Knightsbridge Furniture
Knightsbridge Furniture
Knightsbridge Furniture Furniture Collection Introduction Design and Manufacturing Preferred Supplier Status Knightsbridge Furniture have been designing and manufacturing contract furniture for over 70 years producing high quality furniture using a combination of traditional woodworking skills and the latest manufacturing techniques, ensuring you receive the best British made furniture available. We are proud to hold preferred supplier status with both the NHS and SHS along with many leading private health and charitable care organisations. NHS contract no. 2013/S 022-033974 SHS contract no. TAG 801 NHS Mental Health contract no: 2012/S 38-061381 Preferred Supplier to HSE Ireland Quality Standards Working to stringent British and European Standards we have been awarded BS EN ISO 9001:2008 for our Quality Management System. Additionally, our chairs meet BS EN 15373:2007 for Strength, Durability and Safety and BS EN 7176:2007 for Resistance to Ignition. Environmental Standards In recognition of our commitments to reducing the impact of our actions on the environment we have attained ISO 14001:2004 environmental management system. Our timber purchasing policy ensures all timber is sourced from sustainably managed forests. Timber waste is recycled whilst waste reduction techniques are used at every stage of the production process. 02 BS ISO 9001 2008 ISO14001 Certificate No. FM 11982 Certificate No. EMS 521989 PEFC/16-37-1032 Promoting Sustainable Forest Management 15 18 22 MADDIE Tubs & Clubs LYNX Tubs & Clubs EMILY Lounge Seating MADISON Upholstered Seating 30 34 40 46 LUCIA Upholstered Seating SORRENTO Upholstered Seating MONDRIAN Upholstered Seating MONDRIAN Dining & Activity Chairs 50 50 54 60 NIMBUS Dining & Activity Chairs DELTA Dining & Activity Chairs SORRENTO Dining & Activity Chairs LUCIA Coffee & Occasional Tables 73 82 94 JASMINE Extra Care Shangrila Extra Care Caspia Bedroom Furniture 66 HARVEY Dining Tables Range at a glance 11 03 Case Study "The new furniture contributes to the light, modern feel of the facility, with the colours, fabrics and finishes selected from the latest Knightsbridge Furniture Collection." 04 Kirkwood Hospice Knightsbridge Furniture Collection Contributes to Hospice Redevelopment Dining furniture and social seating has been supplied by Knightsbridge Furniture as part of the extensive redevelopment of the in-patient unit at Kirkwood Hospice in Dalton, just outside Huddersfield. The new furniture contributes to the light, modern feel of the facility, with the colours, fabrics and finishes selected from the latest Knightsbridge Furniture Collection to complement the re-styled lounge and community areas. An independent hospice and registered charity, Kirkwood Hospice opened in 1987 and provides specialist care - free of charge - to adults from the surrounding area with progressive and life-limiting conditions. Patients are admitted at any time from diagnosis to the end of life, with the emphasis placed on respecting the needs and wishes of the individual, whether clinical, social or spiritual. Care and support is also provided for family members, friends and carers. The redeveloped 16 bed in-patient unit has been carefully designed to meet the complex needs of patients and their families and includes nine single en-suite rooms and two multi-bed bays in addition to a lounge/diner for use by patients and their visitors, a beverage bay, patients’ lounges and activity areas. The comfort factor is high and colour palettes are warm and welcoming throughout, with upholstered furniture in rich berry shades and exposed woodwork in a natural oak finish. Smart upholstered seating welcomes Kirkwood patients and visitors alike, with mid-back and highback chairs and three-seat settees from Knightsbridge Furniture’s traditionally-styled Jasmine range nestling alongside the more contemporary profiles of Maddie club chairs and supportive high-back armchairs from the company’s Arran range. Seating is on hand throughout the unit thanks to the provision of 50+ versatile Zeta stacking chairs, which are the perfect complement to the Harvey timber-topped tables in the dining area, Palma tables in the patients’ lounge and multi-bed bays, rectangular Polo and Ascot tables in the activity rooms and the neat Ventura lamp table in the beverage bay. The order has been completed by a Knightsbridge Dalton armchair modelled specifically for bariatric users, together with a pair of Optimum book-cases in the lounges and two Panama double sofa-beds to accommodate overnight visitors. 05 Case Study David Walker House 06 The purpose-built facility replaces an older David Walker House in Rutherglen and has been designed to accommodate 50 elderly residents in 48 private apartments, two having double bedrooms. The apartments are laid out in three wings over three levels, with the design, furniture and fittings all selected in line with the council’s intention to develop a more personalised system of caring for the elderly while promoting both independent living and personal dignity. In a warm, neutral colour scheme enlivened by accent shades of lime and purple, the Knightsbridge line-up selected for the communal and public areas of David Walker House is headed by curvaceous Millie compact club and upright open armchairs. These sit comfortably alongside Melrose armchairs in wing, club and high-back versions, together with Islay stools, Lynx sofas and a selection of armchairs from the Calm and Panama collections. Each apartment also features armchairs and twin-seat settees from the Madison range of domestic-styled lounge furniture, partnered by Tempo armchairs. “David Walker House is headed by curvaceous Millie compact club and upright open armchairs.” The choice of furnishings reflects the progressive nature of the new facility. During the planning stage, Councillor Eddie McAvoy, Leader of South Lanarkshire Council, commented to the local newspaper that David Walker House marked a ‘new generation’ in care home provision. ‘The new design concept promotes choice, offering privacy as well as maximising opportunities for people to interact with the local community. A real integrated community is being built here’. 