peel region mandurah murray
peel region mandurah murray
PEEL REGION MANDURAH MURRAY he City of Mandurah is a local government authority T approximately 72kms south of Perth, serving the needs of more than 73,000 residents. Council seeks to enhance the lifestyle, business and tourism opportunities for the people of Mandurah by offering a diverse range of services and facilities to the community. Mandurah is the capital of the Peel region and considered to be the gateway to the South West. Council is represented by an elected Mayor and 12 elected members representing East, North, Coastal and Town Wards. .Formal Council meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of each month, and special council meetings are held as required. .Agendas and reports for committee and council meetings are available for public inspection on the Friday before the meeting at the Mandurah Councill office, the Mandurah Library, Falcon e-Library & Community Centre, On-line. OFFICE HOURS: Monday to Friday 8.15am - 4.30pm Phone: 9550 3777 Fax: 9550 3888 Email: council ADDRESS: 3 Peel Street, (PO Box 210), Mandurah, WA 6210 Please phone the Council office on 9550 3777 for Councillor’s contact numbers. ADMINISTRATION Chief Executive Officer Mr Mark Newman............................................................... 9550 3777 Building Services................................................................ 9550 3749 Cemetery Services.............................................................. 9550 3833 Community Safety & Crime............................................... 9550 3777 Community Services........................................................... 9550 3850 Environmental Health Services........................................... 9550 3746 Falcon e-library & Community Centre............................... 9550 3230 Landscape Services............................................................. 9550 3852 Mandurah Aquatic & Recreation Centre............................. 9550 3600 Mandurah Library & Information Services ....................... 9550 3650 Planning Services................................................................ 9550 3748 Public Works & Maintenance............................................. 9550 3864 Ranger Services.................................................................. 9550 3777 Rates.................................................................................... 9550 3745 Recreation Services............................................................. 9550 3601 Waste Alliance Customer Service (for all refuse-related calls) ............................................................................................ 9550 4700 Youth Development............................................................ 9550 3670 RMK Directories 2015© One of the fastest growing localities in Australia, the Shire of Murray is located less than an hour from Perth with easy access from the Forrest Highway. By 2031, the Shire of Murray will be home to more than 45,000 residents. Murray is situated in the centre of the Peel region, alongside the Shires of Serpentine Jarrahdale, Boddington, Waroona and the City of Mandurah. Home to picturesque Dwellingup in the east, Murray also features the historic town of Pinjarra first established in 1834. Murray is home to enticing residential estates from semi rural living in Ravenswood through to canal side residences in South and North Yunderup. Enquiries For all general enquiries, please contact our Customer Service team on 9531 7777. Alternatively you can email your enquiry to or make an online enquiry at Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm. Contact: Telephone: 9531 7777 Email: Address: 1915 Pinjarra Road (PO Box 21), Pinjarra WA 6208. Councillors and Council Meetings Please refer to the website or telephone 9531 7777 for a list of your Councillors. Council meetings are held on the last Thursday of each month, commencing at 9am. The Planning, Policy and Strategy Committee meeting is held on the Tuesday of the week prior to the Council meeting. PEEL REGION COUNCIL INFORMATION - PAGE 1 PEEL REGION EMERGENCY SERVICES CREST (Citizens Radio Emergency Service) 41 Boundary Rd, Mandurah...... 9535 4357 Mandurah State Emergency Service 93 Park Rd, Mandurah.............. 9581 1966 PO Box 274, Mandurah AMBULANCE In an Emergency.................................... 000 St John Ambulance Administration............................ 9535 4922 Mandurah Sub-Station............... 9535 1898 Pinjarra Sub-Station................... 9531 1263 POLICE In an Emergency.................................... 