Featured Pets Saturday, May 14


Featured Pets Saturday, May 14
Safe Haven - A Humane
Society for Jo Daviess County
Volume 17
Number 1
Winter 2016
Saving just one pet won’t change the world...but surely, the world will change for that one pet.
In this Issue:
From the Shelter Manager...........2
Featured Volunteer.........................2
Open Position on Board...................... 3
Annual Meeting/
Volunteer Dinner............................ 3
Pars for Paws Golf Outing............ 3
Birdies for Charity............................. 3
Saturday, May 14
Mailbag...................................................... 4
Greeting Cards for Grooming...... 5
New Vehicle Needed..................... 5
Paw Tree................................................. 5
Thanks Yous............................................ 5
Pars for Paws....................................... 6
In Memory/Honor of Gifts.............7
Safe Haven Wish List.....................7
Pet Adoption Fair 12 to 6 pm \ T-Shirts Available \ Live Music
Donating has never been this easy. Help us support Safe Haven Humane Society
and stop in the Brewery for a pint or two - every beer helps a pet!.
For more information visit: galenabrewery.com
Cumulative Stats................................ 8
Featured Pets
Upcoming Events................................. 8
Membership/Donation Form............ 8
All donations
are tax-deductible
When Comet looks you in the eyes you
fall in love instantly. Comet is a very sweet,
loving dog that just wants to play. He gets
along with other dogs his size, but is too high
energy for small dogs and small children and
he does not get along with cats. Comet has
been at the shelter with us since November
4 and he is ready for his furever home.
Purrscilla has been with us at the shelter
for over a year now. Purrscilla is such a great
girl! She loves people! She likes to cuddle,
play, and talk to you! Playing with toys is
her absolute favorite! She can play with
you or she is very good at keeping herself
entertained. She likes to chat with everyone
when they walk by. She does have to go to a
home where she is the only cat.
Safe Haven is a non-profit organization supported entirely by community donations.
From the Shelter Manager
Shedding (no pun
intended) the light
on taking in new
animals at Safe
owner surrenders. It is difficult for these dogs
at first to adjust to this living arrangement,
but dogs are amazing animals and usually
make that adjustment quickly. If you have to
be in a shelter, this is a good place to be. We
have the beautiful fenced yards and they just
Dog Transfers
love being outside and having that freedom
The end of last
to run and play.
year and the
beginning of this year continue to be busy
Missing Dogs
with adoptions and that is a good thing.
We often get calls from people looking for
We are actually in a position right now that
their missing dogs and we always have to tell
we need more dogs. Many shelters in the
them that they need to contact Jo Daviess
Midwest take transfers from overcrowded
Animal Control. Many of you are probably
shelters in the Southern States. The fact is
not aware that Safe Haven cannot take in
we are doing a very good job of spaying and strays. Jo Daviess County has a contract with
neutering here in the Midwest, but that is
Dubuque Humane Society to take all of
not the case down south and their facilities
the stray dogs they get in this county. So if
are overcrowded and they do have to make you are missing your dog, please contact Jo
room for new dogs. When that happens we Daviess Animal Control.
hear from them. If we have room, we take in
Stray Cats
some of the dogs to save them.
Yes, we have a huge problem in this county
Dog Surrenders
with stray cats. This is a farm community,
We evaluate all dogs that are owner
farms all have cats and the cats wander off.
surrenders and can only take dogs that we
They often end up on your porch or in your
feel are adoptable. We have taken in many
garage or out buildings. They are looking for a
better life. Some of you are gracious enough
to take in these cats/kittens and then we get
the calls to take them. This is where it gets
complicated. Feline Aids and Feline Leukemia
are contagious, fatal diseases. Therefore, all
cats/kittens must be checked for Feline Aids/
Leukemia and that test must come out
negative before we can take them into our
facility. Unfortunately, cats and kittens take
much longer to adopt here at Safe Haven.
