Capital Projects Claim #2011-3c
Capital Projects Claim #2011-3c
Fresno's Chaffee Zoo Corporation General Ledger Report 10/27/2011 09:37:40 AM Trans. Date Journal Reference Accounts Payable Journal Entry Journal Entry Journal Entry Journal Entry Journal Entry Journal Entry Accounts Payable Journal Entry Journal Entry Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Journal Entry Journal Entry Accounts Payable Journal Entry Accounts Payablc Journal Entry Accounts Payablc Accounts Payablc Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Journal Entry Journal Entry Accounts Payable Accollnt Beginning Balance Home Depot Credit Services-supplies ReclassifY Hard Times Fence Company Reclassify Hard Times Fence Company Reclassify I-lard Times Fence Company Reclassify Bush Construction & Remodeling Reclassify Bush Construction & Remodeling Reclassify Hard Times Fence Company Ransom Concrete Construction, -concrete fou G & B Mobile Welding, Inc.-exhibit renovat G & B Mobile Welding, Ine.-cxhibit renovat CL Aviaries Inc.-bird of prey Corners Limited-panel for bird of prey Ransom Concrete Construction, -bird of prey f G & B Mobile Welding, Inc.-cxhibit renovat Alan Mok Engineering-Retaining Wall Design City of Fresno-Permits for New Sea Lion Exhi Reclassify City of Fresno-Permits for New Sea City of Fresno-Pernlits for New Sea Lion Exhi Reclassify City of Fresno-Pcrmits for New Sea Alliance Enginccring of Oregon-Code Review City of Fresno-Permits REVERSE-City of Fresno-Permits Visa- Premicr Valley Bank-Misc. Expenscs ACCO Engineered Systcms, Inc.-Install AC u Apex Masonry Inc.-Retaining Sea Lion Wall Bronco Concrele, Inc.-Sea Lion Exhibit Reedley Irrigation & Supply-Tiger Enclonsure Page 1 Debit Amount Credit Amount Balance Project Desc. 1341 - Exhibits Account: 1/112011 112012011 1126/2011 1126/2011 1126/2011 1/26/2011 1/26/2011 1/26/2011 21112011 2128/2011 212812011 3/1412011 3/1412011 3129/2011 4/512011 4/512011 5/1712011 5/1712011 5/18/2011 5/18/2011 6/612011 7/2112011 7/22/2011 7/28/20 II 8/24/2011 8/24/2011 8/24/2011 8/3112011 1-1341-00 (Exhibits) 5882-704 5934-1 5934-3 5934-5 5934-9 5934-11 5934-7 5922-99 6412-3 6412-1 6028-50 6028-52 6063-470 6412-5 6438-9 6219-502 6412-8 6219-625 6412-10 6271-31 6339-413 6371-626 6371-467 6427-69 6438-17 6438-19 6448-28 5256,771.00 5121.73 $13,000.00 $3,500.00 54,000.00 $2,900.00 $2,900.00 $4,500.00 $6,800.00 5544.88 54,000.00 54,700.00 519,547.35 53,600.00 55,751.94 5900.00 3·C. 520,565.85 P" VIJI y..?--{~/··~"'5 WJ 4/0/5'!(I"'/l 1/ j Tiger Exhibit Tiger Exhibit Tiger Exhibit Tiger Exhibit Tiger Exhibit Tiger Exhibit Tiger Exhibit Bird Of Prey Exhibit Bird Of Prey Exhibit Bird Of Prey Exhibit Bird Of Prey Exhibit Bird Of Prey Exhibit Bird Of Prey E.xhibit Bird Of Prey Exhibit Existing Sea Lion Exh New Sca Lion Exhibit New Sca Lion Exhibit New Sca Lion Exhibit New Sca Lion Exhibit Hospital Quarantine New Sea Lion Exhibit New Sea Lion Exhibit Reptilc Exhibit Replile Exhibit Existing Sea Lion Exh Existing Sea Lion Exh Tiger Exhibit 1/ 520,565.85 5890.00 $890.00 $300.00 $4,747.18 $4,747.18 5/ 6/ $769.60 $11,768.00 $7,190.00];;. $2,250.00 $4,520.96 c. $129,767.49 ACCOIlllt SlIbtotals 526,203.03 9/3012011 Accollnt Net Challge 5 I03,564.46 9/30/2011 AccolIlll Elldillg Balollce 5360,335.46 1350 - Grounds Account: 11112011 2/16/2011 2/28/2011 3/8/2011 3/8/2011 7/5/2011 1-1350-00 (Grounds) 6438-1 6438-3 6438-5 6438-7 6438-11 Journal Journal Journal Journal Journal Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Accolllll Begillllillg Balallce Rosenbalm Rockery-Cafe Paving Rosenbalm Rockery-pavers for concession ar Pacific Coast Suppy, LLC-Cafe Pacific Coast Suppy, LLC-Cafe Country Casual, Inc.-Trash Receptacles 9/ 10/ $0.00 $4,092.41 $376.16 $2,716.09 $519.76 ~6:tie- CA {-l .t; R.- S 11 J '? A...- K-'/. 7' :z... 1/ Conecsssion Coneesssion Conccsssion Concesssion Concesssion Improve Improve Improve Improve Improve Fresno's Chaffee Zoo Corporation General Ledger Report 10/27/2011 9:37:40AM Date Account: 7/812011 7/812011 Trans. 1~1350.00 Debit Amount _ _..:C:::re:.d:.i:::t.:.A:::m:::o:.u::n.::t Journal Reference Journal EntIy Journal Entry Wood Wiley & lebian-Canvas Roof Support Wood Wiley & Jebian-Nosarn Grille Arbor S 11111011 9/3011011 913012011 .....:B:.:a:::la::n:.:c::.e Project Desc. (Grounds) 6438-13 6438-15 AccoutJI Sublolals 913012011 913012011 Page 2 $880.00 Concesssion Improve Concesssion Improve ~ $16.736.02 50.00 SI6.736.02 $16.736.02 Accollnt Nel Change Account Ending Balance Grand Total Beginning Balallce Grand To/al Nel Change Grand Total Ending Balance $256.771.00 $120.300.48 $377.071.48 Fresno's Chaffee Zoo Corp-oration General Ledger Report 1012712011 09:36:04 AM Date Trans. Journal Debit Amount Reference 1602 - Construction in Progress-Construction Account: Page 1 Credit Amount Balance Project Desc. ----- ----- 1-1602-00 (Construction in Progress-Construction) 91112011 91612011 9114/2011 911912011 9122/2011 913012011 913012011 913012011 6448-102 6507-28 6507-290. 6507-434 6507-740 6507-755 6550-190 Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Account Beginning Balance lP Landscape, Inc.-Landscapers for Sea Lion ( Custom Rock-Rock Delivery AON Risk Insurance Services We-Builders R Reylonds Polymer Technology, I-storage for S lP Landscape, Inc.-Landscapers for Sea Lion C Bronco Concrete, Inc.-Concrete work at Sea L Matt Construction Corporation-Sea Lion Cove $859,196.41 New Sea Lion Exhibit New Sea Lion Exhibit New Sea Lion Exhibit New Sea Lion Exhibit New Sea Lion Exhibit New Sea Lion Exhibit New Sea Lion Exhibit $780.00 $675.00 11/ $5,131.00 12/ $1,000.00 $660.00 13/ $12,771.06 17/ $569,217.26 Accollnt Subtotals $590,234.32 1/ $0.00 913012011 Accollnt Net Change $590,234.32 913012011 Accollnt Ending Balance $1,449,430.73 1603 - Utilities Account: 91112011 912212011 1~1603-00 (Utilities) 6438-21 Journal EntI)' Account Begbllling Balance Alan Mok Engineering-Schematic Infrastru AccOI/1lt Subtotals 913012011 913012011 91112011 913012011 913012011 $0.00 16/ Capital Utilities $5,300.00 $5,300.00 1/ $0.00 ACCO/Illt Nel Change Accollllt Ending Balance $5,300.00 $5,300.00 Grand Total Beginning Balallce $859,196.41 Grand Total Net Change Grand Total Eliding Balance $595,534.32 $1,454,730.73 £.U I r-uo·UL P 2/2 1.c..U' Apex Masonry Inc 6303 N, Anna St. Fresno, CA 93710 Invoice vA? r\PIl/ W O ~ (MI~~.....wPr-t~~~ ~~~ Dale Invoice # 8/1/2011 547 Bill To Fresno ChulTc Zou &94 W. Bdmont A\'c. Fresno, CA P.O. No. Quantity Description Terms Project Amount Rate &94 W. Belmont Ave. fresno. CA: Dc:mo and rebuild ofbJock wall according to contract Credit: Use of Bobcat Total 7.350.00 7.3S0.00 -160.00 -160.00 $7.190.00 2/ Bronco Concrete, Inc. Invoice 2555 E: Perrin Ave., Suite 105 Fresno, CA 93720 (559) 323-5005 Fax (559) 322-5505 Date Invoice # 8/3/20 I I 7949 Bill To Fresno Chaffee Zoo 894 W. Belmont Ave. Fresno, CA 93728 Quantity Job Address Terms Due Date Date Completed Sea Lion Net 30 9/2/2011 7/27/11 Description Rate Contracted Amount- Stamped Wan..-way: 18' x 7' sidewalk, with wire mesh & color. Plus 14 inch square 3 II deep pier sltlmped PREVAILING WAGE Amount 2.250.00 2,250.00 Sea Lion Wnlb:way - - Total Balance Due $2,250.00 $2,250.00 2/ Certified Payroll Report Contractor BRONCO CONCRETE INC Chaffee Zoo:Sea Lion Project 2555 E PERRIN AVE SUITE 105 FRESNO, CA 05201 -...-. Employee Name ~ _. ID _ Work Classification Prevailing Wage . . . Prevailing Wage 894 W. Belmont Ave. Fresno, CA 93728 1 For Week Ending 713012011 Hours Worked by Day Total Mon Tue Wed Thu Fei Satl TlmeSheetj Paid Pay Social Medl· Federal Slare JOb[ Fringe! Total Pay ,,:s=;:u;;n'-':;;;;.:....:='-'-~'-';;;;:'-;;;;-~ Ratel Gross Pay Security care Ta. Ta. Other Deduct Net Pay Type I 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 I Hoursl Hours Rate Gross Pay 881.08 37.01 12.77 40.00 15.25 10.57 115.60 765.48 8.00 2.00 472.101 18.561 lo.00i 10.00 47.21 RT I I RT 8.00 2.00 I I i 10.00i 10.00 47.21 RT 1.50 1. 50 1 1.50 61.54 I I , 472. 10 1 18.561 I . . Prevailing OTWage Project/Contract # Payroll Number 92.31 828.03 34.78 12.01 122.00 31.07 9.94 209.80 618.23 828.03 34.78 12.01 122.00 31.07 9.94 209.80 618.23 I ! 1856 1 I Date Aug-03, 2011 I, Koisha Ray, omco Manager, do hereby st.::lle: (1) That' pay OlIlUpet\llSe the paymenl at the pe~cns emp!o)oed by BRONCO CONCRETE INC on the project Cllatree lao Sea lion; Illal dunng the payroll perIOd commenong on JuJ..24. :xl11 and endLng on Jul-3O. 2011 a!1 pen;Of\S employed on 1M said pfOtl!C1 nave been paLCllhe full Wl!eldy wages eamed, In'll no rebates I'\ave been orwoU be ma1:le e,lnerd.rectly Ilf' Ind.rect'Y 10 oren bella:1 at said BRONCO CONCRETi: INC !rom the run ~eklywagl!s earned by any Pl!rsen, other Ihan pemllsSlble dedlJdlOrlS as defined in Regutallons. Part J (29 CFR Sutllllle A), issued by lfle SeeletalY ofLulXll' under Ihe Copeland Act, liS ameflded (4S Stal. 94!1, 1S3 SllIL 106, 72 SIll!. 967; 76 Sun 357; l,() US C 276c1. and C!5C1JlJed beloW (2) Trtat any payrollS alrterMse under lhls c:onlr.lcl reqUired 10 be 5ubmilled for lhe above period are correct and compiele. Irtallhe wage rates for laborers and mechanl~ contained therein arl! not less than the applicable wage rales contained in any wage determination Incorporaled mto the conlract; thallhe claSSIr.calions set forth therein for each laboler or mechanu: conform wlttllhe work he performed (3J ThaI any apprenllces employed 11\ Ihe aXnre perIOd are dU!y regtSlered in a bona rICe applenttceshlp program reg,stered 'Mtn a Siale app'ellllceshtp agency recogniZed by the Bufe3u 01 ApprenticeSf1ip and Trail1lng, United Slale1l Depastmet1l 01 Labor. of II no IUCh recognIZed agency Ul!;ts In a Slate, are leg,stered Wl:h Ine Bute'lu of Apprer>llcesh p and Tra'nl19, Un,11!'::I States Depanmefll of Labor (4) ThaI tal WHERE FRINGE BENEFITS ARE PAID TO APPROVED PLANS, FUNDS, OR PROGRAMS C Il"I aeed,on 10 Ihe bas,c tlourtV wage rates paod to eaen laborer or mechaniC listed In the abcM! referenced payrod, payments oIlringe benefJls as Iosted In the contract nave been or WlU be made 10 appropriate piOG!amtilor Ine bener,1 01' such employees, ext:'l!pl as noled in SecllOO 4(c) below (b) WHERE FRINGE 8ENEFITS ARE PAID IN CASH ',S:.. Each laOorer or mechanIC listed In lne abavll referenCed payroll has been paid, as ind,ealed on Ihe paylOR, an amount not Iesslhan ttle sum ollhe applicable basi(; hourly wage rille plUSL the amount 01 ttle reqUired Innge tIllneflts as IIsled In the conlract, except as nOled In Section 4(c) below I (c) EXCEPTIONS EJa:eObOn ICfilft) Ello!<mal,on RemarIG Nilme and Tille Keisha Ray, OffICe Manager Signalure (~ Tl1E WIUFUl. FALSIFICATION OF ANY OF THE ABOve STATEMENTS I.lAY SUBJECT THE CONTRACTOR OR SUBCOtfTRACTOR TO CIVil OR CRIMINAL PROSECUTION SEE SECTlON 1001 OF TmE 18 AND SECTION 231 OF TmE31 OFTH=: UNITED STATES CODE PhOlldl, Fax# ,r"r,!}-~,!j(i-:'I!}()() Invoice oo~~ ,\ __ Solt- a \ !i!i!}-~.'i(i-;·\!)