Grotesque business of Planned Parenthood
Grotesque business of Planned Parenthood
At Issue this week... July 29, 2015 Chattanooga Tragedy Bay (29) Malkin (5) Towery (4) Clinton, Hillary Barone (10) Thomas (9) Dear Mark Levy (19) Democrats Morris (12) Disparate Impact Barone (14) Education Elder (21) Jeffrey (20) Engaged Christians Olasky (13) First Amendment Farah (6) Jeffrey (24) Foreign Policy Buchanan (29) History Williams (25) Immigrant Crime Coulter (7) Saunders (6) Iran Deal Buchanan (30) Charen (17) Chavez (17) Hollis (31) Krauthammer (16) Lambro (18) Limbaugh (28) Lowry (4) Prager (15) Thomas (30) Left, The Bozell (27) Murchison (26) Sowell (27) Medicare McCaughey (25) Obama Presidency Erickson (10) Sowell (13) Planned Parenthood Bozell (3) Harsanyi (2) Lowry (1) Malkin (22) Schlafly (3) Republicans Cushman (22) Massie (12) Sharing Economy Saunders (11) Socialism Moore (26) Trump, Donald Lambro (23) Limbaugh (8) Shapiro (21) Tyrrell (9) Trivia Bits Paquet (14) Planned Parenthood by Rich Lowry Grotesque business of Planned Parenthood I t’s hard to have an honest debate about abortion in this country, when the issue is so often shrouded in evasion and deception. That’s why we owe a debt to Deborah Nucatola. She is willing to tell it the way it is. She eschews careful talking points meant to obscure rather than illuminate and doesn’t worry about discomfiting the squeamish. On abortion, she is the great clarifier. Nucatola is the Planned Parenthood official — and abortion doctor — whose frank discussion of the destruction of unborn babies was captured on secret video by an anti-abortion group. was written by liberal lion Henry Waxman, who had no interest in forbidding the trade. The true import of the Nucatola video is its casual moral grotesqueness. Manipulating a baby in the womb to kill it in a fashion best suited to selling off its organs, as Nucatola describes, is a repellant act. SHE WAS DRAWN out over lunch by two actors posing as people interested in buying organs from abortion clinics, and speaks nonchalantly of the unspeakable. If watching the video doesn’t turn your stomach, you are either morally insensate, or angling to be designated Planned Parenthood’s Person of the Year. The episode raises a public-relations challenge unique to that organization: How do you spin one of your officials casually talking about aborting babies and harvesting their organs for sale (“a lot of people want liver”) while sipping red wine and enjoying a nice meal? Well, the first rule is not to refer to an aborted baby as a baby, or in any way to acknowledge his humanity. A PR firm doing work for Planned Parenthood — and surely earning every disreputable penny — called the body parts discussed in the video “the products of conception.” The other is to talk about science and medicine, which are assumed to be invested with a talismanic power that trumps all other considerations. “In health care,” Planned Parenthood said in a statement, “patients sometimes want to donate tissue to scientific research that can help lead to medical breakthroughs.” So nothing to see here, folks. But abortion is not health care — it is an overwhelmingly elective procedure undertaken to end a life. The baby isn’t a patient. The baby is a victim and has no choice in what happens to its organs after a Planned Parenthood abortionist does his work. Critics of Planned Parenthood have focused on the potential illegalities revealed in the video. This is a mistake. The federal statute on selling fetal parts for profit This isn’t merely aesthetics. Yes, as Planned Parenthood’s apologists argue, almost any surgical procedure is unsightly. But other surgical procedures don’t involve deliberately ending a life and treating its body as a commodity. Rich Lowry (c) 2015, King Features Syndicate SUCH IS THE business that Planned Parenthood is in. The group loves to portray itself as just a friendly neighborhood provider of health services. Abortion is left out of this sanitized version. Nucatola provides the more accurate picture. She talks of how Planned Parenthood performs 40 percent of the abortions in the country and how clinics are stuck with the parts of dead babies (“tissue”) that they have trouble discarding. An organization that exists in large part to perform abortion — about a million every three years — shouldn’t receive a dime in public funding. And the best way to limit the sale of the parts of aborted babies is to save the babies from being aborted in the first place, which proposed bans on late-term abortions in Congress would at least take a step toward doing. We have long been told how unborn babies are “blobs of tissue” that deserve no moral respect or legal protection. Yet here is an official from the leading abortion provider in the country talking of their livers, lungs and hearts, and of preserving those organs for their value. WHAT DEBORAH Nucatola describes is the reality of abortion. If you can’t handle it, you can’t handle the truth. July 16, 2015 2 Conservative Chronicle PLANNED PARENTHOOD: July 17, 2015 Let’s face it: Planned Parenthood is evil I n America, it’s illegal to donate money to a candidate without first reporting it to the government. Even then, if you give more than is permissible, you could end up in jail. In this country, you can’t add trans fats to your foods or smoke cigarettes in your own bar. Here, Little Sisters of the Poor can’t tell the state they’d rather not buy condoms, and bakers can’t tell a couple they’d rather not participate in their wedding. But it’s completely legal to kill an unborn baby for convenience and then sell its parts for cash. LET’S FORGET the legality of the issue for a moment. And let’s forget religion and politics, if that’s possible. Let’s forget the disconcerting economic incentives inherent in these types of transactions and ask: What kind of person nonchalantly describes “crushing” the life from another living being — a being that might already be named and loved, a loss that might have a tremendous negative impact on a person or family or community — over a glass of wine and some giggles? Well, an executive at the euphemistic Planned Parenthood, that’s who. We can tell ourselves that a life can simply be written off whenever we deem it inconvenient. We can celebrate the right to end life. But the depravity of Deborah Nucatola’s conversation betrays where it all leads — and also where it started. If this were a video of some prod- for Republicans to cower under. Unuct researchers talking about the same til Planned Parenthood breaks off its process but describing the vivisection abortion/wholesale baby-part business of a monkey or a cat for organ harvest- from its women’s health operations, ing instead, most Americans would you’re a big investor. be justly repulsed. Yet because this AND WOMEN who donate pieces is Planned Parenthood, an organizababies (and we still tion fulfilling its eugenicist founder’s of their don’t understand goal of population control, it will be how this happens, treated as just anby default or proother dispute in actively), accordthe culture war, ing to the U.S. completely de(c) 2015, Creators Syndicate Department of void of scientific Health and Huand moral conman Services, may ask for “reasonable text. Because this is Planned Parenthood, payments associated with the transpormost of the media will frame this as a tation, implantation, processing, prespolitical tug of war rather than explore ervation, quality control, or storage the politics and ethics of allowing of human fetal tissue.” It’s probably Americans to terminate a life and then not a huge moneymaker, but that’s beharvest organs. Some in the media will side the point. Delaying an abortion to probably have a difficult time even sell parts at a higher price is illegal in comprehending why anyone would theory but really, like the Hyde amenddeem this much of a story at all. You’ll ment, completely unenforceable in recall how a number of politicians practice. Planned Parenthood argues that its and reporters struggled to explain the distinction between a run-of-the-mill peddling of human tissue (known to late-term abortionist and Kermit Gos- the rest of us as “body parts we need to survive”) is ethical and useful. The nell. (Answer: One has a license.) You’re involved, too. You have no nonprofit was merely negotiating how “choice.” It is worth reiterating that it would be reimbursed for human taxpayers, in part, fund this abortion tissue — or, as the Associated Press industry. The fungibility of dollars that would describe the bartering of aborted flow into Planned Parenthood makes baby parts, having a discussion about laws such as the Hyde amendment “the disposition of parts from aborted nothing more than a political canopy fetuses.” This practice isn’t new. David Harsanyi Killing unborn babies and selling their organs saves lives, says Planned Parenthood. (You only need to peruse the history of the 20th century to find that line of reasoning disconcerting.) If Planned Parenthood really wants to save lives, of course, it could start by attempting to convince — or at the very least inform — its would-be customers that they have real choices. What Nucatola, Planned Parenthood’s senior director for medical services, really tells us is that these aren’t just clumps of cells devoid of moral significance or purpose — especially when they don’t meet Nucatola’s scalpel. “We’ve been very good at getting heart, lung, liver because we know that,” she explains, “so I’m not going to crush that part. I’m going to basically crush below, I’m going to crush above, and I’m going to see if I can get it all intact.” She is discussing organs of a baby, evidently more useful to her dead than alive. HOW MANY Americans are OK with this practice? We should find out. Liberals never have a problem making expansive arguments on emotional grounds. The single woman without health care tells us all we need to know about Obamacare; the lone shooter tells us all we need to know about guns laws, etc. There is simply no reason that Nucatola should not be on television ads everywhere, sipping her wine and intimately describing how abortionists squash the life out of unborn babies for money. How many Americans would accept this policy as normal? •USPS: 762-710/•ISSN: 0088-7403 Published by Hampton Publishing Co. (Established 1876) Division of Mid-America Publishing Corp. The Conservative Chronicle is published weekly for $74.00 (U.S.) per year by Hampton Publishing Co., 9 Second Street N.W., Hampton, IA 50441, and entered at the Post Office at Hampton, Iowa 50441, as periodicals postage under the Acts of Congress. Editorial Offices Conservative Chronicle, P.O. Box 29, Hampton, IA 50441. Ph. 1-800-888-3039. Editorial Coordinators, Kevin and Ruth Katz Circulation & Subscriber Services Conservative Chronicle P.O. 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PLANNED PARENTHOOD’S president later apologized for the “tone” of Dr. Nucatola’s chilling remarks at a business lunch with wine, but could not deny that they accurately reflect PP’s business model. As somebody said 2,000 years ago in ancient Rome: “in vino veritas” (in wine there is truth). Planned Parenthood’s practices appear to violate two federal laws, one of which prohibits trafficking in fetal organs and tissues for profit. The other law prohibits altering an abortion for the sole purpose of harvesting organs, and that’s what PP’s senior executive admit- the same convention whose delegates booed a motion to recognize God.) ted doing. Two generations ago, when a book In addition to aiming the forceps “under ultrasound guidance” to “crush called The Population Bomb was ridbelow” or “crush above” the desired or- ing the best-seller list, President Richgan (such as heart, lung or liver) wanted ard Nixon asked Congress to create the federal program to by a medical supply company, Dr. Nu- first-ever promote “family catola even admitplanning” — the ted that “people phrase coined by will actually try to PP founder Marchange the presengaret Sanger as a tation so that it’s (c) 2015, Creators Syndicate euphemism for not vertex” (head first). That means intentionally deliver- “birth control.” Nixon’s bill was sponing the baby feet or bottom first in or- sored by then Congressman and future der to cause “dilation,” which makes it President George H.W. Bush, and it beeasier for the abortionist to “evacuate an came law at the end of 1970. intact calvarium [head] at the end.” THE NOTION of a “population Aside from the apparent illegality of such activities, how did we reach the bomb” was quickly discredited and the point in our country where an organi- book by Stanford Professor Paul Ehzation, led by persons with such lack rlich has taken its place among such of conscience, was able to attain such false alarms as Rachel Carson’s Silent power, influence, and respectability that Spring and Al Gore’s Earth in the Balits president addressed the last Demo- ance. Contrary to Ehrlich’s prediction, cratic National Convention? (That was the birth rate has collapsed in the Unit- Phyllis Schlafly PLANNED PARENTHOOD: July 17, 2015 Media fails on Planned Parenthood O nce again, a courageous group of pro-life activists has produced a damning sting video of Planned Parenthood, and this one has exposed the most outrageous behavior yet. This isn’t the abortion conglomerate protecting pimps or statutory rapists as they seek abortions. This is the selling of the organs of babies after they’ve been killed. The video will chill you to the bone. It cannot be described as anything but what it is: evil. ing” women and girls to “terminate” and then to donate tissue. “I think every one of them is happy to know that there’s a possibility for them to do this extra bit of good, in what they do,” Nucatola said. “I actually think it’s an easier conversation to have, than just consenting them for the procedure in general.” She added it’s a “pleasant surprise, in a way,” for women to discover they can help science after they’ve ... helped themselves. A GROUP called the Center for Medical Progress posed as tissue buyers with Dr. Deborah Nucatola, senior medical officer with Planned Parenthood, and filmed her casually, almost dispassionately discussing over a salad and wine how she and her colleagues carefully crush baby corpses to preserve intact organs for sale. Profiting off the sale of fetal tissue is a felony. Dr. Nucatola proudly explains that “We’ve been very good at getting heart, lung, liver, because we know that, so I’m not gonna crush that part, I’m gonna basically crush below, I’m gonna crush above, and I’m gonna see if I can get it all intact.” More than ever, Planned Parenthood fits the term “merchants of death.” But in a culture of “free love” and disposable pregnancy, death makes a profit in the worst ways. You get a sense Planned Parenthood works hard at getting “consent- Bozell Brent (c) 2015, Creators Syndicate Extra bit of good ... happy to know ... pleasant surprise. Carving up and selling the body parts — parts developed enough you can recognize them — of children you’ve killed. AS FOR THE “donation” business, Nucatola explained their affiliates “just want to do it in a way that is not perceived as, ‘This clinic is selling tissue, this clinic is making money off of this.’ I know in the Planned Parenthood world they’re very, very sensitive to that. ... They want to come to a number that doesn’t look like they’re making money.” But that is precisely what’s happening. She spells out suggested price tags. It’s moneymaking butchery. What’s every bit as damnable as the horror discussed is the silence that fol- lows. President Obama? Nancy Pelosi? Anyone who supports Planned Parenthood? To refuse to condemn is to condone. They are condoning something Josef Mengele would also endorse were he practicing his brand of medicine today. Speaking of silent support: Where on Earth are the “news” media on this? It’s Kermit Gosnell all over again. What’s more, they’re demonstrating how strongly they back Planned Parenthood and the abortion-on-demand agenda. Planned Parenthood boss Cecile Richards is a regular and honored guest on MSNBC, and host Lawrence O’Donnell even told her he’d nominate her to be America’s ambassador to the United Nations. IN RECENT weeks, the allegedly disinterested media have been a perpetual disavowal machine for Donald Trump, working hard to force businesses to dump him. They have spent hours promoting the disavowal of the Confederate flag in every venue. But they have barely touched this story. They have not, and will not make an effort to force Democrats or other businesses to disavow any connection with Planned Parenthood and its grisly business practices. It’s long past time any taxpaying pro-life — and now, pro-choice — American should have to give a bloody red cent to these monsters. ed States and throughout the Western world to the point where most countries’ populations are shrinking except for immigration. Planned Parenthood became the biggest recipient of the federal spending named in its honor, and the flow of money hasn’t stopped — over $500 million in the last fiscal year, comprising 41 percent of PP’s budget. It’s time to end all federal and state taxpayer support for an organization that serves no valid public purpose, does not promote the general welfare, and is run by people who lack the basic decency to respect the dignity of human life in the womb. Several state legislatures have tried to cut the flow of state taxpayers’ money to Planned Parenthood and its affiliates, which perform more abortions than anyone else, only to be rebuffed by liberal federal judges. A rare exception was a Kansas law upheld by the U.S. Tenth Circuit Court last year. Kansas had been handing out taxpayer dollars under the federal Title X program for many years to Planned Parenthood of Kansas and Mid-Missouri despite its affiliation with abortion providers. In 2011, Kansas Governor Sam Brownback signed an appropriations bill that gave priority to taxpayer spending first to “public entities (state, county, local health departments and health clinics)” and then, if any taxpayer money remains available, “to non-public entities which are hospitals or federally qualified health centers that provide comprehensive primary and preventative care in addition to family planning services.” Planned Parenthood of Kansas and Mid-Missouri sued, because it was not given priority for the taxpayer funding. After its claims were rejected, Planned Parenthood closed one of its Kansas facilities and chose not to seek further review in the Supreme Court, perhaps fearing a loss there could set a nationwide precedent. Congress could cut off most if not all of the $528 million given to Planned Parenthood and its affiliates in grants by government, in contracts and in reimbursements from taxpayer-funded Medicaid. Numerous billionaire liberals are supporters of Planned Parenthood, but rather than fully funding it themselves, which they could easily do, they insist on forcing taxpayers to foot the bill. OPENSECRETS.ORG reports that in the 2014 cycle, for example, Planned Parenthood received slightly more than $1 million from donors at Bloomberg L.P. and $500,000 from donors at Soros Fund Management. Those companies and their billionaire owners could easily keep Planned Parenthood afloat without burdening the taxpayers to support conduct which so many find offensive. 4 Conservative Chronicle CHATTANOOGA TRAGEDY: July 16, 2015 For heaven’s sake, let’s arm our service members! T he tragedy of Thursday’s atTo clarify, as this column was being tacks on two military facili- penned, it was unconfirmed that four ties in Chattanooga, Tennes- Marines, our nation’s finest, have lost see, is simply too much to take. It’s their lives due to this senseless attack. one thing to know that the Obama These soldiers deserved better — and administration has proposed shrinking so do we. the size of our acWe are viewed as tive duty military, a weakened nation and has negotiated willing to negotideals that inure to ate for months on the financial benend with those (c) 2015, Creators Syndicate efit of nations who who call us the hate us. It’s another thing to watch our Great Satan, and who rally with chants loyal servicemen and women having of “death to America.” But when it to work on military bases with no abil- comes to securing our most obvious of ity to protect themselves. This is the targets, our leaders look the other way. last straw. According to some reports, there have been at least 17 attacks or attempted IN THE EARLY 1990s bureaucrats attacks on military locations since the in Washington, D.C., began what has tragic murders at Fort Hood, Texas, in been an extended and renewed ban on 2009. military personnel carrying firearms while not engaged in combat. That AND IT’S NO secret that most acmeans that from our forts and ship- tive terrorist groups have been calling yards to the two locations involved in for attacks on locations that symbolThursday’s disgusting and sickening attacks, our brave men and women IRAN DEAL: July 20, 2015 — those who recruit and support our service members and strive to keep our nation strong — are sitting ducks for lone-wolf assassins, or more coordinated attacks. At the Navy operational cenf only President Barack Obama ter where four people were attacked were as hard-nosed and clever in Thursday, there was not a guarded undermining our adversaries as gate, according to various media sto- he is in kneecapping the U.S. Congress, ries. the country’s strategic position might be The “conservative media” is often transformed. criticized for misrepresenting regulaThe Iran deal went to the United tions related to firearms on military Nations Security Council for approval properties. In essence, rules for many Monday, months before Congress will decades have allowed only security vote on it, and got unanimous approval. personnel to carry a weapon. And in The U.N. vote doesn’t bind Congress, the instance of these attacks, there was but it boxes it in and minimizes it — no such known active security present. with malice aforethought. This raises the issue of why we will arm our military to battle in the hellREPUBLICANS AND Democrats holes we often enter across the globe, in Congress issued sharply worded but won’t let them carry firearms while statements about getting pre-empted working here at home. by Turtle Bay, although the vast interWe know that our nation is under national machinery that has been set threat and attack by people who wish in motion won’t be deflected by a few us harm. It takes the brain of a chicken sharp words from people under the not to recognize that military loca- misapprehension that they occupy a cotions, particularly support centers and equal branch of the American governrecruitment centers, are easy targets. ment. What are congressional hearings As I write this column much is still and the U.S. domestic political debate not clear about the attacks in Chatta- compared with the “international comnooga. For all I know, the assailant had munity?” some personal grudge that led him to Shortly after the U.N. vote, President shoot at two separate locations miles Obama urged Congress to get with the apart from each other. But with two program: “There is broad international separate locations involved, both mil- consensus around this issue,” he said, itary-related, it really doesn’t matter. adding that his “assumption is that ConThe time has come to give our mili- gress will pay attention to that broadtary personnel the respect they de- based consensus.” In other words, folserve. That would include better pro- low the lead of the United Nations on a tection for recruiting centers, which matter of utmost importance to the naby nature are open to the public and tional interest of the United States. therefore susceptible to exactly this Secretary of State John Kerry iskind of threat. sued his own warning over the weekend Matt Towery ize America’s economic and military strength. It is inexcusable that obvious potential targets such as these are not better secured. I sure hope the White House sends the same number of officials to Chattanooga as they have to the scenes of recent “hate crimes,” which they have been so quick to decry. In fact, if these lives in Chattanooga have been lost, I sincerely hope our Commander in Chief will be there to mourn. And, damn it, while I’ve been writing this, it has been confirmed that four people, believed to be Marines, have died. It has been some four plus hours since all this unfolded, and all I have learned from the White House is that the president is visiting a federal prison in Oklahoma. Hopefully, in the hours to come, the threat to our servicemen and women and today’s tragedy will be appropriately addressed. LET THIS loss not be in vain. Arm and protect our servicemen and women while they are under threat, and do it now! Obama kneecaps Congress (again) I about the dangers of going our own way: “If Congress says ‘no’ to this deal, then there will be no restraints on Iran. There will be no sanctions left. Our friends in this effort will desert us.” And who’s responsible for that? The Obama administration cut a deal eviscerating the international sanctions regime and got it blessed by the U.N., then turns around and tells Congress it has no alternative but to assent because there will be no meaningful sanctions regime left regardless. Rich Lowry (c) 2015, King Features Syndicate The agreement is written to favor business with Iran. It grandfathers in all commercial deals cut after the initial lifting of the sanctions, even in the unlikely event they are reimposed. Plus, Iran isn’t going to give back its windfall of tens of billions of dollars handed to it under the agreement. KERRY OVER the weekend seemed offended by the notion that Congress should get to vote before everyone else locks the Iran agreement into place: “It is presumptuous of some people to say that France, Russia, China, Germany, Britain ought to do what the Congress tells them to do.” This is admirably internationalist, but Kerry is supposed to be the secretary of state of the United States, not a representative of the interests and prerogatives of its allies and adversaries. The New York Times reports that during the negotiations, Kerry actually pushed to delay a U.N. vote until Congress reviewed the deal. How sporting of him. It must have been vestigial loyalty to the Congress he served in for several decades. Predictably, the Iranians balked (they’re not fools), and so did the Russians and the Europeans. Equally predictably, Kerry resorted to his solution to most every knotty negotiating problem — he caved. Amazingly enough, the agreement with Iran doesn’t mention the U.S. Congress or its review of the deal, but specifically cites the Iranian Parliament and its role in approving the so-called additional protocol of the nuclear nonproliferation treaty. At least someone is willing to stick up for Iran’s (wholly fraudulent) legislative branch. It is President Obama’s curse that he doesn’t have a legislature as compliant as that of Iran’s supreme leader. The president clearly disdains Congress as a body that harbors several hundred Republicans and that can only complicate his grand legacy-defining initiatives. He didn’t want Congress to have a say at all over the Iran deal, but accepted the Corker bill that requires a near-impossible two-thirds votes to block it. THE ADMINISTRATION’S message to opponents is that even that supermajority would be too little, too late. Submission is the only option. 