Thought of the Week—“Oh God, within whose sign all


Thought of the Week—“Oh God, within whose sign all
Hello Craigville family and friends,
We have had a full week here in Craigville. We partook in Halloween, conferences, and Stories and Songs along with a
multitude of other events. Yesterday, I decided to kick back, relax, and watch the ocean from the beach deck. It was a
cloudy, cool, quiet day. I took in the calm, the beauty, and the majesty around me. As many of you know, Edward and I
live in Boston, which is busy and loud. The moment of serenity refreshed me for a busy week to come. What refreshes
-Kate McKey-Dunar, Chronicle Editor
Thought of the Week—“Oh God, within whose sign all men have equal right to worship
Thee, break every bar that holds thy flock in diverse folds; thy will from none withholds full
liberty. Lord, set Thy churches free from foolish rivalry! Lord, make all free! Let all past
bitterness now and forever cease, and all our souls possess true charity.”- John
Oxenham… E.L.
The Framingham headquarters of the Massachusetts
Conference of the United Church of Christ (MACUCC)
has sent out an electronic newsletter to all
Commonwealth UCC Churches ( The
leading subject is, ”Conference may not renew lease of
Craigville Retreat Center”. The Finance Committee of
the UCC has reached the conclusion that operating the
Craigville Retreat Center is not central to the mission of
the Conference, which is to nurture vitality and covenant
among local churches. The CCMA has enjoyed a 55year partnership with MACUCC. Continued contract
negotiations between CCMA/MACUCC are scheduled
for August. If the MACUCC decides not to renew an
agreement with CCMA, we will be notified officially by
October 31, 2014. The MACUCC will continue to operate
the Craigville Retreat Center until Dec. 31, 2015.
The CCMA board has been in conversation with
the Conference for several months and will continue to
explore ways we might continue our longstanding
partnership. We will also be exploring alternative
administrative arrangements. We have every confidence
that the work of the Retreat Center will continue to serve
the thousands of people who come to Craigville each
year to deepen their religious, spiritual, and educational
-Jim Lane
CCMA Membership dues help pay for the expenses of
running the village: our commonly owned properties, the
road, and the parks. We appreciate your becoming part
of the team effort to keep our village so special. Thank
you to those of you who have paid their dues. Our hope
is that everyone will chip in and support the beautiful
place where we enjoy living. The Retreat Center Office
or the Post Office will accept your membership form and
payment. Thank you for joining in the stewardship of
Craigville Village.
–Nancy Hansen
Old Ship Church is in the Inn until Sunday, July
27. They are new to Craigville, so please help us
by welcoming them warmly.
• MACUCC Music Camp is in the Lodge and
Manor until Monday, July 28.
• Weston Public Schools is in the Manor
beginning on Monday, July 28.
Cottage Rentals are:
• Buck Family in Yale
• Thompson-Tucker Family in Union
• Waltrous Family in Boston
• Forsters Family in Seaside Lower Apt
• Grobe Family in Seaside Main
• Saccardi Family in Groves
• Hansen Family in Marshview A & B
• Restanis Family in Marshview Lower
This summer, we have been blessed with beautiful and
stirring music during our services at the Tabernacle. We
are so lucky to have such talented organists, musicians,
and singers in our community. As we continue on our
faith pilgrimage this summer, lively music helps us to
focus our minds and hearts on God and calls attention to
the movement of the spirit in our midst.
This weekend, we are lucky to have an extra
dose of music during our 9:45am service on Sunday.
The Massachusetts UCC Adult Music Camp will lend
their voices for three selections during the service.
We have room rentals in August 1-3 in the Lodge.
Beginning August 16 until Labor Day, we have a
couple of cottages and efficiency units still available.
-Mary A Woodbury
The CCOA WISHLIST is going strong and has a few
new items this week.
Nancy Hansen is hoping for a donation of a
bookcase or book shelving, approximately 36" high (but
the width can be larger than 36“). The new shelving will
go in the Children's Reading Corner of the beautifully
restored Meeting and Reading Room in The Tabernacle.
