Function follows dynamics: state-dependency of
Function follows dynamics: state-dependency of
Function follows dynamics: state-dependency of directed functional influences Demian Battaglia Abstract Brain function require the control of inter-circuit interactions on timescales faster than synaptic changes. In particular, strength and direction of causal influences between neural populations (described by the so-called directed functional connectivity) must be reconfigurable even when the underlying structural connectivity is fixed. Such influences can be quantified through causal analysis of time-series of neural activity with tools like Transfer Entropy. But how can manifold functional networks stem from fixed structures? Considering model systems at different scales, like neuronal cultures or cortical multi-areal motifs, we show that “function and information follow dynamics”, rather than structure. Different dynamic states of a same structural network, characterized by different synchronization properties, are indeed associated to different directed functional networks, corresponding to alternative information flow patterns. Here we discuss how suitable generalizations of Transfer Entropy, taking into account switching between collective states of the analyzed circuits, can provide a picture of directed functional interactions in agreement with a “ground-truth” description at the dynamical systems level. 1 Introduction Even before unveiling how neuronal activity represents information, it is crucial to understand how this information, independently from the used encoding, is routed across the complex multi-scale circuits of the brain. Flexible exchange of information lies at the core of brain function. A daunting amount of computations must Demian Battaglia Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Selforganization and Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience, Am Faßberg 17, D-37077 Göttingen. On leave to: Aix-Marseille University, Institute for Systems Neuroscience, INSERM UMR 1106, 27, Boulevard Jean Moulin, F-13005 Marseille. e-mail: 1 2 Demian Battaglia be performed in a way dependent from external context and internal brain states. But how can information be rerouted “on demand”, given that anatomic inter-areal connections can be considered as fixed, on timescales relevant for behavior? In systems neuroscience, a distinction is made between structural and directed functional connectivities [32, 33]. Structural connectivity describes actual synaptic connections. On the other hand, directed functional connectivity is estimated from time-series of simultaneous neural recordings using causal analysis [20, 36, 41], to quantify, beyond correlation, directed influences between brain areas. If the anatomic structure of brain circuits certainly constrains the functional interactions that these circuits can support (see e.g. [42]), it is not however sufficient to specify them fully. Indeed, a given structural network might give rise to multiple possible collective dynamical states, and such different states could lead to different information flow patterns. It has been suggested, for instance, that multi-stability of neural circuits underlies switching between different perceptions or behaviors [21, 40, 48]. In this view, transitions between alternative attractors of the neural dynamics would occur under the combined influence of structured “brain noise” [47] and of the bias exerted by sensory or cognitive driving [16, 17, 18]. Due to a possibly non trivial attractor dynamics, the interrelation between structural and functional connectivity becomes inherently complex. Therefore, dependencies from the analyzed dynamical regime have to be taken into account explicitly when designing metrics of directed interactions. Dynamic multi-stability can give rise, in particular, to transitions between different oscillatory states of brain dynamics [28]. This is highly relevant in this context, because long-range oscillatory coherence [58, 63] —in particular in the beta or gamma band of frequency [6, 8, 22, 24, 29, 30, 50, 63]— is believed to play a central role in inter-areal communication. According to the “communication-throughcoherence” hypothesis [29], information exchange between two neuronal populations is enhanced when the oscillations of their coherent activity is phase-locked with a suitable phase-relation. Therefore the efficiency and the directionality of information transmission between neuronal populations is affected by changes in their synchronization pattern, as also advocated by modeling studies [12, 4]. More in general, the correct timing of exchanged signals is arguably crucial for a correct relay of information and a natural device to achieve temporal coordination might be selforganized synchronization. Beyond tightly [64] or sparsely-synchronized [9, 10, 11] periodic-like oscillations, synchronization in networks of spiking neurons can arise in other forms, including low-dimensional chaotic rhythms [2, 3] or avalanche-like bursting [1, 5, 45, 46], which are both highly temporal irregular, and yet able to support modulation of information flow. This chapter will concentrate on the directed functional connectivity analysis of simulated neural dynamics, rather than of actual experiments. It will focus in particular on two representative systems at different spatial scales, both described as large networks of hundredths or thousandths of model spiking neurons. The anal- Function follows dynamics: state-dependency of directed functional influences 3 ysis will delve first on cultures of dissociated neurons, which after a certain critical maturation age, are known to spontaneously develop an episodic synchronous bursting activity [14, 25, 61]. Then, mesoscopic circuits of few interconnected oscillating brain areas will be considered, stressing how even simple structural motifs can give rise to a rich repertoire of phase-locked configurations. Emphasis on simulated systems allows disentangling the role of collective dynamics in mediating the link between a given structural connectivity and the emergent directed functional interactions. In analogous experimental systems, the ground-truth connectivity or the actual ongoing dynamics would not be known with precision. On the contrary, on in silico neural circuits, structural topology can be freely chosen and its impact on network dynamics thoroughly explored, showing in a direct way that a correspondence exists between supported dynamical regimes and inferred directed functional connectivities. Two phenomena will be highlighted: on one side, functional multiplicity, arising when multiple functional topologies stem out of a system with a given structural topology (supporting multiple dynamics); on the other side, structural degeneracy, arising when systems with different structural topologies (but similar dynamics) give rise to equivalent functional topologies. 