Delivered Web Catering Goes Live
Delivered Web Catering Goes Live
This project is partially funded by the European Commission under the Seventh (FP7-2007-2013) Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development. This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. D7.7Qualitative interview: annotated transcripts Author: Arlinda Cerga Pashoja and Vesna Jordanova Affiliation: LNFT Date: 15 Oct 2014 Document Number: FIRST_D7.7_20141015 Status/Version: Final/1.1 Distribution Level: Public Project Reference 287607 Project Acronym FIRST Project Full Title A Flexible Interactive Reading Support Tool Distribution Level Public Contractual Date of Delivery 31 August 2014 Actual Date of Delivery 15 Oct 2014 Document Number FIRST_D7.7_20141015 Status & Version Final/1.1 Number of Pages 195 WP Contributing to the WP7 Deliverable WP Task responsible Vesna Jordanova Authors Arlinda Cerga Pashoja, Vesna Jordanova Other Contributors Martin Keats, David Gil, Antoneta Shishkova, Sandra Freire Prudencio, Ana © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 1 of 195 Gonzalez Reviewer Constantin Orasan EC Project Officer Krister Olson Keywords: Transcripts, qualitative interviews, content analysis, coding, triangulation. © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 2 of 195 Contents Abstract ............................................................................................................................................................ 5 Methodology .................................................................................................................................................... 6 Sampling methods ____________________________________________________________________________________ 6 Procedures __________________________________________________________________________________________ 7 Ethical Issues ________________________________________________________________________________________ 8 Data collection methods ________________________________________________________________________________ 8 Topic guides _________________________________________________________________________________________ 9 Place and Time _______________________________________________________________________________________ 9 Training ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 11 Analysis ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 11 Conclusions ................................................................................................................................................... 18 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................................ 19 Appendix- Interview Transcripts .................................................................................................................. 21 UK Transcripts ______________________________________________________________________________________ 21 Participant: ID004 – Interview Transcription 29/05/2014 _________________________________________ 21 Participant: ID6 – Interview Transcription for 27/05/2014 ________________________________________ 27 Participant: ID040 – Interview Transcription for 05/06/2014 ______________________________________ 39 Participant: ID077 – Interview Transcription for 27/05/2014 ______________________________________ 48 Participant: ID104 – Interview Transcription for 29/05/2014 ______________________________________ 61 Participant: ID105 – Interview Transcription for 05/06/2014 ______________________________________ 82 Spanish Transcripts __________________________________________________________________________________ 87 User Interviewed: E.C ___________________________________________________________________ 87 Spanish transcript of EC _________________________________________________________________ 90 User interviewed: F _____________________________________________________________________ 92 Spanish Transcript: F ___________________________________________________________________ 95 User interviewed: MJ ____________________________________________________________________ 97 Spanish transcript MJ __________________________________________________________________ 102 User interviewed: MS (Therapist) _________________________________________________________ 106 Spanish transcript: MS (Therapist) ________________________________________________________ 114 User interviewed: RM (User) _____________________________________________________________ 121 Spanish Transcript -RM ________________________________________________________________ 139 User interviewed: RQ (Therapist) _________________________________________________________ 158 Spanish transcript: RQ (Therapist) ________________________________________________________ 163 Bulgarian Transcripts ________________________________________________________________________________ 167 Neli_1.1_Sofia ________________________________________________________________________ 167 Ivan_1.2_Plovdiv ______________________________________________________________________ 173 1.3_Maria_Sofia ______________________________________________________________________ 177 Vera_1.4_Plovdiv _____________________________________________________________________ 179 1.5_Gergana_Plovdiv __________________________________________________________________ 185 © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 3 of 195 1.6_Galina_Plovdiv ____________________________________________________________________ 189 © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 4 of 195 Abstract Individual face-to-face in-depth interviews were carried out in the UK, Spain and Bulgaria to explore the experiences of using the Open Book day-to-day and its impact on social inclusion. The Topic Guides developed earlier on the study were utilized to guide the interviews. We used purposeful sampling in order to collect information from a diverse population with a wide range of socio-demographic variables. Sampling was continued until saturation was achieved - the point at which no new information or themes emerge from the data. Questioning was structured by the interviewer to ensure coverage of key themes and also to be responsive to issues which emerged from respondents’ accounts. Transcripts and interview summaries were subject to thematic analysis. Qualitative data was downloaded for analysis using Atlas.ti computer package. © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 5 of 195 Methodology Sampling methods Subjects formally diagnosed with high-functioning autism and basic literacy skills and/or their carers, who already participated in the ‘reading comprehension tests’ were included in the study. The clinicians in each collaborating centre in London, Madrid and Plovdiv identified suitable patients formally diagnosed with high-functioning autism from the participants’ lists. Fullyinformed written consent was obtained from those who were willing to participate in the study. We used purposeful sampling in order to collect information from a diverse population with a wide range of socio-demographic variables (Glaser & Strauss 1967). We took into consideration the fact that the accessibility and utility of the new technology may be influenced by sociodemographic factors such as age and sex. Clinicians selected diverse participants in terms of age, sex, educational attainment and employment history. Participants were required to be native English/Spanish/Bulgarian speakers and be able to give written informed consent. Sampling was continued until saturation was achieved - the point at which no new information or themes emerge from the data. Based on evidence from previous qualitative research applying purposeful sampling methods in relation to subjects with mental and behavioural disorders or their carers (Marsden et al. 2007; Lipman et al. 2010), we conducted 18 in-depth interviews. We conducted six interviews in the UK, six in Spain and six in Bulgaria. © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 6 of 195 Procedures Qualitative evaluation was led and coordinated by the UK centre (LNFT). Qualitative data was collected from each of the collaborating centres in London, Madrid and Plovdiv. Participants were given access and started testing Open Book three months before the conduct of the qualitative interviews. Unfortunately, because of unforeseen delays in development of Open Book, the participants had a much shorter period of time (down from the original six months to two or three) to test and be exposed to Open Book. We included six participants in each clinical centre (sampling methods specified above). The participants took part in workshops, where they were trained by technical partners in the use of Open Book. They were given access to the Open Book interface and were asked to actively test and use to improve accessibility of documents. Each participant was interviewed once. Initially participants were asked to sign a consent form, which had two main elements: • agreeing to participate in the study and • consenting for the interview to be audio-recorded. Interviews were audio-recorded, with digital voice recorders, which were voice activated and dealt sensitively with ambient noise. The questions were open and non-leading, neutral, sensitive and clear to the interviewee (Patton 1987). Interviews lasted between 20 and 50 minutes. A naïve interviewer approach was adopted in order to encourage participants to provide comprehensive accounts. Field notes were written up after each interview to maintain a record of researcher’s impressions and to minimise researcher bias. © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 7 of 195 Ethical Issues • Informed consent was obtained from participants, who signed a consent form, agreeing to participate in the study and to being audio taped. It was made clear that they were under no obligation to participate and that participants could withdraw from the study at any stage without any detriment to them. • All tapes, transcripts and data were anonymised. Details that could identify participants were carefully considered and removed or altered. • All data from the study complies with the requirements of the GCP and Data Protection Act (1998). Tapes and interview transcripts were anonymised and kept in separate locked filing cabinets. Only the research team had access to the data. Identifiable personal data was not transferred between centres and countries. Data collection methods Individual in-depth interviews were conducted with patients and carers. Collectively these interviews were designed to generate information from all key perspectives. General themes were explored with specific reference to the impact of Open Book to improved access to written information and promotion of social inclusion. © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 8 of 195 Topic guides Interviews were based on a topic guide that was explored in depth. Questioning was structured by the interviewer to ensure coverage of key themes and also to be responsive to issues which emerged from respondents’ accounts. An initial draft of topic guides was informed by findings of the cross-sectional survey and the suggestions of the project advisory group. They covered a range of topics including carers’ perceptions of the impact of improved reading abilities on social inclusion of people with high-functioning autism, factors that facilitate and hinder successful social inclusion and impact of the new reading support tool on users’ degree of social inclusion. Topic guides were refined through progressive focusing during the course of fieldwork. Interviews were audio taped with the permission of respondents and transcribed verbatim into English by each clinical team in Spain and Bulgaria. The researchers listened to the recordings and verified the accuracy of transcriptions. Place and Time Geographic location has had a considerable impact on the project. Being located in three different sites, quite far apart geographically, meant that the British, Spanish and Bulgarian teams missed out on informal and formal face-to-face opportunities for communication. Teamwide communications between meetings were mainly through Skype, email and to a lesser extent by telephone. Most documentation was sent as attachments via email, and some effort was required to standardise to compatible software. Transcripts of interviews were translated by each clinical team from the source language into English. They were then anonymised and sent to LNFT team. The LNFT researchers © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 9 of 195 downloaded copies of transcripts (English versions) into Atlas.ti software and performed thematic analysis. Organisational/administrative/challenges: It was not easy to find suitable time for both parents and specialists to take part in the interviews because of their family and professional engagements. Professionals preferred the interviewer to visit them in their working place. Two of the parents wanted the interview to take place in the centre that their children are visiting for their daily training and therapy. Procedure challenges: Some people were anxious in their role of interviewee and therefore needed additional prolonged preparatory conversation and motivation. Many answers were too general and needed clarification through additional questions from the interviewer. Examples of such general answers are: “I think that it is well thought.out”, “Many things can be changed.”, “My experience with the Open Book program is very good.”, “We like it very much and it helps us.” Two parents had trouble formulating their answers and, apart from the additional questions, needed nonverbal encouragement. Some of the answers to the last question, which is entirely open (“We have come to the end of our interview. Would you like to add something else to what we have discussed so far?”) and allows the interviewee to share more impressions and recommendations, often duplicated statements already given to previous questions. We have found that the professionals have expectations that are too high regarding the functions and features of the software, which required explanation from the interviewee regarding the possible and impossible functionalities. Two of the interviews were disregarded: the first one because of the short time that the person was working with Open Book, and the other because the interviewee almost duplicated the answers of his colleague. Those were replaced with two other interviews with a parent and professional. © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 10 of 195 Training Researchers involved in qualitative research received formal training provided by Prof Mike Crawford (Department of Psychological Medicine, Imperial College London) in Alicante, 20-21st September 2012. The purpose of the workshop was to ensure that all researchers involved in WP7 used a consistent approach of qualitative interviewing across study centres. Another training refresher was organised and led by LNFT and delivered by Skype. Standard Operating Procedure for how the interview should be conducted was produced by LNFT to aid reliability, and disseminated to all interviewing partners. Analysis Thematic analysis was the framework used to analyse interview transcripts. Thematic analysis is a principal technique that is used by qualitative researchers to analyse data. It is a method for identifying, analysing, and reporting patterns (themes) within data. This process may be based on prior categories, or on categories that become clear to the researcher only as the analysis proceeds. Thematic analysis differs from other analytic methods that seek to describe patterns across qualitative data – such as thematic discourse analysis, thematic decomposition analysis, IPA and grounded theory. Both IPA and grounded theory seek patterns in the data, but are theoretically bounded. As thematic analysis does not require the detailed theoretical and technological knowledge of approaches such as grounded theory, it can offer a more accessible form of analysis. Themes or patterns within data can be identified in one of two primary ways in thematic analysis: in an inductive or ‘bottom up’ way (Frith & Gleeson 2004), or in a theoretical or deductive or ‘top down’ way (Boyatzis 1998; Hayes 1997). A theoretical thematic analysis would tend to be driven by the researcher’s theoretical or analytic interest in the area, and is thus more explicitly analyst-driven. The choice between inductive and deductive approaches maps onto how and why the data is coded. In the case of the FIRST study we were trying to © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 11 of 195 explore a very specific research question, i.e. the effect of Open Book on people with ASD and their social inclusion. Although we had a primary theoretical interest in the area which drove a deductive approach we tried to use elements of inductive analysis by not trying to fit coded data into a pre-existing coding frame. Thematic analysis is characterised by six stages: 1. Becoming familiar with the data and transcribing 2. Generating initial codes and data reduction 3. Searching for themes 4. Reviewing themes 5. Defining and naming themes 6. Reporting These stages were followed strictly by the researchers who analysed the data. Three LNFT researchers (one of whom is bilingual in English and Spanish) carried out independent coding. All researchers in the UK analysed the data (18 cases) separately, each developing separate coding frameworks. All transcripts were accessed in Word document files. Transcripts were transformed into PDF files which were later on uploaded into Atlas.ti. Constant comparative method was used: “The constant comparative method involves going through your data again and again, comparing each element – phrase, sentence or paragraph – with all of the other elements.” (Thomas 2013). Researchers made two copies of the data: The raw data and working data files. Initially the researchers achieved immersion in the data by reading several times the transcripts of all the interviews as they were generated. Each researcher read all of the data (transcripts) several times (at least twice) to get an impression of important ideas or subjects that recur. © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 12 of 195 These were considered temporary constructs (categories). Researchers made a list of these categories. Then the process of coding was initialised by considering one transcript at a time. Line-by-line initial descriptive open coding was carried out and each researcher developed separate coding frameworks. As the researchers were reading they underlined, circled or highlighted parts that were considered important. At the margins developing codes were added and annotations. Specific words were picked out and possible meanings were listed. These meanings were validated against the rest of the text and what other researchers’ codes. Codes were reviewed throughout the process. As the data was coded researchers created new codes, and went back to check the units of data previously coded to update. This was done to check if there were any more data that could have been coded at the newly created node. Repetitions of the same codes were eliminated and similar codes were combined together. © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 13 of 195 Figure 1 Sample from coding process in Atlas.ti © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 14 of 195 The codes were then compared between researchers and were integrated into a common coding framework, drawing together the overlap and the diverse concepts that arose out of this process. Analytic induction was employed in a primary analysis whereby emerging themes were identified and incorporated into subsequent interviews. A reflexive approach was taken, continuously reviewing and refining the topic guide and coding framework to ensure that all areas that respondents had spoken about were covered. Data was summarised in relation to these emergent themes with emphasis upon description of the utility of the new tool, its impact on improved access to written information and personal experience. A thematic framework emerged during the course of the study. A two-level coding framework was used at this stage to code all transcripts. The first level incorporated thematic descriptive codes and the second, subcategories of the first level codes and conceptual codes, which were identified through the analytical process naturally occurring in the formal coding of transcripts. In the full final analysis this thematic framework was used to code transcripts, which were re-read and indexed to indicate the presence of key themes. © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 15 of 195 Figure 2 Example of initial hierarchical networks in Atlas.ti © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 16 of 195 The main aims of analysis interrogated this thematic framework to identify different users’ experiences of their social inclusion. Under each theme we retained verbatim quotes for use in the reporting of findings. ‘Negative cases’ such as ‘challenges of using Open Book’ were identified and reported in order to capture the complexity of the phenomenon and add depth to the data. Triangulation of data sources was achieved through communication by skype and emails with colleagues in Spain and Bulgaria. We tried to ensure that researchers were fully aware of developing codes, that ideas were not lost in translation and that valid inferences were made during data analysis. Researchers in Bulgaria and Spain agreed with all the codes and themes and there were no contentions, mistranslations or misunderstandings to report. © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 17 of 195 Conclusions Clinicians in the UK, Spain and Bulgaria interviewed 18 users of Open Book, both people with ASD and carers. The interviewees had used Open Book for a period of two to three months. Interviews were driven by topic guides developed early in the study and lasted between 20-50 minutes. Purposive sampling was used in order to ensure a representation of people from diverse backgrounds. LNFT led the qualitative analysis and qualified staff in Bulgaria and Spain were trained accordingly. Interviews were tape-recorded in all centres in the source language (English, Spanish, and Bulgarian). All teams transcribed verbatim all interviews and anonymised them. The Spanish and Bulgarian teams translated transcripts into English and sent anonymised transcripts to the UK team. All transcripts were uploaded into Atlas.ti, which was used to organise codes and themes. Thematic analysis was the framework used to analyse interview transcripts, whereby researchers simultaneously read and re-read interviews, generated initial codes and themes, checked those codes and themes between each other and reviewed them. Codes and themes were shared with the Spanish and Bulgarian colleagues in order to achieve triangulation and verify findings. Final themes were then agreed and reported. The analysis of the interviews was used to understand how Open Book was perceived by carers and users, and to assess whether it had any impact on inclusion. These findings are reported in D7.8. © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 18 of 195 REFERENCES Boyatzis, R. E. (1998). Transforming qualitative information: Thematic analysis and code development. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Frith, H., & Gleeson, K. (2004). Clothing and embodiment: men managing body image and appearance. Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 5(1), 40-48 Glaser, BG & Strauss, AL.,(1967). The Discovery of Grounded Theory: Strategies for Qualitative Research, Chicago, Aldine Publishing Company. Hallberg L. (2006). The core category of grounded theory: Making constant comparisons. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Wellbeing. 2006;1:141-148. Hayes, N. (1997). Theory-led thematic analysis: social identification in small companies. In N. Hayes (Ed.), Doing Qualitative Analysis in Psychology. Hove, UK: Psychology Press. Kuper A, Lingard L, Levison L. Critically appraising qualitative research. BMJ 2008; 337:687689. Lipman E, Kenny M, Jack S, Cameron R, Secord M, Byrne C. (2010) Understanding how education/support groups help lone mothers. BMC,4:4-10. Marsden P, Karagianni E, and Morgan J. (2007) Spirituality and clinical care in eating disorders: a qualitative study. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 40(1):7-12. © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 19 of 195 May N, Pope C. (1995). Rigour and qualitative research. BMJ 1995; 311:109-112. © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 20 of 195 Appendix- Interview Transcripts . UK Transcripts Participant: ID004 – Interview Transcription 29/05/2014 Interviewer - Right so can you start telling me what is your experience of using ‘Open Book’? “ ID004) “Umm, my experience of ‘Open Book’ has been, umm, that it works well to explain, er… specific, factual words, but sometimes it finds idioms, a little confusing. Umm… and the some small words, like pronouns and so on… erm… some of their synonyms are also a little confusing, but I do think it has lot of potential.”) “Just needs some tweaking.” Interviewer) “How often have you been using it? “ ID004) “I’ve been using it probably about once every two weeks or so? “ Interviewer) “Right, OK, and, er… for what purpose mainly? “ ID004) “Erm… well, I’ve tried using it to simplify a couple of work contracts and er… I think it was something from HMRC if I remember correctly. But, erm… because the bits I wanted to upload were quite large blocks of texts, it struggled with that and I got an error message sometimes.” ID004) “Um… and I've also used it for Wikipedia arcles… ‘arcles’? “ Interviewer) “’Articles’, yes.“ ID004) “Yes, thank you! Articles of various sorts.” Interviewer) “OK, and what do you not like about it? What’s not working? “ ID004) “Umm… apparently, well, my Mum was telling me this: for one example she put in ‘it’s raining cats and dogs.… and, er… she looked up the phrase; and she looked up the word ‘explain the word with pictures’ and one of the pictures was literally, er… cats and dogs falling from the sky with umbrellas or something…” Interviewer) “Oh, doesn’t help, does it? “ ID004) “Yeah.” (laugh’s sympathetically). Erm… sorry, repeat the question? “ Interviewer) “So what you don’t like about it.“ ID004) “OK, what I didn't like … erm… Interviewer) “Or what you found difficult to use or any, anything that you not happy with.” ID004) “I found it really good for translating field-specific texts so, for example, in articles about obscure house-builds of historical periods; but … er… for … formal - I want to say legalese, but that’s not quite the right word for it: ‘contractese’, I think … ‘cos sometimes they, er… over-formalise. © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 21 of 195 I found it, erm… Think… I found that it… erm… I had trouble with simplifying some complex words for contracts and… I found it worked great for specific words but for phrases, I found it struggled a little bit. ” Interviewer) “OK, anything else you didn't like about it? “ ID004) “No, not from what I found.” Interviewer) “Erm… logging in and using it? Is it difficult to log in? “ ID004) “It takes a little getting used to, but once you know, once you know how to do it, you know how to do it, I find.” Interviewer) “OK, erm… and we talked about things you find difficult or you're not happy with. What doyou like about it? “ ID004) “Umm… what I like about it is that it explains words… is that you have the option of the words being explained with pictures or with...erm dictionary terms. And it can give ....and it often give several definitions of a word which is useful'' Interviewer) ''ok… any other thing that you like? ” ID004) “Erm I like the idea of the highlighting and stuff and the themes. But I wouldn't'' Interviewer) ''Do you use them?'' ID004) ''I try using them but I couldn't work out exactly how to fit them in to myself, if that makes sense.'' Interviewer) ''Yes , so if you had the power, to change things in Open Book.'' ID004) ''Right'' Interviewer) ''What would you change or totally remove or say I want to add something new. What would you do?'' ID004) “What I'd like to do'' Interviewer) Yes ID004) ''Is to make the dictionary more context-specific. Erm because for one entry in which I just put we had a ball”. ''Erm it included several slang terms erm bouncy balls. And all those definitions came up, no it wasn't we had a ball, it was Cinderella you shall go to the ball, sorry.'' Interviewer) “Right oK“ ID004) “erm… and it included definitions for bong bong balls. And some rude terms. And (laughs) erm basically the correct definition was right down the bottom. And it wasn't clear enough. And facilities where it couldn't look into more than one language...Like for example if it was talking about er say er scientists from Italian or..'' Interviewer) ''Yeah'' ID004) ''There might be the odd specific Italian term. But probably , that's probably going to be incredibly complicated to programme. Er but I think the idea of it, I like the idea of doing something like that”'' © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 22 of 195 Interviewer) So have a dictionary in a foreign language? “ ID004) “Yes yes yes yes yes yes” Interviewer) “Hmm anything that you would totally take out of there? ID004) ''Erm no actually I don't think'' Interviewer) ''Ok'' ID004) ''No'' Interviewer) ''Ok, erm considering the length, well not very long time since you've used Open Book, do you think it's had improved your understanding of written information?'' ID004) ''Erm yeah I think it has, I think it has.'' Interviewer)'' Erm how?'' ID004) ''Erm'' Interviewer) ''Has it improved it or has it made it worse in terms of your understanding when you read comprehension of written information.'' ID004) ''I think it's helped me...Cuz it explained certain words and phrases. Even though I have sometimes, had to have other sources explained to me as well.'' Interviewer) ''Right, yeah. Is there anything that you do differently now?'' ID004) ''Err'' Interviewer) ''With written text compared to when you were not using it?'' ID004) ''I honestly don't know (chuckles)'' Interviewer) ''Yeah , thats fine'' ID004) ''There probably is but I wouldn't know what if that makes sense.'' Interviewer) ''Yep I understand, yeah. Has it made a difference to your communication, whether it's online or face to face? '' ID004) ''Errrm'' Interviewer) ''Do you use like social networking sites?'' ID004) “O yeah I use Facebook pretty much all the time” Interviewer) “Have you used Open Book with facebook or not really? ID004) “You can do that?” Interviewer) “Well I don't know if someone wrote a text there and then you were not sure what it means. Then you copy and paste it in Open Book I guess and then make sure that you have understood it correctly '' ID004) “Erm no I haven't because I... ” Interviewer) “You haven't thought about it “ © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 23 of 195 ID004) “No I didn't know I could do that (laughs). “Well I probably was told I could do that but I just forgot I could, I don't know” Interviewer) “Ok now thta's something you can give it a go and try it. “ ID004) “Right ok I'll do that in the future.” Interviewer) “Yeah, erm so.. About communication face to face online you haven't used it but do you think it has any affect on your communication at all? “ ID004) “Erm I think it's, I think it's increased my vocabulary. I think it's made me use more complex Phrases and sentences. Like maybe it's formed, made my language become a little bit more formal” Interviewer) “O right, that's a good thing “ ID004) “But erm , oo yeah it's been useful ” Interviewer) “Excellent. did you notice any privacy issues or safety issues when using Open Book, was there any problem that came up?'' ID004) “None at all from what I personally know” Interviewer) “Ok, has it had an impact on your day to day functioning? “ ID004) “Erm I don't use erm, let me think.. I'm just trying to think, erm... When I am at work I don't really use a lot of written communication. To be honest it's very much face to face. Erm what was the question again? Sorry” Interviewer) “whether it's had any impact on your day to day life or functioning?“ ID004) “Ok, Erm I've been reading more since I started using it as well.” Interviewer) “Oh really?! “ ID004) “Yeah” Interviewer) “That's great. What have you been reading? “ ID004) “Erm just fiction books” Interviewer) “O ok. Do you use Open Book to read it or you just read them, the books? “ ID004) “No I ” Interviewer) “Paper Books “ ID004) “It's paper books. You could probably use it on kindle but I personally don't know one so...” Interviewer) “No it's fine “ ID004) “I couldn't use that, maybe mention that to mum, she's got one” Interviewer) “Yeah, so how do you think. What's the relation between you reading more books now and Open Book? “ ID004) “Erm I find it easier to focus on reading.” Interviewer) “O right that's very interesting really. Erm has, has the Open Book made a difference in your relationship with friends or relatives? “ © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 24 of 195 ID004) “Erm, er (laughs) I want to say yes but erm it's not necessarily that it hasn't had an impact. But the relationships between me and my friends and colleagues. Hasn't really changed that much if that makes sense” Interviewer) “Yep that makes perfect sense, yeah. And since you've been using Open Book do you think it's had an impact on your general knowledge or your education? “ ID004) “ O hell yeah, hell yeah, hell yeah... Like erm.. There was a Google doodle the other day for some, I've forgotten her name, her exact name now but it was Maria Gaetana or something she was a philosopher from Italy. And erm and er she came up with all these er formula and er mathematical curves. And erm I found Open Book made it easier to appreciate and understand what she done” Interviewer) “ O ok so you, you used the information in Open Book and“ ID004) “Yeah” Interviewer) “O ok great “ ID004) “I didn't use it for the think she created though which I plan to but I will be doing that soon” Interviewer) “Great, erm has it had erm any, made any difference to your work using Open Book? You've mentioned before that probably not but just asking again“ ID004) “No that's fair enough. Erm I don't know whether this is Open Book or just me but I, what I've recently started doing is that when I'm not, when I'm leaving work for the last day of the week ” Interviewer) “Yeah “ ID004) “And I have a day or two off. What I do now is write little notes to whoever is in that day or day after. Like just to tell them what needs stocking up erm little notes of encouragement and er stuff like that” Interviewer) “O ok. Whose idea was it? “ ID004) “Mine” Interviewer) “Ok great and you didn't do it before? “ ID004) “No” Interviewer) “so it's something new? “ ID004) “ Yeah cuz it's erm my second season In my job” Interviewer) “Excellent. Are you enjoying it? “ ID004) “Yeah” Interviewer) “Great “ ID004) “Love it” Interviewer) “Wonderful. Erm during the time that you've been using Open Book do you think there has been any change in your level of your independence? “ © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 25 of 195 ID004) “Erm none that springs to mind. Or at least nothing grand. Like, like certainly it's helped me understand the texts a little better but occasionally with the formal documents I will still erm want some er external help from people as well” Interviewer) “Yeah yeah of course. Has that changed a bit?“ ID004) “Yeah I think it has. I think I have needed a little less help” Interviewer) “A little less. Ok that's good. Do you think using Open Book has affected your self confidence in any way? “ ID004) “Yeah” Interviewer) “Yeah, positively again? “ ID004) “Yeah yeah” Interviewer) “Yeah ok. Has Open Book had an impact on the way you access any health or social services like GP, hospitals or haven't had any encounters? “ ID004) “No I haven't” Interviewer) “Ok “ ID004) “I'm sure it will help for that I'm just, erm I'm I don't know. I'm sure it will help but I'm just, haven't figured out how it will help yet. ..if that makes sense '' Interviewer) “Yep, no that's fine as long as, I'm just wondering whether you've been using Open Book for attending cultural events like museums cinema, theatre, gym library? “ ID004) “Erm if only I've had had the chance to do that, if only” Interviewer):(laughs) ID004) “So it probably would help for that but I just haven't had the chance''” Interviewer) '' Yeah, do you think you'll keep using Open Book in the future Lisa? '' ID004) “O definitely, defo ” Interviewer) '' And would you suggest it to your friends?'' ID004) “Mmm I would” Interviewer) ''Yeah, why?'' ID004) “Because erm however conventionally they may be or however good their understanding stuff is Erm sometimes people do just need a little bit of help regardless of whether they are in the spectrum or not” Interviewer) ''Yeah, yeah right'' ID004) “And I'm guessing does it have like audio facilities like to read the text to you?” Interviewer) '' Not yet no'' ID004) “That's something that should definitely be included” Interviewer) '' Ok'' © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 26 of 195 ID004) “Because I think quite a few of the users are likely to have erm dyslexia or other reading difficulties” “So I think audio facilities would be incredibly helpful” Interviewer) ''Ok thank you Emma. I don't have any more questions '' ID004) “Ok” Interviewer) ''Would you like to add anything else what we have been discussing so far? '' ID004) “Erm.... just trying to think what I can add. Erm some of the pictures that have been used to explain words have been amusing. Which is a bit unfortunate. Erm I remember from one text I was looking up I think it was fighter pilots or something and I looked up the word Korean” Interviewer) ''Right'' ID004) “And among the results was the Korean flag which would make perfect sense er some Korean writing. Which again would make sense and er celebrity group from Korea” Interviewer) ''Ok so the pictures are not always a good descriptions of what's happening '' ID004) “No. And with Cinderella you shan't go to the ball. It had erm bouncy bouncy balls pictures” Interviewer) '' I guess it mainly shows more common words first'' ID004) “Yeah Mmmm which is, which makes sense” Interviewer) '' Yeah ok, well thank you very much Lisa'' ID004) “Thank you” Interviewer) '' Is there anything else or shall I switch the recorder off?'' ID004) “Erm I'll probably go over little bits but I think I've said pretty much everything I feel really needs saying” Interviewer) '' Thank you for your time Participant: ID6 – Interview Transcription for 27/05/2014 Interviewer) “So first of all I just want to know just your general ideas about using "Open Book"“ ID6) “It’s one of them things that I found, in principal, is a great idea, erm, cos I've been dyslexic and working with the OU (Open University). They kind of gave me similar bits of software: I had DragonSoft, Dragon-Speaks and Clara-Read, erm, which kind of... Clara-Read, while it didn’t simplify it did kind of easier for me; it read to me and I read, well, listen to audio books rather than read things. I did, I suppose anything… I’ve never been involved in a project where it’s from idea phase to end phase. I still feel it’s not perfect. It’s not… I’ve rather been using it on and off a lot over the last three or four days just to refresh my memory and stuff like that. And there are still issues with it, erm, similar issues that we mentioned when we came up here before; but I know that these things take ages to… but it’s still a good © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 27 of 195 idea in principal. It just needs… Make it a more... Because something like that you wanna make it as simple to use as possible to be of use to people, cos if you don’t wanna ‘ave to jump through a load a hoops to actually be able to get to use it, bearing in mind that we come up against these things every day, umm... either on websites or ex or letters come through, which can be quite ambiguous, erm... especially, I particularly struggle with erm, standard-format letters, because I don’t always realise, don’t always realise that they don’t relate to me, yeah, so, umm, so I take it personally, thinking that it’s all gone wrong and it hasn’t. Erm... so yeah, there is, that’s one of my primary concerns is, is the ease of access, the ease of use. Erm... and how quickly we can access it and how quickly we can...” Interviewer) “So what, let’s say what do you like about it, the way it is?“ ID6) “I like the way it’s set up, cos it’s reasonably simple – big icons, umm, the way the panes are set up on the site, umm, yeah, I mean it, cos it needs to be, because obviously we’re tryin’ to simplify life, so you need, you, it needs to be simple; and I do like the way it’s presented and also the way it remembers previous documents as well, which is a very useful feature; and the fact that you can also tailor it to your own requirements, like font size, style of fonts, because obviously they are quite important mostly for dyslexic people, because most of us are completely... [unintelligible]. Erm, that I like. Sure. Erm, and that seems to, erm, to me that’s probably one of the strong points of the... is the way it looks.” Interviewer) “OK.” ID6) “And the way it... Whilst it isn’t perfect in the way it does it, you’ve started off in the right... right thing. You know, sometimes these things get over-engineered, which was what I was worried about, cos then it, it sort of, like... A couple of friends that have used it that came up here, and they’re a little bit more LESS technologically able and they really struggled. Erm, so if you’d have made it even more complicated, they’d would have totally lost ... So there is that to it: so it needed to be simple. And it’s... it does look quite simple; and it’s this one page as well: most of it’s done on this one page where you don’t have to keep going into sub-menus and stuff like that, makes some sites more complicated; and that’s it’s strong point, I think.” Interviewer) “Yes, OK.” ID6) “Umm, yeah, I mean, I struggle with some of the... it’s some of the ... that, to me, the way the site looks is still the strongest point. Umm... still struggling with the way it works. Um, when it does work, erm, which it nearly always does work, but sometimes it takes a bit long. Umm, I like the way it does it. Doesn’t always do it very well. Bit I’ve, I've... last few days I did an exact ... I put a ... well later on we’ll probably discuss it, but I put a stopwatch on it, see how long it took on... I’ve three different computers in my house so the broadband isn't that bad; well, a little so it was a fair ... and I averaged it out so it is still, like, slow, umm, especially if you use AOL. If you use the file, which is what I like, the I, ‘cos obviously © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 28 of 195 a lot of the stuff comes through. If you use the URL feature, that can by quite slow as well. But I did the file, the pdf and a Word; and I thought the Word would be quicker bit it wasn’t.” Interviewer) “It wasn’t? It didn’t make any difference...” ID6) “No, the pdf took, er... five minutes and nine seconds to convert. Wasn’t... it was only a page and I wasn’t doing anything... staggering... And the Word document... the word document was a problem, because it just kept spooling, but it had done it; but it didn’t tell me it done it. And the only really way I realised... because it had done this to me before when I was trying three or four days ago. It was in my My Documents: it’s all been done, but it didn’t tell me that it had done it. It was still spooling, but it had done it. So and... So that, that sort of, umm, I suppose one of the biggest barriers is the time it takes to use... and I don’t know how fixable that is, because I don’t know the ins and outs of it. Umm, it does work, but it just takes time and I don’t know er... umm.. And it’s how much time people are prepared to give it. I know you can’t expect the instantaneous result...” Interviewer) “And the end products that you got? What do you feel? How do you feel about that?“ ID6) “It’s not entirely positive. I did er... I had a... I went down to research in Cambridge so I used a sheet, a front sheet … one of these things they’d sent me as a file so... It missed an awful lot out, erm…and it made very little sense. ” Interviewer) “OK, were you using the Carers, or… because you know, there are two...versions?“ ID6) “Yeah, I don’t know what one I have, to be fair, cos I've had the same log-ins since the beginning. I know my friends had… women with carers, but they… when they were here they was having trouble getting on to the server, whereas I’d worked on at home so I didn’t have so much trouble” Interviewer) “Is it the one that, err… simplifies the document?“ ID6) “Yeah.” Interviewer) “OK, so that’s the users… yep.” ID6) “Yeah, it’s supposed to simplify it, but it… the trouble was it made it almost illegible... in, in, in the way it flowed. And when I compared it to the original, which obviously was wordy, especially being a university document, it kind of missed enormous chunks out. And, and… and to be honest, the doc… the original document made no sense at all, which I though was a problem. I mean, I can send you, I mean, I can send you both versions and you'll know what I mean. I should have printed them off, really, but, because it was kind of… Some of it works fine: if you put copy and paste a bit from the BBC website and put that in, that works fine. It takes time, but it, it, it simplifies that fine. But I found with the documents... like the… it, it, err… umm… I don’t know where it… it’s almost as if they got all the information, threw it all up in the air and put it on, because it didn't seem to pertain to the original, which would then give us a false impression, which would be just as bad as the original. “ Interviewer) “Yeah.” © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 29 of 195 ID6) “If you …. erm, yeah. And I still have... I like the facility to explain words which is a good idea. And I like the facility, err, in pictures.... I still think the pictures can be a little bit tenuous, but I know that’s not going to be an exact science. Erm… and there’s only so much you can say in pictures...” Interviewer) “Right.”.” ID6) “Erm… but my biggest problem is the word explanation. Whatever... I would recommend they use a children’s dictionary, because clearly the dictionary you're using to define words is way too wordy and way too complicated Umm, it’s very flowery language: it looks like a … almost a scholarly kind of … err… dictionary and that erm…” Interviewer) “Hmm...”.” ID6) “If you are trying to simplify something, the very explanation is overly complicated... whereas children… I know you shouldn’t necessarily… you wouldn’t have to tell people it’s a children’s dictionary, but you are trying to simplify it.” Interviewer) “Yes!” ID6) “Erm… and… I find that … whilst I can get it, I know there are … lot of people with Aspergers and Autism have additional learning difficulties that I know of... like friends of mine will struggle to … learn the explanation… and they don’t understand the original word and they won’t understand the... ‘cos you… I know, basically… I know it uses synonyms and stuff like that, but perhaps we should... I know it’s a long process, but p’raps it’s a case of managing synonyms, because they are a little bit complicated....” Interviewer) “Yeah, what’s the things that you dislike about it? “ ID6) “Slowness, I suppose... yeah, ‘cos, ‘cos that’s key to anything, isn’t it? I mean we live in an age now where things have to be, umm… we like things to be reasonably good … I mean, we everything, erm… and information... I mean, I, my next phone next month will be 4G, because... because I want it fast. I know it’s not the speed isn’t everything I appreciate, but, erm… accuracy would be good as well, but I need also… important, but I mean, erm… I think speed is the thing you need, because, obviously, it’s, it’s… in order to be user-friendly and to be fit for purpose, it needs to be, erm… to be able to do it quickly.” Interviewer) “Yep.” ID6) “Erm… yeah, that’s, that to me is probably your biggest stumbling block at the moment. I think the whole package looks fine. Umm, it’s just… It’s just… I don’t know how that’s going to work with er… speeding it up a bit. I don’t know how to fix it: I just know what’s wrong with it.” Interviewer) “Yeah, yeah… I understand... Erm… how, how often have you been using … the Open Book? “ © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 30 of 195 ID6) “Because of the speed thing, I don’t use it as much as I’d like to. Erm… I’d like to be able to use it. I’d like to be able to ... slap a … a letter into a scanner... and then … read it straight away. That’s ideally how I’d like it to be.” Interviewer) “Yeah…” ID6) “Erm… but it’s not that user-friendly at the moment... Erm… generally, I’m still taking it to someone’s house and getting him to read it for me…” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID6) “Erm… which is… because it’s, it’s, it’s not there yet, I don’t think. Erm… one, it’s not fast enough, but even if it was … even if I don’t uhh … I don’t mind: yesterday I sat there and did something else for five minutes while I was waiting it … for it to do what it had to do. And with the website, with the website, so it’s fine: it does seem to simplify it quite well. But … said, the things that I would probably use it the most for like … documents to come through; scanning would have to go into a document … and then that would have, yeah, … they’re taking a little bit too long...” Interviewer) “Times that you’ve used it: what’s it’s… what kind of text?