So, if you have a cat or kitten that has a
negative test result for Feline Aids/Leukemia,
you may be able to bring that cat/kitten in
to Safe Haven. It all depends on whether we
have room or not. We were very fortunate
to find several cats homes for the holidays,
so we were able to take in quite a few cats
and kittens this month. We are very happy
to say that some of them have already found
Hope this clarifies some of the issues of
taking in animals at Safe Haven. It was
enlightening for me!
In a perfect world, all animals would have
good homes and be treated with respect, but
that day hasn’t come yet.
Featured Volunteer - Chuck Horton
Chuck Horton is our carpenter volunteer.
Our Shelter Manager, Sue Nicolini, knew
Chuck from her business Moon Valley
Pet Lodge. Chuck used to board his dogs
with Moon Valley for years. Chuck was
an animal lover and great guy so when
we needed carpentry help at the shelter,
Sue contacted Chuck. Chuck came to
our rescue and installed our new dog
guillotine doors, our new back door and
now he is helping us with our grooming
room project.
Who’s Who at Safe Haven:
Sue Nicolini................................................ Shelter Manager
Monica Gilmore.....................................Graphic Designer
Our Mission At Safe Haven:
Safe Haven’s mission is to provide a haven and
treatment for adoptable cats and dogs, place them
in suitable homes, increase awareness of the humane treatment of animals and promote spay and
neuter programs to reduce the overpopulation of
cats and dogs in Jo Daviess county.
Shelter Hours:
Monday - Saturday 10 am - 3 pm
Closed Sunday
Chuck and Karen currently have one dog
- Roscoe, a Blue Heeler/Border Collie Mix.
They take Roscoe on camping trips in the
summer months. Chuck admitted that he
has separation anxiety from his dog Roscoe,
when he has to be away from him.
Chuck runs a carpentry business, Artisan
Contractors out of Galena, Illinois. Chuck
met his wife, Karen, in Galena 14 years ago.
Chuck’s wife, Karen is a Mennonite and they
are service driven so Karen and Chuck are
a perfect match - they both believe helping
others is one of the things you do.
Chuck has been a volunteer all of his life.
In his younger days he managed to get
himself into trouble by saving damsels in
distress. Now he focuses his attention on
helping out areas that are devastated by
weather catastrophies. He volunteered his
carpentry assistance in Oklahoma after the
tornado there, and also after Katrina. He
has worked with and adopted from the
North Carolina SPCA.
company, Artisan
does a pay it
forward every
October and
before the
holidays. For all the carpentry jobs they get
in this time frame that are under a certain
dollar amount, they offer their services and
materials at no cost. They do not bill their
clients and they don’t tell them how much
the job would have cost. All they ask is that
these people then pay it forward by paying
off someone’s layaway at Walmart. They tell
their clients, to “just pick a random name
and pay off the layaway.” They average
about a dozen of these every year.
Chuck grew up in South Carolina with five
sisters and no brothers. They were really
poor and he understands how difficult it is
for a family to feed their family and pay off
their layaways. “You need gifts, but you need
Seeking to Fill Open Positions on the Board of Directors
Active members, at any level of support,
are invited to consider joining the Board
of Directors at our annual meeting in May.
It can be a rewarding experience and
directors play an active role in the life of Safe
Haven. Aside from helping the operation in
various ways, a major role is supporting our
varied fund raising activities. Directors also
attend regularly scheduled meetings to plan
for future events and make decisions on
improvements in operations and on major
Directors are asked to serve a three year
term to provide continuity of direction. If
you are interested please send a note to
petinfo@aeroinc.net and a member of the
nominating committee will contact you.
Annual Meeting / Volunteer Dinner
Friday, May 20, 2016 5 pm- Elizabeth Community Building
The annual meeting allows our members, volunteers and interested visitors to hear reports
about your humane society’s 2015 activities, vote on board members and to celebrate
Plan on joining us for chili supper and animal lover fellowship. If you plan on attending, please
call the shelter at 815-858-2265 or email petinfo@aeroinc.net.
See you there!
Birdies for Charity “Chip in for your chance to win”
Sunday, July 24
“Pars for Paws” Golf
Outing at Woodbine Bend
Stay tuned for more detailed information,
but be sure to mark your calendars and
invite your friends for this important
Continued from previous page…
to feed your family too. There are always
people less fortunate than you. These kinds
of things are really important to me.”
