October 2015 Auction Flier - The Complete Auction Service
October 2015 Auction Flier - The Complete Auction Service
AUCTIONS OCT. 11 ON-SITE ESTATE IN FARMINGTON, NH OCT. 25 GENERAL MERCHANDISE OCT. 28 ANTIQUES & COLLECT. FIRST CLASS DATED MAIL ON-SITE NH COUNTRY ESTATE AUCTION 9:30AM SUNDAY OCTOBER 11 (Insp. 8 - 9:30AM Day of Auction) Location: 102 Hornetown Road, Farmington, NH (From Jct. Rtes 28 & 11 in Alton, NH follow Rte 11 East 7.8 Miles, Right on Ridge Road .4 Mi., Left on Hornetown Rd. .5 Mi. or From Exit 15 on Rte. 16 Spaulding Tpke. follow Rte. 11 West 7 Mi., Left on Ridge Rd., Left on Hornetown Rd.; Plenty of Good Off Road Parking. Watch your Speed Limits) FURNITURE & ACCESSORIES * 4 TRACTORS * TOOLS * 6 GENERATORS ECHO 50 MOPED * 1971 VOLKS. BEETLE * UTILITY TRAILER * GUNS ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES * CATERING EQUIP. * REAL ESTATE * ETC! We are Pleased to have been Commissioned to Auction the Estate of Donald A. Littlefield Jr. This is a very diversified Auction. Partial list inc: FURNITURE: 3 cushion floral sofa & loveseat, oak 8 dr. silverware chest, Yield House oak dbl. ped. base table w/6 chairs, Yield House oak breakfront hutch, Broyhill 4 section organizer, 2 bonded leather dbl. recliner sofas, corner cabinet, coffee & end tables, 2 Ethan Allen BR sets, 5 dr. lingerie chest, electric hospital bed, oak Grandfather clock, pineapple beds, pine cradle, pine chest on chest, pine cannonball 4 poster bed, wicker chairs, wicker desk, wicker organizer, 3 dr. wicker chest, 7 dr. maple chest, bent wood chair, & other furniture; ... Asst. glass & china, lamps, & other household furnishings; ... ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES inc: wicker tea cart, Niagara Oak ice chest, 3 dr. marble top chest, Empire commode, 4 dr. pine chest, Western Electric crank telephone, apple cider press, spinning wheel, lg. stoneware bread bowl, platform scales, asst. c.i. ware, w.i. andirons, RR crossing sign, Dressel RR lantern, toy milking cow, Coke & Pepsi signs, adv. tin dust pan & match holder, WWII child’s uniform, child’s cowboy boots & pants, etc.; ... TOOLS inc: A complete woodworking and metal working shop, Jet P 208-1 surface planer, Nova 3000 swivel head cast 6’ bed lathe, Walker Turner & Craftsman drill presses, Power Matic drum sander, 1 1/2hp Reliant 6” belt & 12” disc sander, Foley Belsaw 4130901 belt sander, Reliant 8” Jointer DD40, W&H molder, Reliant spindle shaper EE30, Hitachi CB 75F ReSaw, 3hp Wood Teck 13” belt sander, Sears surface planer, Walker Turner 24” jig saw, Reliant DD400 drum sander, Wood teck chisel mortiser drill, Shop Smith, Reliant 10” tilt arbor saw, antique Jim Marston & Vandy Churchill reconditioned band saws, arbor presses, Delta comp. mitre saw, 8” bench grinder, old metal cut off saw, Reliant 6” Universal surface grinder, DD606 old 18” metal lathe, Craftsman metal lathe w/40” bed, old LL Blond #1 metal surface grinder, air compressors, asst. pneumatic tools & nailers, nice 4 bag Torit dust collector mod. 20-5-Fb 3hp 110/220, all kinds of C & bar clamps, asst. hand tools, Crafts. multi tool cordless set, antique Cipper #9 portable lacer, nice S. Joberg woodworking bench, Husky roll a- round tool chest, Crafts. tool box, etc.; ... House jacks, chainfalls, torch set, wet stone; ... GUNS inc: Marlin lever act. 30-30 model 336, marlin model 81-DL-22 rifle w/scope, Western