THEMIS Issue 15 - april 2012 (1) In August 2011, the AWL Board met in Darwin for the AGM. Rebecca Lee was elected President, and outgoing AWL President, Mary Ann Ryan was presented with a gift in recognition of her time as AWL President. FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: (front row) Mary Ann Ryan (Tas), Rebecca Lee (WA); (back row) Kim Knights (WBA), Amy Challans (SA), Sara Wedgwood (ACT), Sue Oliver (NT), Christine Melis (VIC) and Susie McNeil (QLD). (2) 2011/2012 AWL Office Bearers: FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: Kim Knights, Treasurer (WBA); Christine Melis, Vice President (VWL); Rebecca Lee, President (WA); Sara Wedgwood, Secretary (ACT). (3) Rebecca Lee (Incoming AWL President) presenting Mary Anne Ryan (Outgoing AWL President) with a gift, in recognition of, and thanks for her time as AWL President August 2011, Darwin presidents report rebecca lee president awl Welcome members! AWL is to celebrate its 15th year since incorporation in September 2012. In such a momentous year, it is only fitting that we have amended our Constitution for the first time ever, to allow the Organisational Representatives from WBA (Vic) and VWL to be directors of the Association, and hence be eligible for appointment on the Executive at the same time, without diluting the equal voting rights of each State and Territory at Board meetings, and to generally update its provisions. This allowed the current Board to ratify the election of Christine Melis (VWL) as Vice-President, in addition to Kim Knights (WBA) as Treasurer, joining myself (WLWA) as President and Sara Wedgwood (WLACT) as Secretary on the Executive. Our main event for the year is the AWL 2012 National Conference, to be held from Friday evening, 10 August to Sunday mid-morning, 12 August 2012, in Canberra. The theme is Women Lawyers in a Public World. We already have some wonderful speakers lined up. To mention just two, Justice Virginia Bell of the HCA will speak on the conference theme and our new Global Ambassador 2 for Women and Girls, Ms Penny Williams, will also present a paper. If you have not already registered, please do so at http://www.lexisnexis.com.au/pd/ conferences.aspx. It is your attendance and enthusiastic participation that makes our conferences so successful. There is already a flyer out promoting the dates. Watch out for the brochure being issued soon!! AWL is particularly please at the appointment of Ms Williams, as we called for the creation of such a post advising on issues impacting on women’s status and wellbeing in Australia and internationally in our June 2008 Conference Communiqué. Another cause to celebrate was the inclusion of AWL’s Patron, the Honourable Chief Justice Diana Bryant, on being a recipient in the Australia Day 2012 Honours List. The Judge received the award of Officer (AO) in the General Division of the Order of Australia, and we appreciated the inclusion of the fact that she is our Patron and the founding member and secretary of WLWA in her accompanying biography. A key event at the AWL 2012 Conference will be the inaugural AWL Award. Our Patron is the benefactor and patron of this award, which seeks to acknowledge legally qualified women who have been the most active and effective in advancing all or any one of AWL’s objectives. We are very pleased to bring recognition on a national level to women who may not have succeeded in the traditional sense of appointment to the Bench or Senior Counsel, but who efforts are invaluable and contribute to the advancement of us all. Please put your thinking caps on and nominate deserving women to be the recipient of the inaugural award. Nominations close 18 May 2012. Our new website is up and running, but please bear with us as we bring the contents up-to-date. You can always check us out at http://www. australianwomenlawyers.com. au/ and give us your feedback. We continue to be consulted about federal judicial appointments by our first ever female Federal Attorney-General and approached by media outlets on national issues affecting women and the law. If there is any national issue you would like to see addressed, please contact your State or Territory representative. Australian Women Lawyers 4th National Conference 8PNFO-BXZFST JOB1VCMJD8PSME The Australian National University: University House, Canberra, ACT 10-12 August, 2012 Speakers Program Highlights Women lawyers in a public world – Address by Justice of the High Court Australia Surviving and thriving as a woman in the law: Attrition, retention and progression Trailblazing women and the law Biodiversity and the law: Examining state, federal and international legislation The good, the bad and the ugly truths about social media Construction and resource management law Powerful bundling of intellectual property rights: Ownership and authorship in a digital medium Female lawyers practising in rural, regional and remote communities t t t t t t t t t t t t t International keynote address t Advanced price expires 29 February Early Bird Registration expires 30 April2012 2012 Claim up to 12CPD/MCLE points Offical Media Partner 5IF)PO%JBOB#SZBOU, Chief Justice, 'BNJMZ$PVSUPG"VTUSBMJB 5IF)PO3PCFSU'SFODI"$, Chief Justice, )JHI$PVSUPG"VTUSBMJB 5IF)PO+VTUJDF7JSHJOJB#FMM, Justice,)JHI$PVSUPG"VTUSBMJB 3FCFDDB-FF, Barrister,8FTUFSO"VTUSBMJB#BS1SFTJEFOU "VTUSBMJBO8PNFO-BXZFST .BSJPO3PEXFMM, General Counsel & Company Secretary,.ZFS -JCCZ#BVMDI, Director of Policy,$PQZSJHIU"HFODZ-JNJUFE +BOFMMF,FSSJTL, Partner,)PMEJOH3FEMJDI ,BUF(JMDISJTU Senior Lawyer & Team Leader, Commercial Legal & Business Affairs,"VTUSBMJBO#SPBEDBTUJOH$PSQPSBUJPO 3BDIBFM3FFE, President,"VDLMBOE8PNFO-BXZFST"TTPDJBUJPO +P"QQMFZBSE, Partner, $IBQNBO5SJQQ 4BSB8FEHXPPE, Legal Counsel, $4*30Secretary,"VTUSBMJBO 8PNFO-BXZFST %S/BOFUUF3PHFST4$, Assistant Director, 0GmDFPGUIF%JSFDUPS PG1VCMJD1SPTFDVUJPOT/5 1SPGFTTPS,JN3VCFOTUFJO, Director, Centre for International and Public Law, "/6$PMMFHFPG-BX, Convenor, ANU Gender Institute, "VTUSBMJBO/BUJPOBM6OJWFSTJUZ$BOCFSSB 5SJTI.VOEZ, Lecturer, (SJGmUI-BX4DIPPM Register Today! Visit: www.lexisnexis.com.au/pd Proudly Organised By 1SJPSJUZSFHJTUSBUJPOGPSN 5 easy ways to register "VTUSBMJBO8PNFO-BXZFSToUI/BUJPOBM$POGFSFODF The Australian National University: University House, Canberra, ACT 10-12 August, 2012 Online: www.lexisnexis.com.au/pd Email: registration@lexisnexis.com.au Phone: 1800 772 772 Fax: (02) 9422 2338 TAX INVOICE Please complete sections A, B, C, D Conference code: PD0112 ABN: 70 001 002 357 B Event pricing (please tick your selection) A Delegate 1 details Mr/Ms/Dr: Mail: Conference Co-ordinator, LexisNexis Locked Bag 2222, Chatswood Delivery Centre, Chatswood NSW 2067 or: DX 29590 Chatswood GROUP BOOKING First name Register 3 or more people from the same organisation at the same time and book at the advanced price per person. Last name Organisation: EXAMPLE 1 Conference Address: $ 900 + GST = $ 990 $990 "EWBODFEQSJDF(register and pay before 29 February 2012) Position: Please Select Options Qty Conference + reception Telephone: Price Subtotal $ 550 + GST = $ 605 &BSMZ#JSEQSJDF (register and pay before 30 April 2012) Fax: Please Select Options Qty Conference + reception Email (required**): Price Subtotal $ 650 + GST = $ 715 4UBOEBSEQSJDF (register and pay before 10 August 2012) Delegate 2 details Mr/Ms/Dr: Please Select Options Qty Conference + reception First name Last name Price Subtotal $ 750 + GST = $ 825 /FX-BXZFSo$POGFSFODF3FDFQUJPO(register and pay before 10 August 2012) Please Select Organisation: Options Qty Conference + reception Address: Price Subtotal $ 600 + GST = $ 660 *QMBOUPBUUFOE Position: Please Select Options Qty Welcome reception guest Gala dinner Gala dinner guest Telephone: Fax: Price Subtotal $ 50 + GST = $ 55 $ 130 + GST = $ 143 $ 130 + GST = $ 143 1SJPSJU ZSFHJT USBUJPO "VTUSBMJBO 8PNFO-B The Australian XZFSToUI University National University: /BUJPOBM$ House, 10-12 August, Canberra. 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DO NOT wish to to receive receive your information information about upcoming events Please 5IF)PO%JBOB#SZBOU, Chief Justice, 'BNJMZ$PVSUPG"VTUSBMJB 5IF)PO3PCFSU'SFODI"$, Chief Justice, )JHI$PVSUPG"VTUSBMJB 5IF)PO+VTUJDF7JSHJOJB#FMM, Puisne Justice,)JHI$PVSUPG "VTUSBMJB 3FCFDDB-FF, Barrister,8FTUFSO"VTUSBMJB#BS1SFTJEFOU "VTUSBMJBO8PNFO-BXZFST .BSJPO3PEXFMM, General Counsel & Company Secretary,.ZFS -JCCZ#BVMDI, Director of Policy,$PQZSJHIU"HFODZ-JNJUFE +BOFMMF,FSSJTL, Partner,)PMEJOH3FEMJDI ,BUF(JMDISJTU Senior Lawyer & Team Leader, Commercial Legal & Business Affairs,"VTUSBMJBO#SPBEDBTUJOH$PSQPSBUJPO 3BDIBFM3FFE, President,"VDLMBOE8PNFO-BXZFST"TTPDJBUJPO +P"QQMFZBSE, Partner, $IBQNBO5SJQQ 4BSB8FEHXPPE, Legal Counsel, $4*30Secretary,"VTUSBMJBO 8PNFO-BXZFST %S/BOFUUF3PHFST4$, Assistant Director, 0GmDFPGUIF%JSFDUPS PG1VCMJD1SPTFDVUJPOT/5 001 002 time and $990 357 $POGFSFODF3FTPVSDFT I am unable to attend but please send me the Australian Womens Lawyers – 4th National Conference conference papers Qty Price Subtotal $ 500 + GST = $ 550 Register Today! Visit: www.lexisnexis.com.au/pd Proudly Organised By # Address: ABN: 70 at the = $ 990 Price Name Signature Speakers Women lawyers in a public world Biodiversity and the law: Examining state, federal and international legislation Restorative justice and female offenders Trailblazing women and the law The good, the bad and ugly truths about social media Surviving and thriving as a woman in the law: Attrition, retention and progression Chief Justice High Court of Australia address Construction and resource management law Marrying risk and compliance: Corporate governance International keynote address Powerful bundling of intellectual property rights. Ownership and authorship in a digital medium. Female lawyers practising in rural, regional and remote communities + GST = $ 550 # Fax: Email ** to send PD0112 $ 900 The Australian National University: University House, Canberra, ACT 10-12 August, 2012 First name Address: Position: Delegate 3 details 1 (register 8PNFO-BXZFST JOB1VCMJD8PSME Mr/Ms/Dr: : code: tick $ 650 Subtotal + GST = $ 715 and pay after 5 April 2012) Options Conference Qty + reception Price /FX-BXZFSo$ $ 750 Subtotal + GST POGFSFODF3F = $ 825 Please DFQUJPO Select Options Conference Qty + reception Price *QMBOUPBUUFOE $ 600 Subtotal + GST Please = $ 660 Select Options Welcome Qty reception Welcome Price guest Gala dinner $ 50 + Subtotal GST = Gala dinner $ 55 $ 50 + guest GST = $ 55 $ 130 + GST = $ 143 $ 130 + GST = $ 143 $POGFSFODF3F I am unable TPVSDFT to attend but please Australian send me the Womens – 4th National Qty Lawyers conference Conference Price papers $ 500 Subtotal + GST Please Select 4th National Conference Last name Position: Telephone: Fax: Email Mail: Conference Locked Co-ordinat Centre, Bag 2222, Chatswoodor, LexisNexis or: DX Chatswood Delivery 29590 NSW Chatswood 2067 (please conference and pay before 5 April Options 2012) Conference Qty + reception Australian Women Lawyers 4UBOEBSEQSJDF : Delegate r Conference pricing BOOKING your selection) Register book at 3 or more people from price per the same organisation person. the EXAMPLE advanced "EWBODFEQSJDF (register (required**): Organisation Organisation registe Online: www.lexisn Email: registration exis.com.au Phone: 1800 772 @lexisnexis /pd Fax: (02) .com.au 772 9422 2338 D Mr/Ms/Dr: Organisation Address: Position: Telephone: Fax: Email Advanced price, team discounts and any other discount cannot be taken concurrently TOTAL C Payment details Position: Payment is due upon registration. 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Between one calendar month plus one day and 14 days prior to the first day of event: LexisNexis will refund 50% of the fee paid by you and provide you with a copy of event papers. 3. 13 days or less prior to the first day of the event: LexisNexis will not refund any part of your fee. However, you may nominate a replacement delegate to attend in your place. 