Nancy and her husband, Roger, carefully restored this
room last summer.
Ann Trull and her husband, Dick, are interested
in contributing to a new sound system in the Tabernacle
and would appreciate the help of any other Tab-loving
The Trulls have also offered to re-mulch and
wood chip the areas underneath the Patterson swing.
They would gladly partner with any parent or
grandparent who would like to contribute to the
The CCOA Wish List is a great place to post
when you are in need of a last-minute item for a visiting
relative or if you are ready to donate something from
your cottage that may enjoy a second life here in
Craigville. Please contact Nancy Hansen or Ann Trull
directly for any of this week's wishes. For any other info
regarding the CCOA Wish List, you may reply c/o The
Craigville Chronicle. Thank you!
-Dede Danforth-Underwood, Secretary, CCOA
Wayne Tooker will provide contemplative music and
Dianne Carpenter will play the organ.
Rev. Richard Grobe will preach a sermon titled
“On the Wrong Plane.” Rev. Grobe is the founder and
president of ServCorps, which draws upon its members’
experience in construction to build and rehabilitate
housing in Hartford, Connecticut and in disaster-stricken
communities around the country and world. Craigville
has benefited from the generous assistance of
ServCorps for the past five years, as well as from Rev.
Grobe’s friendly presence as a vacationer in the village
for many years.
The spirit is moving in the Tabernacle!
Sunday, July 27, 9:45am: Worship
(Tabernacle). Rev. Richard Grobe will preach a
sermon titled “On the Wrong Plane.” The service
will include special music from Wayne Tooker
and the MACUCC Adult Music Camp.
• Tuesday, July 29, 7:30am: Morning Prayer
(Tabernacle). We greet the morning through a
prayerful exploration of the Celtic spirit in
Christianity with Rev. Dr. Bruce Epperly.
• Wednesday, July 30, 10am-12pm: Theologian
in Residence Office Hours (Village Green).
Stop by to offer feedback about services at the
Tabernacle, discuss theological questions, or
just chat.
• Thursday, July 31, 1pm-2pm: Stories and
Songs (CBA). Gather for an hour of stories,
songs, and games. We meet at the front
entrance of the Craigville Beach Association.
Bring a towel or chair to sit on the beach.
• Thursday, July 31, 7pm: Walking Meditation
on the Beach (CBA). Open your mind and
heart to God’s presence with the centering
practice of walking meditation. We meet at the
front entrance of the Craigville Beach
Mark your calendars for two special events in August:
• Friday, August 8, 7pm (NEW DATE):
Improvisation and Theology Night
(Tabernacle). If the world is a stage, what does
the drama of the Gospel look like? What part
does God call us to play? Join us for a night of
comedy, games, and conversation as we think
about what it means to be a disciple in the world.
• Tuesday, August 12, 7pm: Art and Spirituality
Night (Tabernacle). Bring a favorite piece of art
(or a copy of one). We will share art that has
been meaningful for our faith journeys and
discuss how we can use art as an instrument for
prayer and contemplation
In an informative article two weeks ago, the Red Lily
Pond Project team informed us about the importance of
moving water. Cool, flowing water gathers oxygen that
fish need to breath and helps maintain a healthy balance
in the pond’s ecosystem.
I found this detail striking because it parallels the
messages we’ve been hearing from the pulpit during
worship this summer. Last week, Rev. Dr. Ed Deyton
urged us to dig deep as we notice evidence of injustice
around us. Two weeks ago, Rev. Eric Henderson
exhorted us to boldly soar in our faith rather than “just
hopping around.” Just as our ponds need moving water
to stay healthy, our spiritual lives need to keep moving to
keep us attentive to God’s vision for our lives.
We often make the mistake of equating faith only
with certitude. While it is true that faith gives us a sense
of confidence and comfort that sustains us during difficult
times, faith is even broader than that. Faith is a gift that
equips us to walk on God’s path. Faith gives us energy
to serve God’s vision of love and justice in the world.
Rev. Bernard Lonergan, a Canadian Jesuit,
encouraged his readers to follow four precepts when
thinking through their faith: Be attentive! Be intelligent!
