Inside FCI Fairton Jason Gerhard An enormous amount of money is
Inside FCI Fairton Jason Gerhard An enormous amount of money is
Inside FCI Fairton Jason Gerhard An enormous amount of money is spent on the federal p r i s o n system. In 2013, i t was calculated at $29,291 per year, or $80.25 every day for every prisoner, all 210,000 of t h e m . i The b i l l i o n dollar question then becomes w h e t h e r this money is being spent judiciously or like the vast m a j o r i t y of federal programs is being m i s a p p r o p r i a t e d . After having spent the last six years at Federal Correctional I n s t i t u t i o n Fairton, New Jersey, i t has become obvious to me t h a t there is the rosy story sold to the public and the v e r y different reality that exists just beyond the razor w i r e . T h e ACA ABCs Every three years, the American Correctional Association, a private, n o n - p r o f i t organization, conducts an audit at Fairton in order to re-accredit the facility. Though voluntary and non-binding, the process is taken quite serious issue b y prison staff. There are a number of i n d u s t r y standards, yet failure to meet these standards is acceptable i f transgressions do not "adversely affect the life, health, and safety of staff or inmates."^ Through the Freedom of I n f o r m a t i o n Act, I was able to obtain copies of the 2007, 2010, and 2013 ACA audits. Curiously, all accounts documenting the various ways i n w h i c h the i n s t i t u t i o n was noncompliant w e r e redacted f r o m the 2013 r e p o r t . Previously, i n the 2010 audit, names of the staff w e r e redacted i n accordance w i t h "5 USC 552 (b) (6) personnel and medical files and similar files the disclosure of w h i c h w o u l d constitute a clearly u n w a r r a n t e d invasion of personal privacy." Using this loophole the names of the warden, assistant wardens, and other personnel at the administrative and staff levels w e r e redacted despite the fact t h e i r names appear on countless memorandums and are w e l l k n o w n to all inmates. In 2010, Fairton was i n v i o l a t i o n of several standards of serious importance. Standard 4-4129, "The n u m b e r of inmates does not exceed the facility's rated bed capacity," is w a y out of whack. F r o m the w a i v e r request we learn that, "The designated capacity for FCI Fairton is 1264 (FCI 1110; FPC 100; PCU 54), w i t h a c u r r e n t p o p u l a t i o n of 1511 [FCI 1316; FPC 128; PCU 6 7 ) . " (There are three separate facilities on the same plot of land though fenced off f r o m one another. FCI stands for Federal Correctional I n s t i t u t i o n medium security. FPC is the Federal Prison C a m p - n o fences, the lowest security level. PCU is a small fortress located next to the FCI's recreation y a r d and is the Protective Custody Unit where high profile informants find refuge. Government documents refer to this facility by the m o n i k e r "Sierra.") Standard 4-4132 requires a m i n i m u m of 25-square feet of unencumbered space per occupant i n a cell. I n the FCI's 3-man cells (retro fitted 2-man cells) the ACA claims only 17.08 feet is available per inmate. Yet this is not accurate. The standard's i n s t r u c t i o n is as follows: "In d e t e r m i n i n g unencumbered space i n the cell or r o o m , the total square footage is obtained and the square footage of fixtures and equipment is subtracted. A l l fixtures and equipment must be i n operational position and must provide the f o l l o w i n g m i n i m u m s per person: Bed, Plumbing Fixtures [ i f inside the c e l l / r o o m ] . Desk, Locker, Chair, o r Stool." My results were only 47 square feet i n the 3-man cell. This equates to only 15.7 square feet per occupant. [This is easily calculated, as each floor tile is one square foot.] Standard 4-4134 deals w i t h the amenities t h a t each inmate is to have i n t h e i r cell. I f one is confined to a cell for less than 10 hours daily [as general p o p u l a t i o n is at the FCI), he is to have a "sleeping surface at least 12 inches off the floor; storage for personal items; adequate storage space for clothes and personal belongings." The FCI was found to be i n non-compliance because, "The b o t t o m b u n k i n the 166 3man cells i n the FCI units is only eight and nine inches f r o m the floor." W h i l e three to four inches is n o t much to complain about [ o r conversely, to brag about), the administration's response is of most interest. "Currently, FCI has 166 3-man cells w i t h prefabil'cated 3-man b u n k beds. Each inmate i n the 3-man cells is provided w i t h a storage b i n and locker for t h e i r personal effects. Our current housing plan is to not assign the l o w e r bunks, however t h a t varies w i t h the population that is assigned to FCI Fairton f r o m the Bureau's designation center i n Texas. A t this time funds are not available to re-do the pre-fabricated bunks." For starters, no one was ever issued a storage b i n i n the 3-man cells. They w e r e available for sale i n the commissary for about $80.00, though. Then, on May 28, 2013, the Captain issued a m e m o r a n d u m f o r b i d d i n g t h e m for anything b u t legal materials. Secondly, 1 find i t odd t h a t funds were n o t available to redo the prefabricated bunks in the 3-man cells, b u t there was money a couple years ago to change 10 cells on C-Unit f r o m 2-mans into 3-mans. Always seems to be money available to squeeze i n more prisoners. Standard 4-4139 concerns showers. A t a m i n i m u m there is supposed to be one shower for every eight inmates. During the 2010 audit, shower ratios w e r e found to be one shower per 2 1 inmates. We w e r e assured by the i n s t i t u t i o n that there are no complaints because "inmates have access to showers 15.5 hours per day, seven days per w e e k at the FCI." But wait, on March 3, 2009, a memo, "Water Conservation "was p u t out by the Warden. "In the general population units, showers w i l l be open f r o m 6:00 A M u n t i l 9:00 A M . Once cleaned, the showers w i l l remain secured w i t h the exception of one shower open upstairs and one downstairs. On Friday before Jumah [Muslim] prayer, an additional shower w i l l be open f r o m 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM. After the 4:00 PM count clears, all showers w i l l be open." If that memo was issued i n March 2009 and the auditors came i n September of 2010 that means there was roughly 18 months d u r i n g w h i c h this policy was in effect p r i o r to t h e i r visit. Later, i n 2 0 1 1 , the W a r d e n confirmed t h a t the policy was still i n effect. I n a w r i t t e n response, he passed off the blame to the W h i t e House because the, "Bureau of Prisons has been mandated by the President of the United States to reduce w a t e r consumption b y 2%." In true Orwellian style, he added, "The i n f o r m a t i o n utilised for the ACA r e p o r t is an accurate account of the shower availability at FCI Fairton." Ironically, about 15 months after the w a t e r conservation plan w e n t into effect, the Health Services department released a memo of t h e i r o w n . The topic: MRSA. For those unaware, MRSA is a strain of staph that is resistant to antibiotics and causes nasty skin infections. Thankfully, several tips w e r e p r o v i d e d w i t h i n this memo to reduce the r i s k of contracting the nebulous MSRA. Inmates w e r e to, "Maintain excellent hygiene t h r o u g h regular showers..." and to "Shower after participating i n close contact recreational activities, whenever possible." W e l l , w i t h about 170 people on each u n i t and only t w o showers open, i t m i g h t n o t be all that possible. My attempts to determine h o w much money the taxpayers spend for these p h o n y audits have been predictably stonewalled by the BOP. A n article by Alex Friedman, i n the October 2014 edition of Prison Legal News, "How the Courts V i e w ACA Accreditation," sheds some light on the issue. Friedman w r i t e s , "The organization basically sells accreditation by charging fees ranging f r o m $8,100 to $19,500 depending on the n u m b e r of days and auditors involved and the n u m b e r of facilities being accredited." He goes on to w r i t e , "The ACA relies heavily on such fees; i t r e p o r t e d receiving m o r e t h a n $4.5 m i l l i o n i n accreditation fees i n 2011-almost half its t o t