84753_txt - Casper`s Nurseries
84753_txt - Casper`s Nurseries
PATIO SPECTACULARS! Container Gardening is now available at Casper8s Nurseries LLC. Offered in an array of decorative container shapes and sizes, these spectacular plantings reflect a variety of foliage color, bloom color, and textures in the plant materials used. Round Terre Cotta Colored Planter 157 $24.99 Square Terre Cotta Colored Planter 157 $24.99 Square Sand Colored Planter 157 $24.99 Round Antique Black with Wave Design Planter 167 $29.99 Round Sand Colored Planter 147 Round Sand Colored Squat Planter 127 Round Brown with Fern Frond Design Planter 167 Round Urn Cappuccino Colored Planter 157 Phone : (856) 451-7788 or Fax : (856) 451-4514 $24.99 $21.99 $29.99 $29.99 INDEX OF PLANTS FIELD GROWN Genus Common Page Forsythia..................................................................................................... 4 CONTAINER GROWN Aronia.........................................Chokeberry ............................................ Azaleas ...................................................................................................... Berberis ......................................Barberry ................................................. Buddleia .....................................Butterfly Bush........................................ Buxus..........................................Boxwood ................................................ Caryopteris .................................Blue Spiraea........................................... Chamaecyparis ...........................Cypress................................................... Clethra ........................................Summersweet ......................................... Cornus ........................................Dogwood ................................................ Cotinus .......................................Smoketree .............................................. Cytisus........................................Brooms................................................... Deutzia ....................................................................................................... Euonymus................................................................................................... Forsythia..................................................................................................... Fothergilla................................................................................................... Hibiscus......................................Rose of Sharon....................................... Hydrangea .................................................................................................. Hypericum..................................St John’s Wort ........................................ Ilex..............................................Holly ...................................................... Itea..............................................Sweetspire .............................................. Juniperus ....................................Juniper.................................................... Kerria.......................................................................................................... Lagerstroemia.............................Crape Myrtle.......................................... Leucothoe ................................................................................................... Ligustrum ...................................Privet ...................................................... Lonicera......................................Honeysuckle........................................... Microbiota ..................................Russian Cypress..................................... Myrica ........................................Northern Bayberry................................. Nandina ...................................................................................................... Picea ...........................................Spruce .................................................... Pieris........................................................................................................... Pinus ...........................................Pine ........................................................ Potentilla..................................................................................................... Prunus.........................................Cherry .................................................... Rhododendron ............................................................................................ Salix............................................Willow.................................................... Spiraea........................................................................................................ Thuja...........................................Arborvitae .............................................. Vaccinium...................................Blueberry Bush ...................................... 1 Visit our Website @ www.caspernurseries.com 5 5 6 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 11 11 12 12 13 14 14 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 22 22 22 22 23 24 CONTAINER GROWN (continued) Viburnum ................................................................................................... Vitex ...........................................Chaste Tree ............................................ Weigela....................................................................................................... Yucca .......................................................................................................... 24 24 25 25 PERENNIALS Achillea ......................................Yarrow.................................................... Agastache ...................................Anise Hyssop ......................................... Ajuga ..........................................Bugleweed.............................................. Anemone ....................................Windflower............................................. Anthemis ....................................Golden Marguerite................................. Artemisia ....................................Angel’s Hair ........................................... Aster ...........................................Hardy Aster............................................ Astilbe ........................................False Spirea ............................................ Campanula..................................Bell Flower............................................. Campsis ......................................Trumpet Vine ......................................... Chelone.......................................Turtle’s Head .......................................... Chrysanthemum .........................Shasta Daisy........................................... Cimifuga.....................................Bugbane ................................................. Clematis...................................................................................................... Coreopsis....................................Tickseed ................................................. Crocosmia...................................Montbretia.............................................. Delosperma ................................Trailing Ice Plant ................................... Dianthus .....................................Garden Pinks.......................................... Dicentra ......................................Bleeding Heart ....................................... Digitalis ......................................Foxglove................................................. Echinacea ...................................Cone Flower........................................... Eupatorium .................................White Snakeroot .................................... Euphorbia ...................................Cushion Spurge...................................... Fern............................................................................................................. Gaillardia....................................Blanket Flower....................................... Gaura ..........................................Wand Flower .......................................... Heliopsis.....................................False Sunflower...................................... Helloborus ..................................Lenten Rose ........................................... Hemerocallis...............................Daylily.................................................... Heuchera.....................................Coral Bells ............................................. Hibiscus......................................Rose Mallow .......................................... Hosta .......................................................................................................... Houttuynia..................................Chameleon ............................................. Iris...............................................Japanese Iris........................................... Kniphofia ...................................Red Hot Poker........................................ Lamium ......................................Dead Nettle ............................................ Lavendula ...................................Lavender................................................. Liatris .........................................Blazing Star ........................................... Ligularia ..................................................................................................... Lilium .........................................Oriental Lily........................................... Lobelia........................................Cardinal Flower...................................... Phone : (856) 451-7788 or Fax : (856) 451-4514 26 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 28 28 28 28 28 29 30 30 30 30 30 31 31 31 31 32 32 32 32 32 33 33 34 34 34 35 35 35 35 35 36 36 2 PERENNIALS (Continued) Genus Common Page Monarda .....................................Bee Balm ............................................... Nepeta.........................................Catmint................................................... Paeonia .......................................Peony...................................................... Penstemon ..................................Beard Tongue ......................................... Perovskia ....................................Russian Sage.......................................... Phlox...........................................Garden Phlox ......................................... Physostegia .................................Obedient Plant ....................................... Platycodon..................................Balloon Flower....................................... Polemonium................................Jacob’s Ladder........................................ Rosa............................................Roses...................................................... Rudbeckia...................................Black Eyed Susan .................................. Salvia..........................................Sage........................................................ Scabiosa......................................Pincushion.............................................. Sedum.........................................Stonecrop ............................................... Sempervivum .............................Hens & Chicks....................................... Sisyrinchium...............................Blue Eyed Grass .................................... Stachy .........................................Lamb’s Ear ............................................. Stokesia ......................................Stokes Aster ........................................... Tanacetum ..................................Painted Daisy ......................................... Tradescantia................................Spiderwort.............................................. Verbena.......................................Vervain ................................................... Veronica......................................Speedwell ............................................... 36 36 36 37 37 37 37 37 38 38 39 39 39 39 40 40 40 40 41 41 41 41 GRASSES Calamagrostis.............................Feather Reed .......................................... Carex ..........................................Leatherleaf Sage .................................... Elymus........................................Blue Lyme Rye ...................................... Erianthus.....................................Plume Grass ........................................... Hakonechloa...............................Hakone Grass......................................... Miscanthus ................................................................................................. Panicum ......................................Switch Grass .......................................... Pennisetum .................................Fountain Grass ....................................... Phalaris .......................................Ribbon Grass ......................................... Reference Symbols Deer Resistant Sun Attracts Butterflies Partial Shade Attracts Hummingbird Shade New Product NEW Preprice tagging $.12 each 3 Visit our Website @ www.caspernurseries.com 42 42 42 42 42 43 43 44 44 FIELD FORSYTHIA Forsythia intermedia ‘Lynwood Gold’ Zone 4 Lynwood Gold Forsythia Brilliant yellow spring flowers adorn this fast growing, upright hardy shrub. 4- 5' 7.75 5- 6' 8.75 Phone : (856) 451-7788 or Fax : (856) 451-4514 4 Visit us at the following shows Pennsylvania Green Expo Farm Show Complex Harrisburg July 22-24 Booth 922 Penn Allied Nursery Trade Show Atlantic City Convention Center July 29-31 Booth 1424 Mid Atlantic Nursery Trade Show Baltimore Convention Center - Winter Show - Booth 303-305 Visit our Website @ www.caspersnurseries.com CONTAINER GROWN ARONIA _ __ Aronia arbutifolia ‘Brilliantissima’ Zone 4 Brilliant Red Chokeberry Narrow upright shrub with dark green leaves that turn brilliant scarlet in fall, long lasting glossy red berries. #3 Container 7.90 AZALEAS _ ___ _____ Zone 5 A selection of evergreen azaleas in a variety of colors. 