The Arl(ansas Family Historian - Arkansas Genealogical Society
The Arl(ansas Family Historian - Arkansas Genealogical Society
The Arl(ansas Family Historian Volume 6, No.2, . Apr/May/June 1968 THE ARKANSAS FAMILY HISTORIAN VOL. VI, NO.2 APHIL - MAY - JUNE, ., Pu1lished Quarterly By ARKANSAS GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY Box 587 CONWAY, ARKANSAS 1968 34 ARKANSAS FAMILY HISTORIAN Published quarterly by the ARKANSAS GENEALOGICAL SOCiETY Box 587 Conway, Arkansas 72032 Mrs, Dolores Murphy Editor Founded 1962 Copyright 1968 Subscription $5,00 Annually OFFICERS Dr, James S, Upton President Conway Miss Annie Laurie Spencer V-President EI Dorado W. E, Bailey Secretary-Treasurer Enola DIRECTORS Mrs. T, H, Bowles Mrs. Duncan Brown, Jr. Mrs. Elaine Cia Mrs. Almon Faught Mrs, H. Guy Gardner Mrs. F. 0, Gdffin, Sr. Mrs. Pat Herrington Miss Mary Hudgins Miss Jennie Belle Lyle Mrs. Gerald B. McLane Mrs. Lawrence Newton Mrs, Robert G. Reaves Joe C. Shaw Miss Annie Laurie Spencer Mrs. Edward Westbrook Uttle Rock Lit.tle Rock .Uttle Rock Jonesboro Russellville Helena Little Rock Hot Springs Little Rock Hot springs Hampton Fayetteville Conway El Dorado Jonesboro CONTENTS -------. GARNER CEMETERY, CLEVELAND COUNTY, ARKANSAS Page 35 GOODSPEED'S MEMOIRS OF EASTERN ARKANSAS 37 WILL BOOK ''E'', PRAIRIE COUNTY, ARKANSAS 46 THOMAS BIBLE RECORDS LYLE BIBLE RECORDS GAMMILL mBLE RECORDS FISH BIBLE RECORDS NEWTON BIBLE RECORDS 47 49 50 51 47 BYRNE FAMILY BIBLE YOUNG - McCRARY BIBLE RECORDS WOLFF FAMILY BIBLE 52 53 FRENCH PRAIRIE CEMETERY, LOGAN COUNTY, ARKANSAS 55 SLAUGHTER CEMETERY, LOGAN COUNTY, ARKANSAS 6? QUERIES 63 AGS NEWS, FROM THE MAILBOX, 54 NEW MEMBERS 70 35 GARNER CEMETERY, CLEVELAND COUNTY, ARKANSAS Copied by: Bennett Wood Garlington, Route I, Kingsland, Ark. 71652 E dite d by: Mrs. Lawrenee Newton, P. O. Box 41, Hampton, Ark. 71744 Several months ago, when I was some material for publication in 'The Arkansas Family Historian', I wrote to our Editor: "Today I have given an application for membership in our Society to Mr. Bennett Garlington of Kingsland, Cleveland County, Arkansas, and I do hope he decides to join us. He ",HI make usa good member, as he knows so much about the old fami1ies along the Dallas-·Cleveland border, and particularly in those townships that were taken from Dallas County when Cleveland (formerly Dorsey) County was formed. He can contribute much to our Soci.ety." (Some of the families he has done extensive research on are John Cook, Wright., Garlington, Garner, Childers, Chesier and Burford.) Mr. Garlington has joined us, and my prediejj.on that he would contribute has come true. He is with the A rkansas Forestry Commission and knows the location of many almost forgotten family cemeteries, and places where there are just two or three or a si.ngle grave, in places that were once part of a homesi:ead or plantation. We agreed that if he would gather this information, I would type and edi'!; ~t for him. The names have been alphabetized only by family surnames in an effort to keep inscripti.ons together as th.e graves lie in the cemetery. -.- Willma Humphreys Newton We begi.n Mr. Garlington's cemetery listings with Garner Cemetery in Cleveland County on west side of 167 about: ten miles north of Fordyce·--NE 1/4, NW 1/4, Sec. 10, T9S, R13W. BOYER, .Joe Lizetta Sept. 13, 1872 Jan. 31, 1876 BURFORD, Daniel, b. Hards Co., Ga. Nancy L., b. Lauderdale Co., Ala. Lucy;r. Uriah MeD. , Martha "J, (Wilson) Lenard N. Minnie L. Nov. Nov. Dec. Nov. Feb. Dec. Nov. CHESHIER, .Lenard, son of C. L. & L. B. Susan Garlingi;on Susan Agnes Arthur Dean Aug. 29, 1904 1837 Mar. 4, 1883 Feb. 11, 1881 CONNELL, .James W. Margaret ,J. Pet.ers, wife of James W. . 1", 1806 17,. 1814 13, 1874 7, 1868 28, 1847 26, 1884 20, 1886 1880 1889 ,July 25, 1944 GARLINGTON. Peggy Lorl 1804 Susan ,Jabis born in North C~.rolina F89 1871 MolHe 1877 Twins 1826 Stephen 1840 Mariah Hasty (wife of Stephen, married fIrst t;o a Fitz.patrick, who, dIed in Civil War) Lena Corine, d>J.ughi:er of 1. G. and N. E. 1919 Nancy Ellen Crouse, wife of l. G. Garlington Oct. 20, 1879 I . s a j a h J u l y 16, 1874 WilUam Fayne Sept. 10, 1903 Nov. 7, 1951 Mar. 31, 1885 Mar. 30, 1880 Aug. 19, 1878 Oct. 11, 1882 Oct. 20, 1885 Aug. 19, 1886 July 29, 1892 July 18, 1905 1911 June 16, 1899 Jan. 5, 1902 1956 1967 Jan. 6, 1946 1872 1862 1879 1877 1885 1866 1942 July I, 1950 Sept. 4, 1958 Mar. 11, 1962 35 GARNER CEMETERY, CLEVELAND COUNTY, ARKANSAS Co pi e d by: Bennett Wood Garlington, Roul;e I, Kingsland, Ark. 71652 Edited by: Mrs. Lawrence Newton, P. O. Box 41, Hampton, Ark. 71744 Several months ago, when I was some material for publication i.n 'The Arkansas Family Historian', I wrote t.o our Editor: "Today I have given an application for membership in our Society to Mr. Bennett Garlington of KIngsland, Cleveland County, Arkansas, and I do hope he decides to join us. He will make us a good member, as he knows so much about the old famHies along Ihe Dallas-·Cleveland border, and particularly in those townships that were taken from Dallas County when Cleveland (formerly Dorsey) County was formed. He can contribute much to O"lr Sociei;y." (Some of the families he has done extensive research on are John Cook, Wright, Garlington, Garner, Childers, Chesier and Burford.) Mr. Garlingt.on has joined us, and my prediction that he would contribute has come true. He is with the A rkansas Forestry Commission and knows !:he location of many almost forgotten family cemet.eries, and places where there are just two or three or a single grave, in places that were onee pari; or a homc;.3i;c;ad or plantation. We agreed that if he would gather this information, I would type and ed!.!: H for him. The names have been alphabetized only by family surnames in an effort to keep inscriptions together as the graves lie in the cemetery • ._.- Willma Humphreys Newton We begin Mr. Garlingt.on's cemetery listings with Garner Cemetery i.n Cleveland County on west side of 167 about ten miles nor;;!l of Fordyce--NE 1/4, NW 1/4, Sec. 10, T9S, R13W. BOYER, .Joe Lizetta 13, 1872 Jan. 31, 1876 Nov. 7, 1951 BURFORD, Daniel, b. Hards Co., Ga. Nancy L., b. L!i;lderdale Co., Ala. Lucy ,r. Udall McD. , Marlha.J. (Wilson) Lenard N. Minnie L. Nov. 1"I , 1806 Nov. 1"I , 1814 Dec. 13, 1874 Nov. 7, 1868 Feb. 28, 1847 Dec. 26, 1884 Nov. 20, 1886 Mar. 31, 1885 Mar. 30, 1880 Aug. 19, 1878 Oct. 11, 1882 Oct. 20, 1885 Aug. 19, 1886 July 29, 1892 CHESHIER, Lenard, son (If C. L. & L. B. Susan Ga.rlington Susan Agnes Arthur Dean Aug. 29, 1904 1837 Mar. 4, 1883 Feb. 11, 1881 July 18, 1905 1911 June 16, 1899 Jan. 5, 1902 CONNELL, .Ja.mes W. M'lrgarct .J. Pc,l.er6, wife of James W. 1880 1889 ;ruly 25, 1944 GARLINGTON, Peggy Lo',} 1804 Snsa.n .Jabis born in Not'l.ll FS9 1871 Molli.e 1877 Twins 1826 Stephen 1840 Mariah Hasty (wUo of Si:ephen, married first to a Fitzpatrick, who: died in Civil War) Lena Conne, d'J.ughl:er of 1. G. and N. E. 1919 Nancy Ellen Crollsc, wife of 1. G. Garlington Oct. 20, 1879 I s a i . a h J u l y 16, 1874 Fa.yne Sept. 10, 1903 1956 1967 Jan. 6, 1946 1872 1862 1879 1877 18S5 1866 1942 July 1, 1950 Sept. 4, 1958 Mar. 11, 1962 L 36 GARNER .CEMETERY, CLEVELAND' COUNTY, ARKANSAS GARNER, John I. May 6, 1837 Louis R. aged 1 yr., 2 mos. 10 days John H. Jan. 16, 1883 Benjamin Franklin June 15, 1851 H,B. Aug. 28, 1880 Jewel L. Feb. 29, 1890 Susan Elizabeth Cheshire, wife of W. A. Garner Oct. 4, 1860 ,infant son of W. A. and Annie H. Garner May 20, 1883 Laura Isabel James Gilbert May 4, 1880 . Jan. 4, 1918 John Marvin (Masonic Emblem) Dale, ). ",',;:. ~. Mar. 13, 1888 Eliza Dec. 28, 1898 .EUnice Virginia Sept. 29, 1915 Sept. 3; 1916 Intant. Emily Rebeccll; wife of John I. Dec. 26, 1856 Polly A. Mar. 11, 1882 Nancy E. , wife of J. I. , aged 38 yrs, 3 mos, 17 days "t' ., ~ .: ;, Nov. 10, 1877 Jan. 14, 1880 Feb. 12, 1885 Dec~ 8,' 1895 Mar. 24, 1908 May 18, 1945 Nov. 3, 1885 Mar. Aug. Dec. Aug. 26, 1947 13, 1955 5, 1964 9, 1938 Aug. 16, 1918 Sept. 3, 1916 July 25, 1931 Aug. 9, 1952 Mar. 26, 1875 GARRISON, William Vern Beulah Morris Jan. 31, 1922 Oct. 2, 1922 Oct. 7, 1967 HOUSE,' James Godfrey Ellen Mae Aug. 29, 1917 Mar. 1, 1920 Oct. 30, 1959 MORRIS, Ethel J. Gertrude Taylor Dec. 12, 1897 Aug. 23, 1901 . June 22, 1963 May 5, 1964 PETERS •. Jerry Lee Joel Walton Nancy Elizabeth Sept. 11. 1943 Aug. 6, 1891 Aug. 3 •. 1905 Dec. 1, 1949 Mar. 30, 1960 Sept. 21, 1943 RANEY,. Elder Robert A. Sophronia Dec.· 2, 1874 Apr. 7, 1879 Mar. 23, 1961 Jan. 8, 1868 Dec. 9, 1943 1908 1911 1959 (Married Oct. 19, 1895) ROGERS, Jo\ln Louis Lavi ) Double marker Annie ) SHIELDS, Elmer Lee June 14, 1896 May 20, 1950 SPARKS, Earl Oct. 24, 1898 Jan. 9, 1907 WRIGHT, Matilda A. Mar. 1, 1826 Dec. 27, 1909 Mr. Garlington will have other small cemeteries in Dallas and Cleveland counties ready for publication in future issues. -- Ed. 37 INDEX TO GOODSPEED BJOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORlCAL MEMOIRS OF EASTERN ARKANSAS (WHITE, WOODRUFF, CROSS, CRITTENDEN, ST. FRANCIS, MONROE, LEE, ARKANSAS, PRAIRlE and PHILLIPS COUNTIES) Copied by: Mrs. Leister E. Presley (This is an index of the persons whose biographies are listed in Goodspeed's History of Eastern Arkansas, pubUshed ca 1890. We have previously published indices to Goodspeed's "Southern Arkansas" and "Northwest Arkansas" in Vol. IV, No.4 and Vol. V, No. 1. Ed.) Page numbers are glven for the beginning of each county. under each couniy. The names are arranged alpha- WHlTE COUNTY - Page 113 Adams, H, K. Adkins, ,James H. Allen, ,John M, Anderson, Thomas Smith Andrews, Moses E. Aunsspaugh, Moses E, Barclay, William C, BartleU" John M, Bell, ,J. ,J, Benton, John W, Bobbltt, T, B, Boggs, Roberi J. Booth, M, Love Booth, Gilliam harper Bradley, William F. Brewer, William Sackville Brown, Charles, R. L. B'~mpass, Augustine W, Burns, Pat.rick Burl,on, George T, Canada, Robert W, Carnes, R, W, Carodl11e, William H, Carter, W, B, Carter, Alfred T. Cathcart, J. M, ChriSp, R. W. Claiborn, Arthur Smith Clay, Green B, Cle"eland, J. C, Coffey, John D, Coffey, John Reed Cook, William R, Crow, Joshua p, Cyperi, Jesse N, Darden, J. W. Davie, James M. Davis, J. C. R. Davis, ,James D. DeBois, John D. Deener, John J. Dobbins, G. W. Douthat, Charles L. Dowdy, William T. Dowdy, R. A. Duncan, T. A. Dupriest, James Eastland, J. S. Edie, J, W. Edwards, William H. Edwards, Thomas J. Edwards, James H. ElliS, Thomas B. Figg, James Fisher, W'o E. Foreman, Fussell, John C. Gentry, Uriah E. Gentry, M. N. George, C. S. Gill, Robert N. Gilliam, Emmet 0, Gist, James Monroe Goad, George W. Grammer, Joseph H, Grammer, B. F, Gra.ves, Philip Yancy Greer, Alfred Gregory, James E, Griffin, Albert Guise, Elijah Backer, ,John M. Hall, .James William Hammons, .Jacob Alah Eammons, John William Hancock, Abraham Harper, Edward Harvey, Henry F. Harris, Richard D. Heard, Hubbard P. Henderson, V. H. Hicks, John T, Hilger, N. B. Hodges, William H. Holland, John G. Holland, William G, House, p" B. Hughes, Andrew J. Hili man, D. W. Irwin, George ,Jackson, James M. Jobe, J. R. 38 BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX TO GOODSPEED"S WHITE Johnson, Wiley A. Jones, Thomas P. Jones, H. C. Jordon, Arthur Clifford Kelley, J. S. Key, James M. King, Stanley Blount King, John Thomas Kinney, E. C. Knowlt.on, H. C. Langley, Enoch Langley, Jsom P. Laster, Fayette T. Lay, Winfield Scott Laws, F. P. Leggett, George W. Leggett, John L. Leib, John H. Lewis, Benjamin W. Linder, Jefferson 1?inkney Lumpkin, Benjamin H. McAdams, J. F. McCauley, John C. McCauley, James A. McCauley, George C. McCulloch, R. H. McDowell, Miles G. McKinney, George W. McLeod, D. L. McRae, Dandridge Malone, Thomas Jefferson Malone, Malinda J., Mrs. Manasco, Jeremiah E. Marsh, John S. Matthews, John