Winter - Britannia Tours Malta


Winter - Britannia Tours Malta
September 2016
Britannia Tours
Valletta Branch
Paola Branch
Mosta Branch
Gozo Branch
The Savoy Shopping
Arcade, St. John Street,
Tel: 2123 8039, 2124 1904
2124 5418
143, Antoine de Paule Square,
Paola (between Main Street
and APS Bank)
Tel: 2180 9930
Fax: 2180 9868
Independence Avenue,
Tel: 2141 3030
Fax: 2141 0002
10, Triq Mro.
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Autumn shades in
Plus a touch of Austria
26th October
- 1st November
Wednesday, 26th October |
We will meet our tour leader at
the airport at 5.10am for our
Ryanair flight to Venice (Treviso)
departing at 7.10am and arriving
at 9.10am. We will start our drive
towards Bled in Slovenia and
once there, we will check in our
3 star Hotel Krim and enjoy some
free time to rest before going for
an optional half day city tour of
Bled, known as the pearl of the
Slovenian Alpine region due to its
emerald-green lake. The highlights
of the tour are a church on the
island in the lake and a medieval
castle on a cliff above the lake.
We will board a Pletna boat (extra
– weather permitting), a typical
boat which is found only in Bled
and this takes us to visit the island.
Thursday, 27th October | Today’s
optional full day excursion will
take us for a relaxing visit to
Bohinj, the largest glacier lake in
Slovenia, situated in the region
of the Julian Alps mountain
range. We will first go through
some lovely scenery where we
can admire the stunning natural
colours of red, orange and
anything in between! Since we
are right in the middle of autumn,
the atmosphere is just breath
taking. We will take a cable car
(extra) up to Mount Vogel and
admire some more stupendous
views from the summit. We will
later make our way from Bohinj to
a Dairy Farm where we will have
the opportunity to learn about
cheese production and try some
typical milk products (extra). In
the afternoon, we will make our
way back to Bled and pay a visit
to Bled Castle (extra), a vantage
point to admire Bled. Since it
is Halloween weekend, we will
join the locals for an afternoon
of exploring castle corners, halls
and courtyards when spooky souls
resurrect and wonder around. If
you have any spooky hats or scary
VISITING Bled, Bohinj, Mount
Vogel, Villach, Klagenfurt,
Ljubljana, Kranjska Gora,
Radovljica, Postojna Caves and
Predjama Castle
Kranjska Gora
masks, it might be a good idea to
bring them along!
rest of the day is free to enjoy
Friday, 28th October | After
breakfast today we join the leader
for a full day optional excursion
which will take us to neighbouring
Austria to visit the beautiful
small town of Villach and later to
Klagenfurt which was awarded
the prestigious Europa Nostra
Diploma for its splendidly restored
arcaded Renaissance courtyards.
Klagenfurt’s Neuer Platz is
dominated by the Lindwurm
statue, a winged dragon which
is the emblem of the city. It
was modelled on the legendary
dragon, said to have resided in
a swamp here long ago. We will
have time to explore this town
and do some shopping at the City
Sunday, 30th October | Today, we
start off with a full day optional
excursion to the famous Slovenian
skiing resort of Kranjska Gora, set
near the borders with Austria and
Italy. The picturesque village still
retains its identity and it is fun to
enjoy a day here. In the afternoon
we will visit the charming
medieval town Radovljica and the
“live museum” of ginger bread
hearts (entrance extra).
Saturday, 29th October | This
morning we will go on an
optional full day excursion to
visit Ljubljana, the capital city of
Slovenia. We will visit the baroque
section of the old town, with
narrow cobbled streets nestled
between the castle slopes and
the river Ljubljanica. Particular
highlights of the old town include
the Cathedral of St Nikolai, the
city hall, the three bridges and
the open market. After the guided
tour, we will take a boat ride
(included – weather permitting)
on the River Ljubljanica to admire
the city from a different view. The
Monday, 31st October | Our full
day optional excursion today
takes us first to visit Postojna
Caves (entrance extra) which are
amongst the largest in the world
with their amazing stalactite and
stalagmite structures. An electric
train will take us into the caves
and then a guide will walk us
through the most dramatic parts
of the caves. Being Halloween,
the cave will be uniquely set
up for the occasion, making it
a very special visit for us! We
later proceed to Predjama Castle
(entrance extra). Here, one can
admire the structure built right in
the mountains.
Tuesday, 1st November | After
an early check out, we will make
our way towards Treviso Airport
for our Ryanair flight departing
at 11.05am arriving in Malta at
Adult in Triple
Adult in Twin
Adult in Single
Child sharing with 2 Adults
Half Board
*Special Price
* Special price applies when half board & all excursions are taken
Note: City tax of ¢1.27 per person per night is to be paid directly
at the hotel
Lake Bohinj
Return Ryanair flights to Venice (Treviso) including
10 kg hand luggage & 20 kg checked in luggage
6 nights in 3 star central Hotel Krim in Bled or similar
5 Buffet Breakfasts and 1 Packed Breakfast
Welcome Drink
Rooms with private facilities, heating & TV
Return Airport Transfers
Services of Tour Leader
Airport taxes & Service Charge
Lake Bled
Bohinj/Mount Vogel/Alpine Dairy Farming/
Cheese Tasting (ent. & tasting extra)
Kranjska Gora/Radovljica
Postojna Caves/Predjama Castle
All excursions are guided with English-speaking guides
Lake Bled
(Please Read Booking Conditions on Pages 30 & 31)
Fl-Okkażjoni tal-Festa tal-Immakulata Kunċizzjoni
7 - 11 ta’ Diċembru
INŸURU WKOLL Pont d’Espagne,
St Jean d’Luz u Pau
8 ta’ Diċembru - Festa Pubblika
Adulti f’kamra singola
Tfal 2-5 snin (ma’ ÿewæ adulti)
Tfal 6-10 snin (ma’ ÿewæ adulti)
Adulti f’kamra singola
Tfal 2-5 snin (ma’ ÿewæ adulti)
Tfal 6-10 snin (ma’ ÿewæ adulti)
nieÿel b’veloçità kbira. Dan il-post
huwa popolari œafna ma’ dawk li
jammiraw xeni sbieœ tal-muntanji.
Nirritornaw lura l-lukanda gœaççena.
Nota: Is-City Tax ta’ Lourdes mhux inkluÿa fil-prezz. Din it-taxxa
titœallas direttament fil-Lukandi skont kif jidher hawn taœt:
Lukanda Lys de Marie: ¢1.10 kull lejl, kull persuna – minn 18-il
sena ’l fuq.
Lukanda Padoue: ¢1.70 kull lejl, kull persuna – minn 18-il sena
’l fuq.
Titjiriet diretti mal-AirMalta gœal Lourdes
Akkomodazzjoni fil-Lukanda Lys de Marie (3 star
superior)/Lukanda Padoue (4 star) jew simili
Il-kmamar kollha bis-central heating u s-servizzi privati
Ikel skont il-programm (4 kolazzjonijiet/3 pranzi/
5 çeni)
Coach transfers ajruport/lukanda/ajruport
Is-servizz ta’ Direttur Spiritwali
Is-servizz ta’ Tour Leader
It-taxxi tal-ajruporti u s-service charge
Pont d’Espagne
St Jean de Luz
L-Erbgœa, 7 ta’ Diçembru | Ilgrupp jiltaqa’ l-ajruport fil-10.15am
minn fejn b’titjira diretta mal-Air
Malta f’12.15pm nitilqu gœal
Lourdes. Fit-3.00pm naslu Lourdes
u nirkbu l-coach li teœodna filLukandi. Sistemazzjoni tal-kmamar
u wara nibdew il-mawra tagœna
f’Lourdes bi ÿjara fil-Grotta ta’
Massabielle, fejn il-Madonna dehret
lil Santa Bernadette Soubirous.
Wara œin liberu sakemm niltaqgœu
gœaç-çena. Fid-9.00pm nieœdu
sehem bœala grupp fil-Purçissjoni
Aux Flambeaux li ssir fl-okkaÿjoni
ta’ lejliet il-festa tal-Immakulata
Il-Œamis, 8 ta’ Diçembru (Festa
tal-Immakulata Kunçizzjoni)
| Kolazzjon u wara fid-9.30am
flimkien ma’ eluf ta’ pellegrini
oœra ta’ kull æens nieœdu sehem
fil-Quddiesa Internazzjonali li
tiæi ççelebrata fil-Baÿilika San
Piju X. Esperjenza unika u xeni
mpressjonanti ta’ devozzjoni. Wara
li jittieœed ritratt ta’ tifkira tal-grupp
quddiem it-tliet Baÿiliki mmorru
naraw video dwar il-Messaææ ta’
Lourdes. Wara l-pranzu nkomplu
bil-programm billi mmorru naraw,
u fejn ikun possibbli nÿuru, diversi
postijiet ta’ interess konnessi ma’
Santa Bernadette; fosthom ilMitœna Boly (fejn twieldet u gœexet
sakemm kellha 10 snin), il-Cachot
(kamra f’œabs abbandunat fejn
gœexet, flimkien mal-familja, matul
id-dehriet) u l-Knisja Parrokkjali li
hija ddedikata lill-Qalb Imqaddsa
ta’ Æesu (fejn tgœammdet).
Niltaqgœu l-lukanda gœaç-çena.
Il-Æimgœa, 9 ta’ Diçembru | Wara
l-kolazzjon nagœmlu l-Via Sagra fuq
l-Gœolja de l’Espeluges. Din tkun
segwita bis-sehem tagœna fiççelebrazzjoni tal-Quddiesa. Wara
l-pranzu jkollna optional excursion
gœal Pont d’Espagne li jifforma
parti mill-Park Nazzjonali talPyrenees. Eskurzjoni fuq il-muntanji
fejn ikollna l-opportunità nitpaxxew
b’xenarju mill-isbaœ u naraw
œafna kaskati meraviljuÿi bl-ilma
Is-Sibt, 10 ta’ Diçembru |
Kolazzjon u wara jkollna optional
excursion ta’ æurnata gœal St Jean
de Luz. F’St Jean de Luz, li hija
belt kosmopolitana u medjevali
b’influwenza Spanjola, inÿuru
ç-çentru storiku u l-bajja kbira talpost. Ikollna œin liberu li matulu
nkunu nistgœu nkomplu ngawdu
ç-çentru tal-belt, fejn insibu
l-aqwa restoranti li jservu ikel bnin
tal-baœar, u x-xtajta meraviljuÿa
tal-post. Nirritornaw il-lukanda
Il-Œadd, 11 ta’ Diçembru | Wara
l-kolazzjon u ç-çelebrazzjoni talEwkaristija, in-nofs ta’ nhar ta’
filgœodu jkun liberu gœal ÿjajjar
personali. Pranzu u wara optional
excursion ta’ nofs ta’ nhar gœal
Pau. Il-belt ta’ Pau hija l-kapitali
ta’ Bearn u famuÿa gœaliex fiha
kien jgœix Enriku IV, Re ta’ Franza
u Navarra. Inÿuru ç-çentru ta’ Pau
fejn, fost oœrajn, hemm kastell kbir,
ix-Chateau de Pau, fejn Napuljun
kien iqatta’ l-vaganzi tiegœu. Wara
nirritornaw lura l-lukanda fejn
ikollna ç-çena. Œin liberu sakemm
nitilqu mil-lukanda gœall-ajruport.
(Il-kmamar jinÿammu sal-œin tattluq mil-lukandi.)
It-Tnejn, 12 ta’ Diçembru | It-titjira
diretta tal-Air Malta titlaq minn
Lourdes fin-nofs siegœa ta’ filgœodu
u tasal Malta fis-2.55am.
Nota: Jista’ jkun hemm xi tibdil
fil-programm taç-çelebrazzjonijiet
minœabba li meta æie ppreparat dan
il-programm, kien gœadu ma æiex
ippubblikat il-programm uffiçjali tasSantwarju ta’ Lourdes.
(Please Read Booking Conditions on Pages 30 & 31)
| 3
The Trulli experience
Bari & Alberobello
Free excursion to Matera
30th October - 3rd November
3rd - 6th November
VISITING Bari, Castellana Grotte,
Matera & Alberobello
outside their trulli shops and bars. Here we can find
colourful terracotta whistles (a local Puglian artifact)
and some simple local ceramics. Heading up Via
Monte Michele, we can visit Alberobello’s twentiethcentury trullo church, the Chiesa di Sant’Antoni. We
then can join the leader for lunch (optional) in a Typical
Masseria including olive oil and wine tasting. The
afternoon is free for personal sightseeing or shopping.
Trulli Houses, Alberobello
Sunday, 30th October | We meet our tour leader at
Malta Iternational airport at 5.50pm for our Ryanair
flight departing at 7.50pm. We arrive in Bari airport at
9.15pm, after which we are transferred to our 4 star
Hotel Mercure Villa Romanazzi Carducci for check in and
Monday, 31st October | We start the day with a
guided half day optional walk to Bari city centre. Bari
is the second most important economic centre of
mainland Southern Italy after Naples. It is a well known
port and University City, as well as the city of Saint
Nicholas. Visits to the Basilica of Saint Nicholas, the
Bari Cathedral (dedicated to saint Sabinus of Canos)
and Petruzzelli Theatre are a must. You can stroll the
streets of Barivecchia (Old Bari) from Piazza Mercantile
to Piazza Ferrarese which is truly an experience for
tourists in Bari. Afterwards, there will be some free time
for personal sightseeing. In the afternoon, we can join
the leader on an optional excursion to visit Castellana
Grotte. This is famous for the network of caves found
here and was discovered in 1938. These vast caves
were created by underground rivers which filtered
down through the limestone soil of the Murge Hills.
We shall have enough time to visit the numerous caves
(entr. extra) with their richly coloured stalactites and
Tuesday, 1st November | Today after breakfast we
check out from our Bari hotel and we start our trip to
Alberobello. On the way we have the opportunity to visit
the town of Matera, which gained international fame for
its ancient town of Sassi di Matera. The Sassi are houses
dug into the calcarenitic rock itself. The streets in some
parts of the Sassi often run on top of other houses. The
ancient town stands on one slope of the ravine created
by a river that is now a small stream. Matera is the only
place in the world where people can boast to be still
living in the same houses of their ancestors of 9,000
years ago. In the late afternoon, we head to the small
town of Alberobello, a UNESCO World Heritage site, an
unusual trulli district, with its characteristic white-washed
conical-roofed houses. Check in for a once in a life time
experience as we will be sleeping in one of these trulli
(located in the centre of Alberobello but in different
Wednesday, 2nd November | Today is dedicated
to discover the pretty town of Alberobello. The
principal tourist activity in Alberobello is wandering
around looking at the trulli. There are also a handful
of small museums and plenty of shops where we can
buy souvenirs or taste local products. The area in
Alberobello most popular with tourists is Rione Monti,
a district on a slope facing the modern town centre. It
consists of several picturesque narrow lanes winding
uphill. Walking around is enjoyable, but be prepared
for constant welcomes from the local vendors sitting
Thursday, 3rd November | Our last day starts with
breakfast and check out from our trullo. In the late
morning we start our trip back to Bari airport with a stop
in Mongolfiera Shopping Centre Il Molfetta. We can
enjoy some free time for shopping before we make our
way to Bari Airport for our Ryanair flight departing at
7.50pm and arriving in Malta at 9.15pm.
Adult in Triple
Adult in Twin
Adult in Single
Child sharing with 2 Adults
Half Board (2 meals in Alberobello)
Extras per person:
Additional Baggage Supp. for 15 kg
Additional Baggage Supp. for 20 kg
*Special Price
* Special price applies when half board & all excursions are taken
Note: City tax of ¢0.80 per person per night is to be paid directly at the
Trulli reception in Alberobello only
Thursday, 3rd November | We meet our tour
leader at the Malta International airport at
7.25am for our Air Malta flight departing at
9.25am and arriving in Munich at 11.45am.
On arrival we offer you a free visit in the capital
of Bavaria. Famed for its beer and architecture
Munich, offers something for everyone, whether
if you are seeking arts and culture, shopping, fine
dining or Bavarian beer halls atmosphere. There is
a pedestrian shopping zone in the city centre that
leads down to Marienplatz square. We shall also
see its large church, the Frauenkirche, and the
famous city hall. We then head to our 4 star Hotel
Grauer in Innsbruck for check in.
Friday, 4th November | Today we enjoy a
free morning in Innsbruck, the capital of the
Tyrol region. We will have time to visit the old
medieval town and as walking tour will take us
round the narrow street and pavement cafes.
We will see the Golden Roof, the Hofburg
Palace and Maria Thereasien Strasse, a main
shopping street, full of historic architecture and
sightseeing paradise. In the afternoon, we will
go on an optional half day tour to the nearby
peaceful village of Seefeld, situated at the
foot of the German Alps thus dominated and
surrounded by mountains.
Saturday, 5th November | This morning after
breakfast we will go on our full day optional
excursion to Kaunertal and Landeck. In Kaunertal
the breathtaking natural beauty of the high
Alps is exposed in all its glory. We will surely
fin the magnificent Alpine landscape absolutely
impressive. Early in the afternoon we proceed to
Landeck where we will have some free time for
personal sightseeing or shopping.
Return Ryanair flights to Bari including 10 kg Hand Luggage
2 nights in 4 star Hotel Mercure Villa Romanazzi Carducci or
similar in Bari & 2 nights in a Trullo (various locations)
Rooms with private facilities & TV
Daily Continental Breakfast
Free Excursion to Matera
Return Airport Transfers
Services of Tour Leader
Airport taxes & Service Charge
Bari City Tour
Castellana Grotte
Typical Local Lunch
(Please Read Booking Conditions on Pages 30 & 31)
Short break in
Free visit to Munich
Weekend escape to
3rd - 6th November
VISITING Munich, Innsbruck,
Seefeld, Kaunertal & Landeck
of Canal in Southern France. Interestingly the water
falling on the western side of this point flows to
the Atlantic Ocean and on the eastern side, to the
Mediterranean Sea.
Sunday, 6th November | After breakfast we leave
the hotel and make our way to Munich Airport
for our Air Malta flight departing at 12.40pm and
arriving in Malta at 3.00pm.
Adult in Triple
Adult in Twin
Adult in Single
Child sharing with 2 Adults
Half board
*Special Price
* Special price applies when all excursions are taken
Note: City tax of ¢1.00 per person per night is to be paid directly
at the hotel
Thursday, 3rd November | We will meet our tour
leader at Malta International airport at 5.30am for
our Ryanair flight to Toulouse departing at 7.30am.
On arrival at 9.55am our private coach will pick us
up and transfer us to our hotel in Toulouse. As it
will be a bit early for check in join the leader for an
optional panoramic city tour of Toulouse. Toulouse
is the centre of the European aerospace industry,
housing the headquarters of Airbus. The city, with
its unique architecture made up of pinkish terracotta
bricks, earned the nickname “La Ville Rose” (The
Pink City). Here we find two UNESCO World
Heritage sites, the Canal du Midi and the Basilica of
St. Sernin. We then head to our 4 star hotel Mercure
Toulouse Wilson for check in and the afternoon is
free for personal sightseeing or shopping.
Friday, 4 November | After breakfast today
we have an optional excursion to Carcassonne.
This city is famous for the Cite de Carcassonne,
a medieval fortress restored by the theorist and
architect Eugene Viollet-le-Duc and added to the
UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites in 1997. It
greatly profits from tourism but also counts on
wine making as another of its key economic sectors.
