General Public 193 - Prestige Philately
General Public 193 - Prestige Philately
Aug 15, 2014 Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Page:3 Prestige Points #193 Gary Watson Director and Auctioneer Business Manager: Lakshini Watson Email: IT and Website Manager: Yang Liu IT Support: Yoga Ganason Email: Despatch: Meng Ngy Office Administrator: Melinda Taylor Bookkeeper: Stephanie Hartridge Our Sydney Agent: Jim Johnstone Mobile: 0424 440 813 Email: Our Perth Agent: Ross Duberal Phone: (08) 9341 3576 Email: Our British Agent: Patrick Reid Phone (01344) 867 311 Email: Our American Agent: 1. Since February 2013, we have operated on a quarterly auction cycle. From the very pleasing results we’ve been achieving, it’s clear that this scheduling works well for most of our clients. The success of our four sales in one day back in May has encouraged us to repeat the multi-catalogue approach for August. In addition to this auction, at 3.30pm we are conducting a sale dedicated to stamps and postal history of Great Britain and the British Empire, featuring the extensive collection of my longtime client and friend, the recently departed Jim Mathieson from Rosebud. Finally, at 6pm we will hold a mini-auction of the fine collection of Nauru formed by our old friend John Darnell from England, who sold his Solomons through us way back in December 2003. Copies of both catalogues are available on request, free of charge, to current clients. 2. As usual, this sale opens with an array of interesting collection lots. This is followed by a strong Postcards section, featuring some terrific material consigned by Yasuo Seki from Japan, a foretaste of his postal history of New Guinea and Papua to be found later in the sale. From Australia, the Kangaroos section includes many attractive items, with a number th of superb stamps ([6WXDUW+DUG\. 17 July 2014 marks one hundred years since the first of the Georgian Heads was issued. To celebrate this important centenary, auction #193 includes a wonderful array of KGV material, from single value studies through to rare singles. We are also delighted to be offering a selection of complete panes and sheets of Penny Reds from an overseas client, and a range of other very fine large blocks from an interstate vendor. Both the postal history and postal stationery sections include many desirable items. Our extensive Australian Colonies section is, as usual, full of top quality stamps and covers. Sydney collector, the late Michael Haden, was a true connoisseur: many of his superb Classic stamps are included here. Victoria is particularly strong, with /DXUHDWHV studies from Nick Holness and a terrific section of Large Stamp Duty issues, topped off by a genuine unused set of the extraordinary Ultra High Values Lot 580 - with separate newly issued 536RI9certificates. Because of our separate British Empire sale, BCW offerings in this catalogue are limited to the Australian Territories. However, these are not to be missed, especially the New Guinea and Papua postal history that was put together mostly in the 1980s. We are also offering the balance of Sybrand Bakker’s outstanding BCOF collection. Our foreign sections are stronger than usual, notably with a featured collection of Germany offered in collection lots by period. We are also offering something completely new for us: the late Dr Kevin Murphy’s very fine collection of Saudi Arabia. Kevin did an excellent job of assembling a top quality study of the truly challenging early issues of Hejaz and Nejd etc. If you’re looking for a new fertile field of opportunity, this could well be it. 3. , WKRURXJKO\ HQMR\HG P\ UHFHQW %LJ $GYHQWXUH WKH &DQFHU &RXQFLO FDU UDOO\ IURP 3HUWK WR 'DUZLQ WKDW P\ EURWKHU DQG , FRPSOHWHG LQ D 0LQL YDQ )RU DOO WKH DFWLRQ LQFOXGLQJ FURVVLQJ WKH PLJKW\ 3HQWHFRVW 5LYHU LQ WKH .LPEHUOH\ FKHFN RXW ZZZIDFHERRNFRP7HDP%0&$GYHQWXUHV RQOLQH 7KH WHDPV HQWHUHG UDLVHG D OLWWOHRYHUIRUWKLVPRVWZRUWKZKLOHRIFDXVHV2XUFRQWULEXWLRQVXSSRUWHG E\ PDQ\ 3UHVWLJH FOLHQWV LV JHWWLQJ XS WRZDUGV :H FDUULHG VRXYHQLU FRYHUV RQ WKH UDOO\ /RFDO ³&RYHU .LQJ´ Noel Almeida GRQDWHG KLV WLPH DQG WKH HQWLUH FRVW RI SUHSDULQJ WKH HQYHORSHV &UDLJ DQG , KDYH VLJQHG WKHP DQG WKH\ DUH LQGLYLGXDOO\QXPEHUHG7KHFRVWLVHDFKZLWKevery penny going to the Cancer Council 7R RUGHU \RXU FRS\ RI WKLV EHDXWLIXO GHVLUDEOH RQFHLQDOLIHWLPH ³XQLTXH´ FROOHFWDEOHJRWRQRHODOPHLGDFRP772KWPO As always, I wish you successful bidding in our auctions. Steve Schumann Cell Ph: (510) 415 6158 Email: General Email Enquiries to: Gold for Prestige Philately We are delighted to advise that at the &DQEHUUD 6WDPS 6KRZ held in March 2014, Prestige was awarded a Gold Medal for Literature for a series of six of our specialist auction catalogues, with the Felicitations of the Jury. Page:4 Aug 15, 2014 Understanding our Symbols & Unique Grading System At Prestige Philately we utilise much the same symbols as other firms, but with some additional categories that you should be aware of. We are the only major firm in the world that actually grades the quality of the material we offer. While some clients have struggled with the whole concept of grading, most have clearly embraced the idea and we receive much favourable comment about the system. It is important that you understand our Grading System because the symbols used form part of the lot description. We are confident that once you are comfortable with our gradings, you will always be satisfied with the quality of the material you purchase from us. And, in the event that we have missed a tear or a thin and consequently overgraded an item, we WANT you to return it. We stand behind the Prestige Grading System. 1. Firstly, we have the lot number. If it is in bold and printed in bright red, the item is illustrated: e.g. 1234. (The actual location of the illustration is given at the end of the description: e.g. {Page 41.8} is position 8 on page 41.) 2. The second column contains a symbol, which represents the item(s) in the lot: ** Ω C CL A E P S Mint, unmounted o.g. Unused, no gum Cover or card Cover, long Albums and accessories Essay Proof Stamp (“Postmarks” lots) * Δ PS CX B L R Mint, mounted o.g. Piece Postal Stationery Cover, oversize Booklet Literature Reprint or, in the case of used stamps, a grading of the cancellation: V F H Neat postmark, leaving most of the stamp design clear Neat postmark, across at least half of the stamp design Heavy or poorly struck postmark O G Used, quality unspecified Untidy or indistinct postmark 3. The third column gives an overall quality assessment for the lot, from ‘A’ to ‘D’. The same standard applies to mint and used stamps, to covers, postal stationery, literature etc. An item graded ‘A’ is very fine; it has no faults. ‘B’ items are fine and may have minor imperfections. A ‘C’ item will exhibit obvious faults. Items in poor condition are rated ‘D’. Occasionally, an item in truly superb condition will be rated ‘A+’. This grading is used sparingly and is not applied to modern material, which one would normally expect to be in very fine to superb condition. An otherwise very fine item which has a subsidiary problem may be allocated an ‘A-’. This may be a stamp with writing or a hinge remainder on the reverse. A cover may have a receiver’s endorsement on the face. The halves of a letter card may be stuck together. A book may have a previous owner’s notations. Whether this factor makes the item an ‘A-’ or ‘B’ is a matter of degree. NB: An expertiser’s signature or handstamp on a cover or the reverse of a stamp will not normally be cause for downgrading the quality of an item: such marks will be mentioned and you should make your decision as to whether or not such an item is of the standard that you personally require. Occasionally, the symbol ‘A’ to ‘C’ will appear in brackets: eg (B). This signifies that the item has been renovated or repaired and improved to the grade indicated by the letter. The brackets indicate a qualified grading, the cause for which will be mentioned in the description of the lot. 4. The fourth column is relevant to perforated stamps, and also to lots listed under the sub-heading ‘Postmarks’. For perforated stamps, this column gives a grading for both centring and perforations. The letter ‘A’ to ‘D’ relates to centring. ‘A’ stamps are very well centred; ‘B’ stamps are slightly off-centre; ‘C’ stamps are significantly off-centre, and may have the perforations slightly into the design; ‘D’ stamps are badly off-centre, with the perforations well into the design. [NB:These gradings are the same for all perforated issues, whether Australian Decimals, De La Rue Colonial keyplates or 19th Century American issues. However, it should be understood that for many issues poor centring is the norm. Thus ‘C’, and even ‘D’, gradings should be expected and accepted. For such issues a ‘B’ stamp will be above-average and an ‘A’ stamp will be considered an exceptional copy.] Following the letter ‘A’ to ‘D’ is a number ‘1’ to ‘4’. A stamp with all perforations intact is ‘1’. One or two short perfs, or normal rough perforations, will drop the grading to ‘2’. More notable perforation problems such as the perfs down one side being trimmed will result in a ‘3’ grading. A stamp with major perforation faults will be a ‘4’. [NB: A stamp graded ‘A1’ is well-centred with all perforations intact. In many cases, particularly with modern issues, this is the norm. However, for many issues, ‘B2’ or even ‘C3’ may be normal and quite acceptable.] For lots listed under the sub-headings “Postmarks” and “Ship/Paquebot Markings”, or similar, this column gives a grading for quality of the strike of the marking itself, and completeness. Quality is graded from ‘A’ (very fine) to ‘D’ (poor). Completeness is graded from ‘1’ (complete) to ‘5’ (identifiable only). ‘+’ is used for superb strikes; ‘-’ is used for postmarks that are lightly struck, a little doubled, or otherwise a bit short of the mark. 5. The symbols in the second, third and fourth columns, and the illustrations of lots, form part of the lot description. 6. Figures in the right-hand column are our estimate of value. (If a lot attracts tax for Australian buyers, the estimate is in green, followed by a small "T".) You may bid at, above or below estimate. The reserve price for almost every lot is 75% of estimate (rounded to the nearest bidding step). Bids below this level will not be considered. 7. We use the following standardised abbreviations: o.g. original gum opt(d) d/s datestamp cds mss manuscript; handwritten ERD o/o opened-out RLabel overprint(ed) circular datestamp earliest recorded date registration label PPC h/s LRD picture postcard handstamp latest recorded date M/S(s) miniature sheet(s) Aug 15, 2014 Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Page:5 Prestige Philately - Public Auction Terms of Sale (amended as at 1st November 2011: see in particular Paragraph 10 as to the unavailability of extensions to have perfins expertised) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. AUCTIONEER: Prestige Philately Pty Ltd (Prestige), a company incorporated in the State of Victoria, is the auctioneer, and adheres to the standard terms of sale of the Australasian Philatelic Traders Association. DESCRIPTIONS: We endeavour to describe lots fully and accurately. The description of a lot comprises 1) the codes to the left of the description (for details of our symbols and grading codes, see the previous page of this catalogue); 2) the description; and 3) any illustration of the lot or part of the lot whether in the printed catalogue or in our on-line catalogue. ESTIMATES: The figure in the right-hand column following each lot description is our estimated value of the lot in Australian dollars. A bidder may bid at, above or below the estimate. Bids below the reserve price (usually 75% of the estimate) are unlikely to be accepted. If the term “Offer” appears in place of an estimate figure, there is no reserve. BIDDING: Bids may be made to Prestige by mail, by fax, by e-mail, by phone, or from our website. Bids received by phone must be confirmed in writing. At public auctions, bids may also be made in person, by phone (by prior arrangement) or through an agent attending an auction. An agent must advise Prestige of the person(s) for whom bids are being submitted or else the agent will be personally liable for payment and delivery of any lots purchased. Prestige reserves the right to refuse any bid, or to refuse bids from any person, for any reason. In most cases, Prestige's bidding steps are as follows: $150 - 300 $10 rises $3000 - 5000 $200 rises $300 - 500 $20 rises $5000 - 10000 $250 rises $500 - 750 $25 rises $10000 - 15000 $500 rises Under $ 50 $2 rises $750 - 1500 $50 rises $15000 - 30000 $1000 rises $50 - 150 $5 rises $1500 - 3000 $100 rises over $30000 average of 5% rises Prestige reserves the right to raise or lower postal bids (depending on the bidder's apparent intention) to conform to these bidding steps. TELEPHONE BIDDING: Bidding by telephone during the course of a public auction is permitted. However, clients wishing to use this service must contact Prestige at least 24 hours before the auction regarding the special conditions that apply. [To see these special conditions, go to from where the Telephone Bidding Terms can be read and downloaded.] GOODS & SERVICES TAX (GST): Australian law requires that GST equal to 10% of the knock-down or sale price of a taxed lot shall be payable by the buyer, unless the taxed lot is exported to another country. Taxed lots are indicated in the catalogue by the estimate figure: being printed in bright green, followed by a small "T". GST equal to 10% of the amount of any fees or charges added by Prestige is also payable by Australian buyers. BUYER: The buyer of a lot shall be the person to whom the lot is sold ("knocked-down") by Prestige. In the event of equal bids being received, the earliest such bid shall be successful. In the event of a bidding dispute, Prestige shall have absolute discretion in the settling of the dispute. A lot is at the buyer's risk once it has been sold ("knocked-down") but ownership (legal title) will not pass to the buyer until Prestige has received payment in full for the lot. PAYMENT: Payment is due immediately a lot is sold, or immediately upon receipt of an invoice. In addition to the price for which a lot is sold, the buyer shall pay a premium of 15% of that price, plus any fees for postage packing and insurance or credit card use that are charged by Prestige, plus GST as appropriate. No buyer's premium is charged or payable in respect of on-line literature auctions. (Payment should always be made in Australian dollars. If payment is made in another currency the buyer shall add the equivalent of $A50 or 5% of the invoice total, whichever is greater, towards bank fees. Any resulting credit will be placed to the buyer's account.) In the event that the buyer does not make payment in full for the lot(s) within 30 days from the date of the invoice, Prestige shall have the right to exercise any one or more of the following rights and remedies: 1) To impose an accounting fee of $50 per month (or part thereof) plus compound interest at the rate of 2.5% per month (or part thereof) of the total amount outstanding; 2) To terminate the contract with the buyer, in which case any monies received from the buyer shall be forfeited to Prestige; 3) To terminate the contract and resell the lot(s) at any time - and impose a penalty commission rate of 30% - in which case any resulting shortfall, plus costs including accounting fees, interest, insurance and resale expenses, shall be met by the original buyer; 4) To apply any monies due at any time from Prestige to the buyer in payment of the outstanding amount; 5) To take legal action against the buyer for damages for breach of contract. RETURN OF LOTS: A lot may be returned, within a reasonable time, only because of an error in the description: see clause 2 for the definition of "the description". A lot that has been inspected by the buyer or by the buyer's agent cannot be returned for any reason. A lot that is illustrated in the printed catalogue or the on-line catalogue or of which an illustration has been supplied to the buyer or to the buyer's agent cannot be returned for any reason that is apparent from the illustration. A lot expressed to be a "range", "group", "selection", "array", "collection"," accumulation" or similar, or any other lot containing more than 10 items - excepting sets of stamps - is always offered "as is" and cannot be returned for any reason. Similarly, other lots expressed to be offered "as is" cannot be returned. "EXTENSIONS": A request for an extension to submit a lot to a recognised expert or expert committee for a Certificate of Authenticity must be made in writing prior to or on the day of the auction. Prestige shall have an absolute discretion not to grant an extension. [In particular, an extension will not normally be granted if the lot is offered with a recent Certificate of Authenticity or if the stamp(s) has/have perforated initials (perfins).] If an extension is granted, the buyer must make payment in full for the lot including the buyer's premium, in accordance with the terms of Paragraph 8. The amount paid including the buyer's premium will be refunded in full if the lot is returned with an acceptable "bad" Certificate. All costs associated with obtaining a certificate shall be borne by the buyer, unless the lot is found to be not as identified in the catalogue, in which case all costs associated with obtaining the Certificate shall be refunded to the buyer. A lot described as being defective in any way may not be returned should the Certificate obtained mention any fault not noted in the lot description. The buyer shall not be entitled to reject an item if the certificate includes any finding that does not materially affect the grading of the lot. Unless otherwise agreed, nomination of the appropriate expert or expert committee shall be made by Prestige, and Prestige will be responsible for submitting the lot to that expert or expert committee. Should Prestige agree to the buyer's nomination of an expert or expert committee, the extension granted will be for a period of no more than 90 days from the date of the auction. If a Certificate has not been obtained within 90 days from the date of the auction, the extension shall lapse and may thereafter refuse to accept the return of the lot. GOVERNING LAW: These Terms of Sale shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Victoria. Submitting a bid by any method constitutes acknowledgment and acceptance of these Terms of Sale. Page:6 Aug 15, 2014 Prestige's Country Index & Topical Cross-Reference Listing Cross Reference for Country and Regional Classification Algeria 735 Antarctica 639-641, 874 Argentina 632 Australia - General Lots 77-93 Australia - Kangaroos CofA Wmk 143-150 Australia - Kangaroos First Wmk 94-103 Australia - Kangaroos Second Wmk 104-108 Australia - Kangaroos SMult Wmk 135-142 Australia - Kangaroos Third Wmk 109-134 Australia - KGV Heads CofA Wmk 221-225 Australia - KGV Heads Large Mult Watermark 205-209 Australia - KGV Heads Single Watermark 170-204 Australia - KGV Heads Sm Mult Wmk Perf 13.5x12.5 213-220 Australia - KGV Heads Sm Mult Wmk Perf 14 210-212 Australia, Commonwealth of 11-12, 18-19, 21-23, 35, 45-49, 77-475, 477-638, 641, 644-669, 673-677, 713, 726, 742, 748, 755-827, 865, 882, 891-895, 897, 903 Australia, Commonwealth of - Decimals 89, 91, 152, 242-252, 259 Australia, Commonwealth of - Kangaroo Issues 79, 85-87, 90, 94-150, 260, 263-264, 312-313, 659, 763-774, 896 Australia, Commonwealth of - KGV Issues 21, 35, 79, 85-86, 88, 90-91, 151-225, 260-261, 264, 266, 275, 317, 325-326, 763-774, 895-896 Australia, Commonwealth of - Other Pre-Decimals 86-89, 91, 226-241, 896 Australian Antarctic Territory 641 Australian Capital Territory 229, 271 Australian Colonies - General 12, 23, 35, 48, 346-475, 477-638, 891, 893, 899, 903 Austria 642-643, 732, 736, 888 B.C.O.F. in Japan 84, 644-669 Belgium 634 Bohemia & Moravia 689 Canada 45, 292, 890 Canal Zone 272, 740 Cape of Good Hope 416 Caroline Islands 699 China 16, 27, 670-672 Christmas Island 19, 673-674 Cocos Islands 25, 675-677 Cook Islands 6 Danzig 686 Denmark 746, 860-861 Egypt 276, 762, 889 Ethiopia 889 Falkland Islands 254 Faroe Islands 862 Fiji 706 France 51, 54, 520, 633, 678-681, 690 French Community 55, 520, 678-681, 735 French Polynesia 55, 678 German Colonies 74, 695-711, 716-754, 760-762, 904-905 German Post Offices Abroad 904 German States 682 Germany 12, 43, 54, 71, 268, 288, 633, 682-711, 716-750, 876-878, 888, 890 Germany - West 692-693 Great Britain 11, 15, 28-29, 43, 53, 275, 299-300, 352, 409, 411, 415, 479-480, 519, 521, 629, 631, 670, 675, 690, 713, 754, 808, 887, 889 Great Britain Stamps Overprinted 713 Greece 56 Hawaii 872 Hong Kong 16, 27, 458, 670, 810 India 27, 273 Indian States 21 Ireland 411, 519 Italy 303, 889 Japan 280, 458, 644-669, 712, 743, 749, 810, 813 Korea 712 Kuwait 15 Laos 14 Latin America 44, 632, 890 Lord Howe Island 420, 789 Malaya 675 Malta 681 Memel 688 Middle East 276, 828-859, 889 Nauru 10, 713 Netherlands Indies 726, 754, 819 New Caledonia 55, 679-680 New Guinea 57-66, 714-788, 905 New Guinea - Australian Stamps Used In 755-759 New Guinea - G.R.I. Overprints 715, 760-762, 905 New Guinea - German 57-66, 635, 701, 716-762, 905 New Guinea - North-West Pacific Islands 759, 763-774, 905 New Hebrides 55, 681 New South Wales 52, 155, 263, 265, 287, 291-293, 340, 346-349, 355-429, 450, 612, 726, 742, 748, 755-756, 758, 795, 803, 806-807, 819, 898 New Zealand 28, 67, 264, 273, 409, 417, 487, 678, 891 Norfolk Island 10, 25, 789-792 North Borneo 68-70, 455 Northern Territory 271, 323, 486-487, 812 Norway 863-864 Pakistan 27 Palestine 71 Panama 272, 740 Papua 18, 776, 793-823, 905-906 Papua 72-73 Papua New Guinea 6, 10, 25, 45, 824-827, 906-907 Poland 686, 689 Portugal 908 Portuguese Colonies 520 Queensland 269, 290, 320-321, 329, 414, 430-458, 485, 758-759, 774, 793-795, 813, 900-901 Queensland - Thursday Island 813 Rumania 888-889 Russia 744 Saar 687 Samoa 74, 702-704, 706-710, 873 Sarawak 75, 814 Saudi Arabia 828-859, 889 Scandinavia 860-864 Senegal 520 Seychelles 273 Singapore 726, 754 Solomon Islands 745 South Africa 416 South Australia 19, 314, 323, 346-347, 353, 409, 459-491, 803, 818, 902 Spain 908 Straits Settlements 675 Switzerland 265, 277, 520, 861, 865 Tasmania 262, 308, 322, 326, 334-335, 492-527 Tonga 6 Trinidad & Tobago 24 Turkey 71, 843 United States of America 19, 28, 266, 278, 426, 490, 672, 690, 772, 791, 867-874, 883, 890, 909-911 Victoria 22, 49, 274, 277, 296, 315, 318, 327-328, 335, 345-346, 348-349, 352, 397, 528-619, 757, 864, 899, 903 Viet-Nam 14 Western Australia 53, 203, 267, 273, 301, 319, 324-325, 346, 352, 620-638, 818 Yugoslavia 276, 279 Cross Reference for Thematic and Topical Classification Advertising 428, 456, 524-525, 609, 677, 790 Airlines 677 Airmail Covers - Commercial 270, 275, 277-284, 288, 303, 344, 657, 672, 676-677, 782, 785-788, 791, 817, 819, 852, 865, 892 Airmail Covers - Philatelic 35, 83, 298-300, 889, 892, 897 Airmail Issues 897 Airmail Stamps 298-300, 777-781, 785, 787, 817, 852, 897 Airmails - Pigeon Post 19 Albums & Accessories 21, 33, 36-42 Animals 274, 323, 493, 600, 717, 819, 827 Architecture 229, 322, 324-326, 791, 850 Art & Craft 56, 238, 250-251, 278, 302, 572 Autographs 292, 640, 721, 739, 745 Automobiles 337 Aviators 226 Avis de Reception 267 Birds 226, 228, 230, 234, 254, 268, 272, 277, 281, 414, 620-638, 651, 655-658, 663-666, 777-778, 785, 818, 824, 868 Bisects 697 Booklets 3, 23, 227, 674, 825 Bridges 231 Bundleware 21, 78 Cancelled to Order (from Presentation Sets) 123, 217, 235, 405, 568-569, 582, 586, 593, 694, 824 Captain Cook 287, 387 Cartoons & Comics 54, 302 Caves 52, 410 Censored Mail 20, 260, 265, 276, 301-304, 755-759, 762, 770, 786, 788, 810 Charity 12, 445-446, 531, 683, 687, 692, 848, 865 Christmas 93, 280, 485, 673-674 Cinderellas 255-257, 300, 595-603, 680, 698-699, 717, 892 Classic (Pre-1860) Stamp Designs 29, 346, 348, 353-354, 359-381, 391, 400-402, 405, 409, 431-442, 451-452, 459-475, 482, 492, 494-506, 522, 528-561, 588, 606-607, 612-613, 620-623, 643, 682, 860, 863, 869-871, 880, 887-888, 890-891, 898-899, 909 Classic Issues - Plate Reconstructions 532, 548, 557, 559, 561 Coil Stamps 227, 232, 249 Coins & Banknotes 43-47 Combination Covers 670, 759, 769, 817 Commemorative Covers 26, 83, 289-296, 299, 640, 874 Communications 76, 825 Complete Sheets 80, 173-176, 180-182, 206-207, 219-220, 226, 511, 768, 824 Aug 15, 2014 Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Consular Mail 703 Convict Mail 519, 791 Dead Letter Office Mail 454, 628, 808, 818-819 Disaster 273, 630, 676, 883 Dress & Apparel 235, 660-662, 865 Education & Universities 315, 489 Energy 337, 422 Esperanto 70 Essays 238, 425, 507-508, 572, 648 Exhibitions 254, 825, 894 Exhibitions - Non-Philatelic 53 Explorers & Pioneers 226, 281, 286, 635, 639-641, 721 Express Mail 287-288 Federation of Australia (1901) 49 First Day Covers 11, 25-26, 32, 83, 92, 221, 259, 274, 296-297, 640-641, 674, 824 Flags 426, 445-446, 490, 698, 849 Flowers 249, 254, 280, 285, 319 Forgeries 400-402, 571, 622, 868 Forwarding Agents 479 Free Mail 413 Fruit 320-321, 329, 524 Government & Politicians 229, 276, 357, 409, 452, 491 Ham Radio 76 Heraldry 237, 278, 390, 717 Hotels 61, 758 Humour 54 Illustrated Covers 93, 269, 297, 302, 483, 609, 670, 864 Imprints & Plate Numbers 78, 87-88, 98, 111, 116, 131-132, 159, 162-163, 165, 167-168, 171-172, 180-182, 189, 199-200, 206-207, 210, 212, 214, 218, 226, 229-230, 239, 388, 392-394, 399, 499, 515, 650, 652, 659, 662, 824 Indigenous Peoples 58-60, 62-64, 72-73, 278, 292, 487, 826 Insects 605, 612, 792 Islands 420, 458, 520-521, 673-677, 813 Keyplate Issues 507, 509 Late Fee 785 Law Courts 271 Literature 298, 639, 875-911 Maps 48, 226, 300, 357, 404, 789, 828, 849 Marine Life 281 Medical & Health 293, 521, 723, 762, 848 Migration 251, 479 Military & Censor Mail 54, 265, 301-304, 415, 644-669, 743 Military - Air Force 676 Military - Army 317 Military - Boer War 416, 445-446 Military - Navy 317, 415, 426, 445-446, 490, 704, 888 Military - World War I 54, 250, 260, 301, 308, 317, 330, 338, 688, 715, 755-774, 810 Military - World War II 20, 56, 302, 304, 689, 786, 788, 905 Miniature Sheets 3, 12, 16-17, 27, 254, 297, 599, 674, 683, 853, 858, 894 Mining 67, 335, 457, 485, 523, 779-781, 785, 787, 817 Miscellaneous Lots 1-35 Missent Mail 481, 726 Missionaries & Mission Stations 712, 725, 731, 747, 757, 771, 795 Money Orders 589, 608, 638 Monograms 98, 159, 171-172, 180, 182, 189, 199, 388, 392-395, 515 Monuments 872 Mourning Covers 698 Municipal Mail 258, 417, 448-449 Music & Singing 456 Myths & Legends 674 Newspapers 534, 607 Number Ones of the World 360-361, 461-462, 464, 494, 863, 869-871 Official Mail 155, 203, 258, 267, 271, 315-316, 331, 344-345, 410, 413, 419, 421, 427, 454, 484, 488, 491, 605, 628, 633, 637, 782, 800, 814-815, 819 Official Stamps 131-134, 151, 155, 157, 201-204, 225, 231, 258, 271, 348, 355-356, 358, 403-405, 419, 444, 484, 589, 715, 755-759, 776-777, 815, 819, 854, 856, 868, 902 Official Stamps - State Governments 155, 419, 819 Omnibus Issues 274 Onwards Air Transmission (OAT) 277 Overprinted Stamps & Stationery 19, 21, 120, 125-127, 225, 231, 236, 254, 269, 308-309, 318-320, 333, 337, 340, 342, 348, 355-358, 385-386, 399, 403-405, 460, 474, 484, 488, 507, 516, 594, 600-601, 644-669, 671-672, 679, 681, 686-689, 691, 706, 713, 716, 718, 730, 753, 759-774, 776-778, 785, 791, 803, 808, 811, 817, 825-827, 829, 831-845, 862, 866, 872, 880-881 Parcel Post 237, 264, 345, 453, 634, 717, 785, 902 Perfins - Commercial Firms 110, 194, 261, 358, 671 Perfins - Official 131, 133-134, 151, 155, 157, 201-204, 219-220, 258, 267, 271, 356, 358, 419, 444, 586, 589-590, 620, 715, 755-759, 769, 800, 815, 819 Philatelists 885 Photographs 676 Picture Postcards 4, 52-76, 284, 294-295, 299, 410, 486, 490, 732, 737, 739-741, 743, 745-747, 752, 754-755, 757, 770-771, 784, 801-802, 806, 873 Police, Law & Order 292 Post Office Labels 273, 770 Page:7 Post Offices 322, 326 Postage (Good for Little Else!) 32, 78, 80, 89, 242-243, 245-247, 867 Postage Dues 253-254, 262, 270, 414, 418, 479-480, 487, 517, 521, 529, 591-593, 755, 758, 771-772, 807, 813, 826-827, 834-836, 842-843, 861, 864, 868, 896 Postal Fiscals 399, 493, 507, 565-571, 573-580, 582-583, 594, 632, 808, 811 Postal History 4, 6, 11, 20, 28, 35, 203, 258-288, 301-304, 347, 349-350, 409-420, 440, 450-458, 479-487, 517-523, 556, 558, 604-609, 628-638, 644, 657, 670-672, 675-676, 678, 697, 702-704, 706-708, 719-762, 769-774, 782-788, 793-795, 799-819, 864, 867, 887-888, 891-892, 897, 901, 905, 907, 910 Postal Seals 422, 454, 757, 815 Postal Stationery 1, 28, 30, 35, 56-57, 263, 275, 277, 279, 288, 292, 303, 305-345, 387, 410, 417, 421, 425-429, 455, 458, 488-491, 520, 524-527, 609, 635, 642, 693, 707, 712, 721, 723-724, 727-728, 731, 736, 753, 804, 809, 824, 867, 884 Postal Stationery - Aerogrammes 28, 93, 279, 303, 344, 824 Postal Stationery - Envelopes 288, 292, 305, 331-333, 338, 635 Postal Stationery - Envelopes (Official) 307, 331 Postal Stationery - Envelopes (STO) 307, 331, 334, 336-337, 421, 428, 457, 525 Postal Stationery - Formular Issues 93, 344 Postal Stationery - Franks 49, 628, 633, 637 Postal Stationery - Letter Cards 305-306, 321-324, 327-330 Postal Stationery - Postal Cards 1, 56, 308, 310-311, 410, 417, 426, 458, 488, 490-491, 609, 642, 693, 705, 707, 721, 723-724, 727-728, 731, 736, 753, 804, 809 Postal Stationery - Postal Cards (Official) 316, 491 Postal Stationery - Postal Cards (STO) 57, 312-315, 427, 524 Postal Stationery - Registration Envelopes 263, 275, 305, 307, 339, 341-342, 520, 526-527 Postal Stationery - Scenic Issues 56-57, 306, 317-328, 410, 417, 426, 489-490, 693 Postal Stationery - Wartime 277, 303, 330, 338 Postal Stationery - Wrappers 305, 343, 455, 488 Postmarks 35, 71, 304, 356, 411-412, 420-424, 481-482, 485-486, 518, 520, 534, 555-556, 558, 604, 606, 608, 610-619, 632, 635, 641, 643, 678, 680, 696, 701, 707, 709-712, 714, 716, 718, 737, 747, 750-751, 782-784, 788, 793-795, 798-799, 802, 805, 812, 820-823, 864, 870, 873, 900-901, 903-905, 907, 910 Postmarks - Duplex Cancellations 296, 506, 604, 611 Postmarks - Instructional/Informative Markings 268, 270, 277, 409, 412-414, 417-418, 453, 480-482, 487, 517, 519-521, 628-630, 632, 677, 755, 807-808, 812-813, 818-819, 861 Postmarks - Machines & Meters 525 Postmarks - Manuscript Cancellations 521, 523, 605, 735, 740 Postmarks - Numerals 274, 360-361, 365, 367-370, 378-379, 417, 423, 441, 495, 498, 522, 542, 546, 555-556, 605, 611, 613, 623, 629, 631, 634, 755, 900, 903 Postmarks - Pictorial/Commemorative 289-296 Postmarks - Recuts & Excisions 757 Postmarks - Relief Datestamps 293 Postmarks - Ship/Paquebot Markings 680, 751-754, 774, 823, 887 Postmarks - Squared-Circle Datestamps 482, 486, 726, 803 Postmarks - Straight-Line 715, 756, 762, 803, 822 Pre-Stamp Mail 347, 409, 411-413, 450, 518 Primary Industry - Agriculture 53, 345, 483, 487, 489, 524-525, 600, 819 Primary Industry - Cattle 240, 421 Primary Industry - Timber 318, 328 Prisoners of War & Internees 277, 303 Proofs 14, 82, 238, 359, 374, 383, 387, 425, 429, 443, 445, 447-449, 466, 500, 508, 510, 573-574, 581, 648, 717, 893 Propaganda Stamps & Leaflets 54 Racism & Racist Propaganda 491 Railway Stamps 447-449, 902 Receiving Offices 619 Red Cross 265, 279 Redirected Mail 273, 519-521, 629, 631, 732, 813, 819 Refugee Mail 276 Registered Mail 19, 203, 263-264, 267-268, 272, 275-276, 291, 293, 296, 304, 307, 334, 414, 418, 453-454, 482, 520, 526-527, 628, 632, 644, 657, 681, 697, 702, 718, 732, 734-735, 744, 760, 764, 769, 772-773, 782, 785-786, 798-800, 807, 812, 814-815, 865, 887, 907 Religion 292 Reprints 82, 399, 500, 565-566, 594 Revenues 22, 255-257, 352, 385-386, 399, 431, 478, 493, 507, 565-571, 573-580, 582-583, 594-603, 632, 808, 811, 868, 902, 911 Royalty 11, 45, 71, 235, 299, 390, 660-662 Science 523, 721 Scouts and Guides 291 Se-Tenant Issues 186, 256, 296, 859 Shells 825 Ship Mail 6, 280, 409, 411-412, 417, 479-480, 518, 630, 635, 675, 678, 701, 706, 733, 736, 774, 795, 804, 806, 818, 822-823, 864, 887-888 Slavery 520 Snowy Mountains Scheme 422 Space & Astronomy 674, 910 Specimen Stamps 120, 125-127, 355, 357-358, 425, 570, 575-579, 583, 880-881, 902 Sport 17, 294-295, 308 Page:8 Sport - Cricket 296 Sport - Fishing 458 Sport - Olympic Games 12, 17, 294-295, 297, 421 Tattersalls (George Adams) Sweepstakes 414, 418 Tea & Coffee 770 Telegrams 50, 352 Telegraph Offices 617 Thematics & Subjects 3, 10, 14, 16-17, 25, 32, 78, 80, 242-243, 245-247, 254, 259, 281, 283, 641, 673, 683, 691-694, 824, 851, 857, 859, 867 Tobacco & Smoking 609 Tourism 269 Trains 843 Transport 323, 853 Transport - Aeroplanes 226, 241, 300, 779-781, 787, 824, 852 Transport - Railways & Trains 289-290, 335, 410, 883 Transport - Ships & Boats 51, 251, 254, 281, 317, 695-711, 796-823 Transport - Trams & Cable Cars 448-449 Travelling Post Offices 71, 83, 424, 481-482, 520, 864, 870 Uniforms 445-446 Aug 15, 2014 Unissued Stamps 56, 507, 593, 648, 853, 858 Universal Postal Union 15, 881 Unusual Origins or Destinations 70, 272-273, 279, 416, 455, 458, 487, 520-521, 632-635, 675, 681, 701-702, 712, 732, 735, 740, 743, 746, 749, 758, 762, 786, 795, 806, 810, 812-814, 864 Varieties & Flaws 97, 105-106, 110, 112, 114-115, 119, 127, 134, 138-142, 151-152, 158-169, 171, 174-177, 180-188, 190-191, 193-199, 201-202, 205-209, 213-214, 219-220, 222, 224, 232-236, 240-241, 244, 248-252, 254, 310-311, 317, 339, 358, 365, 367, 369-370, 377-382, 384, 388-392, 395-399, 403, 440, 444, 460, 470, 475, 488, 493, 513-514, 516, 536-541, 545, 547-548, 550, 552, 554-561, 564, 566, 584-585, 589-590, 612, 617, 644-647, 649, 651-658, 663-669, 713, 766-768, 772, 792, 805, 827, 829, 832, 834, 837-838, 841, 846, 850, 852, 871-872, 893, 895, 902 Varieties - Missing Colours 241, 244, 249-250, 252, 792 Vice-Regal (Governors') Mail 324-325, 739, 791 Volcanoes 513 Waterfalls 327, 512, 515 Writers 238 Y.M.C.A. & Comforts Institutes 301 COMING IN NOVEMBER 2014 The first recorded used example of either of Australia’s Military Letter Cards. A. “Australia and the Great War” The outstanding collection formed by Tony Finlayson from England. B. South Australian Postmarks and Postal History The extensive collection formed by the late John Bell from South Australia. C. Tasmania with extensive Official Mail and Frank Stamps The fine collection formed by Paul Williams from England. D. “Postal Notes of Australia & the Colonies” The extraordinary collection formed by Jack Harwood from America. Aug 15, 2014 Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Page:9 Contents of General Auction #193 Please note that our featured “Gallery Sections” are shown in Red “Prestige Points” Catalogue Introduction Understanding Our Symbols and Grading System Public Auction Terms of Sale Cross-References Contents Pages pages 3 4 5 6 to 8 9 to 10 Lot Numbers Miscellaneous Lots Albums & Accessories / Coins & Banknotes / Documents & Ephemera Picture Postcards New Guinea including German New Guinea COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA General & Miscellaneous Lots Kangaroo Issues King George V Heads Including complete panes and sheets Other Pre-Decimal Issues Decimal Issues Postage Dues / Revenues Postal History Postal Stationery AUSTRALIAN COLONIES General & Miscellaneous Lots New South Wales Classic Stamps (mainly “Sydney Views”) Postal History / Postmarks / Postal Stationery Queensland Postal History South Australia Postal History / Postal Stationery Tasmania Postal History / Postmarks / Postal Stationery Victoria General Lots Classic Issues “Laureates” - mostly Ex Nick Holness Large Stamp Duty Issues Including unused Ultra High Values Revenues Postmarks Western Australia Postal History / Postmarks 1 32 52 57 - 35 47 76 66 77 77 94 151 between 173 226 242 253 258 305 & - 345 93 150 225 220 241 252 257 304 345 346 346 355 359 409 430 450 459 479 492 517 528 528 532 546 568 580 595 610 620 628 - 638 354 429 381 429 458 458 491 491 527 527 619 531 561 561 580 - 603 619 638 638 Page:10 Aug 15, 2014 Contents of General Auction #193 - continued Please note that our featured “Gallery Sections” are shown in Red Lot Numbers REST OF THE WORLD Antarctica BCOF in Japan Trial (Proof) Overprints BRITISH EMPIRE - see separate catalogue China Christmas Island / Cocos Islands French Community German States / Germany German Colonies - principally Samoa Korea NAURU - see separate catalogue of John Darnell’s Collection New Guinea General Lots German New Guinea Postal History Seepost und Schiffspost Australian Stamps Used in New Guinea G.R.I. Overprints North West Pacific Islands Mandated Territory of New Guinea Norfolk Island Papua Queensland Stamps Period BNG/Papua Stamps Postal History Postmarks Papua New Guinea Saudi Arabia - the collection formed by the late Dr Kevin Murphy Hejaz Nejdi Occupation of Hejaz Hejaz & Nejd Saudi Arabia Scandinavia Switzerland Thailand United States of America Hawaii / Samoa / Antarctica PHILATELIC LITERATURE Miscellaneous and General Titles Auction Catalogues Australia, Commonwealth of Australian Colonies Rest of the World 639 639 644 645 1001 670 673 678 682 695 712 2001 714 714 716 719 751 755 760 763 775 789 793 793 796 799 820 824 828 829 843 845 846 860 865 866 867 872 875 875 886 892 898 904 - 874 - 643 - 669 - 649 - 1649 - 672 - 677 - 681 - 694 - 711 - 2169 - 788 - 715 - 754 - 754 - 754 - 759 - 762 - 774 - 788 - 792 - 823 - 795 - 798 - 819 - 823 - 827 - 859 - 842 - 844 - 859 - 864 - 874 - 874 - 911 885 891 897 903 911 Aug 15, 2014 Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Ex Lot 11 - Carton of Covers Ex Lot 22 - Aussie Revenues Ex Lot 54 - Anti-German Propaganda x7 Page:11 Ex Lot 19 - Ten Covers Ex Lot 55 - French Pacific PPCs x35 Lot 66 - German New Guinea Commemorative Overprints on Picture Postcards Ex Lot 75 - Sarawak PPC x10 Ex Lot 76 - World Ham Radio Cards x250+ Page:12 Lot Aug 15, 2014 Type Grading Description Est $A MISCELLANEOUS LOTS Ex Lot 1 1 Two 1890s gold-blocked "Imperial Post Card Albums" with a mostly 1890s array of Postal Stationery (largely Postal Cards) from many countries, mostly unused with a few 'SPECIMEN' items including from British Bechuanaland & New Zealand, better usages including French Colonies General Issues 10c 'NOUVELLE CALEDONIE/NOUMEA' to Victoria, Hannover Local Post 'Mercur Brief' (Letter Card), Great Britain 'Uniform Penny Postage' 1d Envelope to NSW, Gwalior ½a Envelope registered with 1a & 2a on the reverse, Sweden 10ö with 'GRAND HOTEL HAGLUND/GOTEBORG' illustration & cachet, etc, unusual origin/destination items including Japan, Costa Rica & Finland all to Victoria, Switzerland to Madeira with 'LISBOA' transit cds & 1887 Ceylon to Singapore forwarded to Japan with very fine double-circle 'PENANG-TO-SINGAPORE' marine sorter cds & tiny 'YOKOHAMA/JAPAN' arrival cds, also a group of Victorian Franks on postcard etc, condition a bit mixed but generally fine to very fine. An old-time collection that has been in the vendor's family for more than 100 years. {Page 12.1}(280 approx) PS 1,500 2 O Used World collection in five large stockbooks with lots of duplication in some areas. Exchange book fodder. 200 3 **O Wine carton with an array of unmounted mint singles, M/Ss & booklets from many countries including Singapore, Gibraltar, New Zealand, modern Azores & Netherlands, etc etc, also some complete sheets & remarkably large used blocks. (1000+) 250 4 CPS Twenty slim volumes with an array of postal stationery, philatelic covers & commercial mail including PPCs from around the world. Lots of pickings. (many 100s) 5 D World mostly modern array of stamps on piece, and some "floor-sweepings" in a large shoebox. 6 *OC Pacific Islands selections including PNG with mint 1952 Pictorials & Postal Charges SG D2-6 **, shipmail or paquebot covers x22; Tonga duplicated Pictorials & Salotes; Cook Islands 1911 PPC to NZ & 1912 PPC to the USA, philatelic covers including from Atiu, Manihiki, Rakahanga & Danger Island; Dutch New Guinea oddments; generally fine to very fine. 350T 200 Offer 7 *O World array in about 20 Chinese stockbooks, lots of duplication in some areas, pickings throughout. (1000s) 200 8 *O Six large stockbooks with a world array, likely to be lots of pickings. (Qty) 125 9 *O Rather dilapidated "Universal" album with a better than average "schoolboy" collection & lots of little surprises throughout so careful viewing is likely to be well rewarded. (many 100s) 250 10 **VC Australian Territories extensive collection in two cartons with slim albums of AAT x4, Christmas Island x4, Cocos x2, Nauru x6, Norfolk x5 (including Ball Bay White Papers & 10/- Bird 'SPECIMEN' x4) and PNG x5, all with a high degree of completeness unmounted plus some used/CTO material, FDCs etc; also similar volumes of post-WWII Samoa x3 & Fiji. High thematic content. {Page 13.1}(Qty) 1,000 Carton of covers mostly rather nondescript including Australian & British First Day Covers, array of 1977 Silver Jubilee covers, a few British Strike Mail covers, lots of commercial mail from many countries etc, a few highlights including 1896 stampless cover from GB with superb 'T5D' h/s of Melbourne & Victorian 5d Postage Due affixed, Switzerland 1895 advertising PPC for 'Hotel & Pension Alpenrose' to England, Cook Islands 1894 registered cover with Queen 1d to 10d, etc, condition variable. {Page 11.1}(100s) 300 11 CPS A Taxed lots are indicated by a small ‘T’ after the estimate. However, overseas clients pay no Australian tax. Aug 15, 2014 Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Page:13 MISCELLANEOUS LOTS (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A Ex Lot 10 12 */**WO Ex Lot 12 Interesting little lot with Australia 5/- Bridge commercially used, Victoria Centenary blocks of 4 */**, Navigators £2 ** & a few used Postage Dues to 5/-, c.1964 Territories Issues for Nauru Norfolk & PNG in Specimen pack, unused 1897 Charity sets from NSW (faults) & Victoria, South Australian group including very fine 1857-59 6d slate-blue, Germany 1936 Olympics M/Ss CTO with full unmounted o.g. but some toning, etc, condition variable. {Page 13.2}(100 approx) 400 13 OD Most of us remember "mission" mixtures, where you bought a box of stamps that were completely unsorted & the prospect was hung out there of making the find of a lifetime. Here is just such a lot for a trip down memory lane. Offer 14 */**OP Carton of East Asia with a quantity of Laos including large blocks, complete sheets, booklets, some presentation proofs etc, similar but less extensive range from Vietnam, & some used Thailand. From the estate of a former Australian Ambassador to Laos. (Qty) 200 15 **PR Balance of consignment with a bundle of Great Britain PO packs, UPU Congress books including 1964 Kuwait with most 1961-64 issues notably 1961 Definitives, 1963 National Day & 1964 Definitives, etc. 100 16 PR/C China 1997 Resumption of Control over Hong Kong 50y Deng Xiao-ping M/S in special folder x15 & a bundle of World FDCs some uncancelled (scarce thus but does anybody want them!?). Offer 17 ** Ex Lot 17 A 1970s-1980s mostly imperforate miniature sheets from independent African countries, various subjects including Olympic Games x28 (some with Winners overprints), Soccer x16 (some with Winners overprints), Flight x7, Rowland Hill/Stamps on Stamps x4, Nobel Prize x6, American Independence x4 etc, unmounted. Excellent thematic content & a very colourful lot that would probably set ebay alight! {Page 13.3}(69 M/Ss) 500 Ex Lot 18 18 G/V KGVI Issues for Australia, New Guinea and Papua plus BCOF set to 2/- (with NZ Forces cds!), generally fine to very fine, Cat £1000+. {Page 13.4}(138) 500 19 C Odd lot with Christmas Island (Pacific) 1926 Roessler cover with rare combination franking of Cocoanut Plantations 10c + US 2c & 10c pairs; plus Australia 1934 Exhibition cover with 'PIGEONGRAM/16 11 1934' h/s at left, 1934 Flinders Island to Melbourne, and 1938 registered with 'COOBER PEDY/SA' cds; mixed condition. {Page 11.2}(10) 450 As at Monday, 30th June 2014, $A100 will cost our American clients $US 94, our British clients £55, our European clients €69, and our new Zealand clients $NZ108. Page:14 Aug 15, 2014 (continued) Lot Type Grading Description 20 C Est $A Ex Lot 20 World War II civil censor covers from all over the world in five large cover albums, strength in British Empire with many scarce & attractive items throughout. An excellent basis for a new wide-ranging interest. Ex the late Ron Collumbine. {Page 14.1}(100s) 1,500 Ex Lot 21 21 22 */**OCA O Postpak box with a quality selection including useful Indian Convention States, GB KGV Control singles & pairs, unmounted blocks of 4 of Burma 'SERVICE' KGV 2½a, Fiji KGV 1/- SG 238 & Hong Kong KEVII 1903 12c (one *), Sudan 1948 Postage Dues unmounted, etc, also Australia selection of KGV Heads with values to 4d violet (**) and a small box of bundleware, an album of GB addressed FDCs, and a Gibbons boxed digital microscope. {Page 14.2} 200 Australian Revenues Tax Instalment x15 values to £5, Allan & Co two different royalty labels, Victoria Stamp Duty £2 x50+ (!) and Large Format £5 pink to £10 mauve complete, Ballarat Tramways 1d ticket, generally fine. {Page 11.3}(70+) 300T 23 OBC "Hillier's" tin with a selection of Australian decimal booklets, Australian Colonies in packets, & a modest bundle of covers. 