4 IMPORTANT PRIVACY NOTICE: The information you provide on this form is collected by Reed International Books Australia Pty Limited for the purposes of processing your registration or enquiry and keeping you informed of upcoming products, services and events. The information is disclosed from time to time to our related bodies corporate for these purposes. The provision of this information by you is voluntary but if you do not provide some or all of the requested information we may be unable to properly process your registration. You have both a right of access to the personal information we hold about you and to ask us to correct it if it is inaccurate or out of date. Photographs/audio visual content may be produced at this event and might be used for future LexisNexis Professional Development collateral. Please direct your enquiries to privacyau@lexisnexis.com.au. Please note, delegate information will be provided to sponsors. Please tick here if you do not want sponsors to receive your information Tick here if you DO NOT wish to receive information about upcoming events Themis › Issue 15 2012 Australian Women Lawyers 4th National Conference 2012 Women lawyers in a public world AWL and Lexis Nexis are proud to announce the following speakers will be presenting at the 2012 conference: PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS: Women Lawyers in a public world – Address by Justice of the High Court of Australia > The Hon. Diana Bryant, Chief Justice, Family Court of Australia > The Hon. Robert French AC, Chief Justice High Court of Australia > The Hon. Justice Virginia Bell, Justice, High Court of Australia > Penny Williams, Global Ambassador for Women and Girls > Rebecca Lee, Barrister, Western Australia Bar, President, Australian Women Lawyers > Marion Rodwell, General Counsel & Company Secretary, Myer > Libby Baulch, Director of Policy, Copyright Agency Limited > Janelle Kerrisk, Partner, Holding Redlich > Kate Gilchrist, Senior Lawyer & Team Leader, Commercial Legal & Business Affairs Australian Broadcasting Corporation > Rachael Reed, President, Auckland Women Lawyers Association > Jo Appleyard, Partner, Chapman Tripp > Sara Wedgwood, Legal Counsel, CSIRO, Secretary, Australian Women Lawyers > Dr Nanette Rogers SC, Assistant Director, Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (NT) > Trish Mundy, Lecturer Faculty of Law, University of Wollongong > Professor Kim Rubenstein, Director, Centre for International and Public Law, ANU College of Law. > Convenor, ANU Gender Institute, Australian National University, Canberra > Vanessa Hutley, General Manager, Music Industry Piracy Investigations > Kate Gilchrist, Senior Lawyer & Team Leader - Commercial Legal & Business Affairs Australian Broadcasting Corporation > Fiona McLeod MC, Barrister, Victorian Bar > Nichola Constant, Director, People + Culture Strategies Surviving and Thriving as a woman in the law: Attrition, retention and progression Trailblazing women and the law The good, the bad and the ugly truth about social media Construction and Resource Management Law Powerful bundling of Intellectual property rights: Ownership and authorship in a digital medium Female lawyers practising in rural, regional and remote communities International key note address THE AUSTRALIAN WOMEN LAWYERS AWARD The Honourable Justice Diana Bryant is the benefactor and patron of the Australian Women Lawyers Award. Nominations for the Award are due by 18 May 2012. Please see following page for details. 5 THE AUSTRALIAN WOMEN LAWYERS AWARD Australian Women Lawyers (“AWL”) is the peak body for women lawyers associations throughout Australia. AWL is concerned with issues relating to the practice and advancement of women in the legal profession. AWL also works to eliminate both direct and indirect discrimination against women in the legal system and the administration of justice so that the legal system is more responsive to women’s needs. PATRON OF THE AUSTRALIAN WOMEN LAWYERS AWARD The Honourable Justice Diana Bryant is the benefactor and patron of the Australian Women Lawyers Award. NOMINATION FORM FOR THE AUSTRALIAN WOMEN LAWYERS AWARD NOMINEE PARTICULARS: Name: --------------------------------------------------------------- THE AWARD CRITERIA Title/Position: ----------------------------------------------------- The award will be granted to the nominee who is demonstrated to have been most active and effective in all or any one of the following categories: Firm/Organisation: ------------------------------------------------ > > > > > Achieving justice and equality for women; Supporting legal rights for women; Eradicating discrimination against women in the legal system and in the community generally; Assisting or inspiring other women in accessing or pursuing their rights; or Advancing opportunities for women in the legal profession and in the community generally. APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS The nominee must be female, have a recent and significant connection with Australia and have obtained a law degree qualification recognised in Australia but does not need to hold a current practising certificate. APPLICATION GUIDELINES Application is made by submitting a completed nomination form together with the nominee’s resume or biography and any supporting material to be considered by the Awards Selection Panel. A nomination form may be downloaded from www.australianwomenlawyers.com.au ADMINISTRATION OF THE AUSTRALIAN WOMEN LAWYERS AWARD The assessment of the winner of the Australian Women Lawyers Award is entirely within the discretion of the Awards Selection Panel established by AWL for the purpose of determining the winner of the Australian Women Lawyers Award. The decision of the Awards Selection Panel is final and no correspondence will be entered into. Address: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Telephone:----------------------------------------------------------Email: ---------------------------------------------------------------Law degree qualification/place of admission to practice law: ---------------------------------------------------Acceptance of nomination: I accept nomination for the Australian Women Lawyers Award Signature here: Attach: A resume or biography detailing the Nominee’s activities and achievements in all or any one of the Award criteria,(award criteria listed, see left) and any supporting material to be considered by the Awards Selection Panel. NOMINATOR’S PARTICULARS: Name: --------------------------------------------------------------Title/Position: ----------------------------------------------------Firm/Organisation: -----------------------------------------------Address: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Telephone:----------------------------------------------------------Email: ---------------------------------------------------------------- Nominations should be submitted by 18 May 2012 to the Executive Assistant to The Honourable Justice Diana Bryant either electronically (preferred) to Helen.Grist@familycourt. gov.au or by mail to Family Court of Australia 305 William