Los Angeles - ShoppersMap
Los Angeles - ShoppersMap
Gas Pumps, Signs, Soda Machines, Neon, Slot Machines & So. Cal’s Largest Inventory of Classic Cars. backinthedayclassics.com High Quality, Refurbished, 20th Century Institutional, Business & Industrial Furnishings. Architectural Salvage, Lighting, Collectibles & Oddities. rehabvintage.net 3. Venice Love Shack 450 S. La Brea Ave., L.A. (323) 931-1339 Vintage Clothing & Accessories. 1900-1960. Specializing in Antique Embroideries & Design Inspiration. golyester.com 13. American Garage 2124 Lincoln Blvd.,Venice (310) 396-6200 By Appt. Only. (818) 388-1234 Americana, Industrial & Folk Art. americangarageantiques.com Antiques, Industrial, Vintage, Garden & Furniture. Interior Design Services, Residential & Commercial. shophbleu.com 14. Denmark 50 5. The Mart Collective 7974 Melrose Ave., L.A. (323) 650-5222 1600 Lincoln Blvd., Venice (310) 450-5142 Danish Modern Furniture, Lighting, Ceramics & Glass. Showroom & Warehouse. Direct from Denmark. LA’s Largest Co-Op. 85 Quality Dealers. 16,000 sq. ft. of Art, Furniture, Industrial, Costume Jewelry, Mid-Century & More. themartcollective.com 15. Resurrection 6. Surfing Cowboys 8006 Melrose Ave., L.A. (323) 651-5516 12553 Venice Blvd., L.A. (310) 450-4891 1960’s-80’s Vintage Designer Wear. Pierre Cardin, Yves Saint Laurent & Pucci. resurrectionvintage.com Mid-Century & California Design Furniture. Vintage Surf & Skate, Jewelry, Art, Clothing & Travel Posters. Plus Our Own Brand of Clothing. surfingcowboys.com 16. OTW...Off The Wall 7. My Baby Jo 737 N. La Cienega., L.A. (310) 652-1185 10418 National Blvd, L.A. (310) 558-9244 Art Deco Furniture & Accessories. Lighting, Advertising,Vintage Toys, Neon, Americana & Memorabilia. offthewallantiques.com 1940’s to 50’s Men’s & Women’s Vintage Inspired, Vintage Reproductions & Vintage Clothing & Accessories. mybabyjo.com Santa Barbara agouraantiquemart.com • barnandcharm.com • losalamosca.com treasuresofojai.com • babcockwinery.com • thebluedoorsb.com 17. Sherman Oaks Antique Mall 8. Galerie Sommerlath High Desert 14034 Ventura Blvd., Sherman Oaks (818) 906-0338 9608 Venice Blvd., Culver City (310) 838-0102 califrt66museum.org • route66museum.org July, August, September 2016 ShoppersMap.com Fine 20th Century Furniture, Lighting & Art. galeriesommerlath.com 100 Quality Dealers. Vintage Decor, Vintage Clothing & Accessories, Outstanding Selection of Costume & Estate Jewelry. Est. 1982. soantiquemall.com 9. Jefferson West Antiques 18. Cyclic Furniture One of LA’s Largest Warehouse Showrooms. 10,000 sq.ft. of 18th-20th Century Furniture, American & European, Folk Art, Lighting, Mirrors, Toys & Smalls. jeffersonwest.com Mid-Century & Danish Modern. 20th Century High Design, Furniture, Lighting, Art, Pottery, Decor & Interior Design Services. cyclicfurniture.com 26. Bearded Lady’s Mystic Museum American Made 1950’s Inspired Women’s Clothing & Accessories from XS to 4X. pinupgirlclothing.com Gift Shop & Historical Display of Rare Artifacts, Fortune Telling, Spirit Boards & Supernatural Items of the Unknown. squareup.com/beardedladysmuseum 134 134 Woodman Ave. Glendale Sherman Oaks 101 5 lvd. on B any rel C on! cati o L New lv 30 d. 17 Lau 3204 W. Magnolia Blvd., Burbank (818) 433-7530 ry B St. 20. Pinup Girl Boutique Vic to ista na V Antiques, Furniture, Linens, Clothing, Jewelry & Home Decor. bestoftimesantiques.com Burbank 5 Bue Mid-Century, Cottage Chic & Urban Rustic Furniture, Accessories, Home Decor & Fine Art. Home Staging & Interior Design Services. furnituresisters.com 134 ay od W 1018 N. Hollywood Way, Burbank (818) 561-4662 3401 W. Magnolia Blvd., Burbank (818) 848-5851 Magnolia Blvd. 101 Ventura Blvd . 