Be rational! Be responsible! When we learn something
new that challenges our perspective and our beliefs, we
need not feel threatened by the challenge. Instead, we
can continue digging boldly, assured that God will
always support and sustain us in our search for truth.
Having faith does not mean finding answers and
stopping. It means continuing to grow deeper in love with
God, knowing that questions or doubt are signs of a
strong faith and a thirst for God’s truth and justice.
-Edward Dunar, Theologian in Residence
It's hard to believe that July is coming to an end. There
are lots of exciting events coming up at CBA and
hopefully more perfect beach days. Be sure to check the
CBA website and mark your calendars for the following
traditions at CBA:
• Saturday, July 26th - 2nd annual Ping Pong
• Saturday, August 2nd - Endless August Party
(adults only)
• Saturday, August 9th - Race Day
• Thursday, August 14th- The Teen Pizza on the
Porch has been rescheduled to this date.
See you on the beach!
Last Saturday, ninjas and princesses roamed the streets
of Craigville for our annual Halloween in July celebration.
Thank you to all the festive cottage owners who greeted
trick-or-treaters with spooky costumes, glowing lights,
funny ghosts, and lots and lots of treats. The kids had
another memorable evening thanks to all of your
enthusiasm and support.
–Megan Lahey
The MACUCC Adult Music Camp concert is this Sunday
at 3:30pm in the Tabernacle. The theme is "Come as
You Are.” We hope to see many friends in attendance.
Come Along for a Fun Night! Send your reservation form
and check to Valerie for the annual dinner and auction to
benefit the Red Lily Pond Project. It is going to be a
fabulous night!
The second movie night for the summer will be on
Tuesday, July 29th at 7:00 pm in the Tabernacle. Bring
your pillows and popcorn and sing along with Troy,
Gabby, and all the Wildcats as they celebrate summer
vacation in High School Musical 2.
–Megan Lahey
There is one week to go until ILLUMINATION NIGHT!
On Friday Aug. 1st, the concert will be from 7:30-8.30pm
on the GREEN. Do remember to bring a CHAIR and
maybe even a spare for those who do not have one.
Let's dig out those lights and lanterns and show off our
beautiful Village. Also, please keep your lights up until
Sunday evening for Centerville Week.
I am not wishing any bad weather on anyone, but come
in and check out our rain jackets! Those lightweight
sweatshirts are going fast, and don’t forget those new
corkscrews, which are great gifts for your guests.
The Craigville Bookies group has decided to read The
Lizard Cage by Karen Connelly for their next gathering.
They will meet at the home of Ann Washburn, 297 Lake
Elizabeth Drive, on Tuesday, August 5th at 10:00am. As
always, everyone is welcome.
Last Friday, July 18th, the Red Lily Pond Project
Association Board hosted our volunteer friends
from AmeriCorps. We met at the Bluff at 8:30AM.
In advisory attendance were RLPP Board members
Dick Delaney, Tom Kirk, and Kathleen Brady.
Additionally, CCMA Vice President Alan
Shoemaker and Theologian in Residence Edward
Dunar expressed support from the greater
community. Our arborist, Brad Holmes, added
direction and supervision.
The RLPP Association's vision is to deal
with the phragmites encroaching upon us. The
AmeriCorps troupe cleared literally more than a ton
of that invasive "devil" weed from our Herring Run
and its embankments. After the clearing work, the
run flowed freely. RLPP and AmeriCorps plan to
join again in the fall for more good work.
We will have many "before-during-after"
photos to share soon. They're amazing! More
information will be available shortly. Special thanks
to the Craigville Retreat Center for providing lunch
for all of those involved. That kind of cooperation
helps things happen!
-Tom Kirk, RLPP Board
This week features the fourth installment in our series of
articles about the essentials for a healthy pond. These
have been based on the acronym PONDS. This week’s
letter “D” stands for “Diversity.”
Native species of animals and plants evolved
and depend upon a complex and diverse system of life.
These systems provide all members, including human
beings, essential food and shelter. Any individual can be
a periscope into the whole system.
