Musiker zum Mitnehmen - Stadtbücherei Heidelberg


Musiker zum Mitnehmen - Stadtbücherei Heidelberg
Musiker zum Mitnehmen
Das CD- und DVD-Angebot der Bibl
zum Festival 2013
Enjoy Jazz – auch zuhause!
Vom 2. Oktober bis zum 16. November gibt es in Mannheim, Heidelberg und Ludwigshafen beim
15. Internationalen Festival für Jazz und Anderes wieder jede Menge Musik aus den Bereichen Jazz,
Weltmusik, Ethnopop oder Crossover zu hören. Viele international bekannte Namen sind dabei,
wie Brad Mehldau, John Scofield oder das Esbjörn Svensson Trio, aufstrebende deutsche Künstler
wie Jazzpianist Michael Wollny, regionale Größen wie der Pfälzer Claus Boesser-Ferrari oder die
Mannheimer Combo Mardi sowie neue Talente wie Hayden Chisholm (SWR Jazzpreis
2013) und Sandi Kuhn (Landesjazzpreis Ba-Wü 2013). Ergänzt wird das vielfältige Programm durch
literarische Abende, wo die Musik kombiniert wird mit Lesungen von Anna Maria Sturm und
Matthias Brandt oder durch moderne Live-Musik zum legendären Murnau-Stummfilm Nosferatu.
Und wieder kann man die Musik nicht nur live auf der Bühne erleben, sondern auch bequem
daheim auf dem Sofa oder entspannend in Straßenbahn oder Auto, denn die drei Stadtbibliotheken
Mannheim, Heidelberg und Ludwigshafen beteiligen sich ebenfalls an dem Event, indem sie ihren
Kundinnen und Kunden eine große Auswahl an CDs und DVDs der auftretenden Künstlerinnen
und Künstler anbieten.
In einer alphabetischen Liste, sortiert nach den einzelnen Künstlern, Bands oder Komponisten, sind
die Medien aufgeführt, die in den Festival-Städten entliehen werden können. Die Schlusszeile zeigt
an, welche Bibliothek die CD oder DVD im Bestand hat. Und wer über eine Metropolcard verfügt,
kann mit einem Bibliotheksausweis alle drei Bibliotheken nutzen.
Weitere Informationen zu Angebot oder Ausleihbedingungen können Sie telefonisch oder per
Internet direkt bei den Bibliotheken erhalten. Adressen und weitere Hinweise finden Sie auf den
letzten beiden Seiten dieses Heftes.
Das Enjoy Jazz-Special der Stadtbibliothek Mannheim:
Während des Festivals bekommen Inhaber eines aktuellen Festival-Passes bei der Zahlung der
Jahresgebühr einen Nachlass von 5 Euro bei Erwachsenen und 3 Euro bei Begünstigten!
Auswahl der aufgenommenen Medien:
Regina Barthelmes, Stadtbibliothek Ludwigshafen
Renate Reinhardt, Stadtbücherei Heidelberg
Susanne Schönfeldt, Stadtbibliothek Mannheim
Günter Buhl, Stadtbibliothek Mannheim
Rathausdruckerei Mannheim, September 2013
The ACT jubilee concert. – 2 CDs.
Trackliste: CD 1: 1. Pasodoble (Leszek Mozdzer & Lars Danielsson).
2. Sleep safe and warm (Krzysztof Komeda; Leszek Mozdzer). 3. Svantetic (Krzysztof Komeda; Leszek Mozdzer, Michael Wollny). 4. The
tears of Billie Blue – Clair de Lune (Claude Debussy; Cæcilie Norby;
Nguyên Lê; Lars Danielsson; Wolfgang Haffner). 5. Stars in your eyes
(HerbieHancock; Nils Landgren; Michael Wollny; Lars Danielsson;
Wolfgang Haffner). 6. Hymn / (Lars Danielsson; The ACT Family Band
featuring Caecilie Norby). 7. The one goes in four (The ACT Family
Band featuring Verneri Pohjola). CD 2: 1. Little wing (Jimi Hendrix;
Nguyên Lê; Lars Danielsson). 2. Lonely dancer (Céline Bonacina;
Michael Wollny; Lars Danielsson). 3. ZigZag Blues (The ACT Family
band featuring Céline Bonacina). 4. Silent Way (Nils Landgren;
Michael Wollny; Lars Danielsson; Wolfgang Haffner). 5. Dodge the
Dodo (Esbjörn Svensson; Dan Berglund; Magnus Öström; The ACT
Family Band featuring Verneri Pohjola & Nguyên Lê). 6. Love is real
(Esbjörn Svensson; Dan Berglund; Magnus Öström; The ACT Family
Band featuring Cæcilie Norby & Nils Landgren). 7. Purple Haze (Jimi
Hendrix; The ACT Family Band feat. Cæcilie Norby, Nguyên Lê,
Céline Bonacina & Wolfgang Haffner).
Bibiliothek: Ludwigshafen
Pakistani Pomade. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Sun-luck night-rain. 2. Butaki sisters. 3. A little yellow (including two seconds Monk). 4. Ein Husten für Karl Valentin. 5. Pakistani
Pomade. 6. Von „G“ ab 403.418. 7. Moonbeef. 8. Kleine Nülle, Evergreens. 9. Pakistani alternate #1. 10. Pakistani alternate #2. 11. Pakistani
alternate #3. 12. Pakistani alternate #4.
Bibliothek: Mannheim
Allen, Geri:
Eyes ... in the back of your head / Geri Allen. Ornette Coleman;
Wallace Roney; Cyro Baptista. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Mother wit. 2. New eyes opening. 3. Vertical flowing.
4. Mope. 5. FMFMF. 6. Dark eyes. 7. Little waltz. 8. In the back of
your head.9. Windows to the soul. 10. The eyes have it.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Allen, Geri:
Timeless portraits and dreams / Geri Allen. Ron Carter. – 2 CDs.
Trackliste: 1. Oh freedom. 2. Melchezedik. 3. Portraits and dreams.
4. Well done. 5. La strada. 6. I have a dream. 7. Nearly. 8. In real
time. 9. Embraceable you. 10. Ah-leu-cha. 11. Just for a thrill. 12. Our
lady. 13. Timeless portraits and dreams. 14. Portraits and dreams
(reprise). 15. Lift every voice and sing + Ron Carter, Jimmy Cobb,
Carmen Lundy u. a.
Bibliothek: Heidelberg
Allen, Geri:
Three pianos for Jimi / Geri Allen. The Batson Brothers. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Message to love. 2. Cherokee mist. 3. Mannic depression.
4. The wind cries Mary. 5. Land of the new rising sun. 6. Love or confusion. 7. 1983 (a merman I shall be).
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
The Andrew Hill Jazzpar Octet + 1:
The day the world stood still / The Andrew Hill Jazzpar Octet + 1.
Thomas Agergaard; Scott Colley; Peter Fuglsang; Andrew Hill; Klaus
Löhrer; Liudas Mockunas; Staffan Svensson; Nasheet Waits. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Not Sa No Sa. 2. Flying in the sky. 3. Ghetto echoes.
4 . Yesterday tomorrow. 5. Hermano Frere. 6. Do to. 7. When peace
comes. 8. 11/8. 9. When the world stays still (Part II).
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Anke Helfrich Trio:
You‘ll see / Anke Helfrich Trio feat. Mark Turner. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Upper West Side. 2. Pannonica. 3. You‘ll see. 4. Alone
together. 5. Song for Larry. 6. Start up! 7. Take care. 8. September
in the rain. 9. When I fall in love.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Baker, Chet:
Als hätte ich Flügel : verlorene Erinnerungen. Hannibal-Verlag,
1998. – 134 Seiten.
Bibliothek: Mannheim
Baker, Chet:
But not for me : a Chet Baker studio discovery. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Lament. 2. Four. 3. Line for lyons. 4. Ellen David. 5. But
not for me. 6. Prayer to the newborn.
Bibliothek: Mannheim
Baker, Chet:
Chet Baker sings and plays. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. I should care. 2. When I fall in love. 3. Look for the
silver lining. 4. Forgetful. 5. Tune up. 6. Deep in a dream. 7. Line for
lions. 8. Street of dreams. 9. Angel eyes. 10. Lady Bird. 11. Autumn
in New York. 12. The song is you. 13. Good-bye. 14. Cheryl blues.
Bibliothek: Mannheim
Baker, Chet:
The complete Tokyo concert : June 14, 1987. – 1 DVD. FSK ab 18 Jahren.
Trackliste: 1. Stella by starlight. 2. For minors only. 3. You‘d been so
nice to come home to. 4. Arborway. 5. Four. 6. Almost blue. 7. Beatrice.
8. My funny Valentine. 9. Seven steps to heaven. 10. Portrait in black
and white. 11. Broken wing. 12. I‘m fool to want you. 13. For all we know.
Bibliothek: Mannheim
Baker, Chet:
The legacy: vol. 1. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Here‘s that rainy day. 2. How deep is the ocean. 3. Mister B. 4. In your own sweet way. 5. All of you. Dolphin dance. 6. Look
for the silver lining. 7. Django. 8. All blues.
Stadtbibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Baker, Chet:
Let‘s get lost: songs and plays from the film. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Moon and sand. 2. Imagination. 3. You‘re my thrill. 4.
For heaven‘s sake. 5. Every time we say goodbye. 6. I don‘t stand
a ghost of a chance with you. 7. Daydream. 8. Zingaro. 9. Blame it
on my youth. 10. My one and only love. 11. Everything happens to
me. 12. Almost blue.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Baker, Chet:
Live at Ronnie Scott‘s / Chet Baker; Michael Grailler; Riccardo del
Fra. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. But not for me. 2. Arboway. 3. If I schould lose you.
4. My ideal. 5. Nightbird. 6. Love for sale. 7. Shifting down. 8. You
can‘t go home again. 9. Send in the clowns.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Baker, Chet:
Love for sale: performances from two concerts, one in Stockholm,
Sweden, 1985, the other in Tokyo, Japan, 1987 – 1 DVD. FSK ab 18 Jahren.
Trackliste: 1. Love for sale. 2. Tempus fugit. 3. Sad walk. 4. Red‘s
blues. 5. Arborway. 6. Four.
Bibliothek: Mannheim
Baker, Chet:
My funny Valentine: true jazz innovators in their best filmed perfomances / Chet Baker; Nicola Stilo; Walter Schmuckler; Vincent
Seno; Harold Danko; Hein Van De Geijn; John Engels. – 1 DVD.
Trackliste: 1. I‘m fool to want you. 2. Blue in green. 3. Almost blue.
4. My funny Valentine. 5. Seven steps to heaven.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Baldych, Adam:
Imaginary Room / Adam Baldych. Baltic Gang. Jacob Karlzon; Lars
Danielsson; Morten Lund; Verneri Pohjola; Marius Neset; Nils
Landgren. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Village underground. 2. Mirrors. 3. The room of imagination.
4. Cubism. 5. K8. 6. Time traveler. 7. Rama hai. 8. For Zbiggy. 9. “11.16“.
10. Zarathustra. 11. Inspiration. 12. Million miles away.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Bartmes, Jo:
Me we – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Speak up. 2. Two words. 3. Movin‘ on. 4. Flatlands. 5. Nu
groove. 6. Pushpull. 7. In your car. 8. Gone. 9. Rrrrt, rrrt. 10. Dare.
11. Surfin‘ to hell. 12. Me we.
Bibliotheken: Ludwigshafen, Mannheim
Bartmes, Jo:
Modular soul – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. High Taste. 2. Fair Love. 3. Princess. 4. Authenticity.
5. Your Guts. 6. Strange. 7. The Source. 8. Berlin. 9. Let It Be. 10. Mood.
11. Bungalloo. 12. Maneuver. 13. Pfeiffer. 14. Ladida.
Bibliothek: Heidelberg
Obsidian – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Worsening. 2. Miasma sky. 3. Ironworks. 4. Ossuary.
5. Incompatible. 6. No eyes. 7. Phaedra. 8. No past lives. 9. Earth
death. 10. Inter.
Bibliothek: Mannheim
Bennink, Han; Ex, Terrie:
The laughing owl – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Kieft. 2. Demp. 3. Buns. 4. Kluft. 5. Het Spook en de
Kaas. 6. Knijt. 7. Tzwet and Tkalf. 8. Twototango. 9. Tuk. 10. Song
of the Slender Moa. 11. Fik. 12. The Laughing Owl. 13. Skots and
Skeef. 14. Zeepijn. 15. Dug. 16. Glenfbij. 17. Taailing.
Bibliothek: Mannheim
Bennink, Han; Caine, Uri:
Sonic Boom – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Sonic boom. 2. Grind of blue. 3. Hobo. 4. ‚round
midnight. 5. As I was. 6. Furious urious. 7. Upscale. 8. True love.
9. Lockdown.
Bibliotheken: Ludwigshafen, Mannheim
Berglund, Dan:
Dan Berglund‘s Tonbruket. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Sister Sad. 2. Stethoscope. 3. Sailor waltz. 4. Gi hop. 5. The
wind and the leaves. 6. Wolverine hoods. 7. Monstrous colossus. 8. Song
for E. 9. Cold blooded music. 10. Waltz for Matilda.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
The best of Jazz Music today / Geri Allen; Charlie Haden; Paul
Motion; Gary Thomas; Cassandra Wilson . – 1 CD.
Bibliothek: Mannheim
Billy Hart Quartet:
Billy Hart Quartet / Billy Hart [drums]; Mark Turner [tenor saxophone];
Ethan Iverson [piano]; Ben Street [bass]. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Mellow B. 2. Moment‘s notice. 3. Charvez. 4. Confirmation.
5. Lorca. 6. Irah. 7. Lullaby for Imke. 8. Iverson‘s Odyssey. 9. Neon.
Bibliothek: Mannheim
Bley, Carla:
Big band theory. – 1 CD
Trackliste: 1. On the stage in Cages. 2. Birds of paradise. 3. Goodbye
pork pie hat. 4. Fresh impression.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Bley, Carla:
Carla‘s Christmas Carols / Carla Bley. Steve Swallow [bass / chimes];
The Partyka Brass Quintet. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. O Tannenbaum. 2. Away in a manger. 3. The cristmas
song. 4 . Ring christmas bells. 5. God rest me merry gentlemen, part
one. 6. God rest me merry gentlemen, part two. 7. It came upon
a midnight clear. 8. Hells Bells. 9. Jesus Maria. 10. Jingle bells. 11. A
holy night. 12. Joy to the world.
Bibliothek: Mannheim
Bley, Carla:
Live in Montreal 1983 – 1 DVD. FSK ab 18 Jahren.
