising the minimum lease payments over the remaining term of the lease when the OHDVHDGMXVWPHQWLVFRQ¿UPHG /HDVHKROGODQGZKLFKLQVXEVWDQFHLVD¿QDQFHOHDVHLVFODVVL¿HGDVSURSHUW\SODQWDQGHTXLSPHQWRUDVLQYHVWPHQWSURSHUW\LIKHOGWRHDUQUHQWDO income or for capital appreciation or for both. ii. Operating lease /HDVHVZKHUHWKH*URXSRUWKH&RPSDQ\GRHVQRWDVVXPHVXEVWDQWLDOO\DOOWKHULVNVDQGUHZDUGVRIRZQHUVKLSDUHFODVVL¿HGDVRSHUDWLQJOHDVHV and, other than property interest held under operating lease and prepaid lease payments, the leased assets are not recognised in the statement of ¿QDQFLDOSRVLWLRQ3URSHUW\LQWHUHVWKHOGXQGHUDQRSHUDWLQJOHDVHZKLFKLVKHOGWRHDUQUHQWDOLQFRPHRUIRUFDSLWDODSSUHFLDWLRQRUERWKLVFODVVL¿HG as investment property and measured using fair value model. 3D\PHQWVPDGHXQGHURSHUDWLQJOHDVHVDUHUHFRJQLVHGLQSUR¿WRUORVVRQDVWUDLJKWOLQHEDVLVRYHUWKHWHUPRIWKHOHDVH/HDVHLQFHQWLYHVUHFHLYHG DUHUHFRJQLVHGLQSUR¿WRUORVVDVDQLQWHJUDOSDUWRIWKHWRWDOOHDVHH[SHQVHRYHUWKHWHUPRIWKHOHDVH&RQWLQJHQWUHQWDOVDUHFKDUJHGWRSUR¿WRU loss in the reporting period in which they are incurred. /HDVHKROGODQGZKLFKLQVXEVWDQFHLVDQRSHUDWLQJOHDVHLVFODVVL¿HGDVSUHSDLGOHDVHSD\PHQWV 101 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ``` NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUE) Notes to the Financial Statements (continue) 6LJQL¿FDQWDFFRXQWLQJSROLFLHV(continue) I ,QWDQJLEOHDVVHWV i. Goodwill *RRGZLOOZLWKDQLQGH¿QLWHOLIHDULVLQJIURPEXVLQHVVFRPELQDWLRQVLVPHDVXUHGDWFRVWOHVVDQ\DFFXPXODWHGLPSDLUPHQWORVVHV,QUHVSHFWRIHTXLW\ DFFRXQWHGDVVRFLDWHVDQGMRLQWYHQWXUHVWKHFDUU\LQJDPRXQWRIJRRGZLOOLVLQFOXGHGLQWKHFDUU\LQJDPRXQWRIWKHLQYHVWPHQWDQGDQLPSDLUPHQWORVV RQVXFKDQLQYHVWPHQWLVQRWDOORFDWHGWRDQ\DVVHWLQFOXGLQJJRRGZLOOWKDWIRUPVSDUWRIWKHFDUU\LQJDPRXQWRIWKHHTXLW\DFFRXQWHGDVVRFLDWHV DQGMRLQWYHQWXUHV ii. Other intangible asset 7KLVFRPSULVHVDVWRQHTXDUU\OLFHQFHZKLFKKDV¿QLWHXVHIXOOLIH,WLVVWDWHGDWFRVWOHVVDFFXPXODWHGDPRUWLVDWLRQDQGDFFXPXODWHGLPSDLUPHQW losses, if any. LLL 6XEVHTXHQWH[SHQGLWXUH 6XEVHTXHQWH[SHQGLWXUHLVFDSLWDOLVHGRQO\ZKHQLWLQFUHDVHVWKHIXWXUHHFRQRPLFEHQH¿WVHPERGLHGLQWKHVSHFL¿FDVVHWWRZKLFKLWUHODWHV$OORWKHU H[SHQGLWXUHLQFOXGLQJH[SHQGLWXUHRQLQWHUQDOO\JHQHUDWHGJRRGZLOOLVUHFRJQLVHGLQSUR¿WRUORVVDVLQFXUUHG iv. Amortisation *RRGZLOOZLWKLQGH¿QLWHXVHIXOOLYHVDUHQRWDPRUWLVHGEXWDUHWHVWHGIRULPSDLUPHQWDQQXDOO\DQGZKHQHYHUWKHUHLVDQLQGLFDWLRQWKDWWKH\PD\EH impaired. 2WKHULQWDQJLEOHDVVHWVZLWK¿QLWHXVHIXOOLYHVDUHEDVHGRQWKHFRVWRIDQDVVHWOHVVDQ\UHVLGXDOYDOXH$PRUWLVDWLRQLVUHFRJQLVHGLQSUR¿WRUORVV on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful lives of intangible assets from the date that they are available for use. 6WRQHTXDUU\OLFHQFHLVDPRUWLVHGRYHUWKHWHUPRIOLFHQFH $PRUWLVDWLRQPHWKRGVXVHIXOOLYHVDQGUHVLGXDOYDOXHVDUHUHYLHZHGDWWKHHQGRIHDFKUHSRUWLQJSHULRGDQGDGMXVWHGDVDSSURSULDWH J ,QYHVWPHQWSURSHUWLHV Investment properties (including investment property under construction) are properties which are owned or held under a leasehold interest to earn rental income or for capital appreciation or for both, but not for sale in the ordinary course of business, use in the production or supply of goods or services or IRUDGPLQLVWUDWLRQSXUSRVHV7KLVLQFOXGHVIUHHKROGODQGDQGOHDVHKROGODQGZKLFKLQVXEVWDQFHLVD¿QDQFHOHDVH3URSHUWLHVWKDWDUHRFFXSLHGE\WKH companies in the Group are accounted for as owner-occupied rather than as investment properties. i. Recognition and measurement Investment properties, other than those comprising property interests held under an operating lease, are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation and accumulated impairment losses, if any. Investment properties comprising property interests held under an operating lease are stated at fair value. &RVWLQFOXGHVH[SHQGLWXUHWKDWLVGLUHFWO\DWWULEXWDEOHWRWKHDFTXLVLWLRQRIWKHLQYHVWPHQWSURSHUW\7KHFRVWRIVHOIFRQVWUXFWHGLQYHVWPHQWSURSHUW\ includes the cost of materials and direct labour, any other costs directly attributable to bringing the investment property to a working condition for its intended use and capitalised borrowing costs. $QLQYHVWPHQWSURSHUW\LVGHUHFRJQLVHGRQLWVGLVSRVDORUZKHQLWLVSHUPDQHQWO\ZLWKGUDZQIURPXVHDQGQRIXWXUHHFRQRPLFEHQH¿WVDUHH[SHFWHG IURPLWVGLVSRVDO7KHGLIIHUHQFHEHWZHHQWKHQHWGLVSRVDOSURFHHGVDQGWKHFDUU\LQJDPRXQWLVUHFRJQLVHGLQSUR¿WRUORVVLQWKHSHULRGLQZKLFKWKH item is derecognised. ii. Amortisation $PRUWLVDWLRQLVUHFRJQLVHGLQSUR¿WRUORVVRQDVWUDLJKWOLQHEDVLVRYHUWKHHVWLPDWHGXVHIXOOLIHRILQYHVWPHQWSURSHUW\%XLOGLQJVXQGHUFRQVWUXFWLRQ are not depreciated until the assets are ready for their intended use. The estimated useful lives for the current and comparative periods are as follows: /HDVHKROGODQG Buildings \HDUV 50 years LLL 5HFODVVL¿FDWLRQWRIURPLQYHVWPHQWSURSHUW\ :KHQ DQ LWHP RISURSHUW\SODQWDQGHTXLSPHQWRULQYHQWRULHVLVWUDQVIHUUHGWRLQYHVWPHQWSURSHUW\RUYLFHYHUVDIROORZLQJD FKDQJHLQLWVXVH WKHWUDQVIHUGRQRWFKDQJHWKHFDUU\LQJDPRXQWRIWKHSURSHUW\WUDQVIHUUHG1RUHPHDVXUHPHQWRIFRVWRISURSHUW\LVUHTXLUHGDVSHUPLWWHGXQGHU paragraph 59 of FRS 140, Investment Property. K /DQGKHOGIRUSURSHUW\GHYHORSPHQW Land held for property development consists of land or such portions thereof on which no development activities have been carried out or where GHYHORSPHQWDFWLYLWLHVDUHQRWH[SHFWHGWREHFRPSOHWHGZLWKLQWKH*URXS¶VQRUPDORSHUDWLQJF\FOHRIWR\HDUV6XFKODQGLVFODVVL¿HGDVQRQFXUUHQW asset and is stated at cost less any accumulated impairment losses. /DQGKHOGIRUSURSHUW\GHYHORSPHQWLVUHFODVVL¿HGDVSURSHUW\GHYHORSPHQWFRVWVDWWKHSRLQWZKHQGHYHORSPHQWDFWLYLWLHVKDYHFRPPHQFHGDQGZKHUH it can be demonstrated that the development activities can be completed within the Group’s normal operating cycle of 2 to 3 years. &RVWDVVRFLDWHGZLWKWKHDFTXLVLWLRQRIODQGLQFOXGHVWKHSXUFKDVHSULFHRIWKHODQGSURIHVVLRQDOIHHVVWDPSGXWLHVFRPPLVVLRQVFRQYHUVLRQIHHVRWKHU GLUHFWGHYHORSPHQWH[SHQGLWXUHDQGUHODWHGRYHUKHDGV 102 w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y 6LJQL¿FDQWDFFRXQWLQJSROLFLHV(continue) L 3URSHUW\GHYHORSPHQWFRVWV 3URSHUW\GHYHORSPHQWFRVWVFRPSULVHFRVWVDVVRFLDWHGZLWKWKHDFTXLVLWLRQRIODQGDQGDOOFRVWVWKDWDUHGLUHFWO\DWWULEXWDEOHWRGHYHORSPHQWDFWLYLWLHVRU that can be allocated on a reasonable basis to such activities. 3URSHUW\GHYHORSPHQWFRVWVQRWUHFRJQLVHGDVDQH[SHQVHDUHUHFRJQLVHGDVDQDVVHWDQGDUHVWDWHGDWWKHORZHURIFRVWVDQGQHWUHDOLVDEOHYDOXH 7KHH[FHVVRIUHYHQXHUHFRJQLVHGLQSUR¿WRUORVVRYHUELOOLQJVWRSXUFKDVHUVLVVKRZQDVDFFUXHGELOOLQJVXQGHUWUDGHDQGRWKHUUHFHLYDEOHV1RWH ZKLOHWKHH[FHVVRIELOOLQJVWRSXUFKDVHUVRYHUUHYHQXHUHFRJQLVHGLQSUR¿WRUORVVLVVKRZQDVSURJUHVVELOOLQJVXQGHUWUDGHDQGRWKHUSD\DEOHV1RWH M ,QYHQWRULHV Inventories are measured at the lower of cost and net realisable value. Net realisable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business, less the estimated costs of completion and the estimated costs necessary to make the sale. i. Developed properties held for sale &RVWRIGHYHORSHGSURSHUWLHVFRQVLVWVRIFRVWVDVVRFLDWHGZLWKWKHDFTXLVLWLRQRIODQGGLUHFWFRVWVDQGDSSURSULDWHSURSRUWLRQVRIFRPPRQFRVWV attributable to developing the properties to completion. ii. Other inventories Raw materials, consumables, manufactured and trading inventories (comprising building and construction materials) are measured based on the ZHLJKWHGDYHUDJHFRVWPHWKRG7KHFRVWRILQYHQWRULHVLQFOXGHVH[SHQGLWXUHLQFXUUHGLQDFTXLULQJWKHLQYHQWRULHVSURGXFWLRQRUFRQYHUVLRQFRVWV DQGRWKHUFRVWVLQFXUUHGLQEULQJLQJWKHPWRWKHLUH[LVWLQJORFDWLRQDQGFRQGLWLRQ,QWKHFDVHRIPDQXIDFWXUHGLQYHQWRULHVFRVWDOVRLQFOXGHVDQ appropriate share of production overheads based on normal operating capacity. N 5HFHLYDEOHV Trade and other receivables are categorised and measured as loans and receivables in accordance with Note 2(c). O 1RQFXUUHQWDVVHWVKHOGIRUVDOH 1RQFXUUHQWDVVHWVRUGLVSRVDOJURXSFRPSULVLQJDVVHWVDQGOLDELOLWLHVWKDWDUHH[SHFWHGWREHUHFRYHUHGSULPDULO\WKURXJKVDOHRUGLVWULEXWLRQWRRZQHUV UDWKHUWKDQWKURXJKFRQWLQXLQJXVHDUHFODVVL¿HGDVKHOGIRUVDOH ,PPHGLDWHO\ EHIRUH FODVVL¿FDWLRQ DV KHOG IRU VDOH WKH DVVHWV RU FRPSRQHQWV RI D GLVSRVDO JURXS DUH UHPHDVXUHG LQ DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK WKH *URXS¶V accounting policies. Thereafter generally the assets, or disposal group are measured at the lower of their carrying amount and fair value less costs of disposal. $Q\LPSDLUPHQWORVVRQDGLVSRVDOJURXSLV¿UVWDOORFDWHGWRJRRGZLOODQGWKHQWRUHPDLQLQJDVVHWVDQGOLDELOLWLHVRQSURUDWDEDVLVH[FHSWWKDWQRORVV LVDOORFDWHGWRLQYHQWRULHV¿QDQFLDODVVHWVGHIHUUHGWD[DVVHWVHPSOR\HHEHQH¿WDVVHWVDQGLQYHVWPHQWSURSHUW\ZKLFKFRQWLQXHWREHPHDVXUHGLQ DFFRUGDQFHZLWKWKH*URXS¶VDFFRXQWLQJSROLFLHV,PSDLUPHQWORVVHVRQLQLWLDOFODVVL¿FDWLRQRIQRQFXUUHQWDVVHWVRUGLVSRVDOJURXSDVKHOGIRUVDOHDQG VXEVHTXHQWJDLQVRUORVVHVRQUHPHDVXUHPHQWDUHUHFRJQLVHGLQSUR¿WRUORVV*DLQVDUHQRWUHFRJQLVHGLQH[FHVVRIDQ\FXPXODWLYHLPSDLUPHQWORVV ,QWDQJLEOHDVVHWVDQGSURSHUW\SODQWDQGHTXLSPHQWRQFHFODVVL¿HGDVKHOGIRUVDOHDUHQRWDPRUWLVHGRUGHSUHFLDWHG,QDGGLWLRQHTXLW\DFFRXQWLQJRI HTXLW\DFFRXQWHGDVVRFLDWHVDQGMRLQWYHQWXUHFHDVHVRQFHFODVVL¿HGDVKHOGIRUVDOH P &RQVWUXFWLRQZRUNLQSURJUHVV &RQVWUXFWLRQZRUNLQSURJUHVVUHSUHVHQWVWKHJURVVXQELOOHGDPRXQWH[SHFWHGWREHFROOHFWHGIURPFXVWRPHUVIRUFRQWUDFWZRUNSHUIRUPHGWRGDWH,WLV PHDVXUHGDWFRVWSOXVSUR¿WUHFRJQLVHGWRGDWHOHVVSURJUHVVELOOLQJVDQGUHFRJQLVHGORVVHV&RVWLQFOXGHVDOOH[SHQGLWXUHVUHODWHGGLUHFWO\WRVSHFL¿F SURMHFWVDQGDQDOORFDWLRQRI¿[HGDQGYDULDEOHRYHUKHDGVLQFXUUHGLQWKH*URXS¶VFRQVWUXFWLRQDFWLYLWLHVEDVHGRQQRUPDORSHUDWLQJFDSDFLW\ Construction work-in-progress is presented as part of trade and other receivables as amount due from contract customers for all contracts in which costs LQFXUUHGSOXVUHFRJQLVHGSUR¿WVH[FHHGSURJUHVVELOOLQJV1RWH,ISURJUHVVELOOLQJVH[FHHGFRVWVLQFXUUHGSOXVUHFRJQLVHGSUR¿WVWKHQWKHGLIIHUHQFH is presented as part of trade and other payables as amount due to contract customers (Note 22). Q &DVKDQGFDVKHTXLYDOHQWV &DVKDQGFDVKHTXLYDOHQWVFRQVLVWRIFDVKLQKDQGEDODQFHVDQGGHSRVLWVZLWKEDQNVDQGKLJKO\OLTXLGLQYHVWPHQWVZKLFKKDYHDQLQVLJQL¿FDQWULVNRI changes in fair value with original maturities of three months or less, and are used by the Group and the Company in the management of their short-term FRPPLWPHQWV)RUWKHSXUSRVHRIWKHVWDWHPHQWRIFDVKÀRZVFDVKDQGFDVKHTXLYDOHQWVDUHSUHVHQWHGQHWRIEDQNRYHUGUDIWVDQGSOHGJHGGHSRVLWV &DVKDQGFDVKHTXLYDOHQWVRWKHUWKDQEDQNRYHUGUDIWVDUHFDWHJRULVHGDQGPHDVXUHGDVORDQVDQGUHFHLYDEOHVLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK1RWHF 103 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ``` NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUE) Notes to the Financial Statements (continue) 6LJQL¿FDQWDFFRXQWLQJSROLFLHV(continue) R ,PSDLUPHQW i. Financial assets $OO¿QDQFLDODVVHWVH[FHSWIRU¿QDQFLDODVVHWVFDWHJRULVHGDVIDLUYDOXHWKURXJKSUR¿WRUORVVDQGLQYHVWPHQWVLQVXEVLGLDULHVDVVRFLDWHVDQGMRLQW YHQWXUHVDUHDVVHVVHGDWHDFKUHSRUWLQJGDWHZKHWKHUWKHUHLVDQ\REMHFWLYHHYLGHQFHRILPSDLUPHQWDVDUHVXOWRIRQHRUPRUHHYHQWVKDYLQJDQ LPSDFWRQWKHHVWLPDWHGIXWXUHFDVKÀRZVRIWKHDVVHW/RVVHVH[SHFWHGDVDUHVXOWRIIXWXUHHYHQWVQRPDWWHUKRZOLNHO\DUHQRWUHFRJQLVHG)RU DQLQYHVWPHQWLQDQHTXLW\LQVWUXPHQWDVLJQL¿FDQWRUSURORQJHGGHFOLQHLQWKHIDLUYDOXHEHORZLWVFRVWLVDQREMHFWLYHHYLGHQFHRILPSDLUPHQW,IDQ\ VXFKREMHFWLYHHYLGHQFHH[LVWVWKHQWKHLPSDLUPHQWORVVRIWKH¿QDQFLDODVVHWVLVHVWLPDWHG $QLPSDLUPHQWORVVLQUHVSHFWRIORDQVDQGUHFHLYDEOHVDQGKHOGWRPDWXULW\LQYHVWPHQWVLVUHFRJQLVHGLQSUR¿WRUORVVDQGLVPHDVXUHGDVWKH GLIIHUHQFHEHWZHHQWKHDVVHW¶VFDUU\LQJDPRXQWDQGWKHSUHVHQWYDOXHRIHVWLPDWHGIXWXUHFDVKÀRZVGLVFRXQWHGDWWKHDVVHW¶VRULJLQDOHIIHFWLYH interest rate. The carrying amount of the asset is reduced through the use of an allowance account. $QLPSDLUPHQWORVVLQUHVSHFWRIDYDLODEOHIRUVDOH¿QDQFLDODVVHWVLVUHFRJQLVHGLQSUR¿WRUORVVDQGLVPHDVXUHGDVWKHGLIIHUHQFHEHWZHHQWKH DVVHW¶VDFTXLVLWLRQFRVWQHWRIDQ\SULQFLSDOUHSD\PHQWDQGDPRUWLVDWLRQDQGWKHDVVHW¶VFXUUHQWIDLUYDOXHOHVVDQ\LPSDLUPHQWORVVSUHYLRXVO\ UHFRJQLVHG:KHUHDGHFOLQHLQWKHIDLUYDOXHRIDQDYDLODEOHIRUVDOH¿QDQFLDODVVHWKDVEHHQUHFRJQLVHGLQWKHRWKHUFRPSUHKHQVLYHLQFRPHWKH FXPXODWLYHORVVLQRWKHUFRPSUHKHQVLYHLQFRPHLVUHFODVVL¿HGIURPHTXLW\WRSUR¿WRUORVV $QLPSDLUPHQWORVVLQUHVSHFWRIXQTXRWHGHTXLW\LQVWUXPHQWWKDWLVFDUULHGDWFRVWLVUHFRJQLVHGLQSUR¿WRUORVVDQGLVPHDVXUHGDVWKHGLIIHUHQFH EHWZHHQWKH¿QDQFLDODVVHW¶VFDUU\LQJDPRXQWDQGWKHSUHVHQWYDOXHRIHVWLPDWHGIXWXUHFDVKÀRZVGLVFRXQWHGDWWKHFXUUHQWPDUNHWUDWHRIUHWXUQ IRUDVLPLODU¿QDQFLDODVVHW ,PSDLUPHQWORVVHVUHFRJQLVHGLQSUR¿WRUORVVIRUDQLQYHVWPHQWLQDQHTXLW\LQVWUXPHQWFODVVL¿HGDVDYDLODEOHIRUVDOHLVQRWUHYHUVHGWKURXJKSUR¿W or loss. ,ILQDVXEVHTXHQWSHULRGWKHIDLUYDOXHRIDGHEWLQVWUXPHQWLQFUHDVHVDQGWKHLQFUHDVHFDQEHREMHFWLYHO\UHODWHGWRDQHYHQWRFFXUULQJDIWHUWKH LPSDLUPHQWORVVZDVUHFRJQLVHGLQSUR¿WRUORVVWKHLPSDLUPHQWORVVLVUHYHUVHGWRWKHH[WHQWWKDWWKHDVVHW¶VFDUU\LQJDPRXQWGRHVQRWH[FHHGZKDW the carrying amount would have been had the impairment not been recognised at the date the impairment is reversed. The amount of the reversal LVUHFRJQLVHGLQSUR¿WRUORVV ii. Other assets 7KHFDUU\LQJDPRXQWVRIRWKHUDVVHWVH[FHSWIRULQYHQWRULHV>UHIHU1RWHM@QRQFXUUHQWDVVHWVFODVVL¿HGDVKHOGIRUVDOH>UHIHU1RWHO@DPRXQW GXHIURPFRQWUDFWFXVWRPHUV>UHIHU1RWHP@DQGGHIHUUHGWD[DVVHWV>UHIHU1RWHY@DUHUHYLHZHGDWWKHHQGRIHDFKUHSRUWLQJSHULRGWRGHWHUPLQH ZKHWKHUWKHUHLVDQ\LQGLFDWLRQRILPSDLUPHQW,IDQ\VXFKLQGLFDWLRQH[LVWVWKHQWKHDVVHW¶VUHFRYHUDEOHDPRXQWLVHVWLPDWHG)RUJRRGZLOOZLWK LQGH¿QLWHXVHIXOOLYHVWKHUHFRYHUDEOHDPRXQWLVHVWLPDWHGHDFKSHULRGDWWKHVDPHWLPH )RUWKHSXUSRVHRILPSDLUPHQWWHVWLQJDVVHWVDUHJURXSHGWRJHWKHULQWRWKHVPDOOHVWJURXSRIDVVHWVWKDWJHQHUDWHVFDVKLQÀRZVIURPFRQWLQXLQJXVH WKDWDUHODUJHO\LQGHSHQGHQWRIWKHFDVKLQÀRZVRIRWKHUDVVHWVRUFDVKJHQHUDWLQJXQLWV6XEMHFWWRDQRSHUDWLQJVHJPHQWFHLOLQJWHVWIRUWKHSXUSRVH of goodwill impairment testing, cash-generating units to which goodwill has been allocated are aggregated so that the level at which impairment WHVWLQJ LV SHUIRUPHG UHÀHFWV WKH ORZHVW OHYHO DW ZKLFK JRRGZLOO LV PRQLWRUHG IRU LQWHUQDO UHSRUWLQJ SXUSRVH7KH JRRGZLOO DFTXLUHG LQ D EXVLQHVV FRPELQDWLRQIRUWKHSXUSRVHRILPSDLUPHQWWHVWLQJLVDOORFDWHGWRDFDVKJHQHUDWLQJXQLWRUDJURXSRIFDVKJHQHUDWLQJXQLWVWKDWDUHH[SHFWHGWR EHQH¿WIURPWKHV\QHUJLHVRIWKHFRPELQDWLRQ The recoverable amount of an asset or cash-generating unit is the greater of its value in use and its fair value less costs of disposal. In assessing value LQXVHWKHHVWLPDWHGIXWXUHFDVKÀRZVDUHGLVFRXQWHGWRWKHLUSUHVHQWYDOXHXVLQJDSUHWD[GLVFRXQWUDWHWKDWUHÀHFWVFXUUHQWPDUNHWDVVHVVPHQWV RIWKHWLPHYDOXHRIPRQH\DQGWKHULVNVVSHFL¿FWRWKHDVVHWRUFDVKJHQHUDWLQJXQLW $QLPSDLUPHQWORVVLVUHFRJQLVHGLIWKHFDUU\LQJDPRXQWRIDQDVVHWRULWVUHODWHGFDVKJHQHUDWLQJXQLWH[FHHGVLWVHVWLPDWHGUHFRYHUDEOHDPRXQW ,PSDLUPHQWORVVHVDUHUHFRJQLVHGLQSUR¿WRUORVV,PSDLUPHQWORVVHVUHFRJQLVHGLQUHVSHFWRIFDVKJHQHUDWLQJXQLWVDUHDOORFDWHG¿UVWWRUHGXFHWKH carrying amount of any goodwill allocated to the cash-generating unit (or a group of cash-generating units) and then to reduce the carrying amount of the other assets in the cash-generating unit (or a group of cash-generating units) on a pro rata basis. An impairment loss in respect of goodwill is not reversed. In respect of other assets, impairment losses recognised in prior periods are assessed at WKHHQGRIHDFKUHSRUWLQJSHULRGIRUDQ\LQGLFDWLRQVWKDWWKHORVVKDVGHFUHDVHGRUQRORQJHUH[LVWV$QLPSDLUPHQWORVVLVUHYHUVHGLIWKHUHKDVEHHQ a change in the estimates used to determine the recoverable amount since the last impairment loss was recognised. An impairment loss is reversed RQO\WRWKHH[WHQWWKDWWKHDVVHW¶VFDUU\LQJDPRXQWGRHVQRWH[FHHGWKHFDUU\LQJDPRXQWWKDWZRXOGKDYHEHHQGHWHUPLQHGQHWRIGHSUHFLDWLRQRU DPRUWLVDWLRQLIQRLPSDLUPHQWORVVKDGEHHQUHFRJQLVHG5HYHUVDOVRILPSDLUPHQWORVVHVDUHFUHGLWHGWRSUR¿WRUORVVLQWKH¿QDQFLDO\HDULQZKLFK the reversals are recognised. 