Teacher`s Guide - Educational Media


Teacher`s Guide - Educational Media
Teacher’s Guide
Table of
How to use the CD-ROM ________________________________ 4
Newton’s Laws
Unit Overview and Bibliography ___________________________ 7
Background ___________________________________________ 8
Video Segments ________________________________________ 9
Multimedia Resources ___________________________________ 9
Unit Assessment Answer Key ____________________________ 9
Unit Assessment ______________________________________ 10
Activity One — Making Waves ___________________________ 11
Lesson Plan ______________________________________ 12
Activity Sheet ____________________________________ 14
Activity Two — Sound Wave Action _______________________ 15
Lesson Plan ______________________________________ 16
Activity Sheet ____________________________________ 18
Activity Three — Doing Doppler__________________________ 19
Lesson Plan ______________________________________ 20
Activity Sheet ____________________________________ 22
Doppler Effect
Unit Overview and Bibliography ________________________
Background __________________________________________
Video Segments _______________________________________
Multimedia Resources __________________________________
Unit Assessment Answer Key ___________________________
Unit Assessment ______________________________________
Activity One — Eggsperimenting with Motion _______________
Lesson Plan ______________________________________
Activity Sheet ____________________________________
Activity Two — Enforcing the Speed Limit __________________
Lesson Plan ______________________________________
Activity Sheet ____________________________________
Activity Three — On the Shoulders of Giants _______________
Lesson Plan ______________________________________
Activity Sheet ____________________________________
Welcome to the Newton’s Apple
Multimedia Collection™!
Drawing from material shown on public
television’s Emmy-award-winning
science series, the multimedia collection
covers a wide variety of topics in earth
and space science, physical science, life
science, and health. Each module of the
Newton’s Apple Multimedia Collection
contains a CD-ROM, a printed
Teacher’s Guide, a video with two
Newton’s Apple ® segments and a
scientist profile, and a tutorial video.
The Teacher’s Guide provides three
inquiry-based activities for each of the
topics, background information,
assessment, and a bibliography of
additional resources.
The CD-ROM holds a wealth of
information that you and your
students can use to enhance science
learning. Here’s what you’ll find on
the CD-ROM:
two full video segments from
Newton’s Apple
additional visual resources for each
of the Newton’s Apple topics
background information on each
a video profile of a living scientist
working in a field related to the
Newton’s Apple segments
an Adobe Acrobat ® file containing
the teacher’s manual along with
student reproducibles
UGather ® and UPresent ® software
that allows you and your students to
create multimedia presentations
QuickTime ® 4.0, QuickTime ® 4.0
Pro, and Adobe Acrobat® Reader 4.0
installers in case you need to update
your current software
The Newton’s Apple Multimedia Collection
is designed to be used by a teacher
guiding a class of students. Because
the videos on the CD-ROM are
intended to be integrated with your
instruction, you may find it helpful to
connect your computer to a projection
system or a monitor that is large
enough to be viewed by the entire
class. We have included a videotape of
the segments so that you can use a
VCR if it is more convenient. Although the CD-ROM was designed for
teachers, it can also be used by individuals or cooperative groups.
With the help of many classroom
science teachers, the staff at Newton’s
Apple has developed a set of lessons,
activities, and assessments for each
video segment. The content and
pedagogy conform with the National Science Education Standards
and most state and local curriculum
frameworks. This Teacher’s Guide
presents lessons using an inquirybased approach.
If you are an experienced teacher,
you will find material that will help
you expand your instructional
program. If you are new to inquirybased instruction, you will find
information that will help you
develop successful instructional
strategies, consistent with the
National Science Education Standards. Whether you are new to
inquiry-based instruction or have
been using inquiry for years, this
guide will help your students
succeed in science.
The National Science Education Standards published by the
National Research Council in 1996 help us look at science
education in a new light. Students are no longer merely passive
receivers of information recorded on a textbook page or
handed down by a teacher. The Standards call for students to
become active participants in their own learning process, with
teachers working as facilitators and coaches.
Newton’s Apple’s goal is to provide you with sound activities
that will supplement your curriculum and help you integrate
technology into your classroom. The activities have been field
tested by a cross section of teachers from around the country.
Some of the activities are more basic; other activities are more
challenging. We don’t expect that every teacher will use every
activity. You choose the ones you need for your educational
Educational materials developed under a grant from the National Science Foundation — 3
We suggest you take a few minutes to look
through this Teacher’s Guide to familiarize
yourself with its features.
Using the CD-ROM
When you run the Newton’s Apple CD-ROM,
you will find a main menu screen that allows
you to choose either of the two Newton’s Apple
topics or the scientist profile. Simply click on
one of the pictures to bring up the menu for
that topic.
Each lesson follows the same format. The first
page provides an overview of the activity,
learning objectives, a list of materials, and a
glossary of important terms. The next two
pages present a lesson plan in three parts:
ENGAGE presents discussion questions to get
the students involved in the topic. Video
clips from the Newton’s Apple segment are
integrated into this section of the lesson.
EXPLORE gives you the information you need
to facilitate the student activity.
Main Menu
Once you have chosen your topic, use the
navigation buttons down the left side of the
screen to choose the information you want to
EVALUATE provides questions for the students
to think about following the activity. Many of
the activities in the collection are open-ended
and provide excellent opportunities for performance assessment.
GUIDE ON THE SIDE and TRY THIS are features
that provide classroom management tips for
the activity and extension activities.
4 — Introduction
Topic Menu
The Background button brings up a short
essay that reviews the basic science concepts
of the topic. This is the same essay that is in the
Teacher’s Guide.
ying the Video
The Video button allows you to choose
several different clips from the video segment. We have selected short video clips to
complement active classroom discussions
and promote independent thinking and
inquiry. Each video begins with a short
introduction to the subject that asks several
questions. These introductory clips can
spark discussion at the beginning of the
lesson. The Teacher’s Guide for each
activity presents specific strategies that will
help you engage your students before
showing the video. Each of the individual
clips are used with the lesson plans for the
activities. The lesson plan identifies which
clip to play with each activity.
Video Menu
Once you select a video and it loads, you’ll
see the first frame of the video segment.
The video must be started with the arrow at
the left end of the scroll bar. As you play
the video, you can pause, reverse, or
advance to any part of the video with the
scroll bar. You can return to the Clips Menu
by clicking on the Video button.
The Newton’s Apple staff has designed a
product that is flexible, so that you can
use it in many different ways. All of
the video clips used in the program are
available for you to use outside the
program. You may combine them with
other resources to create your own
multimedia presentations. You will
find all the video clips in folders on the
CD-ROM. You may use these clips for
classroom use only. They may not be
repackaged and sold in any form.
You will also find a folder for
UGather™ and UPresent™. These two
pieces of software were developed by
the University of Minnesota. They
allow you to create and store multimedia presentations. All of the information for installing and using the software can be found in the folder. There
is an Adobe Acrobat® file that allows
you to read or print the entire user’s
manual for the software. We hope you
will use these valuable tools to enhance
your teaching. Students may also wish
to use the software to create presentations or other projects for the class.
Educational materials developed under a grant from the National Science Foundation — 5
Refer to the notes on the CD-ROM case
for information concerning system requirements. Directions for installing and
running the program are also provided
Make sure you have the most current
versions of QuickTime® and Adobe
Acrobat® Reader installed on your hard
drive. The installation programs for
QuickTime 3, QuickTime Pro, and
Acrobat Reader 3.0 can be found on the
CD-ROM. Double-click on the icons
and follow the instructions for installation. We recommend installing these
applications before running the Newton’s
Apple Multimedia program.
We suggest that you have the CD-ROM
loaded and the program running before
class. Select the video and allow it to load.
The video usually loads within a couple of
seconds, but we recommend pre-loading
it to save time.
All of the video segments are captioned in
English. The captions appear in a box at
the bottom of the video window. You can
choose to play the clips in either English
or Spanish by clicking one of the buttons
at the bottom right of the screen. (You can
also choose Spanish or English
soundtracks for the scientist profile.)
The Resources button provides you with
four additional resources. There are
additional video clips, charts, graphs, slide
shows, and graphics to help you teach
the science content of the unit.
There are several Read-Me files on the
CD-ROM. The information found there
covers most of the problems that you
might encounter while using the program.
6 — Introduction
Resources Menu
The other navigation buttons on the left
side of the window allow you to go back
to the Main Menu or to exit the program.
Newton’s Laws
Teacher’s Guide
Ideas that Move You
What are Newton’s Laws? Why are they called
laws? What does it take to move an object? Does it
require force to keep it moving? How much more
force is needed to push or pull a heavy object
rather than a light one?
Themes and Concepts
systems and interactions
velocity and acceleration
National Science Education Standards
Content Standard A: Students should develop abilities necessary to do
scientific inquiry.
Content Standard B: Students should develop an understanding of
motions and forces and transfer of energy.
Content Standard G: Students should develop an understanding of the
nature of science and the history of science.
More Information
Newton’s Apple
(The official Newton’s Apple web site
with information about the show and a
searchable database of science ideas
and activities.)
Newton’s Laws—NASA
(This NASA site provides examples of
Newton’s Laws and applies them to
airplane flight.)
Newton’s Home—Newtonia web site
(Virtual tour of Newton’s home in
Linconshire, England)
1. Eggsperimenting with Motion—approx. 20 min. prep; 40 min.
class time
“An object at rest tends to stay at rest” is part of Newton’s first law of
motion. Observe this law in action as an egg resting on a cylinder is
“magically” dumped into a glass of water.
Newton’s Law Slide Show-Bowling
Green State University
Takes you through a slide show
explaining the three laws.