Let’s consider herring as an example. We
spend a lot of time, energy, and money to preserve the
herring in our pond because these little fish are the
lynchpin of a healthy diverse system. They connect a
huge variety of organisms, both by what they eat and
also by what eats them.
Herring eat phytoplankton (tiny animals) and
zooplankton (tiny plants) and thus provide access to the
abundant nutrients in these life forms to the creatures
that eat the herring. In Red Lily Pond, herring provide
food for ospreys and blue herons, trout, perch and bass,
otters, foxes, raccoons, skunks, fisher cats and turtles.
At sea, herring are a basic food source for striped bass,
bluefish, tuna, haddock, halibut, lobsters, gulls,
cormorants, seals, whales, and more.
When any single species in a diverse system is
imperiled, it upsets the balance of the whole system.
Some organisms may multiply too fast, overwhelming
food sources and decimating other organisms.
Once again, any organism can be a periscope into an
imbalanced ecosystem. For example, mosquitos
abound when their natural predators (insects, fish, birds,
bats, frogs, etc.) decline. Mosquitoes carry West Nile
Virus and Eastern Equine Encephalitis. Even if they are
not carrying a disease, mosquitos can quickly ruin an
evening on your deck. Over the long term, fighting
mosquitoes with electric bug zappers or pesticide
spraying is not as effective as investing in a healthy
ecosystem that keeps their population in balance.
Humans make huge impacts on diverse
ecosystems by the decisions we make. For example, a
small amount of human-applied pesticide or herbicide
can destroy not only its targeted insect or plant, but also
hundreds of other insects or plants that thousands of
other life forms (including ourselves) rely upon.
Through our sheer numbers and our desire to
control our own ecosystem, humans have the ability to
both create and destroy healthy ponds. We who live in or
visit Craigville have this power. Whether we are a
blessing or a curse to the creation we share with billions
of other species is a decision we are all invited to make
many times every day. Because we enjoy the ponds,
let’s celebrate their diversity of life by living gently and
loving abundantly in Craigville. Two great ways to
celebrate this life are to support the Red Lily Pond
Dinner Auction on August 9 and to gather to discuss the
pond’s future at our Annual Meeting on August 15.
-Steve Brown
This year’s activities will take place in conjunction with the
375th anniversary of Barnstable’s founding.
Sunday, Aug. 3—Kick-off for COHW with
performance by Cape Harmony at the Tabernacle at
Monday, Aug. 4—Historical talk at Centerville
Library, ‘The History of Barnstable’s 375 years’, at
Wednesday, Aug. 6—Centerville Civic Association
summer meeting and Strawberry Social at First
Congregational Church, Main St. at 7:00pm.
Thursday, Aug. 7—COHW 3-Mile Road Race and
Walk. Begins and ends at Covell’s Beach. The event
starts at 5:00pm
Friday, Aug. 8- Lobster roll dinner at South
Congregational Church from 5:00pm-7:00pm. The
approximate price is $20.
Saturday, Aug. 9—Band Concert and Bonfire with
The Moonlighters at Craigville Beach (public beach).
Additional information regarding all activities can be
found at Thank you.
-Meg Loughran, Centerville Civic Association
A quick tip about those crispy crackers and snacks that
the moist air can turn into a soggy mess: store them in
the refrigerator and bingo they will stay crispy.
We discussed humidity several years ago, but I
think it is time for a refresher course on one of the
frequently used weather terms used during the summer
months. Humidity is the amount of water vapor in the air,
measured on a scale from 0-100%.
Remember, all matter must be in one of three
forms: solid, liquid, or gas. Water is the only substance
that can appear in any of the three forms of matter. Ice
(solid) melts into water (liquid), and water evaporates
into the air (gas). Water vapor in the hot summer air is in
an invisible gaseous state. When it comes to water, air
South Congregational Church, United Church of Christ,
Centerville, invites you to the following spiritually
nourishing and joyful events this summer.