100T 24 */**O Modest collection with a mostly modern array of Trinidad & Tobago with high thematic content, also some Australian Territories, condition variable. (few 100) 100T 25 CPS Australian Territories First Day Covers from Cocos x3 albums, Norfolk x3 albums including some useful pre-decimal issues and PNG x1 album, some PSEs & packs noted, also a bundle of Wesley FDCs. High thematic content. Heavy! (Qty) 250 Consignment remainders with four souvenir collections including Ausipex 84 album with issues of participating countries, some Australian & Pacific covers, China catalogue by Ma, etc. 100 26 CPR Aug 15, 2014 Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Page:15 (continued) Lot Type Grading Description 27 *O 28 CPS Est $A Eclectic lot including 'PAKISTAN' Overprints on India to 25r very fine mint, some useful India, WWII General Government Hitler 12g 24g & 84g complete sheets of 25 (unmounted), China collection mostly early PRC & some Taiwan (100s) 250 Large carton crammed with world covers and Postal Stationery with good selections from GB, NZ and USA, lots of mostly unused Postal Stationery especially Aerogrammes including Middle East countries with some Arabian Gulf issues, some duplication, generally fine to very fine. (many 100s) 400 Ex Lot 29 29 30 *O OPS c.1890 dilapidated Gibbons "Imperial" album for the whole world with numerous useful items throughout. The strongest section is definitely Great Britain, which includes many very fine mint & used stamps plus a Parcel Post label with 'GOVT/PARCELS' 1½d 6d & 9d. Europe & Coloies are well represented & there are many locals that we're not familiar with. The Indian Feudatory States need to be closely inspected & there is a page of NSW mint multiples. Well above-average for collections of this type with all the indications being that this is a genuine 1890s collection with very little later material squeezed in. Many stamps are well adhered to the pages but there are also many with paper-hinges that can be easily removed with a bit of care. Don't miss the extensive scans on our website. {Page 15.1}(1000+ ?) 1,500 Large stockbook with little of note, 50+ mostly unused Postal Cards etc from many countries including NSW scenic issues x3, GB QV 2d Postal Card with messages in shorthand x2, packets of postal stationery cutouts, etc, condition variable. 150 Ex Lot 31 31 *O 1940s oversize "Excel" Stamp Album housing a very attractive mostly mint world collection with numerous better items & sets including Bahamas Eleuthera set, Canada 'OHMS' Overprints with 50c SG O169, Cook 1949 Pictorials imprint blocks of 4 (very scarce), Germany French Zone the three Red Cross sets & M/Ss, Hawaii 1896 Officials mint or used, early Irish blocks of 4, India Gandhi set, Italy 1948 St Catherine set, Luxemburg 1935 Intellectuals to 2fr, Malta KGVI Overprints, New Guinea Dated Birds imprint blocks of 4 to 6d & 1939 Bulolo set, Newfoundland 1941-44 Pictorials, Niue 1950 Pictorials blocks of 4, Norfolk Ball Bay imprint blocks of 4, North Borneo 1947 Cypher Overprints. 'PALESTINE' Overprints on Egypt to £1 & on Transjordan to £1 plus Postage Dues Script set, Pitcairn 1940 blocks of 4, Switzerland 1948 IMABA M/S, lots of Airmails etc etc, generally very fine. High catalogue value. {Page 15.2}(100s) 1,500 32 **C Australian Territories with 1994-2013 issues complete in Australia Post folders, some PO packs & earlier FDCs, and some Australian covers. 200 33 OA Collector's detritus in a large carton with a large quantity of used Australian duplicates etc, also some unused accessories including Hawid-type mounts. (1000s) Offer 34 *O Oldtime world collection in a huge scrapbook, mostly très ordinaire but be prepared for some truly unexpected finds. (many 100s) 150 35 CPS Shoebox of covers & PPCs with Australian KGV frankings, advertising covers including Ginger Meggs, 1950 French Consulate-Géneral cover to France, airmails including 1949 Sydney-Hong Kong & Hong Kong-Sydney with Qantas labels and 1958 Rottnest Island Woods Airways registered, etc, attractive bundle of mostly unused Postal Stationery from Australia & Australian Colonies with a few better issues, also Papua including flights, PNG including early registereds from various offices etc, some faults but generally fine to very fine. (100+) 400 Our Buyer's Premium added to the Hammer Price is still only 15% Page:16 Lot Aug 15, 2014 Type Grading Description Est $A ALBUMS & ACCESSORIES 36 A A Top-quality Frank Godden "Warwick" album with 50 linen-faced leaves in enclosed slipcase. Never unpacked! Current retail with only 40 leaves is £200. 100 37 L A Top-quality Frank Godden "Warwick" linen-faced leaves in original packaging as received. Current retail for packs of 25 x8 is £300. (200) 100 38 A A/B Carton of Frank Godden "Warwick" album covers (no leaves), two in Godden slipcases. Current retail with slipcases is £1260. (7) 250 39 A 40 L 41 A 42 L Offer Large carton of mostly European stockbooks & albums, mostly very fine. A 40 Five quality 64pp stockbooks. Apparently as new. Offer Large plastic tub of album covers, Hagner pages, Mylar page protectors etc. A- Top-quality Frank Godden "Deluxe" album with hand-tooled moroccan leather cover - minor abrasions on the spine & 50 linen-faced leaves in enclosed slipcase. Current retail with only 25 leaves is £400. 140 COINS & BANKNOTES Ex Lot 44 43 $ Lot 47 Modest collection of German & British coins, plus two shoeboxes with Australian & British year sets, 1979 Egyptian-Israeli Peace Treaty "Eyewitness Medals" in sterling silver x2 (one with 24k gold overlay which has tarnished), etc, condition very mixed. (100s) 150 44 $ Wallet with an attractive bundle of world banknotes with strength in Latin America, many beautifully engraved notes, some Inflation Issues & some revalued, condition variable. {Page 16.1}(140 approx) 350 45 $ Album of world minors & a packet of common banknotes, then Canada 1977 Jubilee $100 gold proof, PNG 1976 100k gold proof, Caymans 1977 Jubilee "Silver Queens" set, etc, also 1981 Royal Wedding Plate in original box. 450 46 $ AUSTRALIA: Motley crew with some pre-decimal silver, 1966 50c "rounds" x60, and a range of later mostly commemorative 50c pieces. 300 47 $ - 1949 10/- Coombs/Watt Renniks #14 central fold, EF, Cat $750. {Page 16.2} 250 A- DOCUMENTS & EPHEMERA 48 L A AUSTRALIA: 1849 German map (294x240mm) of Australia and islands from Sumatra in the west to Gilberts & Norfolk in the east (but New Zealand has disappeared!), insets of settled areas of NSW & WA. 100 49 CX B - 1901 multicoloured chromo-lithographed invitation (360x292mm) to the "Opening of the Parliament of the Commonwealth/By his Royal Highness/The Duke of Cornwall and York" (later King George V), a few minor blemishes & a small fault at upper-right, with the slightly larger 'COMMONWEALTH CELEBRATIONS' envelope with printed 'CHIEF SECRETARY' Frank, both laminated. (2 items) 150 50 L A- - c.1930 (?) two entirely different 4pp mercantile keys to telegraphic codes, one for Ward & Co Melbourne, the other not identified. Fascinating insights into the lengths to which firms went to protect sensitive data. (2 items) 100 51 L B FRANCE: 1911 Messageries Maritimes "Handbook of Information for Passengers & Shippers" 52pp booklet with a list of agents worldwide, passenger ship schedules etc, minor toning on the cover but the contents are very fine; also illustrated Première Classe menu card, minor blemishes but unused. (2 items) 75 PICTURE POSTCARDS AUSTRALIA: NEW SOUTH WALES: Charles Kerry Caves group comprising Jenolan (27), Yarrangobilly, Cox's Cave Mt Victoria (2) & "Snow Cave", some unnumbered, mostly unused but some toning. (30) 250 A+ - WESTERN AUSTRALIA: 1908 Franco-British Exhibition cards "A New Settlers First Crop" & "Wheat Farm, Wyola" both in black, unused. Superb & rare. [See Pope & Thomas at page 98] (2) 200 C A-/B FRANCE: Anti-German propaganda cards "Voyage en Russie 1902" (Nos. 3, 8, 11 & 12), and three others, minor blemishes. {Page 11.4}(7) 150 C A/B FRENCH PACIFIC: Bundle from Tahiti x23, New Caledonia x9 (plus a few modern cards) & New Hebrides x3 (used in New Caledonia) with a good range of indigenous & European subjects, all postally used including to NSW, Queensland, New Zealand & Italy, a few used under cover, some soiling. {Page 11.5}(35) 300T 52 C 53 C 54 55 Aug 15, 2014 Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Page:17 PICTURE POSTCARDS (continued) Lot Type Grading Description 56 PS A/A- Est $A GREECE: c.1941 2D Postal Cards as HG 40 & 41 but with all-different coloured military or naval drawings, one with a small stain on the address side otherwise very fine, unused. Not listed by Higgins & Gage and believed to have been unissued, probably because of the German invasion of Greece in April 1941. (11) Ex Lot 57 57 58 PS C A- A-/B 100 Ex Lot 58 NEW GUINEA - GERMAN: 1899 usages of 10pf Postal Cards overprinted 'Deutsch-/Neu-Guinea' with artist views "Gruss aus Neu-Guinea" or "Gruss aus Stephansort", postally used to Germany with cds of 'HERBERTSHOHE' or 'STEPHANSORT', bumped corners. [See also Lots 737 to 747] {Page 17.1}(2) 250T - 1898-1906 early types published by Jacobsen x3, Ledermann x2 & Gerstenberg x2, four are "Gruss aus" types & one "Prosit neujahr", four have multiple views, all postally used to Germany (5), New Zealand (soiled) or Slovenia. Very scarce. {Page 17.2}(7) 500T Ex Lot 59 59 C A/B - Bundle with no publisher details featuring an excellent range of indigenous & European subjects, plus two Dutch Indies cards, all postally used with various Yacht frankings & postmarks including 'RABAUL/ 3-4N', 'KAEWIENG' & a poor '.../NEU-/GUINEA/ZWEIGLINIE' cds, condition variable. A very good lot. {Page 17.3}(22) Ex Lot 60 800T Lot 61 60 C A-/B - 1904-13 Lagerverwaltung Friedrich-Wilhelmshafen group of mostly coloured ¾-views with captions in Gothic German, and two Mission cards, all postally used including to NSW, Hungary, Austria & Slovenia. {Page 17.4}(11) 61 C A+ - Sepia "Herbertshöhe.../Hotel Deutscher Hof..." sepia card with rosine inscription, unused. Superb! {Page 17.5} 400T 80 Page:18 Aug 15, 2014 PICTURE POSTCARDS (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A Ex Lot 62 62 C A/B - Austral-Japan-Linie des Norddeutschen Lloyd: Group of black & white indigenous subjects including dancers in canoes en route to a gig (!) & a group of Samoans (!), also a few views, all postally used to Germany (one to Victoria), generally very fine. A terrific lot. {Page 18.1}(19) Ex Lot 63 63 C 64 C A/A- 800T Ex Lot 64 - Group of sepia indigenous subjects including building a house & landing stores at Friedrich-Wilhelmshafen wharf, all used to Germany. {Page 18.2}(5) 250T - Group of coloured indigenous subjects & views, all used to Germany, condition variable. {Page 18.3}(10) 300T Ex Lot 65 65 66 C C A/B B/A- - Group of black & white (6) & coloured (8, one with filing holes) Colonial subjects including churches, administration buildings, wharves & boats, fantastic bullock-drawn single-carriage "train", etc, all but one used to Germany, generally fine to very fine. {Page 18.4}(14) 400T - 1909 commemorative overprints for 25th Anniversary of German New Guinea ("Tumleo"), & 'Grundsteinlegung zum Bismarckturm' ("Simpsonhafen", with hand-written "Rabaul"), used to Germany in 1909 or 1913, the first a bit soiled. Rare. {Page 11.6} 200T Payment by credit card is your best and our preferred option, especially if you can’t pay in Australian dollars or British pounds. Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Aug 15, 2014 Page:19 PICTURE POSTCARDS (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Ex Lot 68 Ex Lot 67 67 C 68 C 69 C A-/B A-/B 71 C C A-/B A- Ex Lot 69 NEW ZEALAND: Mounted collection of Coromandel Goldfields PPCs (44, a few are real photo types), a stereo card & modern prints of five old photographs, with views of the mines, mining operations, dredges, local towns, Karangahake post office, railways & coaches etc, condition a bit mixed but generally fine with some unused. A terrific lot! Ex Lewis Giles.{Page 19.1}(50 items) 600 NORTH BORNEO: 1906-33 C&D Funk (2) or Funk & Sons (4) Sandakan B&W group of "Sandakan Hotel", "Sandakan Harbour", "Native Village on Inanam River" & three native studies, all postally used with various frankings including to Czechoslovakia, some soiling. {Page 19.2}(6) 250T - 1906-12 Philippe & Sons Sandakan B&W group of native subjects, streetscapes, Colonial buildings etc, all postally used with various frankings including to Denmark (3), Italy, Brazil & Hong Kong (with scarce 'HONG-KONG/K.B' = Kowloon Branch arrival cds), two with publisher's h/s 'PHILIPPE B FUNK' in violet, some soiling. A very desirable lot. [It appears that Philippe Funk was a (the?) son & inheritor of C & D Funk] {Page 19.3}(13) 500T Ex Lot 70 70 Est $A Lot 71 - 1907-38 group including four real photo types, one with Hong Kong publisher, two others with no publisher, & two non-Borneo cards, all postally used with various frankings including to Czechoslovakia, Hong Kong & Mozambique (with message in Esperanto and hexagonal 'QUELIMANE' arrival d/s in blue on the view), some soiling. {Page 19.4}(9) 350T PALESTINE: 1898 German Wilhelm Gross PPC for the Kaiser's Visit to Palestine with view of "Erlöserkirche", to Germany with Ottoman 20pa tied by largely very fine bilingual '.../BUR AMB JERUSALEM-JAFFA TPO' cds, 'MANNHEIM' arrival cds. A delightful item. {Page 19.5} 250 When you are ready to sell your collection, remember that Prestige Philately offers you the critical combination of beautiful catalogues, scholarly descriptions, access to our discerning clients, outstanding results, and on-time payment. Page:20 Ex Lot 79 - Pre WWII Selection Aug 15, 2014 Ex Lot 85 - Mostly Used Collection Ex Lot 83 - Range of Better Philatelic Covers x60 Ex Lot 95 Ex Lot 94 Ex Lot 88 - Mint in Two Albums Lot 100 Lot 116 - Third Wmk Lot 118 Lot 111 - Very Scarce Imprint Lot 114 Lot 119 Lot 112 - Broken Leg Aug 15, 2014 Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Page:21 PICTURE POSTCARDS (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A Ex Lot 72 72 73 74 75 76 C A/B C C C B/C A/B C Ex Lot 73 PAPUA: Three real photo cards with "British New Guinea" in the caption "East Cape Canoe", "Village at Port Moresby" & "Chewing Betel Nut", to Queensland (2) or NSW each with BNG 1d & 9-bars 'BNG' cancel of 'SAMARAI' (three different cds). Very scarce. {Page 21.1}(3) 250T - Black & white bundle by various publishers including Crown Studios & Whitten Bros, many with no publisher details including some real photo types, good mix of indigenous & Colonial subjects, all postally used at Port Moresby or Samarai, various mostly 1d frankings including Large 'Papua' Overprint; also a few 1960s types & one Dutch shipping card; condition variable. {Page 21.2}(13) 500T SAMOA - GERMAN: 1903 German card with two multicoloured Samoan illustrations, two "Gruss aus" types, native river fisherman, SMS "Adler" beached on its side, & two others, all postally used with one from 'SALELAVALUA', a few faults. Scarce group. (7) 200T SARAWAK: 1908-21 group including real photo types x3, published by Ha Buey Hon x3, and two others with no publisher, all postally used with various frankings including to Belgium x2, Rumania & Western Australia, some soiling; also 1926 4c Postal Card with printed advice for Sarawak Museum to London (central fold). {Page 11.7}(10) 400T QSL (HAM RADIO) CARDS: Box of these popular cards including from Lord Howe Island, Tokelau, Tonga, Tahiti (2), PNG (6), Solomons (2), Cook Islands (8), Niue (3), Samoa (6), New Hebrides (3), French Antarctica, Guam (7), Canton, Kwajalein, Saipan, Clipperton, Canal Zone, Oman, Hawaii (40), Russia (8), France (77), Falklands, etc, many very attractive types & a few quite primitive ones, generally fine to very fine. {Page 11.8}(250+) 450 COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - General & Miscellaneous Lots Ex Lot 77 77 78 */** **OC 79 *O 80 **PR A Collection on stockleaves with Roos including First Wmk to 2/- + £1 'Specimen', Third Wmk to 5/- + £1 & £2 with Type C 'SPECIMEN' Opt, KGV range to 1/4d x2, Engraved 6d x3, Kookaburra M/S x3, Large Lyrebird 1/- x2, Vic Centenary, Macarthur, ANZAC & Jubilee sets, KGVI 3d blue Dies, Robes both papers, Arms + 'SPECIMEN' set x2, £sd Navigators set of 8, BCOF set to 5/- (both), 'OS' Overprints selection including 6d Roo (both) & 6d Airmail block of 4, later Postage Dues to 5/- etc, variable centring & condition but lots of very fine material including many unmounted. {Page 21.3}(few 100) 1,500 Large plastic tub with four large stockbooks of mostly low-level used duplicates but some better decimal values noted, a similar stockbook of heavily duplicated unmounted mint "Living Together" & Sports series annotated by paper type, koala reprints etc, also postmarks, commercially used PPCs, some postal stationery & so on. (Qty) 250 Early range on leaves with Kangaroos used to 5/- (including mint 4d pair & 9d) plus perf Large 'OS' 2½d & Small 'OS' First Wmk 3d 4d 5d & 1/-, Second Wmk 5/- & Third Wmk 2/- brown; and KGV Heads selection with Single Wmk including mint 4d orange pairs x2, 4d lemon-yellow pair & 4d blue x2 (one with the Watermark Inverted), perf 'OS' used group including 4d lemon, 4d blue single & rare block of 4 and 4d violet; 6d Engraved commercially used, a few Postage Dues including mint 1902-04 10d & 2/- and 1908 5/-; etc, condition a bit variable but generally fine. {Page 20.3}(108) 750 Carton accumulation with some pre-decimal & decimal low denomination large blocks & sheets, bundle of PO packs, etc, also some Territories issues, many are still in their packaging as received. (Qty) 250 IMPORTANT NOTICE: This Auction is on a FRIDAY afternoon. Page:22 Aug 15, 2014 COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - General & Miscellaneous Lots (continued) Lot Type Grading Description 81 */**O Est $A Consignment remainders with unmounted mint including £sd Navigators, pre-Decimal blocks with some useful imprints, 2/3d Commemoratives including Royal Vist block of 6, Airmail blocks of 4 & 8 and ANZAC block of 6, better Decimals including 'SPECIMEN' Navigators & many blocks of 4 including some gutters, Anpex M/S, and AAT £sd Pictorials blocks of 4, plus an album of used with some imprints, Decimal better values blocks of 4, etc. (many 100s) 300 Ex Lot 82 82 83 P A CPS "A Selection of the Engraved Stamps of the Commonwealth of Australia" being reprinted die proofs in black x28 (1999) and in carmine x32 (2003) including several unissued designs, in the original boxed albums, Cat $1500 for the proofs alone. In our opinion, these collections are the only philatelically worthwhile items produced by Australia Post. {Page 22.1}(60 proofs) 400 Philatelic covers with a handy range of flights including 1938 'GROOTE EYLANDT/NORTH-AUST' (scarce NT postmark) to Darwin & 1949 TAA Mornington Island Christmas Flight signed by the pilot & with the original enclosure; TPOs including 1940 'TRANS AUST RAILWAY/PAY TRAIN' cds registered at Kingoonya (SA) & 1919 usage of "Linking East with West" illustrated envelope; First Day Covers including three 1950s items to the Falkland Islands (!); AAT group; 1928 registered to Newfoundland (!) with half a Kookaburra miniature sheet; etc, a few with problems but generally fine to very fine. {Page 20.4}(60 approx) 450 Ex Lot 84 84 85 86 87 88 */**O *O *O O **/* KGVI Issues complete used on Gibbons simplified pages including Robes both papers, plus Postage Dues Perf 11 3d (VFU) & 6d (mint) and 1946-52 values to 1/- (unmounted); also BCOF unmounted set to 5/- Thick Paper, generally very fine. {Page 22.2}(109) 400 Mostly used collection on leaves with Roos First Wmk to 1/-, Third Wmk to 5/-, SMult 9d mint and CofA 10/- & £2, and a useful range of KGV Heads including CofA Wmk 4d & 1/4d both mint, some postmark interest, condition variable. {Page 20.2}(240+) 500T Collector's mostly used duplicates with ranges of Roos, KGV Heads and other pre-deimal issues, etc, a few better stamps noted including mint SMult Perf 13½x12½ 1/4d with exceptional centring, SA Centenary set x2 and QEII 5d red Coil Perf Pairs x9 in strips (**), some postmark interest, condition variable. (few 100) 240T Used assortment with a range of Roos to 2/- including a few multiples, a stockbook with hundreds of KGV Heads including 'OS' values, 1931 Kingsford Smith set on plain FDC registered to the UK, and KGVI array of blocks many with imprints (scarce used), generally fine. (100s) 300 Mint array in two stockbooks with Roo CofA 5/-, KGV 2d orange perf 'OS' block of 12 (poorly centred), CofA imprint blocks 2d perf 'VG', 3d x2 & 5d plus 1/4d imprint pair, Large Lyrebird 1/- pair **, Jubilee 2/- **, numerous KGVI period imprint blocks of 4, QEII array including blocks of 2/3d commemoratives, etc, generally very fine with a high percentage unmounted. {Page 20.5}(100s) 500 89 */** Large plastic tub with a disorganised collection in albums with some pre-decimal material but mostly decimals with useful earlier issues, values noted to $5 & $10 blocks of 4. Basically a postage-plus lot. (Qty) 250 90 O Collection remainders with useful Roos including First Wmk to 1/- x2, Third Wmk to 5/- + CTO 10/- perf 'OS' & 6d brown block of 4, SMult to 5/- x2 (one perf 'OS') & CofA 5/-, attractive KGV array including 1d Die III x2, SMult Perf 14 1/4d, SMult Perf 13½x12½ 4½d 5d & 1/4d CTO and useful perf 'OS' values including 4d lemon, etc, condition variable. Inspection recommended. (100s) 400 91 O Large carton with a huge array of duplicates sorted on stocksheets etc, some Roos, lots of KGV Heads, useful pre-decimals and then a quantity of decimals with pickings. Packet-makers' delight. (1000s) 250 92 C/CO Carton of covers including a range of pre-decimal FDCs with some private producers including Guthrie 1957 Christmas unaddressed, not much else of note . (200+) 100 93 C Collection of decimal period private aerogrammes for various companies and with a range of aerogramme permit numbers, many Christmas types, unused. (75+) 75 A Aug 15, 2014 Lot Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Page:23 Type Grading Description Est $A COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - Kangaroos - First Watermark 94 * A/A- ½d to 5/- complete simplified, a generally well centred & attractive set, a few minor imperfections & a few hinge remainders, Cat $3000+. Advertised retail $1700+. {Page 20.6}(12) 750 95 * A/A- ½d to 5/- complete simplified, somewhat superior to the previous lot, Cat $3000+. {Page 20.7}(12) 850 96 * A/B ½d to £2 complete, small hinge remainders and some minor imperfections but the three top values are very fresh and attractive, Cat $19,000. A most unusual opportunity to acquire a full set of Australia's first postage stamps. {Page 23.1}(15) Ex Lot 96 6,000 Lot 99 Lot 97 97 * C ½d green vertical pair from the base of the sheet Imperforate at Base BW #1b, a bit aged with hinge remainders at the top & in the margin, the lower unit is creased, Cat $6000. {Page 23.2} 98 * A- C1 ½d green Plate 2 pair with 'CA' Monogram BW #1zb, the gum a little aged, lightly mounted, Cat $360. 99 **/* A B1 2/- brown block of 4, well centred, weak horizontal perfs, the lower units are lightly mounted, the upper units are unmounted, Cat $6300+. A very rare and desirable multiple. [Stuart Hardy's unmounted corner block of 4 sold for $7281] {Page 23.3} 3,000T 10/- grey & pink BW #47A, well centred, very lightly mounted, Cat $2000+. Advertised retail $1250. {Page 20.8} 1,000 100 * A B1 Starting Prices are updated on our website until the time that the auction commences. 1,500 150 Page:24 Lot 104 Aug 15, 2014 Lot 107 Lot 131 - Cat $10,000 Lot 132 - Third Wmk Lot 133 Ex Lot 137 - Small Mult Lot 138 Ex Lot 135 - Small Mult Ex Lot 136 - Small Mult Lot 145 Lot 146 Lot 147 Lot 148 Lot 149 Lot 150 Lot 134 Lot 139 Lot 144 - CofA Watermark Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Aug 15, 2014 Page:25 COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - Kangaroos - First Watermark (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A Lot 102 Lot 101 101 * A A1 £1 brown & blue BW #51A, excellent centring, Cat $4000. {Page 25.1} 2,500 102 * A B1 £1 brown & blue BW #51A, brighter shades than the previous lot, well centred, Cat $4000. {Page 25.2} 3,000 Lot 103 103 ** A B1 £1 brown & blue BW #51A marginal example from the base of the sheet, fresh colours & full perfs, unmounted, Cat $15,000. Rarely available in this quality, let alone unmounted. {Page 25.3} 15,000T COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - Kangaroos - Second Watermark 104 * A A1 6d ultramarine BW #18A [2R60], exceptional centring, lightly mounted, Cat $400. Advertised retail $325. {Page 24.1} Lot 105 Lot 108 240 Lot 106 105 G B C1 9d violet with the Watermark Inverted BW #25a, a little aged, indistinct Queensland cds, Cat $5000. {Page 25.4} 1,000 106 F A A1 9d violet with the Watermark Inverted BW #25a, exceptional centring, indistinct cds, Cat $5000. {Page 25.6} 2,000 107 * B A1 5/- deep grey & chrome-yellow BW #43B, excellent centring & fine facial appearance but the gum somewhat aged & with a hinge remainder, Cat $1500. {Page 24.2} 500 108 G A B2 5/- grey & chrome-yellow BW #43B horizontal pair, characteristic rough perfs, Melbourne cds, Cat $1350+. A very scarce multiple. {Page 25.5} 400T COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - Kangaroos - Third Watermark 109 * A/B 2d, 3d x2, 2/- brown (small faults), 2/- maroon & 5/- (pulled perfs), Cat $1100+. (6) 250 Page:26 Aug 15, 2014 COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - Kangaroos - Third Watermark (continued) Lot Type Grading Description 110 G Est $A Lot 110 A B1 2½d indigo with Missing '1' in Fraction BW #11v with 'ED/& Co' perfin of Edwards Dunlop, '...REPATRIATION...' slogan cancel largely clear of the variety, Cat $25,000. One of the most famous flaws in the entire Kangaroo Series, and a remarkable & almost certainly unique item for the commercial perfins collector! RPSofV Certificate (2014). The ACSC states "Three mint & twelve used examples [one in the Royal Collection] are presently recorded". It's noted that three of the used examples are perf 'OS'. We expect that this stamp, which our vendor found many years ago in a schoolboy collection, is not included in the census. Hugh Morgan's perf 'OS' used example sold for £15,600. Stuart Hardy's non-perfinned used example sold for $53,590!!] {Page 26.1} 7,500 111 **/* A 3d greenish olive Die IIB Harrison Two-Line Imprint strip of 4 BW #14(4)za, lovely shade, the two outer units are very lightly mounted, a few split perfs to the right of the central gutter but the imprint pair is unmounted, Cat $1500 (for a mounted pair). Ex Stuart Hardy: acquired at auction in May 2013 for $1106. {Page 20.12} 1,000 112 * A C1 Harrison Plates 6d pale ultramarine Die IIB with Broken Leg on Kangaroo BW #20(3)d being the second unit in a block of 4, characteristic centring for this variety, very lightly mounted, Cat $3100+. {Page 20.13} 1,500 113 ** A C1 6d chestnut BW #21A marginal block of 4 from the top of the sheet, unmounted, Cat $300+. Advertised retail $200+. 100 114 F A C1 2/- brown with the Watermark Inverted BW #37a, registration cds, Cat $1500. {Page 20.14} 300 115 ** A+/A- 5/- grey & deep yellow BW #44C corner block of 4 from the upper-left of the left-hand pane, the second unit with Eroded NSW Coast & Frame Break at Right 3½mm from the Top #44(D)d, small patch of minor gum discolouration on the second unit otherwise superb unmounted, Cat $8000+ (as singles). {Page 26.2} Lot 115 5,000 Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Aug 15, 2014 Page:27 COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - Kangaroos - Third Watermark (continued) Lot Type Grading Description 116 * A- B2 Est $A 5/- grey & pale yellow corner single with large-part Harrison Imprint, characteristic rough perfs, hinge remainder, Cat $3000 for an imprint pair.{Page 20.15} 250T Lot 117 117 * A/A- 10/- grey & deep "aniline" pink, £1 brown & blue, £1 grey and £2 purple-black & rose-carmine, all but the 10/- are quite well centred, Cat $11,000. {Page 27.1} 5,000 118 G A C1 10/- grey & deep "aniline" pink BW #48B, neat 'REGISTERED/21AP22/SYDNEY NSW' cds, Cat $375. Advertised retail $425. {Page 20.16} 200 119 * A B1 10/- grey & deep "aniline" pink with Broken Tail BW #48B(V)e, very well centred, Cat $1250. A beautiful stamp. Ex Stuart Hardy: acquired at auction in May 2013 for $728. {Page 20.17} 700 Lot 120 Lot 122 Lot 121 Lot 123 120 * A Type 'B' 'SPECIMEN' Overprint on 10/- grey & deep "aniline" pink, £1 brown & blue and £2 black & crimson, variable centring, lightly mounted, Cat $2000. {Page 27.2} 850 121 * A- B1 £1 chocolate & dull blue BW #52A, rich colours & well centred, minor imperfections on the reverse, Cat $3500. {Page 27.3} 1,600 122 G A A1 £1 chocolate & dull blue BW #52A, exceptional centring, neat 'REGISTERED/SYDNEY NSW' cds, Cat $2250. {Page 27.4} 123 V A A2 £1 light brown & pale blue, exceptional centring, a few characteristic irregular perfs at the base, CTO with Melbourne cds BW #52w, large-part o.g., Cat $3000.{Page 27.5} Lot 124 Lot 125 Lot 126 750T 1,250 Lot 127 124 V A+ A1 £1 grey, exceptional centring, very lightly cancelled, Cat $500. Advertised retail $425. Superb! Ex Stuart Hardy: acquired at auction in May 2013 for $512. {Page 27.6} 500 125 ** A- C1 £1 grey with Type 'C' 'SPECIMEN' Overprint BW #53xb, a couple of nibbled perfs, very fresh & unmounted, Cat $750. {Page 27.7} 250 126 ** A- B1 £1 grey with Type 'C' 'SPECIMEN' Overprint BW #53xb, well centred, a little aged, unmounted, Cat $750. {Page 27.8} 250 127 * A- A1 £1 grey with Type 'C' 'SPECIMEN' Overprint with Shaved 'P' BW #53xf, exceptional centring, faint corner bend, Cat $1000. {Page 27.9} 300 Increase your chances of success: use our “Limit Bidding” facility to bid for more lots. Page:28 Aug 15, 2014 COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - Kangaroos - Third Watermark (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Lot 128 Est $A Lot 129 Lot 130 128 * A- B1 £2 black & rose-carmine BW #56A, well centred, minor hinge remainder & small guarantee handstamp on the reverse, Cat $6500. {Page 28.1} 3,500 129 * A C1 £2 purple-black & rose-carmine BW #56C, unusually clean perfs for this printing, very lightly mounted, Cat $6000. [Signed "AD" (= Alberto Diena) in pencil on the reverse] {Page 28.2} 3,000 130 * A B2 £2 purple-black & rose-carmine BW #56C [R55], well centred, characteristic rough perfs, Cat $6000. An attractive example: most stamps from this printing are significantly off-centre &/or have gum bends. Ex Stuart Hardy: acquired at auction in May 2013 for $4194. {Page 28.3} 4,000 COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - Kangaroos - Third Watermark - Official Stamps 131 * C PERFORATED 'OS': Harrison Plates 6d bright ultramarine Die IIB TS Harrison Two-Line Imprint block of 8 BW (4)z, the left-hand block of 4 detached & rejoined, "suntanned" gum doesn't detract from the fine and fresh facial appearance, Cat $10,000. A rare, if tragic, imprint block. {Page 24.3} 2,000 132 * A B1 - 2/- maroon Mullett Imprint pair BW #38zc, remarkably well centred for an imprint piece, Cat $1000. Ex Stuart Hardy: acquired at auction in May 2013 for $640. {Page 24.4} 600 133 * A A1 - 10/- grey & deep "aniline" pink, BW #48Bba, exceptional centring, Cat $2000. Ex Stuart Hardy: acquired at auction in May 2013 for $815. {Page 24.5} 800 134 * B B2 - 10/- grey & deep "aniline" pink with the Watermark Inverted BW #48Ba, characteristic rough perfs, small thin, Cat $5400 (perf 'OS' varieties are priced at 120% of normal stamps). A rare stamp that was absent from Arthur Gray's collection. Acquired at our auction of 1/12/2007 for $2645. [ACSC states "Watermark Inverted is from Harrison printing, and seems to be restricted to the grey and deep aniline pink shade"] {Page 24.6} 2,250 COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - Kangaroos - Small Multiple Watermark 135 * A/A- 6d to 10/-complete, variable centring, the 2/- & 10/- have hinge remainders, Cat $1940. Advertised retail $1500. {Page 24.7}(6) 500 136 * A/A+ 6d to 10/-complete, veriable centring, the 1/- is very well centred & superb, Cat $1940. Advertised retail $1500. {Page 24.8}(6) 600 137 G A 1/- blue-green marginal block of 6 (2x3) from the top of the sheet.& 2/- block of 4 with Darwin cds, Cat $400+ as singles. Rare multiples. {Page 24.9}(2 blocks) 300 138 V A+ B1 £2 black & carmine, very lightly cancelled, Cat $1200. Superb! Ex Stuart Hardy: acquired at auction in May 2013 for $699. {Page 24.10} 600 139 V A+ A1 £2 black & carmine, exceptional centring, very lightly cancelled, Cat $1200. Superb! Ex Stuart Hardy: acquired at auction in May 2013 for $1106. {Page 24.11} 750 Lot 140 Lot 141 Lot 142 140 V A+ B1 £2 black & carmine [L4, with Pointed Ear], well centred, very lightly cancelled well clear of the variety, Cat $1200+. Superb! Ex Stuart Hardy: acquired at auction in May 2013 for $611. {Page 28.4} 600 141 V A+ B1 £2 black & carmine [L27, with Island Due South of 'U' of 'AUSTRALIA' & West of Northern Territory], well centred, very lightly cancelled well clear of the variety, Cat $1200+. Superb! Ex Stuart Hardy: acquired at auction in May 2013 for $1747 ! {Page 28.5} 750 Our website is widely regarded as one of the best in the stamp industry Aug 15, 2014 Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Page:29 COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - Kangaroos - Small Multiple Watermark (continued) Lot Type Grading Description 142 V A+ B1 Est $A £2 black & carmine [L28, with Small Islands off Northern Territory Coast], well centred, very lightly cancelled largely clear of the variety, Cat $1200+. Superb! Ex Stuart Hardy: acquired at auction in May 2013 for $640. {Page 28.6} 600 COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - Kangaroos - CofA Watermark Ex Lot 143 143 * A 6d to £2 complete, the 10/- is from the very scarce dark grey & "aniline" pink printing BW #50C, plus 10/- Type D 'SPECIMEN' (**) for shade comparison, Cat $8800. An unusual opportunity to acquire a complete set, with the 10/shade bonus. {Page 29.1}(8) 5,000 144 */** A C1 5/- grey & orange-yellow BW #45A block of 4, the lower units are unmounted, Cat $3150+ (as singles). {Page 24.12} 1,500 145 * A A1 10/- grey-black & rose-pink BW #50B, exceptional centring, lightly mounted, Cat $650. Advertised retail $625. {Page 24.13} 350 146 V A+ A1 £1 grey, very well centred, very lightly cancelled, Cat $420. Advertised retail $375. Superb! Ex Stuart Hardy: acquired at auction in May 2013 for $337. {Page 24.14} 350 147 F A B1 £2 grey-black & rose-carmine BW #58B, well centred, untidy but unobtrusive Burnie (Tas) cds, Cat $750. Advertised retail $675. {Page 24.15} 500 148 F A B1 £2 grey-black & rose-carmine BW #58B, well centred, neat Perth cds, Cat $750. {Page 24.16} 400T 149 V A+ B1 £2 black & carmine, well centred, very lightly cancelled, Cat $750. Advertised retail $675. Superb! Ex Stuart Hardy: acquired at auction in May 2013 for $786. {Page 24.17} 650 150 V A+ B1 £2 black & carmine with Open-Mouthed Roo BW #58(V)v, well centred, very lightly cancelled, Cat $1500. Superb! Ex Stuart Hardy: acquired at auction in May 2013 for $582. {Page 24.18} 650 COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - King George V Issues 151 Extensive single-volume collection on oversize leaves with an array of used singles many with varieties noted but the majority without annotation plus a range of 1d red shades stated to have been identified by Orlo Smith in 1947 (!), also an attractive range of mint blocks of 4 & some larger blocks, and a useful range of mint & used 'OS' perfins, generally very fine. An original collection offered intact & bound to yield up lots of little nuggets. (100s) *O 1,000 152 O Album with Penny Reds (500+) including shades, listed varieties etc, Penny Greens (150+) including Single Watermark Dry Ink, plus 2d reds (100+) & modern varieties. (800+) 250T 153 O* Largely unsorted array in packets - noted 1½d green x200+ - and a small stockbook with mint blocks including 1d red Single-Line Perf gutter block of 4 and Comb Perf blocks of 4 & 9, LMult 1½d brown Watermark Inverted block of 4, SMult Perf 12½x13½ 2d Mullett imprint block & 3d perf 'OS' block of 4 (creased), etc. (many 100s) 300 Ex Lot 154 154 * 155 C/CL 156 V/F A/A- A Neat collection on leaves basically complete except for 1d red Dies II & III & 4½d Die II but with a range of extra shades including 4d lemon-yellow, Large Multiple Wmk 1d carmine-pink, etc and Single-Line Perf 1d & 5d, some hinge remainders otherwise a fine and attractive lot. {Page 29.2}(83) 1,000 Scarce frankings on mostly OHMS covers or postcards comprising perf 'OS' Single Wmk 1½d red and SMult Perf 14 ½d orange (a very rare franking - unpriced on cover by the ACSC - with 1d green on a large-part cover only) or perf 'OS/NSW' Single Wmk 1d red, 1d violet, 1d green & 2d orange, and non-perfin 4d violet (corner fault) on 1922 cover to the USA, condition variable. {Page 30.1}(7) 400 Single Watermark to CofA Watermark complete simplified with all key colours and dies, mostly very fine selected for centring and neat cds cancels. Advertised retail $800+. (75) 300 Page:30 Aug 15, 2014 Ex Lot 155 - Scarce Frankings x7 Ex Lot 188 - Die III x73! Lot 228 - Unmounted Ex Lot 249 Lot 179 - Complete Pane III Lot 230 - Plate Dot ** Lot 229 - Plate Number '5' Ex Lot 248 - Decimal Offsets x4 Aug 15, 2014 Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Page:31 COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - King George V Issues (continued) Lot Type Grading Description 157 G/V Est $A Ex Lot 157 158 A O - the companion perf 'OS' issues again complete on a simplified basis with all major colours (the 4d "lemon" is a yellow-orange) & dies, generally well centred & lightly cancelled, some are CTO. Advertised retail $2000+. Difficult to assemble this fine. {Page 31.1}(55) 800 Stockcards with a range of shades, 1d red Harrison shade with the Watermark Inverted, LMult 1½d black-brown with the Watermark Inverted strip of 3, 4d orange with Victorian double-circle relief cds '...GATTA' etc. (59) 150 Ex Lot 159 159 HALFPENNY: Study on Hagners with numerous mostly used plated singles some with listed varieties, Single Wmk ½d green Electro 1 'CA' & 'JBC' Monogram singles, ½d yellow-green unmounted marginal block of 12 (3x4), ½d orange with the Watermark Inverted marginal block of 4 (**) & two corner blocks of 12 (6x2), LMult Wmk block of 24 (12x2, stated to be Thin Paper) with the Watermark Inverted, plus a nice range of varieties in positional blocks including LMult Wmk Thin Fraction in two blocks of 4, etc, condition variable but generally fine to very fine, some unmounted units. [See also Lot 269749] {Page 31.2}(280 approx) */**O 750 Ex Lot 160 160 161 162 */**O O ** A ONE PENNY: Extensive collection of mostly positional blocks from all watermarks arranged by reference to listed varieties etc, lots of better items including many Single-Line Perf blocks, also Comb Perf Dies I-II-II-I marginal strip from the top of the sheet (both Die II units are unmounted), Die II used block of 4 (a very scarce multiple), Watermark Inverted blocks of 12 (6x2) & 24 (6x4, including Dot before '1'), No Wmk Pane V upper & lower blocks of 30 (6x5), CofA with the Watermark Inverted imprint block of 36 (12x3), 'OS' Overprint block of 49 (7x7) with Grossly Misplaced Perforations, etc etc, some condition concerns but generally fine to very fine with a good proportion of unmounted material. Viewers should allow hours to fully appreciate this lot. [See also Lots 269746 & 7‹] {Page 31.3}(many 100s) 6,000 - English dealer's counter-book of mostly Penny Reds neatly presented by plate and position, noted Substituted Clichés x8 and countless other popular varieties, shades unchecked, the condition generally appears to be very fine. Many hours of fun and potential for discovery, especially in the shades. Ex Jos Gregson, who has advised that most of the material is Ex Alan Davidson. Jos has also advised that the retail prices total £11,950. (Qty) 1,000T - 1d green marginal blocks comprising 1) Large Mult Wmk Plate 4 irregular block of 31 with Nick near Top of Left Frame, Neck Flaw, Ferns, 'RA' Joined, Roo's Tongue Out and Harrison Two-Line Imprint, one unit with a tonespot; 2) SMult Perf 13½x12½ Plate 4 block of 45 (12x4, missing the first 3 units) with Retouches to Ferns, 'RA' Joined, Roo's Tongue Out and Run 'N' and Ash Imprint ('N' over 'A') BW #81(4)zd; and 3) ditto, Plate 3 lower-right corner block of 30 (6x5) perf 'OS' with some Misplacement of the Perfins; all unmounted. (3 blocks) 500 Page:32 Aug 15, 2014 COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - King George V Issues (continued) Lot Type Grading Description 163 */**O 164 */**O Est $A THREE HALFPENCE: Range on Hagners including lots of mint & used singles with plated varieties, Single Wmk 1½d brown corner block of 6 with the last unit Officially Substituted, lots of Red blocks including positional pieces with varieties, LMult Wmk 1½d black-brown Very Thin Paper block of 4, CofA Wmk 1½d brown block of 18 (6x3), imprints including Harrison Two-Line pair & block of 4, SMult Perf 13½x12½ block of 8 with full Ash Imprint at the Top, Plate Dot blocks, some perf 'OS' items, etc, condition variable but generally fine to very fine, some are unmounted. 