SHEP Nuacht Issue 28 - Social Health Education Project


SHEP Nuacht Issue 28 - Social Health Education Project
SHEP NUACHT - #28 (June 2016)
The newsletter for trainees, service users, trainers, tutors, counsellors, advocates, committee members, staff & friends of
The Social and Health Education Project
Training & Development ● Low-Cost Counselling ● Advocacy ● International Partnership
Visit our new website!
Some of the participants of the SHEP Certificate in Personal Development Course just completed in Waterford, with
Trainers Beatrice Barry-Murphy and Eliz Langford.This is the first time a SHEP course has been delivered in Waterford
Annual Gathering
The SHEP Annual Gathering took place on Friday, April 14 th at Bessborough Family Centre. A large
group attended what was a very enjoyable evening, which included some short information updates
from the Chairperson and Project Director, some break-out group discussion and some light
entertainment. A big thank you to the organising group – Siobhán O’Connor, Geraldine O’Connell,
and Noreen Leahy. A big thank you also to the Karina, Pat and Hannah Healy for providing the music.
Staff News: new appointments
We are delighted to welcome Justyna Jegier to the team as Financial Assistant. A big welcome also to
Eilis O’Hanlon, who is taking up a part-time Training and Development Officer role. We wish Dolores
McCashin the very best as she now moves to working with SHEP in the Training and Development
Officer role one day per week.
Training & Development ● Low-cost Counselling ● Advocacy ● International Partnership
SHEP NUACHT - #28 (June 2016)
Facilitated Enquiry Process- Just completed
You may be aware that we recently completed an interesting and thought-provoking ‘Facilitated
Enquiry Process’ within SHEP. The aim of the process was to ‘create a project-wide inclusive space to
reflect on SHEP’s approach to engaging in research and possibly scope out potential areas of work
that would be supportive, appropriate, practical and manageable’. We were delighted that Dr Helen
Ruddle facilitated this innovative process for us – and I’m pleased now to attach her report. It’s a
substantial and very insightful document which we are very happy to share with you and all those
involved in delivering SHEP’s work. Section One provides a record of the feedback from each of the
six groups (Advocates, Tutors, Trainers, Counsellors, Staff, Management Committee/Advisory Group
members). Section Two is an analysis of the feedback. The final section of the report contains some
conclusions and suggestions. This is an important piece of work and will be very helpful not only
because it will help us identify areas of future enquiry/research but also because it can inform the
development of our strategic plan process for the years 2017-2020.
SHEP Presentation of Certificates Ceremonies
Thursday 26th May Waterford
Thursday 9th June Limerick
Wednesday 15th June Skibbereen
Thursday 16th June Tralee
Tuesday 21st June Cork
Presentation of Certificates Events
Congratulations to all of our participants in the 2015/2016 courses, and a big ‘thank you’ to all our
trainers. We are looking forward to meeting you at our Presentation of Certificates events – on 9th
June in Limerick, on 15th June in Skibbereen, on 16th June in Tralee, and on 21st June in Cork. A special
mention for the first ever Waterford-based SHEP Certificate in Personal Development group who
have already received their certificates at a very nice ceremony in the Edmund Rice Heritage Centre
on May 26th.
SHEP Governance Update
We have completed an important review of governance in SHEP in light of new developments,
particularly with regard to company law. The name of the company will officially change over the
next few months from The Social and Health Education Project Ltd to The Social and Health Education
Project CLG (Company Limited by Guarantee). We have also agreed that the Company Directors, who
are selected by the Management Committee members from Management Committee members, will
meet on their own for a short meeting before each Management Committee meeting to look at
financial reports and compliance issues. A small number of other changes are being made to the
Memorandum of Association.
Charities Regulation
SHEP is a registered charity. Under new legislation all charities must now register with the new
Charity Regulator and complete returns to the Regulator every year. This is an important part of the
new approach to ensuring greater transparency and accountability in the charities sector in Ireland.
Training & Development ● Low-cost Counselling ● Advocacy ● International Partnership
SHEP NUACHT - #28 (June 2016)
SHEP Company Directors
Congratulations to Siobhan O’Connor who, at our recent AGM in May 2016, was re-elected SHEP
Chairperson (for a two-year term of office). Six other committee members were elected to be
company directors: Una Furey, Angela Murphy, Catherine Richardson, Stephen Griffin, Tom McCarthy
and Ann O’Sullivan.
SHEP Reflective Practice
This innovative SHEP programme was offered earlier this year in association with the Cork Volunteer
Centre and the Bons Secours Health System. We are delighted that the demand was so strong and
to report that the Bons Secours Health System provided additional co-funding so that three groups
have now started this programme in Cork.
Training Calendar 2016-2017
We recently launched our Training Calendar for 2016-2017 and it available to anyone by email and is
also on our website (we are no longer printing copies as it has proved too expensive to do this).