()(i 1'-- . • .- &5 \\ww.llll"'O("k~IJ.("OIl1 1745 1 Hughes Ave Fresno, CA ~):1705 I DATE I INVOICE NO. 1/2Hj2011 y SHIP TO j'------------------- L_.__ _ : Fresno Chaffee Zoo 894 W Belmont Ave : Fresno, CA 93728 ! P~r (;r~g __ _ _ _ _ , '! I I --r-- - - - I DUE DATE .. r·-----·-- TERMS i- .-_ .. r--------r-----·------ ._- , ITEM DESCRIPTION I k~ro-cOhhk- I -Sa... IEuro-l~ohhle- I ~S;;;-;d;;,O~-----,01 7/1 Ii" x Hill" Euro·l'ohhlc- II ·S... I I/lh 7/lh -Sandslone I -----1- -- I , I i 10J .-...J_. I HHli I HHI i I Ncl30 ..__. 2/27j2011 ., __ L. i RATE _ AMOUNT I ---.--~L--.-------_i I O.7,1,1!J.1 i Hlja! I ~:t.:I'l>-:'Oh;',lc- I~ !IO:uro-l'IIII!I)e-Mago.. : I QTY ---_._-,---I I .-l .. _. l.laH71 !)H2.7IT: i (jl;9.77T i I X oj EUI'l>-('II!I!,)e-M<lJ.,'lllllJ1-Salll!sIOlle H 1;.1" x 10 7/H" t) I}l} I -. __ 1 I I H.!J7.1% Frl'slIo Co. (ill' Sl<lll' Board or 10:qualiz;lliOIl IPa1ll'1 DCJlosil # 172 P<lllcl DeJlosil IPallel DeJlosil (:; I·mdimd<lhld iI IP<lllel DCJl. I T,Lx ilem uscd JiJl' lJ'llIsal'ljolls lTl'<lll'd ill (Juil'kBooks pOS I 1,%2.,jHT: ii :'12·1.,1.1 i a,ljl-l.!lIi 17.00 , 15a.00 O.O()"i, I :~21.1.1 I 0.00 I I I I , I ______._ _L Total Payments/Credits Balance Due We appreciate your business! I . I -L.__ :;1,092.11 SO.OO S4.092.41 2/ Pacific Supply esno Phone Fax Email .--------------------10-4-8-1-14-1 O~:!62~::!003 - . 1-559-264-2566 1-559-485-1753 VOice Information' Invoice number Invoice date Purchase order no. greg Delivery date Sales order number Delivery number Payment terms Payer peSl U10=00042} : 000876- 2/~ FRESNO'S CHAFFEE ZOO CORP. 894 W. BELMONT AVE. FRESNO CA 93728 Shipping Address 0211912011 8487151 68077880 1% 10TH PROX, NET 25TH PROX 800510238 FRESNO'S CHAFFEE ZOO C the zoo (greg's job) 800510238 FRESNO'S CHAFFEE ZOO CORP. the zoo (greg's job) 894 w belmont FRESNO CA 93728 188132000 02/22/2011 Plant Dely-FOB Dest, Frt PPD Incoterms Carrier Net weight Salesperson Entered by 4,863 LB B Pimental See reverse side lor terms & condllions of sale Invoice Details Item 0010 Page 1 of 1 Material! Desription Quantity 0200096905 440 FT2 ES LIMESTONE SHILO FLAT BB 110SF 0020 0200096908 61.23 61.23 /1 CAR 3EA 80# TYPE S MORTAR 345 2,358.40 11 FT2 (4 PAL) (0.083 PAL) 0100032441 Amount 5.36 1 CAR ES LIMESTONE SHILO CNR SB 7LF 0030 Unit Price 7.59 22.77 11 EA (0.071 PAL) Material Total Fuel Surcharge Total Tax Amount If paid by /lIe discount date below you may deduct $26.66 2,442.40 50.00 223.69 Total Amount USD $ 2,716.09 2/ . REMIT TO: 4290 ROSEVILLE ROAO NORTH HIGHLANDS CA 95660-5710 USA Terms: Up 10 03/1012011 you receive 1.000 % discounl Up 10 0312512011 wilhouf deduction Pacific Coast Supply, LLC - ~~:i:~ ~ , • . 'Rlsk Services I AOIV Invoice No. 8100000177904 Fresno's Chaffee Zoo Corp. Aon Risk Insurance Services West, Inc. Fresno CA Olfice 5260 North Palm Avenue Suite 400 Fresno CA 93704 (559) 449-7200 FAX (559) 439-0663 Fresno's Chalfee Zoo Corp. AlIn: Brian Goldman 694 W. Belmont Ave. Fresno CA 93721-2691 USA , ----Client Account No. ~lnvoice Date 570000025762 Insurance Co. The Hanover Insurance Co 1 Sep-05-2011 Policy No.1 Named Insured US DOLLAR Policy Term Aug-15-2011 Aug-15-2012 IHF92pB207 -~c=-u=-~-re-n-c-y Trans. Eff. Date Aug-15-2011 oJ Account Executive Joanne Moore , ------ Description Amount New - Builders Risk Coverage Fresno's Chaffee Zoo Corp. Premium 5,131.00 TOTAL INVOICE AMOUNT DUE 5,131.00 Commonts Builders Risk for Sea Lion Cove 4/ TO AVOID POTENTIAL DISRUPTION IN COVERAGE, PLEASE PAY IMMEDIATELY. For Wire Instructions. contact your Account Executive. Please see reverse side (or statement regarding Aon compensa/ioll. Page 1 of 1 607 Hollingsworih 51. Grand Junclion. Colorado 81505 USA I 970·2J I·J700. Fox 970·2.:1.J7J7 \·NI\' INVOICE INVOICE # Date 30865 9/1/2011 Bill To: Fresno Chaffee Zoo 894 W Belmont Ave Fresno, CA 93728 Ship To: Fresno Zoo 894 W Belmont Ave Fresno, CA 93728 Lisa Condoian SALESPERSON P.O. NUMBER SHIP DATE SHIP VIA F.0.8. Destination TERMS Josh Fritz RPT Contract ETD - TBD TBD Fresno, CA Due on receipt UNIT PRICE . AMOUNJ JOB: Fresno Zoo QUANT'lTY 4 DESCRIPTION Storage for Sept 2011 per week 250.00 }$~ $ : 1,ooofgQ,\ ; j I • ';0 Co : 'Ii I ...a; _ _ SUBTOTAL To Wire Funds: 1,~9£·OO NIA TAX RATE 121000248 - Bank Name Wells Fargo Bank, NA Beneficiary Acet# 6068003769 Ben. Ace\. Name Reynolds Polymer Technology, Inc • ,.1 ~i-;~QJ J) _ ABA/Routing # __ JJ • •• w Less Deposit --- - SHIPPING & HANDLING TOTAL !l:JS0 -- 1 ;OOO:OO~ 4/ ").-- 0c..~~Make all checks payable to Reynolds Polymer Technology, Inc If you have any questions conceming this invoice, contact ~ayle Nickerson (970) 241-4700 X415 THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS! Bronco Concrete, Inc. Invoice 2555 E. Perrin Ave.. Suite 105 Fresno, CA 93720 (559) 323-5005 Fax (559) 322-5505 Date Invoice # 9/16110 I I 8043 Bill To Fresno ChaITcc Zoo 894 W. Belmont Ave. Fresno, CA 93728 Quantity Job Address Tenns Due Date Date Completed 894 W Belmont Net 30 10/1612011 9/1/11 Description Rate Contracted Amount - Retaining Wall: Set up and pour a 114' long x 26" Tall (8" below grade & 18" above grade) x 12" wide retaining wall willI 2% color. No cap on retaining wall. Reinforced with 2 #4 rebar continuous. Concrete line pump included in price. Prevailing wages included. Contracted Amount - Extra cost to deepen wall to 12" below grade Cost of time and material for extra cost for Keyway and color (Leather) prevailing wage included Amount 10,250.00 10,250.00 984.00 984.00 1,537.06 1,537.06 Total Balance Due $12,771.06 $)2,771.06 4/ Certified Payroll Report Project Contractor BRONCO CONCRETE INC Chaffee Zoo:Sea Uon Retaining W; Project/Contract # 894 W. BelmontAve. Payroll Number Fresno, CA 93728 For Week Ending 2555 E PERRIN AVE SUITE 105 FRESNO, CA 05201 Employee Name Work Classification 10 . . . Prevailing Wage Hours Worked by Day Social Mcdl· Federal State Pay ISun Mon Tue Wed Thu Frl Sat I TimeSheet; Paid Pay Fringe l Total Tax 31 1 2 3 I Hours Hours Rate Gross Pay Ratel Gross Pay Security care Tax Type I 28 29 30 50.00 22.63 RT 3.00 715.43 30.05 10.38 141. 63 1 18. 56 1 3.00j 3.00 47.21 JObl ! _ RT 3.00 . - : Prevailing Wage RT 8.00 8.00 8.00 - . Prevai6ng OT Wage RT 0.25 0.251, 0.25 81.56 5.00 8.00 8.00 21.00i 21.00 47.21 ~ Prevailing Wage RT ~ Prevailing OT Wage RT ~ Prevailing Wage RT 7.75 _ _ Prevailing Wage RT 8.00 8.00 8.00 1.50 1.50 1.75 I 4. 75 1 , 7.7 5 i 4.75 61.54 7.75 47.21 24.001 24.00 47.21 I Total Other Deduct Net Pay 8.58 121.64 593.79 9.01 658.29 I 751.29 3.001 3.00 47.21 . 141.63 1 18. 56 i , 1 24.00; 24.00 47.21 1,133. 04 1 18. 58 1 1,467.63 ,I Wage Preva~ing 1 913/2011 31.55 10.89 31.00 10.55 81.64 21.28 128.00 59.88 17.82 288.20 1,179.43 61.84 21.28 128.00 59.86 17.62 288.20 1,179.43 87.98 23.47 320.00 109.92 .380.57 140.80 1,477.80 18. 56 1 1,618.60 67.98 23.47 320.00 109.92 ·380.57 140.80 1,477.80 863.68 365.881 18.561, ! ! ",33. 04 1 18. 58 1 1,391.63 36.27 12.52 37.00 4.01 58.45 20.18 116.00 86.70 15.391 18. 56 1 1,467.63 I 991.41 292. 32 18.56 1 1,618.60 i I 10.36 100.16 A/ 008 763.52 18.70 298.03 1,093.80 ! A/ 93.00 0. C 715.43 751.29 1,467.63 1,467.63 1,618.60 1,618.60 863.68 1,391.63 + + + + + + + + 9,894.49 Total prevailing wages included in * line 1 of invoice on previous page. No exception. Dat~: Sep-16, 2011 I, K~lsha R3Y, amee Manager, do hereby state: (1) Thall pay or supelVise Ihe payment of lhe person, ~ by BRONCO CONCRETE INC on Iha projed Cha~ee Zoo:Sea Won Relaln:ng WaH Sept 2011: II'Iat during the payn:U penoa commenCIng DO Aug·28, 2011 and ending on Sep-03, 2011 0:1 persons employed en 1M said pTqed hil'" been pard the lu' wee~ wages eilmea, that no rtbilles I'lilVe been or WIll be milde edher dll'ect'y C4' ioctrectli' to or on behalf cI S3ld BRONCO CONCRETE INC from the fu~ Meklv wages earned by any pereoo, other U'liIn ~mHsslblll deouctlClrls as Oer.ned In ReguIal'ClOs, Pan 3 (29 CFR Sublllle A). 15Sued by the Secretary c1latlor unOerlhe COpeland Act, as amended {All Stat 948,63 Stat 108, ;2 Slat 957; 76 51.111357; 40 U S.C 276c}, and c1escnbed belot¥: (2) Thill any payro~s olhl!'lWlSIl under Illls conlract leqUlled 10 be suDmrced lei the ilbOve penod are l;OI'fKt ana compIele; ltUIlll'le wage tales Jar la~ and mechanics conlained U1erein are nolless than Itle applll;able wage tales ccrt.ained In anywage de:erTnlnallon InCDfPOraled ,",0 lhe conlracl; lhallhe classlrocallOns 'el lortl'ltl'len:ln lor eal;h latK1H!r or mechilnlt I;tlnform ......ttl Ihe WOl1I: he perlormed (3) Thill ilny apprenhl;es emplaied in lhe aDcwa peflOd ilra duly reglslered in II bona fide apprenllceshlp program regislered WIIh II Slale apprenllce'5hip agancy recogntled by the Bureau 01 Apprenbceship and Tlilinang, Unlled SlaleS Departmeni 01 Labor, 0111 no such reccgnlZed agency l!Jl~ts in a Slate, afe fegistefed WIlh Ihe Bureau 01 Apprentl~lp and Tr.:llrwng, UnIled Department oIlaool (4ITha1 (II) WHERE FRINGE BENEFITS ARE PAID TO APPROVED PLANS, FUNDS, OR PROGRAMS In addJllon to the baste hourly wIISle rales pilld 10 e<lch laborer or mechaniC ~sted in lhe above rerefeneed payloll, payments or rnnge Denefil' as listed In lhe contract have been or WIll be ma~e 10 IIppropnale programs for Ille bcneM of such employees, excepl as noted '" Secllon 4(c) belcr.Y I o jb} WHERE FRlrlGE BENEFITS ARE PAID IN CASH '(ZI Eacll bll(lfer or mechan.c:: Ifsle~ In lhe at:lO>'e feferenced payJOll nss been paid, as In~,cated 0l11tle p"'pol, an amount nat Jess than !he sum oIlhe appiica!lle DaSIC I'lourtywage rate pll.r.; the a:n:;JUnl cIlhe required Innge benef.l& as hsle~ In the contrllcl, excepl a!. notea 10 Sealoo 4jcl below I Ie) E.xCEPTIONS ExceotlQn fCralU I E,oplanatien Remarkll Name and Tlte Keisha Ray, on'"lCe M<lnager s~'Cy;\ I THE WILL.FUL FALSIFICATION OF ANY OF THE ABOVE STATEMENTS MAY SUBJECT THE CONTRACTOR DR SU8CONTlMCTOR TO CIVIL OR CRIMINAL PROSECUTION. SEE SECTrON 1001 OF Tl1l.E 18 AND SECTION 231 OF TITLE 31 OF THE UNITED STATES CODE SSE. UDSE INVOICE #310 August 31,2011 File No. 211-0150 Mr. Scott Barton, Chief Executive Officer Fresno Chaffee Zoo Corporation 894 W. Belmont Ave Fresno, CA 93728 Project: Schematic Infrastructure Design for Fresno Chaffee Zoo Work Performed: Provided Civil Engineering services as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Review sea lion cove drainage plan and discuss with the city for other drainage option. Prepare preliminary drainage calculations and meet with FMFCD over drainage option. Prepare basin alternative study and prepare cost estimate. Prepare backbone storm drainage pipeline study and preliminary cost estimate. Meeting with the district to discuss IT issues and the location of the fiber optic line. Design Engineer 1-- Alan Mok, PE, PLS. LEED AP Principal 7415 N. Palm Avenue Ste 101. Fresno. CA 93711 Tel 559-432-6879 Cell 559-930-1359 Fax 559-432-6897 I . .) ( LJ l I 53.0hr@ $1 OO/hr $5,300.00 Total Fee Due $ 5,300.00 ~ () [.i ;.A..eC1:..V.. . ~ "2J._:"-~ l :~ ~ l .. 