the casi system - Rockaway Township Free Public Library
the casi system - Rockaway Township Free Public Library
NO. 27 DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY; NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY JUNE 19, L875. Bnsin'>sH Curds. THE I R O N E R A U1G JACK SMALL. INSOEANCE A SI'EOIALTY. It. A. BENNETT, M, D , • W LKMD Sim SlTIIBDJI " I'EOOY ULUiWi E. & G. H. Ross 4 Breese, HOMOSOPATHIO Ton m t j riau In i n hour or two, i( joa will, 'luDiIUUbutFoiuUoBcicou Hill, ' b lbs «o» bcildoyoa all Iho »»j, iiigb pluaitnt pliott tli«t »kitt llm U i j ; R10M LAST VEEJC.J "TBuh, mo uihe," laid the Indian, CUUUTI5M WV I'ISfOL, For Uiolait ihrooyeorH, ii prominoiit laloon kotper oC IudiunpoUs hue piiid ondor tribute te> tlie sbrice of hia adora- ukiiig liia position, wbils Mr. Sighal LIOQ, a beautiful o&d&caoiaplvsUt.ily'jUDg gathered to liiinnelf tlio terrible whin, lady of that ]>!uce. He woood lilto a. litand niocccded to try bifl povvn in a rola ,(eman, aad vou hct iiu^ctioim. Ho in vhkh bo bad faint liopes of iiocosa. •voted waa bo to lier, iu foot, that ho Insurance Agents, " o««» •» M °" I g BlrMt fo ivracg the whip round liia head, 'holly ncgUctod to will her bip ttwther, tn'i old sicoplot, Miiiuit'i louft tuieti, bringing the Lamy lath with a nke like rbo was a man of muscle. For tbreo (OppwiU Dgy.r B u k , ) -'; ' >lllce, Old l i o n llaukUulldiu«, I'buraorod (Jw»ar4wo{t, »od Chnlioa'i wldo that of a dull rasp acroi* hifl own neck, yean tbo couple mot, but did't mate iu BOTCH, H.J., , MOllHISTOWN, N. J. and alioutcd at tUe cattle, filowly tboj all that term implies. Palmer ijaskoJ lUei. Uid Uuu to lb« dteneUoK tldo, ilMiAtti of Women ana Cblldron; ^ tifihtoned tho chains, and than atood in in thft »weet eunakiiio of his oharraor'u . « „ .- . ' *>•<» Htli A gljinpHo orB*gKu« spiro la tboweit, £>. win HUM, (llw. IMtuJci, Urili'UEK IIHKIUII:. > uid E M apeciMti p pulling Attitude, butpnlliog not ODO imilea, and avoided tha ttlorm-cluudu of M Utlilea bills In tlielr irmnj rtiU se Hour, i 710 S A. M., I lo I and 7 to 8 ?. H. iad mow ttiu jast tnoagli to Btretoh .bo brotber'e displeasure, which tlioro >II ttijri yot witch fair, »cd moio I j fir, A. J, OOE, Collector, u chsim. ras no matual friend to tio up, aa it of'ion (be opitilonea *o*t of » r»llirij-c«r. J.L. LAWUUNCE, it fn <U*f of witelier»ft It n M not »a ; On* which will pall true Anotigh. in rward appaaxed. DOVER, K\ 3. Itr-bound tr*TOlon bid lo go buUs traok hare doubts about pallHowATer, tha wedding outfit wnB SUEYET OR': TO iKo ircox irtMbtck ororftblind, rough roi.d, aorosi conatnr through the brush. trdered, and tho sequel to a sucC0MPAUIE3 imi'JiKSHHTED. 'Got up 1 OeeE" ohocted the BoT«r- safol eonrtship was almost at hand, ' i i part Of a Jolting Mgon-loia and Queenstown, iurvcys, Lerohnnd Grades .mcriaau Mutual Ius. Do,, at Kowark, Mower and Reaper. udMr. «ighal ftttha top of IiUiokit a f»vr days intervening, Tlia broth' Ktwdca yrodace t\nd bauMUold good*, M,J., AjMtsorar S 1,100.000 md trying: iu rain to jerk an erplow saw thftt something muat ba douo to romlnjj tb« fardi, h»lf Joit ia tho woodi, iidoforPuUlo»tiilFflir.t«Imi>roTpttioiili. AND >at of tho groat whip, u h « hid BJWQ wouraRohis pro»pectiTopothoi-in-U'iV, Uj tbo fo*r uf rod-ukEni bsanUd ill d»y, CUNAIUJ, oliyiW Mutual Ins. Ou., of Newark, Ornm: SUSSEX 8TBEET, r. Small do. "Qst up 1 Ot«l 0& 1VJIAN, hs laid for him, and witu markua auoD2NTI3T, rind tbe of Horn, iomo blstorisi n y , WHEEL HAY RAKE, NATIONAL, H. J.,' Anets m r 009,000 long I" And thin aaobg himHU' on* >3». Paluor invested iu cuurt-phistor [Hoir Ilia C«oal DridEa.] inecwifnl, and baooming, heated with fttihe corner drag-itoro after Llm collicrcr fur Jioitun a critt not tail, imi's a[\Uu&l Iua. 0 j ' , of Newark, l null Grenl WeiUrn. 1 he eurtlon, be oddad, b j way ot tarrot ions, and couvted another git). To bor flj i COVEtl, N^ j . la ware a |«ifigo mmld fill, irMi N.J., Awcto » ^ r 500,000 carried a Heading heart and a bloody kVbo h*d cmmdi to ia In tlio IbruoblUod towa; a thscattlv, "COD/(JUHI/TOU 1 Get DP!" °" le, no doubt. Ho usutaa j au air of Btruunia Uului) Ini, 0o,, of New»rlr d ili»y iciatrr return cro tbo sun wont down. [till tho w&goa-boK lay mt oa th« top J. M. BASSETT, f Mr. Smiin. oodalc & Vought's Drug Store idiilaronos to tho other heart that , Qaa.breetjr ml4-iummcr diwa, H,J., OAJIIW, 200,000 ehe. Tbii was too mueb, His ifjpflNaib. of thu icLooncr Piwx, Hearing aoautiucedtttttliagof chama, Wbor« bo wOl In plmud to «tl«na lo >ll oilli Civil Engineer and Surveyor, iMrWpiDcrtoulRDro&uIoii. entertained for him nil affectia a !tna Icsurauoe Ootnpaay, of Hartford, A. OTOOESS A T Hi awij w|tU a'crotrdct} deck. id main shouting iritb no appartut tat ..wasJ BO Dr.Jolinalonli&i Slats Roofing ardoat tbat ebe vuuld rather isolt, Mr. Small aaliad: bo ezpcrloaoo t»ffioTenYosra' d o t . ippllctllon Oinii., A«.eta, . £,000,000 MO him her corpse thau herrival'shus1k H O C K A W A Y , N . 1. tbapraalfcoolljoallitn'.l'lr' ofirbieb b » •Hullo I Paraon !" Jafc/lior s«rlot cloik—in cjo tinButal l,?luravica Oompiinjr, of Kuv band ', BO she scoured a Bmall-cliflinborcd Ip lliftClty nf Do*tr. I tultroffpethi •Sir," '"• H i imualdoring coil bid Pegg; BUgU— Ail. 0IIDE1W PJIOUTTU ATTENDED TO. i,> lo 11,. ptfr*Uoo or tbu Smith & "VVeston rovolvor, and, accomYork. Capital. 1,000,000 'What's the matter 1" ind looks at bor townsmen, looks at tbo IPI, V>y her brother, »tart«d for tlio E . . . , ...,..u wiciotm our patron* that •The oflattla Qwi't draw it, Mr. HtnaU," iftuiod ._ Gas, tiul Benefit T,tfo Ina. Oo,, of Kewark. crew « d tbo skipper; vtUkt c u It b» ilace o( buniiiosa of her lurer. vhuUasii Hyatora mlopUdbjin mJao* spiled the psreoa sadly. li the beaUaoitbotio now In urn fur tbo list blndom ttiolr fllnxinif lior hold gUnco buck ? Bbo arrived there nb ten o'clock in M.J., Aucti. mry bw been ihorouehlr (cited and hat piov»d JI •xiraction of tooth. I aim ana tbo now "Caa'tdrow it, ba d 41 go tor J. L. CURTIS, rrot ancceai. no £avo also demomtrated [tnj » wlfo hilu MI eyo H Muk, iio morning. Tbo brotbor remained ai, called Iho FLUID or CONDENSED HAS. , with the brad, an* CUM1 am I Thoj utsiCe tbQ building whilo olio pAUod oarn uow cnaLIud lo ndictoikaiEcirlol, ia null it caiy anongh," no cbargu for ilingiior the tjilruline nide, pistol in band. Sha fouud tho Manufacturer ol Segarsand f1UituJu WILLIAM HARRIS, s todtb wlioro now onoi ut inmrUd, "Cimethdtn, Mr. Small] cried tbe Ase follow in tlio act ol settling an nof mcota that utringo look of bcra SELL CHEAPER 4tt»nt in a Toica of itapteuiTe loloni- tunt witb a customer. Bho wtu in tho »>.««»»« »S«- tnltflrOt ' n vu tiniVK. Toi tb flilid vltli goli), from ono dollar up, an4 DEiLEK IN IMPOBTtD r i l ' E a , Jut a v n u r i c n terror within ulm iHm, liver irty oonli to ono JoU*r, JEWELER, itomcsb Btato of oicitcmotit, and, ati no evor iJifufo, for lha roison that wo do not TOQAOOO t&d OIO&RS, bcurt-strlDgs flutter, hie ncrvos the/ twitch "Y«t, cats 'eml" ahouUd Me. StaaU. to impulso of tho occaaiou*tiho levokd Beautiful Sett or Teelb* so thu Inturcit u[MQ our wuncy t.y tru«HuG it 'ii au evil cijrs-lt will Wigbl anil Ujwltcli. Oppoillo MAKSIDH UOUSK, Iwisblwasout tbere, d—>n 'ami" 10 wicketl woitpou at tho rccreaut one »per iad under, (or (30, on the UUst linit, or tho principal bj con tripling Lad dobli. UIIH F. Sussex Street, Dover, N . ) . prurcd Vuck'gp Platei, win-intod tagivr "He, Smalt) don't ayeu uccdloas'.y. id tirod. "Vr'itlioat waiting to see tho It would \>a linpoiiiWa to onuin'orato our .(raid to ba alloat, afraid to vpctM, MOmtlSTOWN. utlsfutloil, • 'tiis is ua oDcuion of lifo nad deatn," reaalt, ahe hastily witbdrow, and Joinbc crew and tlio skipper, wltli ba Counsellor at Law itlro »lock, but will brlbHy ttj It comi-risoi lid tlia parson, dMutisg trom lilft ef- ing ber brother, returned to Lor Lnmo I'ttko pl«iar» In referring; to tlie following at urging tbe cattle, whereat lie had and woitod oronts. Her victim roicivcij AND [DLllamca: • O.B.GAQE, EVERYTHIMG IN THE LINE OF L.nd Iba vojnfiura whlsperod irouud bor ninie, >rtB torn, hot aou tea, excited and lescd. the charge of the chamber iu bis Jolt Bor. B, O, llegie, Dr. /.' 0. Kin*, jiASTEUIJI CHANCERY, kUiI gfttod »bnuec, LVB »])«•! iho itood, ida,and alter r«oljpgal)out tlio office for USTICE OF THE PEACE, Dr. r . «. CrlttendcD, M. D. Wokenon. "Well, will) never don't fret, Psrsoj BIEROBAHDISE KEPT IN A ring tliom uador hct *n*r|n| bood, Jcttor mca thtu me ht.' died in - a be fow minutes, managed to get iuto his Office oil Bmsex'btrccl, jam. Ho sent fora doctor, who, utter S. B. Johnston,. GENERAL STORE. fair wind m-flod tbcm down tbo B a j ; er caoao. Writo a note an' sead it BOCKAWAY. N.-.T. ;n tbd building fonawl^ oMupiod*, Rt) office bj own to camp by th» Injin—the toji'H brief oxaminfttiou of the wound, proj noun i t lha Boiton wlnrTes they U j . Opposite segur's New Bank, Ueurj UcFarlui, flrtt door. iVIKCi TuinndnlciWud TeflUsti m y s l o i o l jme up au' (dt me out. aliv« or. dead." ouncod it to bo a bad OBS, but not inorWo aball tall at ttiree I" tbo akljiper cried; [ atn now itbjo t<u UQV| thu irants ol my provided lie would havo good care. DOVEB, N; J. ' '. \ -wr Uoodale i VoDgk'* Drug* Store. •\Do not think mo-weak ox imrirRcti- il, did't a IV'ger, «H won maro that lie lloi— lonjort wJtb ticltor AcconimniliUoiiB »ud » think it .advisable to attempt CollooliuHi tHoudud to with dllisoaee. it. Mr. email," ropliod Mr. Blghti, with [e Kur Utock of (foods tliiu trur Ijuforo, along tbo dock bid been psaaed a irord UOVBH.N.J. 1 extract tbe ball, which bod penetraHAIR D R E S S Iwe Nma* G , AUD. Afieni fertile bent UU aud Vlro In FOUNDRY i | u jtt^li»littil4lttgfcnuarlyoo«upH!iiblf . determined ring ia bis voice. "Tell IVhkU oulj upoiter and littcner l i c w i l 3onipaQloi. • U-l to a oonsiderablo depth, but ho A mrj- UKt or •o what to do and I mil do it, Qod bo- 4used a full *Dd dugaiit aBiortnieut. llow ho tnuot to glvo tbo old ctono tlia ilip lilt tho wound. AND ng judge ol PDJ intanlions." I; til, Uaur or vo, o& tbo ^orotwrini trip. w. s.fcE. P. DECAMP, "Don you cuas, Patson ?" WATCHES, CLOCKS, n»nd» all JltilibeJ, and aoclor wolgMd, L. W. THURBER, "It ia many joa« since I ha^e uttered While writhing OD a bed of pain, tha harbor her n»y sbo m»d«— UPEB1STENDENT OV 1'UBUO SCII0OU lEOOTUTOIU! & PBOStEQTOHS MACHINE SHOPS, GROCERIES Tboit oricbooner oath of profanity. \?hnt 1B itllttn 'aimer's thoughts returned to iiis llrst j . J, VREEUAND, FAWN. Out wlio hastens down OP U01IMS OOUSTV. ilo? »sVsiltViopM*cnn, fitomiy. love, who bad nbnost loved him to 1 tbo vntcr-sldo, with a ibout *ud frowa, For Iron Ores and MiDoral Property, o'allVliiln'awloMlioboa! "Go round ta them cattle, ooatnonoe AI. Honglanri, Proprietor, death. In Lin heart the latent flro of •Okn o t i r OH). nlCUAllDHk Co. . KtOUE, Carpenter and Builder, kDgrily atunjiri with b«r lilgli-Uookd ihoa, 13 i\\t tft&doxi, on1 brad '«m r*U with affection began to bum lilio A blost-furPOWEBVILLB, N. J. POVEB, N, J. \J cursej tha (k(j)pcr miJ crow, io.t ateot in tlo end o' tho whip-«tock— lace. He Boat for her. Slio cacao as jobbing promptly attended lo. ROCKAWAY, N. J. SILYElt PLATED WABE uo way ycn'70 Bfion mo do i t ; then mo with great grief. To the question 'luttorfl liai' cloak and fluuot vt\K\\ ^fi\ %?? ^ flbbdal office lioijrt on Hiturdaya from 9 A. V. O. at BOONTON, N. J. tlio whip above1 jar head, start 'om f she atilTloTfld, thofair one rasponrll o> lHAOKWBIil m.', n « l |» q « o * H A.KDWARB Vbo but tho wikb-rg^^q, ctti] Peg illlgb ? nlse nuir ilesigiiN—BixuriisNBort In II,U kMtlan. . DtfUur. Vji. ?. DtC ll.lntj'a tomW mill, •Well filvu her ihogo-bv I"IIJISkipper Naih, >a tha g&o pull, an joat1Uy your btad id witb. a fervent but tearful "Yes." lack au CUM as IouH an strong as you lha said she wasn't mad—on the contraSPECIAL ATf E^T[q» OIVJSN-To ,r (lit- bout qualiliun or IltOH and STEEL, in-. .od Itn'slm ftthli schooner'* Rourr; and dub 1 in holler." W0ODPOKT HOUSE, Chill mid Dry Suiid lfolls, ry, waa almost heartbroken at tho nitl^or^ And thoroouo tuuttorod ^^ilo'a riahl L'lutllrift Muclanica' Tool!. Tbo Rererond Mr. Blghal went round ablo plight of him*no lovod dearer t&aa T1OMA8 nillOlIT, Proprietor, Miners' Oil good tight ha§ PofiKTi' ulil ono or tvto, WORK. and all the work of her own Land. 1 "thorn cattle." Xbero was audible to life, And nil kind! or l'o a liomowird piBcugo as I or you j explanations followed, niid Uiea i J ) l ( 134 UltDEN IiANB NEW YOBX, WOODPORT, MORRIS Co., |». J. ^H kiiiOa of rop»trlug carufullj' HDJ prouiplij , HmaWs can a hustling ot tw/sat IntQftlwiw For whit IIBI tho poor oldboldajn ilono * tableaux, Tbor shook upon tho otttb, A creating ol ox-bows, thore IUIM. Foolliig UDilor oIilIgitloDS lu tltd public Tbblnalaeai formerly cirri*! on 'under tho J POVER. N. J, rba,t any mm could ]&y flager'oo, lauds and kissed each other all around, FURNITURE, mizod with »u oocaajonnt short batfl j 7la?u™¥od*p* |mit Uiotn, I hope \tj. good vrork and fair sates otP. W. MEAD »UI homRor bo k»«wo . a ROLLING MILL WORK, iVwao titan tiTiog tlooo la% but atil! thoy were not Imppy. A 'squlro LO •wjomniod.UaOiV of thoNO hdckinir 4 ffllir** tlioii tbo Bound o| fto rjajioii'a voloa elaillug to merit» contiuuanoor.r tbo nine, ll.B.JOLUEY, Proprietor iiiianer raiidonco: Situated »t tlio' h u d of ud spoaking bor mind when the clioao loT at«d \rltV. gTWt TeuemonDOr-aud iba >aa appealed to. He arrivod about air , AW.AVD A COJJrJ.ETE STOCK. imHiMleaiigU !• OUBOIMW n t o i t d n l n in tho ovenicg. Tlioa that Engines, Pumping Machines, Bat " lluuu mid qarriwaa to Lot. lltl • TOI HARBIH. |iXgo.t\ wowly ivrosa enough to parmit o'clock pIiM»i.(iolindretort Jo bo found nlthin HINEHS' OIL COMPAtfT brunette, witb glittering blaek oyes rW Hint dlsarooofKa/Tork. ' I a l h e r t o i l r. Small to crawl out into the freo sir. shooting out glancfls of tender sohciA|,t, SIZES OF bo ipo»kcr Hlopped, to follow (lyj M^o tafltUia fahf Northern N«ir Lubricating and Hiipqlnj CHESTER MARBLE WORKS. %9 pareon v u still ihoating at the ada 'from their long lubes ot tho liBtoncrs op tUrom;h llio nitxij i|r, tiAHPETS & Oil CLOTIIS /liia OEAHINUtlHiM.KVB, . raining oattlv, when Mr. Small limped anbsomo and manly faco on the pilW, n.onitroi\f m l \ bo(* ^QTta W tbo bbtst 1 nriokly to where na stood, and talcing 'Oad up, clasping tho tramulous lmni Oils for Misers' Use. MINI.VU MACUINIvltV, Opuiisellor a t L a w , pw i( JVlaed oi\ tho ishooocr1! mait; ' EKdlNE. of tUo latest, tnd hmdiomoal i\t'^ii| t 10 whip from him with one hand.oxt Hanry Palmer, and rowed to J. S. H I L D E B R A N T , mbo It fla^wil in tie ittpper'afecoi •EMI Ooill"! tonaed bia ether, which Mr. Bigual ore, honor, and cherish him, as ho sol,V!SD U.WIBE IN OHANOEBy, AND 8c«Mo)y It voured for a. momout'i ipwo gruped ia both of his, and, turning bis imnly evore that he would rcciprogato ufflwlB Wi» 'SiUQHkl Uulott BftuV UiflWts From tlio prow's irhtta inck in tlit *MUI|B MININQ MATERIALS, -irloo; n, now lull of Uaw, toward beaten, the relation until death do port them. 'Apparatus 3unr»iUgr,, ' DOVER, V, loqueutly tbauted Ood, Jop Hia groat So they wero nude man and wife The, meroy in tuu proi wralion ol a lila which bride was attired ia the aamaauit that POWDBB, FUSE, .nd one of tbe Mi)or* arerrod tbat ho »ai U a lioppd. wight yetba dedlcatecl to good ahe wore when iho awakened the groom's • UKIPIMOUU A QUiTti, ^ d hdy works. ' ' •• Purul.lmcl at Sliorlo red strip ainglafcombtaYnmlcUw; affeottons with tho pistol that played Monuqients, Tombstones, &c. And all tho Toraeera-ahrank iri(I\ (Q^T "lhankje.PanoQ," hi*JJack, Ih P " aaid id bi k M irach 11,'prominent part ia this novel narMason and Builder. ImORNEYS * COOMBELtOBS AT BOOTS a n d S H O E S , To tee that *Hd oteU^i* R-j,voop RO near. bodroppoaUUbanland turned to therative. The groom was nmyed in the reaalation robe ie nuit, as be was not cattle; jou'te a good one—that aint no Contract" lafcon for all Vlndiof afaaon Work haro iyt Rjgfat of Bdem iovta . go bftcc to youV1 And then, ewlng the ablo to rise from hia bad. There wcra for. Slackwtll uid Suiioi Sis. Turned, and. Groovod to..Ordar. , MADE TO ORDEIt 1& BTEBY BTTLEr Lime, Cement and Fcrtllij^rSi A .,.fo£.4'(umc qp, and tbo braaio vont down. • cattle back Cram the pull, lie said: ''Per- but few gaetU and no cardi. LlaUS, riABTSB Alip Tlioy ««uld &lmott boar the firm-folk .pcik, DOVER,. N. tT "When tbe ceremony had boea. pacion, %rhaa I marry that lolld, BEEMER GAS P I P E S And imell tha mapnolin it Jeffr*y'« Creok. 3uilt gal, you shall do tbe oeHW,—,- - ormedi tbo bride took bar placo bcstilo Tfc. nndir' (rfbo fron Ir« Oico," DoVoTj , UUNS «uJ J'lOTOLfl. lin ' Ml? JT1HE uiuIoi-BfKiiud tiugd Icavu la ennoanao to Abroiatof tlio Hitf-wiij ItockotLcaraon, it cotls me a thousand AoUen to fetch hat husband, and at a lata llaut « u atX the public that lir) is i W Brfioarbitlohiftii. aBESOafAN *, a, nmPt tending him as none, and never did man Witb tho Wlicry Iehadfl jait off shore, 'erwliorplaml" &|iarling Vondor ftud Tiihl&g Tuuklo. TO ORDER. tare a tenderer or. truer naiso than. she. TUQ gull givo a sbtfek, andflowout ot iijbi, 'Xh\ Mr, finial', tnia leuoti ehouidt Sbo |Ci ' n >atnl seemed to anticipate his every want, And~tbore limy U ; in tho foff ill nig lit. pi) qs tlutt w§ know what a day may and appeared already to have atoned for THE CELXU1UTED mm CASTINGS Furnishing Undertaker . d»ro not atlr until mom WH rod, the wrong she bad done him, Tlio cit"Well, we'll take iho chances, anyMONUMENTS, CDT PAPEK PATTERNS Dentist, izens oC Indianapolis, of course, IUQ And tbo aky gliotrod a blue ttntk QWUlMA 1 I11CESBBD iUCHONEEIl AMD OOMHI&V ray, Paraon 1" , N, deeply' interested, and aboro nil npTheu ghd ou tbo clear irato spe4 (Uo F+UH of Frank Leallo'a ZAdloa'*Jourpil.' Wliot language the BeroreBd Mr. >rove the action of UIQ girl. noHca OP DEEDS; *jlo Iroprioloi ifor Morrla C Call and to cantiacad thit It pa;. 7011 id bu Slghal naed to the cattle ia not reported TOMBSTONES, MANTLES, b e . ill ardor, prompllj tiumtoi to; And fb.o. 4WPW tboDtod '(ThoTossolarrlvei !>«*•, for ctih Instead or credit. by Mr. Small; tho Indian, being aMasICIVELL SHEET, Dsrar, y» ft -farbteaUut with jonr v i m 1" Much that be docs not folly E. LIUDSlBjY & SON. Tint iomo ono clso lad anlred before. Latest Styles 4 Novrest Designs "PEOPLE'S STORE." understand, made no noto at it ;&nd the Oil.lo (la., l c , l a . , to i n , HCCRACKKIV, wide gray silenoe o( th« desert ia no ONE P R I C E OjSJLY.) Cemelorjplot) enolQaodo[ Or<\ail(> UUlUAt Who IB that, by tha but OD tbo iho re, b? DEPOSITS JUXKHMO. OMIOK & THE BUCK HILLS. babbler. .' - . ' Milking bar cow with Indlfcronl mien, lopoitu, JJvcry Job warr«o.'cl to jlvajiom . BPILDIMO, DOVXB, K. 7. H. T. Crosby, Chief Clerk of tlio Onoa froa, though somewhat brniiod Ai I/no schooner irero yoUo bo aoen I pirriages and Sleighs, plots utlihotion. Prlaei no*lorata. .Mansion House. B / (h» ilde glanco out of her antll bltvok oyos in tbe lower llmbi, Big Jaefc Small mada Stftto dejiattment, in tho abaenco oC the •RRETIHt). miKTiMf. p[[,Wff CAII naort workol drowioifhia Tagon back Socrotary of War, ond by bin direotioa, and moil oomplols »toek G( Mill]. Tho * mat be-iurely it la—PegBligh \ .00 YAKDB jmOM D. L. 4 W. DBf OT trGDOdf (o b« found l i ' D o w moa its wheels asd into tho road, and IOS forwarded to tUo Secrotary ot tUo J. S. EELDEBBANT, How itio sot thoro i\ft iftarUl ooalil tell, The New Empire Dut .lowly rolled on toward hit destination. Interior tbo following extract from tbo AND armm-Kp; mm*, creif and paneogorB knetr right unit 8 T A N H O P H , W. 3°. In town, and bis cattle comdlod* ha report of Captain Wm, Ludlow, Corps I tatkute Utalkm pJO lo Bouueti, llati< Flower*, Fcath MINI. OOTTOM AMD WOBlTED. OiBFIT WiUP, OppourrB CHESTEB H O U U , Tint abo faar.1 not sot foot upon dock or hall, Hot-Air, Gas & Buse-burnen. Ribbom t Lace*-»real urnsa'. owfi, novmi' ANP cuimas,^ UHI said : "Now. Ponon, of T*r ioa't tranl of. Eagincors, on tbo roooniioissanoo to Win. BItOHN, Piop'r. and imltatlon-'Ncckiies Not- tbo mast 7" About tbat 7011 mar aik (he to go to one of thosa yotoledgut'^botuaa,' the BlackHillaiuJulyand August, 1S74: IJ ._;•*!, - /OBXSTEIt, N. J. W . S. XIAIIUITT* i and Oaw>.. CoHan, \OVBK LAuortATonr. yon jest pile ia vrith me under the irag- Whatever may ultimately bo deterIng Cooking Store. oolUpt UBoiaiuoilalloQi fur trWJiIoot or Lace and JLlnvu IDS( an,' wait till I unload, an' then Wil _iiaed as to tUa criBtonco of largo woiinrsTowit, K. I. eiminont d botfdla; inont toardera, alio a Utor; » d I H E BEST BAKWO STOVE IKTHE WORLD. Wall, tha Btotj got* on lo *aj fall out agin Bomonhero's olso " • iil«a ..J Alaliaoa elall iluorlpltoni n( atsounta of precious motal iu tho Clack tablaa aituhed to lha bouaa, Paiaonser. takoo eta. Crapei, Mournlnf Ilooue J. HAIBHOUSB, BUdKolU L ab b Hloson Lai. tnd dL Alae, a iArgo Aaaortmcnt of otlior Bt^lei That Skipper Naih ilmj-a ruotltbe day irtrip." i lion Bnld't Bnldt Lai WIIM (and tha ovidonco gatliorod on tho |ORESiLNl)giINBBAIiB . ott u "iS-lf l eltkriiea. l of Cookipg Stovoi, lUngan, Pftrlor reaaoiuiulo ' k t l aid r«B oa tiiDi>lja.