SHEP Limerick & New ‘BEL’ Initiative
The Mid West Regional Drug & Alcohol Task Form have recently awarded a further €28,300 towards
the SHEP training programme in Limerick – this will co-fund two further SHEP Personal Development
Courses to commence in late September. The Presentation of Certificates Ceremony in Limerick will
take place on June 9th and will be combined with an information and consultation session on ‘BEL’ Building Experiential Learning’. BEL will take over from the ‘Limerick SHEP Steering Committee’ from
Summer 2017.
Specialised Tutor Training – Seasons for Growth – Living with Grief, Loss & Change
It has been four years since SHEP ran a tutor training course in Grief, Loss & Change. To respond to
demand from tutors for an opportunity to participate in this advanced STT, we are currently inviting
applications for the next offering of this course which will run from October 2016 to April 2017 in
Ballincollig. The closing date is June 30th.
‘Caring for Our Well-being’
The graduates of this new Specialised Tutor Training course are up and running! Most of the
2014/2015 Cork group have been facilitating this short community course in various settings, and
many of the 2015/2016 Kerry group have begun. It’s another great support to health and well-being
available through our community tutors. Spread the word!
SHEP Residential Mindfulness Weekend on Oileán Chléire (Cape Clear)
If you are looking for an opportunity to practise being mindful in a beautiful place, then Oileán
Chléire is the place to be. Our volunteer organisers, Noreen Leahy and Nuala McDonnell, have begun
putting arrangements in place for what will be our fourth annual weekend - September 16th – 18th
2016. Mary O’Callaghan will once again be leading the retreat, and the theme of this year’s weekend
is ‘Mindfulness and Emotions’. Over the weekend we will learn meditations and practices that help
us to embrace and live creatively with our complex emotional life. Contact the office for a flyer/
application form if you haven’t already received one.
Training & Development ● Low-cost Counselling ● Advocacy ● International Partnership
SHEP NUACHT - #28 (June 2016)
On-going Development Programme – Advance Notice
The autumn 2016 programme is taking shape, and will be circulated in early September. You may
want to keep the weekend of October 8th & 9th free for a 5 Rhythms Workshop with Caitríona Nic
Volunteering Opportunity with Sahakarmi Samaj
SHEP has had an important link with Sahakarmi Samaj, a community development project in Nepal,
for over nine years. We have had two groups visit them over the years to see the outstanding work
they do within very marginalised communities over there. We are now exploring the setting up of a
volunteering programme and we are looking for someone to be our first volunteer. The work is likely
to be a combination of teaching English to mid-level management staff in Sahakarmi and providing
help to translate documents into proper English. The placement would be for approximately 2-3
months - the starting date is flexible. If you are interested please contact Leonie Lynch, SHEP
International Partnership Officer on (086) 6041764.
International Partnership with Sahakarmi Samaj
For over eight years now SHEP has been supporting the operation of the South-Western Nepal
Community Governance Programme, which is funded by Irish Aid and ICCO Cooperation and
implemented by our Nepali partners, Sahakarmi Samaj. SHEP has the role of monitoring the project
and providing organizational support for Sahakarmi Samaj. We are now in the last year of the current
(third) three year funding round – and sourcing new funds to support Sahakarmi Samaj will be a very
significant challenge.
Despite the extremely difficult circumstances in Nepal this past year, including the earthquake,
political unrest resulting in the closing of borders with India and a swine flu epidemic, the staff of
Sahakarmi Samaj continued their work. Approximately, 26,917 people so far are benefitting from the
project in the new districts of Kailali and Jajarkot. The interventions by the ‘Community Groups’
benefit not only the local communities but also the general population. About 78% of the
Community Groups are led by female members and female leadership has gradually been enhanced
in the working communities.
Shantaram’s situation is an example of how these community groups have improved peoples’ lives.
Shantaram’s house was completely destroyed by a storm and his family with two small children
became homeless. They had nowhere to sleep and no money to build a new home. All the
community group members got together, collected the necessary building materials and over a two
week period they helped him build a new house. Speaking of his experience, Santram said 'I will
never in all my life, forget this enormous support. Sahakarmi Samaj has made us human beings and
changed our thoughts, as well as transformed us into well organized and unified community groups.'
SHEP Certificate in Advocacy: An Introduction (QQI Level 6 Component Award)
commencing October 2016
SHEP Training Centre, Ballincollig
This programme is now open for applications
Training & Development ● Low-cost Counselling ● Advocacy ● International Partnership
SHEP NUACHT - #28 (June 2016)
Friends of SHEP - Volunteers Needed!
We are looking for volunteers to take on the organising of ‘Friends of SHEP’. This has been an
important space within SHEP for many years and we are keen to keep it going, but volunteers are
needed to give it new direction and to organise it. If you are interested in helping you might contact
Jim Sheehan (021) 4666180.
‘We obtain the most precious gifts not by searching for them, but by waiting for them.’
Simone Weil.
This money will help support Course Concessions and the SHEP Caring for the Earth Initiative.
A collection jar has been set up in the reception area in the SHEP office in Ballincollig.