W. Merrill, Burwill M. Miller, Christian Mitchell, John S. Mitchell, Nathaniel Lee Moncrief, Josiah J. Moon, William Bird Moon, William D. Moore & Lyon (James Moore & Jack F. Lyon) Morris, M. M. Morris, George L. COUNTY Neal, .James R. Neal, John H. Neavill, John A. Newman, Charles E. Norvell, Eli.jah B. Oliver, T. J. Overst.reet., William DeBerry Owen, William M. Parker, Littleberry B. Pat.terson, John T. Pemberton, J. A. Pence, .Joshua W. Pettey. N. B. Phelps, John Andrew Phelps, Joseph T. Plant:, Wiley D. Pope, Henry W. Price, Frederick R. Price, Amaziah M. Price, Carrol A. Pyles, L. M. QUick, Thomas Jefferson Rainey, William C. Randall, John F. Ray, James F. Reaves, William P. Redus, J. F. Reynolds, Jackson V. Rheu, James P. Rhoden, Mary M., Mrs. Riley, Willshire Robbins, Elbert A. Robbins, J. W. Roberson, John A. Rodmon, A. T. Rogers, Benjamin Rogers, Thomas J. Russ, John P. H. Russ, James E .. Saunders, Christopher N. Seaton, Elihu Q. Shoffner, Andrew C. Smith, Thomas Smith, Joel W. Smith, Frank W. Smith, William Smith, Abner F. Snipes, J. A. Stanley, Omal H. Starkey, J. W. Stewart, Lee Thomas Stowell, A. L. Strange, Henry Beverly Strayhorn, William H. Sutton, AJfred B. Talkington, J. M. Tate, Andrew B. Tapscott, A. Byron Taylor, Thomas P. Taylor, W. J. H. Teer, Manuel Tharp, W. H. Thomas, J. C. C. Thome, John A. Wair, James Waldo, Calvin Calkins Walker, J. T. Walker & Ford Wallis, W. T. Warren, Caleb Parker Warren, Thomas Watkins, Thomas Wells, T. W. Wells, M. C. Wells, George C. West, William C. West, N. H. West, A. J. Westbrook, Samuel A. Wheaton, Daniel W. Whitney, James K. Whitsitt, 1. J. Williams, William M. Winborn, F. M. Winn, Robert J. Womack, John W. Wood, Alfonsus Woodson, Daniel T. Woodson. James R. Wright, James Maury Wright., James A. HISTORY OF EASTERN ARKANSAS Page 272 WOODRUFF COUNTY Andrews, J. T. Battle, L. L. Beard, John B. Becton, JohnW .. Burkett, Eli Buster, J. W. & Bro. Byrd, N. C. Campbell, James· H. Cariker, R. Carter, A. C. . Chaney,. William A. Cole, L. D. Compton, D. R_ Conner, B. B. Crossett, E. J. Dale, F. Dent, J. Dent, S. Douglas, D. B. E. J. H. Fitzhugh, R .. K. Fletcher, B. A. Folsom, W. W. · Murray, R. W. O'Shields, W.J. Gordon, George W. Grisby, E. O. Penn, J. P. Price,. D. F. Hamblet, J: T. Hightower, T.A. House, J. P. Howell, Joseph L. Reed, W.A. Revel, John W. Roddy, Edmond Ingalls, S. L. J'eti; -Richard T. Jones, F. B. Jones,· S. M. Leach, Lewis, Locke, Lynch, D. D. A. C. Thomas T. Robert C. · Scales" Ed · Shearer,. John Shoup, D .. P. '--Snapp-,·L;·. '0;.... Spradlin, Francis M;· Stanley, T. E. · Stoker, James A. Thompson, E. G. Trice,. William T. Vaughan, P.,A. Echols, William T. , Eldridge, Rolfe Fakes, G. B. Felker, James Ferguson,. W. E. . McDonald,· John J. . McGregor, RansfordP. Marsh, Andrew J. Mariin, Robert T. Martin, Rufus J. Mathis, Wilham J. CROSS COUNTY Allen, William D. Austell,.S. L. Bailes, Eli Bamson, R. B. Bedford, T. A. Berry,· Alonzo A. Block, Maurice Block, Sol Block, O. I. Block, Raphael Block, Joseph Block, William M. Block, J. D. Block, Robert Lee Brown, W. P. Bruner, John B. . Bryant, T .. D. Casheer,.Archie B. Cobb, William J. Cole, William H. Copeland,· William H. Daltroff, S. Ellis, R. J. . Erwin, James E. Fannin, J. T. Faulkner, W.· A. Fountain,. William Futrell, Alexander Ganley, William Gardner, CassiusM. Graham, John Griffin,· G.. W. Waide,. William S. Westmoreland, J. W. , Widener" J. C. Woods, J., E. Page 321 Halk,· JamesO. Hamilton,. John J. Hamilton"C .. M. Hamilton, J. B. · Hamilton, B. F. Hare,· F., M. Hare" T. E. Harris" Edward Hinton, AugustusW. Hodges" Rowland Hodge, O. J. Johnson, Newton P. Johnson, William W. Jones, C. P. Jones" W.·A. Jones',. JameS A. · Jordorl, A. · Julian, 1.. S. 39 40 BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX TO GOODSPEED'S CROSS COUNTY Killough, John W. Killough, Oliver N. Page 321 Neely, Charles Oliver, Charles D. Oliver, R. G. Orr,R. W. Lancaster, W .. L. Lewellen, John W. Lewellen, J. T. Levesque, J. M. Levesque,. W. T. Littlefield, Philip B. Logan, J. W. Lyon, J. L. Phillips, Anderson Pierce, William M. Pope, Riddick Pope, Albert M. Raulston, Napoleon B. · Riley,. M. A. Roberts, William Henry Robinson, W. F. Rogers, Reuben R. Rolfe, J. T. McElroy, J. C. McElroy, A. J. McKie, Mrs. Cora H. l'4cKie, James D. Malone, John K. Martin, Thomas L. May, John P. May, ThomasW. Mebane, William T. Sigman, Eli E. Slocum, W. H. Smith, R. M. Smith, T. B Spain, R. M. · Sparks, G. N. Stacy, G. W. Stoner, John Taylor, Joseph Taylor, William Taylor, J. H. Toole, John Tyer, Samuel Tyer, D. A. Vann, .John M. · Warren, Mrs. Ella White, John N. Wilkins, W. P. Winter, H. C. Wright, J. G. C:RITT ENDE N COUNTY - Page 390 Apperson, Edmond M. Barton, James F. Barton, Frank H. Barton, R. B, Barton, James T. Barton, Robert W. Bassett, James Bassett, Samuel D. Bigham, William Matthews Blann,A. D. Boon, Levi Barton Brooks, William D. Brown, William H. Daugherty, Peter G. Davis, Samuel Ferguson, Alexander H. Fogleman, LeRoy Fogleman, G,. A, Gilmore, John Hackler, John P. Hardin, William J. Hodges, Asa Hathaway, Ralph Hodges, John D. Hodges, James F. campbell, Albert H. Holloway, J. L. . Cashion, Thomas Holmes, William M. ClclmeIif;·'· AriilioriyM;··""·"""';!'· ".:""""'"'' Hood,·. Sterling '1::ocks,· Seth C. Jeffries, W, P. Collins, Robert F. Johnson,.M. J. Combs, ttichard Stephens · Jordon, Minos C. Crump, BaXter :C. Daniels, Carlile · Keel, Samuel Koser, Fredrick Lambeth, J. T. Lewis, John G. Lloyd" Mrs .. Mary Lyles, O. P. · McConnell, Benjamin Franklin · ¥ann, Jon C. May, Archibald C. · Morris, G. F. Phillips, W. P. Pickett, LaFayette Rhodes, John F. Richards, James E.. Sands, J. G . Scott, George W. Sebree, H. W. Seyppel, Otto · Sinclair, Albert Smith, J. F. Smith, J. L. Stewart, J .. W, 41 HISTORY OF EASTERN ARKANSAS CRITTENDEN COUNTY Strong, Mrs. Margie Strong, A. R. Stull, George T. Swepston, Wilsie W. Swoope, Lafayette Vance, William, Jr. Wallace, R. N. Walter, Charles A. West, C. T. West, i. O. Williams, John C. Throgmorton, James C. Tolleson, Emmett B. Williams, John H. Williams, Edwin J. Williamson, J. F. Williford, Solomon P. Williford, William H. Young, William R. ST. FRANCIS COUNTY - Page 451 Ables, John J. Adare, J. L. Allen, William E. Alley, W. H. Anderson, Mrs. Margaret E .. Apperson, Samuel D. Bonner, Edward Bynum, Calvin N. Caldwell, James L. Clifton, William Thomas Coffey, W. H. Cole, J. H. Council, William A. Davis, D. W. Davis, Anthony D. Davis, John M. Dooley, H. P. Dorris, O. E. Douglas, John E. Elliott, William Ellis, William T. Evans, J. J. Feat.herston, L. B. Ferguson, William C. Fitzpatrick, Thomas O. Fulkerson, Andrew J. Hinton, Cephas F. Hodges, Jesse B. Houston, Hiram Hughes, John J. Hughes, Elijah C. Ingram, Joseph L. Izard, M. W. & Co. Izard, V. B. Izard, R. J. Jolly, William Jones, Nathaniel M. Littell, Philander Littlefield, George W. Lynch, John F. McDaniel, William H. McDonald, James P. McGowen, Joseph Mahaffey, Jewwe W. Mallory, John W. Mallory, Lowry Manning, William Matthews, W. J. May, Archibald S. Mohler, Thomas I. Nail, Irving R. Gatling, John Parrot, John M. Paslay, W. H. Hall, Orville J. Higgins, William H. Pearson, G. W. Peevey, R. W. Prewett, Frank M. Prewitt, George C. Prewitt, Frank E. Rollwage, Otto B. Rowland, George M. Roy, John L. Sparkman, R. H. Seaborn, G. W. Skinner, James W. Snowden, Stephen F. Stayton, D. H. Stern, .J. G. St.ewart, James M. Stone, .J. E. Stout, J. W. Taylor, George P. Taylor, Thomas L. Vadakin, E. L. Vann, Claude H. Van Patten, Philip Webb, Wade Widener, John M. Williams, N. G. Williams, R .•T. Wilson, Eugene Winthrop, H. W. Withers, Thomas Jefferson Wolff, O. P. Wylds, Daniel 42 BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX TO GOODSPEED'S MONROE Andrews, J. T. Hall, William Jasper Hooker, William Hughen, Wesley H. Hughes, James Benton Hurst, G. W. Bateman, H. B. Baxter, John B. Benton, W. L. Black, Samuel Langley Black, Mrs. Bena Blaine, A. T. Boyce, William H. Branch, W. F. Brickell, Thomas J. Brown. Elijah C. Burge, W. D. Jackson, T. H. Johnson, Benjamin F. Jones, William.J. F. Kerr, BenjamIn F. Kerr, W. D. Kizer, L. W. Carter, HIlliard A. Cocke, .James Allen Cooper, John W. Counts, Richard N. Craig, Robert La Belle, Charles B. Lambert, B. J .. _ McGill, Henry A. Manning, M. J. Martin, M. D. Mayo, William Montgomery Mayo, Lawrence Sherod Mayo, John William Miles, James M. Mills, Charles B. Mitchell, L. B. Myers, Henry H. Davis, S. W. Di.aL J. E. Ewan, Parker C. FIt zhugh, S. E. Flora A. Flora, J. M. Folkes, J. M. Frazer, J. W. Owens, Alfred Gannon, Alfred J. Govan, William H. Green, Grant Green, Henry D. Palmer, James C. Park. RoberT: W. park, James Park,. William D. LEE Adams, P. H. Anderson, Dewitt Bickerstaff, Robert J. Bigham, Virgil Bishop, S. A. Bonner, George W. Bowdon, Francis M. Boykin, David W. COUNTY Page 507 COUNTY Parker, J. T. Peterson, W. H. Pointer, Samuel R. Powell, W. D. Renfro, D. B. Rich, George A. Ridout, J. P. Roberts, James P. Robinson, F. J. Robinson, J. W. B. Sain, W. F. Salinger, Louis Seale, James S. Simmons, Miles A., Jr. Simons, Stephen Simpson, Washington Sims, William K. Spencer, William E. Sutton, William Grant Thomas, .James S. Toms, Frank B. Vanderford, B. P. Vaughan, Milton H. Walker, J. W. Wellborn, B. West:, Robert M. Whitfield, J. W. Williams, Lewis N. Woodfin & Henderson (E. L. Woodfin & R. M. Henderson) _. Page 566 Bradford, William S. Brasher, T. J. Briley. Jesse Brittain, John A. Broadley, William J. Bullard, George W. Clark, William H. Curtis .J. P. Davis, D. W. Davis, Robert C. Derrick, W. T. Derrick, H. B., Jr. DIamond, Eli T. DozIer, James J. Dunham,. J. P. Fleming, William P. 43 HISTORY OF EASTERN ARKANSAS LEE COUNTY Ford, M. H. Foreman, John 1. Foreman, R. R. Foster, G. F. Foster, Thomas Friar, J. T. Friend, E. F. Futrall, Thomas A. Jenkins, J. L. Johnson, Samuel L. Johnson, John M. Johnston, S. D. Jones, H. M. Kellam, Hiram C. Gibson, J. H. Gill, William Franklin Gill, Robert O. Gray, Joseph O. Greer, .J. W. Govan, D. C. Govan, Francis H. Gustavus, Ferdinand Louis Lee, John Lesser, Julius Lynch, John Carroll Marchbank, George Mathews, George J. Merwin, T. C. Miller, Jonas Moore, William T. Rodgers, Alberi S. Rowland, .John L. Russell, .John W. Scruggs, Ha rtwell Shackelford, Richard D, Sims, James A. Slaughter, Mrs. Louisa F. (Nolesj Smith, G. F, Spivey, John H. Sullivan, Jacob A. Thompson, Andrew ,T. Thompson, John J. Thompson, Joseph S, Underwood, Phillip H. Hale, Robert E. Hammond, D. Earper, William L. Harrington, V. M. Hayes, John W. Henley, Ennes M. Hewitt, John Marshall Holbert, J. A. Hopkins, Joseph K. :louston, J. P. Eoward, William L. Hutton, H. N. New, James H. Obenchain, L. K. Owen, R. B. Otey, C. A. parnell, J. H. Phillips, Thomas G. Pittman, George W. Ragland, E. D. Robinson, T. J. Rodgers, James W. Rodgers, Henry Preston Jastrawer, A. ARKANSAS COUNTY Alexander, Jacob Almond, Aiwain M. Almond, Jonathan N. Black, P. M. Buerkle, George Adam Chaney, Robert C. Childers, Frank B. Conine, George W. Crump, David O. Davidson, G. W. Waldrip, William Bennett Wall, Enoch W. Wall, Wliliam A. Walton, William A. Ward, ,Tohn. C. Weatherly, .T. M. Webster, Lee Weld, W. P. Wilkes, Jesse A. Williams, .James A. Willson, Naf.hamei L. Wood, John R. Page 632 Ferguson, William F. Ferrell, LeRoy Johnson, Edward Lambert. Lemon, John W. Gibson, .James A. Gunnell, A. J. Hagler, Jacob H. Halliburton, WiIliam H. Henderson, Nathan M. Howell, P. A. Huffman, Abner L. Hutchinson, Thomas H. Massey, M. M. Mat.tmi1ler, George F. Maxwell, ,John R. Meacham, Walter F. Merrl1:'., James H. Miller, John W. Montgomery, ·John Morgan, Samuel A. 44 B.lOGRAPHTCAL INDEX TO GOODSPEED'S ARKANSAS COUNTY -. Page 632 Parker, Richard H. Pike, M. F. Poynter, Jesse P. Price, James M. Price, N. B. Price, William M. ScotT" John W. Stephen, John W. Stephen, B rj an .M Stillwell. J Harold Quertermous, Benjamin F. Walton, John H. Thompson., John A. PRAIRIE Aydelott, A. L. COUNTY Gates, David Gibbon, W.. R J. Grady" J. W. Greer. Thomas F. Webster" Joe Williams, Morrjs D. Woolfolk, .J. A. Word, James Word, Benjanun N. WrlghL William Joseph Young, John - Page 673 . Baugh, Philip B. Baugh, James J. Bechler, Christ.ian Becton, Jacob G. Harr. J. A. Belcher, G. W. Harshaw, ,John R. Bowman, Andrew Jackson HendrlCks, A .T. Bowman, C. L. HlghfllL James W. Brians, James W. Hipobte. W. W. Brink, Luther Holmes. H W. Brock, William H. Horne" SImeon Brockway & Eaton (David Horne, William A. Brockway & William E. EaTOn) Hurt. F. P Brown, James T. Brown, Fred E. Jenkms,. B. R, Burks, David J. ·Jewell, Henry C . Burney, James W. Johnson., B F. Johnson .J ohn R. Caskey, Joseph W. Clark, M. M. King,. Charles F. Collins, B. J. Knauff ,John W Cook, William Lee, William Davis, Joshua Lumpkm WIlha.m B. Dinsdale, Richard Lynn, Hugb McQ. Dobbins & Collins (W. G. Dobbins & Jared Comns) McCarley . Robert C. Dorris, James M. Driehaus, Adolph Mallory . ·,Tames R . Mason, STephen R. Edmonds, T. W. Maxwell, W. E. Erwin, Martin M. Minton, S. A Erwin, Ambrose S. Moore . WHham L, Erwin, Albert L. Moore, Edwin Flinn, B. W. Owens, W. P. Fransioli, F. H. Parrj3h., A. C, Peak. L. M. Perry,. J. M. Perry,. J E. Pelley, ,John W. Petlev·, George E Rei.nhardL Aug,"sms M, Reinhardi, Ahel S. Reubell, George J. RIcbards W. H. Richs.rdson Robert E Richardson, .,James M. Robinson, F. M. Rooker,. ·James M. Sanders. J, B. Shock. William D. Spa.rks, J, D. Stephenson, Hugh S., Stranan,.