montreal gazette fast facts - Postmedia Integrated Advertising
montreal gazette fast facts - Postmedia Integrated Advertising
MONTREAL GAZETTE FAST FACTS PRINT FAST FACTS MONTREAL GAZETTE | ENGLISH § 54% English Adults 18+ Population: 566,000 46% Male Female Avg. Weekly Demographic Profile * 42% Age 25-54 $68,000 Avg. HHLD Income 37% University Grad 15% Sr. Managers / Owners / Professionals Readership M-F (Print**) Saturday (Print**) 50% Baby Boomers 37% HHLD Income $75k+ 70% Home Owners 21% Adults with children in household # Reach 26% 32% 145,000 182,000 Total Circulation 250,000 44% Readers Reach per week* per week* Sources: Readership and Population: Vividata 2015 / Q2 *Weekly Print = print edition 6-day cume Circulation: Alliance for Audited Media Snapshot March 2015 Avg. M-F Saturday Avg. Day 83,471 96,339 85,642 Average Time Spent Reading 37 MIN 49 MIN M-F Sat. PRINT FAST FACTS MONTREAL GAZETTE | TOTAL § § § § § Adult 18+ Population: 3,232,000 Canada’s 2nd largest city Language: 69% French, 17% English, 14% Ethnic Among Non-French, 55% are English, 45% are ethnic Projected 2016 retail sales of $53 billion (+4% vs. 2015) 56% 44% Male Female Avg. Weekly Demographic Profile * 44% Age 25-54 $66,000 Avg. HHLD Income 43% University Grad 16% Sr. Managers / Owners / Professionals Readership M-F (Print**) Saturday (Print**) 41% Baby Boomers 33% HHLD Income $75k+ 60% Home Owners 27% Adults with children in household # Reach 6% 8% 207,000 265,000 Total Circulation Avg. M-F Saturday Avg. Day 421,000 13% Readers Reach per week* per week* Sources: Readership and Population: Vividata 2015 / Q2 *Weekly Print = print edition 6-day cume Circulation: Alliance for Audited Media Snapshot March 2015 Conference Board of Canada, Metropolitan Outlook, Autumn, 2015 83,471 96,339 85,642 Average Time Spent Reading 36 MIN 46 MIN M-F Sat. WEB FAST FACTS MONTREALGAZETTE.COM The Montreal Gazette is one of Canada’s oldest newspapers. Founded in 1778, it began as a French-language paper and evolved into an English-language newspaper in 1822. Today, it is the dominant medium for reaching Montreal's large English market. The Montreal Gazette offers award-winning editorial content with a variety of sections and features throughout the year. 58% | index 116 Male 42% | index 84 Female Region % index BC Prairies Ontario Quebec Atlantic 8% 12% 41% 32% 7% 58 63 107 143 106 % index 3% 10% 16% 21% 23% 27% 16 92 104 138 138 123 Age Total Canada Audience 536,000 Unique Visitors 3.7 Million Page Views per month per month Household Income Adults 18+ in Quebec 165,000 Unique Visitors per month 2-17 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55+ 1.5 Million Page Views per month Source: comScore Multi-Platform, Total Canada, All Locations Three-month average (July / August / September, 2015). Demo = Demo Profile Three-month average (July / August / September, 2015) Based on sites. Note: Web Platform = desktop and laptop computers (from either at-home or at-work) $60K+ 66% Index 100 $75K+ 48% Index 89 $100K+ 28% Index 79 MOBILE FAST FACTS MONTREAL GAZETTE SITES The Montreal Gazette offers readers access to great content while on the go, from any wireless device. Target your audience as they get their news via smartphone and tablet. 2.0 Million Unique Visitors per month Smartphone 28% | index 55 Female Region % index BC Prairies Ontario Quebec Atlantic 7% 15% 25% 52% 0% 49 74 66 267 6 % index 5% 33% 28% 28% 5% 32 147 145 111 33 Age Total Canada Audience 497,000 72% | index 147 Male Page Views per month Tablet Smartphone 374,000 UVs 126,000 UVs 1.1 Million PVs 363,000 via Browser 17,000 via App 122,000 via Browser 7,000 via App (via Browser only, App views not measured) Tablet 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55+ 820,000 PVs (via Browser only, App views not measured) Household Income Adults 18+ in Quebec 193,000 Unique Visitors per month Smartphone 177,000 UVs Tablet 17,000 UVs Source: comScore Mobile Metrix Three-month average (July / August / September, 2015), Profile Source: comScore Multi-Platform September, 2015 Note: Mobile Platform = Smartphone and Tablet devices (including both Browser and App activity – not all brands have an App) $60K+ 72% Index 114 $75K+ 65% Index 125 $100K+ 50% Index 142