Grohe Customer Support Valves/Faucets/Parts
Grohe Customer Support Valves/Faucets/Parts
Grohe Customer Support Valves/Faucets/Parts Website: Technical Support: Grohe Cheat Sheet Product K4 32.071.000 32.071.DC0 32.071.SD0 32.071.KD0 32.073.000 Product K4 32.072.000 32.072.SD0 32.072.KD0 32.074.000 32.074.SD0 32.074.KD0 Product L.L. PRO 32.245.SD0 32.244.000 32.244.DC0 32.245.SD0 32.073.DC0 Product L.L. Plus 33.737.000 33.737.UT0 33.737.W00 33.737.IB0 33.737.R00 33.737.L00 33.759.SD0 33.759.KD0 Product L.L. Café 33.758.000 33.758.DC0 33.758.IB0 33.755.SD0 33.755.KD0 Product Essence 32.319.000 32.319.DC0 Product Minta 32.170.000 32.170.DC0 Hose 46.174 46.174 46.174 46.174 46.174 Head and Hose Head Coupler Cartridge 46.573.000 46.573.DC0 46.573.DC0 46.573-DC0 46.315 46.315 46.315 46.315 46.374 46.374 46.374 46.374 46.574.000 46.574.DC0 46.574.DC0 46.574.000 46.574.DC0 46.574.DC0 Head and Hose 46.592.DC0 46.592.000 46.592.DC0 46.592.DC0 46.592.DC0 Coupler Cartridge 46.315 46.315 46.315 46.315 46.315 46.315 Coupler 46.374 46.374 46.374 46.374 46.374 46.374 Cartridge 12.365 12.365 12.365 12.365 12.365 46.048 46.048 46.048 46.048 46.048 Hose 46.092 46.092 46.092 46.092 46.092 46.092 46.092 46.092 Hose Head 46.298.IE0 46.298.UT0 46.298.WA0 46.298.KH0 46.298.R00 46.298.LC0 46.298.SD0 46.298.KH0 Head Coupler 46.315 46.315 46.315 46.315 46.315 46.315 46.315 46.315 Coupler Cartridge 46.048 46.048 46.048 46.048 46.048 46.048 46.048 46.048 Cartridge 46.174.000 46.174.000 46.174.000 46.174.000 46.174.000 Head & Hose 46.173.IE0 46.173.SD0 46.173.KH0 46.173.SD0 46.173KH0 46.315 46.315 46.315 46.315 46.315 Coupler 46.048 46.048 46.048 46.048 46.048 46.592.000 46.592.DC0 Head & Hose 46.591.000 ? Coupler Proir to 2006 46.318 46.138 46.138 46.138 46.138 46.138 46.138 46.138 Coupler Prior to2006 46.138 46.138 46.138 46.138 46.138 Cartridge 12.365 12.365 46.048 46.048 Coupler 46.315 46.315 Cartridge 46.374 46.374 Product Concetto 32.665.000 Product Bridgeford 33.870.000 33.870.EN0 33.870.ZB0 Product Eurodisc 33.330.000 33.330.L00 33.330.001 Product L.L.3 33.893.000 33.893.DC0 33.893.SD0 Café 32.298.000 32.298.DC0 32.298.SD0 32.298.KD0 PRO & PRO Prep 32.226.000 32.226.DC0 32.226.SD0 32.283.000 32.283.DC0 32.283.SD0 Product Europlus 2 33.939.000 33.939.IL0 33.939.IK0 33.939.R00 33.939-W00 33.939UT0 33.939AV0 Product Alira 32.999.000 32.999.SD0 32.999.KD0 Product Ashford 32.459.000 32.459.AV0 Head & Hose 46.592.000 Coupler 12.365 Hose 46.174 46.174 46.174 Hose 46.092 46.092 46.092 Head 46.173.IE0 46.173.EN0 46.173.ZB0 Head 46.298.IE0 46.298.LC0 46.298.IE0 Hose 46.092 46.092 46.092 Hose 46.174 46.174 46.174 46.174 Hose & Head Coupler 46.315 46.315 46.315 Cartridge 46.374 Coupler 46.315 46.315 46.315 Cartridge 46.048 46.048 46.048 Head 46.658-NC0 46.658-ND0 46.658-ND0 Head 46.659-NC0 46.659-ND0 46.659-ND0 46.659-KX0 Coupler 46.315 46.315 46.315 Coupler 46.315 46.315 46.315 46.315 Coupler 46.315 46.315 46.315 46.315 46.315 46.315 46.315 Cartridge 46.048 46.048 46.048 Coupler Prior to 2006 46.138 46.138 46.138 Hose 46.092 46.092 46.092 46.092 46.092 46.092 46.092 Head 46.298.IE0 46.298.LC0 46.298.K00 46.298.R00 46.298.WA0 46.298.UT0 46.298.AV0 Coupler 46.315 46.315 46.315 46.315 46.315 46.315 46.315 Cartridge 46.048 46.048 46.048 46.048 46.048 46.048 46.048 Cartridge 46.048 46.048 46.048 Cartridge 46.048 46.048 46.048 46.048 Cartridge 46.048 46.048 46.048 46.048 46.048 46.048 46.048 Coupler Prior to 2006 46.138 46.138 46.138 46.138 46.138 46.138 