•fefferson ,J. St.ra.tton . Frank Taylor, ,John Henry ThweaTt. Nwholas B. Thwea1t. ,J. G. TIsdale. William A. E. Van Z and:. " J. M Vaughan., Horace p, Wells. F P While, Dand N Wjlleford. WilIJam L WJUef(,rd, B. s. WHl;ams" W Fo Wintke r, Rudolph Wylie, E, F 45 HISTORY OF EASTERN ARKANSAS PHILLIPS COUNTY - P. 739 Barlow, J. C. Boetzkes, J. M. Bonner, R. S. Bonner, Charles L. Brame, James T. Brickell, Nicholas Brooks, Samuel H. Brown, John L. Burke, Moses Burnett, William S. Bush, James A. Carpenter, S. B. Clark, Calvin Clarke, James P. Cleburne, Patrick Ronayne Cooke, William C. Clopton, J. W. Clopton, Hoggatt Clopton, Jesse P. Cook, Roland J. Coolidge, H. P. Crebs, D. H. Dean, Job Dougherty, Amos W. Henderson, William Henry Higgins, Richard B. Hildreth, William Holtzclaw, S. H. Hornor, E. C. Hubbard, Thomas H. Hubbard, Edward L. Hudson, Obediah B. Hutchinson, W. D. Jacks, Thomas M., Jr. Jackson, Thomas L. Jaquess, G. D. Jarman, Amos Green Jarrett, Joseph F. Johnson, Nathan Kendall, Joseph D. Kersey, James C. King, S. H. Lanier, James H. Lawrens, Henry Lingg, Silas Linthicum, D. A. Lucado, Thomas J. Lowry, William M. Ehrman, Isaac Fitzpatrick, L. A. Fitzhugh, Robert Fritaon, N. J. Gist, Bogan N. Glasscock, Thomas Clark Graham, James P. H. Grant, H. M. Graves, Nathaniel Lee Hawkins, F. M. Mangum, L. H. Manning, Isam Mengoz, Peter Meyers, Aaron Miller, P. T. R. Moore, John P. Moore, John T. Pillow, E. D. Polk, Allen J. Polk, Cadwallader Porter, E. A. Rembert, James C. Renfro, William H. Reynolds, S. M. Rose, William Sanders, M. T. Scott, Arthur M. Shell, Jesse C. Sliger, Frank B. Sonfield, Edward Spain, Christopher Columbus Stone, William H. Stout, W. B. Tappan, J. A. Thomin, G. F. Thompson, William Thweatt, P. O. Thompson, Joseph Woodson Turner, Mrs. Emma Ann Turner, Nathaniel Berry Turner, B. Y. Turner, James R. Venable, Richard N. Waddell, B. B. Weedman, D. R. Wilkes, L. J. WIlkes, Giles W. Wooten,· S. A. Neal, William M. Newman, M. Nicholls, R. W. Yancey, George W. O'Shields, William B. Krow, Simon Copied by: Mrs. Leister E. Presley 1708 W. Center Ave. Searcy, Arkansas 46 WILL BOOK "B" - PRAIRIE COUNTY, ARK. -. NORTH DISTRICT 1852 - 1901 Copied by: Mrs. E. Presley, 1708 W. Cen1er Ave., Searcy, Arkansas PAGE NAME PAGE NAME PAGE NAME 3 John Evans 148 Elijah J. Graggs 297 Elijah Lumpkin 7 James B. Hudson 151 F. C. Gartrell 300 Henry Weeks 9 Chaskey Hunter 152 RIchard McKinney 303 Evan G. Lee 11 Lewis Roberts 154 Allen Powell 306 David Hoke 14 William Swain 157 ,Tames T. Harville 308 Henry P. Thomason 21 159 John Cochran 312 Eliza Weeks A. G. Jackson 23 Josiah P. Wilson 162 Samuel Carr 314 Samuel C. Smith 26 Joseph Stubbs 165 William Ratchford 317 James M. Mills 28 Emma R. Todd 167 Samuel Kennedy 320 Benjamin F. Ford 30 William B. Means 322 172 .James W ..Fore David 1. .Jackson 31 George A. H. Smart 175 Eli:zabelh J. Wright 3213 Ellen J. Jackson W. A. Kerr 32 177 Samuel Shaler Harger 330 W. H. Gartnell 40 Bryan A. Ingram 332 Sarah C. Screeton 179 John W. Hudson 46 Green B. Hughes 181 Sallie A. Schuebly J. H . Evans 335 184 50 Thomas L Knight Martha S. Jarman W. W. Bridges 339 53 David Royster 186 Benjamin C. Totten (Tolten) 344 W. P. Kenedy Fannie Alford Milly W. Ware 190 Martha Jane Dixon 348 55 57 Roher!. J. Weeks Wilham B. Bailey 193 Jacob HumbJe 350 59 Allen Dowdle 196 Augustus M. Smith 353 Eleanor Harvey William Hamman 202 John H. Bulls 354 William Harvey 63 Mary Nichol s 359 206 David A. Cherry .,John D. Brewster 65 William H. Ellis 364 68 Rebecca Womack .211 Caroline M. Davie 70 James S. Clement 367 William Holliday 214 Washington B.. Tolle 76 William S. Williams 218 Charles Fuller R Blade 373 79 Giles R. Sherman 220 L. W. Mann Daniel Harshaw 375 378 82 George W. Smith 222 Larkin H. Worsham William Hendricks 85 William Jackson 225 John ,J Worsham Edward Coefield 381 384 Arthur F. McCalll 229 88 William B. Williams H. W. Edmonds 391 91 ,J ohn Honeycutt Isaac Gates James H. Garrison 232 Isaac Jones 235 94 Lent Bolton 405 Hamilton Reynolds Patrick Henry Hayley 96 409 Marcus D. Vance 239 Peter .J. Fore W. C. Pearce 417 99 Robert L Koonce Thomas Lacki.e 242 419 Ezekiel Staggs 101 D. L. Gray Sam Taylor 245 421 Ben. Haley 104 248 Robert L. Maiuran 1. Burns Mary J. Burney 425 107 .251 Henry A Gregg John M. Bell 427 Mary J. Vaughan SiT] ckland Perry John B. Hale 256 110 429 M. M. Erwin 113 John .J. Duerson 260 Moses A" Halshouser R, C. McCarley 114 262 Amos Koonee 433 William R Neeley H S. stephenson 265 George K. Morton 435 117 Lawson Myers H. C. Thompson 119 Mark B. Bryles Canada howell 439 268 442 Charles W. Adams 121 272 William Cochran Samuel P. Trousda.le Eli zabei:h Bethell 446 123 B. M. Barnes John S ..Poj.ndeXler 275 448 Charles Pittman 125 Edward Harper 278 ..fesse F. WJ1IJams .J. E. Gatewood Drury G Jeffrey 451 127 George W. Taylor 281 Lucinda Cayle 455 130 John H. Quarles 285 Le roy D Hanha"l ..fohn Cannavan 458 133 Henry Owen 288 AnnM. Warn" ... 461 Fannie DorriS Malinda E Harrison James Eagle 291 136 ,J. W. Hays 466 DaVId Eades 293 140 James Russell L C. and D. P. Curtis 143 Nina C. Goodwin 475 Thomas U. Srmlh 296 146 Thomas G. Farr 47 BIBLE RECORDS by Jenni.e (Jane) Belle Lyle THOMAS Bible of George Washington Thomas and wife, Mary Paulina (Lyle) Thomas in possession of Miss Pearl Thomas, Star City, Lincoln County, Arkansas, when copied November, 1952. George W. Thomas and Mary P. Lyle were married on the 16th November 1870. George W. Thomas was born 26th February 1840. Mary Paulina Lyle was born 2d March 1852. Thomas Alpha Thomas was born Oct. 24, 1871. Henry Wallace Thomas was born 121h January 1873. Pearl Adelia Thomas was born 23d Sept. 1875. Edna Gladden Thomas was born 7th Feb. 1877. Joel Lee Thomas was born Dec. 20th 1878. Robert Loren Thomas was born Sept. 9, 1881. Mava Ethel Thomas was born April 5, 1885. Jennie Olive Thomas was born 7th Feby. 1888. Velera May Thomas was born April 25, 1892. George William Thomas was born May 20, 1895. LYLE Bible of WilHam Henry Lyle and wife, Harriett (Hettie) Cornelia Nichols, owned by their youngest son, Cullen Watterson Lyle, Rt. 2, Box 58, Star City, Ark., copied by Jennie Belle Lyle, 1952. Wm. H. Lyle and Harriett C. Nicolls were married on the 26th day of February 1874. Cullen W. Lyle and Inez Bush were married January 10, 1923. Wm.Ii. Lyle was born June 9th 1846 in Chester County, State of South Carolina. Harriett C. Nichols was born in Drew County, Ark., January 28, 1858. Leona Madura Lyle was born in Drew Co. (now Lincoln Co.) Ark., Dec. 16, 1874. Franklin Carlos Lyle was born in Li.ncoln Co., d.rk., March 28, 1876. Wm. Donan Lyle was born in Lincoln Co., Ark., Sept. 18, 1877. Henry Dellman Lyle was born in Lincoln Co. , Ark., June 25, 1879 . .John Kirk Lyle was born in Lincoln Co., Ark., Apri116, 1881. Sarah Martin Lyle was born in Lineoln Co., Ark., May 16th, 1883. Mary Euisi; Lyle was born in Lineoln Co., Ark. , Aug. 13, 1885. Cullen Watterson Lyle was born in· Lineoln Co., Ark., Aug. 31, 1887. Henry Lavern Lyle was born in Lincoln Co., Ark., Nov. 13, 1923 on Tuesday in a. m. at 3 o'clock. Inez Bush Lyle was born Lincoln Co., Ark., June 4, 1894. Gail Lyle Barrett was born in Lincoln Co., Aug. 25, 1948 at 11:55 (Wed.) a. m. Randy Cullen Barrett was born in Lincoln Co., Ark., July 5, 1954. George Washi.ngton Nicholas was born Feb. 20, 1831; died March 28, 1858. Harrie1.t Corneli.a Ni.ehols, wife of Wm. H. Lyle, departed this life Oct. 3, 1888. Franklin Carlos Lyle departed this life Sept. 6, 1900. Wilham Donan Lyle departed ihis life Dec. 28, 1901, aged 24 yrs., 3 mos., 10 days. William Henry Lyle departed this life June 15, at 8 p. m., 1922, aged 76 yrs., 6 days. Henry Dellman Lyle departed ihis life Sept. 28, 1927 and was buried at Roswell, New Me,dco, aged 48 years, 3 mos., 3 days. 48 BIBLE HECOHDS LYLE Bible of James Martin Lyle and wIfe, Jenetta (Nettie) Belle Gammill in possession of their daughter, Miss Jennie (Jane) Belle Lyle, 2103 No. Polk SI:.; Little Hock, Ark., April 1968. James M. Lyle and Nettie Bell Gammill were married at Garnett, Lincoln County, Ark., on Sunday, August 30, 1885, by J. R. Vick, Pastor of Holly Springs Baptist Church. Thos. Lyle and Sarah M. Knox were married 17th Dec. 1840. Thos. Lyle was born 11th ,Jan. 1817 and died Jan. 25, 1892. Sarah Martin Knox Lyle was born Dec. 30th, 1819 in Chester Co., S. C., died Mar. 2, 1862. Charles Frederick Hancock and Madelene Lyle married July 15, 1939, at San Francisco, California. Thomas Louis Lyle was born Aug. 2nd,. 1886. Georgia Lyle was born June 17th 1888. Brown Barrett Lyle was born July 19th, 1890. Mary Mead Lyle was born Feb. 10t'h, 1892. Garland Grady Lyle was born Feb. 27th 1894. ,Jennie Belle Lyle was born June 28, 1896. Henry Lyle (girl) was born Dec. 15th, 1898. James Martin Lyle was born Oct. 21, 1901. ·John Knox Lyle was born April I. 1904 ) ') Twins .. · John born 30 minutes before Bessie) Elizabeth (Bessie) Lyle was born April 1, 1904. Quay Lyle was born Oct. 29th, 1906. Madelene Lyle was born Mar. 26, 1910. Thomas Lewis Lyle died Feb. 20, 1903 at Garnett,. Lincoln Co. , Ark. Garland Grady Lyle died Nov. 5th, 1906 at Garnett, Lincoln Co., Ark. Nettie Belle (Gammill) Lyle died May 2, 1938, 1812 Batlery Street, Little Rock, Ark. James Martin Lyle, Sr., died December 13,. 1938, Walker's Creek Twp., Lafayette Co., near Taylor, Arkansas. Brown Barrett Lyle died Sept.ember 4, 1941, at Gould, Lincoln Co., Arkansas. Georgia Lyle died September 12,. 1957, at Veterans Hospital on Roosevelt Road, Little Rock, Arkansas. ~OTE by Jennie Belle Lyle: .James Martin Lyle was born October 24, 1855, Drew County, Arkansas, near MI. Zion Presbyterian Church, which is just over the county Hne in Lincoln County, Ark. Jenetta (Nettie) Belle GammUI was born April 17 " 18(j9, Drew County, Arkansas, in Garnett. communily m present-day Lincoln County which was formed in 1871. LYLE Bible records copied from Bible of Thomas Brown Lyle and wife, Linnie Lyle Dewoody, Who lived at 812 Walnut St., Pine Bluff, Ark. , which Bible was owned by their eldest son, Thomas Brown Lyle, Benton, Ark., 1953, Thomas Brown Lyle of Pine Bluff and Linnie Lyle Dewoody ofJuka, Miss., were married at luka, Mississippi, on the twelfi:h day of October, 1892, by Rev. J. S. Park, Corint.h, Miss. Thomas Brown Lyle was born January i:he 16th, 1859,. in Drew County, Arkansas. Linnie Lyle Dewoody was born November 29th, 1873,. in Iuka, Mississippi. 