Fall 2013 - New College
Fall 2013 - New College
F A L L E D I T I O N 2 0 1 3 ARTWORK BY MICHAEL LINDENAS Live as a student without living like a student. Students can save over $250 a year1 by banking with BMO®. Make the most of student life with FREE banking2, SPC Card®† discounts, your choice of rewards, and more. For more details, visit Nella Conte & Vani Thambiaiah at: York University Branch 4700 Keele St. Toronto, Ontario M3J 1P3 Tel: 416-665-1301 Fax: 416-665-8317 bmo.com/students2013 Includes annual savings on Student Everyday Banking Plan fees, the annual cost of an SPC Card, SPC Card merchant discount savings, and the value of exclusive SPC Card merchant offers for BMO customers. For details, visit bmo.com/save250. 2 Applies to the Teens and Students Discount Programs in the Plus Plan when a Primary Chequing or Premium Rate Savings account is opened. Recent Post-Secondary School Graduates are eligible for one year of free banking under the Student Discount Program. Customer is responsible for all the fees of any transactions, services and products not included in the Everyday Banking Plan. ® Registered trade-mark of Bank of Montreal. ®† Registered trade-mark of Student Price Card. 1 T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S 4 - E D I T O R ’ S 5 - O F F I C E 6 - N E W O F 8 - C A N A D A ’ S 1 2 - S T A N D 1 4 - V O L U N T E E R I N G 1 8 - S T A R T I N G C O U N C I L T O P F E S T I V A L A D E X E C WITH J A C Q U E L I N E O U T 1 6 - R E S U M E M A S T E R S T U D E N T S N E X T I N T E R V I E W - N E W T H E C O L L E G E 7 - I N T E R N A T I O N A L 1 0 - A N N O T E A S A A N D & N E W B E I N G C O V E R Y O U R O W N C O L L E G E 2 3 - A P A A 2 4 - H R S A 2 5 - M C A 2 6 - N F S A 2 7 - N M S A T R A N G R A D I N V O L V E D L E T T E R B U S I N E S S C L U B S - 4 E D I T O R ’ S T N O T E his fall, the entire team is proud and excited to launch the rebranding of New Beat magazine. It’s time for a change, and a fresh new look. New Beat is a magazine run by students for students. So, we’re striving to give the students of New College what they want. sible for the fate of Gotham, and Neo for the Now, change doesn’t happen overnight, and someone to do something extraordinary, or we still have a lot of work to do, but it’s our answer the questions that everyone’s asking. hope that this year we can establish the foun- It’s my final year at York, and it’s taken me dations for a bright future at New Beat. three years to finally get involved. I love The future of the magazine depends on you! reading and writing; I think that the pen is people of Zion, you’re responsible for the content of New Beat. I bet you’ve seen the ‘My Time’ posters around campus. Well, this is your time so, make the most of it! Let us know what kinds of articles you want, what interests you, and we’ll make it happen. The students of New College control the content of this magazine. I don’t know about you, but I read a lot of dry textbooks while at school. Let’s not make this magazine another boring read that you can’t wait to get rid of. New Beat is a chance for students to escape the world of academia and to talk about the issues that they find inter- “ We all have a voice, it’s about time we use it. ” esting. We all have a voice, it’s about time we use it. Come next semester, New Beat will be looking for volunteers to write for the winter edition. Take the chance, and make yourself heard. Write an article that will inspire Yup, that’s right, you’re responsible for the fate mightier than the sword. Yes, I just ripped off Voltaire, but the point I’m trying to make of New Beat. Just like Batman was respon- N E W B E A T is that it’s never too late to try something new. Most of us will go to University once in our lifetime. Make the most of your time here at York, and make sure you leave here with no regrets. If you want to find out more about how you can be involved with New Beat, or if you’d like to give us your feedback, feel free to write an email to newcol@yorku.ca. T E A M D I R E C TO R A C A D E M I C A F FA I R S & R E S O U R C E S EDITOR IN CHIEF MEDIA ASSISTANT NICK GANDOTRA TERRY TYLER IFFAT RAZZAQUE 5 O F F I C E O F T H E M A S T E R The New College mandate is to create opportunities for students to gain skills and experience that will allow them to develop personally and professionally. S T A F F MASTER CHRISTIAN MARJOLLET We organize multiple events/activities, run various programs, and provide additional support for activities coordinated by our student clubs, student council, and our three affiliated schools. Student Staff 2013 – 2014: ADMINISTRATIVE COORDINATOR FILOMENA PESTANA Angela Witkowski Faiza Ishaq - PASS Leader ADMS 2320 Krima Patel - PASS Leader ADMS 2510 Mitra Kavehmehr - PASS Leader ADMS 2510 Emily Zhao - PASS Leader ADMS 2510 Nikita Puri - PASS Leader ADMS 3330 Winson Li - PASS Leader ADMS 3330 Josie Rao - PASS Leader ADMS 3530 STUDENT SUCCESS PROGRAMS A N D E V E N T S A S S I S T A N T ALICIA DI STEFANO Menna Osman - PASS Leader ADMS 3530 Steven Khaouli - PASS Leader ITEC 1620 Rivan Zora Alexandria Mottley RECEPTIONIST MICHELLE FUCCHANSKY - PASS Leader ADMS 2320 - PASS Leader ITEC 1620 - Global House Programming Assistant – Pond Residence CONTACT INFO EMAIL: newcol@yorku.ca PHONE: (416) 736-5233 WEBSITE: www.yorku.ca/newcollege HOURS: Mon - Thurs: 9 am - 6 pm OFFICE: Room 140, Atkinson Building Fri: 9 am to 5 pm 6 N E W N ew College Council is an elected body that represents the interests of New College students. C O L L E G E C O U N C I L Get Involved! We organize several events and programs for students throughout the year with the help of the Master’s Office. Some of our events include fall and winter orientations, a themed formal, and study sessions around exam periods. We also organize trips to Montréal and Blue Mountain. Feel free to use any of the following resources to connect with us: For athletes and sports enthusiasts, we have an amazing and highly active intramural program for almost every kind of sports. Website YUConnect www.newcollegecouncil.com yorku.collegiatelink.net/ We urge you to make use of the resources Twitter made available to you and we’re always happy @NewCollegeYU to lend a helping hand. Our office is located in Room 105, inside the Atkinson Building. We also have a social recreational lounge open to all students in Room 107; infamously known as “The Loft” within the New College Community. Instagram @newcollegeyu organization/newcollegecouncil Facebook www.facebook.com/ NewCollegeYU 7 I N T E R N A T I O N A L S T U D E N T F E S T I V A L On a seemingly quiet afternoon in Toronto, a group of New College’s international students attended the 2nd annual Toronto International Student Festival on Saturday, September 28, 2013. The event took place from 12:30 - 6:00 pm. at David Pecaut Square, 55 