MAY 2016 - Peace Grue Lutheran Parish
MAY 2016 - Peace Grue Lutheran Parish
PEACE † GRUE AN ELCA PARISH TO BECOME THE VOICE AND HANDS OF JESUS MAY 2016 Inside this issue: MUSINGS from the Pastor PEACE Sunday school News PEACE WELCA News BIRTHDAYS-May LUTHER CREST News -Early Bird Registration NWMN Assembly -Representatives 2 3 4 5 6 6 GRUE Men’s pork chop dinner Sunday, May 1st at the Ashby High School from 11am-1:30pm MENU Grilled Pork Chops Baked potato / Baked beans Dinner roll Dessert and Beverage Adults $8-youth 12-6 yrs old $5-kids 5 yrs and under FREE Extra Pork Chop $2 Remember to purchase your raffle tickets-$2.00 a ticket. You could win$250 - Gift Cert. to Svedberg Nursery or &250.00 in cash $150 beef bundle—$100 in Cash May 8, 2016 .Congratulations to our seniors at Peace and Grue: Class of 2016 Miles Wing, Kyle Fick, Sidney Kamrath, Evan Anderson, Taylor Koefod, Christian Miller & Ethan Roley Baccalaureate @ the Ashby High School Wednesday, May 25, 2016 @ 7pm Ashby High School Graduation Sunday, May 29th at 2pm Desert and Beverage served by Peace/Grue WELCA 9 I hereby command you: “Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9 Page 2 MUSINGS from the Pastor May 15th is the Day of Pentecost, sometimes referred to as the birthday of the Christian church, because that is the day when the disciples finally began to openly proclaim the gospels and large numbers of people started to become Christians or “followers of the way". The Holy Spirit fell upon Jesus 'disciples that day and inspired and empowered them to become dynamic witnesses of the good news about Jesus. That spiritual power is also available to christens today to help us live out our faith in ways that will build up the church and build up our own faith. The Apostle Paul, in his letters ,urges us to walk, or live our lives, in the power of the Spirit and not in the power of the flesh, meaning that we should not rely on our own resources, brains and strength to get through life. God does not want us to muddle through life, finding our own way. God is on a mission to redeem the whole world, and he wants us to play our part. That can only happen when we are guided by the Holy Spirit. When we allow the Holy Spirit to work in and through us. God is able to do great things in the world. The Holy Spirit gives each Christian one or more gifts which the spirit uses to build up the body of Christ. The Spirit also creates the fruits of the Spirit in each one of us. The fruits are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control . These are the attributes of life that make life worth living, and God also uses these fruits to bless the lives of those around us. So let us welcome the Holy Spirit into our lives as we celebrate his coming into the world on that first day of Pentecost nearly two thousand years ago. Your servant in Christ Pastor Tom OFFICIAL ACTS MONTH OF APRIL: Funerals: Amanda Ehlert Tuesday, April 5, 2016 at GRUE Baptisms: Brooklyn Riley Wagner April 24 , 2016 at Peace. Daughter of Eric & Kayla Wagner Isaiah 49:10 "They will not hunger or thirst, Nor will the scorching heat or sun strike them down; For He who has compassion on them will lead them And will guide them to springs of water. Page 3 PEACE SUNDAY SCHOOL PEACE SUNDAY SCHOOL SCHEDULE FOR May 2016 †† † † † † † † †† PEACE SERVICE 9:00AM / SUNDAY SCHOOL 10:15AM May 1st SS May 8th May 15 th SS – Mother’s Day Sunday School Sings Preschool/Kindergarten – Recite John 3:16 Verse Last Day of Sunday School – Potluck Lunch Hope to see you in church this summer PEACE CHURCH ACOLYTE SCHEDULE 2016 GRUE CHURCH ACOLYTE SCHEDULE 2016 MAY 1 Bennett Grove and Zach Fagre 8 Catherine Koefod and Cecilia Nelson 15 Lilly Evavold and Jennaq Johnsrud 22 Madison Bestul and Kaylee Schlundt 29 Mya Roley and Terryn Hill MAY 1 Josey Ness & Annah Evavold 8 Taleeyah Johnson & Tae-yah Johnson 15 Jade Bjornson & Joan Maunumaki 22 Courtney Koefod & Amelia Barry 29 Joan Maunumaki & Erika Heibel ***If you are unable to acolyte on the Sunday that you are listed please contact another youth and switch or ask them to cover for you-thanks. Please join us in an 80th