2007-2008 - College Mentors for Kids
2007-2008 - College Mentors for Kids
Inspire. Educate. Connect. A Letter from Jack Burns, Board Chair A Letter from Erin Slater, CEO If you are new to College Mentors, welcome. You have discovered one of Indiana’s best-managed organizations that offers a significant return on investment. If you supported College Mentors during 2007-2008, thank you. You have increased the likelihood that over 800 elementary school students realize their potential. It is with great pride that I share the progress of College Mentors. Since 1995, College Mentors has directly impacted the lives of over 6,500 individuals. The small group of children who were matched with college student mentors 13 years ago has multiplied into a highly replicable model at 21 college campuses. Since our inception, never have we done more to extend the reach of our unique services than we have in the last 12 months. College Mentors is committed to exposing youth to the opportunities of higher education through weekly activities with a college student mentor. We motivate youth and communities to achieve their potential by fostering inspiration to transform lives, education to change attitudes, and connections to increase opportunities. What most impresses me about College Mentors is how it has integrated smart business practices into its program model and operations. Of course we have a servant mentality and mission, but Erin Slater and her team rival the best business leaders that I have seen in planning strategically, managing to reach outcomes and financial stability, and developing people. This year, adjustments to the program model dropped the cost per mentor/mentee pair served by 21.6 percent while increasing the number of children served by 18 percent. These changes challenged perceived constraints on capacity while maintaining high-quality outcomes. Annual evaluations indicate that College Mentors is making a positive impact, with College Mentors children outperforming their peers on standardized tests, 91 percent of children intending to go to college, and 92 percent of mentors observing increased mentee knowledge of career opportunities. College Mentors is second to none in staying focused on the goal. Simply put, if an action does not directly correlate to improving the experience or increasing the number of youth that College Mentors serves, we do not do it. Considering that the cost per match is significantly less than the national average for similar mentoring programs, it is easy to understand why I am so proud of and committed to College Mentors. If you are touched by our mission and impact, then please support College Mentors to the extent of your ability. You are investing in an Indiana winner and soon-to-be-national leader. For the Kids, Jack Burns, Board Chair 2007-2008 marked the launch of new chapters at Grace College and Valparaiso University. The success with these and other chapters has inspired us to devote more energy to expansion outside of Indiana’s borders. Beyond expanding the geographic reach of our services, we have made significant progress in increasing the scope of our impact to include middle school students. One of the best ways to summarize our progress over the last year is that over half of College Mentors chapters expanded the number of children they serve! This success proves that the strength of our organization is a result of efforts from the college student mentors, staff, and board of directors. Of course none of this could have been possible without the support of people like you. Whether your contribution is financial, volunteer or otherwise, we want to thank you for what you have made happen in 2007-2008, and the opportunities you have made possible for the future. For the Kids, Erin Slater, CEO Inspire. Educate. Connect. Inspire. over the years? years? Mentors for Kids? over the When When DaveDave joined CollegeMentors for joined College Q: What’s your favorite thing about A: It’s really A: It’s been neat to see how Dominick has A: Having something to do on Tuesday afternoons. really been neat to see how Dominick MentorsKids foras Kids as a freshman a freshman at the University College Mentors for Kids? matured asand an how individual, how much matured as has an individual, much and he has Q: How doA:you feel about your BigtoBuddy, at the University of Notre of Notre Dame, heDame, never imagined Having