January 2014 - Five Town School Districts


January 2014 - Five Town School Districts
Camden Hills Regional High School
25 Keelson Drive
Rockport, Maine 04856
phone: 207-236-7800
fax: 207-236-7813
January 2014
Windjammer News
The Principal’s Pen
Hello Folks,
I hope you all had a terrific holiday. With the semester drawing to a close it’s time
to refocus on academics. In particular, please take a few minutes to sit down with
your son/daughter to review the mid-term exam schedule. We know that all kids,
especially underclassmen, can get quite anxious about exams. We will be doing
some work in our freshman circles to help 9th graders understand how to prepare
for exams and how to overcome their anxieties. Most teachers give students study
guides that help them focus on key concepts and skills. Parents can help by setting
up some study time each night and you can also encourage your son or daughter
to form study groups with kids in their classes. Your child will also benefit from a
good night’s sleep and a hearty breakfast. Finally, we do not schedule any games
or major afterschool activities during exam week so students have all afternoon and
evening to study.
To celebrate the end of exams, the administration is holding a Jammer Night on the
16th that will feature the famous hypnotist Paul Ramsey. If you’ve attended one of
Paul’s performances, you know what a treat it is. The show is scheduled for 7pm
in the Strom Auditorium, and after Paul’s performance pizza will be served in the
Wave Café. There is no charge for the show or the pizza. Students who want to
be hypnotized by Paul must bring in a signed parent permission slip. By the way,
adults are welcome to attend the show and volunteer to be hypnotized as well.
There are lots more events, games and performances coming up throughout the
spring, so keep an eye on the CHRHS calendar (www.fivetowns.net/chrhs, go to
Schedules and Calendars) for the latest information.
Dr. I
Shop News: December 2013
Keep tabs on the shop liking CHRHS Shop on FB. Here’s a brief rundown of what your kids have and will be
The automotive class has been working a 1961 Land Rover with leaky
bearings all around. They’ve got everything nearly disassembled without
having damaged a thing! New parts go on before Christmas. Another team
has successfully learned how to track down electrical issues and gotten the
horn, wipers, and rear spot light to function. I’m really impressed.
The Architecture class sent out letters inviting resident architects to come
into class. Peter Gross and Lisa Morgan came in to give the students
pointers on their current house plans. It’s always a big help when the pros
come in to provide their expertise.
On that note, Eyal Gilat has been coming in to help our Advanced class for
the past 2 months! A big dedication of time on his part that we are very
thankful for. He just finished up a year at the Center for Furniture
Craftsmanship and has been helping the kids make toboggans, snow shoes,
a mantle clock, skateboards, and a porch swing. They’ve been busy trying
to meet the deadline for showing off their finished products at the Empty
Bowl Dinner on Mon. Dec 16th.
The Intro. class has finished off their first project in wood—very
individualized stools, and are now working with their new knowledge in
wood to quickly make beautiful cutting boards. Expect them to come home
for X-mas break.
MakerBot is trying to get a 3D printer into every school in America and has
linked up with DonorsChoose.com to offer them at $2,500. This would be a
super addition to the hardware we have and the kids would appreciate your
donation. Go to their web site and search for your zip code to find the shop’s
Mr. Nystrom
CHRHS Visual & Performing Arts
Dept. Honors Duncan Hall
December Student of the Month
The VPA “Student of the Month” for December is
awarded to senior, Duncan Hall. Duncan has been very
active in nearly every aspect of the Visual & Performing
Arts Department ranging from vocal and instrumental
music to theater.
Duncan first developed a passion for music in
fourth grade when he began playing the violin. At the
end of fifth grade he switched to cello, eventually
studying with Marc Johnson. Later, he expanded his
string studies to progressive fiddle music with Seth Yentes
and fiddle camps in Maine as well as at the Berklee
School of Music. In high school, Duncan became very involved
in vocal music participating in chorus for all four years. At this level,
he also took up the electric bass and joined the school jazz band.
Duncan has been a member of the a cappella vocal group the
“Offbeats” for the last two years. He has had a role in a variety of
musicals, this year portraying Lord Farquaad in “Shrek”. In addition
to his involvement in music, he has taken various classes in visual arts,
web design and has been a student director of the one act plays.
