Assistance League of Long Beach


Assistance League of Long Beach
April 2012
Long Beach
Spring Issue
Natalie, Ellie Nantais,
Harriet Golding,
Joanne, Lynn McCune,
Jason, Linda McCarley
and Nam are getting
ready to light the
birthday candles on the
Kids’ cake.
Look Who’s Turning 30!
atalie, Joanne, and Nam are celebrating a milestone birthday in 2012, but
they don’t look a day older than when they were adopted thirty years ago.
What’s their secret? They’re members of The Kids on the Block™ puppet
troupe that resides at Assistance League of Long Beach’s Philanthropic Center.
Their mission is to teach other children to accept and appreciate the differences
among us.
The Kids are a special bunch of puppets. They dress and act like real kids and
are nearly life size. Like real children, each one has definite likes and dislikes,
hopes and fears, talents and limitations. Like real children, some have differences
such as mental, physical, or emotional disabilities, and some have lives touched by
abuse, drugs, divorce, pregnancy, or gangs. The Kids make regular trips to schools
in LBUSD, offering programs with a unique and effective brand of communication between the children in the classroom and puppets with disabilities and differences. The puppets respond with candor and clarity to hundreds of questions
asked by schoolchildren. And the best part is that “normal” people, both children
and adults, can learn from each of the Kids an attitude of understanding, warmth,
and sensitivity that will serve them well for the rest of their lives. The puppets are
designed to offer new and more positive ways of behaving. They are definite role
models for the real children who view the programs in that they encourage them
to be curious yet sensitive.
Assistance League of Long Beach has been performing The Kids on the Block
puppet programs in Long Beach public schools since 1982, touching the lives of
over a quarter of a million school children. The troupe has also performed for many other non-profit organizations,
youth groups and retirement homes. The puppet program is completely funded and implemented by Assistance League volunteers.
Currently, there are programs available on a variety of health and social issues, including teenage pregnancy, obesity, aging, and the
two most requested, bullying and alternatives to violence.
We wish the Kids a happy birthday and know that because the need is great, they will have many more birthdays to celebrate. If
you are interested in having a performance for your school or organization, please call 562.627.5650.
Mission Statement: Assistance League of Long Beach is a nonprofit corporation whose purpose is to create a community of
volunteers to identify and deliver philanthropic services.
Honoring Assistance League Volunteers
ife is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re going to get.”
But what Assistance League of Long Beach got was a deluxe gold and silver
year has
wrapped box of seventy-five women who have each dedicated over forty
been one
years of service to the organization. This elite group continues to support the philanof the most chalthropic programs in invaluable ways. Many generous individuals contribute financially;
lenging and yet
others serve on their favorite philanthropic committees or work at the Thrift & Vintage
rewarding of my
Shop, while still others remain bonded through friendship and memories of past service.
life. What amazMelva Miller and Norma Marter, members since the early ‘60’s, are past presidents
es and sustains
who continue to be actively involved in Assistance League programs and events. Melva
me is the dedicasays, “I love what we do in our community, and I will always be dedicated to our mistion and “can do”
sion. My life would feel empty without actively doing what I love.” Norma says, “The
attitude of all of
work of Assistance League and the friendship of its members has been a central part of
our members – from Assisteens® to Life my life… I have gotten so much more than I’ve given. I never expected to get involved
the way I did. One step turned into a lifetime of volunteering.”
The volunteer members of Assistance
As part of National Volunteer Week, these special seventy-five women and all
League of Long Beach have a long history Assistance League of Long Beach members, including members from auxiliaries Las
of service and leadership to the organiza- Hermanas, Rick Rackers, CAMEO, and Assisteens, will be honored for their service and
tion and our community. Their spirit and commitment to our philanthropic programs at an afternoon reception at the Philanthropic
energy is seen in everything we do: men- Center on April 29.
toring, clothing students with school uniThe following women have been members of Assistance League of Long Beach and its
forms, teaching seventh graders about our
auxiliaries, Rick Rackers and Las Hermanas, for 40 or more years:
Howard collection, screening new patients
Bonnie Jean Albin
Gayle Harris
Barbara Newton
for the orthodontic program, celebrating a
Grace Alexander
June Heggeness
Lou Palmer
Senior Prom with the residents of a local
Dorothy Anderson
Patricia Horton
Mary Elizabeth Peterson
assisted living facility, and raising money,
Bette Barden
Betty Hunt
Merretta Potthast
funding these programs with the proceeds
Ann Beaubier
Carlene Jaques
Jeanne Rastello
of our successful Thrift &Vintage Shop,
Kay Berg
Eleanor Kelso
Mae Ray
the Holiday Gift Boutique, the CAMEO
Margaret Berger
Dolores Kerr
Virginia Rodhner
Fashion Show, and our annual Destination
Marilynn Bonzer
Betty Kesler
Greta Rosenow
Ruby Bothwell
Ann King
Ethel Severson
In this edition of our newsletter you
Marian Boubreau
Betty Anne Kirkpatrick
Wanda Sewak
will get a closer look at our members in
Dorothy Brady
Harriet Koppel
Marion Smith
action, delivering our programs directly
Audrey Langslet
Betty Sunofsky
and working behind the scenes to make Alberta Sagehorn Burson
Alanna Caldeira
Joan Lucas
Cecilia Tallichet
sure we can provide these programs day
in and day out.
