Coast to Coast Hoyt-SM


Coast to Coast Hoyt-SM
Coast to Coast 2015 left.
240 Kingsway
South Melbourne
Vic Australia. 3205
Phone: +61 417052589
Fax: +61 3 96968588
Warren Cay +33 7 86 14 36 97 - David Raphael (+33) 6 37 57 01 89
- Dean Cromb (+33) 6 37 57 06 05
Day 1:
Start Town: Perpignan
Finish Town: Perpignan
Ride: 15km Small warn up ride around town
Altitude gain: Bugger all.
GPS POI: 150623H
Hotel: Villa Duflot
Rond Point Albert Donnezan,
Serrat Den Vaquer, 66000 Perpignan, France (Ph:
Today we meet and greet, everybody will arrive by different
forms of transport and at different times. We will help you
set up your bike and prepare you for the adventure ahead.
We like to enjoy a short ride in the afternoon to become familiar with riding in France.
There will be no attacks today and hopefully never. Sightseeing, gentle stops to prepare you and your bike for our
tour. Perpignan is a great place to commence our tour as it
is easy to get to by plane, train or automobile.
We have chosen an excellent hotel out of town with a pool
and excellent restaurant, we would like to ensure you get a
good night’s rest after your epic journey getting here.
Though settlement in the area goes back to Roman times, the
medieval town of Perpignan seems to have been founded around
the beginning of the 10th century. Soon Perpignan became the
capital of the counts of Roussillon. Historically, it was part of
the region known as Septimania. In 1172 Count Girard II bequeathed his lands to the Counts of Barcelona. Perpignan acquired the institutions of a partly self-governing commune in
1197. French feudal rights over Roussillon were given up by
Louis IX in the Treaty of Corbeil.
When James I, the Conqueror, king of Aragon and count of Barcelona, founded the Kingdom of Majorca in 1276, Perpignan
became the capital of the mainland territories of the new state.
The succeeding decades are considered the golden age in the
history of the city. It prospered as a centre of cloth manufacture,
leather work, goldsmiths' work, and other luxury crafts. King
Philip III of France died there in 1285, as he was returning from
his unsuccessful crusade against the Aragonese Crown.
In 1344 Peter IV of Aragon annexed the Kingdom of Majorca
and Perpignan once more became part of the County of Barcelona. A few years later it lost approximately half of its population to the Black Death. It was attacked and occupied by Louis
XI of France in 1463; a violent uprising against French rule in
1473 was harshly put down after a long siege, but in 1493
Charles VIII of France, wishing to conciliate Castile in order to
free himself to invade Italy, restored it to Ferdinand II of
Again besieged and captured by the French during the Thirty
Years' War in September 1642, Perpignan was formally ceded
by Spain 17 years later in the Treaty of the Pyrenees, and from
then on remained a French possession.
The 1910 Tour de France was the 8th Tour de France,
taking place 3 to 31 July 1910. It consisted of 15 stages
over 4,737 kilometres (2,943 mi), ridden at an average
speed of 28.680 km/h.[1] It was the first Tour to enter
the Pyrenees mountains. The tour literally circles the
outside perimeter of France.
Warren Cay +33 7 86 14 36 97 - David Raphael (+33) 6 37 57 01 89
- Dean Cromb (+33) 6 37 57 06 05
Day 2:
Start Town: Perpignan
Finish Town: Roses
Ride Red 104km
Approx Ascent 1200m
GPS POI Hotel: 150624H
Hotel: Prestige Coral Platja
Avenida de Rhode, 28, 17480 Roses, Spain (Phone:
Port of Collioure
Predominately Costal ride
Short 15km ride to the coast
Coffee stop at Collioure @ 40 km in.
Collioure History
Collioure used to be divided into two villages separated by the river
Douy, the old town to the south named Port d'Avall (in French
known as Le Faubourg) and the upstream port, Port d'Amunt (in
French known as La Ville).