2. Enforcing the Speed Limit—approx. 10 min. prep; 40 min. class
Can increasing the force applied to an object do anything other than make
it move faster? Discover the link between force, mass and change of speed
as you walk “Newton, the dog.”
Newton’s Laws of Motion – The Physics
(Contains diagrams, illustrations and
animations to help describe Newton’s
laws of motion.)
3. On the Shoulders of Giants—approx. 20 min. prep; 2 class periods
How was Isaac Newton able to figure out all that science on his own? He
didn’t! Newton based his laws of motion on the work of his
predecessors— Aristotle and Galileo. Enlist your journalistic talents and
interview these two prominent thinkers from the past to find out how they
interpret force and motion.
Internet Search Words
Newton’s laws
laws of motion
Isaac Newton
Educational materials developed under a grant from the National Science Foundation — 7
Newton’s Laws
Books and Articles
Gonick, L., and A. Huffman. The Cartoon
Guide to Physics. New York, NY: Harper
Collins, 1991.
Thompson, M., R. Smith and J.
Ballinger. Physical Science. Westerville,
OH: Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, 1993.
Community Resources
Science museums
Local college or university physics
Sir Isaac Newton was one of the greatest scientific geniuses of all time.
Influenced by his predecessors, Aristotle and Galileo, he turned the
scientific community on its ear in 1687 by synthesizing the principles that
explain an object’s motion into three experimentally proven laws.
Newton’s first law of motion states that every object continues in its state
of rest or motion, in a straight line and at constant speed, if it is not acted
upon by an external force. If a moving body speeds up, slows down or
veers from a straight line, some force, such as gravity or friction or a
combination of forces, has changed its motion. For example, when riding
in a car that comes to an abrupt stop, the driver continues to advance at his
or her same speed until the seat belt, or some other object, stops him or
her. If a body at rest begins to move, some force has caused this change in
movement. A hockey puck at rest on the ice remains motionless until the
hockey player pushes it with the stick. This property of objects or bodies
resisting a change in motion is called inertia.
According to Newton’s second law, the greater the force upon a body, the
greater the change in velocity. A powerful sports car may go from zero to
60 miles per hour in seven seconds. A less powerful car may take 14
seconds to reach the same speed. The greater force exerted by the more
powerful engine in the first car changes its speed (accelerates it) more
quickly than the second car. If the net force upon an object is doubled, the
rate at which the object changes its velocity also will be doubled.
Newton’s third law states that for every action there is an equal and
opposite reaction. If you are sitting in a chair now, you can feel Newton’s
third law at work. The seat of the chair is exerting a force on you equal to
the force you are exerting on it. Can you feel it?
By describing the natural laws of the universe with experimentally proven
laws, Newton’s three laws of motion enable us to explain and predict
events involving force, mass and motion.
8 — Newton’s Laws
Video & Stills
Video Segments
00:00 to 00:48— The Newton’s Apple kids and host
David Heil make some observations about Sir Isaac
Newton and his “laws.” (48 sec.)
Video Clip 1
Video Clip 3
02:08 to 02:56— David Heil learns how Newton’s First
Law of Motion involves more than sleight of hand. (48
06:12 to 07:53— Sir Isaac Newton gets a free ride while
teaching David Heil about his Second Law of Motion.
(1 min. 41 sec.)
Video Clip 4
Video Clip 2
03:49 to 06:11— Sir Isaac Newton demonstrates his
First Law of Motion as David Heil “eggs” him on. (2
min. 22 sec.)
08:08 to 09:42— Sir Isaac Newton puts the “pedal to
the metal” to demonstrate the Third Law of Motion.
(1 min. 34 sec.)
Additional Resources
Button A
Button C
Video: Newton’s 1st Law—Newton’s Apple Science
Video: Newton’s 3rd Law—David Heil blasts off in his
own space shuttle
Button B
Animation: Newton’s 2nd Law—How do mass and
force affect acceleration?
Button D
Timeline: Sir Isaac Newton’s life and accomplishments
Unit Assessment Answer Key
The Unit assessment on the following page covers the basic concepts presented in the Newton’s Apple video segment
and the Background section in this guide. The Unit Assessment may be used as a pre- or post-test. The assessment
does not require completing all of the activities. However, students should view the complete Newton’s Apple video
before doing this assessment. There is additional assessment at the end of each activity.
Think about it.
1. Your body will fall slightly forward and down.
Because of inertia, your body will still want to travel in
a forward direction, gravity will pull you down.
2. Air resistance and friction will cause the bike to slow
down. If there were no other forces acting outside of
you and the bike, after a few pushes you wouldn’t have
to pedal again.
4. The wall will push back against you.
5. Yes. Acceleration is dependent on the inverse
relationship between force and mass, by decreasing
them both by half you still get the same acceleration.
What would you say?
6. c
7. b
8. a
9. b
10. b
3. Less mass. Newton’s 2nd Law explains that
acceleration is inversely proportional to mass and so by
limiting your mass the car will gain higher acceleration.
Educational materials developed under a grant from the National Science Foundation — 9
Unit Assessment
What do you know about
Newton’s Laws?
Write the answers to these questions in your journal or on a separate piece of paper.
Think about it
1. When riding on a skateboard, you jump off to one
side. In what direction will your body fall? Explain.
4. According to Newton’s 3rd Law, when you push on
a wall how will the wall react?
2. When riding a bicycle on level ground, why must you
keep pedaling to maintain a steady speed?
5. If you decrease a car’s net force and mass by half,
will it still accelerate at the same rate as before?
3. If you were designing a car that accelerates quickly
would it be best to give the car more or less mass?
6. While standing on a bathroom scale you exert a force
downward. What is the reacting force?
a. the scale
b. no reacting force
c. the scale and ground
d. your feet
9. What is happening if you are traveling 25 mph in a
car that has an acceleration of zero.
a. the car is slowing down
b. the car is traveling at a constant velocity
c. the car is speeding up
d. none of the above
7. If you place a ball on the floor of a car as it is
making a right hand turn, in which direction will the ball
appear to go?
a. right
b. left
c. straight
d. back
10. If you are sitting in a wagon throwing weights off
the back, the wagon will move forward. This is an
example of ?
a. inertia
b. action/reaction
c. Newton’s 2nd law
d. none of the above
8. How much additional force do you need to exert to
give you and your friend a ride on your bike?
a. about twice as much
b. the same amount
c. about half as much
d. about four times
10 — Newton’s Laws
Copyright © Twin Cities Public Television & GPN. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.
What would you say?
Activity 1
Eggsperimenting with Motion
What happens to an object once it is in motion? When and why does an object at
rest begin to move? What is a force?
Getting Ready
Students discuss Newton’s first law of motion, watch a demonstration
on video, and observe a classroom demonstration. Students then
individually develop hypotheses to explain what they have observed.
Their hypotheses are then discussed as a whole-class activity.
After completing this activity, students will be able to—
! state the link between seat belts and Newton’s first law
! describe inertia by giving examples
! create and perform their own examples of Newton’s first law of
Important Terms
acceleration—The rate at which
velocity changes in magnitude or
direction, or both.
force—A push or pull that causes an
object to change its velocity.
friction—A force that opposes the
motion of an object interacting with its
inertia—An object’s tendency to
remain in its condition of rest or motion
velocity the speed and direction of a
moving object.
Time Needed
Preparation: Approx. 20 min.
Classroom: approximately 40 minutes
For the teacher:
! toy wagon (or a toy flatbed truck) with cargo
! non-breakable drinking glass
! pie plate
! empty toilet-paper roll
! several raw eggs
! water
! household broom
! sponges or paper towels (for cleaning up accidents)
Educational materials developed under a grant from the National Science Foundation — 11
Newton’s Laws
Here’s How
Video Clip 1
02:08 to 02:56— David Heil learns how
Newton’s First Law of Motion involves
more than sleight of hand. (48 sec.)
Video Clip 2
03:49 to 06:11— Sir Isaac Newton
demonstrates his First Law of Motion as
David Heil “eggs” him on. (2 min. 22
Guide on the Side
! You may wish to begin the lesson
by viewing the Introduction from the
Video Menu on the CD-ROM [00:00 to
00:48]. Find out what students
already know about Newton’s laws of
This is a demonstration that you
will definitely want to practice before
doing for the class. It generally takes
several tries before you can perform
the demonstration correctly every
SAFETY NOTE: The force of the
broomstick against the pie plate will
send the pie plate flying! Make sure
students are positioned safely out of
the way.
! Set up the computer to play the CD-ROM (or set up the VCR and
cue tape)
! Gather the necessary materials for the demonstration.
! Make a copy of Activity Sheet 1 for each student.
! Review the Background information on page 8.
(Approx. 10 min.)
Roll a toy wagon or toy flatbed truck with some sort of cargo in it
forcefully across a table top. Before it reaches the edge, put your hand in
front of the wheels so that the wagon stops abruptly. Have students
observe and discuss what happens to the cargo. (The cargo shifted forward.)
When a car stops suddenly, do our bodies continue to move? (Yes, they
keep moving forward until something stops them.) How is this like the
cargo in the wagon? (same) Ask how seat belts prevent injuries. (They are
attached to the car, so when the car stops, the seatbelts also stop. The
seatbelt stops the passenger from moving forward through the
windshield.) Tell students that Newton’s first law of motion can explain
how all this works.
You may want to do the
demonstration two or three times to
allow students to observe from
different vantage points.
If it is appropriate, you may wish to
view the entire Newton’s Apple
segment on Newton’s Laws after
completing the activity.