500 TWO PENCE: Selection on Hagners including a range of Brown & Red positional blocks with plated varieties, CofA Wmk 'OS' corner block of 16 (4x4), 'VG' perfins including two blocks of 4 one with Ash Imprint, etc, condition variable but generally fine to very fine, some are unmounted. (200 approx) 250 Ex Lot 165 165 */**O THREE PENCE: Selection including Single Wmk blocks of 4 x2 (one with part-Harrison Imprint), SMult Wmk Perf 14 block of 4, Perf 13½x12½ Ash Imprint block of 4, CofA marginal pair apparently Imperforate at the Top (?!) & four Ash Imprint blocks of 4, etc, condition variable but generally fine to very fine, some are unmounted. {Page 32.1}(67) 400 Ex Lot 166 166 */**O FOUR PENCE: Collection on Hagners with four pages of plated mint & used singles in various colours and a further four pages of just Olive varieties, a page of 40 used "lemons" including a pair, then an array of mint varieties with many in positional blocks including Single Wmk Orange blocks of 4 x7 (one with the Watermark Inverted) & a block of 6, Violet blocks of 4 x6, blocks of 6 x2 & a block of 12 (4x3), Blue blocks of 4 x13 (seven with the Watermark Inverted) plus blocks of 6 9 & 18 (6x3) and Olive blocks of 4 x4 & a Harrison Imprint pair, SMult Wmk Perf 14 blocks of 4 x3, a block of 6 plus Ash Imprint pairs x3, Perf 13½x12½ blocks of 4 x6 including three with Ash Imprint & one perf 'OS', overprinted 'OS' block of 4, blocks of 6 x3, block of 8 & block of 12 (3x4), etc, condition variable but generally fine to very fine, many unmounted units/blocks. A very desirable lot. {Page 32.2}(100s) CELEBRATING THE CENTENARY OF THE GEORGIAN HEADS 5,000 Aug 15, 2014 Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Page:33 COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - King George V Issues (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A Ex Lot 167 167 */**OV FOUR PENCE HALFPENNY: Selection on Hagners including a range of plated singles & pairs, Single Wmk blocks of 4 x10 (one with trimmed Harrison Imprint) & marginal block of 12 (6x2), SMult Wmk Perf 14 block of 4 plus Ash Imprint pair & block of 4, Perf 13½x12½ block of 4, Die II CTO x6 etc, condition variable but generally fine to very fine, some are unmounted. {Page 33.1}(130 approx) 1,000 Ex Lot 168 168 */**O FIVE PENCE: Array on Hagners with five pages of plated singles, Single Wmk Single-Line Perf block of 4, Comb Perf blocks of 4 & 12 (3x4), SMult Wmk Perf 13½x12½ blocks of 4 x3, CofA Wmk blocks of 4 x14 including an unusually deep shade & one with Ash Imprint, blocks of 12 (6x2) x2 & 24 (6x4). optd 'OS' blocks of 4 x2, etc, condition variable but generally fine to very fine, some are unmounted. {Page 33.2}(330 approx) 1,000 Page:34 Aug 15, 2014 COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - King George V Issues (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A Ex Lot 169 169 ONE SHILLING FOUR PENCE: Hagner with Single Wmk blocks of 4 x3 with a couple of minor varieties, SMult Wmk Perf 14 Thick '1' in mint pair & used single & 'SHILLINC' CTO, Perf 13½x12½ singles x3 & a block of 4, etc, condition variable but generally fine to very fine. {Page 34.1}(27) *O 1,250 COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - KGV - Single Watermark Ex Lot 170 170 ** 171 */** A/B Blocks of 4 comprising 1d green, 1½d red, 2d brown (a little aged), 3d, 4d olive & 4½d, generally well centred, unmounted, Cat $1000+ (2007). Advertised retail $1140+. {Page 34.2}(6 blocks) 500 Ex Lot 171 Very useful batch of shades & a few varieties with ½d green including bottom two rows - split into four blocks of 6 with both halves of Harrison One Line Imprint plus pair & two blocks of 6 with 'JBC' Monograms, 1d reds including Smooth Paper Harrison Two Line Imprint pair, Rough Paper with the Watermark Inverted & Die III x2, 4d orange shades x6 including one with the Watermark Inverted & a lemon, 5d both perfs etc, some condition issues but generally fine to very fine with some units unmounted. {Page 34.5}(78) The Australian Commonwealth Specialists’ Catalogue: “King George V” Although the Stanley Gibbons British Empire Catalogue is a fine general reference work, it falls far short of the requirements for a full and detailed cataloguing of Australian stamps. For this reason, we use the ACSC numbering almost exclusively in our auction catalogues. Edited by renowned philatelist Dr Geoff Kellow RDP, the ACSC is widely regarded as the finest single-country catalogue ever published. The current “King George V” edition was released in 2007. A new edition is expected during 2014. 750 Aug 15, 2014 Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Page:35 COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - KGV - Single Watermark (continued) Lot Type Grading Description 172 ** Est $A Lot 172 A B1 ½d green Electro 2 'JBC' Monogram block of 8 (4x2) BW #63(2)z, well centred, unmounted, Cat $600++ for a mounted pair. {Page 35.1} 500 Lot 173 173 **/* A/A- Single-Line Perf 1d carmine-red Pane V complete pane of 60 with No Monogram, unusually well centred, a couple of very minor gum blemishes, some very minor perf separation/reinforcing, most units are unmounted, Cat $3700+ as singles & a mounted No Monogram strip of 3. {Page 35.2} 2,400T Lot 174 - Extracts 174 **/* A-/B Single-Line Perf 1d carmine-red Pane VI complete pane of 60 with White Dot Before '1' at Right BW #70(3)f, unusually well centred, the last column largely separated/reinforced, most units minor gum aging, including the variety are unmounted, Cat $4450+ as singles & a mounted No Monogram strip of 3. {Page 35.3} 3,000T Page:36 Aug 15, 2014 COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - KGV - Single Watermark (continued) Lot Type Grading Description 175 **/* Est $A Lot 175 - Extract A Single-Line Perf 1d carmine-red Pane VII complete pane of 60 - missing the bottom margin - with White Scratch behind Emu's Head BW #70(4)i, variable centring, virtually all units are unmounted, Cat $2450+ as singles. {Page 36.1} 1,500T Lot 176 176 **/* A-/B Single-Line Perf 1d carmine-red Pane VIII complete pane of 60 - missing the bottom margin - with all listed varieties BW #70(4)k to s, variable centring, minor gum aging & a nasty tonespot affects two units, virtually all units are unmounted, Cat $5400+ as singles. A very rare & desirable pane. {Page 36.2} PASSION! it’s the key ingredient in “The Prestige Difference”. 2,500T Aug 15, 2014 Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Page:37 COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - KGV - Single Watermark (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A Lot 177 177 V A B1 Single-Line Perf 1d carmine-red Die II BW #70(1)f, characteristic irregular corner perfs, well centred, Queensland cds in blue is clear of the Die II Spur, Cat $4000. A cracker! Sydney Philatelic Research Service (Michael Drury) Certificate (2013). [Absent from Stuart Hardy's collection] {Page 37.1} 4,000 178 ** A/A- Smooth Paper 1d aniline carmine BW #71Z corner block of 15 (5x3) from the upper-left of the right-hand pane, a couple of minor bends, some reinforced perfs in the margins only, unmounted, Cat $525+. Advertised retail $450+ (as singles). 250 Smooth Paper 1d aniline carmine Plate 2 complete left-hand pane of 60 (sheet margin at the top only) with 'PENAVY', Rusted Upper-Right Corner, Four Breaks in Shading Lines at Top and White Line below Right-Hand Value Tablet BW #71Z(2)d e f & g, unmounted, Cat $3500++. {Page 30.2} 2,000 179 ** A Lot 181 - Extract Lot 180 - Extract 180 181 ** ** A/A- A Comb Perf 1d red (aniline) Pane V complete pane of 60 with Break in Left-Hand Frame 3½mm from the Top BW #71(3)e but before appearance of Damaged Lower-Right Frame #71(3)d, and 'CA' Monogram #71(3)zb, some minor bends & a nasty tonespot affects two units, completely unmounted (including in the margins!), Cat $3200+ as #71i singles & monogram strip of 3. [This shade is nothing like a "scarlet' but we're not confident it's "deep red" either. However, it is definitely an aniline shade] {Page 37.2} 2,000T Smooth Paper 1d carmine-red complete sheet of 120 comprising Panes VII & VIII with all listed varieties BW #71(4)d to n & q to sa (including the 'NY' Joined but without the very rare 'CNE PENNY'), one-line Harrison Imprint, generally well centred, the left-hand margin largely separated otherwise very fine unmounted, Cat $4450++ as unmounted singles & imprint block of 4.. {Page 37.3} 4,000T Bid boldly: you may not get another opportunity! Page:38 Aug 15, 2014 COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - KGV - Single Watermark (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A Lot 182 - Extract 182 **/* A Comb Perf 1d red (aniline) Pane VII complete pane of 60 with listed varieties BW #71(4)d to h ia & j but before appearance of Flaw below Neck #71(3)d, 'CA'' Monogram #71(4)zd, some minor perf separation/reinforcing & a couple of minor bends, most units are unmounted (including the monogram strip), Cat $3700+ as #72i singles & monogram strip of 3. [The comments on the previous lot apply here also] {Page 38.1} Lot 183 - Extract 2,400T Lot 184 - Extract 183 **/* A Smooth Paper 1d aniline carmine Plate 4 block of 18 (3x6) with White Spot at Lower-Right and Run 'N' & Corner Dot at Lower-Right BW #71Z(4)q & s, all but two units are unmounted, Cat $700+. {Page 38.2} 350 184 **/* A Smooth Paper 1d aniline carmine Plate 4 block of 18 (3x6) with White Spot at Lower-Right and Run 'N' & Corner Dot at Lower-Right (Second State) BW #71Z(4)q & sa, most units are unmounted, Cat $600+. {Page 38.3} 300 185 G/V Rough Paper 1d reds annotated selection of constant varieties including Die II perf 'OS', Substituted Clichés Die II x3 & Die I x2, Thin 'G', Saddle on Emu, 'PENAVY', DoT before '1', Secret Mark, Ferns, Run 'N', Corner Dot etc, generally very fine & mostly lightly cancelled &/or cancelled clear of the flaws. A very attractive lot. (30) 300 Lot 186 186 ** A+ B1 Rough Paper 1d red Dies I-II Pair BW #72(1)fa, unmounted, Cat $1500. Superb! {Page 38.4} 750 Aug 15, 2014 Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Page:39 COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - KGV - Single Watermark (continued) Lot Type Grading Description 187 */** Est $A Ex Lot 187 188 *O War Savings Paper 1d red Die III study on Hagners with 11 items including marginal block of 15 [31-35/41-45/51-55] and block of 21 [4-10/14-20/24-30] including BW #75g h j & k & with Misaligned Perfs - both blocks with some perf separation/rejoining - also a block of 4 with Misaligned Perfs, White Tip on Beard #75p in pair, Long Shield at Right unlisted early state of #75t in corner block of 4, block of 6 [37-38/47-48/57-58] with #75n & p (stated to be Ex Kilfoyle) etc, condition a bit mixed but most units are fine to very fine & a few are unmounted. A very scarce group. {Page 39.1}(67 stamps) 2,000 War Savings Paper 1d red Die III range mint x7 (including two pairs) & used x66 (including a pair) on Hagner with varieties noted on 12 units including Thin 'US' (a couple of pulled perfs), generally fine to very fine. Rarely available in such quantity (three-quarters of a bundle!). {Page 30.3}(73) 500 Lot 189 189 */** A C1 War Savings Paper 1d red Die III 'CA' Monogram BW #75zb block of 10 (5x2), very fresh, some minor perf separation/ reinforcing, four units are unmounted, Cat $3750+. {Page 39.2} 1,250 Page:40 Aug 15, 2014 COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - KGV - Single Watermark (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Lot 190 190 G B B2 Est $A Lot 191 Lot 193 1d violet with 'RA' Joined BW 76(4)j additionally with 'CNE PENNY', pulled corner perf at lower-right, British Empire Exhibition slogan cancel. [The 'CNE PENNY' flaw in the 1d red is an ink-clogging flaw, almost certainly the cause of this variety] {Page 40.1} 150 191 G A C1 1½d brown with Cracked Electro through Upper-Right of Right-Hand Value Tablet BW #85(U)k, Adelaide (?) machine cancel is entirely clear of the crack, Cat $750. {Page 40.2} 450 192 ** A 1½d blue-green upper-right corner block of 18 (6x3) and lower-left corner block of 24 (3x8) in a deeper shade with Official Substitution of [Row 6 Pos 1], the latter block with significant perf separation, both with ink notations in the margins, unmounted, Cat $420++. Scarce positional blocks. (2 blocks) 150 1½d blue-green with Dramatic Cracked Electro from 'E' of 'POSTAGE' to Right-Hand Frame BW #88(17)m, Melbourne machine cancel is entirely clear of the crack, Cat $350. {Page 40.3} 200 193 G A C1 Lot 195 194 G A B1 Lot 194 Lot 196 1½d scarlet with delightful Two Moustaches variety, 'RI/Co' perfin, Launceston machine cancellation. Extraordinary and inexplicable. [The King's moustache is clearly printed twice, once masking his eyes. There is no other doubling of the design evident. How is this possible!!??] {Page 40.5} 250 195 F A A1 2d orange with Cracked Electro through Base of Wattles at Left BW #95(3)g, excellent centring, light South Australian cds of 1JL21 is almost entirely clear of the crack, Cat $500. {Page 40.4} 350 196 G A C1 2d orange with Cracked Electro vertically from behind Emu's Legs to Base below '2' at Right BW #95(U)L, Hobart machine cancel is entirely clear of the crack, Cat $500. {Page 40.6} 350 Lot 197 Lot 198 Lot 199 197 G A C1 2d orange with Cracked Electro vertically from Top Frame to Right of Crown to 'L' of 'AUSTRALIA' BW #95(U)o, Hobart machine cancel is largely clear of the crack, Cat $500. {Page 40.7} 350 198 F A C1 2d orange with Cracked Electro vertically from 'E' of 'POSTAGE' through Left Side of Right-Hand Value Tablet BW #95(U)p, light 'FRANKLIN/7FE21/TASMANIA' cds is almost entirely clear of the crack, Cat $500. {Page 40.9} 350 199 * A A1 Comb Perf 5d chestnut 'JBC' Monogram Pair with Damaged Upper-Right Corner (State III) on the Monogram Unit BW #123zb, exceptional centring, lightly mounted, Cat $1250. {Page 40.8} 600T Bidding by telephone is permitted. Please request our Assistance for Bidding by Phone. NB: You should book-in early to avoid disappointment. Aug 15, 2014 Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Page:41 COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - KGV - Single Watermark (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A Lot 200 200 * A A1 1/4d blue-green Two-Line Harrison Imprint block of 4 BW #128z, extraordinarily well centred for an imprint block, Cat $7500 (2007). [The ACSC states "Many sheets were closely guillotined at the base resulting in only the top line of the imprint remaining", Cat $2500. In this instance the second line of the imprint is largely present and legible. Hugh Morgan's block with full imprint sold in -/11/2012 for £5000] {Page 41.1} 2,000T COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - KGV - Single Watermark - Official Stamps 201 ** 202 ** A B1 PERFORATED 'OS': 1d green Plate 4 marginal block of 12 (2x6) with Distorted 'ONE PENNY', Thin 'ONE PENNY', 'NY' Joined and Scratch behind Roo BW #77ab(4)k L m & n, well centred, unmounted, Cat $400++. 250 1d green Plate 4 upper-right corner block of 42 (6x7) with Distorted 'ONE PENNY', Thin 'ONE PENNY', 'NY' Joined and Scratch behind Roo BW #77ab(4)k L m & n, some perf separation, unmounted, Cat $1000++. 400 Lot 203 203 F A C1 - Rough Paper 5d bright chestnut BW #124 tied to 1923 OHMS cover (flap missing) by Perth cds, Cat $1000 on cover. RPSofV Certificate (2003) {Page 41.2} 500 Page:42 Aug 15, 2014 COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - KGV - Single Watermark - Official Stamps (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A Lot 204 204 ** A B1 1/4d greenish blue BW #128Bba marginal block of 4 from the right of the sheet, unmounted, undercatalogued at $600+. Advertised retail $1500+ (as singles). {Page 42.1} 750 COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - KGV - Large Multiple Watermark 205 ** A B1 ½d deep bluish green BW #65B Electro 7 lower-left corner block of 34 (6x6, less units 54 & 60) with Broken Lower-Left Corner and Retouched Shading & Flaw on Head BW #65B(7)d & e; and ½d bright yellow-green Electro 5 upper-right corner block of 15 (3x5) with White Flaw at top of Emu's Leg BW #65E(5)i; both blocks well centred & all units unmounted, Cat $1000++. Scarce positional blocks. (2 blocks) 400 Lot 206 206 ** A Harrison Printings 1d deep carmine-rose complete sheet of 120 comprising Panes V & VI with all listed varieties BW #74(3)d to g and two-line Harrison Imprint, generally well centred, very fine unmounted, Cat $6800++ as unmounted singles & a mounted imprint block of 4. A rare and unusually fine sheet. {Page 42.2} 6,000T Aug 15, 2014 Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Page:43 COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - KGV - Large Multiple Watermark (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A Lot 207 207 **/* A/A- Harrison Printings 1d deep carmine-rose complete sheet of 120 comprising Panes VII & VIII with all listed varieties BW #74(4)d to to sa and two-line Harrison Imprint, generally well centred, minor perf separation/rejoining of the top margin, a few units with minor gum blemishes otherwise very fine unmounted, Cat $10,000++ as unmounted singles & a mounted imprint block of 4. A very rare and desirable sheet. {Page 43.1} Lot 208 7,500T Lot 209 208 F B C1 1½d brown with Cracked Electro through Legs of the Kangaroo & the Emu BW #86(U)h, a little aged, light cds cancel is entirely clear of the crack, Cat $500. {Page 43.2} 300 209 F A+ A1 1½d brown with Cracked Electro through Left Side of the Crown BW #86(U)j, exceptional centring, NSW cds cancel of 21JE21 is entirely clear of the crack, Cat $500. A gem! {Page 43.3} 400 COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - KGV - Small Multiple Watermark P14 210 */** A/A- 3d blue Plate 3 Mullett Imprint block of 4 BW #106z, the upper units with hinge remainders, the lower units unmounted, Cat $350 (mounted). 150 Page:44 Aug 15, 2014 COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - KGV - Small Multiple Watermark P14 (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A Lot 211 Lot 212 211 ** A C1 1/4d greenish blue BW #129A, marginal example from the left of the right-hand pane, unmounted, Cat $900.{Page 44.1} 200 212 * A- 1/4d deep greenish blue Mullett Imprint pair BW #129z, hinge remainders, Cat $500 as singles ($2000 for a mounted imprint block of 4). {Page 44.2} 300 COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - KGV - Small Multiple Watermark P13½x12½ Lot 213 213 ** A/A- B1 1d green marginal block of 15 (3x5) from the left of the right-hand pane comprising five Die I-II Pairs and an additional Die II x5 BW #81(1)fa & f, well centred, a few short perfs, unmounted, Cat $700+. {Page 44.3} 350 Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Aug 15, 2014 Page:45 COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - KGV - Small Multiple Watermark P13½x12½ (continued) Lot Type Grading Description 214 */** A B1 Est $A 1½d scarlet Plate 4 block of 12 (6x2) from the top of the sheet with Four Plate Dots BW #92(4)z and Double Perforations at Top BW #92ba, Cat $250++. 140 Lot 215 215 ** 4½d violet block of 4, well centred, unmounted, Cat $600+. Advertised retail $600 (as singles). {Page 45.1} A B1 400 Lot 217 Lot 216 Lot 218 216 ** A B1 4½d violet marginal block of 4 from the top of the sheet, well centred, unmounted, Cat $600+. Advertised retail $600 (as singles). {Page 45.2} 400 217 V A+ A1 4½d violet Die II, unusually well centred, CTO with full unmounted o.g. and very scarce thus, Cat $100+. A little gem! {Page 45.3} 150 218 **/* A- 1/4d deep greenish blue Ash Imprint block of 4 BW #130z, the gum a little aged, hinged across the gutter with the slightest intrusion on the perfs of both upper units & the lower units unmounted, Cat $2500 (mounted). {Page 45.4} 1,000 219 ** A PERFORATED 'OS': Plate 1 1½d red BW #92(1) complete sheet of 120 (missing the left-hand margin) with Ash Imprint & single Plate Dot, a few listed varieties, unmounted, Cat $1000+. 300 220 ** A/B - a very similar sheet but with a piece of margin Officially Substituted at lower-right, a few tonespots, unmounted, Cat $1000+. [This is a first! Official substitution of defective KGV stamps is seen from time to time, but never before have we seen such a substitution of a piece of selvedge with no stamps attached!] 200 Page:46 Lot Aug 15, 2014 Type Grading Description Est $A COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - KGV Heads - CofA Watermark Lot 221 221 C B 1d green x2 tied to local cover by very fine 'GYMPIE/2OC31/QUEENSLAND' cds, minor blemishes at lower-right & some very light toning around the stamps. Unlisted in the ACSC. In this period, there were no official dates of release provided by the Post Office. New stamps were introduced as stocks of the ones they were to replace were exhausted. The ACSC states that the earliest recorded usage of this stamp is of 8/10/1931: this item is 6 days earlier. With "Warranty & Guarantee" Certificate (2/2/2009) from Andrew Ballis (Cover Connection) who states that this is a First Day Cover, and one of only three recorded. Leading FDC specialist Frank Pauer advised by email "This FDC seems to be OK. Rouvray Cox did 4 of these. Bill Trew from Bendigo owned one or two I think". {Page 46.1} 5,000 222 ** A 1½d brown Plate 1 block of 36 (rows 3-8) with Thick Letters of Value BW #94ja, mostly well centred, unmounted, Cat $330++. 150 223 ** A 4d olive block of 9, mostly well centred, unmounted, Cat $450+. 250 224 ** A 5d deep yellow-brown block of 24 (5x6, missing a block 2x3 at upper-left), variable centring, unmounted, Cat $700+. 250 225 ** A C1 OVERPRINTED 'OS': 3d blue block of 48 (6x8) being the top eight rows from the left-hand pane, somewhat wayward centring but a very attractive multiple, unmounted, Cat $960+. Advertised retail $960+ (as singles). [NB: 'OS' Overprints were officially withdrawn as from February 1933. This stamp wasn't issued until the following month!] 300 COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - Other Pre-Decimals 226 ** 227 */**O 228 ** 229 A 1928 3d Kookaburra large blocks of 24 (4x6) & 60 (10x6), plus a packet with duplicated imprint & plate blocks mostly of the Kingsford Smith issue, unmounted. 250 Coil pairs including KGVI 2d scarlet with Large & Small Holes BW #188bl **, 1944 2d violet with Large & Small Holes #228bd ** & three tester pairs, plus a few booklet panes, and postal stationery cut-outs.(150) 200 A B1 1914 Engraved 6d claret Kookaburra marginal example from the left of the sheet, unmounted. Superb! {Page 30.4} 140 * A B1 1927 Opening of Federal Parliament House Canberra 1½d lake block of 4 with the lower-half of Plate Number '5' BW #132zd, hinged in the margins otherwise unmounted, Cat $3000. Endorsed in pencil in the margin "Plate 5 Guaranteed/R Petterd". {Page 30.6} 500 230 ** A C1 1932 Large Lyrebird 1/- green marginal example from the left of the sheet with Plate Dot at the base of the margin BW #145z, unmounted, Cat $1250 as a block of 4. {Page 30.5} 200T 231 ** A+ B1 1932 Sydney Harbour Bridge 2d red overprinted 'OS' lower-left corner block of 12 (4x3), mostly well centred, unmounted. Superb! Large blocks are very scarce. 100 Would you like something for nothing? It’s not a trick question. If you pay by Visa or MasterCard, we won’t charge you a penny for doing so. Other firms add up to 5% extra to your invoice. But at Prestige Philately, payment by credit card is FREE !! Better still, you will receive priority despatch after the sale. Aug 15, 2014 Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Page:47 COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - Other Pre-Decimals (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A Lot 232 Lot 234 232 F A B1 1937-49 Definitives Perf 15x14 2d scarlet Coil Perf (Uniformly Large Holes) block of 4 BW #188bk, light 'ARARAT/30NO40/VIC-AUST' cds, Cat $1000 mint; unpriced used & very rare thus. With a normal block of 4 for comparison. RPSofV Certificate (2014). {Page 47.1} 750 233 G A B1 1937-49 Definitives Perf 15x14 2d red Die II (cds), 2d mauve (machine cancel) & '2½d' on 2d red (slogan cancel) all with the popular Medallion Flaw BW #188e, 189e & 222d unobscured by the postmarks, Cat $480. 200 234 ** B 1937-49 Definitives Perf 15x14 1/- Lyrebird marginal Imperforate Vertical Pair from the base of the sheet, light diagonal crease, unmounted, Cat $1000. Very scarce. [See the ACSC "KGVI" at page 6/29 (2006)] {Page 47.2} 400 Lot 235 Ex Lot 237 235 V A+ C1 1938-49 Robes Thin Paper £1 dull blue marginal block of 4 from the left of the sheet, CTO with superb 'BRUNSWICK EAST/13JL49/VIC' cds & full unmounted o.g., Cat $320+ (as postally used singles). Superb! A very scarce block. {Page 47.3} 400 236 G A B1 1941 Surcharges '2½d' on 2d red with Medallion Flaw BW #222d, cds leaves the variety unobscured. 100 237 G A B1 1948-56 Arms £1 blue block of 4 & £2 green block of 6 (2x3, a couple of short perfs), well centred, Melbourne cds cancels. Rare multiples. [Both stamps are rare on cover & we are not aware of any cover franked with even a block of 4 of either value] {Page 47.4}(2 blocks) 200 Page:48 Aug 15, 2014 COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - Other Pre-Decimals (continued) Lot Type Grading Description 238 P Est $A Lot 238 A 1949 Henry Lawson recessed die proof (213x289mm) of Lionel Lindsay's famous dry-point etching of Australia's greatest bush poet, as adopted for the stamp issue. Signed in the margin by the artist & endorsed by him "trial proof in brown ink". Mounted in a card frame on which Lindsay has written "Drawn in 1908 in Lawson's prime. His sister told me that I had caught exactly the expression of his eyes...LL." Ex Dr John Chapman. [A wonderful opportunity to properly add an iconic Australian artwork to a philatelic collection] {Page 48.1} 7,500 Aug 15, 2014 Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Page:49 COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - Other Pre-Decimals (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A Lot 239 239 ** A B1 1950-52 Definitives 2½d scarlet imprint block of 8 with almost complete Plate Number ' 2 ' BW #249z, mounted in the margins only, Cat $2500. [The ACSC states "several examples are known". Superior to the "Pericles" block only 50% of the number showing, small stain - that sold for $1667]{Page 49.1} 1,000T Lot 240 240 ** A B1 1959-64 Definitives 5/- Cattle on White Paper marginal block of 4 from the right of the sheet, well centred, unmounted. Advertised retail $500+ (as singles). {Page 49.2} 300 241 ** A 1965 Hargrave 5d with Purple Printing (Denomination) Completely Omitted BW #433c, unmounted, Cat $600. With a normal stamp for comparsion. 250 COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - Decimal Issues 242 PR A Carton of Australia Post year albums comprising 1984 x2, 1985 x2, 1986 x2, 1987 x3, 1988 x2, 1990 x2, 1991 x2 then 1992 to 1999 complete. Very heavy.(23 albums) 400 243 CPR A Carton of Australia Post FDCs, packs & other "product". (Qty) 150 244 ** A Selection of errors with Imperf Kingsford Smith 18c block of 4 & 45c Jubilee proof pair, Offset 18c Jubilee, Misplaced Perfs 27c Frog block of 4, Printed on Gum 10c Sapphire, and Black Printing Partially Omitted 10c Sapphire strip of 3 & 7c Golf in pair with normal, unmounted. (7 items) 400 245 PR A 1981-2013 Australia Post year albums complete, plus 1991-92 Framas Booklets & Self-Adhesives" & 2006 Commonwealth Games. Very heavy! 750 246 PR A 1981-2009 Australia Post year albums missing only 1983. 500 247 PR A Large tub of Australia Post "product" including 1991-92 "Framas Booklets & Self-Adhesives" x2, 2006 Commonwealth Games, 2010 Year Book, array of mostly 2000s PO packs including sheetlets, etc. 200 248 ** A 1966-71 Definitives QEII Offsets comprising 2c 5c & 6c singles plus 6c corner block of 4, unmounted, Cat $675+. {Page 30.8}(4 items) 250 249 ** A 1971-74 Floral Coils 7c Sturt's Desert Pea with Buff & Green Printing Completely Omitted BW #535cg vertical strip of 4, and with Buff Omitted & Green Misplaced to the Base #535ce, both unmounted, Cat $1100+. Simon Dunkerley Certificate (2008) for the pair. {Page 30.9}(2 items) 400 Page:50 Aug 15, 2014 COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - Decimal Issues (continued) Lot Type Grading Description 250 ** Est $A Lot 250 A 1974-79 Paintings $1 Sergeant horizontal pair, the second unit with Black Printing (Inscriptions) Omitted & the first unit with Black Printing Partly Omitted BW #664cb (Pierron #1130McaVar), unmounted, Cat $5000 (£2250) for a strip of 5 with three normal units. With a normal stamp for comparison. {Page 50.1} 2,500 150 251 ** A 1977 Paintings $10 "Coming South" with Grossly Misplaced Perfs and 'AUSTRALIA $10' at the Top BW #784ba, unmounted, Cat $300. With normal stamp for comparison. 252 ** A A1 1978 Trees 18c Illawarra Flame Tree with Black Printing (Inscriptions) Completely Omitted marginal pair from the base of the sheet, unmounted, Cat $6000+. The first examples we have offered of this striking Missing Colour error. With a normal pair for comparison. [The ACSC states " is probable only one sheet was found, giving ten examples of the error"] {Page 50.2} Lot 252 3,000 COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - Postage Dues Lot 253 Ex Lot 255 Ex Lot 256 253 * A- B1 1908 High Values with Stroke 10/- emerald BW #D63 (SG D61), good colour, part o.g. with hinge remainders, Cat $4250 (£2500). {Page 50.3} 1,500 254 ** A/A- 1946-1956 Redrawn Value Plates 8d red & deep green complete sheet of 120 with By Authority Imprint BW #D137z including varieties White Flaw on Top of '8' #d & White Flaw in Solid Shading Inside Top Loop of '8' #e, a couple of minor gum adhesions, mounted in the margin otherwise unmounted, Cat $2750++. 300 When might you see another one? Aug 15, 2014 Lot Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Page:51 Type Grading Description Est $A COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - Revenues 255 * A/A- TAX INSTALMENT: 1941 'VIC' 1d to £5 orange, some paper-hinge remnants otherwise very fine, Elsmore Online Cat $920 (2009). An unusually fine set. {Page 50.4}(29) 500T 256 ** A - 1971-84 No Watermark with Security Underprint 5c to $200 se-tenant pairs, unmounted, Elsmore Online Cat $500+. {Page 50.5}(24 pairs) 250T 257 O A PATENT OFFICE: Pre-decimal 2/6d 10/- £1 £2 & £6 each with perfins, then Decimals $1 block of 4, $2, $20, $50 x2 and $100 blocks of 18 (Perth datestamp) & 20 (Sydney datestamp, on 1988 page) in different shades, generally very fine.. (51) 400 COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - Postal History 258 259 260 261 C/CL C C A/C C Bundle of pre-decimal OHMS covers for many users, includes 1913 stampless with 'Commonwealth/Electoral Papers only' imprint, printed wartime propaganda slogans, a few better frankings, two from 'PORT MORESBY' to Darwin etc, also a few municipal items, condition variable. (39) 150 Eight slim volumes of decimal period mail including an array of mostly philatelic covers with stamps that are almost never used on any sort of mail including ATM booklet stamps, counter printed stamps, low-value booklet stamps, "Treasures from the Archives" $5 Governors x4 & $5 Two Pound Roos x8, stamps from M/Ss etc, also much returned mail many with International Stamps, etc. (100s`) Offer Mostly WWI covers to Europe & the USA including -/11/1914 PPC to Denmark with huge Censor h/s of Brisbane, -/3/1919 to Holland with superb 'PASSED BY/CENSOR, 1.' h/s of Perth, -/5/1919 triple-rate cover to Sweden with 3d Roo & 5d KGV and huge censor tape of Melbourne etc, condition rather mixed. (15) 250T KGV frankings with commercial perfins on covers (mostly) & a few fronts with values to 4d olive, a few airmail & one registered, condition variable. A very scarce lot. (31) 600 Lot 262 Lot 263 262 C (A) 1907 overweight Tatts cover from Victoria with 1d pair, Postage Dues 1902 Blank Tablet 6d emerald BW #D9 (SG D6) tied by light Hobart cds paying the fines on three such covers, filled spikeholes well clear of the stamps. A very rare franking: the ACSC (2014) at page 10/48 states the 6d is unrecorded on cover. {Page 51.1} 400 263 PS A 1913 early usage to England of Kangaroo 4d Registration Envelope with Boxed 'REGISTERED.' at Upper-Left #RE1, 'MOSMAN/NSW' cds & very scarce provisional red & black/white registration label. Unusually fine for this scarce issue. {Page 51.2} 250 Lot 264 264 C A- 1914 parcel label to a Catholic nun in New Zealand with very scarce franking of First Watermark 9d Kangaroo & KGV 1d red Die II Pair tied by superb 'GRANVILLE/15DE14/-NSW=' cds, Sydney transit cds, insignificant blemishes. [The glaring omission from Richard Breckon's excellent Postal Rates articles in 1987-89 is Overseas Parcels. Our -/10/1909 "Post Office Guide" gives 8d as the rate to NZ for a parcel weighing up to one pound (16oz). 8d + 3d registration = 11d] {Page 51.3} 500T 265 C A- 1918 commercial cover to the Red Cross in Switzerland with a very fine strike of the rare 33x29mm double-boxed 'PASSED BY/CENSOR S.D./...' cachet in violet. [The usual cachet is larger with larger letters] 150 266 C A- 1921 commercial cover to California with scarce franking of KGV 4d violet tied by 'EDGECLIFF/NSW' cds, Cat $450 on cover (2007). MUCH scarcer on cover than the 4d blue. 300 Page:52 Aug 15, 2014 COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - Postal History (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A Lot 267 267 268 C C B B Lot 271 - (Oct 6) small OHMS cover to 'WOODANILLING' (light arrival cds) with rare franking of KGV Rough Paper 5d bright chestnut perf 'OS' (poorly centred) tied by 'WAGIN' (WA) cds & 'WAGIN' h/s on scarce red & black/white provisional registration label, mss "AR" in red, unclaimed & returned. [This is the only small envelope we have seen franked with this stamp, Cat $1000 on cover in 2004). {Page 52.1} 750T 1928 double-weight surface cover to Germany with scarce franking of 1928 Kookaburra 3d blue x3, Sydney cds & red/white registration label, German 'Postamt/Berlin/112' label & large boxed 'in Berlin 112/...' (currency control ?) cachet in violet both on the reverse, minor blemishes. [Enclosed letter refers to the impact of the Depression] 250 269 C A 1930 illustrated promotional cover for 'Queen of Watering Places/Sunny Southport/...' with 'TWO/PENCE' on 1½d tied by 'SOUTHPORT/QLD' cds. A lovely item. 150 270 C A-/B 1930-50 underpaid commercial airmail covers to GB (3), USA (2) or Sweden (taxed) with Insufficiently Paid markings x2, or Returned for Additional Postage h/s or label x2 (both fronts only), condition variable. Ex Colin Salt.(6) 300 271 C (A-) 1931 Supreme Court (Darwin) OHMS cover by air to Canberra with rare perf 'OS' franking of KGV SMult Wmk Perf 13½x12½ 2d brown & 3d blue Die I plus 3d Airmail tied by small 'DARWIN/NT' cds, Brisbane transit b/s, repaired fault at lower-left. A very desirable official cover. [The rate was 2d per 1oz + airmail supplement of 3d per ½oz x2] {Page 52.2} 450 272 C A 1932 cover to "Canal Zone/Central America" with scarce albeit philatelic franking of KGV 1d green & 1/- Large Lyrebird, Richmond East (Vic) cds and blue & black/white registration label, Seattle & New Orleans transits & 'CRISTOBAL CZ/REGISTERED' arrival b/s. A very scarce destination in this period. 100 Lot 273 273 274 275 276 C C PS C (C) B B C 1934 commercial cover from Seychelles to a ship's captain at Calcutta, readdressed on the reverse to New Zealand, received damaged and split-open at Fremantle where resealed with two Western Australian 'This wrapper was received...without contents...' labels affixed, superb 'POSTMEN'S BRANCH/AUCKLAND' arrival b/s, opened-out for display. A dramatic survivor. {Page 52.3} 250 1935 estate agent's cover with Silver Jubilee 2d tied by ancient BN '1' of Melbourne with superb cds of 1MY35 alongside, minor blemishes. Most unusual: we expect the old numeral - previously struck on newspapers - was used to draw attention to the fact that the stamp was used prior to the official issue date of 2nd May. 100 1937 (Aug) commercial airmail usage to London of KGV 5d Registration Envelope with KGV 2d x4, 5d pair (on the reverse) * 1/4d strip of 3 plus KGVI 2d pair tied by 'TEWANTIN' (Qld) cds, blue/white registration label, Brisbane transit cds on the face, opened a little roughly. [The rate was 1/6d x4 + 3d = 6/3d] 250T 1944 registered censor cover endorsed "Yugo-slav Refugee Camp/Ell Shott MEF" from Egypt with '.../PARLIAMENT' cds, soiled but the first we have seen. 75 Aug 15, 2014 Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Page:53 COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - Postal History (continued) Lot Type Grading Description 277 PS 278 CO (B) B Est $A 1945 (Sep 16) usage of POW 1/- airmail lettersheet from an internee at Tatura POW Camp (Vic) to Switzerland uprated with 6d Kookaburra to pay the civilian airmail rate, Melbourne cds & faint strike of a large boxed 'O.A.T' h/s in red, repaired opening tears. [At least 99% of these forms were sent to Germany or Italy. This is one of very few we have seen to Switzerland, and the first to any destination we have seen uprated. The civilian airmail rate reverted to 1/6d per ½oz in April-May 1945] {Page 54.1} 300T 1950 long commercial airmail cover (305x130mm) to New York with rare franking of Aborignal Art 2/- strip of 4 & Arms £1 blue (minor wrinkles) tied by Melbourne cds, some creasing & minor peripheral faults as usual with large items but not folded. 350T 279 PS A/B 1950-63 aerogrammes (4 different issues) all from Australian Red Cross to the Yugoslav Red Cross in Belgrade re missing persons enquiries, all but one with Cyrillic arrival backstamp. (6) 60 280 C A- 1962 family cover from a passenger on the "Anita Maru" to Japan with scarce solo franking of 1/6d Christmas Bells tied by Sydney machine cancel. 200 Ex Lot 281 281 C/CL 1966-71 First Definitives Series commercial covers with all-different frankings with all values from 1c to $1 including 3c 4c & 5c Coils, many scarce upratings, 8c Fish used as a Postage Due, 30c Bird Printed Matter to the USA, $1 (+ 20c Aboriginal Art) on registered printed matter parcel piece, etc, condition variable. A very good basis for a serious collection. {Page 53.1}(108) 600 282 C/CL 1966-79 commercial covers with multiple frankings of the same stamp including pairs of the 15c Timber, 25c Wool, 20c Australia-Asia (singles), 35c Olympics, 30c Fish, 18c Conservation, 35c Beef, 1974 35c Christmas, 9c on 8c Opal etc, most are airmail covers, condition variable. A good lot. (66) 600 283 C/CL - commercial covers with all-different solo frankings including 7c & 10c Fish, 13c & 30c Birds, 1967 & 1969 25c Christmas, 1968 25c Olympics, 7c 15c & 25c Primary Industries, 30c Cook, 7c & 9c National Development, 30c Qantas, 30c Fish, 35c Beef, 35c 1972 35c Christmas, Olympics, 12c 18c & 24c Rehabilitation, 11c & 15c Education, 35c Mapping, etc, mostly airmail to GB, USA or Europe, condition variable. High thematic content. (95) 600 284 C - commercial PPCs to various countries including South Africa, Czechoslovakia, Austria & Spain with all-different solo frankings including 13c & 15c Birds, 13c & 15c Floral Emblems, 7c Sugar, 15c Timber, 8c 9c & 10c Primary Industries, 7c & 15c Australia-Asia12c & 18c Rehabilitation etc, condition variable. (35) 300 285 C/CL 1968 Flowers Series collection of usages including 6c upratings x3, 15c on PPC, 20c solo airmails to Japan & the USA, 25c solo on business reply cover, etc, condition a bit mixed. (27) 200 286 C/CL 1972 Pioneers Series collection of usages to 80c x3 including 5c solo with 'ANZUK FPO 5/-5-' cds, many uprated, includes airmail, certified & registered covers & PPCs, condition a bit mixed. (43) 200 287 C B 1974 (Nov) cover with very scarce solo franking of 75c Captain Cook tied by 'KOGARAH' cds & orange/white 'MESSENGER/DELIVERY' label, minor blemishes. 200T 288 PS A 1977 usage of 18c Envelope uprated with 3c 4c 10c & $1 to Germany with 'OVERSEAS/EXPRESS/DELIVERY' label. Most attractive & a cracking usage for the postal stationery collector. {Page 54.2} 150 COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - Commemorative Covers/Datestamps 289 290 CPSL C A A A1 Carton of decimal period railways souvenir & commemorative covers many of which we have not previously seen including a series of Railway Station Centenary covers, plus some non-philatelic railways literature including "Great Railway Journeys of Australia" by Whitelock. (Lots) 200 1934 Royal Visit plain cover endorsed "Duke of Gloucester's Visit to/Queensland Dec 1st to 4th 1934" in red with Macarthur 2d tied by very fine 'ROYAL TRAIN/1DE34/AUSTRALIA' cds, Pictormarks Cat $400+. Covers from Tasmania appear regularly. However, this is the first we have recorded from any other State. {Page 54.3} 250 291 C B 1938 Scout Jamboree cover with typed "First day cover/Boy Scouts Jamboree/..." & "Boy Scouts Motto: Be Prepared", KGV 5d tied by very fine strike of the steel hexagonal 'AUSTRALASIAN SCOUTS JAMBOREE/ BRADFIELD/29DE38/NSW/AUSTRALIA' d/s - a superb strike on the reverse - & Jamboree registration label 'No 50', GPO transit & superb 'LEICHHARDT' arrival b/s, minor blemishes. [Ernie Stermole's Opening Day cover - minor tonespots - sold for $506 at our auction of 11/5/2012] {Page 54.4} 400 292 PS A 1939 Visit of American Indians usage of KGVI 2d Envelope with typed "First Visit to Australia of American Indians and officer of Canadian RNWMP Easter 1939", signed by "Joe crowfoot", "Frank Manyfingers", "James Starlight" & the Mountie, 'SHOW GROUND/1AP39/SYDNEY' cds. 150 Page:54 Lot 277 - Uprated POW Lettersheet Lot 290 - Royal Train in QUEENSLAND Lot 300 - Superb Ross Smith Vignette Lot 313 - Scarce Stamped To Order Aug 15, 2014 Lot 288 - Commercial Eye Candy ! Lot 291 - Bradfield Jamboree Registered Lot 312 - Unusually with Stamp Box Lot 332 - Rare Die I Envelope Aug 15, 2014 Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Page:55 COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - Commemorative Covers/Datestamps (continued) Lot Type Grading Description 293 C A- 1950 Tropical Medical School plain cover with '__AS_____/7MR50/NSW' cut-down relief cds & mss "Tropical/ Medical/School/NSW" on provisional registration label. Est $A 50 294 C A 1956 Olympic Games Wesley postcards with Olympic Rings & Diver illustration with 51 of the 52 pictorial datestamps (missing Torch & Map only), light pencilled addresses. Scarce in this format.(51) 150 295 C A - postcards with MCG illustration & printed address with complete set of the 52 pictorial datestamps. Scarce in this format. (52) 150 296 CL A 1977 Centenary Cricket Test registered FDC with 18c block of 10 & 45c pair with two superb strikes of the enormous MCG "duplex" cancellation (another on the reverse) & the rare 'CENTENARY TEST/MELBOURNE' registration label 'No 0027', unsealed & not sent through the mail. Rare. [This cover was acquired at auction in December 2001 for $2530. A larger registered cover sold at our auction of 2/5/2014 for the same price of $2530] {Page 56.1} 2,000 COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - First Day Covers 297 CPS A Carton packed with FDCs including 1970 Cook (7, one with M/S), 1974 Paintings, 1990 Paintings $20, plus 1994 Year of the Family PNCs x2 & heaps of mint and used PSEs, aerogrammes, maxicards, etc.