000 Perth Central................................9222 1111 Mandurah, Cnr Pinjarra Rd & Mandurah Bypass Rd.................................... 9581 0222 Pinjarra, George St..................... 9531 1666 FIRE In an Emergency....................................000 Falcon Volunteer Fire Brigade PO Box 5048, Falcon...................9534 3533 Mandurah Chief Bush Fire Control Officer. ......................................................9535 2671 Mandurah Urban Volunteer Fire Brigade PO Box 296 Mandurah...............9733 8454 North Mandurah Volunteer Fire Brigade ......................................................9537 1407 Southern Districts Volunteer Fire Brigade ......................................................9739 1065 Pinjarra Fire & Rescue............................... ......................................................9531 1708 GENERAL Alinta Gas Faults Only.................. 13 13 52 Poisons Info Centre........................ 13 11 26 Water Corporation......................... 13 13 75 Western Power............................... 13 13 51 ACCOMMODATION/CRISIS Calvary Youth Services 40 Sutton Street, Mandurah.......... 9581 1741 Pat Thomas Memorial Community House ...................................................... 9535 4775 Westaus Crisis & Welfare Services Mandurah Lotteries House, Suite 3, 7 Anzac Place, Mandurah..... 9582 9920 ACCOMMODATION/SUPPORTED Midway Community Care 6 Gailbraith Loop, Erskine............ 9535 5500 Milligan Foundation Housing Assoc Inc 19 Sholl Street, Mandurah............ 9581 3435 Peel Community Living Inc Unit 1, 50 Reserve Drive, Mandurah ...................................................... 9582 6105 AGED CARE Amana Living 7 Leslie St, Mandurah................... 9550 4300 MANDURAH MURRAY Community Information - 2015 Belswan Lifestyle Village............ 9535 1197 Coolibah Aged Care And Nursing Home 30 Third Ave, Mandurah............... 9535 0304 Greenfields Aged Care Facility Cnr Lakes Rd and Murdoch Dr Mandurah...................................... 9535 0700 Mandurah Care Facility 1 Hungerford Ave, Mandurah....... 9535 4799 Mandurah Retirement Village 30 Third Avenue, Mandurah......... 9535 0301 Mcnamara Lodge 41 Portrush Pde, Meadow Springs ...................................................... 9582 5300 Murray River Nursing Home 83 Boundary Road, Dudley Park ...................................................... 9535 7466 Peel Lodge 2 Maclaggan Turn, Mandurah........9582 9111 RSL War Veterans Home 82 Oakmont Avenue, Meadow Springs ...................................................... 9535 0200 ARTS & CRAFTS Arts Culture Peel PO Box 350, Mandurah................ 9581 4407 Baptist Church Craft Group Cnr Rio Grande Ave & Pinjarra Rd, Mandurah Cake Decorating 1 Malabor Mews, Halls Head ...... 9535 3487 Mandurah Arts & Crafts Society PO Box 3112, Mandurah.............. 9581 3777 Murray Districts Arts & Crafts Society Inc PO Box 3, Pinjarra........................ 9531 3598 Embroiderers Guild of WA Inc (Mandurah Group) PO Box 1233, Mandurah.............. 9581 7212 Falcon Spinners Inc PO Box 5054, Falcon.................... 9586 8698 Mandurah Knitting Club PO Box 48, Mandurah Murray District Machine Knitting Group Inc..................................... 9534 4328 West Murray Art Group............ 9535 4235 West Murray Pottery Group 29 Watson Drive, Barragup........... 9535 6198 ANIMAL & BIRD ORGANISATIONS BIRDS Mandurah Bird Watchers Club PO Box 1157, Mandurah.............. 9535 3594 Mandurah Avicultural Soc......... 9535 3983 Mandurah & Murray Pigeon Racing Club Sec: P. Dunn.................................. 9581 2861 South West Budgerigar Club (Mandurah Inc) J. Mcmahon................................... 9534 3261 PAGE 2 - PEEL REGION COMMUNITY INFORMATION DOGS Mandurah Dog Obedience School 32 Maria St, Mandurah................. 9535 3285 Mandurah Wildlife Rescue U91/22 Carnegie Pl, St Ives, Greenfields.................................... 9586 3166 ................................................. 0429 100 745 Birds Only - John.......................... 9535 5342 K9 Rescue Group PO Box 220, Mandurah................ 9581 9005 WA Raptor Rehab & Educ ......................9525 1452 Mob: 0438 940 116 BUSINESS ORGANISATIONS Peel Chamber of Commerce & Industry ........................................................9581 3693 Peel Business Enterprise Centre ...................................................... 9535 5672 Peel Development Commission ...................................................... 9535 0000 The Apprentice & Traineeship Company ...................................................... 9586 9000 BINGO Mandurah Senior Citizens Centre Ormsby Terrace, Mandurah.......... 9550 3799 CHURCHES Assembly of God 98 Mandurah Terrace,................... 9581 2485 Catholic Church Parish Centre, 65 Pinjarra Rd, Mandurah ...................................................... 9581 2061 Presbytery..................................... 9582 7390 Christian Outreach Centre PO Box 227, Mandurah................ 9581 3133 Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints............................................ 9586 2992 East Mandurah Anglican 58 Steerforth Dve, Mandurah....... 9581 5544 Golden Light Spiritual Church 9 Brampton Pl, Mandurah............. 9581 6639 Jehovah’s Witness....................... 9581 2871 Lutheran Church 1 Waxflower Vista, Halls Head..... 9593 9544 Mandurah Anglican Church 1 Sholl St, Mandurah.................... 