4. Works - MediaDetails
4. Works - MediaDetails
Index 1. Presentation 2. Services 3. Methodology 4. Works 5. Contacts 1. Presentation mediadetails – Interactive Communication, work in the area of IT and multimedia, implementing concepts and developing personalized solutions that follow the dynamics of the markets. Mission: To support our Customers in the adaptation to the technological evolution and in the reinforcement of its competition position, taking care of the various sectors of activity where they operate. Vision: The presence in this media is important, but md values are, above all, the creation of strategies of success in intention to provide more-values to our Customers. In this direction, we create new services in specific areas, that reach better results. Values: Severity, professionalism, responsibility and engagement, allies with the ability techniques and human beings of exception, translate successful works. 2. Services Mediadetails provides services in the areas of net-business and integration, support and development, in the following sources: • Consulting • Analysis and Programming • E-Commerce • Branding • Web Design • Graphical Design • Multimedia • Content Management • Construction, Maintenance and Reorganization of online/offline solutions • SMS/MMS • WAP 3. Methodology Each project is faced with a proper individuality but without forgetting the general dimension of the business. We use efficient methodologies that we apply in competitive solutions. 4. Works Selecções do Reader’s Digest - Portugal http://www.seleccoes.pt Actions: •Concept and Development •Adaptation to Global Branding •Content Management •Shopping Management •Technical Maintenance •Monthly and Thematic Newsletters •Email-Marketing •Online Quizzes •Connection with rd.com •Flash Games Technology: ASP; XML/XSL; SQL Server; Commerce Server; Flash MX; Interwoven Team Site 4. Works Selecciones Reader’s Digest - España http://www.selecciones.es Actions: •Adaptation to Global Branding •Content Management •Connection with rd.com •Flash Games Technology: HTML; Flash MX; Interwoven Team Site 4. Works Mediadetails http://www.mediadetails.com Actions: •Concept and Development •Branding Technology: Flash MX; XML; HTML; ASP 4. Works AZIMUTE-X – Formação e Organização de Eventos http://www.azimute-x.com Actions: •Concept and Development •Reserved area for Clients •Site in Flash and HTML versions •Creation of Contents •Paper brochure Technology: Flash MX; ASP; HTML; Access; 4. Works Viniturismo http://www.viniturismo.com Actions: •Website Technical Maintenance •Monthly and Thematic Newsletters •Multimedia Gallery Technology: HTML; ASP; SQL Server; md.PT 4. Works Federação Equestre Portuguesa http://www.fep.pt Actions: •Concept and Development •Website Technical Maintenance •Automatic Content Management •Monthly and Thematic Newsletters •FEP Database •Redesign (July/2005) Technology: HTML; ASP; SQL Server; XML/XSL; md.PT; Flash; .NET 4. Works Lourisom http://www.lourisom.pt Actions: •Concept and Development •Web Design •Website Technical Maintenance •Forum Engine Technology: HTML; ASP; SQL Server; XML/XSL; md.PT; Flash; .NET 4. Works Digital Insights http://www.reunioes.com Actions: •Reorganization of functionalities •Creation of Contents Technology: HTML; ASP; SQL Server; XML/XSL 4. Works Teatro Nacional D. Maria II http://www.teatro-dmaria.pt Actions: •Concept and Development •Content Management •Website Technical Maintenance Technology: HTML; ASP; XML/XSL; Flash 4. Works Protocolo Ordem Arquitectos+AHP http://arq.ahp.pt Actions: •Concept and Development •Web Design •Website Technical Maintenance •Creation of Contents Technology: HTML; ASP; XML/XSL; Flash 4. Works X-Tazee Records http://www.x-tazee.com Actions: •Concept and Development •Branding •Web Design •Content Management •Website Technical Maintenance Technology: HTML; ASP; SQL Server; XML/XSL; md.PT; Flash; .NET 4. Works Snowy White (in implementation) http://www.mediadetails.com/snowywhite/index.asp Actions: •Concept and Development •Branding •Web Design •Creation of Contents •Content Management •Website Technical Maintenance Technology: HTML; ASP; SQL Server; XML/XSL; md.PT; Flash; .NET 4. Works Jornal CONSTRUIR http://www.construir.pt Actions: •Concept •Integration with philosophy of the Workmedia Group •Web Design •HTML Development •Newsletters Technology: DHTML 4. Works Jornal PUBLITURIS http://www.publituris.pt Actions: •Concept •Integration with philosophy of the Workmedia Group •Web Design •HTML Development •Newsletters Technology: DHTML 4. Works Grupo WORKMEDIA (in implementation) http://www.mediadetails.com/WorkMedia_1/Institucional/default.html Actions: •Concept and Development •Integration with philosophy of the Workmedia Group •Web Design Technology: DHTML 4. Trabalhos Presentes.pt http://www.presentes.pt/ Actions: •Concept and development •Branding •Web Design •Website Technical Maintenance Technology: HTML; ASP; SQL Server; XML/XSL; md.PT; Flash; .NET 4. Trabalhos Semidivinus http://www.semidivinus.com/ Actions: •Concept and development •Web Design •Website Technical Maintenance Technology: HTML; ASP; SQL Server; XML/XSL; md.PT; Flash; .NET 4. Trabalhos Nestlé - Vending http://www.nestle.pt/vending/ Acções: •Develpment • Website Technical Maintenance •Content Management Tecnologia: HTML; ASP; SQL Server; XML/XSL; md.PT; Flash; .NET 4. Trabalhos Forum Estudante http://www.forum.pt Actions: • Development Technology:: HTML; ASP; SQL Server; XML/XSL; md.PT; Flash; .NET 4. Trabalhos NCL Viagens Digital Signage Actions: • Digital Signage interface for three in-store displays Technology: HTML; ASP; SQL Server; XML/XSL; md.PT; Flash; .NET 4. Trabalhos Izi – Bricolage | Decoração | jardim http://www.izi.pt Actions: •Development •Website Technical Maintenance •Interface for Products Automatic Import Technology: HTML; ASP; SQL Server; XML/XSL; md.PT; Flash; .NET 4. Trabalhos Izi Espanha – Bricolaje | Decoración | Jardinería http://www.izi.com.es Actions: •Development •Website Technical Maintenance •Interface for Products Automatic Import Technology: HTML; ASP; SQL Server; XML/XSL; md.PT; Flash; .NET 4. Trabalhos Pronupcias – O Melhor da Vida http://www.pronupcias.pt Actions: •Concept and development •Web Design •Interface for Content Automatic Import Technology: HTML; ASP; SQL Server; XML/XSL; md.PT; Flash; .NET 4. Works Technological Platform (backoffice used in several works) Actions: •Access Control •Users Management •Profiles Management •Sections Management •Content Management •Multimedia Contents •Send/Tracking Emails •Register Users Management •Newsletters Management Technology: HTML; ASP; SQL Server; XML/XSL; .NET 5. Contacts Avenida António Augusto Aguiar nº5 - 4ºD 1050-010 Lisboa PORTUGAL Phone: +351 218 872 579 Fax: +351 218 872 579 geral@mediadetails.com