June 01, 2015 Half Moon Bay Yacht Club
June 01, 2015 Half Moon Bay Yacht Club
s Shrine Yacht r Olb Yecti Club ,a Yacit Club s Covo Yacht Club r Bay Yacht Oub y Coa$ Boat Club e8 Mufii-Hull ry Boat Club dn Keys Yacht Oub Shrire Yacht Club As, r Yadt Club ,y Yacfit Club Marina YacIt Club e lsle Yacht Club ria Cruising Oipp€E {a Carcr Yacht Club Cily Yacl* Club /acti club : Y.ctrt As. ,ian Yadt Oub Point Ya.rd Club 'Hryen Yac}|l Oub laylins Yachl Oub iarin8 Yaclt Oub ipods Boats Yacht Club 'ach c;lub Oiwery Bay Yacht Dirq B@t & Fishing Madinq Yachl Club Club Club Mastor Marines Bswd€nl Martinez Yacttt Club McAvoy Ysdt Club M@hs Bay Yadn Oub Metrcpolitan Yacht Club Napa Valley Yeht Club Nodn Bsy Yacm Ctub Oaklend Yscht Club Ox BM Yactil Club Dos Rios Y8cti club Ebony Bost Oub Elkhom Yacht Club Emeryville Y€cht Club Encinal Ysctrt Club Fl@tirE Realy Yacht Club Folsom Lake Yadrt Club Gl6n Cow Yacit Club Gold Courtry Yacht Club GoEs G8t€ Yadn Club Half M@n Bay Yactn Oub Hidden Harbor Yacht Club htlYacfittrE FdMhip of Roiarians San Lea,Em Yadt Club San R8f8el Yacht Club Sanla Cu Yactrt Club Sausalito Crui$tlg Club Ss0slilo Yaciil Club Ses B@ze Yeait Club S€s Ray Bost Oub Sequois Yadi Club Siem Point Yacht Club Single SailoE As. Solano Yacht Club South Bsy Yacht Oub S@th Bosch Yacht Club Mh Leke Tah@ Yec$t Club Sfinnaker Yach{ Club Sportsmn Yacht Club St. Fmncis Yadt Club Stockton Sailing Club Stockton Yacht Club Tah@ Yad[ qub Th€ San Fmnds Yactt Club As. Oysier Poirt Yadn Oub Peniosula Yacfit Oub Petaluma Yacht Club Pittsbulg Yscht Club Point San Pablo Yad|t Club Pod stmldon Yactd Club PEsidio Yacfrt Club lnvem* Yad{ Club lslard Yecht Club Lake Washington Salling Club L.ko Y@mite Sailing As. Litte Voni@ Yadn Oub L@h Lomo.d Yacht Club Los Gat6 Yacht Club Msrin Yacht Club Marina Bay Yad|t Club Marin. Wesi Yactrt Club Marim$ HunieE Poirrt Yaclrt gub Richard$n Bay Yacht CIub RichmoBd Yacht Club River Vl& Yacht Club Ssmmenlo Bay'iner Club smmedo San TibuM Yad[ qub Ydclil Club Bay Ares Nodlc Tug TMr Pa* Yacht Club Trcasre lslend Yacht Club Valoio Yacti Club Mllsoe Wo$ Yacit Club Weber Polnt Yadt Cllb Francis As. S3n Frsncis Shdne Yadt Club San Joequin Yscht Club San Jo$ Sailing Club /,,TEA cruB Pacific Intet-Club Yacht Association Assembly of Delegates Meeting, Half Moon Bay Yacht Club - June 1' 2015 Liz Allison - Commodore The next Delegates/Avrards Meeting will be held Monday, JULY 7ir2075 at Bridge Madna Yacht Club. ff SCHEDULE: Netqro*ing AGENDA: 5 PM Roll Call & Minutes Communications Report of Officets Dinnet Meet"rg - 7 PM Report of Committees Report of Clubs Unfinished Business - 8 PM New Business Matters of Interest Adjournment Commodore T .iz Allison called the room to order zt 7:00 PM. The Invocation was given by Half Moon Bay Yacht Club Vic Commodote Howard \Weise; and the Pledge of Allegiance was led by Half Moon Bay Yacht Club Staff Commodote Harry Ysselstein. Dinner was served. The meeting was called to order at 8:00 PM. Commodore Allison welcomed PICYA Delegates to het home club. She then introduced the Head Table Sergeant atArms, Cliffotd Patk; Secretary/Treastuet, Diana Gentryi Mark Stem and Commodc Half Moon Bay Yacht Club Natalie Stern also Staff Commodore at Oystet Point YC ; Susan Roberts and Vice Commodote, Schoenwisner; Forest BIue and Rear Commodore, Linda Blue and Secretarial Consultanq LyorJo, Myers. Commodore Allison presented the Commodore of Half Moon Bay Yacht Club, Natalie Stem, with a Certificate of Appreciation. Commodore Stern thanked many volunteets that put on the eveflt. She thanked PICYA fot coming to Half Moon Bay Yacht Club. She thanked Rear Commodore Ian McGee for orgatizing the special PICYA tegatta held on Sunday. She also thanked PICYA Commodors T,iz Allison and Vice Commodote Howatd Weis fot scheduling and coordinating the dinner. She then introduced Chef Dan Spangler. Staff Commodores presentwerc introduced by Commodore Allison: 1987 Deddck Dennison;2002-Richatd Clarh 2006Manuel Mieq 2009-\7i11iam Needham; 201O-Reginatd Smith; 2071-I-nda Bteninget; 2013-Fred Rutledge and Jt. Staff Commodore, Lenota Clark. Commodore Allison tecognized the Board of Directors for 2015 present Kate Aguilar; Roger Beebe;'STinston Bumpus, David Camp; Maggte Sabovich; and Peter VanDerlfedf. 1of 5 Adoption of Minutes of May 4,2075 Delegates Meeting and Opening Day Awards. Motion to accept and seconded. MSCUnanimous. REPORT OF OFFICERS Commodo rc Liz Allison - Repoted on the PICYA Youth Regatta held on May 76-776 at Sequoia Yacht Club. The winnets have been announced and will be posted on the PICYA web site. 2Tboats with 25 young sailors were entered. This was a significant paticipant increase. The PICYA Staff Commodore's ftophy was awarded to Encinal Yacht Club fot overall scote. Vice Commodote Erich Schoenvrisner The Opening Day committee was asked to stand and be recognized: Directors: Roger Beebe, Maggie Sabovich, Kate Aguilar, Oavid Camp, and Petet Van DerI7erf{ FIag officers Commodors Tiz Allison, Reat Commodore Tinda Blue, and Susan Roberts. Certificates were presented to individuals and Yacht Clubs who wete unable to attend the May Delegates meeting. The Benham Trophy was presented to Napa Valley Yacht Club. It was accepted by Delegate Maxine Maas. Reat Commodote - Linda Blue The Management Conference will take place on Octobet 24ft. Destination to be determined. The Wheel Chair Regatta will take place on Septemb er 26n. Shits are on sale for $30.00. One third of the proceeds will be used to support the IUTheel Chair Regatta. Delegates were teminded to s1g11up on tle PICYA web site to volunteet to help. Publications Committee Pattie Mangan reported that there are a limited numbet of books still available. She ask for zny additionai information you may -ist to,hroe included or ideas for the next yeatbook please fee+ee to give het a caLl. Sectetaty/Treasurer Diana Gentry provided a report of PICYA's curent financial standing. The report is available upon request. Only one club is Ieft to pay dues. The Opening Day financial infotnation is also available upon request. Audit Committee - Dit. ITinston Bumpus inftoduced the additional members of the Audit Committee: PauI Andetson, Reginald Smith and Diana Gentry. They met at Treasure Island Yacht Club on April 28s. The accounting was teviewed and no iregutadties were found. Recommendations wete provided to the Delegates via e-mail andare included in the attached Audit Committee Report. A motion was made "to accept the submitted audit report and seconded. MSCUnanimous. |unior Staff Commodore Lenora Clatk - On behalf of the Staff Commodotes the Staff Commodore's OD Award was awarded to Vice Commodote Edch Schoenwisner fot a iob well done on the 'Youth in Boating' themed Opening Day. The Nominating Committee has begun looking for individuals interested on being on the board or becoming a flag officets of PICYA. Intetested Delegates should contactJr. Staff Commodote Lenora Clarh Staff Commodote Fred Rutledge, Delegate Mike Fanfa ot Delegate Ed Stetson if they ate intetested in a position. Secretarial Consultant Lynda Myets provided RSVP forns for the July 73,2015 Delegates Meeting being held at Bridge Marina Yacht Club. Delegates were reminded to reserve eady. She also announced she will be away on vacation ftomJune 2 through the 17e. REPORT OF COMMITTEES 2of5 Chair, Ray Holstead asked the Delegates to begin thinking about nominations for the various yeaiy auzards. He introduced the Awards Committee memben: PaulAndetson, Diana Desin, Debrina Madison-Smith, and feel Jack Michael. Please see the Award descriptions and the nomination'guidelines. Please nominate those individuals you is prefered. E-mail deserving. Awatd Nominations - Regional Affaits - Dfu. Maggie Sabovich - The committee is looking for individuals interested in being on the Regional Affairs Committee. Cutrent issues are clubs being closed in theit communities and a project relative to the closure of marinas and their ability to provide fuel to the boats in their r:nar:na. This concerns envfuonmental tequirements that ate so expensive they ate having to close. Please cofltact MKSabovich@yahoo.com. RBOC Report to Delegates of PICYA - Jack Michael the introduction of Jack Michael,2013 RBOC Pres., teported in the absence of RBOC Pres. Gteg Gibeson. To save time, RBOC Past Presidents was suspended. The Legisladve process condnues in Sacramento with RBOC suppotting two Assemblyman Fnzier bills, AB 638 and LB 1323. AB 638 is a follow-on to legislation enacted in the last Session to tequire children under 13 to weat life jackets in boats 26 feet and under. It would require childten under 13 to wear life iackets in boats over 26 feetalso, unless they are in an enclosed cabin with futthet definition of enclosed cabin than that included in last yea/s legislation. RBOC is also supporting AB 1323!nzie), sponsored by the State Lands Commission, which is intended to expedite the removal of madne debris that constitutes a public nuisance or is a danger to navigation, health, safety or the environment. In addition, other bills are being followed by RBOC and please go online to wuQt.rboc.org to see the recent "RBOC Boater Brief'which covers the most recent information of intetest to all boaters. lEip regard to the State Deparunent of Water Resources (DWR) instailation of the lWest False Rivet dtought barrier to keep sali water ftom intuding firrther into the Delta, the barrier is now completed. The Barrier is to be removed by November L5 2075! Altemative rodtes are available which should not be greatburden on boaters ttansiting ftom Bethel Island and Discovery ^ Bay to and ftom the Bay Atea, although it does add a few miles to the trip. RBOC has also been working with the Agticutturat and W'ater Communities/Agencies and the Legislature to secure theit patticipation in funding the ongoing prevention and etadication of water hyacinth and other Delta STeeds. Senatot Kathleen Galglaft has tecendy announced that one million dollan in Federal Agticulture furdirg has been secuted as part of this effort. Up to now it has been only out California Boateds dollars fundi"g this entire effort! "The Richmond Yacht Club has brought concems to RBOC tonight that the deteriorating piling. next to the South Hampton Shoal fuht in San Ftancisco Bay are becoming ahazard when the light is used as a marker for taces. RBOC and the Regional Affafus Committee will be working with the Richmond YC to address this issue." Regattas - Bill Gatgan teported on the I ipton Cup taking place on Jun e 28, 2075. He ask everyone to go back to theit club and try to get mote boats registered. The boats are J 105s, Exptess 27s,J 24s and Cal20's. Let's get out more clubs and make this the "Lipton of the Cenhrry". REPORT OF CLUBS Ebony Boat Club - Robert STillis reminded Delegates of the upcoming J azz and ITine Festival on Saturday, June 6,2075. Half Moon Bay Yacht Club - T"ory Ramsayer - Welcomed everyone to Half Moon Bay Yacht Club. The Youth Program continues robusdy. They have hired a new Hanna to tun theitJr. Progtam and Half Moon Bay Yacht Club is paticiparng in Bay Club events. The receflt Membership drive yielded 109 new membets. Jennifer Celesfte announced Half Moon Bay Yacht Clubs upcoming Labot Day Party on September 6m. The theme is "Gilligan's Island". You may come as a major star, or as a guest stat. Please check the Half Moon Bay Yacht Club web site fot mote information Peninsula Yacht Club - T illi Lee, Cornmodore Peninsula Yacht Club teporting for Delegate Ed Stencil. She annou the sixth annual Sailstice Party being held onJune 20th ftom 3:30 PM to 11:00 PM. There will be a smoking pig as r music and a sunset sail out of Redwood Creek. The cost is $10.00 per petson. The Peninsula Yacht Club is still aliv, still there in the historic tank. They were trying to save it on Historical grounds but that option is not look viable. T could be demolished as early as next year. Options being considered are becoming p^pet club or putchasing aba4 ^ 3of5 o o South Lake Tahoe Yacht Club - Linda Gordon reported that the club now has a building and will be open on June 6. It is located at the Cantina Restaurant on Emerald Road. There will be a membetship drive ftom noon to 3:00 PM. All interested people are invited to attend. Tahoe Yacht Club - BiIl Krevin announced they are the Sponsoing otgantzation for the 42nd Annual Lake Tahoe Concouts dt Elegance being held on August 7 and 8. Please &op by the club if you are in town. On the fust Friday of each month there is always an eveflt. Beginning inJune the club will be open seven days a week. MATTERS OF INTEREST TO YACHTING } Encinal YC June ,2A15 - CHISPA Regatta Closing Remails - Commodlygl iz.Allison announced that and Scotland. - she would be traveling ftomJune 23 tetumingJ"Iy 17m ADJOURNMENT A motion was made and seconded to adjourn. All voted aye. The Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:57 PM. Resp e ctfi rlly sulln itted, Lynda Myets Secretarial Consultant, PICYA fot Liz Allison, PICYA Commodore Delegate Approved Jaly 73, 207 5 Attachment 1 - Audit Report h 4of5 to En was ATTENDANCE HAIF MOON BAYYC First Name Last Name Yacht Club First Name Last Name Yacht Club Clifford Park Alameda YC-Sgt of Arms Linda BIue Petaluma YC Susan Worden Alameda YC-Guest Forest Blue Petaluma YC Diana Gentry Alameda YC* Jack Michael Pittsburg YC Maria Murry Alameda YC* Manuel Mier Presidio YC Erich Schoenwisner AlamedaYC* Lloyd Ritchey Bay View Boat Club Donald Farquharson Richmond YC Dan Louis Ben Ali Shrine YC Paul Anderson San Jose SC Mark Conners Benicia YC Norma Robinson San Jose SC Robert (Bob) Dubois Benicia YC Norm Pennington San Leandro YC David Camp Bridge Marina YC William Gargan Sausalito YC Linda & David Breninger California Carver Club Roy Vinyard Sea Ray BC Leo Weiss Chico YC Winston Bumpus Sequoia YC Mark Lindell Coyote Point YC Michael Fanfa Single Sailors Association Craig Thorson Coyote Point YC Russ Robinson South Bay YC Peter Van der Werff Coyote Point YC Patti Mangan South Beach YC Linda Bendson Delta Marina YC Catherine Reining South Beach YC Vern Bendson Delta Marina YC Gary Gordon South Lake Tahoe YC Norm Pennington Delta YC Linda Gordon South Lake Tahoe YC AI Code Diablo YC Michael Fanfa Spinnaker YC Lenora Clark Ebony Boat Club Jim Haussener Spinnaker YC Richard Clark Ebony Boat Club Lenora Clark Sportsman YC- Robert Willis Ebony Boat Club Wiliam (Biil) Needham St. Francis Fred Rutledge EncinalYC Jim Patrick St. Francis YC Kate Aguilar Floating Realty YC Roger Beebe Stockton YC Wendell Synder Glen Cove YC Dedrick Denison Stockton YC Paul Anderson Golden Gate YC William Krivan Tahoe YC Liz Allison Half Moon Bay YC Debrenia Smith Treasure lsland YC David tJrenrnoer Reginald Smith Treasure lsland YC Mariposa Hunters Point YC Maggie Sabovich Vallejo YC Meeks Bay YC Roger Beebe Village West YC lnternational Yachting Fellowship of Peter Van der Werff Presidio YC YCS. Ray Bierylo Holstead Erich Schoenwisner MetropolitianYC" Dedrick Denison Village West YC Maxine Maas Sabovich Napa Valley YC Mickey Johnson Village West YC Linda & David Breninger Ox Bow YC Walt Vance Ox Bow YC John Maggie Kolanans Oakland YC PAC! FIC INTER.CLU B YACHT ASSOCIATION Audit Report for 2014 June 1,2015 The Records were presented for review by: Diana Gentry, PICYA Treasurer The Audit Committee consisted of: Chair - Winston Bumpus Member - Reggie Smith Member - - Paul Anderson - PICYA Director PICYA Staff - Commodore PICYA Delegate - San Jose Sailing Club We met at the Treasure lsland Yacht Club on the evening of April 28th 2015 to review the financial records for the calendar year 2014. We reviewed the bank statements, receipts and expense vouchers for the twelve months of the year and found no irregularities. The members of the committee commented on how well organized zed the records and information were maintained during the year by Treasurer Gentry. The Audit Committee determined that the Year-end balance for the accounting period was for cash and cash instruments was 583,232.86 The committee made a number of recommendations that include improving the controls on expense vouchers and cash receipts. There was also a proposal to help validate the dues required by member clubs. The Association also has three 1 year certificates of deposit that total over 539,000 and the members of the committee suggest that some of them be placed in a longer term instrument to provide a greater yield for the Association. The treasure asked that the Association look into bonding the treasurer for the good of the Assoeiation and the appointed treasurer. These recommendations were presented in more detail to the Board of Directors of PICYA. Submitted by Director Winston Bumpus, Audit Committee Chair