a l revenue that year." Not bad for t y p i n g up 50 or so pages and w a l k i n g around a prison for a couple d a y s - e v e r y three years. [Update: As this essay was being edited for the umpteenth t i m e fwhat, y o u can't tell?] the BOP decided t o finally fulfill m y FOIA r e q u e s t - f i l e d nearly 11-months a g o - t h a t requested i n f o r m a t i o n concerning h o w much money the ACA has been paid over the last 10-years. True to f o r m , the government only released one year's w o r t h of records-fiscal year 2013. A n d to t h i n k this is the most transparent a d m i n i s t r a t i o n i n history. For fiscal year 2013, the American taxpayers w e r e swindled out of $344,536.00 for pseudo audits, courtesy of the ACA. Audits w e r e " p e r f o r m e d " at 32-institutions for $9,374.00 a pop and at t w o complexes ( A l l e n w o o d i n Pennsylvania and Terre Haute i n Indiana] for $22,268.00 each.] Riding into the R e d One day, i n 2 0 1 2 , 1 was handed an interesting document. I t was a proposal f r o m the Supervisor of Recreation at the t i m e , T. B r o w n , to purchase 10 exercise bikes. W h y w o u l d the i n s t i t u t i o n need m o r e stationary bikes given t h a t there are over a dozen stationary bikes? Because these new ones generate electricity! The PlugOut Cycle is simply a stationary bike w i t h a generator and i n v e r t o r attached, all for a mere $1,399 each. B r o w n figured i t w o u l d cost another $776.45 for installation materials, b r i n g i n g the grand total to $14,776.45. Fortunately, this project fell t h r o u g h , or so i t seems. A Freedom of I n f o r m a t i o n Act request to the BOP asking for details about the project, such as to w h o was to fund i t , resulted i n their claiming on March 5, 2013 t h a t no documents existed. The one bike t h a t was in the gym for several weeks ( u n t i l i t broke) disappeared one day and never r e t u r n e d . Brown's rationale for the project is enlightening as to the p r e v a i l i n g bureaucratic mentality. Under the heading, "How Much Money Can You Save," he w r i t e s , "If y o u assume that most adults w i l l generate 100 Watts continuously ^ d w o r k o u t for 1/2 h o u r on average, then they w i l l have generated .05 k w h (100 Watts * .5 hours = 50 W a t t hours/1000 Watts=.05 k i l o w a t t - h o u r s ) . This equates to only 1/2 cent per w o r k o u t , assuming the u t i l i t y is charging 10 cents per k w h and illuminates the biggest reason w h y this technology is n o t more w i d e l y used." Using his figures, i t w o u l d take r u n n i n g the bike 24 hours per day, seven days per week, for 5,829 days to break even on its $1,399 price tag. That is nearly 16 years. M i n d you, they only come w i t h a one-year w a r r a n t y . He also claimed the bikes could "be used as a job description w h i l e being employed i n Recreation." Guess the bikes w e r e n ' t a b i g enough waste of money, i t was necessary to c o m p o u n d the damage b y paying people to use them. Distrust F u n d According to the BOP Program Statement, 4500.10 the T r u s t Fund/Deposit Fund Manual, Trust Fund is defined as, "The 15X8408 Account designated b y the U.S. Treasury for programs, goods, and services for the benefit of inmates (e.g. Commissary)." Prisoners at Fairton are able to purchase v a r i o u ^ p r o d u c t s (food, clothing, stamps, etc.) at the commissary once a week. W h i l e selection of merchandise and availability lies somewhere between a Soviet-era grocery store and M o n t y Pj^hon's Cheese Shop, they do quite w e l l , thanks to the power of m o n o p o l y (where else are y o u going to go?). Since the Trust Fund is supposed to fund a v a r i e t y of endeavors, they are allowed to charge a 3 0 % markup on nearly all the items sold t h r o u g h the commissary. The list of goods n o t m a r k e d up is quite short: Postage; Self-improvement textbooks; Correspondence Courses; Tools and Materials for Education/Vocational T r a i n i n g ; Law Books or Other Legal Materials; Religious Articles; Smoking Cessation Program Materials; and Passover Meals d u r i n g Passover. In 2013, the commissary sold $2,180,197.56 w o r t h of goods. Of that, $74,031.45 was stamps, w h i c h cannot be marked-up. This leaves us w i t h $ 2 , 1 0 6 , 1 6 6 . 1 1 , 3 0 % of w h i c h is Trust Fund profit: $631,849.83. I t should be noted that the commissary figures provided to me d i d not specify w h i c h sales w e r e exempted f r o m the 3 0 % m a r k up, besides the stamps, of course. Therefore, this T r u s t Fund p r o f i t figure may be slightly o f f However, i t is difficult to imagine that m o r e t h a n a few thousand dollars of Passover meals, prayer rugs, and the like, being sold i n one year. According to policy, this money may be spent on a variety of items: Arts and Crafts Activities; Recreation Programs, Equipment, Supplies, and Repairs; Educational Programs and Supplies; Inmate Service Items [such as microwaves]; etc. What is t r o u b l i n g is that prisoners are n o t p r o v i d e d w i t h even the most r u d i m e n t a r y accounting of h o w 'their' money is being spent. Rumors are numerous, facts are not. The whole process is shrouded i n mystery. Reassuring w o r d s are contained in the p r o g r a m statement t h r o u g h : "Principal financial statements and an annual r e p o r t are prepared by BOP staff The final r e p o r t is available to the public. Trust fund financial records are audited o r r e v i e w e d i n accordance w i t h Department of Justice and Bureau of Prisons requirements." If the BOP blatantly lied to the ACA, as noted previously, w h y w o u l d anyone t r u s t them to audit themselves? This is the very d e f i n i t i o n of the fox guarding the henhouse. Concerning the r e p o r t being available to the public, w h ^ w o u l d anyone care, and i f they d i d , h o w w o u l d they k n o w i f the items claimed w e r e ever purchased i f they've never stepped inside the prison i n question? After all, w h e r e are those 498 gray storage bins that w e r e supposedly purchased for inmates living i n 3-man cells? Phantom of the L a u n d r o m a t A t Fairton, washers and dryers are p r o v i d e d to prisoners by the New Jersey Commission for the B l i n d and Visually I m p a i r e d (they're under the auspices of the Department of Human Services} for a fee. Currently, i t costs $.65 per wash and $.65 per 45minute dry. For this privilege, CBVI gives 1 5 % of the proceeds to the feds. This partnership began in 1999. The i n s t i t u t i o n provides free l a u n d r y services, b u t there are restrictions on w h a t may be washed: only issued clothing. N o t h i n g purchased off commissary is accepted such as sweatshirts, shorts, thermals, etc. Further reducing the services p o p u l a r i t y is the fact that all institutional laundering is done there. This includes greasy kitchen rags and aprons, mop-heads t h a t cleaned God only knows w h a t , and other questionable articles of clothing. * In the past CBVI employees w e r e r e q u i r e d , once a m o n t h , to visit all nine locations where their equipment was located and d o w n l o a d usage data f r o m the debit card readers, "to ensure the correct percentage of profits is paid," according to t h e i r contract. On December 2 1 , 2009, CBVI employees managed to d o w n l o a d usage data f r o m t w o separate locations that stand several h u n d r e d feet apart, at exactly the same t i m e - 8 : 2 7 : 0 0 A.M. Given the fact that they are r e q u i r e d to move w i t h an escort w h i l e on the compound, i t is difficult to see h o w they managed this feat. Efforts to obtain the visitor log for the day i n question p r o v e d futile as i t was completely redacted. The officer log books for three units [ i n c l u d i n g the t w o w h e r e this occurred) has r o u t i n e activities listed i n t h e m such as ' w o r k call,' 'count t i m e , ' and 'released unit for chow,' b u t no m e n t i o n of CBVI's visit t h a t day. On February 23, 2 0 1 1 , roughly 14 months after 1 first started asking questions, the contract w i t h CBVI was modified. Previously, inmates \^ould go to the commissary and place money onto their identification cards, w h i c h contain a magnetic strip, like a credit card. They could either use the ID card to purchase copies o r utilize the washers and dryers [at $.50 per wash and $.25 per 30-minute d r y ) . N o w the feds b u y pre-loaded l a u n d r y debit cards at $5 each f r o m CBVI t h a t have "a value of 10 l a u n d r y cycles," w i t h each cycle being either a wash or d r y . W h i l e this greatly increases accountability, as there is no need to rely on m o n t h l y usage data f r o m all the individual machines, inmates for the first t i m e are being subjected to the 3 0 % m a r k - u p for laundry services. Readin'.Ritin'. Rithmetic. a n d R e c i d i v i s m It w o u l d seem p r e t t y obvious t h a t education is essential for successful rehabihtation. Numerous studies have shown just t h a t - e d u c a t i o n reduces recidivism. While I do agree w i t h the Disraeli et al quote, "there are lies, damn lies, and then statistics" [the ever -manipulated u n e m p l o y m e n t numbers are a good example) a study done by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice i n 1993 is w o r t h goting. They f o u n d t h a t 6 0 % of individuals released f r o m prison w e r e re-incarcerated, b u t for those w i t h an associate's degree, the rate was 13.7%, and for those w i t h a bachelor's degree, i t was 5.6%.