Pat Cockriel
Dorothy Macrate
Virginia Todd
Recently we lost one of the most
Phyllis Comiskey
Dorothy Main
Aimee Walker
unselfish, dedicated, and hardest working
Coralee de Dubovay
Norma Marter
Pat Walker
members in our organization, Pat Reep,
Dee Newhouse Devey
Mary Mighell
Bernice Watkins
past president 2009-2010. Pat was always
Helen Downing
Melva Miller
Beverly Weed
willing to tackle any job with a smile and
Virginia Faris
Bettye Mitchell
Pat Webb
positive attitude. Many times she would
Lorena Farnham
Charlotte Mitchell
Sue Wenke
have half the job done before she left a
Elizabeth Fleming
Aura Monfort
Evelyn Whaley
committee meeting. Kathy Wade, one of
Lorriane Fulton
Patricia Moore
Jann Whisenant
Pat’s best friends, says of her, “Pat’s influEsther Gilmore
Joyce Murchison
Beverly Wing
ence will continue to be a part of our lives,
Evelyn Hamilton
Margaret Nees
Ruth Wright
to build confidence that her dreams can
and will be achieved. The world is a better
place because she was and will always be
a part of it.”
We will be celebrating our members’ dedication and commitment to our mission at a “Volunteer Member Reception” on April 29.
This coincides with National Volunteer Week. In an accompanying article, you can see a listing of our “hardiest” members – those
who have given over forty years of service to Assistance League of Long Beach. My hat is off to each one of these ladies.
As we continue to grow our membership each year, and we develop long lasting friendships. We are bonded together in our quest
to provide much needed services to the greater Long Beach community. With unwavering caring hands and heart, I applaud all of our
members for their continued dedication and accomplishments this past year, and I know this spirit will continue for many more years
to come.
Thank you for the opportunity to be a part of this great organization.
Snapshot of an Orthodontic Program Patient
cK Baker is a typical member of our
family of orthodontic patients. She was
referred to the Earl B. and Loraine H.
Miller Orthodontic Center in 2010 by her two older
brothers, Seth and Robert, who had already begun
treatment when she came for her first appointment.
The first step was for McK and her mother to
attend a new patient screening to see if her condition was serious enough for treatment by our orthodontist. After qualifying, McK’s mother attended
a financial interview to verify income status. Her
mother is a single parent currently attending college, so the family’s financial resources certainly
couldn’t be stretched to pay for orthodontia.
Next, models and x-rays were taken of her teeth,
and the doctor diagnosed her case.
Mc K had a retained baby tooth
preventing a second bicuspid from
coming down into place properly,
a cross-bite and an overbite. McK
and her family were very pleased
she was accepted into the orthodontic program, where they paid
$50 per month until her braces
were removed in February 2012.
The total cost of her orthodontic
care was $1340 for the two years of
After 24 months of
treatment, braces off,
retainers on. Result:
happy young lady,
grateful family, and a
beautiful smile!
treatment. In a typical private office, such care would
cost between $4000 and $5000.
Assistance League of Long Beach’s orthodontic
program is made possible by the organization’s members who volunteer to help with new patient and financial screenings, chart set-ups, and fundraising to close
the gap between revenue from patient fees and the true
cost of running the program. Donors and foundations
provide generous funding to sustain the cost of the
McK’s mother has expressed her gratitude to
Assistance League of Long Beach for the orthodontic
treatment that her sons and daughter received. McK
says that she enjoyed working with the doctors and staff,
and that her new smile has given her the confidence she
needs to succeed in high school and life.
Orthodontist Dr. Joshua Schneider,
practice administrator Brian Noel,
Susana Zamara, Loretta Patino, and
Diane Johnson staff the Orthodontic
Center, which currently operates four
days a week in a state of the art clinic
located in the Assistance League of
Long Beach Philanthropic Center.
