Reports on info days
Reports on info days
Promoting electrical bikes and scooters for delivery of goods and passenger transport in urban areas WP 4: D.4.3 ORGANISATION OF PRO-E-BIKE INFO DAYS REPORTS PP1: PP2: PP3: PP4: PP5: PP7: PP8: PP10: EIHP, Croatia ITENE, Spain POLIEDRA, Italy MOBYCON, Netherlands ESEA, Sweden SINERGIJA, Slovenia OCCAM, Portugal IST, Portugal Author: RA Sinergija December 2015 The sole responsibility for the content of this publication lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. Neither the EACI nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein. REPORT OF PRO-E-BIKE INFO DAYS IN CROATIA Project partner: Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar (EIHP), Croatia Date of 1. info day: 23. and 24. of May 2014, Zadar Project report PRO-E-BIKE project info day was organized in collaboration with the City of Zadar, on 23 and 24 May 2014, during the Energy efficiency week in Zadar. The info day was covered by two events, the project presentation and presentation of Action plan in city library on 23rd, and info stand at Energy efficiency fair the next day. On the first day, Ms. Bajlo from the City of Zadar presented Action plan developed for the project, including several measures identified in the plan such as fostering the procurement of electric bicycles, development of infrastructure for bicycles in general and charging infrastructure for e-bikes, usage of e-bikes in work activities of city employees (home for elderly people, communal service). Presentation of PRO-E-BIKE project was held by coordinator Mr. Matko Perović. Next day, the info stand was set in order to present to the citizens the delivery of goods by e- bike and to present the action plan for their city. Together with PRO-E- BIKE, there were other interesting projects presented at the fair such as public bike sharing scheme and electric cars developed by vocational school in Zadar. Especially interesting to visitors were e- bicycles that could be tested. PRO-E-BIKE had a model adjusted for delivery for postal services, while a distributor of e- bikes from Prelog had variety or regular models available for testing. 2 Media / journalists The info day was covered by several televisions, newspapers, radio and web portals. Here is the list : Grad Zadar Grad Zadar ZNET Zelena Grad Zadar Zadarski istraživački portal Mediapress Antena Zadar -bicik HRT ZADAR Tportal HR esto/?placeid=80 Ezadar Antena zadar ana-radionica-pametno-hladenje-solarnisuncokret-elektricni-bicikli-i-biljni-materijal/ Radio Zadar sije-co2-u-zadru-se-smanjuju-za-30-postouskoro-starta-i-sustav-javnih-bicikala/ 3 Number of On first day - 20 people on presentations participants On second day – 80 people visited a info stand 4 The list of participants from first day: 5 Questionnaire for participans : 6 1st Info day images: 7 8 Project partner: Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar Date of 2. Info day: 16 & 17 October 2015, Zadar Project report The second PRO-E-BIKE project info day was organized in collaboration with the City of Zadar, on 16 and 17 October 2015, during the Energy efficiency week in Zadar. On the first day, the project was presented in the city library. The presentations from Ms. Bajlo from the City of Zadar and the project coordinator, Mr. Perović, covered PRO-E-BIKE action plan for the city of Zadar and presentation of pilot projects (home for adults, communal inspectors, home care service, city waste management company) in Zadar. The second day, PRO-E-BIKE had an info stand at Energy efficiency fair at the entrance in the old pedestrian core of the city. The info stand was set in order to present to the citizens the delivery of goods by e- bike and to present the action plan for their city. The city waste management company Čistoća presented their electric tricycle for waste collection. Based on the experiences from the last info day, when people were very reluctant to leave their personal information, this time the questionnaires were anonymous. In total, 23 questionnaires were filled. 60 % of respondents have heard about e-bikes for delivery purposes, mostly on television. 83% of respondents consider that there is not enough information about e- bikes for delivery. Especially interesting is that 99% of respondents consider that the usage of e-bikes should be strongly encouraged in the companies that are in the city ownership. If they would have a chance, 60% would test the e-bikes in their daily businesses, while 40% would maybe test the e-bikes. The respondents were also asked to identify the most significant obstacle to wider e-bike usage in businesses. The lack of good cycling infrastructure is seen as the highest obstacle, followed by high price of electric bicycles. The technical aspects and malfunctions were not rated as relevant. One of the respondents also emphasized that there is not enough promotion. 9 Number of participants On first day - 10 people on presentations On second day – some 70 people visited a info stand Questionnaire for participants : Info day images: 11 12 REPORT OF PRO-E-BIKE INFO DAYS IN SPAIN Project partner: Packing, Transport and Logistics Research Centre (ITENE), Spain Date of 1st Info day: 17 September 2014 Project report INFODAY PRO-E-BIKE: "Soluciones para una logística urbana sostenible en la ciudad de Valencia" Location: Musuem of the City of Valencia Participants City Councillor - Environment SD Logistica Central Market Txita Encicle Emakers ITENE Agenda 13 14 Media / journalists Dissemination of the PRO-E-BIKE info-day Media appearances: Linkedin of ITENE Facebook of ITENE Twitter of ITENE Web inndea valencia Web nebocomunicacion Web economia 3 Web informa valencia Web lerrandi news Web Valencia news 15 Web ecommerce news Web press news (notas de prensa) Web journal “el levanter emv” Radio interviews: COPE RNE Files uploaded in dropbox at partner area ITENE evidence from dissemination Info Day. Number of participants 37 people at the conference (see attendance list attached) 117 people at the photocall Total attendees: 37 + 117 = 154 people 16 1st Info day images: 17 18 19 Project partner: Packing, Transport and Logistics Research Centre (ITENE), Spain Date of 2nd Info day: 28. October 2015 Innovación y perspectivas de la Logística Urbana Project report Location: ADEIT-Fundación Universidad-Empresa de la Universitat de València Plaza Virgen de la Paz, 3, 46001 Valencia Agenda 20 21 22 Dissemination of the info-day Media / journalists Media appearances: Rumbosistemas