something do onDave? he regards has improved regards to his schoolimproved with to hiswith schoolwork. These building a friendship that would Tuesday afternoons. he never imagined building a A: He’s very funny. work. Thesemore daysseriously he takes and it much more days he takes it much enjoys serispan that four years international friendship wouldand span ously and enjoysthings tellinghe’s me about the different Q: How you feelfrom about your Big Q: What have youdolearned Dave? telling me about the different studying. boundaries. When Dave went abroad four years and international things he’s studying. Buddy, Dave? a finance A: Not to be greedy [because] he’s his junior year, he and Little Q: Buddy, What have you gained from the relationship? boundaries. When Dave went A: He’s very funny. major. Q: What have you gained from the relationship? exchanged letters to stay abroadDominick, his junior year, he A: I’ve gained perspective about how challenging A: I’ve gained perspective about how chalin touch. Now in their fourth year, What have you learned from Dave? Q: Do youQ:know what college is? and Little Buddy, Dominick, schoolwork lenging can be schoolwork for a student canlike be Dominick for a student like they have a lot to share about their A: Not to be greedy [because] he’s a A: Yes, it’s a place for students to learn. exchanged letters to stay in when something doesn’t come naturally to Dominick when something doesn’t come natfinance major. truly inspirational time together. touch. Now in their fourth him the wayurally it might have me. It’s gratifying to him thefor way it might have for me.Q:It’s What do wantknow to bewhat whencollege you grow Q: you Do you is? up? year, they have a lot to share to see whatgratifying a positive developed to attitude see whathe’s a positive attitudeA: he’s A doctor. A: Yes, it’s a place for students to learn. developed towards school. He’s developed an about their truly inspirational towards school. He’s developed an appreciation Q: at Do youQ: know what to when do to get appreciation thelevel importance of school What do youyou wanthave to be time together. for the importance of schoolfor at his and beyond. his level and beyond. that job?you grow up? Q: What do you think Dominick has learned A: Get good A: A doctor. grades and go to lots of school. from you? Q:What do you think Dominick has learned from you? I hope he learned how to develop friends Q: Do you know what you have to A: I hope heA:learned how to develop friends by by treating others with respect and to have a do to get that job? treating others with respect and to have a sense of pride in the things that he can acA: Get good grades and go to lots sense of pride in both the in things that of heschool. can complish and outside of school. accomplish both in and outside of school. Q: What do you want Dominick to take away Q: What do from you his want Dominick tofor take College Mentors Kidsaway experience? from his College Mentors for Kidsthat experience? A: More than anything, he had a fun time, learned somethat really interesting things, and A: More than anything, he had a fun time, hopefully developed a desire to pursue learned some really interesting things, and a college degree someday. hopefully developed a desire to pursue a college degree someday. Connect. Activities Aimed to Educate Buddy Pairs Foster Inspiration Question and Answer Dave, senior major majorDominick, fourth grade Question and Answer Dave,finance senior finance Dominick, Little Buddy TimeTime at Notre Dame Q: What changes you have seenyou in Dominick Q: What’sfourth your favorite Q: Whathave changes seen in Dominick at Notre Dame grade thing little about buddyCollege Educate. Wabash Science Activity Goes Off with a Bang Butler Little Buddies Meet Student Athletes Beakers, test tubes, and chemicals…not typical after-school activity supplies for a group of first and second graders. Each week, College Mentors for Kids activities focus on different majors and careers while connecting the children with their mentors. In the fall, the chapter at Wabash College partnered with their chemistry department to introduce Little Buddies to the study of energy and chemical change. On the first day of College Mentors for Kids, all children are asked the simple question, “What is college?” Responses typically include “football” and “basketball.” In addition to their weekly conversations that break