Weekly Programs
Morning Prayer at Craigville, 7:30 am
(July 1-August 31)
Gospel of Mark, 12:00 noon
Still Point Meditation Group, 3:30 & 6:00
Healing Prayer Service, 12:00 & 6:00 pm
(July 10, 24 and August 12, 26)
August 23
Special Events
Centering and Affirmative Prayer
(Saturday, 10:30 am – 12:00
Outreach Activities
August 8
Lobster Roll Dinner, 5:00-7:00 pm
For more information, contact Rev. Bruce Epperly at
functions like a sponge. When a sponge is totally
soaked, it cannot absorb any more liquid. When humidity
is high, the air cannot absorb any more liquid, including
sweat off a person’s skin. Thus, we experience that
sticky feeling in the summer as our sweat just sits on our
skin. Sweating, or perspiration, is your 24/7 automatic
cooling system that keeps your body’s temperature at a
normal 98.6˚F. As you perspire, water is secreted out
onto your skin and begins to evaporate. Evaporation
causes cooling that keeps the body at a constant healthy
temperature. This same principle is in effect globally. As
evaporation removes the surface liquid, it results in
cooling the earth’s solid surface.
In the winter, on the other hand, the air is so dry
that air inside a house can become drier than a desert.
Your skin and lips become chapped, you may
experience excessive thirst, and furniture may dry out to
the point of cracking. Adding water to the air via a
humidifier is essential for easier breathing, more pliable
skin, and overall better health. During the summer
however, when the air is so wet, a dehumidifier or air
conditioning system is used to remove pesky water from
the air. Fans move air around to speed evaporation, but
they do not remove any of the moisture from the air as
air conditioning units do. Therefore, fans do not solve the
problem; they just make the heat a bit more tolerable.
How do you measure the humidity level in the
air? You can use a hygrometer, which works very
similarly to a thermometer by using a piece of wire inside
a case that expands or contracts with moisture. A needle
registers the amount on a dial. The more tried and true
method is called a sling psychrometer, which looks like a
thermometer with two tubes on it each attached to a
piece of wicking material, just like the wick that was used
in the old kerosene lamps. You wet one wick and then
start to swing the apparatus about like crazy for a minute
or two. The temperature of the thermometer with the wet
wick, plus the air temperature reading of the second
thermometer with the dry wick, will tell you the actual
humidity after you have looked them up on a chart
comparing the two temperature readings. It is
complicated, but fun.
Of course a local TV station has a much simpler
way of determining the humidity through their “frizz”
chart. The higher the humidity level, the frizzier your hair.
This is probably the easiest way to go, but far less fun
than standing in your yard swinging an instrument about
having your neighbors think you have gone daffy!
at The Craigville Chronicle is sponsored by the Christian Camp Meeting Association and the Craigville
Cottage Owners Association. It is produced weekly from the last week in June through Labor Day weekend and offseason during the fall (November), winter (February), and spring (May). Please email your news to You can find Craigville Retreat Center information at
Red Lily Pond Project Association Dinner
Saturday August 9th, 2014
5:30-6:45pm Wine and hors d’oeuvres on the Green
7:00pm Dinner in the Inn dining room
Silent Auction during cocktails and Live Basket Auction following dinner.
The annual Red Lily Pond Project Association fundraiser dinner featuring Austin Peters, chef
at the Inn and graduate of Johnson and Wales University, hailing from the popular restaurant
“Docks” in New York City, is only a few weeks away. A delicious buffet dinner including
Encrusted Parmesan Chicken with balsamic butter, Grilled Portobello Mushrooms Florentine,
Buttered Green Beans, Red Bliss Parsley Potatoes, salad, and Strawberry Shortcake for dessert
awaits you. Please fill out the reservation form below and deliver it to Valerie Lane at 86
Summerbell Ave. by Wednesday August 6th at the latest, (hopefully before), call Valerie at
508-778-0507, or email Valerie at <> Thank you for your
support to help save our beautiful pond!
I wish to attend the Red Lily Pond dinner on Saturday, August 9th, 2014 in the Craigville Inn
dining room on the pond.
Number of Reservations at $50.00 per person (Wine, hors d’oeuvres, and auctions included):
Dues at $10.00 per person:________________________________
Total Amount Included:____________________________________

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