ITENE website ITENE Facebook (1) 1 ITENE Facebook (2) file_browser Web of cluster Dorothy (1) Web of cluster Dorothy (2) 5000 Files uploaded in dropbox at partner area ITENE evidence from dissemination Info Day. e%20from%20dissemination/Info%20Day%20October%202015/Pho tos Number of participants 108 people at the conference (see attendance list attached) First name Olivier Júlia Giuseppe Last name Brunet Company Sanus Grezzi Organization European Commission Representative Conselleria de Economía Sostenible, Sectores Productivos, Comercio y Trabajo Valencia City Council 23 Esther Diez Elche City Council Dan Dasoveanu Municipality of Craiova Sorin Manda Municipality of Craiova Mihaela Tascu Carlos Bernardes Azeredo Lopes Ósca Adriano Rodrigues Poggiali Regional Development Agency Camara Municipal de Torras Vedras Camara Municipal de Torras Vedras EMEL Lisbon Municipal Mobility + Parking Company Tuscany Region Paula Llobet INNDEA Bernardo Pérez ADISLEV Candela Fernández ENCICLE Angel Navarro INNDEA Antonio Garcia UV Pablo Boix Rumbo Sistemas S.L. Isabel Espinós MOVUS Luigi Sardi T3 Emilio González ITENE María Dolores Herrero Tomás ITENE Jorge Leon ITENE Elisa Molino Municipality of Florence Carlos Pina CCDR-LVT Mauro MihaelaSteliana Fiore Tascu-Stavre MOVUS South-West Oltenia Regional Development Agency Germán Cuñat IVACE Luis Roda EMT Valencia Alessandro Monti Marco Scerbo Carlos Medina Fondazione Ricerca Foundation for Research and Innovation Ayuntamiento de San Vicente del Raspeig Alessandro Monti Fondazione Ricerca Robert Stussi Perform Energia José Leal Instituto Pedro Nunes Florencia Lia Castellano CADE Sandra Melo IST Paula Llobet Fundación InnDEA Valencia 24 RAFAEL ESCAMILLA IVACE Marco Mastretta T3 Paulo Joaquim Elegedata,Lda Pedro Serralha Elegedata,Lda João Cleto AGENEAL João Cleto AGENEAL Pedro Gomes AGENEAL Jose Vicente Latorre IVACE Manuel Pardo IVACE Juan Bueno Carrillo MOVUS Oscar Colomer UPV Jose Vicente Colomer UPV Nuno Sardinha EMEL Oscar Rodrigues EMEL Carolina Yolanda Verónica Rosa Pablo JOSE ANTONIO Jorge Pablo Carlos Duarte ANTONIO Simone Vicente TORREGROSA Valentín francisco Adriano Silvia Christian Bruno María Catalina Navarro Atienzar Lliso Arroyo Carvallo Corral Fundacion Valenciaport Expert Logistics Abogado UPV UPV VALVERDE Bellmunt Carvallo Corral Carvalho Carona MARCO Giangrandi Guillot Soler MIRALLES Mateos Mañas gascon Poggiali Mazzoni Jalade Brandolese Hernández Martínez Esquembre Bebiá Sempere Amoros Calahorro Maribel UPV Upv UPV Logistema EACH, Lda UNIVERSIDAD ALICANTE Metro CADE LOGISTICS ADISLEV Ayuntamiento Xirivella OBINESA Regione Toscana Regione Toscana Esther Xus Rafael BELÉN DOMÍNGUEZ Ayuntamiento de Villena Ayuntamiento de Villena Ayuntamiento de Villena Mestral Telecom Mestral Telecom AULA DE LA BICI AYUNTAMIENTO MANISES 25 MERCADER Andrea Luigi Rafael Giaccherini Costalli AJUNTAMENTE MANISES Aleph srl Aleph srl Jaume J. Portet València en Bici - AE.A Diego Ortega Valencia en Bici Maria Ros Upv Juan María García UPV Davinia Calvo Upv Rafael CABRERA BELLMUNT Villalba Rubio Valencia en Bici UPV Jorge JORGE Beltrán Casanova RodríguezGavela Blesa Mónica Martínez López UPV Lucas Moscardó UPV Javier Vidal Universidad Politécnica de Valencia Alberto Decodes UPV Carmen UPV Paloma Peñas Sampedro Crespo UPV Eva Andreu UPV Jesús García Orrico UPV Alessandro Fiore MOVUS Gabriel Vladut IPA CIFATT Camelia Cojocaru IPA CIFATT Joan Valmed Servicios Integrales S.L. Alejandro Tomás Estalrich Lisarde Guerrero Gabriel Vladut IPA Craiova Camelia Cojocaru IPA Craiova Joaquín Sánchez SEUR VALENCIA Ignacio CARMEN Chasan MONZONÍS PRESENTACIÓN SEUR VALENCIA COLEGIO INGENIEROS DE CAMINOS, CANALES Y PUERTOS BERNARDO PEREZ HERVAS Carlos Medina ADISLEV Ayuntamiento de San Vicente del Raspeig Andrés UPV UPV UPV 26 2nd Info day images: 27 28 REPORT OF PRO-E-BIKE INFO DAYS IN ITALY Project partner: Knowledge and Education Centres of Politechnico di Milano (POLIEDRA), Italy Date of 1st Info day: 17th June 2014 Project report The first info day took place on 17th of June 2014 in Genova, the Italian pilot city for Pro-e-bike project, in synergy and conjunction with an event organized for the IEE project Ele.C.Tra. The info day has been targeted to enterprise mobility managers, e-vehicles producers and distributors, public administrations and citizens. The aim was to increase awareness about electric mobility, with a special focus on urban logistics with e-bikes. The info day has been composed by two parts: a meeting and an open air exposition. The meeting The meeting took place in the morning. It saw the involvement of mobility managers, representatives of Genova Public Administration, e-vehicles producers and distributors (Annex A: list of main participants to the meeting). The main themes of the meeting were: • Flexible mobility systems for companies • Vehicle Sharing systems • How to enlarge e-bikes market (Ele.C.Tra. experience) • Urban logistics with e-bikes (Pro-e-bike project) Concerning the Pro-e-bike project, the following aspects have been explained and discussed: • Urban logistics impacts and issues • Pro-e-bike project explanation • Results of the pilot companies activities achieved so far Before and after the presentation people attending have been asked to fulfill the questionnaire (Annex B). 29 The intent of the questionnaire was to measure the increase of awareness about urban logistics, e-bikes, Pro-e-bikes aims and objectives. The results show a good increase of knowledge about these themes with an average increase of awareness: 37% of right answers before the presentation, 75% after. Awareness questionnaire questions 1. Which is the topic of Pro-e-bike project? 2. What is an e-bike (pedelec)? 3. How many bikes are needed for substituting a van for daily deliveries activities in the city centre? 4. What is the cost of a complete recharge for a common ebike? 5. How many kilos can a e-cargo bike carry? 6. What is the autonomy of a common e-bike? The meeting gave to the project great visibility and it created channels for an efficient spread of the Simulation-tool. The e-vehicle exposition The e-vehicles open-air exposition was set along Genova promenade, nearby some of the major attractions of the City, like the Acquarium and the Old Port. 30 It involved eight organizations, among producers and providers, to give citizens the chance to have a look and test e-bikes, escooters and LEVs (Light Electric Vehicles). The three vehicles in use within the pilot in Genova, for the Proe-bike project, were showed: • the e-scooter used by TNT Global Express • the e-cargobike used by Eco Bike Courier • the e-cargobike used by Grafica KC Especially the two e-cargobikes attracted the attention of citizens passing by the exposition and of people attending the info-day. During the exposition, around 50 people asked for information and around 20 seized the opportunity to try the evehicles. Media / journalists Number of participants One of the most important radio station of Genova Municipality participated to the event. 