A-Section 5-15 - The McLeod County Chronicle


A-Section 5-15 - The McLeod County Chronicle
earn national
Panthers win 3 of last 5 games
— Page 10
— Page 1B
The McLeod County
Glencoe, Minnesota Vol. 116 No. 19
a continuation of
The Glencoe Enterprise
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
County to continue
Glencoe recycling
By Lori Copler
Staff Writer
Unless there is a court order instructing it otherwise, McLeod County will continue its five-sort recycling
program in Glencoe, County Commissioner Sheldon Nies told the Solid
Waste Advisory Committee (SWAC)
Monday morning.
The city of Glencoe recently started
a single-sort program — in which all
recyclables can be mixed in one container — under a contract with Waste
Management, Inc.
McLeod County, meanwhile, intends to honor the contract it has with
West Central Sanitation to provide a
five-sort curbside program to county
residents, including those in the city
of Glencoe.
At its May 7 meeting, the County
Board had agreed to send a letter to
the city of Glencoe asking it to justify
starting a single-sort program when,
the County Board had understood, the
city would delay its program while the
county investigated whether it could
and should start a countywide one-sort
At that County Board meeting, Nies
said, it also was decided to consult
with the county attorney about issue.
“What came out of that meeting
with our attorney is that we would
continue collecting wherever the blue
bin is out,” said Nies. “If there isn’t
one out, we skip that residence, just as
we have always done.”
At issue is whether the city’s con-
Glencoe recycling
Turn to page 10
Continued funding sought
for yard-waste program
By Lori Copler
Staff Writer
McLeod County will likely continue to partially fund the municipal
yard-waste program, members of the
Solid Waste Advisory Committee
(SWAC) learned Monday morning.
Jeremy Carter, the Hutchinson city
administrator, said he and officials
from Creekside Soil had met with city
officials from throughout the county
to discuss how the program could
continue without county funding.
Last year, the county announced
that it was withdrawing support from
the program in order to divert funds to
other, newer programs. It planned to
fully fund 2012 for collection of the
yard waste and the monitoring of mu-
Chronicle photos by Rich Glennie
1st grade
nicipal yard waste sites, cut funding in
half for 2013, and completely eliminate funding in 2014, leaving it up to
the cities as to whether they wanted to
continue the program with their own
At the meeting with municipal officials, Carter said, there was strong
support for the program.
“Everyone wanted to see it continue
to keep things out of the ditch and
from being burned,” said Carter.
However, Carter added, “the question is if we can make it work for
2014 and beyond without (county)
Above, Aaron Rodrigues
and Hannah Schroeder
were all concentration at
Thursday night’s firstgrade music concert at the
high school. At left, Lola
Strey, Luis Villarreal and
Halle Becker performed the
Panther Fight Song to kick
off the concert and art
show called “Snapshot.”
The youngsters were directed by Carrie Knott, and
the art instructor was Andrea Wigern.
Yard-waste program
Turn to page 10
Enterprise sold, ends era of a 2-newspaper town
By Rich Glennie
hat started out as an effort to
continue one of the longeststanding businesses in Glencoe, ended Thursday when Kevin and
Jean Johnson sold The Glencoe Enterprise to Bill and Joyce Ramige, owners
of McLeod Publishing, the parent company of The McLeod County Chronicle.
The sale ended the chapter in history
for one of the few remaining two-newspaper communities in the state.
“It’s mixed feelings,” Kevin Johnson
said on his final day of publication from
The Enterprise office on the corner of
11th Street and Ives Avenue, the newspaper’s location for over 100 years. The
newspaper itself dates to 1873, according to its front-page flag.
In the Enterprise’s final edition on
May 9, Johnson wrote:
“We have been so grateful to our wonderful contributors, and excited that they
made it possible to bring good, refreshing stories and regular features for our
readers to enjoy.
“At the same time, newspapering is a
business, which, like any business, needs
sufficient revenue to be able to pay its
Johnson added, “ ... we feel fortunate
to have succeeded at keeping the paper
going as long as we have in a challenging business climate.”
The two newspapers will now become
Chronicle photo by Rich Glennie
Kevin Johnson, along with his wife, Jean, have sold the
Glencoe Enterprise to Bill and Joyce Ramige, owners of
McLeod Publishing. The transaction became official on
May 9. Kevin Johnson reminisced in his office about his
four years of owning the newspaper after the death of
long-time owner Annamarie Tudhope in 2009. In front of
him is the final edition of The Enterprise.
Wed., 5-15
H: 76º, L: 55º
Thur., 5-16
H: 75º, L: 57º
Fri., 5-17
H: 74º, L: 60º
Sat., 5-18
H: 80º, L: 63º
Sun., 5-19
H: 72º, L: 57º
Looking back: It seems that
the area went from winter to
summer and skipped spring this
May 7
78 ......46 ..........0.00
May 8
72 ......56 ..........0.02
one, according to Bill Ramige, and the
Enterprise will continue to live on as
part of The Chronicle.
The Johnsons bought the newspaper
on May 14, 2009, from the estate of the
late Annamarie Tudhope, who died in
early 2009. They also bought the building from the McLeod County Historical
Society, to whom it was donated by
Tudhope, in a separate transaction.
Kevin Johnson, 62, had worked for
Tudhope for about three years and got
into the newspaper business “with no
background (in newspapers),” he said.
He had worked in engineering and
manufacturing for about 20 years, many
of those with Hutchinson Technologies
Inc. (HTI) in Hutchinson, until 2001.
Part of his job at HTI was marketing
and planning and presenting information
to others, Johnson said.
“I was really storytelling for 10 of my
11 years at HTI,” Johnson said, so getting into the newspaper business was a
continuation of that.
A two-time DFL candidate for the
Minnesota House, Johnson said he
joined the Enterprise staff in 2006 during
Glencoe Enterprise
Turn to page 5
To our subscribers:
On Thursday, May 9, McLeod Publishing, parent company of The
McLeod County Chronicle, purchased The Glencoe Enterprise from
Kevin and Jean Johnson of Hutchinson. The two newspapers will now
become one beginning with this issue.
In announcing the purchase,
McLeod Publishing owners Bill and
Joyce Ramige said the long history of
the Glencoe Enterprise will continue
with the combined newspapers. The
Glencoe Enterprise began in 1873.
Subscribers of The Glencoe Enter-
May 9
May 10
May 11
May 12
May 13
......45 ..........0.00
......34 .........0.00
......41 ..........0.00
......28 ..........0.00
......51 ..........0.00
Temperatures and precipitation compiled by Robert Thurn, Chronicle
weather observer.
prise will have the remaining months
of their subscriptions rolled into a
Chronicle subscription. Those who
take both newspapers will have their
Chronicle subscriptions extended by
the same number of months remaining on their Enterprise subscriptions.
The Glencoe Enterprise building
was not part of the sale.
Our goal is to make the transition to
one newspaper in Glencoe as smooth
as possible.
Rich Glennie
Managing Editor
Chronicle News and
Advertising Deadlines
All news is due by 5 p.m., Monday, and all advertising is due by noon, Monday. News received after
that deadline will be published as space allows.
The McLeod County Chronicle, www.glencoenews.com, Wednesday, May 15, 2013, page 2
Legion Auxiliary to meet
The Glencoe American Legion Auxiliary Unit 95 will
meet at 7 p.m., Monday, May 20, at the Glencoe Fire
Hall. Lunch will be served.
Spring concerts upcoming
On Monday May 20, at 8 p.m., the Glencoe-Silver
Lake will present the annual grades 9-12 spring band
concert. This concert will feature the GSL 9th-10th grade
band, as well as the GSL’s 11/12 concert band. Also,
there will be many band awards announced that evening.
On Thursday May 23, at 8 p.m., GSL will present the annual 9-12 spring choir concert. This concert will feature
the mixed 9-12 choirs of GSL High School. Both concerts will be in the high school auditorium and both will
charge admission.
Legion to bus tables May 20
The Glencoe American Legion Post 95 will be “busing
tables for tips” from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m., Monday, May 20,
at Unhinged!Pizza (formerly the Glencoe Pizza Ranch).
The Legion Post 95 will receive a portion of the sales, including pickups and deliveries, beginning at 4 p.m. The
Legion appreciates the public’s support.
Blood drive at Good Shepherd
The American Red Cross will hold a blood drive at
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, 1407 Cedar Ave., in
Glencoe, from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m., Monday, May 20. To
make an appointment call 1-800-733-2767 or go to redcrossblood,org.
Senior Awards fete May 19
The GSL Panther Booster Club will host its annual
Senior Awards Banquet on Sunday, May 19. The evening
begins with a catered dinner for the seniors and their parents. The public is invited to the program beginning at
6:30 p.m. in the GSL auditorium. Also included in this
program is the distribution of scholarships. Questions
about the evening can be directed to Lisa Maresh at 320510-0656, or Paul Sparby at 320-864-2401.
Urdahl to speak at meeting
The Glencoe Historic Preservation Society (GHPS)
will hold its regular meeting at 5:30 p.m., Tuesday, May
21, at the Glencoe Historic Room in the Glencoe City
Center. Note time change. Following the business meeting, GHPS will host a meeting in the north ballroom of
the City Center with state Rep. Dean Urdahl as guest
speaker. The community and surrounding communities
are invited to attend. Coffee and cookies will be served at
the meeting. For more information, call Gloria Hilgers at
Stewart Legion, Aux. to meet
The Stewart American Legion and Auxiliary will meet
Monday, May 20, at 7 p.m., at the Stewart Community
Center. An election of officers will be held for Pam
Wiechman, Sherri Reiner and Nissy Langenbau.
Relay For Life fundraiser set
A Dad’s Belgian Waffles fundraiser for the McLeod
County Relay For Life will be held Sunday, May 19,
from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., at the Stewart Fire Hall. A
free-will donation will be accepted with all the proceeds
going to the team, Freedom Walkers, which will participate in the American Cancer Society’s annual Relay For
Teen Challenge set for Berean
Police Report
On Wednesday, May 8, police
were called to a medical emergency on Prairie Avenue after an
elderly man fell and complained
of back pain.
A theft was reported from a
residence on Elliott Avenue at
10:57 p.m., Wednesday.
A student spilled an acid on
her hand during an experiment in
class at the high school and was
transported to Glencoe Regional
Health Services by ambulance at
11:15 a.m., Thursday.
A gas drive-off was reported at
5:21 p.m., Thursday, from
Casey’s General Store on 13th
A two-vehicle collision was reported at 8:38 p.m. at Pryor Avenue and 16th Street. A vehicle
backing out of a driveway struck
another vehicle waiting to pull
into the same driveway. Involved
were a 1995 Chevrolet pickup
driven by Jeffrey Papke, 40, of
Glencoe and a 1999 Dodge
Neon driven by Jason VonBerge,
21, of Glencoe.
Police received a report at
11:58 a.m., Friday, of a dog found
under the stairs at a home on
12th Street. The dog had no collar. Neighbors were notified, but
no one had seen the dog before.
A man fell in the shower at a
home in the 800 block of 10th
Street and was transported by
ambulance to the hospital for
treatment. The call came in at
7:15 p.m., Saturday.
A gas drive-off was reported at
9:05 p.m., Saturday, from Go For
It Gas. It was thought to be a
black Chevrolet pickup involved.
At 5:12 a.m., Sunday, police
received a report of an elderly
man having difficulty breathing at
a residence on 16th Street. The
man later died.
Police received report of a
weekend theft at 7:58 p.m., Monday. Taken from a Pontiac parked
on 13th Street was a Heineken
neon beer sign and an air conditioning condensor unit. The losses were valued at $510.
A medical emergency was reported at the county jail at 6:56
p.m., Monday, after a man was
having problems breathing. He
was transported to the hospital
emergency room.
Chronicle photos by Rich Glennie
The Glencoe-Silver Lake supermileage team took its vehicle for test rides on the Panther outdoor track last week,
and Mike Sundblad, high
school industrial technology
teacher, said the vehicle is averaging 250 to 275 miles to a
gallon of gasoline. “Our goal
is 500 miles per gallon,”
Sundblad said. Above, team
members Colton Butler, Alex
Lamp, Javier Calva, Kyler
Kohnen, Colton Lueders,
Tyler Grack, Brandon Greeley
and Rafael Lozano fine-tuned
the vehicle before testing it on
the track. At right, Greeley
was the driver. Sundblad said
the first-year GSL team will
compete in the state Supermileage competiion at Brainerd International Speedway
on May 14-15.