“ ID6) “For what it… for what it is… time… it’s a little bit wordy. And, umm... some…website I, it caused… can be a bit … sometimes just volts rather than all the … other lists… proving language is proving a bit pointless… So, yeah… and umm…, yeah, and, and… simplifying letters, cos it... and, erm… especially the ones I had from the Cambridge research, because it was … a lot of it was information I didn’t really need so... er, umm… so yeah, I had to try to use it for that sort of thing, which is kind of what it was for…” Interviewer) “Did you scan them? Yeah. The letters? Or how did you…?“ ID6) “Erm, I don’t wanna get…. They sent them as attachments so…” Interviewer) “Or were they electronically? OK. “ ID6) “So I… the hints I… one was pdf, one was Word so I tended… so I tried both: it was the same document, two different formats, which is why I thought it was a fair trial yesterday. And umm…That’s what I did.” Interviewer) “Hmm...”“ ID6) “And that’s why I said the timings were quite long, but …. “ Interviewer) “Normally, would you? Do you have someone? You said they … helps?” ID6) “I have people I can call upon, yes, but the idea is, yeah, is... we don’t…” Interviewer) “’Erm… ‘cos I was thinking… with having the… carer’s … site so to speak or someone that helps. Er.. probably… I don’t know… it’s quicker to send the document … send it back to you with all the changes and, er… probably trying that, that … specific site, but, er…“ ID6) “It could work, yeah.” © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 31 of 195 Interviewer) “Yeah. Have you tried the feedback? There is a feedback. No? When you find it very slow or if you find any problems in that…“ ID6) “I, I was trying to not I mean I didn't know to what degree it was ready or what degree it was...” Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID6) “So I, I didn't wanna... I know this was coming as well so is kind of... I don't wanna clog up the system with this.” Interviewer) “No.” ID6) “And I didn't wanna be completely negatively about it...” Interviewer) “No.” ID6) “Because I do think, and all my friends think, it's a good idea in principle. Its, it's just quite a sound idea.” Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID6) “And we don't wanna be... We don't wanna come across as be negative but you need to give it a fair...” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID6) “Appraisal.” Interviewer) “I understand, yeah, definitely...” ID6) “To get stuff done...” Interviewer) “Yeah, so if you were... I mean, if you talk about speed and ease of use and er, erm... which are so important. If you were... if you where to change it and change...” ID6) “Needs to be speeded up - the processes. Erm... I would simplify the word explanation - try and do something with the picture explanation, but I know that there is so much you can do; and I know how much putting on the server is; and how many pictures you have room for so that that would ... problem, I know. Erm... yeah, the word explanation: I do think is quite a serious problem..Because I can see people wanting to use that quite often.” Interviewer) “Umm...” ID6) “I, there was... er... it, it was an elec...cos there was an election this, this... There was a BBC piece and I actually highlighted a few words, anticipation and the words and explanation were awkward and, erm... I could understand them but I know people wouldn't.” Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID6) “Erm... and for me, the actual explanation words were more complicated then the words you wanted to explain especially when they tried to explain election, which is very wordy and very complicated so that would be there the two main things I think, erm... Speed and the explanation side of it erm, I don't know what you can do about that: that's probably still... because sometimes it works well © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 32 of 195 ID6) “So maybe it was a problem with da ex or whether it was a real problem with the con... conversion of a file rather then... ‘cos obviously when you convert a BBC it works better.” ID6) “If you try the file bit, maybe that needs tweaking; but in the URL...” ID6) “It worked, but it just took some time.” ID6) “I can imagine that can be a more complicated processes. So...” Interviewer) “Erm... does Open Book have any impact on understanding of written information?” ID6) “Not yet.” Interviewer) “No...” ID6) “But potentially it has.” Interviewer) “OK.” ID6) “Erm... it has potential and it is potentially something I, I think every autistic person I know has some degree of either dyspraxia or dyslexia or some kind of...” ID6) “Erm, issues, helped by, like, it to...” ID6) “Like, once it's up and running and fit for purpose...” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID6) “And I think... completely. I think that would be around a useful bit of kit. I don't know how.. portable it's ever gonna be; and if its ever gonna be on a laptop or desktop or know. Erm... ideally we, we, my friends and I spoke before if we could get it on tablet form or..If one day we can find a system where we could almost photograph it, scan it on a phone: smart phones are getting better now.Erm... and almost convert it instantly - bit like instant translator.” “Which... You can get stuff which does that.” “Erm that would be ideal, ‘cos again it's about user friendliness.”“ ‘cos obviously we don't have our computers all the time.“We don’t, I don't even bring my tablet with me out very often.” Interviewer) “Yes.” ID6) “But, erm...” ID6) “If you... If... If in future (once technology is refined) if you... If you could, like, scale it down... erm... it may not be able to do all the ‘whiz-bangs’ a laptop can do: you could have a simplified version like an ‘app’ that would be...”“That would be fine. That would be probably the most useful... Most people got smart phones now, erm... And we... And a lot of the time we come against information and things we don't understand when we’re out. So it would be quite useful.” Interviewer) “Yeah, erm... I had this question long time ago, well, for about a year...” ID6) “Yep.” Interviewer) “Erm... but because of tech delays...” ID6) “Yep.” Interviewer) “Erm... so we, erm... The questions are a bit... later time... (laughs) © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 33 of 195 ID6) “Yeah, I think, yeah... Interviewer) “But anyways I'll go ahead with them.” ID6) “Yeah, that's fine.” Interviewer) “Anyway I'll ask them, but I do realize that, at this time, they may not be relevant. Erm... Has it made a difference to your communication online? Using...” ID6) “It hasn't yet, but it can: it will do.” “Once it's working, ‘cos...”Like I said, a lot of the...a lot of my correspondence, bill correspondence, all kind of, of, does come through...Erm... housing association and council send me the most complicated letter; and sometime the benefits letters are a bit complicated, because they are heavily standardized. Erm... the sort of things I would use it the most and hopefully I will be able to soon. I can't honestly say... I do yet because..They’re the sort of things I will be using for... I wanna use it for.” Interviewer) “Yeah. Does any safety or privacy issues came up when, er..? ID6) “No, not that I know of.” Interviewer) “Erm... well has, has, its use had an impact on your day to day functions? ID6) “Not yet but it will do once it’s running, because... effective the way it works. It has the... actually...“I said the idea is actually quite sound and it's, er... need the birth place.Well, it will.” Interviewer) “Erm... has it made a difference to your relationship with friends your relatives? ID6) “Erm... I don't bother so many people, I suppose... (laughs) That's the whole point a...” Interviewer) “So that's a...” ID6) “Yeah and, erm... Yeah, and plus I wouldn't say it made a massive difference Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID6) “But it's kind of you're not so reliant on other people so it makes more of a difference to me than other people, because they don't mind doing it.” Interviewer) “Right.”...” ID6) “But it's nice to know it hasn't changed the world.” Interviewer) “Yes.” ID6) “As far as I'm concerned, because usually find people that you rely on and care about you or whatever, so it's never usually a problem, but erm... yeah I suppose...”(laughs) “I suppose... I don't know how they feel about it so...” Interviewer) “Yeah, yeah, erm... how about? Do you think it has a impact on general knowledge? ID6) “It can do.” Interviewer) “Can do?” © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 34 of 195 ID6) “It has the ability to, erm...I find sometimes... like with Wikipedia pages and stuff..They contain a lot of info you don't necessary need, erm... fill in black space and stuff, erm... does tend to cut it down a bit. So kind of ‘fax’ so to speak that... That can be useful.” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID6) “And I imagine that would be useful helping finding that information. That's why I think if it was ‘on the go’, it would be even quicker, if we could get it tuned up into an ‘app’. That's where it would probably... because I use Google an awful lot even when I'm on the move. Erm... to find stuff out... If I could define that, that system alongside it, then it would be quite...” Interviewer) “Erm... has it had, erm... an effect or... on the level of independence? ID6) “Yeah, yeah it will do: it hasn't yet.” Interviewer) “Yeah, yeah.” ID6) “It will do, because I will be less reliant on other people.” Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID6) “I won't have to keep ringing up if I need something, seeking reassurance, my housing “... because seeking reassurance, ‘cos the letter doesn't really mean what it really says. Erm... yeah, it will do: it's one of its potential, because... Obvious. It's what we all want, because unfortunately we are quite vulnerable to stuff coming through the door - come on being sent by email that we don't really understand.” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID6) “Erm... And then just, dis-involved in that we hate it from that.” Interviewer) “Hmm... Do you think it has an impact on self confidence?” ID6) “Yeah, yeah, because you're self-reliant, you know, and yourself confidence is... No one wants to dread postman coming, because you don't know what's coming through the door erm... Whereas if you got something coming through the door...which is council tax, housing benefits all these complicated forms, DWP. And so we can just slap them on to the scanner, find out exactly what it's really about.” Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID6) “Er... erm... then worry so.” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID6) “I mean, that's a lot easier...” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID6) “Reduces the stress, the anxiety it causes. Erm... even when people have, when you phone them, there's nothing to worry about: its just a standardized letter.” Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID6) “Still in the back of your mind...” Interviewer) “Yeah.” © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 35 of 195 ID6) “You know what I mean, so ...” Interviewer) “Did I miss something, erm... Do you think it will have an impact on the access to health and, er... social services, receiving letters from doctors. hospitals appointments? ID6) (Laughs) Interviewer) (Laughs) ID6) “I got quite a few, it does, I got...” “Yeah, yeah it does, because I got one the other day, because I suffer from sleep apnoea and I go into the Guys hospital..... in June, and my wife - we don't live together: we’re married but we don't live together. ..and, erm... she said to me, ‘Do you have to, ‘cos its coming up to the appointment?’ And she asked, ‘Do you have to stay overnight?’ And I said, ‘I don't know. I can't see...” “... cos its so wordy,’ I said, ‘I can't see in the document whether I do have to or not.’ And then that's the sort of thing - then I have to take the letter. Well, next time I see her I have to take the letter and she looks at it and say, ‘Oh, no, you don't.’ Erm... whereas if I could do it myself (laughs) I could just say, ‘Oh, no, no, you don't have to...’” “Erm, but so there's an example of how it can be a bit of a pain. (laughs)“But, erm... and I get a lot of hospital letters...” Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID6) “Erm, my doctor sends me letter all the time - annual checkups and stuff. And they'll put, chronic, ‘chronic heart condition’, chronic... (laughs) Interviewer) “Right.” ID6) “Chronic Heart Disease or whatever and I don't technically have... I have a heart condition, but it's not heart disease as such and, erm... and it scares the life out of you sometimes. Interviewer) “Yes...” (Sympathetically) ID6) “How they're sending you stuff and you're like, ‘What? Why?’” (laughs) “Yeah, and it's to... because it's just a generalised thing, you know...And you ring up the doctor and say, ‘Oh, I didn't realize I have it!’ ‘Well you don't.’ ‘Well, why did you say I do? cos to me... It... I... There... ‘cos I don't have that.” Interviewer) “Yeah.” (Reassuringly) ID6) “I have something else related to my heart, but that's not quite the same!” (laughs)“All another problem. But, yeah, these things would be nice if I could deal with those. But I don't know to what degree it would help or not so.” Interviewer) “Yeah, will it make a difference to accessing other community cultures - that's museum, cinema or gym, like that? ID6) “Yeah, it has the potential to.” Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID6) “Yeah, it... We have quite an active social life, we have erm...We just... we just been on holiday - my autistic, erm... yeah. We, we, it would make life easier with booking stuff. © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 36 of 195 Interviewer) “Oh, OK.” ID6) “ Erm... deciding where to go.” “Yeah, it would.Particularly if you could do it on the go as well.” Especially since we go to museums and stuff. Yeah, yeah, it would, for sure. It's, it's just we've been around since inspection. Idea...” Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID6) “I think... I will... I think some of my friends kind of lost faith in it a little bit. Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID6) “Erm, but if, if it works well...” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID6) “Then it starts to work then we can iron out issues, I think I certainly will. Then I can, it, to my friends, because especially the ones. Get them to give it another chance.” Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID6) “Just at the moment... I think they found it especially that day we came up here and the server was causing problems.It, I, didn't work particularly well: I mean, they found that quite difficult. Too, er... erm, ‘cos they’re not... They kind of lost faith.” Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID6) “Whereas I've stuck with it, because, be’... If they... after jobs to see it through and hopefully it will, ‘cos it's a promise. Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID6) “And we can tell other people.” Interviewer) “That's why we need your feedback really” ID6) “Yeah.” Interviewer) “Erm... so that we, we, to ... ID6) “That's why I spent the last three or four days trying it out, working...” Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID6) “Erm... refreshing myself.” Interviewer) (Coughs) ID6) “Because, at the moment, it's not something I can use every day.” Interviewer) “Yes.” ID6) “But I wanna use it every day and, er... I try to use it during throughout the day to see how user friendly it is; it's not quite there yet, but there are positives and negatives and everything.” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID6) “You know, positivist - the way it looks, simple.” Interviewer) “Yeah.” © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 37 of 195 ID6) “I like it, ‘cos I favorited it on my tool bars so that I can go straight to it fine it's not an issue which is what I wanted. You don't wanna keep logging in and out: you don't wanna have to keep...that's quite tedious. It puts people off. Erm... so yeah, I press an icon and it comes up. That's fine. That's what I like and, and it will work almost as quick. I know it's gonna take some time, erm... although Google can search thousands and thousands just like that.” Interviewer) “Mmmm.” ID6) “So it won't be... The technology is there: it's just we gotta enhance it, I know so...” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID6) “Once you do get it that quick. And user friendly. I can't see no reason not to use it. And I would encourage my friends to use it.” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID6) “Erm, yeah.” Interviewer) “So we'll try and keep, erm... updating you and changes that are made to it.” ID6) “Well I'll keep drifting in and out. So you'll know; and I will use the feedback.” Interviewer) “And there is a feedback.” ID6) “I will use the feedback now that you've said it.” Interviewer) “If you do use the feedback. that's really...” ID6) “I just didn't know whether to use it or not so.” Interviewer) “Yep, so that they know what's happening and how you feel. Erm... I think that's all the questions that I had. Erm... if there's anything else you'd like to add before I switch this off.” (laughs) ID6) “Er... I kind of cover what I wrote down.” ID6) “Actually my main positive is the principle is sound still. It's still good idea.” Interviewer) “Yes.” ID6) “Still, in practice it still needs work, but then you...probably knew that anyway....” Interviewer) “Yep.” ID6) “Erm... so many issues that were there before haven't really changed much.” Interviewer) “No, have you seen any improvements at all?” ID6) “Yeah.” cos the copy and paste one - that works faster...cos when I was here there was a problem with the servers. Erm... so then I got more adventurous: I started using the other things. And that's when... But then I would assume that would evolve as well. So I'm not so... It's not entirely negative: the copy and paste thing seems to work quite well.” Interviewer) “OK.” © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 38 of 195 ID6) “What I tend to use the most. basically at the moment because, one, it works well. Erm... so I'll copy and paste a document from, usually, BBC news for some reason. Erm... she does it for me: she's great.” Interviewer) (Coughs) Because it will focus more in science, bit.” ID6) “Aha...” Interviewer) “So we'll expect it to be better performing around science and news and, erm...” ID6) “Well they tend to be the things that can be a bit wordy and overly complicated, because people learn these words and I don't see why they can't use them.” (laughs) Interviewer) “Yes.” ID6) “It seems to be, erm... you only ever got to hear, well, like politics as well. You only have to hear a conversation with George Galloway and he likes to use all the words under the sun. So there are people like that, that do like to over-complicate things and it tends to unintentionally exclude people. So, yeah..... erm... this problem...” Participant: ID040 – Interview Transcription for 05/06/2014 Interviewer) Can you tell me about your experience of using Open Book?“ ID040) “Yup, umm... when I first came to have a look at the whole project, umm... I was very interested: I’d struggled with using, er... understanding a lot of the writing that I... particularly at a higher level, like at a degree level. A lot of, umm… I struggled with. Erm… something like Open Book was gonna make… very, very interested and, erm… I was really, kinda, encouraged when I came to do the tests.” Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID040) “Erm... the three different lots of, of text that I had to read and answer questions on. Erm... for me it was, it was kinda like black and white, completely clear that the, they, it's about the simplified version were very different to the, the … for me it was very encouraging.” Interviewer) “Ah-hum...” ID040) “So, erm... the problem that I found of actually using the Open Book was that it didn't seem to do the same thing, erm... so I got quite discouraged, to be honest with you. So, erm... so I, I was really looking forward to having, sort of, text that I’d sort of struggled with simpl’ied, umm... and get a better understanding from it; so when it didn't do this, it was… haven't used it as much as I might have. If it had been that obvious then I, I would…” “Interviewer) “Then how often have you used it?” ID040) “Erm... at different times we've tried it. I mean, er... I tried it; when it didn't sort of do anything, erm... I gave up with it to start with. Umm... then Martin encouraged us to try again. I don't know whether things have been changed slightly.” © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 39 of 195 Interviewer) “Changed…” ID040) “Sort of all the time…” Interviewer) “… and improved, yeah.” ID040) “Yeah, so I tried it again and it seems a little better we can do more at home. Erm... but it was really, er... what I found was, changing the, like, the text in size and, and the colours to something I would find more… read, so rather than just black and white.” Interviewer) “Yes.” ID040) “I mean I, I read the news… black background and white text rather… that point of view it helps a lot to be able to translate, but in terms of the difference in the original text to the translator text, I didn't see much of a difference. Yeah.” Interviewer) “Erm... for what purpose have you tried to use it? ID040) “Erm... really reading the news.” Interviewer) “OK.” ID040) “Umm... so, like, from the internet and msn and, like, I do find it, it, like, again it's something I would like to work.” Interviewer) “Mmm...” ID040) “I'm really umm... committed in trying to help to give a hand to what it is you're looking for. Erm... but I've been, to be honest, disappointed.” Interviewer) “About the Open Book?” ID040) “Erm... just being able to… erm... have a… like, a body or two, ‘cuz off news or msn.” Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID040) “I find it quite small and after a while it becomes quite difficult to read it, because of the white, the glaring white background.” Interviewer) “OK.” ID040) “Er... you can turn, obviously on the computer, brightness down, but…” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID040) “…but it's not, not quite the same. Translate it on the Open Book, having a different colour background...” Interviewer) “OK.” ID040) “…I find very useful.” Interviewer) “Another element that you like about it?” ID040) “I really like the idea that you can use pictures, er…” Interviewer) “Right.” © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 40 of 195 ID040) “And again I've, I've really, kinda, tried to be critical of the Open Book. Umm... and then certainly some of the pictures that I found of, er... I've, er... struggled with, ‘cuz they're not...” Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID040) “I, I tend, in the first instance, to take things very literally and I try to work out what is that’s actually happening so...” Interviewer) “Yes.” ID040) “So, umm... one of the pictures, erm... that... not helpful - I looked up snorkelling, just the word snorkelling.” And some of the pictures showed a snorkeler, but some of the other pictures, like, showed somebody just, like, with the goggles: they had a snorkel, but they were underwater so if it was, like, you know, if I didn't really know what snorkelling was...” Interviewer) “Yes.” ID040) “This wouldn't give me a... just, kinda being a bit picky perhaps but…” Interviewer) “OK.” ID040) “ umm... there was, sort of, pictures like that I... were... I think, need to be really, er... clear.” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID040) “Erm... really want to see somebody perhaps on top of the water snork’... out of the water so that the, the...” Interviewer) “And what don't you like about it?” ID040) “Erm… erm... some of the, the font sizes that I'm still finding a little bit small.” Interviewer) “OK.” ID040) “The, the… it depends what I have taken it from – so if I take it from a, a different source and, and then put it onto the Open Book and translate it OK, but that could be, erm… ah, yes, some of the, the definitions…” Interviewer) “Ah-hum.” ID040) “...erm... weren’t accurate so things like, erm... again condensation...” Interviewer) “Ah-hum.” ID040) “I can't remember what it, what condensation is and if you look at condensation, like, in a dictionary…” Interviewer) “Ah-hum.” ID040) “…it gives a completely different definition to the one that's given but I don't know....” Interviewer) “Which…” ID040) “…source you're using for, aye, yeah, if I, erm... highlight a word to get, ah... like, a definition...from the, er... dictionary sort of side, er... if it doesn't help and I want to use the picture instead then I have to, you have to re-highlight the word again and then go, click on it. That would be better if the © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 41 of 195 word could just stay highlighted and then you can use... When you highlight it, certain colours don't work: when you highlight a word that's written in white, the word can't be seen if you highlight it with a yellow background, you can't really see...the word so certain things like that just don’t... The ‘Explain’ button... in terms of... so just another example, erm... doesn't seem to explain the word. So for example, ‘Summit’, it would say ‘In the news there was’, er... about ‘a summit meeting that was happening’, umm... and when I put ‘Summit’, it, it talked about, umm... ‘Candidate’, or a ‘Counterpart’: it, it didn't put... Sorry, ‘Summit reform’, ‘Candidate’ and ‘Counterpart’, were all, kind of, wrong...” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID040) “ things. They weren’t given a, a good definition. The definition should be taken from a dictionary, er... if definitions are available, to make sense of what the meaning i’... So like a ‘reform’, er... sorry a ‘Summit’ it showed, like, a ‘Mountain’.” Interviewer) “Yes.” ID040) “So this is one version of a summit, but it didn't really give... I was looking at...If I didn't understand the word summit,then it didn't, kinda, give a... help me understand the text...…by looking at it. Other words like that were ‘Reformer’, ‘Candidate’ and ‘Counterpart’.” Interviewer) “OK.” ID040) “We were looking at ‘Politicians’ and it was looking at, that, the ‘Counterpart in a different country’, it was talking about. It came up as, ‘Counterpart’ idea was sort of what... my wife has written... Interviewer) “Fine.” ID040) “some notes on... It's just really that, that I don't understand why the, erm... why the... that the conversion, er... doesn't work. So yesterday, for example, erm... my son was reading in one of his books and it was, ah, it was, a sentence which started with, ‘And’...” Interviewer) “Ah-hum.” ID040) “And it went, basically describing, like, some bunting that went across the r’... described the bunting as, as triangles, like, umm... rather than saying that the triangles were used to light... triangles were material... room was lit up by triangles from the material... sentence to me it was the wrong way round. If it had said that the triangles were used to light up... that would make sense.” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID040) “But the way it was written, it was, it was the wrong... my son was having problems with it and my wife says to me, do I get that? And I said, ‘It took… I understand what it's trying to say’,” Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID040) “’...because it's a child's book’. But it’s things like that...that I would have a problem with.” Interviewer) “Right.” ID040) “That I was hoping, that is - the order of a sentence; but I don’t know if that's possible to do.” © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 42 of 195 Interviewer) “OK.” ID040) “So I think it’s... erm... The other thing I didn't like about it is, basically, you know, if you try to take, like a big, a big body of text? So if you have like the letter, if you take it paragraph by paragraph.So just, erm... highlight and copy and paste that? Then it will take a while... and then it will... then you have to do the same with that one then wait. So reading a letter, erm... so for, like my phone, when I read, umm... the news it has, erm... sort of, relatively short, small items. So that's great for...” Interviewer) “Right, yeah.” ID040) “ know, just copy that and, erm... but if you were reading a book, say, for example, like in iBooks or something like that…i t would be, I think…” Interviewer) “Processing takes so long.” ID040) “Boring, yeah just to read front page it would take so long to…” Interviewer) “OK.” ID040) “…to copy and paste like a paragraph then another one, then you know the time it takes I don't know very slow kinda process. If I was trying to read through a book.” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID040) “It would be…” Interviewer) “Apart from these things, any other things you would change if you had the power to?” ID040) “Erm...” Interviewer) “Or add?” ID040) “No, I would change, the, the patient process I don't know how you did it on the, the two, erm... test when I came in to do the test. I don't know who, where that was written out separately or I don't know.” Interviewer) “That would, that would have been the input of the Clintons.” ID040) “OK, so.” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID040) “That's what I would want...” Interviewer) “Right.” ID040) “…so that, to be that clear. You know. completely this…” Interviewer) “So just press the button and have…” ID040) “And have. Yeah, I mean I don't know if that possible...” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID040) “That would be brilliant.” Interviewer) “Yeah, that's the difficulty we're having with…” © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 43 of 195 ID040) “Sure, yeah.” Interviewer) “With the technical team together.” ID040) “If it's like that, I think I'd use it all the time.” Interviewer) “Yes, yeah.” ID040) “But the times when I use it I get erm, they are quite despondent with it because it doesn't do, well I mean I could just open on a computer I can just open word and then copy and paste and change the background colour and change font. I just think it's, I can't see it doing much more.” Interviewer) “Mmm...has it had any impact on you understanding of written information?” ID040) “Erm... not really no, erm... but I haven't lost hope I'm still thinking that it will, it will kind of continue to develop and it will…”. Interviewer) “Do you get messages when they improve things?” ID040) “No.” Interviewer) “You don't, ‘cuz now for example it's recognising, er... it's one thing.” ID040) “Oh, OK.” Interviewer) “Messages or…” ID040) “To be honest I haven't…” Interviewer) “OK.” ID040) “…had any…” Interviewer) “Right, OK. Do you use the feedback button?” ID040) “Yeah, yeah.” Interviewer) “OK.” ID040) “Quite a lot. Erm... a bit frustrating sometimes like it, er... er even yesterday we, we were reading a bit of text from the news - just didn't change anything.” Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID040) “…anything at all.” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID040) “Apart from the background colour and…” Interviewer) “Right.” ID040) “…font, erm... it didn't change; and I kept going to the original text, to the converted text...” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID040) “…to see, erm... really to see what's changed; and I couldn't see any changes at all. Whether the news is written in a way so that simplify…” Interviewer) “Yep.” ID040) “I don't know, but I have problems.” © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 44 of 195 Interviewer) “I think originally the idea was to use, the users, erm... but the users be less able to.” ID040) “Oh, OK, yeah, yeah.” Interviewer) “And then career, so some of, erm... have been using the carers.” ID040) “Yeah.” Interviewer) “Rather than the users so…” ID040) “Yeah, I think Martin was suggesting perhaps if my wife could…” Interviewer) “Yeah, yeah.” ID040) “…and then…” Interviewer) “But have a go and try, see what the carers... Erm... has, er... Open Book made a difference to your communication?” ID040) “To be honest it's made me more aware of when I'm reading things and that really started again from the test side when I came in I was trying to really to, er... the difference that I, I got was that the Open Book, there seems to be like making of a body of text like trying to almost make it in almost bullet point form.” Interviewer) “Hmm... yes.” ID040) “Though which is so, like, when I read, I do try to pick out the facts and worry less about and, and the…” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID040) “…and just pick out, you know, sort of most, erm... summarise it myself make a bullet, so from that way it's made me to try and think about things differently.” Interviewer) “OK.” ID040) “But it would help a lot if I had the software and I don't know how it would be possible I mean how would you, how would you read a book say for example an article like a scientific journal how, how would you be able to use that a translate using Open Book if you got it from an electronic form it would be done.” Interviewer) “Yes.” ID040) “But all of these things I don't it doesn't completely put me off, because I think, well, you know its infancy really and I'm not worried like it's not gonna happen.” Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID040) “…and give up with it. It would be great if there was some way in which, certainly, it would need to be in an electronic form so, like…” Interviewer) “Yes, we're focusing on scientific text.” ID040) “Ah-hum.” Interviewer) “Because, erm... yeah, we can be precise.” © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 45 of 195 ID040) “Yeah.” Interviewer) “…in a specific area. Scientific text - and see how it goes…” ID040) “Hmm...” Interviewer) “Did any safety or privacy issues come up for you?” ID040) “Erm... it's only myself and my wife that use it.” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID040) “The computer at home so…” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID040) “There was no... We did try to use it; I went away: my parents live in Portugal. Erm... took the laptop to Portugal and we tried to use it in Portugal and it just nothing...” Interviewer) “OK.” ID040) “It, it the Open Book came up but then.” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID040) “When I tried to translate something it just…” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID040) “So I sent some feedback saying.” Interviewer) “Right.” ID040) “So…” Interviewer) “OK.” ID040) “But I don't know why.” Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID040) “ And everything else.” Interviewer) “Maybe the system’s down…” ID040) “(Mumbles unclear what was said).” Interviewer) “Erm... has the use of Open Book had any impact on your?” ID040) “Erm... not really, because I'm not really using it day to day because I've…” Interviewer) “I mean, I'll go and ask this question…” ID040) “Sure.” Interviewer) “…although you…” ID040) “Yeah.” Interviewer) “…kinda answered them, but, erm...” ID040) “Ah-hum.” Interviewer) “Has it made a difference in your relationships with friends and relatives?” © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 46 of 195 ID040) “No, but again there is, kind of, new underpinning way of thinking, of trying to, like - the concept was sold to me completely when I did the test.” Interviewer) “Right.” ID040) “And so the kinda thinking about if I could do that myself then…” Interviewer) “Yes.” ID040) “Great obviously it takes a lot of its very slow to think about what the, if there was a, er... way to do it, erm... be in a ‘bullet point’ form. Has it has made me think about how…” Interviewer) “OK, interesting, yeah.” ID040) “Ah-hum.” Interviewer) “Has it had any impact on your general knowledge? Erm... has it made a difference to your work? Erm...” ID040) “Erm... but I'm not doing very much work at the moment: I'm just doing, I'm helping with, er... some Autism Awareness training, that sort of thing.” Interviewer) “OK.” ID040) “But I think, like, erm... I'm wanting to... I get regular updates at the moment from, you know, sort of texts, but I haven't tried it yet.” Interviewer) “OK, erm... has it made any changes to the level, erm... has your self-confidence been affected?” ID040) “Yes, in a positive way I think because just the way it's making think a little and not get bogged down in having to read and get the jest and tend to select more key phrases from a paragraph. It's woken me up to that…” Interviewer) “OK.” ID040) “That idea rather than try to, to read every word and to point out o that goes with that it just allows you to move on more easily so. Interviewer) “Erm... has it had any impact on your access, erm... access to services, whether they are, erm... when you look at the future what do you think?” ID040) “Definitely, erm... as I say, I'm kinda hoping that it will continue…” Interviewer) (coughs) ID040) “…to develop…” Interviewer) “Based on your feedback.” ID040) “Yeah.” Interviewer) “Erm... do you suggest it to your friends?” ID040) “I was about to say that…” Interviewer) “Yes.” © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 47 of 195 ID040) “The groups that I go to, the Aspergers group that I go to, erm... I've spoken to quite a few.” Interviewer) “OK.” ID040) “So, er... well, you know it's a beginning…” Interviewer) “Yep.” ID040) “Erm…” Interviewer) “Erm... I think that's all the questions that I've prepared, is there anything else that? ID040) “OK, well, it's just I am honestly, like, genuinely wanting to sue if it shows itself to be as clear cut as…” Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID040) “…as the tests were that clear cut…” ID040) “Yeah.” ID040) “I shouldn't be having to X and spot the differences it should be.” Interviewer) “How it's looking? (Unclear if this is what was said) ID040) “A little bit but not…” Interviewer) “Alright.” ID040) “Yeah.” Interviewer) “Helping rather than changing it.” Participant: ID077 – Interview Transcription for 27/05/2014 Interviewer: “OK, start recording now. Erm... right. So erm... can you tell me, erm... about your experience of using Open Book?” ID077: “An open question, erm... I think, er...” Interviewer: “Raise your voice a bit so this picks up.” (laughs) ID077: “OK, so, so it's a bit of a open question I guess but...I’ll try to, umm...” Interviewer: “Yeah.” ID077: “Erm... I'll try to... erm... so... what, er... wha’, what was it? My, my experience of it...” Interviewer: “Uh, hum.” ID077: “Erm... difficult if it was an open question, erm, but, er... Interviewer: “Erm..., OK, maybe if it's easier, how often have you been using it? ID077: “Erm... it's, er... maybe, er... weeks I suppose I've tried, I've tried that, or sometimes some weeks I've used it, erm... a few, er... maybe, many... a long time during the day and then...” Interviewer: “Uh, huh.” © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 48 of 195 ID077: “So then there were some days where I used it, erm... a bit over a few hours. Umm... then umm, other times er... not for a while... after a few weeks I've used it, umm...” Interviewer: “Uh, hum.” ID077: “Erm...” Interviewer: “For what purpose?” ID077: “Erm... I wanted to umm... to see what...” Interviewer: (coughs) ID077: “wha’, what it could er... do and if it would be useful. Erm...” Interviewer: “Uh, hum.” ID077: “I also, er... testing it as well.” Interviewer: “OK. And what do you like about it? ID077: “Umm... I think the, the general, the general idea of er... of simplifying text.” Interviewer: “Uh, hum.” ID077: “... is a very good concept. Umm... I think that er... with the, umm... the state that computer science is in, that’s the sort of, umm... there isn't a lot of kind of, er... the... umm areas of studying language and stuff. Interviewer: “Uh, hum.” ID077: “Er... I think that in the future... computer science develops there will be able, able to automate things more in terms of...” Interviewer: “Hmm...” ID077: “Er... simplification of, of text. Interviewer: “Uh, hum.” ID077: “Erm... so, er... so I guess, but, but, er... so er... the... I, I like, I like, like... concept of umm...” Interviewer: “Uh, hum.” ID077: “... simplifying text. Er and I think it, it has, umm... benefits beyond sort of, er... beyond people, er... just, umm...” Interviewer: “Yeah, any aspect of it, umm... that you probably like? ID077: “Umm... Interviewer: “Have you used both the carers and the user's side? ID077: “Yeah, yeah. Umm... an... and in, in my case, I suppose the, er... I mean, John, I assume... my, my carer, because, I've been... It’s sort of er...” Interviewer: “Mmm.” ID077: “Er, well my social worker or whatever it is... erm... he doesn’t really use computers. Umm... that would be rather stupid, but also er... umm...” © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 49 of 195 Interviewer: “Who's that? The person who’s...? ID077: “Well, the... er...” Interviewer: “The person who's helping you with...” ID077: “I don't know. I mean, I've got a social worker who, erm... doesn’t...” Interviewer: “OK.” ID077: “... really sort of, umm... and, er... It's a complicated one...” Interviewer: “OK.” ID077: “I got, I got a social worker...” Interviewer: “Aha.” ID077: “... who, er... doesn't really use computers.” Interviewer: “Uh, hum.” ID077: “Erm... and also social workers are very, er... They don't seem to have a huge number of people...” Interviewer: “Yeah.” ID077: “... they work with. Erm... so even if he did use computers, I don't think he'd...” Interviewer: “OK.” ID077: “... really be that into it. Erm... although I'd... I'm not sure if... I don't know. He doesn't use email.” Interviewer: “Yeah.” ID077: “Erm... social worker, I think that's something unusual: I think most of them apparently use email.” Interviewer: “Hmm.” ID077: “Erm... in terms of, like, er... I mean I don't know. I don't really have a carer, but the umm... the thing with the, er... Sometimes in terms of how they, er... look at things is, umm... in terms of the help you need” Interviewer: “Hmm.” ID077: “...rather than the help you want, which is a strange concept.” Interviewer: “Yes.” ID077: “Erm... so... yeah I mean the, yes so...” Interviewer: “What, which one do you prefer to use the user or the carers? Erm... so...” ID077: “Umm... I think, er... that, the, they, they work together...” Interviewer: “Yeah.” ID077: “Umm... so, er...” Interviewer: “Don't have a preference?” ID077: “No, no, not really...” Interviewer: “No.” © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 50 of 195 ID077: “...not any particular preference.” Interviewer: “OK, and what do you not like about...?” ID077: “Umm... anything in particular I don't like... I mean, umm... I suppose, er... let's just say an idea - I don’t know if it’s worth bothering with – is to do a sort of a voice recognition thing, in which case it would be easier for carers and so on... and users, if there was... use that.” Interviewer: “Hmm.” ID077: “Erm... maybe er... there was like, erm... an, a phone app on a phone maybe.” Interviewer: “Uh, hmm.” ID077: “Erm...” Interviewer: “To make it more accessible?” ID077: “I, er... Yeah, I... in terms of portability, umm...” Interviewer: “Hmm.” ID077: “Bud, er... well, I do think that well, with the, er... I think that the, the major, major thing would be the, erm... the, the, the, the computer science itself has a limitation at the moment.” Interviewer: “Hmm.” ID077: “... in terms of er...” Interviewer: “Yeah.” ID077: “... what it can automate. Umm... but, so in, in the kind of the more ma’, ma’. It maybe, umm... was useful in terms of... I don't know... I mean... ‘cuz may be the, the other, erm... what's it other autistic people have more difficulty understanding things, understanding things, verbal things...” Interviewer: “Uh, hmm.” ID077: “In my case I'm quite good with verbal things.” Interviewer: “Uh, hmm.” ID077: “So, umm... like, er... a lot... I mean there, there were some things, which... for example, umm, when it comes to, say, er... a form for, umm... benefits form, well, any kind, form from the gov’mnt....” Interviewer: “Uh, hmm.” ID077: “I mean erm... I tend to be able to understand them and research them. But I guess some people who, who can't, but the thing is, erm... a lot of the time, even the social worker themselves they don't necessarily know, umm... know sort of information about the, er... umm... how benefits work or how, umm...” Interviewer: “Yeah.” ID077: “... available. So the issue is, I guess so, also regarding social workers and the kind of, er... they can give in terms of using it maybe, er... er... issue with... not really an issue with Open Book, but it’s just © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 51 of 195 an issue with general, the way it's all. But it, it's interesting from the point of view of, umm... the kind of a teaching point of view.” Interviewer: “Mmm...” ID077: “...of having er... text of which a very, very... which can be very simplified, it's, it's a, er... It's a, er... a great concept.” © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 52 of 195 Interviewer: Has it worked for you, the text that you have used?” ID077: “Umm... not really, but, but the, umm... I think one of the most, the most interesting one with, ah... what, ah... worked in terms of umm... understanding text was the, umm... in the, er... the first time I came with the, er... with the test was the, er... I was given sort of tests and...” Interviewer: “Uh, hum.” (patiently) ID077: “... er... I think, erm... one about maybe windmills or someth’, umm... that, that... that was er... the, the simplified text werrr... er... very, umm... kind of intellectually stimulating, umm... mentally stimulating, ‘cuz, erm... the, the, there was a lot of clarity in them... umm...” Interviewer: “In the printed text?” ID077: “Yeah...” Interviewer: “So they were better than the...” ID077: “The, er... well, they gave, er... I think that the way they, umm... it was a selection of text and it wasn't written down which ones were the simplified ones...” Interviewer: “Uh, hmm.” ID077: “But I could tell...” Interviewer: “OK.” ID077: “... er... which ones were the simplified, because it required less mental exertion to, to read them sometimes.” Interviewer: “Yes.” ID077: “Umm... ah... and that, there, there were some where, umm... maybe er... the simplification could have been a bit different so, umm...” Interviewer: “Uh, hmm.” ID077: “If like er... can't remember off-hand, erm... but if I were... er... if I were to see the, umm... the particular simplified text...” Interviewer: “Yeah.” ID077: “I could probably, umm... I guess that there's, there's a difference between, erm... when, er... text is so some particular text is, let’s say, a noun or something is repeated.” Interviewer: “Uh, hum.” ID077: “Umm... which actually, er... helped, because somebody may have forgotten previous thing...” Interviewer: “Yes.” ID077: “... versus if I had, er... a noun is repeated point is it’s repetitive, umm... and sometimes, yeah, I mean... the, the layout also can, umm... some need for repetition.” Interviewer: “Uh, hum.” © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 53 of 195 ID077: “Umm... which I think you use that as well in the simplified text, umm... so that the, er... the... that’s the sort of foundation there, which is, umm... a strong, but the thing I, I the, umm... the idea that the manual the, erm... the, erm... er... carer sort of inputting in my case doesn't.” Interviewer: “Uh, hum.” ID077: “Umm... isn't such an option for me, really, but umm...” Interviewer: “Yeah.” ID077: “...terms of the, the automation which is possible, particularly in the future...” Interviewer: “Yes.” ID077: “Erm... can then be combined with the, er... the research that has been done in, umm... and how to simplify text.” Interviewer: “Uh, em... So, erm... the way Open Book is now; if you look at it what would you change or totally remove or something add something: you mentioned, erm... voice recognition – anything? Any other ideas that you would remove, change, replace? ID077: “Umm... I mean... One thing... I, I wouldn't necessarily say I would remove or change or...” Interviewer: “Hmm.” ID077: “... but, erm... just as a... erm... something just, er... worth sort of considering, umm...” Interviewer: “Uh, hum.” ID077: “... er... which is, ah... yes, there's different, erm... in terms of, er... implementation. There's different back ends: the back end and the front: the front is the the, the graphical interface and the back ends, er... sort