Trackliste: 1. Opening. 2. The Lord is listening to you. 3. Heavy
heart. 4. Walking battery woman. 5. Caucasian bird riffles. 6. Ups
and downs. 7. The lone arranger. 8. Battleship.
Bibliothek: Mannheim
Bley, Carla:
The lost chords find Paolo Fresu – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1.–6. The Banana Quintet. 7. Liver of life. 8. Death of
Superman / Dream Sequence # 1 – Flying. 9. Ad Infinitum.
Bibliothek: Mannheim
Bley, Carla; Sheppard, Andy; Swallow, Steve:
Trios. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Utviklingssang. 2. Vashkar. 3. Les trois lagons (d‘apres
Henri Matisse). 4. Wildlife. 5. The girl who cried Champagne.
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen
Boesser-Ferrari, Claus:
Blue footprint – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Blue footprint. 2. Ballade. 3. Rio Escondidos. 4. Isabelle‘s
eyes. 5. Blues ohne Capo. 6. Carlos. 7. How to play the 5-string-banjo.
8. Lea meets the pink tiger. 9. Schlafender Tiger. 10. All blues. 11. Ballade. 12. Lascaux II. 13. Massaya. 14. Lea verliert Öl. 15. Tiger auf blauem
Kissen. 16. Homecoming.
Bibliotheken: Ludwigshafen, Mannheim
Boesser-Ferrari, Claus:
Blue Footprint. – 48 Seiten (Noten).
Contents: 1. Blue footprint. 2. Ballade 412. 3. Rio Escondidos. 4. Isabelle’s
eyes. 5. Blues ohne Capo. 6. Carllos. 7. How to play the 5-string Banjo.
8. Lea meets the pink Tiger. 9. Schlafender Tiger. 10. All Blues. 11. Ballade 432. 12. Lascaux II. 13. Massaya. 14. Lea verliert Öl. 15. Tiger auf
blauem Kissen. 16. Homecoming.
Bibliothek: Mannheim
Boesser-Ferrari, Claus; Reffert, Hans:
„Nachmittag eines Fauns“. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. The wind cries Mary. 2. Claus Solo: All Blues. 3. Pow wow.
4. Hey Joe. 5. Comic. 6. Nachmittag eines Fauns. 7. Muetterlein. 8. Demolition. 9. All along the watchtower. 10. Solo II. 11. Little wing.
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Mannheim
Boesser-Ferrari, Claus:
Stageplay. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Zuccos theme. 2. Muetterlein. 3. Blues ohne capo. 4. Eleven.
5. Q7. 6. Damenstimmen. 7. Stageplay. 8. Low key. 9. Ubus Nightwatch. 10. Folksong I. 11. Jungle Poem. 12. Folksong II. 13. The dark
lady. 14. Twelve. 15. Zuccos theme (reprise).
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Mannheim
Boesser-Ferrari, Claus:
Ten. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Little Wing. 2. Remember Cebola. 3. Light my fire. 4. Ten.
5. Cocaine. 6. Die Pelztasse. 7. Keeper of the plaines. 8. My funny
Valentine. 9. Looking for Atlantis. 10. Hurricane. 11. Little Wing.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Boesser-Ferrari, Claus:
Wandertag. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Polar. 2. Als ich dich in meinem Leib trug. 3. Animals. 4. Der
Schatz im Silbersee. 5. Scratching. 6. Junimond. 7. Mutter Belmlein.
8. Demolition Man. 9. Floreana. 10. What she get`s. 11. Der Rebbe
tanzt. 12. Ballade von der Judenhure Sanders. 13. Impro 04 (Wandertag). 14. Lakota Song.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Bojan Z. Trio:
Transpacifik. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Set it up. 2. The joker. 3. Flashback. 4 . Run Ren‘, run!
5. Bulgarska. 6. Z-rays. 7. Groznjan blue. 8. Sepia sulfureux. 9. Niner.
10. Purple gazelle (Angelica).
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Brad Mehldau Trio:
Brad Mehldau Trio live: at the Village Vanguard 2006. – 2 CDs.
Trackliste: CD 1: 1. Introduction. 2. Wanderwall. 3. Ruby‘s rub. 4. O
que será. 5. B-flat waltz. 6. Black hole sun. 7. The very thought of
you. CD 2: 1. Buddha realm. 2. Fit cat. 3. Secret beach. 4. C.T.A.
5. More than you know. 6. Countdown.
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen, Mannheim
Brad Mehldau Trio:
Day is done. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Knives out. 2. Alfie. 3. Martha my dear. 4. Day is done.
5. Artis. 6. Turtle town. 7. She‘s leaving home. 8. Granada. 9. 50 ways
to leave your lover. 10. No moon at all.
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen, Mannheim
Brad Mehldau Trio:
Highway rider – 2 CDs.
Trackliste: CD 1: 1. John Boy. 2. Don‘t be sad. 3. At the toolbooth.
4. Highway rider. 5. The falcon will fly again. 6. Now you must
climb alone. 7. Walking the peak. CD 2: 1. We‘ll cross the river together. 2. Capriccio. 3. Sky turning grey (for Elliott Smith). 4 . Into
the city. 5. Old West. 6. Come with me. 7. Always departing. 8. Always returning.
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen, Mannheim
Brad Mehldau Trio:
House on hill. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. August ending. 2. House on hill. 3. Bealtine. 4. Boomer. 5. Backyard. 6. Fear and trembling. 7. Embers. 8. Happy tune.
9. Waiting for Eden.
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Mannheim
Brad Mehldau Trio:
Ode. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. M.B. 2. Ode. 3. 26. 4. Dream sketch. 5. Bee blues. 6. Twiggy.
7. Kurt vibe. 8. Stan the man. 9. Eulogy for George Hanson. 10. Aquaman.
11. Days of Dilbert Delaney.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Brad Mehldau Trio:
Where do you start. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Got me wrong. 2. Holland. 3. Brownie speaks. 4. Baby
plays around. 5. Airegin. 6. Hey Joe. 7. Samba e amor. 8. Jam. 9. Time
has told me. 10. Aquelas coisas todas. 11. Where do you start?
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen
Brahem, Anouar:
The astounding eyes of Rita. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: The Lover Of Beirut. 2. Dance With Waves. 3. Stopover
At Djibouti. 4. The Astounding Eyes Of Rita. 5. Al Birwa. 6. Galilée
Mon Amour. 7. Waking State. 8. For No Apparent Reason.
Bibliothek Ludwigshafen
Brecker, Michael:
Nearness of you: the ballad book / Michael Brecker [compositions
& tenor sax]; Pat Metheny [guitars]; Herbie Hancock [piano]; Charlie Haden [bass]. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Chan‘s song. 2. Don‘t let me be lovely tonight. 3. Nascente.
4. Midnight mood. 5. The nearness of you. 6. Incandescence. 7. Sometimes I see. 8. My ship. 9. Always.10. Seven days.11. I can see your dreams.
Bibliotheken: Ludwigshafen, Mannheim
Brecker, Michael:
Pilgrimage / Michael Brecker. With Pat Metheney [guitars]; Herbie
Hancock [piano]; Brad Mehldau [piano]; John Patitucci [bass]; Jack
DeJohnette [drums]. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. The mean time. 2. Five months from midnight. 3. Anagram. 4. Tumbleweed. 5. When can I kiss you again? 6. Cardinal
rule. 7. Half moon lane. 8. Loose threads. 9. Pilgrimage.
Bibliotheken: Ludwigshafen, Mannheim
Brubeck, Dave:
Young lions & old tigers / Dave Brubeck with special guests: Jon
Hendricks [vocal]; George Shearing [piano]; Gerry Mulligan [baritone
saxophone]. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Roy Hargrove. 2. How high the moon. 3. Michael
Brecker waltz. 4. Here comes McBride. 5. Joe Lovano tango. 6. In
your own sweet way. 7. Joshua Redman. 8. Together. 9. Moody.
10. Gerry-go-round. 11. Ronnie Buttacavoli. 12. Deep in a dream.
Bibliothek: Mannheim
Caine, Uri:
Solitaire: solo piano. – 1 CD + Beiblatt.
Trackliste: 1. Say it in French. 2. As I am. 3. Roll on. 4. Sonia said. 5. Beartoes. 6. Inhaling you. 7. Hamsin. 8. Solitaire. 9. Call. 10. Snort. 11. All the
way. 12. Twelve.13. Blackbird. 14. Anaconda. 15. Country life.
Bibliothek: Mannheim
Caine, Uri:
Uri Caine Ensemble Plays Mozart – 1 CD.
Bibliothek: Heidelberg
Cantuaria, Vinicius:
Samba Carioca / Vinicius Cantuaria; Bill Frisell; Brad Mehldau;
Marcos Valle – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Praia grande. 2. Berlin. 3. Vagamente. 4. Inutil paisagem.
5. Julinha de Botas. 6. Fugiu. 7. Orla. 8. Conversa fiada. 9. So ficou
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Carrington, Terri Lyne:
The mosaic project. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Transformation. 2. I got lost in his arms. 3. Michelle. 4. Magic
and music. 5. Echo. 6. Simply beautiful. 7. Unconditional love. 8. Wistful.
9. Crayola. 10. Soul talk. 11. Mosaic triad. 12. Insomniac. 13. Show me a
sign. 14. Bonus Track: Sisters on the rise (a transformation).
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen
Charlie Haden Liberation Music Orchestra:
Dream keeper / Charlie Haden and The Liberation Music Orchestra.
With the Oakland Youth Chorus; Arrangements by Carla Bley. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Dream Keeper. 2. Rabo de Nube. 3. Nkosi Sikelel‘i
Afrika. 4. Sandino. 5. Spiritual.
Bibliothek: Mannheim
Charlie Haden Liberation Music Orchestra:
Not in our name: this album pulls together a wide range of music
by Pat Metheny, Bill Frisell, Ornette Coleman and many others /
Charlie Haden Liberation Music Orchestra. Arr. and cond. by Carla
Bley. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Not in our name. 2. This is not America. 3. Blue anthem.
4. America is beautiful. 5. Amacing grace. 6. Goin‘ home. 7. Throughout.
8. Adagio.
Bibliotheken: Ludwigshafen, Mannheim
Chet Baker Sextet:
Chet is back! – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Well, you needn‘t. 2. These foolish things. 3. Barbados.
4. Star eyes. 5. Over the rainbow. 6. Pent up house. 7. Ballata in
forma di blues. 8. Blues in the closet. 9. Chett´s lullaby. 10. So che
ti perdero. 11. Motivo su raggio di luna. 12. Il mio domani.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Chet Baker Trio:
Sweden 1985: live performance; Sonet Library, Stockholm, June
30, 1985 – 1 DVD. FSK ab 18 Jahren.
Trackliste: 1. Candy. 2. Love for sale. 3. Tempus fugit. 4. Sad walk.
5. Red‘s blues. 6. Nardis. 7. Bye bye blackbird. 8. Red Mitchell interviews Chet Baker. 9. My romance.
Bibliothek: Mannheim
Chisholm, Hayden:
Circe – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Dance. 2. Web. 3. Didg. 4. Dance. 5. Beast. 6. Dance.
7. Molly. 8. Dance. 9. Wing. 10. Dance. 11. Enchantress. 12. Dance.
13. Feast. 14. Dance. 15. Didg. 16. O Circe, guide me total time.
Bibliothek: Mannheim
Chris Potter Quartet:
Vertigo. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Shiva. 2. Vertigo. 3. Long walk, shot pier. 4. Act III,
Scene I. 5. Fishy. 6. This will be. 7. Almost home. 8. Modeen‘s mood.
9. Wake up.
Bibliothek: Mannheim
Coltrane, Ravi:
Spirit fiction / Ravi Coltrane; Ralph Alessi; James Genus; Eric Harland; Geri Allen; Joe Lovano. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Roads cross (Ravi Coltrane). 2. Klepto (Ralph Alessi). 3. Sprit
fiction (Ravi Coltrane). 4. The change, my girl (Ravi Coltrane). 5. Who
wants ice cream (Ralph Alessi). 6. Spring & Hudson (Ravi Coltrane).
7. Cross roads (Ravi Coltrane). 8. Yellow cat (Ralph Alessi). 9. Check
out time (Ornette Coleman). 10. Fantasm (Paul Motian). 11. Marilyn &
Tammy (Ravi Coltrane).
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Cool Jazz: the essential album / Miles Davis; Lee Morgan; Herbie
Hancock; Stan Getz; Chet Baker. – 2 CDs
Bibliothek: Mannheim
Crispell, Marilyn:
Free Flight: live at Enjoy Jazz Festival 2010 / Marilyn Crispell; Erwin
Ditzner; Sebastian Gramss. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Free Flight. 2. Just Right. 3. By my Side. 4. Low Light.
5. Valentine.
Bibliothek: Heidelberg
Dafnis Prieto Proverb Trio:
Dafnis Prieto Proverb Trio / Jason Lindner [keyboards]; Kokayi
[vocals]; Dafnis Prieto [drums]. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Into the light love. 2. You and me. 3. The magic danzonete.
4. Extasis. 5. You got it. 6. In war. 7. Vamos a jugar. 8. Talking too much.
9. What have we all done. 10. Dirty us. 11. Mystery man. 12. Mother
Bibliotheken: Ludwigshafen, Mannheim
Danielsson, Lars:
Liberetto / Lars Danielsson; Tigran; Magnus Öström; Arve Henriksen; John Parricelli. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Yerevan. 2. Liberetto. 3. Day one. 4. Orange market.
5. Hymnen. 6. Svensk lat. 7. Hov arek sarer djan. 8. Party on the planet.
9. Tystnaden. 10. Ahdes theme. 11. Driven to daylight. 12. Bla ängar.
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen
Di Battista, Stefano:
Woman‘s land / Stefano Di Battista; Jeff Ballard; Jonathan Kreisberg;
Francesco Puglisi; Roberto Tarenzi & Julian Oliver Mazzariello;
Fabrizio Bosso. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Molly Bloom. 2. Valentina Tereskova. 3. Rita Levi (with Ivan
Lins). 4. Coco Chanel. 5. Ella. 6. Madame Lily Devalier. 7. Josephine Baker.
8. Maria Lani. 9. Anna Magnani. 10. Lucy. 11. Lara Croft. 12. Woman‘s Land.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Dilated Peoples:
Expansion team. – 1 CD. Entleihbar ab 14 Jahren.
Trackliste: 1. Live on stage. 2. Worst comes to worst. 3. Clockwork.
4. Trade money. 5. Heavy rotation. 6. Self defense. 7. Phil da Agony
Interlude. 8. Proper propaganda. 9. Dilated junkies. 10. Panic. 11. Pay
attention. 12. Night life. 13. War. 14. Hard hitters. 15. Defari interlude.
