DNB Boligkreditt AS DNB Bank ASA
DNB Boligkreditt AS DNB Bank ASA
DNB Boligkreditt AS DNB Bank ASA February 2013 Contents • DNB ASA ("DNB") – A brief overview • The Norwegian Economy - Important for DNB • Financial performance and capital • Asset quality • Funding • Appendix : • • • • Cover pool portfolio information The Norwegian Mortgage Market The Norwegian Covered Bond legislation Financial performance and capital – additional slides 2 The backbone of the Norwegian financial system DNB - Norway's leading financial services group • • • • Approximately 30% market share of the retail market Approximately 30% market share of the corporate market The leading financial institution in the market for large Norwegian corporates Norway's largest life insurance company • Credit Ratings: • Moody's: A1 (stable), S&P: A+ (stable), DBRS: AA (stable) • Essential to the Norwegian payment system • 34% owned by the Norwegian Government 3 The DNB Group DNB ASA DNB Bank ASA A1 / A+ / AA DNB Life and Asset Management (Senior/ short term issuance) DNB Baltic & Poland DNB Boligkreditt AS (Covered Bonds) 4 100% owned by DNB Bank and functionally an integrated part of the parent Mortgages originated within DNB Bank’s distribution network in accordance with the bank's credit policy Norway is of vital importance to the Group More than 80 per cent of our lending stems from Norway More than 80 per cent of our income stems from Norway More than 80 per cent of our deposits stems from Norway Only Norwegian residential mortgages in the Cover Pool backing our Covered Bonds 5 The Norwegian Economy: Of high importance to DNB 6 A rock-solid Norwegian economy Annual budget deficit/surplus for 2012* General government net financial liabilities (As a percentage of nominal GDP 2011) -180 -130 Percent -80 -30 20 70 120 • Other countries’ budget deficit: USA Japan Canada Australia -8.5% -9.9 % -3.5% -2.8% *Note: Budget surplus/deficit calculated as a percentage share of country GDP; forecasts for 2012 Source: OECD Economic Outlook No. 92, December 2012 7 Source: OECD Economic Outlook No. 92, December 2012 The Norwegian economy is a steady performer - strong growth and low volatility Annual nominal GDP growth 1990-2010 5.8 4.6 3.7 3.8 Finland Denmark Sweden 8 Norway* *Mainland GDP Norway has consistently lower unemployment rates Unemployment rate (As a percentage of total workforce) 14.0% Norway Sweden UK Forecast Euro Area 12.0% 10.0% 8.0% 6.0% NORWAY 4.0% 2.0% 0.0% 2006 2007 Source: OECD Economic Outlook No. 92, Dec 2012 9 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 F2013 F2014 Financial Targets, Performance and Capital 10 Financial targets towards 2015 • Capitalisation: CET1 ratio (Basel III) at 12.0-12.5 per cent in 2015 • Dividend: Long term dividend policy at 50 per cent Temporary payout ratio 25-50 per cent 2012-2014 • RoE: Above 12 per cent in 2015 Long term rating ambition is maintained: • AA for DNB Bank ASA • AAA for Boligkreditt AS 11 DNB delivers healthy profit Pre-tax operating profit before write-downs (NOK bn) 21.8 21.1 20.8 18.7 15.6 15.1 14.1 7.7 3.5 -0.3 2006 3.0 3.4 3.2 0.2 2007 2008 2009 2010 Pre-tax operating profit before writedowns 12 2011 Write-downs 2012 Business areas Pre-tax operating profit after impairment Full year 2012 (NOK million) 8 825 Full year 2011 7 594 7 214 6 734 5 375 4 160 1 578 758 130 (673) Retail Banking Large Corporates and International 13 DNB Markets Insurance and Asset Management DNB Baltics and Poland 12.07.2012 Key financial ratios DNB ASA 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 Return on equity 11.2 11.4 13.6 10.6 12.4 22.0 19.5 18.8 Cost income 49.5 47.1 47.6 48.3 51.4 50.6 50.1 50.2 Comb. weighted total average spread 1.18 1.12 1.15 1.15 1.04 1.00 1.08 1.19 Write down ratio (%) 0.24 0.28 0.26 0.67 0.33 0.02 -0.03 0.02 Total tier 1 ratio * Total capital 11.0 12.6 9.9 11.4 10.1 12.4 9.3 12.1 6.7 9.5 7.2 9.6 6.7 10.0 7.4 10.2 DNB Bank ASA (consolidated) Total tier 1 ratio Total capital 10.8 12.4 9.9 11.5 9.2 11.7 8.4 11.4 6.9 9.9 7.9 10.5 6.8 10.2 7.7 10.6 * Tier 1 ratio 12.4 % after full IRB implementation 14 Net non-performing and net doubtful commitments 1) 2) Per cent 1.71 1.55 1.56 1.31 0.73 NOK billion 19.1 0.88 18.4 1.56 1.10 1.18 1.45 1.47 1.50 1.09 1.09 1.16 19.3 19.6 19.7 30 June 30 Sept. 31 Dec. 1.14 0.99 1.05 1.50 0.93 0.69 0.63 19.5 18.9 20.3 16.1 14.5 11.9 31 Dec. 31 Dec. 31 Dec. 2008 2009 2010 31 March 30 June 30 Sept. 31 Dec. 31 March 2011 2012 DNB Baltics and Poland/DnB NORD 1) Includes non-performing loans and guarantees and loans and guarantees subject to individual impairment. Accumulated individual impairment is deducted. 