9535 6152 PO Box 327, Mandurah................ 9581 1980 Mandurah Christian Fellowship PO Box 261, Mandurah................ 9535 1958 Mandurah Christian Life Cnt 98 Mandurah Tce, Mandurah........ 9581 2485 Mandurah Full Gospel Church ...................................................... 9586 8502 Ministers’ Association PO Box 227, Mandurah ................................9581 5544 or 9581 3133 RMK Directories 2015© PEEL REGION Our Lady’s Assumption Parish Office: U3/ 65 Pinjarra Rd Church: 20 Creery St ................... 9581 2061 Rhema Church PO Box 1223, Mandurah Seven Day Adventist 5 Myerick St, Mandurah............... 9535 3083 The Salvation Army-Mandurah Community Church 49-51 Lakes Rd, Mandurah ......... 9535 4951 Uniting Church - South Mandurah 3 Rees Place, Wananup................. 9534 2409 Uniting Church Fellowship 156 Pinjarra Rd, Mandurah Westminister Presbyterian Church PO Box 2147, Mandurah ............. 9535 5558 COMMUNITY SERVICES Adoptions Inter of WA................ 9328 2555 Al-Anon Family Groups 24 Hours........................................ 9325 7528 Anglicare...................................... 9581 3914 Mandurah.................................... 9531 3103 Alcohol & Drug Info................ 1800 198 024 Ante-Natal Classes...................... 9531 8088 Arthritis Foundation of WA.... 1800 011 041 Asthma Education....................... 9531 8088 Association for the Blind............ 9586 1147 Child Abuse................................. 9272 1466 Child Welfare Family & Children’s Services, Sutton Sq ...................................................... 9525 6688 Citizens Advice Bureau Mewburn Centre, 13 Sholl St., Mandurah ...................................................... 9535 3101 Coastal Child Health Clinic 63 Ormsby Tce, Mandurah............ 9535 9997 Grow WA . .................................. 9321 7333 Handicapped Persons 15 Pinjarra Rd, Mandurah................ 13 24 68 Helping Hands Support Groups PO Box 8140, Wannanup Doreen Bowen.............................. 9535 7805 Home & Community Care Murray/Waroona........................ ...9531 2076 Mandurah Community Health & Development Centre 112 Lakes Rd, Mandurah.............. 9586 4400 Mandurah Local Drug Action Group Peel Health Centre, Ormsby Tce, Mandurah Mandurah Meals on Wheels ...................................................... 9531 2253 Mandurah Parkinson’s Carer’s Group & Support Group............................ 9535 7219 Mandurah Red Cross................. 9581 5779 Parent Help Centre..................... 9272 1466 RMK Directories 2015© MANDURAH MURRAY Community Information - 2015 Peel Volunteer Referral Agency PO Box 936, Mandurah................ 9581 1187 Save The Children Australia Mrs Heather Moorhead................. 9581 5692 Silver Chain Palliative Care....... 9242 0242 COURTS Bailiff’s Office.............................. 9421 1166 Mandurah (Police Station)............ 9581 0222 Pinjarra (Police Station)................ 9531 1666 Court Of Petty Sessions Pinjarra Rd, Mandurah.................. 9581 4000 Children’s Court, Mandurah......... 9581 4000 Family Court............................... 9224 8222 DOCTORS Dial-A-Doctor.......................... 1300 030 030 Mon-Fri 6pm-8am, Sat from 11am, Sun & Public Holidays 24 hrs Dr Chow........................................ 9535 4455 Dudley Park Medical Centre......... 9535 4644 Falcon Grove Shopping Centre..... 9534 2380 Forrest House Surgery.................. 9531 1866 Greenfields Family Practice.......... 9581 8228 Halls Head Medical Centre........... 9581 1199 Dr M. Kirwan................................ 9535 3316 Dr Low.......................................... 9535 1188 Kinetic Health Erskine.................. 9535 0999 Metcini Health Mandurah............. 9586 2122 Miami Medical Centre.................. 9534 2500 Modern Medical Clinic 66 Mahogany Dr, Halls Head.......... 9582 7800 Murray Medical Centre . .............. 9535 1166 Dr K.T Ong................................... 9535 4084 Peel Connolly Medical Centre...... 9581 4400 Peelwood Family Medical Centre Halls Head......................... 9581 2345 Pinjarra Medical Centre................ 9531 3130 Skin Check Skin Cancer Clinic 66 Mahogany Dr, Halls Head.......... 9535 2400 Silver Sands Medical Centre......... 9535 6677 DRAMA/THEATRE Mandurah Entertainment Group Mr Court...................................... 9535 2912 Mandurah Little Theatre PO Box 398, Mandurah................ 9592 4699 Murray Music & Drama Club PO Box 68, Pinjarra...................... 9537 6568 Torryl’s Entertainment School .............................................. Fax: 9535 3817 EDUCATION EDUCATION SUPPORT CENTRES Halls Head Community College Education Support Centre ............ 9535 9419 Mandurah Education Support Centre ...................................................... 9581 5485 North Mandurah Education Support Centre ...................................................... 9535 3599 Riverside Education Support Centre ...................................................... 