Mar YAA Newsletter 2013 -


Mar YAA Newsletter 2013 -
YAA Monthly Newsletter
March 2013
Art News
In this issue:
Events Announcements Opportunities Education Member News
Robert Taylor Photography
Robert Taylor is a featured artist in YAA Gallery’s April Exhibit – “A Sense of Wonder.”
Portaiture and Figure
Painting Workshop
Instruction by
Brett X. Gamache
Thursday, March 7 & Friday, March 8
10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
YAA Gallery
Brett X. Gamache, Nude Model and Mirror
Well-known and respected Artist Brett X. Gamache will instruct this 2-day
painting workshop. Thursday will be devoted to portraiture and Friday to
figure painting. Each session will begin with a brief lecture and
demonstration. Gamache will then provide one-on-one instruction as
participants paint from a professional model.
WORKSHOP 2-DAY FEE: $200 for members; $240 for non-members.
CONTACT: Education Chair Jill Burke at:
SUPPLIES: Students need to come to class with the following materials:
Paint Tubes: Titanium white, Naples yellow, cadmium lemon, cadmium yellow, cadmium
orange, cadmium red, alizarin crimson, magenta, cerulean blue, ultramarine blue, and
Brett X. Gamache, Resting Figure
viridian green.
Oil Paint Brushes: A variety of sizes, such as: #4, #6, and #8. Gamache prefers 2 rounds, 2 flats, and 2 filberts.
Palette Knife: Suggested knives are diamond or tear drop shape, approximately 2-inches long.
2 Containers: One small odorless for turpentine (used for thinning paint and cleaning brushes) and one medium (suggested mix
of 1-part turpentine and 1-part linseed oil).
Paint Rags or Paper Towels and Plastic Bags (used for discarding rags and paper towels).
Portable Easel: Small French, a durable light weight metal/wooden or tabletop easel.
Palette: Wooden, plastic, disposable or glass palette (no smaller than 10x12-inch).
Canvas: Your choice of stretched canvas or panel (2 for each day, no smaller than 10x12-inch; a total of 4 for the workshop).
2 Vine Charcoal Sticks: Used for initial drawing.
Other Suggestions: Hat with visor, small hand-held mirror, small sketchbook and drawing pencil, painting box or bag to carry
supplies, and snacks or packed lunch.
Brett X. Gamache has taught painting and drawing at the college level for over seven years. He holds an
MFA in painting from the University of New Hampshire. In 2007, he was awarded a Fulbright Grant to
Italy for painting. He has received numerous artist residencies, including the Vermont Studio Center and
the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts. To see more artwork by Brett Gamache visit:
Early Remembrance of YAA with Dianne Young Brown
Saturday, March 16, at 1 p.m.
YAA Gallery
With more than 50 years of
providing a venue, York Art
Association – initially, Kate
Marshall’s General Store on
Lindsay Road - has been a
place where artistic pursuits
By Harman Neill
could be shared and indulged.
Who could forget the pungent fragrance of kerosene
upon entering the store or the old woodstove to keep
the blood flowing?
Founding member Dianne Young Brown will share the
Association’s early history at YAA Gallery on Saturday,
March 16, at 1 p.m. Tea and refreshments will be
Works of early successful artists
affiliated with the Association and to whom we give thanks today - will be on display at the lecture; artists’
Harmon Neill, Robert Eric Moore, Elyot Henderson, Rita Cote, Chris Ritter, Ned
Hergelroth, and Henry Bakula.
Dianne Young Brown, by Harmon Neill
Brown graduated from York High School in 1954 and became a pen artist,
specializing in ink drawings of homes, churches, and other buildings. She has
been an active member of YAA for more than 45 years and has taught in a variety
of arts in venues including Strawberry Banke and UNH. She has done many
brochures, posters, and until recently, sketches for the Old York Showhouses.
By Ned Hergelroth
Brown maintains Canterbury Cottage Art Studio at 27 Mill Lane
in York, where her commissioned works in wood sculpture, pen
& ink sketches, and calligraphy are rendered.
Please come and share your memories . . .
By Robert Eric Moore
For more information contact Education Chair Jill Burke at:
April Show
A Sense of Wonder
A Tribute to Author Rachel Carson and the
Natural World Around Us.
Presented in Conjunction with
York Public Library’s
“York Reads! One Book, One Community”
By Robert Taylor
York Art Association joins with York Public Library to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of “Silent Spring,” by
Rachel Carson.
In her novel “Silent Spring,” Carson attempts to educate readers on the dangers of insecticides and the
ethical responsibility humanity has to earth and its creatures.
The collaborative showing endeavors to renew “A Sense of Wonder” in the
community, by highlighting the delights of our local artists with the
mysteries of the earth, sea, and sky. The exhibit, open to members and nonmembers, will be judged and juried on how best the artwork reflects our
understanding of the natural world around us and humanity’s role within it.
