June 2015 - Frenchman`s Bay Yacht Club
June 2015 - Frenchman`s Bay Yacht Club
Frenchman’s Bay Yacht Club June, 2015 fbyc.ca Established 1938 A perfect day for Sailpast 2015, warm sun, blue skies and good winds. Commodore’s Report, Erick Magi The Commodore’s Report is not available at this time. Vice Commodore’s Report Glen Dickson Well, wasn’t that a party! What a fabulous day for Sailpast. The skies cleared up after a few days of rain, and while there was a bit of a cool breeze, it was pleasant for everyone to enjoy an afternoon sail after the ceremonies. I’d like to thank everyone who pitched in to make the day a success. Lori Robinson and her team did a wonderful job making sure everyone was fed at lunch, and Taylor kept the bar moving with little wait for a beverage all day. All told, we had approx. 160 people in attendance, and I believe 46 boats on the water. Given that many had more than one member on board, we believe that about 70 members were accounted for during the on water ceremony. That may very well be a record considering there’s only 95 Active members. The new patio and awning were a big hit. Unfortunately our 2 new tables didn’t arrive in time, but they are coming to give us room for 64 people on the patio alone. Now I intend to take a bit of a breather for July and August, and try to enjoy the club a bit. It’s been a whirlwind for the last 2 months. Sailpast Photos by Fred Wolfel Sailpast Photo by Louis Strekas Sailpast Photos by Bob Hess “Anyone know this guy? Would Fred Astaire have been worried?” We must free ourselves of the hope that the sea will ever rest. We must learn to sail in high winds. Aristotle Onassis Junior Sail Report Andrea Zeeb Kevin Susman, Ron’s son, in the 2015 Sailpast Procession It’s June. And there is SOOOO much happening! Firstly though I’d like to personally thank all of the volunteers and generous donations from the membership for making our club look so beautifulnew patio, covered outdoor dining area and lighting, fresh paint, new fencing separating the Junior Club, a new lighthouse at the edge of Dock B, etc. For everyone that is coming to visit the club, and for returning junior sailors, they will be truly impressed. I know I am. Sailing school begins on June 29. All indications are that we will have good enrolment over the summer, which is a welcome relief. The challenge with getting new campers/school attendees is really akin to getting new people into the senior club. But we’re getting there. Our sailing school is a great place for your kids, grandkids, neighbours kids, friend’s kids, etc. Please talk us up to them. Some of the 420’s need a little fibreglass repair. If you can help out, that would be great- at your earliest convenience, but before June 20, when we need the boats. Volunteer hours will be logged. Meghan, Ceilidh and Connor will thank you. Speaking of volunteers…….We need them for Wednesday night BBQ, Friday night dinners – sign up on the bulletin board in the main hallway. And most crucial of all we need volunteers for The Get out on the Water day - June 20. GET OUT ON THE WATER! We have a full house on Saturday June 20 90 people are coming throughout the day, and several are on a waiting list! If we could secure more keelboats, I am certain that FBYC could handle as many as 100 or more. The schedule of visitors to sailboats is coming out this weekend, and if you can volunteer your boat – send me an email – jrsail@fybc.ca and we’ll get you on the list. Not comfortable taking people out on your boat – help us on land – Send me an email if you can help either way. This TRY IT day is designed to get more people on the water, and interested in the sport we hold so dear. If you recall Glen’s April Sailpast message, re the demographics of the club – we really need to increase our membership, get younger sailors and families into the club and this is a perfect venue for it. Come out and volunteer- on land, or at sea. We need