[See also KGV CofA 1d green First Day Cover Lot 221](1000s) 250 COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - Flight Covers 298 C/L 299 C 300 C B (B) Small carton with philatelic books including "Air Mail Labels & Vignettes" by Frommer, non-airmail coffee-table books including "Flypast" by Parnell & Boughton, "...from the Dawn of Aviation: the Qantas Story" & "Moments of Terror: The Story of Antarctic Aviation" by Burke & a few others, plus a motley group of mostly pre-WWII flight covers. 50 1911 GB Coronation Flight PPC in brown to Melbourne with GB ½d x2 tied by '.../AERIAL POST/SP9/1911/ LONDON/ 2 ' cds, minor blemishes. The message states "Soon I expect aerial posts will be almost as common as motorbuses"] 200 1919 England-Australia cover AAMC #27a, very fine & exceptionally centred example of the 'FIRST/AERIAL POST/ENGLAND-/ AUSTRALIA' flight vignette tied by one of two fine to very fine strikes of the large oval 'FIRST AERIAL MAIL/RECEIVED/26FEB1920/GREAT BRITAIN TO AUSTRALIA' datestamp, repaired tear just clear of the vignette, a small piece of the flap missing, Cat $5750+. This cover is #197 in Tom Frommer's Census. {Page 54.5} 2,000 COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - Military & Censor Mail Lot 301 301 302 C C/CO A- WORLD WAR I: 1915 (May) usage of 'YMCA/OF PERTH/(WA)/MILITARY/TENTS' lettersheet with photograph "A Part of the Perth YMCA Quota for the Front" in blue on the reverse, to Kalgoorlie with message headed "Blackboy Camp/May 26th" & KGV 1d red tied by 'MRR/GPO/PERTH' cds, minor blemishes & light central fold. An unusually fine example of this rare YMCA stationery. The addressee's son states "I have not received any uniform up to the present...on June 3rd their will be 1300 men to march through Perth...There are only 4 of us in camp at present they are all on long leave..." {Page 55.1} 400T WORLD WAR II: Folio of mostly humorous illustrated Forces covers with Clarrie King printed types x6 (3 are unused, very scarce thus), then an excellent group of 12 oversized covers from Darwin - one registered from 'MIL PO DARWIN No 3' - several of the Darwin covers are signed "Porter AIF", condition variable & 3 with the stamps removed. Ex Ron Collumbine.(28 items) 500 303 PS/L - mail to Italy from POWs in Australia with 1/- POW Letter Sheet, 7d Aerogramme x3, several Apostolic Delegation documents, photo of a group of POWs etc, condition variable. Interesting group. (15 items) 200 304 C - Album of covers with 'AUST ARMY PO' datestamps '211' to '241' used within Australia, including 19 registered with a few unusual registration labels, one with 'HM TRANSPORT' h/s unusually sent by air, etc. (100+) 200 Page:56 Aug 15, 2014 Lot 296 - Our Last One Sold for $2530 Lot 333 Lot 327 - A Rare View Lot 336 - Henry Berry "Doubleton" Lot 337 - Ex Sinfield and Nelson Ex Lot 338 - Four Military Envelopes Aug 15, 2014 Lot Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Page:57 Type Grading Description Est $A COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - Postal Stationery 305 PS KGV selection comprising Letter Cards 1d Perf 12½ "RAILWAY SLEEPERS" & 'THREE/HALFPENCE' on 2d scarlet "SYDNEY HARBOUR"; Envelopes Star 1d red & 1d red + ½d green, with 'POSTAGE' 2d orange (flap stuck); and Registration Envelope KGV Oval 5d, all fine to very fine unused; plus Wrappers Kangaroo ½d x2 & KGV ½d+½d with 2-line 'NEWSPAPER/ONLY' handstamp W8(1) x2 (one handstamp quite faint), a few faults, unused; Cat $1000+. (10 items) 250 306 PS Album with an array of Postal Cards, Letter Cards with scenic types including KGV 1½d "GPO HOBART" in purple & 'PINEAPPLES" in greenish blue (both fine used), Registration Envelopes & Wrappers, condition rather mixed. Inspection recommended. (160) 600 KGV Oval 1½d STO Envelope for Robur Tea Co BW #ES69, minor blemishes, unused (2); KGV Star 1½d green with 'OS'-in-the-Die window envelope BW #EO13 for Commonwealth Sub-Treasury Melbourne, used; & 1959-62 2/5d red Registration Envelopes with Imprint 'CTB 1481' or 'CTB 1648-59' both with 11 Obliterating Lines #RE40B & D, used in South Australia; Cat $900. (5) 300 307 PS A/B Lot 308 308 PS A Lot 309 POSTAL CARDS: 1917 (Nov 22) usage of Tasmanian QV '1d' on 1½d message-half with the 2-line reference to the original reply function at lower-left barred-out BW #P39, to Ross with very fine 'CAMPBELLTOWN/22NO17/ TASMANIA' cds, the message headed "Campbell Town Croquet Club", Cat $4000. Ex Kevin Nelson. [The ACSC states that only 3410 of each half were issued, on 26/3/1917 & "...approximately ten examples survive of each half. Used cards are scarcer than unused". In fact, this is the earlier of only two recorded used examples, & thus a key item for the collector of both Tasmanian and CofA postal stationery] After Federation, Reply Cards became increasingly unpopular. Because of paper shortages during World War I, all unsold stocks of Reply Cards (and Reply Letter Cards) were recalled to Melbourne, overprinted to remove all reference to the reply function, separated, and re-issued as single Postal Cards. {Page 57.1} 3,000 1,000T 309 PS A - 1923 'ONE/PENNY' Surcharges 1d on 1½d brown with Footnote BW #P57, unused, Cat $1500. {Page 57.2} 310 PS A - 1930-37 KGV 1½d with 88½mm Footnote on Flimsy Stock BW #P68(2), unused, Cat $400. 311 PS A - 1930-37 KGV 1½d with 88½mm Footnote on Flimsy Stock BW #P68(2), used in 1939 with very fine 'BALNARRING/VIC' cds, Cat $100. 50 312 PS A- POSTAL CARDS - STAMPED TO ORDER: 1913 Kangaroo 1d red BW #PS3 on buff stock for Vacuum Oil Company at Melbourne, unusually with a stamp box at upper-right, minor bends, unused, Cat $200. [John Sinfield's almost identical example sold at our auction of 8/11/2013 for $322] {Page 54.6} 200 200 313 PS A- - 1913 Kangaroo 1d red BW #PS3 on buff stock for Vacuum Oil Company at Sydney, minor blemishes, unused, Cat $200. [John Sinfield's almost identical example sold at our auction of 8/11/2013 for $345] {Page 54.7} 240 314 PS A/B - KGVI 1d green BW #PS25 (two small edge faults, uncancelled) & 1½d green #PS29 x3 (all uprated), three for Elder Smith & Co, the last for Bennett & Fisher, all used in South Australia, Cat $600. Very scarce. (4) 200 315 PS A - 1938-51 KGVI Oval 1½d green BW #PS29 on small OHMS card with printed School Committee advice on the reverse, unused, Cat $200. 150 316 PS A/A- POSTAL CARDS - OFFICIAL: KGV 1d green Die 1 with Solid 'OS' BW #PO6 x2 (one with the Emu undamaged & scarce thus) & another with 'THREE/HALFPENCE' Overprint #PO9, all on small OHMS cards with printed School Committee advice on the reverse, unused, Cat $400. (3) 140 317 PS A LETTER CARDS: 1915 KGV Sideface Military Views 1d Die 1 Perf 12½ with White Inside BW #LC27 "TROOPS on board/TRANSPORT" (vertical view with 'A40' Deleted) in black, unused, Cat $400. 200 318 PS A - 1917 'REPLY' Barred-Out Perf 12½ Message-Half BW #LC31 1d "GIANT RED GUM VIC" in sepia, unused, Cat $200. 100 319 PS A - Perf 12½ Reply-Half BW #LC32 1d "QUEEN'S GARDENS/PERTH WA" in dull violet, unused, Cat $200. 100 320 PS A - 1918 1½d on Grey Mottled Stock Perf 10 BW #LC41 "PINEAPPLES/QUEENSLAND" (pickers) in brown-purple, unused, Cat $200. 100 321 PS A - 1918 1½d Grey Stock Perf 10 BW #LC43 "PINEAPPLES/QUEENSLAND" in black-brown, unused, Cat $300. 150T 322 PS A - 1918 1½d Grey Stock Perf 12½ BW #LC44 "GPO HOBART" in black-brown, to Germany in 1921 uprated with KGV ½d green & 1d red tied by 'OUTER HARBOUR' (SA) cds, Cat $100+. 100T 323 PS A - 1922 2d scarlet BW #LC49 "CARTING - FAR NORTH" (camels & wagon), unused, Cat $250. 125T Page:58 Aug 15, 2014 COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - Postal Stationery (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A Lot 329 Lot 324 324 PS A LETTER CARDS: 1922 2d scarlet BW #LC49 "GOVERNMENT HOUSE/PERTH" (102x64mm), unused, Cat $1000. [The ACSC states "probably less than six are recorded"] {Page 58.1} 500 325 PS A - 1922 KGV 2d Scarlet BW #LC49 "GOVERNMENT HOUSE/PERTH" (112x70mm), unused, Cat $250. 125 326 PS A - 1922 KGV 2d Scarlet BW #LC49 "GPO HOBART", fine used in 1922, Cat $100. 327 PS A- - 1923 1½d green Perf 10 BW #LC50 "TRENTHAM FALLS", a couple of insignificant blemishes, unused, Cat $1000. {Page 56.2} 328 PS A- - 1923 1½d emerald Perf 12½ BW #LC51 "THE GILDEROY RANGES/VICTORIA", stuck, unused, Cat $200. 329 PS A - 1924 1½d red/off-white BW #LC57 "PINEAPPLES/QUEENSLAND" (pickers), fine used in 1925, Cat $300. This was the last issue of scenic Letter Cards; used examples this fine are rarely seen. {Page 58.2} 200 330 PS A- LETTER CARDS - MILITARY: 1916 (March) 1d 'MILITARY LETTER CARD' with 'AUSTRALIAN IMPERIAL FORCE' at the Base on grey surfaced stock BW #LCM1, a few very minor blemishes, unused, Cat $500. 150 331 PS ENVELOPES: Two large albums of mostly Stamped to Order types for numerous firms - many with advertising - plus some municpalities & OHMS, 'OS'-in-the-Die issues including KGV Sideface 2d orange (front only), some uprated, condition variable. (360+) 750 50 400 50 332 PS A - 1918 1½d black-brown Die 1 (Top Point of Star Broken and Base of '2' at Left Curves Upwards) BW #EP16, unused, Cat $1000. [The ACSC states "A very few mint Die 1 envelopes are recorded"] {Page 54.8} 500 333 PS A - 1923 'THREE/HALFPENCE' on Star without 'POSTAGE' 2d orange BW #EP24, unused, Cat $750. Rare. {Page 56.3} 450 334 D `A- ENVELOPES - STAMPED TO ORDER: c.1933 KGV Sideface 2d red + 3d blue BW #ES18 on bluish wove paper cutout only, minor crease just impacts the 2d impression, 'REGISTERED/20OCT34/HOBART' cds, Cat $500 as a cutout. No entire envelope has been recorded. This usage is 13 months prior to the ERD in thew ACSC. Examples of the Postal Stationery 3d die are of great rarity. The die was newly engraved for the 1930 3d STO Envelope BW #ES19. of which only one example - and no cutouts - is recorded. The only other usages recorded are a very few 2d+3d & 3d+2d parcel label cutouts.{Page 59.2} 250T Lot 335 335 336 PS PS B B - 1921 Star with 'POSTAGE' 1d red BW #ES40 long envelope with Mt Lyell Mining & Railway Co imprint at upper-left, to England with 'SHIP MAIL ROOM/22DE21/MELBOURNE' cds, minor blemishes & flap missing, Cat $7500. Extremely rare: this is only the fourth example recorded by us. [The letter rate was 2d. However, the missing flap had not been sealed, confirming Printed Matter rate of 1d per 2oz] {Page 58.3} 3,000T - 1920 Star 1½d brown + Sideface ½d green BW #ES53 window envelope for Henry Berry (imprint on flap), minor spotting, Cat $600. [Much scarcer than the similar emissions for Vacuum Oil Co] {Page 56.4} 250T Aug 15, 2014 Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Page:59 COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - Postal Stationery (continued) Lot Type Grading Description 337 PS 338 339 340 PS PS PS A- A-/A+ A+ A+ Est $A - 1934 (Mar 27) usage of KGV Embossed Oval 1d green+1d green BW #ES66 for the Shell Co of Australia with their emblem on the flap & imprint at lower-left, Adelaide slogan cancel, minor blemishes, Cat $1000. Ex John Sinfield & Kevin Nelson. [Fewer than 10 examples recorded] {Page 56.5} 750 ENVELOPES - MILITARY: 1916-19 KGV 1d red with footer 'AUSTRALIAN IMPERIAL FORCE' BW #ME1 (flap stuck), 'A.I.F., ABROAD' Setting 1 with Thick & Thin Lines #ME3A (superb!) & Setting 2 with Two Thick Lines #ME4A (superb!), and 'AUSTRALIAN IMPERIAL FORCE,/ABROAD' Setting 1 with Header above Top of Stamp #ME5A (flap stuck), unused, Cat $1500. [See the ACSC at pages 267-269] {Page 56.6}(4) 500 REGISTRATION ENVELOPES: 1916 KGV 4d orange on Old NSW Stock with Red Star on the Flap as BW #RE6 but an unrecorded setting, unused. Superb! [The ACSC distinguishes three settings based on the distance from the left of the 'R' of 'REGISTERED' to the Right-Hand Frame of the Stamp. RE6A measures 111mm, RE6B 115mm & RE8 116mm. The measurement here is 118mm] 200 - 1916 KGV 4d orange with Stamp Box on the Flap Obliterated with a Star Device in Orange Setting 2 BW #RE7B, unused, Cat $500. Superb! [Envelopes with the Orange Star are much scarcer than those with the Red Star. NB: As always, the text on the reverse is inverted in relation to the face of the envelope] 300 Lot 341 341 PS B - 1919 New Layout with Two-Line Admonition at the Base KGV 4d orange BW #RE9 with defective ½d green affixed, minor blemishes, unused, Cat $6000. The only issue with this layout. [The ACSC states "three unused examples are known". Andy Jansen's example - minor blemishes where the additional adhesive was removed - sold at our auction of 7/12/2012 for $6325] {Page 59.1} 5,000 342 PS A-/A - 1922 KGV 5d with Address Lines at Lower-Left BW #RE13, and a second example with 'FOURPENCE/ HALFPENNY' Overprint RE 16, unused, Cat $600. (2) 250 343 PS A WRAPPERS: 1942 KGVI Sideface Portrait 1½d green 192mm Wide on both listed stocks BW #W22A & B and 163mm Wide #W23, unused, Cat $350. Scarce trio. (3) 200 344 PS A AEROGRAMMES - OFFICIAL: 1952 'AIRLETTER' very late usage in 1960 with typed obliterations of 'HIS' and 'AIRLETTER' amended to 'HER' & 'AEROGRAMME' as for BW #AO2, to the USA with scarce 'PMG - OFFICIAL PAID/MELBOURNE' d/s in rosine. A rare provisional issue. {Page 60.1} 300 345 PS B PARCEL LABELS: 1946 5/10d blue for the Victorian Department of Agriculture BW #PL4B, a couple of tiny thin spots & minor bends, unused with virtually full o.g., Cat $1000. {Page 60.2} 400 Lot 334 Page:60 Lot 344 - Typewritten Text Amendments Aug 15, 2014 Lot 345 - 1946 Food Parcel Label Ex Lot 349 - Five Covers Ex Lot 352 - Promissory Notes Lot 363 - "A+" Lot 371 - Myrtle Lot 404 - SG O49b Lot 376 - Dutton Roulette Lot 372 - SG 61 Lot 373 - SG 83 and 85 Aug 15, 2014 Lot Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Page:61 Type Grading Description Est $A AUSTRALIAN COLONIES/STATES - General & Miscellaneous Lots Ex Lot 346 346 347 348 349 350 OC A C W*O C C/CL 351 O 352 C A-/B Very fine Classics with NSW Sydney Views 1d Plate I, 1d Plate II on Laid Paper, 2d Plate II Early Impressions x2 (one on a cover front), 2d Plate V & 3d on blued paper plus 6d 'REGISTERED'; South Australia London Printings 1d singles x2 (one on outer with 'MACCLESFIELD' cds) & pair and 6d x2; Victoria Half Lengths 1d & 3d pair, Ham Queen-on-Throne 2d, Woodblocks 6d & 2/-; and Western Australia 1854-55 1d & 4d, 1857 Hillman 2d & 6d; all but the last two with full margins. From a European source. {Page 61.1}(23) 1,250 Postal History selection with pre-stamp covers 1835 Sydney-Port Stephens "pFrances Charlotte", 1842 "Shipper's Letter" with 'MELBOURNE/NEW S WALES' b/s, and 1848 with Melbourne & Geelong '.../PORT PHILLIP' b/s; also South Australia 1859 to GB with an apparently re-used imperf 1/- orange, 1862 GB-Adelaide with 'DEFICIENT POSTAGE 3d/FINE 6d - 9d' h/s, and 1892 NSW-Qld with 'DEFICIENT 2D/FINE 2D - 4D' h/s, & one other, condition variable. (7 covers) 300T Modest collection on leaves with useful NSW including very fine Sydney Views 2d SG 34 with large margins, 5/Map, 20/- Governors, 'OS' Overprints including unissued QV 5/- CTO; Victoria with a selection of Classics, 1d Laureate with fine first type BN '289' of Hotham (rated RRR) & fine 1877 cover to Ontario with 'MORE-TO-PAY' & '5' handstamps; small groups from the other Colonies, condition variable. (400+) 300T Early stamped covers including three to Robert Hoddle (surveyor of Melbourne's CBD) one of which has NSW Laureates 1d (almost full margins) & 2d (full margins); another from the Moreton Bay District with 'DRAYTON/=NSW=' & 'BRISBANE/=NSW=' b/s one stamp missing and the stamps probably don't belong; condition variable. {Page 60.3}(5) 300 Mostly Australian Colonies covers including NSW OHMS front with Sydney Views 2d, 1888 Government House cover with oval 'TRAVELLING POST SOUTH' cancels, 1906 to NZ with 1d & Commonwealth 9d; Queensland 1863 to GB with 3d & 6d, 1868 to GB with 6d, 1880 to GB with 6d Chalon & 2d Sideface; Victoria 1895 to GB with Large Stamp Duty 3/- stone, 1904 registered 'CONSULAR SERVICE, USA' cover to New York; etc, condition very mixed but those mentioned are presentable to fine. (50+ items) 500T Carton of collection remainders in albums, packet, cigarette tins etc, very mixed condition but lots of "bang for your buck". (1000s) 500T Bills of Exchange 1) 1951 Victoria with impressed 18/- & £7 & on reverse GB Foreign Bill 4/- & £2 x2; and 2) 1950 Western Australia with impressed 14/- £6 & £40 & on reverse GB Foreign Bill 3/- pair & £2/10/-x8; also Victoria 1870s red/cream Electric Telegraph form used. {Page 60.4}(3 items) 150T 400 353 *O Extensive array on rmaindered album pages with selections from all Colonies but the strongest section is the South Australia, numerous pickings throughout. Not to be ignored. (many 100s) 354 *WO "Seven Seas" boxed hingeless album with selections from all Colonies and lots of useful stamps throughout with NSW including Sydney Views 2d & 3d both with full margins, Laureates to 3d x2, Diadems to 1/- x2, Centennial set, Charity duo mint, 'OS' Overprints to 5/- Coin & QV 10/- optd 'Specimen', Postage Dues 20/- mint; Queensland Small Chalons range, Charity 2d mint (creased), a few Postal Fiscals; South Australia good range of earlies including Surcharges, 'POSTAGE & REVENUE' set to £20 overprinted 'SPECIMEN', Thin 'POSTAGE' to 10/- mint, Victoria useful Classics, 1/6d blue mint, Postage Dues 10d to 5/- mint; Western Australia Imperf 1d black & 6d green both with almost full margins, 1885-93 DLR set mint; etc, condition variable but many are fine to very fine. {Page 61.2}(400+) Ex Lot 354 800 Page:62 Lot Aug 15, 2014 Type Grading Description Est $A NEW SOUTH WALES Ex Lot 355 355 * 356 O* 357 *W 358 *O A/A- Handy range including 5/- Coin x2, 5/- Map x2, 20/- Governors x2, QV 10/- x5, Charity pair, some Specimen overprints including 5/- Map & 20/- Governors, etc, good range of 'OS' overprints including 5/- Map & QV 10/- and a few 'OS' perfins to 10d, generally fine with large-part o.g. {Page 62.1}(150 approx) 1,000 Collection in stockbook with numerals '378' of Brush Grove pairs x2 (R), '395' of Warren (RR), '437' of Mount Pleasant (R), '454' of Camewarra (R) & '477' of Guildford (R), plus values to 5/- including officials, private perfins, mixed frankings on piece, and unsorted Centennial and Jubilee issues. (approx 1000) 300 All different 'Specimen' or 'SPECIMEN' overprint types on 5/- Map x2, 20/- Carrington, 9d Commonwealth (no gum) & 2/6d Lyrebird, large-part o.g., Cat £370. (5) 100T Predominantly used including 1860-72 Perf 12 3d with Major Retouch SG 136b, 6d grey-brown & Perf 13 8d, 1862-65 1d optd 'SPECIMEN' SG 186s, 1882 Crown/NSW Perf 10x12 3d & 6d (*), 1888 Centenary Perf 12x11½ 8d (*) & Perf 10 5/- (3), 1891 Officials 7½d on 6d, 1891 Postage Dues 4d & 8d (*), mixed condition. (350) 300T Lot 359 359 360 E G A/A- A Lot 360 1850-51 Sydney Views One Penny 1d essay in bright red imperf horizontal strip of 3 [13-15] on ungummed unwatermarked pelure paper, virtually full margins, a couple of tiny imperfections. Rare. Approximately 20 examples are recorded including two strips of 3, of which this is clearly the finer. [The fine "Carrington" (Mark Dankin) single sold in -/11/2012 for $862] {Page 62.2} 3,000T - Plate I (No Clouds) 1d carmine SG 2, good even margins, very fine first type BN '61' of Gresford, Cat £500. Ex Michael Haden. Pascal Behr Certificate (2010). {Page 62.3} 375 Lot 361 Lot 362 361 G A+ - Plate I (No Clouds) on Bluish Paper 1d pale red SG 5 horizontal pair, margins close to good, two superb strikes of BN '61' of Tarcutta, Cat £950+. Superb! Ex Michael Haden. {Page 62.4} 850 362 G A+ - Plate II (Clouds) on Bluish Paper 1d dull carmine SG 11 horizontal pair [22-23], good even margins, bars cancels of Sydney, Cat £750+. Superb! Ex Michael Haden. {Page 62.5} 550 363 V A+ - Plate II (Clouds) on Horizontally Laid Paper 1d carmine SG 13, good even margins, superb part-strike of an unidentiifiable Barred Numeral, Cat £600. Superb! Ex Michael Haden. {Page 60.5} 500 Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Aug 15, 2014 Page:63 NEW SOUTH WALES (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Lot 364 364 F A+ Est $A Lot 365 Lot 367 Lot 366 - Two Pence Plate I (Vertically Lined Background) Earliest Impressions 2d deep blue SG 16 [9], an exceptional proof-like impression in a deep rich shade, even margins with outer frameline at right, very light numeral cancellation that leaves the stunning detail largely unobstructed, Cat £600. Superb! Ex "Carrington" (Mark Dankin). [The vibrant shade & magnificent impression strongly suggest this gem stamp is from one of the very first sheets printed] {Page 63.1} 1,500 365 F A+ - Intermediate Impressions 2d greyish blue SG 16b, margins good to large with outer framelines at places, very fine BN '47' of Tumut, Cat £325. Superb! Ex "Manwood" & Michael Haden.{Page 63.2} 250 366 F A - Later Impressions 2d greyish blue SG 17 [10], margins good to large with virtually full outer framelines, light First Type BN '4' - rated RR - of Richmond that is clear of most of the design, Cat £180. Ex Michael Haden. BPA Certificates (1978) & (2008). {Page 63.3} 1,000T - Plate II (Horizontally Lined Background) Early Impressions 2d bright blue with 'CREVIT' Omitted SG 24c, good even margins, superb BN '90' of Grafton, Cat £850. {Page 63.4} 450T 367 G A Lot 368 Lot 369 Lot 370 368 F A+ - Worn & Retouched Impressions 2d Prussian blue SG 27, very fine BN '48' of Tarcutta, good even margins with outer framelines in places, Cat £300. Superb! Ex Ric Slade-Slade & Michael Haden.{Page 63.5} 250 369 V A+ - Plate III (Undated Single-Lined Bale) 2d ultramarine with No Whip SG 29a [15], four large margins with outer framelines except at the top, neat cancellation that unusually leaves most of the design unobstructed, Cat £350. Superb & an unusually large stamp. Ex "Carrington" (Mark Dankin). {Page 63.6} 400 - Plate V (Pearl in Fan) Hard Greyish Wove Paper 2d ultramarine with Pick and Shovel Omitted SG 36a, margins good to huge with outer framelines at left, right & base, superb strike of BN '9' (reversed) of Bathurst, Cat £350. Superb & another unusually large stamp! Ex Theodore Steinway & "Carrington" (Mark Dankin). {Page 63.7} 400 370 F A+ 371 G A - Three Pence 3d myrtle-green SG 40, good even margins, superb bars cancel of Sydney, Cat £1400. An attractive example of this rare stamp. {Page 60.6} 600T 372 W A 1851-55 Laureates Plate II (Stars in the Corners) on Bluish Paper 2d indigo SG 61, marginal example from the base of the sheet with margins good to huge & outer framelines at right & base, unused, Cat £1800. {Page 60.7} 1,000T 373 W A-/A - Numeral Watermark 1d orange-vermilion SG 83, margins close to good, a little soiled; & 2d Prussian blue SG 85, margins close to large with a fragment of the adjoining unit at left, both unused, Cat £625. {Page 60.8} 350T 374 P A+ 1856-60 Imperforate Small Diadems 1d imperforate plate proof single in bright vermilion on ungummed unwatermarked blue wove paper, good even margins. Rare & superb! 500T 375 G A/(A) - 1d orange-vermilion SG 107 block of 4, margins close to good, light ironed-out crease at the top, bars cancels of Sydney, Cat £96+. Rare multiple. 180 376 * A - 1d orange-vermilion rejoined vertical pair as SG 107 but Rouletted on All Sides by James Dutton, large-part o.g., Cat £550++. Ex Guy Hutson, derived from George Ginger's block of 24. [Excepting Queensland, which didn't have its own issues until 1860, NSW was the only Australian Colony not counting to not issue rouletted stamps. Dutton's experimental rouletting dates from 1856. It was another four years before perforating was introduced] {Page 60.9} 1,500T - 2d blue array on annotated pages & Hagners including multiples & many plated singles, condition variable but many are fine to very fine. A good lot for development. (140 approx) 250T 377 O Page:64 Aug 15, 2014 NEW SOUTH WALES (continued) Lot Type Grading Description 378 O Est $A Ex Lot 378 1860-72 Perforated Diadems attractive range of shades including Perf 13 6d aniline mauve SG 167, 8d red-orange x10, yellow-orange x2 & bright yellow x11 including a pair, other multiples include Perf 12 2d strip of 3 with Pre-Printing Paper Fold & Perf 13 1/- carmine strip of 3, some postmark interest including 1d with weird "cloverleaf" cancel, etc, generally very fine. Ex Michael Haden.{Page 64.1}(120+) 500 Lot 379 379 380 G/F G A/B A - 2d Prussian blue Plate II Major Retouches comprising three singles (one a bit aged) & a horizontal pair [57-58] the first unit with Second Retouch: Cross-Hatching around Neck, generally lightly cancelled leaving the retouched areas largely unobstructed, Cat £2000+. A very scarce & desirable quintet. Ex Michael Haden.{Page 64.2} - Perf 12 2d Prussian blue SG 137 marginal block of 4 from the top of the sheet Imperf at Top, 'NSW'-in-concentricovals cancels. Rare & attractive multiple. Lot 381 1,000 250T Lot 384 381 * A+ - Perf 13 3d dull green with '6' Error of Watermark SG 158a horizontal pair, large-part o.g., Cat £200++. Superb! Ex Guy Hutson. BPA Certificates (2013). A very inexpensive watermark error. {Page 64.3} 600T 382 * A/B 1871-1902 Wmk '36' 5d bluish green block of 10 Perf 10 as SG 215 but with the upper units Printed in the Sheet Margin resulting in those units having the Marginal Watermark '...SOUTH WALES PO...' Only and being Imperforate at Top, hinge thin on the upper-right unit, Cat £400++. Ex "Carrington" (Mark Dankin). 400 - 6d die proof in black on glazed card (92x60mm) handstamped 'Feb, 26. 1870' and 'BEFORE HARDENING' both in reddish brown ink, some very minor rubbing. [This proof is dated almost 2 years before this design was introduced, on 1/1/1872] {Page 66.1} 300 1882-97 Crown/NSW Perf 11 3d yellow-green horizontal pair Imperforate Vertically SG 226da with the Watermark Inverted & Vertical Marginal Watermark Line at Left, a few nibbled perfs, large-part o.g., under-catalogued at £500. Ex "Carrington" (Mark Dankin). {Page 64.4} 450 383 384 P * A A- Other firms will offer you all manner of inducements to sell to or through them. What they can’t offer you is access to the "Prestige Difference". Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Aug 15, 2014 Page:65 NEW SOUTH WALES (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A Lot 391 Lot 385 385 O A B1 Lot 386 1885-86 Queen Victoria Revenues Overprinted 'POSTAGE' in Black £1 lilac & claret Perf 12 SG 240a, unusually well centred for this issue, untidy duplex cancels, Cat £4000. A very rare stamp postally used: only four examples recorded by us. [Better centred but less attractive than the "Carrington" (Mark Dankin) example that sold for in Nov 2012 for $5750] {Page 65.1} 3,000T 386 W B B2 - Overprinted 'POSTAGE' in Blue 10/- mauve & claret/bluish Perf 10 SG 241, well centred, characteristic irregular perfs, a couple of minor tonespots, unused, Cat £1400. Very scarce. {Page 65.3} 500T 387 P A 1888-89 Centennial 4d Captain Cook die proof in red-brown on thin white card (22x26mm).Ex "Carrington". 100 388 *O 1892-1910 Halfpenny extensive partly annotated collection of grey & blue-green printings with a high proportion of mint material, lots of blocks including with Imprints and Monograms, some handy varieties, condition variable but much is fine to very fine. (many 100s) 500T 389 * A 1899 Chalk-Surfaced Paper ½d blue-green Imperforate Pair SG 298a, margins good to large, large-part o.g., Cat £180. Ex "Carrington" (Mark Dankin). 100 390 * A - 1d carmine single from the upper-left of the right-hand pane Imperforate Three Sides SG 299var, very lightly mounted. [Gibbons list this error only in the scarlet shade] 100T 391 F A C1 1903-08 Wmk '65' 3d yellow-green as SG 327 but Perf 11x12x11x11 BW #N24, light Rays cancel. Unpriced mint & unrecorded used in the ACSC and unlisted by Gibbons. RPSofV Certificate (2013). [The ACSC states "The only examples seen...are in the HL White collection in the Mitchell Library...two blocks one Perf 11x11x12x11, the other Perf 12x11x11x11, possibly deriving from the same sheet". This recently discovered variant has not previously been recorded] {Page 65.2} 1,000T 1905-10 Crown/A partly annotated collection on leaves, mostly mint including lots of shades and blocks to 1/- plus 2/6d two rare used blocks of 4, some varieties, Plate Numbers and Monograms, generally fine to very fine, STC £3500+. An excellent basis for development. (100s) 750T - monogram pieces comprising 1d block of 6 with '1905' at base (**), 2d block of 4 with 'GPrO/NSW' at base */**, 2½d U/L corner block of 4 with '1907' & L/L corner block of 12 with 'WAG' & part-'GPrO/NSW', 6d U/L corner block of 8 with 'WAG' & 'GPrO/NSW', 10d U/L corner block of 4 with Plate Number '5' (diagonal crease) & 1/- 'WAG' single, some toning, some units are unmounted. Scarce group.(7 items) 250 392 393 *O */** 394 */** 1907 Emergency Printings on Victorian Crown/Double-Lined A Paper range comprising Perf 12x11½ ½d (6, including corner pair), 1d (18, including blocks of 4 x4, two with monogram), 2d (27, including block of 4 & marginal block of 12 with 'WAG' & part-'GPrO/NSW' monogram), 8d (5, one pair). (62) 200 395 */** - blocks of 4 comprising ½d, 1d with 'WAG' monogram at base, 2d, 2½d & 8d, Cat $920+ (£400+). (5 blocks) 125 396 */** - 1d dull rose Die II horizontal pair from the upper-left corner of the sheet, the left-hand unit with No Watermark #N14ab & the right-hand unit with Marginal Watermark 'CO[MMONWEALTH' only (unlisted variety), a couple of tonespots; and vertical pair from the upper-right corner both with No Watermark #N14ab; undercatalogued at $300+ plus the unlisted variant. Scarce. (2 items) 200 - 2d blue upper-left block of 4, the two right-hand units both with'CO...' Watermark Only, the left-hand units both with No Watermark BW #N19/ac, no gum, Cat $200++. A rare and under-rated error block. Sergio Sismondo Certificate (2012). 200T - 2½d Prussian blue Die II BW #N22 (SG 356) marginal block of 18 (3x6) from the left of the sheet, the left column withMarginal Watermark 'OF AUSTRALIA', natural (?) crease across the top row, large-part o.g. with 12 units being unmounted, Cat $2700++ (£1260++). A rare & desirable multiple. Ex "Carrington" (Mark Dankin).{Page 66.2} 800 REPRINTS: 1885-86 overprinted 'POSTAGE' in Blue Perf 12x10 £1 lilac & claret optd 'REPRINT' in black, marginal example from the right of the sheet Imperforate at Right with part-Plate Number '4', a couple of short perfs, large-part o.g. 125 397 398 399 W **/* * A A- A/B A- 400 W A FORGERIES: Laureates 6d van Dyke reprint in brown complete sheet of 25 with large margins. Sergio Sismondo Certificate (2012). 150T 401 W A - Laureates 8d van Dyke reprint in blue large-part sheet of 40 (8x5) with complete imprint at the base, large margins. Sergio Sismondo Certificate (2012). 300T Page:66 Aug 15, 2014 Lot 383 - De La Rue Die Proof Lot 398 - Victorian Paper Lot 403 - Double Opt Ex Lot 406 - Five Values Lot 405 - Red 'O S' Overprints Lot 407 - Now Catalogued by Stanley Gibbons Lot 441 - RRRR Numeral Cancels Lot 442 - Large-Part O.G. Aug 15, 2014 Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Page:67 NEW SOUTH WALES (continued) Lot Type Grading Description 402 W B - Laureates 8d van Dyke reprint in yellow complete sheet of 50 (10x5) with complete imprint at the base, large margins, a few minor peripheral repaired tears. Sergio Sismondo Certificate (2012). Est $A 300T 403 ** A OFFICIALS: 1882-85 Perf 10 3d yellow-green with Double Overprint One Albino SG O22a block of 4, full unmounted o.g., Cat £520++ (for mounted singles). RPSofV Certificate (2009). [Many such errors are difficult to detect because the two impressions are almost coincident. In this case, there is 3mm horizontal displacement] {Page 66.3} 800T 404 * A B1 - 1890-91 Centennial 5/- Map Perf 12 SG O49b, large-part o.g., Cat £650.{Page 60.10} 200T 405 V A - 3d yellow-green, 5d deep blue-green & 8d yellow each with 'OS' Overprint in Red, concentric-ovals cancels, no gum. {Page 66.4} 500T 406 *W A/A- TELEGRAPH STAMPS: 1871 'ELECTRIC/TELEGRAPHS' 1d to 1/- & 4/- SG T1-4 & 6, unused the 2d & 6d with large-part o.g., Cat £1800. {Page 66.5}(5) 600 407 * A/A- - 1871 'ELECTRIC/TELEGRAPHS' 1d 2d 6d & 1/- SG T1-3 & 7, a few minor imperfections, part- to large-part o.g., Cat £1450. {Page 66.6} 600 408 * A+ - 1871 'ELECTRIC/TELEGRAPHS' 1d & 2d SG T1 & 2, large-part o.g., Cat £375. Superb! 200 NEW SOUTH WALES - Postal History 409 410 C B/C C/CLPS Prestamps comprising 1) 1839 outer to London "p Statesman" with boxed 'INDIA LETTER/LIVERPOOL' h/s; 2) 1845 part-entire to Yorkshire with light but obvious boxed 'PAID AT/MAITLAND' h/s in red & 'MAITLAND' b/s; 3) 1846 outer from the same correspondence "Pr St George"; & 4) 1847 fragile entire to GM Waterhouse in Adelaide with large GPO arrival cds on the face unusually in black; also 1853 cover to Berkshire with Laureates 6d yellow-brown SG 74 with 3½ margins. [George Marsden Waterhouse was a reluctant legislator who nonetheless became Premier of both South Australia & New Zealand, tho not at the same time!] {Page 68.1}(4) 400 Bundle of covers including a few registered, ½d green perf 'OS/NSW' scarce solo franking, five long Merriam Co covers to the USA with frankings to 1/- Kangaroo (3), some fine unused Postal Stationery, range of PPCs including Caves x8 (one a 1d Postal Card - "THE WILLOWS" - for NSW Government Railways unfortunately creased, & three unused), condition variable. {Page 68.2}(75 approx) 400 Lot 411 411 C (B) 1819 entire headed "Parramatta NSWales/12th June 1819" & signed "Geo Tho Palmer" to "Dingle/Ireland" variously rated "2/2", then "3/8" & finally "5/6", light but fine 'SHIP LETTER/[crown]/26OC26/1819/LONDON' transit cds, professionally cleaned & with some archival tape backing. A very early "country" letter, believed to be the earliest recorded letter to the British Isles from outside Sydney. The remarkably quick passage of only 18 weeks is explained by the writer: "This letter goes by a whaler direct to England, which is to sail tomorrow: her name is the Foxhound" and in a postscript "I beg to apologize for the slovenliness of this hasty scrawl. I reside 15 miles from Sydney, and an opportunity offers for sending it, which I am likely to lose but for the haste". 412 C A George Thomas Palmer arrived at Sydney in 1806 as a lieutenant with the 61st Regiment but with permission to settle there. Governor Macquarie held him in high regard. He became a major landholder, establishing "Pemberton Grange" near Parramatta, and was one of the earliest settlers of the Canberra district, taking-up 13,000 acres at Ginninderra. {Page 67.1} 3,500T 1841 (Feb 8) part-entire signed "WH Freeman", to London with largely fine strikes of the octagonal 'PORT/ MACQUARIE/PAID' h/s in red & the ovoid 'PORT MACQUARIE/NEW.S.WALES' d/s, rated "7" - 4d inland, even though carried to Sydney by ship + 3d shipletter - & endorsed "paid 7d" at lower-left, Sydney transit d/s in red on the face, faint boxed 'SHIP LETTER' b/s in black & rated "8" for inwards shipletter, London arrival b/s of 2JY2/1841. {Page 68.3} 450T Page:68 Ex Lot 409 - Four Early Covers Aug 15, 2014 Ex Lot 410 - Gold Among the Dross Lot 412 - Port Macquarie Pre-Stamp Lot 413 - Rare Boxed 'FREE' Handstamp Lot 414 - to Tattersalls in Brisbane Lot 416 - Boer War Survivor Lot 417 - Excellent Marine Post Usage Lot 418 - First Example We Have Seen Aug 15, 2014 Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Page:69 NEW SOUTH WALES - Postal History (continued) Lot Type Grading Description 413 C 414 C B A Est $A 1848 OHMS outer with boxed 'FREE' h/s in oxidised red, '[crown]/GENERAL POST OFFICE/MY*30/1848/SYDNEY' b/s. [The 'FREE' h/s may have been used at the GPO. However, the address states "Sydney", which was not usually written on town letters so our belief is that it originated in an outlying town]{Page 68.4} 150T 1895 cover to Tattersalls in Brisbane with 2d Emu tied by Cobar duplex, contained coins so officially registered with straight-line 'MORE TO PAY ("D6/or")' handstamp, 'REGISTERED/BRISBANE' arrival b/s. From the short period before George Adams relocated his Tattersalls Sweepstakes to Sydney & then to Hobart. {Page 68.5} 250 Lot 415 415 C B 1898 sailor's letter to Lincolnshire endorsed "From A Sherriff ERA [= Engine Room Artificer] HMS Mohawk Australia" and countersigned at lower-left as required by the Regulations, 1d Arms tied by Sydney duplex, very fine 'GRIMSBY' arrival b/s, minor blemishes. A very rare item this late in the Colonial Period. [With the letter headed "HMS Mohawk/Sydney/Australia" & signed "Alf Sherriff" who states "Australia is a very expensive place. I would never advise anyone to come out here...There are no fortunes to be made in Australia now...we expect to proceed to China at once in the event of War being declared..."] {Page 69.1} 1,000 416 C B 1900 plain wrapper to "JP McGlinn/Adjutant & Quartermaster/New South Wales Mounted Infantry/South Africa" with 1d Arms tied by Newcastle cds, minor soiling. Rare inwards item. [Mail TO war zones is always much scarcer than mail from the conflict. It is all the more remarkable that a humble wrapper should have survived. In fact, this is the only such item from Australia to the Boer War that we have seen] {Page 68.6} 500 417 PS A- 1901 (Sep 1) usage of NSW 1d Postal Card "TOWN HALL SYDNEY" to California, posted aboard ship with terrific combination of New Zealand markings '1'-in-bars cancel, 'NZ/MARINE PO/7SP01' cds and double-boxed 'PACKETBOAT.' handstamp, also cancelled with San Francisco machine cancel & twice readdressed. {Page 68.7} 500 1904 cover to Tatts in Hobart with 1d pair & 3d tied by Sydney duplex, endorsed "OR" & with a very fine strike of the very rare 'OFFICIALLY REGISTERED/SYDNEY/NO 4 04/6D TO PAY' datestamp - the first example we have seen with '6D TO PAY' highlighted in the same red pencil used to draw the registration lines. A very desirable item for the postage due, registration, or Tattersalls collector. {Page 68.8} 250 418 C (A-) 419 C A 1905 OHMS wrapper with complete Government Printing Office address label, to Switzerland with 1d perf 'OS/NSW' tied by poor Sydney cds. The printed matter rate was 1d per 2oz. 150 420 C/L B LORD HOWE ISLAND: 1904 commercial cover to Sydney "per SS Tambo" with 2d tied by 'LHI'-in-bars & very fine 'LORD HOWE ISLAND/NSW' cds alongside, minor faults & repaired at upper-left. [With the enclosed social letter headed "The Pines". Another cover & letter from the same correspondence sold in our auction of 2/5/2014 for $529] {Page 70.1}(2 items) 350T NEW SOUTH WALES - Postmarks 421 PS B B1- Homebush Bay Abattoirs: 'HOMEBUSH BAY ABATTOIRS/9SE21/=NSW=' cds largely fine strike on Star 2d orange OHMS window envelope with 'METROPOLITAN MEAT/INDUSTRY BOARD/HOMEBUSH BAY' imprint at upper-left. PO 19/4/1915; closed 31/12/1932. [The main stadium for the 2000 Olympics was built on this site] 100T 422 C B A2 Junction Shaft: 'JUNCTION SHAFT/[crown]/N.S.W.' mailbag seal largely fine to very fine strike on c.1955 OHMS cover. The only such item noted from the Snowy Mountains Scheme. PO 6/6/1955; closed 30/5/1959. {Page 70.2} 100 423 S B A1 NUMERALS: First Type (Rays) '259' of Merrendee/Merindee very fine strike across Perf Diadems 3d pair (minor toning). Rated RRRR. PO 1/7/1859; spelling changed c.1863. 100 424 PS B B1 TRAVELLING POST OFFICES: Untidy strike of the undated circular 'G.N.R.P/N.S.W' h/s on QV 1d Postal Card with very fine double-lined 'G.N.R.P/N.S.W' cds at left, minor blemishes and creasing. 75 Our Buyer's Premium added to the Hammer Price is still only 15% Page:70 Ex Lot 420 - Early Lord Howe Island Aug 15, 2014 Lot 422 - Snowy Mountains Scheme Seal Lot 425 - Envelope Essay Lot 427 - Stamped To Order Lot 429 - Die Proof for Wrapper Lot 439 - SG 17 Ex Lot 431 Ex Lot 446 - Charity Group Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Aug 15, 2014 Lot Page:71 Type Grading Description Est $A NEW SOUTH WALES - Postal Stationery 425 E A Embossed 1d in dull rose-red on an envelope with unusual italicised 'Specimen.' handstamp below the impression. Rare & most desirable essay. [Superior to John Bell's example that sold at our auction of 8/5/2013 for $1495. The 1d was never used for Envelopes. In 1865 it was adopted for the first issue of Wrappers] {Page 70.3} 426 PS A+ POSTAL CARDS: 1908 Visit of the American Fleet 1d, unused. Superb! 427 PS A POSTAL CARDS - STO: 1910 usage of 1d Arms Die II postcard with 'OHMS' Heading for the Registrar-General, Sydney machine cancel & 'BUNNAN' arrival cds. Rare.{Page 70.4} 250 428 PS A ENVELOPES - STO: 1900 local usage of ½d grey with United Steam Ship Co imprint on the flap, unsealed as required for printed matter. 75 429 P A WRAPPERS: 1892 ½d die proof in yellow-orange on cream wove paper (115x143mm). Ex "Carrington" (Mark Dankin). {Page 70.5} 350 1,500 50 QUEENSLAND Ex Lot 430 430 431 W* O Handy range including a few Small Chalons, Sidefaces to 2/- brown & 2/- turquoise, Large Chalons Crown/Q group to £1 plus Crown/A 2/6d x2 5/- 10/- & £1, etc, a few have no gum &/or may have been cleaned. Inspection recommended. {Page 71.1}(75) 750 Fairly basic collection with a useful range of Small Chalons, Large Chalons to £1, Charity 2d commercially used (very scarce), Revenues to £300, etc, condition variable. {Page 70.6}(few 100) 300T Lot 432 Lot 434 Lot 433 Lot 435 432 F A 1860 Imperforate 6d green SG 3, good even margins with complete outer framelines, good colour, light Rays cancel, Cat £800. An unusually fine example. {Page 71.2} 700 433 W A- 1860 Clean-Cut Perf 14-16 6d green SG 6, tiny blemishes, unused, Cat £850. RPSofV Certificate (2011). {Page 71.3} 240T 434 W A 1860-61 Small Star Watermark Clean-Cur Perf 14-16 3d brown SG 8, unused, Cat £700. [Bernie Manning's unused example with part-o.g. sold at our auction of 12/5/2007 for $1035. Manning's census recorded a mere 6 unused singles - one in the Royal Collection - and a pair] {Page 71.4} 750T - Clean-Cut Perf 14 at Somerset House 1d carmine-rose SG 12, attractive shade, unused, Cat £325. {Page 71.5} 200T 435 W 436 O A Ex Lot 436 1860-78 Chalons selection of horizontal multiples comprising 1d SG 14 pair, 2d SG 15 pair & a strip of 3 on piece, 1d SG 50 strip of 3, 1d SG 51 two strips of 3 in different shades, 2d SG 60 strip of 4, 2d SG 62 strip of 3, 3d SG 65 & 66 strips of 3, 3d SG 67 pair, 6d SG 91 strip of 3, and 1d SG 94 & 97 strips of 3, a few minor problems but generally lightly/neatly cancelled and fine to very fine, STC £800++. A very scarce & desirable group. {Page 71.6}(14 items) 500T Page:72 Ex Lot 445 - Proofs x7 Lot 440 - Extract Ex Lot 449 - Proofs Lot 450 - Moreton Bay Transit Aug 15, 2014 Lot 447 - Proof Ex Lot 448 - Proofs Lot 455 - to North Borneo Ex Lot 457 - Mount Morgan Gold Mining Co Envelopes x3 Lot 482 - 1888 SA 'RAILWAY' Cover Lot 484 - Scarce Franking Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Aug 15, 2014 Page:73 QUEENSLAND (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A Lot 437 437 *W A 1860-61 Small Star Watermark Rough Perf 14-16 1d carmine-rose to 1/- violet plus 'REGISTERED' (6d) orange-yellow SG 14-20, unused mostly with part- to large-part o.g., Cat £1880. A very scarce, colourful and desirable group, rarely (if ever) offered as a set. {Page 73.1} 1,250T 438 W A - Rough Perf 14-16 1d carmine-rose SG 14 block of 4, good colour & well centred, unused, Cat £400+. 