This fortified city consists essentially of a concentric
design of two outer walls with 53 towers and
barbicans to prevent attacks by siege engines. The
castle itself possesses its own drawbridge and ditch
leading to a central keep. Parts of the fortifications
were built during the Roman period in fact one
can notice typically Roman red-brick layered walls
and the shallow pitch terracotta tile roofs. One of
these towers housed the catholic Inquisition in the
13th century and is still known as “The Inquisition
Tower”. Some free time for personal sightseeing
will be followed by a stop at the Canal du Midi –
The Seuil de Naurouze which is the highest point
Return AirMalta flights to Munich
3 nights in 4 star Hotel Grauer Bar in Innsbruck or similar
Rooms with private facilities & TV
Daily Buffet Breakfast
Free visit to Munich
Return Airport Transfers
Services of Tour Leader
Airport taxes & Service Charge
Kaunertal & Landeck
VISITING Toulouse, Carcassonne,
Seuil de Naurouze & Lourdes
Saturday, 5th November | Today after breakfast we
join our tour leader for a full day optional excursion
that will take us to Lourdes. Who hasn’t heard about
Lourdes? Lourdes is a town in south-western France,
on the foothills of the Pyrenees Mountains. It’s
known worldwide for the Sanctuaries of Our Lady
of Lourdes, a major Catholic pilgrimage site. Every
year, millions visit the Grotto of Massabielle where,
in 1858, the Virgin Mary appeared to St Bernadette
Soubirous. There will be some free time to enjoy
Lourdes for personal sightseeing or prayers.
Sunday, 6th November | After breakfast we check
out from our hotel and we will make our way
towards Toulouse Airport for our Ryanair flight
departing at 10.20am arriving in Malta at 12.40pm.
Adult in Triple
Adult in Twin
Adult in Single
Child sharing with 2 Adults
Extras per person:
Additional Baggage Supp. for 15 kg
Additional Baggage Supp. for 20 kg
*Special Price
* Special price applies when all excursions are taken
Note: City tax of ¢2.20 per person per night is to be paid directly at
the hotel
Return Ryanair flights to Toulouse including
10 kg hand luggage
3 nights in a 4 star hotel Mercure Toulouse Wilson in
Toulouse or similar
Daily Breakfast
Rooms with private facilities, heating & TV
Return Airport Transfers
Services of Tour Leader
Airport taxes & Service Charge
Toulouse City tour
(Please Read Booking Conditions on Pages 30 & 31)
| 5
Christmas Market with a difference!
Cologne &
all inclusive
River Cruise
6th - 13th December
8th & 13th December
- Public Holidays
Tuesday, 6th December | We meet
our tour leader at 5.20am for our
Ryanair flight to Cologne departing
at 7.20am. On arrival at 10.10am,
our coach will take us to our Hotel
Martin En Cologne and after checkin, one may join the tour leader for a
familiarization walk or start enjoying
the festive season by visiting one of
Cologne’s Christmas markets.
Wednesday, 7th December | After
breakfast we will check out from
our hotel and there will be some
free time. Early in the afternoon we
will board the AROSA Flora River
Cruise. We will enjoy a 4 night allinclusive river cruise, with gourmet
buffets and live cooking stations,
high quality drinks throughout the
day, concierge service and free
Wi-Fi. Departure from Cologne
to Rotterdam will be at around
Thursday, 8th December | Today
we dock in Rotterdam at approx.
10.00am. Rotterdam is located in
South Holland. We will join the
tour leader to discover Rotterdam
and see few of the most famous
landmarks such as the Erasmus
cable bridge that links north and
south Rotterdam. The Euromast
which is an observation tower
and the most recent addition:
the unique Markthal. There will
be some free time in the city
centre for personal sightseeing
or shopping, or we can go to
the Rotterdam Christmas market
located at Grotekerkplein in front of
Laurenskerk church. Here, we shall
visit the pretty Christmas houses
and many stalls with festive music in
the background. Late in the evening
we will head back to the port as our
mini cruise will depart Rotterdam at
around 1.00am (9th December).
Friday, 9th December | Today we
dock in Amsterdam at approx.
9.00am until 6.00am of the
following day. Therefore, we can
enjoy this city both by day and
night. During the day we will
appreciate the mesmerizing beauty
of this canal city. We can visit the
most famous Dam Square, the Royal
Palace, the National Monument, the
Skinny Bridge, Van Gogh museum
and Anne Frank House. We can
even opt to visit the Vondelpark
which is a public urban park of 47
hectares. In the afternoon we can
visit the Christmas market. There’s
nothing quite like the atmosphere
of Christmas markets to make you
feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Here
we find a range of independent
festive stalls taking place every
week leading up to Christmas. In
Amsterdam we can even find 2
Ice-skating rinks, one in Leidesplein
and one in Museumplein flanked by
traditional wooden chalets selling
healthy festive food and drinks.
Saturday, 10th December |
Today at 6am the ship will depart
Amsterdam and so we will enjoy a
full day and overnight on board the
AROSA Flora.
Sunday, 11th December | Today,
on arrival in Cologne at approx.
9.00am, we disembark from our
mini cruise on the AROSA Flora and
afterwards we offer a free visit to
Ahrweiler, also known as a spatown.
We will explore the old city with its
medieval atmosphere. After some
Cologne Christmas Market
Free visit to Ahrweiler
free time for personal sightseeing
we head to our hotel and we will
check in for our last 2 nights in
VISITING Cologne, Rotterdam,
Amsterdam & Ahrweiler
Monday, 12th December | Today,
after breakfast, we are spoilt for
choice to visit Cologne’s 4 major
Christmas markets at leisure: firstly
the most impressive one stands
in Cologne’s Cathedral’s square
in the shadow of this magnificent
structure, secondly the Alter Markt
which is located in front of the Old
Cologne town hall shadowed by
beautiful narrow-gabled houses
and half-timbered stalls. This is an
ideal market for children as one
can find a children’s roundabout,
a puppet theatre and Santa Claus’
grotto. Thirdly, the Neumarkt is
located on the new market near St.
Aposteln’s church and Cologne’s
main shopping area. Finally, there
is also the Christmas market on
the Rudolfplatz, this takes us to the
world of the Grimm brothers’ fairy
tales, with large fairy tale figures
and festive illuminations that catch
the eye. In addition, there are
also the new Cologne Harbour
Market located near the Chocolate
museum, the Stadtgarden Market
located on the edge of Cologne’s
oldest park and the Christmas
Avenue near Rudolfplatz.
Tuesday, 13th December | After
breakfast, we check out of our
rooms and make our way towards
Cologne Airport for our flight
departing at 10.35am and arriving
in Malta at 1.25pm.
Adult in Triple
Adult in Twin
Adult in Single
Supplements (per person):
Category A
Category C
Category D
Note: City tax not applicable
Return Ryanair flights to Cologne including 10 kg
hand luggage & 20 kg checked in luggage
3 nights in 4 Star Hotel Martin En Cologne in
Cologne on Bed & Breakfast Basis or similar
4 nights aboard the AROSA Flora River cruise
on All Inclusive Basis in Category S in the
Dutch Metropolises
Free visit to Ahrweiler
Rooms with private facilities, central heating & TV
Services of Tour Leader
All taxes & Port Charges
AROSA Flora River Cruise
(Please Read Booking Conditions on Pages 30 & 31)
Christmas Market Delights!
Austria & Germany
Free visit to Munich’s
Olympic Park
7th - 14th December
8th & 13th December
- Public Holidays
VISITING Munich’s Olympic
Park, Flachau, Zell am See,
Millstatt, Velden, Worthersee,
Berchtesgaden, Klagenfurt,
Villach, Mondsee, St Gilgen,
St Wolfgang, St Johann
im Pongau and Salzburg
Adult in Triple
Adult in Twin
Adult in Single
Child sharing with 2 Adults
Half Board (7 meals)
*Special Price
* Special price applies when half board & all excursions are taken
Note: City tax of ¢2.00 per person per night is to be paid directly
at the hotel
Christmas Decorations
Return AirMalta flights to Munich
7 nights in 4 Star Hotel Unterberghof in Flachau or
Buffet Breakfast
Rooms with private facilities, central heating & TV
Free visit to Munich’s Olympic Park
Services of Tour Leader
Airport taxes & Service Charge
Zell am See
St Johann im Pongau/Salzburg
Wednesday, 7th December | We
meet our tour leader at 7.25am
for our Air Malta flight to Munich
departing at 9.25am. On arrival at
11.45am our coach will take us to
visit Munich’s Olympic Park. We
will have time for lunch (extra) and
to visit the area. One of the main
attractions is the Olympic Tower
(extra) standing at a height of
182m, where we can admire the
marvellous panorama. We later
proceed to our hotel in Flachau and
after check in, one may join the tour
leader for a familiarisation walk.
Thursday, 8th December | We
start off our day by enjoying the
atmosphere in Flachau. Later in the
morning, we go for an optional half
day excursion to Zell am See with
its Snow-covered mountains, crystal
clear water and sparkling stars in the
sky. In the picturesque alleys you
will find artistic decorations, lovingly
adorned stalls serving tasty tidbits
and traditional craftsmanship which
will warm your heart. Gorgeous
woodwork and toys, deliciously
spiced mulled wine, freshly baked
Christmas cookies, roasted almonds
and home-knitted products are all
awaiting you!
Friday, 9th December | After
breakfast, our optional full day
excursion will take us to the region
of Carinthia towards the southern
part of Austria. Millstatt particular
market stands out, because it is
situated right on the lake. The
charmingly small market has lights
which reflect and sparkle on the
lake. The air is famous for being
crisp with a festive scent. We later
make our way towards Velden, the
famous and vibrant village on the
shores of Lake Worthersee. A cosy
atmosphere filled with a delicious
scent of vanilla and cinnamon and
the wonderful sounds of Christmas
carols in the air.
Saturday, 10th December | Today
we can have an easy start to the day
before we board the coach for a full
day optional excursion taking us to
Berchtesgaden. This festive season
in Berchtesgaden is characterized
by rich traditions and customs that
have been passed on for many
generations. At the Christmas
Market stalls, you can find original
Berchtesgaden Christmas tree
decorations that have been crafted
according to the folk art traditions
that have existed in the region
for centuries. A live nativity scene,
horse-drawn carriage rides, local
wood crafts and Christmas carol
singers create an atmosphere that
will fill you with joy and peace.
Sunday, 11th December | Today
join the leader for our full day
optional excursion taking us into
the region of Carinthia where
we will first visit Klagenfurt. This
town was awarded the prestigious
Europa Nostra Diploma for its
beautifully restored Renaissance
courtyards. Klagenfurt’s Neuer Platz
is dominated by the Lindwurm,
a winged dragon statue which
is the emblem of the city. It was
modelled on the legendary dragon,
said to have resided in a swamp
here long ago. Here, we will also
find the Christmas markets, set
up nicely in the square with some
lovely enticing scents to tingle your
senses. We later make our way back
to Flachau, making a short stop
in Villach, which is a lovely town
in the Carinthia region boasting
some beautifully adorned Christmas
markets in the town centre.
Monday, 12th December | Our
optional full day excursion today
will take us to Salzkammergut – the
Lake District. Our first stop will
be in Mondsee, a typical quaint
Austrian Village on the bank of Lake
Mondsee. The Cathedral square
famously also hosts a Christmas
Market. Later we will go to St Gilgen
wher we can admire the attractively
painted Baroque by the artist Raja
Schwahn-Reichmann, creating a
magical Christmas atmosphere
in the Mozart village on Lake
Wolfgangsee. This is helped by the
spicy scent of gingerbread drifting
through the air. We later proceed
to St Wolfgang where we have time
to visit the Gothic Winged Alter
and White Horse Inn. We can also
enjoy the picturesque village set up
for Christmas, together with the
Christmas Market offering a rich
selection of exquisite arts and crafts,
regional specialities and wonderful
Christmas tree decorations too.
Tuesday, 13th December | We
start off our day by enjoying an
optional full day excursion, driving
us to the nearby St Johann im
Pongau, which is a typical Austrian
village transformed into a “Town
of Christmas Trees”! Beautifully lit
Christmas trees bedeck not only
public squares but many of the shop
windows… a truly breathtaking
scene! We later make our way to the
festival city of Salzburg home to the
world-famous Christmas market.
Wednesday, 14th December | After
breakfast, we check out of our rooms
and make our way towards Munich
Airport for our flight departing at
12.40pm and arriving in Malta at
Zell am See
(Please Read Booking Conditions on Pages 30 & 31)
| 7
Christmas Markets in
7th - 14th December
8th & 13th December
- Public Holidays
Wednesday, 7 December | We
meet our leader at the airport at
12.30pm for our Air Malta flight
to Vienna departing at 2.30pm.
On arrival at 4.50pm, we start our
drive to Bratislava, crossing over into
Slovakia. We then check into our
4 star central Hotel Austria Trend
Bratislava and enjoy the rest of the
Thursday, 8th December | Today
we go for an optional half day city
tour of Bratislava. . We start from
the impressive Opera House, the
attractive Main Square with the city’s
oldest fountain and the medieval
Town Hall, while driving through the
Old Town area. We will also find the
Christmas markets here, made up of
more than 100 stands offering local
handmade wood crafts, glass and
leather goods. We will also be able
to taste various delicacies such as
sausages, soups, pancakes, biscuits
and much more! We then proceed
towards the landmark of the city
– Bratislava Castle, picturesquely
situated over the Danube River.
In the afternoon, we offer you an
optional excursion known as the
Small Carpathian Wine Route. The
Little Carpathians area is rich in flora
and fauna diversity. Since the Middle
Ages, this area has also been known
for its wines and wine-making
tradition. In fact, our first stop will
be in Pezinok and visit the Majolica
Manufacture to see the production
and decorating of pottery. Then we
continue to Sv. Jur for wine tasting
and a special Autumn Dinner is
served in a wine cellar.
Friday, 9 December | Our optional
full day excursion today takes us
towards the Hungarian border, into
the towns of Sopron and Gyor. We
will first visit Sopron where we can
admire the huge Christmas tree
Czech Republic, Hungary & Austria
in the centre of the main square.
The Christmas market here offers
a wide selection of teas, mulled
wine, punch, lots of delicacies and
handicrafts products. We later
proceed to Gyor and its own unique
Christmas market. The scent of
stove cake and mulled wine fills the
downtown every winter. We can visit
Baross Street, Megyeház Square and
Széchenyi Square which are home to
spectacular lively scenes.
Saturday, 10th December | Today,
our optional full day excursion will
take us towards the Czech Republic
border. Our first stop is in the city of
Brno, the second largest and most
important city in Czech Republic.
Here we can enjoy some beautiful
Christmas markets, which evoke the
true spirit of Christmas. In addition to
the Christmas tree, Freedom Square
will also have a carved nativity scene
made by Jirí (George) Halouzek and
a Christmas village with market stalls.
Christmas at Green Market carries
the spirit of storybook holidays of old,
with its’ trees decorated with candles,
nuts and straw. We later proceed to
the Lednice Valtice Area which is one
of the treasures of UNESCO’s World
Heritage Sites. A stop in Kromeriz
which was chosen as the most
beautiful historical city of the Czech
Republic, is highly recommended.
Sunday, 11th December | After
breakfast, we will make our way
towards the Hungarian border once
more. Our optional full day excursion
this time will take us to the capital
of Hungary, Budapest. We will start
off our excursion by visiting the
neo-gothic Parliament building and
Heroes’ Square. Then, we will drive
up to the Castle District and visit
the marvellous Matthias Church
(entrance included). We will also
see the former Royal Palace and the
Fisherman’s Bastion. We will later
make our way towards Vörösmarty
Square, a lovely plaza in the heart
of the city. One can smell the scent
of traditional honey cookies, mulled
wine and cinnamon. The rich
Free visit to Vienna
Christmas Markets
fragrance simply lures you to the
market. We can also make our way
on foot towards St Stephen’s Basilica
around which we can find some
other nicely decorated stalls.
Monday, 12 December | Breakfast
and today we can you our leader
for an optional full day excursion to
east Bratislava and visit Nitra - one of
the oldest cities in Slovakia, founded
in the Nitra river valley. The city’s
surroundings are full of natural beauty
including a natural reserve called
“Zaborska Lasostep”. Nitra itself is full
of historical monuments which we
will see during our excursion. Some
of the highlights are Nitra Castle with
St Emmeram’s Cathedral and Prince
Pribina’s Square. After some free time,
we continue our excursion and head
to the Castle of Bojnice (entrance
extra). This medieval castle is one of
the most visited castles in Slovakia. It
is also a very popular stage for fantasy
and fairy-tale movies.
Tuesday, 13th December | We will
enjoy our last full day in Bratislava
for our own personal sightseeing
and shopping whilst enjoying the
lovely atmosphere that the Christmas
markets bring to us!
Wednesday, 14th December | After
checking out of our hotel, we start
our drive back to Vienna where we
will have the possibility to enjoy
the Viennese Christmas Markets.
We start off in front of City Hall, an
unforgettable highlight for those
eager to get into the spirit of the
season even more! The unique
backdrop gives this market a charm
of its own. We will later explore the
baroque lifestyle and traditional
handicrafts at the popular Christmas
Village at Belvedere Palace (entrance
to the Palace is extra). More than 40
Christmassy decorated market stalls
offer traditional handcrafted goods,
elaborate Christmas decorations and
special culinary delights. We then
proceed to Vienna airport for our Air
Malta flight departing at 5.55pm and
arriving in Malta at 8.10pm.
VISITING Bratislava, the Small
Carpathian Wine Route, Sopron,
Gyor, Brno, Kromeriz, Budapest,
Nitra, Bojnice and Vienna
Adult in Triple
Adult in Twin
Adult in Single
Child sharing with 2 Adults
*Special Price
* Special price applies when all excursions are taken
Note: City tax already paid in the above prices
Main Square, Bratislava
Return AirMalta flights to Vienna
7 nights in 4 Star Hotel Austria Trend Bratislava in
Bratislava or similar
7 Buffet Breakfasts
Rooms with private facilities, A/C & TV
Return Airport Transfers
Services of Tour Leader
Free visit to Vienna Christmas Markets
Airport taxes & Service Charge
Bratislava City tour
Small Carpathian Wine Route including
wine tasting & Autumn Dinner
Sopron/Gyor (Hungary)
Brno/Lednice Valtice Area (Czech Republic)
Budapest (Hungary)
(Please Read Booking Conditions on Pages 30 & 31)
Black Forest
White Christmas Magic
4 star Hotel in Schwenningen
Visiting Europe’s Largest
Christmas Market in Stuttgart
VISITING Schwenningen, Colmar,
Freiburg, Stuttgart, Europa Theme
Park, Strasbourg, Dorotheenhutte,
Triberg, Furtwangen, Titisee, Lake
Constance, Uberlingen, Meersburg
and Birnau
Adult in Triple
Adult in Twin
Adult in Single
Child sharing with 2 Adults
*Special Price
* Special price applies when all excursions are taken
** There are plenty of restaurants in the vicinity of the hotel
that offers tourist menus
Note: City tax not applicable
Return AirMalta flights to Zurich
7 nights in 4 star Central Hotel in Schwenningen
or similar
Daily Hot & Cold Buffet Breakfast
Tea and coffee making facilities in room
Welcome drink on arrival
Rooms with private services, TV, hairdryer &
central heating
Fitness and Sauna area
Return Airport Transfers
Service of Tour Leader
Airport taxes & Service Charge
Europa Theme Park (entrance extra)
(entrance in Clock Museum extra)
7th - 14th December
8th & 13th December
- Public Holidays
Wednesday, 7th December | We
meet our tour leader at the airport
at 12.25pm for our Air Malta direct
flight to Zurich (opportunity for
duty free shopping) departing at
2.25pm. On arrival, at 4.50pm, we
are transferred to our Central Hotel
in Schwenningen, Germany for
our stay in the Black Forest region,
ideally situated for discovering the
highlights of the area. After check
in at the hotel, we are offered a
welcome drink and later we will
go for a familiarization walk in the
town’s pedestrian area.
