WELCOME to the 2015 GWPCA NATIONALS Fort Robinson is a former U.S. Army fort and a present-day state park. Located in the Pine Ridge region of northwest Nebraska. Fort Robinson State Park is 3.2 miles west of Crawford, NE on US Highway 20 ALL ENTRIES CLOSE: SEPTEMBER 23, 2015 Schedule of Events October 8th Ring Set up— Noon-1:00 Rocky Mountain GWPC Sanctioned Match/Obedience Match 2:00 GWPU -an evening event. Hospitality: WELCOME October 9th Owner/Handler Sweepstakes 4-6 Mth Puppy GWPCA National Obed. & Rally Trial Hospitality provided by the Rocky Mountain GWP Club Western Attire please-bring your hats and boots. October 10th National Futurity National Maturity Junior Showmanship National Classes & BOB Annual Meeting October 11th National Sweepstakes Regional Specialty Regional Obed & Rally All Star Invitational Banquet & Awards October 12, 2015 Field Events BEGIN~ Water Test 2-AKC Hunt Tests Purina sponsored DINNER~ Invitational winner Announced! All National Field Events are Scheduled as “to Follow’’ Beginning on October 12, 2015 Derby Classic National Amateur Championship Puppy Classic Field Futurity National Gundog Championship ALL ENTRIES WILL CLOSE 9/23/15 SEPTEMBER 23, 2015 Gordon Show Secretary 9122 Trevarthon Rd. Orlando, FL 32817 Tel: 407-657-0733 mail@gordonshowsec.info Field Trial Entries CLOSE Wednesday September 23, 2015 with the Field Trial Secretary, Sue Mueller. W. 12203-870th Ave. River Falls, WI 54022 715.377.6941 Leo Boman, Hunt Test Chairman (402) 984-4979 blackstarkennel@yahoo.com Hunt Test Secretary, Chris Gross 417 Fletcher Ave, #12, Lincoln NE 68521 605-428-4310 christine.l.gross@gmail.com CATALOG ADVERTISING DUE: SEPTEMBER 14, 2015 Remember: A standard catalog page is 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches, but margins bring it down to 4 1/2 x 7 1/2. FULL PAGE Color AD …………………………….$75 Black & White Full Page Color Ad………………$60 GWP Club Advertising…………………………….$55 Please send all ads to Catalog Ad Manager Angie Johnson at angiehef@aol.com. CATALOG ADVERTISING HELP The regular ad space size for a full page is (4-1/2" x 7-1/2"). In your desk top publishing program, make the document size 5-1/2" x 8-1/2". Place the left & right hand margin guide (.5"). Place the top & bottom margin guide (.5" ) f. This will give an ad space of (4-1/2" x 7-1/2"). No Full Page Bleeds Submit the Ready ad as a PDF or .TIFF *Participants placing a full page ad will receive one free catalog. Make Checks Payable to GWPCA 2015 and mail to Angie Johnson, 1450 Marker Rd., Polk City, FL 33868 Please support the GWPCA Nationals by placing an ad. The National catalog is a souvenir you will keep forever. GWPCA NATIONAL MERCHANDISE See these items in our online store - opening July 10th! There are three ways to order GWPCA National Merchandise. Go to store website: http://stores.inksoft.com/gwpca Go to GWPCA Website www.gwpca.com/NMerchandise.html Or Call 608-837-5010 BASEBALL CAPS, SHIRTS, T-SHIRTS, POLAR FLEECE JACKETS, BAGS, AND MUCH MORE……………… 2015 MERCHANDISE, GWPU, MEALS/ BANQUET INFO, AND PREMIUM LISTS WILL ALSO BE AVAILABLE ON THE GWPCA WEBSITE SOON. www.gwpca.com ENTRY INFORMATION CONFORMATION AND OBEDIENCE/ RALLY Gordon Show Secretary, Susan Gordon Gordon Show Secretary 9122 Trevarthon Rd. Orlando, FL 32817 Tel: 407-657-0733 mail@gordonshowsec.info http://gordonshowsec.info *All* Entries CLOSE SEPTEMBER 23, 2015 with EACH EVENTS SHOW SECRETARY CONFORMATION/OBED/RALLY ENTRY FEES: First Entry of each dog..........……………...$30.00 Additional entry of same dog, unless otherwise specified…..$26.00 Best of Breed……………………………………..$35.00 Puppy & Bred By Exhibitor Classes...……$26.00 Puppy, Veteran & Amateur /Owner Handler Sweepstakes……$26.00 Junior Showmanship…………$15.00 4-6 mo Beginner Puppy…… $10.00 Futurity…………………………… $20.00 Maturity……………………………$15.00 When a dog is entered in more than one class, the highest priced class is considered the first class. Rally is a separate event & does not count as an additional entry of the same dog if entering Obedience as first entry, Susan Gordon takes online entries. If you are using another entry submittal service please allow an extra 48 hrs to make sure your entries arrive on time. TROOPHY DONATIONS: These National classes still need support: Conformation and Performance Trophy Donations Select Dog Cost $125.00 Select Bitch $125.00 Award of Merit Bitch $125.00 