file - Mount Scopus Memorial College


file - Mount Scopus Memorial College
Published for the Mount Scopus College Community
Editor: Vicki Davis
June 2013 Tammuz 5773
Performing Arts flourishes
Making Kynnections
Mount Scopus College was honoured to host
the first roundtable discussion evening of the
Kynnections Project. A Department of Immigration
and Citizenship program under their Diversity and
Cohesion initiative, the project brings together
young people from diverse backgrounds. Over
three meetings and visits to the Parliaments of
both Victoria and Australia, students learn about
the cultural identity of various Australians and
work together to promote a more harmonious
multicultural society.
The first evening focussed on cultural identity and
involved 15 Scopus Year 12 students, together
with 45 students from other schools. Speakers
included, Avi Cohen, Director of the Alter Family
School of Jewish Studies and Ivrit, John Searle,
Chair of the Victorian Equal Opportunity and
Human Rights Commission, Ahmed Dini, People
of Australia Ambassador, Yasmin Hassan, Youth
Commissioner with the Victorian Multicultural
Commission, and Chin Tan, Chair of the Victorian
Multicultural Commission.
A scene from Little Shop of Horrors
With tongue firmly planted in cheek, secondary students presented
Little Shop of Horrors to appreciative audiences. A comedy rock
musical about a hapless florist shop worker who raises a larger than
life plant with unusual eating habits that quickly becomes an overnight
sensation, Little Shop of Horrors was a huge success. The production
featured flamboyant sets and spectacular costumes, and a cast, band
and crew of over seventy students from Years 7-12, together with one
very large carnivorous plant.
Ilana Cherny as Sagredo and Raphael Cohney as Galileo Galilei
Students from diverse backgrounds
came together for the Kynnections Project
Secondary students also performed Brecht – An Epic Journey,
featuring selected works by theatrical visionary Bertolt Brecht earlier
this term. The performance included Galileo, a text on the VCE
English curriculum this year, with the cast of Years 10, 11 and 12
students playing multiple roles in the three works performed.
with us
Kaleidoscope June 2013 Tammuz 5773
From the Principal
Premier’s VCE Awards
At this time of year, many Year 12s are imagining their future
– through a gap year, university and beyond – but often the
excitement is tinged with a little sadness that their Scopus
days are coming to an end.
Mazal Tov to our 2012 Premier’s VCE Award winners:
And it’s not just about the fun side of Scopus – significant
though that is. The College provides its students with an ethos,
the encouragement and opportunity to learn, and a social
environment. If these were to all cease at the end of Year 12
that would indeed be a loss.
That is why the Informal Education Department, together
with the Old Collegians themselves, has been developing the
Scopus Alumni Program. A schedule aimed especially at
uni students that includes social events, general and Jewish
learning activities and a weekly Friday night minyan bring
Scopus graduates (and others) together and enables them to
continue to feel the Scopus spirit, in a modified form that suits
their age and stage of life.
The alumni program also has as its aim to give our Old
Collegians, if they wish, an ongoing connection with the
College and with the Community. Too often students feel that
after benefitting from the Jewish and communal engagement
that they have enjoyed at school, they seek in vain for
equivalent avenues of connection while at uni. The Scopus
alumni activities meet such a need.
Our Mission Statement commits us to the promotion of lifelong
learning, and the ideals, attitudes and informed choices that we
hope to provide our students should not stop at the end of Year
12. You can take students out of Scopus, but, for those who
wish, you can leave some of Scopus in the students.
Sophie Davis – Religion and Society
Daniel Edelman – Religion and Society
Ariel Kuperman – Chemistry
Daniel Lewis – Accounting
Jesse Schnall – English
Rachel Wolman – Religion and Society
Premier’s VCE Awards are presented to the top five
students throughout Victoria in each subject (top 10
in English and Maths) by the Department of Education
and Early Childhood Development. We congratulate our
students and staff on their outstanding achievements.