{f\ffe|W^ (moottaoa w s, nuuttocatk sw>i> ' , A floe Miorttncut of , . WILLIAM SIMON, /^httnk you, Mr. Small, I will, God trip Mta, I conclude, on the whole disCAHEFBUV HIDE. Stovoi, ie.t With her ahrlll err ^ ^ ^ g along tho wind,' couraging to ttio BUpnosition) tho real Trilling, remain in this town and go i£« trill bafdrnlDbedon application, r ISTEB'S AND ALMNTOWN Chignons, Switches, Braids, Ac hU Sfjlioonc^hlaohMrBn died, about tho yoxh of my Master. How wealth and valuo ot tho country are beCor. BlackvjDil & Sussex Sis., FOR SUMMER & WINTER USE For*hoUli,1(j3il 1 0 . BUillWlUTH, ond doubt \cry-great. "Utterly dissiranlfo;' and bis cattlo and iboep iwiiJ. much. am. I in your debt; Mr. Small ?" Alao, ft tetf Urc» nrialyof : 'y- B o n n , •".• ar in character to tho remaining partiDo.arMorrliCooatjll.J. blB o\u aco Totind htm tlone,- fcrloro. Mao,ftcliolco utoc^ ^ '•'lo toy debt 1 See yore, Parson, that's tion of tbo territory In which it lies, its no'doubt, be had nor or boon born. ll tbl I m, \hjn, Xer don't awe me n « j oent fertility ZEPHyB GOODS, BUPEB IHOSPHAIE OF HME, and freshness, its variety and Cutlery, TVhatjlnffFoggy atrwl I Ap,' o| ever yon git stuck an' can't pull resources, DII h bad tO.dp,ni(U fcif « a e |ille& Palmer & Son, B and delightful cUcmte, tho SOS. ;.' And* fiiu ilotia ol : out, you jest drop & Una to John Small, romotion it , Woollen, Copper, Plain arid Japannc, It is h » d fa sac, in oijt y ^ » to^ pU<;o. affords both againb tho tor-^—, Novnda; 'an el I don't double up ; TINH'AllE • " ' '"••'• • ru?k u», no <Jo sol lieats and arctio storms cf tho noighDtOOD OWASO, rODDllETTE, PERUVIAN Ladies' FuvnisliUig, Good the hill with yon, then jest write across id oring prairies, oventnally mal;o it QUASO,1 PLA8TE1I. , . a piooo o' paper, 'Big Jflok Small's d«ad- lie bam6 ot a will OilClotlia. Oftrpoti, LnrapB, Fdtnta a Ert-rttulub iniaUie Uoaljruitrl^'tDa nlftdo thronging population. Had ^0 Ufod hoiyo I no L \ U ^ f g , . p Bird C«Eoa, father., Pr.U'a Al(nl jroko an' can't borrar a cent.'" tbeuuat c o l t V00HHEE3 BitOXnEBB, To this, however, tho final notation of V'lia tbo .VI,CT\BVI\BIOI ftsu look a weirder abipe 18.Bm 'Morrlalown, N. 3. "Thank yon, Mr. Small," said tbo the Indian question Is so iudispensiblo Uulldw-s. ti any milt tbat banga round Ibo Cape. ' reverend, shaking Big -Tick's hand. " I preliminary, Tho region is cherished fint tlill monl'a a gool one for all to mind: DOVBB, N. I . will pray for your well-being daily, and ly tho owners both na a lraBticg-gromiil j t 11A0KOPFIS time I can, assist ypu, do not nd an nsvltrai. Tlio more far-sighted, llooling, Flumlijii^ and Job llli ijirn boart In thu onrto of a man nnkJnd. ifFailattoany summonTOO.Good night" BAR and BILLIARD ROOMS, anticipating tho titna "whoa hunting tlio Wurlf riromptlj sttonduil to. jMEIJ, Arcmtecl. EKA-DIATIONS. •'Good-by, paraont A.n,' don't 1 _ buffalo will no longer suffico for uusteWELL'S PATENT STRAW C0DK1M0 about ma an,' my (jot t—that'a goin* to be aancc, have looked forward to BettUvg AI'PAIlATUa TliosuasfljBjwithaliaii. " I t h a v i t , " in and about tho Black Hills as their faMerchant Tailor, tuxe parmnnont home, and there awaitirUauli's Scales at Manufac; Best training-ihips for ntwpttv Thc*a vasft tanu who «OM«d the ocean, ing tho gradual exbinetion •which is tbeir Ami doftlvr In Mun'i ant] Olilldrooi Routy turer's prices; A genoral rodnoHon in prfece ot -SOMkB. * * BBSJ. H.VOOT. ' EMlOIH«»METOII aKj,BUAT( ra im AM, Lieu PHYSICIAN & 8UHGEON, 3or. Blacliwell & Warren Sis., THE CASI SYSTEM E, LINDSLEY & SON'S, W DRY GOODS, RA C> COOPER, q Irgansaud Melodeons LIQUORS and SEOAR§. (Repaired and Tuned .OrjUHETH. ADUM t OO.'auejoW. ». WWOHT, Don,t,N.J i. ».uiru, ~ — Mulo O l ^ t a town anil »r. ALE«,UINEIUI,WATEltS,ote; builoo'ai, i nnti of iny cailotneni. oonaUftty on h u d . *• Wm, HAIRHOTJ8E. 'S OPEBA HOUSE, 7" Hall to lw lob for *U Uoda o " K. D.-A ffoodbiiert wtgoa for »le,lE-aa «-U Miamonta. JTTORNEYATLAW ,ll£AL, ESTATE AQBNT, SUSSEX ST., (;ld door from Blaokwoll,] DOVER, N. J-, Atmaunces to UID public Ui»t hit stock Clotbi, Finer Otiiilmsrea and VottlngS, by tha ibid cut t&fitwiibout ol.Mje, or mwlo to order •t Iba naUce. Alua com tun tl/ h J l t t f O t ' r l U l a o ; P1PP WATCHES, CLOQKS JEWELEY, SOLID GOLD KINGS. 1 pirtienlitly eill kthtntlail to my SPEINO AND RUMMEU 8T00IC, 187S. SALOON.' ' |U88EX STREET, DOVEE.H.-I.- *£H5™#itii*o* FOB 8A1E. . T o r atanrlpltniA i r T n p n l r o n q n l r . a t tb» olfloe, . ; • •..'-•*• . CONOLLV *-1QI!AII),i-3 SLATE and METAL ROOFERS, , U BOOTH 6th AVESUB, SSW WllK.V O0S0LLTS P A T E S t r a i S PBO0?W)OIB. P. H. HOFFMAN, PRACTICAL. TAIljOB, ! T.JTASY jtarain'thaUloiLtli bnalaM^ bi 1V1 IJOUUIITOWK, ijtoflll op a Urr« a.lnr. Indasnd l^li ItaMj; uainertulni^.tndf lad. now » • J«J«,IM at*J >la llm wllh iba larnal ilora, Urrait atoct. beat workman uilowptitta,, .. \ Co.'s STORE, . ' ™>«"« « » " ' - T mraim HELTINO, Ij - : .• • • 1 1 (Hoio, Haoblnorj 011a, 4«. '• • • • • • ' • liluUsB ind MtnlBg Powder, Foie, Drill Steal , . • lUmtnen,. i o i ' ,' '. CaatlllarrowB. Bhorcla, Flcka; fte. ,.: .! : ToonHKiaBlioa. vflm . Uouutroinr, H. Good Heavr Snlla i . " «. . . : • • - '', •• • . - • ' : . »•..„•.••..,'! -extta U t Cood WoTklns ,Pant> Donbl YELLOW ram FLOoama. YELWW HH^'STEP PLANK, fv PINE BNQBATINQ NBAIM EONE. ECONOMY IS WEALTH. A Ursa aaaoitmont ol ¥ W £ GLOXHIKO for . .... . iMy SflqUaAStlooBturo. Qaroaw ow (n •])•• tt»l ca?*r tnoro roTdla I fetnec^ lliin «t nronent. SvBTvaetliabtotijlB of fadie fadiea' p n t ' i mit«ot!, jonth'i uid oliildreo'i Bottoa, Lft» u d OonKtoM Oaltanaml Gbosi B t . J. W. BABBITT. then wont ovorlaud to Asia, and blow his Tata. For these TCMOHB no occupation bmlna out pa thu summlk of the Hima* of this region no whites will ba tolerated. Sure (g ^f^v&a s^oit orops^he bAt- layaa. This shows to what length Bom» Nut BO long as tlio majority of tlio In-, people will ga to acoamptUU thoic ends, dions liva beyond tho control o£ tho Uuit«3 Stitea Govotnicont can imy tienty uffi in the \t0 Amon vhoso appoaranco indicated that bo made with them looking to tho rclinwas stnggeciug from tbo. ezoesilva qniabment of their righta of ownciBhip AVhen ia a man tied to time 7 When .light of a brink in bis hat, baing aslced hiali will command observance by tlio ha marries a second. if ha was a Sou ot Totaperanoo, replied, hostile tribes. Even if under th« auYou IUBO evarjr-thiag if you taj Bpriag 'Hitv—no—i' murelotion—notovon anno- thority'of tho reservation Indiana tlio 1 has uot come at loat. l oconpation of the Blnck Sills BhoulA be- Before a spree men ahould droso thptft1 "Wlicn a conductor cm a Symooio car come possible, Battlements Hero eould \>a proUictOtl by force nwl tho pros* oolvefl in tigbt-fitiing olotbo^. altontcd "Bugglaa St,"lha ether night, only ufftcousidorablo railitnry power. a man v1\o hoa boon dozing in the cor- once A muff— a thing Q&\ ^ 3 i a JI Hostile icoiiTsiona would not bo infroner, storied np, and said*-" Buggies' adf's haitd iviihpu'tfictucoxinffxt. nor an occaaional masflscro nnliko' " WTIJHVI Buggloa? BUoTf jabqaont, (md these are conditions unfavorable , qaiok 1" * - ly, t^hU^isp/toDthohjphjuisIuchoonto a rapid and permanent increase of ueota iin nncocgeiii&l UiigbtiQd and vi(o< population. Tho Indians bavo no counA married lady was complaining to There Wi Yerj fotr riah dentisU. Thiy widow of her husband's cruel •landers try farther west to tphieh thoy cau emi?'«« sort of Iron sftnd-U>-iaoaih life. upon ber, when tho widow grimly npUed grate, and only tba Saskatcbewaa coun* had threa hmbandi, nxnj sot ODD try, north of tho United States boundaTailora ars aaid to be like some of their —'TYO 'em Kres to say a voxi itgainst mi ry, and which is still tie ranga of. tlio customers—thoy Bpocge flut, nod the. of bnflalo, ofTcru them apossiblo homo. Dead Imibanda toll no Uloa." out Gentleman—*'! left a loot of hair here treads among the gold," whfet the boj uid aa haftnat&nerlt i & i<yn 4ajB ago to be fltttd in & locXet. It is probable tbat tbo best mo to bo Is it—ah—ready ?" made of tbo Block Hills for tbo next fifty gray hairs from tbo butwr. Arliate—"Very sony, »ii; it bna been years would bo os tho permanent reserTlip mnn "wEiosd depdrturQ \dk a hlac mislaid. But it's of no conieqnenee, vation for tbo Sioux, where thoy could in onr bouse" dA<\flfttMie i he was sir; wo can easily gel it matched, six V bo taught occupations of a pastoral charjemuB-take^ ^ 4 will return again. acter, which, of all serai-civilized menus "Whore vaa Biahop I*tlm« btuoi of subsistence, and tesult in rclioving picsGWoua hoy, munchiug tbo I rait ol death ?" asked a tckoher in & com- tho Urnttia States Government of tlic the dftta-troo—Mamma, if I oat daUi to mandmc voice, 1 ; burden of their support. 8TE0IACLGS m,J BYE GLABSE3 of all Jo* jrljrtlQiii/ Qoia, Bl.Tor," BUIBI, ItnbWr a t Bhcll. THE FAIHO1ITLP GOLD PEN, uniQt , N. 3., pasiod forflnnncy&11A c^noral bxceltlo^ob,' '. It now Ip receipt aT tha laleilSpriop F i t l o m . l a m Kin adding lo mjr atoQic qa u doHpooUa MMr, J. B.\Voit, Union Squaro! and Mr \Vm. aWcrom, 7fl7 Urotdtray, N. Y. ; The principal cbunge to note In tlio alyloi his 1Spring will bo tbo JODET Fiock Coit an wticlea for tallo uio i t eroitly nduaod prlcoi, this largo I ' l a l M n a ' * thoo It riUNa ""BriUNl. Tpaserthan horotofore. • Tbatnnat fftuhlotubla copda for Drtai Suita lgnBaFovarT description conl&lnodin Icul. wjll bo lllack.Diagonal'Wuritflile, Tery gmall w»fl;'•iAi'CB plalui unit ilaiby pttlcroa tvf< dig pattern booVa, CM t e mafla to order. amoDS Iho lulnga of (Uu pi«t.; <; " F « »a»iaei» Bulls ihflpWoaH.,,-ELQDT WATOH MOVEMENT, _ VOTJ imall ?fewt!'uT MfttK eolon,, io Fronoh A female justice of tha poace in and Arnarfciu eoiiag. PaaUlQOQt vttll bt mido ming bad to atop to pin ap her hair Dd the kitij V7»lct. Alxa- agoiik for I imr of email chock and ilnu.hiir Una rood*. rift (nil Hoe of Ibo ifora-atmcd jrooda ml] solemnly sentencing A prisoner ' HOWAHD; WALTHAM, months ia jail. FOHBIQS TVAlOn. I btra tiavf on bind tba UROEIT md boil •t prlcei TrhWi m*ko M to OIB intereit or all parohwani W %Wo n»* nil." H i B unrlnted.AidUUH fat drjlnff «nd , w« are able to guana tea drjn»i« and WE OAN HtSLP YOV AU ordeM promptlj dcllMroJ on ttgol3tei foUo+JiiffsiKanu -Doa'l M l la < BAMTJEIi TBETOITBA. •mi toenrad Tory *<1»«.UR«>U* /rolgk. nlti Working Panti ;"THE CANDY snS8E'i',SIBEBT, n '•'• - • 6.OC . LET '' YELLOW PINE LUMBER Kl^ili] pnrdiu»l,<UrMt Aram tho BujiufKtare S3 M<n'i Ml Wool n<ra»l» an Suwaniiee Yellow Fine Lumber, Tn/litSultionlr - - (10.OC J|1 : . " • • r j o ' ! .i i : 1. OOHOIit. 1S"7ES. SPRING FASHIONS. J, W, BABBITT: INC 6NQ HAIR CUTTING HOUSES ,AND LOTS .,,, ,'.v 'i-.' .a51V.:".'.i'L : od Iron, Copper. Drasg, ~ Lead, lliga and lrtobbai'kitaltnnin eielmnco for'noodt, • JAME9 U. 11UUEN A CO., Itockaway, Warcli 1,1S73. BAILBY, 0BABE & WEB3TEE, atuLShtMStaro. GOBXOUWOU£«.dJcbbU>i •l Voot or JJrUf Afit.,Kewirk, sm nromptlr»tt«nilhlto. Ona door from Mtlfon Son ft Co.1* DloUtlag Htoro, "JosSuninaTra, " BOMX a little girl Wyo- ,ti9 bMtom °f the olaia. * " ^'"Well," aaid tha teacher, "if Joshua k^OKs, t a may tell." "In tho Ore," replied Joanna, looking Mm. Gobb^ %! ^li^on. to" Htl hot\otj gc&TO and wise. isbnn^ be^iiiBo «e gets earned *a often. "Yea, you m&y como again next Sunft iis* t»ait 'tis QConQBa sha wants bf~day erening, Horoco. dear, but:—" a< SPRING i sbeu cut too frequently. uhe hesitated. a oreir VarlofT, tUH niay ha f w ^ In, this pu* ""What is it, darling t H*TO I cix A Bbarp-talkiDg lndj was roproved b' :qtnjnTmciKftI'%aiqoii, l a t I <Vi not ootiflni ber limband, who requested her to kee yon pain ?" he asked, aa aha «tiU Tatajiblf u> t&o\ onUfoiji n mj caitotacn vil her tongue in hcrmoutii. "My dear, m&insd ailent. 11 find a' Urco Htock ot Oiiilmorca.inltihlo fo odd ahe, "it's ngoinst the low lo can? Yoa didn't m«an, ta, X'ia aura, Doiincsi tT«iH and BQta' \YEMl, \hfct wlllh responded, "bat next tio» dont Tea: •old b j Iho yard, very ohe»p, and OUT r a w , foi conccnled wenponu." • • *J1 uinv frliui it cat to huro It nude np themof thosa CQUMPWUIX th,o point* t«i A ytrang gentletnnn of Rochester .._ ono avWoti, QoodOaialinoie* from SO coata to vm aerorely injured by jumping from a iDg oatwmd j tlwy loratoh BO." Hryinl. AfQllUaoof moving train, was so annoyed by qnes- A «ew HBO for disoorded frnit-oana hi GonU' Fuinifehing Goods, tioua as lo how lie was hurt that hi ' hew found, by fastening them up a lnrjje nararjor ol cards jirintoiL 1 trcca aa bouaca for tho birds, irho gTadl aoofipt them for tbeir Summer homos raotcdtafH. Tliuocrrnjto owi.nT»€«K bo garo ont to otory on_o y/}}fi. ^ Bo Bayaacotomporary, Unftheuirc tnj peraonal ohargu, and aQ ordori wi inquiringly at bis I a » or," ati^ « • are only the wren and the blnebird. Thi •aturac.fon gnannteod ta all. hoUBOsparroir won't go iotoabox or wilh a hold in it. Knock oatoiriialo P. H . HOPFMA1V, l and thoy may use it. April 2 9 t V _iiiVB-Tiu DB Auoad Asm, —Tli c w are seTtral kinds of ants trhtoa nnke incawionii into tho territories of a certain specie*. lor tho pnrpoeoof taking caj>tiTfifl. Thoao alavocapturers nro red m color, whilfl tho capHvoa aro inrarinbly blaoi—tbo latter being vulgarly known BJ "nigger nnt«." This is Tory ingFortivoly siognlar. Did they laam Iryju mon, or mon from them, tbat "n sum not colored aa tfaoir own" is tho mnrk or badge of slavery. HoTover tbiu may 1»«, tha condition of tlio alaves is precisely tha samo as amongmtn. Tlicy aro bowers of wood and drawers of wator, lvbilo tbeir mmtcrs, the red nnt5, never tla anything bat fight. A chap who during bis courtship sent. his girl some poetry beginning i " Wns i1; a gleiun of golden luiir ?" was uiortiflea after morriBgo to sea her hung tlmt " gleam" ovee tbo bnck of a cliair. BEEMER & PALMER, f THE IKON EUAJ STJ2.4I7BjE?J»i?r;GE0. GREEN & SON,' ICE CREAM UtrfH- l)rs. Mills ic Vwa dj?H.n"?t ter. DENTISTS, :i THE jSoVr.'.'couifu. .-. Liisnwbk-JVfciiiw^nu.W'*. A. 2IA3.-SEU*. Aiunwr. ,. ! ..,...,..,, n r,i. n . l j 0 l ( ; 1 > a l u l ^landf Im Slsswoa Ilousa uudtu d tu take uUttf FESTIVAL, Mnni/lovru, ii St. John's Episcopal Church, v.,.,, .•.i-i'uli; r-ili m m i J c »ro lbi *1>""-\ ».-.r.rd l OUBHED SHERIFFS SA.LE!. ,V, TLiiiidUD TB, NatL=ii I'jvi*, Fi*nk MONDAY, O WILL lSF-CEIVE 1'llUMiT ATTL-NTltK. OLD ACADEMY, Jl»i;"jltt'iD"c'B"|1LBi)artof the public B t u e r t , JriinuJ uf thci>ri>(e»«iut.f ueli 1 •u,li*)' « WUIJIWU; tucnl U»it atiliro cuuililencc. will W no g « * t an e»lent Hi'ilie peoj'k Ri'oiTilJy Livoiulm; tiJI^Llriiri" W . H. McDAVIT, House, Sign and Ornamental ' EwnLig, JUUE 20tli, DEATH TO HIGH PRICES Kockawuy, iV- J., "Stli. DOVER, K. ,T. uu DICILEUSOX STllEET, Scranton, Lchtyli & Bituminous PAINTING, O ^L. 31, , PHOSPHATE nud BONK p J LUlli, CEllEST, w CALClYnD I'LAfiTTlt, ,; KJIlECLAf, PlilEWlKiK, ! liLL'EHTOIJE.WOOD, HO COMPROMISE! tUit t i i l l Urkluit Iu u r d'* i.r JicictirrriqutaliK Wteelr U«t latfrvitat. l> r. w j i - j u uuB-i>rti>y of toiifiJeiic^ and paiwunii1. — i> uudfriijued drntl.!*. tty JP»M of iinclici ;].i»e ipplkiUua to tli* tlit.irj n( ilrlitUlrf II i',i i n iii-Bin-lict. lia.e ijUadim-U lliKinicm* to inec •II tlii> miUirL'iuf m* ol tbeli inufimaluii, Iu luoof o Tlie Elega lice, Extent, and Cheapness •NOItTII llIVKIt BRICK, , ,, T i • t> i .1 | i-Jor, a dull parrle or l>ioL ; HLJ u-rj Sewing • r i m e ladimoIPt.Jolin'* Clmrch will U,M a at .ila!.i.iti:i:ig lull.. \.^s t L r o • ^ ^ a r e p ^ ^ ^ j ljVlLc, ^mUiiing o f Llatl:, j A Fcturalou the eTwiiugabo™ named, and O11A.IX1XG AND auJ the 1 y after the r;[-iratiuu of tin- lmruln:.] ji n j tbt , „„*, imall-rliVui ail-w.wl! " I **™ ^"suatot. of our Stock enables us to please every FLAO BTONC3, CDBIitSC, CEUJIU fiTEI'r? >.•:.;•* lint niadL* ii proi-erhst c'liioniu.... I jilaiJ. ICT CI.EAM, sTIiAWnEKI.lia, CAEE. etc.. ; COPING. H1113, j __ HOUSE EQllP.MK.VTS, * «*» Io the r0™1 it waM :cn-taiuK-i.u overt ..ft ofre.=i.t:m<--o jlllilJFor lailica drtssiii- m tUck, or Hit.*.- v.hc in ituiidince. Tha Udi« will «:>»r« nopalm 0, io., DCCOISATIVE 1'iiT.u c LiKOttfJ up withtrui)•. Our laclllllrs at UIL; • . Tti! J i MI!I'' In a-lv'n- • . . ' t i n tl^l.t ' Hick, tuere iituniMteru! iatrrt-jltr furor 11» makothii a mun jilpKaut •.flair, ami ii-rito k / u r[ t body. The demand for our goods encoui* LiDltS1 AND GKNT'd ltlDISti SADDLES, .i. run, in a j u . ! i . n. tllO tlgm ( _ _ _ , _ ' . , , ,„„„,.;,.„ f.,r ,.,„ travulic e-ilreu I Um CuHtnl public tout lend. 27-1W mhngHlre l!Ht!iSstu*uIt.l^5itUp i-ulyreli*l>ljrpur.B : i.i tiir only aJvanuct a patient can r m i v t fi LOWEST MABKET PEICES. than Uavcr laobalr, FIXAXCIAL MEPOBT OF '..,•• tentiBt oi»r atiotlwr Kliouiti It, i i t t i t thro HOUSE BLANKETS and i «ilk iu ; ages us to manufacture freely, and we will Coal <(f all »jjf.oa comtantlj on lundf ana Kl^-ilu Island Uatatiylit to its .saw]*. britliiutiue—ntxt to £ ^ h l i t i J Ib J i u n r of a d i u l i i LAP DUSTER. • l:i this, Uu* c?iiteimial w a r ol nianr of ROXBURY TOWNSHIP ll*.orc-(no«n)-p*rtt|''tliociiyor-iic,nitj, . DOVER, N. llin (>.ir!y events of the Revolution, the Tbe atjlu fur m»l in«mltjtto;i FljKutf, CUauiui therefore add to our stock daily. Do no ftir tlio fiscal year ending Jj^ril lOtli, lfe'i e uit>D> ind it'ijlliiic;* (ut tlie |TM>»nit inieUad limplo i es, IliiD^jllb^kiiig, Ac. Virdi onBbckuell BtTteishtAaittyT {,'i.intl'ja uf tlio winiTiirsary of ortliiM-aiuraltwUi |»Uicli ii or laoulil b« n u n l wiiii tbo skirt to clear thi Wni. H. tIREEN', Collcctnr. niij«Ln:i .i[ LLdlcntiitJ we Live takru fipcel4lc»rE fiico on Blackrfcll "ittteoll""|iiiif'tfr' tli'ii Valtleor liaukcr Hill, ^Iiic'a took rdlnu-T ftshipn i' We 1J»T*; on IIMIJ ilit lar L)U. tL«tf>rrjll,iiiBl><Tt»tQinB't"1T'-i". I* "f the rtij buy without exainining our goods. | alwj'KLiiroW Yard, •• s U t i m r t i i i i f d t i e ticcc** ittenai ~ jtjiioi1 in t.'ii.-.rli>«town ainl Uoiton on gtonuJ, IEII Dixr ls, ind TH B KMPIHR "MARKET, our o n l l 1 coeds tjortamiii'' tu oti 'i'Lr.r--'i.iy v.a* worthy of tlie ' nation ming k i t ifc-iilaitfJ llouiwi jiutlflf* ttii p i"but tLe bath io iiiU.'ma tLU ii.b ot S\IT YoiV. which si'n.iio' iutJCxisteGCv'iu 1775, and iKiilsdlfi WARIiF-S STHF.KT, txit :Ula the aaltcritis l Ortli-n ina; ho addrtiicd tlirongb lUc I'D*. bc«a croirneJ. o beibcLf i:i V'IO U'Ujj; rull oi t*vouU which marked iiLirrtd tluu iCM,cJseJI>)'»na OfllFoLockBoi28, or loft at A.Bcpincr'stjpue CEO. GREEN & SON, h b t M i»llr^j tLrviugbout Moirifl CoUtilT. tbfctfrjnccruLTurr I roQDil Ti DLItJl, 1 tU- (.tniftfl'' In-ttt-'jcit tbe -StttOi aiiJ HIL> in«. Ad uiJ otLcr t u n hare totf^iienllyftupcrtf^tcdBQ\'\ In Ulietwoll street, near Stiuatx. (378 2>J kv««buef<>rut!ficl>I tectti, tlisl evcu Ilie ikill to WASHIXGTOX STREET, MiJtlicv Country, caeli Slato I n i it* rej)1M «ti rtpair»eflldpl*lelBilhingt>ftIiep»»t. Wtrinjn atli nit dotj» l<*\* a n d ILVUEl'S BtEJIKOj J. D. PAUjIEJI. II. B-^ALktH. CSIW jiwvtl not milr t" rei»iir olJ, b m t o faro lab ui MOIUtlSTOWK, X..T. ii-tirt. [Tie wai« iithi-l 1 'uuld plate* u veil u rutibtr. ctllulrtd or HIT of tL mtr iloul*lc.l.rc*s:< trjiitriili now tn w e u « pUU lor trtiQdil tectb.— !iuii iviili ilioir e auto ow era tiuu of, OurcbiTRts ire In keeping nilb (Le iiatllt}- (if tLo Ir tbe 6trio . AGIUCUI/rritAL, TOOJ.S. INSURANCE AGENCY Lu-^is. Oil XhursJay, tho pnuidtit Tort, We»r( not cU»l> dentliU In tlig coimuon Loir A jUi tuvepUtlon of the ttrul, but OD (lie ilid)iy «l-»t the t irciwii'ii ih:it Massachusetts ever saw nutv Cu [bin ire, o[ difftrta! • >t U l b * ctit*i>c*t, • dbbnv, PLOWS, HARROWS, t>i-jj "bills v,&s. f,.nuo.l in Uo.-tm., ami represent..