CAMEO Presents Community Partnership Award
to Riordan Programs at Fashion Show
t CAMEO’s annual Fashion
meetings. They share their time and
Show and Auction in March,
experiences with the local students,
a very special organization
helping them learn what it takes to be
was recognized for its contribution
successful in college and in the world
to the CAMEO Mentoring Program.
of work. They hold high expectations
The Riordan Programs at UCLA
for themselves in their pursuit of sucAnderson School of Management
cessful business careers and encourwas established in 1987 as a model
age the CAMEO students to have
program that motivates high school
the same confidence in their futures.
and college students from diverse
The CAMEO students have much to
backgrounds and under-served comlearn from these role models, who
munities to consider and prepare
come from backgrounds similar to
(left photo) CAMEO Chairman Janis Kleinberg
for careers in management. One of
their own, and have succeeded aca(right) presents the Community Partnership
CAMEO’s former students, Mara
demically and socially. In turn, the
Award to Riordan Programs Fellows Joseph Kim
Figueroa, who is now a CAMEO
Fellows gain valuable experience in
(center) and Adriana King (left).
mentor herself, is part of the collegeplanning and producing group presen(right photo) Camille Santiago spoke about how her
level Riordan Fellows program and is
tations and in working as a team with
CAMEO internship experiences introduced
pursuing admission to the MBA proCAMEO members to provide a richer
her to the world of community politics and
gram at UCLA. Through Mara’s parmentoring experience for the CAMEO
a future career path at DePaul University,
ticipation in this program, CAMEO
which she will be attending in the fall.
has been fortunate to have estabCAMEO joins with the Riordan
lished what is hoped to be a longPrograms in celebrating the 25th anniterm partnership with the Riordan
versary of the Riordan Programs at
UCLA Anderson School of Management. Through the work of
Five outstanding young men and women from the Riordan his foundation, Richard Riordan, philanthropist and former Mayor
Fellows program commute to Long Beach on Saturday morn- of Los Angeles, continues his commitment to increasing students’
ings to meet with CAMEO students and mentors at their monthly opportunities for academic success.
Bargains Await at Thrift & Vintage Shop
ur Thrift & Vintage Shop
strives to offer unique treasures that are “just right”
for your home or a gift. Vintage
jewelry? A costume for a party?
A 1940’s lamp? A set of gently
used Limoges china? Just about
whatever you’re looking for passes
through our doors sometime during
the year. We are fortunate to receive
on a daily basis bags and boxes of
donated clothing, household items
and treasures. The shop, staffed by
members of Assistance League of
Long Beach, provides funds needed
for support of our philanthropic
programs and the management of
our Philanthropic Center.
Annette Groen and Judy Muehlebach admire
pieces of Depression glass in the St. Patrick’s
Day sale at the Thrift & Vintage Shop.
Seniors Re-live Their Prom
ssisteens Auxiliary of Assistance
League of Long Beach is composed
of 105 high school age young women
and men who are enthusiastic organizers of
their own philanthropic projects: Adopt a
Family, Operation Shoebox, Adopt a Pet, and
Senior Prom.
In February, the Junior Class provided
residents of the Vintage Cerritos assisted
Assisteens member Julia Tubert
living facility with a special evening of warm
visits with a resident of Vintage
memories of their “Senior Prom.” The early
Cerritos at the Senior Prom.
evening Mardi-Gras themed party included
decorations of colorful jesters, a Bourbon
Street lamppost, table decorations of potted plants decorated with colorful masks,
and festive Mardi-Gras streamers and confetti.
Activities for the evening included crowning the prom king and queen, and
awards were given for best dressed, best dancer, best smile, and best table participation as voted by the residents. There was dancing, singing, prom bingo, and the
residents had an opportunity to record their prom and high school memories, which
were read at the end of the evening. The Assisteens Junior Class committee made
nosegays for the ladies and boutonnieres for the gentlemen. Punch, cookies, and
cake were served and enjoyed by young and old.
Cali Rose, the professional DJ for the evening, said, “I was very impressed
with the young ladies in this organization who planned a lovely and joyful interactive program for the residents. There was genuine connection between the generations.”
Special shopping events are offered
throughout the year to showcase unique
and interesting items. We’ve already
had special sales for Valentine’s Day,
St. Patrick’s Day, and Easter. Coming
soon are two special sales you won’t
want to miss: the Asian Collectibles
Sale, which begins May 1, and Island
Treasures, beginning June 14. Regular
customers look forward to these events
when prime space in the shop is dedicated to displaying this merchandise.
You are invited to join us for one or both
of these special events. We’re located at
2100 E. 4th Street on “Retro Row” in
Long Beach. Don’t hesitate - treasures
and fun await you!
Scholarship Recipient
Gives Thanks
ach spring, members of the Scholarship
Committee interview scholarship candidates from Long Beach City College and
California State University, Long Beach. As
part of the interview process, candidates have
the opportunity to share their education and
career goals. Their journeys through college
reflect commitment, hard work and sometimes
overcoming daunting obstacles, and members
frequently comment on the amazing efforts of
these men and women to attain their goals. Their
commitment is inspirational. These scholarship
recipients are very good about sending thank you
notes upon receipt of the scholarships, and we
enjoy hearing from them. However, it is out of
the ordinary for scholarship recipients to share
what has happened to them after they graduate.