Street, Melbourne, Victoria 3000 DX 284 Melbourne. The recipient of the Australian Women Lawyers Award will be announced at a Gala Dinner to be held at the Australian Women Lawyers 4th National Conference on 11 August 2012 in Canberra Themis › Issue 15 2012 (1) & (2) “legal laneway breakfast” WOMEN BARRISTERS REPORT Kim Knights WBA Representative (Victoria) In July 2011 the WBA and VWL held their first regional seminar in Warrnambool, Victoria, to benefit country members. The WBA Convenor, Suzanne Kirton, and WBA Committee member, Anna Robertson, presented seminars on mediation and ethics. The seminar was held at Deakin University’s Warrnambool campus and was followed by a dinner in a local restaurant. In August 2011 the WBA & VWL hosted the “Coming to the Bar” information night for solicitors and students. About 90 guests attended and learnt about life as a barrister. Also in August 2011 the WBA held a drinks function with the Judges of the County Court of Victoria. The function was well attended by female barristers and County Court Judges within the precinct of the County Court of Victoria. In September 2011 the WBA joined in hosting the “Re-launch Your Career” 2 day conference. The conference was a joint initiative of the WBA, Victorian Women Lawyers, the Law Institute of Victoria, the Victorian Bar and ACLA. The conference was designed to assist qualified lawyers to transition within the law profession and also to assist those who have left the profession to re-enter it. The first WBA event of this year was the Legal Laneway Breakfast which is organised by the Victorian Law Foundation and supported by the WBA and VWL. In addition to the above functions the WBA has made submissions to the Victorian Bar on Victorian Bar Subscriptions and the silks appointment process. The WBA’s Convenor Suzanne Kirton has stayed on as Convenor for a second year. She is assisted by the following office holders: Diana Price and Jane Sharp as Assistant Convenors, Deborah Foy as Secretary, Joye Elleray as Treasurer, Tiphanie Acreman as Membership Secretary and Megan Fitzgerald as Communications Officer. Victorian Judicial Appointments Kate McMillan SC to the Supreme Court of Victoria , Kirsty Macmillan SC to the Family Court of Australia, Barbara Cotterell to the County Court of Victoria, Jan Maclean to the Magistrates Court of Victoria Victorian Silk Appointments Caroline Kirton SC Lesley Taylor SC 7 nsw REPORT Rebecca Barry NSW PRESIDENT Our Association has gone from strength to strength over the past 18 months. Our aim at the end of 2010 was to participate in the debate on diversity on boards and diversity in senior positions of the legal profession. And participate we have. We have been a source of comment for the Australian, the Australian Financial Review and Lawyers Weekly. We were asked to comment on the election of a female Prime Minister, we provided our comment on law firms named as Employer of Choice, we expressed concern over low level law briefs for female silks, spoke in support of the Australian Young Lawyer of the Year and the coverage of our Women Lawyers Awards Dinner was described as ‘Women Take Centre Stage’. Policy Together with VWL we made a submission on the Consolidation of the Commonwealth Anti-Discrimination Laws at the beginning of 2012. I would like to thank our Policy Officer Amanda Alford for her hard work. The Career Intentions Survey project is an initiative of the Research Subcommittee. Particular thanks go to our Committee members, Lee-May, Supriya, Margaret, Mary, and Justice Matthews for their participation on the Sub-Committee. We also thank the other members of the Research Committee. It is hoped that the release of the survey to law students will take place in the second half of 2012. Functions and Events On 7 April 2011 we were please to have Louise Fitz-Gerald who was unanimously selected as the winner of the prestigious Australian Young Lawyer of the Year Award in 2011 for her work with patients dealing with chronic illness as our guest speaker at our inaugural event for 2011 ‘A toast to our success’ networking cocktails. On 18 May 2011 we held the ‘Law as a Career-Coming to the Bar’ and thank Martin Place Chambers for hosting this wonderful event. On 20 May 2011 and 11 November 2011 the Janet Coombs lunches for New Female Bar Reader’s took place and were a great success. Janet is a longstanding member of our Committee and is well known for her generosity 8 and mentoring of women barristers and solicitors over many years. We thank Janet for hosting these lunches and for her dedication to the Association. On 1 June 2011 we launched our Biennial Awards. The President of the Law Society of NSW addressed our guests following a welcome by our Patron the Hon Justice Jane Matthews AO. This event was a terrific night. On 18 November 2011 the Golden Girls lunch took place. This is always a special event with our longstanding members. Awards Our major event was our biennial NSW Women Lawyers Award Presentation Dinner which was held at the WatersEdge in Sydney on Friday 23rd September 2011. Our guest speaker was The Hon Margaret Beazley AO and the awards were presented by our Patron. The awards were supported by the Law Society of NSW, the NSW Bar Association, the NSW Department of Attorney General and Justice, the Australian Corporate Lawyers Association and the Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Agency. Five categories of Awards were presented at the Gala Dinner including a ‘Highly Commended’ Award as follows: > Lifetime Achievement Award: The Honourable Elizabeth Evatt AO > Woman Lawyer Advocate of the Year: Julia Baird SC, 12th Floor Selborne/Wentworth Chambers > Woman Lawyer of the Year in Private Practice: Anna Walsh, Maurice Blackburn > “In House” Woman Lawyer of the Year sponsored by Blake Dawson: Kate Perumal, Abigroup Ltd > Woman Lawyer of the Year in a Community Organisation: Emma Golledge, Kingsford Legal Centre > “Up & Coming” Woman Lawyer of the Year sponsored by Middletons, and with MGSM Leadership Course included: Claire Hammerton, NSW Aboriginal Land Council >“Highly Commended” Judging Panel’s Award: Dr Chandrika Subramaniyan, Success Lawyers & Barristers. I was overwhelmed by the attendance at the awards. There were so many guests that we had to place two tables in the “We have been a source of comment for the Australian, the