Newsletter - New Plymouth Girls` High School
Newsletter - New Plymouth Girls` High School
Newsletter – 27 October 2016 Private Bag 2049 New Plymouth Ph: (06) 757 3899 Fax: (06) 757 3882 Absentee Ph: (06) 757 3890 ACTING PRINCIPAL’S COMMENT Inside this Issue Kia ora koutou katoa At the end of week one we farewelled Mrs Jenny Ellis as Principal of New Plymouth Girls' High School. Although the events were tinged with sadness they were also wonderful occasions where we were able to honour Mrs Ellis appropriately. On Friday 14 October we held the staff farewell. Purple is one of her favourite colours so the entire staff wore purple clothes or accessories. The colour theme permeated the staffroom. The Year 13 Leaders did grounds duty so that all staff were free to attend. At assembly on the same day, Mrs Ellis was acknowledged with more speeches along with performances from the Jubilate Choir and the combined Girls’ and Boys’ High School Kapa Haka group. Year 13 students formed a guard of honour as Mrs Ellis left the stage and Waimarie students joined the end of the line. The Kapa Haka boys did an impromptu haka at the front of the Hall steps and the Waimarie students let off purple and gold balloons. A community farewell was held for Mrs Ellis on Thursday 20 October. This was a chance for the Board of Trustees, Secondary Principals and others associated with the school to acknowledge Mrs Ellis. The Choir and Kapa Haka both performed again. 1|Page Acting Principal’s Comment 1-2 Student News & Info 2-6 Sports 6-9 PTA News 9 Term Dates 10 Calendar 10 Next Issue 1 December 2016 Website Email Please visit our Facebook page and click “Like” and follow us on The Annual Awhina End of Year event was held at lunchtime on the same day. A large focus of this celebration was also on farewelling Mrs Ellis as well as recognising the achievements of the Awhina students throughout the year. I was privileged to attend the YES (Young Enterprise Scheme) Awards on Thursday 20 October at the Plymouth International. It was great to see a number of our teams gain places at the event. Thank you to their teacher Mrs Jill Burge and their mentors for preparing these students so thoroughly. Early in the term we interviewed students who had applied for the position of Head Boarder and for the Head Girl and Deputy positions. The calibre of our students has been amazing. I want to recognise the tremendous effort put in by all these applicants and all those applying for 2017 leadership positions. The 2017 Leaders will be announced on Friday 28 October. Our Senior Prizegiving is on Tuesday 1 November at 1.00pm. Parents are warmly invited to attend this event. Seating is upstairs in the school Hall. The Year 13 Graduation Dinner is on that evening at 7.00pm at the Plymouth International for Year 13’s and their parents. Attendance is by purchased ticket only. NCEA and NZ Scholarship examinations start on 9 November. The final day for these external examinations is 2 December. Although these examinations are on our school site they are administered by NZQA, not the school. Year 9 and 10 students will sit their school examinations on Tuesday 8 and Wednesday 9 of November. Hopefully all students are revising well for all their upcoming examinations. Friday 2 December is the Orientation Afternoon for Year 8 students. Many of our current students will be involved as hostesses or performers for this event. It is a great opportunity to welcome our 2017 Year 9s and for them to get to know the school before next year. Peer Support training for 2017 Year 13’s involved in this programme is also on Friday 2 December. Towards the end of the term the Year 9 and 10 Outdoor Education Programme takes place from Monday 5 to Wednesday 7 December. You should all have received information on this some time ago. Junior Prizegiving is on Friday 9 December at 11.00 am. All parents are most welcome to attend this event. Stella Bond Acting Principal A “Thank you” from Mrs Ellis ….. I have been overwhelmed by the generosity of the school community on the occasion of my retirement. The farewell functions, tributes, gifts, cards and well wishes have been very humbling and have reminded me of the saying, "it is better to give than to receive". Receive I have done and in abundance. Thank you to all who have contributed to what will be a wonderful memory of my final week as Principal. It has been an absolute privilege leading the school over the past eleven years. Jenny Ellis STUDENT NEWS AND INFORMATION Chile Exchange 2016 This year marked the 15th anniversary since the start of the combined New Plymouth Girls’ High School and New Plymouth Boys’ High School exchange to Colegio San Nicolás de Myra in Chile. Yet again, we spent