Collioure was taken in 1642 by the French troops of Maréchal de la
Meilleraye. A decade later, the town was officially surrendered to
France by the 1659 Treaty of Pyrenees. Because of its highly strateRide to Spanish border @ 60 km mark
gic importance, the town's fortifications, the Château Royal de Col-
Port de Llanca at the 85 km mark we will stop for a bite to eat and
lioure and the Fort Saint-Elme stronghold, were improved by the
then head into a hilly national park.
military engineer Vauban during the reign of Louis XIV. Neverthe-
This will include a 9km climb gaining 300m in altitude
less, Collioure was besieged and occupied by the Spanish troops in
Optional extra ride
1793, marking the last Spanish attempt to take the city. The blockade
Salvador Dali home town is nearby in Cadaques - 10km detour off
was broken a year later by general Jacques François Dugommier.
the G613
250m decent of 5km. Might we your last chance to see the Mediterranean
Warren Cay +33 7 86 14 36 97 - David Raphael (+33) 6 37 57 01 89
- Dean Cromb (+33) 6 37 57 06 05
Warren Cay +33 7 86 14 36 97 - David Raphael (+33) 6 37 57 01 89
- Dean Cromb (+33) 6 37 57 06 05
Day 3:
Start Town: Roses
Finish Town: Ripoll
Ride Red 118km
Approx Ascent 1500
GPS POI Hotel: 150625H
Hotel: La Trobada Hotel
Passeig Compositor Honorat Vilamanya, 4-5, 17500 Ripoll,
Spain (Phone: +34972702353)
Beyond Banyoles
We will commence a gradual climb that will be getting harder towards
the end.
100km sees the highest point of the ride with an easy 17km decent into
Catalonia recent history
After the Spanish Civil War, the Francoist dictatorship enacted repressive measures, abolishing Catalan institutions and banning the official
use of the Catalan language again. During the 1950s and 1960s, Catalonia saw significant economic growth and became an important tourist destination, drawing many workers from across Spain and making
Barcelona one of Europe's largest industrial metropolitan areas. Since
the Spanish transition to democracy (1975–82) Catalonia has recovAll Spain day
First stop at Banyoles at the 55km into the ride, (approx 10km
from Girona)
Surrounded by green hills, on the shore of Banyoles lake, the
city centre was arranged around two points: Vila Vella, where
we find the church of Santa María del Turers (14th century)
ered political and cultural autonomy and is now one of the most economically dynamic communities of Spain.
Central Catalonia
As we move away from the coast and move east the land will slowly
turn drier, temperatures are higher than at the Mediterranean coast
and we will see more challenging climbs.
and the Neoclassical monastery of Sant Esteve; and Vila Nova,
whose most interesting site is its arcaded square, where we
find numerous ancient buildings.
Warren Cay +33 7 86 14 36 97 - David Raphael (+33) 6 37 57 01 89
- Dean Cromb (+33) 6 37 57 06 05
Warren Cay +33 7 86 14 36 97 - David Raphael (+33) 6 37 57 01 89
- Dean Cromb (+33) 6 37 57 06 05
Day 5:
Pas de la Casa
Start Town: Ripoll
Pas de la Casa opened up as a ski resort in the mid 1950's.
Finish Town: Pas de la Casa
Being close to Barcelona and Toulouse it is a popular skiing desti-
Ride Red 100km
Approx Ascent 2000m
Its name literally translates as "the pass of the house" and refers
GPS POI Hotel: 150626H
Hotel: Apartamentos K2 La Solana, 55, AD200 Pas de la Casa,
Andorra (Phone: +376856999)
to the fact that until the early twentieth century there was only a
single shepherd's hut overlooking the pass. The pass marks the watershed of the Pyrenees, being the only point in Andorra where water
drains into the Atlantic Ocean, and is the source of the Ariège river.
At an elevation of 2,408m (7,900 ft) it is one of the highest points on the
European road network. The pass is now bypassed by the Envalira Tunnel so there is very little through traffic using the pass.
Ripoll Spain to Pas de la Casa Andorra
Triple country day!!
Another day of gradual climbing, starting at the front
door of the hotel. 2 significant climbs totally about
We enter France at the 65km after 20km decent. Rest
stop at this point.