50 people actively participating to the meeting 80 people participating to the vehicle exposition 31 1st Info day images: Some of the producers and providers on the yard of the Old Port Some of the producers and providers on the yard of the Old Port Eco Bike Courier and Grafica KC riders and vehicles Grafica KC and TNT riders and vehicles Detail of Grafica KC e-cargobike Detail of TNT Global Express e-scooter 32 ANNEX A – list of Main Participants to the meeting Company / Administration Name Surname Genova Municipality AnnaMaria Dagnino Genova Municipality Genova Municipality Genova Municipality Genova Municipality Genova Province Ansaldo Basko Confindustria Costa Crociere ENEL IIT ILVA - Gruppo Riva KUADRA srl Ospedale Galliera Genova PSA Voltri Pra SIEMENS SIEMENS SOGEGROSS Telecom Trenitalia AMT CERBERUS ECOBIKE CENTER ECOMISSION Enjoy Green EVBILITY FIAB Genova Parcheggi ITSInfinity SISTeMA SYNTONIA green mobility RadioBabboleo TBridge TBridge TBridge Carla Francesco Maria Annalisa Raffaella Michele Antonio Cellario Sara Paola Massimiliano Domenico Mario Giacomo Alberto Milena Annalisa Lucia Marco Corrado Massimo Giuseppe Ivan Walter Marco Luigi Andrea Marco Ubaldo Claudio Bruno Walter Michele Cino Agnese Gerbaudi Pellegrino Fassone Nordio Dagnino Bergese Mantero Vincenzo Bottaro Arzeno Gatti Carriero Bonino Montecucco Casali Gianotti Tunesi Bruzzone Santachiara Fameli Bèrtola De Grande Azzano Pilloni Ghezzi Sabadini Casalino Silvestri Rauso Petrocelli Verrina Miscioscia Solari Repetto Vaccaro Role Mobility Town Councillor Mobility Manager Mobility Director Technician Technician Mobility Manager Mobility Manager Mobility Manager Mobility Manager Mobility Manager Mobility Manager Mobility Manager Mobility Manager Mobility Manager Mobility Manager Mobility Manager Mobility Manager Mobility Manager Mobility Manager Mobility Manager Mobility Manager Operator Operator Operator Operator Operator Operator Operator Operator Operator Operator Operator Radio Journalist Consultant Consultant Consultant 33 ANNEX B – Questionnaire General info 1. What’s the size of your company? micro (< 10 employees) small (< 50 employees) medium (< 250 employees) big (> 250 employees) 2. What is the core business of your company (please specify)? Pro-e-bike topic 1. Which is the topic of Pro-e-bike project? promotion of e-bike for transport of passenger and goods promotion of e-bike sharing systems promotion of e-bike races in urban centers 2. What is an e-bike (pedelec)? an electric bicycle a pedal-assisted bicycle an ecologic bicycle 3. How many bikes are needed for substituting a van (Volume 5m3) for daily deliveries activities in the city centre? 2 5 10 4. What is the cost of a complete recharge for a common e-bike? <1 € 1-5 € >5 € 5. How many kilos can a e-cargo bike carry? <50 kg 75-100 kg >100 kg 6. What is the autonomy of a common e-bike? <40 km 40-70 km >70 km 34 Project partner: Knowledge and Education Centres of Politechnico di Milano (POLIEDRA), Italy Date of 2nd Info day: 14th April 2015, Genova The second info day took place on 14th of April 2014 in Genova, the Italian pilot city for Pro-E-Bike project, in synergy and conjunction with an event organized for the IEE project Ele.C.Tra. The info day has been targeted to logistics companies, mobility managers, e-vehicles producers and distributors, public administrations and citizens (Annex A: list of main participants to the meeting). The aim was to increase awareness about main results of Italian Pro-E-Bike pilots with a special focus on urban logistics with e-bikes. Project report The main themes of the meeting were: • Main results of Italian Pro-E-Bike pilots • Experiences of e-logistics in Genoa and Milano of GLS, TNT, Orobici and Ecobike Courier • Other projects about e-vehicles (Ele.C.Tra.) and logistics with e-bike (OptiLog) Concerning the Pro-e-bike project, the following aspects have been explained and discussed: • Urban logistics impacts and issues • Pro-E-Bike project explanation • Results of the pilot companies activities achieved Particular evidence has to be given to the participation and the involvement of the Professional Logistics Association of Genoa, Spediporto that ensured great visibility of the event and the ProE-Bike results among its members. The Municipality representatives expressed high level of satisfaction for the Info day organization and Pro-E-Bike results. The presentations used in the Info day have been made available to all the participants, and to the 200 people invited to the Info day, at the link . 35 The news about the Info day has been published by official Genoa Municipality website (and reposted by several website), before and after the event: Below some links of website that described the Info day Media / journalists A video mentioning Pro-E-Bike support has been realized by Ecobike Courier and presented for the first time during the Info day. It is at disposal at the link: Number of participants 50 people actively participating to the meeting 36 Meeting Agenda 37 2nd Info day images: Director of Genoa Municipality, the chairman of the Info day Eco Bike Courier vehicle and Pro-E-Bike roll-up Participants of the Info day during a break moment 38 ANNEX A – list of Main Participants to the meeting Company / Administration Genoa Municipality Genoa Municipality Genoa Municipality Genoa Municipality Genoa Municipality Genoa Municipality EcobikeCourier EcobikeCourier Orobici Porello Srl SDA Express Courier Spediporto Spediporto TNT Global Express TNT Global Express Youlog TBridge Telecom Italia Telecom Italia freelance consulting ANVE Cerberus Duferco Energia Ecomission Enjoygreen Gemay Technology Grafica KC Syntonia Trenitalia Trenitalia ABB Camera di Commercio Genoa Confommercio Politecnico di Milano UniGe UniGe UniGe Name Anna Maria Francesco Carla Maria Tiziana Annalisa Ivan Giorgia Antonio Giorgio Luca Adriana Azzurra Paola Elisa Franco Michele Marco Luigi Luigi Piergianni Giuseppe Sergio Alessandro Marco Massimo Giacomo Bruno Corrado