Local votes count
Local votes count
YOUR COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER | August 2016 | No.175 THE COATESVILLE CHRONICLE Local votes count With the local body elections taking place on 8 October, Aucklanders are only two months out from electing a new Mayor, councillors and local board representatives and it seems there will be plenty of changes ahead. Roughly 100 people attended the Coatesville Residents and Ratepayers Association’s AGM on 6 July where two mayoral candidates, Vic Crone and Mark Thomas were guest speakers. Crone is the ex-managing director of Xero with a 20-year career managing vast budgets in the private sector. Thomas is a member of the Orakei Local Board with six years experience in local government as well as a 20-year, commercial career. The thrust of both speakers’ presentations was Auckland Council’s overspending and the need for accountability and change. As well as the bigger political picture delivered by Crone and Thomas at the AGM, Greg Sayers announced his intention to run for election as the Rodney Councillor. Currently Penny Webster holds this position. The AGM also saw the CRRA committee welcome aboard three new members; France Komoroske, Tertia Wildy and Iain Graham. (Neil Baudinet and Lynn Chatfield have also joined the committee) which also inlcudes Rodney Local Board member John McLean. For the past six years McLean has been Coatesville’s representative on the Rodney Local Board and our political voice at Council. McLean has announced he may not be running this year so in October 0272 984 000 Vic Crone Coatesville voters could also be electing a new representative to this key role. To help familiarise people with the candidates, the CRRA is hosting a Meet the Candidates event in the Settlers Hall on Wednesday, 21 September. By that time Auckland Council will have announced its decision on whether or not to adopt the Independent Hearings Panel’s recommendation to rezone all of Coatesville Countryside Living and allow transferable titles. Mark Thomas PROUDLY SPONSORS THE COATESVILLE CHRONICLE Referendum Results The results in Coatesville’s community referendum on transferable titles show that of the 224 Coatesville households that voted in the referendum, 127 (56.5%) voted against transferable titles and 85 (38%) voted in support of transferable titles. Twelve votes were deemed invalid. On 30 July, the CRRA committee communicated these results in writing to: Mayor Len Brown, councillor Penny Webster and Rodney Local Board members: Brenda Steele, John McLean and Greg Sayers. 12 Invalid votes, 5.5% For TT's, 85 votes, 38% Against TT's, 127 votes, 56.5% Total returns 224 INSIDE YOUR AUGUST ISSUE Highwaymen ride again! p3; Scouts tidy reserve, p5; Meet who’s behind the Black Cottage, p6; Our Glamorous housewife, p8; and much more! Editorial Vanessa Johnson (left) and Tina Coombes Well, there’s officially one month of winter left and, boy, it’s been a wet one so far. Hopefully conditions will remain favourable enough for Auckland Transport’s contractors to complete the roadworks on time – roughly in mid-August – but at this stage no one knows what the weather will bring. At least the daffodils are popping up which means spring is on its way and that’s something to lift the spirits. If winter’s been getting you down, we’ve got some good news stories this month to add some warmth to your day. We interviewed Banu and Sulo Kaynarcali who own the Black Cottage cafe. They are The Coatesville Chronicle is distributed free to homes in the RD3 postal area. Deadline for content is 20th of the month prior to publication. The opinions published herein are not necessarily those of the publisher, Cradle Publications Limited. © 2016 All rights reserved. celebrating the cafe’s third birthday in August and you can read about what goes on behind-the-scenes in this successful business on page 6. We also caught up with Michelle Blanchard, a glamorous local who’s a mother of two and one of the Real Housewives of Auckland. You can read what it’s been like being filmed almost everyday, on page 8. Apparently track pants are a no-no. The show starts later this month on the Bravo channel. In other news, the Coatesville Scouts managed to hold their annual camp and clean up on the reserve during July. No surprise this had to be rescheduled after the first weekend was rained out. These youngsters are a resourceful and hardy bunch. They grafted all weekend to make a significant contribution to the community and we reckon they deserve a thank you so thanks kids, you’re awesome! With the Coatesville Residents and Ratepayers Association AGM and the community referendum on transferable titles completed, attention can shift to other issues of community interest. After listening to Mark Thomas and Vic Crone speak at the CRRA AGM there seems to be plenty of reasons why all super city residents should take an active interest in local government, starting with the elections on 8 October. Remember, your vote only counts if you cast it. Your editors, Vanessa Johnson and Tina Coombes Email: coatesvillechronicle@gmail.com, Phone: 021 724 001 Coatesville Motors MTA Full mechanical Repairs for Petrol and Diesel Vehicles Coatesville Riverhead Highway 415 7494 WOF › New Installations › Renovations › Hot Water Repairs › Switchboard Upgrades › Data Cabling › Lighting › Repairs & Maintenance › 24 hour Callout Service Contact Kris: 022 3326663 / 09 4126066 kjackson@connectelectrics.co.nz 2 | THE COATESVILLE CHRONICLE | August 2016 Letters We welcome letters to the editor from our readers. Email your letter to coatesvillechronicle@gmail. com. Please keep it under 200 words and be prepared to sign your name. This month, since no reader letters have arrived in our inbox, we’re running Greg Sayers’ press release announcing his intention to run in the Auckland Council elections in October this year. Press Release Rodney resident and businessman Greg Sayers, above, has announced he will be standing as an independent candidate for election as the Rodney Councillor in the Auckland Council elections this October. Sayers has served two terms on Local Boards, and believes it is time for a change in council. Rapid rates rises, a central city focus and the failure to deal with important local issues are the main reasons why he is running. He is standing on a platform of stopping Council’s wastage and Specialists in plants for rural properties nurseries www.mckechnienurseries.co.nz 415 8806 mck.nursery@clear.net.nz overspending, getting Council back to core business and having local rates spent locally. Sayers says the Coatesville areas roads, footpaths, pathways and public transport deserve to be at similar levels with the rest of Auckland. He adds most local residents see these as “must haves” ahead of the City Rail Link or other “nice to have” central Auckland projects. “I am deeply disappointed about what has failed to be done for Coatesville and its surrounding area over the last six years, as well as under the Rodney District Council,” says Sayers. “The ordinary ratepayer is looking for change and for someone who will fight for a better deal for the area. “Everywhere I go I am asked why Council has increased rates so much and why so much of Rodney’s rates are spent outside of Rodney, leaving important local projects shelved and without progress.” Sayers has had a corporate career and more recently owned a business software company. He has been the independent Chairman of two New Zealand exporting companies, and has consulted to Pricewaterhouse Coopers as a business specialist for large New Zealand organisations. Combined with his last six years as a Local Board politician, he believes he has the financial, governance and political experience people are desperately seeking in their next Councillor. His campaign is fully-funded and he will dedicate himself full time to the Councillor role. Sayers says he has been fortified and encouraged by the support he has gained, especially from the rural sector and townships like Coatesville. CCGC Report Recently, Owen Aspden, a member of the Coatesville Country Garden Club, spoke to our meeting about his job as a Port Agriculture Officer for the Ministry of Cultural Industries. With New Zealand earning $30 billion from agriculture and horticulture export, it is essential for the Government to invest heavily in Border Control. Border Control takes place in many New Zealand Ports, International Airports, Opua for incoming overseas yachts and Marsden Point for logging and oil vessels. The Bluff Aluminium Smelter and the West coast for ironsand vessels also need border control. Vessels of all types need to be checked-containers, cars, machinery, oil rigs and New Zealand and foreign Navy vessels. Passenger ships are carefully checked for food waste, ballast water, cargo and hull fouling. The passenger Arrival Cards with the declaration regarding risk-goods are so important for our Primary Industries and environment. We were shown a video of a “Military Pack-up”on Tovalu-an island near Fiji. This showed the Army and a Hospital Unit packing up to return to New Zealand under the close supervision of Owen and other Officers. Owen also explained that aircraft are now sprayed with a residual treatment that lasts for six months, with no harmful effects to humans. A most interesting talk about a vital area for New Zealand. Robyn Jobling, Coatesville Country Gardening Club. NEWS Frank Missing cat Treasured feline, Frank, is a 5-yearold DSH neutered male who’s been missing from his home on Glenmore Road since June. Owners Dan and Sarah ask locals to please check in any sheds or outbuildings because Frank might be stuck inside. Cats have nine lives, so please phone 021 103 4989 or email sarah@hurrah.org. nz. if you find him. Back pain? Riverhead-based chiropractors, LIVE, have a special offer for Coatesville Chronicle readers who book appointments during August. Doctor Ainslee Roughan specialises in chiropractic treatments but also offers health and wellness sessions to her patients. If you’ve been feeling off your game, book an appointment at LIVE this month and you’ll receive a 20 percent discount in August. Contact details are in their ad on page 8. Many thanks Eds: We would like to thank Robyn Jobling from the CCGC for her contributions over the past few months. Robyn and Terry are moving away and her articles will be missed by Chronicle readers. We can’t believe its been 3 years, time flies when you serve amazing customers. Watch Facebook and our outside blackboard for amazing birthday specials. Come in for coffee, breakfast or lunch 7 days a week and dinner on Friday or Saturday nights. Phone 09 415 4545 to book. THE COATESVILLE CHRONICLE | August 2016 | 