49 BIBLE RECORDS LYLE Thomas Brown Lyle, Jr. was born August 29ih, 1893, in Pine Bluff, Ark. Dewoody Lyle, son of Thomas Brown and Linnie Lyle, was born May 2, 1895, in Pine Bluff, Ark. Richard Lawrence Lyle, son of Thomas frown and Linnie Lyle,. was born Feb. 17, 1897, in Pine Bluff, Ark. Laura Elizabeth Lyle was born in Pine Bluff, Feb. 9, 1899, daughter of T. B. and Linnie Lyle, born at ihe home on Walnut Street:. Marshall Stone Lyle was born at the family home, 812 Walnut, Pine Bluff, Ark., March 27, 1906. Sam Allen, Jr. was born at Davis Hospital, Feb. 14, 1922, lived at 1001 Oak Street, son of Sam L. and Elizabeth Lyle Allen. Mary Lynn was born 1001 Oak St., Pine Bluff, Ark., May 20, 1923, daughter of Sam L. and ElIzabeth Lyle Allen. Richard Lawrence Lyle died Feb. 4, 1898. Mrs. Bettie Dewoody Petty, sister of tinnie D. Lyle, died Feb. 27, 1898. Mrs. Laura Moore Dewoody, mother of Lennie D. Lyle, died Oct. 24, 1901. Elizabeth Lyle Allen died Dec. 23, 1939. Thomas B. Lyle, Sr . , died July 1, 1941. Mrs. Thomas B. (tinnie Lyle Dewoody) Lyle died July 18, 1945. Marshall St;one Lyle died Nov. 15, 1946, Hot Springs, New Mexico. Samuel L. Allen died at Alpharett.a, Ga., January -'-, 1940. Thomas Brown Lyle, b. Aug. 29, 1893, and Florriedean Wakenight of Searcy,. Ark. , b. ,July 30, 1913, married July 16, 1944. tinnie Deen Lyle was born April 25, 1946. Thomas Brown Lyle died Feb. 17, 1956, Benton, Ark., buried Pine Bluff, Ark. Born to Gilbert and Mary Lynn Allen Eddins, Oct. 10, 1951, a son, Lawrence Allen Eddins, KiJgore, Texas. Dewoody Lyle married .Janie BeJli.ngrath of Pine Bluff, Ark. GAMMILL Bible of George Hunter Gammill and Mattie Morgan, his wife, who lived at 631 Pine st. , Pine Bluff,. Ark., which Bible was in possession of their daughter, Miss Mattie Clifton Gammil~ when copied by Jennie Belle Lyle, 1950. George H. Gammill and Mattie C. Morgan were married December 31, 1885. George Hunter Gammill was born November 19, 1864, at the Cox place near Garnett, Lincoln County, Arkansas. Mattie C. Morgan Gammill was born February 2, 1865, on Ables Creek, near Tyro, Lincoln County, Arkansas. Etna GammIll was married t.o .John Calvin O'Daniel October 15, 1913. Lela Gammill was married to Andrew Guy Boyd April 7, 1914. Elizabeth Gammill was married to Cecil Robert Haun December 17, 1932. Cub Clement was married to J. C. O'Daniel, Jr.! September 4, 1937. Andrew Guy Boyd., Jr., was married to Margaret Carroll, October 1944. Maude Gammill was borned Sept. 5, 1886. Garland Hunter Gammill was born November 26, 1887. Ei:na Gammill was borned July 2, 1889. 49 BIBLE RECORDS LYLE Thomas Brown Lyle, Jr. was born August 29th, 1893, in Pine Bluff,. Ark. Dewoody Lyle, son of Thomas Brown and Linnie Lyle, was born May 2, 1895, in Pine Bluff, Ark. Richard Lawrence Lyle, son of Thomas frown and Linnie Lyle,. was born Feb. 17, 1897, in Pine Bluff, Ark. Laura Elizabe1hLyle was born in Pine Bluff, Feb. 9, 1899, daughter of T. B. and Linnie Lyle, born at: the home on Walnut Street:. Marshall Stone Lyle was born at the family home, 812 Walnut, Pine Bluff, Ark., March 27, 1906. Sam Allen, Jr. was born at Davi.s Hospital, Feb. 14, 1922, lived at 1001 Oak Street, son of Sam L. and Eli.zabeth Lyle Allen. Mary Lynn was born 1001 Oak St:., Pine Bluff, Ark., May 20, 1923, daughter of Sam L. and EHzabei.h .Lyle Allen. Richard Lawrence Lyle dIed Feb. 4, 1898. Mrs. Bettie Dewoody Petty, sister of Linnie D. Lyle, died Feb. 27, 1898. Mrs. Laura Moore Dewoody, mother of Lennie D. Lyle, died Oct. 24, 1901. Elizabe1h Lyle Allen dIed Dec. 23, 1939. Thomas B. Lyle, Sr., died July 1, 1941. Mrs. Thomas B. (Linnie Lyle Dewoody) Lyle died July 18, 1945. Marshall Stone Lyle died Nov. 15, 1946, Hot Springs, New Mexico. Samuel L. Allen died at Alpharetta, Ga., January -'-, 1940. Thomas Brown Lyle, b. Aug. 29, 1893, and Florriedean Wake night of Searcy,. Ark. , b . .July 30, 1913, married July 16, 1944. Linnie Deen Lyle was born April 25, 1946. Thomas Brown Lyle died Feb. 17, 1956, Benton, Ark., buried Pine Bluff, Ark. Born 10 Gilbert and Mary Lynn Allen Eddins, Oct. 10, 1951, a son, Lawrence Allen Eddj,ns, Kilgore, Texas. Dewoody Lyle married .JanIe Bellingrath of Pine Bluff, Ark. GAMMILL Bible of George Humer Gammill and Morgan, his wife, who lived at 631 Pine St. , Pine Bluff" Ark., which Bible was in possession of their daughter" Miss Mattie Clifton Gammill, when copied by ,Jennie Belle Lyle, 1950. George H, Gammill and Mattie C. Morgan were married December 31, 1885. George Hunter Gammill was born November 19, 1864, at the Cox place near Garnett, Lincoln County, Arkansas. Manie C. Morgan Gammill was born .February 2, 1865, on Ables Creek, near Tyro, Lincoln County, A rka.nsas. GammJJl was married 1.0 •.Tohn Calvin O'Daniel October 15, 1913. Lela Gammill was married to Andrew Guy Boyd April 7, 1914. Elizabel,h Gammill was married to Cecil Robert Haun December 17, 1932. Cula, Clement: was married to J. C. O'Daniel, Jr., September 4, 1937. Andrew Guy Boyd" Jr. , was married to Margaret Carroll, October 1944. Maude Gammill was borned Sept. 5, 1886. Garland Hunter Gammill was born November 26, 1887. Elna Gam mill was borned July 2, 1889. 50 BIBLE RECORDS GA MMI LL Lela Gammill was born April 16, 189l. George Hearn Gammill was born January 25, 1896. Mattie Clifton Gammill was born April 5, 1897. Elizabeth Martin Gammill was born May 21, 1903. Jno. Calvin O'Daniel was born August 26, 1914. Cula Maurice Clements was born March 11, 1916. Infant Boyd born August 2, 1915. Andrew Guy Boyd, Jr., born May 14, 1919. Virginia Boyd born Sept. 29, 1923. Kathryn Carroll Boyd born Sept. 10, 1945. John Calvin O'Daniel born October 15, 1883. Andrew Guy Boyd born February 22, 1890. Cecil Robert Haun born July 15, 1897, Clinton,. Ky. George Hunter Gammill died Apri116, 1921. Dr. J. C. O'Daniel died September 26, 1932. Mary Caroline Haun died January 3, 193 . Guy Boyd, Senior, died .July 15, 1945. Maude Gammill departed this life January 11, 1887. Garland Hunter Gammill departed this life January 9, 1888. Infant Boyd departed thi.s life August 2, 1915. Mattie Morgan Gammill, widow of the late George H. Gammill, died at her home at 631 Pine st., Pine Bluff, Ark., November 5, 1951. She was the daughter of Ebenezer Frank Morgan and Martha Jones Morgan, his wife. FISH Bible of Samuel Jason Fish and Martha Virginia Gammill, his wIfe, in possession of their daughter, Miss Ruby Fish,. star City, Ark., in 1952, when copied by .Jennie Belle Lyle. This certifies that the rite of Holy Matrimony was celebrated between Sam J. Fish of Garnett, Ark. and Jennie Gammill of Garnett, Ark., on Sunday, October 12, 1890, at Garnett, Ark. by Rev. I. R. Vick, 10:00A.M. Witness: J. M. Lyle and Dr. J. T. Mi.ller. Marriages: Births: Deaths: Clyde Fish and Nettie Loi.s Atkinson. Curtis Fish and Effie Vick. Samuel Jason FIsh, March 31, 1857. Martha Viegini.a Gammill, August 8, 1872. Clyde Ester Fish, August 8, 1891, 12:35 p. M. Ruby, November 24, 1893, 6:00 A. M. Roy.Jason Fish" ApriJ 22;ri896;.1l:55 P. M. Lee Carroll Fish, November 11, 1898, 3:00 A. M. Curtis Wayne Fish, November 7, 1901, 1:30 A. M. Ray Lewis Fish, October 29, 1908, 4:30A. M . . Ava FisQ., -.June 23~ .1912,. 3:00 A. M. Roy Jason, Oct. 3, 1918, Airplane accident in France. Ray Lewis Fish, August 14, 1920, 3:00 P. M. ContInued Fever. Jennie Fish, March 31, 1939, 10:00 A.M. Cancer and pneumoni.a. Samuel Jason Fish, AprH 26, 1946, 5:30 A. M. Sudden heart attack. 51 BIBLE RECORDS FISH Leek Cemetery, near Star City, Lincoln Co., Ark. Lee C. Fish 1898 - 1954. Holly Springs Cemetery, Garnett Community, Lincoln County, Arkansas . . Samuel J. Fish 1857 - 1946. Jennie Gammill, wife of S. J. Fish, 1872 - 1939. Ray Lewis Fish (son of Sam & Jennie) 10-22-1908; 8-14-1920. Curtis W. Fish 1901 - 1967. Infant son of Curtis & Effie (Vick) Fish 10-10-1920. The Lincoln Ledger, Star City, Ark. January 5, 1963: Mrs. Effie (Vick) Fish, wife of Curtis W. Fish died December 26, 1962, at her home in Abilene, Texas. Burial was in Holly Springs Cemetery, Lincoln Co. , Ark., December 29, 1962. NEWTON Bible of John C. Newton and wife, Sarah Catherine Newton, .in possession of Miss Jennie Newton, 1416 W. 19th St., Little Rock, Arkansas; copied by Jennie Belle Lyle, 1953. John C. Newton and Sarah C. Goings married November 9, 1854. Benjamin Alfred Wyatt and Sarah Catherine Newton married Nov. 10, 1865. John Calvin Newton born February 22, 1826. Sarah Catherine Goings Newton born June 20, 1836. Laura Alis Elizabeth Newton born March 25, 1856. William Harvey Newton born August 8, 1857. Thomas Martin Vanburen Newton born December 12, 1859. John Calvin Newton born February 8, 1862. Gennie Bell Wyatt born August 4, 1866. Cattie Rozine Wyatt born MaTch 29, 1869. Ben Martin Wyatt born December 28, 1870. Willie Wyatt born October 21, 1873. Benjamin Alfred Wyatt, Sr., born August 25, 1819. Eliza E. Wyatt was born Sept. 22, 1844. Mary E. Wyatt was born August 11, 1846. Lavery Ann Chesterfield Wyatt born April 24, 1848. Rebecca A. Wyatt born November 12, 1849. Cansady F. Wyatt born Oct. 23, 1841. J. C. Newton died May 27, 1864. John Calvin Newton died May 30, 1864. Cattie R. Newton died June 30, 1914. S. C. Wyatt died July 2, 1914. W. H. Newton, Jr., died July 25, 1922. Ben Martin Wyatt died Nov. 13, 1923. Martin Van Buren Newton died Sept. 1933. Laura Newton Stewart died June 4, 1938. Jennie Belle Wyatt Cox died June 14, 1938. B. A. Wyatt died October 14, 1877. Willie Wyatt died February 11, 1874. B. A. Wyatt, Jr., died January 30, 1908. (Miss Jennie Newton stated that Nan Goins and Elvira Goins, sisters of Sarah Catherine Goings, married Provine's and lived at Clinton, Mississippi. ) 52.. BYRNE FAMILY BIBLE by Mrs. Tessie J .. Miller A friend rescued this from a discarded Bible .. She felt I may bow someone interested. I don't, so I'll pass it on to you. Hope it helps someone's genealogy. BIRTHS Patrick Byrne, born March 14, 1825. Rosehanah Coles, born Jan. 24th, 1832. Their children: Thomas Byrne, born Sept. 30th, 1849. George Washington Byrne, born Feb. 26th, 1851. Mary Francis Byrne, born ---- --, 1853. (Three or four other births were on the rest of the page which has been tarn off. See NOTE below. ) Patrick Michal Byrne, born May 10th, 1860. John Joseph Byrne, born March 4th, 1863. Agnes Louisa Byrne, born July 6th, 1865. Martin William Byrne, b. Oct. 19, 1867; died July 31, 1907, age 40 years. MARRIAGES Patrick Byrne and Rosehanah Coles, September 3rd, 1848. George W. Byrne and Bridget Dolan, Nov. 23rd, 1873. Thomas Byrne and Laura Powell, Nov. 22, 1874. John E. Kelly and Mary Francis Byrne, May 28th, 1884. John L. Schneider (?) and Agnes Louise Byrne, Nov. 18th, 1884. Patrick M. Byrne and Annie O'Brien,. May 12, 1885. John J. Byrne and Emme A. Arnold (?), Oct. 19th, 1886. (rest of page torn off) DEATHS Mary··Francis Byrne died August 3rd, 1854. Sarah Margarett Byrne died Jan. 27, 1857. Thomas Byrne died Aug. 16, 1900, age 50 years. Patrick Byrne died June 18th, 1897, age 37 years. Martin W. Byrne died July 31, 1907, age 40 years. Patrick Byrne died 19th Sept., 1892, age 67 years. Rosannah Byrne died July 15, 1924, age 92. She was born on 24 January 1832. George Byrne died--Stephen Byrne died July 1st, 1~a4; born March 7, 1858. (It is possible that three children listed on the part of the ''Births'' Record that has been torn off are: Mary Francis Byrne (the second child of that name; the first Mary Francis died on Aug. 3, 1854. We know there was a second Mary Francis because of "Marriage" Record) ; Sarah Margarett Byrne, who died Jan. 27, 1857; and Stephen Byrne who is shown as having been born March 7, 1858 (see "Deaths" Record). - - Ed. NOTE) Tessie J .. Miller 512 N. W. 27th Apt. 1 Oklahoma City, Okla. 73101 53 YOUNG - McCRARY BIBLE RECORDS From the Bible of Ma1hew Calhmlll and Rachael Helen Young McCrary, owned by Mr. Clyde Owens McCrary, Rt. 2, Nashville, Arkansas. Copied by Jo Whitmore Dildy. Nashville, Ark. BIRTHS: Geo. Young, Jr. born Sept. 9, 1788 Mary Duckett, born Dec. 31, 1791 James B. Young, son of Geo. and Mary Young, b. March 12, 1811 Manon G. Young, b. Feb. 6, 1814 George R. Young, b. Apr. 14, 1816 Thomas D. Young, b. March 3, 1818 Sarah E. Young, b. Dec. I, 1819 Martha Young, b. Nov. 22, 1821 Mary Ann Frances Young, b. Sept. I, 1823 John C. Young, b. Oct. 22, 1825 NathanA. Young, b. Apr. 27, 182Wm. R. Young, b. Nov. 24, 182Ailcy Permelia Young, b. Apr. 17, 1834 Arthur C. Young, b. Apr. 1, 1837 Letic Lodosky Young, b. Apr. I, 1837 Joseph W. Young, b. ;Ian. 17, 1839 Rachael H. Young, b. June 13, 1840 Ailcy Duckett Owens, b. March 8, 1800 Mary & Lydia Owens, b. Nov. 28, 1818 Paulina Owens, b. Apr. 15, 1821 Thos. Owens, b. Nov. 15, 1822 Sarah Owens, b. Sept. 17, 1824 Richard Owens, b .