John Street (at King and John). Sponsored by CIBC, Rogers Communications and the Province of Ontario, this event is part of the city’s efforts to enhance the positive experiences of international students who come here to study and live. Did you know that Toronto has emerged as the largest centre of foreign students in Canada with over 59,000 particularly enjoy Toronto’s up-and-coming international students? makeup artists showing off their skills. We The festival embraced the diversity of even got our very own NCC member, Nick nations with displays in the form of live Gandotra, to participate in a challenge to performances and cultural exhibitions, make him appear years older. All in all, it featuring Ojibwe pow-wows, Scottishhigh- was a day full of excitement, activities and land dancing and a Bollywood dance. This ended with a bang at a barbeque event was particularly useful for new back at New College. international students to get a chance to speak to local and provincial agencies and understand their roles. Last but not the least, who doesn’t enjoy free things? There were countless giveaways at the festival, from samples of Maggi to ISIC cards and sunglasses! Our group seemed to 8 Y O R K A T U N I V E R S I T Y C A N A D A ’ S N E X T S C O R I N G T O P A D H I G H E X E C BY: SUNTHAR VYKUNTHANATHAN M ost of us can only dream about driving away in a brand new car. However... On March 27th, 2013, a team of two from University of Guelph made their dream come true at Canada’s Next Top Ad Exec (CNTAE): a Canada-wide advertising case competition. Among the other winners were two of York University’s very own Telly Carayannakis and Misha Bholat from Schulich who took home 3rd prize. Three other teams (2 from YorkU SAS Business programs and another from Schulich) also made it to the TOP 25 Semi-final round. I (along with my partner Valeria Rivera) were fortunate to be part of the Top 25 and though we didn’t drive home in the prize car this year, I wanted to share the amazing journey we had along the way and encourage more York University students to take advantage of this and various other competitions that occur throughout the year. I had overheard of Top Ad Exec a few times before, but was really encouraged to compete after taking the Advertising course with Professor Pallavi Sodhi, who has been involved with Ad Exec since its inception General Motors’ Chevrolet sponsored and is on the judging panel of the competi- CNTAE this year and the competition case tion. After completing her course in Fall focused on creating a winning campaign for 2012, she encouraged all students of the the Chevrolet Equinox. The 1st phase of the class, especially those who did exception- competition “seemed” fairly simple at first, ally well in the advertising project thesis to but we realized soon enough that it would be enter the competition. Being one of those tough to stand out among hundreds of high- students, I found a teammate that I work caliber teams. We had to create a 2-page well with, Valeria Rivera and we decided to elevator pitch to advertise for Equinox. Our participate. We, as well as a couple of other idea had to stand out to make a differ- qualifying teams from YorkU got coached by ence. Val and I created (what we modestly Prof. Sodhi, but we knew that due to conflicts thought) was a solid concept. of interest, she had her limits and she would The 2nd phase was definitely more intense. not evaluate any of our entries. We found the entire process conducted by the CNTAE organizing team to be extremely professional, timely and helpful. To give you some more history, Canada’s Next Top Ad Exec was created by DeGroote’s School of Business 7 years ago, and targets over 1 million university students including over 160,000 business students spread across 50+ University campuses in Canada. Sponsors are Chevrolet Canada, GCI, Mac Laren McCann, PepsiCo Canada, Canadian Tire, Microsoft Advertising, Marketing Magazine, Globe and Mail, McDonalds, Cascades Recovery, and many more. This year, 114 teams from 32 universities participated. So, it was a record feat to have 4 teams from YorkU in the Top 25, two from SAS and two from Schulich. We did something right because we did make it to the next round. The 2nd phase was definitely more intense. The Top 25 were provided with more detailed information on the case, analytics software and additional resources. This I felt was the most amazing part: we were dealing with an actual client with a real world problem. We had to sign non-disclosure agreements to make sure that information that was shared with us remained proprietary. This adds a whole new dimension to the learning style we experi- New College, Office of the Master and the ence in the classroom and gives students a School of Administrative Studies sponsored taste of the real world. On the flip side, the our attendance to the final presentations time constraint is real too! That unfortunate- and prize gala. Here we had the opportunity ly led to our team’s demise. to witness the presentations of the Top 10 With the detailed ad plans of Phase II due during midterms, Val and I could not devote enough time on the report. As it turned out, with our conflicting schedules and our commitment to the midterms, we could spend only one day to crank out our 15-page report. teams and see the variety of ideas that each team created. After the presentations, during the cocktail hour, we networked with profes- 9 I genuinely feel that with better time management and effort, Val and I would have surely made it to the Top 10. sionals from all the sponsoring companies. Hind sight is 20-20. I genuinely feel that with That was great! It’s not every day that you better time management and effort, Val and get to meet all of these executives in a formal I would have surely made it to the Top 10. I setting. will definitely be participating next year if the Quite often, as students, we find ourselves opportunity arises. My hope is that more busi- overwhelmed by the pressure to achieve ness students from York also take part, as it is high grades and just trying to keep up with a great experience to apply all those concepts our school workload. However, it is equally in real life that you learned in the classroom. important to take part in competitions such And who wouldn’t want to win a brand new as CNTAE as they offer an addition to your car? portfolio, tremendous networking opportunities and a dimension of real-world experience you just can’t gain from the For more information on the Canada’s Next Top Ad Exec, visit classroom. Without a co-op program their website at http://www. Lesson learned: established at York, the onus is on us to topadexec.com/ and be sure to Plan your work and work build work experiences side by side with our like them on Facebook to stay in your plan well. education. We, as students, should