of behind it.” Interviewer: “Uh, hum.” ID077: “Umm... what's interesting is what, what Google have done with... ‘cuz, if your gonna have an online thing, erm... what Google have done with Google Docs, ah... I'm not entirely sure what they have used for front and the back end, but it's very smooth, ‘cuz, ‘cuz, Google have always, have always the latest ideas, sometimes. Umm... it might be Java Script front end and Python or Java or Python or something back end, but, umm... some... it might be that Java Scripts, ah... might be smoother then Java as a front, but I don't know, really, er...” Interviewer: “Hmm...” (somewhat puzzled...) ID077: “It's just... it's just another, another sort of, er... way of, umm... implementing it, but either way, I understand quite... I understand the speed was fine and, and, initially, there was some aspects about the speed which were a bit, bit...” Interviewer: “Uh, hum.” ID077: “... slow, but they were fixed and. er... ah, yep...” Interviewer: “OK, so you don't think speed is a problem at the moment?” © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 54 of 195 ID077: “Umm, no I, er... its, umm... it was fine.” Interviewer: “OK.” ID077: “I suppose...” Interviewer: “And have you tried URL's as well as copy pasting? Attaching files?” ID077: “Umm... I think I did, but I don't, I don't recall...” Interviewer: “OK.” ID077: “Umm... but, erm... wha’ happened in the tests. So I guess, so, umm... I know there were some issues that were fixed and then, umm...” Interviewer: “And what... do you say..? Has Open Book has had any impact of your understanding of written information?” ID077: “Umm... not, er... particularly: I think the, umm... the, the most interesting bit in terms of, umm... understanding information was the, er... those, umm... sort of... the examples given in the, in the first time I came.” Interviewer: “OK.” ID077: “The example text.” Interviewer: “The test?” ID077: “Yeah.” Interviewer: “OK, so that's... You've found it more useful...” ID077: “Umm... don't know about useful, but more sort of, erm... er... interesting in term... in terms of more kind of, erm... ‘dicative of...” Interviewer: “Umm...” ID077: “... what might be possible in the future...” Interviewer: “OK.” ID077: “...when computer science develops and, but, but, really, the, umm...” Interviewer: (coughs) ID077: “... from a kind of er... I don't know... from a kind of philosophical perspective, like...” Interviewer: “Right.” ID077: “I guess, erm... it might be that... ah... in order to interpret language...” Interviewer: “Uh, hum.” Interviewer: “Umm... the kind of, it may take sort of, umm... more of a kind of biological kind of a machine rather than the kind of, um...the boxes that we have nowadays so the, the, eh, eh... the ‘AI’ fields would have to, to develop quite a bit, umm... I guess, for, for the more automated aspects, umm... but the idea, I think it’s, ah... and also there is, there are some things in, in the actual program - the idea in storing the documents in terms of, er... ss, ss, storing the simplified text. So if somebody does, umm... do these © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 55 of 195 simplifications as they did in the, umm... in the test in the beginning, where they gave the examples of simplified text, having, having a library of the simplified text...” Interviewer: “Uh, huh.” ID077: “Umm... could be very beneficial and mentally stimulating for, umm... er... I was actually interested also in the, erm... er... if it's possible to have any of those simplified text, er...” Interviewer: “Uh, huh.” ID077: “... interesting read, really, umm...” Interviewer: “... Course, yeah, so you could have them in the original form and the simplified form if you're interested. ID077: “Oh, thanks.” Interviewer: “Ehm... has Open Book made a difference to your communication online?” ID077: “Er... no, not that I' aware of, umm... no.” Interviewer: “No, OK. Erm... did any safety or privacy issues come up when using Open Book?” ID077: “Er... I, I should, er... actually, in my case it ha’... the, umm... with the... making a difference in my communication. I've, I've... sort of... bit philosophical: I've noticed in the past that sometimes I've... I need to erm... act like... if I writing my own notes, if I'm trying to understand something, then I often repeat the nouns a bit, umm... more than many people, some people would.” Interviewer: “Hmm.” ID077: “Umm... so I suppose if I, if I hadn't been so... It, it kind of made me more aware... I, umm... do that, er... umm... and that, it, it helps.” Interviewer: “Uh, hum.” ID077: “Umm...” Interviewer: “Open Book, you mean?” ID077: “Yeah, it does... a lot of it, yuh...” Interviewer: “That...” ID077: “Well, to it, yeah...” Interviewer: “Quality of communication...” ID077: “Yeah, it was more something which, erm... became more apparent to me in the, er... tests, seeing the simplified texts. Interviewer: “Hmm.” ID077: “Umm...” Interviewer: “Oh, that's interesting. So any privacy issues?” ID077: “Er...” Interviewer: “... that you've encountered?” © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 56 of 195 ID077: “No.” Interviewer: “No.” ID077: “No.” Interviewer: “Ehm... has Open Book had any impact, do you think?” ID077: “Erm... I don't think so, no.” Interviewer: “No. Erm... does it make a difference? Has it made a difference in a relationship with friends and relatives?” ID077: “Ah...” (shrugs his shoulders) Interviewer: “Emm... Any impact on your general knowledge?” ID077: “Um...” Interviewer: “... education?” ID077: “A little bit: the, the simplified text, umm... concept did sort of, er... improve my knowledge... I guess a bit... something about Galileo, ah...” Interviewer: “Ah, okay.” ID077: “Erm...” Interviewer: “...that's back to the, er... the, the test.” ID077: “...the, the, the, er... yeah, I mean the, erm... and, and any kind of library of simplified text.” Interviewer: “Hmm.” ID077: “so, umm... even if it's just a few, it's interesting and...” Interviewer: “Has it made a difference to your work?” ID077: “Erm... no, no.” Interviewer: “No, erm... has it, er... has it been a change in the level of your social inclusion while you've been using...? Erm... do you think it has a potential to?” ID077: “Erm... I, I suppose there is, erm... it might I can see how it could work with some people if in the case they, erm... they have, er... er... not necessarily a social worker.” Interviewer: “Hmm.” ID077: “...because they’re sort of Government... they don't have a lot time, but maybe if they got like a family member...” Interviewer: “Uh, huh.” ID077: “...who, er... who's, or a friend or someone who's umm... simplifying things for them and...” Interviewer: (coughs) “Yes.” ID077: “...taking the notes then, er... then it could, ah... it could change things for them but, er...” Interviewer: “Hmm, emm... has it affected your self confidence?” ID077: “Umm...” © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 57 of 195 Interviewer: “It hasn't been that long for it to, erm... Has it had any impact on your access to health a social services?” ID077: “Er...” (Shakes his head) Interviewer: “Emm... and again you you've been talking about social workers and, erm... has the potential to change this?” ID077: “Erm... I, I think the thing is that even if my social worker did use...” Interviewer: “Uh, hum.” ID077: “...computers, umm... there's then the issue of, I guess what they, what they do and how much time, umm... they have to, to do it, umm... so I, I think that, umm... it might be more something that, ah... and it might be that that changes the interrelation between a person and their carer.” Interviewer: “Uh, hum.” ID077: “Umm... but I'm not sure, in the case of a social worker, umm... because they have got this sort of, er... set task or whatever a social worker does, I'm not quite sure what social workers do...” (laughs) Interviewer: “Yeah.” ID077: (laughs) “...erm... but, but in...” Interviewer: (coughs) ID077: “ the case of a carer...” Interviewer: “Yeah...” ID077: “Erm... where there's sort of much more, ah... one-to-one time involved.” Interviewer: “Hmm.” ID077: “Umm... it's possible, I think... umm...” Interviewer: “OK. Erm... has it made a difference to accessing other community, cultural events, like museums, cinema, theatre?” ID077: “No, er... umm... no. I'm not sure that I've had that much of an issue, in term’... I mean, like, ah... in terms of the issues that I've had, because I've been saying, like, going to bed: sometimes, I'll sort of, er... oversleep or sometimes I miss appointments.” Interviewer: “Uh, hum.” ID077: “Umm... and so I've had sort of, erm... support worker that sometimes helps me with, ah... schedule, making sure that I get to places. So I’d, umm... it, it... in my case it hasn't been that relevant. But the, umm... I mean socially, umm... I mean, cuz, as I say, it’s a spectrum, I guess there are some some people, erm... if it could, er... help it would be, umm... in the case of of, erm... Aspergers, I guess ‘cuz maybe there's a spectrum of Aspergers too.” Interviewer: “Hmm.” © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 58 of 195 ID077: “Umm... with my kind of verbal, er... abilities or, umm... vulnerabilities or whatever, umm... it hasn't... I mean, I haven't really needed it so much in terms of, ah... using, er... services.” Interviewer: “Hmm...” ID077: “Er... I mean sometimes the, the, the greatest difficulties I've had, umm... communicating, er... with anyone has been with, umm... my, er... my parents.” Interviewer: “Ah, hum...” ID077: “Erm... because they, er... they, they're not very good at, like, thinking rationally, but sometimes I found that if I've written it down.” Interviewer: “Uh, hum.” ID077: “...and then I sort of give it to him and he writes a response; he actually thinks more before he replies.” Interviewer: “OK.” ID077: “Umm... they, they, they don't really use computers either.” Interviewer: “Ah, they don't, OK.” ID077: “So, er... my, my mother sort of uses, uses a bit, umm... father not...” Interviewer: “Hmm, umm... do you think you'll keep using your Open Book in the future? ID077: “Umm... possible I might, umm... check back on it, particularly if there's, if there’s, er... a particular sort of development in terms of, er... computer science.” Interviewer: “Hmm...” ID077: “ linguistics, but it's a, er... but I, I think that the, the AI field, umm... which I guess would be the field where I, erm... ‘cuz understanding a text is, er... such a big task for computers: it's just a calculator at the moment. Umm... so...” Interviewer: (laughs) ID077: “Yes, yeah, so it's a a something, yeah, in, in future if, if it's, if, if the AI field has a big development - I mean the kind of development, whereby, umm... just as you have, sort of, Google maps and Google.” Interviewer: “Hmm.” ID077: “...ah... Voice Recognition you had sort, it would be something like Google loads of, with loads of erm... AI people or something, er... er...” Interviewer: “Yeah.” ID077: “At the moment Google wouldn't be able to do it: I don't think because the AI field isn't there but, umm... at that level, but in future, once that simplification of text, umm... come, comes... comes to fruition, but it's, er... yuh.” Interviewer: “OK, would you suggest that to your friends; Open Book?” © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 59 of 195 ID077: “Umm... I haven't really, er... have any friends of a sort of... that... er...” Interviewer: “Hmm.” (sympathetically) ID077: “ ...don't have to that sort of social...” Interviewer: “Yeah.” ID077: “ that level, umm...” Interviewer: “If someone asked you, would you suggest it?” ID077: “Erm...” Interviewer: “Or not?” ID077: “Yeah, yeah, if you... if... if I thought, they had some kind of issues with, umm...” Interviewer: “Hmm.” ID077: “Erm... verbally, umm... speaking to people... and they would, very... only really able to communicate with machines or something.” Interviewer: “Hmm.” ID077: “...or communicate with computers more and then, erm... ‘cuz, in that case, I can, er... I can kind of communicate both machines or people but...” Interviewer: “Hmm.” ID077: “Umm... I mean thre’es there’s an issue in my case with sort of, er... I'm not necessarily expressive in terms of, er... umm... feeling... I don't necessarily, show it on my face or sometimes like...” Interviewer: “Hmm.” ID077: “Erm... so it can sometimes confuse people but, erm...” Interviewer: (laughs) ID077: “If they, of they sort of, er... If, if they got particular issues with, er... communicating with people verbally then, umm... their options would have to be computer-based and then it would be, er... helpful for them and I would consider recommending it to them.” Interviewer: “OK, erm...” ID077: “ I guess if I'm having a conversation with somebody its possible, erm... maybe they, they able to, er... communicate reasonably, in verbally so. I, I'm not sure that I and I know that, I'm sure that some people are almost mute Autism, erm... more than others, but I tend not to meet a lot of those people, because going to an Asperger meet’ I...” Interviewer: “Yeah, so that’s about, erm... erm... understand and, er...” ID077: “Could be I, I haven't, haven't met a lot of, ‘cuz I haven't met people who are on the spectrum who aren't so verbal.” Interviewer: “Yeah.” ID077: “But a lot of the time the, umm... Asperger, er... groups...” © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 60 of 195 Interviewer: “Yeah.” ID077: “...would they, they have to have Asperger syndrome, because they probably don't want those people in the group, they're gonna be a group chat or something and they don't want to have somebody who's...” Interviewer: “Yeah.” ID077: “...the, who's kind of, the, have they? I don't even know what they would be like, really, but...” Interviewer: “Hmm...” ID077: “...erm I mean I've heard of, erm... people who... I've had, er... once, erm... somebody came to the meeting, Asperger meeting and they explained they have some idea of people who, er... who have trouble expressing themselves and so they're gonna have like a sheet of paper with a smiley... a computer with a smiley face or something, so they show people that they’re happy, I've never met anybody like that in my life.” Interviewer: (laughs) ID077: “So... erm... but, but the, the that... I'm sure that there are lots of people but, but I'm only sort of er... I only tend to see the people who are at the higher end of the spectrum.” Interviewer: “Yep, hmm. Erm... so generally do you think that Open Book is a good idea?” ID077: “Erm... Yeah, I think the, the idea of... umm... simplifying text is er...” Interviewer: “Yeah.” ID077: “ a good idea.” Interviewer: “Emm... Would you like to add anything else to what we've been discussing so far?” ID077: “Umm... er... Nothing springs to mind. I guess if something occurs to me then I'll email you.” Interviewer: “Yeah, that would be great. And also you could, erm... use the feedback? Have you seen the feedback, the feedback button?” ID077: “Yeah, the feedback on, on the program.” Interviewer: “That would be really grateful for that, because that will go straight to our...” Participant: ID104 – Interview Transcription for 29/05/2014 Interviewer) (coughs) “Right, so we'll try and, er... raise our voices.” (laughs) ID104) “OK.” Interviewer) “Er... I'll start and ask you just about your general experience, erm... of Open Book...” ID104) “Aha... erm... well, erm... I think it's a bit frustrating still, to be honest.” Interviewer) “Hmm...” © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 61 of 195 ID104) “Erm... I think the concept is fantastic and I think that, erm... you know, with any new piece of software is gonna take time to, kind of, erm... you know, iron out with glitches. Erm... I suppose one of the things that erm... I still find most frustrating is that, because it is essentially a piece of software...” Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID104) “Erm... it doesn't necessarily have some of the intuitive stuff that a human being would have.” Interviewer) “Yes.” ID104) “So sometimes you look at things and, you know, you look at the definition...” (laughs) “...and you think, ‘That's nonsense...!’” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID104) “...but, you know, in terms of like software's understanding, it's logical...” Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID104) “Erm... so I suppose that that's my biggest kind of ‘going forward concern’ that, will it ever be ironed out?” Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID104) “Erm... and er... I think it's kind of... I think for... I mean, what we found is that for, you know, out of my two kids were there yesterday, it’s fine for the more able one.” Interviewer) “Right.” ID104) “Which is a bit ironic...” (laughs) “...really. Erm... the less able one...” Interviewer) (coughs) ID104) “...completely articulate is, is kinda made uncomfortable...” Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID104) “ the fact that, I mean, one of the biggest things is that he's gotta make decisions...” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID104) “...and that’s... and, I mean, I know he's not alone in that: lots of people on the Spectrum are, you know... It's really hard for them to make decisions. Erm... so yeah, I mean, I certainly not given up hope on it...” (laughs) Interviewer) “Yes.” ID104) “Erm... because I do think it's got a very valuable place to play, but pay... play.” Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID104) “...but, I do think, you know, it's a work-in-progress.” Interviewer) “Erm, one idea's now to move, to make it mirrors.” ID104) “Aha...” Interviewer) “ simplify documents and send them.” ID104) “Aha...” © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 62 of 195 Interviewer) “...through with, well the...” ID104) “Aha...” Interviewer) “...the internal, erm... email.” ID104) “Yep Interviewer) “, to the person that there looking after...” ID104) “Aha...” Interviewer) “ because of the difficulty...” ID104) “I think that, that will be less disconcerting, yeah. I mean, one of the other things which, erm... I have been told before about Michel found disconcerting all that red - it's was like...” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID104) “...’Oh, what have I done wrong?’” Interviewer) “Yes.” ID104) “You know ‘Why is it?’ I mean, I suppose it harks back from school, where if you did something wrong you got marked in red you know...” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID104) “...erm, and, and so, yes, that would, that would kinda of alleviate that problem.” Interviewer) “Hmm... How often has, erm... Emma used Open Book and you?” ID104) “Erm... not as often as I would have done if it was working better.” Interviewer) “Right.” ID104) “Erm... to be honest, erm... I mean, most of the time that I've used it, I would say kind, ‘cuz it tends to be in spurts, erm... so I'm like, I might not use it for a week and then I'd use it kinda for hours and hours on end, because what I was doing more or less was, kind of, playing, experimenting with it...” Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID104) “...rather than actually using it, erm... because, erm... after the initial times, when we were kinda trying to use it, erm... we actually found that it wasn't actually helping that much.” Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID104) “Erm... so then, erm... as, as we kinda got emailed with various improvement then we'd try it again, erm... and I think there are some things that have improved....” Interviewer) “Oh, OK.” ID104) “...significantly so that, that's really good. I mean that gives me heart....” Interviewer) “Yes.” ID104) “...because it's heading in the right direction, you know, erm... but I still think that it's not, kinda, not there yet.” Interviewer) “ what purpose did Emma use it or?” © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 63 of 195 ID104) “Erm...well, first of all...” (laughs) “...she used it genuinely, because she had to sign a contract for work.” Interviewer) “OK.” ID104) “Erm...which was about... well, it was to... she had to acknowledge that she'd read this document, which was about fraud prevention. So it was quite complicated and stuff so she genuinely wanted the help with it...” Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID104) “...erm... because it was quite, er... er... a technical document. Erm... and in some ways you'd think, because software is so logical, it would have actually been quite comfortable with that, because there wasn't anything emotive in it: it was just...” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID104) “...kinda of very, erm... Interviewer) “ terms.” ID104) “Yeah, it was very, kinda literal...” Interviewer) (coughs) ID104) “...and, and should have been quite easy to, you know, to convert...” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID104) “...erm... but, in fact, it wasn’t!” (laughs) Interviewer) “Mmm.” ID104) “...and I, I said, ‘cuz she did the document, kind of, by herself...” Interviewer) “Right.” ID104) “...and when I checked it on my Open Book, I was like, ‘Oh, Emma, no wonder! This is so complicated.’ And she said, ‘Yeah, but the point is, Mum, this is the sort of document that I would want clarifying...’” Interviewer) “Yep.” ID104) “You know, emm...which is a fair point...” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID104) “, erm... so she's kind of she, she's found that a bit kind of... tha’, that something complicated like that didn’t work. But I've, I've been, as I've said, been kind of more of an experiment for me so I've been doing things like, erm... I've been putting idioms in and putting compound words in,erm... and I've been using lots of ‘he’ and ‘his’, and ‘you’ and ‘your’ and stuff...” Interviewer) “Right.” © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 64 of 195 ID104) “ see, erm... how those are working. So, erm... I mean, Emma's, Emma kind of... erm... initially what she was uploading was lots of Wikipedia pages, erm... and they're kind of a bit all over the place so I wasn't really...” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID104) “...overly surprised that they weren't desperately useful. Erm... so we've both really been, you know... ‘cuz initially, when she kind of did it, because she was saying, ‘I want help with this...’” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID104) “...and when she didn't feel she was getting the help, she's just been uploading things that she...” Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID104) “...kinda interested to see how Open Book copes with them.” Interviewer) “Hmm... and what...” (coughs) “...what don't you like about it?” ID104) “Erm... Interviewer) “Most...” ID104) “I think, I think, yeah, the single - I actually wrote a big long report and meant to bring it with me today, but forgot so I'll email it to you, erm... but it covers most of what I'll say now anyway. Erm... but I think if there was one, single thing, it would be the compound word and, and the idioms and I know...” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID104) “...that has been addressed to a certain extent.” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID104) “Erm... I mean, I, I typed in things like ‘piece of cake’ or, erm... various kind of idioms and, and, you know, proverbs and stuff. The problem with it is that they don't always...” Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID104) “Er... it’s not always recognised as a phrase, erm... and, and the real problem is, when you see it all highlighted, you think, ‘Yay, it's got it!’” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID104) “You actually click on it and it says, ‘No definition found.’” Interviewer) “Aww...” ID104) “...and it’s like, well, you know, yeah... ‘Congratulations, you've recognized it's, it’s...’” Interviewer) “Yes, yes.” ID104) “’...a set phrase, but you're not helping me,’ and I think that for, particularly, from anybody else, erm... more than anybody else, people on the Spectrum need that.” Interviewer) “Yes.” ID104) “That is, you know, if you only did one thing that would be a fantastic thing.” Interviewer) “Yes.” © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 65 of 195 ID104) “For it to do... If it was just that one thing...” Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID104) “...erm... and I know that's difficult.” Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID104) “Erm... but, it should be. I mean, it's not kind of... I don't know, I'm not software developer, but it's not it's not like something I would think that you would have to develop anything new for... because, you know, they are always... mean one thing - ‘piece of cake’ means ‘it's easy’.” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID104) “You know, erm... ‘biting somebody's head off’ means ‘shouting at them’. It... they're all really simple, one-to-one definitions.” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID104) “You don’t have to worry about the context; you don't have to worry about anything like that.” Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID104) “So I would have though that's a possible fix.” Interviewer) (coughs) ID104) “Erm...and, as I say, if, if you just did that alone, I think it would be worth its weight in gold.” Interviewer) “Right, it's interesting, erm... I think we sent an email today saying the compound words have been addressed.” ID104) “Uh-hum.” Interviewer) “ try and test that and see...” ID104) “Right.” Interviewer) “I haven't had time to...” ID104) “Yeah, ‘cuz I, over the weekend I, I was doing, ‘cuz, erm... erm... I mean, the thing is, ‘cuz there's compound words and compound words: I mean, I kind of just uploaded part of my biography just to kind of see what it did with it, because that was kind of just neat and, erm... it was all about person-centred approaches stuff...” Interviewer) “Right.” ID104) “ I mean, ‘person-centred approaches’ is kind of a compound word in that sense, but it's not a common one. Interviewer) “No.” ID104) “Erm...but one of the things that it threw up was not about it not, you know, identifying its compound words, because I, I realized that it would have been unreasonable to expect it to do that; but it actually identified ‘approaches’ as a verb as opposed to a noun. Interviewer) “Yeah.” © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 66 of 195 ID104) “Erm...which, you know...” (laughs) “...if you needed that clarification would actually be really...” Interviewer) “Confusing...” ID104) “...confusing, erm... and I...” Interviewer) (coughs) ID104) “...I had, as I say... I haven't, erm... I did the odd few bits of erm... I did some compound words – I did like ‘jelly b’’, but then this was over the weekend.” Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID104) “...I did like ‘jelly bean’ and no, no...” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID104) “Erm... but going back to, to the, erm... the idiom and compound words...” Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID104) “ of the critical things as well, is that there still isn't, unless it’s been changed since the weekend...” (chuckles) Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID104) “...there still isn't the option, erm... for the user to highlight something as two or three words - for example, if I put ‘jelly bean’... Interviewer) “Uh-huh.” ID104) “...I cannot highlight ‘jelly bean’ if I click on it: it will highlight ‘jelly’ or I can highlight ‘bean’, but I can't kind of, you know, like you would do with copy and paste like you, you’d em...” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID104) “You’d outline something...” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID104) “...then copy; you can't do that. You can literally highlight one word at a time unless Open Book has decided it's a phrase.” Interviewer) “All right.” ID104) “So there's no way you can actually tell Open Book...” Interviewer) “OK.” ID104) “’This is a phrase.’” Interviewer) “OK.” ID104) “...or, ‘This is a compound word.’” Interviewer) “Yes.” ID104) “Erm...and, you know, I mean, that, that might not solve too many problems anyway, because if it's not one that's in the kind of...” Interviewer) “Yeah.” © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 67 of 195 ID104) “, they might not, you know, er... they might not be able to respond to that anyway. But it is just very frustrating, because it would mean if, if, if carers, at least, had the, the option highlighting those compound words, erm... and that could go back directly to the, to the software developers then... Interviewer) “You can build your own...” ID104) “You know, there's a possibility of building the database...” Interviewer) “Yes.” ID104) “Erm...because, I mean, I have...” (laughs) “...I kind of go through, like, yes, I fire-off emails each time I come across something.” Interviewer) “Oh, great!” ID104) “You know, erm... but I do think that, erm... maybe (and I don't know) but maybe being completely unfair, but I'm sure there's a lot of people just thinking, ‘Ugh!’ you know, and don't actually fire-off the emails.” Interviewer) “Hmm... do you use the feedback?” ID104) “Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.” Interviewer) “Right.” ID104) “The little...” Interviewer) “Yeah, that one.” ID104) “Yeah, yeah...” Interviewer) “OK.” ID104) “Yeah, no, it's automatic.” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID104) “I wouldn't do fresh emails each day. I mean, that's why it's good that you've got that...” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID104) “...that you can do it - instantaneous feedback.” Interviewer) “Oh, OK.” ID104) “Erm... so yeah...” Interviewer) “Well, what do you like about it?” ID104) “Erm...I like about the fact that you can... you can link it up so you can have - and I really like that - you've got that conversation thing going there between the carer and the...” Interviewer) “Have you used it?” ID104) “Yes! Erm... and, erm... I think that that's quite nice but, erm... I, I like the concept of it really.” Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID104) “Erm...and I like the idea that you've got kind of synonyms or definitions or pictures because not always you know...” © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 68 of 195 Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID104) “If you just had synonyms then you're not necessarily be helpful - just the definition, but not necessarily be helpful. So the thing is, it's really good to have the three different things like that. Erm... and, erm... I think, I think in terms of identifying, you know, what the ‘he/she’, all the personal pronouns...” Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID104) “What they, erm... what they refer to is getting much better at that.” Interviewer) “OK.” ID104) “It’s inconsistent: it's not there...” Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID104) “...but, it is much better now, erm... so, so that's good, because I think that's kind of... ‘cuz if you think to identify those things you got to give people a clue as to why you’ve identified...” (chuckles) Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID104) “So that's getting better...” Interviewer) “OK.” ID104) “...and , I mean, I suppose that's, you know, it's kind of concept of the thing is the thing that I really, really rate and the fact that it it's getting closer...” Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID104) “, to what I've envisaged it to be, so yeah...” Interviewer) “That's great. So, well, yeah, I think you've probably covered this next question, but if you were to change it or remove something or add something, what would you do?” ID104) “Erm... I think, I think compound and the idioms...” Interviewer) “Yep, the idioms...” ID104) “ the key thing so I won’t labour that point any more. Emm... but one of the other things which I find beyondfrustrating...” Interviewer) “Uh-huh.” ID104) “ when you click on ‘Definition’ and it says, ‘No definition found’. If there is no definition found, don't put ‘Definition’ as an option! Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID104) “Because it makes me want to scream; and somebody who's very, kind of, you know, ‘on the Spectrum ’ I, I would imagine is really... ‘Why does it say,“Definition/No definition found”?’” Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID104) “So, I mean, you know, if there's only a synonym, just put, ‘Synonym’: don't have ‘Definition’ as, as an option...” © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 69 of 195 Interviewer) “Yes.” ID104) “Erm...and ditto the ‘Help’, erm... I mean, presumably there is gonna be help, you know, like the drop down...” Interviewer) “Yes.” ID104) “...tabs.” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID104) “Erm... but, again, ‘beyond frustrating’ that something isn't working and you use the drop down tab and it says, ‘No help is available’... (laughs) ...and you think, ‘Why you gotta a help tab then?’” (laughs) Interviewer) “Yes.” ID104) “Erm... so, so, yeah I...” Interviewer) (coughs) ID104) “...I would, I would make sure the only things on there are things which are actually available. Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID104) “So when there isn't a definition available, erm... it's, you know, you, you don't... you haven't got a hyperlink which suggests that there should be, there would be or there is. Erm... so, and, I mean, v’... and again, you know, this, this may not be feasible, but in an ideal world, and I suppose that actually, sorry.” (laughs) “In an ideal world I was gonna say, you'd... how I'd envisaged it before I ever kind of saw it was that... you know, you kind of put the text in and you'd get a converted text out.” Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID104) “Erm... so and, and you could actually, kind of...” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID104) “Look at them side by side. Erm... and, and then you could decide whether that bit of the conversion is useful or not. Erm... and, I mean, you can do that in so far as.... erm... you can, erm... you know, the, the carer can, kind of, ‘Accept’ or ‘Cancel’ all the conversions, if you like, and then send that on to, on to their, kind of, user. Erm... but I kind of envisaged that that's how it would be for the user, because I think one of the critical things for me, as I've said, was, erm... that, you know, the amount of documents both Michel and Emma read...” Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID104) “Erm...I could be 24/7...” (laughs) “ know, er... doing the carer bit of it. And also, I mean, apart from the fact that... literally don't have the time. I mean, that's actually reducing their individual independence rather than increasing it, if, if, you know, Mum has to sort everything out.” Interviewer) “Yeah.” © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 70 of 195 ID104) “And, erm...because I think that that's very much that's the critical thing. It's useful to have a carer there to kind of tweak or explain and there are complications but I think that, erm... and obviously when you got thing's where, where people are maybe less able or whatever or less, less articulate or smaller vocabulary but, on the whole, I kind of, erm... I'd like to see it as much as possible so that...relatively able people on the Spectrum could actually use it and, and, and there would be the odd time where they go, know, ‘Mum, Dad, sister, brother’, whatever, ‘clarify this for me,’ but on the whole it would be something that worked for them. And they wouldn't have to kind of go to the like teacher all the time.” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID104) “’Check this for me.’” Interviewer) “Yeah, yes. Erm... I know some of this question we, erm... said right before when we, erm... programme would be more developed over use of time, so they may not be relevant, but I'll go ahead and...” ID104) “Yeah, sure.” Interviewer) “Ask them, then we'll (coughs) so, erm... do think using Open Book has had any impact on Emma’s understanding of written information?” ID104) “Frankly no, no to be honest. Erm... I mean, the thing is she's, erm...” Interviewer) (coughs) ID104) “Erm... I mean, when, when she was kind of first recruited I was kind of, ‘Oooh, that's a surprise!’ because she's quite articulate and stuff and, erm...” (coughs) “ I thought...” (coughs) “...I’m not sure that it would be that useful for her: I mean, I've thought it would be more useful for Michel anyway. Erm... although, having said that, I mean, again, you know, most of what he reads is factual and he does take that, that on board.” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID104) “...and, I mean, I think Emma's kind of deficit if you like, erm... that I'm most aware of is, is kind of, erm... all the ‘theory of mind’ stuff is all the, you know, ‘cuz when she's reading, she reads lots of novels but she’s not always sure of the subtext and stuff... Erm...and obviously, you know, no piece of software is gonna help with that. Erm... and, I mean, it's the same if she watches movies so it's not a function of reading: it's a function of being in the Spectrum, you know. Erm... but I think she would, I think, really, er... for her it would be a case of, erm... ‘Tell me when it's a bit further down the line and I'll try it again...’” Interviewer) “OK.” ID104) “Erm...because I don't she's, she's actually, at the moment, I mean, we, we kind of...” (laughs) “ kind of desks are opposite each other...” (laughs) “...we're on our laptops and it would be like, © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 71 of 195 ‘Ooh, my god, are you seeing this?’ You know, we'll kind of, have a laugh about some of the stuff that comes up. Erm... and it's kind of, because she's got the level of knowledge that she has...” Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID104) “...she knows when stuff’s bizarre.” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID104) “And , I mean, in some sense that's a plus, because if you had somebody like Michael, who would tend to take it more literally.” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID104) “You know...” (laughs) “, I mean...” Interviewer) “...find it confusing...” ID104) “I did, um... er... I did Cind’...” Interviewer) (coughs) ID104) “Emm... no, I think Emma put it in, ‘Cinderella shall go to the ball.’” Interviewer) “So, yeah.” ID104) (laughs) “...and he was just, like, ‘What?’” (laughs) Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID104) (laughs) Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID104) “ know and...” Interviewer) “It's, I guess it just uses most common words...” ID104) “Well, that, that, except it doesn't, because, which was the one? And it's in my email.” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID104) “...and Emma printed these out. I'm so annoyed, ‘cuz I forgot to bring them with me.” Interviewer) “Aha, it's alright.” ID104) “Emm... but there was one that... Oh, I know it was ‘Online’. Right, OK, so there was, there was a couple of sentences and ‘Online’, was, was one of them was obviously to do with...” Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID104) “’...being online’.” Interviewer) “Yep, yeah.” ID104) “Erm...and when you clicked on ’Definition’, the first definition was about ‘following the straight path on a bus or a plane or train’.” Interviewer) “Aha.” ID104) “Now’... you know, given that we're in 2014.” Interviewer) “Yeah.” © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 72 of 195 ID104) “I would think that ‘Online’ as in ‘On the net’...” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID104) “Is gonna be infinitely more common...” Interviewer) “Yep.” ID104) “Erm...and, and so, I mean, my, my, kind of, peeve about that was, ‘cuz I know sometimes a lot of the stuff that I'm asking for, for perfection is kind of stuff that you need context and stuff for.” Interviewer) “Mmm.” ID104) “But, emm... something like, like, ‘Online’, didn't depend on anything else in the, you know, in the sentence just, you know, on the law of averages.” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID104) “If anybody in 2014 says...” Interviewer) (coughs) ID104) “...‘Online’, what are they likely to mean by it? Erm... so, so, yeah.” (laughs) Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID104) “There's, kind of, ‘oddies’ like that.” Interviewer) “Mmm.” ID104) “Erm... I mean, I have to say something like, ‘ball’, kind of, did, in some senses, depend on, on the context...” Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID104) “Erm...because, you know, yeah, ‘balls’: not many people have, kind of, ‘fancy dress’ type ‘balls’...” Interviewer) (laughs) ID104) “...any more.... erm... but ‘Online’, I think was a real...” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID104) “...different, different...” Interviewer) “I agree.” ID104) “...’kettle of fish.’” Interviewer) “Yeah, erm... has it made... Has Open Book use made, erm... had, had any impact or on Emma's communication?” ID104) “Erm... Interviewer) “ or face-to-face...” ID104) “Emm... not really, because she's, I mean, she's, kind of... when she's comfortable with people, she's an ace communicator.” Interviewer) “Yeah.” © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 73 of 195 ID104) “...and when she's not, she's not!” (laughs) “And, erm... you know, erm... erm... I think it's kind of, it's given us interesting conversations...” (laughs) “Have to say, by the way, when I said that we, we we'd emailed each other, we did it before the internal, stuff...” Interviewer) “Alright.” ID104) “So we haven't actually used that internal one.” Interviewer) “OK.” ID104) “So that's something we need to play with.” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID104) “And, erm... yeah, as I say, we sit opposite each other, we tend to go, ‘Awww, have you seen this?’ ‘Have you seen this?’” (laughs) Interviewer) “Erm...did any safety or privacy issues come up, when using Open Book?” ID104) “Any...” Interviewer) “Safety or privacy issues...” ID104) “Err... no. Erm... I mean, she's kind of, erm... you know, she's very switched on and she's very, kind of, in some sense, she's incredibly naive, but then in others she's very street-wise. I mean, certainly, in terms of, erm... you know, when we first played with it here...” Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID104) “...we couldn't believe some of the urban dictionary stuff that came out with all these sexual terms, you know...” Interviewer) “Really!” ID104) “And, and terms for drug use and stuff.” (laughs) “And we were like, ‘Ooh!’ And Emma knew what half of them meant and I didn't!” (laughs) Interviewer) (laughs) ID104) (laughs) Interviewer) “Education for you!” (laughs) ID104) (laughs) “, erm...yeah, so, I mean, I have to say, ‘cuz that was one of my first criticisms was, you know, ‘What on earth is the dictionary they're using?’” Interviewer) “Has it changed?” ID104) “Yes, there isn't so many... I mean, because, you know, as I've said, this kind of ’ball’ had kind of... ‘texticle’...” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID104) “... testicle...” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID104) “Testicle, having sex, de’ de’ de...” © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 74 of 195 Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID104) “...and all that kind of thing...” Interviewer) “So, yeah.” ID104) “...but, they were kind of mainstream.” Interviewer) “Alright.” ID104) “Whereas, erm... some of the, the, erm... some of the definitions on the first day that we, we played with it up here...” Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID104) “...were just completely... I mean, like all these really urban dictionary words for various sorts of drugs, which, you know, most mainstream people just wouldn't know...” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID104) “I mean, not talking about, like, ‘Smack’, you know, really basic ones like everybody knows about...” Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID104) “...really obscure ones that...” Interviewer) “Wow!” ID104) “I'd certainly never heard of and half of them Emma hadn't...” Interviewer) (coughs) ID104) “Erm...and first of all I would just like, this is really bizarre: it was Emma that said, ‘This is an urban dictionary!’” Interviewer) (laughs) ID104) (laughs) “’They've used an urban dictionary.’” Interviewer) “Interesting, you know.” ID104) “Erm... Interviewer) “No.” ID104) (laughs) but, erm... that was one of the criticisms...” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID104) “...and I haven't come across that.” Interviewer) “Oh, good ID104) “So it looks as if they've responded...” Interviewer) “Great!” ID104) “ that, and, I mean, Emma's quite, erm... she's quite capable of, I mean, obviously she's, she's a woman now anyway, but she's, she’s quite capable of safe-guarding herself in terms of inappropriate content.” © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 75 of 195 Interviewer) “Good.” ID104) “...and stuff so, but I still keep an eye on it anyway!” (laughs) Interviewer) “Obviously, Mum’s...” ID104) “ you do, yeah...” (laughs) Interviewer) (laughs) “Erm... has it had an impact on her day to day functioning?” ID104) “, not really, no, not at the moment.” Interviewer) “...and in relations with friends and relatives?” ID104) “Erm...I don't, I mean, she tends to... Not that I've noticed.” Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID104) “...’cuz she tends to... I mean, most of her communication I see is when she's with me.” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID104) “So obviously that's really open and stuff and that's not gonna change. Erm... and then I see her with people that she's really comfortable with so that, that's fine; and then I see her with people she's not comfortable and she's' like this...” (grimaces) Interviewer) “Right.” ID104) “...and I don't think that‘ll ever change.” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID104) “...anyway...” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID104) “Erm...but she does, I mean...” Interviewer) (coughs) ID104) “You know, like... (laughs) everybody her age, you know, she lives on Facebook and “WhatsApp” and all those...” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID104) “Erm...and I don't think she uses them anymore or any less then she was...” Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID104) “...before.” Interviewer) “OK.” ID104) “Erm...she also texts and talks a lot.” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID104) “...and I don't think that, you know, I'm not noticing noticeable change there; but then that doesn't surprise me, because she used them quite readily.” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID104) “Before, you know, it was as if she didn't use them ever and she's not using them now.” © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 76 of 195 Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID104) “It’s, you know...” Interviewer) “Erm...has the change made any changes to her knowledge, general knowledge or education?” ID104) “Well, it has but not...” (laughs) “...the way it was meant to!” (laughs) Interviewer) (laughs) ID104) (laughs) “...because she, she, she's been looking up, as I say, until I, I suggested to her that it wasn't really appropriate stuff - she was just putting in chunks of, er... Wikipedia stuff. And she was... so she was fascinated by this stuff; she she'd put this chunk in just randomly...and then she’d start reading and go, ‘God, did you know about so-and-so?’” (laughs) Interviewer) (laughs) ID104) (laughs) “So I mean it is...” “Yeah, very indirectly...” (laughs) Interviewer) (laughs) “She, she mentioned that she's reading more books. I don't know whether that's related...” ID104) “Well, yeah, actually because I'm surprised that, erm... she never used to: she'd always be like, you know, whenever I'd say, de’ de’ de’ de... and, I mean, when we came here today, you know, I had my kindle, because it's always, like, if I got two seconds free, I have my kindle out. Erm... and she had this, this book and she's been, like, deeply emerged in it; and before that she was reading another book and I just... I didn't even, even really relate those two. But, yeah, it's true, ‘cuz I kind of thought at that stage, ‘Oh, this isn’t like Emma,’ because she used to say she got very frustrated about, you know, not actually understanding what was going on.” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID104) “I mean, she’d read literally what was there but, you know, I mean, I always think that the best kind of novel...” Interviewer) (coughs) ID104) “, it's what isn't said but that's really most...” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID104) “...interesting. Erm... and she'd say sometime, you know, ‘I don't really understand why such and such...’ Or, ‘That's really complicated,’ but she has been reading significantly more and I, I kind of just thought, ‘cuz she's got a lot more travel time.” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID104) “...but, also, on reflection, you having said that, not only is she reading significantly more, she's not coming to me and asking me, ‘Why did they do that?’ and ‘What does that mean?’ So, so maybe it has © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 77 of 195 had some effect on that, because, erm... you know, as I say, when she...” (laughs) “...she... when she was reading it was all, ‘What did this mean?’ and...” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID104) “...’cuz she'd say to me, ‘Oh, this book is really good. You ought to read it.’” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID104) “Erm...and then she'd say, ‘But I didn't quite understand such and such...’” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID104) “...and there hasn't been any of that so...” Interviewer) “Do you think it's maybe herself confidence?” ID104) “Erm...” Interviewer) “...about reading?” ID104) “It, it could. I mean, she's certainly... As I say, she's not asking me for help; and I mean...” Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID104) “...I think because, you know, you basically... you read, kind of, fiction... you read it for pleasure, don't you? So, erm... I mean, I know, kind of, that's why I love my kindle, ‘cuz you just press if you don't know a word, you know...” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID104) “I was reading, er... er.., a kind of a paper book the other day, and I didn't know the definition and I was pressing it, like, let’s go...” (laughs) “’Where's is the definition?’” Interviewer) (laughs) ID104) (laughs) “It's so nice, you know, you can have that definition there. Erm... so, I mean, it is, is very frustrating. I, I would not like to be reading something and be left thinking, ‘I don't know...’” Interviewer) “Yes.” ID104) “...what it means’.” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID104) “ I presume she does know what it means now, because she's not asking me; and I think she still would have if, if she was having difficulty. So, er... yeah, erm... I mean, it may be, may be more confident: it may be just that she's kind of, erm... she, she's, kind of... She's getting... She's getting better since using this, kind of, understanding subtext.” Interviewer) “She also said that she feels her vocabulary is improved. You noticed it? Or even if it's a self perception, it's good for...” ID104) “Yeah, very, it's great, ‘cuz, I mean, anything that makes her feel better about herself is fantastic.” Interviewer) “Maybe it's not even connected to, er...” ID104) (laughs) “I mean, there's no other reason why it should happen so...” © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 78 of 195 Interviewer) “Right.” ID104) “Erm...I mean, this...” Interviewer) “...with the work and...” ID104) “Well, yeah, this is the only different thing that, that, that she's done, kinda thing.” Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID104) “...and I suppose in some ways, yeah, I mean, you can see that because, I mean, you can see that it's feasible. I wasn't aware of it, because, erm... I mean, I guess that the words that, that she would have increased her vocabulary, like, by, but are not ones that one would use every day. Erm... because...” Interviewer) (coughs) ID104) “...her vocabulary on everyday words is pretty strong anyway; and I have to say the definitions, although sometimes they're a bit skewed and stuff, they... some of them are a... and the synonyms.” Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID104) “...are really interesting. I mean, you know, I look through them, I mean, I don’t mean ‘interesting’ as in, ‘Oh, god, does it? Does it?’” (laughs) Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID104) “I mean, as in, really interesting, so, you know, I looked through and learnt stuff as well, so she probably has, from that point of view, yeah. And she is kind of a wordsmith anyway: she loves words so... “ Interviewer) “Yeah, yeah, erm... has the use Open Book made a difference to her work?” ID104) “, because she's not... she's not kinda in that academia bit now so... you know.” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID104) “She’s serving people coffee.” (laughs) Interviewer) “Erm...has it made a change to her level of autonomy or independence?” ID104) “Erm...I mean, she's always been extremely independent, well, I mean...” Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID104) “You know, in recent years...” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID104) “She’s always been extremely independent. I suppose the, the main autonomy bit is that, you know, she's seems to be reading fiction now without actually asking for help.” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID104) “So, I mean, that is an increase in independence and I've never thought about it, but actually is, yeah...” Interviewer) “Interesting...” ID104) “Yeah, hmm...” © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 79 of 195 Interviewer) “Erm...has she had Open Book? Has she used Open Book to, to access, you know, cinema or gym or information about health services?” ID104) “No,, as I say, she's put in the, erm...this, this, erm... fraud prevention document.” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID104) “Erm...she kind of thought well, I mean, she said to me, well it, it's, I don't think it copes very well with things like that. Erm... and I mean...” (laughs) “...I don’t believe...” (laughs) “What was it something? I, I, I put in a chunk and it had ‘250’ in figures.” Interviewer) “Uh-huh.” ID104) “...and the definition...” Interviewer) (coughs) ID104) “...was, erm... basically, er... er... kind of geeky, erm...kind of computer programmers term - had nothing to do with the number, erm... and so that, ‘cuz, I, I wanted to see... I was thinking about practical stuff like that; and I wanted to see how it coped with numbers; and this was just... I mean, if you’d have left it as ‘250’ that would have been fine...” Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID104) “...cuz, you know, most people know what numbers, kind of thing, erm... but the fact that it had, it had outlined it...” (laughs) Interviewer) “Erm...really...” ID104) “... and then put this really, you know, it looked like, wooow! Erm... but actually we’ll do that, ‘cuz I’d be interesting to see how emm, erm... how it copes with that, because, I mean, that is something that... I mean she's doing literally, erm... certainly every weekend, ‘cuz she has to be there at, like, quarterto-nine, Sunday and, you know, with engineering works half the time there aren't any trains, train timetables. So she's always, she's always sussing those out so, yeah, it would be quite interesting to try that, because we haven't done.” Interviewer) “Hmm... erm... so do you think, erm... Emma, erm... will keepusing?” ID104) “Erm... ... I think, I think she will, erm... because I'll keep prompting her...” Interviewer) “Right.” ID104) “ the moment, because I really want to see it move on.” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID104) “Erm...but I think, probably, left to her own devices, she wouldn't...” Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID104) “Erm...I think, if it does move on and some of the, kind of, problems that are there at the moment are solved, then she might do...” Interviewer) “Yeah.” © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 80 of 195 ID104) “I mean, the thing is really, you know, erm... her increase in vocabulary and, and reading more and stuff, erm... are, you know, probably are directly as a result of this, but they're not immediately obvious. You know, to, to her... I mean, if, if she's got a document she doesn't understand and she puts it through Open Book, and she understands it, then that, that's a big reward; and it's a big incentive to do it again and again. Erm... but I'm gonna keep going with it...” Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID104) “...until hopefully it gets at that stage.” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID104) “...and, and, you know, she can actually see it as a useful thing.” Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID104) “...’cuz I do think also that, er... I mean, I have to say, hand-on-heart, that, that, there's a part of me, initially that, thought, ‘Oh, this is, this isn't working’, you know, it's, it's actually, erm... you know...” (laughs) “’Why am I , why am I still bothering with it?’ But, erm... I kind of think that one of the big reasons why I still want to bother with it is that the more feedback that the software developers get, the closer we’ll get to what people want, erm...” Interviewer) “That true...” ID104) “...and it’s actually quite early days...” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID104) “So...” Interviewer) “Erm... would you recommend it to others?” ID104) “I recommend the concept.” Interviewer) “Yeah, OK.” ID104) “I wouldn't recommend it to anybody as it is at the moment.” Interviewer) “Uh-huh.” ID104) “Erm...because I think it needs ironing out a bit. Because I think there would be a lot of people... Interviewer) (coughs) ID104) “I mean, I'm really interested in, in kind of erm... erm... although, you know, this kind of stuff, I haven't done academics on, on, kind of, this side of, you know, research or psychology or anything like that... erm... but I'm really interested in, in kind of the academic, stance of things...” Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID104) “So I, I'm really interested to see how it goes and I'm really, I’m really invested, if you like, in it, ‘cuz I want to see it to succeed.” Interviewer) “Yeah.” © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 81 of 195 ID104) “ as far as I'm concerned, I will keep going, umm... and I will keep trying...” (laughs) “...that feedback...” Interviewer) “Thank you.” ID104) “Erm...because, you know, I think that, that there's a fantastic potential there; but I think a lot of people might just think, you know... they might try it for a few weeks and think, ‘Yeah, it's not working.’” Interviewer) “Hmm... at the moment...” ID104) “So I wouldn't recommend it now.” Interviewer) “Yes.” ID104) “...because I wouldn't want people who could potentially benefit from an improved version to be put off...” Interviewer) “Yes.” ID104) “...from a... an unimproved version, if you like.” (laughs) Participant: ID105 – Interview Transcription for 05/06/2014 Interviewer) “OK, so, erm... can you tell me about your experience of using Open Book? ID105) “, first of all I found it a bit confusing. How to start even, umm...I don't know whether I should use it as Simon uses it.” Interviewer) “Hmm...”...” ID105) “So like wait till he's, that, that when he needs me to... say we were using it... go into library, I think to start.” Interviewer) “Ahem...” ID105) “Something.” Interviewer) “Yep.” ID105) “Erm...cuz it's in the middle button I think.” Interviewer) “Ahem...” ID105) “ how to start... I could go to that button maybe it could be on the top. Texting I find, when we've put some text it does it takes some time, is that going to change or?” Interviewer) “Load.” ID105) “OK.” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID105) “Erm, do you want be to go through the same?” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID105) “Yeah, OK, erm...” © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 82 of 195 Interviewer) “, er...” ID105) “Synonyms that we've had. Umm...the conversions that we've been doing haven't really made a difference.” Interviewer) “Ahem...” ID105) “So most of the text comes out the same.” Interviewer) “Right.” ID105) “Erm... the only sort of what we had, one time there was a full-stop where it split.” Interviewer) “OK.” ID105) “Shorter sentences.” Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID105) “Erm...but the majority of the things that we've been trying, erm...a bit frustrating I think.... try out properly and see the difference. Erm...yeah, yuh, the, the font things won't work and the colours they all change.” Interviewer) (coughs) “Ahem...” ID105) “I think the font is too small still.” Interviewer) “Want it bigger.” ID105) “Yeah. Some of the definitions that we tried don't find it properly for us.” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID105) “Erm... some of the pictures weren't very... for me it was fine, but for Simon he found it.” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID105) “Erm, not accurate enough.” Interviewer) “Yes.” ID105) “The highlighting white text when it turns yellow, the whole thing turns yellow: you can't read the writing. Interviewer) “Right.” ID105) “ writing may be easier...” Interviewer) “Isn't that one of the things you can't style?” ID105) “I didn't see...” Interviewer) “No.” ID105) “When you highlight a word...” Interviewer) “Ahem ID105) “ get the explanation, if that explanation isn't clear enough, you have to then find the word again and highlight it, like it doesn't stay highlighted...” Interviewer) “Yeah.” © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 83 of 195 ID105) “ put a picture with it.” Interviewer) “Right.” ID105) “you have to re-highlight it and then click.” Interviewer) (coughs) “Is it when you, er...” ID105) “Yeah, so you can't...” Interviewer) “Using...” ID105) “ comes up like an email.” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID105) “Was it that one? Interviewer) “Yes.” ID105) “...and then you can put labels on them.” Interviewer) “For the library, sending text to Simon through your .... OK.” ID105) “I think, I, I think I did it both ways...” Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID105) “Erm, yeah we sent messages.” Interviewer) “Oh, OK.” ID105) “To… I couldn't ... yeah I think, when the notifications pages, when we send message to each other.” Interviewer) “Ahem...” ID105) “Emm...but I've put the, the first page is good and it shows that there's a message. Oops sorry. And then when you click on the document the message doesn't really show. It's not split up like you would have in email. Emm... it's just written in normal text...” Interviewer) “Ahem...” ID105) “...doesn't have subject and...” Interviewer) “Ahem...” ID105) “...and...” Interviewer) “Ah, right.” ID105) “It's, it's all just, so it's not very clear. Erm...we would prefer it to be, like, sep’... separated a bit like an email would have a little bit...” Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID105) “ subject and then to/from. it, you the library when making labels...” Interviewer) “Ahem...” ID105) “Erm...we found it very helpful and the colours and things so that...” Interviewer) “Ahem...” © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 84 of 195 ID105) “...that was really good and, and we found that quite easy to do as well.” Interviewer) “Any other things that you like?” ID105) “, it seems quite easy once you get used to it.” Interviewer) “Right.” ID105) “Erm...there was, some...buttons on the bottom and arrows pointing that way.” Interviewer) “The page will help...” ID105) “Yep, OK.” Interviewer) “ you to those. How often have you been using it?” ID105) “Emm...there was a sentence in our son's reading book the other day, yeah?” Interviewer) “Yes, you did yeah.” ID105) “ we put that in and unfortunately forgot to write it down, to see whether it would simplify that, that...” Interviewer) “Mmm...” ID105) “...text, but it didn't change it a lot.” Interviewer) “Ahem...” ID105) “ It, it's just basically sentence starting with 'And'. said something like, erm... it, it was basically backwards, the sentence.” Interviewer) “Right.” ID105) “...sentence was a bit backwards so...” Interviewer) “OK.” ID105) “’And this man did something,’ and then it said ‘brightly coloured handkerchiefs on the ceiling’ and it said ‘brightly coloured handkerchiefs were on ceiling’ and then...” Interviewer) “Yes.” ID105) “...half the sentence was backwards.” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID105) “The other way round.” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID105) “And that, that's something we would expect the Open Book.” Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID105) “” Interviewer) “Hmm...” Interviewer) “ change around for us...” Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID105) “...but it didn't.” © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 85 of 195 Interviewer) “Right, oh” ID105) “That was a bit disappointing.” Interviewer) “ you think it's had an impact on, er... Simon's understanding of reading?” ID105) “Maybe, if he used it more...” Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID105) “I think the abilities, when you do, like, the definitions or the pictures, that word... Interviewer) “Yes.” ID105) “ he can see that there's not just one meaning of the word. Difficult to put...” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID105) “...loads of pictures and different things, ‘cuz he found umm...the snorkelling one particularly difficult.” Interviewer) “Yes.” ID105) “...and for me it was like, oh, that, that’s snorkelling.” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID105) “...but there was, I think, there was four or three different pictures.” Interviewer) “Hmm...” ID105) “...but he, back... you couldn't really see his snorkel: for him that's not snorkelling.” Interviewer) “Mmm... er... has it made a difference to Simon's communications, say to safety or privacy issues? Erm...has it, the use of Open Book? ID105) (Shakes her head) Interviewer) “ about his relationships?” ID105) “Noo.” (laughingly) Interviewer) “No, emm... any, erm... impact on general knowledge?” ID105) “No, I, it’s the fact that it's, its there: if it was working sort of the way...” Interviewer) “ any changes in his level of self confidence been affected? ID105) (Shakes her head) Interviewer) “Any impact on accessing health or social services?” ID105) “We were talking about it on the train...” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID105) “...coming here... so ... be quite interested if...” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID105) “...and things like that.” Interviewer) “Yeah.” He gets it, if it could do that sort of thing ID105) “But then he reads the phone a lot for news.” © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 86 of 195 Interviewer) “Hmm...” Interviewer) “.” Interviewer) “You can log in on your mobile.” ID105) “Oh, OK.” Interviewer) “So when you go to...” ID105) “Bede...” Interviewer) “Yeah.” ID105) “That download is quite... so can be quite...” Interviewer) “OK... can be quite...” Interviewer) “OK any, any other thought?” ID105) “No.” Interviewer) “Thank you very much!” ID105) “That's OK.” Spanish Transcripts User Interviewed: E.C Interviewer: Tell us what you experience has been with Openbook. U: The experience, really..., really..., really good, it let’s you change the font, well, the size of the font, then the... then, let’s see!, hold on, no, yes, the background, well, that would be what I use, that let’s me change the background, then underlining, and the labels, well, when I use them they usually show up in those of the carer. Interviewer: Aha! U: Yes, in that of the intermediary, it doesn’t appear in yours. Interviewer: Ah, not in yours! U: Yes, it doesn’t show in yours when you put them. Interviewer: What did you use it for? U: To make summaries easier and more things. Well, in my account I couldn’t change the meaning of a word or put a summary. Because, let’s see, when you click on “make summary” there are times when you can summarize it in a different way and that summary was better than the first one and then it doesn’t let you put it. Interviewer: It doesn’t let you save it? © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 87 of 195 U: No, no, it doesn’t let you change. Just like putting images, it doesn’t let you put images, only in the intermediary you can click on summary and put the meaning of words. Interviewer: What do you think a tool like this is useful for? U: Let see, useful for example for making summaries easier in tough school subjects, in Socials (Note: Social Science), Biology and let’s see... in Grammar and, in the case of Literature and... then also, let’s see... and in other subjects, except for English and Math. Interviewer: Well, in English you know that... U: Well, it’s true, in English we could, right? Interviewer: Yes, the tool is going to be available in English, Spanish and Bulgarian. Interviewer: In general, do you think that it makes access to information easier? To texts? I mean, does it help you understand texts better? U: It does, because when you don’t understand a word it gives you the meaning of the word, even though definitions are often wrong. Interviewer: Really? What would happen? U: Yes, it would not explain it well or it would give you a link to Wikipedia, well, that’s good but it should get a little better. But in the intermediary you can ad the meaning of that word or phrase, the same as with images. Interviewer: What do you see as more useful? U: I see more useful the one for the teacher (Note: the interface), because you have more freedom there. Interviewer: Of course, of course. And, if you could have access to the same features as the intermediary? U: Yes but you would have freedom, but they should have more freedom, more than the student, no? Interviewer: What would you like to improve? U: In the student one, I would include being able to make summaries, select the summary, substitute, also include what phrases mean, although with better definitions, I mean, give you options about definitions, that it shows better and then that it allows you to ad images, they are there, and then the thing about the lables should show or better, the notes, because lables are used to organize Interviewer: Documents? U: Yes. Interviewer: Very well. Would it make you feel more secure when you study if you used a tool like this? U: In any case I would feel more secure but there is another problem. When you make a summary, it doesn’t include important things from the other one. It sometimes removes things that are important, it summarizes well but it takes that away. © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 88 of 195 Interviewer: Do you think that a tool like this would help you understand, in your everyday life, when you have to fill out forms that are cumbersome, information about specific events, cultural, etc... to be more independent? U: Yes, that is going to be more than just making summaries but it would be nice. Interviewer: Do you think it would be useful? U: Yes, yes, yes, I would use it in my mobile phone or work on scanner mode in my mobile phone to scan the document o that it sends it to you via email, this is the summary and it shows... anyway, to your liking and with important things, to be able to understand better documents, recipes and such. Interviewer: So, you have the impression that in your day to day, social settings in which you have to fill out an important paper or read documents, a tool like this would made things much easier. U: Well and also that other people understand it too, to be able to share and all that. Interviewer: What a great idea! U: Yes, to share, even though they can also take advantage of you and such Interviewer: One has to be careful U: Yes, maybe some things would have to be private. Interviewer: Would you use it for any of the things you said? Chatting, someone sending you a message... U: For people with more disability it could be good, that way they could understand what other people say, like, there is a thing or a word used nowadays and it explains it to you. Interviewer: Very well, very well. And do you think it would help you in cultural matters? Film reviews, museums... U: If you have it in your phone and you take your phone with you to work, or a tables, and you scan a document and you send it to yourself, that would be, that would be good. Interviewer: Would you recommend it to any of your school mates? U: Sure, it would be very good for them. I would recommend it to some of my mates, that are stressed out with studies. That, that’s it, it also has to work for teachers, for them to summarize some things. It would be better for students, mainly. Interviewer: And for teachers, to adapt a text and make it more simple. U: Yes, that too. Interviewer: To end, tell me, What would be your ideal tool to improve your autonomy and makes your social life easier? U: Apart from documents, video files and another one with texts and that can be used in a tablet or mobile phone Interviewer: That would be good. © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 89 of 195 U: And also for social networks, even though you have to be careful Interviewer: Thank you for your help, E. Would you like to add anything else? U: That I think that it can help some people a lot. Interviewer: Thank you very much, E. We have finished our interview then. Spanish transcript of EC Usuario Entrevistado: E.C S: Cuéntanos qué te ha parecido la experiencia con Openbook. U: La experiencia, muy…, muy…, muy bien, te permite cambiarle la letra, vamos el tamaño de la letra, luego el…., luego, ¡a ver!, espera, no, sí, el fondo, vamos esa sería la que yo utilizo, que me permite el fondo, luego los subrayados, y lo de las etiquetas, vamos cuando las pongo suelen aparecer en las del intermediario. S: ¡aha¡ U: sí, en la del intermediario, no suele aparecer en la tuya. S: ah, ¡no en la tuya! U: si, no te aparece en esa cuando tú la pones. S: ¿para que la usabas? U: para facilitar los resúmenes y más cosas. Vamos, en mi cuenta no podía cambiar el significado de una palabra ni podía poner el resumen. Porque, a ver, cuando tú pones “hacer el resumen”, hay veces que puedes resumirlo de otra forma y ese resumen estaba mejor que el primero y luego no te permite ponerlo. S: ¿no te permite grabarlo?. U: no, no, cambiar no te permite. Vamos igual que poner imágenes, no te permite poner imágenes, solo en el intermediario puedes darle a resumen y poner significado de palabras. S: ¿para qué te parece que es útil una herramienta de estas características? U: vamos, útil por ejemplo para facilitar los resúmenes en asignaturas duras, en sociales, biología y a ver…, en lengua y en el caso de literatura y…, luego también, a ver… y en otras asignaturas, exceptuando inglés y mates. S: Bueno, en inglés ya sabes que… U: Buenos, es verdad en inglés si se podría, ¿no?. S: sí, la herramienta estará disponible en inglés, español y búlgaro. S: ¿en general crees que te facilita el acceso a la información, al texto?, es decir, ¿te ayuda a comprender mejor el texto? U: eso sí, porque cuando tú no comprendes una palabra, te pone el significado de la palabra. Aunque también las definiciones suelen fallar. © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 90 of 195 S: ¡ah, sí!, ¿qué ocurría?. U: sí, que no te explicaba bien o te ponía un enlace a wikipedia, vamos eso está bien, aunque tendría mejorar un poco más. Pero en el intermediario tú puedes poner lo que significa esa palabra o frase, igual que con las imágenes. S: ¿Cuál ves más útil?. U: yo veo más útil la del profesor, porque ahí tienes más libertad. S: Claro, claro. ¿y si tú pudieras tener acceso a las mismas posibilidades que tiene el intermediario?. U: sí pero tendrías libertad, pero ellos deben tener más libertad, más que el alumno, ¿no?. S: ¿qué te gustaría mejorar? U: en el del alumno, yo pondría poder hacer resúmenes, seleccionar el resumen, sustituirlo, también poner lo que significan las frases, aunque con mejores significados, vamos que te pongan opciones de significado, que te aparezca mejor y luego que te permita poner las imágenes, allí sí están. Y luego que aparezca lo de las etiquetas o más bien, las notas, porque las etiquetas sirven para ordenarlas. S: ¿los documentos?. U: si. S: Muy bien, ¿a ti te daría más seguridad a la hora de estudiar una herramienta así?. U: en todo caso tendría más seguridad pero hay otro problema. Que cuando tú haces un resumen, no te pone cosas importantes que vienen del otro. Quita algunas veces cosas importantes, lo resumen bien pero te quita eso. S: ¿Crees que una herramienta así te ayudaría comprender, de tu vida diaria, cuando tienes que leer formularios que son engorrosos, información sobre eventos concretos, culturales, etc.o a tener más independencia?. U: Si esto va a ser más que hacer resúmenes, pues no estaría mal. S: ¿crees que te sería útil?. U: sí, si, si lo utilizas en el móvil o funcionar con modo escáner en el móvil para escanear el documento o que te lo envíen por el móvil, esto te lo resumen y te indica, vamos, para tu gusto y con las cosas importantes, para poder entender mejor documentos, recetas y eso. S: o sea, que tú tienes la impresión de que en el día a día, situaciones sociales en las que tengas que rellenar cualquier papel importante o leer documentos, una herramienta a sí te facilitaría mucho las cosas. U: vamos y que también lo puedan entender otras personas, para compartir y eso. S: ¡qué buena idea!. U: sí, para compartir, aunque también pueden abusar de ti y eso. S: hay que tener cuidado. U: sí, ahí a lo mejor algunas cosas tienen que ser privadas. © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 91 of 195 S: ¿la utilizarías para alguna de las cosas que has dicho?, para chats, alguien que te manda un mensaje. U: para gente que tiene más minusvalía podría estar muy bien. Así podrían entender lo que otros dicen. Vamos, por ejemplo, que pongan una cosa o una palabra que se utilice hoy en día y que te la explique. S: Muy bien, muy bien. ¿y crees que te podría ayudar en temas de cultura?, resúmenes de películas, museos, …?. U: si tú lo llevas en tu móvil o llevas el móvil al trabajo o una tableta y escaneas el documento o te lo envías, ahí sería, ahí estaría bien. S: ¿se la aconsejarías a algún compañero? U: anda, les vendrá muy bien. Yo se lo sugeriría a alguno de mis compañeros que está estresado con los estudios. Eso, eso sí, que también sirva para los profesores, para que nos ayuden a resumir algunas cosas. Sería mejor para los alumnos sobre todo. S: ¿y para los profesores que necesiten adaptar algún texto para hacerlo más sencillo?. U: Sí, también. S: Dime para terminar, ¿cuál sería tu herramienta ideal para facilitarte la autonomía y una vida social más sencilla?. U: Además del documento, una archivo de vídeo y otro de textos y que se pueda usar en tabletas y móviles. S: Eso estaría muy bien. U: y también para redes sociales, aunque hay que tener cuidado. S: Muchas gracias por tu ayuda E. ¿quieres añadir algo más? U: pues creo que puede ayudar mucho a algunas personas. S: Muchas gracias E, damos por terminada entonces esta entrevista. User interviewed: F Interviewer: Hello F. Can you tell me how your experience has been with Openbook? F: In the beginning it’s a matter of reviewing it, see how it works, maybe in the beginning it wasn’t that complicated but then, some difficulties with it’s functionality. Interviewer: What use do you see for a tool like this one? F: Well, it simplifies a lot, it makes reading much more amicable, in long texts the reduction is quite important, then, it makes it easy to read. When you read long texts, it makes it easier to read, the tool highlights, it highlights (Note: Magnifying) and makes it quite easy to read. Interviewer: What did you use it for? To edit your own texts, to...? © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 92 of 195 F: Well, mainly to read the news, well, logically when they were long pieces of news, to make reading the news faster, that’s what I’ve focused the most on. Interviewer: For example, have you read the kind of news that you wouldn’t usually read? F: Yes, for example, news on politics because they are long and with complex terms, I have found them easier to read now. Interviewer: Do you think that those pieces of news on politics that you have read can help you now to have subjects of conversation with other people that you wouldn’t have before? F: For example, now I understand better, I get the information better and I can use it in my everyday life. Interviewer: And, in terms of personal autonomy, what has a tool like this provided you with? F: Well, I have read more news but it would mostly help me write a letter, a text for example for a job, since I generally repeat myself a lot, there are ideas that SOBRAN, the idea of reducing the main ideas so not to be redundant, more simple. Interviewer: Let’s see!, what a great idea, you mean that you write a text, the tool process it and it gives you feedback? F: Yes, that’s right. Interviewer: And you think that that could give you more autonomy and self esteem when writing to apply for a job or... to turn in a document... F: Yes, it would give me more sense of security because I’d know that I was turning in a synthesis of what I want to say. For me, at least in my case, that I tend to repeat myself a lot, that would help me make a synthesis of what I want to say. Interviewer: That in terms of personal autonomy and independence and, for this tool, what things would you improve? F: First, to show the difference between one text and the other, for example when a text comes from a piece of news, ok? It process it, but I read the text reduced and I understand, but maybe it would be useful to know what the changes were from the original text, the relationship between the original and simplified. To know what’s the core, what’s at the base of the difference, the core of the tool. Interviewer: Do you mean that you would like to know what are the obstacles that the tool detected and which ones it eliminated? F: Yes, exactly, what obstacles it has removed. Not taking them out and that’s it. Interviewer: Do you like the way the tool works in terms of the possibilities that you have when modifying the text? F: When I tested the part about “printing document” and I had a note added to the piece of news, “ad note”, it all disappears, I actually sent a message. © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 93 of 195 Interviewer: Don’t worry, we have sent all your complaints and comments. F: Yes, I saw it as a black line. Interviewer: What kind of people do you think this tool is more useful for? F: For people with more reading difficulty, for children... Interviewer: And, for example, for adults that are much more independent, how do you think a tool like this can be useful? To improve their autonomy and social life? F: Well, as I said in the beginning, to see the changes that are done to the text, to read books, to see how the changes were made, it can help you to have that reference of the tool. “Ah! I remember now that in the tool it was like this!”... Interviewer: In what sense could it improve autonomy for an adult? F: Being able to write a text correctly, if one repeats oneself too much, changing words... Interviewer: What would you improve? F: The impression itself of the output document, to include notes, highlight and the appearance of the text, I like to read texts with precise borders. Interviewer: Justified F: That’s it and all changes should remain. Also all changes should be saved adequately and as well that it could download PDFs and through a mobile phone Interviewer: Are you working or studying? F: I’m studying now, I’m now changing... I’m in a process of changing, I’m going to change to a CICLO of development of applications Interviewer: And, for example, in what you are studying, or... F: Up until now I was studying statistics. Interviewer: Aha, in the subject that you are going to study now, can you see a specific use for a tool like this? F: The truth is that it’s good to read manuals, thick school books, “look, this is what’s important”, the possibility of automatically highlighting (Note: magnifying) the reduced text in the original text so it’s in both directions. Interviewer: And, for example, would you use it to have a better access to activities of leisure? For example, the review of a film, general cultural information... F: It would have to be more automatic, then, be in different devices, to have access from anywhere. Interviewer: Anything else that you would like to tell us. F: No, what I have already said, to be able to see what the tool does with obstacles, to know how it reduced it, “look, this is what’s importat and it’s for this reason” Interviewer: Well, F. Thank you very much for your help © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 94 of 195 F: You are welcome, good bye. Spanish Transcript: F S: Hola F, ¿puedes decirme que tal ha sido tu experiencia con Openbook? F: En principio el tema de verlo, ver cómo funciona, igual en principio no era tan complicado pero algunas dificultades con el funcionamiento. S: ¿qué utilidad le ves a una herramienta de este tipo? F: Bueno, simplifica mucho, le leer lo hace mucho más amigable, en textos largos la reducción es bastante importante, este, se hace fácil de leer. Cuando lees textos largos, se hace más fácil de leer, la herramienta resalta, va resaltando y se hace bastante fácil de leer. S: ¿para qué la has usado?, ¿para editar tus propios textos, para…? F: Bueno, principalmente para leer noticias, bueno lógicamente cuando las noticias son muy largas, hacer más rápido leer noticias, es en lo que más me he ocupado. S: Por ejemplo, ¿has leído noticias que normalmente sueles no leer?. F: sí, por ejemplo noticias de política porque son largas y con términos complejos, me han resultado ahora más fáciles de leer. S: ¿Crees que esos artículos de política que has leído, ¿te pueden facilitar el que ahora puedas tener temas de conversación con la gente que antes no tenías?. F: Por ejemplo, ya me entero mejor, la información me entra mejor y ya lo puedo emplear en mi vida diaria. S: y en aspectos de autonomía personal, ¿qué te ha aportado una herramienta como esta?. F: hombre, he leído más noticias pero sobre todo me serviría para escribir una carta un texto, por ejemplo para un trabajo, como generalmente yo me repito mucho, hay ideas que sobran, la idea de reducir las ideas principales para no ser redundante, más simple. S: ¡ a ver!, que idea tan buena, te refieres a que tú escribes un texto, la herramienta la procesa y te da un feed-back?, F: sí efectivamente. S: y eso crees que te podría dar mayor autonomía y seguridad a la hora de escribir para conseguir un trabajo o….al entregar un documento. F: sí, me daría mayor seguridad porque sé que estaría entregando una síntesis de lo que quiero decir. A mí, por lo menos en mi caso, que suelo repetirme mucho, me ayudaría a hacer una síntesis de lo que quiero decir. S: Eso en cuanto a autonomía personal e independencia y de esta herramienta, ¿qué cosas mejorarías?. © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 95 of 195 F: en primer lugar mostrar la diferencia entre un texto y otro, por ejemplo cuando un teto venga de una noticia, ¿vale?, la procesa, pero leo el texto reducido y me entero, pero igual me sería muy útil saber cuáles fueron los cambios, del texto original, la relación entre el original y el simplificado. Saber cuál es el fondo, que es lo que está en la base de esa diferencia, el fondo de la herramienta. S: quieres decir, que te gustaría saber cuáles son los obstáculos que ha detectado la herramienta y cuáles ha eliminado. F: sí, exacto, qué obstáculos me ha quitado. No sacarlos y ya está. S: y ¿te gusta el funcionamiento de la herramienta en cuanto a las posibilidades que tú tienes de modificar el texto?. F: Cuando he probado la parte de “imprimir documento” y he puesto “nota” en noticia, “agregar nota”, desaparece todo, de hecho mandé un mensaje. S: No te preocupes, hemos mandado todas tus críticas y comentarios. F: si, me aparecía una franja negra. S: ¿para qué población crees que esta herramienta es más útil?. F: para personas con más dificultades para leer, para críos…. S: y por ejemplo para adultos que son mucho más independiente, ¿en qué crees tú que una herramienta de estas características puede ser útil, para facilitar su autonomía y la vida social?. F: Bueno, como te dije al principio, ver los cambios que se hacen en el texto, para leer libros, ver cómo se hicieron los cambios, te puede ayudar a tener esa referencia de la herramienta: ¡ah, me acuerdo de que en la herramienta esto era así!. S: y ¿en qué forma podría mejorar la autonomía de un adulto? F: poder escribir un texto adecuadamente, si uno se repite mucho, cambiar palabras…. S: ¿qué cosas mejorarías? F: la impresión en sí de forma del documento final, poner las notas, resaltar y la forma en la que se ve el texto, a mí me gusta leer con los bordes exactos. S: Justificado, F: eso y que todos los cambios de queden. También que todos los cambios se vaya guardando adecuadamente y también que pueda descargar PDFs y a través del móvil. S: ¿tú estás trabajando o estudiando?. F: Ahora estoy estudiando, estoy ahora cambiando de…, estoy en proceso de cambios, me voy a cambiar a un ciclo de desarrollo de aplicaciones. S: y por ejemplo,en eso que tú estás estudiando, o… F: hasta ahora he estado estudiando estadística. © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 96 of 195 S: ¡aha!, en lo que vas a estudiar ahora, ¿tú le ves alguna utilidad específica a una herramienta de estas características?. F: La verdad es que sirve para leer manuales, librotes de texto escolar, “mira esto es lo importante”, la oportunidad de resaltarlo automáticamente, sería una definición de un texto para cualquier edad, esto tiene relación con esto, resaltar lo que es el texto reducido en el texto original, para que sea en ambas direcciones. S: y por ejemplo, ¿lo usarías para tener una mayor acceso a actividades de ocio?, por ejemplo, la sinopsis de películas, información cultural general. F: tendría que ser más automático, entonces, estar en distintos dispositivos, para tener acceso desde cualquier parte. S: algo más que quieras decirnos. F: No, lo que ya he dicho, el poder ver qué hace la herramienta con los obstáculos, saber cómo lo ha reducido, mira esto es lo más importate y es por esto. S: Bueno F. muchas gracias por tu ayuda. F: De nada, hasta luego. User interviewed: MJ Interviewer: How was your experience with Openbook? M: Well, it was a bit frustrating because it was hard to understand the use, the objective of it, the goal that it had, because I thought that it was a type of text processing, but not so much as to deal with types but that it was going to help with summaries and not having to cut constantly when you are working on summarizing something and stop with the Internet to look search certain information, but that it would do it itself, but I can’t really understand why, when you log in it makes you... when you load a text and you cut and paste you have the option to convert the text, which I don’t understand what’s the purpose of converting the text. I thought that it would give you a summary straight out but it’s not to clear why, obviously the text is summarized but it doesn’t choose the most important parts of the text, nevertheless it then makes a summary of what they call the converted text from the original text and the summary is great in some cases but it uses the original text, which is the part that I don’t really understand. It does choose the parts that they consider important but I, I... in that part that they call “covert” that is not a summary. Still, when they make the summary, it’s pretty good, you know? I think that it’s very accurate, now, how to manage it, how to make the summary, impossible, it did it arbitrarily, with some texts you would have © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 97 of 195 the option “make summary” and other texts, on the other hand, you wouldn’t. We would log in as intermediaries and with the other key and sometimes it would do it and others it wouldn’t. Interviewer: Sure, that’s because they are constantly updating the system. M: That’s the feeling I got, that there were changes every day. Then, for example, with vocabulary, the one that I think comes out a little short is synonyms. Synonyms I don’t see it too accurate, I surprised me at times. Sometimes, for example, when there was a word that depends on the field were it is used, if it’s Geology, for example, that we were looking at or it was, imagine, about proportion in a drawing, the same term it has only once done it, has specified when looking at a synonym, because I look at it on purpose, for example, let’s look for the synonym of a more complicated word that I would say “I just don’t understand this well”, it doesn’t make sense with the type of text that it was. But, however, one of the days that I logged in it gave me the option, was it in the field of art? In the field of whatever? I mean, that option was good. That part was good, you know? Then we have the issue with definitions, the part about Biology is better than others, with texts on Biology, with texts on Geology, with texts on History, which are the most interesting for him, and some on Technical Drawing and, for example, the ones on Biology, they had more information, more detailed... mmmmm, the thing about images is good, it had a better access to images as well... Interviewer: Yes, it’s specialized in texts on science and health. M: I know but it’s a petty because, for example, the ones on History, it makes summaries that are wrong, the ones on History were good, the summaries we made on History were good but, sure, there, for example, the issue with synonyms or definitions come out really short because there are, there are very specific words about History, about Art and Economy... and there however, I could see that it came short. Now, what’s really good, if you access on the intermediary side, is the selection that the tool makes of words, for starters the ones that it highlights in red, even though it sometimes includes relatives, which I understand well, I don’t know much, I don’t know if it may be due to the English language that “que” (Note: can be any of that, which, whom) it’s underlined many times, I don’t understand really why. Interviewer: Sure, because it detects the omission of the subject, NEXOS with a reference, etc... M: I know but then, the rest of them are well selected. It’s true, and on top of that it’s fast, that if you understand that they are obvious you can quickly click “accept” and that’s it. What I really miss, as I’m © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 98 of 195 telling you that I don’t understand too well, is thinking maybe that if we had the possibility, when you load a text, that you previously, of course it’s a bit contradictory, you were able to select those things that you don’t want it to delete in what they call “converter”. Interviewer: In the summary? M: No, it’s, as I was telling you, not the summary, in what they call “the converter”. If this is supposed to be for people that have real problems to summarize information, then it doesn’t make much sense that you, for starters, have to do all that work, that’s why I say that maybe it doesn’t make much sense, you know? But at least... it’s just that I remember that with a text about the definition of cells “based on several properties”, thus the logical thing would have been that it said “based on such or based on such other,... it’s the unit of...”, that’s it, the converter, for example, would do the first one but then the other two it would not take in consideration but, when making the summary, it would, which I found surprising because the summary is not made from the converted text but from the original. Then the thing about labels wasn’t working well. I didn’t know how the matter about the converted text and the summary worked but, later, in the library, it does show up, when in a text there is a summary, they put on another side the summary. And then, what caught my attention is that by default it leaves a format like, let’s see how it’s... Interviewer: Yes, the format. M: Yes, that way of justifying everything to the middle, which I think is horrifying. Interviewer: What kind of use do you see for a tool like this? M: It saves you time and work, I mean, that over all. These guys that are all the time working on the Internet, that you have to be searching this word and the other all the time, right away you have the searching tool integrated and that’s good. What I don’t know, for example, there’s another thing... in the library that they have, the labels I tried to search in the searching tool, let’s see if, for example... no, I don’t understand well, what’s the search tool for labels?, it says, for example, “search”, I started thinking, words, because if, for example, you choose the label “geology”, it searches for all the ones that you have labelled as “geology” which is the normal thing, but then there is a search tool and I started searching for things and I say “I’m going to write, for example, “cell”, without using a label, to see what it would search for... © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 99 of 195 Interviewer: Inside a text? M: But it wouldn't find anything, I don't think that's working yet, it gives the impression that the search bar has nothing to do with labels, but maybe wit words or contents or sentences, I don't know I think that maybe for these guys that are sometimes overwhelmed with texts it would serve them well, that is, combined with ones work of comparing, it not... Interviewer: What role do you think the intermediary could have? as a mother, using the tool with texts for E. do you think that E. would be able to work by himself or would you have to be with him? M: I think that in the beginning I would have to be with him, for example, E. has shown more skills than me when