3 AUGUST NEWS Tennis time Sunday, 28 August from 10am till 1pm is Dairy Flat Tennis Club’s annual open day. Dairy Flat is a rural club with four floodlit astroturf courts. The atmosphere is relaxed and friendly with the emphasis on having a good time. Sign up for interclub if you’re a serious player, club night on Mondays for mixed doubles or ladies morning on Thursdays from 9.30am. There are plenty of options for junior players too with resident coach, Davir. Head along to the club on the corner of Postman Road and Dairy Flat Highway and sign up for some court time. For more information, go to www.dairyflattennis.co.nz. Performers pls The weekend of Coatesville School’s centennial celebrations is fast approaching and volunteers are needed to help make the events a success. Claire Callister is seeking performers for the mass choir/instrumental group that will perform on Sunday, 16 October. You don’t need to be classically trained, shower soloists and self-taught musicians are most welcome. To find out more, or to volunteer, please contact Claire on 021 045 6588 or by email at: clairecallister@hotmail.com. Claire says, a tuba player has been found - now she just needs a tuba! From left: Jimmy O’Brien, Colm Whyte, Winston Kidd, Kevin Crossley, Daniel Hauptfleisch, Richard Herbert, Kelvin Hartwell, Paul Cato, Peter Dawson and John Kitchen Highwaymen The Coatesville Highwaymen met again the night of 7 July at Fernielea Cafe. Due to the late reminder and a lot of members sunning themselves on tropical islands a few hours north of New Zealand, attendance was a little low this time. However, usual turnout for the muster is around 35+ guys on a typical night. This said, a cold winter’s night saw 15 chaps brave the elements on the deck of Fernielea with heaters cranking and blankies on their knees. Conversation flowed as usual with the help of the new tap beer Fernielea now has to offer. Cars, holidays, fishing, family and friendship were all hot topics. Some old Coatesville regulars were there as were a few new faces to this great little village. This time the newbies all managed to dodge the usual initiation ceremony which is rumoured to Local mortgage adviser From first time buyers, investment properties, top-up lending, debt consolidation to specialist lender access. I can review your current position and potentially save you thousands. 4 | THE COATESVILLE CHRONICLE | August 2016 Did you know You can buy tickets to Centennial events on the Coatesville School website from the comfort of your favourite web-surfing chair. Got to www.coatesvilleschool. net.nz and click on Our School then scroll down to Centennial Celebration. Easy peasy. YOUR LOCAL PLUMBING, GAS, ROOFING & DRAINAGE WHENUAPAI Phone 09 417 0110 Call Karen Renwick 021 126 7963 karen@breathehomeloans.co.nz www.breathehomeloans.co.nz Disclosure statement available on request include a goat. As these meetings are so secret, we cannot confirm or deny if this is true. Newbies Daniel and Kelvin you are not off the hook and may be made to participate in the ceremony at the next meeting! With a mix of stories of old, some recycled jokes and some good old-fashioned fun, the night was another good one. The Coatesville Highwaymen meet 6–8 times a year and have been going for around 16 years. Over the years we have had guest speakers, craft beer tastings, stand-up joke nights and listened to great music in Kevin Crossley’s Pig Shed. It is encouraged that you bring a friend along to hold your hand for the first meeting. So, if anyone (you have to be a guy, sorry) is interested in coming along to the next catch up on 1 September, drop me an email at jimmy.o’brien@colliers.com and I will add you to the list. I would also like to thank Rain from Fernielea Cafe who always makes us very welcome and gives us a good deal on great pizzas and drinks on the night. By Jimmy O’Brien, President of the Coatesville Highwaymen NO MILEAGE COST FOR LOCALS. Free Quotes on larger jobs. All staff are Licensed / Registered tradesmen Roofers who are trained Roofers not just Plumbers playing On your roof! We find & fix Roof leaks. 30 years experience in the industry & supporting the local community. Members of Roofing Association of NZ, Master Plumbers and NZ Site Safe Laser Plumbing Whenuapai 45 Brighan Creek Road, Whenuapai The Coatesville Scouts ready for action and hard work on the reserve Scouts camp on reserve The weekend of 9 and 10 July saw the Coatesville Scouts hold their annual working bee and camp on the reserve. Arriving at 9am on Saturday morning, the scouts set up the kitchen awning, toilet tent and the large dining tent before getting stuck into the work just after 10am. Two main projects were undertaken for this year’s working bee. Pruning the long row of poplar trees behind the village green and burning the huge pile of branches and vegetation from the Wild Wood clean-up. The fire burned until Sunday afternoon and we managed to burn three quarters of the rubbish. The pruning was also very successful and the entire row of poplars was pruned as well as some of the swamp cypress. For Saturday’s lunch the scouts cooked their own sausages using embers shovelled from the bonfire. Work continued until almost 4pm when the scouts set up their sleeping tents and we prepared vegetables for the roast dinner. For the third year in a row the roast beef and vegetables was