the latest Events Guide
the latest Events Guide
Welcome to Lakewood! MARC H 26–APR IL 1, 2016 S U N D AY N I G H T AT 7 P M With 2016 being the year of acceleration, I believe and declare that you’re going to be free from addictions and strongholds faster than you ever thought possible. I want to invite you to visit our Celebrate Recovery class that meets on Fridays at 6:30pm. This is the perfect place to find support and encouragement to experience freedom and breakthrough. W E D N E S D AY AT 7 : 3 0 P M As we celebrate the death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior, know that God ’s resurrection power still exists today. Cast your cares on God, and watch Him bring your passions, relationships and dreams back to life. TOP VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES FREEDOM from Hurts, Habits & Hang-ups KidsLife Artistic Team Telephone Prayer Partners KidsLife is in need of set builders and people with artistic abilities. If interested, email We are looking for volunteers to assist callers with their prayer requests by praying biblical solutions over their situations. If interested, email Find your place at Lakewood! Visit to apply or call 713-491-1222 to find out more about volunteering. Watch or Listen to Lakewood Services Fridays at 6:30pm in Mission Control, 3rd Floor For more information, visit 16-03-26-Bulletin.indd 1 KHOU CH 11 , Sundays at 10am KTRK CH 13, Sundays at 11am CHANNEL 128 713-635-4154 Get the app! Available for iPhone and Android. DO SOMETHING AMAZING BAV BECOME A –VOLUNTEER Every weekend hundreds of members just like you are a part of Lakewood’s dynamic volunteer ministries. Make plans to visit our booths and discover where God wants you to serve. APRIL 9 T H , 10 T H ,& 13 T H V I S I T O U R B O OT H S IN THE 1ST & 2ND F LO O R LO B B I E S 3/15/16 4:36 PM Coming up at Lakewood 2016 Global Mission Trip Ms. Dodie’s Prayer & Healing Service Tuesday, April 12th at 6:30pm-8:30pm in the New Beginnings Room Ms. Dodie Osteen will personally pray with you and believe God for physical and emotional healing in your life. Invite a relative or friend that needs prayer, too. BELIZE April Servolution: Nursing Home Visitation Saturday, April 23rd at 8am–12pm June 2nd–9th Prayer & Healing Service for Kids with Special Needs Come make a difference as the Lakewood team, in partnership with Christian Men’s Network, complete beautification projects and conduct street outreaches in Belize City. To apply, visit Mon., April 4th at 6:30pm in the New Beginnings Rm. If you have a child with special needs, you’re invited to a special prayer and healing service with Ms. Dodie Osteen. Ms. Dodie will pray for each special needs child individually. Reserved handicapped parking is in the City Club Garage (E2 Level) off of Edloe. Limited parking is also available on the West Circle Drive. Love Your Marriage w/ JJ & Sarah Moses Mon., March 28th at 7pm in the Chapel (3rd Floor) We all want to be on the winning side of our marriage—enjoying life together in love, at peace and with purpose. Come join JJ and Sarah Moses as they share ways to have a winning game plan for your marriage. Join us for a morning of joy with nursing home residents. Children 6 and up are welcome. Sign up online at or at the Discover Lakewood table April 2nd–3rd. The League: Strengthening Women in the Workplace Tuesday, April 5th at 7pm in the Chapel (3rd Floor) Are excuses limiting your success? Let’s drop our excuses and make room for our gifts and talents! Join The League and Ms. Wheelchair Texas 2011 to discover the keys to overcoming limitations and achieving success! Income Tax Preparation Mon.–Tues. from 6:30pm–8pm, Sat. from 9am–2pm on the 2nd Floor Lakewood Church is proud to provide free tax filing services to people who meet certain income restrictions. If you need help with your taxes, let us serve you. Youth Job Fair Thursday, April 28th at 9:00am–2:30pm (4th floor) Join us for our first ever job fair specifically for special needs and at-risk youth ages 16-24. Employers are looking to fill full-time, part-time, entry level, and internship positions. For more information, email Middle School: Open Airways During all services in the Warehouse (4th Floor) If you’ve ever wondered what it means to have open access to God, you won’t want to miss Open Airways. Join us during any of our services as we explore this thing we call prayer. Young at Heart: Spring Fling Workshops Fellowship Better Together Wed., March 30th at 7pm in the Chapel (3rd Floor) Saturday, April 9th at 11:00 am in the Loft (4th Floor) FEATURING JOEL OSTEEN APRIL 22ND 16-03-26-Bulletin.indd 2 CRAIG GROESCHEL JOHN GRAY REGISTER FREE AT LAKEWOODCHURCH.COM/GO Spring is here, and seniors will enjoy lunch, fellowship, and leisure learning workshops. Attendees may choose any two workshops, including: gardening, tai chi, making gift baskets, adult coloring and more. Tickets are $8.50 each and available in the Lakewood Bookstore through March 9th. Because He loves us, God wants to reveal His character and nature to us. He wants to reveal the plans He has for our lives, but are we really listening? Join Pastor Victoria, D’Andria Washington and Shirley Kelly as they share about the many ways that God communicates with His children. Financial Class: Weird Mondays at 7pm in Mission Control (3rd Floor) In this day and age, it’s normal to deal with financial debt, high divorce rates, and bad relationships. As Christians, we’re called to rise above. Join us and set yourself apart from the world’s financial norm. First Time at Lakewood? We’re honored you chose to worship here at Lakewood, and we’d like to thank you with a special gift. Fill out the guest card in the seatback to receive your gift. 3/15/16 4:36 PM
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