2) Figures for DNB Baltics and Poland/DnB NORD prior to 31 December 2011 also include the former DnB NORD's portfolios in Denmark and Finland. 15 DNB Group excl. DNB Baltics and Poland/DnB NORD As a percentage of net loans As a percentage of net loans excl. DNB Baltics and Poland/DnB NORD Write-downs in per cent of lending Full year Per cent Full year 4Q12 3Q12 2Q12 1Q12 4Q11 2012 2011 average volumes (annual basis) 0.36 0.16 0.21 0.25 0.29 0.24 0.28 - DNB excl. DNB Baltics and Poland 0.37 0.15 0.19 0.24 0.23 0.23 0.19 - DNB Baltics and Poland 0.27 0.43 0.74 0.47 1.56 0.48 2.37 Total impairment in relation to 16 25.10.2012 Solid capital position – and well positioned to comply with future Basel III requirements CET1 ratios (per cent) Key assumptions, Basel III transition 12.0-12.5 12.1 12.1 10.7 4Q12 2Q12 CET1 ratio Basel II, transitional floor Target 2015 CET1 ratio Basel II, full IRB 17 CET1 ratio Basel III • Transitional floor removed • International Accounting Standard 19 included • Credit Value Adjustment (CVA) charge included • Increased CET1 deduction for expected loss (EL) > loan-loss provisions • Deduction method applied for consolidation of insurance Capital adequacy figures as at 31 December 2012 – comparison with Nordic peers Per cent 16.4 15.9 1) 15.4 13.1 12.2 12.1 10.7 10.5 10.1 9.8 9.0 8.9 7.2 6.5 6.3 5.4 5.1 4.4 3.6 DNB 3.8 SEB Equity tier 1/total assets "leverage ratio" Swedbank Equity tier 1/total lending 3.1 Handelsbanken Equity tier 1 ratio transitional rules Nordea Equity tier 1 ratio Basel III/Full IRB 1) DNB's risk weights are conservatively estimated based on the Norwegian FSA's requirements. The adjusted capital adequacy figure is estimated based on average observed risk weights for corresponding portfolios in Nordic Banks 18 07.02.2013 Asset Quality 19 Loan book exposure by sectors EAD by segments as at 30 Sep 20121)2) Shipping 6.7% (7.8%) Real estate and contractors 12.6% (12.5%) Logistics 1.2% (1.5%) Oil, gas and offshore 6.3% (6.9%) Energy 3.1% (3.1%) Other corporate customers 4.6% (5.5%) Private individuals 6.4% (5.8%) Public sector 1.6% (1.6%) Fishing, fish farming and farming 2.4% (2.1%) Trade 2.6% (2.6%) Manufacturing 4.1% (4.9%) Telecom and media 1.5% (1.7%) Residential mortgages 45.0% (41.7%) Services 1.9% (2.1%) 1) Distribution of exposure at default based on internal segmentation of customers, excluding net non-performing and net doubtful loans and guarantees. Comparable figures as at 31 December 2011 in parentheses. 2) As from 30 June 2012 the internal segmentation of customers has been changed to give a better reflection of the Groups portfolio. Figures for DNB Baltics and Poland are included and comparable figures have been restated. 20 Mortgage lending in DNB is based on cash flow Approval of a loan is based on: 1. Willingness to repay the loan: By means of scoring model based on historical behaviour 2. Capability of repaying the loan: In calculating the capability or ability to repay, an adequate margin (currently 5.0%, increased from 4.0% from Jan 2012), accommodate the effects of a possible increase in interest rates, is included in the model 3. Collateral: Credit should thus not be approved solely on the basis of the proposed collateral All borrowers are subsequently classified monthly by behaviour scoring DNB - Mortgage Loan payment characteristics : • Standard payment method is monthly in arrears • More than 95 % of the customers pays their mortgages by fixed debit of their bank account 21 House price growth can be explained by fundamentals Norwegian Real House Price Index, (1985=100) 600 “We must not forget that during the banking crisis in the beginning of the 90s, many households came into severe trouble. Nonetheless, losses tied to households were relatively low. By far the greatest number of households will manage higher debt liabilities.” - Morten Baltzersen, Norwegian FSA (Dagens Næringsliv, March 14, 2012) 500 400 300 200 100 0 house price index CPI deflated deflated with disposable income Source: Statistics Norway, EFF, NEF, Finn.no, Econ Pöyry, DNB Markets and Norwegian Central Bank 22 Rise in number of households1) and completed dwellings. Annual Figures. 