Warren Cay +33 7 86 14 36 97 - David Raphael (+33) 6 37 57 01 89
- Dean Cromb (+33) 6 37 57 06 05
Warren Cay +33 7 86 14 36 97 - David Raphael (+33) 6 37 57 01 89
- Dean Cromb (+33) 6 37 57 06 05
Day 6:
Andorra la Vella?
Start Town: Pas de la Casa
The only city in Andorra has approximately one quarter
Finish Town: Andorra Village
Ride Green 32km
Approx Ascent 300m
GPS POI Hotel: 150627H
Hotel: Holiday Inn Andorra Prat de la Creu, 88, AD500 Andorra la
Vella, Andorra (Phone: +376874444)
(22,000) of Andorras population.
The oldest part of Andorra la Vella is the Barri Antic. That’s
Catalan for Old Town. It still has the ancient winding layout,
cobbled streets and buildings that were typical in the middle
ages. Old quarter Barri Antic also houses the Romanesque
Santa Coloma church, with its circular bell tower.
Architectural lovers will delight at buildings dating as far back
as the 1500's
Average high of 20 degrees during June means warm clothes
may be needed during your travel.
As you may know that Andorra has special tax laws. Luxury
goods such as perfume, and electronic items are tax-free.
Great opportunity to pick up that something special or make a
few additions to the your wardrobe.
We also have some challenging days coming up. This is also
the best time to stock up on any riding requirements.
Pas de la Casa to Andorra la Vella- Andorra
32km rest day - 5km climb at the start followed by a 27km
decent into Andorra.
Today will keep the legs in shape while not being too strenuous.
Andorra is a tiny (468 sq. km) independent principality situated between France and Spain in the Pyrenees mountains.
It’s known for its ski resorts, and a tax-haven status that encourages duty-free shopping. Capital Andorra la Vella has
Warren Cay +33 7 86 14 36 97 - David Raphael (+33) 6 37 57 01 89
- Dean Cromb (+33) 6 37 57 06 05
Warren Cay +33 7 86 14 36 97 - David Raphael (+33) 6 37 57 01 89
- Dean Cromb (+33) 6 37 57 06 05
Day 7:
Start Town: Adorra VIllage
La Seu d'Urgell - Located at the confluence of the
Segre and the Valira rivers
Finish Town: Llavorsi
Ride Red 85km
Approx Ascent 1100M
GPS POI Hotel: 150628H
Hotel: Hotel Riberies Camí de Riberies s/n, 25595
Llavorsí, Spain (Phone: +34973622051)
Andorra Village, Andorra to Llavorsi, Spain
Gentle start to the day with an easy 20km ride to La Seu d'Urgell
With the hardest part of the climb to come you will need to
buy food and drinks here. We cannot guarantee you will be
able to buy food until Sort, 70km into the ride.
Sort Total ascent today is 1100m at 7.2% over 24km.
Total distance is an easy 85km
Warren Cay +33 7 86 14 36 97 - David Raphael (+33) 6 37 57 01 89
- Dean Cromb (+33) 6 37 57 06 05
Warren Cay +33 7 86 14 36 97 - David Raphael (+33) 6 37 57 01 89
- Dean Cromb (+33) 6 37 57 06 05
Day 8:
Start Town: Lavorsi
Finish Town: Bagnères-de-Luchon
Ride Red 91km
Approx Ascent 1900m
GPS POI Hotel: 150629H
Hotel: Hôtel d'Etigny Face aux Thermes, 31110
Luchon, France (Phone: +33561790142)
Bagneres-de-Luchon France
Also known as Luchon, is a French commune and spa town in
the Haute-Garonne department in the Midi-Pyrénées region of
south-western France.
Throught history, Luchon has stirred interest in the big names
of this world who stayed here and contributed to Luchon’s
standing such as French literary realist Gustave Flaubert… Rich
in history and heritage, Luchon is brimming with cultural activities for all…
In 2014 Australian Michael Rogers took on and smashed the
overrated stage favorite Thomas Voekler plus half the Europcar
team to win his first ever stage of the Tour de France. Great win
for Specialized, and Australia's best domestique.
Llavorsi in Spain to Bagneres-de-Luchon France
Optional ride - Super Banges
Total ascent 1300m climbing starts 15 km.