104 w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y 6LJQL¿FDQWDFFRXQWLQJSROLFLHV(continue) S (TXLW\LQVWUXPHQWV ,QVWUXPHQWVFODVVL¿HGDVHTXLW\DUHPHDVXUHGDWFRVWRQLQLWLDOUHFRJQLWLRQDQGDUHQRWUHPHDVXUHGVXEVHTXHQWO\ i. Issue expenses &RVWVGLUHFWO\DWWULEXWDEOHWRWKHLVVXHRILQVWUXPHQWVFODVVL¿HGDVHTXLW\DUHUHFRJQLVHGDVDGHGXFWLRQIURPHTXLW\ ii. Repurchase, disposal and reissue of share capital (treasury shares) :KHQVKDUHFDSLWDOUHFRJQLVHGDVHTXLW\LVUHSXUFKDVHGWKHDPRXQWRIWKHFRQVLGHUDWLRQSDLGLQFOXGLQJGLUHFWO\DWWULEXWDEOHFRVWVQHWRIDQ\WD[ HIIHFWVLVUHFRJQLVHGDVDGHGXFWLRQIURPHTXLW\5HSXUFKDVHGVKDUHVWKDWDUHQRWVXEVHTXHQWO\FDQFHOOHGDUHFODVVL¿HGDVWUHDVXU\VKDUHVLQWKH VWDWHPHQWRIFKDQJHVLQHTXLW\ When treasury shares are distributed as share dividends, the cost of the treasury shares is applied in the reduction of the share premium account or distributable reserves, or both. :KHUHWUHDVXU\VKDUHVDUHVROGRUUHLVVXHGVXEVHTXHQWO\WKHGLIIHUHQFHVEHWZHHQWKHVDOHVFRQVLGHUDWLRQQHWRIGLUHFWO\DWWULEXWDEOHFRVWVDQGWKH FDUU\LQJDPRXQWRIWKHWUHDVXU\VKDUHVLVUHFRJQLVHGLQHTXLW\ T (PSOR\HHEHQH¿WV L 6KRUWWHUPHPSOR\HHEHQH¿WV 6KRUWWHUPHPSOR\HHEHQH¿WVREOLJDWLRQVLQUHVSHFWRIVDODULHVDQGDQQXDOERQXVHVDUHPHDVXUHGRQDQXQGLVFRXQWHGEDVLVDQGDUHH[SHQVHGDV the related service is provided. $OLDELOLW\LVUHFRJQLVHGIRUWKHDPRXQWH[SHFWHGWREHSDLGXQGHUVKRUWWHUPFDVKERQXVRUSUR¿WVKDULQJSODQVLIWKH*URXSRUWKH&RPSDQ\KDVD present legal or constructive obligation to pay this amount as a result of past services provided by the employees and the obligation can be estimated reliably. ii. State plans &RQWULEXWLRQVWRVWDWXWRU\SHQVLRQIXQGVDUHFKDUJHGWRSUR¿WRUORVVLQWKH\HDUWRZKLFKWKH\UHODWH3UHSDLGFRQWULEXWLRQVDUHUHFRJQLVHGDVDQDVVHW WRWKHH[WHQWWKDWDFDVKUHIXQGRUDUHGXFWLRQLQIXWXUHSD\PHQWLVDYDLODEOH U &RQWLQJHQWOLDELOLWLHV :KHUHLWLVQRWSUREDEOHWKDWDQRXWÀRZRIHFRQRPLFEHQH¿WVZLOOEHUHTXLUHGRUWKHDPRXQWFDQQRWEHHVWLPDWHGUHOLDEO\WKHREOLJDWLRQLVQRWUHFRJQLVHG LQWKHVWDWHPHQWVRI¿QDQFLDOSRVLWLRQDQGLVGLVFORVHGDVDFRQWLQJHQWOLDELOLW\XQOHVVWKHSUREDELOLW\RIRXWÀRZRIHFRQRPLFEHQH¿WVLVUHPRWH3RVVLEOH REOLJDWLRQVZKRVHH[LVWHQFHZLOORQO\EHFRQ¿UPHGE\WKHRFFXUUHQFHRUQRQRFFXUUHQFHRIRQHRUPRUHIXWXUHHYHQWVDUHDOVRGLVFORVHGDVFRQWLQJHQW OLDELOLWLHVXQOHVVWKHSUREDELOLW\RIRXWÀRZRIHFRQRPLFEHQH¿WVLVUHPRWH :KHUH WKH &RPSDQ\ HQWHUV LQWR ¿QDQFLDO JXDUDQWHH FRQWUDFWV WR JXDUDQWHH WKH LQGHEWHGQHVV RI RWKHU FRPSDQLHV ZLWKLQ WKH *URXS WKH &RPSDQ\ considers these to be insurance arrangements, and accounts for them as such. In this respect, the Company treats the guarantee contract as a FRQWLQJHQWOLDELOLW\XQWLOVXFKWLPHDVLWEHFRPHVSUREDEOHWKDWWKH&RPSDQ\ZLOOEHUHTXLUHGWRPDNHDSD\PHQWXQGHUWKHJXDUDQWHH V 3D\DEOHV Trade and other payables are recognised in accordance with Note 2(c). W 5HYHQXHDQGRWKHULQFRPH i. Construction contracts &RQWUDFWUHYHQXHLQFOXGHVWKHLQLWLDODPRXQWDJUHHGLQWKHFRQWUDFWSOXVDQ\YDULDWLRQVLQFRQWUDFWZRUNFODLPVDQGLQFHQWLYHSD\PHQWVWRWKHH[WHQW that it is probable that they will result in revenue and can be measured reliably. As soon as the outcome of a construction contract can be estimated UHOLDEO\FRQWUDFWUHYHQXHDQGFRQWUDFWFRVWDUHUHFRJQLVHGLQSUR¿WRUORVVLQSURSRUWLRQWRWKHVWDJHRIFRPSOHWLRQRIWKHFRQWUDFW&RQWUDFWH[SHQVHV are recognised as incurred unless they create an asset related to future contract activity. The stage of completion is assessed by reference to the proportion that contract costs incurred for work performed to-date bear to the estimated total contract costs. :KHQWKHRXWFRPHRIDFRQVWUXFWLRQFRQWUDFWFDQQRWEHHVWLPDWHGUHOLDEO\FRQWUDFWUHYHQXHLVUHFRJQLVHGRQO\WRWKHH[WHQWRIFRQWUDFWFRVWVLQFXUUHG WKDWDUHOLNHO\WREHUHFRYHUDEOH$QH[SHFWHGORVVRQDFRQWUDFWLVUHFRJQLVHGLPPHGLDWHO\LQSUR¿WRUORVV ii. Property development Revenue from property development activities is recognised based on the stage of completion of properties sold measured by reference to the proportion that property development costs incurred for work performed to-date bear to the estimated total property development costs. :KHUHWKH¿QDQFLDORXWFRPHRIDSURSHUW\GHYHORSPHQWDFWLYLW\FDQQRWEHUHOLDEO\HVWLPDWHGSURSHUW\GHYHORSPHQWUHYHQXHLVUHFRJQLVHGRQO\WR WKHH[WHQWRISURSHUW\GHYHORSPHQWFRVWVLQFXUUHGWKDWLVSUREDEOHWREHUHFRYHUDEOHDQGSURSHUW\GHYHORSPHQWFRVWVRQWKHGHYHORSPHQWXQLWVVROG DUHUHFRJQLVHGDVDQH[SHQVHLQWKHSHULRGLQZKLFKWKH\DUHLQFXUUHG $Q\H[SHFWHGORVVRQDGHYHORSPHQWSURMHFWLVUHFRJQLVHGLPPHGLDWHO\LQSUR¿WRUORVV 105 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ``` NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUE) Notes to the Financial Statements (continue) 6LJQL¿FDQWDFFRXQWLQJSROLFLHV(continue) W 5HYHQXHDQGRWKHULQFRPH(continue) iii. Sale of goods Revenue from the sale of goods in the course of ordinary activities is measured at fair value of the consideration received or receivable, net of returns DQGDOORZDQFHVDQGWUDGHGLVFRXQWV5HYHQXHLVUHFRJQLVHGZKHQSHUVXDVLYHHYLGHQFHH[LVWVXVXDOO\LQWKHIRUPRIDQH[HFXWHGVDOHVDJUHHPHQW WKDWWKHVLJQL¿FDQWULVNVDQGUHZDUGVRIRZQHUVKLSKDYHEHHQWUDQVIHUUHGWRWKHFXVWRPHUUHFRYHU\RIWKHFRQVLGHUDWLRQLVSUREDEOHWKHDVVRFLDWHG costs and possible return of goods can be estimated reliably, and there is no continuing management involvement with the goods, and the amount of revenue can be measured reliably. If it is probable that discounts will be granted and the amount can be measured reliably, then the discount is recognised as a reduction of revenue as the sales are recognised. iv. Dividend income 'LYLGHQGLQFRPHLVUHFRJQLVHGLQSUR¿WRUORVVRQWKHGDWHWKDWWKH*URXS¶VRUWKH&RPSDQ\¶VULJKWWRUHFHLYHSD\PHQWLVHVWDEOLVKHGZKLFKLQWKH FDVHRITXRWHGVHFXULWLHVLVWKHH[GLYLGHQGGDWH Y 6DQGH[WUDFWLRQDQGODQG¿OOLQJVHUYLFHV 5HYHQXHIURPWKHSURYLVLRQRIVDQGH[WUDFWLRQDQGODQG¿OOLQJVHUYLFHVLVUHFRJQLVHGLQSUR¿WRUORVVEDVHGRQWKHTXDQWLW\RIVDQGH[WUDFWHGDQG RU¿OOHGDWDJUHHGUDWHV vi. Rental income 5HQWDOLQFRPHIURPLVUHFRJQLVHGLQSUR¿WRUORVVRQDVWUDLJKWOLQHEDVLVRYHUWKHWHUPRIWKHOHDVH vii. Interest income ,QWHUHVWLQFRPHLVUHFRJQLVHGDVLWDFFUXHVXVLQJWKHHIIHFWLYHLQWHUHVWPHWKRGLQSUR¿WRUORVVH[FHSWIRULQWHUHVWLQFRPHDULVLQJIURPWHPSRUDU\ LQYHVWPHQWRIERUURZLQJVWDNHQVSHFL¿FDOO\IRUWKHSXUSRVHRI¿QDQFLQJDTXDOLI\LQJDVVHWZKLFKLVDFFRXQWHGIRULQDFFRUGDQFHZLWKWKHDFFRXQWLQJ policy on borrowing costs (see Note 2(u)). X %RUURZLQJFRVWV %RUURZLQJFRVWVWKDWDUHQRWGLUHFWO\DWWULEXWDEOHWRWKHDFTXLVLWLRQFRQVWUXFWLRQRUSURGXFWLRQRIDTXDOLI\LQJDVVHWDUHUHFRJQLVHGLQSUR¿WRUORVVXVLQJ the effective interest method. %RUURZLQJFRVWGLUHFWO\DWWULEXWDEOHWRWKHDFTXLVLWLRQFRQVWUXFWLRQRUSURGXFWLRQRITXDOLI\LQJDVVHWVZKLFKDUHDVVHWVWKDWQHFHVVDULO\WDNHDVXEVWDQWLDO period of time to get ready for their intended use or sale, are capitalised as part of the cost of those assets. 7KHFDSLWDOLVDWLRQRIERUURZLQJFRVWVDVSDUWRIWKHFRVWRIDTXDOLI\LQJDVVHWFRPPHQFHVZKHQH[SHQGLWXUHIRUWKHDVVHWLVEHLQJLQFXUUHGERUURZLQJ costs are being incurred and activities that are necessary to prepare the asset for its intended use or sale are in progress. Capitalisation of borrowing FRVWVLVVXVSHQGHGRUFHDVHVZKHQVXEVWDQWLDOO\DOOWKHDFWLYLWLHVQHFHVVDU\WRSUHSDUHWKHTXDOLI\LQJDVVHWIRULWVLQWHQGHGXVHRUVDOHDUHLQWHUUXSWHG or completed. ,QYHVWPHQW LQFRPH HDUQHG RQ WKH WHPSRUDU\ LQYHVWPHQW RI VSHFL¿F ERUURZLQJV SHQGLQJ WKHLU H[SHQGLWXUH RQ TXDOLI\LQJ DVVHWV LV GHGXFWHG IURP WKH borrowing costs eligible for capitalisation. Y ,QFRPHWD[ ,QFRPHWD[H[SHQVHFRPSULVHVFXUUHQWDQGGHIHUUHGWD[&XUUHQWWD[DQGGHIHUUHGWD[DUHUHFRJQLVHGLQSUR¿WRUORVVH[FHSWWRWKHH[WHQWWKDWLWUHODWHV WRDEXVLQHVVFRPELQDWLRQVRULWHPVUHFRJQLVHGGLUHFWO\LQHTXLW\RURWKHUFRPSUHKHQVLYHLQFRPH &XUUHQWWD[LVWKHH[SHFWHGWD[SD\DEOHRUUHFHLYDEOHRQWKHWD[DEOHLQFRPHRUORVVIRUWKH\HDUXVLQJWD[UDWHVHQDFWHGRUVXEVWDQWLYHO\HQDFWHGE\WKH HQGRIWKHUHSRUWLQJSHULRGDQGDQ\DGMXVWPHQWWRWD[SD\DEOHLQUHVSHFWRISUHYLRXV¿QDQFLDO\HDUV 'HIHUUHGWD[LVUHFRJQLVHGXVLQJWKHOLDELOLW\PHWKRGSURYLGLQJIRUWHPSRUDU\GLIIHUHQFHVEHWZHHQWKHFDUU\LQJDPRXQWVRIDVVHWVDQGOLDELOLWLHVLQWKH VWDWHPHQWRI¿QDQFLDOSRVLWLRQDQGWKHLUWD[EDVHV'HIHUUHGWD[LVQRWUHFRJQLVHGIRUWKHWHPSRUDU\GLIIHUHQFHVDULVLQJIURPWKHLQLWLDOUHFRJQLWLRQRI JRRGZLOODQGWKHLQLWLDOUHFRJQLWLRQRIDVVHWVRUOLDELOLWLHVLQDWUDQVDFWLRQWKDWLVQRWDEXVLQHVVFRPELQDWLRQDQGWKDWDIIHFWVQHLWKHUDFFRXQWLQJQRUWD[DEOH SUR¿WRUORVV'HIHUUHGWD[LVPHDVXUHGDWWKHWD[UDWHVWKDWDUHH[SHFWHGWREHDSSOLHGWRWKHWHPSRUDU\GLIIHUHQFHVZKHQWKH\UHYHUVHEDVHGRQWKHODZV that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the end of the reporting period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¿WVZLOOEHDYDLODEOHDJDLQVWZKLFKWKHWHPSRUDU\GLIIHUHQFHV FDQEHXWLOLVHG'HIHUUHGWD[DVVHWVDUHUHYLHZHGDWWKHHQGRIHDFKUHSRUWLQJSHULRGDQGDUHUHGXFHGE\WKHH[WHQWWKDWLWLVQRORQJHUSUREDEOHWKDWWKH UHODWHGWD[EHQH¿WZLOOEHUHDOLVHG 106 w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y 6LJQL¿FDQWDFFRXQWLQJSROLFLHV(continue) Z (DUQLQJVSHURUGLQDU\VKDUH The Group presents basic and diluted earnings per share (“EPS”) data for its ordinary shares. %DVLF(36LVFDOFXODWHGE\GLYLGLQJWKHSUR¿WRUORVVDWWULEXWDEOHWRRUGLQDU\VKDUHKROGHUVRIWKH&RPSDQ\E\WKHZHLJKWHGDYHUDJHQXPEHURIRUGLQDU\ VKDUHVRXWVWDQGLQJGXULQJWKHSHULRGDGMXVWHGIRURZQVKDUHVKHOG 'LOXWHG(36LVGHWHUPLQHGE\DGMXVWLQJWKHSUR¿WRUORVVDWWULEXWDEOHWRRUGLQDU\VKDUHKROGHUVDQGWKHZHLJKWHGDYHUDJHQXPEHURIRUGLQDU\VKDUHV RXWVWDQGLQJDGMXVWHGIRURZQVKDUHVKHOGIRUWKHHIIHFWVRIDOOGLOXWLYHSRWHQWLDORUGLQDU\VKDUHV [ 2SHUDWLQJVHJPHQWV $QRSHUDWLQJVHJPHQWLVDFRPSRQHQWRIWKH*URXSWKDWHQJDJHVLQEXVLQHVVDFWLYLWLHVIURPZKLFKLWPD\HDUQUHYHQXHVDQGLQFXUH[SHQVHVLQFOXGLQJ UHYHQXHVDQGH[SHQVHVWKDWUHODWHWRWUDQVDFWLRQVZLWKDQ\RIWKH*URXS¶VRWKHUFRPSRQHQWV2SHUDWLQJVHJPHQWVUHVXOWVDUHUHYLHZHGUHJXODUO\E\ the chief operating decision maker, which in this case is the Managing Director of the Group, to make decisions about resources to be allocated to the VHJPHQWDQGWRDVVHVVLWVSHUIRUPDQFHDQGIRUZKLFKGLVFUHWH¿QDQFLDOLQIRUPDWLRQLVDYDLODEOH \ )DLUYDOXHPHDVXUHPHQWV )DLUYDOXHRIDQDVVHWRUDOLDELOLW\H[FHSWIRUVKDUHEDVHGSD\PHQWDQGOHDVHWUDQVDFWLRQVLVGHWHUPLQHGDVWKHSULFHWKDWZRXOGEHUHFHLYHGWRVHOO an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date. The measurement assumes that the transaction to sell the asset or transfer the liability takes place either in the principal market or in the absence of a principal market, in the most advantageous market. )RUQRQ¿QDQFLDODVVHWWKHIDLUYDOXHPHDVXUHPHQWWDNHVLQWRDFFRXQWDPDUNHWSDUWLFLSDQW¶VDELOLW\WRJHQHUDWHHFRQRPLFEHQH¿WVE\XVLQJWKHDVVHWLQ its highest and best use or by selling it to another market participant that would use the asset in its highest and best use. When measuring the fair value of an asset or a liability, the Group uses observable market data as far as possible. Fair value are categorised into different OHYHOVLQDIDLUYDOXHKLHUDUFK\EDVHGRQWKHLQSXWXVHGLQWKHYDOXDWLRQWHFKQLTXHDVIROORZV /HYHOTXRWHGSULFHVXQDGMXVWHGLQDFWLYHPDUNHWVIRULGHQWLFDODVVHWVRUOLDELOLWLHVWKDWWKH*URXSFDQDFFHVVDWWKHPHDVXUHPHQWGDWH /HYHOLQSXWVRWKHUWKDQTXRWHGSULFHVLQFOXGHGZLWKLQ/HYHOWKDWDUHREVHUYDEOHIRUWKHDVVHWRUOLDELOLW\HLWKHUGLUHFWO\RULQGLUHFWO\ Level 3: unobservable inputs for the assets or liability. The Group recognises transfers between levels of the fair value hierarchy as of the date of the event or change in circumstances that caused the transfers. 107 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ``` NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUE) Notes to the Financial Statements (continue) 3URSHUW\SODQWDQGHTXLSPHQW ____________________________________2XWULJKWSXUFKDVH____________________________________ *URXS ___/HDVHKROGODQG___ XQH[SLUHGXQH[SLUHG OHDVHWHUP OHDVHWHUP )XUQLWXUH )UHHKROG PRUHWKDQ OHVVWKDQ DQG ODQG \HDUV \HDUV %XLOGLQJV ¿WWLQJV 50¶ 50¶ 50¶ 50¶ 50¶ 2I¿FHDQG $VVHWV 0RWRU IDFWRU\ 3ODQWDQG -HWW\DQG XQGHU YHKLFOHV HTXLSPHQW PDFKLQHU\ ZKDUIFRQVWUXFWLRQ 6XEWRWDO 50¶ 50¶ 50¶ 50¶ 50¶ 50¶ Cost $W-DQXDU\ $GGLWLRQV 'LVSRVDOV:ULWHRIIV 5HFODVVL¿FDWLRQ Transfer to - land held for property GHYHORSPHQW1RWH - investment properties (Note 9) - ( - assets held IRUVDOH1RWH 357) ( 454) ( 125) ( 72) ( 146) Effect of movements in H[FKDQJHUDWHV _______________________________________________________________________________________________ $W'HFHPEHU -DQXDU\ $GGLWLRQV 'LVSRVDOV:ULWHRIIV 5HFODVVL¿FDWLRQ Transfer to assets held IRUVDOH1RWH Effect of movements in H[FKDQJHUDWHV _______________________________________________________________________________________________ $W'HFHPEHU =========================================================================================== Depreciation $W-DQXDU\ 'HSUHFLDWLRQIRUWKH\HDU 'LVSRVDOV:ULWHRIIV 5HFODVVL¿FDWLRQ Transfer to: - land held for property GHYHORSPHQW1RWH - investment SURSHUWLHV1RWH - assets held for sale 1RWH 110) ( 97) ( 72) ( 92) Effect of movements in H[FKDQJHUDWHV _______________________________________________________________________________________________ $W'HFHPEHU -DQXDU\ 'HSUHFLDWLRQIRUWKH\HDU 'LVSRVDOV:ULWHRIIV 5HFODVVL¿FDWLRQ Transfer to assets held IRUVDOH1RWH Effect of movements in H[FKDQJHUDWHV 116) _______________________________________________________________________________________________ $W'HFHPEHU =========================================================================================== Carrying amounts $W'HFHPEHU -DQXDU\ $W'HFHPEHU w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y ( 1,154) _______ _______ ======= ( 444) _______ ( 116) _______ ======= =========================================================================================== ======= =========================================================================================== ======= 3URSHUW\SODQWDQGHTXLSPHQW(continue) *URXS (continue) Cost (continue) $W-DQXDU\ Additions 'LVSRVDOV:ULWHRIIV 5HFODVVL¿FDWLRQ Transfer to: ODQGKHOGIRUSURSHUW\GHYHORSPHQW1RWH - investment properties (Note 9) DVVHWVKHOGIRUVDOH1RWH (IIHFWRIPRYHPHQWVLQH[FKDQJHUDWHV $W'HFHPEHU-DQXDU\ Additions 'LVSRVDOV:ULWHRIIV 5HFODVVL¿FDWLRQ 7UDQVIHUWRDVVHWVKHOGIRUVDOH1RWH (IIHFWRIPRYHPHQWVLQH[FKDQJHUDWHV At 31 December 2014 Depreciation (continue) $W-DQXDU\ 'HSUHFLDWLRQIRUWKH\HDU 'LVSRVDOV:ULWHRIIV 5HFODVVL¿FDWLRQ Transfer to: ODQGKHOGIRUSURSHUW\GHYHORSPHQW1RWH LQYHVWPHQWSURSHUWLHV1RWH DVVHWVKHOGIRUVDOH1RWH (IIHFWRIPRYHPHQWVLQH[FKDQJHUDWHV $W'HFHPEHU-DQXDU\ 'HSUHFLDWLRQIRUWKH\HDU 'LVSRVDOV:ULWHRIIV 5HFODVVL¿FDWLRQ 7UDQVIHUWRDVVHWVKHOGIRUVDOH1RWH (IIHFWRIPRYHPHQWVLQH[FKDQJHUDWHV $W'HFHPEHU Carrying amounts (continue) $W'HFHPEHU-DQXDU\ At 31 December 2014 6XEWRWDO 50¶ 14,969 )LQDQFHOHDVHDVVHWV 0RWRU 3ODQWDQG YHKLFOHV PDFKLQHU\ 50¶ 50¶ 7RWDO 50¶ 14,969 ( 12,577) ______________________________________ 9,373 ______________________________________ 105,999 ==================================== ( 12,577) _________ 9,373 _________ 105,999 ========= ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ==================================== _________ _________ ========= ==================================== 43,001 ==================================== ========= 43,001 ========= 109 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ``` NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUE) Notes to the Financial Statements (continue) 3URSHUW\SODQWDQGHTXLSPHQW(continue) &RPSDQ\ Cost At 1 January 2013 Additions Write-offs $W'HFHPEHU-DQXDU\ Additions Write-offs At 31 December 2014 Depreciation At 1 January 2013 'HSUHFLDWLRQIRUWKH\HDU1RWH Write-offs $W'HFHPEHU-DQXDU\ Depreciation for the year (Note 25) Write-offs $W'HFHPEHU Carrying amounts $W'HFHPEHU-DQXDU\ $W'HFHPEHU 2I¿FH HTXLSPHQW 50¶ 7RWDO 50¶ 5,776 744 206 44 ( 2) ______________________________________ 370 40 ( 3) ______________________________________ 5,776 1,109 290 ==================================== 6,726 44 ( 2) _________ 410 ( 3) _________ 7,175 ========= 135 20 66 ( 1) ______________________________________ 116 159 61 ( 1) ______________________________________ ==================================== 221 ( 1) _________ 336 ( 1) _________ ========= ==================================== ========= ==================================== ========= %XLOGLQJ 50¶ )XUQLWXUH DQG¿WWLQJV 50¶ 3.1 Titles to properties 6WUDWDWLWOHWRRQHRQHEXLOGLQJZLWKDFDUU\LQJDPRXQWRI5050KDV\HWWREHLVVXHGE\WKHUHOHYDQWDXWKRULW\ 3.2 Allocation of depreciation Depreciation for the year is allocated as follows: *URXS 50¶ 50¶ 50¶ 50¶ 5HFRJQLVHGLQSUR¿WRUORVV Capitalised in: FRQVWUXFWLRQZRUNLQSURJUHVV1RWH property development costs (Note 15) 363 _________ ========= 336 _________ ========= _________ ========= _________ ========= &RPSDQ\ 3.3 Security $VVHWVXQGHU¿QDQFHOHDVHVZHUHFKDUJHGWREDQNVDVVHFXULW\IRUWKH¿QDQFHOHDVHOLDELOLWLHVRIWKH*URXSVHH1RWH Freehold land of a subsidiary with carrying amount of RM667,000 (2013: RM667,000) is charged to a bank as security for a term loan facility granted to another subsidiary (see Note 21.1). 