State Newton’s first law of motion: “A body in motion tends to remain in
motion and a body at rest tends to remain at rest, unless acted upon by an
outside force.” Discuss the terms listed in the Important Terms section on
page 11.
After the discussion, play Video Clip 1 [02:08 to 02:56] and Video Clip 2
[03:49 to 06:11]. These clips deal with the two parts of Newton’s first law
of motion. In the first clip, the bodies at rest—the glasses and plates on the
table—remain at rest as the table cloth is pulled out from under them. In
the second clip, the body in motion—the egg—continues to move
forward until gravity pulls it to the ground. Discuss the concepts involved
in the two parts of this law. Encourage students to think of examples of
this law.
Explore (Approx. 30 min.)
Conduct the following “egg-in-glass” demonstration to illustrate a resting
object’s tendency to stay at rest.
1. Fill a non-breakable clear drinking glass 3/4 full of water. Place the glass
near the edge of a table.
12 —Newton’s Laws
Activity 1
2. Place a pie plate on the glass and center a toilet-paper tube and raw egg
on the pie plate directly over the glass.
3. Distribute Activity Sheet 1 and ask, “How can you get the egg into the
glass without touching or breaking the egg?” Give students an opportunity
to generate ideas and record them on their Activity Sheets. Try out one or
two of the suggestions. (Be prepared to clean up any accidents!)
4. After you’ve tried some of the student suggestions, hold the broom
directly in front of the setup (see illustration) and push down on the
broom handle so that the bristles bend. Place one foot on the bristles while
pulling back on the broom handle. Release the handle and let it hit firmly
and directly against the pie plate. The table edge should prevent the
broomstick from hitting the glass. The force of the broomstick will move
the pie plate and the toilet-paper tube (which was caught by the plate’s rim)
out from under the egg, and the egg will drop into the glass.
Try This
Replay Video Clip 1 in which David
pulls the tablecloth out from under the
dishes. Try to replicate the experiment
yourself! Using only non-breakable
dishes, pull a tablecloth from beneath
one or more place settings. Discuss
why the dishes didn’t move, or, if things
went awry, why they did! (Hint: You
must pull the cloth very quickly, and the
cloth should not have a seam or hem
around the edge.)
On earth, friction is one force that acts
on bodies in motion. Research some of
things that are done to reduce friction
on moving bodies (like cars or skis).
Report your findings to the class.
After the demonstration, have students answer the questions listed on the
Eggsperimenting with Motion Activity Sheets.
Discuss the students’ descriptions and explanations about the
demonstration and provide feedback.
1. Draw two pictures that illustrate the paths of the eggs in the demonstrations you saw. One picture should show the path of the egg that Newton
dropped in the studio. The other picture should show the path of the egg
in the classroom experiment. Explain the differences between these paths.
What caused these differences?
2. According to Newton’s first law no force is necessary to maintain
motion. Why, then, must you continue to peddle your bike in order to
keep moving? Explain the forces involved. (The forces of air resistance on
you and friction on the tires are acting to slow the bike down.)
3. Give an example of the first part of the first law of motion (“a body at
rest...”) and of the second part (“a body in motion...”) Use illustrations
from everyday life. Do not use examples from the video or the class
discussion. (Examples abound. A stack of books on the dining room table
will remain at rest until someone moves them. When riding on a bus that
stops abruptly or turns a corner, the passengers will continue to move in
the original direction.)
Educational materials developed under a grant from the National Science Foundation — 13
with Motion
Activity Sheet 1
Class Period
t you’re going to do
You’re going to observe an “eggsperiment” about Newton’s 1st law of motion.
w to do it
1. Study the demonstration your teacher has
set up. How would you get the egg into the
glass without touching it or breaking it?
Take a few moments to think about it and
write down your ideas.
2. Watch carefully as your teacher performs
the demonstration. Describe it. What
happened to the plate? To the tube? To the
t did you find out?
How does this demonstration relate to
Newton’s first law? What other forces might
have been at work here?
14 — Newton’s Laws
Copyright © Twin Cities Public Television & GPN. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.
Activity 2
Enforcing the Speed Limit
Why is it easier to set a light object in motion than it is a heavy one? What happens
to an object’s speed when it is pushed or pulled with a constant force?
Getting Ready
For this activity, students watch and discuss video segments that illustrate
Newton’s second law. They participate in a variety of activities—moving
pencils and drinking straws, exerting forces on rubber bands, and
“walking” a simulated dog named Newton to explore how this law
operates in the real world.
After completing this activity, students will be able to—
! state the results of changing the amount of force exerted on an
! generate examples of Newton’s second law
! set up an experiment that demonstrates Newton’s second law
Important Terms
acceleration—The rate at which
velocity changes in magnitude or
direction, or both.
force—A push or pull that causes a
body to change its velocity.
mass—The amount of matter a body or
object contains.
net force—The combination of forces
that act upon an object .
velocity—The speed and direction of a
moving body.
Time Needed
Preparation: Approx. 10 min.
Classroom: Approx.40 min.
For each student:
drinking straw
! pencil
Each team of students:
very thick rubber band, cut at one end
! skateboard or small cart
! thin rope or clothesline
! two bricks or objects having similar mass
Educational materials developed under a grant from the National Science Foundation — 15
Newton’s Laws
Here’s How
Video Clip 3
06:12 to 07:53— Sir Isaac Newton gets
a free ride while teaching David Heil
about his Second Law of Motion.
(1 min. 41 sec.)
Guide on the Side
! You may wish to begin the lesson
by viewing the Introduction from the
Video Menu on the CD-ROM [00:00
to 00:48]. Find out what students
already know about Newton’s laws
of motion.
This activity works best in a long
hallway or gymnasium. A smooth,
uniform surface is best for rolling the
A spring scale can also be used
in this activity. Tie string or light rope
to each end of the scale. Tie one
piece to the skateboard. Using the
spring scale will allow students to
monitor the exact pulling force being
If it is appropriate, you may wish
to view the entire Newton’s Apple
segment on Newton’s Laws after
completing the activity.
! Set up the computer to play the CD-ROM (or set up the VCR and
cue tape).
! Gather the necessary materials for the student experiments.
! Make a copy of Activity Sheet 2 for each student.
! Review the Background information on page 8.
Engage (Approx. 15 min.)
Have each student place a round pencil on top of a level desk. Ask them
what it would take to get their pencils moving. Tell them that part of
Newton’s second law of motion states that the greater the force applied to
an object, the greater the acceleration of that object. Have students create a
force by gently blowing on their pencils. Ask students to increase their
blowing forces and observe what happens. Discuss the results.
Next, have each student place a straw on his or her desk. Ask, “What
would happen if you exerted the same force on this straw as was exerted
on the pencil?” Have students blow gently on their straws and then increase
the force by blowing more forcefully. Discuss what the students
experienced and observed.
Explain that the second part of Newton’s second law states that the
acceleration of a body is inversely proportional to the mass of the body.
In other words, the greater the mass of an object, the greater the force
needed to accelerate that object. If the mass of the pencil were 100 times
greater than the straw, then it would take a force 100 times greater than the
force needed to move the straw to accelerate the pencil at the same speed.
(Although the term “acceleration” includes a change in direction, for
purposes of this lesson it means the rate at which an object speeds up or
slows down.)
Play Video Clip 3 [06:12 to 07:53], which demonstrates and discusses
Newton’s second law. Restate Newton’s second law—The acceleration of
an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on the object and
inversely proportional to the mass of the object. Discuss the concepts in
the second law and encourage students to offer examples from everyday
Explain to students that force is a push (e.g., the force they used in the
experiment with the pencil and the straw) or a pull that causes a body to
change its velocity.
Explore (Approx. 25 min.)
16 — Newton’s Laws
To help your students better understand constant force and Newton’s
second law of motion, they will take their “dog” Newton for a walk. Tell
students that Newton will be represented in this experiment by a skateboard (a small cart would work as well) and that the activity challenges
them to pull Newton with a constant force. They will know the force is
constant when the stretch of the rubber band they use remains uniform.
Activity 2
Organize students into groups, provide them with the materials for the
activity, and distribute Activity Sheet 2.
To help students start this activity, have them attach the rope or leash to
their skateboards; then have them tie a rubber band to the end of the rope
or leash.
Students should then take Newton for a walk in a long hallway using a
constant pulling force. Explain that the rubber band will stretch when they
start pulling the skateboard, and they should try to keep it stretched to
about the same length. Students should do whatever is necessary to
maintain a constant force. This will be evident by a rubber band that
doesn’t expand or contract. (What students will discover is that they need
to continuously increase their speed in order for the force to remain
Try This
Some students may want to research
the relationship between time, distance
and change of speed. Conduct the
same “walk-the-dog” demonstration
along a metered track.
Watch the animation about Newton’s
second law on the CD-ROM (Resource
Button B). Explain what is happening
with each of the trucks. How does this
relate to your experience with pulling
When students have finished pulling Newton, have them answer the
question about Walk 1 on their Activity Sheets.
In order to complete the second part of the Enforcing the Speed Limit
experiment, students need to add two bricks to Newton. Now, have
students take the heavier Newton for a walk, trying again to maintain a
constant force on the rubber band. Students should record their
experiences on their Activity Sheets.
Discuss the students’ findings. How can they relate what happened to
Newton’s second law?
1. Using moveable objects (such as balls of various sizes or vehicles with
wheels) and objects that can be used to exert a force (such as rubber bands
or flexible rulers), demonstrate Newton’s second law. Explain your demonstration. Describe the relationship between the force and the movement.