down this myth that college is all about sports, one special activity helped Butler Little Buddies broaden their concept of sports on a college campus. Assistant professor of Chemistry Dr. Lon Porter began the lesson with a bang- literally- demonstrating the explosive interaction of different chemicals, and the effect that heat has on them. He continued with other experiments, performing all the while to the “oohs” and “aahs” of Little and Big Buddies alike. Joined by student athletes such as basketball players, golfers, and cheerleaders, the Little Buddies learned that sports can help pay for college and keep you fit. They also learned how students can show school spirit and have fun in between classes by meeting Blue the Bulldog and members of the Dawg Pound Spirit Squad. The Little Buddies made their own pennants showing their Butler pride and took home bookmarks and lots of wet kisses from Blue. This activity, held in the science center, was a hit among the 22 first and second grade boys as well as with the 24 Big Buddies. Little Buddies still discuss the activity and many listed “learning about science” on their end-of-year surveys as one of their favorite activities. Inspire. Educate. C o n n e c t . Program Connects Campuses and Communities New Chapter, New Partner, New Connections Purdue Calumet Meets the Mayor In Valparaiso, Indiana, the Reiner Community Center sits only blocks from Valparaiso University’s campus. Yet the children who often set foot on the center and their families have never visited campus. College Mentors prides itself on the many connections it forms between students, the community and the university. The Valparaiso Chapter of College Mentors for Kids is one excellent example of successful partnerships. This spring it was the first chapter to partner with a community center, allowing the chapter to reach the children who would benefit most from the program and connect them and their families to the university and its resources. In the spring the Purdue University Calumet Chapter connected with Hammond, Indiana, Mayor Thomas McDermott Jr., at an activity where he discussed how his office is involved in community service. The mayor introduced the Little Buddies to innovative ways that they can get involved too. A proponent of higher education initiatives like College Mentors, Mayor McDermott brought the College Bound Scholarship to Hammond. The program uses public dollars to cover college tuition of successful, but economically disadvantaged, local high school graduates. Through Mayor McDermott’s involvement in College Mentors for Kids, Little Buddies and mentors saw a direct connection between their campus and community. Valparaiso Chapter president, freshman Chelsey Dunleavy, says that her leadership role “helped me become connected [to campus] in so many ways…I learned where many buildings were and where I should go for resources that I may need.” Vice president, Beth Richter, added, “We know that our [mission] is to connect the Little Buddies to the University, but it is neat to see the role reversal of the Little Buddies connecting us to the greater community of Valparaiso.” Eighty-five percent of all parents surveyed felt more aware of the resources available at the University after only one semester of College Mentors for Kids. Chapter Happenings What is college? “College is a place where people go to get an education, learn and pursue their dreams.” -Little Buddy, Illinois State University “I just want to say again what a positive influence to these kids College Mentors is. Everyone who is involved is GREAT. Thanks so much!” –Parent of Indiana University Little Buddy A mother of a Purdue Little Buddy is pursuing her nursing certificate because of information provide to her by College Mentors for Kids. Wabash College Little Buddies rang the Monon Bell and met mascot Wally Wabash at an activity about school spirit. Chapters of College Mentors for Kids began at Grace College and Valparaiso University in the 2007-2008 school year with 20 Little Buddies each Indianapolis Power & Light Company facilitated an activity about electrical safety at Butler University. IPL continues to be a strong partner of College Mentors for Kids. College Mentors for Kids established relationships with four new elementary schools and a community center in 2007-2008. What do you like most about College Mentors for Kids? “Dan is a good Big