110 w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y 3UHSDLGOHDVHSD\PHQWV*URXS /HDVHKROGODQG XQH[SLUHGOHDVHWHUP PRUHWKDQ\HDUV 50¶ Cost $W-DQXDU\'HFHPEHU-DQXDU\DQG'HFHPEHU Amortisation At 1 January 2013 $PRUWLVDWLRQIRUWKH\HDU1RWH $W'HFHPEHU-DQXDU\ $PRUWLVDWLRQIRUWKH\HDU1RWH ========= 573 _________ _________ 629 ========= At 31 December 2014 Carrying amounts $W'HFHPEHU-DQXDU\ ========= 2,427 ========= At 31 December 2014 ,QYHVWPHQWLQVXEVLGLDULHV&RPSDQ\ 8QTXRWHGVKDUHVDWFRVW 50¶ 50¶ ========= ========= 'HWDLOVRIWKHVXEVLGLDULHVDOORIZKLFKDUHLQFRUSRUDWHGLQ0DOD\VLDH[FHSWIRU1DLP(QJLQHHULQJ&RQVWUXFWLRQ)LML/LPLWHG1DLP4XDUU\)LML/LPLWHG1DLP 3UHPL[)LML/LPLWHGDQG1DLP9DQXD/HYX)LML/LPLWHGZKLFKDUHLQFRUSRUDWHGLQ)LMLDQG1DLPFHQGHUD(QJLQHHULQJ&RQVWUXFWLRQ6HQGLULDQ%HUKDG incorporated in Brunei Darussalam, and the Company’s interests therein are as follows: 1DPHRIVXEVLGLDU\ Direct subsidiaries Naim Land Sdn. Bhd. (“NLSB”) Naim Engineering Sdn. Bhd. (“NESB”) Naim Assets Sdn. Bhd. (“NASB”) Subsidiaries of NLSB Desa Ilmu Sdn. Bhd. Naim Supply & Logistic Sdn. Bhd. Khidmat Mantap Sdn. Bhd. Naim Realty Sdn. Bhd. Peranan Makmur Sdn. Bhd. (“PMSB”) Naim Commercial Sdn. Bhd. Naim Cendera Lapan Sdn. Bhd. 1DLP5HDG\0L[6GQ%KG Simbol Warisan Sdn. Bhd. Jelas Kemuncak Resources Sdn. Bhd. Yakin Pelita Sdn. Bhd. 1DLP&HQGHUD7XMXK6GQ%KG Dataran Wangsa Sdn. Bhd. Yakin Jelas Sdn. Bhd. TR Green Sdn. Bhd. Naim Utilities Sdn. Bhd. Naim Incorporated Berhad Naim Academy Sdn. Bhd. Naim Oil & Gas Sdn. Bhd. 3HUP\MD\D6LQR(GXFDWLRQ6GQ%KG Lotus Paradigm Sdn. Bhd. Kuching Paragon Sdn. Bhd. (formerly known as Naim Housing Sdn. Bhd.) 3ULQFLSDODFWLYLWLHV (IIHFWLYHRZQHUVKLS LQWHUHVWDQGYRWLQJ LQWHUHVW Property developer and civil and building contractor Civil, building and earthwork contractor and hire of machinery Investment holding 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Property developer Trading of construction materials Property developer Property investment Property developer Property developer Quarry licensee and operator 6DOHRIUHDG\PL[SLOHV Quarry licensee Quarry operator Property investment 3URSHUW\LQYHVWPHQW Property developer Property investment Dormant Dormant Dormant Dormant Dormant 'RUPDQW Dormant Dormant 60.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 75.0 70.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 70.0 100.0 60.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 75.0 70.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 70.0 100.0 111 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ``` NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUE) Notes to the Financial Statements (continue) ,QYHVWPHQWLQVXEVLGLDULHV&RPSDQ\(continue) 1DPHRIVXEVLGLDU\ 3ULQFLSDODFWLYLWLHV (IIHFWLYHRZQHUVKLS LQWHUHVWDQGYRWLQJ LQWHUHVW Subsidiaries of NLSB (continue) Miri Paragon Sdn. Bhd. (formerly known as Syarikat Usahasama Naim - RSB Sdn. Bhd.) 3DYLOLRQ4XHVW6GQ%KG ([FOXVLYH3DUDJRQ6GQ%KG %LQD+DUWDPDV6GQ%KG 3ODWLQXP$PEHU6GQ%KG 6ROLG*UHHQODQG6GQ%KG Vista Megalink Sdn. Bhd. Total Reliability Sdn. Bhd. (“TRSB”)^ Dormant 100.0 'RUPDQW 'RUPDQW 'RUPDQW 'RUPDQW 'RUPDQW Dormant Property developer and civil and building contractor 100.0 - 51.0^ Subsidiaries of NESB 1DLP3UHPL[6GQ%KG 1DLP%LQDDQ6GQ%KG Naim Overseas Sdn. Bhd. (“NOSB”) Naim Capital Sdn. Bhd. 1DLP(TXLSPHQW6GQ%KG Naim Recruitment & Agency Sdn. Bhd. 8QLTXH&RPSRVLWH6GQ%KG 0DQXIDFWXUHDQGVDOHRIDVSKDOW &LYLOFRQWUDFWRUKLUHRIPDFKLQHU\DVZHOODVVDOHRI5&SLOHDQGUHDG\PL[ Investment holding Investment holding +LUHRIHTXLSPHQWDQGSURYLVLRQRIUHSDLUDQGPDLQWHQDQFHVHUYLFHV Dormant 0DQXIDFWXUHDQGVDOHRIDVSKDOW 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 &LYLOHQJLQHHULQJDQGFRQVWUXFWLRQZRUNV 4XDUU\RSHUDWRU 0DQXIDFWXUHDQGVDOHRISUHPL[SURGXFWV Dormant A 99.9 99.9 Subsidiaries of NOSB 1DLP(QJLQHHULQJ&RQVWUXFWLRQ)LML/LPLWHG 1DLP4XDUU\)LML/LPLWHG³14)/´ 1DLP3UHPL[)LML/LPLWHG³13)/´ Naimcendera Engineering & Construction 6HQGLULDQ%HUKDG³1(&6%´# 1DLP9DQXD/HYX)LML/LPLWHG³19/)/´# 'RUPDQW 100.0 Subsidiaries of NCSB Naim Capital Port Sdn. Bhd. Naim Capital Housing Sdn. Bhd. Civil contractor Dormant 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Subsidiaries of NASB Bintulu Paragon Sdn. Bhd. Naim Property Services Sdn. Bhd. Bright Sungreen Sdn. Bhd. (“BSSB”) * Dormant Dormant Dormant 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 - Subsidiary of PMSB Harmony Faber Sdn. Bhd. Property investment 100.0 100.0 $XGLWHGE\D¿UPRI&KDUWHUHG$FFRXQWDQWVRWKHUWKDQ.30* 7KHVHVXEVLGLDULHVDUHFODVVL¿HGDVGLVSRVDOJURXSKHOGIRUVDOHIROORZLQJDSODQWRGLVSRVHWKHLQYHVWPHQWV>VHH1RWHVDQGLLL@ $XGLWHGE\RWKHUPHPEHU¿UPVRI.30*,QWHUQDWLRQDO 7KHXQDXGLWHGUHVXOWVRI1(&6%DQG%66%KDYHEHHQLQFRUSRUDWHGLQWRWKHFRQVROLGDWHG¿QDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVIRUWKH\HDUHQGHG'HFHPEHUDQG 2013, which are not material to the Group. # 7KHVHVXEVLGLDULHVKDYHEHHQVWUXFNRIIIURPWKH5HJLVWUDURI&RPSDQ\VXEVHTXHQWWR\HDUHQGVHH1RWH 1RQFRQWUROOLQJLQWHUHVWV³1&,´LQVXEVLGLDULHV A The Group’s subsidiaries that have material NCI are as follows: 1&,SHUFHQWDJHRIRZQHUVKLSYRWLQJLQWHUHVW &DUU\LQJDPRXQWRI1&, 3UR¿W/RVVDOORFDWHGWR1&, 112 w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y 'HVD,OPX 6GQ%KG 50¶ 2WKHU VXEVLGLDULHV ZLWK LPPDWHULDO1&, 50¶ 7RWDO 50¶ ========= ========= ========= ,QYHVWPHQWLQVXEVLGLDULHV&RPSDQ\(continue) 1RQFRQWUROOLQJLQWHUHVWV³1&,´LQVXEVLGLDULHV(continue) The Group’s subsidiaries that have material NCI are as follows: (continue) 'HVD,OPX6GQ%KG 50¶ 46,736 ( 10,991) _________ 36,594 ========= ========= 1,061 _________ ========= 6XPPDULVHG¿QDQFLDOLQIRUPDWLRQEHIRUHLQWUDJURXSHOLPLQDWLRQ $VDW'HFHPEHU 1RQFXUUHQWDVVHWV Current assets Current liabilities Net assets <HDUHQGHG'HFHPEHU 5HYHQXH 3UR¿WDQGWRWDOFRPSUHKHQVLYHLQFRPHIRUWKH\HDU &DVKÀRZVXVHGLQIURP RSHUDWLQJDFWLYLWLHV - investing activities 1HWLQFUHDVHLQFDVKDQGFDVKHTXLYDOHQWV No dividend was paid to the NCI during the current year. 1&,SHUFHQWDJHRIRZQHUVKLSYRWLQJLQWHUHVW &DUU\LQJDPRXQWRI1&, 3UR¿W/RVVDOORFDWHGWR1&, 'HVD,OPX 6GQ%KG 50¶ -HODV .HPXQFDN 5HVRXUFHV 6GQ%KG 50¶ 2WKHU VXEVLGLDULHV 7RWDO ZLWK 5HOLDELOLW\ LPPDWHULDO 6GQ%KG 1&, 50¶ 50¶ ========= ========= ========= _________ ========= _________ ========= AA AA AA _________ AA ========= 10,336 ========= 9,911 ========= ^^ AA ========= 12,450 746 _________ ========= ( 2,404) ( 65) _________ ========= ^^ ^^ _________ AA ========= ========= 7RWDO 50¶ ========= 6XPPDULVHG¿QDQFLDOLQIRUPDWLRQEHIRUHLQWUDJURXSHOLPLQDWLRQ $VDW'HFHPEHU 1RQFXUUHQWDVVHWV &XUUHQWDVVHWV &XUUHQWOLDELOLWLHV 1HWDVVHWVOLDELOLWLHV <HDUHQGHG'HFHPEHU Revenue 3UR¿W/RVVDQGWRWDOFRPSUHKHQVLYHLQFRPHORVVIRUWKH\HDU &DVKÀRZVIURPXVHGLQ - operating activities - investing activities 1HWLQFUHDVHGHFUHDVHLQFDVKDQGFDVKHTXLYDOHQWV No dividend was paid to these NCI during the last year. AA $VWKH*URXSKDGFODVVL¿HGLQWHUHVWLQ756%DVKHOGIRUVDOHGXULQJWKHODVW¿QDQFLDO\HDUQRGLVFORVXUHRQVXPPDULVHG¿QDQFLDOLQIRUPDWLRQRI756% ZDVPDGHDVSHUPLWWHGE\)56'LVFORVXUHRI,QWHUHVWVLQ2WKHU(QWLWLHV7KH*URXSKDVFRPSOHWHGWKHGLVSRVDORI756%GXULQJWKH\HDUVHH1RWH 36(iii)). 113 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ``` NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUE) Notes to the Financial Statements (continue) ,QYHVWPHQWLQDVVRFLDWHV *URXS 50¶ 50¶ At cost: 8QTXRWHGVKDUHV 4XRWHGVKDUHVLQ0DOD\VLD 6KDUHRISRVWDFTXLVLWLRQUHVHUYHV _________ ========= _________ ========= _________ ========= _________ ========= Market value 4XRWHGVKDUHVLQ0DOD\VLD ========= ========= ========= ========= &RPSDQ\ 50¶ 50¶ Details of the material associates, all of which are incorporated in Malaysia, are as follows: 1DPHRIHQWLW\ 1DWXUHRIUHODWLRQVKLS Dayang Enterprise Holdings Bhd. (“DEHB”) Provide offshore topside maintenance services, minor fabrication works, offshore hook-up and commissioning ZRUNVFKDUWHULQJRIPDULQHYHVVHOVDQGHTXLSPHQW7KHVH are one of business strategies to venture into oil and gas industry 29.06 33.60 (IIHFWLYH RZQHUVKLS LQWHUHVWDQG YRWLQJLQWHUHVW 6DPDODMX3URSHUWLHV6GQ%KG³636%´ 3URSHUW\DQGWRZQVKLSGHYHORSPHQWLQFOXGLQJSURYLGLQJWHPSRUDULO\ DFFRPPRGDWLRQIDFLOLWLHVZKLFKLVLQOLQHZLWK*URXS¶VH[LVWLQJ property segment operation 6,12+<'521$,06GQ%KG 2QHRIFLYLOHQJLQHHULQJFRQWUDFWRUVWRWKH*URXSIRU RQHFRQVWUXFWLRQSURMHFW Kempas Sentosa Sdn. Bhd. (“KSSB”) ** One of civil contractors to the Group and provide hiring of SODQWDQGHTXLSPHQWWRWKH*URXS 40.00 40.00 %LPD*DOHNVL6GQ%KG ,QWHQGHGWRLQYROYHLQSURSHUW\LQYHVWPHQWKROGLQJDFWLYLWLHV TR Concrete Sdn. Bhd. (“TRC”) ^ One of the Group’s concrete products suppliers -* 29.10 A +HOGWKURXJK1/6% +HOGWKURXJK1(6% +HOGWKURXJK756%DQG1/6% &HUWDLQ SRUWLRQ RI WKH *URXS¶V LQWHUHVW LQ 75& >KHOG WKURXJK 756%@ ZDV FODVVL¿HG DV KHOG IRU VDOH GXULQJ WKH ODVW ¿QDQFLDO \HDU IROORZLQJ *URXS¶V FRPPLWPHQWWRDSODQWRVHOO756%WRZDUGVWKHODVW¿QDQFLDO\HDUHQG>VHH1RWHVDQGLLL@7KHUHWDLQHGLQWHUHVWKHOGE\WKH*URXSLQ75&KDVEHHQ UHFODVVL¿HGDVDYDLODEOHIRUVDOHLQYHVWPHQWDQGUHPHDVXUHGDWLWVIDLUYDOXHZKHQWKH*URXSFHDVHGWRKDYHVLJQL¿FDQWLQÀXHQFHVRYHU75&XSRQWKH GLVSRVDORI756%LQVHH1RWH 6XPPDU\RI¿QDQFLDOLQIRUPDWLRQ 7KHIROORZLQJWDEOHVXPPDULVHVWKHLQIRUPDWLRQRIWKH*URXS¶VPDWHULDODVVRFLDWHDGMXVWHGIRUDQ\GLIIHUHQFHVLQDFFRXQWLQJSROLFLHVLIDQ\DQGUHFRQFLOHV the information to the carrying amount of the Group’s interest in the associate. 114 $VDW'HFHPEHU 1RQFXUUHQWDVVHWV &XUUHQWDVVHWV 1RQFXUUHQWOLDELOLWLHV &XUUHQWOLDELOLWLHV 1HWDVVHWV w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y BBBBBBBBB*URXSBBBBBBBBB '(+% 636% .66% 50¶ 50¶ 50¶ _________ ========= _________ ========= _________ ========= ,QYHVWPHQWLQDVVRFLDWHV (continue) 6XPPDU\RI¿QDQFLDOLQIRUPDWLRQ (continue) (continue) )RUWKH\HDUHQGHG'HFHPEHU 3UR¿WIRUWKH\HDU Other comprehensive income 7RWDOFRPSUHKHQVLYHLQFRPHIRUWKH\HDU 5HYHQXH 'LYLGHQGUHFHLYHG _________________________*URXS_________________________ 2WKHU LPPDWHULDO '(+% 636% .66% DVVRFLDWHV 7RWDO 50¶ 50¶ 50¶ 50¶ 50¶ 3,337 _________ ========= _________ ========= _________ ========= ========= ========= ========= _________ ========= _________ ========= _________ ========= _________ ========= _________ ========= 960 _________ ========= _________ ========= _________ ========= _________ ========= 960 _________ ========= ( 47,993) _________ ========= _________ ========= _________ ========= _________ ========= _________ ========= _________ ========= ========= ========= ========= 224,097 _________ ========= 17,299 _________ ========= 6,511 4,124) _________ ========= 2,299 ( _________ ========= 250,206 4,311) _________ ========= Reconciliation of net assets to carrying amount $VDW'HFHPEHU *URXS¶VVKDUHRIQHWDVVHWV *RRGZLOO (OLPLQDWLRQRIXQUHDOLVHGSUR¿W &DUU\LQJDPRXQWLQWKHVWDWHPHQWRI¿QDQFLDOSRVLWLRQ )RUWKH\HDUHQGHG'HFHPEHU Group’s share of: SUR¿W - other comprehensive income *URXS¶VVKDUHRIWRWDOFRPSUHKHQVLYHLQFRPHIRUWKH\HDU $VDW'HFHPEHU 1RQFXUUHQWDVVHWV &XUUHQWDVVHWV Non-current liabilities &XUUHQWOLDELOLWLHV 1HWDVVHWV )RUWKH\HDUHQGHG'HFHPEHU 3UR¿W/RVVIRUWKH\HDU 2WKHUFRPSUHKHQVLYHORVV 7RWDOFRPSUHKHQVLYHLQFRPHORVVIRUWKH\HDU 5HYHQXH 'LYLGHQGUHFHLYHG Reconciliation of net assets to carrying amount $VDW'HFHPEHU Group’s share of net assets *RRGZLOO (OLPLQDWLRQRIXQUHDOLVHGSUR¿W &DUU\LQJDPRXQWLQWKHVWDWHPHQWRI¿QDQFLDOSRVLWLRQ 115 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ``` NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUE) Notes to the Financial Statements (continue) ,QYHVWPHQWLQDVVRFLDWHV(continue) 6XPPDU\RI¿QDQFLDOLQIRUPDWLRQ(continue) (continue) )RUWKH\HDUHQGHG'HFHPEHU Group’s share of: SUR¿WORVV - other comprehensive loss _________________________*URXS_________________________ 2WKHU LPPDWHULDO '(+% 636% .66% DVVRFLDWHV 7RWDO 50¶ 50¶ 50¶ 50¶ 50¶ ( 9,009) _________ ========= _________ ========= _________ ========= _________ ========= 50¶ 50¶ At cost: &DSLWDOFRQWULEXWLRQ 6KDUHRISRVWDFTXLVLWLRQUHVHUYHV _________ ========= _________ ========= *URXS¶VVKDUHRIWRWDOFRPSUHKHQVLYHLQFRPHORVVIRUWKH\HDU ( 9,009) _________ ========= ,QYHVWPHQWLQMRLQWYHQWXUHV *URXS 7KHMRLQWDUUDQJHPHQWVLQZKLFKWKH*URXSSDUWLFLSDWHVDUHDOOLQYROYHGLQFLYLODQGEXLOGLQJVFRQVWUXFWLRQZRUNVLQFOXGLQJRLODQGJDVUHODWHGFRQVWUXFWLRQ SURMHFWV$VWKH*URXSLVRQO\HQWLWOHGWRWKHQHWDVVHWVRIWKHMRLQWDUUDQJHPHQWVWKH*URXSKDVWKHUHIRUHFODVVL¿HGLWVLQWHUHVWLQWKHIROORZLQJHQWLWLHVDVMRLQW YHQWXUH'HWDLOVRIWKHMRLQWYHQWXUHVDOORIZKLFKDUHEDVHGLQ0DOD\VLDDUHDVIROORZV 1DPHRIHQWLW\ NESB-Hock Peng JV PPES Works-NLSB JV Sinohydro-Naim JV Samsung-Naim JV Syarikat Usahasama Naim Cendera Sdn. Bhd.-RSB Management Services Sdn. Bhd. $VDW'HFHPEHU &DVKDQGEDQNEDODQFHV Other current assets Current liabilities 2WKHU 1(6%+RFN LPPDWHULDO 3HQJ-9 MRLQWYHQWXUHV 50¶ 50¶ 7RWDO 50¶ 42,474 ( 41,325) _________ 33,167 ========= ========= )RUWKH\HDUHQGHG'HFHPEHU 3UR¿WDQGWRWDOFRPSUHKHQVLYHLQFRPHIRUWKH\HDU Revenue Interest income 7D[H[SHQVH w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y 51.0 45.0 50.0 10.0 90.0 116 51.0 45.0 50.0 10.0 - Net assets (IIHFWLYH YRWLQJLQWHUHVW 121,437 526 ========= ,QYHVWPHQWLQMRLQWYHQWXUHV (continue) (continue) 2WKHU 1(6%+RFN LPPDWHULDO 3HQJ-9 MRLQWYHQWXUHV 50¶ 50¶ $VDW'HFHPEHU *URXS¶VVKDUHRIQHWDVVHWVDQGFDUU\LQJDPRXQWLQWKHVWDWHPHQWRI¿QDQFLDOSRVLWLRQ ========= ========= ========= )RUWKH\HDUHQGHG'HFHPEHU *URXS¶VVKDUHRISUR¿WORVVDQGVKDUHRIWRWDOFRPSUHKHQVLYHLQFRPHORVV ========= ========= ========= 1(6%+RFN 3HQJ-9 50¶ 2WKHU 6DPVXQJ LPPDWHULDO 1DLP-9 MRLQWYHQWXUHV 50¶ 50¶ 7RWDO 50¶ $VDW'HFHPEHU &DVKDQGEDQNEDODQFHV 2WKHUFXUUHQWDVVHWV Current liabilities 1HWDVVHWV ( 69,265) _________ ========= _________ ========= )RUWKH\HDUHQGHG'HFHPEHU 3UR¿WDQGWRWDOFRPSUHKHQVLYHLQFRPHIRUWKH\HDU ========= ========= Revenue ,QWHUHVWLQFRPH 7D[H[SHQVH 325,475 ========= 7,364 ========= ========= ========= ========= ========= ========= ========= ========= ========= 50¶ 1,453 _________ 7RWDO 50¶ Reconciliation of net assets to carrying amount Reconciliation of net assets to carrying amount $VDW'HFHPEHU *URXS¶VVKDUHRIQHWDVVHWVDQGFDUU\LQJDPRXQWLQWKHVWDWHPHQWRI¿QDQFLDOSRVLWLRQ )RUWKH\HDUHQGHG'HFHPEHU *URXS¶VVKDUHRISUR¿WORVVDQGVKDUHRIWRWDOFRPSUHKHQVLYHLQFRPHORVV /DQGKHOGIRUSURSHUW\GHYHORSPHQW*URXS At cost $W-DQXDU\ $GGLWLRQVDULVLQJIURPODQGH[FKDQJHH[HUFLVH1RWH 7UDQVIHUIURPSURSHUW\SODQWDQGHTXLSPHQW1RWH Transfer from property development costs (Note 15) $W'HFHPEHU-DQXDU\ $GGLWLRQVDULVLQJIURPODQGH[FKDQJHH[HUFLVH1RWH Other additions Transfer from property development costs (Note 15) $W'HFHPEHU 4 34,474 _________ ========= 117 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ``` NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUE) Notes to the Financial Statements (continue) ,QYHVWPHQWSURSHUWLHV*URXS /RQJWHUP OHDVHKROGODQG XQH[SLUHG OHDVHWHUP PRUHWKDQ \HDUV 50¶ $W'HFHPEHU-DQXDU\ Additions ([SHQVHGRII $W'HFHPEHU Cost $W-DQXDU\ $GGLWLRQV 'LVSRVDOV 7UDQVIHUIURPSURSHUW\SODQWDQGHTXLSPHQW1RWH Amortisation $W-DQXDU\ $PRUWLVDWLRQIRUWKH\HDU1RWH Disposals 7UDQVIHUIURPSURSHUW\SODQWDQGHTXLSPHQW1RWH %XLOGLQJV 50¶ 7RWDO 50¶ _________ 2,564 _________ ========= _________ _________ ========= _________ 2,564 _________ ========= ( 2,640) _________ 173 _________ ========= _________ 922 _________ ========= ( 2,640) _________ 1,095 _________ ========= $W'HFHPEHU-DQXDU\ Amortisation for the year (Note 25) $W'HFHPEHU Carrying amounts $W'HFHPEHU-DQXDU\ ========= ========= ========= $W'HFHPEHU ========= ========= ========= Fair value (see Note 9.3) $W'HFHPEHU-DQXDU\ ========= ========= ========= $W'HFHPEHU ========= ========= ========= ,QYHVWPHQWSURSHUW\ZLWKDFDUU\LQJDPRXQWRI5050LVFKDUJHGWRDEDQNDVVHFXULW\IRUDWHUPORDQIDFLOLW\JUDQWHGWR a subsidiary (see Note 21.1). 