Field mdl. 894 22 rifle, OF Mosberg mod. 185-D-B 20 ga. shot gun, H&R Topper mod. 12 ga. shot gun, dbl barrel 12 ga. Barclay hammer shot gun, Daisy Red yder BB gun (rough), 2 S?R series 1900 soft air pistols WSHC66 50 22 laminated bow; ... CATERING EQUIPMENT inc: Delfield stainless pie cooler, portable soft serve machine, 10x10 easy up tent, General s/s meat slicer, 3 soft drink ice coolers, s/s food warmers, etc; ... Other items you’ll find inc: 9 sleds, ladders, alum. carry trailer hitch rack, tang vise, Hank Aaron signed baseball, lobster trap, treadmill, new 12’x9’ camper awning; ... TO BE SOLD @ 12 NOON: Red Streak Eco 50 Moped, 1971 Volkswagen Beetle, power King 2418 all gear drive Tractor w/ Woods 48” brush cutter, International Cub-Lo-Boy 154 w/5’ cutting deck, 2 Allis Chalmers B Tractors w/sickle bar mowers, Independent 5’ brush cutter, 1979 home made dbl. axle equipment trailer, Coleman Power Mate 5000 w generator, Porter Cable 6500 w generator, Honda 6000 w generator, Winco Winchester 6500 w generator, 9” & 6” post drills, asst. Wisconsin motors, Craftsman 6hp 2400 psi pressure washer, Clear force 1800 psi power washer, asst. Allis Chalmers tractor parts, hay conveyor AUCTION HELD REGARDLESS OF WEATHER - DRESS FOR THE WEATHER ** Check AuctionZip.com ID #17715 and our website to see many photos & complete listing.** Plan to join us. We Sincerely Thank You for telling others about our Compete Auction and Cert. Appraisal Service. TERMS : Cash or Check w/ Proper ID * 10% Buyer’s Premium * NO Absentee and NO Phone Bids Accepted All Items Sold As Is Subject to Error or Omission * All Sales Final * Tents * Chairs * Catered REAL ESTATE AUCTION 2PM SUNDAY OCTOBER 11 102 HORNETOWN ROAD, FARMINGTON, NH 03835 A 1793 4 bedroom Colonial Farmhouse with Modern Up-Dates and Hand Crafted Woodwork Throughout; Large Horse Barn; Legal In-law Apartment; Basement Workshop; Attached 2 car Garage; On 31 Acre Lot; 5-7 Acres of Clear Pasture; Approx. 924’ of Road Frontage. Gross Taxes $9,208.00 Note: If this property has not been sold by the date of the Auction it will be offered subject to owner’s confirmation. Real Estate Terms: $5000. deposit Cash or Certified Funds Day of Auction with balance at closing in 30 days plus 2% Buyer’s Premium. Other Terms if any announced at the Auction. Call for further information. Shown by appointment. <- <- <- ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 28! GENERAL MERCHANDISE AUCTION 9:30AM SUNDAY OCTOBER 25 (Insp. 8 - 9:30AM Day of Auction) ! Location: Under Tents, 386 Suncook Valley Hwy (Rte. 28), Epsom,NH! (I-93 to Concord, NH, Exit 15E, follow Rtes. 393 & 4 East 10 miles to Jct. Rtes 4 & 28, then South 2 miles on 28) ! ! FURNITURE * ACCESSORIES * APPLIANCES * TOYS * TOOLS * PETERBORO BASKETS! COINS * PRINTS * DOLLS * RIDER MOWER * SNOW BLOWER * KAYAK * BOAT * 4 SADDLES * ETC!! ! FALL, For the FUN & EXCITEMENT of a NH Country Auction. This Sunday Full Day Auction is loaded with many Treasures from a number of Estates, Trusts & Homes. Partial list inc.: FURNITURE: Pine S- curve roll top desk, Heywood Wakefield maple custom chest & dresser, mahogany BR set - 2/2 & 2/4 chests & bed, Oak Armoire, 2 Provincial BR sets, Maple BR set, Mahogany 4 post bed, French Provincial lingerie chest, pine Shaker style jelly cabinet, maple, pine & lighted oak hutches, birch corner cabinet, pine trestle table/bench set, Dearborn