•Jan. 18, 1826 Martha Ann Owens, b. May I, 1828 George Young was born Sept. 9 A. D. 1788 Ailcy Young was born March 8 A. D. 1800 Mathew Calhoun McCrary, b. May I, 1834 Rachael Helen McCrary, b. June 13, 1840 Arthus Curtice, son of M. C. and R. H. McCrary, b. Apr. 12, 1861 George Mathew McCrary, son of M. C. & R. H. McCrary, b. Oct. 25, 1864. Laurence Calhoun McCrary, h. Feb. 23, 1864 Duckett Young McCrary, h. March 3, 1866. Ailcy Ella Emma McCrary, b. Feb. 18, 1867. Infant daughter, born and died Nov. 8,,1868. Nancy Etta McCrary, b. Dec. 29, 1870. Richard Otty McCrary, b. Apr. 24, 1873. Frances Permelia McCrary, h. Jan. 31, 1875. Robcrt Edwin McCrary, b. Feb. 11, 1877. Edgar Wier McCrary, b. Sept. 8, 1878. Clyde Owens McCrary, b. Sept. 25, 1880. Susan Jachs, b. Jan. 24, 1824 MaryA.F. Young, b. Apr. 17, 1849 James J. C. and George T. D. Young, b. May 21, 1852 Thomas R. Owens, b. Apr. 19, 1859 Ai.lcy Ella Owens, h. Apr. 19, 1861 John R. Owens, b. Oct. 20, 1863. Martha J. Owens, b. Feb. 13, 1870. YOUNG ." I)J[GCRARY BIBLE RECORDS DEATHS: Go"0rge Maihew McCrary dIed .July26, 1863 Ailey Ella. Emma McCrary di('d Dec. 9, 1871 .Richard Otty McCrary died ;Ju.Jy 26, 1874 Robert Edwin McCrary died Oct. 17, 1877 Tnfant daughter born and died Nov. 8, 1869 AHcy Young di.ed Dec. 4, 1880. Rachael H. McCrary died Dec. 23, 1898 Mathew C. McCrary died Dec. 23, 1908 Dovje Clyde McCrary dIed Noy. 9, 1917 Rachel Griffin Scroggi.ns dj.ed Dec. 22, 1929 Edna. MerrU, wHe of Loy McCrary Mertill, died 1929. IVIARRIAGES: M. C. McCrary s.nd wife Ra('.hel Helt,n Young marrjed April 12, 1860. George Yo'mg, ,rr. and AHey OWens was married Oct0ber 30th A. D. 1832. C. O. McCrary and Viola Wakefjeld WitS married De(;. 20, 1908. Fannie McCrary and R. H. Griffin Etta McCrary and .Jonatha.n Merrill Edgar McCrary and Gla{!ys Ferguson L. C. McCrary and Matt;'e. Mayheld A. C. McCrary and Alhe Russell H'lgh O. Gr!.ff5n and Minnie Culpepper Rachel C. GriJHn and .J oel Scroggins Malhew McCrary Griff.i.n and Gladys Arc;hie Rubv GrifHn and Guy Holt married May 27, 1930. Mamie Helen McCrary ma.rned B.;r. ,Jones Nov. 19, 1929. Lov M. Menill marrIed Edna Chandler, Dec. 1908. H~.(heJ. Merrill married Larkjns Scroggins. WOLFF FAM1.LY BIBLE (BIble of Dr. James Rufus Wolff. of Bingen, Ark. Owned by Rufus D. Wolff of Bingen. ) MARRIAGES: .lame; Rufus Wolff, M. D. of Hempstead County married Emmali.z8. Frances Green Young of Hemps1.ead County on ihe 25th day of August., 1853 ai: her mofher's home, by Rev. Alex.ander Avery. Lex E. Wolff 'lnd Mariha L. Davi.s were married April 12, 1~94. BIRTHS: .James Hufus Wolff waR horn in Laurens Co., S. C. Dec. 29th AD 1836. E. F. G. Yo'mg was born in La:!J..rens Coumy, S. C., Feh. 16th A.D 1845. fnt'8nl: son was born April 9th, 1%4; dIed April 10~h, 1864. iVlJJ'iJn Young Wolff was born ..Tune L3l.h AD 1868. Gtorge Rulus Wolff was born Nov. 22 A.D 1370. Le.x'Js Eugene Wolff was born Mar. 14th AD 1873. Hugh Walter Wolff was born Sepi ..28th AD 1877. :Mary .Florence Wolff was born Den. 25th AD 1879; dIed Sept. 19th, 1881. Floy:}, EnHnEt Wolff was born 27 AD 1882. VI ly Othella Wolff was born Dec. 12fh AD 1885. .Mrs. E. F. G. Wolff (lied ai; half pa.s i; six o'rdock A. M. ,Jacn. 11th 1894. Dr ..J. H. WoUf dIed ,January 14, 1921 at 1:30 o'clock A.M. Jo Di.!dy Box H.5 Nashvi.lle, Ark. 55 FRENCH PRAIRIE CEMETERY, Recorded by: LOGAN COUNTY, ARKANSAS Mary Halford Wilson Virginia Sue Todd This cemetery is in the lone community in south Logan County•.It is well kept and is currently used. These markers were recorded in 1967. ALLEN, S. G. ALLEN, Rachael M. , wife ALLEN, Carl V. ALLEN, AnnIe E. Musgroves, wife ALLEN, Beulah, daughter of S. G. & R. M. Allen ALLEN, .James Ralph AMOS, E]i.sha S. AMOS, Belinda A. AMOS, Charlie V. AMOS, Nancy E. Smith, wife A.'\1:0S, .Joe A. A~OS, Belle Zona, wife AMOS, Mary E. AMOS, Bertha, daughter of J. M. & M. E. Amos AMOS, Infant daughter of J. R. & S. A. Amos AMOS, Infant son of J. R. & S. A. Amos AMOS, S. C., daughter of O. D. & L. B. Amos AMOS 1. E., daughter of O. D. & L. B. Amos March 26, 1857 Dec. 9, 1861 1881 1887 Dec. 6, 1888 Sept. 20, 1922 June 7, 1841 Sept •. 27, 1841 Aug. 19, 1872 Jan. 22, 1872 April 3, 1882 Feb. 21, 1884 1870 May 23, 1888 March 20, 1902 Sept. 15, 1891 Nov. 28, 1902 Feb. 21, 1905 BARKER, Seth A. BARKER, Pearl I. , wife BINNING, Samuel C. BINNING, Elizabeth, 2nd wife BRADLEY. Earriet A., age 81 yrs, 4 mos, 22 days BROWNTNG, W. G. BROWNING, S. D., wife BROWNING, Infant of H. J. & M. J. Browning April 18, 1888 June 23, 1883 June 15, 1844 Feb. 19, 1844 NO DATES Aug. 15, 1842 April 30, 1851 Dec. 17, 1907 March 5, 1941 May 1, 1944 March ,1966 Aug. 2, 1902 Sept. 18, 1944 June 19, 1918 Jan. 5, 1932 March 21, 1937 Feb. 16, 1952 Nov. 10, 1949 July 14, 1941 1953 Aug. 29, 1891 Aug. 16, 1902 Sept. 16, 1891 Nov. 5, 1903 May 14, 1905 Feb. 10, 1938 July 13, 1902 Aug. 10, 1891 Feb. 10, 1911 Feb. 24, 1905 Dec. 22, 1907 1920 CABE. Eddie Franklin "Father" 1881 Jime 24, 1908 CABE, Rosalee A., wife "Mother" Dec. 7, 1882 June 9, 1918 CABE, Margie Lovina "Sister" Oct. 6, 1915 June 18, 1918 CABE, ;John Monroe ''Brother)' July , 1914 Oct. 6, 1910 May 23, 1884 COCHRAN, Mary .Jane, wife of C. F. Cochran Dec. 18, 1899 COX, Joseph King, son of Nathan & Dorcas King Cox April 24, 1823 May 31, 1900 COX, Elizabeth Caroline Elam, wife, daughter of Oct. I, 1822 Reuben and Leah Elam June 6, 1919 COX, Eous1.on Lafayette, son of J. K. & E. C. Elam Cox. Jan. 5, 1849 Sept. 9, 1931 May 20, 1850 COX, Francis Marion, son of J. K & E. C. Elam Cox June 5, 1930 COX, Nancy Jane Harp, wife, daughter of Sept. 5, 1861 Wm. J. and Annthena Harp July 12, 1926 COX, Jehu Tillman, son of J. K. & E. C. Elam Cox Oct. 10, 1853 COX, Sarah Ann Scroggins, 2nd wife, daughter of June 11, 1870 Lee and Caroline Cox Scroggins NOTE: The above is a double gravestone, but Sarah A. Cox died May 12, 1949 in Fresno County, Cal. and is buried there in Mendocina Cemetery. 56 FRENCH PRAIRIE CEMETERY, LOGAN COUNTY, ARKANSAS COX, Mary Jane Wells, 1st wife of Jehu Tillman Cox, daughter of John S. and I ucy Eisenhower Wells COX, Winfield Scott, son of J. K. & E. D. Elam Cox COX, Lydia A. Moore, 1st wife, daughter of Preston Parker & Jane Blair Moore COX, George Houston, son of Houston L. & Nancy A. Walker Cox COX, Virgil Ray, son of Houston L. & NancyA. Walker Cox COX, Omega Troy, son of Houston L. & Nancy A. Walker Cox COX, Minnie Lou, daughter of F. M. & N. J. Harp Cox COX, William Alva, sonofF.M. &N.J .. HarpCox COX, Thomas Addison, son of F. M. & N. J. Harp Cox COX, Francis Dee, son of F. M. & N. J. Harp Cox husband of Era Augustine Hickerson COX, Coy Temple, son of F. M. & N. J. Harp Cox COX, Aurora Beulah, dau. of F. M. & N. J. Harp Cox COX, Olive May, dau. ofJ.T. & M.J. Wells Cox COX, Lilly Ion, dau. of J. T. & M.J. Wells Cox COX, Joseph Leroy, son of J. T. 7 S. A. Scroggins Cox COX, Infant dau. of J. T. & S. A. Scroggins Cox COX, Custer, son of J. T. & S.A. Scroggins Cox COX, Reuben, son of J. T. & S. A. Scroggins Cox COX, Columbus Grant, son of W. S. & L. A. Moore Cox COX, Nora A., dau. of W. S. & L. A. Moore Cox COX, George Scott, son of W. S. & L.A. Moore Cox, husband of Joanna Jeter COX, Doak S., son of W. S. & L. A. Moore Cox COX, Reuben, son of JohnlT. & Rosa 1. Turner Cox COX, John, son of Nathan and Dorcas King Cox (2nd wife, Sarah Melinda Truitt) COX, Thomas, son of Wm. Riley and R. V. Cox COX, James Herbert, son of C. Eugene and Flora B. Brooks Cox (unmarked grave) COX, Kenneth otto, son of C. Eugene & Flora B. Brooks Cox (unmarked grave) COX, Roy Ottho, son of C. Eugene & Flora B. Brooks Cox (unmarked grave) COX, Infant dau. of F.D. & Era A. Hickerson Cox (unmarked grave) COX, Mary Nevon, dau. of F. D. & Era A. Hickerson Cox (unmarked grave) CRAIG, Alfred G. "Co. H 10th Illinois Inf. CSA" (?) CRAIG, Susan CRAIG, Susie, dau. of A. G. & S. Craig CRAIG, Ola T. (F.?) , dau. of A. G. & S. Craig DENTON, Joseph Aaron DOUGLASS, Elizabeth Malone Dec. 19, 1856 Jan. 2, 1887 Feb. 24, 1861 Oct. 7, 1861 Sept. 24, 1900 July 31, 1895 March 12, 1890 June 21, 1919 1883 1886 Jan. 17, 1895 Jan. 28, 1921 Mar. 15, 1881 May 15, 1883 Nov. 3, 1891 Feb. 22, 1896 Aug. Apr. July ,July 5, 1899 24, 1884 1, 1928 2 . 1960 Jan. Mar. Aug. Aug. Jan. Oct. Feb. Feb. Dec. Aug. Jan. Oct. 1898 21, 1912 15, 1882 13, 1884 1892 24, 1892 189 19, 1914 1886 23, 1887 23, 1917 Oct. 24, 1898 13, 1903 11, 1878 18, 1882 1892 22, 1892 189 Sept. 14, 1896 Aug. 12, 1884 Feb. 6, 1886 May 12, 1888 Aug. Oet. Nov. Feb. Mar. 5, 1895 Oct. 4, 1926 Sept. 1834 Aug. 8, 1895 Oct. 16, 1926 1896 Sept. 28, 1854 Feb. 16, 1912 Dec. 2, 1884 Feb. 27, 1912 May 30, 1916 June 30, 1916 June 4, 1910 July 15, 1912 March March 1931 1931 Apr. 2, 1933 Nov. 11, 1934 No Dates Feb. 14, 1856 Aug. 14, 1886 Oct. 4, 1897 Mar. 5, 1942 Nov. 28, 1901 Dec. 20, 1902 ,Jan. 14, 1888 Feb. 1, 1857 .June 3, 1947 Nov. 19, 1938 5'1 FRENCH PRAIRIE CEMETERY, LOGAN COUNTY, ARKANSAS DOUGLASS, Harvey, son of Everret and Elizabeth Oct. 2.2" 1878 Malone Douglass, husband of Joanna A. Jeter Cox DUNCAN, Robert L. April 10, 1823 DUNCAN, Chollolle T., wife Nov. 23, 1831 April 19, 1938 FARMER, Melville Labelle July 8, 1928 FERGUSON, Lucius M. Aug. 18, 1875 FERGUSON, Luther J., son of L.M. & A.l. Ferguson Sept. 3, 1904 FINNEY, Leah (Lelah) 1910 FINNEY, Theron 1911 FINNEY, Ester 1913 FINNEY, Marie, dau. of Rev. Thomas M. & L. F. Finney 1925 FOLEY, Edna Grace Sept. 23, 1888 FOUTS, Haskell, son of Oscar L. & Avis McLaughUn Fouis ,July 7, 1910 FOUTS, Harrel, son of Oscar L. & Avis McLaughHn Fout.s Oct. 19, 1912 FOX, C. A. Nov. 7, 1835 FOX, Minerva March 9, 1844 FOX, J. E. Aug. 23, 1866 FOX, Louie B. ;June 10, 1869 FOX, Infant son of.J. H. & L. B. Fox NO DATES FOX, WHlieM., sonofJ. H. & L. B. Fox Dec. 17, 1888 FOX, Alvin S. Sept, 10, 1900 FRENCE, George F. 1867 FRENCH, Annie E. Townsend, wife 1873 FRENCH, Lester T., son of G. F. & A. E. Townsend June 6, 1902 French FRENCH, Mercedes ltaska Cox, wife of Lester T. Aug. 25, 1899 French l daughter of F. M. & N.J. Harp Cox FRENCH, Violet LucHle, dau. of L. T. & M.1. Cox Aug. 4, 1924 French Nov. 1, 1876 FULLER, Ed, son of "Alf" Fuller ,July 3, 1883 FULLER, Lula Davis, wife of Ed Fuller March 20, 1930 July 25, 1942 May 16, 1926 1910 1911 1914 1935 Aug. 8, 1964 April 1, 1934 July 18, 1931 Nov. 11, 1905 Sept. 24, 1925 Sept. 15, 1942 Sept. 19, 1909 GILL, A. G. GILL, Margaret J. GILL, Jasper C. GILL, Rosa Ann Hurt, wife GILL, R. V. GLISSON, Finni.s GLISSON, Dora GLISSON, Thomas, son of Finnis and Dora Glisson GLISSON, Thelma Maydell, dau. of Finnis and Dora GODWIN, Ransome GODWIN, Savannah Wann, wife GODWIN, John A., son of Ransome and Savannah GODWIN, Edna Cabe, wife of John A. Godwin GODWIN, Frank Bennett GODWIN, Arhe G., son of Ransome and Savannah GODWIN, Ora Mint.a GODWIN, Moniel E., son of J. S. & R. E. Godwin GODWIN, Elcie Lorine, dau. of J.A. & Edna Cabe Godwj.n March 8, 1850 Jan. 24, 1865 J1me 7, 1881 Oct. 12, 1881 Dec. 8, 1918 NO DATES ,Tuly 31, 1878 Dec. 12, 1914 May 14, 1933 Jan. 18, 1848 Noy. 9, 1852 March 26, 1879 Feb. 2, 1883 Sep'.,. 