4/ CERTIFICATION OF PAYMENT SEA LION COVE PROJECT October 3, 2011 Based on on-site observations and the data compromising the attached application, the September 2011 payment application for Matt Construction in the amount of $569,217.26 is herby certified. 18/ 4/ To the best of our knowledge, information and belief the Work has progressed as indicated and the quality of work is in accordance with the contract documents and Matt Construction is entitled to the payment certified by the Architect on the attached application. s;,~ ~ ~ Scott Barton, Director and CEO -=j- C>c:..~ t\ Date INVOICE F0166 Fresno Chaffee Zoo Corporation 894 W. Belmont Avenue Fresno, CA 93728 30303 Chaffee Zoo Sea Lion Cove September 30,2011 Contract Sum To Date Total Completed & Stored to Date Total Retainage Total Earned Less Retainage Less Previous Requests For Payment Current Payment Due Remittance Due: C 25/ 50,501.00 30/ 9,112.50 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 34/ ATTN: Mr. Scott Barton, Director and CEO JOB: 0. 40,989.00 38/ 9,325.80 42/ 4,563.00 46/ 134,150.94 105,764.00 58,337.00 99,836.06 68/ 26,228.25 301.20 23/ 1,818.19 2,767.83 1,297.51 307.50 31.61 422.19 24/ 5,424.36 18,081.23 019 569,259.17 51/ 56/ 61/ October 30, 2011 * $ 8,130,380.00 24/ 1,228,298.43 24/ 80,704.46 1,147,593.97 578,376.71 $ 569,217.26 17/ difference insignificant Matt Construction Corporation 9814 Norwalk Boulevard, #100 Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 Tltank You! l\Frcsno·fs·]ldnt.olProjects Opcn130303 Fresno CltnlTee Zoo Se.1 Lion CovelBillingl[30303-o9301l.xls)lnvoice 9814 Nomnlk BoulevDnl, Sulle lOa • Snnln Fe Springs, CA 90670 • (562) 903-2277 FAX: (562) 903·2290 • License 11631020 APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT TO OWNER: Fresno Chaffee Zoo AlA Document G702 1 PAGE OF 5 PAGES PROJECT: Fresno Ch3ffco Zoo· Sea Uon Cove B!l4 W. Bolmont Avo. Frll'M, CA 894 W. Belmont AvtJ. 93128 9'3128 APPLICATION NO.: 5 FRlsno, CA PERIOO TO :30-SEP-11 CONTRACTOR INVOiCE NO. F000166 7575 N. Plilm AV'l!nuo CONTRACT DATE: 22·SEP-1 0 Sullo 101 Frulno. CA B o ARCHITECT PROJECT NOS.: 30303 ARCHITECT: FROM CONTRACT?R: Matt Conslruclion Corpora.11on Distribution to: DOWNER o CONTRACT FOR: Fresno Chaffee Zoo· Sea lion Covo CONTRACTOR'S APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT Application Is made for payment. as sho'M'l below. In connecUon wllll the Contract ConUnuation sheet Is allachad. 1. ORIGINAL CONTRACT SUM $ 2. Net change by change orders ••••••••••••.••. $ 3. CONTRACT SUM TO DATE (Line1 +/- 2) .•..... $ 4. TOTAL COMPLETED & STORED TO DATE •••.. $ I S,130,380.00 0.00 8,130,380.00 1,228,298.43 (Column G on G703) The undatBllJned Contrllclor eMlna. 1111110 Iho best of tho Conl/nctot's 1uI0wlcdglJ, Information and bollor lho wM; covored by this ApplJcnlloo lor Payment hOis boon compleled In alOCOrdanco wllh Iho Conlracl ODCU/Tlllnll:. thol 0111 amOllnts hOI\" been paid by tho Conlruclor forWOlk 'Of Whlctl prOvl0tl5 CortiRcalft5 for pOlymeR! woro Iuued and paymcnl!l roco[ved flO/Tllhe Owoor, and lhat curronl payment sho.....n herein Is oowdulJ. Contrac all Construcllon corpomUon Dille: Stale of California County of: _ Subscribed and swam 10 (or afflrmod) before rna 00 thIs 5. RETAINAGE: Tolal relainage Column J of G703) ••••••••••••• , ••••• $ 6. TOTAL EARNED LESS RETAINAGE ••.•.•••••• $ 80,704.46 1;147,593.97 _"""""'",...._ doyor (Line 3 loss lIne G ) I i CHANGE ORDER SUMMARY ~DDITIONS Chonge Order appro....ed in pre....ious monlhs by Owner I APPRDVED THIS MONTH I Number I Data Appro....ed Ven' Nnm"Dlnian.. 7. LESS PREVIOUS CERTIFICATES FORPAYMENT (LIM 6 from prtorCl!ftIAcnIO) l.l11nlh -",==,,----- (1) . (Line 4 less Line 5 Tolal ) 8. CURRENT PAYMENT DUE .• , : .••.• ~ .•••••.. 9. BALANCE TO FINISH, INCLUDING RETAINAGE. .20 _ _ • by OiI:o $ $I 578,376.71 ~~~~~ 569,217.261 =~=~ $ 6982,78603 proved to me on the basis oll>o!israclolf 6vldenclil to be the person who appeared belore me{.) (.) (and _ H:lINIIllfS'll~' proved \0 me on the baslg or satisfactory evidonce 10 be lhe person who appearod before me.) DEDUCTIONS 0.00 -=== (2) 0.00 ~==-.==="...---- Slgnotufa Slgn.IUU'lIr Nal~ry PulJlil: My Commission expires: ARCHITECT'S CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT In llcc:crdOincu wllh tho CClOlr.Ict Oocumfln13. b,IIl0d on On-tllo obse.rwtlcms Bod tho dilla t:OlnprtslJ19 tho above appllcaUon. tho Al'chllKt C1lItJroes tD l1le ~Tlor 0,.1 Ie !he bo&l 01 lho Arch1tC(:I's knol'l'lodge. InformaUon lIod blllloliho Wc:r1r. hns progressed ns lndlCo'lod, Ihe qLlality or WClk Is In acrolllor'lC8 wilh Ihl! CQnlrilc{ DocLlments, and lhe CQnlruc[orls enliller:! 10 thll payment of lha AMOUNT CERTIF[EO. I I I AMOUNT CERT1F1ED _ S rA/fach 9:<:p1.m"Uon If"moun! cMinld r:f/ffl1r5 from tho IlmovnllJppllad (ar. ImlJnl figUfOlf on litis Applil;otlOll and on ilia CohUnu"t/OtI Shoa/that lit'll dlnngod /0 tonTo,," to U'e OlmOLm! corlififld.) ARCHITECT: CURRENT TOTAl- NQt Change by Change Orders I 0.00 I NA OOCUMErlT Gla2 • APPUCA.T10N ArlO CERTIFICATl! FOR PI,-VMEHT THe M\EItlCAtIIll:JT1TUE OF ARCIUTECTS 1735)lEW TOfU( AVENUE NW WASHINGTON DC 2CCIID i I I 0.00 0.00 By; ------ Da": _ ThIs CeJ1trJcale i. 001 negotiable. The AMOUNT CERTIFIED I, payable only 10 Ihe ContraClOr nnmod horein. IS5!r,lnco, paymtllll ond occeptance of paym,nl aro wlthaUlllrcjllO'lco fa ony I1gh15 0' Iho O'Mlor or ConlrllClor un::lor this Conlracl. r .. MATT CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONAL WAIVER AND RELEASE UPON PROGRESS PAYMENT Upon receipt by the undersigned of a check from Fresno Chaffee Zoo Corporation in the sum of $569,217.26 payable to Matt Construction Corporation and when the check has been properly endorsed and has been paid by the bank upon which it is drawn, this document shall become effective to release any mechanic's lien, stop notice, or bond right the undersigned has on the job of Fresno Chaffee Zoo - Sea Lion Cove - Project # 30303 located at 894 W Belmont Avenue - Fresno CA to the following extent. This release covers a progress payment for labor, services, equipment or materials furnished to Fresno Chaffee Zoo Corporation through September 30. 2011 and does not cover any retentions retained before or after the release date; extras furnished before the release date for which payment has not been received; extras or items furnished after the release date. Rights based upon work performed or items furnished under a written change order which has been fully executed by the parties prior to the release date are covered by this release unless "oecitically reserved by the claimant in this release. This release of any mechanic's lien, stop notice, or bond right shall Jt otherwise affect the contract rights, including rights between parties to the contract based upon a rescission, abandonment, or breach of the contract, or the right of the undersigned to recover compensation for furnished labor, services, equipment, or material covered by this release if that furnished labor, services, equipment, or material was not compensated by the progress payment. Before any recipient of this document relies on it, said party should verify . evidence of payment to the undersigned. Dated: MATT CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION 9/29/2011 Company Name By Please print name and title: STAFF ACCOUNTANT CIVIL CODE 3262(d)(1) PROVIDES: Where the claimant is required to execute a waiver and release in excllangefor, or in order to induce payment oj. a progress payment and the claimant is not, in fact, paid in exchange for the waiver and release or a single payee check orjoint payee check is given in exchange for the waiver and release, the waiver and release shallfollow substantially the form setforth above. i.. - Agreed prior numbers to claim 2C w/o exception Matt Construction CDrporation CONTINUATiON SHEET AlA DOCUMENT G703 AlA DOCUMENT G702. APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT, containing Contractor's signed Certification is allached. In tabulation below, amounts are slated 10 the nearest canl Use Column I on Contracts where variable retalnage for line ilams may apply. PAGE: 2 APPLICATION NUMBER :S APPLICATION DATE ;SEP/20/2011 INVOICE NO. FOOO166 PERIOD TO : SEP/30/2011 PROJECT NO : 30303 A B C D DESCRIPTION OF WORK CHANGE ORIGINAL ORDERS F G I H J WORK COMPLETED (D+E) SCHEDULED VALUE ITEM NO. E CURRENT FROM PREVIOUS APPLICATION THIS PERIOD TOTAL PER MATERIAL COMPLETED PRESENTLY AND STORED % STORED TO DATE (G/C) BALANCE TO FINISH RETAINAGE RELEASED THIS PERIOD RETAINAGE 8,130,JBD.OD 10 Trades 30303-014300-5 Final Cleaning 6,600.00 6,500.00 0.00 30303-020520-5 Site Demolition - Bowen Eng 70,140.00 0.00 70,140.00 0.00 30303-022100-0 Survey & layout. Bedrock Eng 75,900.00 0.00 75,900.00 1.532.50 30303-022100·T Survey & layout. BlC Surveying 7,156.00 O~O 7,156.00 7.156.03 30303-032000-5 Reinforced Sleel - H3n1S Rebar 140,'92.00 0.00 140,'92.00 0.00 30303-033000-5 Concrelo Work· McOono Const 901.193.00 0.00 901,79100 9,eno.00 30303.003713-5 S!)4,23G,00 0<0 89-l.236.00 0.00 30303-042000·5 Sholcrolo Rockscapes. Cost of Wisconsin Masonry - Advanced MDsonry 112,4'8.00 0.00 112,'48.00 30303-oSS000-B Mlscollaneous Motals 0.00 0.00 0.00 30303-055000-5 Mlsc Melols - KASCO Fob 270,830.00 0.00 30303-055010-5 Melel Mesh Enclosures. AIZ Consult 30,210.00 30303-062000-5 Rough Carpentry - BKC, Inc, 30303·064000-5 MlllwOIk· Inland Showcaso 6,979,829.00 25/ 30/ 34/ 0.00 0.00 .0 6,500.00 0.00 D.DO 56,112.00 0.00 56,112.00 80.0 14.026.00 0.00 5,611.20 10.125.00 0.00 11.657.50 15.4 64.242.50 0.00 1.165.75 0.00 0.00 7.156.00 100.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 .0 140,492.00 0.00 0.00 45.543.35 0.00 55,3'3.35 6.1 852,....9.65 0.00 5,534.34 10,362.00 0.00 10,362.00 1.2 8BJ,67•.oo 0.00 1,036.20 1,766.30 0.00 0.00 1,166.30 1.6 110,681.70 0.00 176.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 270,830.00 25,400.00 0.00 0.00 25,400.00 9.4 245.430.00 0.00 2,540.00 0.00 36,210.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 . 0.00 .0 36,210.00 0.00 0.00 325.230.00 0.00 325,236.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 .0 325,236.00 0.00 0.00 8,350.00 0.00 8,350.00 587.00 0.00 0.00 581.00 7.0 7,703.00 0.00 56.70 66,926.00 0.00 06,926.00 O.DO 0.00 0.00 0.00 .0 66,926.00 0.00 0.00 3,000.00 0.00 3,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 .0 3,000.00 0.00 0.00 38/ 30303-o75000-S Roonng. Fryer Roofing 30303-079000-5 Exterior CaUlking 30303-079010-5 Inlonor Caulking 2,000.00 0.00 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 .0 2.000.00 0.00 0.00 30303-081100-5 Doors & Frames (;3,500.00 0.00 63.500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 .0 63,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30303-084120-5 Aluminum Windows 30303·0BBOoo-5 Glass/Glazing - 51eel Cily Glass 30303-092500-5 30303·093000-5 Gypsum Board Assomblies Tarteo" & 50ns TUlng. Central Valley 510no 30303-096500-5 ResDlent Base· Cuallty Carpots 8,669.00 0.00 0.669.