Co. maple kitchen set, maple dinette, dbl. bank cherry desk, credenza, brass bed, Lazy Boy & other recliners, camel back loveseat, over stuffed chairs, Canadian gliders, sleep sofa, bar stools, formica dinette, brass & glass coffee table, nest of stands, cherry TV stand, d.l. cherry coffee table, maple desk, kitchen utility cart, display cabinet, cedar wardrobe, pine cabinet, pine book shelf, machine Oriental area rugs, other furniture; ... ACCESSORIES inc: Glass, China & Decor from several homes inc: Salmon Falls & modern pottery, steins, Beam bottles, moose figurines, Wm Tyner, Chet Reneson, David Maas, Basil Ede duck stamp prints, A. Taylor AP “Open Day”, John Sargent “Snow Rolling” print, Aristides R. Silvaa oil on canvas ‘83, Selection of pans, bakeware & asst. kitchenware & sm. appliances, Bose radio, Electrolux & Central, Kenmore, Bissell, vacuums, 3 elec. heaters MIB, Rival slicer, crystal & other lamps, Peterboro & other baskets, Singer dress form, Conductor trumpet, 5 pc. Tama drum set & cymbals, selection of Barbies, American Girl & other dolls, Beanies, New tribesmen figures, Lionel & HO trains, Varitek & Youkilis signed bats, sulky rooster & moose weathervane, selection of Tonkas & other die cast cars & trucks, Kenmore & Whirlpool refrigerators, 2 under counter refrigerators, Kenmore upright freezer, Admiral washer, dehumidifiers, A/C unit, elec. fountain, patio furniture, cement lawn ornaments, snowshoes, camp gear, Exp 1000 treadmill, inversion table, Rampage & Huffy bikes, (4) 225-70-16 m&s wheels & tires, (4) P225/50 R17 Volvo rims & tires, repro flintlock pistol, asst. fishing gear, Buck & other knives, reloading access.; ... TOOLS inc: Delta bench drill press, Makita mitre saw, Craftsman chop saw, joiner, sanding center, Chicago elec. tile saw, Porter Cable compressor, Hitachi & other nailers, Milwaukee sawsall, good number asst. power tools, 2 Craftsman tool chests, asst. hand carpenter & mechanics tools, bench grinder, alum. step & extension ladders, wheelbarrow & garden tools, Echo & Craftsman chainsaws, gas trimmers, Toro & Craftsman push mowers, elec. pressure washer; ... COINS inc: (20) 1881, 1884 & 1886 & other Morgan dollars, Peace dollars, Walking Liberty & Franklin 1/2s, mercury dimes, Buffalo & V nickels, 30 silver Kennedy 1/2s, other asst. coins, asst. foreign coins, asst. stamp books; ... ! ! To Be Sold @ 12 NOON - Poulan Pro 18hp 42” Rider Mower, Baker 8/24 Snow Blower, 10’ Water Quest Aruba deluxe Kayak, 12’ alum. row boat, Mercury 3.5 o/b, Minnekota elec. trolling motor, Blue Ridge English, heavy tooled Western, Spring Tree, John Stubben Krefeld Saddles, 2 harness benches, saddle rack, ETC.! AUCTION HELD REGARDLESS OF WEATHER - DRESS FOR THE WEATHER! ** Check AuctionZip.com ID #17715 and our website to see many photos & listing.**! Plan to join us. We Sincerely Thank You for telling others about our Compete Auction and Cert. Appraisal Service. ! TERMS : Cash or Check w/ Proper ID * 10% Buyer’s Premium * NO Absentee and NO Phone Bids Accepted! All Items Sold As Is Subject to Error or Omission * All Sales Final * Heated Tents * Chairs * Catered ! GEORGE S. FOSTER III, CAI PROFESSIONAL AUCTIONEER & APPRAISER 386 Suncook Valley Hwy., Epsom, NH 03234 TEL. 603-736-9240 FAX. 603-736-3339 E-Mail Address: GSFoster3@aol.com Web Site: http://www.TheCompleteAuctionService.com THE COMPLETE AUCTION SERVICE CO. AUCTION