07 Tubs & Clubs VIENNK3827 Vienna Compact Club 08 H W D AH SH 810 700 680 710 450 Vienna & Melrose Tubs & Clubs VIENNK3826 VIENNK3830 MELROK2928 MELROK2927 Vienna Easy Club Chair Vienna Compact Melrose Tub Chair Melrose Wing Chair H W D AH SH SD Occasional Tub Chair 800 810 810 660 440 510 H W D AH SH SD 810 740 680 630 450 470 H W D AH SH SD H W 760 740 680 700 480 495 1120 800 760 D AH SH 700 480 490 VIENNK3829 VIENNK3828 MELROK2925 MELROK2926 Vienna Compact Tub Chair Vienna Easy Tub Chair Melrose Club Chair Melrose High Back Chair H W D AH SH SD H W D AH SH SD H W D AH SH SD H W 810 700 680 810 450 470 650 800 770 650 430 500 830 740 670 700 480 495 1120 740 740 D SD AH SH 700 480 495 SD 09 Maddie 10 Tubs & Clubs Tubs & Clubs MADDIK4530 MADDIK4525 MADDIK4511 MADDIK4513 Maddie Easy Chair Maddie Compact Chair Maddie Upright Maddie Upright Armchair Fully Upholstered Fully Upholstered Armless Chair Fully Upholstered H W D AH SH SD H W D AH SH SD H W D SH SD H W D AH SH SD 880 670 750 645 460 570 860 630 680 645 460 500 850 545 630 490 485 850 600 630 660 490 485 SD MADDIK4531 MADDIK4526 MADDIK4512 MADDIK4514 Maddie Easy Chair Maddie Compact Chair Maddie Upright Maddie Armchair with Showwood Arms with Showwood Arms Open Armchair Show Wood Arms H W D AH SH SD H W D AH SH SD H W D AH SH 880 650 750 630 460 570 860 610 680 630 460 500 850 580 630 645 490 485 SD H W D AH SH 850 590 630 645 490 485 11 Millie 12 Tubs & Clubs Tubs & Clubs MILLIK1030 MILLIK1025 MILLIK1011 MILLIK1013 Millie Easy Club Chair Millie Compact Club Chair Millie Upright Millie Upright Armchair Fully Upholstered Armless Chair Fully Upholstered H W D AH SH SD H W D AH SH 800 670 720 645 460 560 800 630 640 645 460 505 SD Fully Upholstered H W D SH SD H W D AH SH SD 810 545 600 490 485 810 600 600 660 490 485 SD MILLIK1031 MILLIK1026 MILLIK1012 MILLIK1014 Millie Easy Club Chair Millie Compact Club Chair Millie Upright Millie Upright Armchair Show Wood Arms Open Armchair Show Wood Arms Show Wood Arms H W D AH SH SD H W D AH SH SD H W D AH SH 800 650 720 630 460 560 800 610 640 630 460 505 810 580 600 645 490 485 SD H W D AH SH 810 590 600 645 490 485 13 Tubs & Clubs Lynx, Rossetti, Bugatti, Marston & Burlington 14 Lynx Tub Chair H W D AH SH SD 690 690 670 680 480 455 Tubs & Clubs LYNXK2404 BURLIK0228 LYNXK2413 LYNXK2411 Lynx 3 Seater Bench Lynx Ottoman H W D H W D H W D AH SH SD 480 1660 560 480 550 560 810 630 560 640 470 400 Burlington Tub Chair LYNXK2412 Lynx 2 Seater Bench H W D 480 1110 560 MARSTK8229 BUGATK3328 ROSSEK5728 ROSSEK5729 Bugatti Tub Chair Rossetti Club Chair Rossetti Mid Back Armchair Marston Open Tub Chair H W D AH SH SD H W D SH SD H W D AH SH SD H W D AH SH SD 780 680 640 660 480 500 780 660 590 680 475 980 660 690 690 450 515 790 600 560 620 470 400 15 Lounge Seating CUBITK7401 CUBITK7426 Cubitt High Back Chair Cubitt Club Chair H W D AH 1080 665 680 700 SH 485 H 780 W D AH 665 680 700 SH 485 Winners of Design Competition Cubitt 16 CUBIK7409 Cubitt Mid Back Armchair H 915 W D AH 665 680 700 SH 485 Webb Associates Cubitt and Columba ranges are two winning designs in response to a Design Competition Knightsbridge started in 2013. The competition was set up to develop furniture which reflects the growing need for design lead hospital interiors, which improve the healing process for all ages and actively change patient attitudes towards places of care. Cubitt takes full advantage of our expertise in timber engineering and upholstery while delivering a stylish and contemporary aesthetic. Lounge Seating COLUMK8001 Columba High Back Armchair H W D AH 1250 665 720 650 SH 475 COLUMK8008 Columba Mid Back Armchair H W D AH 1020 665 720 650 SH 450 Columba 17 Lounge Seating ISLAYK0103 ISLAYK0102 Islay Armless Chair Islay Mid Back Armchair H W D AH SH SD 960 690 790 650 505 485 H W D SH SD 960 535 750 505 485 ISLAYK0105 EMILYK1508 Islay High Back Armchair Emily 2 Seater Settee H W D 1120 690 820 650 AH SH SD H W D 505 485 1100 1200 740 675 AH SH SD 485 520 EMILYK1507 Emily & Islay 18 Emily Wing Chair (shown in main image) H W 1100 720 D AH 740 675 SH SD 485 520 Lounge Seating SELKIK1209 SELKIK1229 Selkirk Petite Mid Back Armchair Selkirk Petite High Back Armchair H W D AH SH SD H 880 615 670 605 485 450 1080 615 W SELKIK1216 AH SH 680 605 485 455 SELKIK1202 SELKIK1230 Selkirk Mid Back Armchair Selkirk High Back Armchair H W D AH SH SD H 910 615 695 635 500 460 1110 615 W Selkirk 2 Seater Settee D SD H W D 1010 1020 705 AH SH 635 500 465 SD SELKIK1227 Selkirk Containment Back D AH SH SD 705 635 500 470 H W 1190 615 D AH SH SD 715 635 500 495 Selkirk 19 Panama 20 Upholstered Seating Upholstered Seating PANAMK4111 PANAMK4112 PANAMK4125 Panama Upright Chair Panama Upright Armchair Panama Compact Chair H W D SH SD H W D AH SH SD 820 560 620 480 400 820 560 620 650 480 400 PANAMK4126 W D SH SD H W D AH SH SD 800 640 730 460 475 800 640 730 680 460 475 PANAMK4135 PANAMK4129 PANAMK4130 Panama Compact Sofa Panama Easy Chair Panama Easy Armchair H W D 880 1300 730 Panama Compact Armchair H PANAMK4136 Panama Settee AH SH SD H W D SH SD H W D AH SH SD 680 480 475 880 685 840 460 550 880 685 840 650 460 550 H W 880 1540 730 D AH SH SD 680 480 480 Only available on PANAMK4111 and PANAMK4112 please use suffix B when ordering 21 Monaco & Madison 22 Upholstered Seating Upholstered Seating MONACK3409 MONACK3432 MONACK3425 MONACK3430 Monaco High Back Armchair Monaco 2 Seater Settee Monaco Compact Armchair Monaco Armchair H W 1050 740 D AH SH SD H W D AH SH 750 600 480 540 890 1375 750 600 500 540 SD H W D AH SH 840 660 650 580 435 510 MADISK0121 MADISK0122 MADISK0123 Madison Armchair Madison 2 Seater Settee Madison 3 Seater Settee H W D AH SH SD H W D AH SH 915 860 820 595 500 565 915 1410 820 595 500 565 SD SD H W D AH SH 890 740 750 600 475 550 SD MONACK3467 Monaco Ottoman H W D AH SH SD 915 1830 820 595 500 565 H W D 490 670 520 23 Jasmine 24 Upholstered Seating Upholstered Seating JASMIK0825 JASMIK0826 Jasmine Mid Back Armchair Jasmine High Back Armchair JASMIK0827 Jasmine Wing Chair H W D AH SH SD H W D AH SH 1000 750 755 650 500 540 1150 750 755 650 500 540 JASMIK0822 SD H W D AH SH 1150 810 755 650 500 540 SD JASMIK0823 Jasmine 2 Seater Settee H W D 1000 1300 755 650 AH Jasmine 3 Seater Settee SH SD 500 535 H W D 1000 1770 755 650 AH SH SD 500 535 25 Upholstered Seating Clarence & Marlowe 26 Upholstered Seating