9534 0328 PLAYGROUPS Madora Playgroup Contact: Yvette Burkett................. 9537 3940 Mandurah Playgroup & Playcentre Inc Playgroup WA ............................. 9228 8088 Mandurah Child Care Centre PO Box 884, Mandurah................ 9535 3559 West Murray Playgroup Lot 27 Husband Rd, Barragup...... 9534 9468 PRIMARY & SECONDARY SCHOOLS Assumption Catholic Primary School ...................................................... 9581 7888 Coodanup Community College..... 9581 0911 Dawesville Catholic Primary School ...................................................... 9583 2500 Dudley Park Pre-Primary School.... 9535 3586 Dudley Park Primary School ....... 9535 9533 Falcon Kindergarten .................... 9534 2448 Falcon Primary School ................ 9534 2411 Foundation Christian College....... 9586 5444 Frederick Irwin Anglican School ...................................................... 9581 6777 Glencoe Pre-Primary School........ 9535 4597 Glencoe Primary School .............. 9535 3445 Greenfields Primary School ......... 9581 1976 Halls Head Community College ...................................................... 9535 5195 Halls Head Primary School ......... 9582 9011 Living Waters Lutheran College ...................................................... 9535 6309 Mandurah Baptist College............ 9583 7070 Mandurah Catholic College.......... 9531 9500 Mandurah Frederick Irwin Anglican Community School...................... 9581 6777 Mandurah Pre-Primary School.... 9535 4684 Mandurah Primary School ........... 9535 1575 Mandurah Senior College............. 9583 7373 Mandurah Senior High School .... 9535 3800 Meadow Springs Primary School ...................................................... 9537 0400 North Mandurah Pre-Primary School ...................................................... 9535 4777 North Mandurah Primary School ...................................................... 9535 5800 Ocean Road Primary School......... 9582 2311 Riverside Primary School............. 9534 0300 TERTIARY EDUCATION Challenger Tafe - Peel Campus ...................................................... 9586 7400 Murdoch University Peel Campus ...................................................... 9582 5501 PEEL REGION COMMUNITY INFORMATION - PAGE 3 PEEL REGION EMPLOYMENT & TRAINING Apprenticeships Mandurah...................................... 9531 7979 Centrelink 15 Pinjarra Rd, Mandurah................ 13 10 21 Mandurah Joblink Inc - Youth Options Rear 11 Pinjarra Rd....................... 9581 4606 ENVIRONMENTAL GROUPS Conservation & Land Management C/- Post Office, Dwellingup.......... 9538 1078 Keep Mandurah Beautiful Committee Peel Volunteer Referral Agency PO Box 936, Mandurah................ 9581 1187 Mandurah Environmental Advisory Committee (MEAC) C/- City Of Mandurah, PO Box 210, Mandurah Peel Men of the Trees Mandurah Lotteries House . ......... 9535 6722 Pima / Waterways Commission U8/21 Sholl St, Mandurah Riverside Gardens Community Association Bortolo Park Pav. Greenfields....... 9581 2833 Tims Thicket Action Group Lot 15 Yalgorup Dve, Parkridge...... 9582 1607 GOVERNMENT AGENCIES Agriculture WA Industry Resource Protection Pinjarra.......................................... 9531 1954 Customs........................................ 9430 1444 Deaths George St, Pinjarra........................ 9531 1367 Department for Community Service ...................................................... 9535 6688 Department of Transport 15 Leslie St, Mandurah................. 9535 2844 Disability Services 20 Davey St, Mandurah.................9535 1112 Family Allowances Pinjarra Rd, Mandurah..................... 13 24 68 Fisheries Department 15 Leslie St, Mandurah................. 9535 1240 Homeswest Head Office................................... 9222 4666 Mandurah, 11 Pinjarra Rd............. 9535 5788 Mandurah Licensing Department Cnr Ranceby & Pinjarra Rd Mandurah ...................................................... 9581 2928 Main Road Department Mandurah, Maintenance Ranger ...................................................... 9725 5677 MANDURAH MURRAY Community Information - 2015 Medicare......................................... 13 20 11 Ministry For Planning U2B/11-13 Pinjarra Rd, Mandurah ...................................................... 9581 4471 Peel Development Commission Tuckey St, Mandurah.................... 9535 6722 Peel Inlet Management Auth 21 Scholl St, Mandurah................. 9535 3760 Depot............................................. 9581 7404 Veterans......................................... 9366 8222 Pollution Mandurah...................................... 9535 1966 Social Security 24 - 26 Tuckey St, Mandurah........... 13 24 68 Pensions Mandurah......................................... 13 24 68 Telstra Home Customer Service.................. 13 22 00 Service.............................................. 13 22 00 Business Matters.............................. 13 29 99 Account Enquiries............................ 