Lesson Plan - La Vita è Bella
Lesson Plan - La Vita è Bella
TEACHERS’ NOTES La Vita è Bella! Bring alive the sights, sounds, aromas and tastes of Italy for your pupils with this easyto-follow series of interactive lessons! They all link together to culminate in a fantastic feast for all the family. Ah yes, the Italians know that it’s the simple things that really make life beautiful – like sharing a tasty, healthy, home-cooked meal! The La Vita è Bella project has seven lessons all about Italian food – its history, its healthy ingredients, how to cook it and the pleasure of sharing it. You can use these lessons over a whole term or as a shorter block linking into literacy, numeracy, ICT and many of the KS2 study programmes for foundation subjects. They’re flexible enough for you to dip in and out of if you want to enhance other learning... or even to create an Italian-themed feast day to enhance community links or raise global awareness. We’ve provided all the resources you need Every lesson plan has a starter activity, a main session and plenary plus extension and homework activity ideas where suitable. As always, we’ve provided lots of supporting materials for you, including an introductory PowerPoint presentation you can show in assembly, interactive whiteboard files to use in lessons, easy Italian recipes, design templates and a little bit of basic Italian vocab to help everyone get into the spirit of the project! Tuck in to this educational buffet! You can run La Vita è Bella from start to finish if you wish... or, if you feel you’ve got a little too much on your plate right now, you can just pick and choose lessons that take your fancy. Like any good Italian spread, you can always come back for more later! What’s on the menu, lesson-wise? In the first two sessions, we’ll be taking you back nearly 2000 years to Roman Britain. The children will be learning about how the Romans lived and, of course, what kinds of things they ate. Then we’ll be coming back to the present day to find out when and why Italians get together to eat – from family celebrations to famous festivals like the Venice carnival, with traditional recipes for your pupils to try as they go along. The Italians are renowned for their love of fresh, healthy ingredients like tomatoes, olives, fruit and vegetables, but what else do they eat? And where does it come from? Finally, and this is totally optional, the children will be putting together everything they’ve learned to create a wonderful spread that everyone can share in. You can hold an in-school Italian feast event that children can invite family and friends to, or you can set them the challenge of becoming head chef at home to reproduce everything they’ve learned in school for their families to enjoy! And that’s it for the overview; now it’s time for the first lesson. Andiamo! lavitaebella.co.uk La vita È Bella lesson: The Romans are coming! The lesson’s aims: o help them understand the influence the Romans had on Britain. T To introduce the children to the concept of the Italian feast. Learning outcomes: ll your pupils know that the Romans invaded Britain and influenced A our society in many ways. Main curriculum link: History, Literacy, PSHE (see curriculum links overview table for others). Resources: Interactive whiteboard: Roman memory game (use in plenary). Map of Rome. Introduction: Explain to the children that they’re going to be starting a fun, new project today. It’s all about Italy, its history, its people and its food – from healthy ingredients to dinnertime traditions – and, at the end of the project, they’ll be creating an Italian feast to share with their families. Yummy! But don’t worry, you can dip in and out of whatever you want, you don’t have to do them all. Then go on to say that today we’ll be delving deep into Italian history… back to the time of the ancient Romans… What do we know about the Romans? Well, we know that they invaded Britain almost 2000 years ago. But who were they? And why did they invade us? What was it like to be a Roman in Britain hundreds of miles from home? What did their families do, wear and eat? What did their homes look like and how were they decorated? From there, move on to look at the lasting influence the Romans had on how we live, work and eat today. Ask the children what, if anything, they already know about the Romans. Create a working wall and add what they know already plus a list of things they don’t know but would like to find out. Did they know that some things from Roman life still play a part in our society today? (These include laws, roads, festivals, calendars, language, alphabet, etc). SUGGESTED Activities: 1. alk about the Roman invasion. Ask the children how they’d feel if their classroom was T taken over by another class or year group. This is how the people living in Britain would have felt when the Romans invaded! If you’ve time try this out by having another class move into your room while you are out. 2. here did the Romans come from? Look at Rome on a map. Talk about how far they W came. How would they have travelled? 3. Split the class into five groups. Get each group to research one of the following aspects of Roman life using books or the internet: • The Roman army • Gods and festivals • Family life • Roman children • Leisure and games Get them to share between 5 and 10 pieces of information with the rest of the class as a presentation in their groups or by asking questions in a hot-seat activity. lavitaebella.co.uk La vita È Bella lesson (continued): The Romans are coming! Plenary: 1. aunch the interactive whiteboard game, get children to take the challenge and read the L Roman facts. 