7KHIROORZLQJDUHUHFRJQLVHGLQSUR¿WRUORVVLQUHVSHFWRILQYHVWPHQWSURSHUWLHV Rental income (Note 23) 'LUHFWRSHUDWLQJH[SHQVHV income generating investment properties w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y *URXS 50¶ 50¶ 7,350 7,772 5,216 ========= 5,209 ========= ,QYHVWPHQWSURSHUWLHV*URXS (continue) 9.3 Fair value information Fair value of investment properties as at end of the reporting period are categorised as follows: *URXS /DQG %XLOGLQJV BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB /HYHO /HYHO 7RWDO 50¶ 50¶ 50¶ ========= ========= ========= BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB /HYHO /HYHO 7RWDO 50¶ 50¶ 50¶ ========= ========= ========= Level 2 fair value 7KH/HYHOIDLUYDOXHRILQYHVWPHQWSURSHUWLHVKDYHEHHQJHQHUDOO\GHULYHGXVLQJWKHVDOHVFRPSDULVRQPHWKRGE\UHIHUHQFHWRVLPLODUFRPSDUDEOH SURSHUWLHVLQPDUNHWVWKDWDUHQRWDFWLYHDGMXVWHGIRUGLIIHUHQFHVLQNH\DWWULEXWHVVXFKDVSURSHUW\VL]HDQGDUHDV Level 3 fair value The Level 3 fair value of investment properties, which is determined for disclosures purpose, is determined by the management with reference to valuation UHSRUWVLVVXHGE\DQH[WHUQDOLQGHSHQGHQWSURSHUW\YDOXHUZKRKDVDSSURSULDWHUHFRJQLVHGSURIHVVLRQDOTXDOL¿FDWLRQVDQGUHFHQWH[SHULHQFHLQWKH location and category of property being valued. For determining fair value of building, Investment Method is used whereby net rental is capitalised at the appropriate market yield. For land, the fair value LVGHWHUPLQHGXVLQJ&RPSDUDWLYH0HWKRGZKHUHE\DGMXVWPHQWVIRUGLIIHUHQFHVLQYDULRXVIDFWRUVDIIHFWLQJWKHYDOXHDUHPDGH Highest and best use 7KHODQGXQGHULQYHVWPHQWSURSHUW\LVFXUUHQWO\ODQGXQGHUPL[HGGHYHORSPHQWWLWOH$VWKHXVHRIWKHODQGLVFXUUHQWO\XQGHWHUPLQHGLWLVWKHUHIRUH impractical to estimate the highest and best use. 0DMRUSDUWRIWKHEXLOGLQJVLVDK\SHUPDUNHWPDOOVLWXDWHGRQDSULPHDUHDKHQFHWKHIDLUYDOXHDQGEHVWXVHLVDOUHDG\RQWKHKLJKHVW2WKHUEXLOGLQJV FRPSULVLQJRI¿FHORWVDQGXQLWVDUHUHJDUGHGDWWKHLUKLJKHVWDQGEHVWXVHRIWKHSURSHUW\ ,QWDQJLEOHDVVHWV*URXS Cost $W-DQXDU\'HFHPEHU-DQXDU\DQG'HFHPEHU Amortisation At 1 January 2013 $PRUWLVDWLRQIRUWKH\HDU1RWH $W'HFHPEHU-DQXDU\ $PRUWLVDWLRQIRUWKH\HDU1RWH $W'HFHPEHU Carrying amounts $W'HFHPEHU-DQXDU\ At 31 December 2014 6WRQHTXDUU\ OLFHQFH 50¶ ========= 1,927 _________ _________ ========= ========= 6,917 ========= ,QWDQJLEOHDVVHWFRPSULVHVH[SHQGLWXUHLQFXUUHGWRDFTXLUHDVWRQHTXDUU\OLFHQFH 119 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ``` NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUE) Notes to the Financial Statements (continue) 'HIHUUHGWD[DVVHWVDQGOLDELOLWLHV*URXS Recognised deferred tax 'HIHUUHGWD[DVVHWVDQGOLDELOLWLHVDUHDWWULEXWDEOHWRWKHIROORZLQJ $VVHWV )DLUYDOXHDGMXVWPHQWRQDFTXLVLWLRQRIVXEVLGLDULHV 3URSHUW\SODQWDQGHTXLSPHQW Financial instruments Capital allowances carried forward 7D[ORVVHVFDUULHGIRUZDUG 2WKHULWHPV 7D[DVVHWVOLDELOLWLHV 6HWRIIRIWD[ 1HWWD[DVVHWVOLDELOLWLHV /LDELOLWLHV 50¶ 50¶ 50¶ 50¶ 220 664 _________ 705 904 _________ _________ _________ ========= _________ ========= _________ ========= 1HW 50¶ 50¶ _________ 220 664 _________ 705 904 _________ _________ 41,117) ========= _________ ( 6,443) ========= _________ ( 32,769) ========= 7KLVUHODWHVWRWKHODQGKHOGIRUSURSHUW\GHYHORSPHQWSURSHUW\GHYHORSPHQWFRVWVSURSHUW\SODQWDQGHTXLSPHQWDVZHOODVLQYHVWPHQWSURSHUW\RIWKH VXEVLGLDULHVDFTXLUHGLQSULRU\HDUV7KLVGHIHUUHGWD[OLDELOLW\LVSURJUHVVLYHO\UHYHUVHGWRSUR¿WRUORVVZKHQWKHVXEMHFWODQGLVGHYHORSHGDQGRUVROGRU when the land are amortised, as the case may be. 0RYHPHQWVLQGHIHUUHGWD[GXULQJWKH\HDUDUHDVIROORZV *URXS $W 50¶ 5HFRJQLVHG LQSUR¿W RUORVV 50¶ ([FKDQJH WUDQVODWLRQ GLIIHUHQFHV 50¶ 7UDQVIHUWR GLVSRVDO JURXSKHOG IRUVDOH 50¶ $W 50¶ 5HFRJQLVHG LQSUR¿W RUORVV 50¶ $W 50¶ )DLUYDOXHDGMXVWPHQWRQ DFTXLVLWLRQRIVXEVLGLDULHV 3URSHUW\SODQWDQGHTXLSPHQW )LQDQFLDOLQVWUXPHQWV &DSLWDODOORZDQFHVFDUULHGIRUZDUG 7D[ORVVHVFDUULHGIRUZDUG 2WKHULWHPV _________ ( 36,750) ========= _________ 4,029 ========= 1RWH _________ 1 ========= _________ ( 49) ========= _________ ( 32,769) ========= _________ 26,326 ========= 1RWH _________ ( 6,443) ========= Unrecognised deferred tax assets 'HIHUUHGWD[DVVHWVRI5050KDYHQRWEHHQUHFRJQLVHGLQUHVSHFWRIWKHIROORZLQJWHPSRUDU\GLIIHUHQFHVVWDWHGDWJURVV EHFDXVHLWLVXQFHUWDLQLIVXVWDLQDEOHIXWXUHWD[DEOHSUR¿WVZLOOEHDYDLODEOHDJDLQVWZKLFKWKHJURXSHQWLWLHVFRQFHUQHGFDQXWLOLVHWKHEHQH¿WVWKHUHIURP *URXS 3URSHUW\SODQWDQGHTXLSPHQW &DSLWDODOORZDQFHVFDUULHGIRUZDUG 7D[ORVVHVFDUULHGIRUZDUG Other items 50¶ 50¶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w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y 2WKHULQYHVWPHQWV *URXS 50¶ 50¶ 1RQFXUUHQW $YDLODEOHIRUVDOH¿QDQFLDODVVHWVDWIDLUYDOXH XQTXRWHGVKDUHV TXRWHGVKDUHVLQ0DOD\VLD _________ 2,974 ========= _________ 11 ========= Representing item: 0DUNHWYDOXHRITXRWHGLQYHVWPHQW1RWH ========= ========= )RUWKHXQTXRWHGVKDUHVLWLVLPSUDFWLFDOWRHVWLPDWHWKHIDLUYDOXHDVDW\HDUHQG 50¶ 50¶ ========= ========= ========= ========= 113,969 250) 113,719 _________ -------------- _________ -------------- _________ -------------- 2,506) 3,293 _________ ---------------- 3,154 _________ ---------------- _________ ---------------- _________ ---------------- 7UDGHDQGRWKHUUHFHLYDEOHV *URXS &RPSDQ\ 50¶ 50¶ 1RQFXUUHQW Trade &RQWUDFWSURJUHVVELOOLQJVUHFHLYDEOHV1RWH &XUUHQW Trade Trade receivables Less: Allowance for impairment losses &RQWUDFWSURJUHVVELOOLQJVUHFHLYDEOHV1RWH $FFUXHGELOOLQJV $PRXQWGXHIURPFRQWUDFWFXVWRPHUV1RWH 73,744 247) 73,497 _________ -------------- ( ( 1RQWUDGH 2WKHUUHFHLYDEOHV1RWH Less: Allowance for impairment losses Amount due from: VXEVLGLDULHV1RWH - associates (Note 13.6) 7RWDOFXUUHQW ========= ========= ========= ========= *UDQGWRWDO ========= ========= ========= ========= ( 23,356) ( 121 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ``` NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUE) Notes to the Financial Statements (continue) 7UDGHDQGRWKHUUHFHLYDEOHV (continue) 13.17KLVFRPSULVHWUDGHUHFHLYDEOHVDULVLQJIURPDFRQVWUXFWLRQSURMHFWXQGHUWDNHQZLWKDJRYHUQPHQWUHODWHGHQWLW\XQGHUDGHIHUUHGSD\PHQWVFKHPHZKHUH WKHFRQWUDFWSURFHHGVLQFOXGLQJDVVRFLDWHG¿QDQFLQJLQFRPHDUHWREHUHFRYHUHGRYHUDSHULRGRI\HDUVXSRQWKHFRPSOHWLRQRIWKHSURMHFW7KH RXWVWDQGLQJFRQWUDFWSURJUHVVELOOLQJVUHFHLYDEOHVDUHXQVHFXUHGDQGVXEMHFWWRLQWHUHVWDWSHUDQQXP 13.2 Contract progress billings receivables ,QFOXGHGLQWKHFRQWUDFWSURJUHVVELOOLQJVUHFHLYDEOHRIWKH*URXSDUHUHWHQWLRQVXPVRI5050UHODWLQJWRFRQVWUXFWLRQ work-in-progress. 7KHUHWHQWLRQVXPVDUHXQVHFXUHGLQWHUHVWIUHHDQGDUHH[SHFWHGWREHFROOHFWHGDVIROORZV Within 1 year 1 - 2 years 2 - 3 years 0RUHWKDQ\HDUV *URXS 50¶ 50¶ 19,149 17,520 11,936 _________ ========= 17,904 10,715 4,307 _________ ========= 13.3 Construction work-in-progress *URXS 50¶ 50¶ $JJUHJDWHFRVWVLQFXUUHGWRGDWH $WWULEXWDEOHSUR¿WVQHWRIIRUHVHHDEOHORVVHV Progress billings _________ (1,401,779) _________ 70,164 ========= _________ (1,521,304) _________ 100,244 ========= _________ 70,164 ========= _________ 100,244 ========= Represented by: $PRXQWGXHIURPFRQWUDFWFXVWRPHUV $PRXQWGXHWRFRQWUDFWFXVWRPHUVUHFODVVL¿HGXQGHUWUDGHDQGRWKHUSD\DEOHV1RWH Additions to aggregate costs incurred during the year include: 'HSUHFLDWLRQRISURSHUW\SODQWDQGHTXLSPHQW1RWH 3HUVRQQHOH[SHQVHVLQFOXGLQJNH\PDQDJHPHQWSHUVRQQHO contributions to state plans ZDJHVVDODULHVDQGRWKHUV 5HQWDORISUHPLVHV 5HQWDORIHTXLSPHQW *URXS 50¶ 50¶ 2,136 ========= 1,216 ========= 13.42WKHUUHFHLYDEOHVDVDW'HFHPEHULQFOXGHDEDODQFHRZLQJE\WZRFRXQWHUSDUWLHVDPRXQWLQJWR50IRUWKHVXSSO\RIPDWHULDOVDQG RWKHUH[SHQVHVIRUWKHFRQVWUXFWLRQSURMHFWV$QDOORZDQFHIRULPSDLUPHQWORVVRI50KDVEHHQPDGHDJDLQVWWKLVEDODQFHGXULQJWKH\HDU 13.5 The amount due from subsidiaries are unsecured, interest-free and repayable on demand. ,QFOXGHGLQWKHDPRXQWGXHIURPVXEVLGLDULHVDVDW'HFHPEHUZDVDQDPRXQWRI50EHDULQJLQWHUHVWDWSHUDQQXP7KH remaining balances were interest-free. 13.6 The amount due from associates are unsecured, interest-free and repayable on demand. 122 w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y ,QYHQWRULHV *URXS At cost 'HYHORSHGSURSHUWLHVKHOGIRUVDOH 0DQXIDFWXUHG7UDGLQJLQYHQWRULHVFRQVWUXFWLRQDQGEXLOGLQJPDWHULDOV 5DZPDWHULDOVDQGFRQVXPDEOHV At net realisable value 0DQXIDFWXUHG7UDGLQJLQYHQWRULHV 5HFRJQLVHGLQSUR¿WRUORVV - inventories recognised as cost of sales 50¶ 50¶ _________ _________ _________ ========= _________ ========= 69,744 ========= 101,910 ========= 50¶ 3URSHUW\GHYHORSPHQWFRVWV*URXS $W-DQXDU\ Property development costs Land Development costs $FFXPXODWHGFRVWVFKDUJHGWRSUR¿WRUORVV Additions 'HYHORSPHQWFRVWVLQFXUUHGGXULQJWKH\HDU --------------- ( 1,030) 11,652) _________ ( 196,550) --------------- 5HFRJQLVHGWRFRVWRIVDOHV7UDQVIHUV &RVWVFKDUJHGWRSUR¿WRUORVV 7UDQVIHUWRODQGKHOGIRUSURSHUW\GHYHORSPHQW1RWH Transfer of completed properties to inventories 7UDQVIHUWRDVVHWKHOGIRUVDOH1RWH $W'HFHPEHU-DQXDU\ Property development costs /DQG 'HYHORSPHQWFRVWV $FFXPXODWHGFRVWVFKDUJHGWRSUR¿WRUORVV _________ 245,445 -------------- 302,002 _________ --------------- Additions /DQGFRVWLQFXUUHGGXULQJWKH\HDU Development costs incurred during the year 133,271 244,936 _________ --------------- 123 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ``` NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUE) Notes to the Financial Statements (continue) 3URSHUW\GHYHORSPHQWFRVWV*URXS (continue) 50¶ 5HFRJQLVHGWRFRVWRIVDOHV7UDQVIHUV &RVWVFKDUJHGWRSUR¿WRUORVV 7UDQVIHUWRODQGKHOGIRUSURSHUW\GHYHORSPHQW1RWH Transfer of completed properties to inventories ( 529) _________ --------------- At 31 December 2014 Property development costs Land Development costs $FFXPXODWHGFRVWVFKDUJHGWRSUR¿WRUORVV 3URSHUW\GHYHORSPHQWFRVWVLQFXUUHGGXULQJWKH¿QDQFLDO\HDULQFOXGH 'HSUHFLDWLRQRISURSHUW\SODQWDQGHTXLSPHQW1RWH C 3HUVRQQHOH[SHQVHVLQFOXGLQJNH\PDQDJHPHQWSHUVRQQHO - contributions to state plans ZDJHVVDODULHVDQGRWKHUV 5HQWDORIHTXLSPHQW 5HQWDORISUHPLVHV 67,970 459,414 _________ 367,922 ========= *URXS 50¶ 50¶ 211 ========= 323 ========= 'HSRVLWVDQGSUHSD\PHQWV *URXS Deposits 3UHSD\PHQWV ,QFOXGHGLQWKHSUHSD\PHQWVRIWKH*URXSLVDQDPRXQWRI5050SDLGIRUWKHSXUFKDVHRIFRQVWUXFWLRQPDWHULDOV7KHDPRXQWZLOO be progressively deducted against actual physical goods delivered. &DVKDQGFDVKHTXLYDOHQWV 'HSRVLWVSODFHGZLWKOLFHQVHGEDQNVZLWKPDWXULWLHVOHVVWKDQWKUHHPRQWKV Short-term cash funds &DVKLQKDQGDQGDWEDQNV 7RWDOFDVKDQGFDVKHTXLYDOHQWV 'HSRVLWVSOHGJHGZLWKOLFHQVHGEDQNV 50¶ 50¶ 5,350 _________ ========= 5,367 _________ ========= &RPSDQ\ 50¶ 50¶ *URXS 24 _________ ========= 19 _________ ========= &RPSDQ\ 50¶ 50¶ 50¶ 50¶ 10,000 _________ 20,000 _________ _________ 20,000 _________ _________ ========= _________ ========= _________ ========= _________ ========= 17.1'HSRVLWRI5050LVSOHGJHGDVVHFXULW\WROLFHQVHGEDQNVIRUDQLPPLJUDWLRQERQGLVVXHGIRUDIRUHLJQVXEVLGLDU\DVZHOODV EDQNJXDUDQWHHIRUKRXVLQJSURMHFWV 17.2$EDQNEDODQFHRI501LOLVSODFHGLQGHVLJQDWHGEDQNDFFRXQWVDVSDUWRIWKHUHTXLUHPHQWVIRUDWHUPORDQIDFLOLW\JUDQWHGWRD VXEVLGLDU\WR¿QDQFHDFRQVWUXFWLRQSURMHFWGXULQJWKH\HDU7KHEDODQFHLVFRQVLGHUHGDVFDVKDQGFDVKHTXLYDOHQWVDVWKH*URXSPD\UHTXHVWIRU withdrawals thereof, as and when the need arises. 124 w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y $VVHWVKHOGIRUVDOH*URXS 50¶ 50¶ _________ 10,940 ========= _________ 23,069 ========= ========= ========= 1RWH $VVHWV Disposal group held for sale $VVHWVFODVVL¿HGDVKHOGIRUVDOH $VVHWVKHOGIRUVDOH /LDELOLWLHV Disposal group held for sale /LDELOLWLHVFODVVL¿HGDVKHOGIRUVDOH 'LVSRVDOJURXSKHOGIRUVDOH )ROORZLQJ WKH *URXS¶V SODQ WR VHOO VRPH QRQSHUIRUPLQJ RSHUDWLRQLQYHVWPHQW 1DLP 4XDUU\ )LML /LPLWHG >³14)/´@ 7RWDO 5HOLDELOLW\ 6GQ %KG >³756%´@WKHDVVHWVDQGOLDELOLWLHVRIWKHVHVXEVLGLDULHVDUHZHUHSUHVHQWHGDVDGLVSRVDOJURXSKHOGIRUVDOHDVDW\HDUHQG(IIRUWVWRVHOOWKHGLVSRVDO JURXSKDYHFRPPHQFHGSULRUWR\HDUHQGDQGWKHVDOHLVH[SHFWHGWRFRPSOHWHZLWKLQD\HDU The assets and liabilities of the disposal groups as at the end of the reporting period are as follows: 1RWH $VVHWVFODVVL¿HGDVKHOGIRUVDOH 3URSHUW\SODQWDQGHTXLSPHQW Investment in an associate 'HIHUUHGWD[DVVHWV Inventories Property development costs Trade and other receivables 'HSRVLWDQGSUHSD\PHQWV &XUUHQWWD[UHFRYHUDEOH &DVKDQGFDVKHTXLYDOHQWV L (ii) (iii) (iv) /LDELOLWLHVFODVVL¿HGDVKHOGIRUVDOH )LQDQFHOHDVHOLDELOLWLHV 7UDGHDQGRWKHUSD\DEOHV L 3URSHUW\SODQWDQGHTXLSPHQWKHOGIRUVDOHFRPSULVHGWKHIROORZLQJ &RVWV Accumulated depreciation &DUU\LQJDPRXQWV 50¶ 50¶ 119 7,036 _________ 10,337 ========= 5,199 437 11,652 3,117 _________ 23,069 ========= _________ 6,549 ========= _________ 3,040 ========= 50¶ 50¶ ( 3,367) _________ ========= ( 959) _________ ========= ,QFOXGHGLQSURSHUW\SODQWDQGHTXLSPHQWKHOGIRUVDOHRI50DVDW'HFHPEHUZHUHDVVHWVXQGHU¿QDQFHOHDVHVZLWKFDUU\LQJ DPRXQWRI50ZKLFKZHUHFKDUJHGWREDQNDVVHFXULW\IRUWKH¿QDQFHOHDVHOLDELOLWLHV 7KHFDUU\LQJDPRXQWRISURSHUW\SODQWDQGHTXLSPHQWRIWKHGLVSRVDOJURXSLVWKHVDPHDVLWVFDUU\LQJDPRXQWEHIRUHLWZDVEHLQJUHFODVVL¿HGWR current assets. 125 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ``` NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUE) Notes to the Financial Statements (continue) $VVHWVKHOGIRUVDOH*URXS(continue) 'LVSRVDOJURXSKHOGIRUVDOH(continue) ii. Investment in associate held for sale relates to investment in TR Concrete Sdn. Bhd., and comprised the following: 8QTXRWHGVKDUHVDWFRVW 6KDUHRISRVWDFTXLVLWLRQUHVHUYHV 50¶ 50¶ _________ ========= _________ 5,199 ========= LLL ,QYHQWRULHVKHOGIRUVDOHDUHZHUHVWDWHGDWFRVWDQGFRPSULVHGUDZPDWHULDOVIRUTXDUU\RSHUDWLRQDVZHOODVFRPSOHWHGGHYHORSHGSURSHUWLHV where applicable. iv. Property development cost held for sale comprised the following: Property development costs Land Development costs $FFXPXODWHGFRVWVFKDUJHGWRSUR¿WRUORVV 50¶ 50¶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¿HGDVDVVHWKHOGIRUVDOH 6KDUHFDSLWDO ________*URXSDQG&RPSDQ\________ $PRXQW 1XPEHURIVKDUHV 50¶ 50¶ ¶ ¶ Ordinary shares of RM1.00 each Authorised: Opening and closing balances Issued and fully paid: Opening and closing balances 500,000 ========= 500,000 ========= 500,000 ========= 500,000 ========= 250,000 ========= 250,000 ========= 250,000 ========= 250,000 ========= The holders of ordinary shares are entitled to receive dividends as declared from time to time, and are entitled to one vote per share at meetings of the Company. 126 w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y 5HVHUYHV 6KDUHSUHPLXP 5HWDLQHGHDUQLQJV 7UHDVXU\VKDUHV &DSLWDOUHVHUYH Foreign currency translation reserve &DVKÀRZKHGJHUHVHUYH *URXS &RPSDQ\ 50¶ 50¶ 50¶ 50¶ 1,729 _________ ========= 1,074 _________ ========= _________ ========= _________ ========= Share premium Share premium arose from the premium paid on subscription of ordinary shares in the Company at a price above its par value of RM1.00 each in prior year. Retained earnings 7KHUHWDLQHGHDUQLQJVRIWKH&RPSDQ\DUHIXOO\GLVWULEXWDEOHDVVLQJOHWLHUWD[H[HPSWGLYLGHQGVXQGHUWKHVLQJOHWLHUFRPSDQ\LQFRPHWD[V\VWHPHQDFWHG via the Finance Act 2007. Treasury shares The shareholders of the Company, via an ordinary resolution passed in the Annual General Meeting held on 13 June 2014, approved the Company’s plan to repurchase its own shares. The Directors of the Company are committed to enhancing the value of the Company to its shareholders and believe that the repurchase plan can be applied in the best interests of the Company and its shareholders. 7KHUHZHUHQRUHSXUFKDVHVRILVVXHGVKDUHFDSLWDOE\WKH&RPSDQ\GXULQJWKHFXUUHQWDQGSUHYLRXV¿QDQFLDO\HDUV At 31 December 2014, the Group held 13,056,000 (2013: 13,056,000) of the Company’s shares. All rights attached to the treasury shares that are held by the Group are suspended until those shares are reissued. Foreign currency translation reserve 7KHIRUHLJQFXUUHQF\WUDQVODWLRQUHVHUYHFRPSULVHVDOOIRUHLJQFXUUHQF\GLIIHUHQFHVDULVLQJIURPWKHWUDQVODWLRQRIWKH¿QDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVRIIRUHLJQRSHUDWLRQV with functional currencies other than RM. /RDQVDQGERUURZLQJV 1RQFXUUHQW 6HFXUHGWHUPORDQV Unsecured Islamic Bonds (Note 21.3) Current Secured term loans Unsecured revolving credits Finance lease liabilities (Note 21.2) Unsecured Islamic Bonds (Note 21.3) 7RWDO *URXS &RPSDQ\ 50¶ 50¶ 50¶ 50¶ _________ --------------- 150,000 _________ --------------- _________ --------------- 150,000 _________ --------------- 6,263 130,000 _________ 136,263 --------------- 4,262 37 150,000 _________ 154,299 --------------- _________ --------------- 150,000 _________ 150,000 --------------- ========= ========= ========= ========= 127 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ``` NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUE) Notes to the Financial Statements (continue) /RDQVDQGERUURZLQJV (continue) 21.1 Securities Term loans A term loan granted to a subsidiary is secured by: D D¿[HGFKDUJHRYHUWKHLQYHVWPHQWSURSHUWLHVRIWKHVDLGVXEVLGLDU\VHH1RWHDQG b. corporate guarantee from the Company. Another term loan is secured over the freehold land of a subsidiary and covered by a corporate guarantee from another subsidiary (see Note 3.3). 'XULQJWKH¿QDQFLDO\HDUWKH*URXSREWDLQHGDQHZWHUPORDQIDFLOLW\WR¿QDQFHDFRQVWUXFWLRQSURMHFW7KLVQHZWHUPORDQLVVHFXUHGE\ D DVVLJQPHQWRISURFHHGVRIWKHVDLGSURMHFW b. debenture over future and present assets of a subsidiary; and c. corporate guarantees from the Company and another subsidiary. Revolving credits The revolving credit facilities granted to direct subsidiaries are covered by way of corporate guarantee from the Company. The revolving credit of the Company, which has not been utilised as at year end, is on a clean basis. Finance leases 7KH¿QDQFHOHDVHOLDELOLWLHVZHUHVHFXUHGRQWKHUHVSHFWLYH¿QDQFHOHDVHDVVHWVRIWKH*URXS$OORXWVWDQGLQJ¿QDQFHOHDVHOLDELOLWLHVKDYHEHHQIXOO\ settled during the year. 21.2 Finance lease liabilities Finance lease liabilities were payable as follows: *URXS /HVVWKDQRQH\HDU ____________________________ 3UHVHQW )XWXUH YDOXHRI PLQLPXP PLQLPXP OHDVH OHDVH SD\PHQWV ,QWHUHVW SD\PHQWV 50¶ 50¶ 50¶ ========= ========= ========= 21.3 Islamic Bonds facilities 2Q0DUFKWKH&RPSDQ\UHGHHPHGLQIXOOWKHRXWVWDQGLQJQRQFXUUHQWSRUWLRQRIWKH,VODPLF%RQGVLQFOXGLQJFRXSRQH[SHQVHDFFUXHGWKHUHRQ DPRXQWLQJWR50SULRUWRWKHUHVSHFWLYHPDWXULW\GDWHVZKLFKZHUHWREHGXHLQ\HDUDQG6XEVHTXHQWO\WKH&RPSDQ\FDQFHOOHG the Islamic Securities Programmes of up to RM500 million comprising medium term notes and commercial papers. 