^ [Fun Fact: Fairton eliminated t h e i r partnership w i t h Cumberland C o m m u n i t y College w h i c h p r o v i d e d college courses i n 2010.] Several years ago, I decided to fill out a three page, official looking, survey w h i l e i n the l i b r a r y at Fairton. The "Department of Justice Federal Prison System Annual Education, Recreation and L i b r a r y Survey," to be exact. A p r o g r a m statement n u m b e r 5350.12 was w r i t t e n on i t along w i t h the date September 8 , 1 9 8 1 . For one reason or another, I never d i d t u r n i t i n , choosing instead to file i t away. While researching various aspects of the education department, I figured i t w o u l d be interesting to see the results of these surveys; and i f anyone ever actually filled t h e m out. After asking numerous times over the course of several years, via the FOIA for the last 10 years of these survey results, I was t o l d on March 25, 2014 b y the BOP that, " I n response to your request for the 'last 10 years of Annual Education, Recreation, and L i b r a r y Surveys.' Please be advised the policy n u m b e r cited, does not exist." Really makes y o u w o n d e r w h y someone w e n t t h r o u g h the effort to create a fake survey i n the first place. Or perhaps the results w e r e scfbad t h a t they w e r e 'disappeared?' Requests for Bequests Soon after a r r i v i n g at Fairton, one of m y goals was to have documentaries donated to the library. They are an excellent w a y to convey i n f o r m a t i o n , especially to those w h o have difficulty reading as a l o t of prisoners do. Although the DVD collection has expanded since 1 first came here i n 2008, a good deal of i t is National Geographic titles t h a t are n o t exactly p e r t i n e n t to the concerns of the average prisoner. Unfortunately, the Bureau of Prisons only allows donations f r o m "religious o r educational groups or entities, p r o v i d e d such donations are valued at $250 or less." This falls under p r o g r a m statement 1350.02. On March 8, 2 0 1 2 , 1 filed a FOIA for the last 10 years of records p e r t a i n i n g to w h a t items were donated to Fairton's library. The answer a r r i v e d September 19: "Please be advised, a search was conducted for q u a r t e r l y reports for the past 10 years. As a result, only records for the past three years w e r e found." Yet this wasn't entirely true. Each quarter, or three months, a donation r e p o r t is generated. The reports given to me began w i t h January to March 2012, and ended w i t h January to March 2008. Missing during this t i m e span was October 2009 t h r o u g h December 2010, over an entire year's w o r t h of reports. This may have simply been an oversight d u r i n g the collection of the records as I was given identical copies for five of the quarters, and for another, July to September 2008, three copies. A m o n g the records given to me, there was only one m e n t i o n of a possible l i b r a r y donation (there is no designation as to w h i c h department items are donated t o - - l i b r a r y or chapel]. On November 5, 2008, International Prison Ministries donated 250 greeting cards and 80 paperback books. Except for t h a t possible donation, religious services t o o k the rest. Among the items they received were: Abalone Shells; Christian DVDs; four Sermon CDs; 500 Christian testimony pamphlets; 2 Tefillin; 6 Nation of Islam DVDs; and 1 DVD featuring a Rastafarian concert. The current policy on donations is outdated and j : o u n t e r p r o d u c t i v e to the t r u e a i m of education. A l l o w i n g a v i r t u a l l y free-market for ideas [obviously material detailing pornography and escape m i g h t n o t be the best choice of material for a prison e n v i r o n m e n t ] ought to be the goal. The idea that someone cannot b u y an educational DVD f r o m Amazon and donate i t to the l i b r a r y makes no sense since they can b u y a b o o k and have i t sent to the prison f r o m the same website. Besides, w h y should the taxpayers be on the h o o k for yet another global-warming documentary? MPS Players: More t h a n T u n e s Over t w o years ago, MP3 players w e r e first sold to the inmate p o p u l a t i o n at Fairton. As can be imagined, they w e r e a big h i t . Songs w e r e available i n three price brackets: $1.55, $1.20, and $0.80. Soon thereafter prisoners started asking about making foreign language material and audiobooks available for the MPS players, myself included. The standard reply was that the local administrators had no control over that; i t was i n fact up to the b i g shots i n Washington, D.C. Years later, the same t i r e d line is still being used. Apparently, the b i g shots i n D.C. believe that such material is already available. W i t h i n the previously mentioned t r u s t fund p r o g r a m statement the f o l l o w i n g can be found: "MPS Players. In order to provide an additional m e t h o d to disseminate i n f o r m a t i o n , provide educational materials, provide access to music at remote locations and provide access to culturally diverse music, the MPS Player identified by the Central Office, T r u s t Fund Branch, is sold i n the Commissary." (Emphasis added). Short Circuit In 2015, prisoners are still using electric t y p e w r i t e r s . W h i l e not every job these days requires w o r d processing skills, possessing such skills w o u l d surely increase a prisoner's chances of f i n d i n g w o r k upon release. The BOP might be on to something, though. According to The Economist. "Russia has ordered 20 t y p e w r i t e r s , reportedly because of the \iulnerability of computers" (November 29, 2014. page 56). W h y keep using antiquated technology? Could be because i t is highly profitable. While the t y p e w r i t e r s are free to use, i t is up to the inmates to purchase the requisite items to make them w o r k . A t y p i n g wheel w i l l set y o u back $19.99, a t y p i n g r i b b o n is $7.75, and correction tape is another $1.55. Before y o u type one w o r d i t w i l l cost y o u nearly $S0; and don't forget the $5.15 pack of paper. It is stated i n the t r u s t fund program statement that t r u s t fund profits may be spent on "typewriters and t y p e w r i t e r supplies." According to fellow prisoners, other p r i s o n libraries supply t y p i n g wheels, among other items. The warden sees i t differently. According to h i m : "We are p r o v i d i n g y o u w i t h the t y p e w r i t e r and we are p r o v i d i n g y o u w i t h the o p p o r t u n i t y to buy everything needed to use the t y p e w r i t e r s . " Further demonstrating the p r o f i t motive b e h i n d this set-up is the response t h a t the previous Supervisor of Education, Brian Womack, gave w h e n asked h o w indigent inmates (one "who has not had a t r u s t fund account balance of $6.00 for the past 30 days" Program statement 6031.02) m i g h t access a wheel, r i b b o n , and correction tape. He stated, "Indigent inmates can hand w r i t e legal material." Adding to the absurdity of all this is h o w broke d o w n these t y p e w r i t e r s are. The first day that I began t y p i