Buddy. He’s really cool and I want to be like him when I grow up.” -Little Buddy, Purdue University 12 chapters expanded their service numbers during the 2007-08 school year—contributing to College Mentor’s overall growth rate of 18 percent. What do you like most about College Mentors for Kids? “More than anything, I enjoy the opportunity to do meaningful and needed service while connecting with a child.” -Big Buddy, Notre Dame The Grace College Chapter was honored for campus excellence at halftime of a home basketball game in their first year of service. The Purdue Chapter became the first to expand to serve 100 children. Inspire. Educate. Connect. A Year in review • 2007-2008 July Aug. • Summer Intern• SGI Employee ship Program; 6 Annual Supply full time college Drive; Employees student interns collect and distribute 21 complete boxes of activity development and programming supplies for College Mentors projects during Summer 2007 for Kids chapters • Macara Aloi hired • Virtual Meeting as associate Strategies holds program director; backpack drive; Macara joins 35 children from programming Holy Angels team at the School receive headquarters backpacks and office to support supplies College Mentors for Kids chapters Sept. • Annual Student Leader Staff Retreat; 144 college student leaders attend annual training conference held at Camp Allendale in Trafalgar, Indiana • Mentors attend training seminars; Headquarters staff facilitate 19 training seminars for mentors at each college campus Oct. Nov. • Activities begin; • Headquarters 20 chapters begin staff visit campus weekly on-campus activities; Staff activities with conduct annual topics rotating visit at each college between higher and university education and career, culture and diversity, community service, and financial lit eracy through the JPMorgan Chase Economics for Kids initiative • New chapter launches at Grace College; 20 children join program from Jefferson Elementary in Winona Lake, Indiana Dec. • Colts Holiday Party; 30 Indianapolis children participate with their mentors at the Colts’ annual holiday party Jan. • New chapter launches at Valparaiso University; 20 children join program from Reiner Community Center • CEO Erin Slater receives Torchbearer Award for Youth Mentoring; Erin recognized with highest award presented to Indiana women from the Indiana Commission for Women Feb. • Inspire 2008 held at Historic Union Station; 450 guests attend, including keynote speaker Tom Pace, raising over $142,000 Mar. • Annual Walk for Kids; Chapters hold walk-a-thon fundraisers across state, raising over $20,000 collectively • New student leadership selected on each campus; Headquarters staff interview candidates to fill student leadership positions at 21 chapters Apr. May June • Annual Spring • Awards Banquets • Brian Laskey Conference; 54 held at 21 college joins programming student leaders chapters; Children, team; Brian joins attend spring families and team as associate mentors attend program director leadership training annual celebration, to support College • Dr. Jischke hosts fundraising event; highlighted by the Mentors for Kids distribution of the Purdue President chapters College Preparatory • College Mentors Emeritus Martin Jischke hosts Packet for Kids announces reception for new program; • Indianapolis Colts Leadership Society Head Coach Tony College Connection, members and a program for Dungy promotes prospective College Mentors middle school members for Kids; Coach students, to launch in Fall Dungy shares his • Indianapolis Power & Light support of College 2008, with funding Company activity from Ball Brothers Mentors for Kids visit with Louie over dessert at Foundation and the Lightening a special dinner Nina Mason Bug; IPL’s Louie party, resulting Pulliam Charitable the Lightening in over $125,000 Trust Bug visits Butler from individual University to gifts teach Little Buddies about electrical safety 2007-2008 Board of Directors Honorary Directors Nelson Alexander Frost Brown Todd Brian Laskey, secretary Student representative, Purdue University Geoffrey Bannister 17th President, Butler University Jack Burns, chair SGI, Inc. Bill Marsan Indianapolis Power & Light Company Robert Payton Indiana University Professor Emeritus Jessica Castellanos Footprint Sports, LLC. Jerry Martin Fox 59/ WB4 Rev. Dr. James P. Wind The Alban Institute Andrea Cranfill FlashPoint Human Resource Consulting