Semper Fi News, March, 2014 - Los Angeles County Chapter
Semper Fi News, March, 2014 - Los Angeles County Chapter
Los Angeles County Chapter, Incorporated 1st Marine Division Association GOD BLESS AMERICA SEMPER FIDELIS Dale Turner, Editor Bodfish Officers for 2014 God help us! Robert Schukar, Sgt at Arms - Norm Kellems Bodfish “IAS” President - Gene Wuestenfeld, Bodfish VP - Robert Carroll, Treasurer , Julio Rodriguez, (not pictured) Secretary Bob Bobst Bodfish President Emeritus . All officers except the President Emeritus will thrown out of office in 2015 L-R Left to right: Sgt. Edgar Torrealba, GySgt Daniel Garcia Sgt. Moses Machuca, Cpl Bry Kessler BODFISH AWARDS This years recipient of the Bodfish “Devil Doc” Award was HM3 Edward M. Sablan U.S. Navy FMF Corpsman. HM3 Sablan is stationed with the 1st Marine Division at 29 Palms, CA. The recipient of the Bodfish Sword of Honor was presented to Cpl. Bryanna M. Kessler, USMC. Cpl Kessler is a member of the USMC Mounted Color Guard stationed at Marine Logistic Base Barstow, CA Julio Rodriguez had to leave due to a death in his family - Our condolences WELCOME ABOARD, NEW LIFE MEMBER STEVE TRIPLETT Cpl - 2d Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment 1976- 1982 Steve served with Bodfish President Norm Kellems while on active duty. Steve resides in the North Hollywood area and works in the movie industry. His works can be seen and enjoyed every time you see something “Blow Up” on the movie screen. Yes, he is a “PYRO MAN” Welcome aboard Steve. We look forward to seeing you at our upcoming events. Sponsored by Norm Kellems Spelling and grammar errors are purposely added for those who enjoying finding and pointing them out. 1st Marine Division Association—Los Angeles County Chapter, Inc. SEMPER FI NEWS CHAPTER OFFICERS President Emeritus For Life Dale Turner (661) 714-7203 Honorary President Jimmy Greene (661)297-7968 Jr. Past President Myrl Wallace (805) 937-0156 President Nile Holmes (909) 635-8257 Vice Pres John Arthur (661) 297-2125 Adjutant/Treasurer Dale Turner (661) 253-1981 Chaplain/ Assistant Bill Turner Treasurer (818) 786-5326 Secretary Richard Oldenburg (661) 557-2730 Membership John Arthur (661) 297-2125 Legal Officer Dick Cesaroni (661) 297-2028 Sgt at Arms Bob Martinez (818)326-2755 Chapter Rep. Tom Kelly (818) 884-5355 Directors Maury Starr 818) 981-7688 Norm Kellems (661) 944-6081 Jimmy Greene (661) 297-7968 Chuck Gore (310) 882-1231 Jim Mann (661) 296-4433 Julio Rodriguez (909) 331-5797 **************************** Support Personnel Liaison Officer To Korean Marines Heeman S. Lee (818) 703-0815 Webmasters Dale Turner Dan Chernin Welfare &Morale Bill Turner (818) 786-5326 Devil Pup Coordinator J.J. Leonard (818) 992-1414 Family of Warriors Support Coordinator Tom Kelly (818) 884-5355 FAMILY OF WARRIORS COMMITTEE Dale Turner, Committee Chair Bill Turner Maury Starr Tom Kelly Directors at Large Joseph Smith ( 213) 744-4827 Phil Olivero (661) 803-8967 Anna Brown (310) 393-1946 Heeman Lee (818 703-0815 Paul Kim (213) 700-4535 Ed Deats (916) 689-1461 FMDA National President Arthur J. Burn 107 Ervin Ave., Linwood, PA 19061 (610) 494-5818 Deputy Vice President West James A. Fossos 20730 7th Ave S Des Moines, WA 98198-3407 Home: (206) 824-8537 Cell: (206) 518-7075 Email: National Executive Director Juan Duff, National Headquarters 1st Marine Division Assn. 403 N. Freeman Street, Oceanside, Ca 92054 (760) 967-8561 FAX: (760) 967-8567 Cell (619) 985-9464 E-Mail Address The Semper Fi News is the Official Newsletter of the Los Angeles County Chapter, Inc., 1st Marine Division Association. The Semper Fi News is published monthly . Send or Email Articles to: Semper Fi News C/O Dale Turner, Editor 24415 Lisa Kelton Place Newhall, CA 91321-2341 Chapter Mailing Address: FMDA-LA P.O. BOX 220552 Newhall, CA 91322-0252 MARCH 2014 PAGE 2 Grunts Club Members The following members & Supporters are major Contributors to the Annual LA Chapter Fund-raiser. Grunts Club Members 1 Oct 2013 to 30 Sept 2014 *Mary Anthony In memory of Tony Anthony John Arthur *Joe Candilora *Bud Cashen *Dick Cesaroni *Charlie Chase *Dan & Jan Chernin In Memory of Monty Fisher Fayette Crawford In Memory of Crow Crawford *Howard Crowell *Bonnie Clark In Memory of Jack Clark *Jack Coughlin (Deceased) *Pat Coulter *Larry “Cpl Lar” Davis *Ruth Davis In Memory of Jim Davis Ed Demrest Jimmy Greene *Nile Holmes Jasper Hood *Floyd Johnson *Tom Kelly *Paul Kim *Reed & Jeanne King *Gary Kipp Jim Kuehn *Dan Kumaus Kathy Lander In Memory of Richard Lander *Pat Lutz *LYNX Technik Inc *Bill Maker Dave Marshall Bob Martinez Richard Oldenburg *Leo Rothove In Memory of Charlie Bergin Lenny Schaustal Bill Shedlov *Steve & Adriana Russell *Chuck Singer Maury Starr *Zack Taylor *Bill Turner Charles “Eddie” Turner *Dale Turner *Gabriel Vazquez *Myrl Wallace IT’S NEVER TOO LATE TO DONATE Make Your Tax Deductible Donation Payable To: FMDA-LA Mail to : P.O. Box 220552, Newhall, CA 91322 Semper Fidelis Dale Turner Fund-raising Chairman Bold Plus* Denotes Super Grunts Status $200.00+ donation 43 Honored Grunts Club Members for OCT. 1, 2013/ SEPT 30, 2014 COME JOIN US FOR A “SLICE” On the Last Tuesday of the Month at 11am. Join the Semper Fi Mailing Squad at Vincenzo’s Pizza, 24504 Lyons Ave, Newhall 91321 Have a “Slice” and help fold the newsletter. All Members Are Welcome. SEMPER FI NEWS 1st Marine Division Association—Los Angeles County Chapter, Inc. A Message From Chapter President, Nile Holmes (909) 635– 8257 Chapter Members and Supporters, We had a great turn out for the Bodfish Campout. I was pleased to see so many faces from last year along with several new ones. As you can see and read in this issue of the newsletter everything went well from the Awards, Color Guard , Bevy Tea and the poker games. Since Charlie Meters passing I have given great thought to two things. The first being membership/ recruitment and the other being the Young Marine Program. Believe when I say that I have tried just about everything I can think of to bring in new member. I have put our newsletter in barber shops, stores, gas stations, car windshields and even in a few brothels, just kidding about the brothels. I venture to say I have set out hundreds of newsletters and have only managed to recruit three new members in the past two years. As your president I want to call upon you for your ideas and suggestions on how we can address this concern. Think about it and give me a call. Now the next item, the Young Marine Program. I know Charlie wanted us be become more involved in supporting the Santa Clarita Valley Young Marines. After given this some thought I believe it would be a good endeavor for the Chapter. I think there are things we can do to support this youth group . This has already been mentioned and discussed briefly at our newsletter mailings and will be discussed again in the near future. I’ calling for a meeting of all Officers and Directors to be held on Tuesday March 25, 2014 1100 at Vincenzo’s Pizza, Newhall. The Adjutant, Dale Turner, has been directed to send out an Email notice. Until next month Stay Healthy and Be Happy Semper Fi, Nile The Chapter Salutes Bonnie Clark and Ruth Davis for over 40 years of checking people in at the Bodfish Campout. Both ladies are in their 90’s. But we won’t say how far in MARCH 2014 PAGE 3 ATTENTION! Make payment for events to: FMDA-LA Mail to: FMDA-LA P.O. Box 220552, Newhall CA 91322-0252. “Please put event name in memo portion of your check.” 2014 Calendar of Events May Family of Warriors Awards Dinner Universal Sheraton , Universal City May 8, 2014 - 1700-2130 For tickets or sponsorship contact Iris Caplan at 323-653-9448 JUNE Corpsman UP!! USMC Logistic Base, Barstow USMC Mounted Color Guard Stables Saturday, June 21, 2014 - 1300 to 1700 Hosted by the Mounted Color Guard. This years Corpsman Up and Memorial BBQ will be an event that will be talked about for years to come. In addition to honoring our FMF Corpsman and remembering our fellow Marines and Sailors who have gone before us the “Horse Marines” have invited our members and their families to spend an afternoon with them and their families and enjoy a good old BBQ. A tour of the Stable Facility will be given along with a “Lucky Horseshoe” for all who attend. This will be an outstanding opportunity for you to get up close with the Marines and their horses and capture some great photo opportunities. For