MARLOK4921 MARLOK4922 MARLOK4923 Marlowe Armchair Marlowe 2 Seater Settee Marlowe 3 Seater Settee H W D AH SH SD H W D AH SH SD H W D AH SH 950 860 920 620 480 555 920 1560 920 600 460 555 920 1840 920 600 460 555 CLAREK3667 CLAREK3621 CLAREK3622 CLAREK3623 Clarence Armchair Clarence 2 Seater Settee Clarence 3 Seater Settee H W D AH SH 880 1120 860 680 495 550 SD H W D AH SH 880 1840 860 680 495 550 SD SD Clarence Ottoman H W D AH SH 880 2130 860 680 495 550 SD H W D 480 630 630 27 Upholstered Seating LEXIEK0322 LEXIEK0321 Lexie 2 Seater Settee Lexie Armchair H W D AH SH SD H W D AH SH 830 870 790 640 450 485 830 1560 790 640 450 485 AH SH SD 450 485 LEXIEK0323 Lexie 3 Seater Settee Lexie 28 H W D 830 1845 790 640 SD Upholstered Seating SHELLK3921 SHELLK3922 Shelley Armchair Shelley 2 Seater Settee H W D AH SH SD H W D AH SH 870 850 880 640 450 510 870 1560 880 640 450 510 SD SHELLK3923 Shelley 3 Seater Settee H W D AH SH SD 870 1840 880 640 450 510 Shelley 29 Lucia & Lucino 30 Upholstered Seating LUCINK1418 LUCINK1424 Lucino Large Ottoman Lucino Small Ottoman Lucino Large Footstool Lucino Small Footstool H W H W D H W D H W D 450 1200 500 450 650 500 450 650 450 450 450 450 D LUCINK1417B Upholstered Seating LUCINK1417 LUCINK1420 LUCINK1418B Lucino Large Ottoman with Buttons Lucino Small Ottoman with Buttons H W H W D 450 1200 500 450 650 500 D LUCIAK1821T LUCIAK1822T LUCIAK1823T Lucia Armchair with Timber Base Lucia 2 Seater Sofa with Timber Base Lucia Compact 3 Seater Sofa with Timber Base Lucia Compact Club Chair with Timber Base H W H W H W D AH SH 770 1540 680 770 1840 680 790 650 690 600 460 495 H W D AH SH SD 770 840 680 600 460 495 D AH SH SD 600 460 495 LUCIAK1827T D AH SH SD 600 460 495 SD LUCIAK1821W LUCIAK1822W LUCIAK1823W Lucia Armchair with Wire Base Lucia 2 Seater Sofa with Wire Base Lucia Compact 3 Seater Sofa with Wire Base Lucia Compact Club Chair with Wire Base H W D AH SH 790 650 690 600 460 495 H W D AH SH SD H W D 770 840 680 600 460 495 770 1540 680 LUCIAK1827W AH SH SD H W D 600 460 495 770 1840 680 AH SH SD 600 460 495 SD Ottoman Button Details 31 Upholstered Seating TICINK1905 TICINK1913 Ticino Compact Club Ticino Upright Armchair H W D AH SH SD H W D AH SH 800 585 620 620 460 500 740 645 700 630 460 500 SD TICINK1930 Ticino Easy Club H W D AH SH SD 740 645 715 630 460 515 SD TICINK1922 TICINK1921 Ticino 2 Seater Settee Ticino Armchair H W D 720 1000 800 AH SH SD H W D AH SH 600 440 540 720 1660 800 600 440 540 TICINK1923 Ticino 3 Seater Settee Ticino W D AH SH 720 2250 800 600 440 540 Button back only available on TICINK1921 TICINK1922 and TICINK1923. Please use suffix B when ordering. Button Back 32 H SD Upholstered Seating LUGANK1705 LUGANK1713 Lugano Compact Club Lugano Upright Armchair H W D AH SH SD H W D AH SH SD 800 585 620 620-690 490 475 740 645 700 630-740 460 505 LUGANK1730 Lugano Easy Club LUGANK1721 H W D AH SH SD 740 645 715 630 460 520 LUGANK1722 Lugano Armchair Plain Back Lugano 2 Seater Sofa Plain Back H W D AH SH SD H W D AH SH SD 720 800 800 600-720 440 540 720 1460 800 600-720 440 540 LUGANK1723 Lugano 3 Seater Sofa Plain Back H W D AH SH SD 720 2050 800 600-720 440 540 Button or fluted back only available on LUGANK1721 LUGANK1722 and LUGANK1723. Please use suffix D (diamond) Lugano or F (fluted) when ordering. Diamond Back Fluted Back 33 Sorrento 34 Upholstered Seating Upholstered Seating SORREK6127 SORREK6126 Sorrento Compact Club Chair Sorrento High Back Easy Chair SORREK6121 Sorrento Armchair H W D AH SH SD H W D AH SH 830 680 700 620 460 500 950 780 770 600 440 480 SORREK6122 SD H W D AH SH 810 790 725 600 440 480 SD SORREK6123 Sorrento 2 Seater Sofa H W D 810 1620 725 Sorrento 3 Seater Sofa AH SH SD 600 440 480 H W 810 2220 725 D AH SH SD 600 440 480 SORREK6126SW Sorrento High Back Swivel Chair H W D AH SH 950 780 770 600 440 480 SD 35 Lucy & Vienna 36 Upholstered Seating Upholstered Seating VIENNK3836 VIENNK0221 Vienna 2 Seater Compact Occasional Tub Vienna 2 Seater Easy Club H W 810 1210 680 D AH SH SD H W 630 450 470 800 1500 880 D LUCYK6621 LUCYK6622 Lucy Armchair Lucy 2 Seater Settee AH SH 660 440 510 SD LUCYK6623 Lucy 3 Seater Settee H W D AH SH SD H W D AH SH SD H W D AH SH SD 830 870 790 640 450 490 830 1560 790 640 450 490 830 1845 790 640 450 490 37 Upholstered Seating Bugatti & Melrose 38 Upholstered Seating BUGATK3321 MELROK2935 Bugatti Easy Chair Melrose 2 Seater Club H W D AH SH SD H W D AH SH 810 840 830 650 450 545 830 1280 670 700 500 540 SD MELROK2938 BUGATK3322 Melrose 2 Seater Tub Bugatti 2 Seater Settee H W D AH SH SD H W D AH SH SD 800 1450 880 650 410 545 760 1280 680 700 500 545 BUGATK3323 Bugatti 3 Seater Settee H W D AH SH SD 820 2050 880 650 410 545 39 Mondrian & Lynx 40 Upholstered Seating Upholstered Seating LYNXK2401 LYNXK2402 Lynx Armchair Lynx 2 Seater Settee H W D AH SH SD 820 730 800 650 480 515 MONDRK6230 LYNXK2403 Lynx 3 Seater Settee H W D AH SH SD H W D AH SH 820 1280 800 650 480 515 820 1930 800 650 480 515 SD MONDRK6236 Mondrian Easy Chair Mondrian 2 Seater Sofa H W D AH SH 810 630 700 630 460 480 SD H W 810 1225 700 D AH SH 630 460 480 SD 41 Upholstered Seating AFFINK2902 AFFINK2903 Affinity Chair Unit Affinity 1) 2) W D SH SD H W D SH SD 800 640 800 435 525 800 1295 800 435 525 AFFINK2904 3) 4) 5) AFFINK2902, AFFINK2912L, AFFINK2915R Affinity Table Unit Affinity Chair Unit with, Affinity Low Arm H W D and Affinity High Arm with Tablet 460 790 790 H W D AH SH 800 1030 800 820 435 525 SD ARM OPTIONS 1) AFFINK2911 (L/R) Affinity Compact Arm H W 535 85 42 Affinity 2 Seater Unit H 2) AFFINK2912 (L/R) Affinity Low Arm H W 535 185 3) AFFINK2913 (L/R) Affinity Low Arm with Tablet H W 535 185 4) AFFINK2914 (L/R) Affinity High Arm H W 685 185 5) AFFINK2915 (L/R) Affinity High Arm with Tablet H W 685 185 HARRIK0702 Harris Unit Armchair H 460 W D AH 620 650 460 SH 460 H 460 W D AH 660 660 600 Dining & Activity Chairs HARRIK0703 Harris Unit Chair SH 460 HARRIK0721 Harris 2 Seater Settee H 460 W D AH 1060 660 600 SH 460 • Clean and simple styling that will harmonise with most interiors • Compact footprint • Padded seat and back cushions provide high levels of comfort • Solid frame ensures long term durability and strength Harris 43 Dining & Activity Chairs JURAK0016 JURAK0116 Jura Armless Chair Wooden Seat Jura Armless Chair Upholstered