Celebrafing 25 Years - Hydrocephalus Association


Celebrafing 25 Years - Hydrocephalus Association
Celebrating 25 Years
We Want to Change the Future
After 25 years of providing support, education and advocacy to those living
with hydrocephalus, the Hydrocephalus Association has a new mission – to
eliminate the challenges of hydrocephalus. This will change the shape of the
HA in the years to come. Our support and education of people diagnosed
with hydrocephalus and their families has been an essential resource
for them in coping with the unknown and guiding them through dramatic
life and health changes. But we have grown dissatisfied with this.
We want more for our children, parents, brothers, sisters, and friends. We
want to change the future. We want better treatments, better outcomes,
preventative measures and someday maybe even a cure for each and every
form of hydrocephalus.
We started this evolution five years ago when we initiated the first ever
workshop on hydrocephalus sponsored by the National Institutes of Health
(NIH). That watershed event led to the formation of the Hydrocephalus
Clinical Research Network and caused NIH program directors to pay more
attention to the problems of hydrocephalus. The result was a tripling of
research funding for hydrocephalus. However, at less than two million dollars
annually, this is a drop in the bucket relative to what is needed. In 2009 we
will launch our first multi-year campaign to raise millions of dollars to
catalyze and fund promising hydrocephalus research. We are expanding our
circle of partners and supporters. We are bolstering our board of directors
and staff with the capacity to tackle this bold new mission. We are resolved
to eliminate the challenges of hydrocephalus.
Momentum begets momentum and we are excited about our ability to join
forces with our members and change the future for everyone with hydrocephalus.
Paul H. Gross
Chairman, Board of Directors
Paul and his son William Gross
“Can you help me and all the other kids
who have hydrocephalus?”
Celebrating 25 Years
2008 was a year of growth for the Hydrocephalus Association.
It was a year of new horizons, resources and an expanded
mission; while maintaining the Association’s core values.
In 2008, the Association enlarged its vision to include
the direct funding of research. Our research initiative,
launching in 2009, will focus for the first year on
Mentored Young Investigator Awards to support young
scientists or clinicians building a career in hydrocephalus
research. The award is designed to address the need for
a greater number of scientists and physician scientists
focusing on hydrocephalus.
The Association continued to amplify and unify the voice of those with hydrocephalus
nationally through our research advocacy work in Washington, D. C. We drafted a resolution
calling for more federal support of hydrocephalus research, which passed the U.S. Senate in
January 2008 (S. Con. Res. 63), along with LHHS Appropriations Report Language. (The
House version of the resolution [H. Con. Res. 74] passed in 2007.) As specified in the
legislation, the NIH formed a trans-NIH hydrocephalus working group in June 2008 with
representatives from many institutes, including NINDS, NIBIB, and NICHD. After this
legislation, the NIH’s investment in hydrocephalus nearly tripled to $1.78 million in one year.
“The HA is positioned at the nexus of a movement to
strategically drive hydrocephalus research… It is our intent to
drive and support the research agenda by directly funding
hydrocephalus research.”
- Former Board President, Bob Jacobsen
The Association continues to support research by
bringing together scientists and clinicians to share
insights and improve research collaboration. In 2008,
the HA successfully applied for an NIH grant for the
research workshop “Improving Outcomes in Hydrocephalus: Bridging the Gap between Basic Science and
Clinical Management” to be held in Baltimore in
September 2009. This workshop will address some of
the key priorities identified in the 2005 NIH Hydrocephalus workshop “Hydrocephalus: Myths, New Facts, Clear
Directions,” the results of which were published in the
Journal of Neurosurgery: Pediatrics in December 2007.
In 2008 we launched the new look and feel of our quarterly newsletter, which included a
change to the graphics and color palette as well as the incorporation of our new logo. This
was all part of a comprehensive effort to streamline attempts to reach and inform a larger
In 2008, we also held our 10th annual National Conference on Hydrocephalus in Park City,
Utah. It was a 4-day conference to provide tools and connections to address the medical,
educational, and social challenges of living with hydrocephalus. The conference consisted of
over 55 educational sessions in which individuals with hydrocephalus and their families had
direct access to specialized medical professionals. In addition, participants were invited to
interactive sessions for peer-to-peer networking. Over 500 national and international
participants attended.