16. Expansion team theme.
Bibliothek: Mannheim
Dilated Peoples:
The platform – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. So may I introduce to you. 2. The platform. 3. No retreat.
4. Guaranteed. 5. Right on. 6. The main event. 7. Service. 8. Ear drums
pop. 9. Years in the making. 10. Annihilation. 11. Expanding man. 12. The
last line of defense. 13. Triple optics. 14. The shape of things to come.
15. Work the angles. 16. Ear drums pop (Remix).
Bibliothek: Mannheim
Echo Jazz 2011: Deutscher Musikpreis. – 2 CDs.
Trackliste: CD 1: 1. Sunday / Rusconi. 2. Storm in a teacup / Lyambiko.
3. Into the city / Brad Mehldau. - 4. L.P. (For Les Paul) / Lee Ritenour. 5. Lost mind / Thomas Quasthoff. 6. Etude No.1 / Eric Schaefer.
7. Estelle / Heiko Fischer. 8. Everybody‘s got to learn sometime / Till
Brönner. 9. Peace / Joachim & Rolf Kühn. 10. Behind the heartbeat /
Nils Wogram Root 70. CD 2: 1. Song for Mrs. Jonathan Brisby / Tim
Allhoff. 2. Breakfast in Bagdad / Youn Sun Nah. 3. Cha con Marimba /
Omar Sosa. NDR Big Band. 4. Hallelujah, I love her so / David Sanborn.
5. The git go / Ray Anderson. 6. O Là / Dieter Ilg. 7. Brief eternity /
Bobby Mcferrin. 8. All Blues / Heinz Sauer. 9. In water / [em] Wollny;
Kruse; Schaefer. 10. Feedback Pt.2 / Jason Moran.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Call it / Wollny; Kruse; Schaefer. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Wakey, wakey. 2. The mean spider of tandorine. 3. Thursday
is the last day. 4. What wright left. 5. Bells. 6. Ictus. 7. Es sind Berge nicht
länger Berge. 8. Mehr als einmal. 9. Tale. 10. Fatigue.
Bibliothek: Mannheim
[em] Live / Wollny; Kruse; Schaefer. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Blüten. 2. Shelley. 3. Phlegma phighter. 4. Sov lilla
Alma. 5. Kiyoshi. 6. In water. 7. Etude no 1. 8. Arsène somnambule.
9. Gorilla biscuits. 10. Break it.
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen
3 / Wollny; Kruse; Schaefer. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Sempre Igor. 2. Arsène Somnabule. 3. Wo leichte Kähne
fliehen. 4. Monsters: Symmetriads. 5. Ephemere Phone. 6. Love of
her life. 7. Nocturne. 8. Kiyoshi. 9. Lautloser Adel. 10. What Kurtag
left. 11. Grieg‘s last bow. 12. Gravité. 13. Redux.
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Mannheim
II / Wollny; Kruse; Schaefer. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Bruder. 2. Phlegma phighter. 3. Funèbre. 4. Irradians.
5. Another Mr. Lizard. 6. Moving. 7. Takashi. 8. Schwester. 9. So will
die Sonn‘ nun untergehen. 10. Walpurgisnacht. 11. Brizzle. 12. Rica.
13. Dance & Grow. 14. Schneefall. 15. Gorilla Biscuits.
Bibliothek: Mannheim
Wasted & wanted / Wollny; Kruse; Schaefer. – 2 CDs.
Trackliste: CD 1: 1. Wasted & wanted. 2. Symphony No V, Mov 1:
Trauermarsch. 3. Metall. 4. Blank. 5. Kulintang. 6. Cembalo Manifeszt. 7. Wasserklavier. 8. Ihr Bild. 9. Nr. 10. 10. Das Modell. 11. Dario.
12. Whiteout. Bonus CD „Live at JazzFest Berlin 2011“: 1. Wasted &
wanted. 2. Blank. 3. Metall. 4. The fearless vampire killers.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Endresen, Sidsel; Wesseltoft, Bugge:
Duplex ride – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Singles. 2. Fifty ways to leave your lover. 3. And later,
the rain. 4. You call me. 5. River. 6. Duplex ride. 7. Six minutes or
so. 8. Trying times. 9. Pennywhistle poem. 10. Okay. 11. Epilogue.
Bibliothek: Mannheim
Esbjörn Svensson Trio:
E.s.t. live in Hamburg: November 22, 2006 – 2 CDs.
Trackliste: CD 1: 1. Tuesday wonderland. 2. The rube thing. 3. Where
we used to live. 4. Eighthundred streets by feet. 5. Definition of
a dog. CD 2: 1. The goldhearted miner. 2. Dolores in a shoestand.
3. Sipping in a solid ground. 4. Goldwrap. 5. Behind the yashmak.
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen, Mannheim
Esbjörn Svensson Trio:
Leucocyte – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Decade. 2. Premonition. 3. Jazz. 4. Still. 5. Ajar. 6. Leucocyte.
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen, Mannheim
Esbjörn Svensson Trio:
Live in Stockholm: recorded in December 10th, 2000 – 1 DVD.
Trackliste: 1. Good morning Susie Soho. 2. From gagarin‘s point of
view. 3. Definition of a dog. 4. The face of love. 5. Bowling. 6. Dodge
the dodo. 7. ‚round midnight. 8. Bemsha swing.
Bibliothek: Mannheim
Esbjörn Svensson Trio:
Retrospective – the very best of E.S.T. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. From Gagarin’s point of view. 2. Dodge the dodo.
3. Good morning Susie Soho. 4. Spam-boo-limbo. 5. Behind the
yashmak. 6. Viaticum. 7. Seven days of falling. 8. Strange place for
snow. 9. Believe, beleft, below. 10. A picture of Doris travelling
with Boris. 11. Goldwrap. 12. Dolores in a shoestand. 13. Leucocyte.
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen
Esbjörn Svensson Trio:
Seven days of falling. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Ballad for the unborn. 2. Seven days of falling. 3. Mingle
in the mincing-machine. 4 . Evening in Atlantis. 5. Did they ever tell
Cousteau?. 6. Believe beleft below. 7. Elevation of love. 8. In my
garage. 9. Why she couldn‘t come. 10. O.D.R.I.P.
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen, Mannheim
Esbjörn Svensson Trio:
Strange place for snow – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. The message. 2. Serenade for the renegade. 3. Strange
place for snow. 4. Behind the Yashmak. 5. Bound for the beauty
of the south. 6. Years of yearning. 7. When got created the coffeebreak. 8. Spunky sprawl. 9. Carcrash.
Bibliothek: Mannheim
Esbjörn Svensson Trio:
Tuesday wonderland. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Fading maid preludium. 2. Tuesday wonderland. 3. The goldhearted miner. 4. Brewery of beggars. 5. Beggar‘s blanket. 6. Dolores in
a shoestand. 7. Where we used to live. 8. Eighthundred streets by feet.
9. Goldwrap. 10. Sipping on the solid ground. 11. Fading maid postludium.
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen, Mannheim
Esbjörn Svensson Trio:
Viaticum. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Tide of trepidation. 2. Eighty-eight days in my veins. 3. The
well-wisher. 4. The unstable table & the infamous fable. 5. Viaticum.
6. In the tail of her eye. 7. Letter from the Leviathan. 8. A picture of
Doris travelling with Boris. 9. What though the way may be long.
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen
Esbjörn Svensson Trio:
Winter in Venice. –1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Calling home. 2. Winter in Venice. 3. At Saturday. 4. Semblance suite in three for one movements: part I. 5. Semblance suite
in three for one movements: part II. 6. Semblance suite in three for
one movements: part III. 7. Semblance suite in three for one movements: part IV. 8. Don’t cuddle with crazy cat. 9. Damned back blue.
10. In the fall of things. 11. As the cows flies. 12. The second page.
13. Herkules Jonssons lat.
Bibliothek: Heidelberg
Evans, Peter:
Zebulon. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. 3625. 2. Lullaby. 3. Broken cycles. 4. Carnival.
Bibliotheken: Ludwigshafen, Mannheim
Flaherty, Paul; Moore, Thurston; Nace, Bill:
Paul Flaherty – Thurston Moore – Bill Nace. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Sex. 2. Drugs. 3. Lavender.
Bibliothek: Mannheim
Sky & Country / Fly with Mark Turner [saxophones]; Larry Grenadier
[double-bass]; Jeff Ballard [drums]. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Lady B. 2. Sky & country. 3. Elena Berenjena. 4. CJ. 5. Dharma
Days. 6. Anandananda. 7. Perla Morena. 8. Transfigured. 9. Super sister.
Bibliothek: Mannheim
Garbarek, Jan:
Madar / Jan Garbarek [tenor and soprano saxophones]; Anouar
Brahem oud]; Shaukat Hussain [tabla]. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Sull lull. 2. Madar. 3. Sebika. 4. Bahia. 5. Ramy. 6. Jaw.
7. Joron. 8. Quaws. 9. Epilogue.
Bibliothek: Mannheim
Garrett, Kenny:
Pursuance / Kenny Garrett; Pat Metheny; Brian Blade. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Countdown. 2. Equinox. 3. Liberia. 4. Dear Lord. 5. Lonnie‘s
lament. 6. After the rain. 7. Like Sonny. 8. Pursuance. 9. Alabama.
10. Giant steps. 11. Latifa.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Garrett, Kenny:
Triology / Kenny Garrett; Kiyoshi Kitagawa; Brian Blade. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Delfeayo‘s dilemma. 2. Night and day. 3. Giant steps. 4. A
time for love. 5. Wayne‘s thang. 6. Pressing the issue. 7. Koranne said.
8. Oriental towaway zone. 9. In your own sweet way. 10. What is this
thing called love?
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Gilles Peterson Worldwide: the best of BBC Radio 1.
Programme 1. / Gotan Project; Roy Ayers; Jill Scott; George Benson; Sarah Vaugham; Rotary Connection; Young Disciples; Bugge
Wesseltoft. – 2 CDs.
Bibliothek: Mannheim
Glaser, Jutta ; Boesser-Ferrari, Claus:
Ajoi. –1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Afro blue. 2. So fröhlich wie der Morgenwind. 3. Blue
footprint. 4. Mad song. 5. Lost and found. 6. The water is wide. 7. Lost
and found II. 8. Oh well. 9. Ajoi. 10. Teatro impro. 11. Ponta de Areia.
12. Rune. 13. So fröhlich wie der Morgenwind II. 14. Wichi tai to.
Bibliothek: Heidelberg
Gramss, Sebastian:
Second Brain / Sebastian Gramss; Underkarl. –1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Party Pigs. 2. Lost Dogs. 3. Where Are The Fish?. 4. Duck
Desaster. 5. Ich kann dich sehen. 6. Animal Farm. 7. Paradox Chicken.
8. Sad Little Pets. 9. My Dear. 10. Road Song. 11. Fango Fun.
Bibliothek: Heidelberg
Gurtu, Trilok:
Spellbound / Trilok Gurtu. With Paolo Fresu; Hasan Gözetlik;
Matthias Höfs; Ibrahim Maalouf; Nils Petter Molvaer; Matthias
Schriefl. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Improvisation live: Don Cherry & Trilok Gurtu. 2. Manteca.
3. Jack Johnson / Black satin. 4. Cuckoo. 5. Berchidda. 6. Like popcorn.
7. Haunting. 8. Universal mother. 9. Spellbound. 10. All blues. 11. Cosmic
roundabout / Brown rice. 12. Thank you by Don Cherry.
Bibliotheken: Ludwigshafen, Mannheim
Hancock, Herbie:
The new standard / Herbie Hancock; Michael Brecker; John Scofield; Dave Holland; Jack DeJohnette; Don Alias. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. New York minute. 2. Mercy street. Norwegian wood.
3. When can I see you. 4. You‘ve got it bad girl. 5. Love is stronger
than pride. 6. Scarborough fair. 7. Thieves in the temple. 8. All
apologie. 9. Manhattan. 10. Your gold teeth, II.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Hargrove, Roy:
Moment to moment / Roy Hargrove; Sherman Irby; Larry Willis. –
1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. You go to my head. 2. Always and forever. 3. Natural
wonders. 4. Moment to moment. 5. I‘m a fool to want you. 6. How
insensitive. 7. I‘m glad there is you. 8. A time for love. 9. The very
thought of you. 10. Peri. 11. I fall in love too easily. 12. Another time.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Hart, Billy:
All our reasons / Billy Hart; Ethan Iverson; Mark Turner; Ben
Street. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Song for Balkis. 2. Ohnedaruth. 3. Tolli‘s dance. 4. Nostalgia for the impossible. 5. Duchess. 6. Nigeria. 7. Wasteland. 8. Old
wood. 9. Imke‘s march.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Hausswolff, Anna von:
Ceremony – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Epitaph of Theodor. 2. Deathbed. 3. Mountains crave.
4. Goodbye. 5. Red sun. 6. Epitaph of Daniel. 7. No body. 8. Liturgy
of light. 9. Harmonica. 10. Ocean. 11. Sova. 12. Funeral for my future
children. 13. Sun rise.
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen, Mannheim
Henderson, Joe:
So near, so far: musing for Miles / Joe Henderson feat. John Scofield, Dave Holland, Al Foster. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Miles ahead. 2. Joshua. 3. Pfrancing (no blues). 4. Flamenco
sketches. 5. Milestones. 6. Teo. 7. Swing spring. 8. Circle. 9. Side car.
10. So near, so far.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Hill, Andrew:
A beautiful day / Andrew Hill. Scott Colley; Nasheet Waits. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Divine revelation. 2. Faded beauty. 3. Bellezza. 4. 5 Mo.
5. New Pinnochio. 6. J Di. 7. Beautiful day. 8. 11/8 See.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
James Farm:
James Farm / Joshua Redman; Aaron Parks; Matt Penman; Eric
Harland. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Coax. 2. Polliwog. 3. Bijou. 4. Chronos. 5. Star crossed.
6. 1981. 7. I-10. 8. Unravel. 9. If by air. 10. Low fives.
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen, Mannheim
Jazz for Lovers / feat. Louis Armstrong; Sarah Vaughan; Buddy
Greco; Chet Baker and many more. – 1 CD.
Bibliothek: Mannheim
Jazz parade 40‘s - 60‘s – 1 CD.
Enthält u. a.: Take five / Dave Brubeck Quartet, with Paul Desmond.
‚Round midnight / Miles Davis Quintet, with John Coltrane and Red
Garland. Bernie‘s tune / Gerry Mulligan Quartet, with Chet Baker.
Take the ‚A‘ train / Duke Ellington Orchestra. King Porter stomp /
Benny Goodman Orchestra. Oh, lady be good (G. Gershwin) / Lionel
Hampton Orchestra.