Seat, and Back Wooden Back H W D SH SD H W D SH SD 810 410 510 460 400 810 410 510 460 400 POLOK1111 Polo Upright Stacking Armless Chair H W D SH SD 850 450 530 450 455 POLOK1112 Polo Upright Stacking Armchair H W D AH SH 850 530 530 690 450 455 SD CALMK2311 CALMK2312 Calm Upright Stacking Armless Chair Calm Upright Stacking Armchair Polo, Jura & Calm H W D AH SH SD 850 530 530 690 450 455 H W D SH SD 850 450 530 450 455 POLO & CALM COLOUR FINISHES *Natural Yellow Pink Light Purple Light Green Light Blue *Natural finish as standard. Minimum order quantities apply to coloured finishes 44 Beige Dining & Activity Chairs MALHAK5211 MALHAK5212 Malham Upright Armless Chair Malham Upright Armchair H W D SH SD H W D AH SH SD 900 520 660 490 500 900 520 660 670 490 500 DALTOK6011 DALTOK6012 Dalton Upright Armless Chair Dalton Upright Armchair H W D SH SD H W D AH SH SD 810 520 590 490 440 810 540 590 650 490 440 Dalton & Malham 45 Mondrian & Harvey 46 Dining & Activity Chairs MONDRK6206 MONDRK6205 MONDRK6211 Mondrian Upright Armchair Mondrian Upright Armchair Mondrian Upright Armless Chair Mondrian Upright Armless Chair Mondrian Upright Armchair with Filled In Sides with Hand-Hold with Hand-Hold H W D SH SD H W D AH SH 870 485 550 490 460 870 545 550 670 490 460 H W D AH SH SD H W D AH SH SD 870 575 615 675 490 480 945 545 565 670 490 470 H W D SH SD 945 485 565 490 470 MONDRK6212 SD Dining & Activity Chairs MONDRK6214 Button Option available on the Harvey. Please use suffix B when ordering. HARVEK1103 HARVEK1102 HARVEK1104 Harvey Carver Harvey Armchair Harvey Grande Armless Chair H W D AH SH SD 930 570 610 670 490 430 H W D AH SH SD 930 570 610 670 490 430 Optional two tone available HARVEK1101 Harvey Armless Chair H W D SH SD H W D SH SD 930 540 610 490 430 930 480 610 490 430 Button Back Two Tone Back 47 Dining & Activity Chairs ARDENK2511 ARDENK2512 Arden Upright Armless Chair Arden Upright Armchair H W D SH SD H W D AH SH 920 470 620 490 450 920 550 620 640 490 450 KATRIK5011 SD KATRIK5012 Katrine Upright Armless Chair Katrine Upright Armchair H W D SH SD H W D AH SH 840 480 560 450 420 840 600 560 650 450 420 SD Katrine & Arden Katrine availalble with skids 48 Katrine available with housekeeping wheels Arden availalble with skids Dining & Activity Chairs HENLEK5311 HINCKK5605 Henley Upright Armless Hinckley Upright Armless Chair H W D SH SD H W D SH SD 990 470 600 490 450 970 450 520 460 450 HENLEK5312 Henley Upright Armchair (shown in main image) H W D AH SH 990 540 600 670 490 450 SD EDISOK9412 EDISOK9411 Edison Upright Armchair H W 1010 560 Edison Upright Armless Chair D AH SH SD H 580 710 500 455 1010 475 W D SH SD 580 500 455 Edison, Hinckley & Henley Henley availalble with skids 49 Dining & Activity Chairs NIMBUK5402 DELTAK3511 Nimbus Armchair Delta Stacking Armless Chair H W D AH SH SD H W D AH SH SD 860 580 670 650 490 465 850 560 600 650 460 450 HAMILK2039 HAMILK2038 Delta, Nimbus & Hamilton 50 Hamilton Upright Stacking Armless Chair Hamilton Upright Stacking Armchair H W D SH SD H W D AH SH SD 850 470 550 470 460 850 580 550 630 470 460 Dining & Activity Chairs ZETAK0205 ZETAK0206 Zeta Stacking Armless Chair Zeta Stacking Armchair H W D SH SD H W D AH 840 490 610 480 440 840 570 610 660 480 SH SD 440 TEMPOK4412 TEMPOK4411 Tempo Upright Armchair Tempo Upright Armless Chair H W D SH SD H W D AH SH SD 910 480 580 490 425 910 530 580 670 490 425 Zeta & Tempo 51 Dining & Activity Chairs LUCIAK1811 LUCIAK1812 Lucia Upright Open Armchair Lucia Upright Open Armchair H W D SH SD H W D AH SH 815 550 590 490 465 815 590 590 650 490 465 LUCIAK1813 Lucia Armchair Fully Upholstered Lucia 52 H W D AH SH 815 890 590 650 490 465 SD SD Dining & Activity Chairs SADIEK4211 SADIEK4212 Sadie Upright Armless Chair Sadie Upright Armchair CANTOK8205 H W D SH H W D AH SH H W D SH 910 510 585 490 910 595 585 660 490 955 460 570 500 Canto Armless Chair BELLAK3111 BELLAK3112 Bella Upright Armless Chair Bella Upright Armchair CANTO8206 H W D SH H W D AH SH H W D AH SH 890 510 575 490 890 595 575 660 490 955 545 570 670 500 Canto Armchair Sadie, Bella & Canto 53 Dining & Activity Chairs SORREK6111 SORREK6112 Sorrento Upright Armless Chair Sorrento Upright Armchair SORREK6113 H W D SH H W D AH SH Sorrento Upright Armless Desk Chair with Wire Frame 850 560 620 409 850 610 620 670 490 H W D AH SH 910 595 585 660 490 SORREK6114 SORREK6113BCV SORREK6114BCV Sorrento Upright Desk Chair with Arms and Wire Frame Sorrento Upright Armless Desk Chair with Arms, Cruciform Base, Castors and Variable Seat Height H W D AH SH Sorrento Upright Armless Desk Chair with Cruicform Base, Castors and Variable Seat Height 850 560 620 660 490 H W D AH SH H W D AH SH V 560 620 - V V 610 620 V V V = Variable Use suffix BGV for glides and variable seat height Use suffix BCV for castors and variable seat height Sorrento 54 GAMMA150 GAMMA142 GAMMA152 Gamma Square Coffee Table Gamma Square Coffee Table Gamma Circular Coffee Table Gamma Circular Coffee Table H W D with Shelf H Dia with Shelf 400 600 600 H W D 400 650 H Dia 500 600 600 500 650 GAMMA141 GAMMA153 GAMMA155 Gamma Rectangular Coffee Table Gamma Circular Occassional Table Gamma Oblong Occasional Table Gamma Square Occasional Table H W D H Dia H W D H W D 400 1000 500 620 650 620 1000 500 620 600 600 Coffee & Occasional Tables GAMMA140 GAMMA154 Gamma 55 Coffee & Occasional Tables BALERK8141 BALERK8143 BALERK8140 Balerno Square Coffee Table Balerno Circular Coffee Table Balerno Oval Coffee Table H W D H Dia H W D 450 500 500 450 650 450 1170 690 BALERK8173 BALERK8171 Balerno Circular Occasional Table Balerno Square Occasional Table Balerno Oval Occasional Table H Dia H W D H W D 660 650 660 500 500 660 1170 690 Balerno 56 BALERK8170 MALHAK5191 MALHAK5192 Malham Square Coffee Table Malham Circular Coffee Table Malham Rectangular Coffee Table H W D H D H W D 420 530 530 420 700 420 1200 530 Coffee & Occasional Tables MALHAK5190 MALHAK5194 MALHAK5193 Malham Circular Occasional Table Malham Square Occasional Table MALHAK5195 Malham Rectangular Occasional Table H Dia H W D H W D 620 700 620 530 530 620 1200 530 Malham 57 Coffee & Occasional Tables PALMA-C-C650 PALMA-C-S500 PALMA-O-C650 PALMA-O-S500 Palma Small Circular Coffee Table Palma Small Square Coffee Table Palma Medium Circular Occasional Table Palma Medium