almost a month participating in school activities as well as going on excursions to places of interest in the Santiago region. Our students’ behaviour was praised by staff and homestay families alike and all involved were grateful for the opportunity to take part in such a long-standing and rewarding exchange. In April 2017 it will be our turn to host a group from San Nicolás de Myra. 2|Page Year 9 and 10 School Examinations – November 2016 The Year 9 and 10 Examinations for English, Mathematics, Science and Social Sciences will be held on Tuesday 8 November and Wednesday 9 November. These examinations are very important for summative feedback on achievement, and also provide excellent practise for NCEA examinations in later years. Tuesday 8 November Wednesday 9 November Day 1 Day 2 Year 9 Mathematics Year 9 Social Sciences Year 10 Science Year 10 English Day 1 Spell 3 Class Day 2 Spell 3 Class Year 9 English Year 9 Science Year 10 Social Sciences Year 10 Mathematics Group Time 8:40am – 9:00am AM Examination Start 9:05am - 11:05am Interval 11:05 – 11:30am Normal Spell 3 Class 11:30am – 12:20pm Lunchtime 12:20pm – 1:10pm PM Examination Start 1:15pm - 3:15pm Teachers will instruct their classes on what is covered in the examinations. For all examinations girls will need their own equipment pens, pencil, ruler, compass, calculator (not to be used in Year 9 or 10 Mathematics) in a clear plastic bag to be taken into the examination room. There are no alternative times if your daughter is sick or otherwise unable to sit these examinations. If required, other assessments from during the year will be used for decisions on class placement. Students sitting NCEA Examinations will have alternative arrangements outlined in a letter home. Note: 8:40am start for all Year 9 and 10 students on Tuesday 8 November Y-Lead Conference on Leadership Driving up to the Rotorua Boys’ High School Hostel on 5 October, there was a bundle of nerves inside the New Plymouth Girls’ High School van as all of the 14 girls inside wondered what was going to happen for the next few days at the Y-Lead Conference. On 6 October everyone else started to arrive and straight away connections were made through the icebreaker activities. Throughout the day we sat down and talked about the leadership within, with bursts of dancing and spontaneous shouts of ‘whoopee’ throughout! We then had to choose our mentors who we would be working with in smaller groups. These groups were each given challenging secret missions which enabled us to all get out of our comfort zones throughout the conference. That first day was spent making many new friends, including during the amazing retro dance at night. Being in a hostel with 40 plus girls it soon became evident that 6.30 am starts were the only way to be sure of getting a shower! We were privileged enough on the Friday to have a guest speaker, Rowie, from Australia, and we learnt how to be positive, passionate, powerful people who not only respected others, but ourselves and the environment around us. Another speaker on Saturday furthered our thinking surrounding how the actions we make no matter how big or small can change the world we live in. Throughout this conference we were taught how leadership was different to everyone and to become a leader we first needed to understand ourselves before helping others. Friday night was formal, and unlike the previous night which was a fun dance to get to know everyone, this was a night of opening up and telling complete strangers about not only our ambitions and inspiration but also our fears for the future. 3|Page I know I speak on behalf of all of the New Plymouth Girls’ High students who attended this conference, that this was an experience of a lifetime. We have come away from this not only making connections and friends with people all around the North Island, but also with a better understanding of who we want to be and how we want to change the future. This was an unforgettable adventure which changed our perception on life and also solidified the bonds between the 14 students on this trip. From the organisation of the event to the diverse range of mentors, this whole conference was truly amazing, and the life-changing people we met made me realise what a great world we live in. I feel so privileged to have been part of this experience and thank the school for opening this opportunity up to us. For those thinking about doing this in the future - GO FOR IT! By Grace Mohi (12LBI) New Plymouth Operatic K H Spear Memorial Scholarship 14-17-year-old Solo Section 1st Place – Jessica Boniface 2nd Place – Cambel McGregor-Fernee 3rd Place – Eleanor Grieve Novice Solo Section 1st Place – Hannah Boniface Group Section 2nd