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 .0 O,G69.00 0.00 51.060.00 0.00 51,060.00 ODD 0.00 0.00 0.00 51,060.00 0.00 0.00 122.705.00 0.00 122,705.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 .0 .0 122.705.00 0.00 0.00 13.750.00 0<0 13.750,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 .0 13,750.00 0.00 0.00 900.00 0.00 960.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 .0 960.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30303-099000.s PaInting ~ we Saleh 75,942.00 0.00 75,942.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 .0 75.942.00 0.00 30303-10400-5 Slgnage & Dlrnclot1os (lnl) 1,000.00 0<0 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 O.DD 0.00 .0 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 30303·104010_5 SIgns & GraphiC!! (Exl) 2,500.00 0.00 2,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 .0 2,seO.DO 0.00 0.00 .0 .0 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 3,695.00 0.00 0.00 3030J·105220-P Firo Ext & Cablnots 1,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30303~108000-5 Toilol Accossot1es 3,805.00 0.00 3,895.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CONTINUATION SHEET AlA DOCUMENT G703 AlA DOCUMENT G702, APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT, containing Contractor's signed Certification is allached. In tabulation below. amounls are slaled to (he nearest cent Use Column I on Conlracls where variable relalnage for line items may apply. B A PAGE: 3 APPLICATION NUMBER:5 APPLICATION DATE: SEP/20/2011 D C TOTAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK ORIGINAL CHANGE ORDERS J I H G F E FOOO166 WORK COMPLETED (D+E) SCHEDULED VALUE ITEM NO. INVOICE NO. PERIOD TO : SEP/30/2011 CURRENT FROM PREVIOUS APPLICATION THIS PERIOD RETAINAGE PER MATERIAL COMPLETED PRESENTLY AND STORED % TO DATE (GIC) STORED BALANCE TO FINISH RELEASED THIS PERIOD RETAINAGE 8,130,380.00 30303-11400·5 Stainless Sleel Casework - Duray 30303·131600·5 Aquariums. Acrylic Tank Mrg 10,943.00 0.00 18,943.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 .0 10.943.00 0.00 0.00 1~7,900.00 0.00 147,900.00 91.670.00 0.00 0.00 91,678.00 62.0 50,222.00 0.00 0.00 270,2116.00 0.00 270.2611.00 20.280.00 1.272,216.00 0.00 1,272.216.00 0.00 HVAC 5ystem· Lyles Mech 159,437.00 0.00 159.~37.oo 0.00 30303-260000·5 Electrical System - Howe Elec 709.482.00 0.00 709.482.00 30303-312316·5 Earthwork· DDve Christian Const 386,356.00 0.00 386.356.00 0.00 30303-312500·5 Erosion Control 10.000.00 0.00 10.000.00 0.00 30303-314100-5 Shoring - Malcolm Eng 65,619.00 0.00 65,819.00 0.00 30303·220000·5 Plumbing. Lyles Mech 30303-220001·5 Life Support Sys - Lyles Mech 30303·230000·5 17~,321.60 0.00 0.00 20,280.00 7.5 2~9,90G.00 0,00 2.028.00 5,070.00 0.00 5.070.00 .4 1.267,146.00 0.00 507.00 0.00 46/ 149.056.60 0.00 0.00 .0 159.437.00 0»0 0.00 0.00 323.378.20 45.6 305.10JJlO 0.00 32,331.82 117,516.00 0.00 117.516.00 30.4 26!l.I340.00 0.00 11.751.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 .0 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 Gc,019.00 0.00 64.819.00 98.5 1,000.00 0.00 0,401.90 42/ 51/ 56/ 30303-321300-5 Concrele 511ework 159,099.00 0.00 159.699.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 .0 159.699.00 0.00 0.00 30303-323100·5 Fanclng - Nick Champl 149.289.00 0.00 149,289.00 1,652.00 0.00 0.00 1.65Z.oo 1.1 147,637.00 0.00 165..20 30303-329000·5 lDndsC<lplng & ImgDtlon 30303·334000·5 5lonn Droln 5ys ~ Floyd Johnson 30303-334610·5 Slle Drainage Trades Total: 7,603.110 0.00 7.603.00 0.00 335.461.00 0.00 :135.461.00 1.750.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 .0 7.663.00 0.00 0.00 110.920.96 0.00 112.678.96 33.6 222,70Z.04 0.00 11.267.90 15.000.00 0.00 15.080.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 .0 15,080.00 0.00 0,00 6,979,829.00 0.00 6,979,829.00 335,923.40 569,532.91 0.00 905,456.31 13.0 6.074,372.69 0.00 80,662.24 194.817.00 2,500.00 0.00 194.817.00 53,773,00 11.524.00 0.00 65,297.00 33.5 129,520.00 0.00 0»0 0.00 2,500.00 0.00 1.152.cO 0.00 1,15200 46.1 1,348.00 0.00 0.00 158,417.00 0.00 158,417.00 17.88B.00 11.400.00 0.00 29280.00 la.5 129.129.00 0.00 0.00 61/ 20 Goneral Conditions 30303T-0101eD-l ProJecl Management -labor 30303T-01022D-L Geneml Superintendent 30303T-010300·L Superintendent 30303T·0103aO·L Project Accountant 18,016.00 0.00 18, 1,264.50 54B..25 0.00 1,812.75 9.6 17,003..25 0.00 0.00 30303T.Q10420·L Project Assistant 23,520.00 0.00 23,520.00 5,673.50 975.00 0.00 6,648.50 28.3 16.871.50 0,00 0.00 30303T-01 0820·L Schodulor 2.180.00 0.00 2,160.00 212.00 0.00 0.00 21Z.00 9.7 1,968.00 0.00 0.00 30303T-012700·l Computor Suppert 831.00 0.00 831.00 1.240.00 301.00 0.00 1,541.00 -710.00 0.00 0.00 30303T-013100·L Safoty EngIneer 2,769.00 0.00 2,769.00 326.00 320.00 0.00 656.00 185A 23.7 2,113.00 0.00 0.00 30303T-013300·L SlIe Safety 10,125.00 0.00 10,725.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 .0 10,725.00 0.00 0.00 30303T-o14200·l Job Daily Clean Up 10.601.00 0.00 10,601.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 .0 10,001.00 0.00 0.00 GENERAL CONDITIONS OC PREV BILLED LUMP SUM 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 425,376.00 0.00 425,376.00 80.379.00 26.2Za2~ 0.00 106,607.25 318,768.75 0.0< 0.00 General Conditions Total: 425,376.00 68/ 25.1 .-, AlA DOCUMENT G703 CONTINUATION SHEET AlA DOCUMENT G702, APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT, containing Contractor's signed Certincalion Is attached. In tabulaUon below, amounts are slaled to the nearest cenl Use Column I on Contracts where variable retalnage for line items may apply. A B PAGE: 41 APPLICATION NUMBER:5 APPLICATION DATE :SEP/20/2011 PERIOD TO :SEP/30/2011 D C DESCRIPTION OF WORK ORIGINAL CHANGE ORDERS CURRENT FROM PREVIOUS APPLICATION THIS PERIOD FOOO166 TOTAL PER MATERIAL COMPLETED PRESENTLY AND STORED % TD DATE (G/C) STORED J I H G F WORK COMPLETED (D+E) SCHEDULED VALUE ITEM NO. E INVOICE NO. BALANCE TO FINISH RETAINAGE RELEASED THIS PERIOD RETAINAGE 8,130,380.00 21 GC MATERIAL GEN COND MATERIAL 74,624.00 71/ 301.20 72/ 1.616.19 18/ 0.00 552.32 14.7 J, 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,010.19 36.7 3,139.81 0.00 0.00 2,767.83 0.00 2.837.llJ 23.7 9.132.17 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 1,551.82 42.0 2,318.1a 0.00 0.00 1,297.51 0.00 1,582.17 87,4 242.83 0.00 0.00 21,862.00 0.00 0.00 21.862.00 99.4 138.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 .0 .0 1,G62.oo "0 0.00 3.0303-012750-M Project Mgmt Software - CM1C 3,750.00 0.00 3,750.00 251.12 303a3T·012300·M Trailer Rental 4,958.00 0.00 ·USB.DO 0.00 30303T-{)12SOO·M Office Supplies & Equip 11.970.00 0.00 11,970.00 70.00 30303T-012700-M Computer Support 4,000.00 0.00 4,000.00 1.681.82 3030JT-013200·M Job Safel)' & Supp!1es 1,925.00 0.00 1,925.00 384.66 22,000.00 0.00 22,000.00 1.662.00 0.00 1.662.00 75/ 82/ 30J03T-013300·M Slto Fencfng J0303T-Q14200-M Job SlIe Traijer Clean Up J030JT-01504o-M Drinking Water 554.00 0.00 554.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 J0303T-01508D·M Trnvel Expense 0.00 0.00 0.00 128.'1 0.00 0.00 12611 30303T...(J15240·M Construction Signs 750.00 0.00 7S0.CO 149.25 0.00 0.00 1411.25 J0303T-015J20·M Chomlcat T ollels 3,323.00 0.00 3,323.00 0.00 307.50 0.00 307.50 30303T...(J15400-M Bluoprinllng 9,6113.00 0.00 9,693.00 0.00 30J03T-015760·M CourIer Servlco 5,539.00 0.00 5,539.00 173.24 JOJ03T-Q16050·M Tomp Power, Water, Service Charges 2,000.00 0.00 2,000.00 0.00 J0303T-o16200-M Job Tolephone - Molerial 30303T-01S300·M Temp Power and LIghting Syslems 30303T-01 B030-fA Small Tools & Gas for Some GEN COND MA TERIAL Total: 30 Other 30303-911000.0 Contmctor ConUngency 87/ 90/ 95/ 0.00 0.00 0.00 31.61 0.00 204.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 55·1.00 0.00 0.00 ·126.1' 0.00 0.00 19.9 600.75 0.00 0.00 9.3 .0 3.7 .0 3,015.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.693.00 0.00 5,334.15 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 -472.19 0.00 42.22 2,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 422.19 0.00 422.19 2,500.00 0.00 2,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 74,624.00 0.00 74,624.00 6,946.03 0.00 31,644.23 42.4 42,979.77 202,903.00 0.00 202,903.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 .0 202.903.00 0.00 0.00 202,,903,00 0.00 202,,903.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.0< .0 20a903.00 0.0' 0.00 B4.1 1'.S!l0.00 0.00 0.00 84.1 11,596.00 0.1)( 0.00 24,698.2 .0 0.0< 42.22 202,903.00 OUler Talal: 35 SUBGUARD 303030923500·0 Subguard 73,084.00 73,084.00 SUBGUARD Total; 73,084.00 0.00 73,084.00 01,<1118.00 0.00 0.00 01,0180.00 0.00 73,084.00 tH.488.0Q 0.00 0.00 61,488.00 ,'.. ··1 AlA OOCUMENT G703 CONTINUATION SHEET PAGE: 5 AlA DOCUMENT G702, APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT, conlolning Contractors signed Certil1caUon Is attached. APPLICATION NUMBER:5 APPLICATION DATE :SEP/20/2011 PERIOD TO :SEP/30/2011 In tabulalJon below, amounls aro slated 10 the nearest cent. Use Column I on Contracts where varIable retalnage for line items may apply. A D C B WORK COMPLETED (D+E) SCHEDULED VALUE ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION OF WDRK ORIGINAL CHANGE ORDERS F E CURRENT FRDM PREVIOUS APPLICATION THIS PERIOD INVOICE NO. FOOO166 TOTAL PER MATERIAL COMPLETED % PRESENTLY AND STORED (G/C) TO DATE STORED J I H G BALANCE TO FINiSH RETAINAGE RELEASED THIS PERIOD RETAINAGE S,130,380.00 4" City Tax & Insurance 30JOJ-921000-o Uabillty Insurance .9% 67,976.00 18/ 0.00 9,946.7.01 14.6 58,029.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 9,946.74 14.6 58,029.25 O.V< 0.00 33,155.90 14.6 193,'132.10 0.00 0,00 eo,ooo.OO 100.0 '.00 0.00 0.00 113,155.90 36.9 193,432.10 O.V< 0.00 0.00 1.228,298.43 15.1 6,902,081.57 O.V< 80,104.46 626,212.7 0.00 1,228,298.4 15.1 6,902,081.51 0.0 80,704.46 626,212.78 0.00 1,228,298,013 15.1 6,902,081.57 0.00 80,704.4G 67,916.00 0.00 61,910,00 4,522.38 5,424.36 67,976.00 0.00 67,976.00 4,522.38 5,424.35 226,598.00 0.00 2211,588.00 15,074.67 16,081.23 0.00 aD,DDD.DD 0.00 aD,DDD.DD aD,DDD.DD 0.00 0.00 Total: 306,588.00 0.00 306,588.00 95,074.6 18,081.23 0.00 To(al: 8, 130,300.00 0.00 8,130,380.00 602.085.6 626,212.78 Total: B,130,380.00 0.00 8,130,380.00 602,085.6 8,130,380.00 0.00 6,130,380.0 602,085.65 City Tax & Insurance Total: 306,588.00 30303·991000.0 Contrnclor's FCD @ 3% PRECONSTRUCTIO PRECONSTRUCTJON 18/ N PROJECT TOTAL: AlA DOCUMENT G703 • APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT THE AMERICAN INsnrue OF ARCHITECTS 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE NW WASHINCiTON DC 20000 18/ 18/ ( 1 MATI CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION Fresno Chaffee Zoo - Sea Lion Cove· MCC Job 30303 September 2011 Invoice Detail: Bowen Engineering & Enviromental 020520 S Month September Total r--: Invoice 011-095 Gross 56,112.00 26/$ 56,112.00 21/ Retention Net 5,611.00 50,501.00 $ 5,611.00 50,501.00 18/ SUBCONTRACTOR PROGRESS PAYMENT APPLICATION FOR WORK PERFORMED MONTH OF SEPTEMBER SUBCONTRACTOR BOWEN ENGINEERING & ENVIRONMENTAL ADDRESS 4664 S. CEDAR AVE =-== 30303 PROJECT NO. _ 011-095 PAYMENT REQUEST BREAKDOWN / 1 ORIGINAL CONTRACT SUM 2 Net Change by Approved Change Orders [Thru C.O. # 3 $ $70.140.00 .; $ $0.00 ADJUSTED CONTRACT SUM J' $ $70.140.00 4 Total Completed and Stored to Date if $ 6 Retention LESS TOTAL RETENTION THIS BILLING [Lines 6A&5B] .; $ $5.611.00 6 TOTAL EARNED LESS RETENTION I $ $50,501.00 7 LESS PREVIOUS CERTIFICATES FOR PAYMENT .; $ N/A 8 CURRENT PAYMENT DUE /$ $50,501.00 9 BALANCE TO FINISH. PLUS RETENTION $ $19,639.00 A. 80 % of Completed Work B. o % of Stored Material 27/ $56.112.00 [PLEASE ROUND ALL FIGURES TO THE NEAREST DOLLAR] Attached hereto is our Schedule of Values on the AlA breakdown sheet ~~:,~~;'mE 13, I ~ '. S&, J 12.'oD r:"TDATE 11~~5.. (12:): '?