Duncan has been a participant in the 2012 & 2103 All-State
Orchestra, earning first chair in his section last year. He was awarded
the Daniel Pearl Memorial Cello Award at the Berklee College of
Music and was invited to attend chamber music sessions with the
DaPonte String Quartet. In 2010, his piano quartet “Kraftig” won the
Kathy Johnson Chamber Music Prize.
Marti Stone Photography
Duncan finds most rewarding the creative connections that music creates with peers and audience
members alike. Due to this, he gravitates toward chamber music where “cohesion and ensemble is critical to
successful performance”. He really enjoys how his part fits in and supports other musicians, finally “clicking,
when we are playing music and not just the notes on the page”. His favorite artists include Beethoven, Daponte
String Quartet, March Johnson, Crooked Still, Daniel Roumain, Nathaniel Smith, Rushad Eggleston, Tracy Silverman and Until the Ribbon Breaks.
Although Duncan does not plan to attend a music conservatory next year, he does look forward to continuation of his study in a variety of types of music. His advice to younger students pursuing the arts; “Go for
it! There is nothing in the world like the arts. Whatever art form attracts you, it is worth the investment. Unlike some of the other more addicting and enthralling forms of entertainment, art is something you can share
with someone else. Don’t let it feel like work. Enjoy it – that’s the point!”
CHRHS Art Students in Maine Artists for Organic Farming Collaborative Exhibit
Students in Ms. Brown’s Drawing classes took part in a Collaborative Farmer’s portrait project with over 150
other middle and high school students around Maine.
14 four-foot portraits of Maine Organic Famers were created in this collaborative effort, with each student and
teacher creating one 8”x8” value study in mixed media, consisting of a section of the overal image. The project
incorporated photography, digital manipulation, and “translation” into traditional art material.
The project is sponsored by U Maine Augusta, Harlow Gallery, Oak Grove Foundation and more.
The completed portraits will be exhibited at UMA Danforth Gallery, and travel to other galleries around Maine.
Please join us for the opening reception January 16, 5-7 pm at the Danforth Gallery at University of Maine
CHRHS Art Students Mural for Hope Elephants
Students in Ms. Brown’s Drawing classes are involved in a mural project for Hope Elephants.
Participating schools are creating 4’x8’ panels to be installed in the elephant barn in Hope. The intent of the
project is to give the elephants, Rosie and Opal, additional visual stimulation and interest when they are in the
CHRHS students created design proposals for the panel, and worked together to finalize their design.
The murals from all participating schools were unveiled at the December 15 Hope Arts Celebration.
Carolyn Brown
CHRHS Visual Arts
Box Tops for Education
High school parents – Remember the days of clipping Box Tops and sending them in to school with your elementary school student? The K-8 Camden Rockport PTA still collects Box Tops and we’d love it if you
would save yours for us. These are worth 10 cents each to the PTA and we earned almost $2000 in the last year
through this program! We use the money to fund things like Family Skate Night and Movie Night, Staff Appreciation, and funding requests for things like sleds for the playground or headphones for the Library. We also
now collect the Labels for Education as well, from products such as Campbell’s Soup and Pepperidge Farm. With these Labels, we earn points towards merchandise – art supplies, classroom supplies or athletic equipment. Please help us out by saving your Box Tops and Labels for us. We now have a collection box in the High
School office so you can send them in with your child or drop them off when you are at school. Questions? Contact us at [ mailto:camdenrockportpta@gmail.com ]camdenrockportpta@gmail.com. Thank you!! Snow Day Notification
CHRHS uses an automated phone call system to notify students, parents and staff in the event of a snow day. Calls will
be placed to your home phone number. Please contact Jane Self in the main office if you experience problems with this
system or if you would like to be removed from the call list. You may also dial 236-7800 to hear a message about school
207-236-7800 ext 260
Camden Hills Community Bleacher Project
Camden Hills Regional High School and the communities we serve, are reaching out to our long-time supporters. Simply said, CHRHS is a beautiful school with facilities, programming and opportunities for students and
community members that rival any school in Maine. At the same time, if you have attended a game at one of
our outdoor fields, you have probably asked yourself, “Wouldn’t it be great if we could offer our fans, visitors
and community members better seating arrangements?” You might also have asked, “Wouldn’t it be great if the
school had the ability to host more outdoor community based events?” If the answer is “Yes,” to either question, please take part in our “Community Bleacher Project.”