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Building Permits
The following building permits
were approved by the Glencoe
City Council on Monday, May 6:
Julio Arce, 1605 Birch Ave.,
mechanical permit.
Dennis Preble, 1905 E. 10th
St., reroof, reside.
Travis Trnka, 1003 E. 15th St.,
repairs, remodel.
Richard Deckert, 1515 Chandler Ave., window replacement.
Dick Landkammer, 1007 E.
10th St., plumbing permit.
Jeff Caswell, 2408 E. 9th St.,
sign permit.
Gary Carter, 101 Hennepin
Ave., mechanical permit.
Lee Lemke, 1327 Elliott Ave.,
window replacement.
Orchard Estates, 1900 Ford
Ave., window replacement.
Steven Greenwalt, 1931 E.
10th St., reroof.
Providers, 613 E. 10th St., reroof.
(800) 247-2041
ense # 2447
The McLeod County Chronicle
Berean Baptist Church in Glencoe will be hosting a
Teen Challenge on Sunday, May 19, according to the
Rev. Jonathan Pixler. Twenty-six individuals from Teen
Challenge will come to the 10:20 a.m. church service to
share their testimonies and to sing. The community is invited to join the congregation. There will be a church
potluck immediately following the service.
Glencoe Study Club to meet
The Glencoe Study Club will meet at 7:30 p.m., Monday, May 20, at the home of Ramona Nagel. The program will be presented by David Rohy, author of a
“Funny Thing Happened When I Was In.”
Lincoln band, choir perform
The GSL Lincoln Junior High bands and choirs are in
concert on Thursday, May 16, at 8 p.m. in the GSL High
School auditorium. This concert will feature over 100 instrumentalists and vocalists from GSL’s Lincoln Junior
High School. This is a free concert. Be sure to arrive
early to view the seventh- and eighth-grade art show in
the high school cafeteria.
Annual meeting set May 16
The annual meeting of the McLeod Emergency Food
Shelf will be held at 9:30 a.m., Thursday, May 16, in the
meeting room at the Church of St. Pius X, 1014 Knight
Ave., Glencoe. The 2012 report of business at the food
shelf will be given, and there will be an election of four
positions on the board of directors. Volunteer reorganization also will take place.
Family time.
Starting a family is a big step. It changes your shape, your appetite, your
shoe size, your lifestyle and your priorities. Our goal is to
ensure you have a healthy pregnancy, a safe delivery and a beautiful
Poppy luncheon set May 16
baby. We’re with you every step of the way.
The Glencoe VFW Post 5102 Auxiliary will host a
poppy luncheon on Thursday, May 16, from 11 a.m. to 1
p.m. at the VFW Post Home. Take-outs are available and
home delivery is available by calling 320-864-5992. The
public is invited to attend.
Visit www.grhsonline.org/birth-center for a video tour. Or request a prenatal
appointment by calling 320-864-7816 or toll free 1-800-869-3116.
Glencoe seniors to meet
We have what you need.
The Glencoe Senior Citizens group will meet at 12:30
p.m., Thursday, May 16, at the senior room in the Glencoe City Center. The group will play 500 and Sheephead,
and all area senior citizens are invited to attend. The club
also will meet at 12:30 p.m., Tuesday, May 21, for card
GRHS0526 (2/13)
The McLeod County Chronicle, www.glencoenews.com, Wednesday, May 15, 2013, page 3
Buffalo Creek BMX begins 6th season
Chronicle photos by Rich Glennie
On stage
Above, Tanner Wilson and
Lyla Salinas performed a
dance using scarves during
the second-grade concert
last Thursday in the high
school auditorium. At left,
Lexi Forar narrated a performance of “Pete the Cat: I
Love My White Shoes.” Besides the music, dancing and
playing of instruments for the
concert entitled “Snapshot,”
the artistic talents of the second-graders also were on
display. The music was directed by Carrie Knott, and
the art show by Andrea Wigren. All were assisted by the
second-grade teachers and
volunteer parents.
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GSL preliminary budget
eyes deficit spending
By Rich Glennie
The Glencoe-Silver Lake
School Board unveiled the
first look at the proposed
2013-14 preliminary budget
that calls for another year of
deficit spending.
The proposed expenditures
are $16.3 million, and the
projected revenues are $15.4
million, depending on what
happens with education funding at the state Legislature.
With the current general
fund balance at $5.9 million,
the next school year will
begin with $5.3 million in reserve, or about 33 percent of
the budget. The proposed
2013-14 budget would reduce
the fund balance to $4.4 million, or 27 percent.
But GSL Superintendent
Chris Sonju reminded the
public that a portion of that
excess spending in 2013-14 is
the district’s contribution of
$500,000 to the new Early
Childhood Family Education/Special Education addition planned for construction
this summer onto the Lincoln
Jr. High School building.
Michelle Sander, district
business manager, said enrollment numbers are at
1,654 for the 2012-13 school
year and require 36 full-time
equivalent (FTE) staff members. The staffing will remain
at 36 FTEs, she said.
Current enrollment has 22
students in early childhood;
137 in kindergarten; 117 in
first grade; 122 in second
grade; 126 in third grade; 121
in fourth grade; 111 in fifth
grade; 129 in sixth grade; 116
in seventh grade; 128 in
eighth grade; 142 in ninth
grade; 140 in 10th grade; 107
in 11th grade; and 136 in
12th grade.
Using estimates, Sander
said next year’s elementary
James Rosckes, Glencoe
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• Residential
• Agricultural
Office: 320-864-5729
Cell: (612) 310-5729
class sizes will range from 17
in the five sections of kindergarten to 26 in the five sections of sixth grade.
The current six sections of
kindergarten will become six
sections of first graders next
year, with an additional room
for the first graders coming
with the move of the ECFE
program from Helen Baker
Elementary to the new addition at Lincoln Jr. High.
This year, the Helen Baker
has six kindergarten teachers,
but only five kindergarten
The proposed changes for
next school year include the
additional first-grade section
next year; the reduction of
five kindergarten paraprofessionals; and the integration of
iPads into the fifth and sixth
grades. The iPads are being
used in the third and fourth
grades this year for the math
program at Lakeside.
At the high school level,
there will be an addition of
another Response to Intervention (RTI) position to be
shared with the high school; a
reduction in Brea Wilblemo’s
social studies position; and
reductions of .14 in science
and .05 in family and consumer science (FACS) positions.
While the science and
FACS positions are simply
reduction back to FTE posiitons, Wiblemo’s position is
reduced .10 or by two of her
15 classes, Sonju said.
That cut sparked comments
from students, who signed a
petition in support of Wilbelmo.
Tori Varland, speaking for
the students prior to the
board’s vote, called Wiblemo
“one of the most passionate
teachers” in the district, who
“connects with all students.”
She encouraged the School
Board “to make every effort
to keep good teachers (like
Wiblemo). She is one of the
few teachers we can’t afford
to lose,” Varland said.
The student petition was
signed by 1,223 students and
staff members, she added.
“If this is about the budget,
I hope you re-evaluate it,”
Varland said, and noted that
Wiblemo is so close to being
full time, “why not keep
In the end. the board approved the cuts, including
putting Wiblemo on unrequested leave.
Sander said the combination of cuts and additions to
the 2013-14 preliminary
budget result in savings of
about $76,500 to the district.
She said the vast majority
of expenditures in the budget
go to salaries and benefits
($11.1 million) with contracted services, supplies and
equipment totaling $5.2 million.
Asked about the possibility
of another six sections of
kindergarten next year, Sonju
said that was unlikely. But if
that happens, the administration would have to “revisit”
the paraprofessionals who
were part of the cuts. But he
added, “There will be no
physical place to put them (in
Helen Baker).”
Sonju added that the board
is still committed to small
class sizes at the the primary
grade levels (grades K-2) “as
best we can.”
As to the high school cuts,
Sonju said the curriculum offerings are student-driven
through registration for classes. The cuts are due to fewer
students enrolling for those
classes as well as enrollment
declines overall for next
school year.
Plumbing & Heating
days throughout the summer
and fall.
A beginner ’s clinic is
scheduled for May 18 at 10
New riders will learn about
proper equipment, safe riding, and race tips for the
For more information, contact Ryan Voss at 320-5100404 or visit www.buf
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Cakes, Cupcakes, Cookies,
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The Cake House
Buffalo Creek Bicycle Motorcross (BMX) began in its
sixth season with USA BMX
sanctioned racing on May 14.
The BMX track is located
at Sterner BMX Park in Glencoe behind the Napa-Do-ItBest at 1017 9th Street.
Mayor Randy Wilson sang
the National Anthem.
The Race for Life, set Saturday, July 13, is part of a national fundraiser for the
Leukemia and Lymphoma
Society. Local riders collect
donations, and proceeds from
this event go to the charity.
Riders do not need USA
BMX membership to participate in the event, so it is a
great opportunity to try BMX
racing while raising funds for
a worthy cause.
USA BMX raises over
$300,000 annually for the
The state qualifier is set for
Sunday, July 13. This event
draws riders from across the
state and promises to have
exciting racing action with a
large crowd. The event also
features a Pro-Am race, featuring top riders from around
the region.
Regular racing is every
Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. Practice
is on Saturdays from 10 a.m.
to noon. Spectators are free
and concessions are available
on site. The park is open to
the public for practice most
917 12th ST. E., GLENCOE • thecakehouse@centurylink.net
Visit us online at: www.the-cake-house.org
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in observance of
Memorial Day, all our offices will be CLOSED
Monday, May 27.
McLeod County Chronicle • Glencoe Advertiser
Arlington Enterprise • Sibley Shopper
Silver Lake Leader • The Galaxy
for the May 29 McLeod County
Chronicle is
Noon, Friday, May 24.
Childhood Vaccines
Why are vaccines still important?
How are side effects addressed?
How have vaccinations improved our health over time?
A health talk by
Christa Waymire, MD, Family Medicine
Thursday, May 23
7:00–8:00 p.m.
Conference Rooms | Please use hospital entrance
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Registration deadline: Noon on Wednesday, May 22
Reserve your spot by calling 320-864-7810
or visiting www.grhsonline.org
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GRHS0502R2 (4/13)
The McLeod County Chronicle, Wednesday, May 15, 2013, page 4
Enterprise sold to
McLeod Publishing;
papers combined
Our view: Glencoe Enterprise’s 140-year history
will continue as part of McLeod County Chronicle
he long 140-year history of
The Glencoe Enterprise
took another twist last
week when the newspaper, owned
by Kevin and Jean Johnson of
Hutchinson, was sold to McLeod
Publishing owners Bill and Joyce
Ramige of Glencoe. The McLeod
County Chronicle is one of several
area newspapers owned by McLeod
Publishing. Others include the Silver
Lake Leader and the Arlington Enterprise.
The sale became official last
Thursday, the same day as the final
edition of The Glencoe Enterprise
hit the newsstands.
It ends nearly three decades of
often intense rivalry between the two
Glencoe newspapers, and the sale
continues to whittle down the number of competing newspapers in
small Minnesota communities.
Glencoe was one of only a handful
remaining, according to the Minnesota Newspaper Association. The
others include places like Baudette,
Ely, Floodwood, Moose Lake and
Tower in northern Minnesota as well
as Cambridge, Preston and Slayton
in central and southern Minnesota.
But the sale is not the end of The
Glencoe Enterprise which started in
1873 and has run continuously since.
Instead, The Enterprise will live on
when it combines with The Chronicle, beginning with this issue.
The Enterprise building, however,
remains with the Johnsons, who
have owned the building and newspaper since 2009. They bought it
after the death of long-time owner
Annamarie Tudhope.
It is always sad to see more community newspapers close because
there are fewer and fewer independent newspaper voices in Minnesota
and around the country each year.