46.138 Hose 46.092 46.092 46.092 Head 46.298.IE0 46.298.SD0 46.298.SD0 Coupler 46.315 46.315 46.315 Cartridge 46.048 46.048 46.048 46.138 46.138 46.138 Hose 46.092 46.092 Head 12.475.000 12.475.AV0 Coupler 46.315 46.315 Cartridge 46.048 46.048 46.138 46.138 46.592.000 46.592.DC0 46.592.DC0 46.592.000 46.592.DC0 46.592.DC0 32.459.IR0 32.459.R00 32.459.EN0 32.459.AR0 Product Atrio 31.001.000 Classic 31.054.000 Classic 2 31.074.001 Product Bridgeford 20.158.000 20.128.000 20.130.000 20.129.000 31.055.000 Product tempersafe 35.210.000 35.202.000 35.205.000 35.203.000 Grohe Safe 35.210.000 35.214.000 35.215.000 35.216.000 Grohesafe-EF 35.250.000 35.251.000 35.252.000 35.253.000 Grohesafe Universal 35.015.000 35.016.000 35 033 000 Product Thermo. 34.124.000 34.125.000 34.122.000 34.123.000 34.126.000 34.436.000 46.092 46.092 46.092 46.092 12.475.000 12.475.R00 12.475.EN0 12.475.AV0 46.315 46.315 46.315 46.315 Hot Cartridge 45.883.000 Hot Cartridge 45.883.000 Hot Cartridge 45.883.000 Cold Cartridge 45.882.000 Cold Cartridge 45.883.000 Cold Cartridge 45.882.000 Hot Cartridge 45.882.000 45.882.000 45.882.000 45.882.000 45.883.000 Cold Cartridge 45.883.000 45.883.000 45.883.000 45.883.000 45.882.000 46.048 46.048 46.048 46.048 46.138 46.138 46.138 46.138 Pressure balance cartridge 47.080.000 47.080.000 47.080.000 Pressure balance cartridge 47.080.000 47.080.000 47.080.000 47.080.000 Pressure balance cartridge 47.157.000 47.157.000 47.157.000 47.157.000 Pressure balance cartridge w/ checks included 47.678.000 47 687 000 47.678.000 47 687 000 47 678 000 47 687 000 Cartridge 47.582.000 47.220.000 47.050.000 47.662.000 47.662.000 47.111.000 Check inserts 47.158.000 47.158.000 47.158.000 47.158.000 Diverter Cartridge 47 689 000 48 008 000 Check Valves 12.510.000 12.510.000 14.116.00M Pair 14.116.00M Pair 14.116.00M Pair 08.355.00M Pair GrohFlex Module & Cartridge Trim Single Function PBV 19880 Cosmo Squ. 19866 Timeless 19843 Authentic 19790 Allure Bril. 19924 Cosmo Squ. 19933 Grandera Module Cartridge R. Cart. Ext. 47857 47857 47857 47857 47857 47857 47157 47157 47157 47157 47157 47157 47157 47157 47157 47157 47157 47157 47823 47823 47823 47890 47890 47890 Single Function Thermo`s 19869 Cosmo 19848 Timeless 19822 Authentic 19793 Allure Bril. 19926 EuroCube 19935 Grandera 47850 47853 47850 47850 47850 47850 47439 47439 47439 47439 47439 47439 47175 47175 47175 47175 47175 47439 47822 47822 47822 47889 47889 47889 Dual Function PBV 19881 Cosmo 19867 Timeless 19844 Authentic 19786 Allure Bril. 19925 EuroCube 19938 Grandera 19946 Grandera 47864 47860 47860 47860 47860 47860 47860 47157 47157 47157 47157 47157 47157 47157 47157 47157 47157 47157 47157 47157 47157 47823 47823 47823 47890 47890 47890 47890 Dual Function Thermo 19878 Cosmo 19849 Timeless 19825 Authentic 19794 Allure Bril. 19927 Cosmo Squ. 19939 Grandera 19947 Grandera 47853 47853 47853 47853 47853 47853 47853 47439 47439 47439 47439 47439 47439 47439 47439 47439 47439 47439 47439 47439 47439 47822 47822 47822 47889 47889 47889 47889 Custom Thermo 19879 Cosmo 19865 Timeless 19839 Authentic 19795 Allure Bril. 19928 Cosmo Squ. 19940 Grandera 27620 Grotherm F 47855 47855 47855 47855 47855 47855 47855 47831 47831 47831 47831 47831 47831 47831 47186 47186 47186 47186 47186 47186 47186 47822 47822 47822 47889 47889 47889 47889 GrohFlex PBV cartridge Change out To change out the cartridge or reverse the cartridge start with loosening the 3mm Allen screw and pull off the black