2. A rocket fired from its launching pad increases in speed as it soars into
space with its engines burning. Why? Hint: About 90% of the mass of a
newly launched rocket is fuel. (As the fuel is consumed, the mass of the
rocket decreases. The force produced by the engines, however, is
remaining constant, thus the speed of the rocket increases.)
3. Give an example of how increasing or decreasing the amount of force
applied to an object affects its acceleration. Be specific. For example, what
happens if the force is decreased by one-half? (If the force is decreased by
one-half, the acceleration is decreased by one-half.) How does increasing or
decreasing the same object’s mass affect its acceleration? (If mass is
increased by one-third, acceleration is decreased by one-third. If mass is
decreased by two-thirds, acceleration is increased by two thirds.)
Educational materials developed under a grant from the National Science Foundation — 17
Enforcing the
Speed Limit
Activity Sheet 2
Name __________________________________ Class Period ____________
t you’re going to do
You’re going to explore Newton’s second law of motion using a skateboard and rubber bands.
w to do it
Work with your group.
Tie a short piece of rope
or strong string to the
skateboard so that you can pull it.
Then attach a rubber band to the string.
You should be able to pull the skateboard
with the rubber band.
Walk 1
It is time for your “dog” Newton to go for a
walk, but Newton has very peculiar walking
habits. Instead of trotting along at a nice pace
behind you, Newton makes you pull on his leash
with a constant force. To keep Newton happy,
you must do everything you can to maintain that
constant force.
Hint: You can tell if you are pulling at a
constant force if the stretch on the rubber band
at the end of Newton’s leash remains the same.
Walk 2
It seems as though Newton is always hungry
(and not very active) and has grown quite a bit.
In fact, his mass increase is equivalent to two
bricks. Take Newton out for a stroll again with
those two bricks he’s added to his mass and see
what happens.
18 — Newton’s Laws
t did you find out?
Walk 1: Describe your walk with Newton. What
did you have to do to maintain a constant force?
Walk 2: Describe your second walk with Newton.
What did you have to do to maintain a constant
From your experiences, what did you learn about
Newton’s second law?
Copyright © Twin Cities Public Television & GPN. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.
Activity 3
On the Shoulders of Giants
Who were the patriarchs of force and motion theories? How did their hypotheses
evolve? What method of scientific inquiry did Newton use that is still used today?
Getting Ready
This activity begins with students discussing Sir Isaac Newton and
viewing the video segment in which he describes his laws of motion.
Then, the students discuss Newton’s predecessors, Aristotle and Galileo,
and how their scientific theories on motion influenced the development
of Newton’s three laws of motion. Next, students participate in an
activity in which some students research Aristotle and Galileo and then
pose as these historic figures, while other students act as reporters who
interview the students who are portraying the scientists. After conducting
their interviews, students write a news story describing these two great
thinkers and their views on forces and motion.
After completing this activity, students will be able to—
! describe, with examples, Aristotle’s theory of natural motion and
violent motion
! discuss the merits of Galileo’s supposition regarding force and
! compare and contrast Aristotle’s and Galileo’s theories of motion
! identify components of the scientific method
Important Terms
force—A push or pull that causes a
body to change its velocity.
friction—A force that opposes the
motion of an object interacting with its
natural motion—The tendency of
objects to seek their natural resting
places through motion not caused by
external forces.
violent motion —Imposed motion
caused by external forces.
Time Needed
Preparation: Approx. 20 min.
Classroom: Approx. 2 class periods
For the teacher:
props and costumes for Galileo and Aristotle
! microphones (real or simulated) for the interview session
For each student:
interview questions (student-generated)
! notes on Galileo and Aristotle
! pencil or pen
Educational materials developed under a grant from the National Science Foundation — 19
Newton’s Laws
Here’s How
Video Clip 4
08:08 to 09:42— Sir Isaac Newton
puts the “pedal to the metal” to
demonstrate the Third Law of Motion.
(1 min. 34 sec.)
Guide on the Side
You may want to include Isaac
Newton as one of the characters to be
If a camcorder or video camera is
available, you may wish to videotape
the “talk show” for students to watch at
a later time. It could possibly be
broadcast on a local cable channel.
If there is a drama coach or speech
teacher at the school, ask him or her to
work with the students who will be
portraying Aristotle and Galileo to more
fully develop their characters.
If it is appropriate, show the entire
Newton’s Apple video segment on
Newton’s Laws after completing the
! Set up the computer to play the CD-ROM (or set up the VCR and
cue tape).
! Gather the necessary materials for the student experiments.
! Make a copy of Activity Sheet 3 for each student.
! Review the Background information on page 8.
(Approx. 15 min.)
Ask students what they know about Sir Isaac Newton. When and where
did he live? What did he do?
Play Video Clip 3 [08:08 to 09:42]. Discuss the third law and review
information about the first two laws. Explain to students that Newton’s
development of the three laws of motion was not an isolated occurrence,
but part of an advancement in thought that began with scientists who
came before him. Explain that most scientific breakthroughs are not
isolated instances, but are built on, or occur because of, the previous work
of others. This was certainly the case for Newton.
Explain that Aristotle was a Greek philosopher who lived from 384 to 322
B.C. who developed some theories about motion. He postulated that there
were two types of motion—natural and violent. Natural motion was the
term he used to describe movements that appeared to happen without
external forces being applied, such as objects falling to the ground or
smoke rising into the air. Violent motion, according to Aristotle, was
movement caused by an external force, such as a sailboat being pushed by
the wind or a cart being pulled by a horse. Encourage students to suggest
additional examples of an object’s movement as Aristotle would have
seen it.
Explain that Aristotle’s theories on movement were prominent for 2000
years. It wasn’t until the sixteenth century that Galileo challenged the idea
that, in the absence of friction, a force was not needed to keep an object in
motion. Encourage students to compare and contrast Aristotle’s and
Galileo’s theories.
Explain that Galileo not only influenced Newton’s thoughts on motion, he
also influenced the way in which Newton conducted experiments—using
the scientific method (experiment, observe, record). Discuss whether this
method is still used today.
20 —Newton’s Laws
Note: Before the interview and writing activity, select students to conduct
library research so that they can pose as Aristotle and Galileo. Direct these
students to information about the field of science during the time of
Aristotle and Galileo. After learning as much as they can about the life and
work of these men, the students posing as Aristotle and Galileo will be
interviewed by the other students. Aristotle and Galileo will then respond
to questions as they believe their characters would have.
Activity 3
Explore (Approx. 2 class periods)
Distribute Activity Sheet 3. Read the Activity Sheet aloud or have a student
read it.
Encourage students to use the back of their Activity Sheets to formulate
motion-related questions to ask Aristotle and Galileo. While they are
formulating their questions, the Aristotles and Galileos should be preparing
for the interview session. In addition to donning costumes and gathering
props, they may want to rehearse answers to several questions.
After students have formulated their questions, organize the class into
“audiences.” Each group should select someone who will assume the role
of a TV-talk-show host and help direct questions from the audience,
similar to the program format used by television talk shows. Then, have
the Aristotles and Galileos make their grand entrances and sit “on-stage” in
front of one of the audiences. Have the hosts introduce the guests and
explain why they are there. Interviews should be conducted in a format
similar to a television talk show.
Try This
To further investigate Galileo’s theory,
have students try rolling a ball up an
incline, down an incline and on a
horizontal plane. Try to use the same
amount of force to start the ball rolling
each time. Ask them to report their
findings to the class. Did they use the
scientific method—experiment,
observe, record?
Isaac Newton produced an astonishing
array of discoveries and theories.
Research Newton’s life and compose a
list of his discoveries. Describe how
each is used today and how his
theories may have influenced more
modern thinkers such as Einstein.
Report your findings to the class.
After finishing the interview, students should summarize the key points and
write a short article in a style appropriate for publication or broadcast.
As a class, discuss the questions that were posed and the responses of
Aristotle and Galileo. Were they valid?
Post students’ Aristotle and Galileo stories on a bulletin board. Have
students select one or two for possible publication, or record students’
reports onto audio or video tape.
1. According to Galileo, a ball rolling down an inclined plane increases in
speed. A ball rolling up an inclined plane decreases in speed. What happens
to the speed of a ball rolling on a smooth, horizontal surface? Use a ball
and an incline to test Galileo’s theories of motion. Explain your
observations. Do they support Galileo’s theories of motion? Was Galileo
right? Explain your answers.
2. A basketball is rolled across the court and slowly comes to a stop. How
would Aristotle explain this action? How would Galileo explain it?
(Aristotle would say that the ball was returning to its natural state of rest.
Galileo would say that the ball would continue on a straight path
indefinitely were it not for friction.)
3. Give an example of a science experiment you might conduct. Describe
the method you would use and explain the reasons for each step. (Answers
will vary, but should include examples of experimenting, observing and
recording the results.)
Educational materials developed under a grant from the National Science Foundation — 21
On the Shoulders
of Giants
Activity Sheet 3
Class Period ____________
Today you will have a unique opportunity. Thanks to a never-before-seen time machine (and considerable expense),
Aristotle and Galileo have been brought forward in time to discuss their views on motion. To help you prepare for an
interview with these two great thinkers of the past, read the position statements each man has provided. Use the back of
this page to prepare questions you may want to ask during the audience-participation portion of the interviews.
Physics is the study of things that change because they possess a source of movement. I
call this source of movement the Prime Mover. The Prime Mover is a perfect and eternal
being that helps all objects move or fall. But my theory on motion goes one step
beyond this. I believe that the heavier and larger an object is, the quicker it will fall. For
example, if you had a boulder that weighed 500 pounds and a rock that weighed 10
pounds, and you dropped both from the same height and at the same time, the 500pound boulder would reach the ground first. All objects, when falling, have one
goal—to reach a natural resting place at the center of the Earth.