2 State-conditioned Transfer Entropy In this contribution, directed functional connectivity —used with the meaning of causal connectivity or exploratory data-driven effective connectivity, as commented in [7]— is characterized in terms of a generalized version of Transfer Entropy (TE) [51], an information-theoretic implementation of the well-known notion of WienerGranger causality [37, 65]. The notion of Transfer Entropy is extensively discussed in other chapters of this book. A specific generalization used for the analyses of next sections will be presented here in a bivariate setting, although a multi-variate extension is straightforward. Let consider a pair of continuous time-series describing the dynamics of two different neural circuit elements x and y, like e.g. LFPs from different brain areas, or calcium imaging recordings of single neuron activity in a neuronal culture. These time-series are quantized into B discrete amplitude levels `1 , . . . , `B (equal-sized for simplicity) and are thus converted into (discretely-sampled) sequences X(t) and Y (t) of symbols from a small alphabet. Usually, two transition probability matrices are sampled as normalized histograms over very long symbolic sequences: PY |XY (τ) i jk = P[Y (t) = `i |Y (t − τ) = ` j , X(t − τ) = `k ] PY |Y (τ) i j = P[Y (t) = `i |Y (t − τ) = ` j ] 4 Demian Battaglia where the lag τ is an arbitrary temporal scale on which causal interactions are probed. The causal influence TEx7→y (τ) of circuit element x on circuit element y is then operatively defined as the functional: TEx7→y (τ) = ∑ PY |XY (τ) log2 PY |XY (τ) PY |Y (τ) (1) where the sum runs over all the three indices i, j and k of the transition matrices. Higher Markov order descriptions of the time-series evolution can also be adopted for the modeling of the source and target time-series [51]. In general, the conditioning on the single past values X(t − τ) and Y (t − τ) appearing in the definition of the matrices PY |XY (τ) and PY |Y (τ) is replaced by conditioning on vectors of several past values Yrp = [Y (t − rτ),Y (t − (r + 1)τ), . . . (t − (p − 1)τ),Y (t − pτ)] and Xqs = [X(t − sτ), X(t − (s + 1)τ), . . . (t − (q − 1)τ), X(t − qτ)]. Here p and q correspond to the Markov orders taken for the target and source time-series Y (t) and X(t) respectively. The parameters r, s < p, q are standardly set to r, s = 1, but might assume different values for specific applications (see later). A general Markov order transfer entropy TEx7→y (τ; r, s, p, q) can then be written straightforwardly . More importantly, to characterize the dependency of directed functional interactions on dynamical states, a further state conditioning is introduced. Let S(t) be a vector describing the history of the entire system —i.e. not only the two considered circuit elements x and y but the whole neural circuit to which they belong— over the time-interval [t − T,t]. We define then a “state selection filter”, i.e. a set of time instants C for which the system history S(t) satisfy some arbitrary set of constraints. The definition of C is left on purpose very general and will have to be instantiated depending on the specific concrete application. It is then possible to introduce an (arbitrary Markov orders) state-conditioned Transfer Entropy: TECx7→y (τ; r, s, p, q) = ∑ PY |XY ;C (τ; r, s, p, q) log2 PY |XY ;C (τ; r, s, p, q) PY |Y ;C (τ; r, s) (2) where the sum runs over all the possible values of Y , Yrp and Xqs and the transition probability matrices PY |XY ;C (τ; r, s, p, q) = P[Y (t)|Yrp (t), Xqs (t);t ∈ C ] and PY |Y ;C (τ; r, s) = P[Y (t)|Yrp (t);t ∈ C ] are restrictedly sampled over time epochs in which the ongoing collective dynamics is compliant with the imposed constraints. Although such a general definition may appear hermetic, it becomes fairly natural when specific constraints are taken. Simple constraints might be for instance based on the dynamic range of the instantaneously sampled activity. A possible state selection filter might therefore be: “The activity of every node of the network must be below a given threshold value”. As a consequence, the overall sampled time-series would be inspected, and time-epochs in which some network node has an activity with an amplitude above the threshold level would be discarded and not sampled for the evaluation of PY |XY ;C and PY |Y ;C . Other simple constraints might be defined based on the spectral properties of the considered time-series. For instance, the state selection filter could be: “The power in the theta range of frequencies of the aver- Function follows dynamics: state-dependency of directed functional influences 5 age network activity must have been above a given threshold during the last 500 milliseconds at least”). In this way, only transients (each one longer than 500 ms) in which the system displayed collectively a substantial theta oscillatory activity would be sampled for the evaluation of PY |XY ;C and PY |Y ;C . Even more specifically, additional constraints might be imposed by filtering for specific phase-relations between two network nodes to be fulfilled. Once again, the result of imposing a constraint would be to restrict the set of time-instants C over which the transition matrices PY |XY ;C and PY |Y ;C are sampled for the evaluation of TECx7→y . Therefore, state-conditioned Transfer Entropy provides a measure of the directed functional interactions associated to some definite dynamical regime, specified through an ad hoc set of state-selection filtering constraints. 3 Directed functional interactions in bursting cultures Neuronal cultures provide simple, yet versatile model systems [23] exhibiting a rich repertoire of spontaneous activity [14, 61]. These aspects make cultures of dissociated neurons particularly appealing for studying the interplay between activity and connectivity. The activity of hundreds to thousands of cells in in vitro cultured neuronal networks can be simultaneously monitored using calcium fluorescence imaging techniques [39, 53] (cfr. Figure 1A). Calcium imaging can be applied both in vitro and in vivo and can potentially be combined with interventional techniques like optogenetic stimulation [68]. A major drawback of this technique, however, is that the typical frame rate during acquisition is slower than the cell’s firing dynamics by an order of magnitude. Furthermore the poor signal-to-noise ratio is such to make hard the detection of elementary firing events. The experimental possibility of following in parallel the activity of most nodes of a large network provides ideal datasets for the extraction of directed functional connectivity. In particular, model-free information theory-based metrics [34, 43, 55] can be applied, since recordings are can be stable over several hours [53]. A proper understanding of state-dependency of directed functional connectivity allows then to restrict the analysis to regimes in which directed functional connectivity and structural connectivity are expected to have a good match, thus opening the way to the algorithmic reconstruction of the connectivity of an entire neuronal network in vitro. Such understanding can be built by the systematic analysis of semi-realistic synthetic data from simulated neuronal cultures, in which the ground-truth structural connectivity is known and can be arbitrarily tuned to observe its impact on the resulting dynamics and functional interactions. 6 Demian Battaglia A 100μm 100μm experiment B avg. fluorescence (a.u.) fluorescence (a.u.) 65 60 55 20 0 60 time (s) 52 51 40 20 60 time (s) 2 20 40 60 80 40 60 80 time (s) 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 20 time (s) 1000 500 nr. of occurrences nr. of occurrences 4 0.0 0 80 1000 500 6 0 0 80 53 0 D 40 avg. fluorescence (a.u.) fluorescence (a.u.) 70 50 C simulation 8 75 100 50 10 5 51.0 51.5 52.0 52.5 fluorescence (a.u.) 53.0 100 50 10 5 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 fluorescence (a.u.) 0.4 0.5 Fig. 1 Bursting neuronal cultures in vivo and in silico. A Bright field image (left panel) of a region of a neuronal culture at day in vitro 12, together with its corresponding fluorescence image (right panel), integrated over 200 frames. Round objects are cell bodies of neurons. B Examples of real (left) and simulated (right) calcium fluorescence time series for different individual neurons. C Corresponding averages over the whole population of neurons. Synchronous network bursts are clearly visible from these average traces. D Distribution of population averaged fluorescence amplitudes, for a real network (left) and a simulated one (right). These distributions are strongly right skewed, with a right tail corresponding to the strong average fluorescence during bursting events. Figure adapted from [55]. (Copyright: Stetter et al. 2012, Creative Commons licence). 