Daniel Lewis with Rabbi James Kennard at the
Premier’s VCE Award ceremony
(unfortunately all our other winners were
overseas at the time of the ceremony)
Scopus right now
See what’s happening at Scopus today by ‘liking’ us
on Facebook and following us on twitter:
Rabbi James Kennard
Going Green
Sustainability is central to all aspects of school life, from
classroom practices to playground recycling, and is
at the core of many of our enrichment programs. Our
primary campuses compost all biodegradable materials
and students use the worm farm rich compost soil in
their garden programs. Using tank water, students plant,
water, mulch and fertilise their crops, then harvest their
produce to cook and enjoy.
Energy efficient lighting is installed at all campuses, paper
and cardboard is recycled and our primary school buildings
at Gandel Besen House and Smorgon Family Primary School
have their own recycled water supply systems for flushing
toilets. The College has a tank water capacity of 200,000
litres, used to water garden beds and sporting ovals, while
the planting of warm season grasses and native species has
helped reduce our water usage.
A new partnership with Jewish Aid sees Smorgon Family
Primary School students donating food cooked in our
kitchen garden program to the Sudanese community of
Melbourne, allowing students to give back through their
Primary and Secondary Environment Captains
run awareness campaigns throughout the year on
sustainability, recycling, coastal care and waterway
pollution issues.
Talia Melcer turns the compost bin at Fink Karp Ivany Campus
Winning teams
Parent education evenings
Each year parents of children in our early learning
centres and Gan Gani toddlers program are invited
to a series of talks on areas of interest to parents of
young children, such as nutrition, building resilience
and toilet-training.
U18 Victorian Secondary Schools State Touch Rugby Champions.
Back row: Mr Daniel Sherr (coach), Jessie Horovitz, Chelsea Fisher,
Gabriel Back, Taylor Poswell and Amy Silver.
Front row: Jesse Kelly, Nicholas Lewis, Andrew Thurin, Bradley
Blumenthal, Benjamin Sher, Michal Woolfson and Jessica Osrin
Our most recent session focused on technology and
was presented by the College E-Learning Coordinator,
Erwin Dumenden and Prep teacher Kerry Zetzer. Their
multi-media presentation highlighted how iPads
are used in kinder and Prep at Scopus to build
positive social behaviour through cooperation and
collaboration, whilst developing the students’ selfexpression and creativity in ways that would not be
possible if that technology was not adopted.
It has been an incredibly successful semester for our sporting
teams with a number of premierships and state titles.
Both our Secondary Athletics and Swimming teams finished
in the top five schools from a pool of 22, with our swimming
team achieving its best ever result of fourth place and within
only a few points of third place.
Extra training and specialist coaches have strengthened both
teams and firmly cemented Scopus as a force to be reckoned
with in the pool and on the track.
In addition, our Senior Boys Softball team won the Eastern
Independent Schools of Melbourne (EISM) Softball Premiership
for the third year in a row, defeating Billanook College 16-6.
For the first time Scopus entered a mixed team of Years 10-12
students in the Victorian Secondary Schools Touch Rugby
Championships, where they won the U18 mixed plate division
to become state champions.
Congratulations to our U15 Girls team who are also the state
champions in the plate division of the Victorian Schools Touch
Rugby Championships and are the first female team from
Scopus to win a state title at these championships.
Olivia Samuel using an iPad app that
focuses on sounds in words and
Sebastian Banky using a handwriting app
Arty Hero
In 2012, the
College was
fortunate to host
J.K.B. Fletcher.
‘Fletch’ worked
with Visual Arts
students, sharing
his stimulus,
and artistic
Fletch ran
his hyper realist
Artist-in-residence, J.K.B. Fletcher
painting process
with students in front of the
and during his
‘Arty Hero’ mural
time in residence,
students, teachers and parents visited the art room to
watch his amazing work develop.