Place – Samantha Nicholas and Cambel McGregor-Fernee Best Characterisation Rebecca Hey 10-day Spirit of Adventure Voyages A 10-day voyage on board Spirit of New Zealand is a life-changing experience – unlocking your potential, leaving you ready to face your future! You’ll be one of over a thousand young Kiwis each year who get on board to experience the trip of a lifetime. You’ll leave with a whole new set of skills, lots of new friends and a new confidence to take on the challenges in life. The whole voyage is based on learning by doing. You’ll face all sorts of challenges and take part in lots of activities on the ship, on the water and on the shore. Leaving you with a level of self-empowerment only found on the Spirit of New Zealand. Increased confidence and skills: on Spirit you will improve your communication and leadership skills and learn the importance of self-awareness and being a part of a team. As you face the various challenges your confidence will increase as you increasingly move outside of your comfort zone. New friends and connections: you will meet 39 other young kiwis from a wide range of backgrounds and cultures. Over 10 days you will come to depend on each other, learn tolerance and acceptance and create close and lasting bonds. Once you leave the ship you are connected to the Spirit community for life! You’ll have the opportunity to return as a crew member and share your experiences with others. Criteria Participants must: Be aged between 16-18 years (must not have had 19th birthday) Meet the medical criteria of the voyage 26 remaining voyages for 2016 / 2017 nationwide Book online at STEP ONE - choose the voyage that suits and 'BOOK NOW' STEP TWO - fill in your details (you can save as you go) STEP THREE – Spirit of New Zealand will process your booking and send a confirmation email with next steps. New Plymouth Girls’ High School Spirit of Adventure Teacher Co-coordinator - Miss Leah Salisbury 4|Page Clearance Week Senior Clearance Week is Monday 28 November to Friday 2 December between 8.00am – 2.30pm each day. Senior students may return their books to either their teacher or to Student Services. All senior students must fill out a clearance form and hand it into Student Services whether or not they have books to return. Spare forms are available outside Student Services. Year 13 Visual Art Display Come along and view this year’s portfolios in the NPGHS library on Tuesday 1st November from 11.00 am till 4.00 pm. Year 10 Visual Arts Display Evening All welcome Year 10 Visual Arts Display Evening Wednesday 23 November 3.30 – 6.00pm The Visual Art department would appreciate any empty glass jars, newspapers, National Geographic magazines and cotton sheets. Year 13 Study @ NPGHS Nibbles provided Term 4 NPGHS Careers Department Information and Coming Events Term 4 is an important term for students to complete their studies and to put in place any final requirements for a successful 2017. For those returning, correct career development subject choices for 2017 should now be in place. For those leaving all final administrative tasks must be completed for study and/or work in 2017. Students planning to go to tertiary study after they leave school should apply for their Student Allowance or Loan by 16 December. StudyLink expects around 180,000 students to apply for their Student Allowance or Loan for the 2017 academic year. Applying by 16 December means StudyLink can get everything sorted so that the student receives their funding from the start of their course. Students don’t need to have their NCEA results or have locked down all their plans in order to apply. Their application can be updated as things are confirmed. It’s more important to allow enough time for all the steps in the application process to be completed. Students can find out more about applying for a Student Allowance or Loan on the StudyLink website. Pop a reminder in your calendar, or even better – go straight to to apply now. Should you have any questions regarding the above please contact the NPGHS Careers Department. We look forward to assisting you in whatever way we can. John Lander, HOD Careers Scotlands Hostel 2017 Scotlands Hostel is accepting applications from all year groups for 2017. Boarding at Scotlands Hostel provides a caring and supportive environment where students are encouraged to do well academically and participate fully in the sporting, cultural and social life of the school. Please contact the Hostel Office (06) 757 3840 for further information. Application forms and further details are available online 5|Page Unwanted Uniform Items Attention Year 12 or 13 students leaving school: Please consider donating your uniform if it is no longer