2002-20112) 45,000 40,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 Rise in households 20,000 Completed dwellings 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 1. half 1st halvår 1) Estimated rise in number of households 2002-2004 2) Rise in number of households for first half of 2011 is based on population growth in this period Sources: Statistics Norway and Norges Bank 23 Norwegian households are solid - Prefer home ownership (>80 per cent) Household assets and debt 2011 Household assets and debt (NOK billion) (NOK billion) Source: Statistics Norway, EFF, NEF, Finn.no, Econ Pöyry, DNB Markets and Norwegian Central Bank 24 DNB Boligkreditt Covered Bonds Rating: AAA / Aaa / AAA Portfolio Characteristics C over Pool Size 516,399,111,303 Number of Mortages in the C over Pool Average Loan Balance 454,515 1,136,154 Over Collateralisation * 37.2 % Weighted Average LTV Indexed 55.1 % Weighted Average Seasoning 53 months * eligible loan balance, nominal loans Pool statistics as of 31 December 2012. The pool cut date is coinciding with our financial quarterly reporting. The cover pool consists of 100% Norwegian Residential Mortgages - No substitution with assets of lower quality 25 Shipping, offshore and logistic portfolio Exposure at default according to sector1) Logistics 5% (6%) Gas 13% (12%) Offshore 24% (24%) Other nonshipping 3% (2%) Crude oil tankers 9% (10%) Other shipping 3% (5%) RoRo/PCC 3% (3%) Chemical and product tankers 10% (9%) Container 14% (14%) Dry cargo 12% (12%) Cruise 4% (3%) 1) Figures as at 30 Sep 2012. Percentages as at 31 Dec 2011 in parentheses. 26 The dominant part of the portfolio is within the low- and medium risk segment The total Division The tanker segment 106 NOK billion NOK billion 95 86 85 80 63 59 57 57 48 45 46 42 40 35 13 8 5 PD 0.01% - PD 0.75% - PD 2.0% - 5 5 5 5 3 4 PD Net non-performing and net doubtful loans and guarantees 3 3 10 9 9 4 2 0.01% - PD The dry bulk segment 0.75% - 4 PD 4 5 5 1 2.0% - 1 0 0 0 Net non-performing and net doubtful loans and guarantees The container segment NOK billion NOK billion 20 14 14 12 12 8 3 3 PD 3 3 0.01% - 8 4 2 6 6 7 10 8 7 3 3 3 4 3 4 7 7 9 9 9 9 8 9 5 3 0 PD 0.75% - PD 2.0% - Net non-performing and net doubtful loans and guarantees PD 0.01% - PD 0.75% - PD 2.0% - 0 1 1 Based on DNB's risk classification system. The volume represents the expected outstanding amount in the event of default. PD = probability of default 27 0 Net non-performing and net doubtful loans and guarantees Funding 28 DNB has significantly improved the long term funding structure since the financial turmoil started in 2007 Share of stable long-term funding* Average life of long term funding (Senior debt and covered bonds) 5 120% 4,6 116% 115% 110% 4 105% 100% 3 95% 2.43 90% 2 85% 80% 1 75% 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2008 2009 2010 * Deposits from customers, subordinated debt, covered bonds and senior debt > 12 months residual maturity. Internal target for stable long-term funding increased from 88% to 90% in 2009 29 2011 2012 Strong growth in deposits Ratio of deposits to lending Development in deposits 816 811 62.5 Percent 740 57.8 54.8 734 53.0 50.1 642 597 585 538 31 Dec. 2008 31 Dec. 2009 31 Dec. 2010 31 Dec. 2011 31 Dec. 2012 569 31 31 30 30 31 31 30 30 31 31 30 30 31 31 30 30 31 31 30 30 31 Dec. March June Sept. Dec. March June Sept. Dec. March June Sept. Dec. March June Sept. Dec. March June Sept. Dec. 2007 2008 2009 Deposits at end of period Deposits adjusted for exchange rate movements 30 637 591 2010 2011 2012 Stable access to short term liquidity USCP/ECP/CD/YCD 20,000 18,000 16,000 12,000 USCP 10,000 ECP/CD YCD 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 31 sep-12 mai-12 jan-12 sep-11 mai-11 jan-11 sep-10 mai-10 jan-10 sep-09 mai-09 jan-09 sep-08 mai-08 jan-08 sep-07 mai-07 0 jan-07 USD mio 14,000 DNB is a well established international borrower - with a strong focus on diversification of funding sources • DNB Bank • • • EMTN program of Samurai issue (JPY) USD 144A program • • • USCP program of Yankee CD program of ECP/CD program of EUR 45 billion USD 10 billion Established 2011 Established 2012 USD 18 billion USD 12 billion EUR 15 billion • DNB Boligkreditt (Covered Bonds) • • • Covered Bond program of EUR 60 billion Covered Bond program of USD 12 billion Covered Bond program of AUD 