a huge success. It was a real treat for the scouts to see the entire meal cooked in cast iron pots sitting in hot embers. For dessert we had apples with brown sugar, raisins and chocolate drops, baked in the embers and served with custard. A hearty campfire sing-song, followed by toasting marshmallows, sent the scouts to bed stuffed to the eyeballs and exhausted from their day’s work. The weekend was a great success and a fun way for the scouts to achieve some of their community service requirements while having a bonfire and a mid-winter camp. Thanks to all the scouts for their work this weekend. They should be really proud of their efforts, which help keep the local reserve looking neat and tidy. A fantastic asset for all the community to use and enjoy. Don’t forget our upcoming Jamboree fundraising events: Quiz Night on Saturday, 3 September. Winter Season family movie nights on Fridays, 29 July, 12 August and 9 September. Please support these events at the Hall and help our scouts get to Jamboree. By Phil Smith, Scout Group Leader Checked your water tank lately? We are here to help with water tank cleaning, repairs, servicing and advice. Garry 027 84 77 000 | www.healthywatertanks.co.nz SUBDIVIDING? Subdivision engineering specialists team@edc.co.nz edc.co.nz 09 451 9044 WRITE FOR WORK finding the words that work for you Websites * Brochures * Company profiles * Case Studies * Business letters * CVs * Business Proposals * Press releases * Newsletters * Staff Communications Leave your writing tasks to us while you get on with running your business. alisonsims@writeforwork.co.nz 021 249 0089 Breakfast, lunch or dinner - we have you covered • Now open on Saturday evenings • $5 a glass for the premium brand tap beer on Friday and Saturday nights • Join us for a delicious Sunday roast from our wood-fired oven! • Watch out for weekly specials. Call us to book 415 6442 THE COATESVILLE CHRONICLE | August 2016 | 5 Many Happy Returns This month the Black Cottage Cafe celebrates its third birthday and owners Banu and Sulo Kaynarcali spoke to us about their business and shared some of the ingredients in their recipe for success. Experienced restaurateurs, the Kaynarcalis, know a thing or two about running a successful restaurant. It’s no accident that the Black Cottage was successful from the day it opened. Banu and Sulo have lived and worked in hospitality and food preparation for their entire careers. As they put it, food and people are their passions. Although their experience dates back to their home country of Turkey, they moved to New Zealand in 1995 with their oneyear-old son son, Batu. Banu had made three trips to Auckland to visit a close friend living in Mission Bay and says she fell in love with the quiet, green Kiwi lifestyle – a world away from the frenetic pace of life in Istanbul. They opened Paper Moon Mairangi Bay, the first of three Paper Moon restaurants in 2002, in premises that had been an antique shop. One of the business rules they live by is to only set up restaurants from scratch so they can establish exactly what they want from the start. And this system works. In 2012 Paper Moon Mairangi Bay received the coveted Best Café in New Zealand award from the New Zealand Restaurant Association. However, after selling Paper Moon their dream was to achieve a work and life balance by creating a boutique eatery for local people to enjoy, close to their own home in Glenmore Road. Once they found the Coatesville premises, they set about creating a stylish, warm and inviting environment and the Black Cottage opened in August 2013. As regular customers will know, Banu manages the front of house and Sulo runs the kitchen. Their powerful partnership enables both to shine in their respective fields and to show off their complementary strengths. “Sulo has great vision,” says Banu. “He could see what we could make the café into from the start, even the garden and landscaping. He knew straight away what we could create.” However, choosing a name for the café didn’t happen immediately. It wasn’t until the charcoal-coloured paint started to be applied that Sulo came up with the Black Cottage. Your award winning, locally owned & operated motor vehicle dealer Albany Toyota – Your local family owned and operated business for over 25 years! Come and find out what makes ALBANY TOYOTA different from the rest. Our dealership not only has a complete range of new passenger and commercial Toyota’s, we also have a huge Used Car selection with something to suit everyone’s needs and budget. We offer FIXED PRICE vehicle service and have GENUINE Toyota Parts. All this, coupled with friendly and fast service makes ALBANY TOYOTA a pleasure to deal with. And we are right on the Coatesville doorstep at … Albany Toyota - Sales, Service, Finance & Parts Corner Dairy Flat Highway & Gills Road, Albany. Phone 09 415-7890 | www.albany.co.nz | Service Centres at: Albany, Browns Bay, Whangaparaoa 6 | THE COATESVILLE CHRONICLE | August 2016 “At first some friends told me they didn’t like the name,” Sulo recalls, “but I stuck with it because the café had a very cottagey feel and I could see it would work.” His conviction paid off and today it seems the perfect fit. For many business owners focussing on profit is the key to bottom-line success, but for Banu and Sulo, hospitality has never been about the numbers. Instead they