2013 Annual Report


2013 Annual Report
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A training and resource
center, serving the urban
church since 1984
2013 Annual Report
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The Need in NYC
• Massive Population – New York City has
a population of approximately 10 million
people, more than the populations of 39
U.S. States. It is roughly equivalent to the
combined populations of Los Angeles,
Chicago, and Houston.
• Ethnic Diversity – New York City is
considered the “Most International City in
the World.” Approximately 36% of New
Yorkers are foreign born, and at least 200
languages are spoken here.
• Homelessness & Poverty – 14% of the
U.S. homeless population resides in New
York City. While the U.S. average is 13%
living below the poverty line, 27.1% of the
Bronx’s population and 21.9% of Brooklyn’s
population live below the poverty line.
• Disaster Relief – As a result of the devastation caused by Hurricane Sandy, the need
for helping needy and hurting New Yorkers
has skyrocketed since late-October 2012.
Rev. Peter & Darleen DeArruda
Executive Vice President
Dear Partners,
Since 1984, the New York School of Urban Ministry has been training and deploying Christians
throughout the urban mission field of New York City. In this past year alone, NYSUM has
trained, lodged, fed, and deployed 2,222 Christian Workers for inner-city ministry through a
“hands-on” educational and multicultural field experience. Each ministry team is linked to
inner city pastors, churches and ministries for practical urban ministry outreaches.
In addition, NYSUM hosted another 3,539 Christian Workers that directly supported other
inner-city pastors and church plants. As a result, tens of thousands of New Yorkers have
experienced the compassionate impact of God’s love of demonstrated by our students and
short-term missionaries.
Through the generous and faithful support of our donors, NYSUM provides scholarships
to all Christian Workers so that each student we train will have the opportunity of being
involved in the NYSUM Experience.
As a result of the NYSUM’s training, many have returned home to develop and launch
community outreach ministries in their own cities.
In closing, on behalf of the Board of Directors and the NYSUM Staff, THANK YOU for your
compassionate partnership. We couldn’t do it without you!
Yours for urban leadership,
Rev. Peter & Darleen DeArruda
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Supporting Local Ministries & Pastors
NYSUM’s short term missionaries provided
desperately-needed support and resources to
New York’s inner-city pastors and ministries.
Allen’s Womens’ Shelter
Anchor House
Bethel Gospel Assembly
Bowery Mission
Cerebral Palsy Group Homes
Coney Island Gospel Assembly
Evangel Church & School
House of Hope
Living Waters Fellowship
NYC Relief Bus
NYC Rescue Mission
Operation Blessing
Salvation Army
Samaritan’s Purse
St. Paul’s House
Teen Challenge
Way Out Ministries
World Vision
and other NYC Pastors/Churches
In 2013, NYSUM provided
over 41,000 volunteer
man hours to 48 different
ministry partners in NYC.
“I thank God for NYSUM’s openness to the whole body of Christ and for building up the
Kingdom of God in this great Metropolitan mission field.”
— Pastor Jim Cymbala, The Brooklyn Tabernacle, Brooklyn, NY
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Front Line Ministry
NYSUM’s short-term missionaries
ministered to tens of thousands of
New Yorkers.
• Urban church planting – NYSUM’s short term missionaries support the
outreach efforts of inner-city churches and pastors.
• Disaster relief – Since Hurricane Sandy hit New York City (Oct. 31, 2012),
NYSUM has trained 776 people in urban disaster relief through hands-on
ministry in the disaster areas. NYSUM’s short term missionaries distributed
20,000 hot meals, 70,000 bottles of water, and 10,000 blankets.
p After a recent NYSUM homeless ministry outreach, Otis Carey from Bethel’s
Global Reach (Houston, TX) shared, “A man
by the name of Johnny was looking for a
church to become a member. He wanted to
give his life back to Christ, quit drinking, and
have a better relationship with his daughter.” Johnny was staying at a New York City
homeless shelter after being released from
prison, following 20 years in confinement.