actively the loop for next year’s pursue the opportunities that are available submission deadlines. So we didn’t make the cut for Top 10 and to us, and Canada’s Next Top Ad Exec is a yes, we were sad. But, we were fortunate that fantastic platform for this. 10 T H E C R E A T I O N O F D R E A M S BY: ZAINAB KHAN “I [hope to] develop a compensation strategy that eliminates the gender wage gap and inequalities in the workplace” - Jacqueline Tran. This interview features the 2012 “My Time” contest winner: Jacqueline Tran, who happens to be a BHRM (Bachelor of Human Resources Management) student at New College. She is currently in her final year at York. She’s as passionate and motivated about her in her field and had to make ends meet by but are instead providing a helpful hand in working in several part-time jobs because decreasing it. the payment from one was just not enough. Their case along with what I learned at York University helped me to realize that people in Zainab Khan: Why is this vision important to you? the job market are treated unfairly at times, Jacqueline Tran: It is important to me and that we need to do something to rectify because it has affected my life indirectly. For this situation. example, I saw that after the 2008 recession Yes, I believe that women still have a long way to go because although the Pay Equity Act helps ... it alone is not enough. vision as when she first got the idea. This it was difficult for my parents to obtain a well-paying job, and when they found one, the companies that they worked for treated them poorly and underpaid them for their time. Although my parents still managed to provide me with a healthy lifestyle, thus minimizing the effect it had had on me, this particular situation helped me in grasping just how much inequality still exists within workplaces. interview provides an overview on why Ms. Zainab Khan: Why did you choose to make Tran chose to make the former quotation her this your vision for the future? Do you still Zainab Khan: How do you plan on accom- life goal (career wise) and how she plans on feel that women have a long way to go when plishing your goal by 2034? turning her dreams into a reality. it comes to pay equity? Zainab Khan: How did you come up with Jacqueline Tran: Yes, I believe that specializing in my field (i.e. compensation) this idea? Was this vision the result of a per- women still have a long way to go and then gaining as much experience as I can sonal experience? If so, how has it affected because although the Pay Equity Act helps both academically and professionally within you? in decreasing the gender wage gap, it alone this field. Although I cannot achieve this goal is not enough. In fact, even now only a small alone, I would still like to spread awareness number of women hold executive level posi- on this issue, and get the ball rolling in tions within organizations. As a result, I feel this direction with the hope that someday that employers should take the initiative this can become a reality. Jacqueline Tran: This vision was not a result of a direct personal experience, but of one that has indirectly affected me, my family and my friends’ families. For instance, my friend’s mother had a degree in engineering; even so, she was struggling to find a job to make sure that their companies are not helping in increasing the gender wage gap, Jacqueline Tran: I plan on starting by I was reassured that this was not a joke ing my job interviews. In the past, I never would be that your vision should be some- thought that specializing in this field would thing you’re passionate about, something you be a possibility even though my interest in wish to accomplish in life. Even if you are Zainab Khan: What was your reaction on it can be traced back to when I took my first unsure of whether this will remain your winning the contest? introductory course in human resources. vision in the future, if you feel passionately However, ever since I put my vision in writ- about it now, you may indirectly or subcon- ing and saw the goal that I hope to someday sciously continue to work towards it regard- achieve, I have been even more motivated to less of what field you are in later on. As a work towards it by immersing myself deeper result, I would advise people to not let into the craft through formal education, on- opportunities pass them by because you the-job application, and through professional never know what might happen association workshops. if you just try. Jacqueline Tran: Originally I was confused and thought that someone was playing a prank on me. I had not checked my YorkU mail that day so, when I received a text message stating that I had won the “My Time” contest I couldn’t believe it. When I called the number I had gotten the text message from, I was reassured that this was not a Zainab Khan: Do you have any more goals joke, and that I had actually won the contest. that you wish to pursue for the future? After hearing that, I was ecstatic. Since winning the “My Time” contest I have become better known ... and even brought up this contest ... during my job interviews. Jacqueline Tran: Academically, I aspire to be a dual designation holder of both the CHRP (Certified Human Resources Professional) and CCP (Certified Compensation Professional) designations, and I would also like to work towards my Master’s degree in business as well. Career wise, I would like to specialize in total rewards with a primary focus on compensation design and advisory. Zainab Khan: Do you have any advice for Zainab Khan: How has your life changed since you’ve won the “My Time” contest? Are you more motivated to achieve this goal? Jacqueline Tran: Since winning the “My Time” contest I have become better known within the York community, and I have even brought up this contest, when asked dur- future applicants? Jacqueline Tran: My advice to students JACQUELINE TRAN 11 12 S T A N D O U T BY: RAYMOND HO Are you graduating soon? It can be scary. HR majors: Human Resources Students and register as well. Doing a simple google Association (HRSA) search of each club will also allow you to Management majors: Management and learn more about them. For example you can There’s uncertainty of whether or not you’ll Consulting Association (MCA) search upcoming events. land that dream job you’re aiming for after Finance majors: National Finance As a business student at York, another great you graduate. Are there things that can make Students Association (NFSA) club to join is the York DECA club. The you stand out from the stack of applicants? Marketing majors: New Marketing Stu- clubs allows you to take part in undergradu- Of course! dent Association (NMSA) ate conferences and case competitions with I’ve been told that complementing your academic learning with extracurricular activities is important. Employers want to see that