vamps deadly dreamgirls


vamps deadly dreamgirls
Vol.91 No. 2
offer CCC
rings to
Elizabeth Saleb
Since 2004 the Alumnae Association has donated class rings
to students who do not have the
financial means to purchase them.
Sophomores must submit a
scholarship application that is
then reviewed by the Alumnae
Association Board.
This year alumnae had donated six rings until they received
a very special e-mail that convinced one prominent alumna to
donate a seventh ring.
The Alumnae Association
sent out an e-mail to sophomores
explaining the scholarship and
provided the application form.
Student Sarah Schopf, a
nursing major, replied to the
email saying that while she was
fortunate enough to purchase her
own ring, she appreciated what
the alumnae were doing for those
students less fortunate.
Diane Gehringer, the Assistant Director of Alumnae Affairs
said, “We were all very impressed, that someone took the
time to write about something that
didn’t impact her.”
The e-mail was forwarded to
Alumnae board members. One of
the board members shared the email with one of her former classmates.
“She was so impressed with
how students are very appreciative and decided to she would donate a ring.
“The board members were
so thrilled, you can see someone
who would write that when it impacts them, not when it doesn’t,”
said Gehringer.
Schopf said, “I never intended for or even thought about
my e-mail having this great of an
impact, but I'm so grateful that it
My e-mail actually added
two rings - one that is the "seventh ring" and one that nobody
knows about. I keep my grandmother, who is a CCC alumna
(Ardeth Schlauch '50) up-to-date
with what's going on.
I told her that my e-mail had
spurred the generosity of a seventh alumna who added a seventh
ring scholarship.
Later that day, my grandmother told me that she would
love to buy my class ring for me.
continued | page 2
Cedar Crest College, Allentown, Pennsylvania
February 12, 2009
Graduate housing
beginning fall semester
Khyla Brandt
In the near future, Cedar Crest
College graduate students will have
the option of campus housing. Beginning in the 2009-10 academic
year, there will be 13 spaces available to women pursuing graduate
degrees on the third floor of Curtis
There will be six double
rooms available and one single
room in what is commonly referred
to as “Squat Hallway.” The graduate wing will also have a lounge
complete with all the necessary
kitchen amenities, and a community bathroom. The residences will
also have access to the hall laundry
In essence, the set-up of the
graduate wing, compared to undergraduate dorms, is essentially the
same. The dormitories all include
desks, chairs, dressers, closets and
twin size beds, as well as cable and
Internet connections and access to
the on-campus movie channel.
At the current time, the graduate dorms will only be open to
women attending the college.
Women who are married or have
children are not going to be able to
house their spouses or children with
them in their rooms since only a
traditional residence hall is being
utilized for the time being. As with
undergraduate dorms, pets (with
the exception of fish in 10 gallon
tanks or less) are not allowed to be
kept in graduate dorms due to
safety and sanitation purposes.
The graduate residences will
all have to adhere to the same residence hall policies as the undergraduate residences since they are
all on the same floor. There will
also be a Resident Advisor residing
in the graduate wing to serve as a
resource and host various events.
“The only thing that is differ-
ent is that graduate students do not
have to have a meal plan to live on
campus,” states Kelly Mycek, Director of Residence Life. Graduate
students will have the option to purchase a meal plan if they so choose,
but it will not be required as it is
continued | page 3
Leann Pettit | Senior Editor
The shaded area above shows the portion of Curtis Hall that will be available for graduate housing beginning this fall.
Catherine Bradshaw, ‘10, presents
English paper at conference
Jessica Heiser
Leann Pettit | Senior Editor
Catherine Bradshaw, junior Biology major, presented a paper on loneliness in Old
English poetry at the Third Undergraduate Conference in Medieval and Early Modern Studies.
During the Third Undergraduate Conference in Medieval and
Early Modern Studies held at
Moravian College on Dec. 6,
Cedar Crest’s own Catherine Bradshaw presented a paper on loneliness in Old English poetry for the
panel "Metaphorical Landscape in
the Early Middle Ages."
The keynote speaker for this
event was Pamela J. Crabtree, who
is an associate professor of anthropology at New York University.
Bradshaw, a junior Biology
major, has always enjoyed literature, but took more of an interest in
Medieval studies after her Survey
of British Literature course, in
which they read works like Beowulf and other Old English
poems. The paper that she presented at the conference was from
that class, taught by Dr. LuAnn
Fletcher, professor of English.
The poems that Bradshaw selected to talk about in her piece
Who’s hiring now?
Rapid detox diets
Cleaning your
Sex simply sells
Concert review:
The Fray
were taken from the Exeter Book
Elegies, which is the biggest
source of Old English Literature
that is known today. From this,
Bradshaw selected the two poems
to focus her paper on.
“I compared two anonymous
poems, ‘The Wanderer’ and ‘The
Wife's Lament.’ By reading these
poems, I found that the expression
of and reaction to loneliness were
influenced by the gender roles of
Old English society,” said Bradshaw.
“For example, the man in
‘The Wanderer’ must search for
word of his kinsmen, but warrior
code dictates that he tightly bind
his emotions. The woman in ‘The
Wife's Lament,’ however, is free to
express her emotions, but she is
powerless to control her path in
life. I also found that natural and
geographical imagery represented
locations, emotional states, and
gender roles.”
Although this was her first uncontinued | page 3
Intramurals are a
great stress reliever
Jobs in the Valley:
Who’s hiring now?
Rachel Edgar
Projections by the National
Association of Colleges and Employers indicate that the hiring of
new college graduates nationwide
will be down 1.6 percent for the
class of 2009. It is expected that the
Lehigh Valley will also experience
much of the downsizing that will be
felt nationwide due to the current
“It appears the class of 2009
might have to consider different industries or companies than they had
originally planned,” said Melissa
Faulkner, Director of Career Planning. Faulkner recommends visiting the Office of Career Planning to
learn more about networking, interview skills, job searching, and resume writing.
According to CareerLink,
some companies in the area do plan
to increase their staff in the coming
year, albeit at a slow rate. Some of
these companies include B. Braun,
Crayola, Lutron, Nestle Purina PetCare, and Samuel Adams.
More jobs will also be created
in the area due to the opening of
new distribution centers and the
opening of the Sands Casino Resort
Book club discusses
Golden Country
Hauna Colista
Last semester many alumnae,
4,000 of them, were excited to hear
that Cedar Crest College would be
starting a book club. It was this
January that the club completed its
second book, Golden Country by
Jennifer Gilmore, and met to discuss the novel.
The club is still newly assembled but it has been a long time in
the making. “Over a couple years
we received e-mails asking to start
a book club. We decided to send
an e-mail and newsletter to see if
people were interested. There was
an overwhelming response,” said
Diane Gerhringer.
Tina Fox ’93, Technical Theatre and Business Administration
major, was one of the many alumni
that responded to the e-mail.
“They had sent out an e-mail [and]
I love to read and I’ve been reading
since I could pick up a book. The
fact that Cedar Crest was doing it
made it all the better.”
The last meeting was on Jan.
continued | page 1
I was extremely touched by
this, and I know that my ring will
now take on an even greater meaning.
The Washburne award named
after Connie Parkes Washburn ‘48,
a psychology major, was first
given out in 2004.
At that time only one ring was
awarded. Every year since additional rings have been added. In
2008, six rings were awarded.
The scholarship application
gives students a brief description
of Washburne’s history and characteristics and asks students to
compare themselves to her.
Attached to the scholarship
application is a letter from one of
29. The group was lucky enough to
have a personal conference call
with Golden Country’s author. The
group was able to ask the author
questions about the characters, the
plot and the history of the book.
This is hopefully a sign of the great
things to come for the club.
The group has proven to be a
great thing for the members involved. Fox said, “The fact that
there is so many different perspectives is great. It opened my mind to
so many things I don’t even think
of. When we did the discussion
and went back and fourth and I
heard things I would have never
thought of.”
The next novel will be, Half
of a Yellow Sun by Chimamanda
Ngozi Adichie. They will meet on
March 19 at 6:30 p.m. The club is
not just for Cedar Crest Alumae,
students and the whole Cedar Crest
community is welcome and encouraged to join.
For any questions or information on the club contact Diane
Gehringer in Alumnae Affairs.
the donators, Stephanie Laicha
Zimmerer, Ed.D. that illustrates
her appreciation for the Alumnae
Association and their continuing
contributions to students at Cedar
Crest College.
Zimmerer encourages students to give back one day when
they become alumnae of the College, provided they have the financial ability.
“I was really touched by the
generosity of the alumna. The
Cedar Crest College ring is meant
to encapsulate each student's college memories, but also to symbolize the bond between past, present
and future Cedar Crest College
“The generosity of the seven
alumna donating rings proves that
this bond is very real,” said
in Bethlehem. Sands Bethlehem
plans to hire approximately 1,000
employees for its Southside Bethlehem resort, which will open as
early as Memorial Day.
Faulkner also mentioned that
new distribution centers will also
create more jobs in the area, including companies such as BMW,
Porsche North America, and BMS
Logistics. “There is some good
news for the future,” she said.
Although the unemployment
rate in the Lehigh Valley reached
6.5 percent in November, there are
some jobs in the Lehigh Valley that
are still in high demand. “The occupations in highest demand in the
Valley continue to be Health Care,
Education, Hospitality/Food Service/Retail, Transportation and Logistics, Inside Sales, and Customer
Service,” Faulkner said.
There is still good news for
upcoming graduates. On February
18, the Lehigh Valley Collegiate
Career Expo will be held at the
Holiday Inn Conference Center in
Fogelsville. The Expo will provide
students a chance to meet employers in the Lehigh Valley and learn
about job opportunities in the area.
The Expo will feature over
100 companies, including Olympus
of the Americas, the Internal Revenue Service, Johns Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth,
Kidspeace, B. Braun Medical, Inc.,
Coca-Cola Bottling Co., Enterprise
Rent-A-Car and The Hartford.
“I think attending the LVCCE
is a must for all graduating seniors
or students looking for internships.
We keep hearing about the economy spiraling downward as the unemployment rate climbs higher and
higher. With opportunities such as
this are few and far between these
days,” Faulkner added.
“I hope
[Obama] fails”
Laura Krompasick
Jan. 16, Rush Limbaugh takes
his seat at his mic to do his radio
show called The Rush Limbaugh
Show, and on this particular day he
said something that made Democrats’ hearts sink and their tempers
flare up.
Limbaugh said “I hope he
fails,” when referring to President
Barack Obama. The Democratic
Congressional Campaign Committee launched a petition missile
aimed right at Limbaugh, reported
On the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee website,,
homepage has a Spotlight section
at the top with a revolving ad
player that comes up with “Rush to
Judgment, See Limbaugh’s Outrageous Obama Attack, Limbaugh: ‘I
Hope He Fails,’ Watch the Video
and Voice Your Outrage,” with a
big red button at the bottom that
This tête-à-tête started with
Limbaugh being asked by a major
American print publication to comment on his “hope for the Obama
presidency,” which Limbaugh
stated on his show, was set off by
the key word “hope.”
The publication company
needed a 400 word summary on
his “hope” and Limbaugh retorted,
“I need four: I hope he fails.”
CNN printed that, “defenders of
the remark said it was purely in the
context of Obama’s economic policies.”