-: i MILLS rfc TBOWBRIDGE, ,; fruri ivt'iv ECoticn ul tliu (."oirjlryl Next to WASHINGTON HALL, 0. L. LEPORT. i At »U timei • ilmico sitis.lio-- of Oir- E. Vf. Bc«m-» Druii Store, tout part in tUt- affair. Tho projiam1 FRESH MEATS, . Uiii-a va-ro lu.itiii njmii n grand fifth. , L;t is titlKfr bto or jjnj- ; anj tic f*ncj Io [nrn( i: AT IUU »T.)Li: o r Il.MitM k l i o y i t B , ] MOWING MACU1NES* . Aiul IV'-ton ci-Iil «r.l he i.n>ud uf its UIL- purpose coir BCCIDS tu ccutre an t SALT MEATS, SAUSAGES, SHACKLETON'S little TOQVC, r.liich to Si) ifl Cor. DLACIfWELL ami WARI1EK Sir. * iliio froiu former £>>!k*'tm IfatilUJ-J-l^- "Jllul-T tlio P.Uul.jW Of t]oic-*hil*a LAWN MOWERS, HAY, TEDDERS,. hlk h er'e furhead, Itut ili j 1 liunker Hill Hi!!,- when when its its Umli f-treeU ^ " l ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ o ^ r ^ Oraj POULTRY, FISH, etc. IS23 C9 liunWr n lball t ran HORSE KAKE6, ttu,'. ';, \ STEAM HEATING APPARATUS i) o v K i:, x . J . AInn,a Inrgo aMnitmciitor A ,^:ib!tv niflde uf i!ASlS. All liuli of llii; I hi; meiiiurL-.meiiiurL-.- of of tbe-l'icvuhitinii tiie-l'icvohltinii were were rere-j vttied bby y t blui-binJ'a niiigerB scarlot floFi FOB VABU1NO A WAST SUPPLIED AT LAST! ,med with Vr , with \ivctl "'ilii j.atri.itio ardor woiiby ul tht H0E3, EASES, SPADES, SHOVELS,, FRUITS and VEGETABLES DWELLIXG HOUSES, CHURCHES Tin . t rspric liatiu!. ami ils j^ojilo. K-.-spect fa- He-1 FIRST-CLASS HUSINJiSS COMPANIES EEPEESEOTED: CANAIi O7t PIRT BARHOWS, it/winfi al tlje bock of ibo hat or Uinni-t, t i p . and PUBLIC BUILDIKOS. in their statoti. Wln.lesalo a n j !loU<1. ulittiou;iry relies nud uUl-tiuia asioci j,l i>u tlic let! &>de to the front; tLougU ROAD BCIIAl'EKS, .if, f _ ROYAL CANADIAN ut JIOSTUEAL, FOIt tbi* nurket llio j-jc-atcM care i* COL. l^iia is ifio birthriglit cf tlint city. . «ttriB maile of nroupht Iron, ii low 1 atijiislinc-Lt is not im-titaWi', tml frnicj TbUU«ttriB tlr takui iu lululmu ID<1 killing all kinil-j BUrc, (tctlouil, and noifexpboive. It takes U liuilt npita stciirJ grutinJ. ami lU ^ Assets S5,G25,O0O. j HAS OPESZD k tat aiul llio proiiriewr bv rewoii of Jong en fat-l Ibat lany oilier litatinj; ApparatuB, la HARDWARE AND IRON RTOBB .-inm-is null in fte lvgemls of tlm ticji Xu i-.-mjiU-ic the outfit, tiiidre*std kill sriencc slid n n r t i » l kriotfkA-P ot lL« perfectly iniiple, can be Q|*rated &y any »crPTJBLIO AUCTION! ATLAS ul H A I H r O R D , ntiti, Ki-1» Kifldi-nt t U t 1»- nilf be nblu to. t i l oli nlkoliou only unce a day HUSIO tiheii Ihc war for IaJt'i>emloin:o lirgau, icall ivlio miy ftvur linn with llicir v»t-. GENERAL HARDWARE STORE AsiKts S500.012.1U. t*'to7u;wittitlie'iiiL'vi!aLlf ltn-wia lea ljf/stoii Invt-5 tlicre old rtlica, uud Bos . >My : B r. rHtitcr* require ait cipincDeed uKloccr C. A. GILI.E.N, - • bbi-k ciproceo eattUfl, wliieb miy ha Ui run them. It in ada^U'il to small uwtilings tnu did hOLor t-j it.-* guest* with nil il COMMEHCIAL of KEY? YOBK, •' 18-Cin " M.U.11 a* = Udr nuv etoon to be Lord. , N. J. aawollutolarce building*. I'aUntc-d in tEe i-ljcu-liiiniU'il lioiintatity. June 17th, Assets S37O.O0O. ir liltle EiJe-saU" ntcd Blatei, Great Britain. France, lielgluni, BLAOKWELL St., .'rmmy, Austria, and Itussia. Uvur EIX linn1575, will go ilnivu iuto IHIKILTU histui ofn-d, ' r e a r e d in degjut imiwriaiio ALL KIXDS OF drod in u*o, fiinug entire Batixf-utiun. For CO S E A S O N , ST. NICHOLAS id S E W l'OBh, us tlie iky of tho Iliinkur Hill Centotini furtbtr psrttoulnr* apply to Saturday, June 26th, 1875, jildut-J »ilvcT, in tloriatuil i AsscU S'J85,O0O. OS «1, nml whtii IuJeiiondt'lIco llall i ALLEN & MOMNGTON, Headquarters of Morris County • l'liilniloliiliibi bt;come3 (he sceiie ul tli «35,0<IO. QLOUE ol CUICAOO, . - .OEKEB1L JlOEKTS, >OB • ••'• '• ••' (.T..nd ccli-bnitit'U of llu- aiuuiiiy uf Hi SODA WATER BUSINESS, DOVER, > . J . DccUtntion nf IudqifUdc-iico, Unuke — AT— 110,COO. on I'arritil on \j tlio flrm c*rKc-nt 4 Rcgcrit, Hill -ivillnutbc furgotten, nor will tli DOVER, N. J. sq.1i Blii ee E. LIHDSLEY & SON'S STOVES and TIN WAKE HE USBEnSIONCD, TUASRFUI FOB ...rairiu Itukton nnd Cli-trlostoffii \# los HOliSKS, The itA-k comistj of 3 firat-cl n Friday e past pitronflge. \rau\d reupecltally call (ha l i k t hr h e iprinnn Wagon liuk Wag _ 1 l„ . . _ I'hlfonn ithmllon »r tbo citizens ul ijoyet and vicJtill.T l h J l h d llodr, 1 Donblo and n, 1 sut Iftb Slf J s iil C3> gld a ffc s«t Iltrneu, ]loltlinnilicliino. OcnCHEAP FOR CASH. LABOEST AND riNE^I STOpis OP irator, 2 Funutaim, HKI Iloxoi, Wyelbei ^ith Tlie fail rstrilip is pmlol f.t l*i»t ; tlio THE ARGAND RANGE, ,11 tlio Iloltlps, Tooli.Fiilnrof.Ac, now owabA FOSTER P. BJECH, Proprietor, miners vt th.i Wilkesharro and Lehifjh PLANTS ' ind UBOU bv tbo oaM linn of licnt k lloccri In PICKS, HAKES, CROWBARS, RHEUMATISM. | PHOSPHATE, DOVER, X. J. he niauufticture of tioda Wattr, I'orter.Af. ibc l>c»t feir cooWng purposti. ALii'.vro liavo fiial Comiuuir h^vin S •sitrrend-.-rnl T Ttiu liivc Itlienmalism, Gout, or L a n i l a g o found in tho Rtste, IVlneg liavoon full maorlnuiit vf Ilantn, mid hand n In stock tlie U-tt Thii it * ram oliauce for any pen-on friiuiu; L-tiiiilitionallv. Siivcnil meetinas ' e go t o ] . . A C . Killgore'K drug »toro ami pet lUsiT.iiTriiEiu or burr tmitiWe fir tif^MaiitB^VIiieg this Climatf, irbirliand I im proo tlsrt in business, as tlie buiincis ii alitailv fall iaaortnu'^it tslirubB03TE DUST, GUANO, li.-l'l (in Slinuia.v with various results a (.auiiilu U.ttlc 'I IT. liartwi'* JIlicuKattd f taUiM.ied and hai hrcn doing a fine trails lur red to fumlali on itiort nntlni-, mid ni ns PAHLOIt FUBNAOK, SAKD PAPER. 0L0E, HOPE, HOIS, FomtS, AXES, .iiul consideml'lo qunrrclliiiR. The mass t-nicly. fri* "f '-I'^gr or tiserfg-ilir *ln* evcral ir prices as tan be funnd. wan*past. EverylliiuK |n*iUiii.flB l» ! • lakm In:, rnalli- and is f o r l a i u t o gl-*< j ' A T ..itLuuiiuers-ueru in favor of going to II, mIt Tarlica vishinir to topurcliiuc ore rcquealcdto lie busineg.4 is in cumlniou. m - i i t n-lifl while all o x u m a l applicationmine in? slock. lock examine work, luit tlic ICHUM hard Thli mln will 1« rOSITIVH. No ai-'journ- SMOKE-STACKS. BLAST Ml'EB, u !.nt tuinsiurary. Oar object in ciniHftWa.1 BORAX, aiArys, OEESHOIJBES MAI'I.K A\T.. Cnr. PERRY KT. :. ii"ninst it. The sentiment wits too strong ipli- U i t l f s i= I., sivo you a n opj-urtauity to jents, and no nuderbiUdinfj. j I.OWT.ST t'ASII I'ltlfUS. i d f n * «f i.-!iarii.- iLil you iniy'ic t'olivitictil fur tlrin loupcr to coiitrnl, cud a part M o r i i t l o w u , N. J . , rill dn all ibut I* fUlmi'd ior i t . T r r i t - floor lo M. & 1.'tk-aring'-i rarntiiUr Blitip', and TANKS ana 0EE BUCKETS, vieMwi. Tn t i n eveniug a region niectOrders bft tt Tea store, enmer W'srreu and WOOD and IBON PUMPS •ja re.l by Jlubtri Kiil«ore, Dover, I.. J . FURNISHINa Ic cammi-iico at i o'clock V. JT. Tcrum niadu iiiK mi held, mid- the delegates the cuDstanily on haiul. Blackwt-ll utrcDtfl. Dover, trill rccdre uromnt lackwtll ut ,noirn on day of " ' • ]??,„„ 1U „ nn^tfrio Itontion • Itontion. w("it to Mr. rarrish H ofticc. It vtitic, or eveir Tkritflv, l.CAD mil 1IION VllE. l o worl: r i i b s i r r i A ' ATTDNJIKII TO. •O.1.BOADE3. 10U> in en ogrremtnt tj t'° otonce IIAHDWAEE AND SEVERE COLD NAILS, CABltUQE o Sl rris County Machine & Irun Co. tijum the Conipnny'a terra.'. X py MIBBING ! 'LTIMBESQ W0BK DOHE TO 0 E I E B . lt Cooeli r m IK- cnro.1 In * few navi by B, i c TUBI, by tlie iakiui; Dr. llnrttin'a Vefiotablo Coagh wliatpVL-r v;ero GOODS r o i l GENERA1 iyrnp. H M imrdy VtntulaUe aud It one oltEe (..oaipSBy. rATIUCK 11ILEV k-n bit hom t Koce KENT & BOGERS, SHUSHES oppr isd Iron WUE. «™SnE, duller., 4c. HATISO Q.EKUVU) MY i time iioih , X. J., Slav 31, 1W5, BIUCO nbirli The iiicu btated that tlmv liotl nindo a mi »t lowcl cwrkLt rale*. *«"«!• for noil i l l affi-ctiui.B of ilie Throat or Lnngi b b l i c t r J from Mm by bi faniily,(SITCUKOUSTJ KIHUP I KrSl) K I I C I I E N AND TABLE TOE. miMflie iu holding out so lung ur in litis cllc B in ut inav1fa<l|.iCuD*auiptloi). Ik ins or a vert 1 V L * «, »»ebe 1 Kiaking a strike, and were now m want •fclinii "nature, it caiuwt till to t o of pjcat II? Ii about 57 year. o f s ^ . flhOt« H . E S T ^ . XT E l A . 2XT T GLIXES HOOFING PAINT. matiuraftnrer»or lieictit, Ltirilyluill, hair and whlnkert dark, iicfil in ul! I'iwn v.liem tbo Lungs or ilrunul tho tiML'wnrica of life and c»g#r to had on s white -trra Lit mill blirk Und and •HIM ASD 0J1SAJIESTAL WIKE THK CELEBRATED (V*ekomc one ami »ll t o an (-•sftiuiiutlnR ul o u r Io llicbnlldingun •' ' ' ' liavo work immediately. 'Ilna Cumpapnrplo EtnpG on tlic aiige of bind, Mue uonin Champagne Cider, Soda Water, ocV. iveralU, blneiUnceltbirl wilb double KA- of ny ruiplnrs ubont 11,000 tncu, and nil of lUttoBU oufront, dark coal, and heaty tiieir works will be started ni poon ns LL GOODS SOLD CHEAP F0K CASH. ALLEN i. M0X1XGTOA, BLAOKWELL STREET,. baatt jwsaililo. The iniuers of the ludiridnnl G i n g e r AIe &c. r Home pirties ciain to have wen llm cot on a operators will follow tho example of the Teatiranl bound coil train on D. L. *tt.Hall. DOVER, N - J . itBlj DPcupial by R. IJ. mtttM, I.|>1)»1I le McKlnnon Brothers, BUTTUBET men of this Coin puny, nnd there •will be .adivt Kliipjiiofrport, N.J., ana ii *uppos«i lftucd to sec nil my old friends Jit*my nctr i lnvo bi-en wtnenLat dermneed. nuakndClicittcr.S a funeral rcitiinption in tho IVyomiug l o r Rni luro the " HIRC*" lUrf Rub • MAXUFACTVXERS. qairten, wtit-re wilh increaeed room and hellAnj informition uoncerniug him will lo Bottled Ale & Porter l Lv all v lio liivc worn tb Hies I am better abio to moot tbeir want*. 1 TiieHock-atntyAie,^ wtllknown IlirouRuont J l t he Countv and Slate for it( superior material mai'o. That (her He now ticinp m«l in tlie ""•"""'"""•"••" ""°?E™ B n.m-, AT THE ind moke, and peculiarity of ibape,ia nun Under lleccircr lloltert'a pruiloD t mun- Mt KIIKIUII Hospital* in iir^rcrenM to i n ; SDi-caitmna, K. J. King maQDJicluri'd more ntcmivclj- by Ibo a^emiiut the finauces of tbo New Jtrsey :hcr Tru.s uiiJu ii uufiident re commend (..ion niMi-tibcr, so tbat .-prtics .may depend npon OLD 00RNEK STAN 1)1 >t then, toindnco auj (me -nlio Is oliligeil to ACardT 1 Midlnud liailway ore stcadtk iuproviug car a tnwa to s "' unc. A full stncl ot tbe in all elyks,' and by'tlin quarl or roanl. heir orders being filli'd proini'tlr and to a n ; I g end llio floating del it is being reduced. RHIRIK "lligt'/' Hml Rnul*r TTOSMK dt all To tbe i>coplo of Dover: Thankrul for tba utent. The qnali ty ur the Aio in eierj rcspcei ntnoiago you have exteodod la n.e In tlio sale *'. PARTIES, BALLS, etc. supplied.:"" ,s toe There fere largo accumulations of rcutala izca, l.oth fiiiRk' nud double, are kept by retain f t in iti i ti iTica 4cd utmnfce. urc^ pud It ' milk, I woulJ (olicit a contlnuince of tlic inlerscDtrijtijdtanBwithproiiiplnL-irt l)oli0TO<l that :• tlur tor leased Hno. engines cnil can, ItOBERT KILLGOKE, _mn. an I am poor, am unable to lilior lx-cauic ' itionng oiirttltt* alao that *-•) »ro ei ; MORRISON, HEALR at nil lwnra. Siipporn Tor partiti it licMiics 820,000 or §30,000 duo for rigbt Inly lltli, 1S71. Pnisos &t.. Dour, S. J. if l a n e i i n i , and hive a wife and flre children iniab a better artluk Uun any citab loffca rate.'. Tlio bent liranda: nf The-Material is Superior, of w>r, and it will tato tt hag ti'no t ° i tU« part of >rtli tliu Stale. L State. foiititn m; milk from Sir. CHiAllS ahTayson )ionJ. NEWS DEALER, STATIONER, 'liqtiulntc nil thcio urrcaniges nod obliOrder* ix;"" — " or " ' t 'mill BuQkicut gnarantoo ul ils jifttillc, to tli'isc- lifi-utofure turned out. >naed tu. gations. H it wore not fcr them tbo Ilie rtilJenw of IIIOS. r.ooEas. r u s i woulil not only jiay its current ex* EWilTr—MrLOllIXAXAl rOSTASD BROAD AXHS. CIIIREW. DH.WALFRED S1IITU. ESPECIAL NOTICE, ,, TOBACCONIST and tlicliii-U-'i piivutu, ioSewirk 'niun3»T. tbo ISO KMVE3, MILL PICKS Iicnscs bat tho iiiturcst OQ its lioDdcd In- 17lb iuit., b? lkv. hum* II. Uumi, Ur. OIM. I am HOT ei^nf-ed Ia eroding an tvdrtition to APARTMENTS TO L E T : ami ollior ulgcd toobi, nil! 1* nsannfaclured oT ilpbtedufsa £3 well. Mr. Hobsrt is nim- 31. HEBHIIT ol Jrrs- y I'ity, tn H « i J . , clflcst CONTECIIONER, E. L. EMMONS, "~ - • —1 and with Ilie same « r c t U t iug to make cmjtlojcos canlcuted I j ihuslitcr (.fJulm M.-Lt-rinmi, EJHJ. of 1)L.tCKttTLL and paving them vritb tbo utmost prompt , Ji.J. Inquire o IARPENTER a n d B U I L D E R , ISAAC VAN tuile, nud to batiafy Van Tond'e patroo'i 12-tf BILLIARD ROOM, hr Kiting jliem conireuient traius, i-uri C H E S T E R , N. J. • with KTOfinorUMti. , i.-. •'•. , t : : - . Oor. BLAOltWELL ana 8USSEX B ' j , on time. Tho ronjbed lisa been greatly OE0. A..BLAKCHAltD. •IiAKS nnd SPECIFICATIONS improved tlita fiensou, and o u t mouth Apri Otli, 1875. . 17-tf Uie gnivoltraiuwillboputtin, with forty raoIKISHED aid conlnclB lakcu for all nicu, and tLe rond UllsutrJ, t Met lea n work. JoUsof cverydeBcriptiou tlMicncd, ind h i t stacked It iu • complete •••fumer. t.llctlin. etc. _Dd Giecutcd, Bnd maicrial rnmlilicd. All or'PEOPLE'S tSTQRE." ]ji-lT or m t m i to join thaintiicHtxr Iu M. 1 , FELL & CO., The People's Clothiers, MORRISTOWN, N. J DOVER iPEUTlLIZERS Flowers! T BOILER WORKS, I sTEAM BOILERS, \B UCKEYE O J Mower and Reaper. BOGKAWiT AXE, , OYSTERS Wanted! \ ders performed with riroiaplnesB. lUveloptu*; several valuable inv*nlioon. >Mif JAWES DOI^AK. Snccasnnua, S. J. if tli? torcja of ORTtciacnt nru fulfilled HID tvar liotirecn tlie Pcnrnylvniiia ond Eesolutiou of Commou Oouuoil. Uiiltiinore Hailrond iulcrrats is nut nuly llEjoi.Yint, That b c 1'iiMic CDtlost closcil, tmt there is to bo p»ace between iiriii'trd tntl unit aiut.l ti.v ALIIPT Williitim. then, for toil yenrn. This method of djuiiiiiu,' Iambi T b M limit mipbt be adnptud to mlvautngo in :* of Smiii-l irrcitfr ufTnir^. If, for inatance, the \aa\ ;\» Canal (mil en I am'.* r>f S-tiuii-1 Co . , trusty Ijntwcen Fmnoe Mid Prussia had lOOfsct KjuaM, •tir.uato mi K**!»li fltrpct of tin limited the p*>tx?a it prr-elninied tu ten lown Of Imvcr, 1 in licrMiv iluh.Knatf.l U UIL ' HovtT it tmuivl vtaj-3, iDDteail of it p perpotuid, taj3, inBteml f mnliicg n nixl tbftt tho T w o iri«k p ", ' " bo ••otaltiiii thii rtiolnllca i,i IK-nabs tit liar dde would ould botalking t now now abo abont lislii-ii in tbr lm»- P,UA, miow*l'»pcr hilo bh prepsmtinnn for ilo tbehr preps f and emulatedultliln Uu corpfirwtion limits ol frll h l l l t ufrultl htmlly " -r, fur the BI»GC of (our n t t l n . 2"-4w S,ffl£S Daily and Weekly Newspapers, IENTRAL DRY GOODS STORE, , 000 I5EOAI1 STREET, MiVlIlk', N. Jf. FRAZEE & CON MET, An Ordinance t'frtiui' UUctwiH 'BtrV^tUi tl.c Murrifl Canal,*' mails 1)\ tli**']"i»wu Serveyor and nttw II.; in the Slayor'n ufiioo. j C. -2. And I c 11 fnrfhur nrdaiccd, *i1ot tlio | The Ceutf-nnial ot the battle of Bmib ir Hill n-as celebrated in Ilostfm on Monday, tjia occHEion also being rw;ogniiei" in otlur towns tliroagbont the eonntrr. Tho Ticlif.burg, bound fmia Quebec nnd Montreal for Livcrjiot.1, was wrecktil ]2!J uiilc3 from Xowfonudliui'l. O 88p:-rsons on In-ml, -10 nre knnnu Ii havobecn SKTCA. A fearful cartbqiiftke lia* ocenrrcd Xew OrnnodM, Soulh America, BixU thousand liresarc said talinvel>octi lost Kilbcubiili-ttoiics nntl ic foiirfci, aul said irlied wjih curb it ones r dire IT tt'lLL Tho National Board of Trail,), ii MOU iu I'hiimlel-jbiii, Thursday ndujitci rcsulutious iidvocotiug tho up* " sumption of sxiacic pnymenta. Destnictiro tomatloc.t and hml-stonni occLirreil in Ncbrnslin, Jlisaonri and Min ncsota Tuesday w«l Thursday. It in reported tlsat the liabilities of Alexfinrtcr ColHo k Co., of Londnii, unionnt to §15,000,000, K. d arther r d o , after no iiooii, tleji, ccllar-iray, *rua o otlicr olulrrjiio-. nlutercr BIIIII bo critttil buJt or otannl or anj prtticut <ib*lrticlion b rclmilt ur m>laeid or repaired witlitn thfs limit or thu lines uf Fjisux *• "'* ~ ' • hut 'JOUIM HiL-tEss Thrru in iio Hticcem liliosocccia. )!uod: Jlarcli 3liih. 11X1 tharcs 0. 1'., COB tilt (; 9HM1 25. cldK'd April 20th at 73—I. e.,l-U-7 U\. At.ritlUtli. lOdsirvn Panama at H i , closi-d April l;i!tii at iHti—i. c , tllS TS,ranLie;* on $10,1)00, tho tienal Qtarglii inu-Rtiuiut,t2l3,TiO la elovcn divTS. II TOO want to linotrliuir it ii ilouteeni] to J . Illcllini* 4 Co., 72 r.roaflwar, Kow YoTt, fur a aipr of " Men oixl IJionm of Will St.," a J2 pago |iool; m i x . , . | GARDENERS' T O O t S , f j ETC., ETC., ETC. f \ HARDWARE. .[ ATTOBSEY Cotinsellor at Law, DOVER, N. J. nffioo on aecond flnt Town Property for Sale! bio and Granite, and niU bo cot up anj mid at ilie lowest pcuible ratci. I in j on to call lifforo pnrchiitinB ekewbero, will endeavor to sdlm low »» Uio ltwest dn nit vorkaRVtiliu tbo beat. • *'o " • '< T I T O S . J O H N S p N , vAgffilt; •> • ilOIUtISfir..DOVHB, S.' XcililnorlbtbelnoN tnvofHW • lUCm Morris Cfrcult^Court".; THE I.AHDWAI513 STOKE. Hardware, Iron anil Steel, s. UKSCniPITONS now voecivct EBWAKD GKESFELL. P«i • \ T 0 T I C E ii henbv LHTCII thi XT totbtnent l i » txen I M I -j-L'imist Conrtof tlsp Countfot M(irrtt>, »it the unit of Jacob C. \ i u Uililcr 'cga-uat tlic estate tlio new CircuhitiDg Library. Ci.n. WwmsiiTos ASn DAU'P Stnnrrs, MOIUtlSTOWN, N. J- 23-lOw STICKLE:: HOUSE A COMrLtTE KTOOlt OF H awthortir, S.iathvrivV,' C(,llln«, Tajinr, olmcs, Di^ens. Hcott.Maloct, Hartand, 1 r.Mdf,, ctliL-r authori. WaoAcn Wnrc and Housekeeping floods.' -' ~r\ EiVDING matter dt all liinds IbclutlK i u g Dnilj, Wcolslj l S U " Popprs .nml Mngnzin •'•',_' AUio, j • " . ' ! , • TAINTS, OILS, GLASS, wiij Mianfatlttrrm1 Artidn Ecaenllr. Lime, Cement* Plaster, K E. Y0OfilEE3. JAM! tiator/n,' S r p t . 2W, lS*ft. ILU* HEUOVm t i l l CQCAI1 riTHLY QOMETini'G 3-HSW IN BllACKETS, BOOT and SHOE STORE ToHwtiirKo Una strw TffO POORS 'ABOVE n i a O L D hTAN'D, (UtolyOocojiiwT by J ; W. Htmopioii) sitJ oao tluir from iluir.wJ, Eton A Oo.'a clutbiii- norc, wl^ro !ie will lie [ilotioj tn ll bi bis old n ami m E ACH ONE CALL AND EXAMINE THE STOCK. DOVER BANK BUILDING, SOLE AGENT IX MORRISTOWN' TirEa.vL DOVEU.T.V* •'• "-"* ADJOURNED SUEHIPFS SAL..' In Clioncery uf Sow Jersey—Fl. in. For stlo of m or I Rase J pctmiacii- Whutfia WIllUci C. Wiiarict ii Cntnpiiiiiiaiil; rni.l J*nt E i r l t i nrimes *w\ IIL E»jc», OI cent or* nf liatlTirr Esrlc-9, ibrciucil. John Kmrocni andKnlomoii D&lrlmpiA KFU JJcfcnilants. notnrnablo tti February Teru, A. 1>. lhlo. • E. IT. WHITE, fioL Tho isle iu lM'lolf of tlic limie psrlit* ihmls Ijcnirnml tu talo plicn a t ttio Muiston lion so otel, in llorrinowii, N. J., on TEAS, WISES, LIQUORS, . MOLASSES, STHOT3, SUOARS, ancUU klnJ U S CHAM MONDAY, JULY Dth, XETV TOItK, A. P . 1875, I*fnven tlic linurs ot 13 M. and G (TPo?fiL ti,ccof!srnpor.rrATi' i r o m _ o'clock K i t . 2iWff JESSE II0FFUAN, flI""iiT. 1 r(i'?:i : i - : V t i ! ! i " : ) i ;p i ! ; mil csecult-J, and matuii.1 furuitliod * the old uev* aild variety- Shmi of ;i''tf W 3ll)l!niSfN PLANS ami SPEdjFlffy TI0NS ^ ; l £ c licit rtri-rcucca. pivtn CH tn capaclly iu every bradidi^of ttlid liaain**?, a-nd,-ill*-ffnrh'i fttlmtitccfl.- - ' ' " iOTEllTKiJ: T O CAPITALISTS. A Valuable Property for Sale I flMlF. inbscribcr l»inK dralronu of rcnovlug JL from Dover, oilers for Kslo uia r 'FARM of 6 0 p Custom Work and Jobbing PEOSIPTLY ATTENDED TO. and 7 yean old, arc an excellent farm and .nil-team, BiihoBt fiultorbltmiiu. Alio.a two-horea Tarm Wtgon, all complotc, bnt litilo .J. D. U. HOltTOX, 31-tf . Chciicr.N.J. Jall Spoh Spoha, if to s. Hicio£i£ten, 5-8 to H. ] MUSIC AND NEWS D B A t E R . i.soTioss. riiorooniFB Atnoita, bB, 3) Io 101. Hi™, 7^ iSalT BIIBICB,IBU Jk'ai.".. Mea. H.ek Votti-BoekBunMiri. iph Ilnncc C i J l l T k AMftHM^A laguiiici inmil in bating \ creeled on tli it prapeitv In tlx bit four run. l'or tcrniB, etc. apply tn I • ." I i i • - ' • ' ' - | 1 M. & I. Searing t pri'jaroil lo orjfr, proniiAly «»1 eti'eaplj." 'CTTeil fii oioiy Btyld,BTiil abld Ly l i e liiunlrpd my .lffny»'Uc f.«nJ . t wv ,,li™, Jobbing in' General. ; I GH OHNAMENTS. . ; r DuiiutsJ" suable* mo to tx> s' ' " ;liL-jQenLDccU,lw!tb nnfin'mr AirniAius HID ATOAOKUESM>«dNEEDLES.-• • •'.•reiy «nii«lilo,tr. ilitir iran - • - - • ( inccs rices4Banc»n canbe bt>obtai obtained at auy ntlier tilicc. Onlem bv letter Tor CirrtigetuaefeifiliOriati»nl •tftwnti will bu niitaWy fill^U i t a i l n c ' " vtiat list pui-p.M tlicj- aro-wnnirf.ftnfl -itetuliDS inunoy" i Music and Musical Instruments; "il'ALtiS A N D B A T S , , Boot %n • HSHIN0 TACKLE,"',', 1- ioe ^ t o r e ' .i.i a unilrof u w,.j| aia rvertlUlog thai Is kcpl 1» a OriWlsM Tariely (lore. " ' / (5I.INSI0N HOUSE BLOCK,) , . carlj oppoiitt- Iba -iUtio'tial1 'Un.mi B*"1^ Aa Kxcux-cri Bxttcnos'or :-•''-'. iaiters aqd Shoes for.XadiQS. D O V E R , N. J . •J iliisejaodChildren,aod • "" ' Boots, HNEIl.Hi\UTEIls;coSrecIlbSTllY,'<lo.' flMUTED, 10B CASH,' ' Men's Linhtt<4 HeavyccBoots, nP«H!cB, Balls, Festivals, etc, anpiilicd with Ercal tirioly for^otery OeBCripUon ot « Ojrtcn, Cream, ConlHUsncre. and oihor drtl- itAOS, PAPER, OLD BOOKST0CK, «3~ i t E P A l R C i Q U a ^ t 1 " ' ( H i*""! »upi>fM al (xilncwl rites fnrai»hed LEAP. DbPJEB,'BlUss;;te;J i'( it the llcsburant. ESPECIAL,' } CAFtRJzSsT Or BilJreu by UIB TIM O T H \V H E D TOP. .,' nnil other GRASS SEEDS. ( 1 D O V E R, N'/.r. Dt.cetntcr2itt.187U. ; : IJIiACKKTa,"^ " ''ESVELOPES.and COMMHIICUL • ..;:)•..