Australian Financial Review and Lawyers Weekly.” foyer! We appreciate the support of the senior members of the legal profession and were grateful that they were so enthusiastic about the Awards and the amazing nominees and recipients. Where to next? We held our Planning Meeting and dinner in February this year to set our strategic plan and map our events for the coming 12 months. At this stage we have committed to ideas including a large corporate panel event on unconscious bias, a family law event, further work in relation to briefing women barristers, our bi-annual ‘Celebrating Women in the Judiciary’ function and the role out of a program to support lawyers as parents including education, networking and support. This will be titled ‘Parents in Law’ and will be run by Kate Blue. In terms of our priority areas for policy in 2012 we will be liaising with other women’s organisations in relation to developing a draft submission for the National Human Rights Action Plan, monitoring communiqués and other reports for opportunities to contribute to the consolidation process in relation to COAG Select Council on Women’s Issues, working with the Law Society to assist them with implementing their Thought Leadership Recommendations and continuing work on the Career Intentions Survey. Goodbye to Lee-May In particular I would like to thank outgoing Committee member Lee-May Saw for her many years of service to the Association including as President and our representative on the Board of AWL. Lee-May has been a wonderful President of WLANSW and an enthusiastic member of the Committee and we look forward to her continuing involvement on the Subcommittee. Themis › Issue 15 2012 (1) 2012 Dame Roma Mitchell Memorial Lunch, Melbourne, 2 March 2012 (from left): The Honourable Justice Neave AO, The Honourable Michael Kirby AC CMG, The Honourable Justice Warren AC (2)“legal laneway breakfast” (3) contracts to contacts event Victoria Report Patricia Athanasiadis VWL Convenor Mentoring, it’s importance and how it helps women achieve success in the legal profession is well documented. Whether undertaken informally or formally, being part of a mentoring relationship has benefits for all involved. In major part, due to the benefits of mentoring from increased promotion, retention and development, it was chosen as the 2012 theme for VWL. In the modern business world, mentoring relationships no longer have to be the stereotypical one-on-one, face to face interactions with wise, longbearded men. Mentoring relationships can develop in many ways, including over emails, phone, Skype or a coffee. In addition, reverse mentoring is also now being explored, where senior members of the profession are paired with younger lawyers to teach them about technology, social media and the latest workplace trends. Mentoring in 2012 is about developing your relationships, being objective about your networks and the way in which you sustain your career in the law. Whilst it is early in the year, VWL has already hosted an event focused on networking and building relationships: > Converting Contacts to Contracts, was the second annual joint event with the Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia and Women in Finance Victoria. This interactive presentation by Director of Confident Communications, Ricky Nowak had the over 160 attendees out of their seats and networking. Held at the Windsor Hotel, its success has organisers planning for next year already. VWL has also held: > The annual Dame Roma Mitchell Memorial Luncheon on 2 March 2012, in conjunction with the Law Institute of Victoria at Zinc. Key note speaker former Justice Michael Kirby enthralled the audience with his personal and legal perspective on what the movement for equal marriage rights can learn from the women’s movement. Not only did Mr Kirby provide an entertaining discussion, but he honoured Dame Roma Mitchell’s memory and reminisced about her chambers in South Australia. See the clips of Michael Kirby’s keynote address. Upcoming events for 2012 include: > Women in Government networking cocktail event, hosted in conjunction with the Russell Kennedy Women’s Network on 19 March 2012. Guest speaker Dr Helen Szoke will provide insights on the night; > the Annual Member and Guests evening, which will be held on 2 May 2012. Well known comedian and broadcaster Cal Wilson will be the evening’s guest performer; > the biannual VWL and WBA Women Lawyers Achievement Awards. The event will be held on 30 May 2012 at the Plaza Ballroom and more information on this event will be available shortly; > launch of the 2012 VWL and WBA Mentoring Program on 21 June 2012 at Middletons Melbourne; and > inaugural networking and mentoring event with Judges of the Federal Court on 20 September 2012. It will be a busy year for VWL, with further events in the pipeline and the progression of VWL projects. Some projects include: > VWL’s Law Reform Committee and the Women Lawyers Association of NSW have also prepared a joint submission to the Attorney-General’s department, responding to the government’s discussion paper on the consolidation of Commonwealth antidiscrimination laws. The submission is available on the Attorney-General’s website (http://www.ag.gov.au/ Humanrightsandantidiscrimination/ Australiashumanrightsframework/ Documents/Victorian%20Women%20 Lawyers%20and%20the%20Women%20 Lawyers%20Association.pdf); > VWL’s Women Migrants Legal Information Project recently submitted a small grants application to the Victoria Law Foundation for funds to run a pilot project. The project will involve broadcasts on community radio about areas of law in which migrant women often have little knowledge of their rights. For more information on this project click here; > VWL in conjunction with Diversity Partners is rolling out a Partner Training Program on Managing Work Arrangements based on VWL’s Do You Manage Report throughout the year; and > support is also being sought for much needed work on an Attrition Study of Victorian Lawyers, based on the Scoping Study released in 2010 by VWL in conjunction with RMIT researchers, following a joint application to the Victoria Law Foundation. It is only the very start of 2012 and with much more planned for the year, it looks like VWL members will be spoilt by the range of opportunities available to them. Female Judicial Appointments Kate