If you would like any further information please contact Helen Godsell at 021-4666180 or
Eimer Cadogan in SHEP
Eimer Cadogan, a student on the Masters in Applied Psychology programme in UCC, has been on
placement with SHEP since January. In her time with us, she has contributed significantly to SHEP’s
work in many ways. In addition to being a mentor on the Leadership course, Eimer undertook two
important research projects and prepared a seminar for stress management tutors on the latest
research on stress. The first research piece was to do with client satisfaction with the Coiscéim
service, and Eimer presented the results to the staff, SHEP Management Committee, and the
Coiscéim Counsellors’ Forum. The second research project focused on an analysis of participant endof-course evaluations of the Family Communication community education course. Eimer is currently
finalising the results which she will be presenting to the Management Committee in June. In
between all of this work, Eimer also managed to find time to work on databases and other
administrative tasks. We will miss her sorely when she finishes her placement in early July, and we
wish her very well in her future career.
SHEP UCC Diploma 2013-15 Graduate
Emily Barrett
‘SHEP's Diploma course in Social and Psychological Health Studies was truly a wonderful adventure which I
had the pleasure to embark upon. Focusing a lot on refection, I found myself totally engaged in this course
from start to finish. It is packed with features and material which was extremely thought provoking and
provided me with a great understanding of the many topics included. This course was ideal for me as it
helped me to gain a comprehensive understanding of the main elements of psychology and social health.
This has proved to be a great benefit with my career progression. The content was very easy to
understand with the help of supportive tutors and course coordinators. I made very strong bonds and
lifelong friends. Honestly, this course has changed my has changed me and in a very positive way.
It has opened my mind and the way that I think and I would highly recommend it!!!!!’
Training & Development ● Low-cost Counselling ● Advocacy ● International Partnership
SHEP NUACHT - #28 (June 2016)
SHEP / Páirc a’ Tobair Earth Initiative
The work of the Earth Initiative has been continuing and developing further this year. More people have been
getting involved, as word of SHEP’s work on these issues ripples out. And even though the issues of climate
change and climate justice can be such painful issues to face, people have been greatly valuing the support
available from facing things together, and have even managed to have laughter and fun in the process!
A number of meetings have taken place between Project staff and other members of the Earth Initiative,
exploring how earth awareness work can be more fully integrated into SHEP’s training and development
courses. Such integration is seen as valuable because issues of climate change and climate justice are likely to
impinge more and more on people’s lives. It is also seen as appropriate because so much of SHEP’s work has to
do with helping people to face and cope with painful and difficult feelings. It was agreed that for the moment
the best place for such integration would be the SHEP Certificate in Social Awareness and Community
Empowerment course. It was also agreed that a one-day course, called Expanding Awareness: Opening Our
Minds to Our Beautiful but Suffering World, would be offered this June to SHEP staff, Management Committee
members, Trainers and other SHEP practitioners. (This course will be mainly based on the materials developed
by the Pachamama Alliance.)
Two evening DVD and discussion sessions were held in the SHEP office this spring. One was the acclaimed This
Changes Everything, a film made from Naomi Klein’s best-selling book about the impact of large capitalist
corporations on the earth and on the poor. The second film was Dirt: The Movie, an informative and disturbing
look at the precious resource of soil and how it is rapidly being eroded and degraded.
The peer training group for facilitators (“Opening to the Earth”), which started in 2015, has continued this
year, and it is planned to continue further, with four day-long sessions each year. The Cry of the Earth group
has also continued to meet each month. Both of these groups provide valuable support and inspiration to their
members. Also, as part of Cork Life-Long Learning week, members of the Cry of the Earth group facilitated a
successful open session for the general public.
A new course, open both to people involved in SHEP and to members of the general public, has been
developed as part of SHEP’s programme of short open courses. This is a 21-hour course (6 evening or day-time
sessions of 2½ hours, plus one day-long Saturday session), entitled Caring about a Small Blue Planet: An
Introduction to Earth Awareness. This covers such topics as awe and wonder at the earth, biodiversity and the
web of life, what is happening to earth, air, fire and water, our addiction to “stuff”, and our need to work
together for change. The course also includes the materials developed by the international Pachamama
Alliance under the titles Awakening the Dreamer or Be the Change. The course has already been put on twice
this year and will be offered again at least once in the autumn, though dates and times are not yet fixed.
(Those interested in attending should apply to the SHEP office.)
SHEP and the Earth Initiative have also been represented on Cork Climate Action, a loose coalition of groups
and individuals concerned to raise awareness of climate and climate justice issues in the general public. The
group first came together to organize the Climate March in Cork in November 2015. Prior to the general
election this spring it organized a public meeting of representative of political parties to invite them to present
their policies on climate issues. The meeting was highly successful, though most of the parties showed up very
badly. More recently, the group organized a “flash-mob” in Cork city, to highlight the need to close Irish peatfired power stations.
The Village Centre, Ballincollig, Co, Cork.
(021) 4666180
The Social & Health Education Project - promoting health and well-being since 1974
Training & Development ● Low-cost Counselling ● Advocacy ● International Partnership