those who want to stay overnight in town arrangements have been made at the Holiday Inn Express, Barstow Outlet Center for lodging at a rate of $100.00 per night. The price includes all associated taxes & fees. The code word when booking your room is “BODFISH GROUP” You can book your room by simply calling the Holiday Inn Express, Barstow Outlet Center at 760-253-9200 The Holiday Inn Express located just off the 15 Frwy at 2700 Lenwood Rd, Barstow, CA 93211.. It is a shor t ten minute drive to the Mounted Color Guard Stables. For those of you who have an RV arrangements have been made for you to park in the riding arena for a one night stay. This will be a approved on first to respond basis. Rigs must be self contained. There is no electric, sewer or water hook ups. It is imperative that you RSVP by phone, Email or smoke signal if you plan to attend. The first two options are the best as our Indian Scouts are not always available. A head count will be needed so please RSVP by Friday, 13 June 2014. Call or Text 661-714-7203 or Email Tell us how many in your party. Semper Fi and Bodfish Forever!! Semper Fi News 1st Marine Division Association—Los Angeles County Chapter, Inc. Page 4 A Word from Chapter Legal Officer 1st Marine Division Dick Cesaroni Family of Warriors Support 661-297-2028 Tom Kelly—818/884-5355 Molly and Tom Kelly This is a busy time when all the battalions we support are preparing for homecoming. On 16 Feb. the spouses of the 13th MEU gathered at Miramar to make “Welcome Home” banners for each ship and also to have a potluck. The 1/4 will be coming home at the end of April to the 1st week of May. Plans are being developed to allow us to welcome them as they disembark at Del Mar Beach. We will be distributing a bag of goodie and snacks as they come in. If you or anyone you know (like a friend or tax consultant) would like to help, please contact me. I would like to have at least 20 people assist that day (the more the merrier). For those interested, please let me know so that when I have an actual date I will be able to contact you. What a great way to show our support for our Marines and Sailors and also have a presence for our Chapter. The following is a thank you note from the CO of the 2/5: I’d like to thank you and the rest of the Los Angeles Chapter of the 1st Marine Division Association for you generous of commissary gift card and household items to our 2/5 families during the last holiday season. Your actions make a difference to our families and are greatly appreciated. Semper Fidelis, LtCol Tim Bairstow I also received the following note from a spouse in the 2/5 who received one of the blankets made by Mrs. Terpning: I want to thank you so much for the beautiful afghans that you so lovingly crocheted for our baby shower. As a knitter myself, I know how much time and love goes into a gift like this. Thank you so very much. The Moullet Family We do make a difference in the lives of the families of the Marines and Sailors that we support. Your efforts are to be applauded!! Thanks for all your support in keeping with the spirit of the Corps. Semper Fidelis, Tom Kelly MARCH 2014 Next issue= LEXOPHILES Now where did I leave off last issue? OK, I got it. J.J. Leonard was at the membership meeting but didn’t steal the gavel or the seal. Oh yeah the Chapter treasurer, Dale Turner, gave his financial report. He stated “We are fine” (It sure sounded like Jack Coughlin's old annual reports). No seriously, he gave an in depth financial report and “we are fine”. We had (39) members + 1 guest, Mr. Bill Durdin, the 1st. Div. FRO Coordinator, at the membership meeting on January 18th. Our member attendance at these events are dwindling each time. Mr. Durdin explained the status of the Marine Corps and the L.A. County Chapter and what we can and cannot do with the money from the Family of Warriors dinner and what the Marine Corps allows us to do. Very complicated, confusing and frustrating. But we will make it work in the end. Hopefully! Our current number of Chapter members stands at 303 Active (all Life members). A hard copy of The SFN is mailed (snail mail) 180 members and (123 ) get the SFN via email. Sending it electronically saves