4 billion 32 Established 2007 Established 2010 Established 2011 DNB – Benchmark issuances in 2012 & 2013 - Benchmark transactions in 7 different currencies Covered Euro NOK NOK Euro Euro Euro Euro 2.000 mill 2.000 mill 1.000 mill 2.000 mill 1.500 mill 1.000 mill 1.500 mill 5 year 6 year 7 year 10 year 7 year 10 year 5 year Senior Euro 1.000 mill GBP 400 mill JPY 65 bill SEK 2.000 mill USD 2.000 mill CHF 150 mill 10 8 5 5 5 6 year year year year year year Lower tier 2 Euro 750 mill 33 10nc5 DNB Issuance of long term debt 34 A well established International Covered Bond issuer Tenor Redeems • • • • • • • • • • • Euro 2 000 mn Euro 2 000 mn Euro 2 000 mn Euro 1 500 mn Euro 2 000 mn Euro 1 500 mn Euro 1 500 mn Euro 1 500 mn Euro 1 500 mn Euro 2 000 mn Euro 1 000 mn 5 years 5 years 5 years 7 years 5 years 7 years 5 years 7 years 10 years 10 years 10 years 2015 2016 - Jan 2016 - Oct 2017 - Jan 2017 - Apr 2017 - Aug 2018 2019 2021 2022 - Mar 2022 - Nov • • USD 2 000 mn USD 2 000 mn 5 years 5 years 2015 2016 • AUD 5 years 2016 600 mn Registered Covered Bonds: • 2008: Euro 1 000 mn • 2009: Euro 1 000 mn • 2010: Euro 1 600 mn • 2011: Euro 850 mn • 2012: Euro 400 mn • 2013: Euro 330 mn 25 issues 20 issues 43 issues 24 issues 11 issues 3 issues CHF market: • CHF 2 175 mn 11 issues 35 Avg. mat: Avg. mat: Avg. mat: Avg. mat: Avg. mat: Avg. mat: 11 years 13 years 14 years 12 years 13 years 12 years Mat: 5 – 20 years Summing up: “Look to Norway!” 36 Norway is of vital importance to DNB • • • • DNB is 34% owned by the Norwegian government The Norwegian economy is performing significantly better than most others, including Scandinavia More than 80 per cent of our income stems from Norway More than 80 per cent of our lending stems from Norway 37 Long Term Funding Contacts • • • Thor Tellefsen, Senior Vice President, Head of Long Term Funding Phone direct: + 47- 23 26 84 04 Mobile +47 915 44 385 Fax number: + 47- 22 48 19 94 E-mail: thor.tellefsen@dnb.no Trond Sannes Marthinsen, Vice President, Long Term Funding Phone direct: + 47- 23 26 84 03 Mobil + 47 990 34 820 Fax number: + 47- 22 48 19 94 E-mail: trond.marthinsen@dnb.no Kristine Øvrebø, Senior Vice President, Long Term Funding Phone direct: + 47- 23 26 85 19 Mobil + 47 916 08 005 Fax number: + 47- 22 48 19 94 E-mail: kristine.ovrebo@dnb.no www.dnb.no 38 Appendix Appendix A: Cover pool portfolio information 39 Portfolio characteristics Report date: Report currency: 31.12.2012 NOK 1.1 Key characteristics Total cover pool, nominal balance Number of mortgages Number of borrowers Average loan balance Outstanding covered bonds, nominal balance Substitute assets (% of total cover pool) WA indexed LTV (%) WA seasoning (in months)* WAL of cover pool (contractual maturity in years) WAL of outstanding covered bonds (contractual maturity in years) 516,399,111,303 454,515 372,960 1,136,154 373,699,605,475 0.0 55.1 53 13.6 6.0 * Seasoning indicates the number of months since collateral for the loan was established. 1.2 Overcollateralisation* Cover pool size Residential mortgages, eligible loan balance Residential mortgages, non eligible loan balance Substitue assets Market value derivatives (net MtM) Total cover pool (incl. non eligible loan balance) Total cover pool, eligible loan balance Nominal Market value 512,627,397,707 514,748,330,502 3,771,713,596 3,771,713,596 0 0 5,408,840,441 516,399,111,303 523,928,884,538 512,627,397,707 520,157,170,943 Covered bonds outstanding 373,699,605,475 382,372,086,355 Overcollateralisation (incl. non eligible loan balance) 38.2 % 37.0 % Overcollateralisation, eligible loan balance 37.2 % 36.0 % * The nominal Overcollateralisation (OC) percentage may change from time to time and may be reduced in the future. However, DNB Boligkreditt intends to uphold an OC percentage necessary to support a rating of the covered bonds in line with the company’s ambition. 