13 22 00 Transperth...................................... 13 22 13 HALLS FOR HIRE Council Halls Contact: (Bookings Officer) PO Box 210, Mandurah................ 9550 3880 Furnissdale Masonic Centre ............................... 9586 3410/0437 770 755 Mandurah Performing Arts Centre Ormsby Terrace, Mandurah.......... 9550 3900 Mandurah Senior Citizens Hall Ormsby Terrace, Mandurah.......... 9550 3799 Southern Estuary Hall Southern Estuary Road (Access via Iluka Rd) Dawesville..................................... 9534 2409 HISTORICAL GROUPS Hotham Valley Tourist Railway ...................................................... 9221 4444 Mandurah Family History Society Inc PO Box 1091, Mandurah 6210 Research Rooms at Library Rd Mandurah. Open 10-3pm Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat 9.30-1pm. Secretary: Ailsa Rice..................... 9586 1183 Email: Mandurah Historical Society PO Box 199, Mandurah................ 9535 8970 Mandurah Community Museum 3 Pinjarra Road, Pinjarra . ............ 9535 9511 Old Blythewood........................... 9531 1485 PAGE 4 - PEEL REGION COMMUNITY INFORMATION HOSPITALS Peel Health Campus.................... 9531 8000 Murray District Hospital............ 9531 7222 Rockingham General Hospital Elanora Dr, Rockingham............... 9599 4000 HOBBY GROUPS BRIDGE Mandurah Bridge Club Inc PO Box 77, Mandurah....................9583 5448 COLLECTORS Peel Collector’s Club PO Box 1825, Mandurah.............. 9586 3029 The Tin Collector’s Club PO Box 8, Leederville................... 9586 3029 FISHING Fishermen’s Association Lot 2 Estuary Rd, Bouvard........... 9739 1065 Mandurah Licensed Professional Fisherman’s Association............. 9739 1065 Mandurah Offshore Fishing Club PO Box 219, Mandurah................ 9535 6251 FOUR WHEEL DRIVE Mandurah Four Wheel Drive Club PO Box 529, Mandurah GARDENING CLUBS Mandurah Garden Club Inc C. Beard....................................... 9535 3736 Mandurah Orchid Club............. 9537 8305 Peel Permaculture PO Box 1368, Mandurah Mandurah Wildflower Group President Annette Clarkson........... 9581 4196 Peel Region Orchid Society Inc PO Box 1303, Mandurah 6210 Secretary....................................... 9537 8477 Meets 1st Wed of Month at Parish Hall, Cnr Stevenson & Creery St, Mandurah at 7.30pm. MODEL BOATS Mandurah City Model Boat Club PO Box 5225, Mandurah 6210..... 9581 2846 Mandurah Dragon Boat Club PO Box 758, Mandurah 6210 MUSIC The Dolphin Choir Inc 92 Hickman Rd, Silver Sands ...... 9534 2123 Kanyana Chorus PO Box 648, Mandurah................ 9581 5655 Friendly Organ Club 3 Asteria Street, Mandurah........... 9535 4769 Mandurah Choral Society PO Box 970, Mandurah................ 9535 4211 RMK Directories 2015© PEEL REGION Mandurah Concert Band Inc PO Box 753, Mandurah................ 9534 9342 Mandurah Entertainment Group 120 Cooper Street, Mandurah Rockingham City Pipe Band...... 9314 1716 Strings In Harmony - Mandurah Mandolins Inc 6 Minos Place, San Remo............. 9581 7186 Mandurah Jazz Club.................. 9534 9913 Mandurah Organ Society........... 9534 3316 Mandurah Voices In Harmony PO Box 142, Mandurah MD Ann Liley............................... 9586 8060 Murray Music & Drama Club PO Box 68, Pinjarra Carole Dhu............................... 0401 588 962 Peel Regional Youth Band PO Box 753, Mandurah Sec: Mrs Cath Jones...................... 9582 8233 PHOTOGRAPHY Mandurah Camera Club PO Box 1270, Mandurah POOL Mandurah 8 Ball Association PO Box 24, Mandurah.................. 9534 7298 PUBLIC SPEAKING Mandurah Rostrum Club.......... 9536 8190 RADIO Peel Amateur Radio Group PO Box 1010, Mandurah.............. 9535 7992 STAMPS Philatelic Society PO Box 625, Mandurah................ 9582 9108 Community Heart Walks........... 9535 9997 WOODTURNERS WA Woodturners Association Mandurah Group Scout Hall Anstruther Street, Mandurah......... 9581 4392 WRITING GROUPS Mandurah & Coastal Writers Group ...................................................... 9535 5470 Scribblers Writing Group PO Box 580, Mandurah................ 9535 9666 JUSTICES OF THE PEACE A Justice of the Peace is on duty to sign documents every Thursday and Friday from 10am to 12 noon at the Mandurah Citizen’s Advice Bureau in the Mewburn Centre, Scholl Street, Mandurah and the Mandurah Court House at 333 Pinjarra Rd every Tuesday and Wednesday 10.30am to 12.30pm. ...................................................... 9583 1100 JP’s are listed at RMK Directories 2015© MANDURAH MURRAY Community Information - 2015 NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH Crime Prevention & Public Safety ...................................................... 9535 3101 Neighbourhood Watch Office Mandurah...................................... 9581 4182 POLITICAL GROUPS Mandurah Liberal Party Pres: Jesse Wotton.....................0435 434 592 RATEPAYERS’ ASSOCIATIONS Golden Bay Progress Association ...................................................... 