Recently, Assistance League of Long Beach
received a letter from Deborah Algario, a 2009
recipient of a scholarship in the Special Education Program at California State University,
Long Beach. She thanked us and updated us regarding what she has done since that time. Deborah wrote, “I continued on and received a Level
II Credential, a certificate in Assistive Technology, a certificate in Applied Behavior Analysis,
a Second Master’s Degree, and most recently…
became a National Board Certified Teacher with
the National Board for Professional Teaching
Standards. This is the highest level (outside of a
Ph.D.) that any teacher can achieve. I know that
often applicants are awarded scholarships and
you probably never know where they ended up.
This is my journey thus far! Thank you again for
your support.”
An A+ for Operation School Bell
peration School Bell®, one of
Assistance League of Long
Beach’s signature philanthropic
programs, provides free new school uniforms to students in the Long Beach
Unified School District whose families
cannot afford them. We provide uniforms
to those schools with the highest percentage of students who receive free or
The Molina
reduced price lunches, with the majority Foundation, through
of students coming from central, west, and its Book Buddies™
northwest Long Beach. This school year Literacy Program,
Assistance League of Long Beach has
has generously
provided nearly 7,500 students with new donated books so
uniforms, up 25% from last year. We are
that every child
making plans for next school year to serve
receiving a back
8,400 students, with the ultimate goal
pack and uniforms
being 10,000 per year.
will also have a
“For many of our students, these are
the first new school clothing they’ve ever
had,” states Beverly Tracy, a second grade
teacher at Lee Elementary. “The day after
the students get their uniforms, the difference is dramatic. The
students walk into school with their heads held high. They sit up
straight. They work harder.” Lee principal, Carrie Nemec, added,
“With new uniforms, when students walk through the front door,
they stand a little taller and speak with confidence. They are more
actively engaged in their own education because they don’t have
to worry about what they’re wearing. They are all equals.” Nemec
observed one first grade student who modeled her new uniform
and said, “Now I feel like a Lee Scholar.”
Generous foundations, corporate partners and individual
donors partner with Assistance League of Long Beach to
provide the financial support needed to clothe the children.
Volunteers from corporate partners and friends such as UPS,
Popchips, Keesal, Young and Logan summer interns, Wells Fargo
Advisors, Pediatric Dental Specialists, The Boeing Company,
and Minuteman Press have helped Assistance League and Rick
Rackers Auxiliary members at various times this year to pack
back packs at our Philanthropic Center preparatory to delivery at
various Long Beach schools.
On Make a Difference Day in October 2011, Operation
School Bell provided
back packs filled with
clothing and school
supplies to all the
students at Burnett
Elementary School.
Recently, with the
sponsorship of one
of our corporate
partners, Paramount
Petroleum, and other
donors we provided
more than 140 back
packs filled with
Many other corporate partners and their
employees have generously donated back school
and a book to stupacks and school supplies. For many
years, The Boeing Company employees dents at McKinley
have supported Operation School Bell
through their generous donations of back Assistance League
packs and school supplies. Rick Rackers of Long Beach is
looking forward to
member Mary Lee Freeman (left) with
collaborating again
representative Yvonne Tarumoto (right),
with the Long Beach
from The Boeing Company.
Police Foundation
and the Long Beach
Jr. Chamber at their annual Shop with a Cop event in late summer
2012, which will enable 100 students to receive new clothing and
school supplies.
New Artwork Tells a Story of Caring Hands and Hearts
The new mixed media art works on
the Endowment and Legacy Wall surround large vertical glass panels inscribed with the names of donors who
have included Assistance League in
their estate plans or made a gift to the
Endowment and Legacy programs.
resident Cindy Summers welcomed more than 80 guests to the 2012 Donor
Recognition Reception at the Assistance League of Long Beach Philanthropic Center. Donors from the Generations of Giving program and Endowment & Legacy
Society were recognized during the afternoon reception. Endowment Committee Chair
Jane Jackson honored new Legacy Society members Shelly Barbre, Pat Horton, Georgia
and Roger Klinkers, Richard and Darlene Lunde, Suzanne and Doyle Powell, and David
and Diane Reed. An endowment gift was also recognized from the estate of Margaret A.
Reep during the program.
Nine new art works were unveiled at our Philanthropic Center at the recent Donor
Recognition Reception at the end of January. Each showcases one of our philanthropic
programs benefiting the young people of Long Beach: Operation School Bell®, The Kids
on the Block™, Assault Survivor Kits®, ALa Carte, Orthodontic Program, Scholarships,
Howard Collection of Asian Art, Mentoring, and Assisteens Programs.