You must also remember that an object’s motion progresses from
potential to actual. Some objects, such as sand or leaves, only have
the potential for movement. They need a source, such as a physical
push or wind, to make them move. Other objects, such as animals
and humans, can move without an outside force. I believe an
object’s ability or inability to move defines its level of existence. An
object that cannot move without an outside force is simple, while
an object that can move on its own is
much more complex.
My beliefs on motion are somewhat different from those of my predecessor,
Aristotle. I believe that even if two objects are of a different size and weight, they will
fall at the same speed. My idea is very hard to prove because air resistance will always
be a factor in how an object falls. If an object has a larger surface area, it will catch
more air and will fall more slowly. Ideally, I would like to construct a vacuum that
would allow me to test different objects and how quickly they fall. I am sorry to say
that this type of experiment is hard to build and my testing will have to be done by
making adjustments for air resistance.
I have also discovered something else through my experiments with objects
and how fast they fall. I have learned that the farther an object falls, the more
its speed increases. I also have determined that objects stop moving because
of friction on the surfaces with which they come in contact. I would like
to someday prove that if all friction is removed, an object will stay in
motion indefinitely—continuing beyond earth and into infinite space.
22 — Newton’s Laws
Doppler Effect
Teacher’s Guide
Sound in Motion
Why does the pitch of a train’s whistle sound higher
as the train approaches and lower as it passes by?
What are waves and how are they related to
sound? What are the important characteristics of
waves? Are all waves alike? What is the Doppler
effect and how is it related to waves?
Themes and Concepts
patterns of change
systems and interactions
National Science Education Standards
Content Standard A: Students should develop abilities necessary to do
scientific inquiry
Content Standard B: Students should develop an understanding of
transfer of energy
1. Making Waves—approx. 10 min. prep; 45 min. class time
Waves are everywhere: water waves, sound waves, light waves, electromagnetic waves, even shock waves in an earthquake! This activity examines how
waves differ, depending on the medium through which they are traveling.
2. Sound Wave Action—approx. 15 min. prep; 45 min. class time
Sound occurs when an object vibrates in a medium. In this activity, make a
variety of sound waves and discover how sounds change when wave
frequency or wave pitch are altered.
3. Doing Doppler—approx. 15 min. prep; 45 min. class time
Experiencing the Doppler effect is essential to understanding it. Twirl a
sound source in a wide circle and hear the Doppler effect for yourself.
More Information
Newton’s Apple
(The official Newton’s Apple web site
with information about the show and a
searchable database of classroom
science activities.)
The Doppler Effect – University of
(Good page for information on the
discovery of the Doppler effect and its
uses for weather forecasting.)
Sonic Doppler Effect – Explore Science
(This page allows you to experiment
with moving sound.)
The Doppler Effect -Kettering University
(See what happens to sound the faster
it passes by you.)
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
(An interesting site with good graphics
explaining the Doppler effect.)
Internet Search Words
Doppler effect
sound waves
compression waves
longitudinal waves
Educational materials developed under a grant from the National Science Foundation — 23
Doppler Effect
Ehrlich, R. Turning the World Inside Out
and 174 Other Simple Physics
Demonstrations. Princeton, NJ:
Princeton University Press, 1990.
Gardner, R. Experimenting with Sound.
New York, NY: Franklin Watts, 1991.
Lampton, C. Sound: More than What You
Hear. Hillsdale, NJ: Enslow Publishers,
Inc., 1992.
Community Resources
Local college or university
physics department
Local science museums
Have you ever been stopped at a railroad crossing as a train zoomed by
with its whistle blowing? Did you notice the pitch of the whistle was
higher as the train approached and lower as it passed? This change in pitch,
the Doppler effect, is the effect of the motion of the train (relative to you,
the listener) on the sound waves produced by the whistle.
Technically, the Doppler effect is a change in the observed frequency of
any sort of wave and is caused by the relative motion between the wave’s
source and the observer of the wave. We most frequently associate the
Doppler effect with sound waves. In order to understand the Doppler
effect, let’s first understand waves.
Waves are motions that carry energy from one point to another in a
medium. But the medium itself does not move from the starting point to
the ending point—only the waves, or the fluctuations, move through the
medium. Waves are often represented visually as wavy lines. The high part
of the wave is called the crest and the low part of the wave is called the
trough. Other characteristics of waves include amplitude (the difference in
height from a wave’s crest or its trough to the mid-point of the wave);
frequency (the number of crests that pass a point in a given period of
time); and, length (the distance from crest to crest or trough to trough).
We can easily observe the Doppler effect with sound waves because we
can hear the apparent change in frequency. As the source approaches us, the
wave crests “bunch together” so they reach us more frequently. The higher
frequency corresponds to a higher pitch in sound. As the source moves
away, the wave crests “string out” and the crests reach us less frequently,
producing a lower pitch.
Measurement of the Doppler effect is not limited to sound waves. Light
waves also produce a Doppler effect, altering the observed color of stars
in distant galaxies, depending on whether they’re moving toward us or
away from us. Doppler radar provides precise measurements of
approaching storms, as well as the speeds of cars on a highway.
24 — Doppler Effect
Video & Stills
Video Segments
00:00 to 00:21—Discuss these questions to find out
what students already know about sound and the
Doppler effect. (21 sec.)
Video Clip 1
Video Clip 2
00:33 to 01:08—Peggy Knapp bounces her voice off a
canyon wall to explain how sound moves. (35 sec.)
01:26 to 02:36—Peggy Knapp demonstrates the highs
and lows of sound with a honking horn and a mooing
cow. (1 min. 10 sec.)
Video Clip 3
02:27 to 03:47—As a car zooms by, Peggy Knapp
shows how and why its sound changes.
Additional Resources
Button A
Button C
Illustration: How bats use the Doppler effect.
Slide Show: Doppler radar
Button D
Button B
Slide Show: The Doppler effect and red shift.
Video: Newton’s Apple Science Try It – Buzzer
Unit Assessment Answer Key
The Unit Assessment on the following page covers the basic concepts presented in the video segment and the
background on the Unit Theme section in this guide. The assessment does not require completing all of the activities.
The Unit Assessment may be used as a pre- or post-test. However, students should view the complete Newton’s Apple
video before doing this assessment. There is additional assessment at the end of each activity.
Think about it.
1. No. Because you and the horn are moving together
there will not be a change in frequency.
2. High. The rubber band stretched out will produce a
lot of small vibrations which gives the sound a high
frequency and therefore a high pitch.
3. Yes. The Doppler effect will occur because you will
observe a changed frequency as you pass by the singer.
4. No. Amplitude corresponds to the height of the
wave and will not effect the number of times a wave
will pass by a point in a certain amount of time.
5. The sound wave’s crests will be coming at the
listener less frequently thus creating a lower and lower
pitch as it moves away.
What would you say?
6. a
7. b
8. d
9. d
10. c
Educational materials developed under a grant from the National Science Foundation — 25
Unit Assessment
What do you know about the
Doppler Effect?
Write the answers to these questions in your journal or on a separate piece of paper.
Think about it
1. If you’re traveling on a train that is blowing its
horn will you be able to observe the Doppler
effect? Explain
2. If you pluck a stretched out rubber band does it
create a high or low pitch? Explain
4. Will amplitude effect the frequency of a wave?
5. What happens to the sound wave as the source
of the wave is moving away from the listener?
3.If you’re traveling in a car and you pass by a
person singing will you observe the Doppler
effect? Explain
6. What is the top part of a wave called?
a. crest
b. amplitude
c. pitch
d. trough
7. The strength of a wave is its _________
a. frequency.
b. amplitude.
c. pitch.
d. Doppler effect.
8. Which of these things are associated with the
Doppler effect?
a. light
b. police radar
c. weather forecasting
d. all of the above
26 — Doppler Effect
9. What type of waves can produce the Doppler
a. sound
b. light
c. compression
d. all of the above
10. A higher frequency will create a higher what?
a. amplitude
b. length
c. pitch
d. crest
Copyright © Twin Cities Public Television & GPN. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.
What would you say?
Activity 1
Making Waves
What are waves and how are they created? What are important characteristics of
waves? Are all waves alike?
Getting Ready
Understanding waves is the focus of this activity. Students work in teams
using a jump rope and a Slinky™ to test and record their observations
of amplitude, frequency and wavelength for transverse and longitudinal
Important Terms
compression or longitudinal wave—A
wave in which the vibration is in the
same direction as that in which the
wave is traveling, rather than at right
angles to it.
crest—The top part of a visual
representation of a wave.
After completing this activity, students will be able to—
! identify the components needed to create the doppler effect
! produce transverse waves using a rope
! produce longitudinal waves using a Slinky
! describe how waves behave in different media
frequency of a wave—The number of
crests that pass a point in a given
period of time.
Time Needed
transverse wave—A wave in which the
vibration is in a direction perpendicular
to the direction in which the wave is
Preparation: approximately 10 minutes
Classroom: Approximately 45 minutes
For the teacher:
! metal Slinky
! 2 meters (approximately 6 feet) of rope or clothes line
For each team of students:
! 3 meters (approximately 10 feet) of rope or a jump rope
! metal Slinky
! paper and pencils
medium—A substance through which
energy is transferred by wave motion.
trough—The bottom part of a visual
representation of a wave.
wavelength—The distance between
two neighboring crests or troughs of a
wave — A disturbance caused by the
movement of energy through a
Educational materials developed under a grant from the National Science Foundation — 27
Doppler Effect
Here’s How
Video Clip 1
00:33 to 01:08—Peggy Knapp
bounces her voice off a canyon wall to
explain how sound moves. (35 sec.)