Thursday, 8th December | Our full
day optional excursion takes us to
Colmar, France a famous romantic
place known as ‘Little Venice of
Alsace’. Our walking tour takes us
through historic cobbled streets,
characterized by half-timbered
houses and a warm Christmas mood
that envelops the heart of the town.
We later drive back to Freiburg, the
hub and capital of the Black Forest
region. We walk in the very heart of
Freiburg’s historical centre and visit
the Gothic Cathedral, dominating
the main square. We then walk to
Augustinerplatz for the traditional
Christmas Market. We shall have free
time for sightseeing and shopping.
Friday, 9th December | This
morning, we go on a full day
optional excursion to visit the
sparkling Christmas city of Stuttgart
where we visit the most popular
Christmas Market in Germany and
certainly the most beautiful and
largest in Europe with 230 stalls
spread on Marktplatz, Schillerplatz
and Schlossplatz. The stalls take
the shape of small wooden houses
beautifully decorated with Christmas
ornaments. The range of goods on
offer is extensive and complemented
by ginger cookies and mulled
wine to keep us warm. A really
memorable day for everyone!
Saturday, 10th December | Today
we can have a free day or join the
tour leader for a day at the famous
Europa theme Park (entrance extra) –
a fantastic magic world of attractions
and adventures for all ages. A unique
Christmas market – the last to visit
– is set up at the main entrance
adding to the impressive Christmas
decorations and fascinating yuletide
Sunday, 11th December | We board
the coach and head to Strasbourg
in neighbouring France for a full
day optional excursion. Our coach
will take us through the lovely
Black Forest’s thick foliage wintry
countryside. On the way we stop
at Dorotheenhutte’s glass paradise
and its unique year- round Christmas
shop. We proceed to Strasbourg
to visit Petite France and the old
medieval town with its impressive
Cathedral surrounded by the famous
Christmas Market. Strasbourg’s
history, charm and beauty are there
for everybody to admire.
Monday, 12th December | A day of
scenic delights awaits us on our full
day optional excursion to the heart
of the Black Forest. This region is
greatly known for producing and
selling traditional cuckoo clocks for
more than 250 years. We first head
to Triberg, with the possibility of
casting a glance at the last cascade
of the waterfalls (depending on
the limited access). We will have
time to admire the world’s largest
cuckoo clock in Clock Park Eble. We
then proceed to Furtwangen Clock
Museum (entrance extra), where
our guide will show us the largest
collection of clocks from all times.
Our last stop will be in Titisee with
its natural lake surrounded by forest
Tuesday, 13th December | Today
we head south for our full day
optional excursion Lake Constance,
bordering with Germany, Austria
and Switzerland. We visit three
German towns on the lake, starting
with Uberlingen, also known as ‘The
Riviera at Lake Constance’. Here
we meet the local English speaking
guide to take us around this lakeside
town. We then proceed to nearby
medieval Meersburg, built on a
steep vineyard. On the way we make
a short stop to see the church in
Birnau which is a popular pilgrimage
site. The guide will accompany us
in Meersburg and afterwards we
board the ferry (fare included) to
cross the lake on a 20-minute trip
to Constance. Our walking tour
takes us to the town centre, passing
through pedestrian streets filled with
stalls selling Christmas goods.
Wednesday, 14th December |
After breakfast, there will be some
free time until we leave for Zurich
airport for our return Air Malta flight
departing at 5.40pm and arriving in
Malta at 8.00pm.
(Please Read Booking Conditions on Pages 30 & 31)
| 9
Christmas Markets in
Free visit to Spoleto
8th - 11th December
VISITING Perugia, Frasassi,
Gubbio, Assisi and Spoleto
8th December - Public Holiday
Thursday, 8th December | We will
meet our tour leader at the airport
at 5.55am for our Air Malta flight
to Rome departing at 7.55am. On
arrival at 9.20am we will start our
drive towards Perugia. There will
be free time to visit the historical
centre of Umbria’s capital. It is
possible to visit the wonderful
Christamas Market that takes place
in the underground fortress in the
center of the old town. Here we
will find typical products such as
chocolate, honey, cheese, sausages
and much more!
Friday, 9th December | Breakfast
and today’s optional full day
excursion will take us to Frasassi.
Here we will have the opportunity
to visit the huge caves (entrance
extra). We then continue to
Gubbio where we will visit the old
historical town. In Gubbio there are
some special events for this festive
season. In one of the main squares
we can find pretty Christmas
Market. Gubbio is also famous for
the biggest Christmas tree of the
world. Securing this title in the
Guinness World record books since
1991. The tree, which is as big
as the mountain that dominates
Gubbio, lights up at 5pm and gives
start to a magical atmosphere.
Saturday, 10 December | Today,
after breakfast we join the leader
for a full day excursion to Assisi;
a UNESCO World Heritage site.
During this special season we
will find a crib near the Upper
and lower Basilicas, keeping in
mind the connection with St.
Francis. Another Christmas market
awaits us so join the locals and
enjoy the smells and flavours of
these typical Christmas markets.
*Special Price
* Special price applies when half board & all excursions are taken
Note: City tax of ¢1.50 per person per night is to be paid directly at the hotel
** Note: Coaches can’t enter in the Historic city centre of Perugia so we’re
offering to all clients services of a porter to carry luggage from coach drop up
point to hotel & back
Return Air Malta flights to Rome
3 nights in 3 star Hotel Fortuna in Perugia or similar
Rooms with private facilities, heating & TV
Continental Breakfast
Free visit to Spoleto
Return Airport Transfers
Services of Tour Leader
Airport taxes & Service Charge
Frasassi & Gubbio
The Slovenian Julian Alps plus a touch of Italy and Austria
VISITING Kranjska Gora, Bled, Bohinj, Mount Vogel, Lake Ossiach,
Klagenfurt, Monte Lussari, Lago di Fusine and Venice
8 - 13 December
8th & 13th December
- Public Holidays
Kranjska Gora
Friday, 9th December | After
breakfast, today we go on an
optional full day excursion that will
take us to explore the town of Bled,
known as the “Pearl of the Slovenian
Alpine Region”. We visit Bled Castle
(extra) and then proceed to Bohinj,
the largest glacier lake in Slovenia,
situated in the region of the Julian
Alps. We will take a cable car (extra)
up to Mount Vogel and admire the
stupendous view till we reach the
optional excursion and cross over
to Austria visiting Lake Ossiach and
Klagenfurt, one of Austria’s most
charming old towns. First, we visit
Lake Ossiach for a relaxed start
to the day. Later we proceed to
Velden which lies on the shores of
Worthersee Lake and then continue
to Klagenfurt. Klagenfurt was
awarded the prestigious Europa
Nostra Diploma for its beautifully
restored Renaissance courtyards.
The Neuer Platz is dominated by
the Lindwurm, a winged dragon
ststue which is the emblem of
the city. It was modelled on the
legendary dragon said to have
resided in a swamp here long ago.
Saturday, 10th December | We
board our coach for a full day
Sunday, 11th December | Today
we will start the day with free time
Sunday, 11th December | After
breakfast we check out of our
hotel. On the way to Rome airport
we will stop in Spoleto where we
will visit the elegant Leti-Sansi
Palace which houses a little market
inside. The Palace is known for
its charming wooden ceilings. So
enjoy this last free time for our
Christmas shopping. We then head
to Fiumicino Airport for our flights
back to Malta departing at 4.05pm
and arriving at 5.30pm.
Kranjska Gora in Slovenia
Thursday, 8th December | We will
meet our leader at 6.40am for our
Ryanair flight to Venice Treviso
Airport departing at 8.40am. On
arrival at 10.40am, we make our
way past the Slovenian border and
proceed to our 4 star Hotel Ramada
Resort in Kranjska Gora and check in.
We will later go for a familiarisation
walk with our tour leader, showing
us various interesting sites of this
Winter Skiing Resort.
In the afternoon we will stop in
Santa Maria degli Angeli to visit
the Cathedral that preserves the
Porziuncola (the old tiny church
that dates back to Saint Francis).
Adult in Triple
Adult in Twin
Adult in Single
Child sharing with 2 Adults
Half Board
to enjoy in Kranjska Gora. In the
afternoon, we will go for a half day
optional excursion crossing over
to Italy driving towards the foot
of Monte Lussari where we can
ride a cable car (extra – weather
permitting). Monte Lussari is
popular with pilgrims due to the
miraculous discovery of a statue
of Mary with Baby Jesus. We later
make a stop near Lago di Fusine
for some stunning views of these
picturesque lakes.
Monday, 12 December | This
morning after breakfast, we check
out from our Hotel and start our trip
to Venice Mestre. On arrival we will
check into our rooms and then we
can ether opt for a visit to Venice
by local transport (extra) where one
can visit famous landmarks such
as the Rialto Bridge, The Doge’s
Palace, St. Mark’s Square and its
Return Ryanair flights to Venice (Treviso) including
10 kg hand luggage & 20 kg checked in luggage
4 nights in 4 star Hotel Ramada Resort in
Kranjska Gora or similar
1 night in 4 star Hotel Delfino in Venice Mestre
or similar
The use of an indoor swimming pool in Kranjska Gora
4 Buffet Breakfasts & 1 Packed Breakfast
Rooms with private facilities, A/C & TV
Return Airport Transfers
Services of Tour Leader
Airport taxes & Service Charge
Tuesday, 13th December | After
an early check out of our rooms,
we will have a packed breakfast
and make our way towards Venice
Treviso Airport for our Ryanair flight
departing at 11.05am and arriving
in Malta at 1.00pm.
Adult in Triple
Adult in Twin
Adult in Single
Child sharing with 2 Adults
Half Board
*Special Price
* Special price applies when half board & all excursions are taken
Note: City tax of ¢1.90 per person per night to be paid directly at the hotel
in Kranjska Gora & city tax of ¢3.10 per person to be paid directly at the
hotel in Venice Mestre
Bled/Bohinj/Mt Vogel
Lake Ossiach/Klagenfurt
Monte Lussari/Lago di Fusine
All excursions are guided by an English speaking guide
(Please Read Booking Conditions on Pages 30 & 31)
Christmas Magic
Free visit to Bardolino
8th - 15th December
VISITING Bardolino, Trento,
Levico Terme, Pergine Valsugana,
Innsbruck, Bressanone, Vipiteno,
Verona, Arco, Bolzano, Merano,
Brunico and Cortina D’Ampezzo
Adult in Triple
Adult in Twin
Adult in Single
Child sharing with 2 Adults
Half Board
*Special Price
* Special price applies when half board & all excursions are taken
Note: City tax of ¢1.50 per person per night is to be paid directly at the hotel
Christmas Decorations
Return AirMalta flights to Milan (Linate)
7 nights in 3 star Hotel Everest in Trento or similar
Room with private facilities, TV & Wi-Fi
Daily Buffet Breakfast
Free familiarisation walk of Trento
Free visit to Bardolino
Return Airport Transfers
Services of Tour Leader
Airport taxes & Service Charge
Levico Terme/Pergine Valsugana
Brunico/Cortina D’Ampezzo
8th & 13th December
- Public Holidays
Thursday, 8th December | We
meet our tour leader at 7.00am for
our Air Malta flight to Milan Linate
departing at 9.00am and arriving
at 11.00am. On arrival, we go for
a free visit to Bardolino, one of
Lake Garda’s most popular resorts,
with its traffic-free streets. We later
proceed to our 3 star Hotel Everest
in Trento.
Friday, 9th December | We start our
holiday with a familiarisation walk
of Trento. We see the Castello del
Buonconsiglio, the Duomo and its
splendid square, houses decorated
with frescoes, and churches. In
Trento there’s one of the best
Christmas markets which includes
more than 70 traditional wooden
huts selling a variety of crafts
and decorations. A large Nativity
scene is created in Piazza Duomo,
too. Later, we go for our optional
excursion to Levico Terme - known
for its therapeutic springs and spas
but, today we go for its Christmas
Market. Set in Habsburgs Park, a
merry atmosphere full of sounds
and colours, with handicrafts,
typical food and many attractions
await us. We then proceed to
Pergine Valsugana where a special
market; the Village of Wonders,
is set up to enhance the festive
atmosphere. Besides the typical
stands, there will also be carols,
music and shows with jugglers,
exhibitions and tasting of local
Saturday, 10th December | This
morning we head to the capital
of Tyrol for our full day optional
excursion to Innsbruck. Every
Advent, in front of the famous
Golden Roof, we come across
the Old Town Christmas Market
which is surrounded by medieval
facades. Strolling through the
market we will find Christmas
ornaments, handicrafts and
other winter treats. Traditional
dishes such as Kiachln and a mug
of mulled wine will keep us warm
whilst mingling with the locals and
making new friends.
Sunday, 11th December | Another
full day optional excursion takes
us to Bressanone, which is Tyrol’s
oldest town. We go through its
medieval centre and see arcaded
walkways, centuries-old buildings,
the cathedral and the palace.
Visitors are met with tempting
scents and unique aromas at the
Christmas Market. Taste the typical
specialties and enjoy the remarkable
atmosphere in the cathedral square.
We then proceed to Vipiteno, a
popular meeting point in Christmas
time. The Christmas Market takes
place in the centre of the city, in the
shadow of the famous Torre delle
Dodici and offers a wide variety
of ideas for Christmas presents,
Christmas bakery and much more.
Another highlight is the Christmas
crib exhibition with handmade
products in the Torre delle Dodici.
Monday, 12th December | Our
optional full day excursion takes us
first to the beautiful city of Verona
famous for Shakespeare’s tragedy
of Romeo and Juliet. Verona is a
splendid city of art, surrounded with
Roman ruins, medieval vestiges,
palaces, squares, bridges and
wonderful churches. The Germanstyle market takes place in the
central square and has traditional
wooden huts selling regional foods,
handicrafts and Christmas tree
decorations. We then go to the
Christmas market in the medieval
town of Arco, which is a blend of
Nordic tradition and local Italian
lifestyle. One can see little wooden
houses, a small farm with lots of
ponies to ride, a Christmas train, a
crib exhibition and Christmas
concerts, which all help contribute
to the festive spirit.
Tuesday, 13th December | Our
full day optional excursion takes
us to the South of Tyrol - Bolzano
and Merano. Bolzano hosts Italy’s
biggest Christmas market; this
traditional market takes place in
Piazza Walter. We then proceed
to the medieval town of Merano.
Surrounded by Alpine peaks, we
stroll through this picturesque town
and see its 13th century centre,
the Duomo and Via Dei Portici.
We then immerse ourselves into
the Christmas spirit, with medieval
market booths that sell special
beverages and delicacies.
Wednesday, 14th December |
Today’s full day optional excursion
takes us first to Cortina D’Ampezzo,
with its scenic chalets filling the
decorated squares and streets. We
go through Corso Italia in the heart
of Cortina with traditional wooden
stands for the Christmas Market.
Then we proceed to Brunico, where
we are welcomed with a smell of
freshly baked pastries and cakes,
and the magical charm of the icy
and uniquely beautiful Val Pusteria
in winter. This town near the river
Rienza, offers a colourful range of
culinary highlights and traditional
arts and handicrafts.
Thursday, 15th December | We
check out of the hotel and make
our way towards Milan Linate
airport for our return flight leaving
at 11.50am and arriving in Malta at
(Please Read Booking Conditions on Pages 30 & 31)
| 11
New Year on
Lago Maggiore
Scenic Italy & Switzerland
Free visit to Milan
26th December
- 2nd January
Monday, 26th December | We
meet the tour leader at 07.00am for
our flight to Milan Linate departing
at 09.00am. On arrival at 11.00am,
we head to a visit in Milan, the
capital of Lombardia. Then, we
proceed to Castello Sforzesco where
we leave the coach to proceed on
foot to visit the Duomo (entrance
extra), the Galleria Vittorio
Emanuele II and see the Teatro alla
Scala’s exterior. We later proceed to
our 4 star Hotel Atlantic in Arona for
check-in. After dinner, we can join
the tour leader for a familiarisation
walk in Arona.
Tuesday, 27 December | Today
it is market day in Arona. After
breakfast, we can indulge in some
shopping by visiting the stalls set up
just in front of our hotel. In the early
afternoon, we leave for an optional
excursion to the quaint village of
Orta, situated on Lago d’Orta. We
take a train (extra) which takes us
down to Via Poli where we have
time for a snack (extra) and we
can also take an optional boat trip
(giro turistico) (extra). Then, we
will make a short stop to the tiny
island of San Giulio, where we will
walk around and visit the crypt of
San Giulio. We are later picked up
by the train to take us up the Sacro
Monte, where we can admire a
breathtaking view of Lago d’Orta
and Isola di San Giulio. Later, the
train will collect us to be transferred
to the coach. On our way back to
the Hotel, we will make a short stop
to admire the gigantic statue of St
Charles Borromeo, who was born
in Arona. This bronze statue later
served as a model for the Statue of
Liberty in the USA.
Wednesday, 28th December
| After breakfast, we go on an
optional full day excursion to
discover Macugnaga. The views
VISITING Milan, Arona,
Macugnaga, Zermatt-Matterhorn,
Lugano, Locarno, Orta,
Lago D’Orta, Como, Lecco,
Stresa and Borromean Islands
we can see on this journey are
indeed spectacular, as we drive the
Anzasca Valley, plunged between
the rugged mountains. Macugnaga
is nestled in the foothills of Monte
Rosa. The village itself is a cluster
of typical Alpine buildings. Some
free time is given before we take
the chairlifts (extra & weather
permitted) up to Belvedere to view
the great Monte Rosa and the
glaciers. This is truly an amazing
Thursday, 29th December | After
breakfast, we discover Switzerland
on our optional full day excursion,
stopping in Lugano. Then, we
proceed to an optional 1 hour
lake cruise (extra), after which
we have some free time. In the
early afternoon, we will proceed
to Locarno on Lago Maggiore
where we will visit Piazza Grande
before enjoying some free time for
shopping in the main street. We
then leave Locarno, driving along
the coast of Lago Maggiore.
Friday, 30th December | After
an early breakfast, we head for
an optional full day excursion,
taking us for quite a long and
rewarding scenic drive to Zermatt,
a ski resort in Switzerland at the
foot of Switzerland’s most famous
mountain, the Matterhorn. We will
first stop in Taesch where we take
the train (extra) to Zermatt (a car
free zone). Upon arrival, we can see
the main square and street which
are full of shops. The climax in
Zermatt is however the ride up the
Klein Matterhorn by a 3 tier system
of cable cars (extra) where we will
visit the Glacier Paradise. On our way
one can you see a stupendous view
of the Matterhorn making it a truly
unique experience!
Saturday, 31 December | After
breakfast, we go for an optional
excursion to Como where we can
visit the cathedral (entrance extra)
and stroll along the lake shore, or
even take a short boat ride (extra) on
Lake Como. In the early afternoon,
we leave for Lecco, the second
largest city situated on the shores of
Lake Como. We can enjoy some free
time before we leave for our hotel
in order to prepare for our optional
Gala night.
Sunday, 1st January - Happy
New Year! | Today, we have a
late breakfast and a free morning.
This will give us enough time to
continue to explore Arona. Early in
the afternoon, we will leave for a
half day optional excursion to Stresa
nearby, the most posh lake resort
on Lago Maggiore. A boat will take
us round the Borromean Islands
stopping on Isola dei Pescatori (boat
included). We will later have enough
time to explore Stresa.