5 July 29, 2015 CHATTANOOGA TRAGEDY: July 17, 2015 Jihad on U.S troops is not a ‘circumstance’ F our U.S. Marines, barred from tunate circumstance. The concerted atcarrying weapons at naval train- tacks and plots against our troops in their ing facilities despite explicit recruitment centers and on their bases ISIS threats against our military, are dead here at home are outrageous acts of war. Have you forgotten? in Tennessee. Another service member In June 2009, Abdulhakim Mujahid and a Chattanooga police officer survived walked into an Arkangunshots after Thursday’s two-stage mas- Muhammad recruiting center, sacre allegedly at the hands of 24-year- sas Army murdered 24-yearold jihadist Muold Pvt. William hammad Youssef Long and gravely Abdulazeez. wounded 18-yearNavy Secretary old Pvt. Quinton Ray Mabus called (c) 2015, Creators Syndicate Ezeagwula. He the terrorist’s spree “insidious and unfathomable.” President had planned on killing many more in the Obama bemoaned the “heartbreaking cir- name of Allah. While the White House cumstance” in which the murdered Ma- and media decried the “climate of hate” fostered by Christians, they whitewashed rines found themselves. “Unfathomable?” Not if you’ve been Muhammad’s jihadi rage. Muhammad paying attention. Islam-inspired hate received a life sentence without parole crimes against our troops have continued for the act he himself described as a “jiunabated since the Obama White House hadi attack on infidel forces.” It should be noted that Muhammad first dismissed the 2009 Fort Hood masconverted to Islam at Tennessee State sacre as “workplace violence.” University in Nashville and then became HERE’S WHAT’S unfathomable: further radicalized in Yemen before reWhile the social justice warriors in Wash- turning to the U.S. ington bend over backward to appease “THE U.S. has to pay for the rape, CAIR and Muslim civil rights absolutists, Americans in uniform are dying on murder, bloodshed, blasphemy it has American soil at the hands of Allah’s done and still doing to the Muslims and homicidal avengers — but the command- Islam,” Muhammad railed after carrying er in chief couldn’t even bother to deliver out his plot. “So consider this a small rea live statement to the nation yesterday taliation the best is to come Allah willing. This is not the first attack and won’t be about the bloodshed. Instead, Obama issued another bland, the last.” As I noted at the time, Obama could bloodless pronouncement about the asbarely muster up a limp written statement sassinations of our disarmed troops. “Heartbreaking circumstance?” Light- expressing “sadness” over what he dening strikes are random events of unfor- scribed as a “senseless act of violence” Michelle Malkin (instead of the intentional systematic act of Islamic terrorism that it was). After the Little Rock ambush came the Baltimore military recruitment center bomb plot. Muslim convert Muhammad Hussain, 21, bragged on Facebook about his devotion to violent jihad. He “dialed a cellphone that he believed would ignite barrels of explosives packed into a sport utility vehicle,” the Baltimore Sun recounted. “The SUV had been parked by the Armed Forces recruiting station at a strip mall in Catonsville, a bedroom suburb west of Baltimore.” Hussain idolized Fort Hood jihadist Nidal Hasan and “thought about nothing but jihad.” In June 2011, the feds charged Mus- lim jihadists Abu Khalid Abdul-Latif and Walli Mujahidh of conspiring to use machine guns and grenades to “kill officers and employees of the Department of Defense who worked at the MEPS (Military Entrance Processing Stations) located in the Federal Center South building in Seattle, Wash., and to kill other persons assisting such officers and employees in the performance of their duties.” They both pleaded guilty, but remained unrepentant and defiant. In 2012, Ethiopian-born jihadist Jonathan Melaku pleaded guilty to shooting at the Pentagon, Marine and Coast Guard recruiting offices, and the National Museum of the Marine Corps, as well as trying to desecrate graves at Arlington National Cemetery containing the remains of U.S. veterans who fought in Iraq and Afghanistan. In April 2015, Mohammed Abdullah Hasan was arrested after the feds uncovered his ISIS-linked plot to kill American soldiers with a vehicle bomb at Fort Riley in Kansas. ISIS hackers have explicitly targeted 100 U.S. service members whose personal details have been disseminated online. In May, the Pentagon raised the security threat level of military bases in the U.S. to “Force Protection Bravo” — the thirdhighest threat level on a five-tier scale used by the Department of Defense. You wouldn’t know it from Obama’s languid response. CAN SOMEONE ask the commander in chief: Do U.S. military lives matter enough yet to do more than issue a canned, obligatory condolence to the families of those who serve? How many more lives must be lost before he is as roused about our troops under jihad siege as he is about Bill Cosby, the Confederate flag, Game of Thrones or Caitlyn Jenner? This is not a “circumstance.” This is war. 6 Conservative Chronicle FIRST AMENDMENT: July 22, 2015 More bad news about the First Amendment I have good news and bad news. The good news is that most Americans believe the First Amendment’s guarantees of religious freedom should take precedence over the newfound privileges government has bestowed upon a certain class of people based on their sexual behavior. THE BAD NEWS — and it’s really disturbing — is it’s not by an overwhelmingly popular mandate. In an Associated Press poll, 56 percent believe religious freedom should prevail over “gay rights” after the Supreme Court decided to legalize same-sex marriage throughout the United States. Of the religious groups polled, evangelical Christians expressed the biggest disapproval of same-sex marriage, with 7 in 10 respondents disagreeing with the Supreme Court ruling on gay unions. Some 79 percent of evangelicals also said local officials should be allowed not to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. Fifty-two percent of members of the Protestant denominations that participated in the survey also opposed same-sex marriage. Sixty percent supported the refusal of marriage licenses to same-sex couples. In terms of partisan divisions, an overwhelming number of Republican respondents — 82 percent in the survey — said religious liberties are more important than “gay rights.” The survey suggests several things that should be of concern to every American who values the Constitution as the law of the land and those who understand the difference between inalienable individual rights and privileges that are granted by government — either legislatively or by judicial fiat. The Constitution was designed by the founders of this country as a document to strictly limit the power of the federal government. There are means to amend it, but with regard to the First Amendment provisions regarding freedom of speech, freedom of the press and freedom of religion, there has never been any serious attempt to do so. Those individual rights have stood for more than 200 years essentially unchallenged by the amendment process, though there have been more than a few legislative, executive and judicial attacks on them. So how can it be that there is as much division as this poll suggests as to the sanctity of religious freedom in America? The answer is actually pretty simple: There has been an intentional dumbing down of basic civics and history in our schools, in our media and in our stateapproved churches. Americans, particularly the youngest, don’t understand the importance of individual rights protected from the intrusions of government based on popular cultural trends and the shifting sands of in popularity through a combination of media activism and a vitriolic and hatetime. Ten years ago, the very idea of same- ful — yet skillful — campaign of namesex marriage, something that had not calling against those who disagreed. Soon cracks began appearing in the previously existed in the history of the world anywhere, was a preposterous wall that had long protected the instituof marriage as first defined idea. Politicians of every stripe — Demo- tion Garden of Eden. crat, Republican, independent — sought in the It became increasto put themselves ingly uncomfortable on the side of the for Americans to institution of marstand firm on marriage defined as a riage, the very union between one (c) 2015, Creators Syndicate foundation of and man and one woman. That’s what marriage was and always prerequisite for a self-governing society. The popular culture characterized the had been, despite some aberrations over polygamy at different times and places. calls for same-sex marriage as a new No one had really seriously suggested frontier of freedom, though it was anymarriage could be between two men or thing but. It is a radical, fundamental change in two women or different group combinathe nation’s character foisted upon the tions. populace by unaccountable judges. And it threatens America’s most cherBUT WITH THE portrayal of this new “right” as necessary to stop “dis- ished and unique liberties — namely, crimination” against gays, the idea grew freedom of religion. Joseph Farah Everyone recognizes that fact, which is why polls are being conducted on the conflict. One would have expected 99 percent of Americans to line up to support a foundational and inalienable (which means God-given) right over one so recently “discovered.” That has not been the case. As America clearly moves away from God, religious freedom evidently doesn’t seem so important to them anymore. BUT THE consequences of this turning away from God and spiritual things bodes even more dangerous to our nation than does one foolish act by the Supreme Court. We reached a tipping point in popular opinion regarding same-sex marriage. Now we seem to be reaching a tipping point that places that notion ahead of America’s most prominent and distinguishing freedoms as enunciated in the First Amendment. God help us. IMMIGRANT CRIME: July 16, 2015 SF: Repeat offenders, come and stay S an Francisco is not likely to change its ill-conceived sanctuary-city policy because City Hall must bow to progressives who don’t believe in deporting undocumented immigrants with serious criminal records. Activists such as Angela Chan of the Asian Law Caucus believe that Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi was right to release Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez rather than turn him over to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement as requested. They don’t care that LopezSanchez had been convicted of seven felonies and deported five times before he was arrested for the July 1 shooting death of Kathryn Steinle. By 2013, Brown had signed the California TRUST Act, which prevents local law enforcement from honoring ICE detainers except in cases of serious or violent felonies. Brown had vetoed earlier legislation with no exception for convicted felons; he actually had to fight for that provision before he caved to the Legislature. Good for Brown, but why would any lawmaker want to shield immigrants who keep breaking criminal laws even though LOPEZ-SANCHEZ has pleaded not guilty to murder. Already, city pols are treating Steinle’s death as an anomaly. Supervisor Malia Cohen told the San Francisco Chronicle, “I’m not going to let one extremely unfortunate situation frame the policy.” It wasn’t always so. In 2010, when he was California’s attorney general, now-Gov. Jerry Brown opposed the sanctuary-city policy and supported the federal Secure Communities program, which automatically passed on the fingerprints of new arrestees to ICE. The idea was to deport criminal aliens. Advocates called for an end to the program. Brown, however, reasoned that it eliminated the possibility of racial profiling: “Using fingerprints is faster, race-neutral and results in accurate information and identification.” they should be on their best behavior because they are here illegally and should be afraid of being kicked out of this country? Debra J. Saunders (c) 2015, Creators Syndicate SAN FRANCISCO’S Due Process for All ordinance, approved unanimously in 2013, is even more porous. It directs local law enforcement to comply with ICE detainers only if an individual has committed a violent felony in the past seven years. By that sorry standard, the sheriff followed city law in not complying with the federal detainer. The Chronicle’s Emily Green reports that not one single San Francisco supervisor wants to change the 2013 law. Jesse Watters of Fox News confronted supervisors about the policy on camera. Supervisor Jane Kim said the real issue is “gun control,” as no one with Lo- pez-Sanchez’s criminal record should have access to a gun. (It turns out the gun was stolen from a federal agent’s car, so I don’t see how gun control applies.) Supervisor Katy Tang used two F-words, one an expletive and the other “Fox News.” Supervisor Scott Wiener chanted, “Fox News is not real news.” Then he ducked into his office. A woman is dead, and these swells only see Fox News. San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee faults his nemesis, the sheriff — whom Lee tried to fire after Mirkarimi pleaded guilty to a count of domestic violence — for releasing Lopez-Sanchez. Lee is right to assert that Mirkarimi could have — should have — made a phone call to ICE. Lee is right to fault Mirkarimi for instructing deputies in March to limit communication with ICE absent a warrant or court order. But Lee was wrong to tell the San Francisco Board of Supervisors on Tuesday, “Our sanctuary policy was never intended to create a safe haven for criminals who tear our communities apart.” THAT’S EXACTLY what the 2013 ordinance was intended to do — to create a safe haven for criminals, except for recently violent felons, against deportation. The truly unintended part was that some San Franciscans might object. Now the truth is out. City Hall is more invested in protecting undocumented immigrants convicted of nonviolent felonies than shielding the general lawabiding public from repeat criminals. 7 July 29, 2015 IMMIGRANT CRIME: July 15, 2015 Every pro-immigration claim is a lie I n the wake of Kate Steinle’s murder at the hands of an illegal immigrant, mass immigration advocates have begun a campaign of lies in defense of their cheap labor. “Studies show,” they say, that immigrants commit LESS crime than the native population. Inasmuch as the vast majority of post-1970 immigrants — legal immigrants — are poor, non-white and come from countries with far worse crime rates than our own, that’s at least counterintuitive. THE MAIN evidence cited in support of the claim that immigrants commit less crime than Americans is a moronic point about cities with a lot of immigrants seeming to have low crime rates. Check and mate, Mr. Trump! The “New York sure seems safe to me!” argument is like the Saturday Night Live sketch of Bill O’Reilly arguing that New York has more people than California. Bill O’Reilly: You also say that California has more people than any other state. I say New York state has more people — tell me where I’m wrong! Thomas Woodward: (confused) Um ... well ... Bill ... actually, California is the most populous state. Bill O’Reilly: I don’t know, counselor. I live in New York, and I walk down the streets every day, and there’s people everywhere! You can’t move! You know what I mean? Last week, I was in California, went to the beach in Malibu. Nobody! Practically empty. So, for my money, New York’s got more people. Probably New Jersey, too. Thomas Woodward: Well, Bill, your reduction in the national crime rate. The second main line of attack on own experience notwithstanding, each of the last four censuses has clearly the idea that immigrants are committing prodigious amounts of crime are shown — Bill O’Reilly: Sorry, counselor, not the apocryphal “studies.” The two researchers whose work is buying it! Not buying it! Thomas Woodward: Bill, I swear to cited over and over again for the proposition that immigrants are less criminal you, California is our largest state! Americans are Alex Bill O’Reilly: Look, Mr. Woodward, t h a n Piquero, criminology you’ve got your professor at the Uniopinion. I’ve got versity of Texas at mine. We’re not Dallas, and Bianca gonna settle this Bersani, socioltonight. (c) 2015, Ann Coulter ogy professor at That’s a comthe University of edy sketch. But now we’re getting it as a serious argu- Massachusetts, Boston. Pew cites their studies — and everyment in defense of mass immigration one in the media cites Pew, leading to from the Third World. Reason magazine boasts, for ex- headlines like these: “UT Dallas prof finds immigrant kids ample, that El Paso, Texas, has a large Hispanic population and yet El Paso “is less likely to commit serious crimes, reamong the safest big cities in America.” offend” — The Dallas Morning News “UMass Boston Prof: Stereotype of In fact, however, El Paso’s “safe city” ranking is based on an outdated ‘Criminal Immigrant’ Doesn’t Hold FBI crime index that includes only Up” — Targeted News Service “Surprise! Donald Trump is wrong eight crime categories, excluding such crimes as drunk driving, narcotics of- about immigrants and crime” — The fenses and weapons violations. When Washington Post the FBI’s more complete crime index is CURIOUSLY, WE are never shown used, El Paso has a higher crime rate the actual studies, but simply told — than the national average. The reason crime has plummeted with some heat — “studies show!” I looked up some of these alleged around the nation in the last few decades is aggressive policing, increased studies this weekend. They’re all hidprison sentences and the expansion of den behind ridiculous Internet payconcealed carry permits. (All policies walls. I was often only the sixth person to read them. currently being jettisoned by liberals.) It turns out that neither Piquero nor According to the New York Times, the drop in crime in New York City dur- Bersani compared immigrant crime ing Giuliani’s first two years as mayor to “the overall population” — as the alone accounted for 35 percent of the British Guardian recently claimed in Ann Coulter an article purporting to prove Donald Trump wrong. Rather, they compare immigrants’ crime rate to the crime rate of America’s most criminally inclined subgroups. Thus, for example, once you get past the paywall, you will find that Piquero and Bersani’s joint study, “Comparing Patterns and Predictors of Immigrant Offending Among a Sample of Adjudicated Youth,” used as its base group “adolescents who were found guilty of a serious offense.” THAT’S NOT A REPRESENTATIVE SAMPLE OF AMERICANS! It’s a representative sample of teenagers who are convicted criminals. Similarly, professor Bersani’s oftcited, but never-read study, “An Examination of First and Second Generation Immigrant Offending Trajectories,” looked at a population group that included “an over-sample of Hispanic and African-American youth.” Instead of immigrants who are less crime-prone than our native blacks and Hispanics, we were hoping for immigrants less criminal than our Norwegians. True, as Bersani explains, “because many immigrants initially settle in disadvantaged environments and are exposed to a number of crime-inducing risk factors, their experiences may be similar to many native-born minorities — particularly the African-American population.” But here’s an idea: How about NOT taking in immigrants who are poor, uneducated, come from dysfunctional families and settle in disadvantaged environments? Amazingly, Bersani’s study also produced this startling result: There is very little difference in crime rates between young native whites and blacks. Why no headlines about that? Instead of looking at “studies,” how about we just count the number of immigrants arrested, convicted and imprisoned in America? Even if the immigrants’ crime rate were the same as “the overall population” — and it’s not — we’re supposed to be admitting immigrants who are better than us, not “six of one, half dozen of the other.” Why? Because we’re picking them. If the food in your refrigerator is rotten, you don’t go out and buy more rotten food on the grounds that it’s no more rotten than the food you already have. This is the new food you’re picking and you’re paying for. INSTEAD, WE’RE bringing in legal immigrants — forget illegals — who are way more criminal than us, notwithstanding phony studies no one bothers to read. 8 Conservative Chronicle DONALD TRUMP: July 21, 2015 Don’t be fooled by the media: This isn’t about Trump I s anyone concerned that the me- ably would hurt Trump, or to defend him, dia have succeeded in using a flap which would hurt those candidates. Few would defend Trump’s remarks, between Donald Trump and John McCain to divert our attention from seri- but how about McCain’s? Is McCain forever excused because of Trump’s overreous issues facing the nation? Trump has been very outspoken in re- action? McCain can pretend he used “crazies” cent weeks on certain issues, especially immigration. His unfiltered remarks have as a term of affection, but he and his felresonated with people, driving him high low establishment elites do think immigration hawks are crazies. in the polls among the GOP hopefuls. That’s right; they I don’t think home in on Trump’s for a second this outrages, but their means Trump has real beef is with a realistic chance conservatives. of getting the GOP (c) 2015, Creators Syndicate There is nothpresidential nomination, much less winning the presidency, ing crazy about believing that a soverbut it is a powerful indication that people eign nation ought to control its borders. are tired of what’s been going on in the There is nothing crazy in insisting that country. In supporting Trump, people are immigration occur through the proper rebelling against political correctness and legal channels, which include learning the refusal of the political class to control about our uniquely glorious heritage and endorsing the American idea. Any nonour borders. suicidal nation would require these at a PEOPLE ARE also tired of left- minimum. The federal government’s deists controlling the narrative and bully- liberate sabotaging of border control is ing conservatives into silence. They see what is outright nuts. I wish I had a dollar for every time Trump as a refreshing figure who is unafraid to fight back. That doesn’t mean someone complained about conservative candidates always falling for the liberal they agree with everything he says. Concerning the McCain-Trump alter- media’s gotcha questions and allowing cation, McCain drew first blood, calling them to hijack the narrative. “Just refuse Trump’s supporters “crazies.” Trump to play their game,” they say. Well, Sen. Ted Cruz is refusing. When went too far in firing back with “He’s a war hero because he was captured. I like the media pressed him to condemn Trump, he refused to take the bait, yet he people that weren’t captured, OK?” The leftist media immediately stated that he highly respects McCain’s pounced on this, gleefully turning it into war record and honors all United States a feeding frenzy against GOP candidates. veterans. By doing so, Cruz is sending multiple Their goal was to force each candidate either to condemn Trump, which presum- messages: 1) He does not agree with David Limbaugh Trump or condone the insulting remarks. 2) He adores the U.S. military and veterans. 3) Regardless, he refuses to be ensnared and diverted to nonissues. 4) He won’t say anything to dampen the enthusiasm of patriots who’ve had their fill of President Obama’s destructive policies. And 5) he will stay on message and control his own political campaign. IT’S UNFORTUNATE that some have denounced Cruz as a moral coward for refusing to condemn Trump. That is absurd. He needn’t condemn the indefensible to prove he’s not a moral coward. He’s making the larger point that we must stay focused on the issues. We never will if we continue to defer to those who believe that Caitlyn Jenner is more newsworthy than Iran, which is, with our help, moving giant steps closer to becoming a nuclear power. Instead of faux fretting over Trump, could we please stay focused on Obama’s disgraceful nuclear deal with Iran, his attempted end run around Congress by taking it to the United Nations first and his stunning indifference to freeing $150 billion to the diabolical Iranian regime to fund global terrorism? While we are all scrambling to castigate Trump to prove our moral bona fides, we are ignoring that the federal government subsidizes Planned Parenthood and the group’s harvesting of human organs. We are overlooking Obama’s pernicious plan for the federal government to amass shockingly detailed information about U.S. citizens for collection in racial databases that will be used to stir up racial discord in the name of “diversity” when Obama leaves office. We are allowing Obama to get away, once again, with refusing to identify the murderer of U.S. service members as a Muslim terrorist. There are so many disturbing things going on we don’t have time to keep up with all of them even if we aren’t diverted over what GOP candidate A said about GOP candidate B. No, I won’t defend some of Trump’s statements, but nor will I call his supporters “crazies.” If Ronald Reagan were alive today, he and his supporters would be considered crazies and extremists. Meanwhile, the people who are truly doing crazy stuff have become the new normal. The ordinarily unflappable traditionalist, America-loving citizens have had it with being vilified and muzzled while real craziness is elevated to normal. They appreciate Trump’s outspokenness in the midst of such widespread cowardice and surrender on our side — even if they don’t approve of all his comments. COULD WE please stay focused on the real issues? It would be hard to overstate how momentous these matters are to the future of this nation. 