7UDGHDQGRWKHUSD\DEOHV 50¶ *URXS 50¶ 50¶ &RPSDQ\ 50¶ 132,905 93,410 _________ 179,790 --------------- _________ 143,076 --------------- _________ --------------- _________ --------------- Trade Trade payables (Note 22.1) 3URJUHVVELOOLQJV Amount due to: FRQWUDFWFXVWRPHUV1RWH DVVRFLDWHV w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y 7UDGHDQGRWKHUSD\DEOHV (continue) *URXS &RPSDQ\ 50¶ 50¶ 50¶ 50¶ 6,430 22,065 1,293 _________ --------------- _________ --------------- _________ --------------- _________ --------------- ========= ========= ========= ========= 1RQWUDGH $FFUXDOV Advance payments received from property buyers and contract customers 2WKHUSD\DEOHV Amounts due to: - associates (Note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ental income of investment properties 6DQG¿OLQJDQGHDUWKZRUN ,QWHUHVWRQVKRUWWHUPFDVKIXQGVDQG¿[HGGHSRVLWV 'LYLGHQGLQFRPHIURPDQDVVRFLDWHTXRWHG *URXS &RPSDQ\ 50¶ 50¶ 50¶ 50¶ 7,350 _________ ========= 7,772 _________ ========= _________ ========= _________ ========= 2WKHURSHUDWLQJLQFRPH ,QFOXGHGLQRWKHURSHUDWLQJLQFRPHRIWKH*URXSLVDQRQHRIIQRQFDVKJDLQRI5050DURVHIURPDFFHSWDQFHRIDGGLWLRQDO SDUFHOVRIODQGDVWKHUHPDLQLQJFRPSHQVDWLRQLQDGGLWLRQWRSULRU\HDU¶VODQGH[FKDQJHH[HUFLVH 129 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ``` NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUE) Notes to the Financial Statements (continue) 5HVXOWVIURPRSHUDWLQJDFWLYLWLHV 5HVXOWVIURPRSHUDWLQJDFWLYLWLHVLVDUULYHGDWDIWHUFUHGLWLQJ Dividend income from: DVVRFLDWHTXRWHGLQ0DOD\VLD TXRWHGVKDUHVLQ0DOD\VLD 8QUHDOLVHGIRUHLJQH[FKDQJHJDLQ Gain on disposal of: - associate SURSHUW\SODQWDQGHTXLSPHQW LQYHVWPHQWSURSHUWLHV - other investments +LUHRIPDFKLQHULHV Rental income from: - property lease YHKLFOHVDQGHTXLSPHQW DQGDIWHUFKDUJLQJ $OORZDQFHIRULPSDLUPHQWORVVRQUHFHLYDEOHVQHWRIUHYHUVDO Amortisation of: LQWDQJLEOHDVVHWV1RWH - investment properties (Note 9) SUHSDLGOHDVHSD\PHQWV1RWH Auditors’ remuneration: - Audit fees KPMG Malaysia 2YHUVHDVDI¿OLDWHVRI.30*0DOD\VLD Other auditors - Non-audit fees KPMG Malaysia /RFDODI¿OLDWHVRI.30*0DOD\VLD 'HSUHFLDWLRQRISURSHUW\SODQWDQGHTXLSPHQWH[FOXGLQJWKRVHFDSLWDOLVHGLQSURSHUW\ GHYHORSPHQWDQGFRQVWUXFWLRQFRVW Loss on disposal of a subsidiary 3URYLVLRQIRUOLTXLGDWHGDQGDVFHUWDLQHGGDPDJHV 3URSHUW\SODQWDQGHTXLSPHQWZULWWHQRII 3HUVRQQHOH[SHQVHVLQFOXGLQJNH\PDQDJHPHQWSHUVRQQHO FRQWULEXWLRQVWRVWDWHSODQV - wages, salaries and others 5HDOLVHGIRUHLJQH[FKDQJHORVV 5HQWDORIHTXLSPHQW 5HQWDORISUHPLVHV ,QFOXGLQJWKRVHFODVVL¿HGDVGLVSRVDOJURXSKHOGIRUVDOH 130 w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y *URXS &RPSDQ\ 50¶ 50¶ 50¶ 50¶ 333 21 34 ========= 67 ========= ========= ========= 1,095 1,907 350 11 375 - 64 - 64 - 132 39 119 39 1,706 33,253 ========= 49,736 ========= 1,957 ========= 1,140 ========= )LQDQFHLQFRPHDQGFRVWV 5HFRJQLVHGLQSUR¿WRUORVV ,QWHUHVWLQFRPHRI¿QDQFLDODVVHWVWKDWDUHQRWDWIDLUYDOXHWKURXJKSUR¿WRUORVV ¿[HGGHSRVLWVDQGFDVKIXQGV - interest income from deferred payment scheme RWKHU¿QDQFHLQFRPH - subsidiaries *URXS &RPSDQ\ 50¶ 50¶ 50¶ 50¶ 2,754 _________ ========= _________ ========= 972 _________ ========= 6,647 _________ ========= ,QWHUHVWH[SHQVHVRI¿QDQFLDOOLDELOLWLHVWKDWDUHQRWDWIDLUYDOXHWKURXJKSUR¿WRUORVV - loans and borrowings 9,719 RWKHU¿QDQFHFRVWV FRXSRQH[SHQVHIURP,VODPLF%RQGV - subsidiaries _________ ========= 2,640 _________ ========= 2,255 _________ ========= _________ ========= &RPSHQVDWLRQVWRNH\PDQDJHPHQWSHUVRQQHO &RPSHQVDWLRQVSDLGSD\DEOHWRNH\PDQDJHPHQWSHUVRQQHODUHDVIROORZV Directors of the Company - Fees 6KRUWWHUPHPSOR\HHEHQH¿WV Other key management personnel )HHV 6KRUWWHUPHPSOR\HHEHQH¿WV 7RWDO *URXS &RPSDQ\ 50¶ 50¶ 50¶ 50¶ 1,136 _________ --------------- 656 _________ --------------- 1,136 _________ --------------- 656 _________ --------------- _________ --------------- _________ --------------- _________ --------------- _________ --------------- ========= ========= ========= ========= Other key management personnel comprise persons, other than the Directors of the Company, having authority and responsibility for planning, directing and controlling the activities of the group entity either directly or indirectly. 7KHHVWLPDWHGPRQHWDU\YDOXHRI'LUHFWRUV¶EHQH¿WLQNLQGLV5050 131 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ``` NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUE) Notes to the Financial Statements (continue) 7D[H[SHQVH 0DMRUFRPSRQHQWVRIWD[H[SHQVHLQFOXGH 50¶ *URXS 50¶ 50¶ &RPSDQ\ 50¶ &XUUHQWWD[H[SHQVH - current year SULRU\HDU 32,691 19,209 416 'HIHUUHGWD[LQFRPH1RWH FXUUHQW\HDU SULRU\HDU 7RWDOWD[H[SHQVHUHFRJQLVHGLQSUR¿WRUORVV ( 26,326) _________ ========= ( 4,029) _________ ========= _________ ========= _________ ========= _________ _________ _________ _________ 13,057 _________ 242,263 ========= 13,917 _________ 271,694 ========= _________ 73,402 ========= _________ 2,055 ========= _________ 23,069 _________ 21,644 _________ ========= _________ 34,135 _________ 33,427 _________ ========= _________ _________ 29 _________ ========= _________ 416 _________ 462 _________ ========= Reconciliation of tax expense 3UR¿WIRUWKH\HDU 7RWDOWD[H[SHQVH 3UR¿WH[FOXGLQJWD[ 6KDUHRIWD[RIHTXLW\DFFRXQWHG - associates MRLQWYHQWXUHV 7D[FDOFXODWHGXVLQJ0DOD\VLDQWD[UDWHRI (IIHFWRIGLIIHUHQWWD[UDWHVLQIRUHLJQMXULVGLFWLRQ /RVVHV,QFRPHRIIRUHLJQVRXUFHQRWVXEMHFWWR0DOD\VLDQWD[ 1RQGHGXFWLEOHH[SHQVHV 1RQWD[DEOHLQFRPH 0RYHPHQWVLQXQUHFRJQLVHGGHIHUUHGWD[DVVHWV (IIHFWRIFKDQJHVLQWD[UDWH 2YHU8QGHUSURYLVLRQLQSULRU\HDUV /HVV6KDUHRIWD[RIHTXLW\DFFRXQWHGDVVRFLDWHVDQGMRLQWYHQWXUHV 7RWDOWD[H[SHQVH ,QWKH0DOD\VLDQ%XGJHWLWZDVDQQRXQFHGWKDWFRUSRUDWHLQFRPHWD[UDWHZLOOEHUHGXFHGWRIRU\HDURIDVVHVVPHQW³<$´RQZDUGV &RQVHTXHQWO\DQ\WHPSRUDU\GLIIHUHQFHVH[SHFWHGWREHUHYHUVHGLQ<$RQZDUGVDUHPHDVXUHGXVLQJWKLVUDWH (DUQLQJVSHURUGLQDU\VKDUH*URXS Basic and diluted earnings per ordinary share 7KHFDOFXODWLRQRIEDVLFDQGGLOXWHGHDUQLQJVSHURUGLQDU\VKDUHZDVEDVHGRQWKHSUR¿WDWWULEXWDEOHWRRUGLQDU\VKDUHKROGHUV RI50 RM235,725,000) and the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding of 236,944,000 (2013: 236,944,000). Weighted average number of ordinary shares Issued ordinary shares at beginning of year Less: Cumulative effect of treasury shares bought back in previous years Weighted average number of ordinary shares at outstanding at the end of year 132 w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y ¶ ¶ 250,000 ( 13,056) _________ 236,944 ========= 250,000 ( 13,056) _________ 236,944 ========= 'LYLGHQGV 30.1 Dividends per ordinary share 7KHGLYLGHQGVSHURUGLQDU\VKDUHDVGLVFORVHGEHORZUHODWHWRWKHWRWDOGLYLGHQGVGHFODUHGRUSURSRVHGIRUWKH¿QDQFLDO\HDU 6LQJOHWLHUWD[H[HPSWGLYLGHQGVHQ 6HQSHU VKDUH &RPSDQ\ ========= ========= 30.2 Dividends 7RWDOGLYLGHQGVUHFRJQLVHGLQWKHVWDWHPHQWRIFKDQJHVLQHTXLW\FRPSULVHG 6HFRQGLQWHULPRUGLQDU\ )LUVWLQWHULPRUGLQDU\ 7RWDO DPRXQW 50¶ 'DWHRI SD\PHQW $SULO -DQXDU\ _________ ========= 2Q)HEUXDU\WKH'LUHFWRUVGHFODUHGDQLQWHULPVLQJOHWLHUWD[H[HPSWGLYLGHQGRIVHQSHURUGLQDU\VKDUHWRWDOOLQJ50LQUHVSHFWRI WKH¿QDQFLDO\HDUHQGHG'HFHPEHUWREHSDLGRQ$SULO7KHGLYLGHQGZLOOEHUHFRJQLVHGLQWKH¿QDQFLDO\HDUHQGLQJ'HFHPEHU 2SHUDWLQJVHJPHQWV The Group has three reportable segments, which are the Group’s strategic business units. For each of the strategic business unit, the Group Managing Director (“GMD”), being the Chief Operating Decision Maker, reviews internal management reports for resource allocation and decision making at least on a TXDUWHUO\EDVLV7KHIROORZLQJVXPPDU\GHVFULEHVWKHRSHUDWLRQVLQHDFKRIWKH*URXS¶VH[LVWLQJUHSRUWLQJVHJPHQWV Property development Construction 2WKHUV - Development and construction of residential and commercial properties (including sale of vacant land). Construction of buildings, roads, bridges and other infrastructure and engineering works (including oil and gas related construction SURMHFWV 0DQXIDFWXUHDQGVDOHRIEXLOGLQJVDQGFRQVWUXFWLRQPDWHULDOVSURYLVLRQRIVDQGH[WUDFWLRQDQGODQG¿OOLQJVHUYLFHVSURSHUW\ LQYHVWPHQWDVZHOODVTXDUU\RSHUDWLRQ 3HUIRUPDQFHLVPHDVXUHGEDVHGRQVHJPHQWSUR¿WEHIRUHWD[DVLQFOXGHGLQWKHLQWHUQDOPDQDJHPHQWUHSRUWVWKDWDUHUHYLHZHGE\WKH*0'6HJPHQWSUR¿W is used to measure performance as management believes that such information is the most relevant in evaluating the results of the segments relative to other entities that operate within these industries. There are varying levels of integration between the reportable segments. Inter-segment pricing is determined on negotiated terms. 8QDOORFDWHGLWHPVPDLQO\FRPSULVHFRUSRUDWHDQGKHDGTXDUWHUVH[SHQVHVDQGRWKHULQYHVWPHQWLQFRPHZKLFKDUHPDQDJHGRQDJURXSEDVLVDQGDUHQRW allocated to any operating segment. Segment assets and liabilities 7KH*0'UHYLHZVWKHVWDWHPHQWVRI¿QDQFLDOSRVLWLRQRIVXEVLGLDULHVIRUUHVRXUFHDOORFDWLRQDQGGHFLVLRQPDNLQJLQVWHDGRIDVXPPDU\RIFRQVROLGDWHG assets and liabilities by segments. As such, information on segment assets and segment liabilities is not presented. 133 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ``` NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUE) Notes to the Financial Statements (continue) 2SHUDWLQJVHJPHQWV (continue) Revenue from H[WHUQDOFXVWRPHUV ,QWHUVHJPHQWUHYHQXH 3URSHUW\GHYHORSPHQW &RQVWUXFWLRQ 50¶ 50¶ 50¶ 50¶ ________ 7RWDOVHJPHQWUHYHQXH ======= ________ ________ ======= ======= 2WKHUV 50¶ 50¶ ,QWHUVHJPHQWHOLPLQDWLRQ &RQVROLGDWHG 50¶ 50¶ 50¶ 50¶ ________ ======= ________ ________ ======= ======= ________ ________ ======= ======= ________ ________ ======= ======= 6HJPHQWSUR¿WORVV Gain arising from land H[FKDQJHH[HUFLVH Share of results (net of WD[RI - associates, other than Dayang Enterprise Holdings Bhd. ³'(+%´ MRLQWYHQWXUHV ________ ________ ________ ________ ======== ======== ======== ======== 8QDOORFDWHGH[SHQVHLQFRPH *DLQVRQGLVSRVDORILQWHUHVWVLQDVVRFLDWHV 6KDUHRIUHVXOWVQHWRIWD[RIDQDVVRFLDWH'(+%LQRLODQGJDVVHJPHQW 7D[H[SHQVH 3UR¿WIRUWKH\HDU 2WKHUFRPSUHKHQVLYHLQFRPHORVVQHWRIWD[ 7RWDOFRPSUHKHQVLYHLQFRPHIRUWKH\HDU 7RWDOFRPSUHKHQVLYHLQFRPHDWWULEXWDEOHWRQRQFRQWUROOLQJLQWHUHVWV ________ ________ ======== ======== ________ ________ ======== ======== 33) Total comprehensive income attributable to owners of the Company ,QFOXGHGLQWKHPHDVXUHRIVHJPHQWSUR¿WORVVDUH Depreciation and amortisation >LQFOXGLQJ depreciation capitalised in property development and construction FRVWV@ Interest income ( 329) ( 594) ( 3,736) ,QWHUHVWH[SHQVH Net allowance IRU (reversal of) impairment loss on UHFHLYDEOHV Provision for OLTXLGDWHG and ascertained GDPDJHV ======== ======== ======== 134 w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y ( ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ 221,025 ======== ( ________ ________ ________ 226,303 ======== 4,065) ( 627) ======== ======== 2SHUDWLQJVHJPHQWV (continue) Major customers 7KHIROORZLQJDUHWKHPDMRUFXVWRPHUVZLWKUHYHQXHHTXDOWRRUPRUHWKDQRIWKH*URXS¶VWRWDOUHYHQXHLQGLYLGXDOO\ State Government related entity 3ULYDWHHQWLWLHV 5HYHQXH 50¶ 50¶ _________ ========= 122,394 _________ ========= 6HJPHQW Construction &RQVWUXFWLRQ Geographical information In presenting information on the basis of geographical segments, segment revenue is based on geographical location of customers. 0DOD\VLD )LML 5HYHQXH 50¶ 50¶ _________ 656,493 ========= _________ 711,461 ========= )LQDQFLDOLQVWUXPHQWV 32.1&DWHJRULHVRI¿QDQFLDOLQVWUXPHQWV 7KHWDEOHEHORZSURYLGHVDQDQDO\VLVRI¿QDQFLDOLQVWUXPHQWVFDWHJRULVHGDVIROORZV a. Loans and receivables (“L&R”); b. Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost (“FL”); and F $YDLODEOHIRUVDOH¿QDQFLDODVVHWV³$)6´ *URXS )LQDQFLDODVVHWVOLDELOLWLHV Other investments 7UDGHDQGRWKHUUHFHLYDEOHV &DVKDQGFDVKHTXLYDOHQWV /RDQVDQGERUURZLQJV 7UDGHDQGRWKHUSD\DEOHV &RPSDQ\ )LQDQFLDODVVHWVOLDELOLWLHV 7UDGHDQGRWKHUUHFHLYDEOHV &DVKDQGFDVKHTXLYDOHQWV Loans and borrowings 7UDGHDQGRWKHUSD\DEOHV __________________________ &DUU\LQJ /5 DPRXQW )/ $)6 50¶ 50¶ 50¶ 2,974 ========= ========= 2,974 ========= __________________________ &DUU\LQJ /5 DPRXQW )/ $)6 50¶ 50¶ 50¶ 11 ========= __________ &DUU\LQJ /5 DPRXQW )/ 50¶ 50¶ ========= ========= ========= 11 ========= __________ &DUU\LQJ /5 DPRXQW )/ 50¶ 50¶ ( 300,000) ========= ( 300,000) ========= 135 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ``` NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUE) Notes to the Financial Statements (continue) )LQDQFLDOLQVWUXPHQWV (continue) 32.21HWJDLQVDQGORVVHVDULVLQJIURP¿QDQFLDOLQVWUXPHQWV 32.3 Financial risk management 7KH*URXSLVH[SRVHGWRWKHIROORZLQJULVNVIURPLWVXVHRI¿QDQFLDOLQVWUXPHQWV *URXS 50¶ 50¶ 1HWJDLQVORVVHVRQ /RDQVDQGUHFHLYDEOHV )LQDQFLDOOLDELOLWLHVPHDVXUHGDWDPRUWLVHGFRVW _________ ========= _________ ========= &RPSDQ\ 50¶ 50¶ _________ ========= _________ ========= &UHGLWULVN /LTXLGLW\ULVNDQG 0DUNHWULVN D &UHGLWULVN &UHGLWULVNLVWKHULVNRID¿QDQFLDOORVVWRWKH*URXSLIDFXVWRPHURUFRXQWHUSDUW\WRD¿QDQFLDOLQVWUXPHQWIDLOVWRPHHWLWVFRQWUDFWXDOREOLJDWLRQV 7KH*URXS¶VH[SRVXUHWRFUHGLWULVNDULVHVSULQFLSDOO\IURPLWVUHFHLYDEOHVIURPFXVWRPHUVDQGGHSRVLWVLQEDQNV7KH&RPSDQ\¶VH[SRVXUHWRFUHGLW ULVNPDLQO\DULVHVIURPORDQVDQGDGYDQFHVWRVXEVLGLDULHVDQG¿QDQFLDOJXDUDQWHHVJLYHQWREDQNVIRUFUHGLWIDFLOLWLHVJUDQWHGWRFHUWDLQVXEVLGLDULHV 5HFHLYDEOHV Risk management objectives, policies and processes for managing the risk 5HFHLYDEOHVIURPH[WHUQDOSDUWLHV The management regularly reviews the credit risk on customers and takes appropriate measures to enhance credit control procedures. Cash DQGEDQNEDODQFHVDUHRQO\SODFHGZLWKOLFHQVHGEDQNVDQG¿QDQFLDOLQVWLWXWLRQV ,QWHUFRPSDQ\EDODQFHV The Company sometimes provides unsecured loans and advances to subsidiaries. The Company monitors the results of the subsidiaries regularly. ([SRVXUHWRFUHGLWULVNFUHGLWTXDOLW\DQGFROODWHUDO $VDWWKHHQGRIWKHUHSRUWLQJSHULRGWKHPD[LPXPH[SRVXUHWRFUHGLWULVNDULVLQJIURPUHFHLYDEOHVLVUHSUHVHQWHGE\WKHLUFDUU\LQJDPRXQWVLQWKH VWDWHPHQWVRI¿QDQFLDOSRVLWLRQ Management has taken reasonable steps to ensure that receivables that are neither past due nor impaired are stated at their realisable values. $VLJQL¿FDQWSRUWLRQRIWKHVHUHFHLYDEOHVDUHUHJXODUFXVWRPHUVWKDWKDYHEHHQWUDQVDFWLQJZLWKWKH*URXS7KH*URXSPRQLWRUVHDFKUHFHLYDEOH LQGLYLGXDOO\DQGXVHVDJHLQJDQDO\VLVWRPRQLWRUWKHFUHGLWTXDOLW\RIWKHUHFHLYDEOHV $WWKHHQGRIWKHUHSRUWLQJSHULRGWKHUHDUHQRVLJQL¿FDQWFRQFHQWUDWLRQVRIFUHGLWULVNRWKHUWKDQWKHIROORZLQJ Amount due from one (2013: two) subsidiary(ies) 7UDGHUHFHLYDEOHVIURPRQHIRXUFRXQWHUSDUW\LHV 136 w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y *URXS 50¶ 50¶ _________ ========= _________ ========= &RPSDQ\ 50¶ 50¶ 7,756 _________ ========= 142,144 _________ ========= )LQDQFLDOLQVWUXPHQWV (continue) 32.3 Financial risk management (continue) D &UHGLWULVN(continue) 5HFHLYDEOHV(continue) ([SRVXUHWRFUHGLWULVNFUHGLWTXDOLW\DQGFROODWHUDO(continue) 7KHH[SRVXUHRIFUHGLWULVNIRUWUDGHDQGRWKHUUHFHLYDEOHVDVDWWKHHQGRIWKHUHSRUWLQJSHULRGE\JHRJUDSKLFUHJLRQZDV *URXS &RPSDQ\ 50¶ 50¶ 50¶ 50¶ 0DOD\VLD )LML _________ ========= _________ ========= Impairment losses 7KHDJHLQJRIUHFHLYDEOHVH[FOXGLQJDPRXQWGXHIURPFRQWUDFWFXVWRPHUVDQGDFFUXHGELOOLQJVDVDWWKHHQGRIWKHUHSRUWLQJSHULRGZDV *URXS _________ ========= _________ ========= *URVV 50¶ ,PSDLUPHQW ORVV 50¶ 1HW 50¶ 7,291 _________ ========= ( 761) _________ ========= 6,530 _________ ========= 127,713 17,143 16,416 _________ ========= _________ ========= 127,713 17,143 16,416 _________ ========= 50¶ 50¶ 2,756 ( 4) _________ 23,603 ========= 545 ( 7) _________ 2,756 ========= 1RWSDVWGXH 3DVWGXHGD\V Past due 31-60 days 3DVWGXHGD\V 3DVWGXHGD\V 3DVWGXHPRUHWKDQGD\V 7RWDOUHFHLYDEOHV Not past due Past due 0-30 days 3DVWGXHGD\V Past due 61-90 days 3DVWGXHGD\V 3DVWGXHPRUHWKDQGD\V 7RWDOUHFHLYDEOHV 7KHPRYHPHQWVLQWKHDOORZDQFHIRULPSDLUPHQWORVVRIUHFHLYDEOHVGXULQJWKH¿QDQFLDO\HDUZHUH At 1 January 5HFRJQLVHG Reversed *URXS At 31 December $QDOORZDQFHDFFRXQWLQUHVSHFWRIUHFHLYDEOHVLVXVHGWRUHFRUGLPSDLUPHQWORVVHV8QOHVVWKH*URXSLVVDWLV¿HGWKDWUHFRYHU\RIWKHDPRXQWLV possible, the amount considered irrecoverable is written off against the receivables directly. 