Square Occasional Table H Dia H W D H Dia H W D 450 650 450 500 500 660 650 660 500 500 Lincoln Nest Of Tables NOVAK0142 NOVAK0141 NOVAK0143 LINCOK0248 H W D Nova Rectangular Coffee Table Nova Square Coffee Table Nova Circular Coffee Table Lincoln Large Table 470 510 410 H W H W D H Dia 400 1200 700 400 700 700 Lincoln Medium Table 435 420 345 400 750 Lincoln Small Table 410 320 280 D Palma, Nova & Lincoln 58 VENTUT-C-C600 VENTUT-C-E800x500 Ventura Circular Lamp Table Ventura Circular Coffee Table Ventura Oval Coffee Table H Dia H Dia H Oval 600 450 / 500 / 600 450 600 / 700 / 750 450 800x500 / 900x600 / 1000x700 VENTUT-O-S450 VENTUT-C-S600 VENTUT-C-R1000x500 VENTUT-P-R1200x450 Ventura Square Lamp Table Ventura Square Coffee Table Ventura Rectangular Coffee Table Ventura Rectangular Console Table H Square H Square H Rectangular H Rectangular 600 450 / 500 / 600 450 600 / 700 / 750 450 1000x500 / 1200x600 850 1000x450/ 1200x450 Coffee & Occasional Tables VENTUT-O-C450 Ventura 59 Coffee & Occasional Tables LUCIAT-O-C450 LUCIAT-C-E800x500 LUCIAT-C-R1000x500 Lucia Circular Lamp Table Lucia Oval Coffee Table Lucia Rectangular Coffee Table H Dia H W/D H W/D 600 450/500/600 450 800x500 / 900x600 / 1000x700 450 1000x500 / 1200x600 LUCIAT-O-S450 LUCIAT-C-C600 LUCIAT-C-S600 Lucia Square Lamp Table Lucia Circular Coffee Tables Lucia Square Coffee Table H W/D H Dia H W/D 600 450x450/ 500x500/ 600x600 450 600/700/750 450 600x600 / 700x700 / 750x750 Lucia 60 Coffee & Occasional Tables PETRAT-C-C750 Petra Circular Coffee Table H Dia 450 750 PETRAT-C-C900 Petra Large Circular Coffee Table H Dia 450 900 PETRAT-C-C750 Petra Circular Coffee Table H Dia 450 750 PETRAT-C-C900 Petra Large Circular Coffee Table H Dia 450 900 Petra 61 Coffee & Occasional Tables DIXIET-C-S600 Dixie Circular Coffee Table Dixie Square Coffee Table Dixie Oval Coffee Table H Dia H W D H W D 450 600 450 600 600 660 900 600 DIXIET-C-R1200x600 DIXIET-O-S450 / DIXIET-O-S600 DIXIET-O-C450 / DIXIET-O-C600 DIXIET-H-R1200x450 Dixie Rectangular Coffee Table Dixie Square Lamp Table Dixie Circular Lamp Table Dixie Rectangular Console Table H W H W D H H W 450 1200 600 600 450 450 600 450 850 1200 450 600 600 600 600 600 Dixie 62 DIXIET-C-E900x600 DIXIET-C-C600 D Dia D Dining Tables PETRAT-D-C1200 PETRAT-D-R1200x750 PETRAT-P-C600 PETRAT-D-C750 Petra Large Circular Dining Table Petra Rectangular Dining Table Petra Circular Poseur Table Petra Small Circular Dining Table H Dia H W D H H Dia 750 1200 750 1200 750 1120 600 750 750 Dia PETRAT-D-C900 Petra Medium Circular Dining Table H Dia 750 900 PETRAT-D-C750 PETRAT-P-C600 PETRAT-D-C1200 PETRAT-D-R1200x750 Petra Small Circular Dining Table Petra Circular Poseur Table Petra Large Circular Dining Table Petra Rectangular Dining Table H Dia H H Dia H W D 750 750 1120 600 750 1200 750 1200 750 Dia PETRAT-D-C900 Petra Medium Circular Dining Table H Dia 750 900 Petra tables are available with a white or walnut top only Petra 63 Dining Tables GAMMA109 GAMMA110 Gamma D End Shaped Table Gamma Square Dining Table Gamma Rectangular Dining Table H W D H W D H W D 740 800 800 740 800 800 740 1350 800 GAMMA112 GAMMA113 GAMMA123 Gamma Small Circular Dining Table Gamma Large Circular Dining Table Gamma Large Circular Pedestal Dining Table H Dia H Dia H Dia 740 950 740 1200 740 1200 Gamma 64 GAMMA111 Petra tables are available with a white or walnut top only Dining Tables BALERK8153 BALERK8154 BALERK8155 Balerno Small Circular Dining Table Balerno Large Circular Dining Table Balerno Rectangular Dining Table H Dia H Dia H W D 740 900 740 1200 740 1350 800 BALERK8152 BALERK8151 Balerno Large Square Dining Table Balerno Small Square Dining Table H W D H W D 740 950 950 740 800 800 H W D CONISK4503 Coniston Large Folding Table 760 685 1830 CONISK4502 Coniston Medium Folding Table 760 685 1520 CONISK4501 Coniston Small Folding Table 760 685 1220 Balerno & Coniston 65 Dining Tables MALHAK5153 MALHAK5151 Malham Circular Dining Table Malham Square Dining Table H Dia H W D 780 950 780 800 800 *Also available as rectangular dining table Malham & Harvey 66 Harvey Glass Top Oval Dining Table Harvey Glass Top Circular Dining Table HARVET-D-E700x400-GB HARVET-D-C600-GB HARVET-D-E800x500-GB HARVET-D-C700-GB HARVET-D-E900x600-GB HARVET-D-C750-GB H Dia H Dia 725 700x400 725 600 725 800x500 725 700 900x600 725 750 725 Dining Tables POLOK0452 POLOK0352 POLOK0154 Polo Large Rectangular Polo Small Rectangular Polo Large Circular Dining Table Dining Table Dining Table H W D H W D H Dia 750 800 1600 750 800 1200 750 1100 WINDSK0051 WINDSK0053 WINDSK0054 Windsor Adjustable Pedestal Windsor Adjustable Pedestal Windsor Adjustable Pedestal Square Table Circular Table Large Circular Table H W D H Dia H Dia 730 800 800 730 950 730 1200 Polo & Windsor 67 Palma 68 Dining Tables Dining Tables PALMA-D-C800 PALMA-D-C950 PALMA-D-C1200 PALMA-D-S800 Palma Small Circular Palma Medium Circular Palma Large Circular Palma Small Square Dining Table Dining Table Dining Table Dining Table H Dia H Dia H Dia H W D 740 800 740 950 740 1200 740 800 800 PALMA-D-S950 PALMA-D-R1200X800 PALMA-D-R1600X800 Palma Medium Square Palma Medium Rectangular Palma Large Dining Table Dining Table Rectangular Dining Table H W D H W D H W D 740 950 950 740 1200 800 740 1600 800 69 Office Furniture Owen & Lucia 70 LUCIAK1814EG OWENK7705 Lucia Desk Chair Owen Office Armless Chair Owen Office Armchair with Executive 4-Star Base H H W D AH SH 815 590 590 650-700 490 W 1000 520 OWENK7706 D SH H 560 490 1000 630 W D AH SH 560 690 490 LUCIAK1814BCV OWENK7707 Lucia Desk Chair with Cruciform Base, Owen Executive Office Armless Chair Owen Executive Office Armchair Castors and Variable Seat Height H W D SH H W D AH SH 980 520 560 460 980 640 560 660 460 H W D AH SH 815 590 590 650-700 490 Fixed V 590 590 V V Variable (V) OWENK7708 Extra Care ARRANK0093 ISLAYK0118 Arran Mid Back Armchair Leg Rest H 905 W D AH 610 720 650 SH SD 450 510 H 450 W D 520 440 ARRANK0090 ARRANK0092 Arran High Back Armchair Arran Drop Arm Armchair H W D AH 1120 610 730 650 H W D AH 1120 610 730 650 SH SD 450 510 SH SD 450 510 Arran 71 1 2 Extra Care 2 1 1 YORKK6534 2 YORKK6535 2 York Compact Manual Recliner 1 2 H W D AH 1020 785 820 620 1040 800 855 620 SH 460 480 SD 508 535 1 72 2 BUTLEK0032 H W D AH 1100 760 920 660 1100 760 920 660 