What Limbaugh referred to
as, in summary the economic policies, the “absorption of as much of
the private sector by the US government as possible, from the
banking business, to the mortgage
industry, the automobile business,
to health care. I do not want the
government in charge of all of
these things. I don't want this to
work,” as quoted from the transcript of The Rush Limbaugh
The attitude that Limbaugh
had about his fellow Republicans
was “they have laid down” and
also “sharply disagrees with Republicans who have said they hope
Obama succeeds,” said CNN, but
in recent developments Republicans are standing up against the
stimulus package, reports CBS
“Senate Republicans began
the push for what they call a simpler, more targeted stimulus bill,”
said by CBS news and the New
York Times reported that not a single Republican voted for the stimulus package but it managed to
pass anyway.
Limbaugh’s fellow republicans are fighting and “hope” right
now is all that Limbaugh has at the
moment in the wake of the recent
developments since his infamous
“I hope he fails” broadcast on Jan.
February 12, 2009
The Crestiad
Spring 2009
Megan Ammons
Arts and Entertainment Editor
Thersia Ault
Athletics Editor
Brea Barski
Front Page Editor
Lifestyles Editor
Study Break Editor
Lizz Nagle
Corresponding Editor
Opinions Editor
Leann Pettit
News Editor
Gadget Manager
Online Editor
Ad Manager
Liz Skoczylas
Managing Editor
Circulation Editor
Features Editor
Faculty Adviser
Elizabeth Ortiz
Cristie Ackerman
Diego Andrade
Gabrielle Augustine
Khyla Brandt
Hauna Colista
Rachael Diffenderfer
Anna Dold-Fisher
Rachel Edgar
Dannah Hartman
Jessica Heiser
Kristen Isaacson
Lindsey Jancay
Elizabeth Kern
Jessica Korpics
Laura Krompasick
Nicole Magloire
Elizabeth Saleb
Allie Scott
Rena Wallace
The Crestiad is a student run newspaper
organization. It publishes one edition
every week throughout the Fall and Spring
semesters, available both in print and online at
Its primary goals are to keep students informed about events and issues of concern
to the Cedar Crest community, and to provide staff members with an on-campus internship-quality media experience.
Students participating in The Crestiad may
receive academic credit for their participation. The final responsibility for news
content and decisions rests with the editorial staff.
The Crestiad welcomes Letters to the Editor on any subject as long as it is tasteful,
responsible, and signed with the full name
of the writer. The Crestiad reserves the
right to edit for content, length, language,
and grammar.
The Crestiad is the student-run newspaper
of Cedar Crest College and every member
of the community is entitled to one copy
free of charge. Additional copies of the
paper are $1.00.
Questions or concerns
If you have any questions about The Crestiad or concerns regarding content, please
call the editorial staff and leave a message
at 610-606-4666 ext. 3331 or e-mail Cedar Crest College
is located at 100 College Drive, Allentown, PA 18104.
Guest columns and letters to the editor
may be submitted for publication by any
student, faculty or staff member of CCC.
Columns should be e-mailed to the The
Crestiad as MSWord attachments. Letters
to the editor may be e-mailed as MSWord
attachments. All submissions should
clearly state the name, address and phone
number of the author or authors. Student
authors should include major and class
standing and faculty or staff members
should include his or her position and
February 12, 2009
and Iraqi
Elizabeth Saleb
On Feb. 10 Israel held general elections in which the
Kadima party is expected to have
won the largest number of seats in
the Knesset (parliament), in a surprising victory. Kadima’s leader
Tzipi Livni is expected to be the
next Prime Minister. The two top
competitors for the title of Prime
Minster were, Likud chairman
and former Prime Minister
Kadima leader and Foreign Affairs Minister Tzipi Livni.
Kadima was started by former
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, who
had split with the Lukid party. He
suffered a stroke in 2005 and has
been in a coma since.
The electoral system in Israel
is based on nation-wide proportional representation. The Knesset has 120 electoral seats. Voters
elect a party slate rather than a
particular candidate. The percentage of total votes each party receives directly determines how
many Knesset seats that party is
The only limitation is the
two percent qualifying threshold,
by which a party must receive at
least 2% of the vote to be elected.
This very low threshold allows
for several small parties to win
seats. These small parties then
join larger parties to form coalitions. This could prove to be
problematic to Livin’s party. The
Jerusalem Post reported, “Sources
close to Netanyahu said that even
if Kadima won more seats than
the Likud, the size of the rightwing bloc would prevent Livni
from forming a coalition. They
said that even if Kadima defeated
Likud, the Right bloc's victory
over the Left would require Peres
(president) to let Netanyahu form
the government.”
Coming in as the third
largest party after Kadima, and
Lukid is Israel Beiteinu (Israel Is
Our Home), a right wing party,
led by Avigdor Lieberman, that
will be critical for either Lukid or
Kadima’s coalitions. Lieberman
is calling for Arabs and Israelis residing in Israel to take a loyalty
oath to Israel. Those who do not
take the oath would not be voting
citizens. He has also indicated a
preference to join Lukid and a
right-wing led government. While
he is radical is some respects,
Kadima officials believe he is not
on the right on all issues and can
join their coalition.
“They are not on the right on
the issue of a two-state solution.
They support that solution but
they want a land swap in it. They
are not on the right on state-relicontinued | page 4
Bethlehem trolley bed
Anna Dold-Fisher
Throughout the month of Jan.,
road work has been delayed while
workers in Bethlehem dug up old
trolley ties that were covered up 56
years ago.
The city took out the metal
tracks in 1953, but left in the plates
and creosote soaked wooden ties.
The section of E. Third Street between Pierce and Hayes is where
the ties were found. East Third is
one of the many improvements that
the new casino is paying for.
“The current delays are no
longer due to the trolley ties, but
are now a result of the weather,”
according to Joseph Mari, a city engineer who has been with Bethlehem since 1952. He remembers
the trolley ties being covered up.
The road was under such poor
condition that construction workers
are replacing the road all the way
to the sub base.
When the work is finished
there will be two feet deep of new
road. The ties that were found
were three to four inches below the
Mari stated, “The city will not
be saving the ties. They are very
deteriorated from different excavations that have gone through them,
and they have no significant histor-
ical value.”
Local citizens openly criticized the town on a discussion
forum on the Internet.
They were under the impression that the city was not aware that
the tracks were there. According to
Mari, “In 2002 a contractor came
across the existing ties under the
surface of the road, so this was anticipated.”
It is estimated that the trolley
tracks may continue all the way
into Hellertown.
Trolleys were the main source
of local transportation before automobiles came along. The trolley
companies built amusement parks
so they could make money from
the trolley fare, and also park admission.
Coney Island is a famous example of a trolley park that is still
around today.
Central Park in West Bethlehem was a well known amusement
There is not much left to it
today except for some scraps left in
the woods. The park was owned by
Lehigh Valley Transit Company
which also owned the trolleys.
Citizens could take Lehigh
Valley Transit’s “Liberty Bell”
route which took them to Philadelphia. A round trip ticket cost $2.10
in 1940.
After World War II, citizens
were no longer rationing tires and
gas for the war.
The automobile industry
began to grown and eventually the
privately owned trolley companies
could no longer compete.
People were not constricted to
routes and time tables with their
own automobile
The trolley companies also
had the extra expense of infrastructure of tracks, wires and poles in
addition to distributing electricity.
It was the end of an era.
Another concern of local
Bethlehem citizens is the upcoming
demolition of the cement overpass
that used to bring coal into the coke
The demolition is slated for
Easter Sunday. The overpass is
used frequently by the deer in the
area but no plans of a deer path
bridge are in sight.
According to Mari, “yes, deer
do traverse there but there are no
provisions to put up anything at this
time.” He also agreed that there
may be more deer related vehicle
accidents as a result.
The current roads only allow
two lanes of traffic and PennDOT
has required that there be four lanes
of traffic before the casino is to
open. The casino is slated to open
Memorial Day weekend.
continued | page 1
dergraduate conference, Bradshaw thoroughly enjoyed her experience there. A diverse array of
presentations were on display at
Moravian that showcased many
aspects of Medieval and Early
Modern Studies.
“There were three sets of
panel discussions on a wide variety of topics, and there were craft
demonstrations of Medieval calligraphy and sculpture. The conference ended with a performance
by Tapestry, a Massachusettsbased women's vocal group that
performs a lot of medieval
The Undergraduate conference first premiered back in December of 2008. Since then,
students have come from different
areas, representing the various
colleges that they attend.
“The other presentations that
I saw were interesting. A presentation that discussed problems
and methods of translation really
interested me, since it compared
various translations of ‘The Wanderer.’”
Although Bradshaw is a Biology major, the idea of continuing her studies in this focused
area does pique her interest.
“I would like to continue
studying medieval literature,” she
says, “and I would like to study
and learn the roots of modern languages.”
continued | page 1
with undergraduate residences.
Graduate housing is available based on a first come first
serve basis and assignment is
based upon completion of a questionnaire. Housing is also available year round for students. Also,
a limited number of parking
spaces near the dorm will be
available to graduate students.
The dorms are also available
to part-time graduate students, but
on a first come first serve basis.
As stated on the graduate housing
pamphlet health services will not
be available to graduate students.
“Health Services is only
available for traditional undergraduate women. Graduate students will have the opportunity to
subscribe to the campus student
health insurance policy… [and]
will be required to show proof of
health insurance and to receive or
waive the meningitis vaccine
prior to living on campus.”
In the Feb. 5, 2009 issue of
The Crestiad, the photo from
“Club presidents meet, mingle
and discuss events,” the lower
photo was identified. Jen Kehoe
was identified as the President of
Chemistry Club. However, she is
a member of College Republicans.
Also in the Feb. 5, 2009
issue, the photos of the Inauguration taken for “I was a witness:
President Barack Obama” were
taken by Leann Pettit, Senior Editor. The photo of the Inaugural
Float designed by Mel Devlin,
‘08, is courtesy of Mel Devlin.
February 12, 2009
Student Government
approves new clubs
Rachel Edgar
Student Government approved
four new clubs at the end of last semester: Globaleyes, Cheerleading
Club, Accounting Club and Circle
of Sisters. The new clubs will join
Cedar Crest’s roster of over fifty
clubs and organizations.
Clarissa Leverich, a senior Integrated Art major, was inspired to
start the club Globaleyes while researching genocide in Darfur.
“I was deeply moved by the
stories of survivors,” she said. “Images of displaced families and
burning villages left me wondering
what I could do to help.”
She decided to take action in
Spring 2008 when she registered
for a course in social justice. A requirement of the class was to design an organization for social
justice, and Leverich decided to develop an organization that would
engage the campus in ending
human suffering.
Some of the projects that may
be hosted by Globaleyes this semester include educational events
that bring attention to topics such as
genocide and modern-day slavery,
guest lectures, and possibly a
fundraiser to construct a well in
Leverich also hopes to increase the number of Fair Trade
items available for sale on campus.
“I believe that as a campus we are
waking up to our role in the global
community. We live in a world that
is deeply interconnected, and our
actions here influence people
around the world,” Leverich said.
When freshman Elementary
Education major Katey Dauble
came to Cedar Crest, she brought
with her a passion for cheerleading
and strong leadership skills.