But that is reality, and if Americans do not wake up before it is too
late, most of our traditional information streams — newspapers, radio
and TV — will be controlled by a
small group of people. That is a real
danger to our way of life and to our
long-held freedoms in this country.
Community newspapers around
the country and state always have
been the backbone of this nation’s
freedom of the press.
But community newspapers are
like any other small-town operation
— they are a business, and businesses need to generate revenue to pay
their bills, pay their staff and keep
up with technology.
When two community newspapers
are fighting for the same finite advertising dollars, it is tough on both
of them.
Even without competition, the nature of newspaper business is changing as the digital age begins to assert
itself more and more into our lives.
The question is: How accurate is information off the Internet and the social media? Can you trust its validity? Are there any guidelines as to
what is peddled as fact?
Newspapers still have rules to live
by; the Internet has none.
While many have predicted the
demise of small-town newspapers,
that demise has not happened. To
paraphrase Mark Twain, the reports
of the newspaper’s death are premature.
Community newspapers are alive
and well, despite the sluggish economy, mainly because they are still relevant in people’s lives and offer information that can be found nowhere
We report on people and events of
local interest; something not available in the larger, metro newspapers.
As long as local businesses and subscribers continue to support local
newspapers, they will survive.
The Chronicle plans to continue
its high standards of reporting and
will now include the Glencoe Enterprise as part of its package. What
that package will evolve into is just
that ... evolving.
As to subscribers of The Glencoe
Enterprise, The Chronicle will honor
your subscriptions. Those who subscribed to both newspapers will have
their Chronicle subscriptions extended to match the length of their Enterprise subscription. Contact The
Chronicle office at 320-864-5518
with questions.
— R.G.
You can
Letters to Editor
Thoughts on passage of state’s gay marriage bill
To the Editor:
Last week, I voted against
HF1054, the gay marriage bill. I
have a host of concerns about the
bill, but will focus on my comments
made during the House floor debate.
Under Section 6/b of the bill, religious parochial schools, many of
which receive public funds for curriculum etc., will be subject to Sec 6
subdivision 2, which mandates that
“gender specific terminology, such
as husband, wife, mother, father ...
or similar terms, MUST be construed in a neutral manner to refer to
a person of EITHER gender.”
This section of the bill will affect
all state statutes, but will eventually
be implemented in public school
curriculum and also in parochial
school curriculums if they receive
public funding (see Sec 6/b). There
are parochial schools in my district
that receive public funds for the purchase of school curriculum who may
be forced to comply or lose that
Under this legislation, children
could be chided and corrected for
using gender specific terms like
“mother and father” and instead will
be told to use gender neutral terms
like “parent and spouse” so as not to
offend certain groups.
This may be difficult to believe,
but as a long-term school board
member, I do not make this state-
ment lightly. I have personal experience as a board member, where state
statutes were changed and eventually school curriculum and speech had
to conform. I was then chided for
public comments on school issues
when I used terminology that was
not politically correct.
In other countries and in the state
of Massachusetts, where gay marriage has become the law, we have
observed that citizens who would
not succumb to politically correct
speech have been charged with hate
crimes and their parental rights infringed upon. (See www.massresistance.com for more information.)
When signed, this bill will become the law of our state. We are a
nation of laws, however we still
have the right as citizens, parents
and school officials to passively resist the gay agenda coming into our
The need for additional legislation
to protect the rights of parents, businesses and religious organizations is
great. An analysis of the gay marriage bill by six prominent religious
liberty scholars, some of whom support same-sex marriage, warned all
Minnesota legislators that the gay
marriage bill violates the religious
liberty protections guaranteed by the
Minnesota and U.S. Constitution
(see Law Professor Teresa Collett’s
guest editorial in the May 10 Pio-
neer Press).
As an example of this threat to religious liberty, University of Minnesota constitutional professor Dale
Carpenter, a self-confessed homosexual, errantly wrote an editorial arguing that the religious freedoms in
our Bill of Rights is “limited to the
right to worship” only in our churches, instead of the current robust religious freedoms we enjoy. In truth, it
is the right of each American under
the Bill of Rights to act in accordance with their conscience and religious beliefs in the public square,
not just in our churches. As you can
see by the professors comments, the
threat to religious freedoms is real.
During these past several months,
Lutheran and Catholic organizations
were key groups opposing the gay
marriage bill. As your state representative, I am very thankful for
their help in opposing the passage of
gay marriage.
I plan to introduce legislation next
session in an attempt to strengthen
parental rights and school official
rights to resist the implementation of
the gay agenda in public and
parochial schools. I will also introduce legislation to strengthen protection for our religious freedoms.
State Rep.
Glenn Gruenhagen
Did not support vote to increase minimum wage
online at
w w w. g l e n c o e n e w s . c o m
Question of the week
The Minnesota Legislature approved same-sex
marriage for Minnesotans. Do you agree with the
bill that now allowes same-sex partners to marry?
1) Yes
2) No
3) Not sure
Results for most recent question:
The McLeod County Board on Tuesday approved a new
social host ordinance that charges those who “host”
an underage drinking party with a misdemeanor.
Is that something you agree with?
Yes — 60%
No — 36%
Not sure — 4%
To the Editor:
This week (May 6-10), the Senate
took up the minimum wage bill,
which passed. This bill raises the
minimum wage from $6.15 to $7.25
an hour.
I did not support this bill for the
reasons listed below:
• Minimum wage was never intended to put people in a position to
support a family. Minnesota spends
tens of billions of dollars a year on
education. People should take advantage of the educational opportu-
nities provided by Minnesota in
order to obtain a career that pays a
living wage.
• The government should not be
interfering with private businesses
by artificially setting a minimum
wage. If businesses cannot afford the
increase, they will inevitably pass
the extra cost on to you, the consumer, cut back on employee hours
or in some cases actually lay off
I have heard the complaint that
Republicans only protect business
and do not care about the workers.
This could not be further from the
I believe that by helping businesses flourish and expand, we are helping the employees by creating a
business climate that allows private
businesses to expand, thereby hiring
more employees and providing better wages.
District 18 State Senator
Scott Newman
Feel strongly about an issue?
Share your opinion with The McLeod County Chronicle
readers through a letter to the editor.
Please include your name, address and telephone number
(for verification purposes).
112 votes. New question runs May 15-21
email to: richg@glencoenews.com
The McLeod County
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William C. Ramige, Publisher;
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Advertising Manager; June
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Sue Keenan, Sales Representative; Brenda Fogarty, Sales
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The McLeod County Chronicle welcomes letters from readers expressing their opinions. All letters,
however, must be signed. Private
thanks, solicitations and potentially
libelous letters will not be published. We reserve the right to edit
any letter.
A guest column is also available to
any writer who would like to present an opinion in a more expanded
format. If interested, contact the
The editorial staff of the McLeod
County Chronicle strives to present
the news in a fair and accurate manner. We appreciate errors being
brought to our attention. Please
bring any grievances against the
Chronicle to the attention of the editor. Should differences continue,
readers are encouraged to take their
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Press Freedom
Freedom of the press is guaranteed under the First Amendment to
the U.S. Constitution:
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or the press…”
Ben Franklin wrote in the Pennsylvania Gazette in 1731: “If printers
were determined not to print anything till they were sure it would
offend nobody there would be very
little printed.”
Deadline for the McLeod County
Chronicle news is 5 p.m., and advertising is noon, Monday. Deadline for Glencoe Advertiser advertising is noon, Wednesday. Deadline for The Galaxy advertising is
noon Wednesday.
The McLeod County Chronicle, www.glencoenews.com,
Wednesday, May 15, 2013, page 5
June 3 public hearing
set for ’13 street work
‘Rescue in the Night’
Students from First Lutheran School of
Glencoe rehearsed Thursday for their
musical, “Rescue in the Night.” The musical is about Daniel and the lions’ den. In
this scene, the people who are plotting
against Daniel are trying to butter up
King Darius, so he will agree to their plan.
From left, the cast members are Grace
Litzau, Lilly Nikkel, Paul Sievert, Abagail
Gruber and Madi Mathews. The musical
will be performed tonight, Wednesday,
May 15, at 7 p.m., in the fellowship center
of First Evangelical Lutheran Church of
Glencoe Enterprise Continued from page 1
his second campaign for a
House seat.
“It was a good mix of parttime income and flexibility to
campaign,” Johnson said. “I
started doing it (reporting),
and I thought ‘this was really
cool’ — getting to know the
community and meeting lots
of interesting people, some
more interesting than others
for different reasons,” he
“There was always something different,” Johnson said
about people and their passions.
After working part-time at
The Enterprise for the first
couple of years, Johnson said
he gradually became more
full time, but it never crossed
his mind to buy The Enterprise until after Tudhope
“I looked at the books and
thought, ‘I can do this,’”
Johnson said.
But the executor of the
Tudhope estate, “wanted to
pull the plug after three
months,” Johnson said, and
reminded him that Tudhope
had “subsidized” The Enterprise with her own money for
But Johnson said he wanted to give it a go anyway and
give readers “a forum for
community voices” by doing
features, the history of the
town, which was pleasing to
oldtimers, and then edge toward something that was
more contemporary.”
Asked why he did not write
editorials, Johnson replied, “I
didn’t want it to be my voice.
I wanted to stay focused on
the people in the community.”
Johnson said his greatest
enjoyment came from “getting to know people and hearing their stories.
“I felt it was a privilege to
get a chance to talk to people
on both sides of an issue. I
tried to stay neutral.
“Neither side are bad people, they just disagree. I can
see both sides. I felt the more
I kept my opinions out, the
more honest people were
with me (in their opinions).
“There is such a range of
characters who came in here.
They were largely motivated
to do good,” Johnson added.
But the weekly grind of
long hours, stresses of deadlines and little pay took a toll.
Johnson said he was proud
of the progress The Enterprise made during his ownership.
That included adding new
technology, which he said
was not that impressive since
“it was not a very high bar”
to get over when he began.
“It was nice switching to
digital,” in the newspaper’s
layout, design and in sending
it to the press in Hutchinson,
Johnson said.
He said he will not miss
those frantic calls from the
press after the 11:30 p.m.
deadline passed and the paper
was still not done.
“Every week I wondered
‘can I get this together?’”
Johnson grinned.
Another eye opener was
the realization, “it is a business and you got to work on
that side of it, too. You’ve got
to pay the bills.”
Asked what he expected
when he got into the business, Johnson said, “I had no
While the writing and reporting were not new, “I had
no business experience. It
was an eye opener. It’s a
whole lot different when it is
just you.
“I have a better appreciation and respect for small
business owners,” he added,
and with the four years of experience of owning The Enterprise, “I had advanced by
miles from where I was.”
What would he do differently?
“Looking back, from a
business standpoint, I would
have lined up a bigger chunk
of financing.”
He also would have
stressed sales more than he
did. “I needed a salesperson
out there.” He said the sales
were done in “fits and starts.”
Another headache was The
Enterprise building, which requires continual maintenance
and upkeep. Only two rooms
of the big two-story building
were actually used by the
He said his first day with
the Enterprise, he had to
“duck under police tape,”
after the sidewalk was cordoned off because of bricks
falling from the building.
The city forced Tudhope to
fix the brick work prior to her
Also, there were dozens of
buckets placed around the upstairs to catch water leaking
from the roof, which also was
eventually repaired, he added.
Asked about the future of
the building, Johnson said he
did a lot of research on getting The Enterprise building
on the National Register of
Historic Places, but he said
that is unlikely because most
of the buildings accepted are
for public, non-profit use.
“I could have told them it
was non-profit,” he added
with a wry grin.
So what is next?
Nothing definite yet, Johnson said, but he is eyeing the
idea of a regional Spanish
publication. “There’s not one
out there now,” he said.
Are you bilingual? “No,”
Johnson replied.
Is your wife bilingual?
“No.” he added.
Somehow would it work?
Johnson said the most successful Spanish publication in
the Twin Cities is owned by a
person who does not speak
As to the building, Johnson
said he will stay in it for
awhile, “but I’m not sure for
how long.” It still needs
maintenance and there is a
cost for utilities.
Asked about getting back
into politics, Johnson said
that is not in his plans.
He holds a master’s degree
in public policy from the
Humphrey Institute at the
University of Minnesota.