Susan Leigh, the artist, was selected to create the 12”x12” works of art. “The Assistance League of Long Beach art commission allowed me to really experiment with different materials and utilize a variety of skills,” acknowledged Susan. “I pulled from my
experience with fiber and faux finishing, creating a visual story in each vignette.” For
example, the piece illustrating CAMEO’s Mentoring Program shows a flower blooming,
symbolizing the blossoming of young students’ potential under the guidance of CAMEO
mentors. Please drop by the Philanthropic Center to see these remarkable artistic interpretations of our programs.
Thanks to All
Our Generous
Mary Lou & Robert
Pat & Jim Warner
Sandy & John Wells*
Blanche Cannady
Cecilia Canut
Janice Carlson
Kathy & Joseph
Community Circle
($250 - $999)
Generations of Michelle & Fred Abdelnour Barbara Collins
Phyllis Comisky
Mary Ann Anderson
Giving 2011
Denise Dahlhausen
Bruce Bradley
Circle ($10,000+)
Fay & Roger Denny
JoAnn & John Cheroske*
Ruth A. Peck
Florence Dodge
Patricia Cockriel*
Charlene Ebright
Leadership Circle
Anne & Glenn Cook
Annette & John Farber
($5,000 - $9,999)
The Honorable Gary &
Dorothy & Earl Farrow
Blair Carty*
Dawna DeLong
Norma Fast
Suzanne & David
Trish & Paul Denny
Susan & Robert Garey
Margaret Dineen-Kern
Nanci & Lynn Gee*
Diane & Harry Pickard*
Diane DeWalsche
Diane Gleason
Susan & Mort Stuhlbarg*
Bonnie & Dave Dorrans
Julie & Randy Wilson*
Anne Exley
Harriet & David Golding*
Marilyn Fortier
Philanthropy Circle
Linda & Steve Gordon
Sandy & David French*
($2,500 - $4,999)
Kat Goyan
Cindy & Hal Gillis
Patti & Paul Brown*
Kathy & John Green
Ryan & Kelly Gordon
Gloria & George
Kathy Grubb
Pat & Everett Harper
Marvell Gum
Marilyn & Robert Heron
Lula Hatfield*
Marilyn & Gary Haas
The James A. Reep Family
Lynn & Betty Hagman
Ghislaine Iliff
Dr. Ronald & Sylvia
Pat & Tom Reep*
Marie & David Johnson*
Mike & Arline Walter*
Matt Heavin
Janis Kleinberg
Service Circle
Kathy Hughes
Melinda & Jim Martin
($1,000 - $2,499)
Darl Incledon
Dr. Deborah Mather
Faye & Robert Alperin*
Barbara Irvin
Melva & Dick Miller*
Dr. Virginia Baxter
Bob Jackson
Marilyn & Jerome
Susan & Richard Bell
Barbara Joel
Mary Alice and Robert
Pam Kehret
Mary Jo & Randy Mizer
Jackie Kell
Mary Newkirk
Elizabeth & James
Mary Ann Keyfauver
Joyce Ricci & Michael
Geraldine Kinsey
Marge & Jim Cammack*
Joyce Krauss
Helen Carlson*
Chrisi Libeu
Doris & Richard Ryder
Cynthia A. Clark*
Betty Lindgren
Jenni Ryker
Kathleen Costello-Pitts
Anne Little
Hashmat & Khalid Saeed*
Linda & Doug Drummond*
Tommye Lovett
Winona & Eugene Sherer
Stephanie & James Eiler
Darlene Lunde
Carol S. Slosson
Jan & Dale Fairbanks*
Frances Lyon
Arlene Solomon
Sue & Bruce Foat*
Chris & Linda, Samantha
Cindy & Ron Summers
Carmen & Bob Hedges*
Rita Valentine & John
Jane & Tyler Jackson*
Patricia Martin
Sandra & Dr. Terrence
Evelyn & Bill Weisman
Annette Kashiwabara &
Bob & Sue Wenke
Marty Isozaki*
Sylvia & Jon Meyer
Karen S. Williams
Georgia & Roger Klinkers*
Mary Lou Millar
Friendship Circle
Kathy & James Lingle*
Pam & Steve Miller
($50 - $249)
Norma & Burt Marter*
Erlene Minton
Patricia Adams
Dorothy & Michael
Marjory Newell
Shirley Armes
Karleen Nicholson
Evelyn & Arthur Meacham* pati-Sue Ashcraft
Virginia Oleen
David Ashkenaze
Diane & David Reed*
Beverly & William O’Neill
Debra & Darwin Barrad
Judy Ross
Bonnie Orme
Julie & Rick Beall
Annie & John Russon
Virginia & Hugh Osmera
Elynna & Henry Schaffner* Maureen Bell
Harriet Ottaviano
Jan & Tom Binckes
Linda & John Sinclair
Rosi & Curt Pedersen*
Pat Blaber
Catherine Vandenberg
Anna Piercy
Naomi & John Blackmore Gloria Porter
Marilyn Bohl
Phyllis & Steven Spierer
Suzanne & Doyle Powell
Diane Booth
Suzanne & Wayne
John Primrose
Frances & Steven Briggs
Linda Reabe
Carrie W. Brookshire
Leza & Scott Reed
Assistance League of Long Beach was a partner in the Shop With a Cop
event in August, 2011. Pictured left to right are: Jodee Collier (Target),
Don Rodriguez (Boys & Girls Club), Police Chief Jim McDonnell (Long
Beach Police Department), Annette Kashiwabara (Assistance League
of Long Beach), Kathy Berry (Long Beach Police Foundation), Gordon
Wege & Tyler Simons (Long Beach Junior Chamber), Cindy Summers
(Assistance League of Long Beach), and Mary Lee Freeman and Melissa
Murchison (Rick Rackers Auxiliary of Assistance League of Long Beach).