A NYSUM staff member reached out
and invited Johnny to his home church. The
following Sunday morning, Johnny showed
up at church! Since then, Johnny surrendered his life to Jesus, has been attending
church every week, and has enrolled in
school to pursue a degree in Counseling.
• Homeless ministry – Since 1984, our students and staff have distributed
over 60,000 blankets and personal needs packets to needy people on the
streets and in the homeless shelters of New York City.
• Muslim outreach – Friendship evangelism on streets in predominantly Muslim community.
• Inner-city children’s ministry – Ministry at after school programs, in parks, and in
Christian schools.
• Hispanic outreach – Facilitate worship service at predominantly Hispanic churches and
soup kitchens.
• Ministry to NYC’s disabled population – Outreaches at a learning center for those with
cerebral palsy. This is a unique ministry experience because many of the patients will not be
able to participate or even communicate. Many of them don’t have family members or
friends that come visit them.
“A homeless gentleman expressed that he would like a coat like the one I was wearing,
so I gave him mine. I could have worn that coat all winter and felt its comfort around me,
but, the comfort within my heart seeing that man wear it far outweighed the coat on me.”
— Team member, Grace Christian Fellowship
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Ministering to Hurting New Yorkers
• Open air street meetings
in support of inner-city
pastors and their churches.
• Friendship evangelism at
hospital for chronically ill –
Students visit and minister
to patients at Goldwater
Hospital, the first hospital
established in the U.S. for the
chronically ill.
• Facilitate worship service at nursing homes.
• Women’s cosmetic makeover event in homeless shelters – Each year, more than 150
women from eight States and various parts of Canada come to NYSUM to provide more
than 480 cosmetic makeovers for hurting and battered women in five New York City
homeless shelters.
• Citywide Prayer Ministry – NYSUM students visit the United Nations Headquarters to
intercede for the nations of the world and attend a worship service with U.N. employees.
They also take a prayer walk over the Brooklyn Bridge and by Ground Zero in lower
“Because of this experience, my perspective on reaching the lost really matured. I now
walk past people thinking thoughts like, “Who can I pray for next? Who can I help?”
— Joseph, Regent University
“God confirmed that I’m supposed to be a missionary.”
— Student, Minnesota Youth Alive, Minneapolis, MN
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Groups that have come
to NYSUM are now
transforming their own
communities throughout the United States
and Canada.
At least 70% of our short-term missionaries will either begin a new community
outreach ministry or help to develop an
existing community outreach ministry
within one to three years after their
short-term missions training experience.
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Life Enrichment Center (Norfolk, VA)
The Breakthrough Center
(Newport News, VA)
Global Reach Network (Pittsburgh, PA)
Love Feast (London, England)
The Father’s Heart Rochester
(Rochester, NY)
Fort Wayne School of Urban Ministry
(Fort Wayne, IN)
Richmond Outreach Center
(Richmond, VA)
Women of Purpose Ministry
(Pittsburgh, PA)
Soup kitchen ministry (Providence, RI)
Men on a Mission (Vernon, CT)
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How you helped us in 2013
• Disaster relief ministry – Since Hurricane Sandy hit New York City (October 31, 2012),
NYSUM has trained 776 people in urban disaster relief through hands-on ministry in the
disaster areas. NYSUM’s short term missionaries distributed 20,000 hot meals, 70,000
bottles of water, and 10,000 blankets. New box truck donated in support of disaster
relief efforts.
• Recovery from fire damage at NYSUM – Resulted in remodeling of the dining room.
Installed new chairs, table, carpet, and soup/salad bar.
• Johansson Lobby – Completed, dedicated, and completely paid for. Because of the
volunteer labor from Men on a Mission (Vernon, CT), nearly all of the funds donated
toward the Johansson Lobby construction were used to purchase actual building
• Extreme Makeover Weekend – More than 150 women from eight States and various
parts of Canada came to NYSUM to provide more than 480 cosmetic makeovers for
hurting and battered women in five New York City homeless shelters.