Senior boys softball premiers. Back row: Justin Golin, Ryan Rothschild,
Mr Rob Scholz (coach), Alan Lewis, Matan Rubinstein, Gabriel Chait.
Middle row: Joshua Sacks, Bradley Blumenthal, Jordan Klotnick,
Jayden Yarrrow. Front row: Oliver Hoffman, Andrew Thurin,
Benjamin Sher. (Absent: Dean Rotenberg injured)
Following his time at Scopus, students produced a
composite mural of 16 individual panels of oil paintings
based on his theme of flawed superheroes. Their work,
titled ‘Arty Hero’, now hangs in the Slezak Multimedia
and Technology Centre at the College for all to admire.
Kaleidoscope June 2013 Tammuz 5773
Scan and share
If not now, when?
With the availability of iPads in
class, primary students and
teachers are able to demonstrate
learning and provoke thinking
through video. Students are also
learning about copyright and film
techniques. Teachers and students
are able to embed short videos
into class blogs to celebrate or to
extend learning.
Old Collegian, Yael Codron spoke about organ donation to senior students
Community Service is a way of life at Scopus and our students start young.
In kindergarten our children learn the importance of giving back and helping others.
Primary students have made gifts for Sudanese children, visited Montefiore Homes
to sing for elderly residents, raised money from weekly Shabbat tzedakah to
sponsor a child at Neve Michael Children’s Village in Israel for a year, and worked
weekly with young adults from Access in the community garden at Gandel Besen
Year 5 students made over 150 bears for the Build-a-Bear Teddy Bear Hospital
event at Etihad Stadium on Good Friday and raised much needed funds for The
Royal Children’s Hospital.
All Secondary students take part in a structured Community Service program,
including an Ethical Living Day for Year 7 and volunteer work for all students at
community organisations ranging from RSPCA and the Asylum Seeker Resource
Centre to Jewish Care, Sacred Heart Primary School in Fitzroy and Emmy Monash.
A Refugee Awareness Day for Year 10, the Kynnections multicultural project for Year
12 and regular volunteering with the New Stars Homework Club provide a range of
A new way our students are
sharing their learning is through the
use of QR codes (quick response
codes). QR codes are a form
of matrix barcode label that is
machine readable and can record
large amounts of data.
When scanned with a mobile
phone equipped with a QR code
reader app, our Scopus QR codes
take you to a dedicated book
trailer or short video created by
our students and teachers using
iMovie. The QR codes allow the
community to see some of the
great work our students are doing
with moving images.
To see how they work, just scan the
codes below using a QR code reader
app installed on your mobile phone.
Students also heard from a variety of guest speakers, including Old Collegian, Yael
Codron, ‘98 who spoke about her kidney transplant, and on the wider issue of organ
donation and the importance for us all to think carefully about this important issue.
Abigail’s book trailer
Read us
Have Kaleidoscope sent
straight to your inbox and
help the environment.
Email your details to
or call 9834 0046. Please let
family members know they
can also receive their copy
Kaleidoscope is also available
on the College website:
Enrol now!
If you are considering enrolling your child
into the College for 2014 or 2015, or know
someone else who wishes to, now is the
time to register.
Applications are being accepted for entry
in 2014 for Year 3 to Year 11 inclusive, and
from Year 3 to Year 11 for 2015. Places
are very limited in some year levels; to
avoid disappointment please send in your
application form soon.
Year 4 Maths inquiry
If you are considering Mount Scopus for
your child, please contact Registrar, Anna
Faiman as soon as possible on
9834 0070 to obtain an enrolment form.
Year 4 kitchen garden
Gilad Schalit and Noam Gershony at Scopus
Scopus was honoured to host
a combined schools event
in Term 1 to hear from both
Gilad Schalit and Israeli ParaOlympian gold medallist, Noam
Senior students from Beth
Rivkah Ladies College, Bialik
College, The King David School,
Leibler Yavneh College and
Yeshivah College joined our
students for a memorable
and inspirational presentation
courtesy of UIA. It was humbling
to witness 1000 students give
prolonged standing ovations to
both guests.