Joan & Craig Remine
Alice Romyn
Linda Rowland
Shelly Sandler
Dr. Orville Sewell Jr.
Beverly Shafer
Jenny & Dave Shlemmer
Barbara Smith
Nancy & Preston Smith
Mary Sorensen
Trudi Spagnoli
Peggy Speelmon
Karen Sprague
Marlene Swenson
Georg-Ann Talin & Ashley
Ann Brennan
Pamela Thames & Jack
Delores Thimlar
Elizabeth & Ted Thometz
Dixie Towers
Joan Twedell
Nancy Upham
Claire Vincent
Patricia D. Walker
Patricia Weber
Sarah K. Webster
Toni Whitesell
Dr. Felton Williams
Phyllis Wilson
Elaine Winston
Betty Wohlgezogen
Sheila Yee-Murrin
Barbara Zunich
Service Circle
($1,000 - $2,499)
Helen M. Carlson*
JoAnn & John Cheroske*
Kathleen & Don De Silva
Sue & Bruce Foat*
Annette Kashiwabara &
Marty Isozaki*
Georgia & Roger Klinkers*
Norma & Burt Marter*
Nancy & Kevin Malloy
Diane & David Reed*
Suzanne & David
Rachel Schwenn
Community Circle
($250 - $999)
Shirley Black*
LeAnn Johnson
Deborah Mather
Mary Jo & Randy Mizer
Suzanne Poulsen
Annette & Ryan Reed
Cindy & Ron Summers
Jean M. Tanaka
Pat Turansick
Diana Wade
Friendship Circle
($50 - $249)
Mary Ann Anderson
Debra Barrad
Julie & Rick Beall
Maureen Bell
Marilyn Bohl
Other Gifts
Sally & Kozell Boren
Lisa Jo & Christopher Mais Jan Carlson
Patsy Cassaday
Laura O’Sullivan
Gayle Clock
Patricia Webb
Patricia Davis
Melanie & David Werts
Sharon Denham
Elizabeth Fleming
Jessie Woods
Marilyn Gale
Generations of Diane Gleason
Kathy Green
Giving 2012
Judith Griggs
Leadership Circle
Pat Harper
($5,000 - $9,999)
Sylvia & Dr. Ronald
Elizabeth & James
Kathy Haver
Cheryl & Ken Ellegard
D. Amanda Jones
Pam Kehret
Mary & William
Linda Landes
Linda LeMoncheck & Jed
Marjorie Lewis
Darlene & Richard Lunde*
Melinda & Jim Martin*
Linda Matlock
Linda McCullough
Catherine McHugh
Mary Lou Millar
Sally Miller
Mary Jo & Randy Mizer
Molina Healthcare, Inc.
Allison & Donovan Moore
Beverly & William O’Neill
Linda & Allan Rahn*
LaJuana Rudy
Shelly Sandler
Catherine Vandenberg
Margaret Smith & Rob
Audrey Sosoka
Marlene Swenson
Georg-Ann Talin
Dixie Towers
Joan Twedell
Rita Valentine
Kathy & Bill Wade
Patricia Walker
Pat Weber
Ana & Sarah Webster
Evelyn Whaley
Dr. Felton Williams
WISE Class of 2009
Marilyn Wittkop
Jonine Wright
Kady Wrightman
Other Gifts
Diane Booth
Annemarie Forster
Wendy Golden
Donna Marks
*Indicates Charter
In honor of Faye Alperin
Elynna & Henry Schaffner
Phyllis & Steven Spierer
In honor of Naomi
Elynna & Hank Schaffner
In honor of CAMEO
Dixie R. Tower
Kristine Trost (left), Woman of the Year Chairman,
and Melissa Murchison (right), Rick Rackers
Chairman, congratulate Linda McCullough, 2011
Rick Rackers Woman of the Year.