Video Clip 2
01:26 to 02:36—Peggy Knapp
demonstrates the highs and lows of
sound with a honking horn and a
mooing cow. (1 min. 10 sec.)
Guide on the Side
! You may wish to begin the lesson
by showing the Introduction from the
Video Menu of the CD-ROM [00:00 to
00:21]. Use the questions to find out
what students already know about
sound waves and the Doppler effect.
You may want to have students
perform this activity in a hallway or
other open space.
Remind students to work with the
materials carefully, following
established classroom safety
Slinky toys are manufactured in
both plastic and metal and in several
different sizes. A standard-sized metal
Slinky works best for this activity.
Demonstrate the amplitude,
frequency and wavelength of waves
in another medium such as water,
vegetable oil or a thin sheet of plastic,
wood or metal.
If it is appropriate, show the entire
Newton’s Apple video segment on the
Doppler effect after completing the
! Set up the computer to play the CD-ROM (or set up the VCR and
cue the tape.)
! Gather the necessary classroom materials for the student experiments.
! Make a copy of Activity Sheet 1 for each student.
! Review the Background information on page 24.
(Approx. 15 min.)
Fasten one end of a long rope to a support in your classroom. Straighten
the rope out, and then create a wave in the rope by giving it a single quick
shake up and down. Ask students to describe what is happening. (A wave
should move along the rope. Notice that the wave energy is reflected back
into the rope when it reaches the fastened end.)
Discuss the transfer of energy from your moving arm to the wave in the
rope. Through the discussion, develop a definition for a wave and write
that definition on the chalkboard.
Waves carry energy through a substance from one point to another.
However, no matter moves from the first point to the second; only the
fluctuations—the waves—move between the two points. When you shake
one end of a rope, you produce a wave that travels to the other end, but
the material that the rope is made of does not move with the wave; only
the oscillation—the wave—moves through the rope.
Show Video Clip 2 [01:26 to 02:36]. Pause the video when Peggy “draws”
a diagram of sound waves. Discuss the characteristics of a wave (trough,
crest, wavelength, and amplitude). Draw a diagram on the board (like the
diagram shown below) to help illustrate the different parts of a wave.
Explain to students that when you shook the rope, you were creating
transverse waves—wave shapes that move up and down on the rope and
that travel along the rope from end to end. The oscillations of the rope are
perpendicular to the direction the wave is traveling. Discuss other ways that
waves are created and travel (e.g., waves in water or vibrations traveling
through a substance such as glass or metal).
Demonstrate a longitudinal wave by having a student hold one end of a
Slinky, stretching the spring across the floor, and then pulling several coils
together near one end of the spring and letting go. Discuss with students
the wave’s shape and amplitude. Compare this type of wave with the
transverse wave.
28 — Doppler Effect
Have students think of waves in terms of energy, movement, and
medium. How are waves created? What materials will waves travel
Activity 1
Sound is a longitudinal wave, where the fluctuations of the wave are in the
same direction as the movement of the wave. Longitudinal waves are
sometimes called “compression waves” because the waves consist of
compressions in the material through which the waves move. Show Video
Clip 1 of Peggy describing how a sound wave moves. If helpful, draw the
diagram shown at the right on the board.
Review the two types of waves discussed—transverse and longitudinal—
with an additional demonstration of each. Write their definitions on the
board for students to refer to as they complete the activity. Use diagrams
if helpful.
Explore (Approx. 30 min.)
Organize the class into groups and distribute Activity Sheet 1. In this
activity, students use a 3-meter (or 10-foot) rope and a Slinky to
experiment with creating waves.
Try This
Waves occur all around us. Some of
them are visible, other are not. Make
lists of visible and invisible waves.
When possible, label the type of waves
you’ve identified. (The list may include
a flag being moved by the wind, a
power line bouncing between two
poles, the wave created as a boat
moves through water, etc.) Share your
list with the class.
Both sound and light move in waves.
Research the electromagnetic
spectrum Report to the class how
different types of electromagnetic
waves are classified by their frequency,
for example, visible light, radio waves,
and infrared.
Have teams work together to create transverse and longitudinal waves. Tell
them that at the end of the activity they will have the opportunity to
demonstrate one of their waves to the rest of the class.
After students experiment with creating waves, have them draw
illustrations of their waves on their worksheets and write descriptions of
how they created them. On the back of the paper, ask them to draw and
label illustrations that represent the amplitude, frequency and wave length
of a transverse and a longitudinal wave.
Wave Length
Ask each team to demonstrate one type of wave and to describe the
wave’s characteristics. Discuss each wave and its characteristics after the
team presentations. Come up with examples of situations where each type
of wave occurs. (Examples could include a musical horn, a water bed, or
1. Using available materials, create a visible wave. Describe the wave.
Explain its features. What type of wave is it? How can the frequency of the
wave be increased? What will cause the wave to disappear?
2. Describe the wave forms of both transverse and longitudinal waves.
Then, using a Slinky and a rope, create both transverse and longitudinal
3. Draw a wave pattern. Label these features: crest, trough, amplitude and
length. (Refer to the illustration in the teacher materials for scoring.)
Educational materials developed under a grant from the National Science Foundation — 29
Making Waves
Activity Sheet 1
Name ___________________________________
Class period __________
t you’re going to do
You’re going to explore different types of waves.
w to do it
Experiment with making waves using a jump rope and a Slinky™. For example, what happens when you
shorten the amount of rope you use? What happens when you push the Slinky rather than whip it from
side to side? Make a drawing of each wave form you create and describe how you made the wave. Be
ready to discuss and demonstrate what you did.
ding your da
In your science journal, record information about each of the waves you created. Record if you used the
rope or the Slinky™, the trial number, how you made the wave, and what the wave looked like. Draw a
diagram of each wave you observed.
t did you find out?
Which type of wave was easier to observe? Why?
What factors contributed to the strength of the wave? To how long it continued?
Discuss your observations with the class.
30 — Doppler Effect
Copyright © Twin Cities Public Television & GPN. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.
Activity 2
Sound Wave Action
What are sound waves? How are sound waves visually represented? What are the
important characteristics of sound? When a tightly stretched rubber band is
plucked, what happens?
Getting Ready
In this activity, students discover how sound waves are produced and
how sound travels through the air. Students also learn about the
relationship between frequency and pitch. After filling bottles with
varying amounts of water, the students predict and test the pitch of the
sound produced by each bottle.
After completing this activity, the student will be able to—
! create and observe sound waves of different frequencies and pitches
! describe how sound is produced
! explain how sound travels
Time Needed
Preparation: Approx. 15 min.
Classroom: Approx. 45 min.
Important Terms
amplitude—The distance a wave rises
or falls from a normal rest position.
compression or longitudinal wave—A
wave in which the vibration is in the
same direction as that in which the
wave is traveling, rather than at right
angles to it.
frequency of a wave—The number of
crests that pass a point in a given
period of time.
pitch—The highness or lowness of a
sound as frequency sound
sound—the sensation produced by the
organs of hearing when sensing
sound wave—A longitudinal wave that
moves through a medium.
For the teacher:
! a boom-box or a radio with speakers
! sheet of paper just smaller than speakers
! tape
! empty 3 lb. coffee can
! large rubber band
! 2 nails
! hammer
For each group of students:
4 identically sized, glass, soft-drink bottles (empty)
! pencils
! pitcher of water
Educational materials developed under a grant from the National Science Foundation — 31
Doppler Effect
Here’s How
Video Clip 2
01:26 to 02:36—Peggy Knapp
demonstrates the highs and lows of
sound with a honking horn and a
mooing cow. (1 min. 10 sec.)
Guide on the Side
You may wish to begin the lesson
by showing the Introduction from the
Video Menu of the CD-ROM [00:00 to
00:21]. Use the questions to find out
what students already know about
sound waves and the Doppler effect.
Several days before doing this
activity, ask students to bring in clean
glass soda bottles.
If it is appropriate, show the entire
Newton’s Apple video segment on
the Doppler effect after completing
the activity.
! Set up the computer to play the CD-ROM (or set up the VCR and
cue the tape).
! Gather the necessary materials for the student experiments.
! Make copies of Activity Sheet 2 for each student.
! Review the Background information on page 24.
(Approx. 15 min.)
Play a radio and ask students how the sound is produced. Do vibrations
have anything to do with the sound they hear? How does the sound from
the radio reach the listener?
Tape a small piece of paper to one of the speakers. Increase the volume
on the radio and watch what happens. (The paper vibrates.)
If possible, take the cover off of the speaker. Explain that the speaker’s
cone vibrates and produces waves of air—sound waves. These waves
move through the air to their ears, vibrate against their inner ears and are
interpreted in their brains as sounds.
Ask students how far they think sound waves can travel and still have
enough energy to be heard. What can be done to control that distance?
Encourage the students to speculate.
Turn a 3-lb. coffee can upside down and drive two nails into opposite
sides of the bottom of the can (one nail at the “3:00” position and the
other at the “9:00” position, for example). Next, stretch a rubber band
between the two nails. Ask students to listen as you pluck the rubber band.
Then remove the rubber band and tie several knots at one end of the
rubber band to make it shorter. Stretch the shortened band between the
nails and have students listen as you pluck the rubber band again. What
happened to the sound? What caused the change?
Show Video Clip 2 [01:26 to 02:36]. Summarize and discuss the video
segments, linking the information to information about waves that students
have studied previously.