“…Kudos to all; it was another outstanding conference from start to finish…your hard working staff
did a terrific job…the affirmation from our community shows how important they (the conferences) are.”
- Anonymous
Anthony Abbene
Daughter Abbey DuPan
Doctor Abbot
Alexandra Acevedo
Amanda Akbar
Matthew Alban
Zara Allender
Catalina Aloi
Nick Altimore
Chase Alvarado
Mark Anderson
Lara Andren
Ashton Kade Ardoin
Eleanor Arnold
Thomas Ascherl
Caleb Backus
Micah Bacus
John-Henry Baker
Joshua Bashant
Michael Basirico
Joseph Batterman
Brian M. Bauer
Michael Bauer
Nola Gracyn Bawcum
Marie Bearden
Lynn Beirl
Nicolette Belanger
Lynzee Benoit
Dr. Marvin Bergenseider
Madeleine Bergeson
Leanne Beyer
Lee Bills
Zachary Borneke
Warren Bowden
Sarah-Beth Bowers
Nancy K. Bradley
Kurt Brailsford
Charley Breeden
Philip Brooks
Cecilia Bulone
Rebecca, Jim, Bryon and Joan Burness
Marijke Bush
Aaron Buttram
Cecilia Calabi
Jeffrey Chrismer
Finn Clancy
Thomas Clark
Ryan Cochran
Jack and Julie Coe
Daniel Cohen
Elizabeth Conner
Cole Jaden Cooper
Joshua Cooper
William Erickson Cooper
Jake Cors
Reece Cotter
Brooke Covington and Family
Riet Cramer
Nancy Crossman
Ali Cryan
Jennica Dabrowski
Our Daughter
Jordan Davidson
Allison DeGrood
Johnathan DelaTorre
Scott DeMicco
Sam Denney
Bridget Grace Denning
Chase Devlin
Elizabeth DiPietro
Claire Dixon
Joe Dozier
Nicholas Drubin
Karen J. Dubin
Mary Lou Duffy
Wesley Eason
Alex Edwardo
Christian Eischeid
Stanley Ellis
Rachel Engelmann
Mrs. Katina Engle
Owen Evans-McLaughlin
The Henerlau Family
Sean Fank
Ian Farnkopf
Heather Faulkner
Dr. Michael Fine
Samuel Fine
Josh Fineman
Phyllis Fineman
Kate Finlayson
Zale Funston
The Funston Family
Samantha Garcia-Salas
Emma Georgiou
Brian Gibson
Barbara Gillman
Gisselle Gonzalez
Wyatt Grimes
Paul Gross
Vanessa Gross
Austin Hahn
Zachary Halcomb
Trisha Hammond
Ernest Hanan
Bengamin Hodges
Donny Hodgkins
Day Hogue
Zachary Holcomb
Tianna Jeflene Howell
Betty Hudgins
Ann Huettl
Kenneth G. Hughes
Craig Hundley
Jacob Husson
Mary Hutchcraft
Cole Illions
David E. Islas, III
Bernie Itzen
Rose Jicinsky
Amy Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Jonas and Family
Mary Stewart Jones
Nile Jones
Cindy and Kevin Joslyn
Mathew Juette
Emma Kaczor
Sarah Kell
John H. Kenworthy
Emily Kessler
Jack Klug
On the support front, in 2008 we were able to provide one-on-one support electronically or
via telephone to more than 2,200 individuals from the United States, Canada, and other
countries around the globe.
In 2008 we proudly provided scholarships to elev
deserving young people with hydrocephalus who are
pursuing post-high school education.
2008 also saw the unveiling of our new website with improved functionality that makes all of
our printed resources available at the touch of a button. We served over 111,000 visitors
who printed over 63,000 articles, booklets, and fact sheets.