Chuck has helped out every time we called.
He is an avid animal lover and an all around
great guy. Chuck believes the real heroes
are the ones working at the shelters and a
true volunteer does not look for recognition.
Well, Chuck, you have volunteered and
worked at the shelter, so we want to
recognize you for that and thank you.
We couldn’t do what we do here without
our volunteers. Anyone interested in
volunteering at Safe Haven can go to our
website and fill out a volunteer application.
As you can see, we can use all kinds of
volunteers - not just dog walkers.
The Birdies for Charity program is sponsored by the John Deere Corporation in conjunction
with the John Deere Classic golf tournament and provides a fun way for you to take a
chance on winning and also to make a donation to your favorite charity, Safe Haven.
The basic idea is that you contribute a penny for each birdie that is made by the players.You
can also contribute a fixed dollar amount of any size. On the odd chance you actually guess
the correct number of birdies, you could win a very nice prize, and maybe a new automobile.
Stay tuned for more information and pledge forms coming to your mailbox later this spring.
Last year the following people all took a chance on winning and as a result Safe Haven was
able to add $2,852 to our operating budget. We hope for an even better participation this
Daniel & Midge Anderson
John & Jane Klinkner
Arthur & June Jakl
Jean & Tom Wiedman
Mary & Brian Brandt
Paul & Judy Chiarelli
John & Kay Day
Lynn & Steve Krause
Ron & Lisa Ryan
George & Audrey Bilek
Larry Carmichael Sue Nicolini
Steven & Elaine Paulson
Thomas & Marcia Samocki
Debra Sexton
Helen Regnier
August Comella
James & Ruth Henry
Sue Roberts
Kathleen Stines
Marilyn & Hans Stucki
Judy Wilcox
Judy Glew
Steve & Wendy Meyer
Lorelei Mitchell
Brian & Lisa Schoenrock
Lavonna Cheeseman
Nancy Willett Marie Wright
Ann & Terry Boyle
James & Pauline Cox
John & Nancy Danico
William Gehrts
Boyd & Marcy Meyer
Gaylord & Starr Novak
Mary Wilson
Janine & Jack Zane
Helen Kilgore
Mel & Sandy Pearson
Mary Ann Thorson
Jennie Cliff
Ron & Carol Ericson
Jo Smith
Bob & Sheila Zink
It’s Ted Estrup, I just wanted
to send you an update of Bella (Fiona).
She loves to take naps and pick on Casey a
We love hearing lot, but they sleep like a ball,together. Casey
will be 17 in December and Bella just turned
how our dogs and cats are 5 this past September. She’s maybe made
doing in their new homes. 2-3 accidents since I’ve gotten her, She is the
greatest little girl in our life right now. Mail Bag
Please write and
let us know how
Thank you again, Ted Estrup
they are doing.
Koko, as she is now
named, is doing very well. I had friends visit
last weekend and she was very charming,
polite and fun. Her playfulness following the
ordeal makes me very happy for her. She is
developing a good sense of humor as well.
We could not be happier and will always
appreciate the kindness and love that you
all showed her. I will be bringing her by for a
visit sometime soon.
improving as I become a bit more firm with
her. She understands yet does fail, and at
times right after I have had her outside. If you
know of a trainer who can help me on this,
please let me know.
She is still having a few accidents but it is
Bob Jones, Jones Business Solutions, LLC
Kissa says I love my new home
and my new brothers!!!
Just letting you know Bingo is doing
great. He loves to ride in the car and is
wonderful with the grandkids! Thank you
for bringing him to Safe Haven
This weekend we thought we were losing
our minds. We kept hearing the front door
moving and the dog would be standing
outside trying to get in. My dad heats with
wood and we discovered the little stinker
was climbing the giant wood pile and
opening the wood chute and climbing out.
Needless to say it now also locks from
the outside. He’s wonderful...very smart,
immediately made himself at home and zero
This picture is of Bingo meeting my son.