40 Maturity structure 1.3 Maturity structure cover pool Contractual maturity (years) ≥0≤1 1≤2 2≤3 3≤5 5 ≤ 10 > 10 Loan balance 14,964,638,639 15,744,042,124 16,415,479,298 34,850,913,954 99,071,053,834 335,352,983,454 % 2.9 % 3.0 % 3.2 % 6.7 % 19.2 % 64.9 % Total 516,399,111,303 100.0 % 1.4 Maturity structure covered bonds Contractual maturity (years) ≥0≤1 1≤2 2≤3 3≤5 5 ≤ 10 > 10 Total Loan balance 1,075,350,000 16,000,000,000 26,493,380,000 121,635,874,500 160,474,910,975 48,020,090,000 373,699,605,475 % 0.3 % 4.3 % 7.1 % 32.5 % 42.9 % 12.8 % 100.0 % Expected maturity (years) ≥0≤1 1≤2 2≤3 3≤5 5 ≤ 10 > 10 Loan balance 17,075,350,000 22,500,000,000 42,953,530,000 164,946,224,500 100,683,362,975 25,541,138,000 % 4.6 % 6.0 % 11.5 % 44.1 % 26.9 % 6.8 % Total 373,699,605,475 100.0 % 41 Property types, largest borrowers and occupancy types 2.1 Property types Loan balance % WA LTV Private ownership Detached 275,319,810,279 53.3 % 55.6 Semi-detached 63,303,430,512 12.3 % 55.1 Apartment 87,931,284,164 17.0 % 55.7 Share in housing cooperative Semi-detached 8,197,494,423 1.6 % 59.2 60,733,872,349 11.8 % 57.9 14,839,316,427 2.9 % 24.9 6,004,262,940 1.2 % 59.0 Other 69,640,208 0.0 % 24.1 Total 516,399,111,303 100.0 % 55.1 Apartment Housing cooperative Second home 2.2 Largest borrowers Private individuals 5 largest (% of total mortgages) 0.04% 10 largest (% of total mortgages) 0.06% Housing cooperatives 5 largest (% of total mortgages) 0.14% 10 largest (% of total mortgages) 0.23% 2.3 Occupancy type Owner occupied Housing cooperative Second home Buy-to-let No data Total 42 Loan balance % WA LTV 422,902,405,019 81.9 % 55.6 14,839,316,427 2.9 % 24.9 6,004,262,940 1.2 % 59.0 435,792,982 0.1 % 64.4 72,217,333,934 14.0 % 57.6 516,399,111,303 100.0 % 55.1 Composition of the residential mortgage cover pool 2.4 Repayment type Loan balance % WA LTV Amortization 308,220,372,286 59.7 % 52.1 Interest only* 208,178,739,017 40.3 % 59.5 Total 516,399,111,303 100.0 % 55.1 * No installments for a limited period of time. 2.5 Flexible loans Drawn balance 132,645,972,541 Total limit on flexible loans 172,195,978,918 Percentage drawn of limit 77.0 % WA LTV* 55.7 * The WA LTV is calculated based on limit. 2.6 LTV buckets Indexed LTV ≥ 0 ≤ 40 106,253,513,991 20.6 % 40 ≤ 50 61,446,289,538 11.9 % 50 ≤ 60 93,791,459,730 18.2 % 60 ≤ 70 158,879,690,740 30.8 % 70 ≤ 75 71,406,648,541 13.8 % 75 ≤ 80 14,296,515,153 2.8 % 80 ≤ 85 4,195,570,688 0.8 % 85 ≤ 90 2,014,671,124 0.4 % 90 ≤ 95 1,207,866,218 0.2 % 95 ≤ 100 762,061,610 0.1 % 100 ≤ 105 499,219,556 0.1 % 105 ≤ 115 577,011,280 0.1 % > 115 1,068,593,134 0.2 % Total 516,399,111,303 100.0 % 43 Composition of the residential mortgage cover pool 2.7 Seasoning* Loan balance % WA LTV < 12 months 98,002,778,253 19.0 % 62.7 12 < 24 months 87,713,191,803 17.0 % 60.6 24 < 36 months 60,555,036,968 11.7 % 57.1 36 < 60 months 95,149,512,796 18.4 % 55.7 ≥ 60 months 174,978,591,484 33.9 % 46.9 Total 516,399,111,303 100.0 % 55.1 * Seasoning indicates the number of months since collateral for the loan was established. 2.8 Interest rate type Loan balance % WA LTV 446,011,475,795 86.4 % 55.0 Fixed rate with reset < 2 years 13,323,099,630 2.6 % 53.3 Fixed rate with reset ≥ 2 but < 5 years 43,288,943,502 8.4 % 56.6 Fixed rate with reset ≥ 5 years 13,775,592,375 2.7 % 54.3 516,399,111,303 100.0 % 55.1 Floating rate Total 2.9 Loan performance Loan balance % WA LTV 514,699,002,794 99.67% 55.0 Delinquent loans (arrears 31 to 90 days) 934,878,869 0.18% 59.7 Gross non performing loans (arrears 91 days +) 765,229,640 0.15% 62.4 516,399,111,303 100.00% 55.1 Performing loans Total 44 Geographical distribution 2.10 Geographical distribution Loan balance 95,289,885,601 9,010,753,761 33,719,106,928 7,793,856,325 12,127,113,339 40,082,895,662 8,476,960,506 12,667,935,653 7,318,991,560 19,008,803,157 108,993,137,74 0 33,044,156,272 33,183,993,081 2,037,834,026 19,295,563,641 13,314,989,577 13,181,792,207 9,068,129,297 38,783,212,970 516,399,111,30 3 Akershus Aust-Agder Buskerud Finnmark Hedmark Hordaland Møre og Romsdal Nordland Nord-Trøndelag Oppland Oslo Østfold Rogaland Sogn og Fjordane Sør-Trøndelag Telemark Troms Vest-Agder Vestfold Total 45 Average % WA LTV loan balance 18.5 % 52.7 1,267,793 1.7 % 58.7 1,051,553 6.5 % 54.3 1,056,992 1.5 % 62.5 987,314 2.3 % 57.0 929,993 7.8 % 57.1 1,209,028 1.6 % 58.1 1,072,354 2.5 % 57.3 881,370 1.4 % 59.5 1,025,787 3.7 % 58.3 839,649 21.1 % 6.4 % 6.4 % 0.4 % 3.7 % 2.6 % 2.6 % 1.8 % 7.5 % 52.3 56.9 56.0 62.6 56.6 59.0 55.5 59.2 54.5 1,312,870 920,424 1,393,817 924,607 1,245,518 923,434 1,178,524 1,227,081 986,198 100.0 % 55.1 1,136,154 Net non performing loans in DNB Boligkreditt AS 0.30% 0.20% 0.16% 0.15% 0.15%0.15%0.15%0.15% 0.14% 0.14%0.14%0.14% 0.13%0.13% 0.13% 0.10%0.10%0.10% 0.10% 0.06% 0.05% 0.03% 0.02% 0.01% 0.00% 90+ days Arrears 46 Future Updates On Cover Pool Developments Information about the cover pool of DNB