Gilad Schalit with Dahlia Lindel (Beth Rivka Ladies College), Shuki Wyman and Ellie Searle
(Leibler Yavneh College), lla Kamer, Eytan Woolfson, Jonathan Aldor, Ilana Cherny and
Jacob Komesaroff (Mount Scopus College), Simone Pianko (Bialik College) and Ike Curtis
(The King David School)
Grandparents and Special
Friends of children in Prep to
Year 3 please hold the date
Sharing their simcha
Mazal Tov and thank you to Sasha Baron who
generously directed donations to Mount Scopus
College on the occasion of her Bat Mitzvah.
Fink Karp Ivany Campus – Monday 26 August
Gandel Besen House – Wednesday 28 August
Morning activities
Karate kicks
Enrichment programs
offer something for
everyone, from before
school sports training
to optional lunchtime
activities and classroom
based programs.
Sasha Baron and Rabbi James Kennard
At Fink Karp Ivany
Campus students have
weekly karate lessons
as part of their learning.
Prep and Year 1 students
have mastered defensive
blocks, kicks and
punches. While learning
important self defence
techniques and life skills,
they are also improving
their coordination, selfesteem and fitness, and
the children love the
lessons – it’s one of the
highlights of their week!
Come for a tour
Mount Scopus welcomes all prospective students
and families to come and see what we have to
offer your child. To arrange a meeting with College
Principal, Rabbi James Kennard, and the relevant
Head of Campus, or for a private tour, please
contact Anna Faiman, Registrar on 9834 0070
Coby Rechtman enjoying karate
If your child or grandchild is looking to move
to Scopus in Years 4 to 6 in the next year
or so call Anna to register to attend our
Smorgon Family Primary School Open Morning
on Wednesday 7 August. Two session times
are available.
Kaleidoscope June 2013 Tammuz 5773
Parents’ Association
Scope Shop
The College operates a clean and well organised
opportunity shop selling pre-loved clothes, toys,
homewares and second-hand school uniforms,
located at 772 Glen Huntly Road, Caulfield South
(open 9.30am-4.30pm Mon-Fri). The Scope shop
is run by volunteers and all proceeds are returned to
the school.
We congratulate Anne Korman, who recently received
an award at the Glen Eira Volunteer Recognition
Ceremony, acknowledging her 500 hours of service to
the Scope Shop.
Carlton footballer, Chris Yarran answering questions from young fans
The Parents’ Association has been hive of activity the past few months
with our Mother’s Day stalls at all three campuses and our regular
weekly activities like lunch orders, tuck shop and Challah sales.
Volunteers are always needed and their work is much
appreciated. To volunteer a few hours each week,
please contact Brenda McMahon (Manager)
on 9523 0692.
Undoubtedly, the highlight so far has been the Mount Scopus Honda
Astoria Twilight Footy Night. A great crowd turned out to enjoy skills
training, face painting, delicious food and of course the opportunity
to meet Carlton young gun Chris Yarran!
None of this would be possible without the wonderful support of
our fabulous parent volunteers and the amazing generosity of our
sponsors. Stay tuned for some great PA events in the coming months.
Hold the date
A number of exciting Parents’ Association events will be held later
this year:
Term 3 (date TBC) – Mount Scopus Corporate Breakfast
Tuesday 5 November – Walk to Sports Day
Tuesday 12 November – Mount Scopus Corporate Golf Day
Thursday 14 November – Mount Scopus Cocktail Party (GBH)
Sunday 24 November – Mount Scopus Carnival (held at FKI)
Scope Shop volunteer Anne Korman, with daughter
Debbie, receiving her award at the Glen Eira
Volunteer Recognition Ceremony
For further information and to get involved in any way, please
contact Lysette Shaw at
It’s not too late to make a gift to the Mount Scopus College
Foundation for a tax deductible receipt.