>.l i . : . ' i i . . . Uj.iL'Kw^,,. l a n yBljw^oalrfii. COHFECTlb>lEnV"'aiitff,UfS,! '""'• """' • MEALS AT ALL EOUJtS,, andBUILDERS; ! unite* ill liifl frltDds i u j Iti^ pen'tral jiitblie lo «U oalini, ana UronviniiH] that lie haa llio flDpBl(innrt<m in Ihia seertim.anil la obnoilainly IIO.VOOIUMPAPBn,' CARPENTERS, . 1 I L A C K W E L L ST-. |SB\VIl)ia. i ,MA.qp],NE'tS NEXT TO THE UNION liiSK,|, •Geo. W. DBAKE. For Bale! A. PAER OF BAT MABE8 H. P. SANDERSON" now roafly again fcr tlio Fall aud Winter Xrads witli alargutj incrcaiwl atock of.. WAGON WOOD Wpl'tK ,.:;,, .tillit iii U ':E. B. W A T E R S , • • ! • • 'J.V.:. miDLC/Al.E DtUI^EA IS TAUEnKiCI,E H.U.L, p'oVXli, S. 1. , ilVoiidiieri.. GIT«TOBa nail. Yon Piiua ui J EiicdflMtionn UT taken a t j CELBBTtA J. ^H.VANNOSTRANO&Co. GEO. A. P R E S C O T T , CARPENTER'and BUILDER, citlicaiBof DoTt-r Iu n i y b t u bUKiuouj, I bupc livslrie*. at (calloa tn hiituamj tn men* ' , cor tinaanea oriliu same. S. Ii. TOUSD. p_TERYTIIDsG L \ T H E LINE " O F STATIONERY. A complolc ftgiortment of »11 lhe leaains p t p c n i n t ] envelope*. . ' "" • BOOKS—Tho noil anlbon on liiod or supplied In order, and a largo number of cli.ltlrctTi lirnVd. • '• •, Picinrct fttiil-Fnunea.. I'LT* •' " d i e t Article*, loya or all kirnli, icilN, (Hniet,CbfcVori. DoniinoPB. liven and Pocket Doob. " " _ KUEET UD8I0, »nJ •. mriety or am a 11 n r t l d n n a n t x t m i ; to*: CONrtrriONHRY—I hw# ilotcrmlnca tn • ' *. • V jpud liiTing leased tho shore .1. UBineJ botul, ia.npv prepared totalio lMjardun/rom«supllanit«r wocli nji, lecortlTOWN OP DOVERi; ing In ronim. t fnleni! 1A act k tabla and keen a trsmct»bte honw. • Also attaehcil to tlic .. apartoritlaidoutiii , _ '" - 1 ' hutll is atooJ Lkcrr ami l^cb&imo Stable. Hones iU'Icaniagcs-lo let, andpartiei t-ikcu 200 ELiaiBLE BOILDLNG LOTS Io anv p u t of tlio county at'reasonable rattit. A od tar urattacbrd ii oo tha tha lionae lionae wiero may ritb ilrttti ope nod andprmltil. ' Tlio improve ffood t a r urattacbrd wiero may nae w l cltulci l l L l orr all ll tmiln t miln l oorr H.[uun H IHJ T Tuuml mcni» tro &fine*COTT.'vQE in vh'xh I not and ftCKirg. Jtwli at SI) cU.. and d »» cl«. fnr " wilti barni and otlicr Dnlboildinff^. lodginff. 'ilisnWul fur pant fa t o n from tlio is ono^ of tha Qaeatlnri ll(irw«Iqit b r IJic'ilny. wvfU or nuntli. A tcn|i*c hoatkra may br found at tlio itables. ]'. K. TJarlnt: been cnciu.-d in tho hotel bn«Inois btrorc, I Ilitior mvnclf thai 1 know tbe -ranti of UH- pul)!!c and. tbill r iid.a t f t]itmiintrtrT]crtii;ulsr. • •M DAT AT G O'CLOCK:. I ESrSTATIONERYv^a :;. Aimiciter, Velvet, BrassQli, 3-iilj1, iDgniti Cottage, Wool, Dutch, Rijina Hemp 'Cirpcli.'' ickuaia, Oil Cloths, of English Bud American inanafaeiures Jlsti, llag*, Drnggcp, Shsde ; HolUods, BUiJo FistutiM, Lire Ouego roatlitri, nwoirbi, Curtain M»tcrUli, A c . , Wo make anil l»y Ct.rp«t, cut and In; CII Cloth, nuke and hang Sb&dci, mil goanntcs rock well ilone. , . _ • , furtiloliali thd Mr^l&Ul..' ' ^ fclort.:" MECHANICS' AND FA11MG1H TOOLS ASD JOIIS IT. BETTS. AU.>rtmy. V a l c l May l i b , 1BV* CA1UIUQE StAKOS'S U'ODa, ;r n 1*1 mltv not t cicenl Eft; ( J TABLOR ORXA.3MENTS, 'Ac dollar* for cacb h utfen... pEf. C. And bo it fiirllier ordaintd. That io ninth or the nriliniiie» entitled "An I rcpiUting, finding. i*T'*>K and eorbinc I-s»« street, p&Hstd Jnuo 'JUth, ia7l),<'wblch rclatei An explosion iu a fircirork factory in In tbat portion ofKsBII itroet oitindinp (rom Bqgton on Tuesday killed six moo who tho i-cDtru line of Ularkwcll ttrret to tbo llutkwere ut work in tbo building, wmj river, ind nhlcli cunllicli with tho rroviaipas of tLU urdituncc be anil the <&uio it JT-l«r A rcliu of the ill-futsd Cumberland, Lfrchy n"pt altd. Mink by tlia rebel ram Virginia, in I8G2, conies from Haiupton BoaJa, at lnsL 'Tho unit, with SGO.000 in gold lina been Ijahcti up DUI of four feet of mud* -and saveuty feet depth, of wnt*r, and Captain Urowu of tliosciioonor J. G. is iho'lncky innn. Somo of tho tiiTcra TFIIO l u r s Kpent over 8100,000 ioofeing for feel sorry, just now. MECHANICS' TOOLS, NAILS, BDILDEBS' HARDWARE, Tienna ia excited over an article pub- EKC 4. And IK? it farther ordained, Tlmt radiui:. reenlatiuir, porinp i n d curbiDB pra lisliea iu tb« St. PettrsliarR Golos, oil- ided fur in tho tirvt-cding section of this i ordi> i rocutiup: an alliaunc between It:issia aud nanro anro iliall b i l i l be e done d n e lmmcuiatf ly after afte tbo pubti l i ordinance di l>y tl Eticlftnd. lication oll llliis tlio ner or "p"VENING " GRAPHIC" EACH r^, tH't-apaut nr occupants on tliu nt of or BiliainlnR tbe nntnUc m n d w e n i i l e d bv tVcni a itio owner* th i»lb rOUEIOS and DOEESIIC, ioclutliuR « immbcr of clioice brandi never to\A twiorc in :tiis Wfli«)D, All llio l.i.linr 6M0HINQ nnU CHEWING TOBACCOS, PIPES «nd fiEGAH HOLDXllS, TOBACCO DOSEa anil TOUGHBS. BDILEEE'S HAEBWARE, VOOnHEES BKOTHEBS, OOKS in ilupHcfttc can lie supplied on short notico. . ind in 0 by till 1 i B tt k>asl • jiirktocii U.L-kmip, JE.Lindsley&Son's.ijj 'fflSING HARDWAKE, iny furnicr faliics. s - H g-'.fi M it the store or supplied to CUB lorn era In town by carrier. A eora;ili>;o nssrirtinunt uf A conip.eie atock fur CASH at S iODI) & Co., ran 35 ctK. rcit.TipD, , •Mt 1'IECES EXTItA DltEafi CW3ODS. liiatkwtll istin-HVMlit. M-'irri^ciuiius ililoin, I "jo J'TTLIIJIL* u i i i i tt:<'tL'i.r. iiiaOi? l i r t l i a T o t t i i f i'vi.r, aud now on ale in tlio Maynr'n oRliv, j u'l tlic umt- i4 kcrchy spprmud and ailapk'd 1 *M L'sits street ft out Ibi- c« u trc lino or! km-!Ulrtct to tlw Munis Cawl BL^II l« workoJ'anil tlisgcd to the width of tivei.o fwi *io westerly siilo nf said itrcct line, from William II. Tweesl w i to ba role j a w i r rivur to the MorrU d u a l , s a d tu tlic Fonite from the Uie~Ponif»nti8iy .Testeruay hy TK- width uf twelve fett o:i tbo wskrlyT niJti i»r wfd 1 1 1 • recent• d e c i s i m i of t h o C o n r t ,treet liiip (malting Hid ntfc«f»ii l.v««' -' ' '» tue of• tbe ridtht and iball cor.turm to u i d ]ir<>nln mi|i, l ;nd tlie »»ld BiJcwalkB bball ho jmvnl will, I (ONE PRICE ONLY1 "•UBPErDEPARTMKST; MOSTULIES AM) O n i E I l PEHI0DICALS, | HARDWARE.' tuucr.»*oiu or . llalinp.etailiiiK. pa^inJ,• nvi ctirbiiji,- ['*st-i Pmiileut Grant is creOtt-at with K •w-t frVm tl.o irntte linu of Ulnkwul .St. ONE PRICE GASH HOUSE. joVe. To c Iriantl vrhD mfced bi« opintl.cMuirifiC.uinl. c. 1, Boil'Tilnim-.l i.r tbu lU.w ion uf Gen. Sberinan'i Memoirs, aftet ., Alilaiiucn and Coiniiioti CoiincilKii-n ufj 10t) PIECES PACIFIC CAMBRICS. L'CttiniT further into tb* hook hois reJovtr that l!ii- rciil U-tl i.f E m s itretl, t-x-i V>ort«V to bare u i d l ""Woll, I »u U frcEi tbP watre llue-or Blackwc-llKt. to • _ ron is CT*. t-nit U B D . ' . cinuinc t* Had out that I didn't hnvo •ris Cau&l iSisll IK> regulated, iirndcd anil I miicli to do with that last war.". iDthuniatli ot 150 Pieces Seasonable Dress. Goods, Tim Amorican rifle t«iui arriv.'i Dublin Monday uvoning. _Beports from Iho coal ropmis vny thai l.iiocrs arc resyming work. •1 W 23-ly •, nirLEiiESTa, CKEASI, and barlnf; Illleii np Liiidiamu patlDrsind & prirato entrance Tor ladies, Tsiiall ni»to tlio irHOBBDHITS QiKDEN. SEEDS. Bib of ICC CUEA31 a BptdBlly lb« eomln'. r~' I i"" vooniiiza anoTuEra,. wiBon njsdiirill'srrWBnw j^entml eomlbrt 13-Cia ' Morriitown, S. J. AOT) aAliplEN: SEEDS, - PEKTILIZEES. ' 1Mm 1 am notr offcrlnsafS-crr-Inw'pricea a \ir& mil Cfjmple to stock of Carneta, Oil Cloths, 1W* tic(j«, etc., or lUo latoal itvJsa, > t •:., 1 IHQH1INS from 15 et». t a 11.00 per. ?''• T l i n E E M.Y3 " fl 25 to M.M per-J<!- V0OIU1EES BROTHERS, Morriilown, N. J . tr. \ n7«q«S oa S^a* &. J« -.1 ItDsaEtfl"-^ -1.05 V - 3 . M per.y 1 ELyETC an.1 AXMISSTEB3 tncollyfo«. CJmrdira, l>KiEe8, and I'ublio InilltuHo:" rnt.hed at nhglcule pijqc*. 11 THE IRON E_RA. •x ei td tin- plauo latoly occunluj by l\ I). Hnilt'i aa B liw ufflce, uu lllackwtr] strait it-M Wnntin 5lr. BniltU bai rtiiioreilli iftl-t> Ui thu nccuud alnry of tbo »anio liullilin 'itnlk'q Uiifio'H old ofllto will bo uicd Tor tbo n iliu. ^ I H B TABLE. Owing to aomo pet-qUar KQdlO[;ical futmal i:i Blat-lEWull s i r c l , a coi tain JOI II,i ,.I it, ul,ly in fr^nt uf tlio1 Stluklu L]f«,iif.i' icuu rf.T'.ly dry, ivhilo the UUntc or it i* wet and •ul. It luay bd ivi.ll W Iwi'j cUiyt u hotel a 1H"'H|HJI, i,ut Ilia Ount arising tliertlroin it vi-iy jik'UMjut In tlnolbq:-o^<ii|>.,iitii ot tl|u : will buuuui Ly iidvarliiiaiiioiit elmiwlwri ImlitHiifHt. Jnlin'a Cliureli will hold Iholi lee cream :nu) xtrawbcri; foutival on Kuturtbj "• ; l " ' ' M Xln.nirt. M.II Au. VIM lUSi lior! on t-uccoai A.M. 0611 0.57 7.02 7.07 l71ti r.jr 8.M 1.15 1.00 4.10 6*05 ,5.10 htld in liiDuId 'aVaduniy^qn TJlcti>ria( tlruil mil will L'Buiiflor Ihokfl 'iiflii.rV fo'r whicb'lbt ttiliL'H of Ihls uliurch a'o jmlly cclohinkd.Mi iu iiarlioulara u t i t week. All tbu ptQplo In tbe ixniulrj uliuut us ehuuld mil' lu .to liio-rroltclJtin_ Feiljval i| iiop»j(lrV^Tj;ii((inr,. j t t ' ilieut opiiorluiiify fi iino du'coratious or tho trnulc roam, and for ieing tbu «holo hopio a n j apparitufi of ,the firo lit-purtniciit. Their wants will bu c*r«rii1( [noted afk-rand ovtry comlcny vbown Ihctn, Weekly Statement of Iron Ore Ilia old WBBlifngtou Hcndquarterg, which wo round uadorgolug ttioi-ougli ropalra propaiatory ..^HOnwHACKElTSIOWa SCALES, VIA to Uio auQtLal moaUntf on lb ? 3|tli i t V V 4 E R- R- M Pi^MBTLTAKIA, FOU g, p V Q i i a U ENDIKQ TriDltSDAI General or llio State, now floats from tbo buildPA.T TO ing. Tho ladies or MorriuUwn bold llicir first old mansion on ll.b monlug rarm. Juno fJunoauii. , 6E2« A praUo ruoctiu't will IHI btld lu tho Prcsl. 230 12 1,093 00 1,Su U W , UrJ.mctionHhtionF,) «mtain Vie* V ion LOOAL JOTTINGS. tori»n fliiarcpJi^ttilirtactjitQraQrroff {niiriaa g a t balf-paal tovdii o'clock. Thi II bo uudur the Icidurshlp of 31. U. Clia]>man, the pifciiutor of Iho ohuroli. All »ro tordially InyitcdJo altpn.J, aa the inoetit;^ wllj hq ierj inlfiroattOR.' Alsd tlbiiiar raoelingi will bo hold in Ibo Hnnday Bohuol room every Monday evening nt eight o'clock, . . ' .^Ir.'jaa. A. OooJalo lias fitted fttr>iQt|*BL-it toCbaao'd u(ora,»i] which la ono of tho most coraplolo things of tho kind wo I m o ever Bten. 0u tlw first floor , Ins an nfllco lor tho, Bale of bis lytll-kuown proprlDiarj articles, nnd a k h o i a t o r / for preparing thorn, and on tho tpepnd.lloor aro three dctrutcd In tticpnrpoiciiof hottllho;/boxinR,st(irai;e,cto. It la a vory ciisy jilaci iliKHB on tlio Morris Canal la vory slack, mnml to the Protection Festival this al ttmooii luiltTcnlns. The Tt-alm Jhnd wiled tmvn lout Saturday nnJ l-leswd all ffllh lliolrflunimio. Hie itaiiaolphii play nfjaliiHtftpicked uluo on iGpor«o Green A Hun, haruew rh'aiiiifucturura tlioir giruniU on Monday arteriioun at a u'ulock.' of Monietowu, N. J., aro n(tiliie firoat iuducc\ ilril-cla^s IHIMIIOMI in Dover at auction. lUiopla^tbia m.i^ulh. They.haye f.,..-ir ¥<;• advcrtisi-roriit of Tiios. II. Ilodgers elio- one pf tbo turu/st liarxoan niorcs to bo found tu A TERRIBLE TRAGEDY iii abkea: "W uiivthtng lika tu hand willi tl un. r.nd tuid "ulio wuiild split aityl'ittly's THE PROTECT ON FE T VAL i'iij[ril uw^y from liiui, nuif there IVBI UO HCIIQIO SUCOASUNNA. V shout il. Tlio platol ah^jvu is tbuBftinc lu ujt-d - J iii-uii ujn'H Hint struck Jiibuny." I (li< o»t 011 last finiKlny uiglit UJU* lieir thu r.-]>«it of tho pint"!.' U u H C pL'arnneu • • tho ,ano uaw). Mr*. Watnon anil l^ioMtjo ill lEic tatdcDft and C1 l t r tho evidrncu tiia Justice I'Uargod itn in this vicinity. A vcm>l contuioiii] jttldu m w Mr. Wataou wow tending thu bar, each part of o tlio time of drinking. Hart not drank enough jury in rdatiou to their duty. Ho could not landing in tho opou air that night, wa& frn^ou 111 11k turn tlu-y could riiwlmrgi; tbia prji w w to take aw*y my prenon'eo of mind; had not orcr wJlh ice an eigbth of an inch thick l)n. I. W. (iu.-jux-r, moro . I am B prjct[cliij[ THE UliSUW OP A PJHJKKLW Kl'llKJi. iiUrclr, allliniifrb il niifiht IIBTU been a: H m K luttveen. threo and four o'clock on tlio mi iiviiiilnti nf Dovtr, nud innOa a |x»t murtoin drank auj-thinff l>tiforo goiu|[ duWo tiicrf.— m w w w of tliu 11th irtr.L twomiimn, J»mtH Harper, »f ihu Wly of Catbarluo Payno Ouuldn't pay for certaiu w Let her Pat called .denial HIIIII. It lliix it a cjhe of nrndtnlai laatiiij;, >''t hit hna Iti-en guilty uf a orim< a rcsidont of thisplici', oudHtdjihon Ilichardi HH m ob y i liar or not, lint think IID did. >*t etviiiiijf; 1 Uni'iT liL-r m)Lie two years ago, iffitieiit tiilifjldliitu. w m h ran KiitT/LKii, sworn : I livo in tL-u Baiuo ilding o;i Hi™ Hjll, oiuplnyuil in iho Vlehu inl«tli.-iii]cl<jiif uriu'i-children and bcr huic Tilli 1'dtrick Payuo and bin \nh-. II' 1 Mi no, were quitu Eururtily bnrt by a sealo ami^tiunhiiui W. Uillum W3* j - . v ^ m nt ll, a T!i« Jnr.v reiiaicwl to the ('01111111)11 Counci iftL-rnoDii by t!m |iaiulitl (itninr H tliu pidlol aliow.i. It Luljjgn tn u roch falling from the liattsiiiff »««. Tho )fti), nnil Affci' il^jibfratiii^ iftl/fjut tiircc bourn I'^trlfk Payne liad falally shot his wifu. 'fiio jrnally, nud a i«i»i'tart'(l wound of tlio abdu- |out it to 1'at y . Biturduy morning. IIo wanted iliimtd tlio !<4b*lL« vtrdict: w hard bat w>>rn by Harper no duulil hired liii w •Uii v or tbe mi ufTulr, n w u ho o it for tliu ruaiup iliat Ihu oTeuinc before t man " W t iliejuiTdo find that Catbarino Pnym liftr. as thd fruul part of it waa cut entiruly ir:' it iru tilt ciri-UTiiiilntiP^H, 18 us w wm o Is Unit li-r p-imj-j ; it ,UIH uijj.aruully undo by Liuttrcd bin buuio at 11 or l'i o'uSnck. Ho ""intod ktnu (o l.-Tiit-nth, nl her liomu on illiukwel through, bnmkinf,' llio furco of tbo falling ploci >ltli, doing Luklucftsoulflntkk i<]| b t r c t t , m B thu loHnuf lluvtr, N. J., on tliu Utb ivltkh utruuk him, permit tin:; him tu escape B jiblul ball, u:iH viltmluil tliive luuliux aboru Itfur hU uwu pruttiction. It nva* noi lnuduil m i l t Wat^u'x h ^ t a Un Ilia u rof i tol the umbiliciid, unJ fuiir Incliei lwh,w t j e lowor uliunl h'ulit. I g n t lbo i:arirlJnei ami gave iv nf Juno, 1H75, from a •round canned by a with an ugly giub aerOMd the furobcid at * m U o w i Iho liutcl unit HID Khup in u w u nt of HID «li:rniim, alujt an Inoli tu Iho left both lo him together. Vina nut In tbs hmuu ill dixcliarui'il frnm n j.iato! iu the hmid* of ulp woundi. iticbardH waa brulm The Bide"near-Mi trio liotul in odcuiiiud U u ho w the nu'diiil lino; on opuiiiitK tliu »mdy lbo dnnng the diy. Saw' no I'fTuct* of liiiitor un Al haif-jmit MIX o'dut* on Wt.liiDBday morn- about lbo bark and h i m . Both mon expect to w w liy Uor ih'jui \\'. Oillant and family, and thi l«im;n spp'rf rod to U; flllod with blo'jd; tblx liim that morning nor on Kuuday. llocnlUrt 1110 bo able to nsuroo work In a fow wouks m o 6tlwv w RB iiccaiticd by l'atrlck Payno and family H rirtn.ivo.l. iinrllv l.y ilipi-lnj,' It nut and tobli touuial ti*lf-pai>l<mt) uVoek ywlcular, with the jii-if., ici', «\ In tho On Tuesday morning, "ja ISth, JaincsMapeii, w D B o led, tii:id, und nnilor tlm inlliioit-o ftr<t Hr.or, and I'rands Kiiiltier, liia pnrtly by a ePotigp, tutrncu Um conrw of Ibe coiihlyjaii. m t d e n t at ? o i Hill, <,r Its vluinily, *roio C |jiothui-in-ljw,uii Iliu tucnud. I'ayuo Las lived lull; I should judgu tliero nan about tbrua of lituiur. He waa i.iud at Oivoni'y, and mid Uimnutb^r fain, 1 -.; lion n Inter, thcr malm bii usual early hour, aud as waa hiscuslo) w M F K nuy bad iaaiilttj aud struck him. Ho uu'le In the town a imuibrr of year*, and taa bci U uf Mut.d iu tho ohaoinun ; Dio ball had t>rii!n wifcitL ro con\ eyed 0 tho bumo of her ecoded to ttio barn to feed his hortx w w m w irt>3t*4 f^kirjii-d< GiTouuy. To tlio tiuut of my uulvoroally liked BI a real [jonoroua fellow, and m l a large blood vcawl onil dlvnloJ It, ttnti jmr-juunt V 'litchun or, N y., fur IDICnnciit Meantime, breakfast was prepared, and Mapea B B m B iloilyo lio lud IIIJ pi?lul in lbo buil-ruout. a good workman. Of bis wlfa and feinlli [leuulnleJ tho u|)inal column ; her death it tended bj a mdik ltd c mpany uf rt ativca it niaklliK b l i apiicanLUuu, ono uf Uio fiiuilj w 'was unusually fond—a fact amply attested by n'as tloruRiilt of Internal hotnorrlugi; IBBW Tliink he put It and Ihu uartriJgcs tboro. Was snt to the. Urn to call him, and was horrino w H n m nd all wiiu hnvu ever lived Liii neighbors. Hut hcr-halfaii hour hurore tsho illml; thuiu wai not. at bom* at thu time tif tha Kbuutiuf;. Htiv 1 discovering him suspended from a beam, w f i t altar ho wan uuull;i<:d, but wai tun tie from poor Pat, llfcoDianynnuHiM-Rood man, iit, Gal id dead. Mr. Unpeg lived fur many years m U liim to bavo ton versa ti on tvitii him. lit) u^iully times too foud of drink, and wliuu under tho d to attend her about tintf-pum IIVH uVInc!;, aeonitd wry fund of hla wifo. Only ycaUrday farm about two miles south of Saccaiunu U m influence uf liquor] would ufUtu goi In it tlionntlid nhip of thin fearful Irsgody. which, by dint of unociisiug hard labor lit! or about hatf-an-lionr, I wad tnUl, nfler tbo morning be said: "i'rsuk, I havo gut Um buKt —tml lo hla credit b o l t said that uVi ling iH-onrcd; ulie innU luvo died btfure woman th&t orcv livouV' ilo vat talkini: to her Patrick Pnyne, itnrully a kind htmband ihort of sin vory, aud a rigid uuouomy, he paid U m could not extlngniih bh> affection for the wtfa fHlllCI e h ; tliDcoitr»t> ortlio Imll wai uuariy lu alibrinUoniBtouujail: Caltiarlno Tayne, or; and in tima accumulated a conBiderablo w about Oivonoy, ami H)IO aiMued liim not to gut wioEp llfo hn liM ttkor, aihl ho WBBftlfvajsUnd ' IUUI liim, and a btill of tbat u\z~i (onu of tlm arj who hiiiiurca tho bumbio path in life jalauco in hank. Hg was well known throughw n D {rouble with him. I tnld In in iho was toburandlhocliikU-ciii, CTOU in bis dmtikou rlriilRcB iihoini Mm) wmiil in»k-j a o»rres- giving him good udvlco. Then ho Biid this. 11, IHI, tl^c|)s under tho and a t lior homo, >ut tlifw aeelion u a very liaril*norklng, frugvl, Uiawifowoaaqntct, gcntlt) womai ndlng wmitii!; it was in-Linear liy a fatal r two little ones ara ttcroft of her loving and bonait unn, though oxictiuff in bis busi(leriod O m m bo scotnod to c-ierclso a f;root inlloc-ace « mnil, and, iii,iny rplnluii, d>iaih lomllod ml gnitlunco—oil bocnuno of a drunken ICBB traiiBactioiiB. During tbo past six or eight who VrmjAV UUVAS, iwora: 1 tawribpart uf tbo BM o m bin], sa a i at tho .tlnip of l.or daath wci in tb mi that nouiid ; t b u chuck to thu spinal col- fdiooUng, lint n u al IV/ne'* imuitu aflor tlio it tho Miner*'r.ndireelionlcn' Arms. Wi oiw ha suemed to havs relaxed in a moaauro blnj, a w U vory ptinio'of lior Ufa, waa iicaily nyd,strong, in, f tliink, would nut of itadfbe lufflelont to aliooting ; con 1.1 not lull lbo iraruco of tbu two boliora fn bmng outapokon, aud We call thu ot ils OTorwocoIug don iro for gain, and, counom and poBBcancd a, Bploudld pliyiiqiiii. Tho livi duEtroy life, nllhungh It might bo m'-cleinout goullemou who wuru thci-o whun I got ntion of tho publio to the fact that Oharlci (Xuontly, hla nnrcmlUlug oiortlona to nccan children left arv boys, nne two nnd llio oihu meb n result; uha van not conscious when i'iync wa* Ihtrc, I was cu|M{f Iioino, and when iilmm h not a fit nmu to koop tliU liotd. Hi it, and surrounded hlmaolf and family witli m I flrnl vaw b c r ; iu loiijng her about tiie did not I got tu ^Vutsrnf* I »aw i'c.vutt uouitng <iot <if is a incro drunken wreck of bumiuiiy, win many comforts and couvonionoes thai had hilhT n a tntakonuticciorftiiy[union <r llmift; Hlif bli own yavd'; liu wan inabtuK a -gruat Hi docs nut proiierly govern hia own houucliold. crtobeonileuiod, anil was apparently enjoying Aliotit n year blneo 1'at lost bU litllo all ii w Th oalna Informed that up to tbo timn of tbh imo or iho fruits of bia many years of tail i^hc firu.that Juiitrorod Apollo Ilall airJ liia filiup did not nay auvtlilug. bolU-rlns »U, my (|.»l I O, my. p o l l " which atD w b n affair bo bad'not paid his licenso, and fi thereid self-dental. Lftit fipritig ho disposed o Hut ho had strong and willing Irlondi, who at Mna, MAHV liiHTKi.mi, swntn: \» I wan nil- tracted ray . ilt-iitloit.' 