2. hrough research find out more about the Roman gods and which days their festivals T were celebrated on. 3. xplain to the children that, over the years, we in the UK have adopted many Italian E customs or combined them with those from our own culture – like their love of and interest in food, drink, fashion, cars, football and phrases. Give the children some examples of these. 4. he most integrated one of these is food. Most families eat Italian food on a regular basis. T Have a quick class survey. Who has eaten pasta or pizza this week? Extension: Find out about famous landmarks in Italy that date back to Roman times. Homework: The floors of Roman buildings were often richly decorated with mosaics (they were a statement of wealth and importance). The mosaic pictures or patterns were made up of tiny coloured stones called tesserae. (Think of tessellating in maths!) They pictured scenes of history and everyday Roman life and were stuck to the floor with mortar, a type of cement. Each mosaic used thousands of pieces to make a pattern. Challenge the children to design their own mosaic. Give each pupil a squared grid on which to design their mosaic. The squares can either be a single colour (the easy option) or they can be two colours (by splitting each square in half, either straight across or on the diagonal). What will their mosaic portray? A Roman feast? Something they’ve learned about Roman life? Parliamo Italiano! – Italian phrases Buongiorno! Hello and good morning Arrivederci! Goodbye Ciao! Hello and goodbye Buonasera! Good afternoon and good evening Buonanotte! Good night Mi chiamo… My name is… Come sta? How are you? Bene, grazie Fine, thank you lavitaebella.co.uk lesson 1 Notes: The Romans are coming! The Roman invasions in a nutshell The Romans first invaded Britain in 55BC and 54BC as part of Julius Caesar’s plan to extend the Roman Empire (he had already conquered Gaul, or France as we know it today). Unfortunately for Caesar, these invasions were not as successful as he’d have liked. Many of his ships were destroyed and the people who were already living in Britain, the Celts, put up a good fight! Later, in 43AD, the Emperor Claudius thought he’d have a go at invading Britain. This time, four legions of soldiers managed to conquer the southern half of the country. The Romans were fair rulers. They developed Britain by building good roads, setting out towns and making sensible laws. They also introduced many other things – central heating, baths, aqueducts, concrete, place names, drains, Latin – all of which have had an influence on our lives today! Roman religion: The Romans brought their religion with them too. Not only did they believe that their emperor would become a god when he died, they also believed in many other gods. When they conquered more lands, they sometimes adopted some of their gods too! Essentially, they believed that a different god looked after a different part of life, for example: Jupiter - King of the gods Juno - Jupiter’s wife, goddess of women Mars - the god of war Minerva - the goddess of wisdom Neptune - the god of the sea Diana - the goddess of the moon and hunting Mercury - the messenger of the gods Venus - the goddess of love and beauty Mithras - the sun god Cupid - the god of love The Romans let local people carry on worshipping their own gods... just as long as they also worshipped the Roman ones! If people refused to do this they would be punished. lavitaebella.co.uk lesson 1 Notes (continuted): The Romans are coming! Roman mosaics Archaeologists have discovered beautiful mosaic work in the remains of many Roman buildings. They picture scenes of everything from everyday life to special occasions like feasts and festivals to gods and even ferocious dogs to guard the home. Even back in the Roman days it seems that you could buy mosaic designs ‘off the shelf’ or, if you were wealthy, you could have custom mosaics designed especially for you. The little mosaic tiles were called tesserae. They were square and used natural colours. Using little squares to create pictures is a technique still used today... in digital photography, in the pixellated pictures in many art galleries (e.g. some works by Dali)... they’re even used in TV advertising and in sport, when people hold different-coloured cards above their heads to create words and pictures. The Royal Mail issued a set of stamps with designs influenced by mosaics too. A useful website for mosaic information: www.tunisiaonline.com/mosaics lavitaebella.co.uk The ROMANS ARE COMING! lavitaebella.co.uk Appendix: Schemes of work - KS2 Carnival Birthdays Al fresco 1 & 2 Lit. all 12 strands of National Literacy Strategy can be covered a a a a a Numeracy understanding shape mosaics, masks, pizza/pasta a handling data preferences/surveys measuring used when cooking using and applying numbers used when cooking a a a a a a a a calculating preferences/surveys/cooking ICT 3A – text and graphics 3C – introduction to databases preferences/surveys 4B – developing images using repeating patterns 4D – collecting and presenting information 5D – introduction to spreadsheets preferences/surveys Science a a a a a Feast Romans 1 & 2 Curriculum links a a a a a 6A – multimedia presentation a a a a a a a a a a a 3B – helping plants grow well/where food comes from a a a a a a a 5D – changing state a a a 5A – keeping healthy balanced diet/fresh foods 6D – reversible and irreversible changes a a a PSHE Healthy lifestyles Relationships Respect and tolerance a a a a a a a a a a Cit. 5 – living in a diverse world a a RE 6A – worship and community a a a Art & design 3B – investigating pattern mosaics, masks, pizza/pasta, decorations 5B – containers 6B – what a performance roman feast, carnival a a a a a a a a a a a DT 3B – sandwich snacks 5B – bread Hist. 6A – a Roman case study a Geog. 24 – passport to the world a lavitaebella.co.uk a a a