9 July 29, 2015 DONALD TRUMP: July 16, 2015 Friends of Donald Trump — the media? I cannot recall another time when American media have given so much aid and encouragement to a fledgling candidate as they have given to Donald Trump, and he is a billionaire. He does not need their help. A couple of weeks ago, he was scrambling within a tight pack of Republican also-rans. Now, thanks to the media’s almost ceaseless coverage, he is near the top of the Republican heap. In some polls, he is atop the heap. The fact that the media were endeavoring to ambush his candidacy should tell you quite a lot about the media’s own ineptitude in politics and about Trump’s cunning. TRUMP, IN his characteristically discursive campaign announcement, spoke across a whole range of issues, and the media pounced on the one issue that would make him a hero to millions. The media were thinking they would render him a pariah or, in their words, a racist. Who knows the public better: the ment — to CNN about not receiving a floundering media or the accomplished subpoena last March from Congressman Trey Gowdy’s committee did nothing to billionaire? Trump made a perfectly unexcep- enhance her notoriety. At this point in the race, Trump has tional statement, at least for him, about illegal immigrants in his June 16th state- proved he is not the political neophyte ington insiders thought ment, and the hysterics in the press corps W a s h him to be. He seems lurched forward to be converting his misquoting him, skill for understandcharacterizing his ing markets to a remark as inflamskill for identifymatory, and, of (c) 2015, Creators Syndicate ing and winning course, calling over key conhim a racist — though the people he was inveighing stituencies. On illegal immigration, he against are, if their pictures do not lie, picked a choice issue, and look what the media did for him. He now has equaled practically as white as Trump. Hesto presto, Trump has become the Clinton in name recognition, and he has most talked-about Republican in the accomplished this without breaking the race. Hillary Clinton, if she is going to law — no hidden emails, no secret servkeep up with him, will have to ensnare ers. herself in even trickier scandals. Perhaps WHAT EXACTLY did Trump say she will attempt even riskier whoppers. Her lie — or as she would say misstate- on June 16th? He said: “When Mexico R. Emmett Tyrrell HILLARY CLINTON: July 16, 2015 Defining Hillary Clinton W hen I listen to Hillary Clinton speak, as she did Monday at the New School in New York, outlining her “economic policy” should she become president, my first reaction was not to her lack of substance and the predictability of her party line about taxing the rich more and “income inequality,” but to how boring she is. I love definitions. They help focus the mind. But not everyone defines a word the same way. defines “bore” in several ways, all of which fit Hillary Clinton. As a verb used with an object, it says, “to weary by dullness, tedious repetition ...” As a noun it is defined as “a dull, tiresome, or uncongenial person; a cause of ennui or petty annoyance.” EVEN THE synonyms for “bore” seem to describe Hillary Clinton: “fatigue, tire, annoy.” She can raise her voice, as she did in her Monday speech, but that does nothing for her credibility, or sincerity. A June 2 CNN/ORC poll found that “A growing number of people say she is not honest and trustworthy (57 percent, up from 49 percent in March).” Decibel levels can’t touch that. In an interview last week with CNN, Clinton defended herself against the public’s perception that she is not trustworthy, though when you have to attest to your integrity it reminds one of Richard Nixon’s “I am not a crook” claim during the Watergate scandal. Hillary Clinton knows about that because she was an aide to the House Judiciary Committee investigating the cover-up. In examining her statement earlier this month that Democratic presidents, like her husband, would have paid down the national debt (she ignores the current one who has substantially increased it), Washington Post fact checker Glenn Kessler wrote, “It is certainly fair game for Hillary Clinton to compare the fiscal record of the Clinton admin- Cal Thomas (c) 2015, Tribune Media Services istration with the record of the George W. Bush administration (just as Republicans like to compare Jimmy Carter to Ronald Reagan). But she goes too far to suggest that a Democrat could have preserved the surpluses and paid down the national debt, when a good chunk of that supposed (Clinton) surplus was based on a forecasting error.” KESSLER GAVE Hillary Clinton’s claim two out of a possible four “Pinocchios.” There is nothing she has accomplished that qualifies her to be president and much that ought to disqualify her. She is running primarily on her gender and the standard boilerplate Democratic Party mantra of bigger government, higher taxes and more regulations, which would result in less individual liberty. If Americans want that, they can have truckloads of it by voting for Bernie Sanders, the socialist senator from Vermont. Clinton’s economic speech included a plan to raise middle-class income. She wants to accomplish this with another hike in the minimum wage and by use of other manipulative government techniques. A better way would be to encourage people to make themselves more valuable to their employers by taking college classes, made possible by Pell grants, student loans, scholarships or help from nonprofits and churches, or advanced-training classes, often offered by employers, which would make them more marketable, put them in line for better positions that pay more and make it easier for them to change jobs if they hit a wage ceiling. Government might also help people secure higher-paying work in other cities and states by providing tax credits, or deductions, if they find a better job. Such a plan could also work to help the unemployed and underemployed find full-time work. People might then come to depend less on government and more on themselves, and that is not at the heart of Democratic Party ideology. Less reliance on government equals less reliance on and possibly fewer votes for Democrats, the party of big government. TO EMPLOY a tennis term, Hillary Clinton has double-faulted. She is both uninspiring and uninteresting. To mix sports metaphors, add boring and you’d have a hockey hat trick. sends its people, they’re not sending their best (ergo, Trump thinks Mexico has better people). They’re not sending you (pointing to his audience). They’re not sending you (pointing again). They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems to us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.” Later, in an attempt to clarify his statement and quiet the hysterical media, he wrote: “Many fabulous people come in from Mexico, and our country is better for it. But these people are here legally and are severely hurt by those coming in illegally.” Since the media began trying to make an emotional controversy over what is obviously not very controversial — who doubts that illegal immigrants commit crime? — the evidence has been pouring in that Trump is right. There are among the illegal immigrants an awful lot of dreadful criminals. Almost immediately after Trump spoke, a tragic example made headlines. Juan Francisco LopezSanchez, an illegal immigrant who had been deported five times and committed seven felonies, shot Kathryn Steinle in the back as she and her father were sightseeing in San Francisco — incidentally, a “sanctuary” city. Subsequent news stories appeared attesting to the accuracy of Trump’s warnings against illegal immigrants committing other acts of violence. When he appeared in Los Angeles a few days later, he held a sad press conference with families who had lost loved ones to the random violence of illegal immigrants. None was sadder than the father of fallen football star Jamiel Shaw Jr., who was gunned down by a gang member who mistook the young black man for a rival gang member. His death went unnoticed until Trump heard about it. Jamiel’s father pronounced Trump “a breath of fresh air.” Tim Graham of the Media Research Center writes that the Border Patrol has reported 40 cases of sex abuse by illegal immigrants this year alone. Most of the victims are children and minors. On July 2, the Border Patrol seized almost $3.5 million of marijuana, and this news, too, only comes from the Border Patrol. Other law enforcement agencies nationwide report a vast array of crimes being committed every day by illegal immigrants, from murder to burglary to hit-and-run accidents. Yet from the media’s outcry, you would think it was all Trump’s fault. THE FACT is, the media picked from a buffet offering of issues that Trump presented to them on June 16. Others were there awaiting their attention. If the press does not mention them, you can be sure Trump will. He has an uncanny sense for what the voters want. 10 Conservative Chronicle HILLARY CLINTON: July 17, 2015 Hillary Clinton’s economics: Suddenly it’s 1947 L ike it or not, Hillary Clinton is the single individual most likely to be elected the next president. So it’s worthwhile looking closely at and behind her words when she deigns to speak on public policy, as she did in her July 14 speech on economics. It contained quite a bit of chaff as well as some wheat. There were laments about the nation’s current economic woes, without mention that they come in the seventh year of a Democratic administration; a few policies first advocated by Republicans (Jack Kemp’s enterprise zones); and proposals that she admits are “time-tested and more than a little battlescarred.” BUT LACED throughout the sterile verbiage is an assumption that was more widely shared by policy elites and ordinary American voters in 1947, the year Hillary Clinton was born, than it is today, 68 years later. That is the assumption that government is capable of solving just about every problem. You can understand why that confidence was strong in Clinton’s early years. The United States had just won a world war and was facing not the widely predicted resumption of the Depression of the 1930s but the surging postwar prosperity that is still fondly remembered by many. “We must drive steady income growth,” Clinton said, as if that were as simple as popping those new automatic transmission shift levers into D. “Let’s build those faster broadband networks,” which private firms were doing until Barack Obama demanded an FCC network neutrality ruling. We must provide “quality, affordable childcare,” as if government were good at this. “Other trends need to change,” Clinton said, including “quarterly capitalism,” stock buybacks and “cut and run shareholders who act more like oldschool corporate raiders.” This sounds like a call to return to the behavior of dominant big businesses in the early postwar years, when they worked in tandem with big government and big labor — and faced little foreign competition or market discipline. As for new growing businesses, Clinton hailed the “on-demand or so-called gig economy,” but said it raises “hard questions about workplace protections and what a good job will look like in the future.” She endorsed the Obama extension of overtime to $50,000-plus employees and said, “We have to get serious about supporting union workers.” In other words, let’s try to slam the growing flexible economy into the straitjacket of the rigid regulations and the union contracts of half a century ago. Everybody should punch a time clock and work the same number of hours, in accordance with thousands of pages of tion’s Department of Health and Human Services) say it has no lasting benefit. Clinton concluded by asking some interesting questions. “How do we respond to technological change in a way that creates more good jobs than it displaces or destroys?” And “what are the ON TOP OF that, Clinton would ex- best ways to nurture startups outside cessful corridors, like pand paid family days, mandate more the sucSilicon Valley?” sick leave, increase “We” presumovertime pay and ably means govraise the minimum ernment, with the wage even higher assumption that — measures that (c) 2015, Creators Syndicate centralized exwould tend to subperts can guide sidize or produce non-work in an economy that has the others to maximize production and inlowest work force participation in nearly novation. There was some reason to be40 years. She would make “investments lieve that in 1947, when government had in cleaner renewable energy” — Solyn- spurred technical innovation (the atom dra? — and spend billions on universal bomb). There’s little reason to believe pre-kindergarten even though research- it if you look at the recent performance ers (including the Obama administra- of the Department of Veterans Affairs, detailed work rules. That template hasn’t produced much economic growth since the two postwar decades. But it would siphon a lot of money via union dues from the private sector to the Democratic Party. Michael Barone the Office of Personnel Management or The problem with Clinton’s “paleoliberalism” (columnist David Brooks’ term) is that centralized planning just doesn’t work. Government is increasingly (to use political scientist Steven Teles’ term) a “kludgeocracy.” Clinton’s policies can’t tell us precisely where growth will occur, leading many Republicans to believe that her proposals, including higher tax rates and ever-increasing regulation, will discourage growth. WE ARE A more fragmented and personally, economically and culturally diverse country than the culturally conformist America of 1947 in which most adult men had just been mobilized in the military. Policies and approaches that worked then are not likely to work so well now. OBAMA PRESIDENCY: July 17, 2015 Obama roots for the terrorists I struggle to be less provocative than to suggest the president of the United States is rooting for terrorists who would harm us, but consider the evidence. Four Americans, including a Christian pastor and a reporter, have been left behind in Iran. The president specifically said they were not part of negotiations that not only lift an arms embargo against Iran, but also let it continue to grow its nuclear capabilities. AT THE SAME time, the president has given Cuba just about everything it wants in order to improve relations with that regime. Cuba, like Iran, has funded terrorists and terrorist organizations. Joanne Chesimard killed a New Jersey state trooper named Werner Foerster during a traffic stop in 1973. Though she received a life sentence, Chesimard fled to Cuba, where she has been taking refuge from the American legal system ever since. She joined Charlie Hill, who in 1971 killed a state trooper in New Mexico and then hijacked a plane to Cuba. These two cop killers join almost 70 other American murderers, bank robbers and others sought by the FBI who have taken up residence in Cuba to avoid the American legal system. Just like with Iran, Barack Obama did not make his dealing with Cuba contingent on the return of these and other American fugitives. There are cop-killers, child abusers, drug lords and major fraudsters who have killed, abused and stolen from Americans all living in Cuba. Obama does not care. Contrast Cuba and Iran with Bowe Bergdahl. According to his fellow soldiers, Bergdahl wandered off his base in Afghanistan in search of the Taliban. His colleagues believed Bergdahl wanted to join the Taliban. Soldiers died trying to find Bergdahl. Obama would not demand that Iran return four Americans in exchange for the lifting of an arms embargo. He would not demand the return of cop killers from Cuba in exchange for nor- Erick Erickson (c) 2015, Creators Syndicate malized relations. But he was perfectly willing and happy to exchange five members of the Taliban for one deserter. Oh, and by the way, those five members of the Taliban are now gone and plotting the deaths of more Americans. TIME AND time again, when given the opportunity to side with American national interests or the interests of those who want to kill us, Obama bows to the bad guys and sides with them. The media and Democrats (but I repeat myself) cheer him on hoping that doing something differently will lead to different, better results. The results will certainly be different, but only better for the bad guys. As one analyst said of the Iranian deal, only Tehran lit fireworks and had street parties after the deal was announced. And what of that deal? Just two years ago, Obama said Iran should not get to keep building nuclear facilities underground. Now, not only do they get to keep building their nuclear capacity underground, but we are giving them newer equipment to make refining weapons-grade material easier. On top of that, we have structured an arrangement with Iran so that our weapons inspectors will tell Iran where they want to inspect, and Iran gets three weeks before they have to let the inspectors into the facility. Three weeks is enough time to move any incriminating evidence. But it is actually worse than that. Under the terms of the deal, when inspectors notify Iran that they wish to inspect a location, Iran gets to appeal to a commission of Americans and Europeans. The commission is stacked with Europeans who will be the deciding vote on whether the inspections can proceed. The deal bakes in a threeweek delay on the commission’s response. Iran also gets an infusion of capital assets to its banks. It gets the arms embargo lifted. It gets updated and modern nuclear refining capacity. When next the world realizes the Iranians are funding terrorists and building nuclear weapons, we will face an Iran that is recapitalized and rearmed. FOR ALL THAT, Obama could not even get four Americans returned from captivity. The president has never met an enemy of this nation he did not want to help. 11 July 29, 2015 SHARING ECONOMY: July 19, 2015 Jeb Bush wants to share — uses Uber T he most recent time I had seen out, and this is so Clinton-like, namJeb Bush speak in San Fran- ing Uber. She said: “Many Americans cisco was in January, when are making extra money renting out a websites, he addressed the National Automobile spare room, designing products they deDealers Association. It is hard to imag- selling sign themselves at ine a group more home or even drivinvested in the olding their own car. school economy. This on-demand, It was a friendly or so-called gig, crowd. The former (c) 2015, Creators Syndicate economy is creatFlorida governor seemed comfortable — and boring. I ing exciting opportunities and unleashleft feeling as if I’d spent an hour listen- ing innovation. But it’s also raising hard questions about workplace protections ing to a human BarcaLounger. and what a good job will look like in THE JEB BUSH I saw Thursday the future.” According to the New York Times, morning was a different candidate. He had shed some 30 pounds on the Paleo Team Hillary “diplomatically contacted Diet. His campaign had pulled the dy- top officials at Uber to let them know nasty name from the campaign logo and about the passage in her speech that added an exclamation point. Now he’s would draw attention to the service, ac“Jeb!” In this trip to San Fran, Bush ven- cording to people told of the conversatured away from the stolid GOP base to tions.” That passage probably was: “I’ll address the young workforce of Thumb- crack down on bosses who exploit emtack, a six-year-old digital service that ployees by misclassifying them as conlinks consumers to painters, DJs, dog tractors or even steal their wages.” Clinton clearly is on the side of poliwalkers and other contractors. Bush arrived in a Toyota Camry ordered via ticians who want to cripple ride-hailing Uber — the ride-hailing company that startups that allow individuals to drive runs roughshod over the single-occu- their cars at their own discretion. These outfits truly reflect market demand. If pant vehicle model dear to car dealers. It’s hard to think of a clearer contrast consumers don’t like a service, they to Hillary Clinton. In 2014, she told won’t use it. If drivers don’t like the NADA, “The last time I actually drove terms, they will stop offering rides. a car myself was 1996.” The former first Competition improves the outcome — lady, who has Secret Service protection but Clinton wants to impose more regulation. for life, has no reason to use Uber. In contrast, the son and brother of In a recent speech, the former secretary of state took Uber to task — with- former presidents embraced the benefits Debra J. Saunders 2012 GOP nominee Mitt Romney extolled “creative destruction” as an essential element of free enterprise. He was right, but those words mean nothing to kids used to summoning wheels with their phones. They just know what they want. Perhaps 2016 will be the year capitalism finally clicks for millennial voters. If so, Bush is ready. When a reporter asked him about Uber, Bush talked about a college student he met who “HE’S GOT A good grasp of the graduated without crippling debt — way tech is changing the workforce,” because he drove for Uber. A ThumbThumbtack economist Jon Lieber told tacker asked Bush about Obamacare. He turned “repealing Obamacare” into me after the talk. an act of disruption that would free consumers to “opt out of these old models.” When a Thumbtack worker asked Bush what he thinks of new FCC net neutrality regulation dear to the South of Market crowd, Bush did not pander. He answered, “The unintended consequence of these top-down proven rules is always negative.” Unlike the man I saw in January, I think, I maybe could vote for this Jeb Bush. CEO Marco Zappacosta, 30, seemed to be enjoying Thumbtack’s first presidential hopeful meet-andgreet, so I asked him: Would you vote for Bush? Zappacosta answered, “I don’t know.” It’s not clear at all that feeling the love for the sharing economy can win Bush young voters. During the Thumbtack town hall, no one asked Bush about Uber or Clinton or niggling regulations. Other than the net neutrality query, Thumbtackers asked about equal pay for women, about gun control, whether Bush supports state laws to protect gays from discrimination in housing and the workplace — social issues where, as with net neutrality, young voters like government regulation. And really, they’re not all that impressed when a Republican uses Uber. of “disrupting the old order.” Bush started the day extolling businesses such as Thumbtack on a LinkedIn post. “I love learning about these kinds of companies precisely because before they existed, their market didn’t exist either,” he wrote. Startups, he added, “cause mental dissonance for people who think they can plan the future of the economy from Washington D.C. — people like Hillary Clinton.” 12 Conservative Chronicle REPUBLICANS: July 18, 2015 Donald Trump reminds Rove of Ross Perot K The aforementioned notwithstandarl Rove and Reince Priebus, with a complicit Republican ing, Republicans and their hacks are goCongress are: A) sticking it to ing after Republican presidential nomivoters who actually care; and B) play- nee Donald Trump like jackals after raw meat — and they are doing ing payola with blacks. it for one reason and We’ve heard for one reason alone. It the past number of is because Donald years that RepubTrump is telling lican hands were the American peotied because the (c) 2015, Mychal Massie ple exactly what Democrats held those who actuthe majority in the Senate. And, as the lie went, as soon ally care about America already know. Mexico is no more sending America as they could wrest control in the Senate away from Democrats, they would the best they have than Fidel Castro sent the best Cubans to America in the Marichange things. el Boatlift. Supposedly only 23,000 of WELL THEY did wrest control the 124,000 illegal alien Cubans were away from the Democrats in November criminals, with the storyline being that 2014 and the first thing they did was ful- said number of criminals was misleadly fund Obamacare for Obama, approve ing because in the United States, the hardcore leftist judges, and approve an overwhelming majority of those crimiAttorney General who is Eric Holder’s nals would never have been charged in ideological twin and who mirrors his the United States to start with. Which I bigoted racist anti- Americanism. She argue means that there are a lot of peoalso came with a track record of demon- ple not in jail who belong in jail here in strably questionable legal actions that America. But I digress. What the Republican establishment many (myself included) consider outright criminal. Yet after a few weeks of fears more than anything else is another the obligatory pontificating and bluster- Ross Perot. Rove will die and go to hell ing, Republicans approved her appoint- early before he allows that to happen. This is why Rove and the party estabment for Obama. Let me not overlook their helping lishment have savagely fought to not Obama win amnesty for illegal aliens. just marginalize the Tea Party but to deAnd to prove they are consistent, Re- stroy it and every candidate it ran and/or publicans have virtually rubber-stamped was able to get elected. everything Obama wanted including THE MANTRA being used against trade bills that even Democrats, unions, and leftwing Marxist groups fought to Trump is that he is not good for the Pardefeat. (Remember that Obama’s initial ty. They are upset because voters are trade deal proposals were defeated by rallying in support of him. Rove, et al Democrat legislators voting against it did the same thing to Herman Cain and virtually en masse). But thanks to John Sarah Palin. Cain and Palin were both Boehner in the House and Mitch McCo- candidates who were connecting with nnell in the Senate, Obama got his wish. all American voters, not just RepubliIn brief, whatever Obama wants he can cans. Led by Rove, the Republican escount on the Republican establishment tablishment engaged in a scorched earth making sure he gets even when his own campaign against them, just as they did against the Tea Party itself. party votes against him. Mychal Massie Republicans do not give a rat’s tail about the American people. They do not give a rat’s tail pursuant what we want. They thumb their noses at us just as Obama does. The difference is we do not expect anything better from Obama. Republicans are leading an “around the clock” assault against Trump that is reminiscent of the liberal media’s reporting on the Middle East War when Bush was in office. They are calumniators of the highest order. Pursuant to the Republican establishment playing payola with blacks, it goes like this. Republicans give a boatload of money to various blacks who claim they will use the money to bring black votes into the Republican Party. The end result is that blacks do not vote Republican and the blacks who received said money pocket it. It is an approved scam that permits the Republican establishment to make a show of reaching out. If Rove, et al were interested in blacks voting for Republicans, they would be truthful. They would stop blathering about what the Republican Party has historically done for blacks and start legislating in way that was sans a color-coded message and inclusive of an American message. Blacks are not going to vote for Republicans in any meaningful numbers no matter how much history you throw at them. If that were all it took, blacks would have never stopped voting for Republicans. Donald Trump is being attacked by the Republican hierarchy for telling truths that are important to the American people. Republicans are lying and misleading blacks by animating the same lies blacks have been told by Democrats for the past 50 years, i.e., blacks are victims and if they vote for them they’ll make special dispensations for them. BLACKS DO NOT need special dispensation, they need the truth. Special dispensation is just another way of saying you and I get the shaft. DEMOCRATS: July 15, 2015 Biden could get 56 percent A July 9 national poll by