AND APPRAISAL OF ESTATES * SPECIAL COLLECTIONS ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES LIQUIDATIONS * CONSIGNMENTS NH LIC. #2149 Better Business Bureau Accredited Business; USPAP CERTIFIED ! Member: Certified Auctioneer’s Institute, National and NH Auctioneer’s Assoc., Cert. Appraisers Guild of America A FEW MORE PHOTOS FOR THIS AUCTION ON BACK OF FLIER A Few Photos For 10/25/15 Auction Go To AuctionZip.com ID#17715 For More <-Signed Tiger Woods NH COUNTRY AUCTION ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES 9:30AM WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 28 (Insp.8 - 9:30AM Day of Auction) ! Location: Under Tents, 386 Suncook Valley Hwy, Epsom,NH! ! (I-93 to Concord, NH, Exit 15E, follow Rtes. 393 & 4 East 10 miles to Jct. Rtes 4 & 28, then South 2 miles on Rte.28) ! FURNITURE * GLASS & CHINA * MILITARY * JEWELRY * EPHEMERA * ART! PEDAL CAR * RR ITEMS * TOYS * COUNTRY COLLECTIBLES * ETC!! FALL, for the FUN and EXCITEMENT of a NH Country Auction. For your pleasure and convenience we have moved items from a number of Estates,Trusts & Homes to the above location. Partial List inc.; FURNITURE: Graduated highboy top on newer bracket base, 1 dr. figured maple transitional stand, rope leg card table, early 4 dr. pine bracket base chest w/resto., walnut Penn. corner cupboard, walnut punched tin cupboard, 5 oak chests, dbl. door oak bookcase, oak commode, Empire mahog. writing desk, 3 pc. spool front pine BR set, 4 dr. pine chests, Empire chest & commode, ptd. Sheraton chest, 3 dr. walnut chest, 4 dr. cherry chest, mahog. music cabinet, oak book shelf, taper leg pine stand, dovetailed blanket box, step down arrow back rocker, d.l. walnut table, folding Vict. table,Vic. Hall Tree, mahog. book shelf, walnut d.f. desk, wicker high chair & bassinet, hooded cradle, brass & iron bed, pine armoire, birch panel storage closet, barn board hutch, 8 stenciled plank seat chairs, Cottage Pine bedroom set, cedar chest, oak fainting couch, breakfast nook, custom pine blanket chest, Hitchcock 2/3 chest & 2 chairs, 5 metal industrial/institutional stools, dovetail storage chest w/ship ptd. scene; ... ACCESSORIES inc: Amoy flo blue platter, Battle of Bunker Hill plate, Abby & Blue Willow blue transfer ware, Mulberry & others, Knowles, Spode, Woodland, Lenox, Noritake, Buffalo Pottery, 15 pcs. Mary Gregory style glassware, Northwood purple pitcher & tumblers, cased, Depression, Carnival, Fenton, pink milk glass, Bristol, pattern, Waterford & other glass; 14K diamond man’s ring, other 14K & 10K rings, sterling ring w/amethyst, sterl. ring w/turquoise, other sterl. rings & Swank cuff links w/blue stones, & sterl. pendants, amber, sterling & costume jewelry, key wind pocket watch, sterling, coin & souvenir spoons, sterl. bowl, White Mtn. & other stereo views, inc. photo albums, post cards, Huntington & Savage 1835 Atlas, 1915 Auto Blue Book, minstrel joke book, playbills, group of Arctic Voyage related books, Poughkeepsie Bridge pamphlet, Topsy & other children & youth books, Historys of Concord & Candia, other N.H. books, 2 homespun spreads, linens, a few vintage lady’s whites & furs, quilts, Oriental, braided, hooked scatter rugs, buttons, Swiss music box, stenograph, ‘50’s Champion Jet Flo Drive Pedal Car, Murray chain driven pedal tractor, 2 ship’s wheels, CrisCraft model, lg. sailboat pond model, litho Goody Two Shoes game, doll