McMillan SC to the Supreme Court of Victoria , Kirsty Macmillan SC to the Family Court of Australia, Barbara Cotterell to the County Court of Victoria and Jan Maclean to the Magistrates Court of Victoria. Victorian Silk Appointments Caroline Kirton SC Lesley Taylor SC 9 act Report Nithya Sambasivam WLA ACT Vice President On behalf of the Committee of the Women Lawyers Association of the ACT Inc (WLA ACT) I thank you for your continuing support! The ACT is a unique jurisdiction, in which the WLA ACT works hard to keep the voice of our members heard. We have had a busy six months, including the conduct of our AGM and a change of Committee and Executive. The WLA ACT’s Annual General Meeting was held on the 24 of November 2011 at Blackburn Chambers, Canberra City. The 2012 Committee elected at that meeting was: President - Louise Donohoe SC Vice President - Nithya Sambasivam Secretary - Janukshi Perera Treasurer - Lorraine White Public Officer/ Committee member Tegan Cohen* Committee member - Amy Eager Committee member - Numira Kuruppu Committee member - Julia Heinze *As Tegan Cohen has now left the ACT to pursue her career in Sydney, Amy Eager has kindly accepted this role and we thank Amy for same. I have a long and enjoyable relationship with WLA ACT and I have especially enjoyed working with the Committee over the past few years as both a mentor and Committee member. I appreciate the work of the 2011 Committee and all previous years’ Committees, and thank Julia Heinze for her service as President during 2011. 10 Further, I wish to formally recognise the ongoing work of four very capable women, the efforts of whom our Committee is kindly obliged - our immediate past Treasurer Karen Twigg, our WLA ACT book keeper Gaye Alison, our ACT Director on the Board of AWL Sara Wedgwood and our immediate past Committee member Allyson Hogan, whom we look forward to welcoming back later this year. The WLA ACT anticipates that Karen will be the next ACT Director on the Board of AWL and to this end, Karen will undertake a handover from our current ACT Director on the Board of AWL, Sara Wedgwood, in the months leading up to the AWL AGM and 2012 National Conference in August this year. The Committee acknowledges the superb work that Sara has done as the ACT Director on the Board of AWL and look forward to her continuing involvement with the WLA ACT. Naturally, Karen’s anticipated nomination has the full support of the Committee. The 2012 Committee is preparing for a busy year in several areas, including: > The establishment of our terrific new website – www.wlaact.org.au, as well as our Facebook group, which we encourage all to join; > The drafting of new rules of the Association, to better facilitate our priorities; > Building a productive working relationship with the ACT Law Society and other community women’s organisations; and “The ACT is a unique jurisdiction, in which the WLA ACT works hard to keep the voice of our members heard.” > A full events schedule, which this year will feature both the 2012 AWL National Conference and the Annual Law Week Dinner on 16 May 2012. We encourage all ACT practitioners to get involved with the WLA ACT (please feel free to email us at contact@wlaact. corg.au) and look forward to an exciting year ahead. Themis › Issue 15 2012 (1) The 2011 winners – Diane Ruhl, Kathryn Finlayson (President WLAQ), Suzanne Greenwood, Di Turner. Front – Teresa Dyson (2) Speaker, Elizabeth Fraser, Commissioner for Children, Young People and Child Guardian (3) Speaker, Judy Loughnan, Suncorp QUEENSLAND Report Kathryn Finlayson President WLAQ The last eight months have been particularly active for the Women Lawyers’ Association of Queensland (WLAQ). We hosted our annual Queensland Women Lawyer of the Year Awards Dinner in September, the launch of the 2011/2012 Ladder mentoring program, our Christmas Party and our first a financial planning seminar. Friday, 9 September was the biggest night of the 2011 calendar year for Queensland’s women lawyers, with 165 people attending the Brisbane Club for the presentation of the 2011 WLAQ Women Lawyer of the Year Awards and the Queensland Law Society Agnes McWhinney Award. The awards recognise female members of the legal profession who excel in the law and who have helped to advance the position of women. The 2011 dinner featured addresses by Commissioner for Children and Young People and Child Guardian Elizabeth Fraser and Suncorp Corporate General Counsel, Judy Loughnan. Blake Dawson partner Teresa Dyson won the prestigious Woman Lawyer of the Year Award for her leading national role in tax law and considerable community contributions. Di Turner, a lawyer who practices in family law at Legal Aid in Townsville and an Independent Children’s Lawyer and family dispute resolution practitioner was awarded the 2011 Regional Woman Lawyer of the Year. Diane Ruhl, an associate at Townsville firm Boulton Cleary and Kern Lawyers, was awarded the 2011 Emergent Woman Lawyer of the Year given her prominent representation in regional Queensland through her work with the Townsville District Law Association, originally as secretary and now as president. Suzanne Greenwood, General Counsel to the St Vincent de Paul Society Queensland, was the proud recipient of the Queensland Law Society Agnes McWhinney award given her steady commitment to the not-for-profit sector over the past 10 years. In October WLAQ launched its 2011/12 Ladder Program with a social drinks function for participants resident in South East Queensland at Cooper Grace Ward. The Ladder Program matches law students and young lawyers with more experienced women in the profession and aims to encourage, assist and empower mentees to seek out and take advantage of opportunities in the law. A function will be held in Townsville later this month. December saw our annual Christmas party which this year raised awareness of and much needed funds for “StreetSwags”, a not-for-profit “The Ladder Program matches law students and young lawyers with more experienced women in the profession and aims to encourage, assist and empower mentees to seek out and take advantage of opportunities in the law.” organisation that makes bedding for homeless people. 