137 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ``` NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUE) Notes to the Financial Statements (continue) )LQDQFLDOLQVWUXPHQWV (continue) 32.3 Financial risk management (continue) D &UHGLWULVN(continue) 5HFHLYDEOHV(continue) Impairment losses (continue) 7KH&RPSDQ\GRHVQRWVSHFL¿FDOO\PRQLWRUWKHDJHLQJRIWKHORDQVDQGDGYDQFHVWRVXEVLGLDULHV+RZHYHUWKHUHLVQRLQGLFDWLRQWKDWWKHDPRXQWV GXHIURPVXEVLGLDULHVRI5050DUHQRWUHFRYHUDEOHDVDWWKHHQGRIWKHUHSRUWLQJSHULRG )LQDQFLDOJXDUDQWHHV Risk management objectives, policies and processes for managing the risk 7KH &RPSDQ\ SURYLGHV XQVHFXUHG ¿QDQFLDO JXDUDQWHHV WR EDQNV LQ UHVSHFW RI FHUWDLQ EDQNLQJ IDFLOLWLHV H[WHQGHG WR FHUWDLQ VXEVLGLDULHV 7KH Company monitors on an on-going basis the results of the subsidiaries and repayments made by the subsidiaries to ensure that they are able to meet their obligations when due. ([SRVXUHWRFUHGLWULVNFUHGLWTXDOLW\DQGFROODWHUDO 7KHPD[LPXPH[SRVXUHWRFUHGLWULVNVEHLQJWKHRXWVWDQGLQJ¿QDQFLDOJXDUDQWHHVJUDQWHGWRWKHVXEVLGLDULHVDVDWHQGRIWKHUHSRUWLQJSHULRGLV summarised as follows: Bank guarantees 2WKHUORDQVDQGERUURZLQJVRXWVWDQGLQJDQGUHFRJQLVHGLQ¿QDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWV 7RWDOVHH1RWH &RPSDQ\ 50¶ 50¶ 169,909 _________ ========= 232,292 _________ ========= 7KHUH LV QR LQGLFDWLRQ WKDW DQ\ VXEVLGLDULHV ZRXOG GHIDXOW RQ UHSD\PHQWV RI LWV ORDQV DQG ERUURZLQJV 7KH ¿QDQFLDO JXDUDQWHHV KDYH QRW EHHQ recognised as their fair values on initial recognition are not material and probability of the subsidiaries defaulting on the credit lines is remote. E /LTXLGLW\ULVN /LTXLGLW\ULVNLVWKHULVNWKDWWKH*URXSZLOOQRWEHDEOHWRPHHWLWV¿QDQFLDOREOLJDWLRQVDVWKH\IDOOGXH7KH*URXS¶VH[SRVXUHWROLTXLGLW\ULVNDULVHV principally from its various payables, loans and borrowings. Risk management objectives, policies and processes for managing the risk 7KH*URXSPDLQWDLQVDOHYHORIFDVKDQGFDVKHTXLYDOHQWVEDODQFHVDQGEDQNLQJIDFLOLWLHVGHHPHGDGHTXDWHE\WKHPDQDJHPHQWWRHQVXUHDVIDUDV SRVVLEOHWKDWLWZLOOKDYHVXI¿FLHQWOLTXLGLW\WRPHHWLWVOLDELOLWLHVZKHQWKH\IDOOGXHDQGWRPLWLJDWHWKHHIIHFWVRIÀXFWXDWLRQLQFDVKÀRZV ,WLVQRWH[SHFWHGWKDWWKHFDVKÀRZVLQFOXGHGLQWKHPDWXULW\DQDO\VLVFRXOGRFFXUVLJQL¿FDQWO\HDUOLHURUDWVLJQL¿FDQWO\GLIIHUHQWDPRXQWV Maturity analysis 7KHWDEOHEHORZVXPPDULHVWKHPDWXULW\SUR¿OHRIWKH*URXS¶VDQGRIWKH&RPSDQ\¶V¿QDQFLDOOLDELOLWLHVZKLFKDUHQRQGHULYDWLYHVDVDWWKHHQGRI the reporting period based on undiscounted contractual payments: *URXS 7UDGHDQGRWKHUSD\DEOHV Loans and borrowings 6HFXUHGWHUPORDQV - Unsecured revolving FUHGLWV w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y &DUU\LQJ DPRXQW 50¶ &RQWUDFWXDO LQWHUHVW UDWH &RQWUDFWXDO FDVKÀRZV 50¶ 8QGHU \HDU 50¶ \HDUV 50¶ \HDUV 50¶ 0RUHWKDQ \HDUV 50¶ DQG ========= ========= ========= ========= ========= ========= )LQDQFLDOLQVWUXPHQWV (continue) 32.3 Financial risk management (continue) E /LTXLGLW\ULVN(continue) Maturity analysis (continue) *URXS (continue) &DUU\LQJ DPRXQW 50¶ 7UDGHDQGRWKHUSD\DEOHV Loans and borrowings )LQDQFHOHDVHOLDELOLWLHV 8QVHFXUHG,VODPLF%RQGV 6HFXUHGWHUPORDQV ========= &RQWUDFWXDO LQWHUHVWUDWH FRXSRQUDWH &RQWUDFWXDO FDVKÀRZV 50¶ 8QGHU \HDU 50¶ \HDUV 50¶ \HDUV 50¶ 0RUHWKDQ \HDUV 50¶ and 5.15 DQG ========= ========= ========= ========= ========= - 422,576 ========= 422,576 ========= ========= ========= ========= - 15,724 15,724 - - - and 5.15 ========= ========= ========= ========= ========= &RPSDQ\ Other payables ,QWHUHVWEHDULQJ 1RQLQWHUHVWEHDULQJ Financial guarantees* ========= Other payables 15,724 Loans and borrowings 8QVHFXUHG,VODPLF%RQGV )LQDQFLDOJXDUDQWHHV %HLQJFRUSRUDWHJXDUDQWHHVJUDQWHGIRUEDQNLQJIDFLOLWLHVRIFHUWDLQVXEVLGLDULHV>DOVRVHHQRWHVDDQG@ZKLFKZLOORQO\EHHQFDVKHGLQ WKHHYHQWRIGHIDXOWE\WKHVXEVLGLDULHV7KHVH¿QDQFLDOJXDUDQWHHVGRQRWKDYHDQLPSDFWRQJURXSFRQWUDFWXDOFDVKÀRZV F 0DUNHWULVN 0DUNHWULVNLVWKHULVNWKDWFKDQJHVLQPDUNHWSULFHVVXFKDVIRUHLJQH[FKDQJHUDWHVLQWHUHVWUDWHVDQGRWKHUSULFHVULVNVWKDWZLOODIIHFWWKH*URXS¶V ¿QDQFLDOSRVLWLRQRUFDVKÀRZV i. ========= Currency risk 7KH*URXSLVRFFDVLRQDOO\H[SRVHGWRIRUHLJQFXUUHQF\ULVNRQEDQNEDODQFHVGHQRPLQDWHGLQDFXUUHQF\RWKHUWKDQWKHUHVSHFWLYHIXQFWLRQDO currencies of Group entities. The currency giving rise to this risk is primarily United States Dollar (“USD”). Risk management objectives, policies and processes for managing the risk $VLWLVQRWSRVVLEOHWRSUHGLFWZLWKDQ\FHUWDLQW\WKHPRYHPHQWVRIIRUHLJQH[FKDQJHUDWHVWKLVULVNLVPDQDJHGRQDQRQJRLQJEDVLV$VDWWKH HQGRIWKHUHSRUWLQJSHULRGWKH*URXSGRHVQRWKDYHDQ\RXWVWDQGLQJIRUZDUGIRUHLJQH[FKDQJHFRQWUDFWV Exposure to foreign currency risk 7KHH[SRVXUHWRIRUHLJQFXUUHQF\ULVNDWWULEXWDEOHWRDFXUUHQF\ZKLFKLVRWKHUWKDQWKHIXQFWLRQDOFXUUHQF\RIWKH*URXSHQWLWLHVEDVHGRQWKH carrying amounts as at the end of the reporting period was: *URXS Denominated in USD &DVKDQGEDQNEDODQFHV 50¶ 50¶ ========= ========= &RPSDQ\ 50¶ 50¶ ========= ========= $VWUHQJWKHQLQJRIWKH50DJDLQVW86'DWWKHHQGRIWKHUHSRUWLQJSHULRGZRXOGKDYHGHFUHDVHGHTXLW\DQGSRVWWD[SUR¿W E\ WKH DPRXQWV VKRZQ LQ WKH HQVXLQJ SDJH7KLV DQDO\VLV LV EDVHG RQ IRUHLJQ FXUUHQF\ H[FKDQJH UDWH YDULDQFHV WKDW WKH *URXS&RPSDQ\ considered to be reasonably possible at the end of the reporting period. This analysis assumes that all other variables, in particular interest rates, remain constant. 139 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ``` NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUE) Notes to the Financial Statements (continue) )LQDQFLDOLQVWUXPHQWV (continue) 32.3 Financial risk management (continue) F 0DUNHWULVN(continue) i. Currency risk (continue) Exposure to foreign currency risk (continue) USD Group &RPSDQ\ 3UR¿WRUORVV 50¶ 50¶ ( 730) ========= ( 97) ========= $ZHDNHQLQJRI50DJDLQVW86'DWWKHHQGRIWKHUHSRUWLQJSHULRGZRXOGKDYHKDGHTXDOEXWRSSRVLWHHIIHFWRQWKHDERYH currency to the amounts shown above, on the basis that all other variables remain constant. ii. Interest rate risk 7KH*URXS¶VLQYHVWPHQWVLQ¿[HGUDWHWHUPGHSRVLWVDQGLWV¿[HGUDWHORDQVDQGERUURZLQJVDUHH[SRVHGWRDULVNRIFKDQJHLQWKHLUIDLUYDOXH GXHWRFKDQJHVLQLQWHUHVWUDWHV7KH*URXS¶VYDULDEOHUDWHORDQVDQGERUURZLQJVDUHH[SRVHGWRDULVNRIFKDQJHLQFDVKÀRZVGXHWRFKDQJHV LQLQWHUHVWUDWHV,QYHVWPHQWVLQHTXLW\VHFXULWLHVDQGVKRUWWHUPUHFHLYDEOHVDQGSD\DEOHVDUHQRWVLJQL¿FDQWO\H[SRVHGWRLQWHUHVWUDWHULVN Risk management objectives, policies and processes for managing the risk 7KH*URXS¶VSROLF\LVWRPDQDJHLWVLQWHUHVWUDWHULVNRQDQRQJRLQJEDVLVWRHQVXUHWKDWWKHUHDUHQRXQGXHH[SRVXUHVWKHUHWR0DQDJHPHQW H[HUFLVHVDFHUWDLQHOHPHQWRIGLVFUHWLRQRQZKHWKHUWRERUURZDW¿[HGRUÀRDWLQJLQWHUHVWUDWHVGHSHQGLQJRQWKHPDUNHWVLWXDWLRQDQGWKH RXWORRNRIWKH¿QDQFLDOPDUNHWSUHYDLOLQJWKHQ The investments in interest-earning assets are mainly short-term in nature and they are not held for speculative purposes but have been mostly placed as term deposits and cash funds. Exposure to interest rate risk 7KHLQWHUHVWUDWHSUR¿OHRIWKH*URXS¶VDQGRIWKH&RPSDQ\¶VVLJQL¿FDQWLQWHUHVWEHDULQJ¿QDQFLDOLQVWUXPHQWVEDVHGRQWKHLUFDUU\LQJDPRXQWV as at the end of the reporting period was: Fixed rate instruments )LQDQFLDODVVHWV Financial liabilities Floating rate instruments )LQDQFLDODVVHWV )LQDQFLDOOLDELOLWLHV *URXS &RPSDQ\ 50¶ 50¶ 50¶ 50¶ ( 130,000) ========= ( 300,037) ========= ========= ( 300,000) ========= ========= ========= ========= ========= Interest rate risk sensitivity analysis D )DLUYDOXHVHQVLWLYLW\DQDO\VLVIRU¿[HGUDWHLQVWUXPHQWV 7KH*URXSGRHVQRWDFFRXQWIRUDQ\¿[HGUDWH¿QDQFLDODVVHWVDQGOLDELOLWLHVDWIDLUYDOXHWKURXJKSUR¿WRUORVVDQGWKH*URXSGRHVQRW designate derivatives as hedging instruments under a fair value hedge accounting model. Therefore, a change in interest rates at the end RIWKHUHSRUWLQJSHULRGZRXOGQRWDIIHFWSUR¿WRUORVV A change of 100 basis points (bp) in interest rates at the end of the reporting period, taking into account the contractual repayments terms RILWVÀRDWLQJUDWHLQVWUXPHQWVZRXOGKDYHLQFUHDVHGGHFUHDVHGHTXLW\DQGSRVWWD[SUR¿WRUORVVE\WKHDPRXQWVVKRZQLQWKHHQVXLQJ page. This analysis assumes that all other variables, in particular foreign currency rates, remain constant. 140 w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y )LQDQFLDOLQVWUXPHQWV (continue) 32.3 Financial risk management (continue) F 0DUNHWULVN (continue) ii. Interest rate risk (continue) Interest rate risk sensitivity analysis (continue) E &DVKÀRZVHQVLWLYLW\DQDO\VLVIRUYDULDEOHUDWHLQVWUXPHQWV Floating rate instruments Group - Company ___________3UR¿WRUORVVBBBBBBBBBB ____________ ______BBBBBB ES ES ES ES LQFUHDVH GHFUHDVH LQFUHDVH GHFUHDVH 50¶ 50¶ 50¶ 50¶ ( 5,736) ( 436) ========= 5,736 436 ========= ( 2,636) 1,066 ========= 2,636 ( 1,066) ========= iii. Other price risk (TXLW\SULFHULVNDULVHVIURPWKH*URXS¶VLQYHVWPHQWVLQHTXLW\VHFXULWLHV Risk management objectives, policies and processes for managing the risk 0DQDJHPHQWPRQLWRUVDQGPDQDJHVWKHHTXLW\LQYHVWPHQWVRQLQGLYLGXDOEDVLV7KHH[SRVXUHWRHTXLW\SULFHULVNLVQRWPDWHULDODQGKHQFH sensitivity analysis is not presented. 32.4 Fair value information 7KHFDUU\LQJDPRXQWVRIFDVKDQGEDQNEDODQFHVVKRUWWHUPUHFHLYDEOHVDQGSD\DEOHVDQGVKRUWWHUPERUURZLQJVUHDVRQDEO\DSSUR[LPDWHWKHLUIDLU YDOXHVGXHWRWKHUHODWLYHO\VKRUWWHUPQDWXUHRIWKHVH¿QDQFLDOLQVWUXPHQWV ,WLVQRWSUDFWLFDEOHWRHVWLPDWHWKHIDLUYDOXHRIWKH*URXS¶VLQYHVWPHQWLQXQTXRWHGVKDUHVGXHWRWKHODFNRIFRPSDUDEOHTXRWHGPDUNHWSULFHVLQDQDFWLYH market and the fair value cannot be reliably measured. 7KHWDEOHEHORZDQDO\VHV¿QDQFLDOLQVWUXPHQWVFDUULHGDWIDLUYDOXHDQGWKRVHQRWFDUULHGDWIDLUYDOXHIRUZKLFKIDLUYDOXHLVGLVFORVHGWRJHWKHUZLWKWKHLU IDLUYDOXHVDQGFDUU\LQJDPRXQWVVKRZQLQWKHVWDWHPHQWVRI¿QDQFLDOSRVLWLRQ *URXS )DLUYDOXHRI¿QDQFLDO LQVWUXPHQWVFDUULHGDWIDLUYDOXH /HYHO 50¶ )DLUYDOXHRI¿QDQFLDO LQVWUXPHQWVQRWFDUULHGDWIDLUYDOXH /HYHO /HYHO 7RWDO 50¶ 50¶ 50¶ 7RWDO IDLUYDOXH 50¶ &DUU\LQJ DPRXQW 50¶ Financial assets Other investments Quoted shares 7UDGHDQGRWKHUUHFHLYDEOHV Financial liabilities Loans and borrowings Unsecured revolving credits 6HFXUHGWHUPORDQV 11 ========= ========= ========= ========= 11 ========= 11 ========= ========= ========= 130,000 ========= 130,000 ========= 130,000 ========= 130,000 ========= 11 ========= ========= ========= ========= 11 ========= 11 ========= ========= 37 ========= ========= 37 ========= 37 ========= 37 ========= Financial assets Other investments Quoted shares Financial liabilities Loans and borrowings 6HFXUHGWHUPORDQV 8QVHFXUHG,VODPLF%RQGV Finance lease liabilities 141 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ``` NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUE) Notes to the Financial Statements (continue) )LQDQFLDOLQVWUXPHQWV (continue) 32.4 Fair value information &RPSDQ\ )DLUYDOXHRI ¿QDQFLDO LQVWUXPHQWV QRWFDUULHGDW IDLUYDOXH /HYHO 50¶ &DUU\LQJ DPRXQW 50¶ ========= ========= Financial liabilities 8QVHFXUHG,VODPLF%RQGV 7KH*URXSGRHVQRWKDYHDQ\RXWVWDQGLQJ¿QDQFLDOGHULYDWLYHVDVDW'HFHPEHU Policy on transfer between levels The fair value of an asset to be transferred between levels is determined as of the date of the event or change in circumstances that caused the transfer. Level 1 fair value /HYHOIDLUYDOXHLVGHULYHGIURPTXRWHGSULFHXQDGMXVWHGLQDFWLYHPDUNHWIRULGHQWLFDO¿QDQFLDODVVHWVRUOLDELOLWLHVWKDWWKHHQWLW\FDQDFFHVVDWWKH measurement date. )DLUYDOXHRI¿QDQFLDODVVHWVWKDWDUHTXRWHGLQDQDFWLYHPDUNHWDUHGHWHUPLQHGE\UHIHUHQFHWRWKHLUTXRWHGFORVLQJELGSULFHDWWKHHQGRIWKHUHSRUWLQJ period. Level 2 fair value /HYHOIDLUYDOXHLVHVWLPDWHGXVLQJLQSXWVRWKHUWKDQTXRWHGSULFHVLQFOXGHGZLWKLQ/HYHOWKDWDUHREVHUYDEOHIRUWKH¿QDQFLDODVVHWVRUOLDELOLWLHVHLWKHU directly or indirectly. )DLUYDOXHRIQRQGHULYDWLYH¿QDQFLDOOLDELOLWLHVZKLFKLVGHWHUPLQHGIRUGLVFORVXUHSXUSRVHVLVFDOFXODWHGEDVHGRQWKHSUHVHQWYDOXHRIIXWXUHSULQFLSDO DQGLQWHUHVWFDVKÀRZVGLVFRXQWHGDWWKHPDUNHWUDWHRILQWHUHVWDWWKHHQGRIWKHUHSRUWLQJSHULRG)RU¿QDQFHOHDVHVWKHPDUNHWUDWHRILQWHUHVWLV determined by reference to similar lease arrangements. Transfers between Level 1 and Level 2 fair values 7KHUHKDVEHHQQRWUDQVIHUEHWZHHQ/HYHODQG/HYHOIDLUYDOXHVGXULQJWKHFXUUHQWDQGSUHYLRXV¿QDQFLDO\HDU Level 3 fair value /HYHOIDLUYDOXHLVHVWLPDWHGXVLQJXQREVHUYDEOHLQSXWVIRUWKH¿QDQFLDODVVHWVRU¿QDQFLDOOLDELOLWLHV )DLUYDOXHVZLWKLQ/HYHOIRU¿QDQFLDOLQVWUXPHQWVQRWFDUULHGDWIDLUYDOXHZKLFKLVGHWHUPLQHGIRUGLVFORVXUHVSXUSRVHLVGHULYHGEDVHGRQGLVFRXQWHG FDVKÀRZVXVLQJXQREVHUYDEOHLQSXWLHLQWHUHVWUDWH7KHHVWLPDWHGIDLUYDOXHZRXOGLQFUHDVHGHFUHDVHZKHQWKHLQWHUHVWUDWHVZHUHORZHUKLJKHU &DSLWDOPDQDJHPHQW 7KH*URXS¶VREMHFWLYHVZKHQPDQDJLQJFDSLWDOLVWRPDLQWDLQDVWURQJFDSLWDOEDVHDQGVDIHJXDUGWKH*URXS¶VDELOLW\WRFRQWLQXHDVDJRLQJFRQFHUQVRDVWR PDLQWDLQWKHFRQ¿GHQFHRILQYHVWRUVFUHGLWRUVDQGRWKHUVWDNHKROGHUVLQWKH*URXSDQGWRVXVWDLQWKHIXWXUHGHYHORSPHQWRIWKHEXVLQHVV There were no changes in the Group’s strategy and approach on capital management during the year. 8QGHUWKHUHTXLUHPHQWRI%XUVD0DOD\VLD3UDFWLFH1RWH1RWKH&RPSDQ\LVUHTXLUHGWRPDLQWDLQDFRQVROLGDWHGVKDUHKROGHUV¶HTXLW\HTXDOWRRU QRWOHVVWKDQSHUFHQWRIWKHLVVXHGDQGSDLGXSFDSLWDOVH[FOXGLQJWUHDVXU\VKDUHVDQGVXFKVKDUHKROGHUV¶HTXLW\LVQRWOHVVWKDQ507KH &RPSDQ\KDVFRPSOLHGZLWKWKLVUHTXLUHPHQW &DSLWDOH[SHQGLWXUHFRPPLWPHQWV 142 3URSHUW\SODQWDQGHTXLSPHQW Within one year $XWKRULVHGEXWQRWFRQWUDFWHGIRU w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y *URXS 50¶ 50¶ ========= ========= 5HODWHGSDUWLHV Identity of related parties )RUWKHSXUSRVHVRIWKHVH¿QDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVSDUWLHVDUHFRQVLGHUHGWREHUHODWHGWRWKH*URXSRUWKH&RPSDQ\LIWKH*URXSRUWKH&RPSDQ\KDVWKHDELOLW\ GLUHFWO\RULQGLUHFWO\WRFRQWURORUMRLQWO\FRQWUROWKHSDUWLHVRUH[HUFLVHVLJQL¿FDQWLQÀXHQFHRYHUWKHSDUWLHVLQPDNLQJ¿QDQFLDODQGRSHUDWLQJGHFLVLRQVRUYLFH YHUVDRUZKHUHWKH*URXSRUWKH&RPSDQ\DQGWKHSDUWLHVDUHVXEMHFWWRFRPPRQFRQWURO5HODWHGSDUWLHVPD\EHLQGLYLGXDOVRURWKHUHQWLWLHV 5HODWHGSDUWLHVDOVRLQFOXGHNH\PDQDJHPHQWSHUVRQQHOGH¿QHGDVWKRVHSHUVRQVKDYLQJDXWKRULW\DQGUHVSRQVLELOLW\IRUSODQQLQJGLUHFWLQJDQGFRQWUROOLQJ the activities of the Group either directly or indirectly. The key management personnel include all the Directors of the Group, and certain members of senior management of the Group. 7KH*URXSKDVUHODWHGSDUW\UHODWLRQVKLSVZLWKLWVVXEVLGLDULHVDVVRFLDWHVMRLQWYHQWXUHVNH\PDQDJHPHQWSHUVRQQHODQGVLJQL¿FDQWVKDUHKROGHUV 6LJQL¿FDQWUHODWHGSDUW\WUDQVDFWLRQV 6LJQL¿FDQWUHODWHGSDUW\WUDQVDFWLRQVRWKHUWKDQFRPSHQVDWLRQVWRNH\PDQDJHPHQWSHUVRQQHOVHH1RWHDQGWKRVHGLVFORVHGHOVHZKHUHLQWKH¿QDQFLDO statements, are as follows: Transactions with subsidiaries Nature of transaction 0DQDJHPHQWIHHH[SHQVHV Interest income ([SHQVHVRQUHQWDORISUHPLVHV ,QWHUHVWH[SHQVH &RPSDQ\ 50¶ 50¶ 972) ========= 6,647) ========= ( 50¶ 50¶ 5,742 ========= 6,029 ========= ========= ( Transactions with associates *URXS &RPSDQ\ 50¶ 50¶ Nature of transaction 'LYLGHQGLQFRPH Purchase of construction materials 5HQWDOH[SHQVHRQPDFKLQHU\DQGHTXLSPHQW 6DOHRISURSHUW\SODQWDQGHTXLSPHQW &RQVWUXFWLRQFRVWVSD\DEOH Transaction with joint ventures 50¶ 50¶ Nature of transaction 'LVWULEXWLRQRISUR¿W ========= ========= 7UDQVDFWLRQVZLWKFRPSDQLHVFRUSRUDWLRQVLQZKLFKFHUWDLQVXEVWDQWLDOVKDUHKROGHUVKDYHRUDUHGHHPHGWRKDYHVXEVWDQWLDOLQWHUHVWV *URXS *URXS Nature of transaction 5HQWDORISUHPLVHV Advertisement Donation 50¶ 50¶ 56 ========= 40 1,600 ========= 50¶ 50¶ 52 ========= ========= Transaction with certain members of the key management personnel of the Group Nature of transaction Consultant fee paid ========= *URXS 143 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ``` NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUE) Notes to the Financial Statements (continue) 5HODWHGSDUWLHV (continue) 7KHDPRXQWGXHIURPWRVXEVLGLDULHVDVVRFLDWHVDQGMRLQWYHQWXUHVLVGLVFORVHGLQ1RWHVDQGWRWKH¿QDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWV7KHRXWVWDQGLQJEDODQFHV with other related parties are as follows: 50¶ *URXS 50¶ $PRXQWGXHIURP $PRXQWGXHWR ========= ========= The above related party transactions are based on negotiated terms. $FTXLVLWLRQVDQGGLVSRVDOVRIVXEVLGLDULHVDQGQRQFRQWUROOLQJLQWHUHVWV L $FTXLVLWLRQRIQHZVXEVLGLDULHV 'XULQJWKH¿QDQFLDO\HDUWKH*URXSVXEVFULEHGIRUWKHVKDUHVLQWKHIROORZLQJVXEVLGLDULHVIRUDWRWDOFRQVLGHUDWLRQRI5050VDWLV¿HGLQFDVK 6XEVLGLDULHV ([FOXVLYH3DUDJRQ6GQ%KG Bina Hartamas Sdn. Bhd. 3ODWLQXP$PEHU6GQ%KG Solid Greenland Sdn. Bhd. Vista Megalink Sdn. Bhd. Bright Sungreen Sdn. Bhd. Naim Recruitment & Agency Sdn. Bhd. Naim Property Services Sdn. Bhd. Pavilion Quest Sdn. Bhd. 