Mon- Biden does get into the race, how likely mouth University shows that would you be to consider supporting nomination over your 56 percent of Democratic pri- him for the choice?” The results mary voters would be “very” or “some- current are a real boost to what” likely to Biden’s chances: “consider sup— Already for porting Joe Biden Biden: 13 percent for the nomination — Very likely over your current (c) 2015, Creators Syndicate to switch: 12 perchoice” should he cent enter the race. — Somewhat likely to switch: 31 THE SURVEY first asked voters for percent — Not too likely: 19 percent whom they would vote if the primary — Not at all likely: 19 percent were held now. Hillary Clinton led the — Undecided: 6 percent field, although she barely eked out a When you drill down, Clinton’s unmajority: shakeable base in the Democratic pri— Clinton: 51 percent mary is only 38 percent (those who said — Sanders: 17 percent it was not likely that they would switch). — Biden: 13 percent Clinton’s weakness is apparent when — Webb: 1 percent one notes that 49 percent of the voters in — O’Malley: 1 percent the initial poll chose to be undecided or — Undecided: 17 percent Then they asked the voters who to vote for another candidate. were not voting for Biden (87 percent THE MYTH of her invincibility is of the sample) “Joe Biden has not yet indicated whether he intends to run. If being shattered. Dick Morris 13 July 29, 2015 OBAMA PRESIDENCY: July 21, 2015 A historic catastrophe and political blunder D istinguished scientist Freeman Dyson has called the 1433 decision of the emperor of China to discontinue his country’s exploration of the outside world the “worst political blunder in the history of civilization.” The United States seems at this moment about to break the record for the worst political blunder of all time, with its Obama administration deal that will make a nuclear Iran virtually inevitable. ALREADY THE years-long negotiations, with their numerous “deadlines” that have been extended again and again, have reduced the chances that Israel can destroy the Iranian nuclear facilities, which have been mul- tiplied and placed in scattered under- at least realized that we had to “think ground sites during the years when all the unthinkable,” as intellectual giant Herman Kahn put it. Today it seems this was going on. we don’t want to think Israel is the only country even likely almost as if at all. to try to destroy those facilities, since about it Our politicians Iran has explichave kicked the itly and repeatedly can down the road declared its inten— and it is the tion to wipe Israel biggest, most anoff the face of the (c) 2015, Creators Syndicate nihilating exploearth. How did we get to this point — and sive can of all, that will be left for our what, if anything, can we do now? children and grandchildren to try to Tragically, these are questions that few cope with. Americans seem to be asking. We are BACK IN THE days of our nuclear too preoccupied with our electronic devices, the antics of celebrities and poli- standoff with the Soviet Union, some of the more weak-kneed intelligentsia tics as usual. During the years when we confront- posed the choice as whether we wanted ed a nuclear-armed Soviet Union, we to be “red or dead.” Fortunately, there Thomas Sowell ENGAGED CHRISTIANS: July 17, 2015 Developing the Daniel option F or 25 years in WORLD I’ve written about the long-run primacy of culture: When we lose media and academia, politics and law follow. The evidence for that is clear, especially after the same-sex marriage current on June 26 swept along five U.S. Supreme Court judges. But for the next 16 months, while we continue to work for cultural change, let’s not neglect short-run politics. PASTORS, ELDERS, and deacons face immense questions. What happens if Christian churches and schools lose their 501(c)(3) status? What happens if freedom of speech regarding sin disappears? Lots of “ifs,” but here’s a near certainty: By staying home on Nov. 8, 2016, demoralized Christians can turn those “ifs” into “whens.” The 2008 and 2012 presidential elections were strike one and strike two, but we are still in the batter’s box. Occasionally a hitter forgets the count and heads to the dugout with only two strikes. That’s what separatist Christians are doing — and their prophecies of doom could be self-fulfilling. Columnist Rod Dreher’s “Benedict Option,” named after the man who left Rome around A.D. 500 and founded Christian communities, isn’t a bad idea, but those who take it in separatist directions are premature. The Visigoth “Sack of Rome,” signifying the end of ancient civilization on the Tiber, occurred in A.D. 410. The monastery movement did not begin in A.D. 408. One part of Christian compassion is refusing to abandon a culture while turning it around is possible. I’m not saying Christians should wait for 90 years after a potential Sack of Washington, but we do have an immediate option: support the election of a U.S. president who respects religious liberty. We should ask each presidential candidate directly: What will you do as the gay movement tries to override the beliefs of Bible followers? How specifically will you defend freedom of speech? Will you pledge that religious organizations opposed to same-sex marriages will not lose their tax-exempt status? Marvin Olasky (c) 2015, God’s World Publications If we abandon politics prematurely and another opponent of American exceptionalism seizes the White House, our rare land of liberty may be no more. That’s especially true if he or she has a pliable Congress, and Supreme Court vacancies to fill. Election of a president who respects liberty is no panacea, but it will give us a breathing period of at least four years. MY COUNTER to seizing the Benedict Option is the Daniel Option. Nebuchadnezzar’s soldiers brought Daniel as a captive to Babylon 2,600 years ago and enrolled him in an MBA (Master of Babylonian Arts) program. Daniel then risked his life for decades by speaking truth to Babylon’s kings. His astrologer associates were jackals. A den of lions loomed. Nevertheless, Daniel did not give up. Those following the Daniel Option will push for hearings on legislation to protect individuals acting on their religious belief that marriage is a union between one man and one woman. If such a measure could get through Congress, it would end with an Obama veto; but the debate would be educational and would give us more information about whether a Benedict Option is needed. Those following the Daniel Option will work and pray hard for the opportunity in 2016 to vote for a presidential candidate who will rally believers in religious liberty. We need one who can say, with words like those of Aragorn in The Lord of the Rings, “Hold your ground! ... A day may come when the courage of men fails ... but it is not this day. ... This day we fight!” So much of the initial reaction to a 5-4 Supreme Court loss was in line with Psalm 73. Its author, Asaph, admits that he had become “envious of the arrogant. ... They set their mouths against the heavens, and their tongue struts through the earth.” The result: “My feet had almost stumbled, my steps had nearly slipped.” Asaph came close to despair: “When I thought how to understand this, it seemed to me a wearisome task.” GIVE UP? But then Asaph “went into the sanctuary of God” and remembered: “You guide me with your counsel, and afterward you will receive me to glory.” Don’t give up! “My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” Reprinted with permission of WORLD. To read more news and views from a Christian perspective, call 800951-6397 or visit were others, especially President Ronald Reagan, who saw it differently. He persevered in a course that critics said would lead to nuclear war. But instead it led to the peaceful conclusion of the Cold War. President Barack Obama has been following opposite policies, and they are likely to lead to opposite results. The choices left after Iran gets nuclear bombs — and intercontinental missiles that can deliver them far beyond Israel — may be worse than being red or dead. Bad as life was under the communists, it can be worse under nucleararmed fanatics, who have already demonstrated their willingness to die — and their utter barbarism toward those who fall under their power. Americans today who say that the only alternative to the Obama administration’s pretense of controlling Iran’s continued movement toward nuclear bombs is war ignore the fact that Israel bombed Saddam Hussein’s nuclear facilities, and Iraq did not declare war. To do so would have risked annihilation. Early on, that same situation would have faced Iran. But Obama’s yearslong negotiations with Iran allowed the Iranian leaders time to multiply, disperse and fortify their nuclear facilities. The Obama administration’s leaking of Israel’s secret agreement with Azerbaijan to allow Israeli warplanes to refuel there, during attacks on Iran’s nuclear facilities, was a painfully clear sabotage of any Israeli attempt to destroy those Iranian facilities. But the media’s usual practice to hear no evil, see no evil and speak no evil in the Obama administration buried this news, and allowed Obama to continue to pose as Israel’s friend, just as he continued to assure Americans that, if they liked their doctor they could keep their doctor. Some commentators have attributed Barack Obama’s many foreign policy disasters to incompetence. But he has been politically savvy enough to repeatedly outmaneuver his opponents in America. For example, the Constitution makes it necessary for the President to get a two-thirds majority in the Senate to make any treaty valid. Yet he has maneuvered the Republican-controlled Congress into a position where they will need a two-thirds majority in both Houses to prevent his unilaterally negotiated agreement from going into effect — just by not calling it a treaty. IF HE IS THAT savvy at home, why is he so apparently incompetent abroad? Answering that question may indeed require us to “think the unthinkable,” that we have elected a man for whom America’s best interests are not his top priority. 14 Conservative Chronicle DISPARATE IMPACT: July 21, 2015 HUD’s ‘disparate impact’ war on suburban America D isparate impact. It’s a legal state and local law, by deliberate indidoctrine that may be com- vidual or corporate action or by threat ing soon to your suburb (if of force and violence. Back in the you’re part of the national majority liv- 1960s, when the Fair Housing Act was passed, housing really was effectively ing in suburbs). Bringing it there will be the Obama segregated in large parts of the country. I f you looked through Department of Housing and Urban the 1960 Census D e v e l o p m e n t ’s of large suburban Affirmatively counties block by Furthering Fair block, as I did, Housing program. you would find It has been given (c) 2015, Creators Syndicate the numbers of a green light to impose the rule from Justice Anthony blacks to be something like: 0, 0, 0, Kennedy’s majority opinion in the Su- 0, 2, 0, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0. In Northern citpreme Court’s 5-4 decision in Texas ies where large numbers of blacks miDepartment of Housing and Commu- grated in the years from 1940 to 1965, nity Affairs v. Inclusive Communities you could find whole square miles that switched from 100 percent white to Project. over 90 percent black within a single THE DECISION purports to inter- year. That’s not how America works topret the Fair Housing Act of 1968 as authorizing lawsuits if municipal poli- day. In every large metropolitan area cies have a “disparate impact” as mea- with a significant black population, sured by the racial percentages of those you won’t find a single census tract affected — this despite the fact that the with 0 black residents. Blacks somewords of the Fair Housing Act prohibit times encounter resistance when trying to buy or rent a house that they can only intentional racial discrimination. HUD’s 377-page Affirmatively Fur- afford, which is unjust and infuriating, thering Fair Housing rule requires mu- and a problem for which the Fair Housnicipal governments to “perform an ing Act provides remedies. assessment of land use decisions and BUT, OF COURSE, that has not zoning to evaluate their possible impact on fair housing choice.” An accompa- created an America in which every nying document says that this includes community has the same percentage “land use and zoning laws, such as as the national average of blacks and minimum lot sizes, limits on multi-unit whites, Hispanics and Asians, marrieds properties, height limits, or bedroom- and singles, gays and straights, Protesnumber limits as well as requirements tants and Catholics and Jews and Musfor special use permits (and) occupan- lims. Free choice never shakes out that cy regulations” that might be “factors way. Throughout history, Americans contributing to segregated housing pat- and immigrants have tended to choose to cluster with likeminded people. terns.” In addition, in a free market econoNote the use of the word “segregated.” Historically, segregation was the my, those with more money inevitably total exclusion of blacks enforced by have a wider choice of where to live Michael Barone than those with less. And they too tend to cluster (look up “locations” on luxury store websites to see where). Free choice inevitably produces disparate impact. Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing is intended to shake this up. HUD Secretary Julian Castro, mentioned as a vice presidential candidate despite having previously been just a part-time municipal mayor, wants to use the disparate impact doctrine to overturn local zoning laws and place low-income housing in suburbs across the nation. Such social engineering is likely to be widely unpopular. How did disparate impact come into the law? In a 1971 Supreme Court case, Griggs v. Duke Power Co., the Court, acting when memory was still fresh of Southern resistance to desegregation, ruled that the company’s aptitude test amounted to discrimination because whites passed at higher rates than blacks. But that’s true of most aptitude tests — which as a result aren’t used much in hiring any more. An approach more appropriate for a society where there is no significant forcible resistance to desegregation was advanced by Justice Clarence Thomas in his dissent. “We should not automatically presume that any institution with a neutral practice that happens to produce a racial disparity is guilty of discrimination until proven innocent,” he wrote. “The absence of racial disparities in multi-ethnic societies has been the exception, not the rule.” DISPARATE IMPACT jurisprudence has not been politically challenged: corporate defendants don’t want to be attacked as racists. Perhaps disparate impact policymaking will be challenged if HUD starts installing low-income housing in suburbs across the land. TRIVIA BITS: July 20, 2015 Trivia Bits 1. To combat bribery, 5th Pillar issued zero rupee notes meant to “pay off” corrupt officials in what country? A) Brazil B) China C) India D) Russia 2. Legislators in Pierre passed House Concurrent Resolution 1009, which required teachers in what state to instruct pupils that climate change might be caused by “astrological” [sic] factors? A) Alabama B) Alaska C) Arizona D) South Dakota 3. In the 1850s, what Italian nationalist lived as a candlemaker in Staten Island? A) Giuseppe Garibaldi B) Giuseppe Mazzini C) Giuseppe Rossi D) Giuseppe Verdi 4. It was Michael Baulderstone, not Peter Parker, who stopped a man from stealing comics in Adelaide, Australia. You’d wonder, though, because Baulderstone was dressed as what superhero? A) Batman B) Iron Man Paul Paquet (c) 2015, Creators Syndicate C) Spider-Man D) Superman 5. A rocket scientist, Brad Pitt and Captain Kirk. These are the things that have what particular musical connection? A) Things that don’t impress Shania Twain much B) Things that don’t start the fire, according to Billy Joel C) Things that end the world in that REM song D) Things Right Said Fred was too sexy for 6. The Russo-Japanese War was mostly fought somewhere that was neither Russo- nor Japanese. Where? A) Alaska B) China C) Mongolia D) Tibet (answers on page 19) 15 July 29, 2015 IRAN DEAL: July 21, 2015 1938 and 2015: Only the names are different W e say that evil is dark. But this metaphor is imprecise. Evil is actually intensely bright, so painfully bright that people look away from it. Many even deny its existence. Why? Because once people acknowledge evil’s existence, they know they have to confront it. And most people prefer not to confront evil. That is what led to World War II. Many in the West denied the darkness of Nazism. They looked the other way when that evil could have been stopped and then appeased it as it became stronger. WE ARE reliving 1938. British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain went to Munich to negotiate with Adolf Hitler. He left believing Hitler’s promises of peace in exchange for Germany being allowed to annex large parts of Czechoslovakia. Upon returning to England, Chamberlain announced, “Peace for our time.” The American and European negotiations with Iran have so precisely mirrored 1938 that you have to wonder how anyone could not see it. The Nazi regime’s great hatred was Jews. Iran’s great hatred is the Jewish state. The Nazis’ greatest aim was to exterminate the Jews of Europe. Iran’s greatest aim is to exterminate the Jewish state. Nazi Germany hated the West and its freedoms. The Islamic Republic of Iran hates the West and its freedoms. Germany sought to dominate Europe. Iran has been responsible for more Iran seeks to dominate the Middle East American deaths in the past quarterand the Muslim world. And exactly as Britain and France century than any other group or country. appeased Nazi Germany, the same two Col. Richard Kemp, the former comcountries along with the United States mander of British troops in Afghanistan, and Major Chris Driver-Williams have chosen to appease Iran. ish special forces, Today, people mock Chamberlain. of Britsummarized it this But just change way: “Iranian milthe names, and itary action, often you realize that we working through are living through proxies using tera repetition of Mu(c) 2015, Creators Syndicate rorist tactics, has nich. Substitute the Islamic Republic of Iran for Nazi led to the deaths of well over a thousand Germany, the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei American soldiers in Iraq and Afghanifor Hitler, Barack Obama and John Ker- stan over the last decade and a half.” The Neville Chamberlains of 2015 ry for Chamberlain, Israel for Czechoslovakia and for Europe’s Jews, and the defend the agreement with Iran on increasingly unsafe world of 2015 for two grounds: that the only alternative is war, and that this agreement has the the increasingly unsafe world of 1938. In fact, there is considerably less de- capacity to bring Iran into “the commufense for the Iran agreement — which nity of nations.” awards Iran $150 billion in currently THE FIRST IS a falsehood for frozen assets and the right to keep its nuclear program — than there was for the three reasons. First, the alternative to this agreeMunich agreement. Prior to 1938, Hitler had not publicly proclaimed his aim to ment was continuing and tightening annihilate Europe’s Jews. Yet, Iran has the sanctions that were weakening the been proclaiming its intention to annihi- Iranian regime and greatly diminishing late the Jewish state for decades. There its ability to fund terror groups around were no massive “Death to America” the world. Second, because the agreedemonstrations in Germany as there reg- ment so strengthens Iran, it makes war ularly are in Iran. In 1938, Germany had far more likely. When evil, expansionnot been responsible for terror around ist regimes get richer, they don’t spend the world as Iran is now. Nor was Ger- their wealth on building new hospitals. many responsible for the death of more Third, we have been at war with Iran than a thousand Americans as Iran has for decades — but only one side has been fighting. been. Dennis Prager And whoever believes that the agreement will bring Iran into “the community of nations” betrays a breathtaking ignorance about the Iranian regime. The Iranian regime is composed of religious fanatics who are morally indistinguishable from ISIS, al Qaeda, Boko Haram and all the other massmurdering Islamist movements. The Iranian regime has executed more people than any country except China (and probably North Korea, for which data are unavailable). The Iranian regime has killed more than 6,000 gays for being homosexual. No woman in Iran is allowed to leave the country or even to work outside her home without the permission of her husband. As Zahra Eshraghi, a granddaughter of the founder of the Islamic Republic, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, has testified: “As a woman, if I want to get a passport to leave the country, have surgery, even to breathe almost, I must have permission from my husband.” The Iranian regime repeatedly calls for the extermination of Israel. No other country in the world is committed to annihilating another country. Iran is the world’s greatest funder of terror organizations. The late Argentine prosecutor Alberto Nisman indicted Iran for establishing terrorist networks throughout Latin America, including Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, Chile and Colombia, among other countries. Iran funds and directs the Lebanese terror organization Hezbollah, the most powerful military organization in Lebanon. Iran is the major funder of Hamas. Iran has been responsible for terror bombings in Kenya and Tanzania. According to the 9/11 Commission Report, eight to 10 of the 9/11 hijackers passed through Iran, and an American judge ruled that Iran bears legal responsibility for providing “material support” to the 9/11 hijackers. Members of Congress who vote to uphold this agreement will be viewed as Chamberlain is viewed. The Left likes to talk about being on “the right side” of history. Enabling Iran to keep its nuclear facilities while gaining access to hundreds of billions of dollars is to be on the wrong side of history. Question: Would any member of Congress vote for this agreement if Iran were situated at the American border? VERY FEW people have a chance to do something about the greatest evil of their time. Members of the U.S. Congress have that chance. That should trump loyalty to Obama and his appeasement of the greatest evil of our time. 16 July 29, 2015 Worse than we could have imagined W Obama claimed in his Wednesday hen you write a column, as did I two weeks ago, head- news conference that it really doesn’t lined “The worst agree- matter because we can always intercept ment in U.S. diplomatic history,” you Iranian arms shipments to, say, Hezboldon’t expect to revisit the issue. We had lah. But wait. Obama has inhit bottom. Or so I thought. Then on sisted throughout that Tuesday the final we are pursuing this terms of the IraIranian diplomacy nian nuclear deal to avoid the use were published. I of force, yet now was wrong. (c) 2015, Washington Post Writers Group blithely discards a Who would previous diplomathave imagined we would be giving up the conventional arms and ballistic mis- ic achievement — the arms embargo sile embargoes on Iran? In nuclear ne- — by suggesting, no matter, we can just shoot our way to interdiction. gotiations? Moreover, the most serious issue is WHEN ASKED at his Wednesday not Iranian exports but Iranian imports news conference why there is nothing — of sophisticated Russian and Chiin the deal about the four American nese weapons. These are untouchable. hostages being held by Iran, President We are not going to attack Russian and Obama explained that this is a separate Chinese transports. The net effect of this capitulation will issue, not part of nuclear talks. Are conventional weapons not a sep- be not only to endanger our Middle East arate issue? After all, conventional, by allies now under threat from Iran and its definition, means non-nuclear. Why are proxies, but to endanger our own naval forces in the Persian Gulf. Imagine how we giving up the embargoes? Because Iran, joined by Russia — Iran’s acquisition of the most advanced our “reset” partner — sprung the de- anti-ship missiles would threaten our mand at the last minute, calculating control over the Gulf and the Strait of that Obama and Secretary of State John Hormuz, waterways we have kept open Kerry were so desperate for a deal that for international commerce for a halfthey would cave. They did. And have century. The other major shock in the final convinced themselves that they scored a victory by delaying the lifting by five to deal is what happened to our insistence eight years. (Ostensibly. The language on “anytime, anywhere” inspections. is murky. The interval could be consid- Under the final agreement, Iran has the right to deny international inspectors erably shorter.) Charles Krauthammer access to any undeclared nuclear site. The denial is then adjudicated by a committee — on which Iran sits. It then goes through several other bodies, on all of which Iran sits. Even if the inspectors’ request prevails, the approval process can take 24 days. AND WHAT do you think will be left to be found, left unscrubbed, after 24 days? The whole process is farcical. The action now shifts to Congress. The debate is being hailed as momentous. It is not. It’s irrelevant. Congress won’t get to vote on the deal until September. But Obama is taking the agreement to the U.N. Security Council for approval within days. Approval there will cancel all previous U.N. resolutions outlawing and sanctioning Iran’s nuclear activities. Meaning: Whatever Congress ultimately does, it won’t matter because the legal underpinning for the entire international sanctions regime against Iran will have been dismantled at the Security Council. Ten years of painstakingly constructed international sanctions will vanish overnight, irretrievably. Even if Congress rejects the agreement, do you think the Europeans, the Chinese or the Russians will reinstate sanctions? The result: The United States is left isolated while the rest of the world does thriving business with Iran. Should Congress then give up? No. Congress needs to act in order to rob this deal of, at least, its domestic legitimacy. Rejection will make little difference on the ground. But it will make it easier for a successor president to legitimately reconsider an executive agreement (Obama dare not call it a treaty — it would be instantly rejected by the Senate) that garnered such pathetically little backing in either house of Congress. It’s a future hope, but amid dire circumstances. By then, Iran will be flush with cash, legitimized as a normal international actor in good standing, recognized (as Obama once said) as “a very successful regional power.” Stopping Iran from going nuclear at that point will be infinitely more difficult and risky. WHICH IS Obama’s triumph. He has locked in his folly. He has laid down his legacy and we will