Bibliotheken: Ludwigshafen, Mannheim
John Scofield Band:
Up all night – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Philiopiety. 2. Watch out for Po-Po. 3. Creeper. 4. Watcha
see is watcha get. 5. I‘m listening. 6. Thikhathali. 7. Four on the floor.
8. Like the moon. 9. Freakin‘ Disco. 10. Born in troubled times. 11. Every
night is ladies night.
Bibliothek: Mannheim
John Scofield Quartet:
Meant to be – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Big fan. 2. Keep me in mind. 3. Go blow. 4. Chariots.
5. The Guinness spot. Mr. Coleman to you. 6. Eisenhower. 7. Meant
to be. 8. Some nerve. 9. Lost in space. 10. French Flics.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
John Scofield Quartet:
New Morning: the Paris concert; filmed at April 23rd 2010 – 1 DVD.
Trackliste: 1. Ten taken. 2. Woody ‚n you. 3. Slinky. 4. My foolish heart.
5. Steeplechase. 6. Hive. 7. Lost found & inbetween. 8. Chirikawa.
9. Relaxin‘ at Camarillo. 10. I want to talk about you. 11. Groove elation.
12. The Guiness spot.
Bibliothek: Mannheim
John Scofield Trio:
En Route: John Scofield Trio live; at The Blue Note, NYC, December
2003. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Wee. 2. Toogs. 3. Name that tune. 4. Hammock soliloquy.
5. Bag. 6. It is written. 7. Alfie. 8. Travel John. 9. Over big top.
Bibliothek: Mannheim
Joshua Redman Elastic Band:
Momentum. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Soundcheck. 2. Sweet Nasty. 3. Just a moment. 4. Shut
your mouth. 5. The crunge. 6. Riverwide. 7. Greasy G. 8. Loneny
woman. 9. Swunk. 10. Blowing changes. 11. Double jeopardy. 12. Put
it in your pocket. 13. Showtime.
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen, Mannheim
Joshua Redman Quartet:
Moodswing. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Sweet sorrow. 2. Chill. 3. Rejoice. 4. Faith. 5. Alone in
the morning. 6. Mischief. 7. Dialogue. 8. The oneness of two (in
three). 9. Past in the present. 10. Obsession. 11. Headin‘ home.
Bibliotheken: Ludwigshafen, Mannheim
Joshua Redman Quartet:
Passage of time. - 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1.Before. 2. Free speech, phase I. 3. Free speech, phase II.
4. Our minuet. 5. Bronze. 6. Time. 7. Enemies within. 8. After.
Bibliothek: Mannheim
Katché, Manu:
Manu Katché / Manu Katché. Nils Petter Molvaer; Tore Brunborg;
Jim Watson. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Running after years. 2. Bliss. 3. Loving you. 4. Walking
by your side. 5. Imprint. 6. Short ride. 7. Beats & bounce slowing
the tides. 8. Loose. 9. Dusk on carnon.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Konitz, Lee:
Live at Birdland / Lee Konitz; Brad Mehldau; Charlie Haden; Paul
Motian. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Lover man. 2. Lullaby of Birdland. 3. Solar. 4. I fall in
love too easily. 5. You stepped out of a dream. 6. Oleo.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Koppel, Benjamin:
Hammond Street / Benjamin Koppel; Larry Goldings; Bill Stewart. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Ostrich itch. 2. Jetlag. 3. H.T.E.S.T.A.C. (how to explain socialism to a cat). 4. Hammond street. 5. Make sure you‘re sure. 6. Armadillo
run. 7. Holtemmen. 8. Pasadena pancakes. 9. Coconino county.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Koppel, Benjamin:
Pass the Bebop / Benjamin Koppel featuring Phil Woods and The
Alex Riel Trio. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Chess party. 2. Mother‘s song. 3. 36-14 (a bop result). 4.
How high the moon. 5. Pass the bebop. 6. K.O. (I‘m fishing in the Seine).
7. Autumn leaves. 8. Before the concert. 9. Razorbill relaxin‘.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Kühn, Joachim; Wollny, Michael:
Piano Works IX – Live at Schloss Elmau. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. The colours of the wind. 2. Hexentanz. 3. Elmau. 4. Chaconne. 5. Sea walk. 6. Encore.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Ladies‘ Jazz: starke neue Stimmen / Madeleine Peyroux; Diana
Krall; Vienna Teng; Lizz Wright; Norah Jones; Rebekka Bakken; Silje
Nergaard u. v. a. – 1 CD.
Bibliothek: Mannheim
Landgren, Nils:
Christmas concert with my friends: recorded live at Odensala
Medieval Church, Stockholm-Märsta, Sweden / Nils Landgren.
With Viktoria Tolstoy; Jeanette Köhn; Sharon Dyall; Ulf Wakenius;
Bugge Wesseltoft. – 1 DVD.
Trackliste: 1. Ave Maris Stella. 2. Bereden väg för Herran. 3. Jul Jul
Stralande Jul. 4. When you wish upon a star. 5. Christmas song. 6. Aria:
Lascia ch‘io pianga. 7. Nu tändas tusen juleljus. 8. In Dulce Jubilo / Det
kimer na til julefest. 9. Gläns över sjö och strand. 10. Det Stralar en
stjärna. 11. Es ist ein Ros entsprungen. 12. White Christmas. 13. What
child is this? 14. När Juldagsmorgen glimmer. 15. Have yourself a merry
little Christmas. 16. Till Betlehem. 17. Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht.
Bibliothek: Mannheim
Landgren, Nils:
Christmas with my friends / Nils Landgren. With Viktoria Tolstoy; Jeanette Köhn; Lars Danielsson; Bugge Wesseltoft; Ulf Wakenius. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Maybe this christmas. 2. Ave Maris Stella. 3. Bereden
väg för Herran. 4. Jul Jul Stralande Jul. 5. When you wish upon a
star. 6. Christmas song. 7. Aria: Lascia ch‘io pianga. 8. Nu tändas
tusen juleljus. 9. In Dulce Jubilo / Det kimer na til julefest. 10. Gläns
över sjö och strand. 11. Det Stralar en stjärna. 12. Es ist ein Ros
entsprungen. 13. White Christmas. 14. What child is this? 15. När
Juldagsmorgen glimmer. 16. Have yourself a merry little Christmas.
17. Till Betlehem. 18. Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht.
Bibliothek: Mannheim
Larry Willis Quintet:
Heavy Blue / Larry Willis Quintet with Larry Willis [piano]; Jerry
Gonzales [trumpet, flugelhorn]; Joe Ford [alto & soprano sax]; Don
Pate [bass]; Jeff Watts [drums]. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. To wisdom, the prize. 2. Winther blue. 3. Earthlings. 4. When
I fall in love. 5. Nightfall. 6. Heavy blue. 7. Ballad for Frederick. 8. Habiba.
Bibliothek: Mannheim
Let‘s get lost: documentary / Regie: Bruce Weber. Kamera Jeff
Preiss. Musik: Chet Baker. Darsteller: Chet Baker, Ruth Young,
Olga Liriani. – 1 DVD.
Fotograf und Regisseur Bruce Weber begleitete Chet Baker mit
seiner Kamera und zeichnet in „Let‘s Get Lost“ ein berührendes
Porträt, das Baker bei Studioaufnahmen ebenso zeigt wie seltenes
Archivmaterial aus seiner Jugendzeit. Der vielfach prämierte Film
enthält neben Ausschnitten aus Filmen, in denen Chet Baker auch
als Schauspieler auftrat, Interviews mit Freunden, Familie, seinen
Frauen und Kindern.
Bibliotheken: Ludwigshafen, Mannheim
Lloyd, Charles:
The water is wide / Charles Lloyd; Brad Mehldau; John Abercrombie;
Larry Grenadier; Billy Higgins. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Georgia. 2. The water is wide. 3. Black butterfly. 4. Ballade
and allegro. 5. Figure in blue. 6. Lotus blossom. 7. The monk and the
mermaid. 8. Song of her. 9. Lady day. 10. Heaven. 11. There is a balm
in gilead. 12. Prayer.
Bibliothek: Mannheim
Lovano, Joe:
Cross culture / Us Five. Joe Lovano; James Weidman; Esperanza
Spalding; Otis Brown III; Francisco Mela. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Blessings in may. 2. Myths and legends. 3. Cross culture.
4. In a spin. 5. Star crossed lovers. 6. Journey within. 7. Drum chant.
8. Golden horn. 9. Royal roost. 10. Modern man. 11. PM.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Lovano, Joe:
Tenor legacy / Joe Lovano; Joshua Redman; Mulgrew Miller. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Miss Etna. 2. Love is a many splendored thing. 3. Blackwell‘s
message. 4. Laura. 5. Introspection. 6. In the land of Ephesus. 7. To
her ladyship. 8. Web of fire. 9. Rounder‘s mood. 10. Bread and wine.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Maalouf, Ibrahim:
Wind / Ibrahim Maalouf; Mark Turner; Larry Grenadier. –1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Doubts. 2. Suspicions. 3. Waiting. 4. Questions & Answers.
5. Waiting. 6. Excitement. 7. Certainty. 8. Sensuality. 9. Issues. 10. Suprises. 11. Doubts 2. 12. Mystery.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
MacBride, Christian:
Gettin‘ to it / Christian McBride. Roy Hargrove; Joshua Redman. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. In a hurry. 2. The shade of the cedar tree. 3. Too close for
comfort. 4. Sitting on a cloud. 5. Splanky. 6. Gettin‘ to it. 7. Stars fell on
Alabama. 8. Black moon. 9. King Freddie of Hubbard. 10. Night train.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Magic moments 4. Jazz is cool. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Azul / Wolfgang Haffner; Sebastian Studnitzky. 2. Sir
Revival / Roberto di Gioia‘s Marsmobil; Wigald Boning. 3. Brutal
Truth / Ida Sand; Lars Danielsson. 4. Blues panic / Chris Gall Trio;
Nils Landgren. 5. We were Indians / Solveig Slettahjell slow motion
Quintet. 6. Spam-boo-limbo / e.s.t. Esbjörn Svensson Trio. 7. Fragile /
Landgren; Sendecki; Danielsson; NDR Big Band. 8. Yo vivo enamorao
/ Jan Lundgren Trio. 9. Hang ‚em high / Oddjob. 10. Silver white man
/ Josefine Cronholm; Factum est?. 11. The Madonna / Danielsson;
Mozdzer; Eick; Harland. 12. Jockey full of bourbon / Youn Sun Nah;
Ulf Wakenius. 13. Galang (Trio Riot Version) / Vijay Iyer Trio. 14. ZigZag
Blues / Cèline Bonacina Trio. 15. Si ay perdut mon sabre / Knut Rössler;
Johannes Vogt; „Between the Times“. 16. The wind and the leaves /
Dan Berglund‘s Tonbruket. 17. There must be an angel / Jessica Pilnäs;
Dan Berglund; Wolfgang Haffner. 18. Nach Hause / McJazz; Humpe;
Kluge; Weniger; Burkhardt.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Magic moments 5. In the spirit of jazz. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Visa fran utanmyra / Jan Johansson; Georg Riedel.
2. Svantetic / Leszek Mozdzer. 3. Eleanor rigby Star / Nguyen Le &
Youn Sun Nah. 4. Lasciatemi morire / Danilo Rea; Flavio Boltro.
5. Midnight walk / J. & R. Wasserfuhr; L. Danielsson; W. Haffner.
6. Come on, come over / Viktoria Tolstoy; Jacob Karlzon. 7. Heartbeat / Wolfgang Haffner; Sebastian Studnitzky. 8. Fragile / Nils
Landgren; Michael Wollny. 9. Prelude in D-Minor / Esbjörn Svensson.
10. Love is real / Ida Sand; Nils Landgren. 11. Piano break song / Magnus
Öström. 12. Le var / Tonbruket / Dan Berglund. 13. Shelley / Wollny;
Kruse; Schaefer. 14. Eleven feels like heaven / Mo‘Blow. 15. Under the
bridge / Three Fall. 16. No air / Caecilie Norby; Lars Danielsson. 17. One
more waltz for Michel Petrucciani / Iiro Rantala. 18. At the end of this
album / Verneri Pohjola.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Magic moments 6. In the spirit of jazz. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Margit Hjukse / Bugge Wesseltoft; Henning Kraggerund.
2. Fool‘s gold / Jacob Karlzon. 3. Lament / Nah, Youn Sun. 4. Melodia
del viento / Wolfgang Haffner; Thomas Quasthoff. 5. Waltz for JB /
Vincent Peirani; Michael Wollny; Michael Benita. 6. The room of
imagination / Adam Baldych; Marius Neset. 7. Someone like you /
Torsten Goods. 8. Glocken / Dieter Ilg Trio; Rainer Böhm. 9. Tears
of love / Christian Muthspiel. 10. Bayrum / Céline Bonacina Trio;
Pascal Schumacher. 11. Stepping stone / Caecilie Norby; Lars
Danielssohn; Leszek Mozdzer. 12. Troubadour / Klaus Paier; Asja
Valcic. 13. The great he goat / Arne Jansen Trio. 14. Birch Song / In
the Country; Morten Qvenild. 15. Suffering / Iiro Rantala; Leszek
Mozdzer. 16. Volcano for hire / Radio String Quartet Vienna.
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen
Mardi Gras Brass Band:
Crime story tapes. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Headshot. 2. Bumblebee. 3. If there was love. 4. 250 000
people. 5. Mirror, mirror. 6. If I could be with you. 7. Bar mitzvah song.
8. The indian magician. 9. Chinatown. 10. Rosemarie. 11. Old Nu York.
12. Police cars.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Mardi Gras Brass Band:
The exile itch: the album & the movie. – 1 CD + 1 DVD.
Trackliste: CD: 1. Now that were gone. 2. Live is lonely. 3. Before
you were my girl. 4. Is this me, my friend? 5. My soul. 6. Roses & Vine.
7. Happy boy. 8. Snow on the meadow. 9. Hungry like the sun. 10. Who
sent the rain. 11. My heart flies back to you. DVD: The unveiling
of the exile itch.
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen
Mardi Gras Brass Band:
Heat. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. This is heat. 2. B-leave me. 3. Moto boat. 4. Old Nu
York. 5. S-e-x-x-y. 6. Give me jungle rock. 7. Sunshine. 8. Y. C. 9. Kill
the music. 10. The ocelot. 11. Queen.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Mardi Gras Brass Band:
Live im Capitol. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Let there be brass. 2. Papa joe. 3. Slave. 4. Lation
funky. 5. Man in the mirror. 6. New Orleans. 7. Mard gras banda.