'A nmn named Myeri, mw m Iho time Bubswlbcil t-nungUuiouay tu iiuruliaet tinu; up-flUIrM, ttowinc, my nfttcr-ln-law (Mrs, tvboLnuu J ' jstablo, iold mo.'I bad faro selling In violation of tho law j although hla old farm and purchased another—tbo one n <vbi3h horesldod at.lho time cf his decoasBn now *tock of (noli, nnd build liim a new nlmp, l'ovuc) called t o me, uml iis|J, "Maiy, lul ino butter htn|i, for l'nyuo bad abut bin wlfo. Bom o palliation ay be glored to tbli fro w nd u n w rhlcb was rnncb larger, and is deiwrlbod as t fn nbieh ho did a good bun)no«i nnt)l Uomlay hive my bunnut, fui Pat I* uvi-r b WBIEMU'H, ouo nai gulug out tu get fnta a jiUioton that ct that ho claim tbat ttio corporation own R H w w o m M laat. Pat had hem duiui: Iho work' of Juiiu qntrrdlng," n o live iu tlio family with lior: stood there, and Payno. got iu, too. The boy liim money Thlsjiowover, dooi not affect the flno property. Provloui to purchasing llili d t f f t tb ET o w m propbrty ho eomullud many of his friouda aa ti Clivcnoy, of tbo ilrni or Oivenoy 4 Priak, coi wu wn-e getting nindytohvu i^-ataim, and oho touk UiuliorBoby thahoad l aadl 1 ayafl got out. fict that bo ia unfit to keep tho place, and m U m m traolors fttToalio ft^iuc^forHomo tlinoriat, ai: Irvi-d ituwn Maim ; b u r nh»t U (jtiiiiK on I asked him Ii bo bad ahot bit wlfo. IIo com- ITIBO him togot out of ft before further troubjo the proprluty of so doing, betraying BO uio nikw w about it, nut having tho outiro amount on Friday of hit. ifoclc abod a colt bolonglng tu In Wttsou's wlttn Ihuy aiu talUinK loLd j I roencud oryibg, ''Vcs, hiy" Ood, I'liarO ahot her. iinoa to blmacir and others. m And w b A noto or mortgnfO given in Ihu him. Thia colt Olvoney drove In taking Mrs. pto piy for It. :d up luwnrdu tlie HIK-II anil HRW 1'nt at tha Hang me I Itspij ma I. I iliil nut know tha irobaaa diiturbod bis roaaon nud lud ti WntKou wit riJinfl t o Morrintown on Bunday, samo timo; Bbc EBIU uiio tliougbt bu ivaa q u u - pistol waa eockJd. I would not haro-dono It RQGKAWAY. licldo. Thoro appears lo bo 110 clrcuinetr and during thu day tlio colt out hinuolf qiilto -ding; I BBIJ, iielHu't lu Wat urn's but is in tho forahoueo full of gold." I went to tbo houso s stated laet wcuk, Iho County Lodge of A W R about tho matter to Justify any groal uucauibailly in t b t j U n d foot. This Glvonpy laid to ilmp; BIJO vent tu llio BIIOJ> fium tho bavk and law tho wnman in tho Itod-room, lying Good Templnrs met here 1 Wednosday, tho ncsB ou tho part of Mapos, aa he could hav w M VY H o P a t s ihooing, and on ftlundny morning'timk dour ; I saw her go' uetotfu tbo garden to J.I10 u|iou Iho hod. Thcro woro twogontlomea there, Oth iriBt, Tho mooting 1 1 opened at tunnot his obligations at ilmost any Utne, am M bis tvork away from him, Qidcring ona of hig BIIOJI ; didn't toe them ctnno baok ai all;,-»«I and I helped them to lay hor in a hotter posiw m o'clock A. M., In Temperance Hall. Tho foro- ;onds to eslilbit-thofollj of liuinau naturu Ii mon to taka il lo another shop. Thin msdo I>at m m m m coming down tbo BtaiiH to look after tbs Thlnk sha was comcloun, although BIIO sesefon wai miinly devotod to tho eiaml- ingging au Idol tbal piorccs with many lancaH. ury au(;rj| and hurl us commenced drinking children I beard the report or a pistol; did not didnotapoak. Sbo notlcnda littlo child who T M a n of crcduntiali and lltttoning to roporli On tint Binio dale, Juno 1 >, Ouorgo Lirrl:ist morning, ivao In iu very nmlaUlo^ frarao of tblult anything about it, aa mj htiaband .m lu w ime towards tlio bed, and bid hor baud upon the diCTfireiit lodges, .Eiglitout ot thi ion, 1 farmer, residing nt Caroy'H Haw Mill, itntl fownrds (livciioy, In thu afternoon* Give- Ihs hnblt of trying it; going lo Ibo front mom it* hoid. Payuo was very mni-h excited. When w T uow floiirieliing in tlio country wcro rop1 DraUovillo aud rhmUrn, vhi cy was about Vi'ntaon't hotel, tnd Put camo fn I found another gentleman thoro besides Pal I Aral aaw him. thought ho Blaggered, bnt afM M s largo itono irltb 1 u row-bar, tlipjiod throoorfonr tiuica in company with William mil liiw wire i ifter lbo report it icerued ae if terwards, coming up tho street, did not notics roiontcd. Tlio accounts thnn received wcro o O w good, indeed, couiidorliuj tho dopresslou of aud fell. Tho stone rolling hack willi violi CCTI and a boy namod Tlionwi Qtvan, Jr., and ihu oilier ecutlonun wanted to letvo Iho 100m tlie liince. Activity aud thrift woro plainly agolnat tha hot breed i l against hia left shoulnk and erassy. tbo; all drank oai-b time. During theio vlaitB inn fjreat borry; ho wnsoutsldo, on ttio front it. Ho snld hlmaeirha w y m m w der, causing a serious Injury. Fat would drop inanltlng words aboutQivonoy, stoop, nud wouldn't wilt fjr mo to apeak ; as I Tho inquost was hero adjuiiriiod for ono hour, evinced.- The'meeting adjourned for dli M h m 204 and all iu atlouilauco wera Invited to thn 1 Thomas Doll was injured ft tew il.trs ago liy nil one timo tliejr ceino near fightiug, but till lialf-piuil nuo o'clock. it hick lo Iho front room loading into tho M C m lutof tiia M. Ii, Church to partake of a boun- tiling ofTor over a fuiiM. It IH tciid thivt two LCoiicilQd their dlflureiiceg and took a drink hill my brother bnd gone to Iho shop; 1 met WIIJJAX JULOKBV, sworn: I work for Poyne, T This ribg aro broken. outlier. Tbo la*t timo tbat Tat wont lu, hor standing In tho ball door as she wont buck] but did not go ta work yesterday morninc;. I tiful repast furnished by the members of Ladga ' Patrick Payne Bhocts Ms W o ! 1 ty, and flllod with tlio beat and cheapHio front nf tlio Che'Blor Hco»e, Ohcsterjja tment of goads to ho found Riiywhoroi U'iii"lmndFiuinelj Improved by. a new^wo^slo- They bavo reduced Iho prices of tbtir harness ryi«.wli. . . \-,\* •:' tbat they aro in the rcetli of all. 1'artlcs bpvovor, they got in (mother quarrel, In tha aid:."Mary, I am shot;" I think Pat wai board at Watson's. Payuo was In thero two or No. i5, Ilockaway. "A good ditinor," said 0110, •1 lie uio of llio old JI. K. Obnreii property. vbo tiro in waul of anything In llitlr Hue ulll course of which aiTcncyatrackPatln tho face, np'iu tho tthop; ho got tho cartridges for lbo tliroo times during tba day.upcakiiig to mo* of tbs peculiar fuaturos of thoao mcot• waa ailjoumod twit weeJfB-fill Sililrdaj, tho ' I well liy" Giving tbe.n n call. . and Mra. Watson lulorfrrrod In Oivoncy's bobatf pistol on Saturday, saying ha wanted thorn for 10 in after diniior and woko mo up. Saw lio IIIRS." At tiro o'clock tlio meeting reaBsoniTliel'Iftli "Aimnol pay" tif Uia ^UIK-IR' and Hi sumo Bortof a cudgnl iu her hanila. Pat tho protection of tholiouso; taw my brother Sfflhlnit. tight. Went up-iUIr* and went lo bed mihlcd, with from-llfiy-llvo to sixty present. CCIIBUIL'H' Uonnvolfiit'Anawlhtloo' of Port want to tho uhoj>, stniirting. under tlio blow, A new e|iriHB IlonwftlKcliooUy's Mountain (konijou Friday ho wos.irjlngit at th« Agalu, and loft him and Coz and Swan down : was resolved to hold % comity plc-nic, and a v.i« lie waled iMu Summer. Tbo proacnt ana Oram, oaeuw on Tuoaday next, lbo BHJi. Tub-jtid gclllui,' bold uf a. chisel, wanted to go hack hack door; bu 11 red It tbrco or fonrtimes ncrosi ttilra. After this one of tbo girlu camo up )ii.taitteo of ono from each Lodge won ap- ' ' ' ^lahold I 1 i4toir.<E.CIiiirch at ,U(1 attack them, lint wii prevented from doinp; the river. (Pistol shown tvitncBB and rocog. and wtked mo, and aaid that Pat.and Ohoney p o i n t s , with Mr. Alfred Budson, Chairman, tbut plaeo at hair-pant ton o'clock, after wbiuh RO by Cox nnd hla wito, vholtad become apprised 1.) Ha dil not Bhoot auy more ou Satur- wore In t musi. Wont down, aud Pat was not charged with Iho duty of making necessary .1 Pumtiwr liosnittiR house, to bo known" t& Ltinnor will be partaken of.In tbu Uall oi In of tbo qimrrtl, aud battened to tbe shop, l'al thoro. Stopped a wbilo, aud shortly Pat camo arraugemonli. AnlntoreBtingdiscusBloncanio In.l-'airvicw Honso hai Icon opened -In'Clint- io grow/, lioladleadf tbo M.E. Church Vlll then utar'fej fur hia hausc, Cox and hk wile day or Monday; I wout to UiH ivifo's aBilstanco, in again, and ho and Qivency gut talkiup; about up over tho questloa: How can mambrs bo mkeJ Lor wlior*) ulio iraunhot ; sbu did not um liy Mrs. Urowti of Newark. • • • • fnniiafi diuncr and tea, alaq !no cream jind otli- folbivliig. Cof, ttiuhliig ho niiglil be going 1 to rotllzo ft at first; she paid aho would flfthUBg. ,C»l!oil each' otlior nauicn, iu&\ Olv- kejit from becoming weary, losing interest, and TU fnn'l I'T tho bonefit of tho family of John TiufrosiimuiilH, during tho day anil (ironing;, itftor a ro'volvuti caus;lil him iu the garJon and liko tu lay down; nho walbtd along with me to inoy atruck Patlntho month. Pat Wat ont, dropping out? Ono.usod the flguro of a pond Lcivii, oiKlaiihope, killed on tho railroad Inat imUwnbrnna binds will ba in attandmeb.— tried tn prevent liii gulag furthor, but Tat Aung tha bed roam and laid down, sayim,' sho was .iidinafWnilaulos Coxcsmo luan'd said Pat in prcacnling Iho suiiject; Bald pond having him off and went lu, fjlloffed by Mr*,, Pnytm tired ; nhc walked as noil us I ; the aftkod for had BliotblH wife, and told mo to go after a an inlet and outlet, thu latter weiring npon iti in I:, lit* been incr-iMBed to tlOO. •, % I'rocooth for the benefit of the church. ' ' d Coi. Pat at nnco pro celled to tbo bod water, tvbiuli 1 got; she laid ihuro about twenty doctor. Iweiitiu tbo liouee after Tat 01 mo banks somollmcs lucumos the largest, and tho Tlio Kuulli Street 1'roaliylorinn. Snhhalh llov. Thomas DawBon, a native of Ibis couunit is avldont. How ta counteract tho acDiu on tbe flrnt floor, next to (ho largo roam, mlnnUa; I caltud on Mrs. Oillatu, who could not bisk and fuunJ a'good many people thorc. Mioolof MurrlBlown hold Uiolr Mtli AnnivoT; >, mid a rormcrpaator.of tbo Donvlllo M. E . whero ho van acoplug a revolver wliicli ho had i then, and son! for a physician, but it was Mra. l'nyuo was ou (ho bed. Did riot a]>oak to tion oftho outgolug Btream was Iho question. hiircb, rccontlj dueorlcd his wlfo from Uuuti,ery to-morrniT SJUTIIHOB at 1 o'clock, borrowed from hia urotlior-ln-law n fow days her. No ono gpoko ta hor wlillu I was thorc. Ona speaker would bring to crush tho hotels, 'ilio siijircmo Court hai .decided iboi a tali- collo, N^Y.j BnorpnicU^trnalins'lioMwont to bofura, to guard Limnclf agnlunl th loves whom about twonly minutes beforo any ausiBtanco pld licit HOD Pat after Ofvenoy had alruclc him. beer shops, ein mjlla," Ao., and, tumhlo them ruj.l company Is lliblo for and must pay dam- Califuruifl, WtrioaLtnJiielflntotho'fnilorateof _ . thought ho heardin llio honso tho nfetat ameuf any Urn! ; leaked bor who abot hor, ]Io bud lovn drinking fur a cauplo or day«. nd ahe didn't auswur wo; I nskod lior a second iu, tboroby dam It up. A u utb or would rely. done by Urea kluilod by apaiks from loco- a. rrcBbylorian Church In Drooklyn, tu that previous logoltlngit.'?-'(''. . • " • • lime; I askod hor i n should send fonlirk's! Ilia wife and Cox romalucd in llio largo room nd doctor, and nlw Haia yea; slio was in a faint ud soon altor 1'til camo out of Iho bed, room, liko, but I think ulio could undoratajid what sry much oxcltcd.witli the pit tot in his hind 1 going; on ; naw Put have Ibe pin tol ai he Cuj, who 1B norr tho only wilnoss to tha ehootit up lo tlyj nhnp nftor I hoird tbo report j inft, says ho wai Btsn'diog close to Mrs, Payno, ho had it lu his hand; ho came lu alter hla near tho hall d u r a t i o n PatraUod tlie pistol in wan lying on ihotod;coning book to the vdry carolea* nun nor, and it went off, tbo 0 ho scorned to bo crazy and nas crying; ball entering Jim.' toy no's abdomen; Bho al think ho had tlio pistol tlon L lie askodwher* I onco oxclalined tbal alin.wu shot, and n t dowu raa going, and I said to t i n . Qill&m'l; when I upon achalr. Coxpntout somo (lioupon'her amo hack ho wag I11 thoro, crying; faneaid: cauaed liylho powder, and Mrs, 'Mary, id it posBiblof. It WBB byacoldpnt. J arrivlnff soon tftur aho told bor that wouldn't sliuot ttnjbodj;" he wanted to know that, nnd walked tb iho bodrogm aiid if It was poBBlhlo hlswtfo was going to did; laid down upon lbo bod, luid'roma'Itiod there filler parties llicu camo in j Walton's work .partially conscious for awhile, onQ'tboD uheoti- girl was tlioro, I think, uid knooi what lie •oioni for about <"1 boar and t.quarter, wlion oafd; ho slid ho was colag craey; Iho list I vhodlod. Dr. Ooucllot iraa snmmocod arid atof him ho waa at tho g&to with t>cme men; \cddcd her. Ttyne'rari ouloftho houso enrk- I was thero wban ube dlotl, ahoof half-past ing mmHVjn liWJgft,^!) offlcpt l)r' * - ' " iotictht a week »gn last Batnrday, upon tho patent lover of a prayer, aud in faith On Mouday ho'did not work any. Tho most imnoituno Iho Almighty for the onspooding of [ relations oxisUd hotveon Pat and hla tho groat camo of tompcraneo, This suggeshw\ L»kn Hnniij at Croon Pond. This hotel wu*e. IrflrodiatbQ family for two yoais. Hare tion teemed practical, and the metnaemployed ill accommodate ninety during tho Hammer brought him homo many tlmoi whoa tight, aud cflklont. I t was accordingly acted npon then JIG would never aay a word to her. Ne-vor hoard ad there. Atfumor Jtnnwm ia now ongah't-'d lu taking him raaka any threats. Tbe mcoling. adjourned at Lftlf-pait four llotvard Irving Klofor, ngod ahnnt 30 you JU rciimis fur Uio CViiltnnlal. Tho law cornWILUIU H. Btiuu, iwomi I am a Ounat ablo, o'oldok, with a feeling ou tho part or those In els you lo bo polite to him, and furnish tho was a midont.of EaaUip. ,IIa was employed and arrested Patrick Payno. Uo bad no plitol attendance tliat It was good to bo there. on tho Morris Caiiil. On Thursday last ho loft on bis person. Inked him how it happened, Tho facts contained In the above woro Riven Jack llDslieir, llio wlfo-tiurdoror,'will bo his boat at fpmpton foodor and started toward nnd bo said bo did not ksow. Eo would not to me by Mr. S, II. Dolan, Secretary. line upon tbo iimo nciffold tbat LtiBlgiiml l«m> shot, her, fur. anything. Did. at>\ acarolt . A publio entertainment was given by Lodge »s, wtlch wa« sent to Nuwloii from Mortia- od t» Kotcham'a Bwitcb, nuir Den Till v arrir. him till artsrliawu put in tbo'alatlbn-honBo. Ho. 15 In tho ovoning, when tbo houia wit will ng tlioro In tho after noon. A eoal iraln camo Sid not find anything. Armftago wout down filled and a good degreo or Intercut manifested iiourftud b o ' m t d o i u ofTort to got on and" foil ftrtari to search for (ho piatol.. Ho didn't lu the exercises which wera welt lntorhrd«d Tlic prayer meeting at Iho romca of the V. beneath the cars. Doth lojts wcro oruahod IID* knnw how or. wby he- did H.' Ho waainioxl- with good singing. Miss U'Klnnon leading ou M. C. A. Sunday afternoon will be conducted by low ttto Lnoirf. Hojpr'as't'akantoPalordon boscatod—wai craay drunk.' * the instrument; UIBIBI Poor and Volt soprano; Mr. Htcphcn II, Berry. Snbjtet—Matthew, pi lal the ^ania" afternoon. Tho noxt day his p Jili chanter, 15lli v«r*o. . , [81*0 W; SE-VBIMO, sworu: I do not know right leg' was' amputated. Efforts t n being ^ 001 Jeffrey, alto; UCKHII. Bryau. Waa at Payne's houBo abortly after tho E. Bla'nohard and 1 Francis; tenor; J. J. Peer 'Hie Soutli Street prcsbylorian'Suhday School i n a d B t q s a v B " ^ - ' • • • • • "*"-*3 i ^ l thoitrcot botw if Uorrlttown la to havo a new library, topcoat dA.Bedson.bais. Tliu opening pie to, "Good tb bo amputated.—Bi •100. Tbo present library will probably J w do/ hi'/root'of -Tomplara" -Tompkri spoken, l V i s writlcn k by b ^^Ym..Wingot YWi flro apd-aixaclMk. l 5 p liter she Ball aha WMfthot; Tat and liiawlfo Watson's, and two or with him;-Ho ""byamemiAri ' "Xfltlo Talinaogo BaVba"*'Tomuled losomo deitltuto aebuol, <•; -,,; ,\ ±,•;•..•;" r-----— Vbcro li« lounlacil during tht night, walking liTed Tory.happily 'togother; there was 1 futod to no 11 though he was,dronk. Ha was l>craaco Bpoooh" which was plowing on accoi A young iniurr. of Hack fobs rnov, named v i n a i o i u p c i * i n o B - r d h l « l J I t o i ) ^ a U a any quarreling between them; ho waBBOt coming towards ine,.witU Antan on oaeli aldo oftho grace vhewn by tbs infautilo Bpcakcr. A Thomas, whipped his hone BO feieroly tha olli - ' ' tllionaalorcr-tu'oM. E. Ohnfch^nluT 1 int of money.espeuded per year, for boor joslerday ; he ha d not been drinking for qtillo of him, staggering and throning 'bia lirads. drama entitled "The Tom'poraneo Doclor" in ibat tlio jiw of tho'anlrnal was -blc&on, !, ihoparTlcalaraof whlolt will ho fonu'd in a while until- a week ago Saturday J ho said ho Ho laid Boniethlng abontgoiDR to MoniBtowu, apmo ton Bcenos was acted by tbo following mJ It boeatno noceasiry to kill l t r . • . . - . - , . ••< ilkufa in Boon ton, tM.OEa. l'or n-hiskoy, at tho oftdenoo Inkon atjthOiCoroncfa itiqueBt, TBB not going to drink ttiymoro; ho would got Into a, wagon that stood there, aud'tbld the persona; E. L. Wiugbt, Jainoe doiiien, Then !fo»rlj all tbo band* In tho Taylor iniuo at |t otclii an d'i» loons, 1(6,87 J, making SDldrlnka jjwik rough whun drunk, but would not qnnrwhich wo givo In fall. ' mug man Ut chargo of %^o hotao to hurry op. S. Talmadge, Tbos. II. Pope, Wo si 17 uml Wtu. Clicilcr hare been discharged.- : Ihero ] • bard120.10. Tho money thus oxpondod la tbirlcon lymy ouket for the heal ore uow-a-dajB, and timei tho amount of_ taxos raised for all par-: At h.alf-piefiattJn rfblock' DK I.' W. Conflict -ol witb or hoit lior; ha bad llio plalol, I think,. m«a toll mo he bod ahot hla wifo. I left M'KIDPOU, Win. Winsot, Wui. Totjlu, Eunice Tkltnadgo,. Cftlhnrluo Pope,. Mury Nocdhati), Hit companr bai a large • locit'on tho liiinir,'*, j posop, anil wodld purchaao for etchfamilytwomade a poBt-mortcn oumlnalion-of tlio body. linco Saturday morolnrf; l a got it uf my hus- thorn on the sidewalk, arid when I got Into the Laura Blan'ohard, OUOIIBS GDBIOI), Fred. Pope 0nicer Franclico liaa dona a oreilitaWo". work birrals of floor; 1,000 nulls or ulolhlnftat 120 At fight o'clock, JuatfoB 0. B. Onje,- acting as band ; be was never jo&loui ofhis wlfo; I never jiouseioDio half-i-doeon womonwere tlioro. and Alfred Paytiler. Tho dlilercnt pnrlaworo saw Olvciiy lo know him ; I don't hardly tliink v Mrs. Oillam thero. They wcro nil in tha i giving the lock-nri:a'Uiororigh;.cl«MiInj. permits pay theexponBoao[lho churches and Coroner,' empannellod a Jnry, compdaod of Iho ilgncd, com niltcd and aclotl. TIJO piecu eho'knfiYfWhoihothor; aho was ablo tu risa »raall bed-room; I itepped la and' saw tbo In largo number of IrampB who lodge' borVin. be Young Men's ChrbUhm'AuodiUou, oducllo when 1 oeliqd her wbo shot her. womin, whii*ti.I«rippoio4^o ^ lira. Payne. ll dmiRiiod .ta allow the miiurlcs of druukoutlie whiter time mnto it ono of '111*1- lUtbicit ^ o children, grado a stroot bach yoir, pay all noia and tho bluxulngs of temperance iullucnco, Bho was Ijins back in tbe bod. Her feet roiled John Oplo ba>:i & A?lon, John A.' Lyon, Wui. ihumCox, Bworn: I know Patrick Payne, t Imlein-dkiinwor. '"'•T'S^C'i lb\o taxes, and leave a batanca of orci 12D,000,lu A few expansions ititroduccd by the author Ilurifl, Japes S. M'ariio, Jenm II. IUirclielli him first yesterday in tils own shop, at a 1 tb* floor. I supposed at tho time abo was could ho cut out with advautagu. llov. W . C , and ChtvB/iH.Sluu»ii. ^Thofjury, nfter being litllo after three o'clock. Ho naan't thoro at dead rrom bor appointed. Think I asked BiakoBleo gavo a abort nddrtfui. IIo though il ffoiino, tlm plioto^rapliur, Allb'onfjh hodba'B ilrat. After airlillo P*trick aud the boyThomtotao or thorn where iho was abot, and they told sworn, proceeded tc tho house with tlio CoroMtLiibirn, etlll haa hia gallcry ( wid ii fljill. would bo unvrieo in him to detain tbo audience it of Watiop'a. I wont t h e n to me in tha stomach. Took hold of bor hand, ner, and viewed tho romafna. inline I-ittum i t tlio cliDtp r*l«s, which, will after two hours had been spool listening to tlio }QMMON COUNCIL PttdCEEDINGS, got a hbrae shod aud wagon fixed. He staid bat could not feel any pnhu. Thinking por• Till! COnDHED'a lKQUBBT. •e discontinued aftor July 1st.,, A word |o.lbo ^ a . ' o r tlio CfaQncSjwaa;held; \ At ton o'clMk/oi] ^"niedsy morning tbe in- thjre awhile and me and him ind the boy wont Jiipa tho wasn't dead, bnt bad merely fainted, Interesting eiercisri,, It occurred to him while Iho frieudrt wcro .oKlilbltln-j Iho [>Icluro ' wr PrMbaOMajw' Itich into Watson's lo got a drink. I bad a, glaia of I tnrued rbuud to Ingnire If any ano had.gons quest was began" la Jcsllco Oige'it ofSco, tbe drunkenness tbat snino wore iurpnaod. Torn Ihulalo term of court finally broko'np''ou > {, Jlccordor Crlttoudon, AW or men Hanco ProBccutor, Mr, V. A. CoUott, JMnduqtinn tho biahey and bo and tbo boy took ale. We wont for. tlie doctor,"Woaf duVoh'tbo"sidewalk: were used tliat doubtless grated on wOin UonJav niornliiE, terminating with tlio.ciUfl'&f !ifnl Boach, aad.Oaattcilmen Jm-lvlknnott, 1 ask lo the tOibp; ho didn't do any work of P*yne was a till thara, cnrElna; hrmsolf, Baylna; proceedingsfortfaoBtale/arfd tfr/Wra. 