Monday, 2 January | After
breakfast, we check out of our rooms
and make our way to Milan Linate
airport for our flight departing at
11.50 am and arriving in Malta at
Adult in Triple
Adult in Twin
Adult in Single
Child sharing with 2 Adults
Half Board (6 meals)
New Year’s Gala Night (optional)
*Special Price
* Special price applies when half board & all excursions are taken
Note: City tax of ¢2.10 per person per night is to be paid directly at the hotel
Return AirMalta flights to Milan (Linate)
7 nights in 4 star Hotel Atlantic in Arona or similar
Continental Buffet Breakfast
Welcome Cocktail
Free visit to Milan
Return Airport Transfers
Services of Tour Leader
Airport taxes & Service Charge
Orta/Lago D’Orta
Stresa/Borromean Islands (boat included)
(Please Read Booking Conditions on Pages 30 & 31)
New year in Bavaria
Plus a touch of Tyrol & Salzburgland
Free visit to Munich’s
Olympic Park
26th December
– 2nd January
VISITING Munich’s Olympic
Park, Worgl, Neushwanstein
Castle, Swarovski Crystal World,
Innsbruck, Oberammergau,
Mittenwald, Seefeld,
Salzburg, Kufstein, Kitzbuhel,
Hahnenkamm mountain and
Garmisch Partenkirchen
Adult in Triple
Adult in Twin
Adult in Single
Child sharing with 2 Adults
Half Board (6 meals & New Year
Gala Dinner with music)
*Special Price
* Special price applies when half board & all excursions are taken
Note: City tax of ¢1.00 per person per night is to be paid directly at the hotel
Monday, 26th December | We
meet our tour leader at the airport
at 7.25am for our Air Malta flight
departing at 9.25am and arriving in
Munich at 11.45am. On arrival our
coach takes us to Munich’s Olympic
Park. We shall have time for lunch
(extra) and visit the Olympic Tower
(extra) at a height of 182m. We
later make our way to our 3 star
Hotel Schachtnerhof in Worgl. After
check-in, we join our tour leader for
a familiarisation walk in the centre
of this village nestled charmingly in
the Innertal Valley.
Tuesday, 27th December | Today’s
optional full day excursion takes
us to the magical Neuschwanstein
castle, which is one of King
Ludwig II’s most remarkable
accomplishments. Known as
“the castle of the fairy-tale King”.
Neuschwanstein castle is one of the
most visited castles in Europe with
around 1.4 million people visiting
annually (entrance and transport
Return AirMalta flights to Munich
7 nights in 3 Star Hotel Schachtnerhof in Worgl
or similar
Room with private facilities, TV, mini-bar,
hair-dryer & free Wi-Fi
Daily Buffet Breakfast
Free Olympic Park visit
Return Airport Transfers
Services of Tour Leader
Airport taxes & Service Charge
Neuschwanstein Castle
Garmisch Partenkirchen
Wednesday, 28th December |
For our full day optional excursion
today we drive to Innsbruck. Our
first stop will be the Swarovski
Crystal World, where we can enjoy
a dazzling tour of this fantastic place
(entrance extra), delightfully located
above Innsbruck and is one of the
city’s most noteworthy attractions.
After this impressive experience we
proceed to Innsbruck city centre to
have a nice walk round the narrow
streets of the old town. Then we
proceed to see the main attractions,
including the Golden Roof, Hofburg
Palace, St Anne’s Column and
Maria Theresien Strasse, which is a
main shopping street full of historic
Thursday, 29th December | This
morning we leave for a full day
excursion to visit three villages,
starting with Oberammergau. Here
we walk through the lanes of this
quaint village and see beautiful
examples of the traditional art of
woodcarving which originated
there. Then we proceed to
Mittenwald; famous for the
manufacturing of violins and trafficfree streets flanked with buildings
decorated with elaborated frescoes.
Our last stop will be in the peaceful
village of Seefeld at the foot of the
German Alps thus dominated and
surrounded by mountains. Here we
will have some free time before we
return to our hotel.
Friday, 30th December | This
morning we leave our hotel to
have a full day optional excursion
in Salzburg, one of the most talked
about cities in Europe. On arrival
we enter Mirabel Gardens and
later walk Makarsteg Bridge above
the river Salzach to see Mozart’s
birthplace, St Peter’s Abbey and
the Cemetery - made famous in the
movie “The Sound of Music’’. Free
time for shopping and individual
sightseeing is given or we can opt
to take the funicular (Festungsbahn)
up to Hohensalzburg, the majestic
fortress overlooking the city
(funicular and fortress ticket extra).
Saturday, 31st December | We
board our coach for our full day
optional excursion heading towards
Kufstein with its dominating fortress
built on a hill in the middle of
the town. Time for shopping and
personal sightseeing is given. We
later drive to Kitzbuhel, a popular
resort in Austria. We go wandering
through the narrow streets, with
shops, coffee cake houses and
restaurants. We take the cable
car (extra) up the magnificent
Hahnenkamm Mountain and have
lunch (extra) while admiring the
spectacular view of the chain of
mountains, , we have enough free
time to rest and prepare for the
Gala Dinner at the hotel, were we
will welcome the New Year with live
music and entertainment!
Sunday, 1st January – Happy New
Year! | Late breakfast followed by a
relaxed morning. In the afternoon
we set off for our half day optional
excursion to the skiing resort of
Garmisch Partenkirchen where we
explore this town and have some
free time. Later we will visit Lake
Eibsee at the foot of the Zugspitze
mountain. We make our way back
to the hotel.
Monday, 2nd January | We leave the
hotel and make our way to Munich
airport for our Air Malta flight
departing at 12.40pm and arriving
in Malta at 3.00pm.
Neuschwanstein Castle
(Please Read Booking Conditions on Pages 30 & 31)
| 13
New Year on the
Free visit to Frankfurt
26th December
- 2nd January
Monday, 26th December | We meet
our tour leader at the airport at
2.25pm for our Air Malta direct flight
to Frankfurt departing at 4.25pm. On
arrival at 7.10pm, we are transferred
to our 4 star NH Hotel Bingen on the
Rhine for check-in. The rest of the
evening is free or we can join the tour
leader for a familiarisation walk to the
city centre.
Tuesday, 27 December | Today we
go on a full day optional excursion
to Worms and Mannheim. Our first
stop will be in Worms, a picturesque
old town, renowned for the historic
place where Martin Luther made
his famous stand against the abuses
of the Catholic Church in the 16th
Century. It is one of the major ports
on the Rhine with a mix of new and
old architectures. The entrance to
this west bank city is marked by the
Weintor, a wine gate built in the
centre of the bridge. We will have
some free time for lunch (extra) or
personal sightseeing, then we head
to Mannheim which crowds the
riverside with huge warehouses and
ports, much of which were rebuilt
after World War II as this district was
heavily bombed. It is pedestrianfriendly and fun to explore, the
cultural centre of the city revolves
around the historic Markplatz with its
Old Town Hall.
Wednesday, 28 December | Our
optional full day excursion today
will take us to The Pfalzer Wald,
otherwise known as the Palatinate
Forest, which is a heavily wooded
upland region on the left bank of
the Upper Rhine. Covering an area
of 1,770 square kilometres, it is one
of the largest expanses of forest in
Germany, and surrounds towns such
as Kaiserslautern and Pirmasens. The
hills rise gradually from the Saar basin
in the west and then fall steeply down
to the Rhine Plain in the east, with
many of the highest peaks, such as
the Kalmit at 673 metres, crowded
by the ruins of old castles. Much of
the region has been designated as
parkland with many excellent trails,
making it a wonderful place to spend
time hiking. We then proceed to
Wachenheim a little town known for
its grape-growing traditions and old
world charm. Here the top attractions
are the ruins of the Wachtenburg
castle, with spectacular views of the
Rhine Valley and surrounding forests.
Thursday, 29th December | After
Breakfast, today we set off for an
optional full day excursion that takes
us to Bacharach, Koblenz, Braubach
and Marksburg Castle. Bacharach,
provides a clear vista of the unfinished
Gothic ruin Wernerkapelle, a Rhineromantic landmark of this town,
which can be found on the way up
to Stahleck castle. We then head to
Koblenz, which lies on both banks
of the Rhine at its confluence with
the Moselle. This old city is home
to numerous well-preserved historic
attractions, such as the spectacular
fortress of Ehrenbreitstein and the
Neoclassical Koblenz Schloss. We will
have time to visit St. Castor’s Church
and the Deutschherrenhaus, originally
the first branch of Teutonic Order and
a popular spot during the summer
for an evening of music. We then visit
Braubach, a picturesque old town
on the east bank of the river. With its
wonderfully crooked old streets and
alleyways lined with medieval halftimbered buildings, it’s a delightful
place to explore. Here we also find
the Marksburg Castle (entrance &
guide included) the only hilltop castle
in the Rhine valley to have survived
intact. We can explore the castle and
its grounds, including the noteworthy
four-story chapel tower, the great
hall, and old batteries.
Friday, 30th December | Today after
breakfast we can join the leader on a
full day optional excursion to Eltville,
Eberbach Monastery and Wiesbaden.
Eltville, considered to be a special
“pearl” of the Rheingau is also known
as the “City of Wine, Kekt (sparkling
wine) and Roses”. We then head to
Eberbach Abbey (entr. Included), a
former Cistercian monastery with
impressive Romanesque and early
Gothic buildings marking it as one
of the most significant architectural
heritage sites in Hasse, Germany.
Our final stop will be in Wiesbaden
the capital of the Land of Hesse,
famous for its many thermal springs
and beautiful surroundings. Here we
can visit the spectacular Colonnade
Fountain and the Neroberg hill with
its magnificent Greek Chapel.
Saturday, 31st December | Our half
day optional excursion today takes
us to Bad Kreuznach, a spa town and
the seat of several courts, federal and
state authorities. Here we will have
free time to visit various churches or
the spa district. We return to our hotel
in the afternoon and in the evening
we offer an optional New Year’s Eve
Dinner on the MS Rhenus including
5 course gourmet menu excluding
Sunday, 1st January - Happy New
Year! | We will have a relaxed start to
the day before joining our tour leader
for a half day afternoon excursion to
Mainz. Here we can visit the Mainz
Cathedral of St. Martin, St. John
Church, the Iron Tower, the Wood
tower, and the Old town with its
cathedral that survived World War
II and the Markbrunnen; one of the
largest fountains in Germany.
Monday, 2nd January | After
breakfast, we check out of our hotel.
Today we head to Frankfurt to
enjoy a panoramic city tour. We will
have some free time and in the late
afternoon we proceed to the airport
for our flight departing at 8.10pm
and arriving in Malta at 10.40pm.
VISITING Bingen, Worms,
Mannheim, Kaiserslautern,
Pirmasens, Wachenheim,
Bacharach, Koblenz, Braubach,
Marksburg Castle, Eltville,
Eberbach Monastery, Wiesbaden,
Bad Kreuznach, Mainz & Frankfurt
Adult in Twin
Adult in Single
Child sharing with 2 Adults
Half Board (6 meals)
** New Year’s Eve Cruise on MS Rhenus
*Special Price
¢799 ¢699
¢979 ¢879
¢649 ¢549
* Special price applies when half board & all excursions are taken
** Note: No transfers to the New Year’s Eve Cruise onboard
MS Rhenus since it is withing walking distance & a minimum of
20 people is required to be organised.
Note: City tax not applicable
Return AirMalta flights to Frankfurt
7 nights in 4 Star NH Hotel Bingen or similar
Daily Buffet Breakfast
Return Airport Transfers
Free Frankfurt Panoramic City Tour
Services of Tour Leader
Airport taxes & Service Charge
Palatinate Forest
Marksburg castle
Eltville/Eberbach Monastery/Wiesbaden
Bad Kreuznach
Marksburg Castle
(Please Read Booking Conditions on Pages 30 & 31)
New Year in
Elegant Vienna
& the Hofburg Silverster Ball
4 Star City Centre Hotel
& all excursions included
26th December
- 2nd January
VISITING Vienna, Vienna Woods,
Mariazell & Grinzing
Adult in Triple
Adult in Twin
Adult in Single
Child sharing with 2 Adults
Supplement for Superior Room
* Vorsaal or Seitengalerie Table Cat II &
Light Snack - Entrance at 9.15pm
* Festival Hall with dinner
– Entrance at 6.30pm
Statue of Johann Strauss, Vienna
* Supplements for upgrading of the Hofburg Silvester
New Year’s Eve Ball
Places are limited! To avoid disappointment please book early.
Bookings are only accepted against a deposit of ¢600 per person
+ any upgrades for the New Year’s Eve Ball
Note: City tax already paid in the above prices
Market in Vienna
Return AirMalta flights to Vienna
7 nights in 4 star Central Hotel Wandl in Vienna or
similar in economy rooms
Daily Buffet Breakfast
Farewell Dinner Grinzing
Return Airport Transfers
Vienna City Tour
Half day Excursion to Vienna Woods
Full day Excursion to Mariazell including lunch
New Year’s Eve Hofburg Silvester Ball
(entrance ticket & welcome drink)
New Year’s Day Viennese Concert first Category
Services of Tour Leader
Airport taxes & Service Charge
Monday, 26th December |
We meet our leader at Malta
International Airport at 12.30pm for
our Air Malta direct flight KM514
to Vienna departing at 2.30pm. On
arrival at Vienna airport at 4.50pm,
we will have a coach transfer to our
hotel in Vienna city centre. After
check-in, we will have some free
time to enjoy the lively atmosphere
of Vienna also known as the “Music
Capital of the World”. The Viennese
city centre offers a welcoming
atmosphere with several shops and
cafes along the lovely streets where
elegant Baroque buildings can also
be found.
Tuesday, 27th December | Today,
after breakfast, we join the tour
leader and guide for a walking
sightseeing tour of Vienna where
we will have the time to visit St.
Stephen’s Cathedral, the State
Opera House, Museums of Fine
Arts/Natural History, City Hall,
Hofburg, Schonbrunn, Belvedere
Palace, Karlskirche and Musikverein.
Today we will also have the
possibility to attend (extra) a Johann
Stauss/Mozart concert.
Wednesday, 28th December |
After breakfast, today, we offer a
half day guided excursion to the
beautiful Vienna Woods. Here, we
will have the opportunity to see
Leichtenstein Castle, Cistercian
Abbey of Heiligenkreuz (1133),
Hodrichsmuhle; where Franz
Schubert composed the Linden
Tree, and the Spa resort town
Baden where Beethoven once lived.
In the evening, we can attend
a performance of the Spanish
Riding School in Vienna (extra - on
request), the only institution of the
like in the world held in the Baroque
riding school hall.
Thursday, 29th December | Today
is dedicated to join the locals for a
shopping spree in Mariahilferstrasse
or one can use their free time for
some personal sightseeing. Among
other highlights, we recommend a
visit to the museums in Vienna to
top the day off.
Friday, 30th December | After
breakfast, we join the tour leader
for a full day excursion to the town
of Mariazell (including lunch), best
known for pilgrimages, situated
amidst snow-capped mountains.
We tour the picturesque Austrian
Alpine landscape, typical villages
and beautiful valleys with dramatic
peaceful scenery.
Saturday 31st December | This
morning is free for us to enjoy the
the last day of the year in any one of
the famous Viennese coffee houses.
In the afternoon, we return to our
hotel to prepare ourselves for the
evening New Year’s Eve “Hofburg
Silvester Ball” at the Hofburg Palace.
This internationally-renowned ball
draws visitors from all over the world
to celebrate a glittering close to the
year. The charming ambience at
the former imperial winter residence
makes the event all the more
special. Be prepared for an evening
of classical elegance to welcome
the New Year 2017 with rhythmic
melodies by some of the best musical
composers of all time. Let the historic
staterooms cast their spell over us as
we waltz our way into the New Year
in the magnificent staterooms of the
Hofburg. (Dress Code: Ladies – Long
Evening Dresses; Gentlemen – Tuxedo
or Dinner Jackets). Entrance ticket
and welcome drink are included.
The glorious ‘Hofburg Silvester Ball’
takes place every year on the 31st
December in this Palace. An exclusive
Gala Banquet is served before the ball,
catered by Gerstner - the imperial
caterers since 1847 (at an additional
cost). Places are limited and early
booking is recommended.
Sunday, 1st January - Happy New
Year! Today we will have a late
breakfast and the rest of the morning
is free to enjoy at our leisure. In the
afternoon, we return to the Hofburg
Palace – in the Grand Festival Hall for
the traditional Viennese New Year’s
Day Concert (included). This concert
is an exciting way to start 2017.
The Wiener Hofburg Orchestra will
play compositions by Johann Strauss
and W.A Mozart. In the evening,
we can join the leader for a Farewell
Dinner (included) in Grinzing. Here
we will have the opportunity to try
the young local wine and enjoy the
original ‘Heurigen’ lively music and
Monday, 2nd January | After
breakfast, we have some free time.
We will then check out of our hotel
and in the afternoon, our coach will
transfer us to Vienna airport for our
return flight KM515. We will depart
from Vienna at 5.55pm and arrive in
Malta at 8.10pm.
Hofburg Silverster Ball
(Please Read Booking Conditions on Pages 30 & 31)
| 15
Winter Charms of
Plus a touch of Austria
26th December
- 2nd January
VISITING Ljubljana, Maribor, Ptuj,
Kranjska Gora, Novo Mesto, Bled,
Bohinj, Mt Vogel, Postojna, Predjama
and Krvavec Skiing Resort
Monday, 26th December | We
will meet our tour leader at the
airport at 2.00pm for our Air Malta
direct flight to Ljubljana departing
at 4.00pm. On arrival at 6.05pm,
we will be transferred to our 3
star central City Hotel in Ljubljana.
After check-in, we will join the tour
leader for a familiarisation walk to
the centre.
Tuesday, 27th December | Today,
we will dedicate some time to truly
discover the lovely city of Ljubljana.
We will go on an optional 2 hour
guided city tour of Ljubljana.
Particular highlights of the old
town include the Cathedral of
St. Nicholas, City Hall, the Three
Bridges and the open market. After
the guided tour, we will take a boat
ride (included – weather permitting)
on the River Ljubljanica to admire
the city with a different view from
the river banks. The rest of the day
is free to enjoy Ljubljana.
Wednesday, 28th December | Our
first optional full day excursion will
take us to visit Maribor and Ptuj.
Maribor is the second largest city in
Slovenia and has a totally different
character from Ljubljana and the
western parts of the country. We
will have some free time to enjoy
Maribor before proceeding to
visit the oldest town in Slovenia,
Ptuj, which is located just a short
drive away from Maribor. We will
explore its beauty in a walking tour
through the town and visit Ptuj
Castle (extra), the Provost’s church
and the old City Hall. Tonight, we
will enjoy a folklore dinner in a
restaurant within walking distance
of the hotel with folk dancing and
Thursday, 29th December | Today
we will spend a relaxing optional
full day excursion at the famous
Slovenian skiing resort of Kranjska
Gora. Set near the borders of Austria
and Italy, this winter tourist resort
touches the northern part of Triglav
National Park. This picturesque
village still retains its identity traditional mountain homes and
athletic dynamism are united here.
The day spent here is a fun day,
Adult in Triple
Adult in Twin
Adult in Single
Child sharing with 2 Adults
** Half Board (6 dinners)
with loads to do like sledging (fun
activities are extra) or just enjoying
the beautiful scenery around.
Friday, 30th December | Today’s
optional full day excursion is in
the area of Novo Mesto visiting
a traditional farm famous for its
Cvicek wine. The farm is a 150year-old country house which
was restored and refurbished
in a traditional way. We will be
welcomed with a tasting of homemade bread, salami sausage and
the local wine. We can also enjoy
a peaceful ride aboard a large
traditional raft along the Krka
River (weather permitting). The
rafting experience should not be
missed, meandering under four
main bridges whilst taking in the
main sights around this beautiful
river. What is more, we will be
entertained with live music on
board! We will then have free time
in Novo Mesto village where we
can have lunch (extra) or do some
personal sightseeing.