300T 439 * A - Rough Perf 14-16 6d green SG 17, large-part o.g., Cat £450. {Page 70.7} 300T 440 O B 1862-67 No Watermark Perf 13 6d yellow-green with Line through Design at Right SG 27b, smudged cancel largely clear of the variety, perfs stained by the gum, on 1866 cover from 'YAMBA' to England with Rockhampton & Brisbane transit & 'LEEDS' arrival b/s, vertical fold at left of the cover. A rare franking. [Alan Griffiths' similar but very fine example on cover sold for £600]{Page 72.1} 600T 1868-78 Crown/Q Perf 12 6d apple-green SG 107 block of 6 (3x2), lovely shade, four clear strikes of Rays '49' (rated RRRR) of Canal Creek (Ten Mile Rush). A rare & delightful item for the traditional collector, postmark buff, or goldmining enthusiast. {Page 66.9} 250T 1880 Lithographed High Values 2/6d dull scarlet & 20/- rose SG 121 & 127, minor imperfections, large-part o.g., Cat £1650. {Page 66.10} 750T 441 442 F * A A- Lot 443 443 444 445 P O P B A/B A 1882-95 Large Chalons master die proof with blank value tablets below the Queen's portrait & in the four corners, in black on thin card (40x46mm), insignificant residue in each of the corners suggests that value indicators may have been affixed & subsequently removed, faint wrinkling at right just intrudes on the design, a little soiled though Bradbury Wilkinson did utilise an off-white stock on which to strike their die proofs Ex Bradbury Wilkinson Archives, Gill (1959) and Alan Griffiths. [This most beautiful of all Australian Colonial designs was engraved by Herbert Bourne. Bernie Manning's similar master die proof in a recessed mount - a few tonespots on the design - sold at our auction of 13/6/2009 for $14,950] {Page 73.2} 10,000T 1897-1908 Four Corners 4d yellow perf 'OS' BW #Q28b with Inverted Perfin, four examples - one with rounded corner - all untidily cancelled & all apparently from the same article. Unrecorded in the ACSC. [We expect this error long lay unrecognised because it's very difficult to see the stamp design & which way is up!] (4) 200T 1900 Charity 1d imperforate plate proofs on ungummed watermarked paper, in blue, shades of green x3, violet & shades of carmine x2, full margins. Very attractive. {Page 72.2}(7) 800 Page:74 Aug 15, 2014 QUEENSLAND (continued) Lot Type Grading Description 446 *OV A/B - 1d mint, commercially used & CTO with large-part o.g. x2, and 2d mint x2 (one with aged gum) & commercially used (very scarce thus), Cat £1400+. {Page 70.10}(7) 500 447 P A RAILWAY STAMPS: 1872 Southern & Western Railway 1/- imperforate plate proof in blue on thin card, margins good to large, magenta pen-cancel across the face. See Elsmore's footnote below #QR2: rated RRRR. [Ray Kelly's similar proof - stained on the reverse - sold for $977 at our auction of 1/12/2007] {Page 72.3} 1,000T PRIVATE RAILWAYS: 1918 'MAROOCHY SHIRE COUNCIL/BUDERIM TRAMWAY' 1d scarlet, 3d blue-green & 6d light blue imperforate plate proofs in the issued colours on thin wove paper Elsmore #ST21-23, margins good to large. Rated RRRR. {Page 72.4}(3) 300T - 1918 'MAROOCHY SHIRE COUNCIL/MAPLETON TRAMWAY' 1d indigo, 3d scarlet & 6d pale emerald imperforate plate proofs in the issued colours on thin wove paper Elsmore #ST33-35, margins good to large. Rated RRRR. {Page 72.5}(3) 300T 448 449 P P A A Est $A QUEENSLAND - Postal History 450 C A- 1849 small envelope to "Gara/Sydney" endorsed on the flap "favored By Mr Frederick Manger" & rated "7" in black, very fine 'SHIP LETTER/[crown]/NO*23/1849/SYDNEY' and largely fine to very fine strike of the scarce oval 'BRISBANE/[crown]/DE*2/1849/NEW.S.WALES' datestamp. [At first glance this would appear to be from Brisbane to Sydney. However, the Brisbane d/s is 10 days later than the Sydney b/s, indicating that the letter arrived at Sydney by ship, probably from one of the Pacific Islands. "Gara" was a pastoral station in New England & it appears that the letter was forwarded via Brisbane, rather than overland from Sydney, Newcastle or Port Macquarie to Armidale. This is the only cover we can recall having transited the Moreton Bay District] {Page 72.6} 850T 451 C B 1863 part-entire to Sydney with Rough Perf 14-16 6d deep green SG 17 tied by faint Rays cancel of 'CONDAMINE' (fair b/s), very fine Brisbane transit & 'SHIP-LETTER/=SYDNEY=' arrival b/s, a little aged. 150T 452 C A- 1875 cover with embossed '[crown]/PARLIAMENT OF QUEENSLAND/LIBRARY' on the flap, to Norfolk "Via Brindisi" with attractive franking of 3d brown & 6d yellow-green - both rich shades - tied by 'Q.L'-in-Rays cancels, light 'BRISBANE' cds alongside, part of the flap missing. 250 Lot 453 453 454 455 456 457 458 C B CL PS C PS PS A- B B C 1883 linen parcel tag to Staffordshire with Lined Background 1d pale red two pairs & 6d green x2, 'REGISTERED/ MACKAY' handstamps & 'MACKAY/OC11/83/QUEENSLAND' cds, oval 'REGISTERED/ XD / 7DE83/LONDON' transit d/s in red on the face & superb 'STAFFORD STATION' arrival b/s, ironed-out creases. A very rare survivor. Ex Alan Griffiths. [The rate was 2d per 2oz x6 for a packet weighing between 10oz & 12oz + 4d registration] {Page 74.1} 750 1890 stampless OHMS 'RETURNED UNCLAIMED LETTER' Envelope with 'DEAD LETTER BRANCH' imprint at lower-left & largely superb 'DEAD LETTER OFFICE/[crown]/QUEENSLAND' impressed in red wax on the flap, horizontal bend & minor blemishes. Rare. Ex Alan Griffiths. [This seal is the first we recall having seen] 100 1893 usage of ½d Wrapper uprated with ½d of the same design, to 'Editor/Herald/North Borneo', 'WELTEVREDEN' & 'BATAVIA' transit b/s but sadly no North Borneo arrival marking, minor opening damage on the reverse. A rather exotic destination, unusually carried - presumably by a Dutch vessel - via Java, instead of the more usual routing via Singapore. {Page 72.7} 250 1912 advertising lettersheet printed in blue on thin greenish card for WH Paling & Co player-pianos, with photo on reverse of their premises & a pre-paid postcard for reply rouletted for easy removal (this has been re-attached using archival tape), a bit soiled on face. Marvellous item. Ex Ray Kelly. 200T POSTAL STATIONERY: Envelopes Stamped to Order with 'MOUNT MORGAN/GOLD MINING COMPANY' embossed in blue on the flaps 1) Void Background 1d vermilion size 192x126mm with 'PRINTED MATTER ONLY' at upper-left, to London in 1896, central fold; 2) Four Corners 1d red (+ 1d adhesive) size 280x121mm with 'PRINTED MATTER ONLY' at upper-left, to Glasgow, central fold; & 3) Four Corners 2d blue to Toowoomba; minor soiling. A rare trio: the larger envelopes are especially elusive. {Page 72.8}(3) 450 THURSDAY ISLAND: 1893 usage of 1½d Postal Card to Japan addressed in English & Japanese with lengthy message in Japanese, 'THURSDAY ISLAND' cds, Hong Kong transit, part-'OSAKA/MEIJI 26' arrival cds & Japanese-l anguage postmark in red, ironed-out horizontal fold & overall soiling/aging. The letter is from a pearl fisher who describes his journey from Japan, the climate & the customs on Thursday Island. 200T Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Aug 15, 2014 Lot Page:75 Type Grading Description Est $A SOUTH AUSTRALIA Ex Lot 459 459 460 W*/** O Attractive collection with Roulettes 1d, 4d, 'TEN PENCE' in Black on 9d orange & 2/-, better perforated issues to 2/including '3-PENCE' in Black on 4d single & pair (a very scarce multiple) & '8 PENCE' on 9d x4, a few blocks including 9d & 2/-, De La Rue issues including 'POSTAGE & REVENUE' Perf 11½-12½ 2/6d both shades, 5/- both shades & 10/- x2, Thin 'POSTAGE' set, Thick 'POSTAGE' to 5/- x3 including 9d with the Watermark Inverted pair & 2/6d pairs x5 shades including the very scarce deep purple plus blocks of 4 of the 3d x3 4d & 9d, etc, generally fine to very fine with some units unmounted. {Page 75.1}(180+) 1,500 Neat mostly used collection from Second Roulettes with lots of attractive stamps, better items including early Surcharges, an enormous marginal 6d Imperf at Top, P&R 2/6d mint, Thin 'POSTAGE' 2/6d mint pair, Thick 'POSTAGE' to 5/-, etc, generally fine to very fine. Inspection recommended. {Page 76.1}(Qty) 1,000T Ex Lot 461 461 V/G A/A- 1855 London Printings 1d dark green SG 1 group of five singles and four horizontal pairs (one with a very minor thin), margins just touched - on a few units only - to large, three with fragments of adjoining units, Cat £6000++. A remarkably fine and attractive group. Ex Michael Haden.{Page 75.2}(13) 2,000 462 G A - 1d dark green SG 1, margins close to huge with a chunk of the adjoining unit at left, '1' cancel of Port Adelaide, Cat £475. An unusually large example. Ex Michael Haden.{Page 76.2} 350 463 W A- - 2d rose-carmine SG 2, good even margins, faint bend, unused, undercatalogued at £600. Chris Ceremuga Certificate (2009). [Michael Blake's single with part-o.g. sold for $1840] {Page 76.3} 750T 464 F A+ - 2d rose-carmine SG 2 horizontal strip of 3, margins good to huge with a chunk of the adjoining unit at right, light '25' cancels of Gawler, Cat £240+. An unusually fine multiple. Ex Michael Haden.{Page 76.4} 200 Lot 465 465 O A/B - 2d rose-carmine SG 2 horizontal strip of 6, remarkably with virtually full margins except at the base of the second unit where cut-into, circle-in-bars cancels of the GPO, Cat £480++. [Harry Lower's strip of 7 sold at our auction of 12/5/2007 for $1725] {Page 75.3} 600T Page:76 Ex Lot 460 Lot 462 - SG 1 Lot 464 - SG 2 Superb Strip Lot 467 - Colourful Franking Aug 15, 2014 Lot 463 - SG 2 Lot 468 - SG 5 Lot 466 - 1/- Proof Lot 471 - SG 9 Lot 475 - Double Print Lot 473 - Lovely 1/- Pair Lot 469 - SG 6 Pair Rare Multiple on Piece Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Aug 15, 2014 Page:77 SOUTH AUSTRALIA (continued) Lot Type Grading Description 466 P A - 1/- posthumous plate proof in green, margins just touching - at lower-left - to good. Rare. [These proofs were struck in five colours in 1905. Apart from the set in the Royal Collection, only one of each colour exists] {Page 76.5} Est $A 1,250T 467 G B 1856-58 Adelaide Printings 1d deep yellow-green SG 5, 2d red SG 9 horizontal pair, & London Printing 6d blue, all with large margins except where cut-into on one side (in the case of the 1d, the deficiency being obscured by overlapping from the 2d pair), Cat £790+. Very pretty. {Page 76.6} 500T 468 F A - 1d deep yellow-green SG 5, margins close to good, 'PAID/ADELAIDE GPO' cds in blue, Cat £550. Ex Michael Haden.{Page 76.7} 200 469 G B - 1d yellow-green SG 6 pair (a rare multiple; both units slightly cut-into on one side) & an unusually large 2d red SG 9 with fragments of adjoining units on two sides on piece, Cat £1340++.Ex Consul Weinberg.{Page 76.8} 750T 470 O - 2d shades on stockcards including deep blood-red SG 8 x2, five pairs (one with Pre-Printing Paper Fold, another with Flaw on First 'E' of 'PENCE'), four strips of 3 (one a Dry Print) & a strip of 4 (one unit with a small tear), most have full margins, condition a bit variable but generally very fine. Ex Michael Haden. {Page 78.1}(72) 750 471 W - 2d pale red SG 9, margins close to good, unused, Cat £675. Chris Ceremuga Certificate (2013). {Page 76.10} 500T A Lot 472 472 G A/B - 2d red (a huge stamp with part of the adjoining unit at base, scissor-cut at left) & 1/- orange pair (margins just clear to good except at left where the design is just shaved, this being obscured by the 2d), and London Printing 1d green SG 1 (3½ margins, slightly cut-into at right), on piece to England (b/s), Cat £1400+. Colourful and desirable Two Issue franking. {Page 77.1} 1,250T 473 F A - 1/- orange SG 12 horizontal pair, margins close to large, 'PAID/ADELAIDE SA' cds in blue, Cat £900+. A scarce & unusually fine multiple of this stamp. Ex Michael Haden. [Michael Blake's very fine strip of 3 sold at our auction of 7/2/2014 for $2990] {Page 76.11} 600 474 F A 1860-69 Second Rouletted Issue 'TEN PENCE' on 9d orange-red SG 35 horizontal pair, GPO cds, Cat £90+. Scarce multiple. {Page 78.3} 200T 475 G A 1870-71 Perf 10 6d bright blue as SG 96 but with a Pronounced Double Print (Two Queens), an unusually wide & square stamp, GPO duplex cancel. BPA Certificate (1955). [Soem years ago, Gibbons deleted all South Australian Double Prints on the basis that they were merely "Kiss Prints". This stamp appears to have passed through the printing process twice] {Page 76.13} 400 476 */** A/A- 1906-12 Crown/A 3d block of 10 (5x2), 4d block of 14 (7x2), 8d block of 15 (5x3) & 1/- block of 12 (6x2), a few minor bends, most units unmounted, Cat $1000++ (minimum) for mounted. Scarce multiples. {Page 80.1}(4 blocks) 400 477 * A B1 - 2/6d bright violet BW #S61 (SG 304) horizontal strip of 6, well centred, Cat $600+ (£390+). A rare multiple. {Page 78.5} 600T 478 O A- B1 REVENUES: 1886-96 'POSTAGE & REVENUE' Perf 11½-12½ £3 sage-green, neat manuscript cancel & rare thus. [Most of the pen-cancelled high values were cleaned & had fake cancels applied] {Page 78.2} 350T SOUTH AUSTRALIA - Postal History 479 480 481 482 C C C C B B A- B 1849 (Nov 26) Australian Mining Company entire headed "London" to Adelaide "pr Strath Eden" amended to "Statesman" with a very fine strike of the very scarce 'JB WILCOCKS/AGENT FOR GOVERNMENT/EMIGRATION/ PLYMOUTH' forwarding agent's h/s, GPO arrival cds & rated "6" for an incoming shipletter, ironed-out horizontal filing fold. [Carried privately & placed into the mails upon arrival. The addressee was the prominent but parsimonious Quaker landowner Jacob Hagen who arrived in 1839. Hagen was the largest buyer of government debentures & became the Colony's largest creditor. A similar entire with only a light strike of the handstamp sold for $437 at our auction of 23/9/2011] 350T 1852 stampless cover from England per "Duke of Cornwallis/To be forwarded by first direct vessel" with 'BIRMINGHAM' cds in blue & 'SHIP LETTER/[crown]/=LONDON=' cds in red, 'GPO/SOUTH AUSTRALIA' arrival cds in black, rated "8" in red & "6" in black payable by the addressee. 180T 1868 small cover with Rouletted 2d tied by 'ANGASTON' cds, to Little Hampton but endorsed "Missent to Kapunda" with 'P-O/ AP27/68/RAILWAY' transit & 'KAPUNDA' arrival backstamp, re-sent & with partial 'LITTLE-HAMPTON/ AP30/68/SA' arrival b/s. 250 1888 cover to "Pekina" with 4d dull purple SG 138 + De La Rue 2d orange tied by 'KADINA/FE8/88/S-A' squared-circle, straight-line 'REGISTERED NO' h/s, 'KADINA RAILWAY' & 'LAURA' squared-circle b/s along with sensational 'RAILWAY/ 3 /FE8/88/S-A' cds & very fine 'MELROSE' cds. Oddly, there is no Pekina arrival b/s despite the PO having opened in 1870. Ex Michael Blake.{Page 72.9} 300T Page:78 Ex Lot 470 - Adelaide Printings 2d x72 Aug 15, 2014 Lot 478 Lot 474 - SG 35 Pair Lot 485 - 1887 'PINE CREEK' (Northern Territory) Lot 477 - 2/6d Bright Violet Very Scarce Multiple Ex Lot 500 - Reprinted Die Proofs x3 Lot 504 - SG 41 Genuine Usage Aug 15, 2014 Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Page:79 SOUTH AUSTRALIA - Postal History (continued) Lot Type Grading Description 483 C Est $A Lot 483 484 485 C C A- B B 1899 Australasian Implement Company advertising envelope with illustrations in red of a horse-drawn seed-drill on the face & of living room furniture on the reverse, double-rate to the USA with 1d & 2d pair tied by Adelaide duplex, 'MACEDON/NY' arrival b/s, a couple of very minor blemishes. {Page 79.1} 400 1903 OHMS cover with Attorney-General's imprint at lower-left, to Connecticut with Thin 'POSTAGE' 6d + Third Type 'O.S.' Overprint on 2d tied by Adlaide cds, adhesions/abrasions on the reverse. Unusual franking. [We expect that registration was intended: 2½d x2 + 3d = 8d] {Page 72.10} 400T NORTHERN TERRITORY: 1887 Macartney cover to "Waverley/Broad Sound/Queensland" with SA 2d orange tied by light but discernible strike of 'PINE CREEK/JA9/88/SA' cds, another better strike on the reverse also with 'SOUTHPORT/JA11/78/SA' cds (rated RR) & 'PORT DARWIN NT/JA15/98/SA' squared-circle, carried by sea to Brisbane (b/s), 'ROCKHAMPTON' transit & 'MARLBOROUGH' arrival b/s of FE8/88, docketed on the face "Arthur written from the Katherine Spring Vale on Christmas Day 1887". [This must be one of the earliest recorded covers from Katherine. TO established 1872; PO opened 1883. Presumably the writer was travelling & Pine Creek was his next stop] {Page 78.4} 350 Ex Lot 486 486 487 C C B/A- B Lot 487 - 1907 real photo family PPC with message headed "Daly River/28.11.07" & 1d tied by largely fine 'BROCK'S CREEK/S.A' squared-circle of 6 days later; and 1911 PPC "Carrying Water Out to the Boats" (Thursday Island?) with Qld 1d tied by 'PT DARWIN/S-A' squared-circle. Nice pair. [There was no post office at Daly River until 1949. While unusual, interstate usage of the various State stamps was allowable from 13/10/1910] {Page 79.2}(2) 300T - c.1912 stampless NZ PPC ("Maori Family") to "B Tennant Esq/Batchelor's Experimental Farm/Northern Territory/ Queensland" (!) with NZ 'TO PAY/1d' h/s, redirected to "c/- Dr Huxtable/Ch Towers" (= Charters Towers Qld), corner bend. A terrific destination and social history item. [In 1911, the Commonwealth accepted responsibility from South Australia for the Territory. Walter Campbell, a retired NSW government agriculturalist, was engaged to report on agricultural prospects & recommended establishing three experimental farms, one at Batchelor. Less than three years later, the government moved to shut down the farms at Batchelor and Daly River because of mismanagement and the fraudulent inducements offered people to settle in the Top End's fanciful "Garden of Eden"] {Page 79.3} 250 SOUTH AUSTRALIA - Postal Stationery 488 PS A/B POSTAL CARDS: Varieties comprising Official Postal Cards 1d violet with 'O.S' Joined & 1d brown with 'O'S' Reversed both unused; and Official Wrappers ½d violet with with Defective 'O' in 'O.S.', with Tiny Stop after 'O.' and with Missing Stop after 'O ', all used.(5) 75 489 PS A/B - 1908 Adelaide Printings (Stop after 'AUSTRALIA') "PRINCE ALFRED COLLEGE" in crimson (surfaced back, very fine), "SAVINGS BANK" in orange-brown & in greenish black, "STACK OF WHEAT" in purple-black with surfaced back, "WOOL CARTING" in greenish blue (discolouration at right); and Melbourne Printings (No Stop after 'AUSTRALIA ') "CLARENDON" in claret (surfaced back, very fine); a few minor blemishes, unused. (6) 300 490 PS A - 1908 1d for the Visit of the US Fleet HG 9, unused. [Only 4500 were sold] 100T Page:80 Aug 15, 2014 Lot 494 - SG 3 Lot 533 - SG 3 Ex Lot 476 - Crown/A 3d 4d 8d and 1/- Blocks Ex Lot 492 Lot 540 - Retouch Lot 497 - SG 10 Pair Lot 498 - SG 11 Pair Lot 514 - Crown/A Imperforate Pair Aug 15, 2014 Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Page:81 SOUTH AUSTRALIA - Postal Stationery (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A Lot 491 491 PS C POSTAL CARDS - OFFICIAL: 1901 1d(+1d) pink overprinted 'O S' & 'CENSUS, 1901' Message-Half with printed advice on the reverse, to Kapunda with GPO duplex of MR29/01, a bit soiled & some damage on the reverse. A very rare, historically/socially important and desirable item. The Commonwealth of Australia was proclaimed on 1/1/1901. One of the first priorities of the new Federal Government was to conduct the first nationwide census. On 31st March, an army of local collectors assessed that there were 3,773,801 people in the entire continent, excluding the indigenous population. Section 127 of the Federal Constitution stated "In reckoning the numbers of the people of the Commonwealth...aboriginal natives shall not be counted." However, at least in NSW, Aborigines were recorded (if not "counted"). In this early CofA period, the States retained responsibility for aboriginal affairs. {Page 81.1} 1,000T TASMANIA 492 W*O Useful unused/mint range with some cleaned Chalons including Imperf 2d strip of 6, Tablets to 10/- x3 & £1 plus Crown/A 10/-, 1899-1900 Pictorials x2 sets etc, condition variable. {Page 80.2}(88) 500 493 *O Largely annotated collection of Sidefaces with some mint material including 10d x25, lots of watermark varieties, imperf 1d (used) & 10d (mint) singles, lots of Surcharges including 'd./2½' on 9d mint block of 6 with Current Number '50' & corner block of 24, etc, also some 'REVENUE' Overprints on Platypus 1d & 3d including some varieties, generally very fine. (300+) 500T 1853 Couriers Thin Hard Paper with Engraving Lines Blurred 1d pale blue SG 3, margins good to large with full outer framelines, bold BN '60' of Hobart, Cat £1300. Ex Michael Haden. {Page 80.3} 600 494 G A Ex Lot 495 495 O A/B - 4d orange range of shades from both plates, all with full margins - a few are close in places - including a couple of unusually large examples, a couple are a bit aged but the others are generally very fine, various numeral cancellations including a few very fine strikes, Cat £7000+ minimum An extraordinary opportunity. Ex Michael Haden.{Page 81.2}(19) Overseas clients pay no Australian Goods & Services Tax (GST). 2,000 Page:82 Aug 15, 2014 TASMANIA (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A Lot 496 496 G/F A - Plate II 4d SG 10, SG 11 x2 & SG 12, all with full margins, Cat £1500 minimum. Ex Michael Haden. Ceremuga, Holcombe, BPA & Holcombe Certificates respectively. A very desirable foursome. {Page 82.1} 497 O A- - Plate II 4d orange SG 10 horizontal pair [2-3], margins just touching - at top - to large, fair BN '64' cancels, Cat £850+. {Page 80.4} 400T 498 G/H A - Plate II 4d dull orange SG 11 horizontal pair [14-15], margins close to good, First Allocation Barred Numeral '68' cancels, Cat £750+. RPSofL Certificate (1991). {Page 80.5} 500 499 H A - the imprints 'Printed by H&C Best' - a little shaved - from the lower-left of the plate on Plate II 4d dull orange SG 11 and 'CW Coard Sc' from the lower-right of the plate on a gorgeous Plate I 4d bright red-orange SG 7, both with full margins (rare thus), untidy numeral cancellations, Cat £1325+ A very desirable couple. Ex Michael Haden.{Page 82.2} 750 500 P A 1855-70 Chalons three different reprinted undenominated die proofs in carmine & in purple on cream paper (both with horizontal lines in the value tablet) & in black on bluish paper. Attractive. [These are much scarcer than the similar reprinted proofs on thin card] {Page 78.6}(3) 600T 1855 Chalons Wmk Large Star 1d carmine (3½ margins, with fragments of adjoining units at top & right), 2d green (margins just clear to good) & 4d blue (margins close to good) SG 14 16 & 18, Cat £1370.{Page 84.1} 300T 1,000 Lot 499 501 O A/B Lot 502 502 F A/A- Lot 505 - 1d carmine SG 14 horizontal strip of 3, margins close to large except where just touching at the base of the second & third units, light numeral cancels, Cat £2400+. A rare & attractive multiple. Ex Gene Tinsley & David Cohen. RPSofL Certificate (1991).{Page 82.3} 2,500T 503 * A/A- 1857-69 Numeral Watermark 1d pale brick-red SG 27 horizontal strip of 3, margins close to good, the last unit with a minor (pre-printing?) crease, large-part o.g., Cat £1050+ {Page 84.2} 600T 504 G A/A- 1858 'TASMANIA' 1/- vermilion SG 41 block of 4, full margins, a couple of very minor defects, bars cancels of Hobart, Cat £300++. A rare & very attractive used multiple. {Page 78.7} 400T Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Aug 15, 2014 Page:83 TASMANIA (continued) Lot Type Grading Description 505 F A 1863-71 Private & Experimental Separations Pin-Perf 13½-14½ 6d grey-violet SG 116, a few aberrant perfs but unusually well centred, light BN cancel, Cat £1100. A very rare stamp.{Page 82.4} Est $A 750T 506 O B 1871-91 Perforated by the Post Office Perf 11½ 1/- orange-red SG 141 horizontal pair & strip of 4 (a rare multiple) plus Sideface 8d SG 158 on piece from a packet with Launceston duplex cancels, overall minor aging, Cat £400+. {Page 84.3} 400T Ex Lot 509 Lot 507 Lot 508 507 * A A1 1886 Provisionals Colonial Keyplate with Blank Tablet in purple on Wmk 'TAS' paper & overprinted 'TASMANIA/ POSTAGE & REVENUE/TWO SHILLINGS/AND SIXPENCE' marginal example from the right of the left-hand pane, exceptional centring, large-part o.g. Unissued. [The Colonial Agents requisitioned 2/6d & 10/- stamps from De La Rue. However, in 1882 Tasmania had authorised postal use of revenue stamps printed in the Colony. Hobart advised the Crown Agents of this fact & advised that the proposed stamps would be "useless". However, London knows best so they were printed and despatched but they were never issued: see Eaton at pages 431-436] {Page 83.1} 600 508 E A 1892-99 Tablets De La Rue imperforate 'IMPERIUM' essay 6d in brown & violet with 'TASMANIA' hand-painted in China white. Delightful! Ex David Cohen: sold for £2232 (= $A5580 at the time) at auction in 2007. {Page 83.2} 4,000T 509 ** A/A- - ½d to £1 SG 216-225, 5/- with pulled corner perf at upper-left, the 5d is very lightly mounted otherwise all unmounted, Cat £750+ (mounted). {Page 83.3}(10) 500 Ex Lot 510 510 P 511 W 512 */** 513 F 514 * A 1899-1900 De La Rue Pictorials ½d to 6d imperforate plate proofs in the issued colours on ungummed watermarked paper being matching marginal pairs from the top (horizontal designs) or right (vertical designs, with half-cross only) with perforating guideline '+' in the margins. A delightful set. {Page 83.4}(8 pairs) 4,000T - ½d green SG 229 sheet of 60 with retaining screw marks at three corners, a few blemishes, no gum, Cat £500++. 125 1899-1900 Pictorials 4d 5d & 6d SG 234-6 blocks of 8 & Crown/A 3d SG 253 block of 8, some faults but of fine appearance with many units unmounted, Cat £400+ as mounted singles. (4 blocks) 250 A 1902-04 Electrotyped 1d red two examples in different shades with early & advanced states of the famous Volcano Flaw to U/R of Mount Wellington BW #T10da, superb 'COPPING' or fine 'SWANSEA' cds, Cat $300. (2) 150 A 1905-11 Crown/A Typo 1d rose Imperforate Pair BW #T14b (SG 250f) upper-left corner pair, margins large to enormous, large-part o.g., undercatalogued at $600 (£600). [The ACSC states that a complete sheet of 60 was sold in 1908. The recorded pieces surviving are six blocks of 4, two used pairs, and no more than 16 mint pairs of which this is stated to be the finest] {Page 80.9} 1,250T A-/B 515 * A C1 1905-11 Crown/A Electrotyped 6d dull carmine-red Perf 12½ 'JBC' Monogram single BW #T60zc from the right of the sheet, very lightly mounted, undercatalogued at $200. Very scarce. {Page 84.4} 200T 516 * A- B1 1912 Surcharge 'ONE PENNY' on 2d violet with the Watermark Sideways (Reversed) horizontal pair, disturbed gum. Unlisted in the ACSC. 100T This is not an on-line auction: there is no advantage to you in leaving your bids to the last minute Page:84 Lot 501 - Star Watermark Set Lot 503 - SG 27 with Large-Part O.G. Aug 15, 2014 Lot 515 - Top Value Tas Monogram Lot 539 - Both Retouch below 'IL' Lot 506 - 1/- Pair & Strip of 4 Ex Lot 537 - Varieties Lot 519 - to a Female Convict Lot 538 - Major Retouch Lot 541 - Big Flaw Lot 549 - 1 of 3 Recorded Pairs Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Aug 15, 2014 Lot Page:85 Type Grading Description Est $A TASMANIA - Postal History 517 C 518 C 519 C A- B Album of display pages etc with postmarks including double-oval 'LOOSE SHIP LETTER/TO PAY', various Postage Paid datestamps, Launceston duplexes, Pillar Receiver datestamps, Post Office forms, etc, also 1905 Tatts cover with Blank Tablet 2d & 6d Postage Dues, condition variable. Ex Colin Salt. (63 items) 250 1832 outer to London with an above-average strike of the small oval 'HOBART TOWN/VDL' undated h/s, boxed 'INDIA LETTER/DEAL' b/s, rated "1/-" = 4d India letter + 8d inland, London arrival b/s of 20AU20/1832 in red. Carried per "Auriga", departed Hobart 15/4/1832 direct for London. 300T 1846 part-entire (the address panel only) from Ireland to "Mary Thea Monmouth/goal [= gaol] South Wales/England" with 'BANTRY/AP19/1846' cds & rated "1' in black, 'RETURNED/For/POSTAGE' h/s in red presumably of Cork or Dublin (?) & rated "1" in red, forwarded to "Transport/on Board" in red & "Sea Queen" in blue but then marked "Sailed" & forwarded to "Hobart Town", a bit soiled & two holes at upper-right. This is believed to be only the second recorded item of mail to a female convict in Tasmania. "Sea Queen" departed England 8/5/1846; arrived Hobart 8/1/1847. [John Cress's entire sold for $6900 at a Melbourne auction on 18/11/2003] Bantry, in County Cork, was a hotbed of anti-English sentiment, and the home town of Theobald Wolfe Tone who, in 1797, and supported by the French, had lead an unsuccessful rebellion against Ireland's English masters & oppressors.{Page 84.5} 600T Lot 521 Lot 520 520 PS B 1887 (May 25) usage of 4d Registration Envelope size F to "Rufisque par Dakar/Senegal/Africa" with De La Rue 1d & 2d x5 tied by Launceston duplex, straight-line 'REGISTERED' h/s, the reverse with 11 different transits of Port Elizabeth and Cape Town, 'FUNCHAL/MADEIRA', 'SENEGAL ET DEPEND/GOREE', 'GOREE/SENEGAL' and 'RUFISQUE/SENEGAL' arrival, redirected to Switzerland with French Bordeaux and 'PARIS A BORDEAUX' TPO b/s, then Swiss 'AMBULANT/No 2...' & 'LAUSANNE/17.IX.87EXP LETTR' arrival b/s, minor wrinkling & soiling. A fantastic pre-UPU origin/destination item with a fully chronicled journey to deepest darkest Africa. [In all periods, mail from Australia to any of the smaller French Colonies in Africa is as scarce as the proverbial hen's teeth] Ile de Gorée is a small island in Dakar Harbour. It is one of the oldest Europeans settlements in Africa, the Portuguese having arrived in 1444. France gained control of the area in 1677. Gorée was a notorious slaving station, although its notoriety far exceeded its importance to the slave trade. Rufisque & Dakar, both on the mainland, were established in 1840 & 1857 respectively and quickly outstripped Gorée as mercantile centres. {Page 85.1} 521 C C 750 1892 (June 23) cover from England with 'Harrogate Hydropathic/Establishment' imprint on the flap & 1d lilac tied by 'HARROGATE' squared-circle, to "Ellesmere/Gladhill Road" with Launceston transit b/s & '("3")D/MORE TO PAY' handstamp, 'ELLESMERE' arrival backstamp, redirected several times with transit b/s of 'CORNERS', 'UPPER-BROADMARSH' (no date slugs; manuscript date) & 'MACQUARIE PLAINS' where again redirected, to "Flinders Island" where endorsed at upper-left "Not intended for me Harold Walker Flinders Island", most remarkably with Sidefaces 1d & 2d paying the postage due affixed & manuscript cancelled "Flinders/28 11 92" apparently by Mr Walker, oval 'DEAD LETTER OFFICE/13FEB93/TASMANIA' b/s in blue, a little knocked about & a bit soiled but full of character and intrigue. Flinders Island opened 30/7/1889 as a Receiving House; upgraded to PO 1/1/1890. Randall Askeland advises ERD for a CDS is OC15/00; this item is 8 years earlier, the evidence being that three years after opening there was still no CDS at the office.. Renamed Settlement Point 1908, & again to Emita 10/7/1913. Randall Askeland confirms that Harold Walker was resident at Settlement Point at this time, and later built the first store at Whitemark, also on Flinders Island. From 1/10/1891, James Willett was the Flinders Island postmaster but Walker could well have been covering for him during an absence. {Page 85.2} At Prestige Philately, we pride ourselves on presenting your material to its greatest advantage and routinely achieving outstanding outcomes for our vendors. Whether you are wanting to sell a collection of fine used singles, or of mint blocks, or of beautiful covers, or of revenues, or name it!, you are invited to experience the Prestige Difference. Contact Gary Watson today to learn how Prestige can assist you. 750T Page:86 Aug 15, 2014 TASMANIA - Postal History (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A Ex Lot 522 522 S POSTMARKS: First Allocation Barred Numerals '18', '47' (the '4' is faint), '52', '59', '60', '61', '64' & '68' each on 4d Courier - shades - all with full margins, Cat £3000 minimum. A very desirable group for a numerals enthusiast. Ex Michael Haden.{Page 86.1}(8) A Lot 524 Lot 523 523 C B A1 1,500 - manuscript "Sulphur/Creek/25 4 14" (ERD) just tying 1d Roo to commercial cover to Brisbane, overall aging. Avery & Hardinge record such usage on 19/5/1914 & 7/5/1915. {Page 86.2} 250 TASMANIA - Postal Stationery 524 PS B POSTAL CARDS - STAMPED TO ORDER: 1911 usage of Embossed 1d red for Roberts & Co with advertising on the face for Massey-Harris farm equipment, fruit & skin sales etc, Hobart machine cancellation, creased at right. Rare. {Page 86.3} 300 Lot 525 525 PS (A) ENVELOPES - STO: 1909 2d blue-green PTPO Envelope for AG Webster & Son's "Planet Jr" hand-held tillers with illustrated coloured advertising on both sides, to Launceston with Hobart continuous-machine cancel, repaired tear across the flap. Rare, beautiful, & highly desirable. Ex Ray Kelly & Kevin Nelson.{Page 86.4} 1,000 526 PS A- REGISTRATION ENVELOPES: 1906 No Value (3d) ultramarine HG C5 (100x64mm), a couple of tiny blemishes, unused. Very scarce. [The smallest Registration Envelope issued anywhere in the British Empire] 200 527 PS A - 1906 No Value (3d) ultramarine HG C5a (126x77mm), a couple of tiny blemishes, unused. Very scarce. 100 Unless otherwise noted, all lots in this sale are reserved at 75% of the estimates. However, "Offer" lots have no effective reserve prices. Aug 15, 2014 Lot Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Page:87 Type Grading Description Est $A VICTORIA Ex Lot 528 528 WO An attractive single-volume collection with lots of better stamps including Half-Lengths 1d x5, 2d x4 & 3d x13 (one Perf 12), a few Queen-on-Thrones, Woodblocks Imperf 2/-, 6d 'TOO LATE' & 1/- 'REGISTERED', nice group of Emblems, Beaded Ovals including an above-average 6d orange, Laureates to 5/- x6 (one with large-part o.g. but a bit faded) including 8d orange, 10d grey & some scarcer watermarks, Large Stamp Duty values to £1 CTO, later issues including to £1 CTO, Postage Dues to 5/- etc, condition variable but generally good to fine for the earlies and generally fine to very fine for the later period, a few are apparently unused including Emblems 2d x2 (one with 'THREE/PENCE' watermark). An excellent basis for expansion. {Page 87.1}(250+) 1,500T Ex Lot 529 529 530 *W WO Useful unused/mint range with Half-Length 1d Deformed Transfer (creased), Queen on Throne 1d green, a few Laureates, Naish 1/- with diagonal 'SPECIMEN' overprint, others to 5/-, both Charity sets, both simplified Postage Due sets, etc, condition variable. {Page 87.2}(120) 500 Range of Classics on leaves with Queen-on-Throne 2d x32 including several Ham printings & three pairs, Imperf 1d green x8 & Rouletted 6d x17, Shilling Octagonal Imperf x11 & Perf 12 x9, Beaded Ovals including Laid Paper 3d blue, 3d maroon x3 & Wmk 'FIVE/SHILLINGS' 4d x2, Netted Corners 1d unused x2, etc, condition variable but many attractive stamps. (180+) 500 Ex Lot 531 531 *WO Untidy collection on Hagners with a range of Classics including some attractive stamps & Laureates 10d grey, Charities 1897 set used & 'Specimen' (no gum) & 1900 set (no gum), also Postage Dues Blue & Maroon set unused (no gum) & Red & Green set with part-o.g., etc, condition variable. {Page 87.3}(98) 500T Page:88 Aug 15, 2014 VICTORIA (continued) Lot Type Grading Description 532 O 533 H Est $A Ex Lot 532 (A) 1850-59 Half-Lengths partly annotated selection from an oldtime collection with 1d x31, 2d x24 including some appealing shades & 3d x53 including Campbell & Fergusson complete reconstruction of the 24 positions and Perf 12 x3, condition variable but many are of fine to very fine appearance, high catalogue value. An unusual opportunity. {Page 88.1}(108) 2,000 - Ham Original State of the Dies 2d brown-lilac SG 3, margins close to large, untidy Butterfly cancel, Cat £500. RPSofV Certificate (2013) states "repaired thin". {Page 80.10} 150 Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Aug 15, 2014 Page:89 VICTORIA (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Lot 535 534 535 G W A+/A- A- Est $A Lot 534 Lot 536 - Campbell & Fergusson 1d brown SG 26 horizontal pair, margins just shaved - at lower-right - to very large, the left-hand unit is superb, oval 'NEWSPAPER//MELBOURNE' datestamp, Cat £260+. [A most unusual usage. The newspaper rate was 1d. This pair was either paying an irregular double-rate, or the datestamp was used in error] {Page 89.2} 200T - Campbell & Fergusson 1d dull rose-red SG 27a, margins just clear - at lower-right - to large, a couple of shallow thin spots, unused, Cat £3500. A very attractive example of thiis rare stamp. Chris Ceremuga Certificate (2013). [Only a handfull of unused singles are recorded, of which this is one of the finest, and Gary Diffen's defective pair that sold in 2007 for £2350] {Page 89.1} 3,000T 536 G A- 1853-56 Queen-on-Throne Campbell & Fergusson 2d lilac with 'TVO PENCE' SG 36b, margins close to good, small shallow thin, superb BN '1' of Melbourne well clear of the variety, Cat £1100. {Page 89.3} 750T 537 O A/B 1854-59 Shilling Octagonal 1/- blue SG 25/a [6, Exploding First 'I' of 'SHILLING'] x2 (one on piece with 6d orange Woodblock) & [7, Defecating 'N']; and 1859 Perf 12 by Robinson 1/- blue SG 81/a [6, White Splodge over 'OR' of 'VICTORIA'] x2. Scarce group.{Page 84.6}(5) 400 538 G A - Imperf 1/- blue SG 25 with Major Retouch in the Cross-Hatching above 'IA' of 'VICTORIA' and Missing Outer Framelines at Top & Upper-Right, margins just touching - at left - to large, tied to small piece by Barred Oval '1' of Melbourne that is almost entirely clear of the affected area. One of the most important retouches in Victoria philately: Kellow's type (iii), this being the example illustrated by him at page 83. Gibbons list major retouches for the Half-Lengths 2d and 3d so it is quite perverse that the Shilling Octagonal retouches are not similarly treated. {Page 84.7} 800T - 1/- blue SG 25/a with Retouch below 'IL' of 'SHILLING', three margins with fragments of two adjoining units; and 1859 Perf 12 by Robinson 1/- blue SG 81/a with the same retouch, a few short perfs. Ex Geoff Kellow & Michael Silvasich. RPSofV Certificate (2008) for the Perf 12 stamp. {Page 84.8} 450 539 O B/A- 540 O B - 1859 Perf 12 by Robinson 1/- blue SG 81/a [35] with Creased Transfer affecting Cross at Right and Major Retouch Obliterating 'IN' of 'SHILLING', minor thin, light cancel that leaves both varieties unobstructed. Ex Geoff Kellow & Michael Silvasich. RPSofV Certificate (2008). {Page 80.11} 450 541 F A - 1859 Perf 12 by Robinson 1/- blue with Defective 'SH---LING' SG 81var, well centred, a couple of tiny natural aeration holes, Melbourne duplex. A quite dramatic transfer flaw. {Page 84.9} 750T Ex Lot 542 542 543 WO C B 1854-73 Woodblocks partly annotated selection from an oldtime collection with Imperf 6d group including a few that are apparently unused, a used strip of 3 & two on covers, 6d 'TOO LATE' x5, 1/- ' 'REGISTERED' x5 (one with a spectacular Barred Oval '88') & 2/- x3, 6d Experimental Separations group with Rouletted x3, Serpentine, Serrated, & Compound of Serrated & Serpentine SG 61 (a much underrated stamp), also Perf 12 2/- green/yellowish x8 & 2/blue/greenish page including an unused example, condition variable but many are of fine to very fine appearance, high catalogue value. {Page 89.4}(79 + two covers) 1,000 - 1858 Experimental Separations 6d orange with Serpentine Roulettes at the top & lower-left otherwise cut from the sheet to preserve the design, tied to late-1857 cover to Rutland by BN '1' of Melbourne (b/s), very fine Leicester transit of JA13/1857 (error for 1858) & 'ROCKINGHAM/JA14/58' arrival cds on the face, light allover soiling. A very rare franking of SG 58. {Page 90.1} 400 Page:90 Lot 543 - Rare Franking Lot 545 - Bearded Queen Aug 15, 2014 Lot 550 - Imperforate ? Ex Lot 591 - Postage Dues x110 Lot 551 - O.G. Lot 584 - Wmk Lot 585 - Wmk Lot 553 - SG 146 - O.G. Lot 554 - Short 'I' Lot 563 Ex Lot 579 Lot 566 - Reprint Lot 589 Ex Lot 556 - 10d Study Lot 567 - O.G. Ex Lot 592 Lot 571 - Apparently Mint Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Aug 15, 2014 Page:91 VICTORIA (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A Ex Lot 544 544 545 WO W A 1857-63 Emblems selection on oldtime leaves with Pelure Bordeaux Paper 1d x2, an enormous Imperf 4d from the lower-left corner of the sheet, 2d with 'THREE/PENCE' Wmk x3, several 2d pairs, etc, a few unused including Large Star 1d x2, Rouletted 5½-6½ 2d x2 & Wmk 'ONE/PENNY' 1d with large-part o.g., condition variable but generally fine to very fine. {Page 91.1}(119) 750 - No Wmk Rouletted 1d pale emerald SG 62 with Bearded Queen, an enormous example cut from the sheet at the top to preserve the design, unused, Cat £475+. {Page 90.2} 500T Ex Lot 546 546 547 W*O WO 1863-81 Laureates collection on oldtime leaves with most issues represented and a smattering of unused stamps including Wmk '1' 1d, Wmk '2' 2d x2, Wmk '4' 4d, Wmk '8' 10d grey with large-part o.g., Wmk Double-Lined '1' 6d large-part o.g. (tonespots), V/Crown 3d lilac, 6d x7 (four with large-part o.g.) & 8d brown/pink, duplicated used array with many attractive stamps, noted 8d orange x2 & 10d grey x3, also scarce Emergency Printings, compound perfs, watermark varieties including 1d with No Watermark, etc, some Barred Numerals including fine '249' (rated R) & superb 'MC/97' of Exhibition, condition variable but generally fine to very fine. {Page 91.2}(few 100) 1,500 - "Some Aspects of Electrotyping" mini display on 13 beautifully annotated pages with a number of better stamps including 1d green unused irregular block of 12, 3d mauve, 8d orange & 10d grey x2, also 4d marginal examples x10 reconstructing the slightly different marginal inscriptions at left & right, a selection of flaws & substitiutions, several Double Strikes & a few Internal Distortions, etc, generally fine to very fine. Ex Holness. (92) 850 Ex Lot 548 548 WOC 549 * 550 551 F * - collection remainders with an unused group - some with large-part o.g. - comprising 1d x7, 2d x7, 3d lilac, 3d orange, 4d x2, 6d x2 & ½d on 1d, cover with 6d tied by duplex of MY14/66 (very early usage), and large-part reconstruction of 1d Wmk '1' 114 of 120 positions, 4d First Setting 109 of 120 and 6d Robinson Plate 89 of 120, etc, condition variable but generally fine to very fine. Ex John Panckridge and Nick Holness. {Page 91.3}(100s) A A A 1,250 - Single-Lined Numerals Wmk 8d orange SG 112 horizontal pair, large-part (brown) o.g., Cat £1100+. A rare multiple. [Geoff Kellow at page 172 states "It is a rare stamp unused: there is a block of 4 and several pairs". Nick Holness recorded only three pairs] {Page 84.10} 700T - Wmk Double-Lined '4' 4d dull rose as SG 114b but apparently completely Imperforate with margins ample to huge, tied to small piece by neat Melbourne duplex of 1865. The perfs may simply have been trimmed-off an unusually large stamp. However, it is as convincing a candidate as we have seen for a true imperf in this issue. {Page 90.3} 100T - Watermark '8' 10d grey-black SG 119a, a large & unusually well centred example, large-part o.g., Cat £850. {Page 90.4} 800T Page:92 Aug 15, 2014 VICTORIA (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A Lot 552 552 G A - V/Crown 5/- blue/yellow with the Watermark Reversed SG 139a with Sheet Number '3' Printed on the Reverse, an unusually large stamp, Melbourne duplex cancel, undercatalogued at £500. Stamps with the watermark reversed are very scarce: at page 180 Geoff Kellow states that no more than a quarter of the printing was affected, making the tiny difference in catalogue value (£500 v £425) quite absurd. This is the only recorded example of the sheet number on the reverse: illustrated by Kellow at page 180. BPA Certificate (2007). {Page 92.1} 1,500T 553 * A - V/Crown Perf 12 8d red-brown/pink SG 146 block of 4, the upper units are very well centred, minor perf reinforcing, large-part o.g., Cat £600++. A very scarce multiple. {Page 90.6} 500 554 G A - V/Crown Perf 12 5/- bright blue & red as SG 148 with Short Second 'I' in 'SHILLINGS', neat cancel clear of the variety. A rare variety to which we hope Gibbons will one day accord catalogue status. {Page 90.7} 200T 555 O - FOUR PENCE: Annotated single-volume plating study from which relatively little material has been removed and including multiples and some postmark interest. Worth checking for watermarks, perfs and postmarks. Ex Nick Holness: sold at our auction of 18/11/2006 for $920. (400 approx) 750 - TEN PENCE: Single-volume annotated collection based on the printings of the 10d grey (10, including OC23/65 being the ERD), 10d brown/pink (44, including one mint, two strips of 3 & 16 covers including a few with pairs) & 'NINEPENCE' on 10d Surcharge (12, including AP22/71 being First Day of Issue and a cover), some postmark interest, condition a bit mixed but generally fine to very fine. Ex Nick Holness.