9537 1621 Madora Ratepayers & Residents Association Inc PO Box 4210, Mandurah Meadow Springs Community Association PO Box 633, Mandurah................ 9583 3878 Mandurah Ocean Marina Residents Association.............................. 0417 907 257 Marriners Cove Residents Association ...................................................... 9586 1716 Promontory Progress Association 2 Quayside Cl, North Mandurah Riverside Gardens Progress Association 3 Birdsong Gve, Greenfields......... 9581 2833 San Remo Progress Association 29 Orestes St, San Remo Sec:................................................ 9581 7575 South Coastal Community Association ...................................................... 9582 1667 Southern Estuary Progress Association Inc............................ 9582 1271 Waterside Residents Association PO Box 905, Mandurah................ 9581 3163 RECREATION GROUP FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES Association for the Blind............ 9311 8202 Oddbods Exercise for People with Medical Conditions 47 Leander Street, Falcon............. 9534 2326 Murray Mandurah Riding for the Disabled PO Box 276 Pinjarra SENIORS RECREATION GROUPS Australian Pensioner’s League Murray Branch Unit 17/22 Third Ave, Mandurah ...................................................... 9535 3728 Centre for Elderly Citizens PO Box 692, Mandurah..................9581 3782 Cobblers Tavern Pensioners Club ........................................................9534 3593 The Mandurah Fab 50’s Social Club ........................................................9535 3512 60+ Exercise Groups Mandurah & Falcon ........................................................9535 1644 Falcon Seniors Recreation Group Inc PO Box 5172, Falcon......................9534 6620 Mandurah Branch Pensioners League 75 Leslie Street, Mandurah ............9581 1793 Mandurah City Senior Citizens Centre 41 Ormsby Tce, Mandurah..............9550 3799 Mandurah Social Centre for Elderly People PO Box 692, Mandurah..................9581 2137 Mandurah Over 55 Cycling Club PO Box 1222, Mandurah................9535 2763 Meadow Springs Raafa Estate Art Club ........................................................9581 6840 Wearne House Auxillary 7 Leslie Street, Mandurah...............9535 5068 West Australian Regional U3A PO Box 210, Mandurah..................9535 3035 University of the Third Age PO Box 483, Mandurah..................9582 1023 SERVICE CLUBS Australian Pensioners League Murray Branch 37 Hackett St, Mandurah................9535 2689 CWA- Mandurah Branch PO Box 366 Mandurah Friends Of Mandurah District Hospital Inc PO Box 352, Mandurah..................9535 1994 Lions Club of Mandurah Inc PO Box 310, Mandurah..................9534 4439 Ladies Auxillary Lions Club Service Centre, Park Rd, Mandurah Lions Club of Mandurah Waters PO Box 1040, Mandurah Mandurah, Murray May Day Club PO Box 326, Mandurah..................9586 9407 Mandurah Estuary Ladies Probus Club PO Box 459, Mandurah Mandurah Ladies Probus Club PO Box 163, Mandurah Probus Club of Mandurah PO Box 837, Mandurah Probus Club of Peel Silver Sands Tavern, Mandurah Mandurah Sub-Branch of the Returned Services League RSL Hall, 22 Third Ave, Mandurah ...................................................... 9581 4781 PEEL REGION COMMUNITY INFORMATION - PAGE 5 PEEL REGION MANDURAH MURRAY Community Information - 2015 BASKETBALL Rotary Club of Mandurah Districts PO Box 607, Mandurah Mandurah Basketball Association Mandurah Rotary Club PO Box 346, Mandurah................ 9534 7908 BOWLING PO Box 112, Mandurah Rotary Club of Mandurah City Blind Bowling & Recreation Club PO Box 1135, Mandurah Coolibah Avenue, Mandurah........ 9535 2209 Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes Dudley Park Ladies Bowling Club PO Box 175, Mandurah................ 9534 2885 PO Box 248, Mandurah ............... 9535 1438 Salvation Army Church Mandurah Aquatic & Recreation Centre Mandurah...................................... 9535 4951 Torchbearers for Legacy (Mandurah & Murray) Silver Sands Tavern, Mandurah.... 9535 9141 Winjan Aboriginal Corp............. 9586 3113 Peel Zonta Club PO Box 275, Mandurah SPORTING ORGANISATIONS AEROBICS Keep Fit for the Elderly Mandurah Community Health Centre Ormsby Terrace, Mandurah.......... 9535 1644 Marc Aerobics Mandurah Aquatic & Recreation Centre Pinjarra Rd, Mandurah.................. 9535 5966 Prime Movers.............................. 9244 8057 ARCHERY Lincoln Green Archery Park Lot 500 Old Coast Road, Bouvard ...................................................... 9739 1228 ATHLETICS Mandurah/Rockingham Athletics Club ...................................................... 9535 4756 Peel Districts Little Athletics Centre PO Box 562, Mandurah................ 9581 9901 BADMINTON Mandurah Ladies Badminton Club PO Box 265, Mandurah................ 9534 8347 BASEBALL Mandurah Junior Baseball Club PO Box 5086, Mandurah.............. 9581 6913 Mandurah Baseball Club Dudley Park Bowling & Recreation Club Inc PO Box 545, Mandurah................ 