Saturday, 31st December | We
board our coach and our full day
optional excursion will take us to
spend a day surrounded by nature
and culture. After breakfast, our
coach will take us to Bled and
Bohinj. Bled is the “pearl” of the
Slovenian Alpine region. It has an
emerald-green lake, a church on
a small island in the middle of the
lake and an 11th century medieval
castle on a cliff overlooking the
lake. This tour will also take us to
the largest glacier lake in Slovenia,
situated in the region of the Julian
Alps mountain range, with the
highest Slovene peak Mt Triglav
rising above it. We can ride a cable
car up Mt Vogel (extra - weather
permitting) where we can admire
the stupendous view till we reach
the summit. In the evening, we will
join the locals in the main square to
greet the New Year!
Sunday, 1st January - Happy New
Year! | After a late breakfast, we go
on a fascinating optional excursion
to Postojna and Predjama. Postojna
caves are amongst the largest in
the world. There are 22 kilometres
worth of amazing stalagmite and
stalactite structures. An electric
train will take us into the caves and
then a guide will walk us through
the most dramatic parts of the
caves. We will also visit Predjama
Castle (entrance extra), a unique
Gothic structure built right in the
mountains under a natural rocky
arch high in the stone wall, making
access to this castle very difficult in
the olden times.
Monday, 2nd January | Today
our optional excursion takes us to
the lovely Krvavec Skiing Resort.
We will ride a cable car (extra)
up the mountain and enjoy
some stupendous views. For the
adventurous ones, it is also possible
to rent a sledge (extra). We then
have time to enjoy lunch (extra)
in one of the restaurants. One of
the attractions for tourists up on
the mountain is the Snow Hotel,
the so-called Igloo-Village. Later,
we return back to our hotel, check
out of our rooms and proceed to
Ljubljana Airport for our Air Malta
flight departing at 11.25pm and
arriving in Malta at 01.30am, early
Tuesday morning.
*Special Price
* Special price applies when all excursions are taken
**Half board includes a normal dinner on New Year’s Eve.
Please note that this dinner does not include any entertainment.
Note: City tax of ¢1.30 per person per night is to be paid directly
at the hotel
Kranjska Gora
Return AirMalta direct flights to Ljubljana
7 nights in 3 star central City Hotel in Ljubljana
or similar
7 Rich Buffet Breakfasts
Rooms with private facilities, heating & TV
Return Airport Transfers
Services of a Tour Leader
Airport taxes & Service Charge
Ljubljana City Tour
Maribor and Ptuj
**Folklore Dinner
Kranjska Gora
*Novo Mesto Farm / River Boat Cruise
Krvavec Skiing Resort
All excursions are guided with English speaking guides.
*Price of this excursion includes the entrance, tasting of local produce
and wine, boat ride and music on board (weather permitting)
** the folklore dinner includes a welcome drink and some dried fruit, a
3 course typical Slovenian meal, Slovenian folk dancing in typical local
costumes and amusing traditional games
(Please Read Booking Conditions on Pages 30 & 31)
New Year in
Lake Bled
Plus a touch of Austria
26th December
- 2nd January
VISITING Lake Bled, Kranjska
Gora, Radovljica, Novo Mesto,
Villach, Klagenfurt, Ljubljana,
Postojna Caves, Predjama Castle,
Bohinj and Mount Vogel
Lake Bohinj
Adult in Triple
Adult in Twin
Adult in Single
Child sharing with 2 Adults
**Meal Package:
Adults obligatory
Child obligatory 6-11 years
Child obligatory 2-5 years
*Special Price
* Special price applies when all excursions & Meal Package are
**Meal Package includes 6 Buffet Dinners, 1 Slovenian Dinner &
End of Year 7 course Gala Dinner with Live Music and Animation.
Note: City tax of ¢1.27 per person per night is to be paid directly
at the hotel
Return AirMalta direct flights to Ljubljana
7 nights in 3 star central Hotel Krim in Bled or similar
7 Buffet Breakfasts
Welcome drink
Rooms with private facilities, heating, & TV
3 Free entrances to the Wellness Spa
(3 x Sauna & 1 x Whirlpool)
Return Airport Transfers
Free excursion to Bled Castle
Services of Tour Leader
Airport taxes & Service Charge
Lake Bled/Bled Castle
Kranjska Gora/Radovljica
*Novo Mesto Farm/River Boat Cruise
Postojna Caves/Predjama Castle
Bohinj/Alpine Dairy Farming and Cheese
Tasting (entrance and tasting extra)
All excursions are guided with English-speaking guides
*Price of this excursion includes the entrance,
tasting of local produce and wine, boat ride and
music on board (weather permitting)
Monday, 26th December | We will
meet our tour leader at the airport at
2.00pm for our Air Malta direct flight
to Ljubljana departing at 4.00pm.
On arrival at 6.05pm, we will be
transferred to our 3 star Hotel Krim in
Bled. After check-in, we will join the
tour leader for a familiarisation walk
to the centre.
Tuesday, 27th December | After
breakfast we will take an optional
half day excursion, enabling us to
discover the highlights of this lovely
town. Bled is known as the “pearl”
of the Slovenian Alpine region due to
its emerald-green lake, a church on
the island in the lake and a medieval
castle on a cliff overlooking the lake.
We make a visit to Bled Castle (entr.
extra), a vantage point to admire
Bled. We later return to the lake
where we will board a Pletna boat
(extra – weather permitting), a typical
boat found only in Bled and this
will take us to visit the island. The
rest of the day is free for personal
Wednesday, 28th December | Today,
we start off our stay in Slovenia with
a full day optional excursion to the
famous Slovenian skiing resort of
Kranjska Gora, set near the borders
of Austria and Italy. The picturesque
village still retains its identity, making
it a beautiful place to visit. In the
afternoon, we will visit the charming
medieval town Radovljica and the
“live museum” of gingerbread hearts
(entrance extra).
Thursday, 29th December | Today’s
optional full day excursion is in
the area of Novo Mesto visiting a
traditional farm famous for its Cvicek
wine. The farm is a 150-year-old
country house which was restored
and refurbished in a traditional way.
We will be welcomed with a tasting
of home-made bread, salami sausage
and the local wine. We can also
enjoy a peaceful ride aboard a large
traditional raft along the Krka River
(weather permitting). The rafting
experience should not be missed,
meandering under four main bridges
whilst taking in the main sights
around this beautiful river. What is
more, we will be entertained with live
music on board! We will then have
free time in Novo Mesto village where
we can have lunch (extra) or do some
personal sightseeing.
Friday, 30th December | After
breakfast, we can join the tour leader
for a full day optional excursion to
neighbouring Austria. We will visit the
beautiful small town of Villach and
later Klagenfurt which was awarded
the prestigious Europa Nostra
Diploma for its handsomely restored
Renaissance courtyards. Klagenfurt’s
Neuer Platz is dominated by the
Lindwurm, a winged dragon statue
which is the emblem of the city.
It was modelled on the legendary
dragon, said to have resided in a
swamp here long ago. We will then
have some free time to explore this
town. After dinner, we can enjoy a
folklore show with animation and live
music for dancing (¢10 per person to be booked and paid with deposit).
Saturday, 31st December | This
morning we will go on an optional
full day excursion to visit Ljubljana,
the capital city of Slovenia. It also has
a baroque section, referred to by the
locals at the “Old Town” with narrow
cobbled streets nestled between the
castle slopes and the river Ljubljanica.
Particular highlights of the Old Town
include the Cathedral of St. Nicholas,
City Hall, the Three Bridges and the
open market. After the guided tour,
we will take a boat ride (included
– weather permitting) on the River
Ljubljanica to admire the city from a
different vista. The rest of the day is
free to enjoy Ljubljana. In the evening,
we will immerse ourselves in the New
Year’s Eve celebrations by joining the
gala dinner with live music in the
hotel. Afterwards, we can mingle with
the crowd on the Bled promenade for
the midnight fireworks.
Sunday, 1st January - Happy New
Year! | In the morning, we can enjoy
Bled at our leisure. We later make our
way to a full day optional excursion
by visiting Postojna Caves (entrance
extra), which are amongst the largest
in the world with amazing stalactite
and stalagmite structures. An electric
train will take us into the caves and
then a guide will walk us through
the most dramatic parts of the caves.
We later proceed to Predjama Castle
(entrance extra). Here, one can
admire that this structure is built right
in the mountains.
Monday, 2nd January | We check out
of our rooms, leaving our luggage
in a room provided by the hotel.
Today’s last optional excursion is a
relaxing visit to Bohinj, the largest
glacier lake in Slovenia, situated in the
region of the Julian Alps mountain
range. We will ride a cable car
(extra) up Mount Vogel and enjoy
various snow activities available
(extra - weather permitting)! We
will later proceed to a Dairy Farm,
where we will have an opportunity
to learn about cheese production
and try some typical milk products
(extra). We will then return back to
the hotel, have dinner and enjoy
some free time, before we load our
luggage onto the coach and proceed
to Ljubljana Airport for our direct Air
Malta flight departing at 11.25pm.
We will arrive in Malta at 1.30am
early Tuesday morning.
Lake Bled
(Please Read Booking Conditions on Pages 30 & 31)
| 17
New Year in Holland
Grand Holland Tour
27th December
- 3rd January
Tuesday, 27th December | We
meet our tour leader at 5.30am at
the Malta International Airport for
our Air Malta flight to Amsterdam
departing at 7.30am. On our arrival
at 10.40am, we will be transferred
to our 3 Star Hotel Ibis Den Haag in
The Hague. We check in and later
go for our half day city tour of The
Hague, which hosts the houses of
Parliament. Our city tour will take
us past various landmarks and will
also help us to familiarise ourselves
with this lovely city. The rest of the
day is free.
Wednesday, 28th December | We
will have an early breakfast and
our first full day optional excursion
takes us to Aalsmeer Flower Auction
and Amsterdam. The flower
auction, held Mondays to Fridays
at the FloraHolland warehouse
in Aalsmeer, is the largest flower
market in the world (entrance
extra). Around 20 million flowers
and decorative plants are traded
here on a daily basis with well over
12 billion flowers traded annually in
the six FloraHolland auctions in The
Netherlands. We later proceed to
Amsterdam for a city tour taking us
past many historical buildings and
interesting sights such as the Royal
Palace, the National Monument, the
Skinny Bridge and the Albert Cuyp
market. We will visit a windmill on
the river Amstel and opt for a canal
cruise (extra) to enjoy this beautiful
city. Some free time for personal
sightseeing and shopping.
Thursday, 29th December | Our
optional full day excursion today
will take us to visit 2 interesting
places. We start off with Haarlem,
a city adored by locals. The city’s
lovely shopping streets – lined
with little boutiques – and cosy
restaurants add to the allure.
Haarlem is at the centre of the
Dutch flower-growing district and
is a main export point for flower
bulbs. We will then make a stop
VISITING The Hague, Aalsmeer
Flower Auction, Amsterdam,
Haarlem, Utrecht, Rotterdam,
Volendam, Zaanse Schans,
Madurodam & Burgers Zoo
in Utrecht, with its medieval old
town, canals, Christian monuments
and a venerable university. The
iconic Domtoren, a 14th-century
bell tower with city views, stands
opposite the Gothic Cathedral of St.
Martin on central Domplein square.
Friday, 30th December | We will
have another lovely journey today,
on our optional full day excursion
to Rotterdam, the tenth largest
cargo port in the world. Rotterdam
is situated in the province of South
Holland on the banks of the rivers
Waal and Nieuwe Maas, one of the
channels in the delta formed by the
Rhine and Meuse rivers. A visit to
Rotterdam would not be complete
without a panoramic tour of the
harbour, weather permitting we will
go on the 185 metre high Euromast
(extra), the highest lookout tower
in the Netherlands. The rest of the
afternoon is free for some shopping
or for further sightseeing in this
great city.
Saturday, 31st December | Our
coach takes us on a full day optional
excursion to Volendam. One song
states: “Anyone who wants to see
the real beauty of Holland, goes to
Volendam”, and we are more than
sure that during this excursion we
will appreciate its exquisite beauty.
We will also witness a preserved
fishing village operating for the past
6 centuries. The characteristically
small houses, which, together with
the canals and the drawbridges,
form the most picturesque spots
and present the visitor with an
atmosphere of geniality and
romance. In the afternoon, we
will make our way towards Zaanse
Schans, on the bank of the River
Zaan, where will see an excellent
impression of how a typical Dutch
village would haved looked like in the
17th and 18th centuries complete
with full-size windmills and houses.
We return to our hotel and prepare
for the evening to welcome the New
Year in style! End of year dinner in
our hotel including music.
Adult in Triple
Adult in Twin
Adult in Single
Child sharing with 2 Adults
Half Board
New Year’s Eve Dinner
Tuesday, 3rd January | After
breakfast, we leave the hotel and
make our way to the airport for our
Air Malta flight departing at 11.30am
and arriving in Malta at 2.30pm.
*Special Price
* Special price applies when all excursions are taken
Note: City tax not applicable
Sunday, 1st January - Happy New
Year! | After a relaxed morning,
we will go for a half day optional
excursion early in the afternoon to
Madurodam ‘Miniature Holland’,
portraying many small-scale Dutch
towns, villages and landmarks
(entrance extra).
Monday, 2nd January | Our optional
full day excursion will take us to
Burgers Zoo in Arnhem (entrance
extra). This visit will take us to see
some exotic animals like cheetahs
and the lion family, which we can
view from a wooden observation
cabin. The savannah landscape home
to large groups of giraffes, zebras and
antelopes, such as waterbucks, kudus
and gnus, will unfold in front of our
eyes. The enormous mass of rocks on
the edge of the savannah is known
in Africa as a ‘kopje’. Between these
rocks on an extensive terrace you can
enjoy the view across the savannah,
while you savour African dishes and
drinks (extra).
Return AirMalta flights to Amsterdam
7 nights in 3 Star Ibis Den Haag City Center in
The Hague or similar
Rooms with private facilities, TV & Wi-Fi
Daily Buffet Breakfast
Return Airport Transfers
Services of Tour Leader
Airport taxes & Service Charge
The Hague Half Day City Tour
Aalsmeer Flower Auction/Amsterdam
Volendam/Zaanse Schans
Madurodam (entr. extra)
Burgers Zoo in Arnhem (entr. extra)
The Hague
(Please Read Booking Conditions on Pages 30 & 31)
New Year in
28th December
- 4th January
VISITING Berlin, Dresden,
Wansee, Unter den Linden,
Potsdam and Leipzig
pedestrian mall between the two
Adult in Triple
Adult in Twin
Adult in Single
Child sharing with 2 Adults
*Special Price
* Special price applies when all excursions are taken
Note: City tax of ¢2.15 per person per night is to be paid directly
at the hotel
Wednesday, 28th December | We
meet our tour leader at 1.35pm at
Malta International Airport for our
flight departing at 3.35pm and
arriving in Berlin at 6.30pm. We
will have a coach transfer to our
hotel NH Berlin West in Berlin for
check-in. After this, we meet our
tour leader for dinner (extra) and
enjoy the evening festive spirit.
Return Air Malta flights to Berlin
7 nights in a 4 Star Hotel NH Berlin West in Berlin
or similar
Rooms with Private Facilities
Daily Breakfast
Return Airport Transfers
Services of Tour Leader
All taxes & Service Charge
Berlin City Tour
Thursday, 29th December | After
breakfast, we will have an optional
half day city tour of Berlin. There
will be some free time to wander
around and take in the splendours
of the city. In the evening, we can
go to the celebrated Potsdamer
Platz also known as the ‘Sony
Centre’ lit up most beautifully at
Friday, 30th December | After
breakfast, today we have an
optional full day excursion to
the magnificent city of Dresden.
Today’s highlights will be our visits
to the Baroque Zwinger Palace,
Semper Opera House – destroyed
during the Second World War and
rebuilt in 1985 (entrance extra),
the Royal Palace and the Cathedral
of the Holy Trinity. Moreover, we
will have time to go to Altmarkt
Square and to admire the beautiful
Frauenkirche, which is a Lutheran
Church and an outstanding
example of Protestant sacred
architecture located in Dresden’s
historic centre. There will be some
free time during which we can go
for a pleasant stroll or get some
shopping done.
Saturday, 31st December |
Breakfast will be followed by a half
day excursion to Wansee where
we can find the famous Wansee
Conference Memorial Exhibit (free
entrance). We return to the hotel
in the afternoon in order to have
enough time to get ready for the
evening’s celebrations. After dinner
(extra) we shall bid farewell to
2016 and greet the New Year at
Brandenburg Gate, famous for the
spectacular fireworks display as the
clock strikes midnight.
Sunday, 1st January - Happy New
Year! | After a relaxed start to
the day, in the afternoon we can
opt to join the tour leader using
public transport (extra) and visit
Unter den Linden in East Berlin
which is a boulevard in the Mitte
district. It is named after its linden
(lime) trees that line the grassed
Monday, 2nd January | After
breakfast, there will be an optional
full day excursion to Leipzig. We
will have time to admire various
buildings this city is known for,
namely: the Altes Rathaus (Old
Town Hall) located in Market
Square the Opera House and
St.Nicholas Church. There will be
some free time during which one
can opt to visit the Museum of
Fine Arts (entrance extra) or have
a drink in Zum Arabischen Coffee
Baum. In the evening we can join
the tour leader for dinner (extra)
and enjoy our final night in Berlin.
Tuesday, 3rd January | Breakfast will
be followed by an optional full day
excursion to Potsdam, the capital
city of the state of Brandenburg.
Here, we can visit Palace Sanssouci
(entrance extra), which used to
be the summer residence of King
Frederick the Great of Prussia.
Wednesday, 4th January | Today,
check out of our rooms has to be
done by 10am. After Breakfast, we
can join the tour leader for some
leisure time in Berlin. We will take
this opportunity to mix and mingle
with the locals as we use the public
transport (extra) to explore more
interesting places that this amazing
city has to offer us. One might find
it hard to resist the temptation for
some final day shopping at the
KaDeWe Department store which
houses hundreds of shops some
of which are known to us Maltese
while others remain a mystery
for us to discover. We leave for
the airport in Berlin for our flight
departing at 7.15pm arriving in
Malta at 10.10pm.
(Please Read Booking Conditions on Pages 30 & 31)
| 19
New Year in
Budapest, Hungary
VISITING Budapest, Puszta,
Kecskemet, Vienna, Danube
Bend, Szentendre, Visegrad,
Esztergom and Gödöllö
28th December
- 1st January
Wednesday, 28th December |
We meet our tour leader at the
airport at 8.00am for our Air
Malta direct flight to Budapest
departing at 10.00am. On arrival
at 12.05pm, we are transferred to
our 4 star Central Hotel Hungaria
in Budapest on the Pest side,
after check-in we will have some
time to rest. We will later go for
an optional half day city tour of
Budapest. We start on the Pest
side of the Capital. We shall see
St Stephen’s Basilica, the neogothic Parliament building and
the Heroes’ Square. Then we
drive up to the Castle District
and visit the marvellous Matthias
Church (entrance included), we
see the former Royal Palace and
the Fisherman’s Bastion. We
later return to our hotel and in
the evening, we have a folklore
show and dinner (extra – please
consult with your tour leader)
accompanied by Gypsy music.
Thursday, 29 December |
Today we will go on a full day
optional excursion to Puszta
and Kecskemet. The town of
Kecskemet is located in the heart
of the vast Puszta between the
Danube and the Tisza. The town
is full of open spaces and squares
and the buildings beautifully
illustrate the various styles of
Hungarian architecture. After
the city tour, we continue our
journey to the Hungarian Puszta.