Andrea Gianluca Marina Fabio Alberto Anna Paola Ilaria Surname Dagnino Pellegrino Gerbaudi Fassone Lanuti Nordio Azzaro Notari Filisetti Porello Pineider Benevelli Scasso Chiadò Ermertzidis Fabriziani Solari Santachiara Laganà Gatti Ghezzi De Corame Torre Pillon Ghezzi Pezzini Chiarella Verrina Fameli Menegatti Domato D’Andre Costa Colorni Sciomachen Dameri Torre Role Mobility Town Councillor Mobility Director Mobility Manager Technician Technician Technician Logistics operator Logistics operator Logistics operator Logistics operator Logistics operator Logistics operator Logistics operator Logistics operator Logistics operator Logistics operator Consultant Consultant Consultant Journalist Operator Operator Operator Operator Operator Operator Operator Operator Operator Operator Professional category Professional category Professional category Professor Professor Professor Professor 39 REPORT OF PRO-E-BIKE INFO DAYS IN NETHERLANDS Project partner: MOBYCON, Netherlands Date of 1st Info day: 26 September 2013 Project report First info day was held on 26 September 2014 in Heerhugowaard as part of a Sustainable Mobility event for entrepreneurs in the Heerhugowaard region. The Bedrijfskring Heerhugowaard (organization of local companies) and the city of Heerhugowaard have organized an event about sustainable mobility. Apart from a programme with presentation there were stands that could be visited. Mobycon operated one of the stands, distributing leaflets about the project and trying to convince companies to participate in the PRO-E-BIKE project as pilot company. Participation was open for ALL companies in Heerhugowaard. Agenda: 15.30 welcome and opening by Alderman Stam (Economic Affairs, Transport) 16.00 Informative session • Jan Laan van Aad de Wit Verhuizingen – sustainable mover • Daan Keuning of New York Pizza – sustainable mobility as USP • Hooge Waerder – tax subsidies possible • Kenan Aksular of Athlon Car Lease - Urban mobility 17.00 Visiting stands + networking 18.30 End Organized as part of the European Mobility Week. 40 Media / journalists The event was announced in various digital media beforehand. Afterwards an article was published about the event on the website of the Bedrijfskring Heerhugowaard. Number of participants In total there were about 75 people, mainly local entrepreneurs with an interest in sustainable mobility. Mobycon was present with information about the PRO-E-BIKE project (leaflet) and forms to reserve a cargo-bike in our project. The local government (city of Heerhugowaard) was also there, providing additional information on subsidies that are in place in Heerhugowaard. They were enthusiastic about our approach. We spoke to over a dozen people, informing them about the possibilities within the PRO-E-BIKE project. Feedback was very positive. One company has entered in the PRO-E-BIKE project, buying an electric bike and electric scooter with support of the PRO-E-BIKE project. Info day images: No pictures are available 41 Project partner: MOBYCON, Netherlands Date of 2nd Info day: 18/19 April 2015, in Nijmegen Project Report On the 18th and 19th of April, 2015, Mobycon attended the International Cargo Bike Festival 2015, in Nijmegen (#icbf2015). The festival is organised by Jos Sluijsmans from The event focussed on Cargo Bikes (most of what were E-CargoBikes) from the perspectives of planning, infrastructure and technology. On the 18th of April, Mobycon held a workshop entitled ‘Ecargo-bikes as an opportunity for a sustainable business and a clean urban environment’ aiming at sharing the lessons from the PRO-E-BIKE Dutch pilots. Because of a great interest, the workshop has been held 3 times and the outcomes of the workshops have been quickly summarized during the last plenary. On the 19th of April, Mobycon had a stand on behalf of PRO-EBIKE and handed out a variety of public leaflets and brochures (that contained summary, PRO’s and CON’s of Dutch pilots). Amount of participants In total, the festival attracted about 100 people on the 18th of April and 200 people on the 19th of April. Participants’ professions Most of visitors were business owners, manufacturers, consultants or policy makers. The festival in figures bicycle Participants’ nationalities On the first day most of attendees were international; 21 countries were represented: Austria, Belgium, Bosnia Herzegovina, Canada, China, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, UK, Venezuela and the USA. The 2nd day was mostly visited by local entrepreneurs and stakeholders. Workshop(s) on the 18th of April The Workshop held by Mobycon ranked #1 in terms of participants. 42 It got such a success that the workshop had to be held 3 times with 20 participants per round. Each workshop lasted 1 hour. The workshop(s) attracted business owners, bicycle manufacturers and consultants. On the first part of (each) workshop our two consultants Angela van der Kloof and Simon Fessard presented the PRO-E-BIKE project and a variety of pilots. In the second part of (each) workshop Angela and Simon offered the participants to discuss along the expected and identified PRO’s and CON’s. A variety of topics have been approached: ECargoBike technological features; Infrastructures and facilities; Employees engagement; Logistical process, delivery modes and efficiency; Branding, costs and image. Angela and Simon have had very positive feedback from the participants, whom considered the workshop informative and valuable. Stand on the 19th of April Mobycon had a stand on behalf of PRO-E-BIKE. About 200 leaflets and 200 brochures (that contained summary, PRO’s and CON’s of Dutch pilots) have been handed out. The audience has been very positive about PRO-E-BIKE in general and about the opportunity to learn from pilots in particular. Most people interested by the project were business owners or mere passionates of E-Cargobikes. Program Saturday 18th April, 2015 Morning plenary 09.30 - 09.45 - Word of Welcome and official opening of the Conference by Conny Bieze, Delegate of the Province Gelderland. 09.45 - 10.30 - Kevin J. Krizek (visiting professor Radboud University): Cargobikes in changing urban regions 10.30 - 11.10 - Arne Behrensen, VCD: Results and lessons learned from the German project "Lasten auf die Räder!" (Cargo onto bikes!) 11.35 - 12.15 - Willem Jan Snel, Mecanoo: Forward to basics. Afternoon plenary 13.30 - Short speech of Mrs. Harriët Tiemens, Vice Mayor of Nijmegen, responsible for Mobility, Environment and Finance. Afternoon parallel workshops - "Setting up and running a cycle based delivery business", ECLF workshop by Gary Armstrong. 