'l'i tb. ears and yet'tha plclnro was net bvorilrawn Frwu-iuL. Allan, wbo naaludicted for porjur^ Searing and Case.- •>; :•• • . • ••• {••'• port, Paynu'a. conruol, being proncnt Jo look af- any account tlion; ho was e. IllUti tight. We Mr,,U. II; Utniblo was olected Olort, riiofEM. hawu"»d dfool,"and thit " i t w u all but Jiai coma far short of tbu reality. TIICJ Tk Jury after btlnjj orit bvcrSunllay'rflturns.a T.lji folionlug petillon waa prescntod and ro- toryhis iutcreitfl. jTbe^follp<rliigji8')he'o»I- Vcnttmekto Vratson'iana »ll toott it glasi thatCharioy Walsop'ifaplt." Ho wont np to aro tDmporanuo men hcrg wbo baro not olivnj n'tdictornotfinllty..,..--" - J ^ ' . - " L J ktii\ to tho Ordiuanco ComtuiTtoo : ale. Haw aivoncy IQ Iheto tlioft. Think they ft llttlu child, picked It Up, and said) " I U V B boon HO nud Iho (incitinn ariao* n* to who Um'aoaor, the Mayor, and t t o Ouininob.* Cbllilrcn'a Day wna observed »t tho M . E ; bConnoil . ^on.-* CliVESEt, sworn: I livo at Do ver, and hndsonio Mortis tliat time.. Wo wont to tho dono a d-^-d bad thing.? ,1 followed him ta rositouBible. Do thu temperance organlzitlor of tlio City of Dover: liunti ou, sabbath. mornlcp;,aud sflornoon .Whorcas, UV, ,tho Hphsonbprs, have oboor- work at Poboa \tlao; did not know CUharlno shop again. 1'at did not finish bis theboQflo.'By thii tinia ueh'wore'iovoral dtHi-n-o onr ccunlenouee nnd tusiplaaco? We the necona" drink. Ua built a flro t]io first time, ifttf Owing to a prcH* o f matter 'a rtpirf at fully paid our proporllous of lazes Tor public Payne; knair, P*lri<jl( F&ynq two or Ihroo years j more thero. Only recognized ona of thorn— BOO the wrotchodnciior tlio drunkard and noi lie etrvlee*, nblch woro vory ioloroaling, was impiWoinonts in o u r cily.aild'believing that I saw him yosUrday ; cnnldn't say whit timo nnd ths second tiuie he hotted the shoea. Tho Jacob VroehnJ. Went urito tho woman, and aru willing touhoaldor tho riBponslhllity. Evi wo u o ontitlcd io n suitabto thorougbfaro roi>did out Ibis week. . \ • ; , , ; . { ' loadlnff frpm ^oiBoxplrrot |o: tli«tipnr.ttori of inthoartornoonVtnathim &t Watsan'a Holol,' third or fourth tiniQ I told him to put couhl lee-loiaa signs of lifeo.fiba appeared to tlioso who nail tint which works tbo ruin, BIIOCB and then we won Id bavo a drink. The A fuot-rico for t2G0a slilo, at -200 yards, bo- o u r t o w u k u o n u a s h o r t n Dover, wo do, thuro- :th,oi UiuorB' and Meclmnics' Hoaee, whore I third drink wo took beer, and Oivonoy was Ii bo giiping, and I tolJ ilia crowd to atop out aljriuk from tho (crriblo bad. Men and women and ([We hersomeiir.'-i Aik4d,'(omo of tlioni to. who aro passive in tho tempcranco cause hare '"•tn J. II. Daviai of Now York, nnd Richard fore, respectfully prttuont this, our petition, to niaiamytibino; boll^oi noxt/ho'uHo, and-by liaaorahlu'bodyi' praylug- that lire . may trado lu a hlackimlth : two Tamllics liva lu Iho thero Hion I think. Pat hud a fow wards with lielp l>y her oa tho bod. Some ono took bold a Btiaro or il, for we must bo active and u 'oirog, or riiltadolphlB, was decided at Boon- your ipoodily havo. au av<iiiuo from tho aforesaid him that tinie, b u t I couldn't be certain what tou ou Tliurwliy. Davis wlunlna; aHer a " tiissax Blract ta tho northern limits uf our bonio j could not say vb'at time I MVT nini; It they woro. I ilou't think Pit tinerr what ho was or bor feet, and J, around Ibe bruit, and rnlaed our ititlnonov, t An. amusing story illuatiated : lior, aftor flxlng tho pillow.' Oocnvd tho blinds, tbo point.' Ulary Blandianl gavo a Binglo piece ntv, which shall. l"> properly! graded .and mlgbt. bs 4 o'clock; ..saw him, two. or tliroo ""'-iedraco b y a y i r d inas tnibad, and provfdod wilU a auitabie aiUawallt. times during tha'day'fthad takon iwo'or tliroo doing. He went op BUITS lo look fur the man dnJ told some of thcni to itandttt tho dooraud "11m Tomporeni ho WBB working for him. l i e anid ho m s n ' t t o m t i t rnuot tbo dcmandi o t Ihe public and glaBsoaof ale in tlnoftornooa ;,Itook,» smnll tcop tho crowd back and I vronlil go Tur a doc- nd Thomas Popu epoku tercluctt.'Ml parts of ">w> l>y a fair and f-nliial held at llmt.pla'co ot'our growing cnminunity, up thoro. Oiruuoy Bail tie wai. Couldn't say ( (,'lass'with him in tlio altornooon; Pat wag not tor. Cania up to Dn Crittotidbn's' odlco, and Ship" wlilclidoDuU tho jut bcarty JS.Ayros,i | j ; h ; 1Vm;6bnrelt;r. f I f /. 'whotherPatuailcdliluift. liarorntft. Tho '"*lllc ui"";flt of a porf church. \k:iih# oharoli, J.;hns. found him out. Camo buck as fiu- an UUBBCX ibieli W(.-ro ivell received, Allen, ' ' » " George Kindle, * baJ* few wordi.^nWiun o»; •'i«li»t<lcnomjriMlira itiaiiot yet dndded. la 4athau It. \Vlloui, t timo they had a quarrel abonl Rnnday and L'tiaa, arlffln, 1 woric,;aiSd wift'not glfh'is sat- I parted them then a fow limes. Tho last time itroct, and, was. guln? aftur Dr. Cumtnlnga or appUnia.. Kut procevilH 130. Ie erected ujwa tlio. Hto of. iho o)i 'Baptist ",. W. Tburbor, Chns. Usimrff, J • •. • • • hnwas'daii Dr. King, when I HAW Dr. Condlct coming down lafuctlon, B ut tiia wurk to another shop; be told me on tho sidewalk ho would givo' it to H r . D o n j . II.* Oram hail recently ttarlcd in the etruet, wb'c tililmfi ty lilfl bscn santfor.i tUd hnrdwaro luminous In town and Sir. Ocorg* aivoney. Wo had another tic. They )«j!ibit3(5Etfku ^ M n ir.jiten, a brakemaii'on. Ihe U t . Hops. ^m. tiuiitb,- ,1 „ ;t , Nicholas Praed, ; [ . , ; . - work away yoitorJay Tat appeared to bu tiUinlng and enniug him- Huuilylias built a new ho line 011 Ntv/ ulreel. morning; I have * cult, rat!. Cuopcr, ' Jncobaoirlng, ,,,,,. self, bat nahl D0U1I113 ,iUmt lbs piitol going off fanning U'wr, John Dunoliuv; ' Biiddrovoliiroto^MarrUtown ou.Sondayj ho firing about tho Sunday affair anil Pat nuked l nui'ii)uiT uhilo COQULIHD'can at'Port Oram on haB.U.TunU, lonlally. Ho^idl'u h.d #bothor. Mr. Tho general Uu si nets Heorua to innVo o withAllan L]on, intsrlerod whoa 1 Rot to • Morriiitowrtt'and was Oivenoy ta Uko a. class of alo with him to sotni'li I •ridiyutlast woct. Altlmugh badly bnrt, omcut-in iHiliihlmVftot ; wbou I );uL llonio I or- tin I t , - £ Imllovo 1)0 did,; Some nurilu passBtl Watson iiald that ton or llf^-oii minutes before Tat was back nf the hoUil witli.him, fhuiltg in 'iilalhti ltaa coinlilurcd nntieac«s.iry,: nnil hn leredbim taken to Djvo King's, to 'liivo hfa thnin and Givonuy atroak him on Iho month or An ordinance, publtuhod olsowhcrp, rej;iitho livur, I do nnt think HJH, Pnyqu Ipu) I^or latiitg tho gudluff, curbing, and-patlhg of.Cs- shoes' romovcdi.thoahajBWorupul^nou Prl- aoao. I ope noil tho door and |iuahed Pat uv at all after hAng lafd bnuk upon tt.o mo «ui|td-tia Imrghui endeavored lo tmler Iff. and Mrs. Mihlon V. Elckonou, of'ijfook- \lx street,' rrom fllicktvoirstreet to tliu'caiial', day by Payno; I gars ono of tho men .orders to I saw Co pistol 011 bim, cilter ID hi* band tlio resilience or Squire CburchQDldou Friday . D w o d B iV ....piBBljd. , , ,_, , , . | take orjr^5^jti;ipjKintf8j);ei[no,t&|Jnd put It lila.'pockct. DM n^t hear him n" u . l , nljtht or lnal week, lint vr.iro uii«ncuMnfnl in A largo party wai present, ' A ' coniuinmcalion 'ini8 ; rcvelTod front-, tiia fakdo Payno rn"a«; bo cimo [nto tho liDtel with coward for pulling tho piitol. Tliink he said l their altom'pll• ' ! i ' ' '' '' on along with him, IQDBW tho in named p s l l i n i o b ' a c l . 'Abobt SOattond- Found KBepor, saying tliat ho had furnished, rard, but did. not nam« pistol After lbo Last Sabbftib morning Ilm pulpit of tlm CouOoi-Jouot know hla first namo—tho' other a « Dovar.' . T b a ^ u n i i 1 iMoftnT m » w bo'wont lo the ahop and sot 1 'cliiso! and uld next Xovumbur. 1 know Patrick Payne aud Win. Cox. I wua dnwu at Pal'no'u ihop ycalor- RKBallounl Church was occupied by tho Hev. r^ui and coolly. . '- . . . .. •. ' I'EIBCI siroot, and without oxponw, a plaoo, wanteoi to go bank -again", b u t l w o n t d n o i 1 B ttflbly localpd and [IroporlJ'foiicod.for a pub- )y; tboy want through t'U hotel'Into the liiy, went thero at a <inar(or to throe; went Sir. Palmer of Stanley, X. J. Tho itcv. Mr. eul Commliuon'cr Cbryalal and'tlio' Stroet' i^ponnJt'anil asking tbat tho^eatno dlnjng-roooi; P*t'a,wprknua'.WAS jyjtihero; him.', Ho slartod out and met his wifc at thi Ihorc In Ktt a horeo sho'd ; left it tbore aiid told Lloyd of WU. prcacliod'ln tbo Presbyterian back door; and I followed thorn, I Inud to bin iitlwoftbeCouncilHmtna thoeraatfit ttrtvad^'as aiicb,' On motloD, Ibp pctitiou.wa'i tnW wont ap-italrt, vronVoat, and c»mb in lor him-from going in the btinac. Think lie ilni vhul to' do.' Tlili tight Pa't^iraH 'a* little Clrnrch In ths morning, and llov. Sir. Brown tor igilb, than'»ont oat:aid.c*nie In^aiif; tlioy for llio-work tliaHiaa ibonn, dpoa upon *A>CGpWl And!the''Vcjoost ^riott'tl.' Arcsoln.Inlosk-nlcd. When I Went hack bo ntked ma ledurofl in iho evening, j ( .'• - ' . • ial<], "Got out of the way." Did iiot km *ir«ll slreyt tlilB Sitrlns^ lUa aowa. broad, pnbiiibbd 'elaoirbert1,* in relation to tb'is .oot» drink in tbo 1nt-.rotim, ora'sopaC; I l a t whit ho was going to tho boiiBit fur, but, think to g<> iu Wabuu's alld Inkoadrihk; wo had Mr. Jambs Hapo^ommittod suicide by hangtf Hio bir-roorOi-talking witb ThomiB Oram; I hflVoBaftor a ruvglvcr, Jlni. Wation ilrvwa die, mid then inn ind'WllliirCiJX wputioto tha Ing on Tuesday hat at his farm on tbo road saw Pat waa mid'at ma; board hlnVdrop a word Koopcr/Blataajithat ono night rocohlly'tlio room Vliuro Will S!alrfe'o^ was Billing In a chair.' loading from ,1his plaeu to. Palnnoupt. no. club' on him In tb« hotel.'' Did nnt know bo li luund.niBinrokon open and lomehorHOB.lm- as. Lo waa ffoinff through tho hall; lio told • jilitolintboboiiBc, I h t l d htu- in lbo £ I'atwcnt W k to tlio sliup Bfiiln ,to shoe tbo recoived an injury on tho hond auirto time ago, Tlom« TWihlHi'waiVairiiti1'bij'tto'coffyonng Cox ho ivotild cot gtnud 1(;. ho. would inglnglu Okas. Watsoa lihoraUJ, linnto; he pnt Ihd tthoes iu' tlio fire and then rhlch afflicted hie brain, aud ho h uuppoaed to fliBror tboiSow Kxprwa.,oa tiia Morria I t « a n i » t o d j h » | Frank J^dmort! punch tbo^B^n W a b - i ; r'tbi(Thlm Ibad don awhile, hut ho j>oi away from ruu.nud wi went nut to Walton'* again. Think I took havn been partially inmnu. Tho linroodiatD into tho hanso. iro might i lave said ho wan > ' EKM liiniroad, near Harriaoai on Wedn' o Ver dano him any wrong ; Ibad given LIm tlrtiriiA r olnlcd AsMitint-lIflftlul! Ihtr glawtur tlr. r.Think jli^ Mcoud ttma auso of liia ilcupouduncy was aoiue BuppoBcd «JV »lgbt, an,l throwB^Tor tlio jinfpfco JUck. 'rnlttoo our work, and ll was. not, dans right, and had after a piitol, but didn't tbfulc lio' did.' I held on Police, jtWin'itR,way bocame itWBBnot donwjight;ho him in Iho garden awiiile, but lip got away .._ went fn Pal waa' iwo'arin'g. Of von or won I toulilo abonthia propcrtji. tba uoiler "Do wai takin to' HuMtAuVm D'ouTd'd'o'tho"wo'rk,*«>3ifhowouldttbf do IIho from mo and went Jnto tho liumo. I followed tip.Io liim and said, ^ Pat, I know what you era "I'llii.Npjiark'.wharBhe will probably dlo. Mr. Edwin Pitney, a woH-knotm citizen of thKne'Bc»iiy of 'EuUm« V Jdow'aik *!". Ssratjel(8oarina,liHfl).'or,tlio,J)t>»l of west ahlo of Stiisez atroet, from thn' llivor could t(ot blacio! rno'for taking It away; ho and.think his wife-nasB9d mo inllm door. P a t coming.jit."'After.B6ino more lalk.we wont tlili place, was very BOTerely.liiJared by an ratjel( called mo'a,*!i*r'j"l'Uld him I would pottako wont first'Into tho largo room flu'd fill wife noxt. back to (he sbgp, aiid Pat started to, hammer accident on Wednesday, A; M,' Ho, with others, WtaR'ihttdtlt l W d h d p o oq .W dgo to, U| C achopl h9tuo«. lUSjStroat;being ttd,,t tnat frmn any roan; thoa ho kind of Bpologuiod I a i o o d l n t b e door. way. Couldn't' HM in tbo on'tliOBhoes, He hadn't got Tory Taj: when ho was on^agod In tlio domoiltloa ami removal of i principal.«VonnitoiUioicb6oi i i o a n V " rouiil, but thliik bo brought tburtvutve askod Willie Cox to go In again ind'told fnc to aa old building 011 tlio Topping proporty, whou a UtLle;'and aakdil mo If I waaU 'tato a drink *!>• Oleourio " S a u u s j " waa Uappy, fpr Uioy tain bours of tho dnj Uia^vuo ildenalk. li J d t j film,; ,1 a«)d I. would do anjMilhs; I out. I mm hint In the largo room', and think hi itay tUorc Ho and Cos went in, and after ono or tho rafters becoming lousenod, full upon jeished m ^ P 0 D K D 1 ^ ^ . i weight wblcji wo' filed w i t t t e U t i t J t i f f p V t J A i m S o ^ thongbtlio'was'lhUloeicjtod and Jealous over was coiulug from tliu aniail room. • Tlioro woro awhilo I went in. There was a. eouplo ot men him, striking; him oh .the Jioad and crushing' Eot "flievB can b o beitan by anjtHbg on 2tc*| matter w u roIorrecVto tlio Ordlnanoo thoworkj I took » "pony' wilhTiW; lio wcriif no words bn'twRon Ihoro. .Bho WBB not out of In thero and Pat took hold of ono of them by him to tho- floor. Tliu physicians proununco otfl,*' "; •• •-•••• • ' i - ' . : • - • . _ ' • ' 0ommittoo;^Ultinat7iiclIonrto report in-fcrout and camo to twicq J I WIB Btanding hj Uio tha room; Bho ntoodafo.v loi^ from tlio ball bo beard anil chucked him up affainst tbo bis iujiirios lutcmal and Bororo bat not uccoadlnaoco ta tho noit mcotlng. •bar'irboafaflcimoiJnjthi-JaiJt timej.aawllm door tonorils tlio bed room door. ' Saw o> phi tol fall." Tlio man aald something-when Givenoy uiily fatal. The h d i e , j f J i . o - M t . r r o e d o m H - E . C h n r f l h • • . . . . -1 ' Tho liiybV t^lodtliA'attentlon of Iho'StfWt; draw lili hand from his pocket, us bo aaid! Inlils lipndM.hnt.dldnatBeo him cock i t . Ho m talkioff; ho wts going to tako offhli coat "oldaitrairbbrr/an'd ico cream f t U l binralltao to HQjaoMns thatjookajilio pattino. (ThawordBWitncss aaid Psyna uso^aro too kind ofr«iK'dthoi)lBtolso'(fllioffinff« oaisicsB to.figkt when Mrs', TTalauu puahed htm In a A " Siinimer'a Night Foillval" id on tho tapis. t U e c u n b l abblo In at (bilofrif*pirt 6r filackirolrstrodi 'mallon;) • Do not tliink ho polhtarj H at lier any roam and logkdd him in. He oirna to anolher onfrinccml by Ibo young ludics of the PreBUVJ|MMJ iricriioin'ina.fflTeiiiDg'hiiHt In iho bo atonos were not properly laid, as thorn foul fl>^Vi4iWiip£V»tlWill ilinffihlm.W moro than bo did at mo. Ho V i a fuur' or flro door aid called to tie other man with him to torian Soeloty. It la to bo held in tho Chnpd tho month to sa»uraylifu; I Ihouglil bo bad a rc n S * Ki»nd loa-pait; wrlU: bo held,.fit bouta.bpa.^bedding, of und.under tbaiji,. ,.,;. piaUtlinhiapockot; Icnlyiaw tin) and or I t ; foot from her. Do not rccolloet whether ha or on TaoBday cTcnlng, Jmio 220, and Ibo attrace'ont,' Qircncywas tn' tlioro Ihon. Qlvo* tion, other than tlio ladlcn, is la 1>? unlimited l tl i M * " " " " " ™ ' « ' ' " » • » " ? • " " • " •"'• A longthj-.diicmsioa nuauod iureEinV to novcr s»w him afterwards; board two or throo Jd nnythlog,I wns'so cicttod. I B I W R noy and Tayna commenced quarreling* again. Ice cream nnd iilirallablo BtratTbcrriei. -.treOV improramantB Unv»rionitpiTl( of I the' miridtoi ahcrwird'ho imd killB'S hti-wife; flaBbauilhcardareport. lie ran out of the I tlou't rcmamber all what was aald. Glveuoj «olbtr Hi m o l t of tlio f.nrral dcprGH^on town, in-iho courao or which ifwu' atalcd tu'ftt did not hear tlio report of tlio'pistol; did door and Bho sat down In a okaJr. Her.dross The mucb-11 ceded repairs ti[K»n tho ruadfl cro ha would boat. him.. Pat said ho wasn't m nllro over hor sUimteli, and I pnt it TOtaUran» a , Uu a|ioliKSO lut.wrtk.of partioB whotijulprgmliml-tp pay;Ulfof, cer- iintBOB whit direction, bo took when lio fit to do it. Givenoy then bit Pit on,the nojobeing attended to by our various Ovcrneora, ikadhorlfsho was shot indnh'o nolil yep.— ™>f on-tanilria aca-.h!)-mi>&,'lpu>o n i . - tain improTomouts tad failed to do IOI " out: botweca tiia tuna lio called mo1* lia md P*l woiit out; Cox'wont bnt, too. Two id Mr. T . Pony SkeUniijir is eiitlllod to Think 1I10 snl down In a rookini; chair near thi 'wilfn -I saw him again ho bad tinio in Ra homo; , " " ' " " « l ™ rampjiiij, f fro* Ih. Pu*>o «nd irtlcuUr mention for tho excollent caxo that WUlo OUcUBBinff.Qran* alrcoljMayoi Bk-bgins looked out of the window and aald, "Hare bud room iloar, not over &TO feet from whero :ine Itailroadi tho arda';sald:that'tr tlntr'tfouM p'uro'ranl' atrob't comas Pat with, a mo'lvor." I didn't look out. lio lalioi of Iho atroote cocipoHlug his d b l r k t . •as when bo find thu ahol. Nothing was Mid tb'a DcDatnp in 'a' paaaablo, candJHo^.h^o ..Tfonld aqbturibe, mlil not BM him go, and could not u y that ho Ttio spelling mania, from whichffobad hoped They went again and looked'oat. Glvcney ont lioroo; I conld not say wblolThand wan in Hald in thu hmuo al a l l t U t I, ran remember. BUrtod,towards tlio frontdoor and said "ha to cicopc, haa broken out among the tta>lculB lalf'tliat arao'u'nt. bimioif. It ws_B~thougiit hlstpoelet-; Jcnlyjastsowtheondor tho piB- Pal wcntlo Uioblaaksnillli s h o p , a n d l went to won't comolierc." -Kelt thlog C«r came and of tho Cheater InslitatQ. ITiedlseaHoIaeipocloa Ibat * pood ji I in wonid U fbV'ihfi p t e i nr \t' J u d ? h F ^ o r i. w l »o°w« »formerpulor lknoivitwftiii't aknifo; It wai either tlio end tho door of Walsor'a hotel and t jld llaloney ti collod Hilly Mtlbnoy'od'tBlid aald Pat had ahot to calminnlo nc*t FrHay afternoon| when a * nuwaannni. Presbytoriaii "c?hurcb. tot m ornpiBtolpr^rovolvcrilJuBt-BAw; tlio bind go aflor A doctor/ Then 'wont hack to tho liliwlfc, and lo go fur.tho doctor. liia4 \U general oompulicn, of ayuptomB will eventuate . ir tho iown tb add' 4150—malting a fund oa it; jt uifUt liavo beet- tlio rigu( .bsndj ho buiwG an far os the stoop. Un, KloUlcr iin« JS™1 Aiai ki P " " ' ^ > " » , P » , a few daya prleet'ii horso and wapqn, and. went out then in aomo one being declared a " Bpelliet." or 9300 for tho improvement of ths street. nan muctj nxcitod j Paynu vn» a native of tbja In Iho room and a counla of horn on tho »l .(alto away niy hono. P»t uld 1'hitch np A recent number, of Ihe "Hiate Gaaotto" aflorooon.* TiiB',dJ.yr or canso of In'somo pkeca ln(tlio^vittiilty of Nowtnji, tlie -country, I bollofo [ I w « bom In Ireland »n'l ^idgoIarthonnoBt," I ialdhjiruu't homo, mentions tho fact that Homo' man In the lower h T e n o t lD Bo r . r ~ "° * wnBd. Ho w u 75 or 11 raised in England; haTo.bocti.oliteQa DiaoTcn.w Pat on Iha EidutvalU afler (h»t, JJcliovo ho „ J * i of «go ana « m o T e d to ProTldonco BOT- froatqn Monday niornlng was severo enough too'n joari around this part'of tlio* country; had a child iu liin inns, Ho iras crying, and fat said " then R» to UorriitownVor a pHost. part of the State, aliovcd 90 ahcop ta 0 hours, askod far some ono t o heat that record, in I got hitched up ho. Jumped hi. " % told after I itrnelrhltn bo weut outcf tlio, bir-room icitHl HHUV VI ho had shot liii wilo | could nnt toll whetli:: 1 r ttij now • ' step down aad ont11 aa Mr. 0 . Llin I would go alone, «nd ho jnniped ont. Pat Tho oad effoeta wcro not gen oral, bnt wo«o con- adiJr , IfMinsi Voa':Uioitrcotj I was atauding or ho had tho pistol then or noi; Oam'a on up gald ho'hid Rhpt tool can " nee tbat and go four hotter," Oh p Ma, gwjfo j > »nflj p picked uji Hi agiinst' ti.ii baV'Wlien I atruek him; did not town, after gniurt la the atil)lo, and told Arml : DroTidadwiUi (iilod only to tho low Kroggd-i.'.'-i ] / j ; .