3.1 Neuronal cultures “in silico” A neuronal culture is modeled as a random network of N leaky integrate-and-fire neurons. Synapses provide post-synaptic currents with a difference-of-exponentials Function follows dynamics: state-dependency of directed functional influences 7 time-course [15]. For simplicity, all synapses are excitatory, to mimic common experimental conditions in which inhibitory synaptic transmission is pharmacologically blocked [53]. Neurons in culture show a rich spontaneous activity that originates from both fluctuations in the membrane potential and small noise currents in the pre-synaptic terminals [14]. To reproduce spontaneous firing, each neuron is driven by statistically independent Poisson spike sources with a small rate, in addition to recurrent synaptic inputs. A key feature required for the reproduction of network bursting is the introduction of synaptic short-term depression, described through classic Tsodyks-Markram equations [57], which take into account the limited availability of neurotransmitter resources for synaptic release and the finite time needed to recharge a depleted synaptic terminal. Dynamics comparable with experiments [23] are obtained by setting synaptic weights of internal connections to give a network bursting of 0.10 ± 0.01 Hz. To achieve these target rates, an automated conductance adjustment procedure is used [55] for every considered topology. Concerning more in detail the used structural topologies, connectivity is always sparse. The probability of connection is ”frozen” to lead an average degree of about 100 neighbor neurons, compatible with average degrees reported previously for neuronal cultures in vitro of the mimicked age (DIV) and density [44, 53]. Two general types of networks are then considered: (i) a locally-clustered ensemble, where the probability of connection decays with the planar distance between two neurons and connections tend therefore to be locally clustered; and (ii) a non-locally clustered ensemble, with connections first randomly drawn and, then, rewired to reach a specified target degree of clustering. Finally, surrogate calcium fluorescence signals are generated based on the spiking dynamics of the simulated cultured network. A common fluorescence model introduced in [59] gives rise to an initial fast increase of fluorescence after activation, followed by a decay with a slow time-constant τCa = 1 s. Such a model describes the intra-cellular concentration of calcium that is bound to the fluorescent probe. The concentration changes rapidly for each action potential locally elicited in a time bin corresponding to the acquisition frame. The net fluorescence level Fi associated to the activity of a neuron i is finally obtained by further feeding the Calcium concentration into a saturating static non-linearity, and by adding a Gaussian distributed noise. Example surrogate calcium fluorescence time-series, together with actual recordings for comparison, can be seen in Figure 1B. All the details and the parameters of the used neuronal and network models and calcium surrogate signals —including the modeling of systematic artifacts like light scattering for an increased realism— can be found in the original publication by Olav Stetter et al. [55]. With the selected parameters, the simulated neuronal cultures display temporally irregular network bursting as highlighted by Figures 1C, reporting fluorescence averaged over the entire network, and Figure 1D, showing the right-skewed distribution of average fluorescence, with its right tail associated to the high fluorescence during network bursts. 8 Demian Battaglia 3.2 Extraction of directed functional networks A generalized TE score is calculated for every possible directed pair of nodes in the analyzed simulated culture. The adjacency matrix of a directed functional network is then obtained by applying a threshold to the TE values at an arbitrary level. Only links whose TE value raises above this threshold are retained in the reconstructed digraph. Selecting a threshold for the inclusion of links corresponds to set the average degree of the reconstructed network. An expectation about average degree in the culture directly translates thus into a specific threshold number of links to include. The estimation problem for TE scores themselves is, in this context, less severe than usual. Indeed time-series generated by models are less noisy than real experimental recordings. Furthermore they can be generated to be as long as required for proper estimation. Yet, the length of simulated calcium fluorescence time-series is restricted in [55] to a duration achievable in actual experiments. it is important to mention that, for network reconstruction, it is not required to correctly estimate the values of individual TE scores. Indeed, only their relative ranking matters. Since firing and connectivity are homogeneous across the simulated network, biases are not expected to vary strongly for different edges. Moreover, the problem of assessing statistical significancy is also irrelevant, since the threshold used for deciding link inclusion is based on an extrinsic criterion (i.e. achieving a specific target average degree compatible with experimental knowledge) not dependent of TE estimation itself. Thus, even rough plug-in estimates of generalized TE can be adopted 1 . 3.3 Zero-lag causal interactions for slow-rate calcium imaging Original formulation of Transfer Entropy were meant to detect the causal influence of events in the past toward events at a later time. However, since the slow acquisition rate of calcium imaging techniques is an order of magnitude slower than the actual synaptic and integration delays of neurons in the culture, it is conceivable that many “cause” and-“effect” spike pairs may occur within a same acquisition frame. A practical trick avoiding to completely ignore such causally-relevant correlation events is to include “same-bin” interactions in the evaluation of (state-conditioned) Transfer Entropy [55]. in practice, referring to the parameters labeling in Equation 2, this amounts to set r = 1, but s = 0, i.e. to condition the probability of transitions from past to present values of the time-series Y (t) on present values of the (putative cause) time-series X(t). When not otherwise specified, Transfer Entropy analyses of calcium fluorescence time-series from neuronal cultures will be performed taking (r = 1, s = 0, p = 2, q = 1). Note that a similar approach is adopted in this volume’s chapter by Luca Faes, to cope with volume conduction in a Granger Causality analysis of EEG signals. 