“But I’m still interested in
policy (a part of politics),” he
said, and added he likes “trying to get answers, and finding solutions that get passed
by both sides. That’s a good
approved an agreement to do
the work and pay for it
through assessments and
bonding, and a master contract with SEH for up to
In another maintenance
matter, City Council approved the low bid of Infratech to repair 15 manholes in
the city at a cost of $31,896.
Gary Schreifels, city public
works director for water and
wastewater treatment, said
the funds have been budgeted
under the city’s inflow and
infiltration (I&I) program.
He said the work could be
completed in a couple of
In other matters, City
• Approved several requests by Jon Vandamme of
the Glencoe Days committee.
Vandamme asked the City
Council to waive the annual
parade permit, the amusement ride permit and fireworks permit for the June 2122 Glencoe Days city celebration.
He again asked for help
from the city parks department in setting up and taking
down at Oak Leaf Park. “We
greatly appreciate their support.”
Also, Vandamme asked
that the Oak Leaf Park hours
be extended to 12:30 p.m. for
the two-day city celebration.
Vandamme said the parade
will be held at 3 p.m., Saturday, June 22, along the same
route as the past few years —
Pryor Avenue west on 14th
Street to Ives Avenue, north
to 16th Street, and back east
to Pryor Avenue.
• Heard the city was doing
its yearly flushing of fire hydrants around the community.
Schreifels said if residents
experience low water pressure after the flushing, they
should contact the city.
• Heard from Mike Drew,
city public works director for
street and parks, that pothole
filling is ongoing throughout
the community.
But Drew said on streets
scheduled for repair work this
summer, only minor pothole
repairs are being done now
on those streets, in particular
on Fir Avenue and 17th
• Heard from Larson that
economic development activity has picked up recently
with prospective developers
seeking information about
Also, the first new singlefamily home building permit
has been pulled this year, too,
Larson said.
• Heard that a study of the
Municipal Liquor Store expansion plans found no issues
with the support walls that
separate the current liquor
store from the former city offices. The walls are expected
to be removed to expand the
liquor store.
The budget for the project
also was revised upward to
$400,000, according to City
Administrator Mark Larson.
He said if the project gets
started this summer, it could
be finished by November, the
start of the liquor store’s
busiest season.
If not started soon enough,
Larson said the project could
get under way after the
Christmas holidays when the
store’s business traditionally
slows down.
• Heard the Glencoe Aquatics Center will open for the
season on Wednesday, June
5, with the same hours as last
Larson said an in-service
session for returning lifeguards is planned for May 18,
and with a shortage of trained
lifeguards, a training class
will be offered again this
Another new service this
year will be obtaining seasonal passes using credit cards.
But to use the credit card option, pool patrons need to
come to the city offices at the
Glencoe City Center, because
credit cards cannot be
processed at the Aquatics
Professional Directory
712 E. 13th St., Glencoe
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• 5” Seamless Gutters
• 6” Seamless Gutters
• K-Guard Leaf-Free
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Submitted photo
By Rich Glennie
Glencoe City Council at its
May 6 meeting set a public
hearing for 7 p.m., Monday,
June 3, for its 2013 street improvement plans for the west
third of Glencoe.
The $2.1 million project includes about 7.5 miles of city
streets that will either be seal
coated, milled and overlaid or
partial reconstructed.
John Rodeberg of Short Elliott Hendrickson (SETH)
told City Council that about
35 percent of the reconstruction and overlay work would
be assessed to benefiting
property owners, while sealcoating work would not be
Of the $2.1 million project,
about 20 percent of the cost
will be assessed to properties
and the remaining costs to be
paid through a city bond.
Those assessments need to
be determined by Nov. 1,
Rodeberg said, in order to be
sent to the county assessor to
be put on the tax rolls.
City Administrator Mark
Larson said the assessments
can be paid all at once or
spread over the life of the
bond. Typically, the city
charges 1-1/2 percent to 2
percent over the bond interest
rate to property owners wanting to spread out the assessment payments.
The public will have an opportunity to comment on the
Phase I plans at the June 3
hearing, Rodeberg said.
He said early bids on bituminous materials indicate the
cost is lower than expected,
so far. He said the street work
would begin in mid to late
Rodeberg said Phase II will
include more extensive underground work of replacing
old and deteriorating water
and sanitary sewer lines. The
main lines would not be assessed to property owners,
but connections from homes
to the mains will be assessed.
Besides setting the public
hearing, City Council also
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Photo courtesy Creek View Images
St. John’s confirmands
Five Christians were confirmed their faith
at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Plato on
Sunday, May 5. From left to right are
Samantha Voigt, Ericka Hecksel, Eric Villnow, Cesar Mendoza, the Rev. Bruce
Laabs and Tatum Engelke.
The McLeod County Chronicle, www.glencoenews.com, Wednesday, May 15, 2013, page 6
Brownton clerk,
deputy clerk to
switch positions
By Lori Copler
Staff Writer
A decision to promote Ella
Kruse, Brownton’s deputy
city clerk, to the full-time city
clerk was nearly derailed
over a salary debate at the
Brownton City Council’s
May 7 meeting.
Cindy Lindeman, who has
been employed with the city
for 32 years, first as the
deputy clerk and then as
clerk-treasurer, will officially
retire May 31.
But Lindeman planned to
stay working for the city, in
essence taking on Kruse’s
part-time job as Kruse is promoted to city clerk.
But there was a dispute
over what Kruse’s salary
should be as the city clerk.
Currently, as the deputy
clerk, who primarily works
with utility billing, Kruse is
making $15 an hour. Lindeman suggested increasing
that to $20 an hour considering the additional duties
Kruse will take on as the city
However, Mayor Jay Werner felt that was too much, and
suggested giving Kruse a $1
an hour increase, to $16 per
Lindeman said the City
Council needs to keep in
mind its comparable worth
compliance when making a
decision. She pointed out that
the full-time police officer is
making $20 an hour.
“I would argue that she
would have as much responsibility, if not more, except
that she doesn’t carry a gun,”
said Lindeman.
Werner said that the decision to pay $20 an hour for a
full-time officer was “made
before my time.”
Kruse indicated that she
felt that $16 an hour wasn’t
enough compensation for the
additional responsibilities.
“Why would I want to take
on all that extra responsibility? I might as well stay where
I’m at,” said Kruse.
Council Member Chuck
Warner said that Brownton’s
city clerk was paid more than
clerks in other cities of comparable size.
“There’s a lot of money
going out of our clerk’s office,” Warner said.
But council members Brian
Dressel and Doug Block indicated that they felt the job
was worthy of a $20 an hour
wage, while Council Member
Norm Schwarze said the city
did set a precedent by increasing the police officer’s
salary to $20 an hour.
In the end, the City Council voted 3-2 to hire Kruse as
the new city clerk at $20 an
hour. Dressel, Block and
Schwarze all voted in favor
while Warner and Werner
were opposed.
Audit: City’s cash
balance is down
By Lori Copler
Staff Writer
While the city of Brownton
is technically in good financial condition, it may have
trouble with cash flow this
Paul Harvego of Conway,
Deuth & Schmiesing presented the City Council with the
2012 audit at its May 7 meeting.
Harvego said the city’s
cash on hand is down because it paid off some debt
and bought a payloader, but
mostly because of its investment in the new Brownton
Area Civic Center.
Much of the work at the
Civic Center will be paid,
eventually, through the collection of pledges made by
donors, which will come in
over a three-year period.
“Until that money gets
paid, it could be a little
rough,” said Harvego.
It is recommended that the
city keep enough cash on
hand to pay four to six
months worth of bills, in case
there is ever a problem with
the revenue stream coming
from the collection of property taxes or state aid.
“Normally, you want six
months worth of cash on
hand,” said Harvego. At the
end of 2012, the city had
$176,000 in cash.
“That could create a problem with cash flow,” said
Harvego. “You may end up
borrowing from other funds
to cash flow.”
Other high-cost items included flood control, for
which the city is getting some
reimbursement from the federal government, seal coating
and engineering costs for the
Civic Center and the new natural gas utility franchise.
Harvego also urged the
City Council to continue
working on rate increases in
its utility funds to build reserves for any future major
In other business May 7,
the City Council:
• Set a special meeting for
Monday, May 21, at 4:30
p.m., to award bids for the
natural gas utility project.
• Heard that the broom
sweeper for a Kubota tractor
was shot and needed to be replaced; the Council agreed to
buy a new one.
• Agreed to offer the cityowned lot of the former cafe
building to the Brownton Bar
& Grill for $100. Council
Member Chuck Warner said
that selling the lot will get it
back on the tax rolls.
• Discussed two major
water main breaks and the
potential costs for repairing
the streets.
• Agreed to waive the natural gas connection fee for
Grace Lutheran Church, located just north of town, because it is a non-profit organization.
Chronicle photo by Alyssa Schauer
Lakeside State Science Fair participants
Several students from Lakeside Elementary participated
in the science fair and earned trips to the State Science
Fair Competition in Mankato in April. In the front, from
left to right, are John Ingeman, Haley Kirchoff, Katherina
Cohrs, Leah Bettcher, Hayley Bolland, Sacha Willhite,
Kristine Majors, Brianna Wraspir and Jacob Reichow. In
the back, from left to right, are Adam Garoutte, Nathan
Litzau, Josh Kuehn, Jacob Schuetz, Brett Baumgarten,
Jaelyn Pinske, Cassidy Cacka, Amelia Hesselgrave,
Megan Fehrenbach and Katita Lopez.
Stewart City Council proceeds
with Hall Street improvements
By Lori Copler
Staff Writer
The city of Stewart is proceeding with a $776,000
project that will continue to
improve Hall Street and provide blacktop for a portion of
Bowman Street. Also slated
is a $24,500 project to pave a
portion of Bowman Street between Powers Street and the
railroad tracks, for a total cost
of $800,500.
A public hearing was held
regarding the proposal at
Monday night’s City Council
meeting, but none of the
handful of people in attendance gave any comments or
asked questions.
Andy Kehren, an engineer
with Bolton & Menk, said
that the improvement of Hall
Street from Herbert Street
east, then north past the former school building to Main
Street, had actually been included as an alternate in last
year’s street and utility improvement project.
At that time, Kehren said,
the city had applied for a
$400,000 Local Road Improvement Project (LRIP)
grant from the Minnesota Department of Transportation,
but didn’t receive the grant.
Because the bids for the
2012 project came in much
lower than expected, Mayor
Jason Peirce had suggested in
a previous meeting that the
city reconsider the Hall Street
Kehren said the city can
again apply for grants for the
Kehren said the project will
include a new water main for
the entire length of the Hall
Street portion of the project,
which will help the city loop
its water system when the
main is connected with a
main on Main Street.
There also will be some
sanitary sewer replacement
and some new storm sewer
that will, hopefully, take care
of some water issues in the
area, Kehren said.
Hall Street will be narrowed to 42 feet from 48 feet,
which will match the portion
done last year, between Herbert and Prior.
“That will result in a savings of about $29,000,” said
He also said that while the
road will be narrower, “there
is still plenty of room for
truck traffic.” The road serves
trucks going to a Form A
Girl for Johnson, Wangerin
Amanda Johnson and Thomas Wangerin of Glencoe
announce the birth of their daughter, Aristaya Star Wangerin, on April 28, 2013, at Glencoe Regional Health
Services. Aristaya weighed 7 pounds, 5 ounces, and was
20-1/2 inches in length. Her older sister is Adreanna
Johnson. Grandparents are Ron and Ann Wangerin of
Glencoe and George and Cleo Johnson of Eagan.
Feed warehouse and the Kidz
for Food site, which is located in the former school building.
The north-south section of
Hall Street, which runs for
one block in front of the former school, will be tapered to
42 feet from 52 feet, Kehren
However, Hall Street will
be widened to a 30-foot radius where it bends from its
east-west direction to going
north to Main Street, Kehren
“We’ll soften that curve up
to make a better radius for
turning trucks,” said Kehren.
The intersection won’t be big
enough to accommodate two
trucks trying to make the
curve from opposite directions at the same time, he
added, but it’s a rare city intersection that can accommodate that, he added.