•.;,•; 1, rdBT, Julio l'4b, Mr. fiteel caught and say ho was gofng do shout mo; did not knock tago; Iboticvoho'mnila Uia'arrGBt,* Conld noi llttlu buy and FwrieJ him, in .tbo'lio abeared 40 sheep, between tbe hour a of 5 and 11 q pistol, p t , Ho WM, M , going gg W« alludud last week, to.tho Jargo snqw. bank him down j callrd liim B conard when } atrqek aay whother Pat Slid nnylhing o r . n o t ; Iwa'R lilD bollorlns '.' '' I bavo b ibot b tmyftt yftta," anij A, U., rolling and tying tlie wool also. i Malvcrn Ulll. 1V« (xro ioformed Uy.tlio f>n<-. him; ho did'.not ,'ijtftw, a pl|lol arterwards, aamuch oitlloJ nsho, Do not know wbr ' athemBolvea fltm-Hiiia lilmaplf, lie d,id not aaj sbo had Potato lmga aro rampant hcrA ai well ILB , jriiilcnilcnt of. tho, Thomas Mining Company, (Hero tiia "pistol wai shown, a Bmlth Jc Wesson anything-waa said or not aftor wo loft thn a fe. EVarjdpno anytlilHB. >Vhon Qironoj itrnek him MrBi elBcwbere, and I am Ztguz L n BU-shoolcr, about eloron inches long, wltli »'wliar b n t W , at that Jco C feet Hick pay be found at their inino llirco harrelB full anil threo empty, aud UioHen. IstoodklndDfononaBido of bur ' VTtBon car^e at Pat with, tha Bpoko of a light Jono 10th, IB7B, ulio was shot i ilia ii|ado no cjTurt (o (jot vegled(tiomnings of Vorkfn^ W e n ' t n d 'sorvautglria, failed nnd lost all hit mo.;oy, togotli cr with that untrusted to him, and wound up his careci them by aUqjiptiDj to.riopo jrltli a l yoiios.irlrl, whl'cji wils 'fruutralid. ' '• M O Fr p i n ™ . . , , , , , ; : . . . . . . . a U M Cm w m V w od m A F m W A w w U o H T w W o on m o w u W w w m h Om w T m Ow o ho m m T m m n w m m w m m W H w o T m w m bo M W w w OO w H m o H W o v bo W C U M U T H H m U m oM w m A n w h GOD Tho m w M W w w D T o w w O w o T w w w W O M W w w u w w m w m w ho m m A m w h T m G w F m T W WH T wo ho T M m wm w m m w m w U D w w U G U K U H ™ M O m w O m O m w m m H w m n * H M m m KK W m m m m m m B B & W M m m m — +^ O K U D H w __ W U O hu U n a m oo n o DU w m w A U w m m w H u A U AU L m U w m mm Tho o Uo U m D w U u b o A h G m m U K G m Um w D U mw n M N K A w V OM m m w C U V W o U R w m m D K w mw w w U m U m Uw U w m w U H w m w m U m m u w m U w o w wU U m U w wU w w C AC T m A w U mD my b w w 10 h b H U H o o m w U m mm m M D U o D W G m m M m V " O KO o a F m w m B n H T m U o m M U B m w H Bm H C T U m b o U B a m — w L H m w M o ho o m w H w Ho w m m o h D w B b n ho H w Q T U H B H o B A o Kw T by h W R C h C A ho m o o m m o m o U B m m o C m C n o W o w o A m m R w w bo L M D U U w by w V C N TY NEWS w WL Am T U D U 1 B N m nd K D H R KU o —w w ou up ho M U DB —T B K T C w T R R C mm o ow m ho o w m h D & U D U U o o w T wm w h w m u H m w m K m W TT w m m w o ho w m m m a W L H w M w m w m ar h m m D U ou L w n o w M T w T m H B T B h m n m B V m m On n No T m w nd T o bo VB U ho go m M p o m A ho m w Lm m w m o bo m m o ho m by ho u ho Th n M H a L m B w UR * m D D w K w o na U L ho m mBO m w w C o BO Tho L M m K B w o o M H TB w A m M T m o T B T w T B w m h B D nd H U P K U C y d hU hn o o m m m m m U m H m m ww D W V M w m»w U w A • , • . • _ . . - • . ; . . . . m m w m T H w W m o U m H W W h & hn m m Om H m U w m w w u nH D D w m Tb n w m T Km Q m m M H n T K H H K m m A H m m o ho m W H ™ « o o ho m M n A w m O W m H UV n d n llov. Niniuol ljtodlir.1, a LMHILT to tlio w cxuollont pastor of Iho I'rosbvtoriin Ciiuroh m m w m here, preached In tint ohurcUon Usttiunday w m o w m o evening. IIo has been for no mo lima laboring U Nw among tlio Indians uf Kninae, aud gavo a vory O h p itcrcstlag description of bin nBiocinUon with jorLol Onlhoaamu 1I4I0 na tho abovo Ctiildrtn'a — O Day WOH nlmrvoJ in thu M. E. Cliureb.nnd tlio O w w cvoniug Rurvico was dovotod oiclnuivcly to tlio o od ho children aud chlldrun'4 work. Various purls H m w w or tuu interior ivoro Joooifttoil with mnplo o and tliu pulpit hatnlHomuly omanient^ m withlcavitsaudfluwcrg Btispoudotl In festnonn, A new aiid appropriate luaturo of tho cxDrcixos was tho''recitation of piBHigeo of Scripture T R M uory b.v all vtlio uhoosod to tuko part T w m tiler ol 11, both yuung and uld, which passages— CB D V counisting mainly of promises aud heuudicm UotiK—lioru some rcmnblaiico in tbeir order to m w o w w w the tk'turattuiiB uf ontniued llon'vrs ami luavts. n M T Tho former pastor or this church, Itov. Mr. w w bo H Ituiiyan, wan prosout, &\n\ sjioko briefly of his H w M H mat eipcrieiito ou lliis chargo and of hfH pres- W H ho A nw ul location at Poajvck and Chester. IIo wasU W H OB nd Wm U m (ulluffod by Itov. Mr. llced, of Dauvill0, who T ihort nod inttiUEling nildross to (he pn o :hlldron. b x m m w Tho niiiuing man, Patrick Illloy, has been B U ow m n itird from in iho neighborhood or White Hall, Uo Tho iuMcxeountyr m T m p D w m ho nd o wm H o m m w w ho U w H w m m H uly t«w uoluiujr in m h w U O OTO n ho m w w bU wu w A m n m M w w D w O HM D m& m w H m U M m o w D w h L u m m T o A B o u m M bo on U w ho m P L _ U o on o ho T w w a o w w w w o w B w B m m w m M D w Ou & w m w h w h w o bo HQ w n U w D C m m w m w nd m m n nd m & B T o & o m w O M n w w w w on B h w w w h m M w Tho o W o m M w T w m w o m U o T U m w o m w O B W m w m W n w wo w D m om w L W a n b m o m w ow m m w D m W C w w H mm w m o m b mm o m w who m B by W w n A m V A C w A m m U m m o T n H U O w U Um w A w O T C B C mm C R m w T H W W Q m B & T H A B D m &m T o L H o Tbo B m A m w H u Q w K on bo H T D C o H T w L m w W Rm w m m W o o H m B T w w B T o h H b C T OX w b d h O ho o T w M A bo N B E C o A m w bo T A mm o m on T T n L o T T D w o K w m D w W O H w ww DOVER BANK. M. H. Dlekerson & Oo., ];IU]:.\II:I> nv Tin; .VUTK or si: have fullv demonstrated that their e S T O C K O:F* | Successor to Kcgur'ii lluuk nnd to (he "L'niuii lluuk at Dover/' OF DOVEIt. NEW JERSEY, Capital, - $150,000. Haulingliourf from 11 J. M- to -t v,U- l'l . „ . . INSURANCE AGENT. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Capital, - $100,000. itltutiuD Rirtn to ilio imrcbtfc mid «alo t | lioadt mil •>!!nr Kt-L-urita-s : tlie cullectluii <il ATTENTION GIV1.N TO TI1H IVKC1 funigD andduiuci'ic:[»iH.'r, dufw, cbcck«, & DEY GOODS and e J e of h'.l |:.UIIU- in tho a IWtion Notts, Chcclt, Ac. Ainu A nts fortiu-wft <•! Bt -AXD- DrifKuutbi- I'uiou iJiuk of I.juduii Iln •Uud, nuil IVovitu'lal Hank of Inland. M. i l . UlL'KEliKOS - - . i'reii WAJ1HKS SLOCK . . . Ci.Lur. COLOKED DBESS GOODS! in nKCiens. is unequalled by any in this vicinity. Alwitvs on huiul an ex"teusiro assortment of SI. If. liIf'Ki:p_SOX, JOHN' IIAXCK. ULStlY lSAKIIl;, JASILS U.LEWIS, T. II. r-|:riTEXlJKN. J . c;. I ' A U i n i . 2ttf SIMUX U1SEI. D r e s s Goods for a l l S e a s o n s ! PRINTS! CASSIMEEESH j Dover savings institution, SHAWLS!!! and in short, everything in the Dry Goods line that the ladies' need. Builders' Hardware of every description WOOD AND WILLOW WARE OF ALL KINDS. °™CK IK «>«* B * * I)»vi j B. Jnnlinc, S l t t Dickcrarjji, lUdiard Hltplitun, Uobertl'. L'riin, II. I'. SatiJi-rton, C L k J StIl OF ALL KIA'DS AXD SIZES. H E N B T MCFXBI-AN, W U . H . LAUDEB" ALFHEUS UEEUEB. . Tlie HiueiV Siiviiigs Bank Caiiitul 310,000,000. FBANKL1N OF l'lULADELPUIA, Cnpilal 85,000,000. HOME, - - " GO0.OO0, AT THE o m c i or TDH NATIONAL USIOX JUB. U. Neiglibour, Cha*. M. T J I I U , SU-plien C. Jterry, Himun Miltl, Jft». A. Onoaale, l;kl,ard Innkinn, U. S. Nonnio, " SOO.OOC IX percent. iuU-tcnt trill be paid on depokiti STAB, JI-KOJ- Cil.r, undo on or befuru the first dsyi of 3JiRCii, HUDSON COUNTY. Jmer City, 'r.tE, Sr-PTEHDEH and DECEHBEB. a y Open daily Irrnn 9 o'clock A. >I. to Ci.pitu! 8300,000 •Vluclr.x. STANDAED, Trenton, " 300,000. MANAGEBS: HENBT McFABLAN, OEORGE RICHARDS, EPHKAIM LIKDSLEr, L W. COKDICT, JAMES H. SIMPSON, COLUMBUS BEACH, W. H, LAMBEHT, I. B. JOLLY, THOMAS J. HALSEY. Wall-Paper and Window Shades."--*°fe EXTRACT irt'ai laViif Jacob Uyukl,'il.vM. l:i cast' JI. i.. i t E t r i : . .\t:.,n-.v. T J Y lirliiu i.f Itjt-al.... ,l=.«d«-ritit i.r fieriI - r . i.f fieri nit uf »tX J fai-im1 in W* liatnJ*. 1 tliill cilhjs.- .'.if si!.CHlLUIiE.\'-S.h family .-on afford tu • ll'ublii: Viuilu . si tin- Mji«ii"N liuuic IUK', FOB t l' iU SJ f iJl y r onAffd t n u if t*r»f.l.-l. J.-!, Wiliit-mii MONDAY, t l i u H M d i i j w f J U N E utixt. ] l( J J t l l A If. l&IJ. U, t w (.•(.• u tb.. Imnsof 12 M. Aud All TliroaU Diaeaiei drf'O, i:' *•• .u-il'-" oVK'tk I*. M!, is i i my i t '2 oV-lr^L ChaflURa' Oldfliirva,Uuils, FCIM> Cor , I ' "' 'd ani if(tTUooii i>f wia day. ill Hie folluiiujr <!•* Am-xle MUniatlon, leduccs twtiUu, i w l prutuint'ia f'»r tbe ciim i^ IUTIT umjuiv^ »>.» USE loi oiid im.-.l of litxl and |.r?«iN •«, lyinjf «n.l1 Wfi-iliiiS, i-iuuvtr UiBOoluraiiun olid heal. Uiiitf iu t.i» Towunhtp uf ltwLsw.v, in t tiinuty-four iluliaw anJ silly cvult', tlm t Mid rapidly. Cuaulv ut JL.ini ttid Stale at -SL-.V Jt-nt. to"the "irtueuth d ^ n n i a r r l i , A. D. 1&75, and liuitixiaiid bnuuititl u fullu^ : A.Judsou CWJ, of Don-r, his U-eu appointort pain ID tto I.tick audlolQi, fulliwis and pr"BI TCT VF 0XLT I S BLUE BOXES. On Hio Sdiitli. L» Linih of l'*lri(-k Mucu ; fnK-ptii) in Iha head, itaUbea, Turtigo. ti,c- noKt, l>.- laii:L of Tln.raai G-iim-i; on 1 Auditor tlK-tein.^^ M ( ^ V M T y Clork. A T H I E D AND B U E E B E M E D Y . (icu-tlt, Ly lisniov McCurwti-l: ;.ou ttsu «••!, IK LEUCOimnffiA it b » uo miaul. Ail k| u d t i^tu.1 Starch Hlh, 1S73. ___21"^ LIT, rtlii'C JICCOI'UI'II atifj I'liolaiitJIt^ about fiDu For a»lo by DrBBRlsU gcnorally, and ol uWratiufiB to which ladius ire subject tii. Murd* County SurrorJto'* Office. promptly curci}. Fuller tJutalla in limj,' , u ing o u t l ^ ^ " J ' J ' ^ J J ' ^ . SLt , riff< MAY 37th, 1S7S. compaoymg bach bottle. . ]>jK'd April Ttii, 187S. W-" ID tho matter of Jobn D. Vknon, AdminUtraPILES-bliad or blaodiuK-tncot lnotapt 'tvlitt tor uf MnIiniU I'itnuii, deo'd. Hurrufatoi oriJfi to limit cn-dilurs. and ready cum. No case, howertr diroriic u, N •pplidtion or tbe »bori-tiitncd Adtuinli. ob«tiuatt' can long nii-Uis » 8 u u 7 n » . WIIQI.ESALl. ISO BCTUI. DtiLtUI IK trator.iliioriliriN] by Ilio Surroiiate that TAIUCOSE VEIX8-]t la tho only tata cum . iwDfury of Saw Jonuv _F1- f*. Fors»l«(i • ml Adrfiloiatrafor Kiru public uotwo to tha EIUNEV DISEABEfl-lt baa no equal for pert.. -rrtjanfd iin-mincii. Wliiri-'in Hcnjanilu V creditor! o! tbe eeUto t-r wid decodeut to bring DLEEDJNO frnm ouy cauio. Fur this It ! • . in tbuir debli, doninnJt and claima agu.iat tha viH-cido. It bai savuil handroda of llveavhcn aatuc uodvroath, within uino months from tuti d«te, by Hitting np a copy nfijii order, within all other rcmcdiea failod to arrest blacaiuE LireQlydaya hemftor, in fit* ot tbe moit pabfrom uose, itnniacli, lung*, aud claenberu lio place* In tbo County of Morrif for t*o TOOTHACHE, Earache, Konralgla ana RLDU 1 NEIOHllOL'R A- SMfTU, Bolr *. months, and also within tbo said twenty daja mallamara allaliko rellcvcct, aud often per FOBEI0N Una D0MEBTI0. Y virtuo of tha kborc lUtud writ of fie br adTtrtlaing the tame in tbo IIOK E U , ODO maneDtlyoured. ' ' facim in tuy imnJw, I ulitll t-ipoji; fur u o! tho newspaper! of tbia Blat<\ for tbo tame POKD'8 EXTRACT COMPANY, Ofl MAIDRV at l*ahlic Vendor, (t the JUmton floato Hot* LANE, New Vork. 2Ma iu ll^rcUlowi., N.J..011 notice to bo miuccemwrj ; »Dd if t\ny ctodilo MOliDAY, tLo 21st iny ot JUNE ncxl aball neglect tocihibllblior her debt, demn H. M EOGEHBiOo'i A. D. m 5 , between the hour* of 1} II. and aud claim within tbeuld period of nine tuoull o'clock P. U., that ia to ay i t 2 o'clock iu tl public notice being Riren M kfore-uld, eat aftemoun uf naid diy, oil tint tract or pircil creditor nball be furoier (IcUtrred or hii or t Iain! and preinUca bereimflur particular action thvrelor egtinat tbo iiid A Jmi nut rat or. dcKTilicd, Bitunte. hinK*ndbtiucin (he toir E . E. WILLIS, Sarrog«le. ahip nt lloihury, fu tho County uf Moirii am A true copy from tho minntoi: 24-10 .SUto uf Kuvf Jcta-y, butti'd t a d bounded *i fullowi: JJfcluniiig at a conitir in tlioaoutti Ferrecily pure ind freii, CQXSTAHTLT OM H*JJI> T H E lUaOIHT BTOCK i : Morel* County SurroffBU'f Offic*. t-rij- otlgo c.f Cciifrt Blreot in ibo villas* of l'oi-i p]catant to tako, rvj t r MOllUIl COt'NTr. llorris, ind rutufrcm theure (1) north thin TltABE 1IA11K. tUDeuTuxDittECTioKori Al'ItlL 10th, 1B75. ihr«t (legrteiaridiiUyminuUrB wealrnieliu ..I'Eitioii juwjt. I t iti deoidod and jwrininuut ilnd aud Ufty fcut to a curuur ID tLc oil In tbu tiulk-r of Abraham J . Kinutciitt and in its effecH Io all c a u l of Wetk Lungi, CQQ. Unfls of Nailiau Unrig ; ilnnco W north Hi* luaoc Kinnlcntt, Eicciitora of Sjnsn KiniiillM deprocs cast illtr for\ to • comer ; then cutt, J«'d. riurrogalu's OrdertuLitnllOreo all WHO and TUHOAT b\HEiiiEH, A i t lor [tor*. Itngtri & Co.'a I'UllE SEWFODKDLAND COD (3) auuili lUirtv-lLruudigrccHuiid afiv nilDiil OVEli OIL.. Piiro 60 eta. par bo tile, (8 ox.) SXS application of the aliovo uumBd £»•> caitunuhauilicd mid titty feot to a corner \J utora, it il orderod by tbo Surroga for Halo by drugs In U generally. Wliolonk Lj tbi nurllicrlrtdyi- of sail Centre atrw-t ; then that said Eiecutora i-ivo publlo notico I MCKUBSOII & liuhhim, K. Y. Carter, Ilirrii i (4) along tliii northerly eJ^o or lahl LVi>tbo creditors of ttio eiLto of «>ld dwedent elriitt BOu Iii fifty-live de^n-cif ircit Oftj feel ti Hawlej, Bouton. briOR in tbeir dubti, demandi and clalu. the Pisco of li^giaiiiuH, contftiniDg ninekt NONE GENUINE WITHOUT TIlADEUAItK agaiuRt tho lame, tuidor oath, within clai JiuoOridtlifl or DU a<.TL' of land, inuru or leaf. le, by Mtting u p ft copy o JI being the sumo lot coun-Jt'd bv Nathan snly (itja bereafter, in fit. D»'i« tlid l'»jiny IJW wjfe. to Ilio mid Frank J. tcca in tlio county ot Mcr< DVEItTIHINO: C I I K W : flood: HyitemaUc. Davis, by deed dati-d DL-cmilxJr 23d, 1811, and DBUGS *>D FAMILY MEDICINES, md aim wilhfn th« t rctcrdcJ in the Morris Const.f CLrl'n Offlc twentv day* by advertising the same in . . iu l«)Ok D 8 of di-cOs, p»jo 687, Ac. tract* cifh ncwspjiKd for tlm InKrtlon of JtSHF- HOFFMAS, Sberiff. Inos iia* ono of tbo nowapapora or ihia Hlate, 1 for tbo samo apace of time (t!ioHnrrogi,toJudX' I . Ilowcll A Co., 41 Park Itow. Nutr Yotk, fur Ibk'd April lOtli, 3B75. 2«i ing auy further notice to be nnnoceiiaary): and tbalr l'AUl'RLET-UOOK ( u1 l n o U T e n t h tdiif m y creditor sbaU neglect to cihlblt tila oi i f / m l jinratalsalno t t a t n AT* avnt 9 fiskfl nnBfasataiB^iKher debt, demand And claim wilbin tbo tild ptriod of nine months, public notice being gifan OABPETB, OIL CLOTHS, aa aforcaaid, such creditor shall be Torovei Iu Chancery «f New J e r w y - F i . fa. Tor «alo debarred ot bis or bcr action therefor agaipil mortgiged prcroiBOf. Wlicreln Jub Iluit CIIOCKBRV, T i n , Wooden a m Coninlaiiiant and Israel 1), Coudtt and Caro tbe said EiMuton. liuo tiii wift, Elleaboth M. Kitchel, Koffton a £ . E. WILLIS, Burrogato, N f ) A DnllyloAgrnlt. B3ii(iw irticlcituil Willow Ware. Kitcbcl, James I'.Kilchcl, Ei eta tors, Ac. Tin A trac copy from the minutes. ltf-10i BJjyJ the butt Family Paper In America, KttioDdl Irou Hank of HoniistOHn, Ileiirj O. Filutvo ti Chronioi, frte. Cook, James H . liruen. Jumts W. Itrnoii U4\t Ail. Sl'FQ Co., 000 Ilntadwiy, N. Y. VilUam E . ltouvrdl, Clmtlca I toe, Jr., Alannoi ADJ0DENED SHERIFFS SALE. 0. Decker, William Mcliauolcls. Bamucl W 'furrej, I « u c JIcIIo.c, Jcrouio L. ltuvor, 11 Iu Chancery of NOIT Jersey—Ft, fi. For salo mortgaged prcmiMs. Wbercin Jamea Uliifib Valley lieilnia.l Com pan v, Wlllbin arocerlol, Canned OoodB, Urlotl Frulli Htraiue and Joe W. Uiralne aro tbe Conplaiu. Fancj Wbltnur, a^orfie 1). JkCVflrr, Mablon B Tom, Coffet., Hugara, Spkoa and orurj BUIH, Charles F. Msryoit and Uary £ . his Kt-uimertr, Tlio Orange National bank, Tim thing in tho Urocot7 Hue. _ . JgantiuidlioDonblairllbiioriik. wife, Jeremiah Klrlitmo, James Cinmn, Alfnd Vt.vct Bank, Iga*c Ilmicu, Lncan K. Hchonn K>/jJK All pigo djcnlarmaYalr"Dell and EdwardIldl.AiliiiinlitMtorinfJei makcr, Hiram S^lioonmakiT, and Cbtitter nIt Del!, deceiHbd; Ketrlun H. Kltchell, Davi I DiTiiir«D»rt>DJiDli ltclumabluM . Hiersou, WailsmBiralnG and Sarah Hwaine an D i i r D » r t > D J i D l i . ltclumabluMavTc A.U.1B75. Dofendanti. Itetannble May Term, 1874. ISAA0 ROMAINE. 8o|. S E i a m j o n J. S H I T H , B*>W». T) V vlrluour Tho silo in behalf of tho »1>OTO parties atanc the ftbom utitcd writ of fk J_> > facia u in m j hands, I aball 11 pose for aal adjourned totako place at the Mansion Houi WHEUEVER IT HAS BEEN TRIED t i' i'uhlic VcnduG at the Ma union Ilouio Hole! Hutel,inM'.rriNtnii:n,N.J.,nn in )lorristo«D, K. J., ou MONDAY, JUNE 21 il, HONDAY, llf! latU daj- of JULV lint, b r a , UK.l . n J Hiuioi M.lorl.l. of all Unda. A. D. U15, butneoa tho boilrt or 12 M. and A.I). IB75. between the lioun of 12 M. nn 1 Fowihr aud F a l l , Huam and Oaa l'jp, auu o'clock I'. M., that la to «av, at 2 o'clock iu tbo o'clock, I , M. Fittingi, Cut Naili, Dalldpra' Hanlwaro, Btack- t i n eHtibllntod itself aaftporfvet regulator m d afternoon or said day, all'tbat tract, or parcel 2 H w JESSE nOFFMAN, SlierilT. fliultha and CarpODten1 l^ola, Ktoatn Vackln •DUGuuiEuv fordisordora oftlio lyitem arlalDB of laud and pn:uUcs, Bitu.te, lying and btioR olallkinda. from Itnpropor aclion of tbo Liror and Jtowcli, in Iho Towunbip of Itoilury, In tbu Comity o Being large nhok'Balu burera, n r arc cnaLlod I T IS NOT A PHYSIC, Imt, by Btimolttlnft ADJOURNED SHEBIFFS SALE! Morrip, ami Stato or Xcir Ji rsuy, hounded am to utter all goodt at.cheapeat ralea. be a<?crctlva orifiiu, gently and trndmlly dticribed as fullowi: In Ubauccry nf Xcw Jersey—Fi. fi. For sale retnorei all Impiirttici, »ud icgulatoa flo entire J l i t k Cog.lllACKWEU. and SUSSEX Si., Mortgaged premises. Wuercln 8JIT»DIH La»rencc is Complainant, and TLom'.i F.Wagnar r n r h iTde f tlie Morris & x Jtallr " i T IS NOT A DOCTOItED DITTEns, but h 1 m d »>rab bin wito, and Jlose. K, Applegatiatirl a Bbort dlitnnco to tlio wctt at tho Drak are Dcfendantn. lleturnsble to Fcbruai villu depot, and ii alaoacomorof Isndco Term, A. p . 1S73. Vfm. HOLT, Hoi, by foid llurt and wife to Tlionwm J . Hiliwy, run* thence along BiiO Ilalaoj'i lluo aa tbi The salo iu bcbiirof the above pirtica atan< ucwllo now points (1) north tocntT ono degn.' totaks place ml tlio llaiialuu Hoii which aBii»tB digestion, aud thus itlmnlatci ucet twenty-four chains and Iwcntjr Units to •dlourwid Hotel, in Morritttoffn, N, J . , on tlio BpputUu for food nocaoiary to lutt|(onta utako and tstouet on tbo top ot tbo tnonntnii tLo weakened or inactive organi, and g t r n tlidico (2)«outh ulitv-lwo dtL-reeian) tweu the inacti MONDAY, JUNE 28th, - t ^ ^ h ^ . l . I t • •all . * k lIbi l ^ t KwnhB tiiinutiji. went eloren chaliiH and nincty-flvo lin strength vital f to n heap uf atones llirea links west of • amal A. D. 1873, bolweeu tha boars or 12 U. and It carries carries its its own own recomnionuatlon, rec nuatlon, iiss ttLo It -ANDo'clock, P?U, white oak tree, said stones being tbo i rgc and d rapidly idl incrcaslnesalealoitlfy. i eloitlfy PPries 2Ww JESUli HOFFMAN, Rlieriff, corneroflintf returned to Hull Tuttlo L u dollar a bottle. Auk year drugalit for It, which tliU ia a m r t ; thouee (U) along the tint JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAYACo., lino of said Tuttlj tract Bonthrortj-niiiB degree* A D J O U R N E D S l l E R I F P ' S S A L E ! Tba liaudaouicat sod tha BOBI. lo AgonlH. (H-im) rhlfadelpbU, r » . and tfn minutes taut leu cliaim to a «barp rwt, tbo bogmnlDK corner of iuid tract; Ihcnc In Chancery of No* J o n o v - n . fa. For ialo ol following the closing lines oi said survey soutl ALLEN, PALMER i SON, mnrtRaffcd prumfiea. Wherein Paul Qrlm • 5 t o 810 net day. Aconti minted. AH ttifrtj'Bix degrees west four chains and fift ii ConiiJainaiit, md Kliu M. WhiteftudAnn cliiica of working puople of both l e i a i , yaaug links } tbonco (5) north fortj-fonr decreca wen M. Im wlfn, NoUn Btlcklc, Andravr D. Seal and old, raako more monoj at work tor nt. ia n B L X T E IlOOPrNQ in all t h o r a r . tlirco chainB to ilako and atannj thoiice ( aru Uffetnlanti. Iteturnabin io Febrnat ,..,, owu iocalilei, during tbeir (pare moaieuli eombisattoni of it/les and colors which may be tteir south thirly-sii decrees went BISICCD cbtim Term, A . » . 1875. all tlio time tUau a t any thins else. We offer desigasd o r required and wblcU Hooting flate is or tho north ildo lluo ui the It&llrwut; tbeiico { ompioyincnt that will puy bundioinelyfar averr ioemiocnilj quillfltd to produce, KEiGimoDBifc Hurra, Balr'i. aloug tba north lino tborccr to tlio plico hour'* work. Full partlculari. ternii, 4 c , iont Tli« •llu in boluir of tlio ttbOTa pirtleiatandi TLB b« a t quaUty or Bl*te wlU bo atn free. Send u i your addrois a t onco. Don't l>ogliiiilng| ooataining Iblrlf'four ocrt» At tweaty-flve hundredtbs ol an acre, more or lex adjourned tu take placo i t tlia Manilon Homo our work wsrranted to prod ace IU tbo cow delay. Now 1B the time, Don't look for work *Dectt of a t l ^ t and durable roof. or bualneii clunkere, until TOO bars learned Sciuc tho aatuv prcmitoa lliit wore couvcyc Hotel, in Morrlatovo, M. J., on AIXKN.l'ALMti'.iBON, what no offer. O.BTXKSON A Co., l'ortlatit], to Hid Iirocl D. Condit. by deed from said Jo I MONDAY," JULY 6th, Hurt and wlfo dated Juno 301 h, IBTi. IB tf Doier, N. J . JESSE HUFFMAN, Sheriff. A. I). 