12-15" 7.75 15-18" 9.25 18-24" 12.00 Delaware Valley White Medium sized hardy plant, with large snow white single blooms against light green foliage. Herbert Hardy, wide growing, plant with lavender double pink blooms and small dark green glossy foliage. Hershey Red Medium spreading habit with warm rich red, double blooming flowers. Hino-Crimson Low growing, dense habit with glossy deep green foliage and dark crimson red single blooms. Poukhanensis Early bloomer with single pale lavender flowers. Very hardy plant with a broad growth habit. Tradition Tight growing habit with brilliant double pink flowers. Variegated Green leaves with crisp white edges and large red blooms. Phone : (856) 451-7788 or Fax : (856) 451-4514 5 AZALEAS DECIDUOUS HYBRIDS Knap Hill Hybrid Zone 4 Gibraltar Deciduous upright growing shrub with orangish fall foliage and large flame orange flowers. #3 Container 13.75 Knap Hill Hybrid Zone 4 Klondyke Slow growing deciduous shrub with coppery red new growth and large golden orange flowers. #3 Container 13.75 Northern Lights Zone 4 Northern Rosy Lights Deciduous compact shrub with dark pink flowers with rose-red shading. #3 Container 13.75 BERBERIS _ ___________ Berberis thunbergii Zone 4 Bagatelle Barberry Very compact rounded habit with deep, glossy dark red foliage. #3 Container 12.75 Berberis thunbergii ‘Atropurpurea Nana’ Zone 4 Crimson Pygmy Barberry Compact branches, tightly mounded, covered with deep crimson foliage. #3 Container 12.75 Berberis thunbergii Zone 4 Helmond Pillar Barberry This deciduous variety has a distinct erect and narrow form with burgundy leaves that turn brilliant red in fall. #3 Container 12.75 Berberis thunbergii ‘Rosy Glow’ Zone 4 Rosy Glow Barberry Medium growing shrub with striking pink new growth, turning rose red at maturity. #3 Container 12.75 6 Visit our Website @ www.caspersnurseries.com Berberis Sunjoy ppaf Zone 6 SUNJOY Gold Pillar Barberry NEW Erect narrow form with golden foliage and red new growth. Bright orange red foliage in fall. #3 Container 12.75 Berberis x gladwynensis ‘William Penn’ Zone 6 William Penn Barberry Arching branches with dark green foliage which turns a rich bronze color in fall. #3 Container 12.75 BUDDLEIA Buddleia davidii ‘Bicolor’ Zone 5 Bicolor Butterfly Bush A vigorous growing shrub with a unique flower spike that adorn lavender and butterscotch yellow blooms. Blooms all summer. #3 Container 9.25 Buddleia davidii ‘Black Knight’ Zone 5 Black Knight Butterfly Bush A vigorous growing shrub with very deep purple flower spikes. Blooms all summer attracting butterflies. #3 Container 9.25 Buddleia davidii ‘Nanho Purple’ Zone 5 Nanho Purple Butterfly Bush Compact growth habit with spikes of purple blooms that last throughout the summer. #3 Container 9.25 Buddleia davidii ‘Pink Delight’ Zone 5 Pink Delight Butterfly Bush Semi compact growth habit with silver green foliage. Large pink blooms attract butterflies all summer. #3 Container 9.25 Buddleia davidii red Zone 5 Royal Red Butterfly Bush Vigorous growing shrub with spikes of rich purplish red blooms. #3 Container 9.25 Phone : (856) 451-7788 or Fax : (856) 451-4514 7 Buddleia davidii white Zone 5 White Profusion Butterfly Bush Spikes of white flowers bloom all summer. Butterflies are attracted to the fragrant flowers. #3 Container 9.25 Buddleia x wyeriana Zone 5 Honeycomb Butterfly Bush Spikes of large cream yellow flowers which have a sweet fragrance. #3 Container 9.25 BUXUS Buxus microphylla koreana ‘Wintergreen’ Zone 4 Wintergreen Boxwood Dense compact growth habit with dark green oval shaped leaves. #3 Container 12.75 #5 Container 30.00 Buxus microphylla ‘Winter Gem’ Zone 5 Winter Gem Boxwood Rich deep green oval shaped leaves with a tight growing habit. #3 Container 12.75 Buxus sempervirens ‘Suffruticosa’ Zone 6 True Dwarf Boxwood Low compact growing evergreen shrub with dense gray-green foliage. #3 Container 12.75 CARYOPTERIS Caryopteris clandonensis ‘Blue Mist’ Zone 5 Blue Mist A compact shrub with silvery gray foliage. Blooms powder blue flowers throughout the summer. #3 Container 8.75 Caryopteris clandonensis ‘Dark Knight’ Zone 5 Dark Knight A compact mounded shrub with dark green foliage. Blooms deep blue flowers throughout the summer. #3 Container 8.75 8 Visit our Website @ www.caspersnurseries.com CHAMAECYPARIS Chamaecyparis obtusa verdoni Zone 5 Verdoni Gold Hinoki Cypress NEW Dwarf conifer with yellow fern like foliage that does not burn in sun. #3 Container 18.00 Chamaecyparis pisifera filifera Zone 5 Gold Thread Cypress Has long, weeping thread-like branches which are bright yellow in color all year round. #3 Container 12.90 #5 Container 25.00 Chamaecyparis pisifera filifera Zone 4 Squarrosa Intermedia False Cypress Upright grower with silvery blue thread like foliage. #3 Container 12.90 Chamaecyparis thyoides ‘Heather Bun’ Zone 3 Heatherbun Cypress A hardy, slow growing cypress which turns rich plum color in the winter. #3 Container 12.90 CLETHRA Clethra alnifolia Zone 3 Summersweet Fragrant small white spiked flowers bloom in July. Foliage turns a bright yellow in fall. #3 Container 9.75 Clethra alnifolia Hokie Pink Zone 3 Hokie Pink Summersweet NEW Compact shrub with fragrant pink flower spikes that bloom in July. #3 Container 9.75 Clethra alnifolia ‘Ruby Spice’ Zone 3 Ruby Spice Summersweet Lustrous dark green foliage with fragrant deep reddish pink flowers which holds the color throughout. #3 Container 9.75 Phone : (856) 451-7788 or Fax : (856) 451-4514 9 CORNUS Cornus alba ‘Bud’s Yellow’ Zone 3 Bud’s Yellow Dogwood Medium green leaves which turn yellow in fall. Branches are bright, brilliant yellow in winter. #3 Container 9.50 Cornus albo ‘Elegantissima’ Zone 4 Elegantissima Dogwood Bright red stems in winter with a creamy margin on leaf. #3 Container 9.50 Cornus baileyi Zone 3 Red Twig Dogwood Dark green leaves with small creamy white flower clusters that appear in spring. Foliage turns purplish red in fall. Bright red branches in winter. #3 Container 9.50 #5 Container 17.00 Cornus sericia ‘Silver and Gold’ Zone 3 Silver and Gold Dogwood Yellow twig dogwood with showy white and green foliage. #3 Container 9.50 COTINUS Cotinus x Grace Zone 5 Grace Smoketree NEW Intense wine-red foliage when young, darkening to plum-red at maturity turning to bright orange-red in the fall. In summer, the shrub is festooned with masses of deep pink flowers. #3 Container 12.00 1O Visit our Website @ www.caspersnurseries.com CYTISUS Cytisus praecox ‘Moonlight’ Zone 5 Moonlight Broom Upright habit with abundant sprays of bright yellow blooms along its graceful branches. #3 Container 10.75 Cytisus scoparius ‘Burkwoodi’ Zone 5 Burkwood’s Broom Graceful branches have deep crimson flowers with yellow edges that bloom in May. #3 Container 10.75 DEUTZIA Deutzia gracilis ‘Nikko’ Zone 6 Nikko Slender Deutzia Low growing, spreading growth habit with arching branches. Mounds of double white flowers. #3 Container 9.75 EUONYMUS Euonymus alatus ‘Compactus’ Zone 4 Burning Bush Compact shrub with dark green foliage which turns brilliant red in fall. #3 Container 11.00 24-30” 19.00 Euonymus alatus ‘Chicago Fire’ Zone 4 Chicago Fire Burning Bush TM Brilliant fire red fall foliage which adorns orange berries. #3 Container 11.00 FORSYTHIA Forsythia ‘Lynwood Gold’ Zone 5 Lynwood Gold Forsythia Very hardy shrub with an upright form and arching branches. Brilliant yellow flowers in early spring. #3 Container 8.00 Phone : (856) 451-7788 or Fax : (856) 451-4514 11 FOTHERGILLA Fothergilla gardenii Zone 5 Dwarf Fothergilla Dark Small fragrent shrub which turns yellow, orange, and red in fall. Has an abundance of fragrant flowers in spring. #3 Container 11.50 HIBISCUS Hibiscus syriacus Zone 5 Blue Satin Rose of Sharon Large single rich royal blue flowers adorn this shrub. #3 Container 10.25 Hibiscus syriacus Zone 5 Blushing Bride Rose of Sharon Double carnation-like flowers bloom a rich pink turning to white in time. #3 Container 10.25 Hibiscus syriacus Zone 5 Diana Rose of Sharon Very large single pure white flowers which bloom longer than other varieties. Has dark green waxy foliage. #3 Container 10.25 Hibiscus syriacus Zone 5 Lucy Rose of Sharon Vigorous upright shrub with double red flowers. #3 Container 10.25 Hibiscus syriacus Zone 5 Red Heart Rose of Sharon Compact, upright shrub has single white blooms with red throats. #3 Container 10.25 Hibiscus syriacus Zone 5 Sugar Tip Rose of Sharon NEW Brightly variegated green and white foliage with pale pink double flowers that bloom mid summer to fall. #3 Container 10.25 Hibiscus syriacus Zone 5 Violet Satin Rose of Sharon Rich green shrub with large single deep violet pink flowers. #3 Container 10.25 12 Visit our Website @ www.caspersnurseries.com HYDRANGEA Hydrangea aborescens Zone 4 Annabelle Hydrangea Very hardy plant that produces very large white flower heads that stay erect. #3 Container 9.75 