DALTOK6050 Dalton Two Way Tilt Manual Recliner DALTOK6051 Dalton Two Way Tilt Electric Recliner Butler Twin Motor Lift-Tilt Recliner 2 Recliners 1 BUTLEK0030 Butler Manual Recliner York Petite Manual Recliner SH 510 510 SD 535 535 1 2 H W D AH 1030 615 820 645 1030 630 900 645 SH 485 510 SD 520 520 1 Extra Care 1 1 1 JASMIK0867 Jasmine Manual Recliner with Heavy Duty Castors Please use suffix WF for Wooden Feet instead of Heavy Duty Castors 2 2 Jasmine Single Motor Recliner with Heavy Duty Castors 1 2 JASMIK0866 Jasmine Winged Single Motor Recliner with Heavy Duty Castors JASMIK0868 W D AH 760 900 670 760 900 670 JASMIK0865 Jasmine Winged Manual Recliner with Heavy Duty Castors SH 530 530 SD 550 550 Please use suffix WF for Wooden Feet instead of Heavy Duty Castors Image shows the Jasmine Winged Manual Recliner with Wooden Feet JASMIK0865WF 1 2 W D AH 800 900 670 800 900 670 SH 530 530 SD 550 550 73 Extra Care 1 1 HALLAK0130 1 Hallam Grande Manual Recliner with Heavy Duty Braked Castors 2 3 HALLAK0131 2 1 HALLAK0170 Hallam Bariatric 3 Way Single Motor Recliner Lift & Recline 35 Stone with Heavy Duty Braked Castors HALLAK0171 H W D AH 1180 1020 840 660 Hallam Standard Single Motor Recliner Tilt in Space with Heavy Duty Braked Castors H W D AH 1120 770 990 650 1120 770 990 650 H 935 935 SH 490 480 SW SD WT 535 535 45kg 535 535 54kg 3 HALLAK0132 Hallam Grande Dual Motor Recliner Lift & Recliner with Heavy Duty Braked Castors and Tilt in Space H W D AH 1120 770 990 650 1120 770 990 650 SH 490 490 SW SD WT 535 535 54kg 535 535 45kg W D AH 710 840 650 710 840 650 SH 460 460 2 SW SD WT 485 508 45kg 485 508 54kg 3 SH 460 460 SW SD WT 485 508 54kg 485 508 54kg SW SD WT 610/660/715 535 85kg HALLAK0192 H W D AH 1180 1020 840 660 4 SH 510 SW SD WT 610/660/715 535 85kg HALLAK0134 Hallam Grande Electric Recliner Lift & Recline with Trendelenberg Action H W 1120 770 74 SH 510 Hallam Bariatric Dual Motor Recliner 4 Motor System Lift & Recliner 40 Stone with Heavy Duty Brakes Hallam Standard Dual Motor Recliner with Lift & Recline Heavy Duty Braked Castors and Tilt in Space W D AH 710 840 650 710 840 650 SW SD WT 610/660/715 535 85kg HALLAK0191 H W D AH 1180 1020 840 660 HALLAK0173 H 935 935 SH 510 Hallam Bariatric Dual Motor Recliner Lift & Recliner 35 stone with Heavy Duty Braked Castors HALLAK0172 Hallam Standard Dual Motor Recliner Tilt in Space with Heavy Duty Braked Castors 4 HALLAK0133 HALLAK0190 Hallam Standard Manual Recliner with Heavy Duty Braked Castors Hallam Grande Dual Motor Recliner Tilt in Space øwith Heavy Duty Braked Castors Hallam Grande Single Motor Relciner Tilt in Space with Heavy Duty Braked Castors 4 1 2 D AH 990 650 SH 490 SW SD WT 535 535 69kg Extra Care 1 Kintyre Manual Compact Arm Recliner with Containment Back Kintyre Manual Compact Arm Recliner with Standard Back KINTYK0300 KINTYK0300 H W D AH 1060 790 890 650 SH 480 SW 530 SD 550 WT 38kg H W D AH 1060 670 890 650 SH 480 SW 530 SD 550 1 WT 38kg KEIRAK0023 Keira Compact Hoist Friendly Patient Transfer Recliner 2 KEIRAK0025 Keira Standard Hoist Friendly Patient Transfer Recliner 1 2 H W D AH 1110 700 840 680 1200 760 1030 710 SH 510 510 SW SD WT 445 460 55kg 508 485 55kg 75 Extra Care Slide Tables & Chairs 76 Extra Care SLIDEK8955X SLIDEK8952X Slide Rectangular Dining Table Slide Square Dining Table Slide Large Circular Dining Table H W H W D H Dia 750 1350 800 750 950 950 750 1200 D SLIDEK8954X SLIDEK8956X SLIDEK8911X Slide Large Rectangular Dining Table Slide Upright Armless Chair Extreme Slide Upright Armchair Extreme H W H W D SH H W D AH SH 750 1800 800 950 480 615 490 950 520 615 675 490 Optional Pushing Aid D SLIDEK8912X Optional Plywood Back 77 Extra Care SLIDEK8917X SLIDEK8917X Slide Stool Slide Stool H Dia H Dia 475 468(base) / 400 (top) 475 468(base) / 400 (top) SLIDEK8918X SLIDEK8920X Slide 2 Seater Bench Upholstered Top Slide 3 Seater Bench Upholstered Top H W H W 510 1100 450 510 1550 450 D SLIDEK8918XL Slide Stools & Benches 78 D SLIDEK8920XL Slide 2 Seater Bench Laminate Top Slide 3 Seater Bench Laminate Top H W H W 475 1100 450 475 1550 450 D D Extra Care SLIDEK8943X SLIDEK8941X Slide Circular Coffee Table Slide Square Coffee Table H Dia H W D 450 650 450 500 500 SLIDEK8944X SLIDEK8942X Slide Circular Occasional Table Slide Square Occasional Table H Dia H W D 660 650 660 500 500 Slide Coffee & Occasional Tables 79 Domino 80 Extra Care Extra Care Domino • The simple compact sofa with minimum effort can be converted quickly and simply to a chaise, daybed or full size functioning bed. Offering reliability and comfort for prolonged visits by guests or family members • Multiple reclining arm positions • Legs allow easy floor access for cleaning • Intuitive conversion from sofa to bed to sofa • All surfaces of the sofa are easy to clean and maintain • Operation: Foot-press pedals allow the arms to fold horizontal. Flip over the back cushion to form a convenient shelf. Lift the arms to ratchet into your choice of position Easy to clean and maintain surface Easy to operate foot pedal • Great Britain Patent No. GB2483056 European patent application pending No PCT/EP2011/004189 US patent application pending 011755262.0-1258 DOMINK0631 Domino Single Sofa Bed H W 670 1450 765 D Bed H Bed W 670 1980 81 • Compact and modern design that will complement any environment • Simple two step movement to quickly transform the chair into a bed • Available in a large range of colours to suit your interiors Extra Care • Built in castors for ease of movement for cleaning purposes • Deep Reflex foam cushioning to give the ultimate comfort when sitting for long periods or sleeping • Operation: Easy pull mechanism to release the two bottom sections for the bed, with the headrest tilting to form the third section and provide a full length bed for users SHANGK0331 Shangrila Chair Bed H W D SHELLK3906 Shelley Single Sofabed 190 915 1915 SHELLK3907 Shelley Double Sofabed 190 1218 1915 Harper & Shelley Sofa Bed 82 H W D AH SH 860 890 860 610 400 530 SD H W HARPEC0900CM Harper Single Cotton Stripe Mattress 190 915 D 1915 HARPEC0902CM Harper Double Cotton Stripe Mattress 190 1218 1915 1915 HARPEC0900CB Harper Single Cotton Stripe Divan Base 350 915 HARPEC0902CB Harper Double Cotton Stripe Divan Base 350 1218 1915 HARPEC0900BM Harper Single Waterproof Breathable Mattress 