9535 2695 Halls Head Sporting & Recreation PO Box 102, Mandurah................ 9581 1726 Mandurah Bowling Club PO Box 102, Mandurah................ 9535 1438 Mandurah Ladies Bowling Club PO Box 102, Mandurah................ 9535 3917 Peel Bowling & Social Club PO Box 147, Mandurah................ 9535 6281 Port Bouvard Recreation & Sporting Club Inc 30 Estuary Close, Dawesville....... 9582 2871 BOXING Shamrock Boxing Club Mandurah PO Box 750, Mandurah ............... 9586 2243 CANOEING Peel District Canoe Club PO Box 1234, Mandurah.............. 9535 2832 Over 55 Canoe Club 26 Wayford Mews, Erskine........... 9582 8675 CRICKET Halls Head Cricket Club PO Box 190, Mandurah................ 9582 3223 Halls Head Junior Cricket 25 Staunton Rise, Halls Head Mandurah Indoor Cricket Club PO Box 68, Mandurah.................. 9535 2512 Mandurah Cricket Club........ 0409 795 199 Peel Cricket Association PO Box 2280, Rockingham..... 0419 895 522 Peel Junior Cricket Association PO Box 229, Mandurah .......... 0438 306 601 South Mandurah Junior Cricket Club ................................................. 0400 342 197 CROQUET 33 Amazon Drive, Mandurah........ 9535 1662 Halls Head Country Croquet Club Mandurah Senior Baseball 28 Crusader Street, Falcon............ 9535 5563 22 Riverside Drive, Furnissdale Mandurah Croquet & Rec Club Peel Baseball Club PO Box 3074, Forum Post Office PO Box 5086, Falcon............... 0403 449 524 Mandurah...................................... 9528 5513 PAGE 6 - PEEL REGION COMMUNITY INFORMATION CYCLING Peel Districts Cycle Club Andy......................................... 0417 955 950 Peel District Mountain Bike Club PO Box 673, Rockingham....... 0417 176 211 Over 55’S Cycle Club PO Box 979, Mandurah................ 9883 8387 CALLISTHENICS Mandurah/Rockingham Callisthenics Club Mrs K. Flynn................................. 9537 2082 DANCING Mandurah Ballroom Dance Club ...................................................... 9537 7503 Premier Dance Centre 7 Delmont Place, Mandurah......... 9581 6868 DARTS Mandurah Districts Mens Darts Association PO Box 140, Mandurah Mandurah Districts Ladies Darts Association PO Box 980, Mandurah ............... 9535 4415 Peel Darts Association 34 Teranca Rd, Riverside Gdn...... 9535 5089 DRAGON BOAT RACING Mandurah Dragon Boat Club PO Box 758, Mandurah FISHING Mandurah Offshore Fishing Club ...................................................... 9535 6251 FOOTBALL Mandurah Football & Sports Club Inc. PO Box 500, Mandurah................ 9535 3448 Peel Thunder Football Club PO Box 500, Mandurah................ 9535 3448 Peel Junior Football Club All Junior Community Clubs - Ages 5-17yr PO Box 920, Mandurah Pinjarra Junior Football Club PO Box 244, Mandurah........... 0417 957 078 FREEBALL Mandurah Freeball Association PO Box 409, Mandurah GOLF Mandurah Country Club 16 Marsh Place, Halls Head.......... 9581 2968 Meadow Springs Country Club PO Box 657, Mandurah................ 9581 7290 Pinjarra Golf Club...................... 9531 1252 RMK Directories 2015© PEEL REGION GYMNASTICS Mandurah Rythmic Gymnastics & Gymsports Club ......................... 9586 8161 HOCKEY Midcity Hockey Club PO Box 1668, Mandurah......... 0409 688 163 Halls Head Hockey Club 12 Jurrell Street, Mandurah........... 9535 6734 Mandurah & Districts Junior Hockey Association PO Box 392, Mandurah Mandurah & Districts Hockey Association PO Box 392, Mandurah Mandurah Hockey Club PO Box 202, Mandurah Peel Hockey Association PO Box 3405, Mandurah East ...................................................... 9535 7425 HORSE/PONY Murray Horse & Pony Club PO Box 289, Pinjarra.................... 9531 3326 Peel Equestrian Association Inc. PO Box 425, Pinjarra INDOOR SPORTS Mandurah Indoor Sportz 87 Dower Street, Mandurah . ....... 9535 2512 MARTIAL ARTS Australian Taekwondo Academy Mandurah...................................... 9581 2865 Falcon............................................ 9581 2865 Aikido Kokikai D. Matthews.................................. 9528 2083 Rhee Taekwondo ...................................................... 9582 9116 Tai Chi - Senior Citizens Centre PO Box 210, Mandurah................ 9550 3799 MOTORCYCLE CLUB Mandurah Murray Ulysses Branch ...................................................... 9581 3129 NETBALL Mandurah Indoor Netball 87 Dower St, Mandurah................ 9535 2512 Mandurah Netball Association PO Box 27, Mandurah.................. 9581 5054 POOL Peel Pool Association PO Box 24, Mandurah............. 0407 380 474 RUGBY LEAGUE Mandurah Rugby League Club Inc PO Box 1187, Mandurah......... 0413 430 872 RMK Directories 2015© MANDURAH MURRAY Community Information - 2015 RUGBY UNION Mandurah Pirates Rugby Union Football Club.......................... 0409 347 380 SHOOTING Mandurah Rifle Club ...................................................... 9535 7845 Murray District Pistol Club PO Box 234, Pinjarra ...................................................... 