{Page 90.8}(150+ & 17 covers) 1,000 - single-volume plating study with Retouches on 10d grey x3, on 10d brown/pink x5 & on Surcharge x4, then large-part reconstructions of the 10d brown/pink Printings 1 & 2 102 of 120 positions,and Printings 3 & 4 96 of 120, and Surcharge 83 of 120, condition a bit mixed but generally fine to very fine. Ex Nick Holness. A remarkable level of achievement. [Includes Bill Purves' photographic plating guide] (293) 1,000 - ONE SHILLING: Single-volume beautifully presented collection with varieties including makeready flaws, chisel marks, internal distortions & a page of perf variations, attractive range of multiples including two pairs on registered pieces, blocks of 4 x7 & a block of 6, also four covers in rather mixed condition, the stamps generally fine to very fine. Ex Nick Holness. (135 + 4 covers) 500 556 557 558 OC O OC 559 O - single-volume plating study with a selection of multiples comprising pairs (21) strips of 3 (6), strips of 4 (2) & blocks of 4 (2), then large-part reconstruction of 114 of 120 positions, condition a bit mixed but generally fine to very fine. Ex Nick Holness. [Includes extensive plating notes and Bill Purves' photographic plating guide] (190) 600 560 O - FIVE SHILLINGS: Annotated collection with 5/- blue/yellow x7 including Types 1 2 4 x2 & 5 x2, analysis of 5/- blue & red printings, a few multiples including Third Printing pair (stated to be the only recorded multiple), varieties including Short Second 'I' in 'SHILLINGS' x2, Inverted Watermarks including the only 3 examples recorded from Printing 6, etc, some problems especially in the blue & yellow stamps but generally fine to very fine. Ex Nick Holness. (53) 850 561 O - the continuation volume with 5/- blue & red large-part Reconstruction of the 25 types using multiples only plus two complete with singles only, also of Printing 1 (23 of 25), Printing 2 (complete), Printing 3 (23 of 25), Printings 4-5 (22 of 25) & Printing 6 (20 of 25), generally fine to very fine. Ex Nick Holness. A remarkable lot. (191) 750 562 W*O 1873-1900 array on oldtime leaves with most issues represented with a good number of unused/mint stamps noted including 'STAMP - DUTY' Overprints set, Charities 1897 2½d with 'Specimen' overprint & 1900 pair, and some low denomination blocks, a few Bell Emergency Printings on Coloured Papers, condition variable but generally fine to very fine. {Page 96.1}(few 100) 1,000 563 F 564 *O A B1 1873-87 Bell ½d rose-red Line Perf 12x13 SG 176e, light BN '103' of Wodonga, unpriced mint or used. Believed to be the only recorded example mint or used. RPSofV Certificate (2010) that was the basis for this stamp being listed by Gibbons. Consider this: The fabled British Guiana 1c magenta recently sold at auction for just over $A10,000,000. This stamp is just as rare, and in far superior condition. The same is true of numerous stamps of the Australian Colonies. The maths is simple: one ugly, repaired, cut-to-shape British Guiana or 10,000 rare Australian Colonial stamps for the same price!!?? {Page 90.5} 1,000T 1880-96 Two Pence study of the Naish & Astley designs on anotated pages, the Astley material on JRW Purves' pages, some mint blocks & a few singles with the Watermark Sideways. Potential for further development. (100s) 500T Are you new to the auction process? Visit our website to access more than 20 articles on various aspects of “The Auction Game” by Gary Watson. Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Aug 15, 2014 Page:93 VICTORIA (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A Ex Lot 565 565 W*O 1884 Stamp Statute range on leaves with mint/unused 6d 1/- x2 2/- x2 & 5/- plus a number of others to 10/- that purport to be unused but that have been cleaned, a few low values postally used, others with dud cancels or revenue cancels, also 2/6d to £5 (thinned) with 'Reprint' overprint & large-part o.g., condition variable but generally fine to very fine. {Page 93.1}(42) 500 566 * B - 3d as SG F221 but the 1891 reprint in violet Without the 'Reprint' Overprint and very scarce thus, minor damage at upper-left, large-part o.g., Cat £1500 for the issued stamp. RPSofV Certificate (2014). {Page 90.9} 250 567 * A - 4d rose with the Watermark Upright SG 222a, large-part o.g., Cat £1100. A very scarce stamp. RPSofV Certificate (2014). {Page 90.10} 750 Ex Lot 568 568 1884-1900 Large Stamp Duty range on leaves with mint group including 2/6d yellow-orange x4, 3/- drab x5 (one with 'Specimen' h/s), 4/- orange x4, 4/- red-orange x3, 5/- claret/yellow x6, 5/- rosine x2 & 6/- pea-green all with large-part o.g., others to £5 pink apparently unused but they have been cleaned, duplicated postally used group to £1 including 5/- rosine pair on parcel piece, higher values with faked cancels, and a few CTO including 15/- brown, £1, £1/5/-, £1/10/-, £10 & a defective £50, etc, condition variable but generally fine to very fine. {Page 93.2}(200 approx) *OV 1,000 Ex Lot 569 569 V A/A- - 2/6d yellow, 3/- olive, 4/- orange, 5/- rosine, 6/- apple-green, 10/- green, 15/- brown, £1 orange, £1/5/- pink, £1/10/olive, £2 blue, 45/- lilac, £10 mauve, £25 blue-green & £100 pink-red, a few minor blemishes but generally very fine CTO with Melbourne cds, most with large-part o.g., Cat £2000+. [NB: Except for the £2, none of the values from £1/5/- to £100 has been recorded postally used. Every example we have seen that purports to be commercially used has a faked cancel. Consequently, CTO stamps from collectors' sets are the only legitimate post office usages] {Page 93.3}(15) Online, you can view our current catalogues, including our amazing “Virtual Catalogues” (just like having the printed version in front of you). You can check reserve prices and current bidding for lots in which you are interested. You can access our archived catalogues going back to 2001, download Prices Realised Lists, numerous articles and podcasts by Gary Watson, order unsold lots from previous auctions, etc etc. 1,000 Page:94 Aug 15, 2014 VICTORIA (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A Lot 570 570 571 *W O A - Litho 4/- (off-centre & characteristic rough perfs, very fine with large-part o.g.), 6/- (very fine with large-part o.g.), £1/5/- pink (faded, large-part o.g.), £1/10/- deep grey-olive (stained) & 45/- dull brown-lilac (corner fault) each with diagonal sans serif Type 20 'SPECIMEN' reading upwards. Rare: only two or three of each have been recorded. Ex Les Molnar: sold at our auction of 2/7/2012 for $1247. {Page 94.1} 1,000T - £5 rose-pink, £6 blue/pink and £7 violet/blue SG 248-250, well centred, apparently unused but with pen cancellations very skillfully removed. Apart from the few very rare Specimen stamps, this is as close as one can expect to get to unused examples. [NB: Gibbons price the £5 unused at £11,000. The £6 & £7 are unpriced unused. We have never seen a genuine unused example of any of the pound values in the lithographed series] {Page 90.11} 250 Lot 572 572 E A+ - £6 the original handpainted stamp-size artwork in bright ultramarine highlighted with Chinese white & with pencilled perforations, on thin card (76x97mm). Delightful & superb! See "Stamps of Victoria" at page 234. Ex JRW Purves, Rodney Perry (acquired for SFr3000 at Purves Part I on 27/11/1980), and Michael Silvasich. {Page 94.2} Sick of auctions with no atmosphere, moving at snail’s pace because of “live” internet bidding? At Prestige Philately we want you to enjoy a real auction experience without the intrusive “bells and whistles”. 10,000 Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Aug 15, 2014 Page:95 VICTORIA (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A Lot 573 Lot 574 573 P A - Typo 6d die proof in black on thin wove paper. Unique. [Illustrated by Geoff Kellow at page 239. Sold at our auction of 13/9/2008 for $977] {Page 95.1} 850T 574 P A - Typo 2/- progressive die proof (letters 'J' & 'L' not yet engraved in the upper corners) in yellow-brown on pale green wove paper (40x47mm). Rare. [Kellow states at p240 that eight similar proofs are known, two being in yellow-brown on pale green. Sold at our auction of 24/4/2009 for $1380] {Page 95.2} 1,200T Lot 575 575 * A/B - Typo 3/- maroon/blue Perf 12½ SG 259 (two toned perfs), 5/- claret/yellow Perf 12 SG 260ca (corner fault), 4/red-orange SG 269 each with small diagonal Type 12c 'SPECIMEN' reading upwards, large-part o.g. Ex Les Molnar. Rare: only two of each have been recorded. [Sold at our auction of 2/7/2012 for $529] {Page 95.3} 450T Lot 576 576 W A- - SPECIMEN STAMPS: Typo 1/6d rosine, 3/- drab, 4/- red-orange, 6/- apple-green, 10/- grey-green & 15/- brown each with diagonal italicised Type 18 'SPECIMEN' (with fancy 'M') reading upwards, no gum. Ex Les Molnar. Rare: only two or three of each have been recorded. [Sold at our auction of 2/7/2012 for $1840] {Page 95.4} Ex Lot 577 577 * A/A- 1,600T Lot 578 - Typo mostly Perf 12½ all different shades comprising 3/- drab x2, 4/- red-oirange x2, 5/- claret/yellow etc x4, 6/light green x2, 10/- grey-green, 15/- brown, £1 & £2, also later 2/6d yellow x2 each with italicised Type 21a 'Specimen.', generally fine to very fine with part- to large-part o.g. Most are Ex Les Molnar. {Page 95.5}(16) 1,500T Page:96 Ex Lot 562 -1873-1900 Collection Aug 15, 2014 Lot 588 - Two Pounds Lot 599 - the World's First Miniature Sheet Lot 590 Ex Lot 597 Lot 615 Ex Lot 601 - Relief Tax x8 Ex Lot 598 - 250 Pounds Face Value Ex Lot 602 - Tax x20 Lot 612 - SView Lot 616 - RRRRR Lot 608 - Rare 1883 Money Order Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Aug 15, 2014 Page:97 VICTORIA (continued) Lot Type Grading Description 578 *W 579 * A D1 A/B Est $A - Typo 1/6d bright rose-carmine SG 267a (large-part o.g.) & 3/- drab SG 268 (no gum) each with diagonal sans serif Type 20 'SPECIMEN' reading Upwards. Rare: only two of each have been recorded. Ex Les Molnar: sold at our auction of 2/7/2012 for $747. {Page 95.6} 700T - Typo Perf 12½ 2/6d orange-yellow, 3/- drab, 4/- orange, 6/- pea green & 10/- grey-green plus Perf 13 5/claret/yellow, each with 'Specimen.' handstamp, minor imperfections, large-part o.g. {Page 90.12}(6) 300 Lot 580 580 W A/A- 1884-1900 Ultra-High Values Recess Wmk '33' £25 deep green SG 283b, £50 black-violet SG 284a & £100 aniline crimson with the Watermark Upright SG 285c (minor perf stains caused by the regumming), excellent centring, unused (regummed), unpriced mint & unknown postally used. A very attractive set of great rarity. Separate Apex Certificates (1980, each wrongly states "o.g.") and separate RPSofV Certificates (2014). Pen-cancelled ultra high value stamps are notorious for being offered as "unused" with the cancellations chemically removed. American certificates are notoriously unreliable for Australian stamps. We therefore expressed our scepticism when we submitted the stamps for new certificates, and requested that a rigorous examination be made. This is the only unused set of the recess-printed stamps known to us. Geoff Kellow at page 247 states "Unused copies [of all recess and litho printings] are extremely rare." Of the recess stamps he records one £25 in the Royal Collection, and two £100, one with margins, the other in the Royal Collection. This, therefore, may well be the only complete unused set in existence, and the £50 may be the only recorded example. {Page 97.1} 60,000T Page:98 Aug 15, 2014 VICTORIA (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A Lot 581 581 P A 1886-96 Stamp Duty 1/6d Allegorical Figure die proof in pink Perf 12½ affixed to thin card (69x66mm), endorsed "2/4/87" below the proof & in pencil "RB87/1319" on the reverse. Unique and very attractive. See "Stamps of Victoria" at page 269. Ex Michael Silvasich. [Perforated die proofs are a feature of Victorian philately. Values to the KEVII £1 have been recorded] {Page 98.1} 1,500 Ex Lot 582 582 V/F A B1 1886-96 Fergusson & Mitchell £5 to £9 SG 324-328, CTO with Melbourne cds, Cat £950. A very colourful set. {Page 98.2}(5) 583 *W A/A- - £5 to £9 SG 324-328 each with 'Specimen.' handstamp, the £7 without gum, the others with part- to large-part o.g., Cat £950. A very colourful set. [Unused/mint examples are virtually unobtainable, Cat £40,000 for the set. Far superior to Bill McCredie's Specimen set - most with no gum & the £9 of unpleasing appearance - that sold at auction in June 2011 for $725. The very fine "Lionheart" set sold at our auction of 2/5/2014 for $2530] {Page 98.3} 750 584 * A- 1899-1901 Wmk '85' 1d rosine with the Watermark Sideways SG 357b, large-part o.g. with a hinge-remainder. Unpriced mint or used. RPSofV Certificate (2010). [Only one other mint example has been recorded] {Page 90.13} 500T 585 * B C1 - 2d violet with the Watermark Sideways SG 359a, some creasing, large-part o.g. Unpriced. {Page 90.14} 400T 600 Lot 583 Our Buyer's Premium added to the Hammer Price is still only 15% Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Aug 15, 2014 Page:99 VICTORIA (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A Ex Lot 586 586 *O 1901-12 Commonwealth Period on oldtime leaves with most issues represented, mint including No 'POSTAGE' to 5/- x2, V/Crown to 5/- x2, Crown/A Perf 11 6d block of 4, etc, used with 1/- block of 4, 5/- x2 on commercial pieces, KEVII £1 with telegraph datestamp, perf 'OS' range to 5/-, also CTO blocks of 4 to 5/- (some nasty creasing) plus £1 both watermarks & Crown/A £2, etc, generally fine to very fine. {Page 99.1}(260+) 800 587 */** A 1905-13 Crown/A ½d, 1d (2, one marginal), 2d reddish violet, 2½d, 3d (3, two are marginal) & 6d blocks of 4, large-part o.g. with many units being unmounted. (10 blocks) 400 588 * A B1 - £1 dull rose with the Watermark Upright BW #V127Daa (SG 431ab), and Perf 11 £1 salmon BW #V128 (SG 444), both with large-part o.g., Cat $1200 (£800). {Page 96.2} 500T 589 F A- C1 OFFICIALS: 1905-13 Crown/A 1d aniline red perf 'OS' as BW #V44ba but with the Perfin Inverted, 'MOS&SB/ MALMESBURY' cds. Unlisted in the ACSC.{Page 90.15} 150 590 * B B1 - 1905-13 Crown/A £1 salmon as BW #V125b but with Double Perfin, well centred, part o.g., Cat $450++. Unlisted in the ACSC. {Page 96.3} 400T 591 *OV POSTAGE DUES: Handy collection on leaves with Blue & Clarets mint to 5/- x2 & used to 1/-, Scarlet & Greens values mint to 5/- plus CTO to 2/- x2 & 5/- x2, etc, condition a bit variable but generally fine to very fine {Page 90.17}(110) 500 - 1891 Blue & Claret ½d to 5/- SG D1-10, a few minor blemishes, large-part o.g., Cat £475. {Page 90.16}(10) 250 592 * A/A- Lot 593 593 * A C1 - 1905-09 Crown/A 5d dull scarlet & pea-green, CTO with GPO cds BW #VD38w, large-part o.g., Cat $2500 (£1200: see footnote below SG D37). A very fine example of this rare unissued stamp. Ex John Gartner. [The ACSC states that "nine mint & four cancelled-to-order stamps can be identified". A superb example sold at our auction of 17/8/2012 for $3680] {Page 99.2} Ex Lot 594 594 W* A/B 2,000T Ex Lot 595 REPRINTS: Stamp Statute 1d to 2/6d & 10/- (plus Stamp Duty 1d green & 1d brown) each with small 'Reprint' Overprint, also £5 with large 'REPRINT' Overprint in Red, condition variable but the 4d & £5 are very fine with large-part o.g. {Page 99.3}(11) 400T Page:100 Lot Aug 15, 2014 Type Grading Description Est $A VICTORIA - Revenues 595 STAMP STATUTE: ½d on 1d mint, 1d unused, 4d with fake postal cancel, 6d, 1/- x3, 2/- x4, 2/6d x3, 5/-, 10/- x2, £1 x2 & £5, generally fine to very fine & the £5 is an unusually fine example. {Page 99.4}(20) W*O 400T Ex Lot 596 596 O STAMP DUTY: Range with better values including 4/- with Double Perforations, 5/6d, 8/-, 15/- mauve, £1/5/-, 35/(no pinholes) & 45/- x2 plus Fergusson & Mitchell £5 to £9 and some extra shades, condition variable but many are very fine. {Page 100.1}(55) 500T 597 O A/A- - 1884-96 Litho £5 pink and Typo £5 pink to £10, an unusually fine set, a couple with no pinholes, Elsmore Online Cat $550 (2009). {Page 96.4}(7) 300T 598 O A/B - 1884-1900 Ultra-High Values Recess £25 (faded at left) £50 & £100 and Litho £25 x3 shades, generally very fine, Elsmore Online Cat $450 (2009). {Page 96.5}(6) 250T 599 O (A) - 1884-1900 Ultra-High Values Recess £25 bright blue-green, exceptional centring with margins on all sides - rare thus - ironed-out vertical crease. [These stamps were printed directly from the dies] {Page 96.6} 250T 600 O* CATTLE & SWINE: Cattle Overprint x28 array to £1 with better values, Bold Oveprint x11 to 15/-, Fine Overprint x14 on Decimals to $1; and Swine Overprint x16 to 15/- & x12 to 50c. (81) 250T 601 O* A/A- RELIEF: 1931 Overprints 6/-, £1/10/-, £2, £5, £10, £25 & £50 each with one or two punch-holes & all with oval 1931 datestamps in rosine, also Rouletted 5/- mint, Elsmore Online Cat $880 (2009). {Page 96.7}(8) 350T 602 *O A/B TAX INSTALMENT: Perf 3/- pink, Rouletted eight values to 2/8d, 'NOT/TRANSFERABLE' Overprints 6d 9d (mint) 1/4d x3 1/6d 2/- & 3/-, and inscribed 'NOT TRANSFERABLE' 6d 9d & 1/8d, Elsmore Online Cat $440 (2009). {Page 96.8}(20) 200T Ex Lot 603 603 O A/B UNDENOMINATED TYPES: Large format 'NOT CHARGEABLE' x6, 'DULY STAMPED' x3 & 'PENALTY/PAID' x4, various shades & printings including a few inscribed for KEVII, a few faults but generally very fine. A very scarce group. {Page 100.2}(13) 750T VICTORIA - Postal History 604 CPS A/B Modest group of covers with a few nice Melbourne duplexes, 1863 to 'WILLIAMS TOWN' (b/s) with 'UNCLAIMED' -in-oval h/s, 1857 to the USA (stamps badly cut-into), 1878 & 1880 to New Zealand, etc, generally fine. (15) 250T 605 C B 1855 stampless OHMS part-entire to the Postmaster General with postmaster's endorsement "Lockwood PO/May 22 55" at lower-left, Melbourne arrival b/s & Butterfly '14' in red as a receiving mark, minor blemishes. Lockwood (2) PO opened c.-/2/1855 but some 3 months later, apparently had still not received a datestamp or numeral. The letter states "I...request that two small mail bags be forwarded to this office for the use of Sandhurst & Lockwood Mails...A Inglis/PS The horse which carried the missing mail was found a few days ago at Clark's Station Mt Cole with the saddle still upon his back but the mail bag was gone". [Brian Peace, in "Mail Robberies by Bushrangers" lists no incidents between June 1848 and June 1861. However, this may well be a robbery-related item] {Page 102.1} 600 Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Aug 15, 2014 Page:101 VICTORIA - Postal History (continued) Lot Type Grading Description 606 C 607 608 609 CX C C B B (A-) B Est $A 1859 part-entire to Scotland with very scarce franking of Perf 12 3d Half-Length pair - cut from the sheet to preserve the design, Cat £260 x2+ - tied by light BN '93', superb oval 'ARARAT' b/s plus Melbourne transit & Edinburgh arrival b/s. Ex John Barwis. {Page 102.2} 750T 1868 (Aug 15) complete edition of the folio-size "The Illustrated Australian News" sub-titled "For Home Readers/ Published Expressly for Transmission by RMS Geelong", addressed to Wiltshire and with a 1d Laureate tied by Melbourne "killer" cancel, minor peripheral defects but quite fine for such an item. A rare survivor that would make a handsome framed exhibit. 250 1883 'MONEY ORDER' blue/blue form with very fine 23mm 'MO & SB/GEELONG' cds & largely fine 'MO & SB/FITZROY' cds in blue, pinholes at upper-left & two minor repaired spikeholes. A very rare item of Post Office stationery: see Dave Elsmore's article on similar Queensland MOs in "The Informer" (April 2013). [The Geelong cds is the later of only two recorded strikes; the Fitzroy cds is the earliest of only three] {Page 96.11} 300 1893 cover with all-over illustrated advertisement on the reverse for WE Reed Bookseller, Stationer & Tobacconist with two 1d Postal Card cutouts affixed & tied by Warracknabeal duplex, very minor blemishes. 200T VICTORIA - Postmarks Ex Lot 610 610 SD Collection in 64pp Leuchtturm stockbook with strength in the KGV Period, no howling rarities noted but lots of scarce strikes & numerous closed offices represented including 'AERODROME ESSENDON W6' (Opening Day of Post Office), 'BUNDALONG', 'CARINA', 1953 'ESSENDON AIRPORT W6' (rated RRRR), 'LOCKSLEY', first type 'MERRINEE', 'MOOLORT', etc (600+); also an array of mostly rubber modern types again including many scarce items (450+); the strikes are generally fine to superb. {Page 101.1}(1000+) 400 611 C Lever-arch folder with an array of mostly Tatts covers with numeral & duplex cancels, good selection of 1850s to 1890s material, condition variable. (200+) 500T 612 S A- A1+ BARRED NUMERALS: Butterfly '37' of Melbourne superb strike on New South Wales Sydney Views 2d Plate II Retouched Impression SG 28 (margins just shaved to huge, Cat £200). [Hugh Freeman states "...recorded on 2d Sydney View Plate II to the exclusion of other NSW stamps..."] {Page 96.12} 200T A/B A1 - '171' of Alphington very fine strike on Emblems Imperf 2d SG 45 pair. Rated RRR. {Page 102.3} 100 613 S Lot 614 Lot 619 Lot 617 Lot 618 614 S A A2- - 'MCCC/76' of Ailsa (1) largely fine strike on Reading 1d orange. Rated RRRRR. PO 10/12/1883; closed 1/7/1895. [SSW of Warracknabeal. No cds recorded] {Page 101.2} 250 615 D B A2+ Brookville: unframed 'BROOKVILLE/JE17/99/VICTORIA' superb "clean-skin". PO 4/11/1896; RO 20/8/1920; closed 1/7/1926. [Gippsland: 25km S of Omeo (3)] {Page 96.14} 75 616 D A A1- Esmond: 'ESMOND/1AU22/VIC' largely very fine strike on 2d orange. Rated RRRRR: the later of only two recorded examples. PO 22/11/1893; RI 31/1/1923; TO c. -/4/1923; closed 29/10/1929. [26km W of Rutherglen] {Page 96.15} 150 617 D A- A1+ Homebush: 'T.O. HOMEBUSH/2JA21/VIC' (Decade Wheel Inverted; Year Wheel Blank) superb strike on 2d orange. Rated RRRRR: the only recorded example. PO 1/10/1863; closed 5/4/1944. [6km ENE of Avoca] 618 619 D S A- A2- A A2 We believe this cds was originally issued to Homebush (Williams) TO c.1914; PO c.1915; closed c.1917 at which point the cds was transferred to Homebush. {Page 101.3} 250 Mitta Junction Reservoir: 'MITTA JUNCTION RESERVOIR/28NO21/VIC' largely fine strike on KGV 2d orange. Very few examples have been recorded. PO 6/10/1921; renamed Mitta Junction - and 'RESERVOIR' excised mid-1922. [9km E of Wodonga, just south of the Hume Weir] {Page 101.4} 150 Monegatta South: 'STH MONEGATTA/25AU13/VIC' (ERD) very fine strike on 1d Kangaroo. Receiving Office only 23/1/1911; renamed Monegeeta 10/9/1917.{Page 101.5} 100 Page:102 Lot 605 - Postmaster's Manuscript "Lockwood PO" Lot 606 Half-Lengths Perf 12 3d Pair Lot 621 - SG 4c Lot 613 - Superb RRR Strike Lot 623 - Superb!! Lot 625 - SG 128a Lot 627 - Crown/A Perf 11 Unmounted Lot 631 - Attractive 9d Rate Aug 15, 2014 Lot 622 - "Offer" Lot 626 - Crown/A Used Strip Lot 630 - Only 3 "Colombo" Covers from WA Lot 624 - SG 127a Lot 638 - Postmark Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Aug 15, 2014 Lot Page:103 Type Grading Description Est $A WESTERN AUSTRALIA Ex Lot 620 620 Useful selection with Imperf 1/- unused, some better early perforated issues to 1/- unused, 'ONE PENNY' on 3d mint block of 4, De La Rue mint to 1/-, V/Crown to £1 mint & used + Perf 11 5d unmounted, CofA Perf 11 9d mint, perf 'WA' 5/- & 10/-, perf 'OS' 10/- etc, condition variable. {Page 103.1}(79) W*O 1,000 621 W A- 1854-55 Lithographs 1/- pale brown SG 4c, close even margins, tiny pinhole hardly detracts, unused, Cat £425.{Page 102.4} 622 O (A) 1857-59 Hillman Lithographs Imperf 6d black-bronze SG 18, margins just clear to close, Cat £650. RPSofV Certificate (2011) states "used...has been repaired & re-painted". A real "looker" that appears to be a very fine unused stamp. {Page 102.5} Offer 240T 623 F A+ - 6d black-bronze SG 18, margins just clear to good, superb 15-bars '8' cancel of Fremantle & small-part London cds in red, Cat £650. Superb! Ex Michael Haden.{Page 102.6} 500 624 V A C1 1901-10 V/Crown 10/- bright purple BW #W65B (SG 127a), CTO with Perth cds, Cat $600 (£450). Underrated shade: the ACSC quote of $200 for CTO is silly. {Page 102.7} 300 625 * A- C2 - £1 orange BW #W66B (SG 128a), minor imperfections, large-part o.g., Cat $1000 (£700). {Page 102.8} 400T 626 F A B1 1905-12 Crown/A 5/- emerald-green Dies 2-1-2 BW #W64 (SG 148) horizontal strip of 3, unframed 'PINGELLY/ 30OC12/W.A' cds, Cat $750+ (£360+). A very scarce used multiple. {Page 102.9} 500 627 ** A B1 - Perf 11 1d rose-pink with the Watermark Sideways BW #W13A (SG 151) marginal block of 4 from the right of the sheet, well centred, unmounted, Cat $300++ (£180++) as mounted singles. {Page 102.10} 250 WESTERN AUSTRALIA - Postal History 628 CPS Bundle of OHMS covers including 1886 stampless registered to Germany, 1900 with oval 'DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE' cachet, 1899 penalty envelope with 'RAILWAY DEPARTMENT' Frank, unclaimed with 'LAND TITLES...' Frank x9, KGV period including five registered each with KGV 5d perf 'W/A', etc, postmark & instructional handstamps interest, condition rather mixed. (24 items) Lot 629 629 C B 250 Lot 632 1861 (Aug 24) cover to London "Via Southampton" with scarce franking of 1861 Intermediate Perf 14-16 6d purple-brown SG 36 (Cat £110 x5+) tied by poor 15-bar '5', fair 'GUILDFORD/=WESTERN-AUSTRALIA' cds below, London '[crown]/ R ' inspector's h/s & readdressed, minor blemishes. Census #6. Carried per "Benares" from Albany 16/9/1861; & "Indus" from Alexandria. Ex Patrick Pearson and Dr Cecil Walkley: sold at our auction of 27/11/2010 for $1725. RPSofL Certificate (1973) as the then SG 39. {Page 103.2} Bid by fax, e-mail or directly from our website to avoid the disappointment of your bids arriving after the auction. 1,250 Page:104 Aug 15, 2014 Ex Lot 643 - Austria Ex Lot 637 - Frank Stamps on Envelopes x8 Lot 647 - In Gold and in Red Lot 645 - Trial Overprints Ex Lot 648 - Set of Six Trials Lot 646 - Gutter Block of Trials in Red Aug 15, 2014 Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Page:105 WESTERN AUSTRALIA - Postal History (continued) Lot Type Grading Description 630 C 631 632 633 634 C C CL C C B B B (B) Est $A 1862 (Nov 1) cover to London "via Southampton" with Albany cds at lower-left & the stamps washed-off, very fine boxed 'Saved from the wreck of/the Colombo' h/s, London arrival cds of JA1/63 in red, overall soiling. Carried per "Bombay" departed Albany 2/11/1862 for Galle; then per "Colombo" which was wrecked off Minicoy Island in the Laccadives on 19/11/1862. This item was put aboard "Nemesis" or "Ottawa" direct to Suez, then per "Massilia" from Alexandria 16/12/1862, arrived Southampton 30/12/1862. Ex John Gartner and Dr Cecil Walkley: sold at our auction of 27/11/2010 for $1725. This was the first incident involving Australian mail to which a wreck cachet was applied. Brian Peace at p107 (2013 Edn) states "Only three items of mail from Western Australia have been positively identified." {Page 102.11} 1,250 1875 (April 20) cover to England "via Brindisi" with Perf 12½ 6d mauve & DLR 3d brown tied by 15-bar '8', Fremantle cds below, 'LOUGHBOROUGH' arrival cds & redirected to London (b/s), minor blemishes. Pope & Reynolds Census #54. Ex "Austin" (du Pont) and Dr Cecil Walkley: sold at our auction of 27/11/2010 for $661. [In 1873, the via Brindisi rate reverted to 9d] {Page 102.12} 460 1893 commercial cover-front to "Buenos Ayres/Argentine Republic/South America" with rare franking of Postal Fiscals 2d & 3d + Postage ½d tied by superb 'F'-in-bars cancels of 'FREMANTLE/NO4/93/=W.A.=' (cds at lower-left), equally fine '[crown]/REGISTERED' h/s at upper-left, minor imperfections. A delightful origin/destination item, very early in the UPU period. Unrecorded in the Pope & Reynolds Census, where only 14 items with the 'F' cancel are listed, none of which are to a foreign destination at the 2½d rate (+ 3d registration). {Page 103.3} 500 1898 OHMS cover to Alsace-Lorriane with 'DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE' Frank h/s tied by Ship Mail Room duplex & cachet at lower-left, endorsed "Returned for/Postage" and 2½d affixed & cancelled the next day with the same duplex, minor faults & vertical fold at left. Most unusual item, and destination. [Franks were not valid for overseas mail. If an Official Free marking was not applied, full postage was required] Alsace-Lorraine was French territory absorbed into Germany after the Franco-Prussian War so in 1898 it was German. Following World War I, Alsace-Lorraine reverted to French control. 150T 1899 (June 26) large red parcel piece (194x114mm) to Belgium with DLR 2d grey x2 tied by fine 15-bar '21' cancels (LRD), 'VASSE' cds alongside, endorsed "Printed papers only", ironed-out folds. Ex Dr Walkley: sold at our auction of 27/11/2010 for $345. Pope & Reynolds Census #41. The printed matter rate was 1d per 4 ounces or part thereof so the parcel weighed between 12 & 16 ounces. [Non-letter rate mail is grossly underappreciated] 250 Lot 635 635 636 637 638 PS CL B A- PS D A A1 1902 commercial usage of 2d Envelope uprated with ½d & two strikes of the unframed 'MT MALCOLM/DE15/02/W.A - PO' duplex, to "Mr H Klink/Leader of the Ramu Expedition III/Stephansort/German New Guinea" with transit backstamps of Brisbane & Singapore (!) plus a very fine strike of the scarce 'DEUTSCHE SEEPOST/NEU-/ GUINEA-/ZWEIGLINIE/ (SINGAPORE)/ b ' cds, unclaimed & redirected to "GPO Sydney" with Brisbane & Sydney cds on the reverse, minor faults are of no consequence to what is a truly remarkable item that is surely one of the premier "destination" covers from Australia. {Page 105.1} 12,000T 1904 (Oct 3) triple-rate cover to England with Western Australia Wmk W[crown]A 2½d x3 tied by Perth cds, embossed crest of Charles Cammell & Co (agents for Cyclops Steel & Ironworks in Sheffield UK) on the flap, Manchester transit & Oldham arrival b/s. Ex Kevin Nelson. 150 POSTAL STATIONERY: Mostly long envelopes with Franks comprising superb 'INSPECTOR OF MINES/EASTERN GOLDFIELDS', 'PREMIERS DEPARTMENT' x2, 'CROWN LAW OFFICE', 'RAILWAY DEPARTMENT' x3 (one very fine on green penalty envelope, the others are faint) & 'DEPARTMENT OF LANDS & SURVEYS', strikes are generally good to very fine, condition of the covers is a bit mixed. {Page 104.1}(8) 500 POSTMARKS: 30mm 'MONEY-ORDER-OFFICE/23MR31/PERTH' very fine strike on 1½d on 1d Postal Card cutout. Rare. Illustrated in PMI at page 629: "known from archival strike only" (of 1961). {Page 102.14} 100 Page:106 Aug 15, 2014 Lot 653 - Double Overprint Lot 649 - Blunt '4' Ex Lot 664 - Wrong Font 'B' and First 'A' Lot 654 - Double Lot 662 - Thick Paper Imprint ** Ex Lot 679 - Early New Caledonia Lot 652 - Blue Overprint - Advertised Retail $6000+ Aug 15, 2014 Lot Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Page:107 Type Grading Description Est $A ANTARCTICA 639 L 640 C 641 C A Carton of mostly non-philatelic Antarctic literature including coffee-table books "Two Below Zero" by McIntyre, "Going to Extremes" by Chester, "To the Ends of the Earth" by Sale & "The Photographs of HG Ponting" by Riffenburgh & Cruwys, others include biographies etc, also a couple of impressive Mount Everest books & four DVDs. 100+ hours of entertaining reading. 100 Carton with seven large cover albums with an array of FDCs & commemorative covers with strong sections from AAT, Ross Dependency including many RNZAF covers & Marion Island, plus numerous items from other administrations, lots of variety in the cachets & many autographed, some minor duplication, generally very fine. 500 AUSTRALIAN: Carton of mostly First Day Covers including numerous "Base Sets", also a selection of unused PPCs, range of commemorative covers including a few with signatures, a few OHMS covers, etc, some duplication, mostly unaddressed and generally very fine. (few 100) 300 AUSTRIA 642 CPS Box of mostly used Postal Stationery with unusual items including 1907 2h green STO Wrapper, 10h on 6h Letter Card (unused), Pneumatic Post Postal Card & Envelopes x3 (all with central fold), Tax Office 2kr black/pink multi-panel Postal Card (unused, split perfs rejoined with archival tape), 1kr & 3kr Telephone Cards (each with a single punch-hole), six Bosnian items including two overprinted types, etc, also PPCs including gorgeous 1899 chromolitho "Gruss aus Przemysl" & 1910 Vienna Exhibition "Kaiserliches Jagdschloss Mürzsteg" with Exhibition cds etc, condition variable but generally fine to very fine, lots of postmark content. (57 items) 200 643 O Hagner of Imperfs and early perforated issues with some better values & a few varieties noted, postmarks include from Fiume, Trieste & Italy, condition mixed but many are fine to very fine. {Page 104.2}(58) 200 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH OCCUPATION FORCES (B.C.O.F.) All of the taxed lots in this section are from the exceptional collection formed by Sybrand Bakker from the Netherlands. Our Gold Medal winning catalogue of 2/8/2013 is the pre-eminent reference for these grossly underrated Australian issues. We have a small number of copies available for $A20 each plus postage. 644 645 646 647 648 649 C P P P ** ** B A A A A/A- A B1 1) 1948 cover with set to 5/- Thick Paper (exceptional centring), the 2/- with unlisted Badly Defective Overprint , APO 080 cds & registration h/s in violet, central vertical fold clear of the stamps; 2) 1948 registered airmail cover to Port Moresby (Relief No 2 arrival b/s) with BCOF 3d x2 tied by UPS 497 cds used at Kure; and 3) 1949 airmail cover endorsed on the reverse "On HMAS Shoalhaven/at Shanghai 4.4.49", to NSW with 'HMA SHIPS' cachet & cancelled on arrival at Sydney. (3) 300T PROOF OVERPRINTS - TYPE ONE (THIN OVERPRINT) ON PLAIN PAPER: Large piece (128x167mm) with 24 impressions (4x6) from the lower-right of the right-hand pane [Rows 5/10 Pos 5 to 8] in red including Stop after 'JAPAN.' [Row 5 Pos 5], 'B' in Wrong Font (Smaller 'B') [Row 7 Pos 6], & the unlisted Broken 'C' [Row 10 Pos 8], small paper inclusions, Cat $2600+. [NB: Row 9 Pos 7 shows the '6' intact, which means that the unlisted Broken '6' variety occurred later due to wear] {Page 104.3} 900T - Inter-panneau piece (101x76mm) from the top of the sheet with 8 impressions - 4+4 - comprising left-hand pane [Rows 1/2 Pos 7 & 8] including '4' in '1946' in the Wrong Font (Long Serif at Base) [Row 2 Pos 7] & right-hand pane [Rows 1/2 Pos 1 & 2] in red, faint bend, Cat $900+. {Page 104.4} 400T - Inter-panneau piece (101x120mm) from the base of the sheet with 16 impressions - 8+8 - comprising left-hand pane [Rows 7 to 10 Pos 7 & 8] in gold including 'B.C,O.F.' [Row 10 Pos 8], & right-hand pane [Rows 7 to 10 Pos 1 & 2] in red including unlisted Broken 'C' [Row 7 Pos 1] BW #J1(PP)1Cz, folded in the gutter, Cat $3800++. [The largest, or equal-largest, surviving inter-panneau piece] {Page 104.5} 1,800T PROOF OVERPRINTS - TYPE ONE (THIN OVERPRINT) ON STAMPS: ½d in Red, 1d in Black (tonespot) & in Red, and 3d in Black, in Red & in Gold, all unmounted, Cat $1300 (2006). Rarely available as a complete set: Sybrand Bakker didn't have a complete mint set. {Page 104.6}(6) 850 - 1d with Overprint in Black BW #J2PP(2)A upper-right corner block of 4 from the right-hand pane with unlisted Blunt '4' [Row 2 Pos 7], there is a crease in the side margin that just impinges upon the second unit, unmounted, Cat $600++. {Page 106.1} 600T 650 W*G A- 1946-48 ISSUED STAMPS: ½d to 2/- lower-left imprint blocks of 4 plus a second 1d block used, most with no gum. Scarce. (7 blocks) 200 651 */** A B1 - ½d with 'B' & First 'A' in 'JAPAN' in the Wrong Fonts BW #1g, the lower units - including the variety - unmounted. 100T 652 ** A - 1d brown-purple with the Overprint in Blue-Black BW #J2c complete left-hand pane of 80 with the Authority Imprint, unmounted, Cat $5000++. Advertised retail $6000++. [With a block of 6 with the normal black overprint for comparison] {Page 106.2} 1,000 653 ** A C1 - 3d dark brown with the Overprint Double BW #J3ca (SG J3a), marginal example from the left of the right-hand pane, unmounted, Cat $750 (£1100). [The initial light overprint is 1½mm to the left] {Page 106.3} 350T 654 V A C1 - 3d dark brown with the Overprint Double BW #J3ca (SG J3a), faint cds, Cat $750 (£1100) unmounted mint (unpriced used). [The initial faint overprint is misplaced about 3mm to the right, causing fragments of the adjoining overprint to appear at far-left] {Page 106.4} 500T - 6d interpanneau block of 24 (8x3) with the unlisted '4' in the Wrong Font (Long Serif at Base) [Row L2 Pos 7] & '4' in the Wrong Font (Small '4') [Row R3 Pos 4], also Break in Top of 'C' [Row L3 Pos 8], unmounted. A key positional piece. 350T 655 ** A 656 ** A C1 - 6d with 'B' & First 'A' in 'JAPAN' in the Wrong Fonts BW #J4g being the third unit in a block of 4, unmounted. 300T 657 F A B1 - 6d with 'B' & First 'A' in 'JAPAN' in the Wrong Fonts BW #J4g tied to commercial airmail cover to Adelaide by 'AFPO 28/23OC47/RAAF JAPAN' cds, 'AF PO/BOFU' registration label. 250T 658 ** A C1 - 6d with '6' in the Wrong Font (Bold '6') BW #J4h (SG J4a), unmounted, Cat $300. Retail $350. 150T Page:108 Aug 15, 2014 Lot 670 - Beautiful Combination Cover Ex Lot 672 -1940s Airmail Covers x12 Lot 671 - Part-Paid Official Registered Cover Lot 675 - 1909 GB to Cocos Islands Ex Lot 676 - Cocos Islands Covers x5 Ex Lot 677 - 1960s Cocos Covers x5 Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Aug 15, 2014 Page:109 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH OCCUPATION FORCES (B.C.O.F.) (continued) Lot Type Grading Description 659 ** A C1 - 2/- maroon block of 10 (2x5) from the lower-left of the right-hand pane with Authority Imprint BW #J6za, characteristic wayward centring, unmounted. Advertised retail $600++ as singles. Est $A 250T 660 **/* A/A- - 5/- Thick Paper three singles with various Defective &/or Raised Letters, two with hinge remainders, one marginal unmounted. Advertised retail $500+ as normal singles. 200T 661 ** B B1 - 5/- Thick Paper horizontal pair, the second unit with unlisted Defective 'B'/'APAN'/'6', well centred, faint gum-toning, unmounted. Rare. Advertised retail $450+ as normal singles. 250T 662 ** A B1 - 5/- Thick Paper John Ash Imprint block of 4 BW #J7z, no selvedge at left, unmounted, undercatalogued at $750. An under-appreciated rarity. [Sybrand Bakker's very well centred block sold for $2185] {Page 106.5} 663 **/* A LEFT-HAND PANE VARIETIES: ½d & 6d marginal blocks of 4 from the top of the sheets each with Broken Top on '9' [Row 1 Pos 7] & '4' in the Wrong Font (Long Serif at Base) [Row 2 Pos 7], unmounted; also 1/- marginal block of 4 with the errors corrected, the lower units unmounted. [The ACSC states this Wrong Font '4' variety was corrected prior to the printing of the issued ½d 6d & 1/-. This is clearly an error] (3 items) 250T 1,000 664 **/* A - ½d block of 12 (3x4), 6d block of 8 (4x2) & 1/- block of 12 (4x3) each with 'B' & First 'A' in 'JAPAN' in the Wrong Fonts [Row 4 Pos 5] BW #J1g 4g & 5g, most units - including the varieties - are unmounted. {Page 106.6}(3 items) 500T 665 */** A/B RIGHT-HAND PANE VARIETIES: ½d (a little aged, lightly mounted) 6d & 1/- marginal blocks of 10 (5x2), 20 (4x5) or 6 (3x2) respectively, each with 'B' in the Wrong Font (Small 'B') [Row 7 Pos 6] BW #1m 4m & 5m & the unlisted Break in Top of 'F' [Row 6 Pos 6], the 6d additionally with Broken Top of '6' [Row 9 Pos 7] & Break in Top of 'C' [Row 10 Pos 6], unmounted. (3 blocks) 350T Ex Lot 666 666 667 668 669 ** ** ** ** A/A- A B1 A C1 A C1 - ½d 6d & 1/- upper-right corner blocks of 10 (5x2), 4 or 20 (4x5) all with 'N' in the Wrong Font (Narrow 'N') BW #1j 4j & 5j and the unlisted Blunt '4' [Row 2 Pos 7], the ½d & 1/- additionally with the unlisted Break in Top of 'C.' [Row 2 Pos 6], the ½d block a little aged, unmounted. Advertised retail $910 just for the Wrong Font 'N' singles. {Page 109.1}(3 blocks) 600T SECOND SETTING OF THE OVERPRINT: ½d upper-right corner block of 16 (4x4) from the left-hand pane with '1' in the Wrong Font (Tall '1') BW #J1n [Row L4 Pos 8] plus unlisted Small Stop varieties [Row 1 Pos 6, Row 2 Pos 7, Row 4 Pos 7], unmounted. 150T - ½d with '1' in the Wrong Font (Tall '1') BW #J1n [Row L4 Pos 8] in marginal block of 16 (4x4) from the top of the right-hand pane, all units with "Dirty" Overprint that is often characteristic of the Second Setting & which caused the Offset of the Overprint on all units, unmounted. 200T - ½d with unlisted Spaced 'JAP AN' [Row R2 Pos 6] in marginal block of 12 (6x2) from the top of the right-hand pane, unmounted. [This variety is more prominent than the similar listed variety at Row R7 Pos 8] 200T CHINA - Postal History 670 C A- 1898 attractively hand-illustrated cover to England with two-issue three-colour franking of 'IMPERIAL CHINESE POST' 5c rose plus 'CHINESE IMPERIAL POST' 1c yellow-ochre x3 & 2c red tied by two superb strikes of the Shanghai "dollar chop", Hong Kong 10c purple/red tied by British Post Office 'SHANGHAI' cds, very fine 'STAINES' arrival b/s, a few minor blemishes. Delightful! {Page 108.1} 850 671 CX B 1919 internal cover (146x287mm) with a huge "chop" in red on the face, and festooned on the reverse with huge "chops" in red or blue, Sinkiang Overprints on 2c Junk & 15c Sower - both with perfins ! - tied by 'TIHWAFU/ (---UMTSI)' cds, minor imperfections. Spectacular! [Our vendor advises that this is an official registered cover, and that the stamps paid the registration fee only] {Page 108.2} 1,000 672 C A/B 1940s airmail covers mostly to the USA including at least two missionary items & one registered/censored, a few with commercial imprints, good range of frankings including Surcharges & Hyper-Inflation Issues; also philatelic cover with Nanking Exhibition $5000 & internal commercial PRC cover; generally fine. {Page 108.3}(12) 400 CHRISTMAS ISLAND 673 **A A 1958-1996 Issues complete including M/Ss overprinted for stamp exhibitions, unmounted, in expensive boxed KaBe hingeless album. 