1B75, belweoa tho houri of 12 V. and CaUd UareU Ctb, 1S7S. 8C-S' o'clock I', M. SMw JESSE HOFFMAN, Shsrlff. Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS, ISOE ItlCUAlOMl, EPBRIIU LlKDSLCX, LONDON aud LIVERPOOL nod I I C D S O S U O A O W S D , J A S . \V. B E O T B E B T O K ULOEE, Capital 820.000,000. AUUUIT It. IilOQ9, COLVUDCB BEACH, ISAAC AV. S E A D I S U , ISAAC 13. J O M X T , LANCASHIRE <,r MANCHESTEB. RICHAHD GEOBOE, JOHN W . JACKSOK, Cajiilal *10,O0O,OO0. S Htorv Baitr. M. II. DitVtrnon. Tboj. It. Crittemk-n, Altx. Wightou, J a . lioden-T, B O O T S J^lSirD S H O E S A LARGE AXD WELL SELECTED STOCK OP COLUMBUS BEACH, Frea't. JAY. S. TREAT, Cashier. I>I H E C T O R S . OF POVCU, N. J . J011S HASTE • JAMES 11. J-LWIB W.ULHEN fcCGUi ATTA0HMEN11 nonius ciituurr COUBT. NATIONAL UNION BANK1 Freeman Woodjj:.SHERIFFS SALE; PEOPLE'S. Ko*urk, UIBEHKIA, " " •• 800.009. 200,000 HUltBOLT, " 200,000 •• REAL ESTATE fiEOlGHlDSTGl "SHERIFFS SALE. Q DRY GOODS B FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, etc, BOOTS and SHOES, iw« Cod Liver Oil. CABlUAGES. iJS.ii.S 1 ""™" KNIlY aicFAB/JVli, President. Office, in lfcvtr omuK'UC£ liaii runuiiiff ui>on al PURCHASED and SOLD Clover and Timothy SBE1J, EI'IUUIM U S D S U ' Y , Vico IVrtiiONit. r n tht- lirst davof March, June JSuptoniticr anil ik'Lf-mlK'r, uhich w r slis! JAY H, TnEAT, Truaiturcr. fintt tiappcii next after the dupusit U made. Plows. Bone Manure, Dover, Feb. 17,1873. 11.1/ WAliilEN HKOUK - • - Trcaiurt-r Choice Lots in Dover, Super-Phosphate of Lime, for italii cheap, and Cement, Plaster, &c. GAGErfcHAISEY FALL and WINTER. H O U S E S TO L E T > IRON AND STEEL! GAS PIPE, and FITTINGS LUMBER WIIITIiOCK & LEWIS. OF ALL KINDS. • Denier* i n MORRIS and Tlio Lacliea' ami Gentlemen will please bear in iniad that E. <T. Huberts' Patent Parabola Needles, Freeman Wood, Jiuticc of Iho Pent- nud Police l l i g i i t i TIMBER, Tho very best iu the world," silvery iu polish nnd graceful iii slinpe; uUn Ttolierts' Groceries, Give ua a call. Wo nre BOCSD to sell for LESS PROFIT than any otber house in DoTcr. Crockery, Dover, N. J. Wood & "Willow "Ware Orders for Sawing and Planing ORAM, HANCE & CO., P O R T ORAM, KTJ J. DEALERS IN HARDWARE, Stoves.- Stoves, Dry Goods, Groceries, Provisions, Hardware, THE OLD STAND. Hats & Caps, Boots & Shoes UNION HALL BUILDING, CROCKERY, WOOD AND WILLOW-WARE, Hot Air. Furnaces, lilacUell Street, Dover, IltOftuiltl UltASS CASTI.VliS, tins l'ipc nnd FlttingH, FORGINS of all DESCRIPTIONS, CARPETS, OIL NKWSTORK! NEWFIEM Of tho latent and most Imp roved styles, fur wanning public and prim to buildings. A lnrgr Bafortrocntof Stoves, cbear for m i l . ' COOK, P A H L O l t , H E A T I N G Mining Materials of all kinds. lOTHS, MATTINGS, &c, &c, STEAM AND GAS PIPE AND FITTINGS STOVES, RAJSTG-ES, Powder, Fuse and Ac, Also a Tiirictj* of COIfSTAOTIiY O S HAOT. Lime, Lath, Plaster, Cement, Brick, «&c. ALBO, DEALEBS IN Slulerinls coustiiiitly on N E W GOQDS. THE MOST DURABLE TKE CHEAPEST. SPRING and SUMMER BAKER & BEEMER SHERIFF'S SALE. Jn Chanctrf of NOTT J e r s e y - n . fa. for lalo KEBOSESE OIL, mortgigod iirciniaoi, Wleroln Abrahan iaving camlilernbly enkreed their new BIC aituborlain aud Jobn ChaintiorUlij, Admin' LANTERNS AND . room, iitratori of John 0 . Norman, dco'd, aro Com' pUInnntri, end Barak T. Klrbola, Mir* It, BBITTAMA WAEB, Nltboli, Lovla M. Hllli, Mn. Lenla M, Illlli, Oar. BL&OIWILL & WA BEEN Bis,, •Tbo American Fannolllng Micbica Company A fall BEiortmcnt of Cor. Glackwell ana Morris Streets, Edward Kiueild. Auitiu Jcnkini, Alfrcj Jon Jiin», niram (jarmtion. Eli as It. Wrigbt, Jobn r. Wakcman, Jotm V. Mattitou, Edgar Sherman, JoUu Unter and Jariis* iuagcwiy ar Lan> Htockcd it nitU *n entirely now aiaort Dolendanta. ltotarnablo Mar Term, A. I 1B7S. EDMUND I). IIAL3EY, Sol'r. FRUIT CANS, 4 a , TIN ROOFING, V virtue of tho ftltoTo stated writ or fle facias IDraybands, I ulul) oxpuao Tor sal EAVES, TROUGHS, at public Tcnduc, at tho Mansion Uama Hole! in Morristowu, N. J., on J.EADt;its, nnd all kinds of Jobbing tnmjllnc, PE1LFJI IN dona in Ibo bent manner m d at tlio Bhortca bolli foreign and dooiGntic, inclnrivo of a flm MOKDAV, tho 12th day of JULV noit, otici', HifflieitprlceB paW for old Iron. lino of INDIES DllEBH OOODS of tho l&l A. P . 1875, between Iba bonr* or 13 o'clock andfio'clock P . M . , that la to i»y, at 2 o'ekCopper Ic»l acd patrtar taken in uscliange in Itio aftemoon of Maid day, all those severe r gol* iricU of land, situate in tbo Unrnnhlo ot JelXaf iVLEXANDER WIQUXON. son, io tho County of Morris and Hlato of 1-lrr Pcct uljor21tb, 1B70. Jonoy, buttud ami boupiled aa follow* i In all pBrti ot Ilia 01 t j m d viclnlt' # Tlio First Tmut sitaato on a rldra nctr Ibi at tlio LOWEST MAnKET VAIOES, In ' hcail of Neirfouudlmid, bclivecn tdo dwuljlo; iiuaulitics to suit piu-cliBHcre. ptice or Qarrot Cooper and Jobn Davenport bcRinningatastako and heap or B.onon l^lni A special department and full aelcotion, the firth comer or a. tract of S2 71-100 aero returned to Lemuel Cobb, Uarcu 13tb, lbO AND 1DOMHHTIC and recorded in book 8 14, page 173; thenco For Laming in open grates. DurDB nifj flam rnnning (1) aortb six and a h*ltOogWi r ~ and froo irom imok»and sulphur. HucU fortyelgbt cbiius; tbenco (2)AOUIII fiftydegrees treat toyon chittii andfiftyllu Flicapcr t l u n Capuvl Cod. Also fur family medics! UBO. All vtftiTaQtod Ibenco (3) aoutu tffentr-eight dccnwi t •- ' ircbslnn; tbonc8(4)|OUtE»oTonl genniua nnd perfectly poro. # A (MOD ASBOllTUKXTa Dr.-H. U. CHAJtfBRE,' STOVES 11 Reduction in Prices a i the New Tin Store at Port Orant. TIN & JAPAN WARE, CITY COAL YARD. M.SIGLEE, All kind. oniiOTcrjIstcal Lohigh, Scranion, & Bituminous ylnof Cooking Stoves, Parlor & Heating Stoves, Itimgee, &c. Tinwaio, •plain and japanned ; Tin Booflng, LBVUDXIRS, THOTTGHS, ebc. A Tcryfln.aaortniout of Lamps, Lamp Fixtures, Lanterns, & c , Anil a vtuletj of other articles usually kofet la a well lupptiotl Tin Store. PLUMBINC and all kinds of REPAIRING Hcatty dona and pioroptly attended t o , J. CHAPMAN, " Wo fiuarmleu Ui give satisfaction. GBAND OPENING Merchant Tailor, IHnckwell Street, D O V E R , S. J . SPRING mid SUMMER OF • 1 8 7-5. takes pleasure in tonounclng of Doror and vicinity that be T. C,ritliens has takan (ho now store on Blickwoll street, ai lolnlns Whitlnck ft Lewis', where lie Intends conducting a FIILST-CLABS an J liai on hand »large stock of FOREIGN CLOTHS CASSiaiEItE,S -AND- Alio % flno lisa of ttio licat American Gradts, which lie will mike up to order to the most h%h~ loniblu al'lcB,ftttwenty per cent below Urotdwaypricei. Also a. fino assortment of JIHVCIUXT TAII.Olt « M OLOIllUSn, Takea plcaturu In iiotitymfc tba puljlio Voxcr and vicinity Iliat ho m e t tho MOST CAUTIOUS WAY MEN'S, YOUTHS' and BOYS' WEAR, Gents' Furnishing Goods, at ptleca to ault crerjbodv'a twciiut. Also a rullaaaortEuontof 13 am NATIONAL LESTE LIVERPOOL and GREAT WESTERN MAIL STEAMERS. rASgEROEBS BOOKED 1O or FBOSI L i i r e r p o u l , QaeenstoTTu, GlasE«w, Loudouderrfj L o u d a u , Bristol o r CardlrT. For TICKETS tlul P.tlicuJiri >pplv to READY-MADE CLOTHING for old and yoaiig. Also, eoostnutly ou lirud a (all lino of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. TkaoktoE Ho pollle (or palt laiora, I moat oordUlljlavll. every on. o eomo and >atinl> ibcmatlicB Moro E oln s olaotrlioro. 13-K. B E D O E S A 3 I I E SAYS. "PEOPLE'S STORE." (ONE PRICK OJVJ^r.) QltESS GOODS, E. LDTOSLEY & SOU, rieix. roruga, iiKiiiiioa, TELTTTB, EJUT D'ETES, lEPxxuim, oLoinxns, SHAWL*, raiHLcr AXD BROCHX ; flmoxc u r n DOCJJIJE XLJUIXET BHAIVLB, BHAFT3 oo LlVEBTOOIj nod tlio llOYAli BANK ot IRELAND nt LOWEST BATEfl. XMf. CARBONITE. Wines and Liquors, FIRE WOOD. Hartell's and Hennessy's COGNAC BRANDY, COMMON and FRONT BRICK GROCERIES and PROVISIONS, FRENCH BUANBIES. FINE o r J ) ItYE inilSKEY, BOUItliON IVJHHKKIT, r u i t E A P r r . E ViiiaKEy, ISU'OItTKD AITLK imANDIES, ClIAMrAONEH, l'OUT AND KUEllltV WINES, ISI]>0nT£D JAMAICA l i u u , - UOEr LAND GIN, PKAUIJ JJIMSpY, BUPEIIldllHUH.AllBAO. AND WINE l'UXCHEH, FiuiNCH C O H D I A L S I H V A K X L L \ AND ALL KINDS OP 1'JAVOllS, UUNGAIUAN AKDRHINK VINES. BWlSa BTOMAC11E BITTEIIS. I'lUK HI1ICK and U U V , DEAIN TILE, OVEN TELE, Masons' Material, &c, ' Bergen Street, near P. P.. |)OVr,R t o MOUNT HOPE, NEW BBI0K KUILDING ax AMD s o x u n c . LEST e * c t u u c u r e , rUITE OOODB. OLOYXB, Donx&r, L1CXB. W. 8. BABBITT, 'A THIN6 OF BEAUTY 8DGAR3, MOLASSES. FLOUU b variuui branJ., .rram ttio loiU inlll CANNED GOODS, JlirJTEn, cilEESI!, EGGS mid I.AHD Wholesale Orders north uCe ot tho Uivcr liiWRo 3ST. ST. • UKIED FUUITS, /VUTS, fUjmNTIA OS BASD. BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE fur liquor* nnd wliiim promptly ailed. J Kioto on SUSSEX BT11EET in tlio In cji] ding tliofilicit grades of TEAS, COFFEES, SPICES, ami every Iliiu^' p!no in tLo lino of tlie trade. A tplvatifl itlui-kuf FOIIEION AKD DOMES'f JC flEQMIS, L.'D.BOUWAIIZ,. InBelGCtlDgluaatGckrur tlionbovo acajous t regard to STYLES and PKICES, cou*i«lliiK or all kladi aud gradoB or material for Ready-Made Clothing I N M A N LINE, BOOTS and SHOES, L. D. SCHWARZ. RASPBERRY BYUUPS Tailoring GEORGE FEDEE Establishment, DRY GOODS, B on 0x9 road Ictdlne from By M-, Sjgler, AT LOW pJ1JCES. AS GOOD AS THE BEST —AKP— CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. A J O Y FOREVER." CLOTHING Apothecary, Dickerson Street, STOVES! ROOFS! VEGETABLE TONIC •SLATE hand, i Merchant RAILWAY TURN TABLES, Iron and Steel, FURNITURE, COOKINQ STOVES. nnvEit, N. J, STEAM ENGINES, promptly * leoutul. Groceries nnd Provisions, JURUBEBA Glass Ware M. H.DIGKERSON & Co. SHERIFFS SALE! HARDWARE: MOULDINGS & BRACKET Blackwell Street, Dover, N. J. A FURNITURE : F L O U E AND FJ3ED DOVEH, N. J. SASH, BLIND, DOOR, H A T S and CAPS, ABENTS WANTED. MACHINE & IRON Co Finest Itnzoi* Steel Pocket Cutlery, Scissors imrt Razors, Elegant of Finish and Keen of Edge COUNTY DKY GOODS, MINING CLOTHING POPULAR PURE DRUGS A.. SIMON, CHEMICALS, MERCHANT TAILOR PATENT 3IEMCINES, FASHIONABLE CLOTHIER, P E H F U M E R Y , TOILE bai determlued to romaiu in DOVER, aud bi_ conseqnmtly mado graater yreparatloa than e m before for Ilia Spring and Bummer trade. I l j stock of looda lor AND And Fancy Articles • i o . , 4o. Physicians' Prescriptions Carofullr couiEtoauded at all hours. OTTSTOM won: bai boan carofnllf aolected and comprise gmles and qnalltlea or flnrat A FINE HAIL TO LET. . A » n ; Uall, S 2 1 « / m l , n i l mtod up, lullJ\. al)ls for secret societies, is oflored to loBM »; tl.i subBcriber. Tlio 1UU Is sltnaud In Ihs t»uUdins b j him on Dlscknell slraat FEENOH AND ENGLISH OLOTIIS, "»'«• occupied . UI»B. 1VATS0S. teen cbaina i t!iouco(7) suuth io»eniy-foar d groei cast ten chattn; 1 hence (S) north thir elgbt dejrreoa vcat fifteen chalm nudflftj linki - For Mudicinal Furposcs, thenco (U) uorth tblrlj-elght dcgreei ca twehe chains ind forty liuVi to tlm place i begianiug, containing ility-uino acrus a t twfutT-6ii hundrodtbi of m aero atrio t mcwiiro boinK (ho same tract ofland tint wss returned Constantly on hand. to Audrovr Ball, January 21it 1823. and rucorJed TUX STOCK O r at Portli Auibor in look 8 VJ, P"«e 1»1; boiuu alfa tho timu trnoi ot land (list nag cauvoTct tn Oirrot Coojicr liy Silai Dell by dcoj <la(c« THE 0LDE.8T STAND IfJDflVER Mardi 25lh_, Ib23, and recorded in tho Morrla Couutj re«uter of dcoili Iu l>ook N K or dpc ' . r i m oterjtlilpg l a the Itne nt Mon'i, folio* 413 m d 411. BEEMEFfS MARKET, Yontb'i m d CUitiirfpT* V s i r ^ n i U e rip la the The Hotnnd Tract IM-IHR tbo nacio tract ••«•' Bljleg, Aliriji't full line of laud aud premise I that wan coiiTovcd tu tbe ..._nSr AT. •aid Oarrct Cuotwr from Bilai Dell, by deed SUSSEX STBEET, and copy of tl dole! rt-lininr; 13th, 11126, ami recorded lit tlie SRNT V R B B . JOHM HICKUNO k Co., MorriB County register of ducda in took W W (srjiit THE nivEa nniDaz,) of iloedi, fclioa 29 nod SO, and t i deacrlbed la AN!) LIQUOKS DOESKINS, 0AS8UIEEES, Sweedish Leeches V E S T I N G S , no., READY-MADE CLOTHING Gents' Furnishing Goods, will bo supiiUed tlie preBont season with hctid of Xcnrfomidtsud, in tbo Town a Lip. ol S t t T FISH, HALT 5f]?AT, JIAMg_. Jpfiertfon, In the County ut Ittorris and eaitcrc divlllnn of Now Jcncy, leglmiitu; »t a ttake and stone* l.eing tbo fourth ooroec of a, tract TRUNKS, VAU9ES, ETC., ETC. of CD ail-JUB acres ret tuned to Andrew Jlell ou iH TUKIB F&OFEB TfKCS. tho'Jilt day Uf Jnamrr, 1 1M3, abd'»cord«d 1 A n d l kctocted stock or tlnu ooil fancy Oroco boob H )D, pngo l&l; tlieope rnnning (1) norti twentj-ciglit de«ree* cast UHtca uhnlnu an BEEF, F0HK, \T3AL, ricB aliTavit on Land. SPECIAL, MENTION. thlrlcou liuU; 12) aonlli fifty OoRroca weit ol«Tcn chulni and sixty lluki: (31 aoutli seTeuMPTTQN, 1 liaro actsnnliieil tbli seaaon to tako opo teen dugrcci en it l i t chains nau fltlocn lioki to tlio pkco of berinniiiff, cantilnioji " myaelf tua an[crrlfllon of tho calling dcpatl lcrciinit tweuty-eight tiuadrcillbs of an - - t I aba)) j i i o (I n i j acllra pononal atlan itrtct tneaanrc. • " - •" ' ' . . and will Bae luat 'all ordora ate ijall am Tim Tbird Tract itcgtuniDP i t » tlcad vbltc Iho b«al 111 i market. W . l u k o a ap«lall T ' " "<• oal; |rec, marked with tba let tort F. n . bolng uf klllioj .11 our o«n moa^ and t h i n f o n liio» proiaptlyfillod. .i , Bt nurthifpgtcrlj curncr of a iurvoy on that it it or tlio Lest. All kinds of A.WM0* Apd>l»b.llH. i$ rivor, formbrly mtdo by Frederick HATS, CAPS, Choice Meats and Vegetables, CROCKERY* EARTHEN WARE, BAKEtt & HEEMEIt. P S Y C H O M A N C Y . O K S O U L CHARMINO." How citlwr BOX may faicliialo and gain IIOIOTO and affections orinypcrion theycbooii jslantijr. Tills aluplo, mental acqniremeDt all caHpomaa, free, br until, for S3 ctt., tocothor with a marriapc guido, Egyptian Oracle, rfreanii Hints o Udfin: Wedding-KiEbt Hhiti, Ac. A queer book. Ailtlrcn • •• 2M» T.lVlLLUjrtCo., Pnta., Phila. OAOTIOS-XOIIOE-Iho OEOTIKE DE1TI0N. LIFE nnj LABORS of ANOTHER IN" PBIOES t of 2 N|Eyy QUARTERS! .— •.—1.7"™J"".""HO u.miiunLHil) ,M curlDSIIIes, wonders and wealth of that nftrT0l ; ona conntry, ami la absoluulr thff onlvnew; comntato worV. Bells : > a l Ihtak ll.orf Orst soicii wools, BOS (aces, ifo rare Ill's. o n » . 3. AECDII walled. Send for TE11M8 and p o i I n proof. IimillAIip llBaS.,-EnSi < hSrs^'iH > AOENTS WAMTBDFOB- • BETTER ACCOMMODATIONS, ilall»m|itr^a^|| dflpiV°W^p C. THOS. BOLITHOS PATHWAYS.of the HOLY LAND. ? * ( • foil aoicrlptlon or Paloallrio,- Its HlaRestaurant and Eating House, „lorj, AmtaniUsii IiilublUnls and raitooi, CHESTER, N- J. Parlor, Dining-Kooin .O. B. GAGE, . SUSSEX STREET, EEAL ESTATE KITCHEJf FUBNITDEE. A. TAYLOR'S 3OLLECTION AQENCY, St., HOUSEKEEPERS. D O V ^ E , If. «T. OYSTERS in every style. JAS. SEARING .ft p, TJNDERTAKERS;,' TTNDERTAKIIirG. The S&fcst. TO SUIT TANIC TIMES. ODcrs for u l u • well gelecUd itock of iiyorion, HarciT'siVt""iTBsV'aniirccordud'^a took H i, page 14T; thonce (1) north fourteen kfpton hand aa imm ai (h«r «nii!ar Io (h« WARNE'S FLOUR DEPOT degreca •n.rhl., a.4 a.U at ^Lionabl, [flc.i'. ' ' ' andlhlrtjr D)!tjutc» « t t . eight cbalun: aUnt Parisian Floor t i o GDpcrLtl, aj north li? d e r a e i m d (htrtr minatei cai Tho hlfboat market prieoa paid In caah, (or urily, vciy bpal, f5 Sdnercirl,, 110 COpcrbbl. He«r HWn, Vnl Sktoi anaslioop Sklna, bo<sh iola,aploptlMprocosi, K H porawt, 110 50 •< Chieftain rateul 1'IOCMB, 15 55 per ow(., $J0 00 •1 I I . matkot, Coatom.pi m p p l U b j «ajoi TacadiH TlmrailajB and S t d C17BUI, aplcodld. I I SO per oirt.. IS M por U A tall ulll astla/J all tli«t »Uit «o m p la ilztvllnki; (0) flontli ality-tbreo dffrcoi and thirty ralnaten oaat nlcht cltalcfl t o l h o iilaco n l . of tlio beat. EVEIl *1£EK tH TIT of beginning, containing fllty-two icrci o,nd "•I* '. • JAS. I1..BSEUEH. loventy-flnfl hrndroilths cf i n - • packwheat F/our, porcwl. - . - 3 75 manure, which tract w u rctnnied >muel Oobb, March 13Ui, 1602, ai ."" . . . ED book S 14. pa BO ITS. . HOESB and OAEEUGS EOUIPHENIS. doodForf, iVhcat Bran, " » . . . i 7 , Tht Fourth Tract tofrimilnK i t a whlta oak • -ASD(OPPOSITE THE MANSION HOUSE)' llucliKbnnt ilran, " " • . . 1 fl rec. Iwinc t comor or a tract biloDgiog to Neicr known Io bo u cbokp before KB uow i t Doltod Com Meal. " " . - , 5 S PreHerick J)«Moath and Ibo bodnnlne corner : 3XT. j r . AXD ' Coorao Cam Maal, . . . .' j m T tho aforciald tract; thenco ft) north ilxty Iraelwd Corn for Cblckcna, • . . J io ires decree! wcit elcht ch»!n»; (2) aantn SUITSi Jironro, Corn and Oat Full, - . S I S ilrty-elght degrees wcat Ineut ?-*ir chatui; (8) rath Uilrty-oiBli t degrees caat fonrteou cbalua; (omct SKIT TO TUB; U n a , ] 4) goialli lorcnty-faui- degrto* a n t ton chains; 5) north nine degree* ctit lulrtr-ane chalm to lVlilch mU lio t1rapoficd< of ot prlcoa that irlll SUSSEX St, D.0TEE, N. J. accommodate m r enBtomoni. ^ " " t o Uw plico of bosinnlng, contafninff rorty-flsre DHloiiiali tlio uallvcg ffin|; Ior40centt. F r a h E g s a •ctoi aoi! thfrtj-aix tiundndlbi of an acre, (T\VO IXJOM EAST DP TUB U i H t , ^ ' JfCiVHTL,) rj, 03 eta. do*, j ahall keep con- "MpHnp, «'d roBorTing theruoat »fx acrei MEALS AT ALL HOURS. which John Coonor has hcrolofurc toltt and llaijflrODbam].' J S WAHNfe wliotlier now beginner*, or eld votorani, h»vo The subscriber h u apcoed book* wherein all convored to Jobn ijoatty, Iwforo tho Blid Lem' " 9 •• nit to call to Uc con Ineert llitt to cu fartlisr uel dohb wit ttio oranr thereof, which li~t persons denfroaa of disposing of their bflttset rurrurnlturo would b r to faro vrone. nd luti, or an j real mtatoof wtateTercbirae. r, n a y eiTO dcacViptions of their property, 8EGAE8 of th« W toaaa., A )J(B n and wo]) selected ilocfc of and where those deiinrai of pilhihaiine may oral! kluaii specialty. or JttottjylJatSrAprj} mb, 1BU. T find »lUt of propcrtie* for laJe. >ODA and MINERAL WATE11S EABNES8, SABDtES, UPHOLSTERING, JOBBING A2TD two lait tlwvp tracts-ire'tit U^ti tl».t w ,»f tt>e OJ<1 ,S|ni,d o n Susiex Si., t w o d J o t U aald Garret Coopor fromWrh. Sovera.1 propertios bare Ureailf baen pUend «n I-UIIT WHIPS, BLANKETS, eadlij and deed datecftho 18Ri day n mjr hand) fifr fale, 4cscriptioni or which will in all its branches properly and elicnpN dona f Jane, 1821, and recorded in tho Morrii Con tit T ippfcar nnlf itock. ' • . , t • ^q. t f Tlio CMitHt euro * u a attention trill, an'licrbtoHOESB 0L0THING, WiUf of deedfi 1» boob U M Df dcotla, folios fow, bo glTOH to Rhecti, I'ly K«t«, Ourry Comix, Brotlici, Hone TAIiE NoriOE." Boota, of all dcBcrintlom both far rt*4 u d nek. All t i n J i or W v y }[>uei m d OnlUn amid, wop|d rciptctrallT inform tba pnttfo - penons i n baraby eantbnej aod noUlci prcwrTPi] with or wjtbont ire. and til n r d n o g b t p n m n i o , H i l t o n , Chtraoli Bkiui, tliit lfi(.y »ro MIT bolter prepared than OTor to trrialH or Ilia ImBlnusi runilitird »t tbn IponBn «nd EVTllli'UISO la tl.o B U « N K s £ llfli lineal rt»A«_*ta4Jl_ jlA _r_7_ . ****lf UJUt *U i jupsox cois, rwrai •liorle,,! tiulicc. llcing poncBBcd or \U the A ODD n r i c t r or Hirocw UUJ, Hoof OioU modernn uppliitiMi jwrtdnlnB to tho trade, n d UTlq!(cc oD»iilur(iblo i l r ( b l ciporienca, I feol conlldeiit aentji. Tlio »boro ROCMIS, lito sll eho t b « e to perfo 1I1 ilntlas 11 tin ti ffactor! t ! IT I »ad d rouon- imei, hftTO liad 1 heavy {all la prico ind will •oaaldktloircit Cgurci, Orders loft "at if, n.niokorHn'a store, o n { mbly tow rd ttioju yhq mqulro such sortlcee. iy midonoo on BE110LN Bt. 1*111 no-tlra Jw• VCYJCIfQpTL Ocloler31st,lB7l. mediatd attention. JiiDu 8d, 1ST5. PICTURE PRAJMES Tho Moct Duabh, v OPPOSITE H. B. DEPOT, And tlio people of thQ itorllioru part or Uila Ceuntj Bill find tint it will pay (bum to pur-liaio HubaUutial furniture of tlio newuiT OFFICE OUTFITS, ETC, ThoLightest PRICES T'f-jSSEiS'iSy.S'.'bS.^* . UCENSEP AUCTIONEER, 'lifto a °-« T. BOUTHO. "onto tin BreatdlaoorarlisrecinUrmada STOcli SPECULATIONS. "•"•nlja. Coit, noo S lifaoVaTnd ofSn w jtvw 1 ' i t u p j x , J'aniplilfit, oxpTatllirjir now TUMBUIDGE i. Co., B.tNKERS and BEOKEBS, ,,.., »>VALX. nt'., H. V; •—CENTENNIAL 'AZETTEERiJ-Uio flnitod SintL/ - Shoirs tLo Krand r e m i t , orilOOycaii of FrcaOTaud FrofroBB. S o . , D d • compl.l..'. Orat . n B t m o d . BrorjuSd,! KtorjbSdibnjil(, ffU-'ff-^•"fMnui.. 1 ' A'sont..males r™».lia>to «S0O«mSiilb, ?,™,",i,.°-.. J! "-™I>' r * Oo« .PnbUslers, .i aojw YORK•qFWlPUNp, Tip BEST;. ADVEifPSWa m>W»
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