Starting a Cheerleading Club
on campus was no easy task, but
Dauble felt school spirit is an important part of the college experience. “You can never be too proud
of a school you go to. I think it creates a more united feeling for our
school, and I really think we
needed that,” said Dauble.
Starting the club involved a lot
of organization and paperwork. “To
tell you the truth, it was way more
complicated than I thought it was
going to be,” Dauble said.
The main goal Dauble has set
for the cheerleading team right now
is to attend or perform at open
houses to help promote school
spirit. The club has also hosted a
concession stand at basketball
games, and has been working to
fundraise for the team.
Accounting Club began when
Nikki Emmett, a senior Accounting
major, saw a gap in the clubs offered.
“In the business department,
every major had their own club except Accounting,” Emmett said.
Success in the Accounting major
requires networking, and Emmett
saw an opportunity to begin an organization that could help Accounting majors make the
connections they need. “The club
will also help bring more students
to the Accounting department, and
help build unity among those already in the major.”
Emmet hopes to get the Accounting club involved in several
events this semester, including a
booth on identity theft at the 6th
Annual Health and Wellness Conference.
They also will help during
Volunteer Income Tax Associates
(VITA), a volunteer opportunity allowing Accounting major to help
low income groups fill our their income tax paperwork.
Senior, Chemistry and Forensics major, Kassie Woodard also
recognized a gap in the clubs offered, and decided to fill it.
Woodard created Circle of Sisters to educate others on Pagan religions, and to create a comfortable
place to meet for those on campus
who consider themselves Pagan.
“One of the things that has always
made me proud about Cedar Crest
College is the diversity,” Woodard
Woodard and the members of Circle of Sisters have begun planning a
medieval night with Needles and
Hooks, the college’s knitting club,
as well as a trip to Columcille
Megalith Park. The club is also
looking into fundraising to plant
new trees on campus.
Building Business from the ground
up: Afghanistan
finalists go
to San Diego
Gabrielle Augustine
At the National Make-ItWith-Wool Contest in San Diego,
California, 55 contestants exhibited just what can be made from
this versatile fabric. From skirts
and dresses to pants and overcoats, the girls (and one young
man from Maryland) from across
the U.S. displayed their creativity.
The Pennsylvania state Junior and Senior winners traveled to
sunny San Diego with their expense-paid trip. Senior-level, college freshman Rachel Siegal of
Lebanon took sixth place in the
nation. Anna Gilbert from York
Springs, a first-time National attendee did not place.
This year’s 2009 Adult Ambassador was Kathy Holter of Jefferson, Maryland. The 2009
Fashion & Apparel Design winner was Danny Nguyen and his
model Gift Taout. The Senior
Ambassador chosen was Meredith Olds of Kansas, who, upon last
time entering had won the national Junior division. The 2009
Junior winner was Marisa Linton
from North Carolina.
The Pennsylvania Competition is directed by Jodell Antram
and Virginia Rhoads. Anyone interested in competing can contact
Antram at or Marie Lehfeldt at For more
information go to
Rachel Edgar
Professor Arlene Peltola’s
Global Marketing class welcomed
Pamela Varkony, Morning Call
columnist, former member of the
Allentown City Council, and
founder of the networking and
mentoring organization “Power of
Women” on Feb. 5. Varkony’s lec-
ture, entitled “Afghanistan’s Future: Building an Economy from
the Ground Up” gave students a
chance to hear her first-hand account of visiting Afghanistan and
how Varkony learned about the
struggles of the people who live
there. Peltola’s Global Marketing
class hosted the lecture, but all
members of the campus were welcome to attend.
Senior Nursing major Kristen
McKeon heard about the lecture
through a friend in the Global Marketing class and decided to attend
the lecture to learn more. “I am interested in other cultures and learning more about global issues,
especially those related to women,”
McKeon said.
The event began with an introduction by Peltola, who described
how she and Varkony met at a conference in November. Peltola was
Leann Pettit | Senior Editor
Pamela Varkony addresses women and business in Afghanistan on Thursday, Feb. 5.
impressed with the lecture Varkony
presented there, and wanted to hear
more. “Now that was a conference
run by a woman,” Peltola said.
Next, Varkony took the
podium and began her lecture with
a National Geographic Society
video that showed the economic
and social plight of many Afghani
citizens. Through a PowerPoint
presentation, Varkony engaged the
audience in a discussion about
Afghanistan’s economy, politics,
and social climate. Varkony asked
the audience to brainstorm ways to
stimulate the economy in
Afghanistan and improve the lives
of the people.
Among the ideas students suggested, the empowerment of
Afghani women was one of the
main opinions. Varkony pulled out
a burqa from her bag and showed it
to the group. “In this, you have no
identity. You are a nameless, faceless thing,” she said.
Varkony agreed that empowering women would be a step forward, and stated that Afghanistan is
moving in a positive direction, although at a slow pace. “The good
news is that in the major cities
things are getting better for women.
You can see women in business
clothes going to work,” Varkony
The lecture ended on a cautionary note. “If we lose
Afghanistan, believe me you and
your children will feel that,”
Varkony concluded.
continued | page 3
gion issues and they are not on the
right on the issue of changing the
system of government. Lieberman is pragmatic and he can definitely be in the coalition," the top
Kadima official said. The official
added that Kadima would like to
form as broad a coalition as possible, but would settle for a
Kadima-Labor-Israel BeitenuUTJ coalition, which would give
it about 63 Knesset seats.”
Jerusalem Post reports.
In Iraq, largely violent free
elections earlier this month favored Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri
al-Maliki's State of the Law coalition, which includes members of
his Dawa party. The coalition
came in first in nine of fourteen
provinces reinforcing the Prime
Minster‘s popularity.
Maliki’s coalition list won 38
percent in Baghdad province, and
won in every province but one.
The coalition won 37 percent in
oil-rich Basra and 16.2 percent in
the religious region of Najaf. In
addition, the coalition list won in
Babil, Muthanna, Maysan,
Thiqar, Qadisiya and Wasit.
The Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq, the most powerful Shiite party in the present
government, and the followers of
Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr,
long popular in Baghdad's poor
areas and the Shiite center are
Maliki‘s top rivals that were defeated in this last election.
February 12, 2009
Celebrities slimming down
with rapid detox diets
Allie Scott
Americans want immediate
gratification in everything possible.
As a young adult in this country, I
see this want in many areas. But
one area specifically is in the area
of self image. We want instant tans,
instant white teeth, instant hair
growth, instant wrinkle removers,
and instant abs. And of course we
want to drop those extra 10 poundsinstantly.
I was recently reading a
weekly celebrity tabloid magazine.
It consisted of the usual: who is
wearing who, who is doing what,
who looks fabulous and who looks
Well in the ‘who looks fabulous’ portion of the magazine, there
were articles about how celebrities
got their bodies to look so fabulous.
Of course I was eager to read, because as a consumer, I am constantly looking for new ways to
increase my fabulousity.
The articles were mainly about
dieting, and what type of diets that
celebrities were using to lose their
weight quickly. But these were no
ordinary diets, these were creepy
As I continued to read I was
introduced to the “Master
Cleanse.” The Master Cleanse is a
detoxifying/cleansing diet that removes all the toxins
and poisons from
your body. In reference as to how it
cleanses, lets just
say that for ten days
you spend numerous hours of your
day running back
and forth to the
lavatory to relieve
your bowels. Yeah,
it’s pretty intense.
What this diet
entails is ten days of
drinking a special
“lemonade” concoction that you
make yourself. And
that is all you drink.
Instead of eating
food you substitute
this “beverage” as your meals. The
drink is a blend of water, lemon
juice, cayenne pepper, and maple
syrup. Absolute mouthwatering deliciousness, right?
Well it must be, because according to the New York Times,
way back in 2006, Singer/Songwriter/Actress and whatever else
she does, Beyonce Knowles, did
the Master Cleanse Diet to prep for
her role in Dreamgirls. She lost
twenty pounds! And she is not the
only one-Britney Spears and
Gwenyth Paltrow are some
other A-Listers
who also have
cleansing diet.
this “wonder”
diet may not
be the best
thing for you,
In her weekly
newsletter on
G O O P ,
Gwenyth Paltrow says, “I
like to do fasts
and detoxes a
times during
the year, the
most hardcore one being the Master
Cleanse I did last spring. It was not
what you would characterize as
pretty, or easy.
However, it did work. As I do
not wish to subsist on lemon water
in the middle of winter, I asked my
doctor, a detox diet specialist, for
the guidelines he uses to achieve a
good detox. He actually thinks that
the Master Cleanse can be danger-
We want
instant tans,
instant white
teeth... and instant abs. And
of course we
want to drop
those extra 10
ous because the liver is not supported by the nutrients it needs.”
Along with Paltrow’s doctor,
Web MD agrees and says, “The
body already has multiple systems
in place -- including the liver, kidneys, and gastrointestinal tract -that do a perfectly good job of
eliminating toxins from the body
within hours of consumption. So
there is no need to go on dangerous
purging diets such as the Master
So maybe Beyonce should rethink her dieting tricks, because she
is hurting her organs. After I read
all about this fast, cleansing rapid
weight loss diet I was more scared
then intrigued. I know people want
instant results, and so do I, but to be
quite honest, the thought of drinking maple syrup and pepper, sitting
on a toilet for ten days, and having
a sore hiney really makes me want
to go a different route for weight
I am still a strong believer that
the best way and the healthiest way
to lose weight effectively is by eating right, in moderate portions of
course, and exercising regularly.
That is the way to go. So if you are
interested in losing some extra
poundage, skip the trendy detox
diets and get active!
The high cost of security
Jessica Korpics
With all of the misleading reports stating that the inauguration
of President Barack Obama cost
$150 million, while previous President George W. Bush’s only cost
$42.3 million, I asked myself: Exactly how could there be such a difference in the prices?
President Obama’s actual inauguration cost approximately
$41.1 million, According to The total
overall cost of the inauguration,
which did reach approximately
$150 million, included all of the
extra security that was brought into
the city to help on that day.
Incredible security measures
were being put into place in order
Leann Pettit | Senior Editor
Due to an increased amount of security, President Barack Obama’s inauguration came
to a grand total of $150 million.
to ensure everybody’s safety at the
Both sides of Pennsylvania
were shut down, there were thousands of surveillance cameras installed and every ticketed guest was
being personally searched before
being allowed to attend the events,
according to
Air and water traffic were also
being closely monitored. There
was increased restrictions on planes
above the entire crowd and increased security on the bodies of
water surrounding the City. The
Metro Station and trains were also
patrolled by canines and the Metro
Transit Police Department. There
was also a long list of prohibited
items such as backpacks, coolers,
suitcases, umbrellas, laser pointers
and posters, just to name a few.
Was all of this extra security
really necessary? Some people may
feel that none of this was needed
and that this inauguration could
have only used the typical amount
of security and everything would
have been okay.
I believe that this extra precaution was greatly needed to ensure not only the president and his
families safety, but also the safety
of every person who attended. As
much as I would like to say that
racism does not exist anymore and
that everyone can live happily together in this “perfect little world,”
I think there are still some people
out there who will never allow that
to happen.
When I heard that Obama had
won the election and would become our 44th president, I was
looking forward to all of the plans
that he had put to change our country, but I was also worried. I feared
that some of the threats that were
being made against his life would
be acted upon and that a terrible
tragedy would occur.