43 - Willem Jan Snel, Mecanoo: Q&A - Herman Gelissen, Dutch Cycling Embassy: Dutch cargo bikes, a blessing for the world! - Vincent Meerschaert, Traject, Belgium: CylcleLogistics Ahead Its aims and objectives - Johan Erlandsson/A. Vrielink: "The iterative development of the full suspension, high capacity, small width Velove Armadillo cargo bike" Anita Dirx of Anita Dirix Projectmanagement: Cargo bike parking - Angela van der Kloof & Simon Fessard, Mobycon, "Ecargo-bikes as an opportunity for a sustainable business and a clean urban environment" - Bill Liou, GWA Energy Ltd. from Taiwan: Electric motors for cargo bikes and cargo bike sharing scheme - Jorrit Kreek, Urban Arrow: New markets for cargo bikes and dealers - Gary Armstrong of ECLF/Outspoken Delivery: Setting up and running a cycle based delivery business (all afternoon) Closing plenary 17.00 -17.30 - Results of the workshops & closing Evening program 17.30 - 18.30 - a drink after the conference 18.30 - 20.00 Dinner 20.00 -24.00 Bicycle Film Night at the Dutch Bicycle Centre, nextdoor 11.30 – 13.00 - Cargo Bike Parade 13.00 - 17.00 - International Cargo Bike Fair Program Sunday 19th April, 2015 At the venue the different types of cargo bikes can be tried and tested. Many self-builders will show their own classic, and innovative cargo bikes. Also the visitors are invited to bring their own cargo bikes. The emphasis was on commercial use of cargo bikes, but there was a lot of attention for family cargo bikes and multi-person bikes as well. Also several producers of bicycles for disabled people presented their special products at the International Cargo Bike Festival. 20.00 - 00.00 - Bicycle Film Night 44 International Cargo Bike Festival 2015 Last Sunday, 19 April, I visited the International Cargo Bike Festival in Nijmegen. That was the closing day of the fourth edition of this annual festival. The ICBF in Nijmegen is the biggest platform for cargo bikes and cycle logistics in the world. The festival is organised by Jos Sluijsmans of On Saturday there had been a conference, that was attended by people from 17 different countries. All professionals in the field of cargo deliveries by bicycle. They had come together to exchange their innovative ideas and to present their products. The list of companies included multinationals such as DHL and UPS. Source: Bicycle Dutch, Mark Wagenbuur, The festival in the press A celebration of cargo bikes On Sunday 19 April, visited the fourth International Cargo Bike Festival in Nijmegen. This year the festival didn't just focus on delivery bikes, but especially on family cargo bikes, multi-person bikes and bikes for people with a disability. Sunday's programme started off with the Cargo Bike Parade through the centre of Nijmegen to the festival grounds at the Vasim. At the Cargo Bike Fair a wide variety of cargo bikes was on display. You could also try them out yourself. The catering and entertainment were of course all provided by cargo bikes. Here is a photo impression. Source:, Hilary Staples, 45 In Nijmegen (NL) ging gestern das International Cargo Bike Festival (ICBF) mit der großen Publikumsmesse zu Ende. Der Samstag war mit Fachvorträgen von verschiedenen internationalen Rednern dem Fachpublikum vorbehalten. Diese Vorträge hätten interessante Facetten rund um das Thema Lastenfahrrad beleuchtet, waren sich alle Teilnehmer, mit denen ich sprechen konnte, einig. Lastenradparade Am gestrigen Sonntag fand, nach der traditionellen LastenradParade durch Nijmegen, die Publikumsmesse bei herrlichem Frühlingswetter statt. Bei lockeren und zwanglosen Gesprächen konnte sich jeder Interessierte über die verschiedensten Arten von Lastenrädern informieren. Die angebotenen Probefahrten wurden rege und mit viel Spaß genutzt. Source: VeloStrom, impressionen/ International Cargo Bike conference 2015 As a member of the European Cycle Logistics Federation we had to return to Nijmegen in the Netherlands for the annual conference and festival. A gathering of like minded individuals and companies to network, look at new and old kit, working practices and of course soak up the atmosphere of all that is Dutch. Different every year, this year saw some very interesting developments in the area of new cargo bikes, one specifically designed to accept a roll on/roll off container, cargo scooters, folder flat bed bike and some rather clever bespoke cargo boxes and work add ons. There was lots of electric assist bikes and at last a fully working electric assist trailer. Lots learnt, fun had and a ton of ideas to process. Source: London Bike Hub, 46 Van Raam Nijmegen. op internationaal Cargo Bike festival in In het weekend van 18 en 19 april vindt in Nijmegen het grootste Cargobike festival ter wereld plaats. Op dit event komen er deelnemers uit 24 landen met ruim 200 verschillende bak en transportfietsen. Op zondag 19 april is er om 12.00 vanaf de grote markt in Nijmegen een optocht door de stad met een groot deel van deze bijzondere fietsen. Daarna kunnen al deze fietsen bewondert worden vanaf 13.00 bij de Cultuurspinnerij De Vasim Nijmegen Winselingseweg 41 6541 AH Nijmegen. Van Raam is aanwezig met de GoCab, de bakfiets voor 8 kinderen die de wereldwijde innovatie award van de Eurobike, de innovatieaward van Fietsrai, een GIO award en een design prijs bij de Dutch design week heeft gewonnen. Daarnaast is de Veloplus rolstoeltransportfiets aanwezig. Op deze fiets kan eenvoudig elke handbewogen rolstoel getransporteerd worden. Ook zal de Funtrain aanwezig zijn, een duofiets combinatie met aanhanger waardoor er 3 personen mee kunnen met een begeleider. Zij kunnen meetrappen maar het hoeft niet. Source: Vanraam, International Cargo Bike Festival 2015 Am vergangenen Wochenende fand in Nijmegen die vierte Auflage des Internationalen Lastenradfestivals statt. Die Wiedergeburt des Transportmittels Lastenfahrrad verlangt nach einer Plattform, bei der sich die Akteure des Lastenrads austauschen können. Und es scheint weltweit immer mehr Hersteller, Designer, Selberbauer, Logistiker und Nutzer zu geben, für das internationale Stelldichein der Lastenradfreunde in Nijmegen ein Pflichtermin ist. Das Festival startete am Sonnabend mit einer Konferenz. Einer der Redner war Kevin J. Krizek von der Universität von Colorado, der zum ersten niederländischen Fahrradprofessor an der Radboud-Universität von Nijmegen berufen wurde. Viele weitere Experten auf dem Gebiet der