Also in the project will be
the paving of a short section
of Bowman Street between
Powers Street and the railroad tracks, Kehren said.
The majority of that blacktop cost will be assessed to
the city, since it owns the
property on the east side of
the block.
The city should qualify for
a Public Facility Authority
(PFA) low-interest loan for
about $580,000 worth of the
project, about $220,500 will
come from city reserves and
a general obligation bond.
The loan and general obligation bond will be repaid with
a combination of utility
funds, reserves and assessments.
After Kehren’s presentation, the City Council approved the next steps of ordering final plans and specifications and calling for bids.
Kehren said bids will be received June 5 and considered
by the City Council on June
10. A final assessment hearing will be held in June or
July, with construction set to
begin in July. Most of the
work will be done this season, with the final paving lift
set for next spring.
Thurs., May 16 — AA Group mtg. next to Post Office in
Stewart, 8 p.m., call 320-212-5290 for info.; Stewart Lions;
GSL Lincoln Jr. High band & choir concert, GSL High School
Auditorium, 8 p.m.; McLeod Emergency Food Shelf annual
meeting, meeting room at Church of St. Pius X, Glencoe,
9:30 a.m.
Sun., May 19 — GSL Panther Booster Club will host its annual Senior Awards Banquet, GSL Auditorium, 6:30 p.m.
Mon., May 20 — Tops Weigh-In mtg., 5-5:30 p.m.; Brownton Senior Citizens Club, Brownton Community Center, 1
p.m.; Brownton Lions; Stewart American Legion Post 125 &
Auxiliary, Stewart Community Center, 7 p.m.; GSL grades 912 Spring Band Concert, 11-12 Concert Band, GSL High
School auditorium, 8 p.m.
Tues., May 21— Narcotics Anonymous, Brownton Community Center, 7 p.m.; Brownton Legion.
Thurs., May 23 — AA Group mtg. next to Post Office in
Stewart, 8 p.m., call 320-212-5290 for info.; GSL 9-12 Spring
Choir Concert, GSL High School auditorium, 8 p.m.
Student earns scholarship
Kevin Riemenschneider, son of Terry and Marian
Riemenschneider of Glencoe, has been selected to receive a Nick Roberts Memorial Scholarship for the 201314 academic year at Southwest Minnesota State University at Marshall. Recipients of this scholarship are recognized for their academic accomplishments and outstanding leadership abilities. His planned major field of study
is history.
Daughter for Magnusons
Brook and Suzanne Magnuson of Brownton announce
the birth of their daughter, Brynn Lenore, on May 1,
2013, at Glencoe Regional Health Services. Brynn
weighed 8 pounds, 6 ounces, and was 20 inches long. Her
older siblings are Reese and Rylee. Grandparents are
Bruce and Barb Magnuson of Glencoe, Mary Storkamp
of Waite Park and Bernie Storkamp of Foley.
Yerks announce son’s birth
Brandon and Sarah Yerks of Hutchinson announce the
birth of their son, Kyrin Lloyd, on April 12, 2013, at The
Mother Baby Center, Abbott Northwestern Hospital,
Minneapolis. Kyrin weighed 6 pounds, 2 ounces, and was
19-3/8 inches long. His older brothers are Riley and Leyton. Grandparents are Joyce Peterson of Brownton and
Mike and LuAnn Yerks of Hutchinson. Great-grandparents are Irma Wendorff of Hutchinson and Chuck and
Irene Yerks of Hutchinson.
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Submitted photo
Earth Day
Daughter born to Neid family
Recently, the Stewart/Brownton Girl Scouts did an
Earth Day activity. They cleaned up several miles of
County Road 7 north of Stewart as well as along the
railroad tracks in Stewart. Girls participating included, in front from left, Savannah Mailer-Kelly, Chloe
Brady, Ashlyn Aydt, and Jordyn Uecker; back row,
Calan Roepke, Sydnie Mailer-Kelly, Sunita Xiong, Jasmine Kron, Kaylee Hable, Emily Chatfield and Allison
Milbrandt. Leaders are Mike and Gerri Fitzloff. The
girls found lots of cans, bottles, and plastic containers.
Cory and Jessica Neid of Glencoe announce the birth
of their daughter, Jada Mae, on April 20, 2013, at
Ridgeview Medical Center in Waconia. Jada weighed 3
pounds, 11 ounces, and was 16-1/4 inches long. Her older
brothers are Caden and Connor, and grandparents are
Ron and Kathy Dietz of Gaylord and Bob and Sue Neid
of Glencoe.
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The McLeod County Chronicle, www.glencoenews.com, Wednesday, May 15, 2013, page 7
Think farm safety this planting season
Enjoying spring! First Lutheran Kindergarteners are doing a variety of spring
projects including a drama play center, a
Flower Shop. Buying and selling flowers
for May Day, Mother’s Day, and other spe-
cial occasions is so much fun. Lauren
Betcher, Maxx Neubarth and Anna Sievert
are having a great time in Mrs. Donnay's
New column begins this week
Deep Dish Lasagna
12 uncooked lasagna noodles
1 pound sweet Italian sausage
2/3 cup chopped onions
1/2 tablespoon minced garlic
2/3 cup chopped fresh parsley, divided
3 (6 ounce) cans tomato paste
1 (15 ounce) can tomato sauce
2 cups water
1 1/2 teaspoons Italian seasoning
1 1/2 teaspoons dried oregano
1 1/2 teaspoons dried basil leaves
1 pound part-skim ricotta cheese (I used
drained cottage cheese)
1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
It’s My Turn,
By Karin Ramige Cornwell
3 eggs
2 teaspoons garlic salt
1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
3 cups shredded mozzarella cheese
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees
Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a
boil. Add lasagna noodles and cook for 8 to 10
minutes or until al dente; drain.
In skillet over medium heat, brown the
sausage with the onions, garlic and 1/2 the
parsley; drain. Add tomato paste, tomato
sauce, water, Italian seasoning, oregano, and
basil; mix well. Simmer, covered, for 5 minutes; stirring occasionally.
In a bowl, combine remaining parsley and
Ricotta, spinach, Parmesan, eggs, garlic salt,
and pepper; mix well.
In a lightly greased 9x13 inch baking dish,
spread 2 cups sauce mix. Begin layering with
4 noodles, 1/2 cheese mix, 1/3 remaining
sauce, and 1 cup mozzarella. Repeat this layer
again and the last layer will be noodles, sauce
and mozzarella cheese.
Bake covered in a preheated oven at 350 degrees for 45 minutes. Bake uncovered an additional 10 minutes. Let cool 10 minutes before
Original recipe is from Allrecipes.com.
All plates and the pan were cleaned. I have
made this for my husband before, but he has
learned not to bite the hand that feeds him and
always tells me that everything I make is the
best ever. Love him!
I hope you enjoy as much as my family did.
651-777-3456 #560 • 109 W 1st St
11:30, 2:00, 4:301, 7:051 & 9:45
Iron Man 3 PG-13
12:30, 3:00, 5:451 & 8:151
The Big Wedding R ENDS Wed., May 22
12:20, 2:20, 5:051, 7:051 & 9:10
42 PG-13
12:00, 2:30, 4:551, 7:201 & 9:45
The Great Gatsby PG-13
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Star Trek: Into Darkness PG-13
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THURS., MAY 23 @ 12:01 A.M., 5:10 & 7:30 P.M.
there will be numerous tractors and slow-moving vehicles on the roadways.
Often, older equipment
lacks proper signaling equipment and larger new equipment takes up a large amount
of the roadway. With the late
spring, expect to see more
farm equipment movement at
all hours of the day.
Exercise extra precautions
when sharing the road with
vehicles that have the slowmoving vehicle sign on the
Good luck with the spring
planting and please remember to take things slowly and
exercise safety in your daily
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Downtown Hutchinson
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Submitted photo
Making a difference
The McLeod Chapter of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans sponsored a recent
service activity to support Food For Kidz.
More than 100 people packaged 41,904
nutritious meals. At one of the packaging
station were, from left, going clockwise,
Donny Wolf, Vanna Wolf, Ardeen Graupmann, Verna Kunkel and Louie Graup-
mann. “Together this group made a difference in the lives of many children and
their families,” said Cindy Eggersgluess
of the McLeod chapter of Thrivent. Event
attendees also contributed 35 pounds of
food and $30 to the McLeod Emergency
Food Shelf.
21 Brownton seniors met on Monday
Twenty-one Brownton senior citizens met Monday, May
13, at the community center.
Cards were played after the
meeting with the following
winners: 500, Vanna Alsleben,
first, and Audrey Tongen, second; pinochle, Della Schultz,
first, and Ordell Klucas, second; and sheephead, Elva
Wendlandt, first, and Elmer
Maass, second.
Ordella Schmidt won the
door prize. Carol Brelje
served refreshments.
The next meeting will be
Monday, May 20, at 1 p.m.
All area seniors are welcome.
This great page will remind everyone of the great places to shop close-by.
For only one low price, your business will have a full-color 2x3 (3.575” x
3”) ad on the page in the Glencoe Advertiser on May 26, online on our
Web site, and on promotional posters.
You will also be given the opportunity to have your customers register within your business for
CHANHASSEN DINNER THEATRES TICKETS, provided at no additional cost to you.
We will also be running reminders to stop and shop at the participating
locations in all of our issues and on the web throughout the summer.
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Deadline is Monday, May 20.
Call 320-864-5518
Ask for Karin Ramige Cornwell, karinr@glencoenews.com;Brenda Fogarty, brendaf@glencoenews.com
Sue Keenan, suek@glencoenews.com
or contact:
Iron Man 3 PG-13
safe. Always think of how to
safely operate the machines
and equipment you are running before you start and be
sure to tell youth important
information as well.
In 2009, an estimated
16,100 youths were injured
on farms and 3,400 of these
injuries were due to farm
On average, there are 113
youths, younger than 20
years of age, die annually
from farm-related injuries,
with the most prevalent age
group being those from 16 to
19 years of age.
Of the leading sources of
fatal injuries to youth, 23 percent involved machinery (including tractors), 19 percent
involved motor vehicles (including ATVs), and 16 percent were due to drowning.
Be sure that those working on
your farm do not become one
of these statistics!
Those using the roadways
should also take extra precaution when driving because
Back in the early 1980s,
my mom wrote a column in
The Chronicle called “My
My dad, who was the editor at the time, wrote a weekly column, and she wanted to
have a turn, too.
In her column she wrote
about the craziness of having
a 5- and 2-year old (one more
came along later), and shared stories of motherhood and recipes.
I recently went back and read a few of her
columns. I laughed to tears at some of the stories she shared, then realized one of those
crazy kids was me.
Now more than 30 years later (though I am
only 29), it is my turn.
I love to cook and try new recipes and
would like to share some favorites. Each week
I will share some of the new recipes I have
tried along with some old favorites.
Last Sunday was Mother’s Day. All three
kids and four grandkids gathered at my parents’ house for lunch. Being the one child
without kids, I offered to do the cooking.
Lasagna was on the menu.
I am a Pinterest addict, I will admit it. I love
that I can type in a few ingredients and have
pages and pages of recipes to choose from.
This is how I found this lasagna recipe.
By Nathan Winter
Spring activities
Farm Notes
Submitted photo
The McLeod County Master Gardeners and Hutchinson
Garden Club will be holding
the annual plant sale on Saturday, May 18, starting at 9
a.m. until most of the plants
are gone. The sale will be
held at the McLeod County
Fairgrounds in Hutchinson.
The plant sale will include
annuals, perennials, bulbs,
vegetable plants and houseplants. The sale will be in the
Horticulture Building.
The Meeker County Horticultural Society will be holding its annual plant sale on
Saturday, June 1, from 10
a.m. to– 11:30 a.m. The plant
sale will include annuals,
perennials, bulbs, vegetable
plants, and houseplants. The
sale will be at the Meeker
County Fairgrounds in Litchfield. The sale will be in
Commercial Building No. 2.
Spring time may have finally arrived. The late spring
that we are seeing in 2013
can increase pressure on
farmers and agricultural professionals to work longer
Although agriculture is
safer than it once was, it still
ranks among the most dangerous industries. Those
working on farms risk fatal
and nonfatal injuries, workrelated lung diseases, noiseinduced hearing loss, skin
diseases, and certain cancers
from prolonged sun and
chemical use.