Needless to say they hit it off well. Cale was
laying on him reading a book at one point.
Angus (Niko) has settled
in to our home - and our hearts - perfectly!
He loves to snuggle with his new brothers,
particularly Henry, our blind ginger kitty. He’s
also taken to bossing around the dogs like
a pro! He is so laid back and chill. We just
adore him! We’re so grateful for what you do
for the animals!
Angie Petit Lichter
We adopted Lily in
August. She is doing great! She loves to play
fetch with a ball and loves to chase squirrels!
We love her very much.
Ken & Marcia Thompson
2015 Paw Tree
Greetings Cards for our Grooming Room
Lots of beautiful handmade greeting cards for any occasion are at the shelter.
Proceeds from the donations received from these cards will go directly to
our grooming room renovations. Pick out your card(s) and drop a donation
in the donation jar. If you are a card maker and would like to donate, please
drop your cards off at the shelter. Thank you for supporting our Greetings
for Grooming fundraiser.
Replacement Vehicle Appeal
Safe Haven has a 1999 Suburban with
220,000 miles on it that we use for all of our
transportation needs.This vehicle has served
us well, but unsurprisingly maintenance costs
are rising and we believe in the interests of
our employees and the animals we regularly
transport we need to replace it in 2016.This
will be a major expense for Safe Haven and we are looking for help with this big purchase.
We don’t believe we need a new vehicle, simply a reliable one that fits our needs of
transporting animals safely from where we receive them and back and forth to the
veterinarians. We are looking for a reliable, safe, used van or SUV. If you know of one that fits
this bill, please contact the shelter.
We need donations towards this major expense. So, if you are able and would like to help us
continue our work here, please send your donations to: Safe Haven.You can send donations
in any form but be sure to include with your donation that it should go toward our vehicle
purchase.You may also make a donation on our website: www.safehavenforpets.org via Paypal.
Be sure to indicate in the notes that this is for the purchase of the replacement vehicle.
As always, thank you to everyone that continues to support Safe Haven. It is all because of you
that we are able to save and find good homes for many cats and dogs throughout the year.
Thank You’s
Sponsors of our Gazette Pet Ad: Timp Landscaping and Hahn Quarry
A big thank you to the students of Susan Lipnick Piano Studio that agreed
to “Piano Practice Pay it Forward”. For a month the students exceeded their
weekly piano practice minutes to raise $200 for the shelter animals at Safe Haven.
Thanks Elliott Blaum, Sabine Blaum, Anne Cocagne, Ari Nottrott, Eve Nottrott, Luz
Schwalb, Jenna Smith, Mason Smith and Susan Lipnick!
Right: Alicia Sigafus of Precise Palette Designs for auctioning off your adorable
“Merry Christmas Pallet” to benefit Safe Haven. The winning bidder was Connie
and Tim Maupin. They wrote a check to Safe Haven for $100 dollars and they
donated the sign to Safe Haven. Thank you for adding magic to our holiday! The
doggies and kitties send you lots of hugs and kisses from Safe Haven.
The Holidays are always a joyous time
of the year and it is especially joyous for
all of us here at Safe Haven. This year the
Paw Tree was a huge success thanks to
everyone who donated items. The Paw
Tree was up for six weeks and during that
time donations were constantly flooding
in. Safe Haven is always busy caring for
and placing animals in loving homes so
donations are always appreciated. All the
donations that we received, big or small,
will be put to great use. Again, thank you
to everyone who contributed donations
to the 2015 Paw Tree. Seeing all of these
donations truly made my heart smile.
The cats and dogs have been busy playing
with their new Christmas goodies! Be
sure to check out our Amazon wish list
for donations that we are always in need
of. All donations from Amazon can be
shipped directly to us here at Safe Haven.
Wishing you a safe and healthy New Year!
Taylor Brown
The History Of Safe Haven Humane Society
*With excerpts from a Prairie Advocate article written by Michael Miller
Back in 1996 Safe Haven started out as a not-for-profit when two people met in a fateful encounter. Cheryl Lange took a
wrong turn in Elizabeth when she met Penny Heidenreich and this was the start of a humane society in Jo Daviess County.