Fahrradlogistik kamen zu Wort und stellten ihre Projekte vor. 47 Traditionellerweise beginnt der Sonntag mit einer Lastenradparade durch das Zentrum von Nijmegen. Selten konnte man so ein buntes Angebot an Cargo Bikes auf engem Raum sehen: zweirädrige, dreirädrige, vierrädrige, sechsrädrige Nutzfahrzeuge, Kindertransporter mit bis zu sechs Kids an Bord, Fahrradanhänger, die immer größer und voluminöser zu werden scheinen. Hier ein kurzes Video der Parade, Lastenradporno pur. Source: Rad-Spannerei Blog, Terugblik Bakfietstreffen 2015 18 en 19 april vond in Nijmegen het International CargoBikeFestival/Bakfietstreffen plaats met op de eerste dag een conferentie en op de tweede dag een publieksevenement, het Bakfietstreffen, dat al voor de vierde keer werd gehouden. Op de conferentie kwamen zo'n 100 mensen uit ongeveer 15 landen. Fietskoeriers, bakfietsenbouwers en nog veel meer. De nieuwe gasthoogleraar fietsbeleid van de Radboud Universiteit, Kevin Krizek, was aanwezig en gaf een lezing. Ook de Gelderse Gedeputeerde voor mobiliteit, Conny Bieze, en de Nijmeegse wethouder voor mobiliteit en duurzaamheid, Harriët Tiemens, waren aanwezig en hebben gesproken. Bij het Dutch Bicycle Centre bij de Honig waren tegelijkertijd ook enkele fietsactiviteiten, zoals de fietsfilmnacht (ook met Facebook-pagina) met allemaal korte films over/met fietsen. De zondag begon eerst met een Bakfietsenparade vanaf het centrum naar de Vasim. Vooraan de Bakfietsenparade reed de nieuwe riksja voor Cycling Without Age Nijmegen. Een nieuw initiatief om ouderen rond te fietsen door Nijmegen. Een comfortabele riksja voor zowel de ouderen, als de fietser, dankzij een electromotor. (Zin om mee te doen met dit nieuwe initiatief?) Source: Fietserbond, 48 Bas de Meijer Facebook group of International Cargo Bike Festival 2015 73741850.147543048640366&type=1 Remco Kroeze 6029002737.1073741871.100004870290633&type=1 Photographies Cargo Bike Roll Call Nijmegen 92207/ Space van Wil Morethanfunctional Videos YouTube videos (ICBF2015) 49 REPORT OF PRO-E-BIKE INFO DAYS IN SWEDEN Project partner: East Sweden Energy Agency (ESEA), Sweden Date of 1. Info day: 14. 6. 2014 Project report On the 14th of June 2014 we organized the first part of the first info day in our pilot city Motala. The info day was organized in connection with one of the worlds biggest bike races “Vatternrundan”. The target group was the general public. Together with people from the municipality of Motala and the home care service we had a stand in the city centre where we informed the general public about the project and the e-bikes. The visitors also had the possibility to try an e-bike for a short ride. Most of the people who tried the e-bike was very satisfied, and said that they were planning to buy one in the near future. The second part of the first info day will be organized during the regional conference “E-week” in Linkoping in January 2015. The target group will be distributors, municipalities etc. Media / journalists Number of participants An ad was published a few days in advance in the local newspaper in order to promote the info day. No journalists visited the actual info day. Approx 45, whereof 15 tried e-bikes. 50 Below add Info day images: 51 Project partner: East Sweden Energy Agency (ESEA), Sweden Date of 2. Info day: 14.1.2015 and 13.3.2015 On the 14th of June 2014 we organized the first part of the first info day in our pilot city Motala. The info day was organized in connection with one of the worlds biggest bike races “Vatternrundan”. The target group was the general public. Together with people from the municipality of Motala and the home care service we had a stand in the city centre where we informed the general public about the project and the e-bikes. The visitors also had the possibility to try an e-bike for a short ride. Most of the people who tried the e-bike was very satisfied, and said that they were planning to buy one in the near future. The second part of the info day was conducted during the regional conference “E-week” in Linkoping in January 14 2015. The target group was distributors, municipalities etc. E Week is a meeting place for regional and national stakeholders in the energy and environmental sector. This years theme was transportation and food. Other inspiring companies featuring during the Pro- E-bike workshop was Almroths and Koop Service. As part of its environmental efforts Almroths, a haulage company, started to offer goods shipment by cargo bike in central Norrköping in 2014. The social enterprise Koop Service is using electric cargo bikes mainly to run goods between their second-hand shops but is now considering selling green transport services to other companies. Motala , one of the pilot cities , also purchased 10 electric cargo bikes to their childcare units. Staff from a participating unit talked about their experiences during the Pro- E-bike seminar on E Week. Info Day 2 was carried out during Motala Expo on March 13-14th. Motal Expo is a yearly business expo in the city of Motala. This year 130 businesses participated with an attendance of 6500 visitors. In the City Councils stand an e-cargo bike used by the child care was on show. Employees using the ecargo bike was available in the stand to tell more about the bike and the councils biking promotion work. The project leader for the Pro E Bike project was present one of the two days and visited many company stands to discuss about possibilities in switching company cars with e-bikes. 52 And was published a few days in advance in the local newspaper in order to promote the info day. No journalists visited the actual info day. (Infoday 1) E week and ESEA day at the event were spred in all members of the conference network. The member was ESEA, University of Linköping, conunty government and the Region of Östergötland. The whole event was filmed and will be available on the internet on . Almroths Express in swedish Kooptjänst I Norrköping in Swedish Motala municipal childcare in swedish Number of participants: Approx 45, whereof 15 tried e-bikes. (Info day 1) 70 visitor at the Pro E-Bike seminar at E Week. (Infoday 2) 6500 visitors at the fair, Motala Expo (infoday 2) 53 1st Info day images: E Week Motala child care 2nd Info day images: 54 2nd Info day images: 55 REPORT OF PRO-E-BIKE INFO DAYS IN SLOVENIA Project partner: Development Agency Sinergija (SINERGIJA), Slovenia Date of 1. Info day: 6th of September 2014 Project report The 1st info day was organized together with the municipality