2015 Show Guide - American Fine Craft Show Brooklyn
2015 Show Guide - American Fine Craft Show Brooklyn
Sally Craig Cindy Grisdela Jewelry Fiber Decorative Booth 73 Booth 14 SHOWS AMERICAN ART MARKETING An American Craftsman Galleries sponsors numerous art shows through its affiliate, American Art Marketing. CindyGrisdela.com AMERICAN FINE CRAFT SHOW BROOKLYN MUSEUM NOVEMBER 21 • 22 Sarasota Craft Show Robarts Arena, Sarasota, FL December 4 • 5 • 6 2015 American Fine Craft Show Hartford XL Center, Hartford, CT AprIl 8 • 9 • 10 2016 Lynn Yarrington Wearable Fiber SallyCraigSECdesigns.com Booth 29 Wendy Ellertson Berkshires Arts Festival Ski Butternut Great Barrington, MA July 1 • 2 • 3 2016 100CraftsWomen Leather + a few good men Booth 49 Princeton Westin at Forrestal Village Princeton, NJ September 23 • 24 • 25 2016 American Fine Craft Show Washington LynnYarrington Design.com Ellertson.com Washinton, DC October 21 • 22 • 23 2016 Information, Videos, Save On Tickets Soli Pierce | Mixed Media Booth 75 AmericanArtMarketing.com On the Cover Mona Szabados Jewelry • Booth 80 MonaEnamels.com Sherwood Forest Design.com Peluche Butterfly Coat & Accessories Robin L Bergman | Booth 12 Photo: Gordon S Bernstein the rt A of American Craft MUSEUM SERIES An American Craftsman Galleries Presents AMERICAN FINE CRAFT SHOW BROOKLYN MUSEUM Welcome to the third annual American Fine Craft Show at Brooklyn Museum. It’s a special time for all of us as we present America’s finest craft artists inside the museum’s stunning Beaux-Arts Court. This is an extraordinary opportunity to purchase the perfect holiday gift, a beautiful piece for your home or office, or commission one of our artists to create a special one-of-a-kind work just for you. On behalf of all of the artists and our sponsor, An American Craftsman Galleries, we are so very glad you are here and hope that you enjoy our show. Thank you for coming, Richard & Joanna Rothbard | Directors SHOW HOURS Saturday Nov. 21 11am-6pm Sunday Nov. 22 11am-6pm EXHIBITING ARTISTS 2015 A Christine & Michael Adcock Leaves of Grass Mixed Media | 78 Cindy Anne Ciarcia Cindy Anne Creations Fiber-Wearable | 87 B Betsy Baker Stonehouse Studio Jewelry | 66 Louise Fischer Cozzi Jewelry | 2 Sheila Beatty Jewelry | 22 Sally Craig SEC Designs Jewelry | 14 Jerry Bennett Two Rivers Pottery Ceramics | 39 Deborah Cross Fiber-Wearable | 17 Robin L Bergman Robin Originals Creative Knits Fiber-Wearable | 12 Meb Boden Meb’s Kitchenwares Wood | 56 Klara Borbas Jewelry | 5A Susan Bradley Susan Bradley Designs Fiber-Wearable | 9 Winthrop Byers Byers Stoneware and Porcelain Ceramics | 31 C Eva Camacho-Sanchez Lana Handmade Fiber-Wearable | 45 Kathleen Curtin Jewelry | 6A Janis Cutler Gear Natures Nest Pottery Ceramics | 74 D Darwall + Murphy Fiber-Wearable | 71 Cara DesJardins C.A.S. Handmade Leather | 11 Deirdre Donchian Jewelry | 4A Marla Duran Fiber-Wearable | 18 Kathleen Dustin Mixed Media | 47 E Wendy Ellertson Wendy Ellertson Studio Leather | 49 Meg Little Fiber-Decorative | 44 Peter Handler Handler Studio Furniture | 15 Nicolas Esposito The NICO Workshop Furniture | 6B M Christine H. Mackellar Jewelry | 82 Tom Hayward Leprechaun Sheepskin Leather | 88 F Beth Farber Elizabeth Farber Designs Jewelry | 43 Linda May Linda May Studio Mixed Media | 79 Carol Hearty Leather | 69 Timothy McCune Mad Woodworker Furniture | 33 Patti & Dave Hegland Hegland Glass Glass | 70 Marsha Fleisher Loominus Woodstock Fiber-Wearable | 83 Richard Messina Richard Messina Designs Jewelry | 64 Barbara