All mediums are encouraged: drawing, painting, mixed media, fiber, clay,
sculpture, and photography.
Robert Taylor
OPENING RECEPTION: Friday, April 5, from 5 to 7 p.m.
SHOW DATES: Saturdays & Sundays, April 6 thru April 28.
GALLERY HOURS: Saturdays & Sundays, from 12 to 4 p.m.
DROP OFF DATES: Monday, April 1 & Tuesday, April 2, from 4 to 6 p.m.
SHOW FEES: YAA Members $10; Non-members $25.
CONTACT: Community Relations Chair Mary Sweeney at:
2013 Show Schedule
A Sense of Wonder
April 6 - 28
Show Type
Open, Juried
Show Chair/s
Mary Sweeney
Tori Rasche
Needs a Show
Needs a Show
Needs a Show
Needs a Show
Carol Powley
Figurative Show
May 9 - 26
May 30 - June 23
Small Works Show
June 27 - July 14
Abstract Show
July 18 - August 4
The Way Life
Should Be August 8
- September 1
Open, Juried
Fiber Art Show
September 5 - 29
Photography Show
October 3 - 27
Open, Juried
Sue Wierzba
Open, Juried
Needs a Show
Open, Juried
Interested in chairing an unassigned show?
For more show information visit our Call for Art page:
YAA Gallery Assistant Barbara Boggiano – Welcome Aboard!
Please join us in extending a warm welcome to YAA’s new Gallery Assistant, Barbara Boggiano.
Barbara joins us with a passion for art and a rich background in administrative experience. We
are very excited to have her join our YAA family and encourage you all to come into the gallery
to meet her!
YAA is in the planning stages for a wonderful 2013 season. Barbara will be a key part in making
YAA events come to life for our membership and community. YAA will be open Thursday to
Sundays from 12 to 5 p.m., starting April 18. Please stop by, have a coffee, shop in the gift
shop, and sign-up to volunteer for some of the exciting shows this season!
Feel free to reach us any time with questions.
YAA Board of Directors:
President Carrie Yakola:
Vice President Tori Rasche:
Treasurer Anne Gately:
Secretary Cathie Cantara:
Community Relations & Art in the Park Chair Mary Sweeney:
Education & Programming Chair Jill Burke:
Outside Exhibits Chair: Tom Stevens:
Scholarships Chair Lou Hargan:
We are all looking forward to a successful and fun season!
YAA Gives a Warm Welcome to New Members: Liz Hoag, Jill Ross, and Alexander Gardner.
Next Board Meeting: Board meetings will be scheduled the third Thursday of each month from
4 to 6 p.m. The next meeting will be held March 21. All members are welcomed.
Jill Burke, Anne Gately, Kate Rasche, Tori Rasche, Mary Sweeney, Sondra Weaver, Sue
Wierzba, and Carrie Yakola.
Many Hands Make Light Work!
YAA Gift Shop Opening: Saturday, March 16.
Spring Season Drop-Off: Sundays, March 3, March 11, and Monday, March 12, from 4 to 6 p.m.
Members are looking forward to an exciting 2013 season, with the opening of the YAA Gift Shop revamped with a new location and miniatures wall.
The YAA Gift Shop now fills the entire entryway and former office space (the office has been relocated
to the space previously dedicated to the gift shop). The area has been repainted and equipped with
glass cabinets, display cases, and shelving (for three and two-dimensional art).
Submitted two-dimensional artwork must be framed, smaller than 9x12-inch, and wired for hanging.
We are accepting miniature paintings (maximum size 8x10-inch framed in white or black) to decorate
the former office space.
The YAA Gift Shop is available to members with 30 percent of sales going to the Association. Procedure
Guidelines can be found on the YAA website at:
An opening is planned for each season (spring, summer, and holiday). Artists will be expected to bring in
new artwork for each seasonal opening. If you have questions, please contact the YAA Gift Shop at:
Note: As an all-volunteer Association, the vitality of YAA is made possible by the active involvement and leadership of its
members. If you are interested in learning about leadership and support positions at York Art Association, please contact us at:
Please Cast Your Vote
for York Art Association
In the Bangor Savings Bank Community Matters More Grant
On Monday, Jan. 28, voting began for the Community Matters More Grant; an initiative sponsored by
Bangor Savings Bank.
The venture, recognized under the Community Reinvestment Act, intends to respond to and maintain
long-term relationships with nonprofit organizations engaged in community development activities. The
voting will run for six weeks (ending March 11) and the winners will be announced early April. Last year,
more than 100,000 Mainers voted for their favorite charities.