Hydrangea anomala petiolaris Zone 4 Climbing Hydrangea Vigorous climbing woody vine, large clusters of white flowers in June. #3 Container 9.75 Hydrangea macrophylla Zone 5 All Summer Beauty Hydrangea Large rich blue flower mopheads that often rebloom. #3 Container 9.75 Hydrangea macrophylla Zone 5 Alpenglow Hydrangea Crimson red flowers with large dark green foliage. #3 Container 9.75 Hydrangea macrophylla Zone 5 Let’s Dance Starlight Hydrangea TM NEW Massive lacecap rebloomer that has vivid pink (or blue in acidic soils) flowers. These colorful flowers bloom on both new and old wood. #3 Container 12.75 Hydrangea macrophylla Zone 5 Nikko Blue Hydrangea Large deep green foliage covered with large blue flower balls. #3 Container 9.75 Hydrangea macrophylla Zone 5 Pink Beauty Hydrangea Large deep mahogany colored foliage, blooms pink flowers in summer. #3 Container 9.75 Hydrangea quercifolia ‘Alice’ Zone 5 Alice Oakleaf Hydrangea Oak leaf like foliage which turns burgundy in fall. Blooms large white panicles. #3 Container 10.75 Phone : (856) 451-7788 or Fax : (856) 451-4514 13 Hydrangea serrata ‘Blue Bird’ Zone 5 Blue Bird Hydrangea Pale blue florets surround deep blue flowers on this long blooming shrub. Green foliage turns copper red in fall. #3 Container 9.75 HYPERICUM Hypericum andros ‘Albury Purple’ Zone 5 Albury Purple St John’s Wort Purplish red new foliage changes to purplish green which blooms an abundance of yellow flowers. #3 Container 9.75 Hypericum x moseranum ‘Tricolor’ Zone 6 Tricolor St John’s Wort A low mounding shrub with variegated leaf color of cream, green and pink. Blooms small yellow flowers in summer. #3 Container 9.75 Hypericum patulum ‘Hidcote’ Zone 5 Hidcote St John’s Wort Large lemon yellow flowers bloom in summer which are slightly fragrant. #3 Container 9.75 ILEX _ Ilex crenata ‘Green Luster’ Zone 5 Green Luster Holly Rounded glossy green foliage adorns this dense shrub. A very hardy Japanese holly. #3 Container 11.50 Ilex crenata ‘Helleri’ Zone 5 Heller Holly Small dark green oval leaves with a tight branching habit form a compact growth habit. #3 Container 11.50 Ilex crenata ‘Sky Pencil’ Zone 6 Sky Pencil Holly Lustrous dark green leaves adorn this tight columnar shaped plant. #3 Container 11.50 14 Visit our Website @ www.caspersnurseries.com Ilex crenata ‘Steeds’ Zone 6 Steeds Holly Hardy pyramidal form with dark green leaves. #3 Container 11.50 Ilex glabra ‘Compacta’ Zone 5 Inkberry Hardy small leaved holly, compact growth habit & shiny green foliage. 12-15" 8.75 15-18" 10.75 18-24" 12.75 24-30" 18.75 Ilex glabra Zone 4 Shamrock Small leaved holly with a broad, upright growth and glossy green foliage. 12-15" 8.75 15-18" 10.75 18-24" 12.75 24-30" 18.75 Ilex meservaea ‘Blue Boy’ Zone 4 Blue Boy Holly Male holly with glossy blue green foliage on purple stems. Serves as a pollinator for female hollies. Very hardy. 12-15" 9.50 15-18" 12.00 18-24" 16.00 Ilex meserveae ‘Blue Girl’ Zone 4 Blue Girl Holly Female holly with glossy blue green foliage on purple stems. Produces red berries in winter. 12-15" 9.50 15-18" 12.00 18-24" 16.00 Phone : (856) 451-7788 or Fax : (856) 451-4514 15 Ilex meserveae ‘Blue Prince’ Zone 4 Blue Prince Holly Male holly with lustrous leathery dark green foliage. 12-15" 9.50 15-18" 12.00 18-24" 16.00 Ilex meserveae ‘Blue Princess’ Zone 4 Blue Princess Holly Female holly with lustrous bluish green foliage and an abundant display of dark red berries. 12-15" 9.50 15-18" 12.00 18-24" 16.00 Ilex meserveae ‘Golden Girl’ Zone 4 Golden Girl Holly Rich green leaves with an upright habit and an abundance of bright yellow berries in fall. 12-15" 9.50 15-18" 12.00 Ilex verticillata ‘Afterglow’ Zone 4 Afterglow Winterberry Compact upright shrub with glossy green foliage which produces red orange berries. #3 Container 10.50 Ilex verticillata ‘Apollo’ Zone 4 Apollo Winterberry Upright male holly with dark green foliage which turns golden yellow in fall. Late blooming creamy white flowers. #3 Container 10.50 Ilex verticillata ‘Jim Dandy’ Zone 4 Jim Dandy Winterberry Compact male holly with dark green foliage. Pollinator for Afterglow. #3 Container 10.50 16 Visit our Website @ www.caspersnurseries.com Ilex verticillata ‘Sparkleberry’ Zone 4 Sparkleberry Winterberry Upright female holly with dark green foliage with a tinge of reddish purple, turning golden yellow in fall. Abundant large bright red berries. #3 Container 10.50 ITEA Itea virginica ‘Henry’s Garnet’ Zone 5 Henry’s Garnet Virginia Sweetspire Narrow upright growth habit with white spiked flowers in June. Beautiful extended scarlet red fall foliage. #3 Container 9.50 JUNIPERUS Juniperus chinensis ‘Gold Coast’ Zone 4 Gold Coast Juniper Graceful spreading form with golden yellow foliage that deepens in cold weather. #3 Container 10.75 Juniperus chinensis ‘Sargentii Viridis’ Zone 4 Green Sargent Juniper Low spreading growth habit with rich green foliage. Retains its color all through the winter. #3 Container 10.75 Juniperus chinensis ‘Torulosa’ Zone 5 Hollywood Juniper NEW Irregular upright conifer with graceful twisted stems, very uniquely shaped. #3 Container 12.75 Juniperus conferta ‘Blue Pacific’ Zone 6 Blue Pacific Juniper Low trailing evergreen groundcover with dense, spikey blue-green foliage gives it an unusual fluffy effect. #3 Container 10.75 Phone : (856) 451-7788 or Fax : (856) 451-4514 17 Juniperus horizontalis ‘Wiltoni’ Zone 4 Blue Rug Juniper Excellent ground cover which forms a dense mat of silvery blue color. #3 Container 10.75 Juniperus procumbens ‘Nana’ Zone 4 Dwarf Japanese Garden Juniper Exceptional ground cover for semi shaded locations. Very compact growth habit and disease resistant foliage. #3 Container 10.75 Juniperus squamata ‘Blue Star’ Zone 4 Blue Star Juniper Slow grower has short branches that form a star like appearance with bright blue foliage. #3 Container 12.75 KERRIA Kerria japonica ‘Golden Guinea’ Zone 5 Golden Guinea Kerria NEW Large single golden flowers adorn this handsome shrub in late spring. #3 Container 9.00 LAGERSTROEMIA Lagerstroemia x Catawba Zone 6 Catawba Crapemyrtle Medium growth habit with glossy dark green foliage and abundance of purple flowers in late summer. Foliage turns reddish in fall. #3 Container 10.00 Lagerstroemia x Cedar Lane Zone 6 Cedar Lane Crapemyrtle Medium growth habit with deep red flowers. New growth is red which turns green in time. #3 Container 10.00 Lagerstroemia x Chickasaw Zone 6 Chickasaw Crapemyrtle Dwarf compact mounded habit with pink-lavender flowers and glossy dark green leaves which turn bronzish red in fall. #3 Container 10.00 18 Visit our Website @ www.caspersnurseries.com Lagerstroemia x Pocomoke Zone 6 Pocomoke Crapemyrtle Miniature crapemyrtle with glossy dark green foliage and maroon new growth., Large deep rose flowers adorn this shrub mid summer til frost. #3 Container 10.00 Lagerstroemia x Tonto Zone 6 Tonto Crapemyrtle Medium growth habit with green foliage and an abundance of fuchsia red flowers. Foliage turns bright maroon in fall. #3 Container 10.00 Lagerstroemia x Victor Zone 6 Victor Crapemyrtle Dwarf compact form which turns reddish yellow in fall. Flowers bloom in late summer a deep red. #3 Container 10.00 LEUCOTHOE Leucothoe axillaris Zone 5 Coast Leucothoe Leathery green foliage with reddish new growth. White drooping clusters of flowers appear in late spring. #3 Container 11.75 Leucothoe fontanesiana ‘Rainbow’ Zone 5 Rainbow Leucothoe Spectacular new growth. Red stems hold green leaves variegated with sparkling creamy yellow and rosy pink color. #3 Container 11.75 LIGUSTRUM Ligustrum sinense Zone 6 Variegated Privet Light green leaves edged with a creamy margin usualy grown as a hedge. #3 Container 9.00 Phone : (856) 451-7788 or Fax : (856) 451-4514 19 LONICERA Lonicera x ‘Harlequin’ Zone 4 Harlequin Honeysuckle Climbing vine with irregular leaves of cream, pink, and dark green. Scented flowers are pale rose purple with a yellowish lip. #3 Container 11.00 Lonicera x Heckrotti Zone 5 NEW Goldflame Honeysuckle Climbing vine with carmine red flower buds that gradually change to pink as they open to expose a yellow fragrant flower. #3 Container 11.00 MICROBIOTA Microbiota decussata Zone 2 Russian Cypress Low spreading conifer with green, feathery foliage which turns coppery color in winter. #3 Container 12.00 MYRICA Myrica pensylvanica Zone 3 NEW Northern Bayberry Dense-branching deciduous shrub with a rounded habit. Has narrow, leathery, glossy, grayish-green leaves and produces berries in fall. #3 Container 11.00 NANDINA Nandina domestica Zone 5 Firepower Nandina Compact grower with lime green leaves that change to a brilliant red in the fall. #3 Container 12.50 PICEA Picea abies ‘Nidiformis’ Zone 3 Birdnest Spruce Dense, horizontal layers of branches form a nest-like structure. Short dark green needles with soft, apple green new growth. #3 Container 12.00 20 Visit our Website @ www.caspersnurseries.com Picea glauca ‘Conica’ Zone 3 Dwarf Alberta Spruce Very slow growing, miniature spruce with a dense pyramidal form and rich grass green needles. #3 Container 12.25 #5 Container 30.00 PIERIS Pieris japonica Zone 4 Mountain Fire Andromeda Dark green foliage with spectacular fire red new growth. White flowers bloom in early spring. #3 Container 13.00 #5 Container 24.00 Pieris japonica Zone 4 Valley Fire Andromeda Deep green foliage with brightly colored new growth and large white flowers that bloom in early spring. #3 Container 13.00 #5 Container 24.00 Pieris japonica Zone 4 Flaming Silver Andromeda Contrasting glossy deep green foliage with white margins. White flower clusters bloom in early spring. #3 Container 13.00 #5 Container 24.00 PINUS Pinus Mugo pumilio Zone 3 Dwarf Mugho Pine Dense shrub with short, rich green needles. #3 Container 11.75 POTENTILLA Potentilla fruticosa ‘Gold Drop’ Zone 2 Gold Drop Potentilla Compact shrub with green foliage and heavy yellow flowers. Blooms late spring til frost. #3 Container 9.25 Phone : (856) 451-7788 or Fax : (856) 451-4514 21 PRUNUS Prunus cistena Zone 3 Purple Leaf Sand Cherry Small pinkish flowers appear before its striking red purple leaves. #3 Container 10.75 RHODODENDRON Rhododendron ponticum ‘Chionides’ Zone 5 Chionoides Rhododendron One of the best late flowering whites, distinguished by its narrow glossy green foliage, with an excellent compact growth habit. 15-18" 11.00 18-24" 13.00 Rhododendron catawbiense Zone 4 Roseum Elegans Rhododendron Notably hardy, known for its ability to withstand temperature extremes. Soft lilac-purple blossoms appear late to midseason. 15-18" 11.00 18-24" 13.00 #3 Container 27.00 Rhododendron Mezit Zone 4 PJM Lavender pink blossoms cover this plant in mid-late April. Compact grower with small, dark green leaves that turn a mahogany color in fall. #3 Container 13.00 SALIX Salix intregra ‘Alba Maculata’ Zone 5 Hakuro Nishiki Willow Spectacular new growth is salmon-pink in color changing to green and white leaf variegation. #3 Container 8.75 SPIRAEA Spiraea bumalda ‘Anthony Waterer’ Zone 4 Anthony Waterer Spirea Foliage is green with a tinge of maroon which blooms bright carmine flowers in summer. #3 Container 9.50 22 Visit our Website @ www.caspersnurseries.com Spiraea ‘Dakota Goldcharm’ TM Zone 4 Dakota Goldcharm Spirea TM Dwarf gold leaf spirea, new growth changes from bronze to gold. Dainty pink flowers in summer. #3 Container 9.50 Spiraea japonica ‘Goldflame’ Zone 4 Goldflame Spirea Compact mounding shrub with deep pink flowers on bright gold foliage with reddish tips. #3 Container 9.50 Spiraea japonica ‘Little Princess’ Zone 4 Little Princess Spirea A compact mounding shrub with small mint green leaves. Covered in light pink flower clusters throughout the summer. #3 Container 9.50 Spiraea japonica ‘Neon Flash’ Zone 4 Neon Flash Spirea A dense mound with purplish new growth changing to rich green. Vivid red flowers from late spring through fall. #3 Container 9.50 Spiraea japonica ‘Shirobana’ Zone 4 Shirobana Spirea Compact mound with bright green foliage covered with white, pink and red blossoms in summer. #3 Container 9.50 Spiraea nipponica ‘Snowmound’ Zone 3 Snowmound Spirea Small dark blue-green leaves form a dense rounded shrub with masses of white flowers in spring. #3 Container 9.50 THUJA Thuja occidentalis ‘Rheingold’ Zone 3 Rheingold Arborvitae Dense, soft foliage which is a rich golden-yellow color that turns a deep coppery gold in winter. #3 Container 11.50 Phone : (856) 451-7788 or Fax : (856) 451-4514 23 Thuja occidentalis ‘Little Giant’ Zone 3 NEW Little Giant Arborvitae Dwarf, slow growing globe shaped evergreen with bright green foliage. Gives a nice formal look. #3 Container 11.50 VACCINIUM Vaccinium corymbosum ‘Bluecrop’ Zone 4 Bluecrop Highbush Blueberry Upright open growing habit with large great tasting fruit. #3 Container 16.00 VIBURNUM Viburnum x burkwoodi Zone 4 Burkwood Viburnum Dark green glossy foliage with pink buds that open to fragrant white flowers. #3 Container 11.50 Viburnum dentatum ‘Christom’ Zone 3 Blue Muffin Viburnum TM Compact viburnum with bright green foliage, white spring flowers, and bright blue berries. #3 Container 11.50 Viburnum carlesii Zone 4 Korean Spice Viburnum Very fragrant white snowball flowers with beautiful burgundy fall foliage. #3 Container 11.50 VITEX Vitex agnus castus Zone 6 Chaste Tree Large shrub with showy blue spikes of flowers. Blooms all summer. #3 Container 9.25 24 Visit our Website @ www.caspersnurseries.com WEIGELA Weigela florida ‘Red Prince’ Zone 4 Red Prince Weigela Upright grower when young, branches arching at maturity. Has red trumpet shaped flowers in summer. #3 Container 9.25 Weigela florida ‘Variegata’ Zone 4 Variegated Weigela Foliage is distinctly variegated green with creamy white edges. Blooms are rosy pink in color. #3 Container 9.25 Weigela ‘Wine and Roses’ TM Zone 4 Wine & Roses Weigela TM Strikingly pink rose colored flowers with dark burgundy purple foliage. Leaf color deepens in fall. #3 Container 9.25 YUCCA__ Yucca filamentosa ‘Bright Edge’ Zone 4 Bright Edge Yucca Long stiff green leaves edged with gold margins. Spikes of white bell shaped flowers. #3 Container 11.75 Yucca filamentosa ‘Color Guard’ Zone 4 Color Guard Yucca Long stiff green leaves with bright gold centers, pink tinges in winter. Stalks of white flowers in summer. #3 Container 11.75 Yucca filamentosa ‘Adam’s Needle’ Zone 4 Adam’s Needle Yucca Long sword like broad leaves which produces stalks of creamy white flowers in summer. #3 Container 11.75 Phone : (856) 451-7788 or Fax : (856) 451-4514 25 Visit us at the following shows Pennsylvania Green Expo Farm Show Complex Harrisburg July 22-24 Booth 922 Penn Allied Nursery Trade Show Atlantic City Convention Center July 29-31 Booth 1424 Mid Atlantic Nursery Trade Show Baltimore Convention Center - Winter Show - Booth 303-305 Visit our Website @ www.caspersnurseries.com PERENNIALS ACHILLEA YARROW Zone 3 NEW NEW Moonshine - Canary yellow flowers with silvery green foliage.NEW Paprika - Paprika colored flowers with sulphur yellow centers. #2 Container 5.75 AGASTACHE ANISE HYSSOP Zone 6 Blue Fortune - Spikes of soft blue flowers that bloom from June ’til September. #2 Container 5.75 AJUGA BUGLEWEED Zone 3 Burgundy Glow - Attractive variegated foliage of burgundy, cream, and green. Blooms dark blue flower spikes. #2 Container 5.75 ANEMONE WINDFLOWER Zone 4 NEW Queen Charlotte - Single to semi double pink showy flowers shaded purple underneath which bloom summer til fall. #2 Container 5.75 ANTHEMIS GOLDEN MARGUERITE Zone 3 Kelwayi - Bright yellow daisy-like flowers