The two almost instantly became friends, Heidenreich helped Lange care for a mother cat and kittens that Lange had found
living in a drainage ditch they found they felt the same way about animals. They discussed the need for a humane society in Jo
Daviess County and in 1997 decided to officially make a go of it.
In a letter to the editor of the Gazette, Lange called attention to the problem of pet overpopulation in Jo Daviess County.
It started with a meeting of six people and soon grew to group of 25. A name was chosen and founding legal work started.
The group was incorporated and a board and committees were chosen. With help from several individuals including Friends
Forever Humane Society in Freeport the group obtained it’s not for profit (501(c)(3) status, which is a complex process.
The society moved forward with its first adoption in August of 1998. With no building, Safe Haven utilized foster homes to
house its dogs and cats for nearly a decade. Selfless dedicated individuals did the hard and poignant, yet ultimately rewarding,
work of opening up their own homes to animals that had been abandoned or neglected.
Dedicated animal lovers hosted fund raisers to purchase a building site. In 2006 that dream became a reality with the sale of
the current building at 1471 US Hwy 20 W to Safe Haven. The owner was hesitant to sell the building to many others, but
being an animal lover she had a soft spot for Safe Haven’s mission and agreed to sell the building to Safe Haven. Many years
of fundraising for the building fund allowed Safe Haven to purchase the building and make the extensive renovations so that it
would be the temporary home for unwanted or homeless cats and dogs. In fact, the gala dinner that raised the most money
was “The Gimme Shelter Gala”. A loyal Safe Haven donor matched all of the dollar donations and this was the event that
allowed the new building to be renovated to shelter cats and dogs.
Like any charitable organization, financing is an ongoing and vital concern. Safe Haven faces the constant challenge of having
enough income to meet operating expenses. No funding comes from the county or state; all income is derived from private
donations, adoption fees, and fund raising events.
Our major fundraiser for the year is our Gala event, started in 2000. Currently we hold our gala dinner in November, but it has
occurred in other months of the year in the past.
There is much to be proud of for the host of many stalwart board members, employees, volunteers and most of all the loyal
members and donors who have supported us over the past twenty years. Safe Haven has seen unprecedented success in
achieving its goals. To date, Safe Haven has found loving homes for 938 cats and 802 dogs. It bucked the odds of creating and
sustaining a successful humane society in Jo Daviess County. The support of the Jo Daviess communities and the many donors
from outside the area who continue to contribute from all over the nation has made all of Safe Haven’s advances possible.
Thank you for your support!
Safe Haven…where pets are happy, safe and loved while waiting to be adopted
The animals depend on you. Remember Safe Haven in your will.
Your monthly donation of $10 or more helps to defray the costs of one of our cats or dogs in the shelter. We
have made it even easier by now accepting credit cards.We can automatically charge your donation every
month.You may terminate the charges anytime by notifying us. Please join these regular contributors.
John & Shirley White
Carol Honeywell
Mittie Denherder
Bob & Lu Douglas
Mary Steele
Glenda Miller
Cheryl & Scott Lombardo
Lisa Edwards
Christine Denino
Janet Joy and Gracie
Bill & Betty Kolacek
Bernie & Mary Carol Harris
Terri & Bill Slaughter
Lois Lauber
Myra Linton
Midge & Dan Anderson
Helen Reed
Diane Wedgworth
Kay Bertholdt
Kari Jones
Cathy Dorwick
Ken Van Horn
Barbara Lucas
Jordon Johnson
Tina Frey & Andrew Bugyls
Kay & John Day
Clarence & Karen Hutchings
Kitty Buske
Paul & Judy Chiarelli
Mel & Sandy Pearson
John & Jane Klinkner
Bennett & Jacqueline Franzen
Dixie Wand
Karen & Larry Gorczowski
Richard & Karen Jasper
Susan McBride
Isa Magsamen
Marie Wright & Nancy Willett
Pat & Linda Malia
Lorelei Mitchell
Jeni Pearce
Joan McGowan
Debra Huso
Pete & Lisa Brennan
Mary Ann Thorson & Sharon
Gary Clark
Rose Magee
Nancy Thompson
Julie & Jerry Moore
Becky Pierce
Brian & Mary Brandt
Kitty Behof
Linda Enders
Kelly Jamison
Michael & Elizabeth Krotiak
Edith Duncan-Eichmeier
Bruce & Michelle Hassis
Wanda Honerbaum
Jo Smith
James & Doris Truair
Traci Schmitt
Joe Avila
Judy Decker
Jamie VanRaalte
Nancy Buening
Mary Herburger
Sam & Lynda Smith
Douglas Troutman
Juanita Cox
Otis, beloved family member of Aundra
and Dennis Shields given by Mittie Den
Sally Reifsteck given by Dick Reifsteck
In Memory of......