8. Teenage inspiration. 9. Jump sturdy. 10. Movement.
Bibliotheken: Ludwigshafen, Mannheim
Mardi Gras Brass Band:
Movement. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Mardi Gras movement. 2. Teenage inspiration. 3. Mardi
Gras banda. 4. M.G. ambassador.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Mardi Gras Brass Band:
Pentalogy – the very best of 1999–2004. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. The railroad song. 2. Dark days. 3. Jungle telegraph. 4. I
was blind. 5. Down down down. 6. Bye bye Babylon. 7. Let it shine.
8. Psychoflute. 9. CM lover. 10. Dreamtime in Memphis. 11. Desert
rose. 12. Hop sing song. 13. Moto boat. 14. Old Nu York. 15. Y. C. kill
the music.
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen
Mardi Gras Brass Band:
Von Humboldt picnic / a journey with Mardi Gras.BB. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Delhi morning raga. 2. I‘m still in love with Montreal.
3. BLVD. 4. De Clichy. 5. Benim Ismin Mahmut Altunay. 6. Irina smiles.
7. Heart of darkness. 8. Monk punk. 9. Americanos. 10. Lotterie des
Lebens. 11. Bowler hat. 12. Oscar Muron. 13. Container No. 905.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Martignon, Hector:
Refugee / Hector Martignon with Eddie Gomez, Kenny Barron,
Richard Bona, Dafnis Prieto. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Refugee. 2. 99 MacDougal. 3. Observatory. Beauty
sleep. 4. Eddie‘s ready. 5. Tomorrow‘s past. 6. You won‘t forget
me. 7. Nothing personal.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Masekela, Hugh:
Grazing in the grass. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. The Boy‘s Doin‘ It. 2. Ha Lese Le Di Khanna. 3. Sipho.
4. Grazing In The Grass. 5. Child Of The Earth. 6. Phatsha-Phatsha.
7. Maesha. 8. Stimela (Coal Train). 9. Kwa-Blaney. 10. Emavungweni.
11. U, Dwi. 12. A Felicidade.
Bibliothek: Heidelberg
Masekela, Hugh:
Jabulani – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Sossie. 2. Fiela. 3. Bambezela. 4. Rosie My Girl. 5. Iph‘
Indlela. 6. Tsoang Tsoang. 7. Scatter My Dada. 8. Makoti (Bride).
9. Mfana. 10. Uyeyeni. 11. No Harvest (Asilimanga).
Bibliothek: Heidelberg
Masekela, Hugh:
Phola / Hugh Masekela; David Klassen; Denny Lalouette; Erik
Paliani. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Mwanayu Wakula. 2. Ghana. 3. Bring it back home.
4. Malungelo. 5. Moz. 6. Sonnyboy. 7. Weather. 8. The joke of life
(brinca de vivre). 9. Hunger.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Masekela, Hugh:
Revival – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. After tears. 2. Woman of the sun. 3. Spring. 4. District
six. 5. Open the door. 6. Nontsokolo. 7. Freshair. 8. Smoke. 9. Ibala
lam. 10. Sleep. 11. For the love of you. 12. Working underground.
Bibliothek: Mannheim
Matthias Brandt liest „But beautiful“: ein Buch über Jazz / von
Geoff Dyer. Als Gäste: Susanne Betancor; Helge Schneider; Till
Brönner. – 3 CDs.
Mit Kapiteln über und Stücken von Lester Young, Thelonious Monk,
Charles Mingus und Chet Baker.
Bibliothek: Mannheim
Mehldau, Brad:
The art of the trio: 1. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Blame it on my youth. 2. I didnt know what time it
was. 3. Rons place. 4. Lament for Linus. 5. Mignons song. 6. I fall
in love too easily. 7. Lucid. 8. Nobody else but me. 9. Blackbird.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Mehldau, Brad:
Brad Mehldau – Live in Marciac. – 2 CDs +1 DVD.
Trackliste: CD 1: 1. Storm. 2. It‘s all right with me. 3. Secret love.
4. Unrequited. 5. Resignation. 6. Trailer park ghost. 7. Goodbye
storyteller. 8. Exit music. CD 2: 1. Things behind the sun. 2. Lithium.
3. Lilac wine. 4. Martha my dear. 5. My favorite things. 6. Dat
dere. DVD: Storm / It‘s all right with me. Secret love. Unrequited.
Resignation. Trailer park ghost. Goodbye storyteller / Exit music.
Things behind the sun / Lithium. Lilac wine. Martha my dear. My
favorite things.
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen
Mehldau, Brad:
Elegiac cycle. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Bard. 2. Resignation. 3. Memory‘s tricks. 4. Elegie
for William Burroughs and Allen Ginsberg. 5. Lament for Linus.
6. Trailer park ghost. 7. Goodbye storyteller. 8. Rückblick. 9. The
bard returns.
Bibliothek: Mannheim
Mehldau, Brad:
Largo – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. When It Rains. 2. You‘re Vibing Me. 3. Dusty McNugget.
4. Dropjes. 5. Paranoid Android. 6. Franklin Avenue. 7. Sabbath.
8. Dear Prudence. 9. Free Willy. 10. Alvarado. 11. Wave / Mother
Nature‘s Son. 12. I Do.
Bibliothek: Heidelberg
Mehldau, Brad; Hays, Kevin:
Modern music. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Crazy quilt. 2. Unrequited. 3. Generatrix. 4 . Celtic folk
melody. 5. Excerpt from music for 18 musicians. 6. Lonely woman.
7. Modern music. 8. Elegia. 9. Excerpt from string quartet #5.
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen
Mehldau, Brad:
Songs. 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Song-Song. 2. Unrequited. 3. Bewitched, Bothered And
Bewildered. 4 . Exit Music (For A Film). 5. At A Loss. 6. Convalescent.
7. For All We Know. 8. River Man 9. Young At Heart. 10. Sehnsucht.
Bibliothek: Heidelberg
Metheny, Pat; Mehldau, Brad:
Metheny / Mehldau. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Unrequited. 2. Ahmid-6. 3. Summer day. 4 . Ring of life.
5. Legend. 6. Find me in your dreams. 7. Say the brother’s name.
8. Bachelor’s III. 9. Annie’s bittersweet cake. 10. Make peace.
Biblothek: Heidelberg
Metheny, Pat:
Trio 99 - 00 / Pat Metheny; Larry Grenadier; Bill Stevens. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. (Go)get it. 2. Giant steps. 3. Just like the day. 4. Soul cowboy. 5. The sun in Montreal. 6 . Capricorn. 7. We had a sister. 8. What
do you want? 9. A lot of livin‘ to do. 10. Lone Jack. 11. Travels.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Metheny Mehldau Quartet:
Metheny Mehldau Quartet. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. A night away. 2. The sound of water. 3. Fear and trembling.
5. Don‘t wait. 6. Towards the light. 7. Long before. 8. En la tierra
que no olvida. 9. Santa Cruz slacker. 10. Secret beach. 11. Silent movie.
12. Marta‘s theme (from „Passagio per il Paradiso“).
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen
Möller, Lars:
Jazzpar Concerts 2003 / Lars Möller. Geri Allen; Buster Williams;
Billy Hart. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Daybreaking dreams. 2. Blue skies in Kamchatka. 3. Bacharach. 4. Laila‘s house. 5. Invitation.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Molvaer, Nils Petter:
1-1. - 1 CD.
Bibliothek: Heidelberg
Molvaer, Nils Petter:
Baboon Moon / Nils Petter Molvaer; Stian Westerhus; Erland
Dahlen. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Mercury heart. 2. A small realm. 3. Recoil. 4. Bloodline.
5. Sleep with echoes. 6. Blue fandango. 7. Prince of calm. 8. Coded.
9. Baboon moon.
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen
Molvaer, Nils Petter:
Er. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Hover. 2. Softer. 3. Water. 4. Only these things count.
5. Sober. 6. Darker. 7. Feeder. 8. Dancer.
Bibliothek: Mannheim
Molvaer, Nils Petter:
Hamada. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Exhumation. 2. Sabkah. 3. Icy altitude. 4. Friction.
5. Monocline. 6. Soft moon shine. 7. Cruel altitude. 8. Lahar. 9. Anticline.
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen
Molvaer, Nils Petter:
Recoloured: the remix album / Nils Petter Molvaer. Exklusives Remixes by Funkstörung, Herbert, Cinematic Orchestra u. a. – 1 CD
Bibliothek: Mannheim
Molvaer, Nils Petter:
Re-makes. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Torn. 2. The Beginning. 3. Alone In The Bathtub. 4. Visitation.
5. Arctic Dub. 6. Perimeters. 7. Trp. Player In The Back Yard. 8. The End.
9. The Visitor. 10. Azad`s Theme. 11. Decisions. 12. Leaps And Bounds.
Bibliothek: Heidelberg
Molvaer, Nils Petter:
Remakes – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Axis Of Ignorance (Funkstörung‘s Mass Destruction
Remix). 2 .Hurry Slowly (Herbert‘s Moving Mix). 3. Marrow (Sofa
Version). 4. Axis Of Ignorance (Pavel And Marsh Remix). 5. Frozen
(Side Brok‘s Dagen Derpa Remix). 6. Little Indian (Aggie Frost‘s
Manestrale-Miks). 7. Little Indian (Bugge‘s Indiana Jens Mix). 8. Frozen
(Bill Laswell Remix). 9. Simply So (TeeBee Mix). 10. Simply So (So
Simply Mix). 11. Little Indian (Koller Mix).
Bibliothek: Heidelberg
Molvaer, Nils Petter:
Re-Vision. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Torn. 2. The beginning. 3. Alone in the bathtub. 4. Visitation.
5. Artic dub. 6. Perimeters. 7. Trumpet player in the backyard. 8. The
end. 9. The visitor. 10. Azads theme. 11. Decisions. 12. Leaps and bounds.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Molvaer, Nils Petter:
Streamer: live. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Frozen. 2. Marrow. 3. Little Indian. 4. Kakonita. 5. Sauna.
6. Simply So. 7. Hurry Slowly. 8. Solid Ether.
Bibliothek: Heidelberg
Moore, Glen:
Nude bass ascending ... / Glen Moore. Carla Bley; Steve Swallow;
Rabih Abou-Khalil. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Moot. 2. Silk. 3. Euphrates. 4. Roots in the sky. 5. Kubla
Khan. 6. Cicconi. 7. It takes a village. 8. Inky. 9. Olivewood. 10. Mayday.
11. Golden penciled paradise. 12. Baida. Bloomination. 13. Nude
bass descending. 14. The stream is stony.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Mop Mop:
Isle of magic / Mop Mop. Fred Wesley; Anthony Joseph; Sara Sayed;
Bruno Briscik; Johannes Schleiermacher; Lutz Schlosser. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Jua kiss. 2. Let I go feat. Anthony Joseph. 3. Kamakumba.
4. Heritage feat. Anthony Joseph. 5. Phantom of the panther. 6. Run
around feat. Fred Wesley & Anthony Joseph . 7. The golden bamboo.
8. Loa chant feat. Sara Sayed. 9. Black ivory. 10. Damballah. 11. Mojomamy. 12. Afro jojo part one. 13. Afro jojo part two.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
More Jazz visits 1997–99. – 2 CDs.
Trackliste: CD 1: 1. Battleship / Carla Bley & Steve Swallow. - 2. Preamble.
Moon howl / Per Jorgensen. 4. Giant steps / Chano Dominguez.
5. The elephant secret / Ignacio Berroa. 6. Triple Metamorphosis /
Phil Woods. 7. Felice / Jon Balke. 8. A beautiful animal / John Tchicai.
9. Cow cow boogie / Adam Nussbaum. CD 2: 1. Constituance / Paul
Jackson & Mike Clark. 2. The time is now / Eliane Elias & Marc
Johnson. 3. Look for the silver lining / Adam Nussbaum. 4. Untitled /
Kip Hanrahan. 5. Berlin Ballad / John Tchicai. 6. Ear right. ear wrong /
Scanner. Tom Chopin / Nils Landgren.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Moritz von Oswald Trio:
Fetch. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Jam. 2. Dark. 3. Club. 4. Yangissa.
Bibliothek: Mannheim
Motian, Paul:
Lost In A Dream / Paul Motian; Chris Potter; Jason Moran. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Mode VI. 2. Casino. 3. Lost In A Dream. 4. Blue Midnight. 5. Be Careful It‘s My Heart. 6. Bird Song. 7. Ten. 8. Drum
Music. 9. Abacus. 10. Cathedral Song.
Bibliothek: Heidelberg
Muthspiel, Wolfgang:
Drumfree / Wolfgang Muthspiel; Andy Scherrer; Larry Grenadier. –
1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Ibrahim. 2. Tribal Games. 3. Sunspot. 4. Double Blues.
5. This Is Over That. 6. Ralphone. 7. The Palace (To Wena). 8. Looking
For Elba. 9. Raumzeit.
Bibliothek: Heidelberg
Muthspiel, Wolfgang / Blade, Brian:
Friendly travelers. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Gnadenwald. 2. Between the beats. 3. End on 4.
4. Vallekilde. 5. Youssou. 6. Friendly travellers. 7. Balladino. 8. Heavy
song. 9. Andrej Rubljow. 10. Cold summer. 11. The tuning of the bells.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Nah, Youn Sun:
Lento – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Lento. 2. Lament. 3. Hurt. 4. Empty dream. 5. Momento
magico. 6. Soundless bye. 7. Full circle. 8. Ghost riders in the sky.
9. Waiting. 10. Arirang. 11. New dawn.
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen, Mannheim
Nah, Youn Sun:
Same girl / Youn Sun Nah. Ulf Wakenius; Lars Danielsson; Xavier
Desandre-Navarre. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. My favorite things. 2. My name is carnival. 3. Breakfast in
Baghdad. 4. Uncertain weather. 5. Song of no regrets. 6. Kangwondo
Arirang. 7. Enter sandman. 8. Same girl. 9. Moondog. 10. Pancake.
11. La chanson d‘Hélène.
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen
Nah, Youn Sun:
Voyage. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Dancing with you. 2. The linden. 3. Calypso blues. 4. My
bye. 5. Jockey full of bourbon. 6. Voyage. 7. Please, don‘t be sad.
8. Shenandoah. 9. Come, come. 10. Frevo. 11. Inner prayer. 12. India song.
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen, Mannheim
Neset, Marius:
Birds / Marius Neset [compositions, tenor and soprano saxophones]. Ivo Neame [piano]; Jim Hart[vibes]; Jasper Høiby[bass];
Anton Eger[drums]. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Birds. 2. Reprise. 3. Boxing. 4. Portuguese windmill. 5. Spring
dance. 6. Fields of clubs. 7. The place of welcome. 8. Introduction to
sacred universe. 9. Sacred universe. 10. Math of mars. 11. Fanfare.