178 915 1915 HARPEC0900BB Harper Single Waterproof Breathable Divan Base 350 915 1915 HARPEC0902BM Harper Double Waterproof Breathable Mattress 178 1218 1915 HARPEC0902BB Harper Double Waterproof Breathable Divan 350 1218 1915 HARPEC0900PM Harper Single PVC Mattress 160 920 1920 HARPEC0900PB Harper Single PVC Divan Base 310 920 1920 Lounge & Bedroom Furniture Our large collection of bedroom and lounge furniture is designed with comfort, style and practicality in mind. Each cabinet range comes with an option of 3 handles and a selection of wood finishes to allow you to match your exact requirements. Standard Cabinet Features: • Carcases are 18mm MFC with 25mm vinyl wrapped tops on cabinets, all wardrobe tops and door/ drawers fronts are 18mm vinyl wrapped • Hinges open 170 degrees • Drawers have an easy glide metal sided drawer box with metal runners. A solid back and bottom drawer box allows for maximum strength and stability. • All bedside cabinets come with a lock as standard, the standard position is in the centre of the top drawer. If the cabinet does not have a top drawer the lock will be placed on the door. Optional Cabinet Features: • One extra lock in standard position • Soft close hinges on all doors • Soft close action on all drawers • Locking castors - standard at the back, locking at the front • Wardrobe shelf unit – double and combination wardrobes only • Wardrobe locking compartment • Fridge accommodation – selected units only please enquire for further details Lounge & Bedroom Furniture 83 Davis 84 Lounge & Bedroom Furniture Carcase and Fascia: 18mm MFC carcase, 18mm MFC PVC lipped fascia Hinges: 170 degree opening Handle Options: Narrow Chrome Bow, Chrome Wide Bow, Ceramic White Knob Finish Options: Natural Beech, Oak, Cherry, Walnut, Cream, White Ash, Black Ash, Walnut and Cream, Oak and Cream, Black Ash and Cream, Black Ash and White Ash, White Ash and Moss, White Ash and Denim, White Ash and Pistachio, White Ash and Ice Blue Default Handles Narrow Chrome Bow Alternative Handles Chrome Wide Bow Lounge & Bedroom Furniture Davis Ceramic White Knob See page 96 for how to order 85 Scotia 86 Lounge & Bedroom Furniture Carcase and Fascia: 18mm MFC carcase, 18mm vinyl wrapped MDF fascia Hinges: 170 degree opening Handle Options: Chrome Wide Bow, Brushed Flat D, Square Chrome Knob Finish Options: Natural Beech, Oak, Cherry, Walnut, Cream, White Ash, Black Ash, Walnut and Cream, Oak and Cream, Black Ash and Cream, Black Ash and White Ash Default Handles Chrome Wide Bow Alternative Handles Brushed Flat D Lounge & Bedroom Furniture Scotia Square Chrome Knob See page 96 for how to order 87 Hudson 88 Lounge & Bedroom Furniture Carcase and Fascia: 18mm MFC carcase, 18mm vinyl wrapped MDF fascia Hinges: 170 degree opening Handle Options: Square Chrome Knob, Brushed Tapered Bow, Ceramic White Knob Finish Options: Natural Beech, Oak, Cherry, Walnut, Cream, White Ash, Black Ash, Walnut and Cream, Oak and Cream, Black Ash and Cream, Black Ash and White Ash Default Handles Square Chrome Knob Alternative Handles Brushed Tapered Bow Lounge & Bedroom Furniture Hudson Ceramic White Knob See page 96 for how to order 89 Beaufort 90 Lounge & Bedroom Furniture Carcase and Fascia: 18mm MFC carcase, 18mm vinyl wrapped MDF fascia Hinges: 170 degree opening Handle Options: Antique Pewter Bow, Narrow Chrome Bow, Ceramic White Knob Finish Options: Natural Beech, Oak, Cherry, Walnut, Cream, White Ash, Black Ash, Walnut and Cream, Oak and Cream, Black Ash and Cream, Black Ash and White Ash Default Handles Alternative Handles Antique Pewter Bow Narrow Chrome Bow Lounge & Bedroom Furniture Beaufort Ceramic White Knob See page 96 for how to order 91 Koro 92 Lounge & Bedroom Furniture Carcase and Fascia: 18mm MFC carcase, 18mm MFC PVC lipped fasica Hinges: 170 degree opening Handle Options: Handleless Finish Options: Natural Beech, Oak, Cherry, Walnut, Cream, White Ash, Black Ash, Walnut and Cream, Oak and Cream, Black Ash and Cream, Black Ash and White Ash Lounge & Bedroom Furniture Koro Handleless See page 96 for how to order 93 Caspia 94 Lounge & Bedroom Furniture Carcase: 18mm MFC vinyl wrapped Hinges: 170 degree opening Handle Options: Brushed Tapered Bow, Narrow Chrome Bow, Lacquered Walnut Knob (For use with Walnut carcase only) Finish Options: Walnut and Cream, Black Ash and Cream, Black Ash and White Ash Default Handles Alternative Handles Brushed Tapered Bow Narrow Chrome Bow Lounge & Bedroom Furniture Caspia Lacquered Walnut Knob *For use with Walnut carcase only See page 96for how to order 95 Lounge & Bedroom Furniture How to order Product Dimensions Step One Lounge Choose your preferred range style from pages 84-95 Tallboy 3 Drawer Tallboy 4 Drawer Tallboy 5 Drawer Drawerline Cupboard Low Drawerline Cupboard Medium Drawerline Cupboard High 2 Door Cupboard Low 2 Door Cupboard Medium 2 Door Cupboard High Sideboard Wide Dresser Narrow Dresser Wide Tall TV Unit Open Tall TV Unit With Door Low TV Unit 2 Doors Low TV Unit 2 Door and Drawer Bookcase Medium Bookcase Tall Open Display Unit with Drawer Display Unit With Doors and Drawer Step Two Pick your lounge and/or bedroom models from pages 97-98 Step Three Select a handle style from page 99 Step Four Finally, choose a finish option for your chosen product from page 99 96 H 652 836 1020 652 836 1020 652 836 1020 836 1816 1816 1204 1204 550 550 836 1816 1816 1816 W 910 910 910 910 910 910 910 910 910 1360 910 1360 1210 1210 910 1360 910 910 910 910 D 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 350 350 480 480 H 652 652 652 652 652 836 1020 420 700 700 700 390 390 750 750 445 1271 1918 1918 1918 1918 1918 1918 W 460 460 460 460 910 910 910 300 990 1295 1445 460 910 1210 1210 364 445 460 460 910 910 910 910 D 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 138 180 180 180 610 610 480 480 180 180 610 610 610 610 610 610 Bedroom 1 Drawer Open Bedside Cabinet 1 Drawer 1 Door Bedside Cabinet 1 Door Open Bedside Cabinet 3 Drawer Bedside Cabinet 3 Drawer Chest 4 Drawer Chest 5 Drawer Chest Memory Box *Caspia Only Single Headboard Double Headboard Double Headboard 4’ Single Robe Top Box Double Robe Top Box Dressing Table with Drawers Dressing Table with Cupboard Small Wall Mirror Tall Wall Mirror Single Wardrobe with Vision Panel *Caspia Only Single Wardrobe Double Wardrobe