n g this essay, I was given a t y p e w r i t e r whose shift key, along w i t h several others, did not w o r k . A t the same time that I was r e m o v i n g the $30.00 w o r t h of accessories f r o m the machine (that the Warden so k i n d l y allows me to purchase), so I could trade i t i n for a less b r o k e n one, a loud screeching noise was emanating f r o m another t y p e w r i t e r to the right of me. The older gentleman had no idea w h y his machine was flat lining, b u t the noise was so intense t h a t a correctional officer came o u t of her office to yell, "What's t h a t noise?" This finally p r o m p t e d someone to u n p l u g i t . The next t y p e w r i t e r 1 was given had a m i n d of its o w n . Whenever i t felt like i t , instead of t y p i n g the correct letter, i t w o u l d p r i n t t w o parallel lines like the letter H w i t h o u t the cross bar and taller. Over the course of t y p i n g t w o pages, i t occurred nearly a dozen times. The best part is t h a t y o u can't erase t h e m due t o t h e i r n o t being real characters [when y o u erase, the r i b b o n lifts up automatically and the correction tape, t a k i n g i t place is struck by the t y p i n g w h e e l , lifting the e r r a n t letter off the page]. A Different Direction? Once Womack left i n the spring of 2014, there was hope that perhaps the l i b r a r y w o u l d start to resemble a library. In t h a t vein, I approached the n e w supervisor, K i m Neely, shortly after her arrival i n the summer, about a concern of mine. For the w h o l e t i m e that I have been here, no system has existed to r e t u r n books to the l i b r a r y that are on the various housing units. When Ms. Neely heard h o w books w e r e being t h r o w n away, as there are no bookshelves i n the housing units [ o r unfortunately i n the i n d i v i d u a l cells) to store t h e m , she appeared to show genuine interest. Several weeks later, I once again asked i f any change w o u l d be coming and she assured me of her concern. Finally, on October 3 1 , 2 0 1 4 , 1 sent her an email, "Several weeks ago y o u said t h a t you'd be t r y i n g to establish some sort of mechanism to have books on the units r e t u r n e d to the library, i n lieu of being t h r o w n away. Has there been any progress made i n this effort, cause [«ic] such a measure is sorely needed. Thanks." A n d the bureaucratic response was, "Yes, I am l o o k i n g i n t o this. I am w a i t i n g on a budget." To top off the tall glass of indifference, i t was signed, "Brian Womack." 1 guess changing the rubber stamp is too t i r i n g these days. It is difficult to understand about h o w i n i t i a t i n g a system to r e t u r n books to the l i b r a r y w o u l d cost m o r e than a few dollars. A l l inmates are r e q u i r e d to have a j o b b y policy. In general, the lowest pay is $5.25 per m o n t h . Compared to some of the other inmate jobs, going to all eight housing units once a week, to pick up l i b r a r y books is a dream job. A l l y o u need is to place a cardboard box on each u n i t and then have a guy go e m p t y i t once a week. This isn't difficult to imagine or to execute. No, i t isn't about the money at all. The t r u t h was obvious as 1 w a l k e d into the l i b r a r y to type this essay. Just beyond the m a i n door was a five-foot tall circular stack of books about three feet at the b o t t o m and n a r r o w i n g t o w a r d s the t o p , draped i n Christmas tree lights. The juxtaposition of this "tree" w i t h e m p t y bookshelves a r o u n d i t was striking. For this is the essence of our prison library—a p r o p , n o t designed for actual use, besides b i l k i n g the taxpayer, of course. Conclusion Before any reforms can be made w i t h i n the federal p r i s o n system there needs to be a thorough accounting of w h a t is actually going on. This however is nearly impossible under current circumstances. Obtaining i n f o r m a t i o n t h r o u g h the Freedom of I n f o r m a t i o n Act and filing grievances is intentionally made slow, grueling, and expensive to discourage any would-be reformers. A good example of this w o u l d be w h a t happened to m y grievance, filed t h r o u g h the BOP administrative remedy system, concerning the storage bins t h a t w e r e never p r o v i d e d to inmates living i n 3-man cells. Central office was supposed to provide an answer to m y grievance by December 16, 2013. Over a year later I'm still w a i t i n g . While I could proceed to the courts (in w h o m I have about as m u c h faith as the BOP to do the right t h i n g ] , due to the Prison Litigation Reform Act (PLRA], doing so w i l l cost $350 for the initial filing fee. To appeal costs another $450. A d d i n g yet more bureaucrats to this stew of incompetence t h a t is the BOP w i l l not help, no matter w h a t phony title they are given. Business as usual is s i m p l y too profitable. An outside voice is r e q u i r e d to amplify the voices of prisoners w h o have a vested interest i n an efficiently r u n prison and are i n t i m a t e l y aware of waste w i t h i n the system. This can be achieved by creating a Citizen Advocate (CA] position for every federal prison complex. In order to m a i n t a i n his independence f r o m the BOP, the CA w o u l d be selected f r o m amongst all the resident prisoner's approved visitors by those very same visitors t h r o u g h an annual popular vote. A l l o w i n g only the visitors to vote for one of t h e i r o w n w o u l d prevent prisoners f r o m p o l i t i c k i n g on the compound yet a l l o w t h e m an i n d i r e c t voice, t h r o u g h t h e i r visitors, to express t h e i r approval or disapproval of the CA's job performance. Additionally, the CA should be paid f r o m the inmate t r u s t fund, so as n o t to burden the taxpayer w i t h another bureaucrat's m o u t h to feed and f u r t h e r guarantee the CA's independence. The Citizen Advocate's duties w o u l d include: • Ensuring t h a t all audits, financial records, contracts w i t h outside vendors, trust fund expenditures, etc. are made available to the public and inmate population w i t h i n 90 days of t h e i r publication or acquisition by the BOP. • Attending any public meeting that the p r i s o n a d m i n i s t r a t i o n conducts w i t h the c o m m u n i t y (i.e. Community Relations Board meetings] and m a k i n g the meeting minutes available to the public and inmate p o p u l a t i o n w i t h i n 90 days. • Assisting prisoners i n t h e i r fihng of legitimate FOIA to ensure the BOP follows the law. • Producing an annual r e p o r t detailing any areas of concern w i t h i n the prison that w o u l d be released to b o t h the public and inmate p o p u l a t i o n . There already is an infrastructure to a l l o w inmates to v i e w digitized documents: the Electronic Law L i b r a r y t h a t is i n each federal prison. Court decisions that are hundreds of years old, various legal assistance books, and the v a r i o i f t BOP p r o g r a m statements (they detail h o w policy is to be enforced] are available at the click of the mouse. W h a t is preventing the publishing of audits, t r u s t fund data, etc.? By p r o v i d i n g the public access to the exact documents t h a t prisoners see w i l l cut d o w n on the tendency w i t h i n the BOP to redact information that i n actuality is n o t sensitive. I t w o u l d be difficult to explain to the average American h o w the Warden's name is sensitive i n f o r m a t i o n . Efficient prisons do n o t only benefit prisoners; they benefit the communities that w i l l eventually reabsorb t h e m years d o w n the road. As a Fairton a d m i n i s t r a t i o n official candidly confessed to me recently, "prisons are just schools w h e r e [prisoners] learn h o w to become better criminals." This is true under the c u r r e n t set up w h e r e educational opportunities are more readily found amongst fellow prisoners than t h r o u g h official prison programs that are often mere Potemkin Villages, whose sole purpose is to justify the department's bloated budget. A whole slew of unofficial, prisoner taught, classes are available though: Crack Dealing 1 0 1 ; P r o s t i t u t i o n 1 0 1 ; Bank Robbery 1 0 1 , etc. t h a t provide quality guidance for today's up and coming criminals. We can't honestly believe t h a t the very people w h o are benefitting f r o m the dysfunctional state of the BOP w i l l be its saviors. No sane bureaucrat w o u l d i n t e n t i o n a l l y derail the gravy t r a i n that he's r i d i n g to r e t i r e m e n t . A n outsider, w h o doesn't take his marching orders f r o m D.C, is needed for any hope of meaningful r e f o r m . Jason Gerhard is currently serving a 20-year federal prison sentence for assisting a New Hampshire couple during their approximately 8-month standoff with federal authorities over the legality of the federal income tax. For more information, as well as for documents cited in this essay, visit: or email: Citations 1 Congressional Research Service; Bureau of Justice Statistics. 