it came to understanding how the tool works, when it came to.. well I started to get all confused with images, it would kick me out of the program, Boof!!, however he got it right away, he would insert them, move them... I mean he is more capable of sitting in front of the program without the need to look at a tutorial, but it's true, though, that one has to tell him not to get comfortable, which I would tell him, because the converter, for example, has deleted this whole part and so, he could not rely too much in that sense, but little more. I do think that they could be quite autonomous, at least at his level. Interviewer: What would you improve from the tool? M: Well, mostly that, the converter, that it would allow you to do that. I still don't understand the use of the converter, if it's to remove what's superfluous, however then the summary, that's a different thing, it's like "noooo!". When he logs in with his code it just won't give him that option, it says "converter" and it doesn't show anything, it just summarizes the text in a way that... I don't like that, it let's you underline, etc... the one that works the best is that of the intermediary and it would be ideal if they could also do more things with the tool or just a summary but a really good one. Interviewer: You said that for studying this tool would help them a lot but, what other possibilities do you see for it? for example in their autonomy. We have asked him if it would help him to be more autonomous when reading directions, or to sign up for a course, to be able to understand forms, etc... that is, in different aspects of his autonomy M: Sure! for that it would be really interesting! © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 100 of 195 Interviewer: Precisely, how do you think it would improve his autonomy? M: I really don't know, any website on the Internet that he may access, things that have nothing to do with school, traveling, instructions, courses... because, is it only in Spanish? Interviewer: No, when you sign in you must have seen that there are three flags, Spanish, English and Bulgarian, it's for those three languages. M: Ah! it's true! it could be good for them to simplify, for example, imagine, for example, that our construction has nothing to do with English, that it would... because sometimes you get lost among so much vocabulary and at the end you loose the main message of the text and for that it would be very good. Interviewer: See... that's a use that we hadn't thought about, that can lengthen the school life of our children and thus, their social inclusion. M: As a tool for studying I think it's very important because, for me, for example, this year he had texts sometimes, mostly on History that were horrible, or Filosophy, or Social living... but then that's where synonyms are going to have to be perfected a lot. Then, another thing that happened to us is that the option of the right click on the mouse would not work the same, he grabbed it, I was desperate: "that's it, it's just that I didn't hold it well, it's..." and E... like that! that's where I saw his ease. There is an option that is "saved" and another one "done", that I did not understand well what those options were for. Interviewer: It's thought for them, they only click "done" when they have finished working with the text. Let's see, more things, you've already told me that he is very skilful with the tool itself but... M: Yes, he would get frustrated in the beginning "this doesn't work" we would explain that at this phase it was the time for them to tell all the things that had to be fixed in the tool, what to include, what to modify and that made him feel well, at the beginning he thought that he didn't understand but then he liked it, he would test by himself, he would log in... Interviewer: Regarding his social autonomy, do you see any use to improve his social relationships? interaction with others? © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 101 of 195 M: The thing is that, to improve interaction with others it would have to be a tool that helped them organize their speeches to interact, because sometimes they mess up their speech, there are recurrent with certain ideas. Maybe it would be good to try, if he loads up one of his texts directly, and see what things it highlights, structures that are not correct, see what synonyms there are, etc... that could help him to have more self esteem to engage in positive relationships. But I don't know if that's possible. Interviewer: Could it be useful for parents and teachers? M: Yes, I think so. I think that for teachers it would be... because in fact, we thought all the time that the one for the intermediary was the one for the teacher and the other one for the student, but of course, the one for the student came short, of course, it would be great because the teacher would also know what he didn't understand... and for parents too. Interviewer: Would you like to add anything else? M: No, I think I already said all that I think about the tool and its use. Interviewer: Thank you very much for your help. Spanish transcript MJ Usuario Entrevistado: MJ (Madre usuario y profesora) Entrevistadora: Sandra Duración: 25 minutos. Fecha: 27 de junio 2014 S: ¿qué te ha parecido la experiencia con OpenbooK? M: Pues un poco frustrante porque me ha costado comprender la mecánica o cual era el objetivo, la finalidad que tenía, porque yo pensaba que era una especie de procesador de textos, pero no tanto para manejar los tipos, sino que iba a ayudar con resúmenes y no tener que cortar continuamente cuando estás haciendo un trabajo de resumir algo y cortar con internet para buscar una determinada información, sino que directamente lo hacía, pero no me queda muy claro porque al entrar te hace…, cuando tú introduces © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 102 of 195 un textos y cortas y pegas tiene una opción de convertir el texto, que no acabo yo de entender cuál es la finalidad de convertir texto. Yo pensaba que era un resumen directamente, pero no queda tan claro porque, evidentemente el texto está más resumido pero no se seleccionan las partes más importantes del texto, sin embargo luego te hace un resumen de lo que llaman texto convertido del texto original y el resumen es fantástico en algunos casos pero utiliza el texto original, es que es ahí donde yo no me he acabo de aclarar muy bien. Sí que selecciona lo que ellos consideran importante pero omiten cosas que yo, yo…, en esa parte que llaman ellos “convertir” que no es el resumen. Sin embargo cuando hacen el resumen, es bastante bueno, ¿sabes?, a mí me parece muy acertado, ahora como manejar como hacer el resumen, imposible, nos lo ha hecho arbitrariamente, con ciertos textos, sí que de pronto te salía la opción de “hacer resumen” y con otros textos sin embargo, no. Entrábamos con la clave de intermediario y con la otra clave pero unas veces lo hacía y otras no. S: Claro porque se están haciendo modificaciones todos los días. M: Esa es la sensación que me daba, que cada día había cambios. Luego por ejemplo en el tema de vocabulario, el que para mí se ha quedado un poco corto es el de sinónimos. El de sinónimos no lo veo muy acertado, me ha sorprendido a veces. A veces, por ejemplo cuando había una palabra que depende del campo al que se dedique, si es de la geología por ejemplo que estuvimos viendo o era imagínate de la proporción en el dibujo, el mismo término solo una vez me ha hecho, me ha especificado al buscar un sinónimo, porque yo lo busqué adrede, por ejemplo vamos a buscar sinónimos de palabras más complejas y ahí por ejemplo, fatal pero en palabras más simples, te daba sinónimos que yo decía es que no entiendo muy bien, no me cuadraban para el tipo de texto que era. Pero sin embargo uno de los días que entré me dio opción ¿dentro del campo del arte?, ¿dentro del campo tal?, o sea que esa opción estaba bien. Esa parte estaba bien, ¿sabes?. Luego el tema de definiciones, la parte de biología mejor que otras, con textos de biología, con textos de geología, con textos de historia que son los que más le interesaban a él y algunos de dibujo técnico y por ejemplo los de biología mejor, tenían más información, más detallada, eeeeeee, el tema de las imágenes también, tenía un acceso a imágenes más interesante también. S: Sí es que se ha especializado más en temas de ciencias y salud. M: Ya, pero es una pena porque por ejemplo en los de historia no hace mal los resúmenes, los de historia estaban bien, los resúmenes que hemos de historia estaban bien, pero claro ahí por ejemplo, el tema de los sinónimos o las definiciones se quedaba muy corto porque hay, hay palabras muy específicas de de la historia, de la arte de economía…y ahí sin embargo, yo veía que se quedaba muy corto. Ahora lo que sí que está muy bien, si entras por la parte del intermediario, es la selección que hace la herramienta de palabras ya de entrada las que te pone en rojo, aunque a veces mete relativos, que yo entiendo mucho, yo no sé mucho, no sé si será por un tema del inglés, que el “que” lo subraya muchas veces, no entiendo muy bien porqué. © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 103 of 195 S: Claro porque detecta omisión de sujetos, nexos con un referente, etc. M: Ya, pero luego las otras sí que selecciona bien. Es verdad y además eso sí que es rápido, es que si tú entiendes que son obviedades, rápidamente le das a aceptar y ya está. Yo lo que sí echo de menos, como ya te digo que no entiendo muy bien, es pensar a lo mejor, que si hubiera la posibilidad de que cuando tú metes un textos, que tú previamente, claro es un poco contradictorio, pudieras seleccionar aquellas cosas que tú no quieres que se supriman en lo que llaman “el convertidor”. S: ¿en el resumen?. M: No, es que ya te digo que ese no es el resumen, en lo que llaman “el convertidor”. Si se supone que esto hecho para personas que tiene muchas dificultades para resumir información, pues no tiene mucho sentido que tú ya de entrada hagas todo ese trabajo, por eso te digo que no tiene mucho sentido eso a lo mejor, ¿sabes?, pero por lo menos…, es que yo me acuerdo que en un texto sobre la definición de la cédula, el convertidor, de pronto, o sea, el texto daba diferentes definiciones de la cédula atendiendo a distintas características, con lo cual lo lógico es que hubiera dicho “atendiendo a tal, atendiendo a cual, …es la unidad de …”, eso el convertido, por ejemplo hacía a los mejor la primera pero las otras dos no las tenía en cuenta, pero sin embargo el resumen sí, que eso me sorprendió, porque el resumen no lo hace del texto convertido, sino del texto original. Luego lo de las etiquetas funcionaba bien. Yo tampoco sabía cómo funcionaba lo del texto convertido y el resumen, pero luego sí que en la librería, sí que aparece, cuando un texto te aparece el resumen, te pone a parte lo del resumen. Y luego lo que ha llamado la atención, es que por defecto te deja una forma de, a ver cómo es… S: sí el formato. M: sí, ese formato de justificar en el centro, que me parece horroroso. Que no me gusta nada. Ese no me gustaba. S: ¿qué utilidad le ves a una herramienta como esta?. M: te ahorra tiempo y trabajo, o sea sobre todo en eso. Estos que están todo el tiempo trabajando con internet, que tienes que estar todo el tiempo buscando tal palabra no la entiendo, directamente tiene el buscador metido y está bien. Lo que yo no sé, es por ejemplo, hay otra cosa…En la librería que tienen ellos, las etiquetas yo intenté buscar en el buscador, a ver si luego por ejemplo…no entiendo muy bien, cuál es el buscador de las etiquetas, pone por ejemplo “búsqueda”, empecé a pensar, palabras, porque si por ejemplo tú eliges “etiqueta de geología”, te busca todos los que tú has etiquetado con etiquete de biología, que eso es normal, pero luego hay un buscador y yo empecé a buscar ahí cosas, digo “voy a poner por ejemplo “cédula”, sin poner la etiqueta, a ver si me buscaba…., S: dentro de un texto… M: pero no me encontraba nada, yo creo que eso no está habilitado todavía, da la impresión de que el buscador no tiene que ver con las etiquetas, sino con a lo mejor con palabras o contenidos o frases, no lo © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 104 of 195 sé y a mí me parece que estos que van agobiados a veces con textos les vendría muy bien, ahora siempre con un trabajo tuyo de comparar porque si no claro… S: ¿qué función crees que podría tener el intermediario?, como madre, al usar esta herramienta con los textos para E,¿crees que E podría funcionar solo o tendrías que estar tú con él?. M: Yo creo que al principio, sí que tendría que estar con él, por ejemplo E. ha demostrado más habilidad que yo a la hora de entender cómo funcionaba la herramienta, a la hora de poder…, bueno yo me empecé a hacer un lío con las imágenes, me sacaba del programa, eh ¡puf¡, sin embargo él enseguida lo captó, las ponía las movía…, es decir tiene más facilidad de sentarse frente al programa sin necesidad de ver un tutorial, pero sí que es verdad que a lo mejor hay que decirle “que no se fíe”, es que yo le decía, es que el convertidor por ejemplo, es que ha omitido toda esta parte y digamos, que no se fiara en ese sentido, pero poco más, yo creo que sí podrían ser bastante autónomos, por lo menos a su nivel. S: ¿qué cosas mejorarías de la herramienta?. M: Pues sobre todo eso, el convertidor, que te dejara hacer eso. Es que no entiendo la función del convertido, si es quitar lo superfluo, sin embargo luego el resumen es otra cosa, es que noooo. Cuando él se mete con su código, directamente no le da esa opción, dice “convertidor” y ahí no le señala nada, simplemente lo que hace es que resume el texto de una forma que … no me gusta eso, te deja subrayar, etc…La que mejor funciona es la del intermediario y sería lo ideal que ellos puedan hacer más cosas también con la herramienta o simplemente un resumen muy bueno. S: has dicho que para los estudios esta herramienta les ayudaría mucho pero ¿qué otras posibilidades le ves?, por ejemplo en su autonomía. A él le hemos preguntado si le ayudaría a ser más autónomo a la hora de leer instrucciones para apuntarse a un curso, para poder comprender formularios, etc. es decir para aspectos de su autonomía… M: ¡hombre!, para eso sería interesantísimo. S: En concreto, ¿en qué crees que le facilitaría su autonomía?. M: es que no se, en cualquier página de internet que se puedan meter. Cosas que no tengan que ver con el estudio, viajes, instrucciones, cursos… Porque ¿sólo está en español?. S: no, al entrar has visto que hay tres banderas, español, inglés y búlgaro, es para los tres idiomas. M: ¡ah, es verdad!, les podría venir bien para simplificar por ejemplo, imagínate, por ejemplo, que nuestra construcción no tiene nada que ver con el inglés, que les sacara la…, porque a veces te pierdes con tanto vocabulario y al final se te va el mensaje global del texto y para eso les podría venir muy bien. S: Mira, esa es una utilidad en la que no habíamos pensado, eso puede prolongar la vida escolar de nuestros chicos y por ende, su inclusión social. M: Como herramienta de estudio me parece importantísima. Porque a mí por ejemplo que este año, tenía textos a veces, sobre todo de historia que eran tremendos o de filosofía, de ciudadanía…, pero entonces © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 105 of 195 ahí es donde los sinónimos van a tener que perfeccionarse mucho. Luego otra cosa que nos ha pasado, es que la opción del botón derecho del ratón no funciona igual, lo cogió él, yo desesperada: “hasta aquí, es que no he cogido bien, es que…” y E, ¡plá!, ahí es donde yo le he visto con mucha soltura. Hay una opción que es “salvado” y otra “hecho”, que no entendía muy bien esas dos opciones. S: Está pensado para ellos, para que solo le den a “hecho” cuando han terminado de trabajar con el texto por completo. A ver, más cosas, a él ya me has dicho que es muy hábil en el manejo de la herramienta en sí, pero… M: sí, es que él al principio se frustraba: “es que esto no funciona”. Le explicamos que esta fase es precisamente que ellos digan todas las cosas de la herramienta que hay que arreglar, incluir, modificar y eso le hizo sentirse bien, él al principio creía que no lo entendía y entonces le gustaba, él solo probaba, se metía, … S: Dentro de su autonomía social, ¿le ves alguna utilidad para la mejora de las relaciones sociales, de interacción con otros?. M: Es que para facilitar la interacción con otros, debería ser una herramienta que les ayudara a organizar sus discursos para interaccionar, porque a veces ellos desordenan su discurso, son muy recurrente con algunas ideas. A lo mejor estaría bien probar, si el mete un texto suyo cuando escribe directamente, ver qué cosas le señala, estructuras que no son correctas, ver sinónimos posibles, etc. Eso podría ayudarle a tener más confianza para establecer relaciones positivas. Pero no sé si es posible. S: ¿podría ser útil para padres y profesores?. M: Sí, yo creo que sí. Creo que para profesores sería…, porque de hecho, nosotros todo el tiempo entendíamos que el del intermediario era el de el profesor y el otro el del alumno, pero claro el del alumno se nos quedaba corto, claro, estaría bien porque el profesor se daría también cuenta de que no ha entendido… y para padres también. S: Bueno, M.J, ¿quieres añadir algo más?. M: No, yo creo que ya he dicho todo lo que pienso sobre la herramienta y su utilidad. S: Muchas gracias por tu ayuda. User interviewed: MS (Therapist) INTERVIEWER: You have been testing the tool and we would like to know what has been your experience with it’s evaluation to be able to keep improving it. We would like to know what errors you have detected, what positive things you’ve observed... what things you don’t like... © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 106 of 195 M: Well, let’s see... I think it’s relatively easy to use, quite intuitive for anyone that uses Windows... for example, or the internet... mmmm nevertheless tools themselves, functionalities.. well, many of them, even though it offers them, either they don’t have a real option... for example, synonym, well, then it doesn’t give you a real option that would fit... or if you want a definition for something and it turns out that vocabulary is not included it doesn’t give you a definition either... Certain, certain images maybe are not too clarifying of a specific concept... there may be more specific but they are not global, they are not a generic representation but a very specific detail. There are times that it shows images that are not... and.. ah, yes!... when you want... when they refer to something that has been talked about before and do a kind of description... or different variables... to present it like with bullet points: COLON and then this, this and this... well when... you can write it but when you select “accept” because you are not going to make any more changes and you want it saved... you get the written text... not... INTERVIEWER: It has removed the bullet points? M: Yes, it leaves the bullet points but I doesn’t keep the format, it writes everything together INTERVIEWER: The structure... M: Yes, you loose the structure INTERVIEWER: And in general, do you think that it’s clear what the tool is meant for? What’s it’s goal? Regardless of the fact that some features have to be improved a little bit. Do you think that the tool by itself... that it’s understood what Openbook is for? M: Well... I think so but you have to explain a little bit to the person that is going to use it. INTERVIEWER: And, what explanations do you think that we should give in order to make it a bit more understandable? M: Well I think that... it’s... that it’s something that will help you but that it’s not going to take care of all the problems and that it’s for certain type of... texts... with a certain amount of vocabulary... that not everything that you load in it is going to be modified the same way, that you are not going to achieve very good results depending on the text that you use, at least with the present tool. © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 107 of 195 INTERVIEWER: Why? Can you explain a bit further? M: Because maybe, with the kids that we have been using it, maybe they need to understand texts regarding... text review... written prose... or even poetry texts and such... then... all that kind of texts... you can edit them, I mean, the person using the tool... and change anything you want... however the final user, the one that the tool is intended for , doesn’t know how to make all these changes because they are not included in the tool for this kind of texts... INTERVIEWER: And what could be done in this regard? What solution can you think of that could be implemented to make it work better? M: Well... I don’t know, maybe... a different volume of lexical... metaphors... metaphors but... well, easy literary figures... because, obviously, as it translates o gives you explanations it may be that even the explanations were more complex than the expressions used... something simple... mmmm and, maybe... words in another language... NEOLOGISMOS... or ARCAISMOS.... certain words that may not be... but that may belong to another type of texts which vocabulary is like that... if we focus on the health system and health... or very specific scientific texts, it’s obvious that, no mater how hard you try it’s not going to give it to you because it’s not included, but if... they may not include everything but some “strokes” of something a bit more... so that they may be able to include some Social Science, for example, or Geography... because maybe, going directly to Literature or Poetry must be very complicated... like, how do we discriminate between what we include or nor?... but that they can at least use a Biology text... a piece of news... newspaper kind of language... because they may be reading the press, for example, and not be able to understand certain paragraphs, what they talk about... who is talking... and they can include a bit of something like that... not only something ACADEMICO but a bit of leisure... well, that you may be reviewing written material that you can’t later use the tool to solve the issues that you come across. INTERVIEWER: And... you are... satisfied with the simplification that OpenBook provides? Do you think that the text that the tool outputs is ok, editable... or does it require a lot of work? How good do you think is the output text? M: Well... depending on who is the final user there are times in which the use is simple and fast and you do what you need right away and with others... the more reading comprehension handicap there is, the tougher the simplification task is for that text review... then they will need for sure another person to use © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 108 of 195 it... because in any other case, they will focus on looking for synonyms, pictures, images... and at the end they won’t have anything done. INTERVIEWER: So... then, from you point of view, the role of the intermediary makes sense, right? M: Sure, for now, the way things are, in these specific cases, yes... then afterwards, the part where they have for users, where they can modify style, final format, disregarding content, they can be given total freedom... each one can edit their text as they want to see it but there are certain texts that, due to how difficult they are, the intermediary is needed because they know how to fix certain things, what needs to be changed... INTERVIEWER: Do you think that the tool can in fact improve social inclusion and social participation? Do you think that it can improve access to texts that would then improve social integration? M: I can’t really imagine, I don’t know... INTERVIEWER: Maybe, I don’t know, text regarding health that may help you know a condition... M: Well, in that sense, maybe it can, to simplify information so that you can know an illness better, or for prevention... INTERVIEWER: Or maybe to explain indications when you go to the hospital or autonomy to take your medication independently... M: Well, if it’s existing texts, existing protocols and it has to be those and you need the tool, yes, to be able to simplify what they are telling you in that sense, but... you already have pamphlets and triptychs that, in theory, have the information written in a certain way, then, if they access that information through the internet, quite probably they would need the tool, since for some people they may need to receive that information in a reduced format. © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 109 of 195 INTERVIEWER: And, can you think of any other application for the tool to improve social participation? Any other use to improve social inclusion? M: Well... maybe for the role game instructions or online strategy games. INTERVIEWER: And, why? That’s a good idea, though... M: Because they usually give you very long instructions on what it’s for, what’s the objective of what you have to do. And then each card, each PERSONAJE what’s it’s use, what they are for... and if you can just understand the basics and IMPRESCINDIBLE and then just go at it, you can avoid all that PAJA... it would help you to read through it and just move forward to something that may be fun and you could be interacting with other people. Because then, with most of the people that you work with, you chat online. Then to gain access, to how such thing is played... they are going to give you long texts and they are going to tell you ECHAR EL ROLLO, then they can say: “from here... just tell me half” And what this refers to... and this... and now I can already start and if I later need to see... INTERVIEWER: And, do you know any user that this could be helpful for? Do you have any person with autism that plays role games often? M: Mmmm... no, not me... but I can imagine. I mean that it may be because the children I have are too young still for this kind of games, but focusing on adults... INTERVIEWER: And any other possibility that you can think of? Any other use? I don’t know, maybe to understand better the AS label and read things about it on the internet... understanding better what ASD is... M: Well, it could be, for scientific magazines, the type like “Muy Interesante” (Note: Spanish DIVULGACION scientific magazine) and... “Quo” magazine... maybe, since they have an online version you can get the article and run it through the tool. I think so, to be informed on subjects related to health, science, nature, technology... National Geographic... then, yes, it could be very useful. INTERVIEWER: Then, you think it can be a useful tool? © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 110 of 195 M: Sure, but it has to improve a lot still. INTERVIEWER: And, what would be the lines of improvement that it would have to follow in order to be useful? M: Mmmm... I think that it has to simplify paragraphs, not in the way that they are given, that is, to extract an idea of what it’s about. Get the main ideas, besides including a summary. To put... include... more vocabulary for definitions, synonyms and images... and include some other fields (Note: Subjects)... not just what it has now. Some new fields... to make it easier to use. Because, if you say: “I can only use it for this” then you may stop using it. It it’s something that you can use for almost anything, it would be something that you’d end up using almost daily, even if it’s... today this came up and I use it for this or, tomorrow I have this thing and I use it like this or... this article that I saw or, I’m going to the hospital and I want to know what this is about. INTERVIEWER: What kind of texts have you used it for? What kind of texts have you simplified using Openbook? M: Well, we have used texts related to nature and technology INTERVIEWER: Has it ever happened that you introduced a text and you got a result that you loved, that were really positive? M: Once I modified it? INTERVIEWER: Yes. M: Well... the truth is that, after changing in the text all that I wanted... yes... but I think that... how RENTABLE it is... how long it takes to do... as an intermediary I don’t think that spending as long as you need would be a problem but as a user, if you are going to use it yourself no matter what because you need it on your everyday life maybe it’s a bit hard how long it takes. INTERVIEWER: Would you recommend it? © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 111 of 195 M: Yes INTERVIEWER: To whom? To what kind of person would you tell that they could be interested on it? M: ESO students (Note: Secondary) INTERVIEWER: In general? M: Yes, ESO students in general, and maybe even Bachillerato (Note: High school) INTERVIEWER: Why? In what sense? M: So that they can help themselves to work on texts that they have to study INTERVIEWER: But people with no disabilities? M: Yes, people with no disabilities. Yes because they can read paragraph by paragraph, extract ideas... and even look for synonyms or definitions for things that they may not understand... and that, I think that working with a text like that, in that situation, it does that, at the time when you have to study it, you have a great part of the work done. INTERVIEWER: That’s a suggestion... What do you think about the possibility of being able to drag a text in or a URL or loading up a file? M: Perfect, I have no objection to that. INTERVIEWER: Do you think that the interface is clear? Do you like the interface? The way the page is presented? M: Yes. INTERVIEWER: Do you miss something when you are using it? © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 112 of 195 M: No... well, I have used NOTIFICATIONS and all that but... I never got an answer back... that maybe, I don’t know what the use may be later... INTERVIEWER: They were received? M: Yes, yes, they were received because you have access and you see them. But they don’t answer them. Or the notes that you include in a certain part of the text... INTERVIEWER: M, tell us how you did when signing up. Was it easy, hard? M: Very easy. It’s much easier than, for example, signing up for a new email account. All the information is simple and it’s easy to do. An then, later, to log in, as well: an email account and a... a password. Very easy, very simple. INTERVIEWER: Did you miss having more instructions on the page to guide you or not? M: Mmmm... I don’t think so. INTERVIEWER: You didn’t need them? Not even to personalize your interface or the output document? M: No, I didn’t need them, I did it intuitively, I don’t think it’s hard to do. Anyone that has signed up on any website for anything... it’s the kind of information they ask and it that manner. I think it’s easy, it’s not complicated and they don’t ask for weird things. It’s very basic, easy, simple to do. For me it is, but you have to be a usual user. It you usually move on the internet, it’s easy. INTERVIEWER: And, any line of improvement? Anything important that you’d like to point out that... M: Well, I don’t know... I think that I have said everything... if I can think of any other thing I will tell you later... right now I think that I have mentioned everything. INTERVIEWER: Thank you very much, M © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 113 of 195 M: You are welcome, my pleasure. Spanish transcript: MS (Therapist) MS (Therapist) Tú has estado probando la herramienta y nos gustaría conocer cuál ha sido tu experiencia con la evaluación para poder seguir mejorando la herramienta. Nos gustaría saber qué defectos has visto, qué cosas buenas has observado,.. qué cosas no te gustan… M: Bueno, a ver… me parece que es relativamente fácil de usar, bastante intuitivo para cualquier persona que maneje Windows.. por ejemplo, o Internet…mmmmm sin embargo lo que son las herramientas en sí, las funciones… pues muchas de ellas aunque te las ofrece, o luego no tienen una salida real… por ejemplo, sinónimo, pues luego no te da una opción que realmente encaja… o si quieres una definición de algo y luego ese vocabulario no está metido pues tampoco te ofrece la definición… Ciertas, ciertas imágenes a lo mejor no son muy aclarativas de un concepto concreto… Pueden ser más específicas, pero no son como globales… no son una presentación genérica sino algún detalle muy concreto. Hay veces en que aparecen imágenes que no son… y… a sí, cuando quieres… cuando se refieren a algo de lo que han estado hablando antes y hacen una especie de descripción… o diferentes variables… para ponerlo como con guiones: dos puntos y luego esto, esto y esto… pues cuando … tú lo puedes escribir pero cuando le das a que te lo acepte porque ya no vas a realizar más cambios y que te lo guarde… aparece el texto escrito… No… ¿No te ha puesto los guiones? M: Sí te pone los guiones, pero no te mantiene el formato, te lo pone todo seguido… A la estructura… M: Sí, pierde la estructura… Y, en general, ¿Tú crees que se entiende para qué es la herramienta? ¿Qué finalidad tiene? Con independencia de que algunas herramientas a lo mejor se tienen que ir mejorando un poco, ¿Crees que la herramienta como tal… que Openbook se entiende la finalidad que tiene? © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 114 of 195 M: Bueno… Yo creo que sí, pero hay que explicarle un poco a la persona que lo vaya a utilizar… Y… ¿Qué explicaciones crees que habría que dar para que se entendiera un poquito mejor…? M: Pues yo pienso que… es … que es algo que te sirve de ayuda pero que no te va a solventar todas las dificultades y que es para determinados tipos de …. Textos… con cierto volumen de vocabulario… que no todo lo que metas te lo va a modificar de la misma manera, que no vas a obtener unos buenos resultados en función del texto que introduzcas; por lo menos en la herramienta actual Por qué? Lo puedes explicar un poco más a fondo? M: Porque a lo mejor, con los chicos con los que lo hemos estado utilizando a lo mejor necesitan comprender textos de… para hacer comentarios de textos… Prosa escrita… o a lo mejor algún escrito de hasta más de poesía y cosas así…. Entonces… todo ese estilo de textos….lo puedes corregir tú. Es decir, la persona que está utilizando la herramienta… y cambiar todo lo que quieras… sin embargo el usuario final, para el que está destinada la herramienta, no sabe cómo hacer todas esas modificaciones, porque no están incluidas para ese tipo de textos… Y qué podría hacer en ese caso? Qué solución se te ocurre que podrían darle para que funcionara mejor? M: Pues… No sé, quizás… volumen de léxico diferente… Metáforas… Metáforas pero…bueno, figuras literarias fáciles…porque evidentemente, tal cual te lo traduce o te da las explicaciones, puede que incluso la explicación fuera más compleja que la expresión que se utiliza… Algo sencillo…. Mmm y, posiblemente,… palabras de otros idiomas… neologismos… o arcaicismos… ciertas palabras que a lo mejor no están… pero porque pertenecen a otro tipo de textos cuyo vocabulario es ese… Si nos centramos en la sanidad o en la salud… o en textos muy concretos científicos, es evidente que por mucho que lo intente no te lo va a dar porque no lo tienen incluido, pero si… podrían no meterlo todo pero algunas pinceladas de algo un poquito más… Pues que puedan meter algo de Ciencias Sociales, por ejemplo… o de Geografía… Porque a lo mejor ya pasarnos a la literatura o a la poesía debe ser muy complejo… como para cómo discriminamos qué incluimos y qué no… pero pues que puedan meter algún texto de biología… de… una noticia… un lenguaje periodístico… porque pueden estar viendo prensa, por ejemplo, y no comprender ciertos párrafos, a qué se están refiriendo… de quién hablan… y pueden incluir © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 115 of 195 un poquito algo así…no ya un poquito académico sino un poquito del ocio…. Pues que puedas estar consultando material por escrito y q2ue luego no te sirve la herramienta para solventar las dificultades que te encuentras… Y… Tú estás… satisfecha con la simplificación que saca Open book? Te parece que el texto que saca la herramienta está bien, es editable… o requiere mucho trabajo…? Que tal resultado te aparece que da la herramienta? M: Hombre… en función de cuál es el usuario final hay ocasiones en las que el uso es fácil y rápido y enseguida tienes hecho lo que necesitas y con otros… Cuanto mayor dificultad haya de comprensión del lenguaje más ardua es la tarea de modificar ese texto… entonces seguro que necesitan ayuda de otra persona para utilizarla… porque si no se van a centrar en buscar sinónimos, fotos, imágenes… y no van a terminar arreglando nada. Y… entonces, para ti, tiene sentido la figura del intermediario, verdad? M: Claro, de momento, tal cual está, en casos concretos, sí… que luego, la parte que tienen de usuario en la que ellos pueden modificar lo que es más el estilo, el formato final , quitando el contenido, ahí se les puede dejar libertad absoluta… cada uno que edite su texto como quiera verlo pero a la hora de ciertos textos sí es necesario el intermediario por las dificultades que conlleva el que ellos no saben como arreglar ciertas historias, qué es lo que necesitan cambiar… Te parece que realmente la herramienta podría mejorar la inclusión y la participación social? Te parece que puede mejorar el acceso a textos que luego mejoren la integración social? M: Es que no me lo imagino, no lo sé…. A lo mejor, no sé , textos sanitarios que hagan que puedas conocer mejor el trastorno o… M: Bueno, en ese sentido a lo mejor sí, para simplificar información para que puedas conocer enfermedades, o de prevención… © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 116 of 195 O por ejemplo, explicar indicaciones para cuando llevas al hospital, o autonomía para tomar la medicación de manera independiente… M:Bueno, si son textos que ya están y que existen protocolos y que tienen que ser esos y necesitan la herramienta sí, para poder simplificar qué te están diciendo en eso, pero… ya existen los panfletos o los trípticos que en teoría contienen la información ya escrita de esa determinada manera, entonces, si entran a esa información a través de internet muy probablemente sí necesiten la herramienta ya que en persona es probable que sí la puedan recibir en papel en formato reducido. Y se te ocurre alguna otra aplicación para que la herramienta mejore la participación social? Alguna otra aplicación para mejorar la inclusión social? M: Pues… quizás para las instrucciones de juegos de rol o de juegos de estrategias online. Y por qué? Eso es una buena idea, la verdad… M: pues porque generalmente te dan unas explicaciones muy largas de para qué sirve o cuál es el objetivo de lo que tienes que hacer. Y luego pues cada carta cada personaje qué funciones tiene o para qué valen.. Y con que tú te enteres de lo básico e imprescindible y luego te pongas a ello y te evites toda esa paja… te va a ayudar a leerlo y poder salir adelante con algo que a lo mejor que podría ser divertido y poder estar interactuando con personas. Porque luego, con casi todos los que se juega se chatea. Entonces para el acceso de cómo se juega a esto… que te van a dar textos largos y te echan el rollo, que puedan decir: de aquí, pum, dime la mitad. Y esto a qué se refiere… y esto… Y ahora ya empiezo y si tengo alguna necesidad de ir viendo… Y conoces algún usuario que eso le podría beneficiar? Tienes alguna persona con autismo que juegue mucho al rol? M: MMMM, No, yo no…. Pero yo me lo he imaginado. Quiero decir que a lo mejor porque los niños con los que he estado son demasiado pequeños todavía para ese tipo de jujeos, pero ya enfocado para adultos… Y, alguna otra posibilidad que se te ocurra? Algún otro uso? No sé, a lo mejor para entender mejor la propia etiqueta de SA leer cosas que hay en Internet… entender mejor lo que es un TEA… © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 117 of 195 M: Bueno, podría ser, para revistas científicas tipo el muy Interesante y… la revista Quo… quizás como tienen la versión Online puedes coger el artículo y pasarlo a la herramienta. Yo creo que sí, que para informarse de temas relacionados con la salud, ciencia, naturaleza, tecnología.. El National Geographic… pues sí que les puede valer también. Entonces tú piensas que podría ser una herramienta útil? M: Sí, pero tiene que mejorar todavía bastante. Y cuáles serían las líneas de mejora que tendría que cubrir para que fuera útil? M: Mmmm…. Yo pienso que tiene que simplificar párrafos, no de la manera en que los proporciona: es decir, coger una idea de qué es lo que dice. Sacar ideas principales, a parte de incluir un resumen. Meter…incluir más vocabulario para definición para sinónimos y para imágenes… Y que se incluya algún campo más… No sólo el que incluye ahora. Algún poquito más de un campo más… Que sea más fácil el uso. Porque si dices: es que sólo lo puedo utilizar con esto, entonces a lo mejor dejas de usarlo. Si es algo que pueda valerte para casi todo, es algo que vas a estar utilizando casi a diario, aunque sea una cosa … Pues hoy me ha surgido esto y lo utilizo para esto, o mañana tengo esta historia y lo utilizo así o… este artículo que ha visto. O voy a ir al hospital y quiero enterarme de qué va esto Con qué tipo de textos lo ha sutilizado tú? Qué tipo de texto has simplificado con Openbook? M: Pues hemos utilizado textos relacionados con la naturaleza y la tecnología. Te ha pasado alguna vez que metieses un texto y obtuvieses un resultado que te encantara que fuera muy positivo? M: Una vez que lo modifiqué? Sí. M: Hombre… la verdad es que haciéndolo todo lo que yo he querido, pues sí… pero creo que…hasta qué punto sale rentable… cuánto tiempo te lleva hacerlo….como intermediario no creo que haya problema en © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 118 of 195 que te estés el tiempo que te tengas que estar pero como usuario que vas a utilizar la herramienta tú sí o sí porque te hace falta en el día a día pues a lo mejor sí es algo pesado lo que tardas… Se la recomendarías a alguien? M: Sí A quién? A qué perfil de persona le dirías que le puede interesar? M: A estudiantes de la ESO En general? M: Sí, a estudiantes de la ESO en general, y de bachillerato quizás también. Por qué? En qué sentido? M: Pues para que se ayuden ellos a trabajar sobre los textos que tienen que estudiar Pero gente sin discapacidad? M: Sí, gente sin discapacidad, sí porque puedes ir leyendo párrafo por párrafo, ir sacando tus ideas… e ir buscando sinónimos, o definiciones de cosas que a lo mejor no entiendes… y eso yo creo que el trabajo con el texto así, en esta situación, hace que a la hora de tenerlo que estudiar, ya tienes mucho trabajo hecho. Es una sugerencia.. Qué te parece que el texto se pueda pegar o arrastrar una URL o subir un fichero? M: perfecto, ahí no tengo nada que objetar. Te parece que la interfaz es clara? Te gusta la interfaz? La presentación de la página? M: Sí © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 119 of 195 Echas en falta algo mientras la estás utilizando? M: NO.. Bueno, yo he utilizado las notificaciones y todo eso pero… luego no me las han respondido… que a lo mejor no sé luego que utilidad… SI han llegado? M: Sí, si, sí han llegado porque tienes acceso y lo ves. Pero no te las contestan. O las notas que se añaden a un punto concreto del texto… María, cuéntanos qué tal te fue con el registro, te resultó fácil, difícil? M: Muy fácil. Es mucho más fácil quizás que abrirse una cuenta de correo. Viene una información muy sencilla y es muy fácil hacerlo. Y luego ya para ingresar también: una clave con tu correo y una.. y la contraseña, vamos. Muy facilito, muy sencillo. Echaste de menos tener más instrucciones en la página que te fueran dirigiendo o no? M: Mmmm yo creo que no. No te hicieron falta? Tampoco para diseñar la interfaz o el documento final? M: No, no me hizo falta, intuitivamente lo hice, creo que no debe de ser muy difícil de hacer. Cualquiera que se haya dado de alta en cualquier web para cualquier cosa... es el tipo de información que te piden y de esa manera. Creo que es fácil, que no es complejo y que no te piden cosas raras. Es muy, muy básico, muy sencillo, simple de hacer. Para mí sí, pero tienes que ser un usuario habitual. Si te manejas en Internet habitualmente es muy fácil. Y alguna línea de mejora? Algo importante que quisieras señalar que… M: Pues no sé… Yo creo que ya lo he dicho todo… Si se me ocurre alguna cosa más adelante… Ahora mismo yo creo que lo he comentado todo. Muchas gracias, María © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 120 of 195 M: De nada, un placer… User interviewed: RM (User) Interviewer: Then, the idea is that you have been evaluating the tool and you have been reviewing the different changes. We see that you have been very active with it and we are very interested in knowing your point of view to help us advance on the next steps of the development. As you know this interview is being recorded so that we can transcribe it later and extract the most important ideas from your evaluation to be able to evolve the tool further. Then, in general lines, what has your experience been with the use of the tool? R: In general? As a whole? Well, in general I would say that “so so” because sometimes it works … and other times it doesn’t… it drops very often… there are times when I couldn’t even access… like… the other day I mentioned that there are 3 ways to load up a text: paste the text, write a URL or address and the third one which is to load a Word file, which I had to find out, let’s say the hard way… and Word has to be 97 to 2003… and if it’s one of the later versions, it doesn’t work… and well, the other thing doesn’t work. Interviewer: And that wasn’t indicated anywhere? R: That’s right. Interviewer: You think that it’s clear what the tool is meant for, right? R: Well… I think it is, the problem is that there are a lot of changes and I think that more information should be provided to the people… because I think that it’s important that the user of the tool has the most amount of information possible in a precise way that is understandable… then I think that… so that they have to connect. Because maybe, if you write something very complicated or extensive they don’t get to understand… Interviewer: Explain that a little better… you mean if you write user instructions? © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 121 of 195 R: Yes, about the use… of the tool. Another thing I also mentioned is that having two accounts, one as evaluator and another one to make texts… ideally you should have only one… I am… myself I have an account for evaluation and another one to insert texts… and there are also other silly things, very silly, like for example for the matter of the question mark … to open a question mark, which I think is very important… the Spanish language has a question mark that I think is fundamental, and it deletes it… Interviewer: Well, that was one of your appreciations that we passed on to the technical team and at one point the issue was solved, we ourselves saw it solved, but it may be that it may have dropped… your observations were very much taken in consideration in general but it may be that the system may have dropped again… it is for this reason that..t your help was so valuable for us. So, since the time that you first received the task you signed up in the system to follow up the whole process… R: Thanks to the instructions that you guys sent me… though I must admit that I was getting an error… and then another one… it was quite cumbersome… I don’t know if that day it wasn’t well… and that considering that I’m a very patient person… and that I’m quite skilful with computers and the truth is that it was quite exasperating signing up into the OpenBook tool, I don’t know how many times I tried… I’d say that I tried 6 or 7 times and then I tried a different way, I changed my email address… and that’s how it ended up working. Interviewer: And… would you blame that on the fact that it wasn’t working well or that the instructions were not clear? R: No, instructions were clear… it was working badly. The instructions were perfectly written. Interviewer: Then, mmmm… what have you been using it for during the evaluation? R: To test what bugs there were, to see how it would write articles, if it made any changes… besides that all I noticed in that sense was the issue with question marks, introducing question marks… and then the reduction of texts. A text and an article was reduced to 3 paragraphs… I don’ t know why, it’s something that I see was decided at that time… but later on it would not do it… and I would test it… maybe if I select a word… another thing that cannot be done, by the way, is edition of a text., if there is a word written wrong you can’t edit it with the regular account, you have to do it from the evaluation account (Note: He refers to the user’s interface as regular account and the carer’s interface as evaluation account)… and then I’ve noticed that out of the three ways to load a text, the URL can’t be used, it has © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 122 of 195 never worked and… the other, loading a file, the thing with Word I just tried and that’s what I did… and then the matter that there are so many errors with texts, which I don’t understand why… in that sense, I’ve been trying to see what would be the outcome… sometimes it had to do with them (developers)… it’s not normal for it to work one day and not work the next… I did it through trial and error. Interviewer: It is true that at