-It>\ \ • oD "r"'c"j, \.. .\_ '1· .. f.. ' . ..•._ ..__ • . . ~.: 25/ .-', CON~~NUATION SHEET AlA DOCUMENT G703 PAGE OF PAGES AI'I'LICATION NO: AI'I'LICATION DATE: PERIOD TO: ARCHITECT'S I'RDJECT NO: AlA Document 0702, APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATiON FOR PAYMENT. containing Contractor's signed certification is attached. In tabulDtions below, amounts ilfe stated to the nearesl dollar. Use Column I on Contracts where variable rctainage for line items may apply. A ITEM NO. B DESCIUPTION OF WORK C SCHEDULED VALUE D E WORK CDMPLE lED FROM PREVIOUS APPLICATION TlIIS PEfUQD (D+E) S70,140.00 SO.OO G F S56,1\2.00 MATERIALS PRESENTLY TOTAL COMPLETED STORED AND STORED (NOT IN DORE) TO DATE (D+E+F) SO.OO S56,\12.00 It % (G+C) 80.00% BALANCE TO FINISH (C-G) I RI,TAINAGE (IF VARIABLE RATE) S\4,028.00 S5,61 \.00 SO.OO S5,61 \.00 26/ , 28/ GRAND TOTALS S70,140.00 SO.OO AlA DOCUMENT G103· CONTINUATION SIIEET FOR 0702' 1992 EDITION' AlA· 01992 THE AMERICAN It~SmUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE. NW. WASHINGTON, 0 C. 20006·5232 S56,1\2.00 SO.OO S56,112.00 G703-1992 Page 1 of 2 From: Crosby, Catherine Sent: Friday, November 04, 2011 9:33 AM To: 'Brian Goldman'; 'Stevan Garcia' Cc: Flaherty, Jamie; Delay, Robert; Seymour, Lawrence; Blanks, Jeffrey Subject: RE: Claim 3c question Thanks Brian and Stevan, I will include your explanation with the Bowen docs and will now forward the claim to the treasurer. Cathy Please note new numbers 559-600-4305, Desk 559-600-4259, Office 559-600-4552, Fax Mail Stop # 214 From: Brian Goldman [] Sent: Friday, November 04, 2011 9:30 AM To: Crosby, Catherine Subject: FW: Claim 3c question From: Stevan Garcia [] Sent: Friday, November 04, 2011 9:28 AM To: Brian Goldman Subject: RE: Claim 3c question In general they completed the bulk of the existing exhibit demolition and tree removal the month of Sept. Below is specific scope completed. 27/ Salvage existing items Cut/remove/dispose remaining trees/landscape Exhibit site demolition SWPPP From: Brian Goldman [] Sent: Friday, November 04, 2011 9:04 AM To: Stevan Garcia Subject: FW: Claim 3c question Stevan, Can you send the description of the work completed by Bowen for the September invoice? Brian From: Crosby, Catherine [] Sent: Thursday, November 03, 2011 3:13 PM To: Brian Goldman Cc: Seymour, Lawrence; Delay, Robert; Blanks, Jeffrey; Flaherty, Jamie file://C:\Documents and Settings\jeblanks\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLKF\... 11/8/2011 CONDITIONAL WAIVER AND RELEASE UPON PROGRESS PAYMENT Upon receipt by the undersigned of a check from Matt Construction Corpol'ation in the sum of S50.501.00 payable to BOWEN ENGINEERING AND ENVIRONMENTAL and when the check has been properly endorsed and has been paid by the banI, upon which it is drnwn, this document shall become effective to release any mechanic's lien, stop notice, or bond right the undersigned has on the job of FRESNO CHAFFEE ZOO - SEAL & SEA LION EXHIB1T located at 894 W. BELMONT. FRESNO. CA to the following extent. This release covers a progress payment for Inbor, services, equipment or mnterilils furnished to Matt Construction Corporation through SEPTEMBER 30. 1011 and does not cover any retentions retained before or after the release date; extras furnished before the release date for which payment has not been received; extrus or items furnished after the release date. Rights bnsed upon work perfomled or items furnished under a writ1en change order which has been fully executcd by the parties prior 10 the release date nrc covered by this release unless specifically reserved by the claimant in this release. This release of any mechanic's lien, stop notice, or bond right shall not otherwise affect the contract rights, including rights between parties to the contract based upon a rescission, abandonment. 01' breach of the cllnlract, or the right of the undersigned to recover compensation for fumished labor, services, equipment, or material covered by this release if that furnished labor, services, equipment, or ;naterial was not compensated by the progress payment. Before any recipienl of this document relies on it, said parl)' should verify evidence of paymenlto the undersigned. DUI\:d: St:ptt:mbcr 14.2011 BOWEN ENGINEERING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COI1~ By • c=l-=') J a.aAJ!.- ) .g,.ff Please print name and title: DIANE TAPP. OFFICE MGR CIVIL CODE 3262(d)(I) PROVIDES: Where lite c/aimonl is rt!qllired 10 execllie all oivt!/" and release in e.rc/IIJ11gefor. or in order indllcf! paY/IIl!l11 QI: a prugrt!ss paYIl1t!1II alld the claimani is not, inlact, paid in exchange lor !he lI'aiwJr ond release or a single l 10 puyer! check orjoilll payce check is gillen in e.'\c/ulIIgelor the waiver ond release, lorm se/lorth above. r-, [IIC! waiver Gnd release shallfollow subsrol/rial(l' Ihe ( c MATT CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION Fresno Chaffee Zoo - Sea Lion Cove· MCC Job 30303 September 2011 Invoice Detail: Bedrock Engineering 022100 S Month September Total Invoice 10-1603-2 32/$ Gross Retention 10,125.00 1,012.50 10,125.00 21/ $ 1,012.50 Net 9,112.50 31/ 9,112.50 18/ SUBCONTRACTOR PROGRESS PAYMENT APPLICATION FOR WORK PERFORMED MONTH OF SEPTEMBER 2011 SUBCONTRACTOR Bedrock Engineering, Inc. ADDRESS P.O. Box 25783 10-1603 Fresno, CA 93729 10-1603·2 PAYMENT REQUEST BREAKDOWN ORIGINAL CONTRACT SUM 2 Net Change by Approved Change Orders [fhru C.O. # 3 ADJUSTED CONTRACT SUM 4 Total Completed and Stored to Date 5 Retention A. _ _ _..:..10.:...% of Completed Work B. - - - - % of Stored Material /$ I $74,500.00 $ $0.00 V' $ $74,500.00 v" $ $11,657.50 $1,165.75 LESS TOTAL RETENTION THIS BILLING [Lines 5A&5B) $1,165.75 /---,--5_-----'--'-'-~ 6 TOTAL EARNED LESS RETENTION / _s'_ _....:...--_ 510,491.75 7 LESS PREVIOUS CERTIFICATES FOR PAYMENT 1,379.25 0'-=-$--~=== 8 CURRENT PAYMENT DUE $9,112.50 30/ y/.-.;.$-----'--'--- 9 BALANCE TO FINISH, PLUS RETENTION $ 562,842.50 [PLEASE ROUND ALL FIGURES TO THE NEAREST DOLLAR} At/ached hereto Is our Schedule of Values on the AlA breakdown sheet ~" CP1: lOt12VS- Ob },O[/2--50 IJ '-"~ CONTINUATION SHEET AlA DOCUMENT G70J PAGE OF PAGES ·\1:\ 1l11~\J1I1,.:ul (;7U2. Al'l'L!('ATION "NO CERTIFICATION FOR 11AYMENT. conl:linint; 1·"n.. a~I\II·''''''IlIlL,1 c.:nitlc:llilll1 i5 :JlIJchcll. III MIl"I:,tllIIl" lid,.\\" ~IlII1U\llS urc APPLICATION NO: ,l,lIed I" 11l\~ m::U<:''1t 11"II.::1r. I ~ I '"h.. \ln 1,11' r"nlr:Il:U: ",h"ll! V'J.ri:lhlc rclain:Jl:c rllr line: items m:lly Olpply. ..\ 111,\1 1\ 1l1.~ll~11 11111'1: 1)1' Wlll{lo.:. '" C D ~l.III:.UUU~I) VALUE I W RK aMI' FROM I'REV_I~US ArI'UrATION CO·EI • THIS ,',,"UU 2 APPLICATION OATE: 08118111 PERIOD TO: AItCHITEcrS ?ItOJECT NO: 09/30/11 F t-MTEIU-\LC; PRESENTLY STORI!D (NOTtH DOREI TC?rAt. ,; COMPLETED IG+(1 D 10·1603 1\ I Ui\LANCE TO FINiSH HlrI'AIt'lAU!i. (C-GI AND STORED TO OllTE llf' Y,\RIADl.E RATEI (OtE9F') 54.000.00 52UO.00 S200.(I0 5.00% 5],HOO.Ou S21J.{m 5.00% S]OO.OII 5.00% Sil... lmjllll\l:llll.'lllS 522.000.00 51.53250 SJ7:i.OlJ SJOO.OO 1750.00 SJ.OtlU.lIO S5.500.00 537S.0I1 \"il,,'\\ ins; Siruclllrl,,'$ 57,Slln.lIl! 5h.UUlI.1lI1 SIS.OUO,UO S:W.UOO.IKI 57.125.00 55.700.0U 114,250.00 117.000.00 114.96750 537.50 SJU.110 57S.lJII SlOO.OO 510l.15 H4.5t10.01l 51,531.50 SI0.125.IJO 30/ $61.842,50 51.165.75 SUllpnrt Sy",,:m Kl'l.·J'Il'f lIuilll.lIl! :lIl1ll1l1ldillg T:lI1k:; t~'iS l'lIiMin~ Sllll~lurc E.\hlhllf)" GRAND TOTALS ...... COQA...,.l enD cornlN\,ljlTION S>iEEl ,on QfQl .GlI2 EOinON'-"Io\ ·01"1 loll! .u,ofA'C'N .HsmUlI;' Of' MOIlTECTS. I1:U NEW 'I'OfU( AV£HUIL wdtflN(OTOO'f.OC. l00P.>mt Ii"" SII.OO S750.00 5.00% 53.000.UO 15.110% 57,On.SO 3Im-;. SII.6S7.Sll G103·1992 r CONDITIONAL WAIVER AND RELEASE UPON PROGRESS PAYMENT Upon receipt by the undersigned of a check from Matt Construction COl'poration in the slim of $ 9112.50 Bedrock Engineering, Inc. and when the check has been properly endorsed and has been payable to paid by the bank upon which it is drawn, this document shall become effective to release any mechanic's [jen, stop notice, or bond right the undersigned has on the job of Chaffee Zoo - Sea Lion Exhibit located at Fresno, CA to the following extent. This release covers a progress payment for labor, services, equipment or materials furnished to Matt Construction Corporation through 9-30- J 1 and does not cover any retentions retained before or after the release date; extras furnished before the release date for which payment hns not been received; extras or hems furnished after the release date. Rights based upon work performed or items furnished under a written change order which bas been fully executed by the parties prior to the release date are covered by this release unless specifically reserved by the claimant in this release. This release of any mecbanic's lien, stop notice, or bond right shall not otherwise affect the contract rights, including rights between parties to the contract based upon a rescission, abandonment, or breach of the contract, or the right of the undersigned to recover compensation for furnished labor, services, equipment, or '1!aterial covered by this release if that furnished labor, services, equipment, or material was not compensated by the i'ogress payment. Before any recipient of this document relies on it, said party should verify evidence of payment to the undersigned. Dated: Bedrock Engineering, Inc, 9-30-1 ( CompllllY)ame By ~!J¥J Please print name and title: Dave Hartley, CFO CIVI L CODE 3262(t1)(1) PROVIDES: Where the c/aima11f is required to execule a lI'aiver and I'elease i/1 e.rchcmge fur. to indllce pC~l'mell1 oj. a progress pa,l'lIIel1f alld Ihe dail1wllI is 1101, illfacl, paid i/7 1:,Ychollge for t[le waiver Gnd release VI' in order single 01' (J payee check orjoim pC~Fee check is gh'en il1 f!.