We will go for a carriage ride
and followed by the spectacular
horse show. A typical Hungarian
lunch will be served with wine,
accompanied by gypsy music in
a nice Csarda. The price for this
Adult in triple
Adult in twin
Adult in single
Child sharing with 2 Adults
New Year’s Eve Gala Dinner (compulsory)
Belvedere Palace, Vienna
excursion includes the cost of the
show and lunch.
Friday, 30th December | Our
optional full day excursion today
will take us across the Austrian
border and to the capital city of
Austria and Queen of the Danube:
Vienna. We will see the Opera
House, the Fine Arts Museum,
the Parliament and the Belvedere
Palace – the residence of Prince
Eugene of Savoy (extra). We will
also enjoy some free time to stroll
around St Stephansplatz.
Saturday, 31st December | Our
full day optional excursion takes
us to the Danube Bend. This
special area, where the great
river changes course known as
the Dunakanyar, will make our
day unforgettable. This lovely
town of Szentendre with its
vivid Baroque architecture and
vivid colours are amongst the
highlights of this trip. We will also
see the town of Visegrad, former
royal seat of medieval Hungarian
monarch where count Dracula
was imprisoned by King Matthias
Corvin. Moreover, we shall visit the
city of Esztergom which is the seat
of the Hungarian Roman Catholic
Archbishop. Later, we return
to our hotel. In the evening we
meet for the special Gala Dinner
(obligatory) in the hotel for some
fun welcoming the New Year of
Sunday, 1st January - Happy New
Year! | We will have a relaxed start
to the day. Check out of the hotel
by noon and join our tour leader
for a half day optional excursion.
We shall be visiting the beautiful
Gödöllö castle (entrance extra)
which is the world’s second largest
Baroque castle. After a guided tour
of the castle, we can have a walk
in the gardens and enjoy a cup
of coffee and some cake in the
Palace Café (extra). We return to
our hotel. In the late afternoon, we
proceed to the airport for our flight
departing at 7.55pm and arriving
in Malta at 10.05pm.
*Special Price
* Special price applies when all excursions are taken
** There are many restaurants in the vicinity of the hotel that
offers a variety of tourist menus at very convenient prices
Note: City tax already paid in the above prices
Budapest Market
Return AirMalta flights to Budapest
4 nights in 4 star Central Hotel Hungaria in Budapest
or similar
Rooms with private facilities
Daily Buffet Breakfast
Return Airport Transfers
Services of Tour Leader
Airport taxes & Service Charge
City Tour Budapest
Puzsta/Kecskemet (including lunch)
Danube Bend
¢28 ¢15
¢56 ¢38
¢44 ¢25
¢39 ¢24
¢28 ¢15
All excursions are guided with English speaking guides
Chain Bridge, Budapest
(Please Read Booking Conditions on Pages 30 & 31)
New Year in
Zagreb, Croatia
5 Star Hotel Westin Zagreb
29th December
- 2nd January
VISITING Zagreb, Trakoscan
Castle, Plitvice Lakes, Samobor
and Ljubljana
we enjoy our New Year Gala Dinner
in our hotel!
Adult in Triple
Adult in Twin
Adult in Single
Child sharing with 2 Adults
Half Board (buffet)
Adults NYE Gala Buffet Dinner
Child NYE Gala Buffet Dinner
*Special Price
* Special price applies when half board & all excursions are taken
Note: City tax of ¢1.00 per person per night is to be paid directly
at the hotel
Trakoscan Castle
Return AirMalta flights to Zagreb
4 nights in 5 star Hotel Westin Zagreb or similar
Rooms with private facilities, TV & Central Heating
Daily hot and cold buffet breakfast
Return Airport Transfers
Services of Tour Leader
All Taxes & Services Charges
Zagreb City tour
Trakoscan Castle/Shopping
Plitvice Lakes
Somobor/Wine Tasting
¢21 ¢12
¢36 ¢25
¢47 ¢31
¢36 ¢24
¢44 ¢25
All excursions are guided with English speaking guides
Plitvice Lakes
Thursday, 29th December | We
meet our tour leader at 3.50am
for our Air Malta flight departing
at 5.50am. On arrival in Zagreb
at 8.05am, our coach will take us
to our 5 star central Hotel Westin
Zagreb. We check in our rooms
and rest. Early afternoon, we will
then go for an optional half day
city tour of Zagreb, the metropolis
of Croatian spirit. Zagreb has
grown to be a city of one million
inhabitants and Croatia’s cultural,
spiritual, economic, political
and sport center. We will visit
the Upper Town with its Gothic
Cathedral, St. Catherine’s Church
and the massive St. Mark’s Church
with a multi-colour-tiled roof. We
will also see the medieval Stone
Gate, the open-air market, the
Lower Town and its colourful turnof-the-century architecture best
represented in the building of the
Croatian National Theater and
Opera House.
Friday, 30th December | Our
optional full day excursion today
takes us to Trakoscan castle, the
most visited, most famous and best
preserved castle in the country.
Built in the 14th century as a small
fortress, the castle has been rebuilt
and renovated several times until
the 19th century. After a guided
tour of the castle, you can stroll
around the lovely woods encircling
the castle’s lake. We later make our
way to Zagreb, stopping en-route
in a shopping centre just outside
the city where one can find some
really good deals!
Saturday, 31st December | Today
our optional full day excursion
takes us to a UNESCO World
Heritage Site; the Plitvice Lakes,
known to be one of the most
beautiful and best preserved
spots in the country. It is a valley
situated between high forested
mountains. With a string of sixteen
beautiful crystal blue and green
lakes tumbling into each other via
a series of waterfalls and cascades.
Lunch (extra) can be enjoyed in a
restaurant with typical ambience
in the heart of the Park. We will
enjoy a guided tour of the National
Park and enjoy some free time.
(Fit for walking snow shoes and
warm clothing are required for this
excursion since there will be plenty
of snow and some pathways don’t
have railings to hold on to). We
return to Zagreb in the evening.
Time to prepare ourselves before
Sunday, 1st January - Happy
New Year! | Morning at leisure
to welcome the New Year. Early
afternoon, we go on a half day
optional excursion to the nearby
medieval town of Samobor.
This town replete with baroque
architecture lies on the eastern
slopes of the Samoborsko hills
at the gateway to the romantic
valley of the Gradna Creek.
Samobor is amongst the most
popular destinations for Croatian
residents and with such beautiful
surroundings it is easy to
understand why. On our way back
to the hotel, we visit a family farm
where we can taste some quality
wines whilst enjoying a snack.
Monday, 2nd January | Today
we can either enjoy a free day in
Zagreb and do some personal
sightseeing, or we offer you an
optional full day excursion to
Ljubljana in nearby Slovenia. We
start off with a our full day optional
excursion with a 2 hour guided
city tour of Ljubljana. Particular
highlights of the old town include
the Cathedral of St Nikolai, City
Hall, the three bridges and the open
market. After the guided tour, we
will take a boat ride (included –
weather permitting) on the River
Ljubljanica to admire the city with a
different view from the river banks.
After some free time, we will return
to our hotel in Zagreb. Check out
of rooms by noon. Later in the
evening we depart out hotel and
make our way towards the airport
for our Air Malta flight departing at
11.50pm and arriving in Malta at
2.00am (3rd January).
(Please Read Booking Conditions on Pages 30 & 31)
| 21
New Year in
VISITING Cagliari, Sant’Antioco,
Isola di San Pietro, Pula, Nora
and Barumini
29th December
- 2nd January
Thursday, 29th December | We
will meet our tour leader at 9.55am
for our Air Malta direct flight to
Cagliari departing at 11.55am.
On arrival at 1.10pm, we will be
transferred to our 4 star Hotel
Regina Margherita in Cagliari.
After we check in, the rest of the
afternoon is free or we can join
the tour leader for a familiarisation
Friday, 30th December | After
breakfast, we can go on an
optional full day excursion with
our tour leader to Sant’ Antioco &
Isola di San Pietro. Our first stop
will be in Sant’ Antioco which is
the name of both an island and a
comune in southwestern Sardinia.
Sant’ Antioco is the second
largest island of the Sardinian
region, and the fourth largest
in Italy after Sicily, Sardinia itself
and Elba. Here we will have the
opportunity to see the Basilica of
Sant’ Antioco, The Roman Bridge
and the Ancient Acropolis. Then
we proceed, by boat (included),
to Isola di San Pietro - an ancient
volcanic island, which is one
of the two main islands of the
Archipelago of Sulcis. It covers an
area of 51km² with about 6,500
inhabitants mainly concentrated in
the town of Carloforte. Along the
33km of rocky coastline, one can
find several caves, coves, cliffs and
rock pools with a number of small
beaches. The west coast consists
of cliffs offering breathtaking
views and features a spectacular
lighthouse. We will have the
opportunity to have a traditional
fish-based lunch (included). We
will return to our hotel late in the
Fireworks Celebrations
Saturday, 31 December |
Breakfast will be followed by an
optional half day excursion to
Pula and Nora. Pula is a popular
holiday resort with many famous
hotels and beaches. The ruins
of the ancient city of Nora
(entrance extra) are among the
most important archaeological
sites of the island. The remains
were discovered accidentally
when a violent storm uncovered
part of a funerary tophet. More
discoveries followed one of which
was the roman theatre. Since its
excavation, the theatre has often
been used for concerts during the
summer. We will then return to
our hotel in the afternoon so that
we will have ample time to relax
and get ready for the New Year’s
festivities in Cagliari main square,
where we shall join the locals to
welcome 2017 the Italian way.
Sunday, 1st January - Happy
New Year! | Today, our full day
optional excursion will take us to
visit Barumini home to Su Nuraxi
di Barumini – a Nuraghe complex
listed in the UNESCO World
Heritage Sites (entrance extra).
The oldest part of the nuraghe
consists of a central tower with
three superimposed chambers,
which were built in blocks of basalt
between the 7th and the 13th
centuries BC. Later, during the
Bronze Age, four towers, joined
by a curtain wall with an upper
balcony, were built around the
central tower, all communicating
with an inner courtyard served
by a well. There is no consensus
on the function of the nuraghes:
they could have been rulers’
residences, military strongholds,
meeting halls, religious
temples, ordinary dwellings or a
combination of the former. Some
of the nuraghes are, however,
located in strategic places – such
as hills– from which important
passages could be easily
controlled. They might have been
something between a “status
symbol” and a “passive defence”
building, meant to be a deterrent
for possible enemies.
The village, intended to
accommodate the surrounding
population, consisted of fifty
huts built on a circular plan with
large boulders converted with
dry stone walls and conical roofs
made of wood and branches.
After a typical Sardinian lunch
(included), we proceed to Cagliari
in the late afternoon.
Monday, 2 January | Breakfast
will be followed by check out ,
after which our coach will transfer
us to Cagliari airport for our
flight departing at 11.45am and
arriving at 3.35pm.
Adult in triple
Adult in twin
Adult in single
Child sharing with 2 Adults
*Special Price
* Special price applies when all excursions are taken
Note: City tax not applicable
Return AirMalta direct flights to Cagliari
4 nights in 4 Star Hotel Regina Margherita in Cagliari
or similar
All rooms private facilities, central heating, TV & Wi-Fi
Buffet Breakfast
Return Airport Transfers
Services of Tour Leader
Airport taxes & Service Charge
Sant’Antioco/Isola di
San Pietro (incl. lunch)
Barumini (incl. lunch)
All excursions will be accompanied by a local English-speaking
(Please Read Booking Conditions on Pages 30 & 31)
New Year in
30th December
- 5th January
VISITING Torino, Superga,
Biella, Alba, Serralunga,
Courmayeur, Pella, Orta
San Giulio & Stresa
Adult in Triple
Adult in Twin
Adult in Single
Child sharing with 2 Adults
New Year’s Eve Dinner in nearby restaurant
(incl. drinks & live piano music)
*Special Price
* Special price applies when all excursions are taken
Note: City tax of ¢2.80 per person per night is to be paid directly
at the hotel
Medieval Town, Piemonte
Return AirMalta flights to Milan (Linate)
6 nights in the 3 star Best Western Hotel Genio in
Torino or similar
All rooms private facilities, central heating, TV & Wi-Fi
Daily Buffet Breakfast
Return Airport Transfers
Services of Tour Leader
Airport taxes & Service Charge
Alba/Serralunga (incl. wine tasting)
Pella/Orta San Giugliano/Stresa (incl. boat)
Friday, 30th December | We meet
our tour leader at 7.00am for our Air
Malta direct flight to Milan Linate
departing at 9.00am. On arrival at
11.00am, we are transferred to our
Best Western Hotel Regina Genio
in Torino, Piemonte’s Capital. On
arrival, we will check into our rooms.
The rest of the afternoon is free or we
can join the leader for a familiarisation
Saturday, 31st December | After
breakfast, we can go on an optional
full day excursion to Torino and
Superga. Our trip starts with a
panoramic city tour of Torino, which
is located on the western bank of the
River Po. Part of its historical centre
was inscribed in the World heritage
List under the name Residences of
the Royal House of Savoy. Torino
is rich in culture and history and is
known for its numerous art galleries,
restaurants, churches, palaces,
opera houses, parks and gardens.
We will have some free time for
personal sightseeing and lunch
(extra). We will then continue on our
excursion to Superga which is one
of the highest hills of Torino. Here
we will visit the Basilica of Superga
which was built to satisfy a vow that
Vittorio Amadeo II made in front
of the statue of Our Lady of Grace
during a difficult time for the Savoy
dynasty. In fact, it is where most of
the Kings are buried. Later, proceed
to the place where the entire Torino
football team died in a plane crash in
1949. We return to our hotel in time
to prepare for the New Year’s Eve
dinner full of fun and entertainment
to welcome the New Year in a
nearby restaurant including drinks
and live piano music.
Sunday, 1st January – Happy New
Year! | Today, breakfast is served late
and we are free to enjoy the rest
of the morning. In the afternoon,
we can opt to join the leader for an
optional excursion to Biella, which
lies in the foothills of the Alps in
the Bo mountain range near Mt.
Mucrone and Camino. This area is
rich in springs and lakes; in fact the
town’s irrigation system is sustained
by several mountain streams. Biella
is also important for the woolprocessing and textile industries.
Monday, 2nd January | After
breakfast, today another optional
full day excursions awaits us! Our
first stop will be in Alba which is
considered to be the capital of the
UNESCO Human Heritage. It is
located in a hilly area of the Langhe,
and famous for its white truffle,
peach and wine production. The
acclaimed Ferrero factory is based
here. We will have the opportunity
to see The Palazzo Comunale
and some towers of the 14th and
15th centuries (giving Alba the
name of “City with a hundred
towers”). Moreover, we shall visit
the Romanesque Alba Cathedral
dedicated to San Lorenzo and
the Gothic St. Dominic church.
There will be some free time for
personal sightseeing and then
we will continue our excursion to
Serralunga d’Alba. Its impressive
castle overlooks the village of
Serralunga, surrounded by famous
vineyards such as Nebbiolo from
Barolo, commonly known as the
“king of wines”. We will also have
the opportunity to visit a wine cellar
and will have some wine tasting
Tuesday, 3rd January | After
breakfast, today we are off to an
optional excursion to Courmayeur,
1,224m above sea level. It is located
at the foot of the southern side of
Mont Blanc, the highest mountain
in the Alps with a 4,810m peak.
Here we will have the opportunity
to ride a cable car (extra) from The
Skyway Monte Bianco to the Pointe
Helbronner where a breathtaking
view awaits us.
Wednesday, 4th January | Today
after breakfast, we can opt to
join the tour leader for a full day
excursion to Pella, Orta San Giulio
and Stresa. Our private coach
will take us to Pella on Lake Orta
where a private boat will take us
for a mini cruise (included) to Isola
San Giulio and Orta. We will first
stop on Isola San Giulio with its
well known Basilica di San Giulio,
found close to the monumental
old Seminary that has been
transformed into a Benedictine
Monastery. This little island just
west of the village of Orta San
Giulio, has handsome buildings
and was named after a local
patron, Saint Julius of Novara, who
lived in the second half of the 4th
century. We then head to Orta
San Giulio which is famous for the
nearby Sacro Monte, a pilgrimage
and worship site. In fact, in
2003 the Sacro Monte of Orta
was added to UNESCO’s World
Heritage List. We later head back
by boat to Pella where we continue
our excursion to Stresa. Like most
places on Lago Maggiore, Stresa
benefits from spectacular views,
as well as places of historical and
architectural interest. Due to this,
tourism has been its main source
of income since the early 20th
century. Here, we can enjoy a stroll
along the promenade with the
tour leader and some free time for
personal sightseeing or shopping.
Thursday, 5th January | After we
check out of our rooms, our private
coach will transfer us to Linate
airport for our flight departing at
11.50am and arriving at 1.50pm.
(Please Read Booking Conditions on Pages 30 & 31)
| 23
New Year in
Plovdiv, Bulgaria
29th December
- 3rd January
VISITING Plovdiv City, Plovdiv
Old Town, Sofia, Borovets,
Kazanlak & Starosel
Thursday, 29th December | We
meet our tour leader at 2.25pm
for our Air Malta flight departing
for Sofia at 4.25pm. On arrival at
6.25pm, we are transferred to our
4 star Ramada Plovdiv Trimontium
Hotel in Plovdiv. On arrival at our
hotel, we check-in and the rest
of the evening is free or we can
join the leader for a familiarisation
Friday, 30th December | On our
optional full day excursion today,
we will discover the popular
town of Plovdiv. We will have
the opportunity to do a short
sightseeing tour of Plovdiv city
and a sightseeing tour of the
Old Town. Plovdiv is situated
in the Upper Thracian Plain on
both banks of the Maritsa River.
It is one of the oldest cities in
Europe. We will have time to
stroll around the town which
possesses some lovely landmarks,
such as the Roman Stadium,
the Amphitheatre and the water
reservoirs. We can enjoy some free
time for personal sightseeing and
for shopping. In the afternoon, we
will have the opportunity to visit
the Jumbo store.
Saturday, 31st December | After
breakfast, today we offer an
optional excursion to Sofia. Our
sightseeing tour will take us to the
Alexander Nevski Cathedral- one
of the largest Orthodox churches
in the Balkan Peninsula, the Ivan
Vazov National Theatre, the
National Assembly, the Central
Mineral Baths and The Kliment
Adult in triple
Adult in twin
Adult in single
Child sharing with 2 Adults
New Year’s Eve Dinner
*Special Price
* Special price applies when all excursions are taken
Note: City tax already paid in the above prices
Ohridski University of Sofia. Then,
we will have some free time in one
of Sofia’s most popular spots; the
Vitosha Boulevard. Here one can
find shops selling world-famous
brands and, as it is a pedestrian
zone, one may find it a very
pleasant place to go for a stroll.
We return to our hotel in time to
prepare for the New Year’s Eve
dinner which will be full of fun
and entertainment to welcome the
New Year in our Hotel!
Sunday, 1st January – Happy New
Year! | Today, our full day optional
excursion takes us to visit the
famous skiing resort, Borovets. We
take a cable lift (extra) to mount
Musala (2.925m), the highest
peak of the Balkans or we can visit
the King’s palace of Sitnyakovo.
We have enough time to enjoy
ourselves in this lovely town before
we return to our hotel.
Monday, 2nd January | After
breakfast, today, another optional
full day excursion awaits us! Our
first stop will be in Kazanlak. Here
we will have the opportunity to visit
the Thracian Tomb of Kazanlak one
of the most significant monuments
of the Thracian culture in the
Bulgarian lands and is included in
the list of UNESCO’s World Heritage
sites. We will have some free time
for lunch and then we will proceed
to the Starosel Winery. This very
famous Bulgarian wine complex is
situated at the foot of the hill near
the historic village of Starosel, we
will also have the opportunity to
taste the wine (included).