We thank our Foundation supporters who have made so many
things possible for our students:
• Inspirational learning, sport and recreational environments at
each campus
• Major advances in the use of technology to enhance learning
• Subsidised tuition fees as bursaries
• Israel Experience Program (Ulpan) scholarships, bursaries
and awards
• Kitchen Garden project
• Music programs and enrichment opportunities
• Archive and Alumni support
To add your support please call Marilyn Simon, Executive Director,
on 9834 0033 or email
Thank you
Thank you to all who supported our 2012
Annual Giving campaign. It is not too late to
donate and receive a tax deductible receipt
before 30 June.
Due to the ever increasing need for fee relief it is
vital that we grow our Scholarship Fund to help
one in four of our families who seek assistance
every year. Please join us in August to volunteer
your time to help.
Super Sunday 18 August 2013
Follow up evenings: Tuesday 20, Wednesday 21,
Thursday 22, Wednesday 28 and Thursday
29 August.
To volunteer two hours of your time or to donate
please call Leora Jacks on 9834 0034 or
Young Alumni program grows
2013 Reunions
The Young Alumni program started by a committee of Old
Collegians continues to grow with support from the College’s
Informal Education team.
Recent events have included an intimate Yom Hashaoh Zikaron b
Salon (remembering in the livingroom) evening and a Tikun Leil
Shavuot where over 80 people heard from speakers on topics
ranging from the Jewish community’s response to victims of sexual
abuse, reflections on the Boston bombings from first hand witness,
Dr Howard Goldenberg, to Jewish medical ethics and discussing
the Torah concept Na’aseh v Nishma (we will do and we will hear).
In June a Newsroom session saw journalist Michael Gawenda speak
on the Australian media’s coverage of election campaigns and how
this affects public perception. Together with weekly shiurim held at
the homes of Old Collegians, and Friday night youth minyans, young
alumni events are open to all, not just Scopus alumni.
To find out more go to ‘Alumni Sessions’ on Facebook.
Helen Lewitan, Jason Blumenthal and Carli Goldberg
The Class of 2008 held a fantastic five year reunion
at the Palate Bar in Prahran. Over 100 Old Collegians
enjoyed catching up for an evening of laughs, a quiz
about their year level and a reminiscent speech in a
fun and enjoyable atmosphere. Thank you to Helen
Lewitan, Carli Goldberg and Jason Blumenthal for
organising the reunion.
For further details on upcoming reunions please
contact the following:
Class of 2003 – 10 year reunion
Sunday 10 November
Nomi Blum,
Class of 1993 – 20 year reunion
Sunday 13 October
Simone Frey,
Class of 1983 – 30 year reunion
Sunday 8 September
Alex Kain,
Class of 1973 – 40 year reunion
Sunday 15 September
Karen Stock Schnall,
Michael Gawenda with Daniel Komesaroff,
Josh Goldstein and Corey Jankie
Class of 1963 – 50 year reunion
Sunday 27 October
Becky Krass (nee Fish)
Scopus Flashback
The items pictured are a window into the thousands of artifacts collected,
identified, digitised and archived by the dedicated volunteers who meet each
Wednesday at The Helen Synman Archive Project. Newly appointed Project
Manager Frankie Pinch, believes the Archive is “a hugely important body of
work which documents the valuable history of the College and provides a
fascinating insight into life on campus through the seven decades since the
school was founded”.
The Archive Centre assists Old Collegians with reunions, as well as helping
tertiary students with research and will shortly become available to the
broader school community and as a resource for students and parents.
In mid-2014, there are plans to mount an exhibition in the Archive Project
space, which occupies part of the former Stanton Kindergarten in Milford Ave,
Items donated to the Helen Synman Archive Project
The Helen Synman Archive Project is open Wednesdays (9.30pm-4.00pm)
and warmly welcomes all visitors. To arrange a visit, discuss donating
memorabilia or to volunteer your time, please contact Frankie Pinch at or on 9834 0087 (Wednesdays).