Approximatedly 40km return ride. Constant gradient climb that
The first climb is 20km @6.5% gradient.
just gets better the higher you go. Look out for sculptured
This is followed by a red carpet 38km descent followed by our
hedges at the bottom of the climb
final 8 km climb into France. an ave 7.1% gradient climbing
580m meters. We then roll into Bagneres-de-Luchon with an
8km decent
Today is a 91 km ride dayTotal climb for the day just under
900m Laundry day! There is a laundry a few doors down from
the hotel. Don’t leave it unattended
Warren Cay +33 7 86 14 36 97 - David Raphael (+33) 6 37 57 01 89
- Dean Cromb (+33) 6 37 57 06 05
Warren Cay +33 7 86 14 36 97 - David Raphael (+33) 6 37 57 01 89
- Dean Cromb (+33) 6 37 57 06 05
Day 9:
Start Town: Bagnères-de-Luchon
Straight into Col de Peyresourde - 950m of climbing over 13.7
km. Rather steep at first then progresses into a more challenging
gradient. Crepes at the top anyone?
Finish Town: ‘La Mongie
Ride Red 70km
Approx Ascent 2550m
GPS POI Hotel: 150630H
Hotel: Résidence Mer & Golf Tourmalet
Boulevard Du Tourmalet, 65200 La Mongie, France
Second climb ascends 750m over 12.5km to Col d’aspin at an
average of 6.5%, max 8.7%
3rd climb 13km with 800m
Insert climb tables
Tomorrow is the rest day so don’t hold back!!
TDF History
The Col du Tourmalet is one of the most famous climbs on the Tour de
France. It has been included more than any other pass, starting in
1910, when the Pyrenees were introduced. The first rider over was
Bagneres-de-Luchon France to La Mongie (on Tourmalet)
Octave Lapize, who went on to claim the yellow jersey in Paris. In
1913, Eugène Christophe broke his fork on the Tourmalet and repaired
Short 70km in distance, but the biggest climbing day on tour
it himself at a forge in Sainte-Marie-de-Campan. Records are unclear
with over 8000ft of climbing.
but these were unlikely to be Specialized forks
3 climbs today.
Optional ride
Climb to the top of Col du
Tourmalet - Fantastic cafe
with old bikes and TdF
memorabilia. View is not
bad either.
Warren Cay +33 7 86 14 36 97 - David Raphael (+33) 6 37 57 01 89
- Dean Cromb (+33) 6 37 57 06 05
Warren Cay +33 7 86 14 36 97 - David Raphael (+33) 6 37 57 01 89
- Dean Cromb (+33) 6 37 57 06 05
Day 10:
Start Town: La Mongie
Finish Town: Luz St Sauveour
Ride 22km
Approx Ascent 400m
GPS POI Hotel: 150701H
Hotel: Hôtel Le Montaigu Route De Vizos Esquieze Sere, 65120
Luz-Saint-Sauveur, France. Phone:+33 5 62 92 81 71
Once on the bike, we have 4.5km climb - 400 meter elevation
gain, then onto a 19km descent. No chain required once we go
over the top.
Roll into the Hotel at about 1:00PM
Luz-Saint-Sauveur is inside one of the most beautiful valleys of
the Hautes-Pyrenees.
Optional rides
a. Pont de Espagne- 60km return ride.
Vehicle supported. Either ride or travel in the car.
Awesome views and chair lift ride not to be missed.
La Mongie (on Tourmalet) France to Luz Saint Sauveur
We have a breathtaking cable car ride to Pic Di midi in the
B. Ride Luz Ardiden 15km ride out and return
See how your legs are feeling. You might want to visit this famous scene from 2003 TdF. Did Ulrich wait....
morning. At the top is a James Bond esq villain's lair.
Warren Cay +33 7 86 14 36 97 - David Raphael (+33) 6 37 57 01 89
- Dean Cromb (+33) 6 37 57 06 05
Warren Cay +33 7 86 14 36 97 - David Raphael (+33) 6 37 57 01 89
- Dean Cromb (+33) 6 37 57 06 05
Day 11
Start Town: Luz St Sauveour
Finish Town: Pau
Ride Red 102KM
Approx Ascent 1600
GPS POI Hotel: 150702H
Hotel: Qualys-Hotel De Gramont 3, Place Gramont, 64000 Pau,
France (Phone: +33559278404)
The TdF has had 3 finishes at the Col in 1971, 1985 and 2007
and over 40 times had stages pass over.