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen, Mannheim
Neset, Marius:
Golden xplosion! – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Introducing: Golden Xplosion. 2. Golden Xplosion. 3. City
On Fire. 4. Sane. 5. Old Poison (XL). 6. Shame Us. 7. Saxophone
Intermezzo. 8. The Real Ysj. 9. Saxophone Intermezzo II. 10. Angel
Of The North. 11. Epilogue.
Bibliothek: Heidelberg
The New Gary Burton Quartet:
Guided tour. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Caminos. 2. The lookout. 3. Jane Fonda called again.
4. Jackalope. 5. Once upon a summertime. 6. Sunday‘s uncle. 7. Rememering Tano. 8. Helena. 9. Legacy. 10. Monk fish.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Nightmares On Wax:
In a Space Outta Sound – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Passion. 2. The Sweetest. 3. Flip Ya Lid. 4. Pudpots. 5. Damn.
6. You Wish. 7. Deepdown. 8. Chime Out. 9. Me!. 10. I Am You. 11. Soul
Purpose. 12. African Pirates.
Biobliothek: Heidelberg
Nightmares on Wax:
Mind elevation. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Mind eye. 2. Say-say. 3. Thinking of Omara. 4. Date with
destiny. 5. Bleu my mind. 6. Environment. 7. Soul-ho.8. Humble. 9. 70s,
80s. 10. Know my name. 11. BBH. 12. Mirrorball. 13. Thoughts.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Nik Bärtsch‘s Ronin:
Holon. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Modul 42. 2. Modul 41_17. 3. Modul 39_8. 4. Modul 46.
5. Modul 44.
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen, Mannheim
Nik Bärtsch‘s Ronin:
Llyria. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Modul 48. 2. Modul 52. 3. Modul 55. 4. Modul 47. 5. Modul 53. 6. Modul 51. 7. Modul 49_44.
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen
Nik Bärtsch‘s Ronin:
Nik Bärtsch‘s Ronin – Live. – 2 CDs.
Trackliste: CD 1: 1. Modul 41 17. 2. Modul 35. 3. Modul 42. 4. Modul 17.
5. Modul 22. CD 2: 1. Modul 45. 2. Modul 48. 3. Modul 47. 4. Modul 55.
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen
Nik Bärtsch‘s Ronin:
Stoa – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 01. Modul 36. 02. Modul 35. 03. Modul 32. 04. Modul 33.
05. Modul 38_17.
Bibliotheken: Ludwigshafen, Mannheim
Nils Wogram‘s Nostalgia:
Affinity. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Affinity. 2. Flashback. 3. Bus. 4. Jack-of-all trades.
5. Hope. 6. Clash. 7. Blury moments. 8. Rocky beach. 9. Where
everything comes from.
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen
Norddeutscher Rundfunk / Big Band
Bravissimo – 50 years NDR Bigband / Big Band Norddeutscher
Rundfunk Hamburg. Chet Baker; Gary Burton; Herb Geller; Johnny
Griffin; Howard Johnson. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. The cat. 2. Blue monk. 3. Voodoo Chile. 4. Sagma. 5. Night
in Tunesia. 6. Take the A train. 7. Supraconductivity. 8. Sister Sadie.
9. Mood indigo. 10. Django. 11. Descent. 12. Country roads.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Nyberg, Lina:
Close – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Little unhappy boy. 2. Close. 3. Here, there and everywhere. 4. Never let me go. 5. In your own sweet way. 6. You can
have him. 7. Waiting. 8. Ruby my dear. 9. I wish I didn’t love you
so. 10. You let my love grow cold. 11. Spring can really hang you up
the most. 12. I hadn‘t anyone ‚til you. 13. May I come in. 14. Waltz
for the lonely ones.
Bibliothek: Mannheim
Obel, Agnes:
Philharmonics. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Falling, Catching. 2. Riverside. 3. Brother Sparrow. 4. Just
So. 5. Beast. 6. Louretta. 7. Avenue. 8. Philharmonics. 9. Close
Watch. 10. Wallflower. 11. Over The Hill. 12. On Powered Ground.
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Mannheim
Ørsted Pedersen, Niels-Henning:
The Unforgettable Nhøp Trio Live / Niels-Henning Ørsted Pedersen; Ulf Wakenius; Jonas Johansen. – 1 CD.
Trackliste. 1. Bach Piece. 2. Memories. 3. Song Is You. 4. Lines. 5. Nightingale Sang In Barkley Square. 6. You And the Night And the Music. 7. My
Little Suede Shoes. 8. NHOP Presentation. 9. I Skovens Dybe Stille Ro.
10. Jeg Gik Mig Ud En Sommerdag. 11. Our Love Is Here To Stay.
Bibliothek: Heidelberg
Peirani, Vincent:
Thrill box / Vincent Peirani. Michael Wollny ; Michel Benita. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Bailero. 2. Waltz for Jb. 3. Hypnotic. 4. Goodnight
Irene. 5. B&h. 6. Air song. 7. 3 Temps pour Michel ‚P. 8. Shenandoah.
9. I mean you. 10. Throw it away. 11. Balkanski Cocek. 12. Choral.
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen
Porter, Cole:
Red, hot and blue / Cole Porter. 2 CDs.
Trackliste: What is this thing called love? (Tommy Dorsey and His
Orchestra). Night and day (Billie Holiday and Her Orchestra).
Rosalie (Artie Shaw and His Orchestra). Love is where you find
it. Begin the beguine (Artie Shaw and His Orchestra). Friendship
(Judy Garland). Don‘t fence me in (Bing Crosby and The Andrews
Sisters). Let‘s do it (Benny Goodman and His Orchestra). Wunderbar (Tommy Dorsey and His Orchestra). So in love (Bing Crosby). In
the still of the night (Jo Stafford). Only another boy and girl (Benny Goodman). My pretty girl (Randy Brooks and His Orchestra).
Everything I love (Benny Goodman). Get out of town (Artie Shaw
and His Orchestra). I get a kick out of you (Tommy Dorsey and His
Orchestra). Just one of those things (Peggy Lee). I concentrate on
you (with Mitchell Ayres and His Orchestra). Why shouldn‘t I (Chet
Baker). I love you (Sarah Vaughan). I am loved (Frank Sinatra). It‘s
d‘lovely. C‘est magnifique (Gordon Jenkins and His Orchestra). I‘ve
got you under my skin. It‘s all right with me (Les Brown and His
Orchestra). You‘re sensational (Sammy Davis Jr.). Do I love you?
(Glen Osser and His Orchestra). All of you. My heart belongs to
Daddy (Peggy Lee). You‘re the top. Silk stockings (Tommy Dorsey
and His Orchestra). At long last love (Frank Sinatra). Everytime
we say goodbye (Dinah Washington). You‘d be so nice to come
home to (Frank Sinatra). Love for sale (Ella Fitzgerald). Now you
has jazz (Louis Armstrong). Anything goes (Howard Lanin and His
Orchestra). Easy to love (Billie Holiday and His Orchestra). I love
Paris (Charlie Parker.). Miss Otis regrets (Ella Fitzgerald). Too darn
hot (Ella Fitzgerald)
Bibliothek: Mannheim
Porter, Gregory:
Liquid Spirit. – 1 CD.
Bibliothek: Heidelberg
Porter, Gregory:
Water. – 1 CD.
Contents: 1. Illusion. 2. Pretty. 3. Magic cup. 4. Skylark. 5. Black nile.
6. Wisdom. 7. 1960 What? 8. But beautiful. 9. Lonely one. 10. Water.
11. Feeling good.
Bibliothek: Mannheim
Postma, Tineke:
For the rhythm / Tineke Postma feat. Terri Lyne Carrington. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Summersong. 2. Voyage. 3. Comprehension. 4. Pump it up!
5. Dialog. 6. Song for sea-tea. 7. New life. 8. Wandering. 9. Goodbye.
10. Love theme. 11. For the rhythm.
Bibliothek: Mannheim
Postma, Tineke:
The Traveller / Tineke Postma. Geri Allen; Scott Colley; Terri Lyne
Carrington. – 1 CD .
Trackliste: 1. Song for F. 2. The eye of the mind. 3. Crazy stuff. 4. The
line. 5. Adagio 13. 6. Cabbonal. 7. Motivation. 8. Searching and finding.
9. Ywc.
Bibliothek: Heidelberg
Potter, Chris; Taborn, Craig; Virelles, David:
The sirens / Chris Potter; Craig Taborn; David Virelles; Larry Grenadier;
Eric Harland. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Wine dark sea. 2. Wayfinder. 3. Dawn (With her Rosy
fingers). 4. The sirens. 5. Penelope. 6. Kalypso. 7. Nausikaa. 8. Stranger
at the gate. 9. The shades.
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen
Potter, Chris:
Underground. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Next best western. 2. Morning bell. 3. Nudnik. 4. Lotus
blossom. 5. Big top. 6. The wheel. 7. Celestial nomad. 8. Underground. 9. Yesterday.
Bibliotheken: Ludwigshafen, Mannheim
Pour Rire! Bande originale du film / composée par Riccardo del
Fra. – 1 CD
Bibliothek: Mannheim
Rantala, Iiro; Wollny, Michael; Mozdzer, Leszek:
Jazz at Berlin Philharmonic I. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. IIro Rantala: Aria and Goldberg Variation. 2. IIro
Rantala & Michael Wollny: Tears for Esbjörn. 3. Michael Wollny:
Hexentanz. 4. Leszek Mozdzer: No message. 5. Leszek Mozdzer:
Incognitor. 6. Leszek Mozdzer & Michael Wollny: Svantetic. 7. Iiro
Rantala & Leszek Mozdzer: Suffering. 8. Iiro Rantala, Michael Wollny,
Leszek Mozdzer: Armando‘s Rumb.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Rava, Enrico:
New York days / Enrico Rava. Stefano Bollani; Mark Turner; Larry
Grenadier; Paul Motian. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Lulù. 2. Improvisation, 1 & 2. 3. Outsider. 4. Certi angoli
segreti. 5. nteriors. 6. Thank you, come again. 7. Count Dracula. 8. Luna
urana. 9. Lady Orlando. 10. Blancasnow.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Redman, Joshua:
Beyond. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Courage (Asymmetric aria). 2. Belonging (lopsided
lullaby). 3. Neverend. 4. Leap of faith. 5. Balance. 6. Twilight ... and
beyond. 7. Stoic revolutions. 8. Suspended emanations. 9. Last rites
of Rock‘n‘Roll. 10. A life?
Bibliotheken: Ludwigshafen, Mannheim
Redman, Joshua:
Back East – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. The Surrey With the Fringe on Top. 2. East of the Sun (and
West of the Sun). 3. Zarafah. 4. Indian Song. 5. I‘m an Old Cowhand.
6. Wagon Wheels. 7. Back East. 8. Mantra No 5. 9. Indonesia. 10. India.
11. GJ + Brian Blade, Chris Cheek, Larry Grenadier, Eric Harland, Ali
Jackson, Joe Lovano, Christian McBride u. v. a.
Bibliothek: Heidelberg
Redman, Joshua:
Compass / Joshua Redman. Brian Blade; Gregory Hutchinson; Larry
Grenadier; Reuben Rogers. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Uncharted. 2. Faraway. 3. Identity thief. 4. Just like
you. 5. Hutchhiker‘s guide. 6. Ghost. Insomnomaniac. 7. Moonlight. 8. Un peu fou. 9. March. 10. Round Reuben. 11. Little Ditty.
12. Through the valley.
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen
Redman, Joshua:
Freedom in the groove. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1.Hide and seek. 2. One shining soul. 3. Streams of consciousness. 4. When the sun comes down. 5. Home fried. 6. Invocation. 7. Dare
I ask? 8. Cat battles. 9. Pantomime. 10. Can‘t dance.
Bibliotheken: Ludwigshafen, Mannheim
Redman, Joshua:
Timeless tales: (for changing times) – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Summertime. 2. Interlude 1. 3. Visions. 4. Yesterdays. 5. Interlude 2. 6. I had a king. 7. Times they are a-changin‘. 8. Interlude 3.
9. It might as well be spring. 10. Interlude 4. 11. How deep is the
ocean. 12. Interlude 5. 13. Love for sale. 14. Interlude 6. 15. Eleanor
Rigby. 16. Interlude 7. 17. How come u don‘t call me anymore?
Bibliotheken: Ludwigshafen, Mannheim
Redman, Joshua:
Walking shadows / Joshua Redman. Larry Grenadier; Brian Blade;
Brad Mehldau. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. The folks who live on the hill. 2. Lush life. 3. Stop this
train. 4. Adagio. 5. Easy living. 6. Doll is mine. 7. Infant eyes. 8. Let
it be. 9. Final hour. 10. Last glimpse of Gotham. 11. Stardust. 12. Let
me down easy.
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen
Redman, Joshua:
Wish / Joshua Redman. Pat Metheny; Charlie Haden; Billy Higgins. –
1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Turnaround. 2.Soul dance. 3. Make sure you‘re sure.
4. The deserving many. 5. We had a sister. 6. Moose the mooche.
7. Tears in heaven. 8. Whittlin‘. 9. Wish. 10. Blues for Pat.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Rémi Panossian Trio:
Add fiction. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Onda‘s mood. 2. Life is a movie. 3. Add fiction. 4. Serenade.
5. Insomnia. 6. Schedule. 7. Two girls. 8. Alive. 9. Choose the good
shoes / siestes.
Bibliothek: Mannheim
Remi Panossian Trio:
Bbang / Rémi Panossian; Frédéric Petitprez; Maxime Delporte. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Runaway. 2. Islay smoky notes, 3. Shikiori. 4. Healthy
cab. 5. Improvisation 1. 6. 3 drinking lab. 7. Time lapse. 8. The end?
9. Improvisation 2. 10. BBQ. 11. Inside the blue box. 12. Beside the
blue box.
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen
Riccardo Del Fra Jazoo Project:
Roses & roots. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Roots routes. 2. Autour de la tour. 3. The „a priori“
thing. 4 . Mickey‘s house. 5. Tempi romani. 6. Venice pics. 7. Wayne‘s
garden. 8. Riff goes rive gauche. 9. Attractions. 10. Madre terra,
madre perla. 11. Toru‘s dream.
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Mannheim
Rob Mazurek Quintet:
Sound is. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. As if an angel fell from the sky. 2. The earthquake tree.
3. Dragon kites. 4. The star splitter. 5. The hill. 6. Le baiser (The
kiss). 7. The lightning field. 8. Cinnamon tree. 9. The dream rocker.
10. Beautyful wolf. 11. Microraptagonafly. 12. Aphrodite rising. 13. The
field. 14. Nora Grace.