At the beginning of his election as president, there was a threat
that was caught before it had the
chance to happen. The attackers
planned to set off a bomb at the inauguration, killing President
Obama and anyone else close to
him. The plans were found and
quickly dealt with.
Now that Obama is our president, people need to wake up and
smell the coffee. We can no longer
be prejudiced against people of
other races. Slavery was abolished
on December 8th, 1865 when the
13th amendment was ratified and I
believe that the penalties for slavery should be greatly enforced.
Nothing is going to change if
things keep going the same way
that they are now and everyone will
continue to think it is okay to act
the way they do. Hopefully by allowing a man of a different race to
run our country, people will start to
realize that we are finally going to
practice what we have always
preached- that all men are created
equal, regardless of their race or
any other circumstance.
February 12, 2009
Rena Wallace | Staff Writer
Tell me
I’m crazy
Hi! My name is Rena and I
am OCD. I would shake your
hand but I don’t know where
they’ve been. Would you like
some hand sanitizer?
I wonder what would happen
if I actually introduced myself
that way. People would probably
think that I was a lunatic. So why
do we even have labels like this in
the first place?
Don’t get me wrong, labels
have their benefits, but only if
they are used properly. They
should not be viewed as a sentence for life.
Labels help form judgments
towards individuals, and it is one
of the worst things that you can
do to a person. It is very destructive. “Labels diminish people and
become self fulfilling prophesies”
said Micah Sadigh, Associate professor of Psychology at Cedar
Doctors assume that certain
people have a disease because of
the behaviors that they exhibit.
They don't take into consideration
that the actions may be caused by
something else, therefore people
are being misdiagnosed.
A study was done where
American and British psychologists were assigned to diagnose a
group of patients. Based on the
behavior and the observations that
the American doctors saw, they
diagnosed the patients as schizophrenic. On the other hand, the
British psychologist diagnosed
the patients with bipolar disorder.
Both psychologists had the same
patients and used the same manual to make their diagnosis. So
why did they diagnose their patients with different mental disorders?
I think that an individual labeled with a particular disease is
more likely to act out the symptoms of that disease. Labels limit
people and they are given to those
who do not know how to conform
to society.
Imagine if your favorite
artist, poet or singer were labeled
with a disease. Franz Kafka was
a famous author. He wasn’t very
social but he was very imaginative. He was never diagnosed
with anything but based on his behaviors, doctors would have diagnosed him with Avoidant
Personality Disorder. And yes,
there is such a thing.
Or how about that young
man from the movie Revolutionary Road. He was labeled as
“troubled” and yet he was the
most insightful character in the
“Who are you? We are persons. What does that label satisfy? We are choices. We are
potentialities,” said Sadigh.
February 12, 2009
Getting to know your roommate
makes for a better semester
Cristie Ackerman
Recently, I have been thinking
a lot about roommates around campus. When I contemplate this issue,
I normally try to remain true to my
nature and be positive. If a person
is teamed up with a kind, understanding roommate who is compatible with them, the living
arrangement can be much more
pleasant than if the person simply
lived alone.
Someone could make a friend
who will look out for them and
sometimes join them at the bistro
for dinner. I know roommates on
my floor who have roomed together
for three years because they get
along so well. That’s nice and all,
but what about those individuals
who do not have such a positive experience?
For example, my first year at
Cedar Crest, I was supposed to
have a roommate, but she ended up
having a heart condition and had to
change dorms.
While my mother was concerned that I would be lonely as a
freshman, that year turned out to be
my most positive experience. I enjoyed the challenging curriculum
and having a room to myself. I
could come and go as I pleased
without wondering what a roommate was doing or what she thought
of me.
My second year was a different story. While my roommate was
quiet and didn’t necessarily do anything wrong, there was a definite
lack of communication between us.
Just recently, I was shelving
books at the library when I thought
I noticed my first roommate sitting
on a couch studying. At first, I didn’t recognize her. But when I finally saw her face, my assumption
was confirmed. At first I wondered
if this realization was humorous or
sad. Then I figured that it was a little bit of both.
As a junior, I finally realized
what a normal roommate experi-
Cristie Ackerman | Staff Writer
Above center: Roommates Amanda Hennig and Jessica Heth. Above left: The decorated wall on Hennig’s side of the dorm. Above right: Heth’s wall decor on her side of the room.
Both girls agree that honesty and communication are crucial to a healthy rooming situation.
ence was supposed to be. Natalie
McDowell, a sophomore dance
major, exceeded all of my expectations. She surprised me by shaking
my hand and introducing herself
properly the first time we met. For
a while, we coexisted in peaceful
harmony without saying much. I
was grateful that she was respectful
and would talk to me if I tried to
make conversation.
But then, one cold snowy day
as I sat on my bed doing homework, an amazing thing happened.
Natalie offered me tea and asked
how my day was. When she came
back with green tea for both of us,
we just sat and talked. As trivial as
this may seem, I would dare to say
that this is the nicest thing a roommate has ever done for me.
As the year progressed, we
continued to talk about everything
and anything. There was definitely
a level of comfort there and a feeling that I could be myself.
In fact, when my friend had a
stroke last year, I took it extremely
hard and wondered why such a terrible thing could happen to a great
person. Being able to talk to Natalie
made all the difference and helped
me. To this day, we are still friends.
This year is my senior year.
Unfortunately, it has been a rocky
experience in terms of roommates.
I think part of the problem is that
my roommate is a freshman and our
maturity levels are different. I realize what a difference three years
My roommate and I also have
totally different personalities.
While my roommate is aggressive
and loves to play video games, I am
often accused of being too passive.
A lack of communication can cause
frustration and hurt feelings. I
would like to end the year on a better note with her though.
Lately, I have been thinking
about my different experiences and
what made my junior year rooming
experience more positive than the
others. I think communication is a
major part of a successful rooming
My roommate and I took the
time to get to know each other and
talk. As we began to learn more
about each other, I think we both
grew more comfortable rooming to-
gether. Being able to discuss conflicts that may arise with your
roommate in a mature manner may
make all the difference too.
Take Amanda Hennig, a sophomore Psychology major, and her
roommate Jessica Heth, a sophomore Biochemistry major, on first
floor Moore for example. When I
came to their room to interview
them, I was pleasantly surprised by
the positive atmosphere. Brad Pitt
and other eye candy posters were
on one side of the room, while the
other side was decorated with High
School Musical pictures.
When I asked them if they had
a particular secret to a successful
rooming situation, they simply
looked at each other. After a few
moments of reflection, Hennig
said, “I think simply being honest
with each other and communicating
about any problems that occur right
away is crucial,” as she looked at
her roommate.
Heth chimed in with this advice: “I think that is important to
get to know the other person and
find out how you are compatible. If
we hadn’t taken the time to get to
know each other, we probably
wouldn’t be the friends that we are
today.” They told me about how
their parents discussed everything
about their daughters to one another
on moving in day.
“For a while we didn’t really
talk though, and throughout the second semester we began to bond
over the Disney Channel,” said
Hennig. They both agreed that
communication, honesty, and compatibility are crucial for a successful rooming situation.
Take the time to get to know
your roommate. You may feel you
have nothing in common with her,
that there is no point in talking. But
everyone has the same basic human
feelings and emotions.
You might think you have
enough friends or nothing to gain
by being cordial to that person. But
everyone is brought into your life
for a reason. On a cold, snowy day
offer her a cup of tea and sit down
to have a real conversation. It can
make all the difference for the rest
of the semester.
duces anxiety.” Also key points to
have time management to be successful, they say are, “self knowledge and goals:
In order to manage your time
successfully, having an awareness
of what your goals are will assist
you in prioritizing your activities.
Developing and maintaining a personal, flexible schedule: Time management provides you with the
opportunity to create a schedule
that works for you, not for others.
This personal attention gives you
the flexibility to include the things
that are most important to you.”
I completely agree with that,
but it’s easier said then done. I’m
concerned about whether I have the
time to fill out the weekly planner,
ten day planner, and four year planner, that Dartmouth has available to
down load, or have time to even
think of stuff to fill in there.
It actually doesn’t have to be
that big of a concern because I read
some of the time management tips
that they have. They are really helpful. I like, “find something to enjoy
in whatever you do,” to me that can
make the time you may feel as a
waste a bit more fulfilling, and
“push yourself and be persistent,
especially when you know you are
doing well.”
There are 28 more tips to
check out and I highly recommend
going to this page. I have it saved
to my favorites, the address is This page
has the answer to getting time
under YOUR control. Try it.
Time is preciousLaura Krompasick
TiiiiIIIiiIImmmme is not on
my side. Time is everywhere, it was
a minute ago, in the future, the present, and there it went. Time is so
precious and we are a society that
is very talented at cramming as
much into a day as possible. In
hearing that, it can sound pretty
good that we are living life to the
fullest. Or are we?
Things feel rushed, like we
aren’t getting enough out of what
activity we are doing at the moment
because it must end at a certain
time, also our minds are partly on
what must be done next and not
fully taking in the present moment.
It even seems that where we value
our precious time is skewed toward
work and not on things that are personally fulling (i.e. family, friends,
personal time, etc.).
Or are we forced to put our
time value on work? The Reading
Eagle printed an article about a
finding of what John De Graff, the
national coordinator of Take Back
Your Time Day, did some historical
research and found “that medieval
European peasants had more vacation time than modern American office workers.”
AHA! So we are being forced!
He figured it by the “number of religious holidays peasants took off to
eat, drink, and spend time with their
families and found it was about two
weeks extra,” as stated in the article. Then the only way to have
time is through the regimen of reli-
gion? Do we have any PERSONAL
control over OUR time? That is a
skill, which in my opinion only a
kung fu master could grasp, is actually do-able by anyone. It’s time
When searching on CNN, I
found a link page to Dartmouth
College time management page. I
found this page to be very comprehensive compared to other time
management pages I found that
were directed at business people.
The Dartmouth page is specific for
us, college students, who I think,
are some of the busiest people on
the planet.
Dartmouth reports that advantages of time management are,
“gain time, motivate and initiates,
reduces avoidance, promotes review, eliminates cramming, and re-
February 12, 2009
Spring cleaning your computer:
Tips for a clean PC inside and out
Diego Andrade
Using a computer is such a routine part
of a student’s life that sometimes we neglect
our electronic investments. Between papers,
online exams, e-mail, instant messaging and
everything else we use our computers for, it is
integral that your computer always works for
A computer with a frown is a sad thing
indeed, so why not take a little time to spruce
it up a bit? Here is a short list of some of the
easiest and most effective ways to show your
computer that the outside matters as much as
the inside.
Case Cleaning Day: Cleaning out the
interior of your desktop can be an intimidating venture with evil dust bunnies munching
at the electronic garden, but with a few tips
you can get farmer McGregor all over the
Rick Broida, a writer for Cnet reviews,
offers his suggestions on how to approach the
Step One:
Clean Case
delicate interior of your desktop: Do not give
into temptation and use a vacuum cleaner to
take out large clumps of dust. Broida writes,
“Vacuums create static electricity, which is
deadly to sensitive electronic components.”
The same also applies for reverse air flow
A can of air duster is the best method
when tackling your computer’s interior.
