Inside - Community Colleges and Workforce Development
Inside - Community Colleges and Workforce Development
Oregon Youth Conservation Corps November 2008 Volume 1, Issue 5 November 2008 Inside • Director’s Note • Featured Program • Advisory Committee member Bio From the desk of the Director - John Asher Wow! It’s November already. We have finally completed the Youth River Stewards trips for the fall and are back in the office for awhile. The five trips were wonderful this year. The youth were all polite, engaged and respectful. They were also very good workers. The projects this year included lots of Scot’s Broom removal, some equestrian trail work, rebuilding of a berm and some painting. We were very fortunate to have Tim Wood, Director of Oregon Parks and Recreation Department join us down on “the slough” for an afternoon, along with Ryan Sparks, Park Manager for the Willamette Mission Unit. As always, Team Leader Bonnie Cunningham, spent time with the crews and shared her story of her days as a Corpsmember prior to going to school and on to working for Parks. What a great “poster child”. • Governor’s Summit We are also extremely pleased to have the curriculum done and mailed. You should have yours by the time you read this. If you do not, or wish additional copies let us know. We hope to add more subjects in the future, probably starting with contemporary mathematics or construction math. • Administrative Chit Chat Doug and I attended the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board and Association of Oregon Counties conferences in Eugene this month. Always a great place to receive information and opportunities for partnerships throughout Oregon. • Office Administration Updates • Matching Activity OYCC has added two new Advisory Committee members in the last few months; James Straub from the Eugene area and Pat Willis from Portland. James has a background in building management and Pat is the former director of Jackson Bottom Wetlands and is currently operating a lavender farm on Sauvie Island. We also bid good-bye to our former Chair, Cyndy Coleman-Marshall. I cannot begin to list Cyndy’s accomplishments in the short space provided but realize that there is not one OYCC program that she has not reviewed or was unfamiliar with. We look forward to a time when we can “get her back” and wish her luck. Next up…a new grant cycle for both summer and school year programs. With the current economic downturn the selections for 2009-2010 are going to be challenging. At this time, it is unclear as to when and if, reductions will be necessary. As responsible stewards of public funds, funding will be granted (as available) to those programs that continue to perform at the highest levels of OYCC expectations. 1 Oregon Youth Conservation Corps Important Dates • 1/8-1/9: Advisory Committee Meeting-Salem • 1/14: Community Stewardship Corps Coalition Meeting • 1/16: Summer Conservation Corps Letters of Intent Due • 1/23: Community Stewardship Corps Letters of Intent Due Make sure that you review the OYCC Important Dates 2009 document posted on our website for due dates and upcoming events. All for now, John Integral Youth Services – Kathi Milem We are Integral Youth Services (I.Y.S.) and are located at 115 North 10th St. in Klamath Falls Oregon. Our relationship with OYCC began in 1992 with summer work crews. In 1995 our year-round program with OYCC began. Our year-round program is called Teamwork and involves high school students in many different projects during the school year. We also have a summer work program that involves 4 different crews. The yearround Teamwork Program consists of 2 different crews with 5 students on each crew. One crew works Mondays and Wednesdays while the other works Tuesdays and Thursdays. We have many different partners that we work with including the City of Klamath Falls, Klamath Basin Wingwatchers, Winema National Forest, B.L.M. and the numerous different agencies associated with Integral Youth Services. The types of projects we have done are weed abatement, trail building, bank restoration at Lake Ewauna, seasonal banner changing for the city of Klamath Falls, fence building, painting, drywall and furniture moving. The Teamwork Program students are involved in just about anything, within reason, that needs to be done around I.Y.S. 2 Oregon Youth Conservation Corps Featured Partner - Klamath Basin Wingwatchers Association Our featured partner is the Klamath Basin Wingwatchers Association. They got involved with our Teamwork Program because they heard, from other partners, that the I.Y.S. Teamwork Program was willing to do volunteer work for them. Teamwork has been doing different projects for them now for about 