Bibliothek: Mannheim
Roger Willemsen legt auf: my favourite things; singers / Sarah Vaughan;
Chet Baker; Billie Holiday; Anita O‘Day; Chris Connor. – 1 CD.
Roger Willemsen stellt seine Lieblingstitel und -sänger vor.
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Mannheim
São Paulo Underground:
Três Cabecas Loucuras. –1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Jagodas dream. 2. Pigeon. 3. Carambola. 4. Colibri. 5. Just
lovin‘. 6. Lado leste. 7. Six six eight. 8. Rio negro.
Bibliothek: Mannheim
Sauer, Heinz; Wollny, Michael:
Certain Beauty. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Stay on „C“. 2. Where is the line. 3. I loves you Porgy.
4. Evidence. 5. Kieser‘s exchange. 6. Nothing compares 2 u. 7. Ruby
my dear. 8. Blues for Pablo. 9. Certain beauty. 10. Laughing at
dinosaurs. 11. Lover man. 12. Believe, beleft, below. 13. Chelsea
bridge. 14. Tangent A. 15. Lush li.fe
Bibliothek: Heidelberg
Sauer, Heinz; Wollny, Michael:
Don‘t explain – Live in concert. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. All blues. 2. Nothing compares 2 U. 3. Don‘t explain.
4. Wenn der Pastor im grünen Hemd. 5. Open fields. 6. There
again. 7. Make you feel my love. 8. Believe beleft below. 9. Space
cake. 10. Kind of blues.
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen
Sauer, Heinz:
If blue then blue / Heinz Sauer; Michael Wollny; Joachim Kühn. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. All blues. 2. Tantricity. 3. Sophisticated lady. 4 . Actors.
5. Lost silhouettes. 6. Blue in green. 7. Tutatis. 8. La belle rancune.
9. Blue and other notes. 10. Flamenco sketches. 11. Egodeology. 12. Lover
man. 13. There again. 14. In a sentimental mood. 15. Go from here.
16. Still around Redford.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Sauer, Heinz; Wollny, Michael:
Melancholia. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. ABC. 2. Space cake. 3. Dry Ikarus. 4. Crows on the
roof. 5. Welcome to what you think you hear. 6. Blue print. 7. Deep
river. 8. Sculptor. 9. Out of diversity. 10. Trouble with mutation.
11. Dreaming field. 12. Round midnight. 13. Melancholia. 14. Deep
sea. 15. Seven sharp. 16. Ursa minor. 17. Welcome to what you hear.
18. Don‘t explain.
Bibliothek: Mannheim
Schlippenbach, Alexander von:
Globe Unity Orchestra 2002 / Globe Unity Orchestra. Alexander
von Schlippenbach. – 1 CD.
Enthält: Globe Unity 2002.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Schlippenbach, Alexander von:
Globe Unity – 40 Years / Alexander von Schlippenbach. Globe
Unity Orchestra. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Globe Unity forty years. 2. Out of Burtons songbooks.
3. Bavarian calypso. 4. Nodago. 5. The dumps. 6. The forge.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Schlippenbach, Alexander von:
Hamburg ‚74 : recorded during the 105th NDR JazzWorkshop 1974. –
1 CD.
Enthält: Kontraste und Synthesen / Schoof
Bibliothek: Mannheim
Schlippenbach, Alexander von:
Light blue: Schlippenbach plays Monk. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Bye-a. 2. Lokomotive. 3. Skippy. 4. Off minor. 5. Let‘s cool
one. 6. Pannonica. 7. Evidence. 8. Coming on the hudson. 9. Work.
10. Ruby my dear. 11. Trinkle tinkle. 12. Round about midnight. 13. Bolivar
blues. 14. Light blue.
Bibliothek: Mannheim
Schlippenbach, Alexander von:
Monk‘s Casino: the complete work of Thelonious Monk. – 3 CDs.
Trackliste: CD 1: 1. Thelonious. 2. Locomotive. 3. Trinkle-tinkle.
4. Stuffy Turkey. 5. Coming on the Hudson. 6. Bemsha swing. 7. 2nd
street theme. 8. Pannonica. 9. Evidence. 10. Misterios. 11. Sixteen.
12. Skippy. 13. Monk‘s point. 14. Green chimneys. 15. Little Rootie
Tootie. 16. San Francisco holiday. 17. Off minor. 18. Gallop‘s gallop.
19. Crepuscule with Nellie. 20. Hackensack. 21. Consecutive second‘s.
CD 2: 22. Brilliant corners. 23. Eronel. 24. Monk‘s dream. 25. Shuffle
boil. 26. Hornin‘ in. 27. Criss cross. 28. Introspection. 29. Ruby, my dear.
30. In walked Bud. 31. Let‘s cool one. 32. Let‘s call this. 33. Jackie-ing.
34. Humph. 35. Functional. 36. Work. 37. I mean you. 38. Monk‘s mood.
39. Four in one. 40. Round about midnight. 41. Played twice. 42. Friday
the 13th. 43. Ugly beauty. 44. Bye-ya. 45. Oska T. CD 3: 46. Bolivar blues. 47. Well you needn‘t. 48. Brake‘s sake. 49. Nutty.
50. Who knows. 51. Blue Hawk. 52. North of the sunset. 53. Blue sphere.
54. Something in blue. 55. Boo Boo‘s birthday. 56. Ask me now. 57. Think
of one. 58. Raise four. 59. Japanese folk song. 60. Children‘s song.
61. Blue Monk. 62. We see. 63. Bright Mississippi. 64. Reflections.
65. Five spot blues. 66. Light blue. 67. Teo. 68. Rhythm-a-ning. 69. A
merrier Christmas. 70. Straight no chaser. 71. Epistrophy.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Schmusejazz Vol. 1. / Billie Holiday; Miles Davis; Chet Baker; Dave
Brubeck Quartet u. v. m. – 1 CD.
Bibliothek: Mannheim
Schöner hören Vol. 6. / [Vanessa Paradis; Goldfrapp; Aimee Mann;
Tortoise; Trygve Seim; Nils Landgren; Esbjörn Svensson; Delicate. – 1 CD.
Bibliothek: Mannheim
Schwarz, Henrik:
Live. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Lullaby for Realville. 2. Earth Beats (Henrik Schwarz
Remix). 3. Vuoi vuoi me (Henrik Schwarz Remix) 4. Stop, look &
listen (Henrik‘s Version). 5. Kalimba dance. 6. Where we at (Live
Version). 7. No Sun In The Sky (Henrik Schwarz Remix). 8. Leave
my head alone brain. 9. Louder (Henrik Schwarz Full Vocal Mix).
10. Mango meat. 11. Jimis. 12. Imagination limitation (DJ-Kicks). 13. It‘s
A Man‘s World (The Henrik Schwarz Remix). 14. Atoms (Henrik
Schwarz Remix). 15. Walk music. 16. Jazz Book No. 2.
Bibliothek: Mannheim
Scofield, John; Metheny, Pat:
I can see your house from here. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. I can see your house from here. 2. The red one. 3. No
matter what. 4. Everybody‘s party. 5. Message to my friend. 6. No
way Jose. 7. Say the brother‘s name. 8. S.C.O. 9. Quiet rising. 10. One
way to be. 11. You speak my language.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Scofield, John:
A moment‘s peace / John Scofield; Larry Goldings; Scott Colley;
Brian Blade. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Simply put. 2. I will. 3. Lawns. 4. Throw it away. 5. I
want to talk about you. 6. Gee Baby ain‘t I good to you. 7. Johan.
8. Mood returns. 9. Already September. 10. You don‘t know what
love is. 11. Plain song. 12. I loves you Porgy.
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen
Scofield, John:
That‘s What I Say / John Scofield plays the music of Ray Charles. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Busted. 2. What‘d I say. 3. Sticks and stones. 4. I don‘t
need no doctor. 5. Cryin‘ time. 6. I can‘t stop loving you. 7. Hit the
road Jack. 8. Talkin‘ bout you, I got a woman. 9. Unchain my heart,
pt. 1. 10. Let‘s go get stoned. 11. Night time is the right time. 12. You
don‘t know me. 13. Georgia on my mind.
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen
Scofield, John:
Überjam deux. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Camelus. 2. Boogie stupid. 3. Endless summer. 4. Dub
dub. 5. Cracked ice. 6. Al Green song. 7. Snake dance. 8. Scotown.
9. Torero. 10. Curtis knew. 11. Just don‘t want to be lonely.
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen, Mannheim
Scofield, John:
Works for me. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. I‘ll catch you. 2. Not you again. 3. Big J. 4. Loose canon.
5. Love you long time. 6. Hive. 7. Heel to toe. 8. Do I crazy? 9. Mrs.
Scofield‘s waltz. 10. Six and eight. 11. Freepie.
Bibliothek: Mannheim
ScoLoHoFo :
Oh! / ScoLoHoFo. John Scofield; Joe Lovano; Dave Holland; Al
Foster. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Oh! 2. Right about now. 3. The winding way. 4. Bittersweet.
5. Shorter form. 6. New Amsterdam. 7. In your arms. 8. The dawn
of time. 9. Brandyn. 10. Faces. 11. Oh, I see.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
SF Jazz Collective:
SF Jazz Collective. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Lingala. 2. Peace. 3. Of this day‘s journey. 4. When
will the blues leave. 5. Rise and fall. 6. Una muy bonita. 6. March
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Shorter, Wayne:
Alegria / Wayne Shorter [compositions & saxophone]. With Chris
Potter tenor sax, bass clarinet]; Danilo Perez; Brad Mehldau [pianos];
Brian Blade; Terri Lyne Carringtonb [drums]. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Sacajawea. 2. Serenata. 3. Vendiendo alegria. 4. Bachianas
Brasileiras No. 5. 5. Angola. 6. Interlude. 7. She moves through the fair.
8. Orbits. 9. 12th Century Carol. 10. Capricorn II.
Bibliothek: Mannheim
Shorter, Wayne:
Footprints – Live / Wayne Shorter; Danilo Perez; John Patitucci;
Blade, Brian. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Sanctuary. 2. Masqualero. 3. Valse Triste. 4. Go. 5. Aung
San Suu Kyi. 6. Footprints. 7. Atlantis. 8. Ju Ju.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Sieverts, Henning:
Symmethree / Henning Sieverts [compositions, bass, cello]. Ronny
Graupe [guitar]; Nils Wogram [trombone]. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Symmethree. 2. Nine o.m. 3. One for Paul. 4. À la
Seurat. 5. Nine on twelve. 6. Coffee to stay. 7. New tone barn. 8. Happy
birthday. 9. Deep, deep! 10. Walking on the other side.
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Mannheim
Simon, Paul:
Graceland: recorded live on location in Harare, Zimbabwe / Paul Simon.
Miriam Makeba; Hugh Masekela; Ladysmith Black Mambazo. – 1 DVD.
Trackliste: 1. Township jive. 2. The boy in the bubble. 3. Gumboots.
4 . Whispering bells. 5. Bring him back home. 6. Crazy love volume II.
7. I know what I know. 8. Jinkel e maweni. 9. Soweto blues. 10. Under
African skies. 11. Unomathemba. 12. Hello my baby. 13. Homeless.
14. Graceland. 15. You can call me Al. 16. Stimela. 17. Diamonds on
the soles of her shoes. 18. N‘kosi sikeli Africa. 19. King of kings.
Bibliothek: Mannheim
Sonic Youth:
Rather ripped / Sonic Youth. Thurston Moore; Kim Gordon; Lee
Ranaldo. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Reena. 2. Incinerate. 3. Do you believe in rapture?
4. Sleepin around. 5. What a waste. 6. Jams run free. 7. Rats.
Turquoise boy. 8. Lights out. 9. The neutral. 10. Pink steam. 11. Or.
12. Helen Lundeberg.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Sonic Youth:
The eternal / Sonic Youth. Thurston Moore; Kim Gordon; Lee
Ranaldo. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Sacred trickster. 2. Anti-orgasm. 3. Leaky lifeboat.
4. Antenna. 5. What we know. 6. Calming the snake. 7. Poison
arrow. 8. Malibu gas station. 9. Thunderclap for Bobby Pyn. 10. No
way. 11. Walkin blue. 12. Massage the history.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Soul Rebels:
Unlock your mind. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. 504. 2. Sweet dreams are made of this. 3. Turn it up. 4. My
time. 5. Unlock your mind. 6. We gon‘ take your body. 7. Night
people. 8. I‘m so confused. 9. Showtime. 10. Say na ney. 11. I made
it. 12. Living for the city. 13. Let your mind be free.
Bibliotheken: Ludwigshafen, Mannheim
Spalding, Esperanza:
Chamber Music Society. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Little Fly. 2. Knowledge Of Good And Evil. 3. Really
Very Small. 4. Chacarera. 5. Wild Is The Wind. 6. Apple Blossom. 7. As A
Sprout. 8. What A Friend. 9. Winter Sun. 10. Inútil Paisagem. 11. Short
And Sweet.
Bibliothek: Heidelberg
Spalding, Esperanza:
Radio Music Society. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Radio song. 2. Cinnamon tree. 3. Crowned & kissed.
4. Land of the free. 5. Black gold feat. Algebra Blessett and Lionel
Loueke. 6. I can‘t help it feat. Joe Lovano. 7. Hold on me. 8. Vague
suspicions. 9. Endangered species feat. Lalah Hathaway. 10. Let
her. 11. City of roses. 12. Smile like that.
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen
Sutro, Dirk:
Jazz für Dummies: für mehr Spaß mit Jazz; swingen Sie durch die
Geschichte des Jazz; Sie erfahren: wie der Jazz entstanden ist, wie
sich Bebop und Bigband unterscheiden, wie Louis Armstrong,
Charlie „Bird“ Parker und andere Jazzgrößen die Musik beeinflusst
haben, welchen Einfluss der Jazz auf Werbung, Mode und den
modernen Film hat. – Wiley-VCH-Verlag. – 355 Seiten.
Bibliotheken: Ludwigshafen, Mannheim
Swinging gentlemen / Fred Astaire; Mel Tormé; Chet Baker; Bing
Crosby and others. – 1 CD.
Bibliothek: Mannheim
Takase, Aki:
Aki Takase plays „Fats“ Waller / Aki Takase. Eugene Chadbourne;
Thomas Heberer; Paul Lovens; Rudi Mahall; Nils Wogram. – 1 CD.
Trackliste : 1. Lookin‘ good, but feelin‘ bad. 2. Vipers drag. 3. Ain‘t
misbehavin. 4. Handful of keys. 5. Any tune, but Fats tune. 6. Your
feet‘s too big. 7. Intermezzo. 8. Do you know what it means to miss
New Orleans. 9. Intermezzo 2. 10. Hold tight. 11. Kuroneko yamato.