25. Best of Times North Hollywood llywo 101 29 18 d. 24 25 lia Blv28 22 o 19 21 n ag 26 27 W. M 23 20 170 Burbank Blvd. N. Ho 405 ! new 1136 N. Hollywood Way, Burbank (213) 500-6926 9310 Jefferson Blvd., Culver City (310) 558-3031 Hollywood Blvd. Sunset Blvd. 16 15 14 ta M San 27. Playclothes 3100 W. Magnolia Blvd., Burbank (818) 557-8447 on Melrose Ave. 3rd St. 13 11 101 12 10 vd. 2 Vintage Clothing from 1930’s to 1980’s, Jewelry, Hats & Footwear. Antique Furniture & Home Decor. vintageplayclothes.com . lvd B ica 2 Santa Monica Blvd. 170 405 Highland Ave. Orange County downtownsanclemente.com • southcoastfurniture.com archivehome.net • 1lookvintage.com • ElsewhereVintagecom mydeelux.com • JoyrideVintage.com • thebrickbasement.com La Brea Ave. thehuntvintage.com • gimmegimmerecords.com • susannehollis.com hotboxvintage.com • vaultofupland.com • lockjawgarage.com antiquesofpasadena.com • novotnysantiques.com • pattyescloset.com crowncityvintagelighting.com • unchartedantiques.com kingrichardsantiques.com • besamecosmetics.com • shabbyology.com kaleidoscopeantiques.org • signsofthetimesantiques.com goingantiquing.com Reproductions of Luxury Makeup from the 1920’s to 50’s. Vintage & Reproduction Accessories. Hats, Handbags, Stockings, Hair Flowers & Jewelry. besamecosmetics.com 12. Golyester 2121 S. Lincoln Blvd., Venice (310) 306-6742 4. H. Bleu San Gabrial Valley 3505 W. Magnolia Blvd., Burbank (818) 558-1558 Antique & Contemporary Hardware, Lighting & Other Decorative Accessories. lahardware.com Vintage Clothing & Vinyl Records. Antique Furniture to Bean Bags. Folk Art & Found Objects. Signage, Art & Design Gallery. Wooden Spanish Revival Style Furniture, Vintage Motorcycles. theveniceloveshack.com cherrytreecottage.org - oldtownyucca.com - gmcb.com/shop dejavuvintagefinery.blogspot.com • palmspringsvintagemarket.com stewartgalleries.com • lot58.com • victoriasatticantiques.com victoriasatticantiques.com • mistysconsignments.com hedgepalmsprings.com • at-hom.com • jpantik.com 21. Besame Cosmetics 453 S. La Brea Ave., L.A. (323) 939-4403 60 Dealer Antique Mall. Antique Furniture, Lighting, Fine Art, Vintage & Estate Jewelry, Art Pottery, China & Crystal. Cahuenga Blvd. & RETRO Palm Springs 3606 W. Magnolia Blvd., Burbank (818) 559-9586 11. Liz’s Antique Hardware 526 Pier Ave., Hermosa Beach (310) 318-2800 Long Beach 19. Furniture Sisters 4619 W. Pico Blvd., L.A. (323) 935-8438 2. Stars Antique Market longbeachantiquemall.com • urbanamericana.com seventhwavesurfshop.com • xcapelongbeach.com • lbvintage.com rusticroostdecor.com • inretrospect.com • magnoliaandwillow.com backinthedayclassics.com • giltcomplexantiques.com etsy.com/shop/TheRomanticHome • performanceplustire.com shopconversationpieces.com • vintageemporium.com acastleofbooks.com • orangeyougladweregreen.blogspot.com NEED INFO ??? Christopher Reece: (562) 852-6490 info@shoppersmap.com 10. REHAB Vintage Interiors 21126 S. Avalon Blvd., Carson (310) 684-4900 Fairfax Ave. San Diego antiquesinsandiego.com • empireenterprisesca.com thecornerstoreob.com • antiquesinsandiego.com • at-hom.com antiquesinsandiego.com • fourthstreetantiques.com vignettesantiques.com - karensconsignmentgallery.com nauticalantiquestoresandiegoca.com • boomerangformodern.com indiastreetantiques.com • missiongalleryantiques.com laloupevintage.com • stuffonadams.com • klassikdesign.com etsy.com/shop/THEGIRLCANTHELPITUSA carlsbadantiques.com • upcycledhomegarden.com theantiquevillage.com Reeceʼs 1. Back In The Day La Cienega Blvd. Los Angeles offthewallantiques.com • lahardware.com resurrectionvintage.com • golyester.com • whatkatiedid.com cyclicfurniture.com • rehabvintage.net • mybabyjo.com americangarageantiques.com • galeriesommerlath.com jeffersonwest.com • surfingcowboys.com • shophbleu.com theveniceloveshack.com • themartcollective.com furnituresisters.com • soantiquemall.com • uniquevintage.com backinthedayclassics.com • thebluepigstore.com squareup.com/storebeardedladysmuseum vintageplayclothes.com • bestoftimesantiques.com cliffordantiques.com • misscharlotteontheweb.com besamecosmetics.com • pinupgirlclothing.com Vintage Los Angeles & Burbank Bl Pico Pico Blvd. Venice Blvd. 10 3420 W. Magnolia Blvd., Burbank 1 (877) 221-2472 toll free Vintage Inspired Lingerie, Corsets & Stockings Based on Designs from the 40’s & 50’s. whatkatiedid.com 24. Burbank Antiques/Mr. Lunch Box 3423 W. Magnolia Blvd., Burbank (818) 845-5700 Lunch Boxes, Star Wars, Star Trek, Vegas, Fine Art, Posters, Barbie, Etc. 3 29. Unique Vintage 2013 W. Magnolia Blvd., Burbank (818) 848-1540 6 187 Blvd . 5 4 d. Blv Duq ues 9 ne A ve. lvd. ice B Ven 1 105 1644 Victory Blvd., Glendale (818) 552-3646 British Antiques & Collectibles, Mid-Century, Vintage & Retro. Family Run, Inventory Shipped from Scotland. Georgian Chests, Victorian Bamboo, Danish & G-Plan. Restoration & Repair. cliffordantiques.com ........................................................................... 110 405 30. Clifford Antiques Vintage Los Angeles & Burbank ........................................................................... 110 Los Angeles 90 Venice Vintage-Inspired Clothing & Accessories from the 1920’s - 1960’s & Bridal Salon. uniquevintage.com ........................................................................... ........................................................................... Exposition Blvd. on co ln r lve Cu Jefferson Blvd. 8 Blv d. Lin 7 110 N 405 E W S 105 91 1 Hermosa Beach Avalon Blvd. 23. What Katie Did Vintage Collectibles, Antiques, Barware, Tobacianna, Artwork & More. thebluepigstore.com 405 Jeff ers Vintage Boutique Featuring Furniture, Home Decor, Lighting, Pyrex, Clothing, Hats & Accessories From 20’s to 60’s. misscharlotteontheweb.com 10 . Ave tor 3429 “B” W. Magnolia Blvd., Burbank (818) 562-7883 National Blvd. Mo 22. Miss Charlotte’s Vintage 28. The Blue Pig 2306-A W. Magnolia Blvd., Burbank (310) 948-6456 Artesia Blvd. ve. Pier A 2 Carson 1
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