Magic, much loved dog of Kay & John Day
given by Paula Havranek
Miss Magic Day. she was an awesome
girl. given by Love Esther, Brian, Annie
Sara Williams given by Kenny & Myrna
Magic, John & Kay Day’s truly “Magical” dog
given by Joyce Lucke
In loving memory of my friend Sally
Reifsteck given by Joyce Lucke
In Honor of......
In honor of Lily Dickerson given by
Jane Newton
Chiarkis-Olingy Family – Merry
Christmas given by GingerGrosshans Family
Jackie Bryson given by Sandy Reuter
Terry Tarkett and Tina Berube
given by Fallon Oldenburg
In appreciation of Gail DeMoss for
Lorraine Haas given by Dennis
always being so helpful and caring every
Willie Enders given by Christine Lawlor;
time we’re in her store in Galena, given
Margaret Behnkendorf; Linda Enders
by Linda & Tom Christensen plus Holly,
Chuck Kveton given by Jeanne Lecker
Kensi & Kimber
Lu Griffin given by Kathy Kramer
Donald Prentiss given by Kimberly Shaw;
Edward Freeman, miss and love you
Grace and John Haydon; Charles Henning; Merry Christmas to Joel Spector
given by Marleen Trader
given by Sandy and Jenny
Susan More
Wish List
• Gift cards from Staples Menards, Farm & Fleet and Walmart
• Cat Litter
• Durable Dog Toys
• Paper Towels
• Anything off of our Amazon Wish List - if you are an Amazon Prime Member, you can order most items off of our Amazon
Wish List with no shipping charges. We keep our Amazon Wish List fairly current. Be sure to be a Smile.Amazon member and pick
Safe Haven Humane Society of Jo Daviess County as your Smile charity. We get a portion of all sales when items are purchased through
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Dubuque, Iowa
Permit #459
1471 U.S. Highway 20
Elizabeth, Illinois 61028
Your address label at the right contains the date
your membership is due.
Is it time to renew your membership?
If so, please do it today by using the form below.
Thank You
Cumulative Adoption Stats:
Dogs: 802 Cats: 938
~ The animals depend on you…Remember Safe Haven in your will ~
Membership Application
Donation Form
$______ Endowment Fund
Spay/Neuter Fund
$______ Other _____________
Sponsor-A-Pet ($10 or more)
Memorial Gift in honor of __________________________________
• May 14 - Maifest - Galena Brewery
- adoption fair and $ donation from
Galena Brewery
• May 20, 5 pm - Elizabeth
Community Building - Annual
Meeting and Volunteer Dinner
Street Address
• July 24 - Golf Outing Woodbine Bend
Cell Phone
Email Address
• Sept - Chukkers for Charity
Payment: Check (enclosed)
Credit Card:
Credit Card Number
• Oct 1 - Galena Lions
Club Oktoberfest Safe Haven Adoption Event
Expiration Date
Authorized Signature
• Nov 5 - Gala Dinner “
A Night for Paws” Woodstone, Eagle Ridge
Check this box if you want your donation to be anonymous.
Make Checks payable to: Safe Haven
Send form and payment to: Safe Haven
1471 U.S. Highway 20
Elizabeth, Illinois 61028