Kaleidoscope June 2013 Tammuz 5773
Dor le Dor – Generation to Generation
Please continue to keep us informed by sending your news to or call us on 9834 0046.
Idit (Jacobson) and Rodney Teperman ’90, Levi
Tali (Lancman) ’01 and Johan Sundberg, Edwin
Nicky (Blashki) and Toby Mac ’99, Gabe
Maayan (Agasi) and Max Siegel ’95, Samantha
Justine Hofman ’93 and Guy Olian, Judah
Dana Krause and Eitan Kabillo ’94, Asher
Julia (Orbach) and Troy Wajsman ’96, Aiden
Anna (Itkin) ’99 and Andy Rosenberg, Toby
Karen (Schwartz) and Michael Silberthau ’84, Joel
Tracy (Richter) ’95 and Matt Dudakov, Sloane
Deborah Pose ’96 and Mathew Lazarow, Miriam
Rebecca (Szwarcbard) and Benjamin Stein ’97, Madeline
Ilana (Kingston) ’95 and Gaby Silver ’91, Tiferet
Michelle (Benjamin) ’99 and Shaun Factor ’97, Jessica
Justine (Hellman) ’97 and Guy Gilmore, Aria
Rebecca (Silverman) ’95 and Rick Leventer ’81, Benjamin
Amanda (Milun) ’98 and Michael Bell, Zac
Lauren (Wertheimer) ’95 and Daniel Cashmore, Ari
Melanie (Klein) ’95 and Dale Smorgon ’91, Shem
Gabi (Sondheim) ’96 and Daniel Rees ’92, Nina
Renee (Saunders) ’94 and Stephen Gorenstein, Jonah
Sarah (Engel) and Paul Cherny ’83, Frankie
Rebecca (Kuran) ’02 and Mark Lipshutz ’01, Jake
Natalie (Lasky) ’93 and Rohan Woolf ’92, Lulu
Aviva (Teichtahl) and Phillip Weinberg ’98, Amalia
Rebecca (Jaffe) and Adam Burman ’94, Noah
Misty (Kagan) ’97 and Drew Solewicz, Sonny
Candice (Levin) ’01 and Darren Katz ’95, Leah
Corina Rae and Jason Joel ’88, Asher
Alissa (Lipshatz) ’94 and Craig Woolf ’88, Elly
Mandy (Malinek) ’97 and Baron Nowoweiski ’91, Cody
Debbie (Grusd) ’00 and Mark Gluck ’99, Jack
Chloe (Morley) ’02 and Diego Sztejman, Rocky
Ilit (Olenski) ’02 and Daniel Golshevsky ’00, Mila
Rebecca Brygel ’94 and Tsachi Moshinsky, Ateret
Gina (Burman) ’91 and Harry Samuels ’85, Bella
Lindy (Mahemoff) ’89 and Gustavo Lifszyc, Noam
Nadine (King) ’85 and Ben Weinstock ’92, Jazz
Emily (Israel) ’97 and David Nadelman, Jake
Emma (Smorgon) ’96 and Craig Cohen, Madison
Lauren (Urban) ’99 and Adam Norich ’96, Jay
Dina (Figdor) and Raphael Sebbag ’97, Ya’akov
Lindi (Joffe) ’02 and Avi Israel, Harley
Sheli (Aizenstros) ‘00 and James Tsun, Jordan
Racheli (Hokima) and Simon Gabizon ’93, Tahlia
Jessica (Drabkin) ’01 and Steven Tang, Asher
Rebecca Preston ’06
'92 and Bar Galon, Lielle
Roslyn (Gross) ’88 and Danny Gunn ’88, Ryan
Bianca (Olstein) and Andrew Jackson ’99, Ayla
Deborah (Gutman) ’94 and David Miller ’80, Asher
Emma (Jacobs) and Darren Gerber ’96, Oliver
Lauren (Gingold) ’02 and Yoni Ajzner ’97, Hannah
Simone (Freund) ’96 and Nir Davidson, Joshua
Romy (Susskind) ’97 and Joseph Cohen, Ruby
Bianca Burd ’99 and Daniel Monheit, Moses