Birthday Celebration of cake & coffee after 10:45 a.m. service at Peace church on Sunday, May 8th honoring Orland Norenberg Served by his daughters - Tina and Tammie Page 4 PEACE WELCA NEWS Greetings, Being there was no April newsletter, I would like to begin by thanking Christina Peterson, Julie VanSanten & Jamie Brendmoen for all you work for the month of March. Peace also had their annual bake sale in March and WELCA did fairly well. Thank you everyone for baking or for your donation. On May 8th, our seniors will be recognized, their quilts will be given and cake will be served in their honor. Congratulations to Kyle Fick, Sid Kamrath and Miles Wing. We wish you the best as you continue on your journey. In July, during Ashby Appreciation Days, Peace will be hosting the Pie in the Park on Saturday afternoon. I will be putting up a board at church in May, if you are willing to make a pie please sign-up. Thank you in advance! Some people complain because God put thorns on roses, while others praise Him for putting roses among thorns. God Bless, Teresa Ohren WELCA President PARISH CALL COMMITTEE NEWS Randy Heibel Marlys Klimp, Jordan Lillemoen, Carol Koefod, Wayne Vorland and Val Fick have met a few times and have started the process of gathering information to complete the profile of our churches and the parish – it is our hope and goal to have this profile submitted to the Synod office before the end of May. We have had a few Sundays with table topic discussions during coffee time looking for input from the congregations – the more complete the Profile we submit to the Synod the better match we should have with the pastors that are available for Call. We appreciate all of your help; and if you have any questions or thoughts on the process, feel free to call one of the Call Committee Members. Vacation Bible School Theme for this summer is “LIVING OUT LOVE” Bible School will run July 25-28., 2016 Forms will be sent home with Sunday school children. Need to return them by last day of Sunday school in May if possible. Need volunteers for hosting counselors for evening meals. Contact Justin Eberhardt, Jackie Anderson, or Denise Juven with any questions. Mark your summer calendars Page 5 BIRTHDAYS MAY BIRTHDAYS _________ May 1st Wesley Shaffer May 2nd June Leine May 4th Ron Peterson May 5th Donna Lindemeyer May 6th Lillian Evavold Orland Norenberg Amy Bidleman May 10th Carson Spangler Carter Spangler Brenda Jones Jason Odens Chad Van Santen May 11th Vonnie Gilbertson May 12th Marcus Alvstad May 15th Deb Story May 17th Teresa May 19th Terry Ohren Shawn Spangler Betty Torgrimson May 20th Vernie Alvstad American Red Cross Battle Lake Blood Drive May 21st Joan Maunumaki May 23rd Tyler Barry Spencer Mekalson May 26th Joel Holte May 27th Megan Rein May 29th Anthony Ohren Emily Williams Reid Magnuson May 30th Corinne DahlenBarry May 29th Anthony Ohren Emily Williams May 31st Megan Rein May 29th Anthony Ohren Emily Williams Char Hanson May 31st Reid Magnuson =================== If I don’t have your birth date or if I have it listed incorrectly please e-mail or call me 747-2273 / June Sponsored by: Battle Lake Lions First Lutheran Church Monday, May 2nd 12:30—6:30 pm Appt/Info: Call Brenda at Alliance Church between 9 am - 3 pm at 864 - 5539 CONFIRMATION NEWS CONFIRMATION CLASSES The last day of confirmation class this year will be on Wednesday, May 4th. Second year students please mark your summer calendars for the Confirmation Retreat which will be on Saturday, August 13th from 10am-3pm at Faith Haven GRUE women meet: Tuesday, May 17th @ 6:30 pm. Twila Stierlen & Brenda Jones Hosting Ruth / Rebecca Circle meeting: Tuesday, May 17th , 9:30am @ Peace. ****The two circle groups at Peace have combined and they will be meeting in the morning every 3rd Tuesday. Page 6 LUTHER CREST NEWS SYNOD ASSEMBLY The representatives of the churches of the Northwestern MN synod will assemble at Concordia College on May 20-21, 2016. Voting members from PEACE are Tom Graham and Teresa Magnuson, from GRUE Char Woldahl and Amanda Restad, and Pastor Tom.
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