2 years. Bill Wood is the person we work with and he feels the benefits of working with a crew is that they can always get more done than just doing it himself. He also added that our crew has always been willing to do whatever is asked of them. The challenges are that there is usually one or two students that need to be watched for a while to make sure things get done right. Working with students is different than working with adults because the students seem to get things done quicker. Featured Project – Klamath Basin Wingwatchers Trail One of our most exciting and rewarding projects is the Klamath Basin Wingwatchers Trail. The project is funded by the Wingwatchers, which is a non-profit organization that relies on donations and volunteers. There are 10 students, 2 crews of 5 youth that work on the project. The Wingwatchers thought of the project because of major bank erosion along the west bank of Lake Ewauna. The impact this project has on the community and environment is that now there is a solid, safe bank on the lake that will help in the migration process of the birds. We also built a new trail and hauled loads of gravel so the community can enjoy the beautiful area created for bird watching. By doing this work the students earn a small stipend and receive scholarship credit hours. In the end, everyone involved gets a great sense of accomplishment along with the students gaining valuable work experience. Mike Milem – Crew Leader for IYS My name is Michael Milem and I am currently the Teamwork Facilitator at Integral Youth Services in Klamath Falls, Oregon. I have been working here at I.Y.S. since April 7th of 2008. I heard about this job from my sister, Kathi Milem, who is the Education Programs Director here at I.Y.S. I have always felt a need to work with kids and this job was the perfect opportunity for me to have that chance. I think the most challenging part of my job is that most of these kids have not had much work experience, so just about everything we do is a challenge for them, at first. It is great to see them learn as they go and watch them transform into good workers who really take pride in what they are doing. Their sense of accomplishment once they are done is beyond comparison. That is probably the most satisfying part of my job. 3 Oregon Youth Conservation Corps If I could give one tip to someone who is just starting to work in this field with “at-risk” youth it would be that these are kids who deserve a chance to make it in the world that has labeled them “at-risk.” If you take the time to give them the opportunity to try something different and you never give up on them, the positive growth that is achieved is worth all the time you have invested. Advisory Committee Member Bio – PattiAnn Monzie I have been a member of the OYCC Advisory Committee since January 1, 2005 and am now in my second term on the Committee. I served as Vice-Chair under Cyndy Coleman-Marshall and became chair when Cyndy resigned from the Board due to family medical issues. My year as Chair is just beginning (even though I acted as Chair for all of last year!). I was approached by the past Director of OYCC to become a member of the Advisory Committee because of the active role that I had played for years working with summer youth programs. I had not thought about becoming a Board Member until that time but the position fit in very well with my position and duties working for the Forest Service. I love working with kids – that has to be my favorite part of this program as well as other programs that I am involved with. Volunteers, summer youth programs and recruiting at colleges for the Forest Service are the most rewarding part of my position. I love the interaction with young people – watching them develop and seeing where they get to in life! I currently work for the Forest Service at the (beautiful) Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area in Hood River, Oregon. I have been in this office for nearly 20 years after transferring from the Forest Service in Montana. I have been in several different positions since I have come to this office and I feel that the one I am in now is the most fulfilling for me. I have been an Information Assistant, Human Resources Manager, Public Affairs Specialist, Civil Rights Manager, Administrative Officer, and now an Administrative Specialist (which actually combines several jobs into one!). I am also a member of the Hood River Education Foundation Board which is the primary scholarship and grant program in Hood River County. I have served on that Board for approximately 10 years and as the Treasurer for the past 4. I did not graduate from Oregon State University; however, I have probably