Broida suggests moving your project to an
open area, “or at least your garage,” and to
work from the top of tower, down. Take precaution and use a dust mask to keep any dangerous particles out of your lungs. Once you
have finished be sure to check the interior for
any moved or unplugged cables.
Your Monitor: A dirty monitor is more
than just unattractive, it also puts unnecessary
strain on your eyes. Broida offers advice for
users of both older CRT monitors (resemble
old TVs) and LCD monitors (resemble new
TVs). Never spray directly onto the screen,
instead, “squirt some Windex on a folded
piece of soft cloth or a paper towel, then use
that to wipe the glass.”
This method is fine for older CRT monitors, but for LCD’s Broida warns to “steer
clear of ammonia-based cleaners.” Instead, a
small towel lightly moistened with plain
water is all you need. Turn off your monitor
before cleaning as this keeps the equipment
protected and allows you to see dust and
grime easily.
Optimizing performance: There are a
few simple ways to ensure that your computer is running as best it can. The first is to
make use of your Disc Cleanup application
As quoted from Microsoft’s webpage,
“Click Start, point to All Programs, point to
Accessories, point to System Tools, and then
click Disk Cleanup. If several drives are
available, you might be prompted to specify
which drive you want to clean.”
What this does is locate all your unnecessary files, such as Temporary Internet Files,
and compiles a short list of things that you
can safely delete to free up space. If you have
not done this before than you may notice a
large amount of space being taken up.
Once you have chosen your files, simply click OK. “After a few minutes, the
process completes and the Disk Cleanup dialog box closes, leaving your computer
cleaner and performing better.”
Another similar option is to perform a
Disc Defragment on your drive. This reduces
the number of “loose” files and helps your
computer read data faster.
Another alternative would be to look
into upgrading your RAM memory. Stores
like Best Buy and Office Depot often offer
deals on RAM in their weekend sales flyers,
but don’t be afraid to visit a site like to find better prices and more
RAM is integral to running multiple programs, running heavier software, and keeping virtual memory usage (which uses hard
drive space) to a minimum. Consult a professional or a knowledgeable source before undertaking a memory upgrade project.
Optimizing Internet Speed: An article
for PC Magazine by Winn Rosch reads,
“With a broadband DSL or cable modem
connection, you may be able to squeeze more
speed from your connection by tuning the
timing and size of your packets.”
All of this may sound like a lot of tech-
nical jargon, but Rosch suggests visiting , a website that offers
a free software package (MyConnection PC
Lite) that “reports its findings in English instead of engineeringese,” making this the
most accessible software option.
If cracking the piggy bank seems tempting, there are other options available to you.
Rosch suggests, “Dr. Speed, Turbo Surfer,
and WebRocket.” Any of these will take more
of the labor out of optimization but be prepared to spend at least $30.
The IT Office on Cedar Crest Campus
offers a free anti-virus client installation to all
students. The client is simple to use and can
be set to update virus definitions automatically and is recommended to anyone without
a different client or would prefer an easy to
use interface.
Shannon Pretko, Information Support
Specialist at Cedar Crest College, advises that
a surge protector is a good investment to
make if you plan on leaving your computer
running throughout most of the day. A black
out is something that can happen unexpectedly and can greatly damage your computer
especially if you are the type to leave it running.
Pretko also advises that both Disc
Cleanup and Disc Defragmenting applications be run once a month. It is also wise to
shut down your computer at least once a
But what about us Mac users you ask?
Christine Hickey, a Computer Information
Systems major, uses a Mac book that she has
had since 2006.
Hickey answered, “The best way to keep
a Mac running fast is to make sure that the
hard drive isn't completely filled up,” when
asked to comment on how she keeps her laptop in shape. Deleting unnecessary files, random downloads, and keeping your desktop as
clutter free as possible are all things you can
do for your Mac.
Mac’s don’t need a hardcore anti-virus
suite since most ailments are made specifically for the PC operating system.
“About once a month, though, I use the
free 'Leopard Cache Cleaner' from Apple's
website to clean up any bugs that may have
been downloaded and sweep up the dust,”
added Hickey when asked about anti-virus
options for Macs.
Step Three:
Optimize Perfo
Make Sp
February 12, 2009
The new generation
of female condoms
for 2009:
The Accessories Edition
Elizabeth Kern | Columnist
Rena Wallace
On Dec. 11, 2008, the Food and
Drug Administration (FDA) approved
the second generation of female condoms. The product, FC2, which is manufactured by Female Health Company
in Chicago, Illinois is a redesigned contraceptive of the FC1 (female condoms)
available to women. The new condom
is softer, easier to use, cheaper to produce and it will become available to
consumers by mid-2009.
The FC and the FC2 condoms are
both comprised of a sheath with a
closed ring on one end that is inserted
near the cervix and an open ring on the
outer end that stays outside the
woman’s body.
The FC2 along with the FC condoms also include many benefits. It reduces the risk of pregnancies and
contracting the HIV infection and other
sexually transmitted infections. According to the company, the condom includes greater protection by covering
part of a woman’s outer genitals. And
data does show that they are at least as
effective as male condoms.
The new female condom is made
out of a synthetic rubber called nitrile
whereas the older version of the female
condom is made out of polyurethane.
Unlike latex, polyurethane does not
cause allergic reactions, however, it is
very expensive to manufacturer. The
FC2 female condom on the other hand
should be less labor intensive to produce therefore reducing the cost.
The female condoms in comparison to male condoms range in cost from
about $2.80 and $4 while male condoms cost consumers between 50 cents
and $2 a piece. “Purchasing female
condoms is out of the norm. I would
feel awkward if I had to buy them. “
said Tabby King, sophomore Biology
At a local Rite Aid Pharmacy, one
brand of female condoms was provided.
It was the FC
female condoms that were selling at a
rate of $16.99 for a box of five. According to an employee at the pharmacy, the FC condoms have been
available to customers since 1999. The
condoms were taken off the market for
a while but now they are back on the
This product can also be found in
locally-owned retailers and HIV/AIDS
relief organizations such as Planned
Parent Hood.
After visiting a local retail store
called Condoms Galore, not much variety of female condoms was found there
either. According to the manager, they
have been providing female condoms to
customers for about five to six years.
They provide the same brand that was
found in Rite Aid.
“I think that there should be more
variation,” said Julia Fabiani, Manager
of Condoms Galore
They also have very little sales
There is only about one purchase
of a female condom every one to two
months at Condoms Galore. “I would
hope more people would be willing to
try the new female condoms,” said
The female condom is used in public health programs in more than 90
countries. The product has been distributed to South Africa since 2004 as
part of HIV prevention efforts in the
country. Recently, it has also become
available in Brazil, Indonesia and
through government clinics in Portugal.
In 2005, nearly two thirds of all female
condoms were used in Africa. However, the product has not seen great
progress in the United States.
“I would never use a female condom. I suppose it would be more beneficial than birth control considering it
can prevent against various diseases.
And unlike a condom, birth control has
many side effects. But I think that it is
more conventional for a guy to wear the
condom,” said Sajaylis Bueno, freshman Nuclear Medicine major.
Rena Wallace | Staff Writer
A new cheaper, more user-friendly version of the female condom has been released and recently became available.
Spring season is approaching slowly but we
still can be on the lookout for the new trends of
the season, starting with accessories. Everyone
knows that the best way to dress up an old outfit
is to dress it up with jewelry and cute shoes.
For those that follow the trends like you follow Lauren Conrad’s life on “The Hills” it’s basically second nature to see something you like
in a magazine and then buy it the next day in the
But to some it doesn’t come that easily,
“Sometimes if something really catches my eye
over and over I'll go for that trend, but rarely,”
said Tiffany Dancho, Elementary Education
Dancho also mentioned, “I feel that magazines sometimes show the trends differently and
I don't like them, but then I'll see it on someone
else and want to try it.”
Harper’s Bazaar offers not only great trends
for hot accessories, but also for hair and makeup
tips as well. “One option: Sexy, tousled waves
and a radiant complexion,” says the website.
Then they also offer the process to achieving the
look including what products might help obtain
and hold that look.
“After several seasons of dark, heavy shadows, eyes are lightening up,” mentions Harper’s
Bazaar. They picture two girl models with intense
gold and brown hues surrounding their eyes,
which make their blue eyes just pop.
If you’re not so keen on the wavy look for
classes, perhaps a chic low ponytail or knot
would work best. The key to achieving these
looks is to make them a tad messy so that they
don’t seem to be professionally done. So leave
the bumps this time.
Lastly for the hair, headbands are making a
comeback. Now that doesn’t mean run out and
buy the first headband you see. Headbands with
bows or metallic in color will work best for the
season. If you’re looking for something a little
bolder try wearing thin headbands across the forehead for a more bohemian look.
As for the jewelry, shoes and handbags it’s
time to go back to the basics. Think black, white,
and metallic. Now don’t get bored with it because
remember its only accessories so this could mean
more wild prints and color for clothing since accessories are so neutral based.
The new trend in purses this season is not
huge bags that you can carry a small dog or child
in but playful bags. This meaning that they range
in a wide variety of colors from red to deep purple or to fun and flirty prints. They also range in
size, most of the bold prints are shown on
medium size bags where as the bright and exotic
colors are found on smaller purses and clutches.
Saving the best for last, ELLE magazine’s
Trend Reports will blow you away. They are
showing tie dye and sparkle! Don’t read tie dye
and flinch thinking you’d never wear it until you
see the pair of tie dye pumps from BEBE. They
are a little on the pricey side but still amazing and
the price would be worth all the jealous stares.
Tie dye bracelets and even a beautiful tie dye
bikini from Target were pictured among others.
For those who have always lusted after Marc
Jacobs designs but can’t get over the price tag,
good news. ELLE’s website features MARC by
Marc Jacobs glittery belt for $26. This belt would
be cute with jeans and a t-shirt or make a simple
black dress stand out.
So ladies enough reading, put down the
paper and get out there and be a trendsetter before someone else beats you to it! Happy Shopping!
Look for other volumes of “Spring Trends for
2009” in upcoming issues of The Crestiad.
Submitted by Brea Barski
Happy Valentine’s Day! Count how many hearts are intertwined in the jumble below. See the bottom of the next page for
the answer.
February 12, 2009
By Allie Scott and Dannah Hartman
Supply the requested words in the top section and then
place them into the puzzle below where indicated to
reveal a funny story.
Type of animal _______________________
Occupation __________________________
Noun _______________________________
Noun _______________________________
Large number ________________________
Adjective ___________________________
Plural body part ______________________
Adjective ___________________________
Article of clothing ____________________
Large number ________________________
A heinous odor _______________________
Plural bodily function _________________
Disney character ______________________
Activity ____________________________
Felony _____________________________
15 Crucial Dating Deal Breakers!
1. He/She acts like a __________ (Type of
animal) when we go out to dinner.
2. He/She dresses like a/an __________.
3. He/She loves __________ (Noun) more
than his/her mother.
4. He/She spends too much time playing
with his/her __________. (Noun)
5. He/She is planning on living in his/her
parent’s basement for another __________
(Large Number) years.
6. He/She drives a/an __________(Adjective) car.
7. He/She has really ugly __________!
(Plural body part)
Mr. Chemist’s Neighborhood
By David Raker
8. He/She has a __________(Adjective)
sense of humor.
9. He/She uses his/her __________(Article
if clothing) to wipe their nose.