2012 commenced with WLAQ’s first personal financial planning seminar which looked at strategies, tips and traps for wealth management, tax, super, cash flow and dealing with debt. Our next function is ‘Breakfast with Erin Brockovich’ which we are co-hosting with the Queensland Law Society on 31 March 2012 in conjunction with its annual symposium. 11 (1) Female Law Practitioners Act (SA) 1911 (2) WLSA Quiz Night Photos (3) Women Lawyers South Australia – AGM SOUTH AUSTRALIA REPORT Amy Challans SA Representative The year 2011 was extremely busy for the Women Lawyers’ Association of SA (WLASA) most notably due to the centenary of the Female Law Practitioners Act (SA) 1911 which legalised ’women to practise the profession of the Law’ in the State of South Australia. To celebrate this centenary the members of the Women Lawyers’ Association of SA in conjunction with the Law Society of SA held a gala dinner to recognise and celebrate the achievements of women in the law in South Australia. The Association also co-authored a number of articles for a special edition of the Law Society Bulletin dedicated to celebrating ‘100 years’ of female legal practise in the State of South Australia. In addition to recognising the centenary of Female Law Practitioners Act (SA) 1911, WLA SA focused its attention on education, networking and fundraising throughout 2011. In September 2011, WLASA hosted its annual quiz night to raise funds for the Birthing Kit Foundation (the Association’s chosen charity for 2011). Approximately 200 people attended and participated in a range of fund raising activities including raffles and silent auctions. WLA SA would like to thank its members, event sponsors and the ‘Friends of WLA’ for their kind donations and the Association looks forward to seeing everyone again at its next quiz function in 2013. In October 2011, WLA SA hosted its second ‘Bar Readers for the female legal practitioners that successfully passed the Bar Reader’s course. This function was held at the Dragonfly and looks set to become a regular event as the number 12 of women choosing to undertake the Bar Readers course steadily increases. Big congratulations to all of SA’s female Reader’s! The year 2011 ended with WLA SA’s annual Christmas drinks with the Judiciary. Approximately 60 guests attended this function to celebrate the festive season and to raise money for the Birthing Kit Foundation. A big thank you to the Chief Justice and all members of the judiciary who attended, and WLA “Women Lawyers’ Association of SA in conjunction with the Law Society of SA held a gala dinner to recognise and celebrate the achievements of women in the law in South Australia.” SA looks forward to seeing everyone again next year. The first event for WLA SA in 2012 was its annual strategic planning day which has become a regular feature on the management calendar of the Committee. As a result of this planning day WLA SA plans to introduce a number of new events in 2012 and cement ‘old’ favourites in its calendar. It has also scheduled a second planning day to focus on membership. The first new event for 2012 has seen WLA SA co -sponsor a CPD seminar with the Law Society of SA focusing on women practicing in the legal profession. Titled ‘Attitudes and Expectations: Is Super Woman Helping or Hindering Women in the Law?’ the session was designed to coincide with International Women’s Day and proved to be extremely popular. As a result of the success of this session WLA SA and the Law Society of SA are to partner a suite of CPD exploring women in the profession. Female Judicial Appointments Ms Jayne McGrath – Magistrate (to the SA Magistrates Court) Appointment as Silk Ms Geraldine Davison appointed as Silk in November 2011 Other Significant Happenings The centenary of the Female Law Practitioners Act (SA) 1911 - This Act was significant as it legalised the practise of the Law by women in the State of South Australia. Interestingly, prior to the introduction of this legislation, women were ineligible to be admitted to practise as lawyer not because the Legal Practitioners Act of the time referred to men. It was because the privilege to practise law was bestowed on ‘any person’ and it was the interpretation of the word ‘person’ which denied women the right of participation not only as a legal practitioner, but also of other professions as well. It was not until the Sex Disqualification (Removal) Act (SA) 1921 was passed that the word ‘person’ was to be interpreted as meaning either male or female. Themis › Issue 15 2012 TASMANIA REPORT Sandra Taglieri President, TWL Tasmanian Women Lawyers Inc held its Annual General Meeting on 12th December 2011. The Committee was able to report to members that we had a successful year in all respects. Membership numbers were good, as was the bank balance and general level of activity. The AGM was an opportune time for us to celebrate an inspiring Tasmanian female lawyer, Nancy McPhee. Nancy was the first woman to be admitted to the Bar in Tasmania in 1993 and we received delightful news that she was alive and well and celebrating her 100th Birthday. We paid tribute to her and the trail she blazed! Sandra Taglieri was re-appointed to the position of President unopposed, as were most who served on the Committee for the 2011 calendar year. We also had new members join the Committee and this will ensure a succession plan for the organisation. We conducted our Annual Planning Day on the 22nd January 2012 and agreed our schedule of events and functions for the year ahead. Already “The AGM was an opportune time for us to celebrate an inspiring Tasmanian female lawyer, Nancy McPhee.” TWL have participated in the University of Tasmania Careers Fair and are busily organising a Cocktail Party Function to be held on the 18th April next. There are many other valuable projects in the schedule, such as our Biennial TWL Gala Dinner and TWL Award. 