9739 1200 Port Bouvard Pistol-Rifle Club Inc PO Box 363, Mandurah .......... 0432 978 763 SOCCER Mandurah City Football Club PO Box 101, Mandurah ............... 9581 2388 Mandurah Indoor Soccer 87 Dower St, Mandurah................ 9535 2512 Peel Junior Soccer Association Inc 10 Leeton Close, Mandurah.......... 9581 2834 SOFTBALL Mandurah Softball Association PO Box 153, Mandurah SCUBA DIVING Scuba Diving Club Sholl Street, Mandurah................. 9581 2566 SPORT & RECREATION CLUBS Halls Head Sporting & Recreation Club Inc PO Box 940, Mandurah................ 9581 1726 Port Bouvard Recreation & Sporting Club ...................................................... 9582 2871 SPORTING GROUPS FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES Association for the Blind............ 9311 8202 Mandurah Disabled Sport & Recreation ...................................................... 9586 1858 Murray Mandurah Riding for the Disabled PO Box 276, Pinjarra SQUASH Mandurah Squash Club Inc PO Box 785, Mandurah................ 9586 2223 Mandurah Squash Centre Mandurah Terrace, Mandurah....... 9535 2343 SURFING & SURF LIFE SAVING Mandurah Surf Life Saving Club PO Box 3200, Mandurah ............. 9583 4551 SWIMMING Mandurah Mannas Aussie PO Box 1307, Mandurah Mandurah Amateur Swimming & Lifesaving Club........................... 9535 7508 Peel Aquatic Club PO Box 193, Mandurah........... 0418 910 974 TEEBALL Mandurah Teeball Club PO Box 981, Mandurah........... 0438 065 386 TENNIS Halls Head Junior Tennis Club Peter Gerran.................................. 9381 7756 Mandurah Tennis Club PO Box 3005, Mandurah.............. 9535 7548 Singleton Golden Bay Tennis Club ...................................................... 9537 2541 South Mandurah Tennis Club PO Box 5175, Falcon.................... 9534 3401 TOUCH FOOTBALL Mandurah Raw Prawns Touch Football Inc PO Box 1330, Mandurah Peel Districts Touch Association PO Box 436, Mandurah........... 0437 346 785 VOLLEYBALL Mandurah Beach Volleyball Club ................................................. 0419 945 639 Mandurah Indoor Beach Volleyball 87 Dower St, Mandurah................ 9535 2512 Mandurah Volleyball Association PO Box 1166, Mandurah.............. 9535 5903 WALKING Falcon Walking Group U1/42 Linda Street, Falcon........... 9534 2652 Mandurah Happy Hearts Walking Club ................................................. 0478 675 000 Mandurah Walking Club ...................................................... 9581 9264 YOGA Mandurah Yacht Club PO Box 631, Mandurah Port Bouvard Recreation & Sporting Club.............................. 9582 2871 YACHTING Ravenswood Model Boat Club A. Clitheroe................................... 9529 1578 TOURIST INFORMATION Dwellingup History & Visitor’s Centre ...................................................... 9538 1108 Mandurah Visitor’s Centre The Boardwalk, 75 Mandurah Terrace, Mandurah...................................... 9550 3999 Murray Tourism & Heritage Committee ...................................................... 9531 7777 PEEL REGION COMMUNITY INFORMATION - PAGE 7 PEEL REGION WEIGHT LOSS International Weight Watchers PO Box 1096, Mandurah................. 13 19 97 Peel Weight Watchers C/- 45 Peel Street, Mandurah........... 13 19 97 YOUTH ASSOCIATIONS CADETS St John Ambulance Mandurah Cadet Division PO Box 2160, Mandurah Training Ship Mandurah Naval Reserve Cadets PO Box 5297, Falcon.................... 9534 2434 504 Army Cadet Unit PO Box 4184, Mandurah.............. 9535 4218 MANDURAH MURRAY Community Information - 2015 707 Squadron Air Force Cadets PO Box 22, Mandurah GUIDES Falcon Pelican Guides ...................................................... 9581 7522 Mandurah Adventure Guides ...................................................... 9581 7522 SCOUTS 1st Falcon Scout Group PO Box 5417, Falcon............... 0407 777 061 1st Mandurah Scout Group PO Box 25, Mandurah.................. 9535 2426 YOUTH CENTRES Bill Dower Youth Centre Dower Street................................. 9550 3670 Community Youth Support Scheme Mandurah Community Centre, Ormsby Terrace, Mandurah. Mandurah Teen Scene Parents Support Group 1/105 Steerforth Dr, Mandurah Killara Youth Support Services 15 Mackie Street, Victoria Park Calvary Youth Services 40 Sutton Street, Mandurah ......... 9581 1741 Peel Youth Programme Lotteries House Suite 3/7 Anzac Place Mandurah ..................................... 9581 3365 Westminster Presbyterian Church Vision Youth Group 104 Waldron Blve, Mandurah ATTENTION CLUB SECRETARIES Please forward any changes in club contacts to RMK DIRECTORIES, P.O. Box 5121, Rockingham Beach WA 6969 or Fax 08 9592 2544 or Email us at MANDURAH WILDLIFE RESCUE & HOSPITAL 1400 Old Coast Road Dawesville WA 6211 For Wildlife emergencies call Staff on Ph: 9582 3938 or M: 0429 100 745 or On call 24 Hours ~ Educational Programs Available Call Dot on Ph: 9586 3546 or Donations always welcome PAGE 8 - PEEL REGION COMMUNITY INFORMATION RMK Directories 2015©
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