\'c1lll17gefol'the lI'oh'er Gnd release, Ihawai"er ami rulease shallfollow .wbst(l/1lia/~\·lhe /ol'm se,/ol',h aocwe. 1 '. MATT CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION Fresno Chaffee Zoo - Sea Lion Cove - MCC Job 30303 September 2011 Invoice Detail: McClone Construction Co. 033000 S Month September Total Gross Invoice 45,543,35 30303-2 36/ $ 45,543.35 21/ Retention Net 4,554,35 $ 4,554,35 40,989.00 35/ 40,989,00 18/ SUBCONTRACTOR PROGRESS PAYMENT APPLICATION FOR WORK PERFORMED MONTH OF September SUBCONTRACTOR McClone Construction Company PROJECT NO. _ _---::.::..::c::..::..::...:...=30303016 P.O. Box 4620 ADDRESS _ 2 ~_2 , El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 PAYMENT REQUEST BREAKDOWN $850,944.00 -,-$--~~-:....:...;.:...;;. 1 ORIGINAL CONTRACT SUM ./ 2 Net Change by Approved Change Orders [fhru C.O. # $0.00 cI....;:;$----=-::- 3 ADJUSTED CONTRACT SUM 850,944.00 /--'-$-------'-~"- 4 Total Completed and Stored to Date $55,343.35 V'-:.$------'----'-----'-'- 5 Retention A. _ _ _..:..1O=.. % B. - - - - % of Stored Material S5,534.00 of Completed Work LESS TOTAL RETENTION THIS BilliNG [Lines 5A&5B] 6 TOTAL EARNED LESS RETENTION 7 LESS PREVIOUS CERTIFICATES FOR PAYMENT 8 CURRENT PAYMENT DUE 9 BALANCE TO FINISH, PLUS RETENTION 41 1eo1. ?:t? Attached hereto is our Schedule of Values on the AlA breakdown sheet I'. "f l,l: ~ ; \ J i ~: $5,534.00 /5 549,809.00 t/S 8,820.00 V~$ [PLEASE ROUND ALL FIGURES TO THE NEAREST DOLLAR] : ','. ,/$ .• i..' --'1I w".' - . u..__.._ ••...-........ $ 40,989.00 34/ 801,135.00 [-I CONTINUATION SHEET AlA DOCUMENT G703 PAGE OF PAGES AlA Document 0102, APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATION rOR PA YMENl". COII1:l111ing Contrnclor's signed C~r1HiCD.I;on is allDchcd. APPLICATION NO: APPLICATION DATE: PERIOD TO: ARCHITECTS PROJECT NO: In tabulations below, amounts an: sUited to the ncan:sl dollar. . Use Column 1on Contracts where vnriubte reluinngc for line items nlay apply. " ITEM U C Ol:.ScrUI'TION OF WORJ>: SCHEDULED VALUE NO. Shop Drnwings I Engincl:ring E 0 \ aRK. 'I' fROM I'REVIOUS APPLICATION (0+ E) F MATERIALS ED rHIS PERIOD B2,500.00 SI6,500.00 SI2,500.00 S7,150.00 S2,650.011 SO.1I11 S9.100.00 SI0,550.00 S5.000.00 S89.500.00 $0.00 S4.475.00 $34,527.00 $111,393.00 $203,853.00 SO.OO 55,179.05 SO.OO SO.UO SII,2)9.30 $0.00 S45.683.00 S76,39 1.00 S31,363.00 SO.OO SO.OO SO.OO $0.00 SO.OO SO.OO Walls Slnb On Grade S59,165.00 S85,714.00 125.855.00 SO.OO SO.OO SO.OO .$0.00 $0.00 Epoxy Injection Allowance $25,000.00 SO.OO 1850,944.00 S9.800.00 Project Slnrt.Up & Planning Office Trailer I Mobilize On-Site Foml\vork Fnbricationl Materials E:shjbjl Pool Foundations Slab On Grodc Walls Keeper Rujldjol! foundations Wnlls Slnb On Grodc G TUTAL COMPLETED PRESENTLY STORED AND STORED (NOT IN TO DATE OUR£) (O"E+F) " (G+C) 2 9/19/2011 9/3012011 " I llliTAI AvE TO fiNISH (IF VARIABLE RATE) BALANCE (C-GI SI,625.00 SI,320.00 S500.00 S447.50 SO.OO SO.OO SO.OO SO.OO S16,250.00 SI3.200.00 S5.00U.00 S4.'175.00 50.00% 5.00% S16,250.00 S3,300.00 S7,500.00 S85,025.00 SO.OU SO.OO $5,179.05 511.239.30 15.00% 10.00% $29,341.95 S517.91 SI01,153.70 Sl,123.93 SO.OO $203,853.00 SO.OO SO.OO SO.OO SO.OO S45,683.00 S76,39 1.00 S31,363.00 SO.OO SO.OO SO.OO SO.OO SO.OO S59,165.00 S85,714.00 125,855.00 SO.OO SO.OO SO.OO SO.OO SO.OO 125,000.00 10.00 $45,543.35 34/ SO.OO S795,600.65 S5,534.34 80.00% 40.00% SO.OO SO.OO lSS Building Foundalions Change Order III Change Order 111 CllDnGe Order 113 GRAND TOTALS AlA DOCUMENT GTOJ' COIHlNUAnOl' SHEET FOR GT02· 1932 EOITlOtl'/lJA' 01991 nl\:: Ml.EnICAU lNsnl\lTE 01' AACIIITECTS. 1715 NEW YORK AVENUE. N.W. WASHINGTON. D.C. 20006·S132 S55.343.35 6.50% G70J-1992 CONDITIONAL WAIVER AND RELEASE UPON PROGRESS PAYMENT Upon receipt by the undersigned of a check from Matt Constl'uction Corporation in the sum of $ 40,989.00 payable to McClane Construction Company and when the check has been properly endorsed and has been paid by the bank upon which it is drawn, this document shall become effective to release any mechanic's lien, stop notice, 01' bond located at 894 W. Belmont Avenue, Fresno. CA 93728 to the right the undersigned has on the job of Chaffee Zoo following e>..1:ent. This release covers a progress payment for labor, services, equipment or materials furnished to Matt Construction COI'poration through 9/30/2011 and does not cover any retentions retained before or after the release date; extras furnished before the release date for which payment has not been received; extras or items furnished after the release date. Rights based upon work performed or items furnished under a written change order which has been fully executed by the paJiies prior to the release date are covered by this release unless specifically reserved by the claimant in this release. This release of any mechanic's lien, stop notice, or bond right shall not otherwise affect the contract rights, including rights between parties to the contract based upon a rescission, abandonment, or breach of the contract, or the right of the undersigned to recover compensation for furnished labor, services, equipment, or material covered by this release if that furnished labor, services, equipment, or material was not compensated by the progress payment. Before any recipient of this document relies on it, said party should verifY evidence of payment to the iersigned. Dated: 9/19/1 1 McClane Construction Company -----Please print name and title: Ted Hoffman Chief Financial Officer CIVIL CODE 3262(d)(I) PROVIDES: Where the claimant is required to e....ecute a waiver and release in exchange for. or in order to induce payment oj. a progress payment and the claimant is not, in fact, paid in exchange for the waiver and release or a single payee check orjoint payee check is given in ex:changefor the waiver and release. the waiver and release shallfollow substantially the form setforth above. , ~ l MATT CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION Fresno Chaffee Zoo - Sea Lion Cove - MCC Job 30303 September 2011 Invoice Detail: Cost of Wisconsin 033713 S Month September Total '- Invoice Gross 282984 10,362.00 40/ $ 10,362.00 21/ Retention Net 1,036.20 $ 1,036.20 9,325.80 39/ 9,325.80 18/ REQUEST FOR PAYMENT To: From: Cost of Wisconsin Inc. 4201 Highway P Jackson. WI 53037-9760 n , PO Number: Contract Foe -li r.... nb-. L-n . fI Invoice: Draw: Invoice date: Period ending date: Job No. Malt Construction 7575 North Palm Suite 101 Fresno, CA 93711 IlL \ 282984 1 9/13/2011 9/30/2011 11-1829 ,1 ":> ~ E.Mru{.~r-L/-..:::_------------------------I A Request for payment: Original contract amount Approved changes Revised contract amount $785.000.00 $0.00 / Contract completed to date Add-ons to date Taxes to date Less retalnage Total completed less retainage Less previous requests Current request for payment Pro(ect 111829 Fresno Chaffe Zoo Sea Lion S785,OOO.00 . ;$10,362.00 Contract date: $0.00 $0.00 $1,036.20 Architect Scope: "/$9,325.80 /so,oo $9,325.80 $10,362.00 Current billing Currenladdilional charges Current tax Less current retainage SO.oo SO.OO $1,036.20 ~$9.325.80 Current amount due Remaining contraqtto bill $775,674.20 ADDITIONS CHANGE ORDER SUMMARY Changes approved in prevIous 38/months bv Owner Total approved this Month DEDUCTIONS TOTALS NET CHANGES by Change Order I hereby certify thallhe work performed and the materials supplied to dale, as shown on the above represent the actual value of the accomplishment under the terms of the Contract (and all authorized changes thereof) between the undersigned and the Malt Construction relaling to the above referenced project I also certify that the contractor has paid all amounts previously billed and paid by tl:Je owner, \\111111/ :1.\\\\\ CONTRACTOR: By: Subscribed and :/ '";~~ )"T l',1rnl r." , .,', I l . u; 1..:..,.,-..1 l l.' 1 "i =: ~ it:--'l , •• ' . !.. .. : = day of Sf ptnll7e.c.,aOI I ~~:: v.--of .' . ~ "'' "",7·1: OF 'il ~""" -z:::----. ~ i":::~<" ,':l'pr l..-rl~.. , ' : ~,·.\I r';y; r D ....l r· !.~.J .J. .- , ,t, '.: i .• , l: L .__ ll:l,' ". :.,e.. /1 rt_....._......_ .~...: ,-_.. _-_.---- .... _- -_.. :, •. : County of Washington ~~~{~ btW",~m~"'~iS"%\ 3> _ ,__,,_ Notary PUblic~ ~. _ ----, My commission e)$jres., i ~ or' . Date: :, (. 1111III ,~~.W4.... ~"'-': State of~v:lo~!,···":~<:> % Cost of Wisconsin Inc. 1111111111,11\1" ~·.tOI&J;'2'OO (0', ~/. I .()'2.f _'/"7~ ~ r ':...,)(p _--_ ..------_._-_ _- - ---- -_._._-.. ... ..--- -_.--_.. _.... --- -- .-.---_ .. _-----_.- Cl REQUEST FOR PAYMENT DETAIL Project 111829/ Fresno Chalfa Zoo Sea Lion Description Item ID 10 20 30 40 50 60 DesignlEnglneering Geneml Condltions/Adm!n Steel Shop Prefabrication Set Steet on Site Shotcrete Rockwork Theme Painting/Finishes Totals Invoice: 282984 Total Contract Amount 23,550.00 70,650.00 314.000.00 196,250.00 133,450.00 47,100.00 785.000.00 Previously Completed Work Draw: 1 Work Completed This Period PresenUy Stored Materials Period Ending Date: 9130/2011 Completed And Stored To Date 1.884.00 8,478.00 1.884.00 8,478.00 10,362.00 38/ 10.362.00 % Camp 8.00 12.00 Detail Page 2 of 2 Pages Balance To Finish 21.666.00 62.172.00 314,000.00 ,196.250.00 133,450.00 47.100.00 774,638.00 Reminage Balance 188.40 847.80 1,036.20 CONDITIONAL WATVERAND RELEASE UPON PROGRESS PAYMENT Upon rcceipt by the undcrsigncd of a check 0'0111 Malt COllsh'uctiOJl COl'pomtioJl in the sum of $9,325.80 payable to Cost of Wisconsin Inc. und when the check has been p/'Operly endorsed and has been paid by the bank upon wh ich it is drawll, this document shall become effective \0 release uny mechanic's Iicn~ stop notice, 01' bond right the undersigned has on the job of Fresno Chaffee Zoo located at Fresno, CA to the following extent. This release covers a progrcss pllyment for lubol', services, equipment or materials furnished to M:ltt COIISfl'uction Corporation through qlU and docs not cover any retentions retained before or after the release date; extras furnish cd before the release dute for whieh payment has not bcen received; extras or items furnished after the rclease date. Rights based upon work perfol111cd 01' items furnished under a written' change ordcr which has been fully executed by the parties prior 10 the release date nre covered by this release unless specifically reserved by the claimant in this relcase. This release of any mechanic's licn, stop notice, or bond right shall not otherwise affect ·the contract rights, including rights between pmiies to the contract based upon a rescission, abandonment, or breach of the contract, or the right of the undersigncd to recover compensation for furnished In bar, services, equipment, or material covered by this release if that furnished labor, services, equipment, or material was nOl compensated by the progress payment. Before any recipient of this document relies on it, snid party should verify evidence of payment to the undersigncd. Dated: 9/l5/11 Cost of Wisconsin