The goal of the “Community Bleacher Project” is to raise $175,000. The money will be used to buy and install
a 650 seat set of bleachers and a press box adjacent to the Don Palmer Field. Please keep in mind that by building a new set of bleachers and press box at the Don Palmer Field, we will then distribute the existing bleachers
to the Baseball Field, the Field Hockey Field, the Softball Field and the JV field. The end result will be enhanced seating at all our outdoor events. The new set of bleachers and press box will also allow a wider range
of community events to be held on the Don Palmer Field.
We also want you to know that the project has been designed to engage students, staff, parents, booster clubs,
local businesses, and community members. By making this a community event, more people will have a vested
interest in the project’s success.
One way of supporting this great project is to purchase a brick to recognize a student, family or business. The
brick pavers will form “Victory Lane”. The pathway which will lead our many fans and guest to the new stadium bleachers to enjoy an event.
Bricks may be purchased in two sizes. 8“ x 4” with three lines for $150 or an 8” X 8” paver with six lines for
$300. More details and the order form our available on the bleacher campaign website at wwww.camdenhillscommunitybleacherproject.com. Feel free to contact Athletic Director, Steve Alex, at 236-7800 ext 414, or
email steve_alex@fivetowns.net, if you have any questions or are able to support our project in any way, large
or small. We thank you in advance for your continued support of our great school!
Notes from the School Nurse
Janis Hogan RN
Teen Prescription and Over-the-Counter Drug Abuse – A real problem!
Every day in the United States, an average of 2,000 teenagers use prescription drugs without
a doctor’s guidance for the first time. Among youth who are 12 to 17 years old, 14.8% of high
school seniors reported past-year nonmedical use of prescription medications.
The most commonly abused prescription drugs include - Opioids (such as the pain relievers
OxyContin and Vicodin), central nervous system depressants (e.g., Xanax, Valium), and stimulants (e.g., Concerta, Adderall). The most common over-the counter medication used is cough
syrup with dextromethoraphan.
The majority of teens obtain prescription drugs they abuse from friends and relatives, sometimes without their knowledge. And according to the 2012 Monitoring the Future survey, about
50 percent of high school seniors said that opioid drugs other than heroin (e.g., Vicodin) would
be fairly or very easy to get.
You can HELP! LOCK UP YOUR MEDICATIONS! When a person you care about has a drug
problem, it’s not always easy to know what to do. If you are concerned about someone’s drug
use (illicit or prescription), there are anonymous resources, such as the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (1-800-273-TALK) and the Treatment Referral Helpline (1-800-662-HELP).
FMI: http://teens.drugabuse.gov/drug-facts/prescription-drugs
Wellness Team News
Our Citrus Fruit Fundraiser was a great success! Thank you for your support! The funds go to
support weekly yoga classes, a Reiki training class for students and staff and starting in January
a morning stretch class with Penny West on “Fun Fridays” for juniors and seniors and an aerobic class “Move Your Groove” on Wednesdays after school fro 3:15 to 4:15 with Mirja Pitkin.
All classes are FREE!
Cell Phone Fundraiser
Getting a new cell phone for Christmas? Have any broken ones at home? Save them for the
Wellness Team! Please watch for our information on our cell phone recycling fundraiser coming in January!
CHRHS Bands to hold Winter Concert
The Camden Hills Regional H.S. Band, directed by Nancy Rowe, will hold their annual Winter Concert
at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 9 at the Strom Auditorium. The concert will feature the CHRHS Concert and
Jazz band.