Boligkreditt may be accessed via DNB Boligkreditt’s web page: https://www.dnb.no/about-us/investor-relations/funding.html Contacts DNB Boligkreditt AS: - Håkon Røsand, Director, Rating & Investor information: hakon.rosand@dnb.no +47 906 16 892 - Øyvind Birkeland, CEO: oyvind.birkeland@dnb.no +47 950 59 700 - Helge Stray, Director, DNB Boligkreditt: helge.stray@dnb.no +47 952 39 675 Portfolio information will be updated when DNB quarterly results are released 47 Appendix Appendix B: The Norwegian Mortgage Market 48 The Norwegian Residential Mortgage Market Nearly 80% of Norwegians own their home: Few mortgages are buy-to-let. Norway is primarily a floating interest rate market: The large majority of mortgages originated by DNB are floating rate. Rates on floating rate mortgages can be reset at any time and at the bank’s own discretion, by giving debtors six weeks’ notice. In Norway, all borrowing costs are deductible from taxable income at the current rate of 28%: Households are therefore better able to withstand an increase in interest rates. Loans are normally underwritten with a term of 15-25 years: Average size for new mortgages originated by DNB is approximately NOK 1,000,000 (EUR 125,000). Source: Finance Norway - FNO 49 Appendix Appendix C: The Norwegian Covered Bond legislation 50 Norwegian covered bond framework Overview • • • • The Norwegian covered bond framework was fully enacted in June 2007: Prior to adoption, close discussions were held with rating agencies in order to provide investors with robust protection. • Covered bondholders have dual recourse: To the issuing entity. A preferential claim over a cover pool of eligible assets. • • The NPV of the assets in the cover pool must at all times at least be higher than the NPV of the outstanding covered bonds. Covered bonds are issued by specialised credit institutions licensed and supervised by the Norwegian Financial Supervisory Authority (NFSA): The activities of the company are limited to acquiring eligible assets and financing these predominantly by covered bonds. • • Norwegian covered bonds qualify for 10% risk weighting in eligible European jurisdictions and comply with the CRD of the EU: Certain bonds cleared through appropriate clearing systems may be eligible as collateral for liquidity loans in the ECB. • 51 Norwegian covered bond framework (cont.) • Eligible assets: • • • • • • • • Mortgage assets: Residential property: 75% LTV Commercial property: 60% LTV (By-laws of DnB NOR Boligkreditt exclude this asset class) Loans to municipalities, governments and other public sectors • • Liquid substitution assets, maximum 20% of cover pool Derivatives contracts Should property prices fall, the part of the loan that exceeds the relevant LTVlimit is still included in the cover pool and protects the covered bondholders, but is not taken into account when calculating the value of the pool. To maintain the value of the cover pool, new loans with LTV up to 75% must be added. The same principle applies to loans in default. All property values shall be set by a competent and independent person. ALM requirements: • Matching requirements to control interest rate, foreign exchange and liquidity risk. 52 Norwegian covered bond framework (cont.) • • Supervision by an Independent Inspector: An Independent Inspector, appointed by the Norwegian FSA, monitors assets and liabilities on a regular basis, and the compliance with certain requirements laid down in the covered bond legislation. Suspected irregularities will be reported to the NFSA. The company’s external auditor may be appointed. • Bankruptcy proceedings are laid down in a special framework: Should the issuing company go bankrupt, assets in the cover pool and the corresponding cash flows are separated from the bankruptcy estate. • • • • Holders of covered bonds and derivative counterparties have a preferential claim over the cover pool assets. The estate manager must seek to ensure that contractual payments for covered bonds and secured derivatives are made. To meet contractual payments, assets may be sold or new covered bonds issued. Should the cover pool be unable to make contractual payments and an imminent change is unlikely, it will be wound down. The covered bonds/derivative counterparts rank pari passu. Claims on covered bonds are made based on the agreed future cash flow discounted at the market rate for comparable bonds in the relevant currency. 