put themselves in their customers’ shoes. “If we add or change something it’s because we think customers will enjoy it,” says Banu. “I always ask myself how can I do something better. What will make my customers happier and how can I improve the customer’s experience?” Sulo shares her view. “If I receive customer feedback it’s almost always 100 percent correct because that person has experienced something that way. If I can change it to make it better, I will,” he says. Both Banu and Sulo feel they have an added responsibility opening a café in the place where they live. Many of their customers are people they know, either from Batu’s school days or friends they’ve made in the Coatesville community. “This is our home,” says Sulo. “When you come here, you’re visiting our place and we want to make sure people feel good; that there’s a positive relaxed atmosphere that makes them want to come back.” Based on customer feedback they’re getting it right. Dinner reservations are essential now on Friday and Saturday nights. “One of the comments we hear the most often from customers is, I must bring my mum here, she’d love it,” says Banu. And many do. Positive feedback doesn’t mean the Kaynarcalis are ready to put their feet up. They constantly strive to achieve higher standards. Last year this meant extending the car park outside the Coatesville Motors building to make life easier for their customers. Maintaining the café’s warm and homely environment while offering delicious food crafted from quality ingredients, is a fullon commitment. A permanent pastry chef keeps the cabinets stocked with freshly baked scones, muffins, cakes and tarts and also prepares the dessert items featured on the menu. Although the Kaynarcalis describe their menu as New Zealand cuisine, it is heavily influenced by their travels overseas. “These days travel is our hobby,” says Banu. “We love to discover new places and we make sure we do a cooking class wherever we go, then we put a twist on what we’ve learned and use it on the menu.” In recent years, trips to Bali, Vietnam, the United States, Italy, France, Spain, Melbourne, the Great Barrier Reef, Sydney and Japan have PM John Key on a recent visit to the Black Cottage all produced ideas for Sulo cooking in Vietnam the menu. Banu and Sulo returned from Vietnam with the dish that became their popular Vietnamese prawn salad and from Italy with their salt and pepper squid. These trips also inspired them to grow their own fresh herbs for use on the menu. With the café’s third birthday to celebrate, Banu and Sulo have a few treats in store for customers during August. They will announce the specials each week on their Facebook page as well as on the blackboard outside the café. In the spring, improvements are planned for the garden, including some new outdoor furniture. A new menu, featuring more seafood and less winter fare, will be introduced in October, and staff will be seen wearing the new summer uniform including the “I Love Coatesville T-shirts”, before Christmas. The Kaynarcalis’ efforts have already seen the Black Cottage win runner-up for Best New Zealand Café 2013 from the New Zealand Restaurant Association as well as Best Local Café in the 2014 and 2015 Metro magazine awards. The accolades are likely to keep coming because, as Banu and Sulo will tell you, there’s always room for improvement. 567 Don Buck Rd, Westgate, West Auckland Phone: (09) 416 1001 Mobile (021) 771 633 Email: westauckland@totalspan.co.nz HCA.CO.NZ TLS0941 THE COATESVILLE CHRONICLE | August 2016 | 7 Getting real with Michelle Blanchard Real Housewives of Auckland star, Michelle, is a former fashion model who hails from England but who’s been turning heads on the Auckland social scene for years. She came to NZ at the age of 25 on holiday and ended up living here after falling in love with a Kiwi guy. Sporting a love of fast cars and high fashion, Michelle lives with her husband Dave and two teenage children, Curtis (14) and Christelle (12), in Coatesville. The family has a dog, Marley, and two horses, Zac & Zinny. What attracted you to the RHOA? I just couldn’t turn this opportunity down! This show is the first of its kind in New Zealand and I love reality television so I wanted to be part of it and to represent a person of colour on a show like this. Did you watch episodes of other Real Housewives shows to familiarise yourselves with the format and what to expect? I am a big fan of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills and Real Housewives of Atlanta. Tell us about your family and how they responded to this idea when you brought it up. My daughter was definitely keen to be part of the show and my husband was also happy to be involved. My son is less enthusiastic about it but that’s pretty typical for a teenage boy! Did you do anything different because of the cameras? The filming schedule is too busy to change your behaviour for the cameras. Perhaps the only thing I adjusted is that you need to make sure you look decent on camera so I can’t walk around the house in my trackies! Get to know Michelle and the other Real Housewives of Auckland in late August on Bravo NZ Optimise life with chiropractic services, and health/ wellness advice. RUMA anine tyling arlour All sizes and breeds WASHBAR soap Cert. Canine Behaviour & Training Reward based positive reinforcement Jarrod Vivier 021 100 2509 Donaldson Drive, Coatesville Ainslee Roughan 0274246770 livechiro@gmail.com Coatesville Chronicle Reader Special: 20% off initial visit for the month of August. Unichem Pharmacy & Balance Kitchen Your healthy neighbours in Albany Village OPEN 7 DAYS Mon-Friday 8.30am-6pm, Sat 9am-3pm, Sun 10am-1pm Ph 415 9676 www.albanycarechemist.co.nz OPEN 7 DAYS 7am - 3pm Ph 448 2208 Takeaways available 287 Oteha Valley Road (next to the Z Station), there is no better time than now to start living healthy. 