The Concert Band will perform a variety of repertoire including a traditional American folk hymn, an arrangement of Carl Orff’s Carmina Burana and a fun Canadian Brass arrangement of When the Saints Go Marching In
and The Hallelujah Chorus. The jazz band will feature tunes by Gordon Goodwin, Mike Carubia and an afrocuban piece by Andrew Neu. Junior tenor saxophonist, Paul Woodworth, will be the featured soloist for the ballad Skylark. Other soloists include Aaron Nolan, Tristan Fong, Nick Leclerc, Elizabeth Cummons, Matt Ackley,
Shawn Albertson. Matt Watts and Tyler Bilodeau.
Suggested admission is a non-perishable food item for area food pantries. The snow date for the concert is Monday, January 13.
CHRHS Student Honored in Maine Arts Commission Exhibition
CHRHS Sophomore Alex Forcillo has had his photo selected for the Maine Youth Excellence in Art exhibition at the
Maine Arts Commission.
Alex’s digital photo, “Polaris”, was created with several long shutter speed exposure images of stars at night. Alex then
layered the images together to create the path of stars moving across the night sky. Alex is currently in Ms. Brown’s Intro
to Photo class.
The exhibition includes one piece of art from several participating schools in Maine. The work will be on display at the
Maine Arts Commission January-May 2014.
January 2014 Midterm Exam Schedule
15 minute passing
80 minute exam periods
Tuesday, 1/14/14
White 1
White 2
White 3
Make-up Exams
Regular Schedule
See bus schedule below
Wednesday, 1/15/14
White 4
Red 1
Red 2
Make-up Exams
Thursday, 1/16/14
Red 3
Red 4
Make-up Exams
See bus schedule below
See bus schedule below
1 hour delay
2 hour delay
No make-up Exams
All buses run at 2:20 on Delay days
No make-up Exams
All buses run at 2:20 on Delay days.
No make-up Exams
All buses at noon
All buses at 1pm
Friday, 1/17/14 No School, Teacher Prep Day
Monday, 1/20/14 No School, MLK Day
Bus Schedule
There will be a morning MCST bus on exam days.
Afternoon Departure from CHRHS:
All buses will run their regular routes at 12:30pm on 1/14 and 1/15.
All buses will run their regular routes at 11:00am on 1/16.
There will be no late buses for students taking make-up exams.
Students are only required to be here for their scheduled exams.
Students who are in school, but not taking an exam, must remain in their assigned Study Halls.
Students may not be dismissed before an exam period ends.
Late students will be admitted to class but will not be given additional exam time.
The Wave Café will be open offering breakfast and snacks.
Exam Snow Days
In the event that school is cancelled on an exam day, the exam days will move forward in the calendar
one day, and Friday, 1/17 will become an exam day. Tues, 1/21 will become the Teacher Prep Day and
Wednesday, 1/22 will be the start of the 2nd semester.
In the event of a second snow day, exam days and Prep Day will move forward two days in the calendar.
The first day of the second semester will begin with the red or white day as it appears on the current
The Visual and Performing Arts Department is pleased to announce the
January Student of the Month: Annie Brady
Annie is an outstanding music student with many admirable leadership qualities.
Annie has been a dedicated member of the CHRHS Chorale, Women’s Choir, and Chamber Singers. Her enthusiasm for choral music,
dedication to the rehearsal process, and joy of performance are qualities that shine forth in Annie’s personality and work ethic. In addition to being a role model, Annie is a true leader of her peers. Annie has a knack of instilling motivation in others and she leads by
example – always willing to pitch in and help out.
Annie has been accepted to the Maine Music Educators’ Association District III Honors festival every year of high school. Within the
district, the higher scoring sopranos are placed in the Mixed Choir. Annie has achieved this honored placement each year. Annie was
accepted to the MMEA All State
Chorus in 2012, 2013, and 2014. Last June, Annie auditioned for the American
Choral Directors Association and had the distinct privilege of being accepted
into the 2014 ACDA All Eastern Festival High School Honor Choir,
performing in Baltimore, MD this coming February under the direction of
Jo-Michael Scheibe. At each honor festival, Annie is a musical leader –
preparing her music thoroughly and representing herself and her school
In addition to honor music festivals, Annie has been involved in the annual
school musical, portraying a variety of roles. She balances the demanding
school rehearsal schedule opposite her involvement in a variety of community
music organizations such as the Odeon String Ensemble and the Down East
Singers. Through her active involvement in a variety of musical ensembles,
Annie’s maturity and musicality shine through. She is often selected as a soloist and can be relied upon to lead others through complicated inner harmony lines. Her understanding of music theory is solid and her sight singing is excellent. Annie has studied voice and
cello privately and is planning on continuing in the field of Music Education in college.