12, 1891 Oct. 1, 1894 Nov. 10, 1895 April 18, 1917 Mareh 16, 1917 Sept. 11, 1904 Oct. 13, 1905 June 10, 1890 Sept. 10, 1910 1953 1962 May 23, 1963 April 13, 1927 May 26, 1964 Dec. Dec. June Sept. Nov. 19, 1909 29, 1936 19, 1961 13, 1952 23, 1919 Aug. 25, 1951 Jan. 22, 1953 Feb. 13, 1964 Jan. 26, 1930 March 31, 1926 Aug. 28, 1949 Jan. 21, 1943 Nov. 1, 1893 Jan. 2, 1924 Dec. 27, 1895 June 19, 1918 Aug. 2, 1918 58 FRENCH PRAIRIE CEMETERY, LOGAN COUNTY, ARKANSAS GRA YSON, William S. GRAYSON, Emley M. E. Amos, wife GRA YSON, Freddie Feb. 7, 1834 Dec. 10, 1860 NO DATES Oct. 30, 1915 Nov. 10, 1891 HAMMOND, Woodrow A. (Infant) HAMMOND, Byron A. HAMMOND, R. N. "Co. G, 2nd Miss. Cav. CSA" HARLAN, Thomas Eugene HARP, J. W. (William Jordan) Rev. HARP, Anthena Tomlinson, wife HARRIS, C. J. (Columbus Jefferson "Lum'~ HARRIS, Mary J. ''Mollie'' Roupe, wife of C. J. Harris, daughter of Lewis and Mary Roupe HARWELL, Walter Scott HARWELL, Abigail Matilda, wife HARWELL, M. W. (Marcilles Warden) HARWELL, Mary Cora Sorrels, wife of M. W. HARWELL, J. B. HARWELL, Naomi 1. HARWELL, Ray F., son of M. W. & M. C. S. Harwell HARWELL, Ray Smith, son of R. F. & Eunice Smith Harwell HENDRICKS, Maudie strickland HOLLAND, James L., husband of Mary E. LaRue HOLLAND, Thomas B. HOLLAND, James Edgar HOLLAND, Five Infants of W. T. & Mary N. Holland HOLLAND, Evan, son of J. L. & M. E. LaRue Holland HOLT, John HOLT, John Columbus, Jr. HOLT, Dinnah HOLT, Ambrose L. HUGHES, James M. HUGHES, Millie March 11, 1870 Aug. 10, 1886 Feb. 27, 1867 Aug. 16, 187.1 Nov. 27, 1887 1864 May 15, 1891 July 7, 1914 Feb. 22, Aug. 27, Feb. 25, March 8, Nov. 30, Oct. 14, 1896 Sept. 22, 1875 March 17, 1878 1915 1884 Sept. I, 1899 Jan. 31, 1883 May 15, 1917 1850 April 12, 1886 1857 1859 Oct. 16, 1958 Dec. 25, 1906 Aug. 22, 1897 1918 1898 Feb. 13, 1904 Nov. ·27, 1957 March 17, 1959 1936 July 26, 1961 1944 1901 JETER, William Madison JETER, Jane Alvora Moffeit, wife of W. M. JOHNSON, Mary F., wife of J. W. Johnson July 27, 1850 March 29, 1858 April 1965 Feb. 2, 1917 May 23, 1922 1919 KA Y, Mattison KAY, Infant son of M.Q. & E.A. Kay Aug. 26, 1849 Dec. 29, 1896 May 23, 1902 Dec. 29, 1896 LACY, Grundy LACY, Eller, wife of N. F. G. Lacy LACY, W. H. LACY, Dona, wife of W. H. LANTRIP, Grady M., son of E. o. & M. F. Lantrip LANTRIP, Frank P. LANTRIP, Ellis o. LANTRIP, Martha F. , wife of Ellis O. Lantrip LANTRIP, Patsy Ann, dau. of Raymond & Pauline Fouts Lantrip 1865 1870 Oct. 7, 1852 May 28, 1861 Sept.. 6, 1892 1860 Sept. 26, 1866 Feb. 28, 1874 June 8, 1933 1960 1914 Feb. 1916 May 30, 1917 May 21, 1922 1941 May 5, 1933 July 14, 1951 Dec. 10, 1936 1918 NO DATES July 1899 April 23, 1826 March 23, 1833 Sept. 25, 1862 1871 1914 1930 April 21, 1958 Nov. 26, 1912 June 15, 1928 1964 1911 1915 193& 1960 1912 1894 Dec. 16, 1955 June 2, 1918 FRENCH PRAIRIE CEMETERY, LOGAN COUNTY, ARKANSAS LARUE, Dr. J. L. LARUE, Eudora Tarbett LASATER, Bard Nuton, son of John R. & Emma C. LASITER, .J. R. LASITER, W.A. LASITER, Leahder:;.Jackson LASITER, Wm. R. LASITER, Susan LASITER, J. Henry LASITER, Bertha Binning, wife of J. Henry, dau. of Sam C. & Elizabeth Binning LASITER, _··_·osy (?) (grave near Leander L.) LINDSEY, S.A., wife of Elder J. M. Lindsey LINDSEY, Mary E. , wife of J. W. Lindsey liNDSEY, Eula( (dau. of Rev. Lindsey) LOVE, Thomas ,J. July 28, 1847 June 10, 1857 Feb. 12, 1885 .June 3, 1851 Aug. n, 1842 Nov. 27, 1871 1885 1885 Feb. 7, 1882 .June19, 1882 1959 Sept. 26, 1961 Jan. 9, 1935 ,July 1897 Dec. 1886 Aug. 11, 1870 Aug. 25, 1889 1891 June 1900 Aug. 1930 Dec. 12, 1910 April 22, 1966 1959 McKELROY, McKELROY, McKELROY, McKELROY, .Jlme 11, 1818 March 19, 1882 001:. 13, 1885 Feb. 26, 1889 Feb. 3, 1901 April 19, 1882 July 18, IS87 Dec. 5, 1901 S. B. Minie, dau. of J. S. & S. E. McKelroy James H., son of J. S. & S. E. MCKelroy R. Daily, son of J. S. & S. E. MCKelro.v MELTON, Luther Rowe, son of R. C. & E. L. Melton Feb. 7, 1902 ME LTON, Rodney C. 1876 1879 MELTON, Edna L., wife of Rodney C. Melton, daughter of .John A. and Sarah Sewell MELTON, Ervin C., son of R. C. & Edna L. "WW U" March 3, 1897 MELTON, Jane Dec. 10, 1902 1873 METHVIN, John, son of -.-- and Elizabeth (Wann) MOORE, Inez Godwin, wife of Fay Moore, dau. of Oct. 1, 1914 John A. & Edna Cabe Godwin May 26, 1906 MOTT, Orner T. Feb. 16, 1929 MOTT, Arrel L., son of o. T. and Iris French Matt 1871 MULliNS, Sidney A. MULLINS, Hellen Oliver, 1st wife of Sidney A. Feb. 4, 1871 daughter of S. A. and Mary Oliver 1878 MULLINS, Mary E. Larue Holland, 2nd wife of Sidney, daughter of Dr. J. L. LaRue Jan. 29, 1893 MULLINS, Ella, dau. of S. A. & Hellen Oliver Mulli.ns MULLINS, Duke, son of S.A. & Mary E. Larue MullIns .July 31, 1913 NIXON. NIXON, NIXON, NIXON, NIXON, Infant daughter of O. L. & A. R. Nixon Melvin A., son of 0 .. L. & A. R. Nixon Delmar, son of o. L. & A. R. Nixon .Jeff, son of O. L. & A.R. Nixon Infant son of o. L. & A. R. Nixon Aug. 22, 1899 May 25, 1900 Oct:. 13, 1907 AprH 14, 1904 Dec. 31, 1908 1862 PARTAIN, Sarah Sewell 1927 PARTAIN, Irma Lea, daughter of J. L. & Mollie DJ1J Pa rtain May 26, 1850 PECK, William Aug. 28, 1851 PECK, Mary E. Feb. 11, 1915 March 11, 1937 Oct. 14, 1900 Sept. 24, 1887 April 29, 13gg Dee. 9, Ig99 July 13, 1903 1942 1940 March 4, 1949 1964 1949 Oct. 6, 1938 Oct. 27. 1949 Jan. 20, 1951 1954 Jan. 5, 1908 1948 June 13, 1907 Aug. 1, 191:3 Aug. Oct. Oct. ,June Jan. 22, 1399 29, 1909 17, 1908 8, 1905 16, 1909 1929 1934 Oct. 19, 1910 Feb. 12, 1917 GO FRENCH PRAIRIE CEMETERY, LOGAN COUNTY, ARKANSAS PENNINGTON, Alma, dau. of Andrew T. & Sarah Nov. 20, 1902 Wann Pennington PENNINGTON, Lawrence, son of A. T. & Sarah W. Aug. 21, 1910 PENNINGTON, Andrew T., son of --- & Roseda E. July 23, 1852 PENNINGTON, Sarah Wann, 2nd wife of Andrew T. Feb. 9, 1869 PENNINGTON, Wm. Jordan, son of --- & Roseda E. Sept. 14, 1857 PENNINGTON, Martha Savannah Binning, 2nd wife of Aug. 3, 1870 Wm. J. and dau. of Samuel C. and Ann Higgins Binning PENNINGTON, Monroe Ervin, son of W.J. and M. S. Jan. 11, 1890 Binning Pennington, husband of Margaret PENNINGTON, NomaR., dau. ofW.J. & M.S.B. Jan. 23,1889 PENNINGTON, Infant of W. J. & M. S. B. Pennington Mar. 20, 1900 PENNINGTON, Infant son of W. J. & M. S. B. Pennington No DATES PICKINS';, Nancy A. 1845 PICKINS, Minnie Mae Turner, 1st wife of Robert P. 1894 Pickins, dau. of Dr. W.H. Turner PICKINS, Lynn Astor, son of R. P. & M. M. T. Pickins July 23,1(J16", Feb. 21, 1913 April 28, 1911 July 13, 1941 March 13, 1911 Jan. 13, 1932 May 29, 1950 March 31, 1966 Feb. 14, 1889 Mar. 20, 1900 1915 1956 June 21, .1918 RIDDLE, James H. RIDDLE, Ethel; wife of James H. ROBINSON, Johnson "J ohns " RUSSELL, Ninevah M. RYLES, Ray 1878 1891 1847 1890 Dec. 7, 1908 1927 1952 April 30, 1965 SANDERSON, M.J. "A Confederate Soldier" SCANTI1NG, Joella Elizabeth Cox, wife of James Mateling Scantling, dau. of F. M. & N. J. Harp Cox (unmarked grave) SCANTLlNG, Guy Sampton, son of J. M. & J. E. Cox Scantling (unmarked grave) SCANTI1NG, James Verdell, son of J. M. & J. E. C. Scantling (unmarked grave) SCANTI1NG, Daley Palestine, son of J. M. & J. E. C. Scantling (unmarked grave) SCOTT, Polenar SCOTT, Leer SEWELL, John A. SEWELL, Sarah L. , wife of John A. SEWELL, Nora P., dau. of J.A. & S. L. Sewell SEWELL, Burt Ervin, son of J.A. & S. L. Sewell SEWELL, Eva Lou, dau. of J. A. & S. L. Sewell SLAUGHTER, Wm. L. "Bill" SLAUGHTER, Dora O. Walker, dau. of John and Hannah Walker, wife of Wm. L. Slaughter SLA UGHTER, Archer K., son of W. L. & D. O. W. SLAUGHTER, William Barney, son of W. L. & D. O. W. SLA UGHTER, Frank Lindsey, son of.W. L. & D. O. W. SMITH, T. Wright SMITH, John Henry SMITH, Mary Ruth, dau. of Wm. E. & Ruth L. Pennington Smith Dec. 29, 1842 Sept. 23, 1879 May 4, 1902 Sept. 22, 1923 Oct. 29, 1900 Nov. 2, 1900 May 1903 May 1905 1946 June 1903 Feb. 4, 1879 April 2, 1877 April 6, 1851 Jan. 8, 1855 March 22, 1884 July 9, 1888 Dec. 25, 1891 Nov. 2, 1857 Mar. 26, 1867 Dec. 4, 1918 Aug. 8, 1945 Feb. 17, 1926 Feb. 17, 1926 Aug. 28, 1885 June 16, 1889 Sept. 3, 1897 Oct. 8, 1916 Feb. 20, 1920 Aug. 25, 1895 Dec. 10, 1905 Feb. 9, 1882 .Feb. 14, 1840 July 22, 1893 Jan. 9, 1915 Apr. May Apr. Jan. Dec. Feb. 7, 1920 13, 1908 5, 1933 19, 1899 4, 1918 12, 1915 61 FHENCH PRAIRIE CEMETEHY, LOGAN COUNTY, ARKANSAS STEVENS, Grover C., son of T. T. and M. E. STRICKLAND, Orpha Amos, wife of Hoyt Strickland, daughter of J.A. & B. Z. Amos STRICKLAND, E. D. STRICKLAND, Rose STRICKLAND, J. F., Jr. Oct. 21, 1893 1909 TALLEY, Cora Lou, dau. of A.B. &J.L. TALLEY, Bobby Gene, son of A.B. & J. L. TARBETT, Sarah C. TA YLOR, Rufus L. TA YLOR, Talmace Kay, dau. of S. E. & C. J. TA YLOR, Sam E. TA YLOR, Cora J. Sewell, wife of Sam E. , daughter of John A. & Sarah L. Sewell TAYLOR, Byron Samuel, son of S. E. & C. J. TAYLOR, Infant daughter of S. L. and L. J. TUCKER, Edna Isaphine Cox, wife of Grant Austin Tucker, dau. of F.M. & N.J. Harp Cox TURNER, Dr. W. H. TURNER, Mrs. W. H. (Mary Grogan) TURNER, Marie, wife of H. G. Turner TURNER, Roscoe D., son of W. H. Turner TURNEH, Wanda Nadine, dau. of Cecil & Minta Lee Godwin Turner July 30, 1933 Oct. 10,. 1931 Dec. 8, 1844 Aug. 23, 1878 Dec. 16, 1900 June 9, 1881 Aug. 11, 1881 Jan. 5, 1940 Apr. 30, 1943 Jan. 28, 1922 Sept. 5, 1894 Jan. 2, 1901 April 1960 March 28, 1966 Aug. 29, 1915 Nov. 18, 1882 Dec. 30, 1893 Nov. 9, 1915 Nov. 18,1882 Nov. 12, 1861 June 20, 1862 1%9 1888 Nov. 30, 1929 May 4, 1916 June 8, 1934 1932 1957 Sept. 18, 1931 1925 1927 1940 Dec. 15, 1893 1940 1926 1927 1940 Apr. 27, 1915 Sept. 6, 1915 WALKER, Edith Juanita, dau. of Marvin J. and Lou Holland Walker Apr. 7, 1909 Aug. 29, 1815 WANN, Martha July 13, 1903 July 14, 1839 WANN, James, son of Martha Wann 1913 1853 WANN, Arminda Higgins, wife of James Wann 1957 1873 WANN, Thomas, son of James & Arminda 1945 1877 WANN, Georgia Cheek, wife of Thomas July 16, 1940 WANN, Florence, dau. of James and Arminda Wann Feb. 23, 1871 Mar. 5, 1902 Mar. 5, 1902 WATSON, L. C., son of B & M.B. July 31, 1894 Feb. 14, 1893 WELLS, Luna C., son of John Shelby and It:aska T. Cox Wells Sept. 6, 1898 WE LLS, Albert Leroy, son of J. S. and 1. T. C. Wells Oct. 5, 1884 WELLS, Dollie Wi.lliamson, wIfe of Sam Well's (1st) No DATES WELLS, Earl, son of Sam and Dollie W. Wells NO DATES WELLS, Lloyd, son of Sam and Dollie W. Wells No DATES (The three above graves have no markers, located extreme south center of cemetery; Mother's is the south most grave. 