your Chapter quite a bit of. money. There are 48 MLG (Friends of the Chapter) of which 27 receive there SFN letter via snail mail with 21 getting it by Email. On March 16, 1861 The Congress of the Confederate States of America established the Confederate States Marine Corps. On May 23, 1861 Col. Lloyd J. Beall, a West Point graduate who resigned his U.S. Army commission to “go south”, was appointed as the Colonel-Commandant . Col. Beall served as Colonel-Commandant until the end of the Civil War in 1865. Until next month, keep it legal Semper Fi Dick Semper Fi News Is this for real? BODFISH CAMPOUT HIGHLIGHTS MARCH 2014 Page 5 Bodfish Past President Dale Turner explains the history and traditions of the Internationally Famous Bodfish Chapter to the new candidates before administering the Bodfish Oath. . Past Bodfish President and Chaplain Bob Bobst explains the secrets of the Creature and sacrament and blesses all present. Past Bodfish Past Presidents Bob Barron and Larry Davis demonstrate the Bodfish Handshake and proper eye ball protocol. Awards were presented. WWII FMF Corpsman Bob Bobst presented the Devil Doc Award to HM3 Edward Sablan HQ Bn, 7th Marines. Dale Turner presented the Bodfish Sword of Honor to Cpl Bry Kessler, USMCMCG. It should be noted that Cpl. Kessler is the first women Marine to receive the Bodfish Sword of Honor. Above: Bodfish Past President Bob Barron, SgtMaj (Ret) and Camp Gunny administered the Bodfish Oath of Office to the Bodfish Officer for 2014 before slipping “The Bone” to the New Bodfish President Norm “IAS” Kellems. SEMPER FI NEWS 1st Marine Division Association—Los Angeles County Chapter, LARRY DAVIS CAROL ROGERS MIKE BOURNES COLEMAN COUGHLIN JASON LABRIOLA Page 6 BODFISH SKINNY Dale Turner, Editor (661) 253-1981 - Greetings All, The Bodfish 2014 Campout was outstanding. The Mounted Color Guard was able to attend thanks in part to Colonel Michael Scalise ,Commanding Officer MLB, Barstow who lobbied his higher command to get the sequester waived and final approval to attend. The new Staff Non-Commissioned Officer In Charge of the Mounted Color Guard, GySgt Daniel Garcia brought to the Bodfish Campout a high level of enthusiasm and commitment. He along with Sgt. Edgar Torrealba “Sgt T” expressed their appreciation for the support that is extended by both the Bodfish and LA Chapters to the Mounted Color Guard. The unavailing of the new Mounted Color Guard Challenge coin was a big hit among our members and those in attendance. The sales of the new coin raised $1400 for the Horse Marine Fund. I want to thank all those who helped at the campout and especially those Marines and Corpsman who helped to clean the facility for “Turn In”. A BIG Semper Fi to you!! In closing, the Bodfish Campout could not continue with out of the members support and participation in the daily 50/50 raffles. I would be remiss if I did not share with you how important the Bodfish Reverse Draw is for the Bodfish and its future. The Chapter salutes those 100 individuals who make that $100.00 donation every year, five of which are well rewarded if their name is one of the last five drawn. Below are listed the five winners for 2014. Be advised the BFRD for 2015 is sold out. Forty were sold during pre-registration and the last sixty were sold in just six days following the Campout. Semper Fi and Bodfish Forever!! Dale MARCH 2014 …....or just plain BS NORM “IAS” KELLEMS PRESIDENT Feb 2014– Feb 2015 Greetings from the High Desert, We once again gathered for our annual Bodfish campout at the Piru Petroleum Club facility. I have been entrusted by our Bodfish Past Presidents and members to bare the bone of the Bodfish President for the next year and will attempt to make them all proud. A wonderful time was had by all, Sgt.Maj. Bob Barron took back the reigns of Camp Gunny, and had no problem barking orders to help keep the campgrounds in order. I would like to give a personnel shout out to our Bodfish Barkeeps Larry and Jim for doing a great job of Manning the bar, Saturdays Bloody Mary’s and Margareta’s hit the spot. Here is one for the books, while in the Kitchen preparing Saturday evening’s meal, I somehow became wounded. I suffered a small cut to