1 We have verified, in particular, that bootstrap corrections would not alter the obtained results. Function follows dynamics: state-dependency of directed functional influences Frequency of observation A I II 9 III Network-averaged fluorescence (a.u.) I B Fraction of true positives C II III 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 Fraction of false positives 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 Fraction of false positives 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 Fraction of false positives Fig. 2 Functional multiplicity in simulated cultures. A Three ranges of amplitude are highlighted in the distribution of network-averaged fluorescence G(t). Directed functional interactions associated to different dynamical regimes are assessed by conditioning the analysis to these specific amplitude ranges. Range I corresponds to low-amplitude noise. Range II to fluorescence level typical of sparse inter-burst activity. Range III to high average fluorescence during network bursts. B Visual representation of the reconstructed functional networks topology in the three considered dynamical regimes (top 10% of TE score links only are shown). Qualitative topological differences in the three extracted networks are evident. C ROC analysis of the correspondence between inferred functional networks and the ground-truth structural network. Overlap is random for noisedominated range I, is marked for inter-burst regime II and is only partial for bursting regime III. 3.4 State-selection constraints for neuronal cultures Neuronal cultures in vitro and in silico display stochastic-like switching between relatively quiet inter-burst periods, characterized by low-rate and essentially asynchronous firing of few neurons at a time, and bursting events, characterized by exponentially fast rise of the number of recruited synchronously firing neurons. In general, there is no reason to expect that such two regimes may be associated to 10 Demian Battaglia identical directed functional connectivity networks. As a matter of fact, firing of a neuron during an inter-burst period is facilitated by firing of pre-synaptic neurons. As a consequence, it is reasonable to expect that directed functional connectivity associated to inter-burst epochs has a large overlap with the underlying structural connectivity of the culture. On the contrary, during a bursting event and its advanced buildup phase, the network is over-excitable and the firing of a single neuron can easily cause the firing within a very short time of many other neurons not necessarily connected to it. For this reason, intuition suggests that the directed functional connectivity during bursting events is dominated by collective behavior, rather than by synaptic coupling. To confirm these expectations, it is necessary to extract directed functional interactions from calcium fluorescence time-series separately for each dynamical regime. This can be achieved by defining an appropriate set of filtering constraints for the evaluation of state-conditioned Transfer Entropy. A fast way to implement these constraints is to track variations of the average fluorescence G(t) = ∑Ni=1 Fi (t) of the entire network. Fully developed network bursts will be associated to anomalously high average network fluorescence G(t) (fluorescence range denoted as III in Figure 2A). Conversely, inter-bursts epochs will be associated to weaker network fluorescence (fluorescence range denoted as II in Figure 2A). Too low network fluorescence would be indistinguishable from mere baseline noise (fluorescence range denoted as I in Figure 2A). A straightforward way to define a “state” based on average fluorescence might thus be to restrict sampling to acquisition frames t in which the network-averaged fluorescence G(t) falls within a prescribed range: C = {t|Gbottom < G(t) ≤ Gtop } (3) Different ranges of fluorescence will identify different dynamical regimes, to which the evaluation of state-conditioned Transfer Entropy will be particularized. 3.5 Functional multiplicity in simulated cultures The state dependency of directed functional connectivity is illustrated by generating a random network from the local clustering ensemble and by simulating its dynamics. The resulting distribution of network-averaged fluorescence and the three dynamical ranges we focus on in detail are highlighted in Figure 2A. For simulated data, the inferred connectivity can be directly compared to the ground truth. A standard Receiver-Operator Characteristic (ROC) analysis is used to quantify the quality of reconstruction. ROC curves are generated by gradually moving a threshold level from the lowest to the highest TE value, and by plotting at each point the fraction of included true positive links against the corresponding fraction of included false positive links. The functional networks extracted in the three dynamical ranges I, II and III and their relation with structural connectivity are Function follows dynamics: state-dependency of directed functional influences 11 shown, respectively in Figures 2B and 2C. For a fair comparison, an equal number of samples is used to estimate TE in the three fluorescence ranges. The lowest range I corresponds to a regime in which spiking-related signals are buried in noise. Correspondingly, the associated functional connectivity is indistinguishable from random, as indicated by a ROC curve close to the diagonal. Note, however, that a more extensive sampling (i.e. using all the available observation samples) would show that some information about structural topology is still conveyed by the activity in this regime [55]. At the other extreme, represented by range III —associated to fully developed synchronous bursts— the functional connectivity has also a poor overlap with the underlying structural network. The extracted functional networks are characterized by the existence of hub nodes with an elevated out- and in-degree. The spatiotemporal organization of bursting can be described in terms of these functional connectivity hubs, since nodes within the neighborhood of a same functional hub experience a strongest mutual synchronization than arbitrary pair of nodes across the network [55]. In particular, figure 2B displays three visually-evident communities of “bursting-together” neurons. The best agreement between functional and excitatory structural connectivity is obtained for the middle range II, corresponding to above base-line noise activity during inter-bursts epochs and the early building-up phases of synchronous bursts. Thus, the retrieved TE-based functional networks confirm intuitive expectations outlined in the previous section. Note that the state-dependency of functional connectivity is not limited to synthetic data. Very similar patterns of state-dependency are observed also in real data from neuronal cultures. In particular, in both simulated and real cultures, the functional connectivity associated to the buildup of bursts displays a stronger clustering level than during inter-burst periods [55]. The existence of such different topologies of functional interactions stemming out of different dynamical ranges of a same structural network constitutes a perfect example of the notion of functional multiplicity, outlined in the introduction. Certainly, it is possible to define “right” ranges for structural network reconstruction, importantly for practical applications in connectomics. However, this statement should not be over-interpreted to claim that the directed functional connectivity inferred in a regime like the one associated to range III is “wrong”. On the contrary, the extracted functional connectivity is capturing correctly the topology of causal influences in such a collective state, in which firing of a single neuron is likely to trigger firing of a whole dense community of nodes. 