2 Agency Manual of Accreditation Policy and Procedure (Revised September 2007]. Page 4 1 . ^Gerber, Jurg and Fritsch, Eric J. "Prison Education and Offender Behavior: A Review of the Scientific Lit-erature." Texas Department of Criminayustice: Institutional Division. July 1993. COMMISSION ON ACCREDITATION FOR CORRECTIONS Federal Bureau of Prisons Federal Correctional Institution - Fairton Fairton, New Jersey September 21-23, 2010 Visiting Committee Findings Non-Mandatory Standards Noncompliance Standard #4-4129 THE NUMBER OF INMATES DOES NOT EXCEED THE FACILITY'S RATED BED CAPACITY. FINDINGS: FCI population 1283, rated capacity 1014; Camp population 127, rated capacity 100; (b)(7)e AGENCY RESPONSE Waiver Request The designated capacity for FCI Fairton is 1264 1110; FPC 100; (b)(7)e 54), with a current population of 1511 (FCI 1316; FPC 128; {b)(7)e 67.) At this time, the total number of inmates is in excess of the designed rated bed ity at the three facilities. Although we exceed our designated capacity at this time, we manage our inmate population by providing a variety of work and program opportunities which allows inmates to be out of their cells approximately 15.5 hours per day. We promote and encourage positive interaction with others on a daily basis. By offering programs in education, recreation, psychology, religious services, and vocational training, we are able to mitigate crowding conditions and manage inmate idleness, which enhances our ability to operate an institution that is safe for both staff and inmates. In order to accomplish this management philosophy, the following is a list of program opportunities available to the inmate population: 22 6. A l l staff are trained and practice effective communication skills at all levels. Although there is a formal grievance process, most grievances are resolved informally due to the open communication and effective conflict resolution skills practiced by staff on a daily basis. 7. The quality of life, safety, and security at FCI Fairton is maintained at the highest levels for the benefit of inmates/staff. Although the population at our facility exceeds the designed rated capacity, our institution is managed by professional staff that are highly trained, skilled, and committed to our mission of providing a safe, secure environment every day. AUDITOR'S RESPONSE Auditor concurs with waiver request. There were no overcrowding complaints due to mitigation through programs and activities. Standard #4-4132 Revised January 2007. CELLS/ROOMS USED FOR HOUSING INMATES SHALL PROVIDE AT A M I N I M U M , 25, SQUARE FEET OF UNENCUMBERED SPACE PER OCCUPANT. UNENCUMBERED SPACE IS USABLE SPACE THAT IS NOT ENCUMBERED BY FURNISHINGS OR FIXTURES. A T LEAST ONE DIMENSION OF THE UNENCUMBERED SPACE IS NO LESS T H A N SEVEN FEET. IN DETERMINING UNENCUMBERED SPACE IN THE CELL OR ROOM, THE T O T A L SQUARE FOOTAGE IS OBTAINED A N D THE SQUARE FOOTAGE OF FIXTURES AND EQUIPMENT IS SUBTRACTED. A L L FIXTURES AND EQUIPMENT MUST BE IN OPERATIONAL POSITION A N D MUST PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING M I N I M U M S PER PERSON: • • • • • BED PLUMBING FIXTURES (IF INSIDE THE CELL/ROOM) DESK LOCKER CHAIR OR STOOL FINDINGS: FCI 3 man cells unencumbered space is 17.08 square feet per inmate; Camp unencumbered space is 22 square feet per inmate. 24 standard #4-4134 EACH INMATE CONFINED TO A CELL/ROOM FOR 10 OR MORE HOURS D A I L Y IS PROVIDED A SLEEPING AREA W I T H THE FOLLOWING: • A SLEEPING SURFACE AND MATTRESS AT LEAST 12 INCHES OFF OF THE FLOOR A WRITING SURFACE A N D PROXIMATE AREA TO SIT STORAGE FOR PERSONAL ITEMS ADEQUATE STORAGE SPACE FOR CLOTHES A N D PERSONAL BELONGINGS • • • EACH INMATE CONFINED TO A CELL/ROOM FOR LESS T H A N 10 HOURS DAILY IS PROVIDED A SLEEPING AREA W I T H THE FOLLOWING: • • • A SLEEPING SURFACE AND MATTRESS A T LEAST 12 INCHES OFF OF THE FLOOR STORAGE FOR PERSONAL ITEMS ADEQUATE STORAGE SPACE FOR CLOTHES A N D PERSONAL BELONGINGS FINDINGS: The bottom bunk in the 166 three man cells in the FCI units is only eight and nine inches from the floor. AGENCY RESPONSE Waiver Request Currently FCI Fairton has 166 3-man cells with pre-fabricated 3-man bunk beds. Each inmate in the 3-man cells is provided a storage bin and locker for their personal effects. Our current housing plan is to not assign the lower bunks, however that varies with the population that is assigned to FCI Fairton from the Bureau's designation center in Texas. At this time funds are not available to re-do the pre-fabricated bunks. Although FCI Fairton is over our rated capacity, only 12.6% of the FCI population has a bunk that is not 12 inches off of the floor. The following information shows how we mitigate the time inmates on the lower bunks would physically be on them: Each housing unit has common areas in which inmates have the opportunity to interact with others and to participate in a variety of unstructured activities such as: reading, writing letters, playing cards, board games and watching television that inmates have access to from 6 am until 10 pm (with the exception of our 4 pm count which takes about 30 minutes on average to complete). Inmates are encouraged to participate in programs, structured or unstructured, in addition to their work and educational programs. 27 standard #4-4139 INMATES HAVE ACCESS TO OPERABLE SHOWERS WITH TEMPERATURE-CONTROLLED HOT AND COLD RUNNING WATER, AT A M I N I M U M RATIO OF ONE SHOWER FOR EVERY EIGHT INMATES, UNLESS N A T I O N A L OR STATE BUILDING OR HEALTH CODES SPECIFY A DIFFERENT RATIO. WATER FOR SHOWERS IS THERMOSTATICALLY CONTROLLED TO TEMPERATURES RANGING FROM 100 DEGREES FAHRENHEIT TO 120 DEGREES FAHRENHEIT TO ENSURE THE SAFETY OF INMATES AND TO PROMOTE HYGIENIC PRACTICES. FINDINGS: Shower ratios at the FCI A, B, are 1:21; C unit and one of D unit 1:20.5; and the Camp is 1; 13. It should be noted the last report plan of action for the camp w i l l be completed in October 2010 and the camp showers w i l l meet the standard for the current population. AGENCY RESPONSE Waiver Request The facility consists of eight general population housing units in four different buildings and a Special Housing Unit. Units are equipped with operable showers with temperaturecontrolled hot and cold running water, at ratios of: FCI - A, B and C Units 1:20: DL Unit 1:16 and DR Unit 1:19. We manage our inmate population by providing a variety of work opportunities and programs at varying times throughout the day, alleviating the use of showers at the same time. Inmates spend an average of 15.5 hours per day out of their cells. Inmates are only confined to their cells from 4 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. and from 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. A l l medically able inmates are required to work. Normally, inmates work an average of 7 hours per day. Since the institution coordinates a number of activities during evening hours and weekends, it is necessary for inmates to hold jobs during the operation of these programs as well. • We encourage the inmate population to participate in educational, recreational, religious and psychology based programs to better manage inmate idleness which effectively reduces the number of inmates needing to use these facilities at the same time. In conjunction with security and management procedures, inmates have access to showers 15.5 hours per day, seven days per week at the FCI. Inmates at the FCI are able to use these facilities without staff assistance when they are not confined to their cells or sleeping areas. With these procedures, the facility does not experience long waiting lines, nor have we received any complaints that inmates do not have