Inc. Company Name BY~~ Plcase pl'intlllllllc lind titlc: Jon J. StHlnvyck Presidcnt CIVIL CODE 3262(d)(l) PROVIDES: Where tile claimall! is required fa execlIle n wailler and release In excllllnge/or. or i/l order to indllce paYlI/ell! oj {/ progress payment alld the claimall! is nOl, in/acf, paid in e.rchollge /01' the waiver and release or a single payee check arjoinl payee check is given in exchange/or /he wahler and release, the waiver and release slw/l/ol/ow substantially the form sctforth above. MATT CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION Fresno Chaffee Zoo· Sea Lion Cove - MCC Job 30303 September 2011 Invoice Detail: Lyles Mechanical 220001 S Month September Total Invoice H-1071-03 Gross Retention 5,070.00 $44/ 5,070.00 22/ Net 4,563.00 507.00 $ 507.00 43/ 4,563.00 18/ APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT Project: Zoo Sea Lion Exhibit To: MATI Construction 7575 North Palm Ave, Suite 101 Fresno, CA 93711 From: Lyles Mechanical Co. P.O. Box 4287 Fresno, California 93744 Application No. H-1071-03 Period To: 9/30/2011 Contract No. H-1071 (Matt Contract# Life Support 220001.S) Contract Date: 2125/2011 CONTRACTOR'S APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT 1 Original Contract Sum 2 Net Change By Change Orders 3 Contract Sum To Date 4 Total Completed And Stored To Date 5 Retainage: a. 10% of Completed Work b. 1,580,519.00 I 1,580,519.00 25,350.00 2,535.00 $ -------JvJ-s------, A$ I 0% of Stored Materials Total Retainage ======= ./1:=$ 6 Total Earned Less Retainage 7 Less Previous Certificates For Payment 8 Total Amount Due This Period 9 Balance To Finish, InclUding Retainage ~l s 2,535.00 22,815.00 18,252.00 l"l~s====== 4,563.00 1$ Deductions Additions CHANGE ORDER SUMMARY I I Total Changes Approved In Previous Months $ Total Approved This Month s Totals $ Net Changes By Change Order CONTRACT TIME SUMMARY TBD Original Contract Completion Date Original Contract TIme 0 CD ceo Days Added Prior To This Month 0 CD CCO Days Added This Month 0 CD . Total CCO Days Added To Date 0 CD Current Contract Completion Date ~·.~/D1D·DO l~y··~·OD . 1,555,169.00 42/ I Schedule Of Values Work (;ompleted Tolal Completed and Stored To From Previous Itcmtl 1 2 3 4 5 Description of Work General CondiUons 81M Drawings LSS Only· 220001.5) LS.S Pioing (220001.5 HVAC (230000.S Plumbing (220000.5) Grand Tolal Scheduled Values $ $ $ $ $ 1$ This Period App~cation(sl 44,488.00 25,350.00 1,216,239.00 152,422.00 $ S $ $ 142,020.00 $ 1,580,519.00 I $ . 20,280.00 $ $ S S $ 20,280,00 I $ - Total To Dale $ 5.070.00 S S - $ $ 5.070.00 I $ 42/ . . - 25.350.00 25,350.00 % Dale $ $ $ $ $ $ - 25,350.00 25,350.00 I Balance To Finish 44,<186.00 0.00% $ 100.00% $ 0.00% $ 1.216,239.00 0.00% $ 0.00% $ 152,42200 142,020.00 1.60% $ - Retalnage $ $ $ $ $ 1,555,169.00 I $ - 2.535.00 2,535.00 CONDITIONAL WAIVER & RELEASE UPON PROGRESS PAYMENT Upon receipt by the undersigned of a check from Matt Construction in the sum of 54.563.00 payable to lyles Mechanical Co. and when the check has been properly endorsed and has been paid by the bank upon which it is drawn, this document shall become effective to release any mechanic's lien, stop notice, or bond right the undersigned has on the job of Chaffee Zoo located at Seal & Sea lion Exhibit, Fresno Chaffee Zoo to the following extent. This release covers a progress payment for labor, services, equipment, or materials furnished to Matt Construction through September 30, 2011 only and does not cover any retentions retained before or after the release date; extras furnished before the release date for which payment has not been received; extras or Items furnished after the release date. Rights based upon work performed or Items furnished under a written change order which has been fully executed by the parties prior to the release date are covered by this release unless specifically reserved by the claimant in this release. This release of any mechanic's lien, stop notice, or bond right shall not otherwise affect the contract rights, including rights between parties to the contract based upon a rescission, abandonment, or breach of the contract, or the right of the undersigned to recover compensation for furnished labor, services, equipment, or material covered by this release jf that furnished labor, services, equipment, or materIal was not compensated by the progress payment. Before any recipient of this document relies on it, said party should verify evidence of payment to the undersigned. Date: September 16, 2011 Pay App No. H-I071-03 LMC Job No. By: Name/Title: T;.v 7 16"Tim Thornton, Senior Accountant H-I071 NOTE: This document has important legal consequences; consultation with an attorney Is encouraged with respect 10 Its use or modification. This form Is Intended to meet the requirements of California Civil Code Section 3262(d)(1) as of January 1, 1994. MATT CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION Fresno Chaffee Zoo - Sea Lion Cove· MCC Job 30303 September 2011 Invoice Detail: Howe Electric Construction, Inc. 260000 S Month September Total Invoice 11009-3 49/ Gross Retention 149,056.60 14,905.66 $149,056.60 22/ $14,905.66 Net 134,150.94 47/ 134,150.94 18/ I' :I I Page 1 Application and Certificate For Payment C~stomer: Project: MATT CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION 9814 NORWALK BLVD STE 100 SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA 90670 Contractor: HOWE ELECTRIC CONSffiUCTION INC Contractor's Jail No: 4682 EAST OLIVE AVENUE FRESNO, CA 93702 Phone: FRESNO OIAFFEE ZOO SEA UON COVE 894 WEST BELMONT AVENUE FRESrm, CA 93728 .Dn'\l~. -11009 3 Application No: '-.=:> \:2. Date: 09/15/2011 Period To: End of Month Customer's Project No: 30303 Contract Dahl: 02/09/11 559 255·8992 Contractor's Application For Payment Change Ortler Summary Deductfons Addltfons Change orders approved In previous months by owner Number Date Approved Original contract sum ./" 702,865.00 Net change by dlange orders ,/ Contract sum to date /'702,865.00 ~ompleted /323,378.20 Total Change orders approvCl! thIs month and stored to date 0.00 Retalnage 10.0% of completed worl( Tolills . / ' 32,337.82 0.0% of stored material Net chanoe by change orders 0.00 32,337.82 . .Total retainage The undorslgned Contractor cerllnes that to the' best cf th" Cantrnetcr's knowledge, Inrarm,tlan, and beler lhe work covered by Ulls Application rar Payment has been campleled In Total eamed less retalnage accordancn wllh lhe Contrnct Documents, thDt aU "mounts hove been paid by the ContrLlctor , ror ..ark 10<" which previous CertlncatQs (or Payment "'ere Issued and payments received Irom Less previous certificates of payment / 291,040:38 / 156,889.44 the Owner, and that current payment shawn herein Is naw due. Dale:~ County or:,.... _ Subscribed and swam to belore me lhl. _ _ ~uy or _ _ _ (year). Notary public:: My commiSSion ""pIres 0.000% of taxable amount 0.00 Current sales tax 0.00 ~ _ ' Current payment due 134,150.94 1 46/ Balance to finish, including retainage 411,824.62 ArChitect's Certificate for Payment In actordanc~ wllh the Contratt Ootument3, based on on'slle observat1ons and the dilla comprising th~ aboYe application 11m I\n:hllett certlfl€s to the Owner that to thl! best of the Archllect's 1cIIol'lledge. (nformatlon and beller the Work has progressed as Indicated, lhe Quality or the Work Is III accordance wllh tho Contract Dotuments, and the Ccnlrnctor is entitled to puyment of the Amount Certlnad. Amount Certilled: $--------- ~·,\4qICf~·lcD (O~}J \~t)c;Cf:>.,~ l"\ .... ; i.J ~, '.: • .." • • " ... ' '.' , .. ' . I~ • ' \: ., .. " I I ... _.. -.... . . ,.-" ,,. Application and Certificate For Payment ~- page 2 Cus.tomer: MAiTCONSTRUcnON CORPORATION Application No: Contractor. Project: HOWE ELECTRIC CONSTRUcnON INC FRESNO OiAFFEE ZOO Contractor's Job No: Date: 09/15/11 11009 Customer's Project No: 30303 Work Compll!ted Scheduled Item Number 'DO DIl5crlpllon GENgRA.l REQUIREMENTS Subtotal 200 TEMPORARY PO\VER Subtotlll Value Preyklu5 Application MaterIals Presenlly Stored 3 Completed ilInd Stored 10 Ollte Period To: End or Month Bulmce to finish This Period Memo Retention 1.380.00 10.00 12,420.00 138.00 13.800.00 D.DO 1.380,00 13,800.0D 0,00 1,380.00 0.00 1,380,00 10.00 12,420.00 138.00 11,446.00 1,144.60 1,144.60 0.00 2,289.20 20.00 9,150.00 228.92 ",4'l6.00 1,144.60 1,144.60 0.00 2,:289.20 20.00 9,156.60 2211.92 9,545.00 ~,5"5.oa 0.00 D.DD 9,545.00 10D.CO D.DO 954.50 D.DD 8,085,00 100.CO D.DD 80~.5D 300 SITE1MPROVEMENT&OEMO 310 SITE IMPROVEMENTS-POWER EQUIP 8,OB5.00 B,085.00 0.00 3ZD SITE IMPROVEMENTS·SUDFEEDS 293,064.00 146,532.00 ''''0,532.00 0.00 293.064.00 tOUID O.DD 29.306.40 330 SITE IMPROVEMENTS-LIGHT FIXT 81,931.00 D~D '0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 81,93HlD 0.00 340 Silt: IMPROVEMENTs..ROUGHIFlNISH 55,491.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0,00 55,491.00 0.00 350 snE IMPROVEMENTS-CCTV ROUGH '0,09-4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 'O,0G4.00 D.DO 0.00 0.00 3,120.00 D.DD >BD SITe IMPROVEMENTS-AV ROUGH Subtornl 3,129.00 0.00 D.DD D.DO 461,339.00 164.162.00 146,532.00 0.00 310,694.00 61,35 150.645.00 31.069.40 5,5BS.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 O.DO 5,585.00 D.DD D.DD 4DO BlOGIHDLO TANK·POWER EQUIP 410 BLDG/HOLD TANK-5UBFEEDS 2,951.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.951.00 420 BLDG/HOLD TANK-fIXTURES 18,095.00 0.00 0.00 C.DO 0.00 0.00 10,09:5.00 0.00 . 17,268.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 17,280.00 0.00 BLDGIHOLO TANK·R&F LIGHTING 440 BLDG/HOLD TANK·R&F POWER 9,090.00 0,00 0.00 D.DD 0.00 0.00 9,090.00 D.DD 4'0 BLDG/HOLD TANK·TElE DATA RF 3.333.00 D.DO 0.00 0.00 0.00 O.DO 3.333.00 D.DD 460 BlDGlIiOLD TANr.:·MECH EQUIP CONN 8,628.00 D.DO 0.00 O.DO 0.00 0.00 8,628.00 0.00 470 BLDG/HOLD TANK·CeTV ROUGH IN t,BOO.OO D.DD D.DD 0.00 0.00 D.DD 1,B90.00 D.DD eEl,B5B.00 0,00 O.DD 0.00 0.00 D.DD OB,OS8.00 D.DD 22,568.00 9,015.00 0.00 0.00 9,015.00 39,95 13,553,00 901.50 SUblotal 'DO LSS BLDG SffiCl·POVVER EQUIP 510 LSS 8LDG SrnCT·SUBFEEDS 3.821.00 0.00 D.DD 0.00 QDD 0.00 3.B21.00 0.00 520 lSS BLDG SmCT·F1XTURES 7,085.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7,08e.oo D.DD 530 lSS BLDG STRCT-R&F L1GHTlNG 6,667.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,667.00 0.00 I" I I Application and Certificate For I'"yment -- page 3 3 Customer: fo1ATrCONSTRUcnoN CORPORATION Application No: Contractor: HOWE ELECTRIC CONSTRUCTION INC Contractor's Job No: Project: FRESNO CHAFFEE ZOO Customer's Project Work Complctl!:1 Item r~umber Description Sctueduled Value Materials N~: Period To: End of MonU1 30303 CQmpletnd and Presently Stored Prevrcus ApplicatIon Date: 09/15/11 11009 Stored \0 DDt~ ThIs Period Blllance to Flnlsh °A Memo Retentkm 5<0 lSS BLDG $TRCT.R&F POVVER 5,959.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 D,OO . 