you have the soft skills. Soft skills can mean a lot of things, but employers want to know if you can build relationships with others (customers or your co-workers/manager) by The best part about joining these clubs is meeting new New College students from your major. other business students from across Ontario. If you are interested in accounting, finance, marketing, management, and entrepreneurship then you must join DECA! demonstrating your people skills. You can You’re free to join whichever club showcase those skills through extra-curricu- interests you. That means you can join lar activities or any job (part time, full time, clubs that aren’t particular to your degree. summer, or as an intern). Most of these professional clubs are run by Many of the cases you’ll be doing will include the students of New College. These clubs those particular fields where you can show usually plan events for members to attend off what you learned from your ADMS and participate in. This can include network- Courses. Taking part in this will allow you ing socials, case competitions, conferences, to expand your network, increase your com- professional development workshops, munication skills and experience in the real There are plenty of clubs at York University information sessions, and many more. The world. Google “York DECA” to learn more that you can take part in. I would suggest best part about joining these clubs is meeting about the opportunities. you join professional clubs in your respective new New College students from your major. stream. There is a professional business club You can build long lasting relationships! for almost every ADMS major at York: Representatives and executive team mem- Employers want to see that you have the soft skills. Accounting majors: Atkinson Professional Accounting Association (APAA) bers of each club at York usually promote their organization during York Fest. There you can learn more about their organization Students in Accounting, Marketing, Management, Finance, IT, and Human Resources Management will find that they are able to take part in the York Internship Program. Apart from the professional clubs you can join at York as a business student, you can join many other ones that interest you. The next thing I want to mention is the York Career Centre’s services. If you logon to the career centre website and click on “Events & Workshops”, you can register for career consultation, individual interview practice sessions, job search advising, resume and cover letter writing workshops, internship information sessions, industry insights panels, and many more! You should also check the internship program at York if you are a third year student. Students in Accounting, Marketing, Management, Finance, IT, and Human Resources Management will find If you will be graduating this term, that they are able to take part in the York in- you should consider applying to rotational ternship program. Taking advantage of these programs. In a nutshell, rotational programs workshops and internships will make you a are a training program where you experi- stronger and more confident candidate. ence each area of a business as a whole. This If you will be returning to York next summer, you should also consider the Ontario Public Service’s Summer Employment Program. I had the opportunity to do one last summer at one of their downtown locations. It was an incredible experience. Some opportunities from their offices include: accounting, finance, project support, human resources, information technology support, office administration, and many more. These are temporary, full time positions during the summer and they range helps you understand what their business is all about. Grad@loblaws is one example of a popular rotational program that many university graduates apply to during their fourth or final year of university. There are fields such as accounting, finance, marketing, human resources, store management, etc. Recruitment starts in September and screening starts in October. Check their website for more details: www.loblawgrad.ca from seven to sixteen weeks between May As you can see there are tons of and Labour Day – just in time for back to opportunities (self-development and job school! They are quite competitive as many opportunities) you can take part in before university students do apply! Make sure you you graduate. What are you waiting for? mark your calendars (December) and visit TAKE ACTION! their website to apply: www.gojobs.gov. on.ca/sep.asp or google: “summer employment program Ontario public services”. Visiting the website will also lay out the eligibility criteria. 13 14 B E Y O N D G E T T I N G T H E B O O K S : I N V O L V E D A T Y O R K B Y: A LY S S A - S H A N A E L O P E Z G SOARING points. Once you complete your etting 1. Volunteering specific program, either START, ADVANCE, involved at There are a lot of volunteer opportunities at or GRAD, you will also receive a Certificate of York that students don’t seem to know about. York can Participation and Letter of Recognition upon A tip when it comes to volunteering is that it be one of completion of the program. doesn’t have to be a long-term commitment. the most worthwhile For those of you who can’t find the time, experiences of there are short-term opportunities such as 3. Attend a volunteering at events like Fall Campus Day, being a York Workshop being a Peer Mentor, or better yet, writing Attending a workshop is key to success at student. for New Beat! Volunteering shows potential It not only helps with developing your social skills, but it also helps you build your professional credentials. Extra-curricular activities employers that you are compassionate and can handle responsibilities outside of your academics. It’s also great to volunteer if you have little or no work experience because it helps build your resume. can most definitely enhance your scholarship application, and they York. There are a ton of workshops out there to choose from, and best of all, it’s free! Take advantage of these workshops because they will surely benefit you in the future. Learning Skills Services (LSS) offers a program called Passport to Success which rewards you with a certificate when you complete 8 LSS work- 2. SOARING shops. This certificate greatly enhances both SOARING is a great opportunity to build up your co-curricular record and resume. Aside After graduating, you might not your self-esteem and to ensure you become from LSS, the Career Centre, Writing Centre, have the time to do the things you a well-rounded student. The program is and the Scott Library also offer beneficial wanted to do. So, you must take offered workshops. advantage of the resources and by the Centre for Student can even be used on your resume. opportunities available to you now. Here are a few ways to get involved at York: Success. SOARING ensures you have sufficient leadership, volunteer, participation, and other skills for success. You will earn a certain number of points for each category. The program has its perks as well. By participating, you will have the opportunity to win monthly prizes when you enter your 4. Join a Club or Organization Joining a club or organization is made easy at York. All you have to do is log into YU Connect and start searching for your desired club or organization. If you really want to get involved, you can also start your own club. Information and instructions on starting your own club can be found on YU Connect. in intramurals. First, you may represent your It can be found on YU Connect. college. You must contact your college’s The co-curricular record is athletics representative to be placed on a meant to enhance your resume. team. An alternative way to participate in intramurals is through drop-ins. For more information on intramurals visit www. and make friends. This is essential for first year students and it will make your transition into York much easier. 5. Intramurals Intramurals are for those who love sports, but do not necessarily want to be competitive. There are a bunch of sports to choose from. Participating in intramurals is not only fun, but it helps you make friends too. You can build your confidence and stay fit at the same time! There are two ways to participate curricular record, you may visit yorkulions.ca. It is essential to make time to the Career Centre for assis- participate tance. in intramurals. >http://yuconnect.yorku.ca/faq/ Joining a club gives you a sense of belonging, but more importantly, it helps you network To fully benefit from the co- All of these activities can be recorded in your cocurricular record at York. faqs-for-learning-outcomes-and-cocurricular-record/ >http://www.yorku.ca/careers/ students/makingconnections/getinvolvedin-activity.htm >http://www.yorku.ca/laps/ students/engage/soaring/ 15 16 T H E D O ’ S L E T T E R A N D A N D D O N ’ T S R E S U M E O F C O V E R W R I T I N G BY: ALEXA LOPREIATO T here’s nothing worse than losing a job because you don’t have a good enough resume or cover letter. of publication) Never apply to just any position. Why? - This is not the time to tell people a. You never know what you might your life story end up getting - Be sure to mention only your most b. It makes you seem like you important skills/experiences/ are desperate achievements So, here’s a useful guide to ridding 3. Make sure that your diction and yourself of those common mistakes that tone are formal could cost you your dream job! 5. Keep it brief 6. Proofread your work! - Have someone else look over your work - Don’t use slang - The Career Centre at York University’s - Try to avoid using ‘I’ too much Keele campus is a great way to have a The Cover Letter - Use the industry language and jargon third party review your cover letter. What is a cover letter? - Do not use contractions - Don’t just edit grammatical errors. - Do not use the same language or Check the logic, sequence, and words used in text messages flow of your material. A cover letter is a way of showing the audience (hiring managers/recruiters) that you understand what the job entails. It helps you distinguish yourself from other applicants during the selection process, and it gives your audience an idea of what you have to offer them. e.g. LOL, thx, hey - Show that you’re passionate, but make In summary, you should: sure it’s genuine > Know your audience - Make sure you do not come across as > Present your knowledge of the job being pretentious (make sure you know why you’re > Confidence is important, but applying) The Do’s and Don’ts of Cover Letter being too confident or arrogant > Highlight your most relevant skills and Writing can work against you make sure to back it up with evidence 1. Address your cover letter to a specific person/audience 4. Make sure it looks professional - Standard font size (12 point) - If it’s mandatory or required, search out - Use a clean and consistent font the name of the person who will be throughout the cover letter reviewing your application - Use the all or nothing rule 2. Be clear on the position to which you’re applying for. Tell the employer where you heard about the job - e.g. websites (name the website); Newspapers (which one, date (e.g. if you make your titles bold, keep it consistent) - Do not use funky colored paper and/or decorate it with images > Keep it clear and concise > Proofread your work Your objective: - Catch the audience’s attention - Make sure that the cover letter is relevant and specific to the job you’re applying for Basic Cover Letter Template Date Contact Person and Title Company’s Name Company’s Address Paragraph 1: State the purpose and intent of your cover letter. Tell the reader why you chose to apply, and why you want this job? - Use bullet points to describe your - Do not use ‘I’ except for the objective previous jobs - Do not use contractions 2. Each page of your resume (ideally 2-3 - Do not use abbreviations (unless it max) should clearly identify you is months because of space) - If you do not have at least 2 years of 9. Include only relevant information experience, keep your resume to 1 page pertaining to the job you’re applying for 3. Be consistent - Remember the “all or nothing rule” 10. Include a section for relevant skills and qualifications 4. Personal info such as the follow- - Usually this section follows the Paragraph 2: State your qualifications and ing DOES NOT go in a resume! Why? objective in order to create impact provide support or examples of you exem- because it can lead an employer to judge you plifying your skills. Be specific and provide based on their personal biases 11. Proofread your work! numerical figures if applicable. For example, - Age/weight/height you could say that you helped raise sales by Outrageous Resume Mistakes - Social insurance numbers 20 percent in one year. - Marital status by candidates you do not Qualification #1 Qualification #2 - Religion or political party affiliations want to make!!! 5. List education, work experience, Paragraph 3: Conclude your cover letter, 1. Candidate called himself a genius and volunteer (any info that has date(s) provide your contact information, and thank (as mentioned before, arrogance can cost you associated with it) in reverse chronological the reader for their time. the job) order. Signature - i.e., most recent first, then work Write out your full name backwards (this gives impact) 6. Final words on resume should always The Resume What is a Resume? A resume is a tool used to present your skills, knowledge and experiences for a particular job. The goal of having a well written resume is to get an interview. be “references available upon request” their objective on their resume you’re using as a reference 4. Candidate’s resume included phish- 7. Make the resume look professional - You can be more creative here than on your cover letter, but don’t go overboard tone and diction formal you in person I’m looking for a job.’ - Always ask permission from the person Writing and to have them wanting to talk to under the headline ‘Hi, I’m _____ and 3. Candidate listed ‘to make dough’ as 8. As with the cover letter keep the - Goal is to gain the reader’s interest, the applicant reclining in a hammock - Do not list references on your resume The Do’s and Don’ts of Resume 1. Keep your resume brief and concise 2. Candidate’s resume had a photo of - No slang - Do not use text messaging language ing as a hobby 5. Candidate’s cover letter contained “LOL.” 17 18 S T A R T I N G W H I L E Y O U R Y O U ’ R E O W N S T I L L B U S I N E S S I N S C H O O L BY: MYKYTA PONOMARENKO 1. Why you should start your own business 2. How to think of an idea 3. Make the idea and re-evaluate it 4. Patent, trademark, and incorporate 5. Sales 6. Venture capital and Pitch deck 7. Useful resources 8. Advice High unemployment, stagnant wages, and monotonous work are what greet students entering the workforce. These pressures should make any student reevaluate their lifetime plans and goals. A great alternative to all of this is to become an entrepreneur. You make your own hours, you set your wages, and you do what you love. What’s not to like? There’s no better time to start your own business than when you’re still in school. For most businesses it takes 2-5 years to become profitable, so you can work on your business while leveraging the knowledge you gain in university. By the The next step is to implement your idea, time you graduate, your business should be make a prototype, or find someone who can close to profitability and you’ll have a help you make it. Once you’ve made your degree to match. idea, re-evaluate what you hope to achieve, The first step to making an astounding and make sure your idea is reasonable given business is to have an astounding idea. the resources available to you. This is the Contrary to popular belief, it takes a lot of point where you make the commitment to effort to get a great idea. It doesn’t just come work on this business for the next 5-10 years. to you out of the blue. The system I have Every morning, make sure that your busi- used for the past 3 years is that every morn- ness is the first thing on your mind and the ing I get up and I force myself to think of 3 last thing on your mind when you go to bed. new ideas that I haven’t seen, tried, or used. That type of commitment is difficult for most You can imagine how many business ideas people to make so, take a long, hard look at I have on my laptop. The majority of them it before anything else. Depending on your make no sense, but some of them are really idea, you may have to move to another coun- interesting. When you force yourself to think try. For example, if you’ve started a software of new and creative things you’ll become company you may want to relocate to Silicon obsessed with finding the next big thing. Valley. If your business takes off, it might This is how my current business started. The make sense to move your head office to the key to picking an amazing idea is simplicity. United States. The U.S. market is much The idea has to be simple enough for you larger than Canada’s. to be able to execute it, and innovative so The third step is to get legal advice on how that people will want it. Once you think you to incorporate, patent, and trademark your have a good idea, ask those closest to you products. Many people decide to stay as a to give their thoughts and opinions. Maybe sole proprietorship at first. Sole proprietor- they have some ideas or feedback that’ll ships are not the right way to go because you help you improve it. What’s more is that any have full liability if anyone sues you for using great idea solves a problem. The bigger the the product. It puts you and any assets you problem solved, the better the idea. Once own (house, car, etc.) at risk. However, if you you have your idea, find your target market. Basically, find out who’ll benefit most from your idea. 19 decide to incorporate, you will have to pay The next step may be the most difficult and to the market. For example, in my business higher taxes. The better business vehicle is the most rewarding. To manage a startup (which is an e-commerce website for your a limited liability company (LLC). This can business, you require capital. The best way to local store) our main goal is to make setting help protect you and your family. start a company is by getting venture capital, up an online store cheaper and easier than or startup money. The most likely way to setting up a brick and mortar store. Step number four is probably the most attract venture funding is to prove that the The final part of attracting funding is important. Every business needs either sales product works and has traction in the mar- creating a pitch deck which is 10 to 20 or customers. If you don’t have either, you’re ketplace. The best way to do that? Get lots PowerPoint slides. Your pitch is intended to dead in the water. What’s more is that you’ll of sales. If you don’t have sales or custom- gain the interest of investors before you show get limited interest from any investors, and ers, you have less than a 0.05% chance of them your business plan. The pitch deck is your company will go bankrupt. The best way attracting venture funding. The average age the first impression you give to an inves- to get sales, especially for a new product, is to of companies that do get venture funding is tor so, make sure it’s the best you’ve got. focus on a small niche market. For example, roughly 4 years. This reinforces the fact that Above all, when you’re looking for venture at VendSale, I’m exclusively marketing to the business you choose to create must be funding, you’ll need to find investors who are furniture stores because they have the most sustained for at least 4 years. experienced in your area and ones that you’d to gain from my product. That’s not to say While your business is growing, you also love to work with. It’s more important to find I won’t take other customers, I just want to have to make a 20-40 page business plan a venture capitalist you like and who is more have the majority of furniture stores using that details your vision for the next 10 years. knowledgeable with a lower valuation of your my product before I advertise to outside This will be a great resource for attracting business, rather than a high valuation. Don’t retailers. There are many benefits to this funding and bank loans. It’s best to make forget this is the person who’s taking a risk strategy because you gain a greater under- a business plan and periodically revise it by investing in your business. standing of your niche market. In turn, the as your business grows and finds its niche. knowledge and insights you gain can help Your business plan should not only articulate you make a better product. Also, as you build how you plan to make money, but it should your portfolio, you can more readily sell your express your founding principles. Your product to other stores in the same market. business plan should highlight what unique Just don’t forget the ABC’s of sales, qualities your product and company brings “Always Be Closing”. 