the same time that you were testing, we have been evolving and you have run into problems not that didn’t have to do with the functionality of the tool. --------------------TECHNICAL PAUSE----------------------- Interviewer: Therefore, the texts that you have been using were really texts that you would just grab like… R: Mmmm…. Newspaper articles Interviewer: Something that would interest you for some reason? R: Mmmm… Interviewer: I mean, did you expect the tool to help you in some way simplifying texts that you had some kind of trouble with or were you just evaluating the tool itself? R: Mmm… just evaluating the tool. To see if it would reduce it in size… if it would change words… there’s another thing that I don’t like too much, it’s for example, there is a tool to change words and such but it makes them worse because it makes them more complicated still. And since, obviously it’s very complicated… for example, to conjugate a verb and such, since you can’t change the verbal tense… because it doesn’t allow you to change the text, then you are stuck there… maybe, instead of “to go back” it says “to return”, and it sounds strange, or things like that. So I play around with these things. Interviewer: Can you think of any way or time in which you entered a text and you got back a very positive result from the system for some reason, or that you liked it because everything was working fine, or that the result appeared to you as more attractive, simple or that you liked the best? © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 123 of 195 R: Well mmm.... I think that the only time that it got to inspire me like that, something better it was with the matter of text reduction (summarization), that I think for me was the most important because, obviously, to reduce a 10 paragraph text into 4 could maybe help to understand the text better, because maybe it would summarized and I think that is the most important, to reduce the text in size so that you can simplify it. And, above all, I think that an important thing they should include is images. Which, well, depending on the terms they select one or another image.. and well, that I think is important. Interviewer: That functionality, searching an image, have you tried it? R: Well, mmm, it tried few times, in fact I sent a curiosity to Ana, for example, with the term PP (the Spanish Popular Party) you can see their the PP logo and a gun, then that was funny and I thought “what?” and it was because the model of the gun was the PP model, well it was surreal, and then, well since I can’t load images myself, I don’t think I can... well, I couldn’t... you simply select the term Interviewer: So, we have been talking about different features, let’s see, what functionalities have you identified? What things have you seen that the tool can do while you were testing it? R: Well, like that,... for example, the one about the image, which is that you just simply select a term and it shows the image. The problem is that it’s a little confusing because it shows several images o then, all of a sudden, it wouldn’t show any... then well, the tools itself... right now, right now... well, the one about loading texts I think it’s a tool because maybe you don’t have the time to load a complete text and you say “a URL” but, of course, if the tool doesn’t work, then there’s very little you can do. Interviewer: Then, basically it’s the dictionary. Though you say that it’s confusing at times. R: Yes, confusing, because maybe, to change a verb or conjugate it, since you can’t change it... it gives you several options but you can’t write any and it just gives you a list of 3 or 4 words, depending on the term and you can’t do anything, you can’t conjugate it, you can’t modify it... there is nothing you can do, then it’s a close tool in that sense. Interviewer: And... there is something interesting that you were talking about before and it’s that you sometimes would work on the text through your profile as an editor and others as a, let’s say, evaluator or final user. © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 124 of 195 R: The truth is that it’s been a while since I’ve used the evaluator one, I just simply use the normal user one more, I think it’s the normal user... I don’t know if... Interviewer: Explain which one it is... R: The normal user is simply the one that I already told you, the one with the options that I told you to ad texts, the dictionary is there but is simply doesn’t let you modify it. If I, for example, there may be times that... it’s true now that I think about it, that when I added a text there may have been a list of things... I don’t know, there may have been a list of cars... there was an article that I added... an article about video games and that list of cars disappeared. And I don’t know... why do you delete my list of cars if it’s what’s really important??. The list of cars is this one, this one and this one... Interviewer: Did it summarize the text? R: No, it didn’t summarize the text, it just deleted it all together Interviewer: Because it was in a different format that... R: That’s because it was in a list format. A list of... but in any case, I think that was an error. It should have summarized the text and such... but not removed the list. Because you don’t know what cars there are in it. Car this and that, model, this one and this other one and then... it would just delete them. Maybe there is an option... I don’t know what the name is... it adds a little dot, like a notation or something like that... Interviewer: Yes, adding a note. R: Yes, a notation or something like that which I was saying... that’s the way I would do it , but it wasn’t very convincing because it’s just like a little red dot if I remember correctly... and it would just leave it there... and I would do that but it never got to convince me... Interviewer: Look, the function note... that functionality is called Note (showing on the computer screen) © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 125 of 195 R: Yes, annotation Interviewer: The idea is that you can add a note in any part of the text that when you click on it, it opens up in the bottom of the screen and explains it to you. R: Yes, of course, of course... Interviewer: If you don’t like it, how do you think it could have been done better? R: Mmm... well I think... here I think it should be... maybe it’s just, I don’t know, of the top of my head, I don’t know how I would improve it... it’s true that it should be more intuitive and say “this is an annotation” because the red dot you may not now what it is... Interviewer: An icon that looks like a note? A post-it note? R: Yes, yes, that could be. I think that would be more intuitive. Well, it would show more... you just can’t tell what it is... a note is like a type of post-it, the typical thumb tack with a piece of paper, that would be most appropriate. Interviewer: Of course R: Besides that I think that sometimes most of the text can’t be see, I believe that... of course, the design of the website is limited to a certain amount of pixels and obviously if you maybe click at a certain time you can’t see it and you say “What’s this?” Interviewer: Because it’s bellow the edge of the screen... R: Yes, right, it’s bellow the screen and you loose it... Interviewer: And then there were tools that were for aesthetic edition, so to speak, that let you change the colour font, the background colour... R: Yes... © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 126 of 195 Interviewer: Have you played around with those type of features? R: Yes, I’ve played around... I haven’t played around with it that much but yes. I have the background y dark brown and the font white, which I think it’s how it’s mover visible. Interviewer: So you found the way that looked better for you, you selected it and left it like that. R: Yes, I think that’s easier. For me at least. Interviewer: Then there are other tools, like for underlining... R: Yes, to change it to bold... Interviewer: That kind of editing... R: I think it’s a little rough... but I understand that it must be something a bit hard to implement. Interviewer: Rough? R: Yes, because it says “select a word” and I say to myself... “I’ve already selected it” Interviewer: Ok... R: Yes because sometimes it would get stuck and then you say... “but I did select it!”... and then... you may have to select it again and... again... and then you say “man, I’m getting a little bit desperate!”... and that’s just to select a word, I can’t imagine what it would be like to select a whole sentence, which I have also done: underline a sentence... or the title, highlight it and... then, like I tell you, it’s a bit rough, because it doesn’t disappear... it’s not like Word, that you select a text and you maybe say “change it to bold or Italic” as many times as you want. But I don’t know how to say it, maybe you hit Bold and... Paff!, you have to select it again. I don’t know if I’m making myself clear... I think that’s an error... if that could be improved... Interviewer: What we see is that you... the part that you have enjoyed the most is technical problems... © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 127 of 195 R: Yes Interviewer: Let’s imagine a tool that worked ideally, a tool that works perfectly and which doesn’t have all those technical problems, what would you think about this tool in those conditions, if it worked perfectly... R: I... I think that it would still have things that would need to be improved because maybe it would also... have to be a bit more intuitive, it would still need improvement in some things, it would have to work well. It needs to be more intuitive, more graphical. More... Interviewer: Explain that a bit better. R: More graphical, well... it’s what I explained before, make it more like with icons, more intuitive for the user. To say “Bold”, ok this icon... this means that, this means that, to be more intuitive, more graphical. At least explain what each thing is. There may be a person that would think this is... maybe they don’t think that’s a note, they think it’s something else. Yes, icons for me are basic, Icons are fundamental, they should explain in a simple and practical way in one line maybe or such like help, simply or like Word does, you simply click on Bold, and it’s bold, underline, underline, such, such... this is such, such... but do it with icons, make it intuitive, I mean, so that you can see. And even so that you can select the type of ... well, this can be done with the tool, but that you may be able to, for example, make the interface itself larger or smaller or... depending on the user, because there may be users that have difficulty reading and maybe they prefer a larger or smaller... the interface, not the text but the interface in general. I think that’s important. Interviewer: Well, then, what we would be interested in knowing is how... since you have been evaluating the last changes that were developed, we need to think what use would the ideal tool in your day to day life. Then, for example, this is a tool that... in what aspects of your life would it be useful when working perfectly. R: Mmmm... That’s a very good question... well... Interviewer: If it worked perfectly, how would you integrate it in your life? © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 128 of 195 R: Well... How would I integrate it in my life? In my case... But would this be as a user to contribute or let’s say as... Interviewer: As a final user. R: Final user, that is simply... Interviewer: A tool that can help you in something... in some aspect of your life. At work, at home... with you family... You were saying before that you would help your family with software issues... R: Well... in that sense I understand that this would be useful for people that... that don’t have a fluent vocabulary... and that type of ideas. Me, EN PRINCIPIO I wouldn’t... in my case I wouldn’t use it much as a final user. I would be more like an evaluator, so to speak. In my case I must admit that I wouldn’t use it because I don’t have that kind of reading problems... I understand that this tool is for a user that has little knowledge regarding, let’s say, reading or maybe vocabulary and such and that it would be fit for him. It has to be more intuitive, much more simple, then I understand that it would be useful for that kind of people. For some kind of reading disability or mental. And that it would help him in his day to day because maybe there are many articles and maybe there is like a short list of articles that he can read or interest him... but I don’t know how that would be organized... Interviewer: In your particular case, you don’t see that it could help you?... R: In my case, in my case... in my case I don’t see... Interviewer: Well, maybe summaries would be good... imagine, instead of reading a whole bunch of texts... R: Well, that’s also good, but maybe I’m more the type that checks information. I’m... I like to double check, I don’t like to read it only in one place because maybe... they tell you whatever but then... of course, it’s a matter of... it’s true though that you need time and such but, of course... maybe you read a newspaper and you only read one, and then, of course, if you want to check it... then you go to one, and another one... that’s what I do. Maybe they say one thing, then another... or... it also depends.] © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 129 of 195 Interviewer: To make it into a tool that you would be interested in using in your day to day, How would this tool have to evolve in order to be useful for you? R: Useful for me? The thing is... Interviewer: We understand that you are looking at it thinking as if it was a tool that can help people with problems but, let’s say that it could also solve something like making summaries or... it explains complex terminology... How do you see that we could get the most out of this tool? R: Well, thinking about it that way, maybe in a matter of percentages and complicated statistical things like that. I think that in that sense it could be an ally because maybe, for example, one of the texts that you gave me to read, I think it was the one about wind energy or something like that, I read it and I was like “wow, what is this?”... it was a mess... it was a nonsense... sure... to read that... what the hell am I reading?... I couldn’t understand a thing... I mean, I don’t even remember the percentages. I wanted to read it again but I said to myself “No, no, I refuse to read this again” I couldn’t, it was horrible, not to say something worse, it was a cumbersome text like no other, not even in my worst Santillana books (Note: School books), it was horrible. I mean... it was like “what is this?, what am I reading? What is this?”... So, in that kind of things... if it make an effective summary... the thing is that I find that task very complicated to implement. It’s very complex the matter of percentages... to calculate, how to simplify... I see it may be very complicated. Interviewer: What type of reading do you usually like in general? On your free time... or to study R: I don’t really have a specific thing... now, lately, I don’t read much but I do spend time reading. In fact I have an Ebook that I put to use quite a bit... more ore less, lately not much, but I do read often. Interviewer: What are your interests? R: Well... in fact it’s... political... well, not deep politics... let’s say that... the subject when they comment about political parties, the subject about how the structure of a country works... it’s not that I’m deeply interested but it’s... to know a little better how it works... yes... maybe how Autonomous Communities work (Note: territorial division of Spain) or how such thing works... understanding specific things... how could I say it... it’s a bit complicated to explain it. © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 130 of 195 Interviewer: Understanding the socio political structure of the country, to know who is who, what each one does... R: Yes... yes and no, it’s not so deep in that sense, because obviously, if you maybe... get WOUND up in that kind of things, well, you get to the point where you say “this is very boring”, then it has to be something more motivating so you can say “this works like this because this other goes like this” and so on... in a quick way, that can be understood. Then, besides that maybe I have a FLING and read science fiction. Not much but maybe... or fore example something of George Orwell or,, it depends, it all depends... it’s not that I focus just on one type of... the truth is that I don’t know clearly. Interviewer: What are your hobbies? R: Well, for example, I like walking, I like computers, music, films... reading I like too... the swimming pool, swimming... I like cooking too... Interviewer: And social networking? R: Yes, that too... Interviewer: And are you good at it? Is it an environment that you like? R: Yes, we could say... Interviewer: You recorded a documentary that... R: Ha, ha, ha, ha! You are like stunt!... Interviewer: I’m asking these questions to find out if among your interests we could, somehow adapt the tool and to know how we could make it evolve to be useful for you in your everyday life. Because, the way you have been telling us, you have been evaluating it to help us but not really focused on your own interests, were you interested in the texts that you were working on? R: Yes, yes, they were interesting... they are texts that I choose mostly for the... I’m not going to select just any piece of news and that’s it... I don’t do it like that, maybe I just select one on computers, another © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 131 of 195 one on politics... or whatever... and things like that, things that catch my attention, I read it, I read the text and then I say “it’s something that can be read, understood”... I don’t just grab any text by chance, not that... Interviewer: Ok, that’s good... and what did you expect the tool to do? R: The tool? I expected that I would just reduce the size of the text... I saw that happen once... and then that it would maybe... I thought that maybe it would change some words... but that seems like one is going to have to do that by himself as tester of the tool. And I thought that maybe one could include a bit more images... because maybe an article that you grab somewhere, maybe you don’t grab images or it doesn’t have... and maybe if you ad an image it would look nicer. That would be useful. Maybe a preview shot with the title and an image would be a great improvement because maybe you see it like that and it’s more appealing than just reading text and it would be more intuitive. Interviewer: Then, what you are saying... an interesting adaptation of the text would be to reduce the size while maintaining the meaning, adding a title with an illustrative image of the text. R: Yes, that would be perfect. It would have to make sense with the text in the piece of news... if you ad an image that has nothing to do with the text it doesn’t make any sense. Interviewer: Then you think that would be a good automatic outcome? R: Mmmm... the problem is that that is very complicated... the summary... ok but the image I find more complicated, it’s too many algorithms... Interviewer: What would you think about a tool like that specialized in adapting texts that had to do with health? That could help you maybe with issues with medication or doctor’s appointments or... R: Yes, that would be really good, honestly. Because since they write everything so complex and so ROLLO and so like that, then that would be very good, something reduced... direct... because many times public services put everything so complicated that is... it makes you want to cry! © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 132 of 195 Interviewer: Do you think that if we developed the tool in that sense that would be something that would make your life easier somehow? Do you have any type of... do you see a wall there that could be knocked down? R: If we consider it like that, seriously, now that I think about it, with the fact that we were lately doing my father’s income taxes, my dad and I, and I then maybe in that sense it could in fact be good, because there are certain things that are a mess and there are times when they put words that you don’t understand, like adjacent, I don’t know what... and “ok, what does this mean?”... and the help from the Tax Agency, which doesn’t help you at all, because... ok, it’s totally useless, you search for something and you get: “There are no results”, well, ok, what a help!... So, that type of things would maybe help me, mostly in issues about Government Services would be something good. The thing about health was very well brought. And about income taxes, I think it’s good, things about Government Services... and maybe to write a complaint... yes, because sometimes they make everything too cumbersome, it’s seems it’s so that it’s hard for you... I think they do it all a bit on purpose. Well, that’s what I think. Maybe I’m a bit “evilminded. Interviewer: Good, them maybe that would be something interesting. R: Yes, in that sense it could be interesting for Government Services... help explain certain things... certain symptoms... what I don’t know is if there is a website specialized in this, that can help you... I don’t know that much, I don’t know, I don’t know... Interviewer: We say it because these are thoughts that we’ve had ourselves many times. What are the areas that are the most hard to access to in language and how could we help people to adapt or simplify them somehow. And that you say is very useful... and for education type of issues? You are not studying anymore, are you? You are working... R: No, I’m not working, I’m taking a course, in fact... Interviewer:: On what? R: It’s a professional certificate course that’s called computing for micro systems. Interviewer:: What is it, programing? © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 133 of 195 R: No, it’s not about programming, it’s... general maintenance in issues about computer software. And, well, besides that we are now taking Word and I don’t know what else... it’s quite a drag in that sense... but, anyway, we’ve also had a segment on networks, which was really interesting, it was about, how to say... with a local network, taking care of the local network... how it works, connecting wires... you would make a crossed type wire, another one type whatever... that was very interesting. And then installation of servers... well, installing servers is not like installing any machine... no, a server is like a computer, it’s installing Windows r 2003, it’s a bit boring in fact but it’s useful nowadays because it’s... in small companies, I don’t think in middle size ones or big companies, it can be very useful... Interviewer: And, how long is the course? R: From February to July 17th Interviewer: And how did you do? R: So far, very well. Interviewer: How did you do with the texts and documentation they gave you? R: So far, well... in fact, the teacher gives us documentation... the book is maybe the most complicated in some aspects but the teacher gives us documentation that he gathers from the internet... He has also give us papers, he has given us folders... in that sense he has given us a few possibilities... Interviewer: Do you see in that field a place for the application? R: Yes, it could also be a base point for computer learning, because there are many terms that, if you are not in it then you say “what is this? This... what does it mean?” Interviewer: An the course’s material, could it be mmm, simplified? R: No, it’s well done in that sense, it’s true, though, that there are things that have to be simplified, but it’s not a deep course... for example, the areas on Word and Excel, it’s a basic Office package and they are not complicated... © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 134 of 195 Interviewer: A tool of this kind, wouldn’t it had helped you in this course, for example? R: No, because they give you documentation and that... I, for example, a course that I remember that they would give you the documentation through the Internet, which was a tool from Cisco about servers, that I do remember that it would have been helpful for that because the texts were so badly translated that it was horrible... then it would have been really useful... it would have been quite useful because there wasn’t much documentation, you had to look for documentation on the Internet... it was all in a strange Latino Spanish, verbs were conjugated very strangely and besides, I think that translation was a bit like hunger and wanting to eat (Note: Spanish idiom that refers to a situation in which two bad things coincide) they translated it badly and at the same time they translate in a strange way and it was very complicated... in a four hour class you were saying “my God!, won’t this end now!” Besides it wasn’t very intuitive because the text was like in a very narrow side and even though you were able to modify it like... a little bit, then go and give it a margin... it wasn’t all that fine tuned in that sense. Interviewer: Regarding what you are saying, the organization of the text, of information in the sheet is also something that can influence how well it’s understood... R: Well, yes, yes, because many times you try to make sense of something and you are like “I can’t understand shit, excuse me, of what it says” and then you... you say “I can use some help”. The problem is that this kind of documentation is very complicated. Interviewer: Do you find instructions on video to be useful? R: Instructions on video can be quite useful, they can help a lot... but then, the problem is people... I guess the tool is aimed at people with vision, if they are blind, then it doesn’t work, of course... Interviewer: Thinking about instructions that may not be too clear, then instructions on video would be useful? R: The problem is that this kind of documentation tends to be very condensed because it covers many lessons and maybe those that want to reduce it... Interviewer: A video tutorial... © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 135 of 195 R: Yes, but the problem is that it’s very complicated because you have to know how to do it, how to understand it... because, obviously there are some video tutorials that you go like, “what?” How would it be understood. Video tutorials could also be something... what happens is, well, that would require more time... and maybe a video tutorial would require more time... well, if we stick to the basic: a camera, a person and... that’s it. Interviewer: Well, what we want to tell them is what would be ideal... what would be the ideal tool... and then, if it can’t be done, that’s not our fault. R: We do what we can. Interviewer: Yes, but it’s good that we talk about the ideal, what would be perfect. R: Yes, it’s a very, very complicated term. Maybe one could make a video were you explain a thing about such and I don’t know what... like me, for example, that I have to recognize many recipes, I watch them in video... well, if I have them on paper it’s better because that way I have the steps, I get the idea but if I can have the recipe on paper it’s better, because I say “this, and this afterwards...” but the video helps a lot. Maybe with a book... there are kitchen books but maybe with a video you get more motivated, you see it. Interviewer: What’s you opinion on the interface in general? R: I think it’s average, normal, I would say, average... because sometimes it leads to confusion... some of the tools are not too clear... you select and... even though it has been simplified to it’s minimal expression but... there’s an option I can’t remember... when you ad a text... what was it?... like “share with intermediary”... and then, what was the other one?... there were two options... I don’t remember... “share with intermediary” or... Interviewer: Keep private R: Yes, that’s it. What I don’t understand well is what that option is for. To have it privately for yourself but, in theory, it’s better to... © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 136 of 195 Interviewer: It’s because there are some users that work with other people that help them, then we wanted to give them the option to have private texts. R: In my case, it doesn’t make sense... Interviewer: Of course, in your case it doesn’t make sense, but those people that have the option to keep a text private, that don’t want to share it with anyone also have the option to share with the intermediary other text for which they need help simplifying... R: That’s what I mentioned in the beginning... that there should be a person testing the tool and an evaluator. Interviewer: Of course, you have been acting as both persons. R: Double personality Interviewer: Then, talking further about the interface, up to now you have told us about some functionalities that are not clear and that need some more testing... R: Yes, the issue about the file type, that should clearly specify what formats it supports. I say that because I intuited it.. and I say “Word” which is what most people use... because it would have been more logical, I understand... but that’s it, since I don’t know, I start trying, and if it’s right... Interviewer: Instructions are not too clear... R: I don’t know if you mean... Interviewer: Instructions to use the tool... R: At the interface there are no instructions, you go a bit like... there you go, to try because there is nothing clear... and in my case I have great intuition for this kind of things because... a person can say “what is this?... a white square... what is this?”... well, I think it said... “paste your text here”. And then, the thing about the URL, since it has never worked... I’ve tried it many times, then if you ad a piece of © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 137 of 195 news... I’ve tried it with simple texts... I thought maybe with images... but it wouldn’t work either... and I’ve tried with the file and, like that, trying, that’s how I’ve gotten a little... Interviewer: You’ve also mentioned that the interface has been reduced to it’s minimal expression and that’s good... what did you mean by that? R: Well that... mostly that it has to be intuitive... is that what you meant? Interviewer: No, I wanted to ask what’s your opinion about the fact that the interface is so simple. R: Yes, simple in the sense that it shouldn’t be complicated... that you simply have everything at hand and easy to understand. The problem is that, the problem is that it gets to be so simple that there are no instructions. Maybe it’s a confusing term because... a tool can be simple and have basic instructions, tell you what kind of files are supported, doc, maybe txt, or whatever, something that can be explained in one small line. That’s it, you don’t need to write what everything is. The thing about reducing the interface is good, maybe it just needs to be more graphical, more graphical with icons and say “this is a note”, “this is whatever”. Interviewer: And, regarding colours and design, do you like it? R: Yes, fine, normal. If one could maybe modify to one’s liking... like for people that have problem with specific colours... that have... what’s the name... colour-blind? Well, maybe in that sense it could be changed, not just... because you can only modify the text not the interface itself. Then well, that could also be interesting for, maybe... maybe someone that can’t stand brightness. Windows is good, it has options in that sense: black and white, bright colours... maybe that’s for people with visual problems. Interviewer: Any other thing that you may think of? R: Let’s see if I can remember one thing that I have to take into account... I just lost my track of thought... it was... it was... the thing about question marks, that’s really important, a question... it’s a bit like when you write on Whatsapp, no? An opening question mark... I think it’s a bad habit because I think that we are the only language maybe, or not, but... one of the few languages that use the opening question mark. Because in English they don’t use it, in Catalan they don’t use it, in Japanese neither... in French... neither... I don’t know, it’s not like I’m an expert in foreign languages... I think that the Ñ was there... © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 138 of 195 Interviewer: Yes, it is, they thought about us in that sense. R: And tildes... and all that... yes, that too. I like that in Germany and France they have those strange tildes... and that´s it, for now, then... there´s also the thing about having everything in one account and not two... the loader and the tester... because in my case it doesn´t make any sense... because I´m doing everything, and it would be faster that way, besides, a strange thing, I can access with two accounts... I tried it to see if it was an error and I could access with either one but not... I used a password and then I changed it and it appears that it didn´t delete the other one... Interviewer: You can access with two passwords? R: With both passwords... and I say “let’s see if I can access with any one (password)”... and I tried but I couldn’t, it didn’t fly... I guess that it kept both passwords and I say “What?” I test it at school... I’ve always used Firefox, and I say “maybe it’s the browser” but it’s not... I don’t know if it may have... Interviewer: Ok then, If you can’t think about anything else, we’ve covered everything, thank you. Spanish Transcript -RM User interviewed: RM (User) Entonces la idea es que tú has estado evaluando la herramienta. Has ido viendo los diferentes cambios. Vemos que has sido muy activo con ella y nos interesa muchísimo saber tu punto de vista para que nos ayudes con los siguientes pasos. Como ves, la entrevista está siendo grabada, la idea es que luego la podamos transcribir, sacar las ideas más importantes de tu experiencia con evaluación para poder seguir evolucionando con la herramienta. Entonces, En líneas generales cuál ha sido tu experiencia con la herramienta? R: En general? En general en conjunto? Pues, en general yo diría que regular porque hay algunas veces que funciona… y otras veces que no funciona… se cae muchísimas veces… hay veces que incluso no puedes acceder… A lo mejor, el otro día comenté que hay 3 maneras de añadir el texto: pegar el texto, poner una url o una dirección y la tercera que es añadir un fichero en Word, que eso lo tuve que descubrir © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 139 of 195 yo digamos a marchas forzadas…y el Word tiene que ser 97 al 2003… y si es de las últimas versiones ya no funciona.. y bueno, ya no funciona lo otro.. Y no estaba indicado en ninguna parte? R: Efectivamente. Tú crees que se entiende para qué es la herramienta, no? R: Pues… Hombre, yo creo que sí, lo que pasa es que hay muchos cambios y yo creo que se debería indicar más información a la gente,,, porque yo creo que es importante que la persona que esté utilizando la herramienta tenga la mayor cantidad posible de información de forma escueta que pueda entenderlo… entonces yo creo que… de manera que tenga que conectar directamente. Porque a lo mejor si tú le escribes algo muy complicado o muy extenso no lo llega a entender… Explica eso un poco mejor… si le escribes instrucciones del uso? R:: Sí, instrucciones del uso… de la herramienta. Otra cosa que comenté es que tener dos cuentas, una de evaluación y otra para hacer los textos… lo suyo es tener una sola.… yo soy … yo mismo que tengo la cuenta de evaluación y otra para meter los textos… Y luego hay otras cosas muy tontas muy tontas como por el ejemplo para el tema de la interrogación… para abrir la interrogación, que me parece importantísimo..… el idioma español tiene la interrogación, que me parece básico, y luego la quita--- Bueno, eso fue una apreciación tuya que trasladamos a los técnicos y llegó un punto en el que estaba resuelto (nosotros mismos lo vimos resuelto) pero puede ser que se haya vuelto a caer.. Tus observaciones en general se tuvieron muy en cuenta pero puede ser que esa se haya vuelto a caer… para eso nos ha servido tanto que nos ayudases con ello. Entonces desde el primer momento que recibiste el encargo, te diste de alta tú para seguir todo el proceso. R: Gracias a las instrucciones que me enviasteis.. lo que tengo que reconocer es que daba un error… y luego otro.. fue bastante liosos… No sé si ese día estaba mal.. y eso que soy una persona con bastante paciencia… Y eso que en el tema informático controlo bastante y la verdad es que fue bastante desesperante abrirse una cuenta normal en la herramienta openbook tool.. no sé ni cuantas veces lo © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 140 of 195 intente´… yo creo que lo intenté 6 o 7 veces y luego lo intenté de otra manera, me cambié de email… y así es como salió, triprueba… Y… Tú achacarías eso a que no estaba funcionando bien o a que las instrucciones no eran claras? R: no, las instrucciones eran claras… Estaba funcionando mal. Las instrucciones estaban perfectamente redactadas. Entonces, ehhh… lo que…. Para qué has estado utilizándola en el tiempo de evaluación? R:: Para comprobar qué fallos había, para ver cómo redactaba los artículos, que si hacía algún cambio… aparte yo lo único que noté en ese sentido es lo de las interrogaciones, la introducción de signos… y luego la reducción de textos. Un texto y un artículo lo reducía a 3 párrafos… No sé por qué, es una cosa que se ve que se decidió en ese momento… Pero luego ya no lo hacía… Y voy probando… a lo mejor selecciono una palabra y.. otra cosa que no se puede hacer, por cierto, es que no se puede editar el texto, si hay una palabra mal escrita no se puede editar con la cuenta normal, hay que hacerlo con la de evaluación.. . Y luego que me he estado fijando que de las 3 maneras de meter el texto, la url no se puede utilizar, nunca ha funcionado y… la otra, la de subirlo por fichero, el tema Word lo hice a prueba y eso hice… y luego lo de los textos dan muchos errores que no entiendo.. en ese sentido he ido probando a ver qué salía… a veces son cosas de ellos… No es normal que un día funcione y otro no.. He ido a tiro y prueba. Es verdad que al tiempo que lo ibas probando hemos ido evolucionando y entonces has tenido problemas a parte de la funcionalidad propia de la herramienta… ------------------------------------------Entonces, los textos que has estado utilizando, realmente eran textos que cogías así… R: Ehh, artículos de periódico. ¿Algo que te interesase en concreto? R:mmm © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 141 of 195 O sea, ¿Tú esperabas de alguna menara que te fuese a ayudar de alguna manera y te fuese a simplificar textos con los que tenías algún tipo de problema o era evaluación de la herramienta propiamente? R: Ehhh, evaluación de la herramienta simplemente. A ver si lo reducía… Si cambiaba algún tipo de palabra… Hay otra cosa que no me gusta demasiado, es por ejemplo, tienen una especie de cómo de herramienta para cambiar palabras y tal pero yo creo que lo empeora porque son palabras que las hace más complejas aún. Y como claro, es muy complicado… por ejemplo, conjugar un verbo y tal, como no puedes cambiar el tiempo verbal…porque no te deja modificar el texto, pues entonces te quedas ahí… A lo mejor, en vez de volver dice retornar, y suena un poco raro, o cosas de ese estilo. Entonces voy un poco jugando con eso. ¿Se te ocurre alguna manera u ocasión en la que tú metieses un texto y tuvieses un resultado muy positivo por alguna razón o que te gustase porque todo estaba funcionando bien o que te lo devolviese de alguna manera que te pareciese más atractivo, más sencillo o que te gustase más? R: Pues eh… Hombre, yo creo que la única vez así que me llegó a inspirar así.. algo más bueno fue con el tema de la reducción de texto, que yo creo que eso era para mí importante, porque claro, reducir por ejemplo un artículo de 10 párrafos o en 4 a lo mejor podía ayudar a comprender mejor el texto, porque a lo mejor resumía y yo creo que eso es lo más importante, reducir el texto para que lo puedas simplificar. Y sobre todo, yo creo que algo importante que se debería añadir son las imágenes. Que bueno, dependiendo de algunos términos seleccionan una imagen u otra… y bueno, eso yo creo que es importante. Esa funcionalidad de buscar imagen ¿La has estado probando? R: Bueno, ehhh, lo intenté pocas veces, de hecho le mandé una curiosidad a Ana. De por ejemplo, Con el término PP se ve el logotipo del PP y una pistola, entonces fue cachondo y digo ¿Y esto? Y era porque el modelo de la pistola era el modelo PP, pues era un poco surrealista. Y entonces, pues como no puedo subir imágenes creo que no se puede… Bueno, yo no podía… Simplemente seleccionas el término… Entonces, hemos estado hablando de diferentes funcionalidades, vamos a ver qué funcionalidades has identificado tú? ¿Qué cosas has visto tú que puede hacer la herramienta al estar probando con ella? © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 142 of 195 R: Pues, así, así… por ejemplo, la de la imagen, que simplemente con que selecciones un término ya aparece la imagen. Lo que pasa es que es un poco confuso porque aparecen varias o luego de pronto no viene ninguna…. Y luego pues herramientas así mismamente dicho …ahora mismo ahora mismo…. Bueno, lo de subir los textos así yo creo que es una herramienta porque a lo mejor tú no tienes el tiempo de subir el texto completo y dices “Una URL” pero claro si esa herramienta no funciona, pues poco se puede hacer… Entonces, básicamente el diccionario. Aunque dices que a ves es confuso. R: Sí, confuso, porque a lo mejor para cambiar un verbo o conjugarlo, como no puedes cambiarlo… te da una serie de opciones pero no puedes escribir ninguna y simplemente te aparecen un listado de 3 ó 4 palabras, dependiendo del término y no puedes hacer nada, no puedes ni conjugarlo, no puedes modificarlo …no puedes hacer nada entonces es una herramienta cerrada a ese campo. Y…. Hay una cosa interesante que estabas diciendo antes que era que trabajabas en el texto tu perfil como editor del texto y otras veces como digamos evaluador / usuario final. R: la verdad es que hace tiempo que no utilizo la de evaluador, simplemente utilizo más la de usuario normal, creo que es la de usuario normal… No sé si.. Eh…explícanos cuál es… R: La de usuario normal es simplemente la que yo te he dicho, la de las opciones que te he dicho de añadir los textos, el diccionario aparece pero simplemente no te deja modificarlo. Si yo por ejemplo, a lo mejor hay veces que… es verdad ahora que lo pienso, que cuando añadía un texto a lo mejor había una lista de cosas…yo que sé, había una lista de coches…había un artículo que yo añadí … un artículo sobre video juegos y esa lista de coches desapareció. Y yo que sé… por qué me quitas la lista de coches, si es lo importante. La lista de coches es esto, esto, esto… ¿Te resumió el texto? R:No, no resumió el texto, lo quitó, directamente. Porque estaba en otro formato que… © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 143 of 195 R: porque estaba en formato de lista. De lista de… pero vamos, yo creo que es un error. En todo caso, resumir el texto de tal… Pero no quitar la lista. Porque tú no sabes qué coches hay ahí. Coches tal y tal, modelo, este y este, y entonces te los quitaba. Yo a lo mejor, hay una opción… no sé cómo se llama… poner una especie de puntito, como una anotación… o algo así Sí, una nota. R: sí, una anotación o algo así que te decía… así es como lo hacía yo, pero no me convencía mucho porque sólo es una especie de puntito rojo si no recuerdo mal… y te dejaba ahí… y hacía yo eso, pero no me llegaba a convencer… Mira, la función de nota… esa función es Nota. R: Sí anotación La idea es que tú puedes incluir en cualquier parte del texto una nota que luego cuando das en el punto se amplía abajo y te lo explica R: Sí, claro, claro… ¿Cómo crees que podría hacerse mejor si no te gusta así? R: Ahhh, pues yo creo… en ese punto yo creo que sería … a lo mejor es que no sé, así, así de cabeza, no sé cómo lo mejoraría… sí que es cierto que tendría que ser quizás más intuitivo y decir “Esto es una anotación” porque el punto rojo a lo mejor no sabes qué es… Un icono que parezca una nota? Un post it? R: Sí, sí… podía ser… Yo creo que sería más intuitivo. Bueno, más llamativo pero claro… es que no sabes lo que es… Una nota una especie como de post it, la típica chincheta con un papel pues sería lo más apropiado. CLARO. © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 144 of 195 Y a aparte yo creo que a veces se come como el texto, yo creo que… claro, el diseño de la web está limitado a unos pixeles y claro a lo mejor si pinchas en un momento dado no lo ves y dices, “Ay va, ¿Y esto?” Porque te queda la ventana debajo… R: Sí, claro, está la ventana debajo y se te va… Y luego también había herramientas que son de edición estética digamos, que puedes cambiar el color de la letra, el color del fondo… R: Sí… ¿Has jugado con ese tipo de cosas? R: Sí, he jugado… No lo he trasteado tampoco mucho pero sí. Lo tengo de hecho en marrón oscuro de fondo y la letra blanca, que yo creo que así es como se veía mejor. O sea que tú encontraste la forma en que más te gustaba y lo dejaste. R: Sí, yo creo que es más fácil. Para mí vamos. Luego hay otras herramientas de subrayar… R: sí, de ponerlo en negrita… Ese tipo de edición… Me parece un poco tosco.. Pero entiendo yo que es una cosa un poco complicada de hacer. ¿Tosco? Sí, porque dice, “seleccione una palabra” y digo yo.. si la tengo seleccionada… © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 145 of 195 Ya….. Sí, porque a veces se queda ahí como atascado y entonces dices….pero si la he seleccionado… Y entonces… tienes a lo mejor que seleccionarlo otra vez y… otra vez… y entonces dices, hombre, ya me estoy desesperando un poco… y sólo por seleccionar una palabra. No me quiero yo imaginar si hay que seleccionar una frase. Que eso también lo he hecho: subrayar una frase… o el título, remarcarlo… y…. Luego pues te digo.. es un poco tosco, porque como desaparece… No es como Word, que seleccionas un texto y a lo mejor le dices, pon negrita, pon cursiva, las veces que quieras. Pero no sé cómo decirlo, a lo mejor le das a negrita y pafs, lo tienes que seleccionar otra vez. No sé si me explico… entonces eso me parece un fallo… si se pudiera mejorar eso… Tú, lo que estamos viendo, es que hay… eh.. la parte que más te ha disgustado es la de problemas técnicos. R: Sí.. Imaginemos una herramienta que funcione de manera ideal, esa herramienta que funcione perfectamente y en la que no hay estos problemas técnicos, qué opinas de la herramienta con este tipo de funcionalidad que funcionase bien… R: Yo… Yo creo que tendría algunas cosas de todas formas que mejorar porque a lo mejor quizá… tendría que ser un poquito más intuitivo, tendría algunas cosas que mejorar, que funcionara bien . Necesita ser más intuitivo, más gráfico. Más… Explícanos un poco mejor eso. Lo del gráfico pues… es lo que te he comentado antes: Hacerlo más como iconos, que sea más intuitivo para el usuario. Decir: negrita , vale el icono este, esto lo que significa. Esto significa tal, que sea más intuitivo, más gráfico. Al menos explicar lo que es cada cosa. A lo mejor, piensa una persona, a lo mejor alguien piensa esto es… a lo mejor no piensa que es una nota, piensa que es otra cosa. Si, el icono, para mí es fundamental, los iconos son fundamentales, que expliquen lo que es de forma sencilla y práctica en una línea a lo mejor o eso como ayuda, simplemente o como en Word, simplemente que des negrita, es negrita, subrayado, subrayado, tal, tal… esto es tal, tal… pero hacerlo con iconos, que sea intuitivo, o sea, tal.que se pueda ver. E incluso que se pueda seleccionar el tipo de… bueno, esto se puede hacer con la © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 146 of 195 herramienta pero que se pueda por ejemplo hacerla propia interfaz más grande o más pequeña o… dependiendo del usuario, porque a lo mejor hay usuarios que les cuesta leer y a lo mejor lo prefieren más grande o más pequeño… La interfaz, no el texto sino la interfaz en general. Yo creo que eso sería importante. Bien, entonces, lo que no interesaría saber es que estamos viendo como que… como has estado valorando lo último que se desarrollaba, tenemos que pensar que la herramienta ideal qué uso podría tener en tu día a día. Entonces, por ejemplo, esta es una herramienta que en qué aspectos de tu vida podría ser útil funcionando de manera perfecta. R: MMMM.. Buena pregunta esa, pues… Si funcionase perfecto, cómo la integrarías en tu vida? R: Pues… Cómo la integraría en mi vida? En mi caso… Pero sería más como usuario a aportar o digamos como Usuario final. R: Usuario final, o sea simplemente Una herramienta que te pueda ayudar en algo… en alguna faceta de la vida. En el trabajo, en casa… en la familia… Decías también que ayudabas a tu familia en temas de software… Pues hombre, en ese sentido entiendo yo que sería más enfocado a gente que… pues que no tenga un nivel de vocabulario fluido .. y en ese tipo de temas. Yo en principio no… en mi caso no lo utilizaría mucho como usuario final. Yo sería más un evaluador por decirlo así. Yo en mi caso tengo que reconocer que no la utilizaría porque no tengo ese problema de lectura … de entiendo yo que