required. Likewise, Year 11 students changing to the senior navy skirt next year, your junior tartan skirts can be utilised. Red jerseys are no longer a uniform item. There is a need for all uniform items, including sandals and shoes, raincoats and jackets, e.g. plain black or navy, white and navy school jacket and PE shorts. Shirts are also in demand. All donations are gratefully received for students who have difficulty purchasing uniforms. Unwanted Books and Equipment Revision books, write on workbooks for any subject, homework books, course notes etc, are invaluable for girls who cannot afford to buy them. Even if they are partly filled in, they are better than nothing! Exercise books that are not used up are also needed, along with scientific calculators, art equipment and design and visual communications gear. Clearfiles, rulers and manila folders are also in demand. All donations are very much appreciated. Unwanted School Sandals We have one pair left of school sandals and with Summer coming, we will need lots more. Black, flat, plain, below the ankle and with a back-strap please. Any style will do, but most girls prefer to wear Roman sandals or Havianas. Please hand all donated items in to the school office. Mrs Barbara Bennett oversees the distribution of donated items. Traffic Congestion Outside the School Traffic congestion around school entrance points has become an issue. To keep our students safe, drivers need to comply with the following: Do not drive into school to drop students off immediately before school or pick them up immediately after school (unless approval has been given due to disability, issues etc.), Drop offs / pickups should be somewhere other than directly outside school, Obey all parking and traffic rules – please note there is no stopping on Northgate and Police enforce this, Park legally when dropping off / picking up and do not allow your daughter to get out of your car whilst still in traffic, Ensure your daughter crosses roads only on pedestrian crossings, Follow the instructions of the duty staff on the crossing. SPORTS A BIG Thank You New Plymouth Girls’ High School could not offer our students the range of sporting activities that we do without the involvement and dedication of parents who take on the roles of coaches, administrators, drivers and supervisors. One family that has contributed countless hours over the past 15 years has been the Simkin family. Joelene and Nyall Simkin have offered their expertise, encouragement and vehicles to transport and train the skiing, sailing and Hillary Challenge teams. Their contribution over many years has been greatly appreciated. Sports Uniforms All sports uniforms issued during the year for all codes and one-off TSSSA events were due back into school on Photo Day. The final cut off for uniform return was the last day of Term 3. There were some exemptions for codes that played in the holidays, but all other uniforms should have been returned to school in Week 1 of Term 4 at the latest. If you do have any items around home, or gear to return then PLEASE get them into the Sports Department Office urgently. Any items that were recorded and issued in a student’s name and remain outstanding, risk losing their uniform bond and being invoiced for the replacement cost. It’s really important that uniforms are returned so we are able to have full kits to issue out to teams next year. North Island Skiing Competition There were a small number of skiers who competed in the North Island Skiing competition from 11-14 September 2016. The competition has a timed slalom race and a dual slalom race based on the results of the first day. Our best time in the Day 1 competition was Keeva Hintz with a time of 39.63 seconds. Due to only having three competitors, the overall school result was not high but we were 4th out of the Taranaki schools who competed. Thank you to Jackie Keenan and Natasha Hintz who took on the duties of Manager and Course Assistant, parent help and transporter during this event. 6|Page TSSSA Road Relay Our New Plymouth Girls’ High School TSSSA Road Relay team won the Intermediate Girls’ race. The team was: Dana Phelan, Emma Carver, Jody Rawlinson and Eve Barry. Rugby 7’s Our Rugby 7’s won the Hurricanes 7’s Tournament: Team members are: Mereana Anderson, Casio Austin, Mikayla Callaghan, Maddison Carrick, Atalya Fakavamoeanga, Kayla Henry, Kimberley Miller, Chelsea Mumby, Brooke Neilson, Danika NorthcottWeherua, Bronwyn Prestage and Mereoni Ranui. TSSSA Junior Volleyball New Plymouth Girls’ High School Junior A won the 2016 TSSSA Junior Volleyball title. They are now preparing for a series of regional competitions and qualifying for the North Island Junior Champs in Wellington at the