8 | THE COATESVILLE CHRONICLE | August 2016 How did your family respond to the limelight? I think the reality of it all hasn’t quite hit yet but my family is looking forward to seeing the show. It’s made me appreciate the concept of reality TV a lot more than I ever did. Previously I would easily dismiss it but I can’t do that any more. I appreciate the work that goes into making the show. What do you expect the first episodes will reveal? It’s for everyone to get to know us. Revealing our lives and getting to know us individuals! See our dynamics in the beginning. Would you say you’ve enjoyed this experience? I’ve had moments of joy and moments of pain. It’s fair to say it’s an emotional rollercoaster but there have been more ups than downs. Many women over 40 are pretty strong characters, how do you think you’ll come across on TV? I think we are all going to come across as strong. Of course, there are different things we feel more passionate about so we will show our strength in different ways throughout the series. Has one person in the RHOA team emerged as the main character or is everyone of equal status? No – the focus is very much on everyone. We each have our moment in spotlight! Would you describe the RHOA group of women as friends, colleagues or something else? I definitely have a couple of friends within the group. I wouldn’t call the others colleagues but they’re more like people who I’m getting to know better or friends from a greater circle. TV needs drama, will the RHOA deliver? There is definitely some drama in this series – the audience can look forward to some fireworks. Has this experience changed the way you feel about reality TV? What advice would you have for anyone considering this kind of experience? Make sure your “closet” is clean before you open it up to the world. If you have skeletons in your closet, you can’t do a show like this. What challenges did you face being part of the show? You will have to watch the series to find out! I am sworn to secrecy but all will be revealed. Did your background in modelling help you feel confident in front the camera? Absolutely. That was great training ground for this experience. Filming ends in early August. Are you looking forward to living life again without a TV camera? I think I will enjoy the peace and quiet for about two weeks and then I will be like ‘where are they?’ I know I will end up missing the crew after a couple of weeks of not having them around. If there’s a second series of the RHOA and will you want to be involved? It’s too early to tell at this stage. 948 State Highway 16, Waimauku 411 9604 – OPEN 7 DAYS BULK AND BAGS – LOAN TRAILERS – WE DELIVER 411 9604 • Premium planting mix • Compost • River boulders • Topsoil • Decorative pebble • Bark • White chip • Mulch • Feature rock • Fertiliser • Metal ⁄ lime-metal mix • Grass seed • Scoria • Weedmat • Sand • Sleepers • Builders mix ⁄ cement • Ponga logs • Lime rock and much more! “Specialists in housewashing for 30 years” House (softwash) Citrus/ Bio Gutter cleaning/ Guard Lichen/ Moss Roof Treatments All paths, driveways, decks & treatments Phone 443-0083 / 0800 566-766 Ph 412 8149 021 386 615 www.groomingandpruning@vodafone.net.nz Ian Darke Trade Cert Hort (Honours) Garden Maintenance naturally organic™ Your Healthy Food Store • Gluten Free • Dairy Free • Nut Free • Certified Organic Produce Shop In-store or online Northridge Mega Store & Cafe Bar Shop 23, Northridge Plaza 100 Don McKinnon Drive Albany, Auckland, Ph: 447 3508 Open 7 days Online Store: www.naturallyorganic.co.nz Foot Clinic Lynley K McDonald Podiatrist 155 Tawa Road, Kumeu 0274 828 683, 412 9058 All aspects of tree work, stump grinding, land clearance. Qualified arborists. Chipper. Free Quotes. Full Insurance. Call Stu 09 446 1258 or 021 175 8660. THE COATESVILLE CHRONICLE | August 2016 | 9 New hall society Coatesville Settlers Hall is to come under full local management, Alan Curtis explains. The Coatesville Settlers Hall is a Council owned hall and under the previous Rodney District Council it was managed by a hall and reserve advisory committee which was elected every three years. The last formal election was held prior to the change to the super city and the current committee has continued since then with support from Auckland Council. We are very fortunate that our hall is set in beautiful surroundings with a village green and the reserve alongside. It has become extremely popular and we have wedding bookings as far ahead as 2019. The upside of this popularity is that we have been able to allow our local community groups to use the hall at little or no cost. While Auckland Council has been very supportive, we have had to negotiate every piece of expense and this sometimes takes time. Recognising the need for more community input the Rodney Local Board has offered the opportunity for halls in Rodney