Summarize the segments and discuss the relationship between frequency
and pitch. (Close crests = high pitch; far-apart crests = low pitch)
32 —Doppler Effect
Activity 2
(Approx. 30 min.)
Organize the class into teams and distribute Activity Sheet 2. Have students
gather the materials they will need, and then proceed with creating sounds
of different pitches. Before the experiment, students should predict what
will happen with the pitch. Students will then test these predictions and
discuss their findings within the teams.
As a class, have students explain what their experiments revealed. Were
their predictions correct or incorrect? Encourage students to discuss why
their predictions were correct or incorrect.
1. If you have ever seen a band or orchestra, you may have noticed drums
of several different sizes. Explain why differently sized drums might be
needed. What kinds of sounds would you expect the small drums to make
compared to the large drums? Explain your answer. (Different drums
make different sounds and pitches. Larger drums generally have a lower
pitch than smaller drums. The pitch can also depend on how tightly the
drum head is stretched.)
2. The movement of an object, such as a violin string, will cause vibrations
that send waves through the air. How are these waves related to sound?
(The waves moving through the air are called sound waves. They enter the
ear, where the pattern of the vibration is sensed and interpreted by the
brain as sound.)
3. Guitar players press down on the guitar strings to shorten the length of
the string they are about to pick. By placing their fingers in different
positions, they can create a variety of sounds. Would the pitch of the
sound become higher or lower as the string becomes shorter? Explain
your answer. (The shorter string would produce a higher pitch. The shorter
length causes the vibrations to be faster. This creates a wave pattern in
which the crests of the wave are close together.)
Try This
String instruments, such as a violins or
cellos, produce altered pitches when
the instrumentalists shorten the length
of the strings by positioning their
fingers in different places along the
neck. Using commonly available items
such as rubber bands, blocks of wood
and string, build “instruments” that
produce a range of pitches. Explore the
pitches you can produce and use the
instruments to make music to create a
homemade orchestra!
Calculate the speed of sound in air by
measuring how long it takes for the
sound of a drum beat to travel 200
meters ( approximately 220 yards.
Have two people stand near each
other, one with a drum and the other
with a digital stopwatch that can
measure fractions of a second. A third
person should stand 200 meters away.
Start the stopwatch exactly when the
drummer beats the drum. Stop it exactly
when the person 200 meters away lifts
a flag, signaling he or she has heard
the beat. Calculate the speed of the
drum beat. Determine how accurate
this method is by comparing your
findings to the findings of your
classmates who have conducted the
same experiment.
Educational materials developed under a grant from the National Science Foundation — 33
Sound Wave Action
Activity Sheet 2
Name ______________________________________
Class Period ___________
t you’re going to do
You’re going to explore sound waves, frequency, and pitch by making your own musical instrument.
w to do it
Work with your group. Use 4 soft-drink bottles of the same size. Add some water, and with a pencil,
create “music.”
1. Pour a little water into the first bottle. Pour a little more water into the second bottle, even more into
the third, and even more into the last bottle.
2. Using a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being lowest and 10 being highest), predict what sort of pitch you will hear
when someone blows across the top of each bottle. Record your predictions.
3. Have someone blow across the top of each bottle. Record the results of what you hear.
4. Using the same bottles and the 1-to-10 scale, predict what will happen if someone taps the bottles with
a pencil. Record your predictions.
5. Have someone tap the bottles. Record the results of what you hear.
ding your da
Use the data table below to record your predictions and observations.
Bottle 1
Bottle 2
Bottle 3
Bottle 4
Blowing Predicted pitch
across Actual pitch
Pencil Predicted pitch
tap Actual pitch
t did you find out?
Were your first predictions correct? Why or why not?
Were your second set of predictions correct? Why?
Based on what you know about sound waves, which
bottle produces the longest sound wavelength? The
34 —Doppler Effect
Copyright © Twin Cities Public Television & GPN. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.
Activity 3
Doing Doppler
Why does the sound of a horn from a speeding car change when the car passes
you? What is the Doppler effect?
Getting Ready
In this activity, students learn why the pitch of a train or car horn changes
as the vehicle passes by. In an experiment, students test the Doppler
effect caused by a sound emitted from an object as it whirls through the
After completing this activity, students will be able to—
! demonstrate the Doppler effect
! explain the role of wave lengths in the doppler effect
! tell why a person doesn’t experience the Doppler effect while
traveling with the source of the sound
Time Needed
Preparation: Approx. 15 minutes
Classroom: Approx. 45 min.
For each team of students:
! lightweight buzzer or noise maker that generates a constant sound
! 1.5 meters (4 feet) of rope or clothes line
Important Terms
crest—The top part of a visual
representation of a wave.
Doppler effect (with sound waves)—
An apparent change in the frequency of
waves caused by the motion of either
the observer or the source of the wave.
frequency of a wave—The number of
crests that pass a point in a given
period of time.
pitch—The highness or lowness of a
sound as determined by frequency.
sound—The sensation produced by
the organs of hearing when sensing
sound wave—A longitudinal wave that
moves through a medium.
trough—The bottom part of a visual
representation of a wave.
Educational materials developed under a grant from the National Science Foundation — 35
Doppler Effect
Here’s How
Video Clip 3
02:27 to 03:47—As a car zooms by,
Peggy Knapp shows how and why its
sound changes.
Guide on the Side
! You may wish to begin the lesson
by showing the Introduction from the
Video Menu of the CD-ROM [00:00 to
00:21]. Use the questions to find out
what students already know about
sound waves and the Doppler effect.
SAFETY NOTE: The students must
be very careful when securing the
noisemaker to the rope and in twirling
the noisemaker. It is critical that
students have sufficient space and
are a safe distance away from each
other. You may wish to have students
wear lab glasses as an extra
! This activity will work best in a
large space such as a gym or cafeteria. Groups should not stand too close
together, because the sound from one
group could affect the observations of
You may want to view the entire
Newton’s Apple segment on the
Doppler effect following this activity.
! Set up the computer to play the CD-ROM (or set up the VCR and
cue the tape).
! Gather the necessary materials for the student experiments.
! Make copies of Activity Sheet 3 for each student.
! Review the Background information on page 24.
(Approx. 15 min.)
Ask students if they have ever been standing by a railroad track when a
train raced by with its horn blowing. How did the horn sound? Did the
sound of the horn seem to change as it passed by? Ask students to
describe what happened to the sound of the train’s horn. Discuss with
students the change in pitch of the train’s horn. Discuss other situations
where students may have experienced this phenomenon (e.g., race cars
speeding around a track, an airplane flying overhead, a motorcycle riding
on a highway etc.).
Explain that the change in the sound of the horn in the video and in other
everyday situations is an example of the Doppler effect. Help students
come up with a brief explanation of the Doppler effect.
Review the concept of sound waves. Make sure students understand the
terms used to describe the features of waves, such as crest, trough and
Show Video Clip 3 [02:27 to 03:47] in which Peggy uses a passing car to
illustrate the Doppler effect. Discuss the way sound waves compress and
expand as the car passes by. Make sure students understand this concept.
Explore (Approx. 30 min.)
Organize the class into teams and distribute the Doing Doppler Activity
Using Activity Sheet 3 and the suggested materials, have students conduct
the experiment about the Doppler effect.
After students have completed their experiments and each team member
has had the opportunity to experience the Doppler effect, allow time for
them to discuss what they discovered.
Bring the entire class together to compare and discuss their observations.
36 — Doppler Effect
Activity 3
1. Assume you are in a car driving down a highway. A car coming from
the other direction is continuously blowing its horn. As it passes you,
would you hear the Doppler effect? Explain your answer. Would it make a
difference if the car were coming from behind you? Explain your answer.
(The answer to both questions is “yes.” Because you are in a car moving
toward and away from the other car, the effect would be somewhat
2. If you are standing near a highway and a car races past, you hear the
Doppler effect. Why don’t you experience the same effect if you are riding
in the car? (Because you are moving along with the source of the sound,
you do not experience the shortening and lengthening of the sound waves.)
3. In your own words, describe what happens to cause the Doppler effect.
(Answers will vary but should include that because the crests of the sound
waves produced by the approaching object are closer together, more
waves strike your ear in any given period, thus raising the pitch of the
sound. As the object passes you, the crests are spread out and the pitch
Try This
Christian Johann Doppler was the first
person to explain the effect that now
bears his name. Find out more about
Doppler. When and where did he live?
How did he get interested in physics?
What else did he do in his life? Based
on what you find out about Doppler,
speculate on what his life might have
been like had he had been born in the
United States during the 21st century.
Report your information to the class.
Design a Doppler demonstration using
bikes, skateboards, or roller blades.
Perform the demonstration
for the class.
Educational materials developed under a grant from the National Science Foundation — 37
Doing Doppler
Activity Sheet 3
Name _____________________________________
ass Period _______
t you’re going to do
You’re going to explore the Doppler effect and see if you can produce it with your group.
w to do it
Work with your group. Conduct the following experiment and record your
Securely tie a light-weight buzzer or noisemaker to the end of a rope at
least 1.5 meters (4 feet) long.
SAFETY NOTE: Make sure that the object is securely tied and you
are not near anything it might strike as you spin it on the end of the
One person is going to stand in the middle of a circle,
while the rest of the group make a large circle
around that person. The person in the middle is
going to turn the noisemaker on and then start
swinging the noisemaker in circles over his or
her head. Before you conduct this part of the
experiment, make predictions as to the pitch of
the sound when the noisemaker is turned on
and swung in circles.