end of the year. National Surf Life Pool Championships Congratulations to Claudia Kelly who received a Gold, two Silvers and a Bronze in individual events and a further Bronze in a relay event at the recent National Surf Life Saving Pool Championships. She also has become the new NZ record holder for the 50m with Fins event at her first attempt at the National Pool Champs. She also broke another NZ record but held that only briefly as it was re-broken in a subsequent heat where she was beaten into Silver medal position. Overall a five medal haul at the Championships. Inline Hockey National Championships The Inline Hockey National Championships were held in Hamilton over the school holidays. The Ravens Under 14s team won Gold in overtime. Jess Kingi and Alesha Williams were part of the winning team as well as coming third in the Senior Women team which also included Tia Drysdale. Basketball – Senior A Hawks Congratulations to the following senior girls that competed in the National Basketball Tournament during the first week of the holidays in Palmerston North: Lauren Giddy Bayley Ransfield Laura Goldsworthy Teesha Smith Joellen How Louise Stephenson Briana Latavao Natyla Vaafusu Tayla Murray Millie Waara Rebecca Nolly The girls finished second seed in their pool before going through to a Quarter Final against St Peters, Cambridge. Unfortunately, they didn’t win and then after two more games finished sixth overall at the Tournament. Well done on their achievement, and a massive thanks to team management - Head Coach, Trent Adam; Assistant Coach, Eileen Hall; Jo Goldsworthy, Manager and Tracy Murray, Staff in Charge. Tayla Murray, Bayley Ransfield, Rebecca Nolly, Joellen How, Briana Latavao To parents that supplied the vehicles for transport – Neville & Linda Giddy, Corina & Johnny Faamai and Eileen Hall, along with the trailer supplied by Tracey Phillips courtesy of BNZ Bank, grateful thanks for your contribution. It’s been a huge year as we farewell five Year 13 players. We wish them all the best with their future endeavours and hope they continue with basketball. 7|Page 2016 New Zealand Gymsports Championships Shinae Stockwell competed at the 2016 New Zealand Gymsports Championships in the holidays in Invercargill. She placed second in New Zealand for 13 to 14 year olds for her tumbling. Unfortunately, she had to pull out of the artistic round due to a back injury. Football Talent Recognised Nationally Five of New Plymouth Girls’ High Schools most talented footballers will represent Central Football and compete in the ASB National Women’s Football League which starts this month. The National League showcases women’s football at the highest level in New Zealand and the girls will come up against many talented footballers, including current New Zealand representatives. Jenna Barry, Mackenzie Barry, Ella James, Tilly James and Jaimee Paterson have all proved their worth in the National Talent Centres over the last few years and after four vigorous training camps the girls are ready for this amazing challenge. This is an outstanding achievement by these girls and you can follow their progress on the New Zealand Football website or the New Zealand Football Facebook page. Earlier this year, Mackenzie Barry and Tilly James represented New Zealand and they were involved in the NZ Secondary Schools U15 team who toured Australia. Both girls had very good performances and were regular starters in the team. In the recent Central Football prizegiving, Mackenzie Barry was named Junior Sportswomen of the year and Jaimee Paterson was named Senior Sportswoman of the year, shared with Emma Crewe from Sacred Heart College. This is an outstanding achievement by these two talented girls. Mackenzie Barry Ella James Jaimee Paterson 1st XI Football Team 6th in New Zealand The 1st XI did incredibly well at the NZ Secondary Schools National Premier Tournament held in Nelson during tournament week. The team was the talk of the tournament on the first day after winning their first game 8-0 against Waikato Diocesan and beating Christchurch Girls’ High 13-0. Saint Kentigern College (2nd in the Auckland League) gave the girls a good challenge on the second day of competition and the game ended up 1-1, meaning our 1st XI were winners of the pool. St Hilda’s from Dunedin was their next opponent and the girls played very well against a tough opposition, winning the game 2-0 and putting the girls in the top 8. Unfortunately, the quarter final was against Mount Albert Grammar who have been national champions over the last 3 years (and they won the tournament again this year). Mt Albert, having seven U17 New Zealand Players in their side, was too good and the final scored ended 8-0 to Mt