Tuesday, 3rd January | Check out
of our rooms and free time before
our private coach will transfer us to
the airport for our flight departing
at 7.25pm and arriving in Malta at
Return AirMalta flights to Sofia
5 nights in 4 Star Ramada Trimontium Hotel in
Plovdiv or similar
All rooms private facilities, central heating, TV & Wi-Fi
Buffet Breakfast
Return Airport Transfers
Services of Tour Leader
Airport taxes & Service Charge
Kazanlak/Starosel (including wine tasting)
All excursions will be accompanied by a local English-speaking guide
(Please Read Booking Conditions on Pages 30 & 31)
New Year in
Bucharest, Romania
28th December
- 2nd January
VISITING Bucharest, Sinaia,
Bran & Brasov
4* Golden Tulip Victoria Bucharest
Adult in Triple
Adult in Twin
Adult in Single
1st Child Sharing
under 12 yrs sharing with 2 adults
4* Novotel Bucharest City Centre
Adult in Triple
Adult in Twin
Adult in Single
1st Child Sharing under 16 yrs
sharing with 2 adults
2nd Child Sharing under 16 yrs
sharing with 2 adults
4* Mercure Bucharest City Centre
Adult in Triple
Adult in Twin
Adult in Single
1st Child Sharing
under 12 yrs sharing with 2 adults
2nd Child Sharing
under 12 yrs sharing with 2 adults
Bran Castle
Note: City tax not applicable
Return AirMalta direct flights to Bucharest
5 nights accommodation at the hotel of your
choice in Bucharest
All rooms with private facilities, TV & central heating
Buffet Breakfasts
Return Airport Transfers
Services of Tour Leader
Airport taxes & Service Charge
Bucharest City tour
Bran & Brasov
AFI Palace Cotroceni Mall
This castle became famous due
to the legend of Count Dracula,
written in 1897 by Bram Stoker,
and later adapted into a film by
Francis Ford Coppola. This castle
has a very strategic position
being on the border between
Transylvania and Wallachia.
Nowadays, it houses a museum
with a collection of ceramics,
silver, furniture, weapons and folk
costumes. We then proceed and
cross the Transylvanian mountains
to the city of Brasov, where we
have a walking city tour of the old
town. We later have some free
time for personal sightseeing or
¢35 ¢35
¢70 ¢50
¢80 ¢55
¢20 ¢20
All excursions are guided with Local English speaking guides
Wednesday, 28th December | We
meet our tour leader at 2am for
our Air Malta flight to Bucharest
departing at 4am and arriving
at 7.10am. On arrival we are
transferred to our central hotel for
check-in, followed by some free
time to rest. In the late morning,
we then go on an optional city
tour of Bucharest. Our coach will
drive by the main sights of the
city. These include the Parliament
Palace (known as the “People’s
House”), which is considered
to be the largest building in
Romania, and the National
Museum of Romanian History,
considered a Romanian treasure.
We then have some free time for
personal sightseeing or shopping.
Thursday, 29th December |
Today, after breakfast, we join the
tour leader for a full day optional
excursion to the mountain resort
of Sinaia. From here we will have
the opportunity to visit the elegant
19th century Peles Castle, which
was the former residence of the
Royal Family. We then proceed
to the beautiful Byzantine Sinaia
Monastery, where we have the
opportunity to ride a cable car
(extra) 2,000 metres up the
Friday, 30th December | After
breakfast, today we go on an
optional excursion with the tour
leader to the village of Bran and
visit the well known Bran Castle.
Saturday, 31st December |
Breakfast and today has been
left free for shopping or personal
sightseeing in Bucharest city
centre. This evening we suggest
joining the locals for the New
Year’s Eve Celebrations.
Sunday, 1st January - Happy New
Year! | Today, after a late breakfast,
we will have a free day to enjoy the
first day of the year in Bucharest.
Monday, 2nd January | After
breakfast, today we join the tour
leader for an optional transfer to
the AFI Palace Cotroceni Mall.
After check out from our hotel,
we are transferred to Bucharest
airport for our flight back to Malta
departing at 2.15am and arriving
in Malta at 3.25am (on the 3rd of
Note: Day to day programme may
change due to weather conditions.
(Please Read Booking Conditions on Pages 30 & 31)
| 25
New Year in
by Lake Constance
Free visit to the Rhine Falls
28th December
- 4th January
Wednesday, 28th December | We
meet our tour leader at 12.25pm
for our Air Malta flight to Zurich
departing at 2.25pm. On arrival
at 4.50pm, our coach will take us
towards our 4 Star Best Western
Hotel Weissen Kreuz, situated in
the lovely town of Bregenz for
Thursday, 29th December | Today,
our full day optional excursion
enables us to discover Bregenz. The
city is located on the eastern shores
of Lake Constance, the third-largest
freshwater lake in Central Europe,
between Switzerland in the west
and Germany in the northwest.
Our city tour will take us past
various landmarks which will open
up the doors to this unique city.
We later proceed to Constance,
the largest town situated on Lake
Constance. We will see, amongst
others, the 76 metre high cathedral
and the cathedral square, the
market place and much more.
Friday, 30 December | We
board our coach and head off
for an optional full day excursion
heading to two localities on the
Romantic Road. First, we visit
Augsburg, offering numerous
places of interest, the most wellknown being the Fuggerei social
housing complex (entrance extra),
the Renaissance City Hall and the
Cathedral. We then proceed to
Landsberg am Lech, situated on
one of the most wonderful river
Saturday, 31 December | We
board our coach and head off for
an optional half day excursion to
Ravensburg, known as the city
of towers and gates. Its historic
town centre, still very much intact,
VISITING Bregenz, Constance,
Augsburg, Landsberg am Lech,
Ravensburg, Santis, Memmingen,
Kempten, Fussen, Neuschwanstein
Castle & Rhine Falls
Mount Santis Cable Car
includes three town gates and
over 10 towers of the medieval
fortification. We will have time
to stroll around the city centre,
the restored Markstrasse, and
Bachstrasse - a bustling street full of
shops. We return to our hotel early
in the afternoon to have enough
time to rest and get ready for a
lovely evening on board the MS
Bregenz. There we will celebrate
New Year’s Eve whilst dining in a
unique and extravagant setting!
Sunday, 1st January - Happy New
Year! | Today we will start off the
New Year with a relaxed morning,
followed by a half day optional
excursion to the Santis, Appenzell’s
most famous mountain, by a
modern aerial cableway (extra).
At the top, a great 360-degree
panorama is guaranteed offering
fantastic views, not only of St.
Gallen and Lake Constance, but
also of six countries on clear days
(Switzerland, Austria, Liechtenstein,
Germany, Italy and France). Here
we can enjoy ourselves on the
snow-capped mountains and for
those adventurous ones, why not
try a snow-shoe hike (extra)?
Monday, 2nd January | Today
we will enjoy a full day optional
excursion to Memmingen and
Kempten. Memmingen is a
medieval city which boasts
various interesting sights such as
St Martin’s Church, with one of
the grandest gothic choir stalls in
Germany, and the recently-restored
Knights Church (Kreuzherrnkirche),
a gem on the Upper Swabian
Baroque Route. The modern side
of Memmingen boasts an inviting
pedestrian zone with numerous
shops and department stores. We
later proceed to Kempten dating
back to the Roman Empire era. The
old town, with its many courtyards,
castles and patricians’ houses,
palaces and fortifications, is one
of the best preserved in southern
Tuesday, 3rd January | Today our
full day optional excursion takes us
for a drive through the beautiful
region of Bavaria. Our coach will
take us to Neuschwanstein Castle,
which is one of King Ludwig II’s
most extraordinary achievements
(castle entrance and transport
extra). Time permitting, we may
have a short stop in Füssen before
returning to our hotel.
Wednesday, 4th January | After
checking out of our hotel, we start
our drive towards Zurich airport
but on the way we have a free
excursion to the Rhine Falls. Our
stop will be in Schaffhausen with
its fine Renaissance era buildings
and later proceed to admire the
magnificent Rhine Falls. Later, we
will make our way to the airport for
our flight departing at 5.40pm and
arriving in Malta at 8.00pm.
Adult in triple
Adult in twin
Adult in single
Child sharing with 2 Adults
Half Board (6 Dinners)
** Adults New Years Eve Gala
** Children New Years Eve Gala
*Special Price
* Special price applies when half board & all excursions are taken
**New Years Eve All-inclusive on Ms Stadt Bregenz including ship
tour, welcome drink, gala New Year’s Eve buffet, live music and
dancing, drinks (wine, beer, soft drinks, coffee, tea and a glass
of champagne at midnight. Hard Liquor not included), fireworks
display fee, midnight soup and a surprise gift. Limited availability.
Note: City tax of ¢0.73 per person per night is to be paid directly
at the hotel
Return Air Malta flights to Zurich
7 nights in 4 Star Best Western Hotel Weissen Kreuz
in Bregenz or similar
Rooms with private facilities, TV, central heating
& hair dryer
Daily Buffet Breakfast
Return Airport Transfers
Free visit to the Rhine Falls
Services of Tour Leader
Airport taxes & Service Charge
Augsburg/Landsberg am Lech
Mount Santis
Neuschwanstein Castle/Fussen
Rhine Falls
(Please Read Booking Conditions on Pages 30 & 31)
Andre Rieu
VISITING Ostende, Bruge and Ghent
6th - 9th January
Adult in Triple
Adult in Twin
Adult in Single
Extra per person:
Additional Baggage Supp. for 15 kg
Additional Baggage Supp. for 20 kg
*Special Price
¢449 ¢399
¢489 ¢439
¢569 ¢519
* Special price applies when all excursions are taken
Note: City tax of ¢2.12 per room per night is to be paid directly at hotel.
Note: Concert Tickets in other categories available on request with a supplement.
Friday, 6th January | We meet
our tour leader at the airport at
2.40pm for our Ryanair flight
departing at 4.40pm. We arrive in
Brussels at 7.45pm after which we
are transferred to our 3 star central
Hotel Royal Astrid for check-in. The
hotel is ideally situated in Ostende
- Belgium’s brightest, biggest and
best seaside resort.
Return Ryanair flights to Brussels including
10 kg Hand Luggage
3 nights in 3 star Hotel Royal Astrid in
Ostende or similar
Rooms with private facilities & TV
Daily Buffet Breakfast
Free visit to Brussels
Return Airport Transfers
Services of Tour Leader
Airport taxes & Service Charge
Andre Rieu Concert (Cat 2) including trs.
Andre Rieu
Saturday, 7th January | We start
the day with a walk to the city
centre together with the tour
leader, passing by the most
attractive and interesting sights of
Ostende. Such highlights are the
Schooner, Mercantor, Fishermen’s
Quay and Royal Galleries. In the
afternoon, we go for an optional
half day excursion to Bruges,
the Venice of the North and a
well-preserved medieval city. We
walk through the city’s pedestrian
area, full of cobbled streets,
medieval buildings, canals and
Sunday, 8th January | This
morning we offer an optional
excursion to the nearby medieval
town of Ghent, known for its
canals. The view from SaintMichael Bridge shows the facades
of some of the oldest trading
houses. We see the famous
church of Saint Baaf with the
separate belfry. We return to our
Skiing in
The Slovenian Julian Alps
VISITING Kranjska Gora, Velika Planina,
Kranj, Bled, Bohinj and Mount Vogel
26th - 31st January
*Special Price
Note: City tax of ¢1.90 per room per night is to be paid directly
at hotel
Return Ryanair flights to Venice (Treviso) including
10 kg hand luggage & 20 kg checked in luggage
5 nights in 4 star Hotel Ramada Resort in Kranjska
Gora or similar
The use of an Indoor swimming pool
5 Buffet Breakfasts
Rooms with private facilities, A/C & TV
Return Airport Transfers
Services of Tour Leader
Airport taxes & Service Charge
Velika Planina/Kranj
Bled/Bohinj/Mt Vogel
Monday, 9th January | Our last day
starts with some free time before
we leave our hotel to proceed to
Brussels for a city tour of the EU
capital city. We see the Royal Palace
and the modern EU’s Headquarters
and later stroll around the Grand
Place - one of the most beautiful
squares in the world - with its
cafes, bars and flower stalls.
We will have some free time for
individual sightseeing and shopping
followed by an optional visit to
the Atomium and its surrounding
gardens (entrance extra). Late in
the afternoon, we make our way
to Brussels Airport for our Ryanair
flight departing at 8.10pm and
arriving in Malta at 11.10pm.
Kranjska Gora
Adult in Triple
Adult in Twin
Adult in Single
Child sharing with 2 Adults
Half Board
hotel in the early afternoon as, in
the evening we offer the wonderful
Andre Rieu concert (optional).
Enjoy the unique performances
by Andre Rieu, the Johann Strauss
Orchestra, choir and soloists. Join
the party and delightful irresistible
waltzes, classic music, operetta and
musicals. A surely unforgettable
All excursions are guided by an English speaking guide
Kindly ask for prices regarding Ski lessons and equipment
Kranjska Gora
Thursday, 26th January | We will
meet tour our leader at 6.40am for
our Ryanair flight to Venice Treviso
Airport departing at 8.40am. On
arrival at 10.40am, we make our
way past the Slovenian border
and proceed to our 4 star Hotel
Ramada Resort in Kranjska Gora
and check in. We will later go for
a familiarisation walk with our
tour leader, showing us various
interesting sites of this Winter
Skiing Resort.
Friday, 27th January | Today we
kick-start our skiing adventure!
After collecting our equipment,
we will join our instructors to
commence our skiing experience,
literally opposite the hotel! Our
hotel is perfectly located at the foot
of the ski slopes. We can later enjoy
some free time relaxing in the
indoor pool.
Saturday, 28th January | Yet
another exciting day of skiing
awaits us today! We can once
again choose between 18 ski slopes
of different difficulties. Ski lifts and
ski runs stretch over the slopes
of Vitranc from Kranjska Gora to
Planica at altitudes from 800m to
1,215m. A range of chairlifts and
drag lifts will take us to our dream
Sunday, 29th January | Today,
we can either continue our skiing
adventure, or else why not join
our tour leader on an optional full
day excursion to Velika Planina and
Kranj? We first visit Velika Planina,
a dispersed elevated settlement of
(Please Read Booking Conditions on Pages 30 & 31)
| 27
mostly herders’ dwellings on the
Karst Big Pasture Plateau in the
Kamnik Alps. We can ride a cable
car (extra) to enjoy some stunning
views. We later proceed to Kranj,
a picturesque town situated on a
rocky prominence between two
alpine rivers - Sava and Kokra.
Monday, 30th January | Once
again, we can either continue
skiing today or we can join our
tour leader for an optional full day
excursion to explore the town
of Bled, known as the “pearl” of
the Slovenian Alpine region. We
visit Bled Castle (extra) and then
proceed to Bohinj, the largest
glacier lake in Slovenia, situated
in the region of the Julian Alps.
We will ride a cable car (extra) up
to Mount Vogel and admire the
stupendous view till we reach the
Tuesday, 31st January | After an
early check out of our rooms, we
make our way towards Venice
Treviso Airport for our Ryanair
flight departing at 11.05am and
arriving in Malta at 1.00pm.
Carnival in
Ptuj, Slovenia
4 Star Superior Grand Hotel Primus
Free panoramic city tour of Maribor
24 February - 1 March
Friday 24th February | We meet our tour leader at the
airport at 12.25pm for our Air Malta flight departing
for Vienna at 2.25pm. On arrival at 4.50pm, we start
our drive past the Slovenian border, towards our 4 star
Superior Grand Hotel Primus in Terme, Ptuj and check
into our rooms.
VISITING Ptuj, Bukovci, Markovci,
Kurentovanje- Carnival event in Ptuj,
Graz, Zotter Chocolate Factory, Zagreb,
Trakosan Castle and Maribor
Saturday 25th February | We start off our day by going
on a full day optional excursion to the nearby village
of Bukovci. We will visit a traditional bee house there.
Beekeeping in Slovenia is a world-renowned tradition
which has been around for several centuries. In fact,
Slovenian honey is one of the best in the world. We will
also get a chance to taste two different kinds of honey,
see a bee master wearing his working clothes and get to
know his tools. We later proceed to Markovic, where the
carnival parade starts from the inn Ambiente and passes
through the villages of Zabovci and Markovci to the
municipal building where each group presents itself. WE
will be amazed at the hospitality of the locals and the
vast variety of traditional masks. Also, the most known
Slovenian mask – “Kurent” – originates from the village
0f Markovci. We later return to our hotel and enjoy our
time in indoor swimming pools and saunas.
Church and the massive St. Mark’s church with a multicoloured tiled roof. We later enjoy free time to explore
the city before returning to our hotel.
Sunday 26th February | Today we celebrate the most
important day of Kurentovanje, another name for the
Carnival event in Ptuj. We make our way to the centre
where we can enjoy the music whilst admiring the
beautiful and original carnival masks on show. We will
keep ourselves entertained amongst the numerous
gatherings and parties, whilst enjoying local and famous
foreign music groups, together with some excellent local
wines and the traditional “Ptuj chicken”. We will attend
the biggest Kurent parade, in which many groups make
their way to Ptuj from the surrounding countries of
Austria, Italy, Hungary, Croatia, Macedonia and Bulgaria
to parade through the streets.
Monday 27 February | Our optional full day excursion
today will take us across the Croatian borders to visit
Trakoscan castle (entrance included) which is the most
visited and famed, best-preserved castle in Croatia. Built
in the 14th century as a small fortress, the castle has
been rebuilt and renovated several times until the 19th
century. After a guided tour of the castle’s lake, we can
stroll around the lovely woods encircling the castle’s
lake. We later continue our drive towards Zagreb, the
metropolis of Croatian spirit and of course, the capital
city of Croatia. We will visit the upper town with its
Gothic Cathedral, the beautifully ornate St. Catherine’s
Tuesday 28th February | Today our optional full day
excursion will first take us to the Zotter Chocolate
Factory where we can indulge ourselves in the delicious
chocolate products and also enjoy some tasting
(included)! We will also have time to visit the nearby zoo
which is home to various farm animals. Later, we will
make our way to the second largest city in Austria after
Vienna, Graz. We will see the most important sites such
as Town Hall, the Schlossberg, the Uhrturn Clock Tower
among any others. We will also manage to witness the
carnival parades which start at 1.15pm giving the city
lots of colour and an amazing atmosphere. The parade
passes through Herrengasse towards Hautplatz which is
the centre of the city in front of Town Hall.
Wednesday 1st March | After checking out of our hotel,
we will start our drive to Vienna, making a stop en
route to Maribor. Maribor is the second largest town in
Slovenia, totally different in character from Ljubljana and
other western parts of the country. We will then have
some free time to enjoy Maribor before we continue
our drive to Vienna Airport for our flight departing at
5.55pm and arriving in Malta at 8.10pm.
Adult in triple
Adult in twin
Adult in single
Child sharing with 2 Adults
Half Board
*Special Price
* Special price applies when half board & all excursions are taken
Note: City tax of ¢1.27 per person per night and a registration fee of
¢1.00 per person is to be paid directly at the hotel
25th - 28th February
Saturday, 25th February | We meet our tour
leader at Malta International Airport at 12.15pm
for our Ryanair flight departing at 2.15pm and
arriving in Catania at 3.05pm. On arrival, we go
to our 4 star Hotel Katane in Catania and after
check-in, we go for a familiarisation walk with
our tour leader.
Sunday, 26th February | After breakfast, we
will have a free morning. Then, in the early
afternoon, we offer optional transfers to Acireale
for its Europe’s most beautiful world-renowned
Carnival. We can enjoy various parades with
grotesque masks featuring famous people in
Italy. We can also admire gigantic floats all
painted in vivid colours and advanced lighting
systems. Hence, we can join the party and
dance the night away.