have to live with the consequences for decades. July 17, 2015 This Week’s Conservative Focus 17 Iran Deal President Obama: Witting or witless? I was elected to end wars, not start them. — Barack Obama The quickest way of ending a war is to lose it. — George Orwell A question has hung in the air since Barack Obama first moved into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and began his “fundamental transformation” of this country: Did he intend harm, or was he merely so blinded by ideology that he could not see the damage his policies were creating? The Iran deal provides an answer. AT HIS PRESS conference, our duplicitous leader chose to call black white and claim that the deal does the opposite of what it does — allow Iran to get nuclear weapons, albeit after a decent interval. We are deep into Orwellian territory now. “War is peace. Ignorance is strength.” Iranian President Hassan Rouhani is crow- ing that Iran achieved all of its objectives had demanded anywhere/anytime inand the U.S. none. spections and negotiated to lift sanctions The bombproof facility in the moun- only after evidence of Iranian complitain at Fordow — which, until recently, ance. Now, the inspections regime is a the U.S. had demanded be shuttered and joke: Iran gets 24 days’ notice and sits on locked — will now have an “interna- the committee that decides tional presence” whether inspections so that attempts to are necessary. The thwart its progress sanctions are lifted even by sabotage immediately, handwill be effectively ing the world’s (c) 2015, Creators Syndicate blocked. This is chief sponsor of permission masquerading as prevention. terror a $100 billion windfall. Deputy It’s of a piece with the administration’s National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes, pressure on Israel to refrain from military who was captured on videotape in April action, which was rewarded with Obama saying anytime/anywhere inspections aides calling Prime Minister Benjamin would be required, now denies the U.S. Netanyahu a “chicken” and crowing that ever made that a condition. his chance had passed. WHILE THE administration claimed Permission masquerading as prevention sums up the whole deal. The U.S. it couldn’t negotiate for the release of four Americans held unlawfully in Iranian prisons because that was outside the scope of nuclear negotiations, they did agree to lift the embargo on conventional arms and intercontinental ballistic missiles, which were also outside the compass of nuclear concerns. Why? Because “Iran demanded it.” Well, OK then. Obama’s press conference was a spectacle of bad faith. A virtuoso of lip service (see his sympathy for Israel) and endless conjurer of straw men, he took few questions but silkily implied he had answered all objections. “There is no scenario in which a U.S. president is not in a stronger position 12, 13, 15 years from now if, in fact, Iran decided at that point they still wanted to get a nuclear weapon.” What? In 12 to 15 years, Iran will be an immensely wealthier, better-armed and more powerful country than it is today. It will be, to quote Obama, “a very successful regional power” and then some. It will have acquired advanced anti-aircraft weapons and ballistic missiles and, doubtless, a much-improved air force. The dishonest core of the president’s the Jewish population, which ultimately led to the creation of the Jewish state. It pretense is this: that the choice was behas successfully defeated its neighbors’ tween war and diplomacy. Every schoolaggression and survived near constant child knows that diplomacy without threat of terrorism on its soil and against the credible threat of force is a nullity. its co-religionists around the world. Does Obama knows how to frighten and inanyone really expect that Israel will stand timidate when he wants to. See his conby while Iran builds bombs and acquires duct toward Republicans or Netanyahu missile systems that threaten its very ex- or the Supreme Court. There was always a very different istence? The president has consistently main- path available. He could have increased tained that he had only two choices: forge the sanctions instead of pleading with a deal with Iran or face war. It is a Hob- Congress not to impose them. He could son’s choice, and the president knows it. have attacked Syria when it crossed his Sanctions brought Iran to the bargaining “red line” rather than folding and theretable, but the administration’s eagerness by conveying his fecklessness to Tehto reach a deal erases what leverage we ran. He could have refrained from callhad. Nor did the president even consider ing everyone in the U.S. who favored other options. The administration has a hard line against Iran a “warmonger” never been willing to promote regime — again conveying that Iran had nothing change in Iran, choosing to turn its back to fear from him. He could have supporton protesters who took to the streets in ed the protesters in the streets in 2009 2009 against the regime. It has demon- rather than signaling his support for the ized the pro-democratic National Council regime. He could have left the negotiatof Resistance of Iran, which has tens of ing table many times, but especially after thousands of supporters both inside and the IAEA reported earlier this month that Iran was in violation of earlier nuclear outside Iran. In the past, American foreign policy treaties and had increased its stockpiles entailed working behind the scenes to of enriched uranium by 20 percent. And promote democratic alternatives to totali- yes, if all of the above failed, he could tarian regimes. Not so in Obama’s admin- have deployed strategic bombing to deistration. The administration’s goal has stroy Iran’s nuclear program. been to reassure the mullahs in Tehran, BUT FROM his first inaugural adnot to encourage freedom for the Iranian dress onward, Obama both secretly and people. openly wooed the Iranian regime. In the IN FALSELY portraying his options, process, he repeatedly lied to Congress, the president brings us closer to a Mid- our allies and the American people, setdle East conflagration. It is not “peace in tling, to my satisfaction at least, that he our time,” but a near guarantee of more is inflicting this potential catastrophe wittingly. bloodshed. Mona Charen The options: Choosing dishonor T he president has said that the United States will be safer because of the nuclear deal his administration and five other nations fashioned with Iran. “Without a deal, we risk even more war in the Middle East,” he said in an hour-long press conference on Wednesday. It was an unfortunate historical reminder, one the president would rather we all ignore. IN 1938, British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain signed a four-party pact with Adolf Hitler allowing Nazi Germany to seize a portion of Czechoslovakia. Chamberlain returned from the Munich Conference, claiming “peace with honor. I believe it is peace for our time.” But his Conservative Party rival Winston Churchill’s words turned out to be more prophetic: “You were given the choice between war and dishonor. You chose dishonor, and you will have war.” In less than a year, the Nazis invaded Poland, and the British declared war on Germany. It is too soon to know exactly how events will unfold in the Middle East, but certain things are clear. There will be more nuclear weapons in the region because of this deal, not fewer. It isn’t a matter of whether there will be war — there are already several wars ongoing in the region, wars in which Iran participates directly or through its proxies. The Iranian Revolutionary Guard’s Quds Force is already on the ground in Iraq, our erstwhile ally in the fight against ISIS but, in the long run, a great threat to our interests. Iran is supporting the Assad regime in Syria and the rebels in Yemen and is the major sponsor of terrorism in the world. With the estimated $100 billion in unfrozen assets soon to be available as Iran sanctions are lifted, more money will flow into wars where Iran hopes to expand its influence and ultimately create hegemony in the Muslim world. But don’t expect Saudi Arabia or other Sunni countries to sit idly by. The Saudis, rightly, do not trust Iran to keep its promises — and nothing in the agreement should increase their comfort. Saudi Arabia has little choice but to pursue its own nuclear program in the face of the likelihood that Iran will build a bomb, if not secretly during the term of the agreement, then soon after it lapses. Linda Chavez (c) 2015, Creators Syndicate The Iranians aren’t dismantling their nuclear program; they are simply putting on hold some elements — and even that cannot be assured. The verification regimen put in place by the agreement gives Iranians ample time to stall in order to move, hide or repurpose their weaponscreating capacity once notified that inspectors want to visit a site. The president promised 24/7 access to Iran’s nuclear facilities in any deal his administration negotiated — he accepted in its place a plan that will give Iran 24 days before it allows inspectors in and a bureaucratic maze to get there. OF COURSE, the country that is most endangered by this agreement is Israel. Our ally and the only democratic country in the region, Israel is small but powerful, with perhaps the best military in the world. Its people have already survived a Holocaust that destroyed one-third of July 17, 2015 July 17, 2015 18 Conservative Chronicle IRAN DEAL: July 16, 2015 Obama, Congress gear up for fight over Iran deal P resident Obama’s dubious nu- questioning defense of the pact, and its clear deal with Iran begins an military concessions to Iran, showed all-out political war in Congress he was “hopelessly disconnected from that will have a huge, perhaps decisive, reality.” impact in the 2016 presidential election. But even the White House must Immediately after an agreement had h a v e been surprised by the been struck to lift response from higheconomic sancranking Democrattions on the Isic leaders. lamic republic, New York GOP leaders were Rep. Eliot Engel, (c) 2015, United Media Services denouncing Iran’s ranking Demotissue-thin promcrat on the House ises and plotting their strategy for the Foreign Affairs Committee and one of congressional battles to come. Iran’s chief critics, called the agreement “deeply troubling.” AND EVEN House and Senate DemSen. Charles Schumer of New York, ocratic leaders were expressing grave the third-ranking member of the Senreservations about the nuclear pact that, ate’s leadership, is described as deeply critics said, threatened the very survival torn over the issue, and his decision of Israel and our other allies in the region. could sway the votes of many DemoCongress will have 60 days to review cratic fence-sitters. the deal after the White House sends the “I intend to go through this agreetext of the agreement to Capitol Hill, ment with a fine-tooth comb, speak and it will likely be submitted to a vote with administration officials, and hear sometime in September after lawmakers from experts on all sides,” he said in a return from the August recess. statement Wednesday. Obama certainly expected Republi“Supporting or opposing this agreecans to mount an all-out offensive against ment is not a decision to be made lighta deal that made risky concessions to the ly, and I plan to carefully study the Iranians. It calls for lifting the arms em- agreement before making an informed bargo within five years, dropping sanc- decision,” he said. tions on its ballistic missiles in eight New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez, years, and lifting economic sanctions the former top-ranked Democrat on sooner than even Tehran had expected. the Foreign Relations Committee, said That’s when Republican leaders came he was flat-out against the deal. out with both guns blazing. “We’re basically legitimizing Iran’s A spokesman for House Speaker nuclear program,” he said. John Boehner said that Obama’s unObama has said that if the Republi- Donald Lambro can-run Congress sends him a resolution of disapproval, he will veto it, and earlier this week it seemed unlikely the GOP could muster the two-thirds vote to override his veto. BUT IF SCHUMER comes out against the agreement, he might sway enough Democrats to make that a possibility. With every Republican voting no, he would need only 12 Democrats to join him in upholding a vote of disapproval. The House, with a large GOP majority, is considered more likely to follow suit. Whatever happens in the forthcoming fight over the Iran nuclear deal, it is sure to become a major issue in the 2016 elections — one that would work in the GOP’s favor. The American Israel Public Affairs Committee and other Jewish organizations are planning to mount a massive lobbying campaign among swing Democrats on this one issue. That could spell deep trouble for Hillary Clinton, her party’s frontrunner for the presidential nomination, who has given her full support to the Iran deal. “I support this agreement because I believe it is the most effective path of all the alternatives available to the U.S. and our partners to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon,” she said this week. But Clinton may find that once the debate over the Iran deal gets underway, significant parts of her base — Jewish voters and swing Democrats — could turn against her. While a majority may support the agreement now, that may not hold up for long when the dirty little details of the pact flood the airwaves. And that’s going to work in the GOP’s favor and against Clinton and the Democrats. A Monmouth University poll released Tuesday found 55 percent of those surveyed said they didn’t trust Iran “at all” to begin to dismantle its nuclear program, curb its facilities and allow unimpeded inspections. In February, 70 percent of Americans in a CBS poll said they considered Iran to be either an “enemy” or at least “unfriendly” toward the U.S. “That skepticism stands in stark contrast to the optimism expressed by President Obama announcing the deal Tuesday morning,” writes Washington Post polling analyst Scott Clement. “Americans are clearly more skeptical about the meaning of a deal, and will likely be sympathetic to arguments that the deal does not do enough to stop Iran from producing nuclear weapons,” Clement writes. Americans have a healthy dose of skepticism about the promises they hear from Washington and its political class, especially from Obama, who has lied to us one too many times, or at least embellished the facts. Obama’s shaky deal with Tehran’s government, where truth is always a moving target, is going to take a beating in the months to come, in the House and Senate hearings, the floor debate, the TV ads and the presidential campaign debates that will soon descend upon us. AND WHILE we’re experiencing all of the political claims and counterclaims, remember this: If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. 19 July 29, 2015 DEAR MARK: July 17, 2015 Iran deal, baby organs and Bill Cosby DEAR MARK: Finally proof that Barack Obama is in fact a Muslim. The nuclear agreement with Iran that gives them everything they wanted is all I need to see. It’s not just Republicans who are questioning this deal, many Democrats are against this deal so what other reason could there be but what is living in his heart? — Don’t Trust Him Dear Don’t: I have no idea what is in the president’s heart but it can’t be blood by the way it bleeds so much. You’re right the nuclear agreement with Iran has more holes than my favorite boxers which is why the vice president has been sent to Capitol Hill to twist Democrat arms. For those of you who constantly accuse me of being a Fox News zombie, even CNN White House correspondent Jim Acosta slammed the deal. “It clearly shows that there is weakness in this deal, in the fact he was not able to secure the release of those Americans who are being detained in Iran” Acosta said. Furthermore this agreement perfectly illustrates President Obama’s dove like philosophy towards the war on terror. As we have seen today with the terrorist killing of four U.S. Marines in Chattanooga Tennessee, by Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez, ISIS has become emboldened. It’s very apparent we’re fighting an ideology and in order to win the war on terror we are going to have to end radical Islam by destroying groups like ISIS on their turf. But with this agreement President Obama and John Kerry have essentially given Iran, the number one exporter and financier of terrorism in the world, $150 billion to continue its malicious killing of innocents. The president even said “This deal is not contingent on Iran changing its behavior.” Well it darn sure should have been or why else should we trust them with all this money and nukes? Mark Levy (c) 2015, Mark Levy DEAR MARK: Planned Parenthood is a vile organization that doesn’t deserve a dime of taxpayer’s money. The news that it is selling organs harvested from aborted babies is one of the most horrifying things I have ever heard of. How can those people in Planned Parenthood or for that matter the Democrats who support it sleep at night? — Sign Me Repulsed Dear Repulsed: Come on, who’re you gonna believe, the president of Planned Parenthood or the video you saw with your own eyes of the baby killer explaining how she commits the organization’s heinous acts? But don’t worry Planned Parenthood claims they don’t profit from the baby parts or the “fetal tissue” as they like to call it but they do accept donations for the transportation costs of the “tissue.” That concept sounds vaguely Mafiosolike and also an end around the IRS. If this is just a misunderstanding I’m sure PP wouldn’t mind opening its books so Congress could take a look. Wouldn’t you like to hear the dinner conversation between Planned Parent- hood president Cecile Richards and her husband? Hi honey, how was your day? It was great. We hit an all-time high for abortions and harvested a record number of baby organs, I mean fetal tissue. If we keep up this pace we’re sure to get more federal money when Hillary gets in. That’s nice sweetie, keep up the good work. DEAR MARK: There’s a petition drive to revoke Bill Cosby’s Medal of Freedom after the recent revelations of his drugging and raping numerous women. When Barack Obama was asked about revoking the medal he said there is no precedent for revoking that. It’s hard to believe that the president can’t do anything to take the award from this animal. What if one of Cosby’s victims had the last name Obama? — Macon Mom Dear Macon Mom: When the president was asked the Cosby question I was surprised he didn’t blame Bush for awarding Cosby the Medal of Freedom in the first place back in 2002. It’s understandable if President Obama was caught off guard but his response was laughable in the sense that he acted powerless because there was “no precedent.” President Obama has signed so many executive orders that he has carpal tunnel syndrome. One more signature invalidating Cosby’s medal probably wouldn’t hurt his wrist too much. E-mail your questions to Follow Mark on Twitter @MarkPLevy CONTACT INFORMATION Individual Contact Information Krauthammer - Levy - Lowry - Malkin - Massie - Napolitano - Saunders - Schlafly - Thomas - Will - Contact through Creators Syndicate Michael Barone, Austin Bay, Brent Bozell, Pat Buchanan, Mona Charen, Linda Chavez, Jackie Gingrich Cushman, Larry Elder, Erick Erickson, Joseph Farah, David Harsanyi, Laura Hollis, Terry Jeffrey, Larry Kudlow, David Limbaugh, Dick Morris, William Murchison, Paul Paquet, Dennis Prager, Ben Shapiro, Thomas Sowell, Matt Towery Contact - Answers from page 14 TRIVIA ANSWERS T rivia B I T S ANSWERS 1) The Indian notes depicted Gandhi. 2) South Dakota urged teachers to explain “that there are a variety of climatological, meteorological, astrological, thermological, cosmological, and ecological dynamics that can effect world weather phenomena.” And yes, they used “effect” wrong. 3) Giuseppe Garibaldi lived in the U.S. for a while. 4) He was dressed as Spider-Man. Or maybe, it WAS Spider-Man! 5) Shania Twain is also unimpressed by Tarzan, Elvis and John Wayne. 6) The Russo-Japanese War was mostly fought in China, particularly Manchuria. Need to make a correction on your mailing label? Contact us at 800-888-3039 or 20 Conservative Chronicle EDUCATION: July 15, 2015 Leave the Department of Education behind T wo weeks before the 1980 Reagan’s book, Call to Action. “Right now in public education we are presidential election, the Associated Press published a story very close to a monopoly,” wrote Reaexplaining that the two major-party can- gan. “Every year thousands of parochial didates were “poles apart on education and private schools close down because they can’t compete against the public issues.” Carter, the story reminded readers, s c h o o l s , which drain off more and in taxes. Most of was the Founding Father of the federal m o r e us are left with no Department of Edchoice but the pubucation. lic schools, good or “The fate of bad.” the Department In addition to of Education, the (c) 2015, Creators Syndicate terminating the $14-billion federal agency elevated to Cabinet status less federal Department of Education, were than six months ago, may hang in the there any affirmative education policies balance on Election Day,” said the story. Reagan wanted America to pursue? “Reagan favors tuition tax credits, “Republican Ronald Reagan,” it said, “hopes to dismantle the agency, which amount unspecified, for parents of parowas created following a promise that chial and other private school students,” Jimmy Carter made to the National Edu- reported the Associated Press. “Reagan also supports experimentacation Association in seeking and winning the union’s support four years ago.” tion with a controversial plan to issue vouchers entitling children to attend priTHE STORY ended with a direct vate or public schools of their choice,” said the Post. quote from Reagan. During his entire presidency, Reagan “I think that this Department of Education is hoping to make come true the faced a Democrat-controlled House of dream of the National Education Asso- Representatives, which would not have ciation, which for many years has been enacted legislation to abolish the Departthat we should have a federal school sys- ment of Education. Ih 2001, a Republican-controlled tem, a nationalized school system,” said House passed the No Child Left Behind Reagan. The Washington Post published a sim- Act, co-sponsored by Republican Rep. John Boehner and Democratic Sen. Ted ilar story in September 1980. “And only Reagan speaks and writes Kennedy. Republican President George about ending the public school ‘monop- W. Bush signed it into law — putting a oly,’ a theme that fits in with his broad “bipartisan” seal-of-approval on federal philosophical belief that the private sec- involvement in public schools. Today, Republicans control both tor can do most jobs better than the govhouses of Congress — and what are they ernment,” said the Post. The paper then cited a passage from doing? Terry Jeffrey In the 1979-1980 school year, according to the department itself, public primary and secondary schools spent an average of $6,876 per pupil (in constant 2013-2014 dollars) on their “current expenses.” By the 2011-2012, they were spending an average of $11,732 per pupil (in constant 2013-2014 dollars). Real per pupil spending increased by $4,856, or almost 71 percent. Did public-school students get a better education as a result? No. In 1980, according to the National Center for Education Statistics’ “Trends in Academic Progress 2012” report, 17-year-old public school students scored an average of 284 out of a posALEXANDER CALLS his bill the sible 500 on the National Assessment of Educational Progress reading test. That “Every Child Achieves Act.” But what has happened in the public rose to a peak of 289 in 1988 and 1990, schools since Jimmy Carter created the then dropped back to 285 by 2012. By contrast, the average NAEP readDepartment of Education? ing score for 17-year-olds in Catholic schools rose from 300 in 1980 to 309 in 2012 — the highest it has ever been. In 1980, Catholic school 17-year-olds scored an average of 16 points higher in reading than their public school counterparts. By 2012, they scored 24 points higher. In 2013, only 38 percent of American 12th graders were grade-level “proficient” or better in reading, according to the NAEP test. In math, the average NAEP score for 17-year-olds in public schools in 1978 was 300 out of 500. That rose to a peak of 307 in 1999 and dropped to 305 by 2012. By contrast, the average score for 17-year-olds in Catholic schools rose from 309 in 1978 to an all-time high of 325 in 2012. Only 26 percent of American 12th graders were grade-level “proficient” or better in Math in 2013, according to the NAEP test. They are trying to craft yet another law to reauthorize federal programs aimed at local public schools that President Barack Obama will find acceptable. Republican Sen. Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, chairman of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, is sponsoring the Senate version of the bill. “If we should succeed next week, as I believe we will, why then we will have a conference with the House of Representatives, and we will develop a bill we hope the president will be comfortable signing,” Alexander said on the Senate floor last week. WAS RONALD Reagan right in 1980 that America should move away from the Department of Education and toward school choice? Absolutely. 