my right hand; well wouldn’t you know it “Corpsman Up” Bob Bobst reaches into his wallet and pulls out a band aid and the Marine was back into action and dinner was a success. After all these years he is still there for his Marines,” Semper Fi” Bobby. After 34 years of telephonic conversations with two Marines I had the pleasure of serving with in Hawaii H&S Co. 1/3 1st Marine Brigade, we were finally able to reunite at our Bodfish campout. Lou DeFusco and Steve Triplett, we were able to catch up and reminisce with pictures and memories They had a great time and everyone made them feel like they are family. Remember to read your newsletters, our next gathering is in June in Barstow for our Memorial/ Corpsman up luncheon . In closing I’m pleased to tell you that the newly elected Bodfish VP is taking his new position seriously. Gene Wuestenfeld was seen at the Burbank/Hollywood Bob Hope Airport bearing his “Bone’. He underwent and endured some extra attention by TSA and Homeland Security. Fortunately the Bodfish “RECTUM” Team (Recon Tactical Under cover Monitor ing) was in the ar ea and was able to step and prevent any cavity search. Until next time Semper Fi And Bodfish Forever!! Norm” IAS” Kellems SEMPER FI NEWS 1st Marine Division Association - Los Angeles County Chapter, Inc. “E” EDITION 661-557-2730 661-972-0703 PLEASE CUT THIS OUT AND SAVE Upon the Death of Member of the Chapter the Family shall instruct the Funeral Director to call the below number and provide the listed information to Headquarters Marine Corps. Funeral Honors 1-866-826-3628 Where the Semper Fi Mailing Squad meets. How Would You Like An Investment That Only GOES UP, And Never GOES ERLAND REUTER Executive Asset Management 3725 Citrus heights Ave N. Las Vegas, NV 89081 702-643-4471 / Cell 702-461-2847 EREUT@COX.NET California Lic# 0552024 Life Member of the FMDA, Los Angeles and Bodfish Chapters Name of Funeral Director Name of Funeral Home and Phone Number Name Of Deceased Marine Date Of Funeral A Burial Detail will not be Provided unless the above is complied with. Los Angeles County Chapter Inc – 1st Marine Division Association Membership Application/Renewal Form MEMBERSHIP ELIGIBILITY Membership in the 1st Marine Division Association, Incorporated, is open to anyone who at anytime honorably served in, is now serving, was attached to, or in support of the 1st Mar ine Division. Dues ar e as noted below, circle choice of membership and mail application and check to: 1st Marine Division Association, Los Angeles County Chapter, PO Box 220552, Newhall CA 91322-0252 (Make check payable to: FMDA-LA) ANNUAL LIFE National Annual Membership - $35.00 Chapter Annual Membership - $15.00 Total $ 50.00 National Life Membership - $ 1000.00 Chapter Life Membership - $ 100.00 Total $1100.00 Name:_________________________________________ Rank:_______ DOB:_________ Last four digits of SSN:___________ Address: ______________________________________________ City: _______________________ State/Zip+4): ____________ Home Phone: (____)________________ Spouses Name_______________ Email: ___________________________________ EMAIL MY NEWSLETTER Check Here Unit(s) Served With: ___________ Dates of Service:__________ Campaigns: ____________________________________________ List no more than two ______________ WWII, Korea, Vietnam ,Kuwait, Afghanistan, Somalia, Iraq, Cold War, Peacetime Etc . Applicant’s Signature/Date: ___________________________________ Sponsor:____________________________ Semper Fi “E” News Revised 01/25/14 IF THIS IS A RENEWAL, CHECK HERE ACTIVE DUTY CHECK HERE Desert Cities Mitchell Paige MOH Chapter Palm Springs Area For Membership, upcoming events and meetings Contact Jim Sullivan (760) 219-8317 Email: Southern California Chapter Oceanside/San Diego Area For Membership, upcoming events and meetings Contact Dan Smith (949) 369-9824 Email: Orange County Chapter For Membership, upcoming events and meetings Contact Dave Marshall 714-549-3939 or Sha Ratnapala (562)882-2045) Chapter meets 3rd Wednesday monthly at 1800 American Legion Post 716, 3252 Florista St. Los Alamitos, CA 90720 - Phone # 562-430-6033 Call Dave Marshall at 714-5493939 or Neil Reich at 714-526-0627 for more information.