you. We thank you for your support. Mike Brajac mike.brajac@gmail.com A great turnout on new members’ night. A special welcome to the new members from the ―cruising‖ section of the club which happens to fall under the name of the Power Boat Committee. One does not have to own a Power Boat to go on club cruises! Basically, a group of us get together and visit another club and that club visits FBYC. At the club we visit, we often get together for a shared supper or find the bar and share a drink or two. If you want to go off and do your own thing that is fine too. To facilitate slip assignments, sign-up sheets are posted usually 4-6 weeks in advance of the cruise date. You end up with a guaranteed slip on a weekend, which depending on the weather and weekend may be hard to come by, particularly with some of the Toronto area clubs. The first cruise this season will be to Ashbridge’s Bay Yacht Club on July 25/26 which is a short jaunt from Queen Street. This also happens to be the same weekend of the Beaches Jazz Festival. Last year we visited THSC during this same weekend and took in the Festival as well. It is a great to see it without worrying about where to park your car or dock your boat! ABYC expects it to be a busy weekend and consequently, we have agreed to go ―boat-for-boat‖ exchange. I have put up a sign-up sheet with 15 spaces on it. When this is full, I will get in touch with ABYC and see where they are at in terms of numbers. I am expecting good numbers from ABYC coming to FBYC. Apparently they were already at 6 boats, and the sign-up sheet had just gone up with no promotion at all. The lousy weather to date has already shortened the season for some. Why not make the most of it and get out and participate in a club cruise? If you are anxious about participating in your first cruise, please let me know and I can endeavour to pair you up with a ―cruising buddy‖. Also, I would be glad to answer any questions you may have about our club cruises. Also for the new members, I think you will find the membership of FBYC to be welcoming and knowledgeable. If someone hasn’t been to a place on the lake (or beyond) they likely know someone who has been. Feel free to ask around if you have any questions about destinations. Reciprocal Cruise Dates for 2015 July 25/26—ABYC—note—exchange with ABYC will be boat-for boat—since this is Jazz Festival weekend. August 1/3 –QCYC—kids cruise focus—Hit Centre Island with your kids. Adults without kids and empty nesters (boaters) welcome as well. Sept 5-7—LSYC—Labour Day weekend— somewhat close to the Air Show! Sept 26/27—BPYC Raft-Up—Sept. 12 Incoming Cruise July 26-28 DYC—If any FBYC members wish to cross the Lake, I can arrange a slip for you at DYC during this time. It is a good start to a vacation cruise. No cruises planned in June due to other events at the club. Rear Commodore Fleet Bob Hickson rcfleet@fbyc.ca 416-919-2297 WYC - Whitby 50 – June 19 & 20 FBYC – Singer Long Distance – July 4 & 5 Bluffers Distance – August 8 WYC – Whitby 100 – September 11 & 12 ABYC – Donald Summerville – September 26 Boats competing in these races will be scored as both a Club event and as the TELDS Series. Sounds exciting for those of us that enjoy distance racing but do not have time to get back and forth to PCYC. UPCOMING EVENTS: JUNE 17, 24, & JULY 1, 8, 15, 22 FBYC Summer 1 Series Wednesday night races. First warning signal is 18:50. JUNE 19 & 20 – Friday & Saturday The Whitby 50 is the first race in the Toronto East Long Distance Series. The race is hosted by Whitby Yacht Club. There is a Friday evening start at WYC to Leslie Spit and back to WYC – distance approximately 50 nm. Last week’s Sailpast was one of the most memorable in my memory with great weather and an amazing number of boats participating. Thanks Glen Dickson for a great event. The photograph of me was taken by Bryan Buttigieg. For those of you that might be wondering, the WW2 RCAF ensign