21 July 29, 2015 EDUCATION: July 16, 2015 California’s Latino education crisis T he Los Angeles Times headline was cheerful: “It’s Official: Latinos Now Outnumber Whites in California.” The Times said, “As of July 1, 2014, about 14.99 million Latinos live in California, edging out the 14.92 million whites in the state.” Is this good news or bad news? The L.A. Times seems to think the former. The article cites the chief demographer for the state finance department who asserts, “A young Latino workforce helps the economy by backfilling retiring baby boomers.” Really? EDUCATION PROFESSORS Patricia Gandara of UCLA and Frances Contreras of University of Washington wrote the 2009 book The Latino Education Crisis: The Consequences of Failed Social Policies. Heather Mac Donald, a contributing editor of City Journal, reviewed the book. She wrote: “Hispanics are underachieving academically at an alarming rate, the authors report. Though second- and third-generation Hispanics make some progress over their first-generation parents, that prog- of performance on reading readiness ress starts from an extremely low base compared to just 18 percent of white and stalls out at high school completion. children. By fourth grade, 16 percent of High school drop-out rates — around Latino students are proficient in reading 50 percent — remain steady across gen- according to the 2005 NAEP, compared erations. Latinos’ grades and test scores to 41 percent of white students. A similar are at the bottom of the bell curve. The p a t t e r n is notable at the eighth very low share of grade, where only college degrees 15 percent of Latiearned by Latinos nos are proficient in has not changed reading compared for more than two to 39 percent of (c) 2015, Creators Syndicate decades. Currently whites. only one in 10 La“With respect tinos has a college degree.” to college completion, only 11 percent Before the book came out, co-author of Latinos 25 to 29 years of age had a Gandara wrote an article for the Na- BA or higher compared to 34 percent of tional Education Association, where she whites. Perhaps most distressing, howsaid: “The most urgent problem for the ever, is the fact that no progress has been American education system has a Latino made in the percentage of Latinos gainface. Latinos are the largest and most ing college degrees over a 20-year perapidly growing ethnic minority in the riod, while other groups have seen sigcountry, but, academically, they are lag- nificant increases in degree completion.” ging dangerously far behind their nonThe New York Times, in 2006, wrote Hispanic peers. For example, upon en- an editorial called “Young Latinas and tering kindergarten 42 percent of Latino a Cry for Help:” “About one-quarter of children are found in the lowest quartile Latina teens drop out, a figure surpassed Larry Elder DONALD TRUMP: July 22, 2015 Why people like Trump L ast week, 2016 presidential candidate Donald Trump dropped his second headlinemaking comment of the race. Responding to statements from Senator John McCain, R-Ariz., in which McCain labeled Trump’s supporters on immigration “crazies,” Trump shot back that McCain wasn’t a war hero, because he had been captured. “I like people who weren’t captured,” Trump said, paraphrasing a 2008 Chris Rock routine in Michael Scott-like fashion. TRUMP’S SHOT was mean, nasty, uncalled for, and idiotic. The media world immediately declared Trump’s campaign over. A few days before the comments, Huffington Post — a publication created by onetime failed California gubernatorial candidate Arianna Huffington — announced that it would feature Trump in its entertainment section rather than its politics section. The Wall Street Journal editorial board opined, “It came slightly ahead of schedule, but Donald Trump’s inevitable self-immolation arrived on the weekend when he assailed John McCain’s war record. The question now is how long his political and media apologists on the right will keep pretending he’s a serious candidate.” Trump’s rival candidates leapt on the opportunity to throw dirt on Trump’s political grave. Governor Rick Perry, RTexas, said, “I have no confidence that he could adeptly lead our nation’s armed forces. His comments over the weekend should completely and immediately disqualify him from seeking our nation’s highest office.” Senator Marco Rubio, R-Fla., said, “I do think it’s a disqualifier as commander in chief.” Both trail Trump substantially in the polls. Trump will, and ought to, take a serious hit in those polls after his McCain idiocy. But he will not go Ben Shapiro (c) 2015, Creators Syndicate down this easily. That’s because Trump exemplifies two qualities many Republican voters seek: brashness and an unwillingness to back down in the face of critics. TRUMP’S BRASHNESS is both his blessing and his curse — but unlike Spider-Man, Trump seems unable to comprehend that with great power comes great responsibility. He says foolish things, and then refuses to back down from them. But that stubbornness seems to act as a counterweight to his brashness, in an odd way: Conservatives hungry for an unapologetic candidate resonate to Trump, even if he should apologize for his latest tomfoolery. Trump puts himself in a position to draw fire from both the establishment Republicans and the media; when he draws that fire, even for good reason, the base leaps to his defense. Even better for Trump, his long history of making inane comments means that it will be tough for any one comment to finish him. Like Hillary Clinton on the Democratic side, Trump is so flawed a candidate that it’s difficult to tell where the fatal flaw may lie. In such a scenario, flaws become assets. Trump has shifted his positions? Sure, but he’s done so constantly — he’s a man of the moment, many believe, and thus we can believe whatever nostrum falls from his lips now. Trump has engaged in corrupt dealings? Sure, but he’s so rich that he won’t need to take payoffs, unlike those he’s already paid off. Trump never shuts up? Well, at least he won’t shut up when told to by those in power. UPPER ECHELON Republicans make a mistake in disqualifying Trump. Democrats never do this: Hillary won’t call Bernie Sanders unfit for office, or vice versa. Trump will undoubtedly disqualify himself eventually, as well he should. Republicans can either learn from Trump’s better qualities while discarding his worse ones, or they can try to destroy Trump as quickly as possible. The first strategy would be useful, the second wildly counterproductive. Unfortunately, as usual, the Republicans seem to be pursuing the worst possible option. only by Hispanic young men, one-third of whom do not complete high school. Latinas, especially those in recently arrived families, often live in poverty and without health insurance. “ANOTHER PIECE of the puzzle is how to address the complication of very early, usually unmarried motherhood. Religious beliefs in Hispanic families often limit sex education and rule out abortion. Federal statistics show that about 24 percent of Latinas are mothers by the age of 20 — three times the rate of non-Hispanic white teens. ... One in four women in the United States will be Hispanic by the middle of the century. The time to help is now.” Dr. Anna Sanchez performs deliveries at a hospital in Orange, California, where the mothers are often Hispanic teenagers. She says: “(The) teens’ parents view having babies outside of marriage as normal, too. A lot of the grandmothers are single as well; they never married, or they had successive partners. So the mom sends the message to her daughter that it’s OK to have children out of wedlock. ... The girls aren’t marrying the guys, so they are married to the state.” Married to the state? City Journal’s Mac Donald, in a 2006 article called “Hispanic Family Values? Runaway Illegitimacy is Creating a New U.S. Underclass,” writes: “Hispanics now dominate the federal Women, Infants, And Children free food program; Hispanic enrollment grew over 25 percent from 1996 to 2002, while black enrollment dropped 12 percent and white enrollment dropped 6.5 percent. Illegal immigrants can get WIC and other welfare programs for their American-born children.” “The Latino Education Crisis” authors Gandara and Contreras fear a “permanent underclass.” They write, “With no evidence of an imminent turnaround in the rate at which Latino students are either graduating from high school or obtaining college degrees, it appears that both a regional and national catastrophe are at hand.” City Journal’s Mac Donald quotes Anita Berry, a case manager who works at Casa Teresa, a California program for homeless single mothers. Berry says: “There’s nothing shameful about having multiple children that you can’t care for, and to be pregnant again, because then you can blame the system. ... The problems are deeper and wider. Now you’re getting the second generation of foster care and group home residents. The dysfunction is multigenerational.” WHETHER THIS can be turned around remains to be seen. But it certainly casts doubt on the Times’ blissful assertion that “a young Latino workforce (will help) the economy.” 22 Conservative Chronicle PLANNED PARENTHOOD: July 22, 2015 Medical monsters vs. life-giving angels Another week, another moneygrubbing Planned Parenthood babyparts harvester exposed. In the second devastating installment of a three-year journalism investigation, the Center for Medical Progress on Monday released undercover video of another top abortion industry doctor haggling over the sale of “intact” unborn baby parts. LAST WEEK, the Center for Medical Progress introduced us to wineswilling Dr. Deborah Nucatola — a veritable Hannibal-ina Lecter who gushed about the growing demand for aborted baby hearts and livers as she jibed and imbibed. This week’s clip features stonefaced, bespectacled Dr. Mary Gatter — an Ice Queen who chillingly negotiated $100-per-specimen price tags for organs she promised would be high quality as a result of “less crunchy” methods of dismembering innocent human life. Gatter, the medical director of the abortion empire’s Pasadena and San Gabriel offices in California, dryly joked that she wanted a “Lamborghini” for her troubles — after a prolonged session spouting obligatory talking points disclaiming a profit motive. Cecile Richards, president of Planned Butcherhood, issued a feckless apology last week for the “tone” of Nucatola’s grisly business-lunch banter. What will her excuse be for Gatter? Did the tone elves forget to fill her stocking, too? The fundamental problem with these licensed medical providers, who greedily have turned the “primum non nocere” creed on its head under the guise of “reproductive services,” is not their defective tenor. It’s their defective souls. With more barbaric video of the Planned Butcherhood racket undoubtedly yet to come, it is worth pausing from this avalanche of evil to remind the nation that there are thousands of miracle workers in the health care industry who value life and honor their professional oath to first do no harm. I know this firsthand as the proud daughter of a neonatologist who dedicated his life to using his medical training to save lives, not destroy them. Nowhere is the sanctity of life more vividly illustrated than in a NICU. A father in Texas wrote me with his own personal story and wanted me to share his message: “I read your piece (last week) regarding the monstrous doctor from Planned Parenthood. Though I have tried, I really cannot grasp the horror of the PP abattoirs or the blackness of the souls that labor within. “I want to tell you this, because I “I want to tell you about my family’s encounter with another place that want to tell you about a very bright shines in this world, is the antithesis of the Planned Parent- light that but it shines behind the hood slaughterhouse. wall of privacy “My wife and and quarantine I had the great that is a necessary misfortune three function of NICU years ago of findlife. The six neoing ourselves (c) 2015, Creators Syndicate natologists and with two beautiful but tiny children in the Level 3 all of the amazing nurses who cared NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) for our children are some of the finat the Woman’s Hospital of Texas in est, most decent, devoted and caring people I have ever encountered. Houston. “They work tirelessly to save every “OUR BEAUTIFUL daughter life, to give every child in their care as spent the first five months of her life much of a chance as possible, and they there, and our brave son spent the en- truly do care for the ‘least of these.’ They go to work every day in a place tirety of his life there, all 44 days. Michelle Malkin where, in spite of all their efforts, tiny children pass away in their care. They are people who deserve to have the veil lifted from their works. “I am sharing this with you as answer to the final paragraph of your moving piece. You ask what kind of a country we live in? I want you to know that we also live in a country that God has truly blessed with these amazing souls and hundreds more like them: Dr. Alagappan Alagappan, Dr. Talat Ahmed, Dr. Salim Bharwani, Dr. William Caplan, Dr. Peter Haney and Dr. David Simchowitz. “IN THE FACE of evil, it is easy to see only the darkness. There are lights burning still.” REPUBLICANS: July 16, 2015 The dog days of summer T he ancient Romans coined the phrase “dog days” based on the period of time that the brightest star (Sirius, the Dog Star) rose and set in conjunction with the sun. The Romans believed that Sirius radiated heat to the Earth, causing the hottest part of the year as it traveled with the sun. The date range for the annual “dogday” period varies based on the source. The Old Farmer’s Almanac refers to the 40-day period that begins July 3 and ends August 11. The 1552 Book of Common Prayer refers to the period from July 6 to August 17. Many references extend the “dog-day” period into September. THE DOG DAYS are popularly believed to be a time of agitation and unruly behavior. This past week’s news stories provide a glimpse into current sources of high levels of agitation: the Greek debt crisis, potential Federal Reserve rate hikes, technical issues at the NYSE, hacking into government data, airlines being grounded and more. A lot of these activities appear to signify movement, but not movement forward. In politics, too, there is frenetic activity, with polls reporting rapidly changing standing on the Republican side of the action. “Trump secured 17 percent support, according to the Suffolk University/ USA Today survey. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush garnered 14 percent, while the rest of the 2016 field remained in single digits: Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, the newest entrant to the race, was at eight percent; Texas Sen. Ted Cruz at six percent; Florida Sen. Marco Rubio at five percent; Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee at four percent; and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie at three percent,” wrote Theodore Schleifer on on July 14. “And about one-third of GOP voters — 30 percent — remain undecided about who they will back.” Though we all know that polls often do not reflect final votes, they appear to be playing a larger role than normal among the Republicans gearing up for the 2016 presidential election. This year, the RNC announced it has scaled back the debate process, to “limit the number of debates, Jackie Gingrich Cushman (c) 2015, Creators Syndicate spread the debates across the country by sanctioning no more than one debate per state, allocate the debates over the course of seven months, include a larger conservative media presence and allow campaigns to know and plan for the debate schedule early.” THE GOAL: to protect the eventual Republican nominee and to gain more control over the process. According to a Jan. 16 Politico article by James Hohmann and Alex Isenstadt, the changes went beyond limiting the number of debates. “To give their push to control the debate process teeth, the party announced Friday that any candidate who participates in a debate that isn’t sanctioned by the RNC will not be allowed to participate in any more sanctioned debates,” they wrote. “A question clouding the effort has been whether media organizations and cash-strapped candidates desperate for free airtime would go forward with unofficial debates, undercutting the whole process.” This week the New Hampshire Union Leader, the leading newspaper in the state, posted this announcement on its website: “A Voters First Forum for Republican presidential candidates, co-sponsored by the New Hampshire Union Leader and leading newspapers in Iowa and South Carolina, will be held on Monday evening, Aug. 3, at the New Hampshire Institute of Politics at St. Anselm College. It will be broadcast nationally by C-SPAN as well as by sponsoring Iowa and South Carolina TV stations.” Will there be repercussions from the RNC for those candidates who participate? After all, it is a forum, not a debate. Candidate-friendly super PACs are getting into the game early to make sure their candidates have a chance to participate in the sanctioned debate. As Nicholas Confessore wrote this week in the New York Times about the super PAC supporting former Gov. Rick Perry of Texas, “The super PACs, known as Opportunity and Freedom, are investing hundreds of thousands of dollars in advertising on the Fox News Channel and other cable channels to raise Mr. Perry’s profile.” “We’ve always sort of viewed his announcement though the debate as a phase one,” said Austin Barbour, adviser to the super PACs backing Perry. “We want to do everything we can do to begin the reintroduction to voters in Iowa, particularly, but also help him qualify for the first debate.” IT WILL BE interesting to watch the interplay of the RNC, national polls, super PACs and campaigns during the remaining dog days of summer — the agitation and unruly behaviors have just begun! 23 July 29, 2015 DONALD TRUMP: July 21, 2015 Trump’s attack on McCain will be one he will regret R eal estate tycoon Donald believe kind imagined by young Trump. Trump has a serious problem And for his heroic bravery, never once with American war heroes. He buckling and giving the enemy the insays he doesn’t like them if they were formation they wanted, he was awarded captured. a Silver Star, Bronze Star, Purple Heart The New York billionaire said so last and Distinguished Flying Cross. week about one of our most famous war McCain was elected congressman, heroes, Arizona Sen. John McCain, who t h e n U.S. senator, and in was taken pris2008 the Republican oner during the Party nominated Vietnam War afhim for president. ter his Skyhawk But now dive bomber was Trump, who has an (c) 2015, United Media Services blown out of the ego the size of the air over Hanoi, shattering his arms and Grand Canyon and an embarrassing hisone of his legs. tory of making exaggerated statements, His parachute landed him in a lake, decided to go after John McCain during where Vietnamese soldiers dragged him a presidential campaign speech in Iowa. to shore and took him to a prisoner of “He’s not a war hero,” Trump said war camp called “the plantation.” flat-out last week. “He’s a war hero because he was captured. I like people that MCCAIN WAS thrown into a small, weren’t captured.” filthy, windowless cell, beaten, starved What is Trump saying here? That and tortured during the more than five America’s warriors who were captured years of his imprisonment. A cellmate in combat — as tens of thousands were told him later that he wasn’t expected in World War II — are not true heroes? to live. But he survived, and on March That our best and bravest soldiers who 14, 1973, returned to the United States, fought for their country, bled, lost limbs a virtual cripple barely held up by his and returned physically broken, were not crutches. true heroes because they had been capDuring this same time, Trump, who tured? had graduated from the Wharton Business School, was working for his father’s IT WAS A STUPID, ignorant, insenreal estate firm, collecting rent from low- sitive and thoughtless remark — unbeincome families along several blocks of coming any candidate for the presidency New York. of the United States who wants to be takIn his autobiography about that pe- en seriously and is seen as someone who riod, Trump wrote, “Suddenly here I was carefully chooses his words. A candidate in a scene that was violent at worst and who understands that a wrong or careless unpleasant at best.” reply can get our country into war or furBut McCain encountered real vio- ther enflame a delicate national security lence in North Vietnam, not the make- issue. Donald Lambro Is this the kind of president we want speaking for our country? Someone who doesn’t think before he shoots off his mouth? Trump isn’t backing away from his remarks. When ABC News correspondent Martha Raddatz asked him on Sunday’s This Week program if he thought he should apologize to McCain, Mr. Straight Talker replied, “No, not at all.” Instead, Trump sought to change the subject by accusing McCain of having “done nothing” for veterans. When she read statements from veterans leaders who condemned Trump, he said, “Well, maybe they don’t speak to the same vets that I speak to.” Trump’s political style of combat — and the reason that he gives for his latest attack on McCain — sounds like a schoolboy’s excuse for name-calling. He said, for example, that he became angry when he read that McCain, in a New Yorker interview, called his supporters a bunch of “crazies.” When asked by Raddatz if he intends calling people he disagrees with a “loser” or “dummy,” he said, “Look, when people attack me, I let them have it back.” “You know ... people are constantly attacking my hair. I don’t see you coming to my defense.” Then he continued to call McCain “a dummy.” Politics is in some ways a verbal contact sport that can get rough at times, but the trick is to appear “presidential” and tough at the same time — and Trump can’t quite get the hang of it. Ronald Reagan was a master at the game when he was running against President Carter. Reagan kept saying that the economy was in a recession, as Carter’s advisers said Reagan didn’t even know the definition of a true recession. “Well, if it’s definition they want, I’ll give ‘em one,” he said at a rally launching his fall campaign. “A recession is when your neighbor loses his job. A depression is when you lose your job, and recovery is when Jimmy Carter loses his.” For Reagan, it was a soft one, two, three punch, but it knocked Carter out of the ring. Trump has moved to the front of the GOP primary race, with 24 percent in the latest Washington Post/ABC poll, followed by Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (13 percent) and former Florida governor Jeb Bush (12 percent), with all the others in single digits. But it’s early yet, and Trump’s opponents are going to be reminding Republicans, especially veterans and our soldiers here and abroad, about The Donald’s remark that John McCain is “not a war hero.” A PERSONAL attack can get you only so far in presidential politics, but then it can turn against you and bite you in the behind. Attacking one of America’s true war heroes will likely result in a very big bite. 24 Conservative Chronicle FIRST AMENDMENT: July 22, 2015 Defend the Little Sisters of the Poor — and liberty N o group in the United States every “affected individual” on your plan. The third: You can turn your back on today is making a stronger stand for liberty than the Little what you sincerely believe is your moral Sisters of the Poor, an order of Catholic obligation to provide health-care covernuns dedicated to running nursing homes age to your employees and not provide it. But then, in addition to surfor the elderly poor. ing your conscience Every friend of freedom should rally renderto the government, to their cause. you must pay a fine The federal of $2,000 per emgovernment is now ployee. seeking to deny The fourth: You these sisters free(c) 2015, Creators Syndicate can sign a governdom of conscience. It has already taken its case against their ment form directing the third-party adliberty all the way through the U.S. Court ministrator of your self-insured healthcare plan to provide your employees of Appeal for the 10th Circuit. If the government succeeds, it means directly with coverage for sterilizations, Catholic nuns in this country can no lon- contraceptives and abortion-inducing ger freely exercise their Catholic faith. drugs and devices. And the fifth: You can provide HHS They must be complicit — at the government’s command — in a plan that will with the information it would need to direct your third-party administrator to destroy innocent human lives. provide your employees with coverage THE DEPARTMENT of Health and for sterilizations, contraceptives and Human Services has offered the sisters a abortion-inducing drugs and devices. The one choice HHS will not give the series of choices — none of which they can accept without violating their sin- Little Sisters is the one President Barack cere, and correct, understanding of Cath- Obama repeatedly and mendaciously promised Americans they would have olic moral teachings. The first choice the government has if Congress enacted the Affordable Care offered is: You must provide health in- Act: “If you like your health care plan, surance to your employees that covers you can keep your health care plan.” The government has argued in court sterilizations, contraceptives and aborthat the Little Sisters should not comtion-inducing drugs and devices. The second: You can provide insur- plain about choices four and five because ance for your employees that does not their self-insurance plan is the Christian cover these things. But then, as punish- Brothers self-insurance plan and a Chrisment for practicing your faith, you must tian Brothers organization is also the pay a penalty equal to $100 per day for third-party administrator. If the sisters Terry Jeffrey or the government ordered the Christian Brothers to cover sterilizations, contraceptives and abortion-inducing drugs and devices for the sisters’ employees, the Christian Brothers, like the Little Sisters, would refuse. BUT UNLIKE the Little Sisters, whose nonprofit nursing homes are not considered fully exempted “religious employers” by the government, the Christian Brothers are currently exempted. As the Little Sisters and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops have pointed out, however, this does not remove the sisters’ moral objection to bowing to a government command that they actively participate in the government’s plan — even if that participation does not ultimately achieve the government’s desired result—to distribute sterilizations, contraceptives and abortion-inducing drugs and devices to those enrolled in the sisters’ health-care plan. “[T]he Little Sisters have been crystal clear that their beliefs prevent them from taking ‘any action that would participate in facilitating access to abortifacients, contraceptives, or sterilization,” the sisters’ lawyers explained to the appeals court. “This is necessary not only to prevent complicity in grave sin, but also to avoid even appearing to condone wrongdoing, which would violate the Little Sisters’ public witness to the sanctity of human life and could mislead other Catholics and the public,” the lawyers told the court. “Such scandal would itself be sinful and would undermine the Little Sisters’ ability to carry out their ministry.” The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops unambiguously backs the Little Sisters in their stand. “Significantly, the Little Sisters’ religious objection does not turn on whether the third party administrator receiving the form actually follows through and provides the objectionable coverage,” the bishops told the court in their own brief. “Appellants object generally to taking any action that ‘authorize[s] anyone to arrange or make payments for contraceptives, sterilizations and abortifacients,’ — even if the third party administrator ultimately has the discretion not to provide such payments — and specifically to ‘[d]eliver[ing] the self-certification form to another organization that could then rely on it as an authorization to deliver those contraceptives, sterilization, and abortifacients to the Little Sisters’ employees now or in the future. “In short,” said the bishops, “Appellants ‘cannot participate in the government’s scheme without violating their sincere and undisputed religious beliefs.” This month, the majority of a threejudge panel on the appeals court ruled against the sisters. But the Little Sisters of