day of the Municipality Moravske Toplice on 6th September 2014. The aim of info day was to increase awareness about electric mobility, with a special focus on urban and rural logistics with ebikes. With an information booth and two e-bikes we made a rainy day more interesting and encouraged the visitors to test e-bikes. Most of them were excited and assumed the role of a deliverer. We handed out folders and questionnaires and also presented the purpose, goals and project activities to the visitors. The visitors were the general public and the representative of the company Pošta Slovenije explained their activity in more detail to them. Presenting e-bikes to the general public is one of the activities with which we can objectively show the functioning of the ebike. E-bikes intended for delivery are special bikes, they are heavier than common bikes and are made according to individual measures of every company or activities of the company. The participants also tried the test e-bike and were impressed, because driving it can not be compared to driving a common bike. Some participants tested the e-bike intended for postal items deliveries which our postmen across Slovenia use. In September the company Čista narava »employed« a new »coworker« that will help them with their daily work. Lessons learnt: testing of the e-bikes intended for delivery was interesting for the general public, because a similar e-bike does not exist in our rural area. 56 In our rural area e-bikes represent a large financial burden, so the use of e-bikes would increase if the price would be reasonable and subsidies intended for their purchase. Two of the project principles are creating understanding and strengthening the trust in technology, and we also endeavour to be a role model to our citizens as regards a new mobility variety in towns and other smaller cities. Media / journalists Number of participants There were around 50 participants including pilot companies (Pošta Slovenije in Čista Narava). 57 Questionnaire: 58 1st Info day images: The stand of info day Mayor of Municipality of M. Toplice (left) Director of pilot company Čista Narava (right) Participants in testing e-bike 59 Interesting participants of 1st Info day in Slovenia 60 Project partner: Development Agency Sinergija (SINERGIJA), Slovenia Date of 2nd Info day: 23rd of August 2015, Moravske Toplice Project report Development agency Sinergija organized its 2nd INFO DAY on Sunday, the 23rd of August 2015. We joined the marathon as a project partner in the project named PRO-E-BIKE (IEE- intelligent Energy of Europe) and we introduced the benefits and advantages of using e -bikes and electric scooters for the delivery of goods to all 74 participants of the marathon. The focus of the PRO-E BIKE project is on establishing e- bikes as tools of business simulations for companies, which will help evaluate the costs and benefits of the operation as a consequence of introducing them. The introduction of e-bikes to the wider public is one of the activities, which actually shows and demonstrates benefits and advantages of using of e- bikes for various purposes, in various business activities. E- bikes made for transfer are bicycles of a special kind. They are heavier than the regular ones and are customized- adapted to the needs of individual companies or activities, that the companies carry out. The participants of the bicycle marathon were observing the test electric bike with interest and they also had the oportunity to try it out. They were enthusiastic about riding the e-bike and also about the characteristics of the electric bike. With the organization of the 2nd INFORMATIVE DAY as a part of the 20th bicycle marathon in the municipality of Moravske Toplice, which is amongst others also the pilot city of the project, we managed to generate interest for electric bikes in general amongst the participants of the bicycle marathon. By this, we have contributed to raise awareness about the advantages and the benefits of using the electric bikes in various companies. To the interested participants of the bicycle marathon we have presented and explained also the identified positive experiences of the pilot companies in Slovenia which have used electric bikes in their companies. 61 The key findings were that by using of electric bikes, involved companies: o have saved more money (less costs for fuel); o helped to reduce harmful emissions in the air; o helped to increase the recognition of their company in their local environment. By participating in the project of PRO-E-BIKE we would like to be role models to companies and other individuals, which are interested, that the usage of electric bikes is a current form of sustainable mobility, which is suitable for businesses located in urban and also in rural areas. Media / journalists Published on website of Municipality of Moravske Toplice: 62 Published on website of Local Action Group Pri dobrih ljudeh: Published on website of Development Agency Sinergija: 63 Number of participants 74 participants of bike marathon, approx. 100 visitors in total 2nd Info day images: 64 65 REPORT OF PRO-E-BIKE INFO DAYS IN PORTUGAL Project partner: OCCAM, Portugal Date of 1. Info day: 14th March 2015 Project report The first Info Day was held in Torres Vedras in the Municipal Market, on 14th March 2015. The target groups of this event were local traders and public in general. Occam distributed leaflets about the project and bags and collected answers from the questionnaire. The objective was to target citizens and local traders, in order to create awareness for the use of these vehicles, which are suitable for both typology of clients. From the first Info Day, 60 completed questionnaires were collected while during the second Info Day, only 30 were collected, as the exhibition and test drives of E-bikes called a lot of attention to the public. The answers from both questionnaires were compile together since separately it would not be comparable. The following sections presents the questionnaires’ results. Project Awareness From the answers’ of the questionnaire implemented on the 1st Info Day, it was possible to conclude that 5 out 88 persons had already heard about the project and 13 knew that Torres Vedras Municipality and SMAS1 tested E-bikes. 1 SMAS - Municipal water supply and sanitation services 66 E-bikes awareness Regarding the question that if E-bikes are a good alternative to conventional vehicles, the majority of respondents do think E-bikes are a good solution and only 13 persons did not have an opinion about the topic. 