esta herramienta es para un usuario que tenga pocos conocimientos de a lo mejor de lectura o a lo mejor de vocabulario y tal y que para él sería lo apropiado. Hacerlo más intuitivo, mucho más sencillo, entonces entiendo yo que eso sería © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 147 of 195 más útil para ese tipo de persona. Para algún tipo de discapacidad de lectura o mental. Y que le pudiera ayudar en su día a día porque a lo mejor si se pone a leer el periódico del País o el Mundo por ejemplo y a lo mejor hay muchos artículos y a lo mejor pues hay una pequeña lista de artículos que pueda leer y que le interese… pero no sé cómo se organizaría eso.. En tu caso en concreto no ves que te pudiese ayudar… R: En mi caso, en mi caso… En mi caso no veo… Bueno, a lo mejor lo de los resúmenes estaría muy bien, imagínate… en lugar de leerte un montón de textos… R: Bueno, pues eso también, es que a lo mejor yo soy más de comprobar así un poco la información. Yo es que…a mí es que me gusta comprobar, no me gusta leerlo sólo en un sitio porque a lo mejor… Te dicen no se que´.. pero claro, es una cuestión de opiniones.. Sí que es cierto que hay que tener tiempo y tal, pero claro.. a lo mejor te lees un periódico y solo te lees uno. Y luego claro, si quieres contrastarlo…pues te vas a uno, vas a otro…Yo hago un poco eso. A lo mejor dicen una cosa, luego otra… o… es que depende también. (MINUTO 13) Para que fuese una herramienta que a ti te interesase en tu día, ¿Cómo podría evolucionar esta herramienta para que fuese útil para ti? R: ¿Útil para mí? Yo es que… Entendemos que … lo estás pensando como si fuese una herramienta que puede ayudar a gente con problemas, pero digamos que a lo mejor pudiese solucionar algo como que te hace resúmenes o…te explica algo de terminología más compleja… ¿Cómo podríamos sacarle el jugo a esta herramienta? R: Hombre, ya pensándolo así, quizá en temas de porcentajes y temas así más complicados estadísticos. Yo creo que ahí podría ser u aliado porque a lo mejor, por ejemplo, uno de los textos que me disteis a leer © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 148 of 195 , creo que era de energía eólica, o algo así, lo leí y me quedé como, ostrás, esto qué es… era un lío… era un despropósito…ya… leer eso… qué narices estoy leyendo… no me enteré de nada… o sea, no me acuerdo ni de los porcentajes. Lo quise leer otra vez y me dije “No, no, me niego a leer esto otra vez”, no pude, era horrible, por no decir otra cosa peor, era un texto engorroso como él solo, ni los peores libros de Santillana, era ya horrible. O sea… era, esto qué es, qué me estoy leyendo, qué es esto… Pues en ese tipo de cosas… Si lo resumiera de una manera eficaz… lo que pasa es que yo lo veo complicadísimo. Es muy complejo porque el tema de porcentajes… de calcular, de cómo reducir… lo veo muy complicado. ¿Qué tipo de lectura te gusta a ti en general? Para ocio y para estudiar… R: Yo es que no tengo una cosa determinada realmente… Ahora últimamente no leo mucho, pero sí que suelo dedicarle tiempo a la lectura. De hecho, tengo un ebook que le saco bastante rendimiento… Más o menos, últimamente no mucho, pero sí que suelo leer. Y cuáles son tus intereses? R: Pues… es que sí… el tema política… bueno, política profunda no.. digamos que así… el tema de por ejemplo cuando comentan el tema de partidos, el tema de cómo funciona la estructura de un país… No es que me interese a fondo, pero sí que.. para saber un poco cómo va… sí … que sea más fácil… A lo mejor cómo funcionan las autonomías, o cómo funciona tal… Entender determinadas cosas… Cómo decirlo, es que es un poco complicado de explicar esto. Entender la estructura socio política del país, saber quién es quién, qué hace cada uno… R: Sí… Sí y no, no es tan profundo en ese sentido, porque claro, a lo mejor si.. te enrollas con ese tipo de cosas, pues llegas a un término en que dices, esto es un aburrimiento, entonces tiene que ser algo que te motive, que digas esto funciona así porque esto va así y tal… de una manera rápida que se pueda entender. Y entonces aparte que también a lo mejor me da por leer ciencia ficción. No mucho pero a lo mejor… O por ejemplo algo de George Orwell, o… depende… Es que depende… no es una cosa que me dedique sólo a un tipo de… La verdad es que no lo tengo claro. © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 149 of 195 ¿Cuáles son tus hobbies? R: Pues por ejemplo, me gusta pasear, me gusta la informática, la música, el cine… leer también me gusta… la piscina, la natación… Cocinar también me gusta… ¿Y las redes sociales? R: Sí, también… ¿Y se te da bien? ¿Es un entorno que te gusta? R: Sí… digamos… Grabaste un documental que… R: Ja,ja,ja, te has quedado que vamos… Te estoy haciendo estas preguntas para ver si en tus intereses podríamos de alguna manera adaptar la herramienta y saber hacia dónde la podríamos hacer evolucionar para que fuese útil para ti en tu vida. Porque de la manera en que nos lo has estado diciendo has estado haciendo la evaluación por ayudarnos a nosotros pero no realmente con intereses propios, Los textos que usabas no te interesaban… R: sí, si me interesaban… eran textos que elijo yo más que nada por el.. No voy a coger cualquier noticia y ya está… eso no lo hago así. Simplemente a lo mejor cojo uno de informática, otro de política… o lo que sea… Y cosas así. Cosas que me llaman la atención. Lo leo, leo el texto y entonces pues digo, es una cosa que se pueda leer, entender… No cojo un texto al azar, eso no… Ah, bien… Y qué esperabas que hiciese la herramienta? R: La herramienta? Yo esperaba que simplemente o reduciría el texto… Eso lo he visto una vez… y luego que a lo mejor pues… Pensaba que a lo mejor cambiaría algunos términos… pero eso parece que a lo © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 150 of 195 mejor vas a tener más que hacerlo tú como probador de la herramienta. Y pensaba que a lo mejor se le podía añadir un poco más de imágenes… Porque a lo mejor un artículo que coges de por ahí, a lo mejor no coges imágenes o no trae… Y a lo mejor si añades una imagen sería más vistoso. Sería útil. A lo mejor una pequeña vista previa con el título y una imagen sería un avance porque a lo mejor lo ves así y en la imagen es más vistoso que leer el texto y sería más intuitivo. Entonces, de lo que estás diciendo.. una adaptación del texto interesante sería que reduzca el tamaño manteniendo el sentido, que le añade un titular con una imagen ilustrativa del sentido del texto. R: Sí, sería perfecto. Sería que tuviera que ver con la noticia del texto… Si añades una imagen que no tienen que ver con el texto, pues no tiene sentido. Entonces tú crees que eso sería un buen resultado automático. R: Ummm, lo que pasa es que eso es muy complicado… Lo del resumen bueno, pero lo de la imagen lo veos más complicado, son muchos algoritmos… ¿Qué opinas de una herramienta así que estuviese especializada en adaptar textos que tuvieran que ver con sanidad? Que te pueda ayudar a lo mejor con temas de medicación o de citas de médicos o… R: Pues sí, eso sí estaría bien, la verdad, porque como además lo ponen todo tan complejo, tan rollo y tan así, pues eso estaría bien, una cosa reducida… que fuera directa… porque muchas veces las administraciones públicas lo ponen todo tan complicado que es que… es para ponerse a llorar. Tú crees que si desarrollásemos la herramienta en ese sentido eso podría facilitarte la vida de alguna manera? Tú tienes algún tipo de …? Ves ahí un muro que se puede romper…? R: pues si lo pensamos así seriamente, ahora que lo pienso, con el tema de que últimamente estábamos haciendo la renta mi padre y yo pues a lo mejor en ese sentido sí que podría venir bien, porque hay algunas cosas que son un lío patatero y hay veces en que ponen palabras que no entiendes como adyacente, no sé que… Y vale, esto qué significa… Y la ayuda de la agencia tributaria, que no te ayuda nada. Porque vale, no te sirve para nada, tú buscas algo y te sale: “No hay resultados”. Bueno, vale, pues © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 151 of 195 menuda ayuda… Pues ese tipo de cosas a lo mejor sí que ayudarían. Sobre todo en temas de administración pública podría estar muy bien. Lo de Sanidad estaba muy bien traído. Y lo de la renta, yo creo que también, temas de administraciones públicas… y a lo mejor poner una reclamación… Sí que porque a veces lo hacen muy enrevesado todo, se ve que para que te cueste.. yo creo que lo hacen un poco a posta. Vamos creo yo. A lo mejor es que soy un poco mal pensado. Bien, entonces eso podría ser algo interesante. R: Sí, en ese sentido podría ser interesante en administraciones públicas…ayudar a explicar ciertas cosas… ciertos síntomas… lo que no sé es si hay alguna web especializada en eso, que te ayude así… Hasta ese punto no lo sé. No sé, eso no lo sé. Es que son reflexiones que nosotros nos hemos hecho también muchas veces. Cuáles son las cosas que son más complejas de acceder de lenguaje y de qué manera podría ayudar a la gente a adaptarlos o simplificarlos de alguna manera. Y eso que estás diciendo es muy útil…y en temas de educación? Tú ya no estás estudiando, no? Estás trabajando… R: No, estoy trabajando, estoy haciendo un curso de hecho… De qué? R: Es un curso de certificado de profesionalidad que se llama sistemas micro informáticos. Qué es, programación? No, no es de programación, es… mantenimiento en general en temas de software de ordenadores. Y, bueno, a parte ahora estamos dando Word y no sé qué… un poco rollazo en ese sentido… pero bueno, también hemos tenido un módulo de red, que eso sí era interesante, que era tener, cómo decirlo, con la red local, estar pendiente de la red local…de cómo funciona, empalmar cables… hacías un cable de tipo cruzado, otro de otro tipo tal… y eso sí que era interesante. Y luego la instalación de servidores… Bueno, la instalación de servidores suena como a la instalación de aparatos… no un servidor es como el ordenador.. es instalar el Windows r 2003, es un poco rollo en el fondo pero sí que es útil a día de hoy porque es… en pequeñas empresas no creo pero en medianas y grandes empresas sí que puede venir bien… © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 152 of 195 Y… cuánto dura el curso? R: Desde feb al 17 de Julio ¿Qué tal te ha ido? R: Por el momento muy bien. Qué tal los textos y la documentación que te daban? R: de momento bien… es mas, el profesor nos da documentación… el libro es quizás más enrevesado en algunos asuntos pero el profesor nos da documentación que va cogiendo de internet… Nos ha dado también papeles, nos han dado archivadores… en ese sentido nos han dado bastantes posibilidades. Ves en ese campo también un punto de aplicación? R: Sí, también podría ser un punto base para la informática, porque claro, hay muchos términos que si no estás metido pues dices, esto qué es, esto que… quiere decir… Y el material del curso podría ser ehh,,, simplificado… R: No, está bien hecho en ese sentido, sí que es cierto que habría algunas cosas que hay que simplificarles, pero no es un curso en profundidad… por ejemplo, los cursos de Word y Excel es un paquete básico de office y no son complicados… Una herramienta de este tipo no te habría facilitado este curso por ejemplo… R: No porque te dan la documentación y tal… Yo por ejemplo en un curso que sí me acuerdo que te daban la documentación en Internet, que era una herramienta de Fisco sobre servidores, eso yo recuerdo que ahí sí que me hubiera venido muy bien porque los textos estaban tan mal traducidos que era horrible… entonces ahí sí que me hubiera venido… me hubiera venido bastante bien porque no había mucha documentación, la documentación la tenías que buscar en internet… era en un latino raro, los verbos los conjugan raros y, a parte, yo creo que la traducción es un poco el hambre y las ganas de comer... lo © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 153 of 195 traducen de una forma rara y a la vez traducen mal las frases y era muy complicado… En una clase 4 horas estabas diciendo, por Dios, que se acabe esto ya. Aparte era muy poco intuitivo porque el texto estaba en un lado como muy estrecho y a pesar de que tú podías modificarlo así un poco, luego ponle una imagen… No estaba del todo fino en ese sentido. Con lo que estás diciendo, la organización del texto, de la información en la hoja, también es algo que a veces puede influir en que se entienda mejor,,, R: Pues sí, sí, porque muchas veces intentas razón una cosa y tú estás diciendo, no entiendo una mierda, con perdón, de lo que está poniendo y entonces pues… tú dices: “Me vendría bien ayuda”. Lo que pasa es que ese tipo de documentación es muy complicada porque normalmente de hecho el examen, yo me he enterado hace años que el tema del C/fisco que… normalmente se da en inglés ni siquiera se da… Yo que sé, a lo mejor te vas a Japón y te la dan en inglés y ya está, arreando… y a lo mejor en japonés no les interesa hacerlo y dicen en inglés y ya está. A lo mejor trabajas en una empresa japonesa y dicen, mira, en inglés. (¡¡¡¡Le Perdemoooooos!!!!). Ese tipo de cosas. Este tipo de documentación esa rara de descubrir, a parte de que hay libros y tal, pero sigue siendo muy complicado encontrar información a día de hoy porque es más… Puede que con YouTube sea más sencillo porque también el viseo es una herramienta… ¿Te parece útil las explicaciones en vídeo? R: Las explicaciones en vídeo pueden ser bastante útiles, pueden ayudar mucho… Pero claro, el problema es la gente… Supongo que la herramienta estará orientada a la gente con visión. Si es ciega, pues no funciona, claro… Bueno, a lo mejor pensar que en las instrucciones que no están muy claras instrucciones en vídeo podrían ser algún valor añadido? R: Lo que pasa es que ese tipo de documentación suele ser muy intensa porque son muchos temas y a lo mejor los tienes que reducir y… Un vídeo tutorial… R: sí, lo que pasa es que es muy complicado porque hay que saber cómo hacerlo, cómo entenderlo… porque claro hay algunos vídeo tutoriales que tú dices cómo??? Cómo entenderlo. Los vídeos tutoriales © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 154 of 195 también podrían ser una cosa… Lo que pasa es que claro, eso requeriría más tiempo… Y a lo mejor un vídeo tutorial requeriría más medios técnicos… Hombre, si nos vamos a lo básico.. Una cámara, una persona y ya… Hombre, nosotros lo que queremos es decirles el ideal... Lo que sería la herramienta ideal… Y luego si ya no se puede hacer bien, ya no es nuestra culpa… R: Hacemos lo que podemos. No, pero que está bien que hablemos del ideal, de cuál sería lo perfecto. R:: Si es un término muy, muy complicado, a lo mejor sí podría hacerse un vídeo donde explicas una cosa del tal y el no sé qué… Como por ejemplo yo, que tengo que reconocer que muchas recetas las veo en vídeo.. Hombre, si las tengo en papel mejor porque veo los pasos. Normalmente veo el vídeo 2 o 3 veces, me quedo con la idea pero si puedo tener la receta en papel mejor, porque digo, esto y esto después… pero el vídeo ayuda mucho. A lo mejor con un libro… Libros de cocina hay así, pero a lo mejor con un vídeo te motivas más. Lo ves. ¿Qué opinión tienes de la interfaz en general? R: Yo creo que regular. Normal, diría, regular… porque a veces da confusiones… Algunas herramientas las deja poco claras… Tú vas seleccionando y… a pesar de que se ha reducido a la máxima expresión pero… hay una opción que no me acuerdo… cuando añadías un texto… cómo era… compartir con el intermediario… y luego cuál era la otra.. Había dos opciones… no me acuerdo… Compartir con el intermediario o… Mantener en privado. R: sí, eso es. Lo que no entiendo muy bien es esa opción para qué es. Para tenerlo tú en privado, pero en teoría lo mejor es.. Es porque hay algunos usuarios que trabajan con una persona que les ayuda. Entonces queríamos darles la opción de que tuviesen el texto en privado. © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 155 of 195 R: En mi caso no tiene sentido… Claro, en tu caso no tiene sentido, pero esas personas que tienen la opción de mantener un texto en privado que no quieren compartir con nadie tienen la opción de poder compartir con el intermediario otros textos que les permita adaptarlos… R: Eso es lo que comentaba al principio… que tenía que haber una persona que prueba la herramienta y un evaluador. Claro, tú has actuado de las dos personas. R: Doble personalidad. Entonces, hablando más sobre el tema de la interfaz, hasta ahora nos estás diciendo que algunas de las funcionalidades no quedan claras y hay que ir probando.. R: Sí, de hecho, el tema del fichero que debe poner claramente qué formatos soporta. Eso lo digo porque yo lo he intuido.. y digo, pues el Word, que es lo que más usa la gente…. Porque es lo más lógico, vamos, entiendo, yo… pero eso, como no lo sé, pues vas probando, y si sale bien… Las instrucciones, poco claras…. R: No sé si te refieres a… Instrucciones de uso de la herramienta… R: En la Interfaz no hay instrucciones, tú vas un poco como … vas ahí, a probar porque no hay nada claro… Y bueno, yo porque tengo intuición para estas cosas porque…una persona que diga, y esto qué es… un cuadro en blanco… y esto qué es… bueno, me parecería que ponía… pegue el texto aquí. Y luego lo de la URL como nunca ha funcionado… Lo he intentado muchas veces, pues bueno, por si añades una noticia… lo he intentado con texto sencillo… digo a lo mejor con imágenes… Pero tampoco funciona… Y lo he intentado con el fichero y así, probando, ha sido así un poco… © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 156 of 195 Has hecho un comentario también sobre que la interfaz se ha reducido a la máxima expresión y eso está bien… Qué querías decir con eso? R: Pues que… sobre todo tiene que ser intuitivo… Es eso lo que querías decir? No, te quería decir preguntar qué opinión tienes sobre que sea una interfaz tan sencilla. R: sí, sencilla en el sentido de que no sea complicada… De que simplemente lo tengas todo a mano y que sea sencillo de entender. El problema es que, el problema es que llega a ser tan sencillo que no hay ni instrucciones. Quizás es un poco término confundido porque… Puede ser una herramienta sencilla y añadir una pequeñas instrucciones básicas. Decir qué fichero soporta. El doc. Y algún txt. O lo que sea. Algo que se describa en una pequeña línea. Ya está, no hace falta más para escribir qué es cada cosa. Lo de la reducción de la interfaz está bien, quizá, lo que pasa es que tenía que ser más gráfica. Más gráfica en los iconos y decir “esto es una nota” , esto es tal. Y en cuanto a colores y diseño, te parece bien? R: Sí, bien. Normal. Si se pudiera a lo mejor modificar al gusto… para la gente que tenga problemas con ciertos colores… que tengan… Cómo se llama? Daltonismo? Pues a lo mejor en ese sentido sí se podría modificar. No solamente … Porque lo que modifica es sólo la barra de texto, el contenido del texto, no lo que es la Interfaz. Entonces pues eso también podría ser interesante para a lo mejor… a lo mejor una persona que no soporta los brillos. En Windows también está , hay opciones en ese sentido: en blanco y negro, colores chillones… a lo mejor es más para personas con problemas visuales. A ti en la Interfaz no te interesa? R: No hombre, a mí sí me importa… Me gusta que sean sencillas, rápidas de cargar… A veces cuando se pone a cargar te aparece el relojito…. A lo mejor se le podía añadir un porcentaje que eso no es muy difícil… lo que pasa es que claro… el reloj google lo utiliza mucho. Está pensando, vale, sí, pero cuánto va a tardar ahora esto… y entonces pues mejor un porcentaje… Alguna cosa más que se te ocurra? © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 157 of 195 R: A ver si me acuerdo un momento de una cosa que tenía que tener en cuenta… se me ha ido el santo al cielo… era… era…. El tema de las interrogaciones, que para mí es importantísimo. Una pregunta… es un poco como cuando escribes un whatsaapp, no? Abrir una interrogación. Yo creo que es una mala costumbre porque yo creo que somos, el único idioma a lo mejor no, pero… de los pocos idiomas que utilizamos abrir interrogación. Porque en inglés no se utiliza, en catalán no se utiliza, en japonés tampoco… en francés tampoco… No sé, tampoco es que sea un experto en idiomas pero… Creo que la Ñ sí estaba… Sí, está, se han acordado de nosotros en ese sentido. R: y los acentos… y todo eso… sí también. A mí me suena que en Alemania y en Francia tenían unas diéresis de esas extrañas… y así, pues de momento, pues…. También estaría bien que saliera todo en una cuenta y no en dos.. De grabador y de probador… Es que si no en mi caso no tiene sentido… Porque lo tengo que hacer yo todo. Y así sería mucho más rápido. Y a parte, una cosa extraña, … yo puedo entrar con dos cuentas… Lo probé, a ver si era un error y podía entrar con cualquiera pero no…le pude una contraseña, después la cambié y se ve que no le ha borrado la anterior… Puedes entrar con las dos contraseñas? Con las dos contraseñas… Y digo, a ver si es que puedo entrar con cualquiera… y probé con cualquiera pero no, no cuela… Se ve que se ha quedado con las dos contraseñas.. y digo no, ¿Y esto? Lo voy probando en clase, en la escuela… Yo es que siempre utilizo el Firefox, y digo, a lo mejor será el navegador, pero no… pues tampoco. No sé si habrá… Pues bien, por mi parte, si no se te ocurre nada más ya está todo cubierto.. muchas gracias… User interviewed: RQ (Therapist) Interviewer: Hello, good morning R. Look, we are going to interview you so that you can tell us how your experience has been with Openbook and above all to find out what impact it could have, from your point of view, on the people that you work with. Then, first tell us what you think, what your experience has been working with the tool. © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 158 of 195 R: Well... I’ve honestly liked it... it’s true, I liked the... because what I see is that by using the tool you are going to save time, I mean, the effort needed to simplify a text, which is generally being done by parents and professionals involved in therapy, to improve understanding, to help them study, to understand what they are reading... well... it’s very long and with the tool you save a lot of time compared to that other simplification of texts so that users can understand them... the problem is that it’s being frustrating because it wasn’t working well, I mean, that when you had made all the changes, you would try to save them and it wouldn’t save them well, or you would apply a change and it would disappear... or the text wouldn’t load completely, that is frustrating because, it won’t get to work correctly... but, anyway, when it works it will be useful. Interviewer: That’s it, the possibilities that the tool offers... you think it can... what use do you think it can have for the users that you work with? R: For me there are two levels: one is persons that need help to access written comprehension, not just an instrument that simplifies texts but they need a person that helps them simplify or follows up on what they are reading, regardless of the text being simplified or not. Thus, for people with ASD that are more affected. This tool is useful because it helps the carer, the teacher or the parent to know what things they have to simplify, that is, it gives you hints that, maybe because you don’t have the knowledge or you lack the experience you were not taking in consideration... I don’t know, maybe you haven’t thought about adding images, or that you have to remove an anaphor... or I don’t know, set the lines in a different way... this is a help for the carer, for the adult that is going to be with that person in a way of hints, because not everybody that is working with affected people have the knowledge to simplify a text, and here they hint you on what things to ad... maybe you wouldn’t think on using a more simple synonym, or ad an image or you wouldn’t think about, mostly at a lexical syntactic level, simplify a structure at a syntactic level. That is very complicated. Summarizing... I don’t know, ok... to highlight complicated words... but there may be many things that maybe many people would not take in consideration, and I think that the tool gives feedback to the carer, the adult, the teacher, for example. Or... I don’t know, for other people... for adults with ASD that have mediators or facilitators that may not be simplifying texts but may be helping them in specific moments... this tool can help them to know how to themselves help the person with ASD. That on one side. For people with ASD, those less affected, well I think that if... it’s going to be a faster tool, more intuitive, to simplify texts on things that they may not understand, even though they may not be that aware of what they don’t understand, it gives them many clues already. For autonomous adults, mostly in areas relating their job or hobbies... because many things they read they find very hard to understand. And, © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 159 of 195 again, I don’t know, certain scientific texts in which there are many concepts that they don’t understand... and that, even though they like reading, well, that even though they may like reading them they can have fast access to information and they don’t have to open a window, close another one, search on Wikipedia, on Google, get an image, go back to the text... in the same screen they are really solving any comprehension problem that has to do with their leisure. Interviewer: And, for example, with the children that you work with and with adults, what do you think a tool like this can be useful for, mostly regarding aspects of improvement of their social inclusion or their autonomy? R: Well, a clear element of social inclusion, at leas with young adolescents with whom I’m working now, it’s their RENDIMIENTO ACAD’EMICO, that is, it’s one of the best indicators of their level of social inclusion, not to say of future aspects of their development. Access to the EMPLEO... to have a girlfriend, everything.. therefore, in truth, school competency correlate very well with aspects of social inclusion... not always but it’s a good element of correlation. And obviously, in order to have good school competency I must understand what I’m reading, thus what I’m studying, therefore my chances to keep up with the curriculum or to achieve a grade that allows to pass subjects or courses. Therefore it’s a tool that improves social inclusion. Directly? I don’t think so, indirectly? Well, yes... because it can improve school performance. Interviewer: For example, besides the dynamics at school, is it possible that this tool can influence social inclusion because it empowers their participation in social environments to which they would not typically access because... I mean aspects relating culture.. aspects relating... other aspects... R: Yes, well, I was thinking for example about reading the paper in which case they many times only select pieces of news or information that is really accessible for their comprehension... being able to understand the news in a newspaper or a film review or... a football review, well, that can have an impact later on at a social level because that allows me understand a conversation and what’s being talked about. Interviewer: Do you mean that it can improve the possibility of a higher richness in conversational aspects at a social level? R: That is correct, precisely that. Because if, for example, everybody talks about Cristiano Ronald and they can’t even put a face to the name then, it they are reading the text, in that case, they click on image © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 160 of 195 and they get the face... it has a fast access to information about Cristiano Ronaldo or maybe just because the simplification of the text allows them to understand who Cristiano Ronaldo is. The next day his mates are talking about the match, “because Ronaldo... he did this...” and they can be part and they can understand what is being talked about because they had access to that simplified text. Interviewer: Mmmm... what thing would you think are susceptible of improvement in this tool? R: Well, for me there are two things that are important, one is that... well, the tool has to work... but assuming that it works well, one is that the user has to have better understanding of what texts can be used and what texts can’t. Because one of the things that happened to the children that have been working with the tool, and it has happened to me too, is that we didn’t have the essential criteria about which texts could be loaded (Note: Referring to type of input, not type of texts) and which couldn’t. And, for example, you would try to load a text that was important for you but was too long, or was a web page, that for some reason would never load... there is no previous information to tell you what texts can be adapted, there is no previous information to tell you, not only about the use of the tool, which is very intuitive, but over all about what type of text the tool is really able to work with. And that is very important because you get very frustrated in the beginning with texts that will not get loaded due to their extension, format... for whatever reason... you stop using the tool. Interviewer: Do you mean a type of tutorial? R: Yes Interviewer: Yes, that is going to be done but is not done yet. R: But a tutorial that not only considers how to use the tool but what texts you should not even try with because it’s going to freeze, because they are too long... or, look: “a text larger than a page long, don’t try it or you have to divide it in parts” or “a web page...” “You can’t load a web page to be simplified unless you do it in this way” or “if a website is like this...” Because if not, the rest... it’s not just how the tool works but also what kind of texts to load. And this I think also limits the initial engagement with the tool, because in the end, when you first start using something what you have to see is that it’s useful for you and you have to feel that right away, not three months later but immediately you have to feel that it’s useful, that it solves problems. And teachers and parents have to feel the same thing. Then, this is something that I have really missed, no? And then I think there are things that are great but that... for © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 161 of 195 example, the thing about putting a little dot with a click, how do you call that? Ad note. The thing is that it really never worked for me but ading a note I think is a great strategy because at that point you don’t need to include a long definition , but it’s optional, the user has the freedom of using clarifications there, or not, himself can use a reminder or not, which is the most useful thing to really personalize a document, it’s very good. Interviewer: Have any of your users told you, have they told you any idea about the use, about the potential use of it? R: Not in this first phase, no. Interviewer: Ok, would you like to ad anything else? R: No, just that in general I liked it, I mean, what was frustrating is that it wouldn’t work, but the features it had and the way it’s all planned and what it would be if it worked, I thought that it was very good. I mean, as I was changing paragraphs, if the changes had been saved, really, the outcome would have been really good simplified texts in much less time than it takes to... Interviewer: Do you really think your users will keep using it from now on... considering what you have talked about... regarding the school context? R: Sure. Interviewer: I mean, can it really be of use for them in their every day life at school? R: Yes Interviewer: And, socially? We have already spoken about the social impact but, do you think that it could have socially the same use as for school? R: I think that they would do it for the things that they have trouble with regarding comprehension but are very motivating for them. Particularly with ASD. Maybe in other disabilities with more cognitive handicaps they could have a more generalized use but I’m thinking for example about adolescents that love to read instructions for games that they are going to share with other school mates. For example Call © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 162 of 195 of Duty whatever, whatever other, but they don’t really get tu understand the instructions . If the tool were useful for school they would later also use it to read instructions they need to understand to share with school mates. Interviewer: Very well, I think we have tackled the most important issues and we can finish our interview. Thank you. Spanish transcript: RQ (Therapist) Hola, buenos días, Raquel, mira, te vamos a hacer una entrevista para que nos describas cómo ha sido tu experiencia con el OpenBook y para ver sobre todo el impacto que crees que puede tener en la gente con la que trabajas. Entonces, primero cuéntanos qué te ha parecido, cuál ha sido tu experiencia trabajando con la herramienta. R: Pues…La verdad es que me ha gustado… Es verdad, me ha gustado la… porque lo que veo es que al utilizar la herramienta se va a ahorrar tiempo. Es decir, que el esfuerzo que se hace para simplificar los textos (que lo están haciendo generalmente los padres y los profesionales que se dedican a la intervención) para mejorar la comprensión, para ayudarles a estudiar, para comprender lo que están leyendo.. pues….es muy largo y que con la herramienta se ahorra mucho tiempo en relación a esa posible simplificación de los textos para que el usuario los pueda comprender… Lo que pasa es que ha sido frustrante que no funcionara bien, es decir, que cuando aplicabas los cambios le dabas a guardar y luego no se guardaba bien. O le aplicabas un cambio que después desaparecía… o que no se cargara el texto entero, pues es frustrante porque claro, es que no termina de funcionar…. Pero vamos, cuando funcione va a ser útil. Eso, las posibilidades que da la herramienta… crees que puede… Qué utilidad crees que puede tener para los usuarios con las que trabajas?? R: Para mí hay dos niveles: uno es personas que necesitan la ayuda para acceder a la comprensión lectora no sólo de un instrumento que simplifique los textos sino que necesitan de una persona que les ayude a simplificar o a hacer un seguimiento de lo que están leyendo, con independencia de que el texto esté simplificado o no. Por tanto, para personas con TEA de mayor afectación. Esa herramienta es útil porque ayuda al cuidador, al profesor o al padre a saber qué cosas tiene que simplificar, es decir, que ya te da pistas que a lo mejor porque no tienes formación o porque no tienes experiencia pues no has tenido en © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 163 of 195 cuenta… No sé, a lo mejor no se te ha ocurrido que tienes que meter imágenes, o que tienes que quitar anáforas… o yo que sé, poner las líneas de otra manera… Esto es una ayuda para el cuidador, para el adulto que va a estar acompañando a esa persona en relación a pistas, porque no todo el mundo que está trabajando con personas con la afectación que tengan sabe cómo simplificar un texto, y aquí te dan las pistas sobre qué cosas poner… a lo mejor no se te ocurriría poner un sinónimo más sencillo, o poner una imagen o no se te ocurriría, sobre todo a nivel gramatical., simplificar una estructura a nivel gramatical. Eso es muy complicado. Resumir… yo que sé, pues vale…. Señalar las palabras más complejas… Pero hay muchas cosas que a lo mejor muchas personas no tienen en cuenta. Y creo que la herramienta da retroalimentación al cuidador, al adulto, al profesor, por ejemplo… O… Yo que sé, para otras personas… para adultos con TEA que lo que tienen son mediadores o facilitadores que no es que les estén simplificando los textos pero que a lo mejor sí que les ayudan en momentos puntuales… esa herramienta les puede ayudar a saber cómo ayudar a su vez a la persona con TEA. Eso, por un lado. Para las personas con TEA, las de menor afectación, pues creo que sí, que va a ser un instrumento más rápido, más intuitivo, para simplificar textos de cosas que no entienden. Aunque a lo mejor tengan menos conciencia de lo que no entienden les da muchas pistas ya. Para adultos autónomos, pues sobre todo en cuestiones ligadas a su profesión, o a su ocio… pues porque determinadas cosas que están leyendo les resulta muy complicado comprenderlas. Y de nuevo, yo creo que sí puede ayudarles a entender. Pues, por ejemplo, yo que sé, pues determinados textos científicos, en los que vienen muchos conceptos que no entienden…y que aunque les guste leerlos, pues bueno, que aunque les guste mucho leerlos puedan tener rápidamente el acceso a una información y no tengan que abrir una ventana, cerrar otra, buscar en el Wikipedia, en el google, sacar la imagen, volver al texto… en una misma pantalla están realmente solucionando cualquier problema de comprensión que tiene que ver con su propio ocio. Y por ejemplo, con los chavales que tú trabajas y con los adultos, para qué crees que esta herramienta puede ser útil para ellos, sobre todo en aspectos de mejorar su inclusión social o mejorar su autonomía? R: Bueno, un elemento de inclusión social clarísimo, al menos con los adolescentes jóvenes con los que yo estoy trabajando ahora, es su rendimiento académico, es decir es uno de los mejores indicadores del nivel inclusión social, por no decir de aspecto futuros de desarrollo , el acceso al empleo… tener novia, todo… o sea que, en realidad, las competencias curriculares correlacionan muy bien con aspectos de inclusión social… no siempre pero sí es un buen elemento de correlación. Y claro, para tener buenas competencias académicas tengo que entender lo que estoy leyendo, una herramienta que me ayuda a comprender lo que estoy leyendo, por tanto lo que estoy estudiando, por tanto aumentan las posibilidades de seguir el curriculum o de tener una calificación que me permita ir pasando materias, o ir pasando de © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 164 of 195 curso pues es una herramienta que facilita la inclusión social. De manera directa? No lo creo. De manera indirecta? Pues sí… porque puede mejorar su rendimiento académico. Por ejemplo, además del funcionamiento académico, es posible que esta herramienta pueda incidir sobre la inclusión social porque les potencie la participación a entornos sociales a los que ellos no suelen acceder porque… pues me refiero a aspectos relacionados con la cultura… a aspectos relacionados con… otros aspectos… R: Sí, bueno yo estaba pensando por ejemplo en leer el periódico, que muchas veces seleccionan sólo las noticias o la información que realmente es accesible en su comprensión… el poder comprender noticias de un periódico, o una critica de cine o … una critica de futbol pues puede tener una repercusión después a nivel social porque eso hace que me pueda enterar de la conversación de la que están hablando. Te refieres entonces a que puede aumentar la posibilidad de una mayor riqueza en aspectos conversacionales a nivel social? R: Efectivamente, justo ese punto. Porque claro, si por ejemplo todo el mundo habla de Cristiano Ronaldo y ellos ni siquiera le han puesto cara pues, pues están leyendo el texto… en ese caso, pinchan la imagen y les sale la cara… Tienen un acceso rápido a información sobre Cristiano Ronaldo o simplemente porque la simplificación del texto hace que entiendan quién es la persona de Cristiano Ronaldo. Al día siguiente sus compañeros están hablando del partido, porque Ronaldo, porque hizo eso.. y ellos pueden participar y pueden entender de qué se está hablando porque han tenido acceso a ese texto simplificado. Emmmm, qué cosas crees que son susceptibles de ser mejoradas en esta herramienta? R: Bueno, para mí hay dos cosas que son importantes, una es que … bueno, la herramienta tiene que funcionar… Pero suponiendo que funcione bien, una es que el usuario tiene que tener más claro que textos puede cargar y qué textos no puede cargar. Porque una de las cosas que le ha pasado a los chicos que han estado trabajando con la herramienta y me ha pasado a mí también es que no teníamos criterios esenciales sobre que textos se podía cargar y cuáles no. Y claro, por ejemplo, le dabas a cargar a un texto que para ti era importante pero que era excesivamente largo, o que era una página web que por lo que fuera no se cargaba… no hay información previa que te diga sobre todo qué textos se pueden cambiar, no hay información previa que te diga (no sólo sobre el uso de la herramienta, que eso es muy intuitivo) sino sobre todo qué textos realmente la herramienta va a poder operar y que textos no. Y eso es importante © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 165 of 195 porque si te frustras mucho al principio, con textos que luego no se van a cargar por su extensión, por su formato… por lo que sea, la dejas de utilizar. Te refieres a una especie de tutorial? R: Sí Sí, eso está previsto que se haga, pero todavía no está hecho. R: Pero un tutorial que no sólo contemple cómo utilizar la herramienta sino con textos no lo tienes ni que intentar porque se va a bloquear, porque son muy largos… O mira: “un texto que tenga más de una página, no lo intentes, o lo tienes que plantear en segmentos” o… “Una web… No puedes meter para que te simplifique una web si no lo haces de esta manera o si la web tiene estas características”. Porque es que si no, lo demás… Ya no es sólo cómo funciona la herramienta sino también qué textos tienes que cargar. Y eso también yo creo que limita un poquito el enganche inicial a la herramienta. Porque en el fondo, cuando empiezas a utilizar una cosa lo que tienes que ver es que realmente te es útil, y lo tienes que sentir muy rápido. No tres meses después sino que de manera inmediata tienes que sentir que esa herramienta te sirve, que te soluciona las cosas. Y los profesores y los padres tienen que sentir lo mismo. Entonces eso sí que lo he echado en falta, No? Y luego hay cosas que me parece que están fenomenal pero que… Por ejemplo, eso de poner con un clic un puntito, como se llama? Añadir nota, lo que pasa es que no me ha funcionado nunca, pero lo de añadir nota me parece que es una estrategia estupenda porque tú ahí no tienes por qué poner una definición larga, sino que es opcional, el usuario tiene la libertad de poder buscar aclaraciones ahí, o no, o él mismo pones un recuerda que si quieres lo usas o no. Lo que es más útil para realmente individualizar los textos, está bien. Te han transmitido alguno de los usuarios que la han usado, te han transmitido alguna idea sobre la utilidad, sobre la posible utilidad? R: En esta primera fase, no. Vale, quieres decir algo más? R: No, que en general me ha gustado, o sea, lo que ha sido frustrante es que no funcionara, pero las cosas que tenía y cómo se estaban planteando y como hubieran quedado si funcionara me parecía que estaba © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 166 of 195 muy bien. O sea, según iba cambiando los párrafos, si se hubieran guardado en condiciones realmente, habrían quedado unos textos muy bien simplificados en mucho menos tiempo del que lleva… Crees que realmente tus usuarios lo usarán desde el punto… Teniendo en cuenta de los que ya has hablado…principalmente para el contexto académico? R: Seguro. Es decir, les puede ser de utilidad realmente en el día a día a nivel académico? Sí. Y,… socialmente, ya hemos hablado del impacto social, pero socialmente crees que pueden llegar a hacer el mismo uso que académicamente? R: Creo que lo harán con aquellas cosas con las que tienen problemas de comprensión pero que son muy motivantes para ellos. En concreto en TEA. Puede que en otras discapacidades que tienen afectaciones más cognitivas podrían hacer un uso más general, pero estoy pensando en, por ejemplo, adolescentes que les encanta leer instrucciones de juegos que luego van a compartir con sus compañeros. Por ejemplo el Colour duty, no sé qué, no se cuántas, pero que esas instrucciones a veces no las acaban de comprender. Si la herramienta les es útil para lo académico la utilizarán luego para leer instrucciones de juegos que necesitan para después compartir con sus compañeros. Muy bien, pues yo creo que hemos abordado los aspectos más importantes, y damos por concluida la entrevista, gracias. Bulgarian Transcripts Neli_1.1_Sofia Can you tell us about your experience of using Open Book? Yes, of course, in fact I’m doing this at present as. I’m telling lots of people about the programme. I think this programme is very suitable for children with autism. Although I don’t have much experience, in my opinion it should be integrated in schools and other social services where disabled children are taken in, I © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 167 of 195 mean places which obtain documents for disabled people- it’ suitable for these places. The texts, which disabled people above 18 fill in, are supposed to be adapted, even independently. Interviewer:As far as I can understand, you think that it’s important for the programme to be widely spread in institutions, schools and other departments in order to be used by different disabled people. Yes, I think that the declaration files and other applications which are filed in social services can be adapted through this programme and improved variants to be used. How often have you been using Open Book? During the last couple of weeks, once or twice a week. Does XX (child’s name) use it on his/her own or just with you? No, at present he can use it with my help. I show him how the things work and we study each button and examine different options. For what purposes do you use it? At first we ran specific texts so I could check how the things worked, I mean, if they could be adapted, but not school related ones-specific texts. We’ve been using it for extracts from the Internet lately. We copy the articles which we get and run because it’s easier to find some information that way. On the whole, he uses it only for fun and for watching pictures. Interviewer:So, for now you just study the programme? We do study the programme. What do you like about it? It has been created quite easy of access and the things follow naturally, I mean, it’s simple to work with. Even people who haven’t got good computer skills and knowledge can use it on their own, without any need of assistance. It has got enough explanations; the buttons are very large and people can find them easily. It’s just the beginning, but I think it’s very important because one can easily find what they look for in a programme, site or whatever. © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 168 of 195 Interviewer:As far as I can see, you consider the design easy to use, simple and people can work with it even if they have some difficulties. Exactly. What do you not like about it? I can’t say I don’t like it, but I think there are still some things which are not adequate or well explained, I mean that occasionally for the underlined words there are inadequate explanations or there aren’t any of them. For lots of children the colour of the underlined word, red, is not the favourite one; they want it in green or blue. I don’t think it’s a problem but it’ssomething I took notice of lots of children, not only of my son. Red was not the colour they wanted. This is the fact which impressed me, but the basic one is that the pictures are quite too many, occasionally not enough informative or suggest the very information; there are words which explanation and synonyms do not refer to their meaning and there’s no option for me as expert changing the information to make use of the dictionary. Interviewer:So, the main problems seem to be incorrect explanations of some words as well as inappropriate illustrations. That’s right. What aspects of Open Book would you change (add, remove, replace)? I don’t think I would change anything. There are options for changing the font; these are also important things. I don’t know. I think I wouldn’t change anything. It’s good to be better working. Interviewer: Can you tell something more about the content? I can’t think of anything else at present…. I also like that there’s a summary which for many children is very important because they find it difficult to get the main idea, to highlight the important amongst the insignificant and some of them even study by heart. It’s easier to learn a text of a half-page length than a text of two pages or longer. Interviewer: Well, you consider that the summary is a useful function, don’t you? © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 169 of 195 Very useful one. Has it had an impact on XX’s understanding of written information? (online, exam instructions, homework, newsletters, literature etc) How? Why? What do they now do differently? I can’t say I see a difference because our stage of improvement involves more fun activities, games and acquaintance rather than education or using the very software in its basic purpose. According to me, the time is not enough to make any difference of the kind; it takes lots of time. Interviewer: You think it’s necessary to have more time to see the difference in understanding; to pass the stage of acquaintance, to get accustomed. Yes, at the moment most of the children (as I spoke to some) need to understand that it’s a kind of subsidiary tool, which they can use. It’s true that it takes some time to understand the product and use it as a subsidiary tool. The fun they’re having now- studying all the buttons, fonts, colours, searching for some information -should be more concentrated in order for the software itself to be used accordingly. Has the use of Open Book influenced XX’s attitude to learning and reading? Why do you say that? I’m afraid I’ll repeat myself saying that I don’t think it is possible children’s willingness for study and such serious attitude to be affected for so short of time. According to me it’s a process and if a child lacks willingness for study, testing the product itself for a couple of months won’t give the expected results. Interviewer:What about using the programme as parent and giving your child the simplified and ready-touse text? How will it work? It will have a good effect, but at the moment children don’t use the programme on purpose. But the tests, with my small remarks about the explanations and pictures, can be very well clarified. There’s something else which occurred to me. I don’t know if it is a problem or not, but there was an option for sending messages between a teacher and a student. We tried this twice. Then I heard from a customer who said he hadn’t received the message. I can’t say if it was by chance or there’s a problem here. Interviewer: Is he registered in the system? © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 170 of 195 Yes. Interviewer:So, we will note it down as lapse. I haven’t used it personally, but I’ve got this information from a customer who said that the expert had sent him a message which he never received, even though they both have registration. He said, “This function doesn’t work.” Interviewer:There was such a report back from a customer saying that sending the message between a child and an expert failed. Sorry for mentioning it now but I’ve just remembered it. Interviewer: It’s important. Has it made a difference to his/her communication, both online and face-to-face? If yes, how?