12. Intermezzo 3. 13. I have got a feeling I‘m falling. 14. Tintenfisch
in Wien. 15. Kauf dir einen bunten Luftballon.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Takase, Aki; Schlippenbach, Alexander von; DJ Illvibe:
Lok 03. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Berlin. 2. Köln. 3. Detroit. 4. Paris. 5. London. 6. Sankt
Petersburg. 7. Alma Ata. 8. Ulanbator. 9. Utrecht. 10. Istanbul. 11. Cairo.
12. Caracas. 13. Oklahoma. 14. Berchtesgaden. 15. Buenos Aires.
16. Hammerfest. 17. Peking. 18. Bandung. 19. Osaka. 20. Eisenhüttenstadt.
Bibliothek: Mannheim
Takase, Aki:
St. Louis blues / Aki Takase; Rudi Mahall; Fred Frith; Nils Wogram;
Paul Lovens. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. St. Louis blues. 2. Way down south where the blues began.
3. Mobilat. 4. Morning star. 5. Eine Drehorgel aus dem 21. Jahrhundert.
6. Lulu. 7. Wer kommt mehr vom Blues. 8. St. Louis blues. 9. Nur da
wo du bist da ist nichts. 10. Memphis blues. 11. Jazz ain‘t what it used
to be. 12. Yellow dog blues.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Takase, Aki; Bennink, Han:
Two for two. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Two for two. 2. My Tokyo.3. Locomotive. 4. Zankapfel.
5. Knut. 6. Baumkuchen. 7. Monochrome. 8. Raise four. 9. Do you know
what it means to Miss New Orleans? 10. A chotto matte. 11. Hat and
beard. 12. Ohana han. 13. Rolled up. 14. Hell und dunkel. 15. Hommage
to Thelonious Monk. 16. Two for two
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
This is Cowbellmusic! Cowpilation no 1. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Puerto Rican rumble / Koppel-Andersen-Koppel. 2. Mad
cows sing / 7 scenes from everyday cowlife, No 6. 3. Min nats
hyacinther / Alberte Winding. 4. Para Chick Para chock / KoppelDominguez-Andersen. 5. Today I marched / Koppel & Brass.
6. Oscalypso / Benjamin Koppel Quintet. Razorbill, relaxin / KoppelGunnarsson-Andersson. 7. The Kiss / Anders Koppel. 8. Soulbop /
Babop. 9. Cow clash / Mad Cows Sing. 10. Yesterdays / Alex Riel
Trio. 11. Jeg Drømte om en jord / Koppel-Andersen-Koppel. 12. At
large / Benjamin Koppel Quintet. 13. Obatala / Ache. 14 . Take the a
train / Koppel-Andersson-Riel. 15. Have you read the news? / Jazz
in Space. 16. Christmas parade / Sax ‚n‘ Drawbars.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Shadow theater. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. The poet. 2. Erishta. 3. Lament. 4. Drip. 5. The year is
gone. 6. Seafarer. 7. The Court Jester. 8. Pagan lullaby. 9. Pt1 Collapse.
10. Pt2 Alternative universe. 11. Holy. 12. Road song.
Bibliotheken: Ludwigshafen, Mannheim
Thomas, Jens; Lauer, Christof:
Pure Joy. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Pure joy. 2. Green dance. 3. Elements. 4. Missing the
rainbow. 5. XTC-blue. 6. Golden lake. 7. Into the black. 8. Velvet
horizon. 9. The yellow circle. 10. Be yourself. 11. Rodeo. 12. My shy
silver. 13. Pure purple.
Bibliothek: Heidelberg
Thomas, Jens:
Speed of grace – a tribute to AC/DC / Jens Thomas. Verneri Pohjola. –
1 CD.
Bibliothek: Heidelberg
Ulrik, Hans:
Shortcuts: Jazzpar Combo 1999 / Hans Ulrik. Scofield; Danielsson;
Erskine. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. About things. 2. Falling down. 3. Peculiar. 4 . Short cuts.
5. Music of my people. 6. Twelve. 7. Bossa. 8. Green tea.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Valk, Jeroen de:
Chet Baker. OREOS Verlag. – 215 Seiten.
Bibliothek: Mannheim
Verve today. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Never make it on time / Nikki Yanofsky. 2. The sidewin-der
/ Michel Camilo. 3. Breathe / Nailah Porter. 4. Listening walk / Julian
Lage Group. 5. U, Dwi / Hugh Masekela. 6. Liebeskrank / Céline
Rudolph. 7. Simply put / John Scofield 8. Samsara / Tigran. 9. Kammermusik / Bugge Wesseltoft & Henrik Schwarz. 10. Guet -Apens /
Romane & Stochelo Rosenberg. 11. (I‘ve got to use my) Imagination /
Lizz Wright. 12. Spielt der Donner... / Armin Mueller-Stahl. 13. Bootleg
bruise / Gerald Clayton. 14. Ella elle l‘a / Frank Chastenier.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Villaume, Kasper:
Hands / Kasper Villaume. Chris Potter; Chris Minh Doky; Ali Jackson. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Green chimneys. 2. Captain Kirkland. 3. Cloudy & blue.
4. Gone. Hands. 5. The sniper. 6. Meaning of the blues. 7. Groove
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Wakenius, Ulf:
Notes from the heart: Ulf Wakenius plays the music of Keith
Jarrett / with Lars Danielsson; Moten Lund. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Memories of tomorrow. 2. Dancing. 3. Innocence. 4. The
windup. 5. My song. 6. Mon coeur est rouge. 7. Everything that lives
laments. 8. The cure. 9. So tender. 10. U-dance. 11. Prayer.
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Mannheim
Wakenius, Ulf:
Love is real: Ulf Wakenius plays the music of Esbjörn Svensson /
with radio.string.quartet.vienna; Lars Danielsson; Morten Lund;
Lars Jansson. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 01. Seven days of falling. 02. Dodge the dodo. 03. Believe,
beleft, below (love is real). 04. Tuesday wonderland. 05. Elevation of
love. 06. Pavane „thoughts of a septuagenarian“. 07. Good morning
Susie Soho. 08. Eighthundred streets by feet. 09. When god created
the coffebreak. 10. Shining on you. 11. Viaticum.
Bibliothek: Mannheim
Wakenius, Ulf:
Vagabond / Ulf Wakenius; Lars Danielsson; Vincent Peirani; Youn
Sun Nah. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Vagabond. 2. Message in a bottle. 3. Bretagne. 4. Psalmen.
5. Breakfast in Baghdad. 6. Song for Japan. 7. Birds and bees. 8. Praying.
9. Chorinho. 10. Witchi-tai-to. 11. Encore.
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen
Wayne Shorter Quartet:
Without a net / Wayne Shorter featuring Danilo Perez, John Patitucci,
Brian Blade. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Orbits. 2. Starry night. 3. S.S. Golden mean. 4. Plaza
Real. 5. Myrrh. 6. Pegasus. 7. Flying down to Rio. 8. Zero gravity
to the 10th power. 9. Unidentified flying objects.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Wesseltoft, Bugge:
Duo / Bugge Wesseltoft [Piano]; Henrik Schwarz [Computer]. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. First Track. 2. Dreaming. 3. Leave My Head Alone Brain.
4. Dudelange. 5. See You Tomorrow. 6. Kammermusik. 7. Where Is
The Edge. 8. One One.
Bibliothek: Heidelberg
Wesseltoft, Bugge:
Film‘ing: new conception of jazz. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Skog. 2. Hi is? 3. Oh ye. 4. Hope. 5. Piano. 6. El. 7. frik.
8. Film‘ing. 9. Indie.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Wesseltoft, Bugge:
IM. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Black pearl, makes dream. 2. Wy. 3. deImager. 4 . Yoyk.
5. Hit. 6. Min by. 7. Vidde. 8. Fot. 9. Im. 10. Road home.
Bibliothek: Mannheim
Wesseltoft, Bugge:
It‘s snowing on my piano. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. It‘s snowing on my piano. 2. In dulce jubilo. 3. Mitt hjerte
alltid vanker. 4. Deilig er jorden. 5. O little town of Bethlehem. 6. Du
gronne, glitrende tre. 7. Det kimer nå til julefest. 8. What child is this
(Greensleeves). 9. Kimer, I klokker. 10. Es ist ein Ros entsprungen.
11. Stille Nacht. 12. Into eternal silence.
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Mannheim
Wesseltoft, Bugge:
Last spring / Bugge & Henning. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Blåmann. 2. Om Kvelden. 3. Margit Hjukse. 4 . Stevtone.
5. Hei Hu. 6. Jeg Lagde Meg Så Silde. 7. Lilja. 8. Last Spring. 9. Byssan
Lull. 10. Den Fyrste Song. 11. Gjendines Bådnlåt. 12. Maria durch
ein Dornwald ging. 13. Sæterjentens Søndag. 14. La Folia (Improvisation). 15. Til Ungdommen. 16. Wiegenlied.
Bibliothek: Heidelberg
Wesseltoft, Bugge:
Playing. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Playing. 2. Dreaming. 3. Singing. 4. Takes. 5. Talking to
myself (part one). 6. Talking to myself (part two). 7. Rytme. 8. Hands.
9. Many rivers to cross.
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen
Wesseltoft, Bugge:
Songs. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Darn that dream. 2. My foolish heart. 3. How high the
moon. 4. Moon river. 5. Chicken feathers. 6. Lament. 7. We‘ll be
together again. 8. Like someone in love. 9. Giant steps.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Wogram, Nils; Nabatov, Simon:
Moods and modes. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Moods and modes. 2. Assuming. 3. Full stop.4. First
thought-best thought. 5. Split the fifference. 6. Moving in. Dança
nova. 7. Speak up. 8. The song I knew.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Wollny, Michael:
Piano works. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Initiation. 2. Schubertiade: Der Doppelgänger. 3. Schubertiade: Das Irrlicht. 4. Schubertiade: Der Schatten. 5. Schubertiade:
Der Wanderer. 6. Anchor song. 7. Hexentanz: Teil 1. 8. Hexentanz:
Teil 2. 9. Hexentanz: Teil 3. 10. Hexentanz: Teil 4. 11. Hexentanz: Teil 5.
12. Spell / Enchantment. 13. Augmented time. 14. Where is the line.
15. Spuk. 16. Die lebenden Puppen. 17. Joga.
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen, Mannheim
Workman, Reggie:
Cerebral caverns / Reggie Workman; Sam Rivers; Julian Priester;
Elizabeth Panzer; Geri Allen. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Cerebral caverns I. 2. What‘s in your hand. 3. Fast
forward. 4. Ballad explorations I. 5. Half of my soul (Tristan‘s love
theme). 6. Eastern persuasion. 7. Evolution. 8. Seasonal elements
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
Wright, Lizz:
Dreaming wide awake. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. A taste of honey. 2. Stop. 3. Hit the ground. 4. When I
close my eyes. 5. I‘m confessin‘. 6. Old man. 7. Wake up. 8. Chasing
strange. 9. Get together. 10. Trouble. 11. Dreaming wide awake.
12. Without you. 13. Narrow daylight.
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Mannheim
Wright, Lizz:
Fellowship. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Fellowship. 2. Imagination. 3. I remember I believe. 4. God
specializes. 5. Gospel medley. 6. Sweeping through the city. 7. All the
seeds. 8. Presence of the lord. 9. In from the storm. 10. Feed the light.
11. Oya. 12. Amazing grace.
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen, Mannheim
Wright, Lizz:
The Orchard. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Coming home. 2. My heart. 3. I idolize you. 4. Hey man.
5. Another angel. 6. When I fall. 7. Leave me standing alone. 8. Speak
your heart. 9. This is. 10. Song for Mia. 11.Thank you. 12. Strange.
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen, Mannheim
Yo La Tengo:
Fade. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Ohm. 2. Is that enough. 3. Well you better. 4. Paddle
forward. 5. Stupid things. 6. I‘ll be around. 7. Cornelia and Jane. 8. Two
trains. 9. The point of it. 10. Before we run.
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen
Yo La Tengo:
Prisoners of Love: a smattering of scintillating senescent songs
1985–2003 – 2 CDs.
Trackliste: CD 1: 1. Shaker. 2. Sugarcube 3. Barnaby, Hardly Working.
4. Little Eyes. 5. Stockholm Syndrome. 6 .Our Way To Fall. 7. From A
Motel 6. 8. Swing For Life. 9. Tom Courtenay. 10. Lewis. 11. I Heard
You Looking. 12. You Can Have It All. 13. Did I Tell You. CD 2: 1. The
River Of Water. 2. Autumn Sweater. 3. Big Day Coming. 4. Pablo And
Andrea. 5. Drug Test. 6. Season Of The Shark. 7. Upside Down. 8. The
Summer. 9. Tears Are In Your Eyes. 10. Blue Line Swinger. 11. The Story
Of Jazz. 12. Nuclear War. 13. By The Time It Gets Dark.
Bibliothek: Heidelberg
Yo La Tengo:
Ride the tiger. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. The cone of silence. 2. Big sky. 3. The evil that men do.
4. The forest green. 5. The pain of pain. 6. The way some people
die. 7. The empty pool. 8. Alrock‘s bells. 9. Five years. 10. Screaming
dead balloons. 11. Living in the country. 12. The river of water. 13. A
house is not a motel. 14. Crispy duck. 15. Closing time.
Bibliothek: Mannheim
Yo La Tengo:
A Smattering of Outtakes and Rarities 1986–2002. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1.Stay Away From Heaven. 2. Pencil Test. 3. Almost True.
4. Tom Courtenay (Acoustic). 5. Big Day Coming (Demo). 6. Dreaming.
7. Bad Politics. 8. Blue Green Arrow. 9. Decora (Acoustic). 10. Out The
Window. 11. Weather Shy. 12. Dreams. 13. Autumn Sweater (Remix).
14. Ashes On The Ground. 15. Mr. Ameche Plays The Stranger.
16. Magnet.
Bibliothek: Heidelberg
Yo La Tengo:
Summer Sun. – 1 CD.
Trackliste: 1. Beach party tonight. 2. Little eyes. 3. Nothing but you and
me. 4. Season of the shark. 5. Today is the day. 6. Tiny birds. 7. How to
make a baby elephant float. 8. Georgia vs. Yo La Tengo. 9. Don’t have
to be so sad. 10. Winter A-Go-Go. 11. Moonrock Mambo. 12. Let’s be
still. 13. Take care.
Bibliothek: Heidelberg
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Kinder- und Jugendbibliothek
Dalberghaus N 3, 4. Telefon: (0621) 293-8916
Di–Do 13.00–18.00, Fr 11.00–18.00, erster Sa im Monat 10.00–14.00 Uhr.
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