to develop their own selfmanagement structure. Their preferred approach is for the local community to develop an independent organisation Coatesville Settlers Hall which manages all of the funds, income and expenditure, through an incorporated society. We have, in conjunction with the Rodney Local Board, developed a draft set of rules and we would now like to put these before the community and seek your approval. We need a minimum of fifteen members to form an incorporated society and then we need to elect a committee of seven to manage the hall and provide an ongoing reserve advisory to Auckland Council on all matters pertaining to the reserve. Please join us at the hall on Wednesday, 24 August at 7pm and help us get the Coatesville Settlers Hall Incorporated established. Local boards On 8 October we elect a new Mayor and local representatives for the Rodney Local Board. Our local board member is our sole political voice on Council. The following information from the Auckland Council website may help you decide how you’ll vote. What does a local board do? There are 21 local boards throughout the Auckland region. Local boards represent your community and make decisions about local matters. Their responsibilities include: 1. Making decisions about nonregulatory local matters, including negotiating the standards of services delivered locally. 2. Identifying and communicating the local community’s views to us. 3. Developing local board plans every three years and negotiating local board agreements with us. 4. Providing local leadership and developing relationships with us, the community, community organisations and special interest groups in the local area. 5. Providing input to Council Controlled Organisation (CCO) plans and initiatives. 6. Identifying and developing bylaws for the local board area and proposing them to us. 7. Monitoring and reporting on the implementation of local board agreements. Your lifestyle block machinery experts Are You Looking for an Eco-Sustainable, Odourless Wastewater and Sewage System? No Power in treatment processes Natures AcƟve ‘Bio-system’ Odourless, quiet operaƟon Extremely low maintenance needs Modular with low site impact Free Onsite Assessments Call us now for a free brochure ng WanƟ R POWEEE FR age 0800 628 356 www.naturalow.co.nz Sew ent? Treatm by Waterow NZ Ltd 10 | THE COATESVILLE CHRONICLE | August 2016 8. Any additional responsibilities delegated by us, such as decisions within regional bylaws. Why are local board plans important? 1. The local board plans give you a voice in decisions about your local area and community. 2. The plans reflect what is important to you and your community. 3. They guide the decisions that your local board makes on what happens for your area and help your local board members put forward the community’s views and influence the decisionmaking of Auckland Council. What do local board plans do? Local board plans are designed to: 1. Reflect local communities aspirations, preferences and priorities for the next three years 2. Give the community a voice in decisions about their local area and community 3. Guide the decisions that your local board makes for their area 4. Input into Auckland Council regional strategies, policies and plans 5. Facilitate how local boards work with other agencies (councilcontrolled organisations like Auckland Transport) 6. Outline how local boards work with community groups, residents and businesses. Who is on Rodney’s Local Board? Brenda Steele (Chair), John McLean (Coatesville/Dairy Flat), Greg Sayers, Phelan Pirie, Steve Garner, Warren Flaunty, Thomas Grace, James Colville. ∞ Do you know any of them? ∞ Is our local board delivering on the above? ∞ Who do you want representing our interests for the next three years? By Brian Hedley Home buyer’s wish-list Here’s how to create a wish-list to help you decide what you want in a new home. 1. Make a list of all the things you love and don’t want to give up in your current home. These are the things that make your house feel like a home. 2. Take note of all the things in your current space that you are not happy with. 3. Consider how long you’re going to be in this home. 4. Identify which items you must have now and which items can be added over time. Your wish-list is a constantly changing thing. Trust me – once you start looking, you’ll be adding and dropping things from your list. That’s the best part about house hunting – every place you see gives you a better sense of what you’re looking for. When you have found a home you think is right for you, consider the following: 1. Does this home make sense? Will this home make sense for you and your family in the long run? 2. Have you fallen in love with the furnishings, not the home? This happens with buyers all the time. 3. Do you see yourself in that neighbourhood? Make sure the area fits your lifestyle. 4. Don’t buy the best home in a not-so-great neighbourhood. Ideally, buy in the best area you can, even if the home does not have the extras you want. Location, location, location will always hold strong. 5. Can you really afford this house? Will there be undue financial pressure if you buy this house? If your income drops, can you still afford it? Think about your lifestyle. Do you like to travel extensively? Are you planning on sending your children to private school? Before starting your search, get a current market appraisal on your current home by an experienced local sales person so you’re as well informed as possible. Please call me today to book an appraisal appointment. 