2012 is setting out to be a busy, rewarding and engaging year for us. 13 western australia Report Elspeth Hensler President WLWA Since the last edition of Themis, we have a new committee to guide us through 2011 / 2012. The members of the committee are Elspeth Hensler (president), Cathryn Greville (vice president), Anne Wood (secretary), Anne Lopez (treasurer), Catherine Fletcher, Tina McAulay, Amanda Thackray, Ros Fogliani, Emily Mills, Carolyn Meighan, Natalie Brown, Gabrielle Clarke and Natalie Graskoski. Sadly, some who were serving on the committee have had to move on. We thank all of them for their contributions to WLWA, through the committee and otherwise. In addition to our regular, lunchtime get togethers (every 4th Tuesday), we have hosted and participated in a number of events. A summary of those events follows. On the social side, we hosted the following events. > Our annual function for female new lawyers to meet the judiciary. Happily, this year’s function coincided with the Full Court of the Family Court being in Perth so our very first secretary, now Bryant CJ and patron of AWL, was able to attend and speak at the event. > We celebrated the end of 2011 at a city restaurant, eCucina. Jade Lewis, founder Jade Lewis & Friends, a foundation doing great work preparing women for leaving prison and reentering the community, spoke at this function. > Also at the end of 2011 we launched the Aboriginal Women’s Legal Education Trust, which is a joint venture between WLWA and one of its members, Clare Thompson. The launch was held at the Supreme Court of Western Australia. The patron of the Trust, the Chief Justice of Australia, was present and spoke at the launch. On the professional development side, we presented the following CPD events. > Then committee member GiGi Visscher presented a seminar on how to read financial statements. > Her Honour Judge Gillian Braddock SC and Debbie Taylor, a senior member of the State Administrative Tribunal, spoke at our seminar “A Girl’s Guide to Becoming a Successful Lawyer: What Not to Wear and other Lessons Not Taught at Law School”. > We kicked off 2012 with a seminar on 14 personal branding presented by Egami. We timed this for early 2012 so that participants have time to incorporate what they learn from the seminar into their practice before the performance review / salary review season begins. We also participated in the following events with other organisations. > Many of our members are mentors for the Women in the Law Mentoring Scheme (WILMS) run by the students of the Law School at the University of Western Australia. We participated in the WILMS “Speed Networking Night” and Elspeth Hensler appeared with one of our joint 2011 Women Lawyers of the Year, Jenni Hill, and others on a panel to discuss various aspects of being a woman practising law. > We held a joint seminar with the Criminal Lawyers Association about women in Western Australia’s prisons, the Independent Prison Visitors scheme, and helping women successfully make the transition from prison into the broader community. This seminar was addressed by Professor Neil Morgan and Jade Lewis (mentioned above). We thank Cath Fletcher for organising the event and Francis Burt Chambers for hosting it. > We celebrated International Women’s Day by attending a number of events, including the induction of a our Patron Emeritus Her Honour Toni Kennedy (and others) into the WA Women’s Hall of Fame. In the afternoon we teamed with the Law Society of WA to continue our celebrations of International Women’s Day with a High Tea for 160. During High Tea, a panel of Pritchard J, Dr Kendall, President of the Law Society and Professor Omari who has done important work for the Law Society into bullying in the legal profession spoke about the importance of respect in the legal profession and treating each other with courtesy. Hays, the recruiting firm, was the premium sponsor for the event and Pan Pacific donated some prizes which were raffled for the benefit of the Tristan Jepson Foundation. We continue to meet with heads of jurisdiction in Western Australia to discuss matters of mutual concern. We are also well into a project to review a report prepared in 1994 at the instigation of the then Chief Justice of Western Australia, Malcolm CJ which “We continue to meet with heads of jurisdiction in Western Australia to discuss matters of mutual concern.” suggested numerous ways to enhance women’s participation and promotion in the legal profession in Western Australia and to combat discrimination against women in the law. With support from the Supreme Court and the Department of the Attorney General, we propose to deliver a review of the 1994 Report in 2014, 20 years from the original report. The project is chaired by Pritchard J. As the editors of Themis go to print, we are preparing to enjoy our Honours Dinner and acknowledge the appointments of Magistrates Leanne Atkins and Donna Webb to the Magistrates Court and Magistrates Gail Sutherland and Francine Walter to the Family Magistrates Court. We will also honour the achievements of Their Honours Mary Ann Yeats (formerly of the District Court) and Judy Eckhert (formerly of the District Court and the State Administrative Tribunal and the first female President of the Law Society of WA). We will announced the winners of the awards for Woman Lawyer of the Year, Senior Woman Lawyer of the Year and Junior Woman Lawyer of the Year for 2012 and, for the first time, the winner of the Aboriginal Women’s Legal Education Trust Scholarship. We congratulate all women who were nominated for the awards or who were considered for the scholarship. Thanks to LawCPD Pty Ltd, King & Wood Mallesons, Linc Property Pty Ltd, sandlewood company TFS Corporation Ltd, Bank of Queensland Floreat (independently owned by Nicole Puado) and Pacific Finance Australia for sponsoring the Dinner. west australian Judicial Appointments Magistrate Leanne Atkins Magistrate Gail Sutherland Magistrate Francine Walter Magistrate Donna Webb The Australian Women Lawyers (AWL) is primarily concerned with issues relating to the practice and advancement of women in the legal profession. AWL BOARD MEMBERS Board Member Co-opted Member President Rebecca LeeWomen Lawyers Association of Western Australia Vice President Christine Melis Victorian Women Lawyers Association SecretarySara WedgwoodWomen Lawyers Association of Australian Capital Territory Treasurer Kim KnightsWomen Barristers Association (Victoria) Board MemberSusan OliverWomen Lawyers Association of Northern Territory Board MemberSusan McNeil Women Lawyers Association of Queensland Board Member Sandra TaglieriTasmanian Women Lawyers Board MemberAmy Challans Women Lawyers Association of South Australia Board Member Rebecca Barry Women Lawyers Association of New South Wales For more information on Australian Women Lawyers, please see our website at www.australianwomenlawyers.com.au
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