the Poor are not backing down. Meanwhile, under the government’s existing regulatory scheme, almost all Catholic parents in the United States must ultimately get a health-insurance plan that would provide cost-free coverage for sterilizations, contraceptives and abortion-inducing drugs and devices to their own daughters. Do Americans have a God-given right not to participate in government plans and regulations that provide drugs and devices that take innocent life? CAN GOVERNMENT force us all to be complicit in the killing? This is a fight for our own — and our nation’s — soul. 25 July 29, 2015 MEDICARE: July 22, 2015 President Obama kneecaps Granny again E verybody knows if you don’t seniors are getting these operations. pay to repair your car, you limit When the subject of hip replacements its life. The same is true with came up in a 2009 town hall meeting, he human beings. We need medical care to said “maybe you’re better off not having the surgery but taking the pain avoid becoming clunkers. killer.” For a half cenScience proves tury, Medicare has the president is enabled seniors to wrong. Seniors get that care. But with severe arthrinow the Obama (c) 2015, Creators Syndicate tis who opt for administration is knee replacement pressuring hospitals to skimp. Last week, the administra- are 50 percent more likely to still be alive tion announced the largest-ever change in seven years later than seniors who don’t. how Medicare pays for care. The change, Pain and immobility are killers. Medicare is moving from paying doccalled “bundled payments,” is the latest tors and hospitals for each item and sertrick to squeeze care from seniors. vice to the new system in January 2016 BUNDLING WILL make it finan- in 75 regions of the country, one quarter cially risky for hospitals in New York, of the number expected to get hip and Los Angeles, and many other areas of the knee replacements each year. country to do hip and knee replacements. HOSPITALS IN these areas will These are the two procedures that have transformed the experience of aging, al- have to settle for a flat fee for all the care a knee or hip replacement patient might lowing seniors to stay active. But President Obama says too many need — including surgery, pain killers, Betsy McCaughey hospital stays, rehabilitation and home care — regardless of how things go. If there are complications, the hospital and doctors lose out. Hospitals will have to cut corners, and avoid the costliest patients altogether. So if you’ve been considering getting a hip or knee replacement, do it before January. HISTORY: July 22, 2015 Historical ignorance II W e call the war of 1861 the Civil War. But is that right? A civil war is a struggle between two or more entities trying to take over the central government. Confederate President Jefferson Davis no more sought to take over Washington, D.C., than George Washington sought to take over London in 1776. Both wars, those of 1776 and 1861, were wars of independence. Such a recognition does not require one to sanction the horrors of slavery. We might ask, How much of the war was about slavery? WAS PRESIDENT Abraham Lincoln really for outlawing slavery? Let’s look at his words. In an 1858 letter, Lincoln said, “I have declared a thousand times, and now repeat that, in my opinion neither the General Government, nor any other power outside of the slave states, can constitutionally or rightfully interfere with slaves or slavery where it already exists.” In a Springfield, Illinois, speech, he explained: “My declarations upon this subject of Negro slavery may be misrepresented but cannot be misunderstood. I have said that I do not understand the Declaration (of Independence) to mean that all men were created equal in all respects.” Debating Sen. Stephen Douglas, Lincoln said, “I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes nor of qualifying them to hold office nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races, which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality.” What about Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation? Here are his words: “I view the matter (of slaves’ emancipation) as a practical war measure, to be decided upon according to the advantages or disadvan- Walter Williams (c) 2015, Creators Syndicate tages it may offer to the suppression of the rebellion.” He also wrote: “I will also concede that emancipation would help us in Europe, and convince them that we are incited by something more than ambition.” When Lincoln first drafted the proclamation, war was going badly for the Union. London and Paris were considering recognizing the Confederacy and assisting it in its war against the Union. THE EMANCIPATION Proclamation was not a universal declaration. It specifically detailed where slaves were to be freed: only in those states “in rebellion against the United States.” Slaves remained slaves in states not in rebellion — such as Ky., Md., Del. and Mo. The hypocrisy of the Eman- cipation Proclamation came in for heavy criticism. Lincoln’s own secretary of state, William Seward, sarcastically said, “We show our sympathy with slavery by emancipating slaves where we cannot reach them and holding them in bondage where we can set them free.” Lincoln did articulate a view of secession that would have been heartily endorsed by the Confederacy: “Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up and shake off the existing government and form a new one that suits them better. ... Nor is this right confined to cases in which the whole people of an existing government may choose to exercise it. Any portion of such people that can may revolutionize and make their own of so much of the territory as they inhabit.” Lincoln expressed that view in an 1848 speech in the U.S. House of Representatives, supporting the war with Mexico and the secession of Texas. WHY DIDN’T Lincoln share the same feelings about Southern secession? Following the money might help with an answer. Throughout most of our nation’s history, the only sources of federal revenue were excise taxes and tariffs. During the 1850s, tariffs amounted to 90 percent of federal revenue. Southern ports paid 75 percent of tariffs in 1859. What “responsible” politician would let that much revenue go? Ezekiel Emanuel, the president’s health care advisor, applauds the impending change, promising that “savings are immediate and guaranteed.” What savings? Not for you. Bundled payments will force cuts in care, not necessarily “savings.” The new system will set up a conflict of interest between patients and the very people they need to trust. Whatever the patient gets will come off the hospitals bottom line and out of the doctors’ own pockets at the end of the year. Provide more for your patients and get penalized. Withhold care and get rewarded. Seniors are guinea pigs in this new scheme. RAND Corporation says there are no studies to show the impact on patients. Isn’t that what health care is supposed to be about? RAND says the scheme risks putting “pressure on physicians to spend less time with patients or on hospitals to decrease amenities.” Lewin Group, health care analysts, predicts hospitals will scrimp by sending patients directly home with only a parttime health aide instead of to full-time rehabilitation at a skilled nursing facility. Another risk is that hospitals will use low cost implants instead of allowing surgeons to opt for newer prosthetics that give patients more range of movement. Bundling payments is one of several ploys to shortchange seniors. In October 2012, Medicare began awarding bonus points to the hospitals that spend the least per senior, despite evidence that spending less results in higher death rates. Americans know Medicare is running out of money. But it’s better to have an honest conversation about how to extend its solvency, including raising the eligibility age and enlisting competition among private insurers, rather than the hidden incentives to cut care the Obama administration is using. Rationing is invisible. Patients won’t know about the care they should have gotten or how much less they could have suffered. BUNDLED PAYMENTS, like other perverse incentives buried in Obamacare, destroy Medicare as we’ve known it. 26 Conservative Chronicle SOCIALISM: July 18, 2015 Governments turn to socialism even though it always fails A f ew years ago, the prestigious economic publication Journal of Economic Literature dubbed the period from 1980-2005 “the age of Milton Friedman.” The article described this era of greater reliance on free markets and privatization, which the Nobel laureate economist Friedman advocated, as arguably the period of greatest economic advance for mankind in world history. IT WOULD BE hard to argue against that. As freedom and free markets were on the march, more than one billion people worldwide, mostly in China and India, were moved out of poverty. Tens of trillions of dollars of new wealth were created worldwide. But the past decade could be described as the comeback of socialism. In response to the financial crisis, nations foolheartedly turned to central governments to steer them out of crisis. Government debt, spending and regulatory activity soared all across Europe and in the United States. The Keynesian model that sees government welfare spending as a “stimulus” came storming back in vogue — nowhere more so than in the United States. Many countries — Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal and France, as well as the United States — experimented with quasi-socialist governments. Now, the bitter price is being paid. This, more than anything else, explains why the world is twisting in financial turmoil in recent weeks. Not just Greece, but at least a half a dozen nations appear to be on the verge of bankruptcy because they can’t afford the social welfare states they have, and the bills are coming due. The socialists are getting hammered. Meanwhile, China’s government is responding to a manufactured stock market bubble with more promises of Keynesian monetary and fiscal stimulus — interventions that will work there as well as they have in Japan and the United States. Wall Street is acting as though more government intervention will calm financial markets, when it is the government’s excessive intervention that created the crises in the first place. Greece is socialism on steroids — a place where the government gives a lot of things away for free, few people work and millions receive government pensions, paychecks or welfare benefits. Fifty percent of young people don’t have a job and over half of Greeks retire before age 60. The wagon is full and no one is left to pull it. Now Greece thinks that the Germans or the EU, or the IMF or the United States is going to pay for it all. The crash is coming very soon and the standard of living in Greece will surely plummet. Thank you, socialism. But there are so many more dominoes that could come crashing down. Almost all of Europe is a financial sinkhole. The debts as a share of GDP are 100 percent or more and the public spending as a share of GDP is now just shy of 50 percent. PUNDITS ON the left like Paul Krugman can only lamely respond to the Europe meltdown by arguing that there is “too much austerity” even as debt loads keep rising every year. The one nation in Europe that didn’t use massive Keynesian stimulus, Germany, is the one place where the economy is still functioning. Dan Mitchell, an economist at the libertarian Cato Institute, has noted that the idea peddled by the Left that nations like Greece are being ruined by austerity is one of the great mythologies of modern times. “The nations in the most economic trouble,” he says, “tend to be the ones that have jacked up their government spending and debt the most.” Even in the U.S., socialism is failing. Connecticut is the Greece of the East Coast. It keeps raising taxes and spending, and the state is in perpetual insolvency. The same can be said of Detroit, Chicago and several California cities that can’t pay their bills. Puerto Rico is a socialist welfare state, and it may need to go into receivership to pay off tens of billions of unpayable debt. We are now entering a new era of global finance when government bonds — sovereign debt — will be defaulted on because there is no one left to pay the bills and no one to bail them out. The poor will get poorer, and the middle class will fall behind — the opposite of what socialism promises to deliver. Shortly before he died in 2006, Milton Friedman lamented: “The enduring lesson of the 20th century is that socialism is a failure, and free markets are a success. But the politicians keep advocating just a little more socialism.” THAT IS precisely what is ailing the world economy today. Guest columnist Stephen Moore is a distinguished visiting fellow at the Heritage Foundation and author of Who’s the Fairest of Them All? THE LEFT: July 21, 2015 The return of the 1960s And so, as the 1968 election draws nearer ... I know — some of you are thinking that I meant to write 2016 but fouled up my typing. Nope. Though the calendar year we live in is 2015, in spirit the moment closely resembles the 1960s. Maybe it is the ‘60s. Maybe, like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day, we awaken each morning to find ourselves living in a long-gone decade, with Sonny and Cher providing musical accompaniment. THE NOTION took on more flesh over the weekend with the outbreak, in Phoenix, of a patented ‘60s-style event — the shouting down of a presidential candidate by a mob of yahoos. I call the mobsters yahoos despite the pass they earn from many for “demonstrating while black.” The mobsters wanted tried and (I had supposed) bona fide lefty, ex-Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley, to join them in vowing to dismantle “structural racism.” So they took over the stage of a way, way leftwing gathering where O’Malley was speaking. “We’re going to hold this space,” a spokesmobster said, representing the Black Alliance for Just Immigration. “We are going to acknowledge the names of black women who have died in police custody.” And what was O’Malley, a Democratic presidential candidate, going to do about it? He was going to dither, that’s what. After some harmless preliminaries, he picked up the trademark slogan, “Black lives matter,” to which he added, “White lives matter. All lives matter.” The mob wasn’t buying it. Shouting and chanting ensued. Care for a chant sample? “If I die in police custody, burn everything down! That’s the only way,” and here I adopt CNN’s transliteration, “motherf-----like you listen!” Even good old ultra-lefty Bernie Sanders, who followed O’Malley, encountered what a reporter called “sporadic shouting.” He took it in stride. Not so O’Malley, who unburdened himself to the digital news site This Week in Blackness. Dragging in “white lives” and “all lives” had been a huge mistake. William Murchison (c) 2015, Creators Syndicate “I meant no disrespect,” he said. “I did not understand the tremendous passion, commitment and feeling and depth of feeling that all of us should be attaching to this issue.” NO, OF COURSE not! But if this is the ‘60s all over again, you have to expect disruptions of civic order. That’s the first thing. The second thing is: if you’re in O’Malley’s position, facing Authentic Protest, you apologize to the protestors. You apologize because you’re a wimp and a weakling and care less about free speech and civic processes than you do about being in sync with the times. We saw it all in the ‘60s. Bernie Sanders sure did. Being of that vintage himself, Bernie knew how far not to push the mobsters; how smilingly to hear out their “rage.” Everybody in the ‘60s raged. Bernie, 26 years old in 1968, was no bad hand at it himself. To find the mobs gathering anew and carrying on as in the old days must bring nostalgic tears to his 73-year-old eyes. These aren’t good times for unSanders, non-O’Malley types. But, oh, what great times for self-appointed warriors against an American order that is supposedly racist, homophobic, sexist, jingoistic — all that terrible stuff the ‘60s worked to root out. While American negotiators bend to the demands of Iranian mullahs, and demands go forth, uncontradicted, for junking the post-1865 reconciliation worked out by Yankees and ex-Confederates, free speech and free exercise of religion come under assault. Why? Because of the protections and immunities they supposedly afford un-Sanders, non-O’Malley — and non-mobster — types. Everywhere today, it would seem, there is the stench of the 1960s, when reason and manners and tolerance took a backseat to anger and destructive impulses. The upcoming presidential campaign provides opportunity for improvement (if not recovery), but the O’Malley debacle and all the noxious Trumpery into which Republican aspirations have fallen in recent days do not, frankly, inspire confidence. A BUNCH of nuts are on the loose in this historical moment — as they were in that nutty, emotionally ugly, fog-brained decade 40-odd years ago. I had hoped we’d left all that behind. Alas. 27 July 29, 2015 THE LEFT: July 21, 2015 The fact-free left: Not testing their assumptions T he outrage over another mul- pirically their beliefs or assumptions. tiple murder of American mili- There have been careful factual studtary personnel on American ies by various scholars of what happens soil by another Islamic extremist has after gun control laws have been instibeen exacerbated by the fact that these tuted, strengthened or reduced. B u t those studies are military people had been ordered to be seldom even menunarmed — and tioned by gun therefore sitting control activists. ducks. Somehow they just Millions of know that gun American civil(c) 2015, Creators Syndicate restrictions reians have also duce gun crime, been forbidden to have guns, and are also sitting ducks — no matter how many studies show the opposite. How do they know? Because for criminals, terrorists or psychos. You might think that, before having other like-minded people say so — and laws or policies forcing fellow human say so repeatedly and loudly. A few gun control advocates may beings to be defenseless targets, those who support such laws and policies cherry-pick examples of countries with would have some factual basis for be- stronger gun control laws than ours that lieving that these gun restrictions save have lower murder rates (such as Engmore lives, on net balance, than allow- land) — and omit other countries with ing more legal access to firearms. But stronger gun control laws than ours that have far higher murder rates (such as you would be wrong. Mexico, Russia and Brazil). You don’t test an assumption or beMOST GUN control zealots show not the slightest interest in testing em- lief by cherry-picking examples. Not if Thomas Sowell you are serious. And if you are not going to be serious about life and death, when are you going to be serious? Unfortunately, gun control is just one of many issues on which the political left shows no real interest in testing their assumptions or beliefs. The left glorifies the 1960s as a turning point in American life. But they show no interest in testing whether things turned for the better or for the worse. HOMICIDE RATES had been going down substantially, for decades on end — among both blacks and whites — until the 1960s. Plotted on a graph, there THE LEFT: July 22, 2015 The haters of ‘all lives matter’ B ack in March, the pundits expressed horror at the alleged extremism of the Conservative Political Action Conference. On ABC, NPR correspondent Cokie Roberts insisted “I think the person that won at CPAC was John Kasich. He didn’t show up, and I think that’s the wisest thing for anybody to do.” ABC pundit Matthew Dowd bizarrely suggested Ronald Reagan would be booed at today’s CPAC. ON NBC, they found peril for Scott Walker after his speech: “Governor’s gaffe? ... Presidential hopeful Scott Walker under fire for saying his experience with union protesters has prepared him to take on ISIS. Is it the first major blunder of the presidential race?” On PBS, “conservative” pundit David Brooks said “There’s conservatives ... and then way over on the other side of the room is CPAC ... this is like the hardest of the hardcore.” But when the hardest of the hardcore left met in Phoenix for Netroots Nation, the networks didn’t see a problem, when socialist Bernie Sanders actually gets bum-rushed off the stage early for not being leftist enough. ABC, CBS and NBC couldn’t locate that story. It looked like the raucous, out-ofcontrol George McGovern 1972 Democratic convention as protesters hijacked interviews with Sanders and Martin O’Malley. Before the protest, it was already an extreme show. Their interviewer was Jose Antonio Vargas, the former Washington Post reporter and undocumented alien who’s hosting a new “white privilege” documentary on MTV. O’Malley allegedly made a massive error by asserting that not just black lives matter, but “all lives matter.” He was immediately pressed to apologize by the radical left, who think it’s heinous to insist that black lives aren’t the most precious ... and the most endangered. Brent Bozell (c) 2015, Creators Syndicate THESE ACTIVISTS don’t mean black lives are the most at risk from gang warfare, drug addiction, or from abortion clinics. They only mean it as a rhetorical war on our nation’s police forces. O’Malley didn’t turn the event into a melee by insisting “police lives matter.” On MSNBC, the nut-roots channel, Caroline Heldman of Occidental College (an Obama alma mater) spoke for the protesters: “We live in a white supremacy system where we place more value on white lives. It is empirically proven time and time again.” The left assaulted O’Malley as “tone deaf” for insisting that all lives matter, but they are the ones that don’t realize most voters see “all lives matter” as the most reasonable and most humanitarian slogan. The left is clogging Twitter with tweets insisting it’s like telling AIDS activists that all deadly diseases matter. But if you care about everyone’s health, that would be the most politically aware statement. At what point does the Democratic party start having problems with white voters as the radical left wails about “white supremacy?” Between their loathing for police and for any attempt to enforce the immigration laws, these agitators could revive the “law and order” majority of the 1970s. Mitt Romney won the white vote by 20 points in 2012, which couldn’t offset the massive minority tilt toward Barack Obama. But Hillary Clinton is a member of the “oppressor” race, as are Bernie Sanders and Martin O’Malley. At least on PBS, the conference came up briefly, and political analyst Stuart Rothenberg warned that the Netroots disruptions could be a “problem” like the tea party for Democrats. USA Today’s Susan Page agreed Hillary Clinton “is going to have to deal with a party that has moved significantly to the left since her husband ran for president.” THE LESSON? Never let the media decide for you where the center is and where the fringes are. They can’t find them with both hands. is a big U-shaped curve, showing the turnaround after the bright ideas of the left were applied to criminals in American courts of law in the 1960s. This was not the only U-shaped curve, with its low, turnaround point in the 1960s. The same was true of the venereal disease gonorrhea, whose rate of infection went down in every year of the 1950s — and then skyrocketed, beginning in the 1960s. Teenage pregnancies had also been going down for years, until the late 1960s, when “sex education” was introduced in schools across the country. Then pregnancy rates rose nearly 50 percent over the next decade, among girls 15 to 19 years old — exactly the opposite of what had been predicted by the left. Another program that had the opposite effect from its advocates’ claims was the “war on poverty” program created by President Lyndon Johnson in 1964. Contrary to what was said during the celebrations of its 50th anniversary last year, the loudly proclaimed purpose of the “war on poverty” was not simply to transfer money or other benefits to the poor. Both Presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson, and their supporters in Congress and in the media, all clearly stated that the central purpose of the “war on poverty” was to reduce dependency on government. Both poverty and dependency on government had already been declining for years before this massive program began. The proportion of people whose earnings put them below the poverty level — without counting government benefits — declined by about one third from 1950 to 1965. This was yet another beneficial trend that reversed itself after another bright idea of the left was put into practice in the 1960s. After half a century and trillions of dollars, the only response of the left has been to change the criteria, so that now the “war on poverty” could be portrayed as a success because it proved that, if you transferred more resources from X to Y, then Y would now have more resources. Who could have doubted that? CHANGING THE goal after the fact is just one of the ways the left has portrayed its failures as successes. 