drive assembly and gray diverter sleeve. Remove brass mechanical stop and unthread the stainless nut this is a 34mm nut. This will expose the black valve cover that pulls straight off, than the cartridge can be pulled straight out, if the supplies are reversed the cartridge can be rotated 180 degrees and reinstalled to reverse the hot and cold. When reassembling make sure the black lines up with valve, once the black cover is in place and the nut rethreaded on place the mechanical stop so it rests against the stop on the black cover. When installing the gray diverter sleeve, make sure the arms are inserted to the cutouts of the diverter. Quick Couplers Version 1 of quick coupler Grohe offered, this coupler did not have a flow restrictor just a check valve. The flow restrictor is in the pull out head. Coupler Part number 46.138.Introduced in 1997 where there is a Black and Yellow coupler you should replace with a Black and yellow coupler. This coupling is Unrestricted Version 2 is a Red and Black coupler, this coupler was introduced in 2006 this coupler is a combination of check valve and flow restrictor. This flow restrictor is not accessible for cleaning Part number 12.365. If experiencing low flow it can be changed out with a 46 138 or a 46 315 accept when it is a Lady Lux Pro, Minta and Concetto here it should be changed out with a 12 365 Red and Black coupler. This coupler is Restricted 2.2 Gallons per minute Version 3 is a Green and Black coupler, Part number 46.315 this coupler was introduced mid 2006 to take the place of the 12 365 000, once again this coupler is just a check valve the flow restrictor was moved back to the pull out head. With the acceptation of the Lady Lux Pro, Minta and Concetto. This coupler is Unrestricted Version 4 is an all Black coupler and is the WATER CARE version. It limits the flow to 1.5 GPM. The 64999000 comes in 2 colors Black and Black and Black and Gray Version 5 is Brown and Black coupler and is the WATER CARE version. It limits the flow to 1.75 GPM. This is introduced on faucets in 2014. The part number is 48220000 Low flow remedies 1) Clear the quick coupling Look under the sink and locate the yellow & black quick coupling. Pull down on the yellow ring and the quick coupling will detach from the mixed water supply tube. Tap or rinse out the debris from the top of the coupling. The quick coupling can be easily unscrewed from the hose if needed. When the coupling is clean, screw it back on the hose. Hand tighten only. To re-attach, slide the yellow ring back and press the coupling onto the tube. Test the connection by pulling lightly down on the hose. If the flow is not restored, go to step 2. 2) Clean the spray head restrictor Unscrew the spray-head from the hose and look into the connection end of the spray-head. Flow-restrictor Inside of the connection piece, there is a flow-restrictor that can get filled with fine sand or dirt. Rinse out the dirt. If the black rubber o-ring is removed for cleaning, it must be replaced to meet federal flow requirements. If the flow is not restored, go to step 3. 3) Clean the aerator Unscrew the aerator housing (X) using a crescent wrench on the “flats” provided. The aerator (Y) will drop out, and use a toothbrush to clear debris from the inlet screen or soak it in a descaling solution (e.g. 50/50-mixture of white vinegar and water). The aerator cannot be taken apart. 4. Cleaning Pro head
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