3.6 Structural connectivity from directed functional connectivity A more refined analysis of function-to-structure overlap suggests that best matching is achieved for a range including fluorescence levels just at the right of the Gaussianlike peak in the histogram of Fig. 2A [55]. Characterizing state-dependency allows thus defining the best TE-conditioning range for reconstruction of structural con- 12 B 1.0 Functional connectivity clustering A Demian Battaglia True positives fraction 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.0 Conditioning only Zero-lag interactions 0.2 0.4 0.6 False positives fraction 0.8 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.0 Cross-corr TE 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Structural connectivity clustering Fig. 3 From functional to structural connectivity in simulated cultures. Good matching between structural and inferred directed functional connectivity is achieved in simulated neuronal cultures by optimizing the state-conditioning of TE and by correcting for slow acquisition rate of calcium imaging. A ROC curves for a network reconstruction with generalized TE with fluorescence data optimally conditioned at G < Gtop = 0.112. The area surrounded by dashed lined depicts ROC fluctuation interval, based on analysis of 6 networks. The black ROC curve refers to reconstruction performed with TE using (r = 1, s = 0, p = 2, q = 1), i.e. introducing zero-lag causal interactions. The gray curve is for (r = s = 1, p = q = 1), i.e. always Markov Order 2, but not correcting for slow acquisition rate. B Clustering of inferred directed functional connectivity as a function of ground-truth structural clustering. In TE-based reconstructions, functional and structural clustering are linearly correlated, in contrast with cross-correlation-based reconstructions, overestimating clustering. Figure adapted from [55]. (Copyright: Stetter et al. 2012, Creative Commons licence). nectivity of the culture. This range should exclude regimes of highly synchronized activity (like range III) while keeping most of data points for the analysis. More details are provided in the original study by Stetter et al. [55], showing that very good reconstruction performance is achieved on simulated data, by implementing a state-selection filter with optimized threshold Gtop close to the upper limit of Range II and no lower threshold Gbottom . ROCs corresponding to this choice can be seen in Figure 3A. Good reconstruction is possible for a vast spectrum of topologies, as denoted by a good correlation between ground-truth structural clustering coefficient and reconstructed functional clustering level. Note that a cross-correlation analysis performed over the same state-conditioned set of simulated observations would systematically overestimates the level of clustering (Figure 3B, cfr. [55]). 3.7 Structural degeneracy in simulated cultures Different dynamical regimes of a structural network can give rise to multiple functional networks. At the same time, functional networks associated to comparable dynamical regimes are similar. Therefore, since comparable dynamical regimes can B C 20 s Freq. of observation A 13 # neuron (1-100) Function follows dynamics: state-dependency of directed functional influences 0 30 60 Inter-burst interval (s) Struct. CC ~ 0.1 Func. CC ~ 0.7 20 s 0 30 60 Inter-burst interval (s) Struct. CC ~ 0.3 Func. CC ~ 0.7 20 s 0 30 60 Inter-burst interval (s) Struct. CC ~ 0.7 Func. CC ~ 0.7 s Fig. 4 Structural degeneracy in simulated cultures. A Examples of spike raster plots for three simulated cultures with different structural clustering coefficients (non-local clustering ensemble, structural clustering coefficient equal, respectively from left to right, to 0.1, 0.3 and 0.7). B As revealed by histograms of inter-burst intervals, the temporally-irregular network bursting dynamics of these strongly different cultures are very similar. Vertical lines indicating the mean of each distribution. C: panels below the IBI distributions illustrate graphically the amount of clustering in the actual structural network and in the directed functional network reconstructed from fluorescence range III (bursting regime) as given by Figure 2. To very different degrees of structural clustering correspond equivalent elevated levels of functional clustering, due to the common bursting statistics. Figure adapted from [55]. (Copyright: Stetter et al. 2012, Creative Commons licence). be generated by very different networks, a same functional connectivity topology can be generated by multiple structural topologies. Figure 4 illustrates the dynamics of three simulated cultures with different clustering coefficients (with a same total number of links). The synaptic strength is adjusted in each network using an automated procedure to obtain comparable bursting and firing rates (see Stetter et al. 2012 [55] for details on the procedure and on the models). The simulated spiking dynamics of the three cultures in silico is shown in the raster plots of Figure 4A. These three networks display indeed very similar bursting dynamics, not only in terms of the mean bursting rate, but also in terms of the entire inter-burst interval (IBIs) distribution, shown in Figure 4B. Based on these bursting dynamics, directed functional connectivity is extracted for the three differently clustered structural networks, but by state-conditioning TE on a same dynamic range, matching range III in Figure 2, i.e. in the fully-developed burst regime. The extracted functional networks have always an elevated clustering level (close to 0.7) at contrast with the actual structural clusterings, varying in a broad range between 0.1 and 0.5 (see Figure 4C). 14 Demian Battaglia The automatic procedure for the generation of networks with similar bursting dynamics is not guaranteed to converge for such a wide range of clustering coefficients. Thus, the illustrative simulations of Figure 4 genuinely confirms that the relation between network dynamics and network structure is not trivially “one-to-one”, manifesting the phenomenon of structural degeneracy, outlined in the introduction. 4 Directed functional interactions in motifs of oscillating areas Ongoing local oscillatory activity modulates rhythmically neuronal excitability in brain cortex [60]. As also reviewed in Andre Bastos’ contribution to this volume, the communication-through-coherence hypothesis [29] states that neuronal groups oscillating in a suitable phase coherence relation —such to align their respective “communication windows”— are likely to interact more efficiently than neuronal groups which are not synchronized. Similar mechanisms are believed to be involved in selective attention and top-down modulation [6, 24, 31, 38]. To cast light on the role of self-organized collective dynamics in establishing flexible patterns of communication-through-coherence, it is possible to introduce simple models of generic motifs of interacting brain areas (Figure 5A), each one undergoing locally generated coherent oscillations (Figure 5B). Simple mesoscopic circuits involving a small number of local areas, mutually coupled by long-range excitatory projections (Figure 5C) are in particular considered. As analyzed also with mean-field developments in [2, 4], phase-locking between the oscillations of different local areas develops naturally in such structural motifs. Phase-relations between the oscillations of different areas depend non trivially on the delays of local and long-range interactions and on the actual strength of local inhibition. When local inhibition gets sufficiently strong, phase-locking tends to occur in an out-ofphase fashion, in which phase-leading and phase-lagging areas emerge, despite the symmetry of their mutual long-range excitatory coupling [2, 4]. Through large-scale simulations of networks of spiking