Andy Medley C.I.K. Enterprises Matthew Claymon Entrepreneur Martin Moore The Moore Foundation Board of Directors Emeriti Danny Dean Indianapolis-Marion County Library Foundation David Norris Allied Group Insurance Services, Inc. Brian Dixon Regenstrief Institute Jean Paison Second Helpings Co-Founder and Director Emeritus Kevin Gartenhaus Surrex Solutions Corporation David Gorsage Camp David, LLC Cheryl Hughes Lincoln Financial Advisors A Glimpse into 2008-2009 The bell rings, lockers close, school is out for the day! At two Indiana middle schools, not all students will be going home right after school. Through College Connection, a new program of College Mentors, middle school students are partnered with local college student mentors for after-school activities held at the middle school. Mentors are focused on working with a small group of students, fostering an atmosphere where mentors to get to know their students’ personal and academic needs as well as help them set goals for their futures, including higher education. College Connection has been in development for almost two years. After much research and continued interest from local communities, the board of directors and staff of College Mentors found there to be a strong need to deliver our services beyond the fourth grade. College Connection has been designed to fit into the structure of a middle school while continuing to capitalize on the interest and skills of college students as mentors. In a unique way, College Connection fits the needs of middle school students by revolving activities around the themes of personal development, academic development, and career exploration. Not only does College Connection continue to inspire and educate youth about college, but it also directly connects middle school students to the resources they need to get there, such as the 21st Century Scholars program. College Connection will launch in the 2008-2009 school year at two sites. In Indianapolis, Butler University college students will participate in activities with students from Emma Donnan Middle School, part of Indianapolis Public Schools. In Muncie, Ball State University students will meet with students from Delta Middle School, part of the Delaware Community School Corporation. Kristin Huang, College Mentors co-founder Kurt Rasmussen, past chair Eli Lilly and Company Max Schmidt IUPUI Mike Rodman Marion County Treasurer’s Office Heidi Schmidt, College Mentors co-founder Dr. Paul Schmidt The Care Group Dr. Lilya Wagner Counterpart International College Mentors Staff Erin Slater, chief executive officer Shelley Hunter IU Foundation Dennis Trinkle, vice chair Indiana Higher Education Telecommunication System Randy Keeling, treasurer Fifth Third Bank Russ Villier Student Representative, Hanover College Emily Reid, senior associate program director Libby Laux IUPUI Center for Service and Learning Mark Weir Independent Colleges of Indiana Brian Laskey, associate program director, beginning June 2008 Amanda Koushyar, vice president of programs Laura Feldman, associate development director Macara Aloi , associate program director Statement of Revenue, Expenses, Assets, Liabilities, and Net Assets July 1, 2007 – June 30, 2008 (audited) Statement of Revenue • Support • Special Events and Fundraisers • Chapter Income • Merchandise • In-Kind contributions TOTAL Statement of Expenses • Advertising and Promotion • Bank Charges • Books, Tapes and Materials • Chapter Expenses • Consulting and Computer Support • Depreciation • Fundraising Events & Cultivation • Insurance • Loss on Disposal of Asset • Miscellaneous Expense • Office Supplies • Postage • Printing • Professional Development Fees • Professional Fees • Rent • Salaries and Benefits • Taxes - Payroll • Telephone TOTAL $560,274 $159,592 $5,344 $8 $42,875 $768,093 $ 3,858 $2,255 $9,808 $111,258 $55,562 $10,078 $72,578 $48,166 $337 $83 $2,532 $7,836 $11,501 $21,335 $7,289 $25,599 $293,757 $20,016 $ 8,026 $711,874 Assets Statement of Assets, Liabilities, and Net Assets • Cash • Receivables • Property and Equipment TOTAL ASSETS • Temporarily Restricted Net Assets • Unrestricted Net Assets TOTAL NET ASSETS $97,376 $84,520 $19,287 $201,183 $81,500 $119,683 $201,183 • Program Services $537,858 • Management and General $49,074 • Fundraising $124,942 Additional program services expenses are managed at the chapter level. These expenses are supported by university