was recently given to me by my Father. He asked me to fly it on special occasions. Sailpast seemed like a perfect opportunity as the following day was his 94th birthday. The Spring Race Series has now ended and Summer 1 will start next week. Due to the number of boats racing, we will be splitting the White Sail Fleet into faster and slower boats starting with this series. There will now be three starts so make sure that you attend the Skippers Meeting on Wednesday June 17th at 5:45 to get the details. There appears to be a great deal of interest in the ―Toronto East Long Distance Series (TELDS)‖ and we are expecting a number of boats from the east end Clubs to participate in the Whitby 50 next weekend. JULY 4 & 5 – Saturday & Sunday The Singer Long Distance Race is the second race in the Toronto East Long Distance Series, We are the host Club for this race. The start will be Saturday morning and the course will be FBYC, Niagara mark, Leslie spit returning to FBYC – distance approximately 70 nm. JULY 18 - Saturday Single handed race. Skippers Meeting @ 10:00 with start at 11:00 JULY 25 & 26 Weekend Steeple Chase Race & Scavenger Hunt. This race coincides with the Club Cruise to ABYC. Same destination with a few sailing challenges thrown in and a Scavenger hunt to be done on your boat during the sail to ABYC. AUTO-HOME-COMMERCIAL-LIFE-BOAT- MORTGAGE GWILLIAMES & ASSOCIATES INSURANCE BROKERS LIMITED ALISON ZARPANA OWEN Tel: 905-619-2424 - Fax 905-619-8080 Toll Free: 1-800-463-3156 2 Bunhill Court, Ajax, ON L1Z 1X5 Email: quote@gwilliamesinsurance.com www.gwilliamesinsurance.com FBYC Calendar of Events June 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed 1 Board Meeting 1930 Regatta Room 7 2 Adult Keel Course 1 flag room 8 14 3 Fri 9 10 Spring Series #6 16 Adult Keel Course 3 flag room Sat 4 Spring Series #5 Adult Keel 2 flag room & OSA 79 regatta room 15 Loshers #3 Thu 5 New Members Night Flag Room 11 12 Bar Open 1900 Regatta Room / Patio/fri pm dinner 17 18 Summer I Series # 1 22 23 Adult Keel Course #2 wk1 flag room 19 Bar Open 1900 Regatta Room / Patio /fri pm dinner 28 29 24 25 Summer I Series # 2 13 Loshers # 2 TELDS Whitby 50 21 6 Sail Past 2015 & 20 TELDS Whitby 50 Junior Open House / OSA Get on the Water / Big Brothers / Sisters Sail 26 Bar Open 1900 Regatta Room / Patio/fri pm dinner 27 Private Function Lawn/flag rm - pm Channel Opening 30 Adult Keel Course #2 wk2 flag room 27 cont –private function flag rm 712 July 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 Fri 2 CANADA DAY Summer I Series # 3 5 TELDS Singer LD 6 Board Meeting 1930 Regatta Room 12 LO 300 13 7 Mock Race Seminar 7:00 19 8 9 15 16 21 22 23 26 Reciprocal Cruise ABYC (Boat for Boat) Steeplechase 27 July 26 to Aug 2 LYRA - Sodus Bay 28 24 Bar Open 1900 Regatta Room / Patio/fri pm dinner 29 Summer II Series # 1 30 11 LO 300 17 Bar Open 1900 Regatta Room / Patio/fri pm dinner Summer I Series # 6 4 TELDS Singer LD 10 Bar Open 1900 Regatta Room / Patio/fri pm dinner Summer I Series # 5 20 3 Bar Open 1900 Regatta Room / Patio/fri pm dinner Summer I Series # 4 14 LO 300 Sat 31 Bar Open 1900 Regatta Room / Patio/fri pm dinner 18 Single Hand Race 25 Reciprocal Cruise ABYC (Boat for Boat) Steeplechase August 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 QCYC Cruise – Kids Cruise 2 QCYC Cruise – Kids Cruise 9 FBYC – Regatta TELDS Bluffers 16 3 4 QCYC Cruise – Kids Cruise 10 11 Board Meeting 1930 Regatta Room 17 5 12 23 24 25 31 20 Single Hand Series #1 26 21 15 Loshers #4 22 Bar Open 1900 Regatta Room / Patio/fri pm dinner 27 Single Hand Series #2 8 FBYC – Regatta Bluffers - Regatta 14 Bar Open 1900 Regatta Room / Patio/fri pm dinner 19 Summer II Series # 5 30 13 Summer II Series # 3 18 7 Bar Open 1900 Regatta Room / Patio/fri pm dinner Summer II Series # 4 Pursuit Race 6 Summer II Series # 2 28 Bar Open 1900 Regatta Room / Patio/fri pm dinner 29
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