Reserve Winners Dog $100.00 Reserve Winners Bitch $100.00 Field Bitch $75.00 Any Class Placement $50.00 BOS Amateur Owner Handler Puppy $75.00 Best In Sweeps Veteran $75.00 BOS In Sweeps Veteran $75.00 Sweepstakes Any Placement $50.00 Obedience Any Placement $50.00 Rally High Score $75.00 Rally Any Placement $50.00 Commitment To Sponsor a Trophy Contact Sue DeGraw schnellberg@comcast.net Field Information Horse Rental: The wrangler, Jim Juergens will have horses available to rent by the day, or half-day. For arrangements, contact Jim at (641) 202-6604. FIELD Trophies National Championship Cost $350.00 Belt Buck National Championship Belt Buckle National Amateur Championship $150.00 $150.00 OPEN DERBY National Championship 2nd4th Placement National Amateur Championship 2nd-4th Placement $300.00 (GWPCA Derby Classic – 30 minutes) NOT BEFORE 7:00 AM , October 12, 2015 $300.00 NATIONAL AMATEUR CHAMPIONSHIP Derby 1st Place $150.00 (45 minutes, call back for retrieve) (To Follow Open Derby $140.00 Puppy 1st Place $150.00 Derby 2nd – 4th Placements $100.00 Puppy 2nd -4th Placements $100.00 Rosettes Open & Amateur Championship (Per Placement) $50.00 Help support the National Field Events STAKES, SCHEDULE AND ENTRY FEES $80.00 *GWPCA NATIONAL FUTURITY To Follow National Championship $80.00 (Non-Regular stake – 30 minutes, call back for retrieve) OPEN PUPPY (GWPCA Puppy Classic – 20 minutes) To Follow National Field Futurity $55.00 NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP (1 hour, call back for retrieve) To Follow Open Puppy $140.00 WATER TEST $25.00 Will be offered during the week. REMEMBER AKC DNA # is required for all dogs over the age of 2 years. Field Trial Chairman: Mark Smith 920.484.6443 Entries CLOSE Wednesday September 23, 2015 with the Field Trial Secretary, Sue Mueller. W. 12203-870th Ave. River Falls, WI 54022 715.377.6941 HUNT TESTS October 12th & 13th, 2015 AKC HUNT TESTS OPEN TO ALL POINTING BREEDS GERMAN WIREHAIRED POINTERS GIVEN PREFERENCE 14 DAYS PRIOR TO EVENT CLOSING ENTRIES LIMITED TO # of Dogs that can be run during daylight hours Entry fees MASTER HUNTER, SENIOR HUNTER………………………………..$50 JUNIOR HUNTER………………………………………………………………$45 WATER TEST (MONDAY ONLY)...………………………………………$20 This Hunt Test is held under Rules and Procedures of the American Kennel Club Checks payable to the: GWPCA Mail entries with checks to: Hunt Test Secretary, Chris Gross 417 Fletcher Ave, #12, Lincoln NE 68521 605-428-4310 christine.l.gross@gmail.com Entries will close at 11:59PM CST Wednesday, September 23rd, 2015 with the Hunt Test Secretary at the above address Drawing will take place at 7:00PM CST Wednesday, Septem- MEALS FRIDAY NIGHT BBQ Hosted by the Rocky Mtn GWP Club Burgers/Hot Dogs/Wild Game $8.00/person SATURDAY NIGHT GWPCA Annual Meeting Fried Chicken Buffet $18 /person SUNDAY NIGHT GWPCA Awards Banquet Turkey & Roast Beef Buffet $20/person BREAKFASTS Friday-Sunday Morning Breakfast Buffet $12.50/person per day Half price meals for children under 8 years old. Unfortunately, there will be no extra meals available for those who have not pre-paid ahead of time. GWPCA NATIONALS MEALS WHEN: MEAL PAYMENTS DUE 9/16/2015 WHERE: SEND MEAL ORDER FORM & PAYMENT TO : Miranda Wagoner, Hospitality Chair 603 W. Lark Lane Sterling, CO 80751 Meal Order Form Name:____________________________________ Phone Number_____________________________ Email Address: _______________________________ Please indicate Quantity of each Meal Amount Due Friday Breakfast: ____ Friday BBQ: ____ $________ Saturday Breakfast: ____ Saturday Dinner:____ $________ Sunday Breakfast: ____ Sunday Banquet: ____ $________ TotaL $_______________ Note: Per Park requirements all horses within the Park perimeter must be kept in stalls. There is no staking out of horses on the inside of the park . Fort Robinson State Park, Phone: (308) 665-2900 Motel 6 Chadron, Phone: (308) 432-3000 Super 8 Chadron, Phone: (308) 432-4471 Best Western Chadron, Phone: (308) 432-3305 So where is Ft Robinson? From the Rapid City Regional Airport, to Fort Robinson State Park, Harrison NE. 69346 is 2 h 3 min (129.2 mi) via SD-79 S and US-385 S From the Denver Airport, to Fort Robinson is 4 h 24 min (275.0 mi) via NE-71 N Trivia: Its 1, 277 miles From San Francisco, CA 1749 miles from Newark, NJ 1607 miles from Ridge Spring, SC to Ft Robinson MISC. NOTES AND RESERVATIONS