Gerard Swartz Fudge Memorial Scholarships
Anthony Abbene Scholarship
Justin Scot Alston Memorial Scholarship
Laura Beckley Barsotti Memorial Scholarship
Mario J. Tocco Hydrocephalus Foundation Scholarship
Morris and Rebecca Ziskind Memorial Scholarship
“Thank you so very much for your help and for sending the information. Your kindness on the phone
meant so much. I was feeling so scared and sad, and you really helped me.”
- Anonymous
The Hydrocephalus Association provides the following
resources to individuals and families affected by
The Partners Network, which is comprised of Support Group Leaders, Walk Chairs, and
Advocacy Point Persons, is rapidly expanding. There are currently 17 pediatric support
groups and 4 NPH support groups in 17 states across the U.S. In 2009, we look forward to
considerable growth in this arena.
In 2008, 23 Awareness WALKS were held aross the country.
2008 Hydrocephalus WALKS
Oroville, CA
Birmingham, AL
San Francisco, CA
Chicago, IL
New Braunfels, TX
Milwaukee, WI
Salt Lake City, UT
Cleveland, OH
Denver, CO
Edison, NJ
Phoenix, AZ
Washington, DC
Albuquerque, NM
Bloomsburg, PA
Tampa Bay, FL
Philadelphia, PA
Boston, MA
Graham, NC
Long Island, NY
Colonie, NY
St. Louis, MO
Louisville, KY
Lenoir, NC
Frank David Kovack
Hannah Krempler
Ariel Krinsky
Lacy Krueger
Antonia Kuefler
Krista Lamison
Isaac LeVahn
Tim Lindsay
Paige Linley
Jordan Nicole Lionberger
Mia Lopez
Maureen Lorello
Sam Lovick
Austin Lucero
Autumn Mabon
Brian Madden
Grace Sheila Maguire
Carol Malloy
Elyse and Ashley Mandel
Saxon Maxe
Catherine McDermott
John Stephen McGhee
Jacob McKenney
Benjamin Methner
Waylon Metts
Erheart Mianan
Savannah Miller
Thomas Edward Mingst
Janine Mohler
Mom and Dad
Michael Mooney
Mr. and Mrs. William Moore
Darma Mortimer
Matthew Mulligan
Brian Murphy
Spencer Neff
Adora F. Norris
Emiliano Ortega
Kenton Osborne
Charley Otto
Tyler Padron
Madison Pardi
Jack D. Parker
Amanda Patrick
Jake Peacock
Erin Pearce
Mackenzie Pembrook
Gavin Scott Penkal
Sarah Percell
Giovanni Perez
Rebekah Perkins
Samuel Phelan
Ida Phillips
Noah Elmer Plantikow
Hydrocephalus Awareness Events
Support Groups
Sacramento, CA
Indianapolis, IN
Phoenix, AZ
Salt Lake City, UT
St. Louis, MO
Tampa Bay, FL
Edison, NJ
Baltimore, MD
Long Island, NY
Boston, MA
Seattle, WA
Chicago, IL
Isaac Poole
Amy Poskey
Ashlyn Marie Powell
Charles T. Ray
Siobham Reardon
John and Diane Reseska
Shawn Rice
Hayley Roach
Alexis Rocciola
Giancarlo Rodriguez Guerrero, II
Emily Rogers
Phillip Rosenthal
Hilary Rossen
Amber Rowen
Antonina Ruriani
Elizabeth Saavedra
Ben Sanchez
Emerson Page Sarre
Benjamin Saylor
Romi Scarlett
Aaron Scarpato
Angie Scherer
Sara Schieder
Dennis Schreibeis and Family
Dr. Robert Schultz
Elane Schwarz
James G. Sclimos
About Hydrocephalus—A Book for Families (in English and Spanish)
About Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus (Adult-Onset)
Prenatal Hydrocephalus—A Book for Parents
Hydrocephalus Diagnosed in Young to Middle-Aged Adults
A Teacher’s Guide to Hydrocephalus
Health-Care Transition Guide for Teens and Young Adults
Directory of Pediatric Neurosurgeons
Directory of Neurosurgeons for Adults
Fact Sheets
Primary Care Needs of Children with Hydrocephalus
Learning Disabilities in Children with Hydrocephalus
Hospitalization Tips
Headaches and Hydrocephalus
Social Skills Development in Children with Hydrocephalus
Eye Problems Associated with Hydrocephalus