Bangor Savings Bank is looking to you, our community, to assist them in deciding how to best distribute
$100,000. This year, a total of 68 grants will be awarded to the organizations listed on the ballot and to
the top 20 write-in recipients. The organizations getting the most votes (including write-ins) in each of
the eight regions will receive $5,000; the remaining 60 organizations will each receive $1,000.
To vote, visit Community Matters More or stop by any of the 56 Bangor Savings Bank branches
(statewide) as a write-in for the York County Region.
Please vote and pass this information on. Thank you for your support!
Call for Art – May 2013
6th Annual Sustainability Art Show at Portsmouth Public Library
Art (all mediums) from Recycled and Repurposed Materials
During the month of May, Portsmouth Public Library will display artwork created by local artists from
recycled materials. They are seeking artwork using worn, used, and discarded materials or
objects - which would otherwise be considered junk. The pieces will be showcased
throughout the Library’s first floor during regular business hours.
(Business hours are: Mon. thru Thurs. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., Fri. 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Sat. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and
Sun. 1 to 5 p.m.)
Working in a variety of formats and styles, some artists have selected materials from the natural world;
using the shapes and forms in a way that enhances awareness and understanding of their native beauty.
Past work included: full-sized wild animals made of used rebar, old fabric pieces given new life in a fiber
collage, welded parts from machinery made into fantasy creatures, machine parts made into
rocketships, and twist ties formed into human shapes.
While work will not be for sale at the Library, the artists’ contact information will be available and
artwork has been sold in the past.
For further information, email Diane Stradling at: or phone (603)431-2525.
Please do not contact the Portsmouth Public Library.
Docent Information Session
Wednesday, March 6
10 a.m.
YAA Gallery
The Ogunquit Museum of American Art (OMAA) will offer a free informational session for prospective
docents and volunteers at the YAA Gallery on Wednesday, March 6, at 10 a.m.
A short film about the OMAA will be shown and docents from the Museum will be present to answer
questions. Docent and volunteer training will take place at the OMAA in late April. The Museum’s 2013
season will run from May 8 to Nov. 1.
Docent Committee Chair Phyllis Giordano is excited about the information session and expects many will
“Last year, our information sessions were very well attended and brought us talented and
knowledgeable docents and volunteers,” Giordano said. “Since 2013 is the 60th Anniversary of the
Ogunquit Museum of American Art, we expect an increase in visitors who wish to view our permanent
collection, as well as, exciting special exhibits and events.”
Docents lead museum tours and answer visitors’ questions about the exhibits. And, volunteers help
with special events, according to Giordano.
“These informational sessions are an easy way for interested people to learn more about the Museum,
ask questions of a current docent, and pick-up application forms,” she said.
For more information about the OMAA Docent and Volunteer Training contact Phyllis Giordano at: or (207) 363-1082.
Drawing Interest Group
4:30 to 6:30 p.m.
YAA Gallery
On Tuesday, Jan. 22, YAA successfully launched a Drawing
Interest Group, co-facilitated by local Art Educators Tara
Morin and Ashley Norman.
Through exercises the
instructors guide students with artistic content and
strategies. Students of all levels bring their own drawing
materials and work in a medium of their own choice.
Anyone wanting to strengthen their drawing skills or have fun with others interested in drawing will
benefit from this group. For more information and to sign up contact Education Chair Jill Burke at:
Tara Morin is an Art Educator at Village Elementary School in York. Moran attended Bowdoin College in
Brunswick, Maine, where she completed a Bachelor of Arts in Religion, focusing on Buddhism. Recently,
she received a Master of Arts in Teaching Art Education from Columbia College in Chicago, Illinois.
To learn more about Moran visit:
Ashley Norman is an Art Educator at Coastal Ridge Elementary School in York. Norman received her
Bachelor of Arts in Art Education from the Massachusetts College of Art and Design (MassArt) in Boston.
She spent three years teaching Drawing I & II, Studio II, Ceramics I & II, and Darkroom Photography I & II
at Lowell High School in Lowell, Massachusetts. Along with her experience in public schools, she has
taught in various other settings: private lessons, after-school programs, camps, and courses through the
MassArt Continuing Education Department.
To learn more about Norman visit:
Fiber Arts Group
The Fiber Arts Group will meet on Wednesday, March 13, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., at the YAA
Gallery. The group will participate in making paper mache mannequins. The mannequins will be
permanent display structures for the Association.
Members should bring a lunch and plan to wear old clothes, as the process will involve newspaper and
glue. It should be a lot of fun!
For a list of materials please email Cheri Wilkins at: or Virigina Calvo at:
Photography Group
The Photography Group meets at the YAA Gallery on the FIRST Thursday of each month, from 6:30 p.m.
to 8 p.m. On March 7, photographers are to bring one exhibition quality work representing the theme
of the month: Abandoned. Kenneth Gilbride will lead a discussion. For more information visit the
Interest Group pages at:
Member News
For a full listing of the YAA Events Calendar visit: