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Using Identified Particles to study p+p Collisions at 200 GeV Helen Caines - Yale University Joint Workshop on Energy Scaling of Hadron Collisions Fermi Lab April 27th - 29th 2009 Outline • Why study p+p • How PID is done • Min-bias distributions • Jets • Summary Modeling a collision - pQCD ansatz Assume that the calculation is factorizable Parton Distribution Function (non-pert.) LO parton processes Fragmentation Function (non-pert.) Pions K factor NLO parton processes RHIC BKK, Phys Rev D (1995) Helen Caines – Yale University 2 Modeling a collision - pQCD ansatz Assume that the calculation is factorizable Parton Distribution Function (non-pert.) LO parton processes Fragmentation Function (non-pert.) Pions K factor NLO parton processes RHIC BKK, Phys Rev D (1995) p+p collisions “messy” Not all energy involved in the collision Helen Caines – Yale University 2 Quark and gluon FF and PDFs Experimental data from different collisions systems have been fit with the same fragmentation function (FF) The constraints on Gluon FF and PDF are much worse Fragmentation function for Quarks Fragmentation function for Gluons Curves scaled by 1/100 ALEPH all uds-quark b-quark c-quark OPAL OPAL √s=91.2 GeV KKP, Nucl.Phys.B582(2000) AKK, Nucl.Phys.B725(2005) 3-jet events Helen Caines – Yale University 3 Quark and gluon FF and PDFs Experimental data from different collisions systems have been fit with the same fragmentation function (FF) The constraints on Gluon FF and PDF are much worse Parton Dist function for Gluons Fragmentation function for Quarks Fragmentation function for Gluons Curves scaled by 1/100 CTEQ6 ALEPH CTEQ5 all uds-quark b-quark c-quark OPAL OPAL √s=91.2 GeV KKP, Nucl.Phys.B582(2000) AKK, Nucl.Phys.B725(2005) 3-jet events Helen Caines – Yale University 3 Uncertainties on the FF parameterization Recent compilation and error analysis of available fragmentation functions by (KKP,Kretzer, AKK) by Hirai et al. from e+e- data K π p 1.5 gluon 1 2 2 Q = 2 GeV 0.5 0 KKP AKK -0.5 1.5 zD(!++!-)/2 (z) HKNS Kretzer 1.5 s quark u quark 1 2 1 2 Q = 2 GeV 0.5 0.5 0 0 -0.5 1.5 -0.5 1.5 2 c quark 1 0.5 0.5 0 0 -0.5 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 z 0.8 b quark 1 Q2 = 10 GeV2 1 -0.5 2 Q = 2 GeV 2 2 Q = 100 GeV 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 z Large uncertainties at low Q2 Different parameterizations give different fits G. 13: (Color online) The NLO fragmentation functions − + r the pion, z(Diπ + Diπ )/2, are compared with other rametrizations at Q2 =2 GeV2 , 10 GeV2 , and 100 GeV2 . he solid, dashed, dash-dotted, and dotted curves indicate KNS, KKP, AKK, and Kretzer parametrizations, respecvely, in the NLO MS scheme. The HKNS uncertainty bands e shown by the shaded areas. HKNS, PRD 75 (2007) Need better constraints Helen Caines – Yale University 4 RHIC: √s=200 GeV p+p Polarized p+p collisions at RHIC are used to investigate the spin structure of the proton Unpolarized measurements are a crucial part of the RHIC program Inclusive hadron and jet cross section measurements at RHIC add new results to existing data from other accelerators at different energies √s=200 GeV Constrain fragmentation functions: Fits currently dominated by e+e- data Still large uncertainties, especially in the gluon fragmentation functions Significant contribution from gluons in the RHIC regime Helen Caines – Yale University De Florian,Vogelsang, hep-ph 0704.1677 5 Baryons and mesons at RHIC Contribution factor: Ng(i)/ (Ng(i) + Nq(i)); i = π, K, p… At pT = 8 GeV/c: 50% for π 90% for p AKK, NPB 725 (2005) B. Mohanty(STAR), nucl-ex/0705.9053 Helen Caines – Yale University 6 Baryons and mesons at RHIC Contribution factor: Ng(i)/ (Ng(i) + Nq(i)); i = π, K, p… At pT = 8 GeV/c: 50% for π 90% for p CTEQ6M PDF AKK, NPB 725 (2005) B. Mohanty(STAR), nucl-ex/0705.9053 Gluon jet contribution to baryon >> meson at high pT Helen Caines – Yale University 6 Quark and gluon jets Extensive studies into jet properties have been done with e+e- data Gluon jets fragmentation: produces higher multiplicities Helen Caines – Yale University 7 Quark and gluon jets Extensive studies into jet properties have been done with e+e- data Gluon jets fragmentation: produces higher multiplicities produces harder pT spectra Helen Caines – Yale University 7 Quark and gluon jets Extensive studies into jet properties have been done with e+e- data Gluon jets fragmentation: produces higher multiplicities produces harder pT spectra In p+p study: particle vs anti-particle different species Vary gluon vs quark sensitivities: constrain theory further Helen Caines – Yale University 7 The STAR experiment at RHIC TPC and ToF: charged particle contribution EMCal: neutral energy contribution Minbias: Beam-Beam-Counter (BBC) coincidence High Tower: BBC coincidence + one tower (η x φ =0.05x0.05) above threshold: ET >5.4 GeV Jet-Patch: BBC coincidence + EMCal JetPatch (Δη x Δφ = 1x1 above threshold ET > 8 GeV) Helen Caines – Yale University 8 The STAR experiment at RHIC TPC and ToF: charged particle contribution EMCal: neutral energy contribution Minbias: Beam-Beam-Counter (BBC) coincidence High Tower: BBC coincidence + one tower (η x φ =0.05x0.05) above threshold: ET >5.4 GeV High tower and Jet-Patch triggers → NEF FF bias → for jet studies use non-triggered side Jet-Patch: BBC coincidence + EMCal JetPatch (Δη x Δφ = 1x1 above threshold ET > 8 GeV) Helen Caines – Yale University 8 Detectors used : Time projection Chamber (|η|<1.8, full φ and 4.2 m long) Time-Of-Flight (–1.0 < η < 0 and π/30 in φ) Efficiency high and ~const at hight pT Log10(dE/dx) Particle identification: stable particles Low pT : Particle identification by dE/dx and ToF ( pT < 2.5 GeV/c) Log10(p) High pT : Extend particle identification in TPC by exploiting the relativistic rise in ionization energy loss. π, p separation up to p~10GeV/c Helen Caines – Yale University 9 Particle Identification - weak decays Use charged decay channels to identify secondary vertex K0S → π- + π+ Λ →p +π- Ξ- → π- + Λ Ω- → K-+ Λ Invariant mass to identify parent Clean signals over large kinematical range, 0.5<pT<10 GeV/c - limit statistics Low efficiency K0s Helen Caines – Yale University 10 Particle/Anti-particle ratios STAR, Phys Lett B, 637 (2006) 161 STAR, PRC 75 (2007) PYTHIA predicts: flat pT dependence for π−/π+ slightly more prominent pT dependence for p/p even stronger dependence for Λ/Λ Good agreement with current data Data is consistent with gluon jet dominated production - but does not allow strong conclusion Helen Caines – Yale University 11 π cross-section - sensitivity to FF pT reach to 15 GeV/c NLO pQCD calculations (factorization scale µ = pt) with different fragmentation functions AKK, PLB 725 (2005) π Kretzer vs KKP Phenix π0 AKK vs KKP RHIC data now sufficiently precise to be sensitive to different FF Helen Caines – Yale University Simon, SPIN2006,hep-ex/0612004 S. Kretzer, PRD 62 (2000) 12 π0 production at forward rapidity Looking forward to probe the initial gluon densities Inclusive forward π0 production in p +p collisions at 200 GeV also consistent with NLO pQCD calculations Small η: data consistent with KKP Increasing η: data approaches cal. with Kretzer set of FF STAR, Phys.Rev.Lett.97,152302 (2006) No one FF describes all data Helen Caines – Yale University 13 (anti)proton cross-section Baryons notoriously difficult to fit: limited knowledge of FF Albino, Kramer, Kniehl (AKK): use latest OPAL data to calculate light flavor (u,d,s) separated fragmentation functions for the first time AKK (arXiv:0803.2768) _ use BRAHMS p/p ratio as constraint (y=2.95, pT<5GeV/c) Z.Xu, QM 2008 (Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 252001 (2007)) With improved FF baryon - data and theory in good agreement Helen Caines – Yale University 14 Contributions from gluon vs. quark jet Look closer at AKK calculation Compare: Gluon contribution to cross-section Total cross-section • Should see affect for π Helen Caines – Yale University 15 Contributions from gluon vs. quark jet Look closer at AKK calculation Compare: Gluon contribution to cross-section Total cross-section • Should see affect for π At RHIC: Protons dominated by gluon FF π need both quark contribution Helen Caines – Yale University 15 NLO calculations for strange particles First NLO predictions for RHIC energies K0s and Λ by W.Vogelsang (RIKEN) K0s OK but Λ poor AKK (2005) NLO for K0s and Λ - better agreement: constrained shape of Gluon FF to DgΛ = DgP/3 constrained magnitude using by STAR data KKP (2003) vs AKK (2006) DSV (WV) PRD57 (1998) STAR, PRC 75 (2007) Helen Caines – Yale University 16 Kaon FF at forward rapidities STAR: K0s - mid rapidity BRAHMS: K+/- - forward rapidity DSS, PRD76 (2007) Good description of kaons over large rapidity range Helen Caines – Yale University 17 Extrapolating FF at higher energies Fit to 200 GeV (STAR RHIC) and extrapolate to 630 GeV (UA1 SPS) AKK Lines are for µ=2*pT, pT, pT/2 PLB 725 (2005), PLB 734 (2006) Gluon constrained fit for Λ gives good extrapolation Λ UA1 (630GeV) STAR (200GeV) AKK better fit to Λ KKP better fit to K Helen Caines – Yale University 18 Extrapolating FF at higher energies Fit to 200 GeV (STAR RHIC) and extrapolate to 630 GeV (UA1 SPS) AKK Lines are for µ=2*pT, pT, pT/2 PLB 725 (2005), PLB 734 (2006) Gluon constrained fit for Λ gives good extrapolation Λ K0s UA1 (630GeV) UA1 (630GeV) STAR (200GeV) STAR (200GeV) AKK better fit to Λ KKP better fit to K Something still missing in strange hadron description Helen Caines – Yale University 18 PYTHIA description of strange pT-spectra PYTHIA Version 6.3 Incorporated parameter tunes from CDF New multiple scattering and shower algorithms Fails to describe baryons with default parameters Helen Caines – Yale University 19 PYTHIA description of strange pT-spectra PYTHIA Version 6.3 Incorporated parameter tunes from CDF New multiple scattering and shower algorithms Fails to describe baryons with default parameters Necessary to tune: K-Factor (accounts for NLO contribution) Helen Caines – Yale University 19 What about strange resonances ? • Compare PYTHIA 6.3 to published STAR data on φ, K*, Σ* (baryon resonance) PYTHIA 6.3 PYTHIA 6.3 PYTHIA 6.3 PYTHIA 6.3,K=3 PYTHIA 6.3,K=3 PYTHIA 6.3,K=3 Resonance data also need K=3 for good description Helen Caines – Yale University 20 K-factor in LO pQCD How is the K-factor defined? STAR Two definitions: Kobs= σexp / σLO Kth= σNLO / σLO Flavor dependence of K-factor, differing NLO contributions ? For h- it decreases for collision energy •contribution of NLO processes smaller at higher energies Eskola et al Nucl. Phys A 713 (2003) K factor of 3 not unreasonable Helen Caines – Yale University 21 What about non-strange particles ? Good agreement for π with K=1 but not for K=3 proton with 1< K <3 • However only lower pT region measured Need different K factors for different particles! Helen Caines – Yale University 22 Baryon-meson ratios Gluon jets produce a larger Baryon/Meson ratio than quark-jets Cannot describe Baryon-Meson ratio at intermediate pT even with tuned K-factors and/or di-quarks STAR, Phys Lett B, 637 (2006) 161 √s=200 GeV Our “tuned” PYTHIA under predicts B/M ratio at 200 and 630 GeV also fails for p/π at ISR and FNAL: 19-53 GeV (not shown) Helen Caines – Yale University 23 Baryon-meson ratios Gluon jets produce a larger Baryon/Meson ratio than quark-jets Cannot describe Baryon-Meson ratio at intermediate pT even with tuned K-factors and/or di-quarks STAR, Phys Lett B, 637 (2006) 161 UA1 √s=630 GeV √s=200 GeV Our “tuned” PYTHIA under predicts B/M ratio at 200 and 630 GeV also fails for p/π at ISR and FNAL: 19-53 GeV (not shown) Helen Caines – Yale University 23 Baryon-meson ratios p/π Levai et al. discuss importance of RHIC p+p data for large-z part of FF Argue that kT smearing maybe a cause of poor agreement → assign a larger <kT> to proton than π √s=27.4 GeV Modified <kT> Modified FF p/π Default √s=62 GeV pQCD 62 GeV pQCD 130 GeV prediction PRL 97, 152301 (2006) & Z.Xu, QM2008 (p+p Preliminary) Fai, Levai & Zhang, PRL 89(2002) Helen Caines – Yale University 24 <pT> vs particle mass Measured particle spectra over large mass range Mass dependence, but donʼt expect flow in p+p (see Mike on Wed) Nice agreement with phenomenological curve established by ISR (23 GeV) for lower masses Strange baryons and resonances are above the curve Bourquin and Gaillard Nucl. Phys. B 114 (1976) Linear dependence seems a better description at mid-rapidity Helen Caines – Yale University 25 xT-scaling xT = 2pT/√s Works well in e+eat higher xT π K p Cross-section are multiplied by (√sNN )2 factor TPC, PRL 61(1988) ALEPH,ZPC66(1995) ARGUS,ZPC44(1989) Helen Caines – Yale University 26 xT-scaling xT = 2pT/√s Works well in e+eat higher xT p+p or p+p collisions π n~6.5 K p STAR, Phys Lett B, 637 (2006) 161 Cross-section are multiplied by (√sNN )2 factor TPC, PRL 61(1988) ALEPH,ZPC66(1995) ARGUS,ZPC44(1989) n ~ 4 for basic scattering process n ~ 5-8 depending on evolution of structure function and fragmentation function (as seen in data) Suggests transition from soft/hard processes ~pT=2 GeV/c Helen Caines – Yale University 26 mT scaling of identified particles First studied at ISR - In Color Glass Condensate (CGC) picture mT-scaling would be indicative of evidence of gluon saturation No absolute scaling (data shown are arbitrarily normalized) Baryon meson splitting above mT ~2 GeV/c Scaled arbitrarily STAR, PRC 75 (2007) Helen Caines – Yale University 27 mT scaling of identified particles First studied at ISR - In Color Glass Condensate (CGC) picture mT-scaling would be indicative of evidence of gluon saturation No absolute scaling (data shown are arbitrarily normalized) Baryon meson splitting above mT ~2 GeV/c Scaled arbitrarily PYTHIA 6.3 STAR, PRC 75 (2007) PYTHIA and data show similar trends Helen Caines – Yale University 27 mT scaling of identified particles First studied at ISR - In Color Glass Condensate (CGC) picture mT-scaling would be indicative of evidence of gluon saturation No absolute scaling (data shown are arbitrarily normalized) Baryon meson splitting above mT ~2 GeV/c Scaled arbitrarily PYTHIA 6.3 STAR, PRC 75 (2007) PYTHIA and data show similar trends - comes from gluon jets Helen Caines – Yale University 27 K factor - charged multiplicity distribution STAR prelim. data PYTHIA 6.3 STAR prelim. data PYTHIA 6.3, K=3 PYTHIA + simulated trigger and detector acceptance. Probability of high multiplicity events very sensitive to NLO corrections Helen Caines – Yale University 28 Quick aside about Nch measurements How to define Multiplicity ? Definition of Nch experiment dependent (pseudo-rapidity acceptance coverage, correction factors) Helen Caines – Yale University 29 PYTHIA <pT> vs Nch More sensitive observable to compare models to (mini-jet and/or multiple interaction implementations