0272 984 000 PEST CONTROL TENNIS SEASON 2016-17 WATER FILTRATION Open day on Sunday 28th August 10.00am - 1.00pm WATER TANK CLEANING Come and join us at Corner Dairy Flat Highway and Postman Road, Dairy Flat, this season and get the best out of life in your local community. & REPAIRS Junior Coaching | Junior Interclub | Club Night Tennis | Senior Men’s Interclub | Senior Ladies’ Interclub | Mid Week Social Tennis | Mid Week Interclub. Find out more or enrol online at www.dairyflattennis.co.nz CONTACT US HEAT PUMP CLEANING (09) 445 3752 & MAINTENANCE selecthomenz@gmail.com HVF FILTERS CHIMNEY SWEEPING www.selecthomeservices.co.nz THE COATESVILLE CHRONICLE | August 2016 | 11 CLASSIFIEDS A1 Sure Services Tree Care All aspects of tree work, stump grinding and land clearance. Qualified arborists. Full Insurance. Free quotes. 446 1258 / 021 175 8660 Albany Fences and Retaining Ph Mike 021 635 021 Lifestyle specialist and advice Ph Mike 021 635 021 Bridal & Ball NZ in Albany village have affordable wedding, bridesmaid, pageant, ball and evening dresses for sale or hire. Call Karen on 0800BRIDAL or visit our website www.bridalandball.co.nz Carol’s Beauty Therapy & Spray Tanning At 86 The Avenue, Albany. Phone 415 4445. Professional services at affordable prices. Est 1990 Clothes as unique as you; from Shellz Design, made to order, bring your own fabric, pattern and I will do the rest, I also have a range of designer clothing and do alterations. Michelle 027 472 9080 Coatesville furnish 2 bdrm cottage daily wkly or monthly rates 021 753 087 Coatesville Mulch Mowing 1 to 50 acres, local contractor, affordable rates. Phone Warren and Brenda Mills on 415 6503 or 021 191 4195 Connect Electrics For all your electrical solutions, Phone Kris 022 332 6663 or 412 6066. Drapes, Blinds, Shutters: For the perfect fitting window treatments call Linda 09 416 0408, 021 914 121 Alterations & Repair service available. www.interiortailor.co.nz EXPERIENCED PERSONAL TRAINER Feeling tired and sluggish over the winter months, not to mention a few aches and pains? Call Debbie 0274-418 769 for a FREE consultation on how to get your body into GOOD HEALTH. Floor Sanding and coating of wooden floors Ph/text Peter 027 222 4161 or 415 4993 Home cleaning services - general and detailed cleaning, ovens, refrigerator, windows, move in & move outs. Weekly, fortnightly & monthly cleans. Contact Yulene Knight 0212020411. References available. Home Handyman Service All building work and odd jobs around the home, fast and efficient. Call Mark 022 195 5746 HONEYSUCKLE FLOWERS Beautiful flowers naturally. Having a party or need flowers at home? Let me organise it all for you. Flowers already arranged in vases (which can be returned at any time), bouquets, corporate flowers, weddings and of course weekly flowers sold from Friday at The Black Cottage Café. Call Annie 027 444 8716, www.honeysuckleflowers.co.nz Jenny Armstrong Dog Grooming, 021 053 1609 / 09 426 9904 Local Shearer, Kevin Abel, 021 223 5033 Maths and Physics Tuition. University Level Only. Contact Martyn Smit 021 170 9059 msmi042@aucklanduni.ac.nz Music Academy - Inspiring all ages. Piano, singing and preschool music classes available. Always wanted to play - nows the time to start! Ph Eliette 0210676333 Pilates in Coatesville Hall, Thursday @ 6pm. Special – 2 free lessons for new clients in July. $ 12 school term, $15 concession card and $20 casual class. Contact Abraham on 021 122 1530 or abrahampardo@gmail.com Private weekly Maths Tutor for 2 students, Y9 & 10. Suit Y13+ or Uni Student start Term 3, Coatesville 027 536 3607 Pump & Filter Services for pump repairs/ replacement, filters, and tank/ gutter cleaning. Call Nick 021 111 6593 Scout Marquee for hire. Internal dimensions 6m x 8m, $250 per day. Call Garth 447 1863 Sunnyside Yoga New to the Coatesville community. Find your flexibility, strength and balance this winter with Ella 022 637 8400 ellayoga9icloud.com Team Prema Online Technology Specialists, Websites | Online Software | Social Networking, (09)630 3343 services@teamprema.co.nz The Clean Queen I will have your house looking like a show home. Weekly, fortnightly or removal cleans. Refs supplied. Ph Angela 021 083 29352. Who’s your caterer? Beautifully presented, great tasting food, at competitive prices. Phone Helen Cato 415 7771 or 021 211 8223 To advertise, contact Tina Coombes on 021 063 7585 or email coatesvillechronicle@gmail.com 12 | THE COATESVILLE CHRONICLE | August 2016 Free Insurance Healthcheck Call Lynda Taylor today! D 09 213 3422 M 021 667 934 lynda@taylormadeinsurance.net.nz www.taylormadeinsurance.net.nz Ballet Classes For 5-7 Years AT ALBANY HOUSE, TUESDAY AFTERNOONS Do you know a budding ballerina? Free TRIAL CLASS dvsd.co.nz // charlotte.devere@gmail.com // 021 124 9346 Garden Maintenance from $300 + gst per month Ride on Lawn Mowing from $150 + gst per month The best Gardeners in Coatesville for the best Gardens. 0221876470 www.thegroundskeeper.co.nz 09 414 7278 | coreclinic.co.nz | Find us on Now offering CoreNutrition for Diabetes, Weight Loss, Osteoporosis and more... 287 Oteha Valley Road, Albany Village 0632
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