53 Appendix Appendix D: Financial performance and capital – additionally slides 54 Profit figures per quarter Pre-tax operating profit before impairment Pre-tax operating profit before impairment excl. basis swaps (NOK million) (NOK million) 6 806 6 689 5 265 5 660 5 588 5 611 5 831 1Q12 2Q12 3Q12 5 426 4 737 3 156 4Q11 1Q12 2Q12 3Q12 4Q12 4Q11 4Q12 Profit for the period Profit for the period excl. basis swaps (NOK million) (NOK million) 4 580 4 089 3 810 3 507 3 511 3 804 3 915 2Q12 3Q12 3 641 2 599 1 760 4Q11 1Q12 2Q12 3Q12 4Q12 55 4Q11 1Q12 4Q12 07.02.2013 Income statement Amounts in NOK million Net interest income Net commissions and fees, core business Net financial items Net other operating income, total Total income Total operating expenses before impairment losses for goodwill and intangible assets Impairment losses for goodwill and intangible assets Pre-tax operating profit before impairment Net gains on fixed and intangible assets Impairment of loans and guarantees Pre-tax operating profit Taxes Profit from operations held for sale, after taxes Profit for the period 56 1Q12 6 653 1 750 (143) 1 607 8 261 4Q11 6 792 1 632 3 967 5 599 12 392 Full year 2012 27 216 7 511 6 990 14 501 41 717 Full year 2011 25 252 7 436 9 317 16 754 42 006 5 149 5 105 5 206 20 660 19 792 85 0 0 380 287 380 5 265 20 521 4 763 1 256 0 3 507 6 689 37 685 6 041 1 553 92 4 580 3 156 7 784 2 378 618 0 1 760 4Q12 7 101 1 896 2 165 4 061 11 162 3Q12 6 828 1 852 1 776 3 628 10 456 2Q12 6 634 2 013 3 191 5 204 11 837 5 299 5 106 202 5 660 (65) 1 190 4 406 601 4 3 810 6 806 (1) 926 5 878 1 790 0 4 089 20 769 (1) 3 179 17 589 4 028 96 13 657 21 833 19 3 445 18 407 5 423 (5) 12 979 07.02.2013 Special items Amounts in NOK million Mark-to-market adjustments - basis swaps Net mark-to-market adjustments - other items Full year 2012 2011 4Q12 3Q12 235 (566) 95 79 76 176 272 426 246 202 85 0 0 380 287 380 128 (573) 2Q12 1 078 1Q12 (2 432) 4Q11 Full year 2 069 (1 687) 3 031 Impairment losses for goodwill and intangible assets Effect on pre-tax operating profit before impairment 57 1 154 (2 256) 1 961 (1 548) 2 897 07.02.2013 Impairment of loans and guarantees 4Q12 Amounts in NOK million Individual impairment: Retail Banking - Private customer divisions - SME divisions - DNB Finans 1) Large Corporates and International - Nordic Corporates Division - International Corporates and Institutions Division - Shipping, Offshore and Logistics Division - Energy Division - Other units 2) DNB excl. former DnB NORD Former DnB NORD - DNB Baltics and Poland - Other units Total individual impairment Collective impairment: DNB excl. DNB Baltics and Poland DNB Baltics and Poland Total collective impairment of loans Impairment of loans and guarantees 3Q12 2Q12 1Q12 4Q11 Full year 2012 Full year 2011 7 317 78 38 96 68 7 80 123 59 160 90 78 233 29 111 653 358 186 411 370 27 (14) (22) (12) 144 (21) 406 (18) 315 92 70 886 12 293 0 60 554 144 142 0 5 478 4 195 0 87 582 29 143 1 1 657 142 943 92 221 2 500 402 160 (8) (1) 1 926 62 0 949 115 0 670 132 0 609 106 0 688 237 126 1 020 415 0 2 915 1 103 188 3 217 268 (27) 241 1 190 (90) (58) (148) 521 108 (32) 76 685 138 (42) 96 784 424 (159) 265 3 179 82 146 227 3 445 (44) (50) (94) 926 1) Includes leasing, factoring and credit card and consumerfinancing. 2) Individual impairment of loans and guarantees in JSC DNB Bank, and loans and guarantees transferred from the former DnB NORD. 58 07.02.2013 Baltics – Stabilizing Net lending 31 Dec 2012 % of total loan book Latvia 13 344 1.0% Lithuania 18 914 1.5 % Estonia 3 305 0.3 % Poland 17 865 1.4 % DNB Baltics and Poland 53 428 4.1 % NOK million 59 Baltic countries are among the EU leaders according to GDP growth rates Real GDP growth 10 5 0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012(f) 2013(f) EU 27 Estonia -5 Latvia Lithuania Poland -10 -15 -20 Source: Eurostat (f) = forecast 60 DNB Bank PIIGS exposure No sovereign exposure Amounts in NOK million International Government bond portfolio debt DNB M arkets 1) Corporate portfolio Other units DNB in the bank Livsforsikring Total DNB Group Common portfolio of which DNBinvestments in Livsforsikring T reasury bonds Portugal 0 1 930 1 0 1 931 1 0 Ireland 0 2 225 164 0 2 389 470 0 Italy 0 2 063 877 0 2 940 1 324 1 149 Greece 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Spain 0 8 126 1 854 0 9 980 3 486 