Survival Skills for the Family Unit
Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care Decisions
Endoscopic Third Ventriculostomy
Cerebrospinal Fluid Shunt Systems for Management of Hydrocephalus
Nonverbal Learning Disorder Syndrome
How to Be an Assertive Member of the Treatment Team
Second Opinions
College & Hydrocephalus
Understanding Your Child’s Education Needs/IEP Resource Packets
Colfax Selby
Alexander Senanou
Eric Carter Shields
Brenna Smith
Joe Neal Smith
Tara Smoot
Noelle Joy Sokolnicki
Jorden Mitchell Spring
Michael Stabile
Agnes M. Stone
Emma Stoner
Jeremy Tam
Maria Tatman
Lucy Tatum Tayler
Abbey Testa
Katherine Mae Thayer
Karson Palmer Thomas
Matthew Thomas
Odekunle Titilayo
Ashlee Tracy
Cheri Trieber
Nicholas Trotto
David Updike
Salvatore Vassallo
Remington Veillieux
Christine Votraw
Rachel Walden
Sophia Walsh
Sadie Waters
June Webb
Hannah Weil
Dr. Stuart Weiss
Tycen Welle
Chad Whisenant
Abigail Wood
Warren Yalowitz
Quinten Zalesky
Robert and Sara Adler
Marty Allen
Sebastian Aloi
Maria and Daniel Andrzejek
DeAnna Backus
Angela and Chris Batterman
Theodore Batterman
Lynn Beirl
Miguel Bejar
Sarah Billinghurst and Howard Solomon
Bradley Blake
Richard Mark Bonney
Candy Bretschneider
Berta Brightman
Lisa and David Browdy
Craig and Vicki Brown
Linda Diane Burger
Tina and Michael Burke
Susan Cahalan-Roach
Joy and Joel Campbell
Abigail Collins
Marylyn and Tom Conley
Shawn and Teri Cooper
Helen Daltoso
Don Davis
Erin and Steve De Haan
John and Liz Devlin
Richard Dickstein
Nicholas and Joanne Drinkwater
Randy Dueck and Jenna Stanley
Gary East
Sanford and Adrienne Eckerling
Warwick Every-Burns
Kathy and Roger Farmer
Debbi Fields
Mary Finlayson
Pamela Finlayson
Lance and Christina Funston
Alicia and Alex Georgiou
Carla Gigante
Marty Gleason
Jay and Kathryn Goemmer
Elizabeth and Hilton Goldreich
Glenn T. Good
Adam Goodman
Tom, Margo and Jessica Graham
Edith Gross
Paul Gross & Lori Poliski
Asha and Nikhil Gupte
Todd and Joni Hahn
Tim and Mary Beth Harris
Johnetta Heltz
Roger Hudgins
Cathy Humphrey
Mary Hutchcraft
Kimberly and Michael Illions
Ervin and Beth Jackson
DeCesare James
Susan and Ron Kaplan
Stephen and Winifred Keane
Eileen and Roger Kimber
John Kingsley
Roger Kissin
Martha Lee
Patti and Fred Lorenzen
Cathy and Dan Maccoux
Christina Maldonado
Joseph and Mary Maloney
Amy Maynard
Mark, Karney, Caitlin and Timothy Maynard
J. Gordon McComb
Kris McFadden
Guy McKhann
C. Scott McLanahan
June and Ray Moser
Craig Muenter
Richard Nakashian
Alan and Barbara Neff
Marsha Nelson
John and Patty Nohr
Austin Noll
Paul Rogers and Barrett O'Connor
Chris Palochak
Maureen and Marco Pardi
Bruce, Cheryl and Thomas Penman
Marion and Daniel Phalen
Abby and Jamie Puckett
Michael Rehaut
Lucy and David Rich
Daniele Rigamonti
Darlene Rogers
William Rutz
Peter Scarpato
Paul Schulte
Joseph and Doris Segel
Brad and Nicole Silver
Faith and Bobby Joe Smith
Thomas and Kathryn Stamey
Micki Stewart
Peter Sun
Vanessa Taliaferro-Jones
Dianne and Andrew Tannariello & Family
Janet and Charles Tarino
William, Kathleen and Alex Tarmann
Beth and Woody Tatman
Pam and Richard K. Thomas
Isnoelia Trevino
Debbie and Jan Van der Sanden
Tessa Van Der Willigen
Hildegard Vetter
William and Amy Vincent
Carrie and Jay Weaver
Kenneth Weaver
Carl and Laura Weiss
Bernie Wendler
Elizabeth Wilson
Aizik Wolf
Margaret Wood
Sara Zalesky
A Cut Above
Aesculap, Inc.