with feathery green foliage. #2 Container 5.75 Phone : (856) 451-7788 or Fax : (856) 451-4514 26 ARTEMISIA ANGEL’S HAIR Zone 1 NEW Oriental Limelight - Delicately cut green leaves with splashes of yellow variegation throughout, blooms tiny yellow and white flowers. Silver Mound - Feathery silvery gray foliage forms a beautiful compact dome. #2 Container 5.75 ASTER HARDY ASTER Zone 4 Purple Dome - Tight compact growth habit with heavy blooming deep purple flowers. Blooms August to October. NEW Wood’s Pink - Clusters of clear pink flowers with a dwarf compact habit. Blooms late summer to mid fall. Wood’s Purple - Long lasting deep purple flowers with dark green foliage. Blooms late summer to early fall. #2 Container 5.75 ASTILBE FALSE SPIREA Zone 4 Bridal Veil - Bright green cut leaf foliage with tall spikes of white flowers. Blooms in June. Fanal - Reddish green foliage with brilliant carmine-red flower spikes. Blooms in June. Peach Blossom - Glossy green foliage with delicate pink flower spikes. Blooms in June. Pumila - Low compact habit with short rose pink flower spikes. Blooms July to September. Vision - Compact grower has bronzish green foliage with raspberry red upright flower spikes. #2 Container 5.75 CAMPANULA BELL FLOWER Zone 3 NEW Blue Clips - Large violet blue bell shaped flowers with bright green foliage. NEW Superba - Dense clusters of small violet blue bell shaped flowers. #2 Container 5.75 27 Visit our Website @ www.caspersnurseries.com CAMPSIS TRUMPET VINE Zone 4 NEW Indian Summer - Apricot-orange trumpet shaped flowers with deeper orangish red throats. Radicans Flamenco - Fast growing vine with cutleaf foliage and red trumpet shaped flowers. Radicans Flava -Fast growing vine with cutleaf foliage with long lemon yellow trumpet shaped flowers. #3 Container 10.75 CHELONE TURTLE’S HEAD Zone 4 Hot Lips -Spikes of rosy pink flowers shaped like turtle heads with deep green foliage. #2 Container 5.75 CHRYSANTHEMUM SHASTA DAISY Zone 3 Becky - Large single white flowers crested with gold centers. Blooms May thru July #2 Container 5.75 CIMFUGA BUGBANE Zone 3 Brunette - Very deep purple foliage with creamy white flower spikes in late summer. #2 Container 10.00 CLEMATIS CLEMATIS _ Zone 4 General Sikorski - Large deep blue flowers with broad overlapping petals. Blooms June to September. Hagley Hybrid - Shell pink flowers with brownish stamens. Blooms June to September. Phone : (856) 451-7788 or Fax : (856) 451-4514 28 Henryi - Large bright white flowers with light brown stamens. Blooms June to September. NEW Lincoln Star - Bright rasberry-pink flowers with paler edges. Blooms May, June, and in September. Paniculata - Very vigorous grower with clusters of tiny white flowers. Blooms August to September. Polish Spirit - Deep purplish blue flowers with red centers. Blooms in late spring. Ville De Lyon - Carmine red flowers with cream centers. Blooms June to September. #3 Container 11.75 COREOPSIS TICKSEED _ Zone 3 Early Sunrise - Dark green broadleaf foliage with bright gold flowers. Blooms all summer. NEW Full Moon PPAF - Very large canary yellow flowers atop a mound of medium textured foliage. Blooms mid summer to fall. NEW Heliot - Dwarf, compact mound with dark green leaves topped by an abundance of bright yellow flowers with a red center. NEW Jethro Tull PPAF - Compact dark green mound with brilliant golden yellow blooms with fluted petals. Blooms summer to fall. Limerock TM - Ruby red flowers which bloom from late spring through fall. Should be used as an annual. Moonbeam - Cutleaf foliage with soft lemon yellow flowers. Blooms summer to fall. Rosea - Cutleaf foliage with rosy pink flowers and yellow centers. Blooms mid summer. Sweet Dreams TM - Daisy like white flowers with raspberry colored center. Blooms in mid summer. Tequila Sunrise - Green and cream variegated leaves which turn mahogany in fall. Deep yellow orange flowers in early summer. Zagreb - Cutleaf foliage with compact growth habit and deep gold flowers. Blooms June to Sept. #2 Container 5.75 29 Visit our Website @ www.caspersnurseries.com CROCOSMIA MONTBRETIA Zone 5 Lucifer - Upright stiff grass green leaves with deep red orchid like flowers. #2 Container 5.75 DELOSPERMA TRAILING ICE PLANT Zone 6 Cooperi - Magenta colored florets with white centers, leaves are tubular and soft. Blooms early summer through fall. #2 Container 5.75 DIANTHUS GARDEN PINKS Zone 3 NEW Brilliant - Low spreading habit with deep crimson flowers. Blooms late spring to mid summer. NEW Firewitch - Blue green foliage on a compact form with bright magenta flowers. Blooms mid spring. NEW Pinocchio - An array of mixed double flowers on a compact form. Blooms late spring to mid summer. NEW Spotty - Low spreading habit with fragrant pink and white spotted flowers. #2 Container 5.85 DICENTRA BLEEDING HEART Zone 3 Luxuriant - Ferny dark green foliage with cherry red, heart shaped flowers that bloom until fall. #2 Container 5.75 DIGITALIS FOXGLOVE Zone 4 Foxy - Flower spikes in an array of colors. Blooms begin in April. #2 Container 5.75 Phone : (856) 451-7788 or Fax : (856) 451-4514 30 ECHINACEA CONEFLOWER Zone 3 Doubledecker - Large rosy pink flowers with a set of short petals emerging from its coppery cone center. Magnus - Coarse dark green leaves with very large rosy pink flowers with coppery cone shaped centers. Blooms July to September. Ruby Star - Red tinted petals with dark brown centers. Blooms July to August. #2 Container 5.75 NEW Big Sky Sunrise PPAF - Single daisy yellow flowers with a green cone that goldens in age. NEW Big Sky Summer Sky PPAF - Orange cone flowers that fade to pastel shades from orange to pink like a summer sky. NEW Evan Saul Sundown PPAF - Vibrant bright orange daisy like flower on narrow green leaves #2 Container 7.75 EUPATORIUM WHITE SNAKEROOT Zone 4 CHOCOLATE - Deep red foliage with purple stems adorned by small white flowers which bloom in summer. #2 Container 5.75 EUPHORBIA CUSHION SPURGE Zone 4 NEW Polychroma - Electric yellow bracts bloom on a low cushion in April. The leaves produce shades of red, orange and purple in autumn. #2 Container 5.75 FERNS Zone 6 Japanese Painted - Graceful silver and green fronds on red stems. Ostrich - Large magnificent green fronds form a vase shape. #2 Container 9.75 31 Visit our Website @ www.caspersnurseries.com GAILLARDIA BLANKET FLOWER Zone 3 NEW Arizona Sun - Large fiery orange red blossoms with bright yellow edges. Blooms from early summer on. Fanfare - Unique flower head with orangish yellow trumpet like flowers bordering a red eye. NEW Goblin - Colorful bright red flowers with yellow margins. Blooms early through late summer. #2 Container 5.75 GAURA WAND FLOWER Zone 5 Siskiyou Pink - Deep pink bloom on red upright stems. Blooms June until frost. #2 Container 5.75 HELIOPSIS FALSE SUNFLOWER Zone 3 NEW Summer Sun - Double bright yellow flowers on strong stems blooms throughout summer. #2 Container 5.75 HELLOBORUS LENTEN ROSE Zone 4 NEW Royal Heritage TM - Leathery serrated leaves are adorned by an array of colorful flowers including purple, red, rose, yellow and white. #2 Container 10.50 HEMEROCALLIS DAYLILY Zone 3 NEW Custard Candy - Soft lemon yellow ruffled flowers with a red eye. Rebloomer in early to mid summer. Happy Returns - Everblooming variety with canary yellow flowers. Blooms May until frost. Phone : (856) 451-7788 or Fax : (856) 451-4514 32 Pardon Me - Everblooming variety with ruffled red flowers. Blooms June until frost. NEW Rocket City - Bright orange flowers with a burnt orange eye. Blooms in mid summer. Stella de Oro - Everblooming variety with golden yellow flowers. Blooms June until frost. NEW Strawberry Candy - Very ruffled strawberry rose colored flower with a slightly darker eye. Rebloomer in mid summer. Daring Deception - Creamy pink