10. He/She has spent __________(Large
number) nights in jail…for fun.
11. He/She smells like __________ (a
heinous odor).
12. He/She __________ (plural bodily function) in public.
13. He/She sleeps with his/her old
__________ (Disney character) doll.
14. He/She tries to partake in (activity) competitions . . . with your parents.
15. He/She was sued by his/her ex for
__________ (felony).
February 12, 2009
Submitted by Brea Barski
Celebrate President’s Day by finding where in the puzzle each of the presidents’ names can be found. Then look at all of the names
included in the puzzle. Do you know the names of the six presidents who aren’t listed?
(Chester) Arthur
(James) Carter
(Herbert) Hoover
(James) Monroe
(Franklin) Pierce
(Ronald) Reagan
(Zachary) Taylor
(Harry S.) Truman
(Woodrow) Wilson
(William J.) Clinton
(Warren) Harding
(Andrew) Jackson
(Abraham) Lincoln
(Andrew) Johnson
(John F.) Kennedy
(James) Madison
(James) Buchanan
(Calvin) Coolidge
(Millard) Fillmore
(James) Garfield
(Benjamin) Harrison
(William) McKinley
(Martin) VanBuren
(Grover) Cleveland
(Thomas) Jefferson
(Franklin D.) Roosevelt
(George H.W.) Bush
(Gerald) Ford
(James Knox) Polk
(William Howard) Taft
(John) Adams
(Ulysses) Grant
(Rutherford) Hayes
(Richard) Nixon
(Barack) Obama
(John) Tyler
(George) Washington
Historical Happenings
February: Wild Bird Feeding Month
Facts of the Week:
Feb. 12
Lost Penny Day
Construction began on the CN Tower in Toronto, 1973
USPS issued a stamp in honor of Julia Ward Howe, 1987
Feb. 13
Friday the 13th
Get a Different Name Day (if you dislike your name, choose a
new one)
First public school in America opened, 1635
Feb. 14
St. Valentine’s Day
Oregon became 33rd state, 1859
Arizona became 48th state, 1912
Feb. 15
Gumdrop Day
Campbell Soup was advertised for the first time, 1899
Great Britain converted to the metric system, 1971
Feb. 16
Do a Grouch a Favor Day
Nylon was developed, 1937
Feb. 17
PTA was founded, 1897
Newsweek Magazine began, 1933
Feb. 18
Hernando Cortés set sail from Spain, 1519
Jefferson Davis inaugurated for the South, 1861
Discovery of Pluto, 1930
Feb. 12
Abraham Lincoln (b. 1809) 16th president
Charles Darwin (b. 1809) naturalist, author
Judy Blume (71) children’s author
Feb. 13
Grant Wood (b. 1892) artist (American Gothic)
Charles “Chuck” Yeager (86) 1st person to break sound barrier
Feb. 14
Jack Benny (b. 1894) comedian
Odds Bodkin (56) storyteller
Paul Zelinsky (56) children’s illustrator
Steve McNair (36) football player
Feb. 15
Galileo Galilei (b. 1564) Italian astronomer
Susan B. Anthony (b. 1820) women’s rights activist
Matt Groening (55) The Simpsons cartoonist
Feb. 16
George Washington (b. 1732) 1st president
Ahman Green (32) football player
Feb. 17
Robert Newton Peck (81) children’s author
Michael Jordan (45) NBA star
Feb. 18
Count Alessandro Volta (b. 1745) inventor of the electric battery
Toni Morrison (b. 1931) author
Barbara Joosse (60) children’s author
Submitted by Gabrielle Augustine
Answer from page 10: 31 hearts
AQUARIUS: (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18) Something
keeps bugging you. Or should I say, someone?
How about everyone. This winter weather is
not putting you in the best of moods, especially
when everyone you know keeps pestering you.
Relax and take some time out for yourself and
do something that you really enjoy.
PISCES: (Feb. 19 - March 20) Lately, you
have been focusing all of your energy into the
wrong direction.Whether it be a cute new
crush, or learning how to polka dance, it’s just
not for you. Instead, try to stay more focused
on the important things going on in your life
right now before they pass you by.
ARIES: (March 21 - April 19) For some
strange reason, it seems like you are missing
something, and you just can’t put your finger
on it. It’s probably your life. Take a break from
your busy schedule this semester and treat
yourself. Maybe even call an old friend you
haven’t talked to for awhile. Have a fun night
out. You’ll have plenty of time later to study.
TAURUS: (April 20 - May 20) Somebody is
shining brighter than a 300-watt light bulb. It
can be a blizzard outside and all you see are
spring flowers. Let your great mood radiate on
others who need it this month, since this positive outlook on life doesn’t seem to be going
anywhere for awhile.
GEMINI: (May 21 - June 21) Love is in the
air, but is it here to stay? Don’t work, your noxious addition to the ozone looks like it may
hang around for quite some time. But be prepared if things don’t work out, since this budding romance doesn’t seem like it is hitting the
destiny marker quite yet.
CANCER: (June 22 - July 22) It may be a
stretch, but would it absolutely kill you to try
something new? We all know how comfortable
you are in your little safety net. Break out for
once and discover a different book, movie, or
even food. Don’t shut everything out right
away. Who knows? You might actually like it.
LEO: (July 23 - Aug. 22) So what were you
saying in December? This was going to be your
year, and you were going to be getting the best
out of it. Well, I hate to break it to you, but the
year has already begun. Where are you at?
Keep on track with all of those New Year’s
Resolutions. It will be in your best interest, I
VIRGO: (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22) Financially, you
are a little insecure this new year. It is time to
sit down with the checkbook and glance over
what you have been doing. You’ll probably find
that your high expenses are impossible to pay at
the steady rate you are going. Try to be a bit
more frugal.
LIBRA: (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22) If you feel as if
you are struggling with some things the New
Year has brought on, don’t worry. This month,
the cards are definitely in your favor. However,
don’t let yourself become too wrapped up in
your good fortune. There are other people in
your life that you need to take care of right
SCORPIO: (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21) You have a
lot of important things to think about right now.
It seems As if your whole future is at your feet.
However, don’t worry. It seems as if a new love
interest will be there to help you out of any
hard time you may come upon.
SAGITTARIUS: (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
Everyone knows how great you are. So why are
you constantly getting misunderstood by people? Maybe it is time to speak up for yourself.
No one will ever know the real you until you
CAPRICORN: (Dec. 22 - Jan 19) No one
said you could accomplish it, but you’ve done
it! This week, you will find that the thing you
were struggling most with will finally come
true, despite what others may have thought at
first. Give yourself a pat on the back. You deserve it.
submitted by Jessica Heiser
February 12, 2009
Sex Simply Sells:
Racy Advertising
crowding our media
Advertisements such as this Armani ad featuring soccer star David Beckham are appearing everywhere from television commercials, to magazine ads to billboards in major cities such as New York. Advertisers have consistantly been using sex to sell their products. As society keeps moving along, so does advertising; pushing the envelope as far as they can take it.
Allie Scott
You don’t have to be an Advertising major to know that sex
sells. Hello, everyone loves to see a
little skin, show a little skin, because hey, its natural, and most people like it.
Well, unfortunately there are
some party poopers out there that
are anti-skin advocates, but who
can blame them? Racy and sexy advertisements are crowding up the
media any chance they can get, and
letting sexual images harm the eyes
of children.
Almost every other commercial has some sort of sexual innuendo or half naked person in it, and
advertisers keep pushing the envelope seeing just how far they can
get away with.
Way back in 1924, the American Association of Advertising
Agencies published a code that
listed what advertisers could not
use to make their products marketable.
These codes consisted of No:
false or misleading statements or
exaggerations visual or verbal, testimonials which did not reflect the
real choice of a competent witness,
price claims which were misleading, comparisons which unfairly
disparaged a competitive product or
service, unsupported claims, or
claims that distorted the true meaning of statements made by professional or scientific authorities and
last but not least no statements, suggestions or pictures offensive to
public decency.
The problem with this is, some
people are less offended than others, so advertisers just kept pushing
the envelope trying to get away
with as muh as possible because
that last code was never truly defined.
Advertisers use sex to sell because it just simply works. Sex is a
natural connection that advertisers
use to get their consumers hooked,
and it clearly has worked because
sex has been used to sell products
for decades.
We see a lot of companies
using sex to sell on the television.
Many of these commercials are directed towards men, in which the
commercial objectifies the woman
by over-sexualizing her.
According to the Edward R.
Murrow School of Communication,
“In advertising, it is easy to get a
man's attention by using women's
bodies and associate getting the
woman if he buys the product. It is
playing on his instinctive rather
than intellectual view of the world.
The ad spends no time discussing her qualifications for sexual desire -- her mere existence is
enough.” This quote can be connected to almost every single Axe
Body Spray commercial.
It is the perfect example because in all of the body spray commercials there are young women
ripping off their clothes and rubbing up all over the man who is
wearing the body spray.
Better yet, the commercials
ending tagline is the best. All they
show is the can alone, it then
sprays, and all you hear is a
woman’s moan. For real?! Yes, for
real, and these commercials do air
during family hours on television,
so that means the kids are seeing
them too.
When asked why advertisers
use sex to sell in the media, freshman Chemistry major, Kaitlin
Hafer said, “It works! It grabs the
viewer’s attention, and when it
comes to commercials they push it
too far. Kids don’t understand what
the back meaning is; they just see a
pretty girl in a sparkly outfit and
think its okay, because it got their
attention. Nowadays it is becoming
okay to show those kinds of images.”
Many Axe commercials have
actually been banned from television such as the “Axe Attractions”
bow chicka wha wow music video
commercial. It can be found on
youtube where you can see lingerie
clad women dry humping lawn ornaments and ironing boards.
It doesn’t stop here though, the
Super bowl is noted for its scandalous commercials, and this year
at Super bowl XLIII there were a
During the game, a Doritos
commercial aired with a man staring at a woman walking down the
street. He then takes a bite out of a
chip, and as soon as he bites the
chip, the girl’s clothes fly off and
she is left in nothing but a sexy bra
and lacy panties.
The best part about this commercial is the man then sees a man
walking down the street and he eats
another chip and instead of that
guys clothes falling of he turns into
a monkey! Clearly all that commercial was good for was getting to
see some skin on a commercial
Sex is not just used on television to sell products; it is also used
largely in magazine ads and billboards. They could be trying to sell
a pair of jeans, sunglasses, lip gloss,
or a Sham-wow, and somehow
throw sex in there to make it marketable.
Take a trip into New York
City’s Time Square; you are sure to
see some skin on the billboards.
The CW’s hit teen drama Gossip
Girl’s promo ad is very nothing
short of steamy. The ad consists of
the show’s characters engaging in
sexual activities, with taglines that
The show’s demographic is aimed
to teens ages 12-18, so there are
twelve-year-olds out there seeing
images of their favorite celebs, half
naked and gettin’ dirty.
When the topic Gossip Girl
came up, Hafer also stated, “Gossip
Girl posters show some extreme
sexual images, those are the ones
that are too much for advertising
and those are the ones parents don’t
want their kids to see.”
You may recently have seen or
heard about the racy ad campaign
for Calvin Klein Jeans, you can see
the commercial on the Calvin Klein
Jean website. The campaign was
shot by reknown photographer
Steven Meisel; the ad was recently
banned from American television,
but is free to show in Europe.