Many of the mechanical,
chemical and environmental
hazards increase the risk of
accidents. There were 476
farmers and farm workers
who died from work-related
injuries in 2010. The leading
cause of death for farm workers is tractor overturns.
Unfortunately, we continue
to see injuries and fatalities in
the agricultural area and often
they can be prevented. Most
everyone working in the agricultural area knows of someone that has been injured or
has died as a direct result of a
farming accident. Farm
equipment is safer than it
used to be, but there are still
injuries and fatalities that can
Often youth are utilized to
help out with the farm work.
Be sure to look out for their
interests by keeping them
The Sibley Shopper/Arlington ENTERPRISE
507-964-5547; Ashley Reetz, AshleyR@ArlingtonMNnews.com
The McLeod County Chronicle, www.glencoenews.com, Wednesday, May 15, 2013, page 8
Bernice ‘Bernie’ Trummer, 78, of NYA
Harvey Walter Koester, 81, of Glencoe
Funeral services for Harvey Walter Koester, 81, of
Glencoe, were held Saturday,
May 11, at First Evangelical
Lutheran Church in Glencoe.
The Rev.
R o n a l d
M r .
died Tuesday, May 7,
C o u n t y Harvey
M e d i c a l Koester
Center in Minneapolis.
The organist was Cheryl
Andrix, and the congregational hymns were “Amazing
Grace,” “How Great Thou
Art” and “I Know That My
Redeemer Lives.”
Military honors were by
the Glencoe VFW Post 5102
and American Legion. Pallbearers were Kyle Koester,
Erich Koester, James Dodd,
Ryan Koester, Merl Battcher
and Nick Koester. Interment
was in the Glencoe City
Mr. Koester was born July
9, 1931, in Green Isle Township, Sibley County, to Erich
and Anna (Witte) Koester. He
was baptized as an infant on
July 26, 1931, by the Rev.
Dysterheft and confirmed in
his faith as a youth on March
25, 1945, by the Rev. H.H.
Schuller, both at St. John’s
Evangelical Lutheran Church
in Helen Township.
Mr. Koester received his
education in Glencoe and was
a graduate of the Glencoe
High School class of 1950.
Mr. Koester grew up on a
farm south of Glencoe. He
entered active military service in the U.S. Marine Corps
on Nov. 9, 1951, serving his
country at the Marine Corps
Air Station in Cherry Point,
N.C., during the Korean War.
He received an honorable discharge on Nov. 2, 1953.
On May 12, 1956, Mr.
Koester was united in marriage to Margaret Wirtz by
the Rev. D. Roney at Assumption Catholic Church in
Assumption, Minn. Their
union was blessed with six
children, Gary, Russell,
Catherine, Ronald, Mary and
Paul. The Koesters made
their home in Glencoe and
shared almost 57 years of
Mr. Koester worked for the
phone company, REA as a
lineman for 23 years, and
then drove truck for Glencoe
Manufacturing, Johnson Motors, K-Way and Cenex, retiring in 1993. His true passion
was driving big trucks.
He was a member of First
Evangelical Lutheran Church
in Glencoe. Also, Mr. Koester
was a member of the Glencoe
VFW Post 5102, Hutchinson
American Legion Post 96 and
the Glencoe Fire Department.
Mr. Koester enjoyed dancing, gardening, traveling,
telling jokes, tinkering in his
garage, having afternoon coffee at Bump’s and playing
Sheephead in the morning at
Happy Hour. He was a loving
husband, father and grandfather and cherished the time
spent with his family and
Survivors include his wife,
Margaret Koester of Glencoe;
children, Gary Koester of
Glencoe, Russ (Barb) Koester
of Stewart, Cathy (Bill) Dodd
of Lincoln, N.D., Ron
Koester and his significant
other, Deb, of Glencoe, Mary
(Mark) Battcher of Plato, and
Paul (Sandy) Koester of
Glencoe; 20 grandchildren,
Kevin Koester, Jonathon
Kruger, Jessica Kruger, Kyle
Koester, Aaron Telecky, Amy
(Josh) Blower, Emily
Koester, Erich Koester, Linda
Benfiet, James Dodd, Timothy Dodd, Rachel Dodd,
Ryan Koester, Danielle
Battcher, Merl (Jenny)
Battcher, Melissa Battcher,
Amber Koester, Nick
Koester, Kelsey (Derek) Anderson, and Travis Koester;
six great-grandchildren,
Kyler and Logan Benfiet,
Evan Battcher, Hazel Battcher, Dale Anderson, and Jordan Koester; sister, Lois
(Roger) Franck of Plymouth;
brothers- and sisters-in-law,
Al (Marlene) Wirtz of Norwood Young America, Helen
Nicklaus of Cologne, Matt
(Mary) Wirtz of Tucson,
Ariz., and Donald Mueller of
Waconia; nieces, nephews,
other relatives and many
Preceding him in death
were his parents, Erich and
Anna Koester; father- and
mother-in-law, Francis and
Barbara Wirtz; sister, Arlene
Mueller; brother-in-law,
Robert Nicklaus; and
nephew, Robert Wirtz.
Arrangements were by the
Johnson-McBride Funeral
Chapel of Glencoe. Online
obituaries and guest book are
available at www.hantge.
com. Click on obituaries
guest book.
Ella A. Mahnke, 103, of Brownton
A memorial service for
Ella Augusta Elisabeth
Mahnke, 103, of Brownton
and formerly of Stewart, will
be held today (Wednesday,
May 15), at
2 p.m., at
St. Paul’s
Church in
The Rev.
Robert J.
Lehner will
M r s . Ella Mahnke
died Friday, May 10, 2013, at
the Shade Tree Retirement
Center in Brownton.
A gathering of family and
friends will be Wednesday
from noon to 2 p.m. at St.
Paul’s Lutheran Church in
The organist will be Adline
Kottke and the urn bearer
will be Wanda Bryant. Interment will be in the church
Ella Augusta Elisabeth
Voight was born Sept. 23,
1909, in Green Isle Township, Sibley County, to Fred
and Augusta (Luepke)
Voight. She was baptized on
Oct. 17, 1909, at the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Arlington, and was confirmed in
her faith there on March 23,
1923. She grew up in Arlington and attended country
On Oct. 2, 1928, Ella
Voight was united in marriage to Martin Mahnke at the
Evangelical Lutheran Church
in Arlington. They made their
home on a farm near Arlington, and farmed there for
many years. They were
blessed with two sons, Vernon and Elroy. The family
lived for a time in Buffalo
Lake and, in 1945, they
moved to Stewart.
Mrs. Mahnke worked as a
seamstress from 1949 until
Mr. Mahnke died on Jan. 9,
1988. From 2000 until June
of 2010, Mrs. Mahnke lived
in the Parkview Apartments
in Brownton. She then moved
to the Shade Tree Retirement
Center in Brownton.
Mrs. Mahnke was a member of St. Paul’s Lutheran
Church in Stewart. She enjoyed sewing and crocheting,
and shared many doilies with
her friends. She liked to work
in her garden, and was especially fond of the roses they
grew. She also colored beautiful pictures.
Survivors include her
daughters-in-law, Phyllis
Mahnke of Brownton and
Betty Mahnke of Glencoe;
grandchildren, Wanda (Jon)
Bryant of Gillette, Wyo.,
Connie (Gordon) Spach of
Jacksonville, Fla., and Steven
(Debbie) Mahnke of Farmington; great-grandchildren,
Christina Bryant of Gillette,
Wyo., Jason Bryant of
Gillette, Wyo., Amy (Karl)
Baumfalk of Des Moines,
Iowa, and Adam Alexander
of Des Moines, Iowa; 11
sister, Marie Voight of Arlington; special friend, Esther
Ziemann of Hutchinson;
nieces, nephews, other relatives, and many friends.
Preceding her in death
were her parents, Fred and
Augusta Voight; husband,
Martin Mahnke; sons, Vernon
Mahnke and Elroy Mahnke;
brothers, Elmer Voight and
Fred Voight; sister, Viola
Dose; sisters-in-law, Lena
Voight and Erna Voight; and
brothers-in-law, Walter Dose
and Henry Voight.
Arrangements were with
the Hughes-Hantge Funeral
Chapel in Stewart. An online
guest book is available at
www.hantge.com. Click on
obituaries/guest book.
Stephen George Nemec, 68, of Fairfax
A Mass of Christian Burial
for Stephen “Stevie” George
Nemec, 68, of Fairfax and
formerly of Silver Lake, was
held Tuesday, May 14, at the
Church of St. Pius X in Glencoe. The
Rev. Anthony Stubeda
M r .
Nemec died
S a t u r d a y,
pallbearers Stephen
were the
Silver Lake
American Legion, Dan Willnitz, Jerry Zaske, Roy Miscka, Beaver Wanous, Phil
Novak, George Lhotka, Jerry
Rannow and Duke Fahey.
Pallbearers were Jim Ford,
Jerry Tewes, Brian Winterfeldt, Chris Blazinski, Gary
Dietel and Don Merkins. In-
terment with military rites
was in the Catholic Cemetery
in Glencoe.
Mr. Nemec was born on
Jan. 15, 1945, in Glencoe, the
son of George and Irene
(Stibal) Nemec. He graduated
from Silver Lake High
School in 1963.
He formerly owned Quality
Mason & Concrete of Glencoe, Inc.
He loved the outdoors,
fishing, hunting elk, turkey,
pheasant and deer, and especially being with his dog
Mr. Nemec was a member
of St. Pius X Catholic Church
in Glencoe. He also belonged
to the Silver Lake American
Legion, many horseshoe
clubs, Hutchinson men’s
bowling leagues and was the
past president and was a former sportsman’s club member.
Survivors include his
mother, Irene Nemec of Silver Lake; fiancé, Pam Wendlandt and her son Mark and
his special friend Amanda; a
son, Brian Nemec of Silver
Lake and friend, Shelly Humlicek and her son, Mitchell
Johnson; a daughter, Ann
Janning of Mayer and her
special friend, Dennis Welter;
grandchildren, Kayla, Brianna and Leah Nemec, Taylor
and Nathan Janning and
Alexis Wendlandt; aunts, uncles, other relatives and
Preceding him in death
were his father, George W.
Nemec on Nov. 28, 2003; his
grandparents; aunts and uncles; and Pam Wendlandt’s
son, Brad.
The Maresh Funeral Home
in Silver Lake served the
family. Online condolences
w w w . m a r e s h f u
A private memorial service
will be held for Bernice Regina “Bernie” Trummer, 78, of
Norwood Young America
(NYA), who died Wednesday
2013 at her
Regina Dettling was
born May
29, 1934, in
D e v i l s
Lake, N.D.,
to Paul and Bernice
C h r i s t i n a Trummer
She graduated from the St.
Mary’s Catholic High School
in Devil’s Lake, N.D. Before
moving to Minnesota in
1969, she lived in Portland,
Mrs. Trummer was a cook
at local restaurants, including
longtime employment at
Mueller ’s in NYA and
Bump’s in Glencoe. She was
known for her salads and
homemade soups.
Mrs. Trummer enjoyed gardening and spending time
with her grandchildren. She
will be missed.
Survivors include her loving family, daughters Linda
Trummer of St. Louis Park,
Patti (Steve) Oslund of Minnetonka, and Janet (Mark) Prchal of Excelsior; son, Terry
Trummer of Austin; grandchildren, John Trummer,
Nicholas Oslund and fiancé
Emma, Marissa Oslund,
Derek (Kelly) Prchal,
Matthew Prchal, Shawn
Trummer, Kelly Hoffman;
great-grandchildren, Kiana,
Lucia, Aubrey, Skylr; brothers and sisters-in-law, Alex
and Sandy Dettling of Devils
Lake, N.D, Richard and
Marge Dettling of Roseville,
and David and Pat Dettling of
Devils Lake, N.D.; as well as
nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends.
Preceding her in death
were her parents, Paul and
Christina Dettling, and son,
Lee Trummer.