in models) K factor tuned PYTHIA seems to do reasonable job for strange hadrons Helen Caines – Yale University 30 PYTHIA <pT> vs Nch More sensitive observable to compare models to (mini-jet and/or multiple interaction implementations in models) K-factor accounts for increase of <pT> with charged multiplicity K factor tuned PYTHIA seems to do reasonable job for strange hadrons Helen Caines – Yale University 30 Mini-jet production in p+p Mini-jet - “Hardish” parton interaction (included in PYTHIA and HIJING) jets occur in higher multiplicity events produce higher pT final states measure higher <pT> <pT> Njet=2 Nch XN.Wang et al (Phys Rev D45, 1992) dNch/dη Evidence of jet production in high mult. events Helen Caines – Yale University 31 Mini-jet production in p+p Mini-jet - “Hardish” parton interaction (included in PYTHIA and HIJING) jets occur in higher multiplicity events produce higher pT final states measure higher <pT> <pT> Njet=2 Nch XN.Wang et al (Phys Rev D45, 1992) dNch/dη Evidence of jet production in high mult. events Helen Caines – Yale University 31 Hadro-chemistry in p+p events T 171 ± 9 MeV γs 0.53 ± 0.04 r 3.49 ± 0.97 fm ratio p-p √s = 200 GeV STAR Preliminary Statistical model fit OK but not as good as in A+A Canonical ensemble Helen Caines – Yale University 32 Hadro-chemistry in p+p events p-p √s = 200 GeV STAR Preliminary 171 ± 9 MeV γs 0.53 ± 0.04 r 3.49 ± 0.97 fm Canonical ensemble pT>5 GeV/c ratio T Z.Xu, QM 2008 Statistical model fit OK but not as good as in A+A High-pT ratios first step to looking at hadro-chemistry of jet FF Helen Caines – Yale University 32 Hadro-chemistry in p+p events p-p √s = 200 GeV STAR Preliminary 171 ± 9 MeV γs 0.53 ± 0.04 r 3.49 ± 0.97 fm Canonical ensemble pT>5 GeV/c ratio T Z.Xu, QM 2008 Statistical model fit OK but not as good as in A+A High-pT ratios first step to looking at hadro-chemistry of jet FF Some ratios change significantly Helen Caines – Yale University 32 Jet-Finding Algorithm detector Use 4 algorithms • Midpoint-cone • SISCone • KT • Anti-KT GEANT s pythia et ”j particle nt ea “g Currently Pythia+GEANT+reco compared to reconstructed real data so data at “detector” level ts ” je ythia parton “p Jet-Finder Algorithm cuts: pT (track/tower) > 0.2 GeV |vertex-z|<50 cm |ηjet| < (1 –Rjet) 0.05 < Eneutral/Ejet (NEF) < 0.85 Seed-Cut: 0.5 GeV/c (for midpoint only) Compare results from different algorithms - estimate of systematics Helen Caines – Yale University 33 Fragmentation functions MLLA Theory No previous comparisons at RHIC energies available. Measurements at higher √s agree well with theory. CDF Test energy scaling of fragmentation functions. Sapeta&Wiedemann, hep-ph/0707.3494 Helen Caines – Yale University 34 Fragmentation functions MLLA Theory No previous comparisons at RHIC energies available. Measurements at higher √s agree well with theory. CDF Test energy scaling of fragmentation functions. Sapeta&Wiedemann, hep-ph/0707.3494 FF are particle species dependent. Need to study composition of jets and complete event. Helen Caines – Yale University 34 • 1/N jet dN/d ! 1/N jet dN/d ! ξ and z distributions for charged hadrons 2 1.6 SISCone KT Anti-K T 1.4 |ηjet|<1-R 1.8 Pythia 6.4 p-p data Data not corrected to particle level. 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 Preliminary 0.2 1.8 SISCone KT Anti-K T Pythia 6.4 p-p data |ηjet|<1-R 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 Preliminary 0.2 0 1 2 3 4 5 ! (=ln(p Tjet /p TPart ) SISCone KT Anti-K T 10 p-p data |ηjet|<1-R “PYTHIA” = PYTHIA +GEANT -1 10 -2 Preliminary 10 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 1 R=0.4 Simulation 1 10 0 10 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Z 4 5 ! (=ln(p Tjet /p TPart ) Simulation p-p data |ηjet|<1-R 1 -1 10 Preliminary -2 0.6 3 SISCone KT Anti-K T 10 0.5 2 30 <Jet pTreco< 40 GeV/c 1/N Jet dN/dZ 20 <Jet pTreco< 30 GeV/c 1/N Jet dN/dZ 2 1.6 1.2 -3 2.2 -3 10 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 Helen Caines – Yale University Reasonable agreement between data and PYTHIA+GEANT. 