Bickerstaff Family
The Lawrence P. Frank
Bess J. Hodges
Long Beach Education
Earl B. & Loraine H. Miller
The Rudolph J. & Daphne
A. Munzer Foundation
The Kenneth T. & Eileen L.
Norris Foundation
Pacific Hospital of Long
Beach Charitable Trust
St. Mary Medical Center
Foundation (Catholic
Healthcare West
School Bell
Senior Partners
Ronald McDonald House
Charities of Southern
and Ronald McDonald
House Charities
Suares Investment Group
Friends ($1,000+)
AES Alamitos
In honor of Blanche
Naomi Blackmore
Sandra McCarthy
Kathy Grubb
Melva Miller
Donna Sill
In honor of Cynthia Clark
In honor of Bonnie Dorrans
Holthouse, Carlin & Van
Trigt, LLP/ Christian Family Linda Landes
In honor of Elizabeth & KICKBLAST!
Logan Fleming
Long Beach Convention & Phyllis Comisky
Visitors Bureau
In honor of Dr. Nelson
Signal Hill Petroleum
Nanci Gee
Norm Wilson & Sons
Supporters ($500+) In honor of William Gray
Cushman & Wakefield of Elynna & Hank Schaffner
Farmers & Merchants Bank
Long Beach Firefighters
Honorary Association
Long Beach Honda
In honor of Skip Keesal
Sean Cooney
Long Beach Lifeguard
Alumni Association and
Long Beach Lifeguard
In honor of Nathan Milkes
Wendy Golden
In honor of Norma Marter
Patricia Cockriel
In honor of Joyce
Norma Marter
Additional Gifts
Catalina Express
In honor of Melissa
Long Beach Firefighters,
Local 372
Elynna & Hank Schaffner
Pediatric Dental Specialists
In honor of Joan Nickerson
Corporate In-Kind
Bonnie Orme
Gift Donors
Employees of The Boeing In honor of Marald
Partners ($5,000+)
William Wade Fine
Elynna & Hank Schaffner
Companies, LLC
In honor of Suzanne
Southern California Edison Kathryn Wade Fine
Kathleen Costello-Pitts
Union Pacific
Sandy Sandler
Associates ($2,500+) Employees of Molina
In honor of Cindy Summers
American Business Bank
Healthcare, Inc.
Elynna & Hank Schaffner
American Golf Corporation Minuteman Press
In honor of Delores Thimlar
BP America, Inc.
Employees of Wells Fargo
Florence Dodge
Cavanaugh Machine
Works, Inc.
Employees of Gulfstream In honor of Delores &
Corridor Recycling
Employees of P2S
Merlin Thimlar
Enterprise Holdings
Empire Container
Florence Dodge
Keesal, Young & Logan
Paramount Petroleum
In honor of Michele Ward In memory of Patricia A.
Norma Marter
Elynna & Hank Schaffner Mary Ann Anderson
Patricia Davis
In memory of Helen & Sol
Sharon Denham
Marilyn Gale
David Ashkenaze
Diane Gleason
In memory of Tori Busch
Kathy Green
Christopher & Lisa Jo Sylvia & Dr. Ronald Mais
Annette Kashiwabara & In memory of Margaret
Marty Isozaki
Pam Kehret
Ann Exley
Mary Klingensmith
In memory of Arnold
Kathy & Jim Lingle
Norma & Burt Marter
Virginia Oleen
Cathy McHugh
Julie Mendell
In memory of Ann Exley
Mary Jo Mizer
Faye Alperin
Molina Healthcare, Inc.