• Operation Drumstick Thanksgiving Outreach and Food Truck Launch –
5,000 Thanksgiving meals were distributed to the poor and needy throughout New York
City. During this outreach, we also launched our newly donated Food Truck.
• Christmas Compassion Toy Giveaway – Hundreds of toys were given to homeless
children in city shelters. Parents have told us that without these toys, “there would be no
Christmas for our children.”
• Urban church planting – NYSUM’s short term missionaries support the outreach
efforts of church plants in New York City, including Connection Church and the New
York Dream Center.
“As a team leader, I witnessed Christ transforming my students, opening their eyes to
the homeless and moving their hearts with His compassion for them.”
— Kathy W., Team Leader, Portsmouth Christian
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Financial Report
“Our recent financial audit shows that
approximately 77% of NYSUM’s annual revenue
goes directly into our urban ministry training
programs.” — William Tam, CPA & Auditor
Interest Income
Rental Income
Co-Founder & Chairman:
Rev. Paul Johansson
Co-Founder & President:
Rev. Dr. Robert Johansson
Executive Vice President:
Rev. Peter M. DeArruda
Secretary, Academic Dean:
Rev. Dr. John I. Smucker
Rev. Cecil Henry
Rev. Charles Hammond
Rev. Jorge L. Vega Jr.
Urban Training
General &
Urban Training
FY 2013 Revenue
FY 2013 Expenses
Urban Traing Program Revenue
Rental Income
Interest Income
Miscellaneous Income
Total Revenue
Urban Training Program
General & Admin
Total Expenses
Operating Surplus/(Deficit)
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NYSUM Scholarship Fund
Each year, NYSUM’s donors (individuals, churches, parachurches, and businesses) help to provide a scholarship fund
that helps to keep student fees at a minimum, resulting in
more students trained and more hurting people served.
• Total students trained in 2013: 2,500
• Total cost to train, lodge, transport, and feed one student for 5-7 days/nights: $345
• Student’s share: $220
• Subsidy from NYSUM to minimize student’s cost: $125
• Total scholarship fund: $312,500
“As a pastor, it was a pleasure to see our kids ‘come out their shell’ and boldly proclaim
the Gospel. They’ve developed a compassionate heart for reaching the lost that will be
much easier to express.”
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Urban Ambassadors Circle 2012-2013
($1,000 per month; $12,000 per year)
Mercury One (Irving, TX)
($833 per month; $10,000 per year)
Mechanicsville Christian Center (Mechanicsville, VA
Steve Mowery (Lancaster, PA)
($625 per month, $7,500 per year)
Church of The Living God (Manchester, CT)
Countryside Christian Center (Clearwater, FL)
($208 per month; $2,500 per year)
Bethel Christian Fellowship (Rochester, NY)
Campus Crusade for Christ (West Chester, PA)
Christ Church (Montclair, NJ)
Christian Life Center (Williamsburg, VA)
Elim Fellowship (Lima, NY)
Henry Fuksman (Elmira, NY)
James & Deborah Brown (Williamsburg, VA)
Monroeville Assembly of God (Monroeville, PA)
React Financial, Inc. (Harrison, NY)
($84 per month; $1,000 per year)
Abundant Life Worship Center (Nutley, NJ)
Blue Mountain Christian (New Ringgold, PA)
Brian Sansing (Pontotoc, MS)
Calvary Gospel Church (New York Mills, NY)
Christ Community Church (Brockport, NY)