The ad consists of grainy images of breast bearing woman just
wearing jeans - Calvin Klein Jeans
of course - lying and rubbing themselves all over half dressed men.
The term “lying and rubbing themselves on” is putting it lightly, the
ad blatantly shows threesomes, and
This extremely sexual advertisement is the perfect example of
using sex to advertise. Do sweaty
naked girls make you want to wear
jeans? Well of course they do, because if you wear Calvin Klein
jeans you will sweat, have a threesome, and be awesome.
As society keeps moving
along, so does advertising; pushing
the envelope as far as they can take
What is it going to take for
them to cut back on the sexual images they are showing for all ages
to see? If things continue to move
like they are, we are going to start
seeing Jello advertisements with
naked people on it, the Burger king
KING is going to be chasing people around, nude with a whopper in
his hand (and yes I am talking
about the burger) and Dick Clark is
going to be doing the New Years
Show in nothing but an oxygen
February 12, 2009
Silly advertisers, name brand
products are for commercials!
Lindsey Jancay
Why is it that halfway through a television show the viewer will develop an irresistible craving for Oreo Cookies, or
Starbucks coffee? It’s not the commercials.
Many people change the channels during
commercials so they rarely view a full commercial, but those sneaky advertisers have
found a way around that nasty habit. That
way around is product placement.
So what is product placement, and how
is it so effective? According to, “Product placement is a form of
advertisement, where branded goods or services are placed in a context usually devoid of
ads, such as movies, the story line of television shows, or news programs. The product
placement is often not disclosed at the time
that the good or service is featured.”
With so much of this advertising around
us, it’s safe to assume that most of us have
fallen suspect to product placement. According to USA Today, the amount of advertising
the average person receives while living in
the city had more than doubled since 1970.
Much of that has to do with the newfound
creativity of advertisers.
Just take a moment to think about it,
what kind of product placement have you
seen in the past week? While sometimes
product placement can seem quite obvious,
often times it’s sneakier and usually involved
in the plot of the show, movie or book.
According to, product placement happens for one of three reasons: either accidentally, if the product is
placed for monetary compensation, or if the
product is placed in exchange for a certain
amount of that product. Consider the tendency people have to refer to their “iPods,”
or reach for a “Kleenex” in everyday life.
Sometimes products such as these just get
placed to make the scene in which they exist
more realistic.
An example of the exchange of placement for an amount of the product, according
to, would be if a main
character of a show were to display “a quirky
affinity for a particular type of beverage.” As
the show progresses, the audience would become more and more aware of this product
placement. In exchange the cast and crew of
the show are provided with that beverage
during the duration of the show.
The last type of product placement is
placement in exchange for financial compensation. That one is fairly simple to understand. The product featured for a certain
amount of time in an episode receives that ad-
vertising time in exchange for money.
Another new addition to the world of
embedded advertising is the use of a no-interruption episode. Often these shows are
presented without commercials, but be on
watch for those sneakily placed products.
They’ll be all through the episode which is
often sponsored by a large company.
To better understand when you are the
victim of product placement you have to
begin to think like an advertiser. Say you’re
trying to market a new soda to a teenage market. You would choose a show directed at that
age group and instead of having to produce
an entire commercial, you can instead pay to
have your product placed directly into a
While this approach is often easier for
the advertiser, the Writer’s Guild and the
Screen Actor’s Guild requested in 2005 that
the ads be disclosed in the beginning of the
program, and that regulations be put on the
amount of product placement in children’s
However, product placement is as tricky
to regulate as it is to spot, therefore, a lot of
it sneaks through to you without anyone any
the wiser. Since you are not getting the warnings you are entitled to, you must become
more aware of product placement if you do
not want to fall victim to it.
Kaitlin Shurgala, Freshman Nursing
major, said that she is less likely to fall for
product placement because she is older and
less prone to fall for embedded advertising
methods, stating, “I think I fell for it more as
a kid, but now I’m more aware.
Hannah Walters, Freshman Dance
major, is more sympathetic to the advertisers,
stating that while she doesn’t notice product
placement, she feels that if she knew she was
watching an advertisement in the middle of
her favorite show, it would defeat the purpose
and take away form the psychological benefit of having an advertisement that the viewer
isn’t aware of.
While it is understandable that the invasion of advertising into entertainment is a
major annoyance, it is not, necessarily any
more harmful than a commercial or a preview
in the movie theatre. Embedded advertising
is simply blurring the line between annoyance and possibly taking advantage of people
who are unaware of the advertising they are
being subjected to.
While many have tried to stick it to those
sneaky advertisers and make them pay for
their tricky product placement, there is not
much to be done. The only thing viewers can
do to avoid becoming victims to embedded
advertising is to continue to learn about product placement methods and try to stay alert.
All photos by Liz Skoczylas, Managing Editor
February 12, 2009
Reel Review
Paul Blart: Mall Cop in action
Jessica Korpics
Imagine what would happen if
a group of crazy, somewhat
dimwitted crooks and their
overzealous leader take over a mall
in hopes of getting all of the money,
and the only hope for saving the
mall is a security guard who has
tried to make the police force, but
keeps failing. The only outcome is
complete and total chaos.
Kevin James stars in the
movie Paul Blart: Mall Cop, as the
main character who has tried for
many years to make the New Jersey Police Force, yet keeps failing
due to his health issues, and is
forced to try and pay for everything
on only a security guards’ salary.
This movie overall was a light
and funny movie, but could also be
very slow at some points along the
way. In one scene, James starts
drinking at a bar with his co-workers to help deal with the feelings
from their making fun of him for
his weight and his supposed less
than important job. They greatly
overdramatize the effects of the alcohol and make him act like a complete idiot for twenty minutes in the
While I greatly enjoyed this
movie, I felt that there were a few
parts that could be changed or modified to make it a little bit better. In
one section of the movie, James is
riding around on his segway chasing down an old man who is supposedly speeding around the mall
on his scooter and James stops him
twice before trying to give him a citation. It seems like the producers
and writers of this movie simply
stuck this portion in to fill up time.
Another part that possibly
could have been omitted is the part
where James is celebrating Thanksgiving with his family. The entire
scene is only the family sitting
around the table eating and eventually leads to him expressing his
feelings to his daughter.
One good thing about this
movie was the way that it was
funny and comical, yet was still fit
for all ages and all family members.
This was the first movie in a
long time that I went to where you
not only saw teenagers in the movie
theatre, but you also saw several
families with younger children and
even some senior citizens viewing
this movie. There was no cursing,
sexuality, drugs, or severe violence
in the movie which was refreshing
“Betsy Skotch”
Genre: Action, Comedy
Ratings: Rated PG for some violence, mild crude and suggestive humor,
and language.
Duration: 91 Minutes
to see in today’s day and age.
Overall, this was a very good
movie not only for friends to go and
see together, but also for the whole
family to watch. It was very well-
written and was in the good taste
the entire time. This film is definitely recommended for anyone
looking for a good comedy to
watch on a Saturday night.
Mraz Tops the Charts Again
Khyla Brandt
Virginia native, Jason Mraz,
released his third chart-topping
album on May 13, 2008 titled, We
sing. We dance. We steal things. He
developed this current record quite
differently from any other. Mraz
chose to live a somewhat normal
life, after all the years of touring
and spending days and nights in
recording studios and living out of
According to, he decided after his second record that he needed a break,
“I want to go to the grocery store
again. I want to do my own laundry. I want to tend to a garden. I
want to raise a cat.” By doing so, he
felt like he had found himself again
and songs just starting coming to
Mraz, being a mere 31 years
old, has been very successful since
he started his music career back in
2002 when he released his first
album, Waiting for My Rocket to
Come. Many songs on all three of
his albums have made the Billboard
200 and Billboard 100 charts. His
current album peaked at number
three on the Billboard 200 chart,
making it a record for him thus far.
Most of the songs on his
album relate to him or his life in
some way. Some of them describe
his personal experiences, such as,
“Love for a Child,” which focuses
on his struggle with his parent’s
separation when he was young.
Many fans can relate to this track,
because there are many that have
grown up in a broken home, but his
lyrics stress the need to grow up
and be okay with the situation.
Most of the songs describe the
mood he was in at the time of writing them, such as, “I’m Yours,”
which is about finally giving into
love and life. This track was the
first single from this album, and it
seemed to quickly catch an audience. The tempo is upbeat and it almost makes you feel like you are
lounging on a beach somewhere
sipping margaritas. It just gives you
that relaxing and satisfying feeling,
especially when it states, “It’s our
godforsaken right to be loved...”
His entire album-even the
slow songs-seems to convey the
same relaxed and satisfied with life
kind of feeling. Almost as if his
music is telling the audience it’s
okay to have problems because
they are easily overcome.
This record is most interesting
as well, because of the choice of
artwork that is displayed over every
inch of the album. While traveling
in Scotland, Mraz saw a piece of
artwork by David Shrigley that
caught his attention. It was a Venn
diagram featuring the phrases, “We
sing. We dance. We steal things.”
He immediately got inspiration to
use these words as his album title
and asked Shrigley to compose all
of the art work for it.
This album gives consumers a
very upbeat and uplifting feeling,
from the artwork all the way
through the various melodies and
heartfelt lyrics. Overall, this is one
of Mraz’s best albums yet, and it is
surely hoped that more of this type
will come pouring out of his
recording studio in the near future.
Down with Chris Brown!
By now, I think that we’ve all
heard about Sunday night’s unfortunate events before the
Grammy’s. Chris Brown has admitted to assaulting girlfriend, Rihanna, turned himself in, posted
bail and has been released.
I sincerely hope that this has
resulted in a breakup for the couple. Too many of us have been in
abusive relationships for even one
woman to put up with it any
longer. My thought is that we all
boycott Brown’s music.
And, if you or anyone you
know is in an abusive relationship, I am personally telling you
that you are NOT ALONE and
that you deserve so much more.
Speak out because it is time that
you end the abuse, because that’s
exactly what it is. No more excuses. I’m begging you to call the
National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233.
In more uplifting news, it’s
comforting to know that Angelina
Jolie and Brad Pitt spawned a
bunch of little heathens. Apparently, the four oldest kids were
running around some hotel in
London, causing a disturbance to
other guests, and the nanny couldn’t take care of them.
I personally think that is too
freaking funny. Brad and Angie
can’t handle all of the heathens
that they spawned! The obvious
answer is to keep having more!
My ADD has kicked in, so
now I’m heading back to the
Grammy’s. Did everyone catch
MIA’s awesome wayyyyy preggo
performance? She was due to
have her baby that day, and instead I guess that she just crossed
her legs as she squeezed into her
completely see-through shirt and
bopped around on stage.
Let me tell you, I think that
it was completely awesome, although she got a bunch of criticism for that. I mean, someday
that kid’s going to be watching a
recording of that performance
knowing that his mom was pregnant with him at that exact
minute. Too cool.
Finally, because I need
something to save this column
and because I haven’t talked
about everyone’s favorite future
prostitute Disney Starlet in a
while, Miley has yet another set
of offensive photos circulating the
internet, which she’s now apologized for roughly eight bazillion
times. This one is of Miley & co
allegedly making fun of Asian
Yet again, I have a solution.