Condolences may be directed to: 6410 White Dove
Drive, Excelsior, MN 55331
Arrangements were with
the Johnson Funeral Home in
Waconia at www.johnson
Women’s fertility
topic of May 16
GOP meeting
“It only makes sense that
God would give women a
simple way to manage their
fertility. The trouble is that
our culture pushes drugs and
devices when they are not
needed,” said Maureen
Krumrey of the McLeod
County Republican Women.
The McLeod County Republican Women will host
Sue Ek, executive director of
the U.S. Headquarters of the
Australian-based Billings
Ovulation Method, at 7 p.m.,
Thursday, May 16, at the
Elks Club on Highway 7
East, Hutchinson. Men are
welcome, too.
Come and learn about natural symptoms a woman experiences that help her identify times of fertility and infertility.
Ek will talk about the way
a woman is in control of her
own body. She will explain
the four simple rules of the
Billings Method and how it
can be used to both achieve
and postpone pregnancy.
Call 320-864-4162 or 320587-3399 for more information.
Click on obituaries.
ota Val
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The McLeod County Chronicle, www.glencoenews.com, Wednesday, May 15, 2013, page 9
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The Discipline of a Disciple
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hen teaching, I am quick to say that the word “disciple” means one is a “student.” I think understanding ourselves as
“students of Jesus” helps us understand who we are as his disciples.
Municipal Electric Plant
305 11th St. E., Glencoe, MN
Phone: (320) 864-5184
But I think understanding that the words “disciple” and “discipline” come from the same word is also helpful. How does discipline fit with our call to live faithfully? We know the discipline an athlete has to have to perform at the highest level. It involves regular training, eating right, and getting proper rest. An athlete’s discipline doesn’t tell an athlete exactly what to do,
but it does tell him or her to do something! And to do it regularly.
What does the discipline of a disciple look like? Similar to that of an athlete, it is telling us to act. I need not tell you what to
do as a Christian. Those reading this are probably well versed on what a disciple of Jesus is asked to do. Discipline comes
forth in actually doing it – regularly. Waiting around until we feel like praying, worshipping, and reaching out to those in need
will make for pretty half hearted disciples of Jesus.
So I want to remind you that we are not simply disciples. We are disciplined disciples. And our motivation to be disciplined
in faithful living is not to earn God’s favor. By the grace of God we already have God’s favor! We are to be disciplined out of
response to what God has first done for us. In our church, we end our worship with the pastor calling out – “Go in peace, serve
the Lord.” It is a call to be disciplined disciples as we go forth from receiving what God has given us in worship. The hope is
that having worshipped we will feel like serving the Lord. But even if our feelings aren’t there to motivate us, we ask that the
Holy Spirit will move us to put our faith into action.
This weekly message is contributed by the following concerned citizens and businesses who
urge you to attend the church of your choice. To be added to this page, contact us at 320-864-5518.
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Jerry Scharpe, CPA
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Corner of 16th St. and Hennepin
727 E. 16th St., Glencoe
Jonathan Pixler, Pastor
Call Jan at 320-864-3387 for
women’s Bible study
Wed., May 15 — Women’s Bible
study, 9 a.m.; service on Glencoe
Cable Channel 10, 8 p.m.
Fri., May 17 — Men’s Bible study,
9 a.m.
Sun., May 19 — Sunday school
for all ages, 9 a.m.; worship, 10:20
a.m.; service on Glencoe Cable Channel 10, 10:30 a.m.
Tues., May 21 — Men’s Bible
study, 6 a.m.
Wed., May 22 — Women’s Bible
study, 9 a.m.; service on Glencoe
Cable Channel 10, 8 p.m.
1820 N. Knight Ave., Glencoe
Katherine Rood, Pastor
E-mail: office@christluth.com
Wed., May 15 — Evening prayer,
5:40 p.m.; Mass, 6 p.m.
Thurs., May 16 — Naomi Circle at
Orchard Estates, 9 a.m.; worship at
LTC, 9:30 a.m.
Fri., May 17 — Kelly Buska-Jeremy Fiecke wedding rehearsal, 5:30
Sat., May 18 — Kelly Buska-Jeremy Fiecke wedding, 3 p.m.
Sun., May 19 — Baccalaureate
worship with communion, 9 a.m.
with baccalaureate celebration after
worship in fellowship hall.
Mon., May 20 — Televised worship, 3 p.m.; Light & Life articles
Tues., May 21 — Ladies fellowship at Gert & Erma’s, 10 a.m.; Minnesota Valley Conference pastor gathering, First Lutheran, Winthrop.
Wed., May 22 — Televised worship, 2 p.m.
520 11th St. E., Glencoe
Joseph Clay, Pastor
Sun., May 19 — Worship at
Friedens, 10 a.m.
Cell # (320) 510-1206
10285 110th St., Glencoe, MN 55336
1014 Knight Ave., Glencoe
Anthony Stubeda, Pastor
Wed., May 15 — Evening prayer,
5:40 p.m.; Mass, 6 p.m.
Thurs., May 16 — Morning
prayer, 7 a.m.; Mass, 7:20 a.m.;
McLeod Emergency Food Shelf
board meeting, 9 a.m.; evangelization
and catechesis committee, 6:30 p.m.
Fri., May 17 — Morning prayer, 8
a.m.; school Mass, 8:20 a.m.; no
Spanish Mass.
Sat., May 18 — Religious education registration before and after
Mass; reconciliation, 4 p.m.; Mass, 5
p.m.; youth mystery dinner follows
Sun., May 19 — Religious education registration before and after
Mass; Mass with graduating seniors
recognition and May crowning, 9:30
a.m.; Spanish Mass, 11:30 a.m.; Mass
at Holy Family, Silver Lake, 8 p.m.
Mon., May 20 — No Mass.
Tues., May 21 — Diocese of New
Ulm Presbyters Day; morning prayer,
7 a.m.; Mass, 7:20 a.m.; St. Pius X
staff meeting, 10 a.m.; last junior
choir practice and party, 2:50 p.m.;
KC meeting, 7:30 p.m.
Wed., May 22 — Evening prayer,
5:40 p.m.; Mass, 6 p.m.; area pastoral
council, Holy Family, Silver Lake, 7
1400 Elliott Ave., Glencoe
Rev. Linzy Collins Jr., Pastor
E-mail: congoucc@gmail.com
Wed., May 15 — Circles meet;
choir practice, 6:30 p.m.
Fri., May 17 — Coborn’s brat
stand, 11 a.m.-6 p.m.
Sat., May 18 — Coborn’s brat
stand, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
Sun., May 19 — Graduation Sunday; worship with celebration, 9:15
a.m.; no Sunday school; deacons
Tues., May 21 — Bible study, 9:30
Most Single Vision
Prescriptions Same Day
or 24-Hour Service!
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(Same Day)
a.m.; trustees meeting, 7 p.m.
Wed., May 22 — Choir practice,
6:30 p.m.
Barry Marchant, Interim Pastor
Not available.
925 13th St. E., Glencoe
Daniel Welch, Senior Pastor
Ronald L. Mathison,
Associate Pastor
E-mail: office@firstglencoe.org
Wed., May 15 — Gospel Ringers,
6 p.m.; senior choir, 6:15 p.m.; school
musical, 7 p.m.
Thurs., May 16 — Newsletter
deadline; assimilation committee,
6:30 p.m.; church council, 7 p.m.
Fri., May 17 — Youth game night,
seventh through 12th grades, 7 p.m.
Sun., May 19 — Worship with
communion (Sunday school children
finale), 8 a.m.; fellowship, 9 a.m.;
Bible classes, 9:15 a.m.; worship,
10:30 a.m.; Thrivent youth education
event, 12:30 p.m.
Mon., May 20 — Volunteer vacation Bible school meeting, 7 p.m.;
First Edition Book Club, 7 p.m.
Tues., May 21 — Bible study, 9:30
a.m.; voters assembly meeting, 7 p.m.
Wed., May 22 — Gospel Ringers,
6 p.m.; senior choir, 6:15 p.m.; worship with communion and FLS
eighth-grade graduation, 7 p.m.
300 Croyden St., Stewart
Sat., May 18 — Worship with
communion, 7 p.m.
Sun., May 19 — Sunday school, 9
a.m.; worship with communion and
first communion, 10 a.m.
Tues., May 21 — Pastors’ conference meeting at First Lutheran,
Winthrop, 9 a.m.
Wed., May 22 — WELCA
sewing, 10 a.m.-3 p.m.
Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod
1407 Cedar Ave. N., Glencoe
Rev. James F. Gomez, Pastor
Matthew Harwell,
Director of Christian Education
E-mail: office@gslcglencoe.org
Wed., May 15 — Spring pastors’
conference, Brainerd; GYM Bible
study, high school, 7:30 a.m.; REVEAL, 5:30 p.m.
Sat., May 18 — Vanessa GeorgeDan Kohout wedding, 3 p.m.
Sun., May 19 — Choir, 7:45 a.m.;
worship, 9 a.m.; quarterly voters
meeting, 10:15 a.m.; NYG meeting, 6
p.m.; LIVE, 7 p.m.; Community
Strings rehearsal, 6 p.m.-8 p.m.
Mon., May 20 — Red Cross blood
drive, Good Shepherd, 2 p.m.-6 p.m.
Tues., May 21 — GSLC Bible
study, potluck, 9:30 a.m.
Wed., May 22 — GYM Bible
study, high school, 7:30 a.m.
4505 80th St., Helen Township
Dennis Reichow, Pastor
Thurs., May 16 — Jesus Cares
Ministry, 6:30 p.m.; Wish List team
meeting, 7 p.m.
Sun., May 19 — Worship, 9 a.m.;
Sunday school, 10 a.m.; Bible class,
10:20 a.m.; Sunday school picnic, 11
a.m.; ditch cleanup, 12:30 p.m.
Mon., May 20 — Ministry advancement meeting, 7 p.m.
Tues., May 21 — Jesus Cares
planning, 6 p.m.; Table Talk, 7 p.m.
Wed., May 22 — Chimes,
8638 Plum Ave., Brownton
Andrew Hermodson-Olsen, Pastor
Sun., May 19 — Worship, 8:45
a.m.; Grace Women, 10 a.m.
Tues., May 21 — Bible study, 9
700 Division St., Brownton
R. Allan Reed, Pastor
Wed., May 15 — Noah’s Ark preschool closing service, 7 p.m.
Thurs., May 16 — Visitation and
communion to Brownton shut-ins.
Sun., May 19 — Worship, 8 a.m.;
register for May 26 communion;
Channel 8 video; pastor at Glencoe
long-term care in the afternoon.
Wed., May 22 — Chapel worship
with communion, 6:30 p.m.
Division St., Brownton
Wed., May 15 — Mass, 9 a.m.
Thurs., May 16 — Mass, 9 a.m.
Sun., May 19 — Mass, 9:15 a.m.
Aaron Albrecht, Pastor
Wed., May 15 — Women’s Bible
study, 9 a.m.; “The Bible” on TV, 6
Thurs., May 16 — Monthly breakfast, 8 a.m.
Sun., May 19 — Sunday school
(last day), 9 a.m.; worship, 10 a.m.
Wed., May 22 — Bible study, 6
13372 Nature Ave. (rural Biscay)
Robert Taylor, Pastor
612-644-0628 (cell)
320-587-5104 (church)
E-mail: rlt721@hotmail.com
Sun., May 19 — Last Sunday
school, 9:15 a.m.; worship, 10:30
10484 Bell Ave., Plato
Scott and Heidi Forsberg, Pastors
Wed., May 15 — Youth and adult
activities night, 7 p.m.
Sun., May 19 — Worship, 10 a.m.
216 McLeod Ave. N., Plato
Bruce Laabs, Pastor
E-mail: stjlplato@embarqmail.com
Wed., May 15 — Youth choir, 5
p.m.; midweek, 6 p.m.
Thurs., May 16 — Bible study,
8:45 a.m.; bulletin deadline.
Sun., May 19 — Confirmation;
“Time of Grace” on TV Channel 9,
6:30 a.m.; worship, 9 a.m.; Sunday
school, 10 a.m.; potluck dinner.