ruffled flowers with a large deep purple eye and border. Black Eyed Stella TM - Ruffled yellow flowers with deep red eye. Blooms late spring through summer. #2 Container 5.90 HEUCHERA CORAL BELLS Zone 3 Caramel PP - Glowing orange, caramel, and creamy red leaves with rounded lobes. NEW Miracle PPAF - Young foliage emerges chartreuse and turns a deep red as it ages, but a bright yellow edge remains. #2 Container 6.50 Palace Purple - Deep mahogany foliage with sprays of white flowers. Blooms in June. #2 Container 5.75 HIBISCUS ROSE MALLOW Zone 5 NEW Crown Jewel - Large pink flowers with brilliant red foliage which bloom late summer. NEW Disco Belle Pink - Large single pink flowers with compact foliage. Blooms August through September. Disco Belle Red - Large single red flowers with compact foliage. Blooms August through September. NEW Fantasia - Huge ruffled rose pink flowers with a rose red eye. Blooms in summer. NEW Lord Baltimore - Deep green lobed leaves with crimson red ruffled flowers. Blooms July til frost. #3 Container 8.00 33 Visit our Website @ www.caspersnurseries.com HOSTA Zone 3 Aureo-Marginata - Deep green leaves trimmed with bands of golden yellow. Lilac blooms in mid summer. Elegans - Distinctive variety with huge powdery blue leaves. Blooms white flowers in July. Francee - Heart shaped green leaves with white margins. Lavender blooms appear in mid summer. Frances Williams - Large round blue green foliage with wide yellow margins. Blooms white flowers in July. Gold Standard - Golden leaves with dark green margins. Lavender blooms in mid summer. Patriot - A stunning variegated hosta with green leaves edged with bright white margins. Wide Brim - Blue green leaves with wide irregular margins of creamy gold. #2 Container 6.25 HOUTTUYNIA CHAMELEON PLANT Zone 4 Chameleon - Thick patch of brightly colored heart shaped leaves of green, red, cream and yellow. #2 Container 5.75 IRIS JAPANESE IRIS Zone 4 NEW Butter & Sugar - Bright butter yellow and white flowers on this beardless iris. Blooms early summer. NEW Ruffled Velvet - Deep velvety purple falls with black and gold blaze. Blooms early summer. NEW Variegata - Blue flowers with variegated leaves of bright green and white. #2 Container 6.25 Phone : (856) 451-7788 or Fax : (856) 451-4514 34 KNIPHOFIA RED HOT POKER Zone 5 NEW Early Hybrids - Rocket shaped spikes that graduate in color from red to yellow. #2 Container 5.75 LAMIUM DEAD NETTLE Zone 4 Purple Dragon PPAF - Silvery green foliage with spikes of rich purple flowers. Shell Pink - Spreading groundcover with marbled foliage and clusters of clear pink flowers. Blooms late spring. #2 Container 5.75 LAVANDULA LAVENDER Zone 5 Grosso - Blue green foliage with large purple flower spikes. Mid summer repeat bloomer. Hidcote Blue - Gray foliage with rich purple flower spikes. Blooms in summer. #2 Container 5.75 LIATRIS BLAZING STAR Zone 3 Floristan White - Spikes of fluffy white flowers which bloom June until September. Kobold - Multiple spikes of rose purple flowers which bloom June until September. #2 Container 5.75 LIGULARIA LIGULARIA Zone 4 NEW Little Rocket - Dwarf form has long and narrow racemes of bright yellow flowers, dark green leaves with deeply toothed edges. #2 Container 5.75 35 Visit our Website @ www.caspersnurseries.com LILIUM ORIENTAL LILY Zone 4 NEW Casa Blanca - Large pure white flowers that are fragrant. Blooms mid to late summer. NEW Stargazer - Deep rose pink flowers framed in white edges. Blooms mid to late summer. #2 Container 7.25 LOBELIA CARDINAL FLOWER Zone 5 NEW Queen Victoria - Reddish bronze foliage with brilliant red flower spikes throughout the summer. #2 Container 5.75 MONARDA BEE BALM Zone 4 Petite Delight - Dwarf plant with dark green foliage and mop like flowers which are lavender rose in color. Blooms June to July. #2 Container 5.75 NEPETA CATMINT Zone 4 Blue Wonder - Fragrant plant with plumes of lavender-blue flowers. Blooms May to June. Walker’s Low - Gray green foliage with soft lavender-blue flowers. Blooms April until fall. #2 Container 5.75 PAEONIA PEONY Zone 3 Sarah Bernhardt - Bright green foliage with double deep pink flowers. Blooms in June. Karl Rosenfield - Dark green foliage with deep red double flowers. Blooms in June. Shirley Temple - Rich green foliage with bright white double flowers. Blooms in June. Sorbet - Unique double flower which is colorfully layered pink, white, and pink. Blooms in June. #2 Container 9.75 Phone : (856) 451-7788 or Fax : (856) 451-4514 36 PENSTEMON BEARD TONGUE Zone 3 Husker Red - Maroon red foliage with very pale pink flowers. Blooms early summer. #2 Container 5.75 PEROVSKIA RUSSIAN SAGE Zone 5 Atriplicifolia - Silvery gray fragrant foliage with airy lavender blue flowers. #2 Container 5.75 PHLOX GARDEN PHLOX ________ Zone 4 Becky Towe - Variegated green and gold foliage with salmon rose colored flowers. David - Very fragrant bright white flower clusters which bloom in summer. Laura - Purplish pink flowers with a white star center. Blooms throughout the summer. Nicky - Deep purple flowers which bloom in summer. #2 Container 6.80 PHYSOSTEGIA OBEDIENT PLANT ____ Zone 3 Pink Bouquet - Spikes of rose pink flowers which bloom in late summer. Summer Snow - Spikes of pure white flowers which bloom in summer. #2 Container 5.75 PLATYCODON BALLOON FLOWER Zone 4 Sentimental Blue - Dwarf compact plant with star shaped purple flowers. #2 Container 5.75 Visit our Website @ www.caspersnurseries.com 37 POLEMONIUM JACOB’S LADDER Zone 3 Stairway to Heaven PPAF - Showy green foliage with white margins that turn pink in sun. Bright blue flowers in late spring. NEW Apricot Delight - Soft bunches of pinky apricot blossoms with yellow centers. Blooms late spring to early summer. #2 Container 6.75 ROSA ROSES Zone 4 NEW Blushing Knockout TM - Compact shrub with light pink blooms gradually changing to shell pink. Mossy green leaves with blue hues. NEW Double Knockout TM - Compact shrub rose with double cherry red blooms. Foliage is dark purplish green that turns burgundy in fall. Pink Knockout TM - Compact shrub rose with brilliant pink blooms. The foliage is mossy green with a blue tint. NEW Rainbow Knockout TM - Bushy, compact shrub rose with dark green leaves. Deep coral-pink blooms with a yellow center. NEW Red Knockout TM - Compact shrub rose with cherry red blossoms. The foliage is dark purplish green that turns burgundy in fall. #3 Container 11.85 NEW Homerun Tree Rose - Showy flame red blossoms budded onto a 24” tree trunk. NEW Pink Knockout Tree Rose TM - Brilliant pink blooms budded onto a 24” tree trunk. NEW Double Knockout Tree Rose TM - Double cherry red blossoms atop a 24” tree trunk. NEW Red Knockout Tree Rose TM - Single cherry red blooms budded onto a 24” tree trunk. #5 Container 26.25 Phone : (856) 451-7788 or Fax : (856) 451-4514 38 RUDBECKIA BLACK EYED SUSAN Zone 4 Goldsturm - Compact plant covered with golden yellow daisy-like flowers with black centers. Blooms July to October. NEW Indian Summer - Compact plant covered with golden yellow daisylike flowers with brown centers. Blooms mid summer to early fall. #2 Container 5.75 SALVIA SAGE Zone 4 May Knight - Rough green foliage with outstanding violet flower spikes. Blooms in May. Blue Hill - Rough green foliage with spikes of sky blue flowers. Blooms June until September. East Friesland - Dense compact growth with spikes of violet purple flowers. Blooms in May. Purple Rain - Broad foliage with smokey purple flowers on long arching stems. Snow Hill - Rough green foliage with spikes of pure white flowers. Blooms June until September. #2 Container 5.75 SCABIOSA PINCUSHION Zone 4 Butterfly Blue - Heavy bloomer with a profusion of lavender blue flowers. Blooms May ’til frost. #2 Container 5.75 SEDUM STONECROP Zone 3 Autumn Joy - Gray green foliage with flat clusters of bronze flowers. Blooms August thru September. NEW Dragon’s Blood - Deep green leaves with a bronzish tint that turn red in fall. Flowers are deep red in color. 