Pau is located 100 km from the Atlantic and 50km from
Spain. Its location at the foot of the Pyrenees gives Pau an
exceptional panorama of the chain of the Pyrenees, in particular from the famous Boulevard des Pyrénées that is a
long avenue of 1.8 km facing the Pyrenees mountain range.
The town originated from the construction of its castle, likely
from the 11th century by the Viscounts of Béarn, to protect
the ford that was a strategic point for access to the Bearn
valleys and then to Spain. The city is historically closely
linked to the UK and remains popular a holiday destination
because of its favorable climate
Luz Saint Sauveur France to Pau France
102km - 2 climbs totaling 1600m +
Coffee at Argeles Gazost before the climb of
First is 20km with 3km of flat and a climb of 1100m
You will have a 3km reprieve before the second 4km climb hits
with an 9% ave gradient. In TdF speak this is a HC climb, Hors
catégorie. the hardest, ironically beyond category climb.
Luckily lunch is at the top of Col d'Abisque.
You will be greeted with 3 rather oversized bikes and
welcomng cafe.
We now have over 50 km's of descent. This begins with a glorious16km decent averaging 9%, maxing out at 13%.
This is the last of the high peaks for the tour. Take care please.
With 35km to go we may experience some head winds along the
valley, on the way into Pau. Rolling turns might be required.
Warren Cay +33 7 86 14 36 97 - David Raphael (+33) 6 37 57 01 89
- Dean Cromb (+33) 6 37 57 06 05
Warren Cay +33 7 86 14 36 97 - David Raphael (+33) 6 37 57 01 89
- Dean Cromb (+33) 6 37 57 06 05
Day 12
Start Town: Pau
Finish Town: Cambo Les Bains
Ride Red 131km
Approx Ascent 1500m
GPS POI Hotel: 150703Ha-d
Hotel-A: Laurent Rodriguez 31/33 Allee Anne De Neubourg, 64250
Cambo-les-Bains, France (Phone: +33559593810)
Hotel-B: Hôtel Restaurant Chez Jerome 22, Avenue de Navarre,
Cambo-les-Bains, France (Phone: +33559297248)
Hotel-C: Maison d'hôtes Rosa Enia Demeure
Rosa Enia Aveneu du Professeur Grancher, 64250
Cambo-les-Bains, France (Phone: +33559936720)
Hotel-D: Hostellerie du Parc Avenue de La Mairie, 64250
Cambo-les-Bains, France (Phone: +33559935454)
GPS POI Lunch: 150703L
Cambo les Bains is in the Labourd region of the French
Basque Country. It is a spa town and was once a centre
for the treatment of tuberculosis.
An attractive town, the newer, upper part of Cambo-lesPau France to Cambo-Les-Bains France
Bains is full of hotels, bars and restaurants and looks
down over the River Nive and the old town below. The
Much easier, flatter riding day on the bike today. This is the
old town is in typical Basque style with white buildings
longest ride day with 131km of rolling hills with a total ascent
and red or green shutters, usually red as seems to be the
just under 1500m.
case in most of the villages in this area. The town has
A significant hill is at the 76km mark rising up a mere 300m.
lots of open spaces and is proud of its gardening tradi-
Mauleon-Licharre\Breaks at and Mauleon-Licharre at 60 km
into the ride and at Irissarry 103km into the ride.
Warren Cay +33 7 86 14 36 97 - David Raphael (+33) 6 37 57 01 89
- Dean Cromb (+33) 6 37 57 06 05
Warren Cay +33 7 86 14 36 97 - David Raphael (+33) 6 37 57 01 89
- Dean Cromb (+33) 6 37 57 06 05
Day 13
Start Town: Cambo Les Bains
Museum of the Basque County
Finish Town: San Sebastian
The Basque Museum is divided into a number of different sec-
Ride Red 92km
tions: prehistory, fishing and the sea, the history of sheep farm-
Approx Ascent 900m
ing, the iron and arms industries, trade and traditional arts and
GPS POI Hotel: 150704H
crafts such as ceramics and weaving.