funding and student volunteer fundraising. These are not included in the above numbers. Individual Donors $1 - $499 Bob and Dee Abel James and Joyce Abel Benjamin Abraham Louise Alexander Rex and Nancy Allman Leonard Aloi Richard and Dorthea Althoff Anonymous Brad and Carole Arthur Roy and Laura Axelson Vicky Bailey Gary and Allyson Ball Jon and Julie Bannon David and Donna Beering Edward Berlin Cathy Bischoff Luanne and Michael Blackburn Christina Blue * Judi and Paul Bosler Ed and Barb Brettnacher Johnny and Roberta Brettnacher Martha and Thomas Brown Andrew Buroker Douglas and Donna Butler Susan Butler Mike and Laura Byron Tom and Joanne Caldwell Jody Carlson Beth and Bob Casselman Thomas Cherner and Lynn Suter Elizabeth Childers Marie Christmon Pam Christy Adam Clevenger Matt and Melissa Davis Tom and Anne Davis John and Annette DeWitt Julie Dixon David and Kay D’Orlando David Dunn Jack and Beverly Dwiggins Ray Edelman * Robin Elmerick Daniel and Elizabeth Elsener Kimberly Everette Carol Everly * Ralph and Mary Everly Stephan and Janet Everly Chris Fausel Michael Feeney Laura Feldman Ron and Dana Feldman Matthew Fitzgerald Wayne Forman Marianna Foulkrod Bruce and Linda Frank Jennifer Frank and Mark Racicot Richard and Denise Frank Angela Franze Lori Beth Goessling * Margaret Graf Catherine Gray Charles and Janet Gundlach Mary Jane Haldeman Mike and Michelle Hanson David Hanssens Steve and Judy Hardin Buck and Julie Hatcher Tim Hawes Sarah Helms * Harry and Susan Hicks Martha Hockett Mark and Kay Jarosinski Mary Jischke Ashley and Andrea Johnson Kenneth Johnson Levester and Jill Johnson Kevin Jones Sapna and Sandeep Joshi Monica Karnatz Dianne Keeler Jim and Becky Kendall Martine Kendall Imad and Fadwa Khadra Amanda and Justin Koushyar Harry and Jill Koushyar Richard and Roxanne Kovacs Jack and Debra Kowal Jill and Raymond Kramer Jim and Carol Landes David and Debra Landrum Dan and Mari Lappin Brian Laskey * Libby Laux Harish and Sudha Lavu Jeff Leber Victor and Grayce Lechtenberg Gary and Katy Lewallen Keith and Cheryl Lillemoe Michael Little Katie Loggins Jerry Lowery Donald and Elaine Lucas Paul and Sarah Lushin Richard Marshall Melanie Maslo Douglas McIntosh Gordon and Cheryl McLaughlin Heather McPherson and Malcolm Smith Brian and Laurie McQueen Cynda and Thomas Mellish Kalpana Merchant Christopher Miller J. Miller Ben Mishkin Dane and Shannon Mize Gerald Mohr Doug Morton Dianne and Robert Murer Michael Murnan Gary and Mary Beth Myers At and Rose Nakeeb Bryanna Nance * Mary Alice Nebold Sarah and Luke Newton * ^ Elizabeth and Stephen Odle Richard and Vicki Ostermeier Nirav N. Parikh Blake and Kathryn Parkins Katy Peat Katherine Pedrotti Hays and Geff Hays Joseph Peri Thomas and Andrea Peters Ronit Phail Haiquynh Hoang Pham Henry and Elizabeth Pitt John Pomery James Poore Karen Powers Amanda and Kevin Preston Read Pukkila-Worley * Josh and Angelia Quinn * Terri Real Randall and Ann Riggs Edward and Wendy Rizzuto Kevin Roche * Michael and Karen Rodman Richard and Sue Roellig Carla Sallee * Doug and Carol Samuelson John and Diane Sautter Dan and Patty Schipp Heidi Schmidt * Jim and Peg Schmidt Brian and Michele Schneider Pete Schu * Karl Schultz Craig and Roberta Seedhouse Chris Serak * Jenny Shea * Paula Shepley Sharon and Pat Sherck Leslie and Stuart Sherman Sue and Darrell Shewmaker Kendrick Sinnock Diana Slater Scott and Tara Smalstig Diane and John Smith Jack Smith Rex and Catherine Souter Bruce and Paula Starek Irene Stevens Judy and Warren Stevenson Ranae K. Stewart Lisa and Jack Stocks * ^ Thomas Sullivan Tina Sullivan Janet Thompson David Thornton Mark and Kathy Tichenor William and Mary Tierney Wayne and Helen Townsend Michael and Melissa Trahyn John and Valerie Trimble Keith Trinkle James and Linda Trippi Douglas Uyeno Stacey Valant Michelle Verduzco Steven and Candiss Vibbert Lilya Wagner Leadership Society member - ^ Mentor Alumni - * Aaron White Andre Wilson Gregory and Kathy Wilson Jessica and Nic Winters * Lisa and Brial Wissman Jill Wohlford Turner and Diann Woodard Bobby and Mary Wright Mansour and Sanam Yazdani Eric and Nina Zinn Nick and Jennifer Zyromski $500 - $999 Chad and Megan Berry Betsy and Dave Bikoff Melissa Boggs Kathleen Clark Sharon Fisher Tom Fitton and Eileen Udry Shelley M. Hunter Greg Maurer Chad and Emily McCullough Marty and Sue Moore Girish Nair George and Joanne Nelson Steve and Julie Reed Mark Rodefeld Christian Schmidt Tom and Jennifer Searcy Jim and Kelly Wendt $1,000 - $2,499 John and Kathleen Ackerman ^ Nelson Alexander ^ John Barnard ^ Aaron and Susan Benson ^ Luc and Janet Chabot ^ Ronald Christian ^ Matthew and Melanie Claymon ^ Andrea and Stephen Cranfill ^ Danny Dean ^ Brian and Katie Dixon * ^ Rebecca Dixon ^ Kevin and Kelly Gartenhaus ^ James and Sandy Gundlach Gary Henriott ^ Martin and Patty Jischke ^ Randy and Rita Keeling ^ Fred and Judy Klipsch ^ Bill and Carolyn Marsan ^ Jerry and Melanie Martin ^ Bill and Jackie Montrie ^ David and Kim Norris ^ Jean and Al Paison ^ Don and Carolyn Palmer ^ Kurt and Jennifer Rasmussen ^ Linda Rohrman ^ Bill Scheller ^ Kevin and Carolyn Schiferl ^ Max and Chris Schmidt Erin and David Slater * ^ Mike and Sue Smith ^ Mark Weir and Marilyn McCombs ^ $2,500 - $4,999 Anonymous ^ Christopher and Carolyn Camut Kristine and Harry Danz Cheryl and Tom Hughes ^ Andy and Jennifer Medley ^ Bill and Mary Reid ^ David and Anne Shane ^ Dennis and Kristi Trinkle ^ $5,000 + Jack Burns ^ Paul and Martha Schmidt ^ Corporate and Foundation Donors $1 - $999 AAA Hoosier Motor Club American Marketing Association Baker Hill, A part of Experian Cardinal Insurance Services Cooper and Associates eTapestry Forum Credit Union Froggy Events GoodSearch Greater Kansas City Community Foundation/ CFLeads Greencastle Rotary Club Greenlight Foundation Hoosier Park at Anderson Independent Forms Services, Inc. Indiana Youth Institute Ivy Tech Community College Joseph David Advertising Katz Sapper and Miller Mission Fish Purdue Employees Federal Credit Union Sam’s Club #6301 Subaru of Indiana Automotive, Inc. Takeda Pharmaceuticals That’s Good HR, Inc. US Bancorp Foundation Vector Consulting Wabash College $1,000 - $2,499 Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Ball State University Betley Foundation Butler University Downtown Optimist Foundation ESG Security Fifth Third Bank FlashPoint Human Resource Consulting Huntington Indiana University Indianapolis Colts IUPUI Kroger Legendary Partners Lincoln Financial Group Foundation, Inc. Locke Reynolds Loyalty Research Center Lumina Foundation for Education NCAA Nestle USA NIPSCO Community Fund of the Community Foundation of St. Joseph County Purdue University RE/MAX Unlimited- The Jeremy Tucker Group Riley Bennett & Egloff Sommer Barnard PC Surrex Solutions Corporation T2 Systems The Eriksen Group, Inc./Keller Williams Realty The Hunt Big Sales Troutman Sanders, LLP University of Indianapolis USA Funds Valparaiso University $2,500 - $4,999 Allied Group Insurance Services, Inc. Ayres Foundation, Inc. George and Frances Ball Foundation Indianapolis Colts The Janus Foundation Journal and Courier/ Gannett Foundation Legacy Foundation, Inc Madison County Community Foundation, Inc. Pilgrim Lutheran Church Benefaction Fund Toyota Motor Manufacturing, Indiana, Inc. Trinity Episcopal Church WXIN-FOX 59/ WTTV-CW4 SGI, Inc. Vectren Foundation Virtual Meeting Strategies Zotec Partners $10,000 - $19,999 Ackerman Foundation Alcoa Foundation CIK Enterprises, LLC Community Foundation of Bloomington and Monroe County, Inc. Dekko Foundation Fifth Third Bank Gannett Foundation/ Indianapolis Star Levin Living Trust The Moore Foundation Staples Foundation for Learning Verizon $20,000 - $29,999 The Clowes Fund Richard M. Fairbanks Foundation, Inc. Ruth Lilly Philanthropic Foundation Twenty-first Century Scholars 30,000 + Ball Brothers Foundation Citi Foundation The Indianapolis Foundation, a CICF Affiliate JPMorgan Chase Foundation In-kind Donors A&E Sports AAA Hoosier Motor Club $5,000 - $9,999 ActionCOACH, Paul Sylvester Archdiocese of Indianapolis Actors Theatre of Louisville School Consortium Address Art The Community Foundation of Allison Hunt Graphic Design Muncie and Delaware County, Inc. Jennifer Andrews, Premier Evansville Courier and Press/ Design Consultant Scripps Howard Foundation Apex Benefits Group, Inc. Dean and Barbara White Family ARAMARK Foundation Amy Armour, Creative Memories Duke Energy Artifacts Finish Line Youth Foundation BadaBoomz Indianapolis Power & Light Barnes & Noble Company BBI Café and Sandwich Bar Junior League of Indianapolis Beads for Needs Kosciusko REMC Operation Ben and Ari’s RoundUp Fund Bertolini’s Mary E. Ober Foundation Best Friends Pet Resort & Salon Mike and Sue Smith Family Fund Denise Bickerton,The Pampered Chef Nicholas H. Noyes, Jr., Memorial Binkley’s Kitchen & Bar Bob Block Fitness Foundation, Inc. Boca Loca Beads Old National Bank Foundation Brenner Luggage Pacers Foundation Brick Street Inn PeyBack Foundation The Putnam County Community Brickyard Crossing Golf Course Bridgewater Golf Foundation Broadmoor Country Club Ronald McDonald House Buca di Beppo Charities - Central Indiana Build-A-Bear Workshop Rotary Foundation of Caesars Indiana Indianapolis, Inc. Carmel Cycling Fitness SABIC-Innovative Plastics Leadership Society member - ^ Mentor Alumni - * Casino Aztar Evansville Jessica Castellanos CBknits Celebrity Kids Photo The Cheesecake Factory Children’s Museum of Indianapolis Christy’s of Indiana Cincinnati Reds Climb Time Indy Coca Cola of Indiana Comedy Sportz - Indianapolis Complete Technology Solutions Cookie Cutters Haircuts for Kids Crackers Comedy Club Andrea Cranfill Crowne Plaza Hotel at Historic Union Station Culver Elementary School, Evansville, IN Curves Cynde’s Shoes Dance Kaleidoscope Day Furs Delaware Community School Corporation Diva Designs DL Lowry Hairspa Boutique Drs. Everly, Hockett, and Everly DyKnow Eagle Creek Golf Club Eagledale Florists Eiteljorg Museum Anthony Eleftheri Embassy Suites Indianapolis Downtown Embassy Suites North Fairway Custom Golf Field of Dreams Fifth Third Bank Forum Credit Union G. Thrapp Jewelers George Thomas Florist Golf Club of Indiana Grand Victoria Casino and Resort The Grapevine Cottage The Great Frame Up Holiday Inn North Holiday World & Splashin’ Safari Hollyhock Hill Hot Box Pizza Cheryl Lind Hughes Incredibly Edible Delites Indiana Fever Indiana Historical Society Indiana Ice Indiana Pacers Indiana Repertory Theatre Indiana State Museum Indianapolis Art Center Indianapolis Chamber Orchestra Indianapolis Civic Theatre Indianapolis Colts Indianapolis Dine Magazine Indianapolis Marriott Downtown Indianapolis Motor Speedway/ Indy Racing League Indianapolis Museum of Art Indianapolis Museum of Contemporary Art Indianapolis Opera Indianapolis Power & Light Company Indianapolis Raquet Club Indianapolis Symphony Indianapolis Zoo Indy Clean Indy Laser Hair Removal Indy Racing League IPS #14, Indianapolis, Indiana IUPUI Community Learning Network Jefferson Elementary School, Winona Lake, IN Jiffy Lube of Indiana Jillian’s Julia’s Day Spa Kerasotes Theatre Showplace 12 - Glendale Mall Kerasotes Theatre Showplace 12 - Traders Point Kerasotes Theatre Showplace 12 & IMAX Knit Stop Kopetsky’s Full Service Car Wash Kroger Lafayette School Corporation Le Peep Restaurant Let’s Dance Club Level 10 Martial Arts College Lifetime Fitness Louisville Science Center Lumiere du Corps Luna Music M&M Collectibles Markey’s Audio Visual Marriott Louisville Mass Ave Knit Shop McCormick & Schmick’s Fresh Seafood Mike’s Express Carwash Mindful Movements Pilates and Spinning Studio Mitchell’s Fish Market Mitch-Stuart, Inc MJ Layne Home Décor & Gifts Moe & Johnny’s Monarch Beverage Morningstar Golf Course Nabisco National Institute for Fitness and Sport NCAA Nestle Inn Noodles & Company David Norris OfficeWorks Organize to Optimize Ossip Optometry PaceButler Corporation Al Paison Jean Paison Panera Bread Paoli Peaks Paramount’s Kings Island Park Place Motors Patora Fine Jewelers Perfect North Slopes The Pewter Man Philips Phoenix Theatre Picture This Picture This Photography Pop Weaver Pottery By You Prairie View Golf Club Purdue University Athletic Dept. Purgatory Golf Club Jennifer Toering Rawe Reeves Transportation Services Robert Goodman Jewelers The Running Company Max Schmidt Scholar’s Inn SGI, Inc. Sherck, Hussey, Johnson & McNaughton Silpada Designs Sterling Silver Jewelry Silver in the City 212 West 10th Street, Suite B260 Indianapolis, Indiana 46202 www.collegementors.org 317.921.1798 design by box64studios.com Sisley Skateland Mike and Sue Smith Soaring Adventures of America, Inc. Somerset CPAs Sourwine Realty Speed Art Museum St. Elmo Steak House Kelly Stephens, box64studios StrollerFit Studio 2000 Salon and Day Spa Subway Surrex Solutions Corporation The Best Chocolate in Town The Runners Forum The Villa Inn-Restaurant-Spa The Hunt Big Sales Theatre on the Square Tiffany & Co. Tom James Company Trace Communications Track Attack Trader Joe’s Dennis Trinkle University of Indianapolis Bookstore Virtual Meeting Strategies WalMart Supercenter #1141 X-Site Laser Tag Yats Cajun Creole Restaurant Yellow Rose Carriages
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