39 Visit our Website @ www.caspersnurseries.com NEW Kamtschaticum Variegatum - Compact sedum has variegated leaves with creamy margins. Star-shaped yellow flowers open from pink buds and mature to crimson. Frosty Morn - White and green variegated foliage adorned with white flowers opening to pink. Neon - Large heads of bright purplish rose flowers on green foliage. Blooms September to October. Rosy Glow - Bluish green foliage with rich ruby red flowers. #2 Container 5.75 SEMPERVIVUM HENS & CHICKS Zone 3 Assorted - A nice variety of low growing edgers. Great for use in rock gardens. #2 Container 5.75 SISYRINCHIUM BLUE EYED GRASS Zone 4 Lucerne - Purplish blue flowers appear in spring atop the clumps of green grass like foliage. #2 Container 5.75 STACHY LAMB’S EAR Zone 4 Silver Carpet - Soft, wooly, silver gray foliage with the feel and shape of a lamb’s ear. #2 Container 5.75 STOKESIA STOKE’S ASTER Zone 5 Purple Parasols TM - Deep green foliage with large cornflower like blooms that start light blue and change to deep violet. #2 Container 5.75 Phone : (856) 451-7788 or Fax : (856) 451-4514 40 TANACETUM PAINTED DAISY Zone 3 Robinson’s Red - Lacy green foliage with large deep scarlet daisy flowers with yellow centers. #2 Container 5.75 TRADESCANTIA SPIDERWORT Zone 4 Concord Grape - Frosty blue grass like foliage with grape colored flowers. Blooms June to September. #2 Container 5.75 VERBENA VERVAIN Zone 4 Homestead Purple - Dark green foliage with velvety deep purple flowers blooming May to October. #2 Container 5.75 VERONICA SPEEDWELL Zone 4 Red Fox - Compact foliage with rosy pink flower spikes. Blooms June until August. Royal Candles TM - Deep green foliage with an abundance of violet blue flowers all summer. Sunny Border Blue - Rich green foliage with deep violet-blue flower spikes. Blooms June until August. #2 Container 5.75 41 Visit our Website @ www.caspersnurseries.com GRASSES CALAMAGROTIS FEATHER REED Zone 5 Karl Foerster - Green foliage form an arching clump with slender golden flower spikes. Blooms in May and June. Grows 4-5'. Overdam - Narrow green and white variegated foliage with gold tassles. Blooms July to August. Grows 2-3'. #3 Container 8.50 CAREX LEATHERLEAF SEDGE Zone 5 Buchananii - Coppery red brown foliage which forms clumping masses. Tips of the fine texture leaves attractively curl. Grows 1-2'. NEW Evergold - Small weeping form striped with dark green and creamy gold foliage. Grows 10''. NEW Silver Sceptre - Bright silver and green variegated foliage with a small growth habit. Grows 10''. #2 Container 8.50 ELYMUS BLUE LYME RYE Zone 7 Glaucus - Semi evergreen grass has metallic blue foliage forming an arching clump. Grows 2-3'. #3 Container 8.50 ERIANTHUS PLUME GRASS Zone 5 Ravennae - Green grass blades turn bronze to red in fall. Long silver plumes bloom in August to September. Grows 8-12'. #3 Container 8.50 HAKONECHLOA HAKONE GRASS Zone 5 NEW Aureola - Forms a soft mound of variegated yellow, white, and green bamboo like foliage. Grows 12-18''. #2 Container 8.50 Phone : (856) 451-7788 or Fax : (856) 451-4514 42 MISCANTHUS MAIDEN GRASS Zone 5 Adagio - Dwarf neat mound with narrow green foliage, blooms appear in August. Grows 5'. Cosmopolitan - Wide green and white variegated leaves, flowers begin to form in August. Grows 4-6'. Gracillimus - Narrow silver midribbed leaves with copper colored flowers in September turning to silver in winter. Grows 6-8'. Morning Light - Fine textured leaves with a band of white on margins. Reddish bronze flowers in October. Grows 3-4'. Strictus - Upright green foliage with bright yellow horizontal variegation. Copper blooms in September. Grows 5-7'. Variegatus - Loose arching green and white striped foliage. Blooms in August and September. Grows 5-7'. Zebrinus - Large arching foliage with yellowish white bands across the foliage. Pinkish copper flowers in September. Grows 5-7'. #3 Container 8.50 PANICUM SWITCH GRASS Zone 4 Prairie Sky - Upright hardy blue grass which turns brilliant colors in fall. Grows 4-5'. #3 Container 8.50 43 Phone : (856) 451-7788 or Fax : (856) 451-4514 PENNISETUM FOUNTAIN GRASS Zone 5 Hameln - Dark green fine textured foliage with compact whitish flowers. Blooms in August. Grows 1-2'. Little Bunny - True dwarf grass with narrow green leaves that form a little mound. Grows 12-18 inches. Moudry - Green foliage with a reddish purple tint. The flowers bloom in August and appear almost black at their peak. Grows 3'. Rubrum - Burgundy glossy foliage forms arching clumps with reddish purple plumes. Use as an annual zone 9. Grows 4-5'. #3 Container 8.50 PHALARIS STRAWBERRY & CREAM Zone 4 Feesey’s Form - Known as Strawberry and Cream its foliage is white striped with a pink blush. White flowers bloom in June. Grows 1-2'. #3 Container 8.50 Phone : (856) 451-7788 or Fax : (856) 451-4514 44 CASPER’S NURSERIES, LLC CREDIT APPLICATION 189 Polk Lane Bridgeton, N.J. 08302 (856) 451-7788 Fax (856) 451-4514 Business Name: Address: City: State /Zip: Business Phone: FAX: Years in Business Tax exempt #: Home Phone: TYPE OF BUSINESS ■ Individual ■ Partnership INDIVIDUAL/PARTNERSHIP/OFFICERS ■ Corporation Name Name Name Title Title Title TRADE REFERENCES - Currently doing business with Name Name Name Address Address Address City/State/Zip City/State/Zip City/State/Zip Phone Phone Phone Fax Fax Fax BANK CREDIT REFERENCE BANK TELEPHONE # BRANCH ADDRESS (CITY, STATE, ZIP ) CHECKING ACCOUNT # SAVINGS ACCOUNT # The undersigned Applicant represents and warrants that the information given on this credit application is given for the purpose of obtaining credit and is true and correct. The Applicant’s signature also attests financial responsibility and willingness to pay all invoices due. 45 Signed by Terms & Conditions Terms : 2% discount given when your payment is postmarked within 15 days of delivery. Past due accounts will be subject to a service charge of 2% per month. Please Note: We do not provide banking services. Those of you with established credit must understand that after 30 days our patience is gone, and so is your future credit with us. Prices : This offering cancels all previous prices offered by us. They are subject to change without notice. Prices in this catalog pertain to orders of 10 or more of each variety. There will be a surcharge of $1.00 per plant for orders of less than 10 plants per variety per pickup. Minimum shipping amount is $1,800. Warranty : Casper’s Nurseries LLC will exercise care to have all plants true to name. However, we give no warranty expressed or implied as to the variety or productivity of nursery stock we sell. Claims : Claims must be made upon receipt of merchandise. Seller will at no time be responsible for more than the purchase price. Confirmations : Confirmations of plant materials for spring order will not be made until after fall sales. Casper’s Nurseries LLC Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Office: (856) 451-7788 Fax: (856) 451-4514 Address: 189 Polk Lane Bridgeton, N.J. 08302 www.caspersnurseries.com Ken Casper Founder Todd Casper Owner/General Manager Jackie Casper Office Manager Marge Casper Financial Manager Rich Bell Shipping Coordinator Phone : (856) 451-7788 or Fax : (856) 451-4514 46 Visit us at the following shows Pennsylvania Green Expo Farm Show Complex Harrisburg July 22-24 Booth 922 Penn Allied Nursery Trade Show Atlantic City Convention Center July 29-31 Booth 1424 Mid Atlantic Nursery Trade Show Baltimore Convention Center - Winter Show - Booth 303-305 Visit our Website @ www.caspersnurseries.com
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