20 This summer bring your idea to life How to apply First, you’re going to need a business plan. For more information and to find your Do you have ideas for creating your own But don’t let that intimidate you. Your nearest Summer Company program company? Here’s your chance to turn Summer Company program provider will provider, call 1-888-745-8888, or visit those ideas into a real business this sum- help you get started. www.ontario.ca/summercompany mer. The Summer Company program Visit www.ontario.ca/summercom- provides you up to $3,000 and the oppor- pany for more information. tunity to start your very own business and Once your business plan is ready, you can to develop your entrepreneurial skills. complete your application and submit both The program is open to all Ontario stu- online. If your business plan is approved, dents between 15 and 29, who are return- you’re all set to make your summer busi- ing to school in the fall. It can help bring ness your own. your ideas to life. It’s exciting and highly rewarding. And it’ll give you the chance to be your own boss. We can help you with your business The Program includes hands-on coaching and mentoring from business people right in your own community who volunteer their time to support your summer company. When it comes to actually getting your company up and running we’ll provide you with up to $1,500 and around 12 hours of training to help you get started. Then, when you’ve successfully completed the program at the end of the summer, we’ll give you up to $1,500 for your return to school. 21 1 22 C L U B S 23 A P A A T he Atkinson Professional Accounting Association (APAA) is a studentrun organization that serves to encourage leadership, excellence, and professionalism in Accounting students of York University. The association was founded in May 1998 by a group of graduating students for the purposes of promoting Atkinson’s Bachelor of Administrative Studies in Accounting (BAS) program, aiding students and soliciting support from University faculty and potential employers. The best way to describe the growth of the Atkinson Professional Accounting Association is by a quote from the great author J.R.R. Tolkien who said, “ … as the tale grew so did the telling.” Hence, as the number of students enrolled in the BAS program with a major in accounting grew, so did the vision of the APAA. Today, with a membership base of over 350 students, the APAA is one of the largest student-run organizations at York University. Not only do the students at York look forward to hearing from the APAA, but the auditing and assurance firms also look forward to meeting enthusiastic students and future leaders through events held by the APAA. Throughout the school year, the APAA organizes AIM provided students with the opportunity several recruitment workshops and informa- to connect with York Alumni currently work- tion sessions held by reputed firms at York. ing in the Big 5 CPA/CA Firms. Events such as the annual CA Night and the Spring Networking Night at Dave and Bust- To access all these great oppor- ers, are great events to network with firms tunities or to learn more about like Grant Thornton, PricewaterhouseCoo- the club feel free to visit our pers, Deloitte, KPMG and Ernst and Young. The APAA is also proud to collaborate with other Certified Management Accountants (CMA) and Certified General Accountants website www.yuapaa.com and learn more about careers in accounting. (CGA). Together, they are able to hold several events on campus to promote and educate students about these designations. CONTACT INFO With York’s very own CGA and CMA ambas- EMAIL: info@yuapaa.com sadors being a part of the council, the APAA WEBSITE: www.yuapaa.com is a one stop-shop to all your Accounting OFFICE: 253 ATK related questions. In our quest to provide further opportunities for Accounting students, the APAA is persistently working to increase the number of unique and diverse events held every year. This year the APAA held its very successful 2nd AIM Conference at York University. 24 H R S A T he Human Resources Student Association (HRSA) is a studentrun organization that is continually striving to promote personal, and professional development among all Human Resources Management and business students at York University. As a student-run organization the HRSA Some of the HRSA’s upcoming strives to facilitate the knowledge of human events include: resources among students, faculty, and in- > Monster.ca’s Resume Workshop dustry leaders. Our goal is to develop an in- > LinkedIn: Building Your Profile novative and open culture within an organic > Interview Workshop organizational structure, that is distinctive > Dress for Success and that re-emphasizes the fundamental > Alumni Panel principles that constitute Human Resources Management. Don’t forget to visit our web- HRSA aims to initiate a strong academic and site, www.hrsayork.com, social network for students and faculty. The and join our social media pages result is an environment that is receptive to sharing ideas, and providing support for one another. The HRSA facilitates close interaction among its members of students, industry professionals, faculty, and alumni through a variety of career and social events. on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and YuConnect so you never miss a beat with HRSA ! CONTACT INFO The HRSA has a great line up of events EMAIL: info@hrsayork.com beginning as early as January. Please feel WEBSITE: www.hrsayork.com free to join our mailing list by emailing OFFICE: 112 ATK info@hrsayork.com. This will get you access to event reminders, job ads, and other great opportunities. 