Albert. After the loss in the quarters our girls reJenna Barry evaluated their goals as they were playing off for 5-8th in New Zealand. They came up against Palmerston North Girls’ High and the girls had another great game, with the result 5-2 to New Plymouth Girls’. Tilly James Kaitlyn Barnfather The final game had New Plymouth up against Rangitoto College, which was another top Auckland team which had numerous NZ U17 players. Our 1st XI were dominant for most of the game, showing some great skill, however the week had taken its toll and exhaustion set in. At the final whistle the score was locked 0-0 and this meant the game went to penalties. Rangitoto were confident, having the NZ U17’s keeper in goal for them. Our girls lost 4-1 on penalties, placing them 6th in New Zealand which is an outstanding achievement. MVP of the tournament went to Kaitlyn Barnfather, our 1st XI keeper. 8|Page Outdoor Education - Year 9 and 10 End of Year Activities Week 9, Term 4: 5-7 December Year 9 Three-Day Outdoor Education Activities Programme: Overnight Camp - Vertical Horizon: activities include: zip line, climbing wall, grass karts, archery, kayaks, water slide, swimming, music and an evening performance. Mountain Hike - North Egmont: Stratford Mountain House to Dawson Falls (or reverse) Gilligan’s Island (Raft Making / Raft Sailing): school lower field and Te Henui Stream and Walkway. Year 10 Three-Day Outdoor Education Activities Programme: New Plymouth Based Activities: three action packed days of activities within walking distance of school. In groups of up to 25 you will get to experience Rogaine on the coastal walkway area, introduction to climbing at the YMCA, adventure based learning and team building challenges at New Plymouth Girls’ High School, mountain bike ride and skills session and orienteering in Pukekura Park. All activities commence and finish within normal school hours. Mount Taranaki Pouakai Crossing Trip Walk from North Egmont to Holly Hut, across the unique Ahukawakawa swamp to Pouakai Hut, visit the Tarns and complete the trip via the Mangorei track. Two nights’ accommodation in DOC huts. Rotorua Trip Two-nights’ accommodation at Rotorua Thermal Holiday Park. Explore Rotorua and the Redwoods – Wakarewarewa Forest by mountain bike. Explore Rainbow Mountain walks. Return to New Plymouth Wednesday afternoon. Whanganui River Trip Overnight stay in a ski lodge in Ohakune. Two-day Kayaking trip: A two-day Yeti Tour starts at Ohinepane approximately 20km downriver from Taumarunui. Here the river winds its way through a mixture of willow lined river flats, farmland and steep bush clad slopes. The trip ends just as we enter the main gorges of the Whanganui National Park. There is plenty of time to explore some interesting historical sites close to the river, including the Nukunuku Museum and the Maraekowhai Niu Poles. The exit point for this trip is Whakahoro. Year 10 students who have not completed a selection form will be placed in the New Plymouth based option but will still need to complete medical and consent forms. Forms and permission slips need to be returned to student services as soon as possible. See Mr Robinson for further details or email: PTA NEWS PTA Meetings Draft Meeting dates for 2017 are: 21 February 2017 8 March 2017 9 May 2017 27 June 2017 15 August 2017 17 October 2017 PTA Contacts: Roxane White, PTA Chairperson on Mobile: 022 353 1614 or email: Florence Mbou on Mobile: 027 502 8103 or email: 9|Page TERM DATES 2016 2017 Term 1 1 February - 15 April Term 1 30 January - 13 April Term 2 2 May - 8 July Term 2 1 May - 7 July Term 3 25 July - 23 September Term 3 24 July - 29 September Term 4 10 October - 12 December Term 4 16 October - 12 December CALENDAR OCTOBER Thursday 10 | P a g e 27 Sunday NOVEMBER Tuesday 30 Monday-Friday Tuesday-Wednesday Wednesday Monday Wednesday Friday Monday Wednesday Monday Wednesday DECEMBER Friday 7-11 8-9 9 14 16 18 21-25 23 28-2 Dec 30 Monday-Wednesday Friday 5-7 9 Monday 12 1 2 Newsletter emailed/sent Hostel High Tea, 5.30 pm TSSSA Renegade Hockey Senior Prizegiving, 1pm Graduation Dinner, 7pm Year end for Seniors TSSSA McKean Shield Junior Examinations (8:40 am start both days) NCEA and NZ Scholarship Examinations start BOT Mtg (Te Reo Maori presentation), 5pm Supporters Function, 5.30 pm Senior (only) Reports Issued NZSSSC Junior Tournament Week Year 10 ART showcase Year 13 Study Clearance Week TSSSA Show jumping NCEA and NZ Scholarship Examinations finish Year 13 Leaver Profiles sent Year 9 2017 Hostel CEM Testing and Orientation morning Year 9 2017 Orientation afternoon Peer Support and Training Junior Outdoor Education Junior Prizegiving, 11am Junior (only) Reports Issued End of Term 4 Teacher Only Day