Adrienne (Blechman) and Ryan Behr ’93, Emma
Lara (Winter) ’95 and Dan Krasnostein, Husky
Natalie (Same) ’99 and Andrew McLellan, Liam
Kerry Bugalski ’91 and Justin Beggs, Jude
Gemma (Redhouse) and Michael Ostroburski ’96, Toby
Jessica (Bialek) ’94 and Sabino Matera, Aria
Melissa (Selan) ’00 and Joe Salvati, Leni
Melissa (Levin) ’01 and Richard Michaels, Eden
Anita (Licto) and David Nirens ’76, Ruby
Lauren (Huberman) and Danny Harris ’01, Madison
Rachel (Little) ’91 and Leonard Samuel ’91, Yasmin
Yvette (Vogel) and Antony Sormann ’89, Alexa
Lisa (Hoffman) ’00 and Mark Levi, Eden
Berry Liberman ’96 and Danny Almagor ’94, Leo
Judith (Goldberger) ’96 and Karl David, Ally
Candice Davidson ’98 and Eyal Davidson-Shitrit, Nadav
Ilana (Schwartz) and Noah Rubenstein ’88, Jordy
Talia Boltin ’94 and Daniel Fineberg ’94, Leo
Elly Stone ’89 and Anthony Ong, Tilly
Renee (Siwak) ’95 and Darren Gani ’90, Eden
Gaby (Csaky) ’96 and Ilan Zipor, Noah
Rebecca (Werther) ’95 and Leon Lopata, Toby
Holli (Katz) and Ari Singer ’01, Mia
Danielle (Mohr) ’97 and Ari Suss, Hayden
Rachel (Rischin) ’97 and Eitan Sifris, Isabella
Deborah (Wiesner) and Jason Flamm ’90, Michaela and
Hannah ()
Jackie (Jonas) ’95 and Ben Blake, Asher
Naomi (Kiper) ’95 and Nuriel Zarifi, Yonatan
Tanya (Aronov) ’95 and Abie Munz 95, Levi
Barbi (Tahir) ’96 and Geoff Lyons, Aaliyah
Nikki (Sher) ’01 and Dean Katz, Jake
Simone (Kirshon) ’01 and Ryan Krawitz, Mila
Bianca (Miselowski) ’97 and Daniel Segal ’94, Jeremy
Vicki (Goldbloom) ’95 and Gary Israelsohn, Chloe
Rhonda (Butman) and David Nussbaum ’86, Charlie
Romi (Anaf) and Ilan Rimer ’97, Lexi
Dina Rosendorff ’98 and Gabriel Dabscheck ’96, Ezra
Rora (Furman) ’92 and Brian Rom, Alice
Georgina (Roberts) ’95 and Elliot Rubenstein ’93, Asher
Karen Wolkenberg ’93 and Daniel Winter, Maayan
Shelley (Shmuel) ’99 and Eli Staub ’99, Noah
Nicole (Gross) ’00 and Toby Harris, Harvey
Danielle Elisha ’92 and Sammy Wainrit ’92, Poppy
Anna (Sandground) ’92 and David Field ’88, Layla
Lucy (Cohen) and Andrew Halphen ’96, Annie
Heidi (Klaesi) and Tim Gaspar ’84, Sunny
Lielle (Abramowitz) and Leon Katz ’90, Rafael
Renée (Pollak) ’95 and Michael Sion ’93, Nadav
Lauren Young and Jarrod Dudakov, Quinn
Lisa (Benedykt) ’98 and Warren Lazarus, Emma
Tessa Ronsen ’01 and Jarrod Kagan ’00
Kimberley Pruzanski ’00 and Adam Plotnik ’95
Shelley Wolman ’01 and Ryan Lockstone
Alana Ninedek and Mark Nathan ’94
Rachel Lowinger and Adrian Elton ’89
Sarit Meltzer ’06 and Joel Wermut
Tanya Davis ’05 and Heath Saber
Kim Heine ’04 and Jonny Levi
Jessica Wolper and Isaac Gutman ’99
Romy Teperman ’04 and Noah Borensztajn ’97
Linda Kuttner ’76 and Maurice Bulwa
Michal Finch and Brad Janovic ’01