25 M C A Y ou are surrounded by simple, obvious solutions that can dramatically increase your income, power, influence and success. The problem is, you just don’t see them. The Management & Consulting Association is a student run non-profit leadership initiative. We strive to help high achieving students gain essential leadership experience by offering numerous workshops through- School of Administrative Studies’ (SAS) un- out the school year. We also seek to connect dergrad program is recognized as one of the members of our clubs with industry profes- premier locations for recruiting consulting sionals and recruiters through networking talent worldwide and for SAS’ graduates to events during the fall and winter terms. be leading the way as high-level performers We have created initiatives such as The and innovators in the consulting industry Consultant, a strategy publication examining business issues in the global context – all content is written by the executive team and editions are published monthly. Additionally, CONTACT INFO EMAIL: info@themca.ca we are developing a casebook, consisting WEBSITE: www.themca.ca of case based questions and the methods to OFFICE: 140J ATK solve said questions; these are also what one would normally experience in an interview for any consulting firm and as such, being able to effectively handle these problems is seen as an invaluable trait in the eyes of recruiters. Our mission is to ensure that the MCAYorkU @MCAYorkU 26 N F S A T he National Finance Students Association (NFSA) is a studentrun organization, which aims to provide young individuals with career development opportunities in the field of finance. of individuals working in non-capital market For more information about the areas of finance along with a workshop NFSA and upcoming events, feel hosted by CMA designation holders. free to like our club pages: A networking session will then cap off the night with attendees from a wide array of industries like technology and finance to consumer packaged goods. Our past event different corporations. This demonstrates and highlights the networking opportunities that attendees have to look forward to. > Networking Strategies Workshop > Finance Interview Prep Workshop members for a career in the corporate world > Careers in Finance Workshop through various development initiatives, > Financial Modeling Workshop > Stock Pitch Competition competitions. With the aim of sharing is committed in creating a network that will bring together finance students, and faculties from universities across Canada. Corporate Networking Night Corporate Networking Night is an annual networking event hosted by the NFSA which focuses on non-capital market areas of finance and other industries ranging from consumer packaged goods to telecommunications. There will be 100 attendees selected through a competitive resume screening process in early January. The keynote and panel session will be comprised CONTACT INFO EMAIL: info@nfsa.ca WEBSITE: www.nfsa.ca Past Events > Leveraging LinkedIn Seminar knowledge, skills and resources, the NFSA book.com/nationalfinance included 30 representatives from 20 The NFSA strives to better equip its such as networking sessions and case Facebook: https://www.face- Upcoming Events > CFA Information Sessions > Resume and Cover Letter Strategies > Corporate Networking Night: January 2014 OFFICE: 140D ATK 27 N M S A F rom the efforts of a re-brand, comes a new club offering exciting opportunities for students who are interested in being involved in a Marketing club at York University. to meet with one another, and it includes Twitter and Instagram page. Here they post students from different universities across different internships, job opportunities, Ontario. In early November, the NMSA volunteer opportunities, networking helped organize Ad Day, a one-day confer- opportunities, and marketing events ence hosted by Canada’s Next Top Ad Exec. taking place in other clubs and associations Top Ad Exec is a national advertising and throughout Toronto. The NMSA hopes to marketing case competition run by grow their association and partners in terms McMaster University’s DeGroote School of of awareness, recognition as a premier insti- Business. Ad Day’s main focus is to provide tution for students as well as build a network students with the opportunity to learn about of future marketing professionals. Students marketing, advertising, and to network with interested in becoming an NMSA member industry professionals. are advised to contact us via social media, YU Speakers taking part in the Ad Day Confer- Connect, or attending our office hours hosted ence included: Paul Bailey (General Motors), from Monday to Thursday from 2:30 to Four months prior to its induction, the New Shereen Yaseen (PepsiCo. Canada), Neil 3:30pm. The membership form is then sent Marketing Students Association (NMSA) was McOstrich & Catherine Frank (Co-founders by e-mail. The fee is $15, and includes exclu- known as the American Marketing Associa- of Cleansheet Communications), Jae M. sive prices to all the events hosted through- tion (AMA). In spite of this change, previous Rang (Jae Associated Ltd.), and Adam Green out the year. Other perks of the membership partnerships and industry connections have (President of Maple North). The speakers include monthly newsletters which contain remained intact. The club’s objective is to shared their knowledge and expertise on a job postings, club updates, and event news. educate members on the marketing indus- variety of marketing and advertising related Based on their diverse range of offerings, try’s various elements, provide them with topics. Recently, the NMSA hosted their first joining the NMSA will provide avid students hands-on experience outside of the class- official Resume Building Workshop. The an opportunity to build a marketing skill set room, and to assist them in creating workshop was divided into two sessions: which will be useful in their contacts with industry professionals. Resume Writing & Letter of Reference and professional careers. The NMSA aims to be the most valuable Interviewing & Networking Skills. It was resource for students interested in the hosted by Julie McCartney (Director, Marketing field. In order to achieve this, the Human Resources & Health and Safety EMAIL: nmsayorku@gmail.com NMSA offers a variety of events, workshops, from Toys “R” Us) and Helen Hamilton WEBSITE: www.yorku.ca/nmsayorku speaker panels, networking opportuni- (Recruitment and Training Manager from OFFICE: 140H ATK ties, and case competitions. Previously, in Toys “R” Us). In addition to their events at collaboration with the Ryerson Marketing York University, the NMSA promotes events Association (RMA), the NMSA has played from other universities and the GTA to their an active role in organizing the members. They hope to educate them in the #MktStudentsTO. #MktStudentsTO is a various aspects of the marketing industry. social networking event for business students Hence, the NMSA runs an active Facebook, CONTACT INFO D I S C L A I M E R THE VIEWS EXPRESSED IN THIS PUBLICATION DO NOT N E C E S S A R I LY R E F L E C T T H E V I E W S O F N E W C O L L E G E , I T S F O U N D I N G M E M B E R S , O R Y O R K U N I V E R S I T Y. 2 0 1 3 NEW COLLEGE OFFICE OF THE MASTER 4 7 0 0 K E E L E S T. TORONTO, ON. M3J 1P3 T 416-736-5233 newcol@yorku.ca NEW COLLEGE COUNCIL R O O M 1 0 5 , AT K I N S O N B U I L D I N G newcollegecouncil.com
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