Predict how you think the noisemaker will
sound to you as it twirls around. Record what
you expect to hear at the different positions of
the circle. Use an H for high pitch and an L for
low pitch.
From your position, listen for a change in the
pitch of the noisemaker as it swirls past.
Record what you actually hear, using an H for
high pitch and an L for low pitch.
Compare your answers with those of your team members. How can you explain the differences?
How did it sound to the person in the center?
38 — Doppler Effect
Copyright © Twin Cities Public Television & GPN. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.
Helenmarie Hofman
Gettysburg College
George Freier, Ph.D.
University of Minnesota
Dave Iverson
Imation Enterprises Corporation
Clayton F. Giese, Ph.D.
University of Minnesota
Dr. Roger T. Johnson
University of Minnesota
Patricia Heller, Ph.D.
University of Minnesota
Gregory C. Sales, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Curriculum and Instruction, University
of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
Dr. Mary Male
San Jose State University
Mark Hollabaugh, Ph.D.
Normandale Community College (MN)
Dr. Carolyn Nelson
San Jose State University
Murray S. Jensen, Ph.D.
University of Minnesota
Lori Orum
Edison Language Academy
Ron Keith, Ph.D.
Emporia State University (KS)
Dr. Richard C. Hudson
Director of Science Unit, KTCA-TV, St. Paul, MN
David R. Heil
Associate Director, Oregon Museum of Science and
Industry, Portland, OR
Lee Carey
Project Manager
Paddy Faustino
Project Coordinator
David Yanko
Production Manager
Yolanda M. Rodriguez
Martin Luther King, Jr. School
Talbert B. Spence
American Museum of Natural History
Karen Hoelscher, Multimedia Research
Assistant Poressor, Educational Curriculum and Instruction
Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA
Michael Watkins
Senior Project Manager
Janet Walker
B.E.T.A. School
David Heath
Curriculum Development Manager
Michael Webb
New Visions for Public Schools
Kay LaFleur
Cori Paulet
Curriculum Development Coordinators
David Beacom
National Geographic Society
Mike Paddock
Production Manager
Dr. Judy Diamond
University Of Nebraska State Museum
Mr. Robert Aniba
Weyauwega-Fremont Middle School
Weyauwega, WI
Jeffrey Nielsen
Producer/Scientist Profile Coordinator
Dr. Fred Finley
University Of Minnesota
Ms. Barb Bannister
Portland, OR
Ben Lang
Additional Resources Coordinator
Greg Sales
Seward Learning Systems, Inc.
Mr. James Bell
Trendyffrin/Easttown Middle School
Berwyn, PA
Janet Raugust
CD Graphics Designer
J. Michael Gatlin
Jay Miller
Lawrence Sahulka
Video Graphics Designers
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John Ansorge
Interactive Media Project Manager
Andy Frederick
Interactive Media Designer
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Interactive Media Project Designer
Kate Ansorge
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Jackie Thoelke
Nikki Naeve
Guide Design and Production
M. George Allen
3M Research and Development
Rodger Bybee
Biological Sciences Curriculum Study
Richard C. Clark
Minnesota Department of Education, Retired
Ralph Adler, RMC Research Corporation
Portsmouth, NH
Bonnie B. Graves
Richard Graber
Elizabeth Frick
Betty Flannigan
Jules Beck
Michael Damyanovich
Karen DeYoung
Elizabeth Frick
Katherine Hooper
Tim Kochery
Christopher Lee
Sue Mattson
Michael Mazyck
Luther Rotto
Ali Simsek
John Shepard
Steve Bryan
Steve Tomecek
Annette Mittlemark
Rebecca Johnson
Fred N. Finley, Ph.D.
University of Minnesota
Mr. Michael Ahren
Portola Valley School District
Portola Valley, CA
Ms. Beryl Bell
Bradenton Middle School
Bradenton, FL
Ms. Claudia Berryman-Shafer
Fernley, NV
Ms. Teresa Bettac
Willis Intermediate School
Delaware, OH
Mrs. Noyce Bischoff
Santa Catalina Lower & Middle School
Monterey, CA 93940
Ms. Darleen Brabec
Malone School
Prescott, WI
Mr. Stephen Burke
Woonsocket Junior High School
Woonsocket, RI
Mr. David Bydlowski
Stevenson Junior High School
Livonia, MI
Ms. Skip Caddoo
Lesher Jr. High School
Ft. Collins, CO
Ms. Sarah Carlson
Heppner Middle School
Heppner, OR
Ms. Maryanna Claxton
Science Resource Teacher
Brainerd, MN
Steve Fifield, M.A.
University of Minnesota
Educational materials developed under a grant from the National Science Foundation — 39
Mr. Anthony Cody
Bret Harte Jr. High
Oakland, CA
Mrs. Jane Lusk
Starkville High School
Starkville, MS
Mr. Jim Schrankler
Como Elementary School
St. Paul, MN
Mr. David Kendall Cook
Oceanside High School
Oceanside, CA
Ms. Jeanne Luttschyn
Maltby Middle School
Brighton, MI
Ms. Meredith Schweighart
Wynne Jr. High School
Wynne, AR
Ms. Kristine Craddock
Mexico Public Schools
Mexico, MO
Ms. Jayne Meyer
Elmonica Elementary Schoo;
Beaverton, OR
Ms. Sally Shaffer
Indiana Area Junior High School
Indiana, PA
Ms. Maureen Cunningham
P.S. 219
Flushing, NY
Mr. Greg Morrison
Goddard Middle School
Glendora, CA
Ms. Maria Shield
James Bowie High School
Austin, TX
Ms. Mary Jane Davis
Red Bank Catholic High School
Red Bank, NJ
Mr. Kenneth Murphy
Medford Public Schools
Medford, MA
Mrs. Jean Siesener
Ladue Junior High School
St. Louis, MO
Ms. Karen Doerrter
Harper’s Choice Middle School
Columbia, MD
Mr. Robert Nelson
Walkersville Middle School
Walkersville, MD
Ms. Mitzi Smith
Thurmont Middle School
Thurmont, MD
Ms. Evie Donald
Hopkins West Junior High School
Minnetonka, MN
Mr. Kevin Noack
Watson Jr. High
Muleshoe, TX
Mr. James Stearns
Bristol High School
Bristol, SD
Ms. Barbara Foster
Robinson Middle School
Robinson, KS
Ms. Laura Norsworthy
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Mandeville, LA
Mr. Jim Stern
Westwood Middle School
Blaine, MN
Ms. Susan Fourneia
Cleveland Quality Middle School
St. Paul, MN
Mr. Peter O’Neil
Waunakee Middle School
Waunakee, WI
Mr. Larry Strand
Simle Junior High School
Bismarck, ND
Mr. David Galliher
Carmichael Junior High School
Richland, WA
Mr. John Olson
Murray Magnet Junior High School
St. Paul, MN
Ms. Marjorie Stueckemann
Twin Groves Jr. High School
Buffalo Grove, IL
Ms. Kathleen Glenn
Washington Jr. High School
Chicago Heights, IL
Mr. Todd Pierson
Pillsbury Math Science Technology Magnet
Minneapolis, MN
Mr. Bob Talbitzer
Kearney High School
Kearney, NE
Ms. Becky Goodwin
Kansas State School for the Deaf
Olathe, KS
Mr. Gary Pinkall
Great Bend Middle School
Great Bend, KS
Mr. James Valente
Dreyfus Intermediate School 49, R
Staten Island, NY
Mr. Mark Gugisberg
Champlin Park High School
Champlin, MN
Ms. Cathie Plaehn
Tiffany Creek Elementary
Boyceville, WI
Ms. Laura Walsh
Thompson Junior High School
Bakersfield, CA
Ms. Dorothy Hattan
Hammond Middle Schol
Laurel, MD
Ms. Kathy Rackley
Buist Academy for Advanced Studies
Charleston, SC
Mr. Donna West
Bay Trial Middle School
Penfield, NY
Mr. J. Steve Joyce
North Quincy High School
Quincy, MA
Mr. C.R. Rogers
Rancho San Justo Middle School
Hollister, CA
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Kennebunk High School
Kennebunk, ME
Mr. Paul Jutrzonka
Morse Middle School
Milwaukee, WI
Ms. Barb Romano
Deforest Area Middle School
DeForest, WI
Ms. Kathy Kay Kincaid
Salem, OR
Ms. Ninfa Ruiz-Diaz
Johnston High School
Austin, TX
Ms. Harriet Kmet
Indian Trail Junior High
Addison, IL
Mr. John Larabee
Thomas Ewing Junior High School
Lancaster, OH
Ms. Franceline Leary
Troy High School
Troy, NY
Ms. Mary Loomer
Hoover Intermediate School
Waterloo, IA
40 — Credits
Ms. Ruth Ruud
Walnut Creek Middle School
Fairview, PA
Ms. Robin, Rybarczyk
Sacred Heart School
Saratoga, CA
Mr. Steve Sample
Sandburg Junior High School
Elmhurst, IL
Ms. Julie Scheuermann
Vineyard Junior High
Alta Loma, CA
Larry Bachman
Thomas Carr
Jim Caspar
Kris Dokmo
Evelyn Donald
Trich Flock-Johnson
Aletha Halcomb
Dick Hinrichs
Emily Hoover
Ken Meyer
Paul Musegades
Paul Neff
Arnold Nelson
Jack Netland
Todd Pierson
Sheldon Ramnaine
Brad Randall
Lawrence Rudnick
Hank Ryan
Vince Smith
Dianne Strandberg
Dave Tucker
Judy Tucker
Mark Zuzek
AT LAST, a supplemental middle school science curriculum that helps you meet the challenges
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