spent as much time there as some students who have attended there. Both of our sons, Cameron and Tyler, attended and graduated from OSU and between both boys I went to 10 OSU Mom’s Weekends and attended MANY intramural sporting events and baked enough goodies to put me in the Guinness Book of Records! I am a true Beaver Believer…I may not 4 Oregon Youth Conservation Corps have gone there but my sons and my money did! I enjoy walking and hiking with my dog Marley; going on road trips with my husband Jim; spending time with my family; and cooking for friends football games, basketball games, and family whenever we can gather together. Governor’s Summit for Disproportionate Representation of Minorities in the Juvenile Justice System – Jennifer Kerr The Governor’s Minority Youth Awards were established to honor Oregon minority youth who make positive choices and become successful in their lives. The awards are given to youth ages 14-25 who overcome difficult times and hardships that have also shown consistent progress in overcoming adversity. The awards are presented at the Governor’s Summit on Eliminating Disproportionate Minority Contact in the Juvenile Justice System. This year, Sobeyda Luque, an OYCC Corpsmember was honored at the summit. Sobeyda is a member of Training and Employment Consortium (TEC) in Malheur County. Sobeyda had a child at 15, dropped out of school and joined the OYCC program at TEC. She continued on and attended Treasure Valley Community College where she received her CNA Certificate. Now, she is an assistant Crew Leader for TEC. Sobeyda attended the summit where she received her award and participated on the youth panel. Former Governor Kitzhaber presenting the award to Sobeyda For more information on the awards visit 5 Oregon Youth Conservation Corps Administrative Chit Chat with Doug - Doug Denning I cannot remember another year that has flown by so quickly! It seems surreal planning events for the summer of 2009! The Community Stewardship Corps (CSC) had another very successful school-year for 2006-2007. I would like to share some of the overall numbers with you: Youth Enrolled – 594 Scholarships Awarded – $190,499.00 Credits Earned – 2,241 Diplomas Awarded – 116 GEDs Awarded – 22 Total Match Raised – $3,478,116.00 Match Ratio – 9.03/1 Thank you to all of our providers and the valued sponsors and partners that make these CSC programs a success! There are still a few Summer Conservation Corps (SCC) Final Reports that are being revised so I do not have final numbers yet. I will say, however, the summer programs were extremely successful and the SCC Corpsmember comments on the surveys have been good. Just a heads-up……..OYCC Letters of Intent will be due before you know it! Summer Conservation Corps Letters will be due January 16th and Community Stewardship Corps Letters will be due January 23rd. All programs that intend to apply for OYCC funding MUST submit a Letter of Intent prior to writing a proposal. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns around this requirement. Directors and Administrators of CSC programs, please save the date of January 14th for the OYCC Coalition Meeting. Meeting time and location will be announced soon. That’s all I have for now. I hope that you all have a happy and peaceful holiday season! Office Administration Updates - Jennifer Kerr As many of you know it has been our intent to make the surveys available online for quite some time now. I am very happy and relieved to say that all of the online surveys have been built and system testing will begin very soon. Watch for information on how to access the surveys online. 6 Oregon Youth Conservation Corps Matching Activity Match the following names to the letter that corresponds to their job title. Kathi Milem ___ Mike Milem ___ Sobeya Luque ___ Ryan Sparks ___ Bonnie Cunningham ___ Tim Wood ___ PattiAnn Monzie ___ Jim Straub ___ Pat Willis ___ A. New OYCC Advisory Committee Member B. Team Leader C. OYCC Advisory Committee Chair D. Youth Award Winner E. Teamwork facilitator F. Oregon Parks and Recreation Director G. Education Programs Director H. Park Manager I. New OYCC Advisory Committee Member John Asher Doug Denning Jennifer Kerr Oregon Youth Conservation Corps 255 Capitol St. NE, Third Floor Salem, OR 97310 503-378-8648 To unsubscribe/subscribe or questions contact Jennifer Kerr 7 WorkSource Oregon is an equal opportunity program and offers; auxiliary aids and services to individuals with disabilities, alternate formats and language assistance to individuals with limited English proficiency free of cost upon request. Contact your nearest WorkSource Oregon Center for assistance.
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