Tues., May 21 — Glencoe longterm care and Orchard Estates visits;
prayer meeting, 5 p.m.; deacons, 7
Wed., May 22 — Youth choir, 5
p.m.; midweek, 6 p.m.; newsletter
308 First St. N.E., Plato
Bill Baldwin, Pastor
Wed., May 15 — Men’s coffee, 9
Sun., May 19 — Last Sunday
school, 8:45 a.m.; worship, 10 a.m.;
free-will meal after worship.
Wed., May 22 — Men’s coffee, 9
New Auburn
Bradley Danielson, Pastor
E-mail: immanuellc@yahoo.com
Sun., May 19 — Confirmation and
Pentecost worship, 10:30 a.m. (time
300 Cleveland Ave. S.W., Silver Lake
Dr. Tom Rakow, Pastor
Wed., May 15 — Confirmation
class, 6 p.m.; prayer time and puppet
practice, 7 p.m.
Sat., May 18 — Men’s Bible
study, 7 a.m.; women’s Bible study, 9
a.m.; wedding, 3 p.m.
Sun., May 19 — “First Light”
Priority 1
Metrowest Realty
Cell: 320-444-5619
2735 12 ST., GLENCOE
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Since 1881
Glencoe, MN
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Continuing the 53-year tradition from The Glencoe Enterprise.
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HOURS: Mon. 10 a.m.-5 p.m.;
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After Hours Appointments Available
Office: 320-864-4877
Fax: 320-864-6332
Cell: 320-894-5682
radio broadcast on KARP 106.9 FM,
7:30 a.m.; pre-service prayer time,
9:15 a.m.; worship, 9:30 a.m.; Sunday school for all ages, 10:35 a.m.;
open shooting for Centershot
Archery graduates, 11:45 a.m.; Outdoor Club, planning Boundary Waters trip led by Scott Rehmann and
Paul Nikkel, 2 p.m.
Wed., May 22 — Confirmation, 6
p.m.; prayer time and puppet practice, 7 p.m.
Dial-A-Bible Story, 320-3272843.
108 W. Main St., Silver Lake
Mark Ford, Pastor
320-327-2452 / Fax 320-327-6562
You may be able to reach someone
at the church every Tuesday through
Friday. Don’t hesitate to come in (use
church office door) or call, or e-mail
at faithfriends@embarqmail.com.
Wed., May 15 — WOW party,
5:30 p.m.; choir practice, 7 p.m.
Sun., May 19 — Worship service
with fellowship to follow, 10 a.m.
712 W. Main St., Silver Lake
Anthony Stubeda, Pastor
Patrick Okonkwo, Associate Pastor
Patrick Schumacher,
Associate Pastor
Wed., May 15 — Mass, 5 p.m.
Thurs., May 16 — Mass at Cedar
Crest, 10:30 a.m.; staff meeting, 1
Fri., May 17 — Mass, 8 a.m.
Sat., May 18 — Mass, 6:30 p.m.
Sun., May 19 — Masses, 8 a.m.
and 8 p.m.
Tues., May 21 — Mass, 8 a.m.
11325 Zebra Ave., Norwood
Joseph Clay, Pastor
Sun., May 19 — Worship at
Friedens, 10 a.m.
770 School Rd., Hutchinson
Kenneth Rand, Branch President
Wed., May 15 — Young men and
women (12-18 years old) and scouting, 7 p.m.-8:30 p.m.
Sun., May 19 — Sunday school,
10:50 a.m.-11:30 a.m.; priesthood, relief society and primary, 11:40 a.m.12:30 p.m.
Clinica del Alma
727 16th St. E., Glencoe
Spanish/bi-lingual services
Nestor and Maria German, Pastors
Sun., May 19 — Worship, 2 p.m.
Corner C.R. 1 and Second St. S.
77 Second Ave. S., Lester Prairie
Layton Lemke, Vacancy Pastor
Sun., May 19 — Worship, 9 a.m.;
Sunday school and Bible study, 10:15
1215 Roberts Rd. S.W., Hutchinson
Rick Stapleton, Senior Pastor
Adam Krumrie, Worship Pastor
Tami Smithee, Student Ministries
320-587-2668 / Fax 320-587-4290
Wed., May 15 — AWANA, 6:30
p.m.; middle school youth, 6:30 p.m.;
senior high youth, 7:30 p.m.; parenting workshop, 6:35 p.m.
Sun., May 19 — Worship, 9 a.m.
and 10:30 a.m.; Sunday school, 9
Mon., May 20 — Women’s discipleship, 6:30 p.m.; men’s growth
group, 7 p.m.; women’s “First Steps”
group, 7 p.m.
Tues., May 21 — Women’s discipleship, 9 a.m.
613 E. 10th St.
Teresa Ackerson, Owner
1429 11th St., Glencoe
Complete Home & Farm Store
Hwy 212 (Next to Shopko)
3105 10th St. E. • Glencoe
Mon.–Fri. 8 a.m.-7 p.m.
Sat. 8 a.m.-6 p.m.
Sun. 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
trimming - removal
brush chipping
aerial bucket truck work
810 First St. E., Glencoe
320-864-3800 320-510-1417
Oil Co.
John & Chuck Shamla
(320) 864-5506
downtown Glencoe
across from the Courthouse
Open Mon.-Fri. 6 a.m.-7 p.m.
Sat. 6 a.m.-Noon
1110 Greeley Ave. N.
Glencoe, MN 55336
Ph: 320-864-4109
Fax: 320-864-4676
* Providing Individual,
Marriage, Family and
Child Psychotherapy
K & L Cabinets
Custom • Commercial • Residential
Gordon Krumrey, Owner
(320) 864-5815
1727 10th St. E., Glencoe
a continuation of
The Glencoe Enterprise
716 E. 10th St.,
To be added
to this page,
contact us at
Glencoe Area
Ministerial Assoc.
Monthly Meeting
(The First Tuesday
of each month except
June, July and August)
The McLeod County Chronicle, www.glencoenews.com, Wednesday, May 15, 2013, page 10
Glencoe recycling Continued from page 1
tract with Waste Management
was exclusive to the point of
keeping West Central from
conducting the county’s program within the city limits.
“Unless there is a court
order otherwise,” McLeod
County will continue its program in Glencoe and, in fact,
put a full-page ad in the
weekend papers “so the citizens (of Glencoe) know we
haven’t just walked away
from the program,” Nies said.
Nies said the county needs
to honor its contract with
West Central Sanitation,
whether it picks up recycling
in Glencoe or not.
Jeff Bertrang of West Central Sanitation, also a member
of SWAC, said his company,
in turn, has to honor its contract with the county.
Residents who approach
West Central drivers with
questions are directed to take
those questions to county of-
ficials, Bertrang said.
“We’re continuing to do
what the county tells us to do
… until the county tells us to
do something different,” said
Kerry Venier, the Silver
Lake city clerk and a member
of SWAC, asked about the
progress on a study of a single-sort program for the
Commissioner Paul Wright
said the county had asked the
city of Glencoe for a one-year
grace period to conduct the
study, “because we wanted to
do it right.”
However, Wright added, he
doesn’t feel that the study
will take a year, and the consultant is currently working
on the financial feasibility of
switching to a one-sort program.
Wright also said members
of the Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) committee and
Solid Waste personnel have
been looking at equipment
for single-sort recycling.
The potential expense of
one-sort recycling will play a
large role on any decision the
county makes, Nies said.
Along with buying a new
sorter, the county may have
to expand its building.
Even if the county chooses
to stay with a five-sort system, Nies indicated there
could be some changes.
“If we do stick with fivesort, we need to look what we
can do with our containers to
make it a heck of a lot easier
for our constituents,” Nies
Venier expressed appreciation to the county for its willingness to look at a singlesort program and “not just
stick to your guns on the fivesort program.”
Submitted photos
National BPA
Thirteen Glencoe-Silver
Lake High School Business
Professionals of America
(BPA) students attended
the National Leadership
Conference in Orlando, Fla.,
May 7-12. They competed in
various computer-related
events and did sightseeing,
including going to the
ocean and going to Disney
World. Those attending the
conference were, above,
front row, from left, Mary
Eckhoff, BPA adviser, Mackenzie Matousek, Brody Bratsch, Eric Thalmann, Kurtis
Kunkel, Joe Fehrenbach and Mercy Rakow. In the back row are Krissy Garbers, Ashley
Hall, Lindsay Wedin, Kaitlyn Boesche, Katie Urban, Shannon Twiss and Samantha
Iverson. At the right are the students who ranked in the top 10 nationally. They include,
from left to right, Kunkel, Hall, Thalmann and Garbers, all with the administrative support team; Twiss, legal office procedures; Boesche, desktop publishing; and Iverson,
advanced desktop publishing.
Yard-waste program Continued from page 1
Chronicle photos by Rich Glennie
Art on display
The Panther Art Prowl was
held in conjunction with
the elementary music concert last Thursday and attracted a wide variety of
participants, including
Darin and Shania Thammavongsa, above, who put
their drawing skills to the
test. At left, Ismael
Calderon-Garcia displayed
some of his artwork and
the works of other artists in
the gymnasium. The Panther Prowl brought together the entire K-12 visual
arts program under one
roof. Participants also had
opportunities to get some
hands-on experiences at
various work stations in
the cafeteria.
‘Man in black’ bank robber pleads guilty
GAYLORD — A 49-yearold Minneapolis man, who
was dubbed “the man in
black” by law enforcement
officials, has pleaded guilty
to six bank robberies
throughout Minnesota, and
also admitted responsibility
for 25 additional bank robberies, including one at First
National Bank, Gaylord
branch, on June 13, 2011.
According to The Gaylord
Hub, Mark Edward Wetsch
admits to robbing six banks,
in each case admitting that he
wore a black mask and brandished a firearm that was believed to be real.
The consensus of the
group, Carter said, was to ask
the county if it would continue to support 50 percent of
the cost of the program.
“We came to SWAC and
the county to ask you to continue to be a strong partner”
in the program, Carter said.
McLeod County Commissioner Sheldon Nies said that
county representatives, in
light of issues with the city of
Glencoe and its desire to start
a one-sort recycling program,
met with each city council in
the county to discuss the
county’s recycling program.
“This was brought up at
every single meeting we went
to,” said Nies of the yard
waste program and the proposed cuts in funding.
Nies said the issue has
been discussed by the county’s Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) committee, and
“the consensus is that there
should be some support coming from us (the county).”
Nies said he would like to
see the county continue the
50 percent contribution as it
has in 2013, but “it becomes
a budgeting issue for 2014.
The question is, how do we
do it? Do we do it on a per
capita basis? Or average the
costs over the past three
Solid Waste Director Ed
Homan said that the cost of
the program is about $80,000
a year, of which $50,000 goes
toward hiring site monitors to
make sure that inappropriate
material is not brought into
the sites.
Homan said that continuing
the program may mean that
cities will need to reduce
their monitored hours in
order to reduce costs.
Cindy Lindeman, city clerk
at Brownton, also asked the
county to take into consideration that Brownton’s yard
waste site also is a site for the
collection of discarded appliances and “e-waste.”
If the county reduces funding and, as a result, funding
for monitoring is reduced, the
city may leave its yard waste
site unmonitored. If that is
the case, Lindeman, the county may want to consider fencing off the e-waste area to
prevent the illegal dumping
of appliances.
Carter said another looming issue is that the county
had bought the original tub
grinder used for grinding
branches and brush. When
that has served out its useful
life, it will need to be replaced, and a cost-share program for replacing it should
be developed, he indicated.
Corrections & Clarifications
In last week’s article on
the Morningside Avenue
project design costs, it was
reported it would be about
$100,000, with the county
and city of Glencoe splitting
that cost. It should have read
the design cost is $205,000
with a 50/50 split. The city’s
share will be about $102,500.
In the front page photo cutline on the city’s new onesort recycling program, it was
reported the pick up on the
south side of the city was onWednesday. It should have
said pick up dates south of
13th Street are usually the
second and fourth Mondays.
North of 13th Street the pickup is on the first and third
The Chronicle strives for
accuracy in its reports. If
you find an error, bring it
to our attention. Call 8645518 and ask for Rich Glennie, editor.
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