Student Travel Opportunity: German Exchange Program, 2015
We are excited to announce the renewal of the exchange program between CHRHS and Gregor-Mendel Gymnasium in Amberg,
Germany. This is a fantastic partnership that provides a relatively low-cost opportunity for our students to experience life in
Germany for a short period (2-3 weeks), and also to host a German student in their own homes for a similar period of time.
Participating students will travel to Germany as a group with CHRHS chaperones for 16-20 days during the summer of 2015.
Exact dates remain to be determined, but will most likely be in the month of July. Our students will stay in the homes of German students and their families. They will attend school during the day with their German partners, and will participate in
family life during weekends and evenings. A number of groups activities will be planned for all of the participating German and
American students: day trips to nearby cities and cultural sites. Our students will pay for their own travel costs and spending
money; they host families will cover all lodging, meals, and the cost of scheduled group activities. The makes the overall cost
very low—likely less than $2500.
Then in September or October 2015, we will host our German counterparts in a similar fashion. German students will attend
school with their American partners, and all participating students will take part in group activities such as day trips to Acadia,
Monhegan Island, and Boston. As above, the host families will cover the costs of lodging, meals, and group activities. Thus, the
school partnership is based on reciprocity.
This program was piloted in 2013 with great success. An informational meeting about the 2015 program will be held on Thursday, January 30, at 6:30 pm in the CHRHS Lecture Hall. Students who are currently in grades 8-10 who are interested in this
opportunity and are willing and able to host a German student are encouraged to attend with their parents. Financial aid, including full scholarships, may be available to students who qualify for free/reduced lunch.
Any students or parents who cannot attend the meeting or who would like more information are encouraged to contact Mr. Tom
Gray, Program Coordinator, at tom_gray@fivetowns.net.
CHRHS Events Calendar
7pmSt George Info Meeting Strom
7pmCHRHS Band Concert Strom
4pmMC Community Chorus Strom
14, 15, 16
Midterm Exams
7pmdamali ayo, Partners for Enrichment Strom
7pmPaul Ramsey, Hypnotist Strom
Teacher Prep Day, No School
6amMidcoast Wrestling Tourney Gym
MLK Day, No School
7pmCRMS Band Concert Strom
Noche HispanaCafé
7pmCSD Board Meeting
Chorus Rm
5:30pm Jazz Night
7, 8
7pmBanff Film FestivalStrom
Dessert CabaretCafé
17-21 February Break, No School
7pmWinter Play Strom
Workshop Day, No School
NHS Talent Show
21-22 ME Drama State Festival
6:30pm CRMS Musical Review Strom
Jammer Night
Camden Hills Regional High School
25 Keelson Drive
Rockport, ME 04856
25 Keelson Drive
Rockport, Maine 04856
See us at:
Television and Radio Stations that announce CHRHS
cancellations are listed below. Please keep a copy handy,
winter weather is almost upon us.....
WCSH (channel 6)
WLBZ (channel 2)
WPXT (fox 51)
WABI (channel 5)
WGME (channel 13) (channel 7)
WERU (channel 89.9)
WB 51 & UPN 35
WMTW (News 8, ABC)
WMTW, WTHT ( 107.5 FM)
KISS (96.9 & 99.9 FM)
WGAN (560 AM), WMGX (93.1 FM)
WPOR (101.9 FM), WYNZ (100.9 FM)
The Peak (102.5 FM), The Bay (105.5 FM)
WKIT (100.3 FM), WZON (620 AM)
WDME (103.1 FM), WQCB (106.5)
WBZN (Z-107), WEZQ (92.9 FM)
WWMJ (Magic 95.7), Kiss (94.5 FM)