28 Conservative Chronicle IRAN DEAL: July 17, 2015 Why can’t Obama treat Iran as he treats Republicans? Q uery: If President Obama’s said. I pray he’s right about that. What about Obama’s arrogant disnuke deal with Iran is so wonderful, why do the ma- missal of his critics and claiming this jor parties in Israel oppose it? Why is the best deal we could have made? was Obama so excited about making FIRST, THIS assumes that a tera deal that, based on his previous positions, he would have opposed earlier? rible deal is better than no deal at all, highly debatable. This agreement is baffling on multi- which is Beyond that, let’s ple grounds, even look at some of the for Obama. What problems with this is the urgency for agreement. the United States — It is not to enter into such (c) 2015, Creators Syndicate clear whether it a lopsided deal will allow the with a rogue nation that doesn’t have a fraction of International Atomic Energy Agency our negotiating leverage? Why can’t sufficient access to Parchin, the miliObama deal with Iran’s leaders the tary site where Iran is believed to have way he deals with Republicans? Is he carried out high-explosives work of trying to validate conspiracy theorists a sort that could be used to detonate convinced that he’s the Manchurian a nuclear bomb. Iran has consistently denied the IAEA access to the site. Excandidate? perts say we won’t be able to properly HAVE YOU ever noticed that there assess Iran’s activities without comis an inverse relationship between prehensive access to key scientists, the wisdom of an Obama policy and sites and documentation. The Obama his defensiveness concerning it? The administration formerly made such acmedia are abuzz over the alleged dis- cess a condition to the deal, but no lonrespect CBS News White House cor- ger. Why not? And if Iran has nothing respondent Major Garrett showed to hide, why would it play games and Obama during a news conference. deny access to the IAEA? — Obama’s team has made numerBut Garrett wasn’t the only person on whom Obama unloaded. He lashed ous concessions that will most likely out at Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin impede the long-term ability of the Netanyahu and members of Congress IAEA to police the agreement. For instance, Iran could appeal an IAEA rewho oppose the deal. Obama dared his critics to present quest to visit a questionable site, and a better alternative and, as usual, im- a decision would take some 24 days, plied their opposition is not based on during which Iran could remove matethe facts but a matter of political pos- rial and evidence of its activities in vituring and pressure from lobbyists. “I olation of the agreement. Compoundam not betting on the Republican Par- ing the problem is that the agreement ty rallying behind this agreement,” he gives the decisive vote on Iran’s com- David Limbaugh pliance to the European Union, sort of like the way Justice Anthony Kennedy is often the key player in major Supreme Court decisions. — The administration has had to backpedal from its initial claim that it would never approve of a deal unless it included “anytime/anywhere” inspections of Iranian military and nuclear sites. Now administration officials insist they never imposed such a condition, though a video recording exposes their earlier statements. — In 2013, Obama said Iran doesn’t need to have an underground fortified facility, a heavy-water reactor or advanced centrifuges for its peaceful nuclear energy program, but this deal permits the country to have all of these. Just as Obama rewards immigrants who came here illegally for violating our laws, he is rewarding Iran for building these facilities in violation of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. — The deal legitimizes Iran as a nuclear state and will very likely cause a nuclear arms race in the Middle East, some evidence of which we’re already observing. Saudi Arabia is in negotiations to buy nuclear reactors from France, which could later be converted to weapons use in the future. — All economic and financial sanctions against Iran will be removed. The deal will also lift sanctions on a general who helped terrorists target Americans. — Iran’s nuclear infrastructure will be preserved, and it will continue nuclear enrichment on more advantageous terms than we have offered to our allies. Saudi Arabia has stated that it will demand similar terms for uranium enrichment. — None of Iran’s nuclear sites will be closed, despite our earlier demands for that. — Iran’s arms embargo will be lifted. — Some $150 billion of Iran’s blocked revenues held in foreign banks will be unfrozen, and it will be free to use those funds to sponsor international terrorism, and the Obama administration has admitted as much. — The deal may delay Iran’s quest for nuclear weapons capability, but it won’t stop it. — Iran has made no pretense of its ongoing hatred for the United States and Israel, and its leadership continues to advocate “death to America.” Obama could have used our disproportionate negotiating leverage to condition this deal on Iran’s release of four fraudulently held American hostages, but he lifted nary a finger to help them. Obama suggested he cares deeply about these Americans but didn’t want to conflate this issue with the allimportant nuclear deal. Why not? The Iranians were certainly able to secure concessions that had even less to do with the deal. Obama desperately wanted this deal, which is why he unilaterally forfeited our bargaining advantage and continued to walk back conditions he had earlier imposed. It is obvious that Iran was fully aware of Obama’s desperation and exploited it throughout the negotiations. THIS DEAL is worse than a disgrace. It’s a national security nightmare. 29 July 29, 2015 FOREIGN POLICY: July 21, 2015 National interests and a Mideast game of thrones A s President Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran is compared to Richard Nixon’s opening to China, Bibi Netanyahu must know how Chiang Kai-shek felt as he watched his old friend Nixon toasting Mao in Peking. The Iran nuclear deal is not on the same geostrategic level. Yet both moves, seen as betrayals by old U.S. allies, were born of a cold assessment in Washington of a need to shift policy to reflect new threats and new opportunities. SEVERAL EVENTS contributed to the U.S. move toward Tehran. First was the stunning victory in June 2013 of President Hassan Rouhani, who rode to power on the votes of the Green Revolution that had sought unsuccessfully to oust Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in 2009. Rouhani then won the Ayatollah’s authorization to negotiate a cutting and curtailing of Iran’s nuclear program, in Saudi Arabia sees Shiite Iran as a return for a U.S.-U.N. lifting of sanctions. As preventing an Iranian bomb geostrategic rival in the Gulf, allied had long been a U.S. objective, the with Hezbollah in Lebanon, Assad in Americans could not spurn such an of- Damascus, the Shiite regime in Iraq and the Houthis in Yemen. It also sees fer. as a subversive threat Came then the Islamic State’s sei- I r a n in Bahrain and the zure of Raqqa in heavily Shiite oil Syria, and Mosul fields of Saudi Araand Anbar in Iraq. bia itself. Viciously antiIndeed, RiShiite as well as (c) 2015, Creators Syndicate yadh, with the anti-American, Sunni challenge of ISIS made the U.S. and Iran de facto allies in preventing ISIS rising, and the Shiite challenge of Iran growing, and its border states althe fall of Baghdad. But as U.S. and Iranian interests ready on fire, does indeed face an exisconverged, those of the U.S. and its old tential threat. And, so, too, do the Gulf allies — Saudi Arabia, Israel and Tur- Arabs. Uneasy lies the head that wears a key — were diverging. Turkey, as it sees Bashar Assad’s al- crown in the Middle East today. liance with Iran as the greater threat, THE ISRAELIS, too, see Iran as and fears anti-ISIS Kurds in Syria will carve out a second Kurdistan, has been their great enemy and indispensable pillar of Hezbollah. For Bibi, any U.S.abetting ISIS. Pat Buchanan CHATTANOOGA TRAGEDY: July 22, 2015 Selectively arm military personnel T he genius of American federalism is at work, in this instance responding to an international threat our national government irresponsibly disregards. Six state governors have done what the White House and Department of Defense should have done years ago. In the wake of the deadly July 16 terror attacks in Chattanooga, Tenn., governors in Ark., Fla., Ind., La., Okla. and Tex. have authorized their respective National Guards to bear weapons in order to better protect themselves and their installations. Florida’s governor is moving Guard recruiter offices into secured National Guard facilities. WHY? THE Chattanooga terrorist, Mohammad Abdulazeez, launched his first attack on a recruitment office located in a strip mall. Then he attacked a Navy support center, murdering four Marines and a sailor before an armed policeman killed him. Most recruiting stations are in civilian facilities, and they are soft targets. However, uniformed service members staff these soft targets, and they are unarmed. Our terrorist enemies know it. Official Pentagon weapons policy is public knowledge. That policy is scandalous. Troops on Army posts remain unarmed, despite Maj. Nidal Hasan’s November 2009 massacre at Fort Hood, Texas. The Obama administration still cannot call that attack what it clearly was: a terror attack by an Islamist terrorist. Competent governments arm soldiers assigned to hazardous duty stations. That’s because competent governments take war seriously. The U.S. is still very much at war with radical Islamist terrorists. The war’s U.S. domestic front opened with the 1993 terror attack on the World Trade Center, though we didn’t accept this reality until 9/11. The Obama administration addresses the terror war with sporadic seriousness. However, it Austin Bay (c) 2015, Creators Syndicate shies from confronting the terrorist threat to the domestic front. In 2009, the Obama administration declared the Bush administration’s global war on terror defunct. With one burst of polemic magic, the global war became an “overseas contingency operation.” Poof. The war here was done. YET, TERROR attacks by radical Islamists were attempted in Detroit, New York and Portland, Ore. Hasan waged war in Texas, not in Iraq. Since 2009, including Chattanooga, there have been nine attacks on U.S. military personnel that could be classified as terror attacks. Our terrorist enemies consider every single American serviceman and woman to be a legitimate target, no matter where our soldiers serve. The terrorist war on us is global. Was Abdulazeez an Islamist terrorist? His anguished Arab immigrant parents say their son was depressed, took drugs. OK, he was a vulnerable soul. Friends say he changed after a 2014 visit to Jordan. Now that may lead somewhere. Other domestic Islamist terrorists had radical epiphanies in the Middle East. An FBI report saying Hasan’s terror guide, the now deceased Anwar al-Awlaki, influenced Abdulazeez via recorded Internet rants is even more incriminating. In 2009, the Foundation for Defense of Democracies published “Homegrown Terrorists in the U.S. and U.K.” Islamist terrorists were defined as “homegrown” if they had “spent a significant portion of their formative years in the West” or their radicalization had Western connections. The study identified “behavioral changes” that characterize radicalization. Trusting “the interpretations of a select and ideologically rigid set of religious authorities” (like Awlaki) is one. No reasonable person can doubt that Abdulazeez launched a terror attack on U.S. military personnel on U.S. soil — so he is a terrorist. If we confirm his infatuation with violent Islamism, then reasonable people ought to conclude he conducted an Islamist-inspired attack. TERRORISTS LIKE Abdulazeez will continue to try to kill U.S. military personnel serving on the domestic front. For the foreseeable future, recruiters need to carry sidearms. Officers and senior NCOs should be allowed to selectively carry sidearms on military installations. To do otherwise is folly. Iran rapprochement is a diplomatic disaster. Which brings us to a fundamental question of the Middle East. Is the U.S.-Iran nuclear deal and our de facto alliance against ISIS a temporary collaboration? Or is it the beginning of a detente between these ideological enemies of 35 years? Is an historic “reversal of alliances” in the Mideast at hand? Clearly the United States and Iran have overlapping interests. Neither wants all-out war with the other. For the Americans, such a war would set the Gulf ablaze, halt the flow of oil, and cause a recession in the West. For Iran, war with the USA could see their country smashed and splintered like Saddam’s Iraq, and the loss of an historic opportunity to achieve hegemony in the Gulf. Also, both Iran and the United States would like to see ISIS not only degraded and defeated, but annihilated. Both thus have a vested interest in preventing a collapse of either the Shiite regime in Baghdad or Assad’s regime in Syria. And, thus, Syria is probably where the next collision is going to come between the United States and its old allies. For Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Israel all want the Assad regime brought down to break up Iran’s Shiite Crescent and inflict a strategic defeat on Tehran. But the United States believes the fall of Assad means the rise of ISIS and al Qaeda, a massacre of Christians, and the coming to power of a Sunni terrorist state implacably hostile to us. Look for the Saudis and Israelis, their agents and lobbies, their think tanks and op-ed writers, to begin beating the drums for the United States to bring down Assad, who has been “killing his own people.” The case will be made that this is the way for America to rejoin its old allies, removing the principal obstacle to our getting together and going after ISIS. Once Assad is gone, the line is already being moved, then we can all go after ISIS. But, first, Assad. What is wrong with this scenario? A U.S. no-fly zone, for example, to stop Assad’s barrel bombs, would entail attacks on Syrian airfields and antiaircraft missiles and guns. These would be acts of war, which would put us into a de facto alliance with the al Qeida Nusra Front and ISIS, and invite retaliations against Americans by Hezbollah in Beirut, and the Shiite militia in Baghdad. ANY U.S.-IRAN rapprochement would be dead, and we will have been sucked into a war to achieve the strategic goals of allies that are in conflict with the national interests of the United States. And our interests come first. 30 Conservative Chronicle IRAN DEAL: July 17, 2015 The Republican’s difficult Iran dilemma F rom first reactions, it appears that Hill Republicans will be near unanimous in voting a resolution of rejection of the Iran nuclear deal. They will then vote to override President Obama’s veto of their resolution. And if the GOP fails there, Gov. Scott Walker says his first act as president would be to kill the deal. But before the party commits to abrogating the Iran deal in 2017, the GOP should consider whether it would be committing suicide in 2016. FOR EVEN if Congress votes to deny Obama authority to lift U.S. sanctions on Iran, the U.S. will vote to lift sanctions in the U.N. Security Council. And Britain, France, Germany, Russia and China, all parties to the deal, will also lift sanctions. A Congressional vote to kill the Iran deal would thus leave the U.S. isolated, its government humiliated, unable to comply with the pledges its own secretary of state negotiated. Would Americans cheer the GOP for leaving the United States with egg all over its face? And if Congress refuses to honor the agreement, but Iran complies with all its terms, who among our friends and allies would stand with an obdurate America then? Israel would applaud, the Saudis perhaps, but who else? And as foreign companies raced to Iran, and U.S. companies were told to stay out, what would GOP presidential candidates tell the business community? Would the party campaign in 2016 on a pledge to get tough and impose new sanctions? “Coercive diplomacy,” the Wall Street Journal calls it. If so, what more would they demand that Iran do? And what would they threaten Iran with, if she replied: We signed a deal. We will honor it. But we will make no new concessions under U.S. threat. Would we bomb Iran? Would we go to war? Not only would Americans divide on any such action, the world would unite — against us. And would a Republican president really bomb an Iran that was scrupulously honoring the terms of the John Kerry deal? What would we bomb? All the known Iran nuclear facilities will be crawling with U.N. inspectors. “Either the issue of Iran obtaining a nuclear weapons is resolved diplomatically through negotiation or it’s resolved through force,” said the president, “Those are the options.” Is that not pretty much where we are at, even if the GOP does not like it? Republicans seem to be unable to grasp the changes that have taken place in this century. With the Arab Spring, the fall of half a dozen regimes, the rise of al Qaeda and ISIS, civil wars in tence for the State of Israel.” But one Libya, Syria, Yemen and Iraq, we have trusts that, this time, the GOP will add a dose of salt to what the hysterics are a new Middle East. Our principal enemies are now al Qa- bellowing. After all, it was Bibi’s rants — Iran eda and ISIS. And while both have been aided by our old allies, Turkey, Qatar, is hellbent on getting a bomb, is only and Saudi Arabia, both are being resist- months away, and military action is needed now to smash the ed by Iran. whirling centrifugBut, we are rees — that teed up minded, Iran’s rethe talks for Tehran. gime is founded All Iran had to upon ideological do was prove it hatred of America. (c) 2015, Creators Syndicate had no bomb proBut, so, too, were Mao’s China and Stalin’s USSR. Yet gram, which was not difficult, as U.S. Nixon forged a detente with Mao and intelligence had repeatedly said Iran FDR partnered with Stalin. And Ronald had no bomb program. Then the Iranians proved it. They Reagan negotiated a strategic arms deal agreed to cut their centrifuges by twowith the “evil empire” of his time. thirds, to eliminate 98 percent of their BIBI NETANYAHU and AIPAC, uranium, to halt production of 20 perthe Saudis and Gulf Arabs, will demand cent uranium at Fordow, to convert the that Congress kill the Iran deal that heavy-water reactor at Arak that proLindsey Graham says is a “death sen- duces plutonium to a light water reactor Pat Buchanan that produces one kilogram a year, and to let cameras in and give U.N. inspectors the run of their nuclear facilities. And how is Israel, with hundreds of atom bombs, mortally imperiled by a deal that leaves Iran with not a single ounce of bomb-grade uranium? What does Iran get? What Iran always wanted. Not a bomb which would make Iran a pariah like North Korea and could bring down upon her the same firestorm America delivered to Iraq, but a path to become again the hegemon of the Persian Gulf. Remarkable. Iran agrees not to build a bomb it had already decided not to build, and we agree to lift all sanctions. And they pulled it off. WHAT IS one or two atom bombs you can’t use, without committing national suicide, compared to $100 billion in freed assets and a welcome mat back to the community of nations. IRAN DEAL: July 21, 2015 Obama, you’re no Ronald Reagan A t his press conference last Wednesday, our president of self-regard again linked himself with Ronald Reagan, seeking to equate his supposed success in gaining a deal with Iran not to build a nuclear weapon for 10 years to Reagan’s arms control negotiations with the Soviet Union. THERE IS at least one major difference, which causes Obama’s analogy to collapse. Reagan regarded the Soviet Union as an “evil empire” and vowed to defeat it. He said not just the Soviet Union, but communism itself, would wind up “on the ash heap of history.” Obama hears, sees and speaks no evil against the evil empire of Iran, or the vile terrorist groups it supports across the region. Instead he seeks accommodation, not elimination of this modern scourge. David French, writing on National, refers to a report by Col. (ret.) Richard Kemp, former commander of British Special Forces in Afghanistan, and Maj. (ret.) Chris Driver-Williams, former UK Special Forces, highlighted on Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs. org, which “comprehensively outlines Iran’s acts of war against the United States.” According to the report, “Iranian military action, often working through proxies using terrorist tactics, has led to the deaths of well over a thousand American soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan over the last decade and a half. “Throughout the course of the Iraq campaign, a variety of weapons flowed into the country through direct purchases by the government of Iran. These included Explosively Formed Penetrators (EFPs), a shaped charge designed to penetrate armor. These weapons — often camouflaged as rocks — were identical to those employed by Hizbullah against Israeli forces. In 2006, the British (Daily) Telegraph revealed that three Iranian factories were “mass producing” the roadside EFP bombs used to kill soldiers in Iraq ... Cal Thomas (c) 2015, Tribune Media Services “IRAN PAID Taliban fighters $1,000 for each U.S. soldier they killed in Afghanistan. The Sunday Times reported that a Taliban operative received $18,000 from an Iranian firm in Kabul as reward for an attack in 2010 that killed several Afghan government troops and destroyed an American armored vehicle.” These are the people who can supposedly be trusted not to cheat on a deal with a government they regard as “satanic” and worthy of every tactic they can employ to eradicate it? These are people who will not stop pursuing whatever weaponry they need — conventional or nuclear — toward their stated objective of ushering in the Islamic messiah, whom some mullahs have predicted will arrive only after a nuclear war has begun. Islamic theology is an embarrassment to secular diplomats and reporters. At the president’s press conference, no one asked him the most obvious question: If Iran’s leaders believe their god wants them to lie, cheat and build a nuclear bomb in the pursuit of their often-stated goal of eliminating Israel and terrorizing America, how do you, whom they regard as the infidel president of an infidel nation, get them to disobey what they believe are direct orders from Allah? Wouldn’t you love to hear that question asked and answered? Appeasing evil never works. It merely delays war and allows one’s enemy to grow stronger. President Obama claims there were only two choices: his agreement, or war. There were other options, including stepped-up sanctions, which were hurting the Iranian economy, and a stated goal of regime change. In 2009, following an uprising after a rigged election in Iran, President Obama could not bring himself to say a word in defense of moderates in Iran who sought to topple the regime. This showed the Mullahs that America could be had. This agreement has proven them right. A cartoon in the London Daily Telegraph shows the Ayatollah Khamenei, running “rings” around President Obama. The rings are the atomic sign. THE HEADLINE on liberal Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank’s column is descriptive: “Obama’s news conference was a case for American weakness.” There will be hell to pay for this deal, possibly literally. 31 July 29, 2015 IRAN DEAL: July 16, 2015 Barack Obama’s legacy: A nuclear Iran P resident Obama finally has his nuclear program, two of its primary re“deal” with Iran, and even the actors, at Arak and Fordow, are to be most enthusiastic supporters of repurposed for engineering and nuclear the administration admit that Iran is the physics research. How is this markedly different from real winner here. Reading the terms of the agreement, it’s not hard to see why. weapons research? How will inspectors The long-standing sanctions on Iran be able to tell the difference? D a vid Kay, former UN will be lifted immediately, freeing up chief weapons inover $150 billion spector, warns that for the country’s they won’t. In an use. This was the interview with most crucial leverDefense One’s age that the West (c) 2015, Creators Syndicate technology edihad with which to ensure that Iran kept to the terms of any tor Patrick Tucker, Kay points out that negotiated arrangement. Opponents of if radiation is detected and the Iranians this deal have long argued that sanctions are challenged, they can simply claim needed to be lifted gradually, over time, that the radiation is from old programs after verifying Iran’s compliance. That or newer, permitted, “civilian” uses. Kay also explains that current techleverage is now gone. And once the sanctions are lifted, it will be extremely nology often has multiple purposes, difficult — if not impossible — to put making it suitable for both permitted together the international scheme neces- and forbidden uses. This, Kay warns, sary to re-impose them. Iran knows this will pose the most serious challenge for inspectors: better than anyone. “If I had to place a bet on the first BUT KEEPING to the terms of this violation, it would be in the procuredeal doesn’t appear to be terribly ardu- ment of potentially nuclear-related ... ous for Iran in any case. Experts have es- dual-use equipment. The Iranians have timated that Iran was just a few months the best clandestine procurement at away from having enough weapons- work that I’ve ever seen ...With dualgrade uranium to make a bomb. This use equipment, you’re often able to gin new agreement extends that timetable up a permitted use.” to — wait for it — one year. TUCKER EXPLAINS, “For inSeriously? Iran is also supposed to reduce its stance, some machine tools used to pronumber of centrifuges, but will still be duce centrifuges are ‘perfectly usable’ able to keep thousands of centrifuges in various conventional-weapons prooperational. And because Iran gets to grams: ‘making your missiles fly better, keep — and ramp up — its “civilian” straighter, producing with numerically Laura Hollis controlled machine tools, all sorts of stuff like that.’” Then, of course, there is software. “You’re talking about computers, software programs, codes that allow you to calculate how neutrons interact with other materials,” Kay said. “Some of it might be related to a nuclear weapons device, some might be related to a nuclear physics program.” If the substance of inspection jobs will pose problems, the process to reach the point of inspection is no better. Those most familiar with Iran’s nuclear work had pressed for “anytime, anywhere” inspections. But here, again, Iran got what it wanted, and the U.S. caved. Iran now has 24 days to grant an inspection after one is requested. If, thereafter, it does not grant access, the matter must go to an international arbitration committee upon which Iran will have a representative, as will Russia and China. One can easily imagine those negotiations going on for days or weeks — all the while Iran could be flouting the terms of the agreement. Finally, the time limits imposed by this “deal” are so short as to be nearly meaningless. With enough weaponsgrade uranium to build a bomb in one year, the only thing missing is a delivery device. Happy to oblige: Iran gets the ability to buy conventional weapons — on the open market — within five years, including missiles, warships, jets, tanks and helicopters. Need it be mentioned that Iran’s ability to purchase these translates to its ability to provide them to the terrorist organizations it supports all over the planet? It’s hard to understand what motivates President Obama to trust a regime that can simultaneously be negotiating, all the while calling for the destruction of Israel, chanting “death to America” and simulating the destruction of a U.S. aircraft carrier during war games. Events since the president’s 2009 Cairo speech should have disabused him of the naive notion that enemies in the Middle East will “come around” if we’re just nice enough. The fact that he apparently still clings to this notion is deeply disconcerting. Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu was mocked for his rhetoric when he spoke before Congress earlier this year, but he has been proven correct: This deal is not about whether Iran gets a nuclear bomb, but when. Obama seems to assume that, once they have it, they will change their minds about what to do with it. IT IS HARD to overestimate the folly of that assumption. 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Iran Deal Postmaster: Timely Material Please deliver on or before 7/29/15 Periodicals Postage Paid Mailed 7/23/15 Read Charles Krauthammer, Mona Charen & Linda Chavez on Pages 16-17 This week our CONSERVATIVE FOCUS is on: Read Rich Lowry’s Column on Page 1 Shrouded in Evasion and Deception Reality of Abortion Wednesday, July 29, 2015 • Volume 30, Number 30 • Hampton, Iowa