Christian Life Community Church (Newville, PA)
Church of the Resurrection (East Syracuse, NY)
Community Gospel Church (Rensselaer, NY)
Elim Gospel Church (Lima, NY)
Full Gospel Tabernacle of Edgemere (Far Rockaway, NY)
Global Reach Network (McKees Rocks, PA)
Hartford Full Gospel Church (Hartford, CT)
Lino Flores (Bronx, NY)
Living Water Christian Outreach (Three Springs, PA)
Lois S. Herold (Tulsa, OK)
Mark Clement (Birmingham, AL)
New Testament Church (Massena, NY)
Park Slope Christian Center (Brooklyn, NY)
Presbyterian Church of Old Greenwich (Old Greenwich, CT)
Raymond Yu (Johnson City, NY)
Sherri & Robert Tate (Aledo, TX)
Skyline City Church (Long Island City, NY)
Stephen Jorgensen (Brooklyn, NY)
Victory Assembly of God (Providence, RI)
William Tam (New York, NY)
Zion Fellowship (Canandaigua, NY)
($40 per month; $480 per year)
Abundant Life Assembly of God (Brooklyn, NY)
ACWAM Outreach Ministries (Samia, ON)
Agape Church of Myrtle Beach (Myrtle Beach, SC)
Apple Valley Worship Center (Southington, CT)
Benjamin & Elizabeth Bardo (Narragansett, RI)
Bob & Theresa Wallace (Red Creek, NY)
Bobs Clam Hut Inc. (Kittery, ME)
Central Assembly of God (Houston, PA)
Christ the King Church (Lapeer, MI)
Covenant Church of Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh, PA)
DMC Plumbing and A&C Heating Corp. (Brooklyn, NY)
Dundy & Holly Aipoalani (Warren, PA)
Everett Assembly of God (Everett, PA)
First Presbyterian Church (Flushing, NY)
Gifford & Winfred Claiborne (Rancho Cucamonga, CA)
Grace Fellowship Church (Titusville, PA)
Jenette Williams (Port St Lucie, FL)
Joel & Jane Hershey (Gap, PA)
Jud & Mary Mutschler (Palmyra, PA)
Leah Stein (Pittsburgh, PA)
Massena Ministerial Association (Massena, NY)
Maureen Doyle (Barrington, RI)
Michael Rondeau (Southbridge, MA)
Moises Aguayo (Oviedo, FL)
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Casieri (Tolland, CT)
Paul & Barbara Pupi (Beaver, PA)
Peter & Darleen DeArruda (Astoria, NY)
Praise Fellowship Church (Russell, PA)
Richard G. Herold (Murrieta, CA)
Russel & Christine Lay (Mount Bethel, PA)
Shady Maple Foundation (Blue Ball, PA)
Signs & Wonders Ministry (Moon Township, PA)
Skips Septic Tank Service, Inc. (Ellington, CT)
Spencer Farms (Arkport, NY)
Zelma Mason (Woodside, NY)
($20 per month; $240 per year)
Crossing Life Church (Hermon, ME)
Cypress Hills Assembly of God (Brooklyn, NY)
Doug & Robin McKenzie (Hermitage, PA)
Edward Baldante (Yonkers, NY)
Eric Lovy (Huntington Beach, CA)
Ernie & Melody Blood (Canton, OH)
Ian White (South Windsor, CT)
James & Sharron Hale (Sauquoit, NY)
Jim & Becky Leake (Monroeville, PA)
John Kemp (Forest Hills, NY)
Lena Cimador (East Elmhurst, NY)
Lewis & Brenda Nixon (Willington, CT)
Lisa Stepanian (New York, NY)
Michael & Rosemarie Schuller (Moon Township, PA)
Mr. David Smither (Reading, PA)
Nancy Emrich (Clearwater, FL)
Open Bible Women (Valrico, FL)
Peter & Kathryn Mulcahey (New Canaan, CT)
Phillip Yeats (Flushing, NY)
Richard & Patricia Kiefer (Hamilton, NJ)
Ruth Joy Vaughan (Port Saint Lucie, FL)
The Fair Havens Church (North Tonawanda, NY)
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31-10 47th Street, Long Island City, NY 11103
Phone – 718.204.6471 • Fax – 718.204.6998
“For I have many people
in this city.”
1 8 : 1 0
NYSUM (New York
School of Urban Ministry)
New York School of
Urban Ministry