(social networking sites, game sites, emails etc) There’s no such difference. At this stage, I can’t talk about such essential changes or children’s attitude. Did any safety and/or privacy issues come up for XX when using Open Book? How did XX deal with them? What about these issues for you? I have no problems of the kind. What we did was to show them how to register; we helped customers to register. In my opinion, the information used during registration is not a reason to be worried about. Has the use of Open Book had an impact on XX’s day to day functioning? How? Why? What do they now do differently? He doesn’t do anything more different than before. It isn’t possible functional things to change for that short of time. Interviewer: At this stage, we cannot say we’ve seen such changes. © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 171 of 195 I think so. It will make them more self-dependent, more independent from us, or at least we will be a kind of side-watchers, helpers but not the people who stand by their side all the time. We work together and, yes, things will happen but in half a year or a whole year. Interviewer: Yes, in a longer period of time, according to you. Has Open Book made a difference in XX’s relationships with friends and relatives? How?(explore quantity as well as quality of relationships) No difference of the kind. Has it had an impact on XX’s school performance? If so, how? No, I can’t say there’s a difference there too, but I repeat, time is not enough. As far as school is concerned, I’d really like to have the eBooks which together with this software will help children a lot. I personally see the leading part of the programme there, but unfortunately we’ve been waiting for these books for a very long time. In the classrooms. As long as we live in the age of technology and communication, if children have a tablet or something, it gives some opportunity of adapting the whole educational material. Has it has an effect on XX’s behaviour? If so, how? No. I say it again, it’s impossible to affect them for so short of time. I think it will make some difference in behavior when children are at school and use the programme because they won’t be dependent on the resource teachers and other teachers if they have a programme like this one. As teachers know in advance what they teach each day, adapted lesson could be sent to children. That’s what I want and that’s the way I see the function of the programme. During the time that XX has been using Open Book has there been a change in his/her level of autonomy/independence? If so, how? It hasn’t changed because it can’t really happen for so short of time. Has his/her self-confidence been affected? If so, how? Yes, it will affect but not at this stage. How did the use of Open Book change your child’s ability to search and find information? © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 172 of 195 Talking about my own son I can say he orientates quite well finding information but what we haven’t done so far, and I believe it’s good, is searching for unfamiliar info through the programme, adapted by the software. He looks for things which he’s personally interested in, things he’s curious about. Using the programme will be like education, not just having fun; being able to look for different information; orientatingon his own. Interviewer: As far as I understand, at this stage he looks for information which he finds it important and interesting for him. Having the programme and using it, he can broaden the sphere of texts. Yes, with support. Has the use of Open Book had an effect on your burden as a carer? No, it hasn’t. I don’t think it’s more than ever. I even believe that at a certain stage it will help me, it will reduce my engagement. Interviewer: Will it shorten the time? It will shorten the time I spend with my child. Will you and XX keep using Open Book in the future? Yes, sure. Would you suggest it to other carers? Why? Why not? Yes, and I’m doing it. We have come to the end of our interview. Would you like to add something else to what we have discussed so far? I can’t think of anything else, but to wish all the things to work well and dreams to come true. Ivan_1.2_Plovdiv © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 173 of 195 Can you tell us about your experience of using Open Book? The Open Book program is a useful tool for simplifying texts. What I like about it is that there are two options – for separate use for people with autism and forspecialists. The latter lets you to make corrections in the text manually pursuant to the need of adaptation. I also like that the text can be personalized with different colours and print as well as to focus on a separate part of the text. A very important function is the resume, because it lets you shorten the text and to write only the important facts. How often have you been using Open Book? In the last few months, few times a week. Does XX (child’s name) use it on his/her own or just with you? With me as well as separately. The mother of the child said that he was very happy and exited after we worked with the program. He wanted to try it by himself. He used the functions providing pictures and definitions. For what purposes do you use it? Simplifying texts and popular science articles. What do you like about it? The program is easy to work with. I like that the menu can be personalized –you can set colours, and different prints. You can set which buttons you can see in the task pane. The simplified texts can be saved in the library and to be reworked again. That’s very useful. The possibility to add notes,to write definitions or to delete apart of the text lets you make different variants of the text. What do you not like about it? In some of the sentences the program detects a large amount of obstacles – 6-7, but it only gives definition for 1 or 2 words. Some words have many meanings but the program gives only one definition. Sometimes this definition doesn’t correspond with the meaning of the word in a certain text. Some of the pictures given by the program are not appropriate. For many words there are no synonyms. What aspects of Open Book would you change(add, remove, replace)? © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 174 of 195 I would add more synonyms and definitions. I would change some pictures with more appropriate ones. I would delete the marking of some common words as hard. Has it had an impact on XX’s understanding of written information? (online, exam instructions, homework, newsletters, literature etc) How? Why? What do they now do differently? I think that the program helps the child’s understanding during his preparation for his lessons. We used pictures to visualize the description of waters and layers. We added a note to get the description clear. We changed some words with synonyms. After I presented the simplified lesson to the child I found out that he is doing better in writing his homework. Has the use of Open Book influenced XX’s attitude to learning and reading? Why do you say that? The child had an interest in working with the program for his geography lesson. He was attracted by the fact that he can see different images and objects and put them in the text. Compared to reading the lesson from a textbook, reading through the program enabled him to keep his attention on the lesson for longer. Has it made a difference to his/her communication, both online and face-to-face? If yes, how?(social networking sites, game sites, emails etc) There is no difference Did any safety and/or privacy issues come up for XX when using Open Book? How did XX deal with them? What about these issues for you? No there was no problem Has the use of Open Book had an impact on XX’s day to day functioning? How? Why? What do they now do differently? I think his attention can be kept longer on his studies. The child has interest when we use the program and simplify a lesson. He prefers the “Explain with picture” function. Has Open Book made a difference in XX’s relationships with friends and relatives? How?(explore quantity as well as quality of relationships) I don’t think there is difference. Has it had an impact on XX’s school performance? If so, how? © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 175 of 195 I have no observations. Has it has an effect on XX’s behaviour? If so, how? The change I saw was the involvement of the child in a group task. Before he refused to work like that. I gave a group of 3 children to fill in a table with data of the climate and rivers in Africa. The child was ready and he joined the other children. That happened after we used the program to simplify lessons including that information. During the time that XX has been using Open Book has there been a change in his/her level of autonomy/independence? If so, how? I can point out the fact that he wanted to work with the program alone in home. Has his/her self-confidence been affected? If so, how? I think that he feels more confident working with other children. How did the use of Open Book change your child’s ability to search and find information? The child has a mindset to use the program as a provider of images and definitions. Has the use of Open Book had an effect on your burden as a carer? Yes there is. Using the program saves time while adapting lessons. Will you and XX keep using Open Book in the future? Yes we will continue to use it. Would you suggest it to other carers? Why? Why not? Yes I will offer it to parents and teachers. I believe that it will be very useful for teachers in the mainstream schools. With the help of the program the teachers can adapt the lessons for children with autism as well as for children that are on a different level or have language issues. We have come to the end of our interview. Would you like to add something else to what we have discussed so far? I can think of one more recommendation. To put in an option which lets the specialists and the parents who are using the program to put in pictures and definitions in the database and to enrich it that way. The new pictures and definitions can be used by other users. © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 176 of 195 1.3_Maria_Sofia Can you tell us about your experience of using Open Book? The program is a great assistant in therapeutic work, and for self-studies of children with difficulties in reading on a comprehension level. How often have you been using Open Book? I used the program for the adaptation of the materials for their work in office conditions in the period May - June. Does XX (child’s name) use it on his/her own or just with you? At the moment he uses it only with me. For what purposes do you use it? Initially with a view to understanding the program and its options, and then for adapting the text and making it easier to understand. What do you like about it? Еasy navigation of the program, fast access to the meaning of the words, andways to adapt them. What do you not like about it? I have no complaints for now, except for the lack of definitions for couple of words that were marked as obstacles. In several texts there were no definitions for 7-8 words that were marked as obstacles. What aspects of Open Book would you change(add, remove, replace)? I would add the missing definitions. Has it had an impact on XX’s understanding of written information? (online, exam instructions, homework, newsletters, literature etc) How? Why? What do they now do differently? Yes, improving comprehension and reading speed. Better response to questions about the lessons that we simplified using the program. Has the use of Open Book influenced XX’s attitude to learning and reading? Why do you say that? © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 177 of 195 The child is more motivated. When using the program the child agrees to study longer - reading, asking and answering questions. Has it made a difference to his/her communication, both online and face-to-face? If yes, how?(social networking sites, game sites, emails etc) He narrates better. He started to write notes to his teachers and classmates to express himself. Did any safety and/or privacy issues come up for XX when using Open Book? How did XX deal with them? What about these issues for you? No Has the use of Open Book had an impact on XX’s day to day functioning? How? Why? What do they now do differently? We can observe improvement in the pragmatic language skills. Has Open Book made a difference in XX’s relationships with friends and relatives? How?(explore quantity as well as quality of relationships) He is more active in written communication with his friends - through emails and notes. I don`t have observations on his relationship with his parents. Has it had an impact on XX’s school performance? If so, how? The period matches with the end of theschool year and I am not sure. Has it has an effect on XX’s behaviour? If so, how? He expresses himself more confidently. He knows he can use writing and reading as communication tools. During the time that XX has been using Open Book has there been a change in his/her level of autonomy/independence? If so, how? The child can now work with tablet and computer. He feels more independant. Has his/her self-confidence been affected? If so, how? I think that heis more confident in the written communication and expression. How did the use of Open Book change your child’s ability to search and find information? We arestill working together. © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 178 of 195 Has the use of Open Book had an effect on your burden as a carer? Yes, definitely. It lowers the time for adaptation of texts. Will you and XX keep using Open Book in the future? Yes Would you suggest it to other carers? Why? Why not? Of course. I would recommend it to colleagues and parents who are interested. We have come to the end of our interview. Would you like to add something else to what we have discussed so far? I am interested in whether the program will receive periodic updates and improvementsbased on the experience that users had with it. Vera_1.4_Plovdiv Can you tell us about your experience of using Open Book? My experience with the OPEN BOOK program is very good. My son and I have been using the program for a long time. My son is very pleased with the program. I am very grateful that you gave us the opportunity to work with the program. This program is very good and I am happy that we are using it. Interviewer: Can you tell us more about the functions you use? Mostly – Add a picture, definitions, synonyms, which mostly helps him to simplify the text, to understand what a word means, to see the definition of the word and to find out what it means. That helps him a lot because of his condition he can’t understand everything. The synonyms also help him. Interviewer: If I understand right when you use the function „put in synonym and definition“ it helps him understand which words are more complicated. How often have you been using Open Book? We used it a lot the last month. It had good effect on my son. He liked it a lot. Interviewer: How many times a week did you use it? Once every day. © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 179 of 195 Does XX (child’s name) use it on his/her own or just with you? He used it alone and also with me. For what purposes do you use it? Our goals were the improvement of the child and to see what effects would it have on him. Interviewer: What kind of texts did you run through the program? The texts we ran were connected to things that he is interested in. So that they can keep his attention on the program. Interviewer: You used texts with things that he has interest in so you can draw his attention on using the program. What do you like about it? What I liked about the program was that it helped the children to understand more complex words. It gives the definitions of the words so the children can understand their meaning. And it gives synonyms of the words. When they don’t know something they come to us (the parents) to explain ittothem. Sometimes we also don’t know a certain word so we are looking for it in dictionaries or on the internet. This program helps us not to do that. Interviewer: You believe it makes the work of the children and the parents easier. What do you not like about it? There is nothing I don’t like. The only thing I didn’t like was that the program gave me limited information in one of the texts. There were a lot of words that needed to be explained, 6 or 7 from a single sentence. Interviewer: So there were 6 or 7 obstacles detected by the program. And my son wanted to understand what they mean but the program didn’t show them on a picture or as a definition or synonym. It did only for one of the words. There were a lot sentences like that one in the text. Interviewer: So there are missing definitions and pictures for a lot of the words which were noted as obstacles. That’s the one thing I didn’t like. I hope it gets better in time. What aspects of Open Book would you change(add, remove, replace)? Maybe what I said right now. To get the definitions and synonyms better. © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 180 of 195 Interviewer: To enrich the program. Yes with more definitions, pictures and synonyms. Interviewer: Something about the design and the buttons? I liked everything else a lot, it’s made very good and understandable. The child understood the program very quickly. Interviewer: It’s easy to work with? Yes Has it had an impact on XX’s understanding of written information? (online, exam instructions, homework, newsletters, literature etc) How? Why? What do they now do differently? Yes, when he understood how to work with the program it became very interesting to him. He started to work with it. He was using the internet very well but now with the program it got more interesting for him. I can see that he wants to work with it more often now. Interviewer: And how about his understanding of what he is reading? Yes, that intrigued him even more because now he sees things he never did before. Now he can understand words he never did before. It was very interesting for me that for one word the program showed him 4 pictures. He picked the right picture. He had to choose from 4 images and he chose the right one. That impressed me even more. Interviewer: He had a choice and he used his knowledge to pick the right picture. He demonstrated his knowledge that way. Yes Has the use of Open Book influenced XX’s attitude to learning and reading? Why do you say that? Through OPEN BOOK he shows his knowledge. When he learns through OPEN BOOK he shows what he has learned. I think that that’s how it helps him in his studies. He linked the texts we reworked through the program with his lessons in school. That’s the way he expands his intellectual skills. That’s how he will expand his knowledge even more. Interviewer: The program helps him to exercise his knowledge and to learn more. To learn new words and definitions. Has it made a difference to his/her communication, both online and face-to-face? If yes, how?(social networking sites, game sites, emails etc) His communication has improved. He was shy before but now he is starting to overcome that. Apparently, the program has an effect on him. Everything he learns, he uses in everyday life. © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 181 of 195 Interviewer: You believe that there is a difference? Yes Interviewer: And how exactly? What made an impression on you? I can see that he starts to communicate with other children. He goes to them and starts talking, and he never did that before. Interviewer: So he is looking for contacts with other children Did any safety and/or privacy issues come up for XX when using Open Book? How did XX deal with them? What about these issues for you? No, there are no such problems. He even wants to log in the program by himself. Has the use of Open Book had an impact on XX’s day to day functioning? How? Why? What do they now do differently? He is more independent. He is in the age when his character is shaping up.The program itself changes him. To do everything by himself without my help at all. Everything that he learns from the program he puts into use. So yes he is changing. Has Open Book made a difference in XX’s relationships with friends and relatives? How?(explore quantity as well as quality of relationships) With his friends, his friends always accepted him well. Interviewer: His attitude towards them? In his behavior? As I said he overcame his uneasiness in communicating with others. Interviewer: You said you noticed him to be seeking contacts? Yes he goes to them looking for contact and conversation. Has it had an impact on XX’s school performance? If so, how? Yes it did. He had exams now and he wanted to study more, and to do better on them. So he could get as higher grades as possible. He got the highest scoreson the examinations that were included in the program. Everyone said that for a child with disabilities he got very high grades. He was really happy. Has it has an effect on XX’s behaviour? If so, how? © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 182 of 195 When I explained to him how to use the program he was very happy that he can use it by himself. He was exited from the possibility to rework texts of his favorite themes. He started looking at the words and changing them with pictures or definition. He started to work with big interest. Interviewer: He wanted to work with the program. Let’s get back to the problem you mentioned. Yes, yesterday he was working on a text. But he accidently clicked on “add a note’’. I was next to him and I was doing some other work and I didn’t see that. When he clicked „add a note“,the field shrank and it got him angry. I really didn’t notice. I decided to see what is going on. In the meantime he was looking at what was going on – the field was shrinking and with his laptop being small and it got harder for him. He was seeing a smaller part of the text. He was trying to correct the text because he is seeing it harder. He wanted to do it alone. He didn’t give up and that is the most important thing. He was trying to fix the text despite being angry. I was trying to close the note but I couldn’t. But he didn’t give up. I thought that he might throw the laptop. He didn’t give up and he fixed the text. Interviewer: He probably pressed the „add a note“ function without knowing he did it. It moved the text space and that got him angry, because it is something he didn’t expect. Despite getting angry he did not give up and he continued to look for a way to remove the note. To get the text back to its previous format. I told him to leave it if he wanted because I could see he was very angry and he could do it later. He stayed for a while and he started to try again. He said that he would do it this time. He was feeling the need to do it right now. Interviewer: He didn’t give up, he showed stubbornness to deal with the problem and to get the text back to its original form. This was a big success for me. Because he didn’t give up. He continued to do the text as much as he could. Because the text got smaller and you could only see a few words. He continued to get out definitions of the words. Interviewer: He continued to work after he fixed the problem, so we can call it a success. Yes. During the time that XX has been using Open Book has there been a change in his/her level of autonomy/independence? If so, how? Yes, yesterday was the biggest success, because he showed independence with his behavior. Without wanting any help, although he had difficulties with the text,he didn’t call for my help, he wanted to do it by himself. Interviewer: He did not look for help, and he wanted to manage it alone. Yes, no matter how mad he got he did not say ‘’come and help me’’. He was trying to do it alone. © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 183 of 195 Has his/her self-confidence been affected? If so, how? Yes, there is. He got more confident in himself. This is something that you can see in his knowledge, mostly in the grade he got in geography. Regardless, he studied the whole year. The texts he put in the program were about geography and that strengthened his interest even more. I am also very happy that he got such high grade. He was happy too. Interviewer: You believe that the knowledge he had and the texts he read through the program made him more confident and motivated to get high grades. How did the use of Open Book change your child’s ability to search and find information? I think that now with the program it is more interesting for him, rather than looking on the internet. Because on the internet he might not know where to find the information. Because in OPEN BOOK he can put in a text and he knows where to find the information as well as to get it simplified. It is easier for him to use the program. Has the use of Open Book had an effect on your burden as a carer? Of course, there is an effect. He can do it by himself here. I can do other stuff. Interviewer: The time he uses the program lowers your time to explain. Yes, and you have to search for the difficult things that he learns and asks. With each year they learn more difficult things and the study material is written in a more compex manner. Will you and XX keep using Open Book in the future? Of course, I will continue to use it. It is made very well for children like mine. For all children like him, because it helps them a lot. The people who createdthe program, I don’t know how to express myself….. Interviewer: It matches their needs. Yes their needs. Because they need such program. Words they don’t understand are shown to them what they mean. It enriches their dictionary. These children have a very poor dictionary. Would you suggest it to other carers? Why? Why not? Of course, I would reccomend it. Because this program will help other people. Other children like ours, and not only. Interviewer: Do you believe that it will help children with other disabilities as well? Not only them. All in all, when the children must understand more complex words and what they mean. © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 184 of 195 Interviewer: You believe that it will be useful to the children when they have to understand harder words. I can understand why they divide the children. Why only some children should use it. Interviewer: So everyone should use it even if she/he does not have disabilities. Yes, because in school they say that the normal child is doing okay and the child with disabilities doesn’t. Yes, because all children have difficulties regardless of their level. That is why I am saying that all children should use it. Interviewer: So you want a mass usage. We have come to the end of our interview. Would you like to add something else to what we have discussed so far? What I would add? I would say that the program is very good. I thank everyone that created it. For that, that they think for our children. Interviewer: As a recommendation for the future? More definitions for some texts and topics, because they were missing. Also photos. The design is very good. There is nothing more to do on the design, they did it very well. I have no other recommendations. 1.5_Gergana_Plovdiv Can you tell us about your experience of using Open Book? I got introduced to OPEN BOOK thanks to ‘’Parallel World’’, we reworked some texts and configured them. I think that it is well thought. Many things can be changed. We used it with one child in our center. Interviewer: Can you please provide a little more info on your impressions on the functions of the program and how it works for you? Well about the functions a lot of things can be changed. It is positive that the material that has to be reworked gets put in the program and the things that the child can’t understand are marked with a different color. That helps to focus the attention on the different difficulties. As for the problems in the program I must point out the pictures and the definitions. The definitions and the pictures are not correct. The explanations which are given for the different terms need to be more precise and accessible, with more understandable words. They need to have pictures. The word which is explained needs to be followed by a photo so that the child can see what the word means. Interviewer: If I understand this right, in order to be easier for the child the definition and the picture should be shown next to each other. © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 185 of 195 Yes Interviewer: The pictures should be sorted better. Definitions have to be more understandable. The definitions should be with written with words that we use more often. This has to be done because the scientific terms given in the textbooks are difficult for the child to understand. The speech that is used should be closer to the one you use in your daily life. Interviewer: Definitions need to be in more accessible language. How often have you been using Open Book? We did not use it very often, it depended on the visits of the child in the center. 4-5 times. Three times we reworked the biology lessons, other times – stories. Interviewer: And did you use it without the child? Yes we did. Interviewer: For what texts? Lessons and stories. Does XX (child’s name) use it on his/her own or just with you? Only with us. For what purposes do you use it? The aim was to see on what degree the child can workwith the program. Moreover, to see how we can work with it. The child has a potential. We can work with him on reading comprehension. What do you like about it? The program is good. It is positive that it is a technology which will get into our everyday lives. It is interesting for the children because it sharpens their senses. It is not a standard teaching method. The children are in front of the computer so the eyes and ears are involved. The child is not writing in a text book but on a computer. That is very positive. Interviewer: So you think that many senses are activated. Yes it improves his attention. What do you not like about it? I don’t like the unclear definitions of words. The pictures are also incorrect. Our children can’t understand the many meanings of a word. That is what I don’t like. It is very well thought but it should fit with the children’s needs. © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 186 of 195 What aspects of Open Book would you change (add, remove, replace)? I would change many things. At least the way the explanations are given. Also the film material has to be clearer. I would change the definitions too, to be closer to the children’s understanding. Interviewer: If I get it right you need better pictures and the definitions need to be closer to the children’s vocabulary. Yes that is right. Does it have an impact on XX’s understanding of written information? (online, exam instructions, homework, newsletters, literature etc) How? Why? What do they now do differently? Because we had few opportunities to work with the program we can’t give exact information if something has changed. Probably if we used it for a longer period of time there would be some change. For the children it is fun and interesting to write their homework and to study. We designed an experiment for how the child will react to the program but we haven’t put it in use yet. Has the use of Open Book influenced XX’s attitude to learning and reading? Why do you say that? I think that if we use it longer it will have an effect. Has it made a difference to his/her communication skills, both online and face-to-face? If yes, how?(social networking sites, game sites, emails etc) No we haven’t noticed any communication changes. Did any safety and/or privacy issues come up for XX while using Open Book? How did XX deal with them? What about these issues for you? No there were no problems. Has the use of Open Book had an impact on XX’s day to day functioning? How? Why? What do they now do differently? I will answer in the same manner. We didn’t use it long enough to expect any changes in the communication. Has Open Book made a difference in XX’s relationships with friends and relatives? How?(explore quantity as well as quality of relationships) © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 187 of 195 We can’t observe the relationship with the family and friends. He has friendly relationships with the children in the center. Interviewer: Did you notice anything here in the center? No. Has it had an impact on XX’s school performance? If so, how? We don’t have any observations on that. Has it has an effect on XX’s behaviour? If so, how? The effect on his behavior was that it was interesting for him. We didn’t see any other effects. Interviewer: It was interesting for him to work with the program? Yes he showed some interest. He likes computers, and that had an impact too and helped to our work with the program. During the time that XX has been using Open Book has there been a change in his/her level of autonomy/independence? If so, how? No Has his/her self-confidence been affected? If so, how? We can’t answer this question. He is in a protected environment with us. If we talk about confidence we must observe him elsewhere, for example while communicating in school. We have built trust with him, he knows me and my colleges, he knows our reactions. He feels safe with us. If we want to look for a change in the confidence we have to look for it in school. We don’t have observations there. Furthermore, he is very confident when it comes to communicating with the children here. How did the use of Open Book change your child’s ability to search and find information? We can’t answer that question. Has the use of Open Book had an effect on your burden as a carer? Only if we take in mind that we have to find the material from the textbook. To pick out what is important to him – that takes us a lot of time. Interviewer: And rework through the program. © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 188 of 195 The rework is quite fast. But it has bugs. Is that going to be fixed? For many words there are no definitions. It takes us time to find them. Interviewer: the lack of definitions. I suppose that when it is finished it won’t be that way. I suppose that if the corrections are made it will be of big use, especially for children with good understanding. It will be interesting not only for specialists but for different people with language problems. It will be easier for them to understand written language. Will you and XX keep using Open Book in the future? Yes we will continue with the same child if we have the opportunity. We think to start using it with other children too. Would you suggest it to other carers? Why? Why not? Yes. I think that it will be useful for the resource teachers who work with study programs in mass schools as they have study aims and tasks. With the lessons in 5th – 8th classes and with adapting to the needs of the children with disabilities - it will ease their work. We have come to the end of our interview. Would you like to add something else to what we have discussed so far? I have already given my recommendations - to improve the definitions and the pictures. Someone else may think differently but those are our recommendations. More and better pictures, definitions and synonyms. Some synonyms are also inappropriate. Also, some children can’t work alone with the program. They would need somebody who can help them. The contact with the computer is not the same. If you have to explain feelings or emotions you have to show them. The computer can’t do that. The good thing is that the program stimulates the senses and the interest of the child. But it can’t replace the direct contact child-specialist. Interviewer: Something to add for the design of the buttons? It is good and appropriate. 1.6_Galina_Plovdiv Can you tell us about your experience of using Open Book? We have been usingthe program for about two months, we like it very much and it helps us. I was really impatient to start using the software. I am very happy that something like this is in progress and that © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 189 of 195 people are finally thinking of a way to help these children. As we know, children take everything at heart and it is difficult to explain many things to them. Interviewer: If I understand right, the program helps you explain things to your child which he/she doesn’t understand. Not only things that he can’t understand. When I have a problem explaining a word it is a lot easier just to click and get synonyms out, even more that I can think about at the moment when he asks me a question. How often have you been using Open Book? Now we don’t use it very often, because there are too many celebrations and we did not have the time. Does XX (child’s name) use it on his/her own or just with you? By himself but I am still sitting with him and helping him just by giving him directions aboutwhat to do. For what purposes do you use the program? It helps learning the lessons, especially history and biology, as these are courses that have a lot of things to explain, which an autistic child can’t imagine. So he uses it to study. Interviewer: You use the program to study and clear the lessons he must study. What do you like about it? I like it that everything is in one place and it gives a lot more words than I can think of. The pictures are very important for me because I don’t have to draw them. He can learn his lesson by himself even if I am not there. That’s a way for him to find the answer alone without my help. Interviewer: So, you like it that your student can use the program to find answers that are in his interest. And that the program provides pictures and definitions that are very important. Yes, very important. What do you dislike about it? I can’t say anything yet. Actually if you ask me, there is a need for more synonyms. Words that are commonly met are written as rare and the opposite. Also some definitions are not right. These things should be improved so that the right pictures and definitions can come out. Interviewer: If I understandright, some of the pictures which the program provides don’t match the selected word and the same thing is happening with some of the definitions. © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 190 of 195 Especially for words with numerous meanings, sometimes the things that come out are absurd. Interviewer: I see. Also the program marks easy words as hard. What aspects of Open Book would you change (add, remove, replace)? What I said before, to add more words, definitions, to remove the things that are inappropriate. Even a word with not enough explanations is better than a word with wrong ones. For example – a picture that doesn’t mach. Interviewer: So you think that it is important to have more synonyms, definitions, more appropriate pictures, mechanism on which you can precise the explanation that the program gives , because sometimes the meaning of the context does not mach. Has it had an impact on XX’s understanding of written information? (online, exam instructions, homework, newsletters, literature etc) How? Why? What do they now do differently? It had an effect on his understanding and ability to tell something, which are our main problems. I hope that in time the instructions of the texts will have an effect because he has problems there too. But there is no improvement for now. But yet we use the program at home and the texts are made in school. So in our case, there is animprovement in doing the homework. Now I can leave him alone to look for what he can’t understand. To let the program help him where he finds it difficult and he can think over it later. Interviewer: So as he uses the program he has the opportunity to think over a text that is difficultfor him. Has the use of Open Book influenced XX’s attitude to learning and reading? Why do you say that? I can’t say right now, as it is too early. Due to the fact that there were too many celebrations and he did not study. I can’t say. Interviewer: So at this stage we can’t make an assessment for this matter. Has it made a difference to his/her communication, both online and face-to-face? If yes, how?(social networking sites, game sites, emails etc) I can’t say anything here as well, the only thing that is different is that he is looking for words that he can understand and cares about. Did any safety and/or privacy issues come up for XX when using Open Book? How did XX deal with them? What about these issues for you? © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 191 of 195 There is no problem, after all 90% of the programs require registration. Has the use of Open Book had an impact on XX’s day to day functioning? How? Why? What do they now do differently? I can’t say yet but I think that there is more information which he gets than before when he got it only from me. We need more time and maybe a different time of the year, let’s say the beginning of the school year. Interviewer: You need to use the program more time. He is an autistic child, we need to repeat everything so he can remember it. There is no way to do that by seeing something once or twice and remember it and to start using it. Interviewer: There is a need for more time to observe some changes in the function of the child, and now he has an extra resource to use. And thisresource gives him more explanations than I can. Has Open Book made a difference in XX’s relationships with friends and relatives? How?(explore quantity as well as quality of relationships) I have no observations. I am just not with him when he is with his friends. Has it had an impact on XX’s school performance? If so, how? As I said I can’t say anything at this stage of the year, it’s the end of the school year and there are many celebrations, and his grades were written. I can’t say that there was any effect but I also can’t say that there wasn’t. Interviewer: So there is no change in his grades. I can’t say except on a few tests, be we still need to explain the instructions there because he can’t understand them Has it has an effect on XX’s behaviour? If so, how? © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 192 of 195 Enough for him to start reading a lesson without asking questions all the time and before, if I couldn’t answer them he used to get angry. It is just fun for him to look for the word and its meaning alone. Maybe it makes him calmer. Interviewer: If I get this right he has interest in using the program and this helps him to calm down. Yes he doesn’t get angry for when I can’t give him the answer or when he doesn’t understand what I am saying. I am a parent who is not in touch with the things he is learning now. I can’t always predict what will be hard for him. The program gives just that, it predicts what is going to be hard for him. Sometimes I get angry when he doesn’t understand the question until I remember that I have to twist the question for him to understand it. But the program directly marks what could prove hard for him. And when something actually gets in his way he doesn’t ask me, he just looks for it in the program. Interviewer: The program helps him to find answers for questions which are unclear for him. The program helps to lower his anger which he used to have when he couldn’t find the answer. He wants it quickly. Sometimes I don’t have the time to react and to see what actually to explain, and he gets angry while I look for it in GOOGLE or in literature. This slows him down and that angers him. During the time that XX has been using Open Book has there been a change in his/her level of autonomy/independence? If so, how? What I explained just now, that he is looking for the answers of words which are hard for him. Something that he used to do with me or with a teacher. Interviewer: So his independence improved while working with the program. Has his/her self-confidence been affected? If so, how? He was never uncertain. How did the use of Open Book change your child’s ability to search and find information? At this stage I can’t say if there is a change. Also what I said many times now is that he is looking for the answers by himself. It is just that we used it for a short period of time. The fact is that he can now search for information alone. Interviewer: So the main thing is that he can find information alone. © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 193 of 195 Even now when I think about it I don’t always watch him when he is on the computer and I can’t say if he looked for something while I’m not there. Sometimes he just thinks of something and he just flies to the computer. He is about to eat or go to bed and he goes to check something. So I don’t know if he hadn’t used it by himself already. Interviewer: So it is possible knowing that he has the program, if he thinks of something he goes by himself to check it. It is highly possible. Honestly I didn’t notice. I can’t control him every minute. Interviewer: That is something that we can check in the future. Has the use of Open Book had an effect on your burden as a carer? Yes. First, everything is in one place and I don’t have to look and search for that which can help. Second, it saves time. The program explains fast, I use less time to explain and I hope that the program will take my place in time. He can study by himself and I can do some other work. Interviewer: So on the one hand, you shorten the time you have to help him and on the other hand he becomes more independent and with only one resource you get the all information you need. Yes I don’t have to memorize or do files. Here it is all in one place, I just enter and I see what we have read last time. What I like the most is that it shows me where we can get obstacles. Interviewer: You like it that the program identifies the potential obstacles. Will you and XX keep using Open Book in the future? Yes I have been waiting for a long time for something like this. I think we will use it. More and with more quality. Would you suggest it to other carers? Why? Why not? Yes I would recommend it because it will help them and their children. The children will become more independent, will understand things which are difficult to explain, and if there is a way to implement it in schools it will be great. That way we won’t have to tell the teachers where the obstacles can be and the teachers will do just fine. Interviewer: So let’s make this clear, you would put it in mass usage in the schools. To teachers as well as parents I would recommend to be used from all of the children. © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 194 of 195 We have come to the end of our interview. Would you like to add something else to what we have discussed so far? I think that the dictionary should get enriched, as well as the pictures. The other thing is that the program is very necessary. Something else I can think of is that more people should learn about it as fast as possible. It must get in mass usage as fast as possible so it is of help for the children. Because we all know that the younger the children the easier they study. They would be calmer. I know from experience that all of them have issues and they get angry when they don’t understand, and after that they just lose interest. Interviewer: Do you have any other recommendations. I wish the program success and I hope it kicks off earlier and even find its way in our schools. It is very important. © FIRST Consortium Version 1.1, October 2014 Page 195 of 195