The Ahn Family Foundation
AIG Matching Grants Program
American Express Foundation
America's Charities
Ameriprise Financial Employee Giving
Amgen Foundation Matching Gift
Bank of America Foundation, Inc.
Bank of Marin
Batterman Family Foundation
Boehm Birth Defects Center, Inc.
The Brain and Spine Center
CA Inc.
Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
Capital Group Companies
Caring Fund
CFC - Global Impact
Charles Schwab Foundation
Cincinnati Children's Hospital
The Clorox Company Foundation Employee
Giving Campaign
CN Employees' and Pensioners' Community
Codman, a Johnson and Johnson Co.
Combined Charities Campaign
Community Foundation for Southeast
Community Health Charities of CA
Community Shares of Minnesota
Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation
EBay Foundation
The Elms Inn
FactSet Research Systems, Inc.
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
First American Title Insurance Co.
George H. Sandy Foundation
Give With Liberty Employee Donations
The Hanover Insurance Group Foundation, Inc.
Hecht-Levi Foundation
High Level Fitness
The Home Depot Political Action Committee
Hydrocephalus Foundation, Inc.
IBM Employee Services Center
Jewish Community Federation of Cleveland
John M. and Catherine F. Thalheimer Family
Charitable Foundation
Johnson and Johnson
JPMorgan Chase Foundation
Kaiser Permanente Community Giving
Key Foundation
Kraft Foods Matching Gift Program
Landscaping and Tree Service, Inc.
Law Office of Maynard and Cataldo
George Dorsey
Harold Douville
Mary Lou Duffy
Laura Dunafin
Nancy Ann Eich
Mike Farris
Teddy Fattoross
Cole Thomas Fonger
Sidney Franklin
Ira Frieder
Uncle Fritz
Gerard Fudge
John Gilkison, Jr.
Janet Gorter
Robert Gossen
Angel Gwak
Dr. Mary Hammock
Robert W. Heard
Virgil Hiveley
Kenneth Hughes
Eldred Hulbert
Eleanor Jacobs
Bernadette Janus
Marilyn M. Jarvi
Mildred and Toge Johansson
Aaron Johnson
Rebecca Grace Jones
John C. Kase
Thomas Kelley
Bessyanna Knapp
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kranz
Edythe Magduff
Phyllis Mancuso
Samuel Adam Margolis
Ida Markus
Ronald and Pat McClain
Ashley Kim McDaneld
Francis Mello
Tyler Michael
Sue Middleton
Patricia O. Milligan
Christian Molica
Eloise Moons
Sally Mullen
Dr. Samuel Neff
Dave Newsom
Gemma Marie Norkus
LeVahn Family Foundation
Macy's Foundation
Maltbie Incorporated
Marine Corps League
The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Medtronic Neurologic Technologies
Mentor Graphics Foundation
Merck Partnership for Giving
Messer Construction Co.
Methodist Hospital
Microsoft Giving Campaign
Monarch Realty, Inc.
Monsanto Fund
Navesink Foundation
Network For Good
NPO Gateway
PASCO Foundation
Pfizer Foundation Matching Gift Program
Pine Valley Middle School
Pitkin County
The Pittsburgh Foundation
Prudential Foundation Matching Gift
Ronald and Pat McClain Good Samaritan Trust
Rose Fin, Inc.
Rudi Schulte Research Institute
Sandman Family
Sara Lee Foundation
Seeking Techniques Advancing Research in
Sinai Hospital
Sophysa, USA, Inc.