1953 1884 WILEY, E. A. (Edwin A.), son of George & ---Hurt Wiley 1887 WILEY, Dollie H. , wife of E. A. Wiley, daughter of Wm. L. & Dora O. Walker Slaughter Dec. 15, 1911 Aug. 13, 1910 WILEY, Avanell, dau. ofE.A. &D . .R.S. Wiley Feb. 16, 1884 Aug. 17, 1833 WINNINGHAM, Pleasant C., husband of Cynthia A. May 20, 1885 Sept. 1, 1856 WINNINGHAM, Josie R., wife of J. R. (T.) July 3, 1885 April 1, 1885 WINNINGHAM, Josie M. r G2 FRENCH PRAIRIE CEMETERY, LOGAN COUNTY, ARKANSAS WOOTTEN, Ella Godwin, wife of Cullen C. Wootten dau. of John A. & Edna Cabe Godwin WRAY, W. WRIGHT, Rev. R., husband of E. M. WRIGHT, Tela M. (DATES NOT LEGIBLE) Oct. 6, 1846 June 5, 1916 July 2, 1898 Feb. 9, 1918 YARBROUGH, Lilla E. Mar. 6, 1909 Recorded by: Virginia Sue Todd Rt. 1 Box 68 Eastover, S. C. 29044 Feb. I, 1913 June 1, 1948 Sept. 17, 1909 Mary Halford.Wilson 908 E. 65th St. Tacoma,. Wash. 98404 SLA UGHTER CEMETERY, LOGAN COUNTY, ARKANSAS Recorded by: Mary Halford Wilson On May 7, 1957, a group of people in search of an old abandoned cemetery in Logan County recorded these names and dates. The cemetery, later identified as "Slaughter Cemetery" was not the one looked for. !tis in an old pasture known as the "Marshall Field", a short distance from French Prairie Cemetery near the community of lone, Logan County, FRENCH, Walter .J.. '" ~.. • FRENCH, Samuel March 22, 1892 WALKER, John C., father of Dora O. Walker Slaughter WALKER, Hannah, mother of Dora O. Walker Slaughter 1824 March 25, 1824 April 20, 1892 Nov. 1874 Feb. 26, 1901 (Only one date legible, not clear if birth or death, Aug. 26, 1846) LUCAS, N. F. C. LUCAS, Elizabeth BROWNING 1821 Nov. 8, 1838 SLAUGHTER, Pleasant, infant son of Bill and Dora (Walker) Slaughter LUCAS Aug. No dates legible Name and dates not legible; all.Lucas graves were inside an i ron fenced plot. (Illegible) Mary Halford Wilson 908 E. 65th st. Tacoma, Washington 98404 (NOTE: We will other Logan and Scott county cemeteries from Mrs. Wilson in future issues.) 63 QUERIES ASBURRY _. JOHNSON My gr-grandfather, Thomas Asburry {Asberry, moved from Jackson Co., Mo. sometime after 1860 with his family to Berryville, Ark. Hiswife Miriah may have died before his move. Records show him with a wife, Rebecca, in 1891. Who was she? When did Mariah die? Who was the mother of Martha Johnson, b. 1812 Tenn., d. 1848 in Huntsville, Ark.? She was the first wife of Joshua Boren. Her father was William Johnson. Can anyone give me the names of her brothers and sisters? I have already James M., William, Jr., Ellen, Burt and Maj. Huston (Houston ?). There may have been more. Mrs. Ruby Wiedeman 7250 S. E. Sherman SL Portland, Ore. 97215 BATEMAN - BARNWELL I am searching for information on my Bateman family who 1i.ved in Dallas Co., Ark. in the late 1840's until 1855/56. B. H. Bateman was born Feb. 7, 1811, N. C., m. Mary (Polly) Barnwell, b. Oct. 5, 1813 (N. C. ?). Their children were: Susan Elizabeth, b. Nov. 3, 1834, N. C., m. Allen at Marshfield, Mo.; Mary Ann, b. Jan. 5, 1837, N. C., m. David Eslick, Mo. William Archibal, b. Oct. 29, 1839, N. C., m. Margret Emaline Wolf, Mo.; Sarah B., b. June 19,1842, N. C.; Caroline M., b. Sept. 4, 1845, N. C.; John, b. June 15, 1848, Ark., became a Baptist minister; Martha C., b. June 14, 1851, Ark.; James Ii, b. Feb. 4, 1854, Ark.; Carter, b. June 15, 1857, Marshfield, Mo., m. Arabel Melton. Would also like Barnwell data. The father of Margaret Ernaline Wolf, b. Oct. 25, 1847, Greene Co., Mo., was David Wolf, b. Nov. 4, 1818/19 in Hawkins Co., Tenn., m. Nancy McCoy, b. Sept. 8, 1819, Hawkins Co., Tenn. Was this David Wolf related to the Jacob Wolf of Izard Co. , Ark., whose trading post has been made into a museum? Does anyone have the lineage of Jacob Wolf? My David Wolf was in the Mo. Cav.; died in Ark. during the Civil War, 1863. We don't know where he is bUried. Mrs. Mary Ruth Hansen 9.3705 6664 W. Belmont Fresno, Calif. BERRYHILL - MORRIS John Thomas Berryhill, supposed to have been born July 8, 1878, Cleburne Co. in or near Q'litman; need the names of his parents and where they came from; may have been from Tenn. James M. Morris lived in Phillips Co. in 1882, when my grandmother, his daughter, Lillie Anna Morris, was born. May have lived there quite some time. His wife's name supposed to be Jane Henderson. Would like any records, birth date, marriage record, etc. Mrs. Sue Pearson Austin, Te-'cas 78746 3215 Cupid Drive BOLIN .- ELLISON I need information on the Bolin family who lived at Mount Ida, Montgomery Co. and ll}e descendants of Elijah Ellison, who lived at Mena, Polk Co. during the period 1860 to 1880. Dave Boatman 79413 Lubbock, Texas p. O. Box 6655 McCULLOCH BORENGASSER I would like to trace the family of Borengasser, who came over here from Germany and settled in Altus, Ark. He married Agatha Gueller from Germany. We would like information on her family and also a Sigmund Weiclerkehr from Germany. Also working oh McCulloch. Mrs. S. J. Borengasser 2520 So. N. Fort SmHh, Ark. 64 QUE'lUES CAMPBELL Does anyone have any information on Joseph Campbell said to have lived briefly in Ark. ? We do not know what county. His wife was Rachel Orton and would have had with him teenaged children: Cyrus, Joseph, Hiel Orton, John, Rufus E. and Rachel. This family went to Austin Co., Taxas ca 1827, and the father reported to have died shortly thereafter, and the children remained in Texas. We know that Cyrus was born in N. C. in 1810 and have been told that Rufus Easton, who was younger, was born in Ark. Mrs. Olive Cartwright 117 W. Bay Ave. Norfolk, Va. 23503 CATO - MAY My gr-grandfather Jacob Cato and his wife Letitia May settled in Washington Co., Ark. in 1839. They had come from Greene Co., Ill. I have the Cato genealogy but am stumped on the May family. Robert L. Cato Washington, D. C. 312 A St. S. E. 20003 CHAPMAN McCANLASS My gr-grandfather, George Washington Chapman, was born in Ga. in 1840, m. Cansida McCanlass, b. Tenn. in 1841. This family came to Booneville, Ark. 1868-70; her mother, Mary A. McCanlass (b. 1804 Tenn.) lived with them there in 1880. They are all buried in old cemetery in Booneville, may be called Old Fergerson Cemetery. I need to find any records on this family, land, tax;; etc. Would like to locate their graves. Mrs. Vermill Shields 22454 Guadilarmar Saugus, Calif. 91350 CLARK For years I have worked on a Joseph Clark family who were supposed to have lived in Beatties Prairie area, Arkansas Territory,near Maysville, Ark. ca 1840-52, moving to Park Hill, Tahlequah area in 1852 and lived there until Civil War. Joseph (H?) Clark m. ca 1840 (where?) Mary (Polly) Ward, daughter of George and Lucy Mayes Ward, who came to Ark. Territory in 1832 from Calhoun, Ga., arriving at Sallisaw in 26 days. George Ward and family lived there until 1838, when he moved. Where? I have found a Joseph Clarke, b. 1807, stonybrook, N. J., who enlisted in U. S. Army in 1836 at Syracuse, N. Y. and was discharged at Fort Wayne, Cherokee Nation in 1839. Is this the same Joseph Clark? Need all data. Joseph and Mary Clark had these known children: George W. Clark, b. ca 1843, Beatties Prairie, m. Lydia Scraper, dau. of Geo. W. Scraper and Lidia McIntosh; James, b. 1841 or 1845, killed during Civil War near Fort Scott, Kans. 1864; LUCY, b. 1848, m. Thompson, then Duncan; Louisa, b. 1846 or 1850, m. Daniel Young; Ellen, b. 1858, m. Taylor, also had Binge children; Wm. Andrew, bory June, 1861. Mary Clark died at birth of youngest son, Wm. Andrew, in 1861; Joseph: ClUirk; ):>Y:le~nd.~;was.iti;JJ:ed by bushwackers ca 1864. No grave has been found for either. I need Bible records, deeds, probates, wills or church records to help me establish this family. Mrs. John D. Clark 77703 3390 Delaware st. BJ)aumont, Texas FARMER Would like to hear from anyone doing research on Farmer. Harry F. Farmer 6819 Hannon st. Bell Gardens, Calif. 90201 65 QUERIES EVANS - ARCHER - HOUGH- STRICKLAND William Harrison Evans m. Mar1118. Harmon; had children Thomas Jefferson, Franklin, Lucy Joan, Mattie, Crayton and Walter. My grandfather, Charles Henry Evans, b. 1877, m. Jessie Anna Archer Dec. 14, 1901 in Dardanelle, Ark.; had children Lilley, Harm, Minnie, Raymond, Carlos Gault (Buster}.. Jessie Anna Archer was third of ten children of Sam David Archer and Sarah Ann Blalack, h.1852. His parents were Madison W. and Mae Archer. Jessie Anna was born 1880, d. 1918, Plainview, Ark. Harry Hough, ca 1820, m. Hannah Miller in Mo. Her faiher was Dr. WIlliam Miller of Ill. They had children Nathen, William Leuis 1:1850) and baby daughter. Harry, Hannah and daughter died suddenly. Nathen, 4, was taken by Dr. WiJliam Miller to Ill. William Leuis Hough was raised by Mrs. Wood, a friend. William Leuis Hough m. Roxie Ann Strickland in 1887 in Mont. Co. Ark. He died 1898 in Henderson community. Roxie Ann was daughter of John Taylor Strickland and Sarah Ann Baine, m. in Tenn. Other children were Andrew Jackson, Fannie, George, Early Franklin, Uzzie and Learvesta. The Stricklands moved to Montgomery Co. ca 1880. Would like any ,\nformat!.on on any of these families. Rita E'!3.ns Mitehell 2224 Delph'l Drive Napa, Calif. 94558 GA GE - DODSON - WOOD I am interested in "corresponding or exchanging informal:i..on with anyone related to or having information on these Arkansas f' Bel Dodson m. John Thomas Gage, Carroll Co., Ark, 1873. He was the son of ,James and Lucrel:ia (Wood) Gage. Lucretia was dau. of Abraham Wood. His other chHdren were William, Nancy Hurst, ;John, Clara Blythe, Marth'l McVey, Deral, Abe, Catharine (Katy) Gage, Gideon, Missouri Estes, Tom and Rebecca Treat. Abrahma Wood was married to Miriam William". Jeremiah Meek m. Jane Dunlap in Henry Co., Tenn. and moved ca 1837 to Carroll Co. , Ark. His mother believed to have been a Blevins ami Ms B). ster, Delilah, m. James Blevins. Larry G. Gage 68u9 Coneho Houston, Texas 77036 GARLAND Where can I get information ahout the Hon, .Augustus Garland and his wife who was Miss Sanders? Mrs. Fay X. Ansbaugh .301 N. Eo 17th Ave. Fort Lauderdale, Fla. 33301 GONYER - MURRY", CENTER .... CARTWRIGHT My husband's father, Hugh Gonyer, Sr, was born ::n Winslow, Ark. i!l 1894. His parents were Martin Gonyer and Elizabeth Murry. My husband's mother was also born in Winslow; her parents were Louis Center and SUdie CarlMi-ri.ghi:. Other names we are checking are Hays and Bell from Washington, Crawford, Benton and M'l..disi)n countIes. All were early settlers from Tenn. and Ky. Would like an:r m[ormatl.on on any of these families. Mrs, Hugh Gonyer DIamond Bar, Cal. 91766 1960 L)s Cerros Drive HARRELSON Need information on William Th,)mas Harrelson, who homest.eaded land in Arkansas ca 1880 or 1890. AnN inform!J.don onIum will be greal1y apprec!..atl3d . Ron Harrelson 322 Lana Lane Galt, Calif. 95632 66 QUERIES HARWOOD I am interested in locatint'; descendants of J. B. Harwood who was living in Ft. Smith, Ark. in 1902. Would appreciate information on any Harwoods. C. A. Farley 1524 E. 2nd St. Lubbock, Texas HICKS My gr-grandfather, James M. Hicks, was born Sept. 21, 1822; I do not know where. He married Sarah Greene, b. July 28, 1833. Their five children were John Young Hicks, b. Apr. 10, 1855; Dora Hicks; Jefferson Filmore Hicks, b. Dec. 18, 1859; Mary (Myra) Hicks; Maggie Hicks, b. Apr. 6, 1863. I assume all children were born in Ark. but have no proof. He came to N. C. from Ark. with his wife and five children about the Civil War period. I need to find the names of his parents. Mrs. F. T. Mills Charleston, S. C. 417 Clayton Drive HODGES Anderson Hodges lived at Bald Knob, Ark., White Co" in 1861; he lived at Calico Rock in Izard Co. prior to 1861. He served with 1st Inf. Ark. Co. G in Civil War. In 1865 he moved his family to Cross Timbers, Mo. in Hickory Co., where he lived until his death in 1890. His wife was Harriet Elizabeth Pollard, b. Sept. 1, 1833, d. Apr. 24, 1883. They had seven children: Martha Jane Hodges Middleton, b. Dec. 14, 1849, d. June 26,1917; Louis Hodges;William Hodges; Mary Hodges Killpatrick; JohnHodges; Thomas Hodges, 1861-1930; Sarah Hodges 1864-1933; and Andrew Jackson Hodges, b. 1866 in Mo., d. 1932. I need birth place and date on Anderson Hodges, also his parents' names and where they came from. Mrs. Dorothy Elliott 6141 Steele St. Commerce City, Colo. 80022 HUDDLESTON - NOE My gr-grandparents, John Lane Conley Huddleston (Mar. 13, 1815 - Feb. 17, 1887) and Martha H. (?) Noe (Sept. 7, 1817 - Sept. 7, 1880) were married Sept. 4, 1834 at Cumberland Gap, Pa. Martha had a sister, Ingabo Noe. Who were their parents, brothers and sisters? J. L. C. and Martha Huddleston died and were buried at Flippin, Ark. Where was the plantation they owned located? Would like to exchange data on this family for any Noe information. Mrs. Marie C. Wayman 480 E. 3rd So. Price, utah 84501 KUYKENDALL Margaret Berry Kuykendall lived at Locust Bayou, Ouachita Co, Ark. in 1850 '.with:.ner sons, Asa, 17, b. Tenn., and John Franklin, 21, b. Tenn. Her daughter, Grace Ann Camp (Kemp), 24, b. Ala., lived in next household with her husband, Walton Camp (Kemp), 35, b. Ga. Their children were: Sarah, 4; Nancy, 3; and George, 2, all b. Ark. Where did these people go in 1860? Asa was supposed to have gone to Crawford Co. .