access to these facilities when needed 31 U.S. Department o f J u s t i c e F e d e r a l Bureau o f P r i s o n s Federal C o r r e c t i o n a l Institution Fairton, New Jersey 08320 E a c h i n m a t e i s r e q u i r e d t o m o n i t o r t h e i r own amount o f p r o p e r t y a n d e n s u r e t h e y do n o t p u r c h a s e more t h a n what t h e y c a n s t o r e i n s i d e t h e i r locker. Any e x c e s s p r o p e r t y n o t m a i n t a i n e d i n s i d e t h e l o c k e r w i l l b e c o n f i s c a t e d and an i n c i d e n t r e p o r t w i l l be g e n e r a t e d f o r R e f u s i n g Programs. May 2 8 , 2013 , TO JU^L MEMORANDUM[ TO KLl. S S I ^ F THRU: i^^R Raagguucckk a s , U U ni t Manager THRU: E. Unit Manager THRU: D. v'^^^y', FROM: J.B<A*»«rsries, SUBJECT: Williams, i\ate Unit T h i s memorandum has, b e e n s e t i n . p l a c e t o e n s u r e safety standards o f ; t h i s i n s t i t u t i o n . Manager Captain Property E f f e c t i v e immediately, g e n e r a l p o p u l a t i o n inmates a r e r e q u i r e d t o maintain a l l t h e i r i n s t i t u t i o n a l i s s u e d and ]pers9nal p r o p e r t y . i n s i d e their assigned locker. N o t h i n g c a n b e s t o r e d on t o p o f t h e l o c k e r s o r h a n g i n g from t h e s i d e o f t h e l o c k e r s . The o n l y e x c e p t i o n s t o t h e i t e m s w h i c h c a n b e m a i n t a i n e d l o c k e r a n d hung on t h e t h r e e a u t h o r i z e d h o o k s a r e o u t s i d e the! (1) J a c k e t and windbreaker (1) Mesh /bag w i t h d i r t y laundry (1) Towel Under t h e bed, each inmate i s a u t h o r i z e d t o have 4 p a i r s o f shoes (2) Sneakers/casual o r 1 sneaker and 1 c a s u a l - t o t a l 2 shoes (1) Work boots o r medical s o f t shoes (1) P a i r of shower shoes o r 1 p a i r o f s l i p p e r s On t o p o f t h e t a b l e y o u a r e a l l o w t o m a i n t a i n t h e a u t h o r i z e d amount BOoks/Magazines/Newspapers ( B i b l e ) Each inmate c a n o n l y have (1) Bowl - which must be s t o r e d i n s i d e (1) Laundrymesh bag the l o c k e r I n m a t e s who c u r r e n t l y h a v e t h e g r e y l e g a l b i n s c a n c o n t i n u e t o , maintain l e g a l m a t e r i a l b u t n o t s t o r e commissary items o r c l o t h i n g . ^ E a c h i n m a t e must p r o v i d e p r o o f o f o w n e r s h i p f o r t h e g r e y b i n s i n o r d e r t o m a i n t a i n them. I f ownership cannot be provided, t h e grey b i n s w i l l be c o n f i s c a t e d . high s a n i t a t i o n and U.S. Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Prisons Federal Correctional Institution Fairton, New Jersey 08320 March 3,2009 MEMORANDUM F O R A L L C O N C E R N E D //s// FROM: Paul M. Schultz, Warden SUBJECT: i Water Conservation In the general population housing units, showers will be open from 6:00 A M until 9:00 AM. Once cleaned, the showers will remain secured with the exception of one shower open upstairs and one downstairs. On Friday before Jumah prayer, an additional shower will be open from 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM. After the 4:00 PM count clears, all showers will be open: cc: All Unit Staff Lieutenants' Office All Staff .• i G E R H A R D , Jason Register Number: 20229-045 Administrative Remedy Number: 669085-Fl Part B - Response This is in response to your Request for Administrative Remedy, received in my office on December 14, 2011, in which you are requesting to know if a memorandum regarding water conservation, dated March of 2009, has been rescinded. You state that you believe A C A has been misinformed regarding shower useage. A review of this matter reveals that the metnofandum referred to has not been rescinded. The Bureau of Prisons has been mandated by the President of the United States to reduce water consumption by 2%. The ittfqrniation utilissed for the A C A report is an accurate account of the shower availability at FGI FairtOii. Accordingly, this response is for informalioaial purposes. • If you arc dissatisfied with this response, you may appeal to the Re^ionflDircctptj J^orlheast Regional Office, U.S. Customs House, 7*'' Floor, 2''^ and Chestnut Streets, Philadelpliia, Pennsylvania, 19106. Your appeal must be received in the Regional Of0co withm 20 '3af s from the date of this response. J.T. Shartlc, Warden Date U.S. Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Prisons Federal Correctonal Institution Fairton, New Jersey 08320 June 7,2010 Shower after participating in close contact recreational activities, whenever possible. Don't get tattoos in prison. Don't use injection drugs. Don't have sexual contact with other inmates. MRSA skin infections are often treated with frequent warm soaks, draining of wound and strong antibiotics. Serious or highly resistant MRSA may require intravenous (IV) antibiotics. But with appropriate therapy, MRSA can be successfully treated. Always seek medical attention if you develop a boil, red or inflamed skin, insect or spider bite, or a sore that does not go away. Your clinical provider can check if MRSA bacterial infection exists by swabbing the site to collect drainage or secretions. If any inmate has concerns they should contact Health Services staff during sick call. MEMORANDUM F O R A L L I N M A T E S FROM : SUBJECT: Health Services Dq)artment Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcal Aureus(MRSA) Please be advised that we have several cases of skin infections caused by MRSA in our institution. The Health Services Department has taken steps in identifying preventive measures to contain the spread of MRSA bacteria. The following are facts about MRSA : MRSA refers to strains of bacteria called ( staphylococcus aureus or "staph") that cannot be killed by ( resistance) the antibiotics (like Methicillin) used to treat infection. Staphylococcus aureus " staph" is a common type of bacteria that is found on the skin and in the nose of healthy persons. Staph bacteria may cause minor skin infections such as boils or more serious infections such as pneumonia and blood poisoning. MRSA infections are more difficult to treat, but usually respond to incision and drainage and/or antibiotics. MRSA is usually spread through direct physical contact with an infected person, but may also be transmitted through contact with contaminated objects or surfaces. MRSA is not spread by coughing unless the infected person has pneumonia. MRSA can be prevented by washing your hands thoroughly with soap and water throughout the day, particularly every time you use the toilet and before every meal. Never touch another person's wounds, infected skin, or dirty bandages. Don't scratch skin rashes. Maintain excellent personal hygiene through regular showers and by keeping your living space clean, including the regular laundering of your bed linens. Don't ever share personal hygiene items with others, including toiletries and towels. Clean off any surfaces shared with others such as weight benches. Use a towel or a shirt as a barrier between your bare skin and exercise equipment. PluqOut CvGlinq Program T. Brown, Supervisor of Recreation Introdimtion The energy that is being exerted by inmates exercising in recreation can eltlier be wasted or converted into electricity and used. Wlien exercising Kineticenergy Is being produced and the benefits of the electricity they generate by relating it to vjhat energy consumption they are able to offset in their lives. The concept of generating electricity to help the environment is one of the many benefits. The users aremotivated to workout harder when they know their workouts have that additional benefit of helping the environment. Along with helping the environment this also promotes better general health among Qur inmate population and can be utilized as a job description while being employed in Recreation. Purp<yse Kinetic energy Is the energy an object possesses due to its motion. Kineticenergy from working out on ; cardio fitness equipment Is convertfed to electrical energy, which can be returned to the power grid. The equipment uses an electronic braking system to coritrol the resistance felt by the user and generate electricity. . On cardio fitness equipment such as stationary bikes, the pedals power a drive train (either belt-drive or chain-drive) that is connected to a generator. The generator creates electrical current that feeds into an