chests, 2 children’s ctry. hutches, child’s sewing machine, Boy Scout banners, bound 1862 Daily American Manchester newspaper & others, 1936 rodeo program Boston ; ... MILITARY: Collection of WWII, Nazi artifacts inc: Steel helmet, bayonettes scabbards, belt & buckles, canteen, patches & pins, arm bands, dress hat, Berlin 1936 Olympic badge, RCAF cap, WWII era scrapbook of service patches, US 94450 1909 knife & belt, British bayonette, Solingen bayonette, Ka-Bar USMC knife, dress sword, Civil War N.H. General CDV, 1747 scratch decorated powder horn, ‘60’s Army flight helmet, war rations & letters; ... ART inc: Lg. o/c fisherman 1925 by George Harley, 2 oil on panel portraits: (1) a lighthouse & sailing ship & (2) 2 sailing ships & a tug boat, 1930’s o/c cottage, barn pastel, (2) 19C Japanese wood blocks, 6 Pope duck prints, 3 Sawyer prints; ... COUNTRY inc: Mustard ptd. cupboard w/H hinges, wainscott storage cupboard, step back & 3 other cupboards, blue ptd. storage box, ctry. pine dry sink, green & red ptd. dome top boxes, spin. wheel, blue ptd. cubby, red wall cupboard, Shaker quilt rack & rocker (as found), 2 game boards, baker’s table, brass push up chamber sticks, churns, butter worker, sm. ovoid jug & selection of 50+ pcs. of stoneware, shaving mugs, Sandwich lamp, wooden bowls, baskets, tin lantern, apple peelers, c.i. pans, pewter, asst. tinware, piano & other lamps, RR keys & baggage tags, amber CTRY etched & embossed RR shade, 6 RR lanterns- B&M, MCRR, NY-NH &H, medicine & soda & perfume bottles, Progress Refrig. Co. cooler, bull cane, Ocarina & Music book, Edison cylinder player (as found) RCA 33 radio, crank & candlestick phones, steeple & other clocks, Ansonia china case clock, cobbler’s bench w/T.D. Bailey vise & related shoe making forms & patterns, 1817 Aaron Page Atkinson cobbler’s ledger, 3 mill racks, Hazleton tally stick, pocket knives, Buck, Kalinga knife, Mobil Vacuum Oil & other adv. crates, Doctor Naylor sign, red ptd. egg box marked Nelson, apple ladder, snowshoes, trunks, sleds, 16+ Indian shutters, cane fly boat rods, creel & net, apple chopper, cider press, ox yoke, wagon seat bench, Schwin Mark IV Jaguar bike, 3’ wooden prop, wooden coaster, grain bin, Coke cooler, wooden tool chest & asst. old tools, planes, level, augers, tang vice, etc. ! ! KEEP CHECKING AUCTIONZIP.COM FOR MANY PHOTOS & ADDITIONAL LISTINGS! *** AUCTION HELD REGARDLESS OF WEATHER - DRESS FOR THE WEATHER *** ! TERMS : Cash or Check w/ Proper ID * 10% Buyer’s Premium * No Absentee or Phone Bids Accepted! All Items Sold As Is Subject to Error or Omission * All Sales Final * Heated Tents * Chairs * Catered! GEORGE S. FOSTER III, CAI PROFESSIONAL AUCTIONEER & APPRAISER 386 Suncook Valley Hwy., Epsom, NH 03234 TEL. 603-736-9240 FAX. 603-736-3339 E-Mail Address: GSFoster3@aol.com Web Site: http://www.TheCompleteAuctionService.com THE COMPLETE AUCTION SERVICE CO. AUCTION AND APPRAISAL OF ESTATES * SPECIAL COLLECTIONS ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES LIQUIDATIONS * CONSIGNMENTS NH LIC. #2149 Member: Certified Auctioneer’s Institute; NAA Educational Institute; National Auctioneer’s Assoc.; ! NH Auctioneer’s Assoc.; Certified Appraisers Guild of America; Better Business Bureau Accredited Business! Go To AuctionZip.com For many More Photos Mark Your Calendars And Plan To Attend
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