Spiritus Christi Tithing
St. Thomas Thrift Shop
SunTrust Bank
Survtech Corp
Tenet Healthcare Foundation
The Terlecki Family
Thomson West
Toys R Us
Tractebel North American Services
U.S. Bancorp Foundation
United Business Media LLC
United Way New York
United Way of Alamance Co.
United Way of Madison County, Inc.
United Way Pfizer
United Way Southern Nevada
Verizon Foundation
Wachovia Foundation Matching Gifts Program
The Walmart Foundation
Wellpoint Associate Giving Program
Wells Fargo Community Support
Aurora Adler
Walter Aglietti
Curtis L. Allen, III
Melvin R. Auch
Nancy Bagsten-Collins
Sog Baker
Lorraine Belmont
Joseph Beninati
Florence Berger
Rachelle Bryant-Bither
Carmella Buemi
Peter Caporino
Joseph Carotenuto
Cole and Tracy
ike Collins
Jay Copeland
Bernice Crespin
Sam Cypert
Sandra DeWald
Michele and Rachel DiCosola
Carl DiPietro
Ann C. Domsic
Aurora Padron
Irene Peckham
Nathan Carl Pedersen
Diana Pennell
June Perkins
D'Anne Quinton
Liam Jon Robbins
Sidney Rubenstein
Charles Rubin
Michael Sherrill
William Sinclair
Carson Smith
Leonard Soranno
Dr. Marvin Stern
Dr. W. James Sullivan
Betty Sykora
Mabel Toft
Anne Traneis
Faith Valentino
Earl Van Sickle
Valerie McMahon Vincent
Danelle Williams
Susan Zingone
2008 Audited Financial Statements
as of December 31, 2008
Current Assets:
Cash and cash equivalents
Pledges receivable within one year
Prepaid expenses
Total Current Assets
Money market funds permanently restricted
Pledges receivable in two to four years
Property and equipment
(net of accumulated depreciation)
Total Assets
Current Liabilities:
Accounts payable and accrued expenses
Lease payable, current
Restricted grants and donations
Unrestricted contributions
($466,961 revenues less $137,031 expenses)
Conference fees
Sale of books and publications
Interest and dividends
Net investment gain (loss)
Other income
Total Support and Revenue
Long term Liabilities:
Lease payable, non-current
Total Liabilities
Public support, education & advocacy
Hydrocephalus conference
Total Program Expenses
Total Expenses
Total Current Liabilities
Change in net assets
Net assets at beginning of period
Net assets at end of period
Fundraising 12%
Unrestricted net assets
Temporarily restricted net assets
Permanently restricted net assets
Total Net Assets
Total Net Assets and Liabilities
Administration 15%
Celebrating 25 Years
Programs 73%
The Hydrocephalus Association’s mission is to eliminate the challenges of hydrocephalus by stimulating
innovative research and providing support, education and advocacy for individuals, families and
professionals dealing with hydrocephalus.
Paul Gross, Chairman
Deborah Phillips, Secretary
Raymond Moser, Jr., Vice Chairman
Curt Stewart, Treasurer
Rick Abbott, MD
Marvin Bergsneider, MD
James Drake, MD
Michael Egnor, MD
Richard Ellenbogen, MD
Ann Marie Flannery, MD
Bruce Kaufman, MD
John Kestle, MD
Mark Luciano, MD
Joseph Madsen, MD
Anthony Marmarou, PhD
J. P. McAllister II, PhD
J. Gordon McComb, MD
C. Scott McLanahan, MD
David McLone, MD
Joseph Piatt Jr., MD
Harold Rekate, MD
Marion Walker, MD
Michael Williams, MD
Michael Edwards, MD (emeritus)
David Browdy
Matt Kursh
Russell Fudge
Craig Brown
Ralph Kistler
Marvin Sussman, PhD
Marion Walker, MD
George Breed
Marc Randolph
Mike Schwab
Debby Buffa
Hydrocephalus Association
870 Market Street, Suite 705
San Francisco, CA 94102
Telephone: (415) 732-7040 / (888) 598-3789
Fax: (415) 732-7044
Celebrating 25 Years