Monday, 27th February | After breakfast, today
we will join the tour leader for an optional
excursion to Enna and Caltagirone. Enna is the
highest Italian provincial capital. Here, we will
have the opportunity to visit landmarks such
as Castello di Lombardia’s exterior - which is
perhaps the most important example of military
architecture in Sicily, the Duomo - a notable
example of religious architecture and also the
Campanile of the destroyed church of San
Giovanni. We then continue our excursion with
a stop in an Agriturismo near Piazza Armerina
where we will have a typical Sicilian lunch
(included). We then head to Caltagirone,famous
for the production of Sicilian pottery,
particularly maiolica and terra-cotta wares. It
is also famous for its agricultural produce of
grapes, olives and peaches. There will be some
free time for personal sightseeing or maybe a
visit to the Friars’, famous for the Christmas Crib
exposition (ent. Extra).
Tuesday, 28th February | Breakfast and check
out. The rest of the morning is free for personal
sightseeing. In the early afternoon, our coach
will pick us up and proceed to Catania airport
for our Ryanair flight departing at 2.15pm and
arriving in Malta at 3.05pm.
Return AirMalta flights to Vienna
5 nights in 4 star Superior Grand Hotel Primus in Ptuj
or similar
The use of hotel swimming pools
2 entries per day into outdoor, indoor swimming pools
& saunas at the Thermal Park
Rooms with private facilities, A/C, TV, Hairdryer, WiFi &
Safety Box
5 Buffet Breakfasts
Free panoramic city tour of Maribor
Return Airport Transfers
Services of Tour Leader
Airport taxes & Service Charge
Colourful Face of Kurent
Ptuj coach transfer on Sunday
Trakoscan Castle and Zagreb
Graz and Zotter Chocolate Factory
All excursions are guided by an English-speaking guide
(Please Read Booking Conditions on Pages 30 & 31)
Carnival in
Acireale, Sicily
Carnival in
Free visit to the Rhine Falls
25th February - 1st March
VISITING Catania, Acireale,
Enna & Caltagirone
VISITING Lucerne, Engelberg,
Mt. Titlis, Mulhouse, Basel and
Rhine Falls
Adult in Triple
Adult in Twin
Adult in Single
Child sharing with 2 Adults
Extra per person:
Additional Baggage Suppl. for 15kg
Additional Baggage Suppl. for 20kg
*Special Price
extra) especially the Cité de l’Automobile (also known
as Musée National de l’Automobile) and the Musée
Francais du Chemin de Fer (also known as Cité du Train),
the largest automobile and railways museums in Europe.
We then head to Basel considered to be the richest and
the most organized in Switzerland. Here we will have
time to see the Marktplatz, the Rathaus, the Munster
and the Barfusserplatz. We return to our hotel in time to
take part in the Parade Monstercorso, which is the final
parade of the Carnival starting at Bahnhofstrasse. During
this parade we shall see several bands playing music,
dressed in colourful costumes and grotesque masks. So
enjoy, let yourself go and dance the night away.
* Special price applies when all excursions are taken
There are many restaurants in the vicinity of the hotel where one
can choose from
Note: City tax of ¢1.50 per person per night is to be paid directly
at the hotel
Carnival Mask
Return Ryanair flights to Catania including 10 kg
hand luggage
3 nights in 4 star Hotel Katane in Catania or similar
Room with private facilities
Daily Buffet Breakfast
Return Airport Transfers
Services of Tour Leader
Airport taxes & Service Charge
Transfers to Acireale
Enna & Caltagirone including lunch
in Agriturismo
Carnival in Acireale
Saturday, 25th February | We meet our tour leader
at Malta International Airport at 12.25pm for our Air
Malta flight to Zurich departing at 2.25pm and arriving
at 4.50pm. On arrival, our private coach will take us
to our 3 star Hotel Ibis Styles in Lucerne, after check-in
we join the tour leader for a familiarisation walk to the
city centre.
Sunday, 26th February | After breakfast, we join the
tour leader for an optional excursion to the little skiing
resort of Engelberg from where we will have the
opportunity to go onto the Titlis. Our first stop will be
near the Titlis’ cable car station, from where we can
ride the cable car (extra) to the top where amazing
views of the Alps await us. There we will have the
opportunity to enjoy the sun terrace, the restaurant or
maybe visit the ice grotto. There will be some free time
appropriate for a snow fight or two. Alternatively, one
can go by the ice flyer to get close to the crevasses or
use the fun lift for sledging. We will then proceed to
Engelberg where we will have free time for personal
sightseeing or souvenir shopping.
Monday, 27th February | Today after breakfast, we
will start with a walk around Lucerne with our tour
leader. We shall stroll along the river Reuss that takes
us to the historic centre filled with old narrow streets
full of shops, small squares and fountains. We will see
the Renaissance style Town Hall, the Jesuit Church and
also the famous 14th century Water Tower and Chapel
Bridge which are the symbols of this city. A visit to the
Lion Monument or the “Lion of Lucerne” is a must. It
is a lion rock relief, and commemorates the massacred
Swiss Guards 1792 during the French revolution, when
revolutionaries stormed the Tuileries Palace in Paris. In
the afternoon, we prepare ourselves to join the locals
and start enjoying the carnival atmosphere which is
one of the most famous ones in Switzerland. It’s a
must to participate in the Wey Parade, locally known as
“Gudismontag” translated to fat Monday. Here strange
characters with fantastic masks and costumes parade
along the narrow streets while groups of carnival
musicians “Guggenmusigen” play their instruments
in joyful cacophony and thousands of colourfully-clad
people dance away the Winter Carnival spirit.
Tuesday, 28th February | Today after breakfast, we
join the tour leader for a full day optional excursion
to Mulhouse and Basel. Mulhouse is located between
the Vosges Mountains and the River Rhine in France.
We will be able to go for a walk through the narrow
streets and see typical old buildings, squares shops
and cafes. Mulhouse is famous for its museums, (entr.
(Please Read Booking Conditions on Pages 30 & 31)
Wednesday, 1st March | After breakfast, we check out
from our hotel, and there will be some free time before
we depart to Zurich Airport. On our way we stop to
admire the magnificent Rhine Falls. This is the largest
waterfall in Europe, located on the High Rhine between
Neuhausen am Rheinfall and Laufen Uhwiesen near
the town of Schaffhasen. We will then make our way
towards Zurich airport for our return flight leaving at
5.40pm and arriving in Malta at 8pm.
Adult in triple
Adult in twin
Adult in single
Child sharing with 2 Adults
*Special Price
* Special price applies when all excursions are taken
Note: City tax of ¢3.40 per person per night is to be paid directly at hotel
Return AirMalta flights to Zurich
4 nights in 3 star Hotel Ibis Styles Lucern City or similar
Room with private facilities, TV & Wi-Fi
Daily Buffet Breakfast
Return Airport Transfers
Free visit to the Rhine Falls
Services of Tour Leader
Airport taxes & Service Charge
Engelberg/Mt. Titlis
| 29
Booking Conditions
he holidays in this programme have been planned and
are operated by Britannia Services Ltd, The Landmark
Suite 4, Triq l-Iljun, Qormi (The company/Tour operator).
Britannia’s reputation has been built on client satisfaction
because we go that extra mile, striving to ensure that you,
our client, get value for money. We want you to enjoy
your holiday to the full and return to Malta feeling both
satisfied and relaxed.
The Booking Conditions are written in plain English
without small print or hidden extras. This is to ensure
clarity, openness and fairness. These state our obligations
to you regarding every aspect of your holiday from the
moment you book to the moment you arrive back in
Malta. Similarly, they state your commitments to us when
you choose to book one of the holidays published in this
1. Your Reservation
Once you have completed and signed the booking form
and paid your deposit, (¢250 per person on any package
booked, ¢500 per person on long haul and ¢700 per
cabin on cruises), a receipt will be issued by your booking
agent. This will mean that you have confirmed the booking and have read and accepted the accompanying terms
and conditions for yourself and on behalf of all members
of your party.
2. Our Price Policy
Prices in this brochure are valid at the time of publication.
In the event that prices by our suppliers are increased, we
reserve the right to pass on such charges proportionately.
These may be due to
a) currency fluctuations
b) increase of taxes or levies
c) aircraft fuel surcharges
3. Taxes, Service and Fuel Charge
The amount under this heading in the price panel includes all airport taxes, service charge and fuel surcharge
known as on 23rd September 2016. Any difference would
have to be collected from clients.
4. Our Assurance on Standard and Assumption of
As part of our quality assurance standards we send staff
to check hotels and locations periodically, however, our
brochure descriptions are based on information obtained
from hoteliers and other service providers.
As a general rule, hotel rooms and ship cabins are usually small. Britannia Services Ltd., works primarily with
hotels that have single or twin/double bedded rooms. A
third or fourth person sharing this space will be offered
a folding bed, bunk bed or sofa bed. These beds are not
as comfortable as normal beds for large people. Britannia
Servies Ltd., cannot guarantee twin or double beds as requested; occasionally hotels will place two twin beds next
to each other or supply a double bed when you may have
asked for single beds. (In America three or four persons
wanting to share a room will always be given just two
matrimonial beds, individual beds for each person are not
All hotels provided are not air-conditioned and fans will
not be provided, unless otherwise clearly specified in this
brochure. Breakfast is always continental unless otherwise
specified. Lunches and dinners are always three courses,
set meals unless otherwise specified as buffet. Portions
served are small to moderate and may be considered
small by big eaters. Drinks, including water are not included in the price. Items from the mini-bar, telephone
calls and other services not specified as included are also
subject to extra charges and should be paid directly to the
hotel or provider. Some hotels charge for the use of TV so
please check and confirm this with the reception.
Unless clearly specified, all entrance fees to museums,
shows, boat trips, metro or cable cars are always extra. All
optional excursions are extra and unless clearly specified
they only include transportation costs by coach. Entrances are extra and no local guides are provided. Prices are
clearly marked in the price box printed at the end of each
programme offered in this brochure. Only items listed under the heading “Price Includes” are included in the package price. Brochures are produced months in advance
and there may be occasions when an advertised facility
or entertainment is not available during your holiday,
especially during ‘off peak’ times. Bad weather, essential
maintenance or cleaning, lack of support or demand may
all have a negative effect. Further examples can be local
licensing laws, religious or local holidays, local authority
or government restrictions. Similarly, touring itineraries
may have to be changed, sometimes at short notice, due
to weather, road or traffic conditions, mechanical breakdowns, police activity or any other circumstance beyond
our control.
We endeavour to ensure that all our coaches are fully
air-conditioned and have onboard functional toilet facilities. We are not responsible for any personal belongings
left on the seats or in the compartment above your heads.
All personal belongings must be kept under lock and key
in the coach luggage compartment. Swimming pools
may only be operational during the summer months and
if still open in the winter months, may only be heated
at the discretion of the hotelier. The general standard of
hygiene, public utilities, drainage, plumbing and services
in general may or may not meet the same standards as
in Malta.
Each tour group is accompanied by a Maltese speaking tour leader who will be responsible for reasonable
implementation of the programme as described in the
brochure. The tour leader is not responsible, under
any circumstances for carrying out work (unless in an
emergency), over and above the official programme.
S/he is not obliged to accompany members of the group
around shops, flea markets, or theme parks.
If you encounter a problem, please inform our representative so that, where possible, s/he will deal with it
there and then. We take all reasonable steps to ensure
that proper arrangements are made for all the packages
which are advertised in this brochure, however, please
appreciate that we have no direct control over the provision of services to you by suppliers.
5. Special Requests
Any special requests, such as rooms next to each other,
rooms with sea/lake view (supplements may apply) meals
etc… are not guaranteed by us. We will however do our
best to ensure that your request is passed on to the hotel.
The confirmation will only be known upon arrival.
6. If we change your hotel arrangements
a) before departure date
We plan our holidays to give you maximum enjoyment. Although it is unlikely, we may occasionally have
to change your holiday arrangements and we reserve the
right to do so at any time. For instance, flight timings
may change, a hotel may close down or over book. We
may have to amend an itinerary. If we have to make any
changes, we will inform you or your travel agent as soon
as it is reasonable possible before departure.
b) after your holiday has commenced
After your holiday has commenced, it might be necessary to change a hotel or some other part of your holiday arrangement due to unforseen circumstances. In this
event, we will do our best and maintain the overall standard of your holiday.
7. If we cancel your holiday arrangements
We may occassionally have to cancel your holiday arrangements. Sales of a particular holiday may not reach
a level where it would be economical for us to operate.
(A minimum number of 30 persons is required to operate packages as shown on this brochure.) We reserve the
right in any circumstances to cancel your holiday and, in
this event, we will give you a full refund of money you
will have paid us or offer you an alternative holiday to
purchase of comparable standard if available.
We bind ourselves to inform you of such cancellations
14 calendar days before departure. In the unlikely event
that we have to cancel your trip (unless the reasons are
beyond our control, such as in the event of industrial
action, acts of God, natural disasters, terrorist activities,
breakdown of ship or aircraft, etc.,) Britannia Services will
refund you all monies paid for the cost of your holiday
plus the following amounts as compensation (per person):Notification of more than
15 days before departure
Notification between
8 – 14 days 0 - 7 days
8. Your flight
Details of airlines we anticipate in utilising are shown in
the programme. We reserve the right to substitute alternative airlines and/or aircraft. Flight timings are subject to
confirmation. Our reservation system will show the latest
timings as advised to us. Please check your information
sheets as soon as you receive them. These will show the
actual time of your flight. Some flights may stop en route
and factors affecting this are not always known to us before departure therefore we cannot always notify you in
advance. Flights are subject to the granting of permits
and licenses by authorities both in Malta and overseas. In
the event of your flight arrangements being changed or
cancelled, as outlined in this section and sections 4 and 5,
we accept no liability for extra costs or consequential loss
arising, directly or indirectly, from any independent contract arrangements between the client and a third party.
9. Conditions of carriage
Transport of any kind is subject to the conditions of carriage of the company providing that vehicle. Such conditions are likely to embody the provisions of the law of the
host country where the vehicle would be registered or be
subject to international conventions with government(s),
and of which may limit or exclude the liability of the carrier
(airline, coach, ship etc.,).
10. Health and vaccinations
Health facilities, hygiene, and disease risk vary worldwide.
You should take health advice about your specific needs as
early as possible and ensure that vaccinations of preventive
measures (such as malaria tablets, are taken in good time. In
some cases this may be a month or more prior to departure
to be fully effective by date of travel.) We advise you to call
your general practitioner or phone the Floriana Immunisation Centre on 2125 0492.
1. Booking Form and Deposits
Your completed booking form, showing all clients’ names
as they appear on passports must be accompanied by the
appropriate deposit. The person signing the booking form
confirms that s/he has the authority of all other persons
mentioned on that form to make the booking on their behalf and that s/he has already accepted the general conditions. If you are booking a ‘late offer holiday’ any information and conditions issued in conjunction with that offer are
also part of your contract. If in doubt you should check with
your travel agent.
2. Balance of payment
The balance for payment is due 6 weeks before departure
(8 weeks for long hauls and cruises) or immediately if the
booking is made within 6 weeks (or 8 weeks for long hauls
and cruises) from date of departure. If you book through a
travel agent you should ensure that you pay the agent in
sufficient time to allow payment to reach our company by
the due date. If for any reason the balance is not received
by us by the due date, we reserve the right not to process
the booking.
3. Form of payment
Payment of deposits and final balances may be made by
cash, personal cheque (allow 7 working days to clear before
date of travel) banker’s cheque or bank transfer.
4. If you change your booking
Should you wish to change your holiday arrangements
in any way, we will endeavour to meet your wishes to the
best of our ability. A handling fee may be levied and we
reserve the right to pass on charges that may be imposed
by suppliers.
5. If you cancel your booking
A cancellation can only be accepted in writing from any
person listed on the booking form or from the travel agent
through whom the booking was made. The cancellation will
be effective from the date stamped on the form by our office. In the event of a cancellation the following cancellation
charges apply:
Period before scheduled departure date within which written
notification is received by the
Britannia Services
Amount of cancellation charge as
a % of the total price inclusive of
extras (but exclusive of insurance
43 days or more
29-42 days
15-28 days
14days-or less
(Cruises bear a 100% cancellation fee if cancelled less
than 65 days prior to departure. If cruises are cancelled more
than 65 days prior departure only the deposit is lost.) If the
reason for your cancellation falls within the terms of your
insurance cover you may be able to claim a refund of your
cancellation charges from your insurance company.
6. Transfer of booking
You have the right to transfer your booking to another
person. Any charges imposed by suppliers as a result of such
transfer will be passed on to you. There is also a standard
minimum administration charge of ¢25.
7. Your Responsibilities
(a) It is your responsibility to ensure that you and those
for whom you are booking, are in possession of valid passports and appropriate visas. Be sure to check passport and
visa requirements with your travel advisor well in advance.
You are responsible for any charges, fines, etc that may be
levied by authorities in Malta or overseas for non compliance
of regulations.
(b) It is your responsibility to check with your doctor as
to what vaccinations or inoculations are advisable for your
chosen destination.
(c) Airline regulations state that women who are 28
weeks or more into their pregnancy at the time of return
travel must have a medical certificate of fitness to be able
to travel.
(d) You must be responsible for a reasonable standard of
behaviour for your self and those on your booking list. We
reserve the right to decline to accept or retain any person as
a client if their behaviour is in our opinion, or in the opinion of the airline pilot, hotelier, accommodation owner, or
manager or other person in authority, likely to cause distress,
danger, damage or annoyance to other customers, employees, and other people or to property.
We shall not be liable to pay any refund or compensation or costs incurred by any person whose behaviour is
(e) All children travelling on a reduced price holiday
must not have reached their 12th birthday. Our staff do not
normally check passports to verify dates of birth. If a child
has reached his or her 12th birthday and was declared as a
child on the booking form, the airline will refuse boarding
to the child.
(f) Disabled persons are welcome on Britannia Tours
Holidays. It is our policy not to discriminate on the basis
of disability against any qualified person. However please
note that our personnel cannot provide the services of
a personal assistant or carer. Please advise us about any
requirements or pre-existing medical conditions that you
think may be important for us to know about. Otherwise,
Britannia Tours cannot guarantee the provision of adapted
services and facilities.
(h) Senior citizens policy.
We welcome senior citizens and point out that insurance
companies impose special conditions for clients 70 years
and over. Please check with your insurance company and
travel advisor to ensure that the level of activity is suitable.
(i) it is your responsibility to ensure that you carry a European Health Insurance card for travel within EU countries.
8. If you have a complaint
We do our best to give you an enjoyable, trouble free
holiday but occassionally even the best laid plans can go
wrong. If you have a complaint whilst abroad, you must
report the matter to your group leader immediately giving
him or her opportunity to resolve it on the spot. If you are
not satisfied with the outcome you must send in your complaint in writing to reach us within 7 days of your return to
Malta. Failure to comply with these instructions will result
in us not entertaining your complaint.
9. Important Notice
All prices and details shown in this brochure are correct
as known to us on the date of printing. We reserve the
right to inform and bill you for any changes or errors that
may occur.
Monday to Friday
9.00am - 1.00pm
2.00pm - 6.00pm
9.30am - 12.00pm
Monday to Friday
9.00am - 1.00pm
2.00pm - 6.00pm
Monday to Friday
9.00am - 1.00pm
3.30pm - 7.00pm
Monday to Friday
9.00am - 12.00pm
1.00pm - 4.00pm
9.30am - 12.00pm
Long Hauls
and Special
Tour Teasers
for 2017
Holy Land
a Caribbean adventure
South Africa
South America
Brazil, Argentina & Urugay
Grand Tour of China
Ecuador, Galapagos
Islands & Peru
Vietnam &
Cambodia Discovery
Please ask us for more details!