neurons representing cortical structural motifs [54], directed functional connectivity between the different local areas involved is extracted through state-conditioned TE analyses of simulated local-field-potential (LFP) signals. Once again, it is found that “causality follows dynamics”, in the sense in which different phase-locked patterns of collective oscillations are mapped to different directed functional connectivity motifs [4]. The used in silico approach allows as well to investigate how information encoded at the level of the detailed spiking activity of thousands of neurons is routed between the modeled areas, depending on the active directed functional connectivity. As a matter of fact, TE-based directed functional connectivity reflects collective activity of population of neurons, while neuronal representations of informations are carried by spiking activity. TE-based analyses of “macroscopic” signals, like LFPs, or EEGs are therefore not guaranteed a priori to describe information transmission at the level of “microscopic” spiking activity. Complementary analyses are thus re- Function follows dynamics: state-dependency of directed functional influences Fig. 5 Model oscillating areas. A A local area is modeled as a random network of conductance-based excitatory and inhibitory neurons. A moderate fraction of them is transduced with Channel-rhodopsine (ChOP) conductances [68], allowing optogenetic perturbation. B Sparsely-synchronized oscillations develop, in which Poisson-like firing of single neurons and strongly oscillating LFPs coexist. C Two local areas mutually coupled by long-range excitation. A 15 C E I With ChOP B #100 Spikes #1 “LFP” 40 ms quired to capture actual flows of represented information, in the conventional sense of neuronal information processing. The spiking of individual neurons can be very irregular even when the collective rate oscillations are regular (cfr. Figure 5B). Therefore, even local rhythms in which the firing rate is modulated in a very stereotyped way, might correspond to irregular (highly entropic) sequences of codewords encoding information in a digital-like fashion (e.g. by the firing —“1”— or missed firing —“0”— of specific spikes at a given cycle [56]). In such a framework, oscillations would not directly represent information, but would rather act as a carrier of “data-packets” associated to spike patterns of synchronously active cell assemblies. By quantifying through a Mutual Information (MI) analysis the maximum amount of information encoded potentially in the spiking activity of a local area and by evaluating how much of this information is actually transferred to distant interconnected areas, it is possible to demonstrate that different directed functional connectivity configurations lead to different modalities of information routing. Therefore, the pathways along which information propagates can be reconfigured within the time of a few reference oscillation cycles, by switching to a different effective connectivity motif, for instance by means of a spatially and temporally precise optogenetic stimulation [4, 66]. 4.1 Oscillating local areas “in silico” Each local area is represented by a random network of NE = 4000 excitatory and NI = 4000 inhibitory Wang-Buzsáki-type conductance-based neurons [62]. The Wang-Buzsáki model is described by a single compartment endowed with sodium and potassium currents. Each neuron receives an external noisy driving current due to background Poisson synaptic bombardment, representing cortical noise. Other inputs are due to recurrent interactions with other neurons in the network. Excita- 16 Demian Battaglia tory synapses are of the AMPA-type and inhibitory synapses of the GABAA -type and are modeled as time-dependent conductances with difference-of-exponential time-course [15]. LFP signals Λ (t) = hV (t)i are defined as the average membrane potential over the NE + NI cells in each area. Connectivity is random. Short-range connections within a local area are excitatory and inhibitory. Excitatory neurons are as well allowed to establish long-range connections toward distant areas. For the used parameters, each area develops a sparsely synchronized collective oscillation with a collective frequency in the 4060 Hz range. Firing frequency of individual neurons remains on average of a spike every 6 LFP oscillation cycles. A complete description of the model can be found in [4]. For simplicity, only fully connected structural motifs involving a few areas (K = 2, 3) are studied. Note however that the used approach might be extended to other structural motifs [54] or even to large-scale thalamocortical networks [35, 42]. 4.2 State-selection constraints for motifs of oscillating areas The dynamical regimes generated by motifs of interconnected areas are phaselocked oscillatory configurations. Therefore a natural way of defining state-selection constraints is to restrict the analysis to epochs with consistent phase-relations between the oscillations of different areas. Phases are extracted from LFP time-series with spectral analysis techniques like Hilbert transform. Considering then instantaneous phase-differences ∆ Φab (t) = (Φ[Λa (t)] − Φ[Λb (t)]) mod 2π (between pairs of areas a and b) and the stable values φab around which they fluctuate in a given locking mode, state selection constraints can be written as: C = {t|∀(a, b), (φab − δ ) < ∆ Φab (t) < (φab + δ )} (4) In the more realistic case in which coherent oscillations and phase-locking arise only transiently [58], unlike in the model of [4] in which oscillations are stationary and stable, additional constraints might be added, guaranteeing that the instantaneous power of LFP time-series integrated over specified frequency band (e.g. the gamma band) exceeds a given minimum threshold. Since the sampling rates of the electrophysiological recordings simulated by the computational model is elevated, there is no need to incorporate zero-lag causal interactions. Therefore, the standard settings (r = s = 0, p = q = 1) are used. Confidence intervals and statistical significancy of causal interaction strengths are assessed by comparisons with TE estimates from surrogate time-series, randomly resampled through a geometric bootstrap procedure [49], preserving the autocorrelation structure of individual time-series and therefore compliant with their oscillatory nature. Details can be found in [4]. Function follows dynamics: state-dependency of directed functional influences A B C 17 G x6 D E F x6 0.8 Fig. 6 Functional multiplicity in motifs of oscillating areas. Dynamical states and resulting directed functional connectivities, generated by structural motifs of K = 2, 3 mutually and symmetrically connected brain areas. A–C simulated “LFPs” and spike trains of the two populations of a K = 2 motif for three different strengths of the symmetric inter-areal coupling, leading to more or less regular phase-locked states. D–E Transfer entropies for the two possible directions of functional interaction, associated to the dynamic states in panels A–C. A grey band indicates threshold for statistical significancy. Below the TE plots: graphic depiction of the functional interactions between the two areas, as captured by Transfer Entropy. Only arrows corresponding to significant causal interactions are shown. Arrow thickness reflects TE strength. G Analogous directed functional connectivity motifs generated by a K = 3 symmetric structural motif. Multiplier factors indicate multistability between motifs with same topology but different directions. Figure adapted from [4]. (Copyright: Battaglia et al. 2012, Creative Commons licence). 