Danielle Feil ’96 and Aaron Latowicz
Ilana Nahum and David Svirskis ‘97
Shari Rothschild ’04 and Ross Richardson
Ruth Codron ’95 and Gary Sacks
Noa Weinstein and David Holcdorf ’00
Leane Leifer ’04 and David Phillips
Lauren Samuel ’00 and Federico Nusynkier
Leeora Epstein ’04 and Dean Ross
Monika Letai and Daniel Trepper ’93
Romy Horak ’01 and Adam Jankie ’01
Naomi Rubinstein and Jonathan Joseph ’92
Shana Yelen ’02 and Jayson Owen
Shari Sweet ’06 and Adam Beckman
Natalie Ackerfeld ’04 and Jeremy Brown
Rebecca Lismann and Shy Jachimowicz ’97
Ilana Freadman ’01 and Michael White
Rochelle Lester ’98 and Gavin Franks
Natalie Hyman ’96 and Brae Lukav ’94
Bianca Grof ’00 and Jonathan Lubetzky
Amanda Richter ’00 and David Ringo
Bianca Zajonc ’04 and Jonathan Michaels ’01
Melanie Sput ’97 and Jonathan Samuels
Mount Scopus Memorial College
Gandel Campus
245 Burwood Highway
Burwood Victoria Australia 3125
Romy Weinstein ’01 and Jerome Vitalien
Lisa Kornhauser ’98 and Joshua Goldstein
Natalie Grauer ’03 and Alan Silver
Amy Gregor ’03 and Gavin Kaplan ’95
Amelia Tendler ’07 and Benjamin Hook
Natalie Tenenbaum ‘05 and Neil Perl ‘01
The Scopus family extends a warm and
whole-hearted Mazal Tov to Rabbi James
and Vicky Kennard and their family on the
marriages in Israel of two of their sons.
We wish Rachamim and Emunah, together
with Yedidya and Gabi, a long and
blessed future.
Alice Tiomkin ’57
Maurice Isman ’72
Gerard Neil ’82
Denise Neeter ’78
The information in our Dor le Dor listing is compiled
from notices placed in the Australian Jewish
News and from personal notifications. A copy of
Kaleidoscope is available on the College website.
Class of 1961
Memorial Bursary
When the Class of ‘61 came
together for their 50 Year Reunion
they decided they would like to
acknowledge the passing of some
of their classmates and at the same
time give back to Scopus. Their
fundraising efforts, with the support
of the College, have resulted in
the creation of the ‘Class of 1961
Memorial Bursary’ which honours the
memory of: John Brustman,
Steven Elbaum, Norman Fuerst,
Dennis Goldenberg, John Goldstein,
John Hauser, Ronald Krongold,
Rose Kwiatkowski, Frank Meyer,
Norman Rosenbaum, Lloyd Samuel,
David Sender and Zelda Slonim.
A leaf has also been placed on the
tree of life in the Smorgon Family
Primary School in honour of these
members of the Class of 1961.
We thank all the supporters and, in
particular, Judy Arndt and Yvonne
Elton for their tireless efforts. If
you would like to contribute to this
ongoing Bursary please call Leora
Jacks on 9834 0034. Donations are
tax deductible.
Telephone 9834 0000
Facsimile 9834 0001
Editor: Vicki Davis

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