'DWHRI DFTXLVLWLRQ RIHTXLW\ LQWHUHVW DFTXLUHG $SULO 7 May 2014 6HSWHPEHU 30 September 2014 5 November 2014 9 December 2014 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 25 July 2013 25 July 2013 17 October 2013 100.0 100.0 100.0 7KHDFTXLVLWLRQRIWKHDERYHVXEVLGLDULHVDWWKHLUUHVSHFWLYHGDWHVRILQFRUSRUDWLRQKDVQRPDWHULDOLPSDFWRQWKHUHVXOWVRIWKH*URXSIRUWKHFXUUHQWDQG SUHYLRXV¿QDQFLDO\HDUV ii. Changes in investments in existing subsidiaries Additional investments arising from new shares issued by existing subsidiaries 2Q-DQXDU\1DLP&DSLWDO6GQ%KGVXEVFULEHGIRUDGGLWLRQDORUGLQDU\VKDUHVRI50HDFKLQ1DLP&DSLWDO3RUW6GQ%KG (“NCPSB”), settled in cash. On 12 December 2014, Vista Megalink Sdn. Bhd. (“VMSB”) increased its issued and paid-up capital from RM2 to RM1,000,000 for cash. 7KHQHZVXEVFULSWLRQVGRQRWKDYHDQ\LPSDFWWRWKH*URXSDVWKHUHDUHQRFKDQJHVLQWKH*URXS¶VHTXLW\LQWHUHVWLQ1&36%DQG906% Decrease in investment in existing subsidiary 2Q0DUFK8QLTXH&RPSRVLWH6GQ%KG³8&6%´ZKLFKZDVSUHYLRXVO\DRZQHGVXEVLGLDU\LVVXHGQHZRUGLQDU\VKDUHVRI 50HDFKWR1DLP(QJLQHHULQJ6GQ%KG³1(6%´DQGWKLUGSDUWLHVZKHUHVKDUHVRI50HDFKZDVVXEVFULEHGE\1(6%LQFDVK 7KHUHVXOWDQWHTXLW\LQWHUHVWKHOGE\1(6%LQ8&6%GHFUHDVHGIURPWR 7KLVFKDQJHLQWKHRZQHUVKLSLQWHUHVWZDVDFFRXQWHGIRUDVDQHTXLW\WUDQVDFWLRQEHWZHHQWKH*URXSDQGQRQFRQWUROOLQJLQWHUHVWV7KHFKDQJHLQ WKH*URXS¶VVKDUHRIQHWDVVHWVRI50ZDVDGMXVWHGDJDLQVWWKHUHWDLQHGHDUQLQJVDFFRXQW7KH*URXSDOVRUHFRJQLVHGDQLQFUHDVHLQQRQ controlling interests of RM124,000. $FTXLVLWLRQRIDGGLWLRQDOLQWHUHVWIURPQRQFRQWUROOLQJLQWHUHVWV 'XULQJWKHODVW¿QDQFLDO\HDU1DLP/DQG6GQ%KG³1/6%´DFTXLUHGWKHUHPDLQLQJHTXLW\LQWHUHVWRILQ.XFKLQJ3DUDJRQ6GQ%KG³.36%´ >IRUPHUO\NQRZQDV1DLP+RXVLQJ6GQ%KG@IURPRQHRILWVVXEVLGLDULHV7RWDO5HOLDELOLW\6GQ%KG³756%´IRUDFRQVLGHUDWLRQRI50VDWLV¿HG LQFDVK7KH*URXS¶VHIIHFWLYHHTXLW\LQWHUHVWKHOGLQ.36%ZDVLQFUHDVHGIURPWR /DWHU1/6%DOVRDFTXLUHGWKHUHPDLQLQJHTXLW\LQWHUHVWRILQ0LUL3DUDJRQ6GQ%KG³036%´>IRUPHUO\NQRZQDV6\DULNDW8VDKDVDPD1DLP 56%6GQ%KG@ZKLFKLWGLGQRWRZQIURPDPLQRULW\VKDUHKROGHUIRUDFDVKFRQVLGHUDWLRQRI508SRQWKHDFTXLVLWLRQ036%EHFDPHDZKROO\ owned subsidiary of the Group. 7KHDERYHVXEVFULSWLRQGLGQRWKDYHPDWHULDOLPSDFWWRWKH*URXSDVWKHVXEVLGLDULHVKDYHEHHQGRUPDQWVLQFHDFTXLVLWLRQ 144 w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y $FTXLVLWLRQVDQGGLVSRVDOVRIVXEVLGLDULHVDQGQRQFRQWUROOLQJLQWHUHVWV(continue) ii. Changes in investments in existing subsidiaries (continue) ,QWHUQDOUHVWUXFWXULQJ 'XULQJWKHODVW¿QDQFLDO\HDU1DLP$VVHWV6GQ%KG³1$6%´DFTXLUHGWKHHQWLUHHTXLW\LQWHUHVWRI%LQWXOX3DUDJRQ6GQ%KGIURPLWVUHODWHG company, NESB for a cash consideration of RM2. 'XULQJWKHODVW¿QDQFLDO\HDU+DUPRQ\)DEHU6GQ%KG³+)6%´ZKLFKZDVSUHYLRXVO\DRZQHGVXEVLGLDU\RI1/6%HIIHFWHGDVSHFLDO LVVXHRIQHZRUGLQDU\VKDUHVRI50HDFKWR3HUDQDQ0DNPXU6GQ%KG³306%´DW50VHWWOHGYLDSDUWRISXUFKDVH FRQVLGHUDWLRQIRUFHUWDLQOHDVHKROGODQG2QWKHVDPHGD\306%DFTXLUHGWKHUHPDLQLQJRUGLQDU\VKDUHVRI50HDFKLQ+)6%KHOGE\1/6% at par. Since then, HFSB has become a wholly-owned subsidiary of PMSB. 7KHDERYHDFTXLVLWLRQVGLGQRWKDYHDQ\LPSDFWWRWKH*URXSDVWKHUHDUHQRFKDQJHVLQWKHJURXSHTXLW\LQWHUHVWLQWKHVHVXEVLGLDULHV iii. Disposal of a subsidiary Following the Group’s commitment to a plan to sell Total Reliability Sdn. Bhd. (“TRSB”) towards end of year 2013, on 21 January 2014, NLSB entered LQWR D VKDUH VDOH DJUHHPHQW ZLWK RQH RI QRQFRQWUROOLQJ VKDUHKROGHUV RI756% WR GLVSRVH RI LWV HQWLUH HTXLW\ LQWHUHVW KHOG LQ756% IRU D FDVK consideration of RM6,502,000. The disposal was completed in July 2014 and thereafter TRSB ceased to be the subsidiary of the Group. The disposal of TRSB had the following effect on the Group’s assets and liabilities on the disposal date: 1HWDVVHWVGLVSRVHGRII Loss on disposal (Note 25) &RQVLGHUDWLRQUHFHLYHGVDWLV¿HGLQFDVK &DVKDQGFDVKHTXLYDOHQWVGLVSRVHGRI 1HWFDVKLQÀRZVIURPWKHGLVSRVDO 7KH*URXSDOVRUHFRJQLVHGDGHFUHDVHLQQRQFRQWUROOLQJLQWHUHVWRI50 50¶ ( 1,706) _________ _________ ========= $FTXLVLWLRQVDQGGLVSRVDOVRIDVVRFLDWHV a. Decrease in investment in existing associates L 2Q-DQXDU\WKH&RPSDQ\GLVSRVHGRUGLQDU\VKDUHVRI50HDFKRUUHSUHVHQWLQJDSSUR[LPDWHO\RILWVHTXLW\LQWHUHVW LQ'D\DQJ(QWHUSULVH+ROGLQJV%KG³'(+%´IRUDFDVKFRQVLGHUDWLRQRI50QHWRIWUDQVDFWLRQFRVWV8SRQWKHGLVSRVDOWKHUHVXOWDQW *URXS¶VHTXLW\LQWHUHVWLQ'(+%KDGGHFUHDVHGIURPWR7KH*URXSDQGWKH&RPSDQ\UHFRJQLVHGJDLQRQGLVSRVDORI50 and RM70,526,000 respectively. $VDUHVXOWRIWKHSULYDWHSODFHPHQWH[HUFLVHHIIHFWHGE\'(+%WKH*URXS¶VHTXLW\LQWHUHVWKDGIXUWKHUGHFUHDVHGIURPWR7KH GLOXWLRQLQHTXLW\LQWHUHVWKDVEHHQDFFRXQWHGIRUDVGHHPHGGLVSRVDOZLWKWKHUHVXOWLQJJDLQRI50UHFRJQLVHGDVSDUWRIRWKHUQRQ RSHUDWLQJLQFRPHLQWKHSUR¿WRUORVV LL %\YLUWXHRIWKHGLVSRVDORIWKHHQWLUHHTXLW\LQWHUHVWLQ756%DVPHQWLRQHGLQ1RWHLLLWKH*URXSFHDVHGWRKDYHVLJQL¿FDQWLQÀXHQFHRYHU75 &RQFUHWH6GQ%KG³75&´SUHYLRXVO\KHOGWKURXJK756%DQG1/6%7KHUHWDLQHGLQWHUHVWLQ75&LVPHDVXUHGDWLWVIDLUYDOXHDQGUHFODVVL¿HGDV DYDLODEOHIRUVDOHLQYHVWPHQWVHH1RWH7KH*URXSDOVRUHFRJQLVHGDJDLQRI50WRSUR¿WRUORVV E $FTXLVLWLRQDQGDGGLWLRQDOLQYHVWPHQWVRIQHZDVVRFLDWH L 'XULQJWKHODVW¿QDQFLDO\HDU1DLP(QJLQHHULQJ6GQ%KG³1(6%´DFTXLUHGDQHTXLW\LQWHUHVWRILQ.HPSDV6HQWRVD6GQ%KG³.66%´IRU DFRQVLGHUDWLRQRI50VDWLV¿HGE\ZD\RIFDVKDQGLQMHFWLRQRISODQWDQGPDFKLQHU\ ii. Later, NESB also subscribed for additional 200,000 ordinary shares of RM1.00 each in KSSB for a cash consideration of RM200,000. The subscription GLGQRWKDYHDQ\LPSDFWWRWKH*URXSDVWKHUHZDVQRFKDQJHLQWKH*URXS¶VHTXLW\LQWHUHVWLQ.66% 145 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ``` NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUE) Notes to the Financial Statements (continue) &RQWLQJHQWOLDELOLWLHVXQVHFXUHG 38.1 Corporate guarantee 7KH'LUHFWRUVDUHRIWKHRSLQLRQWKDWSURYLVLRQVDUHQRWUHTXLUHGLQUHVSHFWRIWKHIROORZLQJFRUSRUDWHJXDUDQWHHVDVLWLVQRWSUREDEOHWKDWDIXWXUHVDFUL¿FH RIHFRQRPLFEHQH¿WVZLOOEHUHTXLUHGRUWKHDPRXQWLVQRWFDSDEOHRIUHOLDEOHPHDVXUHPHQW &RUSRUDWHJXDUDQWHHVJUDQWHGIRUEDQNLQJIDFLOLWLHVRIFHUWDLQVXEVLGLDULHV1RWH &RPSDQ\ 50¶ 50¶ ========= ========= 38.2 Material litigation On 10 January 2012, Naim Land Sdn. Bhd. (“NLSB”) received a Writ of Summons and Statement of Claim from a contractor seeking for, inter alia, a refund RIOLTXLGDWHGDQGDVFHUWDLQHGGDPDJHVRI50DQGDGGLWLRQDOFRVWDOOHJHGO\LQFXUUHGE\WKHFRQWUDFWRUIRUDGGLWLRQDOZRUNLQWKHVXPRI50 DULVLQJIURPWKHH[HFXWLRQDQGFRPSOHWLRQRIWKHVLWHFOHDUDQFHDQGHDUWKZRUNVIRUDKRXVLQJSURMHFWLQ.XFKLQJ)XOOWULDOZDVFRPSOHWHGRQ-XO\ On 21 January 2014, the High Court decided in favour of the contractor. NLSB will appeal against the High Court’s decision and the appeal date has yet WREH¿[HGDVDWWRGDWH$FRVWRI50KDVEHHQDFFUXHGIRUDVSDUWRISURMHFWFRVWLQWKHODVW¿QDQFLDO\HDU 6XEVHTXHQWHYHQWV a. In January and March 2015 respectively, two foreign subsidiaries, namely Naimcendera Engineering & Construction Sendirian Berhad and Naim Vanua /HYX)LML/LPLWHGKDGEHHQVWUXFNRIIIURPWKHUHJLVWHURIWKH&RPSDQ\ E 2Q$SULOWKH&RPSDQ\DQQRXQFHGLWVSURSRVDOWRHVWDEOLVKDQGLPSOHPHQWD/RQJ7HUP,QFHQWLYH3ODQ³/7,3´RIXSWRRILWVLVVXHG DQGSDLGXSFDSLWDOH[FOXGLQJWUHDVXU\VKDUHV7KHSURSRVHG/7,3FRPSULVHVUHVWULFWHGVKDUHSODQDQGSHUIRUPDQFHVKDUHSODQDQGVKDOOEHLQIRUFH IRUDSHULRGRI\HDUVFRPPHQFLQJIURPWKHHIIHFWLYHGDWHRILPSOHPHQWDWLRQZKLFKLV\HWWREHGHWHUPLQHG7KHSURSRVDOLVVXEMHFWWRDSSURYDORI shareholders and relevant regulatory authorities. &RPSDUDWLYH¿JXUHV*URXS &HUWDLQFRPSDUDWLYH¿JXUHVKDYHEHHQUHVWDWHGWRFRQIRUPZLWKFXUUHQW\HDUFODVVL¿FDWLRQDVIROORZV 6WDWHPHQWRI¿QDQFLDOSRVLWLRQ ,QYHVWPHQWSURSHUWLHV Property development costs 146 w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y 'HFHPEHU $V $VSUHYLRXVO\ UHVWDWHG VWDWHG 50¶ 50¶ 245,445 ========= 247,060 ========= 6XSSOHPHQWDU\¿QDQFLDOLQIRUPDWLRQRQWKHEUHDNGRZQRIUHDOLVHGDQGXQUHDOLVHGSUR¿WVRUORVVHV 7KHEUHDNGRZQRIWKHUHWDLQHGHDUQLQJVRIWKH*URXSDQGRIWKH&RPSDQ\DVDW'HFHPEHULQWRUHDOLVHGDQGXQUHDOLVHGSUR¿WVRUORVVHVSXUVXDQWWR 3DUDJUDSKVWRRI%XUVD0DOD\VLD6HFXULWLHV%HUKDG0DLQ0DUNHW/LVWLQJ5HTXLUHPHQWVLVDVIROORZV *URXS Share of retained earnings from associates 5HDOLVHG - Unrealised 6KDUHRIUHWDLQHGHDUQLQJVIURPMRLQWYHQWXUHV /HVV&RQVROLGDWLRQDGMXVWPHQWV 7RWDOUHWDLQHGHDUQLQJVDVSHUVWDWHPHQWRIFKDQJHVLQHTXLW\ Total retained earnings of the Company and its subsidiaries 5HDOLVHG - Unrealised 50¶ 50¶ &RPSDQ\ 50¶ 50¶ 20,744 6,619 712) - - _________ _________ ========= _________ _________ ========= _________ _________ ========= 762 _________ _________ ========= ( 7KHGHWHUPLQDWLRQRIUHDOLVHGDQGXQUHDOLVHGSUR¿WVRUORVVHVLVEDVHGRQ*XLGDQFHRQ6SHFLDO0DWWHU1R'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI5HDOLVHGDQG8QUHDOLVHG3UR¿WV RU/RVVHVLQWKH&RQWH[WRI'LVFORVXUHV3XUVXDQWWR%XUVD0DOD\VLD6HFXULWLHV%HUKDG/LVWLQJ5HTXLUHPHQWV, issued by the Malaysian Institute of Accountants on 20 December 2010, and presented based on the format prescribed by Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad. 147 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ``` STATEMENT BY DIRECTORS PURSUANT TO SECTION 169(15) OF THE COMPANIES ACT, 1965 Statement by Directors pursuant to Section 169(15) of the Companies Act, 1965 In the opinion of the Directors, D WKH¿QDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVVHWRXWRQSDJHVWRDUHGUDZQXSLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK)LQDQFLDO5HSRUWLQJ6WDQGDUGVDQGWKHUHTXLUHPHQWVRIWKH&RPSDQLHV $FWLQ0DOD\VLDVRDVWRJLYHDWUXHDQGIDLUYLHZRIWKH¿QDQFLDOSRVLWLRQRIWKH*URXSDQGRIWKH&RPSDQ\DVRI'HFHPEHUDQGRIWKHLU¿QDQFLDO SHUIRUPDQFHDQGFDVKÀRZVIRUWKH\HDUWKHQHQGHGDQG E WKHLQIRUPDWLRQVHWRXWLQ1RWHRQSDJHWRWKH¿QDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVKDVEHHQFRPSLOHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWKWKH*XLGDQFHRQ6SHFLDO0DWWHU1R 'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI5HDOLVHGDQG8QUHDOLVHG3UR¿WVRU/RVVHVLQWKH&RQWH[WRI'LVFORVXUHV3XUVXDQWWR%XUVD0DOD\VLD6HFXULWLHV%HUKDG/LVWLQJ5HTXLUHPHQWV, issued by the Malaysian Institute of Accountants, and presented based on the format prescribed by Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad. Signed on behalf of the Board of Directors in accordance with a resolution of the Directors: …………………………………………………… 'DWXN$PDU$EGXO+DPHG%LQ+DML6HSDZL …………………………………………………… 'DWXN+DVPL%LQ+DVQDQ Kuching, Date: 14 April 2015 w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ``` STATUTORY DECLARATION PURSUANT TO SECTION 169(16) OF THE COMPANIES ACT, 1965 Statutory Declaration pursuant to Section 169(16) of the Companies Act, 1965 I, :RQJ3LQJ(QJWKH'LUHFWRUSULPDULO\UHVSRQVLEOHIRUWKH¿QDQFLDOPDQDJHPHQWRI1DLP+ROGLQJV%HUKDGGRVROHPQO\DQGVLQFHUHO\GHFODUHWKDWWKH¿QDQFLDO VWDWHPHQWVVHWRXWRQSDJHVWRDUHWRWKHEHVWRIP\NQRZOHGJHDQGEHOLHIFRUUHFWDQG,PDNHWKLVVROHPQGHFODUDWLRQFRQVFLHQWLRXVO\EHOLHYLQJWKHVDPH to be true, and by virtue of the provisions of the Statutory Declarations Act, 1960. Subscribed and solemnly declared by the abovenamed in Kuching in the State of Sarawak on 14 April 2015 …………………………..……… :RQJ3LQJ(QJ Before me: Level 5, Westmoore House, Twin Tower Centre Rock Road, Kuching, Sarawak 149 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ``` INDEPENDENT AUDITORS’ REPORT TO THE MEMBERS OF NAIM HOLDINGS BERHAD Independent Auditors’ Report to the members of Naim Holdings Berhad 5HSRUWRQWKH)LQDQFLDO6WDWHPHQWV :HKDYHDXGLWHGWKH¿QDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVRI1DLP+ROGLQJV%HUKDGZKLFKFRPSULVHWKHVWDWHPHQWVRI¿QDQFLDOSRVLWLRQDVDW'HFHPEHURIWKH*URXSDQG RIWKH&RPSDQ\DQGWKHVWDWHPHQWVRISUR¿WRUORVVDQGRWKHUFRPSUHKHQVLYHLQFRPHFKDQJHVLQHTXLW\DQGFDVKÀRZVRIWKH*URXSDQGRIWKH&RPSDQ\IRUWKH \HDUWKHQHQGHGDQGDVXPPDU\RIVLJQL¿FDQWDFFRXQWLQJSROLFLHVDQGRWKHUH[SODQDWRU\LQIRUPDWLRQDVVHWRXWRQSDJHVWR 'LUHFWRUV¶5HVSRQVLELOLW\IRUWKH)LQDQFLDO6WDWHPHQWV 7KH'LUHFWRUVRIWKH&RPSDQ\DUHUHVSRQVLEOHIRUWKHSUHSDUDWLRQRI¿QDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVVRDVWRJLYHDWUXHDQGIDLUYLHZLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK)LQDQFLDO5HSRUWLQJ 6WDQGDUGVDQGWKHUHTXLUHPHQWVRI&RPSDQLHV$FWLQ0DOD\VLD7KH'LUHFWRUVDUHDOVRUHVSRQVLEOHIRUVXFKLQWHUQDOFRQWURODVWKH\GHWHUPLQHLVQHFHVVDU\ WRHQDEOHWKHSUHSDUDWLRQRI¿QDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVWKDWDUHIUHHIURPPDWHULDOPLVVWDWHPHQWZKHWKHUGXHWRIUDXGRUHUURU $XGLWRUV¶5HVSRQVLELOLW\ 2XUUHVSRQVLELOLW\LVWRH[SUHVVDQRSLQLRQRQWKHVH¿QDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVEDVHGRQRXUDXGLW:HFRQGXFWHGRXUDXGLWLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWKDSSURYHGVWDQGDUGVRQ DXGLWLQJLQ0DOD\VLD7KRVHVWDQGDUGVUHTXLUHWKDWZHFRPSO\ZLWKHWKLFDOUHTXLUHPHQWVDQGSODQDQGSHUIRUPWKHDXGLWWRREWDLQUHDVRQDEOHDVVXUDQFHDERXW ZKHWKHUWKH¿QDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVDUHIUHHIURPPDWHULDOPLVVWDWHPHQW $Q DXGLW LQYROYHV SHUIRUPLQJ SURFHGXUHV WR REWDLQ DXGLW HYLGHQFH DERXW WKH DPRXQWV DQG GLVFORVXUHV LQ WKH ¿QDQFLDO VWDWHPHQWV 7KH SURFHGXUHV VHOHFWHG GHSHQGRQRXUMXGJHPHQWLQFOXGLQJWKHDVVHVVPHQWRIULVNVRIPDWHULDOPLVVWDWHPHQWRIWKH¿QDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVZKHWKHUGXHWRIUDXGRUHUURU,QPDNLQJWKRVH ULVNDVVHVVPHQWVZHFRQVLGHULQWHUQDOFRQWUROUHOHYDQWWRWKHHQWLW\¶VSUHSDUDWLRQRI¿QDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVWKDWJLYHDWUXHDQGIDLUYLHZLQRUGHUWRGHVLJQDXGLW SURFHGXUHVWKDWDUHDSSURSULDWHLQWKHFLUFXPVWDQFHVEXWQRWIRUWKHSXUSRVHRIH[SUHVVLQJDQRSLQLRQRQWKHHIIHFWLYHQHVVRIWKHHQWLW\¶VLQWHUQDOFRQWURO$Q audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by the directors, as well as HYDOXDWLQJWKHRYHUDOOSUHVHQWDWLRQRIWKH¿QDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWV :HEHOLHYHWKDWWKHDXGLWHYLGHQFHZHKDYHREWDLQHGLVVXI¿FLHQWDQGDSSURSULDWHWRSURYLGHDEDVLVIRURXUDXGLWRSLQLRQ Opinion ,QRXURSLQLRQWKH¿QDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVJLYHDWUXHDQGIDLUYLHZRIWKH¿QDQFLDOSRVLWLRQRIWKH*URXSDQGRIWKH&RPSDQ\DVRI'HFHPEHUDQGRIWKHLU ¿QDQFLDOSHUIRUPDQFHDQGFDVKÀRZVIRUWKH\HDUWKHQHQGHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK)LQDQFLDO5HSRUWLQJ6WDQGDUGVDQGWKHUHTXLUHPHQWVRIWKH&RPSDQLHV$FW in Malaysia. 5HSRUWRQ2WKHU/HJDODQG5HJXODWRU\5HTXLUHPHQWV ,QDFFRUGDQFHZLWKWKHUHTXLUHPHQWVRIWKH&RPSDQLHV$FWLQ0DOD\VLDZHDOVRUHSRUWWKHIROORZLQJ D ,QRXURSLQLRQWKHDFFRXQWLQJDQGRWKHUUHFRUGVDQGWKHUHJLVWHUVUHTXLUHGE\WKH$FWWREHNHSWE\WKH&RPSDQ\DQGLWVVXEVLGLDULHVRIZKLFKZHKDYHDFWHG as auditors have been properly kept in accordance with the provisions of the Act. b. We have considered the accounts and the audit reports of all the subsidiaries of which we have not acted as auditors, which are indicated in Note 5 to the ¿QDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWV F :HDUHVDWLV¿HGWKDWWKHDFFRXQWVRIWKHVXEVLGLDULHVWKDWKDYHEHHQFRQVROLGDWHGZLWKWKH&RPSDQ\¶V¿QDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVDUHLQIRUPDQGFRQWHQWDSSURSULDWH DQGSURSHUIRUWKHSXUSRVHRIWKHSUHSDUDWLRQRIWKH¿QDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVRIWKH*URXSDQGZHKDYHUHFHLYHGVDWLVIDFWRU\LQIRUPDWLRQDQGH[SODQDWLRQVUHTXLUHG by us for those purposes. G 7KHDXGLWUHSRUWVRQWKHDFFRXQWVRIWKHVXEVLGLDULHVGLGQRWFRQWDLQDQ\TXDOL¿FDWLRQRUDQ\DGYHUVHFRPPHQWPDGHXQGHU6HFWLRQRIWKH$FW 2WKHU5HSRUWLQJ5HVSRQVLELOLWLHV 2XUDXGLWZDVPDGHIRUWKHSXUSRVHRIIRUPLQJDQRSLQLRQRQWKH¿QDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVWDNHQDVDZKROH7KHLQIRUPDWLRQVHWRXWLQ1RWHRQSDJHWRWKH ¿QDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVKDVEHHQFRPSLOHGE\WKH&RPSDQ\DVUHTXLUHGE\WKH%XUVD0DOD\VLD6HFXULWLHV%HUKDG/LVWLQJ5HTXLUHPHQWVDQGLVQRWUHTXLUHGE\WKH )LQDQFLDO5HSRUWLQJ6WDQGDUGVLQ0DOD\VLD:HKDYHH[WHQGHGRXUDXGLWSURFHGXUHVWRUHSRUWRQWKHSURFHVVRIFRPSLODWLRQRIVXFKLQIRUPDWLRQ,QRXURSLQLRQ the information has been properly compiled, in all material respects, in accordance with the Guidance on Special Matter No.1, Determination of Realised and 8QUHDOLVHG3UR¿WVRU/RVVHVLQWKH&RQWH[WRI'LVFORVXUHV3XUVXDQWWR%XUVD0DOD\VLD6HFXULWLHV%HUKDG/LVWLQJ5HTXLUHPHQWV, issued by the Malaysian Institute of Accountants and presented based on the format prescribed by Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad. 2WKHU0DWWHUV This report is made solely to the members of the Company, as a body, in accordance with Section 174 of the Companies Act, 1965 in Malaysia and for no other purpose. We do not assume responsibility to any other person for the content of this report. .30* )LUP1XPEHU$) Chartered Accountants Kuching, Date: 14 April 2015 150 w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y 1LFKRODV&KLD:HL&KLW $SSURYDO1XPEHU- Chartered Accountant Other Information 152 Analysis of Shareholdings 154 Top 10 Properties 155 Notice of Annual General Meeting 151 OTHER INFORMATION ``` ANALYSIS OF SHAREHOLDINGS AS AT 16 APRIL 2015 Analysis of Shareholdings as at 16 April 2015 Authorised Share Capital Issued and Paid-up Share Capital Class of Shares Voting rights : : : : S,=(2)+2/',1*6 RM500,000,000 comprising RM500,000,000 shares of RM1.00 each RM250,000,000 comprising RM250,000,000 shares of RM1.00 each Ordinary Shares of RM1.00 each 1 vote per ordinary share 122)6+$5(+2/',1*6 2)6+$5(+2/'(56 15 0.33 1 – 99 ± 122)6+$5(6+(/' 2),668('&$3,7$/ 453 0.000 ± ± ± DQGDERYH 7RWDO 5HPDUN /HVVWKDQRILVVXHGVKDUHV DQGDERYHRILVVXHGVKDUHV 7KH QXPEHU RI RUGLQDU\ VKDUHV ZDV DUULYHG DW DIWHU GHGXFWLRQ WKH QXPEHU RI WUHDVXU\ VKDUHV UHWDLQHG E\ WKH &RPSDQ\IURPWKHRULJLQDOLVVXHGDQGSDLGXSVKDUHFDSLWDORIRUGLQDU\VKDUHVRIWKH&RPSDQ\ 7236+$5(+2/'(56 12 1$0( 122)6+$5(6+(/' 6+$5(+2/',1* 1 2 ISLAND HARVESTS SDN BHD 30,619,600 12.92 TAPAK BERINGIN SDN. BHD. 27,000,000 11.40 /(0%$*$7$%81*+$-, &,06(&120,1((67(03$7$16'1%+'&,0%)25+$60,%,1+$61$13% +$60,$662&,$7(60$1$*(0(176'1%+' 6 ABDUL HAMED BIN SEPAWI 7,150,000 3.02 7 HSBC NOMINEES (ASING) SDN BHD (;(037$1)25-3025*$1&+$6(%$1.1$7,21$/$662&,$7,2186$ +:63523(57,(66'1%+' 9 CITIGROUP NOMINEES (ASING) SDN BHD &%1<)25',0(16,21$/(0(5*,1*0$5.