4.3 Functional multiplicity in motifs of oscillating areas Different dynamical states —characterized by oscillations with different phaselocking relations and degrees of periodicity— arise from simple symmetric structural topological motifs [2, 4]. Changes in the strength of local inhibition, of longrange excitation or of delays of local and long-range connections can lead to phase transitions between qualitatively distinct dynamical states (Figure 6A–C). Moreover, within broad ranges of parameters, multi-stabilities between different phaselocking patterns take place even without changes in connection strength or delay. Multivariate time-series of simulated “LFPs” are generated for different dynamical states of the model structural motifs and TEs for all the possible directed pairwise interactions are calculated. The resulting directed connectivities are depicted in diagrammatic form by drawing an arrow for each statistically significant causal interaction, the thickness of each arrow encodeing the strength of the corresponding interaction (Figure 6D–F). This graphical representations make thus apparent that many directed functional connectivity motifs emerge from a same structural motif. Such functional motifs are organized into families. Motifs within a same family cor- 18 Demian Battaglia respond to dynamical states which are multi-stable for a given choice of parameters, while different families of motifs are obtained for different ranges of parameters leading to different ensembles of dynamical states. A first family of functional motifs occurs for weak inter-areal coupling. In this case, neuronal activity oscillates in a roughly periodic fashion (Figure 6A). When local inhibition is strong, the local oscillations generated within different areas lock in an out-of-phase fashion. It is therefore possible to identify a leader area whose oscillations lead in phase over the oscillation of laggard areas [2]. In this family, causal interactions are statistically significant only for pairwise interactions proceeding from a phase-leading area to a phase-lagging area, as shown by the the box-plots of Figure 6D (unidirectional driving).The anisotropy of functional influences in the leader-to-laggard and laggard-to-leader directions can be understood in terms of the communication-through-coherence theory. Indeed the longer latency from the oscillations of the laggard area to the oscillations of the leader area reduces the likelihood that rate fluctuations originated locally within a laggard area trigger correlated rate fluctuations within a leading area [67]. A second family of functional motifs occurs for intermediate inter-areal coupling. In this case, the periodicity of the “LFP” oscillations is disrupted by the emergence of large correlated fluctuations in oscillation cycle amplitudes and durations. Phaselocking between “LFPs” becomes only approximate, even if still out-of-phase on average. The rhythm of the laggard area is now more irregular than the rhythm in the leader area (Figure 6B). Fluctuations in cycle length do occasionally shorten the laggard-to-leader latencies, enhancing non-linearly and transiently the influence of laggard areas on the leader activity. Correspondingly, TEs in leader-to-laggard directions continue to be larger, but TEs in laggard-to-leader directions are now also statistically significant (Figure 6E). The associated effective motifs are no more unidirectional, but continue to display a dominant direction (leaky driving). A third family of effective motifs occurs for stronger inter-areal coupling. In this case the rhythms of all the areas become equally irregular, characterized by an analogous level of fluctuations in cycle and duration amplitudes. During brief transients, leader areas can still be identified, but these transients do not lead to a stable dynamic behavior and different areas in the structural motif continually exchange their leadership role (Figure 6C). As a result of the instability of phaseleadership relations, only average TEs can be evaluated, yielding to equally large TE values for all pairwise directed interactions (Figure 6F, mutual driving). Analogous unidirectional, leaky or mutual driving motifs of functional interaction can be found in larger motifs with K = 3 areas, as shown by Figure 6G [4]. 4.4 Control of information flow directionality The considered structural motifs are left unchanged after a permutation of interconnected areas. However, while anti-phase or in-phase locking configurations would share this permutation symmetry with the full system, this is not true for the out-of- Function follows dynamics: state-dependency of directed functional influences B C 0.25 100% Phase 50% 0.5 Switching frequency 0 MI / H 10 10 10 10 0 10 −1 −2 −3 MI / H A 19 10 10 10 0 −1 −2 −3 0.75 Fig. 7 Switching information flow in motifs of oscillating areas.A A precisely-phased optogenetic or electric stimulation pulse can trigger switching between alternative phase-locking modes of a structural motif of oscillating areas (here shown a switching from black-preceding-gray to gray-preceding-black out-of-phase locking). For a given perturbation intensity, the probability that a pulse attractor switching concentrates within a narrow application phase interval. B-C: Actual information transmission efficiency is quantified by the Mutual Information (MI) between spike trains of pairs of source and target cells connected by a unidirectional transmission-line (TL) synapse, normalized by the entropy (H) of the source cell. Boxplots show values of MI/H for different groups of cell pairs and directed functional motifs. Black and pale gray arrows below boxplots indicate pairs of cells interconnected by the TL marked with the corresponding color. A dot indicates control pairs of cells interconnected by ordinary weak synapses. The dominant directionality of the active functional motif is also shown. B Unidirectional driving functional motif family. Communication efficiency is enhanced only along the TL aligned to the directionality of the active functional motif, while it is undistinguishable from control along the other TL. C Leaky driving functional motif family. Communication efficiency is enhanced along both TLs, but more along the TL aligned to the dominant directionality of the active functional motif. Figure adapted from [4]. (Copyright: Battaglia et al. 2012, Creative Commons licence). phase-locking configurations stable for strong local inhibition (cfr. Figure 6A–B). In general, one speaks about spontaneous symmetry breaking whenever a system with specific symmetry properties assumes dynamic configurations whose degree of symmetry is reduced with respect to the full symmetry of the system. However, due to the overall structural symmetry, configurations in which the areas exchange their leader or laggard roles must also be stable, i.e. the complete set of dynamical attractors continues to be symmetric, even if individual attractors are asymmetric. Exploiting multi-stability, fast reconfiguration of directed functional influences can be obtained just by inducing switching between alternative multi-stable attractors, associated to functional motifs in a same family but with different directionality. As elaborated in [4], an efficient way to trigger “jumps” between phase-locked configurations is to perturb locally the dynamics of ongoing oscillations with precisely phased stimulation pulses. Such an external perturbation can be provided for instance by optogenetic stimulation, if a sufficient fraction of cells in the target area has been transduced