1 728 Total PIIGS 0 14 344 2 896 0 17 239 5 281 2 877 61 Solid capital position 30 Dec 2012 Equity Tier 1 ratio 10.7 % Tier 1 ratio 11.0 % Total capital ratio 12.6 % Equity ratio (1) 5.1% At full IRB implementation Equity Tier 1 ratio 12.1% Tier 1 ratio 12.4 % Total capital ratio 14.1 % 1) Equity tier 1 relative to total assets 62 Balance sheets DNB Group DNB Bank ASA 31 Dec. 31 Dec. 31 Dec. 31 Dec. 2012 2011 2012 2011 Deposits with central banks 299 225 296 221 Due from credit institutions 37 29 209 193 1 298 1 279 714 712 Other assets 631 594 518 489 Total assets 2 265 2 126 1 737 1 615 Due to credit institutions 251 280 283 296 Deposits from customers 811 740 787 704 Short-term debt securities issued 244 228 244 228 Long-term debt securities issued 464 407 171 156 Other liabilities and provisions 366 354 146 133 Equity 128 118 105 98 2 265 2 126 1 737 1 615 Ratio of deposits to net loans (%) 62.5 57.8 110.3 98.9 Adjusted ratio of deposits to net loans (%) 1) 62.4 57.3 110.2 97.9 Total combined assets 2 473 2 395 1 737 1 615 Currency-adjusted loans to customers 1 318 731 822 798 Amounts in NOK billion Loans to customers Total liabilities and equity Currency-adjusted deposits from customers 1) Excluding short-term money market deposits in DNB New York 63 07.02.2013 Disclaimer • • • • • This material has been prepared on the basis of the information provided by DNB Bank ASA (referred to as "DNB Bank") under the Covered Bond program and public available sources. DNB ASA – the holding company of the DNB group is referred to as "DNB " in this presentation. This material does not constitute an offering circular in whole or part and you must read the actual offering circular related to the Covered Bond program and the notes which may be issued from time to time thereunder as referred to in this material (respectively the "Program" and the “Notes”) before making an investment decision. The offering circular for the Program is available from the Arranger. You should consult the offering circular for more complete information about DNB and the Program. This material is presented solely for information purposes and is not to be construed as a solicitation or an offer to buy or sell any securities or related financial instruments and should not be treated as giving investment advice. It has no regard to the specific investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs of any recipient. No representation or warranty, either express or implied, is provided in relation to the accuracy, completeness or reliability of the information contained herein. It should not be regarded by recipients as a substitute for the exercise of their own judgment. Any opinions expressed in this material are subject to change without notice and DNB Bank is not under any obligation to update or keep current the information contained herein. In addition, institutions mentioned in this material, their affiliates, agents, directors, partners and employees may make purchases and/or sales of the Notes as principal or agent or may act as market maker or provide investment banking or other services in respect of the Program or the Notes which may be issued from time to time thereunder. DNB, the Arranger and the Dealers and their respective affiliates, agents, directors, partners and employees accept no liability whatsoever for any loss or damage of any kind arising out of the use of all or any part of this material. The Notes are not to be offered or sold in any jurisdiction in circumstances in which the distribution of this document or the Notes would be prohibited in such jurisdiction. This document must not be acted on or relied on by persons who are not eligible to invest in the Notes. Any investment or investment activity to which this communication relates is available only to persons eligible to invest in the Notes and will be engaged in only with such persons. Furthermore, you should consult with your own legal, regulatory, tax, business, investment, financial and accounting advisers to the extent that you deem it necessary, and make your own investment, hedging and trading decisions (including decisions regarding the suitability of an investment in the Notes which may be offered from time to time under the Program) based upon your own judgment and advice from such advisers as you deem necessary and not upon any view expressed in this presentation. 64