5,'151UIO 0.00 5SO l5S BLDG SmCT-TELE DATA RF 1,623.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.023.00 ~.oo 560 L5S DlOG STRCT-MECH EQUIP CONN "18,713.0D 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1B,713.00 0.00 570 LSS BLDG STRCT·CClV ROUGH IN 1,238.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,236.00 0.00 67.673.00 9,015.00 0.00 0.00 0,015.00 13.32 5B,65aoo 901;50 0.00 0,00 0.00 l,g23.OD 0.00 Subtotal 600 VIEWSTRCT·POWER 1,923.00 0.00 0.00 610 VIEW STRCT.sUBFEEOS 1.765.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 1,705.00 000 620 VIEW STRCT·F1XT'URES :11.198.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 5t,1ga.OO 0.00 630 VIEW STRCT·R&F LlGHnr~O 9,282.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 g,262.00 0.00 640 VIEW STRCT-R&F POWER 3,141.00 0.00 . 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,141.00 000 650 VIEW SlRCT-CCW ROUGH IN 5,694.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,89400 000 680 VIEW STRCT-NOSE TO NOSE 6,566.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8,566.00 0.00 0.00 . 0.00 0.00 ono 0.00 61,749.00 0.00 0.00 ~23,378.20 -16.01 379,480.60 32,33762 Subtotal AppllcaUon Total 81,749.00 7a2:,8a5.00 174,:121.50 149,056.60 46/ CONDITIONAL WAIVER AND. RELEASE UPON PROGRESS PAYMENT California Civil Code 3262 (d)(1)] Upon receipt by the undersigned of a check from MATT CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION HOWE ELECTRIC CONSTRUCTION, INC.. in the sum of $134,150.94 payable to and'when the check has been properly endorsed and has been paid by the bank upon which It Is drawn, this document shall become effective to release any mechanic's lien, stop notice, or bond right the undersigned has on the job of CHAFFEE ZOO FRESNO CHAFFEE ZOO SEA LION COVE #30303 located at 894 WEST BELMONT AVENUE, FRESNO to the following extent. This release covers a progress payment for labor, services, equipment, or material furnished to MATT CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION through September 30, 2011 'only and does not cover any retentions retained before or after the release date; extras fumished before the release date for which payment has not been received; extras or items furnished after the release date. Rights based upon work performed or items fumished under a written change order which .has been fully executed by the parties prior to the release date are covered by this release unless specifically reserved by the claimant in this release. This release of any mechanic's lien, stop notice, or bond right shall not otherwise affect the contract rights, including rights between parties to the contract" based upon a rescission, abandonment, or breach of the contract, or the right of the undersigned to recover compensation for furnished labor, services, equipment, or material covered by ihis release if that furnished labor, services, equipment, or material was not compensated by the progress payment. Before any recipient of this document relies on it, the party should verify evidence of payment to the undersigned. Dated September 15, 2011 HOWE ELECTRIC CONSTRUCTION. INC. By Title U:IHECI\BILLINGII.IENS\ -11009.x15<· L1ENCP A COUNTING MANAGER ~. MATI CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION Fresno Chaffee Zoo - Sea Lion Cove - MCC Job 30303 September 2011 Invoice Detail: Dave Christian Construction Co., Inc. 312316 S Month September Total Invoice Gross 117,516.00 446339 53/ $117,516.00 22/ Retention Net 11,752.00 $11,752.00 105,764.00 52/ 105,764.00 18/ SUBCONTRACTOR PROGRESS PAYMENT APPLICATION FOR WORK PERFORMED MONTH OF SUBCONTRACTOR ADDRESS Dave Christian Canst. Co., Inc. 2233 S. Minnewawa Ave. Fresno, CA 93727-6317 PROJECT NO. 30303 I REO. NO. 559-255-1222 446339 559-255-1292 Fax PAYMENT REQUEST BREAKDOWN /- S 1 ORIGINAL CONTRACT SUM 2 Net Change by Approved Change Orders [Thru C.O. # ~/-,-s 3 ADJUSTED CONTRACT SUM V 4 Total Completed and Stored to Date 5 Retention A. _ _-:..1=..0 % of Completed Work B. _ _ _ _ % of Stored Material 380,080.00 _ $ 380,000.00 ~$ 117.516.00 11752.00 LESS TOTAL RETENTION THIS BILLING [LInes 5A&5B] 11,752.00 v''"'"' "s_....:....:...!.==--- _ 6 TOTAL EARNED LESS RETENTION 105.764.00 V--:...· S --'-'"'-----'-'--_ _ 7 LESS PREVIOUS CERTIFICATES FOR PAYMENT /"-'-$------ B CURRENT PAYMENT DUE 105,764.00 51/ ~--"--S-----'-=-'~=--- 9 BALANCE TO FINISH, PLUS RETENTION [PLEASE ROUND ALL FIGURES TO THE NEAREST DOLLAR] t". '. • . :.1 t ~ Attached hereto is our Schedule of Values on the AlA breakdown sheet . t:._. J. ',! $ 262.564.00 _ , i I CONTII\IUATION SHEET AIA DOCUMENTG703 AlA Document G702, APPLICATION AND CERTlFlCATlON FOR PAYMENT. containing Contractor's signed certification is attached. In tabulations below, amounts are staled to the nearest dollar. Usc Column I on Contracts where variable retainnge for line items may apply. B DESCRIPTION OF WORK A ITEM NO. E D I WORK COMPLETED C SCHEDULED VALUE PAGE 1 OF 1 PAGES APPLICATION NO: 1 APPLICATION DATE: 09/15/11 PERIOD TO: 9130/2011 ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: FROM PREVIOUS APPLICATION THIS PERIOD (D+E) F MATERIALS TOTAL % H BALANCE I REfAINAGE PRESENTLY STORED COMPLETED (G+C) TO FINISH (IF VARIABLE AND STORED (C-G) RATE) (NOT IN TO DATE (D+E+F) DORE) A Street Cleaning (for other trades) B Temp Roads C Water Pumping (for other trades) Rough Grade (see breakdown below) Exhibit Pool (inc. allow for 2 dumpsters Site LSS Building D E F G H Holding Building I J K Stonn Basin (inc. allow 0[$5,125.00 for 4,100 L M Subdrninagc includes French drainage G S4,000.UO $8,000.00 $1,500.00 $4,000.00 $8,OUU.00 51,500.UO 577,700.00 SI 89,1 80.00 SI2,UOO.00 sfar AB Porous Paving, Sand (inc. allow 0[$5,000 [or repairs SI5,OOO.00 57,500.0U 535,000.00 $69,930.00 S37,836.00 569,930.00 S37,836.00 90.00% 57,770.00 20.00% $9,750.00 59,750.0U 65.00% SI51,344.00 sn,ouu.UO 55,250.00 57,500.00 S35,000.00 Asphalt Paving (inc. allow of$12,OOO for 4,000 sf of additional paving Rockery wall gravel backfillllllownncc GRAND TOTALS 518,000.00 S4,700.00 S7,5UO.00 SI8,OOO.00 $4,700.00 57,5UO.00 5380,08U.OU AlA DOCUMENT G703· CONTINUAnON SHEET FOR 0702 . 1992 EamON· AlA· C1992 THE AMERICAN INSTnUTE OF ARCHITECTS. 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, NW. WASH1NGTON. D,C, 2lJooo...s2:12 $0.00 $117,516.00 51/ 50.00 5117,516.00 $262,564.00 G703~1992 $0.00 CUSTOMER #: DAVe-CHRISTIAN CaNST. co., INC. 2233 S. Minnewawa Ave. Fresno, CA 93727-6317 ('- 1)255-1222 Fax: (559) 255-1292 LI<;ense #: 377698 2599 INVOICE #: 446339 INVOICE DATE: 09/15/11 DUE DATE: 10/15/11 BILL TO: JOB: MATT CONST. CORP. CHAFFEE 9814 NORWALK BLVD. STE. 100 SANTE FE SPRINGS, CA 90670 ;ODE o DESCRIPTION Contract TOTALS: CURRENT CONTRACT 11003 CHAFFEE ZOO SEAL,SEA LION 894 W. BELMONT AVE. FRESNO, CA 93728 PREVIOUS BILLED PREV % % COMPL CURRENT BILLING 380.080.00 30.9 117.516.00 380.080.00 30.9 117.516.00 Thank you for your business! SUBTOTAL: 117.516.00 LESS RETENTION: -11.752.00 NET DUE: 105.764.00 CONDITIONAL WAIVER AND RELEASE UPON PROGRESS PAYMENT Upon receipt by the undersigned of a check from Matt Construction Corporation in the sum of $105.764.00 payable to Dave Christian Canst. Co.. Inc. and when the check has been properly endorsed and has been paid by the bank upon which it is drawn, this document shall become effective to release any mechanic's lien, stop notice, or bond right the undersigned has on the job of Fresno Chaffe Zoo-Seal & Sea Lion Exhibit located at 894 W. Belmont Ave. Fresno, CA 93728 to the following extent. This release covers a progress payment for labor, services, equipment or materials furnished to Matt Construction Corporation through 9/30/201 I and does not cover any retentions retained before or after the release date; extras furnished before the release date for which payment has not b~en received; extras or items furnished after the release date. Rights based upon work performed or items furnished under a written change order which has been fully executed by the parties prior to the release date are covered by this release unless specifically reserved by the claimant in this release. This release of any mechanic's lien, stop notice, or bond right shall not otherwise affect the contract rights, including rights between parties to the contract based upon a rescission, abandonment, or breach of the contract, or the right of the undersigned to recover compensation for furnished labor, services, equipment, or material covered by this release if that furnished labor, services, equipment, or material was not compensated by the progress payment. Before any recipient of this document relies on it, said party should veritY evidence of payment to the :iersigned. " Dated: Co~~ Name _ By - / . et? lh( (/nVI11l.,. Please print name and title: Terri Emmett Project Administrator CIVIL CODE 3262(d)(I) PROVIDES: Where the claimant is required to execllte a waiver and release in exchange for, or in order to induce payment oj. a progress payment and the claimant is not, in fact, paid in exchange for the waiver and release or a single payee check orjoint payee check is given in exchange for the waiver alld release, the waiver alld release shallfollow substantially the form setforth above. MATI CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION Fresno Chaffee Zoo - Sea Lion Cove - MCC Job 30303 September 2011 Invoice Detail: Malcolm Drilling Co., Inc. 314100 S Month September Total Invoice Gross 64,819,00 54056 58/ $ 64,819,00 22/ Retention Net 6,482.00 $ 6,482,00 58,337,00 57/ 58,337,00 18/ f' '. SUBCONTRACTOR PROGRESS PAYMENT APPLICATION FOR WORK PERFORMED MONTH OF SUBCONTRACTOR Malcolm Drilling Company. Inc. ADDRESS 3503 Breakwater Court 30303 Hayward, CA 94545 54056 (510)780-9181 PAYMENT REQUEST BREAKDOWN V0 1 (W' CO "$6+.81'9':69 I....;:..$_ _~.;;....;.......'-' 1 ORIGINAL CONTRACT SUM 2 Net Change by Approved Change Orders [Thru C.O. # V'....;:$=-----....,..."..,..".-,~~;.. 3 ADJUSTED CONTRACT SUM V·....;:$=--------.;::.;;..:.:,,;:;;..;.:;.:..=..;:.... 4 Total Completed and Stored to Date 5 Retention $64,819.00 1-..:::...$--..;:;.;;..;.:.;;;".;.,;:",;,..;:.... A. _ _----'1~O% of Completed Work B. - - - - % of Stored Material LESS TOTAL RETENTION THIS BILLING [Unes 5A&5B] 6,482.00 $6,482.00 ~$~----,,=~ 6 TOTAL EARNED LESS RETENTION 558,337.00 v/....;:;s_-~:::..;;;...;..:..;:.... 7 LESS PREVIOUS CERTIFICATES FOR PAYMENT t/'~s_--- 8 CURRENT PAYMENT DUE 558,337.00 56/ V'....;::;.$--~~~ 9 BALANCE TO FINISH, PLUS RETENTION $ [PLEASE ROUND ALL FIGUReS TO me NeAREST DOLLAR] Attached hereto Is our Schedule of Values on the AlA breakdown shset ~~-Jf1SoooJ~-~""""'--- i~~\),,:: i ... \;E. .._-_.... 56/ 66/ 22/ 62/ 18/ 61/ 61/ 69/ 22/ 70/ 18/ 68/ 68/ 68/ 68/ 68/ 68/ 68/ 23/ 73/ 74/ 23/ 72/ 72/ 76/ 78/ 79/ 80/ 81/ 23/ 75/ 75/ 75/ 75/ 75/ 83/ 84/ 86/ 23/ 82/ 82/ 82/ 88/ 23/ 87/ 91/ 92/ 23/ 90/ 0. C 7.49 9.14 94/ 7.49 + + + 93/ 003 24.12 90/* 92/ 92/ 96/ 100/ 23/ 95/ 95/