Take this chick’s camera away
from her! She is obviously not responsible enough to be using a
camera at age, what, fifteen? No
wonder all of our little pre-teen
friends find it fine to post slutty
pics of themselves on MySpace…
they have Miley, Vanessa Hudgens and Kim Kardashian to be
looking up to.
February 12, 2009
The Fray Found Me
Allie Scott
On one of Philly’s coldest
nights, January 15, patient fans
lined South Street awaiting their
entrance into the Theatre of Living
Arts to see the ever so talented
band, The Fray. They recently
stopped in the city of brotherly love
for a sold out date on their North
American tour along with indie pop
band Vedera.
The small venue was perfect
for the occasion; very up close and
personal. It was a spectacular sensation to hear every beat, every
lyric and every fan sing along to the
inspirational melodies, old and
new, of The Fray.
The set was visually enjoyable; draped with 40 to 50 vintage
lamps and chandeliers randomly
placed among the stage, and of
course, a large ebony piano was appropriately placed in the center
where lead singer, Issac Slade,
would serenade the crowd for the
The show started immediately
at nine o’clock where the band
members of The Fray came out to
introduce their tour buddies Vedera,
who started the show off with an
up-beat song off their new EP
album. Vedera’s eclectic folk rock
tunes filled the theater for an hour.
During their jam session onstage, the merchandise stand sold
out completely of their album before they were even done performing! The tour couldn’t have picked
a better opening band for The Fray;
they kicked the night off to an
amazing start.
Promptly after Vedera left the
stage, Issac and his band mates
took their places, and the show
began with a debut of a song off
their new album that came out February 3.
If you were wondering about
all those lamps on the stage, yes,
they were put to good use. The
lamps were synchronized to the
beat of the songs and flashed along
giving each song a spectacular electric element that brought old and
new songs to life. The bright lights
were in fact so bright it put you in a
trance, a musical trance, which
went on for an hour and a half.
The next song was a crowd favorite, “Over my Head,” and due to
the incessant screaming, I would
say it was also a crowd pleaser.
This song was one of the bands hit
singles off their first album. The
lights flashed, and the crowd sang
together. Issac sat up from his piano
and all the music stopped, but the
singing continued acoustically, as
we joined him in singing the rest of
the song together.
What a wonderful experience,
sharing your favorite songs with
complete strangers. It’s an awesome feeling realizing that we are
all connected in some way.
For the rest of the evening we
were serenaded by a few oldies,
and a lot of new goodies. The band
shared jokes and stories from their
previous visits to Philadelphia, and
told us about their love for the
cheese steaks. Lastly, The Fray
sang their hit new single, “You
Found Me,” raising the emotions in
the room. This was the perfect way
to end the evening. As the band said
their goodbyes and left the stage,
we demanded an encore, and graciously the band sang us another
new song.
As I left the show in high
hopes and in happy spirits I came
to a conclusion, that even on the
coldest nights, enjoying a concert,
and being with the ones you love,
even the ones you don’t know at all,
is best way to warm your soul.
In the highly anticipated addition to the series, everyone’s favorite stealthy antihero, Solid
Snake, is back to embark on his
final quest. The game takes place
five years after the Big Shell Incident from Metal Gear Solid 2, and
Snake has mysteriously aged.
Our world has become a very
different place, and as Snake puts
it, war has changed. The economy
is now dependent on the income
brought in by war through the selling of weaponry, and PMC’s (Private Military Companies) are the
guns for hire in place of traditional
The nanomachines embedded
in the soldiers’ bodies regulate their
feelings and can even suppress fear.
Snake’s old adversary, Liquid
Ocelot, is planning to take over the
nanomachine system (S.O.P), so he
can gain control of all of the
PMC‘s, making him a force to be
reckoned with. After accessing this
information, Snake’s old friend
Roy Campbell, asks him if we will
carry out a final mission: to terminate Liquid.
The series has always been
complicated and confusing, which
means that MGS4 is no different either. What’s great about the fourth
installment is that all questions are
answered in this game, from the Patriots to Liquid Ocelot’s weird arm
plot twist.
Many beloved characters
Dance Theatre, Scottish Rite
Cathedral, 1533 Hamilton St.,
Allentown. Times: 1 & 7 p.m.;
$16 adults, $12 seniors and children, 7 p.m.: $20, $16.
Sweeney Todd: The Demon
Barber of Fleet Street. Directed
by John Doyle. State Theatre,
453 Northampton St., Easton.
Time: 8 p.m.; go to for more information.
Saturday, Feb. 14
Peter Wichers and SOILWORK. Crocodile Rock Café,
520 Hamilton St, Allentown.
Time: doors open at 4 p.m.; $10
in advance, $12 on the day of the
Allie Scott | Staff Writer
The Fray singer and piano player, Isaac Slade, and drummer, Ben Wysocki, in concert
at the Theatre of Living Arts.
make appearances, as well as the
old annoying ones, like Raiden’s
girlfriend Rosemary, who thankfully doesn’t talk too much, that
jerk Vamp, and the eternal irritable
bowel system sufferer, Johnny.
Gameplay is absolutely astounding, as the controls are a lot
easier to handle than previous
Metal Gear Solid games. The greatest feature found within MGS4 is
the camo suit, an idea from MGS3
that has been enhanced for the
newest game.
This allows you to press your
body against anything, like a patch
of grass, a wall, or, as the opening
even suggests, a box of watermelons and the suit instantly changes
so that you can blend in with it, allowing enemies to walk right past
you and not even see you.
A video game still from Metal Gear Solid 4, shows it is action packed.
Thursday, Feb. 12
Barry Manilow. Sovereign
Center, 700 Penn St., Reading.Time: 8 p.m.; for tickets call
Friday, Feb. 13
Vagina Monologues. CCC,
Samuels Theatre. Time: Fri. and
Sat. at 8:00 p.m.
War Has Changed:
Metal Gear Solid 4
Jessica Heiser
Another interesting addition is
the “psyche” bar that needs to remain in good condition along with
Snake’s health. Stress from combat,
as well as negative comments from
his peers (like calling him an “old
man”) will cause Snake’s psyche
bar to decline, which will impair
his ability to shoot and recover
As for the graphics, I don’t really think there is anything out
there on the market right now that
even comes close. The people are
so realistic looking, and the environments are rich and detailed.
In scenes where rebel factions
are fighting against the PMC’s, the
debris of battle, such as smoke and
torn paper can be seen floating
around in the atmosphere. Honestly, this is the most graphically
impressive game I have ever seen.
Overall, there is so much to
say about this fantastic game, and
not enough space to talk about it.
For fans, it is a great conclusion for
a character that, let’s face it, you really do love, as well as for the series (although there are rumors are
circulating about a Metal Gear
Solid 5).
For people who have never
played a metal gear game before, I
obviously wouldn’t recommend
starting at 4, especially since the series’ storyline is one of the most
convoluted of all time. If you don’t
own a Playstation 3, here is an excellent reason (or excuse) to get
Sunday, Feb. 15
A Memory, A Monologue, A
Rant, A Prayer. CCC, Alumnae
Auditorium, Little Theatre, Time:
2 p.m.
Allentown Symphony Orchestra with soprano Angela
Meade. Featuring Tchaikovsky’s
Romeo and Juliet, D. Dorff’s The
Kiss, Wagner’s Tristan and Isolde
Prelude and “Liebestod,” and selections from Strauss’s Die Fledermaus. Symphony Hall, 23 N.
Sixth St., Allentown. Time: 3
p.m.; $25-$45.
Wednesday, Feb. 18
This Providence. Crocodile
Rock Café, 520 Hamilton St, Allentown. Time: doors open at 7
p.m.; $12 in advance, $14 on the
day of the show.
Thursday, Feb. 19
Wintertime by Charles Mee.
A comedic family feud. Zoellner
Arts Center, Lehigh Univ., Bethlehem. Time: 8 p.m.; $12.
Want to add any events?
Email your events to
Intramurals: A great way to relieve
some stress and get active
Thersia Ault
Do you ever just need a break
from school work, or need to release some pent up energy? If your
answer is yes, then you should be
playing intramurals.
“It’s a good study break,” said
the intramural coordinator Brooke
Biloholowski. “[Intramurals] keep
you active and is a fun way to hang
out with your friends!”
Currently faculty and staff are
playing intramural soccer to release
some stress and just have fun.
Tonight will be the championship
game between the Silver Monkies
and Pretty in Pink.
The first night of soccer the
Pretty in Pink took home the victory 4-2. The second night was a
much closer game. It was back and
forth from the beginning of the
game, tying it 1-1 at the half.
Returning to the game Professor Brian Exton let a goal roll right
past his feat giving the Silver
Monkies the lead. Not happy about
the goal, Exton took control and
sprinted from the goal he was defending to answer the other team’s
goal with one of his own.
“Taking the ball end-to-end
only a minute later was risky, but I
had my pride to think about,” said
Exton. And then someone was
shouting "Goooaaalll! When you
Courtesy | Kelly Gonzalez
are older and out of shape like I am,
pride, and a random goal, are all
you have left, sometimes.”
Exton scored his second goal
of the night for the Pretty in Pink
with another goalie switch up, and
then they allowed another goal
tying the game 3-3. Then Professor
Casey McDonough scored the
game winning goal breaking the tie
All in all intramurals are a fun
way to relive some stress, hang out,
or get your fix of competition. But
they are also a great way to warm
up for the highly anticipated Hall
“Intramurals is just a taste of
the sick intensity you’ll see at Hall
Olympics,” said Biloholowski.
If you don’t already know,
Hall Olympics is a weeklong competition between residence halls
and is an event that will definitely
be something you do not want to
miss. It is advised to all residence
halls that they bring their A game to
the competition, and nothing less.
This year’s games is destined to be
full of tough competition.
The next intramural game in
planning is kickball.
“Kickball, don't you need a
blacktop and some 10-year-olds to
play that?, Exton responded to the
idea. “Sounds like a great way to
recapture the glory of youth!”
sign up sheets will be in the
fitness center, so find a team, or
sign up as an individual and look
for an email giving you all the information you need in order to play.
February 12, 2009
Score Box
Thursday, Feb. 5
vs. Baptist Bible College
L 71-66
Saturday, Feb. 7
@ College of Notre Dame
W 80-74
Monday, Jan. 19
vs. Marywood University
Protect the nest!
Upcoming Games
Thursday Feb. 12
vs. Keystone College
Home @ 7 p.m.
Casey McDonough (12), of Pretty in Pink goes straight to goal in the intramural matchup against the Silver Monkies.
The Falcons take a time out with The Boys & Girls Club
Saturday, Feb. 14
vs. Centenay College
Away @ 1p.m.
Monday, Feb 16
vs. PBU
Home @ 7 p.m.
Thursday, Feb 19
vs. Baptist Bible College
Away @ 7 p.m.
Come Support the
Falcons Tonight!
Lee’s Gym 7 p.m.
It’s 2009 Women's
Basketball Coaches
Association (WBCA)
Pink Zone game
All fans are asked to
wear pink to the game.
Courtesy | Kelly Gonzalez
The Falcon’s basketball team takes a time out from their warm up with The Boys and Girls Club of Allentown. The Falcon’s played a conference game against Baptist Bible College. The Defenders unfortunately defeated Cedar Crest 71-66.