inverter (contained within the piece of equipment) which converts it into AC power. A circuit board communicates with the resistance control and the Inverter to allow the user to select the amount of resistance they want to feel by controlling current. The user can generate more power by any combination of Increasing either RPM's or electronic resistance. The AC power generated Is returned to the building's electrical circuitry through a power cord that connects to the inverter and is plugged into a standard wall socket. . / Pmlect DescriOtl^n/ Res^arph Questions ; To facilitate this project the fQllowing items would have t o i l e In place. A power strip would have to be installed of eight to ten 110 volt outlets in the wellness robm for the PlugOut stationary cycles, along with the purchase of the Plugbut cycles. How Is the electricity returned to the grid? It is a common misconception that electricity is pushed through the power grid. In fact, when you turn on an appliance it draws electrical cufrent. The source of this electric power is typically some large scale electro-mechanical generator driven by steam from fossil fuel combustion or heat released from nuclear reactions, or from kineticenergy harvested from wind or water that is then supplied to your home or building by a utility. Howeier, it can come from other sources such as on-site generators, solar power, or electrjcity generatiiig cardio fitness equipment. The el'ectric power generated from PlugOut equipment flows through the piower cord to a standard wall socket that is connected to the buildings electric circLiits where it can be used to power TV's, lighting, fans, and other appliances, essentially reducing or subsidizing the amount of electricity that would rridoorCycra Bike (individaal or Group)^ The PlugOut Cycle is an extrenriely.Y^f$§tll6i3lec.egf a workout Jtworks wk\r groua^Msses, wannlrig e d u d M w i tc^l/when incx>rpjDr#^dii3fe# high ^ ' - S1^0S& FEATURES . . / , i l | i l i ^ t e m i II .1 ,.V|j ; iii^Myari.ia ipment thaft provides one h$ck of a training studio, or even as an ' imm-, iMii . l^ly\^ie8lWQighl:40lbs Fi%m Sted Dinienslons: 30" L x 25.2''W Power Cord; gauge Pc5wer Cord Length: Adjwst^te HafKSa Bars; AC^ustabls Height Seat Adjusteble Hdght/Ostance Te^ivsionj ManuaJ (Knob) Pedals; Sotf-leveling. non-slip ^Tow Strapa: Ft% A<|ustabl$ •. BecritrfeiVpulput Range: 0W.250V*f Warmnty: 1 Yee? Includes: Power Co5^, rrvanual. - .- W i l O u t Techr#k3gy ^ Our equipment is ready to work right out of the box. You .don't need to make any additional purchases.or aliar your building In any way for your equipment to work. Th© electricity is returned to the buiiding's electrical system by plugging the standard three prong power cord that is included Vi/ith the unit directly into a standard outlet. © Oopjiigfrt 2011 RugOut CsfcBo fitness EqulpiTjerit / v»v«w.pkjgoulfJin(3ss,c»rn otherwise be drawn from the utility. If you were able to generate more power than your facility was consuming, the current would flow past your meter back to the power grid, and down the line to the next facility that was consuming electricity. The current flowing backwards over your meter would actually spin the meter backwards. Traditionally, facilities that generate more electricity than they consume, such as those with large solar arrays, will set up what's called a net-metering agreement where they sell the electricity that they are generating back to the utility, often at a higher rate than what they purchase it for. How much power can a human generate? Electrical power is measured in Watts and is calculated by multiplying Force (Voltage) by Current (Amps). The current world record holder for average watts over the course of 1 hour on a bicycle is Ondrej Sosenka at a whopping 430 wattsi Riders climbing the Alps In the Tour de France will peak at over 500 watts. However, most adults will generate between 50 and 150 watts while working out on PlugOut fitness equipment depending on fitness and effort level, t h e amount of energy generated over time is measured in Watt-hours. So, the average adult wooing on PlugOut fitness equipment for an hour will generate 100 Wtstt-hour;5'(100 Watts * 1 hour = iOO Watt-hours). What can that power? A couple of different Items that almost everyone can relate to are a 40" Energy Star^ LCD televisibh that require about 70 Watts which means most users will be able to directly offset TV watching. A laptop requires about 25 Watts while in use (not sleep mode). One half-hour workout will power your cell phone for a week. Through a little bit of on-line research you can obtain the amount of power (Watts) necessary to run pretty much anything. Benefits/Anticipated Outcomes How much money can you save? Most utilities charge by the Kilowatt-hour (kWh) and the rate varies regionally In the United States from $.05/kWh to $.20/kWh. If you assume that most adults will generate 100 Watts continuously and workout for K hour on average, then they will have generated .05 kWh (100 Watts * .5 hours = 50 Watthours/1000 Watts = .05 Kilowatt-hours). This equates to only K cent per workout, assuming the utility Is charging 10 cents per kWh and illuminates the biggest reason why this technology is not more widely used. Currently electricity is cheap, humans cannot generate a lot of power,, and therefore the monetary payback for implementing the t^echn(ilogy Is small. the overaH health benefits and the Inmate jobs that would be generate^ffrOm^His program would be a positive asset to the mission of FCl Fairton." Cost PlugOut Cycle for $1,399.00, x 10= 13,990.00, not including volume discounts. Materials: conduit (81.35, 50'x 1), electric wire (124.80, lOO'x 1), box (41.03x10) and outlet (16.00x10) =776.45 Total Cost=$14,766.45 U.S. Department o f Justice Federal Bureau o f Prisons Northeast Regional Office U.S. Custom House - 7th Floor 2nd & Chestnut Streets Philadelphia. PA. 19106 Febr y 26, 2013 Jason Gerhard R e g i s t e r No. 20229-045 Federal C o r r e c t i o n a l I n s t i t u t i o n P.O. Box 42 0 F a i r t o n , NJ 08320 RE: Fairton Freedom o f I n f o r m a t i o n Request No. 2013-03966 Dear Requester: This i s i n response t o your r e q u e s t f o r r e c o r d s t h a t was r e c e i v e d by t h i s agency on January 14, 2013. You r e q u e s t c o p i e s o f a l l documents r e l a t e d t o t h e Plug-out C y c l i n g Program i n i t i a t e d by R e c r e a t i o n s t a f f a t FCI F a i r t o n . You a l s o r e q u e s t i n f o r m a t i o n concerning t h e source o f funds f o r t h e program. I n response t o your r e q u e s t , a search was conducted and no records were found r e s p o n s i v e t o your r e q u e s t . I t r u s t t h i s has been r e s p o n s i v e t o your r e q u e s t . However, i f you are d i s s a t i s f i e d w i t h t h i s response, you may a p p e a l t o t h e A t t o r n e y General by f i l i n g a v / r i t t e n appeal. Your appeal m.ust be r e c e i v e d by t h e O f f i c e o f I n f o r m a t i o n P o l i c y w i t h i n s i x t y days f r o m t h e date of t h i s l e t t e r i n o r d e r t o be c o n s i d e r e d t i m e l y . You may appeal t o : A t t o r n e y General, O f f i c e o f I n f o r m a t i o n P o l i c y , U n i t e d S t a t e s Department o f J u s t i c e , 1425 New York Avenue, S u i t e 11050, Washington, D.C. 20530-0001. Both t h e envelope and t h e l e t t e r o f a p p e a l i t s e l f should be c l e a r l y marked: '"Freedom o f I n f o r m a t i o n A c t A p p e a l . " D0bli0k L-FCI FAIRTON D«bUtll Report ID 584 Location LAUNDR C - L E F T Download Date Downioad Time 12/21/2009 8:27:00 AM Reader Version -Model Asset: "Laundry Controller CL Printed Date: Printed Time; Upload Date Upload Time : 12/21/2009 : 6:53:07 PM DebUtJi Version : 02.01,00.05 12/21/2009 7:04:34 PM Transaction Count: Data Integrity: 1635 ValicT Laundry Cycle Data # # Cyc 11 376 12 Cyc 561 # 13 # Cyc 554 Cyc 14 1 # Cyc # Cyc # Cyc 1 # Cyc 299 Totals Period Debits List Price DeWta Vending Discounts Total Debits Totals Grand 572.00 0.00 572.00 Discounts^onuses Total Dlscount/Bcnus 0.00 Laundry Cycles 1790 V^id MAC Grand Total Debits Grand Total Disc/Bonus Totals 35070.00 5.00 129A9972 Page: 6 4'^ . , Dobliok L - F a FAIRTON DebUtll Report ID 587 Location : FCI FAIRTON Download Date Download Time : 12/21/2009 : 8:27:00 AM Reader Version •—Model Asset: ALLAUNDRY Upload Date Upload