Hotel: Tryp San Sebastián Orly Hotel Plaza Zaragoza, 4, 20017 San
Fantastic beaches
Sebastián, Spain (Phone: +34943463200)
Cambo-Les-Bains France to San Senastian Spain
92km with one substantial climb. Total ascent 900m
Enter Spain at 64km mark and stop at Hondaribba for coffee
ust over he border.
San Sebastian boasts one of the best in-city beaches in Europe.
It is quite unusual that you can sunbathe and swim right next
to major historical buildings.
Great eateries
The city is quite small and cozy, featuring many fish restaurants, several beaches, tons of pintxos (snack) bars and a choice
of designer clothes shops.
There are many suitable places en route to eat and enjoy
Take your time to enjoy this unique city with it Spanish and
views of the Atlantic
Basque influences.
The climbing starts at 65km, is 10km long and ascends 500m.
There is so Much to see and do and it is certainly a memorable
After the climb the road overlooks the Atlantic coast and then
destination to finish your cycling adventure with BikeNOW
a decent followed by an 8km ride to the hotel.
Ask about the Alpes grand tour.
Warren Cay +33 7 86 14 36 97 - David Raphael (+33) 6 37 57 01 89
- Dean Cromb (+33) 6 37 57 06 05
Warren Cay +33 7 86 14 36 97 - David Raphael (+33) 6 37 57 01 89
- Dean Cromb (+33) 6 37 57 06 05
Warren Cay +33 7 86 14 36 97 - David Raphael (+33) 6 37 57 01 89
- Dean Cromb (+33) 6 37 57 06 05
2JUL 2015Thursday
3JUL 2015Friday
3JUL 2015Friday
3JUL 2015Friday
3JUL 2015Friday
4JUL 2015Saturday
Check In
23JUN 2015Tuesday
24JUN 2015Wednesday
25JUN 2015Thursday
26JUN 2015Friday
27JUN 2015Saturday
28JUN 2015Sunday
29JUN 2015Monday
30JUN 2015Monday
Villa Duflot
Prestige Coral Platja
La Trobada Hotel
Apartamentos K2
Holiday Inn Andorra
Hotel Riberies
Hôtel d'Etigny
Hôtel Le Montaigu
Résidence Mer & Golf Tourmalet
Qualys-Hotel De Gramont
Laurent Rodriguez
Hôtel Restaurant Chez Jerome
Maison d'hôtes Rosa Enia
Hostellerie du Parc
Tryp San Sebastián Orly Hotel
Rond Point Albert Donnezan, Serrat Den Vaquer, 66000 Perpignan, France (Phone: +33468566767)
Avenida de Rhode, 28, 17480 Roses, Spain (Phone: +34972252110)
Passeig Compositor Honorat Vilamanya,4-5, 17500 Ripoll, Spain (Phone: +34972702353)
La Solana, 55, AD200 Pas de la Casa, Andorra (Phone: +376856999)
Prat de la Creu, 88, AD500 Andorra la Vella, Andorra (Phone: +376874444)
Camí de Riberies s/n, 25595 Llavorsí, Spain (Phone: +34973622051)
Face aux Thermes, 31110 Luchon, France (Phone: +33561790142)
Route De Vizos Esquieze Sere, 65120 Luz-Saint-Sauveur, France. Phone:+33 5 62 92 81 71
Boulevard Du Tourmalet, 65200 La Mongie, France
3, Place Gramont, 64000 Pau, France (Phone: +33559278404)
31/33 Allee Anne De Neubourg, 64250 Cambo-les-Bains, France (Phone: +33559593810)
22, Avenue de Navarre, 64250 Cambo-les-Bains, France (Phone: +33559297248)
Demeure Rosa Enia Aveneu du Professeur Grancher, 64250 Cambo-les-Bains, France (Phone: +33559936720)
Avenue de La Mairie, 64250 Cambo-les-Bains, France (Phone: +33559935454)
Plaza Zaragoza, 4, 20017 San Sebastián, Spain (Phone: +34943463200)