• Was.this-name Asa Berry or was Berrie Kuykendall, Crawford County 1860, another son? Family tradition says that Margaret was sister to William M. Berry for whom Berryville, Ark. was named. She had two U. S. Senators for nephews. If so, who were Margaret and William's parents? Also which Kuykendall did she marry? An older son, William Madison Kuykendall, was living at Tulip, Dallas Co., Ark. in 1850, on to Clark Co., diedandwas buried at New Hope, Pike Co. , Ark. Jo Whitmore Dildy 71852 Box 155 Nashville, Ark. 67 QUERIES LAWERENCE - WATKINS My grandmother was Nancy Jane Lawerence, b. Aug. 2, 1862, in Searcy, White Co., Ark. daughter of George Lawerence. Her mother was part Cherokee. Her mother m. 2nd Bill Tilley. There were four Lawerence children: John, Jim, Alice and Nancy Jane, and two Tilley sons, George and Charley. They also lived at Bigflat. My grandfather was Mose Columbus Watkins, b. Aug. 18, 1867, near Springfield, Mo. He had two sisters, Addie and Mary. His parents were divorced and his mother m. 2nd Andrew Davis; their children were John, Jim, Samuel, Dora and Eliza. The mother supposed to be buried at Berryville, Ark. as are most of last five children. She is believed to have been a full Cherokee Indian. Would like information on either line. Mrs. Louis Sherwood 1401 So. G St. Arkansas City, Kans. 67005 McCUISTON My husband's father, Lynch Lee McCuiston, was son of Dr. Thos. Benton McCuiston. I have been trying to find the name of the father of Dr. Thos. Benton McCuiston. Lynch Lee had a twin brother, Trent, who did live in Miami, Okla. I have been trying to locate his family to find the name of the gr-grandfather. Dr. T. B. McCuiston served in the Civil War and lived in Sebastian Co. after the War. He died in 1881. Mrs. C. S. McCuiston 2761 Exter Drive Mobile, Ala. 36606 ME EKS - SMOOT John Meeks, b. Ky. m. ~ary Smoot, b. Tenn. Where and when were they married? They lived somewhere in Mo. Their 1st child b. 1832, mo.; 12th child b. 1850, Mo.; 13th child b. in Texas. They came to Texas 1851-52. Mary Smoot had a relative, Ira Smoot, in Ark. I have a letter from him to John C. Johnson in San Marcos, Texas, dated Feb. 1857 in which he mentions Ft. Smith and Van Buren. Would like information on any Smoots in Ark. Mrs. Beatrice Schwammel 1202 Ada St. San Antonio, Texas 78223 PEARSON - HARDWICK - VENAB LE Who were parents of Rev. Edmund Pearson, pioneer Methodist preacher, b. 1797 Ga. or S. C. and died 1848 Talladega, Ala. while PreSiding Elder of Tuscaloosa Cist. He m. Cynthia Hardwick, dau. of Garland and Susan (Venable) Har:dwick. Their seven sons, Charles D., Francis Asbury, Emery Summerfield, Fletcher Clarke, Bascombe T., William Wesley and Watson Harrell were Methodist Preachers in Texas, Mississippi, Arkansas and Tennessee. Daughters Marthat m. Marion Simmons, Izard Co., Ark.: Cynthia Elizabeth m. Carroll White: Mary (Mollie) m. Daniel White. Edmund's younger brother, William E. Pearson, who died 1846, was also Methodist preacher. Would like any information on this family. Mrs. Dale C. Loyd 30 Wolfe Drive McGehee, Ark. 71654 PINSON Would like to contact descendants of William Pinson, who came from St. Loui.s, Mo. to Mena, Ark. ca 1875. Was this the William Pinson who was in 1880 census of Sebastian Co. Ark.? Were the Pinsons who moved from Mena to Camden, Ark. aJew years ago descendants of this family? William Pinson had two sons, Thomas Henry (Charlie) and James (Jim). Would appreciate hearing from anyone information on these families. Levi Henry Pinson 90405 2018 6th St. Santa Monica, Calif. 68 QUERIES REECE- WILSON - BRANUM - FINDLEY John W. Wilson, William Branum and ,John F. Findley came in a wagon train from Florence, Ala. ca 1831-32. Where did they come from to Florence, Ala. Sialas Reece is my other anceston, and I have no information on him. Would appreciate any help. WiLson S. Reece RI:. 7 Marshall, Ark. REED - ROLLER - LANE .. BEAVER Would like to correspond with anyone interested in the Reed, Roller, Lane and Beaver families of Benton County, Ark. Mrs. Walter Crider 6333 Ircnrock St. Houston, Texas 77017 SHELLY My gr-grandfather, Enoch Shelly, moved to Franklin Co., Ark. ca 1870 and ran a freight boat on the Ark. River. His, Almira, was born in Ozard in 1872. Enoch died Feb. 5, 1875 and was buried there somewhere in Franklin Co. around Ozark. I would like to find his grave. Mrs. Arleen Tarbet 14828 E. Warren Apt. B Detroit, Mich. 48215 SHIPP Want information on W. W. Shipp, b. 1816, Ga., and his son, James Emerson Shipp, b. 1841, Ga. In what Arkansas county were their relatives located? Mrs. ~rames L. McAtee, Jr. 5625 Oakview Waco, Texas 76710 SHRIMP LIN Want to know any record of Oliver H. Shrimplin, b. April 23, 1831, Wellsburg, Va., left Va. after 1856, returned only once, was living i,n Arkansas. Oliver was my gr-grandfather's brother and the only member of nine children we do not have a family record of. Frank E. Shrimplin 324 Broadway Valley Falls, Kans. SMITH We will appreciate any information about the aneestors of John Smith, born in the 1830's near Coal Hill or Ozark, Ark. He had a brother named Clabe. Need parents' names and where from. John Smith had two sons by first wife, RIchard, b. 1852, and John Calvin, 1854; and two daughters by second wife, Rebecca and Ginny. We have the record 'bf John' Calvin Smith since 1874. Mrs. Bulha B. Smith 600 W. 18th St. Plainview, Texas SMITH - GILL Believe Sarah Harelson Smith married second a Mr. Gill in Ark. She had children by first marriage, two daughters, Mrs. Milton and Mrs. Heffington living somewhere in Ark. and five sons, Elbert Smith, a circuit Universalist preacher; Carroll Smith; Haywood Smith; William Smith; and Harelson Matthias Smith. Sa.rah GUI died ca 1875 in Ark. What county? Was a Mrs. McBride her sister? Mrs. O. B. Smith Dumas, Texas 79029 EHer Route Box 10 69 QUERIES SUTPHEN - SUTFIN - SUTVEN - SUTPHIN I am searching for John S. Sutpherr, b. 1805, with wife, Matilda W. Chrisman. I have found in 1860 census of Craighead Co., Ark. a Jonathon Sutfin and L. H. Sutfin. Will appreciate any record on anyone of the Sutphen name. Mrs. C. F. Vanecek 1115 N. Lima Burbank, Calif. TAYLOR - WALKER - LEWIS I need information on Thomas Taylor, born during the Civil War era in Laurel Co., Ky. His brothers, John Henry Taylor, 1870, and William David Taylor, 1864; sisters Betty Ann Sasser and Nancy Robinson. The father Speed Taylor and wife, Ellen Yaden, brought these children from Kentucky to Capart, Ark. ca 1878. They lived around Boxley, Swain, Capart, Coal Hill and Red Star, Ark., where Rev. Speed Taylor preached .. Later years Thomas took his family to Oregon, but he didn't stay very long. He wrote "home" that they were leaving Oregon for "home", presume Newton or Madison Co., Ark., but no member of the family ever heard of or saw them. I have no dates nor places pertaining to this family. I guess this was about 1900. I desire correspondence on any of these.names. Mrs. Phyllis McMicheal 4009 N. W. 27th Oklahoma City, Okla. 73107 TENNISSON I am searching for information on Hiram Franklin Tennisson, b. Jan. 29, 1830, Lawrence Co., Tenn., came to Ark. in 1847. Married first Martha Edwards, Aug. 15, 1849; she died June 25, 1859. M. 2nd, Susan Ann Clark, Sept. 9, 1865; believe they lived in the vicinity of Jonesboro and owned land. There was a large family, although the only names I know are Levi Tennisson and Lucinda Jane Tennisson who m. Thomas Turner Smith. Would appreCiate any information you might give me. Mrs. R. R. Metcalfe Bandon, Oregon TRAVIS John W. Travis, with wife Columbia and three children were in Reed Creek twp. in Lawrence Co., Ark. in 1880 census. Document from Reeds Creek Masonic Lodge 176, Sharp Co., Ark. indicates his death on Jan. 6, 1883, believed to be buried near Strawberry, Ark. I need any information on his birth date and place, parents names, maiden name of wife, etc. W. D. Travis San Antonio, Tex. 78213 103 Edgebrook Lane WELLS The History of Clark Co., Ark. says one of the first settlers of Ark. was Abraham and Jacob Wells of the Strand community. This Abraham Wells is my gr-gr-grandfather. When did he die? Where is he buried? Would like to hear from descendants of Abraham or Jacob. Florence Griffin 71730 EI Dorado, Ark. 421 W. Main St. WHITMIRE Bennet Whitmire, b. Mar. 7, 1823; d. Aug. 26, 1903 and wife, Mary, b. May 22, 1826, d. Feb. 27, 1891, are buried in Dutton, Ark. Would like any information on this family. Virginia Kelso 5510 Salina Wichita, Kans. 67204 70 A OS NEWS AGS BOARD _._-----_._-----_._ MEETING HELD IN ELDORADO .. - - - - - The secon<1 quanerly meeting of 'he omcees and di.rec1.ors of the Arkansas Genealogical Society was held AprIl (ilh in El Dorado, Arkansas. Dr. James S . Upton, president, made t.he following appoinlments. Mrs. Edward Westbrook of Jonesboro was appointed to the Board of Directors to complete the term of Mrs. Tressa Fussell of Springdale, who resigned; Lee B. Spencer of Conwa.y was appoiOl.ed Bisl0flS.n: and Joe C. Shaw of Conway, Parliamentarian. The next meef'ing of the Bo·nd of Directors was set for .June 29i:h in Heber Springs. At. the conclusion of the mceting, those present. were guests of Mrs. Lawrence Newton for luncheon. Tt1lRT y- ~I~!L~]~I'!?JlD_~Q~K~-':lQJ) Thirty-five persons from the southern Arkansas area attended a genealogical workshop, sponsored by the Arkansas Genealogical Soenety, in EI Dorado, April 6th. Chairman of t.he workshop was Miss Annie La-u.riE'· Spencer of ElDorado. Mrs. Lawrence Newton of Hampton was co-chairman . Additiona.l '.liorkshJps are being planned for other sectIons of the state. J_g.QM: .. _I!U~.2i A L~!l_QE You have a fine ma.gazjne and J I try to help where I h:).,-". : anything aJw'l.YS read jl with interest and enjoy checking the queries. In my flle, relatIng to a. query. Mrs. Ohve CartwrIght: 117 W. Bay Ave. Norfolk, Va. 23503 I wish 10 thank you and your SOCIety for YOllr kindness; [have reached several people through your paper If there is a. charge, 1 am more than willing t.o send you a check, or if you funct.ion through sl1bscrjpti ons, please lei, me know: 1 am interested . .John 0, Hulsey p, 0, Box HB Del Rio, TeKas 78840 I found some cemelEry reC'ords on the Cash family. A fr:iendly person went 15 miles out in the country and checked for me J (bd no' have any idea where j,hey were. Aren't: people nice? Tessie James Miller 512 N. W. 27th Sr. Apt. 1 Okla.homa City, Okla. Don.ha L . .B.-ers Mrs. Amos R. Clark Mrs. J . D, Clark Clyde Eads Mary L. Garrer;; Mrs. Hugh Gonyer Mrs. A r len e W y a 1 1: G rea '. h 0 use R _ A, Gw j n Mrs.. Bar r y ,J r , He II. z e I Mrs. S, Mrs. Leslie··C, Fred LJ")ngst.on Mrs. M. Key La.whorne Da] e ('. Loyd Mrs, Sue Pearson Col..John C. F. Townes San Ant.onlo, Texas Ardmore, Oklahoma Beaumont, Texas Murchison, Texas Bartlesville, Oklahoma Diamond Bar, CalIfornia Sudan, Texas Ma.rion, Ohio Royal, Arkansas Lubbock, TeKas Richard CIty, Tennessee Ba1.esville, Arkansas MCGehee, Arkansas Austin, Texas Rochester, New York
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