with light-activated conductance. Simulation studies [66] suggest that even transduction rates as low as 5-10% might be sufficient to optogenetically induce functional motif switching, if the pulse perturbation are properly 20 Demian Battaglia phased with respect to the ongoing rhythm (Figure 7A), as predicted also by a meanfield theory [4]. But what is the impact of functional motif switching on the actual flow of information encoded at the microscopic level of detailed spiking patterns? In the studied model, rate fluctuations can encode only a limited amount of information, because firing rate oscillations are rather stereotyped. Higher amounts of information can be carried by spiking patterns, since the spiking activity of single neurons during sparsely synchronized oscillations remains very irregular and thus characterized by a potentially large entropy. To quantify information exchanged by interacting areas, a reference code is considered, in which a “1” or a “0” symbol denote respectively firing or missed firing of a spike by a specific neuron at each given oscillation cycle. Based on such an encoding, the neural activity of a group of neurons is mapped to digital-like streams, “clocked” by the network rhythm, in which a different “word” is broadcast at each oscillation cycle2 . Focusing on a fully symmetric structural motif of K = 2 areas, the network is modified by embedding into it transmission lines (TLs), i.e. mono-directional fiber tracts dedicated to inter-areal communication. In more detail, selected subpopulations of source excitatory neurons within each area establish synaptic contacts with matching target excitatory or inhibitory cells in the other area, in a oneto-one cell arrangement. Synapses in a TL are strengthened with respect to usual synapses, in the attempt to enhance communication capacity, but not too much, in order not to alter phase-relations between the collective oscillations of the two areas (for more details, see [4]). The information transmission efficiency of each TL, for the case of different effective motifs, is assessed by quantifying Mutual Information (MI) [56] between the “digitized” spike trains of pairs of source and target cells. Since a source cell spikes on average every five or six oscillation cycles, the firing of a single neuron conveys H ' 0.7 bits of information per oscillation cycle. MI normalized by the source entropy H indicates the fraction of this information reaching the target cell. Due to the possibility of generating very long simulated recordings in stationary conditions, straight plug-in estimates of MI and H provide already reasonable levels of accuracy (in the sense in which taking into account finite sampling corrections [56] would not change the described phenomenology [4]). As shown by Figure 7B–C, the communication efficiency of embedded TLs depends strongly on the active functional motif. Preparing the structural motif in a unidirectional driving functional motif (Figure 7B), communication is nearly optimal along the TL aligned with the functional motif itself. The misaligned TL, however, shows no enhancement with respect to control (i.e. pairs of connected cells not belonging to a TL). In the case of leaky driving functional motifs (Figure 7C), communication efficiency is boosted for both TLs, but more for the TL aligned with the dominant functional influence direction. For both families of functional motifs, communication efficiencies of the two embedded TLs can be “swapped” within one or two oscillation cycles only, by reversing the dominant functional influence direction through a suitable perturbation inducing attractor switching. 2 Such a code is here introduced uniquely as a theoretical construct grounding a rigorous analysis of information transmission, without claim that it is actually being used in the brain. Function follows dynamics: state-dependency of directed functional influences 21 In conclusion, the parallelism between TE analyses of directed functional connectivity and MI analyses of information transmission is manifest. In simulated structural motifs, indeed, information flow quantified by spike-based MI follows closely in direction and strength the functional topology inferred by LFP-based TE. 5 Function from structure, via dynamics The architect Louis Sullivan first popularized a celebrated tag-line stating that “form follows function”. The two model frameworks here reviewed, cultures of dissociated neurons and motifs of interacting oscillating areas, disclose on the contrary that function doesn’t follow structure, or, at least, not in some trivial sense. Both functional multiplicity and structural degeneracy can be understood considering the primacy of dynamics on determining the emergent functional interactions. Therefore, function seem to follow dynamics, rather than structure. State-conditioning is the key methodological device allowing generalized Transfer Entropy to portray in an intuitively appealing way causal influences and information routing modalities enabled by different dynamical regimes. Still and all, functional connectivity patterns are known to be strongly determined by structure. A clear example is provided by resting-state functional connectivity [26], which can largely be understood in terms of noise-driven fluctuations of the spontaneous dynamics of thalamocortical macroscale structures [18, 35, 42]. In the examples here considered, structure was fixed a priori. However, in nature (or in the dish) networks are shaped by spontaneous growth, learning and, on longer timescales, evolution. Which optimization goal is than this self-organized design trying to achieve? A possible answer might be the attempt to maximize functional multiplicity, for guaranteeing elevated functional flexibility through the generation of a repertoire of possible dynamics as rich as possible [18, 35]. Thus, it might well be that Louis Sullivan’s motto applies as well to the description of brain circuits, even if the structure to function relation is only indirect and can be understood only through detour involving nonlinear dynamics. As a matter of fact, for evolution or development, the problem of engineering a circuit implementing a given set of functions, could be nothing else than the design of structural networks acting as emergent “functional collectivities” [27] with suitable dynamical regimes. An advantageous feature allowing a dynamical network to transit fluently between dynamical regimes would be criticality [13]. Switching would be indeed highly facilitated for a system tuned to be close to the edge between multiple dynamic attractors. This is eventually the case for neuronal cultures, which undergo spontaneous switching to bursting due to their proximity to a rate instability (compensated for by synaptic resource depletion). Beyond that, networks at the edge of synchrony might undergo noise-induced switching between a baseline essentially asynchronous activity and phase-locked transients with elevated local and interareal oscillatory coherence. In networks critically tuned to be at the edge of synchrony, specific patterns of directed functional interactions associated to a latent 22 Demian Battaglia phase-locked attractor —becoming manifest only for fully developed synchrony— might be “switched on” just through the application of weak biasing inputs which stabilizing its metastable strong-noise “ghost” [19]. Acknowledgements The research framework here reviewed would not have been developed without the precious contributions of many colleagues and students. 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