67 Why people think E-bikes are good solution When asked about why E-bikes are a good alternative to replace conventional bikes, the majority of respondents mentioned the environmental benefits (36%) while 13% also mentioned that Ebikes are good to avoid congestion and 15% mentioned aspects related to performance, such as that E-bikes are fast or easy to park. Health (7%) and economic benefits (9%) were also mentioned. An interesting answer from 6% of the respondents was that E-bikes are good to older people. Regarding 14% of people that mentioned other factors, some examples given were that E-bikes are funny to ride or even that innovative projects are very good for the city. They also mentioned that E-bikes are good within cities, however not a good solution outside cities while others with no opinion said that depends of the weight and volume of goods to be carried by E-bike. One person recall the tradition of bicycles as a good reason to use E-bikes. 68 E-bikes use in Torres Vedras Municipality Regarding the E-bikes usage in Torres Vedras Municipality, 13 out 88 persons already ride an E-bike and only 3 out of 13 tried the bike-sharing system of the city – Agostinhas2. Gender The majority of the respondents were female, 69% and 31% were male. Regarding the age, it was possible to verify that in the market mid age and older people were the majority of the interviewees, while in the bus terminal younger people responded our questions. 2 69 Media / journalists Both events were organized with the support of Torres Vedras Municipality, and the Municipal Market of Torres Vedras (in the case of the 1st Info Day) and was announced beforehand in their site: 1st Info Day 2nd Info Day Municipal Market also published the event in their FB: 3102450051962 As well as Facebook pages of Occam and Norauto after the 2nd Info Day: 70 Number of participants In both events, near 90 citizens and local traders were interviewed about electric bicycles and PRO-E-BIKE project. More than 100 passed through PRO-E-BIKE stand and around 10 tested an E-bike. Questionnaire: 71 1st Info day images: 72 Project partner: OCCAM, Portugal Date of 2. Info day: 22nd September 2015 Project report The 2nd Info Day was developed during the European Mobility Week, on the 22nd September 2015 near the Bus Terminal of Torres Vedras. The place was decided in order to be near park & ride areas and the parking spot of an electric vehicle from another European project, REPUTE (Renewable Public Transport Enterprise) which is an Atlantic Area funded project that deals with the use of renewable energy in public transport. Besides the normal distribution of leaflets and bags, there was an exhibition of E-bikes and an E-scooter. Norauto, a company that typical offers services for the maintenance of vehicles, which is currently offering a range of E-bikes and e-scooters for sale, was invited to exhibit these vehicles and people were able to test them during the event. From the first Info Day, 60 completed questionnaires were collected while during the second Info Day, only 30 were collected, as the exhibition and test drives of E-bikes called a lot of attention to the public. The answers from both questionnaires were compile together since separately it would not be comparable. The following sections presents the questionnaires’ results. 2nd Info Day images: 73 74 75 REPORT OF PRO-E-BIKE INFO DAYS IN PORTUGAL Project partner: Higher Technical Institute (IST), Portugal Date of 1. Info day: 7th and 8th of April 2015 Project report First info day was held on 7 and 8 April 2015 in Vila Franca de Xira as part of a Logistic event for entrepreneurs in the Lisbon region – The Supply Chain Meeting 2015. The Magazine Logística Moderna (Modern Logistics) have organized a conference about logistics with particular emphasis on sustainability. Apart from a programme with presentations there were stands that could be visited. IST operated one of the stands, distributing leaflets about the project and bags. The E-cargo-bike tested by Camisola Amarela was also in exhibition to attract more people. Pedro Ventura and their partner Nuno were also present to share their experience. The presentation of the project was during the afternoon, on 7th April. Website: Media / journalists The event was announced in various digital media beforehand. Afterwards some articles were published about the event on the Logística Moderna’s website. More articles will be published in the next number of the magazine. They also published news regarding the event on their facebook. Please see: Number of participants There were 1053 participants in the Supply Chain Meeting and around 50 people attending the presentation. In the two days, we have talked with around 50 people. 76 1st Info day images: 77 78 Questionnaire: 79 Project partner: Higher Technical Institute (IST), Portugal Date of 2nd Info day: 19th September 2015 Project report The second Info Day was held on 19 of September 2015 in Lisbon as part of an event of the European Mobility Week – the Scooter Day. The event was organized by the project u-scoot with the support of Lisbon Municipality. This one-day event was full of activities, such as test drives, exhibition, scooter parade, workshops and kids zone. IST operated one of the stands, distributing leaflets about the project and bags as in the first Info Day. The E-cargo-bike tested by Camisola Amarela as well as the e-scooter of Moço de Recados was also in exhibition to attract more people. Pedro Ventura and Gonçalo Meira were also present to share their experience in the workshops after a brief explanation of the project. Website: Video of Pro-E-Bike on the U-Scoot facebook: 1026109940762862/?type=2&theater Media / journalists Number of participants The event was announced in various digital media beforehand, in national Magazines such as Visão, Sábado and Time Out, newspapers such as Destak, Diário de Noticias and Público, websites such as Sapo, Andar de Mota and Expresso. Radio and television also mentioned the event (RFM – radio and TVI – television). They also published news regarding the event on their facebook. Please see: The figures of the event are the following: • • • • • • 583 registers in the scooter parade 359 scooters in the tour 99 test drives (scooters and bicycles) 15 partners/exhibitors More than 52 persons in the Workshops (there was 3 WS) More than 30 PRO-E-BIKE stand visits/workshop 80 Image of 2nd Info day: 81