Heinrich Barbara Heinrich Studio Jewelry | 60 G Susan Garry Felt Experience Fiber-Wearable | 25 Susan Miller Ceramics | 27 Jane Herzenberg Herzenberg Designs Fiber-Wearable | 37 Phil Gautreau Phil Gautreau Wood Design Wood | 50 Michael Mode Wood | 68 J Mary Jaeger Design in Textiles by Mary Jaeger Fiber-Wearable | 85 Andrea Geer Andrea Geer Designs Fiber-Wearable | 34 K Ewa Kielczewska Ewka Leather | 57 Harvey Greenwald Greenforest Design Leather | 40 Mina Norton Fiber-Wearable | 81 O Mary Lynn O’Shea Mary Lynn O’Shea Studio Fiber-Wearable | 35-36 Judith Kinghorn Jewelry | 52 Cindy Grisdela Cindy Grisdela Art Quilts Fiber-Decorative | 73 Marylou Ozbolt-Storer Fibrearts Fiber-Wearable | 16 Vicky Kokolski MeKo Designs Glass | 53 H Richard Haining Haining Made Wood | 4B Christiane & Oliver Hampel Hampel Design Jewelry Jewelry | 76 N Wendy Nield Pieced Fun by Wendy Fiber-Decorative | 55 L Michael & Michelle Lalonde Michelle Lalonde Accessories Leather | 65 P Jeffrey P’an Studio Jeffrey P’an Glass | 1 Patricia Palson Fiber-Wearable | 42 Beth Levine Leather | 24 Jeung-Hwa Park Jeung-Hwa Park Textiles Fiber-Wearable | 21 9 88 8 7 6A 6B 5A 5B 4A 4B 3A 3B 2 10 11 12 87 13 14 86 85 15 84 83 17 18 42 49 56 63 70 76 82 41 48 55 62 69 75 81 47 54 61 68 46 53 60 67 45 52 59 66 44 51 58 65 43 50 57 64 40 39 38 37 William Peirce William Peirce Woodworking Wood | 48 16 20 Soli Pierce Sherwood Forest Design Mixed Media | 75 73 79 23 24 72 78 25 26 Irene Pluntky-Goedecke Irene Pluntky-Goedecke Jewelry Jewelry | 54 71 77 27 28 ENTRANCE 35 34 33 32 31 Kamil Peters 13 Artistry Metal | 20 21 22 74 80 1 36 Christine Peters Christine Peters Jewelry Jewelry | 26 30 29 Deborah Polonoff Polonova Fiber-Wearable | 67 R Lynn & K Meta Reintsema Reintsema Fiber-Wearable | 32 Sue Rioux Sue Rioux Designs Mixed Media | 51 Ann Roantree Roantree Weaves Fiber-Decorative | 10 Marthe Roberts-Shea MAR/S Jewelry Jewelry | 38 Richard Rothbard Boxology Wood | 3A-3B An American Craftsman Galleries Elizabeth Rubidge The Felted Garden Fiber-Wearable | 5B S David Scherer Mixed Media | 58 Machteld Schrameyer & Johan Westenburg Iota Fiber-Wearable | 84 Roland Shick Yaro Lighting Mixed Media | 59 Bounkhong Signavong Lao Design Fiber-Wearable | 72 Jonathan Simons Jonathan’s Spoons Wood | 8 Lia Sirelson LS Designs Jewelry | 62 Mary Stackhouse Full Dress Fleece Fiber-Wearable | 63 Mariko Swisher Mariko Swisher Ceramics Ceramics | 41 Alex & Mona Szabados Alex & Mona Szabados Enamels Jewelry | 80 T Chris Triola Chris Triola Designs Fiber-Wearable | 7 W Pat Warwick Ceramics | 86 Philip Weber Wood | 46 OUR GALLERIES New York’s only fine crafts gallery representing over 500 craft artists and fine artists from across the USA. From fine designer jewelry, to the largest collection of contemporary art glass, at An American Craftsman you will find the most extraordinary selection of handmade objects by America’s leading craft designers. Manhattan at Times Square Hotel 7th Ave & 52nd St. 212.399.2555 NEW LOCATION! Lincoln Center at Empire Hotel 44W 63rd St. 212.586.8882 Gallery 55 | 150W 55th St. 212.757.7757 Stockbridge | 36 Main St. Stockbridge, MA. 413.298.0175 AnAmericanCraftsman.com Jeffrey Weiss Jeffrey Weiss Designs Fiber-Wearable | 28 Teresa Maria Widuch Yantar Fiber-Wearable | 13 Y Lynn Yarrington Yarrington Weaving Studio Fiber-Wearable | 29 Ming Yuen-Schat Ming’s Monsters Ceramics | 61 Z Nina Zotcavage Jewelry | 77 Louise Fischer Cozzi Jewelry louisefischercozzi@gmail.com Booth 2
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