Double Wardrobe with Vision Panel *Caspia Only Combination Wardrobe with Vision Panel *Caspia Only Combination Wardrobe Tallboy 3 Drawer Tallboy 4 Drawer Tallboy 5 Drawer Drawerline Cupboard Drawerline Cupboard Medium Drawerline Cupboard Tall 2 Door Cupboard Low Dresser Wide Tall TV Unit Open Tall TV Unit With Doors Low 2 Door Cupboard Medium Low TV Unit 2 Doors 2 Door Cupboard High Low TV Unit 2 Door Sideboard Wide Dresser Narrow Bookcase Medium Bookcase Tall Open DIsplay Unit With Drawer Lounge & Bedroom Furniture Product range: Lounge Display Unit With Doors and Drawer & Drawer Note: All tallboys, bedside cabinets, single & combi wardrobe and single top boxes are shown as Left handed units. If a Right handed unit is required please specify at time of order 97 Product range: Bedroom 1 Drawer Open 1 Drawer 1 Door 1 Door Open 3 Drawer Bedside Cabinet Bedside Cabinet Bedside Cabinet Bedside Cabinet Single Headboard Small Wall Mirror Three Quarter Headboard Tall Wall Mirror Double Headboard Single Wardrobe with Vision Panel* Caspia Only 98 Single Robe Top Box Single Wardrobe 3 Drawer Chest Double Robe Top Box Double Wardrobe 5 Drawer Chest 4 Drawer Chest Dressing Table with Drawers Double Wardrobe with Combination Wardrobe with Vision Panel * Caspia Only Vision Panel * Caspia Only Memory Box* Caspia Only Dressing Table with Cupboard Combination Wardrobe Note: All tallboys, bedside cabinets, single & combi wardrobe and single top boxes are shown as Left handed units. If a Right handed unit is required please specify at time of order Finish Options Davis Beaufort Default Alternative Alternative Default Alternative Alternative Narrow Chrome Bow Chrome Wide Bow Ceramic White Knob Antique Pewter Bow Narrow Chrome Bow Ceramic White Knob Scotia Koro Default Alternative Alternative Chrome Wide Bow Brushed Flat D Square Chrome Knob Hudson Natural Beech Oak Cherry Walnut Cream White Ash Black Ash Walnut & Cream Oak & Cream Black Ash & Black Ash & White Ash & Moss Cream White Ash *Davis Only White Ash & Denim White Ash & White Ash & Ice Blue *Davis Only Pistachio * Davis Only Lounge & Bedroom Furniture Handle Options Handleless Caspia Default Alternative Alternative Default Alternative Square Chrome Knob Brushed Tapered Bow Ceramic White Knob Brushed Tapered Bow Narrow Chrome Bow Alternative Laquered Walnut Knob *For use with Walnut carcase only *Davis Only 99 Fabrics & Finishes Fabrics & Finishes Fabrics Fabric choice is a crucial element in protecting patients, visitors and healthcare professionals from Hospital-Acquired Infections. Knightsbridge Furniture is able to offer you a wide choice of soft fabrics and vinyls specially designed to cope with the demands of healthcare environments, whilst offering a broad choice of colours and styles. Knightbridge stock fabrics meet BS5852 part 2 crib 5 flame retardancy. Types of fabric Vinyl: Vinyl is practical, low maintenance and is available in a wide range of colours and textures. Durable, fire retardant and liquid repellent, our stock vinyl ranges incorporate antimicrobial ingredients to kill a wide range of bacteria, including MRSA and e-coli and are resistant to many common stains, including urine, mild alkalis/acids, beverages and most common household stains. Soft Waterproof Fabrics: Available in a wide spectrum of colours and designs, soft waterproof fabrics can be used to create relaxing environments without compromising the need for waterproof coverings. Integral anti-microbial ingredients make the fabrics effective against bacteria (including MRSA and e-coli). 100 Soft Fabrics: Where usage is less severe, soft covers can create a more domestic environment and offer a wide selection of designs. Wood Finishes Choose from our selection of wood finishes (available on all our ranges unless specified otherwise), which include Hygiene+ anti-microbial protection to kill bacteria 24 hours a day. Natural Beech Walnut Cherry Bleached Beech Oak Wenge Services Expert Advice Services We understand the importance of choosing the right furniture and aim to make the selection process as easy as possible. Our experienced sales force and dedicated customer service team are available to provide advice and guidance when selecting both furniture and fabrics. Samples We can arrange to deliver sample products and fabrics to your own premises to assess prior to purchase. Showroom Customers are welcome to visit our extensive showroom, where you can compare and contrast models with the help of our experienced sales team. Mobile Exhibition Unit Our large mobile showroom can bring our products straight to your door to allow you and your colleagues to view our furniture. Factory Tour We extend an open invitation to all of our existing and prospective customers to tour our manufacturing facilities and witness the high standards to which we work. Furniture Fabric Care As part of our after sales package we can provide technical guidance on how to care for your furniture and fabrics. Contract Services Management Large or complex schemes will benefit from our project management service covering pre-contract planning, assistance with order and delivery sequencing, installation services and preparation of schedules for removal of old furniture. CAD Layouts In order to maximise the utilisation of space, we provide a Computer Aided Design service illustrating your products in-situ. New for Old Knightsbridge can assist with disposal of your old furniture removing uplift worries or skip hiring issues. Once you place your order we will deliver, place in-situ and then take away the old furniture free of charge. Leasing We are also able to offer leasing to help you make the most of your budget. Working closely with our leasing partners we can provide a variety of packages from two to five years. Renovation We can renovate your Knightsbridge chairs to “As New” condition, so they can provide you with many more years of service. 101 Coming to a Venue Near You NHS Patient & Ward Contract Number 2013/S 022-033974 SHS Contract no TAG 801 NHS Mental Health Contract Number 2012/S38-061381 Preferred supplier to HSE Ireland Knightsbridge Furniture Knightsbridge Furniture Productions Limited Thornton Road, Bradford BD1 2JT Tel +44(0)1274 731900 Fax +44(0)1274 736641
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