100 Page:110 Aug 15, 2014 Ex Lot 680 - Syndicat Francais Franking Ex Lot 678 - French Pacific Ship Mail x11 Ex Lot 687 - Saar Collection Lot 681 - Commercial Cover to Malta ! Ex Lot 683 - Two Volumes to 1945 Ex Lot 686 - Danzig Ex Lot 713 - 'NAUP.U' Ex Lot 697 - German Colonies Covers x9 Lot 712 - 1912 Japan Used in Korea Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Aug 15, 2014 Page:111 CHRISTMAS ISLAND (continued) Lot Type Grading Description 674 C/CO A Est $A 2007-08 "Wesley" First Day Covers for Zodiac booklet panes set of 12, & Year of the Rat normal stamps, 50c gutter block of 10 & M/S plus set of 6 different M/Ss optd with different times!, unaddressed. Initial cost $200. (21) 100 COCOS ISLANDS 675 C B 1909 Stavers PPC from England to "Eastern Extension/Telegraph Company/Cocos Islands/..." with 'PENANG TO SINGAPORE/+' marine sorter cds, a couple of very minor blemishes. Rare & very early inwards mail. {Page 108.4} 500T 676 C/F B 1945 stampless OAS cover to England with 'RAFPOST 301/31AUG45/+' cds, minor faults, dated the day after a "Liberator" crashed off-shore shortly after taking off for Perth; 1951 registered cover from GB with very fine strike of the 'COCOS Is/("2-12-51"/PER ("Islander")' oval cachet in violet on the reverse but unusually without the Cable & Wireless arrival cds; 1951 stampless cover to the "Purser, RMS Orion/Sydney" with 'ERL PARKIN/COCOS' cachet on the flap, very fine strikes of the boxed 'TIN CAN MAIL/COCOS-KEELING IS' h/s & circular 'Per RMS ORION/("12.8.51")' h/s; ditto, to Sydney with very fine strikes of the boxed h/s & circular 'Per RMS ORION/("12.8.51")' h/s both in violet; 1953 commercial airmail cover to GB with Singapore 10c pair & 50c tied by two strikes of the Malayan 'COCOS/ISLANDS' cds; and Singapore KGVI Perf 17½x18 10c 20c 25c 35c & $1 each with per favor part-strike of the boxed 'TIN CAN MAIL/ COCOS KEELING IS' h/s in violet. {Page 108.5}(5 covers) 600T 1961 Qantas commercial airmail to NSW with 'BY AIR/FROM/KEELING COCOS/ISLANDS' cachet in blue - the latest of only six recorded usages, and only the second in the Territory period - & 5d Christmas tied by Cocos #2 cds, minor tonespots & stained on the reverse; 1964-65 Cocos PPCs "Highest Landmark, Cocos Island" to NSW & to London (with 3d pair + 8d) & "Greetings from Cocos Island" to the ACT; and 1966 Wesley FDC with QEII 4c booklet pane 'Registered/Post is/Safest/for your/Gifts' tied by Cocos cds #3 of 14FE66, small Gower address label. A very scarce group. {Page 108.6}(5 items) 500 677 C B FRENCH COMMUNITY 678 679 680 681 C W*C C C A/A- A Mostly commercial ship mail group from Polynesia including 1905 PPC to Belgium with San Francisco machine cancel & 'PAQUOBOT' (error) h/s, 1926 to Cameroun with 'PACKET BOAT.' cancels & 'MARINE POST OFFICE/NZ/RMS MAKURA' cds, 1928 PPC to Paris with 50c tied by blank circle cancel & '.../RMS MAUNGANUI' cds, 1929 to NZ with circular 'PACKET/BOAT' h/s & '.../RMS MAUNGANUI' cds, 1932 to "Cantho/Indochine" with blank circle cancel & '.../RMS MAKURA' cds, 1933 to USA with blank squared-circle cancel & '.../RMS MAUNGANUI' cds, etc; from New Hebrides 1936 to Paris with three strikes of 'N-HEBRIDES/PAQUEBOT' cds; and Christmas Island/Polynesia combination frankings on 1918 Reinhard cover to Switzerland & 1934 Christmas Day cover to USA; generally fine. {Page 110.1}(11) 600T NEW CALEDONIA: Annotated display pages with Overprints including 1883 'NCE/5' on 75c & 1886 (Aug) 'NCE/5c'.on 1fr, 1892 'NLLE/CALEDONIE' Overprints 5c, 15c, 20c, 25c ochre/yellow, 35c (trimmed perfs) & 75c, 1892-93 5c on 20c, 1892 Commerce set, 1899-1901 15c on 1fr, 1903 Annexation Overprints set, etc, generally fine; also covers including 1893 to France with 'LIGNE T/PAQ FR No 6' d/s, 1937 & 1938 covers with different Sydney Paquebot cancels, and 1939 Martinet airmail covers to France & to Spain. {Page 106.8}(68 + 6 covers) 800T NEW HEBRIDES: 1903 cover with Syndicat Francais 1fr + New Caledonia Annexation 1fr tied by 'PORT-VILA' cds, 1924 commercial PPC to Noumea, & 1956 Cronin cover with New Caledonia 5fr tied by Australian-type 'VILA NEW HEBRIDES/PAQUEBOT' cds. {Page 110.2}(3) 300T - 1925 commercial cover to Malta (!) with French Idols 20c & '30c.' on 10c tied by French cds, black/yellowish 'VILA. N.H.' registration label, 'REGISTERED/MALTA' arrival b/s. A terrific origin/destination combination. {Page 110.3} 400 GERMAN STATES Ex Lot 682 682 W*O Collection in three albums with lots of useful material and some better stamps noted, the earlier material in very mixed condition so careful examination is demanded. Caveat emptor but do have a look. {Page 111.1}(100s) 500 Two volume collection with some useful earlies, lots of Germanias & Inflation Isues, Third Reich with many useful sets including Charities, Airs, Overprints on Danzig & mint M/Ss including Olympics, Hitler perf & imperf plus '25 Rpf' Overprint x2, also Officials, booklet panes, Hindenburg & Hitler tête-bêche gutter pairs, etc, generally fine to very fine. {Page 110.4}(100s) 750 - the companion used collection with a smattering of earlies, Germanias to Inflation Issues mainly pedestrian, Third Reich with some better items including Charity sets, four CTO Hitler M/Ss & Officials, also se-tenant pairs from booklet panes, commercial perfins & postmarks, condition variable. (100s) 400 GERMANY 683 684 */** O Page:112 Ex Lot 691 - Two Volumes of Berlin Aug 15, 2014 Ex Lot 692 - Bundespost Ex Lot 778 Lot 704 - Shipmail per SMS "Falke" from Samoa Lot 702 - 1891 Samoa to the Transvaal Ex Lot 763 Ex Lot 700 Lot 706 - 3pf Gutter Block, to Fiji Lot 779 - Gorgeous! Ex Lot 765 Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Aug 15, 2014 Page:113 GERMANY (continued) Lot Type Grading Description 685 O Thousands of used stamps neatly arranged in three large stockbooks & two smaller volumes. Ideal for packetmakers. Est $A Offer 686 *O DANZIG: Collection with an array of Overprints & Surcharges, better mint issues including 1923 Gold Currency Surcharges, 1924 Pictorials, 1930 Constitution, 1932 Luposta, Officials etc, also a page of Port Gdansk Overprints, some minor duplication, condition generally fine to very fine. {Page 110.5}(100s) 250 687 *O SAAR: Collection with an array of Overprints & Surcharges, 1921 French Currency Surcharges used, 1922-24 Officials used, Plebiscite most values mint, French Occupation issues, Heuss 'F' Added mint set, some minor duplication, condition generally fine to very fine. {Page 110.6}(100s) 300 688 *O OCCUPIED TERRITORIES - WORLD WAR I: Album of Allenstein, Belgium, Marienwerder, Memel including Klaipeda with some blocks, Rumania & Upper Silesia, lots of pickings, some duplication, condition generally fine to very fine. (100s) 200 689 *O OCCUPIED TERRITORIES - WORLD WAR II: Bulging album of issues for Alsace, Bohemia & Moravia, Estonia, Latvia, Lothringen, Luxembourg, Poland including General Government with some M/Ss, Serbia & Ukraine, lots of pickings, some duplication, condition generally fine to very fine. (many 100s) 250 Ex Lot 690 690 691 692 *O *O O 693 CPS 694 O/V A ALLIED OCCUPATION: Two volume collection with Numerals set on registered cover & mint M/Ss, Doves set on registered cover, Buildings sets mint & used including perf variants & a few mint errors, Posthorn Overprints mint including four with Offset of the Overprint on the Reverse, lots of duplicates, condition generally fine to very fine. {Page 113.1}(1000+) 500 BERLIN: Two volume collection with some 'BERLIN' Overprints used, Buildings set used, UPU set mint, 1949 (Aug) Surcharges used, Bells with Clapper to the Right 20pf to 40pf used, 1951 Stamp Day mint, 1952 Olympics mint & used, Famous Berliners mint x2 sets & used, etc, lots of thematic interest in the later period plus mint definitive sets, some duplication, generally fine to very fine. {Page 112.1}(many 100s) 300 WEST GERMANY: Three volume collection with lots of better material including 1949 Parliament UPU & Relief Fund, Posthorns set, 1951 St Mary's Church, Wuppertal & Relief Fund, 1952 Relief Fund 30+10pf, 1953 Ifraba, 1953 & 1954 Relief Funds, Beethoven M/S, etc, high thematic content in the later period, some duplication, generally fine to very fine. {Page 112.2}(many 100s) 350 - Eight slim volumes of philatelic & commercial covers, strong section of scenic Postal Cards unused or CTO. (100s) 150 EAST GERMANY: 1945-61 collection on Leuchtturm hingeless pages with a range ofSoviet Zone city handstamps including 'Berlin 60pf & 'Leipzig' 15pf block of 4, DDR including 1949 Conference, 1950 Leipzig Fair & Portraits, 1951 Friendship & Children, etc, many/most are CTO. 150 GERMAN COLONIES 695 *O Modest collection on Hagners with plenty of pickings including Post Offices in China Dollar Surcharges set mint, Cameroon CEF to 8d on 80pf mint, Marshalls GRI 2d on 10pf & 2d with No Stop after 'd ' on 20pf mint, a few useful postmarks & a few Mourning Stamps, etc, condition variable. (few 100) 250 Ex Lot 696 696 SD Exhibit pages of postmarks with Carolines including 'ANGAUR', 'PALAU' in violet, 'PONAPE' & 'TRUK' plus Ponape negative seal "typhoon provisional"; Marshalls including manuscript "Nauru/Eanijen Rakijen", 30pf & 1mk with Japanese "chops" of Tamura or Kobayashi; Samoa including 'FAGAMOLO', 'MULIFANUA' & superb 'SALAILUA'; etc, also a few Seepost types including '.../SYDNEY-HONGKONG' & '.../JALUIT-/LINIE' in violet both on Carolines 10pf; many are part-strikes only but some are on piece. {Page 113.2}(35 items) Use “Limit Bidding” to cover all lots in which you are interested. 350T Page:114 Aug 15, 2014 GERMAN COLONIES (continued) Lot Type Grading Description 697 CPS A/B 500T Set of mourning stamps for 10 lost Colonies, unmounted; plus that for German New Guinea on the face of 1938 Zeppelin cover to Argentina. (10 + cover) 250T 698 **C 699 *WPS 700 F A CAROLINES: 1900 Yachts 3pf to 5mk Mi 7-19 tied to separate pieces by 'YAP' cds, Cat €1000. {Page 112.3}(13) 400 701 C B MARSHALL ISLANDS: 1905 commercial cover endorsed at upper-left "Abs M Hoffmann, Jaluit", to FriedrichWilhelmshafen (New Guinea) with Germania 10pf tied by a largely fine strike of 'DEUTSCH SEEPOST/ JALUIT-/LINIE/ b ' cds used aboard the "Germania", Hong Kong transit b/s, ironed-out vertical fold & some light soiling/toning. 250T SAMOA: 1891 commercial cover to the Transvaal with German Large Eagle 20pf pair tied by one of two fine strikes 'APIA/KAISERL DEUTSCH/POSTAGENTUR/28 4/91' cds, imperf registration label, registration backstamps of Sydney, Port Elizabeth & Pretoria, a little aged with some spotting mostly on the reverse. {Page 112.4} 400T 702 C A/A- Est $A Covers comprising 1910 to Bohemia with German 10pf pair & '.../JALUIT-/LINIE' Seepost cds; Carolines with 1905 "Typhoon Provisional" bisect on PPC,1910 commercial cover with 40pf tied by 'YAP' cds & 'Jap' registration label, and 1913 commercial usage of PPC (topless maiden); Marianas 1904 usage of German Postal Card & 1913 registered cover from Saipan; Marshalls 1904 registered cover with 1mk & 1913 commercial usage at Jaluit of Nauru PPC (four topless maidens); and Samoa 1910 double-rate commercial cover to GB. {Page 110.9}(9) Carolines Yachts mint/unused & mourning stamp *, Marianas 75pf Notgeld, three Liebig trade cards, three unused Postal Cards. B Offer 703 C A - 1894 cover to California with German 20pf tied by 28mm 'APIA/KAISERL DEUTSCHE/POSTAGENTUR/28 3/94' cds, two different San Francisco b/s. 200 704 C B - 1898 cover with elaborate crest of SMS "Falke" on the flap (affected by a repaired opening tear), German 10pf pair tied by two strikes of '.../MARINE-/SCHIFFSPOST/No 3/28 5/98' cds, 'KIEL' arrival backstamp & redirected to 'QUEDLINBURG', a bit soiled. [SMS "Falke" was stationed at Apia 1895-98] {Page 112.5} 300 705 PS B - 1899 usage of German 10pf Postal Card to Victoria with Palmtrees 1d green affixed over the printed stamp, minor blemishes. Unusual. 150 706 C B - 1900 cover to Suva endorsed "To [sic] late for Reg[ular] Mail" with remarkable franking of Overprints 3pf gutter block of 4 & 5pf x2 tied by 'LEVUKA/16/OCT/00/FIJI' transit cds & another strike at left, 'GPO SUVA' arrival b/s, ironed-out central fold & some minor toning. {Page 112.6} 450 707 PS A - 1907 5pf Postal Card with superb 'MULIFANUA' cds & superb 'APIA' transit, 'GELSINKIRCHKEN' arrival cds, full message. 300 708 C A - 1912 makeshift wrapper fashioned from a Samoan-language gazette with 5pf tied by Apia cds. Very scarce item. 100 Ex Lot 711 Ex Lot 709 Lot 710 709 D A A1 - POSTMARKS: 1888 & 1889 two small pieces each with German 20pf tied by very fine strikes 'APIA/KAISERL DEUTSCHE/POSTAGENTUR' cds, and a fair central strike on 50pf block of 4 (small faults). {Page 114.1}(3) 200 710 D A - 1893 linen-backed piece with rare franking of German 2mk carmine-purple Mi 37e horizontal pair & 50pf chocolate Mi 50d x2 tied by 'APIA/KAISERL DEUTSCH/POSTAGENTUR/8.11/93' cds, Cat €5000+. {Page 114.2} 500T 711 D A A1+ - 1896 small piece with German 20pf tied by superb strike of the 30mm 'APIA/KAISERL DEUTSCHE/ POSTAGENTUR' cds, and part-strikes tying 2mk purple to a small piece. {Page 114.3}(2) 150 A- 1912 usage of Japanese 4sn UPU Postal Card to England with a superb strike of the rubber 'KEIJO/(SEOUL)/ 23.8.12/CHOSEN' cds in violet, superb 'WINCHESTER' arrival cds & twice redirected, the message headed "Bishop's Lodge Chang Kol/Seoul Corea" & signed "CChambers". [Chang Kol is a small town in the far south of the peninsular. This item would have been carried by hand to Seoul for posting] {Page 110.10} 250 KOREA 712 PS NAURU We are very pleased to be offering the extensive specialised collection of Nauru formed by John Darnell from England: the separate catalogue is available to current clients free on request. 713 * C 1916-23 Overprints on Great Britain ½d green & 1d red horizontal pairs, the second unit in each with 'NAUP.U' SG 1a & 2a, toning that doesn't affect the very fine appearance, Cat £1100+. {Page 110.11}(2 pairs) 300 Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Aug 15, 2014 Lot Page:115 Type Grading Description Est $A NEW GUINEA Ex Lot 714 714 Exhibit pages with an annotated range of postmarks from the German Period to WWII including 'DISTRICT OFFICE/AMBUNTI', 'ANGORAM', 'BITA-PAKA/NEW GUINEA', undated 'POST OFFICE/KAVIENG' & similar 42mm cds, rubber 'KOKOPO/NEW GUINEA', 'DISTRICT OFFICE/MADANG', 'MOKARENG', undated 'MINING WARDEN/ MOROBE', 'WIWIAK' etc, also 'NAURU' on DNG 10pf, some better stamps noted, mostly on single stamps but some on multiples or on piece {Page 115.1}(83) SD 500T Ex Lot 715 715 Australian Occupation postmarks on Australian Kangaroos including ½d pair with 'STEPHANSORT/----/13' "frozen" cds, 1d 'OS' with 2-line 'RABAUL/NOV 29 1914' x2 & 1-line 'Rabaul', 1d & 2d both 'OS' with 'RABAUL' cds, 2½d pair with oval 'RABAUL/NEW BRITAIN', cover with 3d 'OS' with 'KIETA' cds & endorsed "Passed/Censor" in red, 5d 'OS' with 2-line 'Simpsonhafen/Deutsch Neu-Guinea', & cover with 5d block of 4 (!) with oval 'RABAUL/NEW BRITAIN'; defaced FWHafen court seal on GNG 10pf; on 'G.R.I.' 6mm 2d on 10pf with 2-line 'RABAUL/17 Oct 1914' (first day of use) x2, 2½d on 10pf '[Station] Kieta', 5mm 1d on 5pf with 'HerbetshOh', 2d on 10pf x2 with oval Rabaul on local philatelic cover, 3d on 25pf '[Station] Kieta', on Marshalls 1d on 5pf with 'Herbertshöhe', 2d on 20pf with oval 'RABAUL/JAN 14 1915/NEW BRITAIN' (first day of use); and on NWPI ½d with 'HerbetshOh', 2d orange pair with 'KOKOPO/QUEENSLAND', 2½d with boxed 'RABAUL/4 APR [1915]', 1/- with 'KOKOPO/-----' ('QUEENSLAND' excised); etc, generally fine to very fine strikes (some part-only). {Page 115.2}(31 items) SDC 1,000T NEW GUINEA - German (Deutsch) New Guinea Ex Lot 716 Lot 717 716 G/F A 1897-99 Overprints plus 3pf yellow-brown, and Yachts 3pf to 5mk Mi 1-19, various postmarks, Cat €1200+. {Page 115.3}(20) 500 717 W B 1889 'PACKETMARKE' 2mk perforated essay in green on thin quadrillé paper, a little aged, unused. Status? {Page 115.4} 100T 718 V A B1 1897-99 Overprints 3pf yellow-brown to 50pf Mi 1b-6 tied to 1901 registered cover - a bit aged - to Germany by 'FRIEDRICH-WILHELMSHAFEN' cds, Halensee arrival b/s, Cat €1200+. 250 NEW GUINEA - German (Deutsch) New Guinea - Postal History 719 CPS Commercial covers comprising 1897 "Gruss aus Matupi" PPC with German 10pf & 'MATUPI' cds (a bit travel-weary); 1901 to Berlin with Overprints 20pf & 'MATUPI' cds; 1906 PPC (the paper front only!) & 1911 usage of 5pf Postal Card both to Germany; 1912 cover to Germany with printed "Korrektur" (= proofs); 1913 internal cover 'FRIEDRICH-WILHELMSHAFEN' to Rabaul; & 1914 large-part cover to Sydney with 10pf strip of 3 & 'KIETA' cds; condition variable. {Page 116.1}(7) Our Cross-Reference Listing may contain other items of interest to you. 500T Page:116 Aug 15, 2014 Lot 726 - Herbertshohe to NSW Ex Lot 719 - New Guinea Commercial Covers x7 Lot 727 - from Matupi "By English Mail" Lot 725 - Rhenish Mission Cover Lot 732 - Registered Postcard Lot 729 - Neu-Guinea Compagnie Lot 737 - Rare 'Postagentur' Handstamp Aug 15, 2014 Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Page:117 NEW GUINEA - German (Deutsch) New Guinea - Postal History (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A Lot 721 Ex Lot 720 720 721 CPS C A/A- B Philatelic covers to Germany including 1898 German 5pf Postal Card with 'STEPHANSORT/***' "relief" cds; 1898 with Overprints 10pf pair & 'BERLINHAFEN' cds; 1899 with Overprints 50pf, 'STEPHANSORT' cds & imperf registration label; 1899 Overprinted 10pf+10pf Reply Card with 'STEPHANSORT' cds; 1902 use of German Century 5pf Postal Card & cover with 2pf grey x5 both with 'BERLINHAFEN' cds; and 1909 usage of 10pf Postal Card with message headed "Peiho near Massava/Gazelle Peninsula" signed by three members of the "Peiho" Expedition; also registered cover from Tonga to Herbertshöhe with Sydney transit b/s; fine to very fine. {Page 117.1}(8) 500T 1888 commercial usage of German 10pf Postal Card to Berlin with very fine 'FINSCHHAFEN/12 5/88' cds, three different German datestamps overlapped at lower-left, reinforced central fold, the message signed "F Hellwig". Very early commercial mail from German New Guinea: Michael Courtis' 27/2/1888 cover from Finschhafen sold at our auction of 12/10/2012 for $4140. [Franz Hellwig, a botanist from Danzig, arrived on 7/5/1888, five days before this card was written. With assistance from the Neu-Guinea Compagnie, he explored the Finisterre Range. He died in the colony in June 1889, from dysentery. An unnamed peak of 4120m in the Finisterre Ranges is the highest unclimbed mountain in the world] {Page 117.2} 1,000T Lot 722 722 723 C PS B B Lot 728 1889 commercial cover to Germany with German 20pf x2 tied by two fine strikes of the 'FINSCHHAFEN/15 4/89' cds, 'TRIER/1 6/89' arrival b/s, a little aged with minor toning around the stamps & a few small repaired peripheral tears. [The sender was Neu-Guinea Compagnie employee Eugen Dollman, to his father. Dollman arrived in August 1888 & died at Finschhafen in October 1891] {Page 117.3} 2,000T 1890 (Apr 10) usage of embossed 10pf Postal Card from Germany to "Dr med C Weinland/Deustch Neu-Guinea Compagnie" at Stephansort, no arrival cds (as was the norm before 1895), minor blemishes. Early inwards mail, rare to Stephansort before the company headquarters was relocated there early in 1892. [Dr Carl Weinland arrived in May 1889. He died of malaria at Finschhafen in March 1891] 250T 724 PS B 1895 commercial usage of German 5pf Postal Card (#492d) uprated with 5pf green tied by 'STEPHANSORT' cds, 'BRESLAU' arrival cds, minor imperfections. 250T 725 C B - missionary's cover to Germany with German 10pf pair tied by 'STEPHANSORT/ * ' cds, 'BARMEN' arrival b/s, minor imperfections. [The Rhenish Missionary Society, founded at Barmen in 1828, established a mission station at Bogadijm near Stephansort in 1887] {Page 116.2} 400T Page:118 Lot 730 - Hernsheim & Co Cover Aug 15, 2014 Lot 733 - per "Prinz Sigismund" Ex Lot 780 Lot 734 - Commercial Registered Cover Lot 747 - 'DEULON' Datestamp Lot 743 - from a Japanese Spy (?) Ex Lot 782 - Territory Commercial Covers x16 Aug 15, 2014 Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Page:119 NEW GUINEA - German (Deutsch) New Guinea - Postal History (continued) Lot Type Grading Description 726 CO B Est $A - commercial cover to New South Wales with German 20pf tied by fine 'HERBERTSHOHE' cds, apparently missent via the Dutch Indies with 'WELTEVREDEN', 'BATAVIA' & 'NI AGENT SINGAPORE' transit b/s plus 'COLOMBO' transit & Sydney arrival b/s, slightly truncated at left. Talk about the scenic route! {Page 116.3} 400T 727 PS A - commercial usage of German 10pf Postal Card (#693a) to Germany "By English mail" with very fine 'MATUPI' cds & light Leipzig arrival cds. {Page 116.4} 350T 728 C B - commercial cover to Germany "Via Singapore" with German 10pf & 50pf tied by largely fine 'HERBERTSHOHE' cds, imperf 'Herbertshöh' registration label, very fine 'HAMBURG' arrival b/s, a little aged. {Page 117.4} 750T 729 C B - Neu-Guinea Compagnie cover to Germany with German 20pf tied by largely very fine 'HERBERTSHOHE' cds, Sydney transit & 'KARLSRUHE' arrival b/s, minor blemishes. {Page 116.5} 400T 730 C A- 1900 commercial cover with ovoid 'HERNSHEIM & Co/MATUPI, B-A' (= Bismarck Archipelago) cachet on the flap, to Germany "via Singapore" with Overprints 10pf tied by one of two fine 'MATUPI' cds, 'FRANKFURT' arrival b/s. [Hernsheim & Co was established by Eduard Hernsheim in 1876, originally in the Duke of York Islands. The firm did extensive business with the Neu-Guinea Compagnie & operated the Matupi post office] {Page 118.1} 300T Lot 731 731 732 PS C A- B 1902 commercial usage of German 2pf+2pf Reply Card with Germania 3pf added to the outwards-half only, to a missionary at Bogadijm, DNG 3pf affixed to reply-half & tied by 'STEPHANSORT/22 6/02' cds, 'DIEZ' arrival cds of 8.8.02, a couple of minor imperfections. A very rare "turned" usage. {Page 119.1} 500T 1903 artist's PPC ("Bismarckarchipel") to Austria with Yachts 5pf & 25pf tied by light Friedrich-Wilhemlshafen cds & imperf registration label alongside tied by 'LANDECK/IN TIROL' arrival cds, redirected with 'BISCHOFSHOFEN/ BAHNHOF' arrival cds, rounded corners & minor soiling. Registered postcards are rarely seen. [Landeck & Bischofshofen are both small towns in the Tyrolean Alps] {Page 116.7} 300T 733 C A+ - Hernsheim & Co cover with imprint at the top & oval dated cachet in rosine on the flap, to Germany with typed "per D Prinz Sigismund/via Singapore", 5pf pair tied by 'MATUPI' cds, 'FREIBURG' arrival b/s. Superb! {Page 118.2} 300T 734 CO A- 1904 commercial linen-lined cover (201x152mm) to Germany "Per D Prinz Sigismund/via Sydney" with 10pf & marginal 30pf tied by 'MATUPI' cds, damaged 'Matupi' registration label, 'RADEBEUL' arrival b/s, unusually fine for such an item. [The sender endorsed the flap "Abs FE Hellwig/Matupi BA/DNG". Hellwig was employed by Hernsheim & Co. Karl Ribbe was an ethnologist who lived at Friedrich-Wilhelmshafen between 1893 & 1896] {Page 118.3} 500T - apparently commercial cover to Algeria (!) with 3pf 5pf 10pf & 25pf tied by 'HERBERTSHOHE' cds, 'Herbertshöhe' registration label, Sydney & Marseilles transit backstamps. [The blue pencil line across the stamps appears to have been applied before the datestamps, suggesting that the cover originated in a remote locale & was placed into the mails at Herbertshöhe] {Page 120.1} 400T 735 C A- 736 PS A - commercial usage of 5pf Postal Card to Austria with lengthy message headed (translated) "On board Prinz Sigismund on her way to Friedrich-Wilhelmshafen" & cancelled at that town, Vienna arrival cds. 200T 737 C A- - Ledermann PPC ("Heckraddampfer Herzogin Elisabeth") to Germany with 3pf x2 and 5pf tied by FriedrichWilhelmshafen cds, straight-line 'Kaiserlich Deutsche Postagentur' & two-line 'Friedrich-Wilhelmshafen/(Deutsch Neu-Guinea).' handstamps both in violet, very minor imperfections. [The Postagentur h/s is the first example we have recorded. The 2-line h/s, with '(Deutsch' & the trailing bracket removed was used during the Australian Occupation: Powell #20] {Page 116.9} 250T Page:120 Aug 15, 2014 Lot 768 - Forme of 30 Lot 744 - Hernsheim & Co Registered Lot 735 - German New Guinea to Algeria ! Ex Lot 764 - NWPI Commercial Covers x7 Lot 770 - German PO Seal Lot 769 - NWPI & Australia Combination Franking Lot 771 - from a German Missionary Aug 15, 2014 Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Page:121 NEW GUINEA - German (Deutsch) New Guinea - Postal History (continued) Lot Type Grading Description 738 C 739 740 C C A- A- A- Est $A 1907 cover to a missionary at Vuna Pope with 10pf tied by very fine 'SIMPSONHAFEN' cds & 'HERBERTSHOHE' arrival b/s. Scarce internal mail. [The French Mission of the Sacred Heart Fathers was established at Vunapope by Bishop Louis Couppé during the 1880s. There was a thrice-weekly mailboat service between Simpsonhafen & Herbertshöhe] 150T 1909 commercial usage of PPC (interior of Rabaul's German Club) with 5pf tied by HERBERTSHOHE' cds, twice redirected within Germany, message signed "A Hahl". [Dr Albert Hahl arrived in New Guinea in 1896. He was appointed acting-Governor for one month in 1897 & again in July 1901, being appointed Governor in November 1902. With impeccable timing, he returned to Germany in April 1914. The addressee, Paul Merz was later a government official at Simpsonhafen] 150T - Hellen PPC of an enormous native drum, to "Canal Zone/Isthmus of Panama", 5pf Yacht tied to the view side by manuscript "X" cancel, very fine 'HERBERSTHOHE' cds & rubber 'PANAMA/TRANSITO' transit cds in blue-green. A most unusual origin/destination combination. 150T 741 C A- - commercial PPC (road at Kalagunan, New Mecklenberg) to Germany with message headed "Namatanai 21 Sept 09" & 5pf tied by 'HERBERTSHOHE/5 10/09' cds. The post office at Namatanai wasn't opened until -/9/1911. 150T 742 C B 1910 Norddeutscher Lloyd Filiale Rabaul cover to the New Britain Corporation at Sydney (b/s) with 10pf pair tied by 'RABAUL' cds, minor imperfections. 200T 743 C B 1913 commercial usage of PPC ("Insel Mioko mit Hafen") to Japan with 10pf tied by 'RABAUL/10-11v' cds, addressed in both English & Japanese, 'NAGASAKI/JAPAN' arrival cds, minor blemishes. The lengthy message in Japanese states (translated) "...we have decided to pass over the Caroline Islands and to put our base on New Britain..." He mentions that Rabaul's population included 400 Chinese & 50 Japanese settlers. An intriguing message. [At the outbreak of World War I, the Japanese - on this occasion allies of Great Britain - moved very swiftly to occupy the Carolines, Marianas & Marshalls. This postcard suggests that such plans had been made well in advance, in anticipation of war] {Page 118.5} 250T - commercial linen-lined cover (225x155mm) endorsed on the flap "Abs Goetsch, Rabaul" with two superb impressions of the 'HERNSHEIM & Co/MATUPI' seal in red wax on the reverse, to Germany with large 'Via SIBERIA' h/s in magenta, 50pf tied by 'RABAUL/10-11V' cds & 'Rabaul/(Deutsch Neuguinea)' registration label, superb 'WANDSBEK' arrival b/s, a little soiled. [Mail sent via the Jaluit-Hong Kong Line ships & then by rail across Russia arrived up to two weeks quicker than by the all-sea route. The sender, Emil Goetsch, was an employee of Hernsheim & Co. Our vendor suggests that the Via Siberia h/s was applied at the Rabaul post office. However, our opinion is that both this & the 'Einschreiben' h/s were private markings] {Page 120.2} 400T - PPC (Solomon Islanders at Herbertshöhe) to Germany with message headed "Peterhafen 28.9.13" & signed "Th Bindel", 5pf cancelled with 'FRIEDRICH-WILHELMSHAFEN' cds of 1.10/13. [Peterhafen was a remote German outpost in the Witu Islands. Theodore Binder represented the Neu-Guinea Compagnie there between 1911 & 1914] 150T 744 745 CO C B A- 746 C B 1914 Gerstenberg PPC (two photos of New Pommerania natives) to Denmark with 10pf tied by 'RABAUL/.../13.1.14/ 3-4 N. ' cds, minor blemishes. An unusual destination. 150 747 C A - Catholic Mission in New Guinea addressed but not posted PPC of three young girls in dresses with 5pf tied to the viewside by superb strike of the scarce 'DEULON/2.3/14' cds, Dr Steuer guarantee handstamp on the address side. Deulon PO opened 1/1/1914; closed 20/9/1914. [Harold Gough's similar PPC sold for $1725 at our auction of 17/10/2008] {Page 118.7} 1,000T Lot 748 748 749 CL C B B - commercial cover (217x126mm, slightly truncated at both ends) to the New Britain Corporation Ltd in Sydney with rare franking of 20pf & 2mk tied by 'KIETA' cds of 14.7/14, smudged Sydney arrival b/s of 20AU14, vertical fold at left & minor contemporary ink spots on the address. A rare & desirable cover. [The foreign rate was 20pf per 15gms x11 = 2mk20pf] {Page 121.1} 750T - commercial cover to Japan with 20pf tied by 'HERBERTSHOHE' cds, 'HONG-KONG/ 6 ' transit & 'KOBE/JAPAN' arrival b/s, a little aged. 250T Page:122 Aug 15, 2014 NEW GUINEA - German (Deutsch) New Guinea - Postal History (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A Ex Lot 750 750 POSTMARKS: Vorlaufer group comprising 'FINSCHHAFEN' 1888 & 1890 (on 10pf & 50pf), incomplete but obvious 1891 'KONSTANTINHAFEN', superb 'FRIEDRICH-WILHELMSHAFEN', 'HERBERTSHOH', 'STEPHANSORT/ * ' x4 including 1892 on 2mk & 1893 two superb strikes on 20pf x2 & 50pf x2, 'STEPHANSORT/ *** ' & 'MATUPI', {Page 122.1}(11 items) SD 600T GERMAN NEW GUINEA - Seepost & Schiffspost Ex Lot 751 751 752 SD C/CO Exhibit page with postmarks on stamp or piece including 'NEU-/GUINEA/.../(HONGKONG)' on Marianas 10pf, 'NEU-/GUINEA/.../(SINGAPORE)' on Germania 20pf, 27mm 'NEU-/GUINEA/ZWEIGLINIE' two strikes on Germania 10pf x2, 27mm 'SINGAPORE/DEUTSCH-/NEUGUINEA' on Germania 10pf, etc, and boxed '[R]eichspostdampfer/ WILLEHAD' & '24 MAI 1905' h/s both in blue on DNG 10pf. A very scarce group. {Page 122.2}(9 items) 400T Commercial PPCs comprising 1906 of "Prinz Sigismund" with 27mm 'c' cds & 1909 AJL PPC with 30mm 'b' cds both used aboard "Prinz Sigismund", 1904 GEA PPC to Tasmania with 30mm 'b' cds & 1909 5pf Postal Card with 27mm 'c' cds both used aboard "Prinz Waldemar", 1899 Jacobsen "Gruss aus Matupi" PPC with Overprints 5pf x2 & 30mm 'b' cds used aboard "Stettin" & 1905 local PPC to GB with 30mm 'a' transit b/s used aboard "Willehad"; also 1911 cover (275x175mm, multiple folds) with superb boxed 'Reichspostdampfer/Coblenz' handstamp & defective '.../Neu-Guinea-Zweiglinie' registration label; and 1907 AJL PPC with poor Schiffspost cds used aboard "Planet"; a few faults but generally fine. (8) 500T Lot 753 753 754 PS C A A- Lot 754 1899 usage of German 10pf Postal Card with curved 'Nur für Marine-Schiffsposten' Overprint with full message headed "Matupi 27 Juli 1899", to Germany with '.../MARINE-/SCHIFFSPOST/No 7' cds used aboard the survey ship SMS "Möwe", 'CUXHAVEN' arrival cds, redirected with 'STUTTGART' arrival cds. {Page 122.3} 250T 1902 usage of Dutch Indies PPC with message "Just left Berlinhafen & on the way to Bando", to England with DNG 10pf tied by '...NEU-GUINEA/ZWEIGLINIE/(SINGAPORE)'/ b ' cds used aboard SMS "Stettin", Singapore transit cds. {Page 122.4} 400T How would you like to see your collection showcased like this? Talk to Gary Watson today if this idea tantalises you. Aug 15, 2014 Lot Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Page:123 Type Grading Description Est $A NEW GUINEA - Australian Stamps Used in New Guinea Lot 756 Lot 755 755 756 C C C C 1914 stampless usage of Gerstenberg PPC ("Tanz der Mitglieder...") endorsed "1st Australian Imperial Expeditionary Forces (Rabaul New Britain)" & "Stamps/Not/Available", to Sydney where it received an arrival machine cancel on the face, superb '1D'-in-circle h/s applied & Postage Due 1d with BN '376' used at Sydney GPO, rather the worse for wear but quite presentable. [The message states: "Rabul [sic] New Britain know more about our doing from the paper than we know our self...this is not active service but a bless pic nic [sic]/BP Clark"] Very early Occupation mail, carried per "Koolonga", the second ship to depart Rabaul. {Page 123.1} 750T - (Nov) cover endorsed "Garrison Duty/Rabaul" at upper-left & "No 435" at lower-left, to Sydney with 1d Roo perf 'OS' tied by very early usage of the straight-line 'Rabaul' handstamp, Sydney arrival b/s of DE14 - 1914, slightly reduced at left, ironed-out crumpling & a bit soiled. {Page 123.2} 400T Lot 757 757 C A- - (late) usage of Catholic Mission PPC (Catechist & his Wife), to Victoria with perf 'OS' 1d Roo tied by a light but very fine strike of the defaced 'KAISERLICHES BEZIRKSGERICHT/[Arms]/FRIEDRICH-WILHELMSHAFEN' cancel, 'PASSED' h/s of Melbourne, minor bend at left. [The message states "...a blushing beauty [?] being led to the slaughter"] {Page 123.3} 1,000T In addition to this General Auction, we are also conducting two other auctions on Friday 15th August. Current clients are welcome to request either or both of the catalogue(s) for our “British Empire featuring Jim Mathieson’s Collection” and “John Darnell’s Collection of Nauru”. Of course, all three catalogues are available free of charge at Page:124 Aug 15, 2014 NEW GUINEA - Australian Stamps Used in New Guinea (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A Lot 758 758 759 Lot 759 C C B A- 1915 Oxford Hotel Inverell (imprint on the flap) cover to "The Postmaster/Rabaul/New Britain/via Brisbane" with ½d Roo pair tied by 'INVERELL/NSW' cds, 'PASSED CENSOR/BRISBANE' cds in red, minor blemishes. [For postal purposes, New Guinea continued to be treated as a foreign country, for which the letter rate was 2½d. However, the 1d rate was correct for letters to members of the Armed Forces. The Rabaul postmaster, Sgt George Moore, was in the Army] {Page 124.1} 400T 1916 Theile cover to Queensland with very late usage of perf 'OS' 1d Roo pair + NWPI ½d tied by superb 'MADANG' cds, very fine 'PASSED CENSOR/BRISBANE' cds in red, a couple of very minor bends. A very scarce commercial combination franking. {Page 124.2} 750T NEW GUINEA - 'G.R.I.' Overprints - Postal History Lot 760 760 761 C C B A Lot 761 1915 cover addressed to Melbourne using Sergeant Moore's very distinctive typewriter, with '2d.' on Marshalls 10pf SG 52 & '3d.' on 'Rabaul/(Deutsch Neuguinea)' registration label SG 33 tied by oval 'RABAUL/FEB 4 1915/NEW BRITAIN' d/s in violet, minor blemishes. [It is unlikely that this cover passed through the mail system: the correct rate was 2½d + 3d registration; no postage due was identified or collected; and there are no transit or arrival markings] {Page 124.3} 750T - cover to Sydney with '½d.' on Marshalls 5pf SG 51 pair tied by oval 'RABAUL/MAR 1 1915/NEW BRITAIN' d/s in violet, 'HUNTERS HILL/NSW' arrival b/s of 3AP1915. {Page 124.4} 400T You have spent many years, perhaps a lifetime, assembling your collection. When you are ready to sell, we offer you the opportunity of having your stamps and covers presented with the care and attention to detail that comes from our many years of providing outstanding service and creating exceptional catalogues for our valued clients. So, why would you settle for average presentation when you can have the best? Aug 15, 2014 Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Page:125 NEW GUINEA - 'G.R.I.' Overprints - Postal History (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A Lot 762 762 CL C - commercial cover with embossed 'ROYAL AUSTRALIAN NAVY' crest on the flap but with the OHMS heading crossed-through, endorsed "Censored/(Alec Roberts) OC" over superb straight-line 'Herbertshöhe' h/s in violet, to a nurse at "1st Aust Gen Hospital/AIF Heliopolis/Egypt/(or wherever stationed)" with '1d.' on Marshalls 5pf SG 51 tied by part-strike of the straight-line 'HerbetshOh' h/s in violet & overstruck with Sydney transit cds of 7AP15, minor creasing & overall light staining/aging still most presentable. Top origin/destination combination. {Page 125.1} 1,000T NEW GUINEA - 'N.W./PACIFIC/ISLANDS' Overprints 763 * 764 C/CL 765 * B/C A/B Starter selection including First Wmk 10/-, Second Wmk 5/- & Third Wmk £1, New Colours set etc, condition variable. {Page 112.10}(48) 300 Commercial covers comprising illustrated Church of England Chaplains' Department front with 1d to WA, 1920 to Qld with ½d pair & 'KAWIENG' cds, 1921 to NSW with 2d orange, 1921 to Vic with ½d x4 cancelled at Sydney with superb 'LOOSE SHIP/LETTER' h/s; also philatelic registered covers with ½d & 1d pairs or 9d solo, and 1924 real photo PPC with 1d violet pair & poor but discernible 'WITU' cds; condition a bit mixed. {Page 120.3}(7) 500T Kangaroos selection with First Wmk 10/- & £1 and Fifth Setting 5/- etc, condition variable, Cat £800. {Page 112.11}(17) 300 Lot 766 - Extract 766 */** A/B 1915-16 KGV ½d emerald SG 65 Electro 3 Fourth Setting forme of 30 from the top of the right-hand pane [3R1-30] with the major varieties Crack through L/H Value Tablet & Kangaroo's Legs [9] & Clubbed Fraction Bar at Left [11], a few tonespots including one on the Clubbed Fraction, a few pulled perfs at the top, most units - including [9] & [11] are unmounted. The unoverprinted major varieties BW #63(3)i & j Cat $7500 (mounted). [Absent from Banwell, Gribble & Williams. The very fine "Five Settings" forme - minor perf separation/reinforcing - sold at our auction of 7/2/2014 for $4370] {Page 125.2} 1,500 767 * A B1 1918-23 Fifth Setting on KGV Large Multiple Watermark ½d green with the Watermark Inverted SG 102w, well centred, Cat £120. 100 768 */** A- 1921-22 New Colours 4d ultramarine from the upper-left pane of Plate 2 [L1-30] with Break at Top of Left-Hand Frame [7] & Weeping '4' at Right [18], diagonal crease across three units, minor perf separation/rejoining, most units unmounted, Cat £330++. [Absent from Banwell, Gribble & Williams. The similar forme in the "Five Settings" Collection sold at our auction of 7/2/2014 for $978] {Page 120.4} 500T Page:126 Lot 772 - Scarce Registration Label Lot 774 - Loose Ship Letter Aug 15, 2014 Lot 773 - and Another One Ex Lot 788 - WWII Censor Covers x4 Ex Lot 781 Lot 785 - Top Four Values on Gold Tag Lot 792 - Gold Printing Omitted Lot 790 - from Norfolk Island Aug 15, 2014 Lot Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Page:127 Type Grading Description Est $A NEW GUINEA - 'N.W./PACIFIC/ISLANDS' Overprints - Postal History 769 770 771 772 773 774 C C C C CL C B B B B B B 1916 correctly rated & apparently commercial cover to New York with a very scarce combination franking of NWPI ½d & 1d plus Australian 2d grey perf 'OS' x2 tied by 'HERBERTSHOHE' cds, German-type 'Herbertshöhe/(Deutsch Neuguinea)' registration label, Sydney transit & New York arrival b/s, minor peripheral damage. {Page 120.5} 750T - real photo PPC ("Lee Cheung/Coffee Shop", with a group of Chinese & Australian patrons, the sender marked with a small cross), to Western Australia with 1d red type c tied by Rabaul cds, very fine 'passed censor/Rabaul' h/s in violet, German Rabaul post office wafer affixed on the address side, minor blemishes. Unusual. {Page 120.6} 250T - Neuendettelsauer Mission PPC ("Station Yabim") to Sydney with ½d type c (with 'I' of 'ISLANDS' Largely Missing) tied by 'MOROBE/30MR16' cds, message headed "Finschhafen 22 March 1916" & signed "Joh Flierl/Senior Missionary" states "...Heat hardly to bear", minor abrasions on the view side. [Finschhafen PO closed early-1915. Morobe PO closed late-1914 & reopened early-1915. Underpaid but not taxed] {Page 120.7} 250T 1921 cover to the USA with Fifth Setting 2½d & 3d tied by 'RABAUL/NEW BRITAIN' cds (with Reversed 'N' clearly visible) & very scarce black/white 'RABAUL/No. ---- B' registration label tied by American 'REGISTERED' h/s in purple, Sydney & Chicago transit & 'FORKS NY' arrival b/s all in purple, flap faults & a small repair at the base. [Although apparently commercial, the rate is wrong. Between 1/10/1920 & 30/9/1923, the rate to foreign countries was 4d, so the cover was underpaid 1½d] {Page 126.1} 400T 1922 cover to Victoria with Fifth Setting 1d red & 2d orange x2 tied by 'RABAUL/NEW BRITAIN' cds (with normal 'N') & scarce black/white 'RABAUL/No. ----' registration label , Melbourne transit & 'ROCHESTER/VIC' arrival b/s, minor toning. {Page 126.2} 400T - commercial cover to the New Britain Corporation in Sydney with scarce franking of New Colours 2d scarlet (a deep rich shade) pair tied by 'BRISBANE' transit cds with late usage of oval 'LOOSE/SHIP/LETTER' h/s alongside, light toning. {Page 126.3} 300T NEW GUINEA - Mandated Territory Issues Ex Lot 775 775 * Stockleaves collection including Huts with 6d shades (the £1 is regummed), Hut Airs, Dated Birds to 5/-, Dated Airs, Undated Birds plus 2/- sheet of 30 & the unissued ½d, Undated Airs x2 sets, 1935 Bulolo £2, 1939 Bulolo x2 sets (one 10/- is a little oxidised), 'OS' Huts x5 sets, Dated Birds 'OS', etc, a few problems but generally fine to very fine. {Page 127.1}(280+) 1,500 776 */**O Chaotic mint collection on leaves including Huts to £1, Dated Birds to 5/-, 'OS' Overprints with Huts to 2/- blocks of 6 & Dated Birds set, etc, generally very fine & many units are unmounted; also some mint & used Papua including better values. (180+) 350 Ex Lot 777 777 *O Collection on leaves with Huts (the £1 is unmounted), Hut Airs, Dated Birds, Dated Airs, Undated Birds x2 sets (one used), Undated Airs, Bulolo £2, and 'OS' Overprints complete, a few blemishes but generally fine to very fine, Cat £2600+. {Page 127.2}(138) 1,500 778 */** A B1 1932-34 Undated Airs ½d to £1 SG 190-203, mostly marginal, very lightly mounted or unmounted, Cat £250+ (mounted). A premium-grade set. {Page 112.12}(16) 175 779 * A B1 1935 Bulolo Airs £5 emerald-green SG 205, well centred, Cat £750. {Page 112.13} 500 780 */** A B1 1939 Bulolo Airs ½d to £1 SG 212-225, very lightly mounted or unmounted, Cat £1000+ (mounted). A premiumgrade set. {Page 118.9}(14) 600 781 * A+ B1 - ½d to £1 SG 212-225, well centred, very lightly mounted (some could be unmounted), Cat £1000. Superb! {Page 126.4}(14) 750 Page:128 Lot Aug 15, 2014 Type Grading Description Est $A NEW GUINEA - Mandated Territory Issues - Postal History 782 783 784 785 C C/CL C C A/B C Commercial covers including 1931 AWA cover with scarce 'CANCELLATION/KAVIENG' cds & rubber registration h/s, 1931 Henry G Eekhoff & Son advertising cover with 'POST OFFICE/LAE' cds to Dutch Indies with superb 'SIBOGA' arrival cds & returned to Rabaul, 1933 Chinese merchant's internal cover, 1936 missionary's cover to Germany via Hong Kong, 1939 to Thursday Island with 'MADANG' cds & rubber registration cachet, 1940 advertising cover for AA Bellhouse Chemist at Wau, 1940 OHMS with superb 'NAMATANAI' cds & rubber registration h/s, 1928-37 with Loose Ship or Paquebot h/s of Sydney, Brisbane (2), Cairns or Hong Kong, etc, condition a bit mixed but generally fine. A very useful lot. {Page 118.10}(16) 500T Philatelic covers with a good range of frankings including 2/- Undated Birds block of 9 (!) & postmarks including 'POST OFFICE/AITAPE', 'DISTRICT OFFICE/AMBUNTI', 'ANGORAM' in violet, superb 'EDIE CREEK', undated 'POST OFFICE/KAVIENG', 'POST OFFICE/TALASEA', etc. Another handy lot. (18) 300T 1927-34 commercially used PPCs to Germany (3) or Victoria (2) with various 1½d or 2d frankings & cds of 'BUKA PASSAGE', 'KOKOPO', 'MADANG' or 'RABAUL', the earliest with a light but obvious strike of the very scarce 40mm 'POST OFFICE/KAVIENG' cds in red, a few blemishes. Scarce group. (5) 250T 1934 unaddressed parcel tag with Undated Airs 2/- 5/- 10/- & defective £1 + 1d late fee cancelled at 'WAU', some creasing. A rare franking of the top four values on a bullion tag. [The New Guinea Goldfields were at a higher elevation than any other in the world. Access by land was torturous. Most goods & equipment were flown to & from the goldfields. During the early-1930s, the weight of air cargo flown in New Guinea exceeded that for the rest of the globe combined!] {Page 126.5} 250T Ex Lot 786 786 C A/B 1937-41 correctly rated commercial airmail covers comprising 1937 OHMS registered to GB with 'OS' Birds 1d & 5d block of 4 on the reverse, 1938 to Germany with 9d Bird + 1/- Coronation, 1938 "Empire Air Rate" to GB with 2½d Airs x2, 1939 to Germany with 1d + Airs 1/- x2, Sep 1939 to NZ with Coronation 5d & rare 'PASSED BY/CENSOR ("2")' h/s, 1940 censored to Amboina Dutch East Indies with Birds 4d + Bulolo 2d & 6d, 1940 & 1941 to GB both with Bulolo 6d & 1/-, 1940 censored to Switzerland with Birds 6d pair & 9d, 1941 OHMS to NSW with 5d optd 'OS', & 1941 Forces rate to NSW with Birds 4d optd 'OS', generally fine. An excellent lot. {Page 128.1}(11) 1,000 787 C A- 1939 (Nov 8) commercial cover to London with remarkable make-up of the 1/6d rate with Bulolo 1d 1½d pair 2d & 6d x2 tied by 'LAE' cds, 'SALAMAUA' & Townsville transit b/s, red/white censor tape, minor blemishes. 