Time 12/21/2009 7:04:33 PM Printed Date: Printed Time: : 12/21/2009 : 6:53:23 PM : DebUtil Version "•:—Laundry Controller AL Transaction Count: Data Integrity:" : 02.01,00.05 1579 Valid- Laundry Cycle Data * l Cyc 11 # 321 12 Cyc 531 # 13 Cyc # 480 Cyc 14 # Cyc # Cyc # Cyc 1 # Cyc \ 322 Totals Period Debits List Price Debits Vending Discounts Total Debits Discounts/Bonuses Total Discount/Bonus Casii Sales Laundry Cycles Valid MAC Totals Grand 552.00 0.00 552.00 0.00 Grand Totai Detiits Grand Total Disc/Bonus Totals 11166.40 3.85 2102.00 1654 229EC341 Page: 3 HOUSINGUNIT L O G • DAY WATCH BASE COUNf: (b)(7)f DATE: (circle) Sun (Mon) Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat /X 1^1 I Signature: J ^ ^ ^ ^ . REMEKt^kA: YOU MUST SIGN POST ORDERS WHEN YOU mmAUTKSSuME ANY POST Officer: (Print Name) ~~ S H A K E D O W N S : All six cell shakedowns must be fiilly documented. (Do not use "Mass Shakedown".) Also, ensure that you document the cells you search on the weekly insert containing the unit diagram. Room No. Registration N o . Inmate Name — Date Time Remarks staff ^ /X/li (b)(7)c V 1 C E N S U S 1 C O U N T S Time Accounted For Dificrepancies Noted I*ritnary Officer Gounting OfQcer Backing Count Assigned W E E K E N D & H O L I D A Y 1C:C0 ajxt. Count | D A I L Y Unit Count C O U N T S A C T I V I T I E S A. Activity" Time (b)(7)f • (b)(7)f H O U S I N G U N I T L O G • DAY W A T C H I RA«ir r n i i M T . I (b)(7)f Officer: (Print Name) " REMEMBER: Signature: YOU MUST SIGN POST ORDERS WHEN Yj SHAKE DOWNS: All six cell shakedowns must be fully document 'Mass Shakedown".) Also, ensure that you document the cells you search on the weekly insert containing the unit R o o m No. Registration No. Jmuate Name Date Time ^ \ \^^\ (b)(7)f ^AfcK^. CENSUS COUNTS Time Remarks Assigned Accounted For Dijfcrepaxicies|Noted " ^ ^ - ^ — ^ WEEKEND & HOLIDAY COUNTS 10:00 a j n . Count j Unit Count | Primary Officer Counting OfTlcer Backing Count (b)(7)f DAILY ACTIVITIES Time ActiviQ' {b)(7)f (b){7)e. (b)(7)f (b)(7)c, (b)(7)f y BASE COUNT: (b)(7)f HOUSINGiJNIT L O G • DAY WATCH ^—7^ DATE: (cireie) Sun(^oir)rue Wed Thu F r i Sat / ^ - / ^ l /09 fVCF'I5S,0«07. Officer: (Print Name) I REMEMBER: re Signature: YOU MUST SIGN ^OST ORDERS WHEN YOU INITIALLY AS^ /ME ANY POST SHAKE DOWNS: A 1 1 six ccll shakedowns must be fully documented. (Do not use "Mass Shakedown".)'Also, ensure that you document the cells you search on the weekly insert containing the unit diagram. Room No. Inmate Name Registration No. Date Time Remarks SWT IV U (b)(7)c ^( - / v o r u L . . wrf CENSUS COU^JTS Time m i igned ApCDuntedFor Discrepancies Noted WEEKEND & HOLIDAY COUNT 10:00 a.m. Count Primajry Officer Counting Krimajr DAILY ACTIVI Time Activity (b)(7)c, (bK7)f 5? r Backing Count - Attachment 1 Page 2 5350.12 Attachment I 5350.12 Sepicniber S, i 5 S i DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE F E D E R A L PRISON SYSTEM September S, i 9 9 i 5. Select three leisure t i m e activities i n order o f your preference. For example, i f you think ails and crafts is best, list 1 ; i f you think exercise is next, list 2, etc. a. ANNUAL, EDUCATION, RECREATION, AND LIBRARY SURVEY Arts & Crafts c. I'able games (cards, dommoes, etc.) d. _ ^ ^ E x e r c i s e ( j o g g i n g , w e i g h l l i f t i n g . w a l k i n g , etc.) W l i i c h o f the f o l l o w i n g educational offerings do you believe w o u l d be o f most bcnctlt to you w l i i l e incarcerated? e. ABE GED -X^Collcge ^ • Readin.n b. 3 , WatchinK T V , listening to radio, w a t c h i n g movies f. Religious activities g. Cultural groups or social groups h. Other (please specify) 6. List the recreational activities ( i n w h i c h you have participated that have been most beneficial Social Education to you. Vocational T r a i n i n g - Type: Other (Specify 2. W h i c h courses w o u l d you like to see offered that aren't already offered'-' 7. Is tiie recreation staff open to suggestions \\hich might i m p r o v e recreational activities'.' Yes 3. Do you believe llie education staff are open to suggestions offerings'.' -A Usually K^No which m i g h t improve course _U»uany S. W r i t e any neneral comments that w o u l i l assist staff in improvins; the recreational program. i f your answer is N o , please e\plai)i. V. 4. W r i t e any general comments that you believe w o u l d assist staff in i m p r o v i n g the education program. uo you lia\'c a c c e s s to l i b r a r y s e r v i c e s . ' 10. D o you find the materials you v\ant in tlie library? Yes ic No I f your answer is N o , please explain: Attachment 1 Page 3 5350.12 S e p t e m b e r s , 1991 11. What additional l i b r a r y materials and/or services w o u l d you l i k e to have available? 12. A d d i t i o n a l C o m m e n t s ; Gerhard, Jason R e g i s t e r Number 20229-045 A d m i n i s t r a t i v e Remedy No. 798659-Fl Part B - Response This i s i n response t o your r e q u e s t f o r a d m i n i s t r a t i v e remedy r e c e i v e d i n t h i s o f f i c e on October 27, 2014, w h e r e i n you complain t h a t T r u s t Fund P r o f i t s may be used t o purchase t y p e w r i t e r s and t y p e w r i t e r accessories. You are r e q u e s t i n g f o r T r u s t Fund t o purchase a l l typewriter accessories. According t o Program Statement 4 500.10, T r u s t Fund/Deposit Fund Manual, T r u s t Fund p r o f i t s may be expended on i t e m s . I t i s guidance on what can be bought and not what has t o be bought. We are p r o v i d i n g you w i t h t h e t y p e w r i t e r and we are p r o v i d i n g you t h e o p p o r t u n i t y t o buy e v e r y t h i n g needed t o use t h e t y p e w r i t e r s . A c c o r d i n g l y , your request i s b e i n g d e n i e d . I f you are d i s s a t i s f i e d w i t h t h i s response, you may appeal t o t h e R e g i o n a l D i r e c t o r , F e d e r a l Bureau o f P r i s o n s , U.S. Custom House, 7^^ F l o o r , 2""^ and Chestnut S t r e e t s , P h i l a d e l p h i a , PA 19106, w i t h i n 20 c a l e n d a r days o f t h e date of t h i s response. J. T. S h a r t l e , Warden Date TRULINCS 20229045 - GERHARD, JASON - Unit: FAI-C-R FROM: Education TO: 20229045 SUBJECT: RE:***lnmate to Staff Message*** DATE: 01/21/2014 01:48:20 PM Indigent inmates can hand write legal material. Brian Womack Supervisor of Education FCI Fairton » > ~^!"GERHARD, -'^lJASON" <> 1/18/2014 6:12 PM » > To: Supervisor of Education Inmate Work Assignment: UNIGOR Quick question for you, what is the procedure for indigent inmates to access a wheel, ribbon, and correction tape for typing in the library? It is my understanding that all of the aforementioned items are available on commissary and therefore are not supplied by the education department. However, I asked several of your inmate employees and they were unaware of any way for indigent inmates to access these items. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Jason Gerhard TRULINCS 20229045 - GERHARD, JASON - Unit: FAI-C-R FROM: Education TO: 20229045 SUBJECT: RE:***lnmate to Staff Message*** DATE: 11/03/2014 01:27:02 PM Yes, I am looking into tliis. I am waiting on a budget. Brian Womack Supervisor of Education FCI Fairton » > -^{"GERHARD, ~^!JASON" <> 10/31/2014 4:20 PM » > To: Supervisor Inmate Work Assignment: Rec AM Several weeks ago you said that you'd be trying to establish some sort of mechanism to have books on the units returned to the library, in lieu of being thrown away. Has there been any progress made In this effort, cause such a measure is sorely needed. Thanks PRll £ag£.l o f 1 BO P A X PAGE ADMINISTRATIVE DOI OF R£<aN0: NA^IE: iGERHARI RSPOF...: FAXUNT/LOC/DST: REMEDY : 7 4 l i 3 5 ~ A l S U B l : UNT RCV.: C C EVT F A C L . : iFAI : STATUS D T : iWyU^fs' ill-12-2013 INCRPTNO.: EXT SU82: QTR ORG. : C04~424L F A I 1 NER BIN ' OR Y/N: FUNC: CODE: i¥ IREP RCV OFC: SOP DATE RCV: 1 0 ~ i ' 7 - 2 0 1 ^ FACL RCV: FAI FACL ORG: FAI I C04-424L STATUS JASON QTR.; C04-424L :2SZM RCV=: ACC L E V : A 'STO^ fHm: C QTR UNTORG.: ABSTRACT. 09:51:31 001 20229-04$ I D : 11-12-2013 UPDATE REMEDY 1 BOP 1 RfcSP DUE: MOH 12-16-2013 EXCESS ACCSTATUS RCT: N REASON: EXT: N DATE ENTD: 11-12--2013 REMARKS..: CURRENT DATE DUE THU 1 2 - 1 2 - 2 0 1 3 GOOOO DEPARTMENT TO ADMIN REM TRANSACTION SUCCESSFULLY TRACKING DATE DATA ASSN :ll~i2-2Qi3 TRK TYPE "iNV DATE RETURNED i' COMPLETED 1ntp^^://<)/SLNTRY/J- M^rRPRado i 1/12/2013