35 1 Z SISCone KT Anti-K T 1.8 1.6 Pythia 6.4 p-p data R<0.4 1.4 1/N jet dN/d ! 2 1.2 2.2 2 1.8 SISCone KT Anti-K T Pythia 6.4 p-p data 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 1 0.8 |ηjet|<1-R pTtrack > 0.2 0.6 0.4 Preliminary 0.2 0 1 2 3 2.2 2 0.8 0.6 0.4 Preliminary 0.2 4 20<pTreco<30 GeV/c 1/N jet dN/d ! 1/N jet dN/d ! Charged hadrons ξ for different R and jet pT SISCone KT Anti-K T 5 ! (=ln(p Tjet /p TPart ) Pythia 6.4 Data not corrected to particle level. 0 1 2 3 4 30<pTreco<40 GeV/c 5 ! (=ln(p Tjet /p TPart ) p-p data 1.8 “PYTHIA” = PYTHIA +GEANT 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 R<0.7 Preliminary 0.2 0 1 2 3 4 Preliminary 5 ! (=ln(p Tjet /p TPart ) Agreement similar between PYTHIA and data for both radii. Helen Caines – Yale University 36 ξ for K0s and Λ Midpoint cone, pT hadron>0.5 GeV/c, K0s and Λ effic. corrected 10<Ejet<15 15<Ejet<20 20<Ejet<50 R<0.4 R<0.5 R<0.7 FF shapes different for h±, K0s and Λ Helen Caines – Yale University 37 Mean of ξ distributions PYTHIA predicts particle mass ordering of mean ξ value h± > K0s > Λ /p Helen Caines – Yale University Mean of ξ distributions PYTHIA predicts particle mass ordering of mean ξ value h± > K0s > Λ /p Not observed in STAR data h± > Λ > K0s (need to check contamination) R<0.4 [M. Heinz, Hard Probes 2008] Helen Caines – Yale University Mean of ξ distributions PYTHIA predicts particle mass ordering of mean ξ value h± > K0s > Λ /p Not observed in STAR data h± > Λ > K0s (need to check contamination) R<0.4 Nor BABAR e+e- √s=10.54 GeV (F. Anulli, Trento 2008 [arXiv:0804.2021v1] ) h± > K = p [M. Heinz, Hard Probes 2008] Helen Caines – Yale University 10 1 15<pTjet<20 GeV/c, |ηjet|<1-R (R=0.7) 10 Charged particles 10 Jets Transverse Max Transverse Min Min-Bias -1 10 -2 10 All data raw -2 1/N 1/p T dN/d "d! pT 1/N 1/p T dN/d "d! dp T pT spectra in jet, UE, Min-Bias event K0s Jets Transverse Max -3 Transverse Min Min-Bias -4 10 Preliminary -3 10 -4 -5 10 10 -5 10 -6 10 Preliminary -6 10 -7 10 -8 10 0 2 4 6 8 Particle p -2 T 10 (GeV/c) 2 4 6 Λ Jets Transverse Max Transverse Min -3 10 -4 10 (GeV/c) ⊼ Jets Transverse Max Transverse Min -3 Min-Bias -4 10 -5 -5 10 10 Preliminary -6 T -2 10 Min-Bias 10 10 0 8 Particle p 10 1/N 1/p T dN/d "d! dp T 1/N 1/p T dN/d "d! dp T 10 -7 10 0 2 4 6 8 Particle p T 10 (GeV/c) Preliminary -6 10 0 Helen Caines – Yale University 2 4 6 8 Particle p T 10 (GeV/c) 39 Summary • • • RHIC p+p data are extensive and can be used to constrain models Although the (OPAL) light-flavor separated measurements in e+e- collisions provided significant improvement of FF for baryons and strange particles there is still more detail required p+p data provides a unique tool for understanding gluon vs. quark jet contributions • Baryon to meson ratios • Splitting of high baryon-meson mT • mT(xT)-scaling in show that hard processes (related to PDF and FF) dominate over soft process for minbias collisions starts at pT ~ 2 GeV/c • PYTHIA • Reproduces the rise in <pT> of strange hadrons with Nch • • • Describes the charged hadron ξ and z distributions at √s=200 GeV Cannot describe all the p+p data with a common K-factor Particle pT spectra are significantly softer out of jet cone compared to in jet cone, those of UE are close to that of Min-Bias triggered events. Helen Caines – Yale University 40
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