200 788 C B/C 1939-42 censor covers comprising 1) with Rabaul cds of 22SEP39 & very early unframed 'PASSED BY/CENSOR' h/s; 2) with Rabaul cds of 12DEC41 & AIF Censor 570 h/s; 3) with very scarce 'BULWA/12JAN42/...' cds & equally scarce boxed 'PASSED BY/CENSOR/TNG 50...' h/s; and 4) defective cover from a Lutheran missionary at Madang with 'FIELD PO/25JY42/0139' cds used at 17 Mile Camp, typed "PASSED BY CENSOR" on plain tape & AMF Censor No 2451 h/s in violet {Page 126.6}(4) 300T 1794 Wilkinson (London) engraved & hand-tinted "A new & accurate Map of New South Wales with Norfolk & Lord Howe's Islands" both inset (268x348mm), NSW coast from Point Hicks to York Cape [sic] including Morton Bay [sic] & an inset of Port Jackson & Sidney Cove [sic], Norfolk showing "New Settlement" on Sydney Bay, Lord Howe Island showing Mount Lidgbird & Balls Pyramid but Mount Gower is not named. 300 NORFOLK ISLAND 789 L A- 790 C B 1912 Co-Operative Assurance Co illustrated envelope to Sydney with NSW 1d Arms tied by characteristically poor but discernible 'NORFOLK ISLAND/NSW' cds, minor blemishes. {Page 126.7} 250 791 C/CL A- 1959 airmail cover to New Jersey with rare albeit philatelic franking of '7d' on 7½d Governor's Residence upper-right corner block of 4, central Norfolk Island cds, minor bend at the top clear of the stamps; also 1947 philatelic cover to New York endorsed "Airmail/within USA" with Ball Bay 3d 4d & 5½d. (2) 250 1997 Butterflies 75c with Gold Embossing ('NORFOLK ISLAND 75c' Omitted (Albino Impression) SG 636a, unmounted, Cat £400. With a normal stamp for comparsion. {Page 126.8} 250 792 ** A B1 As at Monday, 30th June 2014, $A100 will cost our American clients $US 94, our British clients £55, our European clients €69, and our new Zealand clients $NZ108. Aug 15, 2014 Lot Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Page:129 Type Grading Description Est $A PAPUA - 1885-1901 The Queensland Stamps Period Ex Lot 793 793 Postmarks including 'N.G'-in-Bars superb strike on rejoined 2d & 6d, 8-bar 'B.N.G' on 2d, 9-bar 'BNG' on 1d pair, on 2½d rose with 'SAMARAI/BNG' cds alongside & on Chalon 2/6d with RPSofL Certificate (1971), 10-bar 'B.N.G'-in-Bars very fine strike on 2d & poor strike on a fragment with small-part 'WOOD[LARKS]' cds alongside, 'SAMARAI/BNG' cds tying 5d to large-part cover-front, & a few others. {Page 129.1}(12 items) SD 750T Lot 794 Lot 795 794 795 D C A A1+ B 1891 piece franked Lined Background 2d pair with very fine central strike of 8-bars 'B.N.G' h/s (Lee #7) & alongside a superb strike of the rare 'PORT MORESBY/14DE/91/NEW GUINEA' cds (Lee #1; rated F). The code 'E' Sideways is usually present as in Roger Lee's illustration. Tim Rybak's example with illegible date, & also with the 'E' omitted, sold at our auction of 26/4/2008 for $862. {Page 129.2} 1,000T 1899 cover from NSW to "The Revd Copland King/Anglican Mission/Bartle Bay" endorsed "per SS Moresby", fine 'PORT MORESBY/28AP1899/BRITISH NEW GUINEA' transit & poor 'SAMARAI/6MAY99/BNG' arrival b/s, minor flap faults & some spotting mostly on the reverse. A rare pre-1901 inwards cover. [Copland King, grandson of Philip Parker King & great-grandson of Philip Gidley King, was one of the first Anglican missionaries in British New Guinea, arriving in August 1891 with Rev Albert McLaren. The first mission station was at Dogura, near Samarai. King remained in Papua until 1918] {Page 129.3} 500T PAPUA Ex Lot 796 796 * 797 *O 798 G Collection with BNG Thick Paper to 2/6d & Thin Paper to 2/6d, Large 'Papua' Overprints to 2/6d, Small 'Papua' Overprints to 2/6d, 1907-10 Large 'PAPUA' 2/6d, Small 'PAPUA' to 1/- x3, Large 'PAPUA' to 2/6d (both), Bicolours including shades, Pictorials set, Airmails, 'OS' Overprints including both 2/6d, a few blemishes but generally fine to very fine, Cat £3900. {Page 129.4}(192) 1,500 Selection with BNG mint to 1/- x2 & used to 1/-, Pictorials set used, 1938-41 Airmails complete used, etc, generally fine to very fine, Cat £1450 approximately. {Page 130.1}(74) 700 (B) C1 1901-05 BNG Watermark Vertical 1/- black & orange on Thin Paper SG 15a, a bit soiled & 4mm repaired tear at right, 'REGISTERED/SAMARAI BNG' cancellation, Cat £4000. An obviously commercial usage of this rare stamp. {Page 130.2} 1,000 Page:130 Lot 798 - SG 15a Aug 15, 2014 Ex Lot 797 Lot 802 - Great Message Lot 807 - Commercial (?) to the USA Lot 809 - Commercially Used Postal Card Ex Lot 801 - Postally Used PPCs x8 Lot 803 - 'WANIGERA' Handstamp Lot 808 - 'Stamp Duty.' Franking Ex Lot 810 - WWI Censor Covers to Japan Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Aug 15, 2014 Lot Page:131 Type Grading Description Est $A PAPUA - Postal History Ex Lot 799 799 800 801 802 CPS C C C B Ex Lot 800 Exhibit pages with philatelic covers including 1904 with BNG ½d to 6d Samarai to German New Guinea with 'HERBERTSHOHE' transit on the face & 'MATUPI' arrival b/s, 1933 Avis de Réception card from 'BWAGAOIA', 1936 Daru-Mount Blucher airmail signed "Richard Archbold" & "Russell R Rogers", 1939 to NSW endorsed "ex HMS Canberra/Recalled from Trip to Papua & Bali", 1942 with McCracken ½d & 5d Air, 1942 to Qld with New Guinea 6d tied by 'FIELD PO/0139' cds used at 17 Mile Camp near Port Moresby, etc, also covers with all-different registration labels from Daru (1927), Kulumadau (1932 & 1933), Port Moresby (1920) and Samarai (1930 & 1931), condition variable but generally fine to very fine. {Page 131.1}(26) 600T Exhibit pages with commercial covers including 1901 & 1906 both with BNG 2d to Qld, 1904 with BNG ½d & 2d to GB, 1907 with late usage of BNG 2d to NSW, 1907 with Small 'Papua' 1d x2 to Qld, 1909 to "Wanigela/via Tufi/Cape Nelson", 1909 & 1911 OHMS covers with perf 'OS' 2d to GB or 2½d to France, 1911 sadly defective to British East Africa (!) redirected to Scotland, 1917 to Holland but not censored, 1923 internal to "Boianai/Doguri" [sic], 1929 BNG Trading Co Port Moresby-Samarai with 3d apparently paying 1½d rate + 1½d late fee, 1933 to Argentina, 1940 OHMS Wrapper to Switzerland with large boxed 'PASSED BY CENSOR' cachet, 1941 with scarce 'NAVAL SERVICE' h/s, March 1942 from 'BUNA BAY' with plain censor tape & Censor 2000 cachet, etc, rather mixed condition but many are fine. {Page 131.2}(30) 1,000T Postally used PPCs with all-different frankings including BNG 1d & Large 'Papua' 1d, a couple of better cards including very fine London Missionary Society "Elevara Village & LMS Mission" (posted aboard SS "Upolu"), also 1911 defective card to Austria with light strike of the rare 'TOO LATE' h/s of Port Moresby, etc, condition variable. {Page 130.3}(8) 400T 1905 commercial usage of PPC to NSW with BNG 1d tied by 9-bars 'BNG' cancel, very fine 23mm 'SAMARAI/ NO/3/1905/BNG' cds (unusual date configuration in 3 lines), minor blemishes. [The message from up the coast dated 1.11.05 states "...I expect a large mail by the schooner. But then I have been expecting a long time. I have got beyond the stage of looking out for the schooner am in the don't worry phase"] {Page 130.4} 200T 803 C B 1908 commerical cover to South Australia with very fine straight-line 'WANIGERA.' backstamp in blue-black, Small 'Papua' 2d tied by Samarai cds, Sydney & Adelaide transit & 'KADINA' arrival b/s, minor blemishes. {Page 130.5} 300T 804 PS A- 1909 commercial usage of 1d Postal Card with message headed "Samarai/3.12.09" & signed "JAW Baldie", posted aboard ship & cancelled on arrival at Port Moresby three days later. 200T 805 C B 1910 commercial cover with '[Coat of Arms]/PAPUA' in blue on the flap, to Samarai with Large 'PAPUA' 1d pair - the upper unit with Coloured Flaw over First 'P' of 'PAPUA' - tied by 'KOKODA ND/31OCT10/PAPUA' cds, 'BUNA BAY/7NOV10/PAPUA' transit b/s, minor blemishes on the reverse 250T 806 C A 1911 NSW PPC with 1d Arms tied by Sydney machine cancel, to Burns Philp at Port Moresby "Per SS Matunga". 150T 807 C A 1912 commercial (?) cover to New York underpaid ½d with 2½d x2 tied by 'KOKODA ND' cds & 'REGISTERED/ KOKODA PAPUA' h/s (Lee #71; rated C) at lower-left, Brisbane & Seattle transit b/s, two different American 'REGISTERED' h/s. {Page 130.6} 250T - Whitten Bros cover to London with very scarce franking of Monocolours 1d pink overprinted 'Stamp Duty.' tied by Samarai cds, telegraph not postal address given! so struck with 'Insufficiently addressed/EC2' h/s, superb 'DEAD LETTER OFFICE/BRISBANE' b/s in rosine & equally fine 'DEAD LETTER OFFICE/26OCT12/ PAPUA' cds (ERD) on the face, a few faults mostly on the reverse, opened-out for display. [Roger Lee's earliest recorded date for the DLO cds is 15JAN15, but he states that Bagnall illustrated a 1912 usage, possibly this cover] {Page 130.7} 600T 808 C B 809 PS A- - commercial usage of 1½d Postal Card to Germany with very fine 'SAMARAI/PAPUA' cds. {Page 130.8} 300T 810 C A/C 1914 (Mar) & (Oct) commercial covers to Japan 1) underpaid but not taxed with Monocolours 1d tied by Samarai cds, 'KOBE' cds, very fine; & 2) with 'BNGD Co Ltd' imprint on the flap, ½d & 2d Monocolours tied by Port Moresby cds & chamfered 'P.B.C.' h/s (= Passed By Censor) of Hong Kong (b/s), poor Kobe arrival b/s, very spotty. {Page 130.9}(2) 300T 811 C/CL B 1921 commercial cover to Sydney with rare franking of Bicolours 1d with curved 'STAMP DUTY' Overprint, Port Moresby cds, central fold & minor blemishes. {Page 132.1} 400T 812 C B 1927 commercial cover to Darwin with Bicolours 1½d x3 tied by 'BUNA BAY' cds, scarce straight-line 'REGISTERED' h/s (Lee #100E; rated C but rare on commercial mail), Brisbane transit b/s & superb 'DARWIN NT/AUSTRALIA' arrival b/s, a couple of small repaired tears & a bit aged. {Page 132.2} 300T Page:132 Aug 15, 2014 Lot 811 - 'STAMP DUTY' Overprint Lot 812 - Commercial Registered from Buna Bay Lot 815 - Passbook Envelope Lot 816 - Rare Greetings Card 1d Rate Ex Lot 862 - Faroe Islands Lot 826 - SG D1 Ex Lot 873 - American Samoa Covers x18 Aug 15, 2014 Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Page:133 PAPUA - Postal History (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Lot 813 813 814 815 816 817 C CL C C C B B B A1 A- B Est $A Lot 817 - PPC from Japan sent as Printed Matter with 2s stamp on the viewside, 'THURSDAY ISLAND' transit & 'SAMARAI' arrival cds, 'MISSENT' h/s & redirected to Cairns where 2d Postage Due affixed & cancelled with blue "X", a little soiled. A bit of an enigma. [The card is addressed to Samarai so our vendor ascribed the Missent h/s to Thursday Island. However, we are of the view that it was an irregular redirection usage at Samarai as both the handstamp & the cds are inverted. Roger Lee recorded different Missent handstamps at Samarai in 1906 & in the 1930s. This type would fit between them] {Page 133.1} 400T - OHMS linen-lined cover (256x124mm, slightly truncated at left) with superb 'TREASURY DEPT/ACCOUNTANT'S BRANCH/JUN 10 1927/PAYMASTER' cachet in violet & posting label affixed, to "Kuching/Sarawak/B Borneo", Bicolours 1½d & 4d tied by Port Moresby cds, red/white registration label (torn before being affixed), Sydney & poor Singapore transit b/s, ironed-out fold at left & minor soiling. Terrific origin/destination item. [The addressee, Ha Buey Hon, was a stamp & postcard dealer in Kuching. The packet almost certainly contained an order of stamps] 250T 1929 (Apr 4) linen-lined cover (127x121mm) with 'COMMONWEALTH BANK/.../PORT MORESBY' cds in purple at lower-left & 'TREASURY/[crown]/TERRITORY OF PAPUA' seal in red wax on the flap, to the Assistant Resident Magistrate at Ioma with perf 'OS' Monocolours ½d & 4d, Port Moresby cds and red & black/white registration label, 'IOMA/25APR23/PAPUA' arrival b/s, flap fault & horizontal fold. The first such passbook envelope we have seen from Papua. {Page 132.3} 300T - commercial cover with embossed '[crown]/PAPUA' on the flap, inspection slits at the sides & endorsed "Card only", to Liverpool with Bicolours 1d & poor Port Moresby cds. A very rare concessional rate item from Papua. [We have been unable to find a specific rate for greeting cards but the Australian evidence is that they were treated as Printed Matter (even though they were often sent sealed), for which the rate at this time was 1d per 4oz] {Page 132.4} 250T 1933 commercial cover from Sydney (?) endorsed "per Air Mail" with KGV 2d red only, on arrival at Port Moresby redirected to "Lae/via Salamaua" (New Guinea) with 'AIR MAIL' 3d added & tied by Port Moresby cds, minor blemishes. A very scarce rates item. [From 1932, mail connecting at Port Moresby with the New Guinea Goldfields airmail service could be prepaid 2d surface + 2d airmail. However, this cover was actually addressed to a firm in Port Moresby for on-forwarding, which required the standard internal airmail fee of 3d to be added] {Page 133.2} 400T Lot 818 Lot 819 818 819 C C A- B 1934 commercial cover to a passenger aboard the "Oronsay" at Fremantle with 2d Bird tied by Samarai cds, boxed 'ORIENT LINE/FREMANTLE' cachet & superb 'NOT ON BOARD' & 'RETURN TO SENDER' h/s in the same blue-violet ink, Adelaide b/s & 'DEAD LETTER OFFICE/ADELAIDE' cds plus boxed 'RETOUR' h/s. {Page 133.3} 200T 1939 NSW Department of Agriculture underpaid airmail cover to a passenger aboard the "Tasman" at Batavia with KGV 5d perf 'G/NSW' only tied by Sydney slogan cancel, 4d Koala added to make up the 9d airmail rate & tied by Sydney cds, arrival cds of 'BATAVIA' where readdressing label affixed & forwarded to Port Moresby where three strikes of the scarce "fickle finger" 'UNCLAIMED' h/s (Lee #108A; over-rated E but very rare on commercial mail) applied before being returned to Sydney, a bit soiled. {Page 133.4} 400T Page:134 Lot Aug 15, 2014 Type Grading Description Est $A PAPUA - Postmarks Ex Lot 820 820 S Annotated pages including 'BONAGAI SED', 'BWAGOIA' error & rubber 'BWAGAOIA', 27mm 'DARU', 'KANOSIA', huge 'ASSISTANT RESIDENT MAGISTRATE KOKODA ND' cachet on BNG ½d, very fine 'KUMUSI', 'POST OFFICE RIGO CD', 'TAHIRA', 'TAMATA ND' x3, generally good to very fine strikes. {Page 134.1}(40 items) 750T Ex Lot 821 821 SD BNG datestamps for Port Moresby, Samarai (the 4 types), 'DARU', 'KOKODA' & 'TAMATA' (no year slug) all on BNG values, 10-bar 'B.N.G' cancels stated to be of Daru (in violet & in blue), Kokoda and Woodlarks, 2-line 'REGISTERED/...' types for Port Moresby, Kokoda, Samarai & Woodlarks, straight-line 'REGISTERED' of Daru & Samarai, "relief" cds with 'BONAGAI' Excised used at Nepa, 'TAX' h/s on Large 'PAPUA' 4d on piece with Samarai cds & on Monocolours 2d with Port Moresby cds - also a black/orange Postage Due docket with Bicolours 2d, finally with non-Papuan cancels including Queensland Rays '21' of Adavale, BN '165' of Charters Towers & Railway Numeral '639, etc. A very good lot. {Page 134.2}(36 items) 1,000T Ex Lot 822 822 SC SHIPBOARD MARKINGS etc: Scarce group of straight-line ship's cancels 'MORINDA', 'TASMAN' x2, 'VAN REES', 'VAN SCHOUTEN' & 'SAMARAI' (status?), 'SHIPS/SS MARSINA/POST' negative seal, circular 'SHIP/LETTER' x3 including on a philatelic cover, oval 'VAN SCHOUTEN', 'VAN REES' x2 & 'SS Swartenhondt' on a philatelic cover, & segmented-circles cancel on 1931 commercial KPM PPC. {Page 134.3}(14 + 3 covers) 500T Ex Lot 823 823 SDC - Annotated pages with various Australia 'LOOSE/SHIP/MAIL' cancels including 1912 & 1932 commercial covers, various Australian Paquebot markings including on two commercial covers, Rays '148' & BN '336' both of Thursday Island, 1915 oval 'RABAUL/NEW BRITAIN' d/s on Monocolours 1d, etc, condition variable but the strikes are generally fine to very fine. {Page 134.4}(23 +9 covers) PASSION! it’s the key ingredient in “The Prestige Difference”. 500T Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Aug 15, 2014 Lot Page:135 Type Grading Description Est $A PAPUA NEW GUINEA 824 **VC A 1952-1980s duplicated mint array including 1952 Pictorials 2/6d imprint block of 4, folio of 1960s-1970s complete sheets including Birds to 8d, Butterflies 25c & $1 etc, lots of unaddressed FDCs including 10/- Bird registered, PSEs, Aerogrammes, stamp packs, etc. (Qty) 200 825 B A BOOKLETS: 1970 50c SG SB2 x6, 70c SB3, 70c SB4 x2, 70c SB5 x4 with various adverts, one with stamps affixed by right-hand selvedge, & Interpex Overprint SB5a x2, Cat £420+.(15) 75 826 ** A+ C1 POSTAL CHARGES: 6d on 7½d with 'IXIXIXIXIX' at the Base SG D1, unmounted, Cat £850. Superb, with no trace of the toning that often affects this issue. {Page 11.5} 600 Lot 827 827 ** A B1 - 3d on ½d with the Surcharge Double SG D3a, well centred, unmounted, Cat £850. [Unmounted examples sold at our auctions of 30/4/2011 & 12/10/2012 for $1437 & $1495 respectively] {Page 135.1} 1,250 SAUDI ARABIA We are delighted to have been invited to offer the very fine award-winning collection formed by the late Dr Kevin Murphy from Perth. Kevin was resident in Saudi Arabia for many years and was fluent in Arabic, allowing him to avoid many of the pitfalls associated with Arabian philately. This is by far the most extensive Saudi collection offered at auction in Australia, with many very rare and elusive stamps included. Condition throughout is very fine unless otherwise noted. Lot 828 828 L A 1849 Rivington map "Arabia et Aegyptus" (250x208mm) with all placenames in Latin (!). {Page 135.2} Offer Page:136 Aug 15, 2014 SAUDI ARABIA (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A Ex Lot 829 829 * A/B HEJAZ: 1916-24 Collection with 1916 Perf 12 set (½pi with tonespots) and Perf 10 1pi, Rouletted 20 set & on philatelic registered cover, 1917 Zig-zag Roulettes, 1921 Hashemite Kingdom Overprints on Zig-zag set + 1pi Overprinted in Brown-Carmine (a few paper-hinge remainders & tonespots but very fresh), Surcharged 1pi on 1pa SG 30 (small fault at the base), Postage Dues with Overprint Normal and with Overprint Inverted, 1922 ½pi on 1pa, 1923 Arms Postage Dues set plus 2pi with the Overprint Inverted, 1923 Surcharges ¼pi on 1/8pi & 10pi on 5pi, 1924 Gold Overprints, 1924 New Colours plus 10pi with the Centre Inverted plus perf & imperf plate proofs of the frame only, etc, and a few perforation varieties, Cat £2500+. {Page 136.1}(82 + cover) 1,000 Lot 831 Lot 830 830 ** A B1 - 1916 First Set Perf 10 ½pi scarlet SG 5, unmounted, Cat £275. {Page 136.2} 175 831 * A- B1 - 1921 Hashemite Kingdom Overprints on Zig-zag Roulettes and Surcharged ½pi on 1pa purple SG 29, tiny thin spot, Cat £550. Rare. Sergio Sismondo Certificate (2004). {Page 136.3} 250 832 * Ex Lot 832 - 1925 King Ali Oveprints annotated collection including 30mm Wide Overprint on Rouletted 20 in Blue on ¼pi & in Red on 1pi with Double Overprint One Inverted, on Zig-zag 13 1pa in Red Inverted, in Blue on 1pa ¼pi ½pi & 1pi on 1pa SG 77 79 80 & 85; Large 3-Line Overprint on 1917 ¼pi SG 94a, on Caliphate in Red on 1½pi SG 133; Small 3-Line Overprint on 10pi on 5pi SG 153; Additional Overprint at the Base 10pi on 1pi on 2pi Error SG 157q; Large 4-Line Overprint in Red SG 161-4 marginal set; etc, Cat £3000+. {Page 136.4}(94) 1,250 Lot 833 833 W A- A1 - 1925 Hejaz Government Overprints in Blue on Rouletted 20 ¼pi green SG 89, exceptional centring, no gum, Cat £850. {Page 136.5} The price will be forgotten but the pleasure of ownership will endure. 400 Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Aug 15, 2014 Page:137 SAUDI ARABIA (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A Lot 834 Lot 835 Lot 836 834 * A C1 - 30mm Wide Overprint on Postage Dues in Red on 20pa with the Overprint Inverted SG D88a, Cat £550. {Page 137.1} 250 835 * A+ A2 - 30mm Wide Overprint on Postage Dues in Blue on 20pa SG D89, exceptional centring, characteristic rough perfs, very lightly mounted, Cat £800. Superb! Peter Holcombe Certificate (1983). {Page 137.2} 500 836 * A B2 - 1924 (Dec) 30mm Wide Overprint on Postage Dues in Blue on 20pa SG D93, characteristic rough perfs, Cat £800. {Page 137.3} 400 Lot 837 837 * A - 1925 Hejaz Government Overprints in Blue on Zig-zag Roulettes 13 ¼pi green with the Overprint Inverted SG 91b, Cat £850. {Page 137.4} 500 Ex Lot 838 838 * A/A+ - 16mm Long Overprint on Arms errors comprising in Blue on ½pi Inverted and Double, 2pi Inverted, Double and Double One Inverted, and 3pi brown Inverted SG 106a 106b 109a 109b 109c & 110a, and in Black on 1½pi Inverted SG 118a (unmounted), very lightly mounted, Cat £850+. A very desirable group. {Page 137.5}(7) Ex Lot 839 500 Ex Lot 840 839 * A/A+ - 16mm Long Overprint on Arms in Gold on 1/8pi to 5pi SG 123-130, Cat £900. Sergio Sismondo Certificate (2001) for the set. {Page 137.6}(8) 600 840 * A/B - 16mm Long Overprint on Caliphate in Blue on 1/8pi to 5pi (minor thin) SG 136-142, Cat £1180. {Page 137.7}(7) 450 We encourage you to pay by Visa or Mastercard. We don’t charge you a fee for this. Page:138 Aug 15, 2014 SAUDI ARABIA (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A Lot 841 841 - 16mm Long Overprint on Caliphate in Black on 1/8pi Inverted (Filatco Certificate), 1½pi Inverted (small fault, Sismondo Certificate), 3pi brown, and 5pi x2 (one Inverted, thinned) SH 143a 145a 146 147 & 147a, Cat £1350+. {Page 138.1} * 500 Ex Lot 842 842 * A/A+ - Small 3-Line Handstamp with Box Postage Dues 1/8pi (Double Perfs at Right) to 10pi SG D154-162, each with additional boxed overprint as SG 'D17', Cat £640 (?). [Gibbons list the large box on the Arms series SG D148-153 but not on the Caliphate issue] {Page 138.2}(9) Lot 844 Ex Lot 843 843 *O 844 * 845 * A- C1 300 NEJDI OCCUPATION OF HEJAZ: 1925 Issues largely complete with Nejd Sultanate Post Scowling Overprints missing only Blue Overprint on Postage Dues SG D203B-205B, March Postage Dues SG D206-7, Pilgrimage Overprint on Turkey 1pi on 10pa & 5pi on 1pi SG 210-211 (both **) and on Railway Tax SG 214, July-Aug Smiling Overprints on Railway Tax set including both 1pi, on Hejaz Postage 1pi & 2pi, and on Postage Dues SG D232 (used) 234 236 & 237, Dec Jeddah Commemoration SG 249-253 used, etc, Cat £2800+. {Page 138.3}(68) 1,200 - 1925 (July-Aug) Smiling Overprints on Hejaz 1/8pi chestnut in Black SG 224a, minor hinge remainder, Cat £6500. Offered "as is": the overprint appears to be bogus. {Page 138.4} Offer Ex Lot 845 HEJAZ & NEJD: 1926-30 Issues with 1926 set & Colour Changes (the ½pi is used), Pan-Islamic Congress Overprints & Postage Dues, 1927 Tughra to 5pi (the ½pi & 1½pi are used) & Postage Dues plus Inscriptional Error SG D292a, 1927 Kingdom Overprints, 1929-32 New Currency Definitives (a few are used), 1930 Fourth Anniversary, etc, Cat £1300+. {Page 138.5}(57) 450 Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Aug 15, 2014 Page:139 SAUDI ARABIA (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A Ex Lot 846 846 **/* A SAUDI ARABIA: 1934-53 Issues including 1934-50s Definitives simplified set of 14, 1934 War with Yemen (**), 1937-39 Postage Dues, 1939 Officials (all but the 20g are **), 1945 Radhwa Meeting (**), 1949 Airs, 1950 Capture of Riyadh, 1951 Afghan Visit 3g 'POSTFS' SG 364a (**), 1951 Jordan Visit 3g 'BOYAUME' SG 371a (**), 1952 Railway, etc, Cat £2200+. {Page 139.1}(56) 1,000 Ex Lot 847 847 * A - 1934 Proclamation of Heir Apparent 1½g light blue to ½s brown SG 318-326, a few with characteristic rough perfs, Cat £1400. {Page 139.2}(9) 600 Lot 848 Lot 849 848 * A B1 - 1936 Charity Tax for the Medical Aid Society 1/8g scarlet SG 345, very well centred, lightly mounted, Cat £850. {Page 139.3} 849 ** A/A+ - 1946 Obligatory Tax Return of Ibn Saud from Egypt ½g magenta Perf 11½ SG 356, Cat £100; and a superb corner example of the rare Perf 11 SG 356a, unpriced by Gibbons; both unmounted. Rare. Very few of the original printing were released because of concern that the inscriptions on the flags might give offence. The inscriptions were scratched-off the plate by hand & a second printing issued. {Page 139.4} Bidding by telephone is permitted. Please request our Assistance for Bidding by Phone. NB: You should book-in early to avoid disappointment. 400 500 Page:140 Aug 15, 2014 SAUDI ARABIA (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A Lot 850 850 ** A+ A2 - 1950 Capture of Riyadh 10g horizontal pair from the right of the sheet, the second unit with Arabic for Singular 'Guerche' not Plural 'Guerches', characteristic rough perfs, unmounted, Cat £850+. Superb! {Page 140.1} 500 Ex Lot 851 851 ** A - 1955-66 King Saud Issues largely complete including 1960-61 Definitives Oil Plant, Wadi Hanifa (*) & Airs and 1964-72 Deinitives incomplete but including some of the better values, then King Faisal issues with 1966-75 Airs five values to 33p, 1967-74 Airs, 1968-75 Building Definitives virtually complete (missing only Colonnade 3p SG 887), commemoratives to 1975 virtually complete including 1974 UPU & 1975 Faisal 40p M/S, also the 1974 Obligatory Tax 1r Mosque, virtually all unmounted, Cat £5800 approximately. {Page 140.2}(450 approx) 2,000 Lot 852 852 C (B) - 1959 commercial airmail cover to Germany with remarkable franking of ½g scarlet marginal vertical pair from the right of the sheet Completely Imperforate & torn from the sheet (just clear of the design in a couple of places) plus Airs 4g & Obligatory Tax ¼g all tied by bilingual '.../JEDDAH' cds, roughly opened at upper-left. Unrecognised by Dr Murphy & obviously overlooked by the dealer who had priced it at $US3!. {Page 140.3} 250 Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Aug 15, 2014 Page:141 SAUDI ARABIA (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A Ex Lot 853 853 ** A - 1961 Dammam Port Extension set of three miniature sheets, unmounted, Cat £600. [Gibbons lists these in a footnote below SG 448 & states "These were made for presentation purposes and were not put on sale to the public"] {Page 141.1}(3) 300 Ex Lot 854 854 ** A/B - 1964-70 Officials Perf 11 15p, 16p (creased), 17p (light bend), 18p, 19p, 24p, 26p, 27p & 33p SG O516-520, 522-4 & 526, characteristic rough perfs, unmounted, Cat £2900. {Page 141.2}(9) 1,000 Ex Lot 855 855 ** A B1 - 1966-75 King Faisal Definitives Wadi Hanifa Dam 1p to 200p SG 688-715, unmounted, Cat £2650. {Page 141.3}(28) When you are ready to sell your collection, remember that Prestige Philately offers you the critical combination of beautiful catalogues, scholarly descriptions, access to our discerning clients, outstanding results, and on-time payment. 1,250 Page:142 Aug 15, 2014 SAUDI ARABIA (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A 856 ** A B1 - 1970-72 Officials New Design 1p to 100p SG O1040-1054 complete, unmounted, Cat £700 plus the six unpriced denominations (8p 9p 11p 12p 50p & 100p). A very rare set. {Page 142.1}(17) 857 ** A - 1977-97 Issues virtually complete including se-tenant blocks/sheetlets & regularly issued M/Ss, missing only a few minor stamps, unmounted, Cat £2000 approximately. High thematic content. {Page 142.2}(100s) 858 ** A - 1981-83 Unissued Miniature Sheets comprising Hegira 300h, Telecommunications 100h set of 3, King Fahd 115h & Crown Prince Abdullah 115h, plus 1981 Unification 10r SG MS 1274 (Cat £120), all unmounted. Rare. [Except for the last item, these M/Ss are noted by Gibbons in footnotes as "from restricted printings"] {Page 142.3}(7) 500 - 1980s-1990s wholesale array of blocks of 4, larger blocks & part-sheets, se-tenant issues including uncut sheets of Birds, and some useful M/Ss, unmounted, high catalogue value. Thematics paradise! (100s) 500 Ex Lot 856 1,000 Ex Lot 857 750 Ex Lot 858 859 ** A Aug 15, 2014 Lot Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Page:143 Type Grading Description Est $A SCANDINAVIA Ex Lot 860 860 DENMARK: Extensive attractively presented collection including Ferslew 4RBS, Thiele 2RBS (concealed fault not evident from the face, Sismondo Certificate), 1854-59 8sk x2 & 16sk grey-lilac, 1875-1903 Posthorns specialised section with numerous shades & most of the listed Inverted Frames, 1913-28 with 27ö used & 10k mint, 1914-15 Newspaper 1ö to 10ö plus 29ö 41ö & 1k all mint, 1915 Post Office 5k x2, 1919-41 'POSTFAERGE' mint set (missing 10ö brown & 5k), 1925-29 Airs mint, 1926 Officials mint, 1929 Cancer mint, 1934 Airs, later issues to 1979 largely complete mint or used, a few faults in the earlier period but generally very fine. {Page 143.1}(650+) *O 750 Ex Lot 864 Lot 861 861 C A - 1891 commercial cover to Geneva with 4ö x3 & 8ö tied by 'STOREHEDINGE' cds, fine boxed 'Utilstraekkelig/ frankeret' h/s & 'T'-in-circle h/s, Swiss 50c Postage Due tied by 'GENEVE/FACTEURS' cds. {Page 143.2} 250 862 **/* A FAROE ISLANDS: 1940-41 Local Surcharges complete, the 50ö on 5ö is mounted, the others are unmounted with guarantee handstamps, Cat £695; then 1975-1983 (Fish) complete, unmounted, Cat £80. {Page 132.6}(80+) 250 Ex Lot 863 863 *O 864 C B NORWAY: Extensive attractively presented collection including 1855 Imperf 4sk full-margin examples x3 (one on 1856 entire, 1856-60 Oskar set to 8sk both shades, 1863-64 Lions set, 1867-68 Lions set, Posthorns specialised study on 42 pages with most Gibbons-listed shades, 1878 High Values, 1905 'Kr. 1.50' in Green on 2sk, 1907-10 20mm High set & 21mm High 1kr, 1925 Polar Bears mint, 1926-34 Lions mint, 1930 Tourism mint, 1941 Legion **, later issues to 1979 largely complete mint or used, generally very fine. {Page 143.4}(100s) 850 - 1887 Det Nordenfjeldske Dampskibsselskab illustrated 'NORDCAP' cover to Melbourne "via Brindisi" with 60ö blue tied by 'HAMMERFEST' cds, Brindisi transit & Melbourne arrival b/s, a little soiled; and 1891 PPC with the same illustration with 10ö only tied by 'NORDLANDS POSTEXP/ C ' TPO cds also to Melbourne with 'T ("10d")'-in-Oval h/s & rare franking of Victoria First Issue Postage Dues 5d pair manuscript cancelled, minor bend at lower-left. A very desirable duo to what was, in this period, a very unusual destination. {Page 143.3}(2) 400 Page:144 Lot Aug 15, 2014 Type Grading Description Est $A SWITZERLAND 865 C B 1939 possibly commercial airmail cover to Australia with Airmails 20c & 1fr - both on the reverse - plus Pro Juventute Costumes 10c+5c x4, 20c+5c x4 & 30c+10c tied by 'ZURICH 11/INDUSTRIEQUARTIER' cds, similalry inscribed registration label, minor blemishes, 150 THAILAND Ex Lot 866 866 *O Collection on leaves including 1883-85 set unused plus 1 att & 1 solot used, 1887 De La Rue set used, 1899-1904 Sideface set mostly used plus 24a & 64a mint, 1899 Withdrawn Portrait 2a with 'KORAT' cds, 1905-09 set mostly used, 1908 Jubilee set mint or used, 1909 New Currency set - ex 6stg on 5a - mint or used, 1912 Rama VI used set (the 5b is mint), 1926 Coronation Stone 10t used, 1941 Pictorials 10b mint, 1950 Coronation set mint, etc, condition a bit variable but generally fine to very fine. {Page 144.1}(300 approx) 500 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 867 **CPS Carton with albums of mint material including se-tenants, self-adhesives, NVIs, fractional rates, M/Ss & sheetlets, booklets & booklet panes, pre-cancels, airmails, etc, also an array of commercial and philatelic covers plus used and unused postal stationery. (Qty) 250 Ex Lot 868 868 WO "Back-of-the-book" collection on Scott leaves with some handy Postage Dues, range of Departmentals including a few forgeries, Newspaper Stamps including humungous 10c green very fine used, nice array of Revenues, 1937-47 Duck Stamps, etc, many are defective but careful inspection will be rewarded. {Page 144.2}(320+) As at 30th June, $A100 = $US94, £55, €69 or $NZ108. 750 Prestige Philately - General Public 193 Aug 15, 2014 Page:145 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A Lot 869 Lot 870 Lot 871 869 O B 1847 Imperf 5c Franklin Scott #1, good even margins with complete outer framelines, apparently unused but a pen cancellation has been removed, Cat $US2400 unused or $275 used (2010). {Page 145.1} Offer 870 F A - 5c Franklin Scott #1, margins good to large with complete outer framelines, tied to small piece by Albany & Buffalo RPO cds in blue, Cat $US750. Ex Rupp Brothers, renowned for handling only the finest material. Philatelic Foundation Certificate (1989). {Page 145.2} 500 - 5c Franklin Scott #1, margins good to large with complete outer framelines & a fragment of the unit below, obvious Horizontal Stitch Watermark at the base, light grid cancel in blue, Cat $US550++ (2010). Unlisted: a very scarce watermark variety in superb condition. PSE Certificate (1997). {Page 145.3} 500 HAWAII: 1893 Provisional Government Overprints 25c Statue block of 4, the third unit with No Stop after 'GOVT ' Scott #64/b, large-part o.g. with hinge remainders, Cat $US440+. 150 AMERICAN SAMOA: Annotated group on leaves including 1901 cover to Fiji with 2c strip of 3 tied by 'PAGO PAGO/SAMOA' duplex plus 'APIA' 'LEVUKA' & 'SUVA' b/s, 1902 cover to Victoria with 3c strip of 3 tied by 'PAGO PAGO/SAMOA' duplex plus Sydney & Melbourne b/s, 1904 usage of Oceanic Steamship Co PPC to GB, 1906 1c rate PPC to "Gabriola Island/British Columbia", 1914 cover with 'SS SONOMA/SYDNEY SHORT LINE' imprint on the flap to Melbourne, 1916 cover to Sydney with Australian 'OPENED BY CENSOR' tape, 1930 Cutress cover with boxed 'PAGO PAGO/SAMOA.' cancels, 1931 cover with boxed 'FIRST FLIGHT/AIR MAIL/American Samoa' h/s & 'USS CHICAGO - PAGO PAGO/SOMOA' [sic] d/s, 1936 registered cover to Sydney, 1937 First Clipper Mail NZ Postal Card to Apia (flown via Pago Pago), WWII cover from 'LEONE' to NSW with Sydney censor tape & 'S.4.' h/s, 1941 cover with 'PASSED BY/NAVAL CENSOR' h/s, 1945 cover to Apia with 'PASSED/BY CENSOR/American/ Samoa' cachet, etc, condition variable. {Page 132.7}(18 items) 600 ANTARCTICA: 1928 three Byrd Antarctic Expedition covers with 1d Admiral tied by Dunedin (2) or Hamilton cds, huge 'SS CITY OF NEW YORK - DUNEDIN NZ' or 'LITTLE AMERICA - ANTARCTICA' (2) cachets, the last with three additional cachets, a few blemishes. (3) 150 871 F 872 A/A- 873 CPS 874 C/CL A+ C1 A-/B PHILATELIC LITERATURE 875 L A "Scott Catalogue" of world stamps in 6 volumes (2008). Virtually as new. Current retail is about $400. Heavy! 100 876 L A Michel Europe specialised catalogues complete in 7 volumes (2010-2011). Largely as new. (7) 100 877 L A Michel "Deutschland-Spezial" catalogue in 2 volumes (2010). Largely as new. 40 878 L A Michel "Germany Specialised" catalogue Part 1 (2007) & Part 2 (2009) in English. Largely as new. (2) 40 879 L Tub of major catalogues replaced in recent years including Stanley Gibbons British Commonwealth (2007, well used) & "Scandinavia" (2008), Michel German Specialised (2006) & Volume 7 Eastern Europe (2008), Nordens Scandinavia (2005), Chan's "Stamp Catalogue of China" in 2 volumes (2010), others for Malta, Pakistan, Japan, Indonesia etc, generally very fine. (16) 50 100 880 L A "Specimen Stamps of the Crown Colonies 1857-1948" by Marcus Samuel (1976), 260pp hardbound. Long out-of-print but still the definitive study. 881 L A "UPU Specimen Stamps" by James Bendon (1988), 260pp hardbound with d/j. 25 882 L Large plastic tub including Gibbons Part One (2011, well used), "Philatelic Exhibitors Handbook" by Neil, "Australian Army During WWII" by Collas, "Stamp Atlas" by Rossiter & Flower, "Wreck Covers" by Hopkins, "Victoria: a Collection of Philatelic Short Stories" by Molnar (4pp missing), etc. VERY HEAVY! 50 883 L A "Railway Disaster Mail" by R Gwynn & N Hoggarth (2010), particular focus on United States material, 322pp hardbound with d/j. As new. [Prestige retail $140] 50 884 L B "World Postal Stationery Catalogue" by Higgins & Gage (1972-1976), apparently complete in 15 ringbinders, a bit aged. An invaluable reference. (15) 50 885 L A- "The Royal Philatelic Society London 1869-1969" by Capt B Rogers-Tillstone et al (1969), 192pp hardbound. Offer 886 L A AUCTION CATALOGUES: Christies & Spink annual Melbourne sales 1988, 1992 to 1995 & 1998. (6) Offer 887 L A/A- - Cavendish name sales "Martin Willcocks' Worldwide Registered Mail" (25/6/1999), "Barrie Jay's British Postal History" (16/6/2000), "George Crabb's Collections" (20/10/2000), "Vivien Sussex's Valuables by Post" (6/3/2002), "John Gunn's Worldwide Maritime Mail" (26/9/2002), "The Pinkus Great Britain Line-Engraved" (27/11/2008) & "Angus Parker's Yemen" (22/4/2009). (7) Offer Page:146 Aug 15, 2014 PHILATELIC LITERATURE (continued) Lot Type Grading Description 888 L A - Corinphila hardbound catalogues for "Kingdom of Austria" (16/10/2008, p/r), "Moldau Grand Prix Romania" Part I (3/12/2010, p/r) & Part II (9/9/2011, p/r), also Schlegel "German Naval Mail" (18-19/10/2010). (4) Est $A Offer 889 L A - Harmers (London) name sales "Eric Payne's Ethiopia" (20/12/1995, p/r), "Alexander Newell's GB External Airmails" (14/5/1997), "Saudi Arabia" (15/12/1999, p/r), "Roberto Sciacky Ethiopia & Rumania" (25/7/2006) & "Italian Post Office in Egypt" (5/11/2009); also HR Harmer (USA) "Thomas Lockard's Liberia" (14/3/2008). (7) Offer 890 L A-/B - HR Harmer (NY) 1956-58 Alfred Caspary auction catalogues #3 "Confederate Postmasters' Provisionals", #4 "Old German States Part I", #5 "British North America" & #14 "Latin America", all with p/r, also the Prospectus, some blemishes. Fantastic sales, of the greatest importance. (5 items) 50 891 L A- - Premier/Prestige Philately name sales including "Colonel Harrie Evans' Australian Colonies & Pacific Islands" (4/5/2002, p/r), "Barry Gribble's Australia & Pacific Islands plus Robert Jenkins' Australian Colonies" (10/3/2007, p/r), "Bernie Manning's Queensland" (13/6/2009, p/r), "Brian Peace's NSW Pre-Stamp Postal History" (27/7/2009, p/r), "Mark Benvie's NZ Mail to Overseas Destinations" (27/5/2011) & "Gerald Ellott's Royal Navy Mail" (16/12/2011, p/r); also Macray Watson "Mogens Juhl's Western Australia" (19/10/1993, creased). (8) Offer 892 L A AUSTRALIA: "The Australian Air Mail Catalogue" by Nelson Eustis & Tom Frommer (8th Edn, 2008), 280pp softbound. The current edition. 40 893 L A - "Australian Commonwealth Specialists' Catalogue: Kangaroos and the Early Federal Period 1901-12" editied by Dr Geoff Kellow (2004), the Australian States section (380pp) is still the current edition. As new. Indispensable. 40 894 L A - "The Chapman Collection of Australian Commonwealth Stamps" (1999) 500pp leather-bound subscriber's edition No 39 of 250 signed "Ray Chapman" and including the special Australia 99 pair of imperforate Navigators M/Ss; plus the "Supplement" (2000). Initial cost $245. 895 L A - "The George V Two Pence Die 3 Stamp" by GE Guidi (2006), 78pp spiralbound. [Prestige retail $40] Offer 896 L A - "The James B Williamson Commonwealth of Australia" Sotheby's auction catalogue (18/9/1981), with p/r. Offer 897 L A- - "The Ross Smith Stamp & its Postal History: The Definitive Reference Guide" by T Frommer (2011), minor bends, 144pp softbound. Offer 898 L A AUSTRALIAN COLONIES: Auction catalogues "The Julian Beresford NSW" Robson Lowe (24/3/1954, p/r), "The Ric Slade-Slade NSW" Harmers London (3-4/4/1979, p/r), and "The Harry Napier South Australia and Henry Harvey Victoria" Robson Lowe (11/5/1976, p/r). (3) 20 899 L A/A- - Auction catalogues for major collections comprising Dr Wawn Part I (1952, with p/r), Admiral Harris (1953), Henry Harvey (1976, with p/r), Ric Slade-Slade (incl Qld, 1979, with p/r), Bill Purves Parts I (27/11/1980, minor notations), II (14/1/1981, with p/r) & IV (9/9/1981), Rodney Perry Parts I (1987) & II (1988). (9) 40T 100 900 L A - QUEENSLAND: "Queensland Cancellations and Other Postal Markings 1860-1913" by HM Campbell (1977), 161pp hardbound. 20 901 L A - "Queensland Postal History" by HM Campbell (1990), published by the RPSofV, 326pp, hardbound with d/j. 25 902 L A - SOUTH AUSTRALIA: "The Postage and Revenue Long Stamps of South Australia" by EA Williams (2003), 68pp softbound; "The Revenue Stamps of South Australia" (2006) & "The Parcel Stamps of South Australia Part 1 Railways, Trams and Buses" (2008), by M Walker, both staplebound . (3) 20 903 L A - VICTORIA: "The Numeral Cancellations of Victoria" by Hugh Freeman & Geoff White, 420pp hardbound with d/j. Invaluable. 75 904 L A- GERMAN COLONIES: "Ehemalige Deutsche Kolonien und Auslandpostamter Stempelkatalog" (= Colonies and Post Offices Abroad Postmarks Catalogue) by the German Colonies Collectors Group (1999), softbound. As new. Largely in German but easy to follow. [A similar copy sold for $63 in our literature sale of 21/12/2009] 20 905 L A NEW GUINEA & PAPUA: "The Tim Rybak Collection" Prestige Philately auction catalogue (26/04/2008), hardbound (No 59 of only 100 produced). Record-breaking auction. 30 906 L A PAPUA NEW GUINEA: "Franklin's Guide to the Stamps of Papua & New Guinea" (1970), 152pp hardbound. 25 907 L A - "The Postal History of Papua New Guinea 1945-1998 Volume 1: The Post Offices" by M Garwood & R Heward in two parts, Part 1: Abau to Lumi (2000) & Part 2: Madang to Yomba (2001), spiralbound. (2) 25 908 L A PORTUGAL & SPAIN: Stanley Gibbons Catalogue Part 9, 500pp softbound (6th Edition, 2011). The current edition. 30 909 L A UNITED STATES: "Ten Cent Stamps of 1855-1859" by Neinken (1960), the Quarterman Reprint (1975), 252pp hardbound. A classic work. 25 910 L A - "American Astrophilately: The First 50 Years" by DS Ball (2010), full colour presentation with CD, 343pp softbound. [Prestige retail: $45] Offer 911 L A- - "The Morton Dean Joyce Collection of United States Revenue Stamps" (4-6/07/1991), Daniel F Kelleher Co., 4032 lots, minor discolouration and tears; and "The Morton Dean Joyce Private Die Proprietary Collection" (12-14/09/1991), Andrew Levitt, 3297 lots; spiralbound, detached back cover and minor tears. (2) Offer If you need to see additional key items from any lot, or the back of a cover or postcard, hundreds of additional scans are on our website If an item is not there, simply ask us.