(769$/8()81' 10 RHB NOMINEES (TEMPATAN) SDN BHD PLEDGED SECURITIES ACCOUNT FOR HASMI BIN HASNAN 3,250,000 1.37 11 AMANAHRAYA TRUSTEES BERHAD 38%/,&,6/$0,&6(/(&775($685(6)81' $%'8/+$0('%,16(3$:, 13 HSBC NOMINEES (ASING) SDN BHD EXEMPT AN FOR J.P. MORGAN BANK LUXEMBOURG S.A. 2,417,500 1.02 14 CITIGROUP NOMINEES (TEMPATAN) SDN BHD (03/2<((63529,'(17)81'%2$5'5+%,19 15 CIMB GROUP NOMINEES (TEMPATAN) SDN BHD CIMB ISLAMIC TRUSTEE BERHAD FOR PACIFIC DANA AMAN (3717 TR01) 1,790,200 0.76 /((6((-,1 17 AMANAHRAYA TRUSTEES BERHAD PUBLIC STRATEGIC SMALLCAP FUND 1,770,600 0.75 &,7,*5283120,1((6$6,1*6'1%+' CBNY FOR EMERGING MARKET CORE EQUITY PORTFOLIO DFA INVESTMENT DIMENSIONS GROUP INC 1,706,100 0.72 MAYBANK NOMINEES (TEMPATAN) SDN BHD (7,4$7$.$)8/%(5+$'6+$5(+2/'(56)' 19 152 w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y 12 1$0( 122)6+$5(6+(/' 6+$5(+2/',1* 20 CITIGROUP NOMINEES (ASING) SDN BHD &%1<)25')$(0(5*,1*0$5.(7660$//&$36(5,(6 21 AMANAHRAYA TRUSTEES BERHAD PUBLIC ISLAMIC OPPORTUNITIES FUND 1,475,000 0.62 22 PUBLIC NOMINEES (TEMPATAN) SDN BHD 3/('*('6(&85,7,(6$&&2817)25/2+:2.6(1*#/2+:$.6(1*(-&/ 23 MAYBANK NOMINEES (TEMPATAN) SDN BHD ETIQA TAKAFUL BERHAD (FAMILY PIF EQ) 1,456,400 0.61 24 AMSEC NOMINEES (TEMPATAN) SDN BHD AMTRUSTEE BERHAD FOR PACIFIC PEARL FUND (UT-PM-PPF) 1,344,000 0.57 TA NOMINEES (TEMPATAN) SDN BHD PLEDGED SECURITIES ACCOUNT FOR TAN KIT PHENG 1,310,000 0.55 26 HSBC NOMINEES (TEMPATAN) SDN BHD +6%&075867((%+')250$18/,)(,19(670(17352*5(66)81' 27 HSBC NOMINEES (ASING) SDN BHD '=35,9$7%$1.)2513%6,&$9±13%$6,$(;&/-$3$1 $06(&120,1((67(03$7$16'1%+' ASSAR ASSET MANAGEMENT SDN BHD FOR TABUNG BAITULMAL SARAWAK (MAJLIS ISLAM SARAWAK) (FM-ASSAR-TBS) 1,000,000 0.42 29 PELITA HOLDINGS SDN BHD 1,000,000 0.42 30 MAYBANK NOMINEES (TEMPATAN) SDN BHD (7,4$7$.$)8/%(5+$'*528335)(4 25 68%67$17,$/6+$5(+2/'(56 1$0(2)68%67$17,$/6+$5(+2/'(56 ',5(&7 ,1',5(&7 122)6+$5(6+(/' 122)6+$5(6+(/' 1 ISLAND HARVESTS SDN. BHD. 30,619,600 12.92 - - '$78.+$60,%,1+$61$1 3 TAPAK BERINGIN SDN. BHD. 27,406,900 11.57 - - '$78.$0$5$%'8/+$0('%,1+$-,6(3$:, /(0%$*$7$%81*+$-, ',5(&7256¶',5(&7$1',1',5(&7,17(5(67,17+(&203$1< ',5(&7 ,1',5(&7 122)6+$5(6+(/' 122)6+$5(6+(/' '$78.$0$5$%'8/+$0('%,1+$-,6(3$:, 5,000 0.002 10,000 0.004 '$78.+$60,%,1+$61$1 3 WONG PING ENG 4 DATO IR. ABANG JEMAT BIN ABANG BUJANG - - - - 5 DATU (DR.) HAJI ABDUL RASHID BIN MOHD AZIS - - - - 6 PROFESSOR DATO’ ABANG ABDULLAH BIN ABANG MOHAMAD ALLI - - - - 7 TAN SRI IZZUDDIN BIN DALI - - - - '$7,10$5<6$¶',$+%,17,=$,18'',1 9 TUAN HAJI SOEDIRMAN BIN HAJI AINI - - - - 153 OTHER INFORMATION ``` TOP 10 PROPERTIES Top 10 Properties /RW1R/RFDWLRQ 'HVFULSWLRQ 'DWH2I$FTXLVLWLRQ /HDVH([SLULQJ'DWH 3523(57,(681'(5/$1'+(/')25'(9(/230(17 /RQJ7HUP/HDVHKROG/DQG Lot 3247 Block 11 .XDOD%DUDP/DQG'LVWULFW0LUL Land For 'HYHORSPHQW 20.07.1995 ([SLULQJ 19.07.2094 530,747 22,755 /RW%ORFN 0XDUD7XDQJ/DQG'LVWULFW /DQG)RU 'HYHORSPHQW ([SLULQJ /RW%ORFN .HPHQD/DQG'LVWULFW /DQG)RU 'HYHORSPHQW ([SLULQJ 13.11.2113 /RW%ORFN .XDOD%DUDP/DQG'LVWULFW /DQG)RU 'HYHORSPHQW ([SLULQJ /RW%ORFN .HPHQD/DQG'LVWULFW /DQG)RU 'HYHORSPHQW ([SLULQJ 19.05.2112 /RW%ORFN .HPHQD/DQG'LVWULFW /DQG)RU 'HYHORSPHQW ([SLULQJ 19.11.2112 Lot 2547, Block 20 .HPHQD/DQG'LVWULFW Land For 'HYHORSPHQW 20.11.2013 ([SLULQJ 19.11.2112 2,253,000 3DUWRI/RW%ORFN Kuching Central Land District /DQG)RU Development ([SLULQJ 02.04.2111 &RPPHUFLDO/DQG %XLOGLQJ ([SLULQJ 19.07.2094 0L[HG 'HYHORSPHQW ([SLULQJ 02.04.2111 ,19(670(173523(57< /RW%ORFN .XDOD%DUDP/DQG'VLWULFW 3DUWRI/RW%ORFN .XFKLQJ&HQWUDO/DQG'LVWULFW 154 w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y /DQG$UHD 1HW%RRN9DOXH %XLOWXS$UHD 50¶ 6T0HWHU 103,720 OTHER INFORMATION ``` NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Notice of Annual General Meeting NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the 13th Annual General Meeting of Members of 1$,0+2/',1*6%(5+$' will be held at Damai Beach Resort, Teluk Bandung Santubong, 93756 Kuching, Sarawak on Tuesday, 26 May 2015 at 10.00 a.m. for the following purposes: 25',1$5<%86,1(66(6 $GRSWLRQRI)LQDQFLDO6WDWHPHQWV 7RUHFHLYHDQGDGRSWWKHDXGLWHG¿QDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVDQGUHSRUWVRI'LUHFWRUVDQG$XGLWRUVIRUWKH¿QDQFLDO\HDUHQGHG'HFHPEHU 25',1$5<5(62/87,21 $SSURYDORI'LUHFWRUV¶)HHV To approve Directors’ Fees. 25',1$5<5(62/87,21 5H(OHFWLRQRI'LUHFWRUV 7RUHHOHFWWKHIROORZLQJ'LUHFWRUVZKRUHWLUHLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$UWLFOHRIWKH&RPSDQ\¶V$UWLFOHVRI$VVRFLDWLRQ 'DWXN$PDU$EGXO+DPHG%LQ+DML6HSDZL Datuk Hasmi Bin Hasnan Professor Dato’ Abang Abdullah Bin Abang Mohamad Alli 25',1$5<5(62/87,21 25',1$5<5(62/87,21 25',1$5<5(62/87,21 5H$SSRLQWPHQWRI$XGLWRUV 7RUHDSSRLQW0HVVUV.30*DV$XGLWRUVDQGWRDXWKRULVHWKH'LUHFWRUVWR¿[WKHLUUHPXQHUDWLRQ 25',1$5<5(62/87,21 63(&,$/%86,1(66(6 7RFRQVLGHUDQGLIWKRXJKW¿WWRSDVVWKHIROORZLQJDV2UGLQDU\5HVROXWLRQV 25',1$5<5(62/87,21–5(7(17,212),1'(3(1'(17121(;(&87,9(',5(&725 ³7KDWDXWKRULW\EHDQGLVKHUHE\JLYHQWR'DWX'U+DML$EGXO5DVKLG%LQ0RKG$]LVZKRKDVVHUYHGDVDQ,QGHSHQGHQW1RQ([HFXWLYH 'LUHFWRURIWKH&RPSDQ\IRUDFXPXODWLYHWHUPRIPRUHWKDQQLQH\HDUVWRFRQWLQXHWRDFWDVDQ,QGHSHQGHQW1RQ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRURIWKH Company.” 25',1$5<5(62/87,21 25',1$5<5(62/87,21 – $87+25,7<72$//27$1',668(6+$5(6 ³7+$7VXEMHFWDOZD\VWRWKH&RPSDQLHV$FWWKH$UWLFOHVRI$VVRFLDWLRQRIWKH&RPSDQ\DQGWKHDSSURYDOVRIWKHUHOHYDQWJRYHUQPHQWDO regulatory authorities, if applicable, the Directors be and are hereby empowered pursuant to Section 132D of the Companies Act 1965, to issue VKDUHVLQWKH&RPSDQ\IURPWLPHWRWLPHDQGXSRQVXFKWHUPVDQGFRQGLWLRQVDQGIRUVXFKSXUSRVHVDVWKH'LUHFWRUVPD\GHHP¿WSURYLGHG WKDWWKHDJJUHJDWHQXPEHURIVKDUHVLVVXHGSXUVXDQWWRWKLVUHVROXWLRQGRHVQRWH[FHHGRIWKHWRWDOLVVXHGFDSLWDORIWKH&RPSDQ\IRUWKH WLPHEHLQJDQG7+$7WKH'LUHFWRUVEHDQGDUHDOVRHPSRZHUHGWRREWDLQWKHDSSURYDOIRUWKHOLVWLQJDQGTXRWDWLRQIRUWKHDGGLWLRQDOVKDUHV VRLVVXHGRQWKH%XUVD0DOD\VLD6HFXULWLHV%HUKDGDQG7+$7VXFKDXWKRULW\VKDOOFRQWLQXHLQIRUFHXQWLOWKHFRQFOXVLRQRIWKHQH[W$QQXDO General Meeting of the Company.” 25',1$5<5(62/87,21 25',1$5<5(62/87,21 – 352326('5(1(:$/2)$87+25,7<72385&+$6(2:16+$5(6³352326('5(1(:$/´ ³7+$7VXEMHFWDOZD\VWRWKH&RPSDQLHV$FWDQGDOORWKHUDSSOLFDEOHODZVJXLGHOLQHVUXOHVDQGUHJXODWLRQVWKH&RPSDQ\EHDQGLV hereby authorised to purchase such amount of ordinary shares of RM1.00 each in the Company as may be determined by the Directors of WKH&RPSDQ\IURPWLPHWRWLPHWKURXJK%XUVD0DOD\VLD6HFXULWLHV%HUKDGDVWKH'LUHFWRUVPD\GHHP¿WDQGH[SHGLHQWLQWKHLQWHUHVWRIWKH Company provided that: L WKHDJJUHJDWHQXPEHURIVKDUHVSXUFKDVHGVKDOOQRWH[FHHGWHQSHUFHQWXPRIWKHWRWDOLVVXHGDQGSDLGXSVKDUHFDSLWDORIWKH Company; LL DQDPRXQWQRWH[FHHGLQJWKH&RPSDQ\¶VDXGLWHGVKDUHSUHPLXPDQGRUUHWDLQHGSUR¿WVIRUWKH¿QDQFLDO\HDUHQGHG'HFHPEHU will be allocated by the Company for the purchase of own shares; and iii. the Directors of the Company may decide either to retain the shares purchased as treasury shares or cancel the shares or retain part of the shares so purchased as treasury shares and cancel the remainder or to resell the shares or distribute the shares as dividends; AND THAT such authority conferred by this resolution shall commence immediately and shall continue to be in force until the conclusion of the QH[W$QQXDO*HQHUDO0HHWLQJRIWKH&RPSDQ\IROORZLQJWKHSDVVLQJRIWKLVRUGLQDU\UHVROXWLRQXQOHVVHDUOLHUUHYRNHGRUYDULHGE\DQRUGLQDU\ resolution of the shareholders of the Company in a general meeting. AND THAT authority be and is hereby given to the Directors of the Company to act and to take all such steps and to do all things as are QHFHVVDU\RUH[SHGLHQWWRLPSOHPHQW¿QDOLVHDQGJLYHIXOOHIIHFWWRWKHDIRUHVDLGSXUFKDVH´ 25',1$5<5(62/87,21 155 OTHER INFORMATION ``` NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (CONTINUE) Notice of Annual General Meeting (continue) To transact any other ordinary business of which due notice shall have been given. %<25'(52)7+(%2$5' %21*6,8/,$10$,&6$ +$60,$+%,17,$17+21<+$6%,6$$.+ &RPSDQ\6HFUHWDULHV Kuching, Sarawak Dated this 30 April 2015 127(6 1. $SUR[\PD\EXWQHHGQRWEHDPHPEHURIWKH&RPSDQ\DQGWKHSURYLVLRQVRI6HFWLRQERIWKH&RPSDQLHV$FWVKDOOQRWDSSO\WRWKH&RPSDQ\ 7REHYDOLGWKH3UR[\IRUPGXO\FRPSOHWHGPXVWEHGHSRVLWHGDWWKH5HJLVWHUHG2I¿FHRIWKH&RPSDQ\DWWK)ORRU:LVPD1DLPò0LOH-DODQ5RFN.XFKLQJ 6DUDZDNQRWOHVVWKDQIRUW\HLJKWKRXUVEHIRUHWKHWLPHVHWIRUKROGLQJWKHPHHWLQJRUDQ\DGMRXUQPHQWWKHUHRI $ PHPEHU VKDOO EH HQWLWOHG WR DSSRLQW PRUH WKDQ RQH SUR[\ WR DWWHQG DQG YRWH DW WKH VDPH PHHWLQJ SURYLGHG WKDW WKH SURYLVLRQV RI 6HFWLRQ F RI WKH Companies Act 1965 are complied with. :KHUHDPHPEHUDSSRLQWVPRUHWKDQRQHSUR[\WKHDSSRLQWPHQWVKDOOEHLQYDOLGXQOHVVKHVSHFL¿HVWKHSURSRUWLRQVRIKLVKROGLQJVWREHUHSUHVHQWHGE\HDFK SUR[\ ,IWKHDSSRLQWHULVDFRUSRUDWLRQWKLVIRUPPXVWEHH[HFXWHGXQGHULWVFRPPRQVHDORUXQGHUWKHKDQGRIDQRI¿FHURUDWWRUQH\GXO\DXWKRULVHG :KHUHDPHPEHURIWKH&RPSDQ\LVDQH[HPSWDXWKRUL]HGQRPLQHHDVGH¿QHGXQGHUWKH6HFXULWLHV,QGXVWU\&HQWUDO'HSRVLWRULHV$FWZKLFKKROGVRUGLQDU\ VKDUHV LQ WKH &RPSDQ\ IRU PXOWLSOH EHQH¿FLDO RZQHUV LQ RQH VHFXULWLHV DFFRXQW RPQLEXV DFFRXQW WKHUH LV QR OLPLW WR WKH QXPEHU RI SUR[LHV ZKLFK WKH H[HPSW authorized nominee may appoint in respects of each omnibus account it holds. 2QO\PHPEHUVUHJLVWHUHGLQWKH5HFRUGRI'HSRVLWRUVDVDW0D\VKDOOEHHOLJLEOHWRDWWHQGWKHPHHWLQJRUDSSRLQWSUR[\WRDWWHQGDQGYRWHRQKLVKHUEHKDOI ([SODQDWRU\1RWHVRQ6SHFLDO%XVLQHVVHV D 2UGLQDU\5HVROXWLRQV±5HWHQWLRQRI,QGHSHQGHQW1RQ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRU In line with the recommendation 3.3 of the Malaysian Code of Corporate Governance 2012, the Nominating Committee has assessed the LQGHSHQGHQFHRI'DWX'U+DML$EGXO5DVKLG%LQ0RKG$]LVZKRKDVVHUYHGDV,QGHSHQGHQW1RQ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRURIWKH&RPSDQ\ for a cumulative term of more than nine (9) years, and upon its recommendation, the Board of Directors has recommended Datu (Dr.) +DML$EGXO5DVKLG%LQ0RKG$]LVVKDOOFRQWLQXHWRDFWDVDQ,QGHSHQGHQW1RQ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRURIWKH&RPSDQ\EDVHGRQWKHIROORZLQJ MXVWL¿FDWLRQV L 'DWX'U+DML$EGXO5DVKLG%LQ0RKG$]LVFRQWLQXHVWRIXO¿OOWKHFULWHULDXQGHUWKHGH¿QLWLRQRILQGHSHQGHQWGLUHFWRUSXUVXDQWWR SDUDJUDSKRIWKH/LVWLQJ5HTXLUHPHQWVRI%XUVD0DOD\VLD6HFXULWLHV%HUKDGDQGKHQFHKHZRXOGEHDEOHWRFRQWLQXHWRSURYLGH REMHFWLYHO\DQGLQGHSHQGHQWMXGJPHQWWRWKH%RDUG ii. He performed his duty diligently and in the best interest of the Company. LLL +DYLQJEHHQLQWKH&RPSDQ\IRUPRUHWKDQQLQH\HDUVKHLVIDPLOLDULQWKH*URXS¶VEXVLQHVVRSHUDWLRQVDQGKDVGHYRWHGVXI¿FLHQW time and attention to his professional obligations and facilitated informed and balanced decision making process. E 2UGLQDU\5HVROXWLRQ±$XWKRULW\WR$OORWDQG,VVXH6KDUH This proposed resolution in relation to authority to issue shares pursuant to Section 132D of the Companies Act 1965, if passed, will empower the Directors of the Company to issue and allot Ordinary Shares from the unissued capital of the Company up to an aggregate DPRXQWQRWH[FHHGLQJRIWKHLVVXHGVKDUHFDSLWDORIWKH&RPSDQ\IRUWKHWLPHEHLQJIRUVXFKSXUSRVHVDVWKH'LUHFWRUVFRQVLGHU ZRXOGEHLQWKHLQWHUHVWRIWKH&RPSDQ\7KLVDXWKRULW\ZLOOXQOHVVUHYRNHGRUYDULHGE\WKH&RPSDQ\LQ*HQHUDO0HHWLQJZLOOH[SLUHDW WKHQH[W$QQXDO*HQHUDO0HHWLQJRIWKH&RPSDQ\ The general mandate sought for issue of shares is a renewal of the mandate that was approved by shareholders on 13 June 2014. The Company did not utilize the mandate that was approved last year. The purpose of the renewal of the general mandate is to provide ÀH[LELOLW\WRWKH&RPSDQ\IRUDQ\SRVVLEOHIXQGUDLVLQJH[HUFLVHVLQFOXGLQJEXWQRWOLPLWHGWRIXUWKHUSODFHPHQWRIVKDUHVIRUSXUSRVHRI IXQGLQJFXUUHQWDQGRUIXWXUHLQYHVWPHQWSURMHFWVZRUNLQJFDSLWDODQGRUDFTXLVLWLRQV F 2UGLQDU\5HVROXWLRQ±3URSRVHG5HQHZDORI$XWKRULW\WR3XUFKDVH2ZQ6KDUHV Please refer to the Statement to Shareholders in relation to The Proposed Renewal of Authority for Purchase of Own Shares dated 30 April 2015 for further information. 6WDWHPHQWDFFRPSDQ\LQJ1RWLFHRI$QQXDO*HQHUDO0HHWLQJ 'LUHFWRUVVWDQGLQJIRUUHHOHFWLRQDWWKHWK$QQXDO*HQHUDO0HHWLQJ 7KHIROORZLQJDUH'LUHFWRUVUHWLULQJSXUVXDQWWR$UWLFOHRIWKH&RPSDQ\¶V$UWLFOHVRI$VVRFLDWLRQ L $UWLFOH5HWLUHPHQWE\URWDWLRQ 'DWXN$PDU$EGXO+DPHG%LQ+DML6HSDZL Datuk Hasmi Bin Hasnan Professor Dato’ Abang Abdullah Bin Abang Mohamad Alli 7KHUHVSHFWLYHSUR¿OHVRIWKHDERYH'LUHFWRUVDUHVHWRXWLQWKH3UR¿OHRI'LUHFWRUVSDJHVWR The details of interest in securities of the Company (if any) held by the Directors are stated on page 153 of the Annual Report. 156 w w w. n a i m . c o m . m y NAIM HOLDINGS BERHAD CDS account no. of authorized nominee 585467-M (Incorporated in Malaysia) Form of Proxy ,:H (FULL NAME AS PER NRIC IN BLOCK CAPITAL) ,&1R,'1R&RPSDQ\1R QHZ ROG of (FULL ADDRESS) being a member of NAIM HOLDINGS BERHAD, hereby appoint (FULL NAME AS PER NRIC IN BLOCK CAPITAL) 15,&123DVVSRUW1R QHZ ROGRI (FULL ADDRESS) 2U IDLOLQJ KLPKHU WKH &KDLUPDQ RI WKH PHHWLQJ DV P\RXU SUR[\SUR[LHV WR YRWH IRU PHXV RQ P\RXU EHKDOI DW WKH WK$QQXDO *HQHUDO Meeting of the Company to be held at Damai Beach Resort, Teluk Santubong, 93756 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia on Tuesday 26 May 2015 DWDPRUDQ\DGMRXUQPHQWWKHUHRILQWKHPDQQHULQGLFDWHGEHORZ 5HVROXWLRQV )25 2UGLQDU\5HVROXWLRQ Ordinary Resolution 2 2UGLQDU\5HVROXWLRQ Ordinary Resolution 4 Ordinary Resolution 5 Ordinary Resolution 6 6SHFLDO%XVLQHVVHV 2UGLQDU\5HVROXWLRQ 2UGLQDU\5HVROXWLRQ Ordinary Resolution 9 $GRSWLRQRIWKHDXGLWHG¿QDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVDQGUHSRUWVWKHUHWR Approve payment of Directors’ fee 5HHOHFWLRQRI'LUHFWRU'DWXN$PDU$EGXO+DPHG%LQ+DML6HSDZL Re-election of Director : Datuk Hasmi Bin Hasnan Re-election of Director : Professor Dato’ Abang Abdullah Bin Abang Mohamad Alli Re-appointment of Auditors : Messrs KPMG as Auditors and authorising the 'LUHFWRUVWR¿[WKHLUUHPXQHUDWLRQ $*$,167 5HWHQWLRQRI'DWX'U+DML$EGXO5DVKLG%LQ0RKG$]LVDV,QGHSHQGHQW'LUHFWRU $XWKRULW\WRDOORWDQGLVVXHVKDUHV Proposed renewal of authority to purchase own shares 3OHDVHLQGLFDWHZLWKDQ³;´LQWKHVSDFHVDERYHKRZ\RXZLVK\RXUYRWHVWREHFDVWHGRQWKHUHVROXWLRQVSHFL¿HGLQWKH1RWLFHRI0HHWLQJ ,IQRVSHFL¿FGLUHFWLRQDVWRWKHYRWLQJLVLQGLFDWHGWKHSUR[\SUR[LHVZLOOYRWHRUDEVWDLQIURPYRWLQJDVKHVKHWKH\WKLQNV¿W Dated this day of 2015. Number of shares held: 6LJQDWXUHRI6KDUHKROGHUV&RPPRQ6HDO 1RWHV $SUR[\PD\EXWQHHGQRWEHDPHPEHURIWKH&RPSDQ\DQGWKHSURYLVLRQVRI6HFWLRQERIWKH&RPSDQLHV$FWVKDOOQRWDSSO\WRWKH&RPSDQ\ 7REHYDOLGWKH3UR[\IRUPGXO\FRPSOHWHGPXVWEHGHSRVLWHGDWWKH5HJLVWHUHG2I¿FHRIWKH&RPSDQ\DWWK)ORRU:LVPD1DLPò0LOH-DODQ5RFN.XFKLQJ 6DUDZDNQRWOHVVWKDQIRUW\HLJKWKRXUVEHIRUHWKHWLPHVHWIRUKROGLQJWKHPHHWLQJRUDQ\DGMRXUQPHQWWKHUHRI $PHPEHUVKDOOEHHQWLWOHGWRDSSRLQWPRUHWKDQRQHSUR[\WRDWWHQGDQGYRWHDWWKHVDPHPHHWLQJSURYLGHGWKDWWKHSURYLVLRQVRI6HFWLRQFRIWKH&RPSDQLHV Act 1965 are complied with. :KHUHDPHPEHUDSSRLQWVPRUHWKDQRQHSUR[\WKHDSSRLQWPHQWVKDOOEHLQYDOLGXQOHVVKHVSHFL¿HVWKHSURSRUWLRQVRIKLVKROGLQJVWREHUHSUHVHQWHGE\HDFKSUR[\ ,IWKHDSSRLQWHULVDFRUSRUDWLRQWKLVIRUPPXVWEHH[HFXWHGXQGHULWVFRPPRQVHDORUXQGHUWKHKDQGRIDQRI¿FHURUDWWRUQH\GXO\DXWKRULVHG :KHUHDPHPEHURIWKH&RPSDQ\LVDQH[HPSWDXWKRUL]HGQRPLQHHDVGH¿QHGXQGHUWKH6HFXULWLHV,QGXVWU\&HQWUDO'HSRVLWRULHV$FWZKLFKKROGVRUGLQDU\VKDUHV LQWKH&RPSDQ\IRUPXOWLSOHEHQH¿FLDORZQHUVLQRQHVHFXULWLHVDFFRXQWRPQLEXVDFFRXQWWKHUHLVQROLPLWWRWKHQXPEHURISUR[LHVZKLFKWKHH[HPSWDXWKRUL]HGQRPLQHH may appoint in respects of each omnibus account it holds. 2QO\PHPEHUVUHJLVWHUHGLQWKH5HFRUGRI'HSRVLWRUVDVDW0D\VKDOOEHHOLJLEOHWRDWWHQGWKHPHHWLQJRUDSSRLQWSUR[\WRDWWHQGDQGYRWHRQKLVKHUEHKDOI )ROGKHUH/LSDWGLVLQL STAMP The Company Secretary 1$,0+2/',1*6%(5+$' 9th Floor, Wisma Naim, 2½ Mile, Rock Road 93200, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. )ROGKHUH/LSDWGLVLQL
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