Assistance League of Suzanne & David Long Beach Past Nosworthy
President Members
Suzanne Poulsen
Melva Miller
Linda & Allan Rahn
Elynna & Hank Schaffner
Annette & Ryan Reed
In memory of Logan
Diane & David Reed
LaJuana Rudy
Elizabeth Fleming
Shelly Sandler
Cindy & Ron Summers
In memory of Carolyn
Joan Twedell
Rita Valentine
Elynna & Hank Schaffner
Catherine Vandenberg In memory of Mary Lee
Sandy & John Wells
Raymond & Wanda WISE Class of 2009
In memory of Margaret
Donna Marks
Norma & Burt Marter
Darl Incledon
Betty Sunofsky
Elizabeth Morse
Patricia D. Walker
In memory of Steve
In memory of Ginger
Norma & Burt Marter
Kady Wrightman
In memory of Dr. Joel
In memory of Dr. Chet
Faye Alperin
Suzanne & David Anonymous
Annette Kashiwabara & In memory of Jack Kaull
Mary Isozaki
Elynna & Hank Schaffner Joan Twedell
In memory of Merle King
Sharon & Ellsworth McKee
In memory of Edna
Kathleen De Silva
In memory of Harriet Fite
Melinda Martin
In memory of Donald
Georg-Ann Talin
Endowment and
Legacy Society
Estate of Geraldine “Jim”
and Clyde Bronn
Clifford Evans
Geraldine A. and Eugene
Kathrine and James Lingle
Melva and Richard Miller
Catherine Vandenberg
Legacy Society
Founding Members
Robert and Faye Alperin
S. Baba and J. Keck
Carol A. Bellmaine
Stephen and Dee Cockriel
Melanie Dietz
Sandra and Gerald Facon
Sue and Bruce Foat
Sandra and Dave French
Nanci and Lynn Gee
Harriet and David Golding
Jane and Tyler Jackson
Warren and Ghislaine Iliff
Kathrine and James Lingle
Burt and Norma Marter
Linda McCarley
Suzanne and David
Carolyn Steuber Powers
Linda and Allan Rahn
Susan Redfield
Dr. Joseph C. and Ruth
K. Reed
Margaret A. Reep
Patricia and Thomas Reep
Elynna and Henry
Lauren Sharp, MSW, Ph.D.
Arline and Mike Walter
Sandy and John Wells
Melanie and David Werts
Legacy Society
Shelly Barbre
Kathleen Costello-Pitts
Doug and Linda
In memory of Pat Scholz
Pat Horton
Betty Wohlgezogen
Roberta and Robert
In memory of Eugene
Georgia and Roger
Suzanne & David Klinkers
Richard and Darlene
In memory of Craig H.
Melinda and Jim Martin
Estate of Carol A.
Ann Webster
In memory of Capt. Jack
Mary Newkirk
Young, USN, Ret.
Virginia Oleen
Elynna & Hank Schaffner Suzanne and Doyle Powell
Diane and David Reed
In memory of Vivian Yunker
Jessica A. Zifer
Norma Marter
Donor names listed as
Virginia Todd
of press time
6220 E. Spring Street
Long Beach CA 90815
Long Beach, CA
Permit No. 10
Office (562) 627-5650
Fax (562) 627-5645
Web site:
Editor: Linda Drummond
Donate your Car,
Truck, RV or Boat
It’s simple and easy.
Just call
Tell them that you want your
vehicle donation to go to
Assistance League®
of Long Beach
they do the work.
You receive a tax deduction.
Assistance League of Long Beach
2011-2012 Board of Directors
Cindy Summers
Kathy Wade
1st Vice President Philanthropic Programs
Bonnie Dorrans
2nd Vice President Fund Development
Kathy Lingle
3rd Vice President Special Events
Suzanne Powell
4th Vice President Finance
Pat Reep
Arline Walter
5th Vice President Membership
Joan Twedell
Recording Secretary
Sharon Denham
Catherine Vandenberg Smith
Thrift Shop Chairman
Julie Mendell
Press and Public Relations Chairman
Linda Drummond
Strategic Planning
Mary Ann Anderson
Rick Rackers Chairman
Melissa Murchison
Las Hermanas Chairman
Pam Kehret
CAMEO Chairman
Janis Kleinberg
Assisteens Coordinator
Patti Brown
Heartfelt Thanks to Pam Mundy
am Mundy would be an asset to any organization,
and Assistance League of Long Beach is lucky to
have her as a member. She is the quiet, diligent
worker who volunteers cheerfully and always gets the job
done. We are fortunate to have many members like Pam
who form the backbone of our philanthropic programs.
In recognition of her service, Assistance League of Long
Beach has selected her as one of our Heartfelt Award winners this year.
Since becoming a member in 1995, Pam has worn
many hats. She has worked Operation School Bell, served
on the Presentation Ball and Nominating Committees,
and chaired the Members Only Party and New Member
Orientation Committees. She has been Property Management Chairman four different years, using her expertise
to ensure our Philanthropic Center and Thrift Shop buildings are in good shape at all times. Her love of all things
Asian has led her to be a very effective docent for the
Howard Collection of Asian Art tours, and she was an efficient chairman of the Howard Committee.
Our esteemed winner of